English: Quarter 4 - Module 2: Strategies For Effective Interpersonal Communication (Conversation, Dialogue, Interview)

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Quarter 4 - Module 2:
Strategies for Effective
Interpersonal Communication
(Conversation, Dialogue,

CO_Q4_English 7_ Module 2
English – Grade 7
Alternative Delivery Mode
Quarter 4 - Module 2: Strategies for Effective Interpersonal Communication
(Conversation, Dialogue, Interview).
First Edition, 2020

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Published by the Department of Education

Secretary: Leonor Magtolis Briones
Undersecretary: Diosdado M. San Antonio

Development Team of the Module

Writers: Deborah Lou Granada Cole

Editors: Shienna Lyn L. Antenor PhD, Ma. Leila Y. Tejada

Reviewers: Evelyn C. Frusa PhD, Delia B. Mabalot , Rolex H. Lotilla , Arvin M. Tejada
Illustrator: Michelle Ann C. Caras
Layout Artist: Precious Joy A. Ubas
Management Team: Allan G. Farnazo
Gilbert B. Barrera
Arturo D. Tingson Jr.

Peter Van C. Ang-ug

Prima A. Roullo
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Quarter 4 - Module 2:
Strategies for Effective
Interpersonal Communication
(Conversation, Dialogue,
Introductory Message
This Self-Learning Module (SLM) is prepared so that you, our dear learners,
can continue your studies and learn while at home. Activities, questions, directions,
exercises, and discussions are carefully stated for you to understand each lesson.

Each SLM is composed of different parts. Each part shall guide you step-by-
step as you discover and understand the lesson prepared for you.

Pre-tests are provided to measure your prior knowledge on lessons in each

SLM. This will tell you if you need to proceed on completing this module or if you
need to ask your facilitator or your teacher’s assistance for better understanding of
the lesson. At the end of each module, you need to answer the post-test to self-check
your learning. Answer keys are provided for each activity and test. We trust that you
will be honest in using these.

In addition to the material in the main text, Notes to the Teacher are also
provided to our facilitators and parents for strategies and reminders on how they can
best help you on your home-based learning.

Please use this module with care. Do not put unnecessary marks on any part
of this SLM. Use a separate sheet of paper in answering the exercises and tests. And
read the instructions carefully before performing each task.

If you have any questions in using this SLM or any difficulty in answering the
tasks in this module, do not hesitate to consult your teacher or facilitator.

Thank you.
What I Need to Know

This module was designed and written with you in mind. It is here to help you master
the Strategies for Effective Interpersonal Communication. The scope of this module
permits it to be used in many different learning situations. The language used
recognizes the diverse vocabulary level of students. The lessons are arranged to follow
the standard sequence of the course. But the order in which you read them can be
changed to correspond with the textbook you are now using.

● Introduction

It is important to communicate effectively to ensure you achieve your goals.

Effective communication could help to foster a good relationship between you and
someone you are talking with which in turn improve morale and efficiency.

In this module, you will be taught on how to employ communication strategies in

a conversation, dialogue or interview.

The module is about:

● Lesson 1 – Strategies used for effective conversation or dialogue
● Lesson 2 – Strategies used for conducting effective interview

After going through this module, you are expected to:

1. use appropriate responses to complete a conversation or dialogue,

2. apply the strategies to create an effective conversation or dialogue,
3. explain what an interview is,
4. distinguish strategies used in the interview and,
5. employ strategies for an effective interview.

Most Essential Learning Competencies (ELCs)

EN7OL-I-b1.14: Employ a variety of strategies for effective interpersonal
communication (Interview, Dialogue, Conversation)

2 CO_Q4_English 7_ Module 2
What I Know

Select the letter of the best answer.

