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Michigan Early Days 1800s 1900s Photographer Directory

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Directory of Early Michigan Photographers

David V. Tinder

Edited by Clayton A. Lewis

Copyright © 2013 David V. Tinder; William L. Clements Library,
University of Michigan

William L. Clements Library, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor

Online edition updated December 2013.
The Directory of Early Michigan Photographers, compiled over several decades,
identifies virtually every known commercial and significant amateur photographer that
worked in the state of Michigan from the first known appearances in the 1840s into the
early twentieth century. The author, David V. Tinder, is recognized as the top authority
on early Michigan photography. Tinder’s work sets a new standard for inclusiveness,
scope, and detail for directories of this type. While a dearth of information has kept some
entries brief, the lives of many have been traced “from the cradle to the grave,” as Dave
likes to say. With over 8,000 records, the Directory stands as an unsurpassed resource for
historians, collectors, curators, archivists, genealogists, and anyone interested in the early
history of photography in the United States.
David V. Tinder was born in Lima, Ohio, in 1926 and moved to Flint, Michigan,
as a child. He served in the United States Navy as an electronic technician's mate until he
was honorably discharged in July of 1946. Dave Tinder attended Flint Junior College for
one year before transferring to the University of Michigan, which awarded him a
Bachelor of Science degree in Physics in 1949.
Tinder spent the majority of his career as a project engineer and product
development manager for automotive manufacturers and suppliers in the Detroit area.
Tinder developed many successful designs and has been issued sixteen United States
patents plus a number in foreign countries. Dave Tinder retired from United
Technologies Automotive Products Division in 1990.
Tinder’s interest and expertise in Michigan photographers was born from his
collecting habits. In the late 1950s he was accumulating antique leaded glass lamps, art
glass, ceramics, Art Nouveau pewter, and Japanese bronzes. Inspired by William C.
Darrah’s 1964 book Stereo Views: A History of Stereographs in America and Their
Collection, he amassed a large collection of international photographic stereo views. By
the early 1970s he began trading his international collection for Michigan stereos and
began seriously collecting other early photographic formats related to Michigan.
Eventually this would include examples of virtually every popular photographic format
used by both professional and amateur photographers in the first century of photography.
With his collection now focused on Michigan images, Tinder became interested in
documenting the lives and work of 19th century Michigan photographers and began
creating his directory. The combination of collecting Michigan photographs and
researching Michigan photographers focused Tinder’s interest and advanced his detailed
knowledge of the subject. Over time, Tinder expanded the scope of his collection to
include real-photo postcards and other formats from the 20th century, and the research
period for the Directory was elongated to include photographers who were active before
1920. Tinder’s Directory of Early Michigan Photography now covers more than 8,000
men and women who played significant roles in the first eighty years of the business and
the Tinder collection contains approximately 100,000 vintage photographs.
The significance of both of these achievements came to the attention of the
William L. Clements Library at the University of Michigan, and a close relationship has
grown between Tinder and the library. Clements Library Associates Board Member
David B. Walters purchased the Tinder photo collection in 2006 and has been
incrementally donating it to the Clements Library in honor of Harold L. Walters,
University of Michigan class of 1947, Engineering, and Marilyn S. Walters, University of
Michigan class of 1950, LS&A. Dave Tinder agreed to make the text of his directory
available online through the library website.
The Directory of Early Michigan Photographers and the David V. Tinder
Collection of Michigan Photography at the Clements Library is a unique combination of
intertwined resources that will lead towards a more vivid understanding of our history,
how people, places, and events were recorded in our visual cultural, and a clearer concept
of our identity as Americans in Michigan.
Dave Tinder continues to actively collect Michigan images and is enthusiastically
revising and expanding the Directory of Early Michigan Photography for the next

Clayton Lewis
Curator of Graphics
William L. Clements Library
University of Michigan

February, 2014
Users guide
The Directory of Early Michigan Photographers is a resource for photograph collectors,
archivists, historians, genealogists, and those with a general interest in photographic history. The
organization of the directory is designed to identify and track the careers of individual photographers, to
assist with researching specific photographs, and to provide a basis for the analysis of trends within the
history of photography.
The directory lists professional and significant amateur photographers active in the state of
Michigan from the first to appear in 1842 to those active before 1920. The cutoff date was established to
include the significant impact of real photo postcard photography in the first decades of the twentieth
century. Some exceptions have been made to this cutoff date. For example, there were likely many
African Americans involved in early photography as anonymous assistants, but very few were doing
business under their own names prior to 1900. For this reason, some African American photographers
who began business after 1920 have been included.
Many of the best-known photographers who worked in Michigan at some point in their careers
did so after 1920 and are therefore not included in this directory. Excluded are notable artists such as
Charles Sheeler, Harry Callahan, Robert Frank, Bill Rauhauser, and many others.
This publication is organized in three main parts: Users Guide, Community Directory, and
Alphabetical Directory. The Users Guide provides information on the directory structure, search tips,
notes on research methodology, and a glossary. The Community Directory lists the chronological
appearance of individual photographers in each Michigan town from the advent of photography to the
1920s. The Alphabetical Directory lists over 8000 individual photographers with information on their
careers, genealogy, and life history. This section is the core of the directory and contains by far the most
extensive information. Activity by Michigan photographers out-of-state, and in other professions may
also be included. The complete directory totals over 2800 pages.
Community Directory structure and contents
The names of Michigan towns and cities appear alphabetically, with the names of photographers
active in each community listed in chronological order of appearance. Also listed is the county, year of
railroad arrival, and post office establishment for each locale.
Alphabetical Directory structure and contents
Most entries begin with a chronological listing of what is known of the career of the individual.
Following the name of the entry and the locale, the word “photographer” or “daguerrean” or “artist,” etc.
appears in either lower case or all capitalized form. Please note that those entries in all capitalize form
(PHOTOGRAPHER) represent professional activity under that name; those in lower case
(photographer) represent the work of an amateur or an employee.
A hyphen between two dates (1863-1866) indicates continuity, while a comma between two
dates (1863,1866) carries no implication about the intervening years. An attempt to present a reasonable
biographical and vocational sketch of each individual has been made, based on all the information
available at the time of publication. Sources are indicated in the column to the right in the alphabetical
directory listings. Numbers refer to the footnotes that immediately follow the entry. Letters refer to the
source codes listed in Appendix I of frequently used sources.
I. Frequently used sources
II. Glossary of photographic terms

Research tips
The Community Directory can help with the attribution of photographs when the place and date
are known or can be deduced. Patterns of migration and growth can also be followed through this
This directory is in Adobe Portable Document Format and can be opened using Adobe Acrobat
Reader. (At the time of publishing, Adobe Acrobat Reader can be downloaded at no charge via internet
from: http://www.adobe.com and is often previously installed on many personal computers and tablets.)
The Directory's large size may discourage scrolling page by page. Opening the "Bookmarks"
feature within the Acrobat Reader will allow for the quick jumping through the directory. The "Find"
feature will allow for keyword searches.
Names can be located three ways: by slowly scrolling down the pages until the name you are
searching for appears; by clicking on a bookmark and scrolling from that point; or by using the “Find”
feature of Adobe Acrobat Reader. This feature can also be used to find any word or combination of
words in the directory. For example, to compile a list of tintype photographers in Michigan, use the
“Find” feature to search for “tintype.” Make note of the name and repeat the find for the next subsequent
appearance. By this method, a list can be compiled of tintype photographers.
Terms used to describe women, African Americans, Native Americans, etc. are not necessarily
consistent within the directory. For example, to locate African American subjects, try searching for
"black" as well as "African American." To locate women, look for "Miss, Mrs.," as well as "woman,"
and "female."
When known, information on photographic processes, business practices, and parallel careers are
noted. From this directory the migration of photographers can be tracked from town to town and in some
cases, across state lines. Also included are physical descriptions and significant life events, when known.
This information can assist in the identification of photographs taken by known photographers of
unknown locations, track the advent and obsolescence of various processes, study the effects of military
service on career paths, and many other fields of research. Detailed biographies of some individual
Michigan photographers exist in other publications, but for many, the biographical information
contained in this publication is the most complete information known.

To cite the information found in this directory, please use: Tinder, David V. Directory of Early
Michigan Photographers. William L. Clements Library, University of Michigan, 2013; online edition.
Community Directory
What follows is an alphabetical list of each town in which a photographer was situated, the county in which the town was located,
a little information about the timing of the development of the town, and a chronological list of the photographers that worked in
the town. The first date is the earliest year that the photographer is known to have worked in the town, and the second date is the
last year that the photographer is known to have worked there. There is no assurance that the photographer worked in the town
continuously between the two dates. See the individual entries for more specific information about the photographer’s career.
Single dates preceded by “circa" were estimated by the compiler from whatever information was available. The photographers in
each town are listed in chronological order of the first date and then in alphabetical order of the last name of the photographer.

Ada, Kent County, postoffice 1837, railroad 1858.

1876-1876 Schellhous, Loran W., Mrs. 1907-1907 Ryket, Ernest W.
circa 1898 Walter, C. E. circa 1910 Archibald, P. K.

Adamsville, Cass County, postoffice 1831.

circa 1885 Boyer, A. P.

Addison, Lenawee County, postoffice as Manetau 1838, postoffice as Addison 1852, railroad 1883.
1864-1867 Wheeler, John C. 1892-1897 Crownover, James 1905-1931 Tingley, Willis H.
circa 1890 Elwood, Fred W. 1898-1899 Johnson, T. M.
1892-1893 Crownour, J. 1900-1901 Kempton, Aaron G.

Adrian, Lenawee County seat since 1836, postoffice 1829, railroad 1836.
1850-1865 Merrick, G. W. 1867-1868 Wallin, Charles E. 1890-1890 Eddy, Frank B.
1850-1850 Sheldon & Moulton 1869-1870 Marvin & Hawkins 1890-1904 Stephenson, Jerome J.
1856-1891 Foster, Julius A. 1869-1877 Marvin, George W. 1890-1891 Tucker, Ozro F.
1859-1862 Frary, Francis L. circa 1870 Foster, John S. circa 1892 Eldredge, G. H. & Co.
1859-1865 Merrick & Barber circa 1872 Duncan, David 1892-1899 Brown, Millard Pease
1860-1860 Lammon, Benjamin B. 1872-1875 Carpenter, Frank W. 1894-1908 Brown, Gertrude A., Mrs.
1862-1867 Abrams, Noble 1872-1873 Haight & Marvin 1894-1903 Limbacher, Frederick
1862-1868 Aldrich, Asa Wilson circa 1873 Stafford, Charles 1894-1940 Metler, Amasa E.
1862-1865 Clement, Mary J., Mrs. 1874-1874 Carpenter, T. N. circa 1895 Glatz, B.
1862-1863 Cummings, Carlos A. 1874-1875 Carpenter & Hall 1898-1899 Lewis, Arthur P.
1862-1863 Fowler, James 1874-1885 Chrisman, John F. 1899-1899 Waddell, Jennie & Mary
1862-1863 Hoag, J. M. & A. J. 1874-1882 Hall, William 1900-1900 Barnum, W. T. & F. S.
1862-1879 Hoag, James M. 1874-1874 Hawkins Brothers 1900-1900 Waddell & Mills
1862-1864 Thompson, Charles V. 1874-1874 Marvin & Sheakley 1902-1903 Limbacher, Thomas
1863-1864 Hoag & Pierce 1874-1874 Sheakley, Josiah C. 1904-1931 Frost Brothers
1864-1865 Cathcart, Nelson H. 1875-1889 Meyerhuber, Frederick M. 1904-1946 Limbacher, Thomas, Jr.
1864-1865 Gaylord, Edward B. 1876-1883 Donaldson, George T. 1906-1907 Wickman, George H.
1864-1868 Morris, Joseph W. 1876-1878 Great Westrn Copying Co 1908-1913 Lovejoy, Frank
1864-1865 Murphy, Henry 1879-1879 Hawkins, Charles F. 1908-1917 McCune, George H.
1865-1867 Bateman, Christopher T. 1880-1883 Graybiel, Edwin circa 1910 Mullennix, Ernest T.
1865-1867 Lyman & Haight 1880-1883 Spencer, David H. 1910-1911 Powell, Daniel
1865-1867 Norton, Sequester R. 1882-1923 Barnum, Frank S. 1911-1911 Godkin Brothers
1865-1866 Wheeler, John C. 1882-1882 Hall & Kimball 1915-1916 Dewey, La Verne I.
circa 1866 Hoag & Powell 1884-1897 Fairbanks, Orin D. 1924-1932 Barnum, Harriet, Mrs.
1866-1911 Ford, Frank Perry 1884-1888 Kidney, William F. 1929-1929 Gallup’s Specialty Shop
1866-1878 Haight, James R. 1884-1885 Spencer, George E. 1932-1932 Camp Studio
1866-1867 Mason, Austin Z. 1885-1894 Fairbanks, Charles H. 1932-1932 Gallant, Thomas C.
1866-1867 Norton & Ford 1885-1885 Mendenhall & Storey 1932-1932 Peoples Studio, W. N.
1867-1870 Greenwald, John P. 1888-1895 Eldredge, George H. 1934-1934 Bransby Studio
1867-1870 Irish, Charles H. 1890-1890 Dewey, Wallace W. 1934-1934 Eldredge, Ormond K.

Advance, Charlevoix County, postoffice 1870.

1904-1905 Sooze, Edward

Agricultural College, Ingham County, postoffice 1884, railroad 1900, became East Lansing in 1907.
circa 1902 Walter, C. E.
Akron, Tuscola County, postoffice 1857, railroad 1882.
1892-1895 Thompson, J. B. 1906-1913 Merry, William H. 1920-1923 Howe, O. M.
1899-1899 Claxton, George W. 1914-1915 Daily, C. H.

Alanson, Emmet County, postoffice as Hinman 1877, postoffice as Alanson 1882, railroad 1882.
circa 1883 Kay, William 1911-1911 Peterson, A. M. 1914-1915 McPierson, Hattie, Mrs.
circa 1895 Fairbairn, W. W. 1912-1913 Deibert, William H.

Alaska, Kent County, postoffice as Brownville 1855, postoffice as Alaska 1868.

1870-1870 Hull, George F.

Alba, Antrim County, railroad 1874, postoffice as Cascade 1877, postoffice as Alba 1878.
1900-1900 Tickner, Adelbert G. circa 1909 Blair, _______ 1910-1910 Pidgeon, _______
1908-1908 Jones, _______ circa 1910 Post, _______ 1910-1910 Wilson, _______

Albion, Calhoun County, postoffice 1838, railroad 1844.

1842-1842 Rockwell, _______ 1888-1891 Mast, John Edward 1906-1909 Whitney, Corty J.
1857-1869 Cassidy, Hillery S. 1888-1890 Nix, Edwin 1907-1913 Bennett, Don M.
1860-1863 Chafy, Thomas W. 1890-1891 Avery, Charles Thomas 1907-1907 Ransom, _______
1862-1864 Cassady, William J. 1891-1897 Burgess, Harrison L. 1908-1909 Felger, Charles H.
1863-1865 Nye, Simmons S. 1891-1894 Ford, Earl L. 1908-1908 Smith & Mudge
1864-1865 Brooks, Caleb Stanley 1892-1893 Whalen, Abel J. 1908-1909 Standish, Norman P.
1864-1865 Knight, William W. 1893-1895 Welsh, Forbes C. 1909-1909 Gribble, Clint
1865-1872 Nye, Clark O. 1894-1903 Halstead, John R. 1910-1911 Erard, Charles M.
1865-1866 Spencer, Hoyt S. 1894-1898 Neal, Frederick J. circa 1911 Rood, _______
1866-1867 Bigelow, Lyman G. 1894-1895 Scott, Jay H. 1911-1923 Grant, Walter
1868-1873 Trumbull, Lyman J. 1894-1895 Welsh & Neal 1912-1927 Globe Slide & Film Co.
1872-1873 Fisher, Byron O. 1896-1910 Hartung, Philip C. 1912-1912 Manning, _______
1872-1873 Trumbull & Crispell 1896-1897 Neal & Eaton 1913-1913 Corbett, _______
1873-1873 Foster, B. O. 1897-1897 Glascoff Brothers 1913-1915 Thornton, Alfred
1874-1887 Graves, Edward L. circa 1898 Overholt, John W. 1915-1915 Bardeen, _______
1874-1877 Linaberry, Alfred G. 1898-1909 Fry, Cassius M. 1916-1917 Tuttle, Burton C.
1878-1885 Ball, Julius A. 1898-1908 Priestly, Kate J., Miss 1920-1931 Pike, Frank W.
1880-1881 Colby, Hattie S., Miss 1898-1899 Wasson, Elmer J. 1924-1925 Grant, Anna, Mrs.
1885-1887 Nix, Frank H. 1899-1899 Welch, _______ 1926-1927 Lee Stamp Studio
1887-1888 Upham, G. W. 1900-1909 Halstead, Z. Taylor 1926-1939 Ludwig, Harland A.
1888-1888 Hamilton, James 1904-1905 Hull, Charles M.
1888-1890 McIntire, Hervey H. 1906-1927 Smith, J. Clifford

Alden, Antrim County, postoffice as Spencer Creek 1869, postoffice as Alden 1892, railroad 1892.
circa 1905 Frazine, Rollen 1910-1910 Pitman & Beebe
1910-1910 Park, C. 1911-1911 Lyon & Son

Algansee, Branch County, postoffice 1845.

circa 1905 Brainard, Inez M.

Alger, Arenac County, railroad 1871, postoffice 1884.

1894-1897 Jones, C. A. circa 1915 Draher, Paul E.

Algonac, Saint Clair County port 1805, postoffice as Plainfield 1826, postoffice as Algonac 1843, railroad 1898.
1865-1866 Clough, George J. 1902-1903 Stephenson, Steven D. 1909-1909 Tripp, _______
1892-1893 Lindeman, Fred circa 1905 Pollis, Herman F.

Algonquin, Ontonagon County, postoffice 1850.

1865-1865 Price, Charles W.
Allegan, Allegan County seat, postoffice 1833, railroad 1868.
1855-1866 Green, John A. 1876-1877 Lonsbury & Agrell circa 1895 Himes, _______
1860-1860 Jeffers, Perley M. circa 1877 Atwater, Garrison & Geo. circa 1895 Lindsay, D. D.
1862-1862 Higgenbothen & Selkrig 1878-1878 Atwater, Garrison & Co. 1896-1901 Porter, Harry M.
1862-1891 Lonsbury, George W. 1878-1879 Atwater & Garrison circa 1897 Deter, _______
circa 1863 Higinbotham & Green 1878-1879 National Photo. View & 1906-1908 Baker, Herbert
1863-1865 Green & Lauder circa 1880 Briggs, Frederick L. 1906-1907 Baker, Webster
1863-1864 Mapes, Mary circa 1880 Hathaway, John D. 1910-1921 Baker, May, Mrs.
1864-1865 Schorno, Joseph 1882-1895 Porter, Morris H. 1910-1911 Withrow, M. L.
1865-1866 Green & Jeffers 1886-1891 Stockman, William G. 1912-1923 King, Edward H.
1865-1910 Lonsbury, Henry E. circa 1887 Knapp, Gaylord A. 1916-1917 Fisher & Musk
circa 1869 Mowry, Ephraim L. 1888-1891 Lonsbury & Knapp 1920-1931 Nielsen, N. Fred
1869-1870 Strong, Nelson F. 1892-1905 Blair, Wilson H. 1930-1931 Hokanson & Jensen
1874-1881 Agrell, Charles G. 1892-1892 McKee, J. E.
1874-1875 Stark, _______ circa 1894 Hopper, Malcolm C.

Allen, Hillsdale County, p.o. as Sylvanus 1830, railroad 1850 at Allen’s Station one mile north, postoffice as Allen 1868.
circa 1895 Joiner & Eaton 1895-1903 Eaton, Carp D.

Allenton, Saint Clair County, railroad 1882, postoffice as Smith 1883, postoffice as Allenton 1910.
1912-1912 Mills, William J. 1915-1932 Rattray, James H.

Alma, Gratiot County, postoffice 1858, railroad 1875.

1866-1867 Killam, P. B. 1892-1895 Osborn, Fred E. 1905-1905 Sharp, L. W.
1869-1885 Davidson, John E. 1896-1898 Christensen, Jesse 1906-1911 Horn, Charles E.
1886-1887 Hormig, William F. 1898-1902 Green, Rolland E. 1910-1910 Boardman, Rose, Mrs.
circa 1887 Miller, L. W. & Company 1898-1899 Sperry, Eric Otho 1911-1911 Boardman, Alfred E.
1887-1891 Miller, Lysander W. 1898-1898 Tromp, Garrit 1912-1931 Baker, Willard E.
1888-1888 Lyon, Elias W. 1902-1903 Seidler, F. J. 1918-1927 Griffin, H. C.
circa 1890 Banister, _______ 1903-1903 Seidler, J. W. 1918-1918 Martin, John
circa 1890 Banister & Company 1904-1905 Porter, Earl G. 1930-1931 Bowers, Orville J.
1890-1894 Lewis, Charles E. circa 1905 Siedler, _______
1890-1891 Miller & Smith 1905-1909 Case, S. W.

Almont, Lapeer County, postoffice as Bristol 1835, postoffice as Almont 1846, railroad 1882.
1859-1860 Wayleigh, G. 1874-1875 Matson, George C. 1888-1891 Carmichael, Albert S.
1862-1867 Hallock, Dewitt C. circa 1875 Irwin, L. A. circa 1890 Thompson, G. R.
1863-1863 Hinks, Elizabeth circa 1877 Gillett, Jedediah B. 1892-1895 Carson, William A.
1863-1864 Monroe & McDermand circa 1877 McIntyre, William 1898-1923 Hancock, Allen
circa 1866 Wade, Lucius N. 1878-1879 Watson, George
1866-1867 Cowles, Mary A., Miss circa 1885 Hulbert, Henry

Alpena, Alpena County seat, port 1835, postoffice 1857, railroad 1886.
1866-1866 King, Ransom J. 1890-1890 Daton, John M. 1898-1898 LaPine & Cook
circa 1868 Cornish & Stocking 1891-1891 Webb, Theron E. 1898-1909 Venners, Arthur W.
1872-1881 Cain, William Charles 1892-1913 Miller, Leonidas M. 1903-1903 Hillier, George H.
circa 1876 Boulton, William 1892-1893 Nielson, Niles K. 1904-1913 Balchen, Hans J.
1880-1881 Genberg, Gustavus A. 1893-1898 LaPine, Frank C. 1908-1909 Farrar, H. E.
1880-1883 Gibson, John Jefferson 1893-1893 Scott, Irwin E. circa 1910 Willson, _______
1882-1883 Gibson, Charles C. circa 1895 LaPine, T. E. 1911-1911 Van Nocker, Edwin H.
1882-1885 Lawson, Alexander J. 1895-1897 Alpena Portrait Co. 1912-1936 Gray, Edward J.
1885-1891 Nicholson, Albert R. 1895-1895 Angell, George R. 1912-1931 Van Nocker, Edward H.
1885-1887 Nicholson & Slaght 1896-1897 Moore, Henry C. 1914-1915 Williams, Julius I.
1887-1889 Des Jardins, Edmund R. circa 1897 Moore, H. C. & Co. circa 1915 Wakefield, _______
1887-1891 Nicholson & Van Deventr 1898-1903 Emmons, Russell B.
1888-1894 Dafoe, John M. 1898-1901 Emmons & DeViney
Amasa, Iron County, postoffice 1891, railroad 1891.
circa 1900 Crow, Isaac E. circa 1900 Crow, I. E. & Wife circa 1915 Premo & Wirtanen

Ann Arbor, Washtenaw County seat, postoffice 1826, railroad 1839.

1844-1844 Hedges & Soliss 1867-1868 Scott, Alexander C. 1901-1903 Miller, Lysander W.
1846-1846 Goodale, L. C. circa 1868 Schopf, _______ 1902-1909 Alexander, Arthur L.
1849-1849 North, William C. 1868-1877 Groves, Deloss P. 1902-1903 Courliss, William
1849-1850 Sheldon & Moulton 1868-1868 Palmer & Scott 1903-1903 Dewitt, Allen
1850-1850 Ranney, _______ 1869-1874 Watson & Company, J. C. 1904-1905 Lawrence, Albert J.
1851-1851 Noble, Alonzo M. circa 1874 Stafford, Charles 1906-1908 Alexander & Company
1851-1852 Stiles, Edmund G. 1874-1893 Lewis, Emerson B. 1906-1926 Lyndon, Alford S.
1852-1855 Parkhurst, A. W. 1874-1896 Speechly, Susan T., Miss 1906-1907 Wright, Emily E., Miss
1855-1857 Cordley, James circa 1877 Grand Central Gallery circa 1908 Benham & Company
1855-1856 Sanders, W. W. 1877-1878 Karberg, William F. 1908-1910 Benham, Albert S.
1855-1865 Scott, John M. circa 1878 Sheehan & Company 1908-1911 Longman, Frank C.
1855-1855 Scott, Noble & Company 1878-1894 Stark, Charles M. 1908-1909 Longman & Williams
1855-1856 Scott & Brother, J. M. circa 1880 Earle, Charles W. 1908-1917 Randall & Pack
1858-1860 Gidley, Edwin E. 1883-1885 Lewis & Gibson 1908-1909 Thompson, W. Willis
1859-1860 Alley, Ezra H. 1884-1885 Story, David D. 1909-1909 Thwaites, _______
1859-1860 Buffington, P. circa 1885 Baker, _______ 1910-1911 Maedel, August
1860-1860 Scott & Glasier circa 1885 Cook, Converse G. 1910-1915 Schmidt, Ernest J.
1860-1860 Scott & Tobey circa 1885 Dafoe, J. W. 1911-1916 Hoppe, Otto F.
1861-1896 Haarer, John 1885-1917 Randall, Herbert 1911-1911 Kitson, Arthur J., Junior
1862-1863 Barr & Speechly 1885-1885 Randall & Burnham 1911-1911 Schmidt & Hoppe
1862-1862 Hale, Jerome H. 1886-1889 Gibson & Company
1912-1926 Maedel, Gottfried C.
1862-1862 Hale, Wallace 1886-1887 Groves, Lunetta D., Mrs.
1912-1913 Minkley, Harry F.
1862-1898 Kelley, Obadiah A. circa 1887 Central Gallery
1914-1916 Coletta, Anthony S.
1862-1863 Tooker, T. Daniel 1888-1888 Baker, Edwin P.
1914-1917 Daines, Carl W.
1862-1863 Truair, J. L. & A. J. 1888-1890 Krueger, Ernest
1914-1916 Daines & Nickels
circa 1863 Barr & Clements circa 1890 Collins, Emmons
1914-1914 Reed Studio Company
1863-1864 Ewell, Edmund C. 1890-1893 Gibson Photograph Gallry
1916-1917 Stoll, George V.
1863-1867 Gillett, George C. 1890-1931 Rentschler, J. Frederick
1916-1923 Swain, George Robert
1863-1867 Stanley, Moses C. 1893-1894 Morgan & Gibson
circa 1864 Conely, William B. 1894-1899 Berryman, Frederick 1918-1924 Randall Studio
circa 1864 Foljambe Brothers 1894-1898 Clark. John J. 1918-1919 Reynolds, Edith L., Mrs.
1864-1866 Calkins, Lorenzo 1894-1896 Cook, Susan T., Mrs. 1918-1922 Stocken, Fred J.
1864-1865 Foster, E. C., Miss 1894-1894 Corlis, A. W. 1918-1918 White’s Studio
1864-1865 Hollister, A. G. 1894-1897 Gibson & Clark 1919-1931 Spedding, Howard L.
1864-1865 Ockford, Charles 1894-1894 Scadin, R. Henry 1920-1920 Derr, _______
1865-1865 Harley, David Saur 1894-1896 Sellman, William R. 1920-1939 Dey, Genevieve C., Mrs.
1865-1867 LeClear, Albert Avery 1894-1895 Tibbott, Charles E. 1920-1926 Lyndon & Company
1865-1866 LeClear, James M. circa 1895 Cooper, Edward P. 1920-1923 MacNitt, Reginald D.
1865-1866 Mason & Adams 1897-1897 John’s Studio 1922-1934 Hanselman, Jacob
1865-1865 Scott & Loomis 1898-1903 Seymour, Oscar Wert 1922-1927 Mahlke, Oscar L.
1866-1866 Markle, William 1898-1945 White, Darwin E. 1925-1925 Sellman, Helen
1866-1866 Speechly & Carpenter 1898-1899 White & Buskirk 1926-1928 Francisco Boyce
1866-1867 LeClear & Robison circa 1900 Arbor Studio 1926-1927 Randall-Maedel Studios
1867-1873 Hall, Ichabod N. circa 1900 Johnson, Fred H. 1929-1945 Francisco Boyce Photo Co
1867-1867 Hobart, Marl E. 1900-1901 Ann Arbor Art Studio 1929-1929 Randall Studios
1867-1871 Palmer, Russell Denison 1900-1900 Eldridge, Mary W., Mrs. 1930-1931 Ann Arbor Photo Shop
1867-1885 Revenaugh, Samuel B. 1900-1900 Haskett, J. F. & D. Allen
1867-1868 Revenaugh & Co., A. O. 1900-1901 Parker, Franklin C.
1867-1870 Revenaugh & Company

Arcadia, Manistee County port 1866, postoffice 1870, railroad 1896.

1904-1913 Stockman, Albert H.
Armada, Macomb County, postoffice 1834, railroad 1869.
1867-1868 Akin, J. G. 1888-1908 Hulbert, Henry 1914-1915 Braidwood, Irving
circa 1873 Leach, Edwin J. circa 1893 Parker, Ella, Mrs. 1916-1916 Gernon, _______
1880-1883 Johnson, Mary L., Mrs. 1910-1910 Hulbert, Minnie L., Mrs.
circa 1885 Clegg & Tillitson circa 1912 Walton, Martin D.

Ashland, Newaygo County, postoffice 1855, railroad 1872.

1888-1889 Clark, Andrew T.

Ashley, Gratiot County, postoffice 1884, railroad 1884.

1890-1897 Daily, Jonas 1902-1902 Lyon, E. W. & Son 1908-1912 Wight, Bert
1890-1891 Devereaux Brothers 1906-1907 Elliot, R. circa 1912 Bowers, Orville J.
1895-1905 Corwin, L. F. 1906-1907 Elliott, J. F.

Assinins, Baraga County, railroad 1883, postoffice 1894.

1907-1907 Faust, Gottfried

Athens, Calhoun County, postoffice 1837, railroad 1889.

1862-1863 Wells, Isaac E. circa 1897 Michigan Photo Company 1908-1909 Dennison, E. E.
circa 1872 Stark, William LeGrand 1899-1899 Drake, M. M. 1910-1911 Johnson, Max A.
circa 1888 Chappell, Eliza B., Mrs. circa 1905 Durfe, O. B. circa 1914 Pierce & Rhodes
1896-1897 Fowler, G. W. 1906-1907 Groff & Johnson

Attica, Lapeer County, postoffice as Mill Station 1867, railroad 1870, postoffice as Attica 1871.
1872-1873 Ball, Sidney R. 1872-1873 Irwin, L. A.

Auburn, Bay County, postoffice as Skinner 1869, postoffice as Auburn 1877, railroad 1889.
1908-1909 Wait, _______ circa 1915 Aleare, A.

Augusta, Kalamazoo County, postoffice 1838, railroad 1846.

1862-1874 Prater, James H. 1894-1897 Macomber, Walter G. circa 1915 Ashton, Harry L.
circa 1867 Bracy, Frank C. 1902-1902 Risley, George E. 1916-1927 Cull, Charles

Au Sable, Iosco County port 1849, postoffice 1856, railroad 1883.

circa 1867 Young, Alexander T. 1890-1894 Martyn, Albert Thomas 1898-1907 Peters, J. F.
1875-1876 Horton, Gilbert D. 1890-1897 Venners, Arthur W. 1911-1911 Bradshaw, Albert J.
1878-1885 Lawson, Alexander J. 1890-1891 Venners & Martyn 1913-1913 Affelt, Harry
1886-1887 Tibbott, Charles E. circa 1891 Baker, Edwin P.
circa 1888 Dubbs & Company 1892-1894 Rumford & Venners

Austin, Oakland County, postoffice 1848.

1864-1864 Fuller, Adelbert C. circa 1910 Rule, _______

Bach, Huron County, railroad 1901, postoffice 1912.

1916-1921 Schwarzkopf, E.

Bad Axe, Huron County seat since 1873, postoffice 1870, burned 1881, railroad 1882.
1888-1890 Post & Van Dusen 1898-1898 Freeland, Walter B. 1911-1915 McDonald, James G.
1888-1890 Van Dusen, M. A. 1899-1907 Lewis, Charles E. 1918-1927 Lewis, Charles W.
1888-1908 Watkins, Russell E. circa 1903 Star Picture Studio 1930-1931 Wilson, Faye F.
circa 1890 Van Deusen, _______ 1906-1931 Lewis, Bertha E., Mrs.

Bagnall, Wexford County, railroad 1888, postoffice as Farnsworth 1889, postoffice as Bagnall 1902.
1911-1911 Gray, M. 1913-1913 Randall, Leon A.

Baldwin, Lake County seat since 1874, postoffice 1872, railroad 1874.
1884-1885 Harcourt, Myron
Bamfield, Alcona County, railroad 1889, postoffice 1922.
1917-1917 Scarlett & Stevens

Bancroft, Shiawassee County, postoffice 1877, railroad 1877.

1884-1890 Misick, Warren A. 1891-1893 Devereaux Brothers 1907-1908 Hoisington, L. E.
1888-1891 Cathcart, Nelson H. circa 1895 Bryant, Dewey D. 1907-1911 Tamlyn, George Wm.
circa 1890 Misick, Mr. & Mrs. W. A. circa 1895 Hutchings, Court R. circa 1908 Vreeland, Egbert L.
1890-1897 Misick, Ida A., Mrs. 1902-1903 Potter, Charles D. 1918-1927 Lewis Charles W.
1891-1895 Devereaux, Albert 1906-1907 Sutton, Ernest B. 1925-1925 Wilson Studio

Bangor, Van Buren County, postoffice 1859, railroad 1871.

1859-1860 Harney & Perry 1896-1899 Whitney, M. Otto 1906-1911 Duram, Bianca, Mrs.
1874-1895 Northup, Lester L. 1898-1899 Funk & Cross 1910-1921 Cook, Fred
1896-1917 Funk, William 1900-1909 Kingston, Carrie, Mrs. 1910-1914 Lewis, D. J.

Bankers, Hillsdale County, railroad 1869, postoffice 1872.

circa 1905 Mohr, Lewis V.

Baraga, Baraga County port 1843, postoffice as Bristol 1869, postoffice as Baraga 1870, railroad 1883.
circa 1890 Wendt & Wagner 1903-1903 Merrifield, Charles T.

Barryton, Mecosta County, postoffice 1894, railroad 1894.

1898-1899 Green, Clyde 1904-1925 Lyon, Elias W. 1909-1909 Lyon & Hoffman
1900-1900 Green, W. C. 1909-1919 Lyon, Floyd R.

Barryville, Barry County, postoffice 1857.

1859-1860 Fuller, Luther J.

Bath, Clinton County, postoffice 1858, railroad 1860.

1912-1912 Aselin, _______
Battle Creek, Calhoun County, postoffice as Garnsey 1832, postoffice as Battle Creek 1834, railroad 1845.
1853-1854 Barker, George W. 1892-1906 Altman, Ray 1914-1919 Schumaker, George M.
1856-1879 Woodworth, Horatio T. 1892-1893 Baker & Altman 1914-1914 Spencer, _______
1860-1860 Piper, John 1892-1894 Merell, Louis K. 1914-1915 Wiley, William E.
1862-1863 Bunker, Hollis P. 1892-1895 Perry & Jones 1914-1915 Wiley & Hall
1862-1863 Hummel, John H. 1893-1893 Murphy, George B. circa 1915 Merchant, E. T.
1863-1864 Bush, Henry F. 1894-1895 Altman & Edelman 1915-1915 Gillett Printing Company
1864-1864 Bush & Huntington 1894-1899 Courteau, Adolphus D. 1915-1923 Johnson, Andrew
1864-1865 Loring, George W. 1894-1910 Reid, Richard 1915-1927 Young, Charles W.
1864-1864 Loring & Leckenby 1894-1895 Reid & Sharpe 1916-1919 Avery, Bert H.
1864-1876 Wright, Sheldon C. 1894-1895 Waterbury, Earl A. 1916-1917 Folkerth, Harry C.
1865-1867 Phillips, Lucius A. 1895-1897 Jenson, Arnold M. 1916-1921 Gilbert, Raymond C.
1865-1867 Tait, Hugh 1896-1896 Wilcox, E. B. 1916-1917 Millman & Gilbert
1867-1886 Miller, John F. 1896-1897 Wright, James F. 1917-1918 Johnson, Ainer R.
1868-1868 Hodgman, Samuel C. 1896-1897 Wright & Jenson circa 1918 Hamm & Funk
1868-1868 Naismith, Alexander 1898-1911 Brigham, John Morrison circa 1918 McIntyre & Hall
1871-1871 Miller, Spencer L. 1898-1901 Canfield, Claude H. 1918-1919 Archbold, Jessie B.
1871-1873 Young, Jackson C. 1899-1903 Horn, Charles E. 1918-1918 Atkins Engraving Company
1872-1873 Youngs, George A. 1899-1915 Morrell, Moses B. 1918-1918 B. C. Photo Company
1873-1883 Crispell, Theron 1899-1899 Stark, J. A. 1918-1923 Corbitt, James H.
1874-1875 Johnson, Theodore D. 1900-1935 Gage Printing Company 1918-1918 David, Frederick J.
1876-1877 Bailey, Robert 1901-1901 Bennett, Delbert 1918-1920 Fuller, Alice S., Mrs.
1876-1887 Burnham, Arthur C. 1901-1901 Morrell, Edmund B. 1918-1935 Funk, Clyde B.
1876-1887 Perry, Edgar H. 1901-1901 Sharpsteen, Samuel L. 1918-1920 Gibson, Amos M.
circa 1877 Woodwoth,H.T.-Bailey,R. 1903-1903 Bennett, Adelbert, Mrs. 1918-1918 Hamm, H. H.
1882-1886 Hull, Sedgewick S. 1904-1906 Fowler, George H. 1918-1919 Kintner, Roy
1882-1885 Hull & Son 1904-1931 Schell, DeLloyd 1918-1921 Lightning Studio
1882-1883 Johnson, Joseph 1904-1904 Schell, O. E. 1918-1918 McIntyre, Bruce R.
1882-1883 Owens, Mark W. 1904-1907 Wagner, Gustus 1918-1918 Nielsen, Frederick N.
1883-1883 Baker, Charles J. circa 1905 McCormick, Thomas 1918-1919 Pike & Hall
1884-1885 Barr & Hayter 1905-1906 Guhl, Anthony C. 1920-1920 Bennett, Claire L., Mrs.
1884-1885 Battle Creek View Co. 1906-1909 Newland, George A. 1920-1921 Charles, Claire L., Mrs.
1884-1887 Perry, E. H. & Son 1906-1913 Topping, Herbert H. 1920-1923 Erard, Charles M.
1884-1897 Perry, Frank E. 1907-1911 Randolph, Lee H. 1920-1931 Wilkinson, John T.
circa 1885 DeVos, _______ 1908-1909 Little, J. A. 1921-1933 Thompson, James C.
circa 1885 Van Nocker & Detrick 1908-1909 Toland & Little 1922-1935 Home Portrait Studio
1885-1885 Garrison, Charles F. 1909-1911 Clarke, Alfred W. 1922-1923 Mapes, Leantha, Miss
1885-1886 Reeve, Herbert D. P. circa 1910 Farmer Fred 1922-1939 Superior Photo Service
1885-1894 Woodward, Leonard F. 1910-1939 Doty, Elmer E. 1924-1925 Berg, Frank A. or C.
1886-1886 Barr, George S. 1910-1910 McLean, Victor A. 1924-1924 Christman Engraving Co
1886-1886 Dell, Charles A. 1911-1911 Dubbs, John H. 1924-1935 Owl Drug Company
1886-1931 Schumaker, Ebbin O. 1911-1911 Miller & Little 1924-1930 Young, Charles W.
1887-1895 Bayley, Richard D. 1911-1940 Suzuki, Yoshi Taro 1926-1927 Dreyer, Orlando M.
1887-1890 Starke, Phillip H. 1911-1911 Townsend. Charles E. 1926-1926 Earl, Harry
1888-1927 Baker, John Howard 1912-1939 Erskine, William H. 1926-1926 Fast Film Service
1888-1891 Fox, William L. 1912-1912 Otte, Nicholas W. 1926-1927 Mock, John C.
1889-1891 Baker & Edelman 1912-1913 Riedell, Burt H. 1929-1931 Central Park Studio
1889-1902 Edelman, Harry A. 1913-1939 Archbold, Douglas B. 1930-1931 Mock, Theo
1889-1890 Foster, W. M. 1913-1913 Downey, Frank 1931-1931 Arcade Portrait Studio
circa 1890 Kidney, William F. 1913-1939 French, W. Rupert 1931-1935 Loring Studio
circa 1890 Marlowe, DeLysle 1913-1913 Fuller, Dana S. 1933-1939 Central Photo Studio
1890-1891 Excelsior Art Company 1913-1913 James, Clifford P. 1935-1935 Grand Leader Dept Store
1890-1891 Gibson & Widman 1913-1913 Lightnin Foto Service 1939-1939 Herrick, Eva E., Mrs.
1890-1891 Mich. Portrait Copying Co 1913-1913 Williams, Dora, Mrs. 1939-1939 Lillie, Martha, Mrs.
1891-1891 Barton, Leamon W. 1914-1915 Johnson, Mary A., Mrs. 1939-1939 Versluis Studios
Bay City, Bay County seat, port 1835, postoffice as Hampton 1846, postoffice as Bay City 1858, railroad 1867.
1863-1866 Frank, Ernst 1887-1887 Walton, Frank G. 1907-1910 Latham, George A.
1864-1864 Campbell, Daniel circa 1888 Colburn & Son 1908-1911 Angell, William D.
1865-1866 Young, Alexander T. 1888-1889 Forsyth, Darwin H. 1908-1938 Olmstead, Frederick O.
1866-1875 Bailey, Adelbert D. 1889-1890 Densham & Voorhees 1908-1909 Slusser, William
1866-1870 Bishop, Thomas P. 1889-1891 Voorhees, J. Martin 1909-1913 Ballard, David L.
1866-1866 Bishop & Brother circa 1890 Beach & Walton 1909-1909 Lange, William H.
1866-1867 Bishop Brothers circa 1890 Eagle Gallery 1909-1911 Zaremba, Joseph E.
1866-1867 Padget, James C. circa 1890 Sutherland & McDonald circa 1910 Globe Picture Company
circa 1867 Colburn & Bailey 1890-1923 Bowers, Arthur A. 1910-1921 Frank’s Studio
1867-1870 Bailey & Scotford 1890-1892 Welcome, _______ 1910-1910 Hart, Anna, Miss
1867-1877 Colburn, Elizur J. 1890-1890 Welcome & Matzinger 1910-1910 Postal Studio
1867-1867 Padget & Colburn 1891-1891 Black, Hamilton 1911-1911 Bocker, Claude C.
1867-1867 Padget & Co., J. C. 1891-1904 Marks, Byron H. 1912-1915 Buehl, Ernest
1867-1876 Scotford, J. Harvey 1891-1891 Smith & Marks 1912-1913 Chandler, Charles W.
1867-1868 Scotford & Bailey circa 1892 Welcome Brothers 1912-1919 Harman Studio, The
1869-1891 Colburn, Charles B. 1892-1925 Harris, Augustus Edward 1912-1914 Wasson, Montie C.
circa 1870 Colburn & Gibson 1892-1894 Marks & Van Campen 1913-1915 Wilkinson, _______
1870-1885 Gibson, John Jefferson 1892-1897 Stone, Edmund J. 1914-1927 Faingold, Samuel
1872-1873 Colburn & Scotford 1892-1894 Van Campen, Fred M. 1914-1919 Verner & Alexander
circa 1873 Honey, John 1892-1901 Williams, George E. S. 1914-1915 Wenona Beach Studio
1873-1874 Colburn, C. B. & E. J. 1893-1893 Stromer, William circa 1915 Satison, _______
1873-1883 Crispell, Theron 1894-1896 Alexander & Williams 1916-1931 Agdanowski, Stanley M.
circa 1874 Colburn Brothers circa 1895 Wiles, _______ 1916-1919 Bramble, E. Shepherd
1874-1875 Canfield, Gilbert J. 1897-1897 Mesler, Fred G. 1916-1925 Miller, William L.
1874-1875 Scotford & Gibson 1898-1910 Dunham, Frank W. 1916-1938 Momburg, Alfred G.
1875-1911 Harman & Verner 1898-1899 MacDonald Brothers 1916-1916 Sharon Studio
1875-1875 Joslin, C. W. 1898-1904 Rogers, John William 1917-1917 Faingold, Max
1878-1887 Miller, Lysander W. 1899-1937 Wasson, Elmer J. 1920-1938 Alexander & Butterfield
1879-1882 Miller, L. W. & Brother circa 1900 Buehl, C. E. 1920-1938 Fellison, Clifford K.
1879-1891 Miller, Leonidas M. 1901-1901 Huey & Thompson 1920-1938 Michigan Photo Company
1880-1889 Parker, Charles W. 1902-1904 Grinnell, William S. 1920-1921 Schutt, Edward G.
1880-1880 Wheeler & Parker 1902-1902 Knore, Wilbert 1922-1933 Crocker, Jaymes L.
1884-1885 Culver, William H. 1904-1911 Baker, William Loyd 1922-1931 Faingold, Louis
1884-1884 Culver & Co., W. H. 1904-1905 Fitch, Frank H. 1924-1926 Roman Photo Studio
1884-1887 Miller Brothers 1904-1905 Hamlin, Flora 1925-1925 Frank Studio
1884-1886 Sterling, George F. 1904-1905 Hutton, Eugene J. 1926-1927 Harris, Jane G., Mrs.
circa 1885 Allen, C. 1905-1907 Bortell, Pearl Clinton 1929-1933 Glidden, Charles C.
circa 1885 New York Gallery 1906-1907 Dinsmore, Wallace W. 1929-1935 Roman Photo Company
1885-1885 Culver & Gibson 1906-1921 Gorzycki, Frank J. 1930-1933 Glidden & Glidden
1885-1885 Werner, Hannen 1906-1911 Hebert, George 1933-1935 Bay Photo Studio
1886-1891 Colburn, Benjamin 1906-1911 Lee, James H. 1935-1935 Dobbs, Wallace E.
1886-1897 Drago, Albert 1906-1907 Pumford, John H. 1935-1935 Excel Photo Studio
circa 1887 Colburn & Company 1906-1913 Smith, Worthy L. 1938-1938 Parker, George A.
1887-1890 Beach, Artemus 1906-1907 Stanton, O. V. 1938-1938 Smith, Darwin C.
1887-1887 Elmer, W. W. 1906-1907 Welch, Frank E. 1938-1938 Townsend, Julian C.
1887-1887 Purvis, Edmond P. 1907-1909 Harris & Latham

Bay Mills, Chippewa County port 1875, postoffice 1879, railroad 1891.
1892-1899 Bell, William J. 1898-1898 Fanjoy, Allan 1900-1901 Young, Andrew E.

Bay Port, Huron County port 1851, postoffice as Bay Port 1872, railroad 1884.
1911-1911 Goepfert, J. M.

Bay Springs, Charlevoix County, postoffice 1884.

1902-1905 White, Charles

Bay View, Emmet County port, postoffice about 1875, railroad 1876.
1896-1896 Peninsular Photogr’c Co 1913-1914 Pinnell & Lindsay
circa 1913 Barlow, _______ 1917-1921 Ford, Leonora

Beal City, Isabella County, postoffice 1892.

1899-1899 Schafer, Frank J.
Bear Lake, Manistee County, postoffice 1865, railroad to Pierport circa 1884, through railroad 1892.
circa 1885 Colburn & Hall 1902-1903 Becktell, K. H. 1919-1924 Erickson, Emil F.
1894-1895 Hanselman, Jacob 1902-1917 Sharp, William H. 1930-1930 Powell, Daniel
1898-1899 Conat, Charles W. 1918-1931 Sorenson, Hans Chris

Beaver Island, Charlevoix County, postoffice 1849.

1850-1856 Atkyn, Doctor

Beaverton, Gladwin County, railroad 1889, postoffice 1891.

1907-1909 DeVogt, Eugene Henry 1908-1909 Hall, Howard

Bedford, Calhoun County, postoffice 1839.

1874-1874 Wentworth, H. S. circa 1890 Hayes, J. W. circa 1893 Macomber, Walter G.

Belden, Wayne County, railroad 1872, postoffice 1873, later called Willow.
1888-1890 Parkes, Thomas H.

Belding, Ionia County, postoffice as Patterson’s Mills 1857, postoffice as Belding 1871, railroad 1872.
1880-1880 Brocks, Henry F. circa 1898 Daniels & Berry circa 1905 Horn, Charles Edwin
1882-1883 Brock, P. circa 1898 Totten, Frank H. 1910-1913 Welte, John George
1888-1923 Menkee, Walter R. 1898-1899 Berry, Joseph T. 1917-1931 Dennis, James N.
1894-1895 Colburn, Charles B. 1900-1903 King, Edward H. 1917-1917 Kimberly, G. P.
1896-1898 Daniels, J. H. 1904-1909 Doty, Elmer E.
1896-1897 Daniels, J. H. & Company 1904-1905 Tuttle, Burton C.

Bellaire, Antrim County seat since 1880, postoffice as Keno 1879, postoffice as Bellaire 1880, railroad 1891.
1887-1893 Harmer, Arthur V. 1896-1897 Judd, William H. E. 1906-1911 Gray, Edward J.
1888-1893 Harmer Brothers 1898-1899 Rohr, Charles 1912-1913 Kirkpatrick, I.
1890-1909 Warner, William G. 1900-1902 Barwise, Joseph 1914-1915 Newton, F. C.
circa 1895 Adams, Ira A. 1900-1901 Warner & Barwise

Belleville, Wayne County, postoffice 1844, railroad 1881.

1862-1863 Mills, Henry 1887-1890 LeRay, Charles L. 1908-1909 Cunningham, John J.
circa 1868 Sanderson, Isaac A. circa 1895 Navarre, J. H.

Bellevue, Eaton County, postoffice 1835, railroad 1870.

1862-1868 Brooks, James C. 1880-1881 Beach, Artemus 1908-1909 Buffham, Alfred T.
1862-1863 Brumfield, Theo M. 1882-1908 Markham, John 1910-1913 Brown, William
1862-1863 Sweet, Joseph circa 1890 Watson, _______ 1916-1917 Beers, C. E.
1863-1864 Richardson, John J. 1890-1891 Fowler, George H. 1916-1919 Roehm, A. Victor
1872-1872 Abel, James circa 1897 Michigan Photo Company 1920-1921 Dexter, T. E.
1876-1877 Farlin, John 1898-1899 Van Nocker, Orson & Ruby
circa 1878 Davenport, G. F. 1900-1900 Tromp, George W.

Bell Oak, Ingham County, postoffice as Locke 1861.

1892-1892 Halstead & Hopkins

Benona, Oceana County, postoffice as New Stony Creek 1855, postoffice as Benona 1857.
circa 1900 Reed, Eva E., Mrs.

Bentley, Bay County, postoffice 1887.

circa 1910 Mills, _______ circa 1910 Sherman, _______ 1914-1914 Dodge, Arthur H.
Benton Harbor, Berrien County port 1860, postoffice 1865, railroad 1871.
circa 1870 Munger, W. H. 1894-1894 Derby & Fredericks 1907-1907 Bradley & Koons
1871-1871 Clark, W. H. 1896-1897 Hamley, George H. 1908-1909 Forbes, G. H.
1872-1877 Wentworth, H. S. 1896-1896 Hanley, George H. 1910-1917 Moyer, William H.
1876-1897 Coates, Alfred E. 1896-1909 Lacy, Albert D. 1910-1910 Moyer, W. H. & Son
1880-1883 Mills, William H. 1896-1896 Rouse, Charlotte 1910-1934 Schneider, Alfred H.
1880-1881 Sawyer, John 1898-1899 Drake, Eddy S. 1910-1911 Schneider’s Studio
circa 1885 Draper, A. A., Mrs. 1899-1907 Lacy, A. D. & Company 1911-1911 Castle Gallery, The
circa 1885 Marble Front Art Gallery 1899-1899 Lacy, A. D. & Wife circa 1912 Hawkins, R. M.
1886-1890 Chapman, Moses V. 1899-1899 Roberts, Myrtel, Miss 1912-1931 Darling, Harry
1886-1889 Chapman & Son 1900-1900 Devoe, Don 1912-1931 Seymour, William H.
1890-1891 Chicago Portr’t, Tin Type 1900-1900 Roberts, Isabell, Mrs. 1915-1917 Hayman, David W.
1890-1908 Prichard, Charles F. 1901-1902 LeClear, Albert Avery 1915-1934 Hoyt & McCaig
1890-1894 Timm, Frederick G. 1902-1902 Hopkins, Charles E. 1928-1931 Martin, Edwin R.
1892-1892 Bradley & Poundstone 1904-1905 Rattliff, Josiah A. 1929-1931 Damon, Elva, Mrs.
1892-1892 Cook, John A. 1906-1912 Sesser, William F. 1929-1929 Seifert, Rudolph M.
1892-1921 Poundstone, John N. 1906-1913 Southworth, Herbert L. 1934-1934 Ellerman Photo Service
1894-1900 Derby, Ella, Mrs. 1907-1909 Bishop, L. C.

Benzonia, Benzie County seat 1873-1894, postoffice 1859, railroad 1889.

1889-1889 Nutting, Walter 1900-1907 Linkletter, Lloyd G.
1890-1893 Waters, Fred 1915-1915 Beeman, Earl

Berne Junction, Huron County, early railroad name for Pigeon, railroad 1883.
circa 1890 Hager & Son

Berrien, Berrien County, postoffice 1832, Berrien Springs since 1836, railroad 1881.
1864-1865 Parker, James circa 1867 Fancher, W. H.

Berrien Center, Berrien County, postoffice 1857, railroad 1882.

1866-1867 Griffin, Henry

Berrien Springs, Berrien County seat 1837 to 1894, p.o. as Berrien 1832, p.o. as Berrien Springs 1836, railroad 1881.
1859-1860 Dun, E. E. 1874-1875 Parker, James 1894-1894 Osborne, R. E.
circa 1865 Tyner, T. C. & O. N. 1882-1894 McCombe, Robert 1900-1921 Dilley, B. Franklin
1865-1866 Tyner, O. N. 1886-1890 Elson, Elon J. 1924-1928 Ullery, Jessie A., Miss
circa 1867 Barnard, _______ 1886-1886 Elson & Farquhar
circa 1867 Tyner, Alex. O. N. 1892-1919 Baldwin, Carl F.

Bessemer, Gogebic County seat, postoffice 1884, railroad 1884.

1888-1888 Bradley, George W. 1892-1894 Corlis, A. W. circa 1918 Irelan, A. E.
1888-1888 Thornbladh, Oluf L. 1892-1894 Corlis & Constable 1924-1927 Click & Zanisky
1888-1891 Wellett, Archibald circa 1895 Whitesides, William 1925-1926 Zamsky, Olda
1890-1891 Tooker, John L. 1902-1923 Chaney, William H.
1892-1902 Constable, James D. 1914-1914 Schublom, John J.

Betzer, Hillsdale County, postoffice 1886.

circa 1890 Mapes, B. C.

Beulah, Benzie County seat since 1916, postoffice 1892.

1904-1911 Lamoreaux, Charles G. 1904-1907 Snell, George 1914-1914 Gibb, Dan

Biggs, Oscoda County, postoffice 1891.

1912-1913 Vaughn, Jasper, Mrs.
Big Rapids, Mecosta County seat, postoffice as Leonard 1857, postoffice as Big Rapids 1859, railroad 1870.
1862-1862 French, Zeriah 1884-1885 Chapman, Edwin A. 1900-1900 Milner, George W.
1866-1866 Knapp, Mulford E. 1884-1885 Randall, Sanford G. 1902-1909 Hanselman, Laura, Mrs.
1867-1868 Hatfield, Deming N. circa 1885 Paulson, _______ 1904-1905 Odle, Guy L.
1869-1870 Louckes, Wesley F. 1886-1887 Carey, Newton J. 1905-1905 Dale, _______
1872-1875 Hobart, Horace O. 1886-1887 Kent, Alfonso L. 1906-1907 Gingrich, Arthur D.
1872-1873 Hobart, H. O. & Co. 1886-1913 Marshall, William E. circa 1910 Big Rapids Post Crd Shop
1874-1875 Conrad, Edmond S. 1888-1890 Atherton, Albert Carl 1910-1915 Earl, Marion E.
1874-1875 Hobart Brothers & Co. 1891-1901 Hanselman, Jacob 1914-1917 Mock, T. F.
1876-1890 Hobart, Marl E. 1892-1895 Smith, Levi H. 1914-1917 Ressequie, E. H.
1876-1877 Keith, Edward R. circa 1894 Nix, F. H. & Son 1916-1917 Engleman, A. F. & V. H.
1876-1885 White, George Jeffery 1894-1913 Nix, Harry E. 1918-1927 Gurley, I. C.
circa 1878 Broach, W. H. circa 1895 Hobart & Lafayette 1918-1923 Miller, O. E.
1878-1884 Vanalstine, Charles W. 1896-1898 Hobart, Lucy E., Mrs. 1930-1931 Haiker, Frank F.
circa 1880 Marsh, Daniel 1898-1898 Photo Novelty Gallery

Birch Run, Saginaw County, postoffice 1854, railroad 1862.

1910-1910 Andrews, _______

Birmingham, Oakland County, postoffice as Bloomfield 1821, postoffice as Birmingham 1838, railroad 1841.
1864-1867 Carlton, C. T., Mrs. circa 1900 Drake, M. M. 1915-1932 Roberts, E. Donald
1896-1899 Tomlinson, Anson W. 1904-1905 Clark, Edgar E. 1924-1941 Arnold, Allen E.

Black River, Alcona County port 1849, postoffice 1877, railroad 1885.
1882-1882 Lawson, Alexander J. circa 1890 Wendt & Wagner circa 1908 Card, Fred

Blacks Corner, Lapeer County, postoffice 1866, Imlay after 1869.

1867-1867 Goss, William B.

Blanchard, Isabella County, postoffice 1878, railroad 1879.

circa 1915 Dennis, F. F. 1916-1916 Thomas, Joseph J.

Blaney, Schoolcraft County, postoffice 1902, railroad circa 1904, Blaney Park since 1936.
1907-1907 Sexton, Fred H.

Blendon, Ottawa County, postoffice 1860.

1866-1866 Webb, Richard I.

Blissfield, Lenawee County, railroad 1837, postoffice 1838.

1862-1863 Irish, Sutties 1876-1877 Dewey, Wallace W. 1890-1891 Whitney, O. R.
1863-1863 Smith, Hosea C. circa 1880 Gregg, M. N. 1892-1894 Elwood, Fred W.
1865-1866 Churchill, Erastus 1880-1881 Ford, Horatio M. 1894-1911 Phillipson, Soloman W.
1872-1875 Morse, Alonzo 1882-1931 Freeman, Dorus G. 1896-1898 Michigan Photo Company
1872-1873 Shakely & Morse 1884-1885 Mays, Jacob 1910-1911 Phillipson, Mary, Mrs.
circa 1873 Brooks, J. A. 1888-1889 Bandeen, James M.

Bloomingdale, Van Buren County, postoffice 1856, railroad 1870.

1886-1887 Edwards, Pembroke S. circa 1897 Evans & Philley 1916-1916 Leader Studio, The
circa 1892 Viall, Mr. & Mrs. F. M. 1906-1907 Paulson, Tressa H., Mrs. 1916-1916 Shattuck, Rex E.
1893-1893 Hopkins, Bertram C. 1911-1912 Taylor, W. F.

Boyne City, Charlevoix County port 1856, postoffice as Boyne 1869, railroad 1893, postoffice as Boyne City 1904.
circa 1888 Boswell, William 1905-1919 Leavenworth, Russell C. 1910-1915 Chase, Ray
1890-1897 Martin, Arthur E. 1906-1907 Chase, Lothario R. 1911-1911 Wilkinson & Kibbey
1898-1900 Ware, Walter 1906-1907 Shugart, C. Lert 1912-1913 Weathers, Edward W.
circa 1898 Enright, _______ 1906-1907 White, Charles 1920-1925 Findlay, Frank M.
circa 1900 Ware & Black circa 1908 Hoffman Brothers 1920-1921 Findlay & Catlin
1900-1903 Black, George A. 1908-1911 Hoffman, C. F. 1930-1931 Russell, William F.
1902-1905 Nix, Theron E. 1908-1913 Wilkinson, Edwin H.
Boyne Falls, Charlevoix County, postoffice 1874, railroad 1874.
1898-1899 Eaton, Henry H.

Bradley, Allegan County, postoffice 1844, railroad 1870.

1859-1860 Selkrig, James E. 1910-1917 McCloud, L. W.

Brady, Kalamazoo County, postoffice 1837, railroad 1867, Vicksburg since 1871
1865-1866 Chard, Elijah 1867-1867 Chard, E., Mrs.
1866-1867 Trumbull & Johnson 1869-1869 Shafer, James M.

Brant, Saginaw County, postoffice 1884.

1911-1912 Moray, John A.

Breckenridge, Gratiot County, postoffice 1873, railroad 1873.

circa 1888 Dailey, Rolland 1892-1894 Kinne, J. W. 1908-1909 Drake, M. W.
circa 1890 Suddaby, C. H. 1897-1899 Potter, Charles D.
1890-1908 McLeod, Alexander 1898-1911 Hill, John Edward

Breedsville, Van Buren County, postoffice 1837, railroad 1871.

1872-1873 Northup, Lester L.

Brent Creek, Genesee County, postoffice 1888, railroad 1888.

circa 1895 Runyan, W. J.

Brightmoor, Wayne County, founded in 1922.

1924-1925 Shugars, Raymond O.

Brighton, Livingston County, postoffice 1836, railroad 1871.

1865-1865 Palmer, William 1880-1902 Fairbanks, Orin D. circa 1900 Neuendorf, William
1867-1867 Butler, George H. 1886-1889 Kelley, Charles A. 1904-1905 Kline, Charles E.
1876-1877 Davis, Samuel 1898-1899 Stark, Charles M. 1906-1907 Taylor, Myron
1878-1879 Lyon, William C. 1898-1898 Tromp & Brothers

Brimley, Chippewa County, railroad 1872, postoffice as Superior 1888, postoffice as Brimley 1896.
1907-1908 Botting, P. K.

Brinton, Isabella County, postoffice as Letson 1886, postoffice as Brinton 1888, railroad 1891.
1894-1894 unnamed 1900-1900 Howell, James W.

Britton, Lenawee County, postoffice as Balch 1881, railroad 1881, postoffice as Britton 1888.
1888-1888 Orr, Robert circa 1900 Seger, Lafayette
1895-1895 Welling’s Studio circa 1909 Lee, Ralph T.

Brockway, Saint Clair County, postoffice 1852.

1886-1887 Saville, George W.

Brockway Center, Saint Clair County, postoffice 1865, railroad 1881, Yale since 1889.
1868-1868 Hubbard, John 1883-1889 Gough, George
1872-1877 Foster, George circa 1888 Lowry, Charles W.

Bronson, Branch County, postoffice as Bronson’s Prairie 1830, railroad 1851, postoffice as Bronson 1871.
1862-1863 Vincent, Joseph circa 1890 Martin, _______ 1906-1908 Ford, George H.
1865-1866 Underhill, Sarah, Mrs. 1890-1895 Boice, G. S. 1906-1915 Noble Art Gallery
1870-1873 Norton, Sequester R. 1894-1895 Tickner, F. J. circa 1910 Paulson & Walker
1874-1877 Rampton, William H. 1896-1897 Monroe, William H. 1910-1911 Paulson, Tressa H., Mrs.
1874-1875 Rampton & Corwin 1898-1903 McLellan, James A., Mrs. 1910-1910 Walker, Claude B.
1884-1884 Brown, E. C. 1898-1898 Morgan, _______, Mrs. circa 1915 Pierce, A. H.
1886-1886 Skinner, Nathan C. 1899-1899 Drake, M. M. 1915-1931 Horton, Nina, Miss
1886-1889 Wolcott, Charles S. 1904-1905 Kimball, N. Mary, Mrs.
Bronsons Harbor, Berrien County port.
1862-1863 Goldman, Elisha H.

Brooklyn, Jackson County, postoffice as Swainesville 1834, postoffice as Brooklyn 1836, railroad 1872.
1862-1865 Pitcher, Mary L. circa 1885 Culver, W. A. 1898-1899 Kelch, Benjamin F.
1862-1863 Prior, Henry S. circa 1885 Eddy, Frank B. 1906-1908 Vedder, V. E.
1863-1864 Osborn, Harriet A., Mrs. 1888-1895 Frost Brothers 1914-1915 Anderson, B. F.
1867-1873 Palmer, Russell Denison 1892-1897 Stephens, Cyrus T. 1918-1919 Waterman, Will
circa 1875 McCowen, William, Jr. circa 1895 S. & C. Galleries
1880-1881 Stark, Charles M. circa 1897 Michigan Photo Company

Brown City, Sanilac County, postoffice as Errol 1880, postoffice as Brown City 1881, railroad 1881.
circa 1890 Hager & Son 1911-1911 Clark, W. E. 1918-1923 Enright, W.
1894-1909 Granger, Austin B. 1914-1917 Snyder, R. B.
1910-1911 Wilder, Clarence L. 1918-1920 Enright, James D.

Brownsville, Cass County, postoffice 1854.

1862-1865 Lee, John 1865-1866 Rickart, George A.

Bruce, Macomb County, postoffice 1835.

1863-1864 Hulsart & McDermand

Bruce Crossing, Ontonagon County, postoffice 1888, railroad 1888.

1900-1905 Saunders, E. H.

Buchanan, Berrien County, postoffice 1848, railroad 1849.

1859-1860 Needham, L. J. circa 1868 Robinson, H. M. 1896-1897 Parks, Nellie, Miss
1862-1864 Churchill, Cyrus B. 1869-1870 Chase, J. W. 1906-1909 Elson, E. J. & Company
1862-1863 McKinney, C. V. circa 1870 Westervelt, James D. 1906-1907 Koon & Bradley
1862-1863 Roe, Sarah E., Miss 1872-1873 Dodge, Finner B. 1906-1913 Schultz, Jacob F.
1865-1907 Cathcart, Marvin 1874-1915 Bradley, Henry E. 1907-1908 Bradley & Koons
1865-1866 Cathcart & Walters circa 1880 Smith, J. Frank circa 1910 Ashbrook, E. W.
1865-1865 Palmer, J. A. 1884-1894 Kerr, Charles E. 1910-1913 Darby, William H.
circa 1866 Hirons, Jonathan 1892-1892 McCombe, Robert 1916-1917 Darby, William H., Mrs.
circa 1867 Cathcart, Mr. & Mrs. M. 1894-1895 Van Ness, William H. 1918-1919 Boote, Ernest H.
circa 1867 Robinson & Hirons 1896-1909 Elson, Elon J. 1920-1931 Ihrie, Maurice L.

Buckley, Wexford County, railroad 1904, postoffice 1906.

1909-1909 Soper, _______ 1910-1911 Colvin, William T.

Burdickville, Leelanau County, postoffice 1868, lumber mills all burned about 1869.
1908-1909 Nephew, Lewin

Burlington, Calhoun County, postoffice 1838, railroad 1870 at Burlington Station 1½ miles southeast.
1859-1860 Smart, E. L. 1893-1893 Withington, Chester R. 1894-1895 Wilkington, C.

Burnside, Lapeer County, postoffice as Allison 1857, postoffice as Burnside 1866.

1908-1908 Peck, E. E.

Burr Oak, Saint Joseph County, postoffice 1837, railroad 1851.

1864-1865 Covey, Daniel B. circa 1887 Ford, Charles H. 1898-1899 Miller, _______
1864-1865 Jennings, Thomas 1888-1889 Hubbard, Robert S. 1902-1905 Parham, Marshall E.
circa 1869 Norton, Sequester R. circa 1893 Ella L. Brown 1906-1907 Parham, Lillian, Miss
1870-1874 Brown, Mark circa 1894 Noyes & Brown 1907-1909 Martin, Frank L.
circa 1872 Brown, Mr. & Mrs. M. circa 1895 Boice, G. S. 1909-1911 Mizner, Stanley S.
1874-1887 Reiterman, William circa 1895 Miller, C. A. 1912-1913 Replogle, Berenice
1874-1875 Reiterman & Swisher 1897-1897 Kelch, Benjamin F.
1876-1877 Goff, Frank L. 1898-1898 Hincher & Deno
Burton, Shiawassee County, railroad 1857, postoffice as Mungerville 1864, postoffice as Burton 1878.
1906-1906 Hibbard, O. J.

Butler, Branch County, postoffice 1853.

1896-1897 Dexter, Clark 1898-1905 McCone, Duly

Byron, Shiawassee County seat until 1836, postoffice 1837, railroad 1885.
1862-1862 Higgins, S. W. 1868-1877 Olmsted, John A. 1900-1901 Fritz & Meier
1862-1864 Huggins, Sarah E., Mrs. 1878-1879 Betterly, William H. 1904-1905 Potter, Charles D.
1865-1865 Jenks & Newman 1891-1895 Devereaux, Albert 1905-1905 Sutton, Earl B.
1865-1866 Phillips, Chauncey 1891-1893 Devereaux Brothers 1910-1911 Ward, William H.
1866-1867 Phillips, Charles 1894-1899 Lawrie, Byron T.

Byron Center, Kent County, railroad 1869, postoffice 1869.

1900-1900 Corning & Perkins 1900-1901 Perkins, Frank P.

Cadillac, Wexford County seat since 1882, railroad 1871, postoffice as Clam Lake 1872, postoffice as Cadillac 1877.
1877-1885 Towle, Henry R. 1894-1927 Welsh, Uriah W. 1904-1915 Welsh Brothers
1880-1880 Lamb, James circa 1895 Neal & Welsh 1906-1911 McComb, William
1882-1899 Bragg, Herbert L. 1896-1901 Bragg & Welsh circa 1910 Holmquist, F.
1883-1884 Bradbeer, A. David 1897-1897 Boardman, Alfred E. 1910-1910 Agrell, Charles G.
1883-1883 Bragg & Bradbeer 1897-1898 Thompson, W. H. 1910-1910 Stanton, Oliver V.
1884-1901 Anderson, John 1898-1913 Anderson, William M. 1911-1927 Sours, Walter E.
1884-1885 Newell, Adelbert 1898-1898 Hincher & Deno 1912-1913 Nemeck, L. A. & J.
1884-1885 Towle, H. R. & Company 1898-1898 Photo Novelty Gallery 1916-1927 Welsh & Sours
circa 1886 Gibson, Charles C. 1898-1899 Wilson, A. W. 1918-1931 Clark, Allen C.
1888-1896 Harmer, William Morrell circa 1900 Stanton, O. V. 1930-1930 Caldwell, Bertha M., Mrs.
1888-1895 Harmer Brothers 1900-1905 Hall, Merchant 1930-1930 Dubbs, John H.
1892-1895 Boswell, William 1900-1903 Hall, W. M. 1930-1931 Mayo Brothers Studio
circa 1894 Thompson, George H. 1900-1900 Payne, Malinda, Miss 1930-1931 Stutsman, Isaac W.
1894-1897 Tweedie, Adelbert T. 1902-1902 Anderson, W. M. & Co.

Caledonia, Kent County, postoffice 1843, railroad 1870, Caledonia Station until 1894.
circa 1885 Austin, Charlew W. 1896-1901 Pinney, Bert 1906-1907 Hoffman, C. Frank
circa 1890 Hayter, Charles H. circa 1897 Kinsey, J. Verne 1908-1909 Webb, Charles F.

California, Branch County, postoffice 1850, railroad 1872 at State Line Station 3 miles south.
1893-1905 Woodruff, W. C.

Calkinsville, Isabella County, postoffice 1873, railroad 1888, Rosebush since 1903.
1900-1902 Briggs, Lathrop J. 1902-1902 Briggs & Company, L. J.
Calumet, Houghton County, postoffice 1866, railroad 1873.
1874-1877 Pinten, Joseph 1894-1931 Steckbaure, William E. 1907-1909 Tyler, Orlando F.
circa 1875 Haarala, Salomon J. 1894-1912 Stolt, John I. 1908-1908 Buck, Arthur W.
circa 1876 Pinten & Brothers 1894-1895 Stolt & Steckbaure 1908-1908 Gallagher & Cutter
1876-1877 Fitzgerald, Thomas circa 1895 Bowden, C. L. 1908-1909 Johnson, A. A. & E. A.
1876-1879 Okerlund, E. Gustav circa 1895 Munroe, J. L. 1908-1923 Schulz, George E.
1876-1877 Retallick, William circa 1895 Pine Street Art Gallery 1910-1911 Campbell, Hugh C.
1880-1887 Haefer, Frederick C. 1898-1901 Tancig, Ignatius 1910-1910 Nelson, Eldred
1882-1883 Steele, Frank 1899-1908 Isler, Adolph F. 1910-1910 Nemeck, L. A. & John
circa 1885 Davies, W. J. 1901-1902 Boetcher & Blakemore 1910-1911 Neinsek, L. A. & Son
1887-1887 Wentworth, _______ 1901-1901 Darling, W. B. 1912-1912 Calumet New Studio
circa 1888 Clough, Henry R. 1902-1905 Day, Carl E. 1912-1912 Nankervis, Russell G.
1892-1919 Herman, Victor 1902-1905 Malmar, John circa 1915 Kukkonen, Charles A.
1892-1895 Herman & Kopp 1903-1905 Gale, George F. 1918-1927 Jarvis, Tyne A.
1892-1895 Kopp, George 1903-1917 Nara, John William 1920-1921 Forster, Ray J.
1892-1895 Rickard, Richard H. 1904-1905 Anderson, Magnus 1920-1931 Marzene, Frank R.
1892-1894 Spitznagel, Joseph circa 1905 Darling, _______ 1922-1923 Forster, Edna M.
1892-1894 Sturtz, O. L. 1906-1909 Wills, Thomas, Junior 1924-1931 Reilly, Robert C.
1893-1893 Walker, E. W. 1907-1921 Novelty Photo Co. 1926-1927 Cloverland Picture Shop

Cambria, Hillsdale County, p.o. as Woodbridge 1840, p.o. as Cambria Mills 1848, p.o. as Cambria 1882.
circa 1890 Keefer, Charles E.

Camden, Hillsdale County, postoffice as Cranbrook 1837, postoffice as Camden 1840.

1874-1874 Grove, J. D. circa 1890 Roose, A. circa 1915 Ware, Lynn
1882-1887 Harper, T. J. 1891-1891 Keefer, Charles E.
circa 1887 Arnold, _______ 1907-1919 Haughey, Ed

Camp Custer, Calhoun County, railroad 1917, postoffice 1918.

circa 1918 Ekmark, _______ 1918-1918 Camp Custer Arcade Stu 1918-1918 Mole & Thomas
circa 1918 Mock & Hamm 1918-1918 Mock, Theodore F.

Camp Grayling, Crawford County, originally Camp Hanson, railroad 1914.

1914-1921 Mann, _______

Canandaigua, Lenawee County, postoffice 1837.

circa 1915 Harlan, C. M.

Capac, Saint Clair County, postoffice 1858, railroad 1870.

circa 1864 Wilder, Jefferson J. circa 1885 Saville, George W. 1900-1931 Locke, William
circa 1875 McCann, David 1890-1895 Fox, Charles A. 1906-1907 Kennedy, Howard J.
circa 1875 Weed, Clarence 1891-1891 Wade & Anderson 1907-1909 Schook, Edward C.
1880-1881 Van Dusen, M. A. 1896-1901 Chapman, Robert
1884-1884 Haight, Eugene M. 1896-1901 Whealy, James

Carleton, Monroe County, railroad 1872, postoffice 1874.

1888-1890 Skidmore, Major F. circa 1895 Tremear, Charles Herbert 1906-1909 Cunningham, John J.
circa 1890 Shook, _______ 1898-1899 Terry, Louis L. 1906-1907 Cunningham & Brown
1890-1891 Hickok, Frank B. 1899-1900 Hamilton, L. L., Mrs. 1908-1931 Lang, George E.
circa 1894 Conant, Joseph D. circa 1900 Navarre, J. H.
circa 1894 Phillipson, Soloman W. 1904-1905 Todd, Clinton J.

Carney, Menominee County, railroad 1872, postoffice 1882.

1913-1913 Lahay, R.
Caro, Tuscola County seat since 1866, postoffice as Tuscola Cernter 1866, postoffice as Caro 1869, railroad 1878.
circa 1870 Oakley, A. L. 1896-1897 Shader & Edgar circa 1910 Trestain, George H.
1876-1880 Webster, Loren 1897-1898 Edgar & Shader 1910-1910 Howe, Luman A.
circa 1880 Webster & Clarkson 1898-1898 Dyer, _______ 1910-1915 Kinyon, Eldrow
1880-1881 Clarkson, James F. 1898-1907 Edgar, Warren B. 1910-1911 Richardson, Lillian, Mrs.
1880-1895 Duck, James L. 1900-1907 Richardson, Samuel J. 1914-1915 Welda, A. H.
1880-1881 Mackenzie & Duck 1900-1900 Riley, Ralph 1916-1919 Findlay, Frank M.
1882-1885 Duck & Clarkson circa 1905 Dosser, E. 1917-1931 Beyette, N. E.
1894-1899 Lewis, Charles E. 1907-1913 Miller, L. K. 1922-1931 Denton, Alonzo
1895-1898 Shader, Dell H. 1908-1909 Miller, Floyd 1924-1931 American Art Studio

Carrollton, Saginaw County port 1835, postoffice 1864, railroad 1867.

1914-1919 Miller, Alexander G. 1930-1930 Miller, Orrie E.

Carrs, Mason County, postoffice 1900.

1897-1911 McDonnell, William

Carson City, Montcalm County, postoffice 1868, railroad 1887.

circa 1876 Allen, L. 1882-1890 Moore, Martin V. 1900-1909 Fife, William C.
1876-1877 Robinson, Frederick 1888-1890 Lyon, Elias W. 1901-1901 Babion, Mabell Waldron
1878-1879 Haley, Nathan D. 1890-1895 Westbrook, Lloyd A. 1910-1913 Brooks, Roy E.
1878-1879 Johnson, Thomas C. 1892-1895 Sliger, Leo circa 1916 Poulson, _______
1880-1881 Riley, Ashley 1896-1900 Adams, Albert A. 1920-1931 Boote, Ernest H.
Carsonville, Sanilac County, postoffice as Farmers1857, railroad 1880, postoffice as Carsonville 1884.
circa 1890 Teeple & Maynard circa 1894 Willert & Paling 1906-1907 Tweedie, Adelbert T.
1890-1891 Maynard, John D. 1894-1897 Willert, Daniel D. 1909-1909 Smith, _______
1892-1895 Chipman, Frank L. 1898-1899 Allan, William J.

Cascade, Kent County, postoffice 1854, railroad 1888.

1894-1895 Walter, C. E.

Casnovia, Muskegon County, postoffice 1851, railroad 1872.

circa 1890 Clark & Houghton 1890-1890 Houghton, Fred W. 1900-1901 Woodward, Fred W.
1890-1891 Clark & Pierson 1892-1899 Earl, Marion E. 1910-1910 Thomas, Arthur O.

Cass City, Tuscola County, postoffice 1868, railroad 1883.

1882-1927 Maier, Jacob 1910-1911 Bingham, Boyd H.
1907-1909 Dunham, Frank W. 1930-1931 Maier, Edward J.

Cassopolis, Cass County seat, postoffice 1832. Cassapolis before 1865, railroad 1870.
1860-1860 Allison, C. C. circa 1870 Chrisman, John F. 1898-1917 Pearson, Lula, Miss
1862-1864 Teitsort, Almanza 1872-1877 Bennett, Leonard E. 1900-1901 Charlton Photo Company
1862-1863 Teitsort, Ira 1878-1881 Deal, Henry O. 1904-1905 Werts, Perry D.
1864-1867 Rugar, Mary L., Mrs. 1880-1888 Tainter, Elmer E. 1910-1921 Owen, Carlton C.
1866-1867 Westervelt, James Dallas 1890-1897 Olin, Charles 1922-1927 Chase(or Chace), Emery B.

Cedar Lake, Montcalm County, railroad 1875, postoffice 1876.

circa 1910 Wilson, Leon S.

Cedar River, Menominee County port 1854, postoffice 1883.

circa 1907 Jacobson, John F. circa 1907 Jacobson Brothers

Cedar Springs, Kent County, postoffice 1857, railroad 1867.

1872-1877 Sellers, L. McKnight 1882-1908 Jones, William H. 1896-1897 Johnson, James W.
circa 1875 Hughes, J. P. circa 1885 Jones, W. H. & Company 1906-1909 Jones, J. H.
1876-1876 Merrill, James L. 1885-1885 Jones, W. H. & Son 1907-1908 Jones & Phillips
1880-1881 Judd, Jacob E. circa 1890 Phillips, R. A. 1910-1925 Kline, Charles E.
Centerville, Tuscola County seat since 1866, postoffice as Tuscola Center 1866, Caro after 1869, railroad 1878.
1866-1867 Wilson, Carlos P.

Central Lake, Antrim County, postoffice 1869, railroad 1892.

1894-1901 Cary, William A. 1900-1901 Barwise, John 1908-1909 Baker, William Loyd
circa 1900 Baker, Orcan 1900-1901 Boardman, Alfred E. 1908-1909 Wilkins, _______
circa 1900 Benton, Charlie 1900-1911 Mathers, Charles E.
circa 1900 Central Lake View Co. 1902-1905 Barwise, Joseph

Centreville, Saint Joseph County seat, postoffice 1833, railroad 1870.

1856-1857 McKibben, R. S. 1867-1870 Brown, Mark circa 1892 Anderson & Kepler
1862-1863 Beerstecher, Charles F. 1867-1867 Weeks, James E. 1896-1897 Quirk, Wylie E.
1862-1863 Eaton, Raymond S. 1870-1870 Burrill Brothers 1911-1911 Baker, _______
1864-1865 Carnes, William F. 1891-1891 Elson, Elon J. 1918-1918 Joy, Sherman D.

Champion, Marquette County, postoffice 1869, railroad 1872.

1888-1891 Winsor, Lemuel 1892-1894 Verville, Archie 1899-1905 Wellett, Archibald
circa 1890 Taylor, John H. 1895-1895 Letcher, James J.

Charlevoix, Charlevoix County seat, port 1852, incorporated as village 1879, railroad 1892.
1877-1877 Butcher, Veronica, Mrs. 1888-1895 Way, Daniel S. 1898-1931 Priest, George W.
1880-1883 Barker, George W. 1890-1897 Bowman, Edward E. circa 1908 Bellinger, W. C.
1884-1887 Bradbeer, A. David 1890-1906 Peaslee, Ernest 1910-1910 Young, E. A.
1888-1889 Parker & Way circa 1892 Bowman & Beatty

Charlotte, Eaton County seat, postoffice 1838, railroad 1868.

1857-1858 Sherwood, George W. 1872-1888 Whalen, Abel J. 1886-1887 Fowler, Mr. & Mrs. G. H.
1859-1867 Kinne, Marintha, Miss circa 1873 Salls & Cheney 1887-1887 McLaughlin, R. R., Miss
1859-1867 Kinne, Misses C. & M. circa 1875 Cheney, A. M. - A. H. Nic 1888-1904 Beardsley, Grenville S.
1862-1863 Chase, M., Miss 1876-1877 Cheney & Co., A. M. 1888-1888 Chapman, Jennie A., Mrs.
1862-1862 Kinne, Marintha& Cyntha 1876-1880 Trask, William S. 1888-1890 Riley, Samuel Sylvester
1863-1865 Fuller, Luther J. 1876-1877 Whalen & Trask 1889-1890 Cassey & Riley
1863-1866 Kinne & Company, M. 1880-1885 Christmas, Henry J. circa 1895 Waterbury, Earl A.
1864-1865 Moore & Co., J. H. 1880-1880 Darling, George C. 1896-1903 Fowler & Co., G. H.
1864-1867 Nichols, Amos P. 1880-1881 Wilcox, Hiram H. 1904-1904 Marsh Art Studio
1864-1865 Spaulding & Co., C. 1882-1887 DeVos, Isaac 1904-1927 Roehm, A. Victor
1865-1865 Fuller & Worden 1882-1883 DeVos & Christmas 1906-1913 Wilcox, Emeret B.
1866-1867 Richard, J. C. 1884-1885 Cheney & Christmas 1908-1909 Sassaman, John Y.
circa 1868 Cheney & Richardson 1884-1903 Fowler, Anna E., Mrs. 1911-1911 Higby, H. A.
1868-1885 Cheney, Alonzo M. 1884-1903 Fowler, George H. 1911-1917 Wagner August G.
1869-1870 Gaylord, J. B. 1884-1885 Fowler & Flower 1916-1916 Goldman, John W.
1869-1870 Sanborn, William E. circa 1885 Christmas & Sharpsteen 1916-1916 Grohman, _______
circa 1870 Central Mich. Copying Co circa 1885 Whalen & Flower 1930-1931 Neilsen, Henry
1872-1874 Hurlbut, David 1886-1887 Chapman, Edwin A. 1930-1931 Roehm’s Studio

Chase, Lake County seat until 1874, postoffice 1872, railroad 1874.
1898-1899 Joiner, Martha S., Mrs. 1910-1910 Baldwin, F. G. 1910-1910 Lacy, _______

Chassell, Houghton County, railroad 1888, postoffice 1888.

1908-1909 Davis, George W. circa 1914 Conant & Sons

Chatham, Alger County, postoffice 1897, railroad 1897.

1906-1907 McClelland, G. W. circa 1917 Spillers, F. F.
Cheboygan, Cheboygan County seat, port 1844, postoffice as Duncan 1846, postoffice as Cheboygan 1870, railroad 1881.
1869-1869 Davis & Farmer circa 1890 Lamont & Stephens 1894-1898 Hoskins, Fernando C.
1874-1875 O’Connor, James circa 1890 Mason & Hoskins 1894-1897 Hoskins, F. C. & A.
1875-1877 Watson, Charles A. 1890-1891 Harriman, Moses C. 1896-1897 Taylor, Fred W.
circa 1880 Tibbott & McInnes 1891-1895 Bradshaw, Albert J. 1898-1899 Darling, William B.
1880-1887 Davidson, William W. 1891-1891 Woodworth, Orion E. 1907-1917 Wheeler, Charles H.
1880-1883 Tibbott, Charles E. circa 1892 Crandall & McBride 1909-1912 Blair & Yeomans
1884-1895 Hoskins, Collin A. 1892-1911 Crandall, Avery B. circa 1911 Johnson, Clyde
1884-1884 Hoskins, W. C. & C. A. 1892-1931 Johnson, John R. 1911-1911 Hagle & Hagle
1884-1887 Wixson, George S. 1892-1894 Lawson & Johnson
1888-1891 Conant, David J. 1892-1895 Prince, J. Charles

Chelsea, Washtenaw County, railroad 1841, postoffice as Kedron 1849, postoffice as Chelsea 1850.
1862-1867 Leach, James A. 1868-1868 Lowe & Updike 1894-1896 Burkhart, Manson L.
1863-1864 Aray, Eglon 1870-1870 Stephenson, Jerome J. circa 1897 Michigan Photo Company
1864-1865 Cornell, Joseph A. 1872-1873 Coates, Sarah, Mrs. 1918-1931 McManus, James D.
1867-1867 Seldon, George 1874-1917 Shaver, Ernest E.

Cherry Hill, Wayne County, postoffice 1897.

circa 1914 Fisher, Lee C.

Chesaning, Saginaw County, postoffice as Northampton 1846, postoffice as Chesaning 1853, railroad 1867.
1865-1865 La Munyon, Ira 1890-1899 Dailey, Rolland 1906-1907 Damon, Ralph
circa 1872 Taylor, Norman 1897-1897 Bottcher, A. F. 1907-1913 Send, George B.
1874-1875 Mesick, Charles L. 1898-1901 Bennett, Miriam L., Mrs. 1911-1919 Pharis, Leon
1876-1877 Misick, Warren A. 1898-1899 Bennett & Son 1914-1923 Ford, Charles C.
1882-1883 Riley, Ashley 1900-1900 Dailey, Isadora, Mrs. 1916-1931 Pharis, Alice
1882-1889 Wrightson, Francis 1900-1903 Hutchings, Court R. 1916-1917 Pharis & Pharis
circa 1885 Sellman, William R. 1904-1905 Baker, Willard E.
1890-1895 Bennett, William S. 1906-1907 Baker, William O.

China, Saint Clair County, postoffice 1835.

1862-1863 Clark, J. S.

Chippewa Lake, Mecosta County, postoffice 1870, railroad 1883.

1910-1913 Thioideau, J. B. 1914-1917 Nott, George D., Mrs.

Choate, Ontonagon County, railroad 1891, postoffice as Sucker Creek 1892, postoffice as Choate 1893.
1898-1901 Radford, C. S.

Church, Hillsdale County, postoffice as Church’s Corners 1870, postoffice as Church 1894.
1900-1900 Tingley, Willis H.

Clam Lake, Wexford County, railroad 1871, postoffice 1872, Cadillac since 1877.
1872-1873 Sessions, Orrin W. 1873-1873 Van Meter, Henry 1874-1877 Towle, Henry R.

Clare, Clare County, railroad 1870, postoffice 1871.

1877-1877 Sargent, _______ 1890-1894 Phinisey & Dixon 1898-1904 Willoughby, Robert J.
1882-1883 Brown, Arthur William 1896-1897 Vander Cook, Ernest A. 1904-1907 Toman, Verona E., Mrs.
1884-1911 DeVogt, Eugene Henry circa 1897 Nix, F. H. & Son 1911-1913 Cartwright, Milton W.
1884-1885 Nix & DeVogt 1898-1898 Penny Photo Gallery 1914-1921 Hulbert, Lucius Claire
circa 1888 Boswell, William 1898-1898 Photo Novelty Gallery 1924-1931 Sterneman, Earl H.

Clark City, Monroe County, postoffice 1855.

1859-1860 Ash, Lyman
Clarkston, Oakland County, postoffice 1840, railroad 1855 at Clarkston Station 2 miles southwest.
1863-1863 Butler, Elijah 1890-1893 Cummins, _______ 1894-1899 Petty, William C.
1863-1865 Lamb, Elizabeth circa 1893 Cummins & Petty
1866-1868 Adams, Beardsley circa 1893 Drake, M. M.

Clarksville, Ionia County, postoffice 1875, railroad 1888.

1890-1890 Van Horn, J. G. 1891-1891 Gunn, Charles B.

Claybanks, Oceana County, postoffice 1855.

circa 1888 McLennan, W. J.

Clayton, Lenawee County, postoffice as East Dover 1837, railroad 1842, postoffice as Clayton 1849.
1862-1863 Nichols, George L. 1897-1897 Ford, Edgar A. 1914-1915 Braidwood, Irving
1865-1866 Palmer, H. E. & Company 1898-1899 Turner, Benjamin 1915-1916 Crownover, James
circa 1896 Frost Brothers 1907-1908 Griffith, _______

Cliff Mine, Keweenaw County.

circa 1865 Young, Alexander T. circa 1868 Retallick, William

Clifford, Lapeer County, postoffice 1864, railroad 1881.

1884-1885 Wright, John 1888-1894 Gillam, Elmer D. circa 1890 Granger, Austin B.

Climax, Kalamazoo County, postoffice 1836, railroad 1872.

1862-1862 Prater, James H. 1869-1869 Hodgman, Francis 1911-1911 Green, Edward B.
1864-1864 Hodgman, Samuel Chase circa 1897 Michigan Photo Company

Clinton, Lenawee County, postoffice 1831, railroad 1855.

1864-1865 Ball, Robert 1874-1875 Bennett, Orra L. 1890-1899 Davis, Frederick W.
1864-1865 Wheeler, S. L. circa 1883 Brown, Millard Pease 1893-1893 Sovereen, A. B.
1865-1866 Hill, Seymour E. 1888-1890 Gibson, George 1900-1901 Wiltsie, Charles O.
circa 1866 Powers, William K. circa 1890 Gibson & Davis 1902-1905 Hillman, Grace, Miss
circa 1868 Montgomery, H. circa 1890 Jenkins, J., Mrs.
Clio, Genesee County, railroad 1862, postoffice 1866.
1872-1875 Oliver, Soloman J. 1886-1889 Brown, Christopher C. 1892-1901 Stevens, Olin D.
circa 1885 Terwilliger, _______ 1890-1891 Tyler, D. S. 1902-1925 Parker, Arthur S.

Cohoctah, Livingston County, railroad 1886, postoffice as East Cohoctah 1887, postoffice as Cohoctah 1908.
1914-1920 Winchell, Edgar D.

Coldwater, Branch County seat since 1842, postoffice 1838, railroad 1851.
1844-1844 Hawes, J. H. circa 1864 Bush & Huntington 1889- 1907 Gowdy, Albert G.
1847-1847 Foster, _______ 1864-1867 Abbey, Lewis C. 1889-1893 Gowdy Brothers
1848-1883 Baker, Hiram, Doctor 1864-1867 Wells, Catherine J., Mrs. circa 1890 McIntire, Hervey H.
1849-1901 Cornwell, Charles Titus 1865-1865 Wiser, Rosina 1890-1890 Drawbaugh & Osborn
1853-1853 Robinson, _______ 1866-1867 Burr, M. 1890-1935 Osborn, Clarence R.
1859-1860 Lackor, M. E., Miss 1867-1877 Tripp, James 1900-1903 Lawrence, John S. A.
1860-1860 Bradley, Robert J. 1869-1870 Tripp & Schellhous 1904-1935 Newman, Chester A.
circa 1862 Denison, S. C. & Co. 1872-1872 Schellhous, L. W., Mrs. 1908-1908 Hills, _______
1862-1863 Cathcart, Nelson H. circa 1875 Walcott, _______ 1909-1917 Donnelly, Jennie C., Mrs.
1862-1864 Colton, Lucinda I. 1877-1877 McClellan, William 1913-1913 Yeatter, George
1862-1863 Denison, S. C. 1878-1883 Kindmark, Edward 1915-1915 Evans, F. R.
1862-1863 Hudson, Sophronia P., Ms 1878-1883 Schaefer, Heinrich 1915-1915 Pierce, A. H.
1862-1864 Morrill, Sarah E., Mrs. 1884-1888 Kleindinst, David 1916-1923 Newman, John F.
1862-1867 Parker, Marcellus Harris 1884-1887 Tiffany, Charles E. 1922-1925 Miner, Frederick S.
1862-1870 Schellhous, Loran W. 1884-1889 Wolcott, Charles S. 1933-1933 Kaufman, Bud
1863-1864 Bottenberg, John M. circa 1885 Avery, _______ 1934-1934 Caswell, Arden
1863-1864 Coppin, Jane, Mrs. 1887-1889 Hughes, John Wesley 1934-1935 Kaufman, D. I., Mrs.
1863-1865 Morrill, Wooster circa 1889 Drawbaugh & Gowdy 1935-1935 Gist, C. O.
Coleman, Midland County, railroad 1870, postoffice 1871.
1894-1895 Phinesy, Theodore W. 1900-1901 Mott, Ollie E. 1904-1917 Hall, Alfred J.
1896-1897 Baker, Willard E. 1902-1903 Eyer, R. V. 1907-1907 Burchnell, _______

Coloma, Berrien County, postoffice 1856, railroad 1871.

1859-1860 Perry, C. C. 1904-1911 Hamilton, James R. 1910-1919 Hamilton, James R., Mrs.
1894-1895 Mack, E. M., Mrs. 1906-1909 Hicks, Walter W. 1918-1930 Stout, Lawrence D.
1896-1901 Crowley, M. J. 1907-1907 Hamilton, Ella M.
1902-1905 Kniebes, Ezra Frederick circa 1908 Coloma Art Studio

Colon, Saint Joseph County, postoffice 1836, railroad 1870.

1858-1863 Schellhous, Loran W. 1898-1920 Shane, Edith, Mrs. 1912-1919 Niendorf, Lawrence H.
1865-1866 Roach, Henry 1902-1903 Johnson, Frank B. circa 1914 Pierce & Rhodes
1866-1867 Griffith, Eliza 1906-1908 Gerls, Thomas W. 1914-1914 Pierce, A. H.
1874-1889 Cornell, Joseph A. 1908-1909 Miller, John W. 1919-1919 Niendorf, C. & Son
circa 1891 Elson, Elon J. 1910-1915 Shaw, J. L.
1898-1905 Johnson, Frank, Mrs. circa 1912 Beckwith, _______

Columbia, Tuscola County, postoffice 1879.

1890-1891 Greenfield, C. A.

Columbiaville, Lapeer County, postoffice 1857, railroad 1872.

1859-1860 Cutting, Levi D. circa 1892 Davis & Vermilya 1908-1932 Vermilya, Albert L.
circa 1870 House, A. A. 1902-1908 Leisaw, William J.
1888-1892 Davis, George circa 1905 Olney, Clyde

Concord, Jackson County, postoffice 1836. , railroad 1870

1862-1863 Taylor, Josiah B. 1890-1891 Avery, Charles Thomas 1898-1899 Neal, Frederick J.
1874-1875 Rhodes, Arthur 1892-1893 Miller & Schmetz circa 1900 Oversmith, L.
circa 1885 Edmondson, Robert 1895-1895 Cook, David J.

Conklin, Ottawa County, railroad 1886, postoffice 1887.

1898-1899 Harris, Norman 1902-1903 Thomas, Arthur 1913-1913 Bennett, John
1901-1901 Coats, Harry F. 1902-1903 Up-To-Date Photo Co.

Constantine, Saint Joseph County, postoffice 1836, railroad 1852.

1854-1858 George, Abraham B. 1867-1870 Abrams, Noble 1890-1898 Avery, Joshua D.
1857-1858 Conn, George C. circa 1868 Chase, R. H. 1892-1895 Shepherdson, Abner E.
1860-1861 Cathcart, _______ 1870-1870 Skinner, Nathan C. 1896-1899 Kepler, William C.
1861-1862 Hodges, John 1870-1875 Webster, A. J. 1896-1899 Van Campen, Fred M.
1862-1863 Moore, Catherine E., Mrs. 1876-1877 Stimson, William F. 1898-1901 Avery, Joshua D., Mrs.
1862-1862 Moore, Charles E. circa 1877 Stimson & Brother, W. F. 1898-1898 Hagerty & Son
1863-1866 Edmiston, John A. 1878-1881 Moyer, David Cares 1904-1908 Lennon, William J.
1863-1863 Tucker, John 1881-1883 Smith, Isaac D. 1908-1909 Scoville, Charles T.
1866-1866 Hogaboom, Stephen V. M circa 1884 Smith, Herb J. 1910-1913 Derr, Schuyler
1866-1866 Roach, Henry 1884-1891 Swain, Arthur C. 1910-1910 Siemens, _______

Conway, Emmet County, postoffice 1882, railroad 1882.

1896-1897 Chaney, O. E.

Cooke Dam, Iosco County, dam construction railroad 1909.

circa 1910 Rouleau, Leo

Cooks, Schoolcraft County, postoffice 1888, railroad 1888.

1907-1907 Sexton, Fred H.
Coopersville, Ottawa County, postoffice as Polkton 1846, railroad 1858, postoffice as Coopersville 1859.
1874-1874 Dixon, Lester circa 1885 Clark, Andrew T. 1894-1907 Payne, Frank E.
1874-1875 Edwards, Pembroke S. circa 1885 Lavender, E. 1908-1909 Tromp, Garrit
1875-1883 Treat, Benjamin F. 1888-1889 Young, John H. circa 1910 Venema, Peter E.
1884-1888 Thurston, Arthur R. 1894-1895 Lavender, Frank R.

Copemish, Manistee County, railroad 1888, postoffice 1890.

1887-1893 Harmer, Arthur V. circa 1895 Flood & Spealman 1903-1931 Armstrong, Henry
1888-1893 Harmer Brothers 1898-1902 Olney, Leo M. 1913-1913 Weller, Loyd G.
circa 1890 Mudge, Archie C. circa 1901 Richardson, Samuel J.

Copperdom, Houghton County.

1902-1902 Hageman, E. O.

Copper Falls Mine, Keweenaw County, postoffice 1860, ore railroad to Eagle River before 1900.
1863-1864 Webster, Francis 1874-1883 Messner, Christian

Copper Harbor, Keweenaw County port 1843, postoffice 1860.

1851-1856 King, _______

Coral, Montcalm County, postoffice 1869, railroad 1871.

1874-1875 Hall, H. M. 1898-1899 Hill, John Edward 1908-1911 Bennett, Frank
1898-1901 Anderson, Clifford A. 1904-1905 Day, Alta, Mrs. 1908-1909 Neal, G. C.
Corey, Cass County, railroad 1871, post office 1872.
circa 1918 Miller, Lester K.

Corunna, Shiawassee County seat since 1839, postoffice 1838, railroad 1856.
1859-1864 Bush, James E. circa 1885 Beardsley, Grenville S. 1900-1907 Duffey, Minnie L., Mrs.
1862-1867 Shuttleworth, James circa 1885 Chase, Newell S. 1900-1919 Duffey, Perry
1863-1879 Jackson, Charles H. circa 1885 Ford, Charles H. 1902-1903 Duffey, P. & M. L.
1864-1865 Worden, William A. circa 1885 Tanner, H. M. circa 1905 Walter, Jennie
1865-1867 Benjamin, Daniel I. circa 1888 Rhodes & Goodell 1906-1906 Brown, _______
1880-1881 Patton, Richard A. 1888-1891 Brown, Murray 1906-1908 Moreau, J.
1882-1931 Moore, Henry C. 1888-1890 Rhodes, Frank B. 1907-1911 Lindsey, W. E.
1883-1883 Tanner, Milton W. 1890-1894 Gage, William H. 1907-1907 Moreau & Wilson
circa 1884 Moore & Goddard 1896-1897 Haughton, R. A., Mrs. 1908-1908 Towler, E. H.
circa 1884 Moore Brothers 1897-1898 Sutton, Arthur J.
1884-1885 Cook, Frank E. 1898-1898 Welte & McLean

Cottrellville, Saint Clair County, postoffice 1827.

circa 1884 Courliss, William

County Line, Saginaw County, railroad 1862, postoffice as Hughesville 1870, postoffice as County Line 1875.
1898-1901 Boyse, F. J.

Cross Village, Emmet County, postoffice 1870.

1906-1909 Ransom, Adelbert 1910-1911 Mason, B. C. 1925-1925 Smolak, Stanley

Croswell, Sanilac County, postoffice as Davisville 1857, postoffice as Croswell 1877, railroad 1879.
1888-1895 Wixson, George S. 1892-1895 Wixson & Robb
1892-1899 Robb, Charles 1900-1931 Tweedie, Adelbert T.

Croton, Newaygo County, postoffice as Stearn’s Mills 1847, postoffice as Croton 1850, dam construction railroad 1906.
1866-1866 Dickinson, Wallace W. 1867-1867 Myers, Lewis S.

Crystal, Montcalm County, postoffice 1857.

1867-1867 Morgridge, William O. 1888-1889 Preston, H. S. 1902-1907 Chapman Brothers
1876-1879 Cronkite, William G. 1898-1899 Smith, T. M.
Crystal Falls, Iron County seat since 1887, postoffice 1881, railroad 1882.
1890-1909 McCourt, James H. 1910-1915 Soderback, Anna 1916-1917 Thomas, William E.
circa 1897 McCourt & Anderson 1912-1912 Molleson, _______ 1918-1921 Conant, Harry Arlington
1902-1905 Nummi, J. A. 1913-1913 Conant, A. 1924-1931 Bell, Charles R.
1906-1907 Neal, Frederick J. 1913-1913 Harmanmaa, John 1926-1927 Ali, Charles

Crystal Valley, Oceana County, postoffice 1871, railroad 1887.

1890-1890 Avery, E. F.

Culver, Kalkaska County, postoffice 1908, railroad 1910.

1909-1909 Lattanner, _______

Custer, Mason County, railroad 1874, postoffice 1878.

1908-1908 Avery, S. L.

Daggett, Menominee County, railroad 1872, postoffice 1880.

1910-1912 Revall, Victor H.

Danby, Ionia County, postoffice 1850, railroad 1869 at Danby Station 3½ miles northeast.
1859-1860 Wyman, William

Dansville, Ingham County, postoffice 1857.

1864-1864 Gibbs, E. R., Mrs. 1874-1875 Havens, Charles circa 1883 Cathcart, Nelson H.
1865-1867 Paine, A. B., Mrs. 1878-1879 Nims, Frank A. circa 1890 Brayton, S.

Davisburg, Oakland County, postoffice 1855, railroad 1855.

1859-1860 Phipps, Joseph H. 1865-1866 Freeman, George S. circa 1875 Monroe Brothers
1864-1865 Pepper, John T. 1874-1875 Monroe, Harvey Gage

Davison, Genesee County, postoffice as Davison Centre 1850, postoffice as Davison 1864, railroad 1871.
1860-1860 Butler, Elijah 1900-1903 Robinson, Walter Samuel circa 1907 Baldridge, Power
1898-1899 Whipple, Frank P. 1906-1907 Richards, Fred J. 1912-1917 Lambert, George B.

Dayton, Berrien County, railroad 1849, postoffice as Redding’s Mills 1850, postoffice as Dayton 1851.
circa 1872 Bradley, Henry E.

Dearborn, Wayne County, postoffice as Dearbornville 1833, railroad 1838, postoffice as Dearborn 1875.
1863-1864 Hale, Walter F. 1891-1891 Tremear, Charles Herbert 1930-1940 Arnold, George N.
1864-1865 Hale, Jerome H. 1910-1910 Runyan, Maynard
1874-1875 Lynn, Hugh 1924-1925 Konze, George

Decatur, Van Buren County, railroad 1848, postoffice as Decatur Depot 1848, postoffice as Decatur 1849.
1863-1864 Gibbs, E. R., Mrs. 1869-1875 Holmes, Joseph Carlisle 1895-1895 Anton, Alvin E.
1863-1865 Tucker, Cornelia M. 1871-1871 Shockley, Ellen 1896-1913 Huff, James I.
circa 1864 Porter & Boughton 1876-1877 McNitt, Tryphena 1900-1901 Graham & Copley
1864-1865 Johnson, L. P. 1876-1890 Prichard, Charles F. 1902-1903 Denyer, D. W.
1864-1865 Summers, M. G., Mrs. circa 1887 McCollum, John E. 1909-1909 Pritchard, P. E.
1865-1897 Boughton, George B. 1890-1893 Auton, Alvin E. 1921-1980 Weeks, Grace E.

Deckerville, Sanilac County, postoffice 1870, railroad 1880, burned 1881.

circa 1890 Teeple, Ernest L. 1897-1897 Wendt, Charles J. 1906-1915 Hudson, Elizabeth M., Mrs.
circa 1895 Allen, _______ 1902-1909 Wedge, James L.
1896-1897 Vannest, Fred A. 1906-1910 Black, George A.

Deerfield, Lenawee County, postoffice as Kedzie’s Grove 1828, postoffice as Deerfield 1837, railroad 1840.
1894-1903 Casey, Charles circa 1895 Navarre, J. H. 1908-1908 Pierce, Arthur H.
circa 1895 Elwood & Conant 1897-1897 Casey, Chester
DeerPark, Luce County, railroad 1881, postoffice 1888.
1894-1894 Fanjoy, Charles A.

Deford, Tuscola County, railroad 1883, postoffice 1884.

1913-1913 Maynard, W. A.

Delray, Wayne County, railroad 1855, postoffice 1870.

1896-1896 Wigle, Joel H. C. 1902-1905 Rouston, Mary M., Mrs. 1902-1902 Rouston, Thomas

Delton, Barry County, postoffice 1877, railroad 1889.

circa 1895 Prince, Thomas J. 1916-1917 Quick, William
1897-1898 Claxton, George W. 1926-1931 Quirk & Quirk

Detour, Chippewa County port 1848, postoffice 1856.

1894-1895 Bell, William J. 1898-1905 Beckett, W. H. 1906-1909 Swoffer, J. E.
circa 1895 Crandall & Company 1906-1921 Goetz, George circa 1918 Hawkins, N. P.

Detroit, Wayne County seat, port 1701, postoffice 1803, railroad 1838.
From October 14 to December 9, 1841, the Detroit Daily Advertiser carried this notice: “Photographic Miniatures by
DAGUERREOTYPE taken in all weathers, at the Republican Building, corner of Jefferson Avenue and Bates Street, 4th story,
directly over the Manhattan Store. Entrance on Bates Street. The Public are requested to call and examine the specimens. Oct 14,
’41.” The same newspaper observed on July 13, 1842, that daguerreotypes were being taken at 117 Jefferson Avenue.
1842-1842 Bashford, _______ 1859-1879 Pierce, David 1864-1864 Raymond & Allen
1843-1843 Clarke, R. W. 1859-1871 Randall, James J. 1864-1865 Sutliff, Thomas
1845-1845 Cook & Winchester 1859-1862 Randolph, Edmund D. 1864-1865 Vander Hide, Christian
1845-1845 Daguerreotype Art Union 1859-1870 Watson, George E. circa 1865 Philbrook, _______
1845-1851 Martin, James E. 1859-1860 Watson & Chope 1865-1866 Bowring, Thomas D.
1846-1846 Williams, D. R. 1860-1901 Bardwell, John Jex 1865-1865 Glass, William B.
1848-1878 Moore, Orlando Dwight 1860-1862 Hart, William P. 1865-1865 Howard, William A.
1848-1849 Moore & Palmer 1860-1863 Langer, Charles 1865-1885 Leonard, Charles Wallace
1850-1860 Nichols, Daniel Bromley 1860-1864 Poore, Freeman 1865-1867 Palmieri, Pascal
1851-1852 Barnum & Dostic 1860-1862 Roberts, William 1865-1877 Van Deusen, Charles H.
1851-1855 Hall, George Evelyn 1860-1860 Secomb, William L. 1865-1867 Van Deusen & Houghton
1851-1873 Sutton, Moses circa 1861 Raymond’s Gallery 1865-1867 Wing, David
1852-1867 Dodge, Luther P. 1861-1870 Hoit, William P. 1866-1872 Cadwallader, John
1852-1853 Dodge & Company 1861-1870 Raymond, James F. 1866-1868 Cadwallader Brothers
1852-1852 McDonnell, _______ 1861-1861 Raymond, James F. & Co. 1866-1875 Parker, Thomas L.
1853-1856 Sutton & Brother 1862-1863 Deming, Franklin S. 1866-1867 Rowell, John
1853-1857 Rose, Miron 1862-1866 Duhring, Frederick 1866-1867 Whitcomb, Henry D.
1854-1854 Hall & St. Alary 1862-1874 Fenerty, John F. circa 1867 Collin, _______
1854-1854 Heath, Joseph L. 1862-1862 Frentz, Hennick circa 1867 Howe, _______
1854-1865 Roberts, John H. 1862-1867 Langer, Anthony J. 1867-1867 Davis, Charles Woodward
1855-1857 Ewell, Edmund C. 1862-1903 Lutge, Frederick Charles 1867-1867 Dick, Adolphus E.
1855-1855 Miller, J. C. 1862-1863 Lutge & Williams 1867-1867 Edmondson, George W.
1855-1856 Ross, Edward 1862-1862 McKenna, James 1867-1867 Edmondson, Hartley
1855-1859 Schwinden & Co., J. 1862-1879 Natus, John 1867-1867 Futvoye, Charles
1855-1864 Thorp, Job L. 1862-1862 Natus, John & Company 1867-1867 Futvoye & Davis
1856-1877 Grelling, Gottshalk 1862-1864 Poore, Mary Ann 1867-1867 Hollister & Dodge
1856-1859 Grelling, G. & Company 1862-1863 Pound, James 1867-1867 Jackson, A.
1856-1856 Weeks, Alexander B. 1862-1862 Schubert, William 1867-1867 Johnson, Thomas H.
1857-1861 Brubaker, Christian 1862-1888 Smith, Daniel J. 1867-1867 Jones, Czar
1857-1861 Wilson, John R. 1863-1867 Beardsley, Sherman E. 1867-1868 Nason, James H.
1858-1861 Andrews, William V. 1863-1864 Miller, Charles F. 1867-1867 Parker & Dick
1858-1868 Millis, Isaac T. 1863-1863 Roberts & Dodge 1867-1867 Parsons, David
1859-1860 Backus, William W. 1863-1865 Saint Alary & Watson 1867-1867 Roney, James M.
1859-1861 Brennan, Michael 1863-1863 Truare, Andrew J. 1867-1875 Wing, Simon
1859-1895 Campbell, Silas William circa 1864 Raymond & Roberts 1867-1867 Wright, James A.
1859-1861 Grelling & Company 1864-1875 Brush, James A. 1868-1868 Anscomb, Edward A.
1859-1900 Johnston, James 1864-1864 Clark, John O. 1868-1868 Hudson, Robert B.
1859-1860 Johnston & Company 1864-1865 Erren, Herman 1868-1869 Parsons, Henry
1859-1861 Kidd, Thomas 1864-1866 Johnson, William H. 1868-1868 Sanderson, Mary H.
1859-1861 Kornrumpf, John 1864-1864 Miller, C. J. 1868-1870 Winchester, Francis E.
1864-1865 Monfort, Archilles W. 1868-1868 Winchester & Co., F. E.
Detroit, continued.
1869-1875 Bankes, William 1877-1882 Hinchey, Patrick J. 1884-1885 Hall, H. M. & Son
1869-1869 Buscey, John S. 1877-1877 Waterman & Watson 1884-1895 Holcombe, Burton J.
1869-1870 Dean, W. W. circa 1878 Flower, Ward B. 1884-1886 Holcombe & Alvord
1869-1869 Doran, F. H. 1878-1879 Bigelow Brothers 1884-1884 Hunter, Conlon & Pierce
1869-1898 Forster, John Thomas 1878-1888 Detroit Viewing Company 1884-1885 Salzmann, William
1869-1869 Forster, Thomas 1878-1879 Dwight, O. D. 1884-1891 Tomlinson, Frank N.
1869-1880 Powelson, Benjamin F. 1878-1878 Heal, George 1884-1885 Watson Gallery
1869-1870 Powelson & Company 1878-1887 Levy, Charles 1884-1884 Weed, A. B.
1869-1869 Raymond & Bardwell 1879-1879 Bigelow & Taylor circa 1885 Henri. J. R.
1869-1877 Ward, Edward 1879-1879 English, James circa 1885 Hunter & Smith
1869-1870 Watson & Brummitt 1879-1911 Freeman, Moody R. 1885-1904 Emhuff, Joseph W.
circa 1870 Fredericks, John C. 1879-1879 Hunter, H. H. & Co. 1885-1918 Imrie, Horace N.
1870-1870 Allen, Robert L. 1879-1881 Kier, James A. 1885-1885 Imrie, Horace & Co.
1870-1884 Pohl, Charles J. F. 1879-1881 Taylor & Taylor 1885-1887 Kiddle, Thomas
1870-1895 Randall, Corydon C. 1879-1883 Tromblay, Edward E. 1885-1885 Reed, W. H.
1870-1870 Rich, J. circa 1880 Manhattan View Co. 1885-1889 Shattuck, Nelson J.
1870-1870 Sanderson, Isaac A. 1880-1905 Allen, Frank W. circa 1886 Excelsior Gallery
1870-1870 Stanton, Eldridge 1880-1881 Boisvert, Joseph A. 1886-1888 Butler & Company, A. C.
1870-1870 Van Deusen & Marsh 1880-1881 Burns & Tromblay 1886-1887 DeLemos, Louis
1871-1871 Clark, Forester 1880-1885 Forster, Charles R. H. 1886-1886 Detroit Viewing Co.
1871-1871 Gies, Charles 1880-1898 Forster, John & Son 1886-1887 Donovan, Michael B.
circa 1872 Johnson, _______ 1880-1907 Foster, John S. 1886-1887 Eagle Art Gallery
circa 1872 Parker & Tyler 1880-1880 Hunter Brothers 1886-1903 Emhuff, William J.
1872-1874 McMillan, Eneas 1880-1881 Mackenzie & Duck 1886-1932 Forster, Henry E.
1872-1873 Pohl Brothers 1880-1891 Millard, Charles A. 1886-1892 Hill, James G.
circa 1873 Central Gallery 1880-1880 Powelson & Millard 1886-1895 Howie, George W., Junior
circa 1873 Detroit View Company 1881-1907 Friend, Ferdinand 1886-1886 Hunter & Gay
1873-1875 Enderlin, Jacob F. 1881-1881 Friend & Owen 1886-1886 Imrie & Company
1874-1876 Eisenhardt, Charles 1881-1883 Hamilton, Daniel H. 1886-1907 McMichael, Alfred G.
1874-1876 Esselstyn, Justus N. 1881-1881 Schneider, John H. 1886-1899 Marratt, William, Junior
1874-1899 Marratt, William circa 1882 Little Frank 1886-1887 Marratt, Junior & Co.
1874-1875 Parker & DeMattos 1882-1882 Boisvert, Azmine, Mrs. 1886-1887 Massnick, Oscar H.
1874-1874 Parker & Marsh 1882-1884 Bracy, Diehl & Company 1886-1886 Morden, George W.
1874-1874 Reed, Robert V. 1882-1891 Diehl, Ambrose J. 1886-1886 Schultz, Otto
1874-1874 Sauer, Cl;emens 1882-1883 Friend & Smith circa 1887 Aubrey, William Howard
1874 1901 Simonds, Joseph S. 1882-1883 Glass, Francis A. circa 1887 Dubbs & Company
1874-1875 Swift, John M. 1882-1898 Smith, Clarence H. circa 1887 Dubbs & Godfrey
1874-1929 Walker, William Judson 1882-1882 Star Photogrph & Tintype circa 1887 Way & Fletcher
1875-1875 Bay Window Gallery 1882-1897 Tomlinson, Anson W. 1887 1917 Allen, Robert R.
1875-1879 Bigelow, Lyman G. 1882-1887 Weed, Clarence L. 1887-1887 Diehl & Sharpsteen
1875-1880 DeForest, David Algen circa 1883 Adams, Wilbur F. 1887-1887 Dubbs, John Howard
1875-1905 Eisenhardt, Constantine circa 1883 Old Wing Gallery 1887-1925 Godfrey, Anthony F.
1875-1891 Hunter, Hiram H. circa 1883 Smith, Charles A. 1887-1887 Pierce, John J.
1875-1876 Jenney, James A. 1883-1913 Aller, Carl 1887-1897 Wynn, Charles G.
1875-1876 Lang, Augustus 1883-1883 Aller, C. & Company 1887-1889 Wynn, C. G. & Company
1875-1875 Swaine, J. Harry 1883-1911 Arthur, James circa 1888 Burkholder, Adin
1875-1875 Walker & Hunter 1883-1897 Arthur & Philbric circa 1888 Elliot & Company
1875-1898 Watson, Joseph E. 1883-1883 Clegg, Edward T. circa 1888 Johnson, _______
circa 1876 Gue & Carpenter 1883-1883 Detroit & Belle Isle Viewg 1888-1889 Baker, Edwin P.
circa 1876 Hadstate & Mintonye 1883-1892 Earle, Charles W. 1888-1934 Balsley, George W.
circa 1876 Stanley, _______ 1883-1884 Earle & Hawley 1888-1889 Bracy & Gibson
circa 1876 Watson & Company 1883-1884 Farmer Brothers 1888-1905 Brooks, Frank D.
1876-1893 Grand Central Gallery 1883-1887 Farmer, Charles W. 1888-1891 Fink, Jacob H.
1876-1883 Hadstate, Hoyte C. 1883-1906 Howie, George William 1888-1888 Genest, Louis
1876-1876 Land & Watson 1883-1883 Hunter & French 1888-1891 Gibson, John Jefferson
1876-1876 Lawrence, John S. A. 1883-1887 Taylor, Augustus B. 1888-1888 Great Western Portrait
1876-1895 Mintonye, John circa 1884 Clegg & Trisket 1888-1888 Harris, Albert M.
1876-1876 Moore & Son, O. D. 1884-1903 Alvord, Charles Edward 1888-1891 Hill & Company, J. G.
1876-1876 Pasco, Richard A. 1884-1921 Baker, Charles Russell 1888-1893 Jeretz & Company, A.
1876-1876 Spengler, George 1884-1885 Baker & Johnson 1888-1889 Kaufer & Brooks
1876-1879 Volk, Herman T. 1884-1884 BeDard, Joseph 1888-1890 Ladd, Burrell W.
1877-1877 Amabile, Zeni 1884-1884 Deplidge, Joseph 1888-1889 Shipley & Ladd
1877-1884 Bradford, Henry John 1884-1887 Diehl & Company, A. J. 1888-1888 Smith, Barbara
Detroit, continued.
1888-1893 Taylor, Theresa V., Mrs. 1892-1927 Hayes & Company, C. M. 1896-1914 Muir, Frank S.
circa 1889 Gibson & Hunt 1892-1892 Hill, Chester T. 1896-1897 Penny, Louis W.
1889-1890 Gibson & Cole 1892-1893 Hormig, William F. 1896-1897 Penny, L. W. & Co.
1889-1890 Holcombe & Metzen 1892-1895 Husher & Co., E. H. 1896-1902 Quatermass, C. W. & Co.
1889-1932 Hughes, John Wesley 1892-1894 LeClear & Major 1896-1899 Sterling, George F.
1889-1889 Hunter & Company 1892-1894 Mann & Schaldenbrand circa 1897 Detroit Novelty Studio
1889-1901 Kirsch, Joseph 1892-1903 Marvin, Edgar A. 1897-1897 Henk, John A.
1889-1890 McMichael & Hughes 1892-1895 Petersen, George A. F. 1897-1921 Hiner, G. Hull
1889-1891 Metzen, Edward J. 1892-1911 Sarjeant, Charles 1897-1898 Lorenz, Max
1889-1890 Michigan Portrait Copyng 1892-1892 Sarjeant & Company 1897-1901 Major, Charles L.
1889-1889 New York Art Gallery 1892-1894 Schaldenbrand, C. August 1897-1899 Sterling & Co., G. F.
1889-1889 New York Gallery 1892-1911 Sowinski, Joseph 1897-1925 Wilkinson, Edwin H.
1889-1891 Thomas & Huyette 1892-1893 Sowinski & Piotrowski circa 1898 Holloway, E.
1889-1889 Tremear, Charles Herbert 1892-1894 Walker, Mabel E., Miss circa 1898 Kuttnauer, Samuel
circa 1890 Alvord & Company 1892-1894 Wynn & Burridge circa 1898 World’s Fair Photo View
circa 1890 Morrell, Sidney B. 1893-1932 Baron, Herman 1898-1898 Bramson Brothers
circa 1890 Peterson, C. B. 1893-1915 Brewe, Charles C. 1898-1898 Deery, Elizabeth E., Miss
circa 1890 Walker & Company 1893-1917 Godfrey & Company, A. 1898-1902 Guinness, Charles W.
circa 1890 Walker & Mabbett 1893-1893 Lawrie & Company 1898-1901 Major & Company, C. L.
circa 1890 Wiley, Charles A. 1893-1893 Smith, Cyrus H. 1898-1901 Michigan Camera & Suply
1890-1907 Alvord & Company 1893-1893 Trav, Edward 1898-1914 Roberts, E. Donald
1890-1891 Angell, Diehl & Company 1894-1894 Barkume, Henry 1898-1944 Spellman, Delmar Driscoe
1890-1891 Bay Window Gallery 1894-1895 Bauer, Frederick J. 1898-1899 Tallman Brothers
1890-1915 Cogan, William P. 1894-1894 Bixby, Frank M. 1899-1903 Bleibel, Gustav
1890-1891 Davis, Charles D. 1894-1934 Clark, Frank Scott 1899-1911 Cave, John H.
1890-1890 Detroit Viewing & Photo 1894-1894 Consolidated Copying Co. 1899-1899 Freeman & Sons, M. R.
1890-1890 Diehl, Ladd & Company 1894-1895 Cooperative Portrait Co. 1899-1925 Hopp, Charles & Co.
1890-1891 French, Cassius M. 1894-1909 French, William L. 1899-1899 Jacks, Frank S.
1890-1898 Greene, Adolphus Warren 1894-1894 Hartington, George 1899-1910 Lemke, John F.
1890-1891 Grottkau, Paul 1894-1895 Holcombe, B. J. & Co. 1899-1899 McElderry, William
1890-1897 Hammer, Henry F. 1894-1905 Hughes & Sarjeant 1899-1919 Merz, Charles J.
1890-1891 International Portrait Co. 1894-1903 Huntington & Clark 1899-1910 Poli, Faustino G.
1890-1890 Jeretz & Company, A. 1894-1895 Husher & Company, E. H. 1899-1899 Smith, Clarence H., Mrs.
1890-1898 Morrell, Sidney B. 1894-1895 McDonald, William 1899-1899 Sterling Company, G. F.
1890-1891 Photo-Keramic Company 1894-1899 People’s Portrait Co. 1899-1915 Van Buren, Amelia C., Ms
1890-1890 Randall & Earle 1894-1895 Price, John M. 1899-1899 Waterbury, Earl A.
1890-1890 Reiss, William F. 1894-1895 Taylor, Fred W. circa 1900 Anstett, Walter V.
1890-1890 Wilson, William J. circa 1895 Barber, Hiram S. circa 1900 Boston Dime Gallery
1890-1891 Smith & Davis circa 1895 Buckeye View Company 1900-1900 Barnard, Harry H.
1890-1891 Walker & Greene circa 1895 Dysert, Louie O. 1900-1900 Cogan & Company, W. P.
1890-1893 Whitmore, Charles E. circa 1895 Emhuff, W. J. & Co. 1900-1900 Detroit Photo Company
circa 1891 Angell & Diehl circa 1895 Michigan View Company 1900-1911 Emick, Emery E.
1891-1891 Chandler, J. H. circa 1895 Stanton, Oliver V. 1900-1932 Hall, Harry Thomas
1891-1908 Detroit Portrait Company 1895-1895 Beach, H. W. 1900-1901 Hamilton, Lois L., Mrs.
1891-1898 Freeman, M. R. & Co. 1895-1896 Devereaux, Alfred 1900-1900 Hedges, George T.
1891-1891 Handman & Fagin 1895-1905 Hughes & Sarjeant 1900-1900 Hillier George H.
1891-1891 Harper & Parsons 1895-1901 Norris, Frank 1900-1903 Hoskins, Fernando C.
1891-1892 Hill Brothers 1895-1917 Photochrom Co., The 1900-1902 Imm & Gernaey
1891-1900 Hillier, George H. 1895-1905 Quatermass, Charles W. 1900-1904 McCann, John A.
1891-1893 Hogan, William J. 1895-1903 Quatermass, C. W. & Co. 1900-1911 Marshick, Martin
1891-1891 Hunter, Hiram H. & Co. 1895-1902 Rouston, Thomas 1900-1903 Marvin & Brown
1891-1895 LeClear, Albert Avery 1895-1895 Union Portrait Company 1900-1900 Richmond, Frederick E.
1891-1891 LeClear, James M. 1895-1895 Whalen & Company 1900-1913 Sexton & Humphry
1891-1891 LeClear Brothers circa 1896 Kepperling, Dudley A. 1900-1900 Shemild, Charles C.
1891-1891 Metzen & Raphael 1896-1897 Atherton, Wm. R. & Co. 1900-1911 Shemild, Wm. Ernest
circa 1892 Detroit Photo Tint & Engr 1896-1896 Collins, Thomas J. 1900-1900 Smith, James
circa 1892 Kirsch & Quatermass 1896-1896 Cull, George 1900-1918 Van Fleet, Margt. V., Mrs.
1892-1892 Earle Photo Company 1896-1897 Emhuff, W. & J. 1900-1900 Walker & Son, Wm. J.
1892-1912 Fisher, Truman S. 1896-1899 Kepler, Edgar A. 1900-1901 Wright, Julian
1892-1894 Fisher & Marvin 1896-1897 Kepler, E. A. & Company 1901-1901 Courtney, Thomas J.
1892-1896 Gardiner, William H. 1896-1898 Kolb, Phillip Christian 1901-1901 Opal Art Company
1892-1893 Hamburger & Huehuchen 1896-1913 Mintonye, John A. 1901-1907 Parker, Joseph B.
1892-1893 Hammond & Gix 1896-1896 Mower & Edwards 1901-1907 Reliable Portrait Co.
Detroit, continued.
1901-1901 Simonds & Baisch 1905-1913 Knittweiss, May M., Miss 1907-1909 Mieczkowski, Anthony F.
1901-1948 Wright, Percival G. 1905-1910 Monroe Studio 1907-1907 Platt, Clayton W.
1901-1901 Yates & Freeman 1905-1907 Natl Photo Pillow Top Co 1907-1912 Rosenman, Charles H.
1902-1956 Bonish, Leo A. 1905-1907 Novelty Studio Company 1907-1907 Stewart, John S.
1902-1902 Clark, D. J. & Company 1905-1909 Rogers, John William 1907-1940 Taylor, Oscar
1902-1903 Clark, Edgar E. 1905-1905 Rose, Russell N. 1907-1919 Van Nocker, Orson L.
1902-1904 Cogan & Burgess 1905-1928 Wilson, John Clyde 1907-1917 Wright & Company
1902-1903 Colton, C. L. & Company 1905-1909 Wise, Charles H. 1908-1908 Adams, John A.
1902-1909 Emick Brothers 1905-1905 Wise & Holley 1908-1941 Baxter, Frank F.
1902-1907 Gernaey, Thomas I. 1906-1907 Ash, George E. 1908-1923 Benham, Charles T.
1902-1903 Goodson & Hiner 1906-1917 Babas, Joseph 1908-1908 Benham, W. D. & C. T.
1902-1902 Guerney, Nash 1906-1921 Baker Art Studio 1908-1908 Berger, Charles A.
1902-1902 Hoskins, Collin A. 1906-1918 Benham, Walter D. 1908-1911 Electric Phodallion Co.
1902-1909 Howell, Allan E. 1906-1913 Bennett, Don M. 1908-1942 Gorman, Joseph
1902-1918 Johnston, Harry E. 1906-1907 Ash, George E. 1908-1909 Grossman, Louis
1902-1919 Kerr, John T. 1906-1906 Boettcher & Nieber 1908-1909 Harris-Clark
1902-1903 Model Art Studio 1906-1906 Brown & Foster 1908-1909 Herbert Kelsey Company
1902-1908 O’Connor, Eliz. L., Mrs. 1906-1915 Conat, Joseph H. 1908-1908 Horvath, John D.
1902-1903 Peck, Ethel D. 1906-1909 Detroit Carbon Picture Co 1908-1908 Howell, Byron G.
1902-1902 Von Essen, Amandus 1906-1908 F & J Famous Postals 1908-1939 Hurd-Martin Company
circa 1903 Hasenack, Wm. Frederick 1906-1913 Fondren, Orville R. 1908-1909 Matson, Alice K., Mrs.
1903-1905 Belle Isle Studio 1906-1908 Fondren & Jackson 1908-1913 Millage, Robert G.
1903-1913 Best, Harvey E. 1906-1907 Gilbert, W. H. 1908-1909 Osmialowski & Cylkowski
1903-1908 Bleibel, Caroline, Mrs. 1906-1913 Harvey, Frank J. 1908-1909 Payne, Herbert M.
1903-1906 Brown & Company 1906-1907 Heath, Horace W. 1908-1910 Perrin, John H.
1903-1924 Clute, Edith P., Miss 1906-1941 Horvath, Charles D. 1908-1924 Platt, Wilbert A.
1903-1913 Cylkowski, Robert 1906-1907 Horvath & Babas 1908-1908 Pulford, Charles A.
1903-1903 Dole, William T. 1906-1912 Hughes & Lyday Co. 1908-1941 Ramshaw, Hall D.
1903-1906 Fisher, T. S. & Company 1906-1923 Jackson, Isaac D. 1908-1927 Rentschler, Andrew
1903-1905 Goodson & Best 1906-1922 Levin, Julius 1908-1909 Salter, Edwin M.
1903-1903 Hinz Ceramic Photo Co. 1906-1924 Locke-Clute Company 1908-1909 Schram & Weiler
1903-1905 Huban, Molly, Mrs. 1906-1938 Lyday, Joseph Hiram 1908-1917 Taylor, Howard H.
1903-1910 Huntington & Company 1906-1941 Manning, William H. 1908-1909 Turnpaugh, Charles R.
1903-1903 Huntington & Moore 1906-1909 Manning Studio, The 1908-1908 Vincent, Harry H.
1903-1905 O’Connor, Lucy, Mrs. 1906-1911 Marshick, Martin 1908-1908 Weiszer & Babas
1903-1903 Riegel, Jesse C. 1906-1907 Miami Photo Studio 1909-1910 Boston Photo Studio
1904-1905 Blondes, Harry L. 1906-1927 Michigan Art Store, The 1909-1909 Clark, John J.
1904-1915 Danbean, Joseph 1906-1924 Nieber, Peter H. 1909-1909 Czyzewski, J. Boleslaw
1904-1907 Fay, Benjamin F. 1906-1909 Parsons, Charles B. 1909-1911 Fisher Photo Company
1904-1904 Frontenac Company, The 1906-1909 Reilly & Hart 1909-1915 Flanders, Morris
1904-1905 Hart & Reilly 1906-1907 Rembrandt Studio 1909-1909 Foltz, Herbert
1904-1904 Johnson, H. E. 1906-1936 Rochowiak, Stanley A. 1909-1911 Graessle, John E.
1904-1911 Mieczkowski, John S. 1906-1906 Stock & Co., George L. 1909-1909 King & Company, R. W.
1904-1905 Mieczkowski, Stanislaus 1906-1915 Taylor, Albert L. 1909-1930 Kirchoff, Elmer J.
1904-1907 Novelty Studio Company 1906-1907 Washington Art Studio 1909-1909 Kirchoff Brothers
1904-1905 Rhodes, Kathryn 1906-1907 Wohlgemuth, Moses 1909-1911 Marshick, Edward J.
1904-1905 Smith, Roland G. circa 1907 Bachelder, John E. 1909-1914 Mich. Art Store & Photo
1904-1913 Wright, Frederick G. circa 1907 Electric Park Studio 1909-1913 Pasternacki, Stephen G.
circa 1905 Cave & Dempster 1907-1911 Aller & Son 1909-1936 Quay, Charles R.
circa 1905 Hudson Company, J. L. 1907-1915 Cadillac Studio, The 1909-1909 Swartz & Company
circa 1905 Knight View Co., M. 1907-1936 Clark Brothers 1909-1909 Turnpaugh & Company
circa 1905 Panel Studio 1907-1907 Colton, Verne 1909-1923 Wayne Publishing Co.
1905-1907 Bennett & Company 1907-1925 Curcuru, Louis L. circa 1910 Nelson, F. E.
1905-1905 Cousins, Chester J. 1907-1907 Fellman, Max 1910-1918 Benham Company, W. D.
1905-1916 Cousins, Frederick W. 1907-1909 Fisher-Kline Company 1910-1913 Boylan, Philip F.
1905-1905 Del Guercio, Carlo 1907-1907 Gilbert, Mary 1910-1911 Bromley & Roos
1905-1905 Eschenberg, Henry F. 1907-1911 Grubb & Son 1910-1919 Cook, Frederick E.
1905-1909 Fenton & Co., R. C. 1907-1930 Janrow, Wallace E. 1910-1923 Cornelius, Harry E.
1905-1905 Hedden & Jenkins 1907-1915 Keck, Joseph G. 1910-1920 Cornelius Brothers
1905-1905 Home Studio 1907-1909 Knechtel, Abel M. 1910-1948 Cornell Studio
1905-1905 Ironside, William Watt 1907-1907 Lucito & Curcuru 1910-1913 Daines, Carl W.
1905-1925 Jenkins, Herbert T. 1907-1928 McQuown, Charles V. 1910-1911 Goulding, John
1905-1919 Jones, John F. 1907-1907 Miami Studio 1910-1912 Inglis & Company
Detroit, continued.
1910-1919 Jakubowski, Wladyslaw 1912-1915 Keithly, John T. 1914-1915 Kepner, William W.
1910-1911 Knight, Thomas M. 1912-1919 Lawrence & Jackson 1914-1915 Lehr, Jack L.
1910-1913 Lazarnick, Nathan 1912-1915 Litynski-Jakubowski Co. 1914-1915 Longworth, Otis L.
1910-1911 Lazarnick, N. & Company 1912-1921 Mazur, Anthony 1914-1919 Lyday Photogravure Co.
1910-1919 Litynski, Walter E. 1912-1919 Messinger, Charles R. 1914-1918 Lyons, Timothy J. M.
1910-1911 McCoy, Bradley C. 1912-1916 Mirecki, Albert J. 1914-1915 Lyons & Wyckoff
1910-1910 Marcell Photo Company 1912-1913 Mozor, Anthony 1914-1939 McCurdy, John G.
1910-1917 Michigan Art Store 1912-1912 Nowierski, Bazil L. 1914-1914 Merecki, Albert
1910-1920 Murtagh, John 1912-1913 Reuter, Carl 1914-1915 Metropolitan Art Co.
1910-1911 Near & Diehl 1912-1913 Richards, Ernest P. 1914-1915 Pawlowski, Leon
1910-1922 Nelson, Harold N. 1912-1913 Spragg, Jane 1914-1937 Perle, Oscar L.
1910-1927 Poli, Louisa, Mrs. 1912-1913 Waring, Frank W. 1914-1915 Photo Art Company
1910-1910 Postal Photographic Stu 1912-1913 Weinkauf, William R. 1914-1914 Photocraft Studios
1910-1912 Rawlings & Gallagher 1912-1948 White, Jeffrey 1914-1925 Pieronek, Paul
1910-1911 Rimes, Norman J. & Co. 1912-1916 White & White 1914-1914 Polish Brothers ... Studio
1910-1911 Schneider, Charles B. 1912-1930 Wilson, Alfred R. 1914-1915 Rice, Samuel W.
1910-1911 Schram, William A. 1912-1912 Wilson, Harold N. 1914-1914 Sarjeant Company
1910-1916 Spooner & Wells, Inc. 1912-1913 Zakrzewski, John 1914-1915 Sewoster, William F.
1910-1910 Stanton, Jeremiah 1912-1920 Ziawinski, Felix 1914-1915 Smith, Frederick
1910-1911 Stolarsky, David circa 1913 Beaubien, Andrew J. 1914-1915 Speilberg & Hayman
1910-1910 Stolarsky, Reuben 1913-1948 American Comml Pho Co 1914-1915 Steinau, Joseph
1910-1911 Strong, Franc M., Mrs. 1913-1913 Baldwin, Carl F. 1914-1914 Thompson, Sylvstr & Cull
1910-1915 Taylor, Henry I. 1913-1914 Berger, David J. 1914-1940 Ulman, Ernest A.
1910-1911 Wise, Sage 1913-1913 Dusza & Company, M. 1914-1915 Wallace, Eugene J.
1910-1911 Withee & Daines 1913-1921 Gentry, Lemuel W. 1914-1917 Washington Studio
1910-1911 Young, Everette E. 1913-1934 Hart, Orson L. 1914-1917 Waysner, Matthew
1911-1913 Artcraft Studio 1913-1920 Holmes, Frederick J. 1914-1914 White, Jesse F.
1911-1915 Austin, Charles Willard 1913-1931 Horn Studio and Art Shop 1914-1914 Willcox, Mabel, Mrs.
1911-1921 Brooks Harold W. 1913-1948 La Grou, Maurice H. 1914-1948 Wyckoff, Frederic Leigh
1911-1911 Detwiler, Donald J. 1913-1919 Metropolitan Studio circa 1915 Grand Studio
1911-1912 Feldkamp, Cecelia 1913-1914 Millis, Charles W. circa 1915 Iris Studio, The
1911-1911 Fine Art Studio 1913-1921 Murtagh & La Grou circa 1915 Kiebzak, Walter
1911-1941 Hance, George W. 1913-1915 Northland Studio circa 1915 Niedziela Studio
1911-1911 Hance & Co., George W. 1913-1913 Posen & Denkin circa 1915 Palace Postal Studio
1911-1913 Hathaway, Anson 1913-1942 Post, William L. circa 1915 Post Card Shop
1911-1911 Hoen, L. L. 1913-1913 Quality Photo Shop, Ye circa 1915 Thompson & Sylvester
1911-1913 Horn, Laverne L. 1913-1947 Schaldenbrand, Frank W. 1915-1937 Altschuler, Samuel
1911-1921 Kellerman, Armand 1913-1916 Sinclair, Albert Kent 1915-1915 Arbogaste, M. Howard
1911-1911 Lake, Isaac S. 1913-1913 Vinci, Arthur D. 1915-1948 Babas Studio
1911-1911 Lois Drug Company 1914-1914 Allnut, Edward F. 1915-1915 Barnett, Jacob J.
1911-1948 Manning Brothers 1914-1935 Arthur Studios 1915-1915 Bowen-Moore Art Co.
1911-1921 Morgan, George D. 1914-1915 Artin, Joseph 1915-1921 Brandon, Frank J.
1911-1939 Noll, William E. 1914-1915 Beecher, Robert L. 1915-1915 Camera Kraft Company
1911-1913 Noll & Company 1914-1923 Boughton, Webster M. 1915-1915 Cross, William L.
1911-1941 Watson, Walter J. 1914-1915 Bradley, Bert C. 1915-1915 D’Angelo, Joseph
1911-1911 Wright, Alvin A. 1914-1921 Brunetto, Raffaelo 1915-1931 Devereaux, Joseph Harold
circa 1912 Pechin, Albert 1914-1938 Chamberlain, Charles C. 1915-1915 Evans, Benjamin
1912-1935 Arthur, Kenneth A. 1914-1915 Commercial Studio, The 1915-1915 Family Photo Gallery, The
1912-1913 Arthur Studio, James 1914-1915 Cook, Stephen H. 1915-1915 Hill, J. Blaine
1912-1913 Buell, Charles E. 1914-1923 Cull, Thomas J. 1915-1915 Lukaszewski, Sylvester
1912-1929 Comm’l Photo Prntg Co 1914-1914 Daberkoe, Charles A. 1915-1915 Maus, Harry J. C.
1912-1913 Daines & Company 1914-1915 Dack, Joseph 1915-1915 Mayton, Ralph
1912-1913 Dake, Clarence J. 1914-1915 Davis-Thompson-Hudson 1915-1915 Merrimack Photo Studio
1912-1913 Detroit Camera Exchange 1914-1915 Eldredge, Chester A. 1915-1915 Metropolitan Art Co.
1912-1913 Detroit Commercial Photo 1914-1925 Evans, John T. 1915-1916 Miske & Selke
1912-1915 Duncan, Howard F. 1914-1915 Flanders, Max 1915-1915 Renkosik, Martin C.
1912-1915 Feldkamp, Peter S. 1914-1915 Goodman,Gladys A.,Mrs. 1915-1921 Schmidt, Arthur E.
1912-1913 Fisher, Arthur 1914-1931 Gottlieb, Henry E. 1915-1915 Sears, Alfred E.
1912-1915 Hathaway, Ernest A. 1914-1914 Gross, Samuel 1915-1931 Sherrick, Allyn
1912-1922 Holsbeke, Clement Van 1914-1948 Grossman, Joseph L. 1915-1926 Smith, Worth Lankton.
1912-1931 Horn, Charles E. 1914-1925 Hedges-Sarjeant Co. 1915-1916 Thompson & Co., N. B.
1912-1913 Horn & Horn 1914-1921 Holsbeke & Co., C. V. 1915-1915 Universal Photo Co.
1912-1913 Keck, Joseph, Mrs. 1914-1938 Holt, Bertha E., Miss 1915-1915 Wendt, Emil L.
Detroit, continued.
circa 1916 D and W Studios, The 1917-1919 Cannon, William F. 1919-1921 Koopman & Tremain
1916-1917 Adams, Alfred A. 1917-1919 Central Art Studio Co. 1919-1921 Kus, Felix
1916-1917 Armbruster, Leo 1917-1919 Classic Studio 1919-1919 Linstead, Otto H.
1916-1917 Art Photo Finishing Co. 1917-1917 Curts, Jacob M. 1919-1919 Lober, Victor
1916-1934 Babiarz, Stanley 1917-1927 Evanoff, Christian P. 1919-1919 Margolis, Michael
1916-1928 Balkanyi, Anthony 1917-1917 Gugola, Anthony 1919-1920 Modern Photo Studio
1916-1916 Bowen-Moore Art Co. 1917-1948 Harbican, Henry 1919-1940 Pascany, Victor
1916-1920 Bunel, Emile 1917-1917 Harbican Brothers 1919-1923 Photo-Craft, The
1916-1948 Caton, George Judson 1917-1917 Harris, William S. 1919-1928 Poste, Burton E.
1916-1917 Coons, Walter J. 1917-1917 Hauere. George W. 1919-1919 Rocklin, Abraham A.
1916-1917 Cornelius, Roy C. 1917-1917 Holt, Albert E. 1919-1948 Sherlock, Edward G.
1916-1917 Detroit Camera Shop 1917-1935 Holt, Floyd L. 1919-1941 Skolnick, Jacob
1916-1917 Devereaux & Wright 1917-1919 Litynski Brothers 1919-1921 Slobin, Anna, Mrs.
1916-1923 Drukteinis, Frank A. 1917-1917 Moore Art Company 1919-1919 Smith, William C.
1916-1916 Duval, Mary T. 1917-1941 Nicholoff, Alexander 1919-1919 Sutherland, Roy
1916-1917 Evanoff, Edward F. 1917-1917 Parker, Louis 1919-1929 Tremain, Frank
1916-1947 Feinberg, Harry M. 1917-1921 Piwnicki, Walter K. 1919-1927 Wojnicki, Casimir
1916-1919 Field, William 1917-1939 Rembrandt Studios circa 1920 Marlboro Studio
1916-1930 Fios, Denis 1917-1920 Robinson, Carey B. 1920-1927 Alton, Helen, Miss
1916-1916 Gagne, Edward A. 1917-1917 Rothblatt, Abraham A. 1920-1921 American Photogravure Co
1916-1924 Gilmore, William D. 1917-1922 Royal Studio 1920-1921 Babulski, John
1916-1917 Goeldi, James 1917-1938 San Remo Studio 1920-1925 Bachrach, Louis Fabian Inc
1916-1940 Goldin, David A. 1917-1917 Strub, Henry 1920-1921 Baker Art Studio
1916-1937 Gottlieb, Clarence A. circa 1918 Photo Shop, The 1920-1921 Blue-Bird Studio
1916-1917 Harbison, Logan 1918-1923 American Photo Fnshg Co 1920-1921 Broom, Frank D.
1916-1948 Hoffman, Thomas 1918-1919 Camera Kraft Shop 1920-1921 Charach, Charles
1916-1917 Hoffman & Babiarz 1918-1918 Commercial Photo Co. 1920-1941 Comm’l Reproducing Co.
1916-1939 Holgate, Frederick 1918-1943 Craine, Benjamin H. 1920-1940 De Luxe Studio
1916-1917 Hovin, C. E. 1918-1921 DeLonge Company, Wm. 1920-1920 Donaldson-Dwyer
1916-1917 Hull, Mary J. 1918-1919 Derkacz, Wasyl 1920-1922 Ferguson, Roy H.
1916-1916 Insko, _______ 1918-1921 Feinberg & Craine 1920-1948 Ginsburg, Morris
1916-1916 International Portrait Co. 1918-1927 Godfrey & Grossman 1920-1921 Glenn, Drake
1916-1940 Jackson, Harvey C. 1918-1919 Heltay, Eugene 1920-1920 Hansen, Halfden J.
1916-1919 James-Arthur Company 1918-1923 Herbert & Lance 1920-1923 Haynes, Samuel D.
1916-1917 Johnston Studio 1918-1941 Hovsepian, Artin M. G. 1920-1921 Hearle, Henry
1916-1916 Kaczor, Kazimir H. 1918-1925 Koopman, Peter 1920-1921 Hermann, John M.
1916-1916 Koscielniak, Stanley T. 1918-1919 Kosmowski, Stanley 1920-1921 Hillis McGregor Pgc Srvc
1916-1932 Lyman, Morris 1918-1919 Kunze, James G. 1920-1948 Hopkins, Melvin
1916-1948 Metropolitan Art Studio 1918-1921 Marco, Nicholas G. 1920-1930 Hyman, Daniel N.
1916-1917 Moreland, George L. 1918-1918 Morris, Frances, Miss 1920-1923 Jackson Company, I. D.
1916-1921 Noble, Raymond F. 1918-1918 Odiorne, Clarence E. 1920-1920 Jesswein, William
1916-1919 Parker, William L. 1918-1923 Oliver, William E. 1920-1922 Kalec Brothers
1916-1917 Plunkett, Oliver G. 1918-1927 Poli Studios 1920-1925 Kantor, Meyer
1916-1948 Redman, Lee Franklin 1918-1919 Rembrandt Majestic Stu 1920-1947 Kluge Brothers
1916-1917 Rototype Photo Print Co. 1918-1922 Royal Studio 1920-1921 Kus, Frank
1916-1916 Sich-Pravovolney, Adam 1918-1927 Schindler, Frank S. 1920-1936 Lyday Photogravure, J. H.
1916-1948 Spencer & Wyckoff 1918-1931 Skolnick, David 1920-1928 Matusiewicz, Andrew
1916-1916 Square Deal Photogr Co 1918-1931 Smead, Frederick B. 1920-1920 Morgan, Peter B.
1916-1919 Stolt, John I. 1918-1919 Specjalnose, John 1920-1921 Neiber & Holmes
1916-1916 Stolt & Mackey 1918-1919 Syroka, Stanley 1920-1921 Odiorne, Elmer C.
1916-1923 Stuart, DeWitt T. 1918-1925 Szymaniak, Stanley 1920-1939 Ortmann, Arno E.
1916-1940 Thompson, Hudson Co. 1918-1919 Waller, William H. 1920-1921 Photogrs Retouching Svc
1916-1921 Tripp, Almon J. 1918-1919 Zimmerman, Edward V. 1920-1927 Quay & Falkner
1916-1917 Vogue Studio 1919-1926 Ballaun, Walter 1920-1920 Robinson, Lettie A., Mrs.
1916-1917 Wineman, William 1919-1921 Ballaun & Prusinski 1920-1923 Rush, Peter L.
1916-1916 Wineman & Company 1919-1930 Chilson, Julius Wells 1920-1931 Valente, Marco
1916-1919 Wybrant, Frank E. 1919-1921 Christian, Joseph 1920-1922 Weed, Clarence
1916-1931 Ziawinski, Joseph 1919-1923 Daubner, Frank 1920-1948 White, Charles F.
1916-1919 Ziawinski Brothers 1919-1923 Detroit Copying Company 1920-1923 Wintemberg, Francis X.
1917-1917 Acme Photo Service 1919-1919 Deutsche, Lou A. 1921-1940 Babiarz, Walter S.
1917-1941 Avouris, Demetrius D. 1919-1919 Fios, James 1921-1923 Charlton, George
1917-1921 Babas, Helen, Mrs. 1919-1930 Fios Photo Studio 1921-1921 D A S Photo Art Studio
1917-1920 Brooks, Harold W. 1919-1922 Gray, Frank W. 1921-1927 Detroit Photo Enlarg Co.
Detroit, continued.
1921-1943 Hinkston, Frank S. 1924-1925 Dobis, Benjamin 1926-1927 Hamilton Photo Service
1921-1931 Lanni, Giuseppe 1924-1925 Duffey, Delmar D. 1926-1927 Harden, Charles
1921-1921 Roberts, William E. 1924-1925 Dutkowski, Leonard 1926-1927 Howard, John P.
1921-1921 Saint Clair Studios 1924-1925 Foley, John F. 1926-1927 Indiana, Joseph
1921-1953 Smith Brothers 1924-1927 Gainsboro Studio 1926-1931 Iwanowski, John
1921-1928 Szewczyk, Adam 1924-1925 Glidden, H. K. 1926-1927 Jakubowski & Koltonski
1921-1941 Theus, John J. 1924-1940 Gorzycki, Frank J. 1926-1927 Jeans Studio, Miss
1921-1926 Vallin, Carl L. 1924-1925 Hamilton, Edward G. 1926-1927 John, Nick
1921-1929 Wilson Studios Inc., A. R. 1924-1925 Hansel, Joseph L. 1926-1927 Kamph, John
1922-1970 Adler, Charles P. 1924-1931 Hollywood Studio 1926-1927 Karroll, John W.
1922-1923 Agins, Herman J. 1924-1925 Howell, Ethan L. 1926-1927 Kerry, W. W.
1922-1931 Allshouse, Mervin S. 1924-1925 Jackson, Norman 1926-1927 Kingston, C. N.
1922-1944 Cantor, Max 1924-1926 Jakubowski & Klotonski 1926-1927 Laco, N. George
1922-1923 Capitol Portrait Studios 1924-1925 Jones, George W. 1926-1927 La Dez, Halgrinsson
1922-1923 Cardaris, Nicholas H. 1924-1925 Koss Photo Studio 1926-1927 Lincoln Studio
1922-1927 Comm’l Photo Service Co. 1924-1925 Lawton, Harry A. 1926-1927 Lucas, Sylvester
1922-1927 Dtrt Photogrph Enlrgng Co 1924-1925 McMichael, Willam M. 1926-1927 MacGregor & Company
1922-1923 Fletcher, Joseph 1924-1925 Matheny, John 1926-1931 Majewski, Joseph J.
1922-1923 Forest Photo Studio 1924-1925 Mignacca, Saverio 1926-1927 Matusienicz, Andrew
1922-1925 Gilmore, William D. 1924-1931 New Chene Studio 1926-1927 Motley, George H. H.
1922-1929 Goins, James 1924-1925 Northland Studio 1926-1927 Muller, Michael T.
1922-1972 Hillmer, Davis Bradley 1924-1932 O’Connor Studio 1926-1927 Miss Jeans Studio
1922-1925 Ignatescu, Nicholas 1924-1925 Opoyan, Kirkor 1926-1927 Nalinnes, Aime
1922-1923 Karalash, William 1924-1931 Peslis, Peter J. 1926-1928 Newman & Holmes
1922-1927 Kercheval Studio 1924-1948 Photo-Craft Studio, The 1926-1927 Northland Studios
1922-1923 Kromo Gravure Photo Co 1924-1927 Raeburn Studio 1926-1927 Osterreider, Rose
1922-1927 Lajigian, Sharam 1924-1925 Rotch, Otto 1926-1927 Paramount Portrait Studio
1922-1925 Lanni, Giuseppe & Co. 1924-1925 Sagawa, Kermit K. 1926-1927 Peerless Art Studio
1922-1941 Lanni, Joseph 1924-1925 Servan, Dessie E., Mrs. 1926-1927 Photo Service Shop
1922-1927 Lesher, Earl R. 1924-1925 Service Engraving Co 1926-1927 Professional Photo Co
1922-1925 McCollom, Winfield S. 1924-1925 Stypinski, Joseph S. 1926-1931 Raymond Studios
1922-1923 Midwest Aerial Phtgry Co 1924-1925 Tyson, Joseph E. 1926-1927 Robison-Phillips Photo Svc
1922-1925 Moore, James 1924-1925 Van Alstyne Photo Engr Co 1926-1927 Shepard, William A.
1922-1923 Neal Airphotos 1924-1925 Wilson, John 1926-1927 Shepperd, George C
1922-1923 Prystash, John 1925-1925 Goins & Theus 1926-1934 Shugars, Raymond O.
1922-1932 Rembrandt Studios 1925-1934 Palmer Park Photo Studio 1926-1927 Sledge, Frank
1922-1923 Samsanas, Charles 1926-1927 Acme Camera Exchange 1926-1927 Slocum Studio
1922-1923 Saunders & Jones 1926-1927 Aktipas, Theo 1926-1927 Smart Set Studio
1922-1925 Scharlach, Fernando L. L. 1926-1927 Arc Studios 1926-1939 Strachota, Jacob Bernard
1922-1923 Shovan, Jerome 1926-1927 Baker Studios 1926-1931 Stutz Photo Service, A. L.
1922-1931 Stone, Frank H. 1926-1927 Bartholomew, Edwardine 1926-1927 Thistledown Studio
1922-1934 Sulewski, Alex J. 1926-1927 Brown, Charles E. 1926-1927 Western Photo Studio
1922-1923 Wahl, Barney 1926-1927 Brown, Elmer L. 1926-1931 Westminster Studio
1922-1941 Wilson, Russell O. 1926-1927 Cervan-Van Dyke Studio 1926-1931 Wolfe, William K.
1923-1927 Alliance Comm’l Photo 1926-1927 Cribley, Henry P. 1926-1931 Wright, Herbert L.
1923-1927 Chagaris, Peter 1926-1931 Davis, Robert P. 1926-1927 Yahr & Lange
1923-1941 Forster, Oscar R. 1926-1927 Davison Photo Studio 1927-1941 Koltonski, Klemens
1923-1928 Indianer, Joserph 1926-1927 Delbros Photo Service 1927-1928 Grossman & Knowling
1923-1928 Kalec & Forster 1926-1927 Delinski, Hellodorus 1927-1934 Medbury Studio, The
1923-1935 Kluge Art System 1926-1931 DeLuxe Studio 1927-1948 Poli, Oscar A.
1923-1926 MacGregor & Vallin 1926-1931 Detroit Photo Service 1927-1936 Quay & Murray
1923-1928 Poste Studio & Gift Shop 1926-1931 DeWhite, Joseph 1927-1931 Somheil, Julius
1924-1925 Aktipas, Peter 1926-1927 Dockham, Arthur S. 1927-1932 Zaborowski, Joseph
1924-1925 Alexandrine Studio, The 1926-1927 Ellison, Thomas 1929-1941 Eross, Alex J.
1924-1927 Alliance Comm’l Photo Co 1926-1927 Emmett, Bernard J. 1929-1931 Grossman Knowling Lehr
1924-1925 Barnes & Farrell 1926-1927 Farco, Stephen 1929-1941 Kalec Incorporated
1924-1925 Barth, Gilbert G. 1926-1927 Fios, Frank 1929-1929 Slobin, Norman
1924-1931 Brown, Edwin E. 1926-1927 Foley, Daniel J. 1929-1931 Wilson-Boynton Co.
1924-1925 Butterfield Durell J. 1926-1927 Fox, Reginald 1930-1931 Art Photo Studio
1924-1925 Cadillac Art & Frame Co. 1926-1940 Golden, David 1930-1931 Belasco Studios
1924-1925 Clifton, Percy T. 1926-1927 Gd River Photo Enlgng Co 1930-1931 Bel-Monte Studio
1924-1925 Cotter, Frank R. 1926-1931 Graphic Arts Studios Inc 1930-1931 Bickel, Ralph G.
1924-1925 Detroit Bird’s-Eye View Co 1926-1927 Griswold Photo Shop 1930-1931 Bogdan, August
Detroit, continued.
1930-1931 Bon Marche Studios 1930-1931 Lapham, Carrie M. 1930-1931 Sima, Albert
1930-1931 Carpenter & Wolfe 1930-1931 Lewis, Byron B. 1930-1931 Stanlet, Peter
1930-1940 Cates, John Wesley 1930-1931 Lonsbury Studio 1930-1931 Sternhagen, Albert J.
1930-1931 Christiansen, George 1930-1931 Lopatin, Reuben 1930-1931 Tiffany Photographic Stu
1930-1931 Claire, Marcelle, Inc. 1930-1931 Mack Studios 1930-1931 Underwood & Underwood
1930-1931 Delinski, Bernard 1930-1931 Manias, Emanuel G. 1930-1931 Ura, Antoni
1930-1931 Detrisac, Stephen 1930-1931 Medborough Studio, The 1930-1931 Valente, M. & Company
1930-1931 Dtrt P Enlrgng & Cpyg Co 1930-1931 Minenko, John 1930-1931 Van Cuyler Studio
1930-1931 Detroit Photo Studios 1930-1931 National Photo Shop 1930-1931 Van Vliet & Co., L. B.
1930-1931 Eckert, J. Douglas 1930-1931 Newton, Cyril 1930-1931 Ware, Thomas R.
1930-1931 Fios, Demetrius D. 1930-1931 Nielsen, Jack 1930-1931 Weiner, Harry M.
1930-1931 Gardner, Raymond W. 1930-1931 Nutoft, Frank T. 1930-1931 West Warren Photo Studio
1930-1931 Genca, Stanley 1930-1931 Otto, Christian L. 1930-1931 Wilder, Eugene B.
1930-1931 Granada Photo Shop 1930-1931 Palais Studios 1932-1932 Kowalewske, Marion
1930-1931 Habrecht, Max 1930-1931 Petty, William L. 1935-1935 Migdoll, Max
1930-1931 Hite, Howard J. 1930-1931 Photostat Corporation 1935-1936 Sulatycki, William J.
1930-1931 John’s Studio 1930-1931 Pictorial Studios 1935-1948 Wojnicki, Thaddeus
1930-1931 Kaiser, Arthur J. 1930-1934 Pomeroy, Garnet G. 1936-1941 Miller, Bert G.
1930-1931 Kaplan, Louis A. 1930-1931 Post, William L. 1936-1940 Paris Studios
1930-1931 Kinal, Martin 1930-1931 Rochowiak & Dziuba 1949-1950 Oden, W. L.

Devereaux, Jackson County, postoffice 1873, railroad 1876.

1913-1913 Crittenden, Edward P.

Deward, Crawford County, postoffice 1901, railroad 1901.

circa 1905 Rath, P.

DeWitt, Clinton County seat until 1857, postoffice 1837, railroad 1901.
1896-1896 Newcomb, Herbert J. 1907-1907 Norris, _______
1901-1901 Van Fleet, _______ 1912-1912 Moon, Harry

Dexter, Washtenaw County, postoffice 1826, railroad 1839.

1859-1860 Bell, J. W. 1865-1881 Allen, Norman Erastus 1889-1890 Walters & Johnson
1862-1863 Green, Arvilia 1866-1867 Young, William J. 1893-1893 Scadin, R. Henry
1862-1863 McCorney, _______, Mrs. 1882-1883 Clark, Charles E. 1898-1907 Stone, Edmund J.
1862-1862 McCorney, Edwin 1883-1902 Bigelow, Hervey S. 1908-1908 Gem Photo Company
1863-1864 Rayer, Edgar W. 1883-1884 Clark, Andrew J. 1917-1917 Root, _______
1865-1866 Young, William 1888-1888 Ford, Charles H.

Dighton, Osceola County, postoffice 1884, railroad 1900.

1892-1895 Pelton, C. E.

Dimondale, Eaton County, postoffice 1872, railroad 1873.

1890-1894 Newcomb, Herbert J.

Disco, Macomb County, postoffice 1854.

1859-1859 Butlin, C. A.

Dollar Bay, Houghton County port, railroad 1885, postoffice 1888.

circa 1897 Haefer, Frederick C. circa 1909 Cady, Leonard

Dollarville, Luce County, railroad 1881, postoffice 1883.

1892-1899 Fanjoy, Charles A. circa 1895 U. P. View & Photo Co.

Dorr, Allegan County, railroad 1869, postoffice 1870.

1885-1885 Jones, William 1902-1903 Pulhemus, Frank A.

Doster, Allegan County, railroad 1883, postoffice as Brouard 1884, postoffice as Doster 1900.
1917-1917 Somerville, E. Earl
Dowagiac, Cass County, postoffice 1848, railroad 1848.
1859-1860 Road, Albert circa 1872 Wilcox & Greenleaf 1896-1905 Cook, Theodore
1860-1860 Blakesley, George P. 1874-1881 Stansell, William 1899-1899 DeHaven Brothers
1860-1863 Rood, William A. 1880-1885 Bailey, Joseph W. 1900-1919 Beckwith, Harry E.
1862-1869 Dunning, Oscar B. circa 1881 Braunt, H. 1900-1901 Tuttle, Frederick H.
1863-1867 Compton, Benjamin D. 1883-1902 Bigelow, Hervey S. 1902-1911 Denniston, DeWitt C.
1863-1864 Roon, Elizabeth 1886-1887 Hughson, Joseph J. 1906-1909 Copeland, Flora, Miss
1865-1866 Leckenby, Harmon B. 1888-1891 Cunningham, Thomas A. 1906-1908 Pike, Charles H.
1866-1867 Churchill, Willard D. 1888-1897 McCollum. John E. 1908-1911 Austin, J. W.
1866-1867 Compton, Margaret, Mrs. 1888-1890 McCollum & Cunningham 1911-1914 Haight, Oscar C.
1867-1874 Skinner, William 1890-1892 Conklin, William G. B. 1911-1911 Lewis, Leslie O.
1867-1880 Stark, William LeGrand 1890-1891 Sparks & Root 1914-1920 Bower, Miles W.
1870-1877 Greenleaf, Carlton J. 1892-1895 Howe, Frederick E. 1918-1921 Stertzbach, Calvin
1870-1870 Morgan, Henry L. circa 1895 Pearson, Lula, Miss 1922-1925 Brooks, Harold W.

Drummond, Chippewa County port 1853, postoffice 1881, on Drummond Island.

1909-1913 McAdam, E. S. 1910-1913 Strickland, G. D., Mrs.

Dryden, Lapeer County, postoffice 1846, railroad 1883.

1865-1866 Ball & Gass circa 1895 Whipple, _______, Mr. circa 1900 Wood, J. M.

Dublin, Manistee County, railroad 1890, postoffice 1898.

1916-1917 Leavitt & Beagle

Dundee, Monroe County, postoffice as Winfield 1834, postoffice as Dundee 1836, railroad 1873.
1859-1865 Parker, Joseph 1885-1885 Cook, Converse G. 1896-1903 Casey, Chester
1863-1864 Van Zandt, Winant 1886-1894 Speechly, Susan T., Miss 1898-1931 Van Deventer, Virgil K.
1865-1867 Dumphery, Azuba, Mrs. 1890-1894 Cook, Susan T., Mrs. 1909-1909 Sloman, Fred
circa 1880 Wickenden & Quaife 1891-1894 Phillipson, Soloman W. 1909-1911 Van De Venter, Arthur R.
1880-1881 Wickenden, Robert J. 1894-1897 Conant, Joseph D.
1882-1883 Wickenden, James W. circa 1895 Elwood & Conant

Durand, Shiawassee County, railroad 1856, postoffice 1876.

1891-1891 Dailey, Rolland 1896-1896 Bryant & Hearn 1913-1915 Findlay, Frank M.
1891-1895 Devereaux, Albert 1896-1899 Hutchings, Court R. 1916-1921 Myers, Irving C.
1891-1893 Devereaux Brothers 1900-1901 Judson & Sturgis 1920-1931 Althouse, Menno E.
circa 1895 Sluyter, Edgar W. 1900-1903 Potter, Charles D. 1930-1931 Durand Studio
1896-1911 Bryant, Dewey D. 1901-1902 Bryant & Potter

Dushville, Isabella County, postoffice 1882, Winn since 1898.

1885-1887 Davis, Permelia R., Mrs. 1892-1895 Burkholder, William

Eagle, Clinton County, postoffice as Waverly 1841, postoffice as Eagle 1842, railroad 1869.
circa 1910 Jones, _______

Eagle Harbor, Keweenaw County port 1844, postoffice 1847.

1862-1865 Cooley, Charles L. 1866-1867 Kiechli, Henry 1874-1875 Trumbull, Lyman J.
1865-1866 Schultz, Konrad 1867-1867 Schwartz & Kiechli 1913-1927 Glaza, Anthony F.

Eagle River, Keweenaw County port 1843, postoffice 1845.

1850-1851 Cormely, R.

East Cohoctah, Livingston County, railroad 1885, postoffice 1887, Cohoctah since 1908.
circa 1907 Tripp, E. A.

East Dayton, Tuscola County, postoffice 1857.

1894-1895 Brumley, B. S. 1895-1895 Baker, William R.

East Grand Rapids, Kent County, founded 1832.

1907-1907 Goodman, Leo C.
East Jordan, Charlevoix County port, postoffice 1878, railroad 1901.
1886-1889 Moblo, Edward N. 1893-1893 Slocum, William A. 1907-1919 Boswell, William T.
1890-1897 Boswell, William 1898-1907 Palmiter, Martha B., Mrs. circa 1914 Kirkpatrick, Earl
1893-1898 Boswell, Martha, Miss 1904-1905 Weller, George K. 1923-1923 Nelson, C. J.

Eastlake, Manistee County, postoffice 1883, railroad 1881.

1922-1922 Dodds, Wilbert J.

East Lansing, Ingham County, postoffice as Agricultural College 1884, postoffice as East Lansing 1907.
1907-1910 Walter, C. E. 1914-1915 Sias & Harvey 1924-1927 Harvey Photo Shop
1910-1910 Hood, H. T. 1916-1917 Photo Shop 1930-1931 Rex Camera Shop
1913-1925 Harvey, E. M. 1917-1917 Harford, Ralph M. 1934-1936 Hulbert, Lucius Claire
1914-1915 Kollege Kodak Shop 1922-1927 Pratt, James H.

East Leroy, Calhoun County, postoffice as Secillia 1852, postoffice as East Leroy 1874, railroad 1889.
1862-1863 Wells, Isaac E.

East Paris, Kent County, postoffice 1875, railroad 1888.

circa 1905 Richardson, G. H.

East Saginaw, Saginaw County port 1850, postoffice 1851, railroad 1862, Saginaw E.S. 1892, part of Saginaw since 1898.
1852-1852 Johnson, _______ 1873-1877 Angell, David 1883-1883 Murphy, James William
1857-1865 Eastman, Henry N. 1873-1885 Macomber, Alonzo D. 1883-1890 Smith, William L.
1860-1860 Boozer, Henry W. 1873-1877 Shaw & Macomber 1884-1884 Billings, W. Fred
1860-1861 Mahan, Theodore S. 1874-1875 Hartman, Jay J. 1884-1885 Burdick, Chester Willard
1861-1863 Driggs, William J. circa 1875 Freeney, John H. 1884-1884 Kittle & Burdick
1862-1864 Eastman & Randall circa 1875 Roberts & Stiles 1884-1884 McOmber, Alonzo D.
1862-1864 Maylor & Hutchinson 1876-1879 Hanselman, Jacob circa 1885 Lewis, Charles E.
1862-1862 Phillips & Rouse 1876-1879 Van Buskirk, Charles 1886-1888 Howell, Carson M.
1862-1877 Randall, James T. 1877-1883 Beals, Ferrin F. 1886-1887 Howell & Powe
1863-1875 Roberts, William 1877-1877 Jake’s Gallery 1887-1888 Powe & Howell
1864-1864 Reade & Merrill 1877-1879 Van Buskirk & Beals 1888-1891 Howe, T. P.
1865-1865 Eastman & Moore 1878-1883 Beals Brothers 1888-1889 Kidney, William F.
1865-1865 Meade & Merrill 1880-1891 McIntyre, Duncan J. 1888-1890 Krupp & Dolmage
circa 1867 Bailey, Adelbert D. 1882-1890 Crouch, Wesley A. circa 1889 Harrison, Seymour J.
1867-1867 Dampf & Klumpp 1882-1884 Kittle, Hezekiah Maurice 1889-1889 Campbell, J. M.
1871-1890 Angell, Daniel 1883-1883 Darue, Frank

East Tawas, Iosco County port 1862, postoffice 1867, railroad 1881.
1868-1868 Fox, Ebenezer 1886-1886 Tibbott, Charles E. 1893-1893 Perry, G. Bradley
1872-1873 Conat, Charles W. 1888-1889 Dubbs, John Howard 1907-1907 Smith, Worth L.
1872-1885 Lawson, Alexander J. 1889-1890 Oldfield, Thomas M. 1908-1909 Thompson, R. W.
1884-1885 Bradshaw, Albert J. 1890-1891 Dafoe, John M. 1910-1910 Scarlett, Charles E.
1886-1887 Bell, William J. 1891-1893 Graham, Arthur N. 1916-1931 Brown, August C.
1886-1887 McEvoy, John James 1892-1904 Emery, Ard G.

Eaton Rapids, Eaton County, postoffice 1838, most of business district burned 1864, railroad 1868.
1859-1863 Auld, Hannah N., Mrs. 1869-1891 Ball, Abraham P. 1904-1911 Dayton, Orla M.
1860-1860 Fuller, Luther J. circa 1870 Tidball & Son 1904-1923 Knapp, Merton J.
1864-1864 Hudson, Sophronia P., Miss 1872-1873 Hamilton, Eugene C. 1906-1906 Snow, Luman B.
1864-1865 Richardson, John J. 1872-1872 Salls, D. H. 1910-1921 Christmas, Henry J.
1865-1867 Scougale, Melissa, Miss 1876-1879 Norris, John D. 1922-1923 Pike, C. C.
1865-1865 Stevenson, S. P., Mrs. 1886-1891 Ball & Son 1924-1925 Way, L. A.
1866-1867 Roberts, A. B., Mrs. 1892-1903 Roehm, A. Victor 1926-1926 Natusch, F. L.
1867-1867 Fuller, Luther J. 1892-1895 Roehm & Montgomery 1926-1927 Matusch, F. S.
1868-1868 Porter, George B. circa 1898 West & Denton

Eckford, Calhoun County, postoffice 1834, railroad 1883.

circa 1900 Blashfield, Fred

Ecorse, Wayne County port 1795, postoffice 1827, railroad 1855.

1865-1867 Stamper, Nathaniel A. 1930-1931 Ecorse Studio
Edenville, Midland County, postoffice 1868.
1896-1899 Weed, Nancy L., Mrs. 1900-1901 Hooper, Franklin P.

Edmore, Montcalm County, postoffice 1878, railroad 1878.

1880-1919 Thomas, James A. circa 1890 Boardman, Alfred E. 1902-1903 Petrie, Henry
1882-1891 Howorth, Charles Wesley 1890-1890 Jones, F. V. circa 1916 Krogman, Carl J.
1884-1885 Morey, Loren S. 1900-1901 Garlock, Thomas E. 1917-1919 Vroman, J. Lyle

Edwardsburg, Cass County, postoffice as Saint Joseph’s 1828, postoffice as Edwardsburg 1830, railroad 1872.
1855-1856 Dean, A. J. 1874-1874 Stansell, William circa 1895 Sherbino, _______
1862-1865 Shaw, Sarah, Mrs. 1884-1885 Brown, Jacob
1874-1874 Smith, D. W. 1892-1917 Groves, Christopher E.

Elk Rapids, Antrim County seat until 1879, port 1848, p.o. as Stevens 1854, p.o. as Elk Rapids 1858, railroad 1892.
circa 1878 Williamson, P. 1904-1907 Vernier, Frank J. 1911-1911 Hall, W. M.
1888-1903 Lackey, Sanford Fillmore 1908-1909 Houk, Claude S. 1911-1913 Kirkpatrick, Earl
1904-1905 Lackey, Maggie, Mrs. 1910-1911 Sears, Joseph 1914-1921 Van Wie, Vernon
Elkton, Huron County, postoffice 1886, railroad 1886.
1887-1915 Freeland, Walter B. 1900-1900 Fisher, Burley 1916-1919 Reitzel, Daniel
circa 1890 Kelly, Denis 1902-1903 Leyrer, Fred J.

Ellake, Iosco County, railroad 1886, postoffice 1902, Long Lake since 1916.
1909-1911 Vosburg, Claude H.

Ellsworth, Antrim County, postoffice 1884, railroad 1892.

1900-1903 Moblo, Ira H. circa 1908 Gray, _______

Elmira, Eaton County, postoffice 1855.

1862-1863 Giedhill, William H.

Eloise, Wayne County, railroad 1838, postoffice 1894.

1917-1917 Fisher, _______

Elsie, Clinton County, postoffice 1857, railroad 1884.

1859-1860 Sexton, William H. 1896-1897 Wooll, William W. circa 1903 Tuttle, H. W.
1888-1888 Rose, A. A. 1898-1899 Daily, Jonas 1904-1919 Wight, Sheldon
1890-1891 Colburn, Charles B. circa 1900 Abels, C. W. circa 1905 Van Horn, Geoerge J.
1890-1891 Oberlin, George W. 1900-1901 Brown, William circa 1910 Curtis, _______
1892-1895 Lewis, Maurice O. 1901-1903 Fuller, Emory A. 1919-1921 Wight, Fred
1894-1895 Fuller, Myron A. 1901-1901 Plater, Murray

Elwell, Gratiot County, railroad 1875, postoffice 1880.

1896-1901 Sweet, Joseph N. 1913-1916 Freed, John

Emmett, Saint Clair County, postoffice 1869, railroad 1869.

circa 1905 Wilber, R. O.

Empire, Leelanau County port 1851, postoffice 1864, railroad 1900.

1895-1900 Schwass, J. T. 1904-1907 Selby, Dayton D. circa 1910 Stanton & Son

Engadine, Mackinac County, railroad 1888, postoffice as Kennedy 1889, postoffice as Engadine 1893.
1914-1914 Donovan, William

Entrican, Montcalm County, postoffice 1887.

1898-1901 Kilbourne, E. S.
Erie, Monroe County, postoffice as Erie 1835, railroad at Vienna Station 1½ miles east 1872, railroad 1896.
1862-1865 Elliott, Perry W. circa 1900 LaPointe, J. P.

Escanaba, Delta County seat since 1865, port, postoffice 1853, railroad 1865.
1864-1865 Hamilton, C. W. circa 1890 Hogan, Dennis B. 1907-1911 Kleist, Frederick A.
circa 1865 Taylor, A. B. circa 1890 Stewart & Lokke 1907-1925 Robb, Henry R.
1865-1865 Emery, Ard G. 1890-1891 Lokke, Oscar 1907-1907 Wixson Studio, The.
circa 1867 Faster, J. B. 1890-1891 Van Sickle, Adolphus 1908-1909 Conant Brothers
1867-1867 McIntire, William 1892-1895 Winn, Adelbert H. 1910-1911 Lacomb, Ed
1868-1868 Fortier, G. B. 1894-1917 Smith, Edward P. 1911-1917 Robb & Company
1872-1875 Boehme, E. H. 1894-1899 Wixson & Son, J. T. 1918-1925 Robbs, The
1879-1879 Rose Brothers circa 1895 Hewlett, _______ 1920-1927 Electric Studio
circa 1880 Laricheleere, E. L. circa 1895 Winn, A. H. & S. M. 1920-1927 Olsen, Albert
1880-1881 Judd, Charles L. 1900-1901 Ouardnik, Frank W. 1920-1927 Thomas, William E.
1882-1883 Clark & Gillett 1900-1908 Robb, Charles 1922-1923 Olsen Brothers
1882-1885 Wolcott, Udney E. 1900-1903 Wixson & Robb 1922-1934 Photo Art Shop
1884-1905 Wixson, Joseph T. 1902-1902 White, Allen O. 1925-1925 Sullivan, W. G.
1884-1885 Wixson & McCourt 1906-1908 Conant & Son 1926-1931 Robb Studio, The
circa 1885 DeVos & Beeman 1906-1911 Ford, Albert E. 1926-1931 Selkird, Robert E.
1888-1889 Moras, Hector P. D. 1907-1909 Conant, Harry Arlington 1930-1931 Nelson, Carl H.

Essexville, Bay County port 1850, railroad 1867, postoffice 1871.

1892-1913 Harris, Augustus Edward

Evart, Osceola County, postoffice 1870, railroad 1871.

1874-1877 Wightman, Eli P. 1902-1903 Wilson & Co., Geo. B. 1910-1913 Kaley, C. A.
1879-1885 Nix, Theron F. 1906-1908 King, William C. circa 1912 Frost, H. B.
1886-1888 Williams, Thomas R. 1907-1909 Clark, W. E. 1914-1915 Sischo, D. C.
1888-1890 Ferdon, Charles M., Mrs. 1907-1908 Elliott & Clark 1918-1922 Hooker, Cortez A.
1890-1905 Wilson, George B. 1907-1908 Elliott & Son

Ewen, Ontonagon County, railroad 1888, postoffice as Ewen Station 1889, burned 1893, postoffice as Ewen 1894.
1893-1897 Raven, Christian circa 1907 Sexton, R. M.

Fairfield, Lenawee County, postoffice as Bakers 1835, postoffice as Fairfield 1842.

1859-1860 Thompson, Charles W. circa 1905 Peters, M. S. 1908-1921 Morse, Alonzo

Fairgrove, Tuscola County, postoffice 1857, railroad 1882.

1896-1897 Freeland, Walter B. 1899-1903 Claxton, George W. 1912-1919 Wait, Charles E.
1897-1898 Adamson, Nathan M. 1904-1907 Bottcher, John T.

Fairview, Oscoda County, postoffice 1883, railroad about 1892.

circa 1904 Sailors, Lavina

Faithorn, Menominee County, railroad 1888, postoffice 1905.

1908-1908 Sexton & Son

Fargo, Saint Clair County, postoffice 1881, railroad 1916.

1888-1889 Gough, E. E. 1898-1898 Kilgore, A.

Farmington, Oakland County, postoffice 1826.

1859-1860 Drake, Francis Marion 1864-1865 Miller, Abigail W., Mrs. 1900-1901 Parker Brothers
1862-1865 Thompson, Nathaniel 1867-1867 Carver, L. P. 1902-1902 Quatermass, William M.

Farwell, Clare County seat 1871-1879, railroad 1870, postoffice 1871.

1892-1895 McLellan, James A. 1904-1911 Watkins, Nathaniel Dike
1902-1903 Himes, Richard B. 1910-1910 Swoffer, John E.
Fayette, Delta County port 1867, postoffice 1870.
About 1870 an unidentified photographer established a small art gallery at this new settlement on Snail Shell Harbor.

Felch, Dickinson County, railroad 1882, postoffice 1906.

circa 1914 Conant, _______

Fennville, Allegan County, postoffice as Fenn’s Mills 1868, postoffice as Fennville 1871, railroad 1871.
1888-1891 Lonsbury, George W. circa 1895 Oberlin, George W. 1896-1897 Whitbeck, C. H.
circa 1890 Billings, _______ 1896-1921 McClements, James
1894-1895 Wilder, George T. 1896-1897 Oberlin, Frank R.

Fenton, Genesee County, postoffice as Fentonville 1837, railroad 1855, renamed Fenton 1863.
circa 1864 Phipps Brothers circa 1890 Devereaux & Bryant 1908-1913 DeWitt, George W.
1864-1897 Phipps, Joseph H. 1890-1897 Sluyter, Edgar W. 1908-1915 Judson, Hiram
circa 1865 Phipps, J. H. & Brother 1890-1891 Sluyter Brothers 1909-1915 Fowler, Ransom A.
1869-1870 Stark, M. 1892-1919 Devereaux, Albert 1916-1917 Goodrich, Roy
1881-1881 Jenks, Isaac C. 1892-1894 Devereaux Brothers 1917-1944 Tamlyn, George Wm.
1881-1908 Phipps, Charles D. circa 1895 Sluyter, Wightman
1886-1887 Ford, Charles circa 1897 Devereax & Sluyter

Fentonville, Genesee County, postoffice 1837, railroad 1855, Fenton since 1863.
1851-1851 Smith, S. C. 1863-1864 Hurd, Eli circa 1865 Phipps Brothers
1859-1860 Bush, Henry F. 1863-1864 Kilborn & Murray circa 1880 Wightman, E. B.
1859-1863 McOmber, Phillip H. 1864-1865 Huntly, D. M. 1881-1883 Phipps & Slaght
1859-1859 Smith, H. H. circa 1865 Phipps, E. L. & Brother 1882-1883 Scott, William H.
1862-1885 Phipps, Joseph H. circa 1865 Phipps, J. H. & Brother

Ferndale, Oakland County, railroad 1838, postoffice 1924.

1924-1925 Osborn, David L. 1924-1933 Cousins, Frederick W. 1928-1964 Barth, Herman F.

Ferry, Oceana County, postoffice 1871.

1909-1917 Chatfield, Fred circa 1910 Swinton, W.

Fife Lake, Grand Traverse County, postoffice 1872, railroad 1872.

1884-1884 Smith, Silence A., Miss 1892-1900 Nix, Theron E. circa 1908 Raby, _______
1888-1889 Dagle, Eugene R. 1896-1897 Purvis, E. P.

Fitchburg, Ingham County, postoffice 1856.

1892-1892 Halstead & Hopkins

Five Channels, Iosco County, dam construction railroad 1911, postoffice 1912.
1912-1912 Kelly, _______

Flat Rock, Delta County port 1844, postoffice 1852, Esconawba or Escanaba since 1853, railroad 1865.
1866-1867 Boutwell, William B.

Flat Rock, Wayne County, postoffice 1872, railroad 1873.

1876-1877 Hoover, Jacob circa 1895 Tremear, Charles Herbert 1902-1907 Todd, Clinton J.
circa 1895 Navarre, J. H. 1898-1899 Navarre, Bat
Flint, Genesee County seat, postoffice as Flint River 1834, postoffice as Flint 1836, railroad 1863.
1848-1848 Crandall, _______ 1890-1891 Forsyth & Wilson 1913-1919 Loder & Perkins
1848-1861 Frary, C. 1890-1894 Wilson, William B. 1913-1926 Noon, Amzie E.
1849-1849 Sherwood, W. B. 1892-1901 Seabolt, Charles S. 1913-1915 Penoyer, Harold M.
1855-1855 Lacy, Albert D. circa 1894 Cliff, Stead L. 1914-1915 Sutphin, Loren M.
1859-1860 Frary, D. S. 1894-1895 O’Leary, Edward J. 1914-1915 Viles, Alexander G.
1862-1865 Adams, Beardsley 1895-1895 Sanders & Forsyth 1915-1957 Gardner, Roy G.
1862-1863 Buckingham, Charles L. 1898-1899 Cathcart & Williams 1915-1915 Gazlay, Samuel
1862-1869 Huntington, Edwin M. 1898-1899 Johnson, William 1915-1915 Sloan, Edward E.
1862-1867 Nabors, Lewis E. 1898-1901 Johnston, William 1916-1949 Albro, Raymond C.
1862-1864 Nabors & Huntington 1898-1921 Williams, Julius I. 1916-1916 Bennett, _______
1863-1864 Davis, Milton H. circa 1899 Hutchinson, Nora, Miss 1916-1931 Crooks, Arthur F.
1863-1864 Shear, Lewis 1899-1899 Selleck, Robert W. 1916-1917 Flint News Company
1863-1864 Thompson, J. H. 1900-1901 Genesee Portrait Company 1916-1917 Monks, William C.
1863-1864 Tompkins, J. A. 1900-1901 Johnston & Cowles 1917-1917 Denton & Hall
circa 1864 Hamilton & Turner 1900-1900 Williams & Williams 1917-1931 Kaszubski, Adam
1864-1864 Nabors & Loring 1901-1915 Tiedeman, Frederick J. 1917-1942 Magyar, Joseph
1865-1898 Foote, Warren Cook 1902-1905 Ashe, Jennie L., Miss circa 1918 Ferguson, Lewis G.
1865-1875 Jenney, James A. 1902-1907 Haigh, Jeffrey G. 1918-1919 Denton & Leavitt
1865-1868 Ketchum, Abijah E. 1902-1902 Haseltine, Phillip 1918-1919 Hornbeck, Oliver L.
1866-1869 Huntington & Jones 1902-1906 Quay, Charles R. 1918-1923 Kingin, Robert B.
1866-1867 Nabors & Company, L. E. 1903-1903 Adams, Dexter A. 1919-1921 McCrary & Maltby
1867-1883 Rees, Martin A. 1903-1903 American Studio 1920-1936 Broom, Frank D.
1868-1877 Noble, William H. 1903-1933 Becker, Percy L. 1920-1920 Burd, Frank
1868-1873 Rees & Avery 1903-1903 Roser’s Studio 1920-1925 DePue, James H.
circa 1870 Salls, Simeon circa 1905 Michigan Art Company 1920-1921 Jozwiak, Barney S.
1873-1922 Baldwin, Charles E. 1905-1909 Furgeson, Anna R., Miss 1920-1921 Malone, Leon St. D.
1873-1873 Baldwin & Berry 1905-1949 Gaines, Guy A. 1920-1923 Sanford, Edwin P.
1873-1874 Jenney & Miller 1905-1909 Howe, Theodore E. 1922-1931 Chandler, Cassius E.
1873-1881 Miller, Lysander W. 1905-1906 Merrill & Forsyth 1922-1931 Flint Photo Studio
1873-1873 Sweet, E. 1905-1906 Morris, Orville M. 1922-1923 Kingin, Robert B.
1874-1911 Cathcart, Nelson H. 1906-1913 Holden, Clarence C. 1922-1931 Mikusek, Louis
1874-1883 Henry & Company 1906-1909 Holden & Nelson’s Elec 1922-1923 Nelson, W. Perry
1874-1885 Lone, Joseph B. 1907-1917 Becker, Jasper F. 1922-1931 Perkins, George H.
1876-1887 Boswell, William 1907-1909 Mills, Garrett S. 1926-1926 Boneville, George
1878-1879 Berry, John T. 1907-1925 Newman, Orrin S. 1926-1931 Pyret, Edward W.
1878-1881 Smith, Martha A., Miss 1907-1909 Wilson, Robert N. 1926-1927 Unity Studio
1878-1881 Spencer, Frank W. 1909-1913 Bowman, Edward E. 1926-1927 Weeks, John W.
1880-1922 Forsyth, Darwin H. 1909-1931 Chandler, Cassius 1930-1930 Wanek, John
1880-1881 Forsyth & Company 1910-1911 Finzel, Anna R., Mrs. 1930-1931 Anderson, La Verne D.
1880-1880 Miller & Aitken 1910-1910 Goepfert, J. M. 1930-1931 Colonial Art Studio
1881-1882 Lewis, Charles E. 1910-1911 Mitchell, James E. 1930-1931 Crawford, James R.
1882-1882 Carter & Persons 1910-1911 Sumner, Bert B. 1930-1931 Da Vel Studio
1884-1909 Foote, William Harrison 1911-1931 Chandler, Charles W. 1930-1931 Finn, S. J.
1884-1885 Forsyth & Hickock 1911-1912 Corvinus, _______ 1930-1931 Flint Photo Shop
1884-1885 Jewell, Daniel 1911-1913 Johnson & Carlson 1930-1931 Hill, Francis A.
circa 1885 Shank, L. H. circa 1912 Stafford, Elmer A. 1930-1931 Hollywood Studios
1885-1885 Cliff, L. 1912-1913 Bowman & Friend 1930-1931 Loma Art Studio
1885-1891 Foote Brothers 1912-1913 Du Val, Benjamin J. 1930-1931 Rembrandt Photo Studio
1886-1890 Sluyter, Edgar W. 1912-1919 Friend, Martin P. 1930-1931 Wise, Earl C.
1888-1888 Evans, Thomas 1912-1913 Kinch, Victor T. 1930-1947 Wohlieben, Carl E.
1888-1899 Newcombe, Herbert G. 1913-1937 Becker, Glen 1931-1934 Fuller, Myron A.
circa 1890 Sluyter Brothers 1913-1913 Becker Photo Co., Glen 1945-1945 Ball & Wanek

Flushing, Genesee County, postoffice 1839, railroad 1888.

1874-1875 Forsyth, Darwin H. 1885-1889 Briley, William W. 1910-1911 Latimer, Arthur L.
1878-1881 Rhodes, James P. 1892-1892 Miller, Charles B. circa 1915 Fraze, _______
1882-1895 Call, Mary A., Miss 1892-1909 Stevens, Gilbert L. 1916-1921 Moyer, Clare
1882-1885 McMillen, Ephriam 1906-1907 Wilson, Robert N. 1920-1920 Dubbs, John H.

Foote Site Village, Iosco County, dam construction railroad 1917.

1917-1917 Scarlett, Charles E.
Ford, Wayne County, railroad 1855, part of Wyandotte since 1922.
1920-1921 Mogk, Fred J.

Ford River, Delta County port 1857, postoffice 1860, railroad at Ford River Station 6 miles northwest 1872.
1907-1907 Smith, J. W.

Forester, Sanilac County port 1851, postoffice 1858.

1906-1906 Quay, Charles R.

Forestville, Sanilac County port 1853, postoffice 1856, burned in 1871 and in 1881.
1874-1875 Maginley, Charles H. 1895-1927 Wendt, Charles J.

Fork, Mecosta County, postoffice 1870.

1909-1909 Bell, Leroy

Fort Gratiot, Saint Clair County, postoffice 1826, railroad 1859, railroad car ferries ???.
1884-1885 Haight, Eugene M.

Foster City, Dickinson County, railroad 1882, postoffice 1886.

1908-1910 Brukardt, E. R. circa 1914 Conant, _______

Fountain, Mason County, railroad 1881, postoffice 1882.

1909-1909 Manchester, Vern circa 1910 Nicosia, R.

Fowler, Clinton County, postoffice as Dallas 1849, railroad 1857, postoffice as Fowler 1871.
circa 1890 Smale, _______ 1894-1895 Burkholder, William 1904-1908 Mead, Erastus E.
1890-1891 Collard, Edgar C. circa 1895 McSherry, William J. circa 1905 Grove, V. V.

Fowlerville, Livingston County, postoffice as Cedar 1838, postoffice as Fowlerville 1853, railroad 1871.
1862-1865 Armstrong, James 1876-1881 Ball, William Z. 1900-1903 Kline, Charles E.
1862-1863 Wilson, J. B. 1884-1887 Cathcart, Nelson H. 1904-1931 Jensen, Niels P.
1865-1866 Rounsville & Glenn 1877-1877 Brown, Mark 1916-1919 Gates & Gates
1872-1873 Alsdorf, Fred M. 1888-1888 King, Benjamin J. 1920-1921 Nahm, A.
1873-1877 Gould, Isaac T. 1888-1891 Trowbridge, Gilford D. 1922-1927 Jensen, J.
1873-1873 Gould & Brother 1892-1899 Henderson, Wade J. 1925-1925 Bowman, Charles

Frankenmuth, Saginaw County, postoffice 1851.

circa 1885 Wrightson & Wirth circa 1895 Baker, William R. 1904-1904 Stahl, John Adam
1891-1895 Pausch, Oscar M. 1900-1933 Stromer, William

Frankfort, Benzie County seat 1869-1873 and 1894-1908, port 1850, postoffice 1860, railroad 1889.
1880-1880 Bradley, J. 1892-1892 Dailey, Rolland 1908-1909 Welsh, J. E.
1882-1885 Colburn, Elizur J. 1894-1899 Banister, Thomas 1910-1913 Frost, Newton A.
1886-1889 Hall, William M. circa 1897 Lowder, _______ 1911-1911 Neal, Frederick J.
1888-1888 Hall, M. 1898-1898 Rogers, Monte 1912-1913 Whitnall, L. B.
1888-1888 Hall & Springsteen 1900-1919 Hensel, Otto E. 1914-1917 Welch, Michael
1888-1899 Springsteen, Horace M. 1902-1908 Bannister, Theron E. 1922-1931 Sharp, William H.

Franklin Mine, Houghton County, railroad 1885, postoffice 1904.

circa 1910 Moseley, _______

Fraser, Macomb County, railroad 1859, postoffice 1860.

1914-1914 F. & K. Company

Frederic, Crawford County, railroad 1873, postoffice as Fredericville1877, postoffice as Frederic 1886.
1888-1888 Gordon, G. W.
Freeland, Saginaw County, postoffice as Jay 1856, railroad 1867, postoffice as Freeland 1879.
circa 1895 Bennett, William S. 1904-1904 Brown, Marion 1908-1908 Sherbino, William H.

Freeport, Barry County, postoffice 1878, railroad 1887.

circa 1888 Rice, Edson P. circa 1892 George L. Matteson 1898-1899 Newton, William E.
1888-1889 King, N. G. circa 1895 Edwards & Hudson 1910-1910 Webb, Belle S., Mrs.

Free Soil, Mason County, postoffice 1862, railroad 1881.

circa 1891 Stuck, Charles C. 1914-1917 Tobey, Fred
1914-1915 Eddy, George 1916-1921 Sterling, Bert, Mrs.

Fremont, Newaygo County, postoffice as Fremont Center 1862, railroad 1873, postoffice as Fremont 1882.
1884-1889 Fortune, Eugene W. 1894-1895 Edmonson, William L. 1899-1900 McKinzie, Ed
1886-1889 Clark, Andrew T. 1894-1895 Van Sickle, Newton H. 1900-1901 Cole, Amanda
circa 1890 Flood & Dill circa 1895 Payne, _______ 1904-1931 Noble, Ernest E.
1890-1895 Flood, Emery B. circa 1895 Slocum & Stirling 1920-1920 Noble, Bessie B., Mrs.
1890-1891 Thurston, Arthur R. 1896-1921 Van Sickle, Hezekiah N.
1894-1894 Pointer, A. A. 1897-1902 Sharp, William H.

Fremont Center, Newaygo County, p.o. as Weaversville 1856, postoffice as Fremont Center 1862, Fremont since 1882.
1876-1881 Woodward, William E. 1880-1881 Hower, A. B.
1879-1879 Coffin, Charles P. 1882-1883 Fortune, Eugene W.

Frontier, Hillsdale County, postoffice 1857.

circa 1890 Quckingbush, G., Mrs. 1890-1895 Hatch, C. E. 1892-1895 Hayner & Hatch

Fulton, Kalamazoo County, postoffice as Wakeshma Center 1868, postoffice as Fulton 1869.
1910-1913 Sherman, J. L. circa 1912 Johnson, _______ 1913-1913 Sweet, C. E.

Fyfe Lake, Grand Traverse County, postoffice 1872, railroad 1872, Fife Lake since 1875.
1874-1875 Conner, Charles

Gagetown, Tuscola County, postoffice 1870, railroad 1883.

circa 1895 Baker, William R. 1908-1909 Bingham, Boyd H. 1910-1911 Williams, Felton
1902-1902 Claxton, George W. 1910-1921 Spitler, Virgil A.

Gaines, Genesee County, postoffice 1856, railroad 1856.

1867-1867 Olmsted, John A. circa 1897 Devereaux & Sluyter 1914-1917 Myers, Irving C.
circa 1891 Sluyter Brothers circa 1898 Clark, A. J. Company
1891-1897 Sluyter, Edgar W. 1902-1913 Judson, Hiram

Gaines Station, Genesee County, postoffice 1856, railroad 1856, Gaines since 1902.
1898-1902 Judson, Hiram

Galesburg, Kalamazoo County, postoffice as Morton 1836, postoffice as Galesburg 1838, railroad 1846.
1860-1863 Morey, Eli 1864-1865 Hodgman, S. C. & F. circa 1875 Streaton, H. D.
1862-1863 Barker, Isaac J. 1866-1877 Alfred, Harriett N., Mrs. circa 1878 Brown & Gillis
1863-1864 Parker, Isaac J. 1866-1867 Carter, S. E., Mrs. 1883-1883 Brown Brothers
1863-1864 Walker, Ralston 1869-1870 Shafer, James M. circa 1885 Austin, W. V.
1864-1866 Alfred, Melancion W., Dr. circa 1870 Wightman, Eli P. 1890-1891 Burdick & Willson
1864-1868 Hodgman, Francis 1872-1885 Brown, Henry A. 1896-1899 Waterbury, Earl A.

Galien, Berrien County, railroad 1849, postoffice 1856.

circa 1872 Bradley, Henry E. 1896-1897 Van Tilburg, Martin L. 1902-1908 Elson, E. J. & Company
1892-1898 Cutshaw, W. S. 1902-1908 Elson, Elon J.

Garden, Delta County port, postoffice 1865, logging railroad before 1915.
1884-1885 Jacques, Joseph 1886-1887 Soper, Allan 1908-1911 Sexton, R. M.
1886-1887 Conant, David J. 1905-1905 Joque, George 1913-1913 Dye, C. H.
Garnet, Mackinac County, railroad 1888, postoffice as Welch 1898, postoffice as Garnet 1904.
circa 1911 Melville, William P.

Gay, Keweenaw County, postoffice 1904, ore railroad 1902.

circa 1910 Adams, George

Gaylord, Otsego County seat since 1878, railroad 1873, postoffice 1874.
1884-1885 Ish, John W. circa 1900 Little, H. S. 1904-1905 Anstett, W. V.
1885-1887 Millar, Addison T. 1900-1901 Crandall & Company 1904-1905 Craig, Frank W.
1888-1895 Brown, Arthur William 1900-1908 Laur, Montraville 1904-1905 Quatermass, William M.
circa 1890 Lewis & Company 1900-1901 Wenzel, H. Fayette 1911-1911 Quatermass, Charles W.
1892-1897 Qua, H. J. & Son 1902-1903 Constable, James D. 1912-1917 Faiver, Amiel L.
circa 1896 Taylor, Fred W. 1902-1903 Corlis, A. W. 1915-1921 Rhodes, Frank B.
1899-1905 Crandall, Avery B. 1902-1903 Laur Brothers 1930-1931 Stutsman, J. Millard

Germfask, Schoolcraft County, postoffice 1890, railroad 1893.

1906-1911 Grant, Isaac G. 1907-1908 Grant Brothers 1912-1919 Blissard, Thomas

Gladstone, Delta County port 1887, postoffice 1887, railroad 1888, railroad car ferries 1895.
1890-1894 Lokke, Oscar circa 1895 Millen, Thomas 1902-1905 Erickson & Peterson
1894-1900 Wixson, Joseph T. 1896-1897 Mertz, Rich H. 1907-1909 Olmstead, Clayton E.
1894-1897 Wixson & Son, J. T. 1900-1907 Peterson, Edward 1909-1931 Estenson, Oliver C.
1894-1923 Nelson, Emil 1902-1911 Erickson, Charles circa 1920 Cloverland

Gladwin, Gladwin County seat, postoffice 1875, railroad 1887.

circa 1885 Whitman, L. C., Mrs. 1900-1900 Hanna, Clara, Mrs. 1909-1911 Williams, Bert T.
1888-1895 Bunyea, L. Gifford 1902-1905 Sherbino, William H. 1930-1931 Glidden, Harvey K.
circa 1894 Moore, Llewellyn O. 1904-1909 Farwell, Nora
1898-1900 Alexander, Carrie L., Mrs. 1906-1931 Baker, Marion E.

Glendale, Van Buren County, postoffice 1868.

circa 1900 Horton View Company

Glen Haven, Leelanau County port 1859, postoffice 1869.

1909-1909 Jordan, _______

Glenn, Allegan County, postoffice as New Casco 1856, postoffice as Glenn 1876.
1906-1907 Lonsburry, H. E.

Gobles, Van Buren County, railroad 1870, postoffice as Gobleville 1872, postoffice as Gobles 1922.
circa 1885 Beddo, Teed

Gobleville, Van Buren County, railroad 1870, postoffice 1872, Gobles since 1922.
1880-1880 Lonsbury, Henry E. 1892-1895 Horton, David B. 1902-1903 Loehr, E. A.
1888-1889 Edwards, Pembroke S. 1892-1899 Viall, Frank M. 1906-1908 Hall, Sarah E., Mrs.
circa 1890 Gates Company circa 1896 Edelman, Harry A. 1908-1908 Power, B. F.
1890-1891 Schneider, Ernest 1898-1901 Moyer & Hopkins
circa 1892 Viall, Mr. & Mrs. F. M. 1902-1903 Hall, James M.

Goodell’s, Saint Clair County, railroad 1869, postoffice 1870.

1882-1887 Egerton, George

Goodrich, Genesee County, postoffice as Atlas 1846, postoffice as Goodrich 1849.

1862-1865 Riley, Ashley 1865-1867 Swart, Stephen 1896-1897 Cathcart, Nelson H.

Gowen, Montcalm County, railroad 1871, postoffice 1872.

1904-1905 Madsen, Elwood
Grand Haven, Ottawa County seat, port 1833, p.o. 1835, railroad across river 1857 into town 1869, rr car ferries 1903.
1859-1860 Clark, Hiram S. circa 1880 Madson, S. C. 1898-1901 Hance, George W.
1864-1865 Hughes, J. P. 1880-1893 Baker, Edwin P. 1898-1899 Mooers & Hance
1865-1889 Cass, William M. 1880-1880 Quayle, Minott W. 1902-1907 Muzzall, Courtland H.
1865-1865 Hugh & Cass 1880-1881 Wixson & Baker 1904-1905 Page, Louise
1866-1866 Van De Bosch, H. I. C. 1882-1883 Wixson, Julia E., Mrs. 1908-1911 Ladd & Son
circa 1867 Paff, E. P. 1886-1891 Clark, Walter A. 1912-1921 Brown, Nathaniel Elmer
1867-1867 Stephenson, George 1886-1891 Clark Brothers 1918-1918 Brown, F. E.
1868-1868 Newman, Louis R. circa 1887 Murray, _______ 1921-1927 Gravelyn, Martin
1872-1873 Sessions, Ira B. 1888-1888 Hickok, Frank B. 1930-1931 McCleary, Robert
1874-1875 Honey, John 1890-1890 Chase, Newell S. 1930-1931 Miller, Leonard K.
1876-1877 Hendee, Charles S. 1894-1899 Brown, Frederick D. 1930-1931 Mosher, William I.
1876-1876 Johnston, John 1894-1897 Brown & Tenney
1877-1881 Wixson, Joseph T. 1894-1928 Tubbs, Isaac N.

Grand Junction, Van Buren County, railroad 1870, postoffice 1872.

circa 1900 Merrill, John A.

Grand Ledge, Eaton County, postoffice 1850, railroad 1869.

1859-1864 Cole, Hiram, Doctor circa 1874 DeLamater & Holmes 1892-1911 Arms, Frank C.
1859-1860 Cole, Dr. H. & Wife circa 1874 Diamond Art Gallery circa 1905 Baker & Son
circa 1865 Stanton & Son circa 1875 DeLamater & Grimes circa 1905 Pilbeam, Frank E.
1867-1875 Holmes, Luther W. 1875-1877 Grimes, Horace C. 1905-1905 Squires, C. B.
1872-1873 Christmas, Henry J. 1878-1879 Holmes, Carlisle 1907-1916 Russell, Eugene A.
1872-1873 Christmas & DeLamater 1882-1891 Marvin, Edgar A. 1910-1931 Marratt, William, Junior
1872-1875 DeLamater, Jay B. circa 1888 Home Photo Company 1924-1927 Waldron, E. A.

Grand Marais, Alger County port 1872, postoffice 1882, railroad 1893.
1890-1895 Bond, N. Ward circa 1895 Crandall & Company 1902-1903 Fanjoy, Charles A.
circa 1893 Crandall & Mc Bride circa 1895 McBride, Hattie, Miss 1904-1911 Kinsey, J. Verne
1893-1899 McBride, Alexander B. 1900-1901 McCall, John R. 1924-1924 Glaza, John F.

Grandon, Clare County, postoffice 1895.

1904-1907 Parmlee, Phillip
Grand Rapids, Kent County seat, postoffice 1832, railroad 1858.
1846-1846 Williams, D. R. 1875-1875 Moore, Z. R. circa 1890 Fox, _______
1848-1855 Proctor, Adonijah H. 1875-1875 Paulson, John circa 1890 Mack
1849-1850 Noble, S. B. 1876-1882 Moulton, Luther V. circa 1890 Photo Viewing Company
1850-1850 Fox, C. M. 1876-1876 Wyman, Daniel D. circa 1890 West Side Studio
1850-1851 Hanchett, G. A. circa 1877 Star Photograph Gallery 1890-1891 Bayne & Coss
1851-1860 Buell, Lorenzo 1877-1895 Jackson, William P. 1890-1893 Beebe & Bailey
1851-1856 Moore, Charles F. 1877-1895 Merrill, Charles L. 1890-1895 Coss, Wilkie G.
1852-1879 Horton, Orsamus W. 1878-1879 Davis, John F. 1890-1890 Foster, Frank
1852-1855 Proctor & Buell 1878-1901 Jackson, Bradford D. 1890-1913 Gillett, Orville A.
1853-1853 Nestell, D. D. S. 1878-1879 Merrill & Bayne 1890-1939 Hickok, William H.
1855-1856 Alger, A. C. 1878-1887 Osborn, George B. 1890-1895 Kramer, Louis H.
1856-1858 Horton & Keeney 1878-1878 Quatermass, William M. 1890-1893 LeClear, Frank Byron
1857-1875 Heath, Frederick G. circa 1879 Davis & Company 1890-1931 Noble, Thomas Frederick
1857-1859 Pierce, Benjamin T. circa 1879 Merrill, Bayne & Co. 1890-1890 Silcox, William H.
1859-1859 Heath & Neal 1879-1886 Andrew, Reuben L. 1890-1895 Young, John H.
1859-1863 Wykes, Edward S. 1879-1921 Goosen, John B. 1891-1891 Cappy, John W.
1860-1874 Tompkins, Ira Gale 1879-1897 Owens, Mark W. 1891-1891 Dykstra, John R.
1860-1876 Tompkins, Joseph H. 1880-1887 Barrows, John G. circa 1892 Waite & Hickok
1860-1861 Tompkins Brothers 1880-1881 Barrows, J. G. & Son 1892-1913 Hamilton, Emma J., Mrs.
1862-1877 Carpenter, Frank W. 1880-1881 Bragg, Herbert L. 1892-1909 King, Edward H.
1862-1863 Carpenter & Morgan 1880-1882 Crater, Joseph W. 1892-1894 Kramer, Louis M.
1862-1862 Huntley, Sylvanus W. 1880-1880 Goosen, J. B. & Company 1892-1892 Krueger, H. & Brother
1862-1863 McFarland, Amasa 1880-1893 Merrill, C. L. & Company 1892-1894 LeClear, Harry W.
1862-1893 Merrill, Leonard A. 1881-1883 Michigan Artotype Co. 1892-1895 LeClear, James M.
1863-1864 Shaw, Stegt J. 1881-1887 Perkins, Thomas B. 1892-1894 LeClear, J. M. & H. W.
1863-1864 Shute, Samantha 1881-1887 Perkins, T. B. & Co. 1892-1893 Neal & Kitts
1863-1863 Wykes, Julia E., Mrs. 1882-1891 Barr, Adelbert A. 1893-1893 Campbell, Henry
1864-1865 Howland, David 1882-1883 Barr, A. A. & Company 1893-1893 LeClear & Sliter
1864-1891 Wykes, Warren 1882-1883 Barron, Russell J. M. 1894-1897 Bryant, William D.
circa 1865 Wykes & Company, W. 1882-1901 Brothers, Orrin A. 1894-1897 Dey, Mert C.
1866-1867 Templeton, Joseph 1882-1888 Brothers & Company 1894-1898 Malcolm, Rachel S., Miss
1866-1878 Wing, Simon 1882-1885 Clark, Alfred S. 1894-1895 Pierson, Charles H.
1866-1867 Wing & Thompson 1882-1887 Reynders, Peter C. 1894-1899 Rose, Frederick M.
circa 1867 Jones, W. H. & Company circa 1883 Woodward, Leonard F. 1894-1895 Simonds, Joseph S.
1867-1868 Earle, William S. 1883-1883 Goosen & Hoeksema 1894-1895 Thoms & Company
1867-1867 Earle, W. S. & L. C. 1883-1883 Michigan Artotype Co. 1894-1895 West, Frederick C.
1867-1867 Fisher, Alfred W. 1884-1893 Schellhous, Loran W. circa 1895 New York Photo Service
1867-1877 Jones, William H. circa 1885 Payne, Frank E. 1895-1903 Hopper, Malcolm C.
1867-1867 Wing & Brother 1885-1885 Bryant, David C. 1895-1911 Poisson, Joseph H.
1867-1867 Wing & Company 1885-1897 Minkler, John F. 1896-1931 Bayne Company, James
1867-1867 Wing & Johnston 1886-1903 McDermand, Edward J. 1896-1899 Baynton, William C.
1868-1877 Boozer, Henry W. 1886-1887 Minkler & Company 1896-1899 Broderick, Eugene J.
1868-1868 Wallin, Charles E. 1887-1887 Blackmore Art Company 1896-1901 Dolphin, Leonard J.
1869-1874 Schmidt, Charles F. G. 1887-1889 Edgerton, Edmond A. 1896-1896 Dolphin, Leonard J., Mrs.
1870-1870 Hiler, Milo 1887-1888 Edgerton & Krueger 1896-1898 Electro Photo Company
1870-1870 Tompkins & Beach 1887-1891 Hamilton, Daniel H. 1896-1921 Fryett, Frank Columbos
1872-1883 Bigelow, Lyman G. 1887-1917 Krueger, Herman K. A. 1896-1897 Grand Art Studio
1872-1873 Bigelow & Holcomb 1887-1922 Thiele, Max P. 1896-1901 Heath, Charles E.
1872-1878 Fletcher, Henry T. 1887-1901 Thoms, David 1896-1905 Loftus, Thomas F.
1873-1874 Flandres, Charles J. circa 1888 Star Gallery 1896-1902 Starr, A. M.
1873-1873 Fletcher & Company 1888-1890 Blackmore Manufctrng. Co. 1896-1907 Wykes, George H.
1873-1874 Tucker, Mary E., Mrs. 1888-1889 Deter, Samuel A. 1897-1922 Thiele & Company, M. P.
1874-1877 Crosby, Alfred W. 1888-1891 Hansen, Andrew 1898-1925 DeWindt, Abraham
1874-1875 Fletcher & Robinson 1888-1919 LeClear, Albert Avery 1898-1899 Diehl & Henze
1874-1874 Hitchcock & Co., George 1888-1889 Mann, Hartwell C. 1898-1898 Ericson, Carl
1874-1875 Smith, Garret E. 1888-1889 Moore, Cornelius W. 1898-1899 Filkins, Charles H.
1874-1874 Valley City Gem Gallery 1888-1889 Schellhous & Company 1898-1898 High Grade Portrait Co.
1874-1874 Wing, Simon, Mrs. 1888-1891 Sharpsteen, Nettie L., Mrs. 1898-1929 Martin, Elmer E.
1874-1878 Wing’s Photograph Gallery 1888-1903 Sharpsteen, Samuel L. 1898-1899 Newkirk, Jennie W., Mrs.
1875-1875 Bailey, Robert 1888-1888 Star Gem Gallery 1898-1905 Pearn & DeWindt
1875-1924 Bayne, James 1888-1891 Wolfe, A. Fred 1898-1899 Price, Joseph G.
1875-1879 Hutchinson, William A. 1889-1893 Arthur & Philbric circa 1900 Monroe, _______
1875-1877 Hutchinson & Bayne 1889-1896 Carlisle, Orville D. 1900-1900 Diehl & Hansen
Grand Rapids, continued.
1900-1900 Gies, J. H. 1909-1909 Partlow, William E. 1918-1919 Daniels, Harry
1900-1901 Hansen, Matthew J. 1909-1909 Scott, Florence, Miss 1918-1921 Valentine, Ulysses S.
1900-1900 Waterbury, Earl A. 1909-1911 Tromp, William 1918-1919 Valentine-Arthur Studio
1901-1903 DeVries, Benjamin 1909-1909 Warren, Lucille P., Miss 1918-1939 Wright, Frank P.
1901-1903 Hoskins, Nathan P. circa 1910 Electric Little Photo Studio 1919-1930 Century Photo-View Co.
1901-1917 Robinson, Carey B. 1910-1910 Avery, Bert H. 1919-1919 Hardy, Chester A.
1901-1901 Rose, Homer O. 1910-1910 Blashfield, Madge, Mrs. 1919-1920 Hulbert, Minnie L., Mrs.
circa 1902 Hasenack, William Frederk 1910-1929 Burniewicz, Alexander 1919-1923 Ledward, George T.
1902-1902 Baynton, George 1910-1925 Keef, Edwin L. 1920-1923 Artcraft Studios
1902-1934 Brubaker, John H. 1910-1910 Metropolitan Art Studio 1920-1923 Brown, Edwin E.
1902-1903 Conat Brothers 1910-1912 Robinson, Lettie A., Mrs. 1920-1925 Coulter, Robert Douglas
1902-1909 Hastings, Hattie E., Mrs. 1910-1911 Sanford, Walter H. 1920-1922 Filipkowski, Walter
1902-1911 Krebs & Brubaker 1910-1911 Wytkowicz & Burniewicz 1920-1925 Hesselink & Phillips
1902-1902 Martin, Edward R. 1911-1911 Bizauskas, Joseph 1920-1921 Jones, A. Ernest
1902-1903 Masters, F. Park 1911-1911 Burniewicz & Staskorz 1920-1943 Photo Service Shop
1902-1917 Woodard, Harley M. 1911-1919 Dyer, Adelaide Wert, Mrs. 1920-1943 Photo Shop, The
1903-1903 DeVries, John G. 1911-1911 Gunn, Milo D. 1920-1920 Rotherick, George W.
1903-1907 Rowerdink, Anna, Mrs. 1911-1913 Hamilton & Reingholdtz 1920-1921 Van der Meer Brothers
1904-1905 Breck, Herbert J. 1911-1917 Hubert, William C. G. 1920-1927 Wilding Film Mfg. Co.
1904-1907 Foster, Frank N. circa 1912 Electric Photo Studio circa 1922 Karwelis, _______
1904-1922 Gillette, Arthur G. circa 1912 Pritchard, L. N. 1922-1923 Abetts, Frederick C.
1904-1943 Gillette, Royal T. circa 1912 Ricker Post Card Co. 1922-1934 Baker Photo Company
1904-1904 Glasgow, W. J. 1912-1913 Baker, Peter K. 1922-1931 Fryett, Bertha, Mrs.
1904-1907 Neureither, Frederick G. 1912-1913 Douglas, E. C., Mrs. 1922-1923 Gross, James W.
1904-1907 Packer, Joseph H. 1912-1943 Faingold, Gustave 1922-1927 Harshberger, Charles I.
1904-1921 Royal Photo Company 1912-1913 Kiley, William M. 1922-1931 Olson, Charles Oscar
1904-1907 Webb, Charles F. 1912-1912 National Photo Company 1922-1923 Poling, Samuel P.
1904-1905 Whitney, Morris O. 1912-1912 Olympic Studio, The 1922-1923 Rembrandt Studio
1904-1905 Wilkins, Charles A. 1912-1913 Rozell, Charles J. 1922-1943 Versluis, Leonard A.
circa 1905 Fowler View Company 1912-1913 Thompson, Robert A. 1922-1925 Wallace, William
1905-1943 Calkins, Frederick E. circa 1913 Du Val, Benjamin J. 1922-1931 Wejtkiewicz, Adolph W.
1905-1905 Enterprise Studio 1913-1917 Boote, Ernest H. 1922-1943 West-Dempster Company
1905-1909 White, Marl S. 1913-1913 Davies & Son 1922-1923 Whyte, R. Jay
1906-1909 Bazuin, Albert J. 1913-1913 Fry, Bert C. 1923-1929 Gross, James W.
1906-1917 Chase, John W. 1913-1915 Jagielski, John P. 1923-1937 Kline, Charles E.
1906-1909 Findlay, Frank M. 1913-1913 Nemeck, Louis A. 1924-1931 Fuson, Charles E.
1906-1915 Josselyn, Effie F., Mrs. 1913-1921 Robinson, Leo C. 1924-1925 Keef & Keef
1906-1906 Parady, Silas E. 1914-1934 Baker Olin J. 1924-1931 Nichols, V. Hugh
1906-1909 Putney, Ralph B. 1914-1917 Berkey, Seymour R. 1924-1927 Photo Service Shop
1906-1920 Rose Studio 1914-1917 Boote Photo Shop 1924-1927 Van Campen, Agnes, Mrs.
1906-1907 Watson, Phyllis C. 1914-1915 Horning, Ferdinand E. 1926-1927 Anderson, Thomas D.
1907-1939 Edison, Ida S., Miss 1914-1915 Urbitus, Charles 1926-1927 Avery, Harvey G.
1907-1939 Hesselink, Harry Klein circa 1915 Horning, H. R. & F. E. 1926-1936 DeWindt Studio
1907-1908 Michigan Art Company 1915-1917 Chase, Frederick P. 1926-1931 Dykhuizen, P. Allen
circa 1908 Electric Little Photo Co. 1915-1915 Douglas, Frank M. 1926-1927 Halker, Frank F.
1908-1915 Chase, Samuel J. 1915-1925 Keef, Eva E., Mrs. 1926-1927 K M L Photographers
1908-1919 Chibicki, Joseph T. 1915-1925 Semerjian, Leo 1926-1927 Poling, Paul S. P. P.
1908-1908 Flood, D. Edward 1916-1925 Comet Photo Studio 1926-1931 Wallace, Baltrus G.
1908-1915 Gowdy, Albert G. 1916-1919 Morris & Wilding 1929-1929 Tickner, Adelbert G.
1908-1909 Hamilton & Van Campen 1916-1917 Otto, John 1930-1931 Bennett, Vera A.
1908-1909 Merritt, Letta E., Mrs. 1916-1927 Verrill, Merton L. 1930-1931 Coulter Studio
1908-1911 Royal Photographic Co. 1916-1916 Whitney, Pearl E., Miss 1930-1931 Gross Studio
1908-1911 Towse, Frank P. 1916-1943 Whittier, Olin F. 1930-1931 LaClaire, Maurice C.
1908-1923 Van Campen, Fred M. 1917-1922 Baker-Coster Photo Co. 1930-1931 LeClear, Julia, Mrs.
1908-1921 Youngs, Eugene M. 1917-1917 Brown, Fedora E. D., Miss 1930-1931 Martin, E., Mrs.
1909-1939 Camera Shop, The 1917-1932 Faingold, Louis 1930-1931 Martin, Maude C., Mrs.
1909-1909 Dinniny, Duncan R. 1917-1928 Lewis, Constantine M. 1930-1931 Noble, Fred C.
Grandville, Kent County, postoffice 1834, railroad 1869.
1904-1911 Gridley, Carl H.

Grant, Newaygo County, railroad 1872, postoffice as Grant Station 1892, postoffice as Grant 1899.
circa 1890 Earl, Marion E. 1900-1900 Henningsen, Henry C. 1916-1917 Webb, Charles F.

Grant Station, Newaygo County, railroad 1872, postoffice 1892, Grant since 1899.
circa 1890 Mudge, L. E. circa 1895 Hemingsen, H. C.

Grass Lake, Jackson County, postoffice 1839, railroad 1841.

1859-1864 Cornell, Joseph A. 1878-1881 Stone, Edmund J. 1900-1901 Gillett, Frank
1862-1877 Lammon, Benjamin B. circa 1888 Frost Brothers 1907-1908 “Chuck”
1876-1876 Lammon & Munger circa 1900 Gillette, J. F. 1916-1917 Fox, C. A.

Grawn, Grand Traverse County, postoffice 1890, railroad 1890.

1905-1907 Little, William 1909-1909 Hoxie, S. D.

Grayling, Crawford County seat, railroad 1873, postoffice 1874.

circa 1885 Paisley, F. Lester 1903-1903 Hatch, C. E. 1907-1908 Laur, Montraville
1888-1895 Bonnell, George H. 1904-1905 Hatch, _______, Mrs. 1908-1923 Wingard, James H.
1890-1891 Odell, Stephen E. circa 1905 Imperial Art Studio 1933-1933 Waldron, L.
circa 1895 Little, _______ 1906-1907 Martin, L. J., Mrs. 1939-1939 Trudeau Studio

Greenbush, Clinton County, postoffice 1844, Eureka since 1867, railroad 1885.
1860-1865 Davidson, John E. 1864-1865 Davidson & Berebecker

Greenfield Village, Wayne County.

1929-1943 Tremear, Charles Herbert

Greenland, Ontonagon County, postoffice 1858, railroad 1890 or earlier. (on M&NRR 1891 msg)
1903-1903 Anderson, John 1906-1909 Reitzel, Daniel 1916-1921 Willin, William F.

Greenville, Montcalm County seat 1850-1860, postoffice 1848, railroad 1870.

1859-1860 Sanford, William R. 1872-1875 Cornell, Spencer C. 1880-1881 Brothers, Orrin A.
1862-1870 Brothers, Nicholas V. 1872-1873 Cornell Brothers 1886-1887 Hansen, Andrew
1863-1864 Colby, James M. 1872-1873 Menkee, Horace 1900-1901 Gibson, Eugene H.
1863-1864 Lattimer, Ezra 1874-1923 Bremer, Frederick 1907-1923 Snow, Luman B.
1864-1865 Bradley, Horatio N. 1874-1875 Geer, Luron H. 1920-1920 Tuttle, Burton C.
1867-1867 Lipscomb & Company, C. 1874-1875 McIntire, J. A. 1930-1931 Johnson, Kenneth J.
1868-1868 French, Mary E., Mrs. 1876-1877 Clark & Company, H. S. 1930-1931 Kennedy, William H.
1870-1887 Morehouse, William J. circa 1878 Wolcott, _______
1872-1881 Clark, Hiram S. 1879-1917 Palethorpe, Thomas

Gregory, Livingston County, postoffice 1884, railroad 1884.

circa 1897 Ford, George H.

Grindstone City, Huron County port 1834, postoffice 1872, railroad 1892.
1882-1889 Ebert, Emery

Grosse Ile, Wayne County, postoffice as Grosse Isle 1851, railroad 1872, postoffice as Grosse Ile 1890.
1905-1905 Hayward, R. R.

Grosse Pointe, Wayne County, postoffice 1870.

1909-1911 “Chuck” 1914-1914 Huys, Henry F.

Grosse Pointe Park, Wayne County, incorporated 1907.

1940-1940 Wilson, John Clyde

Grove, Newaygo County, postoffice 1883.

1902-1903 Smith, Morgan
Groveland, Oakland County, postoffice as Fairfield 1834, postoffice as Groveland 1835.
1863-1863 Miller, Oliver C.

Gun Plains, Allegan County, postoffice 1833.

1865-1866 Rupell, J. D.

Gwinn, Marquette County, railroad 1906, postoffice 1908.

1910-1921 Peterson, Adolph G.

Hadley, Lapeer County, postoffice 1838.

1862-1863 Riley, Ashley 1888-1891 Henderson, W. H. 1914-1914 Nowlin, George
1872-1872 Baldwin, Charles E. 1890-1891 Henderson, W. H. & P. M.

Hale, Iosco County, railroad 1885, postoffice 1889.

1910-1911 Howe, F. L. circa 1915 Howe, L. A.

Hamilton, Allegan County, postoffice as Rabbit River 1851, postoffice as Hamilton 1870, railroad 1870.
1891-1891 Partridge, Fayette, Mrs. 1903-1910 Groff, Levi, Mrs.

Hamtramck, Wayne County, postoffice as Kraft 1899, postoffice as Hamtramck 1905, railroad at Milwaukee Junction ???.
1911-1913 Mikolajczyk, Stanislaus circa 1920 Kaczor, Kazimir H. 1924-1925 Hamtramck P Art Studio
circa 1912 Echlin, _______ 1920-1921 Cantor, Max 1925-1972 Pieronek, Paul
1914-1921 Korzym, Karol 1920-1921 Wybrant, Frank E. 1926-1932 Litynski, Walter E.
1919-1924 Wojnicki, Thaddeus 1922-1941 Derkach, Mark 1930-1931 Petrowski, S. E.
1919-1921 Wojnicki Brothers 1922-1925 Iwanowski, John

Hancock, Houghton County port 1852, postoffice 1860, railroad to Calumet 1873, railroad bridge to Houghton 1886.
1862-1863 Emery, Ard G. 1884-1910 Haefer, Frederick C. 1902-1903 Hageman, E. O.
1864-1864 Philbrook, Edgar E. circa 1891 Sturtz & Coe 1902-1903 Hageman & Moore
1867-1867 Peaton, John 1891-1894 Coe, J. Allison 1902-1907 Moore, Albert M.
1867-1867 Whitesides, William 1891-1891 Coe & Sturtz 1903-1911 Baker, John E.
1874-1875 Boyden & Co., E. L. 1892-1897 Everest, Bert S. circa 1905 Haefer & Silfven
1874-1875 Boyden & Pollock circa 1895 Sandelin, H. 1905-1909 Silfven, Carl A.
1874-1890 Pinten, Joseph 1895-1895 Burt, E. 1906-1912 Juntunen, Peter M.
1874-1875 Pinten & Brother 1895-1895 Prince, Tom J. 1907-1909 Rutherford, Robert R.
circa 1876 Pinten & Brothers 1895-1900 Taylor, John H. 1907-1931 Silfven, C. A. & Co.
circa 1877 Whitesides, John H. 1900-1901 Auer, Lauri 1908-1919 Schwarz, Karl A.
1878-1879 Pinten Brothers 1900-1900 Boyd, G. H. 1911-1912 Davis, George W.
1884-1890 Pinten, J. & Brother 1901-1905 Auer, Louis 1912-1931 Kukkonen, Charles A.

Hanover, Jackson County, postoffice 1837, railroad 1869.

1880-1880 Clark, William circa 1897 Ford, George H. circa 1912 Wood, G. E.
1882-1883 Cheney, Willis L. 1908-1913 Rogers, B. E. 1917-1917 Litchhult,

Harbor Beach, Huron Co port 1837, po Sand Beach 1861, harbor of refuge ca 1877, rr 1880, po Harbor Beach 1889.
1902-1908 Tschirhart, Peter 1912-1913 Butler, James A. 1922-1923 Harbeck, Jerome
1903-1903 Hager, John H., Junior circa 1914 Stirton, James W. 1924-1925 Enright, James D.
1908-1909 White, E. J. 1914-1915 Fraser, Harold C. 1930-1931 Cole, John M.
1910-1910 Allen, R. C. 1915-1921 Williams, Felton

Harbor Springs, Emmet Co. seat to 1902, port 1853, po as Little Traverse 1862, po as Harbor Springs 1881, rr 1882.
1875-1875 Limpert, George A. 1892-1911 Williams, Daniel 1902-1907 Parker, Waldo H.
1882-1882 Barnes, A. 1892-1894 Williams & Carpenter 1908-1909 McLaughlin, R. F.
1882-1883 Davidson, John E. circa 1895 Terrell & Judd 1909-1911 Babcock, Era M.
1884-1885 Trumbull, Lyman J. 1896-1899 Frayne, Harry S. 1913-1915 Stutsman, Isaac W.
circa 1890 Carpenter Brothers 1900-1921 Miller, William H. 1920-1930 Troup, Rex
1890-1895 Carpenter, Bird 1900-1901 Miller, W. H. & Co. 1930-1930 Grinsted Studio
1890-1890 Young, W. G. 1902-1905 Lee, Bertha M., Miss

Harlan, Manistee County, railroad 1889, postoffice 1890.

circa 1912 Neher, D.
Harriette, Wexford County, railroad 1889, postoffice 1892, Harrietta since 1923.
1900-1903 Doty, Valda L. 1910-1911 Doty, Samuel J.

Harrison, Clare County seat since 1879, postoffice 1880, railroad 1880.
1886-1890 Morey, Loren S. circa 1890 Morey & Moore 1909-1909 Rule, _______
1887-1894 Moore, Llewellyn O. 1893-1893 Dailey, Rolland

Harrisville, Alcona County seat, port 1854, postoffice 1857, railroad 1901.
1877-1877 McIntyre, W. 1886-1886 Sterling, George F. 1912-1913 Tibbals, Floyd L.
1878-1882 Lawson, Alexander J. 1887-1887 McEvoy, John J. 1916-1921 Silverthorn, Addison
1886-1886 Bradshaw, Albert J. 1898-1898 Miller, A. J. 1920-1921 Silverthorn & Son, A.

Hart, Oceana County seat, postoffice 1865, railroad 1880.

1868-1868 Hunt, Nelson circa 1895 Edmonson, William L. 1902-1903 Lafayette, John Anthony
1872-1879 Gaines, Curtis A. circa 1895 Hutchins, _______ 1904-1905 Fox, Ora
1880-1883 Dailey, Rolland circa 1895 Pattee, M. 1904-1905 Topping, Herbert H.
1880-1881 Hatch, Alphonso E. 1898-1899 Hobart & Lafayette 1911-1913 Hahn, J. H.
1884-1891 Ackerson, William D. 1898-1910 Tickner, Adelbert G. 1914-1914 Kelly, Lyle
1884-1885 Daily, Jonas 1899-1899 Dyer, J. M. circa 1915 Nelson, Dora
1892-1895 Chase, Newell S. 1900-1901 Luke & Topping 1924-1931 Bedell, Robert M.
1894-1897 Miller, Lysander W. 1900-1900 Tickner, Adelbert G., Mrs.

Hartford, Van Buren County, postoffice 1856, railroad 1871.

1863-1864 Mills, Loretta A. 1898-1899 Jones, Frederick V. 1916-1916 Cross, Myrtle, Miss
1864-1865 Easton, L. A., Miss 1900-1919 Toogood, Frank W. 1916-1917 Ostrander, Roy
1878-1899 Mills, William R. 1904-1908 Whitney, M. Otto 1920-1931 Conway, Blanche
1882-1901 Whitney, Ambrose Z. 1908-1909 Schneider, _______
1884-1895 Cook, Theodore 1910-1910 Hayden, Myrtle, Miss

Hartwellville, Shiawassee County, postoffice 1841.

1859-1860 Rowell, John

Haslett, Ingham County, railroad 1877, postoffice as Pine Lake 1879, as Haslett Park 1890, and as Haslett 1895.
1910-1917 French, F. W.

Haslett Park, Ingham County, railroad 1877, postoffice as Pine Lake 1879, as Haslett Park 1890, and as Haslett 1895.
circa 1895 Beebe, Earl

Hastings, Barry County seat, postoffice 1839, railroad 1869.

1860-1861 Francisco, H. E. 1874-1909 Black, John C. 1891-1891 Hendrick, Murray L.
1860-1863 Maynard, James W. circa 1875 Chidester & Farlin 1892-1895 Bays, Davis H.
1862-1863 Otis, Arvin C. circa 1875 Clark, George W. 1894-1908 Christmas, Henry J.
1863-1864 Fuller, Luther J. 1876-1877 Black & Clarkson circa 1895 Bays & Tatton
1863-1864 Stone, Seth L. 1876-1881 Clarkson, Joseph S. circa 1895 Johnson & Company
1864-1865 Fuller, Frederick A. circa 1877 Black & Van Schoten circa 1895 West & Barton
circa 1865 Main, B. circa 1877 Van Schoten & Clarkson 1896-1897 Chandler, Charles W.
1865-1867 Paine, John Wesley circa 1877 Van Schoten & Smith 1908-1909 Dennis, E. M.
1866-1868 Hatch, Henry M. circa 1878 Smith & Clarkson 1908-1911 Joy, Sherman D.
circa 1867 Boylan, Mary E., Mrs. 1878-1878 Clarkson & Smith 1909-1910 Kenfield, Charles
circa 1867 Hastings Art Gallery 1878-1879 Curtis, Margaret, Mrs. 1910-1913 Packer, Joseph H.
1867-1867 Doy, George E. 1880-1881 Clarkson & Clark 1912-1931 Green, Rolland E.
circa 1868 Barrows, John G. 1882-1885 Ball, William Z. 1914-1915 Brubaker & Howe
1872-1875 Chidester, Benjamin F. 1882-1883 Easton, William H. 1914-1917 Patton, Earl E.
1872-1909 Heath, George L. 1882-1883 Heath & Feighner 1917-1917 Ball, Lyman L.
1872-1873 Heath & Chidester 1884-1885 Blocksom, Henry H. 1917-1931 Mason, James R.
1872-1873 Minkler, John F. 1890-1891 Schumaker, B. & R. 1918-1919 Trussler, J. W.

Hawks, Presque Isle County, railroad 1895, postoffice 1896.

1910-1910 Richards, _______
Haynes Township, Alcona County.
1913-1913 Card, Fred

Heath, Allegan County, organized 1851.

1867-1867 Smith, John Westley

Helmer, Luce County, postoffice 1894.

1913-1913 Fyvie, Charles L.

Hemlock, Saginaw County, postoffice as Hemlock City 1869, railroad 1872, postoffice as Hemlock 1895.
1902-1905 Cross, Leonard A.

Henderson, Shiawassee County, railroad 1867, postoffice as Hazel Green 1868, postoffice as Henderson 1876.
1898-1903 Allen, Lydia

Hersey, Osceola County seat until 1927, postoffice 1868, railroad 1871.
1874-1875 Van Meter, Henry circa 1890 Sliger, Leo
1876-1877 Dalzell, Samuel 1898-1899 Hodgins, Elias B.

Hesperia, Oceana County, postoffice 1867.

1874-1875 Sutherland, A. circa 1895 Slocum & Stirling 1922-1927 Van Sickle, Hezekiah N.
1890-1891 Tromater, George W. 1900-1910 Clark, Elsie Lelia, Mrs.

