1Q 2018 PitchBook NVCA Venture Monitor

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1Q 2 018

In partnership with

An enormous $28.2B invested Though 1Q exits were slow, the SoftBank’s Vision Fund has
in 1Q, besting the previous pace is expected to increase as made a splash. Now VCs are
decade high by more than $4B IPOs heat up and corporations gearing up for a battle with
Page 4 use tax breaks for acquisitions mega-funds of their own
Page 26 Page 29

The definitive review of the US venture capital ecosystem covering 1Q and beyond
Credits & Contact
PitchBook Data, Inc.
ADLEY BOWDEN Vice President,
Research & Analysis

NIZAR TARHUNI Associate Director, Research &

JENNIFER SAM Senior Graphic Designer

[email protected]

Executive summary 3 National Venture Capital Association

Overview 4 BOBBY FRANKLIN President & CEO
MARYAM HAQUE Senior Vice President of Industry
Angel/seed 7 Advancement
BEN VEGHTE Vice President of Communications &
First financings 8 Marketing

Solium: Cap table analytics can provide Contact NVCA

transparency to an opaque industry nvca.org
[email protected]

Early-stage VC 10
Silicon Valley Bank
Late-stage VC 11 GREG BECKER Chief Executive Officer
Perkins Coie: Key points for client capital needs and MICHAEL DESCHENEAUX President
12 TRACY ISACKE Head of Corporate Relationship
liquidity in today’s venture landscape Management
BOB BLEE Head of Corporate Finance
Activity by region 14 MATT TROTTER Managing Director of Hardware
and Frontier Tech
Activity by sector 16
Contact Silicon Valley Bank
SVB: Advanced manufacturing: Can a cobot help svb.com
17 [email protected]
you with that?
Life sciences 18
Perkins Coie
Corporate VC 19 BUDDY ARNHEIM Partner, Emerging Companies &
Venture Capital
Q&A: As tech disrupts traditional industries, FIONA BROPHY Partner, Emerging Companies &
21 Venture Capital
corporations boost startup investment CHARLES E. TORRES Partner, Emerging Companies
& Venture Capital
Growth equity 23
Contact Perkins Coie
SVB: What public market fluctuations signal for
25 perkinscoie.com

venture dealmaking startuppercolator.com

Exits 26 Solium
Fundraising 29 KEVIN SWAN VP Corporate Development
JEREMY WRIGHT Head of Private Markets
1Q league tables 32 STEVE LIU Head of Solium Analytics
Methodology 35 Contact Solium
Executive Summary
After an active 2017 for investment in US venture-backed companies, momentum in capital deployed continued in the first quarter
of 2018 while the pace of companies receiving capital continued to decelerate. A total of 1,683 venture-backed companies raised
$28.2 billion in funding during 1Q 2018, marking the fourth consecutive quarter of more than $20 billion deployed to venture-backed
companies and the highest amount of capital deployed in a single quarter since at least 2006.

In 1Q, 17 unicorns (i.e., companies valued at $1 billion+) attracted a combined $7.2 billion, over one-quarter of total capital deployed to
venture-backed companies, the second-highest quarterly deal value share we have tracked. This new normal of sustained rise in capital
deployment and fewer completed deals is a continued trend from 2017. Fewer companies receiving funding and at higher valuations
has in turn corresponded with increased median deal sizes across all stages. In 1Q, the median early-stage deal reached $9.2 million and
median late-stage deal reached $15 million, increases of 3.1x and 2.1x, respectively, compared to just five years ago.
Increasing deal sizes across all stages of the company growth cycle can be partly attributed to the sustained momentum in venture capital
fundraising over the last several years, which has resulted in a combined $160 billion raised since 2014, including $7.9 billion raised in 1Q
2018. Norwest Venture Partners’ $1.5 billion fund XIV and General Catalyst’s $1.375 billion fund IX were the largest of the 54 venture
funds holding a final close.

While the total amount of capital raised and number of funds closing in the first quarter—for both new and established firms—was light
compared to recent quarters, several prominent venture firms are currently in the market raising funds with multibillion-dollar targets,
suggesting a pickup in pace as 2018 unfolds. When factoring in these efforts to raise larger venture capital funds, as well as the ever-
increasing role of the $100 billion SoftBank Vision Fund, some investors expect overall investment into venture-backed companies to
reach—and perhaps even surpass—the post-dot-com record from 2017.

In addition to rising expectations for another year of historical investment activity, optimism is also high for a strengthening exit
environment that will bring long-awaited liquidity to venture investors and LPs alike. In the first quarter, there were 144 disclosed
venture-backed M&A transactions, led by Amazon’s $1.2 billion acquisition of smart security device company Ring. While venture-
backed M&A activity was flat compared to the end of 2017, many investors expect the repatriation provision and the lower corporate
rate included in the recently passed tax reform package to provide corporations with additional capital to make strategic acquisitions of
venture-backed companies, which may boost M&A activity in the months ahead.

A strong 4Q 2017 for venture-backed IPOs signaled continued optimism for 2018, which for the most part played out in the first quarter.
In 1Q 2018, there were 15 venture-backed IPOs, led by storage platform Dropbox’s NASDAQ listing on March 23, which raised $756
million at an $8.2 billion valuation. With a recent string of successful enterprise tech IPOs like Dropbox in 2018 and Okta, MongoDB and
Mulesoft in 2017, and a healthy pipeline of venture-backed companies readying for IPOs, some investors believe that 2018 will likely be
the strongest year for IPO activity in recent memory.

Beyond the exit environment, two other areas the industry will continue to closely monitor in 2018 are: 1) the SEC crackdown on initial
coin offerings (ICOs), which surfaced in 2017 as a potential disruptor of the venture investment model; and 2) proposed legislation that
would affect foreign investment into venture funds and startups, which could result in a costly and opaque process and a burden on the

With over $28 billion invested into the Late-stage activity remains poised for quarter of 2018, activity in that subset of
US venture ecosystem, 2018 is pacing to another notable company fundraising the market remains on track to surpass
extend the trends we’ve grown accustomed year. Unicorn activity represented over 2017’s record total. Investors have piled
to over the last few years of total capital 21% of all venture capital invested in the roughly $5 billion in net new* capital into
invested figures soaring to unprecedented US in 2017, with more than $17.5 billion* such companies, accounting for over 18%
levels. While the top-line count of deployed into companies valued over $1 of all capital invested in the US last quarter.
completed financings declined significantly billion during the period. Through the first
on a quarterly basis in 1Q, we maintain our
*two rounds previously closed in 4Q have been adjusted to a 1Q 2018 close due to more capital being added
conviction around the health of investment
activity as evidenced by the stability seen More invested in 1Q 2018 than in full-year 2009
in completed financings at both the early US VC activity
and late stage. The primary driver of the
Deal Value ($B)
decline in round counts can be attributed 10,467 10,558
to the angel market, which has continued # of Deals Closed 8,824
to see the pace of investment decline 8,652
rapidly since mid-2015. However, we see 7,865
the proliferation of pre-seed investment 6,734
activity as a key driver in the market
that can be rather elusive from a data 5,378
4,707 4,465
perspective as many of these deals happen
under the radar. Thus, activity across 1,693
some of the earliest stages of investment
activity may be understated, and we think










entrepreneurs are finding novel avenues to
finance new ideas and business ventures.

2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018*
PitchBook-NVCA Venture Monitor
*As of 3/31/2018

1Q marks fourth consecutive quarter with more than $20B invested

US VC activity

$30 3,000
Deal Value ($B) # of Deals Closed
$25 Angel/Seed Early VC 2,500
Later VC
$20 2,000

$15 1,500

$10 1,000

$5 500

$0 0
1Q 3Q 1Q 3Q 1Q 3Q 1Q 3Q 1Q 3Q 1Q 3Q 1Q 3Q 1Q 3Q 1Q 3Q 1Q 3Q 1Q
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
PitchBook-NVCA Venture Monitor

