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The Healthcare App

Shlok K, Vaaryan J, Rohan C, Rivaan V, Vansh C, Svarrocas N

Create a healthier world
About the app
• THCA is an app that was created to benefit the
society and help in lending a second hand to
doctors. It consists of 3 sections, section one is the
section where you can buy products (i.e the
medicines you are diagnosed with, etc).
• Section 2 will consist of a search bar in which by
just typing in the illness/injury that you have, it
would present you with a certain list of medicines
that are suitable to help you cure that sickness or
heal your injury.
The problem
1. Access to Healthcare: Differencess in access to
healthcare services exist globally, with many individuals
lacking affordable or adequate healthcare coverage. This
issue is particularly acute in low-income and rural areas,
where healthcare facilities may be scarce or inaccessible.
2. Cost of Healthcare: Healthcare costs continue to rise,
burdening individuals, families, and healthcare systems.
High costs can lead to financial strain, prevent people
from seeking necessary care, and contribute to disparities
in health outcomes.
3. Quality of Care: Disparities in the quality of healthcare
services persist, both within and between countries.
Variations in care standards, medical errors, and lack of
accountability can compromise patient safety and
• What makes THCA special is that apart from these two features we also consist
of a feature where you can search for doctors that specialise in a certain field of
medicine and our app will recommend a particular doctor to you to help cure
you near your area. Last but not the least will also have a feature similar to a
calendar which will help u mark certain appointments with doctors or when to
take ur scheduled medicines. Our app will notify you as a reminder which will be
also very helpful.


• -Convenient for people who can’t travel to buy medicine or consult doctors.

• -We will only use trustworthy and well known websites with reliable and correct

• -Affordable prices for medicines.

• -Helps in improving people's health around Mumbai.

Market Opportunity
• A total of approximately 330 million people above
the age of 18 use smartphones in India who may be
potential audience for THCA. India's healthcare
industry has been growing at a Compound
Annual Growth Rate of around 22% since
2016. At this rate, it is expected to reach USD
372 Billion in 2022. Healthcare has become
one of the largest sectors of the Indian
economy, in terms of both revenue and
There are many other healthcare apps in India such as
• PharmEasy
• Practo
• Netmeds
• Unlike the other apps THCA offers users an option to
upload pictures of your illness/injury after which you
can search for doctors that specialise in a certain field
of medicine and our app will recommend a particular
doctor to you to help cure you near your area.
Business Model (Revenue)
• In-App Purchases: Offer premium features or services within the app that
users can purchase. For example, you could provide advanced search
filters for finding doctors, access to exclusive health content, or priority
customer support.
• Advertising: Partner with pharmaceutical companies, healthcare
providers, or relevant businesses to display targeted advertisements within
the app. Advertisements can be shown in strategic locations, such as
search results for medicines or doctor listings, ensuring they are relevant
to users' healthcare needs.
• Transaction Fees: Charge a small transaction fee for each medicine
purchase or doctor consultation facilitated through the app. This fee is a
percentage of the total transaction amount.
Marketing strategy

Social media Influencer Build doctor Paid Blogging

marketing referrals advertisements
• App Development: Utilizing platforms like Wix, THCA will develop a user-friendly
app template, collaborating with doctors for medical expertise and NGOs for
community outreach.
• Collaborations: THCA aims to collaborate with delivery services like WeFast or
Ship Rocket for efficient medicine delivery and with NGOs and businesses for
broader community engagement.
• Research and Information: THCA will conduct extensive research to ensure
accurate medical information and optimal user experience, collaborating with
reputable sources and professionals.
• SDG Integration: Partnering with individuals or organizations working towards
SDGs, particularly life on land, THCA aims to contribute to broader societal goals
beyond healthcare.
• THCA is a complete healthcare app that helps people get better
access to healthcare and stay healthy. We focus on what users
need and make sure everything works well. Our goal is to be a
big part of how people take care of their health using
technology. We want to make sure everyone can get the help
they need, and that our app makes a real difference in people's
• We plan on working towards covering many more and also not
only helping humans but also other animals. Therefore life on
land which is the second SDG we aim to cover after starting the
app up.
Thank you

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