Highland, Oakland County, postoffice 1835, railroad 1871 at Highland Station 2 miles east.
1862-1867 Tenny, Alonzo

Highland Park, Wayne County, railroad 1838, postoffice as Whitewood 1873, postoffice as Highland Park 1889.
1908-1909 Crowton, Jesse J. 1917-1917 Northrup, Lynn L. 1923-1925 Kanzadian, Roupen
1908-1911 Cave, John H. 1918-1919 Camera Kraft Shop 1924-1927 Karekinian, Der
1910-1910 Jackson, Isaac D. 1918-1919 Roberts, Harry D. 1924-1925 Wayne Publishing Co.
1913-1914 Messinger, Charles R. 1919-1919 Tabibian, Ludwig 1928-1941 Schindler, Frank S.
1914-1921 Kimmel, Louis 1920-1920 Shukloian, Charles M. 1935-1941 Smith, W. Lankton
1914-1915 Nelson, Harold N. 1921-1927 Margolis, Michael 1940-1942 Holgate, Frederick

Hillman, Montmorency County seat until 1893, postoffice 1882, railroad 1909.
1884-1885 Body, W. 1910-1910 Richards, _______

Hillsdale, Hillsdale County seat since 1843, postoffice 1839, railroad 1843.
1856-1856 Dewy, W. B. 1872-1873 Hawkins & Cole 1899-1901 Dey & Hayden
1856-1856 Laverty, T. H. 1873-1883 Carson & Graham 1899-1911 Hayden, Grace H., Mrs.
1860-1873 Andrew, Reuben L. circa 1880 Cole & Robinson 1899-1911 Withington, Chester R.
1860-1860 Dewey, Nathaniel S. 1884-1901 Boutwell, William B. 1902-1902 Darby, L. L.
1860-1860 Doty, Lorenzo circa 1885 Rose & Lamb circa 1905 Greening, C. W.
1860-1860 Nabors, L. E. & Co. 1885-1895 Rose, Judson A. 1908-1911 Noyes, John W.
1862-1863 Andrew & Ives 1886-1887 Barnes, Amos 1910-1919 Rowe, Fred D.
1862-1867 Hummel, John H. 1888-1888 Avery, Charles Thomas 1911-1915 Crawford, Arthur E.
1863-1864 Barnes & Redfield circa 1890 McIntire, Hervey H. 1911-1911 Novelty Photo Company
circa 1864 Wheeler & Sherman circa 1890 Seitz, Frederick H. 1914-1914 Logan, G. H.
1864-1865 Sherman & Wheeler 1890-1891 Shafer, George W. circa 1915 Crocker, R. W.
1865-1865 Farrand & Clarke 1891-1891 Shafer & Wolcott 1915-1918 Abbott, William M.
1865-1866 Ball, Robert 1891-1897 Wolcott, Charles S. 1916-1919 David, Lewis R.
1865-1867 Clarke, Eugene 1894-1894 Haynes, Frank J. 1920-1931 Felger, Charles H.
1865-1865 Thompson, Charles V. 1896-1899 Jones, Louis A. 1920-1931 Rowe, Aclecia A., Mrs.
1866-1866 Ball & Beall 1898-1898 Colemorgan, A., Mrs. 1923-1927 Oliver, Louis J.
1867-1873 Andrew & Carson 1898-1922 Dey, Genevieve C., Mrs. 1927-1927 Folger, Howard
1867-1890 Carson, William A. 1898-1898 Dey, Mert C. 1936-1937 Burd & Burd
1869-1874 Foster, Frank D. 1898-1898 Nunroe, William
1872-1885 Cole, John R. 1898-1898 Wolcott & Dey
Holland, Ottawa County port 1847, po as Black River 1848, po as Holland 1851, rr 1870, most businesses burned 1871.
1860-1861 Barker, I. I. 1894-1895 McDermand & Jacokes circa 1908 Coster, Paul R.
1862-1863 Andrews, Rufus 1894-1894 Van Korveran Brothers 1908-1910 Gumser, Arthur
1863-1863 Andrews & Turnham circa 1895 Boston Photo Company 1908-1908 Holland Photo Company
1863-1865 Farnum, Samuel R. circa 1895 Holland Portrait Company circa 1910 Hoffman Studio
1865-1875 Lauder, George circa 1895 Monroe, William H. 1910-1911 Brubaker, John H.
1876-1893 Burgess, Azariah M. 1896-1908 Calhoun, Joseph C. 1910-1934 DuSaar, Doede J.
1876-1905 Higgins, Benjamin P. 1896-1896 Holland City Portrait Co. 1910-1913 Hoffman Brothers
circa 1885 Keller, _______ 1896-1927 O’Leary, Edward J. 1914-1915 Gumser Studio
1886-1887 Ver Lee & Young 1896-1896 Tromp, Martin 1918-1918 Tromp, Reuben
circa 1887 Burgess & Young 1898-1898 Childs, H. R. 1921-1929 Holland Photo Shop
1889-1891 Lafayette, John Anthony 1898-1901 Minkler, John F. 1924-1934 Jones, Eleanor F.
circa 1890 Bertsch, F. J. 1898-1898 Tromp & Brothers 1925-1925 Jones, Kass
circa 1890 Watkins, William S. 1901-1907 Baumgartel, Henry 1929-1936 Baumgartel, Henry D.
1890-1893 Clarke, Frank L. 1901-1901 Bowman, _______ 1929-1931 Versluis, Leonard A.
1891-1909 Hopkins, William D. 1901-1903 Warner, Joseph 1931-1934 Michigan Photo Service
1894-1894 Jacokes, B. H. 1902-1903 Brooks, Griffith G., Mrs. 1931-1934 Winslow Studio
1894-1895 McDermand, Edward J. 1907-1936 Lacey, George A.

Holly, Oakland County, postoffice as Holly Mills 1851, railroad 1855, postoffice as Holly 1861.
1862-1863 Whalen, Abel J. circa 1884 Slaght, Fred W. 1894-1895 Mills, John B.
1863-1865 Goodrich, John R. 1884-1885 Judd, Jacob E. 1894-1899 Wright, Alice M., Mrs.
1864-1865 Clarkson & Ambler 1886-1886 Eddington, Charles G. 1898-1898 Seabolt, Charles S.
circa 1866 Bissell & Wiseman 1886-1887 Harmon, _______ 1899-1901 Gaylord, William B.
circa 1866 Bissell, E. & Company 1886-1886 Scott, David 1902-1903 Johnston, William
1866-1881 Bissell, Edward circa 1887 Baker, Edwin P. 1902-1909 Wisner, Burton J.
1866-1867 Foote, Warren Cook circa 1887 Cornish, Henry R. 1910-1910 Wisner, Lydia L., Mrs.
1868-1879 Bissell, E. & Son 1888-1893 Babcock, George C. 1911-1915 Hinkley, Royal G.
1875-1876 Brummitt, William H. circa 1890 Austin, C. W. 1916-1919 Strego, Harry
circa 1880 Gould, Mr. & Mrs. G. E. circa 1894 Cliff, Stead L. 1926-1931 Babcock, George
1880-1881 Bissell & Son circa 1894 Drake, M. M.

Holton, Muskegon County, postoffice 1872, railroad 1872.

1881-1881 Membroe, _______ 1907-1909 Warner, H. O.

Homer, Calhoun County, postoffice 1834, railroad 1870.

1857-1863 Miller, Michael 1898-1900 Bennett, Adelbert 1914-1915 Andrews, Lavern
1864-1893 Peppet, William 1898-1898 Buck & Scott 1914-1915 Andrews, William E.
circa 1890 McIntire, Hervey H. 1900-1901 Hinds, F. A. 1920-1925 Robinson, Frank
circa 1892 Whalen’s Studio 1902-1903 Hopkins, Charles E. 1926-1927 Conrod & Griffith
1894-1897 Overholt, John W. 1902-1903 Withington, Chester R.
1896-1897 Bennett, Mattie R. 1907-1908 Neal, Frederick J.

Honor, Benzie County seat 1908-1916, postoffice 1895, railroad 1895.

1904-1907 Hart, Leon 1904-1909 Hacket, C. 1910-1911 Smith, Orville

Hopkins, Allegan County, railroad 1869, postoffice as Hopkins Station 1870, Hopkins since 1906.
1902-1903 Buck, Arthur W. 1906-1911 Campbell, George W.

Hopkins Station, Allegan County, railroad 1869, postoffice 1870, Hopkins since 1906.
1888-1889 Blair, Wilson H. circa 1895 Pulhemus, Frank A.
circa 1895 White, Darwin E. circa 1900 Wyatt, A.

Horton, Jackson County, postoffice as Baldwin’s Mills 1854, railroad 1869, postoffice as Horton 1874.
circa 1897 Ford, George H.
Houghton, Houghton County seat, port 1852, postoffice 1852, railroad 1883, railroad bridge to Hancock 1886.
1859-1860 Hacker, F. W. 1868-1879 Fleischmann, Frank C. 1910-1913 Scarlett, Charles E.
1862-1867 Brubaker, Henry B. 1872-1873 Brubaker & Whitesides 1912-1912 Campbell, Hugh C.
1862-1866 Gerhard, John 1872-1877 Whitesides, William 1914-1919 Bonsall, William J.
1863-1864 Philbrook, Edgar E. 1878-1885 Childs, Brainard F. circa 1915 Edyvean, Frank M.
circa 1865 Brubaker, H. B. & Co. circa 1885 Prince, G. A. & V. 1916-1918 Bonsall, Walter J.
circa 1866 Brubaker, H. & Co. 1886-1887 Haefer, Frederick C. 1916-1916 Pollock, Charles V.
1867-1874 Brubaker, Christ B. 1889-1913 Wortley, Alfred L. 1918-1931 Butler, Edward V.
1867-1867 Brubaker & Brother 1906-1908 Buck, Arthur W.
1867-1867 Fleischmann, Charles 1907-1909 Martin, Charles A.

Houghton Lake, Roscommon County seat until 1879, postoffice 1875.

1920-1928 Smith, Etha

Howard City, Montcalm County, railroad 1869, postoffice 1870.

1872-1874 Towle, Henry R. 1874-1931 Menkee, Horace circa 1895 Lover, T.
1874-1874 Bourzutschky, Robert circa 1895 Hobart & Lafayette circa 1905 Littmann & Evans

Howardsville, Saint Joseph County, postoffice 1858.

1886-1891 Dent, Joseph 1909-1910 Kern, _______

Howell, Livingston County seat, postoffice 1836, railroad 1871.

1856-1856 Heath, Frederick G. circa 1885 Brown, Mr. & Mrs. M. 1894-1894 Gault, John Z.
1858-1864 Brayton, Burt circa 1885 Cleave & Briggs 1894-1895 Vander Cook, Ernest A.
1862-1863 Byam, John W. circa 1885 Cleave & Buell 1896-1903 Hodgeman, Joseph H.
1862-1865 Smith, William B. 1886-1887 Osborn, _______ 1898-1902 Sloan, William
1863-1867 Coates, Alfred E. 1886-1899 Paddack, Charles A. circa 1900 Pearce, C. E.
1864-1865 Wyckoff, Floyd S. circa 1887 Chapman & Osborn circa 1902 Sloan & Co., William
1865-1865 Farah, Marvin 1887-1890 Chapman, Ida B., Mrs. 1902-1908 Wright, Robert Bruce
1865-1866 Foster & Company, E. C. 1888-1890 Kent, Newton 1902-1903 Wright & Company
1866-1867 Palmer, _______, Mrs. 1888-1889 Kent & Chapman 1904-1905 Sissem, Willard J.
1867-1868 Palmer, Jennie, Miss circa 1890 Ladd, M. H. 1906-1917 Lyndon, Roy J.
1868-1868 Coates, Sarah, Mrs. circa 1890 Morgan & Laine 1907-1908 Kelly, F. C.
1872-1888 Cleave, Walter E. 1890-1891 Gibson & Morgan 1910-1920 Boardman, Rose, Mrs.
1873-1873 Wood, William S. 1890-1892 Meeker, F. A. 1910-1921 Boardman, Alfred E.
1878-1899 Brown, Mark 1890-1891 Morgan, Albert A. circa 1912 Britten, C. E.
1878-1885 Jensen, Niels P. circa 1892 Rentschler & Meeker 1916-1916 Gurley, L. C.
circa 1880 Tomlinson, _______ 1892-1894 Rentschler, Andrew 1916-1926 Ludwig, Harland A.
1882-1885 Brown, M. & C. E. 1894-1895 Curtiss, Frank H. 1926-1931 Nelson, Christian J.
1884-1885 Phinisey, Theodore W. 1894-1894 Gault, Clarence

Hoytville, Eaton County, postoffice as Centre 1856, postoffice as Hoytville 1880.

circa 1890 Van Horn, George J.

Hubbard Lake, Alpena County, postoffice 1883.

circa 1910 Farr, H. E.

Hubbardston, Ionia County, postoffice 1859.

1863-1863 Terrell, Franklin 1874-1875 Kellogg & Ayars 1896-1900 McSherry, William J.
1864-1865 Smith, Jonathan R. 1882-1883 Oberlin, George W. 1904-1907 Chapman, Herbert P.
1868-1875 Haley, Nathan D. circa 1890 Clarke & Dinsmore 1910-1911 Parr, Ada, Mrs.

Hubbell, Houghton County, postoffice as Groverton 1886, as South Lake Linden 1889, and as Hubbell 1903, railroad 1903.
circa 1915 Cuddihy, Jim circa 1919 Webber, Abe
Hudson, Lenawee County, postoffice as Lanesville 1836, postoffice as Hudson 1840, railroad 1843.
1857-1879 Spencer, David H. circa 1873 Crispell, Theron 1892-1925 Bass, Ellsworth M.
1862-1866 Cleave, Walter E. 1874-1877 Dewey, H. J. 1894-1897 Stadon, John E.
1862-1863 French, Mary E., Mrs. 1874-1875 Dewey, W. W. & Brother 1896-1899 McSherry, William J.
1863-1864 Bacon, William J. 1874-1875 Foster, Frank D. 1898-1931 Frost, Jesse E.
1864-1865 Rowley, A. B. 1874-1874 Mattison, E. 1898-1923 Frost Brothers
1864-1867 Rowley, N. L. 1876-1877 Perry, Edgar H. 1898-1901 Lowe, William W.
1865-1866 Palmer, H. E. & Company circa 1878 Peirson, E. D. circa 1905 Brown, Townsend
1865-1866 Rowley, N. L., Mrs. 1878-1891 Brown, Frederick D. circa 1910 Blaker, Leroy W.
1866-1867 Nye, Simmons S. circa 1880 Harris, J. W. 1910-1917 Lord, Perley
1866-1866 Nye, S. S. & Brother circa 1880 Spencer, George E. 1918-1919 Balch & Company
1867-1867 Fowler, James 1882-1885 Lamb, James M. 1930-1931 Hill, H. W.
1869-1881 Nye, Clark O. 1887-1891 Culver, W. A.
circa 1870 Marvin & Hawkins 1891-1895 Wilkinson, Edwin H.

Hudsonville, Ottawa County, postoffice as South Georgetown 1868, postoffice as Hudsonville 1872, railroad 1872.
1884-1885 Slocum, Delener

Humboldt, Marquette County, postoffice 1870, railroad 1872.

1894-1897 Tregoning, Joseph

Huntington Woods, Oakland County, incorporated 1926.

1933-1933 Buck, Harold R.

Ida, Monroe County, railroad 1839, postoffice 1844.

1863-1864 Dumphery, Azuba, Mrs.

Imlay City, Lapeer County, postoffice 1870, railroad 1871.

1872-1873 Minard, William E. 1884-1885 Haynes, Anson circa 1905 “Mac”
1874-1875 Leach, Edwin J. circa 1886 Shank, L. H. 1906-1907 Mills, Garrett S.
1876-1883 Haynes, Alexander 1886-1888 Swan, Lyman H. 1909-1914 Sisson, Ira Allen
1876-1877 Haynes & Lord 1888-1889 Van Kuren, Rozela 1912-1913 McCormick & Son, W. H.
circa 1879 Gillett, Jedediah B. 1890-1899 Cliff, Stead L. circa 1915 Israel, _______
circa 1880 Gillett & Haynes 1894-1897 Ball, Frederick H. 1926-1927 Metropolitan Art Studio
circa 1880 Haynes & Armstrong 1898-1913 McCormick, William H. 1930-1931 Staats, Arthur W.
1880-1881 Gillette, Jedediah B. 1902-1903 Filkins, Charles H.

Indian River, Cheboygan County port 1878, postoffice 1879, railroad 1881.
circa 1902 Laur Brothers 1910-1910 Wilber & Brown 1926-1927 Verrill, Merton J.
1906-1923 Berry, Ira A. 1925-1925 Hall, V. E. 1930-1931 Berry, L. A.
1906-1909 Berry & Martin 1926-1927 Hall’s Photo Shop

Ingalls, Menominee County, railroad 1872, postoffice 1879.

1907-1910 Peterson, Adolph G.
Ionia, Ionia County seat, postoffice 1835, railroad 1857.
1862-1868 Boozer, Henry W. circa 1880 Quatermass, William M. 1894-1901 Hickok, Frank B.
1862-1865 Chidester, Benjamin F. circa 1880 Wheeler, Lavern F. 1894-1895 Merell & Wilson
1862-1900 Clark, George W. circa 1885 Menkee, W. R. & Co. circa 1895 Angell, Daniel
1862-1862 Hathaway, Andrew V. 1885-1887 Menkee, Walter R. 1898-1898 Baker, W. R.
1864-1865 Hunt, A. M. 1886-1889 Barnum, George H. 1898-1899 Burley, Almon J.
1867-1868 Bailey, Jay 1886-1891 Brown, Mark 1898-1899 Reynolds, A. J.
1869-1870 Bailey, William L. 1886-1887 Menkee Brothers 1900-1901 Wilson, Ralph W.
1869-1869 Clark & Heath circa 1887 Brown, M. & C. E. 1901-1903 Stocoum, Rollin H.
1869-1872 Heath, George L. 1887-1890 Smith, Myron O. 1904-1906 Nix, Harry E.
1869-1870 Parmely, George 1887-1887 Smith & Ball 1906-1913 Armitage, Edward A.
circa 1870 Heath, G. L. & Company 1889-1907 Merell, Louis K. 1906-1925 Goodrich, Fred G.
1871-1873 Flandres, Charles J. circa 1890 Baker, _______ 1907-1908 Rhodes, Frank B.
circa 1873 Clark & Flandres circa 1890 Merell & Smith 1908-1909 Green, Rolland E.
1873-1877 Bauslaugh, Thomas circa 1890 West End Gallery 1911-1920 Wilson, Park T.
1874-1875 Chapman, Isaac O. 1890-1892 Gault, Leslie R. 1914-1923 Roth Studio
circa 1875 Smith & Lowe 1890-1893 Gault, Leslie R., Junior 1917-1917 Kent, Herbert R.
1876-1879 Leigh, M. E., Mrs. 1890-1891 White, George Jeffery 1917-1917 Right Place, The
1878-1879 Clark & Millard 1892-1893 Gault, Anselm L. 1922-1931 MacDonough, Henry T.
1879-1885 Sharpsteen, Samuel L. 1892-1893 Wheat, W. H. & L. A. 1923-1923 Shepardson, _______
circa 1880 Ionia Art Gallery & Copy 1894-1894 Curtiss, Frank H. 1924-1931 Burridge, Charles A.
circa 1880 Myers, William W. 1894-1895 Gault, John Z.

Iron Mountain, Dickinson County seat, postoffice 1880, railroad 1877.

circa 1880 Birely, _______ 1890-1895 Van Stone, George S. 1904-1910 Chatelain, Ali Numa
1884-1888 Vivian, Nicholas J. 1890-1892 Van Stone & Nerold 1904-1931 Quade, Albert
1884-1885 Wagner, Hermann circa 1891 Brown, _______ 1911-1921 Nelson, Nels M.
1886-1903 Eskil, Jorgen Johansen 1891-1891 Murdoch & Mortenson 1922-1923 Anderson, Herbert N.
1888-1890 Eskil & Lee 1892-1895 Cherney, Charles 1922-1940 Archie, James
1888-1911 Mortenson, Sophus H. circa 1895 Central Photo Gallery 1924-1931 Portrait Art Shoppe
1888-1890 Mortenson & Hansen 1896-1897 Peterson, Charles 1925-1925 Archie, Beatrice, Mrs.
circa 1890 Mortenson, S. & Co. 1896-1899 Trees, Charles S. 1925-1926 Peterson, Henry W.
1890-1891 Eskil & Peters 1899-1899 Etchler, J. L. 1926-1927 Rahm & Will
1890-1894 Nerold, William 1900-1903 Mortenson, M. 1930-1931 Johnson, Beatrice
1890-1891 Van Sickle, Adolphus 1900-1903 Sortor, James E.

Iron River, Iron County seat until 1886, postoffice 1882, railroad 1882.
1889-1889 Eskil, Jorgen Johansen 1914-1936 Van Buren, Earl A. 1922-1923 Van Buren, Mary M.
1894-1931 Hansen, Olaf J. circa 1915 Cossette, Frank R.
1910-1913 Van Buren, James 1922-1934 Iron Range Studio

Ironton, Charlevoix County port 1879, postoffice 1881, railroad 1892.

1900-1901 Hammond, John

Ironwood, Gogebic County, railroad 1884, postoffice 1886.

circa 1888 Whitesides & Jones 1896-1903 Lundberg, A. Fred 1916-1931 Jones, John A.
1888-1905 Chaplin, Joseph 1900-1901 Haugen & Nelson 1922-1923 Matara, Eero
1888-1897 Thornbladh, Oluf L. circa 1905 Scheller, O. T. 1924-1927 Maki, Robert
1888-1895 Whitesides, William 1906-1909 Judd, William E. 1925-1925 Wesner, Francis E.
1890-1891 Stevenson, E. H. 1906-1911 Olli, Jacob 1928-1938 Jones, Jeanette
1892-1892 Lamb, William W. circa 1909 Urie Studio, The 1928-1928 Spiegel, _______
1892-1903 Tooker, John L. 1910-1913 Schublom, John J. 1938-1938 Lahti, Aarre
1896-1911 Haugen, Louis O. 1912-1917 Haugen, Oscar 1943-1943 Jeanette Studio
1896-1897 Haugen & Van Patten 1912-1938 Hirvela, Waino
Ishpeming, Marquette County, postoffice 1863, railroad 1857.
1872-1874 Emery, Ard G. 1890-1894 Sauvageau, Arthur circa 1900 Twin City Gallery
circa 1874 Okerlund & Hemtz 1891-1893 Holston, F. August 1906-1911 Soderback, Matt
1874-1875 Collins, Richard B. 1891-1911 Nelson, Nels M. 1908-1909 Maki, Simon R.
1874-1876 Okerlund, E. Gustav circa 1892 Stronach & Van Sickle 1908-1908 Martin, Charles A.
1876-1921 Childs, Brainard F. circa 1892 Van Sickle, Adolphus 1910-1910 Harkinson, Charles
1876-1892 Lidberg, Andrew 1892-1931 Childs Art Gallery 1910-1915 Jaedecke, George W.
1888-1891 Childs & Cole circa 1895 City Art Gallery, The 1912-1913 Hoover, _______
1889-1889 Sauvageau, J. E. 1895-1897 Vincent, Richard 1920-1920 Cliff Studio, The
circa 1890 Star Gallery, The 1899-1908 Werner, Gustav A. 1920-1923 Maki, Robert
1890-1891 Haefer, Frederick C. circa 1900 Forsander, Andrew

Ithaca, Gratiot County seat, postoffice as Gratiot Center 1855, postoffice as Ithaca 1857, railroad 1882.
1865-1865 Carter, Laura 1898-1901 Wasson, A. L. 1909-1911 Wagner, John A.
1867-1867 Holmes, C. J., Mrs. circa 1900 Chaffin, T. A. 1910-1913 Feazsel, Thomas J.
1870-1891 Lyon, Elias W. circa 1900 Newcomb, T. M. 1911-1911 Wasson & Dangerfield
1876-1877 McCall, Elias W. 1900-1907 Nooney, George 1912-1917 Blair, Louis
1886-1887 Smith, Philip B. 1900-1903 Nooney, H. T. & Son circa 1913 Wight, Bert
1888-1891 Strouse, John F. 1902-1911 Wasson, John E. 1915-1915 Chaffin, C. M.
circa 1890 Dailey, Rolland 1904-1905 Anderson, Roderick J. 1917-1919 Bowers, Orville J.
circa 1892 Dangerfield & Banister 1906-1907 Warthman, H. H. 1920-1923 Meiner, J. S.
1892-1911 Dangerfield, Benjamin 1906-1907 Whittaker, Leonard G. 1924-1925 Wingard & Trudeau
1892-1915 Wasson, Elmer J. 1907-1909 Cihak, J. F. 1924-1927 Trudeau, A. J.
Jackson, Jackson County seat, postoffice as Jacksonburgh 1830, postoffice as Jackson 1838, railroad 1841.
1848-1850 Foster, Frederick M. 1876-1877 Heyde, Harry W. 1898-1898 Barnes, W. H.
1849-1850 Hull, _______ 1876-1877 LeClear, Robison & R 1898-1920 Hitchins, Francis K.
1851-1852 Shipman, H. A. 1876-1876 Paine, Martha, Mrs. 1898-1899 Hitchins & Reed
1852-1895 Cookingham, Israel V. 1876-1877 Paine Brothers 1898-1899 Jackson Photograph Co.
1852-1852 Cookingham & Iams circa 1877 Smith, Daniel W. 1898-1908 Reed, Arthur E.
1853-1853 Collamer, A. B. 1877-1879 Paine, J. W. & Brother 1898-1914 Thayer, Everett E.
1855-1855 Jenison, _______, Mrs. 1878-1890 Barton, Leamon W. 1898-1899 Waterbury, Earl A.
1856-1864 Allen, Norman Erastus 1878-1879 LeClear & Gilman 1900-1945 Howell, Jennie L., Mrs.
1856-1856 Cookingham & Allen 1880-1885 Bigelow, Edwin B. 1902-1903 Chambers, Dwight T.
1859-1865 Geer, Luron H. 1880-1880 Bigelow’s Art Gallery 1902-1903 Erickson, Edward D.
1859-1865 Geer, Rosetta, Mrs. 1880-1891 Seymour, Henry A. 1902-1903 Noble, T. Fred
1859-1865 Geer, Mr. & Mrs. L. H. 1881-1881 Bigelow & Weed 1902-1931 Standish, Norman P.
1860-1867 Chafy, Thomas W. circa 1882 Stone, Edmund J. 1904-1915 Morris, Retta B., Mrs.
1863-1866 Chamblin, L. C. 1882-1884 Glass Front Gallery 1904-1907 Randolph, H. Levi
1863-1864 Chamblin, Thomas H. B. 1882-1891 LeClear, Albert Avery 1904-1917 Thornton, Alfred
1863-1865 Dunham & Knight 1882-1883 LeClear Brothers circa 1905 Central City Photo Studio
1863-1864 Ingalls, William R. 1882-1887 Underwood, Clarence 1905-1905 Noble Art Gallery
1864-1865 Dunham, D. C. 1884-1890 Bailey, Edwin D. 1906-1907 Urquhart, John
1864-1865 Dyer, Henry M. 1884-1884 Bailey & Son 1907-1908 Bailey, Willard G.
1864-1866 Excell, John Wesley 1884-1886 Underwood & Co., C. 1908-1919 Foill, Frederick J.
1864-1864 Excell & Chamblin 1885-1885 Cowan, Alexander 1908-1931 Gusenbar, Raymond J.
1864-1867 Higgins, Lewis C. 1885-1885 White, W. S. 1909-1912 Lakeside Studio
1864-1865 Lattimer, Robert F. 1886-1887 Central Mich. Portrait Co. 1909-1909 Whitmore & Pulling
1864-1865 Spencer, William 1887-1895 Reynolds, James S. circa 1910 Grandon, Charles B.
1865-1865 Higgins & Terril 1887-1924 Tray, Edward Stewart 1910-1931 LeClear Photo Co.
1865-1867 Stewart, James 1888-1888 Beebe, Paul C. 1910-1911 Rasch, Fred C.
1866-1867 Brooks, Caleb Stanley 1888-1902 Edmondson, Robert 1911-1918 Brown, Carl Edward
1866-1867 Trumbull, Lyman J. 1888-1891 Edmondson & Harrison 1911-1911 Latimer, E. H.
circa 1867 Nye, Clark O. 1888-1927 LeClear, Frank Byron 1914-1927 Quinn, Joseph F.
circa 1867 Trumbull, J. H. circa 1890 Metropolitan Phtgrph Co. 1915-1925 Kennedy, Louis S.
1867-1885 Bailey, Robert circa 1890 National View Company 1916-1927 Brown, Minnie, Mrs.
1867-1869 Bailey & Cook 1890-1912 Johnson, Carl O. 1916-1955 Fedor, Andrew
1867-1909 LeClear, James M. 1890-1908 Novelty Photo Company 1916-1930 Machnik, Frank
1868-1871 LeClear, J. M. & Co. 1890-1890 Seymour, N. E., Mrs. 1917-1919 Riggs, Lynn H.
1868-1919 Paine, John Wesley 1890-1890 Steele, W. E. 1918-1923 David, Lewis R.
1868-1883 Taft, Otis A. 1891-1893 Eddy, Frank B. 1918-1919 Shellberg, Oscar F.
1869-1898 Steele, Hugh A. 1891-1895 Gibson & Widman 1920-1931 Beck, Charles L.
1871-1873 Moore, Zephaniah S. 1891-1895 Jankowsky, Adolph A. 1920-1921 Brandon, Owen
1873-1874 Allen, Charles H. 1891-1895 Widman, E. Albert 1920-1921 Crouse, George V.
1873-1875 Fisher, Byron O. 1892-1894 Rall & Sanford 1920-1920 Thompson, Roland
1873-1876 Vail, Anna C., Mrs. 1893-1893 Kaiser, A. E. 1920-1927 Wilkinson, Roland J.
1874-1877 Jackson Art Gallery 1894-1897 Howell, Jacob 1922-1931 Palmi, Andrew H.
circa 1875 Allhands, Mr. & Mrs. 1894-1896 Rogers, Thomas 1924-1951 Tray, Ida F., Mrs.
circa 1875 Kendrick & Company 1894-1896 Thomas, Albert Raphael 1926-1931 Goodall, Harry L.
circa 1875 Steel, _______ circa 1895 Daley, M. A. 1926-1931 Standish, Norman P.
1875-1876 LeClear & Robison circa 1895 Jackson Portrait & Frame 1930-1931 Earp Studio
1875-1877 Revenaugh, Aurelius O. 1896-1917 Allen, Charles H. 1930-1931 Machnik, Nora, Mrs.
1876-1879 Bracy, Frank C. 1896-1897 McClure & Company 1930-1931 Randolph, Lee

Jasper, Lenawee County, railroad 1871, postoffice 1874.

circa 1890 Ford Brothers

Jeddo, Saint Clair County, postoffice as Pottersburg 1859, postoffice as Jeddo 1864, railroad 1879.
1905-1905 Stilson, O. R. 1912-1912 Brown, W. C. 1912-1912 Harrison, _______

Jefferson, Hillsdale County, postoffice 1856.

1865-1867 Tucker, John

Jenison, Ottawa County, postoffice as Jenisonville 1872, railroad 1872, postoffice as Jenison 1887.
circa 1910 Boynton, J. F.
Jones, Cass County, railroad 1871, postoffice 1881.
1908-1912 Miller, Lester K.

Jonesville, Hillsdale County seat 1831-1843, postoffice 1841, railroad 1850.

1862-1865 Buck, Henry D. 1892-1894 Merrill, George E. 1910-1911 Bovee, Ed
1864-1867 Griffin, Andrew J. 1894-1897 Wolcott, Charles S. 1910-1911 Bovee, Ed, Mrs.
circa 1866 Rehklau, G. J. & O. Coryell circa 1895 West, _______ 1910-1910 Bovees, The
1867-1874 Hunter, John H. H. 1898-1901 Landis, J. A. 1911-1911 Bovee, Mr. & Mrs. Ed
1874-1875 Ball, Julius A. 1902-1903 Burgher, John W., Mrs. 1912-1917 David, Lewis R.
1878-1883 Dewey, Nathaniel S. 1903-1903 Minor, E. C. 1919-1920 Hahn, Victor V.
1884-1891 Cheney, Willis L. 1904-1905 Lieurance, Bert E. 1920-1931 Abbott, William M.
1884-1885 Cheney & Langdon 1906-1909 Anderson, Clifford A.
Kalamazoo, Kalamazoo County seat, postoffice as Bronson 1832, postoffice as Kalamazoo 1836, railroad 1846.
1848-1851 Selkrig, Samuel Kelsey 1885-1885 Peterson, C. B. 1909-1917 Davidson, William A.
1851-1891 Baldwin, Schuyler Colfax 1886-1895 Brown, Henry A. 1909-1910 Shaver, Mary, Mrs.
1852-1857 Bryan, S. W. 1886-1897 Ford, Frank Perry circa 1910 Chicago Studio, The
1854-1854 Baldwin & Wallace 1886-1887 Sharpsteen, Samuel L. circa 1910 Jackson, L. W.
1856-1856 Baldwin & Boughton 1887-1896 Wood, Thomas E. circa 1910 New Process Ten Min
1856-1865 Boughton, Elmer A. 1888-1888 Humphrey & Abbey 1910-1911 Geyer & Piper
1856-1857 Willison, S. B. 1888-1911 Reidsema, John M. 1910-1910 Mann, Frank W.
1858-1860 Schuyler, P. 1889-1890 Ford & Humphrey 1910-1911 Scoville, Frederick G.
1858-1860 Schuyler & Anders circa 1890 McLaughlin, _______ 1911-1911 Brooks, Harold W.
1858-1858 Wagner & Shear 1890-1894 Evans, Charles B. 1912-1915 Albro, Raymond C.
1860-1865 Bunker, Hollis P. 1890-1890 Hunt, W. H. 1912-1913 Chandler & Albro
1860-1863 Chamblin, Thomas H. B. circa 1891 Kidney, William F. 1912-1917 Chatelain, Ali Numa
1860-1861 Crego, G. W. & Company 1891-1891 Dykhinzen, Jacob 1912-1913 Davidson & Kenyon
circa 1862 Roberts, A. C. circa 1893 Saint John & Jenson 1912-1915 Erard, Andrew G.
1862-1865 Wing, David 1894-1899 Philley, Silas 1912-1913 Kintner, Roy
circa 1863 Rice & Allen circa 1895 Celery City View Company 1912-1913 Oggle, John H.
1864-1873 Bingham, Henry L. circa 1895 Central Studio, The 1913-1931 Neifert, Frank T.
1864-1865 Burpee, Edmund W. circa 1895 Himes, _______ 1913-1915 Pyl, Henry
1864-1864 Colie, W. J. circa 1895 National Art Company 1913-1913 Schlink, Charles J.
1864-1872 Glover, William H. 1896-1897 Atkins, Edgar M. 1914-1915 Conran, Edward C.
1864-1883 Porter, Morris H. 1896-1897 Evans & Philley 1914-1915 Wybrant Studio
1864-1865 Porter & Seymour 1896-1897 Hixson, Elmer R. 1916-1917 Fuller, Bradley J.
circa 1865 Baldwin & Perry 1896-1897 Manns & Hiegit 1916-1916 Harrington’s Studio
1865-1867 Baldwin & Prior 1896-1897 Wood Studio, The 1916-1919 MacDonald, Kenzie G.
1865-1868 Cook, John W. 1897-1898 Bosley, Mary A., Miss 1916-1931 Sortor, James E.
1865-1898 Packard, Cullen C. 1897-1913 Chandler, Charles W. 1916-1923 Spaeth, Frederick K.
1865-1877 Perry, Edgar H. 1898-1900 Beebe, Harry H. circa 1917 Gilmore Brothers, Inc.
1865-1867 Porter & Packard 1898-1899 Penny Photograph Gallery 1917-1926 Chatelain, Frances D., Mrs.
1865-1866 Reade, J. Lyman 1898-1915 Siewert, Herman H. 1917-1931 Cremer, Gerrit
1865-1871 Stark, William LeGrand 1898-1899 Snyder, Ward H. 1917-1921 Eversole, Charles E.
1867-1868 Baldwin & Montague 1898-1898 Standish, Mary J. 1917-1931 Slocum, Harry G.
1867-1870 Montague, Calvin S. 1899-1899 Schoch, George W. 1918-1927 Young, Harry A.
1867-1867 Packard & Douglas circa 1900 Doorenbos, G. G. 1919-1919 Brown, Edwin E.
1867-1868 Porter & Perry 1900-1905 Carpenter, Elbert Lewis 1919-1919 Fuller, Dana S.
1868-1869 Perry & Douglas 1900-1931 Dornbush, Henry G. 1920-1921 Cotsopulos, Athan
1869-1870 Bingham & Scotford 1900-1901 Jackson, L. O. 1920-1921 Land, Clayton A.
1869-1869 Montague & Co., C. S. 1901-1901 Sutman, Henry F. 1922-1923 Donnelly, B. M.
1869-1893 White, Wallace S. 1902-1923 Austin, George W. 1922-1923 Fuller Studio
1869-1871 White & Lindsey 1902-1904 DeHaven Brothers 1922-1923 Reinbold, Florian
circa 1871 Shafer, James M. 1902-1903 Huff, Mr. & Mrs. J. 1922-1927 Sargent, A. Maxwell
1873-1881 Glover, Mary M., Mrs. 1902-1908 Jackson, Adelbert J. 1922-1923 Sargent Brothers
1874-1899 Abbey, Lewis C. 1902-1903 Snyder, Lottie B., Mrs. 1922-1923 Whitney, Morris O.
1874-1875 Glover, Charles 1902-1903 Stark, John A. 1923-1931 Austin, Mamie L., Miss
1874-1885 Van Sickle, Adolphus 1903-1904 Axford, Louis E. 1924-1927 Checanis, Peter
1876-1878 Barton, Leamon W. 1903-1911 Chamberlin, Ira H. 1924-1931 Dornbush, Henry G.
1876-1877 Van Winkle, John 1903-1904 Hasenack, William Fred’k 1924-1931 Robinson, Leo C.
1878-1879 Leamon, L. W. 1903-1904 Main Studio, The circa 1925 Shepardson, _______
1878-1879 Winans, George H. 1903-1911 Stark, James M. 1926-1931 Kalamazoo Studio
circa 1880 Van Sickle & Porter 1904-1906 Billington, George E. 1926-1931 Mort, Robert M.
1880-1880 Densmore, Mr. & Mrs. circa 1905 Eddy, Ross W. 1929-1931 Crescent Studio
1880-1881 Porter & Palmiter 1905-1921 Hubbard, Willis V. 1929-1931 Lininger, C. W.
1880-1881 Thayer, Albert A. 1906-1913 Buffham, Alfred T. 1929-1931 Slocum Brothers
1882-1887 Johnson, May M., Mrs. 1906-1909 Chicago Penny Picture 1929-1929 Westerman, Austin W.
1882-1885 Palmiter & Warrant 1906-1913 Earle, Della Knight, Mrs. 1930-1930 Pipe, Leo E.
1884-1885 Johnson, Clark F. 1906-1917 Limbacher, Frederick 1930-1931 P K Studio
circa 1885 Kingsbury, _______ 1906-1908 Snell, Milton E. 1930-1931 Young Studio, H. A.
1885-1887 Balcom & White 1907-1907 Fowler, George H.
1885-1890 Gillis, Edwin 1908-1911 Graham, William M.

Kalamazoo Township, Kalamazoo County.

1920-1920 Rynbrand, Cornelius P.
Kalamo, Eaton County, postoffice 1842.
1862-1862 Gledhill, William H. & Co. 1862-1863 Gleadhill, William H.

Kalkaska, Kalkaska County seat, postoffice 1873, railroad 1874.

1884-1893 Judd, William H. E. 1900-1901 Morse & Griffin 1908-1911 Lyon & Son
circa 1885 Bemus, O. E. 1904-1917 Beebe, Edward L. 1909-1912 Whipple, David E.
circa 1890 Hogan, Fred L. 1904-1905 Treat, Nelson, Mrs. circa 1910 Bayles, _______
1894-1895 Hubbard, William S. 1906-1911 Harcourt, Myron circa 1914 Allen, _______
1895-1907 Nix, Theron E. circa 1907 Moyer, Otto 1914-1915 Beebe & Fowler
1896-1903 Corpe, Emerson J. circa 1908 Dawes, Leslie C.
circa 1900 Fessenden, W. A. 1908-1927 Lyon, Clyde E.

Karlin, Grand Traverse County, railroad 1890, postoffice as Horicon 1897, postoffice as Karlin 1903.
1911-1911 Potuzak, Charles

Kellogg, Allegan County, railroad 1883, postoffice 1884.

circa 1885 Blair, Wilson H.

Kendallville, Montcalm County, developed 1865.

circa 1890 Ford, _______

Kent City, Kent County, railroad 1872, postoffice as Ball Creek 1873, postoffice as Kent City 1876.
1912-1915 Inman, F. E.

Killmaster, Alcona County, postoffice 1885.

1887-1887 McEvoy, John J.

Kinde, Huron County, railroad 1882, postoffice 1885.

circa 1912 Sheffs, _______

Kingsley, Grand Traverse County, railroad 1872, postoffice as Paradise 1873, postoffice as Kingsley 1882.
1886-1891 Smith, Silence A., Miss circa 1910 Box, C. E.
1902-1905 Wynkoop. Avery 1913-1915 Neal, George C.

Kingston, Tuscola County, postoffice as Newbury 1867, postoffice as Kingston 1871, railroad 1883.
1894-1894 Adamson, Nathan M. circa 1895 Parker, Ella, Mrs. 1912-1912 Maynard, W. A.
1895-1895 Baker, William R. 1910-1911 Williams, Felton

Koss, Menominee County, railroad 1894, postoffice 1896.

circa 1905 Frisch, John Hall

Lacey, Barry County, postoffice 1881.

circa 1885 Holmes, H. H.

Lacota, Van Buren County, postoffice as West Geneva 1864, railroad 1870, postoffice as Lacota 1884.
circa 1905 Merrill, _______

Laingsburg, Shiawassee County, postoffice 1841, railroad 1860.

circa 1872 Wilkinson, G. L. 1880-1880 Dunham, Ephraim 1891-1902 Denniston, DeWitt C.
1872-1873 Strong, James F. 1880-1889 Skinner, L. A., Mrs. 1902-1903 Atchinson, George
1878-1879 Skinner, L. A. circa 1885 Beardsley, Grenville S.

Lake Ann, Benzie County, railroad 1890, postoffice 1891.

1898-1901 Baker, Charles H. 1898-1901 Berry, Ladew
Lake City, Missaukee County seat, postoffice as Reeder 1872, postoffice as Lake City 1877, railroad 1890.
1886-1887 Gibson, Charles C. 1888-1899 Harmer, William Morrell 1897-1899 Boardman, Alfred E.
1888-1900 Harmer, Arthur V. 1888-1895 Harmer Brothers 1900-1927 Wilson, A. W.

Lake Linden, Houghton County port 1851, postoffice 1868, ore railroad from Red Jacket 1868.
1884-1898 Comee, Squire S. 1898-1907 Cox, Edward R., Jr. 1908-1909 Buck, Arthur W.
1884-1897 Larose, Henry 1898-1899 Gray, Anna B., Mrs. 1910-1911 Buck Studio
circa 1890 Wark & Swant 1898-1905 Schlichting, Albert circa 1911 Sanders, _______
1890-1905 Haefer, Frederick C. circa 1905 Haefer & Silfven 1912-1913 Edyvean Studio
1890-1897 Wark, Thomas W. 1906-1907 Sours, Walter E.
1894-1899 Isler, Adolph F. 1907-1908 Silfven & Co., C. A.

Lake Odessa, Ionia County, postoffice 1880, railroad 1888.

1888-1893 Showman, Lorenzo K. circa 1895 Prince, Thomas J. 1898-1898 Whitney & Barnes
circa 1890 Watson, M. A. 1895-1909 Shampang, George A. 1898-1898 Whitney & Garlinger
1892-1895 Joy, Sherman D. 1896-1897 Clark, George 1901-1905 Baumgardner, Arthur J.
1892-1893 Showman & Joy 1897-1898 Whitney, Corty J. 1908-1913 Tuttle, Burton C.
circa 1893 Martin, Plinton A. 1898-1907 Cox, Edward R., Junior 1913-1931 Trowbridge, Delos R.
circa 1895 Joy, S. D. & Company 1898-1899 Garlinger & Stocum 1914-1915 Chapman, Vern
circa 1895 Joy & Nicol 1898-1898 Shampang & Whitney 1916-1917 Ford, Frank Perry
circa 1895 Nicol Brothers 1898-1901 Stocoum, Rollin H.

Lake Orion, Oakland County, postoffice as Orion 1834, railroad 1872, postoffice as Lake Orion 1926.
1930-1931 O’Toole, Edward W.

Lake Point, Berrien County, postoffice 1909.

1916-1919 Stout, Lawrence D.

Lakeside, Monroe County.

1908-1910 Pierce & Van De Venter 1908-1912 Van De Venter, Arthur R.

Lakeview, Montcalm County, postoffice 1867, railroad 1879.

1886-1909 Chapman, Isaac O. 1898-1899 Eckert, William I. circa 1920 Herron, _______
1890-1891 Mudge, Archie C. 1906-1908 Chapman, I. O. & Company 1926-1931 Schafer, Rose, Mrs.
circa 1892 Edson, C. L. 1910-1913 Chapman, Herbert P.
circa 1898 Chapman Brothers circa 1918 Miller, O. E.

Lamb, Saint Clair County, railroad 1882, postoffice 1884, Lambs on some maps.
circa 1910 Fries, _______

Lambertville, Monroe County, postoffice as West Erie 1834, postoffice as Lambertville 1836, railroad 1913.
circa 1885 Phillipson, Soloman W.

Lamont, Ottawa County, postoffice as Steele’s Landing 1851, postoffice as Lamont 1856.
1910-1911 Gibson, E. J.

L’Anse, Baraga County seat, port 1837, postoffice 1866, railroad 1872.
circa 1915 Lyons, F. W. circa 1918 Butler, _______
Lansing, Ingham County, state capital since 1847, postoffice as Michigan 1847, postoffice as Lansing 1848, railroad 1863.
1849-1850 Hoag, John W. 1883-1887 Metropolitan Art Gallery 1900-1908 Wagenvoord, Fred J.
1855-1855 Davidson, John E. 1884-1887 Cassey & Whitney 1903-1903 Wagenvoord & Company
circa 1858 Bailey, _______ 1884-1885 Leonard, Charles Wallace circa 1905 Penny Gallery
1858-1859 Cressy, Justin S. circa 1885 Curran, F. W. 1906-1931 Bonnell, George H.
1859-1883 Cottrell, Abraham circa 1886 Capital City Gallery 1906-1934 Newman, Henry Clay
1859-1860 Lanterman, Jacob L. 1886-1888 Cheney & Christmas 1906-1909 Wasson, Joseph H.
circa 1861 Cottrell & Engelhart 1886-1894 Christmas, Henry J. 1908-1909 Art Studio
1861-1876 Engelhart, Phillip 1886-1887 Smith, Daniel W. 1908-1913 Tanto, August
1862-1865 Baker, Harvey 1886-1887 Sweet, Joseph N. circa 1910 Baske, C.
1862-1895 Cheney, Alonzo M. 1887-1887 Hamilton, James R. 1910-1917 Hewitt, Robert
1862-1863 Cheney & Baker 1887-1890 Lawson, Benjamin W. 1911-1918 Lansing Studio, The
1863-1863 Smith, John W. 1887-1899 Pratt, Emily E., Mrs. 1912-1915 Coulter, Robert Douglas
1864-1865 Howe, Gertrude, Miss 1887-1887 Van Horn, George J. 1912-1917 Lansing, Raymond B.
1865-1865 Fuller, Luther J. circa 1888 Metropolitan, The 1912-1913 Martin, Frank L.
1865-1878 Heath, Luman F. 1888-1889 Cassey & Company 1913-1916 Hunter, Percy G.
1865-1867 Holly, Francis M. 1888-1888 Lawson & Company 1914-1921 Linn Photo Finishing Co.
1866-1867 Cheney & Holly 1888-1889 Lawson & Wentworth 1914-1917 Perkins, F. Roy
1866-1866 Cheney & Richardson 1888-1888 Metropolitan Gallery circa 1915 Comet Photo Studio
1866-1866 Engelhart & Cottrell 1888-1891 Savigny & Christmas 1916-1921 Kanzadian, Roupen
1867-1876 Hall, Benjamin Franklin 1889-1891 Browne, J. Neil 1916-1917 Kanzadian & Chetlian
1867-1867 Sauer, D. L. 1889-1891 Cassey & Riley 1917-1919 Delp, Rolland R.
1867-1867 Williams, George B. 1889-1890 Cheney & Lawson 1919-1931 Leavenworth, Russell C.
1873-1876 Broadwell, David C. 1889-1925 Riley, Samuel Sylvester circa 1920 Reed Studio, The
1873-1873 Richards, Robert B. 1893-1895 Bigelow, Hamilton 1920-1931 Derby, Glenn D.
1873-1873 Snyder, Emory O. 1893-1893 Cary, C. I. 1920-1921 Eross, Alexander
1875-1875 Hall, B. F. & L. F. 1893-1894 Slocum, William A. 1920-1925 Kurtz, Jacob M.
1876-1876 Broadwell & Wood 1894-1894 Curtiss Studio 1920-1921 Slocum, Walter A.
1876-1877 Maynard, D. J. 1894-1897 Drake, Albert A. 1921-1921 Lansing Comml Photo Co
1876-1879 Mead, Charles H. 1894-1895 Paddack, Charles A. 1921-1921 Stieglitz, Charles H.
1876-1878 Wood, George W. 1894-1897 Sharpsteen, S. & E. 1922-1931 Avery, Norton Lewis
1876-1878 Wood & Company, G. W. 1894-1894 United Art Company 1922-1933 Hulbert, Lucius Claire
1877-1881 Scotford, J. Harvey circa 1895 Lansing Photo Co. 1922-1931 Larner, Mortimer F.
1878-1878 Fuller, Martha A., Miss circa 1895 Pilbeam & Drake 1922-1931 Linn Photo Company
1878-1879 Mead & Jennings 1896-1896 Drake, Eddy S. 1922-1923 Rozenberg, Harry
1878-1878 Union View Company 1896-1897 Franklin, George W. 1925-1925 Stutesman, J. M.
circa 1880 Willson, J. M. 1896-1896 LeClear, James M. 1926-1931 A B C Air Line Corp.
1880-1883 Burdick, Chester Willard 1896-1931 LeClear Photo Co. 1926-1927 Nicholson, James B.
1880-1883 Burdick & Powe 1897-1931 Ellison, Ralph 1928-1928 Luce, Dudley
circa 1881 Scotford & Company 1898-1898 Buck & Scott 1930-1931 Char Hoff Studio
1882-1895 Cassey, Henry G. 1898-1899 Hatton, Millard F. 1930-1931 Fast Photo Service
1882-1883 Cassey & Merell 1898-1898 Penny Photograph Gallery 1930-1931 Lewis, Roscoe
1882-1886 Sweet, Phineas W. 1898-1900 Stark, William C. 1930-1931 VandenBerg, Edward H.
1883-1883 Cassey & Beardsley 1898-1898 Sutton, Arthur J. 1930-1931 Versluis, Leonard A.
1883-1883 Howell & Burdick 1899-1927 Imes, Lewis E. 1930-1931 Wright, Robert Bruce
1883-1884 Howell & Reilay circa 1900 Bush, L. A.
1883-1883 Hyler, Leni, Miss 1900-1901 Hunt, George S.

Lapeer, Lapeer County seat, postoffice 1833, railroad 1871.

1859-1875 Wade, Lucius N. 1872-1873 Gorton, E. A. circa 1895 Hancock & Gray
1862-1866 Adams, Daniel E. circa 1875 Wade’s Art Gallery 1900-1901 Davis Brothers
1862-1862 Adams, Paul C. 1875-1879 Kelley, Charles A. 1902-1931 David, Frederick J.
1862-1862 Riley, Ashley 1876-1887 Matson, George C. 1919-1910 Hancock, Carrie, Mrs.
1864-1865 Hamilton, Daniel H. 1879-1887 Webster, Harry D. 1912-1915 Caldwell, Bertha M., Mrs.
1866-1866 Ball & Co., Sidney R. 1886-1903 Hancock, Edward S. 1912-1913 Pilbeam, Fred C.
circa 1867 True, John J. 1886-1900 Lofft, Shad G. 1914-1921 Miller, L. K.
circa 1867 Wyckoff, J. 1886-1900 London Art Company 1914-1915 Moray, L. E.
1869-1870 Jones, Ransom N. 1890-1891 Ellis, Burt C. 1917-1917 Root, _______
circa 1870 Cuyler, William Benjamin 1890-1895 Voorheis, Mark C. 1924-1931 Shepard, H. L.

Lapham’s Corner, Washtenaw County.

1859-1859 Sheffield, Edward
Laphamville, Kent County, postoffice 1848, Rockford since 1866, railroad 1867.
1860-1860 Barker, Isaac J. 1862-1865 Babcock, Oscar F.

Laurium, Houghton County, postoffice 1895, railroad 1903.

1896-1927 Rickard, Richard H. circa 1905 Regnier, Albert 1912-1913 Rickard & Stolt
1904-1908 Cornish, John R. circa 1908 Olvey, _______
1904-1904 Lawson & Cornish 1908-1909 Harkinson, Charles

Lawrence, Van Buren County, postoffice 1844, railroad 1877.

1859-1865 Darling, Amos 1869-1869 Millspaugh, O. L. 1910-1911 Hopkins, George L.
1866-1866 New York Gallery 1876-1877 Edwards, Pembroke S. 1911-1915 Walker, _______
1866-1867 Scotford, J. Harvey 1888-1909 Parker, Theodore C.

Lawton, Van Buren County, railroad 1847, postoffice 1851.

1863-1864 Ammerman, John A. T. circa 1890 Mitchelson, _______ 1900-1901 DeHaven Brothers
1864-1869 Dey, Susan E., Mrs. 1890-1893 Carris, Frank 1902-1903 Shaefer, Henry E.
1870-1870 Dey, Cassius F. 1890-1891 Gillis, Edwin 1904-1905 Hasenack, Wm Frederick
1874-1875 Brown, Henry A. circa 1892 Shaefer Brothers 1906-1907 Taylor, J. W., Mrs.
1888-1889 Evans, Elmer E. 1894-1901 Tuttle, Frederick H. 1908-1909 Moray, John A.
circa 1890 Carris & Shaefer Brothers 1895-1895 Canis, F.

Layton Corners, Saginaw County, postoffice 1878.

1901-1901 Frizel, Thomas

Lebanon, Clinton County, postoffice 1844.

circa 1878 Townsend, E. D.

Lee, Allegan County, railroad 1871, postoffice 1877, Pullman since 1901.
1897-1898 Malcolm, Rachel S., Miss

Lee Center, Calhoun County.

1860-1864 Wetmore, Lewis D.

Leer, Alpena County, postoffice 1901.

circa 1913 Tait, L.

Lee’s Corners, Midland County, postoffice 1874, postoffice as Laporte 1895.

1894-1894 Chrispell, Luther S.

Leland, Leelanau County seat since 1882, port 1853, postoffice 1857.
1862-1863 Mills, James B. 1916-1916 Hardy, _______
1904-1905 Barth, Antonia 1927-1929 Mauseth, Severt

Lenox, Macomb County, postoffice 1848, railroad 1859, part of Richmond since 1879.
1868-1868 Newbury, Almina circa 1900 Willert, Daniel D.
circa 1900 Smith, W. J. 1912-1913 Flower, Clarence W.

Leoni, Jackson County, postoffice 1837, railroad 1841.

1853-1853 Barnes, Marcelia W. 1862-1863 Lee, Stephen

Leonidas, Saint Joseph County, postoffice as Fort Pleasant 1836, postoffice as Leonidas 1850, railroad 1889.
1862-1863 Boughton, E. H. 1863-1866 Covey, Eleazer J. 1894-1897 Waugh, W. T.

LeRoy, Osceola County, railroad 1871, postoffice 1872.

1891-1891 Sullivan, Frederick D. 1898-1899 Sage, Arthur 1910-1910 Caldwell, Bertha M., Mrs.
1892-1893 Pelton, C. E. 1900-1901 Allen, Stephen 1911-1911 Elliott & Son
circa 1895 Nix, F. H. & Son 1902-1905 Caldwell, Perley
Leslie, Ingham County, postoffice 1841, railroad 1865.
1864-1864 Reynolds, Lewis H. 1876-1877 Brown, Mr. & Mrs. M. 1898-1901 Browne, Frank A.
1865-1866 Sellers & Vaughn 1878-1878 Seymour, Henry A. 1900-1900 Bonnell, George H.
1866-1866 Fuller, Luther J. 1882-1909 Allen, Norman Erastus 1906-1931 DeLamater, Jay B.
1866-1866 Fuller & Sessions 1885-1885 Harris, Levi
1869-1874 Gifford, Benjamin S. 1893-1893 Pelton, C. E.
1874-1877 Brown, Mark 1894-1900 Halstead, John R.

Lewiston, Montmorency County, postoffice 1892, railroad 1892.

circa 1890 Hager, _______ circa 1900 Neilson, _______ 1914-1919 Neilsen Brothers
1898-1898 Crandall, Avery B. 1908-1908 McClelland, John E.

Lexington, Sanilac County seat until 1879, port 1838, postoffice 1846.
1862-1863 Hurlburt, George 1863-1865 Thibodeau, Ed 1878-1885 McIntyre, William
1862-1863 Pierce, Henry R. 1866-1867 Howley, Jesse S. 1886-1887 Lowry, Charles W.
1863-1866 Fox, Ebenezer 1868-1870 Wixson, Joseph T. circa 1894 Willert & Paling
1863-1865 Hicks, Reynolds 1872-1877 Johnson, Thomas C. circa 1905 Coates, W. S.
1863-1864 Paine & Bisbee 1876-1877 Bloomfield, Samuel 1908-1911 Wood, Andrew
1863-1864 Stillwell, John P. 1877-1877 Van Dusen, M. A.

Lincoln, Alcona County, railroad 1886, postoffice as West Harrisville 1887, postoffice as Lincoln 1899.
1910-1910 Prescott, _______.

Linden, Genesee County, postoffice 1851, railroad 1856.

1874-1877 Jenks, Isaac C. 1891-1897 Sluyter, Edgar W. 1897-1897 Stagg & Son
circa 1885 Bowles, R. S. circa 1892 Tickner, F.J. & E.Sturgis 1902-1913 Judson, Hiram
circa 1891 Sluyter Brothers circa 1897 Devereaux & Sluyter 1914-1917 Myers, Irving C.

Lisbon, Kent County, postoffice as Pintler’s Corners 1847, postoffice as Lisbon 1859, railroad 1888.
1872-1873 Atkins, John P.

Litchfield Hillsdale County, postoffice 1837, railroad 1872.

1859-1865 Pratt, Howard A. 1882-1885 Clark, William H. 1900-1913 Ford, Earl L.
1863-1864 Van Zandt, Tunis 1888-1889 Glascoff, Maggie J., Mrs. 1910-1931 Hansen, Hans J.
1865-1866 Pitcher, Mary L. 1890-1893 Borden, Andrew 1912-1921 Felger, Charles H.
1866-1867 Elwell, John H. 1894-1895 Borden, Augustus
1874-1877 Hartwick, Charles 1894-1894 Hartung, Philip C.

Lovells, Crawford County, railroad 1889, postoffice 1909.

circa 1905 Grant, Lovell U.

Lowell, Kent County, postoffice 1851, railroad 1858.

1857-1857 Ecker, Michael 1887-1888 King, N. G. 1898-1899 Malcolm, Rachel S., Miss
1862-1863 Balcom, George Brigham 1888-1892 Philley, Charles E. 1900-1905 Murphy, Thomas, Mrs.
1862-1864 Maynard, John 1890-1890 Arms, Frank C. 1906-1915 Rhodes, Frank B.
1863-1864 Hiler, Neely circa 1892 Philley & Wilson 1907-1908 Field, Avery Edwin
1865-1901 Hiler, Milo 1892-1895 Wilson, Milan D. 1910-1910 Green, Rolland E.
1866-1884 Chapman, Edwin A. circa 1895 Lowell Art Gallery circa 1912 Kellogg, Otto M.
1869-1870 Burdick & Company circa 1895 Wilson, George L. 1914-1919 Avery, Norton Lewis
1869-1870 Wilson, R. A. 1896-1896 Judd, William H. E. 1920-1923 Hill, Jacob P.
1880-1887 Smith, Myron O. 1896-1905 Moffit, Eber B., Mrs. 1922-1923 Avery, Harvey
circa 1887 King & Silsbee 1896-1897 Parks, Agnes, Mrs. 1926-1927 Jessup, Franklin
Ludington, Mason County seat, port 1847, postoffice 1864, railroad 1874, railroad car ferries 1897.
1868-1869 Vandervest, Joseph 1886-1894 Melville, William G. circa 1910 Rakow, H. A.
1871-1913 Silver, Frederick C. 1888-1888 Austin, Charles Willard 1910-1935 Cronin, John J.
1872-1877 Pernin, Joseph 1892-1903 Swarthout, Lowrel F. 1910-1935 Gross, William A.
1872-1877 Pernin & Pommier circa 1893 Conat, Charles W. 1910-1931 Hansen, Hans J.
1872-1873 Silver & Nickerson 1894-1895 Christensen, Jesse circa 1914 Lewis, _______
1873-1873 Lawson, Alexander J. 1894-1895 Swarthout & Hall 1914-1914 Potter & Greenig
circa 1880 Browne Brothers 1904-1907 Harter, Herbert R. circa 1915 Gray, T. J.
1880-1880 Madsen, Soren C. 1908-1911 Willis, Clarence M. 1915-1915 Lewis, David J.
1880-1881 Matsen, Loren C. circa 1909 Cottrell, K. E. 1915-1925 Welte, John George
circa 1883 Stone, Oscar W. 1909-1909 Ewing, _______ 1926-1927 Sahlmark, Joseph
circa 1885 Gillett, _______ circa 1910 Knight, Ambrose 1935-1935 Home Service Studio

Lum, Lapeer County, railroad 1883, postoffice 1884.

1910-1913 Middleditch, Michael 1916-1919 Middleditch, John L.

Luther, Lake County, postoffice 1882, railroad 1882.

1886-1887 Maxam, Lois F., Mrs. circa 1890 Lafayette, _______ 1900-1923 Leavenworth, Russell C.
1888-1888 Ferguson, T. G. circa 1895 Howe, Charles W. 1904-1917 Clark, Allen C.
1888-1891 Sullivan, Frederick D. circa 1895 Nix, F. H. & Son 1904-1905 Pike, Charles H.

Lyons, Ionia County, postoffice 1836, railroad 1869.

1859-1860 Kelley, Elizabeth, Mrs. 1865-1865 Caswell, George E. 1899-1899 Griggs, Elmer A.
1859-1860 Manning, J. L. 1867-1867 Welch, Edwin 1900-1907 McSherry, William J.
1862-1864 Heath, Luman F. 1869-1870 Petet, O. 1910-1913 Mead, Erastus E.
1862-1863 Pruden, Peter W. 1874-1875 Heath, Jason J. circa 1914 Mosher, _______
1863-1864 Somers, W. P. 1888-1891 Clark, George W. 1917-1917 Ross, Bernard L.
1863-1864 Talcott, S. E. & M. S. 1892-1899 Sutton, Lorenzo A.

McBain, Missaukee County, postoffice as Owens 1888, railroad 1888, postoffice as McBain 1889.
1906-1907 Lindsley, Ernest H. 1908-1911 Nix, Hans 1910-1911 Smith, Lucas H.

McBrides, Montcalm County, postoffice 1878, railroad 1878.

1880-1885 McBride, Alexander B.

McGregor, Sanilac County, railroad 1880, postoffice 1894.

circa 1890 Horning, _______

McLean’s, Newaygo County, postoffice 1898.

1898-1907 McLean, John W. 1906-1907 McLean, Grace

McMillan, Luce County, railroad 1881, postoffice 1882.

circa 1910 Melville, William P. 1913-1913 Randall, _______

Macatawa, Ottawa County port 1850, postoffice 1896, railroad at Ottawa Beach 1/3 mile north 1896.
1898-1905 Hopkins, William D. 1904-1905 Baumgartel, Henry 1914-1919 Coster, Paul R.

Mackinac Island, Mackinac County seat to 1883, port 1780, po as Michilimackinac 1819, po as Mackinac Island 1884.
1880-1881 Gallagher, James 1888-1895 Foley Brothers 1896-1931 Gardiner, William H.
1882-1899 Agrell, Charles G. circa 1890 Webb, Theron E. 1906-1911 Wickman, George H.
1886-1895 Foley, Edward P. 1892-1913 Rossiter, Henry J.

Mackinaw, Cheboygan Co., port 1673, po 1871, Mackinaw City 1870-1894 and since 1935, rr 1881, rr car ferries 1888.
circa 1895 Anderson, Coulson & Co. circa 1913 Johnson, Clyde
circa 1905 Coffman, George V. 1920-1920 Stimpson, _______
Mancelona, Antrim County, postoffice 1874, railroad 1874.
circa 1880 Baumgardner, Jacob 1892-1902 Gardner, Homer B. 1908-1910 Foote, _______
1884-1889 Judd, William H. E. 1894-1895 Sullivan, Frederick D. circa 1915 Brown, L.
1884-1884 Melville, William G. 1902-1905 Jones, J. F. 1920-1923 Lund, Charles
1888-1890 McLellan, James A. 1905-1905 Heslink, _______
1890-1891 King, Edward H. 1907-1919 Johnson, Emil

Manchester, Washtenaw County, postoffice 1834, railroad 1855.

1862-1862 Jones, A. C. 1872-1873 Speechly, Susan T., Miss 1894-1894 Dey, Mert C.
1864-1866 Osborn, Harriet A., Mrs. circa 1875 Miller, J. H. & Company 1894-1911 Ford, George H.
1864-1865 Underhill, A., Miss circa 1875 Sanford Brothers circa 1895 S. & C. Galleries
circa 1866 Butler, N., Mrs. 1876-1877 McCowen, William, Jr. 1904-1905 Clark, Herman
1866-1866 Stringham, Edward 1878-1887 Davis, Samuel 1912-1912 Sodt, _______
1867-1867 Muhlenbury, Hiro & Co 1888-1891 Green, Laura A., Miss 1914-1915 Anderson, B. F.
1869-1870 Graham, Edward A. 1892-1893 Slocum, William A.
1870-1870 Bissell, H. circa 1893 Welling, _______

Manistee, Manistee County seat, port 1841, postoffice 1850, many businesses burned 1871, railroad 1881.
1863-1865 Peterson, A. B. 1888-1889 Mikolizk, Leon 1902-1902 Vial, Daniel
1865-1877 Douville, Eugene E. circa 1890 Leon’s Chicago Gallery 1903-1928 Conat, John Wesley
1865-1867 Whidden, William H. 1890-1890 Oswalt, Milton E. 1903-1928 Conat Brothers
1867-1867 Hoenes, Andrew 1892-1894 Wittig, Charles H. 1903-1915 Smith, Jennie E., Mrs.
circa 1872 Runkle Brothers 1893-1894 Pratt & Secor 1907-1907 Acme Photo Company
1872-1875 Runkle, John W. circa 1894 Scharz, R. E. circa 1910 Sandstedt, C. A.
1874-1875 Sibley, Eva 1894-1895 Fisk, P. B. circa 1910 Tracy, E. A.
1876-1877 Douville, E. E. & Brother circa 1895 Scharz & Company 1910-1911 Bardeen, D’Alton C.
1878-1879 Colburn, Marion V. circa 1895 Sibben, _______ 1910-1921 Fox, Carrie, Mrs.
1878-1905 Conat, Charles W. 1895-1895 Petersen, C. 1910-1911 John, Ernest
circa 1880 Richmond, M. S. & Co. 1896-1897 Haefer, Frederick C. circa 1912 Freedlund, B. J.
1880-1881 Bucher, Peter 1896-1898 Lotz, Anton 1912-1912 Adamski, F. C.
1880-1880 Colburn, Elizur J. 1896-1899 Soper, Arley 1912-1917 McElligott, Mamie C., Mrs.
1880-1931 Hanselman, Jacob 1899-1899 Williams, J. C. 1915-1917 Hansen, Walter
1882-1883 Miller, Lysander W. circa 1900 Penny Photo Gallery 1915-1915 Walters Studio, The
1884-1885 Cawker, Victor circa 1900 Sibben, J. W. 1922-1923 Graefe, Elfrieda
1884-1885 Hansen & Menke 1900-1901 Sullivan, Jennie 1922-1923 McGregor’s Studio
1884-1894 Thornton, Lemuel W. 1902-1911 McElligott, Morgan L. 1924-1924 Robinson, Paul
circa 1885 Chevalier, _______ 1902-1902 Pomeroy, Harriet E. 1926-1931 Conat Brothers Studio
1886-1889 Sartor & Ruddiman 1902-1905 Thoms, David

Manistique, Schoolcraft County seat since 1879, port 1871, p.o. as Epsport 1873, p.o. as Manistique 1879, railroad 1888,
railroad car ferries 1902.
circa 1883 Nuss, M. W. 1892-1893 McKesson & Co., R. C. circa 1905 Hutt, _______
circa 1887 Coe, J. Allison 1896-1899 Lockwood, LeBarron circa 1905 Viking Photographic Studio
1888-1891 Howard, Oliver 1898-1901 Howard Brothers 1906-1931 Brault, Edward O.
1888-1895 McKesson, Robert C. 1899-1903 Anderson, Hans I. 1906-1907 Nequette & Brault
1888-1889 Rickerson & McKesson 1900-1900 Grant & Tippet 1912-1915 Freedlund, Bennett J.
circa 1890 Conat, J. W., Junior 1902-1903 Vannest, Fred A. 1914-1914 Peters & Tidd
circa 1890 Soper, Allan 1903-1911 Nequette, Edward E. circa 1918 Nicholson, Leon G.
1892-1895 Kimball, William 1904-1909 Hagar, John 1930-1931 Farrand, Frank

Manitou Beach, Lenawee County, postoffice 1889, railroad 1889.

1908-1909 Babcock, A. E.

Manlius, Allegan County, postoffice 1846, railroad 1871.

1862-1865 Stowe, Mary C.

Manton, Wexford County seat in 1881 and 1882, railroad 1872, postoffice 1873.
circa 1886 Gibson, Charles C. circa 1900 Utter, Charles 1930-1931 Bartlett, Ambrose B.
1890-1894 Rice, Edson P. 1900-1931 Bayes, George H.
1894-1901 Boardman, Alfred E. 1900-1901 Boyer, G. H.
Maple Grove, Barry County, postoffice 1851.
1863-1864 Fuller, John F.

Maple Rapids, Clinton County, postoffice 1857.

1866-1867 Townsend, W. H. 1890-1894 McSherry, William J. circa 1905 Face, H. M.
1872-1875 Wheeler, E. 1894-1895 Sliger, A. E. 1907-1908 Plunkett, Oliver G.
circa 1876 DeLamater, Jay B. 1896-1899 Lyon, Elias W. circa 1908 Brown, _______
1876-1877 Powell Brothers 1900-1903 Neldredd, Rose, Mrs. 1910-1910 Lyon, _______
1884-1885 Baker, Edwin P. 1902-1903 Naldrett, Rose, Mrs.
1884-1889 Clark, Ira A. 1904-1905 Holcomb, R. H.

Maple Ridge, Arenac County, postoffice 1873.

1894-1895 Allen, James E. 1910-1913 Scott, C. C.

Marcellus, Cass County, postoffice 1856, railroad 1872.

1876-1877 Corwin, C. W. circa 1892 Anderson & Kepler 1898-1919 Bayley, Richard D.
1880-1894 Myers, George W. 1894-1897 Cliff, Stead L. 1920-1927 Bayley, Hester, Mrs.

Marine City, Saint Clair County port 1820, postoffice as Belle River 1831, postoffice as Marine City 1865, railroad 1898.
1864-1868 Hill, Warren G. 1890-1898 Baker, Rowland G. 1908-1909 Hiner, G. Hull
1871-1879 Barron, Alexander B. 1892-1895 Beazell, William S. 1910-1911 Wood, Andrew
1882-1883 Smith, William 1893-1907 Farman, Charles F. 1912-1917 Pesha, Lena, Mrs.
1883-1883 Hadden, Silas W. circa 1896 La Pine, T. E. _______ 1912-1922 Pesha Art Company
1883-1883 Smith, Henry L. 1898-1899 Smith, W. J. 1913-1913 Foster, Sol M.
1884-1891 Courliss, William 1899-1899 Shackett, John A. 1918-1919 Miller, Daniel C.
1886-1887 Baker, Gilbert 1901-1912 Pesha, Louis 1918-1919 Miller, Daniel C., Mrs.
circa 1890 Gilbert, Soloman Porter 1907-1908 Kenney, Joseph 1924-1931 Cramer, William A.

Marion, Osceola County, postoffice 1880, railroad 1888.

1895-1901 Mott, _______ 1904-1905 Lewis, Charles H. 1916-1917 Olmstead, Paul
1898-1898 Wilson, A. W. 1906-1913 Bellinger, Henry 1918-1921 Atherton, Clarence H.
1900-1901 Mott Brothers 1908-1909 Bellinger, Thomas 1920-1923 Marion Art Studio
1902-1903 Hall, W. F. circa 1912 Holmes, T. C. 1922-1925 Townsend. C. O.
1902-1903 Phillips, Roy 1914-1915 Smith, Lucas H. 1926-1927 Brown, Eva, Mrs.

Marlette, Sanilac County, postoffice 1866, railroad 1881.

1878-1899 Hager, John H. circa 1890 Palmer & French 1910-1911 Sprotberry, Bert
circa 1887 Lewis, Charles E. 1890-1931 Hager, John H., Junior 1912-1917 Bush, Lewis A.
1887-1891 Teeple, Ernest L. 1902-1903 Van Wormer, William
circa 1890 Hager & Son 1904-1909 Van Wormer, May, Mrs.

Marquette, Marquette County seat, port 1849, postoffice 1850, first ore dock completed 1856, railroad 1857.
1862-1865 Phelps, Josiah 1882-1927 Werner, Gustav A. circa 1900 Queen City Studio
1862-1862 Thorp, Job L. 1884-1885 Hook, William E. 1906-1917 Kepler, William C.
1864-1868 Emery, Ard G. circa 1885 Mosher, S. P. 1909-1937 Lemon, Edgar C.
circa 1867 Ward & Cole circa 1885 Werner & Mosher 1914-1931 Charlton, D. Fred
1867-1870 Ward, Thomas 1886-1890 Everitt, Henry 1916-1917 Paul, Carl
1869-1870 Bailey & Whitesides 1890-1891 Fisher & Mack 1920-1931 Harkinson, Clarence D.
1871-1894 Brubaker, Christ B. 1891-1909 Bailey, Frederick H. W. 1929-1935 Harkinson, Clare C.
circa 1872 Hall & Michle 1891-1891 Bailey & Tooker 1929-1929 Kainulainen Studio
1872-1873 Brubaker & Whitesides 1893-1894 Haefer, Frederick C. 1929-1935 Photo Enlarging Shop
1874-1893 Childs, Brainard F. circa 1897 Holzhey, Reimund 1930-1930 Harkinson, Charles
circa 1881 Werner & Taylor 1899-1935 Stierle, Max M.
Marshall, Calhoun County seat, postoffice 1831, railroad 1844.
1846-1846 Hodge, J. 1864-1865 Colton & Nabors 1895-1897 Brown & Shultz
1849-1849 Holmes, John M. 1864-1864 Dunham & Thomas 1895-1896 West & Barton
1849-1849 Jones & Bardwell 1865-1865 Jones & Company 1896-1897 Lawrence, John S. A.
1850-1850 Berry, D. 1865-1899 Smith, Seneca B. 1897-1897 Drake, E. & M. S.
1851-1851 Eldridge, T. 1866-1866 Fuller, Luther J. 1898-1899 Photo Novelty Co., The
1851-1851 Haviland, B. F. 1866-1866 Fuller & Sessions 1900-1900 Freeman, Mark
1851-1851 Kendall, A. 1866-1867 Steel, J. D. 1900-1902 Osborn, Fred E.
1851-1851 Kendall & Welch 1866-1867 Steele, Hugh A. 1902-1903 Hamilton, Joseph L.
1851-1851 Kennon, T. L. 1870-1870 Patterson, _______, Mrs. 1904-1927 Stephenson, Jerome J.
1851-1851 Snider, D. C. 1872-1881 Brooks, Caleb Stanley 1906-1906 Aurand, Fayette
1851-1851 Welch & Company 1875-1875 Blackhall, _______ circa 1908 Ashley, Charles L.
1852-1852 Carley & Emerich, Misses 1876-1888 Mast, John Edward 1909-1909 Heaton, _______
1852-1856 Mather, S. F. circa 1878 Sawtell, W. 1910-1912 Greene, Grove
1856-1856 Higgens, L., Doctor 1888-1888 Barnes, William A. 1914-1914 Collins Photo Print Co.
1857-1875 Dunham, Henry Erwin 1888-1901 Sharpsteen, Seward 1914-1916 Hall, Luvre
1857-1858 Johnson, I. G. 1888-1934 Young & McKay 1914-1914 20th Century Studio
1859-1860 Wetmore, Lewis D. 1890-1890 Burgess, Harrison L. 1915-1915 New Era Art Company
circa 1860 Reiley, _______ 1891-1891 Overholt, W. J. 1919-1919 Land, Clayton A.
1860-1862 Colton, M. W. circa 1895 Holzhey, R. 1929-1931 Slocum Brothers
1862-1863 Barker & Colton circa 1895 Sharpsteen Brothers 1931-1934 Sellors, Louis J.
1862-1865 Colton, Winslow M. circa 1895 Tremble, S. B.
1862-1875 Hurd, Marshall 1895-1897 Brown, Arthur William

Martin, Allegan County, postoffice 1844, railroad 1870.

1890-1891 Blair, Wilson H.

Mason, Ingham County seat, postoffice as Mason Center 1838, postoffice as Mason 1842, railroad 1865.
1863-1868 Parsons, Frank C. 1878-1899 Van Slyke, Charles W. 1910-1910 Grayson, S. C.
1867-1868 Paine, John Wesley 1883-1885 Crittenden, Byron B. 1911-1917 Tamlyn, George Wm.
1870-1870 Parsons, Helen 1898-1899 Cook, David J. 1918-1927 Pearson, Lula, Miss
1874-1877 Christmas, Henry J. 1899-1903 Witbeck, John A. 1922-1923 Hawn, Effie
1874-1875 Hellyer, C. M., Mrs. 1906-1907 Fuller, Emory A. 1930-1931 Lathrop Studio
1876-1877 Phelps, James D. 1907-1908 Smith, Claude L.

Mass, Ontonagon County, ore railroad to Ontonagon 1882, through railroad 1889, postoffice 1899.
circa 1897 Fernquist, Charles O. 1918-1925 Bjorkland, John

Matherton, Ionia County, postoffice 1848.

1863-1872 Whitman, John O. 1865-1867 Sherman, Andrew E. 1904-1907 Cook, William

Mattawan, Van Buren County, railroad 1848, postoffice 1849.

1859-1860 Exgeen, Stephen 1866-1866 Hitchcock, George O. circa 1885 Lavender, E.

May, Tuscola County, postoffice 1860, railroad 1881, Mayville since 1890.
1888-1890 Baker, William R. 1888-1889 Freeland, Walter B.

Maybee, Monroe County, railroad 1873, postoffice 1874.

circa 1895 Tremear, Charles H. 1900-1901 Hamilton, L. L., Mrs. 1902-1903 Lenington, A. B.

Mayville, Tuscola County, postoffice as May 1860, railroad 1881, postoffice as Mayville 1890.
circa 1890 Fox, Winnie, Mrs. 1890-1897 Baker, William R. 1910-1911 Wells, Harry
circa 1890 Freeland & Harvey 1898-1898 Cartwright, _______ 1911-1911 Burrington, L. S.
circa 1890 Freeland, Walter B. 1898-1913 McNinch, Burton G. A.
circa 1890 Harvey, Thomas 1906-1908 Shaffer, John J.

Meauwataka, Wexford County, postoffice 1872.

circa 1910 Bachelder, Royal J.
Mecosta, Mecosta County, postoffice 1867, railroad 1880.
1883-1883 Conrad, Edmond S. 1886-1909 Chapman, Isaac O.
1884-1885 Oberlin, George W. circa 1898 Chapman Brothers

Melita, Arenac County, postoffice 1880.

1888-1891 Jones, Charles., Mrs.

Memphis, Macomb County, postoffice 1848, railroad 1882.

1860-1860 Chilson, Alphonso W. 1869-1870 Ellis, George A. 1898-1899 Locke, William
1862-1863 Gilbert, Oliver circa 1872 Mudge, C. 1903-1919 Welch, Anson L.
1863-1864 Crawford, Asahel 1884-1885 Bassney, J. F.
1865-1868 Bancroft, Ann, Mrs. circa 1895 Locke Brothers

Mendon, Saint Joseph County, postoffice 1858, railroad 1870.

1865-1867 Hodgman, Samuel Chase 1876-1877 Scriber, George W. 1888-1889 Rhodes, James W.
1865-1867 Millman, Frank X. 1878-1879 Barrows & Son, J. G. 1889-1893 Emmons, Herman L.
1865-1866 Tuttle, Francis M. 1880-1880 Perry, Charles B. 1890-1891 Emmons & McClellan
1866-1866 Millman & Freeman 1880-1880 Perry Brothers 1890-1916 McClellan, Hazzard L.
circa 1867 Bulla, S. A. 1880-1881 Fisher, Perry A. 1890-1890 Rhodes, W. T.
1869-1870 Bulls, _______, Miss 1882-1883 Newman, Chester A. 1891-1891 Emmons, Samuel B.
1872-1873 Barrows, John G. 1884-1885 Lonsbury, H. E. 1908-1925 White, William
1874-1875 Hower, A. B. 1885-1885 Evans, Charles B.

Menominee, Menominee County seat, port 1836, postoffice 1863, railroad 1871, railroad car ferries 1894.
1868-1873 Gage, Wallace B. 1890-1891 Kennedy, John M. 1904-1905 Bott, Charles L.
1872-1872 King, J. R. 1890-1891 Podore, Mrs. C. & Co. 1904-1908 McGinnis, Oliver J.
1874-1877 Bauder, George W. 1892-1893 Lohman, Charles H. 1907-1907 Bogrand, Peter
1874-1877 Gage, Harriet, Mrs. 1892-1894 Sullivan, Frederick D. 1907-1911 Leonard, Frank N.
circa 1878 Rose, Chalmers 1894-1897 Stierle, Max M. 1907-1907 Robb, Henry R.
1882-1883 Hill & Company, H. E. 1894-1895 Stronach & Company 1908-1909 Gotstein, W. C.
circa 1883 Nott, Arthur 1895-1896 Tonnesen, Beatrice, Miss 1911-1935 Conant, Arthur M.
1883-1890 DeForest, David Algen circa 1896 Wade & Company 1914-1914 Dye, C. H.
1883-1883 DeForest & Atwater 1896-1903 Wolcott, Udney E., Mrs. circa 1916 Archie, James
1884-1885 Herron & O’Donnell 1900-1901 Sinkula, Wenzel F. 1930-1935 Rosemeyer, Albert J.
1884-1895 O’Donnell, John J. 1900-1925 Wolcott, Udney E.
1889-1908 Kirkham, Richard A. 1902-1903 Kibbe, Edwin S.

Merrill, Saginaw County, railroad 1872, postoffice as Greene 1875, postoffice as Merrill 1881.
1890-1891 McLeod, Alexander 1900-1901 Hill, John Edward 1908-1915 McBride, A. A.
1892-1892 Sherwood, M. Bert 1902-1908 Wight, Ella V., Mrs. 1910-1910 Hendrick Picture Co.
1894-1897 Potter, Charles D. 1902-1903 Wight, Mason, Mr. & Mrs.
1898-1899 Bornhoff, Henry F. 1904-1905 Wight & Son, Mrs.

Merritt, Missaukee County, railroad 1909, postoffice 1910.

circa 1910 Sanders, _______

Mesick, Wexford County, postoffice 1881, railroad 1889.

1900-1905 Hodgins, Elias B. circa 1910 Rathbun, M. 1911-1911 Gates, Verner R.

Metamora, Lapeer County, postoffice 1850, railroad 1872.

1864-1865 McDermand, Edward 1898-1899 Wood, Melvin

Michigamme, Marquette County, railroad 1872, postoffice 1873.

circa 1890 Wagner, John G. 1905-1905 Blakemore, William C. circa 1914 Majhannu, Frank W.
1901-1901 Bogrand, Peter 1910-1910 Laur, John H.

Michigan Center, Jackson County, postoffice 1838.

1937-1937 Fisk, ______

Michillinda, Muskegon County, postoffice 1896.

1915-1916 Michillinda Photo Shops
Middleton, Gratiot County, railroad 1886, postoffice 1887.
1900-1903 Burdick, Ida, Mrs. 1904-1905 Smith, Austin R.
1902-1903 Naldrett, Rose, Mrs. 1906-1907 Howell, James W.

Middleville, Barry County, postoffice 1839, railroad 1870.

1865-1868 Barrows, John G. 1886-1895 Hayter, Charles H. 1906-1907 Hoffman, C. F.
1874-1875 Sessions, L. A., Miss 1900-1901 Smith, Ida M., Mrs. 1914-1917 Snaith, R. F.
1874-1874 Wing’s Gallery 1902-1905 Lowe, William W.
1876-1885 Coville, F. A., Mrs. 1904-1904 Tromp, G.

Midland, Midland County seat, postoffice 1856, railroad 1867, 48 businesses burned 1874.
1872-1895 Bradley, Horatio N. 1895-1897 Stromer, William 1907-1911 Baker, E. W.
circa 1883 Bannister & Berryman circa 1896 Nix, F. H. & Son 1908-1915 Camp, Cyrus T.
1883-1891 Berryman, Edwin C. 1896-1901 Pinney, Bert 1908-1917 Camp, Thomas A.
circa 1885 Wilson, _______ 1897-1899 Garlock, Thomas E. 1908-1911 Camp Brothers
1890-1891 Wilson, George B. 1898-1903 Baker Willard E. 1910-1911 Midland View Company
1892-1895 Berryman, Frederick 1898-1899 Johnston, Frank E. 1911-1919 Pilbeam, Frank E.
1892-1893 Chrispell, Luther S. 1900-1905 Gladstone, Ralph E. 1918-1931 Patton, Earl E.
1894-1894 Crispell, L. S. 1900-1902 Wilson, Robert A. circa 1920 Hubbard’s Studio
1894-1894 Weed, Daniel circa 1904 Century Photo-View Co. 1930-1931 Trudeau, Anthony J.
1894-1894 Weed, Nancy L., Mrs. 1906-1907 Eddy, Charles W.
circa 1895 Stromer & Price 1906-1908 Love, William H.

Midland City, Midland County, colloquial name for Midland.

1866-1867 Lacy, Mary E.

Milan, Washtenaw County, postoffice as Farmersville 1833, postoffice as Milan 1836, railroad 1878.
1865-1865 Van Zandt, Winant 1890-1892 Hunt, Samuel C. 1898-1901 Sissem, Willard J.
1867-1867 Calkins, Lorenzo 1892-1894 Phillipson, Soloman W. 1900-1905 Hill, Maria, Mrs.
circa 1885 Jewell & Corkins 1894-1895 Casey, Charles 1902-1905 Needham, Clarence F.
1885-1886 Jewell, Daniel circa 1895 Elwood & Conant 1902-1903 Schmitt, W. C.
1889-1889 Lacy, Thomas T. 1895-1897 Elwood, Fred W. 1906-1927 Weller, George K.

Milford, Oakland County, postoffice 1836, railroad 1871.

1862-1863 Palmer, William 1874-1874 Phipps, Charles D. 1894-1895 Babcock, George C.
1862-1867 Tenney, G. Trumbull 1875-1876 Johnson, O. S. 1896-1899 Stewart, Robert
1866-1866 Ewing, Robert S. circa 1877 Johnson, S. A. circa 1897 Devereaux & Sluyter
1866-1879 Phipps, Edward L. 1882-1894 Bissell, Edward 1900-1914 Avery, Elmer Everette
circa 1867 Labar, A. J. 1882-1883 Brownes, The. 1900-1901 Graham, Nelson A.
1874-1908 Browne, Jared N. circa 1891 Sluyter Brothers 1914-1915 Ferris, I. G.
1874-1877 Browne, J. N. & E. E. circa 1894 Bissell & Babcock 1930-1931 Culley, William G.

Millbrook, Isabella County, postoffice 1867, railroad 1880.

1867-1867 Hatfield, Deming N. 1879-1879 Ellsworth, Henry

Millersburg, Presque Isle County, postoffice 1898, railroad 1898.

1900-1907 Craig, Frank W. 1906-1906 Bates, T. W.

Milletts, Eaton County, railroad 1870, postoffice as Millett 1877.

circa 1885 Drake, Evander L. circa 1900 Crane, W. H.

Millington, Tuscola County, postoffice 1857, railroad 1873.

1882-1883 Baker, William R. 1909-1912 Bishop, Robert 1910-1910 Pharis, Leon
circa 1898 Rice, T. J. 1910-1911 Landis, William S. 1922-1925 Beckmam, A. S.

Mill Point, Ottawa County, postoffice 1851, railroad 1858, Spring Lake since 1867.
1865-1867 Cleveland, Henry W.
Mill Station, Lapeer County, postoffice as Mill Station 1867, railroad 1870, postoffice as Attica 1871.
1870-1870 Gillett, Jedediah B.

Milnes, Hillsdale County, postoffice 1896.

circa 1916 Clark, _______

Minden, Sanilac County, postoffice 1862, railroad 1880, burned 1881, Minden City since 1883.
1874-1874 Kerr, O. K.

Minden City, Sanilac County, postoffice as Minden 1862, railroad 1880, postoffice as Minden City 1883.
1894-1911 Wendt, Charles J.

Mio, Oscoda County seat, postoffice as Mioe 1882, postoffice as Mio 1883.
circa 1915 Ellis, S. D.

Mohawk, Keweenaw County, railroad ca 1893, postoffice 1901.

1911-1911 Rickard & Stolt circa 1913 Peterman, Phillip circa 1914 Labine, Oscar
circa 1913 Peterman, Myrno 1913-1918 Olli, Nikolai

Monroe, Monroe County seat, port 1780, postoffice as Frenchtown 1815, postoffice as Monroe 1824, railroad 1839.
1856-1856 Stevens, L. S. 1870-1870 Palmer, Jeremiah G. 1890-1891 Johnson, Charles A.
1859-1860 Morse & Company, Mrs. 1870-1879 Wing, Simon circa 1892 Richardson, Lee S.
1860-1860 Foster, _______ 1872-1873 Russ, W. G. 1892-1895 Spuhler, August
1862-1867 Bowlsby, William H. 1874-1875 Burley, Almon J. circa 1895 Peoples Studio
1862-1863 Heritage, John 1876-1877 Higgins, Corydon W. 1898-1911 Gates, Maurice N.
1862-1863 Heritage, Mary, Miss 1876-1877 Pippin, Edward J. 1902-1903 Gates, Norman
1862-1863 Zang, Julius 1878-1883 Major, James A. 1904-1931 Beck, Gustav F.
1863-1867 Vincent, John circa 1880 Pfeiffer, F. A. 1908-1909 Clarkson, J. S.
1864-1865 Dorsch & Company, E. 1880-1885 Hill, James G. circa 1910 Sunbeam Studio Co.
1864-1868 McClellan, William 1886-1921 Hill, Charles W. 1924-1931 Weller, Orlo D.
1867-1867 Reynolds, Lewis H. 1886-1890 Phinisey, Theodore W. 1927-1930 Maedel, Gottfried C.
1869-1870 New York Gallery 1886-1887 Phinisey Brothers
circa 1870 Russ, W. T. circa 1890 Phinisey & Neate

Montague, Muskegon County port 1855, postoffice 1867, railroad 1871.

1880-1880 Sanders, William 1890-1895 Wirsing, Theodore 1909-1911 Cauzac, _______
1882-1885 Marshall, William E. circa 1895 Edmonson, William L. 1911-1913 Flood, John B.
1885-1885 Elliott, Harry L. 1897-1897 Ericson, Carl 1912-1917 Flood, Emery B.
1886-1890 Brower, John I. 1898-1909 Ladd, Burrell W. 1922-1925 Sweney, Fred D.

Montgomery, Hillsdale County, railroad 1870, postoffice 1871.

1894-1895 Ryan, A. O.

Montrose, Genesee County, postoffice 1856, railroad 1888.

1897-1898 Belden, Irving C. 1904-1905 Potter, Charles D. 1912-1913 Sigsby, David
1898-1900 Ford, Charles C. 1906-1907 Sutton, James 1914-1923 Potter, Flora, Mrs.

Morenci, Lenawee County, postoffice 1838, railroad 1871.

1862-1863 Belden, Betsy J., Mrs. 1874-1874 Converse & Stout 1896-1897 Dohm, Nelson A.
1862-1863 Churchill, Erastus 1874-1891 Rock, Robert circa 1897 Elite Studio
1863-1864 Dewey, Nathaniel S. 1874-1875 Shear, George W. 1897-1901 Coddington, Norman J.
1863-1863 Weitzel, Ida 1890-1891 Fairbanks, Orin D. circa 1898 McLaughlin, R. W.
1864-1865 Dewey, S. A. circa 1893 Ford, George H. 1898-1899 Bradley, Burton
1865-1895 Converse, James Oliver 1894-1895 Marsh, Charles B. 1900-1911 Tremear, Charles Herbert
1865-1867 Hitchcock, Luther E. circa 1895 Kauffman, _______ circa 1905 McDuffee, Lou
1866-1867 Hitchcock, Lewis circa 1896 Dohm, N. A. & Company 1912-1927 Leonard, Ruliff C.

Morey, Missaukee County, postoffice 1887.

1908-1909 Barner, _______
Morley, Mecosta County, postoffice 1869, railroad 1869.
1872-1877 Chapin, Allen 1890-1891 Glover, John H. 1903-1917 McManus, James D.
1883-1884 Smith, Oliver W. 1898-1900 Ostergren, Carrie, Mrs.

Morrice, Shiawassee County, postoffice 1877, railroad 1877.

1877-1878 Johnson, _______ circa 1895 Hutchings, Court R.
1890-1891 Devereaux Brothers 1898-1934 Vreeland, Egbert L.

Mosherville, Hillsdale County, postoffice 1858, railroad 1869 at Mosherville Station 2 miles east.
circa 1910 Van Hoosean, _______

Mottville, Saint Joseph County, postoffice 1830.

1862-1865 Fuller, Clinton

Mount Clemens, Macomb County seat, port 1799, postoffice 1821, railroad 1859.
1856-1879 Batty, James 1890-1899 Schultz, Otto 1909-1917 Thrasher, _______
circa 1873 Batty & Hadstate 1899-1944 Henk, John A. circa 1910 Trasher Post Card Co.
1873-1875 Hadstate, Hoyte C. 1899-1899 Knaute, Alexander N. 1910-1911 Thrasher & Henk
circa 1874 Hadstate & Company 1900-1900 French, Lucius J. 1911-1911 Artcraft Studio Company
1874-1891 Mintonye, John 1901-1919 Brown, Fred C. 1911-1911 Farber, Edward E.
circa 1875 Ruby & Hadstate 1901-1909 Mann, Austin Flint 1911-1911 Marble, George D.
1876-1877 King Brothers 1902-1907 Koehler, Elmer W. 1912-1916 Pomeroy, Garnett G.
1876-1877 Light & Bestor 1904-1909 Mann & Son, A. F. 1914-1917 Thrasher & Tucker
1888-1894 Cuyler, Harriet E., Mrs. 1905-1905 Cute Studio 1916-1916 Oehmke, Charles
1886-1887 Cuyler, William Benjamin 1905-1905 Shea Photo Company 1920-1937 Kimberlin, Ossil Dennis
circa 1890 Quatermass & Smith 1908-1911 Milton, E. D. 1920-1937 Sawn, Nellie M., Miss
1890-1901 Novess, Alonzo C. circa 1909 Mt. Clemens Post Card Co

Mount Pleasant, Isabella County seat, postoffice 1869, railroad 1879.

1874-1876 Brodie, Janet, Mrs. 1885-1886 Munger, George C. 1900-1901 Parrish, J. O.
1876-1879 Richmond, Permelia, Mrs. 1886-1889 Excelsior Art Parlors circa 1901 Parrish & Packer
1877-1877 Osborn, _______ 1886-1886 Lone & Frisbie 1901-1902 Watson, W. W.
1877-1877 Sargent, _______ 1889-1890 Lone & Plunkett 1902-1948 Collins, Eugene F.
1877-1877 Sprinkle & Osborn circa 1890 Turley, _______ 1903-1903 Barnes, B. J.
1878-1883 Freeney, John H. 1890-1894 Morey, Loren S. 1905-1909 Wissbeck, Otto L.
1882-1911 Smith, Francis M. 1894-1905 Williams, Ross H. 1908-1911 Van Wie, Vernon
1883-1883 Ellsworth, Henry 1896-1897 Richardson, Samuel J. 1909-1911 Collins & Wightman
1883-1883 Ellsworth & Smith 1898-1903 Borden, Augustus 1912-1931 Francisco, Harry H.
1883-1885 Schueller, Frederick 1898-1898 Penny Photo Gallery 1914-1931 Bellinger, Harry
1883-1883 Smith & Schueller 1898-1898 Photo Novelty Gallery

Muir, Ionia County, postoffice as Montrose Station 1857, railroad 1857, postoffice as Muir 1859.
1862-1863 Newman, William H. 1867-1868 Shumway, R. U. 1882-1885 McLaughlin, R. R., Miss
1863-1864 Clark, Almira 1870-1872 Sweet, Joseph 1886-1895 Clark, George W.
1864-1864 Bisbee, Jasper E. 1872-1873 Herbert, A. J. circa 1888 Burgess, Harrison L.
1865-1867 Smith, Jonathan R. circa 1875 Stevens, L. S. 1908-1916 Ross, Bernard L.
circa 1867 Shumway & Helme

Mulliken, Eaton County, postoffice 1888, railroad 1888.

1899-1908 Marratt, William circa 1900 Bennett, William H.

Munising, Alger County seat since 1901, port 1850, p.o. 1868, railroad at Wetmore 3 miles southeast 1881, railroad 1897.
1898-1899 Martin, Ellis A. 1912-1913 Sicotte, Joseph circa 1915 Siabiaskofski, E.
1898-1921 O’Donnell, John J. 1913-1913 Evans, _______
1910-1913 Ferguson, Lewis G. 1914-1931 Deibert, William H.

Munith, Jackson County, postoffice 1880, railroad 1884.

1892-1892 Halstead & Hopkins
Muskegon, Muskegon County seat, port 1834, postoffice 1838, railroad 1870, railroad car ferries 1897.
1862-1863 Beardsley, Henry P. 1892-1905 Hamilton, James 1913-1931 Bingham, Boyd H.
1863-1864 Cory, Edward J. 1892-1917 Ladd, Burrell W. 1914-1915 Burke, S. E.
1864-1871 Moulton, Luther V. 1892-1893 McDermand, Edward J. 1914-1915 Cihak, J. F.
1864-1865 Woodstock, Elizabeth 1892-1894 Parker, Carroll A. 1915-1915 Radium Photo Studio
1865-1865 Nichols & Co., A. C. 1894-1895 Pattee, Maud M., Miss 1916-1927 Cihak, Charles J.
1867-1867 James, Charles C. or L. 1892-1892 Tromp & McDermand circa 1918 Cole, W. G.
circa 1871 Strong & Heath circa 1895 Boston Photo Company 1918-1923 Hobart, Lucy E., Mrs.
1871-1877 Strong, Nelson F. circa 1895 Crescent, The 1918-1934 Melrose, Adolph E.
1872-1875 Burgess, Azariah M. circa 1895 McComb, George T. 1918-1919 Melrose & Best
1872-1873 Burgess & Hatch 1895-1895 Hopkins, I. F. 1918-1921 Moblo & Son
1874-1875 Minkler, John F. 1896-1897 Angell, Daniel 1918-1937 Radium Photo Service
1874-1877 Shaw & Macomber circa 1897 Ganoung, Charles W. 1920-1921 Brubaker, John H.
circa 1875 Marble Front Gallery 1897-1897 Rarick, Charles 1920-1930 Mosher, William I.
1875-1883 Westervelt, James Dallas 1897-1897 Van Dusen, Harry J. 1920-1921 Sabe, Fritz W.
1876-1877 Wesson & French 1898-1899 Evans, Elmer E. 1922-1930 Berkquist Photo Supply Hs
1878-1907 McComb, William 1900-1902 Dole, Samuel J. 1922-1931 Miller, Lloyd K.
1878-1880 Van Buskirk, Charles 1900-1917 Lafayette & Company 1924-1924 Nielsen, Adolph L.
1878-1878 Wing, Simon 1902-1925 Ladd, Charles A. 1926-1934 Blais, Louis V.
circa 1879 Central Photograph Gallery 1902-1919 Ladd, Emily L., Mrs. 1926-1927 Ladd, Goldie A.
1879-1883 Burdick, George C. 1902-1928 Ladd & Son 1928-1930 Folkerth, Harry C.
1879-1879 Judd, Jacob E. 1902-1903 Taylor, Schuyler M. 1928-1932 Kline, Arvilla
1879-1879 Westervelt & Co., J. D. 1904-1904 Baker, Gertrude 1928-1934 Mysen, Carolyn
1882-1909 Lawson, Norman B. 1904-1904 Doss, William G. 1928-1928 Rudershausen, Charles F.
circa 1883 Hiler, Milo 1906-1906 Clark, Felton W. 1930-1934 Felt, Clarence L.
1883-1890 Powe, T. Harold 1906-1906 Couper, Norman G. 1930-1930 Lowry Studios
1883-1883 Westervelt & Powe 1907-1908 Hayer, F. C. 1930-1934 Rozenberg, Harry
1886-1917 Jacks, Frank S. 1908-1934 Clark, Dewitt C. 1930-1930 Russell Studio
1886-1917 Lafayette, John Anthony 1908-1908 Haefer, T. C. 1932-1932 Thompson, Harry
1886-1887 Lafayette & Jacks 1908-1908 Richardson, I. M. 1932-1932 Wight, Constance I.
1887-1887 Lafayette & Cowan 1908-1909 Richardson, John M. 1932-1934 Felt & Company, C.
circa 1888 Star Gallery 1908-1920 Tromp, Henry 1932-1935 Olson, LeRoy T.
1889-1889 Madill, Wesley circa 1910 Westin, E. 1932-1934 Premo Photo Service
1890-1891 Hamilton, Daniel H. 1910-1913 Rippey, William V. 1934-1934 Moderne Studio
1890-1894 Payne, Frank E. 1912-1912 Hoffman, George 1934-1934 Star Photo Studio
1892-1894 Cormany, Montgomery L. 1912-1915 Radium Studio circa 1935 Mosher, William I.

Muskegon Heights, Muskegon County, railroad 1869, postoffice 1891.

1917-1921 Earl, Marion E. 1920-1920 Stanton, Oliver V. 1926-1932 Photo Shop, The
1917-1917 LaMore, Percy 1922-1925 Shay, Earl E.

Nahma, Delta County port, postoffice 1856.

circa 1911 Conant, _______

Nankin, Wayne County, postoffice as Lima 1828, postoffice as Nankin 1830.

1863-1864 Jessup, E. 1864-1865 Jessup, C.

Napoleon, Jackson County, postoffice 1833, railroad 1878.

1900-1900 Kelch, Benjamin F.

Nashville, Barry County, postoffice 1866, railroad 1869.

circa 1873 Feighner & Warriner 1898-1901 Whitney, Corty J. 1910-1913 Harshberger, Charles
1873-1902 Feighner, Emanuel J. 1898-1898 Whitney & Barnes 1910-1911 Johnson, Fred
1876-1888 Beebe, Alvah James circa 1900 Bavier, James M. 1910-1913 Reynolds, William H.
1878-1881 Heath, George L. circa 1900 Reynolds, A. J. 1914-1915 Joy, Sherman D.
1878-1881 Heath & Beebe 1900-1907 Early, C. Milton circa 1916 Hill, _______
1882-1887 Morrison, Frank P. 1902-1905 Hurd, Joseph C. 1916-1917 Vander Auwera, Peter
1884-1888 Beebe & Feighner 1908-1909 Niles, Leo 1918-1919 Lare, C. A.
1888-1899 Van Nocker, Edwin H. 1908-1908 Weber, _______

Naubinway, Mackinac County port, postoffice 1879.

circa 1892 Conant, David J.
Navarre, Wayne County, postoffice 1899, renamed Oakwood 1918, annexed by Detroit 1922.
1905-1907 Spurr, Solon E.

Negaunee, Marquette County, railroad 1857, postoffice 1858.

circa 1864 Emery, Ard G. circa 1889 Smith & Steckbaure 1905-1905 Backa & Soderback
circa 1865 Hasse, Charles M. 1889-1894 Steckbaure, William E. 1905-1915 Soderback, Matt
1865-1866 Hesse, Charles circa 1890 Colburn & Holman 1906-1907 Nordstrom, Hannah, Mrs.
1867-1867 Fuller & Boutwell circa 1890 New York Gallery 1907-1908 Berglund, U. S.
1867-1874 Schenck, M. E., Mrs. 1891-1894 Everitt, Henry 1908-1909 Berglund, William S.
1867-1867 Wren, John 1894-1895 Gogarn, August P. 1908-1913 Israel, William H.
1873-1887 Gibbon, Henry E. 1896-1899 Brown, Jacob 1912-1915 Cedarback, Matt
circa 1880 de Moras, H. P. 1896-1903 Thomas, Edmeston V. 1916-1927 Lassi, Matt
1884-1887 Wolcott, Udney E. 1899-1911 Forsander, Andrew 1916-1916 Negaunee Studio
1884-1885 Wolcott & Hendricks 1901-1901 Reitzel, Daniel 1916-1931 Sicotte, Joseph
circa 1885 DeVos Brothers 1903-1905 Newland, George A. 1929-1929 Maki, Vaino
circa 1887 Erikson, _______ circa 1905 Home Studio
1887-1889 Smith, Edward J. circa 1905 Reitzel & Forsander

Nelson, Saginaw County, postoffice 1883.

circa 1915 Muray, _______

Nelsonville, Charlevoix County, postoffice 1869, South Arm since 1874, railroad 1901.
1872-1873 Cole, Eugene H.

Newaygo, Newaygo County seat until 1910, postoffice 1847, railroad 1872.
1863-1868 Raider, John F. A. 1884-1885 Wolfe, Hiram F. 1907-1908 Baker, O. R.
1867-1867 Hatfield & Louckes 1886-1891 Newton, Lawrence 1909-1911 Van Leuven, J. Frank
1868-1868 Louckes, Wesley F. circa 1890 Flood & Dill circa 1912 Slant, _______
1869-1884 McKee, James H. 1890-1895 Flood, Emery B. 1916-1917 Kinsey, L. A.
1874-1874 Johnson, Theodore D. circa 1892 Earl, Marion E. 1920-1927 Boneville, George
1874-1875 Smith, E. Gerret 1898-1901 Stuck, Raymon 1927-1927 Stepestone View Co.
circa 1876 Hower, A. B. 1902-1905 Bracy, Lemuel A.
1876-1879 King, George 1906-1913 Noble, Ernest E.

New Baltimore, Macomb County, postoffice as Ashleyville 1851, postoffice as New Baltimore 1855, railroad 1898.
1856-1856 Jenny, _______ 1888-1891 Colloff, Edward 1911-1911 Losh, William E.
1859-1867 Randall, William 1892-1909 Haight, Eugene M.

Newberry, Luce County seat, railroad 1881, postoffice 1882.

1889-1892 Tibbott, Charles E. circa 1905 Leavenworth, Russell C. circa 1912 Melville, William P.
1893-1903 Fanjoy, Charles A. 1906-1915 Grant, Isaac G.
1903-1906 Foreman, Victor R. 1906-1915 Grant Brothers

New Boston, Wayne County, postoffice as Catville 1860, postoffice as New Boston 1868, railroad 1872.
1895-1913 Pattee, Francis A. M.

New Buffalo, Berrien County port 1835, postoffice 1837, railroad 1849.
circa 1867 Wilhelm, Libbie A. 1874-1874 Kamm, Fritz 1920-1925 Parmelee, M., Miss

New Haven, Macomb County, postoffice 1838, railroad 1859.

circa 1880 Hebner, Barbara, Miss circa 1895 Drake, M. M. 1908-1910 Burose, Herman

New Lothrop, Shiawassee County, postoffice 1878.

1902-1902 Odell, Elmer 1910-1913 Poller, Charles circa 1914 Pharis & Hopper
1903-1903 Austin, Ernest 1913-1913 Potter, Charles

Newport, Saint Clair County port 1820, platted 1837, postoffice remained Belle River, Marine City since 1865.
1863-1864 Angell, William J. 1863-1864 Young, Alexander T. 1864-1864 Hill, Warren G.

New Troy, Berrien County, postoffice as Weesaw 1852, postoffice as New Troy 1865.
circa 1910 English, A. G.
Niles, Berrien County, postoffice as Carey 1828, postoffice as Niles 1841, railroad 1848.
1858-1865 Westervelt, James Dallas 1865-1867 Dunham, D. C. 1904-1905 Loane, Wesley R.
1859-1890 Bailey, Joseph W. 1865-1865 Westover, Ralph circa 1905 Schmidt, _______
1859-1860 Howe & Wilson 1867-1867 Dunham, G. C. 1906-1908 Scoville, Charles T.
1859-1860 Reynolds, Herbert Morton 1867-1867 Grimes, James A. 1906-1907 Werts, Perry D.
1859-1865 Wilson, Joseph M. 1867-1883 Stirling, Hannah N., Mrs. 1907-1909 Jones, L. M.
1862-1863 May, Franklin 1882-1890 Densmore, Jay 1910-1911 Miller, Lysander W.
1862-1867 Osborn, Calvin M. 1884-1885 Franklin, Edwin 1910-1931 Vosburg, Leonard C.
1863-1864 Brown, Zelotus 1890-1891 Nix, Frank H. 1911-1911 Joy, Sherman D.
1863-1865 Wray, Franklin 1892-1900 Smith, Orlando N. 1912-1913 Chase Studio
1864-1865 Bailey & Westervelt 1892-1892 Smith & Clark 1914-1925 Coombs Studio
1864-1865 Bradley, W. G. 1892-1893 Smith & Thaldorf 1914-1915 Fuller, Bradley J.
1864-1865 Faulkner, M. M. 1894-1895 Huffman, Moses R. 1915-1917 Fowler, Frank
1864-1905 Ives, Edwin B. circa 1895 Schlotterback, _______ 1920-1921 Perry, Wyatt L.
1864-1865 Merriam & Wells 1896-1897 McCollum, John E. 1922-1925 Nemeck, Winifred, Mrs
circa 1865 Barmore, Emma C. 1898-1899 Elson, Elon J. 1926-1931 Thayer, Will, Mrs.
circa 1865 Merriam, J. I. 1902-1903 Chandler, Charles W. Circa 1941 Elmore, H. C.

North Adams, Hillsdale County, postoffice as Cutler’s Corners 1848, postoffice as North Adams 1850, railroad 1872.
1862-1863 Thompson, Charles W. circa 1894 Ford, George H. circa 1911 Sears, _______
1872-1873 Ross, Royal D. 1900-1900 Buck & Carney 1911-1913 Welper, _______
1890-1894 Hathaway, Edward G. 1900-1901 Hadley, Asher B.

North Bradley, Midland County, railroad 1870, postoffice 1873.

1913-1913 Beamish, R. O.

North Branch, Lapeer County, postoffice 1856, railroad 1883.

1873-1873 Goodman, Thomas H. 1882-1903 Brown, David A. 1886-1915 Clarkson, Joseph S.
1880-1880 Bentley, Oscar A. 1886-1887 Brown & Clarkson

North Detroit, Wayne County, postoffice as Dalton’s Corners 1868, as Norris 1873, and as North Detroit 1891,
railroad 1873, annexed by Detroit in 1916.
circa 1910 Echlin, Ed circa 1915 Cave, John H.

Northfield, Washtenaw County, postoffice 1834, railroad 1881.

1863-1864 Halleck, James M.

North Lansing, Ingham County, railroad 1862.

1870-1870 Hall, Harry O. 1872-1903 Heath, Luman F. 1890-1891 Devereaux Brothers
1870-1871 Maynard, D. J. circa 1880 Sweet, Joseph & B. J. circa 1895 Johnson, Ralph
1871-1875 McKenzie, Jeanette, Miss 1886-1887 Olin & Brown 1896-1896 Straub, Frank C.

North Manitou Island, Leelanau County, postoffice 1888.

circa 1910 Huff, _______

North Muskegon, Muskegon County, railroad 1871, postoffice 1881.

1893-1893 Tromp, William 1894-1894 Grownys, W. 1900-1903 Middaugh, Charles

North Plains, Ionia County, postoffice 1846.

1863-1864 Ash, Lyman circa 1867 Bornborough, John A.

Northport, Leelanau County seat until 1882, port 1852, postoffice 1856, railroad 1906, railroad car ferries 1906.
1868-1897 Spencer, Hoyt S. circa 1905 Gray, _______

North Star, Gratiot County, postoffice 1857, railroad 1884.

circa 1890 Suddaby, C. H. 1907-1907 Chaffin, C. M.
Northville, Wayne County, postoffice 1831, railroad 1871.
1857-1875 Bissell, Edward 1878-1880 Taylor, Augustus B. 1906-1929 Ball, Lyman L.
circa 1864 Bissell & Covert 1890-1895 Brown, Henry F. 1906-1908 Hall, L. L.
1866-1867 Ewing, Robert S. 1890-1890 Gibson & Brown 1914-1915 Wischon, C. O.
1869-1869 Whalen, Abel J. 1891-1895 Brown & Company 1916-1917 Wisdom, Clarence O.
circa 1875 Bissell, E. & Son 1900-1901 Reynolds, A. J. 1935-1938 Wood, Romeo S.
1876-1877 Bishop, Thomas P. 1902-1903 Clute, Edith P., Miss
1876-1876 Weed, Clarence L. 1902-1903 Quatermass, William M.

Norvell, Jackson County, postoffice 1838, railroad 1857.

1862-1863 Sheffield, Edward 1910-1913 Beckwith, C. E.

Norway, Dickinson County, railroad 1877, postoffice 1879.

1880-1890 Sortor, James E. 1890-1890 Anunson, Edward circa 1894 Bordewich, R. & Company
1888-1896 Bordewich, Richard 1890-1890 Holston, F. August 1896-1899 Elmgaard, Henry
1888-1891 Bordewich & Eskil 1890-1902 Norway Art Gallery 1899-1931 Solheim. Peter
1888-1890 Corin, W. John circa 1892 Bordewich & Company 1902-1902 Olson, Anna R.
1889-1889 Dahl & Anunson circa 1893 Bordewich & Lind circa 1914 Hoover, _______

Nottawa, Saint Joseph County, postoffice 1836, railroad 1870.

circa 1892 Elson, Elon J.

Nunica, Ottawa County, postoffice as Crockery Creek 1848, railroad 1858, postoffice as Nunica 1859.
circa 1910 Mosher, _______

Oak Grove, Livingston County, postoffice 1839, railroad 1885.

circa 1907 Pharis, Leon

Oakwood, Oakland County, postoffice as Campbell’s Corners 1847, postoffice as Oakwood 1856.
1865-1865 Stetson, Gotham P.

Oakwood Park, Kalamazoo County.

1914-1914 Oostersettz, Benjamin

Oden, Emmet County port, postoffice 1882, railroad 1882.

1894-1897 Furlong, A.

Okemos, Ingham County, postoffice as Sanford 1840, postoffice as Okemos 1862, railroad 1871.
1862-1863 Hudson, Marale 1864-1865 Soule, Kate, Miss

Old Mission, Grand Traverse County port, postoffice as Grand Traverse 1850, postoffice as Old Mission 1869.
circa 1909 Cummings, J. I.

Olive, Clinton County, postoffice 1848.

1862-1862 Reed, William F. 1884-1885 Devereaux, Albert

Olive Center, Ottawa County, railroad 1871, postoffice 1875.

1890-1895 Vinkemulder, John 1906-1907 Wightman, E. O.

Olivet, Eaton County, postoffice 1849, railroad 1870 at Olivet Station 2½ miles north.
1859-1860 Follet, Edwin 1884-1885 Devereaux, Albert 1906-1917 Arnold, John J.
1862-1862 Fuller, Luther J. 1886-1891 Ford, Earl L. 1920-1931 Jackson, W. F.
1863-1865 Sessions, Samuel 1892-1895 Fowler, George H.
1865-1872 Sessions, Ira B. 1894-1897 Mooers, James L.
Omer, Arenac County seat until 1892, postoffice 1872, railroad 1896.
1900-1901 Stanton, O. V. 1904-1911 Glover, Alfred H.
1902-1908 Jump, James R. circa 1915 Boneville, George

Onaway, Presque Isle County, postoffice as Shaw 1882, postoffice as Onaway 1890, railroad 1898.
1898-1899 Hartt, J. J. 1906-1910 Peters, _______ circa 1909 Peacock, Steven
1900-1905 Goff, E. E., Mrs. 1906-1908 Ward, William H. 1930-1931 Gregg, Will B.
1900-1903 Hartt, William H. 1908-1925 Craig, Frank W.
1904-1907 Emmons, Russell B. 1908-1909 Wells, William S.

Onekama, Manistee County, postoffice 1871, railroad 1888.

1913-1952 Winberg, Richard V.

Onota, Alger County, postoffice 1870, Schoolcraft County seat until 1877, burned 1877, railroad 1880.
1896-1899 Graham, R. H.

Ontonagon, Ontonagon County seat, port 1843, postoffice 1846, ore railroad to Rockland and Mass 1882, through railroad
1889, burned 1896.
1864-1865 Fitzgerald, Thomas 1890-1895 Raven, Christian 1910-1911 Haefer, Frederick C.
1884-1885 Chaplin, Joseph 1903-1903 Delwich, Julius I. 1912-1913 Edyvean, Frank M.
circa 1890 Raven & Banks 1906-1909 Reitzel, Daniel

Orion, Oakland County, postoffice 1834, railroad 1872, Lake Orion since 1926.
1862-1867 Treet, Oscar 1904-1905 Webster, L. G. circa 1921 Mann, _______
1894-1909 Cribbins, Michael 1912-1917 Oliver, Joseph
1902-1911 Belles, William H. 1918-1919 Chambers, E. A.

Oronoko, Berrien County.

1864-1865 Gillespie, P. M.

Ortonville, Oakland County, postoffice 1857.

circa 1895 Buzzard & Brabon 1902-1903 Hewitt, R. 1915-1915 Smith, E. B., Junior
1898-1901 Wisner, Burton J. circa 1910 Lemp, Arthur

Oscoda, Iosco County port 1867, postoffice 1875, railroad 1883.

1872-1885 Lawson, Alexander J. 1889-1889 Wagner, John G. 1892-1903 Martyn, Albert Thomas
1884-1911 Bradshaw, Albert J. 1890-1891 Baker, Edwin P. 1911-1911 B&S
1889-1889 Bradshaw & Venners 1890-1890 Bradshaw & Company 1911-1931 Stevens, Fred N.
1889-1889 Dubbs, John Howard 1892-1893 Baker & Martyn

Osseo, Hillsdale County, railroad 1843, postoffice 1861.

1865-1867 Tucker, John circa 1915 Clark, _______

Otisco, Ionia County, postoffice 1838.

1876-1879 Muir, William

Otisville, Genesee County, postoffice 1861, railroad 1872.

1881-1892 Graham, Arthur N. 1891-1891 Newell, Lyman R. 1898-1903 Root, R. B.

Otsego, Allegan County, postoffice 1835, railroad 1868.

1860-1873 Stark, William LeGrand 1874-1875 Earl, Marcus circa 1895 National Photo Co.
1862-1863 Coates, Boyd 1874-1880 Stark, Franc L., Mrs. 1896-1921 Campbell, George W.
1865-1865 Smith, Shipperd P. 1880-1881 Quayle, Minott W. 1914-1915 Culver, L. W.
1865-1867 White, William S. 1882-1895 Thayer, Albert A. 1916-1917 Baker, Louis W.
circa 1867 White, Wallace S. 1894-1895 White, Ray L. 1920-1920 Davis, Cecil E.
circa 1872 Wightman, Eli P. circa 1895 Crosby, _______

Otsego Lake, Otsego County seat 1875 to 1878, postoffice 1873, railroad 1873.
1898-1899 Harcourt, Myron
Otter Lake, Lapeer County, postoffice 1873, railroad 1874.
1910-1910 Lichtenfelt, Richard

Ovid, Clinton County, postoffice 1857, railroad 1857.

1863-1864 Doremus, Sylvester 1876-1877 Sharpsteen, Samuel L. 1898-1901 Nix, Frank H.
1864-1865 Neal, Thomas 1878-1883 Smith, Philip B. 1898-1899 Nix, Harry E.
1865-1875 Hutchinson, George 1884-1915 Merrill, William E. 1903-1903 White, I. H.
1865-1866 Moses & Pierce circa 1895 Plunkett, Oliver G. circa 1905 Dewitt, Wilbur M.
circa 1872 Vosburgh, Byron A. 1896-1899 Martin, E. P. 1908-1909 Fuller, Emory A.
1876-1877 Hutchins, S. E. 1896-1897 Oberlin, George W. 1911-1911 Lansing, Raymond B.

Owosso, Shiawassee County, postoffice 1838, railroad 1856.

1859-1863 Barnum, Julia H., Mrs. 1884-1891 Moore, Oscar C. 1902-1905 McLean, John T.
1863-1865 Holman, R. W. 1884-1891 Moore Brothers 1902-1903 McLean & Whitney
1863-1864 Holman & Company, R. W. circa 1890 Bandkau, Fred, Junior 1902-1903 Paine, John Wesley
1863-1866 Loring, George W. 1891-1905 Welte, John George 1903-1931 Day, Dorr H.
1863-1864 Quackenbush, Jay L. 1892-1892 Brown, Murray 1903-1903 Day & Whitney
1864-1865 Walker, Ralston 1892-1915 Headley, John A. 1903-1903 Waters, J. Edgar
1865-1865 Wilkinson, Alfred T. 1892-1895 Headley, J. A. & Son circa 1905 Raymond, W. A.
1865-1866 Worden, William A. 1892-1895 Phipps, Charles D. 1905-1908 Pomeroy, George G.
1866-1878 Sharpsteen, Samuel L. circa 1893 Beebe & Horsman 1905-1917 Rentschler, Christian
1866-1867 Sharpsteen & Bro., A. M. circa 1894 Beebe & Jaffe 1907-1907 Moreau & Wilson
circa 1867 Schroeder, Charles 1894-1895 Jaffe, Stanley 1907-1907 Peerless Photo Company
circa 1870 Sharpsteen & Company 1894-1895 Jaffe & Jordan 1908-1917 Ward, William H.
circa 1872 Lorimer, W. T. circa 1895 Beebe & Merell 1910-1910 Cherry, E. H., Mrs.
1872-1872 Sharpsteen Brothers 1896-1899 Headley, J. A. & P. H. 1910-1910 Ward, William H., Mrs.
1872-1873 Whiting, Thomas H. 1898-1903 McLean, Gurden B. 1911-1911 Tree, E. R.
1874-1874 Sharpsteen & Chaffin 1898-1902 Miller, Arthur J. 1914-1914 Kaltrider, W. J.
circa 1875 Sharpsteen & Markham 1898-1898 Nix & Son, F. H. 1915-1925 Duffey, Perry
1875-1877 Kingsley, C. S. 1898-1898 Sutton, Arthur J. 1917-1921 Cartwright, Milton W.
1876-1877 Honey, John 1898-1899 Welte & McLean 1917-1923 Sterneman, Earl H.
circa 1877 Kingsley & Beebe 1899-1899 McLean & Schaible 1918-1927 Duffey, Minnie L., Mrs.
1877-1903 Beebe, Wellington Stewart 1899-1899 Stone, J. E., Mrs. 1924-1928 Van Horn, George J.
circa 1878 Sharpsteen, Mr. & Mrs. 1900-1901 Welte & Schiable 1930-1931 Bonnell Studio
circa 1880 Wolfe, J. L. 1902-1903 Lyon, Elias W.
1882-1891 Dunham, Ephraim 1902-1903 Lyon & Son, E. W.

Oxford, Oakland County, postoffice 1839, railroad 1872.

1862-1862 Butler, Elijah 1874-1877 Phillips, Aloyd T. 1916-1917 Stanlaw Studio
1863-1863 Pratt, Oscar C. 1878-1899 Schuyler, Rollin S. circa 1918 Oliver Art Studio
1865-1866 McDermand, Edward 1898-1899 Auten & Wendt
circa 1867 Porter, M. 1898-1911 Miller, Samuel E.

Painesville, Saginaw County, railroad 1867, postoffice 1873, Paines since 1880.
circa 1872 Carpenter, L. W.

Palmyra, Lenawee County, postoffice 1833, railroad 1837.

1902-1903 Wood, Orson 1916-1916 Ledford, J. H.

Paris, Mecosta County, postoffice 1866, railroad 1870.

1910-1910 Fuqua, C. Bruce 1914-1914 Bell, Leroy

Parisville, Huron County, postoffice 1873, burned 1881.

circa 1890 Allen, Lewis

Park, Saint Joseph County, postoffice 1838, railroad 1893.

1862-1862 Corey, E. C.

Parkville, Saint Joseph County, postoffice 1854.

1860-1860 Hodges, John circa 1910 Long, Ed
Parma, Jackson County, railroad 1844, postoffice 1862.
1862-1862 Fuller, Luther J. 1867-1867 Paine, John Wesley 1886-1887 Bailey, Edwin D.
1863-1864 Chafy, Thomas W. 1872-1873 Baldwin, _______
1866-1866 Freligh, George H. 1878-1879 Clark, William H.

Paul, Kent County, postoffice 1892.

1900-1901 Hickox, William

Pavilion, Kalamazoo County, postoffice 1838, railroad 1872.

1866-1867 Trumbull & Johnson

Paw Paw, Van Buren County seat, postoffice 1834, railroad 1848.
1856-1856 Day, C., Mrs. 1876-1877 Skinner, Nathan C. 1904-1905 Taylor, George R.
1859-1865 Brown, Wilkerson 1888-1905 Shaefer, Henry E. 1906-1909 Knight, William B.
1863-1863 Mills, W. R. & Company 1890-1925 Horton, David B. 1906-1909 Troop, E.
1865-1866 Allison, George F. 1894-1895 Tromp, George W. 1910-1911 King, Edward H.
1865-1866 Griffiths, William circa 1895 Shaefer & Buckhout 1912-1913 Duin, J. J.
1867-1869 Anderson, David R. 1896-1898 Hall, William M. 1914-1915 Austin, Albert J.
1869-1889 Prater, James H. 1898-1901 DeHaven Brothers 1914-1915 Pockell, William
1874-1887 Hodges, John 1902-1903 Van Fleet, George B.
1874-1875 Murtaugh, John B. 1904-1907 Hasenack, Wm. Frederick

Paw Paw Lake, Berrien County, postoffice 1901, interurban 1896.

circa 1900 Star Gallery 1909-1909 Cross, Guy C. circa 1920 Gerber & Hicks
1908-1908 Gerber, D. S. 1911-1911 Stout, Lawrence D.

Peachridge, Oceana County, postoffice 1896.

1896-1901 Stewart, Harlan

Pearl Beach, Saint Clair County, postoffice 1898.

1908-1909 Kuni, _______

Peck, Sanilac County, postoffice 1858, railroad 1915.

1890-1891 Sarrill, George 1900-1931 Cole, Melvin R.

Pellston, Emmet County, postoffice 1882, railroad 1882.

circa 1903 Smith, C. W. 1906-1911 Deibert, William H. 1909-1909 Funk, William
circa 1905 Pellston Studio 1906-1909 Miller, William H. 1912-1914 Fowler, A. B.

Penn, Cass County, postoffice 1871, railroad 1872.

circa 1910 Miller, _______

Pentoga, Iron County, railroad 1882, postoffice 1900.

1904-1904 Sortor, James E.

Pentwater, Oceana County port 1853, postoffice 1855, railroad 1872.

1863-1863 Clark, Ebenezer B. 1868-1868 Griffin, J. G. circa 1887 Badgley, W. V.
1863-1864 Clark & Bunnington 1871-1871 Koon, Justus 1892-1919 Clark, Walter A.
1864-1865 Amelz, J., Mrs. 1872-1873 Spicer, W. S. S. circa 1900 Mears, Carrie Ellen
1864-1864 Faulkner, George W. 1874-1877 Riley, Ashley 1914-1931 Bowman, William M.
1867-1867 Amely & Brother 1880-1881 Marshall, William E. 1924-1931 Badgley, William
1867-1867 Griffin, Andrew J. 1884-1885 Morrell Brothers
1867-1867 Noble, Robert W. 1885-1891 Stone, Oscar W.

Pequaming, Baraga County port 1878, postoffice 1880.

circa 1912 Conant, _______ circa 1914 Conant & Sons
Perrinton, Gratiot County, postoffice 1887, railroad 1887.
circa 1891 Stanton & DeLong 1900-1901 Martell, M. L.__ circa 1914 Conant & Sons

Perry, Shiawassee County, postoffice 1850, railroad 1877.

1880-1881 Cathcart, A. M. 1892-1893 Halstead, John R. 1896-1896 Perry Photo Co.
1880-1881 Cathcart, Nelson H. circa 1895 Briggs, Lathrop J. 1900-1900 Dean, Anson S.
1892-1892 Halstead & Hopkins 1895-1921 Hutchings, Court R. 1900-1901 Barnes, N. H.
1892-1893 Devereaux Brothers 1896-1896 Briggs, James L. 1902-1908 Vreeland, Egbert L.

Petersburg, Monroe County, postoffice as Summerfield 1831, railroad 1839, postoffice as Petersburgh 1863.
1866-1867 Hawks, Lucius A. 1876-1877 Fairbanks, Orin D. circa 1895 Tremear, Charles Herbert
1868-1868 Young, William 1891-1891 Hill, Charles W. circa 1897 Casey, Chester
1872-1873 Hamilton, W. A. circa 1895 Elwood & Conant 1907-1912 Pierce, A. H.

Petoskey, Emmet County seat since 1902, port 1852, p.o.as Bear River 1857, p.o. as Petoskey 1873, railroad 1874.
1880-1881 Grimes, Horace C. 1890-1893 Hogan, Fred L. 1908-1917 Horn, Grace Chandler, Mrs.
1880-1881 McNeal, Hector 1890-1893 Hogan & Fisher 1908-1909 Sours Brothers
1882-1884 Judd, Jacob E. 1890-1903 Miller, Lysander W. 1909-1909 Horton, Margaret, Mrs.
1882-1887 McInnis, Hector C. 1890-1891 Miller & Smith circa 1910 Miniature Studio
1884-1885 Clark, Hiram S. 1890-1911 Wilcox, Horace M. 1910-1910 Weems & Beardsley
circa 1886 Perkins, T. B. & Co. 1896-1897 Ralph, William O. 1914-1914 Becker, _______
1886-1889 Flower, Ward B. 1898-1905 Atkins, Fay A., Mrs. 1914-1914 Horton, _______
1886-1887 McInnis & Flower 1898-1915 Eldridge, Mary, Mrs. 1915-1917 Gokee, Samuel T.
1888-1889 Smith, Philip B. 1898-1899 Robinson, Ernest A. 1919-1921 Witte & Son
1889-1908 Bowman, Edward E. 1899-1899 Allen & Dole 1921-1923 Ford, Leonora
circa 1890 Bowman & Thayer 1899-1903 Jennings, Frank E. 1922-1931 Witte & Son, H. R.
circa 1890 McBride, A. B. & Co. 1899-1899 Park Gallery 1928-1946 Northern Studio
1890-1890 Bowman & Reichert 1905-1946 Foley, John R.
1890-1907 Fisher, Perry A. 1907-1910 Sours, Levi L.

Pewamo, Ionia County, postoffice 1857, railroad 1857.

1870-1872 Haley, Nathan D. circa 1888 Barker & Plunkett 1894-1895 McSherry, William J.
circa 1880 Dodge, A. W. 1890-1891 Barker, George W. 1902-1903 Byard, Mortimer L.
1886-1887 McLaughlin, R. R., Miss 1890-1891 Clarke, Orson B. circa 1905 Grove, V. V.

Pickford, Chippewa County, postoffice 1880.

circa 1895 Bell, William J. 1914-1921 Smith, Bert
1902-1925 Aldrich, Dudley P. 1926-1927 Smith, H. A.

Pierson, Montcalm County, postoffice 1857, railroad 1869.

1876-1877 Borden, M. 1900-1901 Moore, W. S.

Pigeon, Huron County, railroad 1883, postoffice 1890.

1898-1917 Freeland, Walter B. 1917-1919 Miller, Daniel C. 1920-1921 Mast, Arthur E.

Pinckney, Livingston County, postoffice 1837, railroad 1884.

1862-1863 Duer, John J. circa 1908 Gem Photo Company
circa 1890 Hodgeman, Joseph H. circa 1955 F. W. Duradnik

Pinconning, Bay County, railroad 1871, postoffice 1873.

circa 1895 Sherwood, M. Bert 1903-1919 Goyer, Fred A.
1902-1905 Goyier, W. M. 1912-1913 Barnhardt, Adelbert H.

Pine Run, Genesee County, postoffice 1836, railroad 1862 at Pine Run Station (Clio) one mile west.
1862-1863 Allbee, Theodore 1865-1866 Jackson, John A. 1866-1867 Bradley, Nelson

Pittsfield, Washtenaw County, postoffice as Pitt 1835, postoffice as Pittsfield 1840, railroad 1872.
1891-1891 Whalen, Abel J. 1894-1903 Turner, Edna E., Miss 1904-1917 Church, Edna E., Mrs.
1892-1897 Turner, Benjamin 1902-1911 Turner, Byron Lee 1906-1917 Phillips, Clio
Pittsford, Hillsdale County, postoffice 1840, railroad 1843.
1891-1891 Whalen, Abel J. 1894-1903 Turner, Edna E., Miss 1904-1917 Church, Edna E., Mrs.
1892-1897 Turner, Benjamin 1902-1911 Turner, Byron Lee 1906-1917 Phillips, Clio

Plainfield, Livingston County, postoffice 1837.

1892-1913 Topping, E. Laverne 1910-1913 Topping, Carl

Plainwell, Allegan County, postoffice 1833, railroad 1868.

1865-1866 Rupell, J. D. 1880-1883 Bean, Lewis W. 1898-1905 Brigham, Stillman B.
1870-1877 Smith, Isaac D, 1880-1881 Wixson, George S. 1906-1923 Hitchcock, Lulu J., Miss
1872-1873 Earl, Marcus 1882-1898 Brigham, John Morrison circa 1910 Todd, Louis S.
circa 1875 Herbert & Bean 1882-1885 Moyer, David Cares 1924-1925 Nielsen, Henry A.
circa 1875 Smith, J. D. 1886-1890 Warrant, Susan E., Miss 1926-1927 Kreuter, W. E.

Planter, Gogebic County, railroad 1888, settled in 1922.

circa 1917 Swinton, W.

Plymouth, Wayne County, postoffice 1828, railroad 1871.

1860-1860 Hart, Chauncey 1867-1867 Johnson, Thomas H. circa 1890 Wrightson, _______
1862-1864 Bissell, Edward 1867-1868 Whalen, Abel J. 1891-1891 Hickok, Frank B.
1862-1863 Hart, Henrietta 1868-1868 Read, S. G. 1893-1893 Teeple, Ernest L.
circa 1863 Baker & Root 1872-1873 Bostwick, Charles V. 1894-1895 Palmer, William H.
1863-1864 Heart, H. M. 1874-1875 Coleman, Isaac N. 1896-1913 Baker, Edwin P.
1864-1865 Hart, H. C. 1876-1877 Young, William 1896-1897 Betty, John
1864-1865 Leach & Stevens, Misses 1876-1883 Young, William J. circa 1905 Markham, E. B.
1864-1864 Lyman, Mary E. 1878-1879 Palmer, Charles H. 1908-1938 Wood, Romeo S.
1865-1866 Hast, Francis E. circa 1880 Marvin, Edgar A. 1914-1916 Hillmer, Davis Bradley
circa 1867 Johnson, _______ 1884-1885 Clegg & Parker 1919-1919 Fisher, Lee C.
circa 1867 West, William N. 1884-1885 Parker, James O. 1924-1938 Ball, Lyman L.
1867-1867 Adams, David L. 1888-1891 Hamilton, James R. 1926-1938 Stocken, Fred J.

Pokagon, Cass County, railroad 1848, postoffice 1858.

1862-1863 Ray, Franklin 1866-1867 Stansell, William

Pompeii, Gratiot County, postoffice 1856, railroad 1887.

1890-1891 Stanton & DeLong circa 1910 Chaffin, C. M. 1912-1915 Bowers, Orville J.
Pontiac, Oakland County seat, postoffice 1822, railroad 1844.
1843-1843 Goodell, A. 1867-1867 LeClear & Co., A. A. 1900-1901 Steers, C. W.
1843-1844 Proctor, Adonijah H. 1868-1868 LeClear, Albert A. 1902-1903 Leonard, Edna M., Miss
1846-1846 Crittenden, S. W. 1869-1870 Harris, Henry H. 1902-1903 Leonard & Griffith
1846-1846 McKenzie, C. W. 1870-1875 Boswell, William circa 1905 Newton, _______
1850-1850 May, H. J. 1870-1873 Phillips, Adelbert H. 1906-1907 Drake, M. M.
1850-1850 Sherwood, A. 1870-1870 Phillips & Brother 1906-1915 French, Fred J.
1850-1850 Sherwood & Smith 1870-1870 Robison & Boswell 1906-1927 McCoy, Bradley C.
1851-1852 Hayden, M. circa 1871 Phillips Brothers 1906-1908 McKnight, R. B.
1852-1852 Bogardus & Norton 1871-1894 Brummitt, William H. 1910-1913 Ladd, J.
1853-1854 Webster, Saxton circa 1872 Quatermass & Phillips 1910-1911 Stirton, James W.
1853-1856 White, C. T. 1872-1879 Quatermass, William M. 1911-1911 Ladd, Louise, Mrs.
1855-1856 Carson, James P. circa 1873 Quatermass & Scott 1912-1919 George, Helmer
1855-1855 Carson & Company 1878-1885 Kittle, Hezekiah Maurice 1912-1938 Hoskins, Fernando C.
1855-1856 White, J. 1880-1883 Taylor, Augustus B. 1912-1915 Wise, Charles H.
1856-1865 Bray, John F. 1882-1901 Babcock, George C. 1913-1913 Jones, _______
1859-1898 Benson, John H. 1883-1885 Eddington, Charles G. 1914-1938 Welch, Frank E.
1862-1863 Benton, S. A. 1883-1884 Flower, Ward B. 1915-1915 George, H. Studio
circa 1864 Phipps Brothers 1885-1887 Salterbach, George L. 1916-1917 Lobere, Victor
1864-1864 Hamilton & Turner 1886-1887 Benson & Starke 1919-1938 George, Gunnar
1864-1865 Keyes, William R. circa 1888 Hopkinson Brothers 1919-1919 Johnson’s Studio
1864-1865 National Art Gallery circa 1888 McElroy & McVey circa 1920 Williams, J.
1864-1864 National Photogrh Gallery 1888-1890 Anderson, Frank B. 1920-1938 Jackson, Alfred G.
1864-1864 North, Oscar F., Mrs. 1888-1888 Hunter & Bixby 1922-1923 George & Ouilette
1864-1865 Turner, George Henry 1889-1899 McCoy, Ogle H. 1922-1938 Robinson, Carey B.
circa 1865 Dodge & Turner 1891-1891 Quatermass & Smith 1924-1925 Wisdom, Clarence O.
circa 1865 Phipps, J. H. & Brother 1894-1895 Stewart, Robert 1926-1931 Quatermas, Russell J.
1865-1870 Leonard, Charles Wallace circa 1895 Harris, Ephraim P. 1930-1931 Lange, William H.
1866-1867 LeClear & Co., J. M. 1895-1895 O’Leary, Edward 1930-1931 Rembrandt Studio
1866-1867 McDurmond, Edmund 1898-1911 Tomlinson, Anson W. 1930-1931 VanDyke Studio
1867-1867 Benson & Hough 1899-1899 Heath, L. F. 1935-1935 Crandall, Avery B.
1867-1870 Hough, Richardson S. 1899-1913 Sabine, Welles L. 1935-1935 Tolin, Jay E.
1867-1868 Johnson, Thomas H. 1900-1903 Shemild, Charles C.

Port Austin, Huron County seat until 1873, port 1839, postoffice 1856, railroad 1882.
1862-1863 Davis, C. R. 1867-1868 Stoddard, W. H.or A., Mrs. 1888-1913 Morehouse, William J.
1864-1865 Brintnell, H. A. 1874-1875 McIntyre, Duncan J. circa 1920 Wilson, _______

Porter, Midland County, postoffice 1869.

1890-1895 McNeil, Samuel

Port Hope, Huron County port 1858, postoffice 1860, burned 1881, railroad 1903.
1886-1887 Kelly, William 1909-1909 Smith, _______
Port Huron, Saint Clair County seat since 1871, port 1790, p.o. as Desmond 1833, p.o. as Port Huron 1837, railroad 1859.
1859-1863 Ewell, Edmund C. 1886-1891 Haight, Eugene M. 1906-1906 Gratiot Photo Studio
1860-1860 Jenney, James A. 1886-1886 Thoms & Barton 1906-1909 Home Studio
1862-1877 Kornrumpf, John circa 1888 Parker , G. J. 1906-1906 Morris Penny Picture Gallry
1862-1864 Leonard, Charles Wallace 1888-1889 Quatermass, Charles W. 1906-1910 Oliver, Tillie M., Mrs.
circa 1863 Bowlsby, William H. 1888-1890 Quatermass & Haight 1909-1909 Wildern, Melvin K.
1863-1863 Bowlsby, H. A. & Company 1890-1891 Quatermass, William M. circa 1910 Miller, _______
1863-1864 Cornell, Frances H., Mrs. 1890-1909 White & Company, J. M. 1910-1915 Haight, Charles J.
1863-1865 Ketchum, Abijah E. 1891-1891 Haight & Company, E. M. 1912-1931 Branch, Charles W.
1864-1865 Montgomery, Joseph 1892-1894 Gibson & Morgan 1912-1913 Breaugh & Wheeling
1865-1873 Young, Robert P. 1892-1899 Hart, Preston M. circa 1913 Port Huron Comm’l P
1866-1867 Philbrook, Edgar E, 1892-1901 Morgan, Albert A. 1913-1913 B & W Studio
1866-1866 Philbrook & Childs 1894-1895 Morgan & Company 1913-1943 Israel, William H.
1866-1867 Roberts, John H. 1894-1895 Thompson, Henry W. 1914-1933 Denkelberg, Henry Carroll
1867-1867 Johnson, Edwin 1895-1931 Hoskins, Collin A. 1916-1916 Star, Ray A.
1867-1867 Sanderson, Isaac A. 1896-1901 Buzzard & Hoskins 1919-1921 Munro, Dexter
1867-1867 Webb, Elizabeth, Mrs. 1897-1897 Vannest, Frederick A. 1921-1923 Butler, James A.
1869-1911 White, James M. 1899 1901 Deery Art Hall 1921-1933 Hoskins Studio
circa 1870 Gray & White 1899-1905 McKaig, Phillip 1922-1923 Godley, Gordon F.
1872-1877 Bestor, Daniel N. 1899-1901 Morgan & McKaig 1922-1931 Wingard, Carl F.
1873-1873 Marsh & Browne circa 1900 Eureka Studio 1924-1933 Askar, Fred
circa 1874 Marsh & Barron 1900-1901 Robinson, Cyrus 1924-1926 Day & Night Photo Studio
1874-1913 Barron, William H. 1901-1901 Deery, E. E. & M. A. 1924-1927 Early, G. Melvin
1874-1881 Goodman, Thomas H. 1902-1903 Paul, John L. 1926-1933 Hancock, Allen
1874-1877 Marsh & Goodman 1902-1903 White-McKaig Company 1926-1928 McClain, Ford P.
circa 1875 McClintock, L., Mrs. 1904-1904 Rawlings & Son 1926-1930 Shain, William
1876-1877 Bestor & Company, D. N. 1904-1904 Tunnel City Studio 1928-1933 Photo Craft Studio
circa 1880 Austin, W. R. circa 1905 Beach, Clyde C. 1931-1933 Welch, Anson L.
1882-1883 Courliss, William circa 1905 Boynton, J. N. 1933-1933 Johnstone Studios
1886-1927 Barton, John C. circa 1905 McAllister, _______
1886-1923 Biddlecomb, William G. 1905-1928 DeViney, Orton L.

Portland, Ionia County, postoffice 1837, railroad 1869.

1862-1889 Showman, Lorenzo K. circa 1888 Green & Arms 1900-1901 Angell, Daniel
1862-1862 Whitman, John O. 1890-1891 Arms, Frank C. 1900-1903 Rhodes, Frank B.
1863-1863 Bradley, Horatio N. 1896-1898 Wood, George W. 1900-1901 Rhodes & Derby
1872-1875 White, George Jeffery 1898-1910 Derby, Hugh 1904-1905 Ramsey, George
1876-1879 Showman & Read 1898-1898 Reynolds, _______ 1904-1909 Whitcomb, I. Winifred
circa 1878 Wright, F. W. 1898-1898 Smith, Eston 1910-1911 Morris Brothers
circa 1885 Sellon, Oscar 1898-1923 Van Horn, George J. 1924-1925 Wingard, William
1886-1897 Green, Rolland E. 1898-1898 Wood Photograph Gallery
1886-1887 Showman & Green 1899-1900 Jenkins, C. Bert

Port Sanilac, Sanilac County port 1844, postoffice as Bark Shanty 1854, postoffice as Port Sanilac 1857.
circa 1883 Jones & Lowry

Potterville, Eaton County, postoffice 1870, railroad 1870.

1886-1887 Olin, Charles

Powers, Menominee County, railroad 1872, postoffice 1877.

1898-1901 Fencil & Shimauek 1914-1915 Sexton, V. B.

Prairieville, Barry County, postoffice as Fulton 1837, postoffice as Prairieville 1855.

1862-1863 Morse, Wilbur K. 1866-1866 Chapman & Horton 1906-1911 Oversmith, L., Mrs.

Prescott, Ogemaw County, railroad 1878, postoffice 1882.

circa 1911 Garretson, _______
Quincy, Branch County, postoffice 1836, railroad 1850.
1862-1863 Broughton, William 1878-1895 Marsh, Willis C. 1896-1897 Ford, Charles L.
1867-1867 Chambers, George W. circa 1885 Powers, F. E. 1898-1899 Evans, Frank
1870-1870 Heyden, Susan, Mrs. circa 1890 Deemer, A. L. 1898-1902 Lennon, William J.
1871-1871 Cole, Marvin circa 1890 Turner, Benjamin 1902-1908 Felger, Charles H.
1872-1873 Scott, W. W. circa 1890 Walter, C. E. 1908-1923 Bovee, Ed
1874-1875 Bobb & Burk 1890-1890 Kemp, William 1910-1911 Bovee, Ed, Mrs.
1874-1879 Skinner, Nathan C. 1892-1892 Lawrence, John S. A. 1910-1910 Bovees, The
circa 1875 Spencer, David H. circa 1895 Withington, Chester R. 1911-1911 Bovee, Mr. & Mrs. Ed

Ramona, Newaygo County, railroad 1880, postoffice as Diamond Lake 1881, postoffice as Ramona 1904.
1906-1907 Lower, Claude

Ramsay, Gogebic County, railroad 1884, postoffice as Irondale 1886, postoffice as Ramsay 1888.
circa 1910 Ethier, George

Randville, Dickinson County, railroad 1887, postoffice 1891.

1911-1911 Wilbur, C. A.

Ransom, Hillsdale County, postoffice as North Rowland 1848, postoffice as Ransom 1850.
circa 1890 Sevitts, L. A. circa 1892 Mapes, B. C.

Rapid City, Kalkaska County, postoffice as Van Buren 1892, railroad 1892, postoffice as Rapid City 1898.
1900-1903 Daily, Jonas 1911-1915 Pitman, C. V.

Rapid River, Delta County, postoffice 1888, railroad 1888.

circa 1894 Nelson, Emil 1909-1920 Ross, Henry

Ravenna, Muskegon County, postoffice 1848, railroad 1886.

1868-1868 Batson, Amos G. circa 1892 Earl, Marion E. 1892-1925 Lavender, Frank R.

Reading, Hillsdale County, postoffice 1840, railroad 1869.

1859-1860 Abbott, Mary, Mrs. 1874-1877 Parmelee, L. S. & M. H. circa 1895 McAickle, D. T.
1862-1863 Abbott, Aaron D. 1874-1879 Terpening, George A. 1896-1903 Brown, Fred L.
1863-1864 Muffett, James H. circa 1875 Jones, _______ circa 1898 Tower, M. L.
1863-1877 Parmelee, Martin H. circa 1875 Parmelee & Bentley 1902-1905 Anderson, Clifford A.
circa 1866 Parmelee & Barton 1880-1881 Skinner, Nathan C. 1903-1917 Kelley, Daniel, Junior
circa 1866 Parmelee & Campbell 1882-1890 Rhodes, James P. 1904-1904 M_____, Don
1866-1867 Moffat, James H. 1888-1888 Rose, Judson A. 1905-1907 Dudley, L. B.
1867-1867 Woodworth, Homer S. circa 1890 Campbell, _______ 1905-1905 Kelly’s, The
circa 1870 Barton, J. C. 1890-1891 Hackett, Edward L. 1905-1906 Rembrandt Studio
circa 1871 Wilcox & Parmelee 1891-1891 Rhodes, Frank B. 1907-1931 Kelly, Daniel S.
circa 1872 Cump. E. B. circa 1892 Woodruff, W. C. 1908-1911 Kelly, Daniel L.
1872-1873 Camp, E. B. 1892-1894 Keefer, Charles E. 1911-1912 Twining, _______
1874-1875 Bentley, Martin L. 1892-1892 Keefer & Carson

Redford, Wayne County, postoffice 1833, Sand Hill for a while in 1906, annexed by Detroit 1926.
1862-1865 Mudge, Charles 1924-1925 Andrews, Perry C.

Red Jacket, Houghton County, ore railroad to Lake Linden 1868, postoffice 1886, part of Calumet since 1892.
circa 1876 Okerlund, E. Gustav 1888-1891 Rickard, Richard H. 1891-1891 Herman & Kopp
circa 1879 Haefer, Frederick C. circa 1890 Mattson, Mat circa 1894 Steckbaure, William E.
1879-1879 Judd, Charles L. 1890-1891 Herman, Victor circa 1894 Stolt & Steckbaure
1886-1887 Clough, Henry R. 1890-1891 Kopp, George

Redman, Huron County, postoffice 1887.

1904-1905 Wismer, Isaiah
Reed City, Osceola County seat since 1929, postoffice 1871, railroad 1871.
1876-1885 Nix, Frank H. 1890-1891 Stronach & Sturtz 1899-1901 Harter, Herbert R.
circa 1880 Conrad, Edmond S. 1890-1891 Sturtz, O. L. 1902-1903 Odle, Guy L.
1884-1923 Atherton, Frederick P. 1891-1895 Barrett Sisters 1904-1907 Wright, H. Wallie
1884-1884 Nix & DeVogt 1891-1891 Sturtz & Coe 1906-1909 Sahlmark & Toberson
1885-1885 Newell, Adelbert 1898-1898 Penny Photo Gallery 1908-1915 Elliott, Robert S.
1886-1888 Atherton & Wolfe 1898-1898 Photo Novelty Gallery 1924-1927 Whyte, R. H.
1886-1888 Wolfe, Hiram F. 1899-1899 Cadzow & Harter 1926-1927 Durham, S. C., Junior

Reed’s Lake, Kent County, railroad 1888.

1900-1900 Ramona Park Gallery

Reese, Tuscola County, postoffice as Gates 1871, railroad 1873, postoffice as Reese 1874.
1884-1884 Glover, John 1891-1917 Gies, John H.

Remus, Mecosta County, railroad 1869, postoffice as Bingen 1877, postoffice as Remus 1880.
circa 1890 Taylor, J. D., Mrs. circa 1905 Brown, _______
1904-1907 DuSaar, Doede J., Mrs. 1910-1911 Willets, Elizabeth

Republic, Marquette County, railroad 1872, postoffice 1873.

circa 1880 Taylor & Jacobs circa 1890 Erikson, _______ 1910-1910 Sexton, Theodore H.
1880-1905 Taylor, John H. circa 1895 Williams, T. S. 1913-1913 Linn, _______
1888-1889 Holman, Thomas 1906-1907 Neal, Frederick J.

Rexton, Mackinac County, railroad 1888, postoffice 1901.

circa 1910 Laur, J. P.

Rhodes, Gladwin County, railroad 1887, postoffice 1889.

1920-1921 Richardson, William, Mrs. 1922-1923 Richardson, Willis

Richfield, Genesee County, postoffice 1841.

1862-1867 Beckwith, Joel

Richland, Kalamazoo County, postoffice 1840.

circa 1887 Evans, Charles B.

Richmond, Macomb County, postoffice 1840, railroad 1859.

1872-1877 Kenfield, George W. 1884-1885 Stewart, Robert circa 1895 Pollis & Stephenson
1876-1883 Ellis, George A. circa 1885 Clegg & Tillitson 1895-1903 Stephenson, Steven D.
1876-1877 Ellis & Raymond 1890-1891 Akin, J. G. 1898-1898 Stanton, O. V.
circa 1883 Stevens & Wade circa 1891 Stevens & Pollis 1912-1927 Flower, Clarence W.
1883-1891 Stevens, Gilbert L. 1891-1931 Pollis, Herman F.

Richville, Tuscola County, postoffice 1862, railroad at Tuscola Station two miles south 1881.
circa 1895 Baker, William R.

Ridgeway, Lenawee County, postoffice 1834, railroad 1883.

1897-1897 Teeple, Ernest L.

Riga, Lenawee County, railroad 1837, postoffice 1851.

circa 1895 Tremear, Charles Herbert

Riley Center, Saint Clair County, postoffice 1867.

1902-1903 Doull, A. & Brothers

River Rouge, Wayne County port 1808, railroad 1855, postoffice 1891.
1903-1903 Chapman & Plourde circa 1913 Mogk, Fred John
1906-1946 Cheff, Edmund Archael 1926-1931 May, Egbert H.
Riverview, Kalkaska County, railroad 1910.
circa 1915 Moore, W. H.

Rives, Jackson County, postoffice as West Rives 1839, railroad 1865, postoffice as Rives Junction 1866.
1864-1865 Chafy, Thomas W. 1864-1865 Chamberlain, Susan C.

Rives Junction, Jackson County, postoffice as West Rives 1839, railroad 1865, postoffice as Rives Junction 1866.
1909-1909 Smith, R. R.

Rives (Township), Jackson County.

1912-1912 Pixley, Daniel B.

Rochester, Oakland County, postoffice 1827, railroad 1872.

1868-1868 Albertson, George 1891-1898 Adams, Louis E. 1914-1915 Kingsbury, Bruce
1874-1874 Phillips, Aloyd T. 1898-1905 Ball, Lyman L. 1916-1923 Stutsman, Isaac W.
circa 1885 Quatermass, William M. 1900-1900 Auten, Edgar N. 1922-1923 Washington Studios
1886-1889 Benson, John H. circa 1903 Tomlinson, _______ 1924-1925 Grosch, Joseph
1886-1887 Benson & Starke circa 1905 Peters, L. J.
1890-1890 Johnson, Howard

Rockford, Kent County, postoffice as Laphamsville 1848, postoffice as Rockford 1866, railroad 1867.
1874-1874 Edwards, Pembroke S. 1884-1887 Austin, Charles Willard 1896-1896 Edwards, Meorah A., Mrs.
1874-1877 Westfall, George N. 1884-1884 Westfall, George N. 1904-1909 Utter, Ray A.
1877-1877 Carter, Homer L. 1888-1889 Hogan, Fred L. circa 1905 Park, _______
1878-1879 Brothers, Orrin A. 1890-1894 Williams, Ross H. 1926-1927 R & S Studio
1880-1891 Jones, William H. 1896-1900 DeCommerce, Jule

Rockland, Ontonagon County, postoffice 1853, ore railroad to Ontonagon 1882, through railroad 1889.
1863-1866 Jeffs, Benjamin 1865-1865 Clemens, Michael 1908-1909 Reitzel, Daniel
1863-1867 Pinten, Joseph 1900-1901 Bub, William
1864-1865 Philbrook, Edgar E. circa 1905 Rockland Art Studio

Rockwood, Wayne County, railroad 1855, postoffice as Huron Station 1861, postoffice as Rockwood 1872.
circa 1895 Tremear, Charles Herbert

Rodney, Mecosta County, postoffice 1880, railroad 1880.

1911-1911 Kline, _______

Rogers City, Presque Isle County seat, port 1868, postoffice 1872, Rogers from 1895 to 1928, railroad 1911.
1891-1891 Nielson, Niels circa 1905 Mende, H. H. 1930-1931 Craig, Frances J. W.

Romeo, Macomb County, postoffice as Indian Village 1827, postoffice as Romeo 1830, railroad 1870.
1856-1857 Benson, John H. 1874-1879 Palethorpe, Thomas 1894-1899 Murdoch, James C.
1856-1856 Jenney, James A. 1876-1877 McCann, David 1898-1903 Finzel, Charles A.
1856-1856 Rose & Nye 1884-1885 Smith, Daniel W. circa 1904 Furgeson, _______
1862-1870 Horton, Lucius E. 1884-1885 Smith & Palmer circa 1904 Romeo Art Studio
1862-1863 Hoyt & Hulsart 1886-1889 Leonard, Charles Wallace 1904-1923 Travis, Norah, Miss
1864-1873 Ewell, Edmund C. 1890-1891 Anderson, E. J. 1904-1911 Travis & Travis
1864-1865 Frazer, William A. 1890-1890 Burgess, Harrison L. 1920-1920 Cole, Melvin D.
circa 1867 Wade, Lucius N. 1890-1895 Wade, Charles B. 1924-1930 Gates, Charles C.
circa 1871 Ford, Charles H. 1891-1891 Wade & Anderson 1930-1931 Gates, Francella, Mrs.
1871-1884 Cuyler, William Benjamin 1892-1895 Bodwell, Wallace H.

Roscommon, Roscommon County seat since 1879, postoffice 1873, railroad 1873.
1882-1883 Smith, Edward J. 1894-1895 Purvis, E. P., Mrs. circa 1927 Duggan, _______
circa 1890 N’western Phtgrphc View 1906-1921 Mann, Fred E. 1930-1931 Robbins, Clair E.
1890-1893 Purvis, E. P. 1919-1931 Kiely, J. Burt
Rose, Oakland County, postoffice 1837, railroad 1871, Rose Center after 1914.
circa 1898 Heath, L. F.

Rose City, Ogemaw County, postoffice as Churchill 1875, postoffice as Rose City 1892, railroad 1893.
1904-1919 Colbath, Nelson William 1906-1907 Pharis, Leon 1914-1917 Waterman, Edgar O.
circa 1905 Spencer, Clare 1906-1907 Purvis, E. P., Mrs.

Ross (Township), Kalamazoo County.

1867-1867 Prater, James H.

Rothbury, Oceana County, railroad 1872, postoffice as Malta 1876, postoffice as Rothbury 1879.
circa 1905 Geisinger, Earl L.

Royal Oak, Oakland County, postoffice 1826, railroad 1838.

1907-1921 Alger, Thomas R. 1922-1924 Osborn, David L. 1924-1925 Smart, Laura L., Mrs.
1920-1921 Brigman, James A. 1922-1923 Washington Studios 1926-1933 Smart, Edwin W.
1922-1922 Hiner, G. Hull 1924-1924 Boardman, Alfred E. 1926-1927 Trussler, John W.

Rustford, Mecosta County, postoffice 1874.

1891-1891 Garnett, George & Brother

Saginaw, Saginaw County seat, port 1816, postoffice 1831, railroad 1867.
1879-1890 Butterworth, John T. 1898-1899 Husted, Ernest 1912-1915 Curtis, Loran E.
1882-1899 Smith, Daniel W. 1898-1905 Michigan View Company 1912-1913 Feahr, William B.
1884-1885 Billings, W. Fred 1898-1899 Yox, Joe 1912-1931 Simons, Harry F.
1884-1885 Smith, Daniel W., Mrs. 1900-1904 Baker, William Loyd 1912-1913 Wambold, Isaac
1886-1909 Lyon, Alexander E. 1900-1921 Baker, William R. 1912-1913 Wambold John H.
circa 1890 Valley City Photogr & Gem 1900-1921 Howell, Carson M. 1913-1916 Hendrick Picture Company
1890-1925 Beckmann, Charles A. 1900-1901 Jacques, Francis S. 1913-1933 Will, William A.
1890-1891 Crouch, Wesley A. 1902-1904 Adamson, Nathan M. circa 1914 Broom & Goldsmith
1890-1891 Forester, George W. 1902-1911 Beranek, Charles A. 1914-1915 Armour, Claude B.
1890-1914 Glover, Alfred H. 1902-1902 Beranek Brothers 1914-1915 Conat, W. Ed
1890-1921 Goodridge, Wallace L. 1902-1943 Busch, Charles J. 1914-1914 Dupraw, Roy J.
1890-1919 Goodridge Brothers 1902-1911 McIntyre, Charles E. circa 1915 Glover, Nelson H.
1890-1913 Krupp, Benjamin S. 1902-1905 Nichols, John R. 1916-1917 Lapham, William N.
1890-1890 Krupp & Dolmage circa 1905 Century Photo-View Co. 1916-1919 Penoyer, Harold M.
1890-1897 Pausch, Oscar M. circa 1905 Palace Studio 1916-1919 Poehler, May R., Mrs.
1890-1908 Smith, William L. 1905-1907 Hunt, Wilson W. 1916-1917 Simons Studio
1890-1891 Terry, Robert 1906-1911 Baker, Willard E. 1916-1919 Tray, Edward Stewart
circa 1891 McIntyre & Taylor 1906-1908 Busch, Minnie J. H., Mrs. circa 1918 Rex Studio
1891-1891 Knapp, E. S. 1906-1908 Gem Photo Company 1918-1935 Murphy, Albert E.
1891-1908 McIntyre, Duncan J. 1906-1908 McKay, William 1918-1936 Ramshaw, Arthur W.
1891-1895 Terry, Lois, Mrs. 1906-1917 Poehler, William F. 1918-1945 Reed, Arthur E.
1892-1892 Avery, Charles Thomas 1906-1913 Potter, Charles D. circa 1919 Reynolds, Herbert A.
1892-1895 Bowers, Arthur A. circa 1908 White & Wilson 1919-1919 Danforth, Milton E.
1892-1897 Kerr, Charles E. 1908-1952 Bornhoff, Henry F. 1920-1922 Beckbissinger, William F.
1894-1895 Smith, Samuel 1908-1911 Bornhoff Brothers 1920-1945 Berka, Frank J.
1895-1895 DeKalb, J. E. 1908-1927 Broom, Frank D. 1920-1922 Berka & Morden
1895-1901 Hudson, Robert B. 1908-1909 Daines, Carl W. 1920-1920 Nielsen, Frederick N.
1895-1910 Smith, Levi H. 1908-1909 Medler, Henry J. 1920-1921 Raynor, Harmon E.
1895-1897 Terry, Louis L. 1908-1940 White, Charles E. 1921-1921 Hagle, C. E.
1895-1895 Thompson, Henry W. 1909-1911 Sherbino, William H. 1921-1925 Danforth, Minnie S., Mrs.
1895-1895 Walsh, R. G. & W. C. 1911-1913 DeGereaux, E. Rexford 1923-1925 Gorham, Fred C.
1896-1897 Cook, John G. 1911-1912 Mapes, Leantha, Miss 1924-1925 Moore, Samuel T.
1896-1897 McIntyre & Cornish 1910-1916 Potter, Earl E. 1926-1931 Barker, E. Stimson
1896-1897 Waldron, George F. 1911-1911 Prieur, Arthur H. 1926-1931 Will, William A.
1897-1901 Eymer, Alfred W. circa 1912 Gem Studio 1930-1931 Romero, Aurelio
1897-1897 Jones, Henry M. 1912-1952 Blackwell, Edwin W. 1930-1931 Saginaw Photo Supply
1898-1921 Beckmann Brothers 1912-1915 Bryant, Franklin G. 1930-1931 Schmidt, Ulrich M.
1898-1908 Drago, Albert 1912-1913 Chandler, Charles W. 1930-1931 Strem Studio
1898-1927 Hendrick, Murray L. 1912-1942 Conn, James W. 1933-1938 Beckmann, Julius S.
Saginaw City, Saginaw County seat, port 1816, po 1831, rr 1867, po as Saginaw W.S. 1892, part of Saginaw since 1898.
1862-1865 Lacy, Albert D. 1869-1871 Armstrong & Rudd 1876-1877 Stiles, Seymour W.
1862-1863 Wood, Edwin M. 1873-1877 Clayton, John E. 1878-1889 Smith, Daniel W.
circa 1863 Colwell & Stafford 1873-1874 Clayton Brothers 1886-1886 Doole, William T.
1864-1865 Clark, J. M. 1873-1875 Rea, William J. 1887-1890 Smith, William L.
1865-1873 Armstrong, William A. 1874-1874 Armstrong, Wm. A., Mrs. 1889-1891 Cornish, John R.
1865-1865 Padget, James C. 1876-1877 Clayton & Stiles 1890-1890 Barker, Ernest S.
1866-1874 Gradt, Leonard W. 1876-1877 Davidson & Lathrop
1868-1870 Schroeder, Charles 1876-1878 Lathrop & Company

Saint Charles, Saginaw County, postoffice 1854, railroad 1867.

1859-1860 Bigsbee, E., Mrs. 1888-1890 Daily, Jonas 1900-1923 Sherwood, M. Bert
1870-1873 Taylor, Norman 1890-1895 Swarthout, Catherine, Mrs.
1880-1880 Misick, Warren A. 1896-1899 Feazsel, Thomas J.

Saint Clair, Saint Clair County seat until 1870, port 1818, postoffice 1826, railroad 1873.
1862-1870 Angell, William J. 1884-1897 Westrick, Jacob C. 1896-1896 Bennett & Gibson
1872-1879 King, Ransom J. 1886-1887 Wright, Alice M., Mrs. 1902-1903 Lempke, Martin J.
1880-1887 Otter, John 1893-1922 Gilbert, Soloman Porter 1910-1910 Hubel, H. C.
1883-1883 Campbell, Alexander L. circa 1894 Grant Brothers 1912-1912 Taylor, Oscar
1884-1901 Smith, Henry L. circa 1895 Grant, Isaac G. 1913-1917 Shovan, Jerome

Saint Ignace, Mackinac County seat since 1883, port 1812, postoffice 1874, railroad 1881, railroad car ferries 1888.
1880-1885 Soper, Allan 1908-1931 Wickman, George H.
1884-1907 Agrell, Charles G. 1930-1931 Hill, Elmer E.

Saint Johns, Clinton County seat since 1857, postoffice 1855, railroad 1857.
1862-1877 Barker, George W. circa 1882 Scollick’s Studio 1890-1891 Hamilton Brothers
1862-1867 Pruden, Peter W. 1882-1883 Thornton & Barnum 1890-1915 Plunkett, Oliver G.
1863-1883 Thornton, Lemuel W. 1884-1884 Clarke, Orson B. 1892-1902 Hamilton, Joseph L.
1864-1864 Crosby, Andrew J. 1884-1885 Marratt, William, Junior 1892-1899 Stage, Arthur L.
1864-1865 Walton, Sarah A., Mrs. 1884-1888 Webster, Frederick A. circa 1895 Banister, _______
1865-1866 Houghtaling, W. H. & Co. circa 1885 Jackson, _______ 1902-1907 Green, Rolland E.
circa 1866 Houghtaling, William H. 1886-1889 Chase, Newell S. 1907-1914 Boughton, Webster M.
1866-1866 Davidson, John E. circa 1887 West Side Gallery 1908-1908 Weller, Carl V.
1866-1867 Pruden & Barker 1888-1889 Smith, Philip B. 1914-1920 Baumgartner, Charles C.
1868-1868 Lee, Harriet M. 1888-1889 Smith & Chase 1914-1923 Burridge, Charles
1879-1879 Davitt, _______, Mr. 1890-1891 Hamilton, Albert E. 1924-1931 Burch, H. L.
1880-1881 DeWitt, Solon E. 1890-1891 Hamilton, James 1929-1931 Milett, James

Saint Joseph, Berrien County seat since 1894, port 1780, postoffice 1829, railroad 1870.
1862-1862 Dey, Charles W. 1888-1893 Hughson, Joseph J. 1898-1902 Welsh, Forbes C.
1862-1863 Hoyt, R. W. 1888-1889 Hughson & Pixley 1899-1901 Mason, Frank R.
1862-1864 Moulton, Luther V. circa 1890 City Studio 1900-1901 Waterbury & Elliott
circa 1864 Wolcott, T. C. circa 1890 S & K 1901-1910 Benning, Charles H.
1864-1867 Cole, A. R. 1890-1927 Hughson, Henry G. 1901-1902 Welsh & Benning
1864-1866 Wolcott, F. C. 1890-1893 Hughson & Son 1902-1902 Drake & Wallace
1865-1866 Hummell, D. H. 1890-1899 Kniebus, Charles 1904-1904 Holcomb, R. C.
1865-1866 Reynolds, E. F. 1890-1894 Smith, Henry 1908-1934 Seymour, William H.
circa 1866 Wolcott & Co., F. C. 1890-1892 Smith & Kniebus 1910-1921 Smith, Roderick G.
1866-1867 Powell, M. V. 1894-1897 Bradley, Henry E. 1910-1913 Welsh, Uriah W.
1869-1869 Bostwick, Ransom 1896-1896 Duff, Lee 1912-1913 Hill, John Edward
circa 1870 Burgess & Gregg 1896-1897 Mason & Cook 1912-1913 Moore, Della, Mrs.
1870-1871 Plumb, R. W. 1896-1911 Woodworth, Albert A. 1912-1912 Murphy & Morrison
1871-1879 Ricaby, William 1898-1917 Johnson, Charles J. 1915-1917 Hill’s Studio
1872-1874 Ricaby & Sesser 1898-1907 Johnson, George A. 1920-1934 Cameron, Charles M.
1872-1905 Sesser, William F. 1898-1905 Johnson Brothers 1929-1929 Hughson, Viola F., Mrs.
1874-1877 Mills, William H. 1898-1899 Kniebus & Rockey 1930-1934 Daily Photo Service
1878-1878 Bliven, R. H. 1898-1931 Mason, Lee Duff 1934-1934 Nuechterlein Studio
1880-1883 Ricaby, Walter D. 1898-1901 Mason & Slater
circa 1888 St. Joseph Photograph & 1898-1901 Slater, Albert J.
Saint Louis, Gratiot County, postoffice as Pine River 1855, postoffice as St. Louis 1865, railroad 1872.
1864-1865 Dodge, S. 1884-1885 Sharpsteen, Elmer 1896-1902 Green, Rolland E.
1864-1865 Farmer, William W. circa 1885 Denniston, DeWitt C. 1898-1898 Hill, John Edward
1867-1886 Bisbee, Almon 1886-1887 Lewis, Emerson B. circa 1900 Brown, William
1867-1868 Rust & Bisbee circa 1887 Miller, L. W. & Co. 1904-1911 Whittaker, Leonard G.
1878-1883 Tripp, Hamilton circa 1890 Watson, _______ 1906-1907 Horn, Charles E.
circa 1880 Tripp & Garbutt 1890-1894 Miller & Smith 1908-1915 Wilson, Charles D.
1880-1881 Tripp & Cutler 1890-1898 Smith, Philip B. 1910-1925 Boice, Artie E.
1882-1883 Dennison, David C. 1890-1891 Tibbits, Joseph M., Jr. 1916-1919 Gates, Ethel
circa 1883 Dawes & Denniston 1892-1894 Banister, Thomas 1930-1931 Covert’s Studio
1884-1891 Dawes, George W. 1892-1898 Sperry, Eric Otho

Saline, Washtenaw County, postoffice 1827, railroad 1871.

1862-1890 Gillett, Lucretia A., Miss 1891-1899 Waterman, George E. circa 1897 Michigan Photo Co.
1890-1891 Nichoson, Lester E. 1894-1895 Tremear, Charles Herbert circa 1903 Pilbeam, Frank E.

Salt River, Isabella County, postoffice 1857, railroad 1886, most of town burned 1887, Shepherd since 1887.
1867-1867 Farmer, William

Sammon’s Landing, Oceana County port 1869, postoffice 1879, Little Point Sable since 1914.
1894-1895 Stewart, Harlan

Sand Beach, Huron County port 1837, po 1856, burned 1871, harbor of refuge ca 1877, rr 1880, Harbor Beach since 1889.
circa 1878 Tschirhardt & Lehman circa 1888 Cole, J. 1890-1899 Tschirhart, Peter
1884-1885 Oldfield, Thomas M. 1888-1889 White, Lewis circa 1895 Tschirhart, Phillip J.
circa 1885 Scott, T., Mrs. 1890-1890 Lewis, Charles E.
circa 1885 Stuart, W. F. 1890-1891 Peeple, Ridley

Sand Lake, Kent County, railroad 1869, postoffice 1870.

1876-1890 Carter, Homer L. circa 1900 Hamilton, R. T.
1888-1888 Blanchard, T. J. 1906-1907 Utter, Ray A.

Sandusky, Sanilac County seat since 1879, postoffice 1879, Sanilac Center from 1889 to 1905, railroad 1903.
1930-1931 Tweedie, Adelbert T.

Sanford, Midland County, railroad 1870, postoffice 1871.

circa 1915 Hake, _______

Sanilac Center, Sanilac County seat since 1879, postoffice 1889 to 1905, Sandusky before and after, railroad 1903.
1898-1902 Pomeroy, Charles F.

Saranac, Ionia County, postoffice 1839, railroad 1858.

1859-1860 Kellogg, E. W., Mrs. circa 1880 Quatermass, William M. 1899-1900 Garlock, Thomas E.
1862-1864 Huntley, Silvanus, Junior 1884-1885 Whalen, Abel J. 1906-1909 Tuttle, Burton C.
1864-1870 Huntley, Frank H. 1886-1889 Ball, William Z. 1909-1913 Huntley, _______
1865-1866 Covey, Horace 1890-1891 Clark, George W. circa 1910 Frace, Howard
1872-1873 Jones, William H. 1892-1895 Abbott, Claude F. 1911-1911 Peake, Horace
circa 1876 Jackson, Bradford D. 1896-1899 Smith, Maxwell E.
1878-1883 Westfall, George N. 1897-1898 Smith, Myron O.

Saugatuck, Allegan County port 1830, postoffice as Newark 1835, postoffice as Saugatuck 1842.
1862-1863 Andrews, George 1885-1887 Bean, Lewis W. 1900-1901 Baker, William R.
1862-1867 Farnum, Samuel R. 1888-1890 Knapp, Gaylord A. 1906-1931 Simonson, Herman C.
1872-1873 Wilcox, G. D. circa 1890 Knapp & Robinson 1907-1907 Austin, J. W.
1874-1875 Falconer, Daniel 1890-1894 Robinson, Miller 1909-1910 Simonson-Olson Studio
1876-1877 Hathaway, John D. 1890-1890 Robinson & Knapp 1910-1910 Sherman, Jonathan L.
1884-1885 Mills, William H. 1900-1901 Baker, William
Sault Sainte Marie, Chippewa County seat, port 1641, po 1823, first locks 1855, rr 1887, rr bridge to Canada 1888.
1850-1851 Weed, C. L. 1893-1893 Coe & Tate 1903-1903 Lambert, Mortimer R.
1863-1863 Jeffries, G. W. 1893-1893 Hansen & Lucas 1904-1905 Klinglund & Rhoades
1878-1888 Rutherford, James 1893-1897 Tate, Edward J. circa 1905 Lord & Rhoades
1886-1887 Shellito, Hiram H. 1894-1899 Fanjoy, Allan 1905-1913 Young, Lord & Rhoades
circa 1888 Bell & Company 1894-1895 Tate & Company, E. J. 1908-1908 Haller, John P.
1888-1923 Bell, William J. 1898-1901 Aldrich, Dudley P. 1908-1909 New York Studio
1888-1890 Lothian, Adam J. 1898-1899 Aldrich & DeBoer 1909-1913 Hendrick, Murray L.
1888-1889 Merrifield, Charles T. 1898-1901 Melville, William P. 1911-1911 Hendrick Picture Company
1888-1898 Van Nostrand, John M. 1898-1935 Young, Andrew E. 1917-1917 Chippewa Film Company
1888-1888 Van Nostrand & Lothian 1900-1909 Lockwood & Lemon 1921-1931 Mounce, Frank D.
circa 1890 Lockwood & Lothian 1902-1903 Bradshaw, Albert J. 1926-1927 Staley, George W.
circa 1890 McMuldroch, James 1902-1902 Bradshaw & Klinglund 1930-1934 Materna Photo Studio
1890-1927 Lockwood, LeBarron 1902-1905 Brown, Hugh G.
1891-1891 McNaughton, Harry 1902-1905 Klinglund, August A.

Schoolcraft, Kalamazoo County, postoffice as Prairie Ronde 1830, postoffice as Schoolcraft 1832, railroad 1867.
1863-1864 Goldman, Henry J. circa 1875 Earle, Mark circa 1900 Hiscock, _______
1864-1865 Chard, Elijah 1878-1879 Ellis, Rebecca A., Mrs. circa 1900 Limbacher, Thomas
1864-1865 Goldman, Louisa B. 1884-1885 Woodward, Leonard F. 1900-1900 Pierce, W. C.
1865-1866 Austin & Chappell 1886-1888 Fancher, Lewis H. 1900-1900 Siewert, Herman H.
circa 1867 Ripperton, M. M. circa 1887 Belcher Brothers 1904-1914 Bayley, Richard D.
1869-1869 Westervelt, James Dallas 1892-1893 Anderson & Kepler
circa 1870 Brown, Mark 1892-1899 Kepler, William C.

Scotts, Kalamazoo County, postoffice 1872, railroad 1872.

1880-1887 Dorrance, Charles E. circa 1888 Preston, H. S. 1888-1889 Olin, Charles

Scottville, Mason County, railroad 1874, postoffice as Sweetland 1879, postoffice as Scottville 1882.
circa 1892 Flood, _______ 1902-1903 Newell & Son 1913-1915 Jensen, Freeman G.
1898-1901 Armstrong, Emma, Mrs 1904-1904 Gurson, F. G. 1913-1915 Swoffer, John E.
1900-1900 Armstrong, George W. 1904-1913 Fairchilds, Goldie, Mrs. 1914-1923 Hall, William
1902-1905 Genson, F. G. 1913-1919 Hall, Wilbur M.

Sebawa, Ionia County, postoffice 1851.

1874-1875 Eddy, H.

Sebewaing, Huron County port 1845, postoffice 1857, railroad 1882.

1867-1868 Benjamin, David J. or G. 1898-1920 Miller, Daniel C.
1892-1897 Duck, James L. 1920-1937 Mast, Arthur E.

Seneca, Lenawee County, postoffice 1847, railroad 1881.

1865-1867 Hitchcock, Luther E.

Shadyside, Hillsdale County, postoffice as Acorn 1896, postoffice as Shadyside 1897.

circa 1895 Mapes, B. C.

Shaftsburg, Shiawassee County, railroad 1877, postoffice 1880.

1906-1907 French, F. W.

Shelby, Oceana County, postoffice 1866, railroad 1872.

1867-1867 Jenner & Co., N. B. or L. B. 1892-1894 Pitts & Moody 1908-1910 Flood, Emery B.
circa 1875 Payne, S. 1894-1899 Towne, Alverton H. 1909-1919 Elliott, Harlo M.
1888-1889 Pitts, Francis A. circa 1895 Ivory Portrait Company circa 1910 Hart, Lyman B.
1890-1894 Pitts, James D. 1899-1901 Lyon, Elias W. 1910-1913 Trowbridge, Delos R.
circa 1892 Pitts & Wood circa 1900 Dyer, _______ 1930-1931 Sabe, Fred W.
1892-1895 Moody, John H. 1902-1908 Reed, Eva E., Mrs.
Shelbyville, Allegan County, railroad 1870, postoffice 1872.
circa 1900 Warner, Carl A.

Shepardsville, Clinton County, postoffice as Ovid Center 1857, railroad 1857, postoffice as Shepardsville 1867.
1898-1903 Cleveland, J. B.

Shepherd, Isabella County, postoffice as Salt River 1857, railroad 1885, postoffice as Shepherd 1887.
circa 1890 Daily, Jonas 1900-1900 Smith, Francis M. 1906-1908 Sperry & Son, E. O.
circa 1890 Young, A. E. 1903-1908 Briggs, Lathrop J. 1908-1909 Devereaux & Jones
circa 1895 Cronkite & Smith 1903-1908 Briggs, L. J. & Company 1910-1923 Van Wie, Hal
1895-1902 Smith, Austin R. 1904-1905 Brown, William
1896-1897 Walker, Lyman E. 1906-1909 Sperry, Eric Otho

Sheridan, Montcalm County, postoffice 1864, railroad 1873.

1876-1877 Clark, Hiram S. 1876-1877 Clark, H. S. & Company 1882-1883 Pate, Charles

Sherman, Wexford County seat 1869 to 1881, p.o. 1868, railroad 2 miles southwest at Sherman Station (Mesick) 1889.
1882-1889 Bodey, Kate, Mrs. 1892-1905 Glover, John H. 1906-1907 Gates, Verner R.
1886-1887 Fort, Sylvester 1900-1900 Hodgins, Elias B.
circa 1892 Lyon, Elias W. 1900-1901 Himes, Richard B.

Sherman City, Isabella County, postoffice 1871, railroad 1891.

1894-1895 Kemp, George
1896-1897 Green & Acker

Sherwood, Branch County, postoffice as Durham 1833, postoffice as Sherwood 1839, railroad 1870.
1882-1883 Ross, Royal D. 1898-1899 McLellan, James A., Mrs. 1902-1903 Ulrich, Lizzie
circa 1890 Sevitts, _______ 1899-1899 Drake, M. M. 1905-1909 Record View Co.,The
1896-1897 McLellan, James A. 1900-1902 Stoy, Olive, Miss

Shultz, Barry County, postoffice 1888, railroad 1889.

1909-1909 Replogle, E. G.

Sickels, Gratiot County, postoffice 1881.

1897-1903 Wight, Sheldon

Sidnaw, Houghton County, railroad 1888, postoffice 1889.

1902-1903 Wright, W. S.

Silverwood, Lapeer County, railroad 1882, postoffice as Easy 1883, as Rollo 1890, and as Silverwood 1892.
1900-1900 Gillam, Elmer D.

Sister Lakes, Van Buren County, postoffice 1877.

1894-1895 Martin, _______ 1917-1930 Frank, Paul H.

Six Corners, Ottawa County, postoffice 1855.

1863-1864 Hayden, Oliver L.

Six Lakes, Montcalm County, postoffice 1878, railroad 1879.

circa 1900 Eckert, William I.

Skeels, Gladwin County, postoffice 1898.

circa 1910 Tolly, W.

Smith, Gladwin County, railroad 1887.

1914-1914 Emerson, Lee
Smith Junction, Ogemaw County, railroad 1886.
circa 1910 Carter, M. E.

Smiths, Saint Clair County, railroad 1882, postoffice as Smith 1883, Allenton since 1910.
circa 1887 Hulbert, Henry

Smiths Creek, Saint Clair County seat 1870 to 1871, railroad 1859, postoffice 1861.
1907-1907 Quick, Roy A.

Smyrna, Ionia County, postoffice 1848, railroad 1900.

1892-1894 Pain, Oscar

Snover, Sanilac County, postoffice 1895, railroad 1913.

1912-1912 Hagle, Charles Edward

Somerset Center, Hillsdale County, postoffice 1872, railroad 1872.

circa 1911 Barber, _______

South Arm, Charlevoix County port, postoffice 1874, part of East Jordan since 1887.
1884-1884 Barker, George W.

South Bay City, Bay County port, railroad 1867, now part of Bay City.
1878-1879 Bisbee, Almon

South Boardman, Kalkaska County, railroad 1874, postoffice 1875.

1886-1889 Dagle, Eugene R. 1908-1911 Ellis, A. R.

South Branch, Ogemaw County, railroad 1886, postoffice as Hunt 1889, postoffice as South Branch 1893.
1908-1908 Berry, A. D.

South Frankfort, Benzie County port 1855, po 1872, railroad ca 1889, railroad car ferries 1892, Elberta since 1911.
circa 1895 Lowder, _______

South Haven, Van Buren County port 1831, postoffice 1852, railroad 1871.
1865-1866 Berridge, John circa 1895 Grussinger, _______ 1906-1908 Loehr, E. A.
1867-1867 Palmer, Marion J. 1896-1901 Moyer & Hopkins 1906-1907 Perkins, Frank G.
1869-1875 Newman, Louis R. 1896-1903 Northup, Lester L. 1906-1908 Woodworth, Albert A.
1870-1870 Mowry, Ephraim L. 1896-1898 Pott, Emil C. F. A. 1907-1907 Art Post Card Company
circa 1872 Newman & Chafee 1896-1902 Webster, Thomas H. circa 1908 Novelty Photo Studio
1873-1877 Sawyer, John 1898-1903 Northup & Son 1908-1908 Lakeside Viewing Co., The
1876-1881 Austin, Loren D. 1900-1900 Hubbard, Willis V. circa 1910 Cook & Sher
1882-1883 Jordan, Andrew J. 1900-1903 Crouse, Frank H. 1910-1910 Bakell, William
1882-1882 Smith, Joshua circa 1901 M. H. & G. Company 1910-1917 Murch, Olive L.
circa 1883 Edwards, Meorah A., Mrs. 1902-1905 Brown, Nana L. 1914-1915 Austin, Albert J.
1884-1885 Edwards, Pembroke S. 1902-1902 Leader Studio 1914-1917 Brown, Nanna M., Miss
1886-1887 Philley, Charles E. 1902-1909 Lewis, D. J. 1916-1916 Hansen, _______
1888-1919 Moyer, David Cares 1902-1902 Moyer, Hopkins & Gates 1916-1916 Nielson, J.
1892-1893 Hughson, Henry G. 1902-1905 Moyer & Gates 1918-1923 Collins, John B.
circa 1893 Harry’s Art Studio 1904-1905 Yerdon, J. F. 1920-1931 Nielsen, John A.
1894-1902 Hopkins, Bertram C. circa 1905 Axford, Louis E. 1924-1931 Appleyard, Raymond S.
circa 1895 Bennett, Marcus D. 1905-1910 Erard, Charles M.

South Lyon, Oakland County, postoffice 1848, railroad 1871.

circa 1880 Gould, G. E. circa 1890 Osborn, _______ circa 1900 Parker Brothers
circa 1880 Gould, Mr. & Mrs. G. E. 1890-1907 Stark, Charles M. 1907-1909 Killins, Glenn E.
1886-1889 Hodgeman, Joseph H. 1896-1897 Brown, Henry F. 1907-1908 Travis, F. E.
South Range, Houghton County, railroad 1899, postoffice 1905.
1904-1905 Auer, Louis 1905-1909 Silfven, Carl A. 1907-1908 Silfven & Co., C. A.
1904-1917 Taylor, John H. 1906-1916 Goodfellow, William J. 1910-1923 Sandbank, John H.
circa 1905 Haefer & Silfven 1906-1907 Pahti, Jonas
1905-1919 Haefer, Frederick C. 1906-1907 Taylor & Goodfellow

South Riley, Clinton County, postoffice 1857.

1862-1863 Nutting, Harvey C.

Spalding, Menominee County, railroad 1872, postoffice 1874.

1912-1912 Sexton, V. B.

Sparta, Kent County, postoffice as Sparta Center 1850, railroad 1872, postoffice as Sparta 1885.
1886-1899 Kinsman, William E. 1900-1901 Skinner, Fred 1918-1933 Purdy, Miner C.
1896-1897 Colburn, Charles B. 1902-1903 Anderson, Roderick J. 1930-1930 Colvin, William T.
1897-1898 Colburn, Charles B., Mrs. 1902-1917 Corry, Fred C.

Sparta Centre, Kent County, postoffice 1850, railroad 1872, Sparta since 1885.
1871-1885 Kinsman, William E.

Spring Lake, Ottawa County, postoffice as Mill Point 1851, railroad 1858, postoffice as Spring Lake 1867.
1868-1869 Cleveland, Henry W. circa 1877 Wixson, Joseph T.
1871-1873 Tompkins, Ira Gale 1892-1892 Brown, Frederick D. J.

Spring Mills, Oakland County, postoffice 1857.

1864-1865 Van Sickle, Emily

Springport, Jackson County, postoffice 1838, railroad 1872.

1862-1865 Fuller, Luther J. 1893-1893 Whalen, Abel J. circa 1900 Oversmith, L.
1865-1866 Moore, John H. circa 1895 Bennett, Don M. 1918-1918 Troup, Enos
1876-1877 Smith, Albert circa 1898 West & Denton
1891-1891 Fry, Cassius M. 1898-1899 Cortright, Leonard

Springvale, Charlevoix County, postoffice 1879. The village was torn down in 1925.
circa 1915 Gokee, C.

Springwells, Wayne County, railroad 1838, postoffice 1855, renamed Fordson 1925, annexed by Dearborn 1928.
1895-1895 Muir, Frank S.

Stafford, Hillsdale County, postoffice 1897.

1902-1903 Tingley, Willis H.

Stambaugh, Iron County, postoffice 1882, railroad 1882.

1908-1909 C&S circa 1935 Thompson, Arthur

Standish, Arenac County seat since 1893, railroad 1871, postoffice 1872.
circa 1890 Babcock, E. M. circa 1895 McLeod, Alexander 1913-1917 Smith, Charles A.
1892-1917 Wendt, Otto A. 1902-1903 DeGereaux, Elmer R.

Stanton, Montcalm County seat since 1861, Fred until 1863, postoffice as Stanton 1863, railroad 1873.
1868-1868 Hamilton & Co., Theron 1885-1897 Chapman Brothers circa 1892 Wendt & Company, O. A.
1876-1895 Chapman, Isaac O. circa 1888 Sanders, Jennie E. 1892-1917 Wendt, Otto A.
1876-1877 Jennings & Chapman circa 1890 Chapin, M. V. 1896-1915 Chapman, E. Frank
circa 1878 Jennings, A. circa 1890 Collard & Edson 1916-1916 Snow, Luman B.
1879-1879 Bachman & Co., M. H. circa 1890 Flood & Zerlant 1926-1927 Loescher, C. W.
1880-1880 Conrad, Edward 1890-1891 Zerlant, Joseph

State Line, Gogebic County, railroad 1883.

circa 1913 Parfitt, _______
Stearns, Midland County, postoffice 1882.
1900-1911 Brokaw, Manly 1904-1911 Kelley, H. Oscar

Stephenson, Menominee County, railroad 1872, postoffice as Wacedah 1874, postoffice as Stephenson 1876.
1900-1901 Wolcott, Udney E. 1904-1911 Kelley, H. Oscar

Stevensville, Berrien County, railroad 1870, postoffice 1872.

circa 1910 Ueck & Kuball Company

Stirlingville, Chippewa County, postoffice 1888.

1900-1907 Ralph, William 1908-1909 Campbell, Martin

Stockbridge, Ingham County, postoffice 1838, railroad 1884.

1876-1877 Van Slyke, Charles W. 1899-1899 Buskirk, Jesse A.
circa 1890 Proctor, M. W. 1902-1931 Chapell, Daisie B., Miss

Stronach, Manistee County, postoffice 1866, railroad 1881.

circa 1910 Kolb, _______ circa 1912 DeViney, _______

Sturgis, Saint Joseph County, postoffice as Sherman 1841, postoffice as Sturgis 1845, railroad 1851.
1858-1858 Hill, J. 1880-1911 Barrows, Charles V. 1894-1895 Gowdy, Albert G.
1862-1863 Hutchinson, Luther N. 1880-1880 Boston Gallery 1897-1899 Stephens, Cyrus T.
1862-1863 Nye, Edward 1880-1880 Dunbar, C. W. 1899-1899 Miller, Charles A.
1864-1866 Huylar, Edward P. 1880-1881 Hissong, George W. circa 1900 Hamilton, _______
1865-1867 Hutchinson, Ernest M. 1880-1880 Kenyon, Richard G. 1910-1923 Parham, Marshall E.
1866-1877 Reiterman, William 1880-1883 Scriber, George W. 1912-1940 Leestma, Frank
circa 1867 Bostwick, Ransom circa 1881 Barr, Adelbert A. 1913-1913 Flagg, _______
1867-1867 Winterman, William 1884-1889 Chappell, Eliza B., Mrs. circa 1915 Hool’s Studio
circa 1874 Barrows, J. G. & F. R. circa 1885 Kent, Alfonso L. 1922-1930 Scheurmann, Julius J.
1874-1879 Barrows, Frank R. 1886-1887 Kepler, William C. 1924-1931 Parham Studio
1874-1875 Sesser, William F. 1888-1894 Hodges, John 1930-1931 Avery, Harvey G.
circa 1875 James, E. N. 1890-1891 Glascoff, Maggie J., Mrs.
circa 1878 Townsend, _______ circa 1892 Kidney, William F.

Sugar Island, Wayne County, off the south end of Grosse Ile in the Detroit River.
circa 1908 French, Anna J. 1908-1908 Sugar Island Park Studio

Summerfield, Monroe County, postoffice 1831, railroad 1839, Petersburg since 1863.
1859-1865 Hanks, Lucius A.

Sumner, Gratiot County, postoffice 1869.

1864-1864 Sherman, Andrew E. 1910-1910 Holcomb, Florence E., Mrs.
1906-1915 Halcomb, R. C. 1916-1923 Holcomb, R. C.

Sumnerville, Cass County, postoffice as Pocagon 1829, as Summerville 1837, as Sumnerville 1899
1875-1875 unidentified photographer according to Howard S. Rogers, History of Cass County, 1875

Sunfield, Eaton County, postoffice 1855, railroad 1888.

circa 1895 Joy, Sherman D. 1900-1909 Bennett, William H. 1903-1907 Mead & Company, Grant
circa 1895 Nicol Brothers 1902-1907 Mead, Grant 1910-1923 Richards, Effie O., Miss
1895-1897 Nicol, John 1902-1902 Mead Brothers

Suttons Bay, Leelanau County port 1854, postoffice 1861, railroad 1906.
1904-1905 Herron, Burt R. 1906-1907 Fisher, Charles H.

Swartz Creek, Genesee County, postoffice 1843, railroad 1877.

1906-1907 Judson, Hiram

Tashmoo Park, Saint Clair County, on Harsens Island.

circa 1895 French, William L.
Tawas City, Iosco County seat, port 1854, postoffice 1856, railroad 1878.
1873-1873 Braband, D. 1898-1899 Stromer, William 1907-1907 Smith, Worth L.
1886-1887 McEvoy, John James 1906-1907 Winchell, Edward
1890-1890 Bradshaw, Albert J. 1907-1915 Brown, August C.

Tecumseh, Lenawee County seat 1826-1836, postoffice 1824, railroad 1855.

1849-1867 Bissell, Cynthia M., Mrs. 1866-1867 Powers, W. K. & Co. 1892-1903 Teeple, Ernest L.
1852-1852 Jackson, G. W. circa 1867 Niethammer, J. F. 1893-1893 Sovereen, A. B.
1855-1855 Deuel, F. P. 1869-1873 Clement, Mary J., Mrs. 1893-1894 Welling, H. A.
1855-1855 Nickerson, A. circa 1874 Hopkins & Company 1895-1895 Lamb, H. R.
1858-1860 Williamson, Edwin 1874-1892 Brown, Millard Pease 1895-1897 Daly, Lynne R., Miss
1859-1860 Richardson, C. C. 1874-1879 Wheeler, Lavern F. 1898-1899 Bugby, A.
1862-1863 Wheeler,Rebecca R., Mrs. circa 1875 McCowen, William, Jr. 1899-1909 Abrams, Lester F.
1863-1865 Hoag, Abner Jay 1884-1885 Brooks & Heck 1902-1908 Abrams, L. M., Mrs.
1865-1885 Hopkins, Charles H. 1884-1892 Heck, Walter L. 1902-1903 Angell, Daniel
1865-1866 Hopkins, C. H. & Co. circa 1885 Daws, Charles H. 1902-1902 Sissem, Willard J.
1865-1866 Powers, W. Hale 1886-1887 Steger, Frederick H. circa 1905 Peters, Edward J.
1866-1867 Hopkins & Payne 1886-1887 Sterling, George F. 1910-1931 Coller, J. Lester
1866-1868 Powers, William K. B. circa 1888 Heck & Gibson

Tekonsha, Calhoun County, postoffice 1836, railroad 1870.

1867-1867 Helme, Alonzo M. circa 1875 Shear, George W. circa 1898 Doty, Elmer E.
1872-1873 Buckley, O. H. 1880-1897 Stark, William LeGrand 1900-1901 French, Fred J.
1872-1873 Burley, Almon J. 1888-1889 Lennon, William J. 1902-1903 Simpson, F.
1874-1875 Peabody, Lemuel circa 1890 Warren, G. R. 1903-1903 Withington, Chester R.
1874-1877 Wilder, Henry N. 1890-1891 Hawkins, H. F. circa 1910 Wolcott, F. A.

Temperance, Monroe County, railroad 1878, postoffice 1884.

circa 1913 Barber, _______

Texas, Kalamazoo County, postoffice 1874.

1884-1889 Hending, Daniel

Thomas, Oakland County, railroad 1872, postoffice 1873.

circa 1895 Van Wormer, William H.

Thompson, Schoolcraft County port, postoffice 1881, logging railroad 1881.

circa 1890 Bradshaw, C. H.

Thompsonville, Benzie County, railroad 1889, postoffice 1890.

circa 1899 Armstrong, G. A. circa 1905 Brown, _______
1902-1908 Van Wie, Hal circa 1910 Bruce, _______

Three Oaks, Berrien County, railroad 1849, postoffice 1854.

1859-1875 Warren, Frederick P. 1888-1890 Smith, Orlando N. 1896-1897 Hallock, Ira
1874-1875 Paxon, J. M. 1890-1892 Bradley, Henry E. 1906-1913 Dennis, Harry
1876-1888 Churchill, Susan, Mrs. 1891-1891 Smith, Oscar M. 1914-1915 Savage, Earl W.
1876-1877 Paxon, J. S. 1892-1892 Poundstone, John N. 1914-1915 Smith, Lucas H.
1888-1889 Smith, A. R. & O. N. 1893-1893 Cutshaw, W. S. 1920-1931 Snodgrass, Edwin
Three Rivers, Saint Joseph County, postoffice as Bucks 1831, postoffice as Three Rivers 1840, railroad 1855.
1855-1858 Conn, George C. 1882-1883 Garrison Brothers 1913-1913 Bothwell, Melvin E.
1857-1857 Schellhous, Loran W. 1886-1899 Anderson, Samuel 1913-1913 Green, Rolland E.
1862-1875 Frary, Francis L. 1888-1892 Anderson & Kepler 1913-1931 Merritt, John H.
1862-1863 Goldman, Henry J. circa 1890 Miller, J. 1913-1913 Pratt Photo Publshg Co
1862-1862 Hisong, Francis L. 1890-1891 Shepherdson, Abner E. 1914-1915 Ford, Earl E.
circa 1864 Bannan, John M. circa 1894 Christmas, Henry J. circa 1915 Short, F.
circa 1864 Hutchinson, Luther N. 1894-1902 Quirk, Wylie A. 1920-1927 Joy, Sherman D.
1864-1866 Stirling, Hannah N., Mrs. circa 1895 Armitage Photo Studios 1920-1927 Judd, William E.
1865-1867 Bannan & Sigler 1896-1897 Himes, Richard B. 1924-1940 Miller, Lester K.
1867-1893 Udell, Addison A. 1896-1897 Teeple, Ernest L. 1930-1932 Clayton, Walter F., Jr.
circa 1872 King, _______ circa 1897 Palmer, W. H. 1930-1932 Merritt, Lillie B., Mrs.
circa 1872 Mills, William H. 1897-1897 Sparrow, W. E. 1930-1934 Petzold, Herman C.
1877-1877 Abbey, Lewis C. 1898-1898 Keys, E. N. 1930-1930 Toomire, Berniece L., Mrs.
circa 1878 Brown & Gillis 1898-1934 Van Horn, Victor H. 1930-1931 Toomire, Senn Kiefer.
circa 1878 Dunbar, C. W. 1900-1902 Menefee, F. L. 1932-1934 Lloyd Studio
1878-1883 Gillis, Edwin 1902-1913 Silliman, Charles P. 1938-1940 Lepley, Frank G.
1880-1881 Densmore, Mr. & Mrs. 1908-1909 Northland Shop, The 1944-1944 Cross, Guy C.
1880-1881 Quatermass, William M. 1910-1911 Lockard, J. A.
1881-1883 Garrison, Alfred F. 1912-1913 Minogue, Frank S.

Tower, Cheboygan County, postoffice 1899, railroad 1900.

1912-1912 Peacock, Stephen W.

Traverse City, Grand Traverse County seat, port 1847, postoffice 1854, railroad 1872.
1862-1865 West, David W. circa 1895 Moblo, Ira H. 1907-1907 Electric Photographic Stu
1864-1865 Kelly, Frederick 1895-1899 Bradshaw, Albert J. 1907-1908 Jackson, William F.
1865-1866 Burton, J. H. 1896-1897 Thompson, Henry W. 1907-1908 Rembrandt Studio
1865-1866 Griswold, E. P., Mrs. 1897-1899 Himes, Richard B. 1909-1940 Herbert, Charles J.
1866-1869 Bancroft, Robert F. 1898-1899 Barwise, Joseph 1910-1940 Send, George B.
1868-1916 McManus, Alphonso 1898-1899 Hall, William M. 1910-1910 Shugart, Oscar E.
1869-1870 Miller, Henry L. 1900-1900 Smith, L. F. 1911-1913 Doty, Homer A.
1872-1872 Smith, J. B. 1900-1925 Smith & Price 1911-1924 Hopkins, Richard S.
1873-1917 McManus Brothers 1900-1903 Soper, William A. 1915-1940 Send & Send
1882-1884 Yergin, John C. 1901-1901 Linton, Edward 1915-1917 Weathers, Edward W.
1890-1917 Moblo, Edward N. circa 1905 Kneeland, H. S. 1924-1931 Moblo, Irving E.
1890-1890 Noble, E. M. 1905-1910 Century Photo-View Co. 1926-1927 Rembrandt Studio
1892-1895 Conat, John Wesley 1905-1905 Colvin, William T. 1930-1935 Cary, Ford
1893-1893 Conant, C. B. 1905-1905 Smith, Charles W. 1930-1930 Majestic Studio
1894-1901 Boswell, William 1905-1907 Wright, Frank P.
1894-1895 Gates, Maurice N. 1906-1940 Peck, Orson W.

Trenary, Alger County, railroad 1899, postoffice 1903.

circa 1905 Laur, J. H.

Trenton, Wayne County port, postoffice as Monguagon 1828, postoffice as Trenton 1847, railroad 1855.
1862-1863 Jaquith, Mark W. 1888-1889 Van Housen, Jay J.
1878-1879 Courliss, William circa 1907 Sanders, _______

Trout Creek, Ontonagon County, postoffice 1888, railroad 1888.

circa 1910 Brown, H. A. circa 1920 Butler, _______

Trout Lake, Chippewa County, railroad 1881, postoffice 1888.

circa 1910 Laur, J. H. 1911-1911 Bellaire, J. I.

Troy, Oakland County, postoffice 1826.

1862-1863 Holman, Randel 1864-1877 Russell, John Henry

Trufant, Montcalm County, postoffice 1871, railroad 1871.

1925-1925 Boneville, George

Turner, Arenac County, postoffice 1885, railroad 1896.

1892-1911 Allen, James E. circa 1900 Ballour, David 1904-1905 Bellor, David
Tuscola, Tuscola County, p.o. as Worth 1848, p.o. as Tuscola 1875, railroad at Tuscola Station 4 miles north 1882.
1863-1865 Wilson, Carlos P..

Tustin, Osceola County, railroad 1871, postoffice 1872.

circa 1890 Pelton, C. E. 1906-1907 Elliott, Robert S.

Twin Bridges Corners, Oceana County.

circa 1915 Bartholomew, R.

Twin Lake, Muskegon County, postoffice 1873, railroad 1873.

circa 1912 Lakegrove Photo Studio

Twining, Arenac County, railroad 1896, postoffice 1897.

circa 1902 Egerton, Ada B., Miss

Ubly, Huron County, postoffice 1880, burned 1881, railroad 1882.

circa 1897 Hamilton, James M. 1900-1912 Cole, John M.

Unadilla, Livingston County, postoffice 1834.

1859-1859 Gregory, W. E. 1863-1864 Rounsville, W. E.
1862-1863 Bissell, Sanford R. 1864-1864 Talcott, Susan E.

Union, Cass County, postoffice 1841.

1888-1888 Conrad, I. N. circa 1910 Pirher, _______

Union City, Branch County, postoffice as Goodwinville 1834, postoffice as Union City 1840, railroad 1870.
circa 1856 Bennett, William T. 1878-1879 Thayer, Albert A. 1888-1889 Hawkins, Charles F.
1859-1860 Smart, Emerson I. circa 1885 Allen, F. A. 1888-1889 McIntire, H. H. & Co.
1862-1867 Lusk, Ira circa 1885 Lawrence, J. S. A. & Wife 1888-1888 Powers, F. E.
1864-1865 Ludow, C. L. 1885-1887 Ford, George H. 1890-1890 Hawkins, H. H.
1864-1865 Scotford, J. Harvey 1885-1885 Tiffany & Drawbaugh 1890-1897 Lennon, William J.
1865-1867 Buell, Sidney D. circa 1886 Drawbaugh, Ed. 1892-1931 French, Fred J.
circa 1870 Abbey, Lewis C. 1886-1886 Drawbaugh & Drumm 1898-1899 Katz, Christopher, Jr.
1870-1875 McClellan, William 1887-1887 Ford & McIntire 1900-1907 Clark, William H.
1876-1885 Holcomb, George W. 1887-1890 McIntire, Hervey H. 1907-1913 Brown, Willard L.

Unionville, Tuscola County, postoffice 1861, railroad 1882.

1875-1875 Lavanway, _______ 1892-1897 Edgar, Warren B. 1904-1909 DeGereaux, Elmer R.
1884-1885 Zimmerman, William circa 1895 Stanton’s Photo Co. circa 1905 Leyrer, Fred J.
circa 1885 McLeod & Dillon circa 1897 Edgar & Shader 1911-1912 Sherman, _______
1886-1887 Campbell, Charles R. 1899-1903 Claxton, George W.

Upton Works, Saint Clair County, railroad 1881, postoffice 1885.

1898-1901 Seaman, George W.

Urbandale, Calhoun County, founded in 1901.

1926-1926 Dreyer, Orlando M.

Utica, Macomb County, postoffice 1836, railroad 1872.

1859-1860 Elderkin, B. T. 1866-1866 Montgomery, Robert F. 1898-1899 Stanton, O. V.
1859-1860 Merchant, John D. 1874-1875 Ford, Charles H. 1899-1899 Abernathy, L. E.
1863-1864 Good, Peter P. 1880-1899 Batty, James 1909-1909 Ellis Studio
1866-1867 Lamb, Elizabeth 1890-1890 Novess, Alonzo C.

Vandalia, Cass County, postoffice 1850, railroad 1871.

1888-1889 Deal, Henry O. 1900-1901 Viall, Frank M. 1900-1900 Viall, Frank M., Mrs.

Vanderbilt, Otsego County, postoffice 1880, railroad 1881.

circa 1892 Enright, _______ 1896-1897 Allan, William J. 1916-1921 Hodges, C. L.
Vassar, Tuscola County seat until 1866, postoffice 1851, railroad 1872.
1859-1860 Johnson, James circa 1882 Gillette, Jedediah B. 1899-1899 Stromer, William
1863-1867 Wilder, Jefferson J. 1886-1895 Post, Jay C. 1902-1909 Knowles, Jonathon H.
1867-1868 Bacon, George A. 1889-1889 Burgess, T. H. circa 1905 Falkner, William
circa 1872 Oakley, A. L. 1894-1895 Land, M. E. circa 1910 Martin, _______
1874-1894 Tibbits, Henry B. 1894-1895 Watson, Wellington T. 1910-1911 Mundt, Roy C.
1874-1875 Tibbits & Brother circa 1895 Duck, James L. 1910-1915 Williamson, Jacob F.
circa 1875 Tibbits, H. B. & E. D. 1896-1897 Hart, Orson L. 1916-1919 Findlay, Frank M.
1876-1877 Tibbits Brothers 1898-1899 Gray, Charles B. 1922-1923 Hagle, Charles E.

Vermilion, Chippewa County port, postoffice 1896.

1898-1899 Bernier, Samuel F. 1910-1915 Carpenter, James A. 1916-1917 Glaza, John F.

Vermontville, Eaton County, postoffice 1840, railroad 1869.

1862-1863 Proctor, Adonijah H. 1874-1875 Bixby, S., Mrs.. 1909-1909 Lamb, L. P.
1872-1877 Sherman, Andrew E. 1882-1905 Norton, Henry M.

Vernon, Shiawassee County, postoffice 1842, railroad 1856.

1866-1867 Olmsted, John A. 1878-1881 Markham, John 1892-1895 Bryant, Dewey D.
1866-1866 Olmsted & Brother 1882-1883 Parrish, Willis E.
1868-1868 Jones, W. H. 1890-1891 Devereaux Brothers

Vicksburg, Kalamazoo County, postoffice as Brady 1837, railroad 1870, postoffice as Vicksburg 1871.
1866-1867 Chard, Elijah 1884-1889 Dorrance, Charles E. 1898-1899 Watson, Walter
1874-1874 Rampton, William H. 1890-1895 Brink, Edwin 1899-1908 Joy, Sherman D.
1876-1883 Corwin, Dwight I. circa 1891 Evans, Charles B. 1908-1916 Koons, William C.
1876-1877 Holcomb & Corwin 1894-1895 Clark, George H. 1918-1919 Adams, L. A.
1878-1879 Jones, L. M. 1896-1897 Campbell, George W.

Vriesland, Ottawa County, postoffice 1866, railroad at Vriesland Station 2 miles north 1872.
circa 1916 de Jong, A.

Vulcan, Dickinson County, postoffice 1877, railroad 1877.

circa 1910 Brown, H. M. circa 1910 Turini, J. A.

Wacousta, Clinton County.

1864-1865 Daniells, Landon

Wadhams, Saint Clair County, postoffice as Clyde Mills 1835, postoffice as Wadhams 1886, railroad 1916.
1896-1903 Courliss, William

Wakefield, Gogebic County, railroad 1884, postoffice 1886.

circa 1890 Van & Bakely circa 1910 Bjorkquist, Gust 1919-1919 Boris & Conant
circa 1895 Nordlund, J. 1914-1919 Bous, Samuel 1920-1927 Boris, Samuel
1903-1911 Chaney, William H. 1914-1915 Kowoulo, M. J.

Wakeshma, Kalamazoo County, postoffice 1852.

1867-1867 Trumbull & Johnson 1867-1867 Trumbull, A. D.

Waldron, Hillsdale County, postoffice as South Wright 1855, postoffice as Waldron 1877, railroad 1889.
circa 1875 Ketcham, A. E. 1896-1897 Hatch, C. E. 1906-1919 Baldridge, John
1894-1895 Dohm, Nelson A. 1900-1905 Stadon, John E. 1908-1931 Clark, Willard A.
circa 1895 Connor, E. F. 1905-1905 Hadon, John E. 1908-1908 Reno, Earl

Walkerville, Oceana County, postoffice as Stetson 1883, railroad 1886, postoffice as Walkerville 1898.
circa 1910 Mudge, Alva R.

Walled Lake, Oakland County, postoffice 1833, railroad 1883.

1865-1866 Brooks, James A. 1866-1867 Banks, J. A. 1906-1915 McKnight, R. B.
Wallin, Benzie County, railroad 1890, postoffice 1893.
1908-1908 Bruce & Albright

Walloon Lake, Charlevoix County, railroad 1874, postoffice as Tolcott 1897, postoffice as Walloon Lake 1900.
1904-1905 Peaslee, Ernest 1908-1909 Masters, W. J.

Waltz, Wayne County, postoffice 1872, railroad 1872.

1918-1919 Nieman, Louis

Wamplers Lake, Jackson County.

1907-1907 Halliday, _______

Waterford, Oakland County, postoffice 1835, railroad 1855.

circa 1905 Drake, M. M.

Waters, Otsego County, railroad 1873, postoffice as Bradford Lake 1876, postoffice as Waters 1885.
1908-1908 Blair, _______ circa 1915 Baldwin, _______

Watervliet, Berrien County, postoffice 1848, railroad 1871.

circa 1890 Van De Veere, Th. 1906-1913 Cross, Guy C. 1924-1927 Reinbold, Florian
1892-1901 Austin, George W. 1910-1910 Cross, Myrtle, Miss 1930-1931 Blonden, Thomas
1900-1900 Austin, Albert 1910-1910 Stout, Lawrence D.
1902-1905 Cross, C. W. 1918-1919 Lepper, Earl

Watrousville, Tuscola County, postoffice 1855.

1880-1880 Baker, William R.

Watson Allegan County, postoffice 1869, railroad 1871.

1860-1860 Lonsbury, George W.

Wayland, Allegan County, postoffice 1844, railroad 1870.

1862-1866 Selkrig, James E. 1893-1893 Matteson, George L. 1904-1905 Jackson, Earl
1867-1879 Sessions, Orrin W. circa 1895 Triplett, _______ 1906-1907 Hoyt, Fannie, Miss
1867-1867 Steele, E. D. 1896-1899 Joy, Sherman D. 1906-1921 Perkins, Frank P.
1874-1877 Selkirk, James E. 1901-1903 Buck, Arthur W. 1906-1907 Smith, Ida M., Mrs.
1880-1888 Sessions, John W. 1901-1901 Gardner, Edith, Mrs. 1906-1906 Stockdale & Chapman
1888-1894 Philley, Silas 1902-1902 Carpenter, James

Wayne, Wayne County, postoffice as South Nankin 1835, railroad 1838, postoffice as Wayne 1851.
circa 1856 Minnis, _______ 1891-1891 Tremear & Fink 1947-1951 McClure, _______
1862-1863 Jessup, C. 1892-1895 Corlett, Mamie, Mrs. 1952-1952 Lee, _______
1867-1877 Hill, Joseph George W. 1892-1894 Hickok, Anna S., Mrs. 1952-1954 Davis, _______
1874-1875 Hoover, Jacob 1892-1894 Hickok & Corlett 1954-1963 Stiles, Charles B.
1876-1887 Gorham, Thomas P. 1896-1936 Doolittle, Susan, Miss 1955-1958 Ford, Glenn J. Jr.
circa 1877 Heath, Jason J. circa 1915 Barnard, _______
1890-1891 Hickok, Frank B. 1936-1948 Selwa, Joseph

Webberville, Ingham County, postoffice as Phelpstown 1840, postoffice as Webberville 1867, railroad 1871.
1888-1889 Osborn, Thomas C.

Weidman, Isabella County, postoffice 1894, railroad 1894.

1899-1899 Green, Clyde 1902-1902 Himes, Richard B. 1910-1911 Brown, Herbert A.
1900-1900 Smith, _______ 1907-1911 Hyslop, Robert Bain 1910-1910 Pratt, Ernest
1901-1901 Brown, H. A. circa 1910 Queen Photo Company 1925-1925 Boneville, George

Wellston, Manistee County, railroad 1890, postoffice 1892, Dublin from 1898 to 1908.
1917-1917 Youmans, J. C.
Wenona, Bay County, postoffice 1865, railroad 1867, part of West Bay City after 1877, annexed by Bay City 1905.
1868-1868 Bacon, George A. 1871-1871 Scotford, J. Harvey
1868-1868 Guerin, William H. 1872-1875 Cressey, Russell M.

West Bay City, Bay County, railroad 1867, formed from Wenona, Salzburgh & Banks 1877, annexed by Bay City 1905.
1879-1879 Bisbee, Almon 1886-1886 Spurr, Solon E. 1895-1895 Van Campen, Fred M.
1883-1904 Bowers, Arthur A. 1886-1895 Sterling, George F. 1896-1897 Phipps, Charles D.
1884-1885 Smith, Edward J. 1886-1886 Zimmerman, William 1896-1899 Trussler, George H.
circa 1885 Ed’s Gallery 1890-1891 Stone, Edmund J. 1896-1897 Trussler, J. W.
circa 1885 Widman & Company 1892-1894 Alexander, George S. 1900-1905 Welch, Frank E.
1885-1886 Widman, E. Albert circa 1895 Asplund, John 1904-1905 Bortell, Pearl Clinton

West Branch, Ogemaw County seat, postoffice 1873, railroad 1873.

circa 1890 Dyer, J. W. 1902-1903 Wolverton, W. G. 1912-1925 MacKay, Alexander M.
1890-1895 Close, S. W. & Company 1908-1908 Love, W. R. 1914-1915 Rembrandt Studio
circa 1892 Benton, Charlie 1911-1911 Pettis, A. J., Mrs. 1916-1917 Olinger, James
1896-1915 Close & Company 1912-1913 Lesmeister, Frank W. circa 1918 Hodgson, _______

Westphalia, Clinton County, postoffice 1851.

1912-1923 Loeher, Frank J.

Westwood, Kalkaska County, postoffice 1873, railroad 1874.

1916-1916 Bartholomew, _______

White City, Houghton County, a recreational or amusement park.

1911-1911 Scarlett, Charles E.

White Cloud, Newaygo County seat since 1910, p.o. as Morgan Station 1873, railroad 1873, p.o. as White Cloud 1877.
1886-1887 Dailey, Rolland 1904-1908 Atherton, Clarence H.
1899-1899 Dyer, J. M. 1912-1921 Branch, Erastus G.

Whitehall, Muskegon County port 1859, postoffice as Mears 1862, postoffice as Whitehall 1867, railroad 1871.
circa 1870 Norman & Austin 1887-1887 Pitts, Towne & Co. 1900-1901 Du Four, Lou
1872-1875 Ruggles, William H. 1887-1894 Towne, Alverton H. 1904-1909 Murphey, James W.
1874-1877 Wixson, Joseph T. 1890-1890 Thurston, Arthur R. 1904-1909 Murphy, William J.
1876-1885 Strong, Nelson F. 1894-1895 Tromp, William circa 1905 Petersen, _______
1876-1877 Williams & Wixson circa 1895 Edmonson, William L. 1912-1913 Petersen, John
1876-1877 Wixson & Williams circa 1895 Swanson, G. R. 1916-1921 Masure, B.
circa 1878 Sawyer, John 1897-1899 Ericson, Carl 1917-1934 Masure, Ismar B.
circa 1878 Wixson, George S. 1898-1899 Dyer, Milford J. 1919-1922 Photo Shop, The
1886-1887 Fortune, Eugene W. 1900-1900 Du Four, J. L.

White Lake, Oakland County, postoffice 1836.

1862-1863 Phips, Harvey

White Oak, Ingham County, postoffice 1848.

1862-1863 Douglas, Levi

White Pigeon, Saint Joseph County, postoffice 1835, railroad 1851.

1858-1858 Caul, T. 1865-1866 Houk, Levi 1880-1881 Burrows, Charles E.
1862-1863 Callender, George W. 1865-1866 Mills, William H. 1882-1895 Skinner, Nathan C.
1862-1863 Moore, Catherine E., Mrs. 1866-1867 Mills & Brother 1898-1907 Hagerty, Jesse E.
1862-1863 Shimmel, Francis W. 1867-1867 Hebron, Cynthia C. 1900-1905 Hagerty, J. E. & Son
1863-1864 Abbey, Lewis C. 1869-1873 Hodges, John 1902-1902 Stark, James M.
1864-1865 Newman, Mary Ann 1876-1876 Morris, W.
circa 1865 Whedon, J. P. E. 1878-1879 Briggs, Frederick L.

White River, Muskegon County port 1836, postoffice 1858.

1862-1863 Clark, A. B.
White Rock, Huron County port 1835, postoffice 1859, burned 1871.
1863-1864 Butnell, E. A. 1867-1867 Conant, Charles W. circa 1895 Cole, J.

Whitmore Lake, Washtenaw County, postoffice as Northfield 1834, postoffice as Whitmore Lake 1854, railroad 1886.
1860-1860 Croman, Louis 1862-1863 Stilson, James circa 1880 Gould, Mr. & Mrs. G. E.

Whittaker, Washtenaw County, railroad 1881, postoffice 1882.

circa 1895 Tremear, Charles Herbert

Whittemore, Iosco County, railroad 1878, postoffice 1880.

1884-1884 McEvoy, John James circa 1913 Garretson, _______
1902-1910 Vanastram, Herbert E. 1917-1917 Scarlett, Charles E.

Wilber, Iosco County, postoffice 1890.

1904-1907 Becker, William

Wildwood, Cheboygan County, postoffice as Mentor 1882, postoffice as Wildwood 1884.

1906-1911 Bixby, J. W.

Williamsburg, Grand Traverse County, postoffice as Dunbar 1867, postoffice as Williamsburg 1869, railroad 1892.
1907-1911 Waugh, W. T.

Williamston, Ingham County, postoffice as Williamstown 1842, railroad 1871, postoffice as Williamston 1884.
1867-1891 Phillips, Chauncey M. 1888-1891 Viall, Frank M. circa 1895 Prince, Thomas J.
1880-1905 Steele, William A. circa 1890 Home Photo Company circa 1895 Yergin, W. C.
1883-1883 Heath, Luman F. 1894-1895 Johnson, Amos P. 1896-1931 Meader, Harry J.
1888-1894 Evans, Thomas circa 1895 McEntire, J. H. 1897-1898 Henderson, Wade J.

Willis, Washtenaw County, postoffice as Newcomb 1881, railroad 1881, postoffice as Willis 1887.
1891-1895 Tremear, Charles Herbert 1891-1891 Tremear & Fink 1909-1909 Beardsley, _______

Willow, Wayne County, formerly Belden, railroad 1872, postoffice 1892.

1897-1897 Parkes, Thomas H.

Winn, Isabella County, postoffice 1867, Dushville from 1882 to 1898.

1880-1881 Richmond, Permelia, Mrs.

Wolverine, Cheboygan County, postoffice 1881, railroad 1881.

circa 1895 Crandall & Company 1906-1907 Withey, Arthur E.
1904-1905 Wing, Fred E. 1913-1913 Cook, Arthur B.

Woodhull, Shiawassee County, postoffice 1850, railroad 1877, Shaftsburg after 1880.
1864-1865 Mann, Nelson L. 1865-1866 Mann, Hillen

Woodland, Barry County, postoffice 1848, railroad 1889.

circa 1890 Priest, George W. 1894-1897 Wolf, Frank
1890-1891 Holmes, W. P. 1914-1919 Tyler, James

Woodmere, Wayne County, railroad 1873, postoffice 1884, absorbed by Detroit 1901.
circa 1894 Muir, Frank S. 1901-1903 Hamilton, Lois L., Mrs.
1900-1906 Marshick, Martin 1902-1903 Lois Drug Company

Woodstock, Lenawee County, postoffice 1838, railroad 1872, Cement City since 1901.
1865-1866 Wheeler, John C.
Wyandotte, Wayne County port 1854, postoffice 1855, railroad 1855.
1863-1864 Weston, Ida H. 1890-1890 Bulley, Peter 1904-1909 Perkins, Nelbert G.
1865-1874 Davidson, William W. 1892-1919 Bowles, Esther A., Mrs. 1905-1907 Lynch & Ginzel
1867-1867 Stamper, A. circa 1894 Babcock & Wilson 1914-1950 Somheil, Julius
1873-1873 Marsh, Frank 1895-1895 Bryan, Edward C. 1915-1916 Bricker, Clarence J.
circa 1875 Johnson, S. A. 1895-1895 Bryan & Lynch 1920-1923 Weller, Orlo D.
1876-1879 Cope, Mary J., Mrs. 1895-1907 Lynch, Richard James 1925-1925 Somheil Studio
1888-1889 French, William D. 1898-1899 Navarre, John, Jr. 1930-1931 Thomas, Richard J.
circa 1890 Watson & Bowles 1903-1903 Perkins, Teena, Miss 1937-1937 LaSalle, _______

Wyman, Montcalm County, railroad 1879, postoffice as Averyville 1879, postoffice as Wyman 1880.
circa 1887 Scotford, James O.

Yale, Saint Clair County, postoffice as Brockway Center 1865, railroad 1881, postoffice as Yale 1889.
1890-1895 Gough, George circa 1895 Graham & Company circa 1898 DeViney, _______
circa 1894 Holden & Gough circa 1895 Jones & Gough circa 1907 Pharis, Leon
1894-1895 Graham, Arthur N. 1895-1909 Jones, John C. 1910-1917 Card, Earl R.
1894-1905 Holden, Clarence C. 1896-1897 Maiden, Carl I. 1910-1920 Shafer, John J.

Yalmar, Marquette County, postoffice 1895, railroad 1902.

circa 1905 Huber, A. G.

York, Washtenaw County, postoffice as Mooreville 1833, postoffice as York 1834 to 1907.
1886-1887 Barrows, E. A.

Yorkville, Kalamazoo County, postoffice 1845, railroad 1883.

circa 1894 Macomber, Walter G. circa 1910 Jackson, L. W.

Ypsilanti, Washtenaw County, postoffice 1826, railroad 1838.

1852-1852 Shipman, H. A. 1872-1877 Baker & Stephenson 1906-1907 Cowell, William F.
1855-1860 Raymond, James F. 1872-1883 Parsons, John H., Mrs. 1906-1907 Jenks, Halsey D.
1857-1883 Clark, Andrew J. 1872-1888 Stephenson, Jerome J. 1906-1907 White, E. R.
circa 1860 Haywood, _______ circa 1873 Temple & Roloson 1907-1933 Bassett, Iba S.
1860-1860 Vincent, Joseph 1873-1875 Roloson, A. J. 1909-1929 Jefferson, Mark
1862-1877 Baker, Edwin P. 1874-1874 Baker, Edwin P., Mrs. 1910-1940 Miller, John S.
1862-1867 Bennett, Joseph circa 1875 Hillyer, C. 1910-1910 Welte, George
1862-1865 Noble & Eldridge circa 1875 Roloson & McPherson 1911-1911 Cooper, Matilda, Mrs.
1862-1867 Ormsby, Elon Delamore 1884-1885 Lewis & Gibson 1911-1911 Sleeper, Mary, Mrs.
1863-1864 Baker, E. P. & H. W. 1885-1894 Straight, Marshall O. 1912-1942 Baker, Grant S.
1863-1865 Phillips, Fidelia 1885-1885 Straight & Osband 1912-1913 Niles, Morris G.
1864-1865 Coleman, Josiah B. 1886-1887 Gibson & Company 1912-1913 Sleeper, S. May
1864-1865 Remington, Meresa 1888-1888 Anderson, Frank E. 1914-1914 Rehil, S. May, Mrs.
1865-1866 Baker & Benham 1888-1911 Cooper, Charles E. 1916-1916 Tyler, Lewis H.
1865-1871 Parsons, John H. 1888-1888 Nichoson & Anderson 1918-1919 Gratorray, Abraham
circa 1866 Bennett, Mr. & Mrs. J. 1888-1889 Niles, Sarah, Miss 1920-1945 Camp, Cyrus T.
1866-1867 Clark, A. J. & Brother 1888-1911 Waterman, George E. 1922-1923 Lansing, Raymond B.
circa 1867 Clarke, _______ 1890-1892 Gibson & Robbins 1926-1927 Lee, Charles F.
1867-1867 Baker, E. P. & Company 1892-1894 Gibson & Straight 1926-1931 Saunders, Erwin W.
1867-1868 Ewing, Robert S. 1900-1903 Pilbeam, Frank E. 1926-1926 Stocken, Fred J.
circa 1868 Baker & Company 1900-1901 Pilbeam, F. E. & Co.
1869-1870 Carpenter, Leonard W. 1904-1908 Austin, Elmer E.

Zeeland, Ottawa County, postoffice 1848, railroad 1872.

1880-1882 Stobblaar, S. 1892-1909 Tromp, Garrit 1899-1899 Hopkins, William D.
circa 1882 Stobblaar & Doornik 1894-1909 Van Koevering, William 1908-1936 McDermand, Edward J.
1882-1883 Doornik, P. 1894-1895 Van Koevering Brothers 1918-1918 MacDermand & Nies
1884-1890 Ver Lee, Isaac 1894-1894 Walters, William 1918-1920 Nies, Richard N.
1890-1893 Wolters, William 1898-1898 Tromp & Brothers 1918-1936 Zeeland Art Studio
Alphabetical Directory

What follows is an alphabetical list of Michigan photographers by personal or business name.

Biographical information, business addresses, comments about business practices and specializations are
included when known. Following the name of the entry and the locale, the word “photographer” or
“daguerrean” or “artist,” etc. appears in either lower case or all capitalized form. Please note that those
entries in all capitalize form (PHOTOGRAPHER) represent professional activity under that name; those
in lower case (photographer) represent the work of an amateur or an employee.
A hyphen between two dates (1863-1866) indicates continuity, while a comma between two
dates (1863,1866) carries no implication about the intervening years. Sources are indicated in the
column to the right in the alphabetical directory listings. Numbers refer to the footnotes that
immediately follow the entry, letters refer to the source codes listed in Appendix I.
Abbey, Edward M.
Lansing photographer ................................................................................................................................................ 1904 L

Abbey, Lewis C.
Cleveland, Ohio, student ............................................................................................................................................ 1850 1
White Pigeon PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................... 1863-1864 2
Coldwater PHOTOGRAPHER on the south side of Chicago st ...................................................................... 1864-1867 2 m
Union City PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................ ca 1870 t
Union City baker ........................................................................................................................................................ 1870 1
Kalamazoo PHOTOGRAPHER at 58 Main st ................................................................................................ 1874-1876 K m
Kalamazoo PHOTOGRAPHER on Burdick st .......................................................................................................... 1877 K
Three Rivers PHOTOGRAPHER .............................................................................................................................. 1877 3
Kalamazoo PHOTOGRAPH CAR at the corner of Main and Edwards sts ..................................................... 1880-1881 K m
Kalamazoo PHOTOGRAPHER at 301 Main st east ....................................................................................... 1882-1885 m
Kalamazoo PHOTOGRAPHER on the ground floor at 303 Main st east ........................................................ 1886-1887 m
Kalamazoo (Humphrey & Abbey) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 303 Main st east ........................................................... 1888 R t
Kalamazoo PHOTOGRAPHER on the ground floor at 303 Main st east ........................................................ 1888-1895 m
Kalamazoo photographer ........................................................................................................................................... 1896 K
Kalamazoo PHOTOGRAPHER at 303 Main st east ................................................................................................. 1899 4
Comstock Park photographer ..................................................................................................................................... 1900 1
Lewis was born on April 28, 1839, at Cleveland, Ohio, the son of Perley and Thankful Abbey. He grew up with three K 1
older sisters and one younger sister. His Burdick Street gallery was one door south of Turner’s bakery in 1877. In 1 K
October of 1877, he was awarded Second Premium and $2.00 for the collection of photographs he entered in the St. K 3
Joseph County Fair from Three Rivers. He married Miss Nellie Loring, but was widowed by 1880, when he was 3 5
sharing his home with his 15-year-old son born at White Pigeon. He produced stereoscopic views of Kalamazoo. His 1 6
cabinet mounts from the 1880s promised “Fine work at moderate prices. Instantaneous process. Negatives kept for t
future orders.” One Lewis C. Abbey had a gallery at 6016 Cottage Grove in Chicago, Illinois, in 1894 and 1895. Lewis t c
died on August 28, 1904. His son, Peter L. Abbey, became a successful manufacturing pharmacist and joined the K 5
Kalamazoo Light Guards before 1890. He took part in the Spanish-American War as a Major, and later was elected 5
Colonel of his regiment. 5
1. 1850 Federal Census of the First Ward of Cleveland in Cuyahoga County, Ohio, 1870 Federal Census of Union Township in
Branch County, plus 1880 Federal Census of the city of Kalamazoo and 1900 Federal Census of Comstock Township in
Kalamazoo County, Michigan.
2. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1862-1866, National Archives, Washington, D.C.
3. St. Joseph County Republican, October 13, 1877.
4. Kalamazoo County Directory, 1899, F. A. Corey, Kalamazoo, Michigan.
5 David Fisher, Biographical History of Kalamazoo County, Michigan, A. W. Bowen & Company, Chicago, 1906.
6. William Culp Darrah, Stereo Views, Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, 1964.

Abbey, S. C.
Card photographs from the late 1870s or early 1880s with the imprint “S. C. Abbey, Photographer, East Main Street, t
Kalamazoo, Mich.” probably were the work of Lewis C. Abbey. t

Abbott, Aaron D.
Fitchville Township, Ohio, farmer ............................................................................................................................. 1860 1
Reading PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................... 1862-1863 2
Reading druggist and grocer ............................................................................................................................ 1864-1865 m
Reading thresher ........................................................................................................................................................ 1870 1
Enfield Township, New York, minister of the gospel ................................................................................................ 1880 1
Aaron was born in New York State in 1821 or 1822. His son Alvin and daughter Emma were born in Ohio between 1
1843 and 1846, and resulted from his first marriage. Emily was born in New York about 1833, and she married Aaron 1
in the early 1850s. Their daughters Phebe and Estella were born in Ohio between 1856 and 1859, and their son 1
William was born in Michigan in 1865. Aaron and Emily were living in 1880 with the family of their daughter Estella 1
and her husband, Frank Barber. 1
1. 1860 Federal Census of Fitchville Township in Huron County, Ohio, 1870 Federal Census of the village of Reading in Reading
Township of Hillsdale County, Michigan, and 1880 Federal Census of Enfield Township in Tompkins County, New York.
2. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1862-1866, National Archives, Washington, D.C.
Abbott, Claude F.
Lebanon Township child ........................................................................................................................................... 1870 1
Lebanon Township student and helper on his father’s farm ...................................................................................... 1880 1
Saranac PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................ 1892-1895 m
Lebanon Township farmer ......................................................................................................................................... 1900 1
Bloomer Township farmer ......................................................................................................................................... 1910 1
Maple Rapids embalmer and furniture merchant ....................................................................................................... 1920 1
Maple Rapids funeral director ................................................................................................................................... 1930 1
Claude was born in Michigan in August of 1868, the only son of Garner Frank Abbott and Cynthia M. (Boice) 1
Abbott. His sister Nellie was born in April of 1870. Pauline was born in New York State in 1865, and she married 1
Claude about 1893. Their daughter Marion was born in 1894, and their son Claude Raymond Abbott was born in 1
December of 1908. Both Claude’s wife and his son participated in the funeral business. 1
1. 1870, 1880 and 1900 Federal Censes of Lebanon Township plus 1920 and 1930 Federal Censes of the village of Maple Rapids in
Clinton County, as well as 1910 Federal Census of Bloomer Township in Montcalm County, Michigan.

Abbott, Mary, Mrs.

Mobile, Alabama, resident ......................................................................................................................................... 1850 1
Reading DAGUERREOTYPIST ..................................................................................................................... 1859-1860 m
Mary was born in Connecticut in 1814 or early in 1815. In Mobile she was head of a household that included five 1
other women with no specified vocation. They had various surnames, were aged 16, 17, 22, 25 and 30, and were born 1
in Alabama, Connecticut, New Jersey and Ireland. In 1860 she was living on a farm with the family of Henry K. and 1
Olive Abbott. Henry was born in Connecticut about 1817 and probably was her brother-in-law. 1
1. 1850 Federal Census of the city of Mobile in Mobile County, Alabama, and 1860 Federal Census of Reading Township in Hillsdale
County, Michigan.

Abbott, William M.
Hillsdale Township student ........................................................................................................................................ 1900 1
Battle Creek laborer in a factory ................................................................................................................................ 1910 1
Hillsdale PHOTOGRAPHER at 18 North st ............................................................................................................. 1915 2
Hillsdale PHOTOGRAPHER at 10 North st ............................................................................................................. 1918 3
Hillsdale PHOTOGRAPHER .................................................................................................................................... 1920 1
Jonesville PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................ 1920-1927 m
Jackson PHOTOGRAPHER ...................................................................................................................................... 1930 1
Jonesville PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................ 1930-1931 m
William was born in Michigan on March 4, 1883, last of the children of John M. and Marion Abbott. His brother 1 3
George was born in April of 1877. William had blue eyes and brown hair and became tall and stout. Alice was born in 1 3
Ohio in 1883, and she became Mrs. Alice Jeanette Abbott about 1915. Helen was born in Michigan about 1917, and 1 3
was adopted by William and Alice before her second birthday. 1
1. 1900 Federal Census of Hillsdale Township and 1920 Federal Census of the Third Ward of Hillsdale in Hillsdale County, 1910
Federal Census of the Fifth Ward of Battle Creek in Calhoun County, and 1930 Federal Census of the Third Ward of Jackson in
Jackson County, Michigan.
2. Hillsdale City Directory; 1915, W. C. Bailey, Coldwater, Michigan.
3. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.