While late-stage investments in unicorn 2017, during which the highest percentage ecosystem continues to support such deals,
companies have become more prominent of exits were completed to PE firms that particularly as companies have been able
given the growing age of privately held we’ve ever tracked. Given we are still early to establish recurring revenue, cashflow
businesses, round sizes of $1 billion+ in the year, however, we fully expect to positive and cash-efficient software
certainly have not. That said, 1Q alone see increased activity by PE groups in the businesses that fit nicely with the debt
saw three such transactions close, with venture markets similar to what we saw in structures PE firms typically utilize to
both Lyft and Faraday Future holding final 2017 for the following reasons. complete leveraged buyouts. As roughly
closes on rounds launched in 4Q at $1.7 40% of all venture transactions consistently
Through the first quarter of the year, 15%
billion and $1.5 billion, respectively, and occur in the software space, the venture
of all completed PE transactions were
Uber closing a $1.25 billion round. For markets will continue to provide a fertile
done in the software space, which is up
comparison, 2017 in its entirety saw just sourcing ground for PE firms looking to
relative to the 12% number we’ve seen
three completed financings of $1 billion or locate quality software targets.
historically. Further, the PE transaction
more. Moving forward, we think rounds
of this magnitude will still remain outliers.
Moreover, as behemoths such as Uber tap
investors for massive rounds, one item
Early-stage rounds grow in size by roughly 50%
Median deals size ($M) by stage
that should be noted is that not all of that
$16 $15.0
money is primary capital being used to fund
operations. Rather, an increased proportion Angel/Seed Early VC
of some of these rounds represents
Late VC
secondary capital where certain investors $12
and employees are finding avenues to
generate liquidity as hold periods have $10 $9.2
lengthened and exit processes have been
delayed. $8
Last, private equity continues to play an $6
increasing role in the venture market. $8.5
billion worth of transactions last quarter $4
involved PE investors, the highest figure
we’ve tracked since mid-2012, despite $2 $1.0
these firms participating in just 8% of
VC financings. On the exit front, the $0
proportion of completed VC-backed sales 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018*
to PE declined relative to what we saw in PitchBook-NVCA Venture Monitor
*As of 3/31/2018

Strong start to year for unicorns PE continues to be highly involved

US unicorn activity US VC activity with PE participation
81 Deal Value ($B)
75 # of Deals Closed 749
Deal Value ($B) 71
663 652
# of Deals Closed 619 642



24 23 17
7 7

















2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018* 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018*
PitchBook-NVCA Venture Monitor PitchBook-NVCA Venture Monitor
*As of 3/31/2018 *As of 3/31/2018
**Amount includes $2.5 billion from two rounds originally closed in 4Q 2017
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Angel & seed
Despite deal count across the angel/ from Dropbox’s IPO, a company it has held double the age of a company raising an
seed market continuing to decline, deal in its portfolio since participating in its angel/seed deal in 2011. This shift in age
value at the stage has remained relatively 2007 seed round. isn’t so much of a trend as it is a change to
heightened. The $1.6 billion raised in 1Q the traditional investment timeline. Many
The heightened deal sizes and valuations
marks the 15th straight quarter that more startups require less capital for operation
are also being driven up by the continued
than $1.5 billion was invested into angel/ than before, specifically many software
aging of companies raising early-stage
seed deals. In fact, no less than $1 billion companies that can run cloud servers and
institutional capital. The median age of
has been invested in the stage during each hire freelancers until full-time engineers are
companies raising angel & seed funding in
quarter since 4Q 2012. Prior to that period, necessary. This in turn allows businesses
1Q came in at three years post founding,
the $1 billion mark had only been reached to be more developed when first engaging
older than the median age of a company
three times in our datasets. institutional investors, garnering larger
raising a Series A round in 2014, and nearly
deals and valuations.
Seed deals have reached a median
transaction size of $2.2 million and a
median post-money valuation of $10.7
million, far and away the largest we have
Median seed deal surpasses $2M
Median US angel & seed deal size ($M)
recorded. Record-sized seed funds continue
to underpin capital availability at the stage. $2.20
For instance, Sequoia Capital closed a $180
million seed fund in January, while Khosla $2.0 Angel Seed
Ventures has announced it is raising a $400 $1.69
million seed vehicle as well. In addition, we
have seen various other firms continue $1.5
investing in seed deals despite running $1
billion+ vehicles. While writing seed-sized $1.0 $0.86
checks could appear as a peculiar strategy
for some of the larger funds, the Dropbox $0.58
IPO serves as a good example of why such $0.5
transactions can still be a valuable portion
of a larger firm’s investment strategy. To
illustrate, Sequoia realized around $2 billion
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018*
PitchBook-NVCA Venture Monitor

Angel & seed activity drops *As of 3/31/2018

US angel & seed activity

$2,500 1,600

Deal Value ($B) # of Deals Closed 1,400


$1,500 1,000

$1,000 600





$0 0
1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
PitchBook-NVCA Venture Monitor

First financings

First financings continue to decline Angel/seed deals have fallen furthest

First financing vs. follow-on deal by count US first-financing VC rounds (#) by stage
12,000 $90

First Financings $80 First Financings

Follow-on Financings Follow-on Financings

8,000 $60


4,000 $30


0 $0
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018* 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018*
PitchBook-NVCA Venture Monitor PitchBook-NVCA Venture Monitor
*As of 3/31/2018 *As of 3/31/2018

The number of startups receiving their first round each year has slowly declined
US first-financing activity
$3.0 1,200
Deal Value ($B)

$2.5 # of Deals Closed 1,000

$2.0 800

$1.5 600

$1.0 400

$0.5 200

$0 0
1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
PitchBook-NVCA Venture Monitor

Cap table analytics can provide
transparency to an opaque industry
Jeron Paul, Founder and CEO, Capshare

Companies like Capshare are releasing large Other predictable aspects of cap tables For example, you could assume a company
descriptive data sets about startup cap include option pools. Option pools are is worth whatever its last post-money
tables for the first time. The data, based on typically set up before seed rounds are valuation was and then run a waterfall
thousands of cap tables, provides an insider completed. Once they are established, they analysis. When we did this we found a tale
view of how equity is actually structured in typically hover around 15% of the total of two kinds of startups. Generally, startup
startups. capitalization of the company (including averages are often skewed upward by the
issued and unissued options) throughout highest performing startups, and that is true
The data show that cap tables evolve in fairly
the startup’s lifecycle. Unissued options in waterfall values as well.
predictable ways as the company grows. For
decrease slightly as a proportion of total
example, employee ownership decreases Th graph on the right shows aggregate
options as the company grows—but only just
from 100% at founding to approximately waterfall value to founders based on the
slightly. Capshare data shows that Series A
70% in the seed round and starts to level off stage of company. When looking at both the
companies have on average 6% of the total
around 38% by Series C financings. mean value and the median value, the mean
capitalization of the company available for
value will be much more affected by the
Employee ownership (and by extension, new hires, while Series C companies have
higher performing startups, while median is
investor ownership) is so predictable that only 3%.
probably a truer representation of a typical
it almost perfectly fits a log trend line. This
But cap table data also revealed a few startup. As the graph points out, the median
math can help both VCs and founders
surprises, especially around waterfall founder waterfall value plateau around
understand typical dilution, as well as
analysis. Waterfall analysis takes an assumed Series B and doesn’t really increase much
calm jittery founders by helping them to
value of the company as an input and then after. However, for those founders in highly
understand that although they will likely
shows you exactly what amount of that successful startups, the value of their shares
experience significant dilution, they can also
value each shareholder would be entitled to continues to grow rapidly as the company
still expect very high personal returns in the
receive. moves further along the venture lifecycle.

Employees dilute quickly 15% option pool typical Founder median peaks early
Employee ownership by stage Issued & unissued options by stage Aggregate founder waterfall values ($M) by stage
120% 16% $45

100% Median 14% $40

Log. 4% Average Median
3% $35
(Median) 12%
80% 73% 8% 6% $30 $24.7
10% 6% Unissued
60% $25
60% 8% $19.5
43% $20
37% 6% Issued
40% 36% $15
11% 11%
7% 9%
4% 8% $10
7% 7% $5.0
2% $5 $2.8 $2.0

0% 1% $0
0% Co mmon Co mmon + Seed Series A Series B Series C Series D+
Common Seed Series A Series B Series C Series D+ Common Common + See d Series A Series B Series C Series D+
Convertibles Co nvertibles
Source: Capshare Source: Capshare Source: Capshare

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Early-stage VC
For two consecutive quarters now, the is due to just a few deals over the past few and that seems more and more plausible as
early stage has received more than quarters, but taking out the largest deals time goes. Capital availability has filtered
$9 billion in investment, far and away won’t change the trend. Early-stage deals down to the earliest stages of VC, and the
the highest totals we have seen. For are simply getting larger. The median age of ripple effect has manifested in growing deal
comparison, 2010 saw a total of $10.5 companies that raised a Series A or Series sizes as venture investment shifts further
billion invested throughout the entire B round in 1Q reached 3.3 and 5.1 years, into the business lifecycle. We believe that
year, and prior to 4Q 2017 there had never respectively. Both are more than a year this trend will persist as businesses come
been a quarter with more than $8 billion older than companies raising at the same to the early stage better capitalized with
invested. Some of this enormous growth stage a decade ago. “Seed is the new Series strong plans for growth.
A” was a common thought a few years ago,

81 deals of at least $25M in 1Q Deals <$10M account for 11% of value

US early-stage activity (#) by size US early-stage activity ($) by size
100% 100%
$25M+ $25M+
90% 90%

80% $10M- 80% $10M-

$25M $25M
70% 70%
$5M- $5M-
60% 60%
$10M $10M
50% 50%
$1M- $1M-
40% $5M 40% $5M

30% $500K- 30% $500K-

$1M $1M
20% 20%

Under Under
10% 10%
$500K $500K
0% 0%




















PitchBook-NVCA Venture Monitor PitchBook-NVCA Venture Monitor

*As of 3/31/2018 *As of 3/31/2018

Over $9B was invested at the early stage during each of past two quarters
US early-stage VC activity
$12 900
Deal Value ($B) # of Deals Closed