1. It is the art of exchanging messages between two or more people.
a. backchanneling c. interpersonal
b. communication d. technique
2. It is the process by which people exchange information through verbal and non-
verbal messages. It also includes; ability to listen and understand, problem
solving, decision making, and personal stress management.
a. voice c. active listening
b. strategy d. interpersonal communication
3. The three types of communication are the following except;
a. written communication c. non-verbal communication
b. verbal communication d. strategy
4. It is the use of sounds and words to express yourself in contrast to using gestures.
a. verbal communication c. non-verbal communication
b. written communication d. strategy
5. It is the transfer of communication through body language.
a. written communication c. non-verbal communication
b. verbal communication d. strategy
6. The following are the strategies used for effective conversation/dialogue except;
a. repair breakdowns c. express of a lack of opinion
b. repeat the question d. decision making
7. This is an example of backchanneling.
a. “Do you mean…?” c. “Hmm, I see your point
b. “Uhu” d. “I’m afraid not”
8. The following are examples of interview strategies except;
a. ask close-ended questions c. pay attention to details
b. find an anecdote d. ask open-ended questions
9. The following are the important things to do during the interview except;
a. phrase questions carefully c. cram and fidget
b. introduce yourself d. thank the person for the interview
10. These are the questions you need to avoid when asking questions except;
a. nosy questions c. leading questions
b. obvious questions d. open-ended questions

3 CO_Q4_English 7_ Module 2
Lesson Strategies used for
Effective Conversation or
Conversation and dialogue strategies are techniques that help the speaker and the
listener keep communication going to its natural and desired conclusion.
Let us begin this lesson with this task.

What’s In

Complete the following conversation/dialogue. Choose appropriate responses to

make the conversation meaningful. Write your answers on your notebook.

1. Patient: I have had sleep disorder for nearly 3 months.

Doctor: ___________________________________
Patient: No, I wanted to see a doctor first.
Doctor: You did the right thing. Now I will give you some pills for that.
A. Have you done anything about it?
B. Why didn’t you see a doctor immediately?
C. Do you know what I should do about it?
D. Did you have this complaint the last time you came to me?
E. Your situation is really serious so you should immediately start
getting professional help.
2. Andy: You haven't been looking so well recently. Anything wrong?
Sasha: Yes. Yesterday I had to take my mother to the hospital due to
Andy: _______________________________________________
Sasha: Not really. All she has to do is to follow a strict diet.
A. It is not a very serious illness. You don’t need to worry.
B. I hope she is fine now. Please let me know how she is when she is
C. Oh God! How is she right now? Anything serious?
D. I told her that she had to be careful with what she ate but she never
listens to me.
E. I am sorry I didn’t know. Is she alright now?

4 CO_Q4_English 7_ Module 2
Notes to the Teacher
Encourage students to write any information based on their
prior knowledge.

What’s New

Here are two situations involving students talking about their favorite food and
favorite Filipino cuisine. Think of ways on how to improve the communication to
make it more substantial. Write your own version on your notebook. Your answers
may vary.

Situation 1: Favorite Food

Student 1: What’s your favorite food?

Student 2: ______________________________
Student 1: Okay. _______________________ ?
Student 2: _____________________________

Situation 2: Favorite Filipino Cuisine

Student 1: Are you fond of eating Filipino delicacy?

Student 2: Yes. My favorite is _______________.
Student 1: What’s so special about that food?
Student 2: _______________________________

5 CO_Q4_English 7_ Module 2
What is It

Communication is the art of exchanging messages between two or more people.

Interpersonal communication is the process by which people exchange information

through verbal and non-verbal messages.

Spoken language, voice tone, voice speed and
voice volume

Facial expression, touch, body movement,
eye contact and gesture

Interpersonal skills also include

fa the ability to:
1. listen and understand
2. solve problems
3. make decisions
4. manage personal stress

The three types of communication are verbal communication, non-verbal

communication, and written communication. Verbal communication includes
conversation, dialogue or interview.

Verbal communication is the use of sounds and words to express yourself, especially
in contrast to using gestures or mannerisms. An example of verbal communication
is saying ‘no’ when someone asks you to do something you don’t want to do. Non-
verbal communication is the transfer of information through the use of body
language including eye contact, facial expressions, gestures and more.

6 CO_Q4_English 7_ Module 2
In this module, we will focus on the verbal communication and employ strategies for
effective interpersonal communication.