Abby, L. C.
Card photographs from the late 1870s with the imprint “L. C. Abby, Photographer, Three Rivers, Mich.” were t
undoubtedly the work of Lewis C. Abbey. t

Abel, James
Bellevue PHOTOGRAPHER on the east side of Main st .......................................................................................... 1872 1
1. Eaton County Directory; 1872, C. Exera Brown, East Saginaw, Michigan.

Abels, C. W.
Elsie PHOTOGRAPHER ..................................................................................................................................... ca 1900 t
He was referred to as the photographer Gus Abels in the Elsie Centenniel book published in 1957.
Abernathy, Louis E.
Shelby Township student ........................................................................................................................................... 1870 1
Utica resident ............................................................................................................................................................. 1880 1
Utica PHOTOGRAPHER .......................................................................................................................................... 1899 2
Utica proprietor of a bakery and restaurant ............................................................................................................... 1900 1
Detroit carpenter .............................................................................................................................................. 1902-1905 d
Detroit packer ............................................................................................................................................................ 1906 d
Detroit carpenter .............................................................................................................................................. 1907-1910 d
Detroit carpenter in a table factory ............................................................................................................................ 1910 1
Detroit carpenter ........................................................................................................................................................ 1911 d
Detroit carpenter in a carpenter shop ......................................................................................................................... 1920 1
Troy Township farmer ............................................................................................................................................... 1930 1
Louis was born in Michigan in August of 1862, the eldest child of Marvin and Mary J. (Kelsey) Abernathy. His 1
brother Nelson was born about 1868 and died prior to 1880. His brother Charles was born in March of 1870 and did 1
survive. His father was a carpenter and joiner. Elma was born in Michigan in May of 1867, and she married Louis 1
about 1885. Their children all were born in Michigan: Flossie (later Florence) in April of 1886, Nelson in May of 1
1888, Clarence in June of 1890, Charles in April of 1893, Lyle in August of 1896, Arthur in April of 1899, Glen in 1
1903, and Ethel in 1908. Louis purchased the Utica photography business of O. V. Stanton in the spring of 1899. Most 1 2
of the Detroit listings were for Louis E. Abernethy. He and Elma still had Ethel at home on their farm in 1930, with 1
their son Nelson and his wife farming on one side of them, and their son Charles and his family farming on the other. 1
1. 1870 Federal Census of Shelby Township plus 1880 and 1900 Federal Censes of the village of Utica in Macomb County, 1910 and
1920 Federal Censes of the Tenth Ward of Detroit in Wayne County, and 1930 Federal Census of Troy Township in Oakland County,
2. St. Louis and Canadian Photographer; volume 23, number 5, May 1899, page 227.
Abraham, Alfred William
Detroit DAGUERREAN ARTIST at 63 Woodward av ............................................................................................ 1859 d
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHIC ARTIST up stairs at the corner of Woodward av and Larned st .................................... 1861 d
Detroit AMBROTYPE ARTIST at 105 Woodward av and with a car opposite the post office ................................ 1862 d
Detroit PHOTOGRAPH ARTIST with a car at the northeast corner of Larned and Shelby sts ................................ 1863 d
Detroit photographer .................................................................................................................................................. 1864 d
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER on Griswold st near Fort st ............................................................................................ 1865 1
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER on Griswold st between Congress and Fort sts .............................................................. 1866 1
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 32 Michigan av ......................................................................................................... 1867 d
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 28 Michigan av near the corner of Ross & Co’s lumber yard ......................... 1867-1868 2 d
Detroit new and second hand furniture merchant ............................................................................................ 1869-1873 d
Detroit clothing merchant .......................................................................................................................................... 1874 d
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 217 Woodward av ..................................................................................................... 1875 d
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 187 Grand River av ......................................................................................... 1876-1885 d m
Detroit photographer ........................................................................................................................................ 1886-1888 d
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 6 Lothrup av .................................................................................................... 1888-1889 m d
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 11 Lothrup av ................................................................................................... 1890,1892 d
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 9 Lothrup av .............................................................................................................. 1891 d
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 5 Lothrup av .............................................................................................................. 1893 d
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 25 Lothrup av .................................................................................................. 1894-1896 d m
Alfred was born on the Isle of Wight about 1832. Emma was born in Canada in July of 1840, and she married Alfred 3 4
about 1857. Their daughters were born in Canada: Emma about 1858 and Hattie in January of 1862. Alfred may have 4
commuted from Canada to his Detroit galleries for several years, for he did not bring his wife and daughters to the 4
United States until 1866. Then their sons George and Lincoln were born in Michigan between 1862 and 1867, and 4
their son William came along in July of 1880. “A. W. Abraham, Cheap Photograph Car, 28 Michigan Ave. Best Card 4 t
Photographs: $1.25 per dozen, 75¢ per ½ dozen, 3 for 50¢.” was printed on some of his 1868 mounts. Alfred’s talents t 5
as an amateur painter were noteworthy. His painting “A Ship at Sea” was exhibited in the window of M. S. Smith & 5
Company in February of 1875, and other paintings were exhibited at Angell’s art gallery in the fall of 1877 and at the 5 6
Michigan State Fair in October of 1878. He paid special attention to photographing out-door landscapes in 1880. He 6 d
entered a marine scene in oil and a landscape in pastel at the 1883 Michigan State Fair. Alfred employed Francis A. 7 d
Spencer as a photographer in 1881, and probably Lincoln Abraham in the same capacity in 1886. One of his card d t
photographs from 187 Grand River Avenue was of a drawing of the interior of a church. Illustrated Detroit was t 3
published in 1889, with all of its pictures reproduced from photographic views by Alfred, who the publisher credited 3
with taking most of the principal views published in that era for manufacturers and others. Alfred was 64 years of age 3 8
when he died in Detroit on April 3, 1896. His widow, Emma, lived in Detroit until 1911. 8 d
1. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1862-1866, National Archives, Washington, D.C.
2. Commercial Directory of the Western States... , Richard Edwards, St. Louis and Chicago. Noted by James A. Marusek of Bloomfield, Indiana.
3. Detroit Illustrated; H. R. Page, Chicago, 1889.
4. 1880 Federal Census of the city of Detroit, 1870 Federal Census of the Fifth Ward and 1900 Federal Census of the First Ward of Detroit in
Wayne County, Michigan.
5. Detroit Advertiser and Tribune; Detroit, Michigan, February 4, 1875.
6. Michigan Farmer, Detroit, Michigan, October 24, 1878.
7. Detroit newspaper, September, 1883.
8. Detroit Free Press; Detroit, Michigan, April 5, 1896, page 2, column 4.

Abraham, James
Jackson painter ................................................................................................................................................ 1878-1883 m
In January of 1884, James advertised in a national publication: “FOR SALE - A first-class Photograph Gallery in a 1
town of 3,000 inhabitants. County seat of one of the best counties in Michigan. Gallery, implements and accessories 1
A1 in every respect. Splendid location on main street. Gallery will do $4,000 a year. Will sell for half actual value. 1
Address James Abraham, 179 Maple Avenue, Jackson, Mich.” This advertisement was very similar to one run by O. 1
B. Clarke of St. Johns in April of 1884. 1
1. The. Photographic Times; New York, volume 14, numbers 157 and 160, January and April, 1884, pages 51 and 216.
Abraham, Lincoln
Detroit child ............................................................................................................................................................... 1870 1
Detroit student ........................................................................................................................................................... 1880 1
Detroit job printer or clerk ................................................................................................................................ 1881,1883 d
Detroit fireman with Hook & Ladder Company Number 1 ............................................................................. 1884-1885 d
Detroit photographer ........................................................................................................................................ 1886-1887 d
Detroit railroad baggage man .......................................................................................................................... 1888-1889 d
Detroit organ company stock keeper or shipping clerk .................................................................................... 1890-1892 d
Detroit express messenger ......................................................................................................................................... 1893 d
Detroit feed merchant ................................................................................................................................................ 1894 d
Detroit coal company manager, bookkeeper or foreman ................................................................................. 1895-1901 d 1
Detroit resident .......................................................................................................................................................... 1902 d
Lincoln was the younger son of Alfred W. and Emma Abraham, and was born in Michigan July of 1865. He boarded 1
with his parents until his marriage about 1888. His wife’s parents emigrated from England, and Emma was born in d 1
Michigan in March of 1868. She gave birth to Vera in October of 1889, Ruth in June of 1891, and Edna in June of 1
1893. Lincoln was 37 years old when he died in Detroit on August 7, 1902. 1 d
1. 1870, 1880 and 1900 Federal Censes of the city of Detroit, Michigan.

Abrams, L. M., Mrs.

Bucyrus, Ohio, housewife .......................................................................................................................................... 1900 1
Tecumseh housewife .................................................................................................................................................. 1900 2
Tecumseh PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................ 1902-1903 R
Tecumseh PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................ 1906-1908 R
Selah, Washington, housewife ................................................................................................................................... 1910 1
Yakima, Washington, housewife ...................................................................................................................... 1920,1930 1
Marguerite was born in Indiana in June of 1873, and she married Lester F. Abrams about 1896. By 1910 she was 1
known as Mrs. Margaret E. Abrams. She and Lester never had children, and she undoubtedly took a greater part in the 1
photographic business than is indicated above. 1 R
1. 1900 Federal Census of the Second Ward of Bucyrus in Crawford County, Ohio, as well as 1910 Federal Census of the city of Selah
plus 1920 Federal Census of the Fourteenth Precinct and 1930 Federal Census of the Seventeenth Precinct of Yakima in Yakima
County, Washington.
2. Wood’s Tecumseh Business and Family Directory, 1900, Vincent Wood, Tecumseh.

Abrams, Lester F.
Blue Mound Township, Illinois, baby ....................................................................................................................... 1870 1
Blue Mound Township, Illinois, student .................................................................................................................... 1880 1
Decatur, Illinois, PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................ 1900 1
Bucyrus, Ohio, PHOTOGRAPHER .......................................................................................................................... 1900 1
Tecumseh PHOTOGRAPHER on the north side of Chicago st east ............................................................... 1900-1909 2 m
Selah, Washington, carpenter and house builder ....................................................................................................... 1910 1
Yakima, Washington, PHOTOGRAPHER ....................................................................................................... 1920,1930 1
His mother came from Ohio and Lester was born in Blue Mound Township of Macon County, Illinois, in December 1
of 1870, the eldest child of Frank M. and Sarah A. Abrams. His brother John L. Abrams was born in November of 1
1871 and also became a photographer. By 1885 they had three sisters and three brothers. Lester married Marguerite 1
about 1896, and seems to have been able to be in several different places at the same time. He was enumerated at his 1
parents’ home in Decatur on June 7, 1900, then with Marguerite in Bucyrus on June 8, and was establishing the 1 2
Tecumseh gallery at about the same time. He called his Tecumseh gallery over Wright’s drug store “The Sunbeam 2
Studio,” and claimed to make fine photos at reasonable prices. He apparently was succeeded there by J. L. Coller. 2 m
1. 1870 and 1880 Federal Censes of Blue Mound Township and 1900 Federal Census of the Fourth Ward of Decatur in Macon County,
Illinois, 1900 Federal Census of the Second Ward of Bucyrus in Crawford County, Ohio, as well as 1910 Federal Census of the city of
Selah plus 1920 Federal Census of the Fourteenth Precinct and 1930 Federal Census of the Seventeenth Precinct of Yakima in Yakima
County, Washington.
2. Wood’s Tecumseh Business and Family Directory, 1900, Vincent Wood, Tecumseh.
Abrams, Noble
Rochester, New York, apprentice to gilder Adam Elder ............................................................................................ 1850 1
Adrian gilder .................................................................................................................................................... 1858-1859 A
Adrian PHOTOGRAPH ARTIST in the Lothrup Block on Maumee st .......................................................... 1862-1864 m 2
Adrian PHOTOGRAPHER at 41 Maumee st .................................................................................................. 1864-1867 2 m
Constantine PHOTOGRAPHER on Water st .................................................................................................. 1867-1870 3 m
Noble was born in New York State in the summer of 1831, and probably was the son of Joseph and Diana Abrams. 1
If so, he had two sisters and a brother born in New York between 1832 and 1842, and then twin brothers born in June 1
of 1850. Her father was French, her mother was English, and Mary was born in New York about 1836. She was 1
married to Noble by 1870, and their daughters Nellie and Clara were born in Michigan between 1860 and 1863. 1
“Abrams” was penciled on the backs of 1862 cartes de visite of Adrian residents. Noble was awarded the First t 4
Premium of $5.00 for the best collection of photographs exhibited at the fourteenth annual Michigan State Fair at 4
Detroit in September of 1862. He was awarded the First Premium for his photographs at three successive Lenawee 4 2
County Fairs, in 1862 through 1864. In April of 1864 he relinquished his “1st Premium Photograph Rooms” in the A 2
Lothrup Block at the first door east of Remington & Bennett’s drug store to photographer Joseph W. Morris, and 2
moved to larger quarters over L. P. Clark’s dry goods store on Maumee Street. He received a premium of $1.00 for a 2 4
photograph in India ink during the Michigan State Fair held at Adrian in September of 1865, and the Second Premium 4
of $3.00 for the collection of plain photos he exhibited at the Michigan State Fair at Adrian in October of 1866. In 4
1865 he advertised locally: “All Work Guaranteed to be Satisfactory. All styles of Plain or Colored Photographs and A
Ambrotypes.” Noble moved to Constantine in July of 1867. Here he offered “Photographs of all kinds and sizes. A 3
Photographs in oil or water color. Photographs in India ink. Photographs copied from Ambrotypes or Daguerreotypes 3
of any size, plain or colored. Photographic views of dwellings, etc. Photographs of animals taken to order. All work 3
warranted as Good as can be found in the State. All sizes of Frames, Cases, etc. for sale. Also agent for the SINGER 3
SEWING MACHINE. Now on hand, a number of the Family Machines, also the improved Manufacturing Machines, 3
for Tailors or for Shoe Work. Oil, Needles, Silk, Twist, and the best Cotton Thread in the world. MACHINE 3
STITCHING. I wish all to call at my new Photograph Rooms and examine my Photographic Work. N. ABRAMS, July 3
11th, 1867.” He ran the same advertisement into 1869, when he carried a good collection of gilt, rosewood and gilt, 3
black walnut and rustic frames. Late in 1869 he was making card photographs for $2.00 per dozen. He sold the 3
Constantine gallery to A. J. Webster in May of 1870. He and his family were enumerated twice in the 1870 census. In 3 1
June they were staying in an Allegan hotel, and Noble was identified as a photographist. In August they were back in 1
Constantine, and he was identified as a photographer. In 1880 Mary was a widow and a spine cripple, and with the 1
help of her daughters was boarding a family of three boys aged 11, 13 and 18 in her Adrian home. About 1905 a post 1 t
card photograph was captioned: “CONSTANTINE IRON BRIDGE. The longest single-span iron arch truss bridge in t
the west. Erected by Simon De Graff of Syracuse, N.Y., August 12, 1869. N. ABRAMS, Photographer, Constantine.” t
1. 1850 Federal Censes of the First and Sixth Wards of Rochester in Monroe County, New York, 1870 Federal Census of the village of
Constantine in Saint Joseph County, 1870 Federal Census of the village of Allegan in Allegan County, and 1880 Federal Census of
the Third Ward of Adrian in Lenawee County, Michigan.
2. Adrian Daily Expositor, Adrian, Michigan, June 9, 1864.
3. Constantine Mercury & Advertiser; Constantine, Michigan, January 9, 1868, through March 11, 1869, November 4, 1869, and
May 26, 1870.
4. Michigan Farmer, Detroit, Michigan, October 1862, October 1865 and November 1866.

Acker, _______
Sherman City (Green & Acker) PHOTOGRAPHERS .................................................................................... 1896-1897 m
The senior member of this partnership seems to have been Clyde Green. 1
1. Isabella County Enterprise, Mount Pleasant, Michigan, January 13, February 24 and November 3, 1899.

Ackerman, Agnes Ophelia, Miss

Allendale Township student ...................................................................................................................................... 1870 1
Grand Rapids photographer ....................................................................................................................................... 1880 1
Her parents came from New York and Agnes was born in Michigan in 1862 or early in 1863, fourth of the five 1
daughters of William and Sarah Ackerman. In 1880 her father was raising four daughters ranging in age from six to 1
twenty one on his own. 1
1. 1870 Federal Census of Allendale Township in Ottawa County and 1880 Federal Census of the city of Grand Rapids in Kent
County, Michigan.
Ackerson, William D.
Hart PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................................. 1884-1891 m
Neola, Iowa, PHOTOGRAPHER .............................................................................................................................. 1892 1
Norwalk Township, California, farmer ...................................................................................................................... 1910 2
Glendale, California, resident .................................................................................................................................... 1920 2
Montrose, California, retired farmer .......................................................................................................................... 1930 2
William was born on January 22, 1849, in Metamora Township of Lapeer County, Michigan, to Mr. and Mrs. A. G. 2 3
Ackerson. His father came from New Jersey. His mother’s maiden name was Daniels and she was a native of 2 4
Michigan. During his youth the family lived various places in Oakland, Wayne and Kent Counties. They moved from 3
Paris in Kent County to Hart in Oceana County in 1867. His father moved in most of their goods and a year’s 3
provisions in during the winter, and then brought the rest of the family and some goods in with the team. William 3
arrived in Hart on March 22, having spent four days on the road driving two cows. Before engaging in photography, 3
William spent his summers farming and his winters teaching school. He and Miss Mattie Davis of Whitehall in 3
Muskegon County were married on December 1, 1883. Despite a clear loss of $450.00 in the great Hart fire of January 3
13, 1889, he did what no previous photographer had done at Hart; he made a living at his business. William used 3 t
commercial mounts for his cabinet photographs with a simple and legible rubber stamp on the back, and one of these t
was of seventeen Oceana County Supervisors. Many of the woodcuts in Oceana Pioneers and Business Men of Today t 3
were made from his photographs. William was a widower by 1910, when he was sharing his home with thirteen-year- 3 2
old Lawrence born in Arkansas and nine-year-old Elma born in Oklahoma. He died in Los Angeles on October 13, 2 4
1941. 4
1. Learned in 1993 from Jo Ann Burgess of Clear Lake, Iowa.
2. 1910 Federal Census of Norwalk Township, 1920 Federal Census of the city of Glendale, and 1930 Federal Census of the village of
Montrose, all in Los Angeles County, California.
3. Louis M. Hartwick, Oceana County Pioneers and Business Men of To-day, Pentwater News Steam Print, Pentwater, Michigan, 1890,
pages 312 and 313.
4. California death records on the internet.

Acme Photo Company

Manistee PHOTOGRAPHERS at 412 River st ......................................................................................................... 1907 1
“Acme Photo Co., Manistee, Mich.” was blind stamped into the 11 by 14 inch mount of a 7 ½ by 9 ½ print of the t
Manistee North Pierhead Light in winter. t
1. Manistee County Directory, 1907, R. L. Polk & Company, Detroit.

Acme Photo Service

Detroit PHOTOGRAPHERS at the front of the third floor at 215 Michigan av ........................................................ 1917 d
John B. Howard owned this company which produced photos for the commercial trade, specializing in real estate d
photos. d

Actinic Platino Company

Detroit photographic chemical manufacturers ........................................................................................................... 1897 1
This company offered a solution with which card board or paper could be sensitized with platinum, a few drops 1
being adequate to coat a 5 by 8 sheet using a small tuft of cotton. They advertised nationally. 1
1. The Photo-American, New York, volume 8, number 6, April 1897, page 182.

Adams, _______
Ann Arbor (Mason & Adams) PHOTOGRAPHERS in Krause’s Block ......................................................... 1865-1866 1 t
Mason & Adams offered “Photographs of all sizes, in India Ink, Oil and Water Colors. Daguerreotypes and other t
pictures copied to any size required.” Mason & Adams cartes de visite are found with and without two cent revenue t
stamps. t
1. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1862-1866, National Archives, Washington, D.C.

Adams, Albert
Detroit photographer ........................................................................................................................................ 1904-1905 d
Detroit cabinet maker ................................................................................................................................................ 1906 d
Detroit woodworker ......................................................................................................................................... 1907-1908 d
Adams, Albert A.
Carson City PHOTOGRAPHER ..................................................................................................................... 1896-1900 m 1
Detroit insurance agent .................................................................................................................................... 1901-1904 d
Detroit photographer .................................................................................................................................................. 1905 d
Detroit checker ................................................................................................................................................ 1906-1909 d
Detroit checker in a freight warehouse ...................................................................................................................... 1910 2
Detroit employee of a wholesale dry goods house ..................................................................................................... 1920 2
Detroit insurance salesman ........................................................................................................................................ 1930 2
Albert’s parents emigrated from Scotland, he was born in Canada in September of 1873, and he came to Montcalm 2 3
County in 1893. He was successor to Lloyd A. Westbrook as Carson City’s photographer, and used some Westbrook 3 m
cabinet mounts with an overstamp conveying this. In 1898, Albert’s studio was in the State Bank Block at the corner of t m
Division and Main Streets. He advertised: “Platina Work a Specialty. Pastel and Crayon Work. Choice Frames Always m
on Hand....” Martha was born in Canada in July of 1873, married Albert late in 1898 and gave birth to Russell in m 2
November of 1899. Albert’s sale of the Carson City gallery to Will C. Fife was reported late in 1900. Their daughter 2 1
Mildred was born in the spring of 1905, and both children lived with Albert and Martha through 1930. 2
1. St. Louis and Canadian Photographer; volume 24, number 11, November 1900, page 523.
2. 1900 Federal Census of Carson City in Bloomer Township of Montcalm County, plus 1910, 1920 and 1930 Federal Censes of the
Sixteenth Ward of Detroit in Wayne County, Michigan.
3. Standard Atlas of Montcalm County, Michigan; 1897, George A. Ogle, Chicago.

Adams, Alfred Willis

Detroit child ............................................................................................................................................................... 1880 1
Detroit engineering draftsman ................................................................................................................................... 1900 1
Birmingham electrical engineer ................................................................................................................................. 1910 1
Detroit grinder ........................................................................................................................................................... 1915 d
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 41 Hazlett av ................................................................................................... 1916-1917 d
Detroit helper or assembler .............................................................................................................................. 1918-1919 d
Detroit inspector in an automobile plant .................................................................................................................... 1920 1
Detroit electrical engineer with a motor car company ............................................................................................... 1930 1
His father came from Vermont, his mother was English, and Alfred was born in Michigan in March of 1878, third of 1
the four children of Alfred J. and Mary A. (Sturman) Adams. His sisters were born in Michigan: Ellen in December of 1
1872, Mary in August of 1874, and Grace in April of 1880. He was known as William or Will when he was young, and 1
probably until his father died some time after 1910. Harriette was born in Canada in 1881, and she married Alfred 1
about 1905. Their children (Isabel, John and Frederick) were born in Michigan between 1907 and 1912. Alfred and 1
Harriet were providing a home for Isabel, who was teaching school, and for both sons in 1930. 1
1. 1880 Federal Census of the city of Detroit, 1900 Federal Census of the Third Ward plus 1920 and 1930 Federal Censes of the Twelfth
Ward of Detroit in Wayne County, as well as 1910 Federal Census of the village of Birmingham in Oakland County, Michigan.

Adams, Beardsley
Flint PHOTOGRAPHER on Saginaw st .......................................................................................................... 1862-1863 1 m
Flint PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................................. 1864-1865 1
Clarkston PHOTOGRAPHER ......................................................................................................................... 1866-1868 1 2
1. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1862-1866, National Archives, Washington, D.C.
2. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1867-1868, Great Lakes Branch of the National Archives, Chicago, Illinois.

Adams, Burritt K.
Grass Lake Township child or student .............................................................................................................. 1850,1860 1
Detroit agent or artist ....................................................................................................................................... 1887-1888 d
Detroit life insurance agent ........................................................................................................................................ 1889 d
Detroit traveling agent or resident ................................................................................................................... 1890-1891 d
Detroit photographer .................................................................................................................................................. 1892 d
Detroit agent .............................................................................................................................................................. 1893 d
Detroit restaurant proprietor ............................................................................................................................ 1894-1895 d
Detroit resident or clerk ................................................................................................................................... 1896-1898 d
Detroit solicitor for a cement stone company .................................................................................................. 1899-1902 d
Detroit superintendent of agents for a cement stone company ......................................................................... 1903-1904 d
Detroit cement stone manufacturer .................................................................................................................. 1905-1916 d
Detroit machine hand, auto worker or machinist ............................................................................................. 1917-1922 d
Detroit auto mechanic ................................................................................................................................................ 1923 d
Burritt was born in Michigan in February of 1847, second of the three children of Edwin and Olivia M. Adams. His 1
sister Ada was five years older and became a school teacher. His brother Delavan was two years younger and died as a 1
child. Nellie was born in New York in May of 1850, and she married Burritt about 1883. They later had two children. 1
1. 1850 and 1860 Federal Censes of Grass Lake Township in Jackson County, plus 1900 and 1910 Federal Censes of the First Ward of
Detroit in Wayne County, Michigan.
Adams, Daniel E.
Lapeer gunsmith .............................................................................................................................................. 1859-1860 m
Lapeer DAGUERREOTYPIST ....................................................................................................................... 1862-1863 m
Lapeer PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................. 1862-1864 1
United States Army soldier .............................................................................................................................. 1864-1865 2
Lapeer PHOTOGRAPHER at the first door east of the postoffice ............................................................................ 1866 1 3
Novi resident .................................................................................................................................................... 1866-1868 4
Mount Morris resident ..................................................................................................................................... 1870-1872 4
Mount Morris attorney at law .......................................................................................................................... 1872-1873 m
Mount Morris lawyer ....................................................................................................................................... 1876-1879 m
Flint resident .............................................................................................................................................................. 1880 4
Otisville attorney ............................................................................................................................................. 1888-1906 4
Daniel was born near Hamilton, Ontario, on February 26, 1832, third of the ten children of Ervin and Charlotte 4
(Murray) Adams. He moved with his family to Michigan in 1834, then back to Canada, to Illinois, and again to 4
Michigan. He and Rachel Hamilton were married in 1852 at Pontiac, Michigan, and by 1853 had moved to Lapeer 4
where their daughter Flora was born. Their three sons were also born at Lapeer, Dexter Edwin in 1855, Arthur in 1858, 4
and Elmer Eugene in 1861. When Rachel died in 1862, Dan hired 17-year-old Sarah Ann Ferguson to care for his 4
home and children. Dan and Sarah were married at Davison in September of 1863. Dan received a bounty of $300 for 4
enlisting as a regimental gunsmith. He enlisted at Lapeer in Company G of the Fourth Michigan Volunteer Infantry on 4 2
September 5, 1864. On October 22 the reorganized Fourth Infantry left Adrian for Nashville, Tennessee. The regiment 2
fought at Decatur and New Market, Alabama, before being sent to Huntsville, Alabama. In March of 1865 the Fourth 2
went by rail to Knoxville and then marched through East Tennessee, but returned to Nashville on April 27, 1865. 2
While the regiment was traveling by rail on May 14, the cars became detached and jumped the track. Dan dislocated 4
his right ankle, broke his right knee and injured his right hip when he was thrown off the car onto the ground. These 4
injuries led to his discharge at Nashville on June 7, 1865. When he got home he was treated to his first sight of his 2 4
daughter Emma. Dan had engravings, albums and frames for sale at his Mammoth Skylight Gallery in Lapeer. Sarah 4 3
bore him eight more children: Albertina in 1867, Charlotte in 1870, Ervin in 1873, Martha in 1875, Lee in 1878, Bess 4
in 1880, Benjamin F. in 1883 and Rachel A. in 1888. During the 1870s, Dan was active in Mt. Morris civic affairs and 4
began studying for the law. The 1890s were good and prosperous years for Dan and his family. He died in April of 4
1906. 4
1. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1862-1866, National Archives, Washington, D.C.
2. Record of Service of Michigan Volunteers in the Civil War, 1861-1865; published by the State of Michigan about 1904.
3. Card photograph mount in the State Archives of Michigan at Lansing, examined in 1995.
4. Unpublished biography of Daniel E. Adams by Leonard J. Decker of Unionville, Ontario.

Adams, David Leroy

Eaton Township farmer ............................................................................................................................................. 1850 1
Canton Township farmer ........................................................................................................................................... 1860 1
Canton resident ........................................................................................................................................................... 1862 2
United States Army soldier .............................................................................................................................. 1862-1865 2
Plymouth PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................................... 1867 3
Denton resident or carpenter ............................................................................................................................. 1868-1873 2 1
Wayne resident or carpenter ............................................................................................................................ 1873-1912 2 1
David was born in Michigan in August of 1833. In 1850 he was helping his twenty-year-old brother Cyrus farm the 1
property of their widowed mother, Ursula Adams. In 1860 he was helping to farm the land of his father-in-law, who 1
was providing a home for David and his family. He enlisted at Plymouth as a private in Company C of the 24th 1 2
Michigan Infantry on August 6, 1862, and was later promoted to corporal. During the battle at Gettysburg, 2
Pennsylvania, on July 1, 1863, he was captured and was held prisoner until he was paroled on August 30, 1863. He 2
was too sick to return to active duty and was finally furloughed during March and April of 1865, and then he was 2
honorably discharged and mustered out of the army with his company at Detroit on June 30, 1865. The photographer 2 3
was listed as David E. Adams. Five children of David and his first wife, Harriet (Stevens) Adams, (Cyrus, William, 3 1
Harriet, John and Mary) were born between 1859 and 1874. Harriet died in July of 1876 after giving birth to a third 1 2
daughter, Ada. David was working as a carpenter when he and 38-year-old Mrs. Bridget McDonald were married at 1 2
Wayne on February 20, 1877. Bridget was born in Ireland and never learned to read or write. She later had difficulty 2
validating her 1861 divorce from the hard drinking and adulterous dock worker she had first married. David’s pension 2
application in 1890 cited rheumatism, chronic pleurisy and several other debilitating afflictions. He died at Wayne on 2
April 14, 1912, and Bridget lived there until her death on April 19, 1915. 2
1. 1850 Federal Census of Eaton Township in Eaton County, as well as 1860 Federal Census of Canton Township, 1870 Federal
Census of the village of Denton in Van Buren Township, plus 1880, 1900 and 1910 Federal Censes of the village of Wayne in
Wayne County, Michigan.
2. Civil War Veteran Pension Record of David L. Adams obtained from the National Archives at Washington, D. C.
3. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1867-1868, Great Lakes Branch of the National Archives, Chicago, Illinois.
Adams, Dexter A.
Aurora Township, Illinois, student ............................................................................................................................ 1850 1
Volina Township laborer on his father’s farm ........................................................................................................... 1860 1
Lapeer County farmer ................................................................................................................................................ 1864 1
United States Army soldier .............................................................................................................................. 1864-1865 1
Lapeer farmer .................................................................................................................................................. 1865-1884 f
Flint farmer or resident .................................................................................................................................... 1884-1898 2
Flint photographer ..................................................................................................................................................... 1899 f
Flint pensioner ........................................................................................................................................................... 1900 1 2
Flint PHOTOGRAPHER at 808 Saginaw st north ..................................................................................................... 1903 1 3
Flint resident or pensioner ............................................................................................................................... 1904-1920 3 1
Dexter was born September 12, 1841, at Birmingham, Michigan. He was seventh of the ten children of Ervin and 1
Charlotte (Murray) Adams, and a younger brother of the Daniel E. Adams mentioned above. He was five feet eight 1
inches tall with a light complexion, light hair and blue eyes when he enlisted at Pontiac as a private in Company F of 1
the 30th Michigan Volunteer Infantry on December 7, 1864. He was appointed a musician on January 5. During that 1
winter in Detroit he contracted rheumatism and a disease in his head that resulted in total deafness in his right ear, 1
partial deafness in his left ear, and other problems. He was transferred to Company E, and at Detroit on June 30, 1865, 1
he was honorably discharged from the army. He had an Otisville address when he applied for an Invalid Pension in 1
September of 1889. Dexter was married for the first and only time at Flint on September 6, 1906, never had any
children, and by 1910 was a widower. He died at Flint on October 15, 1920.
1. Civil War Veteran Pension Record of Dexter A. Adams obtained from the National Archives at Washington, D. C.
1. 1850 Federal Census of Aurora Township in Kane County, Illinois, 1860 Federal Census of Volina Township in Cass County plus
1900 and 1910 Federal Censes of the First Ward of Flint in Genesee County, Michigan.
2. Unpublished biography of Daniel E. Adams by Leonard J. Decker of Unionville, Ontario.

Adams, George
Detroit machinist, bicycle repairer or resident ................................................................................................. 1898-1901 d 1
Detroit photographer ........................................................................................................................................ 1902-1903 d
Detroit photographer for the Detroit Free Press .............................................................................................. 1904-1923 d 1
Detroit photographer .................................................................................................................................................. 1926 d
Detroit stock exchange clerk ...................................................................................................................................... 1928 d
Detroit photographer .................................................................................................................................................. 1929 d
Detroit photographer for the Detroit Free Press .............................................................................................. 1930-1932 1 d
Detroit photographer for the Detroit News ................................................................................................................ 1934 d
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 144 Calvert av ................................................................................................. 1935-1941 d
George was born in Ontario to Scotch parents on January 4, 1877, one of the six children of George and Margarette 1 2
Adams. He and his fifteen-year-old brother Joel immigrated with their parents in 1895, and within ten years George 1
was a naturalized citizen of the United States. Margaret was born in Michigan to parents from Quebec in 1877, and she 1
married George about 1904. Their children: Eva, George and Margaret Dell (later Adele), were born in Michigan 1
between 1905 and 1910. “GEO. ADAMS, PHOTOGRAPHER, DETROIT FREE PRESS.” was stamped on the back of 4 ½ by 7 1 3
photographs, including views of a steamer launching in March of 1910. George was a charter member of the 3 4
Commercial Photographers Association of Detroit, which was organized on February 11, 1921. By 1930 George was a 4 1
widower, and he and his children were living with his sister-in-law, Mary H. Grix. 1
1. 1900 Federal Census of the Fifth Ward, 1910 and 1920 Federal Censes of the Second Ward, and 1930 Federal Census of the First
Ward of Detroit in Wayne County, Michigan.
2. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.
3. Learned in 2002 from Keith M. Steffke of Lincoln Park, Michigan.
4. Constitution and By Laws of the Commercial Photographers Association of Detroit, 1927-28.

Adams, George
Gay PHOTOGRAPHER ....................................................................................................................................... ca 1910 t
“Geo. Adams Gay, Mich.” was printed on the backs of post card photographs. t
Adams, Ira A.
Bellaire PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................................. ca 1895 t
A number of 5 by 7 inch glass negatives have survived depicting railroad and logging operations near Bellaire. t
“Adams” was marked on some of them, and all have been attributed by Stuart Miller of Rapid City to one of two t
brothers, Ira A. and Samuel Adams. Ira was born in October of 1862 on a farm near Niagara Falls, New York. The 1
family moved in 1871 to Ionia County, Michigan, where Ira attended Portland High School and in September of 1883 1
married Miss Clara A. Kirby of Portland. He clerked in a Portland store until 1884, when he found a similar job at 1
Bellaire in Antrim County. By 1885 he had opened his own general store at Bellaire, and by 1887 was operating saw 1 m
and planing mills there. In 1891 Roswell Squire was a partner in the general store and Ira was out of the lumber m
business. By 1893 Ira was sole proprietor of the general store, partners with Elmer C. Swift in a hardware store, and m
had twice been elected Township Treasurer. He was elected Treasurer of Antrim County in 1894, and with m 1
manufacturer Henry Richardi formed the Bellaire Publishing Company to purchase the official organ of the 1
Republican Party in Antrim County, the Bellaire Independent, of which Ira was editor and publisher for the next 1 m
twenty years. Ira built a large store to house his business, which was described as hardware from 1894 until 1899 and 1 m
as drygoods and shoes from 1900 through 1913. He was elected County Clerk and Register of Deeds in 1896, and was m 1
re-elected Register of Deeds when this office was separated from that of Antrim County Clerk. By 1903 he had 1 m
purchased the Bellaire House which he managed for more than twelve years. He became proprietor of the Antrim m
County Abstract Office by 1908, and closed or sold the drygoods business before 1915. Ira and Clara still were m 2
married and sharing their home with her father in 1900, but they were not living together in 1910. By 1920 Ira had 2
moved to Charlevoix and had married Florence J. Smith, a 48-year-old customs officer. He was editor in 1920 and 2
publisher in 1930 of a Charlevoix newspaper. 2
1. Bowen, Biographical History of Northern Michigan; 1905.
2. 1900 and 1910 Federal Censes of the village of Bellaire in Kearney Township of Antrim County, plus 1920 and 1930 Federal Censes
of the Second Ward of Charlevoix in Charlevoix County, Michigan.

Adams, John A.
Detroit finisher ........................................................................................................................................................... 1906 d
Detroit photographer .................................................................................................................................................. 1907 d
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 727 Eighteenth st ...................................................................................................... 1908 d
Detroit photographer .................................................................................................................................................. 1910 d
Detroit resident .......................................................................................................................................................... 1911 d
Detroit photographer .................................................................................................................................................. 1913 d

Adams, L. A.
Vicksburg PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................ 1918-1919 m

Adams, Louis E.
Rochester music teacher .................................................................................................................................. 1890-1891 m
Rochester PHOTOGRAPHER .................................................................................................................................. 1891 R
Rochester music teacher .................................................................................................................................. 1892-1893 m
Rochester PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................ 1894-1898 m 1
Louis called himself an artist, made a specialty of life-size portraits, and produced cabinet photographs of local t
residences. He sold the Rochester gallery to Ogle H. McCoy of Pontiac in the fall of 1898. t 1
1. St. Louis and Canadian Photographer; volume 23, number 10, October 1899, page 554.

Adams, Paul C.
Lapeer PHOTOGRAPHER ....................................................................................................................................... 1862 1
1. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1862-1866, National Archives, Washington, D.C.

Adams, Samuel
Bellaire grocer ................................................................................................................................................ 1894-1895 m
Bellaire postmaster ......................................................................................................................................... 1898-1913 m
Lansing bookkeeper ................................................................................................................................................... 1920 1
Locke Township farmer ............................................................................................................................................. 1930 1
For Samuel’s photographic significance, please see the entry for Ira A. Adams. Samuel was born in February of 1866 t 2
on a farm near Niagara Falls, New York. His family moved in 1871 to Ionia County, Michigan. Agnes was born in 2 1
Canada in May of 1861 to a Swedish mother and an English father. She immigrated in 1880, and she married Samuel 1
ten years later. Their three daughters were born in Michigan between 1891 and 1902. 1
1. 1900 and 1910 Federal Censes of the village of Bellaire in Forest Home Township of Antrim County, plus 1920 Federal Census of the
Sixth Ward of Lansing and 1930 Federal Census of Locke Township in Ingham County, Michigan.
2. Bowen, Biographical History of Northern Michigan; 1905.
Adams, Thomas
Detroit photographer .................................................................................................................................................. 1891 d

Adams, Wilbur F.
Detroit crayon artist ................................................................................................................................................... 1882 d
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 252 Woodward av ................................................................................................ ca 1883 t
Detroit photographer ........................................................................................................................................ 1883-1884 d
Within the ornate border on the back of a stock cabinet mount was stamped: “W. F. ADAMS, PHOTO. ARTIST, t
Crayon Portrait ARTIST, 252 Woodward Ave., Detroit, Mich. OUTDOOR GROUPS A SPECIALTY. Please drop t
me a card if you wish me to call at your residence for orders.” t

Adamski, F. C.
Manistee PHOTOGRAPHER .................................................................................................................................... 1912 1
“F. C. Adamski, Photographer, Manistee, Mich.” was printed on the post card back of a photograph of the light ships 1
Lansing Shoal, Grace Reef and Manitou Shoal docked at Manistee. The card was mailed in April of 1912. Frank 1 2
Adamski was the proprietor of a Manistee drug store in 1910 and 1920. He was born in Michigan in 1882 or early in 2
1883, third of the eight children of Joseph and Mary Adamski who were Polish emigrants from Germany. Frank was 2
single in 1910, and was living on the family farm in Filer Township just south of Manistee. Margareth was born in 2
Michigan to German parents in 1892, married Frank, and gave birth to Mary Margareth in July of 1915 and to Susan 2
Winifred in December of 1917. They were living in Manistee in 1920. 2
1. Learned in 2003 from Grace and Steve Truman of Grand Rapids, Michigan.
2. 1910 Federal Census of Filer Township and 1920 Federal Census of the Fourth District of Manistee in Manistee County, Michigan.

Adamson, Nathan M.
Dereham, Ontario, farmer .......................................................................................................................................... 1871 1
Tilsonburg, Ontario, book agent ................................................................................................................................ 1878 2
Kingston Township farmer ........................................................................................................................................ 1880 3
Kingston PHOTOGRAPHER .................................................................................................................................... 1894 4 t
Caro PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................................... 1897 5
Fairgrove PHOTOGRAPHER ......................................................................................................................... 1897-1898 6
Kingston resident ....................................................................................................................................................... 1900 3
Saginaw PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................... 1902-1903 m
Saginaw PHOTOGRAPHER at 211 Lapeer av ............................................................................................... 1903-1904 s
South Omaha, Nebraska, PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................... 1910 3
Omaha, Nebraska, resident ........................................................................................................................................ 1920 3
Nathan was born in Canada in December of 1851, the son of John and Cyntha Adamson. Mary Elizabeth Tracey, the 3
daughter of Thomas and Margaret Tracey of Tilsonburg, was nineteen when she married Nathan there on March 3, 3
1878. They came to this country in the same year. By June of 1880 Nathan was a widower with a one-year-old son. He 3
was getting help in raising John from his 75-year-old grandmother, Eunice Hays. Elizabeth was born in Canada to an 3
English mother on October 15, 1854, first of the two children of Joseph L. and Eleanor Hatherly. She married Nathan 3 5
late in 1880, and their children were born in Michigan: Willie in February of 1886, Mary in March of 1888, and 5 3
Jennie in August of 1891. Nathan was charged with criminal assault upon Mrs. Matilda Sifleet of Clifford, and a 3 5
Deputy Sheriff came from Lapeer to Caro to arrest him on this charge on June 4, 1897. Printed below the photograph 5 t
on some cabinet mounts is: “N. Adamson, Traveling Photographer, Home Address, Kingston; and Mrs. Ella Parker, t
Manager Kingston Gallery, Kingston, Mich.” It was noted in 1898 that Nathan was doing better business than had any t 6
predecessor in Fairgrove, and that the quality of his work probably was the cause. Elizabeth died on March 13, 1905. 6 5
Nathan’s third marriage was to a lady named Roxana late in 1909. Roxana was born in New York State about 1853, 3
and she also had been married twice previously. She still was with Nathan in 1920 when his son John from his first 3
marriage was sharing their home. 3
1. Ontario, Canada Census Index, 1871.
2. Ontario, Canada Marriages, 1857-1924.
3. 1870 and 1880 Federal Censes of Kingston Township and 1900 Federal Census of the village of Kingston in Tuscola County,
Michigan, plus1910 Federal Census of the First Ward of South Omaha and 1920 Federal Census of the Seventh Ward of Omaha
in Douglas County, Nebraska.
4. KINGSTON, MI. 1857-1982, Kingston Historical Society, 1982, page 16.
5. Cass City Enterprise, June 10, 1897, and Tri-County Chronicle, March 24, 1905, both published at Cass City, Michigan. Noted
by James Donaldson of Detroit, Michigan.
6. St. Louis and Canadian Photographer; volume 22, number 2, February 1898, page 82.
Adler, Charles Percy
Detroit grinder for a foundry ..................................................................................................................................... 1918 1
Detroit confectioner ......................................................................................................................................... 1919-1921 d
Detroit photographer in a studio ................................................................................................................................ 1920 1
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 1010 Fort st east .............................................................................................. 1922-1931 d
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 4215 Russell st ................................................................................................ 1932-1940 d
Detroit (Adler & Adler) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 4215 Russell st ................................................................... 1957-1970 d
Charles was born in Alabama on May 8, 1880. His wife was identified as Mrs. Mamie L. Adler in 1918, and as 1 2
Manna Adler in 1920. She was born in Georgia in 1894, and in 1920 she was a stock keeper for a carpeting business. 2 1
Charles seems to have been the third or fourth black man to establish a photographic business in Detroit, following d
Harvey C. Jackson and William H. Waller, and opening his studio in the same year as did James Goins. “Adler d t
Photo” was penned on the front, and “Adler & Adler, Photos, 4215 Russell, Detroit, Mich.” was printed on the post t
card back of studio photographs of black children produced between 1924 and 1949. Charles was 93 years old when t 3
he died in Detroit on July 5, 1973. 3
1. 1920 Federal Census of the Fifth Ward of Detroit in Wayne County, Michigan.
2. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.
3. Detroit Death Index in the Burton Historical Collection of the Detroit Public Library at Detroit, Michigan.

Adomeit, Otto
Detroit picture and book store proprietor ........................................................................................................ 1888-1889 d
Saint Louis, Missouri, resident .................................................................................................................................. 1890 d
Otto was a crayon artist rather than a photographer, but he offered photo copying and photographic enlargements d
from his store at 552 Gratiot Avenue in Detroit. d

Adrian Camera Club

Adrian amateur photographic society .............................................................................................................. 1890-1895 1 2
Although two sources characterized this club as the Photographic Section of the Adrian Scientific Society, organized 2 3
on April 20, 1881, the date of organization usually was stated as February 17, 1890. They met at 8 P.M. every 3 1
Monday, or later the first and third Monday of each month. During the life of the club, the president was Frederick B. 1 2
Stebbins and the vice president was professional photographer William T. Barnum. W. H. Carrier was initially 1 2
secretary and treasurer, then Edwin J. Stebbins became secretary and Walter Graves was treasurer, and later Edwin J. 1
Stebbins was both secretary and treasurer. In March of 1892, the club reported “... a flourishing condition of affairs. At 1 4
a recent fair, their exhibit took first prize.” Eleven members were listed in 1893. 4 3
1. The International Annual of Anthony’s Photographic Bulletin; volumes 3, 4 and 5, 1890, 1891 and 1892.
2. The American Annual of Photography and Photographic Times Almanac; for 1895.
3. The Blue Book of Amateur Photographers ... 1893: compiled by Walter Sprange, Beach Bluff, Massachusetts.
4. The. Photo- American; volume 3, number 5, March 1892.

Affelt, Harry
Au Sable Township invalid ........................................................................................................................................ 1910 1
Au Sable PHOTOGRAPHER .................................................................................................................................... 1913 t
Saint Clair Heights woodworker for the Wilson Body Company .............................................................................. 1917 2
Flint laborer in an auto factory ................................................................................................................................... 1920 1
Harry was born in Germany in 1887 or 1888, and was brought to America a couple of years later. In 1910, he and a 1
twin brother John and a younger brother Willie were living with their widowed mother, Mrs. Mary Affelt. “IOSCO 1 t
TURPENTINE PLANT, AU SABLE, MICH. H. Affelt - Photos.” was lettered on the negative of a post card t
photograph. “AFFELT” was lettered on the negatives of postal photos of this same plant burning on November 3, t
1913, and of the Loud Site Dam under construction on the Au Sable River. Dam construction was begun in 1911 and t 3
completed in the fall of 1913. Harry and his older brother Andres, Andrew or Drace, exhibited motion pictures at 3 4
various towns on the Lake Huron shore in the early 1900s. Harry was the sole support of his mother in 1917. He soon 4 2
married a girl named Edith Lambert who was born in Michigan in 1901, and their twins were born in December of 1 4
1918. Their daughter Marie survived, but her brother died on January 2, 1919. Drace married a woman his own age 4
named Annie in 1909, and was the proprietor of an Au Sable moving picture house in 1910 and of a Saint Louis movie 4 1
theater in 1920 and 1930. By 1934 he had returned to Oscoda, and he was described as the owner and operator of the 1 4
Iosco Theatre when he died on December 5, 1949. 4
1. 1910 Federal Census of Au Sable Township in Iosco County, 1920 Federal Census of the Fifth Ward of Flint in Genesee County, plus
1920 and 1930 Federal Censes of the Fourth Ward of St. Louis in Gratiot County, Michigan.
2. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.
3. George Bush, Future Builders, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1973, pages159 and 173.
4. Learned in 1993 and in 2008 from James Donaldson of Detroit, Michigan.

Affleck, Alice, Miss

West Bay City retoucher for photographer Edward J. Smith ..................................................................................... 1884 b
Agdanowski, Stanley Max
Bay City resident, laborer or clerk .................................................................................................................... 1910-1913 1 b
Bay City photographer for Frank J. Gorzycki ............................................................................................................. 1914 b
Bay City PHOTOGRAPHER at 1614 Kosciuszko av ...................................................................................... 1916-1931 m b
Stanley’s parents, Frank and Jennie Agdanowski, emigrated from the Polish region of Russia. He was the fifth of 1
their eight children, and was born in Bay City on October 29, 1895. By 1917 he was of medium height with a slender 1 2
build, brown eyes and light hair. Marianne (later Mary) Piotrowski was born in Michigan about 1896, and she married 2 1
Stanley when she was twenty. Their children were born in Bay City: Norbert in March of 1916, Raymond in July of 1
1918, Edith in 1920, and Stanley about 1924. Studio portraits on post card stock carried the script blind stamp of: “S. 1 t
M. Agdanowski, Bay City, Mich.” The Agdanowski Studio was continued from 1933 through 1938 by Stanley’s t b
widow, Mrs. Mary Agdanowski. b
1. 1910 Federal Census of Portsmouth Township plus 1920 and 1930 Federal Censes of the Fifth Ward of Bay City in Bay County,
2. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.

Agrell, Charles G.
Allegan PHOTOGRAPHER on Hubbard st .................................................................................................... 1874-1876 m 1
Allegan (Lonsbury & Agrell) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 19 Locust st ................................................................ 1876-1877 m 2
Allegan PHOTOGRAPHER on Locust st ........................................................................................................ 1878-1881 m
Mackinac Island PHOTOGRAPHER .............................................................................................................. 1882-1885 m
Saint Ignace PHOTOGRAPHER ..................................................................................................................... 1884-1885 m
Mackinac Island operator of Foley’s Art Gallery ................................................................................................. ca 1885 t
Mackinac Island PHOTOGRAPHER .............................................................................................................. 1886-1891 m
Saint Ignace PHOTOGRAPHER ..................................................................................................................... 1886-1899 m
Mackinac Island PHOTOGRAPHER .............................................................................................................. 1898-1899 m
Saint Ignace PHOTOGRAPHER ..................................................................................................................... 1900-1907 m
Cadillac PHOTOGRAPHER ..................................................................................................................................... 1910 3
Charles was born in January of 1852, and he emigrated from Sweden in the early 1870s. Early in the spring and 3 1
summer of 1876, Charles was advertising his new gallery in Ganson’s building in the Union Block. “CHAS. G. 1 t
AGRELL, Practical PHOTOGRAPHER and Dealer in FRAMES. All kinds of Pictures can be had at the lowest rates t
and finished in the most approved styles. Satin finish a specialty....” was printed on some card mounts of this period. t m
George W. Lonsbury was his partner in Allegan. Lonsbury & Agrell produced stereoscopic views of Allegan, and m 4
Charles made others after he opened a gallery in his own name over Dryden’s hardware store. His business was at the 4 t
corner of Locust and Trowbridge Streets about 1880. He was a practical photographer who retained negatives and t
framed pictures, made common photos at $1.50 per dozen, made Cabinets and Promenades at $4.00 per dozen, and t
warranted his work to be first class. One of his Allegan newspaper advertisements read: “Fly time is at hand! And the t 5
mosquitos are here! Tormented by flies, chewed up by mosquitos, you cannot expect ever to have a satisfactory 5
picture. Therefore, don’t delay. Green Apples, cucumbers, and other colicky stuff afford still stronger reasons why you 5
should not delay. Then comes mad dogs, measles, and small pox. It’s marvelous that anyone gets through this world 5
alive. Don’t postpone getting pictures of your family. Come and see me immediately....” Competition was plentiful on 5 m
Mackinac Island, but Charles was the only photographer at St. Ignace. By 1895 he had a ground floor studio in his m 6
own building on State Street near the post office. His large front windows and showcases were filled with photographs, 6
the walls of his waiting parlor were frescoed with more specimens of his art, and he carried a stock of views of St. 6 t
Ignace and vicinity on specially printed 8 ½. by 5 ¼ inch mounts. All of the half-tones in the book St. Ignace and t 6
Mackinac County were made from Agrell photographs. In August of 1898 it was reported that Charles was working on 6 7
Mackinac Island, and that his St. Ignace gallery was in charge of Miss Becker, a skilled artist from Detroit. In 7
November of 1898 Charles was preparing to move back to St. Ignace for the winter. Carrie Bolla was born in Sweden 7 3
in February of 1870 and emigrated in 1892. She married Charles about 1895, and their daughters were born in 3
Michigan: Alma Evelyn in October of 1896 and Edna De Vera in 1905 or early in 1906. 3
1. Allegan County Democrat; Allegan, Michigan, March 15 to July 5, 1876.
2. Allegan directory; 1877.
3. 1880 Federal Census of Allegan in Allegan County, 1900 Federal Census of the Second Ward of St. Ignace in Mackinac County, and
1910 Federal Census of the Second Ward of Cadillac in Wexford County, Michigan.
4. William Culp Darrah, Stereo Views, 1964, and The World of Stereographs, 1977, Gettysburg, Pennsylvania.
5. Allegan Journal; Allegan, Michigan, January 19, February 2, June 8 and 29, and October 5, 1878.
6. St. Ignace and Mackinac County; 1895.
7. St. Louis and Canadian Photographer; volume 22, numbers 8 and 11, August and November 1898, page 470.

Ahlberg, Mildred Amelia, Miss

Detroit child ............................................................................................................................................................... 1880 1
Detroit retoucher for photographer Herman Baron ..................................................................................................... 1896 d
Detroit retoucher, photo retoucher or clerk....................................................................................................... 1897-1905 d 1
Her father was Swedish, her mother came from New York, and Millie was born in Michigan in December of 1876, 1
third of the five daughters of Peter and Helen Ahlberg. Her sisters were born in Michigan: Clara in October of 1872, 1
Irene in 1874 or early in 1875, Minnie in July of 1879, and Hazel in June of 1889. All except Irene were living in 1900 1
with their widowed mother. 1
1. 1880 Federal Census of the city of Detroit and 1900 Federal Census of the Second Ward of Detroit in Wayne County, Michigan.
Aitken, _______
Flint (Miller & Aitken) PHOTOGRAPHERS in the Gazley Block on the corner of Saginaw and First sts .............. 1880 1 t
Aitken’s partner probably was Lysander W. Miller. m
1. “Photographers of Flint, Michigan” by Kenneth A. Wallace in The Flint Genealogical Quarterly; volume 17, numbers 2, 3 and 4,
and volume 18, numbers 1, 2, 3 and 4, April 1975 to October 1976.

Aker, William J.
Detroit photographer................................................................................................................................................... 1899 d

Akin, John G.
Armada PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................ 1867-1868 1
Armada clerk in a store .............................................................................................................................................. 1870 2
Richmond dealer in books ......................................................................................................................................... 1880 2
Richmond PHOTOGRAPHIC VIEWS and picture frames ............................................................................. 1890-1891 R
Richmond gardener .................................................................................................................................................... 1900 2
John was born in New York State in January of 1831. He seems to have been single in 1870, when he was boarding 2
with the family of an Armada merchant. Sarah was born in New York in 1829 or early in 1830, and apparently married 2
John between 1870 and 1880. By 1900 John was a widower sharing his home with his 58-year-old sister Emma and 2
their 87-year-old mother, Mrs. Mary Church. 2
1. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1867-1868, Great Lakes Branch of the National Archives, Chicago, Illinois.
2. 1870 Federal Census of the village of Armada in Richmond Township plus 1880 and 1900 Federal Censes of the village of
Richmond in Macomb County, Michigan.
Albee, _______
Midland photographer ............................................................................................................................................... 1907 t
“ALBEE” was lettered on the negatives of post card photographs similar to family snap shots. Clarence Albee was t 1
born in New York State in 1883 or early in 1884. Minnie was born in Ohio three years later to parents who emigrated 1
from Germany, and she married Clarence about 1907. They were living in 1910 at Midland, where Clarence was a 1
house carpenter. 1
1. 1910 Federal Census of the Third Ward of Midland in Midland County, Michigan.

Albertson, George
Harmony Township, New Jersey, child or student ............................................................................................ 1850,1860 1
Rochester PHOTOGRAPHER .................................................................................................................................. 1868 2
Oakland Township farm hand .................................................................................................................................... 1870 1
Stony Creek wagon maker ......................................................................................................................................... 1880 1
Avon Township farmer .............................................................................................................................................. 1900 1
Flint resident .............................................................................................................................................................. 1910 1
George was born in New Jersey in March of 1847, last of the six or more children of James R. and Rachel Albertson. 1
He and his sister Emma were boarding on the farm of a couple from New Jersey in 1870. Her parents came from 1
Vermont and Theolita was born in Michigan in July of 1847. She married George about 1876. Their daughter Myra 1
was born in 1877 or 1878 and died as a child. Their daughter Lovena was born in January of 1885 and survived. By 1
1910 George was a widower living with Lovena and her husband and their daughter. He still was describing himself as 1
a farmer with his own income. 1
1. 1850 and 1860 Federal Censes of Harmony Township in Warren County, New Jersey, 1870 Federal Census of Oakland Township,
plus 1880 Federal Census of the village of Stony Creek in Avon Township and 1900 Federal Census of Avon Township in
Oakland County, and 1910 Federal Census of the Sixth Ward of Flint in Genesee County, Michigan.
2. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1867-1868, Great Lakes Branch of the National Archives, Chicago, Illinois.

Albright, Perle F.
Kokomo, Indiana, student .......................................................................................................................................... 1900 1
Wallin (Bruce & Albright) PHOTOGRAPHERS ...................................................................................................... 1908 2
Wallin teacher .................................................................................................................................................. 1908-1909 m
Thompsonville public school teacher ........................................................................................................................ 1910 1
Englewood, Colorado, manager of a publishing company ......................................................................................... 1920 1
Perle was born in Indiana on April 12, 1884, the only child of Edmund B. and Laura M. Albright. Saloma was born 3 1
in Michigan in 1887, and she married Perle about 1907. Their son Gerald was born in Michigan in 1908, and their 1
daughter Dorothy was born in Indiana in August of 1915. Bruce & Albright copyrighted a 4 by 5 ½ inch photograph of 1 2
Beulah from the west in 1908. Saloma was a widow by 1930, and was working as an office clerk for an Englewood 2 1
iron works in order to provide a home for her children. 1
1. 1900 Federal Census of the Fifth Ward of Kokomo in Howard County, Indiana, 1910 Federal Census of the village of Thompsonville
in Benzie County, Michigan, plus 1920 and 1930 Federal Censes of the Third Ward of Englewood in Arapahoe County, Colorado.
2. Learned in 2000 from Carol Johnson of the Library of Congress in Washington, D. C.
3. Indiana Deaths on Ancestry.

Albro, Edward S.
Please see the entry for Sherman R. Albro.
Albro, Raymond Charles
Flint student ............................................................................................................................................................... 1900 1
Flint machinist in an auto factory ............................................................................................................................... 1910 1
Kalamazoo (Chandler & Albro) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 411 Burdick st north .............................................. 1912-1913 m K
Kalamazoo PHOTOGRAPHER at 409 Burdick st north ................................................................................. 1914-1915 K m
Flint PHOTOGRAPHER at 104 Saginaw st south .......................................................................................... 1916-1917 m
Flint PHOTOGRAPHER at 110 Saginaw st south .......................................................................................... 1918-1919 2 m
Flint PHOTOGRAPHER at 110 ½ Saginaw st south ...................................................................................... 1920-1921 1 m
Flint PHOTOGRAPHER at 108 Saginaw st south .......................................................................................... 1922-1931 m 3
Flint PHOTOGRAPHER at 923 Detroit st ................................................................................................................ 1934 3
Flint PHOTOGRAPHER on Fenton road ........................................................................................................ 1942-1949 3
Ray was born in Michigan on March 18, 1886, fourth of the five children of Jarvis E. and Margaret L. Albro. Laura 2 1
was born in Michigan in 1886, and she married Ray about 1910. Their children were born in Michigan: Georgia in 1
1913, Jarvis in 1914, Barbara in 1921 or early in 1922, and Beatrice in August of 1915. According to one source, Ray 1 3
had a studio at 104 South Saginaw Street in Flint from 1910 until 1916. He was a medium sized man in 1918, with 3 2
blue eyes and light brown hair. The blind stamp of “ALBRO’S PHOTO SHOP, FLINT, MICH.” is found on many 2 t
studio portraits on post card stock, some vignetted, some of groups, and some employing rather crude props suggesting t
such scenes as the observation platform of a railroad car or a wishing well. Ray and Laura had all of their children at t 1
home in 1930 including sixteen-year-old Laura, who was married to a fellow named Johnson. 1
1. 1900 Federal Census of the First Ward, plus 1910, 1920 and 1930 Federal Censes of the Fifth Ward of Flint in Genesee County, Michigan.
2. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.
3. “Photographers of Flint, Michigan” by Kenneth A. Wallace in The Flint Genealogical Quarterly; volume 17, numbers 2, 3 and 4, and
volume 18, numbers 1, 2, 3 and 4, April 1975 to October 1976.

Albro, Sherman R.
Flint student ............................................................................................................................................................... 1900 1
Flint bookkeeper in an auto factory ........................................................................................................................... 1910 1
Kalamazoo photographer for Raymond C. Albro ...................................................................................................... 1913 K
Flint photographer for Raymond C. Albro ....................................................................................................... 1917-1920 2 1
Flint supervisor in an auto factory ............................................................................................................................. 1930 1
Sherman was born in Mount Morris Township of Genesee County, Michigan, on November 22, 1890, last of the five 2 1
children of Jarvis E. and Margaret L. Albro, and brother of Raymond C. Albro. The Kalamazoo photographer was 1 K
identified as Edward S. Albro. Her father was English and Doris was born in Quebec in 1897. She was brought to the K 1
United States as a young child, and she married Sherman when she was eighteen. Their children were born in 1
Michigan: Betty in October of 1917, Dorothy and Duane between 1920 and 1923, and John in July of 1926. 1
1. 1900 Federal Census of the First Ward, plus 1910 and 1920 Federal Censes of the Fifth Ward, and 1930 Federal Census of the Second
Ward of Flint in Genesee County, Michigan.
2. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.

Aldrich, Asa Wilson

Adrian ambrotype and photograph artist for Julius A. Foster .......................................................................... 1858-1859 A
Adrian daguerreian artist ........................................................................................................................................... 1860 1
Adrian PHOTOGRAPHIST on Maumee st ..................................................................................................... 1862-1863 m
Adrian PHOTOGRAPHER on Main st ........................................................................................................... 1864-1865 m
Adrian PHOTOGRAPHER in Underwood’s Block on Maumee st ........................................................................... 1865 A
Adrian PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................. 1866-1868 2
Adrian boot and shoe merchant ....................................................................................................................... 1869-1890 m A
Adrian millinery and fancy goods merchant .................................................................................................... 1894-1909 A m
Adrian resident ................................................................................................................................................ 1910-1926 A 2
Asa was born at Batavia, New York, on December 8, 1831, to Richard Levi and Bathsheba (Wilson) Aldrich. In 2 3
1842 the family moved to a farm in Raisin Township of Lenawee County, Michigan. Asa stayed on the farm until he 2
was 22, while attending the district schools, the college at Leoni in Jackson County and Adrian College. After 2
spending one year at carpentry in New York he returned to Adrian in 1857 to take up photography. He married Miss 2
Mary J. Smart about 1861 and their son Herbert was born in December of 1875. The Michigan Gazetteer for 1863 2 1
carried an engraving of the Brackett House in Adrian which was made from a photograph by A. W. Aldrich. m
According to his 1865 advertisements and his photograph mounts, Asa specialized in cartes de visite and Vignettes, m A
preserved negatives for one year, had a large stock of oval, gilt and rosewood frames, and enlarged pictures in color if t A
desired. He worked for the railroad as a carpenter for a while in 1867. He was a widower by 1920, when he A 1
characterized himself as a carpenter. Asa celebrated his 94th birthday in his Adrian home. 1 3
1. 1860, 1870, 1880, 1900 and 1920 Federal Censes of the Third Ward and 1910 Federal Census of the First Ward of Adrian in Lenawee
County, Michigan, plus 1900 Federal Census of the Tenth Ward of Cleveland in Cuyahoga County, Ohio.
2. Historic Michigan; volume 3 for Saginaw and Lenawee Counties, George N. Fuller, Dayton, Ohio, 1926.
3. Ancestry Family Data Collection – Births.
Aldrich, Dudley Paul
Sault Sainte Marie street railway conductor .............................................................................................................. 1893 S
Sault Sainte Marie (Aldrich & DeBoer) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 726 Ashmun st ........................................... 1898-1899 S m
Sault Sainte Marie PHOTOGRAPHER at 1100 Ashmun st ............................................................................ 1900-1901 m
Pickford PHOTOGRAPHER ..................................................................................................................................... 1902 R
Pickford dealer in picture frames, etc. ....................................................................................................................... 1903 R
Pickford hardware salesman ...................................................................................................................................... 1910 1
Pickford PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................... 1914-1925 m
Pickford Township farmer ......................................................................................................................................... 1930 1
Dudley was born in Iowa on August 31, 1873, Jemima was born in Canada in April of 1874, and their son Lynn was 1 2
born in Michigan in 1902. Charles DeBoer resided in Marquette while the studio of Aldrich & DeBoer was 1 S
headquarters for photos, views and crayon portraits in Sault Ste. Marie. One of their cabinet photographs was of a m t
young lady with her bicycle. In 1918 Dudley was of medium height and weight with blue eyes and dark hair. t 2
1. 1900 Federal Census of the First Ward of Sault Ste. Marie, plus 1910, 1920 and 1930 Federal Censes of Pickford Township in
Chippewa County, Michigan.
2. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.

Aleare, A.
Auburn PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................................. ca 1915 t
“A. Aleare, AUBURN, MICH” was blind stamped into post card photographs of eight children lined up on the fenders t
and running board of a touring car with a fabric top. t

Alexander, Arthur L.
Northfield Township child ......................................................................................................................................... 1860 1
Webster Township student or resident .............................................................................................................. 1870,1880 1
Ann Arbor artist at 125 Main st north .............................................................................................................. 1900-1901 m a
Ann Arbor PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................................. 1902 R
Ann Arbor artist at 125 Main st north .............................................................................................................. 1902-1903 m
Ann Arbor PHOTOGRAPHER and artist in the Athens Theatre Block .................................................................... 1903 a
Ann Arbor artist at 125 Main st north .............................................................................................................. 1904-1905 m
Ann Arbor (Alexander & Company) PHOTOGRAPHERS and artists in the Henning Block ........................ 1906-1908 m R
Ann Arbor ARTIST PHOTOGRAPHER in Suite 1-10 of the Henning Block .......................................................... 1909 a
Ann Arbor ARTIST PHOTOGRAPHER .................................................................................................................. 1910 1 a
Lake Wales, Florida, artist working at home ............................................................................................................. 1920 1
Lake Wales, Florida, artist with his own studio ......................................................................................................... 1930 1
Arthur was born in Michigan in September of 1857, the only son of Massey and Sarah E. Alexander. He grew up on 1
the family farm, and had a younger sister Jenny that died as a child. Her parents emigrated from Wales and Louisa was 1
born in Michigan in December of 1864. She and Arthur were married about 1882, and their sons Gwynne, Lylemeda, 1
and Massey were born in Michigan between July of 1883 and April of 1898. “ALEXANDER, ANN ARBOR, MICH.” 1 t
was embossed with a blind stamp at the lower right corner of post card photographs, such as views of a rural church t
and cemetery, an elevated railroad bridge across a stream, and a lady kneeling in her yard surrounded by young geese. t
Louisa and the boys seem to have left early in the century, for Arthur married a 30-year-old damsel named Stella about 1
1907. Stella was listed as a photographer in Arthur’s gallery in 1910, when they were living with his widowed mother. 1
Sarah was living with them in Florida ten years later. 1
1. 1860 Federal Census of Northfield Township, 1870 and 18800 Federal Censes of Webster Township, plus 1900 and 1910 Federal
Censes of the Third Ward of Ann Arbor in Washtenaw County, Michigan, as well as 1920 and 1930 Federal Censes of the 28th
Precinct of Lake Wales in Polk County, Florida.

Alexander, Carrie L., Mrs.

Gladwin PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................... 1898-1900 m 1
Carrie’s sale of the Gladwin gallery to Mrs. Clara Hanna was reported in the summer of 1900. 1
1. St.. Louis and Canadian Photographer; volume 24, number 7, July 1900, page 321.
Alexander, George S.
Burton Township student ........................................................................................................................................... 1870 1
Burton Township farm laborer ................................................................................................................................... 1880 1
West Bay City PHOTOGRAPHER at 815 Midland st east ............................................................................. 1892-1894 m 2
Bay City (Alexander & Williams) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 206 Center av ..................................................... 1894-1895 m
Bay City (Alexander & Williams) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 203 Center av ..................................................... 1895-1896 b
West Bay City photographer ...................................................................................................................................... 1900 1
Bay City retoucher or photographer for Harman & Verner ............................................................................. 1909-1910 b 1
Bay City photographer ............................................................................................................................................... 1911 b
Bay City photographer for The Harman Studio ......................................................................................................... 1913 b
Bay City (Verner & Alexander) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 800 Center av ......................................................... 1914-1919 m b
Bay City (Alexander & Butterfield) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 610 Washington av .......................................... 1920-1929 m b
Bay City (Alexander & Butterfield) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 1100 Center av ................................................. 1930-1938 b m
George was born in Michigan to parents from New York State in May of 1862. In 1870 and 1880 he and his mother, 1
Mrs. Lucy Alexander, were living with her parents, Daniel and Louisa Gillett. Frances was born in Michigan to parents 1
from New York in April of 1868, the daughter of Charles E. and Ella M. Rockwell. George and Frances married about 1
1891, and their son Rollin was born in Michigan in January of 1893. George E. S. Williams was a professional Bay 1 m
City photographer from 1892 until 1901, including the years he was associated with George S. Alexander. Mrs. m
Amelia Verner was the widow of James C. Verner, the veteran photographer in Harman & Verner from 1878 until his 1 m
death in 1912, and she became George’s partner in Verner & Alexander. John H. Butterfield maintained his podsition m 1
as a bank teller while participating financially in the business of Alexander & Butterfield. Printed on a 2 ½ by 4 ½ m t
inch blotter from the early 1920s was: “Alexander & Butterfield, High Class Portraits ... Photographers Association of t
America ... Photographs Live Forever ... Enlargements, Portraits in Oil ... Pictures, Frames and Framing ... Beautify t
with Pictures....” Alexander & Butterfield produced photographs on post card stock of young ladies in glamorous t
poses. t
1. 1870 and 1880 Federal Censes of Burton Township in Genesee County, 1900 Federal Census of the city of Bay City, plus 1910,
1920 and 1930 Federal Censes of the Third Ward of Bay City in Bay County, Michigan.
2. The Blue Book for Amateur Photographers ... 1895: compiled early in 1894 by Walter Sprange,
Beach Bluff, Massachusetts.

Alexander, Marion M., Mrs.

Detroit housewife .............................................................................................................................................. 1870,1880 1
Detroit retoucher ........................................................................................................................................................ 1893 d
Detroit resident ................................................................................................................................................ 1896-1915 d
Marion was born in Scotland in March of 1844, immigrated to the United States twelve years later, and became a 1
naturalized citizen. She married Thomas J. Alexander about 1862, and their children were born in Michigan: James in 1
June of 1863, Marie in 1864 or early in 1865, Thomas in January of 1869, John in June of 1876, Margaret in October 1
of 1881, and Blanch in November of 1884. All survived to maturity except Marie. By 1896 Marion was a widow, and 1 d
in 1900 all five of her children still were single and were sharing her home. In 1910 she was living with her daughter 1
Blanch and her husband, Harry M. Talleman. 1
1. 1870 Federal Census of the Eleventh Ward, 1880 Federal Census of the Sixth Ward, 1900 Federal Census of the Fifth Ward and 1910
Federal Census of the Fourth Ward of Detroit in Wayne County, Michigan.

Alexander, Stella J., Mrs.

Ann Arbor photographer in the gallery of her husband, Arthur L. Alexander ........................................................... 1910 1
Lake Wales, Florida, artist working from home ........................................................................................................ 1920 1
Lake Wales, Florida, housewife ................................................................................................................................. 1930 1
Her parents came from New York, and Stella was born in Michigan about 1877. She and Arthur were married about 1
1907, and never had children. 1
1. 1910 Federal Census of the Third Ward of Ann Arbor in Washtenaw County, Michigan, plus 1920 and 1930 Federal Censes of the
28th Precinct of Lake Wales in Polk County, Florida.

Alfred, Harriett N., Mrs.

Huntington Township, Lorain County, Ohio, housewife ........................................................................................... 1850 1
Colon housewife ........................................................................................................................................................ 1860 1
Galesburg PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................ 1866-1877 m
Harriett was born about 1825 in New York State, and she grew up to marry Dr. Melancion W. Alfred. They usually m 1
were sharing their home with two or three young girls, but some were too mature to be Harriett’s daughters and the 1
names and ages changed completely from one census to the next. Harriett succeeded her husband as Galesburg’s 1 2
photographer. Her gallery was at 127 Battle Creek Street in 1869 and 1873. “H. N. Alfred, Artist, Galesburgh, Mich. 3 t
Copies like this can be had at any time.” was printed on the back of some cartes de visite, and on other card t
photograph mounts her back mark in gold was overprinted with that of Brown & Gillis in black. t
1. 1850 Federal Census of Huntington Township in Lorain County, Ohio, 1860 Federal Census of the village of Colon in St. Joseph
County and 1870 Federal Census of Comstock Township in Kalamazoo County, Michigan.
2. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1862-1866, National Archives, Washington, D.C.
3. Kalamazoo County Directory, J. M. Thomas, Kalamazoo, Michigan, 1869, and Kalamazoo County Atlas, 1873.
Alfred, Melancion W., Doctor
Huntington Township, Lorain County, Ohio, physician ............................................................................................ 1850 1
Cascade physician ............................................................................................................................................ 1859-1860 m
Colon physician ......................................................................................................................................................... 1860 1
Galesburg PHOTOGRAPHER and physician ................................................................................................. 1864-1866 2
Galesburg physician ......................................................................................................................................... 1866-1870 m 1
Galesburg resident ..................................................................................................................................................... 1873 3 m
Melancion was born in Vermont on May 15, 1810, and his wife was born in New York seventeen years later. 1
Melancion died of a liver complaint at Galesburg in Comstock Township on August 16, 1873. 3
1. 1850 Federal Census of Huntington Township in Lorain County, Ohio, 1860 Federal Census of the village of Colon in St. Joseph
County and 1870 Federal Census of Comstock Township in Kalamazoo County, Michigan.
2. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1862-1866, National Archives, Washington, D.C.
3. GENDIS on the Web, Genealogical Death Indexing System, Michigan.

Alger, A. C.
Grand Rapids DAGUERREOTYPIST in the Backus Block on Canal st ......................................................... 1855-1856 1g
In October of 1854 a Professor Alger rented a room above stairs in the Washington Block at South Bend, Indiana, in 2
which to make daguerreotypes, and stayed for several weeks. A. C. Alger’s daguerreian rooms in Grand Rapids were 2 1
opened in September of 1855. 1
1. Albert Baxter, History of the City of Grand Rapids; 1891, Munsell & Company, page 255.
2. Learned in 1998 from Joan Hostetler of Indianapolis, Indiana.

Alger, Thomas R.
White Lake Township child ....................................................................................................................................... 1880 1
Detroit photo printer for photographers C. L. Major & Company .................................................................... 1899-1900 d
Royal Oak STEREOGRAPHER ...................................................................................................................... 1907-1908 t
Royal Oak photographer ............................................................................................................................................ 1910 1
Royal Oak PHOTOGRAPHER ....................................................................................................................... 1911-1921 R m
Thomas was born in Michigan on December 14, 1874, last of the four children of Samuel and Cate Alger. He was 2 1
living in Royal Oak in 1899 and 1900. He produced stereo views of Birmingham, Detroit and Royal Oak dated 1907 d t
and later, including memorable views of the Michigan State Fair. “T. Alger, Royal Oak.” was blind stamped into the 8 t
by 10 inch mount of a 4¾ by 6¾ photograph of men using horse drawn sleighs to haul logs. By 1918 Thomas was a t 2
stout single man of average height with blue eyes and gray hair, and had lost his left leg above the knee. He was 2
working and living at 623 South Washington Street in 1918, when he was dealing in automobiles as well as 2 m
photographs. Pearl was born in Michigan in 1883 or early in 1884, and she married Thomas late in 1918. Their son m 1
Martin was born in September of 1919. 1
1. 1880 Federal Census of White Lake Township plus 1910 and 1920 Federal Censes of the village of Royal Oak in Oakland County,
2. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.

Allan, Robert C.
Detroit photographer .................................................................................................................................................. 1864 d

Allan, William J.
Vanderbilt PHOTOGRAPHER ....................................................................................................................... 1896-1897 m
Carsonville PHOTOGRAPHER ...................................................................................................................... 1898-1899 m
Both “W. J. Allan” and “W. J. Allen” were printed on Carsonville cabinet mounts. William J. Allen was born in t 1
Michigan in January of 1873. Mary was born in Denmark in February of 1880, and was brought to the United States in 1
1883. She married William in 1896 or early in 1897, and their son Carl was born in Michigan in August of 1898. They 1
were living in 1900 in Corwith Township of Otsego County, where William was a farm laborer. Vanderbilt is in 1 2
Corwith Township. 2
1. 1900 Federal Census of Corwith Township in Otsego County, Michigan.
2. Michigan County Map Guide, Michigan United Conservation Clubs, Lansing, Michigan.

Allands, America, Mrs.

Winona, Minnesota, housewife .................................................................................................................................. 1870 1
Liberty Township photograph artist ........................................................................................................................... 1880 1
Riverside, California, minister ................................................................................................................................... 1900 1
Her parents may have come from Connecticut, and America was born in New York in August of 1834. She married 1
Alfred J. Allands about 1858, and their son Frank was born in Illinois in 1862 or early in 1863. Alfred was a boot and 1
shoe merchant in 1870, and was not to be found in 1880 when America and Frank were living on the farm of her 1
cousin, James P. Sanford. Both Alfred and America were enumerated as ministers in 1900. America may have been an 1
inmate of the Los Angeles County Farm in 1920. Please see also the entry below for Allhands. 1
1. 1870 Federal Census of the Second Ward of Winona in Winona County, Minnesota, 1880 Federal Census of Liberty Township in
Jackson County, Michigan, 1900 Federal Census of the Second Precinct of Riverside in Riverside County and 1920 Federal Census
of Downey Township in Los Angeles County, California.
Allbee, Theodore B.
Muncie, Indiana, daguerrean for Thomas S. Neely .................................................................................................... 1860 1
Pine Run DAGUERREOTYPIST ................................................................................................................... 1862-1863 m
His father came from Vermont, and Theodore was born in New York State in 1833 or 1834. His parents were 1
Howard and Visena Allbee, and he had an older brother Howard, a younger brother Corydon and possibly a much 1
younger sister. In 1860 he and his brother Corydon were living with the family of daguerrean Thomas S. Neely and 1
working in his gallery. Theodore married Miss Harriet Trees in Shelby County, Indiana, on April 7, 1863. 1 2
1. 1860 Federal Censes of the village of Pine Run in Vienna Township of Genesee County, Michigan, and of the city of Muncie in
Delaware County, Indiana.
2. Ancestry Indiana Marriages Collection, 1800 - 1941.

Allen, _______
Deckerville PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................... ca 1895 t

Allen, _______
Kalamazoo (Rice & Allen) PHOTOGRAPHERS at the corner of Burdick and Water sts ................................... ca 1863 t

Allen, _______
Kalkaska PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................... ca 1914 t
“Allen” or “Allen Photo” was marked on the negatives of postal views of logging scenes. t

Allen, A. P.
Detroit saddler ........................................................................................................................................................... 1852 d
Detroit daguerrean artist with L. P. Dodge ................................................................................................................ 1853 d

Allen, Bennett Graham

Detroit manager of Simon Wing’s photograph gallery .............................................................................................. 1872 d
San Francisco, California, (Wing & Allen) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 523 Kearny st ........................................ 1874-1876 1
San Francisco, California, (Wing & Allen) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 342 Kearny st ........................................ 1877-1882 2 1
Bennett was born in Vermont in 1843. Simon Wing was the other half of Wing & Allen. Bennett died about 1882, 2 1
and the business was continued by his widow, Mrs. Laura T. Allen, with different partners. 1
1. Carl Mautz, Biographies of Western Photographers, Carl Mautz Publishing, Nevada City, California, 1997.
2. Peter Palmquist, Shadowcatchers,... Women in California Photography before 1901, Arcata, California, 1990.

Allen, C.
Bay City PHOTOGRAPHER at the corner of Center and Saginaw sts ................................................................ ca 1885 t

Allen, Charles
Please see the entry for Carl Aller.
Allen, Charles H.
Jackson resident ............................................................................................................................................... 1856-1860 1
Jackson dentist ................................................................................................................................................. 1860-1862 2 1
United States Army soldier .............................................................................................................................. 1862-1865 1 3
Jackson dentist ........................................................................................................................................................... 1870 2
Jackson PHOTOGRAPHER at 215 Main st .............................................................................................................. 1873 J
Jackson PHOTOGRAPHER and dentist at 215 Main st ............................................................................................ 1874 4
Jackson dentist ................................................................................................................................................. 1874-1883 m 5
Chicago, Illinois, resident ................................................................................................................................ 1883-1885 1
Henderson resident .................................................................................................................................................... 1885 1
Henderson stone mason ................................................................................................................................... 1888-1899 m
Charles was born at Jackson in 1838, the son of the prominent Jackson merchant Norman Allen, and the younger 1 5
brother of the photographer Norman E. Allen. He enlisted at Jackson as a private in Company K of the 26th Michigan 5 3
Infantry on October 25, 1862, and was mustered into the army on December 12, 1862. In June of 1864 during the 3 1
Battle of Cold Harbor, Virginia, Charles and his comrades were under fire and were forced to lie close to the ground 1
which was covered with red ants. One of these insects got into Charles’ left ear and caused it to become infected. He 1
sickened and was sent to the rear, and was afflicted with a permanent loss of hearing in this ear. During the late 1
summer and autumn of 1864 he was hospitalized with chronic diarrhea at City Point, Virginia. He was promoted to 1
corporal in September of 1864, and was honorably discharged on June 4, 1865. In February of 1870 his 21-year-old 1 2
wife, Martha (Felshaw) Allen, gave birth to Norman. Their son Charles was born two years later. From late in 1883 2 1
until early in 1885, Charles attempted to qualify for a veteran’s disability pension based upon his deafness and his 1
continuing chronic diarrhea, but apparently was unsuccessful. 1
1. Civil War Veteran Pension Record of Charles H. Allen obtained from the National Archives at Washington, D. C.
2. 1860 Federal Census of the First Ward and 1870 Federal Census of the Fourth Ward of Jackson, plus 1880 Federal Census of Summit
Township in Jackson County, Michigan.
3. Record of Service of Michigan Volunteers in the Civil War, 1861-1865; published by the State of Michigan about 1904.
4. Atlas of Jackson County; 1874.
5. Learned in 1997 from Gerry L. Blanchard of Jackson, Michigan.

Allen, Charles Henry

Jackson artist .............................................................................................................................................................. 1890 1
Detroit teacher at the Detroit School of Art ............................................................................................................... 1892 d
Jackson artist .................................................................................................................................................... 1894-1895 m
Jackson PHOTOGRAPHER at 101 Main st west ............................................................................................ 1896-1897 m
United States Army soldier ........................................................................................................................................ 1898 2
Jackson PHOTOGRAPHER at 101 Main st west ............................................................................................ 1899-1917 m
Jackson resident ............................................................................................................................................... 1918-1946 2
Charles was born in Jackson County to William Henry and Lucretia Ann (Squiers) Allen on August 7, 1870. He 2
studied art in Detroit prior to 1890, and married Miss Carrie May Saxton at Tioga, New York, on May 3, 1893. He 2
was five feet seven and one half inches tall with a light complexion, blue eyes and black hair when he enlisted as a 2
private in Company H of the 31st Michigan Volunteer Infantry at Island Lake on April 26, 1898, at the outbreak of the 2
Spanish American War. George W. Van Epps managed the studio until Charles returned from the army following his 2 m
honorable discharge at Camp Poland near Knoxville, Tennessee, on November 9, 1898. Charles employed his wife 2 1
Carrie in 1897; William H. Allen (probably his father, but possibly a brother) as a photographer from 1897 until 1899; 1 2
and Minnie Foster in 1900 and 1901. Carrie and Charles were divorced on April 20, 1905, and Carrie died about five 1 2
years later. Charles married thirty-year-old Miss Florence Mina Pierce at Jackson on April 15, 1906. A post card 2 t
photograph from about 1912 showed an inclined side light and a sign: “C. H. Allen Carbon Photo ...” on the third story t
of the building at the southeast corner of Main and Mechanic Streets. Charles was secretary-treasurer of the t m
Professional Photographers’ Association of Michigan in 1914 and 1915, and was enumerated as a photographer in the m 3
1920 census. He was ruptured in 1925, and failing eyesight forced him to give up painting and photography. He was 3 2
raising fruit and vegetables on a few acres, weighed 170 pounds and his hair had turned grey when he applied for a 2
veteran’s pension on April 6, 1927. A physical examination found him to be ¼ incapacitated, and he began receiving 2
$25.00 per month. By early in 1931 he was no longer working and a large tumor had developed between the thumb 2
and forefinger of his left hand. Another examination found him to be ¾ disabled, and his pension was increased to 2
$50.00 per month. Because of the financial depression, his pension was lowered to $15.00 in October of 1933, then 2
increased to $37.50 in February of 1935 and later restored to $50.00 per month. By September of 1937, Charles had 2
white hair but was still erect and about the same size as when he enlisted nearly 40 years earlier. He applied for 2
another pension increase, was examined and found to be completely disabled, and began receiving $60.00 per month. 2
Charles died at home from a coronary occlusion on May 20, 1946. Burial was in Jackson’s Woodland Cemetery three 2
days later. Florence received a widow’s pension of $40.00 a month until she married Burton C. Hinckley on October 3, 2
1949. Her pension was restored a month after Hinckley died on July 4, 1957. She entered a nursing home on 2
November 6, 1969, and died there on April 9, 1970. Her interment also was in Woodland Cemetery. 2
1. Learned in 1997 from Gerry L. Blanchard of Jackson, Michigan.
2. Veteran Pension Record of Charles H. Allen obtained from the Department of Veterans Affairs in Detroit, Michigan.
3. 1920 Federal Census of Summit Township in Jackson County, Michigan
Allen, Dewitt Nathan
Manlius, New York, child .......................................................................................................................................... 1880 1
Petoskey (Allen & Dole) SCENIC PHOTOGRAPHERS in Room 3 of the New Petoskey Block ............................ 1899 2
Ann Arbor (John F. Haskett & Dewitt Allen) PHOTOGRAPHERS ......................................................................... 1900 1 3
Ann Arbor CAMPUS PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................ 1903 4
Manlius, New York, PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................. ca 1906 4
Potsdam, New York, PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................. 1907 1
Potsdam, New York, PHOTOGRAPHER ....................................................................................................... 1910-1920 5 1
Dewitt was born at Manlius in Onandaga County, New York, in May or August of 1875, second of the three sons of 5 1
Nathan F. and Frances Adelle (Fitch) Allen. In 1880 the family still was living at Manlius. Dewitt was one of six 1
student boarders with a 69-year-old Ann Arbor widow in 1900. Haskett and Allen worked from their separate home 1 3
addresses, meaning 720 South 12th Street for Dewitt. They advertised as “The Campus Photographers and Official 3
Photographers of the MICHIGANENSIAN. Have a full line of U. of M. and Ann Arbor Views. Make a specialty of 3
Students’ Rooms and Flashlight Work, at reasonable prices. Views on sale at Calkins’, Schleede’s, Lovell’s, Edwards 3
Bros. and Schaller’s Bookstore.” An 11 by 13¾ inch commercial mount had “DEWITT ALLEN, CAMPUS 3 t
PHOTOGRAPHER, ANN ARBOR, MICH.”stamped on its back, and “1903 LAW CLASS, PHOTO BY ALLEN, No t
1” was lettered on the negative from which was made the 7½ by 9½ photograph on the front of the mount. Dewitt t 4
purchased the Potsdam photograph gallery of N. L. Stone on May 8 and took possession on May 14, 1907. The local 4
newspaper described him as “A Michigan University man and was a successful photographer in Ann Arbor and in 4
Manlius, New York, before coming here. He will retain the services of the competent corps who have been with Mr. 4
Stone.” Dewitt was sharing his home with his widowed mother in 1910. By 1920 he had acquired a 41-year-old wife 4 1
named Grace and a daughter named Jean who was born in New York State in August of 1916. Dewitt died at Manlius 1 5
in September of 1923, and in 1930 Grace was providing a home in Potsdam for her daughter. 5 1
1. 1880 Federal Census of the village of Manlius in Onondaga County, New York, 1900 Federal Census of the Seventh Ward of Ann Arbor in
Washtenaw County, Michigan, plus 1910, 1920 and 1930 Federal Censes of the village of Potsdam in Saint Lawrence County, New York.
2. A late entry in the Directory of the City of Petoskey, 1899, The Independent Democrat, Petoskey, Michigan.
3. Michiganensian, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 1900, page 415.
4. Potsdam, New York, Herald-Recorder, May 17, 1907. Noted by Don Fredgant of Lakewood, Ohio.
5. One World Tree on the internet.

Allen, Emory
Fayette, Maine, child ................................................................................................................................................. 1860 1
Carthage Township, Maine, student .......................................................................................................................... 1870 1
Cassopolis photographer ............................................................................................................................................ 1880 1
Brookline, Massachusetts, police officer .......................................................................................................... 1900,1910 1
Brookline, Massachusetts, resident ............................................................................................................................ 1920 1
Brookline, Massachusetts, police officer ................................................................................................................... 1930 1
Emory was born in Maine in September of 1856, third of the four sons of Gilbert and Miriam Allen. In June of 1870 1
he was “at home” on the farm of Waldron and Charlotte Morse, possibly his maternal grandparents. He was boarding 1
in 1880 with Elmer and Carrie Tainter, and probably was working for Elmer who was the proprietor of a photographic 1
gallery in Cassopolis. Jennie was born in Nova Scotia in May of 1857 and came to the United States in 1881. She 1
married Emory about 1885. Their children were born in Massachusetts: Eugene in September of 1886 and Grace in 1
August of 1887. Both became school teachers and remained with their parents through 1920. Emory and Jennie still 1
were providing a home for Grace in 1930. 1
1. 1860 Federal Census of Fayette in Kennebec County and 1870 Federal Census of Carthage Township in Franklin County, Maine,
1880 Federal Census of the village of Cassopolis in Cass County, Michigan, plus 1900, 1910, 1920 and 1930 Federal Censes of
Brookline in Norfolk County, Massachusetts.

Allen, F. A.
Union City PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................ ca 1885 t
Some cabinet mounts have “Tiffany, Artist.” printed below the image, and “From F. A. ALLEN’S Fine Art t
Studio, Union City, Michigan.” printed on the back. t

Allen, Florence, Miss

Jackson milliner ......................................................................................................................................................... 1900 1
Jackson photographer ................................................................................................................................................ 1912 J
Florence was born in Michigan in March of 1880, and was living on her own in 1900. 1
1. 1900 Federal Census of the First Ward of Jackson in Jackson County, Michigan.
Allen, Frank W.
Bay City artist ............................................................................................................................................................ 1873 b
Detroit printer or machine hand ....................................................................................................................... 1876-1879 d
Bay City photographer for Lysander W. Miller ......................................................................................................... 1879 b
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 83 Michigan av ............................................................................................... 1880-1883 d
Detroit cigar and tobacco merchant ........................................................................................................................... 1884 d
Detroit gent’s furnishings merchant ................................................................................................................. 1885-1886 d
Detroit notions merchant ................................................................................................................................. 1887-1888 d
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 121 Grand River av ................................................................................................... 1889 d
Detroit confectioner or notions merchant ........................................................................................................ 1890-1892 d
Detroit cigar merchant ..................................................................................................................................... 1893-1897 d
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 436 Gratiot av ................................................................................................. 1898-1905 d m
Frank was born in Michigan in October of 1850 and his wife, Lydia or Lynne, was born in New York in October of 1
1852. Their son Arthur was born in Michigan in May of 1881. Frank employed Edward Berrnd as a photographer in 1 d
1883. d
1. 1880 Federal Census of the First Ward and 1900 Federal Census of the Seventh Ward of Detroit in Wayne County, Michigan.

Allen, Franklin L.
Grant Township photographer ................................................................................................................................... 1894 1
Watertown Township doctor ..................................................................................................................................... 1900 2
Flint doctor ................................................................................................................................................................ 1910 2
Otisville medical physician ........................................................................................................................................ 1920 2
Franklin was born in Ontario to parents from England and Scotland in July of 1862, the son of Joel and Dorothy 2 3
Allen. Her father, William Baskerville, came from England and Barbara was born in Ontario in May of 1869. She and 3 2
Franklin were married at Oxford, Ontario, on October 26, 1887. Their sons were born in Canada: Wendell in August 3 2
of 1888 and Wesley Preston in December of 1891. The family immigrated in 1893 to Michigan, where their daughter 2
Vera was born in June of 1894. By 1930 Barbara was a widow living with the family of her brother, William 2
Baskerville, on their farm in Marathon Township. 2
1. 1894 Michigan State Census of Grant Township in St. Clair County, Michigan.
2. 1900 Federal Census of Watertown Township in Tuscola County, 1910 Federal Census of the First Ward of Flint and 1920 Federal
Census of the village of Otisville in Genesee County, plus 1930 Federal Census of Marathon Township in Lapeer County, Michigan.
3. Ontario, Canada Marriages 1857 – 1924.

Allen, Gilbert L.
Saginaw City photographer for Daniel W. Smith ..................................................................................................... 1883 s

Allen, James E.
Turner PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................. 1892-1895 m
Maple Ridge PHOTOGRAPHER .................................................................................................................... 1894-1895 m
Mason Township farmer ................................................................................................................................... 1900,1910 1
Turner PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................. 1904-1911 m
Mason Township farmer ................................................................................................................................... 1920,1930 1
James was born in New York State in May of 1851. Her parents came from New York, and Lillian (later known as 1
Lily) was born in Michigan in January of 1862. She married James about 1882, and gave birth to Mae in August of 1
1884. The Allen family lived up in Cedar Valley near Cedar Creek. In addition to his photography, James had a large 1 2
sugar bush, or grove of sugar maples. One cabinet photograph with the imprint: “J. E. ALLEN, Turner, Arenac Co., 2 t
Mich.” was copied from an 1850s daguerreotype. Mae was called Grace as an adult, she married Riley Ross about t 1
1916, and their daughter Helen was born in April of 1919. They were living with her parents in 1920 and 1930, where 1
James and Riley were sharing the farm work. 1
1. 1900, 1910, 1920 and 1930 Federal Censes of Mason Township in Arenac County, Michigan.
2. Calvin E. Ennes, History of Arenac County, Mich. Published in Michigan History Magazine between 1966 and 1973.

Allen, L.
Carson PHOTOGRAPHER .................................................................................................................................. ca 1876 t
Allen apparently worked in Carson City. m

Allen, Lewis
Parisville PHOTOGRAPHER .............................................................................................................................. ca 1890 1
1. Learned in 1999 from a cabinet mount among the family photographs of James Donaldson of Detroit, Michigan.
Allen, Lydia A., Miss
Henderson PHOTOGRAPHER ....................................................................................................................... 1898-1903 m
Noah E. Allen was born in Canada in October of 1851, crossed the border in 1870, and became a naturalized citizen 1
of the United States. Caroline Bishop was born in New York in June of 1862, and married Noah about 1878. Lydia 1
was their elder daughter, and was born in June of 1880 at Chesaning, Michigan. Her only sibling, Pearl, was not born 1
until June of 1893. Henderson is in Rush Township, where Lydia’s parents farmed for about thirty years. Note that 2 1
Charles H. Allen was a Jackson photographer in the 1870s, and was a Henderson stone mason from 1888 until 1899. J m
1. 1880 Federal Census of the village of Chesaning in Saginaw County, plus 1900, 1910 and 1920 Federal Censes of Rush Township in
Shiawassee County, Michigan.
2. Michigan County Map Guide, Michigan United Conservation Clubs, Lansing, Michigan.
Allen, Norman Erastus
Jackson clerk .............................................................................................................................................................. 1850 1
Jackson (Cookingham & Allen) DAGUERREOTYPISTS in the Merchant Exchange Block ................................... 1856 2
Jackson AMBROTYPIST in the Post Office Block on the north side of the Public Square ........................... 1856-1858 2
Jackson AMBROTYPE AND PHOTOGRAPH ARTIST on Main st ............................................................. 1859-1860 m 3
Jackson PHOTOGRAPHER in the Billings Block .......................................................................................... 1860-1861 1 2
Jackson PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY on Main st ............................................................................................ 1862-1863 m
Jackson PHOTOGRAPHER in the Jackson Hall Block .................................................................................. 1863-1864 2 4
Dexter PHOTOGRAPHER in the Masonic Hall Block ........................................................................................ ca 1865 5
Dexter PHOTOGRAPHER over B. Alley’s store ............................................................................................ 1866-1867 m 6
Dexter PHOTOGRAPHER over George Alley’s boot and shoe store ....................................................................... 1869 2
Dexter PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................. 1872-1877 m
Dexter PHOTOGRAPHER on the north side of Ann Arbor st .................................................................................. 1878 7
Dexter PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................. 1878-1881 m
Dexter PHOTOGRAPHER over the office of Dr. Jenny ...................................................................................... ca 1881 5
Leslie PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................... 1882-1909 m
Norman was the son of Norman Allen, who became a prominent Jackson merchant, and the older brother of 2
photographer and dentist Charles H. Allen. He was born in Vermont in 1829. Adaline was born in Michigan in 1848 or 2 8
1849, and their daughter Kate was born here about 1878. Norman’s partnership with James V. Cookingham over 8 2
Merriman’s store lasted only a few weeks in January and February of 1856. By April Norman had taken over the 2
gallery previously occupied by Mrs. Jenison west of the American Hotel. In July of 1856 he was a “Young American 2
in the Field” operating the “People’s Fine Art and Ambrotype Hall” and making ambrotypes, daguerreotypes and 2
crystalotypes which were taken on light material and could be sent through the mail without extra postage. Some of the 2
illustrations on an 1858 map of Jackson County were reproduced from his views of local buildings. In 1861 he first 2 t
called his Jackson business the Star Gallery, a name he continued to use in Dexter and Leslie for thirty years or more. t
He produced stereoscopic views of both Jackson and Dexter. “THE STAR Still Ascending! New Attractions! NEW 9 6
PICTURES! New Styles of Pictures at ALLEN’S! The demand for Allen’s Photographs still continues to increase, and 6
the “STAR” seems to have an attractive influence on custom from near and far! The Artist intends to aim nothing short 6
of “EXCELSIOR” in his productions, and he is bound that the “Star” shall not be eclipsed by any Gallery in the State 6
for quality of work. He allows no defective pictures to pass from his rooms, But Will Take Pains With All. 6
AMBROTYPES & PHOTOGRAPHS Of Every Style and Size! Can now be had. Also an assortment of Rose Wood 6
Frames! Will be had at the Lowest Market Prices!...” On the same page with his ad were some “HINTS ABOUT 6
PICTURES. If you intend sitting for a picture go to an artist whom you believe knows more about pictures than you 6
do. Sit as he desires you to, and do not get him and yourself out of humor by disputing on prices if you wish a good 6
expression. Do not go after four o’clock in the Winter, nor after five in the Summer, unless you want an inky picture. 6
The morning light is the best, and no babies should be attempted after two o’clock. The following is about the range in 6
which the different colors take: Blue, pink, purple and crimson, take white. Dark blue, drab, and wine colors are the 6
medium tints. Black, brown, green, yellow, magenta and red, take black in a photograph.” His Dexter gallery was 6 2
destroyed by fire in 1869, but was rebuilt in a few weeks and he was back in business over the same store early in 2
May. Pictures were taken in the latest and most improved styles from card to life size and framed to order at his 2 t
Phoenix Star Gallery which reopened in Morehouse’s Brick Block. In addition to frames of the best quality, he had t
mouldings, chromos, albums and sheet music for sale. In 1873 he introduced Dexter to the Cameo Photograph, which t 5
stood out in bold relief, and later advertised Berlin Pictures, Satin Photographs and Boss Photographs. The rooms 5
which he vacated over Dr. Jenny’s office were later occupied by Charles E. Clark. “N. E. ALLEN, Artist, Star Gallery, 5 t
Leslie, Mich. Photographs from Card to Life Size. Copying a Specialty.” was printed on card photograph mounts, and t
many of his cabinet photographs were Aristotypes. “Allen’s, Photographic Museum. Leslie, Mich.” was printed on t
some cabinet mounts. Norman died on September 8, 1913, in Rives Township of Jackson County at the age of 84. t 2
1. 1850 and 1860 Federal Censes of the city of Jackson in Jackson County, plus 1880 Federal Census of the village of Dexter in
Washtenaw County, Michigan.
2. Learned in 1997 from Gerry L. Blanchard of Jackson, Michigan.
3. Jackson, Marshall and Battle Creek Directory, 1860-61; Loomis & Talbot.
4. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1862-1866, National Archives, Washington, D.C.
5. From a typed sheet of information of unknown origin about Dexter photographers.
6. Dexter Bulletin; Dexter, Michigan, volume 1, number 2, November 23, 1867, N. E. Allen and L. S. Young, editors and proprietors.
7. Washtenaw County Directory, 1878-79; F. H. Pray, Ann Arbor, Michigan..
8. William Culp Darrah, Stereo Views, Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, 1964.
Allen, Orville Charles
Detroit accountant ...................................................................................................................................................... 1857 d
Detroit engraver ......................................................................................................................................................... 1861 d
United States Army soldier .............................................................................................................................. 1861-1862 1
Detroit (Raymond & Allen) PHOTOGRAPHERS up stairs at 205 Jefferson av ....................................................... 1864 d
Detroit resident or grocer ................................................................................................................................. 1865-1866 d
United States Consul to Trinidad ............................................................................................................................... 1867 d
Detroit clerk or salesman ................................................................................................................................. 1868-1870 d
Detroit picture frame maker ....................................................................................................................................... 1871 d
Detroit (Allen & Brother) PHOTOGRAPH MATERIALS at 14 & 16 Larned st east .............................................. 1872 d
Detroit (W. H. Allen & Brother) PHOTOGRAPHIC MATERIALS at 14 & 16 Larned st east ..................... 1873-1875 d
Detroit (Wm. H. Allen & Brother) PHOTOGRAPHIC MATERIALS at 14 & 16 Larned st east .................. 1876-1879 d
Detroit (Allen Brothers) PHOTOGRAPHIC MATERIALS at 14 & 16 Larned st east ................................... 1880-1892 d
Detroit (Allen Brothers) PHOTOGRAPHIC MATERIALS at 247 Jefferson av ............................................ 1893-1901 d
Grosse Isle resident .......................................................................................................................................... 1885-1906 d
Detroit resident ................................................................................................................................................ 1908-1922 d
Orville was born in Detroit in 1836 to Orville Stoddard and Sarah (Heath) Allen. He enlisted as a sergeant in 1
Company A of the First Michigan Infantry on September 16, 1861, and was mustered on the same day. He was 1
promoted to Sergeant Major on March 1, and was commissioned Second Lieutenant of Company H on July 17, 1862. 1
Orville was wounded in action at Bull Run, Virginia, on August 30, and was honorably discharged on a Surgeon’s 1
Certificate of Disability due to the severity of these wounds on October 13, 1862. Raymond & Allen employed W. F. 1 d
Baker as a photo operator in 1864. When Orville joined his brother in the photo supply business, William had been in d
the business on his own for three years. Their long and successful partnership is described more fully in the entry for d
William H. Allen. Orville’s wife and sons were born in Michigan, Nellie in 1848 or 1849 and the two boys between 2
1875 and 1878. The Allen Brothers arranged with the Great Western Railway for a special round trip rate of $16.00 to 2 3
the second annual convention of the Photographers Association of America at New York City in August of 1881, and 3
Orville was one of those who attended. He retired comfortably in 1902, and died in Detroit in 1922. 3 d
1. Record of Service of Michigan Volunteers in the Civil War, 1861-1865; published by the State of Michigan about 1904.
2. 1880 Federal Census of the city of Detroit in Wayne County, Michigan.
3. The Photographic Times and Amateur Photographer; New York City, volume 11, numbers 126 and 128, June and August 1881.

Allen, Ralph Carleton

Harbor Beach jeweler ...................................................................................................................................... 1900-1909 1 m
Harbor Beach PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................ 1910 t
Harbor Beach jeweler and druggist .................................................................................................................. 1910-1911 m
Harbor Beach jeweler and optometrist ............................................................................................................ 1912-1927 m 2
Harbor Beach jeweler ................................................................................................................................................ 1930 3
Ralph was born in Michigan on September 23, 1872. Ida E. Tucker was born here in 1869 or earlier, and married 2 3
Ralph about 1898. Ralph was living in 1900 with his in-laws, John O. and Martha Tucker. Ida gave birth to Monica 1 3
and Ruth at Harbor Beach between 1901 and 1906. By 1910, Martha Tucker was a widow and was living with Ralph 3
and Ida. “Scene at Harbor Beach, Mich. Photo by R. C. Allen, Harbor Beach.” and “Scene at Harbor Beach Resort, 3 t
Photo by R. C. Allen, Harbor Beach.” were typed or printed in gilt on the faces of post card photographs postmarked t
in August and October of 1910. “Constructing Pier at Harbor Beach, Mich.” and other captions were applied to the t
faces of postal photos using the same gilt type, but without identifying the photographer. Ralph was tall and slender t 2
with blue eyes and black hair in 1918. He used the same ad with few changes for fifteen years: “Proprietor The Corner 2 m
Jewelry Store, Graduate Optometrist, Kodak Finishing and Supplies. Also Dealer in Books, Stationery, China and Cut m
Glassware, Souvenir Goods a Specialty.” m
1. 1900 Federal Census of the village of Harbor Beach in Huron County, Michigan.
2. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.
3. 1910, 1920 and 1930 Federal Censes of the city of Harbor Beach in Huron County, Michigan.

Allen, Robert L.
Detroit clerk for a ship owner .................................................................................................................................... 1865 d
Detroit showcase maker ................................................................................................................................... 1866-1867 d
Detroit artist or PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................ 1869-1870 d 1
Robert was born in Scotland about 1825 and Eliza, his wife, was born in England a year later. He became a member 1 2
of the National Photographic Association after July of 1869, but before the Cleveland convention of the NPA in the 2
summer of 1870, where he exhibited landscapes and interior views. He produced stereo views of Detroit. 2 3
1. 1870 Federal Census of the First Ward of Detroit in Wayne County, Michigan.
2. The Philadelphia Photographer; volume 7 (1870), pages 279 and 291.
3. William Culp Darrah, Stereo Views, Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, 1964.
Allen, Robert R.
Detroit photographer ......................................................................................................................................... 1884,1886 d
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at the southeast corner of 19th and Baker sts ...................................................... 1887-1889 d m
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 417 Baker st .................................................................................................... 1889-1902 d m
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 577 Dix av ....................................................................................................... 1902-1909 m d
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 575 Dix av ....................................................................................................... 1909-1916 d m
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 648 Military av .......................................................................................................... 1917 d
Detroit resident .......................................................................................................................................................... 1918 d
Robert was born in England in November of 1840, was brought to America in 1848, and later became a naturalized 1
citizen of the United States. His first marriage produced at least one son, Charles, who was born in Canada in July of 1
1879 and was brought across the border in 1883. Fanny was born in England in April of 1860, and became Robert’s 1
second wife about 1882. She gave birth to Herbert in November of 1888 and to Artemus in August of 1891. Robert 1 t
produced a composite cabinet photograph of the Detroit fire department of 1890 from his West End Gallery at the t
corner of 19th and Baker Streets. t
1. 1900 Federal Census of the Tenth Ward and 1910 Federal Census of the Sixteenth Ward of Detroit in Wayne County, Michigan.

Allen, Stephen
Burdell Township student .......................................................................................................................................... 1880 1
Burdell Township engineer in a saw mill ................................................................................................................... 1900 1
LeRoy PHOTOGRAPHER .............................................................................................................................. 1900-1901 m
Dighton keeper of a general store .............................................................................................................................. 1910 1
Grand Rapids barber in a barber shop ....................................................................................................................... 1920 1
Grand Rapids automobile tire merchant .................................................................................................................... 1930 1
His parents emigrated from England and Ireland, and Stephen was born at Plymouth, Indiana, on February 22, 1862, 1 2
fourth and last of the sons of Stephen H. and Eliza (Conway) Allen. Her parents came from New York, Lenora was 2 1
born in Michigan in April of 1874, and she married Stephen in 1890. They had no children. Stephen was a widower 1
by 1930. 1
1. 1880 and 1900 Federal Censes of Burdell Township and 1910 Federal Census of Sherman Township in Osceola County, plus
1920 and 1930 Federal Censes of the Third Ward of Grand Rapids in Kent County, Michigan.
2. Portrait and Biographical Album of Osceola County, Chapman Brothers, Chicago, 1884.

Allen, W. J.
Please see the entry for William J. Allan.
Allen, William H.
Detroit clerk or salesman for photo supply dealer Moses Sutton ..................................................................... 1862-1868 d
Detroit associate of photo supply dealer Moses Sutton ............................................................................................. 1869 d
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHIC MATERIALS one door from Woodward av at 11 Larned st east ........................ 1869-1871 d
Detroit (Allen & Brother) PHOTOGRAPH MATERIALS at 14 & 16 Larned st east .............................................. 1872 d
Detroit (W. H. Allen & Brother) PHOTOGRAPHIC MATERIALS at 14 & 16 Larned st east ..................... 1873-1875 d
Detroit (Wm. H. Allen & Brother) PHOTOGRAPHIC MATERIALS at 14 & 16 Larned st east .................. 1876-1879 d
Detroit (Allen Brothers) PHOTOGRAPHIC MATERIALS at 14 & 16 Larned st east ................................... 1880-1892 d
Detroit (Allen Brothers) PHOTOGRAPHIC MATERIALS at 247 Jefferson av ............................................ 1893-1901 d
Grosse Isle resident .......................................................................................................................................... 1884-1922 d
Baltimore, Maryland, resident ......................................................................................................................... 1923-1928 1
William was the son of Orville Stoddard and Sarah (Heath) Allen, and was born at Detroit in either 1843 or 1848. 2
He joined the National Photographic Association between July of 1869 and June of 1870. In October of 1869 he 3 4
acquired the photographic stock business of his former employer, while Moses Sutton continued as a photographer on 4 d
Jefferson Avenue. William also manufactured passe partouts and mats, and in 1871 brought into the business his d
brother, Orville C. Allen. On May 8, 1872, Detroit newspapers announced that W. H. Allen had opened a public d 5
gymnasium over his store. The name of the firm was changed to Allen Brothers in March of 1880. At that time, they 5 6
occupied three floors of a building forty feet square, had twenty employees paid a total of $120 a week, and carried 6
stock valued at $10,000 to $12,000. Their trade extended through Michigan, Ohio and Indiana, and amounted to over 6
$50,000 per year. They manufactured picture frames and mouldings as well as dealing in all kinds of photographic 6
materials. William was the treasurer of the Detroit Photographic Association in 1887, when their business was much 6 7
the same and they were sole United States agents for Suter Swiss Aplanatic Lenses, but the emphasis was beginning to 7 8
shift: “The amateur photographic craze has created a large demand for apparatus and materials, which is steadily 8
increasing and already forms a large part of their business.” The Allen Brothers advertisements in outstate papers, such 8 9
as the Adrian Daily Times and the Pontiac Gazette, indicate the extent of this shift by the spring of 1895: “... 9
Headquarters for PHOTO SUPPLIES of all kinds, - Cameras - Kodaks, Kodets, Kamarets, Pocos, Premiers, Premos, 9
Hawk Eyes, Henry Clays, Advilles, Nighthawks, &c. A Camera is now a Necessity for Everyone’s Vacation.” They 9
sold cameras ranging in price from $2.50 to $30.00. William’s wife, Fanny, was born in New York in 1852 or 1853. d 0
They had two sons and a daughter born between 1873 and 1879. He was socially prominent as Billy Allen. He was a 0 1
member of the Detroit Boat Club for sixty years and was known as the best stroke of his generation. He sang in the 1
choir and was superintendent of the Sunday School at St. John’s Episcopal Church for many years, and took a 1
prominent part in the Board of Trade concerts during the early 1870s which provided funding for the Industrial 1
School. He and Fred Delano and Mat Meyers were known as the singing trio. Both William and Orville C. Allen 1 d
retired in apparent comfort in 1902. After Orville died in 1922, William and his wife moved to Baltimore to be near d 1
their daughter, who was married to a doctor at Johns Hopkins. William died at Baltimore in January of 1928. 1
1. Obituary clipping from a Detroit newspaper dated January 19, 1928 in the Burton Historical Collection of the Detroit Public Library.
2. Learned in 1976 at The Burton Historical Collection of the Detroit Public Library.
3. Philadelphia Photographer, volume 7, 1870, page 291.
4. The Photographic Times, New York, 1871.
5. The Detroit Tribune and the Detroit Union, Detroit, Michigan, May 8, 1872.
6. City of Detroit; 1880, page 229.
7. The American Annual of Photography and Photographic Times Almanac for 1887, second edition.
8. The Industries of Detroit; 1887, page 132.
9. The Adrian Daily Times, Adrian, Michigan, May 30, 1895, and the Pontiac Gazette, Pontiac, Michigan, June 7 and 14, 1895.
0. 1880 Federal Census of the city of Detroit in Wayne County, Michigan.

Allen, William Henry

Jackson resident ......................................................................................................................................................... 1890 1
Jackson photographer for Charles H. Allen ..................................................................................................... 1897-1899 1
Jackson resident ......................................................................................................................................................... 1900 2
Jackson salesman for a plough manufacturer ............................................................................................................. 1910 2
William was born in New York State in July of 1842. Lucretia Ann Squiers was born in New York early in 1846, 2 3
married William about 1870, and later had four children. One son, Charles H. Allen, became a photographer and lived 2
with his parents for many years. Their youngest son, John H. Allen, was born in November of 1879. One William 2 3
Allen of Jackson, probably another son, supplied information for the death certificate when Charles died in 1946. 3
1. Learned in 1997 from Gerry L. Blanchard of Jackson, Michigan.
2. 1900 and 1910 Federal Censes of the Third Ward of Jackson in Jackson County, Michigan.
3. Veteran Pension Record of Charles H. Allen obtained from the Department of Veterans Affairs in Detroit, Michigan.
Aller, Carl
Detroit musician ......................................................................................................................................................... 1881 d
Detroit (C. Aller & Company) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 134 Gratiot av .................................................................... 1883 d
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 134 Gratiot av ................................................................................................. 1884-1886 d m
Bay City PHOTOGRAPHER at the northwest corner of Saginaw and Center sts ........................................... 1886-1889 m
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 773 Michigan av ............................................................................................. 1890-1894 d m
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 753 Michigan av ............................................................................................. 1895-1898 d m
Detroit shoe merchant ...................................................................................................................................... 1899-1906 d
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 1435 Fort st west ............................................................................................. 1903-1906 d m
Detroit (Aller & Son) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 1435 Fort st west .................................................................... 1907-1908 d
Detroit (Aller & Son) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 629 Gratiot av ........................................................................ 1908-1911 m
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 629 Gratiot av ................................................................................................. 1909-1913 d m
Detroit resident ................................................................................................................................................ 1914-1921 d
Detroit resident ................................................................................................................................................ 1924-1932 d 1
Carl was born in Germany in October of 1853, emigrated in 1880, and did not become a naturalized citizen of the 1
United States until the early 1900s. Caroline was born in Michigan of German parentage in November of 1858. They 1
married about 1885, and had a son and a daughter born in Michigan between 1886 and 1889. The classified directory 1 d
listing in 1890 was for Charles Allen. The gallery at 773 Michigan Avenue occupied two floors at the corner of 18th d 2
Street, while 753 Michigan Avenue was a ground floor gallery between 17th and 18th Streets from which he did some 2 t
outdoor photography in cabinet format He made large portraits to order in India ink, pastel and crayon. “These t
cabinets warranted not to fade.” was printed on some of his mounts. Carl applied for a patent on a Fire Escape on t p
February 23, 1893, and was granted Patent Number 513,972 on February 6, 1894. His invention embodied a hollow p
cylinder reached through doors from each of the upper floors of the adjoining building and a central pole suspended p
from the top and extending beyond the lower end of the cylinder to the ground. Carl’s widow was living in Detroit in p d
1934. d
1. 1900 Federal Census of the Sixteenth Ward, 1910 Federal Census of the Seventh Ward and 1930 Federal Census of the Seventeenth
Ward of Detroit in Wayne County, Michigan.
2. Detroit of To-Day, The City of the Strait; 1893.

Aller, Carl W.
Detroit (Aller & Son) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 1435 Fort st west .................................................................... 1907-1908 d
Detroit (Aller & Son) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 629 Gratiot av ........................................................................ 1908-1911 m
Detroit musician ............................................................................................................................................... 1909-1934 d
Carl was born at Bay City on August 8, 1886, the son of Carl A. and Caroline L. Aller. He was single in 1917, 1 2
working as a drummer and contributing to the support of his mother and father. By 1930 he was married, he and Ellen 1 2
were living with his parents, and they were both playing in a theatre orchestra. 2
1. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.
2. 1930 Federal Census of the Seventeenth Ward of Detroit in Wayne County, Michigan.

Alley, Ezra H.
Summerhill, New York, physician ............................................................................................................................. 1850 1
Ann Arbor DAGUERREAN & PHOTOGRAPH ARTIST in the Exchange Block ........................................ 1859-1860 m a
Toledo, Ohio, PHOTOGRAPHER .................................................................................................................. 1860-1874 2
Toledo, Ohio, (Alley & Wunder) PHOTOGRAPHERS .................................................................................. 1875-1876 2
Toledo, Ohio, PHOTOGRAPHER .................................................................................................................. 1877-1900 2 3
Ezra was born in May of 1828 in New York State, his wife Betsey was born in April of 1831 in Connecticut, and 1
their daughter was born in Ohio about 1863. He had daguerrean and photographic stock for sale at New York prices 1 a
and advertised locally: “Go to ALLEY’S DAGUERREAN GALLERY, Exchange Block, for a good picture. Premiums 4
were awarded to him at the fair for his pictures. Remember the place, EXCHANGE BLOCK, as he may be found at his 4
old stand and has not removed or sold out and is not connected with any other gallery in the city. E. H. ALLEY, Ann 4
Arbor May 10, 1859.” He received a mixed review on the cabinet portraits he sent in 1868 to The Philadelphia 4 5
Photographer. He produced stereo views of Ann Arbor and, in the 1870s, of Toledo. 6 7
1. 1850 Federal Census of the town of Summerhill in Cayuga County, New York, 1860 Federal Census of the city of Ann Arbor in
Washtenaw County, Michigan, and 1900 Federal Census of the Ninth Ward of Toledo in Lucas County, Ohio.
2. John S. Waldsmith, A Directory of Ohio Photographers, 1839 to 1900; Sycamore, Ohio, compiled in 1978 and revised through 1993.
3. Learned in 2001 from Don Fredgant of Lakewood, Ohio.
4. From a collage of similar advertisements used as the endpapers of Ann Arbor, A Pictorial History, by Marilyn Sauder McLaughlin.
5. The Philadelphia Photographer; volume 5 (1868), page 377.
6. View in the collection of Leonard A. Walle of Novi, Michigan..
7. John S. Waldsmith, Stereo View Photographers of Ohio; Columbus, Ohio, 1978.
Allhands, _______, Mr.
Jackson (Mr. & Mrs. Allhands) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 149 Main st .................................................................. ca 1875 1
Photographer John Wesley Paine occupied the gallery at 149 Main Street East from 1868 until 1873. m
1. Card photograph found in the Pennsylvania State University Archives by Gerry Blanchard of Jackson, Michigan.

Allhands, _______, Mrs.

Jackson (Mr. & Mrs. Allhands) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 149 Main st .................................................................. ca 1875 1
Please see also the entry above for Mrs. America Allands.
1. Card photograph found in the Pennsylvania State University Archives by Gerry Blanchard of Jackson, Michigan.

Allion, Jacob M.
Gorham Township, Ohio, student or farm laborer ............................................................................................ 1870,1880 1
Fayette, Ohio, bicycle repairer ................................................................................................................................... 1900 1
Fayette, Ohio, PHOTOGRAPHER .................................................................................................................. 1909-1910 t 1
Fayette, Ohio, PHOTOGRAPHER from his home .................................................................................................... 1920 1
Fayette, Ohio, farmer and apiarist or bee keeper ....................................................................................................... 1930 1
Jacob was born in Ohio in January of 1863, eldest of the eight children of Christian and Eliza Allion. He grew up on 1
the family farm near Fayette. By 1900 he was a widower raising his three-year-old daughter Helen, and he never 1
remarried. Post card photos of Evans Lake, Morenci and Tipton, Michigan, were very professionally blind stamped: 1 t
“J. M. ALLION, FAYETTE, OHIO.” On one of the negatives was lettered: “COPYRIGHT SEP 15th 09 BY t
ALLION....” t
1. 1870 and 1880 Federal Censes of Gorham Township plus 1900, 1910, 1920 and 1930 Federal Censes of the village of Fayette in
Gorham Township of Fulton County, Ohio.

Allison, Christopher C.
Cassopolis AMBROTYPIST ..................................................................................................................................... 1860 1 2
Cassopolis newspaper editor ............................................................................................................................. 1870,1880 2
Cassopolis printer ...................................................................................................................................................... 1900 2
Cassopolis newspaper publisher ................................................................................................................................ 1910 2
Cassopolis resident .................................................................................................................................................... 1920 2
Christopher was born in Illinois in September of 1840. His widowed mother, Mrs. Phebe D. Allison, was providing a 2
home for Christopher in 1860, and then shared his home through 1900. May was born in Michigan in January of 1858, 2
and she married Christopher about 1886. Their children were born in Cassopolis: Waldo in May of 1891 and Kate in 2
August of 1892. Waldo attended school but never was listed with an occupation, and still was single and living with 2
his widowed mother at Cassopolis in 1930. 2
1. Map of the Counties of Cass, Van Buren and Berrien, Michigan; 1860, Gail, Harley & Siverd, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
2. 1860, 1870, 1880, 1900, 1910, 1920 and 1930 Federal Censes of Cassopolis Village in La Grange Township of Cass County, Michigan.

Allison, George F.
Eel River Township, Indiana, student ........................................................................................................................ 1850 1
Eel River Township, Indiana, laborer ........................................................................................................................ 1860 1 2
Paw Paw PHOTOGRAPHER .......................................................................................................................... 1865-1866 3
Worthington, Indiana, PHOTOGRAPHER one door east of the post office, upstairs ..................................... 1869-1873 2
Worthington, Indiana, dealer in stoves ...................................................................................................................... 1880 1 2
Worthington, Indiana, PHOTOGRAPHER ..................................................................................................... 1895-1896 2
Worthington, Indiana, day laborer ............................................................................................................................. 1900 1 2
Worthington, Indiana, dairyman ................................................................................................................................ 1910 1 2
Worthington, Indiana, resident .................................................................................................................................. 1920 1
George was born in Indiana in December of 1835, fourth of the ten children of James M. H. and Julia A. Allison. His 2 1
father was a well-to-do merchant. George married Nancy McDaniel on September 25, 1859; and they later had at least 2
one son. George was living by himself in 1870, and his second marriage was to Mary Stahl on May 21, 1871. Mary’s 1 2
parents emigrated from Germany, and she was born in Ohio in 1847. They soon had a son named Robbie. The new 1 2
store of William Wilkins in Worthington was completed early in 1869. The second story was fitted up as a sky-light 2
photographic gallery and was rented for one year to George, who had already established his reputation as a fine artist. 2
He produced photographs, ambrotypes, gems and porcelain pictures as well as life size portraits touched up with India 2
ink, oil and water color, and copied daguerreotypes. During the summer of 1869 he photographed the Eel River 2
railroad bridge. In the fall of 1873 he exhibited at the Worthington Fair a medley picture of 500 photographs which 2
was highly praised. George returned to Worthington late in the summer of 1888 resembling “Wild Bill” after spending 2
twelve months in the wild west. He died at Worthington of chronic nephritis on June 8, 1924, and was buried in Hayes 2
Cemetery. 2
1. 1850 and 1860 Federal Censes of Eel River Township, 1870, 1880, 1900, 1910 and 1920 Federal Censes of Worthington in
Jefferson Township of Greene County, Indiana.
2. Learned in 2000 from James A. Marusek of Bloomfield, Indiana.
3. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1862-1866, National Archives, Washington, D.C.
Allmand, Henry D.
Ann Arbor photo printer for Gibson’s Photograph Gallery ....................................................................................... 1890 a

Allnut, Edward F.
Detroit trimmer .......................................................................................................................................................... 1913 d
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 716 Chene st ............................................................................................................. 1914 d

Alpena Portrait Company

Alpena PHOTO ENLARGERS at 227 Tawas st ............................................................................................. 1895-1897 1
Alexander MacDonald and Joseph Halcro were the proprietors of this company in 1895. By 1897, Halcro had moved 1
to Chicago and MacDonald was listed as manager. They enlarged portraits in water colors, crayon, pastel or India ink. 1
1. Alpena city directories, 1895 and 1897.

Alsdorf, Fred M.
Lansing child or student .................................................................................................................................... 1860,1870 1
Howell PHOTOGRAPHER .................................................................................................................................. ca 1872 t
Fowlerville PHOTOGRAPHER on Mill st ...................................................................................................... 1872-1873 m t
Lansing drug clerk ..................................................................................................................................................... 1880 1
Lansing druggist ........................................................................................................................................................ 1900 1
Lansing lightning rod salesman ................................................................................................................................. 1910 1
His parents came from New York and Fred was born in Michigan in May of 1854, last of the three children of Cyrus 1
and Loretta Alsdorf. Ella Darin was born in New York State in July of 1852, and she married Fred about 1875. Their 1
daughter Grace was born about 1877 and died as a young woman. Their daughter Louise was born in September of 1
1879, and their son Richard was born in November of 1891. “ ‘Star Gallery.’ F. A. ALSDORF, ARTIST, Howell, 1 t
Mich.” was printed on the back of card photograph mounts, and then “Fowlerville, Mich.” was stamped over the t
original address. In 1910 Ella was a widow living with her twin sister Mrs. Stella Seeley, proprietress of a large t 1
rooming house. 1
1. 1880 Federal Census of the city of Lansing, 1870 Federal Census of the Fourth Ward plus 1860, 1900, 1910 and 1920 Federal
Censes of the Second ward of Lansing in Ingham County, Michigan.

Althouse, Menno E.
Bluffton, Ohio, child .................................................................................................................................................. 1880 1
Orange Township, Ohio, laborer on his father’s farm ............................................................................................... 1900 1
Ashland, Ohio, PHOTOGRAPHER on Church st ..................................................................................................... 1918 2
El Dorado, Kansas, accountant for an oil company ................................................................................................... 1920 1
Durand PHOTOGRAPHER at 224 Saginaw st north ...................................................................................... 1920-1926 m 3
Durand PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................ 1926-1931 m 3
Before 1926, the gazetteer listings were for E. Althouse. Menno E. Althaus was born on July 23, 1875, at Bluffton, m 2
Ohio, third of the eight children of Christian and Maria Mary (Schumacher) Althaus. His grandparents all emigrated 1 4
from Switzerland. About 1913 he married Mabel Richards, who lived from 1889 until May 15, 1974. Their son 1 5
Richard was born in Ohio in February of 1916, and their daughter Margery was born in Michigan in 1920 or early in 1
1921. Mabel wrote to a friend on August 29, 1920: “… We are now located here in this Studio which we bought two 1 6
weeks ago. Living rooms are in connection. Think we will like it fine….” The studio offered “24 Hour Service on 6
Kodak Work, Portraits & Enlargements.” 11½ by 13½ inch commercial mounts had “ALTHAUS, DURAND, MICH.” 6 t
printed in the lower right corner. Menno died on July 1, 1954, and was buried at Vernon. t 5
1. 1880 Federal Census of Bluffton in Allen County and 1900 Federal Census of Orange Township in Hancock County, Ohio, 1920
Federal Census of the Second Ward of El Dorado in Butler County, Kansas, and 1930 Federal Census of the village of Durand in
Shiawassee County, Michigan.
2. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.
3. Owosso & Shiawassee County Directory, 1921, 1924, 1926 and 1928, R. L. Polk & Company, Detroit.
4. Ancestry Family Data Collection – Births.
5. Compiled in 1996 by Margaret Zdunic of Durand from records at the Bellows Funeral Home in Durand, Michigan.
6. Post card picturing the Durand Studio owned by Tim Buda of Gaines, Michigan.
Altman, Ray
Baltimore Township child ........................................................................................................................................ 1870 1
Baltimore Township worker on his father’s farm ...................................................................................................... 1880 1
Battle Creek (Baker & Altman) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 66 Main st west ...................................................... 1892-1893 m
Battle Creek PHOTOGRAPHER at 66 Main st west ...................................................................................... 1893-1894 2 3
Battle Creek (Altman & Edelman) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 66 Main st west .................................................. 1894-1895 m
Battle Creek (Altman & Edelman) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 11 McCamly st north .............................................. ca 1895 t
Battle Creek PHOTOGRAPHER at 11 McCamly st north ........................................................................................ 1897 4
Battle Creek PHOTOGRAPHER on McCamly st north .................................................................................. 1898-1899 m
Battle Creek PHOTOGRAPHER at 117 McCamly st north ............................................................................ 1900-1901 m
Battle Creek PHOTOGRAPHER at 118 Main st west .................................................................................... 1905-1906 2
Battle Creek clerk in a store ....................................................................................................................................... 1910 1
Battle Creek furniture merchant ................................................................................................................................. 1914 2
Battle Creek salesman and part owner of a furniture company .................................................................................. 1920 1
Ray was born in Michigan in October of 1866, eldest of the three sons of Cyrus and Libbie (Irwin) Altman. John H. 1 m
Baker was Ray’s partner in 1892. Ray and his widowed mother were living in 1900 and 1910 with his aunt and uncle, m 1
Alice G. and Charles L. Ward. In 1920 Ray and his widowed Aunt Alice were living with his mother. Ray was 1
classified as single in 1900, and as widowed in 1910 and 1920. He died at Battle Creek on January 26, 1921. 1 2
1. 1870 and 1880 Federal Censes of Baltimore Township in Barry County, plus 1900 and 1910 Federal Censes of the Second Ward
and 1920 Federal Census of the Sixth Ward of Battle Creek in Calhoun County, Michigan.
2. Battle Creek City Directory; 1893, 1905, 1906, 1914 and 1922, R. L. Polk & Company, Detroit.
3. The Blue Book for Amateur Photographers ... 1895: compiled early in 1894 by Walter Sprange, Beach Bluff, Massachusetts.
4. Battle Creek, Albion, Marshall and Calhoun County Directory; 1897.

Alton, Helen, Miss

Detroit retoucher .............................................................................................................................................. 1891-1892 d
Detroit retoucher for photographers C. M. Hayes & Company ................................................................................. 1893 d
Detroit retoucher .............................................................................................................................................. 1894-1895 d
Detroit retoucher ........................................................................................................................................................ 1899 d
Detroit retoucher for photographer James Arthur ...................................................................................................... 1900 d 1
Detroit finisher or retoucher ........................................................................................................................... 1901-1902 d
Detroit finisher for photographer James Arthur ......................................................................................................... 1903 d
Detroit finisher ........................................................................................................................................................... 1904 d
Detroit retoucher .............................................................................................................................................. 1906-1907 d
Detroit resident .......................................................................................................................................................... 1910 1
Detroit retoucher or finisher ............................................................................................................................ 1912-1913 d
Detroit retoucher ........................................................................................................................................................ 1917 d
Detroit photo retoucher .............................................................................................................................................. 1919 d
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER in Room 19 at 1519 Woodward av ............................................................................... 1920 d
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER in Room 19 at 6553 Woodward av ............................................................................... 1920 d
Detroit photographer for the Harris-McGregor Photo Service .................................................................................. 1921 d
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER in Room 412 of the Garfield Building .......................................................................... 1922 d
Detroit photographer .................................................................................................................................................. 1923 d
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER in Room 313 at 6553 Woodward av ................................................................... 1924-1925 d
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER in Suite 312-13 at 6553 Woodward av ............................................................... 1926-1927 d m
Detroit photographer .................................................................................................................................................. 1930 1
Helen was born in February of 1871 in New York State. She was living in 1900 and 1910 with the family of her 1
sister Florence and her brother-in-law, Frederick Thompson, and in 1920 with the family of her brother, James R. 1
Alton. Her studio stayed in the same location in 1920, while the entire Detroit address numbering system changed. The 1 d
A. M. Henry Building was at 6553 Woodward Avenue. d
1. 1900 Federal Census of the Tenth Ward, 1910 Federal Census of the Fourth Ward, and 1930 Federal Census of the Twelfth Ward of
Detroit, plus 1920 Federal Census of the First Precinct of Highland Park in Wayne County, Michigan.
Altschuler, Samuel
Detroit portrait merchant ........................................................................................................................................... 1907 d
Detroit general store proprietor ................................................................................................................................. 1909 d
Detroit portrait merchant ........................................................................................................................................... 1911 d
Detroit photographer ........................................................................................................................................ 1913-1914 d
Detroit (Metropolitan Art Company) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 66 Griswold st .......................................................... 1915 d
Detroit (Metropolitan Art Studio) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 2063 Gratiot av ................................................... 1916-1920 d m
Detroit (Metropolitan Art Studio) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 8745 Gratiot av ................................................... 1920-1937 d m
Samuel was born on September 2, 1878, at Moscow, Russia, and came to Detroit about 1906. By 1918 he was of 1 2
medium height and stout with grey eyes and brown hair, and was a naturalized citizen of the United States. The Detroit 1 d
address numbering system was completely revised in 1920, while the Metropolitan Art Studio remained in the same d
location. In 1930 both his 43-year-old wife, Eva, and their 23-year-old daughter, Ruth, were working in their d 3
photographic shop as sales ladies. They also had a nine-year-old daughter at this time. Samuel died in Detroit on 3 2
September 11, 1937, and was buried in the Lafayette Street Cemetery. An obituary stated that he had been a 2
commercial photographer for 27 years. The Metropolitan Art Studio was continued by Samuel’s widow until her death 2 d
in 1940, and then for three more decades by their son, Kalman J. Altschuler. d
1. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.
2. The Detroit Free Press; September 13, 1937.
3. 1930 Federal Census of the Nineteenth Ward of Detroit in Wayne County, Michigan.
Alvord, Charles Edward
Detroit resident or photographer ...................................................................................................................... 1876-1877 d
Detroit photographic supply clerk ................................................................................................................... 1878-1883 d
Detroit (Holcombe & Alvord) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 220 and 222 Woodward av ....................................... 1884-1886 d
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 244 Woodward av ........................................................................................... 1887-1888 d m
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 58 Grand River av ..................................................................................................... 1888 d
Detroit photographer .................................................................................................................................................. 1889 d
Detroit (Alvord & Farmer) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 55 Rowland st ..................................................................... ca 1890 t
Detroit (Alvord & Company) COMMERCIAL PHOTOGRAPHERS on the ground floor at 55 Rowland st . 1890-1896 d m
Detroit (Alvord & Company) COMMERCIAL PHOTOGRAPHERS on the ground floor at 45 Rowland st . 1897-1903 d m
Detroit bowling alley proprietor ...................................................................................................................... 1902-1904 d
Buffalo, New York, resident ...................................................................................................................................... 1904 d
Buffalo, New York, secretary of the African Diamond Company ............................................................................. 1908 1
Buffalo, New York, manufacturer of photographic supplies ..................................................................................... 1910 2
Buffalo, New York, manufacturer of photo supplies ................................................................................................. 1920 2
Charles was the son of Tompkins Charles and Susan Augusta (Morrell) Alvord, and was born at Chicago, Illinois, on 1
June 23, 1859. He boarded with vessel captain Charles T. Alvord in Detroit through 1881, and married Miss Margaret 1 d
May Hayes there on October 26, 1883. They later had two sons. Ernest Charles Alvord was born on October 29, 1886, 1
and Gordon Russell Alvord was born in April of 1888 and died at the age of eleven. Charles worked six years for 1 d
photo supply firms before associating with Burton J. Holcombe in a photograph gallery which opened early in 1884. d
They were advertising nationally a few months later for a good printer, toner and retoucher. Charles succeeded 3 d
photographer Ferdinand Friend at 244 Woodward Avenue, where he employed Byron Osborn as a photographer in d
1887 and Anthony P. Godfrey as a photo printer in 1887 and 1888. Charles and Margaret Alvord were proprietors in d
1887 and 1888 of the Detroit Bicycle Company, dealing in bicycles, tricycles, safeties and wheelmen’s accessories. d
Charles seems to have been the sole proprietor of Alvord & Company, and offered general viewing, copying and d
enlarging in 1890. From 1891 the listings and advertisements of Alvord & Company emphasized that they were d
EXCLUSIVELY commercial photographers. “From ALVORD & CO., Exclusive Commercial Photographers, 55 d t
Rowland St., Detroit, Mich. Ground Floor Gallery.” was stamped on the back of the mount of a 7 ½ by 9 ¼ t
photograph of a large home at the corner of Selden and Trumbull Streets, on many 8 by 10 marine photographs, and on t 4
the back of a cabinet photograph of a cash register. Similar information was printed in the horizontal cabinet format for t
a photograph of the Vet Musical Academy, and on the 4 ½ by 7 ½ mount of a Belle Isle scene which was one of “A t
Complete Line of City Views....” Charles was associated from 1892 until 1896 with Frederick H. Bolton in another d
Alvord & Company identified as office outfitters, manufacturing stationers and makers of stationers’ specialties and m d
coin wrappers. Other associations were with Frank L. Channell as manufacturers’ agents in 1895, and with Howard F. m d
Sprague selling marine pictures in 1896. The address of the photographic Alvord & Company was at times listed as d
53-55 Rowland Street, and they published a “Souvenir of Detroit” about 1893. They employed William T. Dyer as a m d
photographer in 1890, Charles’ former printer Anthony P. Godfrey as a photographer from 1890 to 1892, Thomas W. d
Hill as an agent in 1891, William H. Manning as a photo printer in 1891 and 1892, Frank M. Bixby as a photographer d
in 1891 and as a photo operator in 1893, George W. Campbell as a photo operator and John W. Manning as a d
bookkeeper in 1893, Frank Lind as a photo printer in 1893 and 1894, Ella V. McCormick as bookkeeper from 1893 to d
1895, William G. Toepfer as a photo printer in 1894, John C. Fox as a photo printer in 1895, Charles J. H. Muhme as d
a photo operator in 1896 and 1897, and Lillie M. Birdseye as a clerk in 1897 and as a bookkeeper in 1898. During the d
later 1890s Alvord & Company offered “... A Full Line of City Views, General Viewing, Interiors, Business and d
Landscape Photography, Outdoor Groups, Copying and Enlarging, Lantern Slides, Developing, Re-loading and d
Printing for Amateurs.... Kodaks to Rent. Finished and Re-Loaded.” By 1904 Charles had sold Alvord & Company to d
Charles C. Brewe, who operated the commercial photography business under that name through 1906. Margaret and d
Charles divorced, and she was living in 1908 at Toledo, Ohio. Charles’ second marriage was to Bessie Lynn Mackey, d 1
who was born in 1869 at Wayne, Michigan. His third wife became Mrs. Frances H. Alvord in May of 1909. By 1930 1 2
Frances was a widow, and was continuing to manufacture photo supplies. 2
1. S. M. Alvord, A Genealogy of the Descendents of Alexander Alvord; 1908, Webster, New York, A. D. Andrews, printer.
2. 1910 Federal Census of the 24th Ward, 1920 Federal Census of the 27th Ward, and 1930 Federal Census of the 25th Ward of
Buffalo in Erie County, New York.
3. The Photographic Times; New York, volume 14, numbers 158 and 163, February and July 1884.
4. Learned in 2002 from Keith M. Steffke of Lincoln Park, Michigan.

Amabile, Zeni
Detroit IMAGE MAKER at 180 Lafayette st ............................................................................................................ 1877 d

Aman, Albert A.
Grand Rapids machinist ............................................................................................................................................. 1891 g
Grand Rapids photographer for Orville A. Gillett ..................................................................................................... 1893 g
Aman, Alphonso A.
Grand Rapids photographer ....................................................................................................................................... 1893 g
Churubusco, Indiana, photographer ........................................................................................................................... 1900 1
Butler Township, Indiana, farmer .............................................................................................................................. 1910 1
Eel River Township, Indiana, gardener ..................................................................................................................... 1920 1
Alphonso was born in Ohio to German parents in January of 1860, and he never married. 1
1. 1900 Federal Census of Churubusco in Smith Township of Whitley County, 1910 Federal Census of Butler Township in DeKalb
County, and 1920 Federal Census of Eel River Township in Allen County, Indiana.

Holly (Clarkson & Ambler) PHOTOGRAPHERS .................................................................................................... 1865 1
1. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1862-1866, National Archives, Washington, D.C.

Ambler, Chester C.
Pentwater agent for printed materials ................................................................................................................... ca 1880 t
Pentwater subscription book merchant ............................................................................................................ 1882-1885 m
Pentwater stationer ........................................................................................................................................... 1886-1887 m
Pentwater book merchant ................................................................................................................................. 1888-1891 m
Chester was born in Vermont in 1813 and his wife, Margaret, was born in England six years later. “C. C. AMBLER, 1 t
AGENT – For Eastern and Western Publishers of Bibles, Religious and other Works, Maps, Charts, and Engravings. t
PENTWATER, MICH….” was stamped on the back of mass-produced and otherwise unattributed photographic stereo t
views. One such view was entitled: “1924. HOMEWARD BOUND, FROM ARIZONA.” t
1. 1880 Federal Census of Pentwater in Oceana County, Michigan.

Pentwater (Amely & Brother) PHOTOGRAPHERS ................................................................................................. 1867 1
1. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1867-1868, Great Lakes Branch of the National Archives, Chicago, Illinois.

Amelz, J., Mrs.

Pentwater PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................ 1864-1865 1
1. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1862-1866, National Archives, Washington, D.C.

American Autotype Company, The

Detroit PHOTOGRAPHIC SUPPLY MANUFACTURER in room 29 at 156 Jefferson av ..................................... 1900 d
Thomas J. Courtney and Fred M. Bixler were the principals of this company, which manufactured carbon tissue and d
did carbon printing. d

American Commercial Photo Company

Detroit PHOTOGRAPHERS at 573 Trumbull av ........................................................................................... 1913-1915 d m
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHERS at 48-54 State st .......................................................................................................... 1915 d
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHERS at 54 State st ..................................................................................................... 1916-1920 d
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHERS at 234 State st ................................................................................................... 1920-1921 d
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHERS in room 214 at 25 Parsons st ....................................................................................... 1922 d
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHERS in Suite 214-215 at 25 Parsons st ...................................................................... 1923-1934 d
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHERS in Room 216 at 25 Parsons st ........................................................................... 1935-1941 d
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHERS at 250 Lafayette st west .............................................................................................. 1942 1
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHERS at 25 Parsons st ........................................................................................................... 1943 1
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHERS at 19 Selden st ................................................................................................... 1944-1945 1
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHERS at 3513 Woodward av ....................................................................................... 1947-1948 1
Floyd E. Quick founded this company, and was its manager and owner at least through 1945. 573 Trumbull Avenue d
was at the corner of Grand River Avenue. The company advertised in 1913: “Catalogue Illustrating, General d
Commercial Photographs, Enlarging, Flashlights, Machinery, Automobiles, Furniture, and Lantern Slides (interior and d
exterior views).” Nine by eleven inch commercial mounts were stamped: “AMERICAN COMMERCIAL PHOTO d t
CO., 48-54 State Street, Detroit, Mich.” and carried 8 by 10 photographs such as one of a high school football team t
posed on a snow covered field. The company produced post card bird’s-eye views of Detroit’s streets jammed with t
crowds of pedestrians during patriotic demonstrations in 1917 and 1918, some of which were copyrighted and some t
were sold by the L. Black Company of Detroit. A 3 ¼ by 13 ½ inch photograph of Ford Hospital copyrighted in 1919 t 2
by the American Commercial Photo Company is in the Library of Congress. The change from 54 to 234 State Street in 2 d
1920 was due to revisions in the Detroit address numbering system rather than to relocation. In 1923 the Chalmers d
Building was at 25 Parsons Street. The company produced a series of photos, some with post card backs, of the d t
construction of the Ambassador Bridge in 1928. t 3
1. Detroit telephone directories; 1942, 1943, 1944, 1945, 1947 and 1948.
2. Learned in 2000 from Carol Johnson of the Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.
3. Detroit in Its World Setting, 2001 edition edited by David Lee Poremba, Wayne State University Press, Detroit, Michigan, page 197.
American Photo Company
Ilion, New York, publishers of stereo views ......................................................................................................... ca 1900 t
“829. Orchard Lake, Mich., from Hotel.” was the caption on one of this company’s “American and Foreign Views, t
sold only by canvassers.” t

American Photo Finishing Company

Detroit PHOTOGRAPHERS at 942 Grand Boulevard east ............................................................................ 1918-1919 d m
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHERS at 2964 Fisher av ........................................................................................................ 1922 d
Frederick B. Smead was the proprietor of this company. d

American Photogravure Company

Detroit PHOTOGRAPHERS at 451 Larned st west ........................................................................................ 1920-1921 m

American Photo Supply & Manufacturing Company

Schoolcraft manufacturers of photographic accessories .................................................................................. 1900-1901 m
Three Rivers manufacturers of photographic accessories ................................................................................ 1902-1903 m
James H. Pratt was president of this company in 1902, with George E. Miller as secretary and Charles A. Kaiser as m
treasurer. The company advertised nationally in the fall of 1902: “THEY SAY ‘We are Anti-Trust’ - If (this is) giving m 1
every man his right to purchase what he wants where he pleases, without restriction, we accept the term. - 1
REMEMBER - we furnish every paper on the market, every plate on the market, every camera on the market. * Bear 1
in mind that we have a special plan whereby the Photographer becomes a direct reciprocant of the profits of his stock 1
house. * We have a trouble department. If in trouble, write us. We have one of the best chemists engaged in 1
photography to answer questions....” They advertised again early in 1903: “We manufacture the Wonder Display 1
Cabinet, the Desk Display Cabinet, the Counter Display Cabinet, the Wall Display Cabinet and THE CELEBRATED 1
No. 3925 COMBINATION CHAIR. WE ASK YOU What Have We Done For The PHOTOGRAPHER? We will not 1
blow our horn, but will let our friends tell you. Send to us for a sample of one of the BEST Matt Papers on the Market. 1
Cabinets, $1.42 per gross, DELIVERED....” James H. Pratt attended the annual convention of the Photographers’ 1
Association of America at Indianapolis in August of 1903 on behalf of the American Photo Supply & Manufacturing 1
Company. 1
1. St.. Louis and Canadian Photographer; volume 26, numbers 10 and 11, October and November 1902; and volume 27, numbers 2 and 9,
February and September, 1903, page 430.

American Portrait Company

Seabury S. Vail was agent for this firm in Detroit in 1883, with an office at 135 Griswold Street. d

American Studio
Flint PHOTOGRAPHERS ......................................................................................................................................... 1903 1
“American Studio, FLINT, MICH.” was blind stamped in the lower right corner of eight by six inch black mounts t
carrying 5 by 3½ inch portraits. t
1. “Photographers of Flint, Michigan” by Kenneth A. Wallace in The Flint Genealogical Quarterly; volume 17, numbers 2, 3 and 4,
and volume18, numbers 1, 2, 3 and 4, April 1975 to October 1976.

American View Company, The

Sherwood STEREOGRAPHERS ......................................................................................................................... ca 1910 t
“The American View Company, Sherwood, Michigan, Publishers of Local Stereoscopic Views, The Coming t
Pictures” was printed on the mounts of stereographs. “The Record View Company, Sherwood, Michigan, Publishers of t
Local Stereoscopic Views, The Coming Pictures” was printed on similar mounts. t
Ammerman, John A. T.
Olive Township farm laborer or farmer ........................................................................................................... 1860-1862 1 2
United States Army soldier .............................................................................................................................. 1862-1863 2 3
Lawton PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................ 1863-1864 4
John was born about 1841 at Mentz, New York. In 1860 he and three younger brothers were living on the farm of 3 1
their widowed mother, Mrs. Hannah Ammerman. John was 5 feet 8 inches tall with a fair complexion, hazel eyes and 1 3
black hair when he enlisted at St. Johns in Company A of the 23rd Michigan Volunteer Infantry on August 7, 1862. 3
The regiment was mustered into service at Saginaw on September 11, and left for Kentucky on September 18, 1862, 2
assigned to the Army commanded by General Rosencrans. They spent the winter at Bowling Green, Carthage, 2 3
Glasgow and Thompkinsville, Kentucky. John experienced his first epileptic seizure in March of 1863, and an 3
imperfect recovery from typhoid pneumonia left him with pulmonary disease. He had been associated with the hospital 3
at Bowling Green for four months as an attendant or patient prior to his discharge there on April 26, 1863. He filed an 3
application for an Invalid Pension at Louisville, Kentucky, in May of 1863. He was referred to a doctor at St. Johns for 3
examination on September 3, 1863, and again on January 14, 1865, but did not report so his application was 3
considered to be abandoned. 3
1. 1860 Federal Census of Olive Township in Clinton County, Michigan.
2. Record of Service of Michigan Volunteers in the Civil War, 1861-1865; published by the State of Michigan about 1904.
3. Veterans Pension Record of John A. T. Ammerman obtained from the National Archives at Washington, D. C.
4. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1862-1866, National Archives, Washington, D.C.

Anders, _______
Kalamazoo (Schuyler & Anders) DAGUERREOTYPISTS on Main st .......................................................... 1858-1860 1
Please see the entry on P. Schuyler for more information. 1
1. Richard W. Welch, Sun Pictures in Kalamazoo; Kalamazoo Public Museum, 1974..

Anderson, _______
Crystal Falls (McCourt & Anderson) PHOTOGRAPHERS ................................................................................. ca 1897 1
1. Learned in 1997 from Jack Deo of Marquette, Michigan.

Anderson, _______
Mackinaw (Anderson, Coulson & Company) PHOTOGRAPHERS .................................................................... ca 1895 t
“Anderson, Coulson & Co., Photographers, For Duplicates, Address, MACKINAW, MICH.” was printed below the image on t
cabinet mounts. Mackinaw City had its name shortened to Mackinaw from November of 1894 until December of 1935. t 1
1. Walter Romig, Michigan Place Names, Grosse Pointe, Michigan.

Anderson, Burr Fitzsimmons

Ann Arbor photographer ............................................................................................................................................ 1910 1
Brooklyn PHOTOGRAPHER ......................................................................................................................... 1914-1915 m
Manchester PHOTOGRAPHER ...................................................................................................................... 1914-1915 m
Ann Arbor photographer and technical assistant in the X-Ray Department at U of M Hospital ............................... 1918 2
Ann Arbor radiographer at University Hospital ......................................................................................................... 1920 1
Milwaukee, Wisconsin, X-Ray technician for an automobile frame manufacturer .................................................... 1930 1
His parents were born in Michigan, but Burr was born in Tennessee on August 28, 1879, and probably was the son 1 2
of W. F. and Jennie Anderson who were farming in Bradley County. He became a tall man with brown eyes and dark 1 2
hair. Lulu was born in Michigan about 1883, and their children were born in Michigan: Frederick in 1907, Dorothy in 1
1911, Mary in 1912, and Martha in December of 1916. 1
1. 1880 Federal Census of the Fifth Civil District of Bradley County, Tennessee, 1910 Federal Census of the First Ward and 1930 Federal
Census of the Fourth Ward of Ann Arbor in Washtenaw County, Michigan, plus 1930 Federal Census of the village of Shorewood in
Milwaukee County, Wisconsin.
2. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.
Anderson, Clifford A.
Coral PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................... 1898-1901 m
Reading PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................... 1902-1905 m
Jonesville PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................ 1906-1910 m 1
Jonesville house carpenter ................................................................................................................................ 1920,1930 1
Clifford was born in New York State to James and Jane Anderson in September of 1877. His paternal grandparents 1
were Irish, and his two sisters were born in Michigan in December of 1886 and November of 1889. Celia was born in 1
Michigan about 1868, and was the wife of a man named Blizzard before she married Clifford in 1899 or early in 1900. 1
Clifford and Celia shared their home for two or three decades with Maude, Celia’s daughter from her first marriage, 1
and their son Loy was born in Michigan in 1901. 1
1. 1900 Federal Census of Maple Valley Township in Montcalm County, plus 1910, 1920 and 1930 Federal Censes of the village of
Jonesville in Fayette Township of Hillsdale County, Michigan.

Anderson, David R.
Otsego farmer .................................................................................................................................................. 1861-1862 1
United States Army soldier .............................................................................................................................. 1862-1864 1 2
Otsego resident ................................................................................................................................................ 1864-1865 1
Paw Paw PHOTOGRAPHER one door east of the court house on the south side of Main st .......................... 1867-1869 3 4
East Troy, Wisconsin, PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................... 1870 5
Oak Creek, Wisconsin, resident ....................................................................................................................... 1874-1878 1
Racine, Wisconsin, resident ............................................................................................................................. 1884-1888 1
Evanston, Illinois, resident ......................................................................................................................................... 1889 1
Oconomowoc, Wisconsin, resident .................................................................................................................. 1892-1893 1
Two Rivers, Wisconsin, pastor of the Congregational Church ........................................................................ 1907-1910 1 6
Randolph, Wisconsin, resident .................................................................................................................................. 1915 1
David was born on September 16, 1840, at Potsdam, New York. He was 5 feet 7 ½ inches tall with a florid 1 5
complexion, blue eyes and auburn hair, and had been working on his father’s farm prior to his enlistment at Otsego as 1
a corporal in Company B of the 19th Michigan Infantry on August 9, 1862. He was captured in the spring of 1863 and 2 1
was imprisoned at Richmond, Virginia. In his own words: “… I was first taken sick on my way to Libby Prison. 1
Succeeded in keeping around until paroled. I got home a few weeks later when I was prostrated for some weeks. Got 1
up in time to return to duty after exchange in time, but soon broke down again on a march from Guys Gap to 1
Murfreesboro, Tennessee….” He was sent to the Post Hospital at Murfreesboro disabled with rheumatism of his back 1
and hips. David was hospitalized for almost a year and then sent home on a furlough. When the furlough expired he 1
reported at Detroit and was placed in St. Marys Hospital. There he was found so crippled with rheumatism that he was 1
able to move about only by the aid of crutches, and was unfit even for the Veteran Reserve Corps. Due to the disability 1 2
he was honorably discharged at Detroit on August 9, 1864. He soon discovered that the pain in his groin that had been 2 1
diagnosed as sympathetic to his rheumatic pain was a hernia which, along with the rheumatism, troubled him for the 1
rest of his life. He and 14-year-old Miss Mary Louisa Averill were married at Cooper in 1866, and had three daughters 6 1
and two sons born between May 5, 1867, and January 22, 1882. David produced stereoscopic views of Paw Paw. In 1 7
addition to the towns mentioned above, he and his family lived around 1880 in South Milwaukee and Oconomowoc, 1
Wisconsin, and before 1907 in Eau Claire, Shellsburg and Peshtigo, Wisconsin. At Randolph in August of 1915, 1
David and Mary were looking forward to the golden anniversary of their marriage during the following year. 1
1. Civil War Veteran Pension Record of David R. Anderson obtained from the National Archives at Washington, D. C.
2. Record of Service of Michigan Volunteers in the Civil War, 1861-1865; published by the State of Michigan about 1904.
3. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1867-1868, Great Lakes Branch of the National Archives, Chicago, Illinois.
4. Van Buren County Gazetteer and Business Directory for 1869; Hill & Leavens, Decatur, Michigan..
5. Directory of Wisconsin Photographers; State Historical Society of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin, 1991.
6. 1910 Federal Census of Two Rivers in Manitowoc County, Wisconsin.
7. William Culp Darrah, Stereo Views, Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, 1964.

Anderson, E. J.
Romeo PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................. 1890-1891 m
Capac (Wade & Anderson) PHOTOGRAPHERS ..................................................................................................... 1891 1
Romeo (Wade & Anderson) PHOTOGRAPHERS ................................................................................................... 1891 1
On July 6, 1891, Anderson photographed the train of box cars pulled by engine number 216 which was moving the t
Morton Manufacturing Company from Romeo to Muskegon. Specially printed 9¾ by 11½ inch mounts were made up t
for the resulting 7½ by 9½ prints. Charles B. Wade had also been a Romeo photographer for a couple of years prior to t m
his partnership with Anderson. This advertisement appeared in a Capac newspaper early in 1891: “Wade & Anderson, m 1
photographers of Romeo, Michigan, have arranged to visit this place every Thursday to do work.” Capac’s local 1
photographer, Charles A. Fox, retaliated by threatening to work Romeo for business, and by slashing his price for a 1
dozen cabinets from $2.00 to $1.50 on Thursdays only. 1
1. Capac Journal; Capac, Michigan, January 23, 1891.
Anderson, Eugenia, Miss
Cadillac photographer ................................................................................................................................................ 1900 1 2
Eugenia was born in Sweden in June of 1876 to Christine and John Anderson. She was living with her parents in 2 1
1900, and probably worked in John’s studio which was right next door. 2 1
1. Cadillac City Directory; 1900, W. A. Norton.
2. 1900 Federal Census of the Second Ward of Cadillac in Wexford County, Michigan.

Anderson, Frank B.
Pontiac student or photographer ....................................................................................................................... 1880,1886 1 2
Pontiac PHOTOGRAPHER in the Crofoot Block opposite the Hodges House .............................................. 1888-1890 m R
Detroit photographer .................................................................................................................................................. 1891 d
Pontiac bank clerk ..................................................................................................................................................... 1895 3
Pontiac grocery salesman ........................................................................................................................................... 1900 1
Pontiac assistant postmaster .............................................................................................................................. 1903,1910 4 1
Pontiac assistant postmaster .............................................................................................................................. 1920,1930 1
Frank was born in Michigan in February of 1865, the son of Charles and Sarah Anderson, who emigrated from 1
Canada and Ireland. He had an older sister, three younger brothers and a younger sister. His father was a Pontiac 1 4
carpenter and later a superintendent at the Eastern Michigan Asylum. Frank acquired the gallery of William H. 4 5
Brummitt early in December of 1888, and ran a lengthy advertisement for three months: “... The W. H. Brummitt 5
Studio is one of the most perfectly fitted up photograph galleries in the state. The rooms were planned and finished 5
when the block was built, by Mr. B. himself with reference to convenience and adaptability, with special care in the 5
application of light.... In the taking of negatives great pains has been taken to provide diversity in the background of 5
pictures, in scenery, interior and exterior, comprising library, piano, fire place, rustics, rocks, grass, mats and other 5
views....The life size work ... has been equal to any produced in the the state, and ... will not be allowed to decline ... 5
under Mr. Anderson. Mr. Brummitt will remain with Frank to meet his old friends and customers.” He advertised later: 5
“... You can get anything in the Photographic line at our Gallery. CHILDREN A SPECIALTY....” and then “We 5
CAPTURED The First Prize at the Last County Fair for the Best PHOTOGRAPHS Exhibited. We Still Keep The 5
Lead. NO LOWER PRICED IN THE CITY. Duplicates can be ordered from negatives made during the past seven 5
years. NO CHARGE FOR RE-SITTINGS....” As in 1889, Frank was awarded the First Premium for the Best 5
Collection of Photos at the Oakland County Fair in October of 1890, but his ads then concentrated upon bargains: 5
“SAVE $1.00! ... Twelve Fine $3.00 Photos For Only $2.00.... One Dozen Photos and a Life Size Picture for only 5
$6.00....” Brummit announced on December 12, 1890, that he had repurchased the gallery, and that he would make 5
photos owed by Anderson until January 1, 1891. Ellen, or Nellie, was born in Alabama in October of 1866, married 5 1
Frank about 1889, and never had any children. 1
1. 1880, 1900, 1910, 1920, and 1930 Federal Censes of the First Ward of Pontiac in Oakland County, Michigan.
2. Pontiac City Directory, 1886, T. W. Aston & Company.
3. Pontiac City Directory, 1895, J. H. Harger & Company.
4. Biographical Record of ... Oakland County; 1903.
5. Pontiac Gazette; Pontiac, Michigan, December 7, 1888, to December 12, 1890.

Anderson, Frank E.
Ypsilanti PHOTOGRAPHER .................................................................................................................................... 1888 R
Ypsilanti (Nichoson & Anderson) PHOTOGRAPHERS .......................................................................................... 1888 y t
Ypsilanti painter and paper hanger ............................................................................................................................ 1900 1
Saint Joseph house painter ......................................................................................................................................... 1910 1
Saint Joseph wallpaper merchant ............................................................................................................................... 1920 1
Saint Joseph decorator and painter ............................................................................................................................ 1930 1
Frank was born in Michigan in January of 1867. Josephine was born here in February of 1869, and she married 1
Frank very early in 1889. Their daughter Mable was born in Ypsilanti in August of 1889. Mable and her husband, 1
George Haid, were living with her parents in 1930. 1
1. 1900 Federal Census of the Fifth Ward of Ypsilanti in Washtenaw County, plus 1910 and 1920 Federal Censes of the Third Ward and
1930 Federal Census of the Fourth Precinct of St. Joseph in Berrien County, Michigan.

Anderson, Hans I.
Marinette, Wisconsin, photographer .......................................................................................................................... 1899 1
Manistique PHOTOGRAPHER ...................................................................................................................... 1899-1903 1 m
It was reported in October of 1899 that Hans, or Hannis, had purchased a gallery in Manistique. His sale of the 1
Manistique studio to Edward E. Nequette was reported in March of 1903. 1
1. St. Louis and Canadian Photographer; volume 23, number 10, October 1899, page 478; and volume 27, number 3, March 1903, page 171.
Anderson, John
Cadillac PHOTOGRAPHER on Mitchell st north ........................................................................................... 1884-1901 m
Greenland PHOTOGRAPHER .................................................................................................................................. 1903 R
Merrill, Wisconsin, PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................... 1905 1
John was born in Sweden in September of 1846. Christine was born in Sweden in May of 1849, and married John 2
there about 1864. Two of their daughters were born there: Eugenia in June of 1876 and Bertha in February of 1879. 2
Their daughter Selma was born in Michigan in April of 1886. John’s Art Studio in Cadillac was at 413 North Mitchell 2 3
Street in 1900, when he seems to have been employing his daughter Eugenia as a photographer. 3 2
1. Directory of Wisconsin Photographers; State Historical Society of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin, 1991.
2. 1900 Federal Census of the Second Ward of Cadillac in Wexford County, Michigan.
3. Cadillac City Directory; 1900, W. A. Norton.

Anderson, Magnus
Calumet PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................... 1904-1905 m
Calumet picture frame merchant ...................................................................................................................... 1906-1907 m
Elm River Township teamster .................................................................................................................................... 1910 1
Magnus and his second wife were born in Finland, he in 1864 or 1865 and Vera 14 years later. They married about 1
1902, and their daughter and son were born in Michigan between 1903 and 1905 1
1. 1910 Federal Census of Elm River Township in Houghton County, Michigan.

Anderson, Minnie M., Mrs.

Cadillac housewife ..................................................................................................................................................... 1900 1
Cadillac assistant in the photograph gallery of her husband, William M. Anderson ................................................. 1910 1
Cadillac housewife ..................................................................................................................................................... 1920 1
Levering house keeper in the home of a widower with seven children ...................................................................... 1930 1
Minnie was born in Canada in November of 1872, married Will about 1891, and gave birth in Michigan to twin girls 1
(Beatrice and Frances) in October of 1893 and to twin boys (Eugene and Gerald) in May of 1895. She was a widow 1
by 1930. 1
1. 1900 Federal Census of the Third Ward plus 1910 and 1920 Federal Censes of the Second Ward of Cadillac in Wexford County,
and 1930 Federal Census of Levering in McKinley Township of Emmett County, Michigan.

Anderson, Roderick John

Sparta PHOTOGRAPHER .............................................................................................................................. 1902-1903 m
Ithaca PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................... 1904-1905 m
Grand Rapids price clerk for the Standard Oil Company ................................................................................ 1910-1918 g 1
Los Angeles, California, salesman for a department store ......................................................................................... 1920 2
San Bernardino, California, clerk with the State Highway Commission .................................................................... 1930 2
John was born in Canada to Scotch parents on February 16, 1874. He may have served with the United States Army 2 1
in the Philippines around 1900. Lulu’s father was Canadian, she was born in Michigan in 1877, and she married 3 2
Roderick about 1904. They never had children. In 1918 Roderick was a short man with blue eyes and brown hair and a 2 1
naturalized citizen of the United States, and he was moving from Grand Rapids to Hollywood, California. 1
1. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.
2. 1920 Census of Precinct 389 of Los Angeles in Los Angeles County and 1930 Federal Census of the Third Ward of San Bernardino in
San Bernardino County, California.
3. 1900 Census of United States Army soldiers at San Isidro in the Philippine Islands which enumerated Private John R. Anderson.
Anderson, Samuel
Brady Township farm laborer .................................................................................................................................... 1880 1
Galesburg photographer ............................................................................................................................................. 1883 2
Three Rivers PHOTOGRAPHER .................................................................................................................... 1886-1888 m R
Three Rivers (Anderson & Kepler) PHOTOGRAPHERS ............................................................................... 1888-1892 m t
Centreville (Anderson & Kepler) PHOTOGRAPHERS ....................................................................................... ca 1892 t
Marcellus (Anderson & Kepler) PHOTOGRAPHERS ........................................................................................ ca 1892 t
Schoolcraft (Anderson & Kepler) PHOTOGRAPHERS ................................................................................. 1892-1893 m
Three Rivers PHOTOGRAPHER .................................................................................................................... 1892-1899 m
Fabius Township farmer .......................................................................................................................... 1900,1910,1920 1
In 1875 a photographer named Samuel Anderson had a gallery at 151 Canal Street in New Orleans, Louisiana. This 3
Samuel Anderson seems to have been born in Michigan in August of 1861. His parents, Joseph and Elizabeth 1
Anderson, emigrated from Ireland and raised four sons and one daughter in Michigan. Sam succeeded Edwin Gillis in 1 t
Three Rivers. Anderson & Kepler moved into the Udell Gallery over Griffith’s hardware store and opposite the Three t 4
Rivers House. Some Anderson & Kepler cabinet mounts were from Three Rivers, many more were from Three Rivers 4 t
and Schoolcraft, and a few were from Three Rivers, Schoolcraft and Centreville, or from Three Rivers, Schoolcraft t
and Marcellus. Their cabinet photographs included some outdoor scenes. Hattie was born in Illinois in January of t 1
1868, and she married Sam about 1890. She gave birth to Forester in October of 1894, and to a son named Heith in 1
April of 1916 when she was 48 years old. 1
1. 1880 Federal Census of Brady Township in Kalamazoo County, plus 1900, 1910 and 1920 Federal Censes of Fabius Township in
Saint Joseph County, Michigan.
2. Kalamazoo County Directory; 1883, Kalamazoo Publishing Company, Kalamazoo, Michigan.
3. Zell’s United States Business Directory for 1875, T. Ellwood Zell, Philadelphia.
4. St. Joseph County Republican; Centreville, Michigan, September 29, to December 29, 1888.

Anderson, Uno
Negaunee railroad section laborer ............................................................................................................................. 1910 1
Negaunee PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................. ca 1912 t
Negaunee iron miner in the Mary Charlotte Mine ..................................................................................................... 1917 2
Negaunee iron miner ......................................................................................................................................... 1920,1930 1
Uno was born in Finland on January 18, 1891, and immigrated in 1909. He was a tall man with gray eyes and dark 1 2
hair, and was boarding with the family of his section foreman in 1910. “Photo by Uno Anderson, Negaunee, Mich.” 1 t
was written on the negatives of post card photographs. One of these was of sixteen women, nine children and one man t
posed at the side of a house. Several of the women were each knitting a stocking. Rena was born about 1880 and t 1
emigrated from Finland in 1907. She married Uno around 1914 and gave birth in Michigan to two daughters: Helen E. 1
Anderson born in October of 1915, and Nina Myrtle Anderson born in August of 1919. 1
1. 1910 Federal Census of Negaunee Township, plus 1920 Federal Census of the Fourth Ward and 1930 Federal Census of the Third
Ward of Negaunee in Marquette County, Michigan.
2. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.

Anderson, William M.
Cadillac PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................... 1898-1899 m
Cadillac PHOTOGRAPHER at 300 Mitchell st north ............................................................................................... 1900 1
Cadillac PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................... 1900-1901 m
Cadillac (W. M. Anderson & Company) PHOTOGRAPHERS ................................................................................ 1902 2
Cadillac PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................... 1902-1905 m
Cadillac active member of the Photographers’ Association of America .................................................................... 1905 3
Cadillac PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................... 1906-1913 R m
Cadillac gardener ....................................................................................................................................................... 1920 4
William was born in New York State in June of 1856. Minnie was born in Canada in November of 1872, married 4
Will about 1891, and was delivered of female twins in October of 1893 and of male twins in May of 1895. In 1910 she 4
was assisting Will in the photograph gallery. By 1930 she was a widow. 4
1. Cadillac City Directory, 1900, W. A. Norton.
2. Directory of Central Michigan, Young & Company, 1902.
3. The Association Review, Convention Annual, Boston 1905, The Photographers’ Association of America.
4. 1900 Federal Census of the Third Ward plus 1910 and 1920 Federal Censes of the Second Ward of Cadillac in Wexford County,
and 1930 Federal Census of Levering in McKinley Township of Emmett County, Michigan.

Andrew, Harvey
Effingham, Illinois, student of photography .............................................................................................................. 1904 1
Detroit photographer ........................................................................................................................................ 1906-1907 1
1. St. Louis and Canadian Photographer; volume 30, number 11, November 1906, page 473.
Andrew, Reuben L.
Hillsdale PHOTOGRAPHER on the west side of Howell st ..................................................................................... 1860 h
Hillsdale (Andrew & Ives) PHOTOGRAPHERS on Howell st ....................................................................... 1862-1863 m
Hillsdale PHOTOGRAPHER over Mott’s Drug and Dry Goods Store ........................................................... 1863-1865 1 h
Hillsdale PHOTOGRAPHER .................................................................................................................................... 1867 2
Hillsdale (Andrew & Carson) PHOTOGRAPHERS on Howell st .................................................................. 1868-1873 2 m
Hillsdale photographer for John R. Cole ................................................................................................................... 1874 h
Grand Rapids photographer for Orsamus W. Horton ................................................................................................ 1875 g
Grand Rapids photographer ............................................................................................................................. 1876-1877 g
Grand Rapids photographer for Orsamus W. Horton ................................................................................................ 1878 g
Grand Rapids PHOTOGRAPHER at 20 Canal st ...................................................................................................... 1879 g
Grand Rapids photographer for the Nelson-Matter Furniture Company .................................................................... 1880 g 3
Grand Rapids PHOTOGRAPHER at 202 Canal st .................................................................................................... 1886 g
Grand Rapids photographer ............................................................................................................................. 1888-1890 g
Grand Rapids (Sharpsteen & Andrew) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 21 Monroe st ......................................................... 1890 g
Grand Rapids photographer ............................................................................................................................. 1891-1893 g
Grand Rapids traveling agent ..................................................................................................................................... 1894 g
Grand Rapids photographer ............................................................................................................................. 1895-1897 g
Grand Rapids resident ...................................................................................................................................... 1898-1905 g
Reuben was born in Vermont in March of 1826. His wife’s parents emigrated from Ireland and Scotland, and 4 3
Margaret or Maggie was born in Michigan in September of 1844. Their daughter Delle was born here in 1867 or 1868. 4 3
On some cartes de visite, both with and without revenue stamps, was printed: “EUGENE CLARKE, Successor to R. L. t
Angrew, Hillsdale, Mich.” Local advertising in November of 1865 noted that Eugene Clarke succeeded R. L. Andrew, t 5
and in June of 1867 stated that Andrew & Carson succeeded Eugene Clarke with R. L. Andrew as proprietor and Wm. 5
A. Carson as photographer. They proposed to take likenesses in ambrotypes, photographs, porcelain, watch dial, 5
pocket handkerchief, or any picture known to the art. At the Hillsdale County Fair in October of 1868 Andrew & 5
Carson were awarded premiums for the best collection of sun pictures, the second best India ink photograph, and the 5
second best painted photograph. Their gallery was over Skinner’s Drug Store in 1869. The NPA monogram printed on 5 t
some Andrew & Carson card photograph mounts indicated that one or both of them belonged to the National t
Photographers Association. “Chicago. - Ruins. Andrew & Carson, Hillsdale, Mich.” was printed on the mounts of t
stereo views along with captions ranging from “No. 8. - Pacific Hotel, ...” to “No. 102. - New England Church.” t
Reuben attended the annual convention of the Photographers’ Association of America at Milwaukee in August of 6
1883, and employed Abraham DeWindt as a photographer in 1886. Sharpsteen & Andrew employed Harry Fraine and 6 g
Samuel Wardlaw as photographers. Margaret, Mrs. Reuben L. Andrew, was president of the Grand Rapids g
Kindergarten Association in 1904 and 1905. Reuben was almost 79 years old when he passed away at Grand Rapids g
on February 23, 1905. g
1. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1862-1866, National Archives, Washington, D.C.
2. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1867-1868, Great Lakes Branch of the National Archives, Chicago, Illinois.
3. 1880 Federal Census of the city of Grand Rapids in Kent County, Michigan.
4. 1900 Federal Census of the Fourth Ward of Grand Rapids in Kent County, Michigan.
5. Hillsdale Standard, Hillsdale, Michigan, November 28 and December 5, 1865, June 25, 1867, October 20, 1868, and January 5,
1869. Noted by James G. Donaldson of Detroit, Michigan.
6. The Photographic Times; New York, volume 13, number 152, August 1883, and volume 14, number 163, July 1884.

Andrew & Pierce

Please see the entry for James A. Jenney.

Andrews, _______
Birch Run PHOTOGRAPHER .................................................................................................................................. 1910 t
“ANDREWS PHOTO” was lettered on the negatives of post card photographs of street scenes and depots. Captions t
were lettered on some of the negatives, such as: “13 MAIN ST. WEST, BIRCH RUN, MICH.” or “130 M.P. t
CHURCH, BIRCH RUN, MICH.” Some cards were postmarked from 1910 to 1912, and they included postal photos t
of nearby Montrose. The photographer probably was Frank Andrews who was born in Michigan in 1885. He and his t 1
widowed mother Margaret were living on the Birch Run Township farm of his older brother Ray in 1910. Frank had 1
his own farm next to Ray in 1920, and their mother had moved along with him to make room for Ray’s growing 1
family. Frank still was single in 1930, when he was living in the village of Birch Run and working in a milk 1
condensery. 1
1. 1910, 1920 and 1930 Federal Censes of Birch Run Township in Saginaw County, Michigan.

Andrews, George
Saugatuck DAGUERREOTYPIST .................................................................................................................. 1862-1863 m
Andrews, L. E., Miss
Grand Haven photographer ........................................................................................................................................ 1885 1
Miss Andrews advertised nationally in August of 1885: “SITUATION WANTED - By a lady, a position in some 1
first-class gallery, Illinois or Missouri preferred to any other State; am proficient in all branches; wages $3.00 per week 1
and board. Address L. E. Andrews, Grand Haven, Mich.” 1
1. The. Photographic Times, New York, August 14, 1885, page 478.

Andrews, Lavern H.
Homer student ............................................................................................................................................................ 1910 1
Homer PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................. 1914-1915 m
Saint Joseph oral surgeon .......................................................................................................................................... 1930 1
Lavern was the younger son of William E. and Florence A. Andrews, and was born in Michigan in February of 1897. 1
Bertha was born in Michigan to English parents in 1891 or early in 1892, and she married Lavern about 1917. Their 1
daughters were born in Michigan: Frances in 1922 or early in 1923 and Louise in December of 1929. Note that 1
Lavern’s father also was a Homer photographer. m
1. 1910 Census of the village of Homer in Calhoun County and 1930 Federal Census of the Sixth Precinct of St. Joseph in Berrien
County, Michigan.

Andrews, Rufus
Canaan Township, Ohio, laborer on his mother’s farm ............................................................................................. 1850 1
Ganges DAGUERREOTYPIST ...................................................................................................................... 1859-1860 m
Ganges AMBROTYPIST .......................................................................................................................................... 1860 1
Holland PHOTOGRAPHER ..................................................................................................................................... 1862 2
Holland (Andrews & Turnham) PHOTOGRAPHERS .............................................................................................. 1863 2
Ganges Township grocer ........................................................................................................................................... 1870 1
Rufus was born in Ohio in 1832 or 1833. He and an older sister and brother were living in 1850 with their 62-year- 1
old widowed mother Mary. Caroline was born in Ohio around 1837, and she married Rufus about 1859. Their 1
daughter Lucy was born in 1860 or early in 1861. Apparently Rufus died in the 1870s, for in 1880 Caroline was 1
married to a young Ganges Township farmer and Lucy had a one-year-old half-sister. 1
1. 1850 Federal Census of Canaan Township in Wayne County, Ohio, plus 1860, 1870 and 1880 Federal Censes of Ganges Township in
Allegan County, Michigan.
2. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1862-1866, National Archives, Washington, D.C.
3. 1870 Federal Census of Ganges Township, Allegan County, Michigan.

Andrews, William E.
Clarendon Township student ..................................................................................................................................... 1870 1
Clarendon Township laborer on his father’s farm ...................................................................................................... 1880 1
Homer grocer ............................................................................................................................................................. 1900 1
Homer hardware salesman ......................................................................................................................................... 1910 1
Homer PHOTOGRAPHER and dealer in Kodaks and supplies ...................................................................... 1914-1915 m
Homer PHOTOGRAPHER and town clerk ............................................................................................................... 1916 2
Ann Arbor steel ball oil grinder ................................................................................................................................. 1920 1
His parents came from New York and New Hampshire and William was born in Michigan in July of 1860, the last 1
child of Luther and Dianna Andrews. Florence was born here in July of 1864, married William about 1883, and gave 1
birth to Elbert in January of 1888 and to Lavern in February of 1897. William produced post card photographs of 1 3
Homer. Note that his younger son also was a Homer photographer. Florence was living in Homer as a widow in 1930. m 1
1. 1870 and 1880 Federal Censes of Clarendon Township plus 1900, 1910 and 1930 Federal Censes of the village of Homer in Calhoun
County, and 1920 Federal Census of the First Ward of Ann Arbor in Washtenaw County, Michigan.
2. Standard Atlas of Calhoun County, Michigan, Geo. A. Ogle & Company, Chicago, 1916, page 127.
3. Learned in 1991 from David Jaeger of Haslett, Michigan.

Andrews, William V.
Detroit AMBROTYPIST on Woodward av .............................................................................................................. 1858 d
Detroit intelligence office .......................................................................................................................................... 1859 d
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER and news agent over 235 Jefferson av ................................................................. 1860-1861 d
Detroit book and news agent ............................................................................................................................ 1862-1863 d
William’s wife kept a dressmaking and millinery shop on Jefferson Avenue from 1862 through 1864. d
Angell, Daniel
East Saginaw PHOTOGRAPHER on the third floor at 115 Genesee av on the corner of Franklin st ....................... 1871 1 s
East Saginaw PHOTOGRAPHER over 215 Genesee av ........................................................................................... 1872 s
East Saginaw PHOTOGRAPHER at the southwest corner of Franklin st and Genesee av ............................. 1872-1881 m s
East Saginaw PHOTOGRAPHER on the second floor at 220 Genesee av on the corner of Franklin st ......... 1882-1890 m R
Detroit (Angell, Diehl & Company) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 246 Woodward av ........................................... 1890-1891 m
Detroit (Angell & Diehl) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 246 Woodward av ................................................................. ca 1891 t
Ionia PHOTOGRAPHER ..................................................................................................................................... ca 1895 t
Muskegon PHOTOGRAPHER at 14 Jefferson st ............................................................................................ 1896-1897 m
Portland PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................... 1900-1901 m
Tecumseh PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................ 1902-1903 m
Daniel was born in Rhode Island in 1833 or 1834, and was single in 1880. He was connected with the photography 2 3
business at Chicago and in Wisconsin for more than seven years before coming to Michigan. His first East Saginaw 3 1
gallery opened for business in April of 1871 across from the Courier offices. It was made up of a large double parlor, a 1
dressing room, and the operating, printing, bath and negative rooms. He was identified as Daniel Angell, Junior, by s 1
some early East Saginaw sources. In 1873 he called himself “ANGELL, The PHOTOGRAPHER of the Valley. 1
Directly opposite the Everett House.” 1876 advertisements in their own language brought his Photographisches 1 4
Kunstler-Atelier to the attention of the German-speaking population of the Saginaws. Daniel employed William L. 4 s
Smith as a photographer in 1883, styled himself the leading photographer, and followed others in cutting the price of s 5
cabinet photographs to $2.50 per dozen as part of a price war. In addition to cabinet photos, in 1887 Daniel offered 5 3
commercial work, life size work, and portraits in oil, water color and crayon. His studio was 25 by 125 feet overall, 3
with an elegantly fitted reception room, an operating room with excellent lights, and printing and retouching rooms in 3
the rear. He owned a process which gave the effect of a steel engraving to a photographic portrait, relieving the 3
shadows without affecting the highlights. About this time Daniel offered “PHOTOGRAPHING in all its branches. 3 s
Large Photographs and Cabinets a Specialty. First quality work only. Workmanship guaranteed. ALL STYLES OF s
FRAMES ON HAND.” He had five employees in 1887, including as assistant Miss Flora Copeland. Flora had been s 3
with him since 1882, and went along when he moved to Detroit about 1890. There she became a partner in Angell, s d
Diehl & Company along with Ambrose J. Diehl and Daniel. They hired Edward J. Winiker as a photo printer. Angell d
& Diehl were succeeded at 246 Woodward Avenue by the Earle Photo Company. “Angell, Ionia” was printed on d t
cabinet mounts in a different type face, but was still reminiscent of Daniel’s earlier “Angell, East Saginaw” imprints. t
1. Saginaw Daily Courier; April 17 1871, and June 17, 1873.
2. 1880 Federal Census of East Saginaw in Saginaw County, Michigan.
3. The Industries of the Saginaws; 1887.
4. Saginaw Zeitung; March 16, 23 and 30, and April 6, 1876.
5. Saginaw Morning Herald, April 10, 1883.

Angell, David
East Saginaw PHOTOGRAPHER up stairs opposite the Everett House ................................................................... 1873 1
East Saginaw PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................... 1876-1877 2
East Saginaw photographer .............................................................................................................................. 1882-1883 s
1. Directory of the Saginaw Valley; November 1873, C. Exera Brown, Lansing, Michigan.
2. Bradstreet’s Commercial Reports ... Western & Southern States; J. M. Bradstreet & Son Company, New York, January 1, 1877.
Angell, George R.
Rochester, New York, apprentice machinist ..................................................................................................... 1851-1853 1
Detroit laborer or machinist .............................................................................................................................. 1853-1857 d 1
Rochester, New York, machine shop proprietor .................................................................................................... ca 1858 1
Rochester, New York, reporter .............................................................................................................................. ca 1860 1
Rochester, New York, employee of a dealer in photographic supplies .................................................................. ca 1862 1
Detroit (Howard & Angell) DEALERS IN PHOTOGRAPH MATERIALS over 127 Jefferson av .......................... 1864 d
Detroit DEALER IN PHOTOGRAPHIC GOODS or STOCK over 127 Jefferson av ..................................... 1865-1871 d m
Detroit DEALER IN PHOTOGRAPHIC STOCK on the ground floor at 131 Jefferson av ............................. 1871-1872 d 2
Detroit DEALER IN PHOTOGRAPHIC MATERIALS, &c. at 129 Jefferson av ........................................... 1872-1875 d m
Detroit DEALER IN PHOTOGRAPHIC MATERIALS, &c. at 158 Woodward av ........................................ 1876-1885 d m
Detroit DEALER IN PHOTOGRAPHIC MATERIALS, &c. at 216 Woodward av ........................................ 1886-1900 d m
George was born on November 27, 1836, at Rochester, New York, where he served an apprenticeship in his father’s 1
machine shop. He became a partner in the same shop when he returned from Detroit. The shop failed in a general 1
depression, and George worked as a reporter before he was hired by photographic supply dealer Henry D. Marks. His 1 2
partner in 1864 was Erastus C. Howard. From 131 Jefferson Avenue he advertised as a “Wholesale Dealer in d
Photographic Stock and Ambrotype Goods, Manufacturer of WALNUT, GILT, AND ROSEWOOD FRAMES, ... d
Chromos, Mouldings, Stereoscopes and Pictures, Cords, Tassels, Screw Eyes, Imperial, Victoria and Carte de Visite d
Frames, All Styles of Lenses, Best and Pure Chemicals, Card Stock, ... and THE AMERICAN OPTICAL CO.’S d
APPARATUS Constantly on Hand....” Early in June of 1872 George moved from 131 to 127 & 129 Jefferson Avenue. d 3
One month later photographer Charles H. Van Deusen was charged with stealing from the Angell store, but was 3
acquitted. By 1875, the store was offering picture frames, mouldings, artists’ materials, mirrors and looking glass 3 d
plates in addition to photographic goods. In July of 1875 George was reported to have taken stereo views of Detroit. d 3
These were probably the “Detroit in 1875” series taken by James A. Jenney and imprinted for Angell and many other 3 t
Detroit merchants. During the 1870s and 1880s “Geo. R. Angell, ...” was printed on stereographs of American and t
foreign scenery produced for him by eastern houses as well as the local views by Jenney. A neat label with: t
“ANGELL’S JUVENILE GROUPS. GEO. R. ANGELL, 158 Woodward Ave., Detroit, Mich.” was adhered to the backs of a t
high quality series of stereo views with titles such as “50. Waiting for Playmates.” and “59. The Tea Party.” These t
stereographs may have been produced by F. G. Weller of Littleton, New Hampshire. When he retired as secretary of t 2
the Photographic Merchants’ Board of Trade early in 1885, he was presented with an engraved gold watch and chain 2
at the annual meeting in New York City. By 1886 George was also dealing in architects’ materials. He became affluent 2 d
and civic minded, was president of the YMCA for six years and a member of the Board of Education for six years, 1
including two as president. He was an organizer and vice president of the City Savings Bank, and became president of 1
the bank and of the Michigan Bankers Association in 1899. George died suddenly from a heart attack on the morning 1
of April 18, 1900. The George R. Angell Company, Limited, was perpetuated through 1906 by his widow, Mrs. Sarah 1 d
M. Angell, and until 1912 by his son, George H. Angell. d
1. Cyclopedia of Michigan, volume 2, page 189.
2. The Photographic Times, New York, volume 1, number 5, May 1871; and February 20, 1885.
3. Detroit Free Press, Detroit, Michigan, June 7 and July 9, 1872; and July 3, 1875.

The advertisement above appeared in the Michigan State Gazetteer for 1865. The
photograph at the right probably was taken in 1864 or 1865 and shows photographer
John H. Roberts with his arm around George R. Angell. The illustration was copied
from a photograph at the Bentley Historical Library of the University of Michigan in
Ann Arbor.

The advertisement above appeared in the Detroit City Directory for 1871. The portrait was copied from a Detroit newspaper clipping dated April 19, 1900,
in the files of the Burton Historical Collection of the Detroit Public Library.

Angell, George R.
Alpena PHOTOGRAPHER at 219 Chisholm st west ................................................................................................ 1895 1
The home of this George R. Angell was in Detroit. 1
1. Alpena City Directory, 1895, R. L. Polk & Company, Detroit.

Angell, William D.
Bay City PHOTOGRAPHER at 308 Marquette av ......................................................................................... 1908-1911 b m
Bay City PHOTOGRAPHER or picture merchant at 1200 Fraser st ......................................................................... 1911 b
His parents emigrated from England, and William was born in Ohio in 1853 or 1854. Ellen was born in Canada ten 1
years later, and married William about 1885. His business was framing pictures, according to the census enumerator. 1
1. 1910 Federal Census of the Ninth Ward of Bay City in Bay County, Michigan.
Angell, William J.
Saint Clair Township painter ..................................................................................................................................... 1860 1
Saint Clair PHOTOGRAPHER ....................................................................................................................... 1862-1863 2 m
Newport PHOTOGRAPHER .......................................................................................................................... 1863-1864 2
Saint Clair PHOTOGRAPHER ....................................................................................................................... 1864-1870 2 m
Au Sable Township painter ........................................................................................................................................ 1880 1
Au Sable Township farmer ............................................................................................................................... 1900,1910 1
William was born in March of 1830 in New York State. Arminda was born in August of 1837 in Michigan, and she 1
married William about 1860. Their son Norman was born in 1865 or early in 1866, and died as a child. Their daughter 1
Helen was born in June of 1871, and their son Charles was born in 1874. Arminda was a widow by 1920, when her son 1
Charles still was single and had returned home to provide her with financial and emotional support. The Newport post 1 3
office in St. Clair County was renamed Marine City in 1865. 3
1. 1860 Federal Census of St. Clair Township and 1870 Federal Census of the First Ward of St. Clair in St. Clair County, plus 1880,
1900 and 1910 Federal Censes of Au Sable Township and 1920 Federal Census of the Second Ward of Au Sable in Iosco County,
2. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1862-1866, National Archives, Washington, D.C.
3. Walter Romig, Michigan Place Names; Grosse Pointe, Michigan.

Angrew, R. L.
Please see the entry for Reuben L. Andrew.

Ann Arbor Art Studio

Ann Arbor PHOTOGRAPHERS at 112 Huron st west ................................................................................... 1900-1901 a
William V. Rippey was the manager of this business early in 1900. 1
1. Ann Arbor Daily Argus, Ann Arbor, Michigan, February 21, 1900, as noted by Wystan Stevens of Ann Arbor.

Anscomb, Edward A.
Redford Township child ............................................................................................................................................ 1850 1
Redford Township farmer on his mother’s farm ........................................................................................................ 1860 1
Detroit wagon maker ................................................................................................................................................. 1863 d
Detroit wagon maker ....................................................................................................................................... 1866-1867 d
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at the corner of Wayne st and Michigan av ................................................................... 1868 d
Grattan Township wagon maker ................................................................................................................................ 1880 1
Clayton Township farmer ................................................................................................................................. 1900,1910 1
Edward was born in Michigan to English parents in November of 1844, fifth of the eight children of Aaron and Clara 1
Anscomb. He and two sisters and three brothers were living in 1860 on the farm of their widowed mother. Elizabeth 1
was born in Canada to English parents in November of 1850, and she married Edward about 1869. Their daughter 1
Grace was born in March of 1881, and their son William was born in August of 1885. Edward’s second marriage took 1
place about 1903, and his bride was 33-year-old Mrs. Fannie Eastman. Fannie brought along her children Lewis, Sarah 1
and Ernest, who were born in Michigan between 1894 and 1903. By 1920 Fannie was married to Fred P. Durham, 1
providing Ernest with another step-father. 1
1. 1850 and 1860 Federal Censes of Redford Township in Wayne County, 1880 Federal Census of Grattan Township in Kent County,
1900 and 1910 Federal Censes of Clayton Township in Arenac County, and 1920 Federal Census of the First Ward of Bay City in
Bay County, Michigan.
Anstett, Walter Valentine
Detroit telegraph messenger ............................................................................................................................ 1898-1900 d 1
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 393 Belvidere av .................................................................................................. ca 1900 t
Detroit clerk or electrician ............................................................................................................................... 1901-1904 d
Gaylord PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................... 1904-1905 m
Detroit telephone operator, wholesale drug clerk or chemist ........................................................................... 1905-1910 d 1
Detroit clerk, salesman, carpenter or stock keeper .......................................................................................... 1911-1918 d 2
Detroit clerk, bookkeeper, time keeper, welder, office worker or stock keeper .............................................. 1919-1930 d 1
Detroit watchman, guard or guardsman ........................................................................................................... 1932-1941 d
Howell resident .......................................................................................................................................................... 1969 3
Walter was born in Canada into a German family on April 8, 1882, third of the eight children of Phillip J. and 2 1
Catherine Anstett. He was brought to the United States with his family in 1894, and became a short man with blue eyes 1 2
and light hair. “Photographer, W. V. Anstett, 393 Belvidere Ave., Detroit, Mich. Plate No. 10” was penciled very 2 t
neatly on the back of a 5½ by 6½ inch commercial mount carrying a good photograph of a Detroit street car. Rose A. t 1
Bonneau was born in 1884 into a French family in Canada, was brought to this country in 1887, and married Walter 1
late in 1909 or early in 1910. Their son Mathew was born in 1914, and their son Lawrence was born in 1919. Walter 1
went to work for the Detroit Urban Railway in 1919 and spent two decades with this company. Walter died at Howell d 3
in July of 1969, and Rose died in Detroit on February 3, 1977. 3
1. 1900 Federal Census of the Seventeenth Ward, 1910 Federal Census of the Tenth Ward, plus 1920 and 1930 Federal Censes of the
21st Ward of Detroit in Wayne County, Michigan.
2. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.
3. Social Security Death Index.

Antes, Catherine, Miss

Detroit retoucher for photographer Frank N. Tomlinson . ......................................................................................... 1886 d

Anthony, Hettie L., Miss

Detroit school girl ...................................................................................................................................................... 1880 1
Detroit retoucher or finisher ............................................................................................................................ 1889-1890 d
Detroit retoucher for photographer Albert A. LeClear .............................................................................................. 1891 d
Detroit retoucher ........................................................................................................................................................ 1892 d
Detroit clerk or retoucher for photographers LeClear & Major ....................................................................... 1893-1894 d
Detroit retoucher for photographers C. M. Hayes & Company ................................................................................. 1895 d
Hettie was born in 1871 or 1872, the youngest of a family of five children all born in Canada. By 1880 her mother, 1
36-year-old Mrs. Elouise Anthony, was a widow raising four daughters and a son between 8 and 17 years old in 1
Detroit. 1
1. 1880 Federal Census of the city of Detroit in Wayne County, Michigan.

Anthony, Josephine L., Miss

Detroit employee of a knitting works ......................................................................................................................... 1880 1
Detroit finisher for photographers Bracy, Diehl & Company .................................................................................... 1883 1
Detroit retoucher for photographer William Marratt ................................................................................................. 1884 d
Detroit photographer .................................................................................................................................................. 1885 d
Detroit photographer or retoucher for photographer Augustus B. Taylor......................................................... 1886-1887 d
Josephine was born in Canada in 1862 or 1863, eldest of the five children of Mrs. Elouise Anthony. 1
1. 1880 Federal Census of the city of Detroit in Wayne County, Michigan.

Anthony, Maud A., Miss

Detroit school girl ...................................................................................................................................................... 1880 1
Detroit photographer or clerk for photographer Augustus B. Taylor ............................................................... 1886-1887 d
Detroit housewife ..................................................................................................................................... 1900,1910,1920 1
Maud was born in Canada in December of 1869, fourth of the five children of Mrs. Elouise Anthony. The family 1
moved to Detroit in the late 1870s. John T. Travers was born in Michigan in August of 1866, and he married Maud 1
about 1891. Their daughter Vera was born in September of 1892, and their son Russell was born in March of 1898. 1
Mrs. Anthony, now known as Louisa, was living with Maud and her family in 1900. For two decades or more John was 1
a cashier for the American Express Company. 1
1. 1880 Federal Census of the city of Detroit, 1900 Federal Census of the First Ward plus 1910 and 1920 Federal Censes of the Sixth
Ward of Detroit in Wayne County, Michigan.

Anton, Alvin E.
Decatur PHOTOGRAPHER ...................................................................................................................................... 1895 1
1. Van Buren County atlas, 1895.
Anunson, Edward
Winchester Township, Wisconsin, farm hand ........................................................................................................... 1880 1
Norway (Dahl & Anunson) PHOTOGRAPHERS .................................................................................................... 1889 t
Norway PHOTOGRAPHER ...................................................................................................................................... 1890 2
Minneapolis, Minnesota, traveling jewelry salesman ................................................................................................ 1910 1
Little Falls, Minnesota, traveling nursery salesman ................................................................................................... 1920 1
Duluth, Minnesota, nursery salesman ........................................................................................................................ 1930 1
Edward was born in Wisconsin to Norwegian parents in 1863, fifth of the eleven children of Halver and Olene 1
Anunson. He began working in the photograph gallery formerly occupied by James E. Sorter in September of 1890. 1 2
Her father was German and her mother was from New York, Maude was born in Wisconsin about 1875, and she 1
married Edward in 1894 or early in 1895. She gave birth in Wisconsin to Nellie about 1895 and to Richard about 1
1904, and in Minnesota to Edwin and Harold between 1906 and 1909. Edward was a widower living by himself in 1
1920 and 1930. 1
1. 1880 Federal Census of Winchester Township in Winnebago County, Wisconsin, plus 1910 Federal Census of the Tenth Ward of
Minneapolis in Hennepin County, 1920 Federal Census of Little Falls in Morrison County and 1930 Federal Census of the city of
Duluth in St. Louis County, Minnesota.
2. Dickinson Diggings, Iron Mountain, Michigan, volume 6, number 1, February 1987.

Aray, Eglon
Pittsfield Township student ........................................................................................................................................ 1850 1
Chelsea PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................ 1863-1864 2
Saint Johns worker in a wood factory ........................................................................................................................ 1870 1
Pittsfield mechanic ..................................................................................................................................................... 1876 3
Eglon was born in Michigan during the summer of 1844, fourth of the five children of Archer and Catherine Aray. 1 3
His father was from Nova Scotia and his mother was a native of Pennsylvania. He had two brothers and a sister born in 1
Michigan between 1831 and 1837, and a brother born here in July of 1850. Alice was born in Michigan in 1847 or 1
1848, and after marrying Eglon she gave birth to Eva in August of 1869. Eglon died from consumption at Pittsfield on 1 3
December 3, 1876. 3
1. 1850 Federal Census of Pittsfield Township in Washtenaw County, and 1870 Federal Census of St. Johns in Bingham Township of
Clinton County, Michigan.
2. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1862-1866, National Archives, Washington, D.C.
3. GENDIS on the Web, Genealogical Death Indexing System, Michigan.

Arbogast, Mathew Howard

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, child .................................................................................................................................. 1880 1
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, office clerk ........................................................................................................................ 1900 1
Wilkinsburg, Pennsylvania, sales agent for a gas and coal company ......................................................................... 1910 1
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 456 Oakland av ......................................................................................................... 1915 d
Wilkinsburg, Pennsylvania, clerk for the Peoples Natural Gas Company ................................................................. 1918 2
Wilkinsburg, Pennsylvania, PHOTOGRAPHER ....................................................................................................... 1920 1
His father came from Illinois and Howard was born in Pennsylvania on November 7, 1875. His mother, Mrs. Emma 1 2
Sarah (Pate) Arbogast, had a Scotch father and was born in Pennsylvania in August of 1850. She remained married but 1
lived with relatives rather than with her husband in all records consulted from 1880 on. Howard’s sister Alice was born 1
in March of 1874. Howard became an average sized man with blue eyes and dark brown hair. Her father emigrated 1 2
from the German state of Baden, Adah was born in Pennsylvania in 1884, and she married Howard some time prior to 1 2
1918. The listing in Detroit was for M. Howard Arbogaste, but the surname was spelled as shown here in all other d 1
records. 2
1. 1880 Federal Census of the city of Pittsburgh, 1900 Federal Census of the 25th Ward of Pittsburgh, plus 1910 Federal Census of the
First Ward and 1920 Federal Census of the Second Ward of Wilkinsburg in Allegheny County, Pennsylvania.
2. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.
Arbor Studio
Ann Arbor PHOTOGRAPHERS at 110 Huron st east ......................................................................................... ca 1900 t
The photographic Studio of Darwin E. White was at this address from 1898 into the 1940s. m a

Archbold, Douglas Bond

Rochester, New York, student ................................................................................................................................... 1900 1
Battle Creek stock keeper .......................................................................................................................................... 1910 1
Battle Creek PHOTOGRAPHER at 21 Jefferson av north .............................................................................. 1913-1918 2 m
United States Army soldier .............................................................................................................................. 1918-1919 3 4
Battle Creek PHOTOGRAPHER at 21 Jefferson av north .............................................................................. 1919-1923 m 2
Battle Creek PHOTOGRAPHER at 117 Main st west .................................................................................... 1924-1927 m
Battle Creek (Archbold Studio) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 117 Main st west .................................................... 1927-1929 t 2
Battle Creek (Archbold Studio) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 117 Michigan av west ............................................ 1929-1931 2 m
Battle Creek PHOTOGRAPHER at 117 Michigan av west ............................................................................. 1935-1939 2
Douglas was born at Bowmanville, Ontario, to James Walter and Sarah Elizabeth (Bond) Archbold on June 26, 4 5
1891. He was short with a medium build, brown eyes and dark brown hair, and was single when he was inducted into 5 3
the army on September 18, 1917. After basic training at Camp Custer he was assigned to Company D of the 310th 3 4
Engineers. He was promoted from Engineer to Master Engineer shortly before he embarked for France on July 21, 4
1918, and that fall took part in the St. Mihiel and Meuse-Argonne campaigns. He returned to the United States on June 4 3
29 and was honorably discharged at Camp Custer on July 3, 1919. Both before and after the war he characterized 4 5
himself as a musician as well as a photographer. Before West Main Street was renamed West Michigan Avenue, the 5 t
Archbold Studio produced post card photographs, including a studio portrait of a monkey named Jimmie. James W. t 2
Archbold was a principal of the Archbold Studio by 1929. 2
1. 1900 Federal Census of the Ninth Ward of Rochester in Monroe County, New York, and 1910 Federal Census of the Third Ward of
Battle Creek in Calhoun County, Michigan.
2. Battle Creek City Directories, 1913, 1914, 1921, 1922, 1929, 1931, 1935 and 1939, R. L. Polk & Company, Detroit.
3. World War I Veterans Bonus Files in the State Archives of Michigan at Lansing.
4. World War I Veteran Census compiled by the War Preparedness Board in the State Archives of Michigan at Lansing.
5. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.

Archbold, Jessie B., Miss

Rochester, New York, kindergarten pupil .................................................................................................................. 1900 1
Battle Creek resident .................................................................................................................................................. 1910 1
Battle Creek photographer for Douglas B. Archbold ................................................................................................. 1914 2
Battle Creek PHOTOGRAPHER at 21 Jefferson av north .............................................................................. 1918-1919 2 m
Battle Creek entertainer ............................................................................................................................................. 1922 2
Jessie was born in Canada in July of 1894, the daughter of James W. and Sarah E. (Bond) Archbold and the sister of 1
Douglas B. Archbold. Her paternal grandparents were Scotch and her maternal grandparents were English. In 1
Rochester, her father worked at the Kodak works as a cabinet maker. Her sister Evelyn was born in New York State in 1
1903 or early in 1904. Jessie apparently kept the studio operating while Douglas was in the army. 1 m
1. 1900 Federal Census of the Ninth Ward of Rochester in Monroe County, New York, and 1910 Federal Census of the Third Ward of
Battle Creek in Calhoun County, Michigan.
2. Battle Creek City Directories, 1914, 1918 and 1922, R. L. Polk & Company, Detroit.

Archibald, Perry K.
Ada Township farm laborer ....................................................................................................................................... 1900 1
Ada PHOTOGRAPHER ....................................................................................................................................... ca 1910 2
Ada Township farmer .............................................................................................................................. 1910,1920,1930 1
“P. K. ARCHIBALD, PHOTOGRAPHER, ADA, MICH.” was printed on the back of the 6 3/8 by 5 3/8 inch plain t
mount of a photograph of a man filling milk bottles in a small dairy. Perry was born in Michigan to parents from New t 1
York in December of 1871, the son of William and Phebe Archibald. Gertrude was born in Michigan in March of 1
1875, and she married Perry in 1897. They were living with Perry’s parents in 1900, and on the next farm in 1910. 1
Something happened to Gertrude after 1920, and by 1930 Perry had a fifty-year-old wife named Mary with a fifteen- 1
year-old daughter and a twelve-year-old son. The surname of the children was Archibald. 1
1. 1900, 1910, 1920 and 1930 Federal Censes of Ada Township in Kent County, Michigan.
2. This photograph was listed as eBay item number 6204916642 on August 28, 2005.
Archie, James
Amberg, Wisconsin, granite cutter ............................................................................................................................ 1900 1
Wausau, Wisconsin, granite cutter ............................................................................................................................. 1910 1
Menominee PHOTOGRAPHER .......................................................................................................................... ca 1916 t
Marinette salesman .................................................................................................................................................... 1920 1
Iron Mountain PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................. 1922-1923 m
Iron Mountain (Archie Studio) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 215 Hughitt st east ................................................... 1924-1940 m t
James was born in Massachusetts of Scotch parentage in March of 1874. Laura was born in New York in March of 1
1877, and she married James about 1895. Their son David was born in Wisconsin in June of 1899, and their daughter 1
Margaret was born in Wisconsin in 1901. “ARCHIE PHOTO” was lettered on the negatives of post card photographs 1 t
of Menominee and vicinity, including views of the harbor, business streets, Henes Park and a dam on the Menominee t
River. Many of the negatives carried numbers such as 83, 90 or 93. Similar photographs with higher numbers like 112 t
or 252 lettered on their negatives along with an “A” in a circle probably were produced by James. His daughter t
Margaret was working in a studio as a photographer in 1920. James offered “Portraits, Commercial Photography, m
Amateur Finishing and Enlarging” in 1924, and “Portraits, Commercial Photography, Photo Finishing and Enlarging, m
Kodak Films and Film Developing” in 1930. About 1925, the Archie Studio produced 11.25 by 7.5 inch prints of the m 2
wooden parts for the Ford Model T Touring Car, Roadster and Tudor automobiles. Mrs. Beatrice J. Archie was 2 m
proprietor of The Portrait Art Shoppe at Iron Mountain in 1924, and had a photograph studio at 313 ½ South m 3
Stephenson Avenue in Iron Mountain in 1925. K. Beatrice Johnson was proprietor of The Portrait Art Shoppe in 1926, 3 m
and Beatrice Johnson was an Iron Mountain photographer in 1930. According to the 1930 census, James, Laura and m 1
David were boarding with William and Margaret Thoden and James was managing a fox farm while Margaret was 1
working in the photography studio. “ARCHIE STUDIO PHOTO” was lettered on the negatives of postal photos of the 1 t
cave-in of a section of Highway U.S. 2 into the Chapin Mine pit on May 3, 1940. t
1. 1900 Federal Census of Amberg in Marinette County, 1910 Federal Census of Wausau in Marathon County, and 1920 Federal Census
of the Second Ward of Marinette in Marinette County, Wisconsin, plus 1930 Federal Census of the Fourth Ward of Iron Mountain in
Dickinson County, Michigan.
2. Learned in 1991 at the Archives and Library of Henry Ford Museum & Greenfield Village in Dearborn, Michigan.
3. Iron Mountain directory for 1925.

Argall, George S.
Negaunee photographer for Edward J. Smith ............................................................................................................ 1889 1
Negaunee iron miner .................................................................................................................................................. 1900 2
Negaunee engineer for an iron works ........................................................................................................................ 1910 2
Ely Township farmer ........................................................................................................................................ 1920,1930 2
George was born in England on April 3, 1861, and emigrated from there in 1881. Bessie was born in England on 2
September 19, 1864, and was brought to America in 1868. She and George married in 1890, and their son Albert was 2
born in Michigan on September 3, 1891. George became a naturalized citizen of the United States in 1895. Albert 2
seems to have remained single, and by 1930 he had returned home to help out on the farm. 2
1. Gazetteer of Marquette County, 1889, A. H. Holland.
2. 1900 Federal Census of the Fifth Ward and 1910 Federal Census of the Third Ward of Negaunee, plus 1920 and 1930 Federal Censes
of Ely Township in Marquette County, Michigan.

Aris, Lillian K., Miss

Alpena retoucher for photographer John M. Dafoe ......................................................................................... 1889-1891 1
Lillian probably was the daughter of Rubin and Leyman Aris, both born in England about 1840. Five of their eight 2
surviving children still were at home in 1900, including a 31-year-old daughter born in England, a son and a daughter 2
born in Canada between 1875 and 1879, and a daughter and a son born in Michigan between 1881 and 1886. 2
1. Alpena City Directories for 1889 and 1891.
2. 1900 Federal Census of the Third Ward of Alpena in Alpena County, Michigan.
Armbruster, Leopold Jacob
Detroit house carpenter .............................................................................................................................................. 1910 1
Detroit laborer .................................................................................................................................................. 1910,1913 d
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 2510 Jefferson av ............................................................................................ 1916-1917 d
Detroit driver or chauffeur ......................................................................................................................................... 1918 d 2
Detroit shipping clerk ................................................................................................................................................ 1919 d
Detroit house carpenter or carpenter contractor ......................................................................................................... 1920 1 d
Milan Township farmer ............................................................................................................................................. 1930 1
Frankfort in the Dakota Territory had a photographer named L. J. Armbruster from 1888 until 1890. Leopold was 3 1
born in Hungary on March 25, 1885. Elizabeth was born in Slavonia in 1883, and she married Leo about 1903. Their 2 1
daughter Regina was born in Slavonia in 1906, and the family immigrated in 1909. In 1918 Leo was of medium height 1 2
and weight with light brown eyes and black hair, and he had declared his intention of becoming a naturalized citizen. 2
He had his first papers by 1920, and by 1930 he was a naturalized citizen of the United States. 1
1. 1910 Federal Census of the Eleventh Ward and 1920 Federal Census of the 21st Ward of Detroit in Wayne County, plus 1930 Federal
Census of Milan Township in Monroe County, Michigan.
2. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.
3. Robert Kolbe with Brian Bade, They Captured the Moment, Dakotas Photographers 1853-1920, Pine Hill Press, Sioux Falls, SD, 2006.

Armitage, _______
Three Rivers (Armitage Photographic Studios)PHOTOGRAPHERS at the corner of St. Joe and Penn sts.......... ca 1895 t
“UDELL, Operator” was printed on cabinet mounts from the Armitage Photographic Studios, so Armitage probably t m
bought out the veteran photographer, Addison A. Udell, but retained him to operate the gallery. In June of 1888 m 1
Edward Armitage, a resident of Three Rivers, signed an affidavit in support of Addison A. Udell’s application for a 1
pension, stating that he had known Udell since 1865. Edward was born in England about 1830 and Clara, his wife, was 1 2
born in New York State two years later. Their two daughters were born in Michigan between 1857 and 1863. Edward 2
was a Three Rivers wagon maker in 1870 and a Three Rivers grocer in 1880. George and Lucy Armitage were born in 2
Michigan in April of 1853 and December of 1858. They married about 1882, and their son John was born here in 2
December of 1885. They were the only people named Armitage in the 1900 census of Three Rivers, when George was 2
a traveling salesman. 2
1. Civil War Veteran Pension Record of Addison A. Udell obtained from the Department of Veterans Affairs in Detroit, Michigan.
2. 1870 and 1880 Federal Censes of the village of Three Rivers, and 1900 Federal Census of the First Ward of the city of Three Rivers
in Lockport Township of St. Joseph County, Michigan.

This portrait of Edward D. Armitage

appeared in the Souvenir of Ionia
Michigan published in 1907 by
Charles J. Seely.

Armitage, Edward D.
Grand Rapids student ................................................................................................................................................. 1870 1
Grand Rapids cigar factory bookkeeper .......................................................................................................... 1880-1881 1 2
Grand Rapids Michigan Central Railway office employee .............................................................................. 1881-1884 2 3
Grand Rapids Western Michigan Railroad office employee ............................................................................ 1885-1899 2 3
Detroit Pere Marquette Railway office employee ............................................................................................ 1900-1904 3 2
Cincinnati, Ohio, Pere Marquette Railway office employee ............................................................................ 1904-1905 2 3
Effingham, Illinois, student at the College of Photography ............................................................................. 1905-1906 2
Ionia PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................................ 1906-1911 2 m
Ionia PHOTOGRAPHER in the Wagar Block .......................................................................................................... 1911 4
Ionia PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................................ 1912-1913 m
Walker Township farmer or resident ................................................................................................................ 1920,1930 1
Edward was born to Amos B. and Lydia Armitage at Pittsfield, Massachusetts, on November 2, 1860, and in 1870 2
moved with his parents to Grand Rapids, Michigan, where he attended the public schools. He had been working in his 2
father’s cigar factory for about a year when his father died, and Edward was obliged to close up the business. He and 2
Miss Lillian Chapman of Grand Rapids were married on July 15, 1885. They had no children that survived. Edward 2 1
was transferred to Detroit when the Western Michigan Railroad was consolidated with the Pere Marquette Railway, 2 3
and later to Cincinnati when the Pere Marquette and the C H & D came under the same ownership. He resigned from 3 2
the railroad office in July of 1905 and entered the College of Photography at Effingham. Edward purchased the Ionia 2
photograph studio of Harry E. Nix in April of 1906, shortly after he graduated from the college. Most of the 2
illustrations in the Souvenir of Ionia Michigan were reproduced from photos by Edward. Lillian was working in her 2 1
husband’s studio as a photographer in 1910. 1
1. 1870 Federal Census of the Second Ward of Grand Rapids, 1880 Federal Census of the city of Grand Rapids, 1920 and 1930 Federal
Censes of Walker Township in Kent County, plus 1910 Federal Census of the First Ward of Ionia in Ionia County, Michigan.
2. Souvenir of Ionia Michigan, published by Charles J. Seely in 1907.
3. Learned in 1998 from James H. Harlow of Dearborn, Michigan.
4. Ionia County Directory; 1911, R. L. Polk & Company, Detroit.
Armitage, Lillian N., Mrs.
Grand Rapids student ................................................................................................................................................. 1880 1
Grand Rapids bride .................................................................................................................................................... 1885 2
Ionia photographer in her husband’s photograph studio ............................................................................................ 1910 1
Walker Township farm wife or resident ........................................................................................................... 1920,1930 1
Miss Lillian N. Chapman was born in New York State in 1872, the first child of Joseph B. and Netti Chapman. Her 1
brother Allie was born three years later, and the family moved to Grand Rapids. Edward D. Armitage married Lillian 1 2
on July 15, 1885. She gave birth to two children but neither survived to maturity. 2 1
1. 1880 Federal Census of the city of Grand Rapids plus 1920 and 1930 Federal Censes of Walker Township in Kent County, as well as
1910 Federal Census of the First Ward of Ionia in Ionia County, Michigan.
2. Souvenir of Ionia Michigan, published by Charles J. Seely in 1907.

Armour, Claude B.
Saginaw PHOTOGRAPHER at 106 Jefferson av north .................................................................................. 1914-1915 s 1
1. Frank Gueder, “Index of Saginaw Photographers 1865-1971” in Timbertown Log, Saginaw, Michigan, Fall-Winter 1973-74 and Summer 1974.

Arms, Frank C.
Orange Township child or student .................................................................................................................... 1870,1880 1
Portland (Green & Arms) PHOTOGRAPHERS ................................................................................................... ca 1888 t
Lowell PHOTOGRAPHER ....................................................................................................................................... 1890 2
Portland PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................... 1890-1891 m
Grand Ledge PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................... 1892-1911 m 1
Grand Ledge insurance agent ........................................................................................................................... 1912-1919 m
Grand Ledge insurance and real estate agent ................................................................................................... 1920-1931 m 1
The Arms were born in Michigan; Frank in 1868, Lottie in November of 1869, and their daughter Gladys in 1
September of 1894. Frank was an active member of the Photographers’ Association of America in 1905. Gladys still 1 3
was single and living with Frank and Lottie in 1930, and serving as her father’s secretary. 1
1. 1870 and 1880 Federal Censes of Orange Township in Ionia County, plus 1900, 1910, 1920 and 1930 Federal Censes of the First
Ward of Grand Ledge in Eaton County, Michigan.
2. Grand Rapids and Kent County Directory for 1890.
3. The Association Review, Convention Annual, Boston 1905, The Photographers’ Association of America.

This picture of Frank C. Arms was copied from page 81 of

the County of Eaton, Michigan: Topography, History, Art
Folio that was published by Bullock, Taggart & Morrell of
Charlotte in 1895.

Armstrong, _______
Imlay City (Haynes & Armstrong) PHOTOGRAPHERS ..................................................................................... ca 1880 t

Armstrong, Emma, Mrs.

Scottville PHOTOGRAPHER ......................................................................................................................... 1898-1901 m
Scottville bazaar proprietor ............................................................................................................................. 1902-1903 m
Custer Township housewife ....................................................................................................................................... 1910 1
Scottville housewife ................................................................................................................................................... 1920 1
Wise Township housewife ......................................................................................................................................... 1930 1
Emma was born in New York State in February of 1857, and she married George W. Armstrong about 1875. She 1
gave birth in Michigan to Gertrude in August of 1877, to Daisy in November of 1883, to Howard in October of 1890, 1
and to Edith in July of 1894. The complete destruction of the Armstrong gallery in Scottville by a terrific wind and 1 2
rain storm was reported in the autumn of 1900. 2
1. 1900 and 1910 Federal Censes of Custer Township and 1920 Federal Census of the Second Ward of Scottville in Mason County,
plus 1930 Federal Census of Wise Township in Isabella County, Michigan.
2. St. Louis and Canadian Photographer; volume 24, number 9, September 1900, page 429.

Armstrong, Frank A.
Detroit clerk ............................................................................................................................................................... 1890 d
Detroit photographer .................................................................................................................................................. 1891 d
One Frank A. Armstrong was a photographer in 1902 at Sherburne, New York. 1
1. Learned in 2002 from Don Fredgant of Lakewood, Ohio.
Armstrong, G. A.
Thompsonville PHOTOGRAPHER ..................................................................................................................... ca 1899 t

Armstrong, George W.
Custer Township farm laborer ................................................................................................................................... 1900 1
Scottville PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................................... 1900 2
Scottville notions merchant .............................................................................................................................. 1900-1901 m
Custer Township farmer ............................................................................................................................................ 1910 1
Scottville resident ...................................................................................................................................................... 1920 1
Wise Township resident ............................................................................................................................................. 1930 1
George was born in Canada to an Irish father and a Canadian mother in August of 1846. He immigrated to the 1
United States in 1868 or 1869, and he became a naturalized citizen in 1876. He married Emma about 1875, and their 1
three daughters and one son were born in Michigan between August of 1877 and July of 1894. The complete 1 2
destruction of the Armstrong gallery in Scottville by a terrific wind and rain storm was reported in the autumn of 1900. 2
1. 1900 and 1910 Federal Censes of Custer Township and 1920 Federal Census of the Second Ward of Scottville in Mason County,
plus 1930 Federal Census of Wise Township in Isabella County, Michigan.
2. St. Louis and Canadian Photographer; volume 24, number 9, September 1900, page 429.

Armstrong, Henry Abram

Prairieville child ........................................................................................................................................................ 1880 1
Copemish bowl finisher ............................................................................................................................................. 1900 1
Copemish PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................ 1903-1907 2 m
Copemish PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................ 1910-1931 2 m
His parents came from New York and Henry was born in Michigan on September 3, 1879, last of the four children of 1 3
Abraham and Elsie M. Armstrong. His sister Evie was born in New York about 1862. His brother Aaron and sister 1
Violetta were born in Michigan between 1866 and 1870. Henry became a tall and slender man with blue eyes and 1 3
black hair, and was living in 1900 with his mother and his ten-year-old adopted sister Flossie. Edna’s parents 3 1
emigrated from Ireland and she was born in Michigan in 1886 or 1887. She married Henry about 1905, and she gave 1
birth to Milton Dale Armstrong in 1907 or early in 1908. “PHOTO BY H. ARMSTRONG, COPEMISH, MICH.” was 1 t
printed on the reverse of post card photographs of a saw mill with a painter half way up the smoke stack and of the t
main street of Pomona, Michigan. “By Armstrong” was lettered on the negative of a postal photo of Main Street in t
Harlan, Michigan. Pomona was about three miles east and Harlan was six miles east of Copemish on the Ann Arbor t 4
Railroad. On the back of a postal photo of four young people with a team and eight bushels of peaches, Henry wrote to 4 t
Miss Alice Robinson in Mesick, Michigan: “Try washing off your squeegee plates with hot water and soap & when t
ready to put pictures on put a little gasoline on and rub off briskly with a dry lintless cloth. I think you have too much t
polish on and it will be well to cut it off. I only wash mine off with cold water and they never stick. Let me know if this t
scheme works all right & try just one plate at first. H. Armstrong.” This card was postmarked August 23, 1912. t
“Armstrong Studio, Copemish, Mich.” was lettered on the back of the 8 by 10 inch mount of a photo of the t
confirmation class at Kaleva taken on June 24, 1917. Something happened to Edna, and Henry married 21-year-old t 1
Irene Perry about 1914. His son Dale was at home with them in 1920. 1
1. 1880 Federal Census of the village of Prairieville in Barry County, plus 1900, 1910, 1920 and 1930 Federal Censes of the village of
Copemish in Cleon Township of Manistee County, Michigan.
2. Manistee County Directory, 1903, 1907, 1910, 1919, 1922, 1924 and 1928, R. L. Polk & Company, Detroit.
3. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.
4. Mapbook of Michigan Counties, TwoPeninsula Press, Lansing. Michigan, 1984.

Armstrong, Ida M., Miss

Grand Rapids photographic printer for photographer Luther V. Moulton ................................................................. 1876 g

Armstrong, James
Fowlerville DAGUERREOTYPIST ................................................................................................................ 1862-1865 m
Fowlerville Methodist clergyman .................................................................................................................... 1866-1867 m

Armstrong, May, Miss

Detroit artist for photographers Gibson & Cole ......................................................................................................... 1889 d
Detroit artist ............................................................................................................................................................... 1891 d
Detroit restaurant waitress ......................................................................................................................................... 1892 d
Michigan City, Indiana, artist .................................................................................................................................... 1893 1
1. Learned in 2001 from Don Fredgant of Lakewood, Ohio.

The advertisement at the left appeared on page 62 of the

Pioneer Directory and Business Advertiser of the Saginaw
Valley published in 1866 by Thomas & Galatin of East
Saginaw. The advertisement below was carried by a
newspaper called The Saginawian on December 31, 1870.
Armstrong, William A.
Saginaw City PHOTOGRAPHER at 101 Water st south on the corner of Court st.......................................... 1865-1867 t s
Saginaw City PHOTOGRAPHER up stairs at the corner of Court and Water sts ........................................... 1867-1868 s
Saginaw City PHOTOGRAPHER up stairs at the corner ofWater and Walnut sts ................................................... 1868 s
Saginaw City (Armstrong & Rudd) PHOTOGRAPHERS on Water st north .................................................. 1869-1870 m
Saginaw City (Armstrong & Rudd) PHOTOGRS in the Nathan Block on the east side of Hamilton st .......... 1870-1871 s
Saginaw City (Armstrong & Rudd) PHOTOGRAPHERS on the ground floor on Harrison st ............................ ca 1871 t
Saginaw City PHOTOGRAPHER in the Nathan Block on the east side of Hamilton st ................................. 1871-1873 s m
Chicago, Illinois, PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................. 1874-1877 1
Milwaukee, Wisconsin, PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................... 1879-1898 2
One William A. Armstrong served in Company G of the 24th Michigan Infantry, and was wounded by a minnie ball 3
above his right elbow during the Battle of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, on July 1, 1863. His right arm was amputated 3
near the shoulder the next day. The photographer was born in Pennsylvania in 1832 or 1833, and may have worked in 2 1
1864 at 46 North Salina in Syracuse, New York. He advertised in 1866: “... MR. ARMSTRONG, Having just received 1 4
new and superior apparatus, is now prepared to make the finest LARGE PICTURES ever made in the Saginaw Valley. 4 5
Mr A’s prices are moderate. He guarantees good work, and will always be on hand to serve his friends with a well 4 5
selected stock of FRAMES, Gilt, Black Walnut, Rustic Union, Oval, Metal, Passepartouts and Carte de Visites. 4 5
Albums, Stereoscopic Views, &c. TO THE LADIES. Mrs. Armstrong will always be in attendance to assist Ladies in 4 5
arranging their toilet, thereby doing away with one great annoyance in Photography.” Ella (later Ester) C. Clark was 4 6
born about 1832 in Michigan, and she grew up to marry William. Their daughter Isabell was born about 1855 in New 6
York, and their sons were born in Michigan: William about 1867 and Harrison in December of 1869. At one time his 6 t
gallery was over the postoffice in Saginaw City. He was judged to have exhibited the second best photograph at the 1 7
Saginaw County Agricultural Fair in 1867. William was on the first published list of members of the National 7 5
Photographic Association in 1869. From their Ground Floor Picture Establishment, Armstrong & Rudd sold “... 5
Chromos in oil or water colors, Stereoscopic Views, Celebrities, Cheap Pictures of all kinds, Oval and Square Frames, 5
Mouldings,... Pictures made just as well in Cloudy as Clear Weather....” Their large entries at the Saginaw 1
Horticultural Fair and the Saginaw County Agricultural Fair in 1869 were awarded the majority of the premiums. They 1 7
exhibited a number of cartes de visite at the NPA convention at Cleveland in 1870, and were publishing the Saginaw 7 8
Art Journal in 1871, when they exhibited again at the NPA convention in Philadelphia. After Harrison N. Rudd left the 8 7
partnership, William was awarded a number of first prizes at the Saginaw County Fair in the fall of 1871, including 7
one for the best work in India ink, and he continued to produce stereo views. Miss Nellie Smith worked for William as t s
a photo printer in 1873, when he advertised: “PHOTOGRAPHS! PHOTOGRAPHS! New, Novel, and Attractive, at s
W. A. ARMSTRONG’S, opposite the post office.... Show Room on the Ground Floor.” By November of 1873, the s 9
Clayton Brothers had succeeded him in Saginaw City. William may have been the proprietor of Armstrong’s Hotel c 8
Gallery at 224 State Street in Chicago in 1874 and 1875. Mrs. Ester Armstrong was described as a widow and with her 8 6
sons was living in Saginaw in 1880, while the Milwaukee photographer had a 29-year-old wife named Sarah and a 6
daughter born in January of 1880 called Babe. At the 1883 convention of the Photographers’ Association of America 6 8
in Milwaukee, William had a fine exhibit of photos of that city and its suburbs. He was treasurer of the PA of A in 8 0
1884, and at the Cincinnati convention in that year exhibited an admirable series of landscapes, very happily titled. He 0
was chairman of the PA of A Executive Committee in 1885. He applied for a patent on a sort of panoramic camera on 0 p
August 1, 1892, was granted Patent Number 494,517 on March 28, 1893, and assigned it to the Armstrong Camera p
Company of Milwaukee. William exhibited photographs at the Detroit convention of the PA of A in August of 1895. p 0
1. Learned in 1998 from John V. Jezierski of Hemlock, Michigan; and in 2002 from Don Fredgant of Lakewood, Ohio.
2. Directory of Wisconsin Photographers; State Historical Society of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin, 1991.
3. Civil War Veteran Pension Record of William A. Armstrong obtained from the National Archives at Washington, D. C.
4. Pioneer Directory and Business Advertiser of the Saginaw Valley, 1866, Thomas & Galatin, East Saginaw, Michigan.
5. Saginaw Valley Herald; June 7, 1866; and The Saginawian, December 31, 1869, and July 1, 1870.
6. 1870 Federal Census of the Second Ward and 1880 Federal Census of the Fifth Ward of Saginaw in Saginaw County, Michigan,
plus 1880 Federal Census of the city of Milwaukee in Milwaukee County, Wisconsin.
7. The Philadelphia Photographer; volume 6, 1869, page 234; volume 7, 1870, page 279; and volume 8, 1871, page 192.
8. Anthony’s Photographic Bulletin; volume 2, July 1871, page 242; volume 14, 1883, page 310; and volume 15, 1884, page 281.
9. Saginaw Daily Courier; May 20 and November 25, 1873.
0. The Photographic Times; New York, July 3, 1885, page 373; and The Photo-American; New York, volume 6, number 10,
August 1895, page 315.
Armstrong, William A., Mrs.
Saginaw City assistant to photographer William A. Armstrong ................................................................................ 1866 1 2
Saginaw City PHOTOGRAPHER in the Nathan Block on the east side of Hamilton st ........................................... 1874 3
Ella (later Ester) C. Clark was born about 1832 in Michigan, and she grew up to marry William A. Armstrong. Their 4
daughter Isabell was born about 1855 in New York, and their sons were born in Michigan: William about 1867 and 4
Harrison in December of 1869. She was featured in her husband’s advertising in 1866: “... TO THE LADIES. Mrs. 4 1
Armstrong will always be in attendance to assist Ladies in arranging their toilet, thereby doing away with one great 1 2
annoyance in Photography.” She was a successful photographer and artist, and maintained the Saginaw City gallery for 1 3
a while after Mr. Armstrong had moved to Chicago. By 1877 she had joined him there. Mrs. Ester Armstrong was 3 4
described as a widow and with her sons was back living in Saginaw in 1880, when she was providing a home for her 4
widowed mother, Mrs. Martha F. Clark. 4
1. Pioneer Directory and Business Advertiser of the Saginaw Valley, 1866, Thomas & Galatin, East Saginaw, Michigan.
2. Saginaw Valley Herald; June 7, 1866.
3. Learned in 1998 from John V. Jezierski of Hemlock, Michigan.
4. 1870 Federal Census of the Second Ward and 1880 Federal Census of the Fifth Ward of Saginaw in Saginaw County, Michigan.

Arnold, _______
Camden PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................................ ca 1887 t

Arnold, John J.
Charlotte child ........................................................................................................................................................... 1880 1
Eaton Rapids Township laborer on his father’s farm ................................................................................................. 1900 1
Olivet PHOTOGRAPHER .............................................................................................................................. 1906-1917 m
Walla Walla, Washington, general workman for a company ..................................................................................... 1918 2
Walla Walla, Washington, PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................ 1920 1
Prospect Point, Washington, PHOTOGRAPHER ..................................................................................................... 1930 1
John was born in Michigan on May 20, 1879, seventh of the nine children of Henry S. and Eunice C. (Sprague) 3 2
Arnold. He became a tall man with brown eyes and dark brown hair. “PHOTO BY ARNOLD, OLIVET, MICH.” was 3 t
lettered on the negative of an 8 by 38 inch panorama of a 26-man brass band lined up in a park. “First Regimental t
Band, U.R.K.P., Eaton Rapids, Mich.” was lettered on their bass drum. “ARNOLD, OLIVET, MICH.” was blind t
stamped at the lower left corner of post card photographs of R.F.D. carrier Roy D. Krebs with his horse drawn wagon t
piled high with Christmas packages in front of the Olivet post office. Roy apparently used these cards to extend t
greetings of the season to his rural route patrons. Florence B. Chase was born in North Dakota in February of 1890, t 1
last of the three daughters of Samuel B. and Pricilla Chase. She married John about 1914, and they never had children. 1
She and John seem to have been equal partners in the photography business, though in 1930 John was described as a 1
photographer and Florence was described as an artist. 1
1. 1880 Federal Census of the Second Ward of Charlotte, 1900 Federal Census of Eaton Rapids Township, and 1910 Federal Census
of the village of Olivet in Eaton County, Michigan, plus 1920 Federal Census of the Third Ward of Walla Walla and 1930 Federal
Census of Prospect Point Precinct in Walla Walla County, Washington..
2. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.
3. Past and Present of Eaton County, Michigan, Michigan Historical Publishing Association, Lansing, Michigan, pages 158 and 159.

Arnold, John M.
Jonesville preacher .................................................................................................................................................... 1850 1
Detroit pastor of the First Methodist Episcopal Church .................................................................................. 1862-1863 d
Detroit bookseller and stationer ....................................................................................................................... 1864-1865 d
Detroit (J. M. Arnold & Company) book store at 123 Woodward av .............................................................. 1866-1869 d
Detroit book and stationery merchant .............................................................................................................. 1870-1871 d
Detroit (J. M. Arnold & Company) books and stationery at 189 Woodward av .............................................. 1872-1877 d
Detroit (Arnold & Willyoung) books and stationery at 189 Woodward av ..................................................... 1878-1879 d
Detroit editor of the Michigan Christian Advocate .......................................................................................... 1881-1884 d
John was born in New York State in 1826 or 1827. “For J. M. Arnold & Co.” was printed on the mounts of some 1 t
stereo views of Detroit photographed and published by James A. Jenney in 1875 and the immediately following years. t
“For Arnold & Willyoung” was printed on other mounts of the same series of views. t
1. 1850 Federal Census of Scipio Township in Hillsdale County, Michigan.
Art Album Company
Battle Creek photograph album manufacturers on Main st west ...................................................................... 1882-1883 m
Battle Creek photograph album manufacturers on Washington st ................................................................... 1884-1885 m
Battle Creek photograph album manufacturers at 36 Jackson st east ............................................................... 1886-1893 m
This company produced albums in which every page or leaf was supported by a metal hinge and was detachable and t
interchangeable. The openings in the leaves were sized for cabinet photographs. Leaves 11 by 8 inches had two t
openings, and leaves 16 by 12 inches had four openings. Eli S. Glover was manager of the company in 1883. Erastus t m
H. Hussey was president of the firm from 1884 until 1891, was manager as well about 1890, and was secretary and m
treasurer during the last couple of years. Zeno C. Spencer, who had been principal of the public schools in Battle m
Creek, was vice president of the Art Album Company from 1884 until 1887 and came back as president for the final m
two years. Charles R. Huffman, recently a grocer, became the secretary, treasurer and general manager for a couple of m
years in 1884. “ART ALBUM CO., Manufacturers of GLOVER’S METAL-BACK ALBUMS. Patented in the United m t
States, Canada, Great Britain, France, Germany, Belgium, Austria, Italy, and Spain. Battle Creek, Michigan.” was t
printed on an envelope postmarked in November of 1884. “F. D. Dibble.” was written below this printing. Frank D. t m
Dibble was secretary and treasurer of the company from 1886 through 1891. Frank H. Latta maintained his farm m
implement business while serving as vice president in 1892 and 1893. The Art Album Company was succeeded by the m
Metal Back Album Company. m

Art Photo Finishing Company

Detroit PHOTOGRAPHERS in Room 508 of the Liggett Building ................................................................ 1916-1917 m

Art Photo Pillow Top Company

Detroit manufacturers of sofa pillow tops ........................................................................................................ 1906-1907 R

Art Post Card Company

South Haven PHOTOGRAPHERS ............................................................................................................................ 1907 t
D. J. Lewis seems to have been the principal of this company. “The Art Post Card Co. So. Haven, Mich.” was t
printed on the backs of postal photographs which had the Artura trade mark in the stamp box. On the face of these t
cards were printed such captions as: “429. A Country Road near Bloomingdale, Mich.” and “588. Vice Pres. t
Fairbanks and Gov. Warner at Albion, Mich. Sept. 14, ’07.” Postal views of street scenes, base ball fields, schools, t
excursion docks, depots and bridges in Bloomingdale, Grand Junction and South Haven have the same distinctive t
printed captions numbered from 25 into the high 500s, but do not name the Art Post Card Company. t

Art Studio
Lansing PHOTOGRAPHERS in Room 522 of the Oakland Building ............................................................ 1908-1909 m
Miss Ella M. Kedzie was proprietor of the Art Studio. m

Artcraft Studio
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHERS in Room 509 of the Bowles Building ......................................................................... 1911 d
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHERS at the northeast corner of Mack and Seyburn avs ............................................. 1912-1913 d
Charles W. Austin was proprietor of the Artcraft Studio, offering portraiture and home photography. d

Artcraft Studio Company

Mount Clemens PHOTOGRAPHERS at 20 Macomb st ........................................................................................... 1911 1
Raymond M. Foley was manager of this company, which employed George G. Pomeroy as a photographer. 1
“ARTCRAFT STUDIOS, Mt. Clemens, Mich.” was stamped on the post card backs of studio portraits. t
1. Mount Clemens City Directory 1911-12, compiled by John L. Miller, Gatz & Behnke Directory Company.