$8 600


$4 300


$0 0
1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
PitchBook-NVCA Venture Monitor

Late-stage VC
The late-stage continues to be an example they will likely increase in count and size acquisition strategies has increased, exit
of and realization of the robust US in order to keep up with the late-stage activity continues to subside. Just three
fundraising environment, along with the investment strategy of SoftBank’s Vision companies were acquired during the
increased appetite for venture investment Fund, which currently has little competition quarter for more than $300 million, while
across the capital markets. 76 late-stage for its multi-hundred-million-dollar late- 15 late-stage rounds were completed
rounds of $50 million+ were raised in stage deals. For context, SoftBank’s 1Q on at least that amount. The grow-at-all-
1Q, including 41 of $100 million or more, 2018 deals had an aggregate value of $3.4 costs movement has left many late-stage
contributing more than 70% 1Q late-stage billion, not including its $8 billion secondary companies needing to continue raising
deal value, roughly double the proportion investment in Uber. capital to focus on revenue growth and
seen in 2012. monetization of their platforms, making
While the IPO market appears to be
further private capital raises the likeliest
Over the past four years, more than $150 improving and optimism for tax-driven
bet in current conditions.
billion has been raised by US VC funds, a
figure that doesn’t seem outlandish when
comparing it to the elevated investment Deal size growth clearly visible
totals from those years. More than $10
US late-stage activity (#) by size
billion in late-stage capital has been
invested in all but four quarters since 2Q $50M+
2014, an amount that hadn’t been reached
in any other quarter since at least 2006 and 80%
likely since the dot-com bubble in 2000. 70% $50M
Several funds either new to the market 60% $10M-
or currently being raised will undoubtedly $25M
help continue this trend. Sequoia Capital
is looking to raise up to $12 billion across 40%
several funds, Khosla Ventures is raising 30%
a $1 billion fund to go along with its $400 20% $5M
million seed vehicle, and other firms that
10% Under
will be investing out of $1 billion+ funds
include Battery Ventures and General 0%










Catalyst. While mega-funds aren’t new,

PitchBook-NVCA Venture Monitor

Late-stage deal value has stayed at historic highs *As of 3/31/2018

US late-stage activity
$18 600
Deal Value ($B) # of Deals Closed

$12 400


$6 200







$0 0
1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
PitchBook-NVCA Venture Monitor

Key points for client capital needs and
liquidity in today’s venture landscape
Charles E. Torres, Partner, Emerging Companies & Venture Capital, Perkins Coie

The US venture capital industry continues interests at the table is critical for setting in seed-stage financings have entered the
to evolve. In response to record amounts reasonable expectations of a company’s arena, pumping money and growth into
of capital deployed into early-stage long-term strategy. startups well before traditional venture
companies, coupled with fewer (and later) capital is ever invested. Investment from
traditional exit events, we have begun Investor Diversity Brings Stability so many different parties can generate
to see a growing interest in changes to challenges, but the diversity of a startup’s
With traditional institutional venture
investment and executive compensation investor base can yield stability around
capital firms increasingly focused on later
structures. With $150 billion+ in VC funds future capital and liquidity needs during
stage investments, companies raise several
raised over the past few years alone, the both good times and bad. Many active
millions of dollars before they begin their
industry has been left with excessive angels, for example, can get a company off
search for institutional capital to lead their
capital available across the entire lifecycle, the ground, but far fewer have sufficient
Series A rounds. As previously mentioned,
leading to concerns over overfunding capital that can be deployed into future
this is at least partially because angels
and limited release valves for future exits. follow-on rounds. Their smaller risk
and pre-seed funds are no longer the only
The recent rise in active participation of tolerance also makes angels a relatively
material players involved at the earliest
nontraditional VC investors has only added unreliable source for future capital needs
fuel to that fire. But while in many ways the if the company needs a boost during rough
discussion has focused on the late stage, Family offices, strategic partners and other times to hit the benchmarks they had
the broader market and earliest stages of sources of capital historically uninterested hoped to reach with the first investment.
funding are benefiting from that increase,
while also encountering new challenges
that accompany such benefits. As exit times lengthen, planning ahead is important
Median and average time to exit (years)
The challenges, however, present an
interesting opportunity for the industry 6.5 6.4
and ecosystem to evolve. As companies 6.1
move through their lifecycles, advanced
6.0 Average Median
planning and preparing remains an
important part of each new round. The
increase in strategic, family office, private 5.5 5.4
equity and hedge fund participants (to
name a few) in early stages has broaden the
range of various investor attributes such as 5.0
desired rates of return, timelines to return,
and risk profiles. Accordingly, selecting and
courting the right mix of investors to hedge 4.5
contrasting investor attributes makes
planning for the next round a critical part
of planning and negotiating any company’s
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018*
current round is more important than
PitchBook-NVCA Venture Monitor
ever. Establishing guidelines for the many *As of 3/31/2018

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more at perkinscoie.com and startuppercolator.com.
Conversely, the new class of early-stage amount of capital being introduced into the
participants tend to have different, or even industry can be potentially damaging to
opposite, appetites, expectations and the investor-founder relationship, should
tolerances. one side view capital usage to be skewed in

Let’s chat
favor of the founders over the investors (or
Accordingly, a diversified group of
a particular class of investors).
investors allows a company to consider a
variety of investment timelines and blend Seek to Implement and Encourage

about AI.
expectations by having those with deeper Liquidity and Incentive Strategies
pockets “decrease” the expected liquidity
timelines of less patient investors. Strategic Enhancing upside through option and other
partners and family offices generally management incentive pools, including
invest with more patient capital and can refreshing such pools as needed, can
complement an investor group due to their keep management engaged for the long
lesser need for a quick return. Differing term. Simultaneously providing liquidity
to founders with secondary repurchases ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE, MACHINE
return timelines provide the opportunity
for startups to build the company through and sales can also reduce unhelpful LEARNING AND ROBOTICS
slower, more sustainable means to continue stressors and resolve tensions. Conversely,
raising private capital without investors I’ve started exploring the novel idea of
clamoring for an exit. As the venture secondary offering participation rights,
timeline lengthens, a pure exit is not always which provide less patient investors with
just over the horizon or even part of the greater certainty that they can participate
plan. In this case, the stability of long-term in any secondary offering, because that
capital can help continue to support the helps them in a similar and reciprocal
founder’s vision. manner. The transparent discussion and
provision of these pre-exit liquidity rights
Planning Future Raises is Crucial increases the chance that founders and
investors will find some early liquidity, pare
Planning ahead is less obvious than down their crowded capitalization tables
one might think. During an era of high (which are increasingly filled with equity
valuations and deal sizes, the direction issued pursuant to convertible securities)
of the company can be lost to clouded OUR EMERGING COMPANIES
and bring in fresh, long-term investors, all at
vision and oversized checks. But taking the same time. & VENTURE CAPITAL TEAM
the time to plan out two capital raises includes technology lawyers
down the line can keep the business As companies move along the venture
who advise startups on the
on the correct forward path, which is lifecycle, exits at some point move to
the forefront of discussion and business development and integration of
instrumental in aligning the interests of all
parties. Of course, planning for how to get positioning. The high volume of capital products and services that merge
the company through the next round of availability has created a backlog of digital presence, physical hardware
investment will make business operations companies in the market that will likely and human-inspired intelligence.
move toward exit in the near term. While
run smoother and keep a process in place We also represent investors as
the IPO market looks to be rebounding
for how to best handle adversity, but they make, manage and divest
at the moment after two less-than-stellar
modeling out the next two rounds will also investments in this space.
years, and recently passed tax legislation
make teams think through strategies and
has also left corporations with extra cash
align capital expectations for both investors
to spend on acquisitions, such a decision
and founders on how much capital will
should be approached with caution. The To learn more, visit
be best for the company to take on, as
public markets have proven tumultuous,
prospective valuations, new capital and PerkinsCoie.com/AI
and running a public company (or part of a
dilution will weigh heavily on a company’s
public company, if acquired by one) is not a
growth or exit strategy.
job fit for (or desired by) everyone. When it
Successfully aligning everyone’s comes time to begin the process of talking
interests and expectations is one pillar about a future exit, the investors and the
of a successful planning process. As management team need to understand
time goes on, management can become where the other stands on the issues of
disincentivised. Along the same vein, the both the timing and type of an exit.
Perkins Coie LLP Attorney Advertising

Activity by region
Despite opportunities outside traditional VC hubs, few trends have changed
1Q 2018 US VC deal activity by region

West Coast
39.0% of 1Q Deals
59.9% of 1Q Deal Value New England
9.3% of 1Q Deals
10.3% of 1Q Deal Value
1.4% of 1Q Deals
0.7% of 1Q Deal Value Great Lakes
8.5%of 1Q Deals
Mountain 2.6% of 1Q Deal Value Mid-Atlantic
7.2% of 1Q Deals 21.3% of 1Q Deals
2.4% of 1Q Deal Value 15.6% of 1Q Deal Value

