Student'S Syllabus: Deck Watch Keeping With Bridge Resource Management

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Deck Watch Keeping with Bridge Resource Management

Instructor : 2/M Abcede A. Bangalisan II

Phone : (GLOBE) 0977-2583667
Email Address : [email protected]
Class meeting time : as per class schedule
Room Number (for F2F) :
Online Days/ Hours :
Office Location : JBLFMU-Arevalo
Course Credits : 3 Units
Course Materials : e-Course Material to be printed or downloaded to Android Phone /Tablet or
in Flash Drive
Term and Year : First Semester/SY 2020-2021
Prerequisite Course(s) : D-Watch 1, Nav 6, Mgmt 1
References and Online
Resources Textbook:
 STCW Convention and STCW Code 2017 Edition including 2010
Manila Amendments
 Model Course 1.34 (Automatic Identification System) 2006
 Constansta Maritime University Annals Year XI, Vol 14 35
(>opt>ReDIF>RePEc>cmc>annals (

bridge-navigational-watch-alarm-system-bnwas/ By Shilavadra


This course will help you with the study of Navigational Deck watch keeping such as,
maintaining a safe navigational watch which is deemed to provide the depth of knowledge required
by the standards of Competence in Table A-11/1(Chapter VIII) the Regulation VIII/2 Par.1 and 2 of
the STCW Code as amended.

This course will also help you gain a detailed and comprehensive understanding about
the theory and principle involved in deck watch keeping at sea and in port which sometimes
involved carrying hazardous cargo, minimum health standards to be met before assuming
duties, watch keeping under different conditions and areas, utilization of equipment as an aid
to watch keepers in keeping a safe navigation, bridge resource management, ship reporting
system and with VTS procedure, etc.
To ensure safety at sea, the best that science can devise and that merchant ship
organization can provide must be regarded only as an aid, and never as a substitute for good
seamanship, self-reliance, and sense of ultimate responsibility which are the first requisites in
At the end of the course, you should be able to:
Demonstrate knowledge, understanding, and proficiency in:
Fitness for Duty;
Watch keeping at sea;
Watch keeping under different conditions and in different areas;
Steering control;
Principles to be observed in keeping a navigational watch;
General principles for ships reporting system and with VTS procedure;
Keeping an effective deck watch in port under normal circumstances;
Keeping a safe deck watch in port when carrying hazardous cargo;
Bridge resource management;
Speed measurement speed log;
Operational use of AIS (see IMO Model course No. 1.34);
Knowledge of blind pilotage techniques;
The use of routing in accordance with the general principles for ship reporting system and
with VTS procedures

This course will be delivered in a Flexible Learning Mode, mainly through Asynchronous (Self-Paced)
Learning and Synchronous Physical (Face to Face) and/or Online Instructions. The JBLFMU Learning
Management System (LMS) will principally be anchored on ZOOM for virtual (online) classes.

For online instructions, you will use your JBLFMU Student Account Username and Password to login to the
course from the Login Page. If you have not activated your JBLFMU Student account,
please visit the IT to do so.

Learning activities will consist of chat, blogs, discussion forums, email, web posting, and face to face
interaction. You will need access to the Internet to download course materials, access linked video, power
points and other instructional materials on YouTube and other designated internet channels. While an
android phone or tablet is adequate, a personal computer or laptop is recommended but not necessary.


The Course is divided into three (3) modules – prelim, midterm and finals. Eighteen weeks (usually
composed of 5hrs/week, for a total of 90 hours) is dedicated for a 3-unit course per semester.
This Course will be delivered on an alternating schedule;
A) Physical (face to face) classroom or Virtual (online through) Zoom; and
B) Self-paced but with fixed dates for required ACTIVITIES and PERIODIC EXAMINATIONS. The final
examination and date of submission of all requirements shall be the designated last day of the 1st
Semester SY 2020 – 2021.

The above mentioned condition is subject for changes as demanded by our current situation. You are
hereby required to closely coordinate and monitor our group chats, contact numbers, e-mails, etc. for
updates regarding this subject.
Formative Assessment (Daily Quizzes) 28%
Summative Assessment (Periodic Exam) 42%
Laboratory work 30%
Total 100%

(Note: Passing Grade is 75%)


Classroom and Virtual Class Attendance and Participation:

This Course is on Flexible Learning Mode with self-paced learning and synchronous virtual/online classes;
as well as physical classes if and when feasible; and therefore is not dependent on counted attendance.
Nevertheless, you must participate actively in the virtual or physical classes and submit all required
outputs on or before the due dates.