Conversation or dialogue is a natural part of life in which people can exchange

information and maintain social relationships with friends, family members and
others. But, as second language speakers of English language it is challenging to
keep the conversation/dialogue going. Using strategies is one way to overcome
problems in maintaining the flow of communication through conversation/dialogue.
There are some techniques you can use to give yourself some time to think about
what you are going to say. These are also the strategies to expand what you are
saying. Here, we will try not to focus on information only. Instead, we’ll give
importance to communication.

These are the strategies you need for effective conversation/dialogue.

Strategies Examples
“Could you repeat the question,
● Repair breakdowns please?”

“Sorry, I didn’t hear what you said.

Could you repeat? I’m a bit nervous.”

“Pardon? Come again?”

● Repeat the question “…Ummm. What’s my favorite food?
● Express lack of a clear opinion “I’m afraid I don’t know much about it.”
● Acknowledge other’s
“Hmm.. I see your point.”
“Do you mean…?”
● Clarifying
“So are you saying that…?”
“Okay, so Maria, you think that … and
Jose, you said that…”
● Active listening/Summarizing

“Someone mentioned that…”

● Backchannelling - is a way of
showing a speaker that you are
I see, yes, OK and uhu
following what they are saying
and understand, often through

7 CO_Q4_English 7_ Module 2
What’s More

Directions: Look at the pictures in the comic strip and imagine what is going on. Fill
in the words and make the characters communicate. Use the strategies you learned
from the lesson.

Source: https://bit.ly/3mms13Y)

What I Have Learned

Answer the question briefly.

1. How does your knowledge of the strategies used in conversation/dialogue help


8 CO_Q4_English 7_ Module 2
What I Can Do

Directions: Create a conversation about the topics or situation given below.

Use strategies to repair communication breakdown.

Example: Tiktok challenge online.

S1: Have you created Tiktok videos?
S2: Umm. Have I done Tiktok?
S1: Yes. Have you?
S2: Of course. Actually, I have a done a video compilation?

Topic: Favorite Online gaming. Use the strategies you learned.

S1: What’s your favorite online game?

S2: __________________________________________

S1: How much screen time do you spend on playing that game?

S2: __________________________________________

S1: __________________________________________

S2: __________________________________________

Situation 2: Favorite Movie or Book

S1: __________________________________________

S2: __________________________________________

S1: __________________________________________

You’re done with the first lesson. Be ready for another adventure of learning!

9 CO_Q4_English 7_ Module 2
Lesson Strategies used in
Conducting an Effective
2 Interview

Think of a person, current or historical, you would like to know more about. Imagine
you have been invited to interview this person. What would you prepare? What would
you do before and during the interview? How would you behave? These are some of
the questions a beginner interviewer would like to know. This lesson will help you
with the basics and the strategies on how to conduct an effective interview.

What’s In

Let’s have a memory check by reviewing the previous topic about

conversation/dialogue strategy. Read and try to answer the question below.

What are the strategies for effective conversation/dialogue?


What’s New


Read the situation carefully and analyze what went wrong. Write your answer on
your notebook.

10 CO_Q4_English 7_ Module 2
In the stadium, the baseball player was about to leave. Standing nearby, a young
woman hurriedly approached the player and removed a pencil and a notepad from
her bag.
“Hey dude. I’m a student. I would like to ask few questions for my school paper”, the
young woman said. "You looked really good out there. Do you mind if I ask you some
questions?" The athlete nodded.
"Is this the first time you've been to this city?" the young woman asked. Another nod.
This was not going to be easy, the student worried. The school paper adviser had told
her to make sure she brought back a good story. The tall, young man standing in
front of her was the best player and a record holder in baseball.
The student tried again. "What do you think of our town?" The athlete seemed to see
the reporter for the first time.
"I don't know anything about this town," he replied. "I'm here to play. They give me
a ticket at school and I get on a bus and a plane and go. My business is to play." He
fell silent.
This time, the young woman felt rejected. She struggled to start the athlete talking
again. In the 20-minute interview, the baseball player never really opened up.

Now, what do you think went wrong about this situation?

If you answered that the young woman should have introduced herself and stated
the purpose of her interview, you are right!

Now, think of some things that the student should have done before and during the

Write the answers on your notebook.

