Lesson Plan For Interpersonal Communication

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region XI
City of Mati Division
Licop, Brgy. Sainz, City of Mati, Davao Oriental


Quarter 4


At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:

a. distinguish the different types of interpersonal communication;
b. employ a variety of strategies for effective interpersonal communication skills (interview,
dialog, conversation); and
c. appreciate the use of strategies for effective interpersonal communication on a daily basis.


Topic: Interpersonal Communication

Reference: English 7 Alternative Delivery Mode
Quarter 4 – Module 2: Interpersonal Communication
Materials: Worksheets, chalk, audio-visual, laptop, projector, and visual aids.



a. Prayer and Greetings

b. Checking of Attendance
c. Setting of Classroom Standards


The teacher will ask the students on the previous discussion about language stance.

Guide Questions:
1. What is language stance?
2. How important it is to tackle language stance (e.g., public speaking, gestures, facial
expressions, etc.)?
3. Provide example of certain scenarios that you have effectively used the language stance.

The teacher will play an audio-visual presentation about “Conversation with the Family” and
will proceed to ask the following processing questions to know if they have shared good
conversations with their loved ones.

Processing Questions:
1. Do you have siblings?
2. Do you always talk with your siblings?
3. Do you always fight with each other?
4. What do you usually do when you had misunderstanding with your siblings?
5. Have you heard a story of a siblings who hated each other?


a. Activity

The class will be divided into four groups and will have an activity entitled “Fill Me”.
Each group will be given a worksheet with a dialogue printed on it. The students will then
fill in the blanks in the dialogue with the words in the box. Thus, the teacher will also
have his rubrics for checking the outputs of the students.
b. Presentation of the Lesson

The teacher discusses and gives the definition of the topic.

The teacher will further discuss the topic by providing examples.

c. Application
The teacher will disseminate a paper with a scenario inside that they have to create a role
play. Each group will be given 5 minutes to prepare and three minutes to present their piece
in front. The teacher will post the rubrics on the board.

Group 1
- Imagine you are visiting a city for the first time. You ask a resident of a place to lunch
and directions.

Group 2
- You want to interview the school head about his/her plans for the school and the learning
plan for the teachers and the students.

Group 3
- You need to submit the project you created last night but the deadline is long overdue.

Group 4
- You visit your best friend for vacation and have to catch up with the changes and progress
in your lives.

The teacher will post the rubric on the board.

The teacher will ask these following questions to the students.

1. What is interpersonal communication?

2. What are the different types of interpersonal communication?
3. In conversing with someone, why do we make use of verbal, non-verbal, listening, and
4. Why is it important to be equip about the strategies for effective personal communication
and use them on a daily basis?

On a ¼ sheet of paper, write the letter of the best answer.

1. As a leader of the group, you found out that one of your groupmates is not paying attention
to the given task, what will you do?
a. Scold and report him to the teacher
b. Tell him “you don’t belong here”
c. Talk to him privately and ask “What’s wrong?”
d. Ignore him and do not include him on the list of the members
2. Which of these is an effective communication skill?
a. Hearing thoughts
b. Talking at the same time
c. Listening to what people say
d. Interrupting people’s speaking
3. When is the communication process complete?
a. When the message enters the channel
b. When the message leaves the channel
c. When the sender transmits the message
d. When the receiver understands the message

4. According to the author of the textbook, becoming effective in interpersonal

communication ________________________.
a. will solve all of your interpersonal problems
b. will guarantee that you will always have great relationship with others
c. will eliminate stress and conflict in your relationships with others
d. will help you build better relationship, but will not solve all of your interpersonal
5. How should your body language be while you are actively listening?
a. Sit down
b. Arms crossed
c. Body facing away from the sender
d. Body leaning in towards the sender

Create a 3 – minute video together with your best friend and talk about your ambitions in life.
Be proactive in asking questions and giving answers when asked by your best friend.

Prepared by:


English Teacher

Checked by:

School Principal – I

Date: June 15, 2023

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