Training Need Analysis in Reliance Money Synopsis

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The broad objective of the study of training policies in Reliance Money is to study the impact of
training on the overall skill development of workers. The specific objectives of the study are:
1. To examine the effectiveness of training in overall development of skills of workforce.
2. To examine the impact of training on the workers.
3. To study the changes in behavioral pattern due to training.
4. To measure the differential change in output due to training
5. To compare the cost effectiveness in implanting training programmes.

1. Job design in identifying training needs: In the context, it is important to point out that it is
relatively difficult to carry out a training needs identification unless the job description are
explicit and clear. Job description requires job analysis which would give the range of task of the
various categories of jobs and skills and competencies required to complete theses jobs. Such an
inventorisation and classification of competencies would then have to be followed up by the
delineation of standard. The available level of skill/ competencies would need to be mapped as
the actual state of affairs. The standard minus the actual would lead to the identification of the
training needs.

2. Human Resources information system in identifying training need: No identification of

training need is possible unless there is a proper and a sensitive human resources information
system. A promotion while appearing to be a seemingly innocuous act has implications for
recruitment , development, training, wages, span of control and indeed, at times, the process of
work flow itself. These requirements show why human resources information system has to be
sensitively designed. If the organizations are larger than a given size, a certain type of storage
and retrieval system become inherent: ad hoc system does not work. Proper software for filing
information is a must and these can only be organization specific.

3. Training needs identification by analysis of work problem in an organization: As mention

earlier, a training need may also be identified by the analysis of the work problem. When an
organization is quite clearly operating at a sub – optimal level and its outcome is below
acceptable standards, there is need to go into a sensitive analysis of work problems. One need to
identify what are the deficiencies and measures, if there is lack of awareness or an absence of
skill or a short fall in knowledge, that is creating disfunctionality.
 Interview
 Preparation of the summary expressed
 Recommendation of fall back site
 Questionnaire design

 Descriptive Design.

2. Sample Size:
To understand the training and development scenario at Reliance Mobile and what the trainee
really feels about the training they have undergone and further what kind of training they look
for. Do they really look for any kind of training or not? To study the above aspect we covered
almost about 40 people from almost all the department at of the company Reliance Mobile


 Primary data collected through questionnaires and informal interviews.
 Secondary data collected through magazines, journals, websites, and other corporate


 Communication, asking questions and receiving a response in person
 Visiting the various organizations, libraries, internet and also preparation of the
questionnaire with the help of the project guide.

5. Data entry and analysis

It has been an uphill task to enter the enormous data received through the questionnaire which
consisted nearly 10 questions. Response to the descriptive questions though very few, but was
valuable for the purpose of study. Hence these were further structured in time with the system
adopted for compilation and data analysis.

6. Limitations
Every scientific study has certain limitations and the present study is no more exception. These
1. The terminology used in the subject is highly technical in nature and creates a lot of
2. All the secondary data are required were not available.
3. Respondents were found hesitant in revealing opinion about supervisors and

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