You shall comply with the rules, regulations and instructions set by the school authorities

Academic Honesty and Authentication:

Policy on Cheating

Honesty and integrity in the conduct and taking of examination is strictly adhered to. As such, policies on
and consequences of cheating are discussed as part of the class orientation and classroom guidelines at
the start of every semester.
All cases of cheating shall be reported to the Dean of College being the Head of the Cheating mediation
For classroom/formative tests, the course instructor reports the cheating incident to the Dean, who will
then call the erring student for investigation. If the instructor and the student agree on the sanction in the
presence of the Dean, their agreement shall be documented and carried out. However, if they could not
settle amicably, the case shall be referred to the Mediation Committee for deliberation.
For cheating during periodic/summative examination, the incident shall be reported by the proctor using
the Cheating Incident Report Form, in which the case shall be directly referred to the Mediation
Committee. For cheating incidents to be deliberated by the Mediation Committee, the parents/guardian of
the erring students are informed accordingly and invited during the deliberation.
Results of the committee deliberation shall be documented and shall form part of the students’ record.

Mediation Committee on Cheating Incidents

Chairman – Dean of the College
Co – Chair – SAS Head
Members – Program Head/Course Area Head
- Head of Discipline
- Course Instructor
- Examination Proctor
- President, Student Executive Council
Gadget Policy:
The use of your cell phones, tablets or other similar electronic/communication gadgets are basic
requirements for the study of this Course. It is highly advised that these phones and tablets are kept free
from other apps which may distract the student’s attention and which may slow down the gadget’s

Course Work:

Your outputs shall be accomplished as specified by the herein assigned Instructor, and must be submitted
on time and in the formats specified.

Academic Consultation:

You can avail of an academic assistance of the academic counselling and other mentoring programs.
Referral system is through your request through the Instructor’s referral through the Student Affairs
Services (SAS) office.

7. Technical Assistance

If you need technical assistance at any time during the course or to report a problem with the JBLFMU
LMS, or with ZOOM, or with any appurtenant technology for the study of this Course, you can:
 Chat with a JBLFMU e learning Technical Support Staff (
 Seek assistance from the e learning HELP Desk of JBLFMU-Arevalo Campus.

JBLFMU would appreciate if you let us know whatever difficulties you encounter in your study and in your
use of the Course materials; as well as on anything that could improve the Course and its delivery; so that
changes could be made for continual improvement.

Important Note:

This syllabus, along with course assignments and due dates, are subject to change. It is your
responsibility to check the JBLFMU LMS and/ or his JBLFMU registered email for revisions/ corrections or
updates to the syllabus.


Week 1-6 Asynchronous/synchron

Intended Contact Hours: 29 hours ous
Learner’s Activity Learning Outcomes Assessment
Lesson I At the end of this lesson, Written assessment
Read and understand you should be able to: Scheme: Essay and fill in the
Lesson 1 on page 7 blanks
Fitness for Duty  Discuss and explain
the rest periods for
officer – in – charge
Watch the following of watch and a rating Practical assessment
(Week 1-2) videos: forming part of watch Role Play
 State that the
V1: Hours of rest administration shall
refine a record of daily hours of rest of
RhU seafarers
 Discuss the right of
the master of a ship
V2: STCW Rest hours to require a seafarer
calculator software to perform any hours
of work necessary for immediate safety of
4 the ship
 Explain the limit of
alcohol intake
 Discuss that the
officer – in – charge
of the navigational
and deck watch shall
be only qualified with
the provision of
Chapter II and
Chapter VII of the
STCW Code. (1-2)

Unit/Topic/Lesso Learner’s Activity Learning Assessment

n Outcomes

Lesson II Read and understand At the end of the lesson, Written assessment
lesson 2 on page 14 you should be able to: Scheme: Identification, essay
Watch-keeping at sea and enumeration
 Discuss the general
principles applied to
(Week 2-3) watch keeping at sea
Watch the following  Explain that watches Practical assessment
videos: shall be carried out Role Play
based on the bridge
V3 and engine room  Discuss the principles
dys to be observed in
The Officer of the watch, keeping a
the bridge watch navigational watch as
a) Look out
b) Watch arrangements
c) Taking over the
d) Performing the
navigational watch