1. ___________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________
4. ___________________________________________
5. ___________________________________________

11 CO_Q4_English 7_ Module 2
What is It

If you want to find out about people, you usually read about them or watch a
documentary. People are sources of information and an interview is a way to gather
detailed or revealing information.

Interviews look so easy, right? All one person has to do is ask questions and the other
person answers. But, interviewing is much more complicated than it appears. Do
not worry. This lesson will help you become an effective interviewer. Are you ready?


● Start Easy - Make your interviewee comfortable/relaxed and start with

short, simple questions.
● Ask the right questions - Use open-ended questions and prompts. Avoid
leading questions.
● Have a Conversation - Do not read a question from a page as it interrupts
the flow of conversation and seems artificial.
● Find an anecdote (small story) to illustrate your point for example “Tell me
about a time when.”
● Pay attention to details - write down important details--spelling, address,
ages, and statistics. Double-check the information.


Preparation for interviewing is very important. It requires both a friendly manner

and a careful preparation. A formal interview can be requested through a phone call,
letter or in person.

Here is a checklist of the important things you need to discuss with your interviewee
before the interview.

12 CO_Q4_English 7_ Module 2
Before the Interview Checklist

Purpose of the interview and location

Time and length of time needed for the interview.

Research the subject in which the interview should be discussed.

Find out as much as possible about the person being interviewed.

Part of the preparation phase consists of forming questions. Good questions

are the key to successful interviewing and take careful planning.

Always remember that the questions should be written in advance.

If the information desired involves detailed facts, a list of questions could

be given to the person prior to the interview.


As a good interviewer, you need to be selective with the questions you have because
not all questions are effective during an interview.


A. Open-ended Questions - they are designed to encourage the interviewee to
share experiences, emotions, attitude or opinions.
B. Usually begins with the 5 Ws (What, when, where, why and how)
Example: What would happen if you…
What do you think about…
What would you do …
How did you…
In what way...
Why do you think so?

13 CO_Q4_English 7_ Module 2

A. Closed-ended questions like Yes/No questions

Do you have a pet?
Do you like it?
or those that have a limited set of answers such as (A, B, C, D or All of the Above)
Which color do you like, pink, green, violet or orange?
Which food do you prefer? Local or foreign food?
B. Leading questions --Could result to misleading assumption or conclusion
Do you get along with your parents? - hints that maybe they are not
getting along well.
C. Nosy questions -- How often do you take a bath?
D. Obvious questions-- What color is your hair?


This checklist will be your guide during the interview.

● Introduce yourself and state the purpose of your interview.

If you want to record the interview, ask permission to use it from the person
being interviewed.

● Have your questions written down so that you can stay with the topic.

● Phrase questions carefully.

● Listen carefully. Ask politely for more details when necessary.

● Take notes during the interview.

Be courteous.

● Find an appropriate way to end the interview when the allotted time has
been reached.

Thank the person for the interview and the information.

14 CO_Q4_English 7_ Module 2
What’s More

Brace yourself! This activity will solidify your understanding of the lesson. Write the
things that you need to do during preparation for an interview.
Your task is to write the sentences on its corresponding column. If the
sentence/phrase is a good one, write it under the Effective Column, but if the
sentence/phrase needs to be avoided, write it under the Ineffective Column.

1. 1.
2. 2.
3 3
4. 4.
5. 5.

How did you know about him?

Tell me more about yourself.
In what way…
Are you a stalker?
Do you take a bath?
Which color do you like? Pink, blue or red?
Which one do you like, pizza or spaghetti?
Do you have black hair?
What Filipino trait do you admire most? Why?
Tell me why…


Now, let’s apply the things you have learned. On your notebook, answer the
following questions:

You are tasked to interview a KPOP Star about what he/she thinks about the
Philippines as a tourist spot via Zoom or Google meet. During the preparation
stage, what are the things you need to prepare? List at least five questions that
you will use in the interview.

1. 4.
2. 5.

15 CO_Q4_English 7_ Module 2
What I Have Learned

Reflect on your learning experience of this lesson. Write a short description (two
paragraphs) that may include what you learned and what you liked.
I learned that …

What I Can Do


At this point, you are going to practice what you have learned from our lesson. On
your notebook, copy the format and fill out the information needed. Interview your
family member about his/her favorite about how the pandemic change his/her views
in life. You may audiotape or record the interview. Be sure to take down notes.


