CO-1: Tutorials Tutorial-1

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CO-1: Tutorials


1. Encode the word MATHEMATICS using the Matrix concept.

2. Using the Matrix concept obtain the secret code for the word FIRE MISSILE.
3. Convert the following sentence into its equivalent secret form by using Matrix concept
4. Ava invests a total of $1,000 in three accounts, one paying 5% interest, another paying
5% interest, and the third paying 8% interest. The annual interest earned on the three
investments last year was $570. The amount invested at 9% was twice the amount
invested at 5%. Determine the coefficient Matrix and find the rank of the phenomena.
5. A florist is making 5 identical bridesmaid bouquets for a wedding. She has $510 to spend
(including tax) and wants 20 flowers for each bouquet. Roses cost $4 each, tulips
cost $2 each, and lilies cost $3 each. She wants to have twice as many roses as the
other 2 flowers combined in each bouquet. Obtain the rank of the coefficient matrix of
the phenomena.


1. The admission fee at a small fair is $1.50 for children and $4.00 for adults. On a certain
day, 2200 people enter and the fair $5050 is collected. Use Gauss-elimination method to
determine number of children and adults attended. (c+a=2200,1.5c+4a=5050; ans
2. Ram, Raj, and Ravi go to a restaurant for lunch and order three different items. Ram
orders 2 plates of fried rice, 3 plates of chicken pieces and 1-plate of curd rice. Raj orders
1 plate of fried rice, 2 plates of chicken pieces and 3 plates of curd rice. Ravi orders 3
plates of fried rice, 1 plate of chicken pieces and 2 plates of curd rice. Ram’s bill costs
$9, Raj’s costs $6, and Ravi’s costs $8. Apply Gauss elimination method to determine the
plate cost of each item.
3. An electrical engineer supervises the production of three types of electrical components.
Three kinds of material metal, plastic, and rubber are requiring for production. The
amounts needed to produce each component are
component Metal Plastic Rubber
(g/com) (g/com) (g/com
1 15 0.30 1.0
2 17 0.40 1.2
3 19 0.55 1.5
If totals of 3.89, 0.095 and 0.282 kg of metal, plastic and rubber respectively are available
each day then apply Gauss Seidel method to determine how many components can be
produced per day.
4. Ace Novelty wishes to produce three types of souvenirs: types A, B, and C. To
manufacture a type-A souvenir requires 5 minutes on machine I, 2 minute on machine II,
and 3 minutes on machine III. A type-B souvenir requires 2 minute on machine I, 3
minutes on machine II, and 4 minute on machine III. A type-C souvenir requires 3 minute
on machine I and 4 minutes on machines II and 1 minute on machine III. There are 14
min available on machine I, 20 min available on machine II, and 14 min available on
machine III for processing the order. How many souvenirs of each type should Ace
Novelty make in order to use all of the available time, determine the mathematical
formulation to the problem and solve it by using Gauss-Seidel method up to two
5. Apply Gauss- Seidel method to determine the current flowing in each branch of the
following circuits where R1=5, R2=5, R3=1, R4=6, R5=4, R6=2, E(T)=20V.


1. Verify the system dX/dt=AX is stable or not where A = [ 13 42] also find the eigen

2. Two eigen values of the matrix A = are equal to 1 each. Determine the
eigen values of A-1.

3. If two eigen values of are 3 and 15 then find the third eigen value.

4. If A = then determine the eigen values of A2 and A3.

5. Reduce the Quadratic form 6 x 2+ 3 y 2+3 z 2−4 xy−2 yz +4 xz to the sum of squares
CO-2: Tutorials


1. A relation R is defined on the set of integers’ Z ‘ by “a R b if a – b is divisible by 5” for

a, b ∈ Z. Examine if R is an equivalence relation on Z or not.
2. Verify the inclusion ⊆ is a partial ordering on the power set of a set S.
3. Let P= {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6} be ordered by the usual relation “less than or equal to”. Draw the
Hasse diagram.
4. Draw the Hasse diagram for divisibility on the set {2, 3, 5, 9, 12, 15, 18}.
5. Check whether the following diagram represents Hasse diagram.

a. b.

1. Draw the Hasse diagram of P= {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6} ordered by divisibility i.e., a ≤ b ⇔a/b
2. Let A = {a, b, c }. Then verify [ P(A) ; ⊆ ] is a poset or not
3. Construct the state table for the finite-state machine with the state diagram shown in
figure below:

4. Construct the state diagram for the finite-state machine with the state table shown below
1. Determine (p → q) and ¬p ∨q are logically equivalent or not
2. Verify whether the following compound statement is a tautology or not, using truth table
¬(p → q)→¬q
3. Use rules of inference to show the hypotheses “Allen is a bad boy or Hillary is a good
girl” and “Allen is a good boy or David is happy” imply the conclusion “Hillary is a good
girl or David is happy.”