South 6.6% of 1Q Deals
6.6% of 1Q Deals 5.8% of 1Q Deal Value
2.7% of 1Q Deal Value

PitchBook-NVCA Venture Monitor

West Coast nears $17B in 1Q value San Francisco sees value share surge
1Q US VC deal activity by region Percentage of deal value ($) by MSA
Region Deal Count Deal Value ($M) San Francisco Los Angeles

Great Lakes 144 722.9 35%

Boston New York

Mid-Atlantic 361 4,405.2 30%


Midwest 23 196.8 25%

Mountain 122 674.5 20%

New England 158 2,899.6 15%
South 112 774.6 10%

Southeast 111 1,649.6 5% 5.8%

West Coast 661 16,920.6 0%

2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018*

PitchBook-NVCA Venture Monitor PitchBook-NVCA Venture Monitor

*As of 3/31/2018

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the venture industry
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Activity by sector

Sector investment trends remain stable HC devices starts year off slow
US VC activity (#) by sector US VC activity ($B) by sector
12,000 Commercial $90 Commercial
Services Services
Consumer Goods $80 Consumer Goods
10,000 & Recreation & Recreation
Energy $70

8,000 $60
HC Devices & HC Devices &
Supplies Supplies
HC Services & HC Services &
Systems Systems
IT Hardware IT Hardware
4,000 $30
Media Media
2,000 Other Other
Pharma & Pharma &
0 Biotech $0 Biotech



















Software Software

PitchBook-NVCA Venture Monitor PitchBook-NVCA Venture Monitor

*As of 3/31/2018 *As of 3/31/2018

Software continues with most deals 65% of deal value invested in two sectors
Top sectors as % of total VC (#) Top sectors as % of total VC ($)
45% 60%
Pharma & biotech
40% Software
38.4% 50% HC devices & supplies
30% 40%
Pharma & biotech
25.5% 25.6%
25% Software 35.7%
HC devices & supplies 30%
20% Other 23.2% 23.4%

15% 20%

10% 8.0% 16.3%

7.1% 15.5%
5% 6.2% 6.2%
5.7% 4.9%
0% 0%
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018* 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018*
PitchBook-NVCA Venture Monitor PitchBook-NVCA Venture Monitor
*As of 3/31/2018 *As of 3/31/2018

Advanced manufacturing: Can a cobot
help you with that?
Matt Trotter, Managing Director of Hardware and Frontier Tech, Silicon Valley Bank

As the move to automate manufacturing China, allowing US-based manufacturers to such as software packages, maintenance
intensifies, we are witnessing the rise of add incremental capacity in an affordable services and replacement parts. The HAAS
cobots. Cobots, as the name implies, are way. Given the pressure to reduce the model also gives robotics companies a
robots deployed alongside human workers cost of manufacturing and production, the more predictable revenue stream, giving
to assist them in a variety of tasks, adding flexibility afforded by cobots collaborating startups a greater ability to compete with
flexibility and cost efficiency. Investors with human workers makes cobots an large established OEMs that have greater
are taking note, as initiatives like Industry attractive solution. financial resources.
4.0 take hold and the use of advanced
Investment opportunities grow in Rethink Robotics and AUBO Robotics
manufacturing technologies explodes. The
advanced manufacturing are two US-based, VC-backed startups
collaborative robotics market is growing
leading the cobot revolution. They are
at a CAGR of 57.4% and is now projected The potential of machine-human
competing with an international assortment
to reach $4.4 billion by 2023, up 25x from interaction in the workplace is driving
of companies, including Universal Robots
2016. investor interest in this developing area of
(Denmark); KUKA Robotics Corporation,
robotics. The number of VC investments in
Once the cornerstone of the US economy, MRK-Systeme and Bosch (Germany); ABB,
advanced manufacturing took off in early
manufacturing has declined precipitously MABI Robotic and F&P Personal Robotics
2014, with a large proportion flowing to
from its peak four decades ago. At the (Switzerland); and FANUC and Kawada
robot developers and manufacturers.
sector’s height, US manufacturing jobs Industries (Japan).
totaled nearly 20 million, or 22% of Investment in advanced manufacturing in
As collaborative robots emerge, investors
US employment. Driven by off shore 4Q 2017 reached a record $461 million as
should keep in mind that they are just
manufacturing and, more recently, more mainstream VC investors became
one piece of the automation puzzle. The
automation, by February 2018 there were active in applied robotics. Driving this
advancement of cobots and robots, for
12 million US manufacturing jobs, or about trend is a growth in short-term market
example, is directly linked to developments
8.5% of all US jobs. However, there is a opportunities, unit economics and
in AI, robotics and sensor technology.
new type of automation emerging that is recurring revenue. Traditional hardware
Supporting subsectors include RFID tagging,
designed not to replace human workers but companies tended to sell their products in
monitoring, predictive analytics, inventory
to complement them, and the jobs decline single transactions. These days, however,
and ERP systems, as well as industrial
is starting to reverse. robotics companies are adopting a HAAS
IoT. Ultimately, the combination of these
business model, which effectively spreads
The adoption of cobots is primarily driven technologies will shape the factories of the
the cost over a contracted period and
by small and medium-sized businesses. future.
allows companies to bundle other services
Manufacturing tasks in these businesses
tend to be more flexible and operations
more easily modified, making the cost Sector has seen marked uptick in deal values recently
of integrating cobots more manageable. US VC activity in advanced manufacturing
Cobots are designed to assist human $500 30
workers with a variety of low-skill tasks, $450
Deal Value ($M) 25
including machine tending, material $400
handling, assembly tasks and packaging, $350 # of Deals Closed
and are designed to be “aware” of their $300
surroundings so as not to interfere with or $250 15
harm human workers. An added benefit is $200
that there isn’t a need to set up designated $150

areas for robot-only operations, which is $100

costly and can add inefficiencies to the $50
production process. $0 0
1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q
The hourly cost of cobots is also
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
competitive with that of manufacturing in PitchBook-NVCA Venture Monitor

Life sciences

LS investment reaching new heights Investment split between sectors

US VC activity in life sciences US VC activity in life sciences (#) by sector

Deal Value ($B) 1,400

1,221 1,155 Pharma & Biotech
# of Deals Closed 1,148 HC Devices & Supplies
1,086 1,094 1,200
870 869














2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018* 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018*
PitchBook-NVCA Venture Monitor PitchBook-NVCA Venture Monitor
*As of 3/31/2018 *As of 3/31/2018

As other sectors fall, LS increases share LS deals increasing along trends

US VC activity in life sciences as percent of total VC US VC activity in life sciences (#) by size
25% 100%

20% 80%
70% $50M

14.2% 60% $10M-

13.3% $5M-
40% $10M
10% Under











2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018*
PitchBook-NVCA Venture Monitor PitchBook-NVCA Venture Monitor
*As of 3/31/2018 *As of 3/31/2018

Corporate VC
Policy changing CVC in life sciences count in the first quarter declined 15% Consistent with activity from the last four
YoY, resting at 302 closed deals. Similar years, deals closed by life sciences startups
After 2017’s record participation of accounted for nearly 16% of all CVC deals
to trends we’ve seen over the past few
corporate investors in VC deals, capital and 22% of capital invested in 1Q. Due to
quarters, the software and life sciences
invested continues to sustain elevated biotech’s capital intensity and high failure
sectors (pharma & biotech, and healthcare
levels, with deals involving CVCs totaling rates, we believe venture activity remains
devices & supplies) remain favorites for
$14.1 billion as of 1Q. However, after three strong in the space because investing
corporate VCs.
years of strong activity, the CVC deal in drug or technology development via
startups tends to be more cost effective
Corporate VC sees largest quarterly deal value to date than internal research and development for
US corporate VC participation activity incumbent corporations. Additionally, larger
1,468 healthcare companies do not typically have
Deal Value ($B) 1,370 the same agility to innovate at the same
1,338 1,351
# of Deals Closed rate as smaller, leaner startup companies.

Consequently, we find that life sciences

startups tend to have a stronger rate of
acquisition by their CVC backers compared
863 to non-life sciences startups. In 2017,
738 9.4% of life science startups that received
corporate funding were acquired by the
577 sponsoring corporation, whereas only 6%
of non-life science startups had the same
outcome. This has been a long-term trend,
as life science startups have exceeded non-
life science startups in acquisition rates by










a corporate funder for seven of the last ten

2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018*
PitchBook-NVCA Venture Monitor
*As of 3/31/2018

Life sciences leads in follow-on acquisitions Most companies acquired by outside firm
Acquisition made by CVC or parent corporation CVC investment exits (#) by type
25% 50
IPO Buyout by Other
45 Acquired by Other Acquired by Corporate Investor
Life Sciences 20.0%
20% 40
Non-Life Sciences

15% 30

11.8% 25

10% 20

5% 6.0% 10

0% 0
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018* 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018*
PitchBook-NVCA Venture Monitor PitchBook-NVCA Venture Monitor
*As of 3/31/2018 *As of 3/31/2018

Changes in the regulatory environment approval processes. Given that one of the CVCs, as startups will theoretically be able
driven by new leadership in the FDA greatest costs of drug creation is clearing to stretch funding dollars further and reach
have the potential to change life sciences regulatory approval, these developments milestones faster. However, a faster and
investment by CVCs or parent companies. can reduce R&D costs to both startups less expensive route to drug approval could
Under its new leadership, the FDA has and large incumbents. On one hand, this also incentivize incumbents to focus on
prioritized faster and more efficient drug could encourage continued investment by internal development instead.