Interviewer: ___________________ Purpose of the Interview: ___________

Interviewee: __________________ ____________________________________

Possible Questions

Criteria for effective questions:

● Are open-ended interesting ideas
● Based on background information related topics only

Possible Questions: Answers:


16 CO_Q4_English 7_ Module 2

Congratulations! You are now on the last stage of this module. Let us see how well
you have understood the lesson discussed in this module. Be ready with a paper and

Multiple choice: Select the best answer.

1. _______________ is a way of showing a speaker that you are following what they
are saying and understand, often through interjections.
a. summarizing c. backchanneling
b. clarifying d. repeating questions
2. ________________is the use of words to express yourself.
a. non-verbal communication c. verbal communication
b. interpersonal communication d. open-ended questions
3. Non-verbal communication is the transfer of information through the use of
a. words c. body language
b. sounds d. idiomatic expressions
4. These questions encourage the interviewee to share experiences, emotions,
attitude or opinions.
a. close-ended questions c. nosy questions
b. open-ended questions d. obvious questions
5. The following are examples of open-ended questions except;
a. What do you think? c. How did you do?
b. What would you do? d. Do you like it?
6. Yes or No questions are considered as ________________ kind of questions.
a. leading b. nosy c. obvious d. close-ended
7. Here are some of the interview strategies except
a. start easy c. have a conversation
b. ask the right questions d. use close-ended questions
8. Nena plans to interview her teacher for her school project. Below are the things
Nena should do before the interview except;
a. request for a formal interview through phone or email
b. discuss the purpose of the interview
c. inform the interviewee about the time needed for the interview
d. prepare obvious and nosy questions
9. John wants to prepare effective questions for his upcoming interview. He wondered
which of the following is not an effective one.
a. What do you think about…? c. In what way…?
b. Do you like teaching? d. Why do you think so?
10. During the interview, John needs to remember some helpful guides. Which of the
following should John disregard?
a. Prepare properly
b. Introduce oneself and state the purpose of the interview.
c. Ask close ended questions to prompt the interview

17 CO_Q4_English 7_ Module 2
Additional Activities

Now, it is time to have more practice. Interview a family member. Copy the format
you learned on your notes and try to find a theme for your interview. Be sure to
apply all the strategies you learned from this lesson from preparation to the actual
interview. You may ask your brother or sister to take a video during your interview.
Always remember that practice, makes perfect!

You’ve finally accomplished lesson 2.

Good Job!

18 CO_Q4_English 7_ Module 2
CO_Q4_English 7_ Module 2 19
Lesson 2: What’s more Post-Test
1. C
Effective: 2. B
1.How did you know about him? 3. C
2.Tell me more about yourself. 4. B
3.In what way… 5. D
4.Do you have black hair? 6. D
5.What Filipino trait do you admire most? 7. D
Why? 8. D
Tell me why… 9. B
Ineffective 10.C
1.Are you a stalker?
2.Do you take a bath?
3.Which color do you like? Pink, blue or red?
4.Which one do you like, pizza or spaghetti?
Lesson 2: What’s More Pre-test
1. C
1. Repair breakdown 2. D
2. repeat questions 3. D
3. express lack of a clear opinion 4. C
4. acknowledge other’s ideas 5. C
5. clarify 6. D
6. summarize 7. B
7. back channeling 8. A
9. C
Answer Key

Amanda Onion, (2006).Psychologists Say ‘Um” and ‘Uh’ have meaning


Know Your Value. [online] Available at: https://media3.s-

Interviewing techniques. [online] Available at:
Interviewing Principles. [online]Available at:

12 Conversation strategies worth teaching.


Teaching Conversational Strategies Through Video Clips


20 CO_Q4_English 7_ Module 2
For inquiries or feedback, please write or call:

Department of Education - Bureau of Learning Resources (DepEd-BLR)

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Meralco Avenue, Pasig City, Philippines 1600

Telefax: (632) 8634-1072; 8634-1054; 8631-4985

Email Address: [email protected] * [email protected]

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