Artcraft Studios
Grand Rapids PHOTOGRAPHERS at 79 Monroe av ............................................................................................... 1920 g
Grand Rapids PHOTOGRAPHERS at 47-49 Monroe av ................................................................................ 1921-1923 g
Ronald R. Cameron was the manager or proprietor of the Artcraft Studios, which offered portraiture by photography. g
In 1921 through 1923, the studios were over Schrouder’s Drug Store and patrons were encouraged to take the elevator. g

Arthur, Alvin J.
Grand Rapids (Royal Photo Company) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 23 Fountain st ....................................................... 1904 g
Royal T. Gillett was manager of the Royal Photo Company in 1904 and 1905, and was proprietor of the company in g
subsequent years. g
Arthur, Edward James
Detroit apprentice or laborer ............................................................................................................................ 1897-1898 d
Detroit clerk for photographer Charles R. Baker ....................................................................................................... 1899 d
Detroit photographer .................................................................................................................................................. 1900 1
Detroit photo printer .................................................................................................................................................. 1901 d
Detroit photo printer for photographers C. M. Hayes & Company ............................................................................ 1902 d
Detroit photographer or photo printer .............................................................................................................. 1904-1908 d
Detroit manager of the Artura Photo Paper Company office ..................................................................................... 1909 d
Detroit photographer, traveling agent, salesman or demonstrator ................................................................... 1910-1918 1 d
Detroit finisher ........................................................................................................................................................... 1919 d
Detroit (I. D. Jackson Company) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 74 Woodward av ............................................................ 1920 d
Detroit (I. D. Jackson Company) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 416 Woodward av ................................................ 1920-1922 d
Detroit (Hedges-Sarjeant Studio) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 4619 Fourteenth av .............................................. 1923-1925 d
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 4619 Fourteenth av ................................................................................................... 1925 d
Detroit (E. J. Arthur Studio) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 4619 Fourteenth av ...................................................... 1926-1932 d
Detroit (Arthur Art Studio) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 4619 Fourteenth av ....................................................... 1934-1937 d
Detroit (E. J. Arthur Studio) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 4619 Fourteenth av ...................................................... 1938-1941 d
Detroit (Arthur’s Studios) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 4507 Grand River av ............................................................ ca 1945 2
Edward was born in Detroit on April 9, 1882, and lived there throughout his life. Mary was born in Michigan in 2 1
1885 or 1886, and she married Edward about 1906. They were sharing their home in 1910 with his widowed mother, 1
Mrs. Sarah Anna Arthur, and his 16-year-old sister Jeanette. Their daughter Margaret was born in 1910 or early in 1
1911. In 1918 Edward was of medium height and weight with blue eyes and red hair, and was traveling for the Haloid 1 3
Company of Rochester, New York. He was at one time president of the Tri-State Photographers Association. His 3 2
nineteen-year-old daughter Margaret was teaching in a convent in 1930. He died at the age of 81 in Detroit’s 1 2
Providence Hospital on March 30, 1964, and was buried in Mount Olivet Cemetery. He was predeceased by his wife, 2
Mrs. Mary M. Arthur, and survived by his daughter, Sister Mary Edward IHM. 2
1. 1900 Federal Census of the Eighth Ward, 1910 Federal Census of the Tenth Ward, and 1930 Federal Census of Precinct 34 of Detroit
in Wayne County, Michigan.
2. Obituary in the Detroit Free Press, Detroit, Michigan, March 31, 1964.
3. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.

This self-portrait of James Arthur was

copied from page 73 of Photographers,
a book published about 1897.
Arthur, James
Montreal, Quebec, employee of J. and J. W. Notman .......................................................................................... ca 1880 1
Detroit mason ............................................................................................................................................................ 1881 d
Detroit photo operator for photographer Joseph E. Watson ............................................................................ 1882-1883 d
Detroit (Arthur & Philbric) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 204 & 206 Woodward av near Grand River av ............. 1883-1896 d m
Toledo, Ohio, (Arthur & Philbric) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 159 Summit st .................................................... 1888-1893 2 t
Grand Rapids (Arthur & Philbric) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 21 Canal st .......................................................... 1889-1893 g
Toledo, Ohio, (Arthur & Philbric) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 319 Summit st .............................................................. 1893 2 t
Detroit (Arthur & Philbric) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 234 Woodward av ................................................................... 1897 3
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 234 Woodward av ........................................................................................... 1897-1911 d m
James was born at Montreal on May 27, 1855, to Alexander and Catherine (Alan) Arthur. Both parents were born in 1
Scotland, and his father spent alternate years there as part of his fur business. James was educated in Montreal, visited 1
Europe with his father, and a previous interest in photography seems to have led to his stint with the Notmans after the 1
death of his father. He married Miss Clara Blanche Peters at St. John, New Brunswick, in September of 1882. Their 1
children, Kenneth, Natalie and Muriel, were born and raised in Detroit. Arthur & Philbric succeeded Daniel H. 1 d
Hamilton in the Woodward Avenue studio, which had reception rooms on the second floor and the operating, dark, d 4
printing and finishing rooms on the third floor. Miss Helen M. Philbric was James’ partner from 1883 until 1895, and 4 d
Miss Lavina C. Philbric may have been a principal while managing the Grand Rapids operations of Arthur & Philbric g
in 1890 and 1891. The Grand Rapids branch opened in 1889 with Walter R. Laine as manager and with Lavina as g
photographer. The next year their positions were reversed and Hattie Rogers was employed as a clerk. Laine was listed g
as their artist in 1891, and Miss Clara A. Shear was their clerk in 1892. Wilkie G. Coss was manager in 1892 and g
1893, and was identified as the successor to Arthur & Philbric at Grand Rapids in 1894. The Toledo gallery was sold g 5
to George B. Sperry in June of 1893, and he retained the Toledo negatives. About this time Arthur & Philbric were 5 t
executing seven different photographic processes in Detroit and employed nineteen assistants, crayon and water color 4
artists, operators, printers and clerks. One of their cabinet imprints included: “INSTANTANEOUS PORTRAITS. This 4 t
Photograph was made at the Studio of ARTHUR & PHILBRIC, by the wonderful instantaneous process which has t
recently caused a revolution in Photography. The success of this process is especially apparent in children’s pictures, t
their natural positions and expressions being instantaneously reproduced, resulting in most satisfying and beautiful t
portraits.... We do not hesitate to say, and can prove our assertion by our work, that we have no competitors in this t
branch of portraiture.” They advertised in 1889 as “... Artists in every branch of portrait work. We make a Specialty of t d
Children’s Portraits.” In the autumn of 1890, Arthur & Philbric invited “... attention to our display of Fine d 6
Photography and Portraits in India Ink, Crayon and Water Colors on exhibition at the Detroit International Fair and 6
Exposition, also at our studio.” Their Detroit gallery was damaged by fire in the spring of 1893. At the St. Louis 6 5
convention of the Photographers’ Association of America in July of 1894, Arthur & Philbric were awarded one of 7
twelve gold medals for the best work on Cramer plates, a diploma for portrait work and a bronze medal for Paris 7
Panels to 16 inches. James was president of the group of Detroit photographers formed to provide for the 7
entertainment of PA of A members who attended the Detroit convention in 1895. During the Detroit convention, 7
Arthur & Philbric were awarded a fourth place diploma in Class A for six pictures 16 inches or larger, a gold medal for 7
three combination prints and a gold medal for a composition group. For information about a number of Detroit 7 d
employees of Arthur & Philbric, please see the entry for Helen M. Philbric. James was awarded the Founder’s Loving d 8
Cup for three genre pictures he exhibited early in 1896 at the First annual meeting of the Michigan Photographers 8
Association. The second annual meeting of the MPA was held at Detroit in February of 1897, and there Arthur & 3
Philbric received the first prize in Class A for their six pictures, portraits exclusively of 13 inches or over, and James 3
was awarded the Grand Prize for the greatest photographic novelty, a large picture entitled “The Intercepted Message,” 3
showing Cupid seated on a cross bar of a telegraph pole with one of the wires held to his ear. The telegraph wires and 3
the base of the pole extended over the mat and the frame. James received a bronze medal for his exhibit of six 3 9
photographs in Class A during the 1898 PA of A convention at Celeron on Chautauqua Lake, New York. The PA of A 9
convened at the same place in July of 1899, and there James was awarded second place in the Miniature Class, third 9
place in the Grand Portrait Class and second place in the Grand Genre Class. James was sole proprietor in 1896, when 9 d
he moved the Arthur & Philbric studio one block north to the ground floor of the new Ferguson Building near the d
corner of John R Street. By April of 1897 he was calling this establishment, described by a newspaper as without d 3
doubt the finest in the state, the Arthur Studio. He retained Miss Minnie L. Dart as bookkeeper and Minnie Hook as 3 d
photo finisher through 1899, and employed William Falkner as an assistant operator in 1897, Miss Ida Frain as a d
reception clerk in 1898 and Joseph F. Knight returned as a photo finisher in 1898. The Arthur Studio specialized in d
sepia platinum photographs. James had been ill for a couple of weeks but seemed to be recovering when he was d 0
stricken at home by a fatal heart attack on the evening of January 12, 1912. He had lived for 56 years, and was 0
eulogized as one of the six greatest photographers in the United States. The Arthur Studios were perpetuated until 0 d
1923 managed by his son, Kenneth A. Arthur, and then for another year or two with George D. Downing as manager. d
Mrs. Clara Arthur became a charter member of the Equal Suffrage Club in Detroit in 1887, and was president of the 1
club for nine years. She was elected president of the State Equal Suffrage Association of Michigan in 1906, and led a 1
state wide equal suffrage campaign in 1912. Equal suffrage was approved by Michigan voters in 1918. In 1901 Clara 1
established the first public playground in Detroit at the yard of the Russell Street School. She established two more 1
playgrounds in the next two years, after which the school board continued the program. 1
1. Clarence M. Burton, City of Detroit, S. J. Clarke Publishing Company, Detroit-Chicago, 1922..
2. John Waldsmith, A Directory of Ohio Photographers, 1839 to 1900, Sycamore, Ohio, compiled in 1978 and augmented through 1993.
3. St. Louis and Canadian Photographer; volume 15, numbers 3 and 6, March and June 1897.
4. Detroit of To-Day, the City of the Strait, 1893.
5. Wilson’s Photographic Magazine, volume 30, numbers 436 and 442, April and October 1893, pages 190 and 479.
6. Detroit International Fair Fine Arts Exhibition Catalogue, 1890.
7. The Photo-American, New York, volume 5, number 10, August 1894, pages 310 and 311;
and volume 6, numbers 7 and 10, May and August 1895, pages 216 and 317.
8. The Photo-Beacon, February 1896, page 34.
9. Anthony’s Photographic Bulletin, volume 19, August 1898, page 241; and volume 20, August 1899, pages 252 and 253.
0. Obituary in the Detroit News, Detroit, Michigan, on January 13, 1912.

Arthur, Kenneth Alexander

Detroit student ................................................................................................................................................. 1904-1910 d
Detroit real estate salesman ....................................................................................................................................... 1911 d
Detroit president of the Dixie Laundry Company ............................................................................................ 1912-1913 d
Detroit (James Arthur Studio) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 234 Woodward av ..................................................... 1912-1913 1 d
Detroit (Arthur Studios) PHOTOGRAPHERS in Suite 8-12 of the Goldberg Brothers Building ............................. 1914 d
Detroit (Arthur Studios) PHOTOGRAPHERS in Room 703 of the Fisher Arcade ......................................... 1915-1917 d
Detroit (Arthur Studios) PHOTOGRAPHERS in Suite 8-12 of the Goldberg Brothers Building ................... 1916-1917 d
Detroit (James-Arthur Company) COMMERCIAL PHOTOGRAPHERS & PHOTO ADVERTISING ........ 1916-1919 d
United States Navy sailor .......................................................................................................................................... 1918 2
Detroit (Arthur Studios) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 6 Warren av west and in Room 703 of the Fisher Arcade . 1918-1920 d
Detroit (Arthur Studios) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 10 Warren av west and in Room 703 of the Fisher Arcade 1920-1923 d
Detroit (Arthur Studio) PHOTOGRAPHERS in Room 703 of the Fisher Arcade at 1529 Woodward av ...... 1924-1925 d
Detroit commercial artist ........................................................................................................................................... 1925 d
Detroit (Arthur Studio) PHOTOGRAPHERS on the fifth and sixth floors at 1534 Woodward av ................. 1926-1929 d
Detroit (Arthur Studio) PHOTOGRAPHERS on the fifth floor at 1534 Woodward av .................................. 1930-1935 d
Detroit clerk ............................................................................................................................................................... 1936 d
Kenneth was the only son of the prominent Detroit photographer James Arthur, and was born at Detroit on 1
September 26, 1886. He was precipitated into the photography business by the sudden death of his father in January of 3 1
1912. He was identified as manager of the Arthur Studios through 1922, and as the proprietor after that. Both the d
Fisher Arcade and the Goldberg Brothers Building studios were open in 1916 and 1917. He was associated with d
Donald D. James in the James-Arthur Company, which occupied Suite 7-10 in the Goldberg Brothers Building. In d
1917 Kenneth was six feet three inches tall with a medium build, blue eyes and blond hair, and though single he hoped 3
to be exempted for business reasons. He was drafted into the navy on July 30, 1918, and after basic training was 3 2
assigned to the Naval Auxiliary Reserve at Chicago. He was discharged on December 6, 1918. He married Miss Jane 2 4
Fitzpatrick of Chicago. She was born in Illinois about 1895, last of the seven or more children of Arthur and Isabella 4 5
Fitzpatrick. Most Detroit addresses were revised during 1920, when 6 became 10 West Warren Avenue and the 5 d
address of the Fisher Arcade changed from 251 to 1529 Woodward Avenue. George D. Downing was manager of the d
Arthur Studio in 1924 and 1925. Kenneth had a special department for babies and children on the sixth floor at 1534 d
Woodward Avenue until he consolidated the studios on the fifth floor in 1930. At this time his wife was classified as d 5
an assistant photographer in the studios. The Arthur Studio was classified with commercial photographers in 1934 and 5 d
1935. Kenneth was sixty years old when he died at Chicago early in April of 1947, and was survived by his two sisters d 6
and his wife, Mrs. Jane Fitzpatrick Arthur. Burial was in Detroit’s Woodlawn Cemetery. 6
1. Obituary of James Arthur in the Detroit News, January 13, 1912.
2. World War I Veterans Bonus Files in the State Archives of Michigan at Lansing.
3. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.
4. Clarence M. Burton, City of Detroit, S. J. Clarke Publishing Company, Detroit-Chicago, 1922.
5. 1900 Federal Census of South Town plus 1910 Federal Census of the Third ward and 1920 Federal Census of the 29th Ward of
Chicago in Cook County, Illinois, as well as 1920 Federal Census of the Second Ward and 1930 Federal Census of the Fourteenth
Ward of Detroit in Wayne County, Michigan.
6. Obituary of K. A. Arthur in the Detroit Free Press, April 5, 1947.
Arthur, William E.
Holland Township child or student ................................................................................................................... 1870,1880 1
Grand Rapids mantel packer ...................................................................................................................................... 1892 g
Grand Rapids photographer for the Widdicomb Mantel Company .......................................................................... 1893 g
Grand Rapids photographer ............................................................................................................................. 1894-1897 g
Grand Rapids grocer ........................................................................................................................................ 1898-1899 g
Grand Rapids photo supply clerk or photographer .................................................................................................... 1900 g 1
Grand Rapids photo printer for photographer Charles E. Heath ................................................................................ 1901 g
Grand Rapids clerk .................................................................................................................................................... 1902 g
Grand Rapids photographer for the Oriel Cabinet Company ........................................................................... 1903-1908 g
Grand Rapids photographer for M. P. Thiele & Company .............................................................................. 1909-1910 g
Grand Rapids commercial photographer ................................................................................................................... 1910 1
Grand Rapids photographer ....................................................................................................................................... 1911 g
Grand Rapids photographer for the Reed-Tandler Company .......................................................................... 1912-1917 g
Grand Rapids (Valentine-Arthur Studio) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 23 Wealthy st southwest ........................... 1918-1919 g
Grand Rapids inspector for the Victrola Company .................................................................................................... 1920 g 1
Grand Rapids finisher or repairman ................................................................................................................. 1921-1922 g
Grand Rapids photographer ....................................................................................................................................... 1923 g
Grand Rapids photographer for the James Bayne Company ............................................................................ 1924-1927 g
Grand Rapids photographer ....................................................................................................................................... 1928 g
Grand Rapids photographer for the Berkey & Gay Furniture Company .......................................................... 1929-1930 g 1
Grand Rapids photographer or resident ........................................................................................................... 1930-1932 g
Grand Rapids commercial photographer ................................................................................................................... 1934 g
Grand Rapids resident ...................................................................................................................................... 1936-1943 g
William was born in February of 1870 in Holland Township of Ottawa County, Michigan, the son of William 1
Warren Arthur and his wife Rosanna. His sister Laura was nine years older, and his brother Ford was three years 1
younger. Rose was born in Michigan to German parents early in 1877, and she married William about 1900. Their 1
sons were born in Grand Rapids: Elton in 1902, Harold early in 1908, and Warren in March or April of 1910. The 1
Valentine-Arthur Studio specialized in commercial photography. g
1. 1870 and 1880 Federal Censes of Holland Township in Ottawa County, 1900 Federal Census of the Sixth Ward, 1910 Federal Census
of the Eighth Ward, plus 1920 and 1930 Federal Censes of the First Ward of Grand Rapids in Kent County, Michigan.

Artin, Joseph
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 162 Michigan av ............................................................................................. 1914-1915 t d
“Artin / Detroit” was penciled on the back of post card photographs, including one with “A11” lettered on the t
negative and “Detroit Bakery 1914” written beneath the image. t

Artura Photo Paper Company

Detroit PHOTO PAPER COMPANY in Room 403 of the Stevens Building ............................................................ 1909 d
The Artura Photo Paper Company of Columbus, Ohio, developed a non-curling, non-blistering, abrasion resistant 1
developing-out paper which earned a very significant share of the market. Net sales grew from $25,000 in 1904 to 1
$480,000 in 1909. On the back of some post card photographs from this period is printed a box with the words: 1 t
“PLACE ONE CENT STAMP HERE” and a distinctive design incorporating: “ARTURA Trade Mark.” The company t
was purchased by Eastman Kodak early in 1909. Edward J. Arthur managed this office in the Stevens Building. t d
1. Reese Jenkins, Images and Enterprise: Technology and the American Photographic Industry, 1839 to 1925; 1975, Johns Hopkins.

Aselin, _______
Bath PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................................... 1912 t
“ASELIN” was lettered on the negatives of post card photographs, along with such captions as: “MAIN St. t
Ash, George E.
Huron Township child or student ..................................................................................................................... 1870,1880 d 1
Detroit policeman ............................................................................................................................................ 1899-1904 d
Detroit resident .......................................................................................................................................................... 1905 d m
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 452 Junction av ............................................................................................... 1906-1907 1
His parents came from New York and Pennsylvania and George was born in Michigan in June of 1866, the younger 1
son of George A. and Amanda Ash. His brother John was four years older, and he may have had a half-sister six years 1
older. Clara’s parents came from New York, she was born in Michigan in May of 1863, and she married George about 1
1887. Their children were born in Michigan: Floyd in June of 1891, Verne in April of 1894, Glenn in 1901, and 1
Dorothy early in 1905. George died in Detroit on April 8, 1908. Clara and her four offspring were living in Detroit in 1 d
1910 and 1920. 1
1. 1870 and 1880 Federal Censes of Huron Township, plus 1900 and 1910 Federal Censes of the Sixteenth Ward and 1920 Federal
Census of the Second Ward of Detroit in Wayne County, Michigan.

Ash, Lyman
Clark City AMBROTYPIST ........................................................................................................................... 1859-1860 m
Huron Township laborer ............................................................................................................................................ 1860 1
Clark City jeweler ............................................................................................................................................ 1862-1863 m
North Plains PHOTOGRAPHER .................................................................................................................... 1863-1864 2
Huron Township farm laborer ................................................................................................................................... 1870 1
Farwell jailer .............................................................................................................................................................. 1880 1
Lyman was born in Michigan in 1835 or early in 1836 to parents from New York, elder of the two sons of Arba and 1
Hannah Ash. His wife Emma was born in New York State in March of 1842, and their six children (Amanda, Etta, 1
Clark, Frank, Leonard and Carrie) were born in Michigan between 1863 and 1876. Clark City was in Ash Township of 1 3
Monroe County, just south of Huron Township. By 1900 Emma was a widow living in Harrison with her daughter 4 1
Etta, who was a dress maker. 1
1. 1860 and 1870 Federal Censes of Huron Township in Wayne County, plus 1880 Federal Census of the village of Farwell and 1900
Federal Census of the Second Ward of Harrison in Clare County, Michigan.
2. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1862-1866, National Archives, Washington, D.C.
3. Walter Romig, Michigan Place Names, Grosse Pointe, Michigan.
4. Michigan County Map Guide, Michigan United Conservation Clubs, Lansing, Michigan.

Ashbrook, Edwin Willis

Buchanan child .......................................................................................................................................................... 1880 1
Bertrand Township farm laborer ................................................................................................................................ 1900 1
Buchanan PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................. ca 1910 t
Buchanan Rural Free Delivery mail carrier ............................................................................................................... 1910 1
Buchanan time keeper for the Clark Equipment Company ........................................................................................ 1918 2
Buchanan time keeper for a foundry .......................................................................................................................... 1920 1
Buchanan retail clothing salesman ............................................................................................................................. 1930 1
Edwin was born in Michigan on December 27, 1877, last of the four or more children of Eli and Rachel Ashbrook. 2 1
He grew up with sisters that were nine to twenty three years older. Nettie was born here in January of 1868. They 1
married about 1899, and they never had children. “Photograph By E. W. ASHBROOK, Buchanan, Mich.” was 1 t
stamped on the back of such post card photographs as a frontal view of a church, a winter portrait of a gentleman t
seated on his horse and a bird’s-eye view of the crowd watching a military drill on Front Street in Buchanan. In 1918 t 2
Edwin was tall and stout with blue eyes and dark hair. He and Nettie were providing a home in 1930 for his fourteen- 2 1
year-old nephew, William Franklin. 1
1. 1880, 1910 and 1920 Federal Censes of the village of Buchanan, 1900 Federal Census of Bertrand Township, and 1930 Federal
Census of the First Ward of Buchanan in Berrien County, Michigan.
2. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.

Ashe, Jennie L., Miss

Flint PHOTOGRAPHER at 400 Saginaw st south .......................................................................................... 1902-1905 m R
In one source, her last name was spelled “Ash.” R

Ashley, Charles L.
Marshall PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................... ca 1908 t
“Chas. L. Ashley, Photographer, Marshall, Mich.” within a small oval was stamped on the backs of postal photos, t
including one of twenty students posed on the steps of a frame and cut stone school building. t
Ashton, Harry Lowman
Calvin Township child ............................................................................................................................................... 1880 1
Cassopolis day laborer ............................................................................................................................................... 1900 1
Augusta electrician .................................................................................................................................................... 1910 1
Augusta PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................................ ca 1915 t 2
Cassopolis self-employed machinist .......................................................................................................................... 1918 3
Cassopolis machinist in a garage ...................................................................................................................... 1920,1930 1
His father came from Indiana and Harry was born in Michigan on August 1, 1879, the son of Francis M. and 1 3
Alphanetta Ashton. His sister Nita was born in October of 1882. Her father came from New York and her mother 1
emigrated from Holland, and Nora was born in Michigan early in 1884. She married Harry about 1905, and their 1
daughter Ruth was born here in 1906. “Augusta, Mi. Taken by Harry L. Ashton” was written in ink on the post card 1 t
backs of a series of photographs of industrial and railroading scenes around Augusta. 2 t
1. 1880 Federal Census of Calvin Township plus 1900, 1920 and 1930 Federal Censes of the village of Cassopolis in Cass County, as
well as 1910 Federal Census of the village of Augusta in Kalamazoo County, Michigan.
2. Several of these post cards were in the stock of dealer Ray Walsh at a Grand Rapids paper show in March of 2001.
3. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.

Asplund, John
West Bay City PHOTOGRAPHER 815 Midland st ............................................................................................. ca 1895 t

Atchinson, George
Laingsburg PHOTOGRAPHER on the third floor of the Stone Building ....................................................... 1902-1903 m 1
George purchased the Laingsburg studio from DeWitt C. Denniston in 1902. 1
1. Birdie Colby and Emma Jane Wright, The Hill and Below, 1976.

Atherton, Albert Carl

Big Rapids PHOTOGRAPHER opposite Opera Hall on Michigan av south .................................................. 1888-1889 m t
Big Rapids PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................................. 1890 R
Cedar Falls, Iowa, PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................... 1891-1892 1
Charles City, Iowa, PHOTOGRAPHER on the ground floor at 412 Main st .................................................. 1895-1897 1
Racine, Wisconsin, resident ....................................................................................................................................... 1900 2
Racine, Wisconsin, PHOTOGRAPHER .......................................................................................................... 1901-1902 3
Monroe, Louisiana, minister of the gospel ................................................................................................................. 1910 2
He was listed as Carl Atherton in Big Rapids and as Albert C or A. C. Atherton in Racine. He was born in Canada in m 2
July of 1853, crossed the border in 1873, and became a naturalized citizen of the United States. By 1900 he was a 2
widower and was sharing his home with his 20-year-old son, Frank R. Atherton. This 1890 advertisement probably 2 4
was placed by Carl: “I intend removing my gallery to California in the fall. My present location, stock of negatives and 4
good will of business will be offered to some one very reasonable. Location good, and a splendid chance to make 4
money. Address Lock Box 842, Big Rapids, Mich.” The same backdrop appears in some of Carl’s cabinet photographs 4 t
from Big Rapids and in cabinet photos with only “From Atherton’s” printed on the mounts. He was married for the t 2
third time about 1901 to a 36-year-old lady named Hulda who was born in Illinois to parents from Virginia. 2
1. Learned in 1993 from Jo Ann Burgess, Clear Lake, Iowa.
2. 1900 Federal Census of the First Ward of Racine in Racine County, Wisconsin, and 1910 Federal Census of the Tenth Ward of
Monroe in Ouachita County, Louisiana..
3. Directory of Wisconsin Photographers; State Historical Society of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin, 1991.
4. St. Louis and Canadian Photographer; volume 8, number 8, August 1890.
Atherton, Clarence Harry
Reed City cabinet maker ............................................................................................................................................ 1880 1
Reed City commercial salesman ................................................................................................................................ 1900 1
Reed City inventor ..................................................................................................................................................... 1901 p
White Cloud PHOTOGRAPHER .................................................................................................................... 1904-1908 m R
Hesperia PHOTOGRAPHER .................................................................................................................................... 1910 1
Marion PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................. 1918-1921 m 1
Clarence was born in New Brunswick in April of 1855, and was identified as Harry in the census reports for 1880, 1
1910 and 1920. In 1880 he had an 18-year-old Canadian wife named Georgie, and they were living next door to the 1
family of Calvin and Electa Atherton who undoubtedly were his parents. Fredrick P. Atherton was a member of this 1
family and the brother of Clarence. Minnie was born in Indiana to parents from Ohio in April of 1869. She married 1 p
Clarence about 1891, their daughter Madalein was born in Indiana in September of 1895, and their daughter Gelith p
was born in Michigan in September of 1899. On June 8, 1901, Clarence filed an application for a patent on a Picture p
and Picture-Mat Form Holder and Cutter, and he was granted Patent Number 684,035 on October 8, 1901, with twenty p
claims. The device he described had a base on which the form, similar to a stencil, was clamped over the photograph p
or mat to be cut; a standard inclined from one side of the base to provide a pivot over the center of the form; and a bar p m
suspended from the pivot with a cutting wheel at its lower end which could follow the elliptical form as the bar was m
rotated. The Marion listings in the gazetteers were for C. H. Atherton.
1. 1880 and 1900 Federal Censes of the village of Reed City and 1920 Federal Census of the village of Marion in Osceola County,
plus 1910 Federal Census of the village of Hesperia in Newaygo County, Michigan.

Atherton, Frederick P.
Reed City PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................ 1884-1885 m
Reed City (Atherton & Wolfe) PHOTOGRAPHERS ...................................................................................... 1886-1888 m R
Reed City PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................ 1888-1923 m
Fred was born in New Brunswick in August of 1862, next to last of the five or more children of Calvin and Electa 1
Atherton. His brother Clarence Harry Atherton was seven years older. Helen was born in New York State in 1
November of 1867, and she married Fred in 1882 or 1883. They never had children and were sharing their home in 1
1900 with his 76-year-old widowed mother. Fred presented views of a saw mill, a logging camp and a school to the 1 2
local newspaper in May of 1884, when he was said to be meeting with good success in his new business of landscape 2
photography. Later in the same month his intention of going to Sturgis to run a photograph gallery was announced. 2
Atherton & Wolfe were advertising locally early in 1886. In the spring of 1891 the local newspaper noted that Fred’s 2 3
prices were reasonable on life size portraits and pictures copied and enlarged to any desired size, with photographs 3
available as low as $1.50 per dozen. His gallery was called the leading photographic establishment in Osceola County, 3
and Fred had ten years of successful and practical experience at this time. Later in the year Fred advertised: “Life Size 3
Portraits for Christmas Souvenirs! THE NEW ARISTO is the only perfect enameled finish absolutely fadeless cabinet 3
portraits. To Introduce The ARISTO PROCESS and secure a big holiday trade and enlarge our business, we will give 3
a life size Crayon Portrait, elegantly framed with every dozen cabinets at $5.00 per dozen....” A fire in the Parkhurst 3 4
Building on the Morning of Thursday, July 11, 1907, destroyed Norman’s jewelry store and Fred Atherton’s 4
photograph studio. The loss of $6000 was partially covered by insurance. Fred was training Elmer E. Cole as an 4 1
apprentice photographer in 1920. 1
1. 1880, 1900, 1910 and 1920 Federal Censes of the village of Reed City in Osceola County, Michigan.
2. Reed City Clarion, Reed City, Michigan, May 2, 1884, page 3; May 16, 1884, page 3; and January 8. 1886, page 2.
3. Reed City Weekly Clarion, Reed City, Michigan, May 15, 1891, page 4; and November 27, 1891, page 4.
4. Marshall Daily Chronicle, Marshall, Michigan, July 12, 1907. Noted by James G. Donaldson of Detroit, Michigan.

Atherton, William R.
Detroit photographer .................................................................................................................................................. 1895 d
Detroit (Wm. R. Atherton & Company) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 607 Michigan av ........................................ 1896-1897 d m
“W. R. Atherton & Co., 607 Michigan Ave., Detroit, Mich.” was stamped on the back of the 7 by 9 inch mount of a t
4 ½ by 6 ½ photograph of a young woman, a young man and an older man with their bicycles and their dog in front of t
their home in 1897. “W. R. ATHERTON, DETROIT” surrounded by a diamond was stamped beneath the image on t
the otherwise blank cabinet mounts of portraits photographically printed using a leaf shaped mask, and on the back of t
7 by 9 inch mounts for photographs of residences. t

Atkins, Albert
Lansing employee of the photographers Mead & Jennings ....................................................................................... 1878 L
Albert may have been the son of physician Harmon Atkins and his wife Harriet. If so, he was born in Michigan in 1
1858 or 1859, and was a Locke Township painter in 1880. 1
1. 1880 Federal Census of Locke Township in Ingham County, Michigan.
Atkins, C.
Detroit employee of the photographers Grelling & Company ................................................................................... 1859 d
Charles Atkins was a Detroit painter in 1860. He was born in Vermont to a Scotch mother and an English mother in 1
1839 or early in 1840, the son of John and Mary Atkins. He had a brother and a sister who were born in Vermont 1
between 1841 and 1846, and his father was a carpenter and joiner. 1
1. 1860 Federal Census of the Fifth Ward of Detroit in Wayne County, Michigan.

Atkins, Edgar Mason

Pavilion Township student ......................................................................................................................................... 1880 1
Kalamazoo photo printer ........................................................................................................................................... 1888 2
Kalamazoo PHOTOGRAPHER on Main st east .............................................................................................. 1891,1894 t
Kalamazoo PHOTOGRAPHER at 128 Main st west ...................................................................................... 1896-1897 K m
Charles City, Iowa, PHOTOGRAPHER .................................................................................................................... 1899 3
Chicago, Illinois, PHOTOGRAPHER at 494 North av ............................................................................................. 1899 c
Chicago, Illinois, PHOTOGRAPHER at 859 Clark st north ..................................................................................... 1900 c 1
Chicago, Illinois, PHOTOGRAPHER .............................................................................................................. 1910,1920 1
Chicago, Illinois, retiree ............................................................................................................................................ 1930 1
Los Angeles, California, resident ..................................................................................................................... 1957-1958 4
Edgar was born in Michigan to an English father on February 2, 1871, third of the four sons of Sam and Eloise 1 4
(Chase) Atkins. Edgar advertised nationally in the autumn of 1888: “WANTED - Situation by a young man, as printer. 4 t
E. M. ATKINS, Kalamazoo, Mich.” The backs of the 7 by 9 inch buff mounts of pictures of Chesaning students on the t
steps of their school taken in May of 1891 and of Jonesville students on the steps of their school in 1894 were stamped t
“E. M. ATKINS, Photographer, E. Main St., Kalamazoo.” Mary E. Hunter was born in New York State in December t 1
of 1874 to an Irish mother and a father from Vermont, and she married Edgar in 1898 or early in 1899. By 1910 they 1
were divorced and Edgar was living alone. Elsie Myrtle Gschwind was born in Indiana to a Swiss father and a mother 1 4
from Pennsylvania on October 23, 1884, and she married Edgar about 1911. Their children were born in Chicago: 4 1
Ruth in 1913, Edgar in 1914, Jean in May of 1919, and George in 1925 or early in 1926. They employed a widowed 1
house keeper in 1920, when Elsie seems to have been a full partner in the photographic business and was enumerated 1
as a photographer. She died in Los Angeles on May 19, 1957, and Edgar lived there until December 23, 1958. 1 4
1. 1870 Federal Census of Schoolcraft Township and 1880 Federal Census of Pavilion Township in Kalamazoo County, Michigan, plus
1900 and 1920 Federal Censes of the 21st Ward, 1910 Federal Census of the 23rd Ward, and 1930 Federal Census of the 49th Ward
of Chicago in Cook County, Illinois.
2. St. Louis and Canadian Photographer; volume 6, number 8, August 1888.
3. Learned in 1993 from Jo Ann Burgess, Clear Lake, Iowa.
4. California Death Index, 1940-1997.

Atkins, Fay A., Mrs.

Petoskey PHOTOGRAPHER over 327 Lake st .............................................................................................. 1898-1899 m 1
Petoskey PHOTOGRAPHER .......................................................................................................................... 1900-1905 2 m
Cleveland, Ohio, apartment janitress ......................................................................................................................... 1910 2
Los Angeles, California, hotel manager ..................................................................................................................... 1920 2
Fay was born in October of 1862 in Michigan. Her father was from Belgium and her mother was born in Michigan. 2
Fay married Milton W. Atkins, a builder of boats, about 1885. Milton was born in January of 1863 in Michigan of 2 1
New York parentage. Their son, M. Clyde Atkins, was born in December of 1886 in Michigan. Milton was a traveling 2
salesman for a fish company in 1910, and was proprietor of the hotel that Fay was managing in 1920. They had one 2
couple and twenty other male roomers. 2
1. Petoskey City Directory; 1899, City Record, Petoskey.
2. 1900 Federal Census of the Third Ward of Petoskey in Emmet County, Michigan, 1910 Federal Census of the 22nd Ward of
Cleveland in Cuyahoga County, Ohio, and 1920 Federal Census of the 89th Precinct of Los Angeles in Los Angeles County,
Atkins, James I.
Hadley Township student .......................................................................................................................................... 1860 1
Petoskey dealer in Indian merchandise ................................................................................................................. ca 1878 t
Petoskey proprietor of a general store ....................................................................................................................... 1880 1
Petoskey boat builder ....................................................................................................................................... 1882-1883 m
Petoskey sewing machine agent ....................................................................................................................... 1884-1885 m
Petoskey dealer in sewing machines and organs .............................................................................................. 1886-1887 m
Petoskey piano and organ merchant ................................................................................................................. 1888-1889 m
Flint butcher ............................................................................................................................................................... 1900 1
Flint real estate agent ................................................................................................................................................. 1910 1
James was born in Michigan in November of 1851, eldest of the four children of Mr. and Mrs. John H. Atkins. His 1
father seems to have been a widower by 1860, when he was raising the children with the help of an older widowed 1
relative, probably a sister-in-law. A nice orange mount imprinted “J. I. ATKINS, Dealer in Indian Work, Petoskey, 1 t
Michigan.” carried a stereo view of an Indian papoose which was the work of photographer George W. Barker of t
Niagara Falls, New York. Lizzie (later Eliza) was born in Michigan in April of 1854, and she married James about t 1
1874. Their son Clare was born in April of 1875, Grace was born in November of 1878, Floyd was born in June of 1
1880, and Ruth came along in December of 1892. Grace married Flint photographer Percy L. Becker about 1903, and 1
was working in his studio as a photographer in 1910. 1
1. 1860 Federal Census of Hadley Township in Lapeer County, 1880 Federal Census of the village of Petoskey in Emmet County, plus
1900 Federal Census of the First Ward and 1910 Federal Census of the Third Ward of Flint in Genesee County, Michigan.

Atkins, John P.
Sparta Township photographer .................................................................................................................................. 1870 1
Lisbon PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................. 1872-1873 m
Muskegon cook on a vessel ....................................................................................................................................... 1880 1
The village of Lisbon is in Sparta Township. John was born in England in 1835 or a few years later. Her father came 2 1
from New Jersey and Adelzia (later Della) was born in the state of New York in March of 1847. She married John and 1
their children were born in Michigan: Bertha or Birdie late in 1867 or early in 1868, and Earnest in April of 1871. By 1
1900 Della was a widow living in Denver with her son Earnest and his wife Emily. 1
1. 1870 Federal Census of Sparta Township in Kent County and 1880 Federal Census of the Second Ward of Muskegon in Muskegon
County, Michigan, plus 1900 Federal Census of the Tenth Ward of Denver in Arapahoe County, Colorado.
2. Mapbook of Michigan Counties, TwoPeninsula Press, Lansing. Michigan, 1984.

Atkins Engraving Company

Battle Creek PHOTOGRAPHERS at 18 Tompkins st .............................................................................................. 1918 1
This company advertised as engravers, artists and photographers, with a specialty of the highest grade color work. 1
1. Battle Creek City Directory, 1918, R. L. Polk & Company, Detroit.

Atkinson, O’Brien
Detroit secretary of the Detroit Camera Club ............................................................................................................ 1897 1
O’Brien was the son of Detroit attorney John Atkinson, and in 1892 was a law student with his father’s firm. A year d
later he had been made a member of the firm. By 1901, following the death of his father, O’Brien had turned to d
banking. d
1. Identification of the source of this information has been misplaced, and must be re-established.
Atkyn, J., Doctor
Beaver Island DAGUERREOTYPIST ............................................................................................................ 1855-1856 1
Atkyn first visited Beaver Island in 1850, and repeated the visit frequently before opening a daguerreotype gallery 1
there in 1855. He advertised locally in December of 1855: “SAINT JAMES DAGUERREAN GALLERY, Water 1 2
Street, One Door South of the ‘Northern Islander’ Office. Likenesses taken in any weather, and warranted to give 2
satisfaction. Ladies and gentlemen will please call and examine specimens. J. A., Saint James, Dec. 6, 1855.” He 2
advertised again in the spring of 1856: “Correct and Life-Like DAGUERREOTYPES. - J. Atkyn, Daguerrean Artist, 2
St. James Hall, Beaver Island, Mich. Having fitted and furnished his Daguerrean Room in a style for comfort and 2
convenience, not surpassed by any in Manitue and adjacent counties, will be happy to receive visitors. His mode of 2
taking pictures completely obviates the necessity of sitting from one to three minutes. It can be done as well in from 2
ten to thirty seconds, and in all cases less than one minute. N. B. Instructions given in the art, with all the late 2
improvements, given. Ladies and gentlemen would do well to give him a call. His pictures are taken on a silver plate, 2
over which is a coating of gold. They will not corrode at sea, or change in any climate; are beautiful in tenor, bold and 2
clear in effect. Call and examine specimens, at St. James Hall. Gallery open from 9 A. M. to 4 P. M. Likenesses taken 2
in clear or cloudy weather. Beaver Island, April 28th, ‘56.” He was described as a debt ridden malcontent who 2 1
threatened to blackmail certain citizens if his bills were not paid, and this report probably referred to him: 1 2
“WEDNESDAY, MAY 7, 1856. - The house of the Prindle brothers was entered last night, and some $200 worth of 2
Daguerreotype apparatus, stock, &c., spirited away. The object seems to be, not exactly to steal outright, but to commit 2
a fraud on our neighbor, Mr. J. M. Wait, who is half owner of the property, and perhaps to defraud the Prindles of their 2
rent, for which the property is liable. We are sorry to believe this outrage was committed by a man who has had some 2
pretensions to respectability.” Atkyn was one of the group that planned the overthrow and murder of Mormon King 2 1
James Jesse Strang in 1856. This action led to the forced evacuation of the remaining Mormon families from Beaver 1
Island. 1
1. Doris V. Huckle, Artists North; The Necessary Press, East Jordan, Michigan, 1978.
2. The Northern Islander, Saint James, Beaver Island, Michigan, December 6, 1855, and volume 6, numbers 2 and 5, May 1 and 22, 1856.

Atlas Motion Picture Company, Inc.

Detroit MOTION PICTURE PHOTOGRAPHERS ........................................................................................ 1914-1915 1 2
The officers of this company were: Charles G. Roos, president; Frank J. Schaffer, vice president; and Percy R. 1
Upton, secretary and treasurer. By March of 1915 the company was using a “Made in Detroit, USA” trademark 1
promoted by the Detroit Board of Commerce on their films. Atlas films entitled “Dates” and “On the Golf Links” were 1 2
registered for copyright in June of 1915, and one entitled “And He Came Straight Home” was registered in October of 2
1915. The film studio of the Atlas Motion Picture Company was off an alley on the southeast side of Gratiot Avenue 2 3
between Crane and Rohns Streets. 3
1. The Detroiter, Detroit Board of Commerce, Detroit, Michigan, December 15, 1914, and March 22, 1915.
2. Catalog of Copyright Entries, Library of Congress, Washington D. C., 1915.
3. Sanborn Fire Insurance Map in the History and Travel Department of the Detroit Public Library.

Atlas Motion Picture Corporation

Detroit MOTION PICTURE PHOTOGRAPHERS ........................................................................................ 1916-1920 1
“This company was formed in Detroit, Michigan, in 1916 and financially backed by Henry Ford. With its large 1
laboratory and extensive equipment, it was soon releasing The Ford Educational Weekly. In the summer of 1919 a 1
committee of educators, headed by William H. Dudley of the University of Wisconsin, was invited to edit fifty-one 1
Ford films for instructional use. In 1920 The Ford Educational Library was announced as ready for distribution. It is 1
interesting to note that ‘each film had a complete synopsis or syllabus containing: the title and subtitles, the 1
instructional aim, data suitable to aid the teacher, definite questions for presenting the lesson, problems, questions, and 1
a list of references.’ The advertising, however, was unsuccessful, and even created some antagonism toward the Ford 1
Motor Company and the educators who had served on the selection committee.” 1
1. Paul Seattler, The Evolution of American Educational Technology.

Atwater, _______
Menominee (DeForest & Atwater) PHOTOGRAPHERS ......................................................................................... 1883 1
The dissolution of the partnership of DeForest & Atwater was reported in the fall of 1883. The partnership was 1
succeeded by D. A. DeForest. 1
1. The. Photographic Times, New York, volume 13, number 154, October 1883.
Atwater, Eugene
Chicago, Illinois, (Atwater & Garrison) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 1227 Milwaukee av ........................................ ca 1875 t
Allegan (Atwater, Garrison & George) PHOTOGRAPHERS in Room 15 of the Union Block on Locust st ...... ca 1877 t
Allegan (Atwater, Garrison & Company) PHOTOGRAPHERS in Room 15 Union Block on Locust st .................. 1878 1
Allegan (Atwater & Garrison) PHOTOGRAPHERS in Room 15 of the Union Block on Locust st ............... 1878-1879 2 m
San Francisco, California, (Atwater & Garrison) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 820 California av .............................. ca 1880 3
Atwater & Garrison made stereo views of Chicago. Atwater, Garrison & George and Atwater & Garrison both t
operated as the National Photo. View and Copying Company from rooms over Bohm’s Grocery, specializing in t
stereoscopic and 10 by 12 views and producing stereographs of Allegan. Atwater, Garrison & George also made a t
series of Gun Lake stereo views. Atwater, Garrison & Company advertised stereoscopic views of Allegan and vicinity t 1
and their specialty of taking scenery, buildings, rooms, livestock, etc., at reasonable prices as stereographs or as 8 by 1
10 pictures for framing. Atwater & Garrison were awarded a First Premium at the Allegan County Fair in October of 1 2
1878 for the thirty photographs of Michigan scenery which they exhibited. Atwater & Garrison produced stereo views 2 3
in San Francisco as the National Photo View & Copying Company. 3
1. Allegan County Democrat, Allegan, Michigan, June 5, 1878.
2. Allegan Journal, Allegan, Michigan, October 5, 1878.
3. Carl Mautz, Biographies of Western Photographers, Carl Mautz Publishing, Nevada City, California, 1997.
Aubrey, William Howard
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 41 and 43 Monroe av ........................................................................................... ca 1887 t
Detroit clerk or stenographer ........................................................................................................................... 1888-1889 d
Detroit shoe maker or shoe clerk ..................................................................................................................... 1890-1891 d
Detroit bank clerk ............................................................................................................................................ 1892-1894 d
Detroit dramatist or traveling agent ................................................................................................................. 1895-1897 d
Detroit secretary and treasurer of a mercantile company ........................................................................................... 1898 d
Detroit hotel broker and promoter ................................................................................................................... 1899-1905 d
Detroit hotel broker, promoter and operator .................................................................................................... 1906-1925 d
Pontiac hotel manager ................................................................................................................................................ 1930 1
William was born in Canada in March of 1871, and he was brought to the United States five years later. Some 1 t
Taylor cabinet mounts were overprinted with “Wm. H. Aubrey,” indicating that William may have taken over the t d
gallery for a while after the death of Augustus B. Taylor, while Theresa V. Taylor was adjusting to being a widow and d
readying herself to continue the business. Virginia was born in Michigan in July of 1870, and she married William d 1
about 1898. Their children were born in Detroit: Helen in 1900, William in 1902, Virginia in 1903, and Banquiere 1
(sometimes Benjamin) in 1908. William and Virginia still were married in 1930, though he was working in Pontiac 1
and she was in Ann Arbor providing a home for her older daughter and her younger son. Helen was teaching at the 1
University of Michigan. 1
1. 1900 and 1910 Federal Censes of the Third Ward and 1920 Federal Census of the First Ward of Detroit in Wayne County, plus 1930
Federal Censes of the city of Pontiac in Oakland County and the Seventh Ward of Ann Arbor in Washtenaw County, Michigan.

Auburn Post Card Manufacturing Company

Auburn, Indiana, manufacturer of post card photographs .......................................................................................... 1919 t
For J. M. Southwick of Harrietta, Michigan, this company produced 50 post cards with the legend: “Scene – Brick t
Yard, Harrietta, Mich. 4034-P” and 50 post cards with the legend: “Scene – Brick Yard, Harriette, Mich. 4034-R.” t
The original photographs from which these post cards were copied were 6 by 8 inches and 7 by 9 inches, and the t
orders were processed on September 18, 1919. t

Auer, Lauri
Hancock PHOTOGRAPHER .......................................................................................................................... 1900-1901 m
Cabinet photographs with the imprint: “L. Auer, Hancock, Mich.” could be the work of either Lauri or Louis. t m

Auer, Louis
Hancock PHOTOGRAPHER at 318 Quincy st ............................................................................................... 1901-1905 1 m
South Range PHOTOGRAPHER on Baltic st ................................................................................................. 1904-1905 m
Some cabinet photographs by Louis have the look of the 1890s. t
1. Houghton County Directory, 1901, R. L. Polk & Company, Detroit

Augier, Viola J.
Detroit (V. J. Augier & Company) manufacturers of photograph binders at 282 Fort st west ................................... 1895 d
Detroit (V. J. Augier & Company) manufacturers of photograph folders at 159 Harper av east ...................... 1896-1897 d
She was listed as Viola J. Augir in 1897. d
Auld, Hannah N., Mrs.
Toledo, Ohio, housewife ............................................................................................................................................ 1850 1
Eaton Rapids DAGUERREOTYPIST ............................................................................................................. 1859-1863 m
Eaton Rapids PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................... 1862-1863 2
Three Rivers PHOTOGRAPHER …………………………... (as Mrs. Hannah N. Stirling) .......................... 1864-1866 2
Niles PHOTOGRAPHER …………………………………... (as Mrs. Hannah N. Stirling) ..................................... 1867 3
Niles PHOTOGRAPHER at 43 Main st ……………………. (as Mrs. Hannah N. Stirling) ..................................... 1871 4
Niles PHOTOGRAPHER at 49 Main st ……………………. (as Mrs. Hannah N. Stirling) ........................... 1874-1875 m
Niles PHOTOGRAPHER on Main st ………………………. (as Mrs. Hannah N. Stirling) ........................... 1876-1879 m
Niles PHOTOGRAPHER at 51 Main st ……………………. (as Mrs. Hannah N. Stirling) ........................... 1880-1881 m
Niles PHOTOGRAPHER …………………………………... (as Mrs. Hannah N. Stirling) ........................... 1882-1883 m
Minneapolis, Minnesota, capitalist …………………………. (as Mrs. Hannah N. Stirling) ..................................... 1900 1
She was born Hannah N. Graves in New York State in April of 1828. She married Ossian Auld about 1846, their 1
daughter Emma was born in Michigan a year or so later, and their daughter Alsena was born in Ohio in July of 1849. 1
In 1860 Hannah was living in an Eaton Rapids hotel with her younger daughter. She and Ossian apparently divorced, 1
for by 1864 she had become Mrs. Hannah N. Stirling. In 1870 she was providing a home for both of her daughters in 1
Niles, while Ossian Auld and his English wife were living in Santa Cruz, California. By 1880 she was a widow, and 1
was living with the family of her sister Sarah and her husband, James P. Howlett. Her name was sometimes spelled 1 4
“Sterling” in the directories, and both “H. N. Sterling” and “Mrs. H. N. Sterling” were printed on card photograph m t
mounts from Niles. However, her name was spelled “Stirling” in most of the directories, “H. N. Stirling” was printed m t
on some card mounts from Niles, and “Mrs. H. N. Stirling” was printed on cartes de visite from Three Rivers as well t
as three versions of Niles card mounts. Hannah and her widowed sister Sarah were living in 1900 with the family of t 1
Sarah’s daughter Cora and her husband, Robert G. Brown. Apparently Hannah was able to pay her own way. 1
1. 1850 Federal Census of the Fourth Ward of Toledo in Lucas County, Ohio, 1860 Federal Census of the village of Eaton Rapids in
Eaton County plus 1870 and 1880 Federal Censes of the Third Ward of Niles in Berrien County, Michigan, 1870 Federal Census of
Santa Cruz in Santa Cruz County, California, and 1900 Federal Census of the Eighth Ward of Minneapolis in Hennepin County,
2. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1862-1866, National Archives, Washington, D.C.
3. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1867-1868, Great Lakes Branch of the National Archives, Chicago, Illinois.
4. Berrien County Directory and History, 1871, Ed. B. Cowan.

Aurand, Fayette D.
Tekonsha Township farmer on his father’s farm ....................................................................................................... 1900 1
Marshall PHOTOGRAPHER at 20 Hanover st ......................................................................................................... 1906 2
Jackson taxidermist with his own office .................................................................................................................... 1920 1
Lansing taxidermist with his own shop ...................................................................................................................... 1930 1
Fay’s father came from New York, his mother emigrated from England, and they married about 1871. Fay was born 1
in Michigan in February of 1881, third of the five children of Henry H. and Matilda E. Aurand. His sister Ethel was 1
born here in May of 1884, and his sister Nina was born here in August of 1889. His parents and his younger sister 1
were living in Marshall in 1910. Mayme was born in New York State in 1869. She married a man named Dedrick, 1
their daughter Gwendolyn was born in 1899, and their son Clayton was born in 1902. Mayme brought along her 1
children when she married Fay, and both of them were employed in 1920. This marriage did not last. Rose was born in 1
Michigan to German parents in 1871 or early in 1872, and she married Fay about 1925. She was providing in 1930 for 1
three male lodgers, one of them a seven-year-old boy. 1
1. 1900 Federal Census of Tekonsha Township and 1910 Census of the city of Marshall in Calhoun County, 1920 Federal Census of the
Fifth Ward of Jackson in Jackson County, and 1930 Federal Census of the Second Ward of Lansing in Ingham County, Michigan.
2. Richard Carver, A History of Marshall; Marshall Historical Society, Marshall, Michigan, 1993.

Austin, _______
Schoolcraft (Austin & Chappell) PHOTOGRAPHERS .................................................................................. 1865-1866 1
1. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1862-1866; National Archives, Washington, D.C.

Austin, _______
Whitehall (Norman & Austin) PHOTOGRAPHERS over the bakery .................................................................. ca 1870 t
Norman & Austin produced a carte de visite of a group of two story frame buildings which included a drug store, a t
hardware shop and a store offering groceries and provisions. t
Austin, Albert J.
Watervliet Township PHOTOGRAPHER and farmer ............................................................................................... 1900 1 2
Watervliet Township farmer ...................................................................................................................................... 1910 2
Paw Paw PHOTOGRAPHER .......................................................................................................................... 1914-1915 m
South Haven PHOTOGRAPHER .................................................................................................................... 1914-1915 m
Bert was born in New York in August of 1861. Mary’s parents came from New York and Ohio, she was born in 2
Michigan in December of 1877, and she married Bert in 1896 or 1897. He advertised nationally in the fall of 1900: 2 1
“FOR SALE - Good portable gallery and outfit, 8 x 10, view outfit, &c. in one of the best resort towns in lower 1
Michigan. Address Albert Austin, Watervliet, Mich.” Mary gave birth to Ruth, Raleigh and Albert between 1900 and 1 2
1905. From South Haven, Albert offered high class photographing plus amateur developing and printing. 2 m
1. St. Louis and Canadian Photographer; volume 24, number 10, October 1900, page 488.
2. 1900 and 1910 Federal Censes of Watervliet Township in Berrien County, Michigan.

Austin, C. B.
South Haven photo printer and toner ......................................................................................................................... 1897 1
Austin first advertised nationally early in 1897: “WANTED - By an up-to-date printer and toner, and can retouch; 1
have no bad habits. I can give you the best of reference from last employer. Will work reasonable....” A month later it 1
was: “WANTED - By a good printer and toner; have no bad habits; can give reference from last employer; will work 1
reasonable for steady employment....” The next ad appeared in July of 1897: “WANTED - A printer and toner; can 1
assist in any branch; can furnish gilt-edge references; no bad habits; a good workman; will work reasonably for steady 1
employment....” Then in August of 1897: “WANTED, SITUATION - By a first-class printer and toner; can operate 1
and assist in any branch. Gilt-edge references; no bad habits; will work reasonable. Address C. B. Austin, South 1
Haven, Mich.” 1
1. St. Louis and Canadian Photographer; volume 15, numbers 2, 3, 7 and 8, February, March, July and August, 1897.

Austin, C. W.
Holly PHOTOGRAPHER .................................................................................................................................... ca 1890 t

Austin, Charles Willard

Rockford student ........................................................................................................................................................ 1880 1
Rockford PHOTOGRAPHER ......................................................................................................................... 1884-1885 m
Caledonia PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................. ca 1885 t
Rockford PHOTOGRAPHER and portrait painter .......................................................................................... 1886-1887 m
Ludington PHOTOGRAPHER .................................................................................................................................. 1888 2
Detroit artist for photographers E. H. Husher & Company ........................................................................................ 1895 d
Detroit artist ..................................................................................................................................................... 1896-1897 d
Detroit artist for photographer Edgar A. Marvin ............................................................................................. 1898-1899 d
Detroit artist or portrait artist ..................................................................................................................................... 1900 d 1
Detroit artist for photographers Marvin & Brown ..................................................................................................... 1901 d
Detroit artist or enlarging artist ........................................................................................................................ 1902-1910 d 1
Detroit (Artcraft Studio) PHOTOGRAPHERS in Room 509 of the Bowles Building .................................... 1911-1912 d
Detroit (Artcraft Studio) PHOTOGRAPHERS at the northeast corner of Mack and Seyburn avs ............................ 1913 d
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER AND ENLARGEMENTS at 1019-21 Mack av ............................................................ 1914 d
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER in Room 308 of the Sun Building ................................................................................. 1915 d
Detroit artist ..................................................................................................................................................... 1916-1934 d
Detroit resident .......................................................................................................................................................... 1936 d
His father emigrated from England, his mother came from New York, and Charles was born in Michigan in February 1
of 1867. He was the son of Phillip and Ursula Austin, and had two brothers born here between 1858 and 1861 and a 1
sister born in 1874 or early in 1875. Fanny, his first wife, was born in Michigan in May of 1870, married Charles 1
about 1891 and gave birth to Gladys in March of 1895. Emma, his second wife, was born in Michigan in 1869 to 1
Canadian parents, was delivered of a daughter in 1891 or 1892 during her first marriage, and married Charles about 1
1906. “C. W. AUSTIN, Photographer, Excelsior Car. CALEDONIA, Mich.” was stamped on the back of card 1 t
photographs. Charles advertised nationally early in 1888: “WANTED - Situation by an experienced A No. 1 retoucher t 2
and general workman. Also, artist in crayon and colors. Samples of work sent. C. W. Austin, Ludington, Mich.” After 2
1902, there was usually a portrait studio address listed for Charles, and in 1908 he also sold air brushes and supplies. d
He kept the same address in the Sun Building through 1919, but after 1915 was listed as an artist rather than as a d
photographer. He was enumerated as a portrait artist in 1920, and as a copying and enlarging artist in 1930 when he d 1
was divorced and lodging with a Highland Park family. 1
1. 1880 Federal Census of the village of Rockford in Kent County, plus 1900 Federal Census of the Sixth Ward, 1910 Federal Census
of the First Ward, and 1920 Federal Census of the Twenty First Ward of Detroit, as well as 1930 Federal Census of the city of
Highland Park in Wayne County, Michigan.
2. St. Louis and Canadian Photographer; volume 2, number 3, March, 1888.
Austin, Elmer E.
Ypsilanti PHOTOGRAPHER .......................................................................................................................... 1904-1905 m
Ypsilanti PHOTOGRAPHER .......................................................................................................................... 1906-1908 R

Austin, Ernest
New Lothrop PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................. 1903 R

Austin, Frances, Miss

Detroit retoucher for photographers C. M. Hayes & Company ....................................................................... 1896-1897 d
Detroit retoucher ........................................................................................................................................................ 1898 d
Frances E. Austin was born in Michigan in February of 1870 to a German father and a mother from Louisiana. She 1
was living in 1900 at Colorado Springs, Colorado. 1
1. 1900 Federal Census of the Second Ward of Colorado Springs in El Paso County, Colorado.

Austin, George W.
Watervliet Township child or worker on his father’s farm ............................................................................... 1870,1880 1
Watervliet PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................ 1892-1901 m
Kalamazoo PHOTOGRAPHER on the third floor at 134 Burdick st south ..................................................... 1902-1923 m K
His father emigrated from England and George was born in Michigan in July of 1862, third of the eight children of 1
Thomas and Sophia Jennet Austin. He grew up on the family farm. His wife’s parents came from Connecticut or 1
Massachusetts, Mary was born in Michigan in December of 1855, and she married George about 1886. Marilyn or 1
Mamie, their daughter, was born here in October of 1887. Watervliet stereo views by George included one of his small 1 t
gallery, which was on Main Street in 1898, a little girl with her sled in the snow, and a wreath surrounding the portrait t
of a woman. He advertised nationally in the autumn of 1900: “WANTED - Situation by a good all-around man, as t 2
general assistant in some good gallery. Am sober and industrious; ten years experience. Will be at liberty after 2
September 15. Good references. Address G. W. Austin, Watervliet, Mich.” He was an active member of the 2 3
Photographers’ Association of America in 1905, and was classified as a commercial photographer in most local 3 K
directories issued between 1906 and 1919. He lettered “Photo by Austin” on the negative of a post card photograph of K t
“Hail Stones, Actual Size, from Hail Storm May 15th, 1909, Kalamazoo, Mich.” Following a long illness, George died t 4
on April 1, 1923. His daughter had been active in the business for several years, and the Austin Studio continued in 4 5
Kalamazoo under Marnie’s management for another decade. 5 m
1. 1870 and 1880 Federal Censes of Watervliet Township and 1900 Federal Census of the village of Watervliet in Berrien County, plus
1910 and 1920 Federal Censes of the Fourth Ward of Kalamazoo in Kalamazoo County, Michigan.
2. St. Louis and Canadian Photographer; volume 24, number 9, September, 1900, page 439.
3. The Association Review, Convention Annual, Boston 1905, The Photographers’ Association of America.
4. Bulletin of Photography, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, May 2, 1923.
5. Kalamazoo Gazette, Kalamazoo, Michigan, October 18, 1925, page 19.

Austin, H. S.
Battle Creek daguerrean artist .................................................................................................................................... 1860 1
Battle Creek shoe maker ............................................................................................................................................ 1860 2
Both H. S. and his wife, Elizabeth, were born in New York State in 1820 or early in 1821. No children were sharing 2
their home in 1860. 2
1. Jackson, Marshall and Battle Creek Directory, 1860-61; Loomis & Talbot.
2. 1860 Federal Census of the city of Battle Creek in Calhoun County, Michigan.

Austin, John W.
Saugatuck PHOTOGRAPHER .................................................................................................................................. 1907 t 1
Dowagiac PHOTOGRAPHER at 118 ½ Front st south ................................................................................... 1908-1909 2 R
Dowagiac PHOTOGRAPHER at 214 ½ Front st south ................................................................................... 1909-1911 3 1
John was born in Michigan in 1871 or 1872. Mable was born in California fourteen years later, married John about 4
1905, and gave birth to a son named Abbott in 1907 or 1908. “MAPLE WOOD HOTEL, SAUGATUCK, MICH. 4 t
Austin, Photo” was printed on a transparent strip which was slipped over the scenic negative when postal prints were t
being made. “Austin Photo” was lettered on the negative of a post card photograph of the 1910 Dowagiac High School t
track team. It was reported in the spring of 1911 that “J. W. Austin, the photographer, sold his business to Oscar C. t 1
Haight of Grand Rapids. Mr. Austin was here for five years. He spent his summers in Saugatuck. He will now become 1
a chiropractor.” 1
1. Dowagiac City Directory, 1908-1909.
2. The Billiken, 1909 Dowagiac High School senior annual.
3 Dowagiac Daily News, April 10, 1911.
4. 1910 Federal Census of the Third Ward of Dowagiac in Cass County, Michigan.
Austin, Loren D.
Gouverneur Township, New York, child ................................................................................................................... 1860 1
Allegan Township laborer on his father’s farm .......................................................................................................... 1870 1
South Haven PHOTOGRAPHER .................................................................................................................... 1876-1881 m
Loren was born in New York State in 1852 or early in 1853, fifth of the six children of John W. and Lucinda M. 1
Austin. Ida was born in Michigan a year later to parents from New York, and she married Loren about 1874. Their son 1
Clyde and daughter Sarah were born in Michigan between 1876 and 1879. “From the Photographic Art Studio of L. D. 1 t
AUSTIN, South Haven, Mich., Where can be found a Large Stock of Albums, Stereoscopes & Views, Chromos, t
Frames and Mouldings, and everything pertaining to a FIRST CLASS ART GALLERY.” was printed on the backs of t
many of Loren’s card photograph mounts. “Austin, Artist, also Dealer in Frames and Mouldings which are sold at t
nearly half price, over the post office, South Haven.” was printed on others. Nineteen-year-old George Barr probably t 1
was working for Loren as a photographer in 1880. 1
1. 1860 Federal Census of Gouverneur Township in St. Lawrence County, New York, plus 1870 Federal Census of Allegan Township in
Allegan County and 1880 Federal Census of South Haven in Van Buren County, Michigan.

Austin, Mamie L., Miss

Watervliet student ...................................................................................................................................................... 1900 1
Kalamazoo resident ................................................................................................................................................... 1910 1
Kalamazoo assistant to photographer George W. Austin ................................................................................. 1917-1923 2 m
Kalamazoo (Austin Studio) PHOTOGRAPHERS 134 Burdick st south ......................................................... 1923-1925 2 K
Kalamazoo (Austin Studio) PHOTOGRAPHERS 208 Burdick st south ......................................................... 1925-1926 K m
Kalamazoo (Austin Studio) PHOTOGRAPHERS 126 Burdick st south ......................................................... 1926-1931 m
Mamie was the daughter of George W. and Mary A. Austin, and was born in Michigan in 1887. When her father 1 3
died in 1923, she became his successor. In 1925 Cornelius P. Rynbrand was in charge of her commercial department 3 2
and Miss Mae Dewey was her retoucher. 2
1. 1900 Federal Census of the village of Watervliet in Berrien County, plus 1910, 1920 and 1930 Federal Censes of the Fourth Ward
of Kalamazoo in Kalamazoo County, Michigan.
2. Kalamazoo Gazette, Kalamazoo, Michigan, October 18, 1925, page 19.
3. Bulletin of Photography, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, May 2, 1923.

Austin, Nathan K.
Detroit photographer ........................................................................................................................................ 1918-1941 d
Nathan and his wife were born in Russia of Jewish parentage, he in 1884 and Norma in 1886. Their daughter Lillian 1
was born in New York in 1907 and their son Carl was born in Canada in 1910. Nathan worked for C. V. Holsbeke & 1 d
Company in 1919, for Delmar D. Spellman in 1927 and 1928, and mostly for Kern’s department store between 1935 d
and 1941. d
1. 1920 Federal Census of the Fifth Ward of Detroit in Wayne County, Michigan.

Austin, W. R.
Port Huron PHOTOGRAPHER, jeweler and optician ......................................................................................... ca 1880 t
Stereo views of the docks and of the railroad yards in Port Huron were photographed by W. R. Austin. t

Austin, W. V.
Galesburg PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................. ca 1885 t
When Henry A. Brown moved to Kalamazoo about 1885, Austin may have succeeded him in Galesburg and retained m
his negatives. Card photographs from the same negative exist with the imprint of Brown and with that of Austin, and t
both offered duplicates for one shilling each. Austin produced stereo views from Galesburg, including views of duck t
hunting from boats. t

Auten, Edgar N.
Groveland Township student ..................................................................................................................................... 1880 1
Oxford (Auten & Wendt) PHOTOGRAPHERS .............................................................................................. 1898-1899 2
Rochester PHOTOGRAPHER .................................................................................................................................. 1900 1 t
Pontiac painter in an auto factory .............................................................................................................................. 1910 1
His father came from New Jersey and Edgar was born in Michigan to a mother from New York on October 19, 1868, 1 3
third of the four children of John Brokaw Auten and Zylphia (Irish) Auten. He grew up on the family farm. Nellie was 3 1
born in New York State to English parents on August 14, 1875, and she married Edgar on September 13, 1893. Their 1 3
children were born in Michigan: Clyde in July of 1896, Hazel and Hazen in 1901, Russell in 1906, Donald in 1909, 1
and Betty in June of 1915. That Auten & Wendt would be opening a gallery at Oxford was announced in October of 1 2
1898. “E. N. AUTEN, Artist, Rochester, Mich.” was printed on a 2¾ by 3¼ mount below its 1½ by 2 inch 2 t
photographic portrait. Edgar died in 1919. Nellie, along with most of her children, stayed on in Pontiac through 1930. 3 1
1. 1880 Federal Census of Groveland Township, 1900 Federal Census of the village of Rochester, plus 1910 Federal Census of the Third
Ward, 1920 Federal Census of the Fourth Ward, and 1930 Federal Census of the city of Pontiac in Oakland County, Michigan.
2. St. Louis and Canadian Photographer; volume 22, number 10, October 1898, page 554.
3. Auten Wager Family Tree, Sefton-Friars Famil Tree, and One World Tree on the internet.
Auton, Alvin E.
Decatur PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................ 1890-1893 m

Avery, _______
Coldwater PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................. ca 1885 t

Avery, _______
Flint (Rees & Avery) PHOTOGRAPHERS .............................................................................................................. 1868 1
Flint (Rees & Avery) PHOTOGRAPHERS at the corner of Saginaw and Kearsley sts .................................. 1872-1873 2 t
“REES & AVERY, SUNBEAM GALLERY, FLINT, MICH.” was stamped within a circle in blue ink on the backs t
of the carte de visite sized paper sleeves of many tintypes. t
1. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1867-1868,; Great Lakes Branch of the National Archives, Chicago, Illinois.
2. “Photographers of Flint, Michigan” by Kenneth A. Wallace in The Flint Genealogical Quarterly; volume 17, numbers 2 ,3 and 4,
and volume18, numbers 1, 2, 3 and 4, April 1975 to October 1976.

Avery, Bert H.
Quincy student ........................................................................................................................................................... 1880 1
Battle Creek cigar maker ........................................................................................................................................... 1900 1
Grand Rapids PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................ 1910 1
Battle Creek PHOTOGRAPHER at 294 Cherry st .......................................................................................... 1916-1917 2 m
Battle Creek PHOTOGRAPHER at 43 ½ Jefferson av south .......................................................................... 1918-1919 2 m
Battle Creek PHOTOGRAPHER .............................................................................................................................. 1920 1
Marshall photographer ............................................................................................................................................... 1923 3
Burton was born in Michigan to parents from New York in August of 1871, and was the son of Daniel Sylvenus and 1
Eliza A. Avery. One source indicated that he married about 1898, but he was living with his parents in 1900, lodging 1
by himself in a hotel in 1910, and staying in 1920 with his sister Flora and her husband, Lewis B. Whitnall. A Marshall 1 3
store advertised in 1923: “Free Free The expert photographer, B. H. Avery will be at Brewer’s Store Saturday, Nov. 24. He 3
will photograph your Children from 2 to 7 years old, Free. BRING THEM IN SATURDAY – BREWER’S, Marshall, Michigan” 3
1. 1880 Federal Census of the village of Quincy in Branch County, 1900 and 1920 Federal Censes of the Fourth Ward of Battle Creek in
Calhoun County, and 1910 Federal Census of the Fourth Ward of Grand Rapids in Kent County, Michigan.
2. Battle Creek City Directories, 1916 and 1918, R. L. Polk & Company, Detroit.
3. Marshall Evening Chronicle, Marshall, Michigan, November 22, 1923. Noted by James G. Donaldson of Detroit, Michigan

Avery, Charles E.
Grand Rapids photographer for Henry W. Boozer .................................................................................................... 1875 g
Charles’ residential address was that of the Boozer gallery. g

This portrait of Charles Thomas Avery was

copied from a cabinet photograph furnished
by Mrs. Marjorie Tyree of Ruskin, Florida.
Avery, Charles Thomas
Van Buren Township child ........................................................................................................................................ 1870 1
Brownstown Township laborer on his father’s farm .................................................................................................. 1880 1
Hillsdale PHOTOGRAPHER .................................................................................................................................... 1888 R
Albion PHOTOGRAPHER at 301 Superior st ................................................................................................ 1890-1891 m t
Concord PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................... 1890-1891 m
Saginaw PHOTOGRAPHER on the east side at 220 Genesee av .............................................................................. 1892 t 2
Van Buren Township farmer ................................................................................................................... 1900,1910,1920 1
Wayne resident ................................................................................................................................................ 1921-1928 2
His father came from New York and Charles was born February 23, 1863, in Van Buren Township of Wayne 1 2
County, Michigan, to George and Mary Elizabeth (Cooper) Avery. He had an older sister Marietta, an older brother 2
Edward, and a younger brother Albert. On July 21, 1886, he married Ellen Rosanna Walstead, who was born at 2
Tecumseh on July 8, 1862, the daughter of George and Mary Ann (Mangus) Walstead. Charles and Ellen had four 2
children: Leon was born at Hillsdale in June of 1888; Charles Thomas, Junior, was born at Wayne in March of 1890; 2 1
Clifford Parm was born at Saginaw in May of 1892; and Ethel was born at Wayne in May of 1900. “C. T. AVERY, 1 t
THE LEADING PHOTOGRAPHER, Cabinet & Group Work A Specialty….” was stamped on the back of some t
Albion cabinet mounts. Charles gave up photography because of problems with his eyes. He lived on and worked a t 2
small farm on the Romulus-Van Buren town line for several years before he moved into Wayne. He was 2
superintendent of the Sunday School at the Tyler Street Christian Union Church for many years, and was active in the 2
Maccabees and the Odd Fellows. Charles was a mail carrier for a while and then went to work in Dearborn at the 2
Fordson Tractor Plant of the Ford Motor Company. He was feeling as well as usual when he left home for work on 2
Friday, February 17, 1928, but later dropped dead at his job from a heart attack. He was survived by his wife, three 2
sons and a daughter. Burial was in Wayne’s Tyler Street Cemetery next to his parents. 2
1. 1870, 1900, 1910 and 1920 Federal Censes of Van Buren Township plus 1880 Federal Census of Brownstown Township in
Wayne County, Michigan.
2. Learned in 1993 from Mrs. Marjorie Tyree of Ruskin, Florida.

Avery, Clara M., Mrs.

Please see the entry for Mrs. Joshua D. Avery.

Avery, Edward F.
Phillipstown Township, New York, child .................................................................................................................. 1850 1
Phillipstown Township, New York, laborer on his father’s farm ............................................................................... 1860 1
Pentwater shoe maker ................................................................................................................................................ 1870 1
Crystal Valley boot and shoe maker .......................................................................................................................... 1880 1
Crystal Valley PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................... 1890 R t
Ransom Township farmer .......................................................................................................................................... 1900 1
His father came from Vermont, and Edward was born in New York State in April of 1840, youngest of the six or 1
more children of Samuel Avery. His four sisters and one brother were born in New York between 1827 and 1836. 1
Mary was born in December of 1850, and she married Edward about 1865. Their son Charles was born in Indiana in 1
1866 or early in 1867, and their other children were born in Michigan: John and Bertha between 1873 and 1879, Mary 1
in May of 1882 and Dora in May of 1889. Edward sold photographic and picture supplies at Crystal Valley. Mrs. 1 R
Mary E. Avery was a widow living in Hillsdale in 1910 and providing a home for her three daughters, all of whom 1
were employed. 1
1. 1850 and 1860 Federal Censes of Phillipstown Township in Putnam County, New York, 1870 Federal Census of the village of
Pentwater and 1880 Federal Census of the village of Crystal Valley in Oceana County, plus 1900 Federal Census of Ransom
Township and 1910 Federal Census of the Third Ward of Hillsdale in Hillsdale County, Michigan.

This picture of Elmer Everette Avery was copied from a photograph

supplied by Mrs. Patsy Patterson of Highland, Michigan.
Avery, Elmer Everette
Milford painter ........................................................................................................................................................... 1880 1
Carson City resident ......................................................................................................................................... 1881-1887 2
Milford resident ............................................................................................................................................... 1887-1889 2
Milford carriage painter ................................................................................................................................... 1890-1891 m
Milford painter ................................................................................................................................................. 1892-1899 m
Milford PHOTOGRAPHER and painter ......................................................................................................... 1900-1901 m
Milford PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................ 1902-1914 m
Elmer was born on October 29, 1860, at North Kingsville, Ohio, to Ira and Roxy (Blood) Avery. Miss Martha M. 2 3
Wells, born in England on January 21, 1865, married Elmer at Milford on October 30, 1883. Their four children were 3 2
all born at Carson City: Lula Amelia on August 4, 1884; Ira Everette on February 11, 1886; Maud Leola on September 3
27, 1888; and Harold Wells on September 10, 1895. Lula became Mrs. Charles Gamble of Milford, Ira was a 3 2
photographer for many years at Masontown, Pennsylvania, and Maud became Mrs. Lloyd Ferris of Newport, 3 2
Washington. During the 1890s Elmer did the elaborate pin striping on carriages and wagons built at Milford by A. S. 3 m
Wakeley & Son. He also painted some pictures for his own satisfaction. Elmer’s photography included the usual studio m 3
portraits and many post card photographs of scenes in and near Milford, Highland and White Lake. His postal views t
were characterized by small legends neatly lettered on the negatives such as: “GOV. WARNER AT MILFORD, t
MICH. No 39” or “LIBERTY St., MILFORD, MICH. No 41.” Harold, his younger son, often accompanied Elmer on t 3
photographic jaunts and was included in some postal scenes to add interest. Elmer was on the official board of the 3
Methodist Church, and post cards were purchased from him to be sold as money makers for the church. Elmer failed to 3 4
come home to dinner from his studio one Monday, and Harold was sent to find out why. He found his father on the 2
floor, paralyzed from a stroke but able to speak. Elmer had not been in robust health for several years, never recovered 2
from the stroke, and died at home on Thursday, November 19, 1914. Many of his glass negatives have survived in 2 3
local collections. 3
1. 1880 Federal Census of the village of Milford in Oakland County, Michigan.
2. Obituary of Elmer E. Avery in the Milford Times, Milford, Michigan, November 21, 1914.
3. Genealogical and other information about E. E. Avery learned on August 23, 1992, from his great-granddaughter Mrs. Patsy Patterson,
his grandson Robert A. Gamble, and Milford historian Art Geyer.
4. Milford’s Methodist Pioneers 1836-1986; by Patsy Gamble Patterson and Marjorie Jackson Burns, 1986, Michigan Christian Advocate.

Avery, George E., Junior

Detroit student ................................................................................................................................................. 1905-1906 d
Detroit resident .......................................................................................................................................................... 1913 d
Detroit secretary and treasurer of the Rototype Photo Print Company ............................................................ 1916-1917 d
Waterford Township fruit farmer ............................................................................................................................... 1920 1
George was born in Michigan in 1884 to George E. and Fannie Avery, both natives of Michigan. His paternal 1
grandparents were from Maine, and his maternal grandparents were from Massachusetts and New York. His father was 1 d
a Detroit capitalist who died on November 15, 1910, at the age of 56. George was living in Clarkston in 1916 and d
1917, and was divorced by 1920. d 1
1. 1910 Federal Census of the Second Ward of Detroit in Wayne County, and 1920 Federal Census of Waterford Township in Oakland
County, Michigan.

Avery, James Merritt

Duplain Township farmer on his father’s farm .......................................................................................................... 1850 1
Bingham Township daguerreian artist ....................................................................................................................... 1860 1
Bingham Township farmer ........................................................................................................................................ 1870 1
Cherry Valley Township farmer ....................................................................................................................... 1880,1900 1
Cherry Valley Township farmer with employees ....................................................................................................... 1910 1
James was born at Charlotte, New York, to natives of New York on February 8, 1832, third of the seven children of 2 1
John and Sarah (often Sally) Avery. He was called Merritt through 1860. Sarah Emaline Campbell was born at Ira, 1 2
New York, to natives of New York on October 4, 1835, second of the six children of Elson Monroe Campbell and 2
Hulda (Phinnesy) Campbell. She married James at DeWitt, Michigan, on June 6, 1852. Sarah gave birth to Adolphus 2
at DeWitt in September of 1853, to Nettie in Saint Johns in September of 1856, to Amy at Saint Johns in August of 2
1870, and to John in Lake County in August of 1873.Sarah died on January 31, 1913, and James died in Cherry Valley 2 3
Township on February 10, 1913. Burial of both was in the cemetery at Nirvana, Michigan. 3 2
1. 1950 Federal Census of Duplain Township plus 1860 and 1870 Federal Censes of Bingham Township in Clinton County, as well as
1880, 1900 and 1910 Federal Censes of Cherry Valley Township in Lake County, Michigan.
2. McKrill, Corr, Hoard, White, Winge, Kellogg, Alford, Champion and extended families Family Tree on the internet.
3. Michigan Deaths and Burials Index, 1867-1995; and Michigan Find a Grave Index, 1805-2011.
Avery, Joshua D.
Constantine child ....................................................................................................................................................... 1860 1
Constantine Township farm laborer ........................................................................................................................... 1870 1
Constantine photo artist ............................................................................................................................................. 1880 1 2
Constantine PHOTOGRAPHER ..................................................................................................................... 1890-1895 m
Constantine PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................... 1898 m 3
Joshua was born in Sullivan County, New York, on January 18, 1852. He was five years old when he came to 3
Michigan with his family, which included at least two older brothers, a younger sister and a younger brother. His father 3 1
seems to have died, and his older brothers were living with two different farm families in 1860, while the three 1
youngest children were living in Constantine with their mother, Mrs. Sarah Avery. By 1870 Sarah had her five children 1
back together. Joshua married 22-year-old Clara M. Blair in 1878. Their son was born in 1880, but did not live to 1
maturity. One of Joshua’s cabinet photographs was an exterior view of Gibson’s Marble & Granite Works. He was 1 t
converted and received into the Methodist Church in 1895. He had just finished building a new photographic studio t 3
when he died of heart failure at his home in Constantine on January 3, 1898. 3
1. 1860 and 1880 Federal Censes of the village of Constantine plus 1870 Federal Census of Constantine Township in St. Joseph
County, Michigan.
2. St. Joseph County Directory, 1880, Globe Publishing Company, Mendon, Michigan.
3. Michigan Christian Advocate; January 22, 1898.

Avery, Joshua D., Mrs.

Florence Township child ........................................................................................................................................... 1860 1
Constantine Township student ................................................................................................................................... 1870 1
Constantine housewife ............................................................................................................................................... 1880 1
Constantine PHOTOGRAPHER ..................................................................................................................... 1898-1901 2 m
Her parents came from Pennsylvania and Clara M. Blair was born in Michigan in March of 1856. Her parents were 2 1
Henry C. and Sarah Blair, and she grew up with an older sister, two younger sisters and a younger brother. She married 1
Joshua in 1878. Their son Arden was born in January of 1880 but died as a child. Clara apparently made good use of 1 m
the studio which her husband had finished shortly before his death in January of 1898. m 2
1. 1860 Federal Census of Florence Township, 1870 Federal Census of Constantine Township, plus 1880 and 1900 Federal Censes of
the village of Constantine in St. Joseph County, Michigan.
2. Michigan Christian Advocate; January 22, 1898.

Avery, Lyman B.
Cornwall Township, Connecticut, child ..................................................................................................................... 1850 1
Ionia student .............................................................................................................................................................. 1860 1
Ionia grocer ................................................................................................................................................................ 1870 1
Ionia confectioner ...................................................................................................................................................... 1880 1
Detroit photo printer or photographer for Charles A. Millard ......................................................................... 1886-1887 d
Ionia resident ............................................................................................................................................................. 1888 d
Detroit manager of the Millard Studio ............................................................................................................. 1891-1893 d
Detroit photographer .................................................................................................................................................. 1894 d
Detroit electrician ...................................................................................................................................................... 1895 d
New York, New York, salesman ................................................................................................................................ 1900 1
Lyman was born in Connecticut in May of 1846, the son of John and Rebecca Avery. He had two older sisters and a 2 1
younger brother that died as a child. His sister Sarah married Charles A. Millard. Cornelia was born in Michigan to 1
parents from New York in 1846 or early in 1847, and she married Lyman about 1872. Their daughters Cassie and 1
Florence were born between 1873 and 1877. Under Lyman’s management, the Millard Studio employed John 1 d
Chauncey Page as a photo printer, Miss Kathleen S. Turner as a clerk, and Clarence M. Bunting as a photographer in d
1891; Calvin A. Palmer as a photographer and Clara P. Smith as an artist in 1891 and 1892; Miss Clara Swarthout as a d
retoucher in 1892; and Frank L. Clark as a photo operator, Clair R. Parrish as an assistant, and Edward J. Winiker as a d
photo printer in 1893. d
1. 1850 Federal Census of Cornwall Township in Litchfield County, Connecticut, 1860 and 1870 Federal Censes of the village of Ionia
plus 1880 Federal Census of the First and Second Wards of Ionia in Ionia County, Michigan, as well as 1900 Federal Census of the
Borough of Manhattan in New York, New York.
2. Detroit of Today, The City of the Strait; 1893.

Avery, Merrit
Please see the entry for James Merritt Avery.
Avery, N. Frederick
Grand Rapids resident or clerk ........................................................................................................................ 1872-1876 g
Grand Rapids lumber manufacturer ................................................................................................................. 1877-1880 g
Grand Rapids resident ................................................................................................................................................ 1886 g
Grand Rapids (Avery & Perkins) PHOTO SUPPLIES at 15 Fountain st ........................................................ 1888-1889 g
Grand Rapids (Perkins, Richmond & Company) PHOTO SUPPLIES at 15 Fountain st .......................................... 1890 g
Grand Rapids secretary and treasurer of an ice and coal company .................................................................. 1891-1904 g
Grand Rapids businessman .............................................................................................................................. 1905-1911 g
Grand Rapids chairman of the board of a grocery company ............................................................................ 1912-1919 g
Grand Rapids secretary and treasurer of an ice and coal company .................................................................. 1920-1924 g
Fred and his wife were born in Michigan: he in 1854 and Annie in 1859. Fred was treasurer and librarian of the 1 2
Grand Rapids Amateur Photographic Club in 1889, and was librarian of this club in 1890. 2
1. 1920 Federal Census of the city of Grand Rapids in Kent County, Michigan.
2. The American Annual of Photography and Photographic Times Almanac; 1889 and 1890.

Norton Louis Avery made this portrait

of himself about 1920. The illustration
was copied from an original print in the
State Archives of Michigan at Lansing.
Avery, Norton Lewis
Lowell PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................. 1914-1919 1 m
United States Army soldier .............................................................................................................................. 1918-1919 2 3
Lansing PHOTOGRAPHER ...................................................................................................................................... 1920 4
Lansing PHOTOGRAPHER at 1138 Logan st north ....................................................................................... 1922-1925 m
Lansing PHOTOGRAPHER at 302 ½ Grand River av east ............................................................................ 1926-1927 m
Lansing PHOTOGRAPHER and art goods at 107 Grand River av east .......................................................... 1930-1931 m
Norton was born in Lowell to Sherman B. and Inez (Barber) Avery on March 22, 1894. He grew up in Lowell, and 3 1
opened his studio there in the building one door east of A. J. Hawk & Son’s shoe store about August 1, 1914, with this: 5
“... SPECIAL. To the first 25 persons ordering one dozen or more photos, we will include free one of our OIL- 5
COLOR PORTRAITS which regularly retail at two dollars. With our Modern Equipment the time of day makes no 5
difference. You are cordially invited to call and examine the latest styles in refined portraiture....” Norton was tall and 5 6
slender with grey eyes and brown hair. He and Miss Ruby Mae Willette were married at Grand Rapids on August 1, 6 3
1917. He was inducted into the army on March 29, 1918, and got his basic training at Camp Custer. He was assigned 3 2
to the Fourth Air Service Motor Mechanics Regiment of the Signal Corps, and worked as a photographer. He was 3 2
promoted from private to sergeant first class on July 1 and then to Master Signal Electrician on November 27, 1918. 1 3
He left the United States for England on July 15, 1918, and left France for the United States on June 7, 1919. He was 3
honorably discharged at Mitchell Field on Long Island, New York on June 21, 1919. After the war he and Ruby 3 2
moved to Lansing, where their sons were born in 1921 and 1924. Harvey Avery was a Lowell photographer in 1924. 7 m
Three bromoils and one chloride print of Norton’s were selected for the First Annual Michigan Exhibition of Pictorial 8
Photography at the Detroit Institute of Arts in May of 1932. In the 1930s the Norton Studio was moved to their 8 1
residence on West Willow Street outside Lansing. In the early 1940s they moved back to Lowell and began 1
emphasizing nature photography over portraiture. Ruby died in 1979 and Norton died in 1984. A large collection of 1
Norton’s photographs was donated to the State Archives of Michigan by his son, Hoyt Avery. 1
1. Saralee R. Howard-Filler, “Artist With a Camera, Norton Louis Avery” in Michigan History; January-February 1986.
2. World War I Veterans Bonus Files in the State Archives of Michigan at Lansing.
3. World War I Veteran Census compiled by the War Preparedness Board in the State Archives of Michigan at Lansing.
4. 1920 Federal Census of the Second Ward of Lansing in Ingham County, Michigan.
5. Lowell Ledger; Lowell, Michigan, August 1, 1914.
6. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.
7. 1930 Federal Census of Delta Township in Eaton County, Michigan.
8. Catalogue of the First Annual Michigan Exhibition of Pictorial Photography, Detroit Institute of Arts, May 8 to May 31, 1932.

Avery, Ruby Mae, Mrs.

Lansing receptionist in the photo studio of Norton L. Avery ..................................................................................... 1920 1
She was born Ruby Mae Willette in Michigan in 1895, and married Norton L. Avery at Grand Rapids on August 1, 2 1
1917. Norton went into the army seven months later and did not get home until the middle of 1919. After the war they 2 3
moved to Lansing, where Ruby gave birth to Keith in 1921 and to Hoyt in 1924. She undoubtedly participated in 3 4
Norton’s photography business to a much greater extent than is indicated above. In the 1930s the Norton Studio was 3
moved to their residence on West Willow Street outside Lansing. In the early 1940s they moved back to Lowell and 3
began emphasizing nature photography over portraiture. Ruby died in 1979. 3
1. 1920 Federal Census of the Second Ward of Lansing in Ingham County, Michigan.
2. World War I Veteran Census compiled by the War Preparedness Board in the State Archives of Michigan at Lansing.
3. Saralee R. Howard-Filler, “Artist With a Camera, Norton Louis Avery” in Michigan History; January-February 1986.
4. 1930 Federal Census of Delta Township in Eaton County, Michigan.

Avery, S. L.
Custer PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................................ 1908 t
“S. L. Avery” and the legend: “Pere Marquette River, Custer, Mich.” were lettered on the face of a cyanotype post t
card. “S.L.A.” and the caption: “`Big Wheels’ used in logging at Custer, Mich.” were lettered on a silver print post t
card photograph. The cards were postmarked in May and July of 1908. t
Avouris, Demetrius D.
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER ....................................................................................................................................... 1917 1
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 80 Gratiot av ................................................................................................... 1918-1919 d m
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 61 Monroe av ............................................................................................................ 1920 d
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 221 Monroe av .......................................................................................................... 1920 d
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 308 Gratiot av ................................................................................................. 1921-1927 d m
Detroit photographer ........................................................................................................................................ 1928-1930 d
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 323 Gratiot av ................................................................................................. 1931-1937 d
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 323 Gratiot av and 824 Michigan av ......................................................................... 1938 d
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 323 Gratiot av ................................................................................................. 1939-1940 d
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 7618-22 Mack av ...................................................................................................... 1941 d
Demetrius was born at Szaktus, Greece, on October 25, 1891, and was still a Greek citizen with a wife and a five 1
month old child when he registered for the draft as Demitris Avores in June of 1917. He was short and slender with 1
brown eyes and hair, and was working for himself as a photographer at this time. The change from 61 to 221 Monroe 1 d
Avenue in 1920 was due to revisions in the numbering system rather than to relocation. In sporadic attempts to d
anglicize his name, he tried J. Demetrius in 1921, James D. D. from 1924 through 1926, just plain James from 1927 d
through 1929, and James D. Avouris in 1941. At other times he reverted to Demetrius. He employed Nick Avouris as a d
photographer in 1924. Demetrius D. Fios had a studio at 339 Gratiot Avenue in 1930. Please see also the entries for d m
Denis and James Fios and for the Fios Studios. Dimitrios Avouris was 78 years old when he died in Detroit on June d 2
20, 1969. 2
1. World War I Draft Registration Cards microfilmed from the National Archives in Washington, D.C.
2. Detroit Death Index in the Burton Historical Collection of the Detroit Public Library at Detroit, Michigan.

Avouris, James D. D.
Please see the entry for Demetrius D. Avouris.

Axford, Louis E.
Atlas Township child ................................................................................................................................................. 1880 1
Geneva Township photographer ................................................................................................................................ 1900 1
Kalamazoo PHOTOGRAPHER at the rear of 301 Portage st ......................................................................... 1903-1904 K
South Haven PHOTOGRAPHER at the Del Monico Resort ................................................................................ ca 1905 t
Colusa, California, TRAVELING PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................. 1910 1
Alameda, California, optometrist ............................................................................................................................... 1920 1
His mother came from New York and Louie was born in Michigan in May of 1871, eldest of the three or more 1
children of James H. and Lydia D. Axford. Mabel F. Murray was born here in September of 1879, and she married 1
Louie in the fall of 1899. The couple was living in 1900 on the farm of her parents, Edward and Sarah E. Murray, with 1
five of her siblings. “PHOTO By L. E. Axford, At Del Monico Resort, So. Haven, Mich.” was stamped on the back of 1 t
7 by 9 inch commercial mounts, including one with a photo of five young men and four young women beside a stone t
building. Mabel gave birth in Michigan to Raymond late in 1900 and to Louise two years later. Her other children t 1
were born in California: Lynn in 1906, Theodore about 1908, and Mildred in August of 1909. By 1920 Louie had 1
married Mrs. Alice E. Dench and they were providing a home for her daughter Alice and his son Lynn. In 1930 Alice 1
was identified as a widow. 1
1. 1880 Federal Census of Atlas Township in Genesee County and 1900 Federal Census of Geneva Township in Van Buren County,
Michigan, plus 1910 Federal Census of Colusa in Colusa County, 1920 Federal Census of the 36th Precinct of Alameda in
Alameda County, and 1930 Federal Census of Capay Township in Yolo County, California.

Ayars, _______
Hubbardston (Kellogg & Ayars) PHOTOGRAPHERS ................................................................................... 1874-1875 m
The name was also spelled Ayres in the same source. m
Ayres, George B.
Chicago, Illinois, PHOTOGRAPHER at 113 Lake st ...................................................................................... 1867-1868 c
Detroit photographer .................................................................................................................................................. 1870 d
Detroit PHOTOGRAPH PAINTER at 231 Jefferson av ................................................................................. 1871-1872 d 1
Buffalo, New York, (Knight’s Gallery) PHOTOGRAPHERS 308 Main st .............................................................. 1872 1 t
Buffalo, New York, inventor ........................................................................................................................... 1873-1874 p
George joined the National Photographic Association in its second year, between July of 1869 and June of 1870. 1
Early in 1871 his How to Paint Photographs, first published in 1870, and his Chart of Photographic Drapery were 1
being advertised nationally and were selling well. Portraits of Nancy Martin and of Walter Harper, the founder of 1 2
Harper Hospital, were exhibited in a Detroit store in July of 1871. They had been enlarged from small cards by 2
Gottshalk Grelling and retouched in ink by George. The business address in Detroit used by George was that of 2 d
Grelling’s photograph gallery. He exhibited an exquisitely colored portrait of a lady at the 1871 NPA convention in d 1
Philadelphia. By October of 1871, George had recently finished portraits of several prominent Detroiters, including 1 2
one of Judge Emmons in water colors. He purchased Knight’s Gallery, one of the largest and handsomest studios in 2 1
Buffalo, in the summer of 1872. He was living in Buffalo in May of 1873 when he applied for a patent upon an 1 p
improvement in photographic headrests, and in February of 1874 when Patent Number 146,977 was issued to him. p
1. The Philadelphia Photographer; volume 7, 1870, page 291; volume 8, 1871, pages 229 and 256; and volume 9, 1872, page 240.
2. Clippings from Detroit newspapers in the Burton Historical Collection of the Detroit Public Library.

Both of the advertisements reproduced below appeared in the

issue of The Philadelphia Photographer for June of 1871.
B_______, W. C.
Omer PHOTOGRAPHER ......................................................................................................................................... 1914 t
“OMER FIRE NOV. 4. –1914, Bank site. W. C. B. 11-6-14.” was lettered on a negative from which post card t
photographs were printed. Similar lettering was done on negatives of the elevator site, the hotel site and the school t
house site. t

Oscoda PHOTOGRAPHERS .................................................................................................................................... 1911 t
Post card photographs of Oscoda after the fire of July 11, 1911, with “B & S” lettered on their negatives along with t
captions and numbers from 1 to at least 9 were products of a collaboration between Albert J. Bradshaw and Fred 1 t
Stevens. Some of the cards were hand tinted. t
1. Learned in 1993 from James Donaldson of Detroit, Michigan.

B. & W. Studio
Port Huron PHOTOGRAPHERS at 305 Huron av .................................................................................................... 1913 P
Stanley J. Breaugh and James W. Wheeling were the proprietors of this studio. They made studio portraits in the P t
post card format. Outdoor views from the B. & W. Studio may have been printed from amateur negatives. t

B. C. Photo Company
Battle Creek PHOTOGRAPHERS ............................................................................................................................ 1918 t
Battle Creek PHOTOGRAPHERS at 28 Washington av north ................................................................................. 1925 t
“B. C. PHOTO Co.” or “© B. C. PHOTO Co” was lettered on the negatives of post card photographs along with t
captions such as: “Liberty Bond Parade, Battle Creek” and “Liberty Parade” and “Military Review Camp Custer No. t
11.” Some of the cards were mailed in 1918. Charles M. Erard was president of the company in 1925. t

Babas, Helen, Mrs.

Detroit housewife ....................................................................................................................................................... 1910 1
Detroit (Babas Studio) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 2281 Jefferson av west ......................................................... 1917-1920 d
Detroit (Babas Studio) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 8147 Jefferson av west ......................................................... 1920-1921 d
Detroit housewife ....................................................................................................................................................... 1930 1
Helen’s parents emigrated from Hungary, and she was born in Ohio in 1890 or 1891. She married Joseph Babas 1
about 1907. Their son Paul was born in 1910, and their daughter Lillian was born in 1914. In 1917 Helen became the 1 d
widow of, and the successor to, Joseph. The Babas Studio advertised as Portrait and Commercial Photographers, and d t
produced studio portraits on post cards from 8147 Jefferson Avenue West. The studio address changed in 1920 along t d
with most others in Detroit as the numbering system was revised. Helen married Alexander Nicholoff about 1920, and d 1
their daughter Patricia was born in March of 1929. From 1922 through 1935 the Babas Studio continued at 8147 West 1 d
Jefferson Avenue with Alexander Nicholoff as manager or proprietor. From 1937 until 1948, Alexander had studios at d
other addresses, and Mrs. Helen B. Nicholoff was proprietor of the Babas Studio at 8147 West Jefferson Avenue. d
1. 1910 Federal Census of the Eighteenth Ward plus 1920 and 1930 Federal Censes of the Twentieth Ward of Detroit in Wayne
County, Michigan.

Babas, Joseph
Detroit (Horvath & Babas) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 2077 River st ................................................................. 1906-1907 m
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 2077 Jefferson av west .............................................................................................. 1907 d
Detroit (Weiszer & Babas) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 2195 Jefferson av west ............................................................ 1908 d
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 2195 Jefferson av west .................................................................................... 1908-1909 m
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 2210 Jefferson av west .................................................................................... 1909-1913 d m
Detroit photographer .................................................................................................................................................. 1914 d
Detroit (Babas Studio) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 2281 Jefferson av west .............................................................. ca 1915 t
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 2281 Jefferson av west .................................................................................... 1915-1917 d m
Joseph was born into a family that spoke Magyar in Hungary in 1879 or 1880. He immigrated to America in 1906, 1
married Helen about 1907, and by 1910 had applied for United States citizenship. The recent widow Mrs. Susan 1 d
Weiszer was Joseph’s partner in 1908. “BABAS STUDIO, 2232 JEFFERSON W., DETROIT, MICH.” and “BABAS d t
STUDIO, 2281 JEFFERSON AVE. WEST, DETROIT, MICH.” were printed on the post card backs of studio t
portraits. Joseph’s widow, Mrs. Helen Babas, was proprietor of the Babas Studio at 2281 West Jefferson Avenue in t d
1917. d
1. 1910 Federal Census of the Eighteenth Ward of Detroit in Wayne County, Michigan.
Babbitt, J. M.
Babbitt was the proprietor of the Original Michigan View Company. About 1895 this company produced portraits t
and outdoor scenes on cabinet mounts imprinted with this much information, but no more. John M. Babbitt was born t 1
in Illinois to a mother from Michigan in June of 1872. Lucy was born in Nebraska to German parents in February of 1
1874. She married John in 1890 or early in 1891, and their son John was born in California in February of 1899. They 1
were living in 1900 at Denver, Colorado, where John was enumerated as a photographer. 1
1. 1900 Federal Census of the Third Ward of Denver in Arapahoe County, Colorado.

Babcock, _______
Wyandotte (Babcock & Wilson) PHOTOGRAPHERS ........................................................................................ ca 1894 1
A photograph by Babcock & Wilson of the J. H. Bishop Fur Company has been displayed by the Wyandotte 1
Museum in the George P. MacNichol Home. 1
1. Learned in 1994 at the Wyandotte Museum in Wyandotte, Michigan.

Babcock, Arthur E.
Adrian child or student ..................................................................................................................................... 1870,1880 1
Adrian manufacturer of corn planters ........................................................................................................................ 1900 1
Manitou Beach PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................ 1908-1910 t 1
Adrian mechanic in a fence factory ........................................................................................................................... 1920 1
Arthur was born in New York in October of 1864, the eldest child of Perry Sylvester Babcock and Marion Babcock. 1
His two sisters and three brothers were born in Michigan between 1868 and 1881. He was associated with his father in 1
the corn planter business in 1900. Ethel was born in Michigan in June of 1882, the daughter of Warren A. and Emily J. 1
Hampton, and she had a younger brother. She married Arthur about 1904, gave birth to a son named Arthur in 1907 1
and to twins named Warren and Marian in 1910. “A. E. Babcock, Photographer, Manitou Beach, Mich.” was printed 1 t
on the post card backs of photographs including one of many boats at the north shore of Devil’s Lake mailed in August t
of 1908, views of rural homes, large and small groups of people at the lake, and a series of an ice house being built and t
filled with ice during February of 1909. The Babcocks were living in 1910 with Ethel’s parents, who were proprietors t 1
of a resort on Devil’s Lake. Ethel was a widow by 1930, when she and her children were living in Adrian with her 1
mother, and she was working as a seamstress in the alterations department of a dry goods store. 1
1. 1870, 1880 and 1900 Federal Censes of the Fourth Ward, 1920 Federal Census of the Seventh Precinct and 1930 Federal Census
of the Fifth Precinct of Adrian, plus 1900 Federal Census of Franklin Township and 1910 Federal Census of Rollin Township in
Lenawee County, Michigan.

Babcock, E. M.
Standish PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................................ ca 1890 t
One Babcock cabinet photograph shows a child in a long dress beside some potted plants on a porch with a fine t
interplay of light and shade. t

Babcock, Eri M.
Hazelton Township blacksmith .................................................................................................................................. 1880 1
Harbor Springs blacksmith ........................................................................................................................................ 1900 1
Harbor Springs carpenter doing cabinet work ........................................................................................................... 1910 1
Harbor Springs PHOTOGRAPHER on the south side of Main st 2 east of Spring st ..................................... 1909-1911 2 3
Flint house carpenter .................................................................................................................................................. 1920 1
Harbor Springs proprietor of a retail grocery store .................................................................................................... 1930 1
Eri was born in New York State in July of 1862, fourth of the six children of Eri D. and Catherine Babcock. His 1
father also was a Hazelton Township blacksmith in 1880 and a Harbor Springs stationer in 1908. Luella was born in 1
Michigan to parents from New York in March of 1867, and she married Eri about 1886. Their children were born in 1
Michigan: Lena in February of 1888, Leo in December of 1889, Clifford in September of 1893, and Ralph in August 1
of 1899. “Photo, Babcock” was lettered on the negatives of post card photographs along with such captions as “Labor 1 t
Day, Harbor Springs, 1909” on a view of a horse-drawn parade float, and “When No. 7 run-amuck in Harbor Springs” t
on a photo of a minor train wreck. t
1. 1880 Federal Census of Hazelton Township in Shiawassee County, 1900, 1910 and 1930 Federal Censes of the village of Harbor
Springs in Emmet County, and 1920 Federal Census of the Sixth Ward of Flint in Genesee County, Michigan.
2. Doris V. Huckle, Artists North, The Necessary Press, East Jordan, Michigan, 1978.
3. Emmet County Directories, 1909 and 1911, R. L. Polk & Company, Detroit.
Babcock, George C.
Troy Township child .................................................................................................................................................. 1870 1
Troy Township laborer on his grandfather’s farm ..................................................................................................... 1880 1
Pontiac PHOTOGRAPHER over the Bill Poster office .................................................................................. 1882-1883 m
Holly PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................... 1888-1893 m
Milford (Bissell & Babcock) PHOTOGRAPHERS ............................................................................................. ca 1894 t
Milford PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................ 1894-1895 m
Pontiac PHOTOGRAPHER on the third floor of the Crofoot Block .............................................................. 1896-1901 m
Holly meat cutter in a market ..................................................................................................................................... 1920 1
Holly PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................... 1926-1931 m 1
George was born in Michigan to a mother from New York in April of 1865, the son of George and Catherine 1
Babcock. His sister Carrie was six years older. In 1880 he was living on the farm of his grandparents, Curtis and 1
Permelia Babcock. He took up photography about 1881, and succeeded H. Maurice Kittle in Pontiac a year later. He 1 2
may well have sold the gallery back to Kittle, who by 1884 was back in Pontiac. About 1887 George married a young m 2
woman who soon became his photographic assistant. He still was married in 1900, but was living alone in Pontiac and 2 1
had two male roomers. “Life Size Work a Specialty” was included by George on some of his Holly cabinet mounts. 1 t
Bissell & Babcock succeeded Edward Bissell in Milford. At a national convention of the Photographers’ Association t 2
of America, probably in June of 1896, George was awarded a diploma for an exhibit of high grade work. The portraits 2
in the cited issue of Headlight Flashes were reproduced from George’s photographs. His ads in December of 1896 2 3
were: “Last Chance before Christmas for PHOTOGRAPHS....” For three months in 1897 he proclaimed: “GEO. C. 3
BABCOCK, Leading Photographer, Makes the Best Photos in the City. Gallery ... Opposite Hotel Hodges.” In the 3 4
same period he added “All Photographs finished in ‘Aristo Platino’ Finish” to a similar advertisement. Martha was 4 1
born in New York State in 1878, and she became George’s second wife about 1912. 1
1. 1870 and 1880 Federal Censes of Troy Township, 1900 Federal Census of the Second Ward of Pontiac, plus 1920 and 1930 Federal
Censes of the village of Holly in Oakland County, Michigan.
2. Headlight Flashes Along the Grand Trunk Railway System, Pontiac, Michigan, H. L. Hauser, Chicago, circa 1897.
3. Pontiac Gazette, Pontiac, Michigan, December 18, 1896; and February 26 to May 14, 1897.
4. The Adjutant, Michigan Military Academy, Orchard Lake, Easter No., 1897, page 20.

Babcock, George C., Mrs.

Holly assistant to photographer George C. Babcock ....................................................................................... 1888-1893 1 m
Milford assistant to photographer George C. Babcock .................................................................................... 1894-1895 1 m
Pontiac assistant to photographer George C. Babcock .................................................................................... 1896-1897 1 m
Mr. and Mrs. Babcock were married about 1887. It was reported around 1897 that “... For the past eight years he has 2 1
been ably assisted by Mrs. Babcock, who is proficient in the art of photography....” 1
1. Headlight Flashes Along the Grand Trunk Railway System, Pontiac, Michigan, H. L. Hauser, Chicago, circa 1897.
2. 1900 Federal Census of the Second Ward of Pontiac in Oakland County, Michigan.

Babcock, Oscar F.
Madison, Ohio, child ................................................................................................................................................. 1850 1
Laphamville resident .................................................................................................................................................. 1860 1
Laphamville DAGUERREOTYPIST .............................................................................................................. 1862-1865 m
Grand Rapids turnkey at the Kent County Jail ........................................................................................................... 1880 1
Oscar was born in Ohio in 1841 or 1842, the son of Benjamin and Milly Babcock. His father was born in Spain and 1
became an allopathic physician. Oscar’s sister Anna was two years his junior, and also was born in Ohio. Oscar was 1
married by 1880, but was boarding at the jail along with the sheriff, a deputy, the jailer, the house keeper, the cook and 1
the hostler. 1
1. 1850 Federal Census ofMadison in Lake County, Ohio, 1860 Federal Census of Laphamville in Algoma Township and 1880 Federal
Census of the city of Grand Rapids in Kent County, Michigan.

Babcock, Retta L., Miss

Marengo Township child ........................................................................................................................................... 1870 1
Marshall student ......................................................................................................................................................... 1880 1
Grand Rapids retoucher ............................................................................................................................................. 1894 g
Grand Rapids resident ...................................................................................................................................... 1896-1897 g
Geneva, New York, wall paper folder ....................................................................................................................... 1900 1
Geneva, New York, forelady for a cutlery works ............................................................................................. 1910,1920 1
Geneva, New York, resident ...................................................................................................................................... 1930 1
Retta was born in Michigan in April of 1867, third of the four children of Alonzo and Lydia Babcock. From 1900 1
through 1920 she was living with her younger sister Harriet and her husband, William Kuney. 1
1. 1870 Federal Census of Marengo Township and 1880 Federal Census of the Fourth Ward of Marshall in Calhoun Count, Michigan,
as well as 1900 and 1910 Federal Censes of the Fifth Ward plus 1920 and 1930 Federal Censes of the Third Ward of Geneva in
Ontario County, New York.
Babiarz, Stanley W.
Detroit (Hoffman & Babiarz) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 935 Chene st .............................................................. 1916-1917 d
Detroit (Central Art Studio Company) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 935 Chene st ................................................ 1917-1918 d
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 935 Chene st ................................................................................................... 1919-1920 d
Detroit (Central Art Studio) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 4743 Chene st .............................................................. 1920-1921 d m
Detroit confectioner ......................................................................................................................................... 1921-1923 d
Detroit manager of a dairy company .......................................................................................................................... 1924 d
Detroit confectioner ......................................................................................................................................... 1925-1926 d
Detroit manager of a dairy company ................................................................................................................ 1928-1929 d
Detroit confectioner ......................................................................................................................................... 1930-1935 d
Detroit manager of a dairy company ................................................................................................................ 1936-1940 d
Stanley was born in the Polish region of Russia in 1883, and he immigrated in 1912. He still was an alien in 1920, 1 2
but became a naturalized citizen of the United States before 1930. The change in the studio address in 1920 was due to 2 d
revisions in the numbering system rather than to relocation. Berniece was born in Michigan to Polish parents in 1904 d 2
or early in 1905, and she married Stanley about 1926. Their son Joseph was born in October of 1927. Stanley was 2 d
treasurer of the Associated Milk Dealers in 1939, and at his death was president and manager of the Liberty Dairy d 1
Company. He died in Detroit on November 13, 1940, survived by his wife Bernice, son Joseph, daughter Alice, 1
brother Walter and two sisters. Burial was in Mount Olivet Cemetery. 1
1. Obituary in a Detroit newspaper on November 16, 1940.
2. 1920 Federal Census of the Ninth Ward and 1930 Federal Census of the 17th Ward of Detroit in Wayne County, Michigan.

Babiarz, Walter S.
Gary, Indiana, photographer ...................................................................................................................................... 1917 1
Detroit photographer for Stanley Babiarz .................................................................................................................. 1919 d
Gary, Indiana, photographer ...................................................................................................................................... 1920 2
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 4743 Chene st ................................................................................................. 1921-1924 d
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 2243 Medbury av ............................................................................................ 1925-1926 d
Detroit (The Medbury Studio) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 2243 Medbury av ............................................................... 1927 d
Detroit resident ................................................................................................................................................ 1931-1932 d
Detroit (Washington Photo Studio) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 1466 Canfield av east ....................................... 1936-1937 d
Detroit (Washington Studio) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 4743 Chene st ............................................................. 1938-1940 d
Detroit resident .......................................................................................................................................................... 1941 d
Walter was born in the Polish region of Russia on December 29, 1888, and he immigrated in 1912. He was a 1 2
medium sized single man with blue eyes and brown hair in 1917, and his residence address was the same as that of the 1
photo studio where he was working. By 1920 he had his first papers toward naturalization and a twenty-year-old wife 1 2
who was born in Illinois to Polish parents. Joseph Zaborowski was Walter’s partner in 1927, and succeeded the 2 d
partnership as proprietor of The Medbury Studio in 1928. d
1. World War I Draft Registration Card at an Ancestry site on the internet
2. 1920 Federal Census of the Fourth Ward of Gary in Lake County, Indiana.

Babion, Mabell Waldron

Carson City PHOTOGRAPHER .............................................................................................................................. 1901 t
On the back of a 5 ¼ by 6 ¼ inch commercial mount was written: “Eighth Grade in 1901….. Picture taken by Mabell t
Waldron Babion” as well as the names of most of the students. t

Babulski, John
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 1086 Junction av ....................................................................................................... 1920 d
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 3258 Junction av ............................................................................................. 1920-1921 d m
In June of 1917 one John Babulski was a 24-year-old medium sized married man with brown eyes and brown hair. 1
He was born at Buffalo, New York, on June 19, 1892, and was working for the Erie Railroad at East Buffalo as a tank 1
repairer. The change in the studio address was due to revisions in the numbering system rather than to relocation. 1 d
1. World War I Draft Registration Card at an Ancestry site on the internet
Bachelder, John Edward
Detroit photographer .................................................................................................................................................. 1907 d
Detroit (Electric Park Studio) PHOTOGRAPHER .............................................................................................. ca 1907 t
Cleveland, Ohio, PHOTOGRAPHER ....................................................................................................................... 1910 1
Kingsport, Tennessee, PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................... 1920 1
Kingsport, Tennessee, manager of a chick hatchery .................................................................................................. 1930 1
Norfolk, Virginia, retired photographer ..................................................................................................................... 1942 2
John was born to Canadian parents at Chatham, Ontario, on October 7, 1878. He immigrated about 1897, and was a 1 2
naturalized citizen of the United States by 1910. Nellie was born in Iowa to a Canadian mother in 1884 or early in 1
1885. She married John about 1902, and their daughter Ruth was born in California two years later. Postal portraits 1 t
were made as souvenirs from the Electric Park Studio. Electric Park was at the southeast corner of Jefferson Avenue t d
and East Grand Boulevard, near the bridge to Belle Isle. Something happened to Nellie, and about 1916 John married d 1
a lady named Ruth. Her father came from Virginia, and Ruth was born in Tennessee in 1894. She seems to have been a 1
full photographic partner in the Kingsport studio. John’s daughter Ruth from his first marriage was living with him and 1
his second wife in 1930. 1
1. 1910 Federal Census of the Tenth Ward of Cleveland in Cuyahoga County, Ohio, plus 1920 and 1930 Federal Censes of the city of
Kingsport in Sullivan County, Tennessee.
2. World War II Draft Registration Card at an Ancestry site on the internet

Bachelder, Royal James

Prairie Township, Illinois, child ................................................................................................................................ 1880 1
Colfax Township farmer ............................................................................................................................................ 1900 1
Meauwataka house carpenter and PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................. 1910 1 t
Jackson carpenter for an automobile company ................................................................................................ 1918-1920 2 1
Vandercook Lake house carpenter ............................................................................................................................. 1930 1
Royal was born in Illinois to parents from New Hampshire on February 7, 1877. He and his twin brother Perley were 1 2
last of the seven children of Henry S. and Marinda B. Bachelder. He grew up on the family farm and became a slender 1 2
man with brown eyes and brown hair. Elva was born in Michigan in September of 1879, and she married Royal about 2 1
1898. Their son Lawrence was born in June of 1900, and their daughter Olivia was born in 1901 or early in 1902. 1
“Skidding Logs - Lumbering in North Mich. Photo by R. Bachelder” was lettered on one post card of four t
photographed together to produce a multiview card. “The way we do in Cadillac, Mich.” and “Lumbering Hardwood - t
North Michigan. Feb 1910” were printed on two of the other cards. “Photo by R. Bachelder” was lettered about 1912 t
on post card photos of Meauwataka. “May 1913 - R. Bachelder” was lettered on the negative of a postal photograph of t
men constructing a roadway bridge near Manton. t
1. 1880 Federal Census of Prairie Township in Hancock County, Illinois, 1900 and 1910 Federal Censes of Colfax Township
in Wexford County, plus 1920 Federal Census of the Second Ward of Jackson and 1930 Federal Census of the village of
Vandercook Lake in Jackson County, Michigan.
2. World War I Draft Registration Card at an Ancestry site on the internet

Bachman, Mortimer H.
Stanton general store proprietor ....................................................................................................................... 1876-1877 m
Stanton (M. H. Bachman & Company) PHOTO NEGATIVE ENGRAVERS .......................................................... 1879 t
Stanton druggist ................................................................................................................................................ 1900,1910 1
His father came from Pennsylvania, and Mortimer was born in New York State in July of 1849. Along with 1 p
Sebastian S. Peckinpaugh, he filed an application on May 22, 1879, for a patent covering processes of photo negative p
engraving. On the same day that their Patent No. 221,997 issued, a stereoscopic negative of the home of William B. p t
Pratt was engraved. Her father came from Massachusetts, and Estelle was born in Michigan in November of 1855. She t 1
married Mort in 1878 or early in 1879. Their son Clifton was born in Michigan in March of 1880 and became a dentist 1
and/or physician. Their daughter Edna was born in Michigan in January of 1882 and died prior to 1910. 1
1. 1900 Federal Census of the Third Ward and 1910 Federal Census of the First Ward of Stanton in Montcalm County, Michigan.
Bachrach, Louis Fabian
Detroit (Louis Fabian Bachrach Incorporated) PHOTOGRAPHER at Room 214 of the Book Building ....... 1920-1925 m
Louis was born at Baltimore, Maryland, on July 16, 1881. His father, David Bachrach, opened photographic 1
galleries in 1868 at Baltimore and at Washington, D. C. Louis graduated from Baltimore Polytechnic Institute in 1897, 1
studied at the Maryland Institute of Design in 1898 and 1899, and attended the Art Students’ League at New York City 1
in 1900. He began his photographic career by working with his father in Washington and Baltimore and for several 1
photographers in New York. He extended the Bachrach national chain in 1904 by opening a portrait studio at 1
Worcester, Massachusetts. He was president of Bachrach, Inc., from 1915 until he was succeeded in 1955 by his son, 1
Bradford. In 1949 he was named an honorary master of photography by the Professional Photographers Association of 1
America. Two years later he received the association’s highest award for his contributions to professional 1
photography. He contributed many articles on photographic portraiture and lighting to leading magazines, as well as 1
scholarly articles on rare plants, since he was a noted experimental horticulturalist. He died in semi-retirement at 1
Boston, Massachusetts, on July 24, 1963. Many of his papers dated between 1950 and 1963 are held by the Special 1
Collections Research Center in the Syracuse University Library at Syracuse, New York. 1
1. Learned in 2007 from a website of Syracuse University.

Backa, Frank E.
Ishpeming resident ..................................................................................................................................................... 1900 1
Negaunee (Backa & Soderback) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 433 Iron st ....................................................................... 1905 2
Frank was born in Finland in September of 1870, immigrated in 1888, and became a naturalized citizen of the United 1
States in 1896. Hilda was born in Finland in March of 1867, came to America in 1888, and married Frank in 1890 or 1
early in 1891. Their children were born in Michigan: Josephine in June of 1892, James in April of 1894, Frank in 1
April of 1896, and Varner in July of 1899. Hilda was a widow by 1920, when she was sharing her Ishpeming home 1
with her son Frank. 1
1. 1900 Federal Census of the Fifth Ward and 1920 Federal Census of the Fourth Ward of Ishpeming in Marquette County, Michigan.
2. Marquette City and County Directory, 1905, R. L. Polk & Company, Detroit.

Backlund, Albert E.
Detroit photographer ........................................................................................................................................ 1917-1918 1 d
Detroit photo operator for Spencer & Wyckoff ......................................................................................................... 1919 d
Detroit commercial photographer .............................................................................................................................. 1920 2
Detroit resident .......................................................................................................................................................... 1923 d
Detroit photographer .................................................................................................................................................. 1925 d
Detroit photographer for Smith Brothers ......................................................................................................... 1926-1927 d
Detroit photographer ........................................................................................................................................ 1929-1930 d
Detroit photographer for Smith Brothers ......................................................................................................... 1931-1932 d
Detroit COMMERCIAL PHOTOGRAPHER at 155 Stimson st ..................................................................... 1933-1940 t d
Detroit photographer for Spencer & Wyckoff ........................................................................................................... 1941 d
Detroit photographer .................................................................................................................................................. 1953 d
Albert was born at Neutonger in Sweden on February 20, 1890, and he emigrated from there in 1909. He was a tall 1
married man with blue eyes and light brown hair by 1917, and he still was married but lodging alone in 1920. Marie 12
was born in Canada in 1888 or early in 1889, and she came to the United States in 1905. She married Albert about 2
1928, and they both still were aliens in 1930. The photographic back of a 3½ by 6¼ inch blotter showed a Ford 2 t
Trimotor airplane across the top, a calendar for September of 1933 at the lower right, and this message: “Tell It and t
Sell It with Photographs by ALBERT E. BACKLUND, PHOTOGRAPHER; Industrial, Illustrative, Portrait. Temple t
1-6514 155 Stimson.” t
1. World War I Draft Registration Card at an Ancestry site on the internet
2. 1920 Federal Census of the Second Ward and 1930 Federal Census of the Sixth Ward of Detroit in Wayne County, Michigan.

Backus, William Woodbridge

Detroit DAGUERREOTYPIST ....................................................................................................................... 1859-1860
Detroit attorney’s assistant ......................................................................................................................................... 1861
Detroit land agent and notary public ................................................................................................................ 1862-1868
Detroit real estate or land agent ....................................................................................................................... 1873-1877
William was born September 22, 1836, in Springwells which is now part of Dearborn, Michigan. After private 1
tutoring, he took charge of his mother’s business interests, mainly land in and around Detroit. He organized and was an 1
officer of the Robertson Guards during the Civil War. He and Annie Elizabeth Fox were married on February 1, 1866. 1
Annie was the daughter of David Fox of Halifax, a Michigan pioneer, and she was a talented amateur painter. In 1876, 1
she exhibited a portrait of Governor Woodbridge and a landscape. William collected rare coins, documents and 2 1
precious stones. He suffered constantly from rheumatic affection during most of his adult life, and died at his Detroit 1
home on June 24, 1877. 1
1. American Biographical History of Eminent and Self-Made Men, Michigan Volume, Western Biographical Publishing Company, Cincinnati, 1878.
2. Detroit Free Press, Detroit, Michigan, November 19, 1876.
Bacon, George A.
Cazenovia, New York, child ...................................................................................................................................... 1850 1
Flushing student ......................................................................................................................................................... 1860 1
Vassar PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................. 1867-1868 2
Wenona PHOTOGRAPHER on Linn st .................................................................................................................... 1868 3
Pekin, Illinois, PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................... 1870 1
Pekin, Illinois, PHOTOGRAPHER on Court st .............................................................................................. 1880-1884 1 4
Jacksonville, Illinois, PHOTOGRAPHER ....................................................................................................... 1887-1888 4
Jacksonville, Illinois, traveling salesman ................................................................................................................... 1900 1
“GEO. A. BACON, GEMS AND PHOTOGRAPHS. Vassar, Mich.” was printed on the pasters holding some t
tintypes into their carte de visite sized paper frames. One George A. Bacon was Colonel of the Fifteenth Illinois t 5
Cavalry and Lieutenant Colonel of the Thirtieth Illinois Infantry during the Civil War. This George was born in March 5 1
of 1844 in New York, eldest of the five children of George P. and Elizabeth (Chapin) Bacon. Elizabeth (often called 1
Lizzie) Young was born in Illinois in March of 1851, and she married George in 1869 or early in 1870. Their children 1
were born in Illinois: Minnie in 1870 or early in 1871, Cora in September of 1873, George in December of 1875 and 1
Clare in August of 1881. By 1910 Elizabeth was a widow providing a home in St. Louis, Missouri, for her daughter 1
Cora and her son Frank, both of whom were employed. 1
1. 1850 Federal Census of the town of Cazenovia in Madison County, New York, 1860 Federal Census of the village of Flushing in
Genesee County, Michigan, plus 1870 and 1880 Federal Censes of Pekin in Tazewell County and 1900 Federal Census of the
Fourth Ward of Jacksonville in Morgan County, Illinois, as well as 1910 Federal Census of the Thirteenth Ward of St. Louis in
St. Louis County, Missouri..
2. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1867-1868, Great Lakes Branch of the National Archives, Chicago, Illinois.
3. Directory of Bay City, Portsmouth, Wenona and Bangor for 1868-69, W. H. De Lisle, Bay City, Michigan.
4. Marie Czach, A Directory of Early Illinois Photographers, Western Illinois University, Macomb, Illinois, 1977.
5. General Index to Pension Files, 1861-1934, National Archives, Washington, D. C.

Bacon, William J.
Hudson PHOTOGRAPHER on Main st .......................................................................................................... 1863-1864 m
One William J. Bacon was in Company F of the Fourth Michigan Infantry from June 20, 1861, until June 29, 1864. 1
1. General Index to Pension Files, 1861-1934, National Archives, Washington, D. C.

Badger, Ansel V.
Montville Township, Ohio, student ........................................................................................................................... 1850 1
Tecumseh painter ....................................................................................................................................................... 1870 1
Plainwell photographer .............................................................................................................................................. 1880 1
Detroit confectioner ................................................................................................................................................... 1884 d
Detroit resident .......................................................................................................................................................... 1885 d
Detroit dealer in cigars and tobacco .......................................................................................................................... 1886 d
Detroit dealer in second hand goods .......................................................................................................................... 1887 d
Detroit furniture merchant ............................................................................................................................... 1888-1890 d
Holly resident ............................................................................................................................................................ 1891 d
Detroit dealer in second hand goods .......................................................................................................................... 1892 d
Detroit resident ................................................................................................................................................ 1893-1894 d
Detroit dealer in second hand goods .......................................................................................................................... 1896 d
Detroit resident ................................................................................................................................................. 1897,1899 d
Detroit furniture dealer .............................................................................................................................................. 1900 1
Detroit dealer in second hand goods ................................................................................................................ 1900-1901 d
Detroit resident ................................................................................................................................................ 1902-1904 d
Grosse Ile resident ..................................................................................................................................................... 1905 d
Monguagon Township resident .................................................................................................................................. 1910 1
Ansel was born in Ohio in October of 1836, the son of Austin and Mary Badger. His sister Nancy was a year older, 1
and he may have had other older siblings. Minnie was born in Michigan in July of 1842, and she married Ansel about 1
1862. Their daughter Jennie was born in Michigan about 1866, and was their only child. In Tecumseh they lived next 1
door to the photo artist Mrs. Mary J. Clement. Ansel was a widower living by himself in 1910. 1
1. 1850 Federal Census of Montville Township in Medina County, Ohio, 1870 Federal Census of the village of Tecumseh in Lenawee
County, 1880 Federal Census of the village of Plainwell in Allegan County, plus 1900 Federal Census of the Eighth Ward of Detroit
and 1910 Federal Census of Monguagon Township in Wayne County, Michigan.

Badgley, W. V.
Pentwater PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................. ca 1887 t
Baetz, John August
Dodge County, Wisconsin, child .............................................................................................................................. 1880 1
Pentland Township pharmacist at the Newberry State Hospital ................................................................................ 1910 1
Newberry PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................................... 1914 t
Newberry druggist at the Newberry State Hospital .................................................................................................... 1918 2
Pentland Township druggist at the Newberry State Hospital ..................................................................................... 1920 1
Pentland Township pharmacist at the Newberry State Hospital ................................................................................ 1930 1
His parents emigrated from the Prussian region of Germany and John was born in Wisconsin on June 7, 1874, sixth 1 2
of the nine children of Charles and Hannah Baetz. Ethel was born in Michigan to natives of Michigan in 1884, and she 1
became Mrs. Ethel May Baetz about 1905. Mildred, their only child, was born in Michigan in 1907 or very early in 1
1908. “NEWBERRY STATE HOSPITAL” and “COPYRIGHTED 1914, J. A. BAETZ.” were printed below the image on the 1 t
heavy brown 3½ by 10½ inch mount of a 2¼ by 9¼ panoramic photograph of the hospital buildings and grounds. John t
probably was the photographer. John often was called Jack around 1918. The Newberry State Hospital was in Pentland 2 3
Township. 3
1. 1880 Federal Census of Herman Township in Dodge County, Wisconsin, plus 1910, 1920 and 1930 Federal Censes of Pentland
Township in Luce County, Michigan.
2. World War I Draft Registration Card at an Ancestry site on the internet
3. Mapbook of Michigan Counties, Michigan Natural Resources Magazine, Lansing, Michigan, 1988.

Bagge, Carl A.
Chelsea child .............................................................................................................................................................. 1880 1
Detroit photographer or waiter ........................................................................................................................ 1899-1900 1 d
Chelsea saloon keeper ................................................................................................................................................ 1910 1
Chelsea traveling flour salesman ............................................................................................................................... 1920 1
Chelsea traveling newspaper salesman ...................................................................................................................... 1930 1
Carl was born in Michigan on July 21, 1878, to John and Minnie Bagge. His father was born in the Prussian region 1
of Germany in September of 1845, immigrated to the United States and became a butcher. His mother’s parents 1
emigrated from Germany and Switzerland, and Minnie was born in Ohio in May of 1853. Carl’s brother Lawrence was 1
born in Michigan in November of 1879 and later worked as a barber. Carl matured into a tall slender man with grey 1
eyes and brown hair. Louise C. Brooks was born in Michigan in 1880, and she married Carl about 1902. Their only 1
child, Doris, was born a year later. 1
1. 1880, 1910, 1920 and 1930 Federal Censes of the village of Chelsea in Washtenaw County, plus 1900 Federal Census of the
Seventeenth Ward of Detroit in Wayne County, Michigan.

Bailey, _______
Lansing AMBROTYPIST .................................................................................................................................... ca 1858 t
T. H. Bailey was born in Scotland in 1819 or 1820, and was a Lansing school teacher in 1860. 1
1. 1860 Federal Census of the First Ward of Lansing in Ingham County, Michigan.

Bailey, _______
Weidman PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................................... 1909 t
“Bailey, The 11th annual field day, Weidman” was written rather crudely on the negative of post card photographs t
of a street fair. One of these cards was mailed from Weidman on September 15, 1909. t
Bailey, Adelbert D.
Bay City PHOTOGRAPHER two doors south of the new Post Office on Water st ........................................ 1866-1867 m t
Bay City PHOTOGRAPHER in the Griswold Block on Water st ............................................................................. 1867 b
Bay City (Colburn & Bailey) PHOTOGRAPHERS two doors south of the new Post Office on Water st ........... ca 1867 1
East Saginaw PHOTOGRAPHER on Genesee st opposite the Everette House ................................................... ca 1867 t
Bay City (Bailey & Scotford) PHOTOGRAPHERS in the Griswold Block on Water st ................................ 1867-1868 2 3
Bay City (Scotford & Bailey) PHOTOGRAPHERS ....................................................................................... 1867-1868 4
Bay City (Bailey & Scotford) PHOTOGRAPHERS in the Griswold Block on Water st .......................................... 1870 5
Wenona manager of the photograph gallery of J. Harvey Scotford ........................................................................... 1871 b
Bay City PHOTOGRAPHER at 212 Water st north ........................................................................................ 1872-1873 m
Bay City PHOTOGRAPHER on the second floor of the McEwen Block ................................................................. 1873 6
Bay City PHOTOGRAPHER north of the Globe Hotel ............................................................................................ 1874 7
Bay City PHOTOGRAPHER at the southeast corner of Sixth and Water sts ............................................................ 1875 b
In the fall of 1867, Bailey & Scotford announced the opening of their rooms in the Griswold Block where they had 2 t
succeeded Padget & Colburn. They ran a lengthy newspaper advertisement through January of 1868 which mentioned t 2
photographs from carte de visite to 22 by 28 inches, low priced ambrotypes with frames and cases to suit, photographs 2
painted in oil, water colors, pastile and India ink, and J. Harvey Scotford’s long experience. Adelbert was 26 years old 2 8
when he married 20-year-old Miss Elizabeth C. Kemp of Bay City on August 26, 1868. He and Scotford both attended 8 5
the National Photographic Association convention during the summer of 1870 at Cleveland, Ohio. A few months later 5
they sent some of their cabinet photographs to The Philadelphia Photographer to show what progress they had made 5
since being inspired by the exhibits at Cleveland. The McEwen Block was on the east side of Water Street between 5 6
Fourth and Fifth Streets. Early in the summer of 1874 a newspaper advertisement claimed “Pictures made at Bailey’s 6 7
Gallery cheaper than any gallery in Bay City. 8 x 10 pictures, $1.25; with frames, $2.00. Four gems, $1.00. Four `Best 7
Pictures’, 75 cents.” 7
1. Learned in 1996 from Robert Coch of Flat Rock, Michigan.
2. Bay City Journal, Bay City, Michigan, October 23, 1867 through January of 1868.
3. Directory of Bay City, Portsmouth, Wenona and Bangor for 1868-69, W. H. Detroit Lisle, Bay City, Michigan.
4. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1867-1868, Great Lakes Branch of the National Archives, Chicago, Illinois.
5. The Philadelphia Photographer, volume 7 (1870) page 399.
6. Directory of the Saginaw Valley, C. Exera Brown, Lansing, Michigan, November 1873.
7. Bay City Morning Chronicle, Bay City, Michigan, June, 1874.
8. Learned in 2006 from Wystan Stevens of Ann Arbor, Michigan.

Bailey, Charles E. M.
Ann Arbor student ..................................................................................................................................................... 1880 1
Ann Arbor photo printer for Gibson’s Photograph Gallery ............................................................................. 1890-1892 a
Ann Arbor stock clerk for a grocery .......................................................................................................................... 1900 1
Ann Arbor shipping clerk for a wholesale grocery ........................................................................................... 1910,1920 1
Ann Arbor roaster for a wholesale grocery ................................................................................................................ 1930 1
Charles was born in Michigan in August of 1869, the elder son of George W. and Helen M. Bailey, both natives of 1
Michigan. Sophie M. Mossman was born in Michigan to German parents in July of 1873, and she married Charles in 1
1892 or early in 1893. Their three daughters were born in Ann Arbor between March of 1894 and October of 1897. 1
The youngest girl did not live to maturity. 1
1. 1880, 1900 and 1910 Federal Censes of the Second Ward, plus 1920 and 1930 Federal Censes of the Third Ward of Ann Arbor in
Washtenaw County, Michigan.

Bailey, Dolly, Mrs.

Jackson retoucher ............................................................................................................................................ 1893-1894 J
Bailey, Edwin D.
Jackson child .............................................................................................................................................................. 1870 1
Jackson painter .......................................................................................................................................................... 1880 1
Jackson (Bailey & Son) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 101 Main st west .......................................................................... 1884 J
Parma PHOTOGRAPHER .............................................................................................................................. 1886-1887 m
Jackson carpenter ............................................................................................................................................. 1888-1889 2
Jackson PHOTOGRAPHER at 118 Main st east ....................................................................................................... 1890 J
Jackson photographer ...................................................................................................................................... 1891-1892 2
Jackson carpenter ............................................................................................................................................. 1894-1932 2
Edwin was born in Michigan in September of 1862, third of the five children of Robert and Marietta Bailey. His 1
father was a Jackson photographer for fifteen years before he established Bailey & Son, so Edwin undoubtedly had m J
photographic experience before 1884. “E. D. Bailey [SUCCESSOR TO] BAILEY & SON, Photographers AND COPYING m t
ARTISTS, 101 Cor. Main & Mechanic Sts., JACKSON, MICH. PARMA, MICH.” was printed on some card photograph mounts. t
Isola T. Carnall was born in Michigan in April of 1865, and she married Edwin about 1883. All of their children were 1
born in Michigan: Bessie in July of 1885, Albert in September of 1886, Veda in March of 1889, Robert in November 1
of 1892, Ada in March of 1896, and Leonard in November of 1898. Leonard died as a child. Edwin was enumerated as 1
a cabinet maker in 1900, as a building contractor in 1910, as a repair man in a railroad coach yard in 1920, and as a 1
railroad coach carpenter in 1930. 1
1. 1870 and 1880 Federal Censes of the city of Jackson plus 1900, 1910, 1920 and 1930 Federal Censes of the Seventh Ward of
Jackson in Jackson County, Michigan.
2. Learned in 1997 from Gerry L. Blanchard of Jackson, Michigan.

Bailey, Emily J., Mrs.

Jackson photographer ................................................................................................................................................ 1880 1
Her parents came from Vermont and Connecticut, and Emily was born in Michigan in 1832 or 1833. She seems to 1
have married Enos Moon and to have given birth to Ira and Allen B. Moon between 1856 and 1859. She became the 1
second wife of photographer Robert Bailey and was caring for three of his children in 1880, though the children were 1
old enough that she could participate in her husband’s photographic business. 1
1. 1860 Federal Census of Spring Valley Township in Fillmore County, Minnesota, and 1880 Federal Census of the city of Jackson in
Jackson County, Michigan.

Bailey, Frank M.
Three Rivers photographer for Addison A. Udell ...................................................................................................... 1880 1 2
Frank and his wife were born in Ohio, he in 1849 or 1850 and Ella three years later. They were boarding with Mr. 2
and Mrs. Addison A. Udell in 1880. 2
1. St. Joseph County Directory, 1880, Globe Publishing Company, Mendon, Michigan.
2. 1880 Federal Census of the village of Three Rivers in St. Joseph County, Michigan.

Bailey, Frederick H. W.
Marquette grocer .............................................................................................................................................. 1880-1881 m
Marquette grocer .............................................................................................................................................. 1884-1885 m
Marquette assistant deputy collector of United States Customs ....................................................................... 1886-1889 m
Marquette taxidermist ...................................................................................................................................... 1890-1891 m 1
Marquette (Bailey & Tooker) PHOTOGRAPHERS in Suite 25-27 of the Harlow Block ........................................ 1891 1 2
Marquette PHOTOGRAPHER in Room 27 of the Harlow Block ................................................................... 1892-1909 m
Marquette bookkeeper ............................................................................................................................................... 1910 3
Fred’s parents emigrated from England, and he was born in Canada in 1859 or 1860. In 1891 Bailey & Tooker 3 1
advertised “The ELITE STUDIO, Harlow Block, Front Street Entrance. KODAKS DEVELOPED FOR AMATEURS. 1
Instantaneous Method for Children. Copying, Enlarging and Crayon Work in all its Branches. Special Prices for Lodge 1
Work or Clubs....” This ad was just below: “F. H. W. BAILEY, Taxidermist. Birds and Animals Mounted to Order. 1
Deer Heads a Specialty. Marquette, Mich.” Paper frames for tintypes had “Bailey, PHOTOGRAPHER, Marquette, Mich.” 1 t
printed on their 5 by 3 inch covers. Fred was boarding with a Marquette family in 1910. t 3
1. Upper Peninsula Lodge Directory, 1891.
2. Marquette city directory, 1891.
3. 1910 Federal Census of the Third Ward of Marquette in Marquette County, Michigan.
Bailey, George H.
Grand Rapids (Beebe & Bailey) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 22 & 24 Fountain st ......................................................... 1890 g
Grand Rapids (Beebe & Bailey) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 16 Charles st .......................................................... 1890-1893 g m
Grand Rapids artist .................................................................................................................................................... 1894 g
Blissfield (Michigan Photo Company) PHOTOGRAPHERS .......................................................................... 1896-1898 m 1
Greenwich, Ohio, PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................ 1898-1899 1
Beebe & Bailey succeeded James Bayne in the ground floor studio on Fountain Street opposite the Peninsular Club t g
House, and over-printed Bayne’s cabinet mounts for a while. They employed Mrs. Ross K. Olmstead as a retoucher in t g
1890. After 1891, they emphasized painting to the exclusion of photography. Thomas J. Prince was George’s partner g m
in the Michigan Photo Company. That George had opened a gallery at Greenwich, Ohio, was reported late in 1898. m 1
1. St. Louis and Canadian Photographer; volume 22, number 12, December 1898, page 662.

Bailey, George W.
Alpena boom man ...................................................................................................................................................... 1891 1
Alpena PHOTO ENLARGER at 121 Lewis st east and installment company agent ................................................. 1893 1
Alpena boom hand or laborer .......................................................................................................................... 1895-1899 1 2
Alpena tea salesman ................................................................................................................................................... 1901 1
George was born in Maine in April of 1867. Martha was born in Michigan in May of 1869, and she married George 2
about 1886. Their children, Beatrice, Norman, Mattie, Marion and Russel, were born here between November of 1889 2 1
and May of 1899. George was listed as a Photo Enlarger in the classified section of the 1893 directory, and as an agent 1
of the Alpena Installment Company in the alphabetical section of the same directory. 1
1. Alpena city directories for 1891, 1893, 1895, 1897, 1899 and 1901.
2. 1900 Federal Census of the Fourth Ward of Alpena in Alpena County, Michigan.

Bailey, Jay
Ionia PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................................ 1867-1868 1
Portland Township day laborer .................................................................................................................................. 1870 2
Washington Township, Missouri, farmer ................................................................................................................... 1880 2
Milton Township, Kansas, resident ............................................................................................................................ 1905 3
Glaize Township, Missouri, farmer ........................................................................................................................... 1910 2
Jay was born in New York State about 1843. Zoah was born in Michigan four years later, and she married Jay about 2
1866. They had two children born in Michigan: Emma about 1867 and their son J. F. three years later. Their son 2
Charles was born in Kansas about 1873, and their daughter Daisy was born in Missouri about 1884. 2
1. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1867-1868, Great Lakes Branch of the National Archives, Chicago, Illinois.
2. 1870 Federal Census of Portland Township in Ionia County, Michigan, plus 1880 Federal Census of Washington Township in Clay
County and 1910 Federal Census of Glaize Township in Miller County, Missouri.
3. Kansas State Census Collection.

Bailey, John L.
Rothbury student ........................................................................................................................................................ 1900 1
Rothbury telegraph operator ...................................................................................................................................... 1910 1
Rothbury railroad and express agent ................................................................................................................ 1910-1911 m
Montague railroad section laborer ............................................................................................................................. 1920 1
John was born in Michigan in December of 1886 to William F. and Zorah E Bailey. His father was born in New 1
York in May of 1862, and became a railroad section foreman. His mother’s parents came from New York, and Zorah 1
was born in Michigan in December of 1866. She married William about 1881, gave birth to John’s sister Anna in 1
December of 1883, and was serving as the post mistress of Rothbury in 1910. “OLDEST BUILDING IN 1 t
ROTHBURY, MICH. J. L. B.” was lettered on the negative of a post card photograph which may have been the t
work of John L. Bailey. Martha was born in Michigan to German parents in 1888, and she married John about 1910. t 1
Their son Valleau was born in 1911. 1
1. 1900 and 1910 Federal Censes of Grant Township in Oceana County, plus 1920 Federal Census of the village of Montague in
Muskegon County, Michigan.
Bailey, John Read, Doctor
Mackinac Island physician ............................................................................................................................... 1857-1861 1
United States Army soldier .............................................................................................................................. 1861-1864 1
Mackinac Island merchant ............................................................................................................................... 1874-1878 t
Mackinac Island druggist, surgeon and/or author ............................................................................................ 1880-1909 2 3
John was born in New York City on July 23, 1833, the oldest son of Captain Joseph H. Bailey of the United States 3
Army medical corps and Mary A. (Reed) Bailey. From 1834 to 1850 the family lived near Fort Smith, Arkansas, 1 3
where John attended the public schools and St. Andrews Catholic College. They spent a couple of years in New York 3
state before Captain Bailey was assigned to Fort Mackinac on Mackinac Island in 1852. When John graduated from 3
the medical department of the University of Michigan in March of 1854, he was immediately appointed Acting 3
Assistant Surgeon at Fort Mackinac and Physician to the Chippewa and Ottawa Indians at the Michilimackinac 3
Agency. He was stationed in 1856 at Fort Hamilton, New York, and during the Indian War in 1857 at Fort Snelling, 3
Minnesota. He later established a private practice on Mackinac Island. In 1858 he married Miss Sarah Gray, daughter 3
of the Levi Gray who opened a general store on Mackinac Island in 1845, and they had four children before Sarah’s 3 1
death on August 26, 1876. John entered the Civil War as Assistant Surgeon of the Eighth Missouri Volunteer Infantry, 1 2
and was soon promoted to Major and Surgeon. He served as Surgeon-in Chief of the Second Division of the Fifteenth 2 3
Army Corps, Chief Medical Officer on the staffs of seven generals, and Surgeon in charge of six different hospitals. 3
He returned to Mackinac Island after the war, served as Post Surgeon at Fort Mackinac no less than twenty times, and 3
for many years was the only doctor on the island. John took over his father-in-law’s store on Main Street about 1880 3
and transformed it into a drug store and gift shop. His second marriage was to 41-year-old Miss Mary Ette Marshall of 3 1
La Fargeville, New York, on May 18, 1881. He originated five bills dealing with improvements to Mackinac Island, 1 2
all of which were passed by Congress, and became one of the commissioners of Mackinac Island State Park. John died 2 1
of apoplexy on January 18, 1910, and Mary moved to Denver, Colorado, where she died on December 16, 1917. John 1 t
dealt in stereo views of Mackinac Island published for him by at least four different sources: Jenney & Miller of Flint, t
Land Brothers of Detroit, Black & Company of Detroit and J. A. Jenney of Detroit. On the labels he was identified as t
a “Dealer in Mackinac Island Views, Drugs and Medicines, Gill Nets, Twine and General Merchandise.” or as a t
“Proprietor of Mackinac Island Views; Dealer in Gill Nets, Gilling Twines and General Merchandise.” John published t 3
a guidebook in 1895 entitled: Mackinac, formerly Michilimackinac, which went through six revisions by 1909. 3
1. Veterans Pension Records of John R. Bailey obtained from the National Archives in Washington, D.C.
2. Eugene T. Petersen, Mackinac Island, Its History in Pictures, Mackinac Island State Park Commission, Mackinac Island, Michigan, 1973.
3. John Read Bailey, Mackinac, formerly Michilimackinac, 6th Revision, 1909, Tradesman Company, Grand Rapids, Michigan.

Bailey, Joseph W.
Niles PHOTOGRAPH ARTIST on Main st at the corner of Second st ........................................................... 1859-1860 m
Niles PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................................ 1862-1864 1
Niles (Bailey & Westervelt) PHOTOGRAPHERS on Main st ........................................................................ 1864-1865 m
Niles PHOTOGRAPHER on Main st .............................................................................................................. 1866-1867 1 m
Niles PHOTOGRAPHER at 50 Main st .................................................................................................................... 1871 2
Niles PHOTOGRAPHER on Main st .............................................................................................................. 1872-1877 m
Niles PHOTOGRAPHER at 62 Main st .......................................................................................................... 1878-1880 m 3
Dowagiac PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................ 1880-1885 m
Niles PHOTOGRAPHER on Main st .............................................................................................................. 1886-1890 m R
Joseph was born in Connecticut in 1818 or 1819, and was single in 1880. He registered from Niles when he attended 3 4
the inaugural convention of the Photographers’ Association of America at Chicago in August of 1880. 4
1. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1862-1866, National Archives, Washington, D.C.
2. Berrien County Directory, 1871, Ed. B. Cowles, Niles, Michigan.
3. 1880 Federal Census of the Second and Third Wards of Niles in Berrien County, Michigan.
4. Anthony’s Photographic Bulletin, volume 11, August 1880, pages 273 and 274.
Bailey, Robert
Jackson (Bailey & Cook) PHOTOGRAPHERS on the third floor at 215 Main st .......................................... 1867-1869 J 1
Jackson PHOTOGRAPHER ...................................................................................................................................... 1868 2
Jackson PHOTOGRAPHER at 198 Main st east ............................................................................................. 1869-1873 m J
Grand Rapids PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................ 1875 3
Battle Creek PHOTOGRAPHER in Noble’s Block at 1 Main st west ............................................................ 1876-1877 m J
Battle Creek (H. T. Woodworth, R. Bailey) PHOTOGRAPHERS ...................................................................... ca 1877 t
Jackson artist for photographer James M. LeClear .......................................................................................... 1878-1879 1
Jackson PHOTOGRAPHER ...................................................................................................................................... 1880 4
Jackson PHOTOGRAPHER at 101 Main st west ............................................................................................ 1882-1883 m J
Jackson (Bailey & Son) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 101 Main st west .......................................................................... 1884 J
Jackson PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................ 1884-1885 m
Jackson artist .............................................................................................................................................................. 1887 J
Robert was born in England in 1828, immigrated to New York, and later moved to Jackson. Bailey & John Cook 1
produced ambrotypes as well as photographs, and employed Stanley C. Brooks as a photographer in 1868 and 1869. 1
Marietta was born in New York in 1832 or 1833 and married Robert about 1854. Their five children, Alice, Arthur, 4
Edwin, Ella and Willard, were born in Michigan between 1855 and 1868. Robert advertised in 1871: “One of the most 4 J
complete Galleries in the State. Pictures of every description taken in the highest style of the art. Old pictures copied to J
any size, and beautifully colored in ink, oil, and water colors. First Gallery West of the Hurd House.” The editor J
added: “Robert Bailey ... is one of the best photographers in the city, and an artist that would make friends and J
customers anywhere. His rooms are kept neat and handsome, and well stocked with the et ceteras of the photographic J
business, such as frames, &c. Marcus Kerr, an artist of superior talent, has rooms with Mr. Bailey, and colors pictures J
in oil or water colors with admirable taste and effect. His ink work is wonderful....” Robert employed Joseph Bint as a J 1
photographer in 1871. Photographic reproductions of two woodcuts of the Chicago Fire of 1871, copied from pages of 1 t
a book, and reproductions of a number of allegorical and genre drawings are found on Robert’s card mounts from the t
“First Gallery West of the Hurd House.” He lost his first wife, and by 1880 was married to a 47-year-old lady named t 4
Emily. His three youngest children still were at home at this time. Robert probably was employing his step-son, Allen 4
B. Moon, as a photographer in 1880. 4
1. Learned in 1997 from Gerry L. Blanchard of Jackson, Michigan.
2. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1867-1868, Great Lakes Branch of the National Archives, Chicago, Illinois.
3. Zell’s United States Business Directory for 1875, T. Ellwood Zell, Philadelphia. Noted by James A. Marusek of Bloomfield, Indiana.
4. 1870 Federal Census of the Second Ward of Jackson and 1880 Federal Census of the city of Jackson in Jackson County, Michigan.

Bailey, Samuel
Marquette (Bailey & Whitesides) PHOTOGRAPHERS ................................................................................. 1869-1870 m 1
The Baileys were born in England, Samuel in 1840 or 1841 and Sarah a couple of years later. Their daughters Emily 1
and Edith were born in Michigan between 1864 and 1868, and their son Raymond was born here in January of 1870. 1
The most common label used by Bailey & Whitesides stated: “Stereoscopic and Portrait Gallery, Manufacturers of t
Lake Superior Views and Picture Frames, dealers in Fancy Moulding, Cord, Tassels, Stereoscopes, &c., &c. t
Stereoscopic Groups and Residences taken to order. All orders promptly attended to.” Another stereograph imprint t
read: “The Picturesque of Lake Superior, photographed and published by Bailey & Whitesides, Marquette, L.S., t
Michigan. Pictured Rocks a Specialty, Indian Scenery, Views of the Mines, Marquette, &c., &c.” The L.S. stood for t
Lake Superior, a name commonly applied to the entire Upper Peninsula of Michigan at the time. t
1. 1870 Federal Census of the village of Marquette in Marquette County, Michigan.

Bailey, Willard G.
Jackson child or student .................................................................................................................................... 1870,1880 1
Jackson music teacher ................................................................................................................................................ 1900 1
Jackson PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................ 1907-1908 R
Los Angeles, California, salesman in a music store ................................................................................................... 1920 1
Los Angeles, California, salesman of advertising ...................................................................................................... 1930 1
Los Angeles, California, resident ..................................................................................................................... 1953-1954 1
Willard was born in Michigan on October 9, 1868. His parents were the veteran Jackson photographer Robert Bailey 1
and his first wife, Marietta. Sarah was born in Michigan to German parents in April of 1873, and she married Willard 1
about 1894. By 1920 Willard was divorced, and he was providing a home for his fourteen-year-old daughter Frances 1
and his 79-year-old widowed aunt. He died in Los Angeles on April 21, 1954. 1 2
1. 1870 Federal Census of the Second Ward of Jackson, 1880 Federal Census of the city of Jackson, and 1900 Federal Census of the
Sixth Ward of Jackson in Jackson County, Michigan, plus 1920 Federal Census of Assembly District 72 and 1930 Federal Census
of Assembly District 66 of Los Angeles in Los Angeles County, California.
2. California Death Index, 1940-1997.
Bailey, William L.
Dexter child ............................................................................................................................................................... 1850 1
Scio Township laborer on his father’s farm ............................................................................................................... 1860 1
Ionia PHOTOGRAPHER on Main st .............................................................................................................. 1869-1870 m 1
William was born in Michigan in the summer of 1840, second of the eight children of Israel and Harriett Bailey. 1
Emma was born here three years later. Her marriage to William may have been her second, for they were providing a 1
home for six-year-old Minnie Hill in 1870. At this time Emma was working as a dress maker. William was awarded 1 2
premiums for exhibiting the best collection of photographs and the best single ambrotype at the Ionia County Fair in 2
the fall of 1870. Some of his imprints refer to his New York Gallery. The William L. Bailey that served in Company E t 3
of the 21st Michigan Infantry during the Civil War was not the photographer. 3
1. 1850 Federal Census of the village of Dexter and 1860 Federal Census of Scio Township in Washtenaw County, plus 1870 Federal
Census of the village of Ionia in Ionia County, Michigan.
2. Ionia Sentinel, Ionia, Michigan, October 11, 1870.
3. Civil War Veteran Pension Record of William L. Bailey obtained from the National Archives at Washington, D. C.

Bain, James
Please see the entry for James Bayne.

Baisch, Robert
Detroit trunk maker .................................................................................................................................................... 1900 1
Detroit (Simonds & Baisch) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 214 Woodward av ................................................................. 1901 d
Detroit tool and die foreman for the Searight & Downs Manufacturing Company .................................................... 1918 2
The parents of Robert’s mother emigrated from Germany, and Margaret was born in New York State in December of 1
1864. She married a Michigan-born man named Baisch about 1881, and their son Robert was born in Michigan in 1
August of 1882. Margaret was a widow by 1900. Robert and his wife, Mrs. Elizabeth Baisch, were living in 1918 at 1 2
258 Pennsylvania Street in Detroit. 2
1. 1900 Federal Census of the Fifth Ward of Detroit in Wayne County, Michigan.
2. World War I Draft Registration Card at an Ancestry site on the internet

Bakely, _______
Wakefield (Van & Bakely) PHOTOGRAPHERS ................................................................................................ ca 1890 t
Two cabinet photographs from the earliest days of Wakefield are products of this partnership. One is of a standing t
man posed as if playing a violin, and the other is of a seated woman posed as if playing a guitar. The same posing t
chair, backdrop and carpet appear in both. t

Bakell, William
South Haven PHOTOGRAPHER .............................................................................................................................. 1910 1
This surname could begin with a P or an R, for in the census report the first two letters are quite obscure. William 1
was born in 1855 or early in 1856, and he emigrated from Denmark in 1875. He later became a naturalized citizen of 1
the United States. Camile was born in Denmark in 1865 or early in 1866, and she married William about 1893. They 1
had no children. 1
1. 1910 Federal Census of the Third Ward of South Haven in Van Buren County, Michigan.

Baker, _______
Ann Arbor PHOTOGRAPHER on State st near University st .............................................................................. ca 1885 t

Baker, _______
Centreville PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................................. 1911 t
“THE NEW DAM AT LELANDS. Baker” was lettered on the negative of a post card photograph of the dam three t
miles north of Centreville on the St. Joseph River which provided electricity to Sturgis. t

Baker, _______
Grand Ledge (Baker & Son) PHOTOGRAPHERS .............................................................................................. ca 1905 t

Baker, _______
Ionia PHOTOGRAPHER ..................................................................................................................................... ca 1890 t

Baker, Charles H.
Chicago, Illinois, PHOTOGRAPHER in Room 74 at 161 LaSalle st .............................................................. 1892-1893 c
Lake Ann PHOTOGRAPHER ......................................................................................................................... 1898-1901 m
Baker, Charles James
Adrian child ............................................................................................................................................................... 1870 1
Battle Creek student ................................................................................................................................................... 1880 1
Battle Creek PHOTOGRAPHER in the Collier Block at 10 Main st west ................................................................ 1883 2
Charles was fourth of the six children of James and Joanna Baker, and was born in Michigan in 1863 or 1864. His 1
father emigrated from England and became a blacksmith, and his mother emigrated from Ireland. 1
1. 1870 Federal Census of the First Ward of Adrian in Lenawee County and 1880 Federal Census of the First Ward of Battle Creek in
Calhoun County, Michigan.
2. Calhoun County directory, 1883.
Baker, Charles Russell
Detroit photographer .................................................................................................................................................. 1875 d
Detroit photo printer for photographer Corydon C. Randall ............................................................................. 1876,1878 d
Detroit photographic printer ...................................................................................................................................... 1877 d
Detroit photo printer for photographer Joseph E. Watson ......................................................................................... 1879 d
Detroit job printer ............................................................................................................................................ 1880-1881 d
Detroit photo printer for photographer Corydon C. Randall ...................................................................................... 1882 d
Detroit job printer ...................................................................................................................................................... 1883 d
Detroit publisher of a directory of rooms ................................................................................................................... 1884 d
Detroit (Baker & Johnson) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 59 Monroe av ................................................................. 1884-1885 d m
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 59 Monroe av ............................................................................................................ 1885 d
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 39 Monroe av .................................................................................................. 1886-1905 d m
Detroit PORTRAIT AND COMMERCIAL PHOTOGRAPHER at 93 Washington av ............................................ 1906 d
Detroit COMMERCIAL AND PORTRAIT PHOTOGRAPHER at 93 Washington Boulevard ..................... 1907-1911 d m
Detroit COMMERCIAL AND PORTRAIT PHOTOGR in the Baker Bldg at 89-91 Park Place west ........... 1912-1920 d m
Detroit (Baker Art Studio) PHOTOGRAPHER at 1441 Park Place west ....................................................... 1920-1921 m
Detroit photographer ........................................................................................................................................ 1921-1929 d
Detroit resident ................................................................................................................................................ 1930-1931 d
Charles was born at Holyoke, Massachusetts, on September 25, 1855, to John R. and Marie (Green) Baker. He 1
attended the public schools and clerked in a general store at Holyoke before coming to Detroit. He and Sarah Jane 1
Budd of Detroit were married in November of 1882, and later had one son. He advertised nationally in the spring of 1 2
1884: “SITUATION WANTED - As Printer and Toner. An engagement by a first-class printer and toner. Can assist in 2
operating when required. Nine years experience. References. I wish to engage with a first-class gallery only. Address 2
Charles R. Baker, 303 Woodward Ave., Detroit, Mich.” He affiliated with Ralph Johnson later in 1884. “Baker’s 2 d
Portraits. Instantaneous process used exclusively....” was printed on cabinet mounts from 59 Monroe Avenue. By 1886 t
Charles had moved down the street to supplant A. J. Diehl & Company, so “35, 37 & 39 Monroe Avenue,...” was d t
usually printed on later cabinet mounts, along with such phrases as: “Sittings made any day, rain or shine.... Studio t
open every day.... The Lightning Process Exclusively.... Small Pictures Copied to Life Size in Crayon or Water t
Color.... Negatives Kept. Copies or Enlargements can be had at any time.... Portraits in Oil, Pastel, Crayon or Water t
Color & Ink.” In 1887 he advertised: “First-class Photographs made from Cabinet Size to Full Life Size Head. Finest t 3
Accessories. Ground Glass Skylight.” Charles’ studio occupied two floors in 1893, each 20 by 80 feet, where five 3 4
assistants were employed and a specialty was made of commercial work for manufacturers. At the Detroit convention 4 5
of the Photographers’ Association of America in August of 1895 he was awarded the second prize bronze medal in 5
Class K: Commercial Work. Both sides of this medal were reproduced on some cabinet mounts from The Baker Studio 5 t
and The Baker Art Studio, and he was identified as “C. Russell Baker, Artistic Photographer....” on other cabinet t
mounts. The second annual meeting of the Michigan Photographers Association was held at Detroit in February of t 6
1897, and there Charles was awarded the second prize in Class I, Commercial Work, for his exhibit of six pictures, 6
seven inches and over. That he was building a new studio was reported early in 1898, and he began using Charles 6 d
Russell Baker in his advertising in 1899. After 1906 he was usually listed under his full name and as the Baker Art d
Studio at the same address with such statements as: “We Photograph Everything that is Manufactured.... Furniture, d
Machinery, Automobiles, &c.” A 1913 ad was for “THE BAKER ART STUDIO. Established 1884. Chas. R. Baker, d 7
Proprietor. COMMERCIAL AND PORTRAIT PHOTOGRAPHERS. Society Groups, Athletic Groups, Interior and 7
Exterior Views of Factories and Residences. Special Cameras for Every Requirement. Enlargements, any size. 7
Specialties: AUTOMOBILES, FURNITURE, MACHINERY. New Fireproof Building. Ground Floor Operating 7
Room....” Some of his employees were: Henry Haug, photographer in 1885; Helen L. Street, bookkeeper in 1885; 7 d
Miss Nellie L. Street, clerk in 1886 and 1887; Edward Stoll, photographer in 1888; Miss Belle McMillan, retoucher in d
1888; William J. Hogan, retoucher in 1889; Herman Steiner, photo printer in 1890 and 1891; Miss Ella L. Mott, clerk d
from 1890 to 1892; William P. Melville, photo printer in 1892; Clarence M. Bunting, photo printer in 1893, 1894 and d
1896; Victoria L. Gibson, retoucher or artist in 1893, 1895 and 1896; Colin Brown, photo printer in 1894; and d
William Imm, photo printer in 1896. Charles belonged to the Wolverine Automobile Club in 1914, and considered d 1
automobiling to be his principal recreation, though he was a member of the Detroit Yacht Club and various golf clubs. 1 8
He became a charter member of the Commercial Photographers Association of Detroit on February 11, 1921, not too 9 8
long before he retired and began traveling extensively in the United States. His wife died in September of 1930. 8
Charles was ill for only 24 hours prior to his death from a heart attack on March 30, 1932. Burial was in Roseland 8
Park Cemetery mausoleum. He was said to have learned photography in the Angell Studio on Woodward Avenue. 8
1. Albert Nelson Marquis, Book of Detroiters, A. N. Marquis & Company, Chicago, 1914.
2. The Photographic Times, New York, volume 14, number 160, April 1884, page 340.
3. The Industries of Detroit, J. W. Leonard, Detroit, Michigan, 1887.
4. Detroit of Today, Phoenix Publishing Company, 1893.
5. The Photo-American, New York, volume 6, number 10, August 1895, page 317.
6. St.. Louis and Canadian Photographer; volume 15, number 3, March 1897; and volume 22, number 1, January 1898, page 33.
7. The Detroit Motorist, volume 2, number 8, July 1913, page 32.
8. Detroit News, March 30, 1932.
9. The Commercial Photographers Association of Detroit, Constitution and By-Laws, 1927-1928, Detroit, Michigan.
Baker, Edwin P.
Pittsfield Township resident ...................................................................................................................................... 1860 1
Ypsilanti PHOTOGRAPHER on Cross st ....................................................................................................... 1862-1864 m
Ypsilanti (E. P. & H. W. Baker) PHOTOGRAPHERS ................................................................................... 1863-1864 2
Ypsilanti PHOTOGRAPHER and retail dealer ......................................................................................................... 1865 2
Ypsilanti (Baker & Benham) PHOTOGRAPHERS ........................................................................................ 1865-1866 2
Ypsilanti PHOTOGRAPHER on Cross st over the Farmers’ Store at the depot ............................................. 1866-1867 m t
Plymouth (Root & Baker) PHOTOGRAPHERS .................................................................................................. ca 1867 3
Plymouth (Baker & Root) PHOTOGRAPHERS ....................................................................................................... 1867 t 3
Ypsilanti (E. P. Baker & Company) PHOTOGRAPHERS opposite the depot ......................................................... 1867 4 t
Ypsilanti (Baker & Company) PHOTOGRAPHERS opposite the depot ............................................................. ca 1868 t
Ypsilanti PHOTOGRAPHER on Cross st over the Frame Store at the depot ................................................. 1869-1870 m t
Ypsilanti PHOTOGRAPHER in the Arcade Building opposite the post office .................................................... ca 1872 t
Ypsilanti PHOTOGRAPHER on Huron st ...................................................................................................... 1872-1873 m
Ypsilanti (Baker & Stephenson) PHOTOGRS in the Arcade Block on Huron st opposite the old post office. 1872-1877 y 5
Grand Haven (Wixson & Baker) PHOTOGRAPHERS .................................................................................. 1880-1881 m
Grand Haven PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................... 1882-1885 m
Maple Rapids PHOTOGRAPHER .................................................................................................................. 1884-1885 m
Holly PHOTOGRAPHER .................................................................................................................................... ca 1887 t
Ann Arbor PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................................. 1888 R
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 55 Rowland st ................................................................................................. 1888-1889 d m
Oscoda PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................ 1890-1891 m
Au Sable PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................... ca 1891 t
Grand Haven PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................... 1892-1893 m
Plymouth PHOTOGRAPHER ......................................................................................................................... 1896-1913 m
The Bakers were born in New York State, Edwin in November of 1829 and Maria in March of 1833. They married 1
about 1852, their elder daughter was born in Michigan in 1856, and they came to Washtenaw County in 1859, where 1
their younger daughter was born in March of 1870. Edwin’s earliest card mounts from Ypsilanti identify him as a 1 t
photographer and ambrotypist, and place his New York Gallery near the depot. The designation “New York Gallery” t
is common to all of his Ypsilanti mounts, including those of the various partnerships. Some E. P. & H. W. Baker t
cartes de visite carry revenue stamps, as do some by E. P. Baker and some by Baker & Benham. “... Porcelain and Ink t
Pictures made in the best styles.” was printed on some of Edwin’s cartes de visite about 1867. Baker & Root were t
succeeded early in the spring of 1867 by Thomas H. Johnson. E. P. Baker & Company offered “... Photographs from t
miniature to life size, worked in India Ink, oil and water colors. Old pictures copied in any style, and finished up in a t
neat and artistic style.” Baker & Company’s offer was similar: “... Life size India ink and water colored pictures - the t
best west of New York - for less than half the general prices. Old pictures copied to any size desired, and finished in a t
neat and artistic style. CARD PHOTOGRAPHS $1.50 Per Dozen. - Seeing is believing. Give us a call.” Very similar t
imprints from the New York Gallery in Ypsilanti do not mention Baker, but are signed by “R. S. EWING, Agent.” t
Edwin hired Jerome J. Stephenson in 1870, made him a partner in 1873, and sold out to him in 1876 or 1877. Edwin 6
boarded with photographer Joseph T. Wixson in 1880. Baker & Stephenson produced stereoscopic views of Ypsilanti. 1 7
Charles W. Earle was Edwin’s predecessor at the Detroit address, listed as 53 & 55 Rowland Street by one 1888 d
source, where Edwin offered “... Photographing of the Most Superior Kind Executed in an Artistic Manner. VIEWS d
OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS TAKEN TO ORDER.” He was succeeded in Detroit by Alvord & Company. The Bakers d 1
were living in Plymouth with a grandson and his wife in 1900. Edwin was enjoying the same arrangement in 1910, but 1
Maria was gone and he was a widower. 1
1. 1860 Federal Census of Pittsfield Township and 1870 Federal Census of the Fourth Ward of Ypsilanti in Washtenaw County, 1880
Federal Census of the Second Ward of Grand Haven in Ottawa County, plus 1900 and 1910 Federal Censes of the village of Plymouth
in Wayne County, Michigan.
2. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1862-1866, National Archives, Washington, D.C.
3. Learned in 2004 from a Elizabeth Kelley Kerstens of the Plymouth Historical Museum in Plymouth, Michigan.
4. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1867-1868, Great Lakes Branch of the National Archives, Chicago, Illinois.
5. Bradstreet’s Commercial Reports ... Western & Southern States, J. M. Bradstreet & Son Company, New York, volume 40, January 1, 1877.
6. History of Washtenaw County, Michigan, Charles C. Chapman & Company, Chicago, 1881.
7. William Culp Darrah, Stereo Views, 1964, and The World of Stereographs, 1977, Gettysburg, Pennsylvania.
Baker, Edwin P., Mrs.
Pittsfield Township housewife ................................................................................................................................... 1860 1
Ypsilanti milliner ....................................................................................................................................................... 1864 y
Ypsilanti housewife ................................................................................................................................................... 1870 1
Ypsilanti PHOTOGRAPHER .................................................................................................................................... 1874 R
Ypsilanti milliner ....................................................................................................................................................... 1876 y
Plymouth resident ...................................................................................................................................................... 1900 1
Maria was born in New York in March of 1833. She married Edwin about 1852, gave birth to Eva in Michigan in 1
1856 and to Flora in Washtenaw County in March of 1870. She and Edwin were living in Plymouth with a grandson 1
when she died some time between 1900 and 1910. 1
1. 1860 Federal Census of Pittsfield Township and 1870 Federal Census of the Fourth Ward of Ypsilanti in Washtenaw County plus
1900 and 1910 Federal Censes of the village of Plymouth in Wayne County, Michigan.

Baker, Erasmus W.
Midland PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................... 1907-1909 t m
Midland Township PHOTOGRAPHER .................................................................................................................... 1910 1
Midland PHOTOGRAPHER ..................................................................................................................................... 1911 R
Erasmus was born in Pennsylvania in 1873 or 1874. He was single in 1910, and was living with his widowed mother, 1
Mrs. Florence E. Baker, on her Midland Township farm. Her parents came from New York, and Florence was born in 1
Pennsylvania in 1852 or 1853. A very ornate blind stamp with a script “Baker” and a block “ MIDLAND, MICH.” on 1 t
either side of a circular monogram “EWB” was used on 1907 postal views of bridges and of a street filled with hay t
wagons. Baker advertised in 1908: “Professional Photographer. All Work Positively Guaranteed. Dealer in Amateur t m
Photo Supplies, Art Supplies, Art Pictures, All Kinds of Frames, Moldings, and Pictures.” m
1. 1910 Federal Census of Midland Township in Midland County, Michigan.

Baker, Gertrude, Miss

Muskegon resident ..................................................................................................................................................... 1900 1
Muskegon PHOTOGRAPHER at 122 Terrace st south ............................................................................................ 1904 M
Muskegon maker of fine infants wear ........................................................................................................................ 1910 1
Muskegon bookkeeper for a hospital ......................................................................................................................... 1920 1
Grand Haven assistant city clerk ................................................................................................................................ 1930 1
Gertrude was born in Michigan in July of 1879. Her parents, Henry D. and Gertrude H. Baker, emigrated from the 1
Netherlands in the 1850s. Her father was a widower by 1900, and Gertrude ended up living with one or another of her 1
sisters, who were much older. 1
1. 1880 Federal Census of the Second Ward, 1900 and 1910 Federal Censes of the Fifth Ward, and 1920 Federal Census of the Twelfth
Precinct of Muskegon in Muskegon County, plus 1930 Federal Census of the Fourth Ward of Grand Haven in Ottawa County, Michigan.

Baker, Gilbert
Marine City PHOTOGRAPHER ..................................................................................................................... 1886-1887 m
Baker, Grant Stephenson
Ypsilanti child ............................................................................................................................................................ 1880 1
Ypsilanti photo printer for photographer Charles E. Cooper ..................................................................................... 1896 y
Ypsilanti photographer .............................................................................................................................................. 1900 1
Ypsilanti photographer for Charles E. Cooper ........................................................................................................... 1901 y
Detroit photographer for an automobile factory ........................................................................................................ 1910 1
Ypsilanti PHOTOGRAPHER .......................................................................................................................... 1912-1913 m
Ypsilanti PHOTOGRAPHER at 39 Huron st north ......................................................................................... 1914-1921 y m
Ypsilanti photographer ..................................................................................................................................... 1922,1924 y
Ypsilanti PHOTOGRAPHER at 5 Washington st north .................................................................................. 1926-1929 y m
Ypsilanti PHOTOGRAPHER at 708 Congress st ............................................................................................ 1930-1942 m y
Ypsilanti armature finisher ........................................................................................................................................ 1943 y
Ypsilanti photographer .............................................................................................................................................. 1945 y
Grant was born in Michigan on April 29, 1875, the son of John P. and Mary J. (Frazer) Baker, and he became a 2 3
slender man with gray eyes and brown hair. Effie Jean Wannamaker was born in Ontario in January of 1876 to J. A. 2 1
and Eliza J. (Willis) Wannamaker, and she immigrated to Detroit in 1899. She and Grant went to Essex, Ontario, to be 3 1
married on June 30, 1902. Their daughter Elizabeth was born in Michigan in 1906. Grant was enumerated twice in the 3 1
1920 census, on January 3 in Detroit lodging as a commercial photographer, and on January 15 in Ypsilanti with his 1
family. Effie was first called Grant’s widow in 1948. 1 y
1. 1880 Federal Census of the Fifth Ward, 1900 and 1930 Federal Censes of the Second Ward, and 1920 Federal Census of the First
Ward of Ypsilanti in Washtenaw County, plus 1900 Federal Census of the Fourth Ward and 1920 Federal Census of the Tenth Ward
of Detroit in Wayne County, Michigan.
2. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.
3. Ontario, Canada, Marriages, 1857-1924.

Baker, Harvey L.
Madison Township, Ohio, chair maker ...................................................................................................................... 1850 1
Lansing chair manufacturer ....................................................................................................................................... 1860 1
Lansing (Cheney & Baker) PHOTOGRAPHERS at middle town ................................................................... 1862-1863 m
Lansing PHOTOGRAPHER on Washington av .............................................................................................. 1864-1865 m
Lansing chair maker ................................................................................................................................................... 1870 1
Lansing painter .......................................................................................................................................................... 1880 1
Harvey was born in New York State in 1816, Margaret was born there four years later, and they married about 1836. 1
Their six eldest children (Percis, James, Emily, Albert, Oscar and Alonzo) were born in Ohio between 1837 and 1
August of 1849. Manfred, Della and Margaret (called Minnie) were born in Michigan between 1850 and May of 1860. 1
Their eldest son, James H. Baker, was listed as a Lansing chair manufacturer in 1870. 1
1. 1850 Federal Census of Madison Township in Richland County, Ohio, plus 1860, 1870 and 1880 Federal Censes of the Second Ward
of Lansing in Ingham County, Michigan.

Baker, Hazel, Miss

Otsego Township student ........................................................................................................................................... 1900 1
Otsego Township resident ......................................................................................................................................... 1910 1
Adrian clerk in a music store ..................................................................................................................................... 1920 1
Hazel was born in Michigan to natives of Michigan in January of 1888, last of the two daughters of Charles and 1
Lizzie (later Liza) Baker. Her sister Ethel was born in January of 1883. By September of 1906 Hazel was an Associate 1 2
Member of the Jolly Jokers’ Club, identified as JJ#565. The Jolly Jokers was one of the largest and most active post 2
card exchange organizations at the time. Associate Members wanted to receive cards only if they had initiated the 2
exchange, while Active Members welcomed cards from any other member. A cyanotype card of a young lady playing 2 t
her guitar outdoors was “... taken of myself – by myself ... Hazel Baker, La Belle Fruit Farm, Plainwell, Mich. t
JJ#565.” Her family’s fruit farm in northern Otsego Township evidently was served by a rural route out of Plainfield. t 1
Hazel was living with her parents in 1900 and in 1910. In 1920 she was living in the Adrian home of her maternal 1
grandparents, Sylvester H. and Elma C. Smith. 1
1. 1900 and 1910 Federal Censes of Otsego Township in Allegan County and 1920 Federal Census of the Sixth Ward of Adrian in
Lenawee County, Michigan.
2. The Southern Post Card Magazine, Nashville, Tennessee, Volume I, Number 4, September, 1906.
(The Official Medium of the Jolly Jokers’ Club, ... )
Baker, Henry W.
Ypsilanti (E. P. & H. W. Baker) PHOTOGRAPHERS ................................................................................... 1863-1864 1
Plymouth merchant .......................................................................................................................................... 1866-1874 2
Plymouth lumber dealer .................................................................................................................................... 1875 1877 2
Plymouth retired merchant ......................................................................................................................................... 1880 3
Plymouth executive of the Plymouth Iron Windmill Company ....................................................................... 1881-1895 2
Plymouth president of the Daisy Manufacturing Company ............................................................................. 1895-1912 2
Henry was born on February 10, 1833, at Richmond in Ontario County, New York, to Samuel and Maria (Marshall) 2
Baker. The family moved in the spring of 1842 to a farm west of Plymouth in Wayne County, Michigan. Henry 2
learned the photographer’s trade, and during the Civil War worked at this business with his cousin Edwin in Ypsilanti. 2
Some E. P. & H. W. Baker cartes de visite carried revenue stamps. Henry married twice, first Miss Flora Bromfield t 2
and then in 1871 or early in 1872 Miss Angeline C. Myers. Both ladies were born in Michigan, Flora about 1846 and 2 3
Angeline in April of 1845. Neither marriage produced children. The Plymouth Iron Windmill Company began 3 2
manufacturing “Daisy” air rifles in 1888, and produced no windmills after 1890. The air rifle products became world 2
famous, and the Daisy Manufacturing Company became the largest employer in Plymouth. Henry was a widower by 2 3
1910, when his much younger sister Anna was keeping house for him. 3
1. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1862-1866, National Archives, Washington, D.C.
2. Paul Leake, History of Detroit, Lewis Publishing Company, Chicago and New York, 1912, page 1194.
3. 1870, 1880, 1900 and 1910 Federal Censes of the village of Plymouth in Wayne County, Michigan.

Baker, Herbert David

Muskegon day laborer ............................................................................................................................................... 1900 1
Allegan PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................ 1906-1908 m R
Allegan proprietor of a drug store .................................................................................................................... 1910-1927 m 2
Allegan pharmacist in a drug store ............................................................................................................................ 1930 1
Herbert was born in Michigan to Canadian parents on January 22, 1881, last of the six children of David C. and 1 3
Margaret Baker. His four brothers and one sister were born in Canada between 1861 and 1877. May was born in 1
Canada in 1877 or early in 1878, and she married Herbert about 1901. He became a stout man with blue eyes and 1 3
brown hair. Herbert advertised in 1906: “CHRISTMAS PHOTOGRAPHS. Come Today, Don’t Put It Off. We will 3 4
give you a large Artistic Calendar with your photograph upon it Free with every dozen Cabinet Photographs, 4
commencing December 1. Don’t Wait For Sunshine, just get ready and come, and we will do the rest. It will do you 4
good to see the new styles and the low prices. There will be no disappointment. All orders finished promptly. Yours 4
for quick service, style, quality, and low prices. BAKER’S STUDIO, Allegan, Michigan.” Herbert had a partner, 4 m
Clarence G. Messinger, in the drug business for a while about 1912, but the rest of the time he was in business on his m 2
own. May apparently took over the photograph studio when Herbert opened his drug store, and she obtained a divorce m 1
from Herbert about 1915. Neva was born in Illinois in 1890, second of the six children of James and Bell Vipond. She 1
married Herbert about 1919. Their daughter Beth was born in 1920 or early in 1921, and their son David was born in 1
December of 1928. 1
1. 1880 Federal Census of Crockery Township in Ottawa County, 1900 Federal Census of the Second Ward of Muskegon in Muskegon
County, 1910 Federal Census of Lowell Township in Kent County, plus 1910 and 1930 Federal Census of the First Ward and 1920
Federal Census of the Second Ward of Allegan in Allegan County, Michigan.
2. Rural Directory of Allegan County, 1916-1921, Wilmer-Atkinson Company, Philadelphia, and Allegan County directory, 1921.
3. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.
4. The Allegan Press, Allegan, Michigan, November, 1906.

Baker, Herbert, Mrs.

Please see the entry for Mrs. May Baker.

Baker, Herbert F.
Dover Township resident .................................................................................................................................. 1870,1880 1
Oscoda (Baker & Martyn) PHOTOGRAPHERS ............................................................................................ 1892-1893 2
Munro Township photographer ................................................................................................................................. 1900 1
Munro Township farmer ................................................................................................................................... 1910,1920 1
Herbert was born in Michigan to parents from New York in January of 1862, second of the four children of John D. 1
and Lydia E. Baker. By 1880 his mother was a widow running the family farm and his elder sister was teaching school. 1
Baker & Martyn advertised early in 1893 as “headquarters for all kinds of photographic work. Give us a call when in 2
need of first class work of this kind.” The dissolution of their partnership was announced in August of 1893, with A. T. 2
Martyn continuing business at the old stand. Martha’s father came from England, she was born in Michigan in May of 2 1
1870, and she married Herbert 1891 or early in 1892. Their two sons were born between 1905 and 1914. By 1930 1
Martha was a widow, and her son Tom was managing the Munro Township farm. 1
1. 1870 and 1880 Federal Censes of Dover Township in Lenawee County, plus 1900, 1910, 1920 and 1930 Federal Censes of Munro
Township in Cheboygan County, Michigan.
1. Alcona County Review, Harrisville, Michigan, March 23 and August 17, 1893. Noted by James Donaldson of Detroit.
Baker, Hiram, Doctor
Coldwater DAGUERREOTYPIST .................................................................................................................. 1848-1850 1
Coldwater dentist ....................................................................................................................................................... 1850 2
Coldwater DAGUERREAN ARTIST, doctor and dentist ............................................................................... 1855-1856 m
Coldwater AMBROTYPE ARTIST and surgeon dentist on the north side of Chicago st ............................... 1859-1860 m 3
Coldwater PHOTOGRAPHER and surgeon dentist on Chicago st ................................................................. 1862-1867 m
Coldwater PHOTOGRAPHER and dentist at 18 Chicago st west ................................................................... 1868-1883 m
Hiram was born in New York State in 1811, Catherine was born there ten years later, and their three sons were born 2
there between 1840 and 1848. Their two daughters were born in Michigan between 1850 and 1854. Hiram’s rooms 2 3
were over Thompson’s Book and Jewelry Store in 1860, when he was also described as a Daguerrean Artist and as a 3 m
Photograph Artist. In 1870 his office was over E. R. Hall & Sons jewelry store. By 1880 he was divorced and was 4 5
living by himself. 5
1. Coldwater newspapers: October 13, 1848, and January 18, 1850, as indexed by the Coldwater Public Library.
2. 1850, 1860 and 1870 Federal Censes of Coldwater in Branch County, Michigan.
3. Loomis & Talbott’s Coldwater City Directory, 1860, compiled by George W. Hawes, Detroit.
4. Branch County Gazetteer, 1870, Stevens & Conover.
5. 1880 Federal Census of the Third Ward of Coldwater in Branch County, Michigan.

Baker, Howard
Please see the entry for John Howard Baker.

Baker, John E.
Hancock PHOTOGRAPHER at 104 Quincy st ............................................................................................... 1903-1905 R 1
Hancock PHOTOGRAPHER .......................................................................................................................... 1906-1908 R
Houghton directory solicitor ...................................................................................................................................... 1910 2
Hancock PHOTOGRAPHER .................................................................................................................................... 1911 R
The Hancock studio of photographer Frederick C. Haefer also was at 104 Quincy Street in 1903 and in 1905. 1
1. Houghton County Directory, 1903 and 1905, R. L. Polk & Company, Detroit.
2. 1910 Federal Census of the village of Houghton in Houghton County, Michigan.

Baker, John Howard

Crown Point, Indiana, photographer ..................................................................................................................... ca 1885 1
Warsaw, Indiana, photographer ............................................................................................................................ ca 1887 1
Battle Creek PHOTOGRAPHER at 66 Main st west ...................................................................................... 1888-1889 m
Battle Creek (Baker & Edelman) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 66 Main st west .................................................... 1889-1891 t R
Battle Creek PHOTOGRAPHER at 66 Main st west ...................................................................................... 1890-1891 m
Battle Creek (Baker & Altman) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 66 Main st west ...................................................... 1892-1893 m
Battle Creek PHOTOGRAPHER at 51 Van Buren st west ............................................................................. 1894-1927 m 2
Battle Creek real estate agent ........................................................................................................................... 1930-1931 m
J. Howard Baker was born to J. Howard and Anna Baker on May 19, 1866, at Bergen Heights, New Jersey. His 1
father was a well-educated English lawyer, and the family had immigrated to the United States only three months 1
before the younger J. Howard was born. The father’s practice was mainly in Toronto, Ontario, until he drowned there 1
in 1872. By the time J. Howard was of age, the family fortunes were exhausted and his mother and young sisters 1
needed his financial support. He learned photography at Crown Point and Warsaw, Indiana, before opening his gallery 1
in Battle Creek. He advertised in 1889: “HOWARD BAKER, Artistic Photographer. All work executed in the best 1 3
style of the art and warranted to please. Step in and examine work.” Some of his cabinet mounts from 66 West Main 3 t
Street carried outdoor views. In directory listings and on his photograph mounts prior to 1892 he was identified as t m
Howard Baker. He was then called John H. Baker for a couple of years, but after 1894 he was quite consistently m t
designated as J. Howard Baker. He was married to 23-year-old Miss Mary Luella Anderson of Battle Creek on May 1, 4 1
1889, the third John Howard Baker was born in September of 1899, and by 1901 the Bakers owned both their home 4 1
and the studio. J. Howard was an active Mason, Knight Templar, Odd Fellow, Maccabee and Episcopalian. 1
1. Calhoun County Souvenir, 1901, Battle Creek Journal.
2. Battle Creek City Directories, 1901, 1903, 1905, 1907, 1908, 1909, 1911, 1912, 1916 and 1918, R. L. Polk & Company, Detroit.
3. Battle Creek Illustrated, 1889, Conover, Gage & Company.
4. 1900, 1910 and 1920 Federal Censes of the Third Ward of Battle Creek in Calhoun County, Michigan.

Baker, Louis W.
Otsego PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................. 1916-1917 m
One Louis W. Baker was born in Illinois in 1891, and in January of 1920 was an infantry soldier at Camp Custer. 1
1. 1920 Federal Census of the United States Military Reservation at Camp Custer in Calhoun County, Michigan.

Baker, Loyd
Please see the entry for William Loyd Baker.
Baker, Marlin Nichols
Maple Rapids child .................................................................................................................................................... 1880 1
Grand Rapids barbershop porter or resident .................................................................................................... 1896-1897 g
Grand Rapids retoucher ................................................................................................................................... 1898-1899 g
Fort Wayne, Indiana, photographer ........................................................................................................................... 1900 1
Grand Rapids clerk .......................................................................................................................................... 1901-1905 g
Grand Rapids advertising manager .................................................................................................................. 1906-1908 g
Grand Rapids advertising or copy writer ......................................................................................................... 1909-1911 g
Grand Rapids photographer for the Dean-Hicks Printing Company .......................................................................... 1912 g
Grand Rapids photographer ............................................................................................................................. 1913-1914 g
Grand Rapids photographer for the Dean-Hicks Printing Company ................................................................ 1915-1920 g
Grand Rapids photographer ............................................................................................................................. 1921-1925 g
Marlin was born in Michigan on May 3, 1879, the son of Clarence E. and Lydia E. Baker. His sister Mintie was born 1 2
here in July of 1880. May was born in Michigan in 1879, and she married Marlin about 1904. Their only child, Marlin, 1
Junior, was born in Grand Rapids early in 1908. By 1918 Marlin was a tall stout man with grey eyes and hair. 1 2
1. 1880 Federal Census of Maple Rapids in Clinton County, plus 1910 and 1920 Federal Censes of the Third Ward of Grand Rapids in
Kent County, Michigan, and 1900 Federal Census of the First Ward of Fort Wayne in Allen County, Indiana.
2. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.

Baker, Marion E.
Gladwin PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................... 1906-1931 m
His father emigrated from Germany and Marion was born in Ohio in 1864. Lulu was born there in 1877, and she 1
married Marion about 1898. They had no children. Marion may have turned to selling dry goods about 1930. 1
1. 1910, 1920 and 1930 Federal Censes of the Second Ward of Gladwin in Gladwin County, Michigan.

Baker, May, Mrs.

Allegan PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................ 1910-1921 1 m
Allegan PHOTOGRAPHER ...................................................................................................................................... 1921 2
Her parents emigrated from Canada and Germany and May was born in Michigan in 1877 or early in 1878. She 1
married Herbert D. Baker about 1901, and they never had children. She undoubtedly participated in her husband’s 1 m
photographic business in Allegan from 1906 through 1908, and seems to have taken over the photograph studio when m
Herbert opened a drug store. The photographer sometimes was listed as Mrs. Herbert Baker. She obtained a divorce 3 1
from Herbert about 1915, and was living by herself in 1920 1
1. 1910 and 1920 Federal Censes of the First Ward of Allegan in Allegan County, Michigan.
2. Allegan County directory, 1921.
3. Rural Directory of Allegan County, 1916-1921, Wilmer-Atkinson Company, Philadelphia.
Baker, Olin James
Orange Township, New York, student and worker on his father’s farm .................................................................... 1900 1
Grand Rapids traveling agent ........................................................................................................................... 1909-1911 g
Grand Rapids photo supply dealer ................................................................................................................... 1912-1915 g
Grand Rapids PHOTOGRAPHER at 33 Fountain st northwest ...................................................................... 1914-1915 gm
Grand Rapids photo supply dealer ................................................................................................................... 1916-1917 g m
Grand Rapids (Baker-Coster Photo Company) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 39 Fountain st northwest ................. 1917-1922 g m
Grand Rapids (Baker Photo Company) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 39 Fountain st northwest ............................. 1922-1923 m g
Grand Rapids (Baker Photo Company) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 40 Ionia av northwest ................................. 1924-1927 g m
Grand Rapids (Baker Photo Company) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 6 Pearl st northwest .................................... 1927-1929 g m
Grand Rapids (Baker Photo Company) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 10 Pearl st northwest .................................. 1930-1932 m g
Grand Rapids (Baker Photo Company) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 23 Wealthy st southwest ............................. 1932-1934 g
New York, New York, businessman .......................................................................................................................... 1942 2
Swan Lake, New York, resident ....................................................................................................................... 1953,1974 3 4
Olin was born at Monterey, New York, on September 24, 1888, the only child of James W. and Mary E. Baker. 5 1
Margaret was born in Michigan in 1887 or 1888 and Bruce, their son, was born in Michigan about 1915. Edward S. 1 g
Gage & Baker sold photo supplies at 33 Fountain Street Northwest in 1912, and the Baker Photo Supply Company g m
was at that same address from 1913 through 1917. Olin was tall with a medium build and dark brown eyes and hair in m 5
1917. He had no identified associate in either the Baker-Coster Photo Company which dealt in photographic supplies 5 g
in 1920, or in the Baker Photo Company which offered “Anything Photographic” in 1923. Olin’s wife, Mrs. Margaret 1 g
E. Baker, was enumerated as a photographer and a principal of the photographic business in 1930. The shops on Pearl 1 g
Street and Wealthy Street were open simultaneously in 1932. Melvin H. Rahn was proprietor in 1938 of the Baker g
Photo Company at 154 Louis Street Northwest in Grand Rapids. Olin’s residence was in Brooklyn in 1942. He visited g 2
Brazil and traveled from Rio de Janeiro to New York on the S. S. Argentina in September of 1953. Olin died at Swan 3 4
Lake in November of 1974. 4
1. 1900 Federal Census of Orange Township in Schuyler County, New York, plus 1920 Federal Census of the Third Ward and 1930
Federal Census of the Second Ward of Grand Rapids in Kent County, Michigan.
2. World War II Draft Registration Card at an Ancestry site on the internet.
3. New York Passenger Lists, 1820-1957.
4. Social Security Death Index.
5. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.

Baker, Orcan R.
Central Lake PHOTOGRAPHER ......................................................................................................................... ca 1900 t
Newaygo PHOTOGRAPHER ......................................................................................................................... 1907-1908 t
Newaygo cabinet maker for a woodenware factory ................................................................................................... 1910 1
Newaygo wood worker .............................................................................................................................................. 1918 2
Newaygo machinist in a dowel pin factory ................................................................................................................ 1920 1
Newaygo foreman in a wood turning factory ............................................................................................................. 1930 1
Orcan was born in Canada on February 6, 1875, and came to the United States in 1885. Her parents were natives of 1 2
Michigan, but Bertha was born in Canada in 1879 and was brought across the border in 1882. She married Orcan 1
about 1900. Their daughters were born in Michigan: Elda in 1902 and Margaret in December of 1909. “ORCAN 1 t
BAKER, Photographer, Central Lake, Mich.” was stamped on the back of stereo views of Central Lake and vicinity. t
“Bucking the Current, Muskegon River” and “O. R. BAKER, Photogr.” were lettered on the negative of a postal t
photograph of a boy holding the painter of a boat while a woman prepared to row it upstream. The message on this t
card was dated January 6, 1908. “Baker” or “BAKER” was lettered on the negatives of post card photos of other t
Newaygo scenes that were postmarked in 1908 and early in 1909. Orcan had become a naturalized citizen of the t 2
United States by 1918, when he was a slender man of average height with brown eyes and hair. 2
1. 1910, 1920 and 1930 Federal Censes of the village of Newaygo in Brooks Township of Newaygo County, Michigan.
2. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.

Baker, Peter
Detroit photographer .................................................................................................................................................. 1880 1
His parents, John P. and Maggie Baker, emigrated from the German state of Prussia, and they had three daughters 1
and two sons born in Michigan between 1858 and 1873. Peter was born in 1862 or 1863. 1
1. 1880 Federal Census of the city of Detroit in Wayne County, Michigan.
Baker, Peter K.
Grand Rapids PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................ 1910 1
Grand Rapids artist .......................................................................................................................................... 1910-1911 g m
Grand Rapids PHOTOGRAPHER at 236 ½ Monroe av ................................................................................. 1912-1913 g m
Grand Rapids artist .................................................................................................................................................... 1913 g
Grand Rapids salesman in a shoe store ...................................................................................................................... 1920 1
Chicago, Illinois, physical therapist ........................................................................................................................... 1930 1
Peter was born in Michigan to Dutch parents in 1883 or early in 1884, eldest of the six sons of Clause and Anna 1
Baker and with a much younger sister. Florence was born in Michigan to Dutch parents in 1890, and she married Peter 1
about 1911. Their son Kenneth was born in Michigan in 1916, and their daughter Shirley was born in Iowa in 1923 or 1
early in 1924. 1
1. 1910 Federal Census of the Sixth Ward and 1920 Federal Census of the Third Ward of Grand Rapids in Kent County, Michigan, plus
1930 Federal Census of the Ninth Ward of Chicago in Cook County, Illinois..

Baker, Rowland G.
East Tawas carpenter ................................................................................................................................................. 1880 1
Marine City PHOTOGRAPHER ..................................................................................................................... 1890-1898 m 2
Richmond repairer of clocks and watches ................................................................................................................. 1900 1
Marine City jeweler and grocer ................................................................................................................................. 1910 1
Marine City jeweler and optician ............................................................................................................................... 1920 1
Rowland was born in Ohio in March of 1857. His wife’s father emigrated from Ireland, Hattie was born in Michigan 1
in June of 1859, she married Rowland about 1880, and their daughter Lena was born in May of 1890. During his first 1 m
years in Marine City, Rowland advertised: “First class work only.” His studio was at the southeast corner of Water and m
Washington Streets in 1892. “Photographs and Tintypes. Copying and Enlarging in Ink Work. Framing to order.” was m 3
printed on some cabinet mounts which located his gallery on Broadway. “Cabinets $125 cents Pr Doz.” was printed on 3 t
others. The sale of Rowland’s gallery to W. J. Smith of Sanilac Center was reported early in 1899. In 1910 the Bakers 2 1
were sharing their home with their daughter and her husband and a newly born granddaughter. By 1920 Lena and her 1
husband were gone, but Rowland and Hattie still were caring for the granddaughter. 1
1. 1880 Federal Census of the village of East Tawas in Iosco County, 1900 Federal Census of the village of Richmond in Macomb
County, plus 1910 and 1920 Federal Censes of the Second Ward of Marine City in St. Clair County, Michigan.
2. St. Louis and Canadian Photographer; volume 23, number 1, January 1899, page 41.
3. Learned by examining a cabinet mount in 1991 at an antique shop in Plymouth, Michigan.

Baker, W. F.
Detroit operator for photographers Raymond & Allen .............................................................................................. 1864 d

Baker, W. R.
Ionia PHOTOGRAPHER .......................................................................................................................................... 1898 1
It was reported in the spring of 1898 that Baker had been succeeded by Frank B. Hickok. This quite possibly may 1
have been the William R. Baker that opened a Saugatuck gallery in 1900. m
1. St. Louis and Canadian Photographer; volume 22, number 5, May 1898, page 219.

Baker, Webster
Allegan PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................ 1906-1907 m
Baker, Willard E.
Coleman PHOTOGRAPHER .......................................................................................................................... 1896-1897 m
Midland PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................... 1898-1903 m
Chesaning PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................ 1904-1905 m
Saginaw PHOTOGRAPHER at 423 Genesee av ............................................................................................. 1906-1908 m s
Saginaw PHOTOGRAPHER at 415 Genesee av ............................................................................................. 1908-1911 m s
Alma PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................................ 1912-1931 m
Willard was born in Pennsylvania in December of 1871. The parents of his first wife came from Illinois, Dot was 1
born in Michigan in 1875 or 1876, and she married Willard about 1895. His second wife, Dottie, was born in 1
Michigan in 1871 or 1872, and she married Willard about 1901. She gave birth to Willard Elwin Baker in 1902, to 1
Howard Baker two years later, and to Elizabeth Baker about 1908. A script “W. E. Baker” was blind stamped into the 1 t
11 by 14 inch charcoal mounts carrying six 7 ½ by 9 ½ views of a Chesaning shingle mill and a view of nine log t
sleighs passing through the business section of Chesaning. The same blind stamp was used on the 12 by 14 inch t
commercial mounts of 7 ¾ by 9 ½ prints which included a portrait of the 13 men, two horses and ladder wagon of the t
Alma Fire Department taken on July 4, 1913, an evening exterior view and three interior views of the show rooms of t
the Gratiot County Gas Company, and a view of four cars and their owners in front of the Forquer Garage. Willard was t 1
divorced and was providing a home for his elder son in 1920. His third wife, Mildred, was born in Michigan in 1898 1
or 1899, and in 1930 was working as a laundress in their home. 1
1. 1900 Federal Census of the Second Ward of Midland in Midland County, 1910 Federal Census of the Third Ward of Saginaw in
Saginaw County, plus 1920 and 1930 Federal Censes of the Fourth Ward of Alma in Gratiot County, Michigan.

Baker, William Loyd

Saginaw photographer with William R. Baker .......................................................................................................... 1900 s 1
Saginaw PHOTOGRAPHER at 305 Genesee av ............................................................................................. 1900-1901 s m
Saginaw PHOTOGRAPHER at 708 Genesee av east ...................................................................................... 1901-1902 2 R
Saginaw PHOTOGRAPHER at 411 Genesee av east ...................................................................................... 1902-1904 m 2
Bay City PHOTOGRAPHER at 203 Center av ............................................................................................... 1904-1909 m b
Central Lake PHOTOGRAPHER .................................................................................................................... 1908-1909 m
Chickasha, Oklahoma, PHOTOGRAPHER .............................................................................................................. 1910 1
Bay City PHOTOGRAPHER .................................................................................................................................... 1911 R
Detroit drill press operator for the American Car & Foundry Company ................................................................... 1918 3
Detroit mason contractor for house construction ....................................................................................................... 1920 1
Detroit driver for a jewelry manufacturing company ................................................................................................. 1930 1
Loyd was born in Michigan to William R. and Caroline Baker in April of 1880, and he became a tall man with dark 1 3
brown eyes. Josephine was born in Michigan to a Canadian father and an Irish mother in 1877 or early in 1878, and 3 1
she married William about 1901. Their son William Harold Baker was born four years later. The photographer was 1 m
William L. Baker in the Central Lake and most Saginaw lists, W. Lloyd Baker in a Saginaw directory, and “Loyd s t
Baker, Bay City, Mich.” was blind stamped on some postal photographs. Both “Photo by Baker” and “Beebe” were t
lettered on the negative of a post card photograph of all 19 boats of the Central Lake Motor Boat Club out on the lake. t
William was a widower providing a home for his son and his divorced mother in 1920. His son still was living with 1
him in 1930. 1
1. 1900 Federal Census of the Fifth Ward of Saginaw in Saginaw County, plus 1920 Federal Census of the Fourteenth Ward and 1930
Federal Census of the Eighteenth Ward of Detroit in Wayne County, Michigan, as well as 1910 Federal Census of the Third Ward of
Chickasha in Grady County, Oklahoma.
2. Frank Geuder, “Index of Saginaw Photographers 1865-1971” in Timbertown Log, Saginaw, 1973 Fall-Winter 1974, and summer 1974.
3. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.

Baker, William O.
Chesaning PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................ 1906-1907 m
Baker, William R.
Lapeer child ............................................................................................................................................................... 1860 1
Watrousville PHOTOGRAPHER .............................................................................................................................. 1880 1
Millington PHOTOGRAPHER ....................................................................................................................... 1882-1883 m
May PHOTOGRAPHER .................................................................................................................................. 1888,1890 R
Mayville PHOTOGRAPHER .......................................................................................................................... 1890-1897 m
Frankenmuth PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................ ca 1895 t
Gagetown PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................. ca 1895 t
Richville PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................... ca 1895 t
Kingston PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................................... 1895 t
East Dayton PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................... 1895 s
Saginaw PHOTOGRAPHER at 708 Genesee av ....................................................................................................... 1900 m s
Saginaw PHOTOGRAPHER at 110 Hamilton st north ................................................................................... 1900-1913 m s
Saginaw PHOTOGRAPHER in Room 6 of the Miller Block .......................................................................... 1914-1920 1
William was born in Michigan in January of 1852, third of the six or more children of William and Ann Baker, and 1
their eldest son. He was boarding in a Watrousville hotel in 1880. His wife’s parents came from New York, and 1
Caroline or Carrie was born in Michigan in March of 1856. She and William were married about 1872, and in April of 1 2
1880 she gave birth to their son, William Loyd Baker. The name of the postoffice was changed from May to Mayville 2 t
on July 30, 1890. “Mayville & Frankenmuth, Mich.” or “Mayville, Gagetown, Kingston.” or “Mayville & Richville, t
Mich.” was printed on some of William’s cabinet mounts. “W. R. BAKER, Photographer. Viewing and Crayon Work t
a Specialty, Mayville, Mich.” was stamped on the back of stereoscopic views of cyclone damage near Thomas, t
Michigan, with penned captions. It was reported in May of 1895 that William had come from Mayville to Kingston to t 3
make preparations for moving his photograph car, which had been in Kingston for some time, to East Dayton. 3
“Freeland & Baker, 1895….” was printed on cabinet mounts with no town designated. “Freeland &” was crossed out t
on some of these mounts. William Loyd Baker worked as a photographer for his father in the Genesee Avenue studio. t s
A script “Baker” along with “SAGINAW, W.S., MICH.“ in smaller block letters was blind stamped below the image on t
cabinet mounts and in the lower right corner of post card photographs of houses. William was bitten by a mad dog in t 4
the fall of 1907, and went to Ann Arbor for treatment. He advertised in 1916: “Outdoor Groups, Buildings, Machinery, 4 5
Flashlight Photos. Copying and Enlarging a Specialty.” By 1920 Caroline was a widow living with her son in Detroit. 5 1
1. 1860 Federal Census of the village of Lapeer in Lapeer County, 1880 Federal Census of the village of Watrousville in Tuscola
County, Michigan. plus 1900 Federal Census of the Fifth Ward and 1910 Federal Census of the Fourteenth Ward of Saginaw in
Saginaw County, and 1920 Federal Census of the Fourteenth Ward of Detroit in Wayne County, Michigan.
2. Walter Romig, Michigan Place Names, Grosse Pointe, Michigan.
3. Cass City Enterprise, Cass City, Michigan, May 10, 1895. Noted by James Donaldson of Detroit, Michigan.
4. Noted in the Mayville Monitor for October 10, 1907, by Alonzo J. Sherman of Oscoda, Michigan.
5. Standard Atlas of Saginaw County, 1916, Geo. A. Ogle & Co., Chicago.

Baker, William R.
Saugatuck PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................ 1900-1901 m
This quite possibly was the W. R. Baker that left Ionia in 1898. 1
1. St. Louis and Canadian Photographer; volume 22, number 5, May 1898, page 219.

Baker-Coster Photo Company

Grand Rapids PHOTOGRAPHERS at 39 Fountain st northwest .................................................................... 1917-1922 g m
“Anything Photographic” was the motto of this company, which was managed by Olin J. Baker. The name Coster g
does not appear in Grand Rapids directories for any of the years in which this company operated. g

Balch, William
Hudson (Balch & Company) PHOTOGRAPHERS ......................................................................................... 1918-1919 m
Charles Wise also was a principal of Balch & Company. m
Balchen, Hans J.
Alpena PHOTOGRAPHER at 217 Chisholm st west ...................................................................................... 1904-1908 m 1
Alpena PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................. 1908-1913 m
Oak Park, Illinois, PHOTOGRAPHER ..................................................................................................................... 1920 2
Maywood, Illinois, resident ....................................................................................................................................... 1930 2
Hans and his wife were born in Norway, he in 1867 and Ellen a year later. They both immigrated to America about 2
1891 and they married about 1893. Their daughter Anna and son Harold were born in Illinois between 1894 and 1901, 2
and their son Hans was born in Michigan in 1907. “Taken by HANS J. BALCHEN, Alpena, Mich. - Carbons, 2 3
Platinums, Sepias, Water Colors. Photographic work of all descriptions.” was printed under a picture of a little girl 3
with her big doll in a 1904 industrial magazine. “H. J. BALCHEN, PHOTOGRAPHER, ALPENA, MICH.” was 3 t
printed on the backs of post card photographs including studio portraits, bird’s-eye and street level views of Alpena’s t
business section, lumbering operations along the Thunder Bay River, the water works and electric plant, churches, the t
court house, St. Anne’s Church burning on August 4, 1907, and the ruins the next day. “BALCHEN’S STUDIO, t
ALPENA, MICH.” was printed on the backs of studio portraits on post card stock. t
1. Alpena City Directories, 1905 and 1908, R. L. Polk & Company, Detroit.
2. 1910 Federal Census of the Second Ward of Alpena in Alpena County, Michigan, plus 1920 Federal Census of the village of Oak Park
and 1930 Federal Census of the village of Maywood in Cook County, Illinois.
3. The Gateway, A Magazine, Detroit, Michigan, May 1904,

Balcom, _______
Kalamazoo (Balcom & White) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 130 Main st west ..................................................... 1885-1887 1
Wallace S. White was Balcom’s partner. 1
1. Richard W. Welch, Sun Pictures in Kalamazoo, Kalamazoo Public Museum, 1974.

Balcom, George Brigham

Wolcott, New York, student ...................................................................................................................................... 1850 1
Lowell music teacher ................................................................................................................................................. 1860 1
United States Army soldier .............................................................................................................................. 1861-1862 2
Lowell PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................. 1862-1863 3
United States Army soldier .............................................................................................................................. 1863-1865 2 4
Lowell jeweler ................................................................................................................................................. 1865-1866 2
Lowell musician ......................................................................................................................................................... 1870 1
Lowell watch, clock and jewelry merchant ...................................................................................................... 1872-1875 m
Lowell jeweler ................................................................................................................................................. 1880-1881 1 2
Lowell music teacher and watch maker ........................................................................................................... 1882-1883 m
George was born at Meridian, New York, on January 1, 1840, became a proficient musician by the time he was 2
eight, and received advanced musical training for five years. In 1858 his family moved to Lowell, Michigan, where he 2
and Miss Augusta Carpenter were married in 1860. In all census records, his wife was identified as a lady named 2 1
Maria who was born in Canada in August of 1842. In May of 1861 George enlisted as a fifer in a military company 1 2
raised in Lowell. At the expiration of his ninety-day enlistment, he joined the band of the Second Michigan Cavalry. 2
After a winter at Benton Barracks, ill health compelled George to apply for a discharge. On August 15, 1863, he 2 4
enlisted in the band of the Second Brigade of the Third Cavalry Corps. At James City, Virginia, on October 9, 1863, 4
General Kilpatrick’s Cavalry Division was surrounded by Confederate infantry, artillery and cavalry. General Custer 4
obtained permission for an attempt to break the enemy lines, ordered his band to the front to play “Yankee Doodle,” 4
and then ordered a saber charge by the First and Fifth Michigan Cavalry which drove the enemy from the front. When 4 2
Band Master Charles H. Axtell went home on recruiting service in December, George was temporarily assigned to his 2
position. Axtell was prevented from returning to the Brigade, so George led the band throughout the spring campaign 2
of 1864 from the Wilderness to City Point. Axtell finally returned and soon thereafter George was in a New York 2 4
hospital being treated for rheumatic neuralgia. After a brief furlough, he was admitted to Harper Hospital in Detroit on 4 2
November 15, 1864. He was discharged from the army in May and finally was able to get acquainted with his son, 2
George A. Balcom, who had been born in November of 1863. With E. W. Haxley as a partner, George opened a 1 2
jewelry shop at Lowell in November of 1865. George taught music most of his life, and was well known as a composer 2
and arranger of band music. In 1876 he went to California for his health, returning to Lowell in 1878. By 1900 Maria 2 1
was a widow living in Kalamazoo with her son, who had become a musician. 1
1. 1850 Federal Census of the village of Wolcott in Wayne County, New York, plus 1860, 1870 and 1880 Federal Censes of the village
of Lowell in Kent County, and 1900 Federal Census of the Third Ward of Kalamazoo in Kalamazoo County, Michigan.
2. History of Kent County, Chapman Brothers, Chicago, 1881.
3. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1862-1866, National Archives, Washington, D.C.
4. Record of Service of Michigan Volunteers in the Civil War, 1861-1865; published by the State of Michigan about 1904.
Baldridge, John Thomas
Yates Township, New York, child ............................................................................................................................. 1880 1
Davison student ......................................................................................................................................................... 1900 1
Waldron PHOTOGRAPHER .......................................................................................................................... 1906-1920 m 1
His father came from New York, his mother emigrated from Scotland, and John was born in New York State on 1
December 2, 1877, second of the four sons of Charles W. and Margaret M. Baldridge. In 1900 he was living in a 2 1
village just a few miles south of his family’s farm. He was a medium sized single man with blue eyes and brown hair in 1 2
1918, and his closest relative was his mother. He produced post card photographs, including a promotional one 2 t
featuring his own picture, and outdoor scenes on 12 by 14 inch mounts. Note that his youngest brother, Power, also t
was a photographer. 1
1. 1880 Federal Census of Yates Township in Orleans County, New York, 1900 Federal Censes of Richfield Township and of the village
of Davison in Genesee County, plus 1910 and 1920 Federal Censes of the village of Waldron in Hillsdale County, Michigan.
2. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.

Baldridge, Power
Richfield Township student ....................................................................................................................................... 1900 1
Davison PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................................ ca 1907 t
Flint painter in an automobile factory ........................................................................................................................ 1910 1
Detroit automobile painter for Dodge Brothers ......................................................................................................... 1917 2
Detroit painter for an auto company .......................................................................................................................... 1920 1
Detroit independent auto painter ................................................................................................................................ 1930 1
His father came from New York, his mother emigrated from Scotland, and Power was born in Genesee County, 1
Michigan, on February 18, 1888, last of the four sons of Charles W. and Margaret M. Baldridge. He became a medium 2 1
sized man with blue eyes and brown hair. “POWER BALDRIDGE, PHO., DAVISON, MICH.” was stamped on the 2 t
back of the 5 ¼ by 6 ¼ inch mount of a photograph of 19 people standing in a field with a baby in a pram in front and t
a young man driving a wagon drawn by two horses behind them. Dorothy E. Burbridge was born in Michigan in May t 1
of 1889, the only child of Charles C. and Elizabeth Burbridge. She married Power about 1908, and they never had 1
children. She and Power were providing a home for her parents in 1920, and for her widowed father in 1930. 1
1. 1900 Federal Censes of Richfield Township and of the village of Flushing in Genesee County, 1910 Federal Census of the Second
Ward of Flint in Genesee County, plus 1920 Federal Census of the Fifteenth Ward and 1930 Federal Census of the Eighth Ward
of Detroit in Wayne County, Michigan.
2. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.

Baldwin, _______
Waters PHOTOGRAPHER .................................................................................................................................. ca 1915 t
“Photo by BALDWIN, HEART LAKE AT WATERS” was scored into the negative of a post card photograph of a t
scene along the shore. t

Baldwin, Carl F.
Berrien Springs PHOTOGRAPHER and jeweler ...................................................................................................... 1892 1
Berrien Springs PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................... 1896-1905 m
Berrien Springs PHOTOGRAPHER and jeweler ............................................................................................ 1906-1911 m
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 2376 Woodward av ................................................................................................... 1913 d
Berrien Springs PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................... 1916-1919 m
Carl was born in Canada in April of 1856, crossed the border in 1882, and became a naturalized citizen of the United 2
States. His brother, Frederick H. Baldwin, was born in Canada in October of 1854, came to this country in 1889, and 2
boarded with Carl and worked for him as a clerk in 1892. In 1900 Carl, identified as the photographer and a widower, 1 2
was living with Frederick, identified as a single jeweler. Carl seems to have lost two wives, for in 1910 he was a 2
widower with a six-year-old son. “Baldwin” was lettered on the negatives of postal photographs of arrangements of 2 t
eggs, one in a cut glass dish and another in and around a china basket. Most of the eggs were plain white, but on one of t
them in each arrangement was lettered: “Easter Greetings, Berrien Springs, Mich.” t
1. Information from a local directory inadequately described in my notes.
2. 1900 and 1910 Federal Censes of the village of Berrien Springs in Oronoko Township of Berrien County, Michigan.
Baldwin, Charles Elihu
Hadley TRAVELING PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................... 1872 1
Flint (Baldwin & Berry) PHOTOGRAPHERS in the Gazley Block ......................................................................... 1873 f
Flint PHOTOGRAPHER over 93 Saginaw st south ........................................................................................ 1874-1878 f m
Flint PHOTOGRAPHER over 95 Saginaw st south ........................................................................................ 1880-1882 m f
Flint PHOTOGRAPHER over 93 Saginaw st south ........................................................................................ 1882-1883 m
Flint PHOTOGRAPHER over 323 Saginaw st south ...................................................................................... 1885-1921 f m
Flint PHOTOGRAPHER on Ninth st east ................................................................................................................. 1922 f
Charles was born at Groveland in Oakland County, Michigan, to Samuel Cutler and Lucy Ann (Dickenson) Baldwin 2 3
on March 6, 1845. Henrietta Liza Newcomb was born in Michigan to English parents in April of 1854. She married 2 4
Charles in 1878, and their daughter Ella was born at Flint in May of 1882. Baldwin & Berry turned out stereo views of 4 t
Flint scenes as well as portraits. At least six C. E. Baldwin imprints locate the gallery in the Gazley Block. Miss Julia t f
Baldwin worked for Charles as a photographic artist in 1876. In 1881, the rooms were in the Gazley Block over M. S. f t
Elmore & Company’s jewelry store at the corner of First and Saginaw Streets. “C. E. Baldwin, Traveling f t
PHOTOGRAPHER of Michigan.” was printed on some card photograph mounts from the later 1870s. During the t
1880s, Charles took his cameras more than 100 miles north to record the lumbering operations near Gladwin and Lake t
St. Helen in stereo, 5 by 8 and larger formats. The negatives he brought back included some nice views of very early t
Shay locomotives. Closer to home, he produced cabinet portraits of Durant & Dort buggies and views of Flint t
churches and businesses on cabinet and 5¼ by 8½ inch mounts. 323 was at the northeast corner of Kearsley and t
Saginaw Streets, and some of his patrons at this location were African American. Mrs. Frederick H. Ball was t f
employed as a clerk in 1892, when Miss Sadie Becker worked for him as a retoucher. The gallery was described in f 3
1893 as occupying the third floor of an 18 by 74 foot brick building, with the reception room, operating room, and 3
finishing room ranging from front to back. Two ladies were employed in the back room as finishers and retouchers, 3
and children’s work was mentioned as a specialty. A 1907 ad read: “Commercial Photographer, Copying Monumental 3 m
Designs a Specialty. General Commercial Photo Work Solicited.” In 1911, the last line was changed to: “... Copying m
of Designs for the Trade Solicited. Exclusive Use of Original Designs Guaranteed to Owner.” From 1913 through m
1919 the ad read: “Commercial Photographer. Monumental Designs a Specialty. Call for our Latest Cemetery m
Designs.” The studio address was listed as 321 South Saginaw Street in 1892, and as 323 ½ in 1921. Charles was a f 4
widower by 1910, when he was sharing his home with his high school teacher daughter, Ella, and his 19-year-old 4
niece, Miss Lottie Lone. Lottie was working for him as an assistant photographer. Lottie’s brother, Jesse Lone, also 4
worked in his studio. Harriett Ella Reed was born in Michigan in 1853 or 1854. She was the widow of William H. 4 2
Cooper when she and Charles were married. Charles was 76 years old when he died at Flint on February 3, 1923. 2 5
1. Henry Francis Walling, Atlas of the State of Michigan, R. M. & S. T. Tackbury, Detroit, circa 1873.
2. Learned in 2006 from Ann Blaius on the internet.
3. Columbian Industrial Revue, Flint Evening Journal, Flint, Michigan, June 1893.
4. 1880, 1900, 1910 and 1920 Federal Censes of the Third Ward of Flint in Genesee County, Michigan.
5. Bulletin of Photography, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, February 21, 1923.

Baldwin, E. J.
Detroit printer and toner ............................................................................................................................................ 1885 1
Baldwin advertised nationally late in 1885: “SITUATION WANTED - As printer and toner; three years experience 1
in first-class galleries; can retouch some. E. J. Baldwin, Detroit, Mich.” 1
1. The Photographic Times, New York, November 27, 1885, page 672.

Baldwin, Frank G.
Chase Township baby ................................................................................................................................................ 1880 1
Chase Township laborer on his father’s farm ............................................................................................................ 1900 1
Chase PHOTOGRAPHER and mail carrier ............................................................................................................... 1910 t 1
San Francisco, California, machinist for an auto company ........................................................................................ 1920 1
San Francisco, California, auto mechanic .................................................................................................................. 1930 1
Frank was born in December of 1879 on the family farm in Chase Township to Horatio M. and Emma E. Baldwin. 1
Horatio was born in Canada about 1846, immigrated to the United States in 1865 and became a farmer. Emma’s 1
parents came from New York, she was born in Michigan about 1847, she married Horatio about 1873, and two of her 1
three children survived to maturity. Her daughter Myrtle was born in September of 1887. “Photo by F. G. Baldwin, 1 t
Chase. 7/2/10, 4:05 PM” was written in ink on a photograph of a head-on collision between two freight locomotives. t
A list of casualties was written on the post card back of this photograph. Ida was born in Michigan in 1881 or early in t 1
1882, and she married Frank about 1911. 1
1. 1880, 1900 and 1910 Federal Censes of Chase Township in Lake County, Michigan, plus 1920 and 1930 Federal Censes of the city of
San Francisco in San Francisco County, California..
Baldwin, John A.
Willsboro Township, New York, child ...................................................................................................................... 1860 1
Parma Township laborer on his father’s farm ............................................................................................................ 1870 1
Parma PHOTOGRAPHER .............................................................................................................................. 1872-1873 m
Concord Township resident ....................................................................................................................................... 1880 1
Parma Township teamster or milk hauler ......................................................................................................... 1900,1910 1
Parma Township farmer or truck driver ............................................................................................................ 1920,1930 1
John was born in New York State in February of 1853, the son of Alexander and Mary E. (Atwell) Baldwin. His 1
elder sister and his parents also were natives of New York. The photographer was identified only by his last name, but 1
John was the only Baldwin near Parma that was likely to have tried photography, and he seems to have lived with his 1
parents on their farm until he married. Bernice was born in Michigan in May of 1872, and she married John about 1
1890. Their daughter Emma was born in April of 1893, and their son Ford was born in March of 1896. John was a 1
widower by 1930, when he was living by himself. 1
1. 1860 Federal Census of Willsboro Township in Essex County, New York, plus 1870, 1900, 1910, 1920 and 1930 Federal Censes of
Parma Township and 1880 Federal Census of Concord Township in Jackson County, Michigan.

Baldwin, Julia Ann, Miss

Groveland Township child ......................................................................................................................................... 1850 1
Mundy Township student .......................................................................................................................................... 1860 1
Linden employee of a milliner ................................................................................................................................... 1870 1
Flint photographic artist for photographer Charles E. Baldwin ................................................................................. 1876 f
Mundy Township resident ......................................................................................................................................... 1880 1
Julia was born in Michigan in 1848 or early in 1849, fourth of the six children of Samuel C. and Lucy Ann Baldwin. 1
Her father came from New York, while her mother and all of her grandparents were natives of Massachusetts. She 1
grew up on the family farm in Mundy Township, boarded with her employer at Linden, and was back on the farm in 1
1880. Mundy Township is a few miles southwest of Flint. 1 2
1. 1860 and 1880 Federal Censes of Mundy Township and 1870 Federal Census of Fenton Township in Genesee
County, Michigan.
2. Michigan County Map Guide, Michigan United Conservation Clubs, Lansing, Michigan.
Baldwin, Schuyler Colfax
Troy, New York, DAGUERREAN ARTIST ................................................................................................... 1848-1851 1
Kalamazoo DAGUERREAN ARTIST on Main st east of Burdick st ............................................................. 1851-1856 1 m
Kalamazoo (Baldwin & Wallace) DAGUERREAN GALLERY and CAR ............................................................... 1854 1
Kalamazoo (Baldwin & Boughton) DAGUERREAN ARTISTS on Main st ............................................................ 1856 1
Dayton, Ohio, DAGUERREOTYPIST ............................................................................................................ 1856-1857 2
Kalamazoo AMBROTYPIST .................................................................................................................................... 1857 1
Kalamazoo AMBROTYPE & PHOTOGRAPH ARTIST on Main st east of Burdick st ................................ 1859-1860 m K
Kalamazoo PHOTOGRAPHER at 116 Main st .............................................................................................. 1862-1865 m 3
Kalamazoo (Baldwin & Perry) PHOTOGRAPHERS .......................................................................................... ca 1865 1
Kalamazoo (Baldwin & Prior) PHOTOGRAPHERS on Main st .................................................................... 1865-1867 3 m
Kalamazoo (Baldwin & Montague) PHOTOGRAPHERS on the third floor at 114 and 116 Main st ............. 1867-1868 K 1
Kalamazoo PHOTOGRAPHER at 116 Main st ........................................................................................................ 1868 t
Kalamazoo photographer ................................................................................................................................. 1869-1880 K t
Grand Rapids photographer ............................................................................................................................. 1875-1876 g
Kalamazoo landscape photographer .......................................................................................................................... 1880 4
Kalamazoo PHOTOGRAPHER at 1136 Academy st ...................................................................................... 1882-1889 K
Kalamazoo PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................................ 1891 K R
Schuyler was born in 1823 at Troy, New York, into an aristocratic family. His cousin Schuyler Colfax became vice- 1
president of the United States. Late in 1851 he purchased the gallery of Samuel K. Selkrig in Kalamazoo, remodeled it, 1 5
and opened it on November 28. His announcement stressed the 200 square foot area of the northern sky and side light, 5
his experience in Troy, the quality and permanence of his images, and his powerful new German instrument designed 5
expressly for copying and enlarging. He offered to take infants in from two to five seconds, to work in cloudy weather, 5
to take likenesses of the sick or dead at their residence, to give daguerreian instructions, and to provide cameras, stock 5
and chemicals to traveling artists. By May of 1854 he had a wagon gallery on the road manned by H. A, Wallace, and 5 1
J. E. Selkirk was in charge of the Kalamazoo studio during the summer of 1854 while Schuyler made his annual return 1
visit to Troy. Ambrotypist E. A. Boughton was hired to replace Wallace, and Schuyler made his first ambrotypes in 1
1856. Baldwin & Boughton were awarded a first premium for the best lot of daguerreotypes at the Kalamazoo County 1
Fair in 1856. Schuyler took his last daguerreotypes in April of 1857, and was awarded a first premium for the best 1
exhibit of ambrotypes at the Kalamazoo County Fair in September of 1857. In December of 1859 he claimed to have 1
won the first premium for eight successive years, was offering a dozen large photographs for $6.00, and had started 1
taking landscape photographs. His first outdoor views were issued in the card format, while later he used a stereo 1 t
camera almost exclusively. In 1866 the gallery was “... moved to first hall east of Wortley’s Corner over Oakes’ Drug t 1
Store and Pershall’s Harness Shop” where Baldwin & Prior were offering miniatures on porcelain, stereoscopic views, 1
and card photographs of Lincoln, Civil War generals and statesmen of the day. Baldwin & Montague produced cartes 1
de visite, ambrotypes, miniatures on porcelain and stereoscopic views of Kalamazoo. Schuyler did not maintain a 1
portrait gallery during the 1870s, and so was not listed in the gazetteers, but he was busy taking and selling stereo t
views. Besides views of Kalamazoo, he took stereo views of Niagara Falls in February of 1868, some views of t
Marshall and many of Battle Creek, and many views of Grand Rapids starting in 1874 or earlier. “Sold by all t
Booksellers in Kalamazoo” was printed on some of his stereo mounts, and “Post Office Address: Grand Rapids or t
Kalamazoo” was printed on others. He was single in 1880. “SCHUYLER C. BALDWIN, PHOTOGRAPHER, t 4
KALAMAZOO, MICH.” was stamped on the back of a 5 ¼ by 8 ½ inch mount of a photograph of fourteen gentlemen t
examining a hedge on the farm of William Ware near Kalamazoo. This photo was bound into an album promoting the t
Michigan Hedge Company about 1887. One S. C. Baldwin took stereo views of Cripple Creek, Colorado, around the t 6
turn of the century. Schuyler died at Grand Rapids on November 11, 1900, and was buried there. 6 1
1. Richard W. Welch, Sun Pictures in Kalamazoo, Kalamazoo Public Museum, 1974.
2. Diane VanSkiver Gagel, Ohio Photographers 1839-1900, Carl Mautz Publishing, Nevada City, California, 1998.
3. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1862-1866, National Archives, Washington, D.C.
4. 1880 Federal Census of the city of Kalamazoo in Kalamazoo County, Michigan.
5. Kalamazoo Gazette, November 28, 1851
6. William C. Darrah, The World of Stereographs, Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, 1977.

Balkanyi, Anthony
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 2232 Jefferson av west .................................................................................... 1916-1920 m d
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 8014 Jefferson av west .................................................................................... 1920-1928 m d
Bridgeport, Connecticut PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................ 1930 1
He was born Anton in Hungary on July 11, 1875, and his name was often spelled Balkany. In 1918 he was stout and 2 d
of average height with grey eyes and brown hair, and had declared his intention of becoming a naturalized citizen of 2
the United States. “Balkanyi; Photo Studio, 2232 W. Jefferson, Detroit, Mich.” was stamped on the post card backs of 2 t
studio portraits. The change in address during 1920 was caused by revisions in the numbering system, rather than by t d
relocation. Anthony was divorced by 1930, and had not obtained American citizenship. d 1
1. 1930 Federal Census of the city of Bridgeport in Fairfield County, Connecticut.
2. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.
Ball, _______
Dryden (Ball & Gass) PHOTOGRAPHERS ................................................................................................... 1865-1866 1
1. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1862-1866, National Archives, Washington, D.C.

Ball, _______
Ionia (Smith & Ball) PHOTOGRAPHERS ............................................................................................................... 1887 t
Myron O. Smith was Ball’s partner. m

Ball, Abraham P.
West Winfield, New York, painter ................................................................................................................... 1850,1860 1
West Winfield, New York, PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................ 1869 2
Eaton Rapids PHOTOGRAPHER on Main st at the northwest corner of Hamlin st ....................................... 1869-1877 m
Eaton Rapids PHOTOGRAPHER at 57 Main st ....................................................................................................... 1878 3
Eaton Rapids PHOTOGRAPHER on Main st ................................................................................................. 1878-1879 m
Eaton Rapids PHOTOGRAPHER at 65 Main st ............................................................................................. 1880-1885 1 m
Eaton Rapids (Ball & Son) PHOTOGRAPHERS ........................................................................................... 1886-1891 m
Eaton Rapids artist ..................................................................................................................................................... 1900 1
Abraham was born in April of 1818 in Massachusetts and Julia, his wife, was born in November of 1822 in New 1
York. They married about 1839, and their sons were born in New York: William in January of 1841, and Julius six 1
years later. The photographer often was listed as Abram P. Ball, and during the early 1880s as Adam P. Ball, but he 1 m
used simply A. P. Ball on his photo mounts. He produced excellent stereo views of Eaton Rapids and vicinity. “Ball & t
Son” was printed on some cabinet mounts, while “A. P. Ball & Son” was printed on others. Ball & Son were listed as t m
Eaton Rapids photographers in the gazetteer for 1891 along with Herbert Randall. Herbert overprinted three or more m t
types of Ball cabinet mounts as successor, and had at least one new printing with: “H. RANDALL, successor to Ball, t
Eaton Rapids, Mich.” t
1. 1850 and 1860 Federal Censes of Winfield Township in Herkimer County, New York, plus 1870 and 1880 Federal Censes of the
village of Eaton Rapids and 1900 Federal Census of the First Ward of Eaton Rapids in Eaton County, Michigan.
2. Learned in 2002 from Don Fredgant of Lakewood, Ohio.
3. Eaton, Barry & Ingham County Directory, 1878, Charles E. Mudge, Lansing, Michigan.

Ball, Alexander
Lansing photographer ................................................................................................................................................ 1894 1
Lansing meat market proprietor ................................................................................................................................. 1896 1
1. Lansing City Directories, 1894 and 1896, Chilson & McKinley, Lansing.

Ball, Bessie, Miss

Detroit retoucher for photographer Charles A. Millard ............................................................................................. 1890 d

Ball, Elizabeth M.
Detroit retoucher .............................................................................................................................................. 1898-1902 d

Ball, Frederick H.
Davison Township child ............................................................................................................................................ 1870 1
Davison Township farmer on his mother’s farm ........................................................................................................ 1880 1
Flint express company driver ..................................................................................................................................... 1892 f
Imlay City PHOTOGRAPHER ....................................................................................................................... 1894-1897 m
Imlay City furniture dealer ............................................................................................................................... 1898-1899 m
Flint clerk in an express office ................................................................................................................................... 1900 1
All four of their parents came from New York, and Fred and his wife were born in Michigan, he in February of 1864 1
and Melissa one month earlier. Fred was third of the five children of Henry and Elizabeth Ball. His father was gone by 1
1880, and Fred was doing the work of a man. He and Melissa were married about 1885. Melissa worked as a clerk for 1 f
Flint photographer Charles E. Baldwin in 1892. Fred’s Imlay City cabinet photographs included the Methodist Church, f t
five men with a hoe, a shovel and a pitchfork, and a dressed up boy with his tricycle as well as ordinary portraits. The t
Balls were childless in 1900. 1
1. 1870 and 1880 Federal Censes of Davison Township and 1900 Federal Census of the Second Ward of Flint in Genesee County,
Ball, Julius A.
West Winfield, New York, child or student ...................................................................................................... 1850,1860 1
Jonesville PHOTOGRAPHER in the Stone Front Block on the north side of Chicago st ............................... 1874-1875 2 m
Albion PHOTOGRAPHER on Superior st ...................................................................................................... 1878-1881 m
Albion PHOTOGRAPHER in the Dalrymple Block at 47 Superior st ............................................................ 1882-1885 m 3
Eaton Rapids (Ball & Son) PHOTOGRAPHERS ........................................................................................... 1886-1891 m
Julius was born in New York State in 1846 or early in 1847, the younger son of Abraham P. and Julia A. Ball. His 1
brother William was six years older. Anna was born in New York about 1849, and she married Julius in the early 1
1870s. Their daughter Millie was born there in 1872 or early in 1873, and their son Charlie was born in Michigan two 1
years later. Julius succeeded J. H. Hunter as Jonesville’s photographer. He employed Frank S. Barnum as a 2 3
photographer in 1883. He was living in Albion with his wife and two children in 1885, and his brother William Z. Ball 3 4
was boarding with them. Julius was succeeded by Frank H. Nix in Albion, and was associated with his father, Abraham 4 t
P. Ball, in Eaton Rapids. t m
1. 1850 and 1860 Federal Censes of Winfield Township in Herkimer County, New York, plus 1880 Federal Census of the village of
Albion in Calhoun County, Michigan.
2. Hillsdale directory, 1874, Burch.
3. Calhoun County directory, 1883.
4. Albion city directory, 1885.

Ball, Lyman L.
Milan Township baby ................................................................................................................................................ 1880 1
Rochester PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................ 1898-1905 m
Northville PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................ 1906-1913 R m
Hastings PHOTOGRAPHER .................................................................................................................................... 1917 2
Northville PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................ 1918-1927 m
Plymouth PHOTOGRAPHER ......................................................................................................................... 1924-1927 m
Northville PHOTOGRAPHER at 121 Main st east ................................................................................................... 1929 3
Plymouth PHOTOGRAPHER at 295 Main st south ........................................................................................ 1929-1938 3 m
His parents came from Vermont and New York, and Lyman was born in Michigan in August of 1879, last of the nine 1
or more children of Moses and Evaline Ball. Her parents came from New York, Genevieve or Jennie was born in 1
Michigan in May of 1880, and she married Lyman in 1899. They still were married in 1910, and had no children. 1
“Photo by BALL” was lettered on the negatives of post card photographs of Northville numbered from 1 to 12, t
including views of streets, the library, the interurban railway, the fishery and various bodies of water. Lyman t
advertised locally early in 1911: “PORTRAIT PHOTOGRAPHY Done in a Workmanship Like Manner. Every t 4
Picture and Every Dozen POSITIVELY GUARANTEED. Our Prices are Reasonable and Our Styles are Always Up 4
to Date. When in need of PHOTOGRAPHS come to us. Picture Framing to Order. The Northville Art Studio, L. L. 4
BALL, Artist. NORTHVILLE, MICH.” By early in 1920 Lyman had lived in Michigan for forty years, and he now 4 1
had a 26-year-old wife named Bessie who was born in Michigan. 1
1. 1880 Federal Census of Milan Township in Monroe County, 1900 Federal Census of the village of Rochester in Oakland County, plus
1910 Federal Census of the village of Northville and 1920 Federal Census of the village of Plymouth in Wayne County, Michigan.
2. Barry County Rural Directory, 1917-1922, Wilmer-Atkinson Company, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
3. Plymouth and Northville City Directories, 1929, 1931, 1933, 1935 and 1938, R. L. Polk & Company, Detroit.
4. The Seniorette, published by the Class of 1911 at Northville High School. Noted by Don Fredgant of Lakewood, Ohio.

Ball, Robert
Clinton PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................ 1864-1865 1
Hillsdale PHOTOGRAPHER .......................................................................................................................... 1865-1866 1
Hillsdale (Ball & Beall) over Allison’s Store in the Underwood Block .................................................................... 1866 2
Hillsdale PHOTOGRAPHER .................................................................................................................................... 1866 2
Some of Robert’s cartes de visite from Clinton carry two one-cent revenue stamps, while some from Hillsdale have t
only a single one-cent stamp. He produced tintypes in carte de visite sized paper mounts at Hillsdale. In May of 1866 t 2
Ball & Beall called their rooms the Union Photograph Gallery and were prepared to execute all styles of pictures 2
known to the art, such as Photographs, Ambrotypes, Gems, Porcelain, and Ivorytypes. They also did copying in the 2
best style of the art, and as cheap as could be had in Hillsdale. Robert Ball advertised using the identical words three 2
months later. 2
1. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1862-1866, National Archives, Washington, D.C.
2. Hillsdale Standard, Hillsdale, Michigan, May 29 and August 14, 1866. Noted by James G. Donaldson of Detroit, Michigan.
Ball, Sidney R.
Waterford, New York, student ................................................................................................................................... 1850 1
Attica Township farmer on his father’s farm ............................................................................................................. 1860 1
Lapeer (Sidney R. Ball & Company) PHOTOGRAPHERS ...................................................................................... 1866 2
Attica Township laborer on his father’s farm ............................................................................................................ 1870 1
Attica PHOTOGRAPHER on Main st .............................................................................................................. 1872-1873 m
Arcadia Township farmer .......................................................................................................................................... 1880 1
Attica Township farmer ............................................................................................................................................. 1900 1
Sidney was born in the state of New York in March of 1841, eldest of the four children of John and Hannah Ball. His 1
brother Charles was three years younger, and their sisters were much younger. Mary was born in New York in 1849, 1
and she married Sidney about 1868. Their children were born in Michigan: John, Cora, Dollie and Fred between 1869 1
and 1877, Charles in December of 1881, Clio in August of 1883, and Claude in November of 1885. By 1900 Sidney 1
was a widower, and his parents still were working the neighboring farm. 1
1. 1850 Federal Census of Waterford in Saratoga County, New York, plus 1860, 1870 and 1900 Federal Censes of Attica Township and
1880 Federal Census of Arcadia Township in Lapeer County, Michigan.
2. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1862-1866, National Archives, Washington, D.C.

