Detailed Lesson Plan in Creative Nonfiction

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At the end of the lesson, learners should be able to:
1. Define and differentiate the various forms of personal narratives.
2. Write a draft of creative nonfiction piece based on memorable real-life experience.
3. Discern the importance of autobiographical writing in highlighting one’s real-life experience.


Featuring the Story of Life: Writing Personal Narratives

1. Quarter 2: Module 9: Writing a Piece from a Memorable Real-Life Experience
2. Microsoft PowerPoint
3. Messenger; Google Meet; Google Slides


Objectives Teaching Time

Teacher’s Tasks Learners’ Tasks
Strategies Allotment
1. Engage:
(Review of previous Good morning/afternoon class. Good
lesson) Today, we are going to have morning/afternoon
another lesson in Creative ma’am.

For a start, first we will review the

previous lesson.
Select, Using PPT slides, You have to unscramble the
develop, the teacher presents following sets of letters to form
organize and a short quiz to terms related to forms of creative
use learners to review nonfiction.
appropriate the previous lesson.
teaching and
1. harpygobi (Clue: It Ma’am, the answer
portrays the for item number 1, is
including ICT,
experience s of all biography.
to address
events occurring in the
learning goals. life of a person). The answer for item 10 mins.
2. aegloretuv (Clue: It number 2, is
is a piece of writing travelogue.
about travel)
3. eimmor (Clue: It And for item number
came from a French 3, it’s memoir.
word that means
memory or
The teacher then
checks if the learners
got the answers
Select, Easy, right? You are correct that a
develop, biography portrays the
organize and experiences of all events occurring
use in the life of a person. It is a little bit
appropriate different from an autobiography with
teaching and reference to who writes it. A
learning travelogue, on the other hand, is a
resources, travel account. It can be write-up
about a place, culture, festival, or
food. When you write a memoir,
ICT, to At this point, the you are reminiscing a particular
address teacher proceeds to event in your (or someone’s) life.
learning the next lesson.
We shall be discussing more of
these particularly autobiography
and its various forms as well as the
requisite skills for writing them.
But before that, let us have a short
2. Explore: 1. Do you have an idea what an An autobiography
(Activation of Prior autobiography is? How is it different ma’am, is the life
Knowledge:) from a biography? story of a person
written by no other
The teacher asks the but himself, while a
learners a question, biography is the life
then proceeds to the story of a certain
knowledge of
brainstorming activity. person (usually very
content within 10 mins.
and across
written by another
teaching areas
Recall and name three (3) events in
your lives. Then decide which one
could be an interesting topic for an
autobiography in our succeeding
4. Explain.
(Activation of Prior

When the students are 2.What is the importance of writing is important
done with autobiographical writing in or is valuable in
brainstorming, the highlighting one’s real-life highlighting one’s
teacher will ask the experiences? real-life experiences
class a question: in the sense that:
(Answers may vary). Paraphrase: Why do you think it is * it gives us an
important that we write significant opportunity for
events in our life? introspection
5 mins.
*and as we write
Apply significant events in
knowledge of our lives, we are
content within able to reflect on
and across them and make
curriculum corrections on
teaching areas ourselves or our
actions in the past.
*We become aware
of ourselves and our
mistakes, so we can
do something about
knowledge of
content within
and across
teaching areas

knowledge of
content within
and across
teaching areas

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learned from the said experience.

In a nutshell, reflective essays
constitute a critical examination of a
life experience.



Apply 1. Write down key points to share.

knowledge of 2. Identify the purpose of writing
content within 3. Create a timeline of events.
and across 4. Do an outline.
curriculum 5. Make the story more credible by
teaching areas using names, places, and dates
6. Use descriptive details and

(Refer to Module 9 pp. 10-14 for

more on this)

(Application) We are almost done with this

lesson, we have defined personal
At this point, the narratives and its various forms
teacher will such as autobiography, memoir,
summarize the lesson and reflective essay. Now, let us
and gives a quick recap important things you have Yes, ma’am.
review to check on learned.
comprehension. What is a personal narrative? It can be something
written for private
enjoyment or it
could be something
that is intended to
be shared to inspire
or inform others,

Very good! That is correct.

Next question, what is the Ma’am, an

difference between an autobiography can
Apply autobiography and a memoir? cover an entire span 3 mins.
knowledge of of a life, whereas, a
content within memoir is usually
and across centered on a
curriculum specific part of a life
teaching areas (e.g., an important
turning point in a
person’s life, a
memorable story, or
group of touchstone
That is correct! Wow, you’ve been
very attentive during the lecture.
Keep it up.

You have just learned various forms

The teacher will of personal narratives: This time,
instruct learners on you are going to accomplish the
how to do the graphic organizer for Activity 4
following activity: (Module 9, p.16). Using that part of
your life, in the brainstorming
Activity 4: activity, plot out the events of your 2 mins.
The Journey of My life using the template found on p.
Life 16 of Module 9. You may write your
draft on a yellow pad paper.
Yes, ma’am.

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5. Evaluate.
(Assessment) For the final output of this lesson,
you are going to do Activity 7
(Module 9, p.19).
The teacher will
instruct learners on For activity 7: Nostalgia; A Story
how to do the from the Heart, you are going to
following activity: organize your ideas and start the
writing stage. Please follow the
guidelines in preparing your final
Activity 7: 1. Decide on a medium to use:
Mapping Memoir from English, Filipino, or vernacular
Memories 2. Write your chosen narrative
(Autobiography, Memoir, or
reflective Essay)
3. If you have the luxury of a
She will give options computer and printer, print your
to students in the output on an 8.5 x 11 bond paper.
production of their Use Arial font, size 11 with a line
Plan & deliver
outputs considering spacing of 1.15 and moderate
their situation at this margins. Don’t forget the 5 mins.
time of the pandemic, pagination on the lower right part of
responsive to
and that other the pages.
students live in far- 4. You may also want your output
flung barangays and handwritten. Observe proper
needs of
do not have access to margins and indent your
learners in
technology. paragraphs.
5. The output shall have a cover
page with the title Nostalgia: A
Story from the Heart and your name
in the next line followed by your
grade and strand and section.
6. Be guided with the rubric for
your chosen personal narrative
(please refer to Module 9 pp.20-22).

So, is everything clear?

The teacher will also Should you have any questions
make herself available regarding this activity, feel free to
to students should contact me on our messenger
they have any group chat or you may also send Yes, ma’am.
questions or concerns me a private message.
regarding the lesson. Thank you, ma’am,
Here ends our lesson for CNF. for teaching us.
Have a great day! See you again on Good bye, and stay
our next meeting. Stay safe safe too!

Lesson Duration 45 mins.

Prepared by: Noted by:


T- III, Subject Teacher/Ratee MT-I, Class

Observer/Rater Approved by:


School Principal II

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