Many CVC deals occur at late stage Unicorn deals account for high % of CVC
US corporate VC activity (#) by size US corporate VC activity ($) by size
100% 100%
$50M+ $50M+
90% 90%

80% $25M- 80% $25M-

$50M $50M
70% 70%

60% $10M- $10M-

$25M $25M
50% 50%
40% $5M-
40% $10M
30% 30% $1M-
$1M- $5M
20% $5M 20%

10% 10% Under

Under $1M
0% $1M 0%



















PitchBook-NVCA Venture Monitor PitchBook-NVCA Venture Monitor
*As of 3/31/2018 *As of 3/31/2018

Similar to overall VC, CVC deal count has slid while value has risen
US corporate VC participation activity
$16 450
Deal Value ($B) # of Deals Closed
$14 400
Angel/Seed Early VC
Late VC 350
$2 50

$0 0
1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
PitchBook-NVCA Venture Monitor

As tech disrupts traditional industries,
corporations boost startup investment
Q&A with Tracy Isacke, Head of Corporate Relationship Management, Silicon Valley Bank

At a time of increasing disruption, corporations must innovate to survive, and many are doing so by partnering with top startup
entrepreneurs and founders. In this edition, we ask Tracy Isacke, Head of Corporate Relationship Management at Silicon Valley Bank,
about the hottest trends and upcoming opportunities for corporate venture capital in the global innovation ecosystem.

Why is corporate venture valuable for The takeaway is that new market and your KPIs strategic, financial or a blend of
promoting innovation? innovation models are keeping even the both? Often, it’s most sensible to pursue
most established companies on their toes. a smart balance. The term “strategic” is
The speed of innovation and disruption
This is very good news for entrepreneurs often mistranslated as a lack of concern for
is accelerating. Large corporates and
and the VC funding landscape overall: financial success when, in fact, it should
their industries are being challenged by
Venture dollars, corporate expertise, and signal a strong alignment with business
incredibly nimble startups that often
access to customers and distribution initiatives, including profitability.
look to pick off pieces around the edges
channels are flowing to almost every
of a business before coming to dominate Beyond succinctly defining your goals,
industry and fueling innovation.
an entire industry. To compete, some clarity about your approach is also
corporations have created in-house paramount. It’s important to understand
“startups,” but many larger corporations what areas you care to invest in, articulate
now recognize that internal innovation the decision-making process and
...barriers to entry and
alone is not enough. They view promising communicate how you plan to differentiate
growth have fundamentally
startups as potential partners in their bid to yourself as a source of value-added capital
changed, as mobile and
push the innovation envelope and, in turn, to the startups. Finally, it’s very important
cloud technologies and the
are creating corporate venture capital arms. not to treat corporate venture investment
drop in computing costs
as a P&L within the core business.
A decade ago, it was very hard and are all creating incredible Traditional VC investors take a long-term
expensive for startups to scale and opportunities to scale view of gaining returns from their portfolio
compete with large multinational businesses at a faster pace investments, and corporate investors
organizations. Since then, the barriers to and at a fraction of the cost. should adopt the same level of patience.
entry and growth have fundamentally
changed, as mobile and cloud technologies
and the drop in computing costs are all
creating incredible opportunities to scale
In your experience, what strategies enable It’s important to
businesses at a faster pace and at a fraction
CVC arms to be successful? understand what areas you
of the cost. The ability to scale also has
accelerated with the ease of access to CVC success requires a strong commitment care to invest in, articulate
capital. Now, as many startups are scaling from executives at the top of the the decision-making process
more efficiently, corporates have realized organization. Trying to set up a CVC arm and communicate how you
it’s in their strategic interests to foster with half measures—minimal funding, plan to differentiate yourself...
value creation through partnerships, slow decision-making, lack of C-suite
investments and acquisitions. champions—is typically a recipe for failure.
A key question to resolve at the start: Are

For more than 30 years, Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) has helped innovative companies and their investors move bold ideas forward, fast. SVB provides targeted
financial services and expertise through its offices in innovation centers around the world. With commercial, international and private banking services, SVB helps
address the unique needs of innovators. Learn more at svb.com.
©2018 SVB Financial Group. All rights reserved. SVB, SVB FINANCIAL GROUP, SILICON VALLEY BANK, MAKE NEXT HAPPEN NOW and the chevron device are
trademarks of SVB Financial Group, used under license. Silicon Valley Bank is a member of the FDIC and the Federal Reserve System. Silicon Valley Bank is the
California bank subsidiary of SVB Financial Group (Nasdaq: SIVB).

Many corporations have essentially Again, that’s why mission, structure and venture worlds and what it takes to create
joined the ranks of VC investors, adding approach are so important for corporates effective partnerships with their portfolio
investment teams and dedicated funds, to carefully define upfront. Understanding companies.
but sometimes their goals veer from how and when to come in as a strategic
those of traditional VCs. Strategies and investor is another key decision: Will you
return profiles may differ. Is CVC growth add more value at the seed round or at
ultimately good for the VC industry as a Series A or B? Should you be leading the We sit at the heart of this
whole, and what effects have you seen? round? Have you set aside follow-on incredible intersection of
investment funding, even if the company startups, VC investors and
It depends. When corporates get it right,
and they understand the value they can
veers away from your strategic direction? corporates, and this creates a
bring to a startup partner or an entire Planned well and with the right team in
true innovation network.
industry, then I think they truly have place, I think CVC arms provide a fantastic
the ability to change the trajectory of a source of support and scale for startups
company or a market for the better. Having that traditional VCs may not be able to
a partner—for example, a corporate investor match. From sharing leads for channel What role does SVB play in helping
who works in a larger organization, has partners and customers to promoting pilot corporates connect with the innovation
critical subject matter expertise and can opportunities, CVC arms bring a wealth of economy? How do you act as a strategic
ask second- and third-order questions—can value beyond their capital. partner for corporations?
be significant when setting up a startup for We sit at the heart of this incredible
long-term success. Having a partner who How have executives’ perspectives intersection of startups, VC investors
truly understands your business can lead changed in the past decade? and corporates, and this creates a true
to great working dynamics and help build innovation network. We have deep
a strong board. That said, if corporates fail My belief is that all corporates, in every
knowledge and understanding of a variety
to set or articulate their expectations or single industry, do not feel safe. Previously,
of industries and share our contacts,
execute on their promises, founders and a large company executive could afford
analysis and observations through highly
traditional VC investors are frustrated. to be a little dismissive of the founders
curated events, tailored introductions
walking in with big claims of how they
and meetings, and unique market insights.
were going to disrupt an industry. Now,
We also act as a strategic partner and
we have so many examples of startups
consultant, should corporates seek help
Planned well and with the doing just that. Corporates have a very
designing their approach to innovation,
right team in place, I think different perspective today: Innovation and
such as how to identify the best working
CVC arms provide a fantastic partnership have become imperative, not
model, who to tap for support and how
source of support and scale optional.
to create lasting impact. We work with
for startups that traditional Corporate venture initiatives are a number of partners and can also help
VCs may not be able to match. becoming more professional, including corporates navigate the “existential crises”
building blended teams of investors who that are bound to appear when thriving in
understand both the corporate and the disruption.

Tracy Isacke joined Silicon Valley Bank in 2014 and leads the company’s
Corporate Relationship Management Group, which was established in 2009 to
build connections between investment groups at some of the world’s largest
companies and emerging technology and life science startups.
As head of the group, Tracy is responsible for Silicon Valley Bank’s relationships with corporate
venture funds, corporate development teams and innovation groups at Fortune 500 companies.
Prior to joining SVB, Tracy was EVP New Business Ventures at Telefónica Digital where
she identified investment opportunities in Silicon Valley, Israel and Europe with potential
to accelerate Telefónica’s business. She also drove an international Global Partner team to
deliver unique partnerships and Direct-to-Bill opportunities for Telefónica across 25 operating
businesses in Europe and Latin America.