4. The recurrence relation for the number of ways to lay out a walkway with slate tiles if the
tiles are red, green, or gray, so that no two red tiles are adjacent and tiles of the same
color are considered indistinguishable is taken as an=2an-1+2an-2 for n≥2 with initial
conditions a0=1, a1=3. Determine the number of ways to lay out a path of seven tiles as

5. Find all solutions of the recurrence relation an = an−1 + an−2 + 2n with initial conditions a0 =
0, a1 = 0.
CO-3 – Tutorials


1. Construct a graph whose adjacency matrix is given below.

[ ]
0 1 1 0 0
1 0 1 0 1
1 1 0 1 0
0 0 1 0 1
0 1 0 1 0
2. Draw the undirected graph G corresponding to the adjacency matrix

1 0 1 1 0
0 0 2 0 1
1 2 0 0 0
1 0 0 1 1
0 1 0 1 0

3. Find the adjacency matrix for the given graph

4. Determine whether the following graph is a simple graph, multi graph and obtain the
degree of each vertex.

a b c

e d f
5. Use to represent adjacency and incidence matrix to the following pseudograph.
1. Draw a graph representing the problem of three houses and three utilities water, gas
and electricity.
2. Can five houses be connected to two utilities without connections crossing?
3. Company X has offices in cities B, D and K; Company Y in cities B and M; Company Z
in cities C and M. Represent this situation by a bipartite graph. Is this a complete
bipartite graph?
4. Is the following graph a complete bipartite graph?

1. Apply Kruskal’s and prims algorithm to obtain minimal spanning tree for the
following graph

2. Find minimum spanning tree for the following graph G using Kruskal’s and Prims
3. Use Kruskal’and Prims’s algorithm to find a minimum spanning tree in the weighted
graph shown in Figure


1. A small town has one fire engine and one ambulance available for emergencies. The
probability that the fire engine is available when needed is 0.98, and the probability that
the ambulance is available when called is 0.92. In the event of an injury resulting from a
burning building, Determine the probability that i) both the ambulance and the fire engine
will be available. ii) ambulance or fire engine available.
2. A company has four machines A,B,C, and D manufacturing mobiles. The machines A, B,
C, D produce 50%, 25%, 15% and 10% mobiles respectively. The percentages of
defective mobiles produced by the machines A, B, C, D are 2%, 1%, 1% and 0.5%
respectively. Out the output, one mobile is chosen at random. Determine the probability
that it is defective mobile.
3. An industrial plant is conducting a study to determine how quickly injured workers are
back on the job following injury. Records show that 20% of all injured workers are
admitted to the hospital for treatment and 10% are back on the job the next day. In
addition, studies show that 1% are both admitted for hospital treatment and back on the
job the next day. If a worker is injured, obtain the probability that the worker will be
admitted to a hospital.

Tutorial 11

1. A driver keeps a record of the distance travelled and the amount of fuel in his tank on
a long journey
Distance Travelled(k.m.) 0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Fuel in tank (Lt) 80 73 67 61 52 46 37
Illustrate the data with a scatter plot.
2. Power-generating facilities used forecasts of temperature to forecast energy demand.
The average temperature x (degrees Fahrenheit) and the day’s energy
demand y (million watt-hours) were recorded on 40 randomly selected winter days in
the region served by a power company. The sample data are summarized by the
following information.
n=40, ∑x=2000, ∑y=2969, ∑xy=143042, ∑x2=101340, ∑y2=243027
Compute the linear correlation coefficient for these sample data and interpret its
meaning in the context of the problem.

3. An experiment was conducted on a new model of a particular make of an automobile

to determine the stopping distance at various speeds. The following data were
Speed, x(km/hr) 35 50 65 80 9 110
Stopping distance(y) 16 26 41 62 8 119

a. Fit a regression curve of the form y =a+bx+cx2.

b. Estimate the stopping distance when the car is travelling at 70 kilometre’s
per hour.


1. If 5 of a company’s 12 delivery trucks do not meet emission standard and 4 of the 12

trucks are randomly picked for inspection. Obtain the probability that none of them meets
emission standards?
2. Traffic police plan to enforce speed limits by using radar traps at 4 different locations
within the city limits. The radar traps at each of the location 1 2 3
L , L , L , and L
4 are
operated 40%, 30%, 20% and 10% of the time and if a person who is speeding on his way
to work has probabilities of 0.2, 0.1, 0.5 and 0.2 respectively, of passing through these
locations, Determine the probability that he will receive a speeding ticket?
3. A company uses three different assembly lines-A 1, A2 and A3 –to manufacture a particular
component. Of those manufactured by line A1, 5% need rework to remedy a defect,
whereas 8% of A2’s components need rework and 10% of A3’s need rework. Suppose that
50% of all components are produced by line A 1, 30% are produced by line A2, and 20%
come from line A3. If a randomly selected component needs rework, Compute the
probability of the defective line?

4. The following data were taken from a milk carton sold in North Carolina.
Temperature(0F) 30 40 50 60 70

Shelf life (days) 10 10 3.5 1.0 .5

i) Is this data set looks linear, but is it really?

ii) How is shelf life affected by storage temperature?
5. In this experiment, simple pendulums of different lengths were constructed, and their
periods measured.
Length(m) 83 70 60 49

Period(Sec) 1.83 1.68 1.56 1.41

i) Is this data set looks linear, but is it really? what effect does length have on the period
of a simple pendulum?

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