Ball, William Z.
West Winfield, New York, student ............................................................................................................................ 1850 1
West Winfield, New York, painter ............................................................................................................................ 1860 1
United States Army soldier .............................................................................................................................. 1862-1865 2
Eaton Rapids painter .................................................................................................................................................. 1870 1
Eaton Rapids resident ................................................................................................................................................ 1872 3
Fowlerville PHOTOGRAPHER ...................................................................................................................... 1876-1881 m
Hastings PHOTOGRAPHER one door from the post office on Jefferson st ................................................... 1882-1885 m t
Albion resident .......................................................................................................................................................... 1885 4
Saranac PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................ 1886-1889 m
Washington, District of Columbia, government clerk ................................................................................................ 1900 1
Washington, District of Columbia, clerk in the war department ................................................................................ 1910 1
Washington, District of Columbia, resident ..................................................................................................... 1915-1920 1
William was born January 25, 1841, at West Winfield, New York, the elder son of Abraham P. and Julia A. Ball. He 2 1
enlisted as a corporal in Company E of the 152nd New York Infantry at Mohawk, New York, on September 22, 1862. 2
He was hospitalized with jaundice in March and April of 1863, and with diarrhea in July of the same year. Later in 2
July and August he was convalescent from a gun shot wound in his right shoulder. From February through April of 2
1864 he was back in Michigan on recruiting service. William was wounded again in the right shoulder at Petersburg, 2
Virginia, during the third week of June in 1864. Following two months of treatment this wound still impaired the use 2
of his right arm. He was furloughed for thirty days, and then transferred to the Third Company of the Second Battalion 2
of the Veteran Reserve Corps. He was honorably discharged from the army at Washington, D. C., on July 6, 1865. 2
Rosanna A. Byerns was born in New York in April of 1845, usually was called Rosa, and married William at Rome, 2 1
New York, on September 12, 1864. Their sons were born in New York: Warren on August 31, 1868, and William on 2 1
May 20, 1870. Their daughters were born in Michigan: Nellie on April 9, 1872, and Julia on October 27, 1877. 2 1
William’s Fowlerville gallery was opposite the post office according to some of his card mounts, and was listed at the t m
corner of Grand River and Grand Avenue in 1878. He boarded with his brother Julius A. Ball at Albion in 1885. Some m 4
card mounts placed his gallery “… Over Watt & Cahoon’s Store, SARANAC, MICH. Negatives Preserved. Old t
Pictures Copied and Enlarged. Views of Residences and Other Out of Door Work done on application.” Rosa died at t 2
Washington on February 5, 1911, and in 1920 William was living there with the family of his daughter Nellie and her 2 1
husband, William R. Baker. 1
1. 1850 and 1860 Federal Censes of Winfield Township in Herkimer County, New York, 1880 Federal Census of the village of
Fowlerville in Livingston County, Michigan, plus 1900, 1910 and 1920 Federal Censes of the Ninth Precinct of Washington, D. C.
2. Civil War Veteran Pension Record of William Z. Ball obtained from the National Archives at Washington, D. C.
3. Eaton County Directory, 1872, C. Exera Brown, East Saginaw, Michigan.
4. Albion city directory, 1885.
Ballard, David Levi
Bay City PHOTOGRAPHER at 109 Center av ......................................................................................................... 1909 b
Bay City (Postal Studio) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 904 Water st north ....................................................................... 1910 b
Bay City PHOTOGRAPHER at 904 Water st north ........................................................................................ 1910-1911 b m
Bay City manager of the Ballard Collection Agency ................................................................................................. 1911 b
Bay City PHOTOGRAPHER at 904 Water st north .................................................................................................. 1913 b
Bay City bookkeeper ................................................................................................................................................. 1916 b
Bay City state representative for the Bay City Times Tribune ................................................................................... 1918 1
David was born in the United States on November 25, 1883. The Postal Studio offered portrait and commercial 1 b
photography. The Ballard Collection Agency was also at 904 North Water Street. In 1918 David’s height and weight b 1
were average, he had brown eyes and black hair, and he was married to a lady named Matilda. 1
1. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.

Ballaun, Walter
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 1150 Chene st ........................................................................................................... 1919 d
Detroit (Ballaun & Prusinski) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 402 Canfield av east .................................................. 1919-1920 d
Detroit (Ballaun & Prusinski) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 1466 Canfield av east ................................................ 1920-1921 d m
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 5456 Chene st ........................................................................................................... 1921 d
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 1466 Canfield av east ...................................................................................... 1921-1926 d
One listing in 1919 was for Waclaw Ballaun, and another in 1920 was for Wenceslaus Ballaun. He was born in the d 1
Polish region of Russia in 1889, and he immigrated in 1912. He was living alone in 1920, was single, and had not 1
obtained United States citizenship. The change in address in 1920 was due to widespread revisions in the numbering 1 d
system, and was not due to relocation. “BALLAUN - TWO STUDIOS - 1466 CANFIELD AVE. E., 5456 CHENE d t
ST.” was printed on the post card backs of studio portraits. t
1. 1920 Federal Census of the Eleventh Ward of Detroit in Wayne County, Michigan.

Balleray, Mary, Miss

Detroit clerk ............................................................................................................................................................... 1883 d
Detroit retoucher for photographer Corydon C. Randall ........................................................................................... 1884 d
Matilda Balleray was born in Canada in 1856 or early in 1857. In 1880 she was living in Detroit with her 33-year- 1
old brother William, who was a perfumer. Her 33-year-old sister Louise was keeping house for the family, and her 21- 1
year-old sister Frances also was living there. 1
1. 1880 Federal Census of the city of Detroit in Wayne County, Michigan.

Ballour, David
Turner PHOTOGRAPHER .................................................................................................................................. ca 1900 1
1. Calvin E. Ennes, History of Arenac County, Michigan, published in various issues of Michigan Heritage Magazine between 1966
and 1973.
Balsley, George W.
Mildmay, Ontario, PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................... 1876-1879 1 2
Detroit photographer ........................................................................................................................................ 1881-1882 d
Detroit photo printer for photographer Joseph E. Watson ......................................................................................... 1883 d
Detroit photographer ........................................................................................................................................ 1884-1886 d
Detroit artist ............................................................................................................................................................... 1887 d
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 520 Michigan av ............................................................................................. 1888-1891 d m
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 510 Michigan av ............................................................................................. 1892-1919 d m
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER ....................................................................................................................................... 1920 3
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 1708 Michigan av ........................................................................................... 1921-1934 d
Buffalo, New York, had a photographer at 66 Chicago Street in 1874 named George Bolsley. All four parents of the 4 3
Balsleys emigrated from the Alsace-Lorraine region that was sometimes in France and sometimes in Germany. George 3
was born in New York in June of 1853, the son of Henry and Mary Balsley. Josephine was born in Ontario in June of 3 2
1863, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Broglin. She claimed to be nineteen years old when they were married at 3 2
Mildmay on November 24, 1879. They came to the United States in 1880, and their daughter Caroline was born in 2 3
Detroit in December of 1884. George’s name almost invariably was spelled “Bolsley” in directories of the 1880s as 3 d
well as on some of his cabinet mounts. The Detroit galleries were on the ground floor at both 520 and 510 Michigan t d
Avenue. George did some outdoor photography in the cabinet format during the 1890s, and mounted a 4 by 3 inch d t
photograph of three men and a horse in front of the blacksmith shop at 1221 John R on a 6 by 4¾ card a few years t
later. Josephine was living in 1910, but by 1920 George was a widower providing a home for his daughter Carrie and t 3
two grandsons. He died in Detroit on April 26, 1939. 3 5
1. Glen C. Phillips, The Ontario Photographers List (1851-1900), Iron Gate Publishing Company, Sarnia, Ontario.
2. Ontario, Canada Marriages, 1857-1924.
3. 1900, 1910 and 1920 Federal Censes of the Eighth Ward of Detroit in Wayne County, Michigan.
4. Chris Andrle, Photographers 1855-1881, Buffalo, New York, www.rootsweb.com/~nyerie/buffalo/photo.htm
5. Detroit Death Index in the Burton Historical Collection of the Detroit Public Library at Detroit, Michigan.
Bancroft, Ann, Mrs.
Almont Township farm wife ...................................................................................................................................... 1860 1
Memphis PHOTOGRAPHER ......................................................................................................................... 1865-1868 2 3
Almont housewife ...................................................................................................................................................... 1870 1
Goodland Township farm wife .................................................................................................................................. 1880 1
Flint dress maker ........................................................................................................................................................ 1900 1
Saginaw resident ........................................................................................................................................................ 1910 1
Silas J. Bancroft was born in Ohio in 1829 or 1830, Elizabeth Ann Bancroft (usually called Betsy or Betsey) was 1
born in Michigan in January of 1836, and they married about 1851. Their sons Royal and Noble were born in 1
Michigan between 1852 and 1855, and their daughter Elizabeth was born here in June of 1872. Silas as a Memphis 1 2
dentist, and Ann as a photographer, were assessed at the same times. Silas was an Almont dentist in 1872. Betsey was 3 m
providing a home for her daughter, her son-in-law, and her grandson in 1900. She was living alone in 1910. 1
1. 1860 Federal Census of Almont Township, 1870 Federal Census of the village of Almont, and 1880 Federal Census of Goodland
Township in Lapeer County, plus 1900 Federal Census of the Second Ward of Flint in Genesee County and 1910 Federal Census
of the Seventh Ward of Saginaw in Saginaw County, Michigan.
2. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1862-1866, National Archives, Washington, D.C.
3. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1867-1868, Great Lakes Branch of the National Archives, Chicago, Illinois.

Bancroft, George H.
Bruce Township child or student ...................................................................................................................... 1860,1870 1
Bruce Township photographer ................................................................................................................................... 1880 1
Highland grocer ......................................................................................................................................................... 1900 1
Ann Arbor resident .................................................................................................................................................... 1910 1
George was the son of Hiram T. and Mary A. Bancroft, who both came from New York. He and his twin brother 1
William were born in Michigan in June of 1857, and grew up on the family farm. Their sister Caroline was born three 1
years earlier. Mary was born in Michigan to parents from New York in March of 1856, and she married George about 1
1881. Their children had the same names as their parents. George H. Bancroft was born in April of 1889, and Mary A. 1
Bancroft was born in September of 1891. The senior George was not employed in 1910, but had income adequate to 1
provide for himself and his family. 1
1. 1860, 1870 and 1880 Federal Censes of Bruce Township in Macomb County, 1900 Federal Census of Highland Township in
Oakland County, and 1910 Federal Census of the Seventh Ward of Ann Arbor in Washtenaw County, Michigan.
Bancroft, Robert F.
Menomonee Township, Wisconsin, laborer on his father’s farm ............................................................................... 1850 1
Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin, carpenter ................................................................................................................... 1860 1
Traverse City PHOTOGRAPHER at the southeast corner of Front and Union sts .......................................... 1866-1869 2 3
Platte Township photographer ................................................................................................................................... 1870 1
Lake Township farmer ............................................................................................................................................... 1880 1
Aral contractor ................................................................................................................................................. 1884-1887 m
Aral farmer ...................................................................................................................................................... 1888-1889 m
Aral general store proprietor ............................................................................................................................ 1890-1903 m 4
Robert was born in New York State on January 15, 1833, one of the sons of Daniel and Dimmas (Sweet) Bancroft. 4 1
Julia was born there in December of 1837, and she married Robert in 1854 at Geneva, New York. They soon joined 1 4
Robert’s parents in Wisconsin. When he was drafted in 1863, Robert hired a substitute to take his place as a soldier, 4
and then voluntarily went to the army camps as a photographer. At the end of the war he returned to Wisconsin for a 4
short while, and then moved Julia and their 5-year-old daughter Anna to Traverse City, Michigan. He had purchased 4
122 acres at the mouth of Otter Creek, 25 miles west of Traverse City, for $600.00 in 1864. He retained this land while 4
buying and selling other properties and operating a tintype and photograph gallery in Traverse City. In September of 4 2
1867 he advised prospective patrons to call soon, as he intended to close his daguerreian gallery early in October and 2
leave the city. Apparently his plans changed, for again in February of 1869 he stated that he would remain in town only 2
six weeks longer, and that those who wanted ambrotypes, photographs or anything in that line should call soon at his 2
photograph gallery near Cutler’s Hotel. Robert built a log cabin near Otter Creek 200 yards from Lake Michigan, and 2 4
later built a barn and planted black locust trees and an apple orchard on one of the first homesteads in what was 4
organized in 1873 as Lake Township of Benzie County. Years later, when the white pine in the area was being logged 4
and a sawmill was being erected at the mouth of Otter Creek, he built a large dock out into Lake Michigan to 4
implement lumber shipments. Since there were already Michigan postoffices named Otter Creek and Bancroft, in June 4
of 1883 the settlement was finally named Aral. Robert built a new house of sawn lumber and siding and a general 4
store. He sold lots along the south side of Aral’s main street on which houses and stores were built, but retained the 4
entire north side of the street except for the one-acre school ground which he deeded to the community in 1886. Robert 4
was postmaster of Aral from 1888 until 1893, succeeded by Julia who was postmaster through 1897. Robert died at 4 m
Aral in 1903. Julia died there in 1910. Their son Albert or Bertie inherited the property and lived there until 1922, m 4
when he was 45 and his was the last family to leave the area. The Sleeping Bear National Lakeshore now includes the 1 4
site of Aral. 4
1. 1850 and 1860 Federal Censes of Menomonee Township in Waukesha County, Wisconsin, as well as 1870 Federal Census of
Platte Township plus 1880 and 1900 Federal Censes of Lake Township in Benzie County, Michigan.
2. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1862-1866, National Archives, Washington, D.C.
3. Grand Traverse Herald, Traverse City, September 6, 1867, and February 11, 1869.
4. Theodore and Bonita Reuschel, “The Story of Aral ...” in A Wind Gone Down: Out of the Wilderness, Michigan Department of
State, 1978.

Bandeen, James M.
Blissfield PHOTOGRAPHER ......................................................................................................................... 1888-1889 m
James advertised as a “... PHOTOGRAPHIC ARTIST. Children’s Photos and Cabinets a Specialty. First-Class m
Work. Call and See Us....” He may have been born in Ohio in 1862 or early in 1863, fourth of the five children of m 1
William and Jane Bandeen. They were farming in 1880 in Center Township of Wood County, Ohio, about thirty miles 1
southeast of Blissfield, and James was listed as a farm laborer. 1
1. 1880 Federal Census of Center Township in Wood County, Ohio.

Bandkau, Fred, Junior

Owosso PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................................. ca 1890 t
“Fred Bandkau, Jr., Owosso, Mich.” was stamped in red script on the back of the 8 by 10 inch mounts of 4¾ by 7¾ t
prints, including one of a log homestead. Fred probably was the son of the Fred and Sophia Bandkau that were born in t 1
Prussia between 1817 and 1820, arrived in Michigan in 1871, and were farming in Caledonia Township of Shiawassee 2 1
County in 1880. 1
1. 1880 Federal Census of Caledonia Township in Shiawassee County, Michigan.
2. Naturalization Records of Shiawassee County, Michigan, 1854-1906.

Banister, _______
Alma PHOTOGRAPHER ..................................................................................................................................... ca 1890 t
Alma (Banister & Company) PHOTOGRAPHERS ............................................................................................. ca 1890 t
Ithaca (Dangerfield & Banister) PHOTOGRAPHERS ......................................................................................... ca 1892 t
Saint Johns PHOTOGRAPHER in the Cottage Studio ......................................................................................... ca 1895 t
Banister, Thomas
Saint Louis PHOTOGRAPHER ...................................................................................................................... 1892-1894 m 1
Frankfort PHOTOGRAPHER ......................................................................................................................... 1894-1899 m
Frankfort PHOTOGRAPHER ......................................................................................................................... 1906-1907 R
Some directories spelled his name “Bannister,” but the spelling shown here was used consistently on six different m t
cabinet mounts and a later 7 ¼ by 5 ¼ mount, and blind stamped into the 7 by 9 inch mount of a photograph of the first t
train arriving in front of the first hotel at Beulah, Michigan. t
1. The Blue Book for Amateur Photographers ... 1895: compiled early in 1894 by Walter Sprange, Beach Bluff, Massachusetts.

Bank, Edward
Detroit photographer .................................................................................................................................................. 1870 d

Bank, J. A.
Please see the entry for James A. Banks.

Bankes, William
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 141 Michigan av ............................................................................................. 1869-1870 m
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 31 Monroe av ............................................................................................................ 1871 d
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 59 Monroe av .................................................................................................. 1872-1874 d m
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................. 1874-1875 m
“BANKES’ Photographic Studio, Michigan Avenue, Corner First Street, DETROIT.” was printed on some of t
William’s card mounts, while “W. BANKS, PHOTOGRAPHER, 59 Monroe Ave., Detroit” was printed on others. t

Banks, _______
Ontonagon (Raven & Banks) PHOTOGRAPHERS ............................................................................................. ca 1890 t

Banks, James A.
Commerce Township student ..................................................................................................................................... 1850 1
East Saginaw laborer ................................................................................................................................................. 1860 1
Walled Lake PHOTOGRAPHER .................................................................................................................... 1866-1867 m
Greenville carpenter ................................................................................................................................................... 1870 1
Ionia artist ........................................................................................................................................................ 1880-1882 1 2
Detroit grocery clerk ........................................................................................................................................ 1884-1887 d
Detroit carpenter ........................................................................................................................................................ 1888 d
Detroit grocer ............................................................................................................................................................. 1889 d
Detroit carpenter ........................................................................................................................................................ 1890 d
Detroit optician ................................................................................................................................................ 1891-1899 d
Detroit clerk for the Johnston Optical Company ....................................................................................................... 1900 1 d
Detroit optician ................................................................................................................................................ 1901-1907 d
Detroit resident ................................................................................................................................................ 1908-1911 d
Detroit resident .......................................................................................................................................................... 1920 1
His parents came from New York and James was born in Michigan in May of 1837, second of the eight children of 1
William and Jane Banks. Harriett E. Lawrence was born in Michigan in August of 1836, and she married James about 1
1862. Their children were born in Michigan: Addison in June of 1863, Myrtie in 1865 or early in 1866, Minnie in 1
January of 1873, and Ethel in June of 1876. The two younger girls remained single and lived at home through 1920. 1
Minnie was a school teacher and Ethel clerked for an optical company. Harriett’s sister Emily was born in May of 1
1839, remained single, and became part of the Banks household before 1880. Harriett died, and Emily married James 1
about 1908. 1
1. 1850 Federal Census of Commerce Township in Oakland County, 1860 Federal Census of the city of East Saginaw in Saginaw
County, 1870 Federal Census of the village of Greenville in Montcalm County, 1880 Federal Census of the Third and Fourth Wards
of Ionia in Ionia County, plus 1900, 1910 and 1920 Federal Censes of the Sixth Ward of Detroit in Wayne County, Michigan.
2. Ionia City Directory 1882-3, Baerd & Silcox, Ionia, Michigan.

Banks, W.
Please see the entry for William Bankes.
Bannan, John M.
Three Rivers PHOTOGRAPHER ......................................................................................................................... ca 1864 t 1
Three Rivers (Bannan & Sigler Picture Gallery) PHOTOGRAPHERS .......................................................... 1865-1867 2 m
Some cartes de visite by John M. Bannan carried three-cent revenue stamps. His photographic partner was John E. 1 2
Sigler. m
1. eBay item 6177895322 in May of 2005 included a carte de visite by John M. Bannan with a revenue stamp.
2. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1862-1866, National Archives, Washington, D.C.

Bannister, _______
Midland (Bannister & Berryman) PHOTOGRAPHERS ...................................................................................... ca 1883 t
Bannister & Berryman put up tintypes in 5 by 3¼ inch paper folders. Edwin C. Berryman had some professional t 1
photographic experience prior to forming the partnership with Bannister, and he continued as a Midland photographer 1 m
until 1891. m
1. Portrait and Biographical Album of Midland County, Michigan, Chapman Brothers, Chicago, 1884, page 260.

Bannister, Frank T.
Adrian child ............................................................................................................................................................... 1860 1
Providence Township, Virginia, farm hand on his father’s farm ............................................................................... 1870 1
East Saginaw clerk in a store ..................................................................................................................................... 1880 1
East Saginaw photographer ........................................................................................................................................ 1883 s
Glenwood City, Wisconsin, PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................ 1886-1904 2
New Richmond, Wisconsin, PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................ 1886-1912 2
Glenwood City, Wisconsin, (F. T. Bannister & Son) PHOTOGRAPHERS .................................................... 1905-1912 2
Glenwood City, Wisconsin, PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................ 1913-1916 2
New Richmond, Wisconsin, PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................ 1913-1916 2
Frank was born in Michigan about 1855, a son of William D. and Lucinda Bannister. In 1860 his father was a 1
balloonist. Rosa (often Rose) was born in Michigan to English parents in the spring of 1855, and she married Frank 1
about 1873. Their daughter Ara and their son Orson were born in Michigan between 1874 and 1879, and their sons 1
Frank and Guy were born in Wisconsin between 1884 and 1891. It was reported early in 1884 that photographer T. F. 1 3
Bannister of East Saginaw had moved to Iowa. Frank C. Bannister was his father’s photographic partner in Glenwood 3 1
City from 1905 until 1912. Rosa was a New Richmond widow by 1920, and in 1930 she was living with the family of 1
her oldest son in Evansville, Wisconsin. 1
1. 1860 Federal Census of the Fourth Ward of Adrian in Lenawee County and 1880 Federal Census of the city of East Saginaw in
Saginaw County, Michigan, 1870 Federal Census of Providence Township in Fairfax County, Virginia, plus 1910 and 1920
Federal Censes of the Second Ward of New Richmond in St. Croix County and 1930 Federal Census of the First Ward of
Evansville in Rock County, Wisconsin.
2. Directory of Wisconsin Photographers; State Historical Society of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin, 1991.
3. The. Photographic Times; New York, volume 14, number 158, February 1884.

Bannister, Theron E.
Frankfort PHOTOGRAPHER ......................................................................................................................... 1902-1908 m R

Bannister, Thomas
Please see the entry for Thomas Banister.

Barbeau, Robert W.
Oswego, New York, photographer ............................................................................................................................ 1888 1
Oswego, New York, PHOTOGRAPHER at 23 Bridge st west ....................................................................... 1890-1892 1
Detroit photographer .................................................................................................................................................. 1893 d
Detroit photo printer for photographers C. M. Hayes & Company .................................................................. 1894-1900 d
Detroit commercial traveler ....................................................................................................................................... 1901 2
Detroit photographer .................................................................................................................................................. 1902 d
Detroit traveling agent or salesman ................................................................................................................. 1903-1925 d
San Diego, California, picture salesman .................................................................................................................... 1930 3
Los Angeles, California, resident ..................................................................................................................... 1945-1946 4
Robert was born in New York State on October 6, 1872, a son of John and Mary Barbeau. Edith E. Coombes was 2 4
born in Ontario to English parents on April 25, 1873, the daughter of John and Emma (Epps) Coombes. She 2 3
immigrated to Detroit in 1900 and married Robert at Essex, Ontario, on June 29, 1901. She became a naturalized 3 2
citizen of the United States in 1907, and she never had children. She and Robert were living in Greenfield Township of 3
Wayne County in 1910, and Robert was selling for Eastman Kodak in both 1910 and 1920. He was staying in a San 3
Diego hotel in 1930, and he died at Los Angeles on March 6, 1946. Edith died at Los Angeles on February 12, 1953. 3 4
1. Learned in 2002 from Don Fredgant of Lakewood, Ohio.
2. Ontario, Canada Marriages 1857-1924.
3. 1910 Federal Census of Greenfield Township and 1920 Federal Census of the Sixth Ward of Detroit in Wayne County, Michigan,
plus 1930 Federal Census of the city of San Diego in San Diego County, California.
4. California Death Index, 1940-1997.
Barber, _______
Somerset Center PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................... ca 1911 t
Captions such as “Home Coming, Somerset Center, Mich” and “Depot, Somerset Center, Mich” were lettered on the t
negatives of post card photographs along with an artistic “Barber.” The cards were dated or mailed between January t
and June of 1912. “Camp Roberts, Bird Lake, Mich. Barber.” was lettered on several post card negatives at about this t
time in a somewhat different artistic style. Bird Lake is 22 miles southwest of Somerset Center. t 1
1. Michigan County Maps & Outdoor Guide, Michigan United Conservation Clubs, Lansing, Michigan.

Barber, _______
Temperance PHOTOGRAPHER .......................................................................................................................... ca 1913 t
“BARBER” was lettered on the negatives of post card photographs along with such captions as: “Temperance, Mich. t
Main Street” and “School, Temperance, Mich.” and “Baptist Church, Temperance, Mich.” Some of these cards were t
postmarked in 1913. t

Barber, A. S.
Adrian (Merrick & Barber) AMBROTYPE & PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY ........................................................... 1859 A
Adrian (Merrick & Barber) PHOTOGRAPH ARTISTS in Walby’s Block .................................................... 1859-1865 m
The gallery of Merrick & Barber was on the south side of Maumee Street between Main and Broad Streets in 1859. A

Barber, Hiram S.
Detroit carpenter ........................................................................................................................................................ 1893 d
Detroit photographer .................................................................................................................................................. 1894 d
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 120 Michigan av .................................................................................................. ca 1895 t
Detroit photographer .................................................................................................................................................. 1896 d

Bardeen, _______
Albion PHOTOGRAPHER ....................................................................................................................................... 1915 t
“ALBION ACADEMY FIRE - 3/1/15 BARDEEN” was lettered on the negatives of a series of post card t
photographs. Some of the cards were lightly hand tinted. t

Bardeen, D’Alton C.
Manistee PHOTOGRAPHER at 74 Oak st ...................................................................................................... 1910-1911 1 m
1. Manistee County Directory, 1910, R. L. Polk & Company, Detroit.

Barden, Emmet J.
Detroit student ........................................................................................................................................................... 1910 1
Detroit photographer for the Detroit News ................................................................................................................ 1919 d
Detroit photographer for the Evening News Association ........................................................................................... 1920 d
Detroit autoworker ..................................................................................................................................................... 1922 d
Detroit photographer for the Detroit Times ............................................................................................................... 1925 d
Detroit photographer for the Detroit News ...................................................................................................... 1926-1928 d
Detroit photographer for the Detroit Free Press ........................................................................................................ 1930 d
Detroit photographer for the Detroit Daily Mirror Incorporated ............................................................................... 1931 d
Detroit photographer for the Detroit News ................................................................................................................ 1932 d
Emmet was born in Michigan in 1901 or early in 1902, the son of Michael P. and Agnes Barden. His father was born 1
in Canada to Irish parents about 1871, moved to the United States in 1882 and became a naturalized citizen. His 1
mother was a native of Michigan and got married about 1900. Her younger son was born about 1904. Nora was born in 1
Canada in 1904 or early in 1905, and she married Emmet about 1925. She was working as an operator in a beauty shop 1
in 1930. In 1931 and 1932 Emmet was commuting across the Detroit River to his newspaper jobs from their home in 1 d
Windsor, Ontario. d
1. 1910 Federal Census of the 13th District, 1920 Federal Census of the 16th Ward and 1930 Federal Census of the Fourth Ward of
Detroit in Wayne County, Michigan.

Bardwell, J. E.
Union City PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................................. 1867 1
1. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1867-1868, Great Lakes Branch of the National Archives, Chicago, Illinois.
Bardwell, John Jex
Clarkston distiller .................................................................................................................................................. ca 1847 1
Marshall dry goods merchant ..................................................................................................................................... 1848 1
Marshall (Jones & Bardwell) DAGUERREOTYPISTS .................................................................................. 1849-1852 1 2
Saint Paul, Minnesota, manager of the daguerreotype gallery of Joel Emmons Whitney ................................ 1853-1854 3 4
Marshall DAGUERREOTYPIST .................................................................................................................... 1854-1858 3 2
Detroit photographer .................................................................................................................................................. 1859 3
Detroit AMBROTYPE, PHOTOGRAPH & STEREOSCOPIC GALLERY above 162 Jefferson av ....................... 1860 1 d
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER up stairs at 162 Jefferson av ................................................................................ 1861-1868 d
Detroit (Bardwell & Raymond) PHOTOGRAPHERS over 148 Woodward av ........................................................ 1869 5 t
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER over 148 Woodward av ....................................................................................... 1869-1870 d
Detroit LANDSCAPE & GENERAL BUSINESS PHOTOGRAPHER at 31 Monroe av ............................... 1870-1877 m d
Detroit manager of the Bardwell Photo Engraving Company at 228 Cass av ............................................................ 1878 d
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER & PHOTO PRINTER at 228 Cass av ................................................................. 1878-1879 m d
Detroit PHOTO-MECHANICAL PRINTER at 120 Michigan av ............................................................................. 1880 d
Detroit photographer ........................................................................................................................................ 1881-1882 d
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 555 Michigan av on the corner of Twelfth st .................................................. 1882-1883 m d
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 561 Michigan av ............................................................................................. 1884-1885 d m
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 555 Michigan av ....................................................................................................... 1885 d
Detroit photographer ........................................................................................................................................ 1886-1887 d
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER over 115 Jefferson av .......................................................................................... 1888-1889 d
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 53 Rowland st ........................................................................................................... 1890 d
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at the rear of 93 Cass av ...................................................................................... 1890-1893 m d
Detroit Professor of Photography at the Detroit School of Arts ...................................................................... 1892-1893 d
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at the rear of 93 Cass av ...................................................................................... 1894-1901 d m
Detroit photographer ........................................................................................................................................ 1901-1902 d
Jex was born on October 24, 1824, on Wood Street in the Cheapside district of London, and was later sent to school 3
in the village of Midhurst, halfway to the southern coast of England. His father, a man of considerable means, 3 1
emigrated to the United States and purchased a farm a few miles north of Ann Arbor, Michigan, where he was joined 3 1
by his wife and children early in 1834. One close friend of Jex at the Ann Arbor academy was Randolph Rogers, who 3 1
was later a prominent sculptor. The first work which Jex found was selling the Ann Arbor Argus newspaper. In 1840 1
his father started a brewery and distillery in connection with a flour mill at Ann Arbor. Jex returned to England in 1841 1
and was sent to school at Ailsworth in Suffolk. There he met his future wife, Miss Martha Emma Brown, and saw 1 3
some early daguerreotypes. He shared the wide spread excitement about the new invention, and studied the 1
daguerreotype process closely. With his academic studies completed, he returned to Ann Arbor and learned the trade 1 3
of brewing and distilling. His father died in 1844. Jex left his mother and his two sisters at Ann Arbor in 1845 and 3 1
went to settle some family affairs in England. During his nine months there, Jex took instructions from the portrait 3 1
photographer Mr. Egerton in the iodide of silver process by the method of Henry Fox Talbot, learned daguerreotyping 3
at the Royal Polytechnic school, and attended the technical lectures of Professor Pepper. Back in the United States, Jex 3
supervised the construction in New York of the first distillery in this country for making English gin. Emma Brown 3 1
crossed the Atlantic to New York City, where she was met by Jex, and they were married there on June 12, 1846. They 1
soon traveled to Ann Arbor, where Jex closed the family business, and then started a distillery at Clarkston. He did not 1
really like this vocation, and moved on to open a dry goods store at Marshall. He accepted a daguerreotyping outfit in 1
lieu of a fifty-dollar debt, and by 1849 was in the profession which would occupy him for the rest of his life. As he had 3
been advised earlier by Professor Pepper, Jex began learning all that he could of the ramifications and applications of 3
his new vocation, collecting all of the pamphlets, handbooks and periodical literature available dealing with 3
photography. Through reading and practice he became proficient and well known. In 1851 Jex was deputized by the 3 4
Sheriff of Wayne County to bring eight trustworthy men from Marshall and help to protect the prisoners and witnesses 4 1
and assure the integrity of the Wayne County Jail in Detroit during the trial of the conspirators against the Michigan 4 1
Central Railroad. After they were sentenced, he accompanied twelve of the prisoners to the State Prison at Jackson. He 1 4
sent to London for a pair of projectors and presented the first magic lantern show ever seen in Michigan, projecting 4 3
dissolving views and comic scenes from transparencies he himself had painted. He leased the old Detroit city hall for a 1 3
week and had it filled every night with admiring crowds at 25 cents a head, and with children at half price. Early in 1 3
1853 he took charge of the renowned Whitney gallery at St. Paul, Minnesota. Much of his work there consisted of 3
photographing Dakota Indians in their feathers and war paint, taking and finishing as many as 32 daguerreotypes in a 3
day. An Indian would be paid the equivalent of ten cents for posing for a number of sittings, and the cased images were 3
easily sold to tourists for two dollars each. Photographic journals printed articles by Jex in November of 1853, in 3 6
February and November of 1854, and in June of 1858. Throughout the mid 1850s much of his free time was spent 6 3
experimenting with collodion negatives on glass plates. During one attempt to improve the density, he inadvertantly 3
discovered what came to be called the ambrotype. He continued to practice all of the dry plate processes as they 3
appeared in the journals. From 1860 until the advent of the commercial gelatine bromide dry plate in the early 1880s, 3
he prepared and used collodion dry plate negatives for all of his outside work. Jex moved to Detroit and later began 3 5
advertising his new rooms on Jefferson Avenue in August of 1860, offering to take every kind of ambrotype, 5
photographic and stereoscopic picture with the best of apparatus under a sky-light with no superior in the country. He 5
also imported, manufactured and sold photographic stock and material, of which he published a catalogue and price 5
list. His imports included stereo views of the moon and other subjects, he produced stereoscopic portraits of 5
individuals and groups, and he took views of public and private buildings on short notice. He sold photographs of 5
foreign and local celebrities and took card photographs by the hundred very cheap. Individual ambrotype portraits of 5
39 Sunday School teachers were taken early in 1861 by Jex and framed surrounding a larger ambrotype of their 5
retiring superintendent. He sold stereo views of Fort Wayne and the soldiers garrisoned there for fifty cents each, and 5
photographed picnics, pleasure excursions, military and other companies on short notice and at cheap rates. His 5
stereoscopic camera recorded several events associated with the departure of the First Regiment of Michigan 5 7
Volunteer Infantry for Washington in May of 1861 and their return in August at the expiration of their three month t 7
enlistment, as well as less newsworthy but historically significant scenes. Many of the glass negatives from which these 7
fifty cent stereographs were produced have been preserved in the Burton Historical Collection. Jex employed James F. 7 d
McNulty as a photograph operator in 1862 and 1863, when he advertised as a “Photographic Printer & Publisher ... d
All kinds of Photographing, from the Smallest Portrait to THE LARGEST SIZE LANDSCAPE VIEW. Music, d
Engravings, and Other Works of Art Copied. LANDSCAPE VIEWS, PUBLIC BUILDINGS, CHURCHES, d
Monuments, Machinery, &c., Taken in any part of the State at short notice. Stereoscopic instantaneous pictures of d
Processions, Reviews, Pic-Nic Parties, Boating, &c. Particulat attention paid to the production of the ‘CARTE DE d
VISITE’ and Vignette style, and all pictures from this Gallery being made on the best Paper, with pure Chemicals and d
extreme care, are warranted not to turn yellow, spot or fade. J. J. BARDWELL, Photographic Artist.” Articles by Jex d 6
were printed in Photographic periodicals in January of 1860, in November of 1864, and in February and March of 6
1865. He published views of Detroit streets, churches and residences as cartes de visite, and used this format for the t 5
portraits which soldiers and civilians exchanged during the Civil War. His card and stereoscopic views of Elmwood 5
Cemetery and the public and commercial architecture of Detroit were augmented by views of special events: an ice 5
skating carnival in March of 1864, the public mourning for Lincoln in April of 1865 and the ruins left by a fire in May 5
of 1866. A patent had been granted to James A. Cutting in 1854 covering the use of bromides in photography and in 5 8
1866 agents had been attempting to negotiate licenses under this patent with eastern photographers, with some success. 8
When such agents came to Detroit, Jex advised that the patent was invalid, and a group of photographers formed the 3
Detroit Photographic Society to contest their claims. The patent was due to expire in July of 1868, and a legal battle 3
was shaping up in Philadelphia between those who proposed to extend the patent and others who questioned its 3
validity. Those opposed to the extension asked Jex to come to Philadelphia. He closed his gallery, since at the time he 3
employed no assistant, the Detroit Photographic Society paid his traveling expenses, and Jex took all of the pertinent 3
pamphlets, journals and other printed records he had accumulated during the early 1850s while heeding the advice of 3
Professor Pepper, along with a list of other books with content bearing upon the use of bromides. The evidence 3 8
became overwhelming that Cutting had not originated the use of bromides, and that his patent should not have been 8
granted. The patent examiner who had originally validated the patent acknowledged the error, and the extension was 8
refused. The leaders of the opposition to the extension credited Jex with furnishing most of the testimony and 8
information upon which their success was based. Some time later Jex was asked to testify at Chicago against the 8 3
“silver saving” patent, and was instrumental in the success of the opposition to this monopoly. The Philadelphia 3 4
Photographer published seven articles by Jex between July of 1868 and November of 1870. He was named vice 4 8
president for Michigan of the National Photographic Association during the convention at Philadelphia in December of 8
1868, and took an active part in some of the technical discussions during the NPA convention at Cleveland in the 8
summer of 1870. He photographed the old and new city halls of Detroit in August of 1871, was hired to photograph 5 8
property of the Michigan Central Railroad which had been damaged by the great Chicago fire in October of 1871, and 8
sent some of the resulting views to a photographic journal. Jex made stereo views of the dedication of the Soldiers’ 8 t
and Sailors’ Monument in April of 1872, and of the ruins of the Advertiser & Tribune building one year later. More of t
his articles were published in photographic magazines in December of 1873 and in April and May of 1874. He 6
advertised as a Stereoscopic, Landscape and Business Photographer in 1877. Detroit’s leading drygoods merchant, d
Christopher R. Mabley, and bookkeeper Charles F. Littlefield were associated with Jex in the Bardwell Photo- d
Engraving Company in 1878. They employed Seth Arca Whipple as a designer and Blanchard D. Whipple as an d
engraver, and used an entirely photographic process to produce printing plates as replacements for woodcuts in d 5
printing advertisements and illustrations. Jex filed a patent application on April 4, 1879, and Patent Number 223,873 5 p
was granted to him covering a Process of Autographic Printing on January 27, 1880. Belle Isle was a new city park p 5
when he was taking picturesque views there in the summer of 1879. He produced stereo views of the John J. Bagley 5 t
funeral procession on Woodward Avenue in August of 1881. The Detroit Photographic Association was established in t d
November of 1882 by a group of professional photographers who chose Jex as their president in 1883 and 1887. By d
July of 1893, no meetings had been held for several years, and the association was practically out of existence. Jex was 9 4
successful as a photographic artist, but not as a businessman. By 1887 he was indigent and his eyesight was failing. 4 0
Members of the Photographers’ Association of America provided what he considered to be substantial aid, including 0
an individual gift of fifty dollars from the president, Gustave Cramer. He was identified as a photo mechanical printer 0 m
by one 1889 source. Articles by Jex were published in photographic annuals for 1888, 1889 and 1890, and by m 6
periodicals in December of 1887, August of 1889 and September of 1893. His retirement was announced in February 6 3
of 1893, but he continued to do a little photographic work as he felt able and presented magic lantern entertainments 3
whenever opportunity offered. The gazetteer for 1893 identified his business as magic lanterns. He maintained his m 3
interest in lantern slide projection for forty years following his presentations from hand painted slides in the 1850s. His 3 d
enthusiasm was shared by a group of competent amateur photographers who established the Detroit Lantern Club early d 9
in 1891 and continued into 1896. They met once a week at the Detroit Museum of Art. One special event in 1892 was 9 7
the projection of thirty year old views of Detroit, undoubtedly taken by Jex, who was the “patron saint” of the club. 7
During the Detroit convention of the Photographers’ Association of America in August of 1895, Jex presented a 4 0
stereopticon show of an exceptional set of colored slides. For this entertainment he was presented with a check for 0
$110.00 and unanimously elected an honorary member of the association. More of his articles were printed in 0 6
photographic periodicals in May and August of 1896, March of 1897 and July of 1898. Jex and Emma observed their 6 1
fiftieth wedding anniversary in June of 1896. About that time an attempt was mounted by the Photographers’ 1 6
Association of America to raise funds to buy a home for the Bardwells, but response from the membership was poor. 6 3
Three years later only enough money had been raised to pay their back rent, buy a cemetery plot for Emma, who died 3
on May 27th, 1899, and dole out ten dollars a month to Jex while it lasted. He sent a dozen stereo views of Grosse Isle 3
made from recently exposed negatives to a magazine in 1899, and made a lantern slide presentation to the Ohio- 3 6
Michigan Photographers’ Association in the summer of 1900. He was quite ill with the grip early in 1901, but 6 5
recovered, and lived alone until his heart failed on December 14, 1902. Jex was recognized as the father of Scottish 5
Rite Masonry in Detroit, had received financial support from the lodge for several years, and his funeral at the 5
Masonic Temple and interment in Woodmere Cemetery next to Emma were conducted by the Masons. Two of his 5 0
grandchildtren had been identified as Jex Bardwell, Junior, and his sister in 1896, but the only survivors listed in the 0 5
obituaries were Jex’s daughter, Mrs. Julia Martin of Detroit, and his sister, Mrs. Chapelle of Holland, Michigan.. 5
1. Detroit News-Tribune, Detroit, Michigan, June 14, 1896, and September 4, 1898.
2. Map of Calhoun County, 1858, Geil, Harley & Siverd, Philadelphia.
3. Wilson’s Photographic Magazine, Philadelphia, volume 30, numbers 434 and 441, February and September 1893, pages 92, 389 to 393;
volume 36, numbers 510 and 511, June and July 1899, pages 288 and 309; and volume 40, number 553, January 1903, page 41.
4. Martin Magid, “JEX BARDWELL, Portrait of an Early Michigan Photographer” in Michigan History, volume 73, number 6, Nov/Dec 1989.
5. Detroit Free Press, Detroit, Michigan, August 22, 23 and 24, September 18 and November 27, 1860; March 5, June 13 and August 6, 1861;
November 30, 1863; March 2, 1864; April 14 and 16, 1865; May 31, 1866, October 3, 1869, August 20 and October 29, 1871, June 26, 1878,
August 8, 1879, and December 15, 1902.
6. William S. Johnson, Nineteenth Century Photography, 1990.
7. Learned in 1978 and 1984 at the Burton Historical Collection of the Detroit Public Library.
8. The Philadelphia Photographer, volume 5, 1868, pages 283, 308 and 312; volume 6, 1869, page 19; volume 7, 1870, page 245; and volume 9,
number 97, January 1872, page 31..
9. The Blue Book for Amateur Photographers ... 1895: compiled early in 1894 by Walter Sprange, Beach Bluff, Massachusetts.
0. The Photographic Times, New York City, volume 17, number 324, December 2, 1887, page 604, and volume 27, number 9, September 1896,
page 446; and The Photo-American, New York, volume 6, numbers 9 and 10, July and August 1895, pages 281 and 316.

Barkdoll, _______
West Unity, Ohio, PHOTOGRAPHER ..................................................................................................................... 1916 t
A post card photograph of the main street of Ransom, Michigan, was embossed “BARKDOLL STUDIO¸ WEST t
UNITY, OHIO.” and postmarked in July of 1916. West Unity is a larger town about fifteen miles southeast of t 1
Ransom. 1
1. Rand McNally Road Atlas, United States-Canada-Mexico, Deluxe 1997 Edition, Rand McNally, Skokie, Illinois.

Barkenowitz, Oscar
Detroit photographer ........................................................................................................................................ 1874-1875 d
Detroit clerk ..................................................................................................................................................... 1876-1878 d
Detroit confectioner ......................................................................................................................................... 1879-1881 d
Detroit confectioner ......................................................................................................................................... 1888-1898 d
Detroit driver or resident ................................................................................................................................. 1899-1900 d
Detroit confectioner ......................................................................................................................................... 1901-1907 d
Detroit business executive ............................................................................................................................... 1908-1941 d
Oscar was born at Cologne, Germany, on May 5, 1859, and was brought to America in 1860 by his parents, Gustave 1
Frederick and Clara (Stein) Barkenowitz. He attended the Detroit public schools. During the 1880s he spent several 1
years in Germany and in Paris, France, learning the trade of baking and confectionery. He and Susan Brabyn of Detroit 1
were married on September 10, 1885, and had a son Guy born about 1887. Oscar returned to Detroit in 1888 and 1
began his own business. He was an organizer of the Detroit Candy Company in 1896, and was a vice president of this 1
firm for many years. His wife Susan died in June of 1908, and Oscar married Clara M. Schneider of Detroit on July 10, 1 2
1911. Clara was born in Germany in 1869 or 1870. 2
1. The Book of Detroiters, A. N. Marquis, Chicago, second edition, 1914.
2. 1910 and 1930 Federal Censes of the Seventeenth Ward of Detroit in Wayne County, Michigan.

Barker, Ernest M.
Marshall (Barker & Colton) PHOTOGRAPH CAR on Main st ...................................................................... 1862-1863 m
Barker, Ernest S.
Cass City student ....................................................................................................................................................... 1880 1
Saginaw retoucher for photographers Krupp & Dolmage .......................................................................................... 1890 s
Saginaw City PHOTOGRAPHER at 208 Hamilton st north ..................................................................................... 1890 R t
Rochester, New York, photographer ......................................................................................................................... 1900 1
Brooklyn, New York, photographer .......................................................................................................................... 1910 1
Ernest was born in Michigan in June of 1868, and in 1880 was living with his carpenter father, Joseph S. Barker. The 1
proprietor of the gallery was listed as E. S. Barber, but “Barker” was printed on the photo mounts. Ernest probably R t
occupied the Hamilton Street gallery between the tenancies of D. W. Smith and C. A. Beckmann. His cabinet m t
photographs included full length studio portraits of members of the Saginaw Base Ball Club in uniform and views of t
store fronts. Nellie was born in New York State in March of 1874, and she married Ernest about 1897. Their son t 1
Bertram was born in New York about 1901. By 1920 Nellie was married to Orange T. Terry, and Bertram T. Barker 1
was identified as his stepson. 1
1. 1880 Federal Census of the village of Cass City in Tuscola County, Michigan, plus 1900 Federal Census of the Ninth Ward of
Rochester in Monroe County and 1910 Federal Census of the borough of Brooklyn in the city of New York, New York, and
1920 Federal Census of the Naval Proving Grounds at Indian Head, Maryland..

Barker, George
London, Ontario, employee of photographer James Egan ............................................................................... 1860-1861 1
Niagara Falls, New York, employee of photographers J. McPherson and Platt D. Babbitt ............................. 1862-1865 1
Niagara Falls, New York, PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................ 1865-1894 1
George was born in 1844 at London, Ontario, the son of a British soldier sent to defend pioneer Canada. He was 1
reputed to have made the first paper photographs of Niagara Falls, and soon was making the stereo views of the falls 1
for which he became well known. He and Georgia Venilia Shipman were married on June 20, 1871, and had five 1
children born between 1872 and 1889. George entered stereo views at photographic conventions beginning in 1871, 1
added large format images in 1885, and dominated the scenic competitions through 1889. Barker’s Novelty Bazaar at 1
Niagara Falls sold souvenirs as well as his stereographs, and pioneered seasonal Christmas merchandise. Beyond his 1
hundreds of views of the falls, his stereo views included series depicting the Johnstown flood of 1889, the Sullivan- 1
Kilrain fight, the St. Louis tornado, the Oil Creek disaster and Florida scenes taken during the winters of 1886, 1888 1
and 1891. George won marksmanship awards as a Corporal in the New York State Militia and was an avid hunter. He 1
produced a series of deer and bear hunting views in which he sometimes was prominent. Some views were labeled 1 t
“Deer Hunting in Michigan” and included “Our Camp on Britton Lake” and “’Dragging In’ the deer” and Getting t
Supper ready” and “Sunday Morning in Camp.” Britton Lake is near the northern limits of Muskegon County thirteen t 2
miles from Lake Michigan and just south of Big Blue Lake. George was fifty years old when he died on November 27, 2 1
1894, and most of his estate of approximately $100,000 went to his eldest daughter. Underwood & Underwood 1
purchased his stereographic negatives and published views from them for many years. 1
1. Learned in 2005 from Dale Rossi of New York State.
2. Michigan County Map Guide, Michigan United Conservation Clubs, Lansing, Michigan.
Barker, George W.
Italy Hollow, New York, merchant .................................................................................................................. 1850-1853 1 2
Battle Creek DAGUERREOTYPIST .............................................................................................................. 1853-1854 2
Jackson photographer ................................................................................................................................................ 1860 3 1
Saint Johns DAGUERREOTYPIST ................................................................................................................ 1862-1863 m
Saint Johns PHOTOGRAPHER on Clinton av ................................................................................................ 1862-1865 4 t
Saint Johns PHOTOGRAPHER in the rear portion of the second story of Steele’s Block ....................................... 1865 5
Saint Johns (Pruden & Barker) PHOTOGRAPHERS ..................................................................................... 1866-1867 5 m
Saint Johns cabinet maker .......................................................................................................................................... 1870 1
Saint Johns PHOTOGRAPHER and picture framer ............................................................................................. ca 1872 t
Saint Johns PHOTOGRAPHER ...................................................................................................................... 1874-1877 m 6
Charlevoix PHOTOGRAPHER ....................................................................................................................... 1880-1883 1 m
South Arm PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................................. 1884 2
Pewamo (Barker & Plunkett) PHOTOGRAPHERS ............................................................................................. ca 1888 t
Pewamo PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................... 1890-1891 m
George was born at Deerfield, Massachusetts, on March 1, 1815, and his first wife, Wealthy (Tyler) Barker, was 2 1
born on June 21, 1816. They married on September 7, 1835, and three of their five children died as infants. Their 2
surviving children were born in New York: Lorenzo about 1839 and Eugenia in February of 1850. George moved his 1 2
mercantile business from elsewhere in New York State to Italy Hollow in Yates County, where his first wife died in 2
1852. He moved again in 1853 to Battle Creek, Michigan, where he engaged in the daguerreotype business. In 1860 he 2 1
had a 25-year-old wife named Mahalia. He advertised in May of 1865: “BARKER’S PREMIUM Ambrotype and 1 5
Photograph GALLERY! Whereas, I am now prepared to execute all the various styles of Pictures, from Whole Sized 5
Photograph down to the Beautiful Gem, ... I make no charge for stamps, no extra charge for making two Pictures on 5
one Plate, and will make Cheaper and_Better_Pictures for the next six months, than are turned out at any other room in 5
this village or county. Prices now reduced to the old standard before the war. Especial pains taken with children. 5
Everybody is invited to call and examine specimens for themselves....” Such advertisements continued through 5
December 8, 1865, and were replaced on December 15 by the ads of W. H. Houghtaling, who had purchased the 5
business of G. W. Barker. Ads for Pruden & Barker first appeared on November 30, 1866. George was living in 1870 5 1
with his wife, 37-year-old Mary L. Barker, and her son, twelve-year-old John B. Sloat. He was living alone in 1
Charlevoix in 1880, while Mary was still in St. Johns providing a home for her son and his wife. By 1884 George’s 1 2
son Lorenzo was editor and proprietor of the Reed City Clarion, and his daughter Eugenia was the wife of a Boyne 2
City merchant. George promised “All Work Artistic, and Satisfaction Guaranteed.” at Pewamo in 1890. Late in 1891, 2 m
he was advertising in Reed City, 75 miles northwest of Pewamo: “PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY FOR SALE. An entire 7
photographic outfit for sale cheap, consisting of cameras, burnishers, back-grounds, toning dishes, operating chairs, 7
etc....” 7
1. 1850 Federal Census of Italy Township in Yates County, New York, 1860 Federal Census of the city of Jackson in Jackson County,
1870 and 1880 Federal Censes of the village of St. Johns in Bingham Township of Clinton County, and 1880 Federal Census of the
village of Charlevoix in Charlevoix County, Michigan.
2. Portrait and Biographical Album of Osceola County, Michigan, Chapman Brothers, Chicago, 1884, page 215.
3. Learned in 1997 from Gerry L. Blanchard of Jackson, Michigan.
4. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1862-1866, National Archives, Washington, D.C.
5. The Clinton Republican, St. Johns, Michigan, May 12 through December 15, 1865, and November 30, 1866.
6. Bradstreet’s Commercial Reports ... Western & Southern States; J. M. Bradstreet & Son Company, New York, January 1, 1877.
7. Reed City Weekly Clarion, Reed City, Michigan, December 18, 1891, page 4.

Barker, I. I.
Holland PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................... 1860-1861 1
1. De Hollander, Holland, Michigan, December 5, 1860.

Barker, Isaac J.
Courtland Township laborer ...................................................................................................................................... 1850 1
Laphamville DAGUERREIAN ARTIST ................................................................................................................... 1860 1
Galesburg DAGUERREOTYPIST .................................................................................................................. 1862-1863 m
Isaac was born in Vermont to parents from New Hampshire about 1827, eldest of the four known children of Isaac 1
and Mehitable Barker. He was enumerated in 1850 as J. Erving Barker, and he still was single and living with his 1
parents in 1860. Please see also the entry for Isaac J. Parker. 1 2
1. 1850 Federal Census of Courtland Township and 1860 Federal Census of Algoma Township in Kent County, Michigan.
2. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1862-1866, National Archives, Washington, D.C.
Barkume, Henry
Springwells Township child or student ............................................................................................................. 1870,1880 1
Detroit machine hand, carpenter or laborer ..................................................................................................... 1884-1886 d
Detroit teamster or driver ................................................................................................................................. 1887-1893 d
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 303 McKinstry av ..................................................................................................... 1894 d t
Detroit teamster ............................................................................................................................................... 1895-1901 d 1
Detroit resident, clerk or carpenter .................................................................................................................. 1902-1904 d
Detroit teamster or driver ................................................................................................................................. 1905-1906 d
Detroit resident or carpenter ............................................................................................................................ 1908-1918 d 1
Detroit machinist, carpenter or machine operator ............................................................................................ 1919-1921 d 1
Detroit resident .......................................................................................................................................................... 1930 1
Charles Barkume was born in Michigan in February of 1842, and he became a Detroit dealer in coal and wood. Mary 1
was born in Canada in February of 1845, immigrated to the United States and married Charles about 1864. Henry was 1
the eldest of their ten children, and was born in Michigan in July of 1866. He remained single and still was living with 1
his parents in 1910, and with his widowed mother in 1920. His sister Stella was born in September of 1870 and 1
became a dry goods manager and researcher for a department store. She was head of the 1930 household that included 1
her aged mother and her four siblings who still were single: Henry, Eleanor, Claire and Lawrence. 1
1. 1870 and 1880 Federal Censes of Springwells Township, plus 1900, 1900, 1910, 1920 and 1930 Federal Censes of the Sixteenth
Ward of Detroit in Wayne County, Michigan.

Barlow, _______
Bay View PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................. ca 1913 t
Post card photographs were embossed: “BARLOW, BAY VIEW.” One such view of cottages on both sides of a t
single lane dirt road was mailed in August of 1913. t

Barlow, John B.
Grand Rapids secretary of the Grand Rapids Photographic Club .................................................................... 1889-1892 1
John was a hat clerk in Grand Rapids in 1870, and a book binder there from 1872 through 1876. In 1877, he and his g
brother established a book binding and blank book manufacturing business which they maintained until 1924. g
1. The International Annual of Anthony’s Photographic Bulletin, volumes 2, 3, 4 and 5, 1889, 1890, 1891 and 1892.

Barmore, Emma C.
Buchanan PHOTOGRAPHER on Main st ............................................................................................................ ca 1865 1
Niles PHOTOGRAPHER on Main st ................................................................................................................... ca 1865 t
Revenue stamps were affixed to Emma’s cartes de visite. Emma was born in Ohio in 1845 or early in 1846. She was 1 2
raised in Berrien County by Sanford and Elfinda Smith. 2
1. Learned in 2001 from Peter E. Palmquist of Arcata, California.
2. 1850 Federal Census of Division Ten and 1860 Federal Census of the village of Buchanan in Berrien County, Michigan.

Barnard, _______
Berrien Springs PHOTOGRAPHER .................................................................................................................... ca 1867 t
“The Barnard Gallery, Excelsior! ALEX. O. N. TYNER, Operator, Berrien Springs, Mich. Negatives Preserved.” t
was printed on some cartes de visite. Lyman A. Barnard was a Berrien County physician in 1850, was a Berrien t 1
Springs druggist in 1860, was living comfortably retired in Berrien Springs in 1870, and seems the likely proprietor of 1
the Barnard Gallery. He was born in New York State in 1806 or early in 1807. His wife, Susan, was born seven years 1
earlier in Vermont, and they had a twelve-year-old daughter living with them in 1850. 1
1. 1850 Federal Census of the Tenth Division of Berrien County, plus 1860 and 1870 Federal Censes of the village of Berrien Springs in
Berrien County, Michigan.

Barnard, Harry H.
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 255 Woodward av ..................................................................................................... 1900 d
Harry seems to have been the son of Harry and Hattie W. Barnard, born in Michigan in May of 1881. His father was 1
born in Canada in December of 1853, immigrated to the United States in 1872, and became the cashier of a wholesale 1
house. His mother was born in Michigan in July of 1857, married about 1876, and had a daughter and two sons born in 1
Michigan between May of 1879 and January of 1888. The census enumerator classified young Harry as a salesman. 1
1. 1900 Federal Census of the Second Ward of Detroit in Wayne County, Michigan.
Barnard, Henry W.
Canton Township child .............................................................................................................................................. 1850 1
Wayne student ........................................................................................................................................................... 1860 1
Wayne worker in a saw mill ....................................................................................................................................... 1870 1
Wayne assistant post master ...................................................................................................................................... 1880 1
Wayne bazaar merchant ............................................................................................................................................. 1900 1
Wayne proprietor of a racket store ............................................................................................................................ 1910 1
Wayne PHOTOGRAPHER .................................................................................................................................. ca 1915 t
Wayne resident .......................................................................................................................................................... 1920 1
His parents came from New York, and Henry was born in Michigan in March of 1847, the only child of Charles T. 1
and Margaret L. Barnard. Her parents came from Vermont and New York, Olive was born in Michigan in August of 1
1847, and she married Henry about 1870. Their daughter Lena and their son Lucius were born between 1870 and 1
1873, and their daughter Myra was born in 1881 or 1882. Henry’s mother was post mistress of Wayne in 1880. 1
BARNARD PHOTO” were lettered on the negatives from which some post card photographs were produced. Olive t 1
was a widow living at Detroit in 1930 with her elder daughter and her husband. 1
1. 1850 Federal Census of Canton Township, 1860, 1870, 1880, 1900, 1910 and 1920 Federal Censes of the village of Wayne in
Nankin Township, and 1930 Federal Census of the Twelfth Ward of Detroit in Wayne County, Michigan.

Barnard, Ivy B., Mrs.

Please see the entry for Miss Ivy L. Brayton.

Barner, _______
Morey PHOTOGRAPHER .............................................................................................................................. 1908-1909 t
“Loading Logs by Steam in Mich. Barner” was lettered on the negative of post card photographs. One of these t
cards was mailed from Morey in July of 1909 with the message: “Friend Lizzie: This is a picture that was taken of the t
steam loader in front of our house this winter. You can see the store and us folks on the porch....” Other post card t
photographs of lumbering operations were made from negatives on which “Photo by Barner” had been lettered. “Alva t
Eubanks Res. Barner” was lettered on the negative of a card which was mailed from Morey by Bela Eubanks in t
August of 1909. Another card had “shoveling Snow On Mich. R.R., Apr. 3-’09. By Barner” scribed into its negative, t
and was mailed from Lake City. t

Barnes, _______
East Tawas photographer for John H. Dubbs ............................................................................................................ 1889 1
Two men were reported to have been added to Dubbs’ force in the spring of 1889. One was Mr. Barnes, a very 1
capable all-around photographer from Ontario. James A. Barnes was a photographer at Mount Forest, Ontario, from 1 2
1882 through 1888. 2
1. Iosco County Gazette, East Tawas, Michigan, May 2, 1889. Noted in 1994 by James Donaldson of Detroit
2. Glen C. Phillips, The Ontario Photographers List (1851-1900), Iron Gate Publishing Company, Sarnia, Ontario, 1990.

Barnes, _______
Hillsdale (Barnes & Redfield) PHOTOGRAPHERS ...................................................................................... 1863-1864 1
1. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1862-1866, National Archives, Washington, D.C.

Barnes, _______
Nashville (Whitney & Barnes) PHOTOGRAPHERS ................................................................................................ 1898 1
Lake Odessa (Whitney & Barnes) PHOTOGRAPHERS ........................................................................................... 1898 1
It was reported in May of 1898 that Whitney & Barnes would soon open a gallery in Lake Odessa. 1
1. St.. Louis and Canadian Photographer; volume 22, number 5, May 1898, page 221.

Barnes, A.
Harbor Springs PHOTOGRAPHER .......................................................................................................................... 1882 t
“A. BARNES, Photographer, Harbor Springs, Mich.” was printed on the back of the cabinet mount of an 1882 t
photograph of the first railroad depot at Harbor Springs. t
Barnes, Amos
Hillsdale photographer ............................................................................................................................................... 1885 1
Hillsdale PHOTOGRAPHER .......................................................................................................................... 1886-1887 m
Hillsdale TRAVELING PHOTOGRAPHER and artist ............................................................................................. 1888 2
Amos was eldest of the two sons of Amos and Susan (Walker) Barnes, and was born in Middlesex County, England, 2
on May 17, 1856. He was brought to this country before his brother was born on February 11, 1858. Amos advertised 2 1
nationally early in 1885: “SITUATION WANTED - As printer, toner, or operator, by a young man. A. Barnes, 1
Hillsdale, Mich.” His gallery was “Successor to J. R. Cole.” Amos was said to have inherited the talent of his father, a t 2
professional house and carriage painter, and in 1888 was traveling with a gallery. 2
1. The Photographic Times, New York, January 23, 1885, page 48.
2. Portrait and Biographical Album of Hillsdale County, Michigan, Chapman Brothers, Chicago, 1888, pages 416 and 417.

Barnes, B. J.
Mount Pleasant PHOTOGRAPHER over Carr & Granger’s drug store at 107 Broadway ........................................ 1903 1
Barnes advertised in the autumn of 1903: “24 PHOTOS Taken in Four Different Positions, For 25¢.” and “PHOTOS 1
- There is quantity and quality in the 24 little photos, taken in 4 different positions for 25C. Have you seen them? ...” 1
1. Isabella County Enterprise, Mount Pleasant, Michigan, September 4, 1903, page 5, column 6, and September 11, 1903, page 5, column 6.

Barnes, Emma, Mrs.

Detroit resident .......................................................................................................................................................... 1860 1
Detroit widow .................................................................................................................................................. 1862-1863 d
Detroit photograph painter ......................................................................................................................................... 1866 d
Emma was born in England in 1796 or 1797, and was boarding with the family of a Detroit school teacher in 1860. 1
1. 1860 Federal Census of the Sixth Ward of Detroit in Wayne County, Michigan.

Barnes, Marcelia W.
Leoni DAGUERREOTYPIST ................................................................................................................................... 1853 1
Salem, New York, DAGUERREOTYPIST ............................................................................................................... 1853 1
Elkhorn, Wisconsin, DAGUERREOTYPIST .................................................................................................. 1855-1856 2
Cincinnati, Ohio, student of photography .................................................................................................................. 1857 2
Elkhorn, Wisconsin, DAGUERREOTYPIST ............................................................................................................ 1857 3
Elkhorn, Wisconsin, PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................ 1857-1870 4 5
Marcelia was born in 1808 in New York State, and stated in April of 1853 that she had been for two years and a half 5 1
a daguerrean practitioner. In the same letter she mentioned receiving the tearful thanks and gratitude of a heart-stricken 1
mother for coming out in the cold and traveling seven miles over the rough and muddy roads of Michigan to take the 1
likeness of a darling and only child that had died. A few months later she reported about attending the annual meeting 1
of the New York State Daguerrean Association at Utica. She spent some time at Cincinnati early in 1857 taking 1 2
lessons in coloring photographs. At Elkhorn in 1860 and in 1870 she lived with the family of Zadoc M. and Juliette 2 5
1. The Photographic Art-Journal, volume 5, number 5, May 1853, pages 301 and 302; and volume 6, number 5, November 1853, page 315.
2. The Photographic & Fine Art Journal, volume 9, number 1. January 1856, page 24; and volume 10, number 4, April 1857, page 122.
3. Wisconsin State Directory, 1857-1858, Smith, DuMoulin & Company, Milwaukee.
4. Directory of Wisconsin Photographers; State Historical Society of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin, 1991.
5. 1860 and 1870 Federal Censes of the village of Elkhorn in Walworth County, Wisconsin.

Barnes, N. H.
Perry PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................................ 1900-1901 1
This advertisement appeared in the Perry Journal on November 22, 1900: “Photographs taken in all sizes and at all 1
prices. Satisfaction guaranteed. N. H. Barnes. You can get either a gloss or dull finish at Barnes Studio.” 1
1. Learned in 2006 from Father George C. Michalek of Lansing, Michigan.

Barnes, W. H.
Jackson PHOTOGRAPHER ...................................................................................................................................... 1898 1 2
Defiance, Ohio, PHOTOGRAPHER ......................................................................................................................... 1898 2
There was a Barnesville, Ohio, photographer named William H. Barnes from 1878 through 1897 and in 1900. He 3 4
was born in Ohio to English parents in December of 1839, married a lady named Orrell and raised four sons. The 4
opening of a photograph gallery in Defiance by W. H. Barnes was reported in the spring of 1898. 2
1. Learned in 1997 from Gerry L. Blanchard of Jackson, Michigan.
2. St. Louis and Canadian Photographer; volume 22, number 4, April 1898, page 184.
3. John Waldsmith, A Directory of Ohio Photographers, 1839 to 1900, Sycamore, Ohio, compiled in 1978 and augmented through 1993.
4. 1900 Federal Census of the village of Barnesville in Warren Township of Belmont County, Ohio.
Barnes, William A.
Marshall cabinet maker .............................................................................................................................................. 1880 1
Marshall PHOTOGRAPHER at 118 State st ............................................................................................................. 1888 2
Marshall news dealer ................................................................................................................................................. 1900 1
Marshall news and cigar merchant ............................................................................................................................. 1910 1
William was born in England in July of 1854, the son of William M. and Mary A. Barnes, and was brought to the 1
United States in 1862. He had an older sister and a younger brother born in England, and a much younger sister born 1
in Michigan. He never married and lived with his parents, then with his widowed father, and finally with a widowed 1
sister. 1
1. 1880, 1900 and 1910 Federal Censes of the First Ward of Marshall in Calhoun County, Michigan.
2. Doris Borthwick, “Studio Locations of Marshall Photographers, Part Two” in Chronicle, volume 18, number 1, Summer 1982, page 23.

Barnett, Jacob Jay

Detroit clerk or newspaper circulation solicitor ............................................................................................... 1913-1914 d
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 646 Rivard st ............................................................................................................. 1915 d
Detroit agent or wholesale cigar salesman ................................................................................................................. 1917 d 1
Jacob was born in the Polish section of Russia on December 3, 1884, and gained his United States citizenship when 1
his father was naturalized while Jacob was still a minor. He and his nearest relative, Celia Barnett, were both living at 1
325 Frederick Avenue in 1917. Jacob was short with a medium build, brown hair and light blue eyes, but the left one 1
was glass. His photographic business was called The Family Photo Gallery. 1 t
1. World War I Draft Registration Cards microfilmed from the National Archives in Washington, D.C.

Barnett, Louis
Detroit photograph operator for photographer Charles Levy ..................................................................................... 1881 d
Detroit clerk or peddler .................................................................................................................................... 1882-1884 d
Detroit notion merchant ................................................................................................................................... 1885-1890 d
Louis was probably in Detroit throughout the 1890s, but multiple listings of the same name made it impossible to d
follow his career with any confidence. d

Barnett, Louisa, Miss

Detroit photographic apprentice ................................................................................................................................ 1880 1
Her parents, Joseph and Rachael Barnett, emigrated from Poland. Their eldest son was born in New York, and then 1
three sons were born in California. Louisa, their only daughter, was born in California in 1863 or 1864, and had four 1
younger brothers born in Michigan between 1864 and 1873. 1
1. 1880 Federal Census of District 285 of Detroit in Wayne County, Michigan.

Barnett, William
Detroit photographer .................................................................................................................................................. 1880 1
His parents, Joseph and Rachael Barnett, emigrated from Poland. He was their fourth son, and was born in California 1
in 1862 or 1863. His sister, Louisa, was born a year later, and he had four younger brothers. 1
1. 1880 Federal Census of District 285 of Detroit in Wayne County, Michigan.

Barney, Albert F.
Grand Rapids photographer ....................................................................................................................................... 1891 g

Barnhardt, Adelbert H.
Pinconning PHOTOGRAPHER ...................................................................................................................... 1912-1913 m
Adelbert advertised as a “Photographer, Portrait, View, and Commercial. Amateur developing and finishing.” m

Barnum, _______
Detroit (Barnum & Dostic) DAGUERREAN ARTISTS in Odd Fellows Hall ................................................. 1851-1852 1
A Detroit newspaper reported on December 17, 1851, that Barnum & Dostic had established their gallery in the 1
rooms formerly occupied by John Martin. 1
1. Clipping in the Burton Historical Collection of the Detroit Public Library.
Barnum, Delos
Boston, Massachusetts, PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................... 1856-1859 1
Roxbury, Massachusetts, PHOTOGRAPHER ...................................................................................................... ca 1860 1
Cortland, New York, PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................ ca 1870 1
Delos was born in New York State in 1827 or early in 1828. His wife, Harriet, was born there two years later. He 2
was an active stereographer from 1857 until 1875. He produced many stereo views including an “American Historical 3
Series” of more than fifty views of Revolutionary War landmarks in the vicinity of Boston, a series of Niagara Falls 3
and of Saratoga, New York, and a series of Washington, D.C. One stereo view with his distinctive “ BARNUM, 3 4
PHOTOGRAPHER” blind stamp has “Mackanaw Bay, Mich” written on its back, and shows the harbor at Mackinac 4
Island. According to a man that has been collecting Barnum stereo views for many years, it is the only known view that 4
Barnum took west of New York State. 4
1. Chris Steele and Ronald Polito, A Directory of Massachusetts Photographers 1839-1900, Picton Press, Camden, Maine, 1993.
2. 1860 Federal Census of the Fourth Ward of Roxbury in Norfolk County, New York.
3. John Waldsmith, Stereo Views, Second Edition, Krause Publications, Iola, Wisconsin, 2002.
4. Learned in 2003 from Larry Gottheim of Yonkers, New York.

Barnum, Eugene T.
Detroit member of the Detroit Lantern Club .............................................................................................................. 1893 1
Eugene started in 1866 with a small store on Woodward Avenue and built up a wire and iron business which at one 2
time employed 700 people. The works burned in 1885 but was immediately rebuilt. His products included fancy iron 2
and brass grills for banks, wrought iron fences and fire escapes. 2
1. The Blue Book of Amateur Photographers ... 1893: compiled by Walter Sprange, Beach Bluff, Massachusetts.
2. J. J. Mitchell, Detroit in History and Commerce, Rogers & Thorpe, Detroit, Michigan, 1891, page 142.

Barnum, Frank Shephard

Adrian photographer .................................................................................................................................................. 1880 1
Adrian GEM PICTURE GALLERY at 49 Maumee st west ...................................................................................... 1882 A
Albion photographer for Julius A. Ball ...................................................................................................................... 1883 2
Adrian proprietor of an engraving company .................................................................................................... 1892-1900 m A
Adrian (W. T. & F. S. Barnum) PHOTOGRAPHERS in the Underwood Block ...................................................... 1900 A
Adrian PHOTOGRAPHER on the third floor of the Underwood Block at 3 Maumee st east ......................... 1900-1915 m A
Adrian PHOTOGRAPHER on the third floor of the Underwood Block at 103 Maumee st east ..................... 1916-1923 m A
Delos W. Barnum came from Vermont, Mrs. Lorraine Putnam (Ware) Barnum came from Massachusetts, and their 3 1
son Frank was born in Iowa in August of 1860. Joseph A. Merritt emigrated from England and married Ann Boyes of 1 3
Monterey, New York, on January 1, 1861. Following his discharge from the Union army in 1866 Joseph and his wife 3
moved to Adrian, and their daughter Harriet Bell Merritt was born there on March 30, 1869. She married Frank in 3 1
1897, and gave birth to Katherine Josephine about 1905. William T. Barnum was Frank’s associate in what was first 1 m
called the Web Engraving Company, but was changed to the Barnum Engraving Company between 1893 and 1894. m A
The engraving company and Will’s photographic studio were both in the Underwood Block at 3 East Maumee Street m A
on the northeast corner of Main Street. Frank was the mayor of Adrian in 1907, and died on October 26, 1923. His A 3
widow maintained the photo studio and the engraving company from 1924 through 1932 and lived in Adrian through m 3
1941. A
1. 1880 and 1910 Federal Censes of the Third Ward plus 1900 Federal Census of the Fourth Ward of Adrian in Lenawee County, Michigan.
2. Calhoun County directory, 1883.
3. Historic Michigan; volume 3 for Saginaw and Lenawee Counties, George N. Fuller, Dayton, Ohio, 1926, page 206.
Barnum, George H.
Norwalk, Ohio, child ................................................................................................................................................. 1870 1
Saint Johns student .................................................................................................................................................... 1880 1
Saint Johns (Thornton & Barnum) PHOTOGRAPHERS ................................................................................ 1882-1883 m
Ionia PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................................ 1886-1889 m
Springfield, Ohio, PHOTOGRAPHER ...................................................................................................................... 1894 2
Cincinnati, Ohio, PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................. 1896-1900 3
Cincinnati, Ohio, PHOTOGRAPHER ....................................................................................................................... 1910 1
Cincinnati, Ohio, PHOTOGRAPHIC DEALER ........................................................................................................ 1920 1
George was born in Ohio in March of 1864, the third child and first son of Buel F. and Emma E. Barnum. By the 1
early 1870s his mother was married to the photographer Lemuel W. Thornton, and George soon had a young half- 1
brother. Lemuel evidently trained George in photography, and then made him a partner in 1882. Photos on 2¼ by 1½ 1 t
inch mounts with “BARNUM” printed below the image probably were taken by George in Ionia. George employed t 4
Louis K. Merell, an experienced photographer, in the Ionia gallery. Malinda was born in Ohio in June of 1864, and she 4 1
married George about 1890. Their children were born in Ohio: Malinda in March of 1893 and George in March of 1
1897. Something happened to their marriage, and by 1902 George was married to a lady named Elizabeth who was 1
born in Missouri in 1876. Their children also were born in Ohio, Robert in 1905, Jerome in 1910, and Virginia in 1
1913. 1
1. 1880 Federal Census of the village of St. Johns in Clinton County, Michigan, 1870 Federal Census of Norwalk in Huron County,
1900 Federal Census of Evanston Precinct plus 1910 Federal Census of the First Ward and 1920 Federal Census of the Second Ward
of Cincinnati in Hamilton County, Ohio
2. The Blue Book for Amateur Photographers ... 1895: compiled early in 1894 by Walter Sprange, Beach Bluff, Massachusetts.
3. John Waldsmith, A Directory of Ohio Photographers, 1839 to 1900, Sycamore, Ohio, Compiled in 1978 and augmented through 1993.
4. Charles J. Seely, Souvenir, City of Ionia, Michigan, 1907

Barnum, Julia H., Mrs.

Lansing housewife ..................................................................................................................................................... 1850 1
Owosso AMBROTYPIST ......................................................................................................................................... 1859 2
Owosso AMBROTYPE ARTIST .............................................................................................................................. 1860 m
Owosso PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY on Washington st ................................................................................. 1862-1863 2
Corunna housewife ........................................................................................................................................... 1870,1880 2
Julia was born in 1826 or 1827 in New York State, and she married George N. Barnum about 1848. Their son 2
Lucius and daughter Georgeanna were born in Michigan between 1849 and 1855. George was gone by 1860, and 2
Georgeanna died as a child. Julia married John N. Ingersoll in the early 1860s, and she gave birth to Ward and Nellie 2
between 1863 and 1866. John’s daughter Lottie was born about 1851 and lived with them through 1880. 2
1. Map of the Counties of Genesee and Shiawassee, 1859.
2. 1850 Federal Census of the village of Lansing in Ingham County, 1860 Federal Census of the Fourth Ward of Owosso plus 1870 and
1880 Federal Censes of the city of Corunna in Shiawassee County, Michigan.
Barnum, William T.
Chicago, Illinois, student ........................................................................................................................................... 1870 1
Adrian student ............................................................................................................................................................ 1880 1
Adrian plating polisher .............................................................................................................................................. 1882 A
Adrian resident .......................................................................................................................................................... 1885 A
Adrian PHOTOGRAPHER and portrait artist at 3 Maumee st east ................................................................. 1888-1899 m A
Adrian (W. T. & F. S. Barnum) PHOTOGRAPHERS in the Underwood Block ...................................................... 1900 A
Chicago, Illinois, photographer ................................................................................................................................. 1910 1
Chicago, Illinois, commercial photographer .............................................................................................................. 1920 1
Saint Peter, Minnesota, patient in the Minnesota Hospital for the Insane .................................................................. 1930 1
William was the third and youngest son of Delos W. and Lorraine Putnam (Ware) Barnum, and was born in Iowa in 1
September of 1863. His brother Frank, the subject of an entry above, was born four years earlier. William’s wife’s 1
father emigrated from England, her mother came from Vermont, and Elizabeth was born in Michigan in June of 1864. 1
She married Will about 1888, and gave birth to Gordon in March of 1890. The location of Will’s gallery was often 1 m
listed as the Underwood Block on the northeast corner of Maumee and Main Streets, which included 1, 3 and 5 East m A
Maumee Street. Throughout the 1890s, Will’s advertising emphasized “BARNUM’S BABIES ...” and “Barnum’s A
Specialty is BABIES PHOTOGRAPHS ...” with variations on this theme. From 1890 through 1895, Will was vice A 2
president of the amateur society called the Adrian Camera Club. He and Frank S. Barnum were proprietors of the Web 3 m
Engraving Company in 1892 and 1893, and of the Barnum Engraving Company from 1894 until 1900. Both engraving m A
companies were in the same Underwood Block as his gallery. “PHOTOGRAPHED BY W. T. BARNUM, JUN 17, A t
1898. Copies of this photo can be had at any time by writing to the Artist. PHOTOGRAPHS, from W. T. Barnum, t
Adrian, Mich,” was stamped on the back of the 7 by 10 inch mount of a 6 by 8 photograph of 22 well dressed men t
standing and sitting on the steps of a brick and stone building. On the back of a similarly sized photograph of the tent t 4
encampment of the 31st Michigan Infantry Regiment at Camp Poland near Knoxville, Tennessee, was stamped: “Any 4
one desiring a copy can obtain one or more by writing to the artist’s permanent address and giving the number of the 4
picture which you will find in the face of the photograph. W. T. Barnum, Photographer, Adrian, Mich.” The number 4
“196” was lettered on the front of the mount below the photographic image. Apparently Will accompanied or followed 4
the soldiers to Tennessee when they were on their way to Cuba during the Spanish-American War. Frank S. Barnum 4 A
succeeded his partnership with Will during the year 1900. Their widowed father was living with Will’s family at this A 1
time. William and his son Gordon both were working in Chicago studios in 1910, and both were commercial 1
photographers there in 1920 when William may have been the proprietor of a business. 1
1. 1870 Federal Census of the Fourteenth Ward plus 1910 and 1920 Federal Censes of the 25th Ward of Chicago in Cook County,
Illinois, 1880 Federal Census of the Third Ward and 1900 Federal Census of the Second Ward of Adrian in Lenawee County,
Michigan, and 1930 Federal Census of the Second Ward of St. Peter in Nicollet County, Minnesota.
2. The International Annual of Anthony’s Photographic Bulletin, volumes 3, 4 and 5, 1890, 1891 and 1892.
3. The American Annual of Photography and Photographic Times Almanac, for 1895.
4. Learned in 2006 from Nicholas Marsh of Edgewood, Kentucky.
Baron, Herman
San Francisco, California, student ............................................................................................................................. 1870 d1
Cooperstown, New York, photographer .................................................................................................................... 1880 1
Marietta, Ohio, (Baron & King) PHOTOGRAPHERS ................................................................................... 1887-1888 2
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 49 Monroe av .................................................................................................. 1893-1913 d m
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 101 Gratiot av ................................................................................................. 1914-1916 d
Detroit photographer ........................................................................................................................................ 1917-1919 d
Detroit photographer for Andrew Rentschler .................................................................................................. 1921-1924 d
Detroit photographer .................................................................................................................................................. 1926 d
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER in Room 202 of the Lohrman Building ......................................................................... 1928 d
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER in Room 202 at 401-409 Macomb st ................................................................... 1929-1932 d
Herman was born in Australia to parents from the Prussian region of Germany in 1856 or early in 1857, a son of 1
Adolph and Hannah Baron. His sister Fanny and brother Louis were born in Australia between 1859 and 1862, and he 1
probably had older siblings. He was living in San Francisco with his parents and boarding in Cooperstown with his 1
employer, the photographer Washington G. Smith. Herman came from New York in September of 1887 to take charge 1 2
of the operating room of photographers Cadwallader & Swisher at Marietta, Ohio. Two months later he purchased the 2
studio in partnership with a Mr. King, who had worked there for many years. Herman succeeded James G. Hill at 49 2 d
Monroe, and included the words “Hill Studio” on some of his early cabinet mounts which identified the location as 47 d t
& 49 Monroe Avenue, as did some directories. He employed Charles J. Merz as a photo artist in 1893 and as a photo t d
printer in 1894, Millie A. Ahlberg as a retoucher in 1896, and Harry E. Orchard as a photo printer in 1896. The d
Michigan Photographers’ Association promoted a bill in 1897 making Sunday closing compulsory. Herman was 3
spokesman for 27 Detroit photographers who organized to oppose this bill on the grounds that Sunday was the only 3
day when a working man was free to be photographed. He was single in 1930, when he was lodging at the Strand 3 1
Hotel. He had reached the age of 85 by the time he died in Detroit on February 25, 1942. 1 4
1. 1870 Federal Census of the Eleventh Ward of San Francisco in San Francisco County, California, 1880 Federal Census of the village
of Cooperstown in Otsego County, New York, and 1930 Federal Census of the Second Ward of Detroit in Wayne County, Michigan.
2. Learned in 1994 from Joan Hostetler of Indianapolis, Indiana.
3. St. Louis and Canadian Photographer; volume 15, number 3, March 1897, page 130.
4. Detroit Death Index in the Burton Historical Collection of the Detroit Public Library at Detroit, Michigan.

Barr, _______
Ann Arbor (Barr & Speechly) PHOTOGRAPHERS ........................................................................................ 1862-1863 1
Ann Arbor (Barr & Clements) PHOTOGRAPHERS ............................................................................................ ca 1863 t
1. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1862-1866, National Archives, Washington, D.C.

Barr, Adelbert A.
Paris Township child ................................................................................................................................................. 1860 1
Grand Rapids well digger, student or resident ................................................................................................. 1876-1879 g
Grand Rapids photographer for James Bayne ............................................................................................................ 1880 g
Sturgis PHOTOGRAPHER .................................................................................................................................. ca 1881 t
Grand Rapids (A. A. Barr & Company) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 72 Canal st on the corner of Bronson st ..... 1882-1883 g m
Grand Rapids PHOTOGRAPHER at 72 Canal st ............................................................................................ 1884-1888 g m
Grand Rapids traveling agent or photographer .......................................................................................................... 1889 g
Grand Rapids PHOTOGRAPHER .................................................................................................................. 1890-1891 g
Grand Rapids traveling agent ..................................................................................................................................... 1892 g
Grand Rapids photographer ............................................................................................................................. 1893-1894 g
Adelbert was born in Michigan to parents from New York in 1852 or 1853, a son of Axtel T. and Lucretia N. Barr. 1
His sister Mary and brother George were born here between 1846 and 1849, and his mother was gone by 1860. He was 1
single and boarding with Henry and Clara A. Barr in 1880. Peter C. Reynders also was a principal of A. A. Barr & 1 m
Company. They produced stereoscopic views of Grand Rapids, and claimed to be the only gallery in the city located 2 t
on the second floor. Adelbert employed Edmund A. Edgerton as a photographer in 1886. In 1888 he employed Miss t g
Delia O’Brien as a clerk and Charles J. Rogers as a photographer. He served as treasurer and librarian of the Grand g 3
Rapids Photographic Club in 1887. One A. A. Barr born in Michigan at about the right time was farming out in Los 3 1
Angeles County in 1900. Mrs. E. M. Barr from Pennsylvania was his wife, and they had married about 1889. 1
1. 1850 Federal Census of Augusta Township in Washtenaw County, 1860 Federal Census of Paris Township and 1880 Federal Census of
the city of Grand Rapids in Kent County, Michigan, plus 1900 Federal Census of Rowland Township in Los Angeles County, California.
2. William Culp Darrah, Stereo Views, 1964, and The World of Stereographs, 1977, Gettysburg, Pennsylvania.
3. The Photographic Times, New York, volume 17, number 308, August 12, 1887.
Barr, George S.
Sturgis child ............................................................................................................................................................... 1862 1
Trowbridge Township student ................................................................................................................................... 1870 2
South Haven photographer ........................................................................................................................................ 1880 2
Battle Creek (Barr & Hayter) PHOTOGRAPHERS on Main st east at the corner of South av ....................... 1884-1885 m
Battle Creek PHOTOGRAPHER .............................................................................................................................. 1886 3
Somerville, Massachusetts, commercial traveler in photo supplies ........................................................................... 1910 2
Owatonna, Minnesota, commercial salesman ............................................................................................................ 1920 2
Owatonna, Minnesota, insurance salesman ................................................................................................................ 1930 2
His parents came from Virginia and Ohio and George was born in Michigan in 1861, last of the six children of 2
Thomas W. and Orpha Ann Barr. His father enlisted at Sturgis in Company E of the Nineteenth Michigan Infantry on 2 1
August 7, 1862, and was mustered into the regiment on September 5. He was killed in action at Resaca, Georgia, on 1
May 15, 1864. By 1870 George’s mother was married to Ira A. B. Gillespie, and he and three of his siblings were 1 2
living with her on Ira’s farm. George was single and boarding with the family of photographer Loren D. Austin in 2
1880, and probably was working in Loren’s gallery. He moved his gallery two doors up the street in June of 1886, 2 3
from opposite the Methodist Episcopal Church to across from the grocery of R. C. Parker. Jessie was born in New 3 2
York State in 1865, and she married George about 1903 when she was 37 years old. Their daughter Virginia was born 2
in Massachusetts in 1905. 2
1. Record of Service of Michigan Volunteers in the Civil War, 1861-1865; published by the State of Michigan about 1904.
2. 1860 Federal Census of Union Township of Branch County, 1870 Federal Census of Trowbridge Township in Allegan County, and
1880 Federal Census of the village of South Haven in Van Buren County, Michigan, 1910 Federal Census of the Seventh Ward of
Somerville in Middlesex County, Massachusetts, plus 1920 and 1930 Federal Censes of the Second Ward of Owatonna in Steele
County, Minnesota..
3. Sunday Morning Call, Battle Creek, June 13, 1886.

Barr, Robert
Robert was born on September 16, 1850, the eldest of the eight children of Jane and Robert Barr, who was a 1
carpenter at Glasgow, Scotland. In 1854 the family moved to Wallacetown, Ontario, and later to Windsor. Robert 1
taught for a while in rural schools near Windsor before entering the Toronto Normal School, where he earned a 1
teaching certificate. He then taught at Wallacetown and Walkerville and became principal of the Windsor Central 1
School. By this time, he was an intermittant contributor of comic pieces to the Bothwell Advance and to the Toronto 1
satirical magazine Grip. The Detroit Free Press accepted one of his humorous stories, and in 1876 hired him as a 1
reporter. He later was promoted to columnist (using the pen name Luke Sharp) and then to exchange editor. With his 1 2
wife Eva, Robert moved to England in 1881 to establish the London Edition of the Detroit Free Press. He was co- 2
publisher, editor and a regular columnist of this highly successful weekly publication. It began as a large eight page six 2
column paper catering to a broad public with American humor, interviews and travel articles when most English 2
papers were aimed at an elite audience and had comparatively low circulation. The four to six weeks required for 2 3
shipment of the stereotype matrices to London from Detroit, where much of the content of the London Edition had 3
been published earlier, precluded any attempt to cover breaking news. The paper achieved a circulation of over 30,000 3 2
in its first year, changed to a sixteen page four column format in 1884, and was selling over 150,00 copies per week by 2
1890. From 1884 through 1890, Robert was listed in Detroit City Directories as an editor of the Detroit Free Press d
with his residence across the river in Walkerville, Ontario, and his article in The American Annual of Photography for d 4
1888 was credited to Robert Barr (Luke Sharp), Detroit, Mich. All other sources indicate that, though he traveled the 4 2
world extensively, Robert’s home was in England from 1881 on. The 1888 article mentioned above, “About Bromide 3 4
Paper,” was a serious piece which disclosed that he used a 4 by 5 inch Scoville camera on his travels and did his own 4
developing and printing. His 1890 article in The American Annual of Photography, “How to Make Things,” was a 4
humourous account of how his alpenstock tripod, portable developing box and other photographic inventions turned 4
out to be expensive and useless. In 1892, Jerome K. Jerome and Robert founded the glossy, lavishly illustrated 4 1
monthly magazine, The Idler, which enjoyed immediate success. Robert co-edited The Idler until 1895 and again from 1
1902 to 1911. The final London Edition of the Detroit Free Press was distributed on April 1, 1899. The first 1 2
collection of Robert’s stories was published in 1883 and his first two novels, one a mystery, were published in 1894. 1
He was awarded an honorary Master of Arts degree by the University of Michigan in 1900. He wrote 29 novels, 11 of 1
them mysteries or detective fiction and others science fiction, many short stories and several plays. His main 1
contribution to detective fiction was The Triumphs of Eugene Valmont in 1906, which introduced a comic French 1
sleuth who in some ways anticipated Agatha Christie’s Hercule Poirot. Robert died at his home in Woldlingham, 1
Surrey, on October 21, 1912, survived by a son, a daughter and a grandchild. 1
1. Frank N. Magill, editor, Critical Survey of Mystery and Detective Fiction, Salem Press, Pasadena, California, 1988, pages 88 to 93.
2. James Stanford Bradshaw, “The Detroit Free Press in England,” in Chronicle, volume 17, number 1, spring 1981, pages 10 through 16.
3. Frank Angelo, On Guard, A History of the Detroit Free Press, Detroit Free Press, Detroit, 1981, pages 97 to 101.
4. The American Annual of Photography and Photographic Times Almanac, Scoville Manufacturing Co., New York, for 1888, page 79,
and for 1890, page 80.
Barrett, Jennie L., Miss
Springville Township, Wisconsin, child .................................................................................................................... 1870 1
Wergeland, Minnesota, student .................................................................................................................................. 1880 1
Reed City (Barrett Sisters) PHOTOGRAPHERS ............................................................................................. 1891-1895 2 m
Jennie was born in Ohio in 1868 or early in 1869, the daughter of Lewis and Lydia E. Barrett. She had a brother and 1
sister born in Ohio between 1862 and 1868, and a brother born in Wisconsin about 1871. Early in May of 1891 the 1 2
local newspaper noted that the Barrett Sisters had their very neat new photograph gallery in operation, and carried this 2
advertisement: “THE STAR GALLERY, Barrett Sisters, Props., First Door West of the Bank. This Gallery is on the 2
ground floor, and is fitted up with all the latest and best equipments for fine work. CABINETS $2 AND $2.50 for the 2
next six weeks. Your Patronage is Solicited. BARRETT SISTERS.” Jennie had left her parental home by 1900. 2 1
1. 1870 Federal Census of Springville Township in Adams County, Wisconsin, 1880 Federal Census of the village of Wergeland in
Yellow Medicine County, Minnesota, and 1900 Federal Census of the village of Reed City in Osceola County, Michigan.
2. Reed City Weekly Clarion, Reed City, Michigan, May 1, 1891, pages 1 and 4.

Barrett, Lillie L., Miss

Springville Township, Wisconsin, resident ............................................................................................................... 1870 1
Wergeland, Minnesota, student .................................................................................................................................. 1880 1
Reed City (Barrett Sisters) PHOTOGRAPHERS ............................................................................................. 1891-1895 2 m
Reed City resident ...................................................................................................................................................... 1900 1
Lillie, called Lucinda as a small child, was born in Ohio in April of 1866. She was the second child of Lewis and 1
Lydia E. Barrett. Her brother Arnold was born in Ohio about 1862, her brother Lewis was born in Wisconsin about 1
1871, and her sister Jennie is mentioned above. Jennie and Lillie were identified as “The Misses Barrett” in one 1 m
directory. Lillie was single and living with her parents in 1900. m 1
1. 1870 Federal Census of Springville Township in Adams County, Wisconsin, 1880 Federal Census of the village of Wergeland in
Yellow Medicine County, Minnesota, and 1900 Federal Census of the village of Reed City in Osceola County, Michigan.
2. Reed City Weekly Clarion, Reed City, Michigan, May 1, 1891, pages 1 and 4.

Barron, Alexander B.
Marine City PHOTOGRAPHER ..................................................................................................................... 1871-1879 1 m
Forest, Ontario, PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................... 1879-1888 2
Alexander advertised his “NEW PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY AT MARINE CITY, MICH. - A. B. Barron wishes to 1
inform the ladies and gentlemen of Marine City, Michigan, and of the Township of Sombra, Ontario, that he has 1
opened a new Photograph Gallery on Broadway, Marine City; and having one of the finest lights in the country, and 1
being determined to spare no effort to give entire satisfaction, he respectfully solicits a call from all requiring anything 1
in his line. - Photographs taken in all the latest styles, and in all kinds of weather, at the lowest rates; and the usual 1
premium allowed on Canada money. Marine City, Feb. 9, 1871.” Some of his Marine City tintypes were put up in 4 ½ 1 t
by 3 inch paper folders. His gallery still was on Broadway in 1873. t 3
1. Sarnia Observer, Sarnia, Ontario, March 24, 1871.
2. Glen C. Phillips, The Ontario Photographers List (1851-1900), Iron Gate Publishing Company, Sarnia, Ontario, 1990.
3. Port Huron Directory, 1873, Port Huron Times.

Barron, Alice E., Miss

Port Huron milliner .................................................................................................................................................... 1900 1
Port Huron assistant photographer ............................................................................................................................. 1910 1
Zion City, Illinois, department store clerk ................................................................................................................. 1920 1
Their parents, photographer William H. Barron and his wife Margaret A. (Edwards) Barron, emigrated from Canada 1
and Alice and her twin sister Stella were born in Michigan in March of 1878. Alice was assistant to her father in 1910, 1
and she was living with her widowed mother in 1920. 1
1. 1900 and 1910 Federal Censes of the First Ward of Port Huron in St. Clair County, Michigan, plus 1920 Federal Census of the Fourth
Ward of Zion City in Lake County, Illinois.

Barron, Ella L.
Detroit resident .......................................................................................................................................................... 1885 d
Detroit photographer for Frank N. Tomlinson ........................................................................................................... 1887 d
Detroit clerk ............................................................................................................................................................... 1888 d

Barron, Fred C.
Port Huron photographer ........................................................................................................................................... 1900 1
His parents, photographer William H. Barron and his wife Margaret A. Barron, emigrated from Canada. Fred’s twin 1
sisters, Alice and Stella, were born in Michigan in March of 1878, and Fred was born here in May of 1880. 1
1. 1900 Federal Census of the First Ward of Port Huron in St. Clair County, Michigan.
Barron, Russell J. M.
Grand Rapids PHOTOGRAPHER at 126 Canal st .......................................................................................... 1882-1883 m
Terrrell, Texas, (Shreves & Barron) PHOTOGRAPHERS ............................................................................. 1884-1885 1
Terrell, Texas, PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................. 1890-1892 1
Longview, Texas, PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................ 1896-1897 1
Terrell, Texas, PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................. 1898-1899 1
Dallas, Texas, PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................ 1900 1 2
Trenton, Texas, PHOTOGRAPHER ......................................................................................................................... 1900 1
The Texas photographer was born in New York State in April of 1838, and was identified as Russell J. Barron. His 2 1
wife, Mrs. Leonora O. Barron, was born in Arkansas in October of 1853, married Russell about 1884, and was a 2
solicitor for maps in 1900. Their sons were born in Texas: Russell in July of 1885, Horace in April of 1887, and Greg 2
in October of 1888.
1. David Haynes, Catching Shadows, A Directory of 19th-Century Texas Photographers, Texas State Hist. Assoc., Austin, Texas, 1993.
2. 1900 Federal Census of the Fifth Ward of Dallas in Dallas County, Texas.

Barron, William H.
Sarnia, Ontario, PHOTOGRAPHER over the store of Mr. A. Ley on Front st .................................................... ca 1873 t
Port Huron (Marsh & Barron) PHOTOGRAPHERS ........................................................................................... ca 1874 t
Port Huron PHOTOGRAPHER at 21 Huron av .............................................................................................. 1874-1887 m P
Port Huron PHOTOGRAPHER on the second floor at 220 Huron av ............................................................ 1888-1895 m P
Port Huron PHOTOGRAPHER at 418 Huron av ............................................................................................ 1896-1913 m P
William was the second child of William and Annie (Lumsdon) Barron, who had emigrated in 1848 from Aberdeen, 1
Scotland. He was born in November of 1849 at St. Marys, Ontario. Margaret Edwards was born in Canada in 1 2
November of 1851, married William about 1875, and their children were born in Michigan: Alice and Stella in March 2
of 1878 and Fred in May of 1880. William’s brother John was a Sarnia photographer from 1866 until 1898, when he 2 1
gave his whole attention to the music business that he began in 1882. The gallery at 21 Huron Avenue was over the 1 t
store of H. Mears and later over the Chandler store. Some card photographs were from “Barron’s Old Established P t
PHOTO STUDIO Over People’s Cash Store, No. 21 Huron Ave., Port Huron, Mich. Parties sending money by mail t
for additional copies need not send this picture, just the name. Address registered when the negative was taken.” From t
1883 until 1885, William maintained a second gallery over the First National Bank in Port Huron. He produced rather P t
crude stereoscopic views of Port Huron homes and churches, and better ones of Huronia Beach and of the Black River. t
The studio at 418 Huron Avenue was opposite City Hall. William’s son, Fred C. Barron, was identified as a R 2
photographer in 1900. William was also dealing in notions in from 1906 through 1908. His daughter Alice was his P 2
assistant photographer in 1910. Mrs. Margaret A. Barron, William’s widow, was living in Port Huron in 1913 and in 2 P
Zion City, Illinois, in 1920. 2
1. Commemorative Biographical Record of the County of Lambton, J. H. Beers & Company, Toronto, 1906.
2. 1880, 1900 and 1910 Federal Censes of the First Ward of Port Huron in St. Clair County, Michigan, plus 1920 Federal Census of the
Fourth Ward of Zion City in Lake County, Illinois..

Barrows, Asahel A.
Grand Rapids baby .................................................................................................................................................... 1860 1
Hastings student ......................................................................................................................................................... 1870 21
Mendon (J. G. Barrows & Son) PHOTOGRAPHERS on the north side of Main st ....................................... 1878-1879 m t
Grand Rapids (J. G. Barrows & Son) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 55 Bridge st west ........................................... 1880-1881 m g
Grand Rapids printer ........................................................................................................................................ 1886,1888 g
Grand Rapids printer or compositor ................................................................................................................ 1891-1901 g
Grand Rapids linotype operator ................................................................................................................................. 1904 g
Chicago, Illinois, printer ............................................................................................................................................ 1910 2
Saginaw PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................... 1920-1921 2 1
Grand Rapids resident ................................................................................................................................................ 1930 2
Asa was eldest of the three children of photographer John G. and Sarah Diana Barrows, and was born at Grand 2
Rapids on March 11, 1860. His sister Mary and his brother Burt also were born in Michigan. Elizabeth Weiss was 2
born here to German parents in August of 1871, a daughter of Emil and Anna Weiss. She married Asa about 1890, and 2
their daughter Dorothy was born in Michigan in 1901. Asa returned alone from Honolulu, Hawaii, to San Francisco on 2 1
the S. S. Sonoma in November of 1921. He and Elizabeth observed their fortieth wedding anniversary in 1930. 1 2
1. California Passenger and Crew Lists, 1893-1957.
2. 1870 Federal Census of the village of Hastings in Barry County, 1880 Federal Census of the city of Grand Rapids, 1900 Federal
Census of the Eleventh Ward and 1930 Federal Census of the Third Ward of Grand Rapids in Kent County, plus 1920 Federal
Census of the Sixteenth Ward of Saginaw in Saginaw County, Michigan, and 1910 Federal Census of the 32nd Ward of Chicago
in Cook County, Illinois.
Barrows, Burt E.
Hastings child ............................................................................................................................................................ 1870 1
Grand Rapids student ................................................................................................................................................. 1880 1
Grand Rapids photographer ....................................................................................................................................... 1888 g
Grand Rapids retoucher for photographer Cornelius W. Moore ................................................................................ 1889 g
Grand Rapids artist .......................................................................................................................................... 1891-1902 g 1
Chicago, Illinois, artist ............................................................................................................................................... 1910 1
Burt was the younger son of photographer John G. and Sarah Diana Barrows, and was born in Michigan in August of 1
1869. He boarded in Grand Rapids with his parents and then with his widowed mother until 1896. Her parents 1
emigrated from Germany, Margarite was born in North Carolina in September of 1877, and she married Burt in 1897 1
or 1898. Their daughter Bessie was born in March of 1899, and their daughter Alice was born about 1902. Burt was a 1
widower providing a home for his daughters and his mother in 1910. 1
1. 1870 Federal Census of the village of Hastings in Barry County, 1880 Federal Census of the city of Grand Rapids and 1900 Federal
Census of the Eleventh Ward of Grand Rapids in Kent County, Michigan, plus 1910 Federal Census of the Thirteenth Ward of
Chicago in Cook County, Illinois.

Barrows, Charles V.
Sturgis child or student ..................................................................................................................................... 1860,1870 1
Sturgis (Barrows’ Gallery) PHOTOGRAPHER on the north side of Chicago st ...................................................... 1880 1 2
Springfield, Massachusetts, PHOTOGRAPHER at 155 State st ..................................................................... 1881-1882 3
Fort Wayne, Indiana, photographer for Frank R. Barrows ........................................................................................ 1887 4
Fort Wayne, Indiana, PHOTOGRAPHER at 18 Berry st west ............................................................................. ca 1888 t
Fort Wayne, Indiana, PHOTOGRAPHER at 16 Berry st west ......................................................................... 1888-1890 4
Sturgis PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................. 1890-1911 m R
Howe, Indiana, PHOTOGRAPHER .......................................................................................................................... 1911 R
Julius Barrows was born in Connecticut in 1829, and he became an architect and builder. Eliza Hammond was born 4 5
in England in March of 1830, immigrated to America, married Julius about 1852, and gave birth at Sturgis in 5
September of 1853 to Ada, in August of 1854 to Frank, and in February of 1856 to Charles. Nellie was born in Indiana 4 5
in January of 1864, married Charles about 1888, and gave birth to Leon in Indiana in February of 1890 and to Vera in 5
Michigan in January of 1892. Charles and his family were living with his widowed mother in 1900. Many of Charles’ 5 t
cabinet mounts were from “... Nottawa Street, Sturgis, Mich.” Later Sturgis imprints mention his ground floor studio. t 6
Howe, Indiana, is five miles due south of Sturgis. Nellie was a widow providing a home in Sturgis for her daughter in 6 1
1920. 1
1. 1860, 1870 and 1880 Federal Census of the village of Sturgis plus 1900 and 1910 Federal Censes of the First Ward and 1920 Fed eral
Census of the Fourth Ward of Sturgis in St. Joseph County, Michigan.
2. St. Joseph County Directory,\880, Globe Publishing Company, Mendon, Michigan.
3. Chris Steele and Ronald Polito, A Directory of Massachusetts Photographers 1839-1900, Picton Press, Camden, Maine, 1993.
4. Learned in 2000 from James A. Marusek of Bloomfield, Indiana.
5. Portrait and Biographical Album of St. Joseph County, Michigan, Chapman Brothers, Chicago, 1889, pages 271 and 272.
6. Road Atlas - United States / Canada / Mexico, Rand McNally & Company, Chicago, 1975.

Barrows, E. A.
York PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................................ 1886-1887 m

Barrows, E. H.
Exeter Township photographer .................................................................................................................................. 1880 1
Barrows was born in New York State in 1848 or 1849. He was single in 1880, and was boarding with the family of 1
Maybee and Mary Abram on their farm. 1
1. 1880 Federal Census of Exeter Township in Monroe County, Michigan.
Barrows, Frank R.
Sturgis child or student ..................................................................................................................................... 1860,1870 1
Sturgis (J. G. & F. R. Barrows) PHOTOGRAPHERS on the south side of Chicago st ........................................ ca 1874 t
Sturgis PHOTOGRAPHER on the south side of Chicago st ........................................................................... 1874-1877 m
Sturgis PHOTOGRAPHER on the north side of Chicago st ............................................................................ 1878-1879 m t
Fort Wayne, Indiana, (Clayton & Barrows) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 18 Berry st west .................................... 1880-1881 1 2
Fort Wayne, Indiana, PHOTOGRAPHER at 18 Berry st west ........................................................................ 1882-1888 2
Fort Wayne, Indiana, PHOTOGRAPHER at 62 Calhoun st ............................................................................ 1889-1892 2
Fort Wayne, Indiana, PHOTOGRAPHER at 62 & 64 Calhoun st and 21-23 Berry st west ....................................... 1893 2
Fort Wayne, Indiana, PHOTOGRAPHER at 21 or 23 Berry st west ............................................................... 1894-1900 2
Boston, Massachusetts, resident ................................................................................................................................ 1901 2
Medford, Massachusetts, PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................... 1910 1
Eugene, Oregon, resident ........................................................................................................................................... 1920 1
Frank’s father, Julius M. Barrows, was born in Connecticut, grew up in Cleveland, Ohio, and moved with his parents 1 4
to Grand Rapids in 1849. His mother, Mrs. Eliza (Hammond) Barrows, emigrated from England and married Julius on 4
September 2, 1849. They moved to Sturgis in 1851, where Julius became a respected architect and builder of homes, 4
churches and hotels. Frank was born at Sturgis on August 5, 1854. Abbie Hanson was born in Massachusetts in 4
February of 1854, married Frank on March 22, 1877, gave birth to Lulu (later called Louise) in Michigan in December 4 1
of 1878, and gave birth to Raymond in Indiana in November of 1880. Frank called himself an Artist Photographer on 1 t
some card mounts from the south side of Chicago Street, and included “1879” in some imprints from the north side. t
“F. R. Burrows ..…” was printed on some of his Sturgis mounts. He was awarded a premium of $3.00 for his exhibit of t 5
photographs at the St. Joseph County Fair in the fall of 1878. His associate in 1880 was Francis Harry Clayton. 5 2
Raymond was identified as a photographer in 1910, and probably was working in his father’s Medford studio. Louise 1
married a university professor, Alfred H. Schroff, and was providing a home in Eugene for her parents in 1920 and for 1
her widowed mother in 1930. 1
1. 1860 and 1870 Federal Census of the village of Sturgis in St. Joseph County, Michigan, 1880 Federal Census of Fort Wayne and
1900 Federal Census of the First Ward of Fort Wayne in Allen County, Indiana, as well as 1910 Federal Census of the Third Ward
of Medford, Massachusetts, plus 1920 Federal Census of the Second Ward and 1930 Federal Census of the First ward of Eugene
in Lane County, Oregon.
2. Learned in 2000 from James A. Marusek of Bloomfield, Indiana.
3. Valley of the Upper Maumee River, Brant & Fuller, Madison, Wisconsin, 1889. vol.2, p.174. Noted by Don Fredgant.
4. Portrait and Biographical Album of St. Joseph County, Michigan, Chapman Brothers, Chicago, 1889, pages 271 and 272.
5. St. Joseph County Republican, Sturgis, Michigan, October 12, 1878.
Barrows, John G.
Plainfield Township farmer ....................................................................................................................................... 1860 1
Middleville PHOTOGRAPHER ...................................................................................................................... 1865-1868 2 3
Hastings (Hastings Art Gallery) PHOTOGRAPHERS opposite the post office on Jefferson st ........................... ca 1868 t
Hastings PHOTOGRAPHER .......................................................................................................................... 1869-1870 t 1
Saint Joseph County PHOTOGRAPHER .................................................................................................................. 1870 4
Grand Rapids photographer ....................................................................................................................................... 1871 5
Mendon PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................... 1872-1873 m
Sturgis (J. G. & F. R. Barrows) PHOTOGRAPHERS on the south side of Chicago st ........................................ ca 1874 t
Fort Wayne, Indiana, photographer ........................................................................................................................... 1877 6
Mendon (J. G. Barrows & Son) PHOTOGRAPHERS on the north side of Main st ....................................... 1878-1879 m
Grand Rapids (J. G. Barrows & Son) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 55 Bridge st west ........................................... 1880-1881 g m
Grand Rapids PHOTOGRAPHER at 55 Bridge st west .................................................................................. 1881-1885 g m
Grand Rapids PHOTOGRAPHER at 17 & 19 Bridge st west ......................................................................... 1886-1887 g m
Grand Rapids PHOTOGRAPHER on the ground floor at 499 Division st south ................................................. ca 1887 t
John was born in Connecticut in 1834 or 1835, Sarah was born in Michigan three years later, and their children were 6 1
born here: Asa in March of 1860, Diana Mary about 1864, and Burt in August of 1869. Tintypes as well as cartes de 1 t
visite were produced in the Hastings Art Gallery. John was awarded the premium for the Best Collection of t 4
Photographs and Ambrotypes exhibited at the 1870 St. Joseph County Fair in Centreville. From negatives by Warren 4 5
Wykes, he produced many pairs of prints which were tipped into the June issue of the 1871 Photographic Times to 5
illustrate the use of Bigelow’s Revolving Background. He incorporated the NPA monogram into some of his Mendon 5 t
imprints, and he produced stereo views from Mendon, some of them published by Barrows & Son. He and his son, t 7
Asa, maintained an exhibit of their photographs in the Mendon post office, and made card photographs in Mendon for 8 t
$1.50 per dozen. They were sometimes listed as just “Barrows & Son” in both Mendon and Grand Rapids. “Barrows’ m g
Photographic Landscapes” included stereoscopic views of the damage resulting from a break of the reservoir of the t
Grand Rapids water works in 1880, and more than 20 stereographs of the log jam and flood in Grand Rapids on July t
26, 1883. John’s wife, Mrs. Sarah Diana Barrows, worked in the gallery in 1880 and lived in Grand Rapids as his t g
widow from 1888 through 1900. g 1
1. 1870 Federal Census of the village of Hastings in Barry County, plus 1860 Federal Census of Plainfield Township, 1880 Federal
Census of the city of Grand Rapids, and 1900 Federal Census of the Eleventh Ward of Grand Rapids in Kent County, Michigan.
2. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1862-1866, National Archives, Washington, D.C.
3. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1867-1868, Great Lakes Branch of the National Archives, Chicago, Illinois.
4. Weekly Mercury & St. Joseph County Advertiser, Constantine, Michigan, October 12, 1870.
5. The Photographic Times, volume 1, number 6, June, 1871, page 92.
6. Learned in 2000 from James A. Marusek of Bloomfield, Indiana.
7. Learned in 2000 from Bonnie and Kenneth Williams of Mattawan, Michigan.
8. St. Joseph County Republican, Sturgis, Michigan, April 6 to December 7, 1878.

Barth, Antonia, Miss

Leelanau Township student ....................................................................................................................................... 1900 1
Leland PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................. 1904-1905 m
Leelanau Township dress making seamstress ............................................................................................................ 1910 1
Solon Township farm wife ................................................................................................................................ 1920,1930 1
Antonia was born in Michigan in April of 1886, second of the three daughters of Otto J. and Augusta W. Barth. Her 1
father was brought to this country from Germany in 1866 and became a naturalized citizen of the United States. Her 1
mother emigrated from Germany in 1882 and married Otto less than a year later. Antonia’s sisters were born in 1
Michigan in September of 1883 and November of 1897. Rudolph Lautner was born in Michigan to parents from the 1
Bohemian section of Austria in 1879 or early in 1880. Antonia married Rudolph about 1910 and gave birth to Kenneth 1
in May of 1916 and to Howard in June of 1919. 1
1. 1900 and 1910 Federal Censes of Leelanau Township, plus 1920 and 1930 Federal Censes of Solon Township in
Leelanau County, Michigan.

Barth, Clarence E.
Toledo, Ohio, student ................................................................................................................................................ 1900 1
Toledo, Ohio, photographer ....................................................................................................................................... 1910 1
Highland Park photographer ...................................................................................................................................... 1918 d
Highland Park tool crib foreman for the Ford Motor Company ................................................................................ 1918 2
Highland Park autoworker ......................................................................................................................................... 1919 d
Clarence was born in Michigan on January 4, 1883, and had an older brother and three younger sisters. His father 2 1
emigrated from Germany and his mother, Mrs. Magdalene Barth, was born in Ohio to Swiss parents. She was a widow 1
by 1900. Alice was born in Illinois in 1885 or early in 1886, and she married Clarence about 1908. 1
1. 1900 and 1910 Federal Censes of the First Ward of Toledo in Lucas County, Ohio.
2. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.
Barth, Herman Fred
Carmi, Illinois, child or student ........................................................................................................................ 1900,1910 1
Evansville, Indiana, business college student .................................................................................................. 1911-1912 2 3
Evansville, Indiana, employee of the Van Dyke Studio ........................................................................................ ca 1913 2
Evansville, Indiana, instructor in the Van Dyke College of Photography ............................................................. ca 1914 2 3
Mount Carmel, Illinois, PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................... 1915-1917 2 4
United States Army soldier .............................................................................................................................. 1917-1919 2 3
Detroit photo printer or photographer for C. M. Hayes & Company ............................................................... 1919-1927 2 d
Ferndale PHOTOGRAPHER at 158 Nine Mile Road west ............................................................................. 1928-1942 2 m
Ferndale PHOTOGRAPHER at 23421 Woodward av .................................................................................... 1942-1964 2 3
Ferndale resident .............................................................................................................................................. 1964-1991 3
Herman was born on July 15, 1893, at Carmi, Illinois, the only son of Fred Marx Barth and Sally J. Barth. His sister 4 1
Alwina was born in February of 1897. Herman graduated from high school at Carmi. He enlisted in the Signal Corps 1 2
when America entered World War I, and served in the American Expeditionary Force. Following the armistice he was 2
assigned to compiling and titling all photographic war records at the Pathé plant near Paris for transfer to the Army 2
War College archives at Washington, D. C., where he was discharged. He studied art at Paris, France, and in Detroit. 2
Miriam was born in Michigan in 1897 or 1898, and their son Wallace and daughter Dolores were born here between 1
1925 and July of 1929. Herman spent eight years with the largest studio in Detroit before opening his first 1 d
photographic studio in Ferndale. He moved into his own new, modern building in February of 1942, and occupied it 2 3
until his retirement in 1964. Herman’s portraits and commercial photographs brought him many honors. He served as 2
president of the Commercial Photographers Association of Detroit and belonged to the Photographers’ Association of 2 3
America, the Professional Photographers of America, the Michigan Photographers Association, the Photographic 2 3
Society of Michigan, the Detroit Portrait Photographers Association, the Ferndale Camera Club and the Early Engine 2 3
Club. He broke a hip six weeks before his death on March 1, 1991, from complications following surgery. He had 3
lived 97 years and was survived by his wife Betty, a son, a daughter, ten grandchildren and nine great-grandchildren. 3
Burial was in Woodlawn Cemetery at Detroit. 3
1. 1900 and 1910 Federal Censes of the Third Ward of Carmi in White County, Illinois, plus 1920 Federal Census of the Second Ward
of Detroit in Wayne County and 1930 Federal Census of the Fourth Precinct of Ferndale in Oakland County, Michigan.
2. Who’s Who in American Portrait Photography, Charles Abel, Cleveland, Ohio, 1943.
3. Obituary in the Detroit News, Detroit, Michigan March 3, 1991, page 6C, column 1.
4. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.

Bartholomew, _______
Westwood PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................................. 1916 t
“BARTHOLOMEW” was lettered on the negatives of a series of post card photographs of a train wreck. “G.R & I t
WRECK, WESTWOOD, MICH. SEPT 2 - 16” was lettered on five of the eight negatives. A fast southbound train had t
hit a broken rail and seven passenger cars rolled down an embankment. Only three of the many injuries were serious. t
The accident was documented by at least two other photographers. t

Bartholomew, Grace A., Miss

Detroit retoucher .............................................................................................................................................. 1892-1893 d

Bartholomew, R.
Twin Bridges Corners PHOTOGRAPHER .......................................................................................................... ca 1915 t
“R. BARTHOLOMEW TWIN BRIDGE – CIDER MILL, OCEANA CO., MICH.” was lettered on the negative of a post card photograph t
which never was mailed.. t

Bartlett, George N.
Sault Sainte Marie photographer ..................................................................................................................... 1897-1898 1
Bay Mills manager of Allan Fanjoy’s branch gallery ................................................................................................ 1898 1
Sault Sainte Marie, Ontario, manager of Young’s Studio .......................................................................................... 1902 1
Medicine Hat, Alberta, PHOTOGRAPHER .................................................................................................... 1911-1913 2
George’s Bay Mills position was reported in March of 1898. Five of his portraits, one full page, and nine of his 1
views were reproduced by a photographic magazine early in the summer of 1902. 1
1. St. Louis and Canadian Photographer; volume 22, number 3, March 1898, page 129, and volume 26, number 6, June 1902,
pages 248, 261, 266 and 267.
2. Glen C. Phillips, The Western Canada Photographers List (1860-1925), Iron Gate Publishing Company, London, Ontario, 1997.

Barton, _______
Hastings (West & Barton) PHOTOGRAPHERS .................................................................................................. ca 1895 t
Marshall (West & Barton) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 219 State st east .............................................................. 1895-1896 1
1. Richard Carver, A History of Marshall, Marshall Historical Society, Marshall, Michigan, 1993.
Barton, Emma L., Mrs.
Port Huron photographer ........................................................................................................................................... 1900 1
Port Huron housewife ................................................................................................................................................ 1910 1
Port Huron PHOTOGRAPHER at 1234 Lapeer av ......................................................................................... 1930-1933 m P
Her father was from Massachusetts, her mother emigrated from England, and Emma was born in Michigan in May of 1
1865. She married the photographer John C. Barton about 1887, and seems to have been working with him in 1900. 1
She did not give birth to John Wilbur Barton until 1904 or 1905. She was a widow when she succeeded her husband in 1 m
the Lapeer Avenue studio. m
1. 1900 and 1910 Federal Censes of the First Ward and 1930 Federal Census of the Fourth Ward of Port Huron in St. Clair County,

Barton, J. C.
Reading (Parmelee & Barton) PHOTOGRAPHERS ............................................................................................ ca 1866 t
Reading PHOTOGRAPHER in Mallory’s Block ................................................................................................. ca 1870 t
Some Parmelee & Barton cartes de visite carried two cent revenue stamps, and some did not. t

Barton, Jay Samuel

Plainwell child ........................................................................................................................................................... 1880 1
Grand Rapids student, clerk or resident ........................................................................................................... 1890-1894 g
Grand Rapids traveling agent or resident ......................................................................................................... 1895-1896 g
Grand Rapids photographer ....................................................................................................................................... 1897 g
Grand Rapids traveling agent or salesman ....................................................................................................... 1899-1901 g
Grand Rapids clerk or salesman for an agricultural implement firm ............................................................... 1902-1916 g
Grand Rapids traveling salesman ..................................................................................................................... 1917-1925 g
Grand Rapids real estate agent ................................................................................................................................... 1927 g
Grand Rapids insurance salesman .............................................................................................................................. 1930 g
His parents came from New York and Jacob Samuel Barton was born in Michigan on May 11, 1873, the son of 1 2
Charles C. and Lydia C. (Barringer) Barton. His sister Etta was born here in 1867 or early in 1868. As an adult, he was 1
always was known as Jay. Eva was born in Iowa or Kansas to parents from New York in May of 1874. She married 1
Jay about 1897, and their daughters Helen and Pauline were born in Michigan between 1900 and 1903. Jay’s widowed 1
mother was sharing their home in 1910 and 1920. Jay was a tall man with blue eyes and gray hair, and he died in 1 2
Grand Rapids on May 11, 1930. g
1. 1900 and 1910 Federal Censes of the Eleventh Ward plus 1920 and 1930 Federal Censes of the Third Ward of Grand Rapids in
Kent County, Michigan.
2. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.

Barton, John C.
Port Huron (Thoms & Barton) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 1 Huron av ......................................................................... 1886 m t
Port Huron PHOTOGRAPHER at the southeast corner of Quay st and Huron av .......................................... 1886-1887 m P
Port Huron PHOTOGRAPHER on the second floor at 108 Huron av ............................................................ 1888-1921 m P
Port Huron photographer ........................................................................................................................................... 1922 P
Port Huron PHOTOGRAPHER at 1234 Lapeer av ......................................................................................... 1923-1927 P m
His parents emigrated from Scotland and England, and John was born in Canada in March of 1856. Her father was 1
from Massachusetts, her mother emigrated from England, and Emma was born in Michigan in May of 1865. She 1
married John about 1887, was enumerated as a photographer in 1900, and did not give birth to Wilbur until 1904 or 1
1905. Though he was listed in several sources as John C. Barton, he advertised in 1887 as: “JAMES C. BARTON, 1 P
PHOTOGRAPHIC ARTIST, Northeast Side Black River, Moffat Block, Huron Avenue, Port Huron, Mich. LIFE P
SIZE PORTRAITS in Crayon and Oil a Specialty. Artistic Work Guaranteed at moderate prices. Pictures enlarged to P
any required size.” The 5 by 3 inch folders of some tintypes were stamped; “J. C. BARTON, Artist, 108 Huron Ave., P t
Port Huron, Mich.” Mrs. Emma L. Barton was a widow and proprietor of the Barton Studio at 1234 Lapeer Avenue in 1 P
Port Huron from 1930 through 1933. m P
1. 1900 and 1910 Federal Censes of the First Ward and 1930 Federal Census of the Fourth Ward of Port Huron in St. Clair County,

Barton, Kenneth
Detroit photographer .................................................................................................................................................. 1912 d
Detroit draftsman or driver .............................................................................................................................. 1915-1916 d
Barton, Leamon W.
Kalamazoo PHOTOGRAPHER at 123 Main st ........................................................................................................ 1876 k
Kalamazoo PHOTOGRAPHER at 11 Burdick st north ................................................................................... 1876-1877 m
Kalamazoo PHOTOGRAPHER at the corner of Main and Pitcher sts ...................................................................... 1878 k
Jackson PHOTOGRAPHER at 221 Main st .................................................................................................... 1878-1879 m
Jackson PHOTOGRAPHER at 113 Main st west ............................................................................................ 1880-1881 m
Jackson PHOTOGRAPHER at 115 Main st west ............................................................................................ 1882-1885 m
Jackson PHOTOGRAPHER at 101 Main st west ............................................................................................ 1885-1890 m R
Battle Creek PHOTOGRAPHER at 35 Main st east ................................................................................................. 1891 R t
Leamon was born in New York State in 1841 or 1842, and was residing in a Jackson boarding house in 1880. Some 1 t
cabinet photographs of Jackson residents had no printing on the mount, but “L. W. Barton” was written beneath the t
image. 221 Main Street in Jackson changed to 115 Main Street about 1881. Some of Leamon’s Jackson employees t 2
were: Miss Jennie Cashore, photographer in 1884; Lewis G. Parker, photographer in 1885 and 1886; Lena Simpson, 2
clerk in 1888; and Mattie Ziegler, retoucher in 1890. 2
1. 1880 Federal Census of the Fourth Ward of Jackson in Jackson County, Michigan.
2. Learned in 1997 from Gerry L. Blanchard of Jackson, Michigan.

Bartow, James
Please see the entry for John C. Barton.

Barwise, John
Central Lake PHOTOGRAPHER .................................................................................................................... 1900-1901 m

Barwise, Joseph
Sebergham, England, student ..................................................................................................................................... 1871 1
Caldergate, England, agricultural worker .................................................................................................................. 1881 1
Traverse City PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................... 1898-1899 m
Bellaire (Warner & Barwise) PHOTOGRAPHERS ........................................................................................ 1900-1901 m
Bellaire PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................................. ca 1902 t
Central Lake PHOTOGRAPHER .................................................................................................................... 1902-1905 m t
Joseph was born at Castle Sowerby in Cumberland County, England, on August 25, 1856, a son of Joseph and Mary 1 2
Barwise. He immigrated in 1887. Her father came from New Jersey, her mother emigrated from Ireland, and Susan 2
was born in Ohio on October 11, 1853. When she married Joseph about 1888, she brought along her four-year-old 2
daughter Mary and her one-year-old son George from a previous marriage to a man named Myers. She and Joseph had 2
four children born in Michigan: Josephine on December 27, 1888, William on July 15, 1890, Benjamin on March 29, 2
1892, and Phyllis Ruth on June 29, 1894. Joseph’s step-daughter, Mary C. Myers, was a photographer in 1900, 2
probably in the Ground Floor Photograph Gallery advertised by Warner & Barwise. Joseph seems to have used a 2 m
postcard portrait of himself in writing to a patron at Ypsilanti in May of 1905: “Dear Madam, - Your letter at hand. t
Will finish half-a-dozen for one dollar fifty cents. Yours Truly, J. Barwise.” Susan was a widow living in 1910 at t 2
Chicago, where she was providing a home for her son William and her daughter Ruth. 2
1. 1871 Census of Sebergham and 1881 Census of Caldergate in Cumberland County, England.
2. 1900 Federal Census of the village of Bellaire in Kearney Township of Antrim County, Michigan, and 1910 Federal Census of the
35th Ward of Chicago in Cook County, Illinois.

Bascom, Welby B.
Detroit photographer................................................................................................................................................... 1899 d

Bashford, _______
Detroit DAGUERREOTYPIST over Mr. Cooper’s store .......................................................................................... 1842 1
A Detroit newspaper carried this advertisement for a week in the spring of 1842: “DAGUERREOTYPE. ‘Secure the 1
shadow ere the substance fade.’ Mr. Bashford has returned to his room, over Mr. Cooper’s store, where he will remain 1
a few days only. Individuals wishing correct miniatures by this astonishing process, will be attended to between the 1
hours of 8 o’clock A. M. and 4 o’clock P. M. Portraits taken – according to the light – in from half a second to fifteen 1
seconds of time. mar22” 1
1. Detroit Daily Advertiser, Detroit, Michigan, March 28 to April 2, 1842, page 2, columns 5 or 6.
Baske, Clarence Albert
Lansing child ............................................................................................................................................................. 1900 1
Lansing student .......................................................................................................................................................... 1910 1
Lansing PHOTOGRAPHER at 900 Seymour st ................................................................................................... ca 1912 t
Lansing junior architect ............................................................................................................................................. 1917 2
Detroit real estate agent ............................................................................................................................................. 1920 1
Ypsilanti real estate broker ........................................................................................................................................ 1930 1
Clarence was born at Lansing on September 18, 1894, a son of Albert J. and Martha A. Baske, both natives of 2 1
Germany. He had an older brother, a younger sister and two younger brothers, all born in Michigan. “Photo by 1 t
BASKE” was scribed into or lettered upon the negatives of 5 by 7 photographs; one of children around a maypole and t
another of 21 men standing in front of the Michigan Power Company building which was erected in 1908. “C. Baske, t
900 Seymour St., Lansing, Mich.” was stamped on the back of the 8 by 10 inch mounts of these prints. “BASKE” was t
lettered on the negatives of postal photographs. Clarence was a tall single man of medium weight in 1917, with light t 2
blue eyes and light hair. He was still in bad shape from a severe fracture of his leg suffered the preceding year. Loraine 2 1
was born in Ohio to Canadian parents in 1893. She married Clarence in 1917 and gave birth to Loraine a year later. 1
Their daughters Joyce and Marili were born between 1920 and 1925, and their son Alan was born in May of 1927. 1
1. 1900 and 1910 Federal Censes of the Fourth Ward of Lansing in Ingham County, 1920 Federal Census of the Eighteenth Ward of
Detroit in Wayne County, and 1930 Federal Census of Ypsilanti Township in Washtenaw County, Michigan.
2. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.

Bass, Ellsworth M.
Adrian photographer for William F. Kidney .............................................................................................................. 1885 A
Hudson PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................ 1892-1898 m 1
Hudson photographer ................................................................................................................................................. 1900 2
Hudson PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................ 1902-1913 R m
Hudson PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................ 1918-1925 m
Hudson laborer at odd jobs ........................................................................................................................................ 1930 2
His parents came from New York and Ellsworth was born in Illinois in September of 1860, a son of John S. and 2
Elsie P. Bass. Mr. and Mrs. James Connant came from New York and Vermont, and their daughter Jennie was born in 2
Michigan in July of 1860. Jennie married Ellsworth about 1882, and their son Ivan was born in Michigan in May of 2
1884. Ellsworth’s gallery was over the hardware store of M. E. Powers in 1897, and in September of 1898 was 3 1
reported to have been sold to the Frost Brothers. To record the flood in Hudson on March 7, 1908, Ellsworth made 1 t
post card photographs of the water works building, and others looking both north and south over the flooded district t
from the L S & M S Railroad viaduct. Descriptive legends were added to the negatives along with “... E. M. Bass the t
artist.” t
1. St. Louis and Canadian Photographer; volume 22, number 9, September 1898, page 512.
2. 1870 Federal Census of Somonauk in De Kalb County and 1880 Federal Census of the city of Chicago in Cook County, Illinois, plus
1900, 1910, 1920 and 1930 Federal Censes of the Third Ward of Hudson in Lenawee County, Michigan.
3. Adrian and Lenawee County Directory, 1897.
Bassett, George T.
Wellsboro, Pennsylvania, child .................................................................................................................................. 1860 1
Chicago, Illinois, student ........................................................................................................................................... 1870 1
Constantine apprentice to photographer A. J. Webster .............................................................................................. 1872 2
Chicago, Illinois, operator for photographer W. A. Robinson .............................................................................. ca 1874 2
Chicago, Illinois, photographer ................................................................................................................................. 1880 1
Chicago, Illinois, (Bassett & Bisbee) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 357 Madison st west ................................................ 1881 c
Chicago, Illinois, PHOTOGRAPHER at 357 Madison st west ................................................................................. 1882 c
Chicago, Illinois, PHOTOGRAPHER ....................................................................................................................... 1886 c
New York, New York, operator for photographer Dana .................................................................................. 1888-1893 2
Saint Louis, Missouri, demonstrator for the Cramer Dry Plate Company ....................................................... 1893-1895 2
Indianapolis, Indiana, (Marceau & Bassett) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 40 Illinois st north ................................ 1895-1896 3 4
New York, New York, photographer ......................................................................................................................... 1900 1
New York, New York, (Otto Sarony Company) PHOTOGRAPHERS ..................................................................... 1903 2
New York, New York, publisher ............................................................................................................................... 1910 1
Boston, Massachusetts, photographer for a photograph company ............................................................................. 1920 1
Boston, Massachusetts, PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................. 1930 1
George was born at Wellsboro, Pennsylvania, on March 19, 1857, the son of John J. and Rebecca Bassett. His sister 1
Coral was born three years later. He trained to be a painter at the Chicago Academy of Design before devoting himself 1 2
to photography, and later spent six months as a photographic apprentice in Constantine. He worked as a photographer 2
for J. W. Gehrig in Chicago as well as Simon L. Stein, George H. Hastings and P. H. Rose. Nellie was born in New 2 1
York State in 1860 or early in 1861. She married George about 1877, and their daughter Bessie was born in 1878 or 1
early in 1879. This marriage did not last. Emma was born in New Hampshire in March of 1856, and when she married 1
George about 1888 she brought along her five-year-old daughter Mildred. George received the largest salary paid to an 1 2
operator in the dry plate era while he was working for Dana. As a traveling demonstrator of Cramer dry plates he was a 2
noted figure at photographic conventions. George managed the Indianapolis studio with sixteen employees, while 2 3
Marceau lived in San Francisco. He was described as divorced in 1910, as single in 1920, and as a widower in 1930. 2 1
He spent much of his later life lodging in large hotels. 1
1. 1860 Federal Census of Wellsboro in Tioga County, Pennsylvania, 1870 Federal Census of the Eleventh Ward and 1880 Federal
Census of the city of Chicago in Cook County, Illinois, 1900 Federal Census of the Borough of Manhattan and 1910 Federal Census
of the 21st Ward of Manhattan in New York, New York, plus 1920 Federal Census of the Seventh Ward and 1930 Federal Census
of the 21st Ward of Boston in Suffolk County, Massachusetts.
2. St. Louis and Canadian Photographer; July 1895, pages 330-331; December 1895, page 586; November 1896, page 525; and
March 1903, page 74.
3. Learned in 2000 from James A, Marusek of Bloomfield, Indiana.
4. Indianapolis of Today, 1896, page 166.
Bassett, Iba Sereno
Superior Township student ........................................................................................................................................ 1900 1
Ypsilanti ART PHOTOGRAPHER and framer ............................................................................................... 1907-1908 R
Ypsilanti PHOTOGRAPHER .......................................................................................................................... 1908-1911 y 1
Ypsilanti newspaper solicitor ..................................................................................................................................... 1914 y
Ypsilanti carpenter ............................................................................................................................................ 1916,1918 y 2
Ypsilanti gas company collector ................................................................................................................................ 1917 y
Ypsilanti shipping clerk in a fender factory ............................................................................................................... 1920 1
Ypsilanti gas company collector ................................................................................................................................ 1922 y
Ypsilanti photographer for Cyrus T. Camp ................................................................................................................ 1924 y
Ypsilanti photographer for the Camp Publishing Company ...................................................................................... 1926 y
Ypsilanti PHOTOGRAPHER at 5 Washington st south .................................................................................. 1926-1927 m y
Ypsilanti PHOTOGRAPHER at 109 Park st south ......................................................................................... 1928-1931 y m
Ypsilanti (Ypsilanti Studio) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 67 Huron st north ......................................................... 1932-1933 y
Ypsilanti resident or carpenter ......................................................................................................................... 1934-1935 y
Ypsilanti photographer for the Camp Publishing Company ...................................................................................... 1936 y
Ypsilanti printer for the Camp Publishing Company ....................................................................................... 1937-1938 y
Ypsilanti photographer .................................................................................................................................... 1939-1943 y
Ann Arbor photographer for E. D. Rentschler ........................................................................................................... 1945 y
Ann Arbor photographer for the Rentschler Studio ................................................................................................... 1948 y
Ypsilanti resident ............................................................................................................................................. 1945-1951 y
Iba was born at South Lyon, Michigan, on January 2, 1886, the son of Fred B. and Etta E. (Gibb) Bassett. His sister 3 1
and two brothers were born in Michigan between 1891 and 1901. He became a medium sized man with blue eyes and 1 2
brown hair. Marjorie E. Doty was born in Michigan in May of 1891, and she married Iba when she was nineteen years 2 1
old. Their son Kenneth was born in 1911. In 1928 and 1929, Iba was associated with Albert F. Esslinger in Esslinger’s 1 y
Real Estate Exchange. Marjorie was listed in Ypsilanti directories as Iba’s widow from 1954 through 1966. y
1. 1900 Federal Census of Superior Township, 1910 Federal Census of the First Ward plus 1920 and 1930 Federal Censes of the Fifth
Ward of Ypsilanti in Washtenaw County, Michigan.
2. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.
3. Ancestry.com Family Data Collection – Births.

Bassney, J. F.
Memphis PHOTOGRAPHER ......................................................................................................................... 1884-1885 m
Bateman, Christopher T.
Dundee resident ......................................................................................................................................................... 1862 1
United States Army soldier .............................................................................................................................. 1862-1865 1 2
Adrian PHOTOGRAPHER in the Underwood Block ..................................................................................... 1865-1867 3 m
Adrian public school teacher ........................................................................................................................... 1868-1873 2
Hudson Superintendent of Schools ............................................................................................................................ 1878 2
Sturgis resident ..................................................................................................................................................... ca 1880 2
Toledo, Ohio, resident ..................................................................................................................................... 1881-1910 2
Christopher was born at Matias Creek, Kentucky, on October 11, 1833, and was a school teacher before he entered 2
the army. As an adult he was 5 feet 8 or 9 inches tall with a light complexion, blue eyes and dark hair, and weighed 2
about 150 pounds. He enlisted in Company H of the 18th Michigan Volunteer Infantry at Dundee on August 8, 1862, 2 1
and was mustered into service as a sergeant at Hillsdale on August 26. The regiment left for Cincinnati on September 2 1
18, 1862, and then marched through Kentucky saving cities and villages from being plundered by the Confederates. 1
They engaged the enemy at Danville, Kentucky, on February 24, 1863. The 18th was ordered to Nashville, Tennessee, 1
where the regiment served provost duty from November of 1863 until June of 1864. Christopher was discharged on 1
November 2, 1863, so that he could accept a commission as First Lieutenant of Company E of the 14th United States 1 2
Colored Troops. On January 25, 1864, he was promoted to Captain and transferred to Company K of the 17th United 2
States Colored Troops, and on May 19, 1864, he became Captain of Company C of the 17th United States Colored 2
Troops. On December 15, 1864, he was wounded in action on the right buttock and severely bruised on the lower back 2
by an artillery shell on the first day of the Battle of Nashville. He was confined in the Nashville Officer’s Hospital until 2
January 7, 1865, when he was granted a month’s leave of absence. He returned to duty on February 9, 1865. Several 2
months later he tendered his resignation for personal reasons and ill health, and was honorably discharged at Nashville 2
on June 22, 1865. “Bateman’s Gallery, Adrian, Mich. FRANK P., FORD, Artist.” was printed on some cartes de 2 t
visite. Walter, the son of Christopher and his wife, Elizabeth Harriet Bateman, was born on June 16, 1869, and the 2
couple had a second son almost seven years later. Christopher was Superintendent of Lenawee County Schools in 2 A
1870. He qualified for a partial disability pension in 1873, and succeeded in obtaining pension increases periodically. A 2
Elizabeth achieved distinction as an artist, but after seven months of paralysis, she died at the age of 55 in Toledo on 4 2
August 7, 1892, and burial was in Woodlawn Cemetery. The following year Christopher married Lucy McNeil Bullard 2
at Traverse City, and they made their home in Toledo for the next thirteen years. Lucy was 74 when she died at Toledo 2
of arteriosclerosis and chronic nephritis on January 26, 1907, and burial was in Forest Cemetery. Mrs. Emma V. 2
(Allen) Brown was 56 years old and had been widowed for eleven years, and Christopher was a 74 year old retiree 2
when they married at Detroit on June 25, 1908. He died at San Antonio, Texas, of heart failure following acute 2
indigestion on December 30, 1910, and his remains were returned for burial in Toledo’s Woodlawn Cemetery. Emma 2
drew a widow’s pension into her early nineties, and died at Oil City, Pennsylvania, on January 18, 1944. 2
1. Record of Service of Michigan Volunteers in the Civil War, 1861-1865; published by the State of Michigan about 1904.
2. Veteran’s Pension Record of Christopher T. Bateman obtained from the Detroit Regional Office of the Department of Veterans Affairs.
3. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1862-1866, National Archives, Washington, D.C.
4. Death notice from an August 12, 1892, Hudson newspaper noted at the Lenawee County Historical Museum in Adrian, Michigan.

Bates, Mary A., Mrs.

Burnside milliner and dress maker ............................................................................................................................. 1880 1
Grand Rapids resident ................................................................................................................................................ 1892 g
Grand Rapids photo printer for photographer James M. LeClear .............................................................................. 1893 g
Grand Rapids photo printer or resident ............................................................................................................ 1894-1895 g
Grand Rapids machine operator for a clothing company ........................................................................................... 1896 g
Wyoming Township dress maker or housewife ................................................................................................ 1900,1910 1
Grand Rapids housewife ............................................................................................................................................ 1920 1
Mary was born in Canada to parents from New York in October of 1853, and she was brought to Michigan in 1862. 1
William O. Bates was born in New York State in February of 1850, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Izaak Bates. He and Mary 1
were married about 1874 and never had children. He was a school teacher in 1880, and a street railway conductor or 1
motorman in Kent County records. 1
1. 1880 Federal Census of Burnside Township in Lapeer County, 1900 and 1910 Federal Censes of Wyoming Township and 1920
Federal Census of the Third Ward of Grand Rapids in Kent County, Michigan.

Bates, T. W.
Millersburg PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................................ 1906 t
A 7 by 9 ¾ inch winter view of maple logs piled twenty feet high was adhered to a 10 by 12 plain dark gray mount t
on which was stamped “T. W. BATES, PHO ***” in such a way that the first initial was blurred and could have been t
something other than T. The hand written legend was “1906 Mapel logs Skidways O. J. Hamilton, Millersburg, M.” t
The first initial is again obscure, and may have been another letter rather than O. Francis Bates, later known as French, t 1
was a Bismarck Township lumber camp foreman in 1910. Millersburg is three miles west of Bismarck Township. 1
Francis was born in Michigan to English parents in 1883 or early in 1884. He married Bertha Scheppke about 1907 1
and they later had three children. They were farming in Bismarck Township in 1920 and in 1930. 1
1. 1910, 1920 and 1930 Federal Censes of Bismarck Township in Presque Isle County, Michigan.
Batson, Amos G.
Ravenna PHOTOGRAPHER .................................................................................................................................... 1868 1
1. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1867-1868, Great Lakes Branch of the National Archives, Chicago, Illinois.

Battle Creek View Company

Battle Creek (Battle Creek View Company) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 1 Main st west ..................................... 1884-1885 m
Carpenter & Kimball were the proprietors of this company. m

Batty, James
Mount Clemens DAGUERREOTYPIST ......................................................................................................... 1856-1863 m
Mount Clemens AMBROTYPE & PHOTOGRAPHIC ARTIST 2 Republican Hall, over Miller & Robinson’s ..... 1864 1
Mount Clemens PHOTOGRAPH ARTIST ..................................................................................................... 1864-1868 m 2
Mount Clemens PHOTOGRAPHER on Court st ............................................................................................ 1869-1870 m 3
Mount Clemens PHOTOGRAPHER at the corner of Macomb and Court sts ................................................. 1872-1873 m
Mount Clemens (Batty & Hadstate) PHOTOGRAPHERS ................................................................................... ca 1873 t
Mount Clemens PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................... 1874-1879 m
Utica PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................................ 1880-1899 m
Utica photographer .................................................................................................................................................... 1900 3
James was born in August of 1826 in York, England, and immigrated to Macomb County in 1851. One source 3 4
identified him as an ambrotypist in 1859, and another called him an artist in 1860. He announced early in 1869: 5 3
“JAMES BATTY’S NEW PHOTOGRAPHIC GALLERY. This Gallery occupies the entire upper story of the new 1
Brick Block, over Inmen’s store. It is large and spacious, large Sky Light and Side Light, got up so as to produce 1
pictures of a first class order; with a space of thirty feet to work in, so as to make it particularly adapted to making 1
pictures of groups, large and small. PICTURES COPIED AND ENLARGED. Views made of Buildings, Landscapes, 1
or Residences. PICTURE FRAMES of all kinds, constantly on hand, and made to order, any size.... The citizens of 1
Mt. Clemens and Macomb County are invited to call and examine my Gallery and specimens of work. JAMES 1
BATTY.” Printed on some card photograph mounts was: “BATTY’S Photographic Establishment, over Ullrich & 1 t
Co’s store, entrance on Macomb Street, Mt. Clemens, Michigan.” James became a naturalized citizen of the United t 3
States, and seems to have remained single into his forties. He was sharing his home in 1870 with a widowed house 3
keeper named Malinda Montgomery and her two children. By 1880 he and Malinda were married and boarding with 3
the family of her son, Robert Montgomery, on their Shelby Township farm. James was widowed by 1900. 3
1. Macomb Conservative Press, Mount Clemens, Michigan, February 18, 1864, and February 11, 1869.
2. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1867-1868, Great Lakes Branch of the National Archives, Chicago, Illinois.
3. 1860 and 1870 Federal Censes of the village of Mount Clemens, 1880 Federal Census of Shelby Township, and 1900 Federal Census
of the village of Utica in Macomb County, Michigan.
4. Combination Atlas Map of Macomb County, Michigan, 1875, D. J. Stewart, Philadelphia.
5. 1859 Map of Macomb County.
Bauder, George W.
Elmira, New York, student .............................................................................................................................. 1860-1861 1
United States Army soldier .............................................................................................................................. 1861-1865 1
Watertown, New York, resident ................................................................................................................................ 1868 1
Menominee PHOTOGRAPHER ..................................................................................................................... 1874-1877 m
Marinette, Wisconsin, PHOTOGRAPHER ..................................................................................................... 1880-1881 2 3
Marinette, Wisconsin, PHOTOGRAPHER ..................................................................................................... 1884-1896 4
George was youngest of the nine children of Henry H. and Wealthy (Long) Bauder, and was born on July 4, 1844, at 5 1
Henderson in Herkimer County, New York. He enlisted at Elmira as a private in Company G of the 35th New York 1
Volunteer Infantry on May 7 and was enrolled on June 11, 1861. At the end of the year he was stricken with typhoid 1
fever at Falls Church, Virginia. During the second battle of Bull Run on August 28, 1862, George was attempting to 1
jump his horse over a stone wall in order to avoid capture. The horse fell, throwing him into the pommel of the saddle 1
and crushing his left testicle, which was removed by a Confederate surgeon while George was a captive. He seems to 1
have been exchanged, for he was serving as a clerk in a Washington hospital from October through December of 1862. 1
Having enlisted for two years, George was honorably discharged on May 7 and was mustered out with his company at 1
Elmira on June 5, 1863. He enlisted at Albany in Company H of the 13th New York Cavalry on July 23, 1863. From 1
September 13 until February of 1864, and again in September and October of 1864, he was on detached service at 1
Brigade Headquarters in Fairfax Court House or Falls Church, Virginia. On August 17, 1865, he was discharged at 1
Washington, D. C. Miss Mariah Ford, born in England in 1848, and George were married on December 24, 1868, at 1
her father’s home near Belleville, Ontario, and later had at least one son. George probably came to Menominee about 2 6
1870, and Mariah followed him a few years later. “From G. W. BAUDER’S Photographic Parlors, Menominee, Mich. 1 t
- Rooms open from 8 A.M. till 4 P.M. Cloudy weather makes no difference. - The Negative of this Picture is t
preserved. Duplicates 25 Cts. each.” was printed on the backs of some card photographs. Some stereoscopic views t
were from “G. W. Bauder, PHOTOGRAPHER, Menominee, Mich., and Marinette, Wisconsin.” George advertised his t
Marinette Art Gallery weekly in The Florence Mining News between January and June of 1881. He apparently was in t 3
the grocery business at some time, and also was proprietor of the North Star News for a while. George was elected 3 1
Alderman from Marinette’s Fifth Ward, but was defeated for re-election. A brother and his mother had mental 1
problems, George was excitable and at times irrational, and could become inebriated from drinking two beers. On 1
April 25, 1892, he was committed to the Northern Hospital for the Insane at Winnebago, Wisconsin, with Mariah as 1
his guardian. George was paralyzed for ten days prior to his death on October 26, 1897. Burial was in Forest Hill 1 5
Cemetery at Marinette. Mrs. Maria F. Bauder was listed as a Marinette photographer from 1885 until 1900, and was 4 1
called a good photographer, but due to failing health she was obliged to rent out her gallery in 1898. 1
1. Civil War Veteran Pension Record of George W. Bauder obtained from the National Archives at Washington, D. C.
2. 1880 Federal Census of Marinette in Marinette County, Wisconsin.
3. Dickinson Diggings; Iron Mountain, Michigan, volume 6, number 1, February 1987.
4. Directory of Wisconsin Photographers; State Historical Society of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin, 1991.
5. Commemorative Biographical Record of the West Shore of Green Bay, Wisconsin, J. H. Beers & Company, Chicago, 1896, pages 602-604.
6. Learned in 2001 from Edwin L. Hill of La Crosse, Wisconsin.

Bauer, Frederick J.
Detroit clerk ..................................................................................................................................................... 1889-1893 d
Detroit PHOTO ENLARGEMENTS at 157 Tillman av .................................................................................. 1894-1895 d
Detroit clerk ............................................................................................................................................................... 1896 d
Baumgardner, Arthur Jacob
Campbell Township child .......................................................................................................................................... 1880 1
Lake Odessa photographer ......................................................................................................................................... 1900 1
Saranac photographer ................................................................................................................................................ 1901 2
Lake Odessa PHOTOGRAPHER .............................................................................................................................. 1901 2
Lake Odessa PHOTOGRAPHER .................................................................................................................... 1903-1905 3 m
Chicago, Illinois, watch maker and jeweler ............................................................................................................... 1910 1
Chicago, Illinois, optician and optometrist for an optical manufacturer .................................................................... 1918 4
Chicago, Illinois, optician with his own business ...................................................................................................... 1920 1
His father emigrated from Switzerland, his mother emigrated from Scotland, and Arthur was born in Michigan in 1
May of 1876, last of the five children of Jacob and Isabella Baumgardner. Her father emigrated from Canada, her 1
mother came from Ohio, Emma was born in Michigan in October of 1877, and she married Arthur about 1897. The 1
Baumgardners were Lake Odessa neighbors of Rollin H. Stocoum in 1900. Arthur’s purchase of the Lake Odessa 1 2
gallery from Rollin was reported in the summer of 1901. Emma gave birth to Kenneth and Keith between 1901 and 2 1
1904, and in 1910 was raising them at Lake Odessa while carrying on a dress making business. She and Arthur still 1
were married, but he was running a jewelry store in Chicago. Emma and Keith disappeared. Mrs. Christine Larsen and 1
her nineteen-year-old single sister Jennie D. Johnson roomed next to Arthur in 1910. Christine was born in Wisconsin 1
to Danish parents in 1884. By 1920 she and Arthur were married and raising his son Kenneth and her son James. She 1
was a widow by 1930. 1
1. 1870 and 1880 Federal Censes of Campbell Township plus 1900 and 1910 Federal Census of the village of Lake Odessa in Ionia
County, Michigan, as well as 1910 Federal Census of the 23rd Ward, 1920 Federal Census of the 26th Ward, and 1930 Federal
Census of the 50th Ward of Chicago in Cook County, Illinois.
2. St. Louis and Canadian Photographer; volume 25, number 7, July 1901, page 325.
3. Ionia County Directory; 1903 and 1904, R. L. Polk & Company, Detroit.
4. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.

Baumgardner, Jacob
Mancelona PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................ ca 1880 t
“Jacob Baumgardner, Mancelona, Antrim Co., Mich.” was stenciled onto the back of card photograph mounts. t

Baumgartel, Henry D.
Holland student .......................................................................................................................................................... 1880 1
Holland barber ........................................................................................................................................................... 1900 1
Holland PHOTOGRAPHER and barber .......................................................................................................... 1901-1903 2 m
Holland PHOTOGRAPHER at 19 Eighth st east ...................................................................................................... 1903 2
Macatawa PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................ 1904-1905 m
Holland PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................... 1904-1905 m
Holland PHOTOGRAPHER at 19 Eighth st east ............................................................................................ 1906-1907 2
Grand Rapids PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................ 1910 1
Chicago, Illinois, photographer working in a studio .................................................................................................. 1920 1
Holland PHOTOGRAPHER at 233 Lincoln Avenue ...................................................................................... 1929-1931 3 1
Holland PHOTOGRAPHER at 166 East Eighth Street ................................................................................... 1934-1936 3
His parents, William and Elizabeth M. Baumgartel, came from Pennsylvania and Ohio and Henry was born in 1
Michigan in January of 1873. His brother Arthur was born in July of 1871, and his sister Bessie was born in March of 1
1876. Maud was born in Indiana in April of 1881, the daughter of Miland E. and Della J. Cramer, and was in her teens 1
when she married a man from Michigan named Hayes. Their son Henry was born in Michigan in July of 1898, and 1
came along when Maud married Henry Baumgartel about 1902. “PHOTO BY H. BAUMGARTEL” was scribed into the 1 t
negative of a post card photograph of the Hastings City Band which was mailed in May of 1910. t
1. 1880 Federal Census of Arcadia Township in Valley County, Nebraska, 1880 Federal Census of the city of Holland, 1900, 1910 and
1930 Federal Censes of the First Ward of Holland in Ottawa County,plus 1900 Federal Census of the Fifth Ward and 1910 Federal
Census of the Sixth Ward of Grand Rapids in Kent County, Michigan, plus 1920 Federal Census of the Seventh Ward of Chicago in
Cook County, Illinois.
2. Holland City Directory, 1901, John Kanters Press, Holland, Michigan; and Holland City Directories for 1903 and for 1906.
3. Holland City Directory including Zeeland, 1929, 1934 and 1936, R. L. Polk & Company, Detroit.
Baumgartner, Charles Calvin
French Township, Indiana, laborer on his mother’s farm .......................................................................................... 1900 1
Saint Johns PHOTOGRAPHER in the Munger Block .................................................................................... 1914-1915 m 2
Saint Johns PHOTOGRAPHER ...................................................................................................................... 1916-1920 m 1
Hartford City, Indiana, proprietor of a chicken hatchery ........................................................................................... 1930 1
Hartford City, Indiana, resident ................................................................................................................................. 1942 3
All of his grandparents were Swiss, his parents were from Ohio, and Charles was born in French Township of Adams 1 4
County, Indiana, on May 12, 1887. He was last of the ten children of John and Rosanna Baumgartner, and he grew into 4 1
a slender man with dark brown eyes and black hair. Chloe was born in Indiana in September of 1886, youngest of the 4 1
three children of Henry H. and Sarah Hiester. She waited until she was 27 years old before she married Charles. Their 1
daughters were born in Michigan: Donna Rae in June of 1917, and Irene in 1920 or early in 1921. Charles was self- 1 3
employed in 1930. 3
1. 1880 and 1900 Federal Censes of French Township in Adams County, 1900 Federal Census of Harrison Township in Wells County,
and 1930 Federal Census of the Third Ward of Hartford City in Blackford County, Indiana, plus 1920 Federal Census of St. Johns
in Clinton County, Michigan.
2. Standard Atlas of Clinton County, Michigan, 1915, George A. Ogle & Company.
3. World War II Draft Registration Cards, 1942.
4. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.

Bauslaugh, Allen
Grand Rapids photographer ....................................................................................................................................... 1876 g
Winnipeg, Manitoba, PHOTOGRAPHER on Hargrave st ........................................................................................ 1883 1
Winnipeg, Manitoba, operator for photographers Nicholls & Parkin ........................................................................ 1884 1
Winnipeg, Manitoba, PHOTOGRAPHER at 434 Main st .......................................................................................... 1885 1
Brussells, Ontario, PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................ ca 1887 2
The Winnipeg photographer was identified as A. Bauslaugh, and the Brussells photographer was called A. 1 3
Banslaugh. 2
1. Carl Mautz, Biographies of Western Photographers, Carl Mautz Publishing, Nevada City, California, 1997.
2. Diane VaSkiver Gagel, Directory of Photographers in the United States 1888 & 1889 and Canada 1889, Heritage Books, Bowie,
Maryland, 2002. (Much of the data in this publication has proven to be at least two years out-of-date.)

Bauslaugh, Thomas
Ionia PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................................ 1873-1877 1 m
Paris, Ontario, PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................. 1879-1887 2
Waterford, Ontario, PHOTOGRAPHER ......................................................................................................... 1885-1887 2
Paris, Ontario, PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................. 1888-1898 2
Berlin, Ontario, PHOTOGRAPHER ......................................................................................................................... 1899 2
Brantford, Ontario, PHOTOGRAPHER .......................................................................................................... 1904-1908 3
Winnipeg, Manitoba, manager of the Rembrandt Photo Studio ................................................................................ 1908 4
Thomas purchased the interest of Charles J. Flandres in the Ionia Art Gallery in July of 1873. He exhibited a very 1
creditable and excellent photo line at the Ionia County Fair in 1874, which earned him the First Premium for the Best 1
Collection of Photographs at the fair. He produced stereo views of Ionia, and was succeeded in Ionia by George W. 5 t
Clark. The Bauslaugh & Taylor photographic partnership in Winnipeg from 1910 through 1925 may have included t 4
Thomas. 4
1. Ionia Sentinel, Ionia, Michigan, July 11, 1873, and September 25 and October 16, 1874.
2. Glen C. Phillips, The Ontario Photographers List (1851-1900), Iron Gate Publishing Company, Sarnia, Ontario, 1990.
3. Glen C. Phillips, The Ontario Photographers List Volume II(1901-1925), Iron Gate Publishing Company, London, Ontario, 1997.
4. Glen C. Phillips, The Western Canada Photographers List (1860-1925), Iron Gate Publishing Company, London, Ontario, 1997.
5. William Culp Darrah, Stereo Views, 1964, and The World of Stereographs, 1977, Gettysburg, Pennsylvania.

Bavier, James M.
Nashville PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................................... 1900 1 t
His father emigrated from France and James was born in New York State in October of 1868. He was single and was 1
living by himself in 1900. “JAMES M. BAVIER, Photographer, Nashville, Mich.” was printed on the back of the 7¼ 1 t
by 9 inch plain buff mount of a 6¾ by 8¼ photograph of the cast of a play, some in military uniforms. t
1. 1900 Federal Census of the village of Nashville in Castleton Township of Barry County, Michigan.
Baxter, Frank F.
Detroit clerk ..................................................................................................................................................... 1894-1895 d
Detroit photographer ........................................................................................................................................ 1896-1897 d
Detroit photographer for John S. Foster .................................................................................................................... 1898 d
Detroit photograph operator ............................................................................................................................ 1899-1900 d 1
Detroit photographer for John S. Foster .................................................................................................................... 1900 d
Detroit machine operator ............................................................................................................................................ 1901 d
Detroit photo printer for photographer John S. Foster ............................................................................................... 1902 d
Detroit photographer ........................................................................................................................................ 1903-1907 d
Detroit PHOTO ENLARGER at 103 Michigan av .......................................................................................... 1908-1915 d m
Detroit bartender ........................................................................................................................................................ 1916 d
Detroit PHOTO ENLARGER at 103 Michigan av .......................................................................................... 1917-1919 d m
Detroit (Detroit Copying Company) PHOTO ENLARGING at 103 Michigan av .................................................... 1919 d
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER ....................................................................................................................................... 1920 1
Detroit (Detroit Photo Enlarging Company) PHOTO ENLARGING at 422 State st ...................................... 1921-1924 d
Detroit (Detroit Photo Enlarging Company) PHOTO ENLARGING at 426 State st ...................................... 1925-1927 d
Detroit photographer .................................................................................................................................................. 1928 d
Detroit (Detroit Photo Enlarging & Copying Company) PHOTO ENLARGING at 3000 Grand River av ..... 1929-1941 d
There is conflicting information about Frank’s origins, but probably he was born in Canada of Scotch parentage on 1 2
March 2, 1879, and became a United States citizen when his father was naturalized while Frank still was a minor. He 2 1
was boarding in 1900 with the family of Mrs. Ellen Ellis, an English widow. Within a year he had married Martha 1
Ellis, Ellen’s daughter. Martha was born in Michigan about 1881, and she gave birth here to Virginia in the spring of 1
1906 and to Jane a decade later in November of 1917. Frank succeeded his former employer, John S. Foster, at 103 1 d
Michigan Avenue in 1908. He offered bromide and solar prints as well as photographic enlargements in 1911 and d
1912. In 1918 he was a tall man with gray eyes and gray hair. Frank was the sole proprietor of the copying and 2 d
enlarging companies except for the years 1929 and 1930, when John M. Koss was his partner. d
1. 1900 Federal Census of the Sixth Ward, 1910 Federal Census of the Second Ward, plus 1920 and 1930 Federal Censes of the
Fourteenth Ward of Detroit in Wayne County, Michigan.
2. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.

Baxter, Henry G.
Detroit photographer .................................................................................................................................................. 1882 d

Bay Window Gallery

Detroit PHOTOGRAPHERS at 209 Jefferson av ...................................................................................................... 1875 d
J. Harry Swaine was the proprietor of this gallery, with its “Sensational Bay Window” fitted with large mirrors to d
give a Kaleidoscopic View of Jefferson Avenue. d

Bay Window Gallery

Detroit PHOTOGRAPHERS at 222 Woodward av ......................................................................................... 1890-1891 t
A cabinet photograph from the Bay Window Gallery was inscribed: “Detroit, Mich. December 1890....” Burton J. t d
Holcombe was proprietor of the gallery at 222 Woodward Avenue on his own from 1886 to 1889, and then as d
Holcombe & Metzen for a while in 1889. Holcombe & Metzen moved to 146 & 148 Woodward Avenue in 1890, and d
then Burton moved back to 222 by himself in 1891. d
Bayes, George Hollis
Manton child .............................................................................................................................................................. 1880 1
Manton PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................ 1900-1931 m
Manton general insurance agent ...................................................................................................................... 1930-1931 m
Manton resident ......................................................................................................................................................... 1947 2
George was born in Ohio on February 7, 1876, the son of Stephen G. and Sadie (later Sarah) E. Bayes. His father 1 3
enlisted from Shirland, Illinois, as a private in Company G of the Sixth Wisconsin Infantry on May 31, 1861. He was 3
discharged for disability on January 23, 1862. George became a tall slim man with blue eyes and brown hair, and he 3 4
attended Ferris Institute at Big Rapids in 1894. He still was living with his parents in 1900, when they had a 26-year- 2 1
old boarder called Edith Hilton described as a student of photography. For several months beginning in the autumn of 1 5
1900 the St. Louis and Canadian Photographer carried its own ad featuring a number of letters from satisfied 5
subscribers. A complimentary letter from George was one of those quoted. Late in 1900 this magazine reproduced one 5
of George’s photographs entitled “The Bashful Girl,” and commented that his lighting and shading were very good. 5
Four years later they reproduced another portrait by George along with a critique by G. Hanmer Croughton: “I must 5
congratulate Mr. Bayes ... on the old man’s head now before me. It is in every respect of fine quality, the flesh tone is 5
in admirable keeping with the silky white hair and beard, the face is full of sturdy character, which has not been 5
spoiled by the retoucher’s pencil. It is not microscopically sharp, nor is there anything fuzzy about it. The technical 5
part of the work is excellent and the pictorial quality above the average.” Mr. Croughton’s criticism was not usually 5
this positive. George was an active member of the Photographers’ Association of America in 1905. Her parents may 5 6
have been born in the United States, but Flossie (later Fawcetta and still later Mary J. F.) was born in Canada in 1879. 1
She married George about 1903, and gave birth to Grace in 1905. Mrs. Sarah Bayes, the widowed mother of George, 1
was sharing their Manton home in 1910 and 1920. “BAYES” was lettered on the negatives of post card photographs 1 t
along with “Swedish Lutheran Church, Gilbert, Mich.” and “J. Larson’s Store, Gilbert, Mich.” and “Shippy School, t
1910.” Gilbert is three miles south and Shippy School was six miles northeast of Manton. “BAYES ‘15” was lettered 7 t
on another postal negative taken at Manton on August 12, 1915. The backs of some photographs of card size on stock t
of post card weight were stamped: “Non-fading Print Finished by BAYES, The Photographer, Manton, Mich. Orders t
by Mail Promptly Executed.” He was still copying and printing and using cards printed for the BAYES STUDIO in t 2
1947. 2
1. 1880, 1900, 1910 and 1920 Federal Censes of the village of Manton in Cedar Creek Township of Wexford County, Michigan.
2. Learned in 2002 from Mrs. Carol Taylor of Newberry, Michigan.
3. Learned in 2008 from Robert Coch of Flatrock, Michigan.
4. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.
5. St. Louis and Canadian Photographer; volume 24, numbers 9 and 12, September and December 1900, pages 463 and 572,
and volume 29, number 5, May 1905, pages 217 and 240j.
6. The Association Review, Convention Annual, Boston 1905, The Photographers’ Association of America.
7. Michigan County Maps and Outdoor Guide, Michigan United Conservation Clubs, Lansing, Michigan, undated.

Bayes, Sarah E., Mrs.

Manton housewife ............................................................................................................................................. 1880,1900 1
Manton PHOTOGRAPHER ...................................................................................................................................... 1910 1
Manton clerk in the photograph studio ...................................................................................................................... 1920 1
Her father came from Vermont and Sarah was born in Ohio in June of 1848. She was called Sadie through 1900. She 1
married Stephen Bayes about 1872, and their son George was born in February of 1876. George was Manton’s 1
photographer by 1900. By 1910 Sarah was a widow and active in the studio as a photographer and proprietor. She was 1
described as a clerk in the studio in 1920, but still retained a proprietary interest. 1
1. 1880, 1900, 1910 and 1920 Federal Censes of the village of Manton in Cedar Creek Township of Wexford County, Michigan.

Bayles, _______
Kalkaska PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................... ca 1910 t
“A RESIDENCE STREET, KALKASKA BAYLES” was lettered on the negative of a post card photograph. t

Bayley, Herbert
Battle Creek photographer ......................................................................................................................................... 1893 1
Herbert had the same residential address as did Richard D. Bayley. 1
1. Battle Creek city directory, 1893.
Bayley, Hester A., Mrs.
Marcellus housewife ......................................................................................................................................... 1900,1910 1
Marcellus PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................ 1920-1927 m 2
Richmond, Virginia, resident ..................................................................................................................................... 1930 1
Hester was born in Canada in June of 1861. She married Richard D. Bayley about 1886 and they moved to Battle 1
Creek within a year. She gave birth to Hester Lillian Bayley in February of 1889, and to Richard H. A. Bayley in 1
March of 1891. She and Richard both were enumerated as photographers in 1920, and then she succeeded her husband 1 m
as proprietor of the Marcellus studio. Hester was a widow living at Richmond in 1930 with her daughter who was m 1
employed by the state as a nurse. 1
1. 1900, 1910 and 1920 Federal Censes of the village of Marcellus in Cass County, Michigan, and 1930 Federal Census of the Clay
Ward of Richmond in Henrico County, Virginia.
2. Cass County Directory, 1923, Thomas W. Sines, Dowagiac, Michigan.

Bayley, Richard D.
East York, Ontario, carpenter .................................................................................................................................... 1871 1
Thorold, Ontario, PHOTOGRAPHER on Albert st near the Welland Canal ............................................................ 1881 2
Clinton, Ontario, (Foster & Bayley) PHOTOGRAPHERS on Albert st .......................................................... 1884-1887 2 3
Battle Creek PHOTOGRAPHER at 24 Main st west ...................................................................................... 1887-1895 4 m
Marcellus PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................ 1898-1913 m
Schoolcraft PHOTOGRAPHER ...................................................................................................................... 1904-1914 m 5
Marcellus PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................ 1914-1920 m 6
Richard was born in England in October of 1848 and immigrated to Canada in 1865. Hester, his wife, was born in 6
Canada in 1861. They married about 1886, and had a daughter and a son born in Michigan between 1888 and 1891. 6 3
While president of the Huron Photographic Society, Richard convened a meeting in Toronto on January 24, 1884, 3
which resulted in the founding of the Photographic Association of Canada and his election as president of this new 3
organization. Foster & Bayley made a high quality retouching fluid and sold it to other photographers. They exhibited 3
seven bromide enlargements at the 1886 convention of the P A of C in Toronto, where Richard was re-elected to the 3
Executive Committee. He contributed a letter on the permanence of bromide paper to The St. Louis Photographer late 3
in 1886, and a paper entitled “Light and Shade” to the P A of C in the autumn of 1892. He advertised Strictly First- 3 7
Class Work in 1893. “Hotel Loveridge, Fish Lake Bayley” was written beneath the photograph on a card mailed in t
December of 1905. Richard’s wife, Mrs. Hester A. Bayley, also was enumerated as a photographer in 1920, and then 6
succeeded him in Marcellus. 8 6
1. Ontario, Canada Census Index, 1871.
2. Learned in 1993 from the National Archives of Canada, Ottawa, Ontario.
3. Learned in 1996 from Robert Lansdale of Etobicoke, Ontario.
4. Battle Creek city directory, 1887.
5. Kalamazoo County Directory, 1914, R. L. Polk & Company, Detroit.
6. 1900, 1910 and 1920 Federal Censes of the village of Marcellus in Cass County, Michigan.
7. Battle Creek city directory, 1893.
8. Cass County Directory, 1923, Thomas W. Sines, Dowagiac, Michigan.

Baylis, John Edward

Mad River Township, Ohio, child ............................................................................................................................. 1880 1
Germantown, Ohio, PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................... 1900 1
Jackson manager of the LeClear Photo Company ............................................................................................ 1912-1927 m
Jackson (LeClear Photo Company) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 127 Michigan av west ....................................... 1930-1931 1 m
John was born in Ohio on October 13, 1876, and in 1880 was living on the farm of J. McLain Smith where his 1
mother, Kate Baylis, was the house keeper. His eight-year-old sister Mary also was part of this household. In maturity 1 2
John was tall and slender with gray eyes and brown hair. He was known as Pete Baylis, and succeeded Frank B. 2 3
LeClear as the Jackson manager of the LeClear Photo Company. According to LeClear family sources, Grace LeClear m 3
was owner of the LeClear Photo Company in Jackson following the 1914 death of her father, James M. LeClear. She 3
and Pete Baylis never married, but scandalized the city by openly living together. They later moved to Albion. John 3
was lodging in a Jackson hotel in 1918, and again in 1930. 2 1
1. 1880 Federal Census of Mad River Township and 1900 Federal Census of the village of Germantown in Montgomery County, Ohio,
plus 1930 Federal Census of the First Ward of Jackson in Jackson County, Michigan.
2. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.
3. Learned in 1997 from Gerry L. Blanchard of Jackson, Michigan.
Bayne, Alexander
Newmarket, Ontario, PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................. 1866 1
Gananoque, Ontario, (Bain Brothers) PHOTOGRAPHERS and dentists ................................................................. 1869 1
Theresa, New York, dentist ....................................................................................................................................... 1870 2
Clayton, New York, dentist .................................................................................................................................. ca 1871 3
Clayton , New York, (Bain Brothers) PHOTOGRAPHERS ................................................................................ ca 1872 3
Clayton, New York, shipbuilder ...................................................................................................................... 1875-1880 3
Clayton, New York, dentist ....................................................................................................................................... 1880 2
Clayton, New York, shipbuilder ...................................................................................................................... 1881-1893 3
Grand Rapids insurance agent or photographer ............................................................................................... 1893-1894 g
Grand Rapids photographer for James Bayne .................................................................................................. 1895-1896 g
Grand Rapids vice president of the James Bayne Company ............................................................................ 1897-1906 g
Grand Rapids president of a funeral directing and embalming company ................................................................... 1907 g
Grand Rapids president of a livery company or of an undertaking company .................................................. 1908-1911 g
Bakersfield, California, resident ................................................................................................................................ 1920 2
Alexander was born at Montague, Ontario, on February 21, 1843, to Reverend John and Barbry Bain who had 3 2
emigrated from Scotland. Amelia Walt (possibly Waltz) was born in New York State about 1850, and she married 2 4
Alexander there about 1875. Their daughter Jennie was born in September of 1879, and their daughter Eleanor was 2 4
born on August 28, 1886. Financial setbacks caused Alexander to leave the boat building business and join his 4 3
younger brother in Grand Rapids. The James Bayne Company advertised as commercial photographers, printers and g
engravers, and survived for more than 25 years after Alexander left the firm. By 1900 he was a widower that boarded g
or roomed with a sequence of Grand Rapids families. From Grand Rapids Alexander returned to Clayton, New York, g 3
to operate a fuel boathouse for a while before moving to California. In 1920 he was living with his daughter Eleanor at 3 2
Bakersfield. He died in California on November 28, 1924. 2 3
1. Glen C. Phillips, The Ontario Photographers List (1851-1900), Iron Gate Publishing Company, Sarnia, Ontario, 1990.
2. 1870 Federal Census of Theresa and 1880 Federal Census of Clayton in Jefferson County, New York, plus 1900 Federal Census of the
Sixth Ward and 1910 Federal Census of the Third Ward of Grand Rapids in Kent County, Michigan, and 1920 Federal Census of the
Fourth ward of Bakersfield in Kern County, California.
3. Learned in 1980 from Jack Brown of Mallorytown, Ontario, who has investigated the family known as Bain or Bayne.
4. California Death Index, 1940-1997.
Bayne, James
Gananoque, Ontario, (Bain Brothers) PHOTOGRAPHERS and dentists ................................................................. 1869 1
Clayton , New York, (Bain Brothers) PHOTOGRAPHERS ................................................................................ ca 1872 2
Bay City resident ....................................................................................................................................................... 1873 b
Grand Rapids photographer for William A, Hutchinson ........................................................................................... 1875 g
Grand Rapids (Hutchinson & Bayne) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 75 Monroe av ................................................ 1875-1877 g
Grand Rapids photographer ....................................................................................................................................... 1878 g
Grand Rapids (Merrill & Bayne) PHOTOGRAPHERS in Porter’s Block ...................................................... 1878-1879 m g
Grand Rapids (Merrill, Bayne & Company) PHOTOGRS at the sw corner of Monroe and Division sts ............ ca 1879 t
Grand Rapids PHOTOGRAPHER at 75 Monroe av ....................................................................................... 1880-1885 g m
Grand Rapids PHOTOGRAPHER at 22 & 24 Fountain st .............................................................................. 1886-1889 g m
Grand Rapids (Bayne & Coss) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 22& 24 Fountain st .................................................. 1890-1891 m g
Grand Rapids PHOTOGRAPHER at 382 Front av north ................................................................................ 1890-1896 g m
Grand Rapids (The James Bayne Co.) COMMERCIAL PHOTOGRS at 380-382 Front av north .................. 1896-1899 m g
Indianapolis, Indiana, (The James Bayne Co.) COMM’L PHOTOGRS at 308-310 New Jersey st ................. 1897-1899 3
Grand Rapids (The James Bayne Co.) COMMERCIAL PHOTOGRS at 380-382 Front av north .................. 1900-1924 m g
James was born in eastern Ontario on April 4, 1845, to Reverend John and Barbry Bain, both emigrants from 2 4
Scotland. Sarah was born in New York State in 1846 or 1847, and she married James in the 1870s. They had no 4
children until Bessie was born in June of 1889, then Alexander in November of 1891 and Earnest in April of 1896. By 4
1900 James was a widower raising these children on his own. The Bain Brothers published stereo views of the St, 4 2
Lawrence River from Clayton. James was attracted to Grand Rapids by the possibilities of photographing furniture for 2
sales catalogues, and about this time his wife was insisting upon changing their name to Bayne. Merrill, Bayne & 2 t
Company published stereo views of Grand Rapids and of scenes along the G R & I Railroad and in the resort areas of t
Petoskey and Bay View. As well as the usual portraits, James produced stereo views of Grand Rapids, including some t
of the log jam and flooding in July of 1883. The James Bayne Company concentrated exclusively upon commercial t g
photography, engraving and printing, and produced many souvenir brochures of Canadian and American cities and g 2
resort areas as well as the Pan-American Exposition at Buffalo in 1901. One of these brochures published about 1902 2
was a souvenir of Mount Clemens, Michigan. A branch studio for manufacturing commercial photographs at 308-310 5 6
South New Jersey Street in Indianapolis, Indiana, was established in 1897. It was sold to Walter T. Woodworth, who 6 7
had been a photographer with the company, and William H. Bass in 1899.The James Bayne Company advertised 6 7
extensively, and by 1901 claimed the ability to reproduce any subject in natural colors. James was originally president m g
and manager of the company, but after 1898 was listed only as the president. Back in 1880, he employed Adelbert A. g
Barr as a photographer and Miss Aggie Ackerman as a clerk. Miss Belle Mills was his retoucher in 1883. Edward C. g
Bennett worked for James as a photographer from 1883 until 1906, when he was made a vice president of the g
company. Edward held this position until his untimely death in 1910. Other employees were Charles D. Bennett, photo g
printer in 1886; Miss Laura West, retoucher from 1886 to 1888; and Spencer C. Chard, photo printer in 1888. James g 8
married Laura West in 1889, she gave birth to J. Alexander Bayne on November 19, 1890, and she died on June 11, 8
1891. James advertised nationally in 1890: “WANTED - First-class operator and retoucher; desirable and permanent 8 6
situation for right man; none but first-class need apply....” More employees were: Miss Nellie C. Stebbins, retoucher 6 g
for Bayne & Coss in 1891; Henry Geddes, laborer in 1891; Claude C. Denton, photo printer in 1891 and 1892; Max P. g
Thiele, photographer from 1894 to 1896; Bert H. Gardiner and Ralph DeMass, photographers in 1896; Walter J. Wait, g
engraver in 1898; Joseph Geelhoed, laborer in 1898, photographer from 1900 to 1913 and foreman from 1914 to g
1916; L. Randall Hawkins, employee in 1899; and Leo S. Edison, photographer in 1900. Miss Florence E. West acted g
as clerk or bookkeeper for James from 1889 through 1900. Employees of the James Bayne Company included Clara E. g
West as retoucher, photographer or clerk from 1901 to 1922; Nellie Warren as binder, clerk or photographer from g
1902 to 1913; Ferdinand E. Hornung as photographer from 1904 to 1913; Ulysses S. Valentine as draughtsman or g
artist from 1906 to 1908; Carl H. Gridley as photographer in 1908; Roy A. Phillips as photographer from 1909 to g
1917; William G. C. Hubert as photographer in 1917; Charles L. Olson as photographer from 1917 to 1920 and g
Clarence W. Jones as clerk or photographer from 1919 until 1921. Alexander Bayne worked as a photographer in g
1895 and 1896, and was vice president of the company from its formation in 1897 until 1906. Charles W. Brayman g
was the original secretary and treasurer of the company. Frederick C. West began as a photo printer in 1891, was a g
photographer from 1896 to 1898, replaced Brayman as secretary and treasurer in 1900, became vice president in 1917, g
and headed the company after the death of James Bayne. Simultaneously with his photography, James sometimes had g
other business interests. He was owner of the Valley City Soap Company in 1879, and proprietor of the Grand Rapids g
Roller Rink in 1885. From 1904 to 1906 he was vice president of an automobile sales agency. James died in Grand g 2
Rapids on November 28, 1924 2
1. Glen C. Phillips, The Ontario Photographers List (1851-1900), Iron Gate Publishing Company, Sarnia, Ontario, 1990.
2. Learned in 1980 from Jack Brown of Mallorytown, Ontario, who has investigated the family known as Bain or Bayne.
3. Learned in 2000 from James A. Marusek of Bloomfield, Indiana.
4. 1880 Federal Census of the city of Grand Rapids, plus 1900 Federal Census of the Sixth Ward and 1910 Federal Census of the
Tenth Ward of Grand Rapids in Kent County, Michigan.
5. This brochure is held by the State Library of Michigan in Lansing.
6. St. Louis and Canadian Photographer; volume 8, number 7, July 1890, and volume 15, number 6, June 1897.
7. Learned in 2000 from a website of the Indiana Historical Society noted by James A. Marusek of Bloomfield, Indiana.
8. Reardon Family Tree on the internet.
Bayne, John A.
Grand Rapids photographer for Hutchinson & Bayne ............................................................................................... 1876 g

Baynton, George
McGillivray, Ontario, shoe maker ................................................................................................................... 1871-1875 1
Grand Rapids shoe maker ................................................................................................................................ 1888-1901 g
Grand Rapids PHOTOGRAPHER and shoe maker at 385 East st south ................................................................... 1902 g
Grand Rapids shoe maker .......................................................................................................................................... 1903 g
His father emigrated from England and George was born in Canada in August of 1843, the son of William and Mary 2 1
Baynton. He married about 1864 but lost his first wife soon after the birth of their son George in July of 1865. Her 1
parents emigrated from England and Harriet was born in Canada in August of 1852, the daughter of Charles and Mary 2 1
Ann Harmer. She married George at McGillivray on December 14, 1871, and their son William was born there on 1
May 25, 1875. They moved in 1884 to Michigan, where their daughter Ada was born in November of 1887. George’s 1 2
photographic studio was at the same address which had housed his shoe making business since 1888, and which had g
been used as the studio of William C. Baynton from 1896 until 1899. George was 62 years old when he died in Grand g
Rapids on April 29, 1904. g
1. Ontario, Canada Marriages 1857-1924, and Ontario, Canada Births 1869-1909.
2. 1900 Federal Census of the Tenth Ward of Grand Rapids in Kent County, Michigan.

Baynton, William Charles

Grand Rapids hotel bell boy or resident .......................................................................................................... 1894-1895 g
Grand Rapids PHOTOGRAPHER at 385 East st south ................................................................................... 1896-1899 g
Grand Rapids photographer or hotel porter ............................................................................................................... 1900 1 g
Grand Rapids shoe maker ................................................................................................................................ 1901-1905 g
Grand Rapids life insurance agent ............................................................................................................................. 1906 g
William was born at McGillivray, Ontario on May 26, 1875, the son of George and Harriet (Harmer) Baynton. Cora 1
was born in Michigan in January of 1880, married William late in 1898 or early in 1899, and gave birth to their son 1
George in November of 1899. 1
1. 1900 Federal Census of the Tenth Ward of Grand Rapids in Kent County, Michigan.

Bays, Davis H.
Hastings PHOTOGRAPHER .......................................................................................................................... 1892-1895
Hastings (Bays & Tatton) PHOTOGRAPHERS .................................................................................................. ca 1895t
His 1892 advertisement read: “D. H. BAYS, LANDSCAPE and PORTRAIT PHOTOGRAPHER, Hastings, Mich. m
Only Ground-Floor Studio in the City. Special Attention given to Children and Large Family Groups.” In 1879, Davis m 1
Henry Bays was an itinerant tent photographer and Mormon missionary based in Bandera, Texas. He was born in 1 2
Texas in March of 1839, and married a woman named Elizabeth who was born in Illinois about 1842. Between 1863 2
and 1882 they had at least nine children mostly born in Iowa, but a few in the early 1870s were born in Kansas and 2
Missouri. In 1880 Davis was a Mormon minister in Shelby County, Iowa, in 1885 he was farming in Harrison County, 2
Iowa, and in 1900 he was a minister in Greeley, Iowa. His second marriage was to a lady named Eliza who was born in 2
New York State in June of 1843. It occurred about 1891 and produced no children. 2
1. David Haynes, Catching Shadows, A Directory of 19th-Century Texas Photographers, Texas State Historical Association, Austin, Texas, 1993.
5. 1880 Federal Census of Grove Township in Shelby County, 1885 Iowa Census of Washington Township in Harrison County, and
1900 Federal Census of the town of Greeley in Elk Township of Delaware County, Iowa.

Bazuin, Albert J.
Grand Rapids carpenter ................................................................................................................................... 1893-1894 g
Grand Rapids dry goods merchant ................................................................................................................... 1895-1905 g m
Grand Rapids PHOTOGRAPHER and dry goods merchant at 749 Fulton st east .......................................... 1906-1909 g m
Grand Rapids dry goods merchant ................................................................................................................... 1910-1921 g m
Grand Rapids resident, building contractor or builder ..................................................................................... 1922-1939 g
Albert was born in September of 1868, emigrated from the Netherlands in 1884, and later became a naturalized 1
citizen of the United States. Mattie was born in Michigan of Dutch parentage in November of 1868. They married 1
about May of 1892, their son Clayton was born in March of 1893, and their son Leonard was born in October of 1895. 1
In 1920 they were sharing their home with their son Clayton, their daughter-in-law Edith and their newly-born 1
grandson John. 1
1. 1900 Federal Census of the Third Ward plus 1910 and 1920 Federal Censes of the Second Ward of Grand Rapids in Kent County,
Beach, Artemus
Wilmington Township, New York, child ................................................................................................................... 1850 1
Chesterfield Township, New York, student and laborer on his father’s farm ............................................................ 1860 1
Grand Rapids (Tompkins & Beach) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 33 Canal st ................................................................. 1870 g
Bay City photographer ............................................................................................................................................... 1871 b
Grand Rapids photograph artist or music teacher ............................................................................................ 1873-1874 g
Bellevue PHOTOGRAPHER .......................................................................................................................... 1880-1881 m
Bay City photographer for George F. Sterling ........................................................................................................... 1884 b
Bay City photographer ............................................................................................................................................... 1886 b
Bay City PHOTOGRAPHER on the east side of Harrison st one south of Center av ............................................... 1887 b t
Bay City photographer ..................................................................................................................................... 1888-1889 b
Bay City (Beach & Walton) PHOTOGRAPHERS ............................................................................................... ca 1890 t
Bay City printer and compositor ................................................................................................................................ 1900 1
Artemus was born in New York State in 1843 or 1844, eighth of the ten children of Artemus H. and Lorena Beach. 1
Inez, his wife, was born in Pennsylvania six years later. Their daughter Sarah was born in Michigan about 1869. 1
Artemus was enumerated as an artist in 1870, when he was boarding alone with a Grand Rapids family. In January of 1 2
1881 a fire started in the living quarters above the shop next door to the Bellevue photograph gallery. The fire 2
progressed slowly enough that most of the photographic goods from the second floor and the groceries from the first 2
floor could be removed and saved while men on the roof were throwing water provided by a bucket brigade on the 2
adjacent burning building. Eventually the flames caught under the cornice and in the siding, and the gallery building 2
also burned to the ground. “Beach & Walton, Photographers, Bay City.” and “A. Beach, Photographer, Bay City, 2 t
Mich.” were printed on cabinet mounts using type from the same font. Artemus was enumerated as single in 1900, t 1
when he was boarding by himself with the family of a Bay City job printer. 1
1. 1850 Federal Census of Wilmington Township and 1860 Federal Census of Chesterfield Township in Essex County, New York,
plus 1870 Federal Census of the Second Ward of Grand Rapids in Kent County, 1880 Federal Census of the village of Bellevue in
Eaton County, and 1900 Federal Census of the Ninth Ward of Bay City in Bay County, Michigan.
2. Bellevue, First in Eaton County, Heritage Committee of the Bellevue Bicentennial Commission, Bellevue, Michigan, May 1976, page 32.

Beach, Clyde Coulter

Flint pupil at the Michigan School for the Deaf ......................................................................................................... 1900 1
Port Huron PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................... ca 1905 t
Pontiac wood worker in a factory .............................................................................................................................. 1910 1
Flint door hanger for the Buick Motor Car Company ................................................................................................ 1917 2
Flint door hanger ...................................................................................................................................................... 1920 1
Flint door hanger for the Fisher Body Company ....................................................................................................... 1930 1
His parents came from Connecticut and Canada, and Clyde was born at Port Huron, Michigan, on September 3, 1 2
1887. He grew into a medium sized man with blue eyes and brown hair. A circular stamp with “CLYDE C. BEACH, 2 t
Port Huron, Mich.” was used on the back of a 5 by 6 inch commercial mount carrying a 3¾ by 4½ photograph of a t
boys’ baseball team. “Photo by C. C. Beach” was lettered on the negative with eleven views of buildings and four t
portraits of trustees and administrators of the Michigan School for the Deaf from which post card photographs were t
printed, including one mailed in February of 1906. Nellie was born in Michigan in 1892, and she married Clyde when t 1
she was twenty years old. Their son Winston was born in July of 1916, and their daughter Joyce was born six years 1
later. 1
1. 1900 Federal Census of the Fourth Ward plus 1920 and 1930 Federal Censes of the Fifth Ward of Flint in Genesee County, and 1910
Federal Census of the Fourth ward of Pontiac in Oakland County, Michigan.
2. World War I Draft Registration Cards microfilmed from the National Archives in Washington, D.C.

Beach, Dell, Mrs.

Bailey retoucher and printer ...................................................................................................................................... 1885 1
Dell advertised early in 1885: “SITUATION WANTED - As first-class retoucher and printer, in a gallery in Texas, 1
Mexico, or California. References given and required. Mrs. Dell Beach, Bailey, Muskegon Co., Mich.” 1
1. The Photographic Times, New York, January 23, 1885, page 48.

Beach, H. W.
Detroit PHOTO ENLARGER at 205 Pitcher st ......................................................................................................... 1895 d
Beach, J. E. & Son
Bryan, Ohio, PHOTOGRAPHERS ....................................................................................................................... ca 1907 t
“PHOTO BY J. E. BEACH & SON, BRYAN, OHIO” was printed on the post card backs of photographs, some t
made from a negative on which “14-6 2nd WARD SCHOOL 3 RIVERS, MICH.” had been lettered. One of these t
cards was mailed in February of 1908. John E. Beach was born in Ohio to parents from the Hesse-Darmstadt region of t 1
Germany in March of 1858. He and his twin sister Louisa were the only children of G. N. and Anna Beach. His father 1
kept a saloon in Bryan and John was a painter in 1880. Her father came from England, and Rose Deuchas was born in 1
Ohio in May of 1862. She married John about 1885 and their two sons and a daughter were born between 1889 and 1
1897. John maintained a photograph gallery in Bryan from 1886 through 1920. His elder son Edgar was born in June 2 1
of 1889, became a partner in the photographic business about 1907, and was attending Oberlin College in 1910. 1
1. 1880, 1900, 1910 and 1920 Federal Censes of the village of Bryan in Pulaski Township of Williams County, Ohio.
2. John Waldsmith, A Directory of Ohio Photographers, 1839 to 1900, Sycamore, Ohio, compiled in 1978 and augmented through 1993.

Beagle, _______
Dublin (Leavitt & Beagle) PHOTOGRAPHERS ............................................................................................ 1916-1917 m

Beall, _______
Hillsdale (Ball & Beall) over Allison’s Store in the Underwood Block .................................................................... 1866 1
In May of 1866 Ball & Beall called their rooms the Union Photograph Gallery and were prepared to execute all 1
styles of pictures known to the art, such as Photographs, Ambrotypes, Gems, Porcelain, and Ivorytypes. They also did 1
copying in the best style of the art, and as cheap as could be had in Hillsdale. Robert Ball advertised using the identical 1
words three months later. 1
1. Hillsdale Standard, Hillsdale, Michigan, May 29 and August 14, 1866. Noted by James G. Donaldson of Detroit, Michigan.

Beals, Elmer L.
Marquette assistant in the photograph gallery of Gustave A. Werner ........................................................................ 1900 1
Elmer was boarding with the family of Gustave Werner in June of 1900. 1
1. 1900 Federal Census of the Fourth Ward of Marquette in Marquette County, Michigan.

Beals, Ferrin F.
Fond du Lac, Wisconsin, PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................. 1874-1879 1 2
East Saginaw (Van Buskirk & Beals) PHOTOGRAPHERS ........................................................................... 1877-1879 2 s
East Saginaw (Beals Brothers) PHOTOGRAPHERS on Genesee av .............................................................. 1878-1879 m
East Saginaw (Beals Brothers) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 325 Genesee av ........................................................ 1879-1881 s m
East Saginaw (Beals Brothers) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 323 Genesee av ........................................................ 1882-1883 m
East Saginaw PHOTOGRAPHER at 325 Genesee av ............................................................................................... 1883 s
East Saginaw PHOTOGRAPHER in the Wiggins Block on Jefferson st .................................................................. 1883 3
Santa Cruz, California, resident ................................................................................................................................. 1884 4
Ferrin was born in Maine in 1854 or 1855. Evelyn Prall was born in Michigan to parents from New York in 1855 or 5
early in 1856, the daughter of David H. and Wealthy Prall. She and Ferrin married in the late 1870s and were living 5
with her parents in 1880. Van Buskirk & Beals advertised: “... We profess to do only first-class work and charge a fair 5 2
price. Examine our specimens, try us, prove or disprove our assertion that we turn out only the very best work. We 2
solicit only the patronage of respectable people, rich or poor, black or white, young or old, lean or fat. Gallery not 2
open for business on Sundays.... Successors to J. T. Randall....” Actually, Charles Van Buskirk had succeeded James 2 m
T. Randall a year earlier. Several different colorfully lithographed trade cards in two series have survived which carry m t
the words: “BEALS, PHOTOGRAPHER, Cor. Genesee & Cass Streets, East Saginaw.” 325 Genesee Avenue was at t s
the corner of Cass Street. Ferrin’s new rooms on Jefferson Street opened on February 2, 1883, with an exhibition of s 3
photographic and India-ink pictures, and were described as one of the most complete outfits and the most elegant 3
photographic parlors in this section of the State. He became engaged in a price war, and dropped his cabinet photos to 3 6
$2.50 per dozen. Ferrin sold his interest in the East Saginaw gallery and went west for his health, which was reported 6 4
to be much improved early in 1884. Mrs. Evelyn P. Beals was a dressmaker in East Saginaw in 1886 and 1887, and 4 s
was identified as Ferrin’s widow in 1887. s
1. Directory of Wisconsin Photographers; State Historical Society of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin, 1991.
2. Saginaw Daily Courier, May 17 and 22, 1877.
3. Saginaw Evening News, January 13 and February 2, 1883, and Saginaw Morning Herald, April 10, 1883.
4. Saginaw Evening Express, January 7, 1884.
5. 1880 Federal Census of East Saginaw in Saginaw County, Michigan.
6. The Photographic Times, New York, volume 14, number 157, January 1884, page 48.
Beals, Ferris
East Saginaw (Beals Brothers) PHOTOGRAPHERS on Genesee av .............................................................. 1878-1879 m
East Saginaw (Beals Brothers) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 325 Genesee av ........................................................ 1879-1881 s m
East Saginaw (Beals Brothers) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 323 Genesee av ........................................................ 1882-1883 m
Elgin, Illinois, PHOTOGRAPHER at 38 Chicago st ....................................................................................... 1882-1884 1
Evansville, Wisconsin, PHOTOGRAPHER .................................................................................................... 1886-1888 2
His parents came from Massachusetts, and Ferris was born in New York State in 1852 or 1853. The Beals Brothers 3 m
gallery was at the northwest corner of Genesee Avenue and Cass Street in 1878. Number 325 Genesee Avenue was at m s
the same intersection. Ferris was living by himself in a boarding house in 1880. In May of 1881 Ferrin was reported to 3 4
have sold his interest in the business to Ferris with the intent of leaving East Saginaw. Two weeks later his decision to 4 5
stay was announced with gratification, leaving no doubt that Ferrin was considered to be the star of the partnership. 5
1. Marie Czach, A Directory of Early Illinois Photographers, Western Illinois University, Macomb, Illinois, 1977.
2. Directory of Wisconsin Photographers; State Historical Society of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin, 1991.
3. 1880 Federal Census of East Saginaw in Saginaw County, Michigan.
4. Saginaw Evening Express, May 10, 1881.
5. Saginaw Evening News, May 23, 1881.

Beam, Cora B.
Detroit retoucher for photographers C. M. Hayes & Company ................................................................................. 1895 d
Detroit retoucher ........................................................................................................................................................ 1896 d
Detroit bookkeeper .......................................................................................................................................... 1898-1914 d 1
Cora’s parents, Elias and Mary A. Beam, came from New York and Canada, and they married about 1850. Their 1
children were born in Michigan, Mary in September of 1855, Cora in February of 1873, and Mabel in February of 1
1875. All three sisters were single in 1910. 1
1. 1900 Federal Census of the Sixth Ward and 1910 Federal Census of the Eighth Ward of Detroit in Wayne County, Michigan.

Beamish, Russel O.
Geneva Township student .......................................................................................................................................... 1900 1
Jerome Township farm hand on the home farm ......................................................................................................... 1910 1
North Bradley PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................... 1913 t
Midland employee of Dow Chemical Company ........................................................................................................ 1920 1
Jerome Township machinist for the Dow Chemical Company .................................................................................. 1930 1
His father emigrated from Canada, and Russel was born in Michigan in May of 1893, fourth of the five children of 1
Thomas and Emma L. (Vance) Beamish. He grew up on the family farm. On the back of a post card photograph of a 1 t
general store was stamped: “R. O. BEAMISH, PHOTOGRAPHICER” above “No. Bradley, 8/11.1913….. Am t
working at the Picture Business now, this is one of my own cards….” North Bradley is in Jerome Township. Russel t 2
married 17-year-old Fe about 1923 and their daughter Emma was born a year later. Then their son Russel was born in 1
June of 1925 followed by three daughters: Lucille in August of 1926, Nina in June of 1928, and Juanita in August of 1
1929. 1
1. 1900 Federal Census of Geneva Township, 1910 and 1930 Federal Censes of Jerome Township, and 1920 Federal Census of the
First Ward of Midland in Midland County, Michigan.
2. Michigan County Map Guide, Michigan United Conservation Clubs, Lansing, Michigan.
Bean, Lewis W.
Livonia, New York, resident ............................................................................................................................ 1854-1862 1
United States Army soldier .............................................................................................................................. 1862-1865 1
Livonia, New York, resident ............................................................................................................................ 1865-1875 1
Plainwell (Herbert & Bean) PHOTOGRAPHERS ............................................................................................... ca 1875 t
Plainwell PHOTOGRAPHER at 55 Main st .................................................................................................... 1880-1883 m
Saugatuck PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................ 1885-1887 2 m
Chicago, Illinois, inmate of the United States Marine Hospital ................................................................................. 1890 1
Honeoye, New York, resident ..................................................................................................................................... 1898 1
Los Angeles County, California, inmate of the Soldiers’ Home ................................................................................ 1908 1
His parents emigrated from England, and Lewis was born in New York in 1844 or 1845. From the time he was nine 3 1
years old until he enlisted in the army he lived in the home of Jacob Neff at Livonia, New York. He was enrolled at 1
Aurora, New York, as a private in Company A of the 23rd New York Cavalry on December 23, 1862. During the 1
Tarboro Raid late in July of 1863 as his horse was leaping a ditch, Lewis was injured by being thrown into the pommel 1
of his saddle. He was treated for varicocele and piles for two months in a hospital at New Bern, North Carolina, and on 1
his return to camp was permanently excused from mounted duty and relegated to assisting in the commissary 1
department. On September 29, 1864, he was furloughed for 30 days, but he overstayed the furlough by 21 days, 1
returning on November 20. He was mustered out of the army with his company on July 22, 1865, at Rollin, North 1
Carolina. Orzelia D. Smith was born on September 2, 1853, to Dexter and Phylura (Gardner) Smith and was living at 1
Plainwell, Michigan, prior to her marriage there to Lewis on April 14, 1875. Their daughter Mary was born October 5, 1
1876, their daughter Iola May was born May 9, 1881, and their son Merwin was born August 25, 1885. Lewis 1 4
produced stereo views of Plainwell. His locating at Saugatuck was reported in the summer of 1885, about the time he 4 2
applied for an Invalid Pension. Piles and the injury to his scrotum had troubled him since he left the army, and by late 1
in 1890 he was wholly disabled. He and Orzelia did not live together during his last five years. Lewis was pensioned at 1
$12.00 per month at the time of his death from spastic paraplegia at the Soldiers’ Home in California. Orzelia lived in 1
Chicago, California and Michigan, and died of cancer and senility at Duluth, Minnesota, on April 18, 1937. 1
1. Civil War Veteran Pension Record of Lewis W. Bean obtained from the National Archives at Washington, D. C.
2. The Photographic Times, New York, July 3, 1885, page 371.
3. 1880 Federal Census of Plainwell in Allegan County, Michigan.
4. William C. Darrah, Stereo Views, Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, 1964.

Beardsley, _______
Willis PHOTOGRAPHER ......................................................................................................................................... 1909 t
BEARDSLEY.” were lettered on the negatives of post card photos mailed in May of 1909 and June of 1910. t
Beardsley, Grenville S.
Cleveland, Ohio, student ............................................................................................................................................ 1850 1
Pierport Township, Ohio, student .............................................................................................................................. 1860 1
United States Army soldier ........................................................................................................................................ 1861 2
Pierpont Township, Ohio, resident .................................................................................................................. 1861-1863 2
Coopersville resident ....................................................................................................................................... 1863-1868 2
Ovid resident .................................................................................................................................................... 1868-1873 2
Owosso resident ............................................................................................................................................... 1873-1883 2
Lansing (Cassey & Beardsley) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 101 Washington av south ................................................... 1883 3
Corunna PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................................ ca 1885 t
Laingsburg PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................... ca 1885 t
Charlotte resident ....................................................................................................................................................... 1887 2
Charlotte PHOTOGRAPHER .......................................................................................................................... 1888-1899 m
Charlotte PHOTOGRAPHER on the ground floor at 106 Lovett st east ......................................................... 1899-1904 4 m
Charlotte photographer and active member of the Photographers’ Association of America ..................................... 1905 5 6
Fort Dodge, Iowa, PHOTOGRAPHER ..................................................................................................................... 1905 5
Geneva, Illinois, resident ................................................................................................................................. 1905-1910 2
Charlotte resident ............................................................................................................................................. 1910-1911 1 2
Geneva, Illinois, resident ................................................................................................................................. 1911-1914 2
His parents came from New York, and Grenville was born in Northfield Township of Summit County, Ohio, on 1 2
November 4, 1841, a son of Livingston E. and Nancy M. Beardsley. His brother Livingston was two years older. 2 1
Grenville was a 5 foot 9½ inch student with a light complexion, hazel eyes and brown hair when he enlisted as a 2
private in Company J of the 19th Ohio Infantry at Ashtabula on April 27, 1861. He was honorably discharged at 2
Ashtabula, Ohio, on either July 31 or August 30, 1861. Miss Mary Elizabeth Clark was born in Pennsylvania in 2 1
February of 1849, and married Grenville at Coopersville on October 1, 1867. Their daughter Bessie was born on July 2
24, 1868, and their son Frank was born on November 9, 1870. Grenville was a railroad Freight agent at Ovid in 1870, 2 1
and a railroad station agent at Owosso in 1880. Cassey & Beardsley employed DeForest F. Gibson as a photographer. 1 t
“G. S. Beardsley, Photographer, Corunna, Mich. - Laingsburg, Mich.” was printed on some cabinet mounts, and t
similar ones did not mention Laingsburg. “G. S. Beardsley, Photographer, Laingsburg, Mich,” was printed on the front t
of some card mounts, while only “Beardsley” was printed on the backs of others. At Charlotte, Granville moved into t m
the ground floor gallery of Alonzo M. Cheney, who had relocated to Lansing. “G. S. Bradley’s Ground Floor Gallery, m t
Charlotte, Mich.” was printed in three different ways on the backs of 2 3/8 by 1 ½ inch photograph mounts. In 1899 t
Grenville advertised: “Our Specialty - Fine PHOTOGRAPHS.” His wife was enumerated as a retoucher in 1900. His 4 1
purchase of the Fort Dodge gallery from G. L. Hostetter was reported in March of 1905, and his sale of the same 5
gallery to H. G. Hemmen was reported two months later. Grenville was a widower by 1910. He applied for a veteran’s 5 1
pension in 1911, and was receiving $18.00 per month when he died on March 4, 1914. 2
1. 1850 Federal Census of the Second Ward of Cleveland in Cuyahoga County and 1860 Federal Census of Pierport Township in
Ashtabula County, Ohio, as well as 1870 Federal Census of the village of Ovid in Clinton County and 1880 Federal Census of
Owosso in Shiawassee County, plus 1900 and 1910 Federal Censes of the Third Ward of Charlotte in Eaton County, Michigan.
2. Civil War Veteran Pension Record of Grenville s. Beardsley obtained from the National Archives at Washington, D. C.
3. Lansing City and Ingham County Directory 1883-84, R. L. Polk & Company, Detroit.
4. Charlotte City Directory, 1899 and 1904, Davids & Loomis, Charlotte, Michigan..
5. St. Louis and Canadian Photographer; volume 29, numbers 3 and 5, March and May of 1905.
6. The Association Review, Convention Annual, Boston 1905, The Photographers’ Association of America.

Beardsley, Henry P.
Muskegon DAGUERREOTYPIST ................................................................................................................. 1862-1863 m

Beardsley, Marcena, Miss

Petoskey (Weems & Beardsley) PHOTOGRAPHERS ............................................................................................. 1910 R
New York, New York, self-employed writer for magazines ...................................................................................... 1920 1
Martha Weems & Beardsley came from New York and purchased the Petoskey studio of Mrs. Grace Chandler Horn 2
in November of 1909. They sold it back to her in October of 1910, and had plans of going into business elsewhere. 2 1
They roomed with the family of photographer Perry A. Fisher while in Petoskey. Marcena was single and 24 years old 1
and, like her parents, was a native of New York State. She probably was the Clara M. Beardsley that was born in July 1
of 1885, the fourth and last child of Sylvester W. and Azuba W. Beardsley, and was attending school in 1900 at 1
Rochester, New York. 1
1. 1880 Federal Census of Carlton in Orleans County, 1900 Federal Census of the Tenth Ward of Rochester in Monroe County, and 1920
Federal Census of Manhattan Assembly District Ten in New York County, New York, plus 1910 Federal Census of the First Ward of
Petoskey in Emmet County, Michigan.
2. Petoskey Evening News, Petoskey, Michigan, November 17, 1909, and October 19, 1910. Noted by Peter Palmquist of Arcata, California.
Beardsley, Sherman E.
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 123 Jefferson av .............................................................................................. 1863-1864 1
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER in the Willis Block at 129 Jefferson av ......................................................................... 1865 d
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER up stairs at 127 Jefferson av ................................................................................ 1866-1867 d m
1. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1862-1866, National Archives, Washington, D.C.

Beardsley, W. I.
Pontiac (Carson & Company) DAGUERREOTYPISTS over Phelps’ jewelry store ................................................ 1855 1
From May 19 through July 7, 1855, advertisements for Carson & Company were signed by both James P. Carson 1
and W. I. Beardsley. On July 14 and in subsequent issues both the “& Company” and Beardsley’s name were deleted. 1
1. Pontiac Gazette, May 19, 1855, through May 3, 1856.

Beattie, Delia M., Miss

Grand Rapids resident, dress maker or tailoress .............................................................................................. 1891-1893 g
Grand Rapids resident or photographer ........................................................................................................... 1896-1897 g
Grand Rapids resident, milliner or seamstress ................................................................................................. 1898-1912 g
Her maternal grandparents came from Connecticut, her parents came from New York and Wisconsin, and Delia was 1
born in Michigan in September of 1868. In 1900 and in 1910 she was living with her widowed mother, Mrs. Elizabeth 1
A. Beattie. 1
1. 1900 Federal Census of the Tenth Ward and 1910 Federal Census of the Third Ward of Grand Rapids in Kent County, Michigan.

Beatty, _______
Charlevoix (Bowman & Beatty) PHOTOGRAPHERS ........................................................................................ ca 1892 t

Beatty, Isa Ann, Miss

Detroit retoucher .............................................................................................................................................. 1888-1891 d
Chicago, Illinois, housewife ....................................................................................................................................... 1900 1
Isa was born in New York State on July 29, 1850, and her mother’s maiden name was Huson. Her last name was 1 2
spelled “Beattie” in several records. Harlow A. Cross was born in New York in September of 1846, became a dentist, d 1
and married Isa about 1892. By 1910 they seem to have been living separately. Harlow was married to 51-year-old 1
Mary and had a 15-year-old step-daughter named Lois G. Sutter in 1920, and was divorced and lodging in a San Diego 1
hotel in 1930. Isa evaded the census enumerators for three decades and died at Los Angeles on May 11, 1941. 1 2
1. 1900 Federal Census of the 34th Ward, 1910 Federal Census of the Seventh Ward and 1920 Federal Census of the Sixth Ward of
Chicago in Cook County, Illinois, plus 1930 Federal Census of San Diego Township in San Diego County, California.
2. California Death Index, 1940-1997.

Beatty, Robert R.
Detroit photographer .................................................................................................................................................. 1893 d
There was a photographer named R. R. Beatty in 1902 at 65 College Avenue in Valparaiso, Indiana, and Artesia, 1 2
New Mexico, had a photographer named R. R. Beatty in 1907 and 1908. 2
1. Learned in 2000 from James A. Marusek of Bloomfield, Indiana.
2. Richard Rudisill, Photographers of the New Mexico Territory 1854-1912, Museum of New Mexico, Santa Fe, New Mexico, 1973.

Beaubien, Francis L.
Detroit photographer .................................................................................................................................................. 1865 d
Detroit carpenter .............................................................................................................................................. 1867-1871 d
Detroit carpenter, engineer or resident ............................................................................................................. 1875-1877 d
Detroit mechanic or engineer ........................................................................................................................... 1880-1881 d
Detroit clothing store clerk .............................................................................................................................. 1882-1885 d
Detroit traveling agent ..................................................................................................................................... 1886-1887 d
Detroit real estate agent ................................................................................................................................... 1888-1891 d
Detroit traveling agent ..................................................................................................................................... 1892-1896 d
He was listed as Frank about half the time, and was 47 when he died in Detroit on August 31, 1896. d
Beaudoin, Andrew Joseph
Malden Township, Essex County, Ontario, laborer on his father’s farm ................................................................... 1901 1
Detroit finisher or trimmer ................................................................................................................................ 1904,1906 d
Detroit bellows maker or cabinet maker .......................................................................................................... 1908-1909 d
Detroit carpenter in a cabinet shop ............................................................................................................................ 1910 2
Detroit janitor, carpenter or pattern maker ...................................................................................................... 1910-1913 d
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 761 Antoinette st .................................................................................................. ca 1913 t
Detroit photographer .................................................................................................................................................. 1913 d
Detroit pattern maker ....................................................................................................................................... 1915-1918 d
Detroit pattern maker for Edmond & Jones ............................................................................................................... 1918 3
Detroit pattern maker for an auto parts company ....................................................................................................... 1920 2
Detroit carpenter or sawyer .............................................................................................................................. 1921-1923 d
Detroit pattern maker or cabinet maker ........................................................................................................... 1924-1925 d
Detroit carpenter or maintenance man ............................................................................................................. 1928-1931 d
Andrew was born in Ontario on April 7, 1882, came to Michigan in 1904, and still was a non-declarant alien in 3 2
1918. He was eldest of the five or more children of Joseph and Victoria Beaudoin. Bessie was born in Michigan in 1 2
July of 1882, eldest of the four children of Michael and Lucia M. Deigert. She married Andrew about 1904, and they 2
never had children. “Andrew J. Beaudoin, Detroit, Mich.” was stamped on the back of the 8 by 10 inch commercial 2 t
mount of a 5 by 7 photograph of the Redford Pharmacy in the Hawthorne Block in Redford, a suburb which was t d
annexed to Detroit in 1926. The Hawthorne Block was erected in 1912, and looks quite new in the photograph. From d t
1912 until 1916, Andrew lived at 761 Antoinette Street. Mrs. Bessie M. Beaudoin, Andrew’s widow, was living in d
Detroit in 1932. d
1. 1901 Census of Canada.
2. 1900 Federal Census of the Twelfth Ward, 1910 Federal Census of the Second Ward, 1920 Federal Census of the Eighth Ward, and
1930 Federal Census of the Sixteenth Ward of Detroit in Wayne County, Michigan.
3. World War I Draft Registration Cards microfilmed from the National Archives in Washington, D.C.

Beazell, William S.
Marine City PHOTOGRAPHER on the west side of Main st between Union and Marine sts ........................ 1892-1895 m 1
Will succeeded William Courliss in Marine City, and produced 8 by 10 inch photographs of schooners built at 2
Algonac, including the Abram Smith on the ways in 1892 and the A. W. Comstock being launched in 1895. One 2 3
William S. Beazell was born in Ohio to parents from Pennsylvania in 1860 or early in 1861. He still was single in 3
1910, and was working in Cleveland as a photo engraver. 3
1. Directory of St. Clair County, Michigan, 1893, The Sherman Company, Port Huron, Michigan.
2. Learned in 2002 from Keith M. Steffke of Lincoln Park, Michigan.
3. 1910 Federal Census of the 25th Ward of Cleveland in Cuyahoga County, Ohio.

Becher, Matilda, Miss

Delaware Township resident ...................................................................................................................................... 1880 1
Detroit domestic ........................................................................................................................................................ 1883 d
Detroit photo printer for photographer Augustus B. Taylor ...................................................................................... 1885 d
Matilda was born in Michigan in 1865 or early in 1866, eldest of the four daughters of Frederick and Lucy Becher. 1
Her mother emigrated from Luxembourg, and her father and all of her grandparents were natives of Prussia. 1
1. 1880 Federal Census of Delaware Township in Sanilac County, Michigan.

Beck, Charles L.
Jackson child .............................................................................................................................................................. 1880 1
Jackson machinist in a wheel factory ......................................................................................................................... 1900 1
Jackson wheel worker for a wheel works ................................................................................................................... 1910 1
Saint Johns superintendent of the Hayes Wheel Company ........................................................................................ 1918 2
Jackson PHOTOGRAPHER at 216 Dwight st south ....................................................................................... 1920-1921 m
Jackson PHOTOGRAPHER at 220 Dwight st south ....................................................................................... 1922-1931 m
Charles was born in Michigan of German parentage on May 2, 1877, the eldest child of Louis and Carrie Beck. His 1 2
brother Louis was born two years later. In maturity, Charles was medium sized with brown eyes and black hair. Alvina 1 2
was born in Germany in about 1882, and she was brought to America in 1885. She married Charles about 1901, and 1
she gave birth to Margarette, Elmer and Carlene in Michigan between 1902 and 1913. The family was living in 1 2
Jackson at 216 South Dwight Street in 1918. “Beck’s Photo Service, JACKSON, MICH.” was printed below the opening in a 2 t
4¾ by 3¼ inch mount revealing a photograph of a boy with his very skinny tricycle. “C. BECK” was lettered on the t
negative of a post card photograph showing three men holding a pole from which were suspended five fish; “One Half t
Days Catch of Pike at Devils Lake, Mich. Weight 40 lbs.” Devils Lake is twenty miles south of Jackson, and the card t 3
was postmarked in November of 1911. “PHOTO BY CHAS. L. BECK” was lettered on the negative of an 8 by 10 t
inch photo of 69 employees of the Hayes Wheel Company which was affixed to a 12 by 14 commercial mount. t
1. 1880 Federal Census of the city of Jackson, 1920 Federal Census of the First Ward plus 1910 and 1930 Federal Censes of the Sixth
Ward of Jackson in Jackson County, Michigan.
2. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.
3. Michigan County Maps & Outdoor Guide, Michigan United Conservation Clubs, Lansing, Michigan.
Beck, Gustav Frederick.
Monroe child ............................................................................................................................................................. 1880 1
Monroe photographer ................................................................................................................................................ 1900 1
Monroe PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................ 1904-1917 m
Monroe PHOTOGRAPHER at 129 Front st east ............................................................................................ 1918-1931 2 m
John F. Beck was born in Germany in January of 1842, was brought to America when he was five years old and later 1
became a carpenter. Her parents emigrated from Germany, Amelia was born in Michigan in May of 1846, she married 1
John about 1867, and they proceeded to have five children. Gustav was their third child, was born in Michigan on July 1 2
20, 1874, and became a photographer. Marie was born in Michigan in 1891, and she married Gustav about 1912. Their 2 1
son Robert was born in 1914, their daughter Lila was born in July of 1918, and their daughter Shirley was born in 1
1920 or early in 1921. Gustav advertised locally in September of 1904: “Progressive People Patronize Prominent 1 3
PHOTOGRAPHERS Preferring Photographs Properly Produced. Quality is remembered long after price is 3
forgotten….” He was dealing in frames as well as photography early in 1908. “BECK PHOTO” and “ALTENHEIM, R t
MONROE, MICH.” were scribed into the negative of a postal photograph produced about 1910. Gustav served as t 4
president of the Ohio-Michigan Photographers Association in 1912. He was a stout man with brown eyes and black 4 2
hair in 1918. He advertised in 1923 and 1927 as a “Portrait and Commercial Photographer. Picture Framing – 2 5
KODAK Finishing – Framed Pictures….” 6 5
1. 1880 Federal Census of the city of Monroe, 1920 Federal Census of the Second Ward plus 1900, 1910 and 1930 Federal Censes of the
Third Ward of Monroe in Monroe County, Michigan.
2. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.
3. Monroe Civic Reflector, Monroe, Michigan, September 1, 1904.
4. American Photography, volume 6, number 4, April 1912, page 248.
5. City Directory, Monroe, Michigan, 1923-1924, McMillan Printing Company, Monroe, Michigan.
6. City Directory of Monroe, Michigan, 1927-28, McMillan Printing Company, Monroe, Michigan.

Beckbissinger, William F.
East Saginaw child ..................................................................................................................................................... 1870 1
East Saginaw student ................................................................................................................................................. 1880 1
Saginaw baker .................................................................................................................................................. 1889-1890 s
Saginaw baker ............................................................................................................................................................ 1900 s 1
Saginaw bakery proprietor ......................................................................................................................................... 1902 s
Saginaw dealer in art picture frames ................................................................................................................ 1906-1907 R
Saginaw art store proprietor ....................................................................................................................................... 1910 1
Saginaw dealer in art goods and picture framer ......................................................................................................... 1913 s
Saginaw art store proprietor ............................................................................................................................. 1914-1917 s
Saginaw PHOTOGRAPHER at 108 ½ Jefferson av north .............................................................................. 1920-1922 m 2
Saginaw dealer in art goods ............................................................................................................................. 1922-1923 m s
Saginaw resident ........................................................................................................................................................ 1924 s
Saginaw salesman ...................................................................................................................................................... 1928 s
Saginaw dealer in art goods ............................................................................................................................. 1930-1931 1 s
His father emigrated from the Wurttemberg region of Germany, his mother was born into a German family in Ohio, 1
and Will was born in Michigan in February of 1868. He was fourth of the seven children of John and Katrina (later 1
Katherine) B. Beckbissinger. Her parents emigrated from the Bohemian section of Germany, Mary was born in 1
Wisconsin in May of 1872, and she married Will about 1896. Their daughters were born in Michigan: Mamie in June 1
of 1897 and Bertha (later Ruth) in 1905. 1
1. 1870 and 1880 Federal Censes of the Third Ward of East Saginaw, plus 1900, 1910 and 1920 Federal Censes of the Third Ward and
1930 Federal Census of the Fourteenth Ward of Saginaw in Saginaw County, Michigan.
2. Frank Gueder, “Index of Saginaw Photographers 1865-1971” in Timbertown Log, Saginaw, Michigan, 1973 Fall-Winter 1974
and Summer 1974.

Becker, _______
Petoskey PHOTOGRAPHER .................................................................................................................................... 1914 t
on the negative of a post card photograph. t
Becker, Glenn J.
Taymouth Township child ......................................................................................................................................... 1880 1
Flint (Glenn Becker Photo Company) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 121 Ninth st east ..................................................... 1913 2
Flint PHOTOGRAPHER at 754 Elizabeth st ............................................................................................................ 1915 3
Flint photographer for Percy L. Becker ..................................................................................................................... 1918 4
Flint PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................................... 1920 1
Flint COMMERCIAL PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................... 1930 1
Flint PHOTOGRAPHER at 319 Kearsley st east ...................................................................................................... 1937 3
Glen was born Joseph Glenn Becker in Michigan on February 11, 1877, the second child and elder son of Jasper F. 1 4
and Mary L. Becker. He became a short man of medium weight with light blue eyes and dark brown hair. Emma was 1 4
born in Michigan in 1877 or early in 1878, and she married Glenn about 1908. A 6.5 by 28 inch panoramic photograph 1 2
of the work force of the Michigan Tanning and Extract Company standing in front of the company buildings in Boyne 2
City was deposited by the Glenn Becker Photo Company for copyright on August 22, 1913. Glenn was single and 2 1
living with his parents in 1920. He was married to a woman named Mae by 1930, when she and Glenn and his father 1
were living with his sister Viola, a newspaper reporter. 1
1. 1880 Federal Census of Taymouth Township in Saginaw County, plus 1920 and 1930 Federal Censes of the Third Ward of Flint in
Genesee County, Michigan.
2. Library of Congress on the internet, DLC/PP-1913:44682.
3. “Photographers of Flint, Michigan” by Kenneth A. Wallace in The Flint Genealogical Quarterly; volume 17, numbers 2, 3 and 4,
and volume18, numbers 1, 2, 3 and 4, April 1975 to October 1976.
4. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.

Becker, Grace C., Mrs.

Petoskey child ............................................................................................................................................................ 1880 1
Flint dress maker ........................................................................................................................................................ 1900 1
Flint studio photographer ........................................................................................................................................... 1910 1
Flint housewife ................................................................................................................................................. 1920,1930 1
Grace was born in Michigan in 1878 to James and Eliza D. Atkins. She had an older and a slightly younger brother, 1
and a much younger sister. She married the photographer Percy L. Becker about 1903, and they never had children.
She became involved with his business and was working in his studio as a photographer in 1910, when they were
living with her parents.
1. 1900 Federal Census of the First Ward and 1910 Federal Census of the Third Ward of Flint in Genesee County, Michigan.

Becker, Jasper F.
Taymouth Township student ...................................................................................................................................... 1860 1
Buenavista Township worker in a saw mill ............................................................................................................... 1870 1
Taymouth Township sawyer ...................................................................................................................................... 1880 2 m
Louisville, Kentucky PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................. 1900 2 m
Flint PHOTOGRAPHER at 622 Saginaw st north ........................................................................................... 1907-1909 2
Flint VIEW PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................... 1910 1
Flint PHOTOGRAPHER at 121 Ninth st east ................................................................................................. 1910-1915 m
Flint PHOTOGRAPHER at 412 Clifford st ............................................................................................................... 1915 2
Flint PHOTOGRAPHER at 718 Margaret st ................................................................................................... 1916-1917 2
Flint investor in real estate ......................................................................................................................................... 1920 1
Flint specialty salesman of utility goods .................................................................................................................... 1930 1
His mother was Canadian and Jasper was born in New York State in January of 1847, second of the seven children 1
of Joseph H. and Catherine A. Becker. Her parents came from New York and Vermont, Mary was born in Michigan in 1
October of 1848, and she married Jasper about 1872. Their children were born in Michigan: Viola in 1875 or early in 1
1876, Joseph Glenn in February of 1877, and Percy in November of 1882. “9747. BUICK EMPLOYEES J. F. 1 t
Becker, 121 E. 9 St. Flint, Mich” was lettered on the negative of a post card photograph of a large crowd gathered t
around a field next to the factory with “... CAPACITY 40,000 CARS.” painted on its side. Jasper was a widower by t 1
1930 and living with his daughter, but he still was working as a salesman at 83 years of age. 1
1. 1860 and 1880 Federal Censes of Taymouth Township and 1870 Federal Census of Buenavista Township in Saginaw County, 1910
Federal Census of the Sixth Ward plus 1920 and 1930 Federal Censes of the Third Ward of Flint in Genesee County, Michigan, as
well as 1900 Federal Census of the Fifth Ward of Louisville in Jefferson County, Kentucky.
2. “Photographers of Flint, Michigan” by Kenneth A. Wallace in The Flint Genealogical Quarterly; volume 17, numbers 2, 3 and 4,
and volume18, numbers 1, 2, 3 and 4, April 1975 to October 1976.

Becker, John
Detroit insurance agent or real estate agent ..................................................................................................... 1887-1890 d
Detroit (A. Jeretz & Company) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 88 Gratiot av ..................................................................... 1890 d
Detroit real estate agent ................................................................................................................................... 1891-1892 d
John replaced Joseph Kirsch as the partner of August Jeretz, and by 1891 August was in business alone. Note that d
John A. Becker was a photo printer for the company in 1890. John died in Detroit at 88 on January 11, 1893. d
Becker, John A.
Detroit type setter ...................................................................................................................................................... 1880 1
Detroit printer, resident or painter ................................................................................................................... 1881-1883 d
Detroit clerk ..................................................................................................................................................... 1886-1889 d
Detroit photo printer for photographers A. Jeretz & Company ................................................................................. 1890 d
Detroit clerk or salesman ................................................................................................................................. 1891-1910 d
Detroit furniture salesman .......................................................................................................................................... 1910 1
Detroit furniture company vice president ........................................................................................................ 1911-1912 d
Detroit theatre manager ............................................................................................................................................. 1913 d
Detroit furniture company vice president ........................................................................................................ 1911-1912 d
Detroit resident ................................................................................................................................................ 1916-1919 d
Detroit furniture salesman ................................................................................................................................ 1920-1922 1 d
John was born in Pennsylvania to parents from the Bavarian region of Germany in May of 1859, next to last of the 1
five or more children of John and Julia Becker. Anna was born in Ohio to German parents about 1861, and she 1
married John in 1894. They never had children. John was working in the furniture business in 1900. 1
1. 1880 Federal Census of the city of Detroit, 1900 Federal Census of the Seventh Ward plus 1910 and 1920 Federal Censes of the
Seventeenth Ward of Detroit in Wayne County, Michigan.

Becker, John P., Junior

Detroit photographer ........................................................................................................................................ 1897-1908 d
Detroit commercial photographer .............................................................................................................................. 1910 1
His parents emigrated from Germany, and John was born in Michigan 1870 or 1871. He dropped the “Junior” after 1 d
his father died on September 17, 1900, and was not listed in the directories for 1899, 1903 and 1906. He was single in d 1
1910, and was lodging with a 50-year-old widow named Mrs. Ellen Crofoot. 1
1. 1910 Federal Census of the First Ward of Detroit in Wayne County, Michigan.

Becker, Percy Leslie

Louisville, Kentucky, photographer for Jasper F. Becker .......................................................................................... 1900 1
Flint PHOTOGRAPHER at 400 Saginaw st south .................................................................................................... 1903 2
Flint PHOTOGRAPHER at 400 Saginaw st south .......................................................................................... 1906-1917 m
Flint PHOTOGRAPHER at 412 Clifford st ..................................................................................................... 1917-1933 2 m
Percy was born in Michigan on November 26, 1882, the third child of Jasper F. and Mary L. Becker, both natives of 3 1
New York. In maturity he was tall with blue eyes and brown hair. Grace C. Atkins was born in Michigan in 1878, and 3 1
she married Percy about 1902. They never had children. Both Percy and Grace were classified as studio photographers 1
in 1910, but only Percy was so classified in 1920. Grace does not seem to have been involved in the business in 1930, 1
when her sister, Mrs. Ruth Papineau, was employed as a photography finisher. 1
1. 1900 Federal Census of the Fifth Ward of Louisville in Jefferson County, Kentucky, 1910 Federal Census of the Third Ward plus
1920 and 1930 Federal Censes of the Second Ward of Flint in Genesee County, Michigan.
2. “Photographers of Flint, Michigan” by Kenneth A. Wallace in The Flint Genealogical Quarterly; volume 17, numbers 2 3 and 4,
and volume18, numbers 1, 2, 3 and 4, April 1975 to October 1976.
3. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.

Becker, Peter
Detroit photographer .................................................................................................................................................. 1896 d

Becker, Peter J.
Detroit tailor .............................................................................................................................................................. 1878 d
Detroit photographer or huckster ............................................................................................................................... 1880 d 1
Detroit pressman or huckster ............................................................................................................................ 1882,1884 d
Detroit resident or clerk .................................................................................................................................... 1886,1888 d
San Diego, California, resident .................................................................................................................................. 1889 d
Peter was born in Prussia in 1825 or 1826 and his wife, Elisabeth, was born there ten years later. Their son Peter was 1
born in Michigan in 1856 or early in 1857. Their daughters Elise and Anna were born here between 1864 and 1868. 1
1. 1880 Federal Census of the city of Detroit in Wayne County, Michigan.
Becker, Sadie M., Miss
Flint child ................................................................................................................................................................... 1880 1
Flint retoucher for photographer Charles E. Baldwin ................................................................................................ 1892 f
Flint clerk for photographer Charles E. Baldwin ....................................................................................................... 1894 f
Detroit photographer .................................................................................................................................................. 1896 d
Detroit finisher for photographers C. M. Hayes & Company .................................................................................... 1897 d
Saint Ignace manager of the gallery of Charles G. Agrell .......................................................................................... 1898 2
Detroit finisher ................................................................................................................................................. 1899-1900 d
Detroit clerk ..................................................................................................................................................... 1902-1905 d
Sadie was born in Michigan in 1877 or early in 1878, fifth of the six children of Christopher and Sarah Becker. She 1
was living with her widowed mother in 1892. It was reported in August of 1898 that Charles G. Agrell was open for f 2
business on Mackinac Island with his St. Ignace gallery in charge of Miss Becker, a skilled artist from Detroit. In 2
November of 1898 it was announced that Charles would soon be moving back to St. Ignace. 2
1. 1880 Federal Census of the city of Flint in Genesee County, Michigan
2. St. Louis and Canadian Photographer; volume 22, numbers 8 and 11, August and November 1898, pages 470 and 592.

Becker, William
Wilber Township farmer ............................................................................................................................................ 1900 1
Wilber PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................. 1904-1907 m
Au Sable laborer at odd jobs ...................................................................................................................................... 1930 1
William was born in February of 1871. He emigrated from Germany about 1887, and by 1900 was a naturalized 1
citizen of the United States. Mary was born in Michigan in April of 1876 to parents from Maine and New York, and 1
she married William in 1892 or early in 1893. She gave birth to Elmer in January of 1895 and to Everett in September 1
of 1897. Mary divorced William and about 1904 married James R. Scott and started another family. She was living at 1 2
South Range in 1918, and Elmer was farming in nearby Plainfield Township with the help of Everett. Around 1924 2 1
William married a woman named Rebecca who was born in Michigan in 1880 and had previously been married. 1
1. 1900 Federal Census of Wilber Township, 1920 Federal Census of Oscoda Township, and 1930 Federal Census of the First Ward of
Au sable in Iosco County, plus 1910 Federal Census of West Branch Township in Ogemaw County, Michigan.
2. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.

Beckett, William H.
Detour PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................. 1898-1905 m
His father came from Ireland, and William was born in Canada in October of 1864. He immigrated in 1888 and 1
became a naturalized citizen of the United States. Annie was born in Canada in November of 1872, emigrated from 1
there in 1892, and married William within a year. Their children were born in Michigan: Jennie in January of 1894 and 1
Clifford in October of 1898. William was enumerated in 1900 as a watch maker. 1
1. 1900 Federal Census of the village of Detour in Detour Township of Chippewa County, Michigan.
Beckmann, Charles A.
Albany, New York, student ........................................................................................................................................ 1870 1
East Saginaw photographer ........................................................................................................................................ 1880 1
East Saginaw photographer in a gallery ........................................................................................................... 1883-1889 s
Saginaw PHOTOGRAPHER on the east side ...................................................................................................... ca 1890 t
Saginaw PHOTOGR on the west side in Room 10 of the Barnard Block at 208 Hamilton st north ................ 1890-1897 s m
Saginaw (Beckmann Brothers) PHOTOGRS in Room 10 of the Barnard Block at 208 Hamilton st n ........... 1898-1917 m s
Saginaw (Beckmann Brothers) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 110 Hamilton st north .............................................. 1918-1921 m
Saginaw PHOTOGRAPHER at 110 ½ Hamilton st north ............................................................................... 1922-1925 m s
His parents emigrated from the Prussian region of Germany and Charles was born in New York State in July of 1
1864, first of the three children of Charles and Caroline Beckman. His siblings were born in New York State: Amelia 1
about 1868, and Hugo in January of 1871. His father died, and his mother married George Thrasher about 1873. She 1
gave birth to Walter Trasher about 1875, to Caroline (later Carrie) Thrasher in April of 1877, and to Josephine J. 1
Thrasher in January of 1883. Charles was known as Charles A. Thrasher throughout the 1880s, but he reverted to his 1 s
Beckman surname by 1890. The name was spelled “Beckman” on his earliest cabinet mounts and in some other s t m
sources, but was spelled as shown here on all other mounts and in most directories. Her parents emigrated from t m
Germany and Amalie Scheib was born in Michigan in February of 1867, second of the three children of William F. 1
and Theresa (Lange) Scheib. She married Charles about 1889 and their children were born in Saginaw: Clarence in 1
June of 1890, Alma in February of 1892, and Julius in February of 1895. The designations “east side” and “west side” 1 m
were used for a few years after their consolidation to indicate the former East Saginaw and Saginaw City. Forty “Snap m 2
shots of Saginaw and Vicinity” by Charles were reproduced in 1896 on a page of an atlas of Saginaw County. The 2
Beckmann Brothers were awarded third prize in the Interior Class at the 1899 convention of the Photographers’ 3
Association of America at Celeron on Chautauqua Lake, New York. Their half-sister Carrie worked for the Beckmann 3 s
Brothers as a clerk in 1900. The Beckmann Brothers provided seven of the 32 photographs reproduced in the s t
commemorative booklet “Souvenir of SAGINAW’S GREATEST FLOOD, March – April, 1904.” When the annual t 4
convention of the Professional Photographers Society of Michigan met in Saginaw in March of 1912, Charles was co- 4
host with Charles E. White of a banquet and smoker at the Elks’ Temple on the evening of the 19th, and the 4
convention met in the Beckmann studio on the 20th. Mrs. Amalie Beckmann, the widow of Charles, was living in 4 s
Saginaw in 1927. s
1. 1870 Federal Census of Albany in Albany County, New York, 1880 Federal Censes of the cities of East Saginaw and Saginaw City,
plus 1900 Federal Census of the Fourteenth Ward, 1910 Federal Census of the Eighteenth Ward and 1920 Federal Census of the
Sixteenth Ward of Saginaw in Saginaw County, Michigan.
2. Atlas of Saginaw County, Michigan, 1896, Imperial Publishing Company, Saginaw, Michigan, page 124.
3. Anthony’s Photographic Bulletin, volume 30, August 1899, page 253.
4. American Photography, volume 6, number 5, May 1912, page 307.