Growth equity
The last four years of growth equity main change in technology that drove more traditional PE investment style. This
activity reflect the recent paradigm shift of increased enthusiasm from PE investors is illustrated by SaaS representing 35%
investors accommodating larger and more was the proliferation of the SaaS business of total growth equity deals by count,
mature businesses in the private markets. model. The predictable, recurring including participation of PE investors
In the first quarter of 2018, growth equity revenue and cashflows generated by SaaS in the $865 million financing of Katerra,
accounted for $14.6 billion of deal value businesses provide some stability, plus a construction ERP and supply chain
across 226 deals. This total puts capital the higher growth prospects fits into a management platform.
invested in 1Q 2018 as the third-strongest
quarter since 2010 and on pace to easily
best growth equity tallies from the four
GE on pace for fifth straight year of $40B in value
US growth equity activity
years prior. This represents a more than
doubling of average deal value from the 919
Deal Value ($B) 854 860
preceding six years given the 2008-2013
average of $22 billion. Trends in private # of Deals Closed 788
markets tend to evolve over extended
periods, but the abrupt rise of growth 643 654
equity was driven by the drastic change 580
in the VC ecosystem to accommodate 524
unicorns and the huge fund flows into
the asset class to chase high returns. For
instance, the volume of $50 million+ deals
made up 60% of total VC deal value during
1Q 2018, up from 20% in 2009, signaling 226
the growing influence of large deals over
the broader VC market.










PE growth investors have become more
willing to participate in large technology
deals as that industry has matured. The 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018*
PitchBook-NVCA Venture Monitor
*As of 3/31/2018

Deal volume picking back up

US growth equity activity

$18 300

$16 Deal Value ($B)

# of Deals Closed

$12 200


$6 100







$0 0
1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q

2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

PitchBook-NVCA Venture Monitor

21% of GE deals exceed $75M
US growth equity activity (#) by size
Nearly 10% of all growth

$200M+ equity financings are of at least
80% $100M- $200M in size

60% $75M-
$50M- Growth in overall value is clear
40% $75M
US growth equity activity ($) by size
30% $30M- 100%
$50M $200M+
20% 90%

10% $15M-
$30M $100M-
0% 70%










60% $75M-
PitchBook-NVCA Venture Monitor
*As of 3/31/2018
40% $75M
The median size and valuation 20%

of growth equity deals have 10% $15M-

steadily grown as demand rises 0%










for the subclass of investment PitchBook-NVCA Venture Monitor
*As of 3/31/2018

Sector investment stays steady PE growth firms primarily look at tech

US growth equity medians ($M) US growth equity activity ($) by sector
$180 1,000 Commercial
Median Deal Size
$162.5 Services
$160.0 900
$160 Median Pre-money Valuation Consumer Goods
800 & Recreation
$140 Energy
$120 HC Devices &
$100 HC Services &
$80 400 IT Hardware

$60 300
$45.0 Media
$40.0 200
$40 Other
$20 Pharma &
0 Biotech










$0 Software
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018*
PitchBook-NVCA Venture Monitor PitchBook-NVCA Venture Monitor
*As of 3/31/2018 *As of 3/31/2018

Note: Growth equity is not included as a subset of overall VC data, but is rather its own
unique dataset. See the Methodology, page 35, for more details on this particular category.

What public market fluctuations signal
for venture dealmaking
Bob Blee, Head of Corporate Finance, Silicon Valley Bank

As we know all too well, tech company could signal rocky times ahead. What might that investors are willing to pay more for
IPOs tend to slow during periods of this public market experience mean for higher growth rates: The median revenue
turbulence in the public markets. Naturally, private late-stage VC investing? growth rate for the private companies was
few want to test their growth story amid 60 percent, compared to 30 percent for
One way to explore this question is to
public scrutiny when larger unpredictable those in the public cloud index.
compare valuations of public companies
market forces are in play. But what about
with a set of late-stage venture financings Not only are late-stage private valuations
the impact of public market turbulence on
from the same industry to determine any influenced by how public markets move,
private venture investments to scaled tech
differences in valuation characteristics. We but prolonged market corrections can also
examined revenue run-rate multiples on slow down venture deal activity across the
At SVB, by analyzing both public and over 100 late-stage venture financings in board. In the 1Q 2016 market correction
proprietary data, we see correlations the enterprise software space (as shown that pushed enterprise software revenue
around how topsy-turvy public markets by the light blue line on the bottom left multiples down by half, the ensuing
affect venture deal making. More on that in chart). We then compared them to the BVP quarters saw the number of SaaS deals
a minute, but first a little scene-setting. Cloud Index (as shown by the black line and capital invested also fall by half before
on the bottom left chart), which tracks the recovering in 2Q 2017.
At the start of 2018, the current bull
performance of 50 publicly traded cloud
market that started in March 2009 seemed In both cases of valuation and volume of
software companies.
determined to celebrate its ninth birthday SaaS company investments made, private
on a heady upswing: The S&P 500 index We found that the revenue run-rate markets tended to slightly lag behind
closed up nearly 6 percent in January multiples of the late-stage private deals public markets, as it takes time for private
2018, marking one of the best new-year tracked closely to those in the public investors to make sense of greater market
debuts in nearly two decades. But February markets, with valuations of private movements. Still, it seems clear that for
arrived with a sobering downturn: In the enterprise software deals marginally higher later-stage private companies, public
first three trading days, the S&P 500 gave than the contemporary median multiple of market movements not only affected IPO
up all of its January gains and headed into public companies in the BVP Cloud Index. timing, but they also affected venture deal
correction territory, bottoming out after a The higher multiple is attributed to the fact velocity and valuation multiples.
10 percent decline from its January high.
Importantly, during this period of decline,
the long-dormant CBOE Volatility Index Public multiples a leading Late-stage SaaS deals slow
(the “VIX”), which measures expectations indicator for venture during market turbulence
of stock market fluctuations, closed above
SaaS revenue multiples: Public vs. private US VC deals of $25M+ in SaaS
30 for the first time since August 2015 and 10x $5 80
recorded the biggest single-day jump since 9x
Deal Value ($B) Deal Count
the index was created in 1990. 8x $4
At the time of this writing, with the 7x
exception of a few bumps caused by trade 6x
war or interest rate fears, the markets 5x
seem to have recovered from that rocky 4x 30

early February of 2018. The IPO window 3x

Private Transactions
appears to be opening again, with the 2x 10













Public Companies
strong post-IPO gains of Zscaler and 1x
$0 0
Dropbox, and several more VC-backed tech 0x 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q
2015 2016 2017 2015 2016 2017 2018
companies on deck to go public. Still, the
Sources: SVB Proprietary Data, PitchBook-NVCA Venture Monitor
volatility index remains above the benign
BVP Cloud Index
sub-15 level it held through 2017, which

Exit flow in 1Q 2018 came in a bit weaker increase, since these secondary sales will are driving the aggregate exit market on
than the same quarter a year ago, with flow through as distributions back to LPs. both a value and count basis. Additionally,
$8.1 billion exited across 188 deals, due to VC’s reliance on “home-runs,” these
Because of these aforementioned shifts
representing a 19% decrease YoY in deal are also the exits that drive the majority
in VC toward financing larger companies,
count. While this is a material drop, it is of returns back to LPs. While Ring’s $1.2
it’s no surprise that exits over $100 million
important to remember that exit timing is billion acquisition by Amazon was the
largely idiosyncratic and can be delayed
for a multitude of reasons. Most recently
that reason has been larger VC deals, which Exits continue to slide, leaving industry in crunch
supply a longer cash runway for VC-backed US VC-backed exit activity
companies and can decrease the sense of
urgency to exit. Exit Value ($B)
867 889 873
To that point, direct secondary sales of # of Exits Closed 835
venture shares have become an increasingly
popular way to give existing shareholders 698
partial liquidity without a full exit event.
Though this volume is not represented in
the aggregate exit data, it is becoming a 483 482
substantial source of alternative liquidity.
The monster $8 billion the SoftBank
consortium invested in secondary Uber
shares in addition to the primary round is 188
an extreme example, but illustrates how







such a transaction can provide liquidity for

early employees and investors. This capital
returned back to VCs is more important 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018*
now as portfolio company hold periods
PitchBook-NVCA Venture Monitor
*As of 3/31/2018

Exits slide during three of past four quarters

US VC-backed exit activity

$40 300
Exit Value ($B)
$35 # of Exits Closed

$20 150






$0 0
1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
PitchBook-NVCA Venture Monitor

largest exit in terms of deal size, the most during a more volatile and slightly negative plans or discourage those companies that
valuable company to exit in the first quarter broad stock market during the first are on the fence. That said, Smartsheet
was Dropbox with its $756 million IPO, quarter, as a potential bellwether of strong and DocuSign have filed for IPOs, which
which valued the company slightly under demand for these listings throughout the points toward more positivity around highly
their 2014 private valuation of $10 billion. remainder of the year. However, sustained valued technology firms pricing on the public
We see the positive early performance volatility throughout 2018 would likely markets heading into 2Q.
from some of the larger VC-backed IPOs, cause some companies to pull their IPO

Exits are getting larger Median IPO has jumped so far in 2018
US VC-backed exit (#) by size Median US VC-backed exit size ($M) by type
100% $120
$500M+ $110.0
80% $94.0
70% $500M
60% $78.8
50% $100M $70.0
30% $50M $40