Unit/Topic/Lesso Learner’s Activity Learning Assessment

n Outcomes

Lesson III Read and understand At the end of this lesson, Written assessment
Lesson 3 on page 25 you should be able to: Scheme: Identification and
 Discuss that the officer- enumeration
Watch keeping in-charge of the
under different Watch the following navigational watch shall
conditions and in videos: take frequent and
different areas accurate compass Practical assessment
bearing of approaching
V4 ship of early detection Demonstration through the use of risk of collision. of simulator
(Week 4-5) rvk  State that in restricted
North Pacific Ocean en- visibility, the first
route to Tsugaru Strait responsibility of the
officer in-charge of the
V5 navigational watch is complying with the
QDE8 International Rules for
What is a watch Preventing Collision at
keeper, deck officer, sea.
thick fog  Describe that when
arranging for look-out
duty due regard to the
bridge equipment and
navigational aids
available for use.
 Identify the largest
chart on board suitable
corrected with the
latest information when
navigating in coastal
and congested waters.
 Explain that despite the
duties and obligations
of pilots, their presence
on board doesn’t relieve
the obligation of the
 State that a continuous
watch shall be
maintained when the
vessel is at anchor.
Unit/Topic/Lesso Learner’s Activity Learning Assessment
n Outcomes

Lesson IV Read and understand At the end of this lesson,

Lesson 4 on page 29 you should be able to: Written assessment
Steering Control Scheme: Essay and description
 Explain the principle of
an automatic pilot
(Week 5-6) system
Watch the video:  Explain the functions of Practical assessment
the manual settings
V6  Describe the Demonstration through the use
procedures for change- of simulator
over from automatic to
manual steering and
Ship’s autopilot and vice versa
steering system – principle  Explain what is meant
of operation by an adaptive
automatic pilot and
briefly explains how it
 Describe the course
monitor and the off-
course alarm
 Describe the operation
of the course recorder
 List the other alarms
fitted to the system
 State that the
automatic pilot should
be included in the
steering gear testing
prior to the ship's
 Explain the regulation
regarding the use of
the automatic pilot
 Explain in the
recommendation on
standards for
automatic pilots
 Explain the need for
regular checking of the
automatic pilot to
ensure that it is
steering the correct
 State that the
automatic pilot should
be tested manually at
least once per watch
 Describe the factors to
take into account
regarding the change-
over to manual control
of steering in order to
deal with a potentially
hazardous situation


Week 7-12 Asynchronous/synchron

Intended Contact Hours: 29 hours ous

Unit/Topic/Lesso Learner’s Activity Learning Assessment

n Outcomes

Lesson V Read and understand At the end of this lesson, Written assessment
Lesson 4 on page 29 you should be able to: Scheme: Identification, essay
Principles to be and definition of terms
observed in keeping a  State that the officer of
Navigational watch the watch is
Watch the video: responsible for
navigating safely, with Practical assessment
V7 particular regard to
avoiding collision and
(Week 7) Demonstration through the use
_0 of simulator
 Describe the principles
Bridge watchkeeping to be observed in
keeping a navigational
watch as set out in
Section A-VIII 11/1 of
STCW, 1978 Code
a) navigation
b) navigational equipment
c) navigational duties and
d) handing over and
taking over the watch
e) look - out navigation
with a pilot embarked
f) Bridge Navigation
Watch Alarm System
g) Blind pilotage

Unit/Topic/Lesso Learner’s Activity Learning Assessment

n Outcomes

Lesson VI Read and understand At the end of this lesson, Written assessment
Lesson 6 on page 69 you should be able to: Scheme: Essay , identification
General principles  Describe the and enumeration
for ships reporting recommendation on
system and with operational guidance
VTS procedures Watch the video: for officers in charge of
a navigational watch Practical assessment
V8 contained in Section B- VIII/2 Chapter VIII, Demonstration through the use
(Week 8) 5M Section A-VIII/2 of the of simulator
Working with VTS International
Conference on Training
and Certification of
Seafarers,1978 STCW
a) maintenance of an
efficient look-out
b) the use of engines and
sound signaling
c) taking over the
navigational watch
d) periodic checks of
navigational Equipment
compliance with SOLAS
V/19 regarding the
use of the
automatic pilot and the
change-over to manual
steering and vice-versa
e) electronic navigational
f) the use of radar
navigation in coastal
waters -conduct of the
watch in clear weather
g) actions to take in
restricted visibility
h) the circumstances in
which the Officer of
the watch should call
the master
i) navigation with a pilot
j) briefing of watch
keeping personnel
 Describe the duties of
the officer of the watch
while at anchor