Beckmann, Hugo A.
East Saginaw student ................................................................................................................................................. 1880 1
East Saginaw photographer ............................................................................................................................... 1887,1889 s
Saginaw photographer for Oscar M. Pausch .............................................................................................................. 1890 s
Saginaw (Beckmann Brothers) PHOTOGRS in Room 10 of the Barnard Block at 208 Hamilton st n ........... 1898-1917 m s
Saginaw furniture merchant ............................................................................................................................. 1914-1917 s
Saginaw (Beckmann Brothers) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 110 Hamilton st north .............................................. 1918-1921 m
Saginaw furniture merchant ............................................................................................................................. 1918-1928 s
His parents emigrated from the Prussian region of Germany and Hugo was born in New York State in January of 1
1871, last of the three children of Charles and Caroline Beckman. His father died, his mother married George Thrasher 1
about 1873, and Hugo soon had a half-brother and two half-sisters. Hugo was known as Hugo H. Thrasher in the 1 s
1880s, but he reverted to his Beckman surname by 1890. The name was spelled “Beckman” in some census reports, s 1
but was spelled as shown here on all Beckmann Brothers mounts and in most directories. In 1900 Hugo was living t 1
with his mother and her second husband, George Thrasher, along with their daughters Caroline and Josephine born 1
between 1877 and 1883. The Michigan Photographers Association held its fourth annual convention at Grand Rapids 1 2
on February 1, 1899, and the Beckmann Brothers were there awarded the first prize in Class E, Landscapes. They were 2 3
awarded a third place diploma for the interior photographs which they exhibited at the 1899 convention of the 3
Photographers’ Association of America at Celeron on Chautauqua Lake, New York. Both Hugo and Charles were 3 4
active members of the PA of A in 1905. Hugo was elected treasurer of the Professional Photographers Association of 4 5
Saginaw in December of 1906. The Beckmann Brothers studio was in the Hamilton Square Building in 1909 and 1910 5 s
according to local directories. In 1920 Hugo was living with his widowed mother and her daughter Caroline. s 1
1. 1880 Federal Census of the city of East Saginaw, plus 1900 Federal Census of the Second Ward and 1920 Federal Census of the Fifth
Ward of Saginaw in Saginaw County, Michigan.
2. Anthony’s Photographic Bulletin, volume 30, March 1899, page 70.
3. Wilson’s Photographic Magazine, volume 36, number 512, August 1899, page 363.
4. The Association Review, Convention Annual, Boston 1905, The Photographers’ Association of America.
5. Learned in 1998 from John V. Jezierski of Hemlock, Michigan.
Beckmann, Julius Scheib
Saginaw child ............................................................................................................................................................. 1900 1
Saginaw student ................................................................................................................................................ 1910,1914 1 s
Saginaw draftsman or tool designer ........................................................................................................................... 1917 s 2
South Bend, Indiana, tool and die designer ............................................................................................................... 1917 3
United States Army soldier ........................................................................................................................................ 1918 2 4
Saginaw draftsman or tool designer for the Lufkin Rule Company ................................................................. 1919-1920 2 1
Saginaw clerk for the photographers Beckmann Brothers ......................................................................................... 1921 s
Saginaw photographer for Charles A. Beckmann ............................................................................................ 1923-1924 s
Saginaw (Beckmann Brothers) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 110 ½ Hamilton st north .......................................... 1926-1930 s 5
Saginaw PHOTOGRAPHER at 922 Granger st south ..................................................................................... 1933-1934 5
Saginaw PHOTOGRAPHER at 920 Granger st south ..................................................................................... 1935-1938 5
His father came from New York and Julius was born in Saginaw on February 15, 1895, last of the three children of 1 3
Charles A. and Amelia L. Beckmann. He became a medium sized man with blue eyes and blonde hair. He was 1 3
inducted into the army on May 13, 1918, and he received his basic training at Camp Custer. He served in the 172nd 4 2
Field Artillery Brigade and did not get overseas. He was demobilized and honorably discharged on December 31, 2 4
1918. He boarded with his parents from 1919 through 1924, and later with his mother before inheriting the family 4 s
home. He still was single in 1930, when he was providing a home for his 87-year-old maternal grandmother, Mrs. s 1
Theresa Scheib. 1
1. 1900 Federal Census of the Fourteenth Ward, 1910 and 1930 Federal Censes of the Eighteenth Ward, and 1920 Federal Census of the
Sixteenth Ward of Saginaw in Saginaw County, Michigan.
2. World War I Veteran Census compiled by the War Preparedness Board in the State Archives of Michigan at Lansing.
3. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.
4. World War I Veterans Bonus Files in the State Archives of Michigan at Lansing.
5. Frank Gueder, “Index of Saginaw Photographers 1865-1971” in Timbertown Log, Saginaw, Michigan, 1973 Fall-Winter 1974
and Summer 1974.
Beckquist, Enoch Harold
Muskegon office boy in the knitting mills ................................................................................................................. 1900 1
Muskegon (Beckquist & Reid) dealers in photo supplies ................................................................................ 1906-1909 m
Muskegon PHOTOGRAPHER at 17 First st south .............................................................................................. ca 1910 t
Muskegon (Beckquist & Reid) dealers in photo supplies ................................................................................ 1910-1917 m
Muskegon PHOTOGRAPHER and dealer in photo materials and supplies at 17 First st south ...................... 1918-1931 m M
Muskegon PHOTOGRAPHER in the Occidental Hotel .................................................................................. 1932-1952 2
Muskegon PHOTOGRAPHER in the Terminal Arcade .................................................................................. 1953-1967 2
Enoch was born to Swedish parents in Muskegon on May 12, 1882, the eldest child of Peter and Johanna M. 3 1
Beckquist. He worked as a newsboy, in a keg factory and at lumbering before hiring into the Amazon Knitting 1 2
Company and working up to assistant bookkeeper. A 2 by 2 inch pinhole camera he won in 1897 by selling magazine 2
subscriptions first interested him in photography. He soon acquired a better camera, and by the time he married 18- 2 1
year-old Miss Lillian Belle Clark in 1902 he was taking photographs of lasting interest. Lillian was born in Michigan, 1
as were their son Paul and daughter Virginia between 1904 and 1909. Beckquist & Reid succeeded the photo supply 1 m
firm of James Hamilton, and Enoch added a photography studio to the business. Eight by ten inch commercial mounts 2 t
blind stamped “B & R, 17 FIRST ST., MUSKEGON, MICH.” carried photographic prints produced by Beckquist & Reid, t
possibly from the negatives of others. “PHOTO TAKEN BY ENOCH BECKQUIST, MUSKEGON, MICH.” was t
stamped on the back of 6 ½ by 8 ½ plain gray mounts; one with a photograph of a handcuffed and bleary-eyed criminal t
between two large policemen. One of the officers had a truncheon in one hand and a shoulder of the criminal’s coat in t
the other. In a companion photo, the same policeman was standing in front of a turnstile marked “This Way Out.” t
Enoch was a short man with a medium build, blue eyes and brown hair in 1918. His wife did all of his color, and his 3 2
son Paul worked in the studio until he moved to California. His daughter Virginia became a singer with the civic 2
opera. The Beckquist Photo Supply House was listed under the PHOTOGRAPHER classification of local directories 2 M
in 1926 and 1928. “Beckquist’s 10308” and “Beckquist 13299” and similar notes were included in the legends lettered M t
on negatives of post card photos into the 1940s. The Muskegon Professional Photographers’ Association honored t 2
Enoch with a trophy in May of 1957 that recognized his 75th birthday and his 50th anniversary as a professional 2
photographer. Group pictures were the specialty of the Beckquist Camera Shop and Studio in the 1960s. He became 2
recognized as the oldest professional photographer still working in Michigan, kept the shop open from 9 until 5:30 and 2
was proud to offer three-hour portrait service. He donated a collection of Muskegon views to the Muskegon County 2
Museum in September of 1963, including prints from negatives he had exposed in 1902. His wife died in 1965, and in 2
September of 1967 his daughter talked him into retiring and moving to her Florida home. He was a resident of the Elks 2
National Home at Bedford, Virginia, at the time of his death on November 20, 1970. Enoch was survived by his son 2
and daughter, two grand-children and two great grandchildren. Interment was in Oakwood Cemetery at Muskegon. 2
1. 1900 Federal Census of the Eighth Ward, 1910 Federal Census of the Fifth Ward, and 1920 Federal Census of the Thirteenth Precinct
of Muskegon, plus 1930 Federal Census of the city of North Muskegon in Muskegon County, Michigan.
2. Muskegon Chronicle, Muskegon, Michigan, November 5, 1960 7:1; September 14, 1963 24:1-8; July 1, 1967 26:1-8;
September 28, 1967 13:1-2; November 23, 1970 21:5 and 33:5.
3. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.

Becktell, K. H.
Bear Lake PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................ 1902-1903 m
K. H. probably was the son of Richard S. and Dell V. Becktell. They were in their early fifties in 1900, when they 1
were farming in Bear Lake Township and were the only Becktells enumerated there. They married in 1879 and had 1
two children. Their daughter Lillie Ruth was born in Illinois in October of 1880, and she married Sidney B. Potter 1
about 1897. 1
1. 1900 Federal Census of Bear Lake Township in Manistee County, Michigan, and 1910 Federal Census of Cache Creek in Garfield
County, Colorado.

Beckton, Joseph H.
Caro druggist ................................................................................................................................................... 1894-1913 m
Caro cashier or president of the Peoples State Bank ....................................................................................... 1914-1931 m 1
Joseph was born in Scotland in October of 1866, he immigrated to the United States in 1889 and became a 1
naturalized citizen. Her parents emigrated from England and Canada, Jennie or Elizabeth was born in Michigan in July 1
of 1872, she married Joseph about 1898, and they had a daughter born in Michigan about 1908. “J. H. Beckton” was 1 2
lettered on a 4½ by 6½ inch photographic Caro street scene held by the Library of Congress. 2
1. 1910 and 1930 Federal Censes of the village of Caro in Indianfields Township of Tuscola County, Michigan.
2. Learned in 2000 and 2001 from Carol Johnson of the Library of Congress in Washington, D. C.

Beckwith, _______
Colon PHOTOGRAPHER .................................................................................................................................... ca 1912 t
Beckwith Photo No. 3.” were lettered on the negatives of post card photographs. t
Beckwith, Charles Earl
Norvell child .............................................................................................................................................................. 1880 1
Norvell Township farmer ........................................................................................................................................... 1900 1
Norvell Township truck gardner ............................................................................................................................... 1910 1
Norvell PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................ 1910-1913 t
Norvell Township farmer ........................................................................................................................................... 1918 2
Jackson clerk in a candy factory ................................................................................................................................ 1920 1
Jackson proprietor of a greenhouse ........................................................................................................................... 1930 1
Charles was born in Michigan in September of 1875, second of the three sons of Henry and Josephine M. Beckwith. 1
Early and late in his life he was called “Earl” but during his middle years he was called “Charles.” In maturity he was 1 2
tall with blue eyes and gray hair. Lillian was born here in December of 1876, and she married Charles about 1896. 2 1
Their son Frederick was born early in 1903, and their daughter Josephine was born in 1905. “C. E. BECKWITH, 1 t
NORVELL, MICH.” was printed on the post card backs of photographs of Norvell, of the Raisin River and of nearby t
Wolf Lake. “Beckwith” or “Photo by E. Beckwith” or “Copyright 1913 By C. E. Beckwith” was lettered on the t
negatives of similar postal photos, and captions were lettered on many of the negatives in a distinctive hand which t
could be recognized on other views which lacked positive identification of the photographer. Some of these captions t
included numbers such as 859, 902, 908, 2104 and 2267, and others included dates such as August 18, 1910, August t
20, 1911, September 5, 1911, and May 20, 1912. One view of Exchange Street in Norvell was produced with and t
without a hot air balloon in the sky. “C. E. BECKWITH, Photo Views and Landscapes, Norvell, Mich.” was stamped t
on the back of other photographs. One collection of hundreds of Beckwith post cards and unmounted photographs of t
the same size remained together. It was primarily focused upon farming operations: raising farm animals and planting, t
growing and harvesting grains, vegetables and fruits, but it included pictures of the children and adults of the family. t
Charles probably took pictures on the Norvell Township farms of Beckwith relatives, as well as on his own farm. 1 t
1. 1880 Federal Census of the village of Norvell, 1900 and 1910 Federal Censes of Norvell Township, plus 1920 Federal Census of the
Fourth Ward and 1930 Federal Census of the Eighth Ward of Jackson in Jackson County, Michigan.
2. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.

Beckwith, Edwin F.
Marietta, Ohio, child .................................................................................................................................................. 1860 1
Columbus, Ohio, commercial traveler ....................................................................................................................... 1880 1
Ionia physician ................................................................................................................................................. 1890-1893 m
Ionia physician at the state house of correction ............................................................................................... 1894-1901 m
Ionia physician ................................................................................................................................................. 1902-1913 m
Ionia physician and district surgeon of the Grand Trunk Railway ................................................................... 1914-1915 m
Ionia physician with a general practice ...................................................................................................................... 1920 1
Edwin was born in Ohio early in 1857, eldest of the three sons of the physician E. C. Beckwith and his wife Frances. 1
Kate was born in Ohio in March of 1859, and she married Edwin about 1880. Their daughter Alice was born in 1
Pennsylvania in February of 1882, and their other children were born in Michigan: Bertha in May of 1886, Raymond 1
in October of 1887, and Mary in April of 1890. Edwin filed an application for a patent on a Photographic Light-Screen 1 p
on May 26, 1900, with claims about a graded light filter or screen for photographic cameras, and was issued Patent p
Number 714,356 on November 25, 1902. He filed another patent application on Graded Photographic Film on May p
13, 1903, with claims covering an actinic surface graded in sensitiveness from one portion to another and an p
orthochromatic version of such a surface, and was granted Patent Number 749,893 on January 19, 1904. Kate was a p 1
widow by 1930, when she was living with the family of her eldest daughter in Urbana, Illinois. 1
1. 1860 Federal Census of the Second Ward of Marietta in Washington County and 1880 Federal Census of the city of Columbus in
Franklin County, Ohio, 1900, 1910 and 1920 Federal Censes of the Third Ward of Ionia in Ionia County, Michigan, and 1930 Federal
Census of the Fifth Ward of Urbana in Champaign County, Illinois.

Beckwith, Harry E.
Dowagiac PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................ 1900-1907 m R
Dowagiac PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................ 1910-1919 1 m
Kalamazoo inmate of the Kalamazoo State Hospital ................................................................................................. 1920 1
Harry was born in Missouri in August of 1879, and his sister was born in Michigan in July of 1892. Their mother, 1
Bessie, married for the second time a year or two later, and the children took the surname of their stepfather, foundry 1
superintendent Arthur K. Beckwith. Early in November of 1911, Harry relocated his studio from the Oak Street home 1 2
of his parents to the rear of Dr. D. E. Squires’ office on the second floor at 234 South Front Street. Harry’s job in the 2 1
hospital was scrubbing (probably the floors) like half of the inmates that worked. The others worked in the kitchen or 1
dining rooms, swept, or ran errands, but three quarters of the inmates were too incapacitated to have assignments. 1
1. 1900 and 1910 Federal Censes of the Third Ward of Dowagiac in Cass County, plus 1920 Federal Census of the Third Ward of
Kalamazoo in Kalamazoo County, Michigan.
2. Dowagiac Daily News, November 6, 1911.
Beckwith, Joel
Richfield DAGUERREOTYPIST ................................................................................................................... 1862-1863 m
Richfield PHOTOGRAPHER .......................................................................................................................... 1866-1867 m

BeDard, Joseph
Detroit joiner or carpenter ............................................................................................................................... 1873-1883 d
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER on the southeast corner of Joseph Campau and Jefferson avs ....................................... 1884 d
Detroit joiner ............................................................................................................................................................. 1885 d
Some of the Detroit listings were for Joseph Bedard, and a photographer with this name operated a gallery at 58 d 1
Rivet Street in New Bedford, Massachusetts, some time in the 1880s. 1
1. Chris Steele and Ronald Polito, A Directory of Massachusetts Photographers 1839-1900, Picton Press, Camden, Maine, 1993.

Beddo, Teed
Bloomingdale Township student ............................................................................................................................... 1870 1
Bloomingdale Township farm worker on his mother’s farm ..................................................................................... 1880 1
Gobles PHOTOGRAPHER .................................................................................................................................. ca 1885 t
Montague artist .......................................................................................................................................................... 1889 M
Fort Myers, Florida, house and sign painter .............................................................................................................. 1910 1
Fort Myers, Florida, scenic and sign painter .............................................................................................................. 1920 1
Clearwater, Florida, painter doing sign and scenic work ........................................................................................... 1930 1
His father emigrated from England, his mother was born in Michigan, and Teddie Beedo was born here in 1860 or 1
1861, youngest of the three sons of John and Elizabeth S. Beddo. He and his brother Willie were living with their 1
widowed mother in 1880. Gobles is on the eastern edge of Bloomingdale Township. From 1910 on he was known as 1 2
Ted Beddo. He got married for the second time about 1907 to a young lady named Mary (later called Blanche) born in 1
Florida in 1886. Ted Junior was born in Florida in 1908, and his brother Don was born there three years later. By 1930 1
young Ted was in the navy and Don was living at home and working as a fisherman. 1
1. 1870 and 1880 Federal Censes of Bloomingdale Township in Van Buren County, Michigan, plus 1910 Federal Census of the Fourth
Ward and 1920 Federal Census of the Second Ward of Fort Myers in Lee County and 1930 Federal Census of the Fifteenth Precinct
of Clearwater in Pinellas County, Florida.
2. Michigan County Map Guide, Michigan United Conservation Clubs, Lansing, Michigan.

Beebe, Alva James

Pittsford Township laborer on his father’s farm ........................................................................................................ 1860 1
Hudson resident ......................................................................................................................................................... 1861 2
United States Army soldier .............................................................................................................................. 1861-1865 2 3
Hickory Corners carpenter and joiner ........................................................................................................................ 1870 1
Augusta artist ............................................................................................................................................................. 1875 3
Nashville PHOTOGRAPHER ......................................................................................................................... 1876-1878 m
Nashville (Heath & Beebe) PHOTOGRAPHERS ........................................................................................... 1878-1881 4 m
Nashville PHOTOGRAPHER ......................................................................................................................... 1882-1883 m
Nashville (Beebe & Feighner) PHOTOGRAPHERS ...................................................................................... 1884-1888 m R
Nashville resident or carpenter ........................................................................................................................ 1889-1908 3 1
He was sometimes identified as Alvah or Andrew J. Beebe, and was born in September of 1841 at Parma in Monroe 5 3
County, New York, the son of Joseph and Marietta Beebe. He was 5 feet 9 ½ inches tall with a ruddy complexion, 1 3
dark hair and blue eyes when enrolled as a private in Company E of the First Michigan Cavalry at Hudson on August 3 2
15, 1861. He was hospitalized with typhoid fever at the Navy Yard in Washington, D.C., from November 12 to 2 3
December 7, 1861. Still weak from the fever, he first experienced the rheumatism which troubled him for the rest of 3
his life on a march from Frederick City, Maryland, to Harpers Ferry, Virginia, in February of 1862. He re-enlisted as a 3
veteran volunteer on December 20, 1863, and deserted at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, on July 6, 1865. The charge of 3 2
desertion was removed from his military record twenty years later. At Hickory Corners on October 26, 1875, he 2 3
married the 26-year-old eldest daughter of Robert and Susan (Harkness) Marshall, Miss Susan Marshall. Susan gave 3 1
birth to Marcia in February of 1879, Florence in September of 1880, and Belva in January of 1884. Alva’s first 1 3
application for an Invalid Pension in January of 1890 was witnessed by his recent partner, Emanuel J. Feighner. By 3 m
April of 1905 Alva was so disabled that he was unable to leave his home. His pension was increased to $30.00 per 3
month in 1906, and he died of a cerebral failure on March 13, 1908. Susan died in 1923. Both burials were in 3 5
Nashville’s Lakeview Cemetery. 5
1. 1860 Federal Census of Pittsford Township in Hillsdale County, 1870 Federal Census of the village of Hickory Corners in Barry
Township plus 1880 and 1900 Federal Censes of the village of Nashville in Castleton Township of Barry County, Michigan.
2. Record of Service of Michigan Volunteers in the Civil War, 1861-1865; published by the State of Michigan about 1904.
3. Civil War Veteran Pension Record of Alva Beebe obtained from the National Archives at Washington, D. C.
4. Eaton, Barry & Ingham County Directory, 1878, Charles E. Mudge, Lansing, Michigan.
5. Joanne Marshall Doster, Pioneer Families of Barry County, Michigan, Anundson Publishing Co., Decorah, Iowa, 1995.

Beebe, Andrew J.
Please see the entry for Alva James Beebe.
Beebe, Earl Wellington
Meridian Township student and worker on his father’s farm ..................................................................................... 1900 1
Haslett Park PHOTOGRAPHER .......................................................................................................................... ca 1902 t
Lansing carpenter ....................................................................................................................................................... 1910 1
Lansing construction worker ...................................................................................................................................... 1918 2
Lansing contractor for houses .................................................................................................................................... 1920 1
Lansing building contractor ....................................................................................................................................... 1930 1
Mount Dora, Florida, building contractor .................................................................................................................. 1945 3
His father came from Michigan and Earl was born in Ohio on August 25, 1881, first of the six children of Alby J. 1 2
(later Cauniff) and Dora Beebe. His sister Ella was born in Ohio in November of 1883, but his four other sblings were 1
born in Michigan between 1886 and 1896. Earl became a medium sized man with blue eyes and black hair. “PHOTO 1 2
BY EARL BEEBE, HASLETT PARK, MICH.” was printed or stamped on the back of eight by six inch gray t
mounts for five and a half by four inch photographs. One of these photos was of a middle-aged nurse seated with an t
open book in her lap contemplating some of her medical paraphernalia on a small table beside her and at her feet. The t
name of the post office at Haslett Park in Meridian Township was shortened to Haslett in 1895, but local people seem 4 t
to have continued to call the village Haslett Park for several additional years. Earl was living at Lansing in 1910, 1918 t 1
and 1920 with the family of his sister Ella and her husband, Harry Leavenworth. Olive was born in Michigan to a 2 1
mother from New York in 1875 or early in 1876, and she married Earl late in 1920 or in 1921. She still was keeping 1 3
house for him in 1945. 3
1. 1900 Federal Census of Meridian Township plus 1910, 1920 and 1930 Federal Censes of the Sixth Ward of Lansing in Ingham County,
2. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.
3. 1945 Census of Florida.
4. Walter Romig, Michigan Place Names, Grosse Pointe, Michigan.

Beebe, Edward L.
Kalkaska student ........................................................................................................................................................ 1880 1
South Boardman school teacher ................................................................................................................................. 1900 1
Kalkaska PHOTOGRAPHER .......................................................................................................................... 1904-1913 m
Alden (Pitman & Beebe) PHOTOGRAPHERS ......................................................................................................... 1910 t
Kalkaska (Beebe & Fowler) PHOTOGRAPHERS .......................................................................................... 1914-1915 m
Kalkaska PHOTOGRAPHER .......................................................................................................................... 1916-1917 m
Machinist in an auto factory ...................................................................................................................................... 1920 1
Edward was born in Kalkaska to David Porter and Ellen Mary (Ross) Beebe on August 13, 1871. His father was 1 2
sheriff of Kalkaska County at one time. Miss Lottie Probasco was born in New York State in December of 1870, and 2 1
she married Edward in 1893. Their son Glenn was born in Michigan in May of 1894, and their daughter Myra was 1
born here in December of 1895. Edward was superintendent of the South Boardman Schools before he took up 1 2
photography as a profession. He was a prolific maker of post card photographs depicting the lumbering industry and 2 t
the towns it spawned in the northwestern portion of Michigan’s lower peninsula. He photographed in and around Alba, t
Alden, Antrim, Bellaire, Central Lake, Clam Lake, Cold Creek, Comfort, Eastport, Elk Rapids, Ellsworth, Helena, t
Kewadin, Mancelona, South Milton, Torch Lake and the Torch River in Antrim County; Honor and Thompsonville in t
Benzie County; Beaver Island, Boyne City, Boyne Falls, Charlevoix, East Jordan, High Island, St. James and Walloon t
Lake in Charlevoix County; Hardgrove in Crawford County; Alanson, Conway, Ely, Larks, Oden and Pellston in t
Emmet County; Elk Lake, Fife Lake, Mable and Williamsburg in Grand Traverse County; Deibert, Diamond City, t
Kalkaska, Rapid City, Rugg, Sharon, Sigma, South Boardman, Spencer and Westwood in Kalkaska County; Crescent, 2 t
Lake Leelanau, Leland, North Manitou Island, Peshawbestown, Provemont and Suttons Bay in Leelanau County; t 2
Jennings, Lake City, Merritt, Moorestown, Morey, Naples and Stittsville in Missaukee County; Waters in Otsego t 2
County, and Michelson in Roscommon County. He went south to photograph at Clarksville in Ionia County and at 2
Covert in Van Buren County, and crossed the straits to photograph on Drummond Island in Chippewa County and at 2
Dollarville and Newberry in Luce County. “Beebe” and later “B.B.” were lettered on the negatives used to produce 2 t
thousands of post cards, many of them postmarked between 1906 and 1921. Beebe & Fowler produced similar postal t
photos of scenes in or near Alba, Bellaire, Elk Rapids, Ellsworth and Mancelona in Antrim County, and in Grant, 120 t
miles south of Elk Rapids in Newaygo County, mostly postmarked in 1914 or 1915. They lettered “B.+F.” on the t
Bellaire negatives. “Beebe-Blair” was lettered on the negatives of postal views of Alba and of Waters in Otsego t
County, one showing a 1908 champion baseball team and others postmarked in 1909. “Beebe-I.D.S.” was lettered on t
the negatives of a series of cards portraying the progress of a big fire in Lake City on April 22, 1911. “Beebe-Sanders” t
was lettered on the negatives of post card photographs of Lake City and Merritt in Missaukee County, some t
postmarked in 1912. Edward may have printed and distributed cards made from negatives exposed by others. He died t 3
at Detroit on February 28, 1945. For much more information about Edward, see the book by Jack Hobey. 3
1. 1880 and 1910 Federal Censes of the village of Kalkaska and 1900 Federal Census of the village of South Boardman in Kalkaska
County, plus 1920 Federal Census of the Twelfth Ward of Detroit in Wayne County, Michigan.
2. Learned in 2002 from Jack Hobey of East Lansing, Michigan.
3. Jack Hobey, Wish you were here, The Edward Beebe Story, Harbor House Publishers, Inc., Boyne City, Michigan, 2007.
Beebe, George E.
Jackson photographic apprentice ............................................................................................................................... 1871 J

Beebe, Harry H.
San Francisco, California, photographic operator ..................................................................................................... 1894 1
San Francisco, California, operator for photographer T. C. Marceau ........................................................................ 1895 1
San Francisco, California, photographer .................................................................................................................... 1896 2
Kalamazoo (The Wood Studio) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 134 Burdick st south .............................................. 1896-1897 2 K
Kalamazoo PHOTOGRAPHER on the third floor at 134 Burdick st south ..................................................... 1898-1900 m K
Harry was born at Hartford, Connecticut, on September 6, 1866. He and Miss Della Brown were married in 1894 at 2
Pasadena, California. They came to Kalamazoo in the fall of 1896, where Harry succeeded Thomas E. Wood in the 2
studio that Wood had established nine years earlier. Della gave birth to Zella in December of 1897, and to Helen in 2 3
July of 1899. On September 8, 1900, Harry died suddenly of appendicitis leaving his wife with two daughters under 3 2
three years of age. His widow advertised nationally late in 1900: “FOR SALE - Leading studio in city of 30,000; worth 2
$3000; on account of the death of the proprietor, would sell at a great bargain to settle estate. For particulars address 2
Mrs. Della N. Beebe, Kalamazoo, Mich.” 2
1. Compiled from San Francisco directories by Peter E. Palmquist, Arcata, California.
2. St. Louis and Canadian Photographer; volume 24, numbers 11 and 12, November and December, 1900, pages 532 and 587.
3. 1900 Federal Census of the Fourth Ward of Kalamazoo in Kalamazoo County, Michigan.

Beebe, Paul C.
Jackson PHOTOGRAPHER ...................................................................................................................................... 1888 1
Jackson photographer ................................................................................................................................................ 1890 1
Paul produced cabinet photographs, and in 1888 photographed the editors of the Jackson High School yearbook. 1
1. Learned in 1997 from Gerry L. Blanchard of Jackson, Michigan.

Beebe, Wellington Stewart

Owosso child ............................................................................................................................................................. 1860 1
Owosso student .......................................................................................................................................................... 1870 1
Owosso (Kingsley & Beebe) PHOTOGRAPHERS .............................................................................................. ca 1877 t
Owosso PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................ 1878-1893 m
Owosso (Beebe & Horsman) PHOTOGRAPHERS ............................................................................................. ca 1893 t
Owosso (Beebe & Jaffe) PHOTOGRAPHERS on the ground floor .................................................................... ca 1894 t
Owosso (Beebe & Merell) PHOTOGRAPHERS on the ground floor ................................................................. ca 1895 t
Owosso PHOTOGRAPHER on the ground floor at 106 Main st east ............................................................. 1896-1899 2 m
Owosso PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................ 1900-1903 1 m
Owosso poultry breeder ................................................................................................................................... 1906-1909 m
Owosso florist with a greenhouse or owner of a floral company ............................................................................... 1910 1 3
Owosso poultry breeder ................................................................................................................................... 1913-1920 3 m
Owosso resident ............................................................................................................................................... 1928-1930 3 1
W. Stewart, as he was listed consistently after 1881, was born in Michigan in June of 1856 to James A. and Clarissa m 1
Beebe. His father was a grocery merchant, and both of his parents were born in New York State. His older brother 1
Clarence may not have lived to maturity, but his younger brother Charles survived. Emogene (often called Emma) was 1
born in Michigan to parents from New York in May of 1856. She and Stewart were married when they were 24 years 1
old, and they never had children. Stewart’s “Central Art Gallery” or “Popular Central Art Gallery” was mentioned on 1 t
many card photograph mounts and on some early cabinet mounts, and at one time it was opposite the National Hotel. t
No further information about Horsman has been found, but Stewart’s other partners were C. S. Kingsley, Stanley Jaffe, t
and Louis K. Merell. Some cabinet mounts were over-printed with “W. S. Beebe” so as to obliterate the “Jaffe & t
Jordan” originally printed on the mounts. Efforts to control a winter fire in a two-story building are shown on an 1890s t
cabinet mount from his ground floor gallery. He and his wife probably observed their golden anniversary at Owosso in t 1
1930. 1
1. 1880 Federal Census of the city of Owosso, 1870 Federal Census of the Third Ward, 1860 and 1900 Federal Censes of the Second
Ward, plus 1910, 1920 and 1930 Federal Censes of the First Ward of Owosso in Shiawassee County, Michigan.
2. Owosso city directories, 1896 and 1899.
3. Helen Harrelson, Owosso, Michigan, A to Z, Shiawassee County Historical Society, Owosso, Michigan, 1993.
Beebe, William L.
Grand Rapids wood engraver .................................................................................................................................... 1880 g 1
Grand Rapids engraver or portrait artist .......................................................................................................... 1886-1889 g
Grand Rapids (Beebe & Bailey) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 22-24 Fountain st ............................................................ 1890 g
Grand Rapids (Beebe & Bailey) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 16 Charles st ......................................................... 1890- 1893 m g
Grand Rapids artist .......................................................................................................................................... 1891-1897 g m
Chicago, Illinois, resident .......................................................................................................................................... 1897 g
Chicago, Illinois, artist ............................................................................................................................................... 1900 1
Detroit photographer .................................................................................................................................................. 1917 d
His parents were born in Michigan, and William was born here in March of 1863. He was boarding with the family 1
of a picture frame dealer in 1880. Beebe & Bailey employed Mrs. Rose K. Olmstead as a retoucher in 1890, and after 1 g
1891 were listed as portrait artists. Martha was born in Michigan to Polish parents in March of 1866, and she married m 1
William about 1886. Their daughter Ione was born in Michigan in February of 1888. 1
1. 1880 Federal Census of the city of Grand Rapids in Kent County, Michigan, and 1900 Federal Census of the 32nd Ward of Chicago
in Cook County, Illinois..

Beecher, Robert Lyle

Rockford, Illinois, grocery salesman ......................................................................................................................... 1900 1
Detroit photographer or resident ...................................................................................................................... 1910-1913 d
Detroit (Photocraft Studios) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 2574 Jefferson av ................................................................... 1914 d
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 2574 Jefferson av ............................................................................................ 1914-1915 m
Detroit photographer, machinist or resident .................................................................................................... 1915-1918 d
Detroit commercial photographer or commercial artist ................................................................................... 1919-1920 d 1
Detroit photographer for the Thompson-Hudson Company ...................................................................................... 1921 d
Detroit photographer for the Detroit News ...................................................................................................... 1922-1925 d
Detroit photographer for the Detroit Times ............................................................................................................... 1926 d
Detroit photographer ........................................................................................................................................ 1927-1929 d
Detroit newspaper photographer ................................................................................................................................ 1930 1
Detroit photographer or resident ...................................................................................................................... 1931-1932 d
Detroit photographer for the Thompson-Hudson Company ............................................................................ 1934-1937 d
Detroit photographer ........................................................................................................................................ 1938-1941 d
Robert, like his parents, was a native of Illinois and was born on December 5, 1884. Something happened to his 1 2
mother and his father, Albert Beecher, married an older lady named Lucy about 1892. Her father came from New York 1
and Beatrice Ella Gould was born in Michigan in 1890 to Elbert and Lillian Gould. She married Robert about 1913 1
and gave birth to Beth in May of 1917. Robert’s height and weight were medium in 1918, and he had brown eyes and 1 2
dark hair. Beatrice died prior to 1930, when Robert was rooming in Detroit with an older couple and Beth was living 2 1
in California with her maternal grandparents. By 1931 Robert was married to a lady named Pearl. 1 d
1. 1900 Federal Census of the Seventh Ward of Rockford in Winnebago County, Illinois, plus 1920 Federal Census of the Eighth Ward
and 1930 Federal Census of the 28th Precinct of Detroit in Wayne County, Michigan, as well as 1930 Federal Census of the city of
Arcadia in Pasadena Township of Los Angeles County, California.
2. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.

Beeman, _______
Escanaba (DeVos & Beeman) PHOTOGRAPHERS ....................................................................................... circa 1885 t

Beeman, Earl F.
Joyfield Township child ............................................................................................................................................. 1900 1
Joyfield Township laborer on his father’s farm ......................................................................................................... 1910 1
Benzonia PHOTOGRAPHER and farmer ................................................................................................................. 1915 2
United States Army soldier .............................................................................................................................. 1917-1919 3 4
Benzonia look-out on board ship ............................................................................................................................... 1920 1
Garfield Township real estate broker ......................................................................................................................... 1930 1
Earl was born at Traverse City on August 19, 1892, last of the four children of Tremont and Emma (Fuller) Beeman, 4 1
who were natives of Ohio. His forty acre farm was in the northwest corner of Section 24 in Joyfield Township, four 1 2
miles south and one mile east of Benzonia. He entered the army at Columbus Barracks, Ohio, on May 23, 1917, and 2 3
after basic training was assigned to Company L of the 19th Infantry. He served at Fort Sam Houston and Camp Travis 3 4
in Texas, and was promoted to private first class on April 17, 1918, and to corporal on September 9, 1918. He was 4 3
demobilized and honorably discharged at Camp Custer on January 28, 1919, when he returned to Benzonia and 3 4
became a sailor. About 1921 Earl married Anna, who was born in North Dakota in 1893 or early in 1894 to Norwegian 4 1
parents. 1
1. 1900 and 1910 Federal Censes of Joyfield Township and 1920 Federal Census of Benzonia Township in Benzie County, plus 1930
Federal Census of Garfield Township in Grand Traverse County, Michigan.
2. Standard Atlas of Benzie County, Michigan, 1915, George A. Ogle & Company, Chicago.
3. World War I Veterans Bonus Files in the State Archives of Michigan at Lansing.
4. World War I Veteran Census compiled by the War Preparedness Board in the State Archives of Michigan at Lansing.
Beer, Sigismund
New York, New York, PHOTOGRAPHER at 564 Broadway ........................................................................ 1862-1864 1
New York, New York, PHOTOGRAPHER at 142 ½ Broadway east ............................................................. 1866-1867 1 2
New York, New York, PHOTOGRAPHER at 481 Broadway ............................................................................. ca 1870 t
S. Beer exhibited a frame of very fine stereographs at the 1867 International Exposition in Paris, France. He 2
specialized in stereo views of the interior of factories, warerooms, music halls and other buildings, and achieved great 2
depth of field and definition without using artificial light. His equipment and methods were described in some detail by 2
a photographic journal. “S. Beer. Grand Rapids view” was written in script about 1870 on the yellow backs of good 2 t
stereo views of the business section with a prominent horse car, and looking across the Grand River toward t
warehouses with many logs in the river and the long covered bridge at one side. From 564 and then 481 Broadway he t
produced a series of views of Lake Champlain and Lake George, New York. On the label for this series he was a t
“PUBLISHER OF STEREOSCOPIC VIEWS & CARTES DE VISITE.... Orders for photographing Buildings, t
Interiors, Parlors, Engines, Monuments, Stores, Fine Sculpture, and for copying in any size, executed promptly, and in t
an improved and most tasteful style. No pay except fully satisfactory.” t
1. Learned in 2002 from Don Fredgant of Lakewood, Ohio.
2. The Philadelphia Photographer, volume 4, numbers 43 and 44, July and August, 1867, pages 202, 234 and 249.

Beers, C. E.
Bellevue PHOTOGRAPHER .......................................................................................................................... 1916-1917 m

Beers, George Lamont

Sebewa Township student .......................................................................................................................................... 1900 1
Sebewa Township farmer working out ...................................................................................................................... 1910 1
Portland PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................................ ca 1915 t
Sebewa Township farmer .......................................................................................................................................... 1917 2
Jackson laborer in an auto parts factory ..................................................................................................................... 1920 1
George was born in Sebewa Township to a mother from Ohio on June 9, 1888. He was living in 1900 and 1910 on 2 1
the farm of his maternal grandparents, Andrew (later Oren L.) and Julia Franks. George became a medium sized man 1 2
with grey eyes and light brown hair. “PHO., GEORGE BEERS, PORTLND, MICH.” was lettered on a negative 2 t
from which post card photographs were printed. The photo showed three women and two girls gathered on the porch t
of their house. They were not wearing coats, though there were patches of snow on the ground. Perhaps it was a fair t
day early in spring. The card was addressed to Mrs. Charles Will of Williamsburg, Michigan, but was not mailed. t
Edna was born in Michigan to natives of Michigan in1893. She married George about 1916, and she gave birth at 1 3
Rives Junction, Michigan, to Laura Esther Beers on April 20, 1918. Their farm was served in 1917 by Rural Mail 3 2
Route Number 5 out of Portland. 2
1. 1900 and 1910 Federal Censes of Serewa Township in Ionia County, plus 1920 Federal Census of the First Ward of Jackson in Jackson
County, Michigan.
2. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.
3. Cords, Karen L. Family Tree on the internet.

Beerstecher, Charles F.
Centreville cabinet maker ................................................................................................................................ 1859-1863 m
Centreville PHOTOGRAPHER ....................................................................................................................... 1862-1863 1
Centreville carpenter ......................................................................................................................................... 1870,1880 2
Charles was born in 1835 or early in 1836 in Switzerland, the son of Charles D. and Susan Beerstecher. Elizabeth 2
was born in Michigan four years later, and she married Charles about 1857. Their daughter Sophia was born here 2
about 1859 but died as a child. Their daughters Carrie and Julia were born between 1860 and 1865, their son Frank 2
was born in August of 1869, and then their son Henry and their daughter Susan were born between 1871 and 1875. 2
1. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1862-1866, National Archives, Washington, D.C.
2. 1860, 1870 and 1880 Federal Censes of the village of Centreville in St. Joseph County, Michigan.

Belanger, Alfred
Detroit print maker .......................................................................................................................................... 1895-1897 d
Belanger, Augustus J.
Detroit department store cash boy or laborer ................................................................................................... 1888-1889 d
Detroit clerk, packer or shipping clerk ............................................................................................................ 1890-1892 d
Detroit photo operator or artist for photographers Fisher & Marvin ............................................................... 1893-1894 d
Detroit negative maker ............................................................................................................................................... 1895 d
Detroit photo operator for photographer Edgar A. Marvin .............................................................................. 1896-1898 d
Detroit photo operator, artist, photo printer or photographer .......................................................................... 1899-1905 d
Detroit actor ............................................................................................................................................................... 1906 d
Detroit photo operator or photographer ........................................................................................................... 1907-1910 d
Detroit photographer for John F. Jones ..................................................................................................................... 1911 d
Detroit photographer ........................................................................................................................................ 1912-1919 d
Detroit photographer for an automobile company ..................................................................................................... 1920 1
Detroit photographer for Spencer & Wyckoff ........................................................................................................... 1921 d
Detroit photographer ........................................................................................................................................ 1922-1928 d
Detroit photographer for the Smith Brothers .................................................................................................... 1929,1931 d
Detroit photographer ......................................................................................................................................... 1930,1932 1 d
Detroit commercial photographer .............................................................................................................................. 1934 d
Detroit photographer for the Smith Brothers ............................................................................................................. 1936 d
Detroit photographer .................................................................................................................................................. 1938 d
Detroit resident ................................................................................................................................................ 1940-1941 d
Augustus was born in Michigan of Canadian parentage in 1872. Mabel Pillon was born in Canada in 1880 or 1881, 1
came to the United States in 1905, and married Augustus a year later. Their nine children were born in Michigan: 1
Genevieve in 1906, Lucille in 1907, Anthony in January of 1909, William in 1910, Victor in 1912, Jerome in 1913, 1
Louis in July of 1916, Rita in June of 1918, and Betty in 1920 or early in 1921. 1
1. 1910, 1920 and 1930 Federal Censes of the Tenth Ward of Detroit in Wayne County, Michigan.

Belanger, Fred J.
Detroit print maker for photographers Fisher & Marvin ............................................................................................ 1894 d
Detroit print maker or helper ........................................................................................................................... 1895-1897 d
Detroit operator for photographer Edgar A. Marvin .................................................................................................. 1898 d
Detroit printer, carpet layer, driver or sawyer .................................................................................................. 1899-1902 d
Detroit bookkeeper or insurance agent ............................................................................................................ 1903-1904 d
Fred was the son of Eli and Mary S. Belanger, and he boarded with his widowed mother. d

Belcher, _______
Schoolcraft (Belcher Brothers) PHOTOGRAPHERS .......................................................................................... ca 1887 t

Belden, Betsy J., Mrs.

Morenci PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................... 1862-1863 1
Her last name was once listed as “Belding.” 1
1. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1862-1866, National Archives, Washington, D.C.

Belden, Irving C.
Corunna child ............................................................................................................................................................ 1860 1
Shiawassee Township student and laborer on his father’s farm ................................................................................. 1870 1
Chesaning maker of sash and doors ........................................................................................................................... 1880 1
Chesaning resident ................................................................................................................................................ ca 1893 2
Durand partner in a planing mill and wood turning facility ............................................................................. 1894-1897 m
Montrose PHOTOGRAPHER ......................................................................................................................... 1897-1898 2
Saint Johns steel spring bender .................................................................................................................................. 1900 1
Pontiac spring temperer ............................................................................................................................................. 1920 1
Irving was born in Michigan in July of 1855, eldest of the four children of Austin A. and Eliza C. Belden. He was in 1
business with his father in 1880. Lola M. Taylor was born here in December of 1861, and she married Irving about 1
1879. Their son Deforest was born in October of 1880, and their daughters Alice and Nicy were born in December of 1
1884 and June of 1891. Austin A. Belden & Company owned the mill in Durand. A photographic periodical 1 m
mentioned late in 1897 that “I. C. Belden, formerly of Chesaning, Michigan, but later of Durand, has decided to locate 2
permanently in Montrose, and build a photograph gallery.” 2
1. 1860 Federal Census of the village of Corunna and 1870 Federal Census of Shiawassee Township in Shiawassee County, 1880
Federal Census of the village of Chesaning in Saginaw County, 1900 Federal Census of the village of St. Johns in Clinton County,
and 1920 Federal Census of the Second Ward of Pontiac in Oakland County, Michigan.
2. St. Louis and Canadian Photographer; volume 15, number 11, November 1897.
Bell, Alexander
Lansing carpenter ....................................................................................................................................................... 1892 L
Lansing photographer ................................................................................................................................................ 1894 L
Lansing proprietor of a meat market or grocer ................................................................................................ 1896-1900 L 1
Alexander was born in Scotland in October of 1842. Ellen was born in Ireland in August of 1847, she married 1
Alexander about 1868, and she emigrated with him in 1888. Alberta P. Bell was born in Michigan to Michigan parents 1
in December of 1886, and in 1900 she was being raised as the daughter of Alexander and Ellen H. Bell. 1
1. 1900 Federal Census of the Third Ward of Lansing in Ingham County, Michigan.

Bell, J. W.
Dexter DAGUERREOTYPIST ....................................................................................................................... 1859-1860 m
One J. W. Bell was a studio and traveling photographer with an 1860 gallery at 110 Bridge Street in Georgetown, 1
and an 1863 gallery in Washington, D. C. John Bell was a farm laborer living on his parents’ farm in Dexter Township 1 2
in 1860. He was born in 1833 or early in 1834, the son of Thomas and Elizabeth Bell, and emigrated from England 2
with them in the early 1850s. 2
1. Ross J. Kelbaugh, Directory of Civil War Photographers, Volume One, Historic Graphics, Baltimore, Maryland, 1990.
2. 1860 Federal Census of Dexter Township in Washtenaw County, Michigan.

Bell, Joseph
Port Huron photographer for William H. Barron ....................................................................................................... 1887 P
Joseph commuted across the St. Clair River to his Port Huron job from Sarnia, Ontario. Vancouver, British P 1
Columbia, had a photographer named Joseph Bell from 1909 until 1911. 1
1. Glen C. Phillips, The Western Canada Photographers List (1860-1925), Iron Gate Publishing Company, London, Ontario, 1997.

Bell, P. Le Roy
Fork PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................................... 1909 t
Fork teacher in the public school ............................................................................................................................... 1910 1
Paris PHOTOGRAPHER .......................................................................................................................................... 1914 t
Remus school principal .............................................................................................................................................. 1918 2
Wheatland Township school superintendent ............................................................................................................. 1920 1
Big Rapids school commissioner ............................................................................................................................... 1930 1
Le Roy was born in Ohio on April 10, 1886, eldest of the three sons of Melville Perry Bell and Ida L. Bell. Mabel 1 2
was born in Michigan in 1887 or 1888, and she married Le Roy about 1909. Their children were born in Mecosta 1
County: Reva in 1910, Gaylon in October of 1917, and Eldon in 1924 or early in 1925. “Convention at Fork. By Leroy 1 t
Bell” was lettered on the negative of a postal photo of a large group of men, women and children gathered in front of a t
church. The card was postmarked in August of 1909. “Bell Photo.” was scribed into the negatives of post card t
photographs along with such captions as “Street Scene, Paris, Mich.” and “School Ground, Paris, Mich.” One of these t
cards was signed: “Mr. & Mrs. Le Roy Bell.” and another was mailed in December of 1914. The Fork Church was t 3
sixteen miles east of Paris in Mecosta County. LeRoy was short and slender with brown eyes and hair in 1918. 3 2
1. 1910 and 1920 Federal Censes of Fork Township, 1920 Federal Census of Wheatland Township, and 1930 Federal Census of the
First Ward of Big Rapids in Mecosta County, Michigan.
2. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.
3. Michigan County Maps & Outdoor Guide, Michigan United Conservation Clubs, Lansing, Michigan.

Bell, Minnie A., Miss

Deerfield Township child .......................................................................................................................................... 1880 1
Grand Rapids student ................................................................................................................................................. 1893 g
Deerfield Township resident ...................................................................................................................................... 1900 1
Grand Rapids manager of the Ideal Retouching Studio ................................................................................... 1903-1906 g
Grand Rapids bookkeeper for a merchandise wholesaler .......................................................................................... 1907 g
Grand Rapids manager of the Ideal Retouching Studio ................................................................................... 1908-1909 g
Grand Rapids bookkeeper for a piano company ........................................................................................................ 1910 1
Grand Rapids manager of the Ideal Retouching Studio ................................................................................... 1910-1911 g
Grand Rapids bookkeeper or resident .............................................................................................................. 1912-1916 g
Big Rapids resident .................................................................................................................................................... 1920 1
Traverse City inmate of the Traverse City State Hospital for the Insane ................................................................... 1930 1
Minnie was born in Michigan in June of 1871, fourth of the six children of John A. and Sarah Bell. She grew up on 1
the family farm and never married. She was living in 1900 on the farm of her widowed mother, was rooming in 1910 1
with the family of a lieutenant in the Grand Rapids fire department, and was living in 1920 by herself. 1
1. 1880 and 1900 Federal Censes of Deerfield Township and 1920 Federal Census of the First Ward of Big Rapids in Mecosta County,
1910 Federal Census of the Third Ward of Grand Rapids in Kent County, plus 1930 Federal Census of the Second Ward of Traverse
City in Grand Traverse County, Michigan.
Bell, William J.
East Tawas PHOTOGRAPHER ...................................................................................................................... 1886-1887 m
Sault Sainte Marie (Bell & Company) PHOTOGRAPHERS ............................................................................... ca 1888 t
Sault Sainte Marie PHOTOGRAPHER opposite the lock at 67 Portage av west ............................................ 1888-1889 m S
Sault Sainte Marie PHOTOGRAPHER at 15 and 67 Portage av west ............................................................ 1890-1891 m
Sault Sainte Marie PHOTOGRAPHER at 15 Portage av west ........................................................................ 1892-1893 m S
Sault Sainte Marie (Elite Studio) PHOTOGRAPHER in the Gabriel Block at 13 Portage av west .......................... 1893 1
Bay Mills (Branch Studio) PHOTOGRAPHERS ............................................................................................ 1892-1899 m
Sault Sainte Marie PHOTOGRAPHER on the ground floor at 62 Ashmun st ................................................ 1894-1895 m
Detour (Branch Studio) PHOTOGRAPHERS ................................................................................................. 1894-1895 m
Pickford (Branch Studio) PHOTOGRAPHERS ................................................................................................... ca 1895 t
Sault Sainte Marie PHOTOGRAPHER at 13 Portage av west ........................................................................ 1896-1897 m
Sault Sainte Marie PHOTOGRAPHER at 115 Portage av west ...................................................................... 1898-1903 m S
Sault Sainte Marie PHOTOGRAPHER at 125 Portage av west ...................................................................... 1902-1903 m
Sault Sainte Marie PHOTOGRAPHER at 115 Portage av west ...................................................................... 1904-1921 m S
Sault Sainte Marie PHOTOGRAPHER at 117 ½ Portage av west ............................................................................ 1921 S
Sault Sainte Marie PHOTOGRAPHER at 107 Maple st ................................................................................. 1922-1923 m
Seattle, Washington, resident ..................................................................................................................................... 1930 2
William was born in Canada to an Irish mother in May of 1862, and he immigrated to the United States in 1885. Her 2
parents emigrated from England, Elizabeth was born in Canada in November of 1867, and she also came to this 2
country in 1885. She married William about 1886, and their children were born in Michigan: Laura in March of 1889, 2
Carl in August of 1891, and later William in 1902 and Theodore in 1904. William probably entered the photographic 2 S
business about 1882, based on claims of “16 years hard study” and “16 years pleasing the public” in 1898 S
advertisements. He alluded to himself as “U. S. Official Photographer since 1887” in ads from 1891 until 1899. This is S m
typical of his advertising during the 1890s: “... The finest assortment of Lake Superior and Soo views, as well as of all m
the Large Boats passing the Locks. A Specialty made of Large Work, Having the only large instrument in the city for m
viewing. The Finest Portrait Work done in the City. Photographic Work of Every Description. Satisfaction m
Guaranteed.... Correspondence Solicited.” William used the stereo format for some of his views, and advertised in m 3
1893: “... After a long, tedious and expensive experiment we have got the Lithium Enamel photo to perfection and for 1
the first time offer it exclusively to our patrons ... at the same old prices.... Please call and compare finish.... If you 1
have pictures to frame, it will pay you to take them to Bell.... Ladies who order one dozen photos may have their hair 1
dressed, free of charge, previous to sitting, by Miss E. Plants, the popular hair dresser.” He suggested in 1895 that “... 1
Views of any boat taken since 1886 can be obtained at normal prices ...” In 1898 he was a “... Photographer and 1 m
Dealer in Photographic Supplies, Picture Framing, View and Art Specialties. BELL Challenges any Photographer in m
the State to equal him on Children’s pictures.” All of William’s old glass negatives were sent to the State Prison at m 4
Jackson where the emulsion was removed for the silver content, and the glass was used in picture frames made as a 4
prison industry. In 1902 he was “The Soo’s Oldest Photographer. 19 years’ hard study has made us equal to any in 4 S
pleasing the public with fine Photographic work….” Six years later he declared: “Photography No Experiment with S
BELL. Every Photo a perfect likeness.” He blind stamped “BELL, Soo, Mich.” into a corner of a post card photograph S t
of a temperance parade about 1910. In addition to being a photographer, by 1911 William was a “Dealer in t S
Photographic Supplies, Eastman Kodaks, Amateur Supplies and Instructions, Views and Art Specialties.” In 1918 his S t
SPECIALTIES, HAND CAMERAS, AMATEURS’ SUPPLIES, ETC. U. S. Official Photographer….” By 1930 t 2
William was retired and widowed, and was sharing a home with his youngest son who was a buyer for a department 2
store. 2
1. Sault Ste. Marie News, Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan, throughout April of 1893.
2. 1900 and 1910 Federal Censes of the Third Ward and 1920 Federal Census of the Fifth Ward of Sault Ste. Marie in Chippewa
County, Michigan, plus 1930 Federal Census of the city of Seattle in King County, Washington.
3. William Culp Darrah, Stereo Views, 1964, and The World of Stereographs, 1977, Gettysburg, Pennsylvania.
4. Learned in 1977 from Gordon T. Daun of Kenosha, Wisconsin, who heard it from the lips of William J. Bell.

Bellaire, John I.
Seney merchant .......................................................................................................................................................... 1900 1
Germfask proprietor of a general store ...................................................................................................................... 1910 1
Trout Lake PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................................. 1911 R
Mueller Township bookkeeper for a general store .................................................................................................... 1920 1
Manistique proprietor of a variety store ..................................................................................................................... 1930 1
His father emigrated from England, his mother came from Michigan, and John was born in Indiana in 1871 or 1872. 1
Sarah was born in Michigan to a mother from Maine a couple of years earlier, and she married John about 1896. She 1
was the post mistress of Seney in 1900. By 1910 they had an eleven-year-old adopted son named Raymond. Sarah was 1
a saleslady in John’s variety store in 1930. 1
1. 1900 Federal Census of Seney Township, 1910 Federal Census of Germfask Township, 1920 Federal Census of Mueller Township,
and 1930 Federal Census of the Fourth Ward of Manistique in Schoolcraft County, Michigan.
Belle Isle Studio
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHERS at 1379 Jefferson av .......................................................................................... 1903-1905 1 d
Goodson & Best were the proprietors of this photograph studio. 1
1. St. Louis and Canadian Photographer; volume 27, number 6, June 1903.

Belles, William H.
Oakland Township student ........................................................................................................................................ 1870 1
Oakland Township farmer ......................................................................................................................................... 1880 1
Orion planing mill proprietor or plumber ......................................................................................................... 1898-1901 m 1
Orion PHOTOGRAPHER and proprietor of saw and picket mills .................................................................. 1902-1903 R
Orion planing mill proprietor ........................................................................................................................... 1902-1907 m
Orion PHOTOGRAPHER and proprietor of saw and picket mills .................................................................. 1906-1908 R
Orion planing mill proprietor or machinist ...................................................................................................... 1908-1911 m 1
Orion PHOTOGRAPHER and proprietor of saw and picket mills ............................................................................ 1911 R
Orion cider mill proprietor ............................................................................................................................... 1912-1913 m
Orion saw mill proprietor and cider manufacturer ........................................................................................... 1914-1917 m
His father came from New Jersey, and William was born in Michigan in August of 1856, third of the six children of 1
Samuel and Eliza Belles. Hattie was born in Michigan about 1855 to a father from Pennsylvania and a mother from 1
New York, and she married William in the late 1870s. Their daughter Beulah was born in June of 1885, and then 1
something happened to Hattie. Her father emigrated from Ireland, and Mary was born in New York or Ohio in 1
September of 1866. She married William about 1891and took over the care of Beulah. Mary gave birth to a daughter 1
named Lulu in April of 1896. “From W. H. BELLES, PHOTOGRAPHER, Viewing a Specialty. Box 49, Orion, 1 t
Mich.” was stamped on the backs of 3 by 4 ¼ inch mounts carrying such photos as two young men faking a boxing t
match or five young men with hats, light scarves and cigars. t
1. 1870 and 1880 Federal Censes of Oakland Township plus 1900 and 1910 Federal Censes of the village of Orion in Oakland
County, Michigan.

Bellinger, Harry V.
Lincoln Township child or student ................................................................................................................... 1870,1880 1
Lincoln Township laborer on his father’s farm .......................................................................................................... 1900 1
Marion PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................. 1906-1907 m
Marion PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................. 1910-1913 1 m
Mount Pleasant PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................ 1914-1927 m
Mount Pleasant PHOTOGRAPHER at 203 ½ Main st south .......................................................................... 1930-1931 m
Harry was born in Michigan to a mother from Ohio in February of 1869, the eldest child of George W. and Martha 1
E. Bellinger. His sister Cora was born in 1873 or early in 1874, and his sister Grace was born in August of 1881. Her 1
father came from Canada, Catherine was born in Michigan in 1889, and she married Harry when she was 21 and he 1
was 45 years old. Their son Harry Joseph was born in July of 1917, and their daughter Jean was born in 1922 or early 1
in 1923. They were providing a home for Harry’s 84-year-old widowed father in 1930. 1
1. 1870, 1880 and 1900 Federal Censes of Lincoln Township plus 1920 Federal Census of the Second Ward and 1930 Federal Census
of the Second Precinct of Mount Pleasant in Isabella County, as well as 1910 Federal Census of the village of Marion in Osceola
County, Michigan.

Bellinger, Thomas
Marion PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................. 1908-1909 m
This probably was a garbled reference to Harry V. Bellinger. m
Bellinger, William Charles
Charlevoix student ..................................................................................................................................................... 1900 1
Charlevoix bazaar merchant ............................................................................................................................ 1904-1905 m
Charlevoix curio merchant ............................................................................................................................... 1906-1908 m
Charlevoix PHOTOGRAPHER and gift shop proprietor ..................................................................................... ca 1908 2
Charlevoix notion merchant ............................................................................................................................. 1909-1927 m 3
Charlevoix variety store proprietor ............................................................................................................................ 1930 1
William was born in Michigan to parents from New York on April 10, 1881, the son of Charles and Adeline M. 1 3
Bellinger. He had a brother and two sisters born between January of 1883 and December of 1887. Her father was 1
English, Eleanor was born in Michigan in 1881, and she married William about 1905. Their children all were born 1
here: Charles in 1907, James in 1909, Wilma in February of 1916, and Adeline in October of 1918. William was a 1 3
medium sized man with brown eyes and brown hair, and also was known as a bazaar merchant. He was a widower by 3 1
1930, and his widowed mother had joined his household to help raise his daughters. 1
1. 1900Federal Census of the village of Charlevoix plus 1910, 1920 and 1930 Federal Censes of the city of Charlevoix in Charlevoix
County, Michigan.
2. Doris V. Huckle, Artists North, The Necessary Press, East Jordan, Michigan, 1978.
3. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.

Bellor, David
Turner PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................. 1904-1905 m

Belman, John A.
Detroit bookkeeper .................................................................................................................................................... 1870 1
Detroit photo artist ..................................................................................................................................................... 1880 1
New York, New York, agent ..................................................................................................................................... 1900 1
His parents emigrated from England and Ireland, and John was born in Ohio in September of 1839, a son of Joseph 1
and Hannah Belman. Mary J. Moore was born in New York State in June of 1844, and she married John about 1866.
Their children were born in Michigan: Frank in 1867 or early in 1868, Nellie (later Helen) in February of 1870, Edwin
about 1872, and Florence about 1876. John was widowed and boarding in a large hotel in 1900.
1. 1880 Federal Census of the city of Detroit in Wayne County, Michigan.

Bemus, O. E.
Kalkaska PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................... ca 1885 t

Benham, _______
Ypsilanti (Baker & Benham) PHOTOGRAPHERS ........................................................................................ 1865-1866 1
Cartes de visite from the New York Gallery of Baker & Benham were sold with and without two-cent revenue t
stamps. t
1. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1862-1866, National Archives, Washington, D.C.
Benham, Albert S.
Ann Arbor clerk ......................................................................................................................................................... 1901 a
Ann Arbor (Benham & Company) PHOTOGRAPHERS ..................................................................................... ca 1908 t
Ann Arbor PHOTOGRAPHER at 109 Washington st east ............................................................................. 1908-1910 m a
Ann Arbor high school teacher .................................................................................................................................. 1914 a
Ann Arbor vice president of a drug company ............................................................................................................ 1918 a
Ann Arbor chemist for the Ordnance Department of the United States Government ................................................ 1918 1
Ann Arbor chemist for a drug company ..................................................................................................................... 1920 2
Birmingham, Alabama, school teacher ...................................................................................................................... 1930 2
Albert was born in Michigan on October 30, 1880, the only son of William and Amelia H. Benham. His sister Lula 2 1
was born in April of 1885, and his sister Hazel was born in April of 1887. His parents were living in Hamburg 2
Township in 1900 and at Brighton in 1918 and 1920. Albert became an average sized man with brown eyes and hair. 2 1
“Benham & Company, Photo.” was scribed into the negatives of post card photographs of such subjects as the high t
school and the Carnegie Library at Ann Arbor. “Benham, Photo” was lettered on the negatives of other postal photos t
including views of the crowd entering Ferry Field on a football day in 1908, the Block M at the Michigan- t
Pennsylvania game on November 14, 1908, and the Wall Street bridge at Ann Arbor after it collapsed on August 6, t
1909. “Benham, Ann Arbor, Mich.” was lettered on the negatives of at least five postal views of the wreck on the Ann t
Arbor Railroad near Lakeland on November 21, 1908. “Benham, Photo” and “Parade Scene, Brighton, Mich. Home- t
Coming, Aug. 25-6, ’09.” was lettered on the negatives of at least three different post card photos. “BENHAM” was t
blind stamped into some cards. Albert was enumerated in 1920 as a widower and in 1930 as a divorced man. His social t 2
security number was issued in Michigan in 1952 or 1953, and he died in March of 1974 at Birmingham, Alabama. 3
1. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.
2. 1900 Federal Census of Hamburg Township and 1920 Federal Census of the village of Brighton in Livingston County, plus 1920
Federal Census of the Third Ward of Ann Arbor in Washtenaw County, Michigan, as well as 1930 Federal Census of Precinct 37
of Birmingham in Jefferson County, Alabama.
3. Social Security Death Index.

Benham, Charles T
Detroit student ........................................................................................................................................................... 1880 1
Detroit resident, detective, agent or photographer ........................................................................................... 1899-1901 1 d
Detroit photographer for the Detroit Free Press .............................................................................................. 1901-1903 2 d
Detroit photographer ........................................................................................................................................ 1904-1907 d
Detroit (W. D. & C. T. Benham) COMMERCIAL PHOTOGRS in Suite 411-414 of the Weatherbee Bldg ........... 1908 d 3
Detroit agent, photograph artist, traveler or salesman ..................................................................................... 1909-1916 d 1
Detroit photographer .................................................................................................................................................. 1920 d
Battle Creek PHOTOGRAPHER .............................................................................................................................. 1920 1
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 1207 Warren av west ...................................................................................... 1921-1923 d m
Detroit salesman or proprietor of a rooming house ......................................................................................... 1923-1924 d
Detroit salesman, resident or advertising salesman .......................................................................................... 1925-1932 d
Charles was the son of Theron D. and Mary Benham, and the older brother of photographer Walter D. Benham. He 1
was born in Michigan in September of 1871. Daisy Dean Robinson was born in Illinois in February of 1872, the 1
daughter of William and Fanny (Mummey) Robinson. She married Charles about 1893, apparently divorced him after 4 1
1900, and then married him again at Essex, Ontario, on February 22, 1906. Charles was enumerated as single in 1910. 4 1
His second wife and children also were born here, Mary in 1880, and their daughter Shirley about 1914, their daughter 1
Mary about 1915, and their son Charles in July of 1918. Charles T. Benham, Senior, was one of the first news 1 5
photographers in the Detroit area. He was the only newspaper photographer among the newsmen that were invited on a 5 2
two-day inspection trip of the Detroit & Mackinac Railway in October of 1901. W. D. & C. T. Benham produced 8 by 2 3
10 photographs of the first Chalmers automobile fabricated, the chassis of the Chalmers New Detroit and the 3
crankshaft of the four-cylinder Chalmers-Detroit. Sometime in the 1920s, “C. T. BENHAM” was lettered on the 3 t
negatives of post card photographs of groups of 60 to 70 children with a “Nativity School” pennant posed with a priest t
outside a frame school building. Charles had been in retirement for several years before his death in Detroit on May t 5
11, 1948. Survivors included his wife, Mrs. Mary F. Benham, his brothers George W. and Walter D. Benham, one 6 5
unmarried and two married daughters, and Charles T. Benham Junior. Burial was in Holy Sepulchre Cemetery. 6 5
1. 1880 Federal Census of the city of Detroit plus 1900, 1910 and 1930 Federal Censes of the Fourth Ward of Detroit in Wayne County,
as well as 1920 Federal Census of the Fourth Precinct of Battle Creek in Calhoun County, Michigan.
2. 1901 Annual Report of the Detroit & Mackinac Railway Company.
3. Learned in 2000 at the Research Center of Henry Ford Museum & Greenfield Village in Dearborn, Michigan.
4. Ontario, Canada Marriages, 1857-1924.
5. Obituary in the Detroit News for May 12, 1948.
6. Death notice in the Detroit Free Press for May 12, 1948.
Benham, Walter Dwight
Detroit student ................................................................................................................................................. 1899-1900 d 1
Detroit clerk or manager .................................................................................................................................. 1901-1904 d
Detroit photographer ........................................................................................................................................ 1905-1906 d
Detroit COMMERCIAL PHOTOGRAPHER in Suite 411-414 of the Wetherbee Building ........................... 1906-1907 m d
Detroit (W. D. & C. T. Benham) COMMERCIAL PHOTOGRS in Suite 411-414 of the Wetherbee Bldg ............. 1908 d 2
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER in Suite 411-414 of the Wetherbee Building ................................................................ 1909 d
Detroit (W. D. Benham Company) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 240 Woodward av ............................................. 1910-1915 d m
Detroit (W. D. Benham Company) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 96 Broadway ..................................................... 1915-1918 d
Detroit chief clerk for the Lincoln Motor Company .................................................................................................. 1918 3
Detroit photographer for the Lincoln Motor Company .............................................................................................. 1919 d
Detroit inspector in and auto factory ......................................................................................................................... 1920 1
Detroit clerk, salesman or photographer .......................................................................................................... 1920-1923 d
Detroit operator or photographer for the Manning Brothers ............................................................................ 1924-1932 d
Detroit resident .......................................................................................................................................................... 1934 d
Detroit photographer for the Wayne County Welfare Relief Commission ................................................................ 1935 d
Detroit photographer .................................................................................................................................................. 1936 d
Detroit photographer for the Detroit Commercial Photo Company ................................................................. 1937-1941 d
Detroit photographer for the Multi Color Company .................................................................................................. 1941 d
Walter was born in Michigan on February 14, 1883, to Theron D. and Mary Benham. He was the younger brother of 1
photographer Charles T. Benham. His father must have been doing well in lumbering, for in 1900 he was employing 1
and housing a coachman and two female servants. Walter became a medium sized man with brown eyes and black 1 3
hair. Myrtle was born here in 1884 or early in 1885, and she married Walter about 1901. Their daughter Edna was 3 1
born about 1906, their son Walter was born in January of 1910, and their daughters Mary and Josephine were born in 1
1915 and 1916. Walter made 8 by 10 inch photographs of the 1906 Ford Model K Roadster and of the assembly line 1 2
methods used to manufacture the Chalmers automobile. He advertised in 1907: “Automobile and Machinery Work My 2 d
Specialty. Interior and Exterior Views....” From the Wetherbee Building, and from 240 Woodward Avenue, Walter d 4
produced 8 by 10 inch prints of steamers under construction, being launched and on the river. From 1910 into 1915, 4 d
the W. D. Benham Company had portrait and commercial studios on the sixth floor of the Grainger Hannan Building d
at 240 Woodward Avenue. Some studio portraits in the post card format were blind embossed: “W. D. BENHAM d t
CO., 240 WOODWARD AVE., DETROIT.” The company continued to offer portrait and commercial photography t d
from 96 Broadway. By 1930 Walter was a widower providing a home for his 20-year-old son and his 14 and 13-year- d 1
old daughters. He had a wife named Marian in 1941. He died in Detroit on March 3, 1964, survived by two married d 5
daughters, Walter D. Benham, Junior, and eight grandchildren. 5
1. 1900, 1910 and 1920 Federal Censes of the Fourth Ward of Detroit and 1930 Federal Census of the Sixth Precinct of Highland Park
in Wayne County, Michigan.
2. Learned in 2000 at the Research Center of Henry Ford Museum & Greenfield Village in Dearborn, Michigan.
3. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.
4. Learned in 2002 from Keith M. Steffke of Lincoln Park, Michigan.
5. Death notices in the Detroit Free Press and the Detroit News on March 5, 1964.

Benily, Oscar A.
Please see the entry for Oscar A. Bentley.

Benjamin, Daniel I.
Corunna PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................... 1865-1867 1 m
One Daniel Benjamin located his traveling gallery on the public square at Wellsboro, Pennsylvania, in June of 1858. 2
1. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1862-1866, National Archives, Washington, D.C.
2. Linda A. Ries and Jay W. Ruby, Directory of Pennsylvania Photographers 1839-1900, Pennsylvania Historical & Museum Commission, 1999.

Benjamin, David J. or G.
Sebewaing PHOTOGRAPHER ....................................................................................................................... 1867-1868 1
1. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1867-1868; Great Lakes Branch of the National Archives, Chicago, Illinois.

Benjamin, Irene H., Miss

Grand Rapids resident ................................................................................................................................................ 1898 g
Grand Rapids photo printer for photographer Bradford D. Jackson ................................................................ 1899-1901 g
Grand Rapids resident or assistant to a physician ............................................................................................ 1902-1904 g
Irene was born in Michigan to Orvie M. and Elvrette Benjamin in August of 1880. Her parents were born in New 1
York State in the 1840s and married about 1867. None of Irene’s five siblings were living in 1900. She was 1
enumerated as a photographer in 1900, and did not live until 1910. 1
1. 1900 and 1910 Federal Censes of the Eleventh Ward of Grand Rapids in Kent County, Michigan.
Benjamin, J. A.
East Tawas photograph gallery manager for Alexander J. Lawson ................................................................. 1883-1884 1
Bloomington, Illinois, resident .................................................................................................................................. 1884
With galleries at Alpena, Au Sable and Oscoda demanding his attention, Mr. Lawson fully recommended Mr. m 1
Benjamin as an artist of much experience who could be trusted with work as safely as could the proprietor himself. In 1
May of 1883 the East Tawas gallery was expected to close after 30 to 60 days, but it actually remained open until 1
January 3, 1884. Mr. Benjamin left shortly after that for Bloomington, where he intended to spend the winter. One 1 2
J. A. Benjamin produced cartes de visite from Warrenton, Virginia, and in 1876 photographed as Benjamin & 2
Company from 130 Main Street in Lynchburg, Virginia. A photographer named J. A. Benjamin was active at 2 3
Livingston and Billings, Montana, from 1885 to 1900. 3
1. Iosco County Gazette, East Tawas, Michigan, May 10, 1883, and January 3, 1884. Noted in 1994 by James Donaldson of Detroit, Michigan.
2. Louis Ginsberg, Photographers in Virginia 1839-1900, Petersburg, Virginia, 1986.
3. Carl Mautz, Biographies of Western Photographers, Carl Mautz Publishing, Nevada City, California, 1997.

Bennett, _______
Flint PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................................... 1916 t
“Bennett Photo” or “Photo by Bennett” was lettered on the negatives of post card photographs of stores, factories t
and homes surrounded by flood waters, along with such captions as “Riding thru’ Flooded Saginaw St, Flint, Mich. 3- t
26-16” and “Under Water at Flint, Mich. 3-26-16” and “Flooded In, Flint, Mich. 3-26-16.” t

Bennett, _______
Saint Clair (Bennett & Gibson) PHOTOGRAPHERS ............................................................................................... 1896 t

Bennett, Adelbert
Mayfield Township, Ohio, child ................................................................................................................................ 1860 1
Albion Township student and laborer on his father’s farm ........................................................................................ 1870 1
Homer day laborer ..................................................................................................................................................... 1880 1
Homer miller .................................................................................................................................................... 1896-1897 m
Homer PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................. 1898-1900 m 2
Homer miller .............................................................................................................................................................. 1900 1
Battle Creek PHOTOGRAPHER at 118 Main st west .............................................................................................. 1901 3
Battle Creek millwright in a Ford factory .................................................................................................................. 1910 1
Adelbert was born in Ohio in May of 1858, eldest of the four children of Joseph and Julia A. Bennett. He sometimes 1 m
was called Delbert or Dell. His sisters Alnora and Lucy and his brother Andrew were born in Ohio between 1860 and 2 1
1867. Martha was born in Kansas to parents from Ohio in October of 1867. She married Adelbert about 1883 and they 1
never had children. She preceded and succeeded him as Homer’s photographer, and succeeded him as a Battle Creek m R
photographer. The sale of the Homer gallery to F. A. Hinds was reported in the autumn of 1900. 2
1. 1860 Federal Census of Mayfield Township in Cuyahoga County, Ohio, plus 1870 Federal Census of Albion Township, 1880 and
1900 Federal Censes of the village of Homer, and 1910 Federal Census of the Second Ward of Battle Creek in Calhoun County,
2. St. Louis and Canadian Photographer; volume 24, number 9, September 1900, page 430.
3. Battle Creek City Directory, 1901, R. L. Polk & Company, Detroit.

Bennett, Adelbert, Mrs.

Please see the entry for Mrs. Martha R. Bennett.

Bennett, Charles Delevan

Grand Rapids child or student .......................................................................................................................... 1870,1880 1
Grand Rapids photo printer for photographer James Bayne ...................................................................................... 1886 g
Grand Rapids clerk, salesman or traveling agent ............................................................................................. 1887-1890 g
Detroit insurance agent ................................................................................................................... 1900,1910,1929,1930 1
Charles was born at Grand Rapids on February 11, 1868. He was the third son of Lydia (Roberts) and Joseph L. 2
Harris Bennett, both natives of New York State. His only sister was born in 1874. Charles boarded for a while in his 1 2
father’s home, as did his eldest brother, Edward C. Bennett. Both brothers spent many years in the Michigan Militia. g 2
Her father came from Wisconsin and Maie was born in Michigan in September of 1867. She married Charles in 1894 1
or early in 1895, and she gave birth to Helen in September of 1896 and to Clark in November of 1898. Charles was a 1
widower living in a hotel by 1930, and in April of 1938 he was a passenger on the Ile de France to New York City 1 3
from Le Havre, France. 3
1. 1870 Federal Census of the Fourth Ward of Grand Rapids and 1880 Federal Census of the city of Grand Rapids in Kent County, as
well as 1900 Federal Census of the Third Ward, 1910 and 1920 Federal Censes of the Second Ward, plus 1930 Federal Census of the
First Ward of Detroit in Wayne County, Michigan.
2. Learned in 2001 from Dorothy Phillips Krueger of Mackinaw City, Michigan.
3. New York Passenger Lists, 1820-1957.
Bennett, Charles E.
Detroit photographer .................................................................................................................................................. 1877 d

Bennett, Claire L., Mrs.

Albion housewife ....................................................................................................................................................... 1910 1
Battle Creek PHOTOGRAPHER .............................................................................................................................. 1920 1
Her father emigrated from England and Claire was born in Canada in 1881 or early in 1882. She came to the United 1
States in 1900 and married the photographer Don M. Bennett about 1905. Claire gave birth to three children: Harlo in 1
January of 1909, Flora in 1912, and Mary in September of 1916. She was a widow by 1920. She married again and 1
continued a photographic career as Mrs. Claire L. Charles. 1
1. 1910 Federal Census of the Second Ward of Albion and 1920 Federal Census of the Third Ward of Battle Creek in Calhoun
County, plus 1930 Federal Census of the Sixth ward of Lansing in Ingham County, Michigan.

Bennett, Delbert or Dell

Please see the entry for Adelbert Bennett.

Bennett, Don M.
Springport child ......................................................................................................................................................... 1880 1
Springport PHOTOGRAPHER in the Wellington Block ..................................................................................... ca 1895 t
Detroit machinist or retoucher ......................................................................................................................... 1900-1901 d
Detroit photographer or student ....................................................................................................................... 1902-1904 d
Detroit (Bennett & Company) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 120 Miami av ...................................................................... 1905 d
Detroit photographer .................................................................................................................................................. 1906 d
Detroit (Bennett & Company) PHOTOGRAPHERS ....................................................................................... 1906-1907 R
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 27 Lafayette Boulevard ................................................................................... 1906-1907 m
Albion PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................. 1907-1908 t
Albion PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................. 1910-1913 1 m
Albion PHOTOGRAPHER at 100 Superior st north ................................................................................................. 1913 2
Don was born in Michigan in June of 1875, the son of Berton and Libbie Bennett. Her parents came from New York, 1
Rose was born here in September of 1879, and she married Don about 1897. Something happened to Rose, and Don 1
married again. His second wife’s father emigrated from England, and Claire was born in Canada in 1881 or early in 1
1882. She married Don about 1905. S. Lloyd Potts was associated with Don in Bennett & Company. Don’s postal 1 d
photographs of Albion were postmarked from 1907 until 1917 and included bird’s-eye views, street scenes, moon light t
on Duck Lake, the flood in March of 1908 and other disasters, and the annual tug-of-war between Albion College t
sophomores and freshmen with the losers getting pulled into the river. He covered this event annually from 1908 until t
1915. He also made a variety of post card photos of Springport. In 1913 the Bennett Studio offered “... High grade t 2
photography in all its branches, specialty of home portraiture by our new artificial light.” This referred to a New 2
Automatic Portable Flash Light that Don had invented and was manufacturing. Three children were born to Don and 2 1
Claire: Harlo in January of 1909, Flora in 1912, and Mary in September of 1916. Claire was a widow by 1920, when 1
she was the proprietor of a photograph studio in Battle Creek. She married again and continued a photographic career 1
as Mrs. Claire L. Charles. 1
1. 1880 Federal Census of the village of Springport in Jackson County, 1900 Federal Census of the Sixth Ward of Detroit in Wayne
County, 1910 Federal Census of the Second Ward of Albion and 1920 Federal Census of the Third Ward of Battle Creek in Calhoun
County, plus 1930 Federal Census of the Sixth ward of Lansing in Ingham County, Michigan.
2. Albion city directory, 1913.

Bennett, Edna L., Miss

Grand Rapids cash girl ............................................................................................................................................... 1900 1
Detroit photographer ........................................................................................................................................ 1904-1906 d
Detroit bookkeeper for photographer Charles R. Baker ............................................................................................ 1907 d
Detroit clerk for the Baker Art Studio ....................................................................................................................... 1908 d
Detroit bookkeeper for the Baker Art Studio ................................................................................................... 1909-1910 d
Detroit photographer that was working out ................................................................................................................ 1910 1
Her father emigrated from Canada in 1880 and Edna was born in Michigan in July of 1883, eldest of the three 1
children of Samuel B. and Clara Bennett. Her sister Alida was born in September of 1886, and her brother Ray was 1
born in August of 1888. 1
1. 1900 Federal Census of the Fifth Ward of Grand Rapids in Kent County, and 1910 Federal Census of the Tenth Ward of Detroit in
Wayne County, Michigan.
Bennett, Edward Clayton
Grand Rapids student ................................................................................................................................................. 1870 1
Grand Rapids clerk or apprentice ..................................................................................................................... 1876,1878 g
Grand Rapids machine hand ............................................................................................................................ 1879-1880 g
Grand Rapids worker in his father’s blind factory ..................................................................................................... 1880 1
Grand Rapids photographer for James Bayne .................................................................................................. 1883-1900 g 1
Grand Rapids photographer for the James Bayne Company ............................................................................ 1901-1906 g
Grand Rapids vice president of the James Bayne Company ............................................................................ 1907-1910 g 1
Edward was born in Grand Rapids on February 23, 1861, eldest of the four children of Lydia (Roberts) and Joseph 2 3
L. Harris Bennett, and lived in the city all of his life. Her parents emigrated from Scotland and Mary Garrick was born 3 1
in Michigan in February of 1860. She married Edward about 1883. Their daughter Ella was born in November of 1
1884, and their daughter Missie or Merry was born in October of 1887. In addition to his work in commercial 1 3
photography, Ed spent twenty years or more in Grand Rapids military units, serving as Captain of the Custer Guard for 3 2
some time, and as an organizer of the original Company H of the Michigan National Guard. His death on May 28, 3 2
1910, was entirely unexpected and his final illness lasted but a week. His widow and two grown daughters survived 2
him. 2
1. 1880 Federal Census of the city of Grand Rapids, as well as 1870 Federal Census of the Fourth Ward plus 1900 and 1910 Federal
Censes of the Sixth Ward of Grand Rapids in Kent County, Michigan.
2. Obituary in the Grand Rapids Herald, Grand Rapids, Michigan, May 29, 1910, page 3
3. Learned in 2001 from Dorothy Phillips Krueger of Mackinaw City, Michigan.

Bennett, Ella M., Miss

Grand Rapids student ................................................................................................................................................. 1900 1
Grand Rapids photographer in a commercial gallery ................................................................................................. 1910 1
Grand Rapids housewife ................................................................................................................................... 1920,1930 1
Ella was the elder daughter of Edward C. and Mary Bennett, and was born in Grand Rapids in November of 1884. 1
She probably was employed in 1910 by the James Bayne Company, of which her father was vice president. Late in 1
1919 Ella married a 49-year-old bond salesman named George K. Phillips, and in 1920 they were providing a home 1
for her widowed mother. Their son George was born about 1921. 1
1. 1900 and 1910 Federal Censes of the Sixth Ward, 1920 Federal Census of the Second Ward, and 1930 Federal Census of the Third
Ward of Grand Rapids in Kent County, Michigan.

Bennett, Frank
Coral PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................... 1908-1911 m

Bennett, J. E.
Detroit photographer .................................................................................................................................................. 1872 d
James E. Bennett was a Detroit painter in 1870. J. Edwin Bennett was in the photography business both in his own d 1
name and as Bennett & Hathaway in 1878 at 88 Hanover Street in Boston, Massachusetts. 1 2
1. Important Events of the Century, Benson & Rippey, New York, 1878.
2. Chris Steele and Ronald Polito, A Directory of Massachusetts Photographers 1839-1900, Picton Press, Camden, Maine, 1993.

Bennett, John
Conklin PHOTOGRAPHER ...................................................................................................................................... 1913 t
“Taken Aug 25 - 1913, by John Bennett at Conklin. Dans barn & threshers” was written on the post card back of a t
well-composed photograph. t

Bennett, John H.
Detroit photographer for Hall & Son ......................................................................................................................... 1885 d
Detroit photo printer for photographers Hunter & Gay ............................................................................................. 1886 d
Detroit laborer or elevator operator ................................................................................................................. 1888-1897 d
Detroit caterer or elevator operator .................................................................................................................. 1898-1900 d
Detroit bank janitor .......................................................................................................................................... 1901-1906 d
Detroit laborer or oiler ..................................................................................................................................... 1908-1909 d
John was black. During his tenure as elevator operator for the Taylor-Woolfenden Company through the 1890s, he d
was listed once as a porter and once as a clerk. d
Bennett, John Wesley
El Paso, Illinois, cooper ............................................................................................................................................. 1870 1
California photographer ............................................................................................................................................. 1880 1
Indianapolis, Indiana, photographer .......................................................................................................................... 1900 1
Indianapolis, Indiana, PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................ 1910 1
His father came from Pennsylvania and John was born in Ohio in October of 1846. William Merchant, a 21-year-old 1
photographer born in Ohio, and John were boarding with the same family at El Paso in 1870. By 1880 John was said 1
to be widowed and was living with the family of his cousin, Orlando Bennett. Stella was born in Illinois in October of 1
1857, and was said to have married John in 1878. Their daughter Zetta was born in Indiana in June of 1881. John may 1
have been the proprietor of a photograph gallery in 1900. 1
1. 1870 Federal Census of the First Ward of El Paso in Woodford County, Illinois, 1880 Federal Census of the village of California in
Branch County, Michigan, plus 1900 Federal Census of the Third Ward and 1910 Federal Census of the Ninth Ward of Indianapolis
in Marion County, Indiana.

Bennett, Joseph
Ypsilanti PHOTOGRAPHER .................................................................................................................................... 1862 1
Ypsilanti PHOTOGRAPHER .......................................................................................................................... 1864-1866 1
Ypsilanti (Mr. & Mrs. J. Bennett) PHOTOGRAPHERS in the Worden Block .................................................... ca 1866 t
Ypsilanti PHOTO ARTIST on Cross st ........................................................................................................... 1866-1867 m
One Joseph Bennett was 32 years old when he enlisted at Detroit in the Fifth Michigan Infantry on August 17, 1862. 2
He was mustered into the service on September 14, 1862, and no further records of his military career were found. 2
Another Joseph Bennett was born in New York State to Justice and Nancy Bennett on December 20, 1796, and was 3
married when he died at Salem, Michigan, of dropsy of the heart on September 16, 1881. Cartes de visite with two 3 t
cent revenue stamps cancelled in ink: “J. B., Dec 20, 1864” may have been the work of this Ypsilanti photographer. t
1. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1862-1866, National Archives, Washington, D.C.
2. Record of Service of Michigan Volunteers in the Civil War, 1861-1865; published by the State of Michigan about 1904.
3. GENDIS on the Web, Genealogical Death Indexing System, Michigan.

Bennett, Joseph, Mrs.

Ypsilanti (Mr. & Mrs. J. Bennett) PHOTOGRAPHERS in the Worden Block .................................................... ca 1866 t
Ypsilanti sewing machine agent ....................................................................................................................... 1872-1873 m

Bennett, Leonard E.
Weathersfield Township, Vermont, farmer on his father’s farm ................................................................................ 1850 1
Racine, Wisconsin, PHOTOGRAPHER .......................................................................................................... 1866-1867 2
Omro, Wisconsin, PHOTOGRAPHER ..................................................................................................................... 1870 2 1
Cassopolis PHOTOGRAPHER ....................................................................................................................... 1872-1877 m
Somers, Wisconsin, PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................... 1880 1
McHenry, Illinois, PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................... 1883-1888 3
McHenry, Illinois, PHOTOGRAPHER ..................................................................................................................... 1900 1
Saint Paul, Minnesota, resident .................................................................................................................................. 1910 1
Leonard was born in Vermont in March of 1833, one of the many sons of John and Sarah Bennett. Anna was born in 1
Wisconsin to parents from Connecticut and Vermont in August of 1843, and she married Leonard in 1863 or early in 1
1864. Three of their four children were born in Wisconsin: Clara and Alice between 1864 and 1867 plus Frank in 1
March of 1877. Herbert was born in Michigan in January of 1875. He remained single and was living with his parents 1
in 1910 and with his widowed mother at St. Paul in 1920. 1
1. 1850 Federal Census of Weathersfield Township in Windsor County, Vermont, 1870 Federal Census of the village of Omro in
Winnebago County, Wisconsin, 1880 Federal Census of Somers Township in Kenosha County, Wisconsin, 1900 Federal Census
of the village of McHenry in McHenry County, Illinois, plus 1910 and 1920 Federal Censes of the Second Ward of St. Paul in
Ramsey County, Minnesota.
1. Directory of Wisconsin Photographers; State Historical Society of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin, 1991.
2. Marie Czach, A Directory of Early Illinois Photographers, Western Illinois University, Macomb, Illinois, 1977.

Bennett, Marcus D.
South Haven printer ......................................................................................................................................... 1890-1895 m
South Haven PHOTOGRAPHER ......................................................................................................................... ca 1895 t
“Lake Michigan Icebergs, view south of Pier, SOUTH HAVEN, MICH. PHOTO BY M. D. BENNETT.” was press printed beneath the t
3½ by 4¾ photograph on a 4¼ by 5¼ mount. “Launching the ‘City of Kalamazoo’ Oct. 22, 1892. SOUTH HAVEN, MICH. PHOTO t
BY M. D. BENNETT.” was printed on the mount of a photograph of the same size. t
Bennett, Martha R., Mrs.
Homer PHOTOGRAPHER on Main st ........................................................................................................... 1896-1897 m 1
Homer PHOTOGRAPHER ....................................................................................................................................... 1900 2
Battle Creek PHOTOGRAPHER .............................................................................................................................. 1903 R
Battle Creek housewife .............................................................................................................................................. 1910 2
Her parents came from Ohio, and Martha was born in Kansas in October of 1867. She married Adelbert Bennett 2
about 1883, and they never had children. She was called Mattie R. Bennett as the Homer photographer, was succeeded 2 m
as such by her husband, and then succeeded him. She succeeded him again as a Battle Creek Photographer. 2 R
1. Battle Creek, Albion, Marshall ... Directory, 1897-98, R. L. Polk & Company, Detroit.
2. 1900 Federal Census of the village of Homer and 1910 Federal Census of the Second Ward of Battle Creek in Calhoun County,
3. St. Louis and Canadian Photographer; volume 24, number 9, September 1900, page 430.

Bennett, Miriam L., Mrs.

Chesaning (Bennett & Son) PHOTOGRAPHERS .......................................................................................... 1898-1899 m
Chesaning PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................ 1900-1901 m
William S. Bennett, who was experienced as a Chesaning photographer, was Miriam’s associate in 1898. m

Bennett, Orra L.
Ogden Township farm laborer ................................................................................................................................... 1870 1
Clinton PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................ 1874-1875 m
Delta, Ohio, hardware merchant ................................................................................................................................ 1880 1
San Jose, California, resident ..................................................................................................................................... 1900 1
Alameda, California, resident .................................................................................................................................... 1910 1
Alameda, California, retail grocery salesman ............................................................................................................ 1920 1
Orra was born in Ohio or Michigan to parents from New York in February of 1847. By 1870 he had acquired a 21- 1
year-old wife named Elizabeth who subsequently vanished from the records, leaving a daughter named Lulu. Cora was 1
born in Maine in November of 1861 to Samuel F. and Frances E. Dunton, who also were natives of Maine. She 1
married Orra about 1878 and took over the care of Lulu. Two of her three children were born in Ohio, Nellie in 1
February of 1883 and Charles in June of 1884. Florence was born in California in November of 1893. By 1930 Cora 1
was a widow. 1
1. 1870 Federal Census of Ogden Township in Lenawee County, Michigan, 1880 Federal Census of the village of Delta in York Township
of Fulton County, Ohio, and 1900 Federal Census of the Third Ward of San Jose in Santa Clara County, plus 1910, 1920 and 1930 Federal
Censes of the city of Alameda in Alameda County, California.

Bennett, Thomas J.
Ishpeming photographic artist for photographer Brainard F. Childs ......................................................................... 1894 1
Ishpeming photographer for Childs Art Gallery .............................................................................................. 1910-1920 2 3
Ishpeming (Childs Art Gallery) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 115 Division st west ............................................... 1922-1958 m 2
Thomas was born in England in 1877, was brought to America in 1881, and spent his entire adult life at Ishpeming. 4 2
Grace was born in Canada in 1879, and she married Thomas about 1901. Their son Thomas was born in Michigan in 4
1902, and their son Paul was born here in June of 1908. Charles D. Cole was a principal of Childs Art Gallery through 4 m
1929, but after that Thomas was the sole proprietor. Between 1910 and 1923 Thomas took many underground mining 5 2
photographs. He sold the studio in 1958 to Henry Helmisto, and died at Ishpeming in 1963. 2
1. Marquette County directory, 1894.
2. Russell M. Magnaghi, “History of Childs’ Art Gallery” in Harlow’s Wooden Man, volume 14, number 1, Spring 1978, pages 6 and 7.
3. Marquette City and County Directory, 1920, R. L. Polk & Company, Detroit.
4. 1910, 1920 and 1930 Federal Censes of the Ninth Ward of Ishpeming in Marquette County, Michigan.
5. Ishpeming-Negaunee City Directory, 1929, R. L. Polk & Company, Detroit.
Bennett, William H.
Roxand Township child ............................................................................................................................................. 1870 1
Roxand Township worker on his father’s farm .......................................................................................................... 1880 1
Mulliken PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................... ca 1898 t
Sunfield PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................... 1900-1909 1 m
Lake Odessa proprietor of an automobile livery ........................................................................................................ 1910 1
His father came from Ohio and William was born in Michigan in April of 1866, second of the three children of John 1
R. and Lucina Bennett. Her mother came from New York and Neoma was born here in June of 1870. She married 1
William about 1886, and she gave birth to Rosa in January of 1890. “W. H. Bennett, Photographer, Sunfield, Mich.” 1 t
was blind stamped into the 10 by 12 inch mounts of at least three photographs of a train wreck at Sunfield on April 27, t
1901. William advertised about 1905 in this manner: “Least You Forget. I will remind you that it is time for Xmas t
Pictures, and we are anxious to have you come and get a sitting. He who waits too long is likely to be disappointed. t
Get ‘Em in Time. We have bargains in new card mounts; will give our customers the benefit of low prices until after t
Xmas then the price will advance on account of the advance in stock. The Picture Taker needs more than a camera; t
he must have ability in posing and finishing. When You Sit for a Portrait and the proof comes out all right and the t
pictures are delivered each alike, handsomely finished, nicely mounted on up to-date cards, Then You Are Well t
Pleased. Now, this is just the kind of work we are doing each day. Let us help you in selecting a style suitable for you. t
Sitting any day....” Early in 1908 William also was dealing in school supplies. t R
1. 1870 and 1880 Federal Censes of Roxand Township and 1900 Federal Census of the village of Sunfield in Eaton County, plus 1910
Federal Census of the village of Lake Odessa in Ionia County, Michigan.

Bennett, William S.
Chesaning child or student ................................................................................................................................ 1870,1880 1
Chesaning PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................ 1890-1895 m
Freeland PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................... ca 1895 t
Chesaning (Bennett & Son) PHOTOGRAPHERS .......................................................................................... 1898-1899 m
Chesaning PHOTOGRAPHER .................................................................................................................................. 1900 1
Chesaning house carpenter ........................................................................................................................................ 1910 1
DeWitt Township house carpenter ............................................................................................................................. 1920 1
His parents came from New York and William was born in Michigan in June of 1867, the youngest child of Elijah 1
and Miriam L. Bennett. His wife’s father came from New York, and Nellie I. Warren was born in Michigan in 1
December of 1867. When she and William married about 1896, Nellie brought along two children resulting from her 1
first marriage: Everett M. Smith born in Michigan in April of 1886 and Fern C. Smith born here in July of 1890. Nellie 1
gave birth to Cecil in 1902. The photographer was identified as William A. Bennett in one 1892 source. In 1898 he 2 m
was associated with his mother, Mrs. Miriam L. Bennett. m
1. 1870, 1880, 1900 and 1910 Federal Censes of the village of Chesaning in Saginaw County, plus 1920 Federal Census of DeWitt
Township in Clinton County, Michigan.
2. Saginaw County Directory, 1892-93, Henry M. Schmidt, Saginaw, Michigan.
Bennett, William T.
Union City student ..................................................................................................................................................... 1850 1
Union City AMBROTYPIST ............................................................................................................................... ca 1856 2
Ann Arbor student of law at the University of Michigan ................................................................................. 1862-1863 3
United States Army soldier .............................................................................................................................. 1863-1866 4
Los Angeles, California, resident of the Soldiers’ Home ................................................................................. 1904-1910 5
Most records are for William True Bennett, but the University of Michigan records are for William Thompson 4 3
Bennett. William was born at Union City on October 1, 1836, eldest of the four children of Isaiah W. and Emily 4 1
Bennett. He spent much of his adult life in Australia, where by 1857 he was traveling the state of Queensland as a 1 4
photographer in towns such as Brisbane, Ipswich, Warwick and Gayndah. On June 20, 1857, a Brisbane newspaper 4
carried his advertisement: “Having practiced the art for several years, while traveling through the principal capitals of 4
the western hemisphere, he feels confident. of producing pictures which for DURABILITY and BEAUTY OF FINISH 4
cannot be excelled anywhere, and of giving entire satisfaction to all who honor him with their patronage.” Mary Anne 4
Teresa Greenwood of Moreton Bay married William at Ipswich on December 29, 1858. Within a year or two the 4
couple moved to the United States. William graduated from the Department of Law at the University of Michigan in 4 3
1863, and on June 11 was commissioned Captain in the First United States Colored Infantry. He helped to recruit and 3 4
organize the First Michigan Colored Volunteers, which became the 102 nd United States Colored Infantry. William was 4
promoted to Lieutenant Colonel on April 14, 1864. He and his brother Orson distinguished themselves during the 4
battle of Honey Hill, South Carolina, on November 30, 1864. Orson was awarded a Medal of Honor, and on January 4
21, 1865, William was promoted to Colonel of the 33 rd United States Colored Infantry. In May of 1865 he was 4
brevetted Brigadier General for meritorious services at the battle of Honey Hill. He was mustered out of the army on 4
March 10, 1866. By July of 1875 William was back in Brisbane, Australia. Without much success in other fields, he 4
was back into photography by 1879 at Brisbane, in 1881 at Melbourne, in 1891 at Perth, and in 1895 at Coolgardie 4
where his business was destroyed by fire. This may have precipitated his move to the United States. William was first 4 5
admitted to the Soldiers’ Home in Los Angeles in September of 1897, when he was 5 feet 11½ inches tall with hazel 5
eyes, gray hair and a dark complexion. He was discharged from the Home a couple of times, but after June of 1904 5
spent most of his time there. Following his death on March 10, 1910, his wife returned to Australia. 5 4
1. 1850 Federal Census of Union Township in Branch County, Michigan.
2. Joan Kerr, editor, The Dictionary of Australian Artists, Oxford University Press, Melbourne, 1992. Noted by Peter Palmquist of
Arcata, California.
3. General Catalogue of the University of Michigan, 1837-1911. published by the University, Ann Arbor, 1912.
4. Terry Foenander, William True Bennett, on the internet.
5. U. S. National Homes for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers, 1866-1938, on the internet.

Benning, Charles H.
Saint Joseph student ................................................................................................................................................... 1880 1
Saint Joseph dry goods salesman ............................................................................................................................... 1900 1
Saint Joseph (Welsh & Benning) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 208 State st ........................................................... 1901-1902 2 3
Saint Joseph PHOTOGRAPHER at 208 State st ....................................................................................................... 1904 3
Saint Joseph PHOTOGRAPHER .................................................................................................................... 1904-1907 m
Saint Joseph PHOTOGRAPHER at 208 State st ....................................................................................................... 1907 3
Saint Joseph PHOTOGRAPHER .................................................................................................................... 1908-1909 m
Saint Joseph PHOTOGRAPHER at 208 State st ....................................................................................................... 1910 3
Santa Fe, New Mexico, photographer of an irrigation project ................................................................................... 1910 1
Charley was born in Michigan in March of 1872, third of the five children of William and Johannah Benning. His 1
parents had been brought from Germany to America when they were small children. The purchase by Charles of a half 1 2
interest in the St. Joseph studio of Forbes C. Welsh was reported early in 1902. A photographic journal carried this ad 2
a few months later: “WANTED - First-class retoucher; lady or gentleman; send sample and photo of self; state salary 2
wanted. Address Welsh & Benning, St. Joseph, Mich.” Hattie was born in New York State in 1872 or early in 1873, 2 1
and she married Charles about 1901. Those working on the irrigation project were housed outside the city limits of 1
Santa Fe. By 1920 Hattie was a widow rooming with a family in Los Angeles, California. 1
1. 1880 and 1900 Federal Censes of the Second Ward of St. Joseph in Berrien County, Michigan, 1910 Federal Census of the city of
Santa Fe in Santa Fe County, New Mexico, and 1920 Federal Census of Assembly District 64 of Los Angeles in Los Angeles County,
2. St. Louis and Canadian Photographer; volume 26, numbers 2 and 6, February and June 1902, page 78.
3. Benton Harbor, St. Joseph and Niles Business Directory, 1902, 1904, 1907 and 1910, R. L. Polk & Company, Detroit.
Benson, John H.
Romeo DAGUERREOTYPE & AMBROTYPE GALLERY over J. W. Dyar’s store .................................... 1855-1857 m 1
Pontiac AMBROTYPE & PHOTOGRAPH ARTIST ..................................................................................... 1859-1860 2
Pontiac PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................ 1862-1866 3
Pontiac PHOTOGRAPHER on Saginaw st ..................................................................................................... 1864-1867 2 m
Pontiac (Benson & Hough) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 141 Saginaw st ........................................................................ 1867 2
Pontiac PHOTOGRAPHER at 147 Saginaw st ............................................................................................... 1867-1870 2 m
Pontiac PHOTOGRAPHER at 141 Saginaw st ............................................................................................... 1872-1883 2 m
Pontiac PHOTOGRAPHER in the National Block ......................................................................................... 1884-1885 2 m
Pontiac (Benson & Starke) PHOTOGRAPHERS in the National Block ......................................................... 1886-1887 2 m
Rochester (Benson & Starke) PHOTOGRAPHERS ........................................................................................ 1886-1887 m
Rochester PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................ 1888-1889 m
Pontiac PHOTOGRAPHER in the National Block on Saginaw st north ......................................................... 1888-1898 m 4
Pontiac resident ................................................................................................................................................ 1899-1901 5
John was born in New York State in 1820 and, according to an 1883 interview, worked in photography for about two 5 2
years before going into business for himself in 1855. His 1857 advertisements mention “... that he still continues to 2 1
take DAGUERREOTYPES, AMBROTYPES, PHOTOGRAPHS, ETC. at his well established Gallery.... Having a 1
magnificent Sky Light, he is able to take Pictures equally as well in cloudy weather as in sunshine, and copy Paintings 1
and Daguerreotypes with all the beauty of the originals.... Pictures enclosed in Lockets, and gilt and velvet cases, as 1
low as are charged by inexperienced operators....” On January 13, 1859, John married Miss Catherine Allen, the first 1 6
white girl born in Pontiac and the daughter of Orrison Allen. The award for the best lot of ambrotypes at the 1859 6 2
Oakland County Fair reportedly went to J. H. Burton, probably a misspelling of Benson. John advertised in 1860: 2
“AMBROTYPES, The Most Clear, Distinct and lifelike taken at the old stand over Tuthill’s Boot & Shoe Store, 2
Pontiac, in all kinds of weather. Also, Photographs, which are beautiful and lasting pictures on paper, taken all sizes. 2
Photograph views of gentlemen’s dwellings, taken on short notice. Call and examine specimens.” He was awarded 2
premiums for the best photographs at the Oakland County Fairs in 1864 and 1865, and at the 1865 Fair his three 2
photographic views of Pontiac were said to have deserved the special attention which they attracted. Prof. J. Edwin 2
Churchill practiced his art of photograph painting and conducted art classes in Benson’s gallery in 1866 and 1867. In 2
April of 1867, “J. H. Benson ... fitted up ... the second story of the building recently erected by Mr. Goodwin Jacobs, 2
for a Photograph Gallery.... In addition to the various styles of pictures usually taken, he is prepared to take pictures on 2
porcelain.... Ladies from a distance who patronize this room and wish to make their toilet before sitting, will be 2
pleased to learn that there is in this gallery a room fitted specially for their use.” Advertisements for his new gallery 2
over Norton & Harshaw’s hardware store ran into July, and then the same wording was used by Benson & Hough until 2
October of 1867. John earned First Premiums for his exhibits of photographs at the Oakland County Fairs in 1868, 2
1870 and 1871. Some of his card photographs were “From the MAMMOTH GALLERY ...” and in 1874 he was said 2 t
to be “With his mammoth camera ... making some large photographs from retouched Negatives ...” and using “... A 2
Burnisher by which the finest possible finish is put upon Photographs, and at no extra charge....” In 1877 he offered 2
“SOMETHING NEW. A stereoscopic Portrait, and twelve card photographs - best finish - for Two Dollars....” Most 2
of John’s stereo views seem to have been outdoor Pontiac scenes. It was reported in 1878 that “Benson’s group 2 t
picture of the ten Grow brothers is very fine - the individual faces look like proofs from steel plates.” During 2
December of 1880 he was still claiming that “The MAMMOTH CAMERA, the only one in the city, is the BOSS.... 14 2
x 17 Photographs - $5.00.... 11 x 14.... 10 x 12.... 8 x 10.... Panel.... Cabinets.... Promenades.... Best Card Photographs 2
(per dozen) - $1.25.” Lena Lucy Benson, the daughter of John and Catherine, married Phillip H. Starke on January 22, 2 6
1882. Throughout 1882 John was advertising “PHOTOGRAPHS! Instantaneously taken at BENSON’S. The Finest 6 2
scenery in town for CHILDREN, so bring them along. Best Cards $1.50 per dozen.” He received the Second Premium 2
for his collection of photos at the 1882 Oakland County Fair. Late in 1885 it was noted that he had “... greatly 2
improved the looks of his gallery by the exercise of a paint brush - Also painted his showcase below stairs and filled it 2
with new pictures....” John brought in his son-in-law as a partner early in 1886, and “... secured the service of Miss 2
Christie McKay, of Kalamazoo, as retoucher ...” Benson & Starke announced late in 1886 that “... We are introducing 2
the Beautiful and Artistic BROMIDE PICTURE, Enlarged to any size from our negatives.... we will make $15 life-size 2
pictures for only $8....” John’s 1887 ads stressed that his photographer, Miss C. McKay, was making cabinets and 2
large work, and giving special attention to babies and children. He donated a life size photo of Rev. C. T. Allen to the 2
Methodist Episcopal Sunday School in 1889, and specialized in cabinets, baby pictures and family groups into the 2
1890s, also offering life size portraits for $5.00. He was the subject of a rather flattering article in 1894. John died on 2 5
January 21, 1901, and was buried in Pontiac’s Oak Hill Cemetery. In 1912 the Oakland County Pioneer Society was in 5 7
possession of an ambrotype of Mrs. Catherine Benson taken by her husband and loaned to the society by her daughter, 7
Mrs. Lena Starke. 7
1. Romeo Argus, Romeo, Michigan, May 14 through December 3, 1857.
2. Pontiac Gazette, Pontiac, Michigan, October 21, 1859; July 27 to September 7, 1860; November 11, 1864; October 13 and 20, 1865; January 1
to September 14, 1866; April 19 to October 25, 1867; October 23, 1868; October 7, 1870; October 27, 1871; April 24 to July 24, 1874; May 4,
1877; January 11, 1878; December 1, 1880; February 3 to November 24, 1882; November 30, 1883; November 20, 1885; January 1 and 8 and
December 3, 1886; January 21 and May 11 to December 16, 1887; November 8, 1889, to April 11, 1890; and July 20, 1894.
3. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1862-1866, National Archives, Washington, D.C.
4. Pontiac City Directory, 1898, W. W. Robertson, Pontiac.
5. Oak Hill Cemetery Records, Pontiac Area Historical and Genealogical Society, 1991. Noted by Barbara L. Frye of Pontiac in 1992.
6. Alice Serrell, Oakland County Records, Pontiac D. A. R., circa 1970. Noted by Barbara L. Frye of Pontiac in 1992.
7. History of Oakland County, Michigan, Lewis Publishing Company, Chicago, 1912, page 102.

Benster, Solomon S.
Sylvan child ..................................................................................................................................................... 1845-1846 1
Washtenaw County miller .......................................................................................................................................... 1862 1
United States Army soldier .............................................................................................................................. 1862-1863 1
Toledo, Ohio, PHOTOGRAPHER .................................................................................................................. 1879-1899 2
Toledo, Ohio, dealer in photographic supplies .......................................................................................................... 1900 3 4
Grand Rapids PHOTO SUPPLY DEALER at 59 Monroe st .................................................................................... 1905 g
Toledo, Ohio, resident ...................................................................................................................................... 1912,1915 1
Toledo, Ohio, machinist .................................................................................................................................. 1919-1920 3 1
Solomon was born to English parents at Sylvan in Washtenaw County, Michigan, on July 24, 1845. He enlisted at 3 1
Detroit as a private in Company A of the 24th Michigan Infantry on August 2, and was mustered into the army on 1
August 13, 1862. At this time he was 5 feet 11½ inches tall with a dark complexion, hazel eyes and brown hair. In July 1
of 1863 at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, Solomon received two gunshot wounds that penetrated his chest from the top of 1
each shoulder, one of which disabled his left lung. After several months of hospitalization, he was pronounced totally 1
disabled and honorably discharged at Detroit on October 27, 1863. Lillie was born in Indiana to a mother from 1 3
Maryland in 1852 or early in 1853, and she married Solomon about 1870 at Indianapolis, Indiana. Their son Forest 3
was born in Indiana about 1872, and their son Alfred was born in Missouri about 1876. United States Patent Number 3 p
308,946 covering a Photograph Camera Plate Holder was issued to Solomon on December 9, 1884. Patent Number p
339,731 describing an Attachment for Cameras adapted to serve the dual purpose of diaphragm and shutter was issued p
to him on April 13, 1886. He often did business in Toledo as S. S. Benster & Company. Something happened to Lillie. p 2
Anna was born in Ohio to German parents in October of 1868, and she married Solomon about 1898. Their daughter 3
Dawney Dorothy Benster was born October 8, 1902. By March of 1915 Anna and Solomon had separated, and though 3 1
Solomon remembered all three of his children he seemed unaware that he had been married more than once and 1
identified his wife as Mrs. India (King) Benster. By January of 1920 Saul (more probably Sol) was a widower. 1 3
Dawney was living with her father in January, and she furnished information for his death certificate after his death on 3 1
November 15, 1920. Solomon died of chronic endocarditis and burial was in Forest Cemetery at Toledo. 1
1. Civil War Veterans Pension Record of Solomon Benster obtained from the National Archives in Washington, D. C.
2. John Waldsmith, A Directory of Ohio Photographers, 1839 to 1900, Sycamore, Ohio, compiled in 1978 and augmented through 1993.
3. 1900 Federal Census of the Ninth Ward of Toledo in Lucas County, Ohio.
4. Diane VanSkiver Gagel, Ohio Photographers 1839-1900, Carl Mautz Publishing, Nevada City, California, 1998.

Bent, Isaac Bartlett

Ann Arbor manager for photographer Herbert Randall ................................................................................... 1900-1904 a
Ann Arbor manager of the Herbert Randall Studio ................................................................................................... 1905 a
His parents emigrated from Ireland, and Isaac was born in Massachusetts in July of 1835. He was enumerated as B. 1
Isaac Bent in 1900, when he was lodging with a 69-year-old widow. Late in 1902 one page of a photographic journal 1 2
was devoted to a picture of three girls credited to “H. RANDALL, Ann Arbor, Mich. I. BENT, Operator.” A similar 2
credit line was used early in 1903 for a panel of three different pictures of one child. The only Isaac B. Bent found in 2 3
pertinent census records was born late in 1840 or early in 1841 at Wareham, Massachusetts, the younger son of Isaac 3
and Sophia Bent. He was single and working at Wareham as a tinsmith in 1870 and 1880. 3
1. 1900 Federal Census of the Fourth Ward of Ann Arbor in Washtenaw County, Michigan.
2. Wilson’s Photographic Magazine, volume 39, number 552, December 1902, page 578; and volume 40, number 553, January 1903, page 31.
3. 1850, 1860, 1870 and 1880 Federal Censes of Wareham in Plymouth County, Massachusetts.

Bentley, Martin L.
Bristol, Vermont, Advent Minister ............................................................................................................................ 1850 1
Bristol, Vermont, PHOTOGRAPHER ...................................................................................................................... 1870 1
Reading PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................... 1874-1875 m
Reading (Parmelee & Bentley) PHOTOGRAPHERS .......................................................................................... ca 1875 t
Reading lawyer ................................................................................................................................................ 1878-1891 m
Martin was born in Vermont in 1824 or 1825. Laura A. Case was born there five years earlier, and later married 1
Martin. He was listed as a lawyer and conveyancer in the gazetteer for 1881. 1 m
1. 1850 and 1870 Federal Censes of Bristol in Addison County, Vermont, and 1880 Federal Census of Reading in Hillsdale County,
Bentley, Oscar A.
North Branch PHOTOGRAPHER over the Star Clothing House ............................................................................. 1880 1 t
Bentley resident ......................................................................................................................................................... 1900 1
Gibson Township farmer ........................................................................................................................................... 1910 1
Pickford Township sawyer in his own sawmill .......................................................................................................... 1920 1
His parents came from New York and Oscar was born in Michigan in May of 1856, a son of Oscar F. and Amy 1
Bentley. During the Civil War his father spent three years in the Minnesota Volunteer Cavalry. Young Oscar was 1 2
sharing his home in 1880 with his 17-year-old brother, Frank, who was born in Minnesota. His father built a sawmill in 1 2
Gibson Township of Bay County in 1886 and founded the village of Bentley. Frank became the first postmaster of 2
Bentley in 1887, and later succeeded his father in the sawmill business. Oscar waited until 1894 to marry Jennie (later 2 1
Jane) who was born in Michigan in January of 1872. Their children were born in Michigan: Russel in July of 1897, 1
Nina in April of 1899, Stanley in 1902, Ralph early in 1906, and Effie early in 1908. 1
1. 1880 Federal Census of North Branch Township in Lapeer County, 1900 Federal Census of the village of Bentley and 1910 Federal
Census of Gibson Township in Bay County, plus 1920 Federal Census of Pickford Township in Chippewa County, Michigan.
2. Walter Romig, Michigan Place Names, Grosse Pointe, Michigan.

Benton, Charles
Liberty Township, Ohio, student ............................................................................................................................... 1850 1
Liberty Township laborer on the farm of Jonathan Gardner ...................................................................................... 1860 1
Grand Rapids barber in a large hotel ......................................................................................................................... 1870 1
West Branch PHOTOGRAPHER ......................................................................................................................... ca 1892 2
Central Lake PHOTOGRAPHER ......................................................................................................................... ca 1900 3 t
Elk Rapids barber ...................................................................................................................................................... 1900 1
Charles was born in Ohio in July of 1840, sixth of the eight children of William P. and Sapprona Benton. He grew 1
up on the family farm, and in 1860 was boarding with the farmer that employed him. In 1870 he was lodging in the 1
hotel where he worked. Central Lake cabinet photographs by Charlie appear to have been made about 1895. Sarah was 1 t
born in Ohio to parents from Pennsylvania and Maine in February of 1845. She had been married and had become the 1
mother of three children before she married Charles late in 1899 or early in 1900. By this time her children were out 1
on their own. The available records do not establish whether Charles had been married previously or not. 1
1. 1850 and 1860 Federal Censes of Liberty Township in Delaware County, Ohio, 1870 Federal Census of the Second Ward of Grand
Rapids in Kent County and 1900 Federal Census of Elk Rapids Township in Antrim County, Michigan.
2. Cabinet photograph in the State Archives of Michigan in Lansing, examined in 1995.
3. Doris V. Huckle, Artists North, The Necessary Press, East Jordan, Michigan, 1978.

Benton, S. A.
Pontiac PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................ 1862-1863 m
Possibly a misspelled reference to John H. Benson. m

Beranek, Charles Adam

Saginaw photographer for the Goodridge Brothers ................................................................................................... 1900 s
Saginaw (Beranek Brothers) PHOTOGRAPHERS ................................................................................................... 1902 R
Saginaw PHOTOGRAPHER at 323 Genesee av ............................................................................................. 1902-1909 R m
Saginaw PHOTOGRAPHER at 323 Genesee av east ................................................................................................ 1910 1
Saginaw PHOTOGRAPHER ..................................................................................................................................... 1911 R
Saginaw helper ........................................................................................................................................................... 1914 s
Saginaw laborer ......................................................................................................................................................... 1917 s
Carrolton shipyard worker ......................................................................................................................................... 1918 2
His parents emigrated from the Bohemian section of Austria and Charles was born in East Saginaw on December 24, 3 2
1881, last of the four sons of Thomas and Catherine Beranek. His father died in September of 1896, and Charles 3 4
became a medium sized man with blue eyes and black hair. The other Beranek Brother in 1902 was Joseph, who is 2
profiled below. “Beranek STUDIO, SAGINAW, E.S. MICH.” was blind stamped into the paper sleeves holding tintypes. 2 t
One source indicates that in 1910 Charles was living with his widowed mother and laboring in a lumber yard. In 1918 3 2
he still was single and sharing a home in Saginaw with his mother. 2
1. Frank Gueder, “Index of Saginaw Photographers 1865-1971” in Timbertown Log, Saginaw, Michigan, 1973 Fall-Winter 1974 and
Summer 1974.
2. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.
3. 1880 Federal Census of the city of East Saginaw and 1910 Federal Census of the Fifth Ward of Saginaw in Saginaw County, Michigan.
4. Cousins Family Tree on the internet.
Beranek, Joseph Charles
East Saginaw child ..................................................................................................................................................... 1880 1
Saginaw (Beranek Brothers) PHOTOGRAPHERS ................................................................................................... 1902 R
Saginaw cabinet maker in a furniture factory ............................................................................................................. 1910 1
Saginaw general superintendent for the Germain Manufacturing Company ............................................................. 1918 2
Saginaw superintendent for a woodenware company ................................................................................................ 1920 1
His parents emigrated from the Bohemian section of Austria and Joseph was born in East Saginaw on May 25, 1879, 1 2
third of the four sons of Thomas and Catherine Beranek. His father died in September of 1896, and Joseph became a 1 3
medium sized man with blue eyes and black hair. The other Beranek Brother in 1902 was Charles, who is profiled 2 1
above. Katherine (sometimes Kate) Prybel was born on September 20, 1880, in the Bohemian region of Austria which 3
later was part of Czechoslovakia. She immigrated to the United States in 1904, and she married Joseph on July 31, 1 3
1906. Their children were born at Saginaw: Joseph on August 21, 1907, Frederick on February 16, 1909, Clarence on 3
November 30, 1910, and Catherine on May 21, 1912. By 1930 Joseph and Katherine were divorced, and Katherine 3 1
was providing a home in Saginaw for her sons Joseph and Frederick. 1
1. 1880 Federal Census of the city of East Saginaw, plus 1910 and 1920 Federal Censes of the Fifth Ward and 1930 Federal Census of the
21st Ward of Saginaw in Saginaw County, Michigan.
2. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.
3. Cousins Family Tree on the internet.

Berebecker, ________
Greenbush (Davidson & Berebecker) PHOTOGRAPHIC ARTISTS ............................................................. 1864-1865 m

Berger, Charles A.
Detroit student ........................................................................................................................................................... 1880 1
Detroit barber ............................................................................................................................................................. 1898 d
Detroit photographer ........................................................................................................................................ 1899-1907 d
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 144 Calumet av ......................................................................................................... 1908 d
Detroit chauffeur for a private family ...................................................................................................... 1910,1920,1930 1
His father emigrated from Prussia, his mother emigrated from Wurtemberg, and Charles was born in Michigan in 1
April of 1873. He was eldest of the four sons of Louis and Auguste Berger. Minnie Leville was born in Canada in 1
April of 1874, was brought to the United States in 1882, and married Charles about 1894. She gave birth to Edward in 1
October of 1896, and to Russell in 1903. Charles may have been working as a plater in 1900. “C. A. BERGER, 1 t
COMMERCIAL PHOTOGRAPHER, 144 CALUMET, DETROIT, MICH.” was stamped on the back of 7 by 10 inch t
plain mounts of photographs such as one of 28 men and a boy posed inside a public building which they seem to have t
been refurbishing. t
1. 1880 Federal Census of the city of Detroit, plus 1900, 1910, 1920 and 1930 Federal Censes of the Seventeenth Ward of Detroit in
Wayne County, Michigan.

Berger, David J.
Detroit photographer ........................................................................................................................................ 1902-1907 d
Detroit assistant manager of a theatre ........................................................................................................................ 1908 d
Detroit manager of a theatre ...................................................................................................................................... 1909 d
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 79 Woodward av ............................................................................................. 1913-1914 d
Berger, John C.
Detroit child or student ..................................................................................................................................... 1860,1870 1
Detroit photographer ........................................................................................................................................ 1877-1878 d
Detroit photo printer for photographers Powelson & Millard .................................................................................... 1880 d
Detroit bookkeeper or traveling agent ............................................................................................................. 1881-1885 d
Detroit traveling agent or brewers’ supplies merchant ..................................................................................... 1887-1889 d
Jackson resident ......................................................................................................................................................... 1890 d
Detroit dealer in hops ................................................................................................................................................ 1892 d
Jackson resident ......................................................................................................................................................... 1893 d
Blackman Township bookkeeper ...................................................................................................................... 1900,1910 1
Blackman Township resident ............................................................................................................................ 1920,1930 1
His parents, George and Elizabeth Berger, emigrated from Switzerland, and John was born in Michigan in 1
September of 1859. His three sisters and four brothers were born between 1863 and 1879. His father was a wire 1
worker and became the proprietor of a beer garden. Bertha Hackule was born in Michigan to German parents in April 1
of 1867, and she married John in 1889. Their son William G. Berger was born in October of 1890, and their daughter 1
Amelia Marie Berger was born in 1901. They were living in 1900 and 1910 with Bertha’s widowed mother, Mrs, 1
Amelia Hackule. Bertha was treasurer of her family’s brewery in 1900, and of the family ice manufacturing company 1
in 1910. John was bookkeeper for the businesses in the same years. Blackman Township is immediately north of the 1 2
city of Jackson, which is undoubtedly where John went to work in the 1900s. By 1920 he and Bertha were retired. 2 1
1. 1880 Federal Census of the Third Ward of Detroit in Wayne County, Michigan.
2. Michigan County Map Guide, Michigan United Conservation Clubs, Lansing, Michigan.

Bergert, John
Detroit photographer .................................................................................................................................................. 1893 d

Berglund, U. S.
Negaunee PHOTOGRAPHER at 419 Iron st .................................................................................................. 1907-1908 R 1
1. Marquette County Directory, 1908, R. L. Polk & Company, Detroit.

Berglund, William S.
Negaunee PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................ 1908-1909 m

Berka, Frank Joseph

Saginaw lithograph artist ........................................................................................................................................... 1910 1
Saginaw artist for Seemann & Peters ......................................................................................................................... 1914 s
Saginaw manager of the photo department of Seemann & Peters .............................................................................. 1917 s
Bay City artist ............................................................................................................................................................ 1917 2
Saginaw (Berka & Morden) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 210 Franklin st north .................................................... 1920-1922 m 3
Saginaw PHOTOGRAPHER and commercial artistat 210 Franklin st north ................................................. 1922-1928 m s
Saginaw PHOTOGRAPHER at 307 Tuscola st ............................................................................................... 1929-1940 m 3
Saginaw (Berka-Bradford) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 307 Tuscola st ................................................................ 1941-1942 3
Saginaw (Berka-Bradford) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 405 Holden st ................................................................. 1942-1945 3
Frank was born at Simfach in the Bohemian region of Austria on January 20, 1889, third of the six children of Frank 2 1
and Barbara Berka. He immigrated with his family in 1904 and became a naturalized citizen of the United States in 1
1913. Mabel was born in Michigan in 1889, she married Frank in 1911, and they never had children. Seemann & 1 s
Peters were engravers, printers and publishers. The Saginaw listing in 1917 was for Frank J. Berka, Junior. By this s 2
time Frank was a tall stout man with brown eyes and dark hair. He maintained his Saginaw residence while self- 2
employed as an artist in Bay City. Berka & Morden were “Designers, Retouchers, Photographers and Creators of 2 s
Illustrative Advertising.” s
1. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.
2. Frank Gueder, “Index of Saginaw Photographers 1865-1971” in Timbertown Log, Saginaw, Michigan, 1973 Fall-Winter 1974 and Summer 1974.
3. 1910 and 1920 Federal Censes of the Fifth Ward and 1930 Federal Census of the Fourteenth Ward of Bay City in Bay County, Michigan.
Berkey, Seymour R.
Broomfield Township student .................................................................................................................................... 1900 1
Grand Rapids student ....................................................................................................................................... 1907-1908 g
Grand Rapids bookkeeper, resident or clerk .................................................................................................... 1909-1912 g
Grand Rapids real estate, rentals and insurance agent ............................................................................................... 1913 g
Grand Rapids (Boote Photo Shop) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 503 Bridge st ..................................................... 1914-1915 g
Grand Rapids PHOTOGRAPHER at 503 Bridge st ........................................................................................ 1916-1917 g m
Grand Rapids PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................ 1917 2
Muskegon accountant ...................................................................................................................................... 1917-1920 3
Grand Rapids accountant or auditor ................................................................................................................ 1920-1927 1 g
Grand Rapids accounting executive ................................................................................................................. 1928-1943 g
Seymour was born at Elmdale in Ionia County, Michigan on September 6, 1890. His father, James A. Berkey, was a 2 3
native of Pennsylvania and managed a lumber company in Grand Rapids. His mother, Mrs. Lydia (Rosenberger) 1 3
Berkey, was born in Canada, and died sometime before 1910. Seymour graduated from Central High School and 1 3
attended McLachlan Business University in Grand Rapids. He was associated with Ernest H. Boote in the Boote Photo 3 g
Shop. He and 25-year-old Laura Orton were married on June 24, 1915, and never had children. Seymour was a stout 1 2
man with blue eyes and light brown hair who was an avid golfer and enjoyed hunting, fishing and swimming at their 2 3
cottage on Silver Lake. 3
1. 1900 Federal Census of Broomfield Township in Isabella County, plus 1910 Federal Census of the Twelfth Ward and 1920 Federal
Census of the Third Ward of Grand Rapids in Kent County, Michigan.
2. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.
3. Profile by Citizens Historical Association, Indianapolis, April 11, 1936, in the Grand Rapids Public Library.

Berlin, Carrie F.
Detroit elocutionist .................................................................................................................................................... 1897 d
Detroit retoucher ........................................................................................................................................................ 1899 d

Bernard, William B.
Perry Centre, New York, student ............................................................................................................................... 1870 1
Grand Rapids photographer for Joseph H. Tompkins ................................................................................................ 1874 g
Grand Rapids painter ................................................................................................................................................. 1876 g
Grand Rapids planing mill operator and manufacturer of sash and doors ....................................................... 1877-1880 g
Grand Rapids painter ....................................................................................................................................... 1885-1890 g
Grand Rapids painter and paper hanger ..................................................................................................................... 1900 1
Grand Rapids painter ................................................................................................................................................. 1910 1
Detroit painting contractor ......................................................................................................................................... 1920 1
His father emigrated from Ireland and Willie was born in New York State in March of 1850. He was living with 1
produce dealer Gideon Nichols and his wife Maria in 1870. Velma A. Smith was born in Michigan in July of 1856, 1
and she married William about 1875. Their seven children were born in Michigan, including Mabel in 1878 or 1879, 1
Elva in June of 1884, William in May of 1886, Gertrude in June of 1891, Dorothy in February of 1896, and Howard in 1
September of 1898. William was a widower by 1910, when he was providing a home for his daughter Gertrude. By 1
1920 he had married a lady named Mary seven years his junior, and along with Gertrude, they were living with his 1
daughter Elva and her husband, Shirley N. Fisk. For the 1920 census, William was enumerated at Detroit on January 1
third, and again three days later at Alachua, Florida, where he was working as a sign painter. 1
1. 1870 Federal Census of Perry Township in Wyoming County, New York, 1880 Federal Census of the city of Grand Rapids plus 1900
Federal Census of the Seventh Ward and 1910 Federal Census of the Twelfth Ward of Grand Rapids in Kent County, 1920 Federal
Census of the Thirteenth Ward of Detroit in Wayne County, Michigan, and 1920 Federal Census of Alachua in Alachua County,

Bernart, Adele M.
Detroit bookkeeper .................................................................................................................................................... 1900 1
Detroit photographer ........................................................................................................................................ 1904-1905 d
Detroit resident, clerk or artist .......................................................................................................................... 1907,1910 d 1
Detroit resident .......................................................................................................................................................... 1913 d
Her parents emigrated from Germany, and Adele was born in Michigan on June 14, 1871. In 1910 she and her twin 1 2
brother Eugene were single and were living with their widowed mother, Mrs. Mary T. Bernart. As an artist, Adele had 1
her own studio. 1
1. 1900 and 1910 Federal Censes of the First Ward of Detroit in Wayne County, Michigan.
2. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.
Bernart, Eugene Theodore
Detroit motor boy for the electrical company ............................................................................................................. 1889 d
Detroit clerk or bookkeeper ............................................................................................................................. 1892-1895 d
Detroit manager for a case manufacturing company or resident ...................................................................... 1896-1898 d
United States Navy seaman on the Yosemite and on the Franklin ............................................................................. 1898 1
Detroit clerk for The Photochrom Company ............................................................................................................. 1899 d
Detroit cashier for a brass and iron company ............................................................................................................. 1900 d
Detroit bookkeeper for The Photochrom Company ......................................................................................... 1901-1902 d
Detroit chief clerk for the Detroit Photographic Company ........................................................................................ 1903 d
Detroit photographer .................................................................................................................................................. 1904 d
Detroit assistant treasurer of The Photochrom Company ................................................................................ 1905-1906 d
Detroit assistant treasurer of the Detroit Publishing Company .................................................................................. 1907 d
Detroit secretary and treasurer of an alloy castings company .................................................................................... 1908 d
Detroit assistant treasurer of the Detroit Publishing Company ........................................................................ 1909-1910 d
Detroit office manager of a printing company ........................................................................................................... 1910 2
Detroit clerk ...................................................................................................................................................... 1911,1913 d
Detroit treasurer of The Photochrom Company ......................................................................................................... 1912 d
Detroit resident .......................................................................................................................................................... 1914 d
Detroit assistant treasurer of the Detroit Publishing Company .................................................................................. 1915 d
Detroit president and treasurer of a specialty knitting works ........................................................................... 1917-1918 d
Washington, District of Columbia, United States Army officer ................................................................................ 1920 2
Los Angeles, California, resident ............................................................................................................................... 1930 2
His parents emigrated from Germany, and Eugene was born in Michigan on June 14, 1871. In 1910 he and his twin 2 1
sister Adele were living with their widowed mother, Mrs. Mary T. Bernart. Eugene took a cruise on the S. S. Resolute 2 3
in 1929, leaving New York on January 7, stopping at San Pedro, California, and returning to New York on May 28. He 3
still was single in April of 1930, when he was a paying guest at a huge Los Angeles hotel. 2
1. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.
2. 1900 and 1910 Federal Censes of the First Ward of Detroit in Wayne County, Michigan, 1920 Federal Census of the Tenth Precinct
of Washington, D.C., and 1930 Federal Census of Assembly District 60 of Los Angeles in Los Angeles County, California.
3. New York Passenger Lists, 1820-1957, and California Passenger and Crew Lists, 1893-1957.

Bernier, Samuel F.
Sault Sainte Marie clerk in a general store ...................................................................................................... 1871-1873 1
Sault Sainte Marie tug boat crewman .............................................................................................................. 1873-1874 1
Sault Sainte Marie ferry captain ...................................................................................................................... 1874-1875 1
Great Lakes sailor ............................................................................................................................................ 1876-1877 1
Vermillion Point live-saving surfman .............................................................................................................. 1878-1880 1
Vermillion Point live-saving station keeper ..................................................................................................... 1880-1900 1
Vermillion PHOTOGRAPHER ....................................................................................................................... 1898-1899 m
Sault Sainte Marie life-saving serviceman ................................................................................................................. 1900 2
Sault Sainte Marie grocer ................................................................................................................................ 1900-1928 1 3
His parents, Edward and Matilda (Boulie) Vernier, emigrated from Lower Canada about 1849. Samuel was the fifth 1 2
of their ten children, and was born at Sault Ste. Marie on May 19, 1854. Victoria A. Rousseau was born in Canada in 1 2
February of 1856. She and Samuel were married on October 8, 1878, and their children were born in Michigan: 1 2
Matilda in February of 1881, Maude in August of 1887, George in March of 1890, Eva in April of 1894, Marguerite in 2
August of 1896, and Melbourne in February of 1899. His biographer referred to him as Captain Bernier, and cited 2 1
numerous deeds of valor during his career with the life-saving service. His direction of, and participation in, the rescue 1
of Captain Rose and his wife and nine members of the crew from the grounded schooner John Page on December 2, 1
1894, received particular attention. Victoria died at their home in Sault Ste. Marie on November 9, 1907. 1
1. Alvah L. Sawyer, The History of the Northern Peninsula of Michigan, Lewis Publishing Company, Chicago, 1911, volume 3,
pages 1538 through 1541.
2. 1870, 1900 and 1910 Federal Censes of the First Ward of Sault Ste. Marie in Chippewa County, Michigan.
3. Identification of the source of this information has been misplaced, and must be re-established.
Berridge, John
Bangor resident .......................................................................................................................................................... 1862 1
United States Army soldier .............................................................................................................................. 1862-1865 1
South Haven PHOTOGRAPHER .................................................................................................................... 1865-1866 2
South Haven resident ....................................................................................................................................... 1867-1870 3
John was 30 years old when he enlisted at South Haven as a sergeant in Company D of the First Michigan 1
Sharpshooters on December 29, 1862. Six companies of Sharpshooters mustered at Dearborn in July of 1863 and were 1
ordered to Indianapolis to defend against Morgan’s raiders. They saved North Vernon, Indiana, from being looted by 1
Morgan, who moved into Ohio and was captured by others. They returned to Dearborn, where four additional 1
companies were mustered, and on August 16 were sent to guard prisoners at Camp Douglas. On March 17, 1864, they 1
left Chicago for Annapolis, Maryland. The regiment sustained its first losses on May 6 and 7 in the desperate struggle 1
of the Wilderness. At Spottsylvania on May 9, 10 and 12, they lost 34 killed, 117 wounded and 4 missing. They 1
crossed the James River on the night of June 15, and were positioned the next day at the extreme left of the corps 1
before Petersburg. The Sharpshooters were assaulted almost immediately and in repulsing two charges captured 88 1
men and the colors of the 39th North Carolina Infantry. They were nearly surrounded, and fought their way out at the 1
cost of 32 killed, 46 wounded and 84 missing. John sustained a gunshot wound in action at this time. The ball passed 1 3
entirely through the body of Andrew Hart, killing him and inflicting a serious injury to the left side of John’s chest. He 3
was hospitalized for several days and then returned to duty. The Sharpshooters led their brigade in a charge which 3 1
carried the enemy’s works on July 30, 1864, taking 50 prisoners and losing 3 killed and 13 wounded. They fought at 1
Weldon Railroad and at Ream’s Station in August, lost several killed and wounded at Poplar Spring Church on 1
September 30, and took part in the battles at Pegram Farm on October 2 and at the Boydton Plank Road on October 8. 1
John was promoted to Sergeant Major on November 5, and then was promoted to First Lieutenant of Company C on 1
November 20, 1864. The regiment was among the defenders of Fort Steadman on March 25, 1865, and John was 1
promoted to Captain on March 28. He was captured during this period, and this may have occurred when the 1 3
Sharpshooters made a daring charge on April 12 which succeeded in taking and holding for an hour under a terrific 1
fire of musketry and artillery a portion of the Confederate works at Petersburg. Advancing again about 4 a.m. the next 1
morning, they found the works unoccupied and pushed on to become the first Union regiment to enter the city of 1
Petersburg. John’s health was very poor prior to his capture, but it was much worse when he returned to the regiment. 1 3
After the surrender of General Lee the Sharpshooters proceeded to Alexandria and participated in the grand review at 1
Washington on May 23. They were mustered out at Delaney House, D.C., on July 28, arrived in Jackson on July 31, 1
and were paid and disbanded on August 7, 1865. At Coloma, Michigan, on August 20, 1866, John married 19-year-old 1 3
Rosa Holland of Watervliet. Their daughter Emily was born at South Haven on August 7, 1869. John never recovered 3
from his wound and the exposure and malnutrition while imprisoned. He was diagnosed as having diabetes in 1866, 3
and died at Watervliet in February of 1870. By June of 1874 Rosie had died and Henry R. Holland had been appointed 3
guardian unto Emily Berridge. 3
1. Record of Service of Michigan Volunteers in the Civil War, 1861-1865; published by the State of Michigan about 1904.
2. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1862-1866, National Archives, Washington, D.C.
3. Civil War Veterans Pension Record of John Berridge obtained from the National Archives, Washington, D. C.

Berrnd, Edward
Detroit photographer for Frank W. Allen .................................................................................................................. 1883 d

Berry, A. D.
South Branch PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................. 1908 t
“Fighting Fires, So. Branch, Mich. 1908. A. D. Berry” was scribed into the negative of a post card photograph, and t
“South Branch, Mich. A. D. Berry” was lettered on the negative of a postal photo of a store which was mailed in t
September of 1912. Mrs. A. Berry was a South Branch notary public from 1906 to 1911, and William Berry was a t m
South Branch shoe maker from 1908 until 1913. m

Berry, D.
Marshall DAGUERREOTYPIST on Hanover st ....................................................................................................... 1850 1
1. Richard Carver, A History of Marshall, Marshall Historical Society, Marshall, Michigan, 1993.

Berry, Edward
Detroit photographer .................................................................................................................................................. 1899 d
Detroit postal clerk or express clerk ................................................................................................................ 1901-1904 d
Edward was 55 years old when he died on June 17, 1904. d
Berry, Ira A.
Indian River day laborer ............................................................................................................................................ 1900 1
Indian River (Berry & Martin) PHOTOGRAPHERS ...................................................................................... 1906-1909 m
Indian River PHOTOGRAPHER .................................................................................................................... 1907-1923 t m
Indian River PHOTOGRAPHER .............................................................................................................................. 1930 1
His parents came from Ohio, and Ira was born in Indiana in April of 1869. F. Arthur Martin was his partner in Berry 1 m
& Martin. Ira produced post card photographs of Columbus Beach on Burt Lake and of Indian River; the business m t
area, the depot, a church, a bridge and winter at the beach. The negatives were discreetly marked “I. A. BERRY” and t
many were postmarked in 1907. Ira advertised in 1916: “Photographer, printing and developing, full line of supplies.” t 2
He seems to have been living by himself in 1910, 1920 and 1930. L. A. Berry was listed as an Indian River 1 m
photographer in the gazetteer for 1931. m
1. 1910, 1920 and 1930 Federal Censes of Tuscarora Township in Cheboygan County, Michigan.
2. Cheboygan City and County Directory, 1916, R. L. Polk & Company, Detroit.

Berry, John T.
Flint (Baldwin & Berry) PHOTOGRAPHERS in the Gazley Block ......................................................................... 1873 f
Flint PHOTOGRAPHER on Saginaw st .......................................................................................................... 1878-1879 m
Flint photographer ..................................................................................................................................................... 1880 1
His parents came from New York, and John was born in Michigan in 1854 or 1855. His wife and daughter also were 1
born in Michigan, Rose about 1855 and Retta in 1877 or 1878. 1
1. 1880 Federal Census of the Second Ward of Flint in Genesee County, Michigan.

Berry, Joseph T.
Belding (Daniels & Berry) PHOTOGRAPHERS ................................................................................................. ca 1898 1
Belding PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................ 1898-1899 m
1. A cabinet photo of a young lady dressed in a man’s suit on a mount embossed “Daniels and Berry, Belding, Mich.” sold as eBay
item 370028003454 on March 7, 2008.

Berry, Ladue
Lake Ann PHOTOGRAPHER ......................................................................................................................... 1898-1901 m
His father, Joseph Berry, was born in Michigan in May of 1850. His mother, Alice, was born in Canada in November 1
of 1854, emigrated to the United States in 1864, and married Joseph about 1876. Ladue was born in Michigan in June 1
of 1879, and his sister was born here in October of 1883. He was enumerated as a day laborer in 1900. 1
1. 1900 Federal Census of Almira Township in Benzie County, Michigan.

Berry, Mabel D., Miss

Jackson student .......................................................................................................................................................... 1880 1
Jackson retoucher ............................................................................................................................................ 1891-1892 J
Summit Township resident ........................................................................................................................................ 1900 1
Summit Township housewife ............................................................................................................................ 1910,1920 1
Jackson seamstress ..................................................................................................................................................... 1930 1
Her parents came from New York and Ohio, and Mabel was born in Michigan in November of 1871, second of the 1
four children of James T. and Mary D. Berry. Isaac B. Grandon was born in Pennsylvania in 1872 or early in 1873, 1
and his second marriage was to Mabel about 1905. Their children were born in Michigan: Ethel in 1906, James in 1
December of 1908, Frederick in 1911 and Mary in November of 1914. Mabel was a widow by 1930, when James and 1
Mary still were sharing her home in Jackson. 1
1. 1880 Federal Census of the city of Jackson, 1900, 1910 and 1920 Federal Censes of Summit Township, plus 1930 Federal Census of
the Fourth Ward of Jackson in Jackson County, Michigan.
Berryman, Edwin C.
Leslie retail sales clerk ..................................................................................................................................... 1878-1879 1
Midland merchandise salesman ....................................................................................................................... 1879-1882 1
Midland TRAVELING PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................. 1882 1
Midland (Bannister & Berryman) PHOTOGRAPHERS ................................................................................. 1882-1883 1 t
Midland PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................... 1884-1889 m
Midland PHOTOGRAPHER in the Brick Block at the corner of Main and Townsend sts ............................. 1890-1891 2 m
Superior, Wisconsin, PHOTOGRAPHER ....................................................................................................... 1892-1895 3
West Superior, Wisconsin, PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................ 1895 4
Superior, Wisconsin, PHOTOGRAPHER ....................................................................................................... 1896-1908 3
San Diego, California, photographer ................................................................................................................ 1910,1920 5
San Diego, California, resident ......................................................................................................................... 1930,1945 5 6
Edwin was born on June 27, 1859, in Cayuga County, New York, to William and Catherine (Spears) Berryman. The 1
family moved in 1862 to Leslie, Michigan, where Edwin attended the common schools. He relocated to Midland in 1
April of 1879. Della Glympse was born at Plymouth, Michigan, and grew up to marry Edwin on September 21, 1881. 1
He put aside the traveling photographer’s outfit in October of 1882 in favor of the fixed gallery in Midland. His work 1
included all varieties of photography, copying, enlarging and portrait-painting, crayon, water colors, etc. In the fall of 1 7
1885 it was “Large Pictures a specialty at Berryman’s Gallery! Photographs finished with the Air Brush in India Ink or 7
Water Colors. See the New Egyptian Crystal Photo. BABIES Taken without the use of chloroform. Instantaneous 7
Process Never Fails!” His ads in 1888 read: “Berryman ... Does all kinds of copying and enlarging. Fine Stock 7 2
Mouldings. Any style of picture framed on short notice, and at Bottom Prices.” Adelbert L. Geer was granted a patent 2 p
on a Vignette Holder in March of 1889, and assigned one-half of the rights to Edwin. In 1890 Edwin was “Midland’s p 2
Old and Well Known PHOTOGRAPHER. The only Gallery in the City equipped with First-Class Instruments in 2
Every Respect. OLD PICTURES COPIED To Life Size. Frames, Mouldings, and Artist’s Materials.” He advertised: 2
“... Those fine Photos made by the NEW PROCESS at Berryman’s. A poor picture is dear At Any Price....” From July 2 8
20 through August 10 of 1892, Edwin taught photography at the annual Bay View Assembly summer school in Emmet 8
County. He was awarded a gold badge for his display of photographs at the St. Louis convention of the Photographers’ 8 9
Association of America in the summer of 1894. The PA of A met in 1895 at Detroit, where Edwin was awarded a first 9 4
prize silver medal for landscape photography and a second prize bronze medal for marine views. He exhibited portrait 4 9
photographs at the convention of the Photographers’ Association of Wisconsin in 1898, and cabinet photographs at the 9 0
annual PA of A convention at Celeron on Chautauqua Lake in New York State during the summer of 1899 which were 0
judged to be above average. Edwin was elected vice president of the Photographers’ Association of Wisconsin in 0 9
1903, and was re-elected to this post in 1904. He served as president of the PA of W in 1906. Edwin and his wife, who 0 9
by 1910 was known as Adella, never had children. He was working in a gallery in 1910, and was a widower by 1930. 5
He died at San Diego on March 30, 1945. 6
1. Portrait and Biographical Album of Midland County, Michigan, Chapman Brothers, Chicago, 1884, page 260.
2. Midland Republican, Midland, Michigan. November 6, 1890; Midland Tocsin, Midland, Michigan, July 21 and September 29, 1888;
and Midland Sun, Midland, Michigan, November 6, 1890.
3. Directory of Wisconsin Photographers; State Historical Society of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin, 1991.
4. The Photo-American, New York, volume 6, number 10, August 1895, page 317.
5. 1910, 1920 and 1930 Federal Censes of the city of San Diego in San Diego County, California.
6. California Death Index 1940-1997.
7. Premium List and Awards, Midland County Agricultural Society, 1885.
8. Identification of the source of this information has been misplaced, and must be re-established.
9. St. Louis and Canadian Photographer; volume 12, number 9, September 1894; volume 22, number 4, April 1898,;volume 27,
number 6, June 1903, page 256; and volume 30, number 6, June 1906, page 235.
0. Wilson’s Photographic Magazine, volume 36, number 512, August 1899, page 363, and volume 41, number 570, June 1904, page 286.
Berryman, Frederick
Midland student ......................................................................................................................................................... 1880 1
Midland PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................... 1892-1895 m
Ann Arbor PHOTOGRAPHER at 6 Huron st east .......................................................................................... 1894-1897 m a
Ann Arbor PHOTOGRAPHER at 112 Huron st west ..................................................................................... 1898-1899 m a
Superior, Wisconsin, PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................. 1900 2
San Diego, California, employee of an art store ...................................................................................... 1910,1920,1930 1
Fred was born in Michigan in October of 1868 to William and Catherine (Spears) Berryman. Both parents and two 1
older brothers were born in New York. By 1894 Fred had a wife named Cecille who was born in Michigan in April of 1 3
1875. “F. BERRYMAN, PHOTOGRAPHER, Copying & Enlarging. MIDLAND, MICH.” was stamped on the back of 1 t
heavy 6 ½ by 8 ½ mounts with beveled and gilded edges, and on the backs of larger but lighter mounts. Some of the t
heavy mounts carried sepia toned photographs of a seven man brass band, and others were stamped: “DISASTER OF t
May 12, 1892....” and showed the Larkin saw mill after an explosion. Fred advertised “Excellent Work. Prices t a
Moderate.” at Ann Arbor in 1895, and as an Artistic Photographer in 1896. Photographer O. A. Kelley and portrait a
artist W. A. Pew shared the 6 East Huron Street address in 1897 with Fred, who was listed as proprietor of The a
Berryman Studio in 1898. Cecille was identified as a musical artist in 1900, when she and Fred were living together. a 1
By 1910 Fred was single again, and was enumerated as a salesman. Mildred was born in South Dakota to English 1
parents in 1883, and she married Fred about 1914. Their daughters were born in California: Lucile in November of 1
1915 and Mildred in October of 1917. Fred was working as a frame maker in 1920 and as a salesman in 1930. 1
1. 1880 Federal Census of Midland in Midland County, Michigan, 1900 Federal Census of the Sixth Ward of Superior in Douglas
County, Wisconsin, plus 1910, 1920 and 1930 Federal Censes of the city of San Diego in San Diego County, California.
2. Directory of Wisconsin Photographers; State Historical Society of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin, 1991.
3. 1894 Michigan Census of Midland City in Midland County.

Bertsch, Frank J.
Holland student .......................................................................................................................................................... 1880 1
Holland PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................................ ca 1890 t
Holland Township surf man in the life saving service ............................................................................................... 1910 1
Holland Township employee of a leather tannery ...................................................................................................... 1918 2
Holland Township roller in a leather tannery ............................................................................................................ 1920 1
Holland Township resident ........................................................................................................................................ 1930 1
His father was born in Ohio to parents from the Baden region of Germany, and his mother was born in Michigan to 1
Dutch parents. Frankie was born in Michigan on March 1, 1873, elder of the two sons of David and Hermina Bertsch. 2 1
He became a medium sized adult with brown eyes and brown hair. Her father came from England, Edna was born in 2 1
Michigan in 1876, and she married Frank about 1895. Their daughters were born in Michigan: Olive in 1896 or early 1
in 1897 and Mildred in 1904. 1
1. 1880 Federal Census of the Fourth Ward of Holland, plus 1910, 1920 and 1930 Federal Censes of Holland Township in Ottawa
County, Michigan.
2. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.

Best, Harvey E.
Chariton, Iowa, student .............................................................................................................................................. 1880 1
Detroit retoucher ........................................................................................................................................................ 1899 d
Grand Ledge photographer ........................................................................................................................................ 1900 1
Detroit (Goodson & Best) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 1379 Jefferson av ............................................................ 1903-1905 d m
Detroit photographer .................................................................................................................................................. 1905 d
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 38 Monroe av .................................................................................................. 1906-1909 d m
Detroit photographer .................................................................................................................................................. 1909 d
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 648 Michigan av ............................................................................................. 1910-1913 d m
Muskegon (Melrose & Best) PHOTOGRAPHERS in Room 44 of the Lyman Block .................................... 1918-1919 M m
Kansas City, Missouri, Unity healer .......................................................................................................................... 1930 1
His parents came from Pennsylvania, and Harvey was born in Iowa in May of 1866, fourth of the five sons of Joseph 1
and Elizabeth C. Best. He had two younger sisters, and his older brother William was an Iowa photographer in the 1
1880s and 1890s. Ida was born in Canada in July of 1873, the daughter of John A. and Emma Risk. She immigrated in 1
1896 and married Harvey in 1899 or early in 1900. She remained in Detroit with her parents while Harvey was 1
working in Grand Ledge. From 1903 through 1906 he usually was listed as Harry E. Best. Ida was never a mother, and 1 d
she too was enumerated as a Unity healer in 1930. 1
1. 1880 Federal Census of the town of Chariton in Lucas County, Iowa, 1900 Federal Censes of the Second Ward of Grand Ledge in
Eaton County and of the Seventh Ward of Detroit in Wayne County, Michigan, 1910 Federal Census of the Tenth Ward of Detroit in
Wayne County, Michigan, and 1930 Federal Census of the First Ward of Kansas City in Jackson County, Missouri.
Bestor, Daniel N.
Port Huron photographer ........................................................................................................................................... 1870 1
Port Huron PHOTOGRAPHER at the northeast corner of Water and Seventh sts .......................................... 1872-1873 m P
Port Huron PHOTOGRAPHER on Water st west ........................................................................................... 1874-1875 m
Mount Clemens (Light & Bestor) PHOTOGRAPHERS ................................................................................. 1876-1877 m
Port Huron (D. N. Bestor & Company) PHOTOGRAPHERS ........................................................................ 1876-1877 2 t
Daniel was born in 1834 or 1835 in Ohio, and Sarah was born in New York ten years later. Their daughter was born 1
in Ohio about 1867. “D N BESTOR & CO Dollar Gallery, Corner 7th St Bridge & Water St, Port Huron, Mich.” was 1 t
stamped on the paper sleeves of tintypes. t
1. 1870 Federal Census of the Fourth Ward of Port Huron, St. Clair County, Michigan.
2. Bradstreet’s Commercial Reports ... Western & Southern States; J. M. Bradstreet & Son Company, New York, January 1, 1877.

Betcher, William
Ironwood photographer ............................................................................................................................................. 1892 1
1. Twin City Directory of Ironwood, Mich., and Hurley, Wisc., 1892, A. P. Negley, Ironwood, Michigan.

Betterly, William H.
Byron PHOTOGRAPHER and barber ............................................................................................................ 1878-1879 m
Byron barber .................................................................................................................................................... 1880-1883 1 m
William was born in Ohio in 1848 or 1849 and Evie, his wife, was born in Michigan four years later. 1
1. 1880 Federal Census of Burns Township in Shiawassee County, Michigan.

Betts, Elmer E.
Jackson apprentice dentist ......................................................................................................................................... 1880 1
Jackson photographer ................................................................................................................................................ 1884 J
Elmer was born in Michigan in 1861 or 1862, and in 1880 was boarding with 68-year-old dentist Jeremiah Robinson 1
and his wife. 1
1. 1880 Federal Census of the Fourth Ward of Jackson in Jackson County, Michigan.

Betty, John
Plymouth PHOTOGRAPHER ......................................................................................................................... 1896-1897 m
Plymouth carpenter .......................................................................................................................................... 1898-1901 m 1
Plymouth planing mill proprietor ..................................................................................................................... 1902-1905 m
Los Angeles, California, carpenter for a packing house ............................................................................................ 1910 1
Corcoran, California, house or building carpenter ............................................................................................ 1920,1930 1
John was born in June of 1864, emigrated from England about 1881, and became a naturalized citizen of the United 1
States in 1897. Her parents came from New York, Belle L. Collins was born in Michigan in October of 1875, and she
married John about 1892. Their children were born in Michigan: Helen in September of 1893, John in December of
1896, and Mary in October of 1899.
1. 1900 Federal Census of the village of Plymouth in Wayne County, Michigan, 1910 Federal Census of the city of Los Angeles in
Los Angeles County, plus 1920 and 1930 Federal Censes of the city of Corcoran in Kings County, California.

Beyer, Jennie B., Miss

Grand Rapids resident or clerk ........................................................................................................................ 1897-1899 g
Grand Rapids retoucher ............................................................................................................................................. 1900 g
Grand Rapids binder for a printing company ............................................................................................................. 1902 g
Grand Rapids resident ...................................................................................................................................... 1903-1906 g
Her father emigrated from England, Jennie was born in Canada in June of 1883, and she was brought across the 1
border in 1890. In 1900, Jennie was living with her 49-year-old widowed mother, Mrs. Ada B. Beyer. 1
1. 1900 Federal Census of the First Ward of Grand Rapids in Kent County, Michigan.

Beyette, N. Earl
Caro PHOTOGRAPHER at 120 Lincoln st west ....................................................................................................... 1917 t
Caro teacher in a district school ................................................................................................................................. 1920 1
Caro PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................................. 1920-1931 m
Earl’s parents came from Canada and he was born in Michigan in 1892. Gertrude was born in Michigan in 1893. By 1
1920 she was married to Earl and was teaching in a public school. Their son Charles was born in Michigan in 1924 or 1
1925. “Court House Square, May 29, 1917” was written, and “BEYETTE’S Photo Studio, 120 West Lincoln St., Caro, 1 t
Michigan” was stamped on the back of a 4 by 6 ½ inch unmounted photograph. t
1. 1920 and 1930 Federal Censes of the village of Caro in Indian Fields Township of Tuscola County, Michigan.
Biddlecomb, William G.
Port Huron child ........................................................................................................................................................ 1870 1
Port Huron student ..................................................................................................................................................... 1880 1
Port Huron photographer for William H. Barron ....................................................................................................... 1885 P
Port Huron PHOTOGRAPHER in Room 10 over the First National Bank ..................................................... 1886-1887 m P
Port Huron PHOTOGRAPHER at 201 Huron av ............................................................................................ 1888-1891 P m
Port Huron PHOTOGRAPHER at 710 Lapeer av ........................................................................................... 1893-1895 P m
Port Huron PHOTOGRAPHER at 201 Huron av ............................................................................................ 1896-1897 m
Port Huron PHOTOGRAPHER in the top floor of the Meisel Block ............................................................. 1898-1901 m P
Port Huron PHOTOGRAPHER at 505 Water st ............................................................................................. 1901-1903 P m
Port Huron PHOTOGRAPHER at 505 Water st and 801 Military st ........................................................................ 1904 P
Port Huron PHOTOGRAPHER at 505 Water st ............................................................................................. 1904-1909 m P
Port Huron PHOTOGRAPHER at 505 Water st and 801 Military st .............................................................. 1909-1915 P m
Port Huron PHOTOGRAPHER at 505 Water st ............................................................................................. 1916-1923 m P
Samuel and Anne Biddlecomb and one daughter, two sons and two step daughters emigrated from England on the 1
Sir Robert Peel and landed at New York City on September 7, 1866. William, their youngest son, was born in 1
Michigan during the following month. Eliza was born in Michigan in January of 1872, she married William in 1892 or 1
very early in 1893, and their daughter Gladys was born here in October of 1893. The First National Bank was at the 1 P
northwest corner of Huron Avenue and River Street. William had a ground floor studio about 1900. The forward to a P t
local publication included: “… To Mr. W. G. Biddlecomb, photographer, should be given the bulk of the credit for the 2
success of this work, and his untiring efforts will certainly be appreciated in the homes where it is delivered. This is an 2
excellent place to say that any person desiring to secure duplicates of photos appearing in ‘Port Huron in 1900’ can do 2
so by calling at his gallery in the Commercial Bank building….” William’s cabinet photographs included scenes along 2 t
the St. Clair River and post mortem pictures of children as well as the usual portraits. He advertised in 1899, 1902 and t P
1904 as “The Photographer. The Best Work Always. Take The Elevator….” His daughter Gladys was married about P 1
1916 to the Canadian Burton E. Poste, who was a Detroit photographer from 1919 until 1928. 1 d
1. 1870, 1880, 1900, 1910 and 1920 Federal Censes of the Fourth Ward of Port Huron in St. Clair County, plus 1920 and 1930 Federal
Censes of the Seventeenth Ward of Detroit in Wayne County, Michigan.
2. William V. Black, publisher, Port Huron in 1900, Port Huron, Michigan, September, 1900.

Bierbower, Ardelia M., Miss

Grand Rapids resident or bookkeeper .............................................................................................................. 1889-1895 g
Grand Rapids retoucher ............................................................................................................................................. 1896 g
Grand Rapids resident or milliner .................................................................................................................... 1897-1908 g
Grand Rapids artist .................................................................................................................................................... 1909 g
Grand Rapids clerk, saleslady or saleswoman ................................................................................................. 1910-1930 g 1
Grand Rapids resident ...................................................................................................................................... 1931-1943 g
The Ardelia M. Bierbower that was a Grand Rapids saleslady in 1920 and 1930 was born in Missouri in 1882, and 1
seems too young to have been the retoucher. 1
1. 1920 Federal Census of the Third Ward and 1930 Federal Census of the Second Ward of Grand Rapids in Kent County, Michigan.

Bierce, William B.
Detroit child or student ..................................................................................................................................... 1870,1880 1
Detroit clerk for an insurance company ........................................................................................................... 1882-1885 d
Detroit insurance agent .................................................................................................................................... 1886-1890 d
Detroit (C. G. Wynn & Company) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 242 Woodward av .............................................. 1887-1889 d
Detroit insurance and real estate agent ............................................................................................................ 1891-1893 d
Detroit fire insurance agent .............................................................................................................................. 1894-1911 d 1
Detroit resident .......................................................................................................................................................... 1912 d
His parents came from New York and William was born in Michigan in October of 1865, the son of Nicholas A. and 1
Elvira Bierce. Her parents also came from New York, Eugenia was born here in August of 1870, and she married 1
William about 1892. They had no children. William was associated with the insurance business of his father until 1 d
1891, when he became a partner in Bierce & Sage. This partnership was succeeded by the Detroit Underwriters d
Company about 1912. d
1. 1870 Federal Census of the Fifth Ward plus 1880, 1900 and 1910 Federal Censes of the Sixth Ward of Detroit in Wayne County,

Bigelow, _______
“Bigelow’s Photographic Panorama” presented 200 of the most interesting sights of the Philadelphia Centennial 1
Exposition of 1876 at Hagsterfer’s Hall in Ann Arbor. The views were “... thrown upon a screen fifteen feet square.” 1
1. Ann Arbor Courier, Ann Arbor, Michigan, October, 1876.
Bigelow, Edwin B.
Pontiac student ........................................................................................................................................................... 1850 1
Detroit student ................................................................................................................................................. 1855-1861 2
Davisburg teacher ...................................................................................................................................................... 1862 3 4
United States Army soldier .............................................................................................................................. 1862-1866 3 4
Chattanooga, Tennessee, resident .................................................................................................................... 1866-1867 4
Minneapolis, Minnesota, druggist .................................................................................................................... 1867-1877 4 5
Detroit employee of photographer Lyman G. Bigelow .............................................................................................. 1878 d
Detroit (Bigelow Brothers) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 244 Woodward av ......................................................... 1878-1879 m
Detroit (Bigelow & Taylor) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 244 Woodward av .................................................................. 1879 d
Jackson (Bigelow’s Art Gallery) PHOTOGRAPHERS next to the Hurd House at 198 and 200 Main st ................. 1880 6
Jackson PHOTOGRAPHER at 120 Main st east ............................................................................................. 1880-1883 m
Jackson PHOTOGRAPHER at 118 Main st east ............................................................................................. 1883-1885 J m
Jackson drug salesman ............................................................................................................................................... 1900 1
Jackson druggist ............................................................................................................................................... 1902-1905 m
Jackson resident or druggist ............................................................................................................................. 1906-1916 4
His parents, George and Hannah Bigelow, came from New York, and Massachusetts and Edwin was born on 1 6
December 9, 1838, at Springfield, Michigan. He was a couple of years older than his brother Lyman who is the subject 6 1
of an entry below. His opportunities were limited by the death of his father in 1854, and he was steward on the steamer 1 5
Forester during the 1857 season. He was 23 when he enlisted at Davisburg as a private in Company B. of the Fifth 5 3
Michigan Cavalry on August 20, 1862. He was mustered as a sergeant and was promoted to first sergeant on 3 4
December 16, 1862, and was taken prisoner at Buckland Mills, Virginia, on October 19, 1863. Edwin was confined at 4
Richmond, Virginia, until February 10, 1864, when he was sent to Andersonville, Georgia. He managed to escape and 4 3
reported within the Union lines on June 15, 1864. He was discharged on August 9 to accept promotion, and was 3 4
appointed a captain in the First United States Colored Heavy Artillery on August 10, 1864. During the summer of 4 6
1865 he and Mary A. Stevens were married at Fenton, Michigan. He was acting Inspector General, First Brigade, 6 4
Department of Tennessee, from November 19, 1865, until his honorable discharge at Chattanooga on March 31, 1866. 4 3
The Bigelows moved in the spring of 1867 from Chattanooga to Minneapolis, where they were raising three daughters. 5 1
Mary died at Minneapolis on May 28, 1877. Bigelow Brothers and Bigelow & Taylor both reproduced the medals 4 t
awarded to Lyman G. Bigelow in 1872 and 1876 on the backs of their card photograph mounts. Elmore W. Taylor was t d
Edwin’s associate in 1879, when they possessed 8000 negatives and did only first class work in everything from 2 ¼ d
by 1 ½ inch Minettes to life size portraits. “Bigelow’s Art Gallery, Next to Hurd House, Jackson, Mich. All d t
Negatives preserved. More like this can be had at any time for $2. per doz.” was printed on the back of some card t
photograph mounts. Edwin succeeded Frank C. Bracy in Jackson, and employed Lyman G. Bigelow as a photographer t 6
and Miss Clara Norton as a retoucher in 1880. He employed Albert J. Davison as a photographer and Miss Lulu 6
Clarke as an artist and retoucher in 1883. At Jackson on September 3, 1883, Edwin married Ida (Foerster) Hunt. Her 6 4
parents emigrated from Germany, Ida was born on November 27, 1854, at New Orleans, Louisiana, and lost her first 4
husband there to yellow fever on October 21, 1878. Their daughter Edwina May Bigelow was born on October 31, 4
1884, and their son George H. Bigelow was born on February 1, 1891. After selling his gallery, Edwin became 4 6
yardmaster at the Michigan State Prison, and introduced strawberry culture on the prison farm. Later he was 6
bookkeeper for a grocery firm. With the proceeds of an endowment policy that matured in 1898 he built a drugstore 6
that he operated until 1916. Edwin died at Jackson on September 22, 1916, and Ida died there about November 1, 6 4
1919. 4
1. 1870 Federal Census of the Fourth Ward of Minneapolis in Hennepin County, Minnesota, 1850 Federal Census of the village of
Pontiac in Oakland County plus 1900 and 1910 Federal Censes of the Second Ward of Jackson in Jackson County, Michigan.
2. W. J. Beal, History of Michigan Agricultural College, 1915, page 486.
3. Record of Service of Michigan Volunteers in the Civil War, 1861-1865; published by the State of Michigan about 1904.
4. Civil War Military Record and Veterans Pension Records of Edwin B. Bigelow from the National Archives, Washington, D. C.
5. Text accompanying listing of eBay item 6510173595 on February 5, 2005.
6. Learned in 1997 from Gerry L. Blanchard of Jackson, Michigan.

Bigelow, Ephram B.
Jackson photographer ................................................................................................................................................ 1880 1
Ephram was born in New York State in 1844 or 1845. In 1880 he was a widower with a twelve-year-old daughter 1
named Hattie, and they were boarding with the parents of photographer Henry A. Seymour. 1
1. 1880 Federal Census of the Fourth Ward of Jackson in Jackson County, Michigan.

Bigelow, George T.
Detroit photographer or resident ...................................................................................................................... 1892-1893 d
Detroit (E. H. Husher & Company) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 236 Woodward av ............................................ 1894-1895 d
Detroit photographer ........................................................................................................................................ 1896-1897 d
Bigelow, Hamilton
Lansing PHOTOGRAPHER at 201 Washington av south .............................................................................. 1893-1895 1 m
Lansing (Lansing Photo Company) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 201 Washington av south ...................................... ca 1895 t
In 1894 Hamilton employed Ralph Ellison as a photographer and both Blanche Moses and John M. Mutton as L
retouchers. He advertised in a Lansing High School publication: “TAKE NOTICE - The work done for the Lansing L 1
High School graduating class of ’93 was so satisfactory that ’94 class by unanimous vote decided to have their class 1
work done by Bigelow also, and his `Photo Souvenir Book’ was the form preferred of all the samples examined. They 1
have made about eighteen hundred cabinets for the ’94 class. Their Babies’ Photos are universally acknowledged the 1
finest in the State. BIGELOW’S STUDIO, 201 Washington Ave., S., is the place for Fine, Strictly First-Class 1
Photos.” His Lansing Photo Company succeeded Alonzo M. Cheney, and posed a uniformed and mustachioed young 1 t
postal carrier with his mail bag and a handful of letters. t
1. “Oracle” - 1894 Lansing High School yearbook, Lansing, Michigan.

Bigelow, Hamilton M.
Farmington resident ................................................................................................................................................... 1862 1
United States Army soldier .............................................................................................................................. 1862-1865 1 2
Bloomfield Township carpenter ................................................................................................................................ 1870 3
Williamston Township farmer or resident ........................................................................................................ 1880,1890 3 2
Williamston pensioner or retiree ....................................................................................................................... 1900,1910 3
Hamilton was born in Michigan in October of 1844, a son of Jonathan R. and Esther Susan Bigelow, both natives of 3
New York. On August 19, 1862, he enlisted at Franklin in Company A of the Fifth Michigan Infantry, and he was 3 1
mustered into the army a week later. He became a bugler in October of 1862, and later was promoted to sergeant. The 1 2
Fifth was assigned to the Michigan Cavalry Brigade and saw heavy action in the east from Gettysburg in July of 1863 1
to Appomattox in April of 1865. Hamilton was fortunate to be mustered out of the army at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, 1
on June 22, 1865, for many of his comrades were sent farther west and mustered out in Utah to find their own way 1
home. Susan was born in Michigan in October of 1846, and she married Hamilton in 1866 or early in 1867. Their son 1 3
Carl was born here in January of 1870. This Hamilton M. Bigelow may have been the proprietor of the Lansing 3 L
photographic business described by the preceding entry. L
1. Record of Service of Michigan Volunteers in the Civil War, 1861-1865; published by the State of Michigan about 1904.
2. 1890 Michigan Veterans Schedule.
3. 1860 and 1870 Federal Censes of Bloomfield Township in Oakland County, 1880 Federal Census of Williamston Township, plus
1900 and 1910 Federal Censes of the village of Williamston in Ingham County, Michigan.
Bigelow, Harvey S.
Dowagiac child or student ................................................................................................................................ 1850,1860 1
Dowagiac wood turner in his father’s furniture factory ............................................................................................. 1870 1
Dowagiac cabinet maker ............................................................................................................................................ 1880 1
Dowagiac PHOTOGRAPHER .................................................................................................................................. 1883 2
Dowagiac PHOTOGRAPHER and furniture merchant on Front st ................................................................. 1884-1885 m
Dowagiac PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................ 1886-1897 m
Dowagiac PHOTOGRAPHER on the ground floor at 109 Beeson st ............................................................. 1898-1899 m
Dowagiac PHOTOGRAPHER at 310 New York av ................................................................................................. 1899 3
Dowagiac travelling salesman .................................................................................................................................... 1900 1
Dowagiac PHOTOGRAPHER on the ground floor at 109 Beeson st ............................................................. 1900-1902 4 5
Dowagiac wood turner in a drill factory .................................................................................................................... 1910 1
Santa Ana, California, proprietor of a phonograph store ........................................................................................... 1920 1
Santa Ana, California, salesman in a jewelry store .................................................................................................... 1930 1
Orange County, California, resident .......................................................................................................................... 1843 6
Harvey was born in Michigan on July 24, 1848, one of the four sons of Harvey and Laura M. (Hurlbut) Bigelow, 6 1
both natives of Connecticut. He was often listed as Hervey. He and his twin brother Herman had an older brother 1
Charles and a younger brother Otis. The elder Harvey Bigelow conducted an extensive furniture and undertaking 1 7
business in Dowagiac from 1851 through 1889. Jennie’s parents emigrated from England, she was born in Michigan in 7 1
May of 1852, and she grew up to marry Harvey S. Bigelow. Their daughter Katie was born here in 1875 or early in 1
1876. Harvey attended the annual convention of the Photographers’ Association of America at Milwaukee in August 1 2
of 1883. He may have extended his father’s undertaking and furniture business into the 1890s. He produced a card m t
photograph from Front Street of a naked baby sitting in a washbowl and a full length cabinet photo from Beeson Street t
of a gentleman holding his cigar. Jennie and Harvey still were together in 1910, but by 1912 Harvey was free to marry t 1
a 32-year-old woman named Carrie. She was born at Freeburg, Pennsylvania, on April 9, 1880, seventh of the twelve 1 6
children of Samuel and Catherine (Mainer) Moyer. She died in Orange County, California, on June 26, 1943, and 1 6
Harvey died there just a few months later on November 17, 1943. 6
1. 1880 Federal Census of Freeburg in Snyder County and 1900 Federal Census of Coplay in Lehigh County, Pennsylvania, 1850, 1860
and 1870 Federal Censes of the village of Dowagiac, 1880 Federal Census of the city of Dowagiac, 1900 and 1910 Federal Censes of
the First Ward of Dowagiac in Cass County, Michigan, plus 1920 Federal Census of the Fourth Ward and 1930 Federal Census of the
Fifth Ward of Santa Ana in Orange County, California.
2. The Photographic Times, New York, volume 13, number 152, August 1883.
3. Dowagiac, Cassopolis and ... Townships Directory, 1899, Norton.
4. Dowagiac Daily News, Dowagiac, Michigan, July 2, 1900.
5. As You Like It, 1902.
6. California Death Index, 1940-1997.
7. Portrait and Biographical Record of Berrien and Cass Counties, Michigan, Biographical Publishing Company, Chicago, 1893, page 219.
Bigelow, Lyman Goodale
Detroit employee of daguerreotypist O. D. Moore .................................................................................................... 1854 1
Detroit resident or clerk ................................................................................................................................... 1855-1857 d
Detroit resident or artist .................................................................................................................................... 1859,1861 d
United States Army soldier .............................................................................................................................. 1863-1866 2
Albion PHOTOGRAPHER and inventor ........................................................................................................ 1866-1867 m p
Grand Rapids artist and inventor ..................................................................................................................... 1868-1871 m p
Grand Rapids PHOTOGRAPHER ....................................................................................................................... ca 1871 t
Grand Rapids (Bigelow & Holcomb) PHOTOGRAPHERS in McReynold’s Block on Canal st .................... 1872-1873 g t
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 244 Woodward av ........................................................................................... 1875-1878 d
Detroit (Bigelow Brothers) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 244 Woodward av ......................................................... 1878-1879 m
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 127 Park st ................................................................................................................ 1879 d
Jackson photographer for Edwin B. Bigelow ............................................................................................................ 1880 J
Jackson (Bigelow & Weed) PHOTOGRAPHERS next to the Hurd House at 198 and 200 Main st ......................... 1881 J
Grand Rapids PHOTOGRAPHER at 20 Canal st ...................................................................................................... 1881 g
Grand Rapids (Michigan Artotype Company) PHOTOGRAPHERS at the corner of Pearl and Ottawa sts .............. 1881 g
Grand Rapids (Michigan Artotype Company) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 20 Canal st ....................................... 1882-1883 g m
Detroit photographer for Daniel J. Smith ................................................................................................................... 1885 d
Chattanooga, Tennessee, inventor ............................................................................................................................. 1890 p
Saint Joseph, Missouri, (Bigelow & Parcell) PHOTOGRAPHERS .......................................................................... 1891 1
Saint Joseph, Missouri, PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................... 1892-1899 1
Saint Joseph, Missouri, inventor and PHOTOGRAPHER .............................................................................. 1901-1904 p 2
Ronan, Montana, PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................. 1904-1917 3
Coronado, California, PHOTOGRAPHER ...................................................................................................... 1917-1921 3
Coronado, California, retiree ........................................................................................................................... 1922-1940 3 2
Lyman was born to George and Hannah Bigelow at Springfield, Michigan, on June 30, 1841, and moved with his 2 1
family to Detroit in 1847. He polished daguerreotype plates for O. D. Moore, and kept the gallery clean. From 1856 to 1
1859 he studied with J. H. Dolph, the famous painter of animals. He then continued his study of art for two years at 1
New York and Boston, and then painted portraits until he enlisted at Grand Rapids as a trumpeter in Company D of the 1 2
Tenth Michigan Cavalry on September 19, 1863. At this time he was 5 feet 8 inches tall with blue eyes, brown hair and 2
a light complexion. Within four months he was promoted to sergeant, and then served as an assistant topographical 2 1
engineer. He was discharged at Knoxville, Tennessee, on July 28, 1864, to accept a commission as First Lieutenant of 2
Company H in the First United States Colored Heavy Artillery. He served at Chattanooga, Tennessee, during the 2 1
Chickamauga campaign, and then was on the staff of General Thomas at Nashville until the close of the war. He was 1
discharged at Chattanooga on March 31, 1866. He applied for a patent on an improvement in Solar Printing Cameras 2 p
on April 22, 1867, and Patent Number 70,509 was granted to him on November 5, 1867. His Patent Number 115,812 p
issued on June 13, 1871, covering a Radially Shaded Rotating Background, and Patent Number 119,111 was granted p
to him on September 19, 1871, covering Sized Cloth Photographers’ Curtains. Lyman exhibited an exquisitely colored p 4
portrait of a lady and child at the 1871 National Photographic Association convention in Philadelphia, as well as the 4
patented background and curtains which were being advertised and sold nationally. Back in Grand Rapids from the 4
exhibition, he found that his factory and home had been destroyed by fire, but this caused only a brief delay in the 4
delivery of his new products. Bigelow & Holcomb finished pictures in every style known to the art, and made a 4 t
specialty of copying. The gold medal offered by the Scovill Manufacturing Company for the greatest improvements in t 4
photography during the year 1870-71 was presented to Lyman by President Bogardus of the NPA at the St. Louis 4
convention in May of 1872. In his acceptance speech, Lyman mentioned: “... Less than one year since, I laid aside the 4
palette and the pencil for the chemicals and the camera. At Philadelphia I first learned that the field of the 4
photographer was as broad, in an art sense, as that of the painter, and on this conviction I acted in abandoning the one 4
and adopting the other.” During the convention he was named Vice President of the NPA for Michigan. One of the 4 5
exhibits at St. Louis was Bigelow’s Album of Lighting and Posing, which was selling for $6.00. It proposed that the 5
glass of the gallery be covered with twelve numbered opaque blinds, six for the side light and six for the angled sky 5
light, each of which could be independently opened or closed. The album contained 24 Victoria sized (4 ½ by 3 5
inches) portraits, each made with a different and defined combination of open and closed blinds to achieve a desired 5
pictorial result, including “shadow” portraits and Rembrandt effects. Lyman’s art training and experience as a 5
professional portrait painter and photographer were evident in the quality of the portraits. His Album was reviewed and 5
excerpted in six 1872 issues of a photographic magazine. In 1873 he copyrighted cloud negatives which could be used 5
as borders and backgrounds without masking or double printing, and which were sold along with full directions by 5
Scovill. Three articles by Lyman on his cloud negatives and other subjects were published in 1873 and 1874 5
periodicals, and his photographs were used as frontispieces in three magazines in 1874 and 1876. He employed 4 g
Theodore D. Johnson as a photographer in 1873, exhibited both photos and photographic requisites at the Chicago g 4
convention of the NPA in July of 1874, received the $100.00 gold medal from the Philadelphia Photographer for the 4 1
finest cabinet work submitted in 1874, was awarded a first prize at the Michigan State Fair in 1875 for a crayon 1 6
portrait, exhibited a fine collection of photographs and cards at the Oakland County Fair at Pontiac in October of 6
1875, employed George Heyn as a photograph printer in 1876, and was one of the 140 professionals that exhibited d 7
photographs in Class 430 at the 1876 Centennial International Exposition in Philadelphia. A 242 by 77 foot 7
Photographic Exhibition Building housed these exhibits plus 54 others of carbon prints, photo-lithographs and 7
photographic apparatus in classes 431, 432 and 433. During the exposition Lyman had charge of the portrait 7
department for the Centennial Photographic Company. His Detroit card photograph mounts carried a gilded 7 t
reproduction of the “$100 Gold Medal Presented to L. G. Bigelow by the N.P.A. for Greatest Improvements in 1 t
Photography - 1871.” Later card and cabinet mounts carried a smaller reproduction of the medal (with the date t
changed to 1872) along with a gilded copy of the “Wilson First Prize Medal, National Competition - Awarded L. G. t
Bigelow - 1876” and bronzed copies of both sides of the medal awarded to him by the United States Centennial t
Commission at Philadelphia in 1876 for artistic posing and novel effects in lighting. Monochrome reproductions of the 1 t
same medals were printed on card mounts of the Bigelow Brothers. Lyman produced stereoscopic views of Detroit. He t 8
founded the Detroit Photo Mechanical Printing Company in June of 1877, and visited England for the next two months 9
to buy equipment for the venture. In response to his application filed December 10, 1878, Patent Number 217,981 9 p
dealing with Photo-Mechanical Printing issued July 29, 1879. Mrs. Sarah (Woodruff) Bigelow, who married Lyman at p 2
Albion in 1864, died about 1878. Miss Ada C. Dickenson came to Detroit from New York in the mid 1870s and 2 3
became Lyman’s studio assistant for several years prior to their marriage on April 18, 1880. They later had three 3 2
children: Lou Adelaide was born November 24, 1884, Ada was born November 18, 1886, and Herbert was born 2
October 18, 1888. Bigelow & Weed made card photographs for $2.00 per dozen. Five of Lyman’s articles were 2 t
included in Wilson’s Photographics, published in 1881, when Eli P. Harrington was associated with Lyman in the 0 g
Michigan Artotype Company. This company probably used the same concepts and equipment that had been employed g d
by the Detroit Photo Mechanical Printing Company, and Lyman was identified as president of the company in 1883. g
Ward B. Flower established a gallery at Pontiac in the same year, citing experience as a pupil of L. G. Bigelow as one 6
of his major credentials. In 1888 Lyman was awarded a medal and was voted an honorary member of the Paris 6 1
Academy of Arts and Sciences. In the spring of 1890 he sent a photographic journal several nearly life size portrait 1
contact prints made with his “Diffuse Focus Diaphragm” which would soon be on the market. By July he had been 1
hired by the Cramer Dry Plate Works as a representative, and his Patent Number 443,386 covering a Stop or 1 p
Diaphragm for Photographic Cameras issued December 23, 1890. With H. G. Parcell as a partner, he opened a p 1
handsome studio in the fall of 1891 at St. Joseph, Missouri. Their partnership was dissolved early in 1892, and Parcell 1
returned to Kirksville, Missouri. Articles by Lyman on various subjects were printed in a periodical in the fall of 1890 1 5
and in photographic annuals for 1890, 1891, 1892 and 1894. He exhibited a novel Umbrella Reflector at the St. Louis 5 9
convention of the PA of A in August of 1894. A picture and description of “Bigelow’s Flashlight Apparatus” 9 1
published early in 1895 was accompanied by a half tone engraving from a portrait negative made using the apparatus. 1
His Patent Number 543,639 for a Photographic Flash-Light Machine issued July 30, 1895, and his article on a new p 5
system of flash-light photography was published early in 1898. Another patent on a Photographic Flash-Light 5 p
Machine, Number 696,402, was granted to him on April 1, 1902. His Flash-Light Machine was advertised utilizing full p 1
pages at the beginning of the year and half pages at the end of 1902. When lands of the Flathead Indian Reservation in 1 3
Montana were opened to settlement, applications were simplified for veterans of the Civil War. Lyman established a 3
homestead four miles outside Ronan, and opened a studio in town with his daughter Lou as an assistant. The Bigelows 3
made many prints for Roland Reed, who was photographing Blackfoot Indians and making life sized portraits of them 3
to sell at the 1915 Panama-Pacific Exposition at San Diego, California. In 1913 Lou became Reed’s assistant, and 3
during the exposition they were kept very busy at his studio in Coronado making prints. Before the exposition was 3
over, Reed was anxious to get back into the field, and Lou was able to purchase the well-equipped Coronado studio 3
with a small down payment. Lyman joined his daughter at Coronado in 1917, and helped her run the studio until he 3
retired in 1921. His wife died at Coronado on February 6, 1939, and he died there of senility and chronic myocarditis 2
on April 25, 1940. He was nursed day and night by his daughter Ada during his final illness, and burial was in 2
Rosecrans National Cemetery. Lyman’s A Self Biography was handed down to his grandchildren and was available to 2 3
one of my sources, but has yet to be published so far as I know. 3
1. St. Louis and Canadian Photographer; volume 8, numbers 5 and 7, May and July 1890; volume 9, number 11, November 1891; volume 10,
number 2, February 1892; volume 13, number 1, January 1895; volume 17, number 7, July 1899, page 329; and volume 26, numbers 1, 2
and 12, January, February and December 1902..
2. Record of Service of Michigan Volunteers in the Civil War, 1861-1865; published by the State of Michigan about 1904; and
Civil War Veterans Pension Records of Lyman G. Bigelow from the National Archives, Washington, D. C.
3. Joan M. Mohr, “Seeker of Light and Shadow, Lou Adelaide Bigelow” in The Journal of San Diego History, circa 1987.
4. The Philadelphia Photographer, volume 8, 1871, pages 248 and 256; volume 9, 1872, pages 168, 169, 201 and 229; volume 10, number 117,
September 1873, pages 268 , 269 and 277; volume 11, number 126, June 1874; volume 12, number 140, August 1875, page 250; volu me 13,
numbers 145 and 156, January and December, 1876; and volume 14, number 162, June 1877, page 191.
5. The Photographic Times, New York City, volume 2, numbers 17, 18, 20, 21, 22 and 23, May, June, August, September, October and
November 1872, pages 68, 87, 88, 113, 114, 136, 137, 138, 145 and 163; volume 4, numbers 47 and 48, November and December 18 74,
pages 175, 176, 186 and 187; volume 20, number 473, October 10, 1890, pages 505 and 506; and volume 30, number 3, March 1898.
6. Pontiac Gazette, Pontiac, Michigan, October 15, 1875; and the Pontiac Bill Poster, Pontiac, Michigan, May 9, 1883.
7. International Exhibition, 1876, Official Catalogue, United States Centennial Commission, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
8. William Culp Darrah, The World of Stereographs, Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, 1977.
9. Identification of the source of this information has been misplaced, and must be re-established..
0. Wilson’s Photographics, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 1881; and The American Annual of Photography and Photographic Times Almanac,
for 1890, page 64; for 1891, page 177; for 1892, page 102; and for 1894, page 96.
Bigelow, Royal Gilbert
Northport student ....................................................................................................................................................... 1900 1
Northport house carpenter ......................................................................................................................................... 1910 1
East Lansing PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................. 1916 t
East Lansing Instructor in Mechanical Engineering at Michigan Agricultural College ................................... 1916-1917 2 3
United States Army soldier ........................................................................................................................................ 1918 3 4
Lansing tool and die maker for the Olds Motor Works ............................................................................................. 1920 1 3
Evanston, Illinois, teacher of mechanical engineering at Northwestern University ................................................... 1930 1
Royal was born at Gill’s Pier in Leelanau County, Michigan, on June 6, 1888, the eldest child of George Gilbert 5 1
Bigelow and Eliza Bigelow. His brother Walter, his sister Opal and his sister Ruby were born between July of 1890 1
and September of 1896. Royal and Walter were working in their father’s carpentry business in 1910. “Big” was 1 t
lettered on some of the negatives of a series of postal photographs taken of the ruins of the Michigan Agricultural t
College Engineering Building after it burned on March 5, 1916. “This is the remains of the laboratory where I held lab t
classes” was written on one of these cards. Royal was short and stout with brown eyes and hair when he married Miss t 5
Helen Wyatt on June 6, 1917, at Evanston, Illinois. Helen was born in Illinois in 1892 and worked as a bookkeeper for 4 1
a bank. Royal was inducted into the army on September 6, 1918, and served as an auto truck mechanic in the Army 4 3
Training Center at Michigan Agricultural College until his honorable discharge on December 17, 1918. He and Helen 4 1
had two children born in Illinois: Janet in May of 1925 and George in March of 1930. 1
1. 1900 and 1910 Federal Censes of the village of Northport in Leelanau County and 1920 Federal Census of the city of East Lansing in
Ingham County, Michigan, plus 1930 Federal Census of the Sixth Ward of Evanston in Cook County, Illinois.
2. Noted in a 1917 “Wolverine” yearbook and in a 1917 city directory by Martha Rambo of Lansing, Michigan.
3. World War I Veteran Census compiled by the War Preparedness Board in the State Archives of Michigan at Lansing.
4. World War I Veterans Bonus Files in the State Archives of Michigan at Lansing.
5. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.

Big Rapids Post Card Shop

Big Rapids PHOTOGRAPHERS ......................................................................................................................... ca 1910 t
Postal photographs of a group of nine young ladies, probably students at Ferris Institute, were embossed: “BIG t

Bigsbee, E., Mrs.

Saint Charles DAGUERREOTYPIST ............................................................................................................. 1859-1860 m

Billings, _______
Fennville PHOTOGRAPHER .............................................................................................................................. ca 1890 t

Billings, G.
Pontiac photo printer ................................................................................................................................................. 1888 1
Billings advertised in June of 1888: “WANTED - A first-class Printer of four years experience would like a position 1
in a good gallery. Can retouch and operate. Good references. Address G. BILLINGS, Pontiac, Mich.” 1
1. St. Louis and Canadian Photographer; volume 2, number 6, June 1888.

Billings, W. Fred
East Saginaw PHOTOGRAPHER at 113 Jefferson st south ..................................................................................... 1884 s
Saginaw PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................... 1884-1885 m
Fred advertised “Everything from a tintype to an oil painting.” He produced a card photograph with thirteen s t
individual portraits of the members of the Saginaw Base Ball Team in 1884. t

Billington, George E.
Kalamazoo PHOTOGRAPHER at 101 Main st east ....................................................................................... 1904-1905 m
Kalamazoo PHOTOGRAPHER at 101 Main st west ................................................................................................ 1905 K
Kalamazoo PHOTOGRAPHER at 102 Burdick st north ........................................................................................... 1906 K
Bingham, Boyd H.
Elmwood Township student and laborer on his father’s farm .................................................................................... 1900 1
Gagetown PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................ 1908-1909 m
Cass City PHOTOGRAPHER on Seeger st, first door south of Bender’s store ........................................................ 1909 2
Cass City PHOTOGRAPHER ......................................................................................................................... 1910-1911 1 m
Cass City PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................................... 1912 2
Muskegon PHOTOGRAPHER at 161 Western av west .................................................................................. 1913-1917 M m
Muskegon PHOTOGRAPHER in the Clink Block at 95 Western av west ...................................................... 1918-1926 m 3
Muskegon PHOTOGRAPHER at 329 Western av .......................................................................................... 1926-1931 m 1
Boyd born in Michigan to Canadian parents on March 29, 1886, second of the three children of Jerdan W. and Chloe 1 4
Bingham. His brother Alonzo was ten years older, and his sister Charlotte was four years younger. Boyd prepared to 1 2
open a studio in Cass City by purchasing the building formerly occupied by the local newspaper. He expected to do 2
business in both Gagetown and Cass City. He formally opened the Cass City studio on July 17, 1909. Boyd was 2 1
rooming with an older couple at Cass City in 1910. “B. H. BINGHAM, CASS CITY, MICH.” was neatly blind 1 t
stamped into post card photographs ranging from views of Main Street to a group of male students on the schoolhouse t
steps. “B. H. BINGHAM, STUDIO, CASS CITY, MICHIGAN” was printed on the post card backs of other t
photographs. Boyd attended the national convention for photographers in July of 1910, going to Milwaukee by way of t 2
Saginaw, Midland and Ludington and returning through Chicago. He was back in two weeks with an 8 by 48 inch 2
panorama taken at the convention in which he was one of the many pictured delegates. Four Cass City shops were 2
burglarized on the night of August 22, 1910, and the thief was captured the following day. Boyd snapped a photograph 2
of the prisoner in an open automobile as the sheriff was about to transport him to Caro, the county seat. The picture 2
was reproduced on the front page of the local newspaper a week later. Laura was born in Michigan in 1887, and she 2 1
married Boyd about 1910. Their son Verner was born early in 1914, and their son Morley was born in April of 1918. 1
Boyd announced that he had purchased a studio at Muskegon and that the Cass City studio would close on May 18, 2
1912. He and his family were living on Arthur Street in Muskegon in 1918, and in Muskegon Heights in 1920 and 3 1
1930. The listing in the gazetteer for 1919 was for Floyd H. Bingham in one place, and for Jay H. Bingham in another. 1 m
1. 1900 Federal Census of Elmwood Township and 1910 Federal Census of the village of Cass City in Tuscola County, plus 1920
Federal Census of the Thirteenth Precinct and 1930 Federal Census of the Second Ward of Muskegon Heights in Muskegon
County, Michigan.
2. Cass City Chronicle, Cass City, Michigan, May 7, July 16 and October 29, 1909; July 8, August 10, August 26 and September 2,
1910; and May 3, 1912.
3. Muskegon City and County Directories, 1921 and 1926, R. L. Polk & Company, Detroit.
4. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.
Bingham, Henry L.
Middlebury Township, Ohio, student ........................................................................................................................ 1850 1
United States Army soldier .............................................................................................................................. 1861-1862 2
Mount Vernon, Ohio, PHOTOGRAPHER ...................................................................................................... 1862-1863 2
Mount Vernon, Ohio, (Strong & Bingham) PHOTOGRAPHERS ............................................................................ 1864 3
Kalamazoo PHOTOGRAPHER on the third floor at 112 Main st .................................................................. 1864-1869 K m
Kalamazoo (Bingham & Scotford) PHOTOGRAPHERS ............................................................................... 1869-1870 4
Kalamazoo PHOTOGRAPHER at 114 Main st .............................................................................................. 1870-1873 K m
Kalamazoo PHOTOGRAPHER at 112 Main st ........................................................................................................ 1873 K
San Antonio, Texas, PHOTOGRAPHER .................................................................................................................. 1874 5 6
Bexar County, Texas, PHOTOGRAPHER ...................................................................................................... 1874-1875 6
San Antonio, Texas, PHOTOGRAPHER on Commerce st between St. Mary’s st and the river ............................... 1877 6
San Antonio, Texas, PHOTOGRAPHER .................................................................................................................. 1878 6
San Antonio, Texas, PHOTOGRAPHER at 9 Commerce st ........................................................................... 1879-1880 6
El Paso, Texas, dentist ............................................................................................................................................... 1885 2
El Paso, Texas, resident .................................................................................................................................... 1887-1888 2
Harry was born in Ohio about 1835, a son of Owen and Frances Bingham. He enlisted at Monroeville in Company I 1 2
of the Third Ohio Cavalry on October 15 and was mustered into the army as a bugler on October 28, 1861. From 2
exposure while on picket duty near Mooresville and Decatur, Alabama, early in July of 1862 he contracted pneumonia 2
and was hospitalized until August 6 at Huntsville, Alabama. He was then sent to Nashville, Tennessee, where he was 2
discharged on a surgeon’s certificate of disability on September 16, 1862. He applied for an Invalid Pension in April 2
of 1863, stating that his disabling disease prevented him from doing any work except for a little photography. He and 2
28 year old Miss Orpha O. Fowler were married at Thompson, Ohio, on September 7, 1864. Henry was awarded First 2 4
Premiums for the photographs he exhibited at the Kalamazoo County Fairs in 1865 and 1866. He advertised in 1867: 4 K
“... All kinds of Pictures taken and all orders for Pictures attended to with promptness. This establishment is supplied K
with everything necessary for producing FIRST CLASS WORK; and the proprietor has no hesitation in guaranteeing K
all who may patronize him, perfect satisfaction. He invites the attention of the public particularly to his LARGE INK K
WORK, which he ventures to affirm cannot be surpassed in any of the large cities. These pictures excel in faithfulness K
of likeness and durability, being fully equal in that respect to the best OIL PAINTINGS. My plain photographs for K
fineness of detail, transparency of shadow and brilliancy of tone, cannot be equaled in the State. PARTICULAR K
ATTENTION PAID TO COPYING. He invites attention to the new Imperial or Cabinet Card, now becoming so K
popular in Europe. All are invited to call and examine his pictures and satisfy themselves. A fine assortment of Frames K
always on hand, at very low prices....” He sent a couple of cabinet portraits to a photographic journal in the summer of K 3
1867 which the editor admired for their nice clean manipulation and graceful posing, but thought could be improved 3
by using a few more accessories to break up the background. At the 1867 Michigan State Fair in Detroit there were 3 6
only two exhibits by professional photographers. All of the First Premiums went to the Cadwallader Brothers of 6
Detroit, and Harry was awarded diplomas for the Second Best Collection of Ambrotypes and Photographs and for the 6
Second Best Portrait Photograph. He sent a few cabinet portraits to The Philadelphia Photographer in 1867, and two 6 4
more batches in 1868, and was said to be improving each time. In 1868 he also sent some “prairie views” from 4
negatives made with Zentmeyer lenses. This term may have referred to stereo views he made of Prairie Ronde, near 4 t
Kalamazoo. His 1869 ads read: “... The highest award of merit was given by the Michigan State Agricultural Society t K
to H. L. Bingham, for the BEST PHOTOGRAPHS IN THE STATE. Any person or persons wishing Fine Art in any K
Style, either Water Colors, India Ink or Oil Finish, can be sure to have executed at this Establishment A FAITHFUL K
LIKENESS, Highly finished and as perfect a specimen of Art as can be had in this Country, that one need not be K
ashamed to submit to the severest Art Criticism. Mr. NOBLE, of Cincinnati, our Water Colorist, and Mr. K
SPRINGFIELD, of Rochester, our India Ink worker, stand each in their line at the head of the Art. Specimens of this K
class of work can be seen AT BINGHAM’S STUDIO.... Copies made from Old Pictures as perfect as life. Satisfaction K
in every case or no pay.” During the 1869 Michigan State Fair at Jackson he received six First Premiums: for life-size, K 7
water-colored and India-ink work, and for collections of cards and of cabinets. At the Cleveland convention of the 7 4
Photographers’ Association of America in 1870 he exhibited some large portraits and was elected vice president for 4
Michigan. Later in 1870 he sent some excellent medallion cartes, more cabinets, and then some fine examples of the 4
new size Victoria cards to The Philadelphia Photographer. The editor noted in 1871 that Henry had benefited greatly 4
from his week at the Cleveland Exhibition, and had been improving ever since. He employed Miss Emogene King as a 4 K
photo printer in 1871, and ran a series of one-line ads: “Porcelains in water colors …. Daguerreotypes copied K
beautifully .…. Portraits in oil colors by the best artists …... Berlin Heads ...... B always succeeds in getting a fine K
photo.... Old photos copied as fine as from life.... Bring on your babies and get a fine likeness.... I guarantee K
satisfaction on every picture.... Retouched cards can not be beaten.... Get one of B’s water color photos, the finest in K
the west.... Fine art and photographic studio.... India ink photos, are superior to any others ..... If you have failed to get K
a fine photo everywhere else, try B’s .....Go to B’s for fine Rembrants, B makes the finest Rembrant pictures.... K
Everybody should get their photos at B’s.... Victoria cards at B’s.” In March of 1872 it was reported that John L. K 4
Gihon and Henry had formed a copartnership, but that Gihon would maintain his opaque and cut-out business in 4
Philadelphia. Later in the year Gihon superintended the Chicago gallery of C. D. Mosher for some time and then left to 4 8
establish a gallery in Montevideo, Uruguay. Harry exhibited a large group of photographs at the 1872 Michigan State 8 4
Fair in Kalamazoo. In the spring of 1873 ill health was compelling him to offer his Kalamazoo gallery for sale at a 4
bargain to a prompt purchaser so that he could seek a southern climate. By January of 1874 he had moved to San 4
Antonio, and later in the year he sent cabinet photographs to The Philadelphia Photographer from Austin and from 4 9
San Antonio. He produced stereo views of Kalamazoo and of San Antonio. Henry died at El Paso on March 16, 1888. 9 2
Orpha received a widow’s pension of $12.00 per month, which was increased to $20.00 in September of 1916, and 2
then to $30.00 in May of 1920. By 1916 Orpha had moved to Jefferson, Ohio, where she died on January 15, 1923. 2
1. 1850 Federal Census of Middlebury Township in Knox County, Ohio, 1870 Federal Census of the village of Kalamazoo in Kalamazoo
County, Michigan, and 1880 Federal Census of the city of San Antonio in Bexar County, Texas.
2. Civil War Veteran Pension Record of Henry L. Bingham obtained from the National Archives at Washington, D. C.
3. Learned in 2001 from Don Fredgant of Lakewood, Ohio.
4. Richard W. Welch, Sun Pictures in Kalamazoo; Kalamazoo Public Museum, 1974.
5. The Philadelphia Photographer, volume 4, 1867,pages 235 and 403; volume 5, 1868, pages 66, 184 and 346; volume 6, 1869, pages 387 and 388;
volume 7, 1870, pages 241, 279, 336, 400 and 432; volume 8, 1871, page 128; volume 9, 1872, pages 96, 336, 366 and 439; volum e 10,
number 112, April 1873, page 127; and volume 11, 1874, pages 32, 95, 160 and 215.
6. David Haynes, Catching Shadows, A Directory of 19th Century Texas Photographers, Texas State Historical Association, Austin, 1993.
7. Reports on the State Fair in Detroit newspapers in September of 1867.
8. Detroit Advertiser & Tribune, Detroit, Michigan, September, 1872.
9. William C. Darrah, Stereo Views, Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, 1964.

Bint, Joseph
Jackson photographer for Robert Bailey .................................................................................................................... 1871 1
1. Jackson City Directory for 1871, James M. Thomas, Jackson, Michigan.

Birch, Clarence
Leonidas Township child ........................................................................................................................................... 1870 1
Prairie Township, Kansas, student ............................................................................................................................. 1880 1
Leonidas paper hanger ............................................................................................................................................... 1900 1
Leonidas retail jeweler ............................................................................................................................................... 1910 1
Leonidas PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................... ca 1911 t
Leonidas jeweler ........................................................................................................................................................ 1920 1
Clarence was born in Michigan to parents from New York in October of 1866, last of the four children of Charles 1
and Elizabeth A. Birch. His sisters Roxana (later Sarah) and Jennie, and his brother Edward (later Charles) were born 1
in Michigan between 1860 and 1865. Clarence married, and his son Karl was born in October of 1893. He soon was a 1
widower, and in 1900 and 1910 he was sharing his home with his son and with his widowed mother, who was born in 1
March of 1832. Clarence served as the local census enumerator in 1900. “Soldiers Monument, Leonidas, Mich. 1 t
Unveiled 10-8-’10 Photo by Birch 156” was lettered on the negative of a post card photograph. “The F. Lawrence t
Barn Frame 65 by 412 ft. The ‘Largest Barn in the State’ Leonidas, Mich. View Photo by Birch - 200 -” was scribed t
into the negative of another postal photo. By 1920 Clarence was married to a lady named Alice who was ten years his t 1
senior, and Karl was living just a few doors away with his new wife. 1
1. 1880 Federal Census of Prairie Township in Wilson County, Kansas, plus 1870, 1900, 1910 and 1920 Federal Censes of Leonidas
Township in St. Joseph County, Michigan.

Birely, _______
Iron Mountain PHOTOGRAPHER ...................................................................................................................... ca 1880 t
“Birely” was printed in bold black letters on the back of card photographs with “Iron Mountain, Mich.” stamped t
below it. The village of Iron Mountain was laid out in 1879 when the nearby Chapin Mine was opened. His father t 1
came from Maryland, James Birely was born in Canada in March of 1837 or a couple of years earlier, and he married
20-year-old Kate about 1856. Their son, Harry R. Birely, was born in Canada in 1857 or early in 1858. James and
Harry were proprietors of a jewelry store in 1880 at Oshkosh, Wisconsin, a little over one hundred miles due south of
Iron Mountain. Harry may have viewed the booming town of Iron Mountain as a business opportunity too good to pass
up. He and his father still were Oshkosh jewelers in 1900.
1. Walter Romig, Michigan Place Names, Grosse Pointe, Michigan.
2. 1880 and 1900 Federal Censes of the city of Oshkosh in Winnebago County, Wisconsin.
Bisbee, Almon
Chester Township, Ohio, student and laborer on his father’s farm ............................................................................ 1850 1
Zanesville, Ohio, daguerreian artist ........................................................................................................................... 1860 1
Cleveland, Ohio, employee of photographer Albert Bisbee ............................................................................ 1861-1863 2 3
Saint Louis (Rust & Bisbee) PHOTOGRAPHERS ......................................................................................... 1867-1868 4
Saint Louis PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................................ 1868 4
Saint Louis DAGUERREIAN ................................................................................................................................... 1870 1
Saint Louis PHOTOGRAPHER on the west side of Mill st between Saginaw and Washington avs ......................... 1873 5
Saint Louis PHOTOGRAPHER ...................................................................................................................... 1874-1877 m
South Bay City PHOTOGRAPHER on Water st between 30th and 31st sts ................................................... 1878-1879 m
West Bay City PHOTOGRAPHER on the south side of Midland st between River and Linn sts ............................. 1879 6
Saint Louis PHOTOGRAPHER ...................................................................................................................... 1880-1886 m
Both Almon and the renowned Ohio photographer Albert Bisbee boarded with John Bisbee in 1861. They were three 2 3
of the twelve children of Gideon and Lydia (Gurney) Bisbee. Almon was youngest of the twelve, and was born in 3
Chester Township of Geauga County, Ohio, on April 10, 1836. Christina Baeuerle was born in Germany on July 12, 3 1
1839, was brought to America in 1846, and married Almon at Delaware, Ohio, on July 20, 1858. Their first three 1 3
daughters were born in Ohio: Mariah in May of 1859 at Columbus, Alice in April of 1862 at Delaware, and Ida in July 1 3
of 1866 at East Cleveland. Florence was born in December of 1868 and Hattie was born in September of 1872, both at 3 1
St. Louis, Michigan. Almon’s partner at Saint Louis was Albert D. Rust. “BISBEE’S FERROTYPES. ST. LOUIS, 3 t
MICH.” was printed on the pasters that held tintypes into their carte de visite sized paper frames. Almon advertised t 7
about 1873: “All styles of Pictures taken in the best manner. Frames for sale.” A bore was put down in St. Louis in 7 8
1886 which struck a flow of water at a depth of 158 feet. The water shot up ten feet or more when confined to a small 8
pipe. Almon photographed a four-foot column of water ascending from the full eight-inch pipe. After a long sickness, 8 3
Almon died at his St. Louis home on March 11, 1899. Burial was in Oak Grove Cemetery. Christina lived until 3
December 29, 1916. 3
1. 1850 Federal Census of Chester Township in Geauga County and 1860 Federal Census of the First ward of Zanesville in Muskingum
County, Ohio, plus 1870 and 1880 Federal Censes of the village of St. Louis and 1900 Federal Census of the First Ward of St. Louis
in Gratiot County, Michigan.
2. Learned in 2001 from Don Fredgant of Lakewood, Ohio.
3. Learned in 2005 from Norman Pottle of Berrien Springs, Michigan.
4. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1867-1868, Great Lakes Branch of the National Archives, Chicago, Illinois.
5. Directory of St. Louis, Michigan, July 1873, C. Exera Brown, East Saginaw, Michigan.
6. Bay City Directory, 1879-80, R. L. Polk & Company, Detroit.
7. Henry Francis Walling, Atlas of the State of Michigan, R. M. & S. T. Tackbury, Detroit, circa 1873.
8. Willard D. Tucker, Gratiot County, Michigan, Historical, Biographical, Statistical, Press of Seemann & Peters, Saginaw, Michigan, 1913.

Bisbee, Jasper E.
Ossian Township, New York, student ........................................................................................................................ 1850 1
Campbell Township farm hand .................................................................................................................................. 1860 1
Muir PHOTOGRAPHER .......................................................................................................................................... 1864 2
Croton shoemaker ...................................................................................................................................................... 1870 1
Paris farmer ................................................................................................................................................................ 1880 1
Green Township painter or laborer at odd jobs ................................................................................................ 1900,1910 1
Green Township shoemaker or retiree .............................................................................................................. 1920,1930 1
Jasper was born in New York State, probably in July of 1843. He was the youngest child of Alanson and Mary 1
Bisbee, and had at least two sisters and two brothers. Sarah was born in Indiana, probably in April of 1847, but was 1
quite inconsistent in her answers to the census enumerators. She married Jasper about 1870, and their three sons were 1
born in Michigan between 1871 and 1879. Their daughter Beulah was born in October of 1888. By 1930 Jasper and 1
Sarah were in their mid-eighties, and their youngest son Frank was living with them as a caretaker. 1
1. 1850 Federal Census of Ossian Township in Allegany County, New York, 1860 Federal Census of Campbell Township in Ionia
County, 1870 Federal Census of the village of Croton in Newaygo County, 1880 Federal Census of the village of Paris in Mecosta
County, plus 1900, 1910, 1920 and 1930 Federal Censes of Green Township in Mecosta County, Michigan.
2. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1862-1866, National Archives, Washington, D.C.
Bisbee, Watson F.
Lexington laborer ....................................................................................................................................................... 1860 1
Sanilac County farmer ............................................................................................................................................... 1861 2
United States Army Soldier ............................................................................................................................. 1861-1863 2 3
Lexington resident ..................................................................................................................................................... 1863 2
Lexington (Paine & Bisbee) PHOTOGRAPHERS .......................................................................................... 1863-1864 4
Lexington resident ..................................................................................................................................................... 1866 2
Forestville foreman in a sawmill ................................................................................................................................ 1870 1
Forester drover ........................................................................................................................................................... 1880 1
Au Sable resident ............................................................................................................................................. 1885-1909 2 1
Mikado Township farmer .......................................................................................................................................... 1910 1
Detroit resident ................................................................................................................................................ 1912-1922 2 d
His parents came from Vermont, Watson was born near London, Ontario, on January 22, 1841, and he was brought 1 2
to the United States in 1850. He was six feet one inch tall with a light complexion, grey eyes and brown hair when he 1 2
enlisted at Lexington as a corporal in Company D of the Tenth Michigan Infantry on October 28, 1861. About 2 3
December 15 he was in the regimental hospital at Flint with measles and resulting back pains in the region of his 3 2
kidneys. He was home on a brief convalescent furlough before he was mustered into the army on February 6, 1862, 2
and was sent to a general hospital from July 17 to November 23, 1862. He was able to perform light duty with his 3 2
regiment in Mississippi until January of 1863, when he was admitted to the regimental hospital at Nashville, 2
Tennessee. He was diagnosed with chronic nephritis or inflammation of the kidneys, and was honorably discharged for 2 3
disability at Nashville on February 4, 1863. Hannah was born in Nova Scotia in December of 1844, and was brought 3 1
across the border in 1852. She married Watson about 1862, and their four children were born in Michigan: Nellie 1
about 1865, Frances in July of 1868, Watson about 1874, and Elva in September of 1879. Back in Lexington Watson 1 2
tried driving a stage and clerking in a hotel, but found that he was too weak to work at anything. Weakness and pain in 2
his lower back were a constant affliction, and in time indigestion and piles also became serious problems. In March of 2
1886 Watson obtained a position at the Au Sable Water Works that required only one hour’s work in a twelve-hour 2
day. His wife and little boy often performed the work under his supervision, and twice during the 15 months that he 2
held the job, he hired a man to take his place for eight or ten days. In April of 1889 he was elected justice of the 2
peace. In 1900 he was superintendent of the poor. On July 11, 1911, the entire village of Au Sable was destroyed by a 1 5
fire that consumed Watson’s house and everything that was in it. He stayed briefly at Flint and then moved to Detroit 2 1
where he ended up boarding with the family of his son-in-law, Arthur W. Venners. In March of 1917 his pension was 1 2
raised to $36 per month. He died at Detroit on July 2, 1922. 2
1. 1860 Federal Census of the village of Lexington, 1870 Federal Census of Marion Township, and 1880 Federal Census of Forester
Township in Sanilac County, plus 1900 Federal Census of the Third Ward of Au Sable in Iosco County, 1910 Federal Census of
Mikado Township in Alcona County, and 1920 Federal Census of the Fourteenth Ward of Detroit in Wayne County, Michigan.
2. Civil War Veteran Pension Record of Watson F. Bisbee obtained from the National Archives at Washington, D. C.
3. Record of Service of Michigan Volunteers in the Civil War, 1861-1865; published by the State of Michigan about 1904.
4. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1862-1866, National Archives, Washington, D.C.
5. Walter Romig, Michigan Place Names, Grosse Point, Michigan.

Bishop, Henry W.
Sanilac County farmer ............................................................................................................................................... 1862 1
United States Army Soldier ............................................................................................................................. 1862-1865 1
Bay City employee of the photographers Bishop & Brother ..................................................................................... 1866 2 3
Bay City employee of the photographers Bishop Brothers .............................................................................. 1866-1867 m 3
South Haven fruit grower ........................................................................................................................................... 1880 4
South Haven resident ....................................................................................................................................... 1893-1897 3 1
Henry was born in England in 1839 or 1840, and was a younger brother of Thomas P. Bishop. He enlisted as a 1 3
corporal in Company K of the 22nd Michigan Infantry at Lexington on August 14, 1862. He was hospitalized at 1
Cincinnati with erysipelas from March 24 to May 12, 1863. He received gun shot wounds in the left hand and left 1
forearm during the Battle of Chickamauga, Georgia, on September 20, 1863. Due to the wounds and subsequent 1
gangrene, much of his left arm was amputated. He was in a hospital at Nashville, Tennessee, until February of 1864, 1
and was then transferred to St. Mary’s Hospital in Detroit. He was furloughed for seven days in June of 1864 and for a 1
month in February of 1865, and was discharged on a Surgeon’s Certificate of Disability at Harper Hospital in Detroit 1
on June 30, 1865. Henry returned to Lexington. Mary A. Drake was born in New York in 1852 or 1853, and married 1 4
Henry at Pierce, Wisconsin, on November 18, 1877. They probably moved to South Haven soon after they were 1
married. Henry was receiving a pension of $45.00 per month when he died at South Haven on February 11, 1897. 1
Mary received a widow’s pension of $8.00 per month until she remarried in January of 1901. 1
1. Civil War Veteran Pension Record of Henry W. Bishop obtained from the National Archives at Washington, D. C.
2. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1862-1866, National Archives, Washington, D.C.
3. Civil War Veteran Pension Record of Thomas P. Bishop obtained from the National Archives at Washington, D. C.
4. 1880 Federal Census of Casco Township in Allegan County, Michigan.
Bishop, Lloyd C.
Berrien Township child ............................................................................................................................................. 1880 1
Berrien Township photographer ................................................................................................................................ 1900 1
South Bend, Indiana, PHOTOGRAPHER at 122 Michigan st north ......................................................................... 1903 2
Benton Harbor PHOTOGRAPHER at 107 Sixth st ................................................................................................... 1907 3
Benton Harbor PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................. 1908-1909 m
Chicago, Illinois, commercial photographer .............................................................................................................. 1910 1
South Bend, Indiana, real estate salesman or resident ...................................................................................... 1930,1942 1 4
Lloyd was born at Berrien Center, Michigan, on September 16, 1877, eldest of the three sons of Martin and 4 1
Elizabeth (Cassel) Bishop, natives of Pennsylvania and Ohio. He grew up on the family farm in Berrien Township. 1
Ada M. Zeuch was born in Illinois to German parents in 1885, and she married Lloyd in 1906 or early in 1907. Their 1
son Lloyd Cassel Bishop was born late in 1907, and their daughter Madeline Bishop was born in June of 1909. In 1
1910 they were living with Ada’s parents, William and Emily Zeuch. In 1920 Ada and her two children again were 1
living with her parents in Chicago. Lloyd was divorced and living alone by 1930, and probably by 1920. 1
1. 1880 and 1900 Federal Censes of Berrien Township in Berrien County, Michigan, 1910 and 1920 Federal Censes of the 25th Ward
of Chicago in Cook County, Illinois, and 1930 Federal Census of the First Ward of South Bend in St. Joseph County, Indiana.
2. Learned in 2000 from James A. Marusek of Bloomfield, Indiana.
3. Benton Harbor, St. Joseph and Niles Business Directory, 1907-08, R. L. Polk & Company, Detroit.
4. World War II Draft Registration Cards.

Bishop, Robert H.
Millington resident ..................................................................................................................................................... 1900 1
Millington PHOTOGRAPHER ....................................................................................................................... 1909-1912 t
Millington Township voice recording salesman ........................................................................................................ 1930 1
Robert was born in Michigan in October of 1893, eldest of the six children of Charles and Anna E. Bishop. He began 1t
to sell his photographs when he was no more than sixteen years old. “Men’s Social ’09. Photo by Robt. Bishop.” and t
“Mens Social, Jan 27, 1910, Millington, Mich. Photo by Robert Bishop” and “Wreck on M.C.R.R., Millington, Mich. t
Photo by Robt. Bishop” and “Damage of Wreck. Millington, Mich. Robt Bishop, Photgr” were lettered on the t
negatives of post card photographs. Captions in the same or a similar hand were lettered on the negatives of postal t
photographs of Millington streets and churches without identifying the photographer. Other photos of what was t 1
apparently the same train wreck were dated June 1, 1912. Ella Mae was born in Nebraska to parents from Michigan in 1
1900 or early in 1901, and she married Robert when she was 19 and he was 28. Their twin daughters Arlene and Ilene 1
were born in Michigan about 1921, and their daughter Roberta was born here in July of 1925. 1
1. 1900 and 1910 Federal Censes of the village of Millington and 1930 Federal Census of Millington Township in Tuscola County,
Bishop, Thomas P.
Columbus student and farm laborer ............................................................................................................................ 1850 1
Worth Township laborer on the farm of his brother-in-law ....................................................................................... 1860 1
Sanilac County resident ............................................................................................................................................. 1861 2
United States Army soldier .............................................................................................................................. 1861-1866 2 3
Bay City PHOTOGRAPHER .................................................................................................................................... 1866 4
Bay City (Bishop & Brother) PHOTOGRAPHERS .................................................................................................. 1866 4
Bay City (Bishop Brothers) PHOTOGRAPHERS on Centre st ...................................................................... 1866-1867 4 m
Bay City PHOTOGRAPHER .................................................................................................................................... 1867 5
Bay City PHOTOGR on the third floor of the Shearer Block at the corner of Water and Center sts .............. 1868-1870 6 m
Northville PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................ 1876-1877 m
Dayton, Ohio, resident ............................................................................................................................................... 1878 3
Elgin, Illinois, resident ..................................................................................................................................... 1880-1881 3
Elgin, Illinois, (T. P. Bishop & Company) PHOTOGRAPHERS in Town’s Block ........................................ 1882-1883 7
Winston, North Carolina, resident ............................................................................................................................. 1890 3
Cincinnati, Ohio, resident ................................................................................................................................ 1897-1898 3
Montgomery County, Ohio, resident of the National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers ......................... 1898-1915 3
Thomas was born at Birmingham, England, on December 12, 1833, and he came to the United States in 1842. He 3 1
was boarding in 1850 with a widow and her farmer sons, and living in 1860 with the family of his 28-year-old sister 1
Jane and her 57-year-old husband Joel Wixon. He was five feet eight inches tall with a fair complexion, blue eyes and 1 2
dark hair when he enlisted at Kalamazoo as a private in Company F of the Third Michigan Cavalry on September 7, 2 3
1861. He was mustered into the army on October 12 and was hospitalized from December 11 to December 18, 1861. 3
In December of 1863 he was on detached service at Corinth, Mississippi. He re-enlisted as a corporal at La Grange, 3 2
Tennessee, on January 19, 1864. During the ensuing thirty-day Veteran Furlough he and Miss Mary J. Townsend were 2 3
married in Clyde Township, Michigan, on February 16, 1864. On April 14, 1865, Thomas was promoted to 3 2
commissary sergeant, and on February 12, 1866, he was honorably discharged at San Antonio, Texas. Taxes were 2 5
assessed on Thomas in July of 1866, on Bishop & Brother in September, and on Bishop Brothers in October and 5
December of 1866. Early in 1868 Thomas advertised: “... Photographs, Ambrotypes, Gems, Porcelain Pictures, 5 8
Paintings in Oil and Water Colors, Sepia and India Ink, executed upon short notice. Photographs from life size to the 8
miniature picture. Pictures neatly made upon the dial of a watch. A good assortment of Oval and Square Frames 8
constantly on hand and for sale cheap.” His first wife died in 1868 or 1869, and on April 22, 1870, Thomas married 8 3
19-year-old Miss Julia A. M. Strong of Birmingham, Michigan. Their son Clarence was born in 1877 and lived only 3
three years. William M. Bishop was born at Dayton on August 3, 1878, and Lillian E. Bishop was born at Elgin on 3
July 21, 1881. Thomas took a 7 by 11 inch photograph of the Babo Block in Wenona at 11:10 A.M. on November 18, 3 t
1870. He produced card photographs of wooden furniture such as church pews and lecterns from Northville. Citing t 3
rheumatism, Thomas applied for a Veteran Invalid Pension in July of 1890. He was admitted to the National Military 3
Home on October 19, 1898, and died there from arteriosclerosis and senility on September 20, 1915. Julia was 3 1
providing a home for both of their children at Cincinnati in 1900, and for their son near Dayton in 1910. She was 1
living with the family of their daughter at Dayton in 1920. 1
1. 1850 Federal Census of Columbus Township in St. Clair County and 1860 Federal Census of Worth Township in Sanilac County,
Michigan, 1900 Federal Census of the Twentieth Ward of Cincinnati in Hamilton County, plus 1900 and 1910 Federal Censes of
Jefferson Township, 1910 Federal Census of Harrison Township, and 1920 Federal Census of the Fourth Ward of Dayton in
Montgomery County, Ohio.
2. Record of Service of Michigan Volunteers in the Civil War, 1861-1865; published by the State of Michigan about 1904.
3. Civil War Veteran Pension Record of Thomas P. Bishop obtained from the National Archives at Washington, D. C.
4. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1862-1866, National Archives, Washington, D.C.
5. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1867-1868, Great Lakes Branch of the National Archives, Chicago, Illinois.
6. Directory of Bay City, Portsmouth, Wenona and Bangor for 1868-9, W. H. DeLisle.
7. Marie Czach, A Directory of Early Illinois Photographers, Western Illinois University, Macomb, Illinois, 1977.
8. Bay City Journal, Bay City, Michigan, January 18, 1868.

Bishop, William B.
Bay City (Bishop & Brother) PHOTOGRAPHERS ................................................................................................... 1866 1
Bay City (Bishop Brothers) PHOTOGRAPHERS on Centre st ....................................................................... 1866-1867 1 m
Taxes were assessed on William’s brother Thomas in July of 1866, on Bishop & Brother in September, and on 1
Bishop Brothers in October and December of 1866. One William Bishop was born in England in September of 1829, 1 2
and was a Detroit clerk in 1850. He farmed in Attica Township of Lapeer County from 1860 through 1880, and lived 2
on in Attica Township with the family of his daughter from 1900 through 1920. He just may have left the farm to join 2
his brother at Bay City for a couple of years in the 1860s. 1
1. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1862-1866, National Archives, Washington, D.C.
2. 1859 Federal Census of the city of Detroit in Wayne County, plus 1860, 1870, 1880, 1900, 1910 and 1920 Federal Censes of Attica
Township in Lapeer County, Michigan.
Bissell, Charles P.
Plymouth child ........................................................................................................................................................... 1860 1
Holly student .............................................................................................................................................................. 1870 1
Holly (E. Bissell & Son) PHOTOGRAPHERS in Stone’s New Block on Saginaw st .................................... 1874-1875 m t
Northville (E. Bissell & Son) PHOTOGRAPHERS ............................................................................................. ca 1875 t
Holly commercial traveler ......................................................................................................................................... 1880 1
Holly traveling salesman .................................................................................................................................. 1880-1920 2
Holly real estate agent ................................................................................................................................................ 1920 1
Holly retiree ............................................................................................................................................................... 1938 2
Charles seems to be the most likely son of Edward Bissell to have been his partner in 1874, but that he was a 2 1
principal of E. Bissell & Son is not certain. He was born in Michigan on April 24, 1857. Her parents came from New 1 2
York, Lucy E. Marshall was born here in December of 1869, and she married Charles on October 22, 1894. As a 1 2
salesman he traveled forty states from Maine to Oregon, Cuba, and parts of Canada. 2
1. 1860 Federal Census of the village of Plymouth in Wayne County, plus 1870, 1880, 1900, 1910 and 1920 Federal Censes of the
village of Holly in Oakland County, Michigan.
2. Holly Herald, Centennial Anniversary Edition, Holly, Michigan, June 30, 1938, page 43.

Bissell, Cynthia Miriam, Mrs.

Tecumseh resident ........................................................................................................................................... 1844-1848 1
Tecumseh DAGUERREOTYPIST on Logan st two doors east of the Baptist Church ................................... 1849-1855 1 2
Tecumseh AMBROTYPIST ...................................................................................................................................... 1858 2
Tecumseh DAGUERREOTYPE, MELAINOTYPE & AMBROTYPE ARTIST on Logan st ................................. 1859 1
Tecumseh artist .......................................................................................................................................................... 1860 3
Tecumseh PHOTOGRAPHER on Logan st one door southeast of the new Union School ....................................... 1863 4 2
Tecumseh PHOTOGRAPH & AMBROTYPE ARTIST at the corner of Pearl and Chicago sts .................... 1865-1866 5 1
Tecumseh PHOTOGRAPH ARTIST at the corner of Chicago and Pearl sts .................................................. 1866-1867 m
Tecumseh resident ........................................................................................................................................... 1868-1899 1 3
She was born Cynthia Miriam Spofford in May of 1810 at Jaffrey, New Hampshire, and was fourteen when her 1
parents and their eight children moved to the hamlet of six log houses called Tecumseh, Michigan. Three years later 1
she became Lenawee County’s first bride by marrying Theodore Bissell, and the couple soon moved to Lockport, New 6 1
York. They also lived at Toledo, Ohio, for a while before moving in 1835 to southern Texas, then a province of 2 1
Mexico, where she endured almost unbelievable hardships and adventures, including killing a wolf with no weapon but 1
an ax. She returned in 1844 as a widow with two children, and became Tecumseh’s first businesswoman. Her gallery 2 1
was usually in her Logan Street home through 1863. Late in 1855 she “... purchased another new and improved 2 1
apparatus, with a Camera which has not its superior in the State of Michigan, she hopes with her six years experience 1
in the business to please all that will favor her with a call.” Her message early in 1858 was: “Mrs. C. M. Bissell 1 2
proposes, owing to the hardness of the times, to reduce the price of Ambrotype pictures to fifty cents each, until the 2
first of February. Those wishing a good likeness cheap, will do well to call. Recollect only 50 cents.” Her ad in the 2 1
summer of 1859 was: “HOME AGAIN. MRS. C. M. BISSELL, Daguerreotype, Melainotype & Ambrotype ARTIST. 1
Rooms open from 9 a.m. until 4 p.m. at her residence on Logan Street, ... Likenesses taken in cloudy as well as clear 1
weather.” Cynthia was a naturally strong minded person, strengthened by her years in Texas, and became an outspoken 1 6
leader of the local Sanitary Corps that made clothing and bandages during the Civil War. Her son Henry enlisted in the 6
Fourth Michigan Infantry in June of 1861, and had been serving for over two years when the local newspaper 6
published a letter from Cynthia disparaging the empty promises to take care of the families of those who enlisted made 6
by speakers exhorting enlistment. It was characteristic of her temperament that when the chattering of an invasion of 6
English sparrows irritated her, she had all of the beautiful maple trees about her house cut down. The Michigan State 6 5
Fair was held at Adrian in September of 1865, and Cynthia was awarded a premium of $2.00 for a photograph and 5
cards which she exhibited there. Though more prestigious awards were made to other photographers at the fair that 5
year, “Mrs. C. M. Bissell, Photographer, Tecumseh, Mich. The FIRST PRIZE was awarded to Mrs. B. for t
Photographs exhibited at State and County Fairs last fall. Those wanting pictures please call and examine specimens. t
An endless variety of Photograph frames for sale cheap.” was printed on labels on the back of ambrotypes and on t 2
cartes de visite with revenue stamps. She was out of the business by 1868 when she married William W. Tilton, a t 1
Tecumseh farmer and a recent widower. They left the farm to his children and resided in town, where Cynthia devoted 1 2
her energies to causes such as the temperance movement. Local prohibition carried by a two-to-one majority in a 2 1
township election in the spring of 1887. Predeceased by a married daughter, Cynthia died on January 4, 1899, at the 1
age of 89. She was survived by two daughters and a son, four grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. William 1 2
Tilton died six months later. 2
1. Tecumseh Herald, Tecumseh, Michigan, December 1852, December 1855, June 30, 1859, July 1866, and January 1899.
2. Barbara Nyboer, “Where the Road Turns - Research and Results” in the Great Lakes Trader, March 1996, page 38.
3. 1860, 1870 and 1880 Federal Censes of the village of Tecumseh in Lenawee County, Michigan.
4. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1862-1866, National Archives, Washington, D.C.
5. Detroit Advertiser & Tribune, Detroit, Michigan, September 21, 1865.
6. Clara Waldron, One Hundred Years a Country Town, 1968.
Bissell, Edward
Detroit shoe merchant ...................................................................................................................................... 1839-1856 1 2
Northville shoe merchant ................................................................................................................................. 1856-1857 1
Northville DAGUERREOTYPIST .................................................................................................................. 1857-1863 1 m
Plymouth PHOTOGRAPHER ......................................................................................................................... 1862-1864 3
Northville (Bissell & Covert) PHOTOGRAPHERS ............................................................................................. ca 1864 t
Northville PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................ 1864-1866 1 3
Holly (Bissell & Wiseman) PHOTOGRAPHERS on Saginaw st ......................................................................... ca 1866 t
Holly (E. Bissell & Company) PHOTOGRAPHERS on Broad st ........................................................................ ca 1866 t
Holly PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................... 1866-1867 m 4
Holly (E. Bissell & Son) PHOTOGRAPHERS on Saginaw st .................................................................................. 1868 4 t
Holly PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................... 1868-1873 m 2
Holly (E. Bissell & Son) PHOTOGRAPHERS in Stone’s New Block on Saginaw st .................................... 1874-1875 m t
Northville (E. Bissell & Son) PHOTOGRAPHERS ............................................................................................. ca 1875 t
Holly PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................... 1876-1877 m
Holly (E. Bissell & Son) PHOTOGRAPHERS ............................................................................................... 1878-1879 m
Holly (Bissell & Son) PHOTOGRAPHERS ................................................................................................... 1880-1881 2 m
Milford PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................ 1882-1885 m
Milford PHOTOGRAPHER on Main st opposite the Masonic Hall ......................................................................... 1886 5
Milford PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................ 1886-1893 m
Milford (Bissell & Babcock) PHOTOGRAPHERS ............................................................................................. ca 1894 t
Edward was born of English extraction in Dutchess County, New York, on July 17, 1817. On June 29, 1841, he 1 6
married Lucy Caroline Provencal, who was born in Detroit on October 26, 1820. Lucy’s French father had married the 1 6
widow Solo after her first husband, her father and her brother had all been massacred on the River Raisin. Edward and 1 6
Lucy had ten children, including their sons Charles, Edward and Nathaniel who are subjects of adjacent entries. When 1 2
he first came to Holly in 1866, Edward’s photograph gallery was over the boot and shoe store he operated with his 6
brother David in a frame building on the west side of Broad Street, half a block north of Sherman Street. He soon 6
moved the gallery to Saginaw Street, where he was located over the Second National Bank, over the Merchants 6 t
National Bank, and over D. H. Stone & Company’s store. His eldest son, Edward J. Bissell, was doing the photo t 1
printing when they were first in Holly, and soon became a partner. Charles P. Bissell was probably the son 1 m
participating in the business in 1874. Nathaniel J. Bissell, the youngest son, was definitely Edward’s partner during m 6
their last four years in Holly. The use of the NPA monogram on several of his Holly mounts, and on some of those for m t
E. Bissell & Son, attests to Edward’s membership in the National Photographic Association. An editor commented in t 5
1886 that “Bissell, the long established Photographer, still keeps to the front with the newest wrinkles of the Art.” His 5
wife died in August of 1895, and Edward followed her on May 27, 1897. 6
1. Portrait and Biographical Album of Oakland County, 1891.
2. 1850 Federal Census of the city of Detroit and 1860 Federal Census of the village of Plymouth in Wayne County, plus 1870 and
1880 Federal Censes of the village of Holly in Oakland County, Michigan.
3. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1862-1866, National Archives, Washington, D.C.
4. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1867-1868, Great Lakes Branch of the National Archives, Chicago, Illinois.
5. Pontiac City Directory, 1886, T. W. Aston & Company.
6. Holly Herald, Centennial Anniversary Edition, Holly, Michigan, June 30, 1938, page 43.
Bissell, Edward J.
Detroit baby ............................................................................................................................................................... 1850 1
Plymouth student ....................................................................................................................................................... 1860 2 t
Holly photo printer for photographer Edward Bissell ................................................................................................ 1866 3
Holly (E. Bissell & Son) PHOTOGRAPHERS on Saginaw st .................................................................................. 1868 m
Holly law student .................................................................................................................................................. ca 1870 3 m
Delray lawyer ............................................................................................................................................................. 1870 1 3
Milford lawyer ................................................................................................................................................. 1872-1895 4 1
Milford attorney ......................................................................................................................................................... 1900 m 1
Bay City lawyer and businessman .................................................................................................................... 1900-1925 1 4
Edward was born in Detroit on March 22, 1850, the son of Edward and Lucy Bissell. At times he was listed as a 3
collection agent and a circuit court commissioner as well as a lawyer in Milford. Carrie was born in Michigan to a 3
mother from New Jersey in 1856 or early in 1857, and she married Edward in the late 1870s. Their son Clarence was
born in February of 1882. By 1891 Edward was a partner in a number of business ventures including a North Dakota
ranch of 3200 acres. By 1900 he was a widower raising an eighteen-year-old son. In Bay City he owned and operated
one of the largest pipe and supply companies in the state. Edward died on March 29, 1926.
1. Portrait and Biographical Album of Oakland County, Chapman Brothers, Chicago, 1891.
2. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1867-1868, Great Lakes Branch of the National Archives, Chicago, Illinois.
3. Holly Herald, Centennial Anniversary Edition, Holly, Michigan, June 30, 1938, page 43.
4. 1850 Federal Census of the city of Detroit, 1860 Federal Census of the village of Plymouth and 1870 Federal Census of Springwells
Township in Wayne County, plus 1880 and 1900 Federal Censes of the village of Milford in Oakland County, as well as 1910 and
1920 Federal Censes of the Third Ward of Bay City in Bay County, Michigan.

Bissell, H.
Manchester PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................................ 1870 t
“Mrs. Watkins, Feb. 1870” was written on the back of a carte de visite on which was printed “H. BISSELL, t
Photographer, Manchester, Mich. - Photographs of Adults made in cloudy as well as clear weather. Children should t
have the best of light. Likenesses of deceased friends can be enlarged from Daguerreotypes, Ambrotypes and small t
Photographs. An endless variety of Photograph Frames for sale cheap.” This Manchester photographer may well have t 1
been Henry Bissell, the son of Tecumseh photographer Mrs. Cynthia M. Bissell. Henry was born in Bastrop County, 1
Texas, on May 31, 1840, and was brought to Michigan in 1844. He enlisted at Adrian in Company G of the Fourth 1 2
Michigan Infantry on June 20, 1861, and was mustered into the army on the same day. According to his service record, 2
Henry was mustered out at the expiration of his three-year term of service at Detroit on June 30, 1864. According to a 2 1
biographer 45 years later, he participated in 42 battles (every one in which his regiment was involved except the last 1
engagement at Appomattox), was wounded several times, and marched through Washington with his regiment in the 1
Grand Review on May 23, 1865. After the war he engaged in several occupations, finally becoming a photographer for 1
a number of years, most of them in the vicinity of Toledo, Ohio. Then he became a successful truck farmer in Lenawee 1
County for several years. About 1899 he retired to his comfortable home in Tecumseh. “Perhaps mindful of the 1
dangers of strife and warfare, as represented in his army experiences, Mr. Bissell has never assumed matrimonial 1
responsibilities.” 1
1. Memoirs of Lenawee County, Michigan, Western Historical Association, Madison, Wisconsin, 1909.
2. Record of Service of Michigan Volunteers in the Civil War, 1861-1865; published by the State of Michigan about 1904.

Bissell, Nathaniel J.
Holly child ................................................................................................................................................................. 1870 1
Holly (E. Bissell & Son) PHOTOGRAPHERS ............................................................................................... 1878-1879 m
Holly (Bissell & Son) PHOTOGRAPHERS ................................................................................................... 1880-1881 m
Milford commercial traveler ...................................................................................................................................... 1900 1
Milford traveling salesman ........................................................................................................................................ 1910 1
Lansing resident ................................................................................................................................................ 1920,1930 1
Lansing resident ......................................................................................................................................................... 1938 2
Nathaniel was born in Northville on November 6, 1862, and so was no more than 16 years old when he became the 2 m
partner of his father, Edward Bissell. Ida was born in Michigan in October of 1862, and she married Nathan about m 1
1884. Their daughter Lauretta was born in February of 1886, their daughter Rilla was born in October of 1889, and 1
their son Richard was born in September of 1893. They lived in Holly and then Milford for many years before moving 1 3
to Lansing, 3
1. 1870 and 1880 Federal Censes of the village of Holly plus 1900 and 1910 Federal Censes of the village of Milford in Oakland County,
plus 1920 Federal Census of the Second Ward and 1930 Federal Census of the Fourth Ward of Lansing in Ingham County, Michigan.
2. Holly Herald, Centennial Anniversary Edition, Holly, Michigan, June 30, 1938, page 43.

Bissell, Sanford R.
Unadilla DAGUERREOTYPIST and Presbyterian minister ........................................................................... 1862-1863 m
Bixby, Frank M.
Pontiac Township student .......................................................................................................................................... 1860 1
Avon Township farm hand ........................................................................................................................................ 1870 1
Avon Township farmer on his father’s farm .............................................................................................................. 1880 1
Detroit clerk or saloon keeper .......................................................................................................................... 1884-1885 d
Pontiac (Hunter & Bixby) PHOTOGRAPHERS over the Bill Poster office ............................................................. 1888 2
Detroit artist ............................................................................................................................................................... 1890 d
Detroit photographer for Alvord & Company ........................................................................................................... 1891 d
Detroit painter ............................................................................................................................................................ 1892 d
Detroit photo operator for photographers Alvord & Company .................................................................................. 1893 d
Detroit COMMERCIAL & PORTRAIT PHOTOGRAPHER at 106 Miami av ........................................................ 1894 d
Detroit real estate agent or foreman ................................................................................................................. 1896-1898 d
Detroit photographer .................................................................................................................................................. 1899 d
Detroit saloon proprietor ................................................................................................................................. 1900-1903 1 d
Detroit grocer ................................................................................................................................................... 1904-1910 d
Detroit carpenter contractor ............................................................................................................................. 1911-1922 d 1
Frank was born in Michigan to parents from New York in February of 1850, third of the nine children of Taylor and 1
Clarissa Bixby. His two older brothers were born in New York State, and the rest of the children were born in 1
Michigan. Frank was boarding and working out on another Avon Township farm in 1870, but was back working with 1
his father in 1880. Mary or Mamie was born here in February of 1871, and she married Frank in 1895. Their children 1
were born in Michigan, Hazel in January of 1897 and Arthur in February of 1898. Hunter & Bixby purchased and 1 2
refitted the Pontiac gallery formerly occupied by H. M. Kittle, where they were “... prepared to make the finest pictures 2
at the lowest figures. Come and get prices, and see our work. CABINET PICTURES $1.25 PER DOZ. We also run 2
a viewing wagon in connection with our gallery, and make pictures anywhere in city or country....” The ads, which ran 2
only on January 27 and February 3, 1888, noted that this was a branch of Hunter’s Detroit gallery. Similar 2
advertisements which began February 10 were signed by the Hunter Art Gallery, and this notice appeared on March 2
16, 1888: “A CARD TO THE PUBLIC - We desire to give notice that one Frank Bixby, is in no way connected with 2
Hunters Art Gallery, or Detroit Viewing Company, since Saturday, Feb. 26th; all persons are warned not to trust him, 2
or transact any business with him on our account, as we will not be responsible for any of his transactions after above 2
date. Bert HUNTER,...” Mamie Bixby was a widow by 1930, and still was living on her own in Detroit. 2 1
1. 1860 Federal Census of Pontiac Township plus 1870 and 1880 Federal Censes of Avon Township in Oakland County, as well as
1900 Federal Census of the Fifth Ward, 1910 Federal Census of the Thirteenth Ward, 1920 Federal Census of the Eleventh Ward,
and 1930 Federal Census of the Seventeenth Ward of Detroit in Wayne County, Michigan.
2. Pontiac Gazette, Pontiac, Michigan, January 27 through March 16, 1888.

Bixby, J. W.
Wildwood PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................ 1906-1911 m
One J. W. Bixby was born in Michigan in 1877. In 1920 he had a 22-year-old wife named Lucile and a daughter 1
born in June of 1918, and he was working as a laborer for the city of Flint. 1
1. 1920 Federal Census of the Second Ward of Flint in Genesee County, Michigan.

Bixby, S., Mrs.

Vermontville PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................... 1874-1875 m

Bixler, Miles Frederick

Thornapple Township student ................................................................................................................................... 1880 1
Detroit (American Autotype Company) PHOTOGRAPHIC SUPPLY MANUFACTURER ................................... 1900 d
Detroit bookkeeper .................................................................................................................................................... 1900 1
Cleveland resident ..................................................................................................................................................... 1901 d
Cleveland Heights wholesale jewelry merchant ......................................................................................................... 1910 1
Cleveland Heights wholesale jeweler ........................................................................................................................ 1920 1
He was called Fred as a child, and was born in Michigan in September of 1870. He was the son of Frank and Mary 1
A. Bixler, and his sister Della was born in Indiana about 1875. Lida was born in Ohio in December of 1871, and she 1
married Fred in 1898. Their son Paul was born in Michigan in October of 1899, and their son Ronald was born in Ohio 1
about 1907. Thomas J. Courtney and Fred M. Bixler were principals of the American Autotype Company, which 1 d
manufactured carbon tissue and did carbon printing in room 29 at 156 Jefferson Avenue. He was identified as M. d
Frederick Bixler and as Frederick M. Bixler in Detroit directories, but consistently as Miles F. Bixler in the 1900, d 1
1910 and 1920 census reports. 1
1. 1880 Federal Census of Thornapple Township in Barry County and 1900 Federal Census of the Fourth Ward of Detroit in Wayne
County, Michigan, plus 1910 and 1920 Federal Censes of the village of Cleveland Heights in Cuyahoga County, Ohio.
Bizauskas, Joseph Casimere
Westville, Illinois, teacher in a Lithuanian school ..................................................................................................... 1910 1
Grand Rapids PHOTOGRAPHER at 74 Leonard st west .......................................................................................... 1911 g
Grand Rapids tailor or real estate agent ........................................................................................................... 1912-1914 g
Detroit tailor for the Finsterwald Clothing Company ................................................................................................ 1918 2
Detroit proprietor of a dry goods store ...................................................................................................................... 1930 1
Joseph was born in the Lithuanian region of Russia on November 17, 1872, and emigrated from there in 1895 or 2 1
1904. As a man he was five feet six inches tall and weighed 135 pounds. He was boarding with a Russian priest in 2 1
Westville, and by this time he was a naturalized citizen of the United States. Elizabeth was born about 1885, also in 1
the Lithuanian region of Russia. She was brought to America in 1895, and she married Joseph about 1913. Their 1
children (Alex, Catherine, Josephine, Emil and Florence) were born in Michigan between 1914 and April of 1927. 1
1. 1910 Federal Census of the village of Westville in Georgetown Township of Vermilion County, Illinois, and 1930 Federal Census
of the Twentieth Ward of Detroit in Wayne County, Michigan.
2. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.

