Week - 210103097md Arbaz Khan

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1) What Exactly is our value proposition, the reason customers should choose us?

How can we
best convey our benefits promote and increase our application base to the end customer?

The central Value that Siashmed provides to consumers is the door-to-door delivery of
pharmacy and heavy discounts that consumers would be able to avail. It also helps you
connect with the nearby pharmacy online, where you can upload your prescription or browse
the medicine online.

There are quite a few reasons for choosing siashmed over other products but let us explain it
in layman terms.

 You don’t have to visit the pharmacy when you are going through any ailments, and
you don’t need a person to go and get the medicines, I.e., It makes you independent,
easy to get the Drugs.
 With the advent of increased prices, and demographically, many people are unable to
get the medicine due to inflation and high prices and end up missing health-saving
drugs, so with Siashmed it also contributes to providing heavy discounts for you which
you can get by using our platform.

Strategy to increase the business reach to consumers

 Targeting old ages people of45+ Age in tier 1 and 2 cities where people are unable to
visit multiple stores to get their regular medicine of long ailments like Bloop pressure,
diabetes arthritis, etc the frequency of visiting the shop is twice a month for these
people figure, so targeting these people would be best and also providing call and get
an option for people who do not have sufficient knowledge of ordering online
 For promotion we should provide sponsorship to medical camp for increasing rand
recall and holding knowledge tents at pharmacies in major localities where we will
teach them how to order from our application.
Thereby targeting two segments at once.

2) During the ST programme candidates have done research on 3 different markets. As a

researcher convey a cost effective way of marketing trend which can impact the target audience
of these market. Illustrate this with Financial Data of budget exceeding not more than INR
5,00,000/- per month.

 Increasing Internet Technology: With the expansion and increased usage of the internet by
the people its become so convenient for many to purchase things online. Especially after the
pandemic and many businesses having shifted online, it’s an advantage for businesses like
siashmed which was being run online since the beginning. 
 Increase Use of Mobile Health Solution: With the introduction of mobile health operating
systems and apps, information can now be shared with a move of the fingertips. As mobile
health becomes more widespread, solutions are rapidly increasing.
 Less Costly: Physical store pharmacies have higher costs; because of many intermediaries
being involved in the sale of pharmaceutical medicines. Online pharmacies will cater in bulk
by selling online; thus reducing the cost of medicines.
 Convenient and User-Friendly: it allows the users to purchase the medicine just at the touch
of the fingertip, the complete process is very convenient and user-friendly.

 Non-Trained Pharmacist: With things turning online there are also other untrustworthy
people starting up their businesses which makes people question the authenticity of
authentic providers/users. 
 Unsafe Delivery of Medicines: It should be made sure that the ordered medicine or product
is delivered in time following all the health and safety requirements.
 The Belief of Fake & Low-Quality Medicines: Since the prices are made affordable for
people, customers tend to think that discount means compromising quality.

 Increase in Market Value: High rise in the pharmaceutical market from 20 billion dollars to
$35 billion. One of the major reasons for this is the pandemic. 
 Medical Requirements at Single Platform: Consumers are examining online pharmacy as a
single place accessing all their medical requirements from medicine purchases to lab tests
and medical consulting. 
 Demand for Healthcare Services: Increase in lifestyle diseases like diabetes and
cardiovascular disorders, especially among senior citizens. The expected increase in demand
for healthcare services, particularly pharmaceuticals, is due to the growth within the senior
population demographic. 
 Internet: The number of people who use the internet is growing all over the world. This
means that has the opportunity to expand its online presence by interacting with its
customers more through the internet.

 Increasing Competition Between Online & Retail: The industry’s competition has increased,
putting downward pressure on prices. If it does not adjust to the price changes, it may lose
market share.
 Unstructured Grievance Handling System: Unpredictability of consumer purchasing
 Political Instability: Additional governmental regulations and tax policies. Political indecision
in the country can be an obstacle to business, causing performance to suffer and additional
costs to be incurred.

Do a market analysis and divide lakh in to 3 and 2 lakh sum, 3 lakh should go-to
advertising and 2 lakh for knowledge campaign for users

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