Trauma History Questionnaire: Crime-Related Events
Trauma History Questionnaire: Crime-Related Events
Trauma History Questionnaire: Crime-Related Events
The following is a series of questions about serious or traumatic life events. These types of events actually occur
with some regularity, although we would like to believe they are rare, and they affect how people feel about, react
to, and/or think about things subsequently. Knowing about the occurrence of such events, and reactions to them,
will help us to develop programs for prevention, education, and other services. The questionnaire is divided into
questions covering crime experiences, general disaster and trauma questions, and questions about physical and
sexual experiences.
For each event, please indicate (circle) whether it happened and, if it did, the number of times and your
approximate age when it happened (give your best guess if you are not sure). Also note the nature of your
relationship to the person involved and the specific nature of the event, if appropriate.
Has anyone ever tried to take something directly from you by using
1 No Yes
force or the threat of force, such as a stick-up or mugging?
Has anyone ever attempted to rob you or actually robbed you (i.e.,
2 No Yes
stolen your personal belongings)?
Have you ever been in any other situation in which you were
9 seriously injured? (If yes, please specify below) No Yes
Have you ever been in any other situation in which you feared you
10 might be killed or seriously injured? (If yes, please specify below) No Yes
Have you ever seen someone seriously injured or killed? (If yes,
11 please specify who below) No Yes
Have you ever seen dead bodies (other than at a funeral) or had to
12 handle dead bodies for any reason? (If yes, please specify below) No Yes
Have you ever had a spouse, romantic partner, or child die? (If yes,
please specify relationship below)
14 No Yes
Has anyone ever touched private parts of your body, or made you
touch theirs, under force or threat? (If yes, please indicate nature
of relationship with person [e.g., stranger, friend, relative, parent,
19 No Yes
sibling] below)