Bjorkland, John
Rockland confectioner ..................................................................................................................................... 1908-1917 m 1
Rockland PHOTOGRAPHER and confectioner .............................................................................................. 1918-1919 m
Mass PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................................ 1918-1925 1 m
Greenland Township proprietor of a poultry yard ..................................................................................................... 1930 1
John was born in Finland in 1869, came to the United States in 1887, and became a naturalized citizen in 1894. His 1
shop was on the corner of Maple and National Streets in Rockland, where the listings were for John Bjorland. He 2 m
seems to have been single and living alone in 1910, 1920 and 1930. 1
1. 1910 Federal Census of Rockland Township, 1920 Federal Census of the Second Precinct of Mass, and 1930 Federal Census of
Greenland Township in Ontonagon County, Michigan.
2. Learned in 1992 from Charles Johnson of the Rockland Historical Society.

Bjorkquist, Gust
Wakefield PHOTOGRAPHER and miner ............................................................................................................. ca 1910 1
Wakefield carpenter for the Wakefield Iron Company .............................................................................................. 1918 2
Wakefield miner in an iron mine ...................................................................................................................... 1920,1930 3
Gust was born in Finland on October 25, 1881, and emigrated from there to Wakefield in March of 1909. He worked 2 1
in the mines and ran a photography business. A young lady that emigrated from Finland in 1905 was 22 years old when 1 3
she became Mrs. Katy Aliina Bjorkquist about 1910, and then she raised three daughters (Mary, Aili and Kathleen) 3
born between 1907 and 1824. Gust was a tall man with blue eyes and light brown hair in 1918. 3 2
1. Bruce K. Cox, History of the Businesses and Business People of Wakefield, Michigan, 1884-1983.
2. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.
3. 1920 and 1930 Federal Censes of the city of Wakefield in Gogebic County, Michigan.

Black, C. P.
Deckerville PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................................ 1906 1
Mr. Black occupied the rooms above Bullock Brothers meat market as his studio and residence. This building was 1
entirely destroyed by fire on Sunday, September 9, 1906, along with four other business blocks. The fire broke out in 1
the livery barn of the Hotel Deckerville, and had a good start before it was discovered. The flames jumped to the hotel, 1
and then moved both directions along the street. Black lost everything, and had no insurance. This probably was a 1
garbled reference to George A. Black. m
1. Cass City Chronicle, Cass City, Michigan, September 14, 1906.
Black, George A.
Boyne City iron moulder ........................................................................................................................................... 1900 1
Boyne City (Ware & Black) PHOTOGRAPHERS .............................................................................................. ca 1900 2
Boyne City PHOTOGRAPHER ...................................................................................................................... 1900-1903 m
Deckerville PHOTOGRAPHER ...................................................................................................................... 1906-1908 m R
Deckerville PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................................ 1910 1
His parents emigrated from Canada, and George was born in Michigan in December of 1865. One of his Boyne City 1 3
cabinet photographs was of the interior of a barber shop, and another was of a group of hunters in the woods. From t
Boyne City he also produced 6 ½ by 8 ½ prints on 8 by 10 inch mounts of an I.L.A. excursion on the t
Queen_of_the_Lakes, as well as many “picture load” photos of sleds with huge stacks of logs, most made for lumber t 3
king W. S. White. George’s second marriage was to 22-year-old Clara E. Demott about 1900, and they settled in 3 1
Sanilac County in 1903. They had no children in 1910, when they were living with George’s widowed mother, Mrs. 1
Marion A. Thompson. “G. A. Black” in script over “Deckerville, Mich.” in smaller block capitals was blind stamped 1 t
into 8 by 10 inch mounts, including one with a photograph of 34 young men and women posed in front of a public t
building. There was a photographer named G. A. Black at Gravelbourg, Saskatchewan, from 1919 until 1921, and t 4
possibly as early as 1915. 4
1. 1900 Federal Census of the village of Boyne City in Charlevoix County, and 1910 Federal Census of Marion Township in Sanilac
County, Michigan.
2. Doris V. Huckle, Artists North, The Necessary Press, East Jordan, Michigan, 1978.
3. Standard Atlas of Sanilac County, Michigan, 1906, George A. Ogle & Company, Chicago.
4. Glen C. Phillips, The Western Canada Photographers List (1860-1925), Iron Gate Publishing Company, London, Ontario, 1997.

Black, Hamilton
Bay City PHOTOGRAPHER 2205 Woodside av ..................................................................................................... 1891 b
Bay City resident or plow man ......................................................................................................................... 1894,1900 1 2
Bay City proprietor of a foundry ............................................................................................................................... 1910 2
Bay City brick mason or brick layer ................................................................................................................. 1920,1930 2
Hamilton was born in Michigan in December of 1860. Sarah was born in England in January of 1860, and she 2
married Hamilton in 1886 or early in 1887. They never had children, and by 1910 Hamilton was a widower. His 2
second wife, Helen, was born in Pennsylvania in 1851 and married him prior to 1920. Hamilton was again a widower 2
and was sharing his home with his fifty-year-old sister Clara in 1930. He died at Bay City in 1944, and at that time was 2 3
said to have been born in Warwick Township of Lambton County, Ontario. His parents were identified as Andrew 3
Black, a native of Scotland, and Sarah (Lucas) Black, who was born in Canada. 3
1. 1894 Michigan State Census.
2. 1900 Federal Census of the Tenth Ward, plus 1910, 1920 and 1930 Federal Censes of the First Ward of Bay City in Bay County, Michigan.
3. Ancestry Family Data Collection – Individual Records.
Black, John C.
York, New York, student ........................................................................................................................................... 1850 1
Barry County farmer ........................................................................................................................................ 1860-1861 1 2
United States Army soldier .............................................................................................................................. 1861-1865 2 3
Hope Township farmer .............................................................................................................................................. 1870 1
Hastings resident ............................................................................................................................................. 1871-1873 2
Hastings PHOTOGRAPHER .......................................................................................................................... 1874-1875 m
Hastings (Black & Clarkson) PHOTOGRAPHERS on Jefferson st ................................................................ 1876-1877 m
Hastings (Black & Clarkson) PHOTOGRAPHERS on the south side of State st ................................................. ca 1877 t
Hastings (Black & Clarkson) PHOTOGRAPHERS at the corner of Church and State sts ................................... ca 1877 t
Hastings (Black & Van Schoten) PHOTOGRAPHERS ....................................................................................... ca 1878 t
Hastings resident or farmer ............................................................................................................. 1879-1880,1897,1908 1 2
Hastings LANDSCAPE PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................ 1909 2
Hastings PHOTOGRAPHER .................................................................................................................................... 1910 1
Hastings resident ........................................................................................................................................................ 1912 2
His father emigrated from Scotland, his mother came from Maine, and John was born in New York State on March 1 2
21, 1838. He probably was the son of John Black, who in 1850 was a widower raising three boys and two girls born 2 1
between 1835 and 1846 on his own. The younger John enlisted at Lowell as a private in Company B of the Eighth 1 2
Michigan Infantry on August 26, 1861. He was mustered into the army on September 23 and by June of 1862 had been 2 3
assigned as a Brigade wagoner or teamster. This duty involved some lifting of heavy stores, and on March 12, 1863, at 3 2
Newport News, Virginia, John sustained a double hernia or rupture and was sent back to his company. There he spent 2
two or three months helping the cook before returning to more rigorous duties. In November of 1863 he contracted 2
chronic diarrhea at Loudon in East Tennessee. John re-enlisted at Blain’s Cross Roads, Tennessee, on December 29 2 3
but a few days later, on January 5, 1864, he was in the General Hospital at Knoxville, Tennessee. As he recovered his 3 2
health, he was sent home on a convalescent and Veteran’s Furlough, and later rejoined his regiment at Annapolis, 2
Maryland. In April or June of 1864 at Annapolis he was afflicted with rheumatism and spent most of the following 2
year in hospitals at Annapolis and Fredericksburg as well as in four different hospitals around Washington, D. C. John 2
was promoted to corporal on July 1, 1865, and was honorably discharged from the army at Washington, D. C., on July 3
30, 1865. By 1870 he had a wife named Mary, who was born in Scotland about 1842. He first applied for an Invalid 3 1
Pension on September 18, 1871, and began receiving a pension on January 24, 1873. By 1880 John was married to a 2 1
lady named Olive, who was born in New York in 1841 or 1842. “JOHN C. BLACK, Landscape Photographer” was 1 t
stamped on the back of some post card photographs with 1909 Hastings postmarks. John was a widower living by t 1
himself by 1910, and he died at Hastings late in the fall of 1912. 1 2
1. 1850 Federal Census of York in Livingston County, New York, as well as 1860 Federal Census of Woodland Township, 1870 Federal
Census of Hope Township, plus 1880 Federal Census of the Third Ward and 1910 Federal Census of the First Ward of Hastings in
Barry County, Michigan.
2. Civil War Veteran Pension Record of John C. Black obtained from the National Archives at Washington, D. C.
3. Record of Service of Michigan Volunteers in the Civil War, 1861-1865; published by the State of Michigan about 1904.

Black, Louis
Detroit manufacturing optician and importer ................................................................................................... 1858-1863 d
Detroit optician and photographic stock dealer ............................................................................................... 1864-1865 d
Detroit manufacturing optician and importer ................................................................................................... 1866-1872 d
Louis was primarily a major manufacturer of spectacles, but his photographic activities are note worthy. In the d 1
autumn of 1858 he received a supply of minute photographs, about the size of a pin head. He carried photographic 1 d
stock for a few years, and then left that field to the specialists. He commissioned an eastern artist to take a series of 47 d t
stereoscopic views of Detroit scenes in 1869. These views were published for many years on various L. Black & t
Company mounts, and were periodically augmented with contemporary views. Louis Black died in 1872, but the t 2
company which he founded continued to sell stereoscopes and stereographs well into the 1900s. Some highlights of L. 2 d
Black & Company’s later photographic ventures are included in the entry for Albert Landsberg. Mrs. Augusta Black, d
widow of Louis, returned soon after his death to Berlin, Prussia or Germany, and remained an absentee principal of the d
company into the 1890s. The active management was handled by Albert Landsberg, who had been a partner since d 2
1866. William Black was a principal of the firm from 1887 until his death in 1891 or 1892. L. Black & Company d
became the L. Black Company in 1899, with Albert Landsberg as president until his death in 1901. Maurice Black was d
president from 1901 until his death in 1918. His widow, Mrs. Elizabeth V. Black, managed the L. Black Company d
until about 1939, when she was succeeded by Sarah T. Black. d
1. Detroit Daily Advertiser, Detroit, Michigan, September 17, 1858.
2. J. W. Leonard, The Industries of Detroit, J. M. Elstner, Detroit, 1887.
Black, William
Garfield Township child ............................................................................................................................................ 1884 1
Garfield Township student ......................................................................................................................................... 1894 1
Garfield Township worker on his father’s farm ......................................................................................................... 1900 2
Newaygo photographer for post cards ....................................................................................................................... 1910 2
Newaygo laborer for the Newaygo Portland Cement Company ................................................................................ 1918 3
William Andrew Black was born in Michigan to natives of Michigan on October 15, 1881, first of the five children 1
of Wesley and Alice Black. He was boarding with the family of Frank Van Leuven in 1910, when he seems to have 1
been working for Frank. “Van.” was lettered on the negatives of post card photographs along with such captions as 1 t
“Lower Bridge & Wood Hill Newaygo, Mich.” and “South side Main St Newaygo, Mich.” Some of the cards were t
mailed between May of 1909 and May of 1911. William listed Mrs. Hazel Black of Newaygo as his nearest relative in t 3
1918. One William Black was a patient or inmate in the Pontiac State Hospital with no assigned duties in 1920, and 3 2
with duties as a hall helper in 1930. His description fit that of the photographer except that his mother was said to have 2
been born in New York State. 2
1. 1884 and 1894 Michigan State Censes.
2. 1900 Federal Census of Garfield Township and 1910 Federal Census of the village of Newaygo in Newaygo County, plus 1920 and
1930 Federal Censes of the Fourth Ward of Pontiac in Oakland County, Michigan.
3. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.

Blackburn, J. H.
Iron River photographer ............................................................................................................................................ 1883 1
J. H. Blackburn was expected to leave Iron River for the copper regions in the early part of July. 1
1. Florence Mining News, Florence, Wisconsin, Volume III, Number 27, June 30, 1883.

Blackhall, _______
Marshall PHOTOGRAPHER .................................................................................................................................... 1875 1
“Blackhall, Marshall, Mich.” was printed below the opening for the image on 5 by 3 ¼ inch paper tintype sleeves, t
and “BLACKHALL, PHOTOGRAPHER, Marshall, Mich.” was printed on the back of card photograph mounts. t
1. Doris Borthwick, “Nineteenth Century Photographers of Marshall, Michigan” in Chronicle, volume 18, number 2, Summer, 1982, page 23.

Blackmore, Harriet P., Mrs.

Grand Rapids artist .................................................................................................................................................... 1886 g
Grand Rapids (The Blackmore Art Company) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 86 Monroe st ............................................. 1887 g
Grand Rapids (The Blackmore Art Company) PHOTOGRS at 84 & 86 Monroe st and 39 Ionia st .................... ca 1887 t
Newark, New Jersey, house wife ...................................................................................................................... 1910,1920 1
Winter Haven, Florida, house wife ............................................................................................................................ 1930 1
Harriet Parker was born in Canada about 1859, the daughter of James and Margaret Parker. She married James E. 2
Blackmore at Simcoe, Ontario, on February 11, 1879. James was Harriet’s partner in a portrait studio at 86 Monroe 2 g
Street in 1886, as well as in The Blackmore Art Company in 1887. The company’s early cabinet mounts identify them g t
as Photographers and Portrait Painters that make a specialty of life size portraits. On later mounts they are called t
Artists and Dealers in Photo Stock and Artist’s Materials. Their daughter Precilla was born in New Jersey in 1893, and t 1
she still was sharing their home in 1920. Harriett, as she usually was known in later years, died in 1941 at Gadsden, 1 3
Florida. 3
1. 1910 Federal Census of the Second Ward and 1920 Federal Census of the Thirteenth Ward of Newark in Essex County, New Jersey,
plus 1930 Federal Census of the city of Winter Haven in Polk County, Florida.
2. Ontario, Canada Marriages, 1857 - 1922.
3. Florida Death Index, 1877 - 1998.

Blackmore, Harry G.
Ann Arbor assistant at Gibson’s Photograph Gallery ...................................................................................... 1890-1892 a
Blackmore, James Edward
Grand Rapids artist .................................................................................................................................................... 1886 g
Grand Rapids (The Blackmore Art Company) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 86 Monroe st ............................................. 1887 g
Grand Rapids (The Blackmore Art Company) PHOTOGRS at 84 & 86 Monroe st and 39 Ionia st .................... ca 1887 t
Grand Rapids (Blackmore Manufacturing Company) PHOTO GOODS at 62 Front st south ................................... 1888 g
Grand Rapids (Blackmore Manufacturing Company) PHOTO GOODS at 81 and 83 Campau st .................. 1889-1890 g
Grand Rapids artist .................................................................................................................................................... 1891 g
Newark, New Jersey, inventor ......................................................................................................................... 1892-1901 p
Newark, New Jersey, proprietor of a photo supply studio ......................................................................................... 1910 1
Newark, New Jersey, artist and merchant .................................................................................................................. 1920 1
Winter Haven, Florida, fine arts artist ....................................................................................................................... 1930 1
James was born at London, Ontario, on September 24, 1861, the son of William and Julia Elizabeth Blackmore. He 3 2
married Harriet Parker at Simcoe, Ontario, on February 11, 1879. They moved to the United States in 1880 and later 2 1
became naturalized citizens. James and Harriet were business partners in 1886 and 1887. Joseph J. Blackmore of St. 1 g
Thomas, Ontario, was president of the Blackmore Manufacturing Company, while James was secretary and treasurer. g
They employed William S. Watkins as a photographer and Etta Bronson as a finisher in 1889, made photographic g
appliances in 1888 and 1889, and manufactured photographic goods and picture frames in 1890. James seems to have g
filed his first patent applications on April 25, 1888, covering a Stand for Photographic Cameras for which Patent No. g p
390,199 was granted October 2, 1888, and a tripod mounted Photographic Camera for which Patent No. 392,003 p
issued on October 30, 1888. Patent No. 435,342 was granted to him on August 26, 1890, for a Camera that could be p
used for instantaneous work without being removed from its carrying case. His Patent No. 520,030 issued May 22, p
1894, describing a Motor Opticon or projector; No. 525,439 issued September 4, 1894, covering a Camera Shutter for p
more than 100 lenses arranged to take successive exposures of a moving object on one stationary plate; No. 528,140 p
issued October 30, 1894, describing a Camera for taking a connected series of pictures using moving strip film; No. p
590,204 was granted September 21, 1897, for a Roll Holding Flash Light Camera; and No. 682,131 issued September p
3, 1901, covering a Pistol for Firing Flash-Light Cartridges. p
1. 1910 Federal Census of the Second Ward and 1920 Federal Census of the Thirteenth Ward of Newark in Essex County, New Jersey,
plus 1930 Federal Census of the city of Winter Haven in Polk County, Florida.
2. United States Passport Applications, 1795-1925.
3. Ontario, Canada Marriages, 1857 - 1922.

Blackmore, Joseph J.
Grand Rapids (Blackmore Manufacturing Company) PHOTO GOODS at 62 Front st south ................................... 1888 g
Grand Rapids (Blackmore Manufacturing Company) PHOTO GOODS at 81 and 83 Campau st .................. 1889-1890 g
The entry for James E. Blackmore includes more information about the Blackmore Manufacturing Company. Joseph g
lived at St. Thomas, Ontario, throughout the three years that he was president of this Grand Rapids firm, and later g
moved to Newark, New Jersey. p

Blackwell, Edwin William

Saginaw assistant photographer for Charles E. White ............................................................................................... 1909 s
Saginaw photographer ............................................................................................................................................... 1910 1
Saginaw PHOTOGRAPHER at 116 Hamilton st north ................................................................................... 1912-1919 m s
Saginaw PHOTOGRAPHER at 116 ½ Hamilton st north ............................................................................... 1920-1952 m 2
Edwin was born at Kincardine on the eastern shore of Lake Huron in Ontario on December 25, 1886. Eva was born 3 1
in Michigan to Canadian parents about 1887, and she married Edwin when she was 24 years old. They don’t seem to 1
have had any children. By 1917 Edwin was a naturalized citizen of the United States, and was a tall married man with 1 3
black hair and deficient brown eyes. From his Portrait & Commercial Studio at 116 ½ Hamilton, Edwin offered 3 s
“Everything in Photography.” Henry F. Bornhoff worked as a photographer for Edwin from 1923 through 1933. s 4
1. 1910 Federal Census of the Fourth Ward and 1930 Federal Census of the Sixteenth Ward of Saginaw in Saginaw County, Michigan.
2. Frank Gueder, “Index of Saginaw Photographers 1865-1971” in Timbertown Log, Saginaw, Michigan, 1973 Fall-Winter 1974 and Summer 1974.
3. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.
4. 1891-1991 - 100 Years of Photography in Frankenmuth, Rummel Portrait Studios, Frankenmuth and Saginaw, Michigan.
Blair, _______
Waters PHOTOGRAPHER ....................................................................................................................................... 1908 t
Alba PHOTOGRAPHER ...................................................................................................................................... ca 1909 t
Cheboygan (Blair & Yeomans) PHOTOGRAPHERS ..................................................................................... 1909-1912 t
“-Beebe, Blair-” was lettered along with appropriate captions on the postal negatives of Waters street scenes, a band t
mill, the lumber yard, a logging locomotive and the 1908 champion baseball team. These views may have been t
photographed by Blair, then printed and distributed by the prolific photographer Edward L. Beebe. Some of the cards t
were mailed in January and February of 1909. “Beebe, Blair” was also lettered on negatives captioned: “A t
Lumberwoods Scene. Alba, Mich.” and “Steam Skidder, Alba, Mich.” which were printed on post card stock. “GANG t
MILL, WATERS, MICH. Photo, Blair & Yeomans, Cheboygan, Mich.” and “FOREST LODG, TOPINABEE, t
MICH. Photo, Blair & Yeomans” and “Photo, Blair & Yeomans, Cheboygan.” were lettered on the negatives of post t
card photographs, the last on a photo of a baseball team with an Old English “W” on their uniform shirts. One of these t
cards was mailed in June of 1909, and another was postmarked in February of 1912. t

Blair, Louis William

Ithaca laborer at odd jobs .......................................................................................................................................... 1910 1
Ithaca PHOTOGRAPHER in the Church Block .............................................................................................. 1912-1913 m 2
Ithaca PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................... 1914-1917 m
Alma motor truck assembler ...................................................................................................................................... 1918 3
North Shade Township farmer ................................................................................................................................... 1930 1
His parents came from New York and Ohio, and Louis was born in Michigan on February 6, 1878. He was the first 1 3
child of Herbert and Sarah E. Blair, and he had two brothers and two sisters born in North Shade Township between 1
September of 1879 and July of 1884. Louis succeeded John Elmer Wasson as Ithaca’s photographer. He was stout and 1 2
five feet eight inches tall with blue eyes and brown hair in 1918, when he was living on Court Street in Alma with his 3
wife, Edna Pearl Blair. Pearl was born in Michigan in 1880 or 1881, she married Louis about 1900, and their daughter 3 1
Leora May was born in Michigan in 1906 or 1907. Lewis W. Blair was a photographer in 1911 at St. Augustine, 1 4
Florida. Louis married for a second time about 1926. His bride was Mrs. Dorothy E. Howell, and she brought along 4 1
her seven-year-old son Harold. Dorothy gave birth to Iris E. Blair in May of 1918. 1
1. 1910 Federal Census of the village of Ithaca plus 1880, 1900 and 1930 Federal Censes of North Shade Township in Gratiot
County, Michigan.
2. Willard D. Tucker, Gratiot County, Michigan, Seemann & Peters, Saginaw, Michigan, 1913.
3. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.
4. Floyd and Marion Rinhart, Victorian Florida, Peachtree Publishers, Atlanta, Georgia, 1986.

Blair, Wilson H.
Watson Township worker on his mother’s farm ........................................................................................................ 1870 1
Watson Township farmer ........................................................................................................................................... 1880 1
Kellogg PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................................. ca 1885 t
Hopkins Station PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................... 1888-1889 m
Martin PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................. 1890-1891 m
Allegan PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................ 1892-1905 m
Watson Township farmer ........................................................................................................................................... 1910 1
Homer Township, New York, farmer ........................................................................................................................ 1920 1
Homer Township, New York, dairy farmer ............................................................................................................... 1930 1
Wilson was born in New York State to a Scotch father and an Irish mother in December of 1853. His mother, Anne 1
Blair, was operating the Watson Township farm in 1870 with the help of her three sons: Joseph born in Ireland about 1
1848, John born in New York about 1851, and Wilson. Her father emigrated from Canada, her mother came from New 1
York, and Ella Miner was born in Michigan in November of 1852. She married Wilson about 1878, and they had two 1
children born in Michigan: Vera in February of 1886 and Russell in August of 1889. Russell was a full partner in the 1
Homer Township farm in 1920, and by 1930 had added his wife Mabel, their son Richard and their daughter Vera Ann 1
to the household. 1
1. 1870, 1880 and 1910 Federal Censes of Watson Township and 1900 Federal Census of the village of Allegan in Allegan County,
Michigan, plus 1920 and 1930 Federal Censes of Homer Township in Cortland County, New York.

Blake, Frederick
Ann Arbor photographer for Ernest Krueger ............................................................................................................. 1886 a
Blakemore, Lemuel
Saint Paul, Minnesota, student ......................................................................................................................... 1880-1885 1 2
Saint Paul, Minnesota, clerk ...................................................................................................................................... 1895 2
Minneapolis, Minnesota, (Boetcher & Blakemore) PHOTOGRAPHERS ................................................................ 1901 3
Calumet (Boetcher & Blakemore) PHOTOGRAPHERS in the second story of the Hennes Block ................ 1901-1902 3
Mankato, Minnesota, (Boetcher & Blakemore) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 123 Second st north ............................ ca 1902 t
Saint Paul, Minnesota, PHOTOGRAPHER ..................................................................................................... 1905,1910 2 1
Winnipeg, Manitoba, (Blakemore, Larson & Boetcher) PHOTOGRAPHERS ............................................... 1912-1913 4
Winnipeg, Manitoba, (Larson & Blakemore) PHOTOGRAPHERS ............................................................... 1914-1915 4
Toronto, Ontario, PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................ 1916-1917 5
Kingston, Ontario, PHOTOGRAPHER ..................................................................................................................... 1917 5
Chicago, Illinois, PHOTOGRAPHER ....................................................................................................................... 1930 1
Lemuel was born in Illinois to English parents in April of 1872, the son of George and Emma Blakemore. His 1 2
brother William was ten years older and his sisters Eda, Della and Ruth were from one to five years younger. 1
Bernadetta (sometimes called Nettie) was born in Minnesota in January of 1879, and she married Lemuel about 1894. 1 2
Their children were born in Minnesota: George in January of 1895, and then Hart and Edith between 1903 and 1906. 2 1
The imprint of Boetcher & Blakemore and the blind stamp of Calumet photographer William Nara were both applied t
to some cabinet mounts. L. Blakemore, H. Larson and H. Boetcher were succeeded as proprietors of the Rembrandt t 4
Studio in Winnipeg by Herman Larson and Lemuel Blakemore. The Kingston studio was operated as a branch of 4 5
Lemuel’s Toronto business. Marie was born in Iowa to Bohemian parents about 1898, and she seems to have married 5 1
Lemuel about 1919. 1
1. 1880 Federal Census of the city of St. Paul and 1910 Federal Census of the Seventh Ward of St. Paul in Ramsey County, Minnesota,
plus 1930 Federal Census of the 46th Ward of Chicago in Cook County, Illinois.
2. 1885 Minnesota Census of the Third Ward, 1895 Minnesota Census of the Ninth Ward, and 1905 Minnesota Census of the Seventh
Ward of St. Paul in Ramsey County, Minnesota.
3. Copper Country Evening News, Calumet, Michigan, November 23, 1901.
4. Glen C. Phillips, The Western Canada Photographers List (1860-1925), Iron Gate Publishing Company, London, Ontario, 1997.
5. Glen C. Phillips, The Ontario Photographers List Volume II (1901-1925), Iron Gate Publishing Company, London, Ontario, 1997.

Blakemore, William C.
Michigamme PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................. 1905 1
Baraboo, Wisconsin, insurance agent ........................................................................................................................ 1910 2
William was born in New York State to English parents in 1863 or early in 1864. Mary Hughes was born in 2
Minnesota to parents from New York fourteen years later, and she married William about 1899. Their son Arthur was 2
born in Michigan in 1904 or early in 1905, and their son John was born in Minnesota on October 1, 1907. Mary died 2 3
at Minneapolis on February 29, 1916, and the boys were inmates of the Washburn Home at Minneapolis in 1920. 3 2
1. Marquette City and County Directory, 1905, R. L. Polk & Company, Detroit.
2. 1910 Federal Census of the First Ward of Baraboo in Sauk County, Wisconsin, and 1920 Federal Census of the Thirteenth Ward of
Minneapolis in Hennepin County, Minnesota.
3. Minnesota Death Index, 1908 - 2002.

Blaker, Leroy W.
Logan Township, Iowa, student ................................................................................................................................. 1900 1
Gorham Township, Ohio, farm hand on the Caulkins farm ....................................................................................... 1910 1
Hudson PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................................. ca 1912 t
Pittsford Township, Michigan, farmer .............................................................................................................. 1920,1930 1
His father came from New Jersey, his mother came from Texas, and Leroy was born in Nebraska in January of 1889, 1
second of the five children of Frank and Emma A. Blaker. “LEROY W. BLAKER, PHOTOGRAPHER, HUDSON, 1 t
MICH, R-F-D-NO 52.” was stamped on the back of standard sized buff stereo mounts. “16 hp. N. & S. engine” was t
written on one of these mounts which carried twin images of a steam farm tractor. The two images might be identical. t
Ola’s father emigrated from Switzerland, she was born in Ohio in 1888, and she married Leroy about 1912. By 1
November of 1919 they had three daughters and a son. Pittsford Township is immediately west of Hudson. 1 2
1. 1900 Federal Census of Logan Township in Calhoun County, Iowa, 1910 Federal Census of Gorham Township in Fulton County, Ohio,
plus 1920 and 1930 Federal Censes of Pittsford Township in Hillsdale County, Michigan.
2. Michigan County Map Guide, Michigan United Conservation Clubs, Lansing, Michigan.
Blakesley, George P.
Windham Township, New York, farm hand on his father’s farm .............................................................................. 1850 1
Dowagiac AMBROTYPIST ...................................................................................................................................... 1860 2
Binghamton, New York, carpenter ................................................................................................................... 1870,1880 1
Chicago, Illinois, sewing machine agent .................................................................................................................... 1900 1
George was born in New York State in June of 1832, third of the nine known children of William and Lucinda 1
Blakesley. He was identified also as a painter in 1860, when he was living alone in a Dowagiac hotel. G. P. Blakeslee 1 3
was a photographer in 1863 at 74 Dominick Street in Rome, New York. Emma was born to English parents in either 3 1
England or New York in the summer of 1846, and she married George about 1862. Their children were born in New 1
York: Estelle in the summer of 1863 and Clarence in May of 1870. George was living in an apartment by himself in 1
1900. The family name was spelled Blakeslee in many records. 1
1. 1850 Federal Census of Windham Township in Greene County plus 1870 and 1880 Federal Censes of the Fifth Ward of Binghamton
in Broome County, New York, 1860 Federal Census of the village of Dowagiac in Cass County, Michigan, and 1900 Federal Census
of the Second Ward of Chicago in Cook County, Illinois.
2. Map of the Counties of Cass, Van Buren and Berrien, Michigan, 1860, Gail, Harley & Siverd, Philadelphia.
3. Learned in 2002 from Don Fredgant of Lakewood, Ohio.

Blanchard, T. J.
Sand Lake PHOTOGRAPHER and furniture merchant ............................................................................................ 1888 R

Blandon, Agnes M., Miss

Detroit photographer .................................................................................................................................................. 1910 1
Agnes was born in Indiana in 1889 or early in 1890, the daughter of Charles and Louisa or Lydia L. Blandon, and 1
the sister of Clarence G. Blandon. 1
1. 1880 Federal Census of the city of Grand Rapids in Kent County, and 1910 Federal Census of the Seventeenth Ward of Detroit in
Wayne County, Michigan.

Blandon, Clarence Gardner

Grand Rapids resident ................................................................................................................................................ 1880 1
Grand Rapids photographer ....................................................................................................................................... 1895 g
Grand Rapids clerk, resident or cabinet maker ................................................................................................ 1896-1899 g
Detroit resident .......................................................................................................................................................... 1900 g
Detroit photographer for Hughes & Sarjeant ............................................................................................................. 1901 d
Detroit photographer ........................................................................................................................................ 1902-1911 d 1
Detroit flour salesman ...................................................................................................................................... 1918-1920 2 1
Detroit proprietor of an auto accessories business ..................................................................................................... 1930 1
Clarence was born in New York State on December 19, 1874, the son of Charles and Louisa or Lydia L. Blandon. 2 1
He became a tall man with grey eyes and black hair. Ora Myrtle was born in Michigan to a Canadian mother about 2 1
1881, and she married Clarence in 1897. Their daughters were born in Michigan, Edith in 1899 and Myrtle in 1
December of 1919. 1
1. 1880 Federal Census of the city of Grand Rapids in Kent County, plus 1910 Federal Census of the Seventeenth Ward, 1920 Federal
Census of the Sixteenth Ward, and 1930 Federal Census of the 22nd Ward of Detroit in Wayne County, Michigan.
2. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.

Blashfield, Fred
Eckford PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................................ ca 1900 t
This photographer may have been Fred Merton Blashfield, born in the United States on December 25, 1880, living 1
in Tekonsha and working as a laborer at Eckford in 1918, when he was of medium height and build with blue eyes and 1
black hair. 1
1. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.

Blashfield, Madge H., Mrs.

Battle Creek housewife .............................................................................................................................................. 1900 1
Grand Rapids PHOTOGRAPHER at 104 Monroe st ................................................................................................ 1910 1
Madge was born in February of 1880 in Kentucky, or possibly in Michigan. Curtis (later Curt) Blashfield was born 1
in Michigan to a mother from New York in April of 1877, last of the three known children of Charles and Frances 1
Blashfield. He married Madge about 1899, and they never had children. Madge was a widow by 1910, when her 1
gallery was in the same building as the office of Walter H. Sanford. 1
1. 1880 Federal Census of Ross Township in Kalamazoo County, 1900 Federal Census of the Second Ward of Battle Creek in Calhoun
County, and 1910 Federal Census of the Second Ward of Grand Rapids in Kent County, Michigan.
Bleibel, Caroline, Mrs.
Detroit housewife ....................................................................................................................................................... 1900 1
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 206 Randolph st .............................................................................................. 1903-1907 d m
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................. 1907-1908 R
Detroit (Bleibel Studio) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 206 Randolph st ........................................................................... 1909 d
Cincinnati, Ohio, resident ........................................................................................................................ 1910,1920,1930 1
Her parents emigrated from Germany and Caroline was born in Michigan in September of 1855. She married the 1 d
photographer Gustav Bleibel about 1896, and they had no children. She became his widow and successor in February d
of 1903. No proprietor of the Bleibel Studio was specifically identified in 1909. Caroline was married again about
1907 to George Apfel, a German businessman and widower. They were living at Cincinnati in 1910 and providing a
home for Caroline’s mother-in-law, Mary Bleibel. Mary still was living in 1920 with Caroline, who was again a
1. 1900 Federal Census of the Third Ward of Detroit in Wayne County, Michigan, as well as 1910 Federal Census of the 23rd Ward
plus 1920 and 1930 Federal Censes of the 25th Ward of Cincinnati in Hamilton County, Ohio.

Bleibel, Gustav
Detroit retoucher for photographer Constantine Eisenhardt ...................................................................................... 1887 d
Detroit photographer for Constantine Eisenhardt ...................................................................................................... 1888 d
Detroit retoucher for photographer Constantine Eisenhardt ............................................................................ 1889-1894 d
Detroit retoucher .............................................................................................................................................. 1895-1898 d
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 206 Ramdolph st ............................................................................................. 1899-1903 d m
Gustav was born in Germany in August of 1858, and he immigrated to America with his parents in 1881. He and 1
Caroline were married about 1896. He was only 44 years old when he died on February 2, 1903, and was succeeded in 1 d
business by his widow. d
1. 1900 Federal Census of the Third Ward of Detroit in Wayne County, Michigan.

Blissard, Thomas
Germfask Township farmer ....................................................................................................................................... 1910 1
Germfask PHOTOGRAPHER ......................................................................................................................... 1912-1919 m
Manistique laborer in a handle mill ........................................................................................................................... 1920 1
The gazetteer listings were consistently for Thomas Blissard, while the census reports were just as consistently for 1
Thomas Blisard. He was born in California of English parentage in 1870. A photographer named Thomas Blisard set 1 2
up a tent in 1892 at 1006 Willow Street in Houston, Texas. Frances was born in Canada in 1882, was brought to the 2 1
United States in 1892, and married Thomas about 1899. They never had children. Frances was a widow living at 1
Manistique in 1930. 1
1. 1910 Federal Census of Germfask Township plus 1920 and 1930 Federal Censes of the Fourth Ward of Manistique in Schoolcraft
County, Michigan.
2. David Haynes, Catching Shadows, A Directory of 19th-Century Texas Photographers, Texas State Historical Association, Austin,
Texas, 1993.
Bliven, Robert Harry
Toledo, Ohio, student ................................................................................................................................................ 1860 1
Toledo, Ohio, PHOTOGRAPHER in Room 10 of the Gradolph Block .......................................................... 1871-1872 2
Toledo, Ohio, PHOTOGRAPHER .................................................................................................................. 1872-1873 2
Saint Joseph PHOTOGRAPHER on Main st ............................................................................................................ 1878 3
Elmore, Ohio, PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................ 1880 2 1
Ruby, Washington, resident ....................................................................................................................................... 1891 4
He was identified as Robert H. Bliven in 1871, and as R. Harry Bliven in 1872. He was born in Ohio in 1844 or 2 1
early in 1845, the younger son of J. B. and Carlin Bliven. His brother Charles was eight years older and a telegraph 1
operator. Robert was enrolled on April 20, 1861, to serve three months as a private in Company A of the Fourteenth 1 4
Ohio Infantry. At the end of his term of service he was mustered out on August 13, 1861. He then was enrolled on in 4
Company C of the Third Ohio Cavalry on September 16, and was mustered into the army on October 8, 1861. From 4
April through October of 1862 Robert seems to have been on detached service with the First Battalion as a telegraph 4
operator. Apparently Robert was promoted to Quarter Master Sergeant of the First Battalion shortly before his 4
honorable discharge from the service at Columbus, Ohio, on November 12, 1862. Alice G. Day was born in Ohio in 4 1
1852 or early in 1853, the daughter of David M. and Harriet W. Day. She married Robert about 1875, and their son 1
Charles was born in Ohio in 1877 or early in 1878. It was reported in May of 1878 that “R. H. Bliven of Toledo, Ohio, 1 3
has rented the photograph gallery on Main Street lately occupied by Capt. Hughson, and solicits a share of patronage 3
from our people. He will aim to please.” Robert cited gun shot wounds to his right shoulder and left leg in his 1891 3 4
Declaration for Invalid Pension, though no medical records were included in the information about him furnished by 4
the War Department to the Bureau of Pensions in 1893. His Application Number 1006220 finally resulted in 4
Certificate Number 888608 entitling Robert to a pension of $8.00 per month, but he never was paid before he was 4
dropped from the pension rolls in January of 1896 because of his death. 4
1. 1860 Federal Census of the Second Ward of Toledo in Lucas County, plus 1870 and 1880 Federal Censes of the village of Elmore
in Ottawa County, Ohio.
2. Diane VanSkiver Gagel, Ohio Photographers 1839-1900, Carl Mautz Publishing, Nevada City, California, 1998.
3. St. Joseph Herald, St. Joseph, Michigan, May 18, 1878. Noted by James G. Donaldson of Detroit, Michigan.
4. Civil War Veteran Pension Record of Robert H. Bliven obtained from the National Archives at Washington, D. C.

Blocksom, Henry H.
Richland Township, Indiana, student ......................................................................................................................... 1850 1
United States Army soldier ........................................................................................................................................ 1865 2
Maple Grove Township farmer .................................................................................................................................. 1880 1
Hastings PHOTOGRAPHER .......................................................................................................................... 1884-1885 m
Huntington, Indiana, resident ........................................................................................................................... 1887-1904 2 1
Henry was born in Ohio in January of 1842, eldest of the four children of John B. and Mary Blocksom. He enlisted 1 2
as a private in Company F of the 153rd Indiana Infantry on February 1, 1865. He was mustered out of the army with 2
his company and honorably discharged at Louisville, Kentucky, on September 4, 1865. Eva Gearhart was born in Ohio 2 1
to German parents in 1846 or early in 1847, and she married Henry about 1867. Their daughter Ida was born in 1
Indiana in 1868 or early in 1869. Eva and Henry were divorced at Huntington, Indiana, on July 14, 1887. Henry and 1 2
39-year-old Miss Cecelia C. Delmares were married at Huntertown, Indiana, on March 22, 1888. They had no children 2 1
living in 1898. Henry was receiving a pension of $10.00 per month at the time of his death at Huntington on October 1
24, 1904. Cecelia applied for a Widow’s Pension a few weeks later. 1
1. 1850 Federal Census of Richland Township in Grant County and 1900 Federal Census of the First Ward of Huntington in Huntington
County, Indiana, plus 1880 Federal Census of Maple Grove Township in Barry County, Michigan.
2. Civil War Veteran Pension Record of Henry H. Blocksom obtained from the National Archives at Washington, D. C.
Blome, Alfred Robert
Detroit child ............................................................................................................................................................... 1870 1
Detroit student ........................................................................................................................................................... 1880 1
Detroit clerk for Allen Brothers photo supply house ....................................................................................... 1885-1898 d
United States Navy seaman ........................................................................................................................................ 1898 2
Detroit clerk for Allen Brothers photo supply house ................................................................................................. 1899 d
Detroit (Blome Brothers) PHOTOGRAPHIC SUPPLIES at 44 Grand River av ............................................ 1900-1926 1 d
Detroit picture frame and artists’ materials merchant ...................................................................................... 1927-1930 d 1
Detroit resident .......................................................................................................................................................... 1931 d
Detroit manager of the photo department of the L. Black Company ......................................................................... 1932 d
Detroit clerk or wrapper .................................................................................................................................... 1934,1936 d
His father emigrated from Germany and Alfred was born in Detroit on January 4, 1869, second of the four sons of 1 3
Frederic C. and Elizabeth R. (Bugler) Blome. His mother was a widow by 1880, raising four boys between six and 4 1
thirteen years old. As an Allen Brothers employee Alfred was listed as a traveling agent in 1891 and as a shipping 1 d
clerk in 1898. With the outbreak of the Spanish-American War, a merchant steamer was converted into the auxiliary d 2
cruiser U.S.S. Yosemite and was manned by members of the Michigan Naval Brigade, a unit of the United States 2
Naval Militia. Alfred served as a seaman on the Yosemite in the Caribbean Sea. While blockading the port of San 2
Juan, Puerto Rico, the Yosemite intercepted and destroyed a Spanish blockade runner. In 1900 the experience that 2 d
Alfred and his younger brother Frederick had gained with Allen Brothers gave them the confidence to engage in a d
similar business on their own. Alfred often was identified as the secretary and treasurer of the Blome Brothers firm. d
Margaret Halstead was born in Canada about 1877, the daughter of John H. and Anna (Breaumer) Halstead, and she 4 1
came to the United States in 1900. She and Alfred went to Essex, Ontario, to get married on July 27, 1903. Their son 1 4
Alfred was born in 1910 or early in 1911. In 1915 Alfred was 54 years old, 5 feet 8½ inches tall, with brown eyes, a 1 3
dark complexion and grey hair, and he apparently got an urge to visit the sites of his time in the Navy. He applied for a 3 2
passport in May with plans to visit Cuba, Jamaica, Panama and Costa Rica for pleasure. He seems to have carried out 3 5
his plans, and he arrived back in New York harbor from Puerto Limon, Costa Rica, on June 21, 1915. Alfred died at 5 6
his Detroit home on May 15, 1937, survived by his wife, his son, and his brother Frederick. His burial was in 6
Woodlawn Cemetery with other members of the U.S.S. Yosemite crew as pallbearers. 6
1. 1880 Federal Census of the city of Detroit, 1870, 1920 and 1930 Federal Censes of the Sixth Ward, 1900 Federal Census of the
Fourth Ward, and 1910 Federal Census of the First Ward of Detroit in Wayne County, Michigan.
2. Internet information about the U.S.S. Yosemite and her crew.
3. United States Passport Applications, 1820-1957.
4. Ontario, Canada Marriages, 1857-1924.
5. New York Passenger Lists, 1820-1957.
6. Obituary in the Detroit Free Press on Sunday, May 16, 1937.

Blome, Frederick Charles

Detroit child ............................................................................................................................................................... 1880 1
Detroit clerk for Allen Brothers photo supply house ....................................................................................... 1890-1894 d
Detroit traveling agent or salesman for Allen Brothers photo supply house .................................................... 1895-1899 d
Detroit (Blome Brothers) PHOTOGRAPHIC SUPPLIES at 44 Grand River av ............................................ 1900-1927 1 d
Rochester resident ............................................................................................................................................ 1951-1952 2
His father emigrated from Germany and Frederick was born in Detroit on January 23, 1874, last of the four sons of 1 3
Frederic C. and Elizabeth R. (Bugler) Blome. His mother was a widow by 1880, raising four boys between six and 1
thirteen years old. In 1900 the experience that Frederick and his older brother Alfred had gained with Allen Brothers 1 d
gave them the confidence to engage in a similar business on their own. Leila was born in Michigan in 1890, and she d 1
married Frederick about 1915. Their daughter Mary was born in May of 1917, and their daughter Harriet was born in 1
September of 1918. Their residence was in Detroit in 1916 and 1917, and then in Highland Park from 1918 through 1 d
1927. Frederick often was identified as vice president of the Blome Brothers firm, and he had other business interests. d
He was a principal of Pearson, Butterfield & Blome in 1916, and was treasurer of the Leggett Farm Land Company in d
1918. He retired in 1930. Frederick died at his home in Rochester on March 12, 1952, survived by his wife, Leila May d 2
Blome, and their three sons and three daughters. 2
1. 1880 Federal Census of the city of Detroit, 1900 Federal Census of the Fourth Ward of Detroit, and 1920 Federal Census of the
Third Precinct of Highland Park in Wayne County, Michigan.
2. Obituary in the Detroit News on Saturday, March 15, 1952.
3. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.
Blondes, Harry Leonard
Detroit retoucher ........................................................................................................................................................ 1903 d
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 136 Gratiot av ................................................................................................. 1904-1905 d m
Cleveland, Ohio, photographer in a studio ................................................................................................................ 1910 1
Cleveland, Ohio, photographer for a steel company ........................................................................................ 1918-1920 2 1
Cleveland, Ohio, photographer for a wire company .................................................................................................. 1930 1
Shaker Heights, Ohio, resident .................................................................................................................................. 1942 3
Harry was born on November 14, 1879, at Drinsk in the Polish region of Russia, where his family spoke Yiddish. He 3 1
matured into a short slender man with brown eyes and hair, he immigrated in 1900, and he became a naturalized 2 1
citizen of the United States in 1912. In Detroit, Harry claimed to have excellent equipment for taking photographs of 1 d
groups and of children. Sarah was born in the Polish region of Russia about 1885, she immigrated in 1902, and she d 1
married Harry in 1906 or early in 1907. Their sons were born in Ohio, Earnest late in 1907 and Robert in August of 1
1909. 1
1. 1910 Federal Census of the Fifteenth Ward, 1920 Federal Census of the 24th Ward, and 1930 Federal Census of the 25th Precinct of
Cleveland in Cuyahoga County, Ohio.
2. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.
3. World War II Draft Registration Cards, 1942.

Bloomfield, Samuel
Lexington PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................ 1876-1877 m

Blough, Newton Wolford

Johnstown, Pennsylvania, photographic apprentice ................................................................................................... 1900 1
Asheville, North Carolina, (Higgason-Blough Studio) PHOTOGRAPHERS ................................................. 1910-1911 2
Detroit retoucher ........................................................................................................................................................ 1914 d
Detroit (Universal Photo Company) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 82 Broadway ............................................................. 1915 d
Atlanta, Georgia, photographer in a studio ................................................................................................................ 1918 1
Newton was born in Pennsylvania on May 7, 1884, second of the ten children of Elias J. and Marilla I. Blough, and 1
the elder brother of Ray N. Blough. He became a slender man of medium height with grey eyes and brown hair. His 1 3
partners were Luther A. Higgason in 1910, Frank W. Wolfe in 1911, and Ray N. Blough in 1915. Mrs. Susan Ann 2 d
Blough was identified as his wife in 1918, when the name of the studio in which he was working was illegible. 1
1. 1900 Federal Census of the Sixth Ward of Johnstown in Cambria County, Pennsylvania.
2. Learned in 2001 from Stephen E. Massengill of Raleigh, North Carolina.
3. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.

Blough, Ray Neville

Johnstown, Pennsylvania, student .............................................................................................................................. 1900 1
Johnstown, Pennsylvania, photographer in a gallery ................................................................................................. 1910 1
Detroit (Universal Photo Company) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 82 Broadway ............................................................. 1915 d
Ford, Ontario, photographer for the Ford Motor Company of Canada ...................................................................... 1917 2
Toledo, Ohio, photographer in a studio ..................................................................................................................... 1930 1
Ray was born at Johnstown, Pennsylvania, on March 17, 1888, fourth of the ten children of Elias J. and Marilla I. 2 1
Blough, and four years younger than his brother Newton. He grew into a slender man of medium height with blue eyes 1
and blonde hair. It is not clear whether he was a proprietor or an employee at Johnstown in 1910 and at Toledo in 1
1930. Her father came from North Carolina, her mother came from Ohio, and Hazel was born in Indiana in 1890 or 1
early in 1891. She married Ray about 1916, and they were living in Toledo in 1917 while Ray commuted to his job in 1 2
Canada. Their daughter Shanna and their son Dan were born in Ohio between 1917 and 1924. 2 1
1. 1900 and 1910 Federal Census of the Sixth Ward of Johnstown in Cambria County, Pennsylvania, and 1930 Federal Census of the
Sixth Ward of Toledo in Lucas County, Ohio.
2. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.

Blue-Bird Studio
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHERS at 2028 Woodward av ....................................................................................... 1920-1921 m
Nathan Austin was the manager of this business. m
Blyth, David Radford
Detroit jewelry clerk ........................................................................................................................................ 1898-1901 d 1
Detroit bookkeeper or clerk ............................................................................................................................. 1902-1903 d
Detroit traveling agent ............................................................................................................................................... 1906 d
Detroit (Miami Studio) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 68-70 Broadway ............................................................................ 1907 d
Detroit photo supply clerk or traveling agent .................................................................................................. 1907-1909 d
Detroit editor or manager ................................................................................................................................. 1913-1915 d
Detroit (Vogue Studio) PHOTOGRAPHERS in Suite 25-28 of the George Building at 287 Woodward av .. 1916-1917 d
Detroit film salesman, theatre manager, resident or assistant manager ............................................................ 1917-1920 d 1
Windsor, Ontario, resident ......................................................................................................................................... 1938 2
New York, New York, business man ......................................................................................................................... 1942 3
David was born at Galt, Ontario, on February 26, 1884, was brought across the border by his Canadian parents in 3 1
1885, and became a United States citizen in 1894 when his father was naturalized while David was still a minor. He 1 4
was single in 1900, and was living with his widowed mother, Mrs. Emma Blyth. D. Radford Blythe and H. Lynn 1 d
Pierce were identified as principals of the Miami Studio. David was sole proprietor of the Vogue Studio, was five feet d 2
seven inches tall and slender with gray eyes and hair, and by 1918 was married to Margery N. Blyth. All other 2 4
references were to Mrs. Harriet N. Blyth, who was born in Michigan about 1888. David and Harriet visited Singapore 1 2
in 1838, and returned by way of Italy, sailing in May from Naples to New York City on the S. S. Saturnia. A few 2
months later they traveled from Windsor through Detroit on their way to New York City with the intent of residing 2
there permanently. At this time David stated that he had lived in Detroit from 1885 until 1932. 2
1. 1900 Federal Census of the Third Ward and 1920 Federal Census of the Fourth Ward of Detroit in Wayne County, Michigan.
2. New York Passenger Lists, 1820-1957, plus Detroit Border Crossings and Passenger and Crew Lists, 1905-1957.
3. World War II Draft Registration Cards, 1942.
4. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.

Boardman, Alfred E.
Edmore PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................................. ca 1890 t
Manton PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................ 1894-1901 m
Cadillac PHOTOGRAPHER ...................................................................................................................................... 1897 1
Lake City PHOTOGRAPHER ......................................................................................................................... 1897-1899 m
Central Lake PHOTOGRAPHER .................................................................................................................... 1900-1901 m
Shepherd PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................................... 1907 2
Howell PHOTOGRAPHER ....................................................................................................................................... 1910 3
Alma PHOTOGRAPHER .......................................................................................................................................... 1911 R
Howell PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................. 1911-1921 R m
Natick, Massachusetts, PHOTOGRAPHER .............................................................................................................. 1920 3
Royal Oak PHOTOGRAPHER at 619 Washington av south .................................................................................... 1924 4
His mother emigrated from England, and Alfred was born in New York State in May of 1870. Rosa was born in 3
Switzerland in December of 1868, immigrated to America, and married Alfred about 1893. They had no children, and 3
by 1910 Rosa was a principal of their Howell gallery and the proprietor of the Alma gallery. Alfred purchased the 3 1
Lake City gallery from William Harmer in 1897, apparently after buying the Cadillac gallery from him a few months 1
earlier. He must have had some help, for he usually kept the Cadillac gallery open every day, the Lake City gallery 1
open Mondays and Tuesdays, and the Manton gallery open on Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays. A stock of 1
mouldings and ready- made frames was kept at each of the three galleries. The Lake City gallery was open every day 1
during the 16th annual Missaukee County Fair, September 22 through 24, 1897. Alfred had an interest in a gallery at 1 2
Alma at the time he bought the Shepherd gallery of Lathrop J. Briggs in October of 1907. In 1911 The Alma studio 2 R
was a branch of the Howell business. Either Alfred became a bigamist or he and Rosa divorced, for by 1920 he had a R 3
29-year-old Irish wife named Julia and son named Burton who was born in Florida in March of 1919. The Howell 3
studio may have been in his name, but Rosa seems to have been the photographer there for the last few years. 3
1. Annual Fair of the Missaukee County Agricultural Society, 1897, souvenir booklet, advertisement on page 14.
2. Central Michigan Times, Mount Pleasant, Michigan, October 25, 1907.
3. 1900 Federal Census of the village of Central Lake in Antrim County and 1910 Federal Census of the village of Howell in
Livingston County, Michigan, plus 1920 Federal Census of Natick in Middlesex County, Massachusetts.
4. Royal Oak directory, 1924, R. L. Polk & Company, Detroit.
Boardman, Rosa, Mrs.
Klacking Township student ....................................................................................................................................... 1880 1
Central Lake house wife ............................................................................................................................................ 1900 1
Howell PHOTOGRAPHER ....................................................................................................................................... 1910 1
Alma PHOTOGRAPHER .......................................................................................................................................... 1910 1
Howell PHOTOGRAPHER ....................................................................................................................................... 1920 1
Rosa was born into a German-speaking family in Switzerland in December of 1868. She was eldest of the six 1
children of John and Kate Miller, who immigrated to America about 1873, spent a couple of years in New York State, 1
and reached Michigan by 1876 to farm in Klacking Township of Ogemaw County. She married Alfred E. Boardman 1
about 1893. She lost one child prior to 1900 and never had another. As noted above, Alfred needed assistance to keep 1 m
multiple galleries open between 1897 and 1901, and Rosa probably furnished the help he required. In 1910 she and m 1
Alfred were both enumerated as principals of the Howell studio, and a week later she was enumerated as the proprietor 1
of the Alma studio. Rose probably was divorced from Alfred before 1920, when she was identified as the proprietor of 1
the Howell studio. She had called herself Rose earlier at Alma in 1910. 1
1. 1880 Federal Census of Klacking Township in Ogemaw County, 1900 Federal Census of the village of Central Lake in Antrim
County, 1910 Federal Census of the Fourth Ward of Alma in Gratiot County, plus 1910 Federal Census of the village of Howell
and 1920 Federal Census of the city of Howell in Livingston County, Michigan.

Boardman, Willard E.
Detroit photographer .................................................................................................................................................. 1896 d

Boardman, William E.
Detroit agent or photographer .......................................................................................................................... 1912-1913 d
Detroit agent or salesman ................................................................................................................................ 1915-1916 d

Bobb, _______
Quincy (Bobb & Burk) PHOTOGRAPHERS ................................................................................................. 1874-1875 m

Bocker, Claude C.
Bay City carpenter ..................................................................................................................................................... 1910 1
Bay City PHOTOGRAPHER at 905 Ninth st ............................................................................................................ 1911 b
Olympia, Washington, ship lining foreman for a shipbuilding company ................................................................... 1918 2
Olympia, Washington, street car carpenter ................................................................................................................ 1920 1
Saginaw house carpenter ............................................................................................................................................ 1930 1
His parents came from Ohio and New York, and Claude was born in Comstock Township of Kalamazoo County, 1
Michigan, in April of 1880 to Jacob and Catherine Bocker. He had an older sister and a much older half-sister. Claude 1
matured into a medium sized man with brown eyes and black hair. His wife’s father came from New York, her mother 2 1
emigrated from Canada, and Aurel was born in Michigan about 1875. They married in 1905, their three elder sons 1
were born in Michigan between 1910 and 1917, and their youngest son was born in Washington State in August of 1
1919. Claude was identified as a foreman in the alphabetical section of the same directory that classified him as a 1 b
photographer. b
1. 1880 Federal Census of Comstock Township in Kalamazoo County, 1910 Federal Census of the Third Ward of Bay City in Bay
County, and 1930 Federal Census of the 21st Ward of Saginaw in Saginaw County, Michigan, plus 1920 Federal Census of the
Fourth Ward of Olympia in Thurston County, Washington.
2. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.

Bodell, Wallace H.
Washington Township student ................................................................................................................................... 1880 1
Romeo PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................. 1892-1895 m
Ray Township photographer ...................................................................................................................................... 1900 1
Port Huron Township artist for a thresher works ....................................................................................................... 1910 1
Wallace was born in Michigan in March of 1872, the only child of Mary L. and William Jonas Bodell. His mother 1
was born in Michigan to parents from New York State, and his father was born in Canada to German parents. He was 1
listed in the gazetteers as Wallace H. Bodwell, but all other records are for Wallace H. Bodell. Sarah was born in m 1
Michigan to a German father and a Canadian mother of German ancestry. She married Wallace in 1907 or early in 1
1908, and their son Lynn was born in 1911. By 1920 she was a widow. 1
1. 1880 Federal Census of Washington Township and 1900 Federal Census of Ray Township in Macomb County, plus 1910 Federal
Census of Port Huron Township and 1920 Federal Census of St. Clair Township in St. Clair County, Michigan.
Bodey, Kate, Mrs.
Sherman PHOTOGRAPHER .......................................................................................................................... 1882-1889 m
Antioch Township farm wife ............................................................................................................................ 1900,1910 1
Kate was born in Ohio in January of 1842. She was married twice, had two children and lost one of them. Joseph H. 1
Bodey was born in Ohio in November of 1852, he married Kate in 1878 or early in 1879, and they farmed in Antioch 1
Township. Sherman is in the northwest corner of Antioch Township. By 1920 Joseph was married to a woman of his 2 1
own age named Eleanor. 1
1. 1900, 1910 and 1920 Federal Censes of Antioch Township in Wexford County, Michigan.
2. Michigan County Map Guide, Michigan United Conservation Clubs, Lansing, Michigan.

Bodley, George L.
Battle Creek photographic apprentice ........................................................................................................................ 1870 1
Battle Creek photographer ................................................................................................................................ 1873,1880 2 1
Battle Creek railroad fireman .................................................................................................................................... 1883 2
Chicago, Illinois, railroad locomotive engineer ................................................................................................ 1900,1910 1
George was the son of Govenuir and Amanda Bodley, and was born in New York State in February of 1852. His two 1
younger brothers were born in New York about 1854 and in Michigan in 1858 or 1859. George was reported to be 1
learning the daguerreian business in 1870. He and his brothers were living with their parents in 1880. Anna was born 1
in Indiana in July of 1860 to parents from Pennsylvania and Illinois. When she married George about 1885 she 1
brought along two daughters born in Indiana in December of 1879 and March of 1882 during a previous marriage 1
1. 1870 and 1880 Federal Censes of the Second Ward of Battle Creek in Calhoun County, Michigan, plus 1900 Federal Census of the
30th Ward and 1910 Federal Census of the 31st Ward of Chicago in Cook County, Illinois.
2. Calhoun County directories, 1873 and 1883.

Bodwell, Wallace H.
Please see the entry for Wallace H. Bodell.

Body, W.
Hillman PHOTOGRAPHER and barber ......................................................................................................... 1884-1885 m

Boehme, E. H.
Dayton, Ohio, (New York Gallery) PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................. 1863-1866 1
Watertown, New York, PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................. 1869 2
Escanaba PHOTOGRAPHER on Tilden av .................................................................................................... 1872-1875 m
During the spring of 1869, illustrations in a national newspaper were made from photographs by E. H. Boehme of 2
churches at Dayton, Ohio, Sacket’s Harbor and Watertown, New York, and another view of Watertown. Edward H. 2 3
Boehme was a Watertown photographer with no business address in 1888. 3
1. Diane VanSkiver Gagel, Ohio Photographers 1839-1900, Carl Mautz Publishing, Nevada City, California, 1998.
2. Frank Leslie’s Illustrated Newspaper, volume 27, numbers 700 and 701, February 27 and March 6, 1869, pages 380 and 389;
and volume 28, numbers 704, 706 and 712, March 27, April 10 and May22, 1869, pages 28, 53 and 149.
3. Learned in 2002 from Don Fredgant of Lakewood, Ohio.

Boerema, Anna, Miss

Grand Rapids tailoress ..................................................................................................................................... 1892-1899 g
Grand Rapids photo finisher ...................................................................................................................................... 1900 1 g
Jerry and Helen Boerema were born in the Netherlands in the 1840s, married there about 1868, had a daughter Helen 1
born in September of 1870, and immigrated to America in 1874. They had three more daughters born in Michigan, 1
Annie in October of 1877, Dena in June of 1879, and Nellie in April of 1882. 1
1. 1900 Federal Census of the Sixth Ward of Grand Rapids in Kent County, Michigan.

Boetcher, H.
Minneapolis, Minnesota, (Boetcher & Blakemore) PHOTOGRAPHERS ................................................................ 1901 1
Calumet (Boetcher & Blakemore) PHOTOGRAPHERS in the second story of the Hennes Block ................ 1901-1902 1
Mankato, Minnesota, (Boetcher & Blakemore) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 123 Second st north ........................... ca 1902 t
Winnipeg, Manitoba, (Blakemore, Larson & Boetcher) PHOTOGRAPHERS ............................................... 1912-1913 2
Boetcher & Blakemore sold their Minneapolis studio and moved to Calumet, where extensive alterations were made 1
to the L. Hennes & Company brick block on the corner of Fifth and Oak Streets to prepare it for their use. Walls on the 1
southwest corner were broken out and large skylight was installed for the operating room, in order to provide light 1
unobstructed by any nearby buildings. A dark room, printing room and reception room also were finished under the 1
direction of the photographers, and the entire studio was steam heated and lit by electric lamps. The remodeling was 1
finished during the last week in November of 1901. 1
1. Copper Country Evening News, Calumet, Michigan, November 23, 1901.
2. Glen C. Phillips, The Western Canada Photographers List (1860-1925), Iron Gate Publishing Company, London, Ontario, 1997.
Boettcher, Maxwell Emil
Detroit molder .................................................................................................................................................. 1899-1906 d
Detroit (Boettcher & Nieber) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 1645 Gratiot av .................................................................... 1906 d
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 301 Jefferson av east ............................................................................................ ca 1907 t
Detroit photographer .................................................................................................................................................. 1907 d
Detroit molder ............................................................................................................................................................ 1909 d
Detroit photographer .................................................................................................................................................. 1910 1
Detroit molder ............................................................................................................................................................ 1911 d
McKees Rock, Pennsylvania, foundry foreman ............................................................................................... 1918-1920 1
Detroit street car conductor ....................................................................................................................................... 1930 1
His parents emigrated from Germany, and Max was born in Wisconsin on February 20, 1873. He grew into a stout 1 2
man of medium height with grey eyes and light hair. Her parents emigrated from Norway, Helen was born in Michigan 2 1
in July of 1876, and she married Max about 1899. Their son Rollin was born in Michigan in 1900. Peter H. Nieber had 1 d
worked for other Detroit photographers prior to becoming the partner of Max, and he continued as a Detroit d
photographer through 1924. “MAX E. BOETTCHER, Photographer, 301 Jefferson Ave. East, Detroit, Mich. - d t
Duplicates can be ordered at any time. Order by number only. No. _____.” was stamped on the back of 10 by 12 inch t
commercial mounts, some carrying photographs of saloon interiors. Numbers such as 471 and 634 were penciled into t
the blanks. t
1. 1900 Federal Census of the Third Ward, 1910 Federal Census of the Thirteenth Ward and 1930 Federal Census of the Sixteenth Ward of
Detroit in Wayne County, Michigan, plus 1920 Federal Census of the Third Ward of McKees Rock in Allegheny County, Pennsylvania.
2. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.

Bogardus, _______
Pontiac (Bogardus & Norton) SKY LIGHT DAGUERREAN CAR on Saginaw st .................................................. 1852 1
They advertised in the fall of 1852: “A NOTORIOUS COUNTERFEITER.... Startle not, gentle reader, we do not 1
counterfeit Bank Notes, neither do we coin much money, but it is the persons, Men and Women, and Children, which 1
we picture so exact, that they stand forth in BOLD RELIEF - seem to say to those looking at them: Speak and I will 1
answer. 1
Think not these portraits by the sunlight made; / Shades, though they are, will like a shadow fade! 1
No! When the lip of flesh in dust shall lie; / When Death’s gray film o’erspread the beaming eye, 1
These life-like pictures, mocking at decay, / Will still be fresh and vivid as today. 1
CITIZENS AND STRANGERS respectfully invited to call and examine their work. Likenesses taken equally well in 1
cloudy weather. Instructions given in the art. Apparatus and stock always on hand. BOGARDUS & NORTON, 1
Pontiac, August 25th, 1852.” One William Bogardus was a daguerreotypist at Washington, Illinois, from 1854 to 1 2
1860. 2
1. Pontiac Gazette, Pontiac, Michigan, September 4 and 11, 1852.
2. Marie Czach, A Directory of Early Illinois Photographers, Western Illinois University, Macomb, Illinois, 1977.

Bogart, Wellington
Newmarket, Ontario, student of photography ............................................................................................................ 1875 1
Aurora, Ontario, PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................ 1876 1
Monroe photographer ........................................................................................................................................... ca 1878 1
London, Ontario, employee of the Edy Brothers photographic studio .................................................................. ca 1881 1
Newmarket, Ontario, PHOTOGRAPHER ....................................................................................................... 1883-1893 1 2
Wellington was born at Newmarket on November 29, 1855, to Philip and Adeline Gleason Bogart. He attended the 1
Commercial College at Toronto before he began the study of photography. He built up a substantial business for his 1
Newmarket gallery and offered prints from a fine collection of Canadian and American scenery, including views of 1
Cuba, Florida and the Bahamas taken during his extensive travels. Wellington was a member of the American and 1
Canadian Photographic Associations. 1
1. Men of Canada, page 188. Noted in 2000 by Robert Lansdale of Etobicoke, Ontario.
2. Glen C. Phillips, The Ontario Photographers List (1851-1900), Iron Gate Publishing Company, Sarnia, Ontario, 1990.
Bogrand, Peter
Marshfield, Wisconsin, PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................... 1884-1888 1
Eagle River, Wisconsin, PHOTOGRAPHER .................................................................................................. 1893-1894 1
Marinette, Wisconsin, PHOTOGRAPHER ..................................................................................................... 1895-1901 1
Michigamme PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................. 1901 2
Marinette, Wisconsin, PHOTOGRAPHER ..................................................................................................... 1902-1907 1
Menominee PHOTOGRAPHER at 426 Grand av ..................................................................................................... 1907 3
Marinette, Wisconsin, PHOTOGRAPHER ..................................................................................................... 1908-1912 1
Oconto, Wisconsin, PHOTOGRAPHER ......................................................................................................... 1911-1912 1
Marinette, Wisconsin, resident .................................................................................................................................. 1920 1
Peter was born in February of 1844 in Canada, and he immigrated in 1861. He married in Oconto County, 4 1
Wisconsin, on October 23, 1869, and had at least a son John and a daughter Irene born in Wisconsin between 1878 4
and 1890. He maintained branch operations in Peshtigo and Wausaukee, Wisconsin, while he worked in Marinette, 4 1
and characterized himself as a traveling photographer. Peter was living alone at Wausaukee in 1900, and had become a 4
naturalized citizen of the United States. By 1910 he was a widower sharing his home with his children, and in 1920 he 4
was retired and boarding with a Marinette family. 4
1. Directory of Wisconsin Photographers, State Historical Society of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin, 1991.
2. Marquette County Directory, 1901, R. L. Polk & Company, Detroit.
3. Menominee City Directory, 1907, R. L. Polk & Company, Detroit.
4. 1900 Federal Census of Wausaukee in Marinette County, plus 1910 and 1920 Federal Censes of the Fourth Ward of Marinette in
Marinette County, Wisconsin

Boice, Arlie Eugene

McBride student ........................................................................................................................................................ 1900 1
Saint Louis PHOTOGRAPHER ...................................................................................................................... 1910-1913 1 m
Saint Louis photo supply dealer ....................................................................................................................... 1914-1917 m
Saint Louis PHOTOGRAPHER ...................................................................................................................... 1917-1925 2 m
Alma PHOTOGRAPHER .......................................................................................................................................... 1930 1
Arlie was born on May 10, 1890, at McBride, Michigan, first of the two sons of William M. and Myrtle B. Boice. 2 1
He became a short and slender man with blue eyes and dark brown hair. Jennie was born in Michigan in 1891, and she 2 1
married Arlie in 1909 or early in 1910. Their children were born in Michigan: Marian in 1911, William in 1913, 1
Lawrence in November of 1915, Wyona in April of 1919, Marjorie and Phyllis between 1921 and 1925, and Eldora in 1
November of 1927. A script “A. E. Boice” along with “ST. LOUIS, MICH.” in smaller block letters was blind stamped 1 t
into the lower right corner of views of the E. J. Alexander Building burning in March of 1911 and of studio portraits in t
the post card format. “Mineral Springs Boice” and “P.M. Station, St. Louis, Mich Boice” were lettered on the t
negatives from which other post cards were printed. t
1. 1900 Federal Census of the village of McBride in Montcalm County, plus 1910 and 1920 Federal Censes of the Fourth Ward of
St. Louis and 1930 Federal Census of the Second Ward of Alma in Gratiot County, Michigan.
2. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.

Boice, Grant S.
Van Buren County, Tennessee, child ......................................................................................................................... 1870 1
Camden Township farm laborer ................................................................................................................................ 1880 1
Bronson PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................... 1890-1895 m
Burr Oak PHOTOGRAPHER .............................................................................................................................. ca 1895 t
Elkhart, Indiana, PHOTOGRAPHER at 114 Pigeon st west ..................................................................................... 1895 2
Elkhart, Indiana, PHOTOGRAPHER at 208 Main st south ............................................................................ 1899-1901 2
Elkhart, Indiana, PHOTOGRAPHER at 423 Main st south ............................................................................ 1902-1903 2
Millgrove Township, Indiana, farmer ........................................................................................................................ 1910 1
Angola, Indiana, PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................ 1916 2
Elkhart, Indiana, PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................ 1920 1
His parents came from Pennsylvania and New York, and Grant was born in Ohio in September of 1866, the son of 1
John R. and Emily L. Boice. He was living in 1880 with his widowed mother, three older siblings born in Missouri and 1
Ohio, and two younger siblings born in Tennessee. Her parents came from Ohio and New York, Nettie was born in 1
Indiana in July of 1869, and she married Grant about 1888. Their daughter Berdene was born in Michigan in February 1
of 1891 and their other children were born in Indiana: Ralph (later John R.) in October of 1897, Elton (later Kenneth) 1
in 1902, Catherine or Kathryn in November of 1908, and Caroline in December of 1909. Though many of Grant’s 1 t
cabinet photographs were from Bronson, some were from Bronson and Burr Oak or from Burr Oak only. “Ella L. t
Brown, ARTIST, Burr Oak.” was printed in gold ink below the image on mounts for cabinet photographs. “G. S. t
BOICE, SUCCESSOR TO” was later printed in blue ink on some of these mounts. By 1930 Nettie was a widow, and was t 1
sharing her Elkhart home with her son Kenneth, her daughter Kathryn and her husband, and a grandson. 1
1. 1870 Federal Census of the Fourth Civil District in Van Buren County, Tennessee, 1880 Federal Census of Camden Township in
Hillsdale County, Michigan, as well as 1910 Federal Census of Millgrove Township in Steuben County, plus 1900 and 1930 Federal
Censes of the First Ward and 1920 Federal Census of the Fourth Ward of Elkhart in Elkhart County, Indiana.
2. Learned in 2000 from James A. Marusek of Bloomfield, Indiana.
Boileau, W. W.
Addison, New York, stereographer ...................................................................................................................... ca 1910 t
“Photo By W. W. BOILEAU, ADDISON, NY” was lettered on the backs of stereoscopic views of Belle Isle and t
Palmer Park in Detroit. The backs of the views also carried hand written captions. t

Bois-Blanc Park
“BOIS-BLANC PARK, THE NEW PLEASURE RESORT of the Detroit, Belle Isle & Windsor Ferry Co. 1906” t
was printed on the 4 ¾ by 3 inch paper sleeves carrying tintypes of groups of two, four and more than twenty people. t
Some were dated 1907 or 1908 rather than 1906, and others were not dated. t

Boisvert, Azmine, Mrs.

Detroit clerk for a law firm ........................................................................................................................................ 1880 d
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 487 Fort st east, on the northwest corner of Dubois st .............................................. 1882 d
Azmine was a widow when she took over the photographic business of her husband, Joseph A. Boisvert. d

Boisvert, Joseph A.
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 148 Dubois st ............................................................................................................ 1880 d
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 487 Fort st east, on the northwest corner of Dubois st .............................................. 1881 d
Joseph was succeeded by his widow, Mrs. Azmine Boisvert. d

Bolsley, G. W.
Please see the entry for George W. Balsley.

Bond, N. Ward
Grand Marais PHOTOGRAPHER .................................................................................................................. 1890-1895 1 2
Ward and his two sisters were among the first white settlers of Grand Marais, and his photography preceded the 1
lumber boom of the middle 1890s. He was not identified on the stiff card mounts used for his photographs, which 1
probably included a series of street scenes taken soon after the village was platted in 1883. Another of his photos was 1
of his brother-in-law, the local mail carrier, with his horse drawn wagon. Ward was considered to be the town 1
photographer during the later 1880s and the early 1890s. He advertised in 1895: “N. W. BOND, PHOTOGRAPHIC 1 2
STUDIO, of Grand Marais, Mich. Extra orders can be filled at any time as the negatives are preserved.” 2
1. Learned in 1997 from James L. Carter of Marquette, Michigan.
2. Grand Marais Herald, Grand Marais, Michigan, November 23, 1895.
Boneville, George
Jonesfield Township farm laborer ............................................................................................................................. 1900 1
Charlotte photographer .............................................................................................................................................. 1910 1
Omer PHOTOGRAPHER .................................................................................................................................... ca 1915 t
Charlotte employee or proprietor of the Fen Manufacturing Company ..................................................................... 1918 2
Newaygo LANDSCAPE PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................... 1920 1
Newaygo PHOTOGRAPHER ......................................................................................................................... 1924-1925 3
Weidman PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................................... 1925 3
Trufant PHOTOGRAPHER ...................................................................................................................................... 1925 3
Flint PHOTOGRAPHER at 322 Wood st .................................................................................................................. 1926 3 t
Newaygo (Stepestone View Company) PHOTOGRAPHERS ................................................................................... 1927 t
George’s parents came from Canada and he was born in Michigan on February 20, 1884. He was adopted by David 1 2
and Angeline Dubay, who were old enough to be his grandparents, and was sharing their home in 1900. He matured 1 2
into a medium sized man with grey eyes and brown hair. Veronica was born in Michigan in 1885, she married George 2 1
about 1902, and their three sons and two daughters were born in Michigan between 1903 and 1915. “GEO. 1 t
BONEVILLE, OMER, MICH.” was stamped on the backs of plain gray 7 by 9 inch mounts carrying 5 by 7 prints, t
including one of 21 men with shovels standing by a new ditch and one of “Grandma Grabow and Myrtle Ross, t
Grandma’s house, East Tawas.” As manager of the Stepestone View Company, George used 9¼ by 11¼ commercial t
mounts from Newaygo for views of the dam and depot at Morley, and the 7 by 9 format to depict the Bath School after t
a disastrous explosion on May 18, 1927. Moving his business and family from Newaygo to Weidman was reported in t 3
April of 1925, as was a similar move from Weidman to Trufant in August of 1925. George and his daughters were 3
visiting Weidman from Flint in July of 1926. “GEO. BONEVILLE, VIEW ARTIST, 322 Wood St., Flint, Mich.” was stamped 3 t
on the backs of plain grey 7 by 9 inch mounts carrying 5 by 7 inch photographs of racially integrated elementary t
classes posed outside their schools. “STEPSTONE VIEWING CO., George Boneville, Mgr.” OR “STEPESTONE t
VIEW CO., George Boneville, Mgr., NEWAYGO, MICHIGAN” was stamped on some mounts. t
1. 1900 Federal Census of Jonesfield Township in Saginaw County, 1910 Federal Census of the Fourth Ward of Charlotte in Eaton
County, and 1920 Federal Census of the village of Newaygo in Newaygo County, Michigan.
2. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.
3. Weidman news column in the Isabella County Enterprise, Mount Pleasant, Michigan, April 17 and August 21, 1925, and July 16, 1926.

Bonish, Leo Albert

Detroit dry goods and men’s furnishings clerk ................................................................................................ 1899-1901 d
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 1794 Michigan av ........................................................................................... 1902-1913 d m
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 1579 Michigan av ........................................................................................... 1913-1920 d m
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 5631 Michigan av ........................................................................................... 1920-1937 d m
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 6764 Warren av west ...................................................................................... 1938-1956 d
Leo was born in Germany on March 1, 1877, was brought to America in 1880, and became a United States citizen 1 2
when his father was naturalized while Leo was still a minor. His siblings were born in Michigan: Sophia in June of 3 2
1881 and Bernice in October of 1882. Through 1902 he was listed as Leo A. Bonisz. His sister Sophia became his 2 d
clerk in 1906, and in 1910 she was enumerated as a photographer and as a principal of the gallery. Leo advertised in 2 d
1915: “... Wedding photos a specialty. Private dressing rooms in connection. Sittings made at night. Appointments by d
phone appreciated.” In 1918 Leo was of medium height and slender with blue eyes and black hair. The address change d
in 1920 was not due to relocation, but rather to sweeping revisions in the Detroit numbering system. 5631 Michigan d t
Avenue appears on more post card photographs than does 1579, and the cards are both studio portraits and candid t
outdoor scenes. Leo used this format to record an excursion to All Saints Roman Catholic Church in Flint, and a t
parade honoring the First Representative of Free Poland to Detroit in the early 1920s. In 1938 his Warren Avenue t d
studio was “New Modern Air-Conditioned, `Photography in All its Branches.’ Night Sittings and Weddings by d
Appointment. Hours 9 to 6 Every Day and Sunday. Wednesday and Saturday 9 to 9. Free Private Parking in Rear....” d
Mrs. Ida Mae Bonish was Leo’s wife. She was born in Michigan in 1879 or 1880, married Leo about 1907, and 1 2
assisted in his commercial photography until his retirement about 1956 and her death in Detroit on April 25, 1958. Leo 2 1
died at Miami, Florida, on June 14, 1960, and his body was returned to Detroit for burial in Holy Cross Cemetery. His 1
studio burned after being abandoned for many years, and about fifty 8 by 10 glass negatives were recovered after the t
fire. Though most of them displayed water damage for some distance in from the edges, prints made from them by a t
Detroit photographer showed funereal and religious events, an orchestra, saber dancers, chunky and coquettish female t
dancers and musicians singly and in groups, and draped young women with an occasional bared breast in what were t
supposed to be alluring poses. What with the crackled edges, the youth of some of the performers, and the naive and t
rather stilted tableaux, some of the effects were quite bizarre. t
1. Obituaries clipped from Detroit newspapers and held by the Burton Historical Collection of the Detroit Public Library.
2. 1900 Federal Census of the Twelfth Ward, 1910 Federal Censes of the Eighth and Sixteenth Wards, and 1920 Federal Census of the
Fourteenth Ward of Detroit in Wayne County, Michigan.
3. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.
Bonish, Sophia L., Miss
Detroit tailoress .......................................................................................................................................................... 1900 1
Detroit clerk for photographer Leo A. Bonish ................................................................................................. 1906-1910 d
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER ....................................................................................................................................... 1910 1
Sophia (sometimes Sophie) was born in Michigan to German parents in June of 1881. In 1900 she was living with 1
her widowed mother, Mrs. Mary Bonish, along with her older brother Leo and her younger brother Bernie. In 1910 she 1
and Leo were both enumerated as photographers and as a principals of the gallery. 1
1. 1900 Federal Census of the Twelfth Ward and 1910 Federal Census of the Sixteenth Ward of Detroit in Wayne County, Michigan.

Bonnell, George H.
Leslie Township laborer on his father’s farm ............................................................................................................ 1870 1
Grayling PHOTOGRAPHER .......................................................................................................................... 1887-1890 m R
Grayling (Bonnell & Odell) PHOTOGRAPHERS ............................................................................................... ca 1890 2
Grayling PHOTOGRAPHER .......................................................................................................................... 1892-1895 m
Leslie PHOTOGRAPHER ......................................................................................................................................... 1900 1 t
Lansing PHOTOGRAPHER at 335 ½ Washington av south ........................................................................... 1906-1911 m
Lansing PHOTOGRAPHER at 607 Prudden Building .................................................................................... 1918-1919 m
Lansing PHOTOGRAPHER at 911 Hillsdale st west ...................................................................................... 1922-1925 m
Lansing PHOTOGRAPHER at 105 ½ Washington av south ........................................................................... 1926-1927 m
Lansing PHOTOGRAPHER at 116 ½ Washington av south ........................................................................... 1930-1931 m
His parents came from New York and New Jersey and George was born in Michigan in April of 1855, the son of 1
Jacob and Sarah Bonnell. Mary was born in New York in March of 1860, and she married George about 1883. Their 1
children were born in Michigan: Roy in April of 1887, Iva in June of 1889, Leslie in June of 1892, and Crawford in 1
July of 1895. “BONNELL, Photographer, Grayling, Mich. Groups and Views at lowest rates....” was printed on the 1 t
backs of card photograph mounts, including one with “1887” written on it along with the names of the sitters. “Photo. t
Tent. G. H. BONNELL. S. E. ODELL.” was printed below the image on some cabinet mounts. From Grayling George 1
photographed the Henry Stephens & Company logging operations around St. Helen. Some of his 10 by 12 inch buff t
mounts had titles printed beneath the 8 by 10 prints. His photograph of the Danish Church in Grayling was on a 5 by 7 t
mount. “GEO. H. BONNELL, LESLIE, MICH.” was stamped on the back of the 10 by 14 mount of a 7 ½ by 9 ½ t
photograph of a couple in their parlor, she with her violin and he reading a newspaper beside the cylinder t
Graphophone. “Bonnell, Lansing, Mich.” was blind stamped into the 11 by 7 mounts of 5 ½ by 4 inch photographs of t
the comic entertainer Charles Pinteux. t
1. 1870 Federal Census of Leslie Township, 1900 Federal Census of the village of Leslie, plus 1910 and 1920 Federal Censes of the
Third Ward and 1930 Federal Census of the Fifth Ward of Lansing in Ingham County, Michigan.
2. Learned in 2000 from Jerry Murray of Brown City, Michigan.

Bonnely, Leon
Kalamazoo assistant to photographer Mrs. Frances D. Chatelain .................................................................... 1919-1925 1
1. Kalamazoo Gazette, Kalamazoo, Michigan, October 18, 1925, page 19.

Bonsall, Edward William

Franklin Township infant ........................................................................................................................................... 1900 1
Hancock student ......................................................................................................................................................... 1910 1
Houghton photographer for Walter J. Bonsall ........................................................................................................... 1918 2
Chicago, Illinois, photograph retoucher ..................................................................................................................... 1920 1
Edward was youngest of the three sons of Edward William and Isadora (Taylor) Bonsall, and was born in Michigan 1
on July 7, 1898. He was an average sized young man with gray eyes and light hair in 1918, when he was living in the 2
Hancock home of his parents and working for his brother Walter. He was boarding on his own in Chicago. 2 1
1. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.
2. 1900 Federal Census of Franklin Township and 1910 Federal Census of the First Ward of Hancock in Houghton County, Michigan,
plus 1920 Federal Census of the 25th Ward of Chicago in Cook County, Illinois.

Bonsall, Walter J.
Franklin Township student ........................................................................................................................................ 1900 1
Hancock resident ....................................................................................................................................................... 1910 1
Houghton PHOTOGRAPHER on Shelden st .................................................................................................. 1916-1918 2 3
Walter was born on April 29, 1891, at Copper Falls, Michigan, second of the three sons of Edward William and 3 1
Isadora (Taylor) Bonsall. He was living with his parents in 1917, when he was single, tall and slender with blue eyes 1 3
and brown hair. 3
1. 1900 Federal Census of Franklin Township and 1910 Federal Census of the First Ward of Hancock in Houghton County, Michigan.
2. Houghton County Directory 1916-1917, R. L. Polk & Company, Detroit.
3. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.
Bonsall, William J.
Houghton PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................ 1914-1919 m
These probably were misspelled references to Walter J. Bonsall. 1
1. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.

Boote, Ernest H.
Grand Rapids factory timekeeper .............................................................................................................................. 1907 g
Grand Rapids machine company stock keeper, purchasing agent, shippiing clerk or stock clerk..................... 1908-1910 g 1
Grand Rapids resident or machine company clerk ........................................................................................... 1911-1912 g
Grand Rapids PHOTOGRAPHER at 301 Page st ..................................................................................................... 1913 g
Grand Rapids (Boote Photo Shop) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 503 Bridge st ..................................................... 1914-1915 g
Grand Rapids (Boote Photo Shop) PHOTOGRAPHERS .......................................................................................... 1917 2
Buchanan PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................ 1918-1919 m
Carson City PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................... 1920 3
Carson City PHOTOGRAPHER ..................................................................................................................... 1926-1931 m
Ernest was born in England about 1865, emigrated in 1902, and became a naturalized citizen of the United States. 3 1
Her father emigrated from Ireland, her mother came from New York, Frances was born in Michigan in 1870, and she 1 3
married Ernest about 1905. Seymour R. Berkey was associated with Ernest in the Boote Photo Shop. 1 g
1. 1910 Federal Census of the Fifth Ward of Grand Rapids in Kent County, plus 1920 and 1930 Federal Censes of the village of
Carson City in Montcalm County, Michigan.
2. Rural Directory of Kent County 1917-1922, Wilmer Atkinson Company, Philadelphia.

Boothroyd, W. H. & Company

Please see the entry for James A. Jenney.
Boozer, Henry W.
East Saginaw PHOTOGRAPHER up stairs, just below the post office ..................................................................... 1860 1
Ionia PHOTOGRAPHER on Main st .............................................................................................................. 1862-1868 m 2
Grand Rapids PHOTOGRAPHER in the Union Block on Lyon st ........................................................................... 1868 g
Grand Rapids PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................ 1869 3
Grand Rapids PHOTOGRAPHER in the Phoenix Block at the corner of Kent and Lyon sts ................................... 1870 g t
Grand Rapids PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................ 1871 3
Grand Rapids photographer ....................................................................................................................................... 1872 g
Grand Rapids PHOTOGRAPHER at 83 Canal st ...................................................................................................... 1873 g
Grand Rapids PHOTOGRAPHER at 109 Canal st .................................................................................................... 1874 g
Grand Rapids PHOTOGRAPHER at 42 Bridge st west .................................................................................. 1874-1875 m g
Grand Rapids PHOTOGRAPHER at 72 Canal st ...................................................................................................... 1876 g
Grand Rapids PHOTOGRAPHER at 415 Lyon st ........................................................................................... 1876-1877 m
Grand Rapids artist, portrait painter or portrait artist ...................................................................................... 1877-1888 g m
Grand Rapids collector, artist, book agent or salesman ................................................................................... 1889-1893 g
Grand Rapids mirror manufacturer .................................................................................................................. 1893-1913 g m
Henry was born in New Jersey in September of 1829, Mary was born in New York four years later, and they had a 4
daughter born in Michigan in 1866 or 1867. Henry’s Ionia gallery was in the New England Block in 1864. Printed on 4 5
the back of some of his cartes de visite was: “H. W. BOOZER. ARTIST in Water Colors and India Ink. MAKER of every style 5
of Sun Pictures, from life size down. Paper and Porcelain Photographs, Gems, Photographic Business Cards and Photographic Visiting Cards for 5
ladies, both by the hundred with name, residence and business – the latest novelty. All kinds of copies and enlarging. Particular attention paid to all 5
solar work. DEALER in oval and rustic Frames, Cords, Tassels and every kind of Photographic Albums. Exclusive agency for the Photographic 5
Family Register, in Ionia County. This is an article wanted in every family. THE BEST WORK of this section made in this gallery, and as good 5
average quality as is made in the state, at the lowest living prices. ROOMS up stairs, in the New England Block, Ionia, Mich.” His cartes de 5 t
visite included a view of the smoldering ruins after the Ionia fire of 1865 and a bird’s-eye view of Ionia, as well as the t
usual portraits. In 1866 he offered an assortment of photographs superbly finished in water colors and India ink which t 2
he had obtained from New York. He later had copies available in different sizes and prices of a series of photos of 2
caribou hunting in Canada. After several unsatisfactory attempts to secure views of the Union School House in Ionia, 2
the enterprising Mr. Boozer built an elevated platform from which he obtained splendid negatives undisturbed by the 2
thick growth of small oaks which obscured the view from the ground. The tops of these oaks were visible in the 2 t
foreground of a 9½ by 7½ print from one of the negatives. From his emporium of Art in September of 1866 could be t 2
obtained cartes de visite, vignettes, ambrotypes, enlargements from small pictures plain or finished in water colors, oil 2
or India ink, photographs from life in the same finishes, colored or plain porcelain pictures, pictures on watch dials, 2
gems, albums and oval frames in great variety, all sizes of rectangular frames made to order, the new cabinet size 2
album photograph, gents photographic business cards, ladies photographic visiting cards, and family photographic 2
registers. Some comments from Henry appeared in The Philadelphia Photographer in 1867. In January of 1868 he 3 2
photographed Gideon’s Band from a local farce, and before leaving Ionia he took a picture of Professor Hutchins and 2
the lady teachers of the Union School. Henry produced stereo views of both Ionia and Grand Rapids. By a unique 2 6
arrangement of admitting light to his new rooms in Grand Rapids, he succeeded in obtaining pictures with perfectly 2
natural shades, without the inky and bleached spots noticeable in most photographs of the time. The backs of some 2 t
Grand Rapids cartes de visite were covered with fine print: “This picture was made at the Excelsior Photographic Art Place, Phoenix t
Hall,... opposite the county offices, and next to the Post-office. Duplicates can be had at any time. - The aim of this establishment is to produce t
first class work, that is really such, at reasonable rates. Our design is to connect art with photographic manipulation, so that each picture, when t
finished, shall be a gem of artistic excellence; and, therefore, appeal to those who have a love of the beautiful in art rather than to those who care t
only to sustain commercial photography. Please remember that the object of this establishment is to assist you to realize your idea of beauty and t
excellence in a portrait; and that counsel, patience, and pains-taking effort and care, shall not be wanting to attain that end, assisted by every t
convenience and modern improvement. If you have failed in time past in obtaining a likeness, here is a place where you can accomplish it. The t
photographic character of the atelier can be adapted and changed to every kind and class of the `human face divine;’ and it is a fact known to all t
skillful photographers, that every new countenance requires a different treatment and rendering. These conditions have been attained by great effort t
and care, and form a photographic arrangement of a rare and peculiar character. No kind of picture wanting in durability made here; everything is t
warranted permanent. - While we cannot satisfy those who expect the best quality of Photographic work for the same price as that of the poorest t
quality, yet, if the character of the same is considered, here is the cheapest work to be found. Cartes de visite of that quality which will cost you t
elsewhere from six to twelve dollars per dozen, will be furnished at a less price, and other work in like proportion. Good pictures cannot be made t
without great cost to the operator, and we therefore do not advertise work `cheaper,’ which in photography always means poorer, than everybody t
else. Prices are fixed. No deductions made, or pictures thrown in, - A great peculiarity of the Excelsior Photographic Art Place is, that we take all t
kinds of pictures in all kinds of weather. Please remember that if you have a restive child or babe, a large group, a nervous person, or any job that t
requires a short sitting, and the day is dark, or even stormy, that here is the only place where you can be sure of a good result without waiting for a t
brighter day. This establishment is independent of weather. Groups of any size made. An unusually fine arrangement for large classes and schools. t
One of our chief specialties is the large work finished in India Ink, water colors, and oil. Such is the character of the artistic talent employed in t
finishing this class of work, being the best painters to be found in the eastern homes of art, that the results are unrivalled. Even if you have an old t
picture of a deceased friend, it can be enlarged by copying to life size, if you wish, and painted finely at a cost of a few dollars to hundreds of t
dollars, according to the amount of work. This combines real art with photography’s most perfect efforts, and produces a result which is t
unsurpassed in excellence. No better legacy can be left with the family in the event of death, as the value of such souvenirs of art cannot be t
estimated in money. No costly furniture can so combine the useful and ornamental. This is fully evinced in their appreciation by the cultured and t
refined in the comfortable and luxurious homes of the older settled sections of the United States, and in the Old World. Please remember that this t
class of work is guaranteed as second to none of its kind, to say the least that can be said in its favor. To get a good picture, describe plainly just t
what you want before commencing, and don’t be otherwise than in a good, pleasant, jovial mood, from the time you come in till you leave. Your t
likeness will be just what you make it when our plate receives the impression. Don’t hurry the operator; he always works as fast as the process itself t
will admit of, so as to be ready for the next sitter. It is absolutely necessary that the person to be suited shall be present when the impression is t
taken; we cannot in any case guarantee satisfaction to an absent person or persons. Dress in plain goods, generally, and avoid stripes, bars, and t
figures. Avoid white in large masses; and if you wish pictures in white, dress in blue, pink, lilac, or light drab. Buff is the only color that takes t
dark. Purple takes lighter than it is. Yellow, wine, red, tan, snuff, brown, green, black, and very dark drab, slate, and stone, take well. Linens are t
harsh, pale, and worthless. Cotton will do. Delaines are better. Woolens are best. Silks and satins are rich, but have great contrasts in light and t
shade. Blue, pink, and drab velvets are good. Dark velvets are worthless, except for trimmings, and take an inky black. If you wish to be dressed in t
goods of a lighter grade of color, we have every facility for rendering them as well as though they were darker. We can give you indoor or outdoor t
representation in almost every possible variety; and you will oblige the operator by giving some thought to the kind and style of picture wanted t
before entering the establishment. Visitors will please observe that all business is transacted through a regular system, and that we can on no t
occasion depart from our regular programme to gratify the ideas or wants of anyone. Working faithfully as we do for the best interests of the t
general public, we choose our own course, and walk steadily in it, doing justice to all. Under these conditions we are grateful for your patronage, t
and are always glad to receive visitors, whether wanting work or not, always designing to have such a display on exhibition as will repay such for tt
their visit. - We keep to sell all kinds of oval and square frames, and furnish to order any thing that can be called for. Also, cords and tassels, t
albums, and every kind of article connected with Photographic representation. - Don’t forget the place: Excelsior Photographic Art Place, Phoenix t
Hall, ... H. W. Boozer, proprietor. Instituted 1868. ” The Philadelphia Photographer reported in March of 1869 that he had “... t 3
opened a fine new gallery, and has sent us some very pretty cabinet portraits made under his new light. We should 3
judge it to be an excellent one, and in good hands.” He sent one of his advertising sheets to this journal early in 1871. 3 t
The title “LUMBERING IN MICHIGAN. 1873.” was printed on 10 by 12 inch mounts, along with “H. W. Boozer, t
Photographer, Grand Rapids, Residence 171 Lyon St., P. O. Box 1379.” One of the prints so mounted shows a group t
of loggers in front of a barn-like building. A sticker on the back of the mount states: “FRAMES FOR THESE VIEWS t
can be obtained at less price for the same good quality, of H. W. BOOZER, at his business headquarters, than they can t
elsewhere, for the reason that he deals in this size in a very large quantity, and can, therefore, buy and sell cheaper.” In t
1874 he was offering “Boozer’s Life Size Photographs, all kinds of copying and enlarging.” He employed Charles E. t g
Avery as a photographer in 1875. Henry’s second wife, Clara, was born in the Netherlands in December of 1840, g 4
emigrated with her family in 1846, and married Henry about 1897. 4
1. East Saginaw Courier, East Saginaw, Michigan, July 12, 1860.
2. Ionia Sentinel, Ionia, Michigan, July 14, August 21, September 25 and November 27, 1866; January 10 and June 3, 1868; and
January 16, 1869.
3. The Philadelphia Photographer, volume 4 (1867) page 126, volume 6 (1869) page 96, and volume 8 (1871) page 96.
4. 1880 Federal Census of the city of Grand Rapids and 1910 Federal Census of the Fourth Ward of Grand Rapids in Kent County, Michigan.
5. Learned in 2003 from the Clarke Historical Library at Central Michigan University, Mount Pleasant, Michigan.
6. William C. Darrah, The World of Stereographs, Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, 1977.

Borden, Andrew
Litchfield PHOTOGRAPHER ......................................................................................................................... 1890-1893 m
These presumably were misspelled references to Augustus Borden, the apparent successor to Andrew as Litchfield’s m
photographer, since no other pertinent records of Andrew were found and the printing on cabinet mounts was confined m t
to: “Borden’s Studio, Litchfield, Mich.” Photographs in this format included a young man in racing costume with his t
bicycle as well as outdoor scenes. t
Borden, Augustus
Allen Township student ............................................................................................................................................. 1850 1
Moscow Township farm hand or farmer .................................................................................................. 1860,1870,1880 1
Litchfield PHOTOGRAPHER ......................................................................................................................... 1894-1895 m
Mount Pleasant PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................ 1897-1903 2 m
Mount Pleasant resident ............................................................................................................................................. 1910 1
Scipio Township resident ........................................................................................................................................... 1920 1
Jonesville resident ...................................................................................................................................................... 1925 3
His parents came from New York, and Augustus was born in Ohio in December of 1839, second of the seven 1
children of Joseph and Mary Borden. He grew up on the family farm, and had his own farm by the time he married 1
Edna in the late 1860s. Their daughter Carrie was born in March of 1870 and their son Charles was born on June 26, 1
1875. Something happened to Edna after 1880, and about 1892 Augustus married Mrs. Mary E. Collins, born in 1
Michigan in March of 1853, to become the stepfather of Eugene F. and Raymond Collins. Eugene became a Mount 1 m
Pleasant photographer from 1901 until 1948. Augustus and Mary were living retired at Mount Pleasant in 1910, but m 1
Augustus was a widower living with his son Charles in 1920. He passed away at the age of 86 at his home in Jonesville 1 3
on September 16, 1925. His body was brought to Mount Pleasant, where a burial service was conducted by the Masons 3
of the city. 3
1. 1850 Federal Census of Allen Township, 1860, 1870 and 1880 Federal Censes of Moscow Township, and 1920 Federal Census of
Scipio Township in Hillsdale County, plus 1900 Federal Census of the Second Ward and 1910 Federal Census of the Third ward of
Mount Pleasant in Isabella County, Michigan.
2. Isabella County Enterprise, Mount Pleasant, Michigan, September 24, 1897.
3. Mount Pleasant Times, Mount Pleasant, Michigan, September 24, 1925, page 1, column 2.

Borden, M.
Pierson PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................ 1876-1877 1
1. Bradstreet’s Commercial Reports ... Western & Southern States; J. M. Bradstreet & Son Company, New York, January 1, 1877.

Bordewich, Richard
Iron Mountain manager of Jorgen J. Eskil’s photograph gallery ............................................................................... 1888 1
Norway (Bordewich & Eskil) PHOTOGRAPHERS ....................................................................................... 1888-1889 1 t
Norway (Bordewich & Eskil) PHOTOGRAPHERS on Nelson st ................................................................... 1889-1891 1 2
Norway (Bordewich & Company) PHOTOGRAPHERS ..................................................................................... ca-1892 1 t
Norway (Bordewich & Lind) PHOTOGRAPHERS ............................................................................................. ca-1893 1
Norway (R. Bordewich & Company) PHOTOGRAPHERS ................................................................................. ca 1894 t
Norway PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................ 1895-1896 t 1
Rich was managing Eskil’s Iron Mountain gallery in August of 1888, and by September of 1888 had purchased a 1
half interest in his Norway gallery. Bordewich & Eskil built a new gallery on Nelson Street in Norway which opened 1
in the fall of 1889. In 1891 they advertised: “... Crayon Portraits and Oil Paintings a Specialty. Photography in all its 1 2
branches. Mining and Logging Views always on hand. Photographs from Life, and Copies, reduced or enlarged and 2
finished in the finest style. NELSON STREET, NORWAY, MICH.” Views of Norway and of mines in the vicinity, as 2
well as two portraits, were reproduced in The Menominee Iron Range from photographs by Bordewich. Bordewich & 2 t
Eskil posed a woman with a stereo viewer and some views, and photographed a baby in its carriage. Rich posed a boy t
with his huge dog, and a teamster in his mittens and fur coat and cap holding his bull whip with its butt on the floor. t
Richard sold the Norway gallery to Henry Elmgaard in May of 1896 and returned to Christiana, Norway, where he 1
died on May 8, 1898. 1
1. Dickinson Diggings; Iron Mountain, Michigan, volume 6, number 1, February 1987.
2. Walter R. Nursey, The Menominee Iron Range, Swain & Tate Company, Milwaukee, 1891.

Boris, Samuel
Wakefield PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................ 1914-1919 m 1
Wakefield (Boris & Conant) PHOTOGRAPHERS ................................................................................................... 1919 2
Wakefield PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................ 1920-1927 1
Sam was born in Austria on August 15, 1884, and by 1918 had not applied for United States citizenship. He was 1
short with gray eyes and dark hair, and his nearest relative was his father, still living in the Galacia region of Austria. 1
Sam and John Patyk were proprietors of the Wakefield Bowling Alleys in 1917. In January of 1919, he and someone 2
named Conant were partners in the Wakefield Photo Gallery. In November of 1919 Sam moved into the Schilka 2
Building and installed a new camera. In 1923 he advertised twelve photos for six dollars, plus a free large photograph. 2
His ad in June of 1924 was: “Get your Printing and Developing Done at Home. Quick Service. Fair Prices. SAM BORIS, The 3
Photographer.” In April of 1926 Sam was advertising for thirty people to sit for him, so as to be included in a special 3 2
album. The first three gazetteer listings were for Samuel Bous. 2 m
1. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.
2. Bruce K. Cox, History of the Businesses and Business People of Wakefield, Michigan, 1884-1983.
3. Wakefield Advocate, Wakefield, Michigan, June 21, 1924. Noted by James G. Donaldson of Detroit, Michigan
Bornborough, John A.
North Plains PHOTOGRAPHER ......................................................................................................................... ca 1867 t

Bornhoff, Henry Frederick

Merrill PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................. 1898-1899 m t
Thomastown Township photographer ........................................................................................................................ 1900 1
San Francisco, California, resident ............................................................................................................................ 1906 2
Saginaw (Bornhoff Brothers) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 116 Hamilton st north ................................................ 1908-1911 3 m
Saginaw photographer for William A. Will ............................................................................................................... 1914 s
Saginaw resident ........................................................................................................................................................ 1917 s
Saginaw clerk for a photo supply firm ....................................................................................................................... 1918 4
Saginaw photographer ............................................................................................................................................... 1920 s
Saginaw photographer ............................................................................................................................................... 1921 s
Saginaw photographer for Edwin W. Blackwell .............................................................................................. 1923-1933 2
Saginaw PHOTOGRAPHER at 821 Jackson st ............................................................................................... 1948-1952 3
Henry was born in Germany on September 12, 1877, third of the four children of Christ and Annie Bornhoff, and 4 1
almost two years junior to his brother John. He emigrated from Germany with his family in 1881, and he survived the 1 2
San Francisco earthquake. By 1918 he had declared his intention of becoming a citizen of the United States, and was a 2 4
short man with gray eyes and brown hair. May was born in Michigan in 1893, and probably was one of the three 4 1
daughters of Alonzo K. and Elizabeth Polter. She married Henry prior to 1920, and their daughter Lila Jean was born 1
in June of 1926. By 1930 Henry was a widower with a small daughter, and May’s sister Ruby had joined the 1
household to take care of her. When Richard Rummel was an unpaid apprentice at Blackwell’s studio, frustrated by 1 2
exclusively janitorial assignments, Henry offered to pass along his photographic knowledge to Richard at his home in 2
the evenings. He refused payment, but had Richard promise that he would in turn dispense photographic knowledge 2
freely if it was requested in the future. Richard purchased a studio at Frankenmuth early in 1933, and for two months 2
Henry spent his weekends there teaching Richard how to use the photographic equipment. Henry died in Michigan 2 5
during August of 1962. 5
1. 1900 Federal Census of Thomastown Township, 1910 Federal Census of the village of Carrollton, plus 1920 and 1930 Federal Censes
of the 18th Ward of Saginaw in Saginaw County, Michigan.
2. 1891-1991 - 100 Years of Photography in Frankenmuth, Rummel Portrait Studios, Frankenmuth and Saginaw, Michigan.
3. Frank Gueder, “Index of Saginaw Photographers 1865-1971” in Timbrtownn Log, Saginaw, Michigan, 1973 Fall-Winter 1974 and Summer 1974.
4. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.
5. Social Security Death Index.

Bornhoff, John C.
Thomastown Township farm hand on his father’s farm ............................................................................................. 1900 1
Saginaw (Bornhoff Brothers) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 116 Hamilton st north ................................................ 1908-1911 2 m
Saginaw auto repair man for the Overland Sales Company ....................................................................................... 1918 3
Saginaw motor repair man at a garage ....................................................................................................................... 1930 1
John was born in Germany on November 9, 1875, second of the four children of Christ and Annie Bornhoff, and the 3 1
older brother of Henry F. Bornhoff. He accompanied his parents when they immigrated in 1881, and became a 1 3
naturalized citizen of the United States of medium size with blue eyes. He remained single into his fifties, and was 3 1
sharing the home of his brother Henry in 1930. 1
1. 1900 Federal Census of Thomastown Township and 1930 Federal Census of the 18th Ward of Saginaw in Saginaw County, Michigan.
2. Frank Gueder, “Index of Saginaw Photographers 1865-1971” in Timbertown Log, Saginaw, Michigan, 1973 Fall-Winter 1974 and Summer 1974.
3. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.
Bortell, Pearl Clinton
Ionia railroad brakeman ............................................................................................................................................. 1900 m
West Bay City PHOTOGRAPHER at 613 Midland st east ............................................................................. 1904-1905 b m
Bay City PHOTOGRAPHER on the west side at 506 Midland st east ............................................................ 1905-1907 1
Oakland, California, commercial salesman ................................................................................................................ 1910 2 1
Gallup, New Mexico, PHOTOGRAPHER ...................................................................................................... 1918-1920 1
Albuquerque, New Mexico, proprietor of an amusement company ........................................................................... 1930 1 2
Pearl was born in Ohio on March 29, 1875, and matured into a 5 foot 9½ inch man with blue eyes and brown hair. 1
Myrtie was born in Michigan in 1873 or early in 1874, she married Pearl about 1892, and their daughter Lotus was 1
born a year later. Pearl was staying alone in an Ionia boarding house in 1900. He began using the name P. Clinton 1 b
Bortell at Bay City, where he advertised “Photographs That Please, Photos of Artistic Merit, Views and Finest b
Commercial Photos.” He seems to have left Myrtie and Lotus in California, for in New Mexico we find him married to b 1
Edith Charlotte Bortell. Edith was born in Sweden in 1886, was brought to America in 1890, and became a naturalized 2 1
citizen in 1910. She gave birth in New Mexico to Clinton P. Bortell on March 9, 1926. 1
1. 1900 Federal Census of the Third Ward of Ionia in Ionia County, Michigan, 1910 Federal Census of the First Ward of Oakland in
Alameda County, California, plus 1920 Federal Census of the Fourth Precinct of Gallup in McKinley County and 1930 Federal
Census of Albuquerque in Bernalillo County, New Mexico.
2. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.

Bosber, Arnold
Bay City photographer ............................................................................................................................................... 1880 1
His parents came from Massachusetts, and Arnold was born in Ohio in 1835 or early in 1836. In 1880 he was 1
sharing his home with five male boarders, mostly laborers. 1
1. 1880 Federal Census of the city of Bay City in Bay County, Michigan.

Bosley, Mary A., Miss

Marshall resident ....................................................................................................................................................... 1880 1
Marshall resident .................................................................................................................................................. ca 1897 2
Kalamazoo PHOTOGRAPHER ...................................................................................................................... 1897-1898 2
Marshall teacher of vocal music ................................................................................................................................ 1910 1
A photographic periodical mentioned late in 1897 that “Mrs. Mary Bosley of Marshall, Michigan, opened a photo 2
studio at Kalamazoo, Michigan.” Mary was born in Michigan in 1862 or early in 1863, the daughter of William E. and 2 1
Julia A. Bosley. Her father was in the hardware business in Marshall, and Mary’s brother Daniel was made a partner in 1 m
the business about 1894. Daniel was married to a lady named Blanche. Mary was divorced from a man named m 1
Lombard and was sharing the home of her widowed father in 1910. 1
1. 1880, 1900 and 1910 Federal Censes of the First Ward plus 1910 Federal Census of the Third Ward of Marshall in Calhoun
County, Michigan.
2. St. Louis and Canadian Photographer; volume 15, number 11, November 1897.

Boston Dime Gallery

Detroit PHOTOGRAPHERS at 214 Woodward av .............................................................................................. ca 1900 t
Tintypes in 4½ by 3 inch paper sleeves were produced by this gallery. t

Boston Gallery
Sturgis PHOTOGRAPHERS on Chicago st .............................................................................................................. 1880 1
George W. Scriber was the proprietor of this gallery. 1
1. St. Joseph County Directory, 1880, Globe Publishing Company, Mendon, Michigan.

Boston Photo Company, The

Holland PHOTOGRAPHERS .............................................................................................................................. ca 1895 t
Muskegon PHOTOGRAPHERS .......................................................................................................................... ca 1895 t

Boston Photo Studio

Detroit PHOTOGRAPHERS at 111-113 Gratiot av ........................................................................................ 1909-1910 d
Morris Flanders was proprietor of this studio. d
Bostwick, Charles V.
Dexter apprentice photographer ....................................................................................................................... 1866-1867 1
Dexter photographer ........................................................................................................................................ 1868-1872 1
Plymouth PHOTOGRAPHER ......................................................................................................................... 1872-1873 m 1
Detroit photographer ............................................................................................................................................. ca 1874 1
Grand Rapids photographer .................................................................................................................................. ca 1875 1
East Saginaw photographer ................................................................................................................................... ca 1876 1
Saint Charles barber ......................................................................................................................................... 1876-1877 1
Ithaca barber .................................................................................................................................................... 1877-1884 1
Detroit barber ................................................................................................................................................... 1885-1889 d
Detroit barber ................................................................................................................................................... 1892-1893 d
Charles was born November 18, 1850, in Scio Township of Washtenaw County, Michigan, eighth of the nine 1
children of Dr. Victor M. and Phebe W. (Ray) Bostwick. He married Josephine Miller at Plymouth on December 25, 1
1871. Josephine returned to her family in her native Plymouth to give birth to each of their children; James in 1876, 1
Katie in 1879, and Charles in 1884. 1
1. Portrait and Biographical Album of Gratiot County, Michigan, 1884.

Bostwick, Ransom
Union, New York, grocer .......................................................................................................................................... 1850 1
Union, New York, PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................... 1857-1862 2
Sturgis PHOTOGRAPHER .................................................................................................................................. ca 1867 t
Saint Joseph PHOTOGRAPHER .............................................................................................................................. 1869 2
Holland photographer ................................................................................................................................................ 1870 1
Saranac photographer ................................................................................................................................................ 1880 1
Ransom was born in New York State in the summer of 1814. Mary was born there at about the same time, and she 1
married Ransom about 1835. Their children were in New York: Fletcher and Lawrence between 1837 and 1840, and 1
Mary about 1848. Both of their sons were photographers at Union, New York, Lawrence M. Bostwick from 1858 until 1 2
1860 and Fletcher M. Bostwick in 1870. An 1869 item in the Union News mentioned that Ransom Bostwick was doing 2
“Spirit” photographs at St. Joseph, Michigan. By 1870 Ransom had a 51-year-old wife named Diantha who was born 2 1
in New York and brought along a son born about 1860 when she became Mrs. Bostwick. Ransom and Diantha still 1
were providing a home for her son in 1880. For the 1880 census, Ransom was enumerated at home in Saranac on 1
Saturday, the fifth of June, and boarding with Peter and Mary Fellows on their Odessa Township farm three days later. 1
He seems to have been working as a photographer in their vicinity. 1
1. 1850 Federal Census of the town of Union in Broome County, New York, as well as 1870 Federal Census of the city of Holland in
Ottawa County, plus 1880 Federal Censes of Odessa Township and of the village of Saranac in Ionia County, Michigan.
2. Learned in 1993 from William L. Camp of Binghamton, New York.

Boswell, Ida F., Miss

Flint student ............................................................................................................................................................... 1880 1
Traverse City photographer ...................................................................................................................................... 1900 1
Traverse City resident .............................................................................................................................. 1910,1920,1930 1
Ida was born in Michigan in May of 1868, eldest of the five children of photographer William Boswell and his wife 1
Fannie. In 1900 she and her two brothers, John W. and William T. Boswell, were living with their widowed mother, 1
and Ida may have perpetuated her father’s Traverse City photographic business for a year or two after his death. In 1
1910, she and her mother were living with John, who was a rural mail carrier. John continued providing a home for Ida 1
and as a mail carrier through 1930. Neither John nor Ida ever married. 1
1. 1880 Federal Census of the Third Ward of Flint in Genesee County, plus 1900, 1910, 1920 and 1930 Federal Censes of the Third
Ward of Traverse City in Grand Traverse County, Michigan.

Boswell, Martha P., Miss

Flint student ............................................................................................................................................................... 1880 1
East Jordan PHOTOGRAPHER ...................................................................................................................... 1893-1898 t
She was born in Michigan in November of 1872, and as a child was known as Mattie. “Wm. Boswell - Miss Boswell. 1 t
Photographers, East Jordan, Mich.” was printed on some cabinet mounts. Martha took over the East Jordan gallery t
from her father about 1893, and continued its operation from 1898 until 1907 under her married name, Mrs. Martha t m
Boswell Palmiter. m
1. 1880 Federal Census of the Third Ward of Flint in Genesee County and 1900 Federal Census of the village of East Jordan in South Arm
Township of Charlevoix County, Michigan.
Boswell, William
Pontiac (Robison & Boswell) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 131 Saginaw st .................................................................... 1870 1
Pontiac PHOTOGRAPHER at 131 Saginaw st ............................................................................................... 1874-1875 m
Flint (New York Gallery) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 106 Saginaw st ................................................................. 1876-1881 m 2
Flint PHOTOGRAPHER at 134 Detroit st opposite the city park ................................................................... 1881-1887 2 m
Clare PHOTOGRAPHER ..................................................................................................................................... ca 1888 t
Boyne City PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................... ca 1888 t
East Jordan PHOTOGRAPHER ...................................................................................................................... 1890-1897 m
Cadillac PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................... 1892-1895 m
Traverse City PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................... 1894-1900 m 3
The parents of William and his wife all emigrated from England, he was born in New York State about 1837, and 3
Fannie was born there in August of 1838. Their children were born in Michigan: Ida in May of 1868, Cora in 1880 or 3
early in 1881, Martha in November of 1872, John in November of 1875, and William in June of 1879. The elder 3 4
William produced stereoscopic views of Pontiac and of Flint. The NPA monogram of the National Photographic 4 t
Association was printed on some card mounts above: “WM. BOSWELL, (Successor to J. M. LeClear & Co.,) t
EXCELSIOR GALLERY, 131 Saginaw Street, Pontiac, ...” and “WM. BOSWELL, PHOTOGRAPHER, CLARE. t
Branch Gallery, Boyne City, Mich.” was printed on some cabinet mounts. The East Jordan gallery probably was t m
operated by William’s daughter, Martha Boswell, from about 1893 until 1898, when she took it over in her married m
name, Martha Boswell Palmiter. Fannie was identified as a widow in June of 1900, and was sharing her home with m 3
three of her children, Ida, John and William T. 3
1. Directory for the cities of Flint and Pontiac Michigan for 1870-71, J. Jacobson and B. Gordon, Pontiac, Michigan.
2. “Photographers of Flint, Michigan” by Kenneth A. Wallace in The Flint Genealogical Quarterly; volume 17, numbers 2 ,3 and4,
and volume18, numbers 1, 2, 3 and 4, April 1975 to October 1976.
3. 1880 Federal Census of the Third Ward of Flint in Genesee County, and 1900 Federal Census of the Third Ward of Traverse City
in Grand Traverse County, Michigan.
4. William Culp Darrah, Stereo Vies, 1964, and The World of Stereographs, 1977, Gettysburg, Pennsylvania.

Boswell, William T.
Traverse City factory laborer ..................................................................................................................................... 1900 1
East Jordan PHOTOGRAPHER ...................................................................................................................... 1907-1919 2 m
This William was the son of the photographer William Boswell mentioned above, and was born at Flint on June 3, 2 3
1879. As a child, he was called Thomas W. Boswell. He advertised in 1907 as successor to the Palmiter Studio, of 1 2
which his sister was the proprietor. “Boswell” was lettered on the negatives of post card photographs of East Jordan m t
scenes, and many of the cards were postmarked in 1907. They included views of Main Street with and without banks t
of snow, the military band, churches, bridges, and large boats. In 1918 William’s height and weight were about t 3
average, he had blue eyes and brown hair, and was married to Grace Imogene (Gregory) Boswell. He died in 1919, 3 2
survived by Grace and their son, Greg Boswell. 4
1. 1880 Federal Census of the Third Ward of Flint in Genesee County, and 1900 Federal Census of the Third Ward of Traverse City
in Grand Traverse County, Michigan.
2. Doris V. Huckle, Artists North, The Necessary Press, East Jordan, Michigan, 1978.
3. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.
4. Learned in 2006 from Wystan Stevens of Ann Arbor, Michigan.

Bothwell, Melvin E.
Sparta Township, Indiana student and/or farmer .............................................................................................. 1870,1880 1
Three Rivers photographer for a car shop .................................................................................................................. 1910 1
Three Rivers PHOTOGRAPHER at 401 Erie av ...................................................................................................... 1913 2
Three Rivers laborer for a motor car company and gardener .................................................................................... 1920 2 1
Three Rivers fruit grower, factory worker or farmer ....................................................................................... 1922-1932 2
His parents came from Ohio and New York and Melvin was born in Indiana in 1862, fifth of the six children of 1
Thomas and Zilla Bothwell. Nellie was born in Ohio two years later, and she married Melvin about 1885. They had six 1
children, including Harry, Minnie, Frank, Prentice and Antoinette born in Indiana between 1886 and 1906. 1
1. 1870 and 1880 Federal Censes of Sparta Township in Noble County, Indiana, plus 1910, 1920 and 1930 Federal Censes of the Third
Ward of Three Rivers in St. Joseph County, Michigan.
2. Three Rivers city directory, 1913, 1922, 1924, 1926, 1930 and 1932.

Bott, Charles L.
Menominee PHOTOGRAPHER at 426 Grand av ........................................................................................... 1904-1905 m
Bottcher, August F.
Pontiac PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................................. ca 18xx t
Chesaning PHOTOGRAPHER .................................................................................................................................. 1897 t
Chesaning shoe salesman ........................................................................................................................................... 1900 1
Liberty, Texas, photographer for the city .................................................................................................................. 1930 1
His parents emigrated from Germany, and Gus was born in Michigan in October of 1869. He was single and 1
boarding with a Chesaning family in 1900. He still was single and living alone in 1930. (My index shows a card 1 t
photograph that must be found in order to complete this entry) t
1. 1900 Federal Census of the village of Chesaning in Saginaw County, Michigan, and 1930 Federal Census of the town of Liberty in
Liberty County, Texas.

Bottcher, John T.
Fairgrove PHOTOGRAPHER ......................................................................................................................... 1904-1907 m

Bottenberg, John M.
Carrollton Township, Indiana, carpenter ................................................................................................................... 1860 1
Logansport, Indiana, (Longwell & Bottenberg) PHOTOGRAPHERS ...................................................................... 1862 2
Coldwater PHOTOGRAPHER on Chicago st ................................................................................................. 1863-1864 3 t
Centerville, Indiana, PHOTOGRAPHER on the south side of Main st between Main Cross and Spruce sts ............. 1865 2
Logansport, Indiana, PHOTOGRAPHER on Market st over Frazer’s store .............................................................. 1865 2
Logansport, Indiana, (Longwell & Bottenberg) PHOTOGRAPHERS ...................................................................... 1866 2
Walton, Indiana, carpenter ......................................................................................................................................... 1870 1
John was born in Ohio in 1833 or early in 1834. He and his younger sister Mary were boarding on the farm of 1
Joseph and Elizabeth Zuni in 1860. He offered duplicates at Coldwater from carefully preserved negatives for $2.00 1 t
per dozen. By 1870 John had acquired a 26-year-old wife born in Ohio named Frank and a four-year-old son born in t 1
Indiana named Charles. 1
1. 1860 Federal Census of Carrollton Township in Carroll County, and 1870 Federal Census of Walton in Cass County, Indiana.
2. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1862-1866, National Archives, Washington, D.C.

Botting, Philip K.
Superior Township day laborer .................................................................................................................................. 1900 1
Brimley PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................... 1907-1908 t
“P. K. BOTTING, BRIMLEY, MICH.” was printed on the post card back of a photograph of a church interior nicely t
decorated, probably for Christmas. This card was mailed in February of 1908. Philip produced numerous other postal t 2
photos of Brimley, many of them with captions typed on the photographic print. Philip was born at Fernoy in Leeds 2 3
County, Ontario, on March 12, 1871, the son of Alfred and Elizabeth (Jones) Botting. He crossed the border in 1885, 3 1
and by 1900 was a naturalized citizen of the United States. He went back to Ontario to marry Elmina Sanders at 1 3
Westport on March 13, 1895. Elmina (often called Minnie or Mina) was born in April of 1870 at Westport in Leeds 3
County, Ontario, the daughter of Harry and Olive (Jones) Sanders. She was living in or near Brimley in 1910 with their 3 1
seven-year-old son Eldin, but the enumerator missed Philip. 1
1. 1900 and 1910 Federal Censes of Superior Township in Chippewa County, Michigan.
2. Learned in 2003 from Grace and Steve Truman of Grand Rapids, Michigan.
3. Ontario, Canada, Marriages 1857 – 1922, and Ontario, Canada Births 1869 - 1909.

Bougard, William
Flint photographer ..................................................................................................................................................... 1880 1
William was born in Canada in 1853 or 1854. He was boarding in 1880 with James and Charlotte Spencer, and may 1
have been working in the photograph gallery of their son, Frank W. Spencer. 1
1. 1880 Federal Census of the Second Ward of Flint in Genesee County, Michigan.
Boughner, Elias M.
Ypsilanti student ........................................................................................................................................................ 1870 1
Meridian Township farm laborer ............................................................................................................................... 1880 1
Lansing photographer ................................................................................................................................................ 1883 L
Lansing dry goods, groceries and notions clerk ......................................................................................................... 1885 L
Lansing laborer or coachman ............................................................................................................................ 1887,1892 L
Lansing teamster ........................................................................................................................................................ 1900 1
Lansing grocer ........................................................................................................................................................... 1904 L
Lansing trimmer in an auto factory ............................................................................................................................ 1920 1
Lansing collector for a collection agency .................................................................................................................. 1930 1
Though his mother was from New York, his father was Canadian and he had three older brothers born in Canada 1
between 1851 and 1856. Elias was born in Michigan in May of 1862, the next-to-last child of John and Betsey R. 1
Boughner. He worked for photographer Luman F. Heath during the 1880s, and he married Alice A. Wait in 1884. 1 2
Alice was born in Michigan to English parents in July of 1862, and her children were born in Michigan: Clarence in 1
June of 1885 and Bessie in May of 1887. 1
1. 1870 Federal Census of the Fourth Ward of Ypsilanti in Washtenaw County, 1880 Federal Census of Meridian Township, and 1900
Federal Census of the Fifth Ward plus 1920 and 1930 Federal Censes of the Third Ward of Lansing in Ingham County, Michigan.
2. Learned in 1995 from the State Archives of Michigan in Lansing.

Boughton, Ada, Mrs.

Saint Johns photographer ........................................................................................................................................... 1910 1
Detroit housewife ............................................................................................................................................. 1920-1930 2 d
Ada was born in Michigan in 1886, married the photographer Webster M. Boughton about 1908, and gave birth in 1 2
Michigan to Evelyn in 1912 and to Eleanor in April of 1915. She undoubtedly took a greater part in her husband’s 2 1
photographic business than is indicated above. 1
1. 1910 Federal Census of the First Ward of St. Johns in Clinton County, plus 1920 Federal Census of the Twelfth Ward and 1930
Federal Census of the Fourteenth Ward of Detroit in Wayne County, Michigan.

Boughton, E. H.
Jefferson County, Wisconsin, DAGUERREOTYPIST ............................................................................................. 1854 1
Leonidas DAGUERREOTYPIST .................................................................................................................... 1862-1863 m
E. H. Boughton was a daguerreotypist in 1854 at Union Springs, New York, and Edward H. Boughton was a photo 2
artist in 1867 at King’s Ferry and Poplar Ridge, New York. 2
1. Directory of Wisconsin Photographers; State Historical Society of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin, 1991.
2. Learned in 2002 from Don Fredgant of Lakewood, Ohio.

Boughton, Elmer A.
Bath Township, Ohio, farmer .................................................................................................................................... 1850 1
Akron, Ohio, ambrotypist .......................................................................................................................................... 1855 2
Kalamazoo (Baldwin & Boughton) DAGUERREAN ARTISTS on Main st ............................................................ 1856 2
Kalamazoo operator for photographer Schuyler C. Baldwin ........................................................................... 1856-1860 2
Kalamazoo AMBROTYPIST .......................................................................................................................... 1862-1863 3 m
Kalamazoo PHOTOGRAPHER over L. W. Perrin’s store .............................................................................. 1863-1865 3 t
Kalamazoo grocer ............................................................................................................................................. 1865,1870 2 1
Kalamazoo wholesale shipper of fruit, vegetables, butter and eggs ................................................................. 1878-1879 m
Kalamazoo dealer in fruit .......................................................................................................................................... 1880 1
Kalamazoo fruit merchant ................................................................................................................................ 1884-1889 m
Elmer was born at Bath, New York, on February 14, 1830. He and his 18-year-old brother Levi were living and 1
working in 1850 on the farm of 63-year-old Polly Boughton, who may have been their grandmother. Elmer was 1
enumerated as a single daguerrean artist in 1860, when he was providing a home for Polly Boughton. Henrietta was 1
born in New York State in 1845, and she married Elmer in the early 1860s for their daughter Blanch and son Sanford 1
were born between 1864 and 1867. Their daughter was crippled with dropsy, and their son Charles was born in 1877 1
or 1878. Elmer was among the original members when the Kalamazoo Light Guards formed in 1859. The Michigan 2 4
State Fair was held in Kalamazoo in 1863, and a First Premium was awarded to Elmer for the collection of ambrotypes 4
he exhibited there. Some of his carte de visite imprints included: “… ALL NEGATIVES PRESERVED! – PICTURES 4 t
Elmer’s card mounts overprinted with his own name, and was probably his successor when Elmer went into the t 2
grocery business and began making “Turio,” a rheumatism remedy. In the late 1870s, Elmer also shipped dried fruits 2 m
and dealt in oysters and canned goods. He died at Kalamazoo on September 27, 1890. m 2
1. 1850 Federal Census of Bath Township in Summit County, Ohio, plus 1860, 1870 and 1880 Federal Censes of the village of
Kalamazoo in Kalamazoo County, Michigan.
2. Richard W. Welch, Sun Pictures in Kalamazoo; Kalamazoo Public Museum, 1974..
3. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1862-1866, National Archives, Washington, D.C.
4. Reports on the Michigan State Fair in Detroit newspapers, September of 1863.
Boughton, George B.
Decatur (Porter & Boughton) PHOTOGRAPHERS ............................................................................................ ca 1864 t
Decatur PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................ 1865-1867 1 m
Decatur PHOTOGRAPHER in Poore’s Block on Phelps st ...................................................................................... 1869 2
Gobleville general store proprietor ............................................................................................................................ 1870 3
Gobleville druggist .......................................................................................................................................... 1872-1873 m
Gobleville general store proprietor .................................................................................................................. 1874-1877 m
Hamilton Township farmer ........................................................................................................................................ 1880 3
Decatur PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................ 1894-1897 m
Waverly Township farmer ......................................................................................................................................... 1900 3
George and Jennie were born in New York State about 1835, and their sons Charles, Ernest, Frederick and Herbert 3
were born in Michigan between 1868 and 1878. In 1869 George offered “PHOTOGRAPHS, AMBROTYPES, India 3 2
Ink Work, Copying, Views, &c.” He was a widower by 1900, when he was living on the farm of his son Frederick who 2 3
had recently married a young lady named Rachel. 3
1. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1862-1866, National Archives, Washington, D.C.
2. Van Buren County Gazetteer and Business Directory, 1869, Hill & Leavens, Decatur, Michigan.
3. 1870 Federal Census of Bloomingdale Township, 1880 Federal Census of Hamilton Township, and 1900 Federal Census of Waverly
Township in Van Buren County, Michigan.

Boughton, S. W.
Alma STEREOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................................... ca 1903 1
“S. W. Boughton, 214 Grover Ave., Alma, Mich. Scenes around Alma, Mich.” was printed on the face of standard 1
sized mounts with rounded corners to which arch topped stereo pairs were mounted. 1
1. Learned in 1998 from Bonnie and Kenneth Williams of Mattawan, Michigan.

Boughton, Webster M.
Olive Township student ............................................................................................................................................. 1900 1
Saint Johns PHOTOGRAPHER ...................................................................................................................... 1907-1914 R m
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 648 Michigan av ............................................................................................. 1914-1920 d m
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 2134 Michigan av ........................................................................................... 1920-1923 d m
Detroit photographer or commercial photographer .......................................................................................... 1923-1930 d 1
Webster was born in Michigan on April 19, 1883, the only child of Edward and Nellie Boughton. Ada was born here 2 1
in 1886 and their two daughters were born in Michigan in 1912 and 1915. In Saginaw on March 19, 1912, Webster 1 3
addressed the annual convention of the Professional Photographers Society of Michigan on “Has the Society proved a 3
Benefit to Photographers in the Smaller Towns? In what respect?” In St Johns, Boughton’s Studio was on the west side 3 t
of Clinton Avenue. Webster was a stout man of medium height in 1918, with blue eyes and brown hair. The address 2 d
change in 1920 was due not to relocation, but to overall revisions in the Detroit numbering system. Webster was 59 d 4
years of age when he died in Detroit on September 27, 1942. 4
1. 1880 Federal Census of Riley Township, 1900 Federal Census of Olive Township in Clinton County and 1910 Federal Census of the
First Ward of St. Johns in Clinton County, plus 1920 Federal Census of the Twelfth Ward and 1930 Federal Census of the Fourteenth
Ward of Detroit in Wayne County, Michigan.
2. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.
3. American Photography, volume 6, number 5, May 1912, page 307.
4. Detroit Death Index in the Burton Historical Collection of the Detroit Public Library, Detroit, Michigan.

Boughton, William
Detroit shoe clerk, shoe packer, salesman or clerk in a store ........................................................................... 1864-1871 d 1
Detroit photographer .................................................................................................................................................. 1872 d
Detroit traveling shoe salesman ....................................................................................................................... 1873-1877 d
Grand Rapids traveling shoe salesman ...................................................................................................................... 1878 d
Grand Rapids traveling boot and shoe salesman ........................................................................................................ 1880 1
William was born in England in 1840 or early in 1841. He was single in 1870, and was residing in a large boarding 1
house. By 1880 he was married to a lady named Alice who was born in New York State to a Canadian mother in 1853 1
or early in 1854. 1
1. 1870 Federal Census of the Third Ward of Detroit in Wayne County, and 1880 Federal Census of the city of Grand Rapids in Kent
County, Michigan.
Boulton, William
Alpena editor and proprietor of The Alpena Frolic ......................................................................................... 1873-1880 1 2
Alpena PHOTOGRAPHER .................................................................................................................................. ca 1880 3 t
Alpena resident or printer ................................................................................................................................ 1880-1921 1
William was born in England in July of 1848, and immigrated to Canada with his parents in 1855. The family later 4 1
moved to Port Huron. After working for a year in the mills at Alpena, William attended London Commercial College 1
in Ontario and then spent two years in Middlesex Seminary at Komoka, Ontario. On his return to Michigan he settled 1
in a log house on a homestead four miles from Alpena, from which he published The Alpena Frolic from 1873 until 1
1880. He was elected Alpena Township Clerk in 1874, contributed many feature articles on the early history of the 1
region to Alpena’s weekly newspaper, and published a Complete History of Alpena County in June of 1876. He was an 1
ardent photographer. “WILLIAM BOULTON, Alpena, Mich.” was printed boldly on the back of 5 ½ by 8 inch 1 3
mounts, one carrying a photograph taken from the Second Street Bridge in Alpena of lumber schooners and other 3
shipping on the Thunder Bay River, and others with pictures of a hunting camp at Rush Lake in Montmorency County, 3 t
about 35 miles west of Alpena. In the spring of 1886 a photographic journal described two of William’s photographs: t 5
“One is a very good view on a long street with snow on the ground, and the distance as well as the foreground are both 5
excellent. The print is somewhat flat from under-printing. The other picture is a view in the forest with the ground 5
covered with snow, and a group of men and horses are ‘skidding pine logs.’ This picture is excellent, sharp, clean and 5
altogether lifelike.” In 1893 William published a “Souvenir” of Alpena with many full page pictures, and in 1895 he 5 1
published a revised and more complete edition of his history. By 1900 he was a naturalized citizen of the United 1 4
States, and he seems to have remained single all of his life. He was 72 years old when he died at Alpena on March 22, 4 1
1921, at which time most of his 5 by 8 and 5 by 9 inch glass negatives had been preserved. 1
1. Fred R. Trelfa, Introduction to the 20th Century facsimile reprinting of the 1876 Complete History of Alpena County by William
2. The Alpena Frolic, Alpena, Michigan, June 1, 1875, old series - number 37, new series - volume 1, number 1.
3. Photograph in the Clarke Historical Library, Central Michigan University, Mount Pleasant, Michigan.
4. 1900 Federal Census of the First Ward and 1910 Federal Census of the Sixth Ward of Alpena in Alpena County, Michigan.
5. Anthony’s Photographic Bulletin, volume 17, number 8, April 10, 1886, page 208.

Bourzutschky, Robert
Milwaukee, Wisconsin, school teacher ...................................................................................................................... 1870 1
Howard City PHOTOGRAPHER .............................................................................................................................. 1874 R
Grand Rapids music teacher ...................................................................................................................................... 1880 1
Robert was born in the Polish region of Prussia about 1816. His wife, Martha, was born in Prussia in 1822 or early in 1
1823. Their daughters Emma and Antonia were born in New York State between 1856 and 1859, and their sons Frank 1
and Charles were born in Michigan between 1862 and 1867. The music teacher may have been the father of the 1 R
photographer. R
1. 1870 Federal Census of the city of Milwakee in Milwaukee County, Wisconsin, and 1880 Federal Census of the city of Grand Rapids
in Kent County, Michigan.

Bous, Samuel
Please see the entry for Samuel Boris.

Bousfield, Charles John

Cleveland, Ohio, child ............................................................................................................................................... 1870 m
Bay City secretary of a woodenware manufacturing company ........................................................................ 1884-1897 m
Bay City secretary and treasurer of a woodenware manufacturing company ................................................... 1898-1899 p
Bay City inventor ............................................................................................................................................. 1899-1900 m
Bay City secretary and treasurer of a woodenware manufacturing company ................................................... 1900-1913 1
Bay City manufacturer ............................................................................................................................................... 1920 1
Charlie was born in Ohio to English parents in January of 1862, last of the six children of John and Sarah Bousfield. 1
Nellie (sometimes Phyllis) was born in Michigan in May of 1865, and she married Charlie about 1889. Their daughter m
Elaine was born in Michigan in December of 1890, and their son Belknap was born here in August of 1896. Bousfield m p
& Company, of which Charlie was an officer for three decades, was founded by his father prior to the indicated time p
span. Charlie filed a patent application on May 15, 1899, on a Device for Holding Negatives, and was granted Patent p
Number 640,739 on January 8, 1900. His device was a flexible wire form which clamped upon the edges of a glass p
negative plate, with an offset handle to facilitate handling in the developing bath. The shape of the form permitted the
plate to be suspended or supported in several different attitudes. The writing is obscure, but Charlie seems to have
been manufacturing phonograph cases in 1920, with his son as a principal of the company.
1. 1870 Federal Census of the Ninth Ward of Cleveland in Cuyahoga County, Ohio, plus 1900, 1910 and 1920 Federal Censes of the
Second Ward of Bay City in Bay County, Michigan.
Boutwell, _______
Negaunee (Fuller & Boutwell) PHOTOGRAPHERS ................................................................................................ 1867 1
1. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1867-1868, Great Lakes Branch of the National Archives, Chicago, Illinois.

Boutwell, Benjamin
Blue Island, Illinois, student ...................................................................................................................................... 1870 1
Chicago, Illinois, jewelry clerk .................................................................................................................................. 1880 1
Hillsdale photographer ............................................................................................................................................... 1884 2
Murray Township, California, miner in a quartz mine ............................................................................................... 1910 1
Murray Township, California, poultry man on a farm ............................................................................................... 1920 1
Benjamin was born in Wisconsin about 1862 to William B. and Celia Boutwell, with whom he was living in 1884. 1
Emma was born in California to Swiss parents in 1861 or early in 1862, and she became Benjamin’s second wife about 1
1. 1870 Federal Census of Blue Island in Worth Township and 1880 Federal Census of the city of Chicago in Cook County, Illinois,
plus 1910 and 1920 Federal Censes of Murray Township in Alameda County, California.
2. 1884 Michigan State Census of the city of Hillsdale in Hillsdale County.

Boutwell, William B.
Berrien County resident ............................................................................................................................................. 1850 1
Saint Peter, Minnesota, AMBROTYPIST over the post office ................................................................................. 1859 2
Baraboo, Wisconsin, artist ......................................................................................................................................... 1860 1 2
Flat Rock PHOTOGRAPHER ......................................................................................................................... 1866-1867 m
Blue Island, Illinois, PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................. 1870 1 2
Chicago, Illinois, postal clerk .................................................................................................................................... 1880 1
Hillsdale PHOTOGRAPHER .......................................................................................................................... 1884-1893 3 m
Hillsdale PHOTOGRAPHER in the Waldron Block ................................................................................................. 1894 h
Hillsdale PHOTOGRAPHER .......................................................................................................................... 1894-1901 m
Hillsdale PHOTOGRAPHER at 69 Manning st north ............................................................................................... 1901 h
His parents came from New Hampshire and Massachusetts, and William was born in Kentucky in September of 1
1836. Celia was born in New York State in October of 1837, and married William about 1857. Their daughter Carrie 1
was born in Minnesota in 1858 or early in 1859, their son Benjamin was born in Wisconsin about 1862, and their 1
daughters Margaret and Mabel were born in Illinois between 1870 and 1876. William’s advertising in the St. Peter 1 2
Minnesota Statesman in June of 1859 stated that he had operated in various places for six years and considered 2
himself an adept. His gallery was open from 8 A.M. to 5 P.M. during the two weeks he was in St. Peter. In the early 2
1880s there was a photographer named Boutwell at St. Charles, Illinois. William attended the annual convention of the 2 4
Photographers’ Association of America at Milwaukee in August of 1883. He produced stereo views of Hillsdale. He 4 5
guaranteed artistic portraits and made a specialty of fine crayon work in 1894. Carrie, their eldest daughter, and her h 1
second husband were sharing the home of her widowed mother in 1910. 1
1. 1850 Federal Census of Division Number Ten of Berrien County, Michigan, 1860 Federal Census of the village of Baraboo in Sauk
County, Wisconsin, 1870 Federal Census of Blue Island in Worth Township and 1880 Federal Census of the city of Chicago in Cook
County, Illinois, plus 1900 and 1910 Federal Censes of the Second Ward of Hillsdale in Hillsdale County, Michigan.
2. Peter E. Palmquist and Thomas R. Kailbourn, Pioneer Photographers from the Mississippi to the Continental Divide,
Stanford University Press, Stanford, California, 2005, page 121.
3. 1884 Michigan State Census of the city of Hillsdale in Hillsdale County.
4. The Photographic Times, New York, volume 13, number 152, August 1883.
5. William Culp Darrah, Stereo Views, 1964, and The World of Stereographs, 1977, Gettysburg, Pennsylvania.
Bovee, Edward C.
Algansee Township student ....................................................................................................................................... 1880 1
Algansee Township farm laborer ............................................................................................................................... 1900 1
Quincy PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................. 1908-1909 m
Quincy (The Bovees) PHOTOGRAPHERS .............................................................................................................. 1910 1 t
Jonesville (The Bovees) PHOTOGRAPHERS .......................................................................................................... 1910 t
Quincy PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................. 1910-1911 m
Jonesville PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................ 1910-1911 m
Quincy (Mr. & Mrs. Ed Bovee) PHOTOGRAPHERS .............................................................................................. 1911 R
Jonesville (Mr. & Mrs. Ed Bovee) PHOTOGRAPHERS .......................................................................................... 1911 R
Quincy PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................. 1912-1923 m
Quincy florist ............................................................................................................................................................. 1930 1
His father came from New York and his mother came from Ohio, and Ed was born in Michigan in July of 1872, 1
youngest of the six children of Clark and Aurelia Bovee. He stayed on the family farm through 1900 and married Inez 1
Brainard about 1906, shortly before opening the photography studio. They remained childless for many years, years in 1
which Inez was very active in the photography business. In the message space of several different post card 1 t
photographs was printed: “When you give or receive photos you want good ones. That is the kind we claim to make t
and we invite you to see and judge our work. Quincy studio open every day except Sunday. Jonesville studio open t
Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Those having one dozen photos taken before April 15, 1910, and mentioning this t
card will get an extra photo free, and another if work is paid for in advance. Yours for Photos, Enlargements, Frames t
and Amateur Supplies. THE BOVEES, Photographers.” Just: “BOVEE’S STUDIO, QUINCY, MICH.” was printed t
on the backs of postal photos of picnics, homes, streets, churches, bands, dry goods sales, an elevator under t
construction, a livery stable, threshing, groups at Marble Lake, and a high diver during a street fair. Ed used such cards t
to offer “For a limited time we will give three extra pictures with every dozen taken at our studio. We are also making t
thirty penny pictures for 25¢.” and to write to his sister on July 30, 1911. He suggested that she come on Tuesday since t
Wednesday and Saturday were Jonesville days, and he was liable to be “thrashing” the last of the week. He seems to t
have raised oats and wheat to sell. Some cards were marked with a script blind stamp. t
1. 1880 and 1900 Federal Censes of Algansee Township, plus 1910, 1920 and 1930 Federal Censes of the village of Quincy in
Branch County, Michigan.
Bovee, Frank N.
Ypsilanti student ........................................................................................................................................................ 1880 1
United States Army soldier .............................................................................................................................. 1898-1899 m
Lansing optician ............................................................................................................................................... 1906-1907 m t
Lansing PHOTOGRAPHER and optician at101 Michigan av east ................................................................. 1908-1911 m
Lansing optician ............................................................................................................................................... 1912-1921 m 2
Lansing optometrist ......................................................................................................................................... 1922-1937 2
Frank was born at Northville, Michigan, on January 10, 1868, the first child of Eliad A. and Jennie L. (Cady) Bovee. 2 1
His sister Helen was born about 1879. He and Miss Amanda Hasse were married at Freeport, Illinois, in March or 1 2
April of 1892, had no children, and were divorced at Freeport in the spring of 1900. Frank enlisted as a private in 2
Company E of the 31st Michigan Volunteer Infantry at Island Lake on May 8, 1898, was ill much of his time in the 2
army, and was honorably discharged at Rodrigo, Cuba, on April 11, 1899. Mary S. Swain was born in New Hampshire 2 3
about 1878, the daughter of A. J. and E. C. (Warren) Swain. She married Frank at Essex, Ontario, on December 7, 3
1901, and they had four children. Arthur was born at Akron, Ohio, on September 17, 1902. Edward was born at 3 2
Ypsilanti on May 23, 1905. Helen was born in Lansing in 1908 or 1909. Frank was born at Lansing on February 20, 2
1913. The elder Frank set up the first commercial photographic studio in Lansing, sold cameras, popularized amateur 4 m
photography, and organized a camera club. His place of business was at 215 ½ South Washington Avenue in 1906 and m
1907, at 101 East Michigan Avenue from 1908 to 1915, at 219 South Washington Avenue from 1916 to 1919, at 214 m
½ South Washington Avenue in 1920 and 1921, at 718 South Grand Avenue from 1922 to 1927, and at 125 East Main m
Street in 1930 and 1931. He advertised locally in the autumn of 1909: “F. N. BOVEE, Optician. Examination Free. m 5
KODAKS AND PHOTO SUPPLIES. Amateur Work Finished. Views of Lansing-- 50 years ago, as shown at the 5
Bijou Theatre this week for sale. Basement of Ingersoll Block.” and “12 DIFFERENT VIEWS of High School Corner 5
Stone Laying for sale by F. N. Bovee, Optician, Cor. Wash. and Mich. Av’s.” and “Masons’ Trip to Adrian, Photos 5
for sale by Bovee, Optician, Ingersoll Block.” and “Photographs of Pine Lake Clam Bake for sale by BOVEE, 5
Optician, Corner Washington and Michigan Aves.” He was classified as a dealer in photographic material and supplies 5 m
in the gazetteer for 1911. “F. N. BOVEE, Optician and Dealer in Photo Supplies, Lansing, Mich.” was printed on the m t
post card backs of photographs copied from 1860s photos of Lansing stores and of original photographs of a store, a t
mill and the post office at Bath, a launch at Merle Beach, the weather station at Michigan Agricultural College and a t
church at Lansing. “F. N. BOVEE, INGERSOLL BLK., LANSING, MICH.” was printed on the post card back of a t
photograph of three business buildings at Holt. All of these were commercial post cards with captions scribed or t
lettered on the negative, and several were postmarked during 1909, 1910 or 1911. “Bovee” was lettered on the t
negatives of postal photographs of Lansing public buildings with and without the printing on the back. Uncaptioned t
postal photos of various M.A.C. student activities, of private residences, of buggies, of motorcycles, of individuals and t
of groups of people had the same printing on their backs, as did a few with different names or initials lettered on the t
negatives. The range of style of these uncaptioned photographs, and the snap shot quality of some of them, indicates t
that Frank’s printed backs were sometimes used when he made prints from the negatives of amateurs and others. t
People were posed on and behind a bench under a rose arbor for what were obviously studio portraits with the same t
printed post card backs. Frank published a 9 ½ by 12 ¼ booklet entitled Lansing, Michigan’s Commercial Center, t
which reproduced 99 photos by F. N. Bovee, mostly copyrighted in 1912, including twelve views of Lansing in 1860 t
and four panoramas. It pictured the State Capitol and other public buildings, Michigan Agricultural College, schools, t
churches, bridges, parks, residences, depots, business blocks and many factories. Mary died on February 5, 1920, and t 2
Frank married 56-year-old Mrs. Albert E. McCabe, a widow and the former Miss Gertrude Beeman, at Grass Lake on 2 1
April 2, 1927. He endured a lingering illness before his death at St. Mary’s Hospital in Lansing on February 4, 1938. 2
He had been an optometrist for 46 of his 70 years. Burial was at Deepdale Cemetery in Eaton County. 2
1. 1880 Federal Census of the First Ward of Ypsilanti in Washtenaw County, as well as 1910 Federal Census of the Fourth Ward plus
1920 and 1930 Federal Censes of the Sixth Ward of Lansing in Ingham County, Michigan.
2. Veterans Pension Record of Frank N. Bovee obtained from the National Archives at Washington, D. C.
3. Ontario, Canada Marriages, 1857-1924.
4. Headlight Flashes, LANSING, MICHIGAN, circa 1895.
5. Lansing Journal, Lansing, Michigan, August 17 and September 8, 23 and 28, 1909.
Bovee, Inez M., Mrs.
Algansee Township student ....................................................................................................................................... 1880 1
Algansee Township photographer ............................................................................................................................. 1900 1
Algansee PHOTOGRAPHER as Miss Inez M. Brainard ..................................................................................... ca 1905 t
Quincy (The Bovees) PHOTOGRAPHERS .............................................................................................................. 1910 1 t
Jonesville (The Bovees) PHOTOGRAPHERS .......................................................................................................... 1910 t
Quincy (Mr. & Mrs. Ed Bovee) PHOTOGRAPHERS .............................................................................................. 1911 R
Jonesville (Mr. & Mrs. Ed Bovee) PHOTOGRAPHERS .......................................................................................... 1911 R
Quincy PHOTOGRAPHER ....................................................................................................................................... 1920 1
Quincy florist ............................................................................................................................................................. 1930 1
Her mother came from Ohio, and Inez M. Brainard was born in Michigan in September of 1872, the only child of 1
Corlan V. and Sarah A. Brainard. “INEZ M. BRAINARD, Algansee, Mich.” was stamped on the back of 5 ½ by 6 ½ 1 t
inch commercial mounts, including one carrying a photograph of a rural home. Inez married Edward C. Bovee in 1906 t 1
or early in 1907 and was his active colleague for the fifteen years Ed spent as a Quincy photographer. She was 1 m
enumerated as her husband’s assistant in 1910, and was given equal status as a photographer in 1920. Advertising 1
usually used the plural, as in: “... THE BOVEES, Photographers.” One source made it clear that the Jonesville studio m R
was a branch of the Quincy business, and that on some days both studios were open. Inez gave birth in 1915 when she R 1
was 43 years old to a son named Corlan after his maternal grandfather, and she continued to participate in the 1
photography business. The floral business of the Bovees was another joint enterprise, with Ed raising natural flowers 1
and Inez concentrating on artificial flowers. 1
1. 1880 and 1900 Federal Censes of Algansee Township, plus 1910, 1920 and 1930 Federal Censes of the village of Quincy in Branch
County, Michigan.

Bowden, C. L.
Calumet (Pine Street Art Gallery) PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................ ca 1895 t

Bowdish, Mattie A., Miss

Ann Arbor photographer for Charles M. Stark ................................................................................................ 1888-1892 a

Bowen, Elmer W.
Ypsilanti broom maker .............................................................................................................................................. 1880 1
Detroit postal clerk or railway mail postal clerk ............................................................................................... 1900,1910 1
Detroit (Bowen-Moore Art Company) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 2402 Woodward av ............................................... 1915 d
Elmer was born in New York State in April of 1847. Nellie was born in Michigan to parents from New York in 1
November of 1852, and she married Elmer in 1869 or early in 1870. Their children were born in Michigan: Edith in 1
November of 1872, Courtney in July of 1873, and Maybelle in November of 1876. Maybelle (later Mabel) married 1 d
Clyde N. Moore. The founders of the Bowen-Moore Art Company were also proprietors of the Michigan Art Store at d
209 Michigan Avenue. Mrs. Mabel G. Moore and Elmer were principals of the company in 1915, while Clyde N. d
Moore was president and manager of the company in 1916. Please see the entry on Clyde for more information about d 1
the company. By 1920 Nellie was a widow and Mabel was divorced, and they were living with Courtney M. Bowen, 1
who was Nellie’s son and Mabel’s brother.
1. 1880 Federal Census of the Third Ward of Ypsilanti in Washtenaw County, plus 1900 and 1910 Federal Censes of the Fourth Ward
of Detroit and 1920 Federal Census of Greenfield Township in Wayne County, Michigan.

Bower, Miles Washington

Benton Township day laborer ................................................................................................................................... 1900 1
Dowagiac proprietor of a bicycle repair shop ............................................................................................................ 1910 t
Dowagiac PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................. ca 1914 1
Dowagiac PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................ 1918-1920 1 t
Dowagiac repairer of auto bodies and fenders at home ............................................................................................. 1930 t
His parents came from Ohio and Indiana, and Miles was born in Michigan in October of 1882. He was living on his t
own in 1900. Edna was born in Illinois about 1885, married Miles when she was 18 and he was 20, and gave birth to
two sons in Michigan between 1904 and 1908. Post card photographs of Dowagiac and of Gregory Beach on Magician
Lake, ten miles northwest of Dowagiac, were embossed: “M. W. BOWER.” Some were mailed in September of 1914.
1. 1900 Federal Census of Benton Township in Berrien County, plus 1910, 1920 and 1930 Federal Censes of the First Ward of Dowagiac
in Cass County, Michigan.
2. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.
Bowers, Arthur A.
Tillsonburg, Ontario, PHOTOGRAPHER ....................................................................................................... 1881-1882 1
West Bay City PHOTOGRAPHER at 117 Midland st west ...................................................................................... 1883 b
Bay City (W. H. Culver & Company) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 1006 Water st north ................................................ 1884 b
West Bay City PHOTOGRAPHER at 107 Midland st .............................................................................................. 1886 b
Bay City photographer ............................................................................................................................................... 1889 b
Bay City PHOTOGRAPHER at 205 Monroe st north ..................................................................................... 1890-1891 b m
Saginaw PHOTOGRAPHER on the east side at 110 Merrill st ....................................................................... 1892-1895 m s
Bay City PHOTOGRAPHER at 606 Eleventh st ............................................................................................. 1896-1897 b m
Bay City PHOTOGRAPHER at 1011 Johnson st north .................................................................................. 1898-1901 m
West Bay City PHOTOGRAPHER at 302 Linn st south ................................................................................. 1901-1904 b 2
Bay City PHOTOGRAPHER on the west side at 302 Linn st south ................................................................ 1905-1907 b m
Bay City PHOTOGRAPHER at 302 Linn st south .......................................................................................... 1908-1923 b m
Arthur and his wife were born in Canada; he in 1858 and Mary Louise in March of 1860. They married and 3
immigrated to the United States in 1881. Their daughter Nona and son Harry were born in Michigan in May of 1889 3
and April of 1894. The Tillsonburg listing was for Arthur Bowers. “A. BOWERS, SAGINAW VALLEY VIEW ARTIST” 1 t
was printed on a label affixed to the back of a mounted photograph of a fire in Saginaw on May 20, 1893. “A. A. t 4
on the back of 8 by 10 inch photographs of a steamer launched in 1895. A similar stamp was used on the back of 4 t
cabinet photos. “BOWERS” was lettered on a 7 ¼ by 9 ½ inch photographic print with an oval image of many horse t
drawn wagons in front of a farmers’ market, on a 12 by 14 inch mount just below the 7 ¾ by 9 ½ photo of a t
construction crew in front of the railroad bridge they were building, and on a 7 ½ by 43 inch panorama of a factory t
under construction. “Bowers” was also lettered on the negatives of post card photographs, and on the negative of two 4 t
by 9 ½ inch images printed together of Bay City Fire Department pumper No. 8 before and after it was almost totally t
destroyed in a railroad crossing accident. By 1910, and probably long before then, Arthur was a naturalized citizen of t 3
the United States. Mary was a widow by 1930, when she was providing a home for her son Harry and for an 84-year- 3
old couple that don’t seem to have been relatives. 3
1. Glen C. Phillips, The Ontario Photographers List (1851-1900), Iron Gate Publishing Company, Sarnia, Ontario, 1990.
2. West Bay City Directory, 1902 and 1904, R. L. Polk & Company, Detroit.
3. 1900 Federal Census of the Fourth Ward, plus 1910, 1920 and 1930 Federal Censes of the Eighth Ward of Bay City in
Bay County, Michigan.
4. Learned in 2002 from Keith M. Steffke of Lincoln Park, Michigan.

Bowers, Orville J.
Sumner Township student .......................................................................................................................................... 1900 1
North Star Township farm laborer ............................................................................................................................. 1910 1
Ashley PHOTOGRAPHER .................................................................................................................................. ca 1912 t
Pompeii PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................ 1912,1915 t
Ithaca PHOTOGRAPHER and farmer ..................................................................................................................... 1917 2 3
Ithaca PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................... 1918-1919 m
Ithaca farmer .............................................................................................................................................................. 1920 1
Alma PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................................ 1930-1931 m
Orville was born on January 18, 1891, at Stanton, Michigan, fourth of the six children of Daniel and Julia (later 3 1
Viola) Bowers. He became a tall man with blue eyes and brown hair. Lela was born in 1895 in Illinois, married Orville 3 1
about 1913, and their sons Stewart and Ford were born in Michigan in 1915 and 1917. “Bowers” or “Bowers Photo” 1 t
was lettered on the negatives of postal photos along with such captions as “West Main St. Looking North, Ashley, t
Mich.” and “Disciple Church, Ashley, Mich.” and “IOOF Hall, Ashley, Mich.” Some of these cards were mailed in t
October and November of 1912. “BOWERS PHOTO, POMPEII, MICH.” was lettered in very small capitals on the negative of a t
post card photograph of the pupils of Carr School in 1912. “BOWERS PHOTO” was similarly lettered on the negative of a t
postal photo of the M. E. Church in Pompeii. One of these cards was mailed in August of 1915. “ BOWERS, ITHACA, t
MICH.” was scribed in very small capitals into the negative of a postal photo of 32 pupils and their male teacher posed t
in front of their North Star school. In 1917 Orville was identified as a farmer and photographer owning 20 acres. By t 2
1930 he was divorced and raising his two sons on his own. 1
1. 1900 Federal Census of Sumner Township, 1910 Federal Census of North Star Township, 1920 Federal Census of Newark Township,
and 1930 Federal Census of the Third Ward of Alma in Gratiot County, Michigan.
2. Rural Directory of Gratiot County, 1917-1922, Wilmer-Atkinson Company, Philadelphia.
3. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.

Bowers, Thomas T.
Detroit photographer or retoucher ................................................................................................................... 1890-1892 d
Detroit carpenter, student or physician ............................................................................................................ 1893-1895 d
Bowers, Wilder T.
Detroit daguerreian .................................................................................................................................................... 1852 1
Lynn, Massachusetts, DAGUERREIAN or PHOTOGRAPHER at 96 Market st ............................................ 1856-1866 1 2
Lynn, Massachusetts, PHOTOGRAPHER at 204 Market st ........................................................................... 1867-1869 2
Lynn, Massachusetts, PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................ 1870 3
Lynn, Massachusetts, PHOTOGRAPHER at 11 Market st ............................................................................. 1871-1887 2
Lynn, Massachusetts, PHOTOGRAPHER at 15 Market st ............................................................................. 1888-1904 2 3
His father came from Massachusetts, and Wilder was born in Maine in February of 1824, fourth of the seven 3
children of Wilder and Sarah H. T. Bowers. Hannah was born in Maine in July of 1830, and she married Wilder about 3
1852. Their children were born in Massachusetts: Charles, Caroline and Willie between 1854 and 1858, and then 3
Nellie in July of 1869. Hannah was a widow and still living at Lynn in 1910. 3
1. John S. Craig, Craig’s Daguerreian Registry, Torrington, Connecticut, 1992.
2. Chris Steele and Ronald Polito, A Directory of Massachusetts Photographers 1839-1900, Picton Press, Camden, Maine, 1993.
3. 1850 Federal Census of Baldwin Township in Cumberland County, Maine, plus 1860, 1870, 1880, 1900 and 1910 Federal Censes
of the Fifth Ward of Lynn in Essex County, Massachusetts.
Bowles, Esther Ann, Mrs.
Ganges Township farm wife ...................................................................................................................................... 1870 1
Sumner Township housewife ..................................................................................................................................... 1880 1
Wyandotte (Watson & Bowles) PHOTOGRAPHERS ......................................................................................... ca 1890 t
Wyandotte PHOTOGRAPHER ....................................................................................................................... 1892-1897 m
Wyandotte PHOTOGRAPHER at 128 Biddle av north ............................................................................................ 1898 2
Wyandotte PHOTOGRAPHER ....................................................................................................................... 1898-1901 m
Wyandotte PHOTOGRAPHER at 123 Biddle av north .................................................................................. 1901-1902 2 3
Wyandotte PHOTOGRAPHER ....................................................................................................................... 1902-1907 m
Wyandotte PHOTOGRAPHER at 123 Biddle av north ............................................................................................ 1907 2
Wyandotte PHOTOGRAPHER ....................................................................................................................... 1908-1913 m 1
Wyandotte PHOTOGRAPHER at 115 Biddle av north .................................................................................. 1914-1915 m
Wyandotte PHOTOGRAPHER at 123 Biddle av north .................................................................................. 1915-1919 4 m
Wyandotte retired photographer ................................................................................................................................ 1920 1
Wyandotte widow ...................................................................................................................................................... 1921 5
Her father came from Connecticut and Esther Ann Buck was born in Michigan in April of 1852, seventh of the eight 1 6
children of Seralpha Couch Buck and Mary Caroline (Knaggs) Buck. George A. Bowles was born in England to 6
English parents on October 18, 1846, first of the six children of George and Sarah (Hadaway) Bowles. His sister Sarah 6
was born in England in February of 1850, and his other siblings were born in the United States between 1852 and 6
1863. George married Esther in Kent County on January 1, 1869, and they were farming adjacent to his parents’ farm 7 1
in 1870. Their daughter Jessie was born in Sumner Township in 1873 or early in 1874, and their son Vernon was born 1 6
there on June 19, 1880. George was enumerated as a minister of the gospel in 1880. Esther and George parted in the 6 1
early 1890s, and George married Martha E. Toten at Petoskey on September 24, 1893. Thereafter Esther described 7 1
herself as widowed or married, but never as divorced. She advertised in 1892 as a “Photographer and Artist in Crayon, 1 m
Pastel and Oil. All Work Guaranteed.” Esther wrote to a patron on the back of a cabinet mount: “Mrs. J. - I am very m t
sorry you have been waiting so long for your Photos through a mistake of mine. Perhaps I did say if you did not write I t
would finish, But I was so sick and tired when you were here I did not remember what was said about them. But I t
thought you would not like the position very well so I waited. I trust it is all right at last. - Respectfully yours, E. A. t
Bowles.” Esther’s daughter Jessie married Harley Griffin, and their sons Merle and Jessie were born between 1892 and 6 1
1894. She died before Harley married again about 1896. It was noted in April of 1897 that Mrs. E. A. Bowles had 1 3
circulated a petition protesting against Sunday work in photograph galleries. One week later it was announced that an 3
addition was being built onto her gallery, which had been moved from the corner of Biddle Avenue and Chestnut 3
Street to Captain Bolton’s adjoining lot. She advertised in 1898: “Esther A. Bowles Executes Photographic Work 3 2
artistically and in the latest designs and finish. Hand Finished Portraits in Crayon or Pastel. You will be pleased with 2
the Photographs of yourself or friends if executed at 128 Biddle Avenue North.” In October of 1898 it was reported 2 3
that Mrs. Bowles had moved her photograph gallery across Biddle Avenue to a site adjoining the Presbyterian Church 3
on the south. In June of 1902 a photographic journal reported that the gallery of Mrs. E. A. Bowles in Detroit had been 3 8
destroyed by fire. About this time the local newspaper noted that Esther attended the large state and national 8 9
gatherings of the photographic profession, and brought home to her many Wyandotte patrons all of the new things to 9
be had in the art of her profession. She advertised early in October of 1902: “To the Widows and Working Girls - The 9 3
annual discount to you will begin October 16th and continue until December 1, 1902. Anyone needing portraits for 3
Xmas will need to send in orders early....” In 1905 Esther was an active member of the Photographers’ Association of 3 0
America. Late in 1908 she was giving a photo-enlargement free with each first-class order. George A. Bowles died in 0 6
Allegan County on June 23, 1921. Esther died early in December of 1922 at the Arnold Home in Detroit, survived by 6 3
her son, Vernon L. Bowles. 3
1. 1870 and 1900 Federal Censes of Ganges Township in Allegan County, 1880 Federal Census of Sumner Township in Gratiot
County, plus 1900 Federal Census of the First Ward plus 1910 and 1920 Federal Censes of the Second Ward of Wyandotte as
well as 1910 Federal Census of the First Ward of Detroit in Wayne County, Michigan, and 1910 Federal Census of Falls City
in Polk County, Oregon..
2. Wyandotte City Directory, 1898, Nathan Neff, Wyandotte, Michigan; Wyandotte City Directory 1901-1902, Republican Printing
Company, Wyandotte, Michigan; Wyandotte Directory 1907-1908, R. L. Polk & Company, Detroit.
3. Wyandotte Herald, Wyandotte, Michigan, April 16 and 23, 1897; October 7, 1898; October 3, 1902; and December 15, 1922.
4. The Down River Directory, 1915, Elmer L. Snell, Wyandotte, Michigan.
5. Barbour’s New Idea Directory of Wyandotte..., 1921, J. S. Barbour.
6. Watrous Family tree and Colley Family Tree on the internet.
7. Michigan Marriages, 1851-1875.
8. St. Louis and Canadian Photographer; volume 26, number 6, June 1902, page 268, and volume 32, number 11, November 1908,
page 30.
9. Wyandotte Independent, Wyandotte, Michigan, clipping in the Wyandotte Public Library from about 1902.
0. The Association Review, Convention Annual, Boston 1905, The Photographers’ Association of America.

Bowles, R. S.
Linden PHOTOGRAPHER .................................................................................................................................. ca 1885 t
Bowlsby, George Washington
Hudson tinsmith ......................................................................................................................................................... 1850 1
Monroe news dealer ......................................................................................................................................... 1857-1861 2 3
United States Army soldier .............................................................................................................................. 1861-1862 3
Monroe inventor .............................................................................................................................................. 1863-1864 p
Monroe resident ............................................................................................................................................... 1865-1870 3
Monroe patent rights agent ........................................................................................................................................ 1870 1
Monroe resident ............................................................................................................................................... 1871-1880 3
Monroe city scavenger ............................................................................................................................................... 1880 1
Monroe resident ............................................................................................................................................... 1881-1890 3
George was born in New York in 1827 and moved to Monroe with his mother Rachel, a sister and his brother 2
William. He married Miss Laura Downing prior to 1850 and by 1860 they had five children: Lida (later Alula), 2 1
George, Hebe, Edwin or Edward, and Leonard (later Frank). On December 1, 1861, George enlisted as Captain of 1 3
Company K in the 15th Michigan Infantry. The regiment arrived at Pittsburg Landing, Tennessee, just in time to 3
participate in the battle on April 6 and 7, 1862. Another Captain from Monroe and a Lieutenant were killed along with 3
31 men; an officer and 63 men were wounded and 7 men were missing after the battle. George resigned his 3
commission on April 22, 1862. He and William Bowlsby were granted Patent Number 42,637 on May 10, 1864, 3 p
covering improvements to a Photographic Printing Frame. He went on to invent, among other things, a machine used p 2
by the post office for perforating stamps and a gun which was adopted by the British army. After his wife died on April 2
5, 1869, George became more and more eccentric. His home grew stuffed with rubbish and treasures, and it burned in 2
June of 1888. He moved to Ypsilanti in 1890, and died in November of 1892 at his son’s home in St. Louis, Missouri. 2
1. 1850 Federal Census of Hudson in Lenawee County, plus 1860, 1870 and 1880 Federal Censes of the city of Monroe in Monroe
County, Michigan
2. Monroe Evening News, Monroe, Michigan, September 13, 1992, pages 1B and 7B.
3. Record of Service of Michigan Volunteers in the Civil War, 1861-1865; published by the State of Michigan about 1904.

Bowlsby, H. A.
Port Huron (Bowlsby & Company) PHOTOGRAPHERS ................................................................................... ca 1863 t
Port Huron (H. A. Bowlsby & Company) PHOTOGRAPHERS ............................................................................... 1863 1
1. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1862-1866, National Archives, Washington, D.C.
Bowlsby, William H.
Monroe painting and paper hanging contractor ............................................................................................... 1859-1860 m
Monroe furniture dealer ............................................................................................................................................. 1860 1
Monroe PHOTOGRAPHER on Washington st ............................................................................................... 1862-1863 m
Port Huron PHOTOGRAPHER on Military st opposite the post office ............................................................... ca 1863 2
Port Huron (Bowlsby & Company) PHOTOGRAPHERS ................................................................................... ca 1864 t
Monroe PHOTOGRAPH ARTIST at the corner of Washington and Front sts ............................................... 1864-1865 m
Monroe PHOTOGRAPHER and gift enterprise ........................................................................................................ 1866 3
Monroe PHOTOGRAPHER on Front st .......................................................................................................... 1866-1867 m
William was born in New York State in 1828 or 1829 and came to Monroe with his mother, Mrs. Rachel Bowlsby, 4 5
his sister Amelia, and his brother George Washington Bowlsby. By 1860 he was married to a lady named Cornelia 5 4
who was born in New York about 1835. The addresses of both the Monroe and Port Huron galleries were printed on 4 2
some cartes de visite. George Armstrong Custer, then a captain, posed for William about 1863, and in 1864 someone 2 6
named Bowlsby photographed General Custer’s headquarters near Winchester, Virginia. George and William Bowlsby 6 p
were granted Patent Number 42,637 on May 10, 1864, covering improvements to a Photographic Printing Frame. p
Bowlsby & Company cartes de visite included a portrait of a fireman, and William’s Monroe cartes de visite included t
soldiers, the building housing his own gallery and copies of paintings, probably from stock negatives. In 1867 he t 7
advertised his “MICHIGAN ART UNION, WM. B. BOWLSBY, Proprietor, Front St., foot of Washington St., half 7
square north of the Post Office, Monroe, Michigan. Dealer in Planer & Co.’s Sewing Machines, S. B. & S. W. Smith’s 7
Cabinet Organs, Musical Instruments of all kinds, Sheet Music of the Latest Publications, and dealer in 7
PHOTOGRAPHIC ALBUMS, OIL PAINTINGS, Life Portraits, Landscapes, Steel Engravings, Gilt and Rosewood 7
Frames. PHOTOGRAPHER. Photographs! Ambrotypes! Daguerreotypes! Melainotypes! Stereoscopic views of 7
churches, buildings, residences, landscapes, and in fact every thing in the Photographic Art line at low figures and in 7
the finest style. Persons desiring any of the above articles will do well to call at the Michigan Art Union and examine 7
the stock.” 7
1. Loomis & Talbott’s Monroe City Directory and Business Mirror, 1860, compiled by George W. Hawes, Detroit.
2. Carte de visite examined in 1995 in the State Archives of Michigan at Lansing.
3. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1862-1866, National Archives, Washington, D.C.
4. 1860 Federal Census of the Second Ward of Monroe, Monroe County, Michigan.
5. Evening News, Monroe, Michigan, September 13, 1992, Section B, page 1.
6. Dr. Lawrence A. Frost, “General Custer’s Photographers” in Professional Photographer, April 1968.
7. ... Railway Business Guide and Western Gazetteer of Ohio and Indiana for 1867, Redfield & Co., Indianapolis. Noted in 2000 by
James A. Marusek of Bloomfield, Indiana.

Bowman, _______
Holland PHOTOGRAPHER ..................................................................................................................................... 1901 1
1. Holland City Directory, John Kanters Press, Holland, Michigan, 1901-02.
Bowman, Edward E.
Petoskey PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................... ca 1889 t
Petoskey (Bowman & Thayer) PHOTOGRAPHERS ........................................................................................... ca 1890 t
Petoskey (Bowman & Reichert) PHOTOGRAPHERS .............................................................................................. 1890 R
Charlevoix PHOTOGRAPHER ....................................................................................................................... 1890-1891 m
Charlevoix (Bowman & Beatty) PHOTOGRAPHERS ........................................................................................ ca 1892 t
Charlevoix PHOTOGRAPHER ....................................................................................................................... 1894-1897 m
Petoskey PHOTOGRAPHER in the New Petoskey Block .............................................................................. 1898-1900 m 1
Grand Rapids PHOTOGRAPHER in Room 88 of the Wonderly Block ......................................................... 1900-1901 m
Petoskey PHOTOGRAPHER .......................................................................................................................... 1902-1903 m
Petoskey PHOTOGRAPHER at 436 ½ Mitchell st ......................................................................................... 1903-1905 2 m
Petoskey PHOTOGRAPHER .......................................................................................................................... 1906-1907 m R
Flint PHOTOGRAPHER at 500 Saginaw st south .......................................................................................... 1909-1912 3 m
Flint (Bowman & Friend) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 500 Saginaw st south ....................................................... 1912-1913 3 m
Toledo, Ohio, photographer ....................................................................................................................................... 1930 1
Edward was born in June of 1868 in Michigan of Canadian parentage, and he married a lady named Henrietta about 1
1889. She was born in April of 1871, and was Canadian like her parents. Their children were born in Michigan; 1
Marjorie J. in December of 1893 and Edward H. in May of 1899. They lost a third child. Edward advertised nationally 1 4
in May of 1902: “SOMETHING NEW IN PHOTOGRAPHY By which you are able to obtain a true steel engraving 4
effect. People nowadays want something new. They always expect the up-to-date and the live photographer to have it. 4
It is simple in manipulation. No expense after the first outfit is bought. It increases the value of your pictures and you 4
can command a higher price. Send 15 cents in postage and we will send you an elegantly mounted sample of the work, 4
with full information and instructions. The first dozen pictures sold will pay for the outfit. The photo steel engraving 4
can be printed on any sensitized paper. PRICES: One 5 x 7 Line Film....$1.00. One 8 x 10 Line Film....$3.00. For Sale 4
by E. E. BOWMAN, PETOSKEY, MICH.” The next issue of the journal reproduced a portrait by a Grand Rapids 4
photographer which may have utilized the effect Edward advertised, for the comments upon it included: “... What 4
makes this print peculiar is, that it is traversed by fine dark lines something like the fine lines of a half tone screen. I do 4
not know how it is done, but it appears to me that the paper must have been printed first under a lined screen and then 4
under the portrait negative or visa-versa. But however it may have been done, the result is very effective and pleasing.” 4
Edward’s advertisement was carried again in the July issue. He was an active member of the Photographers’ 4 5
Association of America in 1905. He sold the Petoskey studio to Mrs. Grace Chandler Horn in November of 1907, and 5 6
was said to be moving to Chicago. He and Henrietta still were together in 1930. 6 1
1. 1900 Federal Census of the First Ward of Petoskey in Emmet County and 1910 Federal Census of the Third Ward of Flint in
Genesee County, Michigan, plus 1930 Federal Census of the Fifth Ward of Toledo in Lucas County, Ohio.
2. Petoskey City and Emmet County Directory, 1903 and 1905, R. L. Polk & Company, Detroit.
3. “Photographers of Flint, Michigan” by Kenneth A. Wallace in The Flint Genealogical Quarterly; volume 17, numbers 2 ,3 and4,
and volume18, numbers 1, 2, 3 and 4, April 1975 to October 1976.
4. St. Louis and Canadian Photographer; volume 26, numbers 5, 6 and 7, May, June and July 1902, pages 195 and 290.
5. The Association Review, Convention Annual, Boston 1905, The Photographers’ Association of America.
6. Petoskey Evening News, Petoskey, Michigan, November 25, 1907. Noted by Peter Palmquist of Arcata, California.

Bowman, William M.
Claybanks Township child or student ............................................................................................................... 1860,1870 1
Greenland Township carpenter .................................................................................................................................. 1900 1
Shelby mill engineer .................................................................................................................................................. 1910 1
Pentwater PHOTOGRAPHER and confectioner ............................................................................................. 1914-1931 m
His father came from Canada and his mother was from Ohio, and Will was born in Michigan in September of 1857, 1
second of the six children of Charles and Elizabeth Bowman. He was living alone in 1900, 1910, 1920 and 1930. He 1
may have marked a capital B inside a square on the negatives of some post card photographs. t
1. 1860 and 1870 Federal Censes of Claybanks Township, 1910 Federal Census of the village of Shelby, plus 1920 and 1930 Federal
Censes of the village of Pentwater in Oceana County, as well as 1900 Federal Census of Greenland Township in Ontonagon
County, Michigan.

Bown, _______
Cabinet mounts with the imprint: “Bown’s Studio, Tecumseh, Mich.” carry the work of Millard P. Brown. t
Bowring, Thomas Doubell
Hamtramck Township farm hand on his father’s farm ............................................................................................... 1860 1
Detroit photograph artist ............................................................................................................................................ 1863 d
Detroit operator for photographer James J. Randall ........................................................................................ 1864-1865 d
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 218 Jefferson av .............................................................................................. 1865-1866 2 d
Detroit photographer or artist .......................................................................................................................... 1867-1868 d
Green Bay, Wisconsin, operator for photographer H. S. Clark ................................................................................. 1868 3
De Pere, Wisconsin, manager of a branch photograph gallery .................................................................................. 1869 3
De Pere, Wisconsin, PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................ 1869-1897 3 4
Thomas was born January 13, 1844, at Reigate in Surrey County, England, second of the seven children of Thomas 3 1
and Susan (Doubell) Bowring. His parents immigrated with their children in 1851 to Lyons, New York. While 3
attending school at Lyons, Thomas sustained an injury to his left hip which crippled him permanently. About 1854 he 3
moved to Detroit with his parents, who stayed there when he moved on to Wisconsin. At the close of 1869 he 3 d
purchased the branch gallery of which he had been in charge. Miss Alice J. Arndt was born in Wisconsin in May of 3 1
1854, and she married Thomas in 1874. They had five children: Alice (later Irene) in January of 1876, Thomas in 3 1
January of 1878, Randal in January of 1880 who died as a child, William in April of 1884, and Elcey in November of 1
1890. Thomas was a mason and a democrat, holding such offices as treasurer of De Pere and supervisor from the First 1 3
Ward. Some negatives of early scenes in De Pere were preserved by Thomas, and prints made from them by his son 3 4
were reproduced by a regional newspaper in 1934. Thomas remained in the photography business until his death in 4
1897. His son, Thomas R. Bowring, worked in the gallery before succeeding his father. Alice and her four children 4 1
still were living at De Pere in 1900. 1
1. 1860 Federal Census of Hamtramck Township in Wayne County, Michigan, plus 1870 and 1880 Federal Censes of the village of
De Pere and 1900 Federal Census of the First Ward of De Pere in Brown County, Wisconsin.
2. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1862-1866, National Archives, Washington, D.C.
3. Commemorative Biographical Record of Brown County, Wisconsin, J. H. Beers & Company, Chicago, 1895.
4. Green Bay Gazette, Tercentennial Edition, July 1934.

Box, Charles E.
Mayfield Township farmer ........................................................................................................................................ 1900 1
Kingsley grocer and furniture merchant ........................................................................................................... 1906-1909 m
Kingsley PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................... ca 1910 t
Mayfield Township farmer ........................................................................................................................................ 1910 1
East Jordan salesman in a grocery store ..................................................................................................................... 1920 1
Central Lake feed store proprietor ............................................................................................................................. 1930 1
His parents emigrated from England and the Irish Free State, and Charles was born in Michigan in June of 1872. 1
Jessie was born in Illinois to parents from New York in June of 1869, and she married Charles in 1893 or early in 1
1894. Their daughters were born in Michigan, Lena in October of 1895 and Bessie in 1901, and they adopted Willie 1
who was born in Michigan in June of 1888. Something happened to Jessie. Effie was born in Michigan to Canadian 1
parents in 1888, became Charles’ second wife about 1909, and their son Harold was born in 1911. “C. E. Box, 1 t
Kingsley, Mich” was lettered on the negatives of post card photos of winter scenes in the business section of the town. t
1. 1900 and 1910 Federal Censes of Mayfield Township in Grand Traverse County, 1920 Federal Census of the Third Ward of East
Jordan in Charlevoix County, and 1930 Federal Census of the village of Central Lake in Antrim County, Michigan.

Box, Frederick K.
Bay City photographer for Charles W. Parker ........................................................................................................... 1884 b

Boyce, Adell, Mrs.

Jackson retoucher for photographer John W. Paine ......................................................................................... 1891-1892 J

Boyd, George H.
New Albany, Indiana, child ....................................................................................................................................... 1870 1
Clear Lake Township, Minnesota, student ................................................................................................................. 1880 1
Hancock PHOTOGRAPHER .................................................................................................................................... 1900 1 2
Nara Visa, New Mexico, PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................... 1910 1
Nara Visa, New Mexico, house painter ..................................................................................................................... 1920 1 2
His parents emigrated from England, and George was born in Indiana in June of 1865, youngest of the five children 2 1
of Henry and Mary Boyd. His purchase of the Hancock gallery from John H. Taylor was reported in the summer of
1900. By this time he was divorced, and was boarding with the family of a lumberman. He lived alone at Nara Visa,
was said to be a widower, and described himself as the town photographer in 1910.
1. 1870 Federal Census of the First Ward of New Albany in Floyd County, Indiana, 1880 Federal Census of Clear Lake Township in
Sherburne County, Minnesota, 1900 Federal Census of Hancock Township in Houghton County, Michigan, plus 1910 and 1920
Federal Censes of the Seventh Precinct of Nara Visa in Quay County, New Mexico.
2. St. Louis and Canadian Photographer; volume 24, number 6, June 1900, page 278.
Boyden, Elijah L.
Perry Township, Maine, student ................................................................................................................................ 1850 1
Perry Township, Maine, artist .................................................................................................................................... 1860 1
Hancock (E. L. Boyden & Company) PHOTOGRAPHERS on Tezcuco st .................................................... 1874-1875 m
Hancock (Boyden & Pollock) PHOTOGRAPHERS on Tezcuco st ................................................................ 1874-1875 m
Deadwood, Dakota Territory, PHOTOGRAPHER ......................................................................................... 1880-1885 2
Nanaimo, British Columbia, PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................ 1885-1886 3
Spearfish, South Dakota, PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................... 1898 2
Elijah was born in Maine in 1835 or early in 1836, the youngest child of Otis and Eliza Boyden. He was a widower 1
by 1880, and was caring for his ten-year-old daughter Estella who was born in Michigan. They were sharing their 1
home with Albert Block, a photographer born in Moravia about 1840. Elijah’s gallery at Nanaimo was purchased by J. 1 3
W. Sampson in 1886. 3
1. 1850 and 1860 Federal Censes of Perry Township in Washington County, Maine, and 1880 Federal Census of Deadwood in Lawrence
County, Dakota Territory.
2. Robert Kolbe with Brian Bade, They Captured the Moment, Dakotas Photographers 1853-1920, Pine Hill Press, Sioux Falls, SD, 2006.
3. David Mattison, Camera Workers, Camera Workers Press, Victoria, British Columbia, 1985.

Boyer, Allen P.
Ontwa Township resident ................................................................................................................................ 1850-1870 1
Adamsville PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................... ca 1875 t
Newberg Township farmer ........................................................................................................................................ 1880 1
Goshen, Indiana, manufacturer ......................................................................................................................... 1900,1910 1
His parents came from Maryland and New York and Allen was born in Michigan in June of 1849, second of the 1
three children of Lewis P. and Dolly Boyer. He grew up on the family farm. Her mother came from Pennsylvania and 1
Eliza was born in Ohio near the Michigan border in October of 1853. She married Allen about 1872, and gave birth to 1
Lewis in Michigan and Gracie in Illinois between 1873 and 1876. Four others all were born in Michigan: Maude in 1
November of 1876, Myrtle in March of 1879, Nellie in August of 1882, and Minnie in July of 1884. “Views made to order 1 t
by A. P. BOYER, LANDSCAPE PHOTOGAHER, Adamsville, Mich.” was printed on labels affixed to the back of stereo t
mounts, including one that seems to be dated 1875. “VIEWS ________ By A. P. Boyer, ADAMSVILLE, MICH.” t
was printed on taller mounts that were used later. Allen produced more stereo views of Elkhart, Indiana, just across the t 1
state line, than of Adamsville and Niles. He had been diagnosed with heart disease by 1880, which may have 1
encouraged him to get into a less strenuous business than farming. His Goshen factory produced ladders and similar 1 2
products. Adamsville is in Ontwa Township, and Goshen is less than twenty miles southeast. Eliza was a widow still 2 1
living at Goshen in 1920. 1
1. 1850, 1860 and 1870 Federal Censes of Ontwa Township, and 1880 Federal Census of Newberg Township in Cass County, Michigan,
plus 1900, 1910 and 1920 Federal Censes of the Fourth Ward of Goshen in Elkhart County, Indiana.
2. Michigan County Map Guide, Michigan United Conservation Clubs, Lansing, Michigan.

Boyer, Benjamin L.
Grand Rapids photographer ....................................................................................................................................... 1891 g

Boyer, G. H.
Manton PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................ 1900-1901 m

Boyer, Luther B.
Grand Rapids photographer ....................................................................................................................................... 1892 g

Boylan, Henry W.
Detroit student ........................................................................................................................................................... 1885 d
Detroit photo printer for photographers Holcomb & Alvord ..................................................................................... 1886 d
Detroit machinist ....................................................................................................................................................... 1887 d
He was sometimes listed as W. Henry Boylan. d

Boylan, Mary E., Mrs.

Portage Township farm wife ....................................................................................................................................... 1860 1
Hastings PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................... ca 1867 t
Hastings house wife ................................................................................................................................................... 1870 1
Mary was born in Ohio or Michigan about 1840, and her maiden name may have been Beebe. Prior to 1860 she 1
married Albert Boylan, who was born in Ohio about 1836 and was the proprietor of a Hastings meat market in 1870. 1
Mary gave birth to Hattie in Michigan about 1864. 1
1. 1860 Federal Census of Portage Township in Kalamazoo County, and 1870 Federal Census of the village of Hastings in Barry
County, Michigan.
Boylan, Philip F.
New York, New York, child ...................................................................................................................................... 1880 1
Pontiac, Illinois, waiter .............................................................................................................................................. 1899 2
United States Army soldier .............................................................................................................................. 1899-1901 2 1
Buffalo, New York, resident ............................................................................................................................ 1903-1905 2
Detroit photographer ........................................................................................................................................ 1906-1909 d
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER ....................................................................................................................................... 1910 1
Memphis, Tennessee, photographer .......................................................................................................................... 1911 2
Detroit photographer .................................................................................................................................................. 1912 d
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 60 Washington av ..................................................................................................... 1913 d
United States Army soldier .............................................................................................................................. 1917-1919 3
Cleveland, Ohio, X-Ray operator for an X-Ray laboratory ....................................................................................... 1920 1
Philip was born in New York City to Irish parents on July 15, 1877, the son of Philip and Catherine Boylan. He had 2 1
two older sisters and one younger sister. He lived in Buffalo, New York, and Chicago, Illinois, before moving to 1 2
Pontiac, and became a man of 148 pounds on a 5 foot 7½ inch frame with grey eyes, red-brown hair and a ruddy 2
complexion. He enlisted as a private in Company E of the 39 th United States Volunteer Infantry on September 16, 2
1899, at Pontiac, Illinois, and was transferred to Company F of the regiment on October 8, 1899. From December 18, 2
1899, to January 13, 1900, he was assigned to Battery F of the Fifth United States Light Artillery. While serving in the 2
Philippine Islands he held the ranks of private, musician and corporal. He was afflicted with chronic dysentery and 2
diarrhea in January of 1900, and by April had contracted malaria. Phillip was hospitalized much of the time between 2
January and May of 1900 at Batangas and Los Banos. He was discharged from the army at Manila on March 15, 1901, 2
and remained in the Philippine Islands for a year or more working for the Quarter Master Department. Miss Lenora 2
(often Lena) Horton was born in New York State to English parents in May of 1879, last of the seven children of 1
Hardy and Leoria Horton. She married Philip at Niagara Falls, Ontario, on July 15, 1904, and five years later they had 1 2
no children. After 1909 Philip traveled as a photographer, and just happened to be in Memphis in February of 1911. 2
He enlisted at Fort Thomas, Kentucky, on November 22, 1917, and served in Company C of the Seventh Engineers 3
with the American Expeditionary Forces from March 14, 1918, until July 5, 1919. He was honorably discharged from 3
the army on October 4, 1919. He was classified as single in 1920. 3 1
1. 1880 Federal Censes of Oswego Falls in Oswego County and of the Borough of Manhattan of New York City in New York County,
1900 Federal Census of the Fourteenth Ward of Syracuse in Onondaga County, New York, plus 1900 Federal Census of San Pablo
on Luzon in the Philippine Islands, 1910 Federal Census of the Sixth Ward of Detroit in Wayne County, Michigan, and 1920 Federal
Census of the 22nd Ward of Cleveland in Cuyahoga County, Ohio.
2. Military and Pension Records of Philip F. Boylan from the National Archives in Washington, D. C.
3. Ohio Military Men, 1917-18.

Boyle, Arthur Ambrose

Detroit student ........................................................................................................................................................... 1900 1
Detroit photographer ........................................................................................................................................ 1907-1909 d
Detroit clerk, agent, collector or salesman for a coal, coke and wood merchant ............................................. 1910-1918 1 d
Detroit collector for the Detroit Edison Company ........................................................................................... 1919-1925 d 1
Detroit inspector or watchman for the Detroit Edison Company ..................................................................... 1926-1935 d
Detroit crib man, laborer, watchman or clerk .................................................................................................. 1936-1939 d
Detroit resident ............................................................................................................................................... 1940-1941 d
Arthur was born in Michigan to Irish parents on December 23, 1884, last of the four children of James and Elizabeth 1 2
Boyle. He became a slender man with blue eyes and auburn hair. Katherine McLaughlin was born in Ireland about 2 1
1891 and immigrated in 1905. She married Arthur about 1911 and their children were born in Detroit: Joseph and 1
James between 1912 and 1914, David in December of 1915, and Mary and Anne between 1922 and 1925. 1
1. 1900, 1910, 1920 and 1930 Federal Censes of the Twelfth Ward of Detroit in Wayne County, Michigan.
2. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.
Boynton, Jesse N.
Au Sable Township student ....................................................................................................................................... 1880 1
Port Huron packer of notions ..................................................................................................................................... 1900 1
Port Huron PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................... ca 1905 t
Port Huron shipping clerk for a wholesale store ........................................................................................................ 1910 1
Port Huron shipping clerk for a flour mill ................................................................................................................. 1920 1
His paternal grandparents were German, his maternal grandparents were English, his mother came from New York 1
and Jesse was born in Michigan in December of 1867. He was the younger of the two sons of Granville and Mary L. 1
Boynton. Her mother was a native of Michigan but her father was Canadian and Edith Frances was born in Canada in 1
December of 1870. She was brought to Michigan in 1872, and she grew up to marry Jesse in 1895. Their son Styon 1
was born in December of 1896, and was working the streets as a newsboy by the time he was thirteen years old. “J. N. 1 t
BOYNTON, Port Huron, Mich.” was stamped on the back of 5 by 5 inch commercial mounts carrying 3½ by 3½ t
photographs. One showed a boy standing between two identically dressed girls on a sloping cellar door. In 1920 Jesse t 1
and Frances were raising nine-year-old Irene, whom they had adopted. 1
1. 1880 Federal Census of Au Sable Township in Iosco County, plus 1900 and 1910 Federal Censes of the Third Ward and 1920 Federal
Census of the Tenth Ward of Port Huron in St. Clair County, Michigan.

Boynton, John F.
Georgetown Township student .................................................................................................................................. 1900 1
Jenison PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................................. ca 1910 t
Georgetown Township poultry farmer ....................................................................................................................... 1910 1
Georgetown Township farmer ................................................................................................................................... 1917 2
Georgetown Township butcher .................................................................................................................................. 1920 1
Wyoming Township laborer in a hide store ............................................................................................................... 1930 1
John was born at Byron, Michigan, on June 25, 1889, second of the eight children and the eldest son of Amos and 2 1
Emma Boynton. “J. F. BOYNTON, JENISON, MICHIGAN.” was printed on the post card backs of photographs of 1 t
people in or around their homes; pictures with the appearance of snap shots. Her father came from Canada and May t 1
was born in Michigan early in 1879. When she married John in 1913 she brought along her ten-year-old son from a 1
previous marriage to a man named Smith. She and John were the parents of Robert Boynton, who was born in 1
Wisconsin late in 1914. John was a short man with blue eyes and dark brown hair in 1917, when he and his wife and 1 2
the two boys were living at Jenison in Georgetown Township. In 1920 they were sharing their home with John’s 2 1
widowed mother, three of his brothers and a sister. 1
1. 1900, 1910 and 1920 Federal Censes of Georgetown Township in Ottawa County, and 1930 Federal Census of Wyoming Township in
Kent County, Michigan.
2. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.

Boyse, Frederick John

County Line PHOTOGRAPHER ..................................................................................................................... 1898-1901 m
Birch Run Township farmer ...................................................................................................................................... 1910 1
Birch Run Township farmer ............................................................................................................................ 1918-1920 2 1
Birch Run Township farmer ...................................................................................................................................... 1930 1
His parents emigrated from England in 1871, and Frederick was born in Michigan on July 26, 1884, last of the four 1 2
children of George and Hannah Boyse. In 1900 he and an older sister and brother were living with their 57-year-old 1
widowed mother, and Frederick was working on her farm. Agnes was born in Michigan to a Canadian mother in 1884, 1
and she married Fred about 1908. By this time he was a medium sized man with blue eyes and brown hair. Their 1 2
daughter Alice and son Charles were born in 1910 and 1911, and then Harold came along in 1922 or early in 1923. 1
Hannah, Fred’s mother, married a man named Stewart and had been widowed for the second time when she was 1
sharing the home of Fred and Agnes in 1920. 1
1. 1880, 1900, 1910, 1920 and 1930 Federal Censes of Birch Run Township in Saginaw County, Michigan.
2. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.
Braband, D.
Tawas City PHOTOGRAPHER on Lake st ............................................................................................................... 1873 1
The opening of Braband’s gallery nearly opposite the Tawas City House was reported in the summer of 1873. He 1
was said to be making some nice photographs and gem pictures. 1
1. Iosco County Gazette, July 31, 1873. Noted in 1994 by James Donaldson of Detroit, Michigan.

Brabon, William Ellsworth

Wayne student ........................................................................................................................................................... 1880 1
Fenton photographer .................................................................................................................................................. 1892 2
Ortonville (Buzzard & Brabon) PHOTOGRAPHERS ......................................................................................... ca 1895 t
Flint wood worker ...................................................................................................................................................... 1900 1
Flint machinist doing repair work .............................................................................................................................. 1910 1
His father was English, his mother was a native of New York, and William was born in Michigan in September of 1
1872. He was second of the four sons of Robert and Malina Brabon, and as a child was called Ellsworth. Though 1
married, he was living in 1900 with the family of his brother Frank. Armina (later Mina) was born in Michigan in 1
1873, and she married William about 1892. Their children were born in Michigan, including Fern and Violet between 1
1893 and 1895. One source then lists Elmer in 1899 or early in 1900, and another lists Louis in 1897 and Lelea in 1
1901. They were followed by Mary in 1903, Dorothea in 1905, Delbert in 1907, Harold in 1909, Loren in 1912, 1
Ronald in 1913 and Phyllis in October of 1915. Mina was a widow providing a home for nine of her children (three of 1
them were employed) in 1920, and four of them still were at home in 1930. 1
1. 1880 Federal Census of the village of Wayne in Wayne County, 1900 and 1920 Federal Censes of the First Ward and 1910 Federal
Census of the Fifth Ward of Flint, plus 1930 Federal Census of the village of Fenton in Genesee County, Michigan.
2. Flint and Genesee County Directory, 1892-93.

Brackett, Irving D.
Grand Rapids photographer for the Reed Engraving Company ................................................................................. 1898 g
Grand Rapids photographer for the Valley City Engraving and Printing Company .................................................. 1899 g
Grand Rapids photographer ....................................................................................................................................... 1900 g 1
Akron, Ohio, resident ................................................................................................................................................ 1901 g
His mother came from Ohio and Irving was born at Charlotte, Michigan, on February 19, 1881, the younger of the 1
two sons of Edgar D. and Lydia E. (Clark) Brackett. He and his brother David were living in 1900 with their divorced 2 1
mother and her widowed mother. Irving died in Michigan on July 4, 1906. 1 2
1. 1900 Federal Census of the Fourth Ward of Grand Rapids in Kent County, Michigan.
2. Ancestry Family Data Collection, Individual Records.
Bracy, Frank C.
Augusta student .......................................................................................................................................................... 1860 1
Augusta PHOTOGRAPHER and picture frame merchant .................................................................................... ca 1867 t
Augusta artist ............................................................................................................................................................. 1870 1
Grand Rapids photographer for Orsamus W. Horton ................................................................................................ 1872 g
Jackson (Jackson Art Gallery) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 198 & 200 Main st ................................................... 1876-1877 m
Jackson PHOTOGRAPHER at 198 & 200 Main st ......................................................................................... 1878-1879 m
Detroit photographer or retoucher for photographer Joseph E. Watson .......................................................... 1880-1881 d
Detroit (Bracy, Diehl & Company) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 35 to 39 Monroe av .......................................... 1882-1884 d m
Detroit photographer ........................................................................................................................................ 1885-1887 d
Detroit (Bracy & Gibson) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 246 Woodward av ........................................................... 1888-1889 d m
Detroit artist for photographer John S. Foster ................................................................................................. 1890-1891 d
Detroit artist or portrait artist ........................................................................................................................... 1892-1911 d 1
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER ....................................................................................................................................... 1911 2
Detroit artist ..................................................................................................................................................... 1912-1920 d 1
Detroit resident ................................................................................................................................................ 1923-1931 d 3
His mother came from Canada and Frank was born at Watertown, New York, on February 12, 1851, eldest of the 1 3
four children of Edwin C. and Eliza N. Bracy. He moved with his family around 1857 to Augusta, Michigan, and left 1 3
there about 1867 with an itinerant photographer. He employed his brother Lemuel Bracy at Jackson in 1878. Ambrose 3 4
J. Diehl also worked for Frank at Jackson, and along with Abraham Lapham was associated with him in Bracy, Diehl 4 d
& Company, calling themselves Artistic Photographers and claiming to have “... in every respect the Finest and Most d
Complete Photographic Gallery in the West. Everything is new and of the most approved pattern. We pay special d
attention to PORTRAITURE in either Photography, Water Color or Crayon, and pledge ourselves to furnish you the d
Finest Work in the State,” Some of their cabinet mounts were stamped: “These Photos $3.00 per Dozen.” Their d t
employees included Lemuel A. Bracy as photo printer from 1882 through 1884, Eugene Gardner as clerk in 1882, d
Miss Josephine L. Anthony as photo finisher in 1883, Miss Anna S. Coman as clerk in 1883 and 1884, and Ralph d
Johnson as photo printer in 1884. Olive Monchamp was born in Michigan in August of 1867, became Mrs. Frank d 3
Bracy in 1884, and gave birth to Arthur in March of 1887. Frank’s retirement from Bracy, Diehl & Company was 1 5
reported early in 1885, noting that the style of the firm remained unchanged. Bracy & Jefferson J. Gibson touted their 5 d
ground floor gallery with no stairs to climb, and “... an elegant line of frames, all sizes constantly on hand and made to d
order.” They employed Edward J. Winiker as a photo printer in 1888. Frank maintained his portrait studio on the d
second floor at 103 Michigan Avenue from 1896 through 1919. A photo enlarging service at this same address was d
operated by John S. Foster until 1906, and then carried on by Frank F. Baxter for many years. Frank C. Bracy died in d 3
Detroit on September 27, 1931, survived by his wife, Mrs. Olive Bracy, their son Arthur and at least two grand 3
children. Interment was in Mount Olivet Cemetery. A two volume hand written treatise of 344 pages on coloring 3 6
photographs has survived with only half of its title page reading: “Manual of Photogr ...” possibly by Alfred A. 6
Paternoster. It apparently was written to an instructor’s dictation by Frank while he was living at Augusta. 6
1. 1860 and 1870 Federal Censes of the village of Augusta in Kalamazoo County, plus 1900 and 1910 Federal Censes of the Tenth
Ward, 1920 Federal Census of the Fourth Ward, and 1930 Federal Census of the Twenty Second Ward of Detroit in Wayne County,
2. Detroit Receivers and Shippers GUIDE, July 1, 1911, Michigan Central Railroad Company, Detroit, Michigan.
3. Arthur Hopkin Gibson, Artists of Early Michigan, Wayne State University Press, Detroit, 1975.
4. Learned in 1997 from Gerry L. Blanchard of Jackson, Michigan.
5. The Photographic Times and American Photographer, New York, volume 15, number 176, January 30, 1885, page 60.
6. Learned in 1997 at the Burton Historical Collection of the Detroit Public Library.

Bracy, John
Detroit photographer .................................................................................................................................................. 1880 1
His parents emigrated from England and Ireland, and John was born in Ontario in 1859 or 1860. He was single in 1
1880, and was boarding with David and Sarah Butler. 1
1. 1880 Federal Census of the Third Ward of Detroit in Wayne County, Michigan.
Bracy, Lemuel A.
Augusta student .......................................................................................................................................................... 1870 1
Jackson employee of photographer Frank C. Bracy ................................................................................................. 1878 J
Detroit photographer for Joseph E. Watson ............................................................................................................... 1880 d
Detroit photo printer for photographers Bracy, Diehl & Company ................................................................. 1882-1884 d
Detroit photo printer or photographer for A. J. Diehl & Company .................................................................. 1885-1886 d
East Saginaw resident ................................................................................................................................................ 1887 d
White Cloud PHOTOGRAPHER .................................................................................................................... 1888-1901 m
Newaygo PHOTOGRAPHER ......................................................................................................................... 1902-1905 m
Detroit assistant at the Manning Studio ........................................................................................................... 1906-1907 d
Detroit photographer for the Manning Studio .................................................................................................. 1908-1910 d
Detroit photographer .................................................................................................................................................. 1911 d
Detroit photographer for the Manning Brothers ........................................................................................................ 1912 d
Detroit photographer ........................................................................................................................................ 1913-1918 d
Detroit photographer for Arthur R. Wilson ..................................................................................................... 1919-1921 d
Detroit photographer ........................................................................................................................................ 1922-1924 d
Detroit photographer for the A. R. Wilson Studios, Inc. ................................................................................. 1925-1928 d
Detroit photographer or commercial photographer .......................................................................................... 1929-1932 d
His mother emigrated from Canada, and Lemuel was born in New York State in 1853, the son of Eli and Eliza Bracy 1
and the younger brother of Frank C. Bracy. Annie was born in England in 1858. She and Lemuel were married about 1
1882, and their son Edwin was born in Michigan in 1884 or 1885. 1
1. 1870 Federal Census of the village of Augusta in Kalamazoo County, plus 1910 Federal Census of the Sixth Ward, 1920 Federal
Census of the Eighteenth Ward and 1930 Federal Census of the Thirteenth Ward of Detroit in Wayne County, Michigan.

Bradbeer, Andrew David

Picton, Ontario, (Bradbeer & Vanalstine) PHOTOGRAPHERS ............................................................................... 1876 1
Cadillac planing mill employee ................................................................................................................................. 1880 2
Cadillac photographer for Herbert L. Bragg .................................................................................................... 1881-1882 2
Cadillac (Bragg & Bradbeer) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 114 Harris st east ................................................................. 1883 t 2
Cadillac PHOTOGRAPHER at 114 Harris st east ........................................................................................... 1883-1884 2 3
Charlevoix PHOTOGRAPHER ....................................................................................................................... 1884-1887 m
His family was living in Cobourg, Ontario, when David was born in 1851, and ten years later moved to Brighton, 2
Ontario. Beginning in 1870, David worked mostly in photographic galleries at different points in Canada and the 2
United States, and arrived in Cadillac on May 27, 1880. He was single and boarding at a hotel with thirty others in 2 4
1880, and the enumerator mentioned that he had a cut foot. David bought Herbert L. Bragg out of his interest in their 4 2
partnership in November of 1883, and made specialties of large work, portraits, viewing and framing. He made 2 t
photographic views of David Ward’s camps on the headwaters of the Manistee River in Kalkaska County in February 5
of 1884. He was identified as A. D. Bradbeer on the majority of his photograph mounts, but as Dave Bradbeer on card 5 t
mounts from Cadillac and on cabinet mounts from both Cadillac and Charlevoix. t
1. Glen C. Phillips, The Ontario Photographers List (1851-1900), Iron Gate Publishing Company, Sarnia, Ontario, 1990.
2. The Traverse Region, H. R. Page & Company, Chicago, 1884.
3. Directory of Big Rapids, Mecosta County, etc., etc., R. L. Polk & Company, Detroit, 1884.
4. 1880 Federal Census of the city of Cadillac in Wexford County, Michigan.
5. Noted by James Donaldson in 2000 at the Bentley Historical Library in Ann Arbor, Michigan.

Bradford, Henry John

Detroit resident, painter, manager or boarding house proprietor ..................................................................... 1871-1874 d
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 257 Michigan av ............................................................................................. 1877-1881 d m
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 259 Michigan av ............................................................................................. 1882-1884 d
During the Civil War, one Henry J. Bradford was a Sergeant in Company C of the 18th Kentucky Infantry, and 1
another served in Company I of the 83rd Indiana Infantry. This Henry J. Bradley was born in England in 1820 or 1821, 1 2
and was living alone although he was married. 2
1. General Index to Pension Files, 1861-1934, National Archives, Washington, D. C.
2. 1880 Federal Census of the city of Detroit in Wayne County, Michigan.
Bradford, Samuel G.
Union Township, Indiana, child or student ....................................................................................................... 1850,1860 1
Benton Township laborer on his father’s farm ........................................................................................................... 1870 1
Benton Harbor photographer ..................................................................................................................................... 1880 1
Kendallville, Indiana, PHOTOGRAPHER ...................................................................................................... 1887-1890 2
Benton Harbor inventor ................................................................................................................................... 1895-1896 p
Samuel was born in Ohio about 1848, second of the three sons of Stephen and Theresa Adela Bradford. His sister 1
Cynthia was born about 1863. Alice was born in Pennsylvania in 1852 or early in 1853, and she married Samuel in the 1
1870s. Samuel filed a patent application on May 21, 1895, for a photograph retouching tool similar to an air brush. 1 p
Patent Number 571,642 issued on November 17, 1896, covering his invention. p
1. 1850 and 1860 Federal Censes of Union Township in St. Joseph County, Indiana, plus 1870 and 1880 Federal Census of Benton
Township in Berrien County, Michigan.
2. Learned in 2000 from James A. Marusek of Bloomfield, Indiana.

Bradley, Bert C.
Plymouth Township student ....................................................................................................................................... 1880 1
Northville stationary engineer .................................................................................................................................... 1900 1
Northville iron worker in a factory ............................................................................................................................ 1910 1
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 1329 ½ Grand River av ................................................................................... 1914-1915 m
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 1329 Grand River av ................................................................................................. 1915 d
Detroit machinist ....................................................................................................................................................... 1916 d
His parents came from New York and Bert was born in Michigan in February of 1871, last of the five children of 1
George and Juliette Bradley. His two brothers and one sister were born in Michigan much earlier, between 1852 and 1
1860. Bert lived with his parents through 1900 and perhaps longer. Myrtie Morgan was born in Michigan in February 1
of 1875, and she was working for the Bradleys as a live-in domestic servant in 1900. She and Bert married about 1909, 1
and were sharing their home with Bert’s widowed father in 1910. 1
1. 1880 Federal Census of Plymouth Township plus 1900 and 1910 Federal Censes of the village of Northville in Wayne County, Michigan.

Bradley, Burton
Clinton Township, Ohio, student ............................................................................................................................... 1880 1
Morenci PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................... 1898-1899 m
Toledo, Ohio, street car conductor ................................................................................................................... 1900,1910 1
Toledo, Ohio, light rail repairman ............................................................................................................................. 1920 1
Toledo, Ohio, electrician for a retail store ................................................................................................................. 1930 1
His paternal grandparents were natives of Vermont, his father was Canadian, his maternal grandfather was French, 1
his mother came from New York and Burton was born in Ohio in May of 1870. He was the youngest child of Ebenezer 1
and Mary A. Bradley, and had at least three older brothers. Lottie, later called Charlotte, had a Canadian father and 1
was born in Ohio in January of 1874. She married Burton in 1891 or early in 1892, and gave birth to four sons and two 1
daughters between June of 1895 and 1913. All were born in Ohio except their son Clair, who was born in Michigan in 1
February of 1899. Clinton Township is immediately south of Morenci and Toledo, 35 miles east, is the closest regional 1 2
business center. 2
1. 1880 Federal Census of Clinton Township in Fulton County, plus 1900, 1910 and 1920 Federal Censes of the First Ward and 1930
Federal Census of the Third Ward of Toledo in Lucas County, Ohio.
2. Ohio State Map, Ohio Department of Transportation, Columbus, Ohio.
Bradley, George W.
Middlebury Township, New York, child ................................................................................................................... 1850 1
Middlebury Township, New York, laborer on his father’s farm ................................................................................ 1860 1
Knowlesville, New York, PHOTOGRAPHER .......................................................................................................... 1870 1
Dayton, Ohio, PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................ 1873 2
Ripon, Wisconsin, (Bradley & Raymond) PHOTOGRAPHERS .............................................................................. 1877 3
Ripon, Wisconsin, (Bradley Studio) PHOTOGRAPHERS ............................................................................. 1877-1878 3
Green Bay, Wisconsin, PHOTOGRAPHER .............................................................................................................. 1880 3
Menasha, Wisconsin, PHOTOGRAPHER ...................................................................................................... 1884-1887 3
Oshkosh, Wisconsin, PHOTOGRAPHER ....................................................................................................... 1884-1887 3
Bessemer PHOTOGRAPHER on Longyear st .......................................................................................................... 1888 4
Bessemer PHOTOGRAPHER at the corner of Sophie and Mary sts ........................................................................ 1888 4
Menasha, Wisconsin, PHOTOGRAPHER ...................................................................................................... 1888-1908 3
Oshkosh, Wisconsin, PHOTOGRAPHER ....................................................................................................... 1888-1908 3
Due to the rather common name, the early history has been only tentatively associated with the photographer. George 1
was born in New York State, probably in December of 1840, second of the four children of Lewis B. and Mary C. 1
Bradley. In Knowlesville, he seems to have been married to a sixteen-year-old Canadian named Mary. Another Mary 1
was born in Wisconsin in 1853, and she married George in 1874 or early in 1875. Their children were born in 1
Wisconsin, the girls Rena and Inez between 1875 and 1878 and the boy Winnie in January of 1880. One of the 1 4
Bessemer addresses at which George was listed in 1888 probably was his residence. By 1910 George was an inmate in 4 1
the Fond du Lac County Poor House, and Mary was living with her surviving daughter Inez and her husband in Grand 1
Rapids, Michigan. 1
1. 1850 and 1860 Federal Censes of Middlebury Township in Wyoming County and 1870 Federal Census of Knowlesville in Orleans
County, New York, as well as 1880 Federal Census of Green Bay in Brown County, 1900 Federal Census of the First Ward of
Menasha in Winnebago County, and 1910 Federal Census of Fond du Lac Township in Fond du Lac County, Wisconsin, plus
1910 Federal Census of the Eleventh Ward of Grand Rapids in Kent County, Michigan.
2. John Waldsmith, A Directory of Ohio Photographers, 1839 to 1900, Sycamore, Ohio, compiled in 1978 and augmented through 1993.
3. Directory of Wisconsin Photographers; State Historical Society of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin, 1991.
4. Gogebic Range Mining & Business Directory, 1888, Northern Directory Company, Wakefield, Michigan.
Bradley, Henry E.
Dayton farmer ............................................................................................................................................................ 1864 1
United States Army soldier .............................................................................................................................. 1864-1865 1
New Carlisle, Indiana, PHOTOGRAPHER on Michigan st ...................................................................................... 1868 2
Galien PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................................ 1870 3 t
Dayton PHOTOGRAPHER .................................................................................................................................. ca 1872 t
Buchanan PHOTOGRAPHER on Main st ....................................................................................................... 1874-1875 m
Buchanan PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................ 1876-1883 m
Buchanan grocer .............................................................................................................................................. 1884-1885 m
Kirwin, Kansas, PHOTOGRAPHER .................................................................................................................... ca 1886 4
Three Oaks PHOTOGRAPHER ...................................................................................................................... 1890-1892 m 5
Benton Harbor (Bradley & Poundstone) PHOTOGRS on the south side of Main st 2 doors east of 7th st ............... 1892 5
Saint Joseph PHOTOGRAPHER at 41 State st ............................................................................................... 1894-1897 5 m
Buchanan PHOTOGRAPHER at 66 Front st .................................................................................................. 1898-1901 m
Fort Wayne, Indiana, PHOTOGRAPHER in the Hamilton National Bank Building ...................................... 1902-1904 2
Buchanan resident ...................................................................................................................................................... 1905 1
Buchanan (Koon & Bradley) PHOTOGRAPHERS ........................................................................................ 1906-1907 m
Benton Harbor (Bradley & Koons) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 110 Pipestone st .......................................................... 1907 6
Buchanan (Bradley & Koons) PHOTOGRAPHERS at the northeast corner of Main and Front sts ............... 1907-1908 6 R
Buchanan PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................ 1908-1915 m
Henry was born on February 26, 1844, at Florida in Berkshire County, Massachusetts. He was a five foot eight inch 1
farmer with a dark complexion, gray eyes and dark hair when he enlisted at Niles as a private in Company E of the 1
24th Michigan Infantry on September 12, 1864. He joined the regiment on October 8, and by October 26 was 1
hospitalized with intermit fever. This illness progressed to bronchitis early in January of 1865, and to pneumonia later 1
in that month. From February 12 to March 5 he was convalescing from pneumonia before he was finally returned to 1
duty. Henry was honorably discharged from the army at Detroit on June 30, 1865. He and Miss Esther E. Spaulding 1
were married at Buchanan on November 15, 1868. They never had children. “H. E. BRADLEY, Photographer, 1 t
Dayton & Galien, Mich.” was printed on some card photograph mounts. “HUGHSON, Operator” was stamped on the t
backs of some of Henry’s card mounts from Buchanan. Henry was in Chicago for the inaugural convention of the t 7
Photographers’ Association of America in August of 1880. He and Esther lived in Kansas for three years in the late 7 1
1880s. Mrs. Esther E. Bradley died on May 14, 1893, and at Benton Harbor in June of either 1894 or 1895 Henry 4 1
married the widow, Mrs. Helen M. (Morgan) Yendes. He began receiving a Veteran’s Pension in April of 1897 since 1
he was blind in the right eye due to a cataract and had chronic dyspepsia and heart disease. He advertised in 1898: 1 m
“Keep in the PROCESSION and get those Fine, Artistic PHOTOGRAPHS Made by H. E. BRADLEY, 66 Front m
Street, Buchanan.” Fire broke out on the night of February 13, 1900, in the millinery store next door to Henry’s m 8
gallery. In fighting the fire the gallery was damaged by water to the extent of $100, which was fully covered by 8
insurance. Henry may have lived briefly in the fall of 1906 at Brattleboro, Vermont. Mrs. Helen M. Bradley died on 1
March 29, 1907. About 1910 the negatives of some post card photographs were lettered with such legends as: “Front 1 t
St. Buchanan, Mich. - Bradley Photo.” Henry died at Buchanan on April 5, 1917. t 1
1. Civil War Veteran Pension Record of Henry E. Bradley obtained from the National Archives at Washington, D. C.
2. Learned in 2000 from James A. Marusek of Bloomfield, Indiana.
3. 1870 Federal Census of Galien Township in Berrien County, Michigan.
4. Diane Van Skiver Gagel, Directory of Photographers in the United States 1888 & 1889 and Canada 1889, Heritage Books, Bowie,
Maryland, 2002. (Much of the data in this publication has proven to be at least two years out-of-date.)
5. Berrien County directories; 1892, 1894 and 1896.
6. Benton Harbor, St. Jose[ph and Niles Business Directory, 1907-08, R. L. Polk & Company, Detroit.
7. Anthony’s Photographic Bulletin, volume 11, August 1880, page 275.
8. Benton Harbor Daily Palladium, Benton Harbor, Michigan, February 15, 1900.
Bradley, Horatio Nathaniel
Portland PHOTOGRAPHER ..................................................................................................................................... 1863 1
Greenville PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................ 1864-1865 1
Midland PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................... 1867-1868 2
Midland PHOTO ARTIST ........................................................................................................................................ 1870 3
Midland City PHOTOGRAPHER on Main st ................................................................................................. 1872-1873 m
Midland City PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................... 1874-1881 m
Midland PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................... 1882-1895 m
Midland drayman .............................................................................................................................................. 1900,1910 4
His first name was listed as Henry in the gazetteers for 1875 and 1877. Horatio was born in New York State in m 3
March of 1836, his parents were born in Connecticut, and they came to Michigan about 1844. Ellen was born in 3
Vermont in April of 1844, her father was born in Connecticut and her mother was born in New Hampshire, and they 3
came to Michigan about 1854. Ellen bore Horatio five children, and all three sons that lived to maturity were born in 3
Michigan. Horatio still identified himself as a daguerreian artist in the 1880s and the 1890s. 3
1. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1862-1866, National Archives, Washington, D.C.
2. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1867-1868, Great Lakes Branch of the National Archives, Chicago, Illinois.
3. 1870 and 1880 Federal Censes of the village of Midland, 1894 Michigan Census of the city of Midland, plus 1900 and 1910 Federal
Censes of the Third Ward of Midland in Midland County, Michigan.

Bradley, J.
Frankfort PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................................... 1880 1
Bradley was born in Lower Canada to Irish parents in 1849 or early in 1850. Though he was married, he was living 1
alone in 1880. 1
1. 1880 Federal Census of the village of Frankfort in Crystal Lake Township of Benzie County, Michigan.

Bradley, John F.
East Saginaw photographer ........................................................................................................................................ 1866 1
John boarded with photographer James T. Randall. 1
1. Pioneer Directory and Business Advertiser of the Saginaw Valley, 1866, Thomas & Galatin, East Saginaw, Michigan.

Bradley, Nelson
Pine Run PHOTOGRAPH ARTIST ................................................................................................................ 1866-1867 m

Bradley, Robert J.
Quincy DAGUERREAN ........................................................................................................................................... 1860 1
Coldwater DAGUERREAN ARTIST with a car on Chicago st ................................................................................ 1860 2
Coldwater artist .......................................................................................................................................................... 1861 3 4
United States Army soldier .............................................................................................................................. 1861-1863 3
Coldwater resident ........................................................................................................................................... 1863-1864 3
Nebraska City, Nebraska, resident ................................................................................................................... 1865-1868 3
Percival, Iowa, resident .................................................................................................................................... 1869-1902 3
Robert was born in 1832 at Roxbury, Massachusetts. He was 29 years old and 5 feet 9 ½ inches tall with a light 3 4
complexion, blue eyes and brown hair when he enlisted as a private in Battery A, the Loomis Battery, of the First 3
Michigan Light Artillery on May 28, 1861. He was mustered into the army on the same day, and was soon promoted to 4 3
sergeant. At the end of March in 1862 he was hospitalized at Murfreesboro, Tennessee, with typhoid fever, which left 3
him with chronic diarrhea. Though he rejoined his company for a couple of months, by June he was back in a hospital 3
at Bowling Green, Kentucky. In September of 1862 he was transferred to a hospital at Louisville, Kentucky, and from 3
there in February of 1863 he was sent to a hospital at Quincy, Illinois. He was now afflicted with scrofulous ulcers on 3
his neck as well as the chronic diarrhea, and was considered to be disabled for duty as a soldier. He was honorably 3
discharged at Quincy on March 25, 1863. Robert received an Invalid Pension of $8.00 per month for the year he 3 4
stayed in Michigan, but mistakenly thought himself disqualified when he left the state. He went to Salt Lake City, 3
Utah, in hopes that the waters would heal his body. Disappointed, he returned late in 1864 to Omaha, Nebraska. 3
Percival and Nebraska City are less than ten miles apart, but are on opposite sides of the Missouri River. There Robert 5 3
purchased teams and did some teaming as well as raising a little stock and so made a living. He was enumerated as a 3 1
railroad hand in 1870, as a farmer in 1880, and as a currier in 1900. He re-qualified for a pension of $4.00 per month 1 3
in March of 1884, and this was raised to $8.00 per month in March of 1888. Robert never married, and his pension had 3
increased to $14.00 per month by the time he died at Percival on February 1, 1902. 3
1. 1860 Federal Census of the village of Quincy in Branch County, Michigan, plus 1870, 1880 and 1900 Federal Censes of Benton
Township in Fremont County, Iowa.
2. Loomis & Talbott’s Coldwater City Directory, 1860, compiled by George W. Hawes, Detroit.
3. Civil War Veteran Pension Record of Robert J. Bradley obtained from the National Archives at Washington, D. C.
4. Record of Service of Michigan Volunteers in the Civil War, 1861-1865; published by the State of Michigan about 1904.
5. Rand McNally Road Atlas, United States – Canada – Mexico, Rand McNally and Company, Skokie, Illinois.
Bradley, W. G.
Niles PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................................ 1864-1865 1
1. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1862-1866, National Archives, Washington, D.C.
Bradshaw, Albert John
Fargo artist ................................................................................................................................................................. 1880 1
Oscoda photograph gallery manager for Alexander J. Lawson ........................................................................ 1883-1884 2
East Tawas photograph gallery manager for Alexander J. Lawson ........................................................................... 1884 2
East Tawas PHOTOGRAPHER ...................................................................................................................... 1884-1885 2 m
Oscoda PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................ 1884-1889 2 m
Harrisville PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................................. 1886 3
Oscoda (Bradshaw & Venners) PHOTOGRAPHERS ............................................................................................... 1889 t 4
Oscoda (Bradshaw & Company) PHOTOGRAPHERS ............................................................................................ 1890 R
Tawas City PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................................ 1890 2 t
Oscoda PHOTOGRAPHER on State st ........................................................................................................... 1890-1891 t m
Cheboygan PHOTOGRAPHER ...................................................................................................................... 1891-1895 R m
Traverse City PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................... 1895-1899 m
Sault Sainte Marie (Bradshaw & Klinglund) PHOTOGRAPHERS in the Park Studio at 226 Water st west ........... 1902 S
Sault Sainte Marie PHOTOGRAPHER at Spruce and Ashmun sts ................................................................. 1902-1903 R t
Oscoda PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................ 1904-1911 m
Oscoda (B & S) PHOTOGRAPHERS ....................................................................................................................... 1911 t
Au Sable PHOTOGRAPHER .................................................................................................................................... 1911 R
Hickory, North Carolina, PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................ 1913-1935 5
Hickory, North Carolina, resident .................................................................................................................... 1935-1952 5
Albert was born on November 12, 1860, at Minden, Ontario, one hundred miles north east of Toronto. He had been 4 2
managing Lawson’s Oscoda gallery for a while before December 19, 1883, the day he married 20-year-old Miss Ruth 2
Marie Bowker of Oscoda. Toward the end of March he was in East Tawas preparing to open the Lawson gallery there, 4 2
and by mid June of 1884 he had purchased both the Oscoda and East Tawas galleries from Lawson. For ten days at the 2
end of July he offered cabinets at $4.00 per dozen, panels at $4.50, and cards at $2.00, to introduce his superior work 2
in photography, and advertised: “... You can get first-class photographic work done at home, promptly,... I have in my 2
employ workmen whose skill cannot be surpassed ... as the work will prove ...” He kept the East Tawas gallery open 2
until late in August, and then concentrated upon Oscoda. By December of 1884 Albert had resold the Oscoda and East 2
Tawas galleries to Lawson. During his first years in Oscoda, he advertised: “Photographic Artist. Enlarging, Copying, 2 m
&c. Satisfaction Guaranteed.” He spent a week in June of 1886 at Harrisville, and did a good business. Early in 1887 m 3
Albert bought a lot on Adams Street in Oscoda and began building a house for himself. He advertised in East Tawas in 2
July of 1887: “Don’t be afraid to have your picture taken, no matter how homely, we will make you good looking.... 2
Instantaneous process used exclusively, bring your babies whether crying or laughing to Bradshaw, who will be open 2
for business about the 20th ... Did you ever see a photographing dog? One who is trained and always ready to be 2
photographed with children in any position (except standing on his head). I have one and he is fine for children’s 2
pictures.” He closed the East Tawas gallery promptly on September 1, 1887, and returned to his Oscoda home. He was 2
back in East Tawas three weeks later to deliver pictures finished in Oscoda from negatives exposed at East Tawas, and 2
again early in October to photograph a new engine built by a local iron works. Albert and Ruth became the parents of a 2
baby girl on May 16, 1889. The following year Albert owned a portable building which he had erected at Tawas City, 2
enabling him to do work comparable to that done in any fine gallery. The Tawas City gallery was open from June 1 2
until August 12, and during the last six days he made best Cabinet Photos at $2.50 and $3.00 per dozen, and finished 2
them within five days after they were ordered. A little girl brought her big doll to the Oscoda gallery, where a mother 2 t
and son also were photographed with their dog. “A. J. Bradshaw, - 1890 - Photographer.” was printed beneath the t
image on some cabinet mounts that had “DUPLICATES of this Photograph can be had at any time or Enlarged to a t
Life Size Portrait. Address all Orders to A. J. BRADSHAW, Oscoda, Mich.” printed on their backs. From t
Cheboygan, Albert produced a cabinet photograph of a young lady standing beside a placard for “Post & Mills, t
General Hardware.” Various hardware items served the lady as jewelry, and others were fastened all over her costume. t 3
He advertised in 1892: “COMING! A. J. Bradshaw, the Well Known Photographer. I am pleased to inform you 3
that I will be in Harrisville Sept. 27th and will remain but TWO Weeks. I shall do all manner of Photographic work 3
from the Smallest Gem upwards to Life Size, and as to the quality of my work I will not commend it to you as it will 3
speak for itself. Remember that we have had Over 15 Years’ Experience! And taken instructions from some of the 3
best artists of the day in Lightning, Posing, Etc., and feel justified in saying that we feel competent to suit the most 3
fastidious. All our work is finished with the LATEST IVORY FINISH, whereby it renders them impossible to soil. 3
Dirt, inks or oils can be readily removed with water. A Few Points to be Remembered! One, that our work is 3
Finished Promptly and if not satisfactory need not be accepted; Instantaneous Process used, and that we do no tent 3
work but have a fine, well equipped building made expressly for our use. And last, but not least, don’t overlook that 3
which we make a specialty of, being the ENLARGING OF OLD PICTURES. For this branch we carry the necessary 3
instruments for making and finishing all sizes of Portraits Finished in Ink, Crayon, or Water Colors. Should you wish 3
any work in this line come see the work and get our prices. Should you have any work that has been done by outside 3
copying houses and does not suit, we should be pleased to make any necessary changes FREE. Respectfully soliciting 3
a share of your patronage, I am yours respectfully, A. J. BRADSHAW, Artist. (Formerly the Oscoda Photographer) 3
NO SUNDAY WORK.” Early in 1893, Albert was spending one or two days a week at East Tawas taking orders for 3 2
portraits. He was employing Henry Smith as an assistant in 1897 until he left in late December. He operated branch 6 R
studios from Au Sable, and produced thousands of high quality post card photographs which are the subject of the R t
balance of this paragraph. In Iosco County, he pictured the streets, industries, shipping, waterfront and public buildings t
of Au Sable, East Tawas and Oscoda, the construction of Cooke Dam, and scenes at Lake Solitude, Long Lake, Van t
Ettan Lake, Tawas Beach and Tawas Point. He photographed Glennie and Harrisville in Alcona County as well as t
Alpena in Alpena County and Rose City in Ogemaw County. When a forest fire swept through Presque Isle County in t
1908, he got to Metz while the ruins of the village were still smoldering and added restrained red tinting to some of the t
resulting prints. He recorded the destruction at the Oscoda docks caused by a storm in April of 1909, and what was left t
of Au Sable after the fire in July of 1911. One series showing Oscoda after the fire was labeled “B & S” indicating a t
collaboration with Fred Stevens. Some of Albert’s photographs are quite beautiful, such as a misty early morning view t
on the Au Sable River. An example of his work in other formats is a composite panorama of Harrisville made from t
three 6 by 8 inch prints. An accidental fire in their kitchen killed his wife on October 3, 1910, and a year later Albert, t 4
along with his daughter Velma and an adopted son James who were young adults, moved to Hickory, North Carolina. 4
By 1920 Albert was married to Lera Blanch Hilton, who was born in North Carolina about 1890. Albert sold his 1 5
Hickory studio to Robert S. Cilley in 1935, and continued to live there until his death on January 15, 1952. 5
1. 1880 Federal Census of Greenwood Township in St. Clair County and 1910 Federal Census of Au Sable Township in Iosco County,
Michigan, plus 1920 Federal Census of the Second Ward of Hickory in Catawba County, North Carolina.
2. Iosco County Gazette, East Tawas, Michigan, December 27, 1883; January 3, April 10, June 12, July 24 and 31, August 14 and
December 18, 1884; April 14, July 14, August 25, September 1 and 22, and October 7, 1887; May 23, 1889; May 22, June 5, July 31 and
August 7, 1890; and January 5, 1893. Noted in 1995 by James Donaldson of Detroit, Michigan.
3. Alcona County Gazette, Harrisville, Michigan, June 18 and 25 and July 2, 1886; and September 29, 1892. Noted by James Donaldson.
4. Learned in 1993 from James Donaldson of Detroit, Michigan.
5. Learned in 2001 from Stephen E. Massengill of Raleigh, North Carolina
6. Traverse City Morning Record, Traverse City, Michigan, December 24, 1897.

Bradshaw, Charles H.
Burlington Township student ..................................................................................................................................... 1880 1
Thompson PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................ ca 1890 t
Larimore, North Dakota, PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................. 1900-1902 2 1
Newport, Oregon, grocery store clerk ........................................................................................................................ 1910 1
Newport, Oregon, resident ......................................................................................................................................... 1930 1
Charles was born in Michigan to Canadian parents in October of 1867, eldest of the four children of Harrison and 1
Nancy H. Bradshaw. Hannah was born in Michigan to Canadian parents in November of 1868, and she married 1
Charles in 1889 or early in 1890. Their son Harrison was born in Michigan in October of 1897. By 1920 Hannah was 1
farming with the help of her brother Amos in Okanogan County, Washington, Harrison was a married farmer in Lane 1
County, Oregon, and Charles was not to be found. In 1930 Charles had a wife named Frances who was born in 1
Minnesota to Scotch parents about 1881. He was working, but his job description was illegible. 1
1. 1880 Federal Census of Burlington Township in Lapeer County, Michigan, 1900 Federal Census of the First Ward of Larimore in Grand
Forks County, North Dakota, 1910 and 1930 Federal Censes of the Third Ward of Newport in Lincoln County and 1920 Federal Census
of Blanton Township in Lane County, Oregon, plus 1920 Federal Census of the village of Wauconda in Okanogan County, Washington.
2. Robert Kolbe with Brian Bade, They Captured the Moment, Dakotas Photographers 1853-1920, Pine Hill Press, Sioux Falls, SD, 2006.

Bradway, Maggie, Miss

Lanesborough Township, Massachusetts, child or student ............................................................................... 1850,1860 1
Grand Rapids resident ................................................................................................................................................ 1870 1
Grand Rapids retoucher for photographer Charles J. Flandres .................................................................................. 1872 g
Her mother came from Quebec and Margaret was born in New York State in 1845, the first child of Christopher and 1
Susan Bradway. Her sister Jennie was born in Massachusetts in 1854 or early in 1855. 1
1. 1850 and 1860 Federal Censes of Lanesborough Township in Berkshire County, Massachusetts, and Federal Census of the Second
Ward of Grand Rapids, Michigan.

Brady, E.
Chicago, Illinois, PHOTOGRAPHER ....................................................................................................................... 1877 1
Brady was making photographs of the beautiful residences and public buildings of Battle Creek toward the end of 1
April in 1877, and planned to attempt a bird’s-eye view of the city from the new South Park. A couple of weeks later 1
in Penfield Township, northeast of Battle Creek, the lamp which he used in his covered wagon exploded, setting fire to 1
the vehicle. He rescued his camera, but substantial damage was done to some of his other equipment. 1
1. Battle Creek newspapers, April 27 and May 16, 1877.

Brady, George Nexsen

Detroit active member of the Detroit Lantern Club ................................................................................................... 1894 1
George was born in Detroit on August 25, 1837, and later became the second generation head of a large firm of 2
commission merchants. He was also president of the Detroit and Windsor Ferry Company and of Elmwood Cemetery. 2
He died in Detroit on December 25, 1920. 2
1. The Blue Book for Amateur Photographers ... 1895: compiled early in 1894 by Walter Sprange, Beach Bluff, Massachusetts.
2. Clarence M. Burton, The City of Detroit, volume 5, Detroit, 1922, page 136.
Bragg, Herbert L.
Saint Albans Township, Maine, child or student .............................................................................................. 1850,1860 1
Grand Rapids photographer for Simon Wing .................................................................................................. 1872-1873 g
Grand Rapids (Wing’s Photograph Gallery) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 62 Canal st .......................................... 1874-1877 g m
Grand Rapids photographer ............................................................................................................................. 1877-1878 g
Grand Rapids photographer for George S. Osborn .......................................................................................... 1879-1880 g
Grand Rapids PHOTOGRAPHER at 20 Canal st ............................................................................................ 1880-1881 m
Cadillac PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................... 1882-1883 m
Cadillac (Bragg & Bradbeer) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 114 Harris st east ................................................................. 1883 t 2
Cadillac PHOTOGRAPHER at the corner of Cass and Mitchell sts .............................................................. 1884-1895 3 m
Cadillac (Bragg & Welsh) PHOTOGRAPHERS ............................................................................................ 1896-1899 m 4
Herbert was born in 1844 or early in 1845 at St. Albans, Maine, eldest of the four children of Nicholas F. and Mary 1
Bragg. Mary was a widow by 1860, and continued to farm for many years with help from her children. Herbert’s first 1
wife and first son also were born in Maine, Myra in 1848 or 1849 and Oscar about 1866. The Wing Photograph 1 m
Gallery in Grand Rapids was the first of several Michigan galleries established by the Boston photographer Simon g m
Wing, and Herbert may have been its manager rather than its proprietor from 1874 through 1877. George S. Osborn g
was manager of the gallery before acquiring it from Wing in 1878. “S. Wing, 62 Canal St., Grand Rapids, Mich.” was g t
printed on the cabinet sized sleeves of some tintypes, and then “H. L. Bragg, 20 Canal St.” was printed over it in red. t
Herbert sold his interest in their partnership to A. David Bradbeer in November of 1883, and Herbert’s sale of his 2 5
Cadillac gallery to A. Newell was reported in August of 1884. Herbert produced stereoscopic views of Cadillac. 5 6
Printed on some cabinet mounts was: “Bragg, successor to Harmer Brothers....” who left Cadillac about 1895. t m
Herbert’s ground floor gallery on Harris Street was purchased by Neal & Welsh in 1895, but he soon displaced m 4
Frederick J. Neal as the associate of Uriah W. Welsh. Herbert’s death in Cadillac at the age of 54 was reported in 4 7
April of 1899, noting that he left a wife and son for whom he had provided liberally. His widow, Mrs. Mildred Bragg, 7 m
took his place in Bragg & Welsh and is the subject of the following entry. m
1. 1850, 1860 and 1870 Federal Censes of St. Albans Township in Somerset County, Maine, and 1880 Federal Census of the Eighth Ward
of Grand Rapids in Kent County, Michigan.
2. The Traverse Region, H. R. Page & Company, Chicago, 1884.
3. Directory of Big Rapids, Mecosta County, etc., etc., R. L. Polk & Company, Detroit, 1884.
4. St.. Louis and Canadian Photographer; volume 23, number 4, April 1899, unnumbered page following 200.
5. The Photographic Times, New York, volume 14, number 164, August 1884.
6. William Culp Darrah, Stereo Views, 1964, and The World of Stereographs, 1977, Gettysburg, Pennsylvania.
7. Cadillac City Directory, 1900, W. A. Norton.

Bragg, Mildred, Mrs.

Cadillac (Bragg & Welsh) PHOTOGRAPHERS in the Granite Block at 107 Mitchell st south ..................... 1900-1901 1 m
Saint Joseph housewife .............................................................................................................................................. 1910 2
Cadillac housewife ............................................................................................................................................ 1920,1930 2
Mildred was born in Canada in July of 1858, emigrated in 1878, and married Herbert L. Bragg about 1881. Their 2
son Raymond was born in Michigan in June of 1891. She became a widow with a seven-year-old son at the death of 2
her husband in 1899, and was Herbert’s successor as the partner of Uriah W. Welsh. Bragg & Welsh produced Strictly 3 1
High Grade Work. Mildred married Uriah W. Welsh about 1900, and he helped to raise Raymond L. Bragg as his 1 2
step-son. Mildred and Uriah both became naturalized United States citizens. 2
1. Cadillac City Directory, 1900, W. A. Norton.
2. 1910 Federal Census of the Third Ward of St. Joseph in Berrien County, plus 1900, 1920 and 1930 Federal Censes of the Second
Ward of Cadillac in Wexford County, Michigan.
3. St. Louis and Canadian Photographer; volume 23, number 4, April 1899, unnumbered page following 200.
Braidwood, Irving Alex
Riley Township student ............................................................................................................................................. 1900 1
Memphis resident ....................................................................................................................................................... 1910 1
Armada PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................ 1914-1915 m
Detroit teamster, clerk, operator or machine operator ..................................................................................... 1916-1918 d 2
Detroit photo operator, clerk or photographer ................................................................................................. 1919-1921 d
Detroit photostat operator .......................................................................................................................................... 1923 d
Detroit resident, salesman, photographer or mechanic .................................................................................... 1925-1928 d
Detroit laborer, tool maker, resident or machinist ........................................................................................... 1929-1932 d
Detroit grocery store manager ................................................................................................................................... 1934 d
Detroit auto mechanic, tool and die maker, laborer or resident ....................................................................... 1936-1939 d
Irving was born at Memphis, Michigan, on August 11, 1889, eldest of the three children of Alexander and Eva C. 2 1
Braidwood. Half of Memphis is in Riley Township. Irving grew up on the family farm to become a tall man with 3 1
brown eyes and black hair. Blanche was born in Michigan in 1886, eldest of the four children of Andrew and Mary J. 1
Tyrell. She married Irving about 1907, and their son Harold was born in August of 1909. In April of 1910 Blanche and 1
Harold were at her parents’ farm in Sanilac County, while Irving was alone in Memphis. They had three more children 1
born in Michigan: Mary in 1911, Clinton in 1914, and Helen in April of 1918. From 1917 through 1923, Irving’s 1 d
employer was the Detroit Edison Company, and in 1930 he was working for the Long Manufacturing Company. d 1
1. 1900 and 1910 Federal Censes of Riley Township in St. Clair County, 1910 Federal Census of Moore Township in Sanilac County,
plus 1920 Federal Census of the Twenty-first Ward and 1930 Federal Census of the Tenth Ward of Detroit in Wayne County, Michigan.
2. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.
3. Michigan County Map Guide, Michigan United Conservation Clubs, Lansing, Michigan.

Brainard, Inez M., Miss

Algansee Township student ....................................................................................................................................... 1880 1
Algansee Township photographer ............................................................................................................................. 1900 1
Algansee PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................... ca 1905 t
Her mother came from Ohio, and Inez was born in Michigan in September of 1872, the only child of Corlan V. and 1
Sarah A. Brainard. “INEZ M. BRAINARD, Algansee, Mich.” was stamped on the back of 5 ½ by 6 ½ inch 1 t
commercial mounts, including one carrying a photograph of a rural home. Inez married Edward C. Bovee and t 1
continued a photographic career. Please see the entry for Mrs. Inez M. Bovee for more of her history. 1
1. 1880 and 1900 Federal Censes of Algansee Township and 1910 Federal Census of the village of Quincy in Branch County, Michigan.

Bramble, E. Shepherd
Bay City child ............................................................................................................................................................ 1900 1
Bay City student ............................................................................................................................................... 1910-1914 1 b
Bay City PHOTOGRAPHER at 1942 Woodside av ....................................................................................... 1916-1919 b m
Lansing state manager for a life insurance company ................................................................................................. 1930 1
His mother came from Illinois and Emerson Shepherd Bramble was born in Michigan in October of 1897, the only 1
child of Frank H. and Cora Bramble. Opal was born in Indiana to parents from Ohio in 1901 or early in 1902, and she 1
married Emerson when she was 17 and he was 21 years old. They had no children in 1930, and Opal was working as a 1
life insurance bookkeeper. 1
1. 1900 Federal Census of the Second Ward and 1910 Federal Census of the First Ward of Bay City in Bay County, plus 1930 Federal
Census of the Fourth Ward of Lansing in Ingham County, Michigan.

Bramson, Abraham
Detroit (Bramson Brothers) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 152 Gratiot av ........................................................................ 1898 d

Bramson, Louis
Detroit (Bramson Brothers) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 152 Gratiot av ........................................................................ 1898 d
Branch, Charles Walter
Port Huron student ..................................................................................................................................................... 1900 1
Kimball Township laborer on his father’s farm ......................................................................................................... 1910 1
Port Huron PHOTOGRAPHER at 418 Huron av ............................................................................................ 1912-1913 m P
Port Huron PHOTOGRAPHER at the corner of Water and Sixth sts ........................................................................ 1918 2
Port Huron real estate sales representative ................................................................................................................ 1919 P
Port Huron PHOTO FINISHER at 2207 ½ Railroad st ............................................................................................. 1922 P
Port Huron FILM DEVELOPER at 2207 ½ Railroad st .................................................................................. 1922-1923 m
Port Huron FILM DEVELOPER at 229 Huron av .......................................................................................... 1924-1925 P m
Port Huron PHOTOGRAPHER and PHOTO FINISHER at 229 Huron av .............................................................. 1926 P
Port Huron PHOTOGRAPHER at 229 Huron av ............................................................................................ 1926-1931 P m
Charles was born in Michigan to James and Elizabeth Branch on February 16, 1884, and became a tall man with blue 1 2
eyes and brown hair. He called himself a “Professional and Commercial Photographer” in 1912, and had the same 2 m
business address as photographer William H. Barron. The Mary Branch with whom Charles was sharing his home in m 2
1918 probably was his step-mother. He advertised photo finishing, photography, and picture framing in 1926. 1 P
1. 1900 Federal Census of the Fourth Ward of Port Huron and 1910 Federal Census of Kimball Township in St. Clair County, Michigan.
2. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.

Branch, Erastus G.
Hartford Township student or farm laborer ...................................................................................................... 1870,1880 1
White Cloud real estate broker ........................................................................................................................ 1902-1911 m
White Cloud PHOTOGRAPHER and real estate broker ................................................................................. 1912-1921 m
White Cloud real estate broker ........................................................................................................................ 1922-1925 m
White Cloud real estate broker for the Idlewild Resort ............................................................................................. 1930 1
His parents came from New York, and Erastus was born in Michigan in June of 1864, youngest of the four sons of 1
Erastus and Emily Branch. By 1880 he and his brother Adelbert were identified as stepsons of Gilbert and Sophia 1
Casnner. Her father came from New York and Flora was born in Michigan in December of 1866. She married Erastus 1
about 1883, and their sons were born here: Clarence about 1886, Harrison in August of 1888, and Willard in June of 1
1894. “E. G. Branch Studio, White Cloud, Mich.” was printed on the back of postal photos of Newaygo and vicinity. 1 t
Erastus and Flora were sharing their home with a widowed daughter-in-law and her three and four-year-old daughters 1
in 1920, and with an eight-year-old granddaughter in 1930. 1
1. 1870 and 1880 Federal Censes of Hartford Township in Van Buren County, plus 1900, 1910, 1920 and 1930 Federal Census of the
village of White Cloud in Wilcox Township of Newaygo County, Michigan.

Brand, Edwin L.
Edmeston, New York, student ................................................................................................................................... 1850 1
Chicago PHOTOGRAPHER at 110 Lake st .................................................................................................... 1859-1861 c
Chicago PHOTOGRAPHER at 108 Lake st .................................................................................................... 1861-1869 c
Chicago PHOTOGRAPHER at 28 Washington st ........................................................................................... 1869-1871 c 1
Chicago PHOTOGRAPHER at 596 Wabash st ............................................................................................... 1872-1876 c
Chicago PHOTOGRAPHER at 210 or 212 Wabash st .................................................................................... 1876-1900 c 1
From 28 Washington Street, Edwin produced a card photograph of an engraving of the impressive building at the t
Magnetic Mineral Springs in Fruitport, Michigan. He was born in New York State in October of 1835, the son of t 1
Sodonick and Nancy Brand. He had two younger brothers and may have had older siblings. By 1870 he had a wife 1
named Rose born in Michigan about 1836 and assets of more than $100,000. Ella was born in New York in April of 1
1835, and she married Edwin about 1873. Their children were born in Illinois: Edwin in May of 1875, Helen in 1887 1
or early in 1888, and Belle in September of 1881. Helen seems to have died as a child. 1
1. 1850 Federal Census of Edmeston in Otsego County, New York, plus 1870, 1880 and 1900 Federal Censes of the city of Chicago in
Cook County, Illinois.

Brandon, Daniel F.
Beloit, Wisconsin, DAGUERREOTYPIST ..................................................................................................... 1857-1858 1
Beloit, Wisconsin, artist ............................................................................................................................................. 1860 2
Chicago, Illinois, PHOTOGRAPHER on Moonaway st near University Place ......................................................... 1865 c
Chicago, Illinois, (D. F. Brandon & Company) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 184 ½ Clark st south ................................ 1866 c
Chicago, Illinois, resident .......................................................................................................................................... 1870 2
“VIEWS OF LAKE SUPERIOR.... The Pictured Rocks, Copper and Iron Mines, Rivers, Water Falls, Harbors, t
Buildings and other objects of Interest. Published by D. F. Brandon, 184 ½ South Clark St., Chicago, Illinois.” was t
printed on the white labels on the yellow mounts of some stereo views of Michigan scenes. Daniel was born in t 2
Pennsylvania about 1830. His wife Harriett was born in New Hampshire a little later. Their daughter Frances and their 2
son Fred were born in Illinois between 1848 and 1854. Their son Mont was born in Wisconsin in 1855 or early in 2
1856. 2
1. Directory of Wisconsin Photographers; State Historical Society of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin, 1991.
2. 1860 Federal Census of the city of Beloit in Rock County, Wisconsin, and 1870 Federal Census of the First Ward of Chicago in
Cook County, Illinois.
Brandon, Frank J.
Detroit student ........................................................................................................................................................... 1880 1
Buffalo, New York, machinist ................................................................................................................................... 1900 1
Buffalo, New York, PHOTOGRAPHER at 384 Main st ................................................................................. 1906-1915 2
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 863 Monroe av ................................................................................................ 1915-1920 d m
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 3161 Monroe av .............................................................................................. 1920-1921 d
Detroit machinist or laborer ............................................................................................................................. 1922-1926 d
Tonawanda, New York, machinist in a production shop ........................................................................................... 1930 1
His father was Irish, his mother came form New York and Frank was born in Michigan in 1870, third of the seven 1
children of John and Marie Brandon. Elizabeth was born in Canada to German parents in 1867. She married Frank 1
very soon after she immigrated in 1889 or 1890, and they never had children. The change from 863 to 3161 Monroe 1 d
Avenue in 1920 was due to revisions in the Detroit numbering system rather than to relocation. Frank and Elizabeth d 1
may have kept the photograph studio open while he worked elsewhere, for he was enumerated as a machinist in a 1
factory in 1920. He was not listed in the 1923 Detroit directory. 1 d
1. 1880 and 1920 Federal Censes of the city of Detroit in Wayne County, Michigan, plus 1900 Federal Census of the Seventh Ward and
1910 Federal Census of the Fifth Ward of Buffalo, and 1930 Federal Census of the city of Tonawanda in Erie County, New York.
2. Irene Sipos, editor, Buffalo’s Photographic Past, Cepa Gallery, Buffalo, New York, 1980.

Brandon, Owen
Jackson PHOTOGRAPHER at 112 Main st east ............................................................................................. 1920-1921 m

Brannt, H.
Please see the entry for Horatio Braunt.

Brault, Edward Odelion

Manistique (Nequette & Brault) PHOTOGRAPHERS ................................................................................... 1906-1907 R m
Manistique PHOTOGRAPHER ...................................................................................................................... 1907-1908 m
Manistique PHOTOGRAPHER ...................................................................................................................... 1910-1915 m
Manistique PHOTOGRAPHER and bowling alley proprietor ........................................................................ 1916-1917 m
Manistique PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................................ 1918 1
Manistique bicycle dealer ................................................................................................................................ 1918-1921 m
Manistique PHOTOGRAPHER ...................................................................................................................... 1922-1923 m
Manistique PHOTOGRAPHER and bowling alley proprietor ........................................................................ 1924-1931 m
His parents emigrated from Canada, Edward was born in Wisconsin on May 29, 1880, and he became a medium 2 1
sized man with brown eyes and black hair. Her parents also emigrated from Canada, Libbie was born in Wisconsin in 1 2
1887, and she married Edward on August 1, 1907. Their daughter Loretta and sons Russell and Howard were born in 3 2
Michigan between 1908 and 1914. “PHOTO BY BRAULT, MANISTIQUE, MICH.” was lettered discreetly on the 2 t
negatives of many post card photographs, including factories, the band and bandstand in 1910, the football team in t
action, Ann Arbor car ferry #4 on her side in 1912 and Cedar Street in 1913. “BRAULT” was lettered on the negative t
of a postal photo of the indoor baseball team reputed to be “Champions of Michigan” in 1908. “E. O. BRAULT, t
PHOTOGRAPHER, MANISTIQUE, MICH.” was printed on the backs of post card photos including a 1908 bird’s- t
eye view, a 1909 street scene, and a view of the Seney general store about 1930. It was noted in 1918 that the little, t 1
ring and middle fingers of Edward’s left hand had been amputated at the middle joint. “E. O. BRAULT, 1 t
MANISTIQUE, MICH.” was embossed on postal snow scenes dated 4-8-23 in the negatives. Russell was working t 2
with his father in 1930 and was enumerated as a laborer at picture taking. “BRAULT’S PHOTO STUDIO. PICTURES 2 t
ENLARGED. MANISTIQUE” was painted on the side of the brick building which housed his studio, and still was t
visible in 1989. t
1. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.
2. 1910, 1920 and 1930 Federal Censes of the Third Ward of Manistique in Schoolcraft County, Michigan.
3. Wisconsin Marriages, pre-1907.
Braunt, Horatio
Jewett Township, New York, student ........................................................................................................................ 1850 1
Central City, Colorado Territory, miner .................................................................................................................... 1861 2
United States Army soldier .............................................................................................................................. 1861-1863 2
United States Army soldier ........................................................................................................................................ 1864 2
Sioux City, Iowa, stage driver .......................................................................................................................... 1864-1865 2
United States Army soldier .............................................................................................................................. 1865-1866 2
Boyer Township, Iowa, house carpenter .................................................................................................................... 1870 1
Muskegon photographer ............................................................................................................................................ 1880 1
Dowagiac PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................. ca 1881 t
Dakota County, Nebraska, resident ............................................................................................................................ 1881 2
South Sioux City, Nebraska, house carpenter ................................................................................................... 1900,1910 1
Los Angeles, California, resident ............................................................................................................................... 1915 2
Laguna, California, resident ....................................................................................................................................... 1920 1
Richland, Iowa, resident .................................................................................................................................. 1925-1930 3 1
Horatio was born in Green County, New York, on December 26, 1838, eldest of the three children of Jeremiah and 2 1
Julia H. (Palmer) Braunt. He grew up on the family farm, and became 5 feet 6½ inches tall with a fair complexion, 1 2
blue eyes and light brown hair. He enlisted in Company H of the First Colorado Volunteers at Central City on 2
September 16, 1861. The First began as infantry, but soon became a cavalry regiment. Horatio contracted a kidney 2
infection on a march from Denver to Fort Union in New Mexico in the spring of 1862, and was in the General Hospital 2
at Denver from October until he was discharged for disability on January 27, 1863. He enlisted for 100 days in 2
Company H of the 44th Iowa infantry on June 1, 1864, and served until September 15, 1864. Then on February 22, 2
1865, he enlisted at Sioux City in Company K of the Seventh Iowa Cavalry, from which he was discharged on 2
February 24, 1866. Horatio was boarding with the family of Lewis Vining on their farm in 1870. He still was single 2 1
and living by himself in 1880, when he was lodging with the same family as the photographers James D. Westervelt 1
and Charles VanBuskirk. “H. Braunt, Photographer” was stamped over the imprint of J. W. Bailey on the back of 1 t
some Dowagiac card photographs. “H. Braunt, Photographer, Dowagiac, Mich.” was printed on other card photograph t
mounts. Her parents came from Indiana and Ohio and Fatima Valaria Harden was born at Richland, Iowa, on April 25, 1 2
1851, to Jacob and Delia (Warner) Hardin. She married Horatio in Nebraska on June 25, 1881, and their son Arthur 1 2
was born in Iowa on September 25, 1882. Arthur was their only child, and he died on June 20, 1901. By 1930 Horatio 2 1
and Fatima had a practical nurse living with them. Horatio died at Richland on June 17, 1930, and Fatima lived until 1 2
November 4, 1940. 2
1. 1850 Federal Census of Jewett Township in Greene County, New York, 1870 Federal Census of Boyer Township in Harrison County,
Iowa, 1880 Federal Census of the Second Ward of Muskegon in Muskegon County, Michigan, plus 1900 and 1910 Federal Censes of
South Sioux City in Dakota County, Nebraska, 1920 Federal Census of Laguna in San Antonio Township of Los Angeles County,
California, and 1930 Federal Census of Richland in Keokuk County, Iowa.
2. Civil War Veteran Pension Record of Horatio Braunt obtained from the National Archives at Washington, D. C.
3. 1925 Iowa State Census of Richland in Keokuk County, Iowa.

Brava, Conrad
Detroit photographer .................................................................................................................................................. 1872 d
Between 1872 and 1874, the surname of Conrad’s family seems to have changed from Brava to Brebe and then to d
Brewe. Conrad Brava might have been closely related to Charles C. Brewe, or even the same person. d

Bravy, John
Detroit photographer .................................................................................................................................................. 1880 1
His father emigrated from the Prussian region and his mother came from the Hessian region of Germany. John was 1
born in Michigan about 1855. In 1880 he and his brothers, 23-year-old William and 11-year-old Joseph, wre living 1
with their widowed mother, Mrs. Margaret Bravy. 1
1. 1880 Federal Census of the Eleventh Ward of Detroit in Wayne County, Michigan.
Bray, John F.
Pontiac printer ........................................................................................................................................................... 1850 1
Pontiac DAGUERREOTYPE & AMBROTYPE GALLERY on Saginaw st .................................................. 1856-1860 m
Pontiac AMBROTYPE ARTIST on the third floor over William Phelps’ jewelry store on Saginaw st ................... 1860 1 2
Pontiac PHOTOGRAPHER & AMBROTYPIST on Saginaw st .................................................................... 1862-1865 m
Pontiac farmer ............................................................................................................................................................ 1870 1
Pontiac Township farmer ........................................................................................................................................... 1880 1
John was born about 1821 in England, and Martha was born around three years later in New York State. Their son 1
Charles was born in New York in 1843 or 1844, and died in the 1850s. Their other children were born in Michigan: 1
Frederick in April of 1850, Mary in 1853 or early in 1854, and another Charles in April of 1860. John succeeded 1 3
James P. Carson in 1856 in the gallery over Phelps’ jewelry store on the west side of Saginaw Street between Pike and 3
Lawrence Streets. He ran the same advertisement for nearly four years: “ART UNION Daguerreotype & Ambrotype 3
GALLERY ... DAGUERREOTYPES of all sizes and prices, in the latest style of the art. Particular attention is invited 3
to the AMBROTYPES, A new and beautiful style of picture, which is fast superseding the Daguerreotype, and put up 3
at the same price ... admirably adapted for portraits of children, requiring only a few seconds. PHOTOGRAPHS, or 3
pictures on Paper, furnished at short notice. Instructions given in the art of taking DAGUERREOTYPES AND 3
AMBROTYPES, and outfits furnished....” Both Mary and the second Charles seem to have died prior to 1870, but 3 1
Frederick was a farmer living with his parents in 1870, and still was living with his widowed father in 1880. 1
1. 1850 and 1860 Federal Censes of the village of Pontiac, 1870 Federal Census of the Second Ward of Pontiac, and 1880 Federal
Census of Pontiac Township in Oakland County, Michigan.
2. Pontiac and Flint Directory, 1860-1861, Loomis & Talbott.
3. Pontiac Gazette, Pontiac, Michigan, June 7, 1856, through February 17, 1860.

Brayman, Charles W.
Grand Rapids bookkeeper ................................................................................................................................ 1895-1896 g
Grand Rapids secretary and treasurer of the James Bayne Company .............................................................. 1897-1898 g
Grand Rapids secretary of the James Bayne Company .............................................................................................. 1899 g
The James Bayne Company specialized in commercial photography, engraving and printing. In 1898 and 1899 g
Charles was living at Indianapolis, Indiana, and apparently was managing the operations of the James Bayne Company g 1
in that location. The parents of one Charles W. Brayman came from Wisconsin and New York, and he was born in 1 2
Michigan in August of 1871. He was single in 1900, and was attending college in Grand Rapids. Ten years later he 2
was a doctor with a general practice at Cedar Springs. 2
1. Learned in 2000 from James A. Marusek of Bloomfield, Indiana.
2. 1900 Federal Census of the Third Ward of Grand Rapids and 1910 Federal Census of the village of Cedar Springs in Kent County,

Brayton, Burt
Howell DAGUERREAN ARTIST .................................................................................................................. 1858-1860 1 2
Howell PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................. 1861-1864 1
Howell Township farmer ................................................................................................................................. 1865-1921 1 3
Burt was born in Ontario County, New York, on December 18, 1836, the son of Ira and Esther A. (Louk) Brayton. 1
The family moved to Howell Township in September of 1838, where Ira became one of the wealthiest men in 1
Michigan’s Livingston County. Besides 600 acres of farm land, he owned a brick yard and a grist and saw mill. As a 1
farm boy, Burt attended the district schools. The dates given above are approximate, but as a young man Burt spent six 1
years as a Howell photographer. He and Mary J. Park of Howell were married on September 30, 1860, and later had 1
four daughters and three sons. Burt and Mary moved into a log house on a 250-acre farm in Howell Township just 1
outside the city of Howell, where they lived until Burt built a new home for them there about 1884. In addition to 1 4
general farming, he operated a brick yard in Osceola Township just east of Howell and raised many sheep. Burt still 3 t
had his old studio camera about 1910, most of his children had box or folding cameras, and photography seems to t
have been a popular avocation of the entire family. Mary Brayton died during the summer of 1920, and in the fall Burt t 3
went to spend the winter with two of his daughters in St. Petersburg, Florida. He died there on April 15, 1921, after 3
two days sickness with pneumonia. Burt’s remains were returned to Howell for the funeral and interment. Burt’s 3 5
camera and associated equipment were auctioned in the early days of eBay, and were acquired by a person in 5
Argentina. They came on the market again in 2001, and were sold to another person in South America. 5
1. Portrait and Biographical Album of Ingham and Livingston Counties, Chapman Brothers, Chicago, 1891.
2. 1860 Federal Census of Howell village, Livingston County, Michigan.
3. Obituary in the Livingston County Republican, Howell, Michigan, April 20, 1921.
4. Obituary clipping for Mrs. Ivy Barnard, Burt’s daughter, in the Archives of the Howell Public Library.
5. Learned in 2001 from John McWilliams of Walnut Creek, California.
Brayton, Ivy L., Miss
Howell Township child .............................................................................................................................................. 1880 1
Howell post office employee ........................................................................................................................... 1895-1900 2
Howell clerk at the Livingston County Court House ....................................................................................... 1901-1904 2
Howell secretary of Charles G. Jewett ............................................................................................................. 1905-1923 2 m
Howell resident ................................................................................................................................................ 1924-1964 2
Ivy was born in a log house on the Brayton farm in Howell Township on September 1, 1876. She was the seventh 2
and last child, and the fourth daughter, of Burt and Mary J. (Park) Brayton. The spans above are approximate, but her 2
first job was with the post office and lasted five years. She then worked in various offices at the Court House before 2
going to work for Charles G. Jewett, who had begun a hardware, stove, range and steam fitting business in 1869. He 2 3
built the first frame residence in Howell and the Jewett business block in 1872, and was listed as a hardware merchant 3
from 1884 until 1905 and as a dealer in plumbing supplies from 1906 through 1923. He was organizer and director of 3
the Electric Light Company of Howell, apparently installed the plumbing and heating facilities at the State Sanitorium 3 t
for Tuberculosis near Howell, and was a nationally recognized glass ball shooting expert with the shotgun. Ivy ran t 4
Jewett’s office until he retired and it was rumored that they were lovers for many years, though Charles had children 4 3
not much younger than Ivy. Photography was a popular pastime with the Brayton family, particularly with Ivy and her 3 t
sister Hermia, and Ivy became a very prolific photographer. Many of her photographs were printed on post card stock t
between 1909 and 1913, and some were reproduced as post cards printed in Germany for sale in Howell stores. During t
most of her adult life, Ivy wrote local news for the Livingston County Press and contributed news articles on Howell to 2
the Lansing State Journal. On August 27, 1920, 43-year-old Ivy Brayton married 52-year-old George D. Barnard, 2 5
who had a taxi business in Howell and had been married once before. She usually was called Iva in the census reports, 5 1
and was enumerated as a bookkeeper in 1910 and 1920, and as a newspaper reporter in 1930. Ivy died in Howell about 1 2
1964, survived by a number of nieces and nephews, and was entombed at Lakeview Mausoleum. 2
1. 1880 and 1900 Federal Censes of Howell Township, plus 1910, 1920 and 1930 Federal Censes of the Third Ward of Howell in
Livingston County, Michigan.
2. Obituary clipping in the Archives of the Howell Public Library, probably from a 1964 Livingston County Press.
3. Portrait and Biographical Album of Ingham and Livingston Counties, Chapman Brothers, Chicago, 1891
4. Photographs, printed and verbal information from the Archives of the Howell Public Library.
5. Livingston County Vital Records, Court House, Howell, Michigan.

Brayton, S.
Dansville PHOTOGRAPHER .............................................................................................................................. ca 1890 t
Breaugh, Stanley J.
Bennington Township student ................................................................................................................................... 1900 1
Flint machinist in an auto factory ............................................................................................................................... 1910 1
Port Huron (Breaugh & Wheeling) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 305 Huron av .................................................... 1912-1913 m
Port Huron (B & W Studio) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 305 Huron av ......................................................................... 1913 P
London, Ontario, PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................. 1915-1916 2
Roscommon County farmer and photographer .......................................................................................................... 1917 3
Markey Township automobile truck driver ................................................................................................................ 1920 1
His parents emigrated from Canada and Stanley was born in Michigan on November 8, 1887, sixth of the eight 1 3
children of Joseph and Mary Breaugh. In 1910 he was living with the family of his older brother, Levi Breaugh. The 1
London photographer was identified as S. J. Breaugh. May was born in Michigan to parents from Ohio in 1886. By 2 1
1917 she was married to Stanley, who was a medium sized man with brown eyes and black hair. 3 1
1. 1900 Federal Census of Bennington Township in Shiawassee County, 1910 Federal Census of the First Ward of Flint in Genesee
County, and 1920 Federal Census of Markey Township in Roscommon County, Michigan.
2. Glen C. Phillips, The Ontario Photographers List Volume II (1901-1925), Iron Gate Publishing Company, London, Ontario, 1997.
3. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.

Breck, Herbert J.
Grand Rapids PHOTOGRAPHER at 44 Canal st ............................................................................................ 1904-1905 m g

Breedon, Jacob
Adrian member of the Adrian Camera Club, the Photographic Section of the Adrian Scientific Society ................. 1893 1
Jacob was born in Pennsylvania to English parents in April of 1850. He was single and was working at Adrian as a 2
machinist in 1870. 2
1. The Blue Book of Amateur Photographers ... 1893: compiled by Walter Sprange, Beach Bluff, Massachusetts.
2. 1900 Federal Census of the Third Ward of Adrian in Lenawee County, Michigan.

Breen, Robert J.
Detroit retoucher for photographer Corydon C. Randall ........................................................................................... 1876 d
Detroit waiter, resident or dealer in second hand furniture .............................................................................. 1877-1883 d
Detroit painter .................................................................................................................................................. 1887-1888 d

Bremen, John
Detroit photographer .................................................................................................................................................. 1870 d

Bremer, Frederick C.
Greenville PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................ 1874-1903 m
Greenville PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................ 1906-1925 m R
Greenville resident ..................................................................................................................................................... 1930 1
Fred was born in Denmark in April of 1842, emigrated in 1867, and became a naturalized citizen of the United 1
States. Ann was born in Denmark in June of 1851, came to this country in 1868, and married Fred about 1874. Their 1
children were born in Michigan, a son Berg in January of 1877 and twin girls Laura and Louise in June of 1879. Fred’s 1
gallery was at the corner of Washington and Lafayette Streets early in the 1880s. Fred attended the annual convention t 2
of the Photographers’ Association of America at Milwaukee in August of 1883. Cabinet photographs marked “Bremer, 2 t
Greenfield, Mich.” were probably Greenville photos with a printing error. One of his cabinet photographs was of two t
apron-clad women, one holding a broom and dustpan, and the other between an iron and a wash tub with wash board t
and wringer. Fred advertised locally in 1888: “Only good work done in my gallery over Slawson’s Drug Store. Best $3 t 3
cabinets in the city. A great reduction on life-size pictures. Remember the place, over Slawson’s Drug Store.” 3
Slawson’s Drug Store was on the corner of Lafayette and Cass Streets in Greenville, and in the 1950s the studio side- 3
light or slant-light still could be seen at the back of the building. He was listed as C. Frederick Bremer from 1898 3 m
through 1903, and as Fred Bremer from 1906 on. Laura Bremer was a Greenville milliner from 1906 through 1931, m 1
and kept house for her father after her mother was gone. 1
1. 1880 Federal Census of the city of Greenville, plus1900, 1910, 1920 and 1930 Federal Censes of the Third Ward of Greenville in
Montcalm County, Michigan.
2. The Photographic Times, New York, volume 13, number 152, August 1883.
3. Column in a 1950s newspaper written by Helene M. Rawling which included quotations from the Greenville Daily Call dated
August 7, 1888. Noted by James Harlow of Dearborn, Michigan.

Bremer, Louise C., Miss

Greenville photographer for Frederick C. Bremer ..................................................................................................... 1900 1
Louise was one of the twin daughters born at Greenville to Fred and Annie Bremer in June of 1879. She probably 1
worked with her father before and after the time indicated above. 1
1. 1900 Federal Census of the Third Ward of Greenville in Montcalm County, Michigan.
Brennan, Michael
Detroit DAGUERREAN & PHOTOGRAPHIC ARTIST ............................................................................... 1859-1860 m
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHIC ARTIST at 125 Michigan av west ................................................................................. 1861 d
The 1861 directory noted that Michael was moving to New York. One Michael Brennan was born in Ireland and was d 1
68 years old when he died from drunkenness in Wayne County, Michigan, on January 8, 1871. 1
1. GENDIS on the Web, Genealogical Death Indexing System, Michigan.

Bresler, Joseph M.
Detroit active member of the Detroit Lantern Club ................................................................................................... 1894 1
Joseph was the son of Detroit capitalist Charles E. Bresler, and was associated with his father in the real estate d
business. He became Consul for Nicaragua at Detroit in 1896. d

Brewe, Charles C.
Detroit photographer ........................................................................................................................................ 1872-1877 d
Detroit photographer or photo operator for photographer Frederick C. Lutge ................................................ 1878-1892 d
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 53 Monroe av ............................................................................................................ 1893 d
Detroit photographer, artist or clerk ................................................................................................................ 1894-1903 d
Detroit (Alvord & Company) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 45 Rowland st ............................................................ 1904-1906 d
Detroit COMMERCIAL PHOTOGRAPHER up stairs at 45 Rowland st ....................................................... 1905-1907 d m
Detroit COMMERCIAL PHOTOGRAPHER at 205 Griswold st ................................................................... 1908-1913 d m
Detroit COMMERCIAL & LEGAL PHOTOGRAPHER in Room 204 of the Bamlet Building .............................. 1914 d
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 980 Field av .............................................................................................................. 1915 d
Detroit resident ................................................................................................................................................ 1916-1917 d
Detroit resident ................................................................................................................................................. 1920,1930 1
His parents emigrated from Germany, and Charles was born in Michigan in October of 1854. Her parents also 1
emigrated from Germany, and Catherine was born here in April of 1865. She married Charles about 1884, and she 1
gave birth to Lulu in July of 1865. Charles succeeded Frederick C. Lutge at 53 Monroe Avenue after working for him 1 d
for at least fourteen years. For a few years after 1904, Charles was listed both as proprietor of Alvord & Company, and d
as successor to the company. As an exclusively commercial photographer he had a full line of city views and did d
general viewing, interiors, business and landscape photography, outdoor groups, lantern slides, and developing, d
reloading and printing for amateurs. From 45 Rowland Street he also made enlargements from film and glass d
negatives, took photographs of automobiles and machinery, and had Kodaks to rent, finished and reloaded. In 1920 he d 1
and Catherine had their own home, but by 1930 Charles was a widower and boarding with a family. 1
1. 1900 and 1910 Federal Censes of the Fifth Ward, 1920 Federal Census of the Seventeenth Ward, and 1930 Federal Census of the
Fourteenth Ward of Detroit in Wayne County, Michigan.

Brewe, John F.
Detroit photographer .................................................................................................................................................. 1879 d
Detroit photographer for Frederick C. Lutge ............................................................................................................. 1880 d
Detroit brass finisher ........................................................................................................................................ 1883-1884 d

Brewer, David L.
Alcona Township photographic artist ........................................................................................................................ 1880 1
Solomon Rapids Township, Kansas, farmer .............................................................................................................. 1885 2
Topeka Township, Kansas, book agent or solicitor ......................................................................................... 1900-1905 1 2
San Diego, California, restaurant cashier ................................................................................................................... 1910 1
His father came from New York, his mother was Canadian, and David was born in Michigan in December of 1846. 1
He was boarding in 1880 with the Kiefer family. Her father came from Kentucky and Belle was born in Illinois in 1
January of 1862. She married David in 1882 or early in 1883, and they had six children born in Kansas: Dwight about 1 2
1884, Nora about 1886, Laura in June of 1888, Ray in July of 1889, John in October of 1891, and Arthur in 1902. 1 2
David was a widower by 1905, and his elder daughter was taking care of most of the house work. He was one of thirty 2 1
lodgers in 1910 at a place called Helping Hand House. 1
1. 1880 Federal Census of Alcona Township in Alcona County, Michigan, 1900 Federal Census of Topeka Township in Shawnee County,
Kansas, and 1910 Federal Census of the Seventh Ward of San Diego in San Diego County, California.
2. Kansas State Census Collection, 1855-1915.

Brewer, Mattie, Miss

Saranac child .............................................................................................................................................................. 1870 1
Grand Rapids student ................................................................................................................................................. 1880 1
Grand Rapids photo printer for photographer Warren Wykes ................................................................................... 1883 g
Grand Rapids bookkeeper .......................................................................................................................................... 1886 g
Mattie was born in Michigan about 1864, third of the five children of Lucien B. and his wife Anne E. Brewer. Her 1
father was working in a planing mill in 1870, and was a druggist in 1880. 1
1. 1870 Federal Census of the village of Saranac in Ionia County, and 1880 Federal Census of the city of Grand Rapids in Kent County,
Brewster, Robert S.
Detroit photographer .................................................................................................................................................. 1899 d

Bricker, Clarence J.
Kansas City, Missouri, resident ............................................................................................................................ ca 1914 1
Wyandotte PHOTOGRAPHER at 97 Cedar st ................................................................................................ 1915-1916 1 2
Clarence was an engineer for the Pennsylvania Salt Manufacturing Company and did photographic work as a 1 2
sideline. He disappeared on the morning of Wednesday, October 18, 1916. A search was instituted on Saturday and his 2
body was found in a field, on a lot which he had purchased the previous winter. A bullet had been fired into his mouth 2 1
and a revolver still was grasped in his hand. Nearby was a note to his wife: “Oct. 18, 1916. 9:30 a.m. Mabel, I am 2 1
on my way. Goodbye. Clarence.” Overwork was surmised to be the cause of his suicide. He was 26 or 27 years old, 1 2
and left his wife with a year old daughter. His body was interred in Wyandotte’s Ferndale Cemetery. 2
1. October, 1916, newspaper clipping in the Burton Historical Collection of the Detroit Public Library.
2. Wyandotte Herald, October 27, 1916.

Briers, James William

Hamilton, Ontario, cabinet maker .............................................................................................................................. 1871 1
Detroit cabinet maker ....................................................................................................................................... 1872-1875 d
Detroit traveling agent, photo copyist, canvassing agent or agent .................................................................... 1876-1888 d 2
Detroit copyist, photo copier or photographer ................................................................................................. 1889-1892 d
Detroit agent, portrait vendor, resident or artist ............................................................................................... 1893-1911 d
Detroit solicitor, artist, salesman or picture vendor ......................................................................................... 1912-1915 d
Detroit porter or photographer ......................................................................................................................... 1916-1917 d
James was born in England in September of 1841. He emigrated in 1865 and by 1910 had not applied for United 2
States citizenship. Her parents came from New York, Alice Hallock was born in Michigan in August of 1846, and she 2 1
married James about 1865. Their daughter Olive was born in Ontario on May 7, 1871, and their daughter Maud was 2 1
born in Michigan two years later but did not live to maturity. Apparently James spent most of his career soliciting 2 d
orders for enlarged and colored portraits for some unidentified firm or firms. He was identified as a photographer in d 2
1900 and as a portrait solicitor in 1910 2
1. Ontario, Canada Births, 1869-1909.
2. 1880 Federal Census of the city of Detroit, plus 1900 and 1910 Federal Censes of the Eighth Ward of Detroit in Wayne County,

Briggs, _______
Howell (Cleave & Briggs) PHOTOGRAPHERS ................................................................................................. ca 1885 t

Briggs, Frederick L.
White Pigeon ARTISTIC PHOTOGRAPHER on the east side of Kalamazoo st ............................................ 1878-1879 m t
Allegan PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................................. ca 1880 t
Keokuk, Iowa, PHOTOGRAPHER at 12 Sixth st south ............................................................................................ 1884 1
Ottumwa, Iowa, (F. L. Briggs & Company) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 311 Main st east ................................... 1887-1889 1
Ottumwa, Iowa, (Briggs & Company) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 227 Main st east ..................................................... 1891 1
Fairfield, Iowa, PHOTOGRAPHER .......................................................................................................................... 1892 1
Ottumwa, Iowa, (Goldsberry & Briggs) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 104 Market st south ................................... 1895-1899 1
1. Learned in 1993 from Jo Ann Burgess of Clear Lake, Iowa.

Briggs, James L.
Perry PHOTOGRAPHER Main st ............................................................................................................................. 1896 1
1. Owosso directory, 1896-97.
Briggs, Lathrop James
Chesterfield Township, Ohio, child ........................................................................................................................... 1850 1
Duplain Township student ......................................................................................................................................... 1860 1
United States Army soldier .............................................................................................................................. 1862-1865 2
Duplain Township day laborer or farm laborer ................................................................................................. 1870,1880 1
Perry PHOTOGRAPHER ..................................................................................................................................... ca 1895 t
Calkinsville PHOTOGRAPHER ..................................................................................................................... 1900-1901 m
Calkinsville (L. J. Briggs & Company) PHOTOGRAPHERS ................................................................................... 1902 R
Shepherd (L. J. Briggs & Company) PHOTOGRAPHERS ....................................................................................... 1903 R
Shepherd PHOTOGRAPHER ......................................................................................................................... 1904-1907 m
Shepherd (L. J. Briggs & Company) PHOTOGRAPHERS ............................................................................. 1906-1908 R
Shepherd invalid .............................................................................................................................................. 1909-1911 2
His parents came from New York, and Lathrop was born at Duplain, Michigan, on November 24, 1847, second of 1 2
the six children of Rufus and Sarah A. M. (Pierce) Briggs. He enlisted as a drummer boy in Company K of the 27th 1 2
Michigan Volunteer Infantry in 1862, and served until the close of the Civil War. He spent much of his life in and 2
around Ovid. Abbey was born in Michigan to parents from Vermont in 1844 or early in 1845, and she married Lathrop 2 1
while he was in the army or soon after he returned. Their sons Charles, Fred, George and Arthur were born between 1
1865 and 1873, and their daughter Rosela was born in October of 1879. Lathrop’s second marriage was to 18-year-old 1 2
Miss Amy Evans of Kalkaska on May 26, 1897. Their son Cole was born in 1901, and their daughter Laura was born 2 1
in 1906. There are indications that Lathrop misrepresented his age to his young wife. Calkinsville was called Rosebush 1 3
before 1890, and was officially renamed Rosebush on February 19, 1903. Lathrop sold his Shepherd gallery to Alfred 3 2
E. Boardman of Alma in October of 1907, and then went out through the country taking views while maintaining his 2
home at Shepherd. A stroke of paralysis or Bright’s disease made Lathrop an invalid for his last three years, and he 2
was taken worse a few days before his death on February 8, 1911. He was survived by his children, two sisters and a 2
brother. Methodist Episcopal services were conducted prior to burial in Salt River Cemetery. 2
1. 1850 Federal Census of Chesterfield Township in Fulton County, Ohio, plus 1860, 1870 and 1880 Federal Censes of Duplain
Township in Clinton County, 1900 Federal Census of Isabella Township and 1910 Federal Census of the village of Shepherd in
Isabella County, Michigan.
2. Central Michigan Times, Mount Pleasant, Michigan, October 25, 1907, and February 17, 1911, page 4, column 7.
3. Walter Romig, Michigan Place Names, Grosse Pointe, Michigan.
Brigham, John Morrison
Plainwell child or student ................................................................................................................................. 1870,1880 1
Plainwell student of photography .................................................................................................................... 1881-1882 2
Plainwell PHOTOGRAPHER ......................................................................................................................... 1882-1898 m 2
Battle Creek PHOTOGRAPHER at Point Place, 3 South av ........................................................................... 1898-1906 m 3
Battle Creek PHOTOGRAPHER at 110 Main st east ..................................................................................... 1906-1911 m 3
Battle Creek fruit grower ........................................................................................................................................... 1914 3
Battle Creek resident .................................................................................................................................................. 1922 3
John was born to Stillman B. and Mary (Chapin) Brigham at Gun Plains, Michigan, on February 17, 1863. He 2 1
attended the Plainwell schools and Indiana Normal College at Valparaiso before beginning the study of photography at 2
Plainwell. About 1884 he married Miss Ida M. Potter of Mankato, Minnesota. Her parents came from New York, and 2 1
Ida was born in Wisconsin in March of 1865. John received the First Premium for the best collection of photographs 1 t
exhibited at the Union Fair in 1890. He gave out cabinet sized advertising cards with a stamp type of self portrait and t
the admonition to “Put This in Your Album and keep it, for you will save money by referring to it when in need of t
work of this kind....” The cards reproduced a supplier’s 1890 letter suggesting an advance in the price of photographs, t
followed by: “... But instead of raising our prices ... I will make ... THREE GREAT OFFERS: FIRST ... 1 dozen t
cabinets, full form, of any adult for $2.00. SECOND, 1 dozen cabinet bust photographs, 1 panel, and 25 postage stamp t
pictures for $3.25.... THIRD, Greatest offer of all. 1 dozen cabinets, bust photographs, 1 panel and one life size crayon t
or ink picture for $6.00. Those having copy work may be assured I will give them the very best. Weather makes no t
difference with adults, but must have bright days for children and babies.... Frames kept constantly on hand. t
Satisfaction guaranteed on all work. J. M. Brigham, So. Main St., Plainwell.” The second annual meeting of the t 4
Michigan Photographers Association was held at Detroit in February of 1897, and there John was awarded the second 4
prize in Class E for his exhibit of six Paris Panels and six cabinet photos, and the third prize in Class F for his display 4
of cabinet photographs. He attended six national photographic conventions while at Plainwell, exhibiting his work and 4 2
winning four medals and two diplomas for posing, chemical effect and lighting combined. The last of these was the 2 5
silver medal that he received at the 1898 convention of the Photographers’ Association of America at Celeron on 5
Chautauqua Lake, New York, for his exhibit of twelve cabinet photographs. His father took over the Plainwell gallery 5 m
when John acquired the Point Place Studio in Battle Creek from Frank E. Perry in October of 1898. John’s exhibit in 2
the Grand Portrait Class at the P A of A convention at Boston in August of 1905 received honorable mention. In May 2 4
of 1911 he sold the East Main Street studio to John H. Dubbs of Grand Rapids, and planned to live on the fruit farm 4 6
which he had established locally. John and Ida were sharing their home for a number of years with Miss Charlotte 6 1
(often Lottie) A. Cressy who was identified in 1900 as a cousin and photographer and in 1910 as a boarder and an 1
assistant in the photo studio. By January of 1920 Ida was gone, John was married to Lottie, and she had accompanied 1
him on a Florida vacation. 1
1. 1870 and 1880 Federal Censes of Plainwell in Allegan County, plus 1900 and 1910 Federal Censes of the First Ward of Battle Creek
in Calhoun County, Michigan, and 1920 Federal Census of St. Petersburg in Pinellas County, Florida.
2. Biographical Review of Calhoun County, 1904.
3. Battle Creek City Directories: 1903, 1905, 1906, 1907, 1908, 1909, 1911, 1914 and 1922.
4. St. Louis and Canadian Photographer; volume 15, number 3, March 1897, and volume 29, number 9, September 1905.
5. Anthony’s Photographic Bulletin, volume 29, August 1898, page 241.
6. Learned in 1998 from Stuart Lassen of Battle Creek, Michigan.

Brigham, Stillman B.
Gun Plain Township farm laborer .............................................................................................................................. 1850 1
Allegan County farmer ..................................................................................................................................... 1860-1880 2
Plainwell sewing machine merchant ................................................................................................................ 1880-1881 m
Allegan County farmer ..................................................................................................................................... 1881-1898 2
Plainwell PHOTOGRAPHER ......................................................................................................................... 1898-1905 2 m
Battle Creek resident ......................................................................................................................................... 1905,1910 3 1
Stillman was born in 1829 or 1830 at Shutesbury, Massachusetts, and came to Michigan with his parents, Curtis L. 1
and Lydia Brigham. His father was a shoemaker and a farmer, so Stillman was raised on the farm. He married Miss 1 2
Mary Chapin, daughter of the early Battle Creek physician, Dr. J. B. Chapin. Mary was born in New York in 1834 or 2 1
1835. Stillman succeeded his son in the Plainwell gallery when John moved to Battle Creek. He was widowed and m 1
living with John in 1905 and 1910. 3 1
1. 1850 Federal Census of Gun Plain Township plus 1870 and 1880 Federal Censes of Plainwell in Allegan County, and 1910 Federal
Census of the First Ward of Battle Creek in Calhoun County, Michigan.
2. Biographical Review of Calhoun County, 1904.
3. Battle Creek City Directory: 1905.
Brigman, James Albert
White Cloud, Kansas, child ....................................................................................................................................... 1880 1
Detroit carpenter .............................................................................................................................................. 1918-1919 2 d
Highland Park photographer ...................................................................................................................................... 1920 d
Royal Oak carpenter .................................................................................................................................................. 1920 1
Royal Oak PHOTOGRAPHER ....................................................................................................................... 1920-1921 m
His parents came from Kentucky and Illinois and James was born in Kentucky on July 20, 1878, the son of Isaac and 1 2
Mary (Purkell) Brigman. He became a medium sized man with blue eyes and auburn hair. Ethel was born in Illinois to 1 2
parents from Kentucky in 1880, and she married James about 1901. Their daughter Nina and son Eugene were born in 1
Missouri in 1902 and 1904. 1
1. 1880 Federal Census of the city of White Cloud in Doniphan County, Kansas, and 1920 Federal Census of Royal Oak Township in
Oakland County, Michigan.
2. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.

Briley, William W.
Flushing PHOTOGRAPHER on the south side of Main st next to the Exchange Hotel ............................................ 1885 1
Flushing PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................... 1886-1889 m
1. Flint and Genesee County Directory, 1885, Aston.

Brink, Edwin
Vicksburgh PHOTOGRAPHER ...................................................................................................................... 1890-1893 m
Vicksburg PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................ 1894-1895 m
McLeansboro, Illinois, PHOTOGRAPHER .............................................................................................................. 1900 1
Springfield, Tennessee, PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................. 1910 1
Miami, Florida, PHOTOGRAPHER ......................................................................................................................... 1920 1
Miami, Florida, resident ............................................................................................................................................ 1930 1
Edwin was born in Michigan in December of 1861 to parents that were natives of Michigan. His first marriage did 1
not work out. Her father came from Virginia or Tennessee, and Laura was born in Illinois in May of 1869. She married 1
Edwin in 1894, and their daughter Beulah was born in Illinois in August of 1895. Edwin’s photography business was 1
conducted from his home in 1920. Beulah still was living with her parents in 1930. 1
1. 1900 Federal Census of the Third Ward of McLeansboro in Hamilton County, Illinois, 1910 Federal Census of Springfield in Robertson
County, Tennessee, plus 1920 and 1930 Federal Censes of the city of Miami in Dade County, Florida.

Brinkerhoff, Warren E.
Detroit secretary-treasurer of the Detroit Camera Club ................................................................................... 1903-1905 d
From 1891 through 1901, Warren was a draughtsman for the Detroit Bridge & Iron Works, though in 1896 he was d
also a principal of the Acme Hoist Company. In 1903 he was part owner of a company of plumbers and gas fitters. d
From 1904 until 1908 he was secretary and treasurer of the American Wood-Grain Company, and in 1909 he was d
treasurer of the same company. From 1910 through 1912, he was secretary of the Detroit Bridge & Steel Works and d
treasurer of the Buethel Mining Company. d

Brintnell, Hiram A.
Port Austin PHOTOGRAPHER ...................................................................................................................... 1864-1865 1
Elba Township farmer ............................................................................................................................................... 1870 2
Hazelton Township farmer ........................................................................................................................................ 1880 2
Sylacauga, Alabama, farmer ...................................................................................................................................... 1900 2
Jordan Township, Alabama, farmer ........................................................................................................................... 1910 2
Hiram was born in Canada to parents from Vermont and New York in December of 1836. Eusebia was born in 2
Canada about the same time to parents from New York. She married Hiram and their daughter Gertrude was born in 2
Michigan about 1864. Their son Hiram Anson Brintnell was born in Michigan on November 27, 1873. The second 2 3
marriage of the elder Hiram took place about 1897 to a lady named Edna or Edith. Her father came from Tennessee, 2
and she was born in Alabama about 1852. She brought along her six-year-old son Charlie from her first marriage. 2
1. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1862-1866, National Archives, Washington, D.C.
2. 1870 Federal Census of Elba Township in Gratiot County and 1880 Federal Census of Hazelton Township in Shiawassee County,
Michigan, plus 1900 Federal Census of the Thirteenth Precinct of Sylacauga in Talladega County and 1910 Federal Census of
Jordan Township in Coosa County, Alabama.
3. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana. ......

Brisbois, _______
Ann Arbor (Grand Central Gallery) PHOTOGRAPHERS on Main st opposite the First National Bank ............ ca 1877 t
Karberg & Brisbois were the proprietors of this Grand Central Gallery. t
Briser, L., Miss
Wyandotte active member of the Photographers’ Association of America ................................................................ 1905 1
1. The Association Review, Convention Annual, Boston 1905, The Photographers’ Association of America.

Britten, Clifford Edward

Howell student ........................................................................................................................................................... 1900 1
Howell PHOTOGRAPHER at 422 Isbell st ......................................................................................................... ca 1910 t
Lansing machinist in an auto factory ......................................................................................................................... 1910 1
Howell machinist or tool maker ........................................................................................................................ 1917,1920 2 1
Howell mechanic in a garage ..................................................................................................................................... 1930 1
Clifford was born at Howell on April 13, 1887, third of the four children of John B. and Frances P. Britten. “C. E. 2 1
BRITTEN, 422 Isbell, Howell, Mich.” was stamped on the back of commercial mounts, including an 8 by 10 and a 10 t
by 12 with photographs of Grand River Street. In one of them, the buildings are decorated for the 1910 Homecoming. t
Anna was born in Michigan in 1889, and she married Clifford early in 1912. Their son Donald and daughter Iola were 1
born here in 1914 and 1918. Clifford was a slender man of medium height with blue eyes and brown hair in 1917. He 1 2
died at Howell on September 12, 1973. His last name was spelled Britton in some records. 3 1
1. 1910 Federal Census of the Fifth Ward of Lansing in Ingham County, 1900 Federal Census of the village of Howell, 1910 Federal
Census of the Fourth Ward, plus 1920 and 1930 Federal Censes of the First Ward of Howell in Livingston County, Michigan.
2. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.
3. Michigan Deaths, 1971-1996.

Broach, W. H.
Big Rapids PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................ ca 1878 t
North Platte, Nebraska, PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................... 1884-1887 1
North Platte, Nebraska, (Broach & Hammel) PHOTOGRAPHERS ............................................................... 1888-1889 1
North Platte, Nebraska, PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................... 1890-1893 1
1. Carl Mautz, Biographies of Western Photographers, Carl Mautz Publishing, Nevada City, California, 1997.

Broadwell, David C.
Deerfield Township photograph artist ....................................................................................................................... 1870 1
Lansing PHOTOGRAPHER at the corner of Michigan av and Grand st .................................................................. 1873 L
Lansing PHOTOGRAPHER at 135 Washington av ........................................................................................ 1874-1875 m
Lansing (Broadwell & Wood) PHOTOGRAPHERS five doors south of the postoffice ........................................... 1876 2
Milwaukee, Wisconsin, PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................... 1877-1878 3
David was born in New York State in 1854 or 1855. He and his younger brother Aaron were living in 1870 with the 1
family of James and Eliza Moe on their Deerfield Township farm north of Howell. The dissolution by mutual consent 1 2
of David’s partnership with George W. Wood was effective on March 31, 1876. Despite the short life of this business, 2
the Broadwell & Wood imprint has survived both on card photographs and on stereo views, some with the name t
“Broadwell” crossed out. t
1. 1870 Federal Census of Deerfield Township in Livingston County, Michigan.
2. The Lansing Republican, Lansing, Michigan, April 4 and 7, 1876.
2. Directory of Wisconsin Photographers; State Historical Society of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin, 1991.

Brobeck, John E.
Detroit retoucher or receiving clerk ................................................................................................................. 1892-1893 d

Brock, P.
Belding PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................ 1882-1883 m

Brocks, Henry F.
Belding PHOTOGRAPHER ...................................................................................................................................... 1880 t
Henry was born in Prussia in 1843 or 1844, and was single in 1880. H. F. Brocks registered from Michigan while 1 2
attending the annual convention of the Photographers’ Association of America at Milwaukee in August of 1883. 2
1. 1880 Federal Census of Otisco Township in Ionia County, Michigan.
2. The Photographic Times, New York, volume 13, number 152, August 1883.
Broderick, Eugene J.
Paradise Township student ........................................................................................................................................ 1880 1
Grand Rapids clerk or barber ........................................................................................................................... 1889-1897 g
Grand Rapids PHOTOGRAPHER at 171 Livingston st .................................................................................. 1896-1897 g
Grand Rapids PHOTOGRAPHER at 126 Canal st .......................................................................................... 1898-1899 g
Grand Rapids machinist, cigar box cutter, machine hand or barber ................................................................ 1900-1902 1 g
Grand Rapids medical student ......................................................................................................................... 1903-1907 g
Grand Rapids physician ................................................................................................................................... 1908-1911 g
Dinuba, California, medical physician ....................................................................................................................... 1920 1
Los Angeles, California, physician and surgeon with his own practice ..................................................................... 1930 1
His father was born in New York State to Irish parents, his mother came from Maine and Eugene was born in 1
Michigan in October of 1873, second of the four children of James and Hannah L. Broderick. The earliest record states 1
that he was born in Wisconsin, and the latest says that he was born in Iowa. Her mother came from New York, Lovina 1
Millard was born in Michigan on November 11, 1873, and she married Eugene about 1895. They never had children. 2 1
They were sharing their home with Lovina’s 82-year-old widowed brother Mathew in 1930. Eugene seems to have 1 2
died prior to 1940. Lovina died in Orange County, California, on July 19, 1941 2
1. 1880 Federal Census of Paradise Township in Grand Traverse County and 1900 Federal Census of the Seventh Ward of Grand Rapids
in Kent County, Michigan, plus 1920 Federal Census of the Fourth Ward of Dinuba in Tulare County and 1930 Federal Census of
Assembly District 67 of Los Angeles in Los Angeles County, California.
2. California Death Index, 1940-1997.

Brodie, Janet, Mrs.

Mount Pleasant PHOTOGRAPHER on Main st opposite Court House Square .............................................. 1874-1876 1
Jennie was born at Auburn, New York, to Samuel and Grace (Craig) McLeod on January 15, 1844. She came with 2
her parents in 1862 to homestead 160 acres in Isabella County. Her father was killed a few years later in a logging 2
accident. She taught school for a while, and lived in Mount Pleasant and on the nearby Brodie homestead after 2
marrying Alexander Brodie at St. Louis on May 12, 1866. Jennie gave birth to a son and three daughters. Early in 2 1
1876 the local newspaper noted that “Mrs. Brodie is daily exhibiting her taste in taking pictures. She is a good hand to 1
take pictures of little folks, especially babies.” She produced a tintype of Isabella County’s first court house, which 1 3
served from 1860 until 1876. Alexander was a very successful farmer and was prominent in county politics, serving as 3 4
County Treasurer from 1877 to 1883. Jennie lived in Florida for several years after the death of Mr. Brodie in 1913, 4 2
but spent a few months at the Ann Arbor home of her son prior to her death there on July 5, 1922. Burial was at Ann 2
Arbor. 2
1. Isabella County Enterprise, Mount Pleasant, Michigan, December 2, 1874, and March 8, 1876, page 5, column 1.
2. Unattributed obituary, probably from the Isabella County Enterprise in July of 1922.
3. The Detroit News, Detroit, Michigan, December 19, 1926.
4. Learned in 2001 from Joyce McClain of Mount Pleasant, Michigan, who provided copies of the newspaper articles referenced above.

Brokaw, Manley Suydam

Hector Township, New York, child ........................................................................................................................... 1880 1
Stearns PHOTOGRAPHER and farm laborer or farmer ................................................................................. 1900-1911 1 m
Greendale Township farmer .................................................................................................................. 1918, 1920, 1930 2 1
Manley was born in New York State to Abram and Lucy Brokaw on February 18, 1876, and became a tall man with 1 2
dark brown eyes and black hair that later turned gray. Anna Flora was born in Michigan in 1884 or 1885, she married 2 1
Manley about 1901, and she gave birth to two girls and six boys between 1902 and 1926. Manley was Greendale 1 m
Township Clerk from 1902 through 1907. His given name was spelled Manly in about half of the records. The post m 1
office at Stearns in Greendale Township of Midland County was discontinued in October of 1912, and their farm was 3 2
served by Rural Free Delivery Route #5 out of Shepherd in adjacent Isabella County. 2
1. 1880 Federal Census of Hector Township in Schuyler County, New York, plus 1900, 1910, 1920 and 1930 Federal Censes of Greendale
Township in Midland County, Michigan.
2. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.
3. Walter Romig, Michigan Place Names, Grosse Pointe, Michigan.

Bromley, ________
Detroit (Bromley & Roos) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 40 Broadway .................................................................. 1910-1911 m
Bromley’s partner was Charles G. Roos, who had several years of professional photographic experience in Ontario. 1
1. Glen C. Phillips, The Ontario Photographers List Volume II (1901-1925), Iron Gate Publishing Company, London, Ontario, 1997.

Bront, Horace
Muskegon photographer ............................................................................................................................................ 1880 1
Horace was born in New York in 1849 or 1850. He was single and boarding with the family of Samuel S. and 1
Adaline Glover in 1880. 1
1. 1880 Federal Census of the Second Ward of Muskegon in Muskegon County, Michigan.
Brooks, ________
Wilber PHOTOGRAPHER .................................................................................................................................. ca 1910 t
“Brooks” was lettered on the negatives of post card photographs of A. J. Rodman’s mill and the J. Miller residence t
at Wilber, and of nearby Rodman’s Upper Dam open and closed. t

Brooks, Archie W.
Tioga, New York, child or student .................................................................................................................... 1870,1880 1
Brooklyn photographer ......................................................................................................................................... ca 1900 2
Parma butter maker .................................................................................................................................................... 1900 1
Brooklyn butter maker in a creamery ................................................................................................................ 1910,1920 1
Brooklyn proprietor of a cream station ...................................................................................................................... 1930 1
Archie was born in New York State in December of 1866, eldest of the three sons of George H. and Susan J. Brooks. 1
Margaret was born in New York in October of 1877, and she married Archie about 1892. Their daughter Nanette was 1
born in Michigan in December of 1896, and their son George was born here in 1904. 1
1. 1870 and 1880 Federal Censes of the town of Tioga in Tioga County, New York, 1900 Federal Census of the village of Parma in
Sandstone Township, plus 1910, 1920 and 1930 Federal Censes of the village of Brooklyn in Columbia Township of Jackson
County, Michigan.
2. Paul H. Totten, Old-Time Brooklyn, Brooklyn Area Historical Society, circa 1970, pages 70, 105 and 117

Brooks, Blanche, Mrs.

Kalamazoo studio photographer ................................................................................................................................ 1910 1
Detroit housewife ....................................................................................................................................................... 1917 2
Blanche was born in Michigan in 1888 or 1889, and she married the photographer Harold W. Brooks about 1907. 1
She and Harold were enumerated identically in 1910 as photographers working in a studio. By 1920 Harold had a wife 1
named Edith who was born in Michigan in 1885 and was working with him as an office clerk in 1920 and as a 1
commercial photographer in 1930. Mrs. Blanche Brooks and Mrs. Edith I. Brooks may have been the same person, but 1
that is unlikely. 1
1. 1910 Federal Census of the Fourth Ward of Kalamazoo in Kalamazoo County, 1920 Federal Census of the Eighth Ward of Detroit in
Wayne County, and 1930 Federal Census of Keeler Township in Van Buren County, Michigan.
2. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.
Brooks, Caleb Stanley
Cape Vincent Township, New York, student ............................................................................................................. 1850 1
Marshall farm laborer or resident .................................................................................................................... 1860-1861 1 2
United States Army soldier .............................................................................................................................. 1861-1862 2
Albion PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................. 1864-1865 3
Jackson PHOTOGRAPHER in the Empire Block at the corner Main and Mechanic sts ................................ 1866-1867 m
Jackson PHOTOGRAPHER on the third floor at 215 Main st .................................................................................. 1867 4
Jackson photographer for Bailey & Cook ........................................................................................................ 1868-1869 5
Cape Vincent, New York, artist and PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................ 1870 1 t
Marshall PHOTOGRAPHER on State st ......................................................................................................... 1872-1874 m R
Marshall PHOTOGRAPHER at 94 State st ..................................................................................................... 1876-1877 m
Marshall PHOTOGRAPHER at 92 State st ..................................................................................................... 1880-1881 m
Marshall furniture merchant ....................................................................................................................................... 1895 6
Marshall dealer in second hand goods ............................................................................................................. 1897-1900 6
Marshall proprietor of a grocery store ....................................................................................................................... 1910 1
Stanley was born in New York State in May of 1840, fourth of the six children of Nelson A. and Maria Brooks. He 1
enlisted at Fort Wayne in Detroit as a corporal in Company E of the 6th Michigan Volunteer Infantry on June 19, 2
1861. The regiment was organized at Kalamazoo and left for Washington and the Army of the Potomac on August 30, 2
1861. The winter was spent in camp at Baltimore, Maryland. In February of 1862 the regiment traveled by steamer to 2
Fortress Monroe, by sea to Ship Island, Mississippi, and they arrived at New Orleans on May 2, 1862, shortly after the 2
fall of Forts Jackson and St. Phillips and the capture of the city. They went out on many local excursions, some of 2
which were quite hazardous. On August 5, 1862, the regiment assisted in repulsing a heavy attack upon Baton Rouge, 2
Louisiana, where many were killed or wounded. Stanley was discharged on a Surgeon’s Certificate of Disability at 2
Camp Williams, Louisiana, on October 15, 1862. In the 1860s and in the 1890s he was usually identified as Stanley C. 2 m
Brooks, but the listings as a Marshall photographer were mostly for C. Stanley Brooks. He had envelopes printed up m 5
with “From BROOKS’ NEW PICTURE GALLERY, Empire Block, Main Street, JACKSON, MICH. (Rooms 5
known as Geere’s Picture Gallery.) - All kinds of Pictures taken promptly and at reasonable prices. Call and see.” 5
across the top. The imprint on some cartes de visite was “C. Stanly Brooks, ARTIST, Cape Vincent, N. Y.” A discreet 5 t
label on the back of a stereo view read: “From BROOKS’ Gallery, Nicest place in the City. Over the Post Office, t
Marshall, Mich.” Her mother came from Pennsylvania and Gertrude was born in New York State in December of t 1
1849. She married Stanley in 1869 and Fanny, the first of their three daughters, was born in New York a year later. 1
The others were born in Michigan, Frances in August of 1881 and Edith in October of 1882. Stanley lived until 1919. 1 7
1. 1850 and 1870 Federal Censes of Cape Vincent Township in Jefferson County, New York, 1860 Federal Census of the First Ward,
1880 Federal Census of the Second Ward, plus 1900 and 1910 Federal Censes of the Fourth Ward of Marshall in Calhoun County,
2. Record of Service of Michigan Volunteers in the Civil War, 1861-1865; published by the State of Michigan about 1904.
3. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1862-1866, National Archives, Washington, D.C.
4. Jackson City Directory and Business Advertiser for 1867 and 1868, James M. Thomas, Jackson, Michigan.
5. Learned in 1997 from Gerry L. Blanchard of Jackson, Michigan.
6. Marshall city directories, 1895 and 1897.
7. Learned in 1975 from Mrs. Doris Borthwick of Albion, Michigan.

Brooks, Frank
Tecumseh (Brooks & Heck) PHOTOGRAPHERS ......................................................................................... 1884-1885 m
Quite possibly Heck’s partner was Frank D. Brooks, who is the subject of the following entry. d
Brooks, Frank D.
Ann Arbor photographer for Lewis & Gibson ........................................................................................................... 1883 1
Detroit photographer for Hunter & Gay .................................................................................................................... 1886 d
Detroit artist for photographer Hiram H. Hunter ....................................................................................................... 1886 d
Detroit (Kaufer & Brooks) PHOTO COPYING and artists at 41 Sherman st ........................................................... 1888 d
Detroit (Kaufer & Brooks) PHOTO ENLARGEMENTS at 261 Gratiot av .................................................... 1888-1889 m
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER and artist at 261 Gratiot av .................................................................................. 1889-1891 d
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER and artist at 197 or 199 Gratiot av ...................................................................... 1892-1895 d m
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 113 Gratiot av ................................................................................................. 1896-1905 d m
The Ann Arbor listing was for Francis D. Brooks. Morris Kaufer became Frank’s partner in 1888. Frank made a 1 d
specialty of crayon work at 261 Gratiot Avenue, and called himself a crayon artist in 1893. He employed Silas E. m d
Parady as a retoucher in 1893 and Robert D. Greenberg as a photo printer in 1894. He identified himself as an artist in d
1899, gave his cabinet photographs Extra Finish at about the same time, and made a specialty of photograph enlarging t m
in 1905. Frank died in Detroit on June 28, 1923, when he was said to be 58 years old. m 2
1. Washtenaw County Directory 1883-84, Wendell Directory Company.
2. Detroit Death Index in the Burton Historical Collection of the Detroit Public Library at Detroit, Michigan.

Brooks, Genevieve, Miss

Grand Rapids retoucher ............................................................................................................................................. 1899 1
At the fourth annual convention of the Michigan Photographers Association, held at Grand Rapids on February 1, 1
1899, Genevieve was awarded the first prize in Class F, Retouching. 1
1. Anthony’s Photographic Bulletin, volume 30, March 1899, page 70.

Brooks, Griffith G., Mrs.

Holland PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................... 1902-1903 m

Brooks, Harold Wellington

Richfield Township student ....................................................................................................................................... 1900 1
Kalamazoo PHOTOGRAPHER ...................................................................................................................... 1910-1911 1 R
Detroit photographer .................................................................................................................................................. 1911 d
Detroit photographer for the Curtis Advertising Company ........................................................................................ 1912 d
Detroit photographer or resident ...................................................................................................................... 1913-1916 d
Detroit COMMERCIAL PHOTOGRAPHER in the rear of 617 John R st ............................................................... 1917 d 2
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER in Room 1 at 607 ½ Woodward av ............................................................................... 1918 d
Detroit COMMERCIAL PHOTOGR in Room 1 of the Arcadia Building at 605 ½ Woodward av ................ 1919-1920 d
Detroit COMMERCIAL PHOTOGR in Room 1 of the Arcadia Building at 3513 Woodward av .................. 1920-1921 d m
Dowagiac PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................ 1922-1923 m
Dowagiac PHOTOGRAPHER at 113 Commercial st ..................................................................................... 1924-1925 m
Dowagiac COMMERCIAL PHOTOGRAPHER ....................................................................................................... 1930 1
Harold was born at Jackson, Michigan, on February 3, 1888, second of the four children of Charles S. and Minnie L. 2 1
Brooks. He married a 19-year-old lady named Blanche about 1907, and she was working in his studio as a 1
photographer in 1910. Harold was of medium height and weight in 1917, with blue eyes and black hair, and was 1 2
supporting his father and mother-in-law as well as his wife. He employed Davis B. Hillmer as a photographer in 1920. 2 d
The address change in that year to 3513 Woodward Avenue was due to overall revisions in the Detroit numbering d
system. Harold took many photographs of the special automobile bodies produced by the Erdman-Guider Company, d t
with negative numbers from 532 to 6940. He sold the Woodward Avenue business to the Smith Brothers, John F. and t d
Edward J., who continued it for at least thirty years. Harold’s second wife, Edith, was born in Michigan in 1885, and d 1
she too was identified as a commercial photographer in 1930, when they were living in Keeler Township ten or more 1
miles north of Dowagiac. 1
1. 1900 Federal Census of Richfield Township in Genesee County, 1910 Federal Census of the Fourth Ward of Kalamazoo in Kalamazoo
County, 1920 Federal Census of the Eighth Ward of Detroit in Wayne County, and 1930 Federal Census of Keeler Township in
Van Buren County, Michigan.
2. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.

Brooks, Herbert B.
Chicago, Illinois, PHOTOGRAPHER ....................................................................................................................... 1910 1
Chicago, Illinois, PHOTOGRAPHER at 3225 Sheffield st ....................................................................................... 1918 2
Chicago, Illinois, PHOTOGRAPHER at 3358 Osgood st .................................................................................... ca 1918 t
Chicago, Illinois, PHOTOGRAPHER ....................................................................................................................... 1920 1
Herbert was born in Illinois on June 11, 1882, and became a tall man with a medium build, brown eyes and dark 1 2
hair. Judith was born in Sweden in 1885. She married Herbert in 1909 or early in 1910, and their son Burton was born 2 1
in Illinois in 1914. Herbert produced post card photographs of Old Mackinac Point Light House near Mackinaw City. 1 t
At least one of the cards was mailed in August of 1919. Another of his postal photos was of the Ellinee store at Paw t
Paw Lake in southwestern Michigan. t
1. 1910 Federal Census of the 25th Ward and 1920 Federal Census of the 23rd Ward of Chicago in Cook County, Illinois.
2. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.
Brooks, J. A.
Blissfield PHOTOGRAPHER in the Recklau Block at the corner of Pearl and Adrian sts .................................. ca 1873 t

Brooks, James A.
Walled Lake PHOTOGRAPHER .................................................................................................................... 1865-1866 1
1. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1862-1866, National Archives, Washington, D.C.

Brooks, James C.
Bellevue journeyman carpenter ................................................................................................................................. 1860 1
Bellevue DAGUERREOTYPIST .................................................................................................................... 1862-1863 m
Bellevue PHOTOGRAPHER .................................................................................................................................... 1868 2
Charlotte well digger ................................................................................................................................................. 1870 1
Santa Maria, California, retiree .................................................................................................................................. 1920 3
James was born in New York State in 1833 or early in 1834, and his mother’s name was Betsy. Lucinda L. Wells 1
was born in New York ten years later, married James about 1862, and gave birth to Elizabeth in Michigan in 1864. In 1
1880 Mrs. Jane R. Wells, Lucinda’s mother, was sharing her home in Charlotte with her daughter and granddaughter, 1
and Lucinda was working there as a compositor. Lucinda considered herself to be married in 1880 but to be a widow 1
in 1910, when she was living with Elizabeth and her family up in Emmet County. The only significant record of a 1 3
James C. Brooks in the fifty years between 1870 and 1920 was as a divorced house painter in Dixon, Illinois, born ten 3
years too late. It must have seemed to Elizabeth that her father had returned from the dead when he turned up in 3
California to stay with her and two of her children. 3
1. 1860 Federal Census of Bellevue Township, 1870 Federal Census of the villages of Charlotte, and 1880 Federal Census of the Fourth
Ward of Charlotte in Eaton County, plus 1910 Federal Census of Little Traverse Township in Grand Traverse County, Michigan.
2. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1867-1868, Great Lakes Branch of the National Archives, Chicago, Illinois.
3. 1900 Federal Census of the Fourth Ward of Dixon in Lee County, Illinois, and 1920 Federal Census of the Fifth Precinct of Santa Maria
in Santa Barbara County, California

Brooks, Joe R.
Bay City PHOTOGRAPHER at 609 Third st ....................................................................................................... ca 1905 t
“Joe R. Brooks, 609, 3 st., Bay City, Mich.” was stamped on the back of the 8 by 10 inch gray mount of a winter t
photo of a young couple and their dog standing in the doorway of a shanty made from raw lumber, found with t
photographs associated with the Kneeland & Bigelow Lumber Company. One Joseph R. Brooks was born in North t 1
Carolina about 1875, the eldest son of Elisha C. and Elizabeth F. Brooks. In 1902 he was a principal of the Campbell 1 2
& Brooks studio at 196 King Street in Charleston, South Carolina. He married 19-year-old Catherine about 1906 and 2 1
they had three girls and two boys born in the District of Columbia between 1909 and 1918. Joseph was enumerated in 1
1910 and 1920 as a studio photographer in Washington, D. C., and as the proprietor of a photo studio there in 1930. 1
1. 1880 Federal Census of Hunters Mill Township in Gates County, North Carolina, plus 1910, 1920 and 1930 Federal Censes of the
city of Washington in the District of Columbia.
2. Harvey S. Teal, Partners with the Sun, South Carolina Photographers 1840-1940, University of South Carolina Press, Columbia, 2001.

Brooks, Richard B.
Cape Vincent Township, New York, child ................................................................................................................ 1850 1
Marshall student ......................................................................................................................................................... 1860 1
Denver, Colorado, artist ............................................................................................................................................. 1880 1
Grand Rapids photographer for Daniel H. Hamilton ................................................................................................. 1888 g
Grand Rapids photographer ....................................................................................................................................... 1889 g
Grand Rapids photo printer for photographer Daniel H. Hamilton ........................................................................... 1890 g
Grand Rapids photo printer for photographer Samuel L. Sharpsteen ........................................................................ 1891 g
Grand Rapids photographer ....................................................................................................................................... 1892 g
Marshall proprietor of a boarding house .................................................................................................................... 1900 1
Marshall shipping clerk ............................................................................................................................................. 1910 1
Marshall proprietor of a boarding house .................................................................................................................... 1920 1
Marshall resident ....................................................................................................................................................... 1930 1
Richard was born in New York State in June of 1847, youngest of the six children of Nelson A. and Maria Brooks, 1
and brother of photographer Caleb Stanley Brooks. He and his sister Frances were making what was probably a brief 1
visit to a Denver cousin in 1880. Anna was born in Ontario in October of 1847, crossed the border in 1863, and 1
married Richard in 1879 or early in 1880. Their daughter Olive was born in Michigan in February of 1881, and their 1
other daughters were born in Illinois, Alice in January of 1883 and Charlotte in September of 1885. Anna managed the 1
boarding house while Richard was working around 1920, and still was keeping him company in 1930. 1
1. 1850 Federal Census of Cape Vincent Township in Jefferson County, New York, 1860, 1900, 1910, 1920 and 1930 Federal Censes of
the First Ward of Marshall in Calhoun County, Michigan, and 1880 Federal Census of the city of Denver in Arapahoe County, Colorado.
Brooks, Roy E.
Atlas Township student .............................................................................................................................................. 1900 1
Carson City junior partner in a general store ................................................................................................... 1904-1907 m
Carson City PHOTOGRAPHER and junior partner in a general store ............................................................ 1910-1911 m
Carson City PHOTOGRAPHER ..................................................................................................................... 1912-1913 m
Carson City proprietor of a general store .................................................................................................................... 1920 1
His grandparents all came from New York, his parents were natives of Michigan, and Roy was born here in April of 1
1886, first of the three children of Edgar S. and Emma C. (Barron) Brooks. Hazel was born in Michigan in 1887, she 1
married Roy about 1904, and their son Richard was born in Michigan in 1906. Edgar still was the partner of his son 1
Roy in the general store in 1920. 1
1. 1900 Federal Census of Atlas Township in Genesee County, plus 1910 and 1920 Federal Censes of the village of Carson City in
Bloomfield Township of Montcalm County, Michigan.

Brooks, Stanley C.
Please see the entry for Caleb Stanley Brooks.

Brooks, William
Detroit photographer .................................................................................................................................................. 1893 d

Brooks & Brown

Chicago, Illinois, PHOTOGRAPHERS at 2019 Lane Court ................................................................................ ca 1915 t
Brooks & Brown produced post card photographs of Battle Creek, Michigan, including two of the interior of the t
Arcade and one of the Ward Fountain. t

Broom, Elsie K., Miss

Saginaw student ......................................................................................................................................................... 1910 1
Battle Creek photo printer in a photo gallery ............................................................................................................. 1920 1
Elsie was born in Canada in 1897, second of the five children of Frank D. and Catherine Broom, and came with her 1
family to the United States in 1908. Her father may have been the proprietor or manager of the gallery in which Elsie 1
worked in 1920. 1
1. 1910 Federal Census of the Seventh Ward of Saginaw in Saginaw County and 1920 Federal Census of the Third Ward of Battle Creek
in Calhoun County, Michigan.

Broom, Ethel M.
Saginaw retoucher for photographer Frank D. Broom ............................................................................................... 1909 s
Broom, Frank Dumbrille
Toronto, Ontario, photographer ................................................................................................................................. 1891 1
Toronto, Ontario, (Broom & Company) PHOTOGRAPHERS ................................................................................. 1895 2
Toronto, Ontario, PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................ 1895-1898 2
Toronto, Ontario, (Broom & Bryan) PHOTOGRAPHERS ............................................................................. 1898-1900 2
Toronto, Ontario, (Broome & Bryan) PHOTOGRAPHERS ........................................................................... 1907-1908 3
Saginaw PHOTOGRAPHER at 201 Jefferson av south .................................................................................. 1908-1909 m s
Saginaw PHOTOGRAPHER at 520 Genesee av .................................................................................................. ca 1910 t
Saginaw PHOTOGRAPHER at 520 ½ Genesee av .............................................................................................. ca 1910 t
Saginaw PHOTOGRAPHER in Room 2 of the Dunk Block ........................................................................... 1910-1913 4 m
Saginaw (Broom’s Photo Shop) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 110 Jefferson av south ................................................ ca 1913 t
Saginaw (Broom & Goldsmith) PHOTOGRAPHERS ......................................................................................... ca 1914 t
Saginaw PHOTOGRAPHER at 516 ½ Genesee av ......................................................................................... 1914-1916 m 5
Saginaw photographer ............................................................................................................................................... 1917 s
Battle Creek photographer ............................................................................................................................... 1919-1920 4
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 2212 Michigan av ..................................................................................................... 1920 d
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 7512 Michigan av ........................................................................................... 1920-1921 d m
Flint PHOTOGRAPHER at 500 Saginaw st south .......................................................................................... 1920-1921 m
Flint PHOTOGRAPHER at 500 ½ Saginaw st south ................................................................................................ 1921 6
Flint PHOTOGRAPHER at 500 Saginaw st south .......................................................................................... 1922-1923 m
Flint PHOTOGRAPHER at 2200 Saginaw st south .................................................................................................. 1923 6
Saginaw PHOTOGRAPHER at 315 ½ Genesee av east .................................................................................. 1926-1927 5
Detroit manager of a photographic studio .................................................................................................................. 1930 4
Flint PHOTOGRAPHER at 2200 Saginaw st south .................................................................................................. 1936 6
His parents emigrated from England and Frank was born in 1865 at Whitby, Ontario, the son of James and Mary 4 1
Broom. Katherine (known as Katie) Davis was born at Toronto a year or two later to John and Katherine Davis who 4 1
emigrated from England and Northern Ireland. She married Frank at Toronto on June 30, 1891. Katie gave birth at 4 1
Toronto to Rita, Elsie, Wilbert, Eileen and Evelyn between 1895 and 1906. The family moved to the United States in 3 1
1908. Frank produced studio portraits on post card stock at several Saginaw addresses. “Broom’s MULTIGRAPH, 520 1 t
GENESEE AVE. SAGINAW, MICH.” was stamped below post card images for which Frank used mirrors to show five aspects of t
the sitter in a single photograph. “BROOM & GOLDSMITH” was printed on the back of some postal photographs of t
Saginaw houses. Frank employed Ethel M. Broom as a retoucher in 1909, and Percy Micklethwarte as a photographer t s
in 1914. The change in the Michigan Avenue address during 1920 was due to revisions in the Detroit numbering s d
system, and not to relocation. d
1. Ontario, Canada Marriages, 1857-1924.
2. Glen C. Phillips, The Ontario Photographers List (1851-1900), Iron Gate Publishing Company, Sarnia, Ontario, 1990.
3. Glen C. Phillips, The Ontario Photographers List Volume II (1901-1925), Iron Gate Publishing Company, Sarnia, Ontario, 1997.
4. 1910 Federal Census of the Seventh Ward of Saginaw in Saginaw County, 1920 Federal Census of the Third Ward of Battle Creek in
Calhoun County, and 1930 Federal Census of the Fourteenth Ward of Detroit in Wayne County, Michigan.
5. Frank Gueder, “Index of Saginaw Photographers 1865-1971” in Timbertown Log, Saginaw, MI, 1973 Fall-Winter 1974 and Summer 1974.
6. “Photographers of Flint, Michigan” by Kenneth A. Wallace in The Flint Genealogical Quarterly; volume 17, numbers 2, 3 and 4,
and volume18, numbers 1, 2, 3 and 4, April 1975 to October 1976.

Brothers, Nicholas V.
Phoenix, New York, carpenter and joiner .................................................................................................................. 1850 1
Greenville carpenter and builder ...................................................................................................................... 1859-1860 m 1
Greenville DAGUERREOTYPIST ................................................................................................................. 1862-1863 m
Greenville PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................ 1865-1868 2 3
Greenville (Eureka Gallery) PHOTOGRAPHER on Lafayette st .................................................................... 1869-1870 m 1
Greenville farmer ....................................................................................................................................................... 1880 1
Aberdeen, South Dakota, house carpenter ................................................................................................................. 1900 1
Nicholas was born in October of 1826 in the state of New York. Lucy was born in New York six years later and gave 1
birth to their son Orrin there in 1850. Their sons John and Willie were born in Michigan between 1853 and 1858, and 1
then something happened to Lucy. Abigail (aka Abbey or Abbie) was born in New York in December of 1834, and she 1
married Nicholas in 1867 or early in 1868. She provided him with three more sons born in Michigan: Howard in 1
January of 1870, Nicholas in September of 1871 and Clarence in November of 1875. Cartes de visite were 1 t
“Photographed at the Eureka Gallery,... If desired, new Prints can be had from this Negative at any time. Card Pictures t
made from old Daguerreotypes or Ambrotypes, in plain or vignette style, or enlarged to 8 x 10 inches. Pictures taken t
in all kinds of weather. Frames, Cords and Tassels kept on hand for sale.” t
1. 1850 Federal Census of the village of Phoenix in Oswego County, New York, 1860 and 1870 Federal Censes of the village of Greenville
and 1880 Federal Census of the city of Greenville in Montcalm County, Michigan, plus 1900 Federal Census of the Third Ward of
Aberdeen in Brown County, South Dakota..
2. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1862-1866, National Archives, Washington, D.C.
3. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1867-1868, Great Lakes Branch of the National Archives, Chicago, Illinois.
Brothers, Orrin A.
Phoenix, New York, child .......................................................................................................................................... 1850 1
Greenville student ...................................................................................................................................................... 1860 1
Greenville artist ......................................................................................................................................................... 1870 1
Greenville house, sign and carriage painter ..................................................................................................... 1876-1877 m
Rockford PHOTOGRAPHER ......................................................................................................................... 1878-1879 m
Greenville PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................ 1880-1881 m
Grand Rapids (Brothers & Company) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 38 Canal st .................................................... 1882-1883 m
Grand Rapids PHOTOGRAPHER at 38 Canal st ...................................................................................................... 1883 g
Grand Rapids buggy painter ...................................................................................................................................... 1886 g
Grand Rapids PHOTOGRAPHER at 127 Bridge st west ................................................................................ 1886-1887 m
Grand Rapids (Brothers & Company) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 17 and 19 Bridge st west ........................................ 1888 g t
Grand Rapids PHOTOGRAPHER at 20 Bridge st west .................................................................................. 1888-1889 m
Grand Rapids PHOTOGRAPHER .................................................................................................................. 1890-1891 R
Grand Rapids photographer ............................................................................................................................. 1890-1892 g
Grand Rapids PHOTOGRAPHER at 20 Canal st ............................................................................................ 1892-1895 m g
Grand Rapids timekeeper or photographer ...................................................................................................... 1896-1898 g
Grand Rapids PHOTOGRAPHER at 109 Monroe st ...................................................................................... 1898-1901 m
Grand Rapids resident, house painter or photographer .................................................................................... 1902-1923 g
Orrin was born in New York State in April of 1850, the first child of the photographer Nicholas V. Brothers and his 1
wife Lucy. He came to Michigan with his parents as a child. His family settled in Greenville and later moved to Grand 1 2
Rapids. By 1880 he had a 22-year-old Iowa-born wife named Dora, a six-year-old son Edward born in Kansas, and a 2 1
four-year-old son Jesse born in Michigan. Orrin’s second marriage took place about 1882, and his bride was named 1
Florence. Her parents came from Massachusetts, and Florence was born in Michigan in September of 1854. She gave 1
birth to their daughter Florence Hazel Brothers in May of 1884, and taught in the Grand Rapids public schools from 1 g
1886 until 1922. Adelbert Newell was a principal of Brothers & Company in 1882 and 1883. Mrs. Ada Dort worked g m
for Orrin as a photo printer in 1883. A series of one line advertisements in 1888 offered: “Resittings Free ... Good g m
Photographs ... Low Prices ... Babies Pictures a Specialty.” Grand Forks, North Dakota, had a photographer named O. m 3
A. Brothers in 1891 and 1892. The Brothers family had the photographers Leonard J. and Nellie Dolphin as neighbors 3 1
in 1900. Orrin was 79 when he died at their Grand Rapids home in January of 1928, survived by his widow, a son-in- 1 2
law, and three grand children. Interment was in Fair Plains Cemetery. 2
1. 1850 Federal Census of the village of Phoenix in Oswego County, New York, 1860 and 1870 Federal Censes of the village of
Greenville and 1880 Federal Census of the city of Greenville in Montcalm County, plus 1900 and 1920 Federal Censes of the
Second Ward and 1910 Federal Census of the Third Ward of Grand Rapids in Kent County, Michigan.
2. Obituary clippings from Grand Rapids newspapers in the Grand Rapids Public Library.
3. Robert Kolbe with Brian Bade, They Captured the Moment, Dakotas Photographers 1853-1920, Pine Hill Press, Sioux Falls, SD, 2006.

Broughton, William
Quincy student ........................................................................................................................................................... 1850 1
Allen Township farm laborer ..................................................................................................................................... 1860 1
Quincy DAGUERREOTYPIST ....................................................................................................................... 1862-1863 m
Manassas Township, Virginia, constable ................................................................................................................... 1870 1
His father came from Vermont, his mother came from Pennsylvania and William was born in 1839 in Michigan, 1
third of the four children and the only son of John H. and Elizabeth Broughton. John was a tanner in Quincy, and when 1
he acquired a farm in Virginia, William went there along with his parents. 1
1. 1850 Federal Census of the village of Quincy in Branch County and 1860 Federal Census of Allen Township in Hillsdale County,
Michigan, plus 1870 Federal Census of Manassas Township in Prince William County, Virginia.

Brow, A. J.
Please see the entry for James A. Jenney.

Brower, John I.
Benona Township student or resident ............................................................................................................... 1870,1880 m1
Montague PHOTOGRAPHER in the Ripley Block ........................................................................................ 1886-1890 m R
John was born in Canada in 1862 or 1863 to Ezra M. and Isabella Brower. Ezra was born in New York about 1819, 1
and Isabella was born in Ireland eight years later. John was the youngest of their six children, and their only son. 1
“From Brower’s Art Studio, Ripley Block, Montague, Mich. The Negative of this photograph is preserved for future t
orders, and can be reduced for the Smallest Locket, or Enlarged up to Life Size and Finished in Ink, Crayon, or Water t
Color.” was printed on many of John’s cabinet mounts. t
1. 1870 and 1880 Federal Censes of Benona Township in Oceana County, Michigan.
Brown, _______
Corunna PHOTOGRAPHER ..................................................................................................................................... 1906 t
“Brown. The Casino, Corunna, Park. No. 7.” was lettered on the negative of a post card photograph mailed in t
November of 1906. t

Brown, _______
Indian River (Wilber & Brown) PHOTOGRAPHERS .............................................................................................. 1910 1
1. Cheboygan City & County Directory, 1910, R. L. Polk & Company, Detroit.

Brown, _______
Iron Mountain PHOTOGRAPHER ...................................................................................................................... ca 1891 1
A view of the Timber Shaft of the Chapin Mine in Iron Mountain with miners in the foreground was reproduced in 1
The Menominee Iron Range from a photograph by Brown. 1
1. Walter R. Nursey, The Menominee Iron Range, Swain & Tate Company, Milwaukee, 1891.

Brown, _______
Maple Rapids PHOTOGRAPHER ....................................................................................................................... ca 1908 t
“BROWN’S PHOTO STUDIO” was lettered on the awning over the door of a single story frame building on Main t
Street in Maple Rapids. “ART STUDIO” was lettered on a prominent sign above the awning. This may have been the t
studio of William Brown for a while. m

Brown, _______
Milford STEREOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................... ca 1885 1
Jared N. Browne probably made the stereo views labeled “BROWN’S Stereoscopic Views of Milford and Vicinity.” m 1
1. Learned in 1996 from James H. Harlow of Dearborn, Michigan.

Brown, _______
North Lansing (Olin & Brown) PHOTOGRAPHERS at the corner of Washington av and Franklin st .......... 1886-1887 1
The newspaper notice read: “People in search of fine Photographs call on Olius & Brown, corner of Washington 1
avenue and Franklin street, North Lansing.” Other evidence suggests that Brown’s partner was Charles L. Olin, who 1 2
continued as a professional photographer for at least a decade. m
1. The State Republican, Lansing, Michigan, December 3, 1886, page 4
2. George S. Nye, Biographical Sketches and Records of the Ezra Olin Family, W. B. Conkey Company, Chicago, 1892.

Brown, _______
Remus PHOTOGRAPHER .................................................................................................................................. ca 1905 1
Thompsonville PHOTOGRAPHER ..................................................................................................................... ca 1905 1
Brown produced portraits on dark mounts varying in size from 3 by 4 to 7 by 5 inches. 1
1. Learned in 1997 from Mrs. Joyce McClain of Mount Pleasant, Michigan.

Brown, Arthur William

East Saginaw photographer for the Goodridge Brothers ........................................................................................... 1880 s
Clare PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................................ 1882-1883 m
East Saginaw photographer for the Goodridge Brothers ........................................................................................... 1883 s
Mount Pleasant retoucher for photographers Lone & Frisbie .................................................................................... 1886 1
East Saginaw photographer for the Goodridge Brothers ........................................................................................... 1887 s
Gaylord PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................... 1888-1895 m
Marshall PHOTOGRAPHER at 219 State st east ...................................................................................................... 1895 2
Marshall (Brown & Shultz) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 219 State st east ............................................................ 1895-1897 m t
He was born in Canada in 1858 or 1859. His mother was from Ireland and his father was from Delaware, and the 3
enumerator classified him as mulatto. In a group photograph with J. H. Morris and the Goodridge brothers he was 4 3
identified as the Assistant View Photographer and was shown leaning upon a stereoscopic camera. He was listed as 3 m
Arthur W. Brown in Clare and in East Saginaw, was identified as Mr. A. W. Brown at Mount Pleasant, and was listed m 1
as A. William Brown in Gaylord and Marshall. A number of his 4 ½ by 7 inch Otsego County lumbering scenes have m 5
survived in a private collection. John H. Brown was his partner in Marshall. 5 m
1. Isabella County Enterprise, Mount Pleasant, Michigan, November 26, 1886.
2. Richard Carver, A History of Marshall, Marshall Historical Society, Marshall, Michigan, 1993.
3. Learned in 1993 and 1997 from John V. Jezierski of Hemlock, Michigan.
4. 1880 Federal Census of East Saginaw in Saginaw County, Michigan.
5. Learned in 1994 from Palmer L. Brown of Fort Myers, Florida.
Brown, August Carl
Tawas City child ........................................................................................................................................................ 1880 1
Tawas City printer ........................................................................................................................................... 1906-1907 m
Tawas City PHOTOGRAPHER ...................................................................................................................... 1907-1915 2 m
East Tawas PHOTOGRAPHER ...................................................................................................................... 1916-1931 m
August was born in Michigan of German parentage on August 30, 1873, the only son of Harry and Minnie Brown. 1 3
His father served as a Sergeant with Battery H of the Rhode Island Heavy Artillery during the Civil War. His sisters 3 1
Martha, Annie and Augusta were born between 1875 and 1879, and his sister Minnie was born in March of 1884. 1
August became a tall slender man with gray eyes and brown hair. Her parents came from Maine, Emma was born in 4 1
Wisconsin in 1864, and she married August about 1899. Late in 1906 August was prepared to do all kinds of fur work, 1 2
and had some fur sets for sale cheap. By June of 1907 the studio at his residence just north of the Zion Lutheran 2
Church (also called the German or the brick church) was ready for him to do all kinds of photo work at right prices and 2
in an artistic manner. The studio was open Saturday and Sunday afternoons, and he gave special attention to all kinds 2
of view work. He had a nice case of photos on exhibition at the postoffice, offered first-class photos at special reduced 2
prices, and suggested that those wanting photos of their house or stock drop him a postal. Between 1915 and 1920 he 2
was identified as Angus C. Brown. Notable among his many fine post card photographs were some of the quarrying 2 m
operations at Alabaster and those taken there after the plaster mill fire in October of 1910, Au Sable in ruins after the t
fire in July of 1911, a three-masted ship at anchor in Tawas Bay, Cooke Dam under construction in 1910 and 1911 and t
Five Channels Dam being built in 1912, logs in the Rodman Mill Pond on Silver Creek, good reproductions of photos t
taken in Tawas City in the 1860s and 1870s, and snow scenes of Tawas City in 1908. Some of his 6 by 8 prints of t
construction at Five Channels Dam in 1912 and Loud Dam in 1913 were noteworthy. August was a Tawas resident for t
more than sixty years and died at Bay City in 1937. t 5
1. 1880 Federal Census of the village of Tawas City, 1900 Federal Census of the city of Tawas City, plus 1910 and 1920 Federal
Censes of the Third Ward Of East Tawas in Iosco County, Michigan.
2. Tawas Herald, Tawas City, Michigan, December 28, 1906; June 14 and 28 and July 5, 1907. Noted by James Donaldson of Detroit.
3. Learned in 2008 from James Donaldson of Detroit, Michigan.
4. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.
5. Noted in the Iosco County Gazette for November 11, 1937, by Alonzo J. Sherman of Oscoda, Michigan.

Brown, C. E., Mrs.

Please see the entry for Mrs. Minnie L. Brown.

Brown, Carl Edward

Jackson assistant, photographer or photo printer for photographer Carl O. Johnson ....................................... 1898-1910 J
Jackson PHOTOGRAPHER ...................................................................................................................................... 1911 R
Jackson PHOTOGRAPHER at 221 Main st east ....................................................................................................... 1912 1 m
Jackson PHOTOGRAPHER at 219-221 Main st east ............................................................................................... 1913 J m
Jackson PHOTOGRAPHER at 221-223 Main st east ..................................................................................... 1914-1915 J m
Jackson (Brown’s Studio) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 221 Main st east ........................................................................ 1915 J
Jackson PHOTOGRAPHER ...................................................................................................................................... 1918 2
His mother emigrated from Norway, and Carl was born in Michigan in 1879 or 1880. He was living in 1910 with his 3
uncle, the photographer Carl O. Johnson. He was listed as Edward Brown in the gazetteers for 1913 and 1915, and was 3 m
succeeded on East Main Street by his wife, Mrs. Minnie Brown. Minnie was identified as a widow in 1920. m 3
1. Jackson City and County Directory, 1912, R. L. Polk & Company, Detroit..
2. Rural Directory of Jackson County 1918-1923, Wilmer Atkinson Company, Philadelphia.
3. 1910 Federal Census of the Sixth Ward and 1920 Federal Census of the Second Ward of Jackson in Jackson County, Michigan.
Brown, Caroline Eliza, Mrs.
Martin Township child ............................................................................................................................................... 1850 1
Wayland Township student ........................................................................................................................................ 1860 1
Centreville resident .......................................................................................................................................... 1866-1870 2
Burr Oak resident ............................................................................................................................................. 1870-1874 2
Burr Oak (Mr. & Mrs. M. Brown) PHOTOGRAPHERS ..................................................................................... ca 1872 t
Leslie resident .................................................................................................................................................. 1874-1875 2
Leslie (Mr. & Mrs. M. Brown) PHOTOGRAPHERS ..................................................................................... 1876-1877 3
Howell resident or photographer ..................................................................................................................... 1878-1881 m 1
Howell (M. & C. E. Brown) PHOTOGRAPHERS ......................................................................................... 1882-1885 m
Howell (Mr. & Mrs. M. Brown) PHOTOGRAPHERS ......................................................................................... ca 1885 t
Ionia (M. & C. E. Brown) PHOTOGRAPHERS ................................................................................................... ca 1887 t
Ionia resident ................................................................................................................................................... 1888-1891 2
Howell resident ................................................................................................................................................ 1891-1900 2
Kalamazoo resident ......................................................................................................................................... 1900-1911 2
Salem, Virginia, resident ................................................................................................................................. 1914-1915 2
Roanoke, Virginia, resident ....................................................................................................................................... 1916 2
Kalamazoo resident ................................................................................................................................................... 1917 2
Kalamazoo roomer ..................................................................................................................................................... 1920 1
Kalamazoo lodger ...................................................................................................................................................... 1930 1
She was born Caroline Eliza Adams at Martin in Allegan County, Michigan, on January 26, 1844, fourth of the six 2 1
children of John H. and Hannah (called Fanny) W. Adams. Her father died and by 1860 her mother had married an 1
older farmer. Caroline and Mark Brown were married at Otsego on January 24, 1866, and never had children. She 1 2
undoubtedly participated in his photographic career to a much greater extent than indicated above. At Leslie late in 2 3
1876 they had two substantial cars built, each measuring 18 by 7 feet, with which they intended to travel from village 3
to village as a photographic establishment. One of the cars was to serve as a reception room and the other was for 3
operating, and both were mounted upon heavy balancing springs. “Mr. & Mrs. M. Brown, Photographers” was printed 3 t
or stamped on at least two different types of 1880s cabinet mounts without place names. By 1914 Mark Brown had t 2
moved to Virginia, but it is not certain that Caroline went with him. He died at Roanoke in January of 1917. Caroline 2 1
roomed with the young family of a female school teacher in 1920, and she was one of five lodgers with a 55-year-old 1
widow in 1930. 1
1. 1850 Federal Census of Martin Township and 1860 Federal Census of Wayland Township in Allegan County, 1880 Federal Census
of Howell in Livingston County, plus 1920 Federal Census of the Second Ward and 1930 Federal Census of the Third Ward of
Kalamazoo in Kalamazoo County, Michigan.
2. Civil War Veteran Pension Record of Mark Brown obtained from the National Archives at Washington, D. C.
3. Anthony’s Photographic Bulletin, volume 8, number 1, January 1877, page 5.

Brown, Chester W.
Jackson child or student .................................................................................................................................... 1870,1880 1
Jackson coal and wood merchant ..................................................................................................................... 1894-1899 m
Jackson inventor .............................................................................................................................................. 1899-1900 p
Jackson patent attorney and fuel merchant ...................................................................................................... 1900-1903 m
New Orleans, Louisiana, clerk for a real estate agent ................................................................................................ 1910 1
His parents came from New York, and Chester was born in Michigan in January of 1868, fourth of the five children 1
of Caleb E. and Mary J. Brown. Hilary Rhodes was born in New York in October of 1871, married Chester about 1
1889, and gave birth in Michigan to three sons and a daughter between 1891 and 1898. Chester was in the fuel 1 m
business with his father, Caleb E. Brown. He filed an application for a patent on a Photographic Exposure Meter on p
October 5, 1899. It consisted of three graduated disks mounted to rotate with respect to each other, and was used like a p
circular slide rule to calculate exposure times. Patent Number 659,727 was granted to Chester on October 16, 1900. p
National advertising for the device identified him as Chester M. Brown. 2
1. 1870 and 1900 Federal Censes of the Second Ward and 1880 Federal Census of the Fourth Ward of Jackson in Jackson County,
Michigan, plus 1910 Federal Census of the Third Ward of New Orleans in Orleans County, Louisiana.
2. The Photo-Miniature, volume 1, number 11, February 1900, following page 585.

Brown, Christopher C.
Thetford Township student ........................................................................................................................................ 1880 1
Clio PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................................. 1886-1889 m
Selkirk, Manitoba, teacher ......................................................................................................................................... 1901 2
Christopher was eldest of the four sons of George and Eliza J. Brown, and was born in Ontario on September 10, 1 2
1868. His brothers were born in Canada between 1869 and 1877. Alice was born in Newfoundland on November 5, 1 2
1868, and she married Christopher early in the 1890s. Their children were born in Manitoba: Harold on August 7, 2
1895, Marion on January 21, 1898, Bessie on August 23, 1899, and Grace on October 15, 1900. 2
1. 1880 Federal Census of Thetford Township in Genesee County, Michigan.
2. 1901 Census of Rockwood Municipality in the Selkirk District of Manitoba, Canada.
Brown, Colin Pearson
Detroit child ............................................................................................................................................................... 1880 1
Detroit photo printer for photographer Charles R. Baker .......................................................................................... 1894 d
Detroit coachman, box nailer, teamster or driver ............................................................................................. 1895-1900 d
Detroit city fireman .......................................................................................................................................... 1901-1915 d
Detroit fire department lieutenant .................................................................................................................... 1916-1917 d
Detroit fire prevention bureau inspector .......................................................................................................... 1918-1924 d
Detroit assistant fire marshal ........................................................................................................................... 1925-1931 d
Detroit resident ................................................................................................................................................ 1932-1934 d
His father came from Ohio, his mother was English and Colin was born in Michigan on April 25, 1878, the son of 1 2
Frank P. and Anna Brown. In 1880 they were living with his paternal grandparents, George P. and Mary M. Brown. 1
Colin became a tall man with grey blue eyes and dark hair turning grey by 1918, had a crippled ankle and was married 2
to Mrs. Anna Brown. Anna was born in Michigan in 1876, she married Colin in 1898, and their two daughters were 2 1
born here: Loraine in 1899 and Lucille 1903. 1
1. 1880 Federal Census of the city of Detroit, 1920 Federal Census of the Tenth Ward and 1930 Federal Census of the Twelfth Ward of
Detroit in Wayne County, Michigan.
2. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.

Brown, David A.
North Branch PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................... 1882-1885 m
North Branch (Brown & Clarkson) PHOTOGRAPHERS ............................................................................... 1886-1887 m
North Branch PHOTOGRAPHER .................................................................................................................... 1888,1903 R
David’s Photo Rooms were in the Star Block on Jefferson Street in the early 1880s. His cabinet photos included a t
view of a saw mill as well as the usual studio portraits. His 26 year old wife, Barbara Brown, died on June 6, 1889, and t 1
was buried in Burlington Cemetery at North Branch. 1
1. Vital Records of Lapeer County, Daughters of the American Revolution, 1933.

Brown, E. C.
Bronson PHOTOGRAPHER ..................................................................................................................................... 1884 1
1. Identification of the source of this information has been misplaced, and must be re-established.

Brown, E. M.
Please see the entry for the Greater New York Stereo Company.

Brown, Edward
Please see the entry for Carl Edward Brown.

Brown, Edwin Earl

Tuscarora Township house painter ............................................................................................................................ 1900 1
Kalamazoo machinist ................................................................................................................................................. 1918 2
Kalamazoo PHOTOGRAPHER 312 Burdick st north ............................................................................................... 1919 K
Grand Rapids PHOTOGRAPHER 503 Bridge st ............................................................................................ 1920-1921 g
Grand Rapids PHOTOGRAPHER 346 ½ Monroe av ..................................................................................... 1922-1923 g
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER and tattooing studio at 2236 Michigan av opp the Michigan Central depot ........ 1924-1925 d m
Detroit (Brown Studio) PHOTOGRAPHER at 1870 Michigan av .................................................................. 1925-1927 d m
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 1843 Michigan av ........................................................................................... 1928-1932 d m
Detroit tattoo artist, resident or printer ........................................................................................................... 1934-1938 d
Edwin was born in Ohio on April 6, 1877, and became a stout man of average height with gray eyes and brown hair. 1 2
He was single and boarding in a hotel in 1900. Sadie was born in Michigan in 1889 and grew up to marry Edwin, their 1
daughter Alice was born in Illinois in 1907, and their son Franklin was born in Missouri in 1909. In 1924 Edwin was a 1 d
portrait and commercial photographer and offered to “… Photograph Anything, Anywhere, Any time.” d
1. 1900 Federal Census of Tuscarora Township in Cheboygan County, 1920 Federal Census of the First Ward of Grand Rapids in Kent
County, and 1930 Federal Census of the Eighth Ward of Detroit in Wayne County, Michigan.
2. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.

Brown, Ella L.
Burr Oak (Noyes & Brown) PHOTOGRAPHERS ............................................................................................... ca 1893 t
Burr Oak PHOTOGRAPHER .............................................................................................................................. ca 1894 t
“Ella L. Brown, ARTIST, Burr Oak.” was printed in gold ink below the image on mounts for cabinet photographs. t
“G. S. BOICE, SUCCESSOR TO” was later printed in blue ink on some of these mounts. t
Brown, Elwin B.
Elbridge Township laborer on his father’s farm ........................................................................................................ 1900 1
Grand Haven photographer in the photo gallery of his brother Nat E. Brown ........................................................... 1910 1
Grand Haven employee of a tannery .......................................................................................................................... 1920 1
Grand Haven finisher in a tannery ............................................................................................................................. 1930 1
Matthew Alvarez and Phoebe Maria (Barnard) Brown moved their family about 1880 from Otsego County, New 1
York, to Aurora County, South Dakota, where their youngest son Elwin was born in December of 1885. Not long after 1
that event they moved on to Anoka, Minnesota. Elwin and Nat were enumerated with the same words for the 1910 1
census: “photographer” for their trade or profession, and “photo gallery” for the place where they worked. They both 1
were single at this time, and were living with their parents. Alice was born in Ohio in 1890, and she married Elwin 1
about 1914. By December of 1926 their two sons and four daughters had been born in Michigan. Elwin was called 1
Wyn in some records. 1
1. 1900 Federal Census of Elbridge Township in Oceana County, 1910 Federal Census of the Fourth Ward, 1920 Federal
Census of the Second Ward, and 1930 Federal Census of the Fifth Ward of Grand Haven in Ottawa County, Michigan.

Brown, F. E.
Grand Haven PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................. 1918 1
This probably was a garbled reference to Nathaniel Elmer Brown, aka Nat E. Brown. m
1. Farm Journal Illustrated Rural Directory of Ottawa County 1918-1923, Wilmer Atkinson Company, Philadelphia, page 194.

Brown, Fedora E. D., Miss

Grand rapids student or resident ....................................................................................................................... 1870,1880 1
Grand Rapids camera supply saleslady ...................................................................................................................... 1900 1
Grand Rapids resident ...................................................................................................................................... 1904-1909 2 g
Grand Rapids pictorial photographer ......................................................................................................................... 1910 1
Grand Rapids resident ...................................................................................................................................... 1910-1912 g
Grand Rapids photographer ....................................................................................................................................... 1913 g
Grand Rapids resident ...................................................................................................................................... 1914-1917 g
Grand Rapids PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................ 1917 3
Grand Rapids resident ...................................................................................................................................... 1918-1929 g 4
Her father came from Pennsylvania, her mother came from New York and Fedora was born in Iowa in February of 1
1857. Her only sibling, Floyd A. Brown, was born in Michigan three years earlier. She was called Phedora until 1900 1
or later, and she remained single all of her life. She and Floyd lived with their widowed mother, Mrs. Mary J. Brown, 2 1
from 1870 through 1880. Floyd died prior to 1900, but she and her mother shared a home through 1910. Fedora 1 2
became an internationally recognized pictorial photographer. In 1904 she purchased a one acre home site in the art 2
colony of Beck-maze along Buck Creek southwest of the city. Artist George H. Ford designed the “Hut” for her, 2
nestling the half timbered stucco cottage into its surroundings, with a chimney of local field stone, lichen covered 2
boards from an old fence, and all of its “small glass” from used camera plates with the emulsion removed. In April of 2 5
1906, the Camera Club of Hartford, Connecticut, put on an EXHIBITION of PHOTOGRAPHS, the work of The 5
Women Photographers of America. Of the 156 photographs exhibited, six were by Fedora: 31 - Finishing Touches, 32 5
- Portrait Study of Helen Philleo, 33 - Along the River, 34 - Ye Old Fashioned Girl, 35 - The Water Way, and 36 - The 5
House Over the Hill. Her “Portrait of Miss Chase” was reproduced by a photographic periodical early in 1909. Nine of 5 6
the women who exhibited photographs at the national convention of the Photographers’ Association of America at 7
Milwaukee in July of 1910 were from Michigan, and Fedora was one of them. Her two page article on “Wastefulness” 7 8
was published in the same 1912 photographic annual that reproduced her print “Embers.” She was secretary of the 8 g
Grand Rapids Camera Club in 1912 and 1913, and was still a prominent member of the club sixteen years later. Her g
prints were always an important part of the yearly club exhibitions. Her work also appeared at the International Salon 4
of Photography and at the Pittsburgh Salon. Fedora was a pioneer member of a national organization of pictorialists. 4
She was occupied during the last three years of her life in illustrating a four volume subscription series of The Birds of 4
California. The author, Dr. William Leon Dawson, supplied the negatives, and her gum prints and gum bromides made 4
from them were mounted directly into the deluxe editions of the books. Driving alone to have dinner with a friend, she 4
was fatally injured in a two car collision near her home on July 25, 1929. 4
1. 1870, 1880, 1900 and 1910 Federal Censes of the Third Ward of Grand Rapids in Kent County, Michigan.
2. Grand Rapids Herald, August 12, 1923, page 8, and July 26, 1929, page 1.
3. Rural Directory of Kent County 1917-1922, Wilmer Atkinson Company, Philadelphia.
4. Grand Rapids Press, July 25, 1929, page 1.
5. Program of the Exhibition at the Camera Club of Hartford, April 6, 7, 8 and 9th, 1906.
6. The Photographic Times, New York, volume 41, number 1, January 1909, page 9.
7. Bulletin of Photography, Philadelphia, “Special Women’s Number” June 22, 1910, page 406.
8. The American Annual of Photography, New York, 1912.
Brown, Fred L.
Reading PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................... 1896-1903 m R
His parents came from Ohio, and Fred was born in Michigan in June of 1875. He was sharing his home in 1900 with 1
two of his sisters born in Michigan, Jane in July of 1872 and Grace in February of 1888. Fred sold cabinet photographs 1 t
for 90 cents a dozen. He advertised nationally late in 1902: “WANTED - To rent gallery or trade locations. Address t 2
Fred L. Brown, Reading, Mich.” 2
1. 1900 Federal Census of the village of Reading in Hillsdale County, Michigan.
2. St. Louis and Canadian Photographer; volume 26, number 12, December 1902.

Brown, Frederick C.
St. Augustine, Florida, PHOTOGRAPHER in the City Building .............................................................................. 1899 1
Mount Clemens PHOTOGRAPHER at 35 Gratiot av north ...................................................................................... 1901 2
St. Augustine, Florida, PHOTOGRAPHER at 94 St. George st ................................................................................ 1904 1
Mount Clemens PHOTOGRAPHER ......................................................................................................................... 1905 3
St. Augustine, Florida, PHOTOGRAPHER at 34 St. George st ...................................................................... 1907-1911 1
Mount Clemens PHOTOGRAPHER at 20 Macomb st ................................................................................... 1913-1915 4
Mount Clemens PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................... 1916-1919 5 m
St. Augustine, Florida, PHOTOGRAPHER at 151 Cordova st ................................................................................. 1920 1
Miami, Florida, photographer .................................................................................................................................... 1925 1
His parents were Canadian and Fred was born in Florida or Canada in 1870, the son of St. Augustine photographer 6 1
George King Brown. Cecelia was born in Michigan about 1877, she married Fred in 1902 or early in 1903, and she 1 6
gave birth to Hall H. Brown about 1906. By 1920 Fred was a widower. One Frederick C. Brown operated a gallery in 6 7
1895 at 108 West Street in Pittsfield, Massachusetts, and had moved to New York by 1896. “F. C. Brown, Mt. 7 1
Clemens, Mich. and St. Augustine, Fla.” and “Brown’s Studio, St. George St., St. Augustine” were printed on cabinet 1
sized photograph mounts. Postal photo portraits were embossed: “F. C. Brown, St. Augustine” and “BROWN’S 1 t
STUDIO, Mt. Clemens, Mich.” was stamped on the backs of studio portraits in the post card format. t
1. Learned in 2004 from Dick Punnett of Ormond Beach, Florida.
2. Mount Clemens City Directory, 1901-1902, Miller & LeFevre.
3. Macomb County Business Directory, 1905, The Globe Directory Company.
4. Mount Clemens City Directories, 1913-14 and 1915-16, compiled by John L. Miller, Gatz & Behnke Directory Company.
5. Farm Journal Rural Directory of Macomb County, Mich., 1916-1921, Wilmer Atkinson Company, Philadelphia.
6. 1910 Federal Census of the First Ward and 1920 Federal Census of the Third Ward of St. Augustine in St. Johns County, Florida.
7. Chris Steele and Ronald Polito, A Directory of Massachuseytts Photographers 1839-1900, Picton Press, Camden, Maine, 1993.

Brown, Frederick D.
Hudson child or student .................................................................................................................................... 1860,1870 1
Hudson PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................ 1878-1891 m
Spring Lake PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................... 1892 2
Grand Haven (Brown & Tenney) PHOTOGRAPHERS .................................................................................. 1894-1897 m
Grand Haven PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................... 1898-1899 m
Hudson photographer ................................................................................................................................................. 1900 1
Toledo, Ohio, bookkeeper for a mattress factory ....................................................................................................... 1910 1
Hudson bookkeeper for a pump factory ..................................................................................................................... 1920 1
Hudson bookkeeper for a lumber yard ....................................................................................................................... 1930 1
His father came from Massachusetts, his mother came from New York and Fred was born in Michigan in June of 1
1856, the third child of physician David Brown and his wife Harriet. His father died prior to 1860, his mother married 1
Artimus G.c Retan during the 1860s, and Fred lived with his mother and his step-father through 1880. Then he married 1
and had two children born in Michigan, Myrna in January of 1885 and Alfred in September of 1889. By 1900 he was a 1
widower. Most of the imprints Fred used at Hudson included: “Negatives Registered.” He recorded the Centennial 1 t
Celebration in May of 1880 of the Methodist Episcopal Sunday School at Hudson in stereo. He advised potential t 2
patrons: “Do not let traveling picture agents gull you any longer, but go to Brown’s, Spring Lake, Michigan, for Fine 2
Photo Work of all kinds. Headquarters for Copying and Enlarging. All work guaranteed.” Fred was living with his 2 1
daughter and her husband in 1910 and 1920, but by 1930 he had married a widow named Jennie who was born in 1
Michigan about 1860 to parents from New York. 1
1. 1850 Federal Census of the town of Medina, 1860, 1870 and 1880 Federal Censes of the village of Hudson, 1900 and 1920 Federal
Censes of the Third Ward and 1930 Federal Census of the Second Ward of Hudson in Lenawee County, Michigan, plus 1910 Federal
Census of the Tenth Ward of Toledo in Lucas County, Ohio.
2. Historical and Business Compendium of Ottawa County, Michigan, 1892-3, Potts & Conger.
Brown, Frederick J.
Detroit employee of a frame factory .......................................................................................................................... 1880 1
Detroit engraver or photographer .................................................................................................................... 1882-1883 d
Glencoe, Illinois, traveling wholesale book salesman ................................................................................................ 1900 1
Chicago, Illinois, sales manager ................................................................................................................................ 1910 1
Evanston, Illinois, varnish salesman .......................................................................................................................... 1920 1
Los Angeles, California, manager of a varnish company ........................................................................................... 1930 1
Los Angeles, California, resident ............................................................................................................................... 1942 2
His parents, Harvey J. and Mary P. (Desmarais) Brown, came from New York, and Frederick was born in Michigan 1 2
on March 5, 1867. He had at least three older sisters, one younger brother and one younger sister. Della was born in 1
Indiana in December of 1862, and she married Fred about 1888. Their daughters were born in Michigan, Gladys in 1
October of 1889 and Beatrice in August of 1892. Their son Frederick was born in Illinois in 1900. The elder Frederick 1 2
died at Los Angeles on January 2, 1943. 2
1. 1880 Federal Census of the city of Detroit in Wayne County, Michigan, 1900 Federal Census of the village of Glencoe, 1910 Federal
Census of the 25th Ward of Chicago, and 1920 Federal Census of the Third Ward of Evanston in Cook County, Illinois, plus 1930
Federal Census of the city of Los Angeles in Los Angeles County, California.
2. California Death Index, 1940-1997.

Brown, George P.
Rockport Township, Ohio, farmer ............................................................................................................................. 1850 1
Cleveland, Ohio, merchandise agent .......................................................................................................................... 1860 1
Detroit book agent or photograph agent .................................................................................................................... 1870 1 d
Detroit agent, traveling agent or canvasser ...................................................................................................... 1871-1880 d
Detroit painter or agent .................................................................................................................................... 1881-1883 d
Detroit resident or painter ................................................................................................................................ 1884-1890 d
George was born in New York of Vermont parentage in 1822 or 1823, the son of James and Sarah Brown. Mary was 1
born in England six years later, she married George about 1846, and their children were born in Ohio, Henrietta in 1
1848, Franklin around 1854, and Jane about 1856. George died in Detroit on October 11, 1890. 1 d
1. 1850 Federal Census of Rockport Township and 1860 Federal Census of the Tenth Ward of Cleveland in Cuyahoga County, Ohio, plus
1870 Federal Census of the Eighth Ward of Detroit and 1880 Federal Census of the city of Detroit in Wayne County, Michigan.

Brown, Gertrude Ann, Mrs.

Tecumseh dress maker ............................................................................................................................................... 1870 1
Tecumseh house wife ................................................................................................................................................. 1880 1
Adrian photographer .................................................................................................................................................. 1894 A
Adrian PHOTOGRAPHER over 25 Maumee st east ....................................................................................... 1899-1908 m R
Adrian resident .......................................................................................................................................................... 1909 A
Adrian PHOTOGRAPHER ....................................................................................................................................... 1910 1
Adrian resident ................................................................................................................................................ 1911-1913 2
Her father came from Pennsylvania, her mother emigrated from Ireland, and she was born Gertrude Ann Helm in 1
Michigan in September of 1850. She married the photographer Millard P. Brown at Tecumseh on December 16, 1874. 1 2
One of their four daughters died as an infant, and their only son died when he was eleven or twelve. A daughter born in 2 1
November of 1876 was still sharing her home in 1900. Gertrude probably participated in her husband’s photographic 1 m
activities in Tecumseh and Adrian, and certainly during the two years of his painful illness before his death in July of m 3
1899. Gertrude died on December 24, 1913, and burial was at Tecumseh. 3 2
1. 1870 and 1880 Federal Censes of the village of Tecumseh, plus 1900 and 1910 Federal Censes of the Second Ward of Adrian in
Lenawee County, Michigan.
2. Learned in 1993 and 1994 from Mrs. Elberta T. Kartisek of Sun City, Arizona, a descendent.
3. St. Louis and Canadian Photographer; volume 23, number 9, September 1899, page 442.

Brown, H. A.
Weidman PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................................... 1901 1
The local newspaper announced early in 1901 that “Prof. H. A. Brown has opened an art gallery here and is ready to 1
serve customers in any style of photograph or picture wanted and at short notice.” This may have been the Herbert A. 1 2
Brown that succeeded Ernest Pratt and became a Weidman photographer for a couple of years starting in 1910. 2
1. Weidman Herald, Weidman, Michigan, March 8, 1901.
2. Weidman news column in the Isabella County Enterprise, Mount Pleasant, Michigan, September 10 and September 30, 1910.

Brown, H. M.
Vulcan PHOTOGRAPHER .................................................................................................................................. ca 1910 t
“Photo H. M. Brown, Vulcan.” was written on the post card back of a professional looking bird’s-eye view showing t
most of the town. t
Brown, Henry A.
Comstock Township student or resident ........................................................................................................... 1860,1870 1
Galesburg PHOTOGRAPHER on Main st ...................................................................................................... 1872-1875 2 m
Lawton PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................ 1874-1875 m
Galesburg PHOTOGRAPHER on Main st ...................................................................................................... 1876-1878 m 2
Galesburg (Brown & Gillis) PHOTOGRAPHERS and dealers in picture frames ................................................ ca 1878 t
Three Rivers (Brown & Gillis) PHOTOGRAPHERS .......................................................................................... ca 1878 t
Galesburgh PHOTOGRAPHER ...................................................................................................................... 1878-1883 m
Galesburgh (Brown Brothers Gallery) PHOTOGRAPHERS .................................................................................... 1883 2
Galesburgh PHOTOGRAPHER ...................................................................................................................... 1884-1885 m
Kalamazoo PHOTOGRAPHER on the second floor at 102 Main st west on the nw corner of Burdick st ...... 1886-1889 m
Kalamazoo PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................................ 1890 R
Kalamazoo PHOTOGRAPHER on the third floor at 120 Main st east ..................................................................... 1891 K
Kalamazoo manager of a grain brokerage firm ................................................................................................ 1892-1893 m
Kalamazoo PHOTOGRAPHER at 128 Main st west ...................................................................................... 1894-1895 m
Chicago, Illinois, PHOTOGRAPHER at 1141 Western st north ............................................................................... 1898 c
Chicago, Illinois, PHOTOGRAPHER at 749 Robey st and 574 Lincoln st ...................................................... 1899-1900 c
Henry was born in Sodus Township of Wayne County, New York, in July of 1851, eldest of the three children of 1
Ambrose and Matilda Brown. Nancy was born in Michigan in July of 1853, and she married Henry about 1872. Their 1
children were born in Michigan, Claude about 1873, Lola in August of 1878 and Bessie in February of 1881. The 1
Galesburg gallery was two doors west of Schroder & Olin’s store before 1878. “Duplicates can be had at any time for 2 t
one shilling apiece.” was printed on some of Henry’s Galesburg card mounts as well as on those of Brown & Gillis. t
On some card photograph mounts the back mark of Mrs. H. N. Alfred in gold was overprinted with that of Brown & t
Gillis in black. Willis A. Brown was the other principal of Brown Brothers Gallery, and the brothers also dealt in t
picture frames, jewelry, silver ware, books and stationery. Some of his trade cards identified Henry as the successor to t
Brown Brothers dealing in photographs, jewelry and silverware. He produced stereo views of Galesburgh, and t 2
probably was succeeded there by W. V. Austin. In his first Kalamazoo gallery, Henry made a specialty of baby t
pictures, guaranteed all work satisfactory, and used nothing but the instantaneous process. He advertised in 1888: t 3
“Have your HOME photographed. Have your horse photographed. Have everything photographed by H. A. Brown. I 3
am prepared to photograph anything on earth. I shall also continue for a short time to make First-Class Cabinet 3
Photographs for 99 cents, $1.50 and $2.00 per dozen. Copies from good pictures of any size, reduced or enlarged to 3
cabinet size where no change is required, only $1.50 per dozen.” Henry’s second Kalamazoo location was in Cullen C. 3 K
Packard’s old rooms at 120 East Main Street, which had more recently been occupied by William F. Kidney. Here K t
“PACKARD Studio ... Brown ... Kalamazoo.” was printed on some of his cabinet mounts, and “C. B. EVANS, t
PHOTOGRAPHER.” was stamped on others. Henry’s younger daughter, Bessie, was employed in his Chicago studio t 1
in 1900. By 1910 Nancy was a widow and still was sharing her Chicago home with her elder daughter. 1
1. 1850 Federal Census of Sodus Township in Wayne County, New York, 1860, 1870 and 1880 Federal Censes of Comstock Township
in Kalamazoo County, Michigan, plus 1900 Federal Census of the Fourteenth Ward and 1910 Federal Census of the 25th Ward of
Chicago in Cook County, Illinois.
2. Richard W. Welch, Sun Pictures in Kalamazoo; Kalamazoo Public Museum, 1974.
3. Kalamazoo Herald, Kalamazoo, Michigan, May 21, 1888.
Brown, Henry F.
Nankin Township student .......................................................................................................................................... 1870 1
Superior Township farm laborer ................................................................................................................................ 1880 1
Northville (Gibson & Brown) PHOTOGRAPHERS ................................................................................................. 1890 R
Northville PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................ 1890-1891 m
Northville (Brown & Company) PHOTOGRAPHERS ................................................................................... 1891-1895 R m
South Lyon PHOTOGRAPHER ...................................................................................................................... 1896-1897 m
Northville PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................ 1896-1899 m
Detroit (Marvin & Brown) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 204 Woodward av .......................................................... 1900-1903 d m
Detroit (Brown & Company) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 79 Washington av ....................................................... 1903-1906 d
Detroit traveling agent or commercial traveler ................................................................................................ 1907-1910 d 1
Detroit photographic materials salesman ................................................................................................................... 1920 1
His parents came from New York and Vermont, and Henry was born in Michigan in June of 1860, next to last of the 1
eight children of Reuben and Betsy Brown. His second wife’s father came from New York, Genevieve was born in 1
Michigan in April of 1871, and she married Henry about 1896. Elizabeth, a daughter born to Henry’s first wife in 1
February of 1887, was sharing their home in 1900. “Gibson & Brown, PHOTOGRAPHERS, Northville, Mich.” was 1 t
stamped on some cabinet mounts originally printed for the Gibson studio on West Huron Street in Ann Arbor. Henry’s t
partners in Northville were Jefferson J. Gibson in Gibson & Brown and Miss Ella M. Dunlap in Brown & Company. R m
He was elected second vice president of the Michigan Photographers Association in February of 1897, and this 2 3
comment was made a little after that: “Mr. Brown was but little known photographically until the last Michigan 3
Convention, where he showed two pictures of this tramp, which were grand....” In the late 1890s, this was printed on a 3 t
3 by 5 inch card with rounded corners: “Photographs, Enlarged Portraits, Picture Framing. BROWN, Photographer, t
Northville, Mich. Read the other side and keep it.” On the back of the card was: “I wish to make your acquaintance! t
What for? For our mutual benefit! In what way? Because I can make you the finest photographic work obtainable, at t
prices far below city rates for the same quality! The highest class enlarged portraits in all styles, at prices you can t
afford, and can save you 15 to 30 per cent on picture framing of all kinds. Our stock is simply mammoth. Everything t
made up in our own shop by skilled workmen and in the most stylish manner. Carefully examine our Fair Exhibit and t
you will take advantage of this liberal offer: Present this card at my gallery before Dec. 1st and it will be good for 25 t
cents to apply to one dozen cabinet photographs. Yours for business, BROWN, Photographer.” Edith P. Clute was his t d
Detroit associate in Brown & Company, who were portrait artists, had special facilities for commercial photography, d 4
and offered enlarging and copying. They made a specialty of school work, school groups and athletic pictures, and had 4
the finest platinum prints ever made of Central High School on sale at their gallery. Early in 1905 Henry was elected 4 2
vice president for Michigan of the Ohio-Michigan Photographers Association. At this time he was an active member of 2 5
the Photographers’ Association of America. 5
1. 1880 Federal Census of Superior Township in Washtenaw County, 1870 Federal Census of Nankin Township, 1900 Federal
Census of the village of Northville, plus 1910 Federal Census of the Sixth Ward and 1920 Federal Census of the Second Ward
of Detroit in Wayne County, Michigan.
2. St. Louis and Canadian Photographer; volume 15, number 3, March 1897, and volume 29, number 4, April 1905.
3. Photographs, circa 1897.
4. “The Student” year book of Central High School, Detroit, Michigan, probably 1906.
5. The Association Review, Convention Annual, Boston 1905, The Photographers’ Association of America.
Brown, Herbert A.
Locke Township student ............................................................................................................................................ 1880 1
Trout Creek PHOTOGRAPHER .......................................................................................................................... ca 1910 t
Trout Lake resident .................................................................................................................................................... 1910 2
Nottawa Township laborer ......................................................................................................................................... 1910 1
Weidman PHOTOGRAPHER ......................................................................................................................... 1910-1911 t
Interior Township PHOTOGRAPHER working from his home ................................................................................ 1920 1
Interior Township millwright ..................................................................................................................................... 1930 1
Herbert was born in Michigan about 1873, the son of Luman and Julia Brown. His first marriage did not work out 1
and his second in 1902 was to a 17-year-old girl named Lillie who was born in Michigan. They soon had a pair of 1
twins, Edward and Edgar, followed a year later by Alfred. More twins, Josephine and Allen, were born in Michigan 1
about 1907. “FALLS NEAR TROUT CREEK, H. A. BROWN, PHOTOGRAPHER” was applied in small sans serif capitals to 1 t
the negative of a post card photograph of Agate Falls on the Ontonagon River. Late in September of 1910, Ernest Pratt t 2
was preparing to relinquish his photographic business at Weidman to his successor, H. A. Brown. Herb took a number 2
of pictures in the country around Weidman late in June of 1911, and had moved his family from Trout Lake to 2
Weidman by the middle of July. His father was visiting him from Trout Lake early in August, and Herb had erected a 2
tent at his residence to take pictures by the middle of August in 1911. In March of 1912 Herb was caught stealing 2
clothing from a Weidman store. It was reported that “Brown is a man about 35 years old, and has a wife and six 2
children including two pairs of twins. He has no business, but this is the first time he has been arrested for a crime.” 2
The children were sent to a children’s home at Coldwater a couple of weeks later. Apparently Herb and Lillie left 2 1
those children in care and started another family. They had Herbert in 1912, Goldie in 1914, Clifford in June of 1916, 1
Earl in December of 1919, Kenneth about 1922 and the twins Alma and Alberta about 1924. Please see also the entry 1 2
for H. A. Brown. 2
1. 1880 Federal Census of Locke Township in Ingham County, 1910 Federal Census of Nottawa Township in Isabella County, plus
1920 and 1930 Federal Censes of Interior Township in Ontonagon County, Michigan.
2. Weidman news column in the Isabella County Enterprise, Mount Pleasant, Michigan, September 10, 1910;
June 30, July 14, August 4 and August 18, 1911; and March 29 and April 19, 1912.

Brown, Hugh, Junior

Detroit bolt cutter or machine hand .................................................................................................................. 1893,1895 d
Detroit photographer ........................................................................................................................................ 1896-1897 d
Detroit helper, stone cutter, laborer, carpenter, machine hand, setter or brakeman ......................................... 1898-1907 d
Detroit millwright for a manufacturer of auto parts ................................................................................................... 1920 1
Detroit marble erecting manager for construction ..................................................................................................... 1930 1
Hugh was born in Scotland in 1879. He came to the United States with his family in 1883 and was a naturalized 1
citizen by 1901. Her father was Polish, and Rose was born in Germany in 1887. She was brought to America in 1892, 1
and she married Hugh about 1910. Their daughter Irene and their son Harry were born in Michigan between 1912 and 1
1914. Hugh’s father was involved with marble cutting and construction for many years in Detroit. He was a widower 1
by 1920, when he lived with Hugh and Rose for a while. 1
1. 1920 Federal Census of the Ninth Ward and 1930 Federal Census of the 21st Ward of Detroit in Wayne County, Michigan.

Brown, Hugh G.
Canton, Ohio, PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................ 1880 1
Canton, Ohio, PHOTOGRAPHER on the east side of the public square .................................................................. 1883 2 3
Canton, Ohio, PHOTOGRAPHER in room 21 of the Saxton Block ......................................................................... 1884 2 3
Saratoga Springs, New York, PHOTOGRAPHER at 400 Broadway .............................................................. 1888-1889 3
Saratoga Springs, New York, PHOTOGRAPHER at 338 Broadway .............................................................. 1890-1891 3
Toronto, Ontario, PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................ 1900-1902 4
Sault Sainte Marie PHOTOGRAPHER at 415 Ashmun st .............................................................................. 1902-1903 R m
Sault Sainte Marie, Ontario, PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................ 1902-1903 R 5
Sault Sainte Marie PHOTOGRAPHER at 415 Ashmun st .............................................................................. 1904-1905 m
Sault Sainte Marie, Ontario, PHOTOGRAPHER and piano agent .................................................................. 1904-1919 5
Toronto, Ontario, PHOTOGRAPHER ...................................................................................................................... 1920 5
Hugh was born in New York State in 1851 or early in 1852. Anna was born in Canada four years later, and she grew 4
up to marry Hugh. They had a son born in May of 1880 that had yet to be named a month later. The earlier Toronto
listings were for H. G. Brown.
1. 1880 Federal Census of the Third Ward of Canton in Stark County, Ohio.
2. Diane VanSkiver Gagel, Ohio Photographers 1839-1900, Carl Mautz Publishing, Nevada City, California, 1998.
3. Learned in 2002 from Don Fredgant of Lakewood, Ohio.
4. Glen C. Phillips, The Ontario Photographers List (1851-1900), Iron Gate Publishing Company, Sarnia, Ontario, 1990.
5. Glen C. Phillips, The Ontario Photographers List Volume II (1901-1925), Iron Gate Publishing Company, London, Ontario, 1997.
Brown, Jacob
Negaunee student ....................................................................................................................................................... 1880 1
Negaunee PHOTOGRAPHER at 433 Iron st .................................................................................................. 1895-1899 2 m
Michigamme photographer ........................................................................................................................................ 1900 1
Negaunee laborer for a general store ......................................................................................................................... 1910 1
His parents emigrated from the Prussian region of Germany and Jacob was born at Negaunee in August of 1869, 1
third of the five children of John A. and Elizabeth Brown. He was single in 1900 and 1910. He and five others were 1
boarding in 1910 with his sister, Mrs. Molly Dodendorf. 1
1. 1870 Federal Census of the village of Negaunee, 1880 and 1910 Federal Censes of the Third Ward of Negaunee, and 1900 Federal
Census of Michigamme Township in Marquette County, Michigan.
2. Marquette County Directory, 1895, 1897 and 1899, R. L. Polk & Company, Detroit.

Brown, Jennie M., Miss

Jackson photographer ................................................................................................................................................ 1900 1
Her parents emigrated from England, and Jennie was born in Michigan in September of 1883. She was living in 1900 1
with her widowed brother, George, his son and two older and three younger sisters. 1
1. 1900 Federal Census of the Third Ward of Jackson in Jackson County, Michigan.

Brown, Joseph
East Saginaw photographic operator for photographer James T. Randall ................................................................. 1870 1
Joseph was born in Canada in 1842 or 1843. 1
1. 1870 Federal Census of the Second Ward of East Saginaw in Saginaw County, Michigan.

Brown, L. P.
Edwardsburgh PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................. 1884-1885 m
Mitchellville, Iowa, PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................... 1887 1
Maxwell, Iowa, PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................... 1889-1891 1
1. Learned in 1993 from Jo Ann Burgess of Clear Lake, Iowa.

Brown, Larnie C.
Mancelona Township child or student .............................................................................................................. 1900,1910 1
Mancelona PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................ ca 1915 t
Mancelona Township employee of the Antrim Iron Company in the stack house furnace ........................................ 1917 2
Mancelona Township machinist for the Antrim Iron Company ................................................................................. 1920 1
Mancelona Township machinist in a machine shop ................................................................................................... 1930 1
Mancelona resident .................................................................................................................................................... 1975 3
Larnard C. Brown was born at Mancelona on June 5, 1896, third of the four children of Charles W. and Lydia M. 1 2
Brown. All records dated later than 1900 are for Larnie C. Brown, who became a man of medium height and weight. 1
“L. Brown Antrim Iron Co’s Section Crew.” was lettered on the negative of a post card photo of eight men posed on t
the tracks with their shovels and other tools. Larnie was living with his parents in 1920 and with his widowed mother t 1
in 1930, when he still was single. He died in Kearney Township of Antrim County on May 19, 1975. 1 3
1. 1900, 1910, 1920 and 1930 Federal Censes of Mancelona Township in Antrim County, Michigan.
2. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.
3. Michigan Deaths, 1971-1996.

Brown, M. P., Mrs.

Please see the entry for Mrs. Gertrude A. Brown.
Brown, Marion
Erwin Township, New York, student ......................................................................................................................... 1860 1
Prattsburgh Township, New York, farmer on his father’s farm ................................................................................. 1870 1
Troupsburgh, New York, farmer ............................................................................................................................... 1880 1
Richland Township farmer ........................................................................................................................................ 1900 1
Freeland PHOTOGRAPHER .................................................................................................................................... 1904 2
Richland Township resident ............................................................................................................................ 1910-1912 1 3
Thomas township resident ......................................................................................................................................... 1920 1
Marion was born in New York State in September of 1850, sixth of the seven children of Gardner and Dorothy 1
Brown. He was known as Burwell as a child, and was enumerated as Merrian in 1900 and 1920. In 1880 he had a 22- 1
year-old wife named Jesse who was born in Pennsylvania, a four-year-old daughter named Maud, and a one-year-old 1
son named Steven. Both children were born in New York. Something happened and Marion was able to marry again 1
about 1883. His bride, Nellie, was born in Michigan in December of 1851. Their daughter Georgiana was born in May 1 3
of 1887, and their daughter Jennie was born in January of 1892. Their farm in Richland Township was about five miles 3 4
southwest of Freeland. Marion had no income in April of 1910, and in 1920 he was living with the family of his 4 1
daughter Jennie and her farmer husband, Fred Remick. By this time Marion seems to have acquired a third wife, 48- 1
year-old Hellen born in Michigan. 1
1. 1860 Federal Census of Erwin Township, 1870 Federal Census of Prattsburgh Township, and 1880 Federal Census of Troupsburgh
Township in Steuben County, New York, plus 1900 and 1910 Federal Censes of Richland Township and 1920 Federal Census of
Thomas Township in Saginaw County, Michigan.
2. Saginaw County Rural Mail Directory1904/1905, The Appleby Company, Saginaw, Michigan.
3. Chadwick’s 1912 Rural Directory of Saginaw County, C. W. Chadwick, Ann Arbor, Michigan.
4. Michigan County Map Guide, Michigan United Conservation Clubs, Lansing, Michigan.
Brown, Mark
Bradley brick maker .................................................................................................................................................. 1861 1
United States Army soldier .............................................................................................................................. 1861-1865 1
Centreville PHOTOGRAPHER or resident ..................................................................................................... 1865-1868 1 2
Centreville PHOTOGRAPHER ....................................................................................................................... 1869-1870 3 1
Schoolcraft PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................... ca 1870 t
Burr Oak PHOTOGRAPHER ......................................................................................................................... 1870-1871 3 1
Burr Oak (Mr. & Mrs. M. Brown) PHOTOGRAPHERS ..................................................................................... ca 1872 t
Burr Oak PHOTOGRAPHER ......................................................................................................................... 1872-1874 m 1
Leslie PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................... 1874-1875 1
Leslie (Mr. & Mrs. M. Brown) PHOTOGRAPHERS ..................................................................................... 1876-1877 4
Fowlerville PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................................ 1877 1
Howell PHOTOGRAPHER on Grand River st ............................................................................................... 1878-1881 m 1
Howell (M. & C. E. Brown) PHOTOGRAPHERS ......................................................................................... 1882-1885 m
Howell (Mr. & Mrs. M. Brown) PHOTOGRAPHERS ........................................................................................ ca 1886 t
Ionia PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................................ 1886-1887 1
Ionia (M. & C. E. Brown) PHOTOGRAPHERS .................................................................................................. ca 1887 t
Ionia PHOTOGRAPHER in the Root Block ................................................................................................... 1888-1891 m R
Howell PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................. 1891-1899 1 m
Kalamazoo photographer or resident ............................................................................................................... 1900-1911 5 1
Salem, Virginia, resident ................................................................................................................................. 1914-1915 1
Roanoke, Virginia, resident ....................................................................................................................................... 1916 1
His parents came from Vermont, and Mark was born in Nottawa Township of St. Joseph County, Michigan, on 5 1
October 3, 1836. He was five feet five inches tall with a fair complexion, hazel eyes and dark brown hair when he 1
enlisted at Bradley or Wayland in Allegan County, Michigan, in Company H of the 19th Wisconsin Infantry. He was 1
mustered into the army as a private in Company H at Milwaukee, Wisconsin, on January 31, 1862. He re-enlisted in 1
the 19th Infantry as a veteran volunteer on February 9, 1864. During a battle at Fair Oaks, Virginia, he was captured 1
on October 27, 1864, and immediately confined at Richmond until November 4, 1864, when he was transferred to a 1
prison at Salisbury, North Carolina. The exposure and the diet of ground corn kernels and cobs weakened Mark and he 1
was admitted to the hospital at Salisbury with chronic diarrhea on February 16, 1865. He and a number of other 1
prisoners were paroled at Aiken’s Landing, Virginia, on February 24, 1865, and three days later Mark was in a hospital 1
at Annapolis, Maryland. He was transferred to Patterson Park Hospital at Baltimore on March 13, and went home on 1
furlough from March 16 until May 6, 1865. He was returned to duty on June 16, and was mustered out of the army 1
from Hicks General Hospital at Baltimore on August 28, 1865. He never recovered enough strength to return to his 1
trade of making bricks, and so took up photography. He and Miss Caroline Eliza Adams were married at Otsego two 1
days before her 22nd birthday, and never had any children. This advertisement ran from May until September of 1869: 1 3
“FOR SALE. A good Photograph Car in good repair. Can be bought with or without apparatus. For particulars address 3
or enquire of MARK BROWN, Centreville.” It was then replaced by this one for three weeks: “Mark Brown takes this 3
method to inform the citizens of Centreville and vicinity that he is only going to remain in Town until the first of 3
October, and anyone wanting anything in the picture line must remember that delays are dangerous.” His Centreville 3 t
cartes de visite include views of homes as well as portraits. Mark’s sale of his residence in Centreville for $1000, and t 3
that the buyer of his photograph car was making it into a boot and shoe shop, was reported in February of 1870. Mark 3
was still a Centreville photographer in August, but by October of 1870 he had moved to Burr Oak. One year later he 3 1
received this publicity: “Mark Brown, the great photographer, is now prepared with greatly increased facilities, to take 3
an exact portrait of any individual presenting himself at his place of business in Burr Oak. Mark has accomplished a 3
great deal since leaving Centreville, having now the finest gallery and most complete set of instruments in Southern 3
Michigan....” Howell card photographs by Mr. & Mrs. M. Brown give their location as over the post office, or in the 3 t
Weimeister Block, or in Brown’s Block on the north side of Grand River Street. The sale of Mark’s gallery in Howell t 6
to Charles A. Paddack was reported in April of 1899. Mark was receiving a pension of $30.00 per month at the time of 6 1
his death at Roanoke on January 3, 1917. 1
1. Civil War Veteran Pension Record of Mark Brown obtained from the National Archives at Washington, D. C.
2. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1867-1868, Great Lakes Branch of the National Archives, Chicago, Illinois.
3. St. Joseph County Republican, Centreville, Michigan, May 8 through September 25, 1869; February 19, August 6 and October 15, 1870;
and October 7, 1871.
4. Anthony’s Photographic Bulletin, volume 8, number 1, January 1877, page 5.
5. 1880 Federal Census of Howell in Livingston County, plus 1900 and 1910 Federal Censes of the Fifth Ward of Kalamazoo in Kalamazoo
County, Michigan.
6. St. Louis and Canadian Photographer; volume 23, number 4, April 1899.
Brown, Millard Pease
Deerfield school teacher .................................................................................................................................. 1871-1872 1
Tecumseh employee of photographer James M. Hoag .............................................................................................. 1873 2 m
Tecumseh PHOTOGRAPHER up stairs on the north side of Chicago st east of Railroad st ........................... 1874-1877 m
Tecumseh PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................ 1878-1883 m
Clinton PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................................. ca 1883 t
Tecumseh PHOTOGRAPHER on the ground floor on the south side of Chicago st ....................................... 1883-1891 3 m
Tecumseh PHOTOGRAPHER .................................................................................................................................. 1892 4
Adrian PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................. 1892-1893 m
Adrian PHOTOGRAPHER in the Kinzel Block over 25 Maumee st east ....................................................... 1894-1897 t m
Adrian PHOTOGRAPHER at 23 Maumee st east ........................................................................................... 1898-1899 m
Millard was born on July 10, 1848, at Rochester, New York. By 1853 he and his parents, John Champlin and Julia 1
(Gates) Brown, had moved to Raisin in Lenawee County, Michigan. Except for six months away at school and another 1
six months in 1867 spent visiting California by way of the Isthmus of Panama, Millard lived and worked on the family 1
farm and taught school in the winters. He and Miss Gertrude Ann Helm were married at Tecumseh on December 16, 5
1874. He advertised locally in November of 1876: “M. P. BROWN, ‘THE PHOTOGRAPHER’ has been very busy 5 4
lately ... at his rooms over Wright’s Drug Store, and he will Guarantee to Make Pictures to satisfy, and will do them at 4
reasonable figures. GO AND SEE HIM.” By 1880 he and Gertrude had a daughter and a son. He was a member of the 4 5
Photographers’ Association of America in 1881. “Visit BROWN’S ART GALLERY, Tecumseh, Mich. For Pictures 6 t
and Frames, Life Size Crayon, India Ink and Oil Portraits. All Sittings made by the new Instantaneous Process.” was t
printed on the backs of some stereo views and cabinet mounts. Some card imprints gave his address as Tecumseh and t
Clinton, and stated that he was in Clinton every Friday. He advertised in 1883: “Pictures taken in one second by the t 3
instantaneous process by M. P. Brown, practical photographer. Visit his new ground floor gallery and see the endless 3
variety of Picture Frames and mats kept constantly on hand. General agent for C. H. Hopkins’ life size Crayon, India 3
Ink and Oil Portraits.” His cabinet imprints included: “... Fine Oil Portraits of the Living & Dead at 1-2 the usual rates. 3 t
Send for Circulars to M. P. Brown, Gen’l Agt.” and a misspelled one for “Bown’s Studio, Tecumseh, Mich.” He was t m
also dealing in pianos in 1888. He advertised in the Detroit News on October 17, 1889: “Photograph Gallery for sale, m 7
ground floor residence attached; location desirable; trade established; payments easy; will pay to investigate. M. P. 7 4
Browm, Tecumseh, Mich.” He advertised in October of 1890: “Please remember and tell your friends that at Brown’s 4
Art Gallery you can get Children’s Pictures, Family Groups, Fine Cabinets, Crayons, Portraits, Etc., and also the fine 4
Pianos, Organs and Sewing Machines at the Lowest Living Prices.” Walter L. Heck called himself the successor to M. 4 t
P. Brown in the ground floor Tecumseh gallery, but this status may have been brief, for Ernest L. Teeple purchased the t 4
gallery from Millard and took possession on February 1, 1892. Millard advertised in 1893: “PHOTOGRAPHS To 4
Please You, any size, style or finish. Prices reasonable, and work finished promptly. BROWN’S PHOTO PARLORS, 4
near the Opera House, Adrian, Mich.” The following phrases initiated the Adrian directory section beginning with 4 A
each letter in 1894 and 1897: A
“A Perfect Picture Pleases all at Brown’s Photo Parlors. A
Bright Faces make Bright Pictures at Brown’s Photo Parlors. A
Children’s Photos Nicely Taken at Brown’s Photo Parlors. A
Delays are dangerous - Secure your photo! at Brown’s Photo Parlors. A
Every convenience for good work at Brown’s Photo Parlors. A
Family Groups, all sizes and prices at Brown’s Photo Parlors. A
Get good photos of Father and Mother at Brown’s Photo Parlors. A
Handsome people get their photos at Brown’s Photo Parlors. A
Instantaneous Process used exclusively at Brown’s Photo Parlors. A
Judge and jury just sat and were suited at Brown’s Photo Parlors. A
Keep it in your mind and visit Brown’s Photo Parlors. A
Let us make for you a handsome photo at Brown’s Photo Parlors. A
Money returned if we cannot please you at Brown’s Photo Parlors. A
New Styles in Pictures and Frames at Brown’s Photo Parlors. A
Our Pictures and Prices please our patrons at Brown’s Photo Parlors. A
Pictures are made to suit the sitter at Brown’s Photo Parlors. A
Quite easy and cheap to get a picture at Brown’s Photo Parlors. A
Ready to try and please everybody at Brown’s Photo Parlors. A
Six photos for one dollar at Brown’s Photo Parlors. A
Truthful Pictures that please our patrons at Brown’s Photo Parlors. A
Useful Articles to Secure Fine Pictures at Brown’s Photo Parlors. A
Very Glad to receive your patronage at Brown’s Photo Parlors. A
Why not call and see samples and prices at Brown’s Photo Parlors. A
Young and old always welcome at Brown’s Photo Parlors. A
Zeiss lenses are the Best, these are used at Brown’s Photo Parlors.” A
A photographic periodical carried this advertisement in April of 1898: “The New Hygiene - A book of over 300 pages 8
on the treatment of all diseases without the use of drugs, as practiced by several eminent physicians; price 60c 8
postpaid. Address M. P. Brown, Photographer, Adrian, Mich.” His photograph of four kittens entitled “Waiting for 8
Ma” was reproduced by the same magazine in July of 1899. Millard endured two years of painful illness prior to his 8 5
death at Tecumseh on July 31, 1899. He was survived by three daughters and his widow, Gertrude, who continued the 1 5
Adrian photographic business for several years. A
1. Obituary in a scrapbook at the Lenawee County Historical Museum in Adrian, Michigan.
2. Tecumseh directories, 1874 and 1876.
3. Stacy Brothers Tecumseh Directory, 1883.
4. Tecumseh Herald, Tecumseh, Michigan, November 1876, October 1890, January 21, 1892, and May 25, 1893.
5. Learned in 1993 and 1994 from Mrs. Elberta T. Kartisek of West Sun City, Arizona, a descendent of M. P. Brown.
6. The Photographic Times, New York City, volume 11, number 125, May 1881.
7. The Detroit News, Detroit, Michigan, October 17, 1889.
8. St. Louis and Canadian Photographer; volume 22, number 4, April 1898, page 192; volume 23, numbers 7 and 9, July and September 1899,
pages 313 and 442; and volume 27, number 9, September 1899, page 442.

Brown, Minnie L., Mrs.

Jackson underwear maker .......................................................................................................................................... 1900 1
Jackson PHOTOGRAPHER at 221 Main st east ............................................................................................. 1916-1917 m
Jackson (Brown’s Studio) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 221 Main st east ............................................................... 1918,1920 2
Jackson PHOTOGRAPHER at 221 Main st east ............................................................................................. 1918-1921 m
Jackson PHOTOGRAPHER at 231 Main st east ............................................................................................. 1922-1923 m
Jackson (Brown’s Studio) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 231 Main st east .............................................................. 1924-1927 m
Minnie L. Teall was born in Michigan in February of 1882 to Edward M. and Emma L. Teall who came from New 1
York. She married Carl Edward Brown a few years before she succeeded him on East Main Street about 1916. She m t
was sole proprietor of Brown’s Studio, and by 1920 was a widow living with her parents and employing her older m 1
sister Luta as an assistant photographer. Post card photographs were marked with a rectangular blind stamp: “BROWN 1 t
STUDIO, JACKSON, MICH.” Subjects included studio portraits of adults and children, singly or in groups, and a t
tangled heap of trucks and other railroad car parts while the wreckage was still smoldering. An alternate circular blind t
stamp had a large B in the center surrounded by “BROWN’S STUDIO, JACKSON, MICH.” Some of these postal t
photos may have been made by Carl Edward Brown. t m
1. 1900 and 1920 Federal Censes of the Second Ward of Jackson in Jackson County, Michigan.
2. Jackson City Directories, 1918 and 1920, R. L. Polk & Company, Detroit..

Brown, Murray
Brookfield Township student ..................................................................................................................................... 1880 1
Corunna PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................... 1888-1891 m
Owosso PHOTOGRAPHER ...................................................................................................................................... 1892 t
Ottumwa, Iowa, photographer ......................................................................................................................... 1892-1893 2
Wahpeton, North Dakota, PHOTOGRAPHER ......................................................................................................... 1900 1 3
Wahpeton, North Dakota, plumber ............................................................................................................................ 1910 1
Twin Falls, Idaho, HOME PORTRAIT PHOTOGRAPHER .................................................................................... 1920 1
Nampa, Idaho, operator in a photo gallery ................................................................................................................ 1930 1
His mother came from Vermont and Murray was born in New York State in August of 1866, eldest of the three sons 1
of Homer and Polly Brown. The family moved to Michigan in the late 1870s. Alexia was born in Canada in May of 1
1865, and she married Murray about 1888. They never had children. Murray advertised in 1889: “Photographic Artist; 1 m
Enlarging, Copying, &c.; Views of Buildings & Residences; Children and Family Groups a Specialty.” In July of 1892 m 2
the local newspaper reported that “Brown, the photographer, leaves Owosso later this week to take charge of a gallery 2
in Ottumwa, Iowa. Persons having pictures at his gallery are requested to call for them before he leaves.” From 1896 2 3
until 1910, Murray lived in the southeastern corner of North Dakota and was the photographer for the communities of 3
Wahpeton, Fairmount, Abercrombie and Hankinson. At Twin Falls, Alexia received equal billing with Murray as a 3 1
home portrait photographer. 1
1. 1880 Federal Census of Brookfield Township in Eaton County, Michigan, 1900 Federal Census of the city of Wahpeton and 1910
Federal Census of the Second Ward of Wahpeton in Richland County, North Dakota, plus 1920 Federal Census of the Second
Precinct of Twin Falls in Twin Falls County and 1930 Federal Census of the Second Ward of Nampa in Canyon County, Idaho.
2. Owosso Press, Owosso, Michigan, July 20, 1892. Noted by Father George Michalek of Lansing, Michigan.
3. Robert Kolbe with Brian Bade, They Captured the Moment, Dakotas Photographers 1853-1920, Pine Hill Press, Sioux Falls, SD, 2006.
Brown, Nanna Louise, Miss
South Haven student .................................................................................................................................................. 1880 1
South Haven teacher in a private kindergarten .......................................................................................................... 1900 1 2
South Haven PHOTOGRAPHER at 339 Pearl st ...................................................................................................... 1902 2
South Haven PHOTOGRAPHER .................................................................................................................... 1902-1905 m t
South Haven PHOTOGRAPHER at 339 Pearl st ...................................................................................................... 1906 2
South Haven resident ................................................................................................................................................. 1910 1
South Haven PHOTOGRAPHER up stairs at 256 Center st ........................................................................... 1912-1913 2
South Haven PHOTOGRAPHER .................................................................................................................... 1914-1917 m
South Haven professional photographer .................................................................................................................... 1920 1
South Haven resident ....................................................................................................................................... 1930-1939 1
Her paternal grandmother and her maternal grandfather were Canadian, her parents came from New York, and 1
Nanna was born in Michigan in January of 1872, last of the five children of Levi R. and Sarah M. Brown. She was 1
called Nancy as a child. Her sister Belle was fifteen years older. Belle was an artist and an art teacher and, like Nanna, 1
never married. Nanna attended a school for kindergarten teachers to prepare for teaching. Their father died prior to 1 2
1900, and the sisters lived with their widowed mother through 1910. After she died they continued to live together for 1
two more decades. After 1910 she was identified as Nanna Molyneux Brown. Her ad in the 1912 South Haven High 1 2
School yearbook was: “Commencement Portraits AT THE STUDIO OF NANNA MOLYNEUX BROWN, 256 Center 2
Street – Up Stairs. NOTE: - The pictures used for the cuts of the Senior Class in this Annual were made by Miss Brown. ” Her ad in the 1913 2
South Haven High School yearbook was: “The Modern Portrait made amid the homelike surroundings of the up-to- 2
date Studio, with the latest equipment, the new window lighting (which is the lighting used by the old Art Masters), the 2
simple, natural posing and artistic style of finish, will be prized by you and your friends today and in all the days to 2
come. COMMENCEMENT, Confirmation, Birthdays, and Wedding Anniversaries are milestones of life which 2
should be kept fresh in memory by pictured records. Do not let them pass without making an appointment for a sitting 2
at the STUDIO OF NANNA MOLYNEUX BROWN..... Hours: 9 to 12 a.m., 1 to 5 p.m.” Following her career as an 2
artistic photographer her interest turned to flowers and birds. Throughout the long illness that preceded her death 2
Nanna continued to minister to her bird friends. She died at her home on August 1, 1939, survived only by two 2
nephews and a niece. After cremation at Chicago her ashes were returned to Lakeview Cemetery at South Haven. 2
1. 1880 and 1900 Federal Censes of the village of South Haven, plus 1910, 1920 and 1930 Federal Censes of the Second Ward of
South Haven in Van Buren County, Michigan.
2. Learned in 2010 from Beth Keithly of the South Haven Historical Association.
Brown, Nathaniel Elmer
Aitkin, Minnesota, paper hanger ................................................................................................................................ 1900 1
Aitkin, Minnesota, inventor ............................................................................................................................. 1901-1902 p
Robbinsdale, Minnesota, inventor ................................................................................................................... 1903-1905 p
Grand Haven PHOTOGRAPHER and inventor .............................................................................................. 1909-1912 t p
Grand Haven PHOTOGRAPHER and dealer in photographic supplies .......................................................... 1912-1921 m 1
Grand Haven proprietor of the Light Ray Camera Company .................................................................................... 1921 2
Grand Haven Township resident ..................................................................................................................... 1922-1929 3
Grand Haven Township house carpenter or resident ....................................................................................... 1930-1931 1 3
Ionia prisoner at the state prison ...................................................................................................................... 1932-1933 4 3
Grand Haven resident ...................................................................................................................................... 1934-1938 3 4
Nat was the son of Matthew Alvarez and Phoebe Maria (Barnard) Brown, and was born in Otsego County, New 3
York, on October 6, 1866. He and his family moved about 1880 to Aurora County, South Dakota, and then some time 3
after 1885 they moved to Anoka, Minnesota. Nat led hunting and trapping parties into the wilderness and worked as a 3
photographer in Minnesota. His Patent Number 696,310 for a bicycle issued on March 25, 1902. His Patent Number 3 p
750,586 and Patent Number 795,955 covered draft mechanisms for traction-sleds and were granted on June 24, 1904, p
and on August 1, 1905. “N. E. BROWN, PHOTO., GRAND HAVEN, MICH.” was printed on the post card backs of p t
studio portraits, including one of eleven men and a boy postmarked in July of 1909, and of views with legends printed t
on their negatives. These included “Decoration Day, Grand Haven, Mich. 1909. Brown Photo.” of a band and troops t
in front of the armory, and a series labeled “Story & Clark Piano Co. Picnic, July 20th, 1911” showing a large t
excursion vessel and its passengers. “Copyrighted 1911 N. E. BROWN” was lettered on the negatives of 11 by 13 ½ t 5
photographs of shipping in Grand Haven harbor, and on the negative of a postal bird’s-eye view of two Grand Trunk 5 t
Line car ferries there. Nat’s Patent Number 1,002,897 for an Aerial Photographic Apparatus issued on September 12, t p
1911. This apparatus consisted of a camera carried by a kite along with a mechanism to rotate the camera in steps, to p
wind the film, and to operate the shutter after each rotational step. “Kite Photo, N. E. Brown. Entrance to M.N.G. p t
Camp, Grayling, Mich. ©” was lettered on the negative of a post card photograph. The Library of Congress holds two t 6
photographs copyrighted by N. N. Brown in 1907: “Brown’s Aerial Views, No. 2, Grand Haven, Mich.” 5 ¼ by 8 6
inches, and “Brown’s Aerial Views, No. 3, Spring Lake, Mich.” 4 by 5 ½ inches. His Patent Number 1,040,136 was 6 p
for a gyroplane aircraft and was granted on October 1, 1912. His Patent Number 1,366,158 issued on January 18, p
1921, and was for a Camera which consisted of a film pack, a front board carrying the lens and shutter, and a p
cardboard form with gummed edges which could be folded into a camera box interconnecting the front board with the p
film pack. Nat claimed to have invented the concept of signatures on camera film. His photographic patents are p 3
thought to have been sold to the Eastman Kodak Company. During the early 1920s Nat built a cottage up the Grand 3 4
River from Grand Haven and lived there as a recluse. About 1930 he sold the cottage to obtain money he needed to 4
marry for the first time. Though he received city property in exchange for the cottage, he did not get the $1400 in cash 4
which he expected and, as a consequence, his new bride left him. After stewing about being defrauded for several 4
months he lowered dynamite down the chimney of the cottage and blew it to bits. Nat was arrested, at first denied any 4
part in the bombing, and later confessed. He was sentenced to prison for 10 to 25 years, but was expected to be 4
released after two years if his ideas about revenge had changed. When he returned to Grand Haven, Nat lived with the 4 3
family of his brother, and is remembered as a kind and gentle man. He had a stroke while hunting deer in November of 3 4
1937 near Wakefield, where he was hospitalized for seven months. He died at the Grand Haven home of his brother on 4
December 27, 1938, and burial was in Lake Forest Cemetery. 4
1. 1900 Federal Census of Township 50 in Aitkin County, Minnesota, 1910 Federal Census of the Fourth Ward and 1920 Federal
Census of the Second Ward of Grand Haven, plus 1930 Federal Census of Grand Haven Township in Ottawa County, Michigan.
2. Directory of Grand Haven, Michigan, 1921.
3. Learned in 1993 from Mrs. Susan Miskiewicz of Spring Lake, Michigan.
4. Grand Haven Daily Tribune, Grand Haven, Michigan, September 21 and 25, November 28 and December 10, 1931; and December 27, 1938.
5. Two of these 11 by 13 1/2 photographs were on display at the Tri-Cities Historical Museum in Grand Haven during August of 1994.
6. Learned in 2000 from Carol Johnson of the Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.

Brown, Nettie, Mrs.

Jackson housewife ..................................................................................................................................................... 1880 1
Jackson retoucher for photographer John W. Paine ......................................................................................... 1885-1886 J
Jackson bookkeeper for photographer Carl O. Johnson ................................................................................... 1896-1902 J
Nettie was born in Norway in 1860 or 1861 to John and Mary Youngs, and immigrated to America with her parents 1
and her brother Carl. She married Edward Brown and in December of 1879 gave birth to his namesake. A few years 1 J
later she was a widow. J
1. 1880 Federal Census of the city of Jackson in Jackson County, Michigan.

Brown, Thomas
East Saginaw assistant photographer ......................................................................................................................... 1872 s
Brown, Thomas C.
Detroit child ............................................................................................................................................................... 1870 1
Detroit student ........................................................................................................................................................... 1880 1
Detroit photographer or photo printer for photographers Arthur & Philbric ................................................... 1884-1891 d
Detroit traveling agent ..................................................................................................................................... 1892-1893 d
Detroit photo printer for photographers Arthur & Philbric .............................................................................. 1895-1896 d
Detroit photographer or printer ........................................................................................................................ 1897-1898 d
Detroit photographer for Herman Baron .................................................................................................................... 1899 d
Detroit photographer ........................................................................................................................................ 1900-1902 1 d
Las Vegas, Nevada, miner in a gold mine .................................................................................................................. 1910 1
Detroit advertising photographer ............................................................................................................................... 1920 1
Detroit photographer for a photographic studio ......................................................................................................... 1930 1
George F. Brown was born in Scotland about 1828, his wife Margaret was born in Ireland in February of 1829, and 1
they both immigrated to Canada where they married and had two sons born between 1855 and 1860. Then they moved 1
to Michigan where they had four more sons born between 1861 and 1869. Thomas was next to last, and was born in 1
June of 1866. He never married, and he was living with his widowed mother in 1900 and lodging along with his older 1
brother Samuel in 1920. 1
1. 1870 and 1880 Federal Censes of the Eighth Ward, 1900 and 1920 Federal Censes of the Fourth Ward, and 1930 Federal Census of
the First Ward of Detroit in Wayne County, Michigan, plus 1910 Federal Census of Las Vegas in Clark County, Nevada.

Brown, Townsend
Hudson PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................................. ca 1905 t
“Photographed by Townsend Brown, Hudson, Mich.” was lettered very ornately on a 10 by 12 inch mount below a t
6½ by 8½ print of a table full of gifts, as for a wedding. On the back of the same mount was a 6½ by 8½ photo of t
sixteen people representing three generations of a family. t

Brown, W. C.
Jeddo PHOTOGRAPHER ......................................................................................................................................... 1912 t
“Taken by W. C. Brown.” was stamped on the post card backs of some photographs, and lettered on the negatives of t
others. Captions were lettered on the negatives, such as “Black River, Jeddo, Mich.” and “McIntyre School, Jeddo, t
Mich.” and “M. E. Parsonage, Jeddo, Mich. #19” and “Elevator, Jeddo, Mich. #26.” Some were mailed between t
October of 1912 and July of 1914. “Taken by W. C. Brown, Jeddo, Mich.” was lettered on other negatives. t

Brown, Warren L.
Detroit (Brown & Foster) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 17 John R st ............................................................................... 1906 d
Mabel C. Foster was Warren’s partner. d

Brown, Wilkerson
Paw Paw DAGUERREAN & PHOTOGRAPHIC ARTIST ............................................................................ 1859-1860 m
Paw Paw dentist ......................................................................................................................................................... 1860 1
Paw Paw PHOTOGRAPHER .......................................................................................................................... 1862-1863 2
Paw Paw PHOTOGRAPHER and dentist ....................................................................................................... 1864-1865 2
Paw Paw dentist ............................................................................................................................................... 1866-1867 m
Detroit dentist .................................................................................................................................................. 1869-1871 d 1
Wilkerson was born in Pennsylvania in 1824 or early in 1825. Lois was born in New York three years later, she 1
married Wilkerson, and their children were born in Michigan: William about 1852, Mason about 1854, Clara in 1857, 1
Charles in 1859, Eva in April of 1860, and Jenny about 1861. 1
1. 1860 Federal Census of Lafayette Township in Van Buren County and 1870 Federal Census of the Tenth Ward of Detroit in Wayne
County, Michigan.
2. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1862-1866, National Archives, Washington, D.C.
Brown, Willard L.
Tompkins Township child ......................................................................................................................................... 1880 1
Detroit salesman ........................................................................................................................................................ 1900 1
Carleton (Cunningham & Brown) PHOTOGRAPHERS ................................................................................. 1906-1907 m
Union City PHOTOGRAPHER ....................................................................................................................... 1907-1913 R m
Union City bazaar store, general store or department store proprietor ............................................................ 1914-1931 m 1
Willard was born in Michigan on April 25, 1875, the son of Jasper and Julia Brown. Maud was born in Michigan in 2 1
1876, she married Willard about 1903, and she was proprietor of Union City’s news store in 1910. Willard advertised 1 3
in Union City: “A thing of beauty is a joy forever, and so are the Pictures made by Artificial Light at BROWN”S 3
STUDIO. Our Enlargements in Crayon, Pastel and Water Colors, made from the life negative, cannot be beaten. 3
We have a nice selection in Ready-Made Frames, and our line of Picture Moulding comprises over 200 patterns. Our 3
Sheet Pictures and Post Cards merit your inspection....” This was in July of 1909. “W. L. BROWN, PHTGR., UNION 3 t
CITY, MICH.” was printed on the backs of many post card photographs of Union City, including street scenes, t
factories, homes, public buildings, monuments, bridges, and a community ox roast in September of 1909. Postal t
photos of the main streets and other features of Athens, Leonidas and Matteson were marked the same way. “W. L. t
Brown, Union City, Mich.” was blind stamped into the 8 by 10 inch mount of a 5 by 7 photograph of Willard’s photo t
gallery, which was in a single story wing of his home. A 5 by 7 photograph of Grand Trunk locomotive 1383 and the t
crew of a freight train, taken September 18, 1913, was embossed “W. L. BROWN STUDIO” before the print was t
attached to its 8 by 10 mount. Willard was a stout man with blue eyes and light brown hair in 1918. t 2
1. 1880 Federal Census of Tompkins Township in Jackson County, plus 1910, 1920 and 1930 Federal Censes of Union City in Branch
County, Michigan.
2. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.
3. The source of this information has been misplaced, and must be relocated.

Brown, William C.
Union Township baby ................................................................................................................................................ 1880 1
Mount Pleasant telephone lineman ............................................................................................................................ 1910 1
Mount Pleasant PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................ 1913-1914 t
Saint Johns line man for the city of Saint Johns ......................................................................................................... 1918 2
Belding electrician for the Citizens Light Company .................................................................................................. 1920 1
Grand Rapids electrician working on construction .................................................................................................... 1930 1
His father was born in New York. His mother was born in Ohio, married a man named Habathorn and raised four 1
children there before marrying for the second time. William was born in Michigan on December 24, 1879, the only 1 2
child of Sylvester and Nancy Brown. He became a tall man with blue eyes and brown hair. Minnie was born in 1 2
Michigan in 1883, and she married William about 1902. Their sons were born in Michigan, Earl Leonard in 1904 and 1
Arthur George in 1911. They were living in 1910 next door to photographer Eugene Collins and his family. “PHOTO 1 t
BY WM. C. BROWN” was printed on the post card backs of photographs. One of a group of pre-teen boys was t
captioned: “Central State Normal, Training School Football squad, 1913.” Another of an older group in a variety of t
uniforms with some “N” letter sweaters had “C.S.N. 1913” lettered on its negative over the football one of the men t
was holding. Others showed students in their room, and seniors erecting a “C.S.N. 1914” electric sign which they had t
given to the Normal. t
1. 1880 Federal Census of Union Township and 1910 Federal Census of the Third Ward of Mount Pleasant in Isabella County,
1920 Federal Census of the Second Ward of Belding in Ionia County, and 1930 Federal Census of the Third Ward of Grand
Rapids in Kent County, Michigan.
2. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.
Brown, William M.
Saint Louis PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................... ca 1900 t
Elsie PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................................ 1900-1901 m 1
Shepherd PHOTOGRAPHER ......................................................................................................................... 1904-1905 m
Bellevue PHOTOGRAPHER .......................................................................................................................... 1910-1911 m
Bellevue PHOTOGRAPHER .................................................................................................................................... 1913 2
Alhambra, California, machine operator in a felt factory .......................................................................................... 1920 3
His parents came from New York and William was born in Michigan in January of 1859. Her father emigrated from 3
Canada, her mother came from Ohio, Rosetta was born in Michigan in January of 1861, and she married William 3
about 1883. Their daughter Grace was born in Iowa in June of 1898. William’s sale of the Elsie gallery to Emory A. 3 1
Fuller was reported in the spring of 1901. Brown’s Photo Studio in Maple Rapids about 1908 may have operated by 1 t
William. Bellevue post card photographs from about 1910 show a “PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY” sign over a stairway t
between buildings of two stories, one brick and one frame. A display case of photographs was at sidewalk level on the t
frame building, which housed a grocery store. Early in the morning of December 5, 1911, fire broke out in a Bellevue t 2
jewelry store. Soon all of the west side of Main Street was ablaze. With help from the Charlotte fire department part of 2
the business district was saved, but the cost of the damage exceeded $75,000. A photographer named William Brown 2 4
was working in 1920 at Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, and in 1921 at Humboldt, Saskatchewan. Grace accompanied her 4 3
parents to California, where she was teaching in a public school. 3
1. St. Louis and Canadian Photographer; volume 25, number 5, May 1901, page 223.
2. Bellevue, First in Eaton County, Heritage Committee of the Bellevue Bicentennial Commission, Bellevue, Michigan, May, 1976,
pages 34 and 83.
3. 1900 Federal Census of the village of Elsie in Clinton County and 1910 Federal Census of the village of Bellevue in Eaton County,
Michigan, plus 1920 Federal Census of the First Precinct of Alhambra in Los Angeles County, California.
4. Glen C. Phillips, The Western Canada Photographers List (1860-1925), Iron Gate Publishing Company, London, Ontario, 1997.

Brown, Willis A.
Comstock Township student ...................................................................................................................................... 1870 1
Comstock Township farm worker .............................................................................................................................. 1880 1
Galesburgh (Brown Brothers Gallery) PHOTOGRAPHERS .................................................................................... 1883 2
Chicago, Illinois letter carrier or post man .............................................................................................. 1900,1910,1920 1
Wood Dale, Illinois, resident ..................................................................................................................................... 1930 1
Willis was the son of Ambrose and Matilda (Allen) Brown from New York, and was born in Michigan in March of 1
1860. Henry A. Brown was the other brother. Elizabeth was born in New York to parents from Connecticut in March 1 2
of 1865, and she married Willis about 1884. They raised four children: Roy born in Michigan in August of 1886, Perry 1
born in Michigan in October of 1887, Ruth born in Illinois in November of 1893, and Charles Harold born in Illinois 1
in May of 1899. A granddaughter and their youngest son were sharing their home in 1920. 1
1. 1870 and 1880 Federal Censes of Comstock Township in Kalamazoo County, Michigan, 1900 Federal Census of the Fourteenth
Ward plus 1910 and 1920 Federal Censes of the 25th Ward of Chicago in Cook County, and 1930 Federal Census of the village
of Wood Dale in Addison Township of Du Page County, Illinois.
2. Richard W. Welch, Sun Pictures in Kalamazoo; Kalamazoo Public Museum, 1974.

Brown, Zelotus
Niles PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................................ 1863-1864 1
1. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1862-1866, National Archives, Washington, D.C.

Brown & Company

Detroit PHOTOGRAPHERS at 79 Washington av ......................................................................................... 1903-1906 d
Henry F. Brown and Edith P. Clute were the principals of Brown & Company. d

Browne, _______
Ludington (Browne Brothers) PHOTOGRAPHERS ............................................................................................ ca 1880 t
“Browne Bros., Ludington, Mich.” was penned in script on the backs of both card and cabinet mounts. t

Browne, Esther E., Mrs.

Milford (J. N. & E. E. Browne) PHOTOGRAPHIC ARTISTS ...................................................................... 1874-1877 m
Milford fancy goods merchant ......................................................................................................................... 1876-1879 m
Milford housewife ...................................................................................................................................................... 1880 1
Milford (The Brownes’ Photographic Studio) PHOTOGRAPHERS .............................................................. 1882-1883 m
Milford housewife ...................................................................................................................................................... 1900 1
Pontiac inmate of the Eastern Michigan Asylum ....................................................................................................... 1910 1
Ettie was born in New York State in February of 1850, and her daughter Blanche was born in February of 1881. 1
1. 1880 and 1900 Federal Censes of the village of Milford plus 1910 Federal Census of the Fourth Ward of Pontiac in Oakland
County, Michigan.
Browne, Frank A.
LaCrosse, Wisconsin, PHOTOGRAPHER at 413 Third st south .................................................................... 1895-1896 1
Leslie wallpaper and paint merchant ................................................................................................................ 1896-1897 m
Leslie PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................... 1898-1901 m
1. Edwin L. Hill, A History of Photography in LaCrosse, Wisconsin, 1853-1930, University of Wisconsin - LaCrosse, 1978.

Browne, J. M.
Port Huron (Marsh & Browne) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 4 Huron av on the southeast corner of Quay st ................. 1873 P t
Marsh & Browne’s Gallery of Art was over the store of S. L. & D. Balentine, and offered “Pictures of any kind P
Taken in any Weather. Frames of all kinds on hand and made to order. Low Prices and Satisfaction to all....” Browne’s P
partner was Milo E. Marsh, who practiced law from the gallery address. P

Browne, J. Neil
Lansing PHOTOGRAPHER at the corner of Washington av and Ionia st north ............................................. 1889-1891 t m
Neil produced an 8 by 10 inch photograph of more than one hundred veterans of the Eighth Michigan Infantry posed t
on the steps of the State Capitol on June 16, 1889. “BROWNE’S STUDIOS. Photo, Crayon & India Ink Work. t
Lansing, MICH.” was printed on the back of 2 ¼ by 1½ inch photograph mounts, with the Lansing written in script. t
One J. N. Browne was born in New York City in 1855, and in 1886 was a photographer at Jacksonville, Florida. 1
1. Floyd and Marion Rinhart, Victorian Florida, Peachtree Publishers, Atlanta, Georgia, 1986.

Browne, Jared N.
Rose student ............................................................................................................................................................... 1860 1
Fenton photograph artist ............................................................................................................................................ 1870 1
Milford (J. N. & E. E. Browne) PHOTOGRAPHIC ARTISTS ...................................................................... 1874-1877 m
Milford PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................ 1878-1881 m
Milford (The Brownes’ Photographic Studio) PHOTOGRAPHERS .............................................................. 1882-1883 m
Milford PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................ 1884-1885 m
Milford PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................ 1888-1889 m
Milford PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................ 1892-1908 m R
Jared was born at Penfield in Monroe County of New York State in November of 1851, last of the five children of 1
Smith and Martha Browne. His wife Esther, or Ettie, was also his photographic partner in the middle 1870s and in the 1 m
early 1880s. They advertised in 1882: “SPECIALTIES: Portraits in Oils, Portraits in Water Colors, Portraits in India m
Ink, Portraits in Crayon, Photographs in all the variety of styles known to the art, and executed in a manner excelled by m
none. PROOFS SHOWN AND SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Copies from old pictures done in superior style. m
Also Manufacturers of Backgrounds and Photographic Accessories....” The 4 ½ by 3 ¼ paper sleeves of some tintypes m t
were stamped: “J. N. Browne, PHOTOGRAPHER, and dealer in Photographic Goods, Artist Materials, Etc. Milford, t
Mich.” Some stereo views, including one of the Howland Block erected in 1877, had “J. N. BROWNE, MILFORD, t
MICH.” printed on the mounts. “Stereoscopic Series of 1882, Photographed and Published by J. N. Browne, Milford, t
Mich.” was printed on other mounts. “BROWN’S Stereoscopic Views of Milford and Vicinity.” was printed on the t 2
mounts of another series which included the depot. Jared attempted to commit suicide by taking morphine on July 25, 2 3
1883. He violently resisted efforts to save his life, but finally was forced to accept medical treatment. In the late 1890s, 3 m
Jared also was identified as a breeder of poultry, a fruit grower, and the proprietor of a herd of registered cattle. His m
farm was owned free and clear in 1900. 1
1. 1850 Federal Census of Penfield Township of Monroe County, New York, 1860 Federal Census of Rose Township in Oakland
County, 1870 Federal Census of the village of Fenton in Genesee County, and 1900 Federal Census of the village of Milford in
Oakland County, Michigan.
2. Learned in 1996 from James H. Harlow of Dearborn, Michigan.
3. “State News” in the Detroit News for Thursday, July 26, 1883. Noted by James G. Donaldson of Detroit, Michigan.

Browne, Neil
Please see the entry for J. Neil Browne.
Browne, William Frank
Northfield, Vermont, resident .................................................................................................................................... 1862 1
United States Army soldier .............................................................................................................................. 1862-1863 1
PHOTOGRAPHER with the Fifth Michigan Cavalry Regiment ..................................................................... 1863-1865 1
Northfield, Vermont, resident .......................................................................................................................... 1865-1867 1
William enlisted as a private in Company C of the 15th Vermont Volunteer Infantry Regiment on October 22, 1862, 1
at Berlin, Vermont. He was mustered out of active military service on August 5, 1863, and shortly thereafter attached 1
himself to General Kilpatrick’s Third Cavalry Division, and particularly to the Fifth Michigan Cavalry. Labels with 1 2
“WM. FRANK BROWNE, AMBROTYPIST, 5th Michigan Cavalry, NEAR FAIRFAX COURT HOUSE, VA.” were adhered 2
to the backs of tintypes in hinged cases. “Wm. Frank Browne, Photographer, Kilpatrick’s Division. Headquarters 5th 2 t
Mich. Cav.” was printed on the backs of his photograph mounts of this period. He made tintypes and cartes de visite t
for the officers and enlisted cavalrymen to send home, and a series of stereo views which were published by Alexander t 1
Gardner. Under General Kilpatrick, General George Armstrong Custer commanded the Second Brigade which 1
included the Fifth Michigan Cavalry. William took two half plate ambrotypes of Brigadier General Custer about 1
September of 1863, three cartes de visite of Custer around January 25, 1864, and three tintypes of Custer with his wife 1
and cook about April 12, 1865, immediately following Lee’s surrender at Appomattox. William returned to Vermont 1
after the war, and died of consumption at Northfield on September 12, 1867. 1
1. D. Mark Katz, “William Frank Browne, Custer’s Photographer,” in his magazine Incidents of the War.
2. Learned in 2003 from Robert M. Coch of Flat Rock, Michigan.

Brubaker, _______
Hastings (Brubaker & Howe) PHOTOGRAPHERS ....................................................................................... 1914-1915 m

Brubaker, Christian
Detroit DAGUERREAN ARTIST at the corner of Jefferson av and Griswold st ...................................................... 1857 d
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHIC ARTIST over Ives’ Bank ................................................................................................ 1861 d
Brubaker, Christian B.
Houghton (Brubaker Brothers) PHOTOGRAPHERS .......................................................................................... ca 1866 t
Houghton (Brubaker & Brother) PHOTOGRAPHERS ............................................................................................. 1867 1
Houghton PHOTOGRAPHER over Washburn’s jewelry store ................................................................................. 1868 2 t
Houghton PHOTOGRAPHER and STEREOGRAPH PUBLISHER ........................................................................ 1870 2 t
Marquette STEREOGRAPH PUBLISHER .......................................................................................................... ca 1871 t
Houghton (Brubaker & Whitesides) PHOTOGRAPHERS on Isle Royale st .................................................. 1872-1873 m
Marquette (Brubaker & Whitesides) PHOTOGRAPHERS on Marquette st ................................................... 1872-1873 m
Houghton PHOTOGRAPHER .................................................................................................................................. 1874 R
Marquette photographer ............................................................................................................................................. 1880 3
Marquette photographic printer for photographer Brainard F. Childs ....................................................................... 1886 4
Marquette (Childs’ Art Gallery) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 301 Front st south ............................................................ 1893 5
Marquette STEREOGRAPH PUBLISHER ............................................................................................................... 1894 6
Christ was born in Pennsylvania in 1829 or 1830. Brubaker & Brother sent whole plate views of the silver mines to 3 1
The Philadephia Photographer in 1867. Under his own name and with William D. Whitesides, Brubaker was a very 1 t
prolific publisher of stereo views in a series of over 500 “Gems of Lake Superior Scenery” with imprints that often t
gave credit for the photography to B. F. Childs. The same stereo series was published by Childs’ Art Gallery in t
Marquette, and cartes de visite from the same negatives were published from Houghton by Brubaker and from t
Marquette by Childs. Some card mounts have “CHILDS, Photographer, Marquette, Mich.” printed beneath the t
photograph, and “Brubaker & Whitesides, Photographers, Marquette, Mich.” printed on the back. Others have t
“CHILDS - Brubaker’s Gallery, Houghton.” printed below the image, and “C. B. Brubaker, Photographer, Houghton, t
Mich.” printed on the back. Brubaker paid $3250.00 in August of 1874 for a number of Childs’ stereoscopic negatives. t 7
In his Houghton gallery, Brubaker gave special attention “... to Enlargements and Copying of all kinds, in Ink and 7 t
Colors. Negative preserved for further orders.” Christ was single in 1880. Frederick C. Haefer was identified as the 3 5
new proprietor of Childs’ Art Gallery in May of 1893, associated with “the governor”, Mr. C. B. Brubaker, in the 5
Marquette studio where they had worked together twenty years earlier. This team was turning out magnificent prints 5
with astonishing detail and finish, even from old negatives including views of Lake Superior scenery which had been 5
sold by the thousands in past years. In the spring of 1894 a photographic journal noted that “The `boom of the 5 6
stereoscope’ is already adding some fine views to our collection. Some very effective ones came from Mr. C. B. 6
Brubaker, Marquette, Mich. They are coast scenes on Lake Superior. One of the entrance to the iron mine is a very 6
effective view, and another of an ice-blockade has a splendid sky. All are very choice.” These sound like the Childs 6 t
views which Brubaker was publishing in the early 1870s. t
1. The Philadelphia Photographer, volume 4, 1867, page 194.
2. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1867-1868, Great Lakes Branch of the National Archives, Chicago, Illinois.
3. 1870 Federal Census of Portage Township in Houghton County and 1880 Federal Census of the city of Marquette in Marquette
County, Michigan.
4. Marquette County directory, 1886.
5. Mining Journal, Marquette, Michigan, May 13, 1893.
6. Wilson’s Photographic Magazine, volume 31, May 1894, page 236.
7. Learned in 1978 at the Marquette County Historical Museum, Marquette, Michigan.

Brubaker, Henry B.
Dayton, Ohio, PHOTOGRAPHER .................................................................................................................. 1859-1860 1
Detroit employee of photographer Christian Brubaker .............................................................................................. 1861 d
Houghton DAGUERREOTYPIST .................................................................................................................. 1862-1863 m
Houghton PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................ 1863-1865 2
Houghton (H. B. Brubaker & Company) PHOTOGRAPHERS ........................................................................... ca 1865 t
Houghton (H. Brubaker & Company) PHOTOGRAPHERS over Washburn’s jewelry store .............................. ca 1866 t
Houghton (Brubaker Brothers) PHOTOGRAPHERS .......................................................................................... ca 1866 t
Houghton PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................ 1866-1867 2 3
Houghton (Brubaker & Brother) PHOTOGRAPHERS ............................................................................................. 1867 4
From August of 1864 through May of 1865, Henry was assessed taxes on a much larger income than any other 2
Michigan photographer north of the Saginaws. William Whitesides at Houghton and Ard G. Emery at Marquette were 2
the only ones doing business on a comparable scale. Two cent revenue stamps were affixed to mounts imprinted “H. B. 2 t
BRUBAKER & Company, GALLERY OF ART, Houghton, Mich.” but not to those imprinted “H. B. BRUBAKER & t
CO., Photographic Artists,…” or “H. Brubaker & Co....” They advertised as “Dealers in Stereoscopes, Lake Superior t
Views, Pictured Rocks, &c., &c. Picture Frames of all Descriptions, Mouldings, Glass, Cord and Tassels, &c. Picture t
Frames made to order.” Brubaker & Brother sent whole plate views of Michigan silver mines to a photographic journal t 4
in 1867. 4
1. John Waldsmith, A Directory of Ohio Photographers, 1839 to 1900, Sycamore, Ohio, compiled in 1978 and augmented through 1993.
2. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1862-1866, National Archives, Washington, D.C.
3. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1867-1868, Great Lakes Branch of the National Archives, Chicago, Illinois.
4. The Philadelphia Photographer, volume 4, 1867, page 194.
Brubaker, John H.
Monroe Township, Indiana, student .......................................................................................................................... 1880 1
Waukegan, Illinois, PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................... 1895 2
Omaha, Nebraska, photographer ................................................................................................................................ 1899 3
Saint Louis, Missouri, photographer ......................................................................................................................... 1900 3
Grand Rapids (Krebs & Brubaker) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 145 Monroe st ................................................... 1902-1911 g m
Grand Rapids PHOTOGRAPHER at 145 Monroe st ...................................................................................... 1902-1911 m g
Holland PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................... 1910-1911 m
Grand Rapids PHOTOGRAPHER at 16-18 Monroe av .................................................................................. 1912-1920 g m
Muskegon PHOTOGRAPHER in Room 815 of the Union Bank Building ..................................................... 1920-1921 m
Muskegon PHOTOGRAPHER in Suite 814-16 of the Union National Bank Building ............................................ 1921 M
Grand Rapids (Brubaker Studio) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 16-18 Monroe av .................................................. 1920-1922 m g
Grand Rapids (Brubaker Home Studio) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 317 Fulton st east ....................................... 1922-1923 m g
Grand Rapids (Rembrandt Studio) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 16-18 Monroe av ......................................................... 1923 g
Grand Rapids PHOTOGRAPHER on the fifth floor at 16-18 Monroe av ................................................................. 1924 g
Grand Rapids (Brubaker Home Studio) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 317 Fulton st east ....................................... 1924-1925 g m
Grand Rapids (Brubaker Studio) PHOTOGRS in Room 1318 of the Grand Rapids National Bank Building 1926-1928 g m
Grand Rapids (Brubaker Studio) PHOTOGRAPHERS in Suite 202-04 of the Watson Building ................... 1929-1931 g m
Grand Rapids (Brubaker Studio) PHOTOGRS in Room 509 of the Kendall Block at 16-18 Monroe av ................. 1932 g
Grand Rapids (Brubaker Photography) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 96 Monroe av ....................................................... 1934 g
Grand Rapids resident....................................................................................................................................... 1936-1946 g 4
John was born in 1865 at Delphi, Indiana, third of the five children of Abe and Elizabeth Brubaker. He was a school 1 4
teacher and a deputy county surveyor prior to taking up photography. He operated studios in Indiana and Illinois 4 5
before coming to Grand Rapids. Verna was born in Ohio in 1870 or 1871, and she married John about 1896. Their 5 1
eldest daughter and a son were born in Illinois between 1897 and 1900, and two more daughters were born in 1
Michigan between 1902 and 1905. John exhibited photographs at the Detroit convention of the Photographers’ 1 2
Association of America in August of 1895. He advertised nationally in the spring of 1900: “WANTED - Situation by 2 3
operator of the highest class; only first-class galleries need answer; references exchanged. Address J. H. Brubaker, 3
care Seed Dry Plate Company, St. Louis, Mo.” John succeeded Charles E. Heath at 145 Monroe Street, where he 3 g
operated under his own name and with George J. Krebs for many years, specializing in “Fine Photography.” He was an g 3
exhibitor at the 1905 convention of the Ohio-Michigan Photographers Association . From 1910 to 1912 he was 3 6
president of the Professional Photographers Society of Michigan and in 1912 was a delegate from that Society to the 6
national convention. John was active in organizing the Michigan and Indiana Photographers Association, of which he 6 4
was elected vice president in 1913. He employed Miss Ida S. Edison as an assistant in 1908 and again in 1915, Frank 4 g
M. Findlay as a photographer in 1912, Nellie Warren as a photographer in 1918 and 1919, Roy Phillips as a g
photographer in 1919, and his eldest daughter Marion V. Brubaker as an assistant from 1927 through 1932 and as a g
photographer in 1934. He was president of the Ohio-Michigan-Indiana Photographers’ Society prior to 1927, and had g 5
been awarded many medals and certificates for his fine portrait work. John advertised “All Kinds of Portrait Work” in 5 g
1930, and “Quality Photographs at Popular Prices” in 1934. Marion was proprietor of Brubaker Photography in Room g
408 of the Union Bank Building from 1936 until 1939, and of the Brubaker Studio at 95 Monroe Avenue in 1943. g
John was 80 years old when he died after a long illness in Grand Rapids on June 3, 1946. Interment was in Oak Hill 4
Cemetery, and he was survived by his wife, three daughters and two grandchildren. 4
1. 1880 Federal Census of Monroe Township in Carroll County, Indiana, plus 1910 Federal Census of the Tenth Ward, 1910 Federal
Census of the Third Ward and 1930 Federal Census of the Second Ward of Grand Rapids in Kent County, Michigan.
2. The Photo-American, New York, volume 6, number 10, August 1895, page 315.
3. St. Louis and Canadian Photographer; volume 24, number 5, May 1900, pages 237 and 239; and volume 29, number 5, May 1905,
page 218.
4. Obituary in the Grand Rapids Press, June 4, 1946, page 16.
5. Who’s Who in Professional Portraiture in America, 1927.
6. American Photography, volume 6, numbers 4 and 5, April and May 1912, pages 248 and 307.
Bruce, Burdette Chester
Waterloo Township, Kansas, child ............................................................................................................................ 1870 m
Columbia Township student ...................................................................................................................................... 1880 1
Wallin telegraph and railroad agent ................................................................................................................. 1898-1899 m
Wallin physician ........................................................................................................................................................ 1900 m
Wallin telegraph, express and railroad agent ................................................................................................... 1900-1901 2
Wallin novelty wood worker and telegraph, express and railroad agent .......................................................... 1902-1903 t
Wallin (Bruce & Albright) PHOTOGRAPHERS ...................................................................................................... 1908 1
Thompsonville PHOTOGRAPHER ..................................................................................................................... ca 1910 1
South Frankfort jeweler ............................................................................................................................................. 1910 1
Munising proprietor of a repair shop ......................................................................................................................... 1920 1
Plainwell watch maker ............................................................................................................................................... 1930 2 t
His mother came from Ohio, and Burdette was born in Michigan in July of 1869, the son of James F. and Julia t
Bruce. His brother Martin was five years older, and they grew up on the family farm. Burdette married and had three
daughters born in Michigan: Zilla in April of 1892, Leah in January of 1894, and Gladys in October of 1895. In 1900
he was raising the girls with the help of a 15-year-old house keeper named Nellie. In 1910 the two younger daughters
were living in Thompsonville with the same house keeper, and Burdette was identified as a widower. Bruce & Albright
copyrighted a 4 by 5 ½ inch photograph of Beulah from the west in 1908. “Bruce” was lettered on the negative of a
post card photograph along with “Park, Thompsonville, Mich.” The Munising merchant was married to a 35-year-old
woman named Nellie, but some of the data about them does not agree with other information about Burdette. He was a
widower living by himself in 1930.
1. 1870 Federal Census of Waterloo Township in Lyon County, Kansas, 1880 Federal Census of Columbia Township in Van Buren
County, 1900 and 1910 Federal Censes of Colfax Township and 1910 Federal Census of the village of South Frankfort in Benzie
County, 1920 Federal Census of the city of Munising in Alger County, and 1930 Federal Census of the village of Plainwell in
Allegan County, Michigan.
2. Learned in 2000 from Carol Johnson of the Library of Congress in Washington, D. C.

Bruce, Margaret A.
Detroit retoucher for photographer Alfred G. McMichael ......................................................................................... 1891 d

Bruddick, George G.
Muskegon photographer ............................................................................................................................................ 1880 1
Muskegon merchant ................................................................................................................................................... 1900 1
George was born in New York in October of 1853. He was single and residing in the hotel of George E. Eckles and 1
Andrew J. Bradford in 1880. He still was single in 1900, and was lodging with a young family.
1. 1880 Federal Census of the Second Ward and 1900 Federal Census of the Fourth Ward of Muskegon in Muskegon County, Michigan.

Brueggen, John D.
Detroit clerk for photographer Frederick C. Lutge ........................................................................................... 1881,1884 d
Detroit photographer .................................................................................................................................................. 1882 d
Detroit photographer for Augustus B. Taylor .................................................................................................. 1885-1887 d
Detroit photographer or photo printer for photographer Mrs. Theresa V. Taylor ........................................... 1888-1892 d
Detroit bartender, resident or boarding house proprietor ................................................................................. 1893-1897 d
Detroit photographer or bartender ................................................................................................................... 1898-1902 d
John was born in the Hamburg region of Germany in February of 1866. In 1900 he and his widowed mother Dora 1
were two of seven boarders with a Detroit saloon keeper. 1
1. 1900 Federal Census of the First Ward of Detroit in Wayne County, Michigan.
Brukardt, Ernest Robert
Metropolitan laborer on a railroad section gang ........................................................................................................ 1900 1
Foster City PHOTOGRAPHER ....................................................................................................................... 1908-1910 t
Bark River railroad station agent ............................................................................................................................... 1910 1
Powers telegrapher or operator for the Chicago & Northwestern Railway ...................................................... 1918-1930 2 1
Ernest was said to be born in Michigan on February 15, 1885, though later records indicate that he was born in 1 2
Germany a year earlier. He was eldest of the eight children of Henry and Augusta Brukardt, who emigrated from 1
Germany in the early 1880s, and he matured into a medium sized man with gray eyes and dark hair. His father was a 1 2
railroad section boss and many of his brothers worked for the railroad in Foster City, Metropolitan and elsewhere. 1 m
“Photo by E. Brukardt” or “Foto by E. Brukardt” or “by Brukardt’ or “E.R.B.” was lettered on the negatives of several t
post card photographs of Foster City as well as a few of Bagley, Felch and Metropolitan. Some of the cards were t
postmarked between 1908 and 1910, and some were mailed later. Gertrude was born in Michigan to Norwegian t 1
parents in 1892. She married Ernest about 1911 and gave birth to Charles and Harold between 1912 and 1916, 1
Gertrude in December of 1917, and Robert in 1920 or early in 1921 before she died. Ellen was born in Michigan to 1
Swedish parents in 1886 or early in 1887, and she married Ernest about 1923. Their son Melvin was born in January of 1
1927 and their daughter Mary Ellen was born in January of 1929. 1
1. 1900 Federal Census of the village of Metropolitan in Felch Township of Dickinson County, 1910 Federal Census of Bark River
Township in Delta County, plus 1920 and 1930 Federal Censes of the village of Powers in Spalding Township of Menominee
County, Michigan.
2. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.

Brumfield, Theo M.
Bellevue PHOTOGRAPHER .......................................................................................................................... 1862-1863 1
1. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1862-1866, National Archives, Washington, D.C.

Brumley, B. S.
East Dayton painter .......................................................................................................................................... 1888-1893 m
East Dayton PHOTOGRAPHER and painter .................................................................................................. 1894-1895 m
Benton F. Brumley was born in Ohio in October of 1863, the son of Eli H. and Mary A. Brumley. He was a house 1
carpenter in 1900, when he and his older brother Lawson were living in or near East Dayton with their parents. 1
1. 1900 Federal Census of Dayton Township in Tuscola County, Michigan.
Brummitt, William Henry
New York, New York, DAGUERREOTYPIST .............................................................................................. 1855-1859 1
Toronto, Ontario, resident ......................................................................................................................................... 1859 1
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, DAGUERREOTYPIST and PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................... 1859-1867 1
Detroit resident ................................................................................................................................................ 1867-1868 1
Detroit (Watson & Brummitt) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 164 Jefferson av ........................................................ 1869-1870 d
Pontiac PHOTOGRAPHER at the corner Saginaw and Church sts ................................................................. 1871-1876 2 m
Holly PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................... 1875-1876 2
Pontiac PHOTOGRAPHER in Stout’s Block at the corner of Saginaw st and Auburn av .............................. 1876-1877 2
Pontiac saloon proprietor ................................................................................................................................. 1876-1879 m
Pontiac PHOTOGRAPHER in Stout’s Block at the corner of Saginaw st and Auburn av .............................. 1879-1880 2
Pontiac PHOTOGRAPHER in Crofoot’s New Block opposite the Hodges House ......................................... 1882-1888 2 m
Pontiac PHOTOGRAPHER in the Crofoot Block opposite the Hodges House .............................................. 1890-1891 2
Pontiac PHOTOGRAPHER and saloon proprietor ................................................................................................... 1891 R
Pontiac PHOTOGRAPHER in the Crofoot Block opposite the Hodges House .............................................. 1892-1894 2 m
Pontiac photographer ................................................................................................................................................. 1895 3
Pontiac resident ................................................................................................................................................ 1896-1898 4
William was born at Nottingham, England, on February 13, 1837, seventh of the eight children of gun maker 1
William and Sarah (Paulson) Brummitt. When he was eleven years old he became a page to Lady Harriet Benedick, 1
daughter of the Duke of Portland. After three years with Lady Harriet he was in the service of the Duke of Newcastle 1
for eighteen months, and then traveled Europe with the Rothchilds for nearly three years. He sailed for New York in 1
the fall of 1855 and during his three years there conducted an art gallery. His business in Philadelphia also was called 1
an art gallery. He and Miss Paulina De Heiter were married in Philadelphia, and Paulina died there in 1865. George 1
Watson & Brummitt gave equal billing to painted portraits and photographs, and advertised: “... Being practical artists d
ourselves, and doing all our own work, we have the advantage over Galleries that have to employ Artists to do the d
work, who usually receive one-half the price of the picture....” William introduced himself in Pontiac by offering a d 2
prize for the correct solution of a rebus puzzle, and continued to use original and colorful advertising for many years. 2
He and Miss Ella R. Woodard of Pontiac were married in 1872. In February of 1874 he received much publicity for 2
offering to take free portraits of each of the 150 living pioneers of Oakland County. In May he proposed “... to take 2
pictures of Residences, Factories, Stores, Machinery and Landscape views, either Stereoscopic or of any other size or 2
style....” In June he asked: “Why will you give traveling agents $65 for life size crayons when BRUMMITT will make 2
them for $25 ?...” In September of 1874 he took a 14 by 17 inch outdoor group photograph of the 150 pioneers. In 2 t
February of 1875 he reacted to the cut-rate pricing of his Pontiac competitors with: “WAR DECLARED....Card 2
Pictures, per dozen $0.75; Large ones, for framing, first $1.00 each duplicate $0.50....” The price war continued most 2
of the year, but by December he was up to $1.00 per dozen while announcing the opening of a Branch Gallery at 2
Holly. H. Maurice Kittle succeeded William in Stout’s Block on Saginaw Street at Pontiac in 1878, when William 2
concentrated upon the saloon business for a couple of years. Kittle moved to Tuthill’s Block over the Bill Poster office 2
in August of 1879 when Brummitt reoccupied the Stout’s Block gallery and announced: “... that he has again 2
commenced business AT HIS OLD STAND, which he has thouroughly refitted and supplied with all the accessories 2
necessary to make the VERY BEST and LATEST STYLES of Pictures....” The backs of his card photographs in this 2 t
period offered “A beautiful selection of Stereoscopic Views of Orchard Lake and surrounding scenery, for sale at the t
office of the Hotel, or at the Gallery in Pontiac.” Views in this series were entitled: “Nooks and Corners in Oakland t
Co., Mich.” During 1880 and 1881 William made several trips to Denver, Colorado, and was granted a building permit t 2
for three brick buildings there. One month before opening his new gallery on July 1, 1882, he proclaimed: “A suite of 2
rooms ...most elegant ... in the state of Michigan.... The rooms and Skylights, in all their appointments, are being 2
constructed under my own supervision.... I am purchasing NEW INSTRUMENTS, ACCESSORIES and 2
APPARATUS for producing the VERY BEST ARTISTIC EFFECTS ... utilizing the Latest Discoveries and 2
Inventions ... among them the INSTANTANEOUS DRY PLATE....” In March of 1883 he was bragging that his 2
competitors were leaving Pontiac, first H. M. Kittle and then A. B. Taylor. He was taking pictures of babies in the 2
tenth part of a second, and offering to photograph anything from an elephant to a flea. He engaged extra assistants at 2
this time. William was awarded the First Premium for his exhibit of photographs at the Oakland County Fair in 2
October of 1883, when he was advertising photographs on wood, metal, paper or silk. He ran the same ad from 2
September of 1884 until July of 1885. It mentioned that he had bought some new accessories while attending the 2
Photographers’ Association of America convention at Cincinnati in August, and continued: “... I can make a picture 2
life size and put a handsome frame around it for $15.... The babies all like me and I like the babies, so bring them 2
along and just let me show you how quick I can make a picture.” In October of 1885 he was offering $20 in gold to the 2
first person who deciphered a scrambled advertisement of his, and in November he created a four page supplement to 2
the Pontiac Gazette. He won a purse of $150 and much publicity by out-shooting two Pontiac businessmen at fifty 2
clay pigeons in March of 1886. He was taking cabinet photographs for $1.50 per dozen at this time, and claimed to 2
have taken 56 negatives on one busy day. Throughout December of 1886 he was advertising life size photographs for 2
$8.00, and from March to May of 1887 dropped this price to $7.00. During July and into August of 1887 his ad read: 2
“Brummitt is making pictures of STORES, DWELLINGS. FARM HOUSES, ... Farmers can have pictures of their 2
particular industries, such as PLOWING, HARVESTING, and Haymaking, Stock, or anything they have....” F. B. 2
Anderson’s first advertisement as successor to Brummitt on December 7, 1888, stated: “... Mr. Brummitt will remain 2
with Frank to meet his old friends and customers.” Anderson’s advertising still referred to his location as the Brummitt 2
Gallery in October of 1890. William was a member of the Pontiac Common Council in 1890. His restored health was 2 1
mentioned in an announcement on December 12, 1890, that he had repurchased the gallery he originated. His first 2
advertisement asked those to whom Anderson owed pictures to call before the end of the year, and he ran a notice that 2
he would make no more photographs on Anderson’s account on January 9, 1891. Little remarkable by or about 2
William was printed in the Pontiac newspapers during the next few years. It was noted that he liked fishing and that he 2 1
belonged to the Knights of Pythias and to the Cass Lake Aquatic Association. Robert Stewart announced on September 1 2
7, 1894, that he had purchased the Brummitt Gallery, and continued to mention Brummitt in his advertising for eight 2
months. William died on February 23, 1898, and was survived by his wife, Mrs. Clara Brummitt. Interment was in 4 3
Pontiac’s Oak Hill Cemetery. 4
1. Portrait and Biographical Album of Oakland County, Chapman Brothers, Chicago, 1891.
2. Pontiac Gazette, Pontiac, Michigan, 1871 through 1895.
3. Pontiac, Michigan, city directories, 1895 and 1898.
4. Oak Hill Cemetery Records, Pontiac Area Historical and Genealogical Society, 1991.

Brunell, Emile
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 239 Woodward av ........................................................................................... 1916-1919 m d
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 435 Woodward av ..................................................................................................... 1920 d
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 2631 Woodward av ................................................................................................... 1920 d
Detroit proprietor of a meat market ........................................................................................................................... 1920 1
Detroit repairman in a garage .................................................................................................................................... 1930 1
His parents emigrated from Canada and Emile (often Emil) was born at Iron Mountain, Michigan, on October 25, 1 2
1892, the son of Edward and Louise Brunel. He had a sister Lucy born in Michigan in 1900 and a brother William 1
born in Canada in 1903. He became a tall man with brown eyes and dark hair. He was a resident of New York City 2 d
early in 1917, and by June was driving a truck for a Detroit firm. The change from 435 to 2631 Woodward Avenue 2 d
during 1920 was due to alterations in most Detroit addresses, and not to relocation. Viola Duford was born in d 1
Michigan in 1893 or early in 1894, and she married Emile about 1920. She and Emile were living with the family of 1
her brother George in 1930. 1
1. 1920 Federal Census of the Seventh Ward and 1930 Federal Census of the Ninth Ward of Detroit in Wayne County, Michigan.
2. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.

Brunetto, Raffaelo
Detroit photographer ........................................................................................................................................ 1912-1913 d
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 473 Russell st .................................................................................................. 1914-1920 d m
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 2829 Russell st ................................................................................................ 1920-1921 d m
Detroit photographer................................................................................................................................................... 1922 d
His name also was spelled Raphael, Rafkin, Raffaele and Raphaello. He became five feet eight inches tall with blue m 2
eyes and light brown hair. Raffaelo and his wife were born in Italy, he in 1871 and Catherina in 1877, and they 2 1
immigrated about 1908. Their daughter Iris was born in Illinois in 1910, and their daughter Medea was born in 1
Michigan in January of 1918. Raffaelo’s widow, Rina or Catherine, was living in Detroit in 1923 and in 1930. 1 d
1. 1920 and 1930 Federal Censes of the Twenty First Ward of Detroit in Wayne County, Michigan.
2. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.
Brush, James A.
Detroit artist or clerk ........................................................................................................................................ 1862-1863 d
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 208 Jefferson av ................................................................................................... ca 1864 t
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 218 Jefferson av ........................................................................................................ 1865 d
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 127 Jefferson av ........................................................................................................ 1869 d
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at the southwest corner of Woodward av and Larned st ..................................... 1869-1875 d m
Minneapolis, Minnesota, PHOTOGRAPHER at 301 Washington av south .................................................... 1877-1878 1
Minneapolis, Minnesota, PHOTOGRAPHER at 223 Nicollet av ................................................................... 1878-1882 1
Minneapolis, Minnesota, PHOTOGRAPHER at 609 Nicollet av ................................................................... 1882-1887 1
Minneapolis, Minnesota, PHOTOGRAPHER at 601-603-605 Hennepin av .................................................. 1887-1897 1
Minneapolis, Minnesota, PHOTOGRAPHER at 33-35 Sixth st south ............................................................ 1897-1905 1
His father emigrated from Canada, and James was born in Michigan in August of 1846, the son of Thomas C. and 2 3
Amanda Brush. Her parents came from New York, and Alice B. Sprague was born in Michigan in April of 1847. She 3 2
and James were married in Detroit on June 1, 1865, and their son Edmund was born in April of 1866. Alice also gave 3 1
birth to Bert in Detroit about 1871 and to Stanley in Minneapolis in July of 1880. In the spring of 1869 James moved 2 d
from Jefferson Avenue to the rooms over Conklin’s jewelry store at the corner of Woodward and Larned which had d
just been vacated by photographer James F. Raymond. The entrance to this gallery was on Larned Street. James sold d t
card photographs for $2.00 per dozen in this era. In 1872 the Detroit Free Press described him as “... a very skillful t 4
photographer.” His card photographs included a view of Detroit’s new city hall as well as portraits, and he produced t 5
stereo views of Detroit. D. A. DeForest’s 1875 advertisements mentioned prominently that he was successor to James d 1
A. Brush. James was said to be the only photographer in Minneapolis when he opened his gallery there. The gallery on 1 t
Hennepin Avenue was at the corner of Sixth Street. Some Minneapolis cabinet mounts reproduced both sides of the t
medal James received at the Photographers’ Association of America convention in Minneapolis in July of 1888. He t 6
was awarded one of the Cramer badges for work submitted to the St. Louis convention of the Photographers’ 6
Association of America in July of 1894. He also received a diploma for his exhibit of photographs in Class C at the 6 7
Detroit convention of the PA of A in August of 1895, and a gold medal for the six pictures he exhibited at the 1898 PA 7 8
of A convention at Celeron on Chautauqua Lake, New York. After James died on May 22, 1906, his business was 8 1
taken over by his eldest son, Edmund, who specialized in railroad and legal photography. Another of his sons practiced 1
photography for a while at Preston, Minnesota, and then moved to Everett, Washington. 1
1. Learned in 2004 from Tracey I. Baker of the Minnesota Historical Society.
2. 1870 Federal Census of the Fifth Ward of Detroit in Wayne County, Michigan, 1880 Federal Census of the city of Minneapolis and
1900 Federal Census of the Fourth Ward of Minneapolis in Hennepin County, Minnesota..
3. Arthur Hopkin Gibson, Artists of Early Michigan, Wayne State University Press, Detroit, 1975.
4. Clipping from the Detroit Free Press in the Burton Historical Collection of the Detroit Public Library.
5. William Culp Darrah, Stereo Views, 1964, and The World of Stereographs, 1977, Gettysburg, Pennsylvania.
6. The Photo Beacon, New York, August 1894, page 307
7. The Photo-American, New York, volume 6, number 10, August 1895, page 315.
. 8. Anthony’s Photographic Bulletin, volume 26, September 1895, page 280; and volume 29, August 1898, page 241.
Bryan, Edward C.
Wyandotte student ..................................................................................................................................................... 1880 1
Detroit wholesale saddlery clerk ...................................................................................................................... 1886-1890 d
Wyandotte instructor for the Wyandotte Art Club ..................................................................................................... 1891 d 2
Wyandotte PHOTOGRAPHER at the corner of Oak and Second sts ........................................................................ 1895 d 3
Wyandotte (Bryan & Lynch) PHOTOGRAPHERS at the corner of Oak and Second sts ......................................... 1895 3
Wyandotte City Clerk ...................................................................................................................................... 1895-1897 m
Wyandotte State Representative ...................................................................................................................... 1897-1900 4 5
Wyandotte boat builder .................................................................................................................................... 1906-1915 m 5
Wyandotte boat builder and City Clerk ........................................................................................................... 1918-1932 5 6
Wyandotte resident .......................................................................................................................................... 1933-1957 2
Edward was born at Portsmouth, Ohio, on August 2, 1867, second of the four children of John M. and Mary Bryan. 4 1
He came to Wyandotte with his parents the next year, and later attended the public schools of Wyandotte, graduating 4 2
in 1885. He was first elected City Clerk of Wyandotte in April of 1895. Richard J. Lynch was his photographic 3 5
partner, and then succeeded the partnership. Edward was elected to the Michigan Legislature as a Republican in 1897, 5 4
and was re-elected in 1899. He and Lillian Mae Rogers were married in November of 1900. Their daughter Jessie was 4 2
born in 1901, and their son Lynn was born in 1905. With his older brother William, Edward founded the Bryan Boat 1 2
Works and built 1500 power and sailing pleasure craft in the next 45 to 50 years. He served Wyandotte as City 2
Commissioner; Police, Fire and Street Commissioner; three terms as president of the Chamber of Commerce executive 2
board; member of the Acanthus Art Club and president of the Wyandotte Boat Club. His wife was killed in an auto 2
accident in 1929, and Edward never remarried. Oil painting and sketching became an important hobby with him, his 2
paintings hung in many state exhibitions, and one was purchased for the Wyandotte Public Library. At 85 Edward was 2
still building twelve boats a year and finishing about the same number of large landscape paintings. He died at Henry 2
Ford Hospital in Detroit on March 15, 1957, after an illness of a few days and an operation. Interment was in 2
Wyandotte’s Ferndale Cemetery. 2
1. 1880, 1900 and 1910 Federal Censes of the First Ward plus 1920 Federal Census of the Second Ward of Wyandotte in Wayne
County, Michigan.
2. Obituary in the Wyandotte Tribune, Wyandotte, Michigan, March 21, 1957.
3. Wyandotte Herald, Wyandotte, Michigan, September 13, 1895, and April 17, 1968.
4. Michigan Biographies, The Michigan Historical Commission, Lansing, 1924.
5. Wyandotte City Directory, 1898, Nathan Neff, Wyandotte; Wyandotte Directory 1907-1908, R. L. Polk & Company, Detroit.;
The Down River Directory, 1915, Elmer L. Snell, Wyandotte; Barbour’s New Idea Directory of Wyandotte ..., 1921, J. S. Barbour;
and Polk’s Wyandotte Directory 1921-1922, R. L. Polk & Company, Detroit.
6. November 1932 newspaper clipping in the Burton Historical Collection of the Detroit Public Library.

Bryan, Samuel W.
Kalamazoo DAGUERREAN CAR on Main st near the court house ............................................................... 1852-1854 1
Kalamazoo DAGUERREOTYPIST on Main st opposite the Kalamazoo House ............................................ 1854-1857 1 m
Kalamazoo salesman .................................................................................................................................................. 1860 2
Clyde Township farmer ............................................................................................................................................. 1870 2
Samuel was born in Maryland about 1802. He parked his wagon near the court house in the autumn of 1852 and ran 2 1
his first ads in November, triggering a year long feud with Schuyler C. Baldwin in the columns of the Kalamazoo 1
Gazette. Baldwin emphasized quality based upon his experience and his 200 square foot light, while Bryan offered 1
daguerreotypes cheaper because he had no rent to pay. He made pictures in all kinds of weather, “though fair weather 1
is best,” and accepted farm produce in exchange for his services. His $1.00 daguerreotypes were made using pure 1
silver plates and good cases with mats and preservers, and were warranted not to fade. He went after the rural trade by 1
taking his wagon out into Kalamazoo County on occasion. The Kalamazoo Gazette announced on October 13, 1854, 1
that Samuel would soon open a gallery over Friedman’s clothing store in the brick block opposite the Kalamazoo 1
House. The wagon gallery continued to move around the county, now operated as a branch of the gallery in town. He 1
made his first ambrotypes in the spring of 1856, and at the Kalamazoo County Fair that fall his entry of 1
daguerreotypes, ambrotypes and sphereotypes was pronounced “very well executed.” Samuel sold the Kalamazoo 1
gallery to J. Stimpson in February of 1857. He seems to have been a single parent in 1860, raising the fifteen-year-old 1 2
twins Luman and Julia, eight-year-old Mary and five-year-old Louisa. Mary still was with him in 1870 taking care of 2
the housework, and 22-year-old Samuel Bryan (possibly a nephew) was living with them and working on the farm. 2
1. Richard W. Welch, Sun Pictures in Kalamazoo; Kalamazoo Public Museum, 1974.
2. 1860 Federal Census of Kalamazoo Township in Kalamazoo County and 1870 Federal Census of Clyde Township in Allegan
County, Michigan.
Bryan Post Card Company
Bryan, Ohio, PHOTOGRAPHERS and publishers of post cards .................................................................... 1908-1910 t
“BRYAN POST CARD COMPANY, BRYAN, O.” (sometimes accompanied by the registered trade mark of the U. t
N. Co.) was printed on the post card backs of Michigan photographs of Battle Creek, Clarks Lake, Dundee, Hillsdale, t
Jackson, Manitou Beach, Monroe, Tecumseh, Three Rivers and Ypsilanti, places 35 to 95 miles from Bryan, Ohio. t 1
The printing on the backs of Tecumseh views and of some Jackson scenes was “PHOTO BY BRYAN POST CARD t
CO., BRYAN, O.” Subjects included resorts, business streets, factories, banks, libraries, schools, churches, rivers, t
floods and railroad depots and yards. The Dundee views were “Pub. by C. E. Stanger.” Captions were lettered on most t
of the negatives, but were scribed into some if the foreground of the scene was plain and light. Negative numbers were t
included with most of the captions, and each town seems to have been assigned a series number. Hillsdale scenes were t
20-21, 20-2-3, 20-2-11, &c.; Jackson views were 26-7, 26-10, 26-14, &c.; Battle Creek views were 27-3, 27-19, 27X3, t
&c.; Tecumseh scenes were 226-4, 226-5, 226-8, &c.; and Three Rivers photos were 14-1, 14-8, 14-X-15, 14-40, &c. t
“PHOTO BY J. E. BEACH & SON, BRYAN, OHIO” was printed on the backs of similar Three Rivers views t
numbered 14-6 and 14-31, and one of these was mailed in February of 1908. More than half of the other cards mailed t
were postmarked between March and December of 1908. The rest were mailed in 1909, 1910, 1911, 1912 and 1916. t
His parents emigrated from the Hesse Darmstadt region of Germany and John E. Beach was born in Ohio in May of 2
1858, the son of G. N. and Anna Beach with a twin sister named Louisa. Her father came from England, Rose Duechas 2
was born in Ohio in May of 1862, and she married John about 1888. Their children were born in Ohio: Edgar in June 2
of 1889, Wilma in July of 1891 and Ernest in April of 1896. John was enumerated as a Bryan painter in 1880 and as a 2
Bryan photographer in 1900, 1910 and 1920. Edgar was his associate in J. E. Beach & Son and was a student at 2
Oberlin College in 1910. Edgar married an Iowa girl named Elsa Strawnaw and was farming in 1920 in Fairview 2
Township of Jones County, Iowa. By 1930 he was professor of music at a nearby college. 2
1. Rand McNally Road Atlas, United States-Canada, Mexico, Deluxe 1997 Edition, Rand McNally, Skokie, Illinois.
2. 1880, 1900, 1910 and 1920 Federal Censes of the village of Bryan in Williams County, Ohio, plus 1920 and 1930 Federal Censes of
Fairview Township in Jones County, Iowa.

Bryant, David C.
Brazil, Indiana, PHOTOGRAPHER .......................................................................................................................... 1875 1
Terre Haute, Indiana, PHOTOGRAPHER on the north side of Main st west of First st ........................................... 1876 1
Terre Haute, Indiana, PHOTOGRAPHER at 20 Main st .......................................................................................... 1877 1
Terre Haute, Indiana, PHOTOGRAPHER on the southwest corner of First and Main sts .............................. 1879-1880 1
Terre Haute, Indiana, PHOTOGRAPHER at 13 Main st .......................................................................................... 1881 1
Indianapolis, Indiana, PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................ 1882 1
Indianapolis, Indiana, PHOTOGRAPHER at 230 Washington st west ........................................................... 1883-1885 1
Grand Rapids PHOTOGRAPHER at the end of the Bridge Street bridge ................................................................. 1885 g
Indianapolis, Indiana, PHOTOGRAPHER at 6 ½ Washington st east ............................................................ 1886-1889 1
Indianapolis, Indiana, PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................ 1890 1
Indianapolis, Indiana, photographer ................................................................................................................ 1891-1892 1
Indianapolis, Indiana, real estate agent or manager ......................................................................................... 1893-1894 1
Indianapolis, Indiana, PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................ 1900 2
Indianapolis, Indiana, PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................ 1910 2
Indianapolis, Indiana, PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................ 1920 2
Either the Grand Rapids gallery was opened as a branch of the Indianapolis business, or there were two photographic g 1
entrepreneurs named David C. Bryant in the Midwest about 1885. David was born in Indiana in October of 1848. Kate g 2
was born in Illinois in March of 1861, the daughter of James and Julia Morris, and she married David early in 1880. 2
They never had children, and Kate took an active part in the photographic business. She and David both were 2
enumerated as photographers in 1900, when a 29-year-old German woman lived with them and took care of the house 2
work. Kate and David were each enumerated as a photographer whose business was photographing in 1920. 2
1. Learned in 2000 from James A. Marusek of Bloomfield, Indiana.
2. 1880 Federal Census of the city of Terre Haute in Vigo County, plus 1900 and 1910 Federal Censes of the Third Ward and 1920
Federal Census of the Fourth Ward of Indianapolis in Marion County, Indiana.
Bryant, Dewey D.
Vernon student ........................................................................................................................................................... 1880
Fenton (Devereaux & Bryant) PHOTOGRAPHERS ............................................................................................ ca 1890 t
Vernon PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................ 1892-1895
Bancroft PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................... ca 1895
Durand (Bryant & Hearn) PHOTOGRAPHERS on Saginaw st ................................................................................ 1896 3
Vernon PHOTOGRAPHER ...................................................................................................................................... 1900
Durand (Bryant & Potter) PHOTOGRAPHERS ............................................................................................. 1901-1902 t R
Durand PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................ 1902-1907
m 3
Durand PHOTOGRAPHER on Clinton st west ............................................................................................... 1907-1911 3 m
His father and his maternal grandparents came from New York, and Dewey was born in Michigan in November of 1
1869, eldest of the six children of Edward D. and Laura Emma Bryant. He and a 13-year-old sister were living with 1
their parents in 1900. Dewey was still single and was living in Durand by himself in 1910. Some of his cabinet mounts 1 2
were from “... Vernon and Bancroft.” He was identified as Durward D. Bryant in at least one directory and in the 1900 2 R
Census. 1
1. 1880 and 1900 Federal Censes of the village of Vernon plus 1910 Federal Census of the village of Durand in Shiawassee County, Michigan.
2. Learned in 1995 from Father George C. Michalek of Lansing, Michigan
3. Owosso City Directory, 1896, 1905, 1907 and 1910.

Bryant, Franklin G.
Saginaw PHOTOGRAPHER at 412 Court st .................................................................................................. 1912-1913
Saginaw PHOTOGRAPHER at 412 ½ Court st .............................................................................................. 1913-1914
s 1
Saginaw PHOTOGRAPHER at 110 ½ Hamilton st north ............................................................................... 1914-1915 s m
George Franklin Bryant was born in the United States on October 21, 1883, and became a medium sized man with 2
blue eyes and light hair. He was living in Detroit in 1918, and working as a train baggage man on the Pere Marquette 2
Railway between Detroit and Toledo. His permanent residence must have been with his father near Swan Creek a few 2
miles southwest of Saginaw, for his draft card was filed in Saginaw County. He could have been the photographer. 2 s
1. Frank Gueder, “Index of Saginaw Photographers 1865-1971” in Timbertown Log, Saginaw, Michigan, 1973 Fall-Winter 1974 and Summer 1974.
2. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.

Bryant, Thomas
Detroit photographer .................................................................................................................................................. 1876 d
Detroit hostler or helper ................................................................................................................................... 1877-1878 d

Bryant, William D.
Augusta, Maine, student ............................................................................................................................................ 1870 1
Worcester, Massachusetts, employee of a pistol shop ............................................................................................... 1880 1
Grand Rapids retoucher for photographer Daniel H. Hamilton ................................................................................. 1888 g
Grand Rapids photographer ....................................................................................................................................... 1889 g
Grand Rapids retoucher for photographer Daniel H. Hamilton ................................................................................. 1890 g
Grand Rapids photographer for Samuel L. Sharpsteen .............................................................................................. 1893 g
Grand Rapids PHOTOGRAPHER at 103 Monroe st ...................................................................................... 1894-1895 g m
Grand Rapids photographer for Mrs. Emma J. Hamilton .......................................................................................... 1896 g
Grand Rapids PHOTOGRAPHER at 126 Canal st .................................................................................................... 1897 g
Grand Rapids photographer ....................................................................................................................................... 1898 g
Grand Rapids photographer for the Nelson-Matter Furniture Company .......................................................... 1899-1900 g
Grand Rapids photographer ....................................................................................................................................... 1901 g
Grand Rapids photographer for the Nelson-Matter Furniture Company .......................................................... 1902-1906 g
Cleveland, Ohio, photographer in a photo gallery ..................................................................................................... 1910 1
Lakewood, Ohio, machinist in an automatic machine factory ................................................................................... 1920 1
William was born in Maine in October of 1861, the son of Mathew and Sarah A. Bryant. His sister Minnie was seven 1
years younger. Her father came from New York and Mabel was born in Michigan in April of 1869. She married 1
William about 1887, and she gave birth to Royal in December of 1889. Photographer Carey B. Robinson worked for 1 g
William in 1895. A “trick” cabinet photograph from 103 Monroe Street showed five head and shoulders views of the t
same woman from different angles arranged as in a conversational group with her back to the camera in the central t
1. 1870 Federal Census of the city of Augusta in Kennebec County, Maine, 1880 and 1900 Federal Censes of the city of Worcester in
Worcester County, Massachusetts, 1900 Federal Census of the Third Ward of Grand Rapids in Kent County, Michigan, plus 1910
Federal Census of the Sixth Ward of Cleveland and 1920 Federal Census of the city of Lakewood in Cuyahoga County, Ohio.
Bryce, J. Fraser
Toronto, Ontario, assistant to photographer Thomas Hunter ................................................................................ ca 1876 1
Toronto, Ontario, PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................ 1884-1909 1
John Fraser Bryce was born to Scottish parents on July 12, 1852, at Dundas, Ontario, the son of William and 1 2
Christiana (Fraser) Bryce. Following a brief stay with the photographer Thomas Hunter, Fraser left Toronto for Detroit 1
where he worked for the photographer Corydon C. Randall. He then moved on to Cleveland, where he was employed 1
by the photographer James F. Ryder. He may have returned to Toronto as early as 1880. He became one of the most 1
prominent photographers in Toronto, and used the carbon process extensively. He returned to the Dundas area about 1 2
1912 and was hospitalized with paralysis for 18 months prior to his death on March 18, 1920. Burial was in Grove 2
Cemetery at Dundas. 2
1. Thomas Ritchie of Ottawa, Ontario, “J. Fraser Bryce, the ‘Carbon Studio’ and the Carbon Process of Printing Photographs.”
Unpublished manuscript provided in 2004 by Robert Lansdale of Etobicoke, Ontario.
2. Ontario, Canada Deaths 1869-1932.
Bub, William Frederich
Mosel Township, Wisconsin, child ............................................................................................................................ 1880 1
Rockland PHOTOGRAPHER ......................................................................................................................... 1900-1901 1 m
Milwaukee, Wisconsin, PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................... 1905-1920 2 1
Milwaukee, Wisconsin, COMMERCIAL PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................. 1930 1
His parents emigrated from the Prussian region of Germany and William was born in Wisconsin on July 7, 1873, the 1 3
third son of Jacob and Anna Bub. Emma was born in Wisconsin in September of 1877, and she married William about 1
1896. In 1900 they were sharing their home with William’s twelve-year-old brother and nine-year-old sister. Emma 1
gave birth in Wisconsin to Lucille in 1903 and to Harold late in 1909. William was a stout man of average height in 1 3
1918 with brown eyes and black hair that was turning gray, and he was working as a commercial photographer for 3
Alfred J. Breitwisch. He died in December of 1969 at Waukesha, Wisconsin. 3 4
1. 1900 Federal Census of Rockland Township in Ontonagon County, Michigan, 1880 Federal Census of Mosel Township in Sheboygan
County, plus 1910, 1920 and 1930 Federal Censes of the 21st Ward of Milwaukee in Milwaukee County, Wisconsin.
2. Directory of Wisconsin Photographers; State Historical Society of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin, 1991.
3. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.
4. Social Security Death Index.

Bube, Andrew J.
Conquest Township, New York, laborer on his father’s farm .................................................................................... 1860 1
Nashville photographer .............................................................................................................................................. 1880 1
Nashville carpenter .................................................................................................................................................... 1900 1
Andrew was born in New York State in September of 1840, eldest of the three children of Isaac and Mary Bube. His
wife and daughters were born in Michigan, Susan in August of 1849, Marcia in February of 1879, Florence in
September of 1880, and Belva in January of 1884. By 1910 Susan was a widow living in Nashville and still sharing
her home with her oldest and youngest daughters, who were working as a school teacher and a post office clerk.
1. 1860 Federal Census of Conquest Township in Cayuga County, New York, plus 1880, 1900 and 1910 Federal Censes of the village of
Nashville in Barry County, Michigan.

Bucher, Peter
Manistee carpenter ..................................................................................................................................................... 1870 1
Manistee PHOTOGRAPHER .......................................................................................................................... 1880-1881 m
Both of the Buchers were born in German provinces, Peter in Baden about 1832 and Veronica in Prussia ten years 1
later. Their daughter Margaret was born in Michigan about 1863. 1
1. 1870 Federal Census of the village of Manistee and 1880 Federal Census of the Second Ward of Manistee in Manistee County, Michigan.

Buck, _______
Lansing (Buck & Scott) PHOTOGRAPHERS .......................................................................................................... 1898 1
Homer (Buck & Scott) PHOTOGRAPHERS in the Lyon Block .............................................................................. 1898 1
North Adams (Buck & Carney) PHOTOGRAPHERS .............................................................................................. 1900 1
That Buck & Scott intended to open the Homer studio about April first was reported in the spring of 1898. The 1
opening of the gallery in North Adams by Buck & Carney was reported in March of 1900. 1
1. St. Louis and Canadian Photographer; volume 22, number 5, May 1898, page 222; and volume 24, number 3, March 1900, page 138.
Buck, Arthur W.
Manchester Township, New York, child ................................................................................................................... 1880 1
Leighton Township laborer on his father’s farm ........................................................................................................ 1900 1
Wayland PHOTOGRAPHER .......................................................................................................................... 1901-1903 2 3
Hopkins PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................... 1902-1903 3
Houghton PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................ 1906-1908 m 3
Calumet PHOTOGRAPHER ..................................................................................................................................... 1908 3
Lake Linden PHOTOGRAPHER .................................................................................................................... 1908-1909 3
Atlanta, Georgia, commercial traveler for Kodak ...................................................................................................... 1910 1
Saint Louis, Missouri, proprietor of a business dealing in dental X ray goods .......................................................... 1920 1
Saint Louis, Missouri, manufacturer of exographs .................................................................................................... 1930 1
Arthur was born in Manchester Township of Ontario County, New York, in July of 1879, the elder son of Edgar G. 1
and Emma J. Buck. By 1884 the family had moved to Michigan. He opened his Wayland gallery on November 30, 1 2
1901, and took photographs of the 1902 fire in Wayland. The opening of his gallery in Hopkins was reported early in 2 3
1903. D. A. Stockdale’s purchase of the Wayland studio from A. W. Buck, who was working in Houghton, was 3 2
reported early in 1906. Arthur’s Houghton studio was in Suite 8-10 of the Leopold Building at 92 Sheldon Street in 2 4
1907. “Houghton Light Infantry, Company G, Third Infantry, M.N.G. - Photo by A. W. Buck.” was included in a 12 4 t
by 16 inch composite print on a heavy 16 by 20 commercial mount. The photo was made up of 54 oval portraits of t
enlisted men, three oval portraits of officers, and one view of the Houghton Amphidrome used as an armory and drill t
hall. “Photo by A. W. Buck” and “Mass Copper, taken from Michigan Mine, Weight 8 Tons.” were press printed on a t 5
color post card. “Studio of A. W. BUCK, Leopold Building, Houghton” was printed on a 5¾ by 3¼ inch mount for an 5 t
oval portrait. This mount was glued into a folder blind stamped: “Goodfellow, South Range, Mich.” Arthur was said to t 3
be in Houghton in September of 1908, but two months later it was from Calumet that he was reported to have 3
purchased the Schlichting Photo Studio at Lake Linden. “STUDIO OF A. W. BUCK” was printed at the bottom edge of a post 3 t
card photograph of the Hubbell Eagles, champions of the T. L. F. Indoor Base Ball League in the 1909/1910 season. t
Frank M. Edyvean was proprietor of the Buck Studio at Lake Linden in 1910. Olive was born in Michigan in 1884 and m 1
married Arthur about 1903. They had no children, and something happed to Olive after 1920. By 1930 Arthur had 1
acquired a wife born in Missouri about 1892 and two step-sons born there between 1917 and 1920. Exographs was a 1 6
name for X ray plates or films. 6
1. 1880 Federal Census of Manchester Township in Ontario County, New York, 1900 Federal Census of Leighton Township in Allegan
County, Michigan, 1910 Federal Census of the Second Ward of Atlanta in Fulton County, Georgia, plus 1920 Federal Census of the
25th Ward and 1930 Federal Census of the 28th Ward of Saint Louis, Missouri.
2. Compiled by Mrs. Donna L. Benedict from Wayland Globe newspapers.
3. St. Louis and Canadian Photographer; volume 27, number 2, February 1903, page 74;
and volume 32, numbers 9 and 11, September and November 1908, pages 336 and 30.
4. Houghton County Directory, 1907, R. L. Polk & Company, Detroit.
5. eBay item number 6172167601 in July of 2005.
6. Webster’s Third New International Dictionary, 1961, G. & C. Merriam Company, Springfield, Massachusetts.

Buck, Henry D.
Jonesville PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................ 1862-1865 1 m
1. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1862-1866, National Archives, Washington, D.C.

Buck, Otto
Detroit resident, photographer or blacksmith .................................................................................................. 1892-1894 d
Detroit photographer for Horace N. Imrie ................................................................................................................. 1895 d
Detroit cutter or resident .................................................................................................................................. 1896-1898 d
Detroit helper ............................................................................................................................................................. 1902 d

Buck Studio
Lake Linden PHOTOGRAPHERS on Calumet st between Third and Fourth sts ............................................ 1910-1911 m
Frank M. Edyvean was proprietor of the Buck Studio, offering photography in all branches as well as Kodak m
finishing. m
Buckenberger, Albert C.
Detroit student ........................................................................................................................................................... 1870 1
Detroit photographer or bartender ................................................................................................................... 1877-1879 d
Detroit student of the law ........................................................................................................................................... 1880 d 1
Detroit detective .............................................................................................................................................. 1881-1883 d
Detroit clerk or baseball player ........................................................................................................................ 1885-1888 d
Columbus, Ohio, baseball manager ................................................................................................................. 1889-1890 d
Syracuse, New York, baseball manager ..................................................................................................................... 1900 1
Syracuse, New York, manager of an amusement company ........................................................................................ 1910 1
Albert was born in Michigan in February of 1862, eldest of the six children of Jacob and Mary Buckenberger, both 1
emigrants from the Wurtemburg region of Germany. Jacob died about 1875, and Mary was proprietor of the saloon he 1 d
had founded until her death in December of 1891. Albert always boarded with his mother, including his time as d
manager of the Columbus Baseball Club. Missouri was born in West Virginia in September of 1872, she married d 1
Albert in 1889 or early in 1890, and they never had children. 1
1. 1870 Federal Census of the Fourth Ward and 1880 Federal Census of the Third Ward of Detroit in Wayne County, Michigan, plus 1900
Federal Census of the Sixteenth Ward and 1910 Federal Census of the Thirteenth Ward of Syracuse in Onondaga County, New York

Buckeye View Company

Detroit PHOTOGRAPHERS ................