10% $25M $20
Acquisition/Buyout IPO










2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018*

PitchBook-NVCA Venture Monitor PitchBook-NVCA Venture Monitor

*As of 3/31/2018 *As of 3/31/2018

Slow dealmaking has caused ratio to fall

US VC investment-to-exit ratio
12x 12,000
10.4x 9.8x 10.5x 10.4x
10x 9.3x 9.1x 9.1x 10,000

8x 8,652 8,000

6x 6,000

4x 4,000

2x 1,693 2,000
0x 0
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018*
Investments/Exits # of Investments # of Exits
PitchBook-NVCA Venture Monitor
*As of 3/31/2018

Billion-dollar funds loom, but small funds Fundraising likely to pick up after slow quarter
stick around US VC fundraising activity
So far in 2018, VC funds have closed on
Capital Raised ($B) 300
roughly $8 billion in commitments across
54 vehicles, putting both capital raised and # of Funds Closed 295
fund count on pace to dip slightly from
2017. A strong showing from micro funds 235
(vehicles smaller than $50 million) has
pulled down he median fund size, though 203
we expect a surge of larger funds to close
later in the year to provide a boost to fund 161 156
sizes and total capital raised. With two 123
billion-dollar funds closed already and up to
four more in the pipeline, 2018 could still
surpass last year in terms of total capital









In the first quarter of 2018, micro funds

made up 50% of fund count for the first
time since 2015. Driven by seed and
early-stage vehicles with niche strategies 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018*
PitchBook-NVCA Venture Monitor
or regional focuses, the representation *As of 3/31/2018
of smaller funds speaks to continued
development of innovative strategies and

First-time funds continue to be strong 50% of closed funds in 1Q under $50M

US first-time fundraising activity US micro fund activity
44 152 149
Capital Raised ($B) Capital Raised ($B)
# Funds Closed 138
# of Funds Closed
36 118
112 104
31 30
23 68
21 54



















2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018* 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018*
PitchBook-NVCA Venture Monitor PitchBook-NVCA Venture Monitor
*As of 3/31/2018 *As of 3/31/2018

emerging venture ecosystems. True Wealth
Ventures Fund I, for instance, focuses
Median fund size declines
Median & average US VC fund size ($M)
exclusively on female founders, while
Illinois Ventures’ Emerging Technologies $200
Fund III seeks to capitalize research Median
spin-outs from the University of Illinois.
First-time funds have also made a strong $160 Average
showing with 11 vehicles closed in 1Q
2018, putting this year on track to each $146.6 $148.6
2014’s decade high number of funds closed. $120
Though capital raised is tracking lower so
far, the outsized effects of mega-funds
(vehicles $500 million or greater) will
likely lift capital raised in the remainder of $53.0
2018, as four vehicles including Lightspeed
Venture Partners and Social Capital have $40
all announced intentions to raise funds of
$1 billion or more in the near future. The
impact from mega-funds is clear, as these $0
funds made up 47% of all capital raised 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018*
by venture funds in 2018, despite only PitchBook-NVCA Venture Monitor
*As of 3/31/2018
representing 5% of all closed vehicles.
While three funds of over $1 billion were
closed in all of 2017, three strategies have
already closed in the beginning of 2018—
Norwest Venture Partners’ $1.5 billion and
General Catalyst Partners’ $1.37 billion
Several large funds planned for rest of year
US VC fundraising activity (#) by size
fund, as well as $1.25 billion raised across
two complementary vehicles from Battery 100%
VCs have taken to raising larger funds to
80% $500M-
garner the capital necessary to maintain $1B
a competitive stance against deep- 70%
pocketed investors, such as SoftBank, as $250M-
deal sizes and valuations continue to rise. $500M
But strong fundraising is only possible 50%
if there is sufficient LP demand, and 40% $250M
many institutional investors have been
looking to allocate more to private market 30% $50M-
strategies—including VC—while trying $100M
to consolidate their allocation to fewer Under
managers, resulting in larger but fewer fund $50M
commitments. While these mega-funds 0%
may offer GPs competitive advantages,












they also bring into question whether

their managers can deliver venture-like PitchBook-NVCA Venture Monitor
returns, as GPs run the risks of overpaying *As of 3/31/2018

in outsized rounds and overcapitalizing


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1Q league tables
Most active investors Most active investors Most active investors
angel/seed early stage late stage
Y Combinator 15 Alumni Ventures Group 18 GV 14

Innovation Works 12 New Enterprise Associates 18 Khosla Ventures 13

Elevate Ventures 10 Plug and Play Tech Center 14 New Enterprise Associates 12

Slow Ventures 8 Y Combinator 14 Bessemer Venture Partners 9

Social Capital 8 Ben Franklin Technology Partners 13 Accel 8

Alumni Ventures Group 7 Andreessen Horowitz 12 Index Ventures 8

BAM Ventures 7 Greycroft 11 Lightspeed Venture Partners 8

BoxGroup 7 Sinai Ventures 10 Norwest Venture Partners 8

Lerer Hippeau Ventures 7 Alexandria Venture Investments 9 Andreessen Horowitz 7

Plug and Play Tech Center 7 GV 9 Battery Ventures 7

Precursor Ventures 7 Lightspeed Venture Partners 9 Fidelity Management & Research 7

SV Angel 7 8VC 8 General Catalyst Partners 7

True Ventures 7 Khosla Ventures 8 Bain Capital Ventures 6

First Round Capital 6 Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers 8 Canaan Partners 6

Greycroft 6 Hemisphere Ventures 7 Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers 6

Keiretsu Forum 6 Lerer Hippeau Ventures 7 Founders Fund 5

Liquid 2 Ventures 6 Lux Capital 7 HealthQuest Capital 5

Techstars 6 Menlo Ventures 7 Redpoint Ventures 5

500 Startups 5 OrbiMed 7 Thrive Capital 5

Khosla Ventures 5 Revolution 7 Union Square Ventures 5

M25 5 Shasta Ventures 7 Versant Venture Management 5

Revolution 5 Social Capital 7 Baillie Gifford 4

Right Side Capital Management 5 AccelFoods 6 Draper Fisher Jurvetson 4

Service Provider Capital 5 BoxGrop 6 Fifth Wall Ventures 4

SOSV 5 Connecticut Innovations 6 Greylock Partners 4

TEDCO 5 Founders Fund 6 Intel Capital 4

PitchBook-NVCA Venture Monitor GGV Capital 6 IVP 4

Norwest Venture Partners 6 Salesforce Ventures 4

Service Provider Capital 6 Sequoia Capital 4

Spark Capital 6 Spark Capital 4

True Ventures 6 Sutter Hill Ventures 4

Upfront Ventures 6 PitchBook-NVCA Venture Monitor

PitchBook-NVCA Venture Monitor

Top 10 largest US VC deals in 1Q 2018
Company Deal size ($M) Series/stage Date HQ State Industry
Lyft 1,700.0 Series H 3/14/2018 San Francisco California Software

Faraday Future 1,500.0 Early Stage VC 2/14/2018 Los Angeles California Other

Uber 1,250.0 Late Stage VC 1/18/2018 San Francisco California Software

Magic Leap 963.0 Series D 3/7/2018 Plantation Florida Other

Katerra 865.0 Series D 1/24/2018 Menlo Park California Software

Consumer Goods &

DoorDash 535.0 Series D 3/1/2018 San Francisco California
Moderna Therapeutics 500.0 Series G 2/1/2018 Cambridge Massachusetts Pharma & Biotech

Wag 300.0 Series D 1/30/2018 Los Angeles California Software

Harmony Biosciences 295.0 Early Stage VC 1/18/2018 Pennsylvania Pharma & Biotech

Viela Bio 282.3 Series A 3/13/2018 Gaithersburg Maryland Pharma & Biotech
PitchBook-NVCA Venture Monitor

Top 10 largest US VC funds closed in 1Q 2018

Fund name Investor Fund size ($M) Close date HQ State
Norwest Venture Partners XIV Norwest Venture Partners $1,500.0 02/14/18 Palo Alto California

General Catalyst Group IX General Catalyst Partners $1,375.0 03/26/18 Cambridge Massachusetts

Battery Ventures XII Battery Ventures $800.0 02/06/18 Boston Massachusetts

Battery Ventures XII Side Fund Battery Ventures $450.0 02/06/18 Boston Massachusetts

B Capital Fund B Capital Group $360.0 02/08/18 Los Angeles California

Danhua Capital II Danhua Capital $343.2 02/06/18 Palo Alto California

Elephant Partners II Elephant Partners $250.0 03/22/18 New York New York

Workday Ventures Fund Workday Ventures $250.0 02/07/18 San Francisco California

Accomplice II Accomplice VC $205.0 01/18/18 Cambridge Massachusetts

Aspect Ventures II Aspect Venture Partners $181.0 01/23/18 San Francisco California