 List the entries which

should be made in the
log Book

Unit/Topic/Lesso Learner’s Activity Learning Assessment

n Outcomes

Lesson VII At the end of this

Read and understand lesson, you should be
Keeping an lesson 7 on page 84 able to:
effective deck Written assessment
watch in port  State that arrangement Scheme: Essay and
under normal Watch the video: for keeping watch in enumeration
circumstances port should:
V9 a) Ensure the safety of
(Week 9-10) g4 life, ship cargo, and Practical assessment
Watchkeeping in port port,
b) Observed international, Demonstration with the use of
national and local logbook
rules, and
c) Maintain order and the
normal routine of the
 Describe taking over
the watch and lists the
information which the
officer being relieved
should pass to the
relieving officer
 List the matters on
which the relieving
officer should satisfy
themselves himself
before assuming
charge of the watch
 Describe how the
watch should be kept
and lists the points to
which attention should
be paid.
 Describe the actions to
take on receiving a
storm warning or in an
emergency threatening
the safety of the ship
 Lists the entries which
should be made in the

Unit/Topic/Lesso Learner’s Activity Learning Assessment

n Outcomes

Lesson VIII Read and understand At the end of this Written assessment
lesson 8 on page 92 lesson, you should be Scheme: Identification and
Keeping a safe able to: enumeration
deck watch in port
when carrying  Define 'hazardous
hazardous cargo Watch the video: cargo'
 State that sufficient Practical assessment
V10 personnel should be readily available on Role play
(Week 10-11) Y board when carrying
Entering into an enclosed hazardous cargo in
space bulk
 Explain/state that
special requirements
maybe necessary for
special types of ships
or cargo, particularly
with respect to:
a) the number of crew
required on
board the state of
readiness of
firefighting appliances
and other safety
b) special port regulations
c) communications with
the shore in the event
of an emergency
d) special precautions to
prevent pollution of the
 State that the officer of
the watch should be
aware of the nature of
the hazards and any
special precautions
necessary for the safe
handling of cargo
 State that the officer of
the watch should be
aware of the
appropriate action in
the event of a spillage
or fire
 Describe the procedure
for entry into enclosed
spaces using a 'permit
to work’, and the
monitoring of work in
 Describe the
arrangements and
procedures for rescue
from an enclosed
space in an emergency

Unit/Topic/Lesso Learner’s Activity Learning Assessment

n Outcomes
Lesson IX Read and understand At the end of this Written assessment
lesson 9 on page 102 lesson, you should be Scheme: Definition of terms
Bridge resource able to: and essay
Watch the videos:  Describe the basic
principles of bridge
(Week 11-12) V11 resource management Practical assessment  Explain how
c94 responsibility for the Demonstration with the use of
Bridge Resource safety is clearly defined simulator
Management at all times, including
periods when the
V12 master is on the bridge and while under
lo pilotage
Bridge procedures and  Demonstrate clear,
bridge resource concise
management 1 voyage communications and
planning acknowledgements (at
all times) in a seaman-
like manner
 Demonstrate the
allocation, assignment
and prioritization of
 Demonstrate the
importance of ensuring
the effectiveness of
between bridge team
 Explain the importance
of ensuring the
effectiveness of
information exchange
with pilot
 Demonstrate effective
information exchange
 Define ''situational
 Explain the relationship
between assertiveness
and leadership
 Explain the importance
of challenge and
 Explain the importance
of obtaining and
maintaining situational
appropriate challenges
and responses
 Demonstrates the
ability to maintain
situational awareness
in complex situations


Week 13-18 Asynchronous/synchron

Intended Contact Hours: 29 hours ous

Unit/Topic/Lesso Learner’s Activity Learning Assessment

n Outcomes

Lesson X Read and understand At the end of this Written assessment

lesson 10 on page 110 lesson, you should be Scheme: Enumeration and
Speed able to: identification
measurement  State or describe the
Speed log Watch the videos: difference between
ground- reference Practical assessment
V13 speed and water-
(Week 13-14) reference speed
Comparative essay
2w  Describe the basic
principles of the
Doppler speed and distance
electromagnetic speed
log used on ships
log Describes the basic
principles of the
V14 pressure-tube log  Explain the necessity of
DEA withdrawal of the tube
Maintenance of speed logs before entering port
on ships and IMO  Describe the basic
performance standards principles of the
acoustic- correlation
 Describe the basic
principles of the
Doppler speed log
 Explain the "Janus”
configuration to
counteract the effect of
ship's trim Explains the
dual-axis configuration
and its use during
docking operations
Lists the main error
sources on the various
types of logs
 State or describe the
accuracies of the
various systems
 Explain calibration of
the log
 Describe how ship's
speed is transmitted to
remote displays
 Draw a schematic
diagram showing how
an indication of
distance run is derived
from a speed log
 State or describe the
difference between
ground- reference
speed and water-
reference speed
 Describe the basic
principles of the
electromagnetic speed
 Describe the basic
principles of the
pressure-tube log
 Explain the necessity of
withdrawal of the tube
before entering port
 Describe the basic
principles of the
acoustic- correlation
 Describe the basic
principles of the
Doppler speed log
 Explain the "Janus”
configuration to
counteract the effect of
ship's trim Explains the
dual-axis configuration
and its use during
docking operations
 List the main error
sources on the various
types of logs
 State or describe the
accuracies of the
various systems
 Explain calibration of
the log

Unit/Topic/Lesso Learner’s Activity Learning Assessment

n Outcomes

Lesson XI Read and understand At the end of this Written assessment

lesson 11 on page 117 lesson, you should be Scheme: Identification and
Operational use of able to: essay
Model Course No.  Explain a basic
1.34) Watch the video: description of AIS at a
systems level: Practical assessment
V15  Explain the AIS
(week 14-15) objectives of the Demonstration through the use
DEA Organization System of simulator
What is AIS – concepts Comparison
Automatic Identification of AIS with radar
System Detailed description of
AIS data at a user level
safety/security related
messages, AIS Aids to
Navigation and AIS
Binary Messages. AIS
ship installations AIS
description, including:
a) Carriage
b) MKD based
 Overview of
operational problems
caused by installation
issues The safe use of
AIS at sea which
a) Bridge procedures
Data input and
b) Use of safety and
security related
messages Use of
AIS Binary
Messages Use of
AIS in areas with
security or piracy
implications Use of
AIS in oil terminals
AIS alarms
Cautions of use of
c) Use of ATS to
increase situational
awareness in for
both MKD only and
d) Implications of
e) Use of AIS AtoN
data Manual
setting of regional
operating settings

Unit/Topic/Lesso Learner’s Activity Learning Assessment

n Outcomes
Lesson XII Read and understand At the end of this
lesson 12 on page 143 lesson, you should be Written assessment
Knowledge of blind able to: Scheme: Essay and definition
pilotage of terms
techniques  Gain knowledge of
Watch the video: navigational techniques
used for safe
(Week 16-17) V16 navigation in restricted Practical assessment visibility
GI  Explain the importance Demonstration through the use
of using parallel index
Parallel indexing demo of simulator
techniques using Radar
 Describe the provisions
for using video
mapping on

Unit/Topic/Lesso Learner’s Activity Learning Assessment

n Outcomes

Lesson XIII Read and understand At the end of this Written assessment
lesson 13 on page 149 lesson, you should be Scheme: Description and essay
The use of routing able to:
in accordance w/
the general Watch the video:  Describe the use of
principles for ship reporting in accordance Practical assessment
reporting system V17 with the general
and with VTS principles for ship Demonstration through the use
procedures _QCAXRpjE reporting systems and of simulator
Ship reporting system with VTS procedures
(SRS) – General principle
(Week 17-18)
VTS Operator (Behind the

Schedule for Synchronous Learning

 Schedule by Instructor: ____________
Virtual Class (Zoom Meeting) 1
Schedule to be sent through text or email
We shall be among the global leaders in innovation, responsive to the needs of the changing times, in providing
quality education and training by 2030

JBLFMU Mission
We shall provide quality education and training through innovative and optimum use of resources in instruction,
research and extension.
We aim to improve the quality of life through our thrusts in quality, health, safety and environment.

General Objectives
JBLF System shall develop individuals who are effective communicators, analytical and critical thinkers, ethical and
socially responsible, technically competent and lifelong learners.

(include values, culture and advocacy, university hymn and march)

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