PitchBook-NVCA Venture Monitor

Top five largest US VC-backed IPOs in 1Q 2018

Company Exit size ($M) Exit post-val ($M) Date HQ State Industry
Dropbox 756.0 8,230.0 3/23/2018 San Francisco California Software

Vobile 206.4 1,066.0 1/4/2018 Santa Clara California Software

Zscaler 192.0 1,877.3 3/16/2018 San Jose California Software

Homology Medicines 144.0 577.3 3/28/2018 Bedford Massachusetts Pharma & Biotech

ARMO BioSciences 128.0 497.7 1/26/2018 Redwood City California Pharma & Biotech
PitchBook-NVCA Venture Monitor

Largest US VC acquisitions in 1Q 2018

Company Exit size ($M) Acquirer(s) Date HQ State Industry
Ring 1,200.0 2/27/2018 Santa Monica California Other

ThreatMetrix 811.4 RELX Group (LSE: RELX) 2/22/2018 San Jose California Software

LiquidHub 494.4 Capgemini (PAR: CAP) 2/5/2018 Wayne Pennsylvania Commercial Services

BlackRock, Pamplona
Cofense 400.0 2/26/2018 Leesburg Virginia Software
Capital Management
Arrow Electronics
Einfochips 283.1 1/9/2018 San Jose California Commercial Services
PitchBook-NVCA Venture Monitor
US VC activity by state & Deal Deal Value US VC activity by
territory State Count ($M)
Congressional District
District of Columbia 6 $17.8
Deal Deal Value State District Deal Count
State Count ($M) Alabama 6 $13.2
California District 12 125
California 586 $16,225.3
Kansas 5 $110.6
New York District 12 70
New York 226 $2,736.4
Arkansas 5 $5.3
California District 18 61
Massachusetts 131 $2,757.5
Maine 4 $7.6
California District 14 44
Texas 79 $677.5
Oklahoma 4 $44.4
New York District 10 41
Illinois 57 $350.0
Louisiana 3 $9.6
Washington District 7 38
Colorado 56 $305.1
New Mexico 3 $13.3
Massachusetts District 7 24
Washington 55 $621.3
Mississippi 3 $7.2 California District 17 22
Pennsylvania 44 $555.8
Hawaii 2 $9.6 California District 33 20
Florida 41 $1,083.4
Vermont 2 $2.6 California District 52 19
North Carolina 38 $430.9
Rhode Island 2 $10.2 Colorado District 2 17
Maryland 32 $525.4
Nebraska 1 $0.8 Illinois District 7 17
Virginia 28 $180.2
Alaska 1 $0.2 Massachusetts District 8 17

Utah 28 $247.0 California District 13 15

West Virginia 1 $4.6

Ohio 22 $122.8 PitchBook-NVCA Venture Monitor California District 28 14

Minnesota 22 $50.2 Texas District 21 14

Indiana 18 $96.2
US VC activity by Metropolitan California District 49 13

New Jersey 17 $357.7 Statistical Area (MSA) Massachusetts District 5 13

Oregon 17 $64.3 Colorado District 1 12

MSA Deal Count
Georgia 16 $45.6 San Francisco-Oakland- California District 37 11
Fremont, CA
Arizona 14 $40.5 Pennsylvania District 14 11
New York-Northern New Jersey-
Long Island, NY-NJ-PA California District 45 10
Michigan 14 $79.1
131 New York District 7 10
Connecticut 12 $93.7 Quincy, MA-NH
Los Angeles-Long Beach- Ohio District 11 9
Tennessee 11 $22.4 119
Santa Ana, CA
California District 2 8
Wisconsin 11 $24.6 San Jose-Sunnyvale-
Santa Clara, CA Georgia District 11 8
Kentucky 10 $15.4
52 Indiana District 5 8
Joliet, IL-IN-WI
Missouri 10 $61.2
Seattle-Tacoma-Bellevue, WA 49 Minnesota District 3 8
Idaho 7 $10.5
Austin-Round Rock, TX 41 North Carolina District 6 8
South Carolina 7 $69.4
San Diego-Carlsbad- Virginia District 11 8
Iowa 7 $24.2 San Marcos, CA
Virginia District 8 8
Delaware 7 $27.2 37
Alexandria, DC-VA-MD-WV
California District 19 7
Nevada 7 $12.9 Philadelphia-Camden-
30 Georgia District 6 7
Wilmington, PA-NJ-DE-MD
Montana 7 $45.1
Denver-Aurora, CO 26 Maryland District 8 7
New Hampshire 7 $28.0 Miami-Fort Lauderdale-
25 Massachusetts District 4 7
PitchBook-NVCA Venture Monitor Pompano Beach, FL
PitchBook-NVCA Venture Monitor Pennsylvania District 2 7

PitchBook-NVCA Venture Monitor

We define VC funds as pools of capital raised for the purpose of investing in the equity of startup companies. In addition to funds raised
by traditional VC firms, PitchBook also includes funds raised by any institution with the primary intent stated above. Funds identifying as
growth-stage vehicles are classified as PE funds and are not included in this report. A fund’s location is determined by the country in which
the fund is domiciled; if that information is not explicitly known, the HQ country of the fund’s general partner is used. Only funds based
in the United States that have held their final close are included in the fundraising numbers. The entirety of a fund’s committed capital is
attributed to the year of the final close of the fund. Interim close amounts are not recorded in the year of the interim close.

We include equity investments into startup companies from an outside source. Investment does not necessarily have to be taken from an
institutional investor. This can include investment from individual angel investors, angel groups, seed funds, VC firms, corporate venture
firms, and corporate investors. Investments received as part of an accelerator program are not included, however, if the accelerator
continues to invest in follow-on rounds, those further financings are included. All financings are of companies headquartered in the US.
Angel & seed: We define financings as angel rounds if there are no PE or VC firms involved in the company to date and we cannot determine
if any PE or VC firms are participating. In addition, if there is a press release that states the round is an angel round, it is classified as such.
Finally, if a news story or press release only mentions individuals making investments in a financing, it is also classified as angel. As for
seed, when the investors and/or press release state that a round is a seed financing, or it is for less than $500,000 and is the first round as
reported by a government filing, it is classified as such. If angels are the only investors, then a round is only marked as seed if it is explicitly
Early-stage: Rounds are generally classified as Series A or B (which we typically aggregate together as early stage) either by the series of
stock issued in the financing or, if that information is unavailable, by a series of factors including: the age of the company, prior financing
history, company status, participating investors, and more.
Late-stage: Rounds are generally classified as Series C or D or later (which we typically aggregate together as late stage) either by the series
of stock issued in the financing or, if that information is unavailable, by a series of factors including: the age of the company, prior financing
history, company status, participating investors, and more.
Growth equity: Rounds must include at least one investor tagged as growth/expansion, while deal size must either be $15 million or more
(although rounds of undisclosed size that meet all other criteria are included). In addition, the deal must be classified as growth/expansion or
later-stage VC in the PitchBook Platform. If the financing is tagged as late-stage VC it is included regardless of industry. Also, if a company is
tagged with any PitchBook vertical, excepting manufacturing and infrastructure, it is kept. Otherwise, the following industries are excluded
from growth equity financing calculations: buildings and property, thrifts and mortgage finance, real estate investment trusts, and oil & gas
equipment, utilities, exploration, production and refining. Lastly, the company in question must not have had an M&A event, buyout, or IPO
completed prior to the round in question.
Corporate VC: Financings classified as corporate VC include rounds that saw both firms investing via established CVC arms or corporations
making equity investments off balance sheets or whatever other non-CVC method actually employed. Rounds in VC-backed companies
previously tagged as just corporate investments have been added into the dataset.
Capital efficiency score: Our capital efficiency score was calculated using companies that had completed an exit (IPO, M&A or PE Buyout)
since 2006. The aggregate value of those exits, defined as the pre-money valuation of the exit, was then divided by the aggregate amount
of VC that was invested into those companies during their time under VC backing to give a Multiple On Invested Capital (MOIC). After the
average time to exit was calculated for each pool of companies, it was used to divide the MOIC figure and give us a capital efficiency score.

We include the first majority liquidity event for holders of equity securities of venture-backed companies. This includes events where there
is a public market for the shares (IPO) or the acquisition of majority of the equity by another entity (corporate or financial acquisition). This
does not include secondary sales, further sales after the initial liquidity event, or bankruptcies. M&A value is based on reported or disclosed
figures, with no estimation used to assess the value of transactions for which the actual deal size is unknown.

COPYRIGHT © 2018 by PitchBook Data, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means—graphic, electronic, or
mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping, and information storage and retrieval systems—without the express written permission of PitchBook Data, Inc. Contents
are based on information from sources believed to be reliable, but accuracy and completeness cannot be guaranteed. Nothing herein should be construed as any past, current
or future recommendation to buy or sell any security or an offer to sell, or a solicitation of an offer to buy any security. This material does not purport to contain all of the
information that a prospective investor may wish to consider and is not to be relied upon as such or used in substitution for the exercise of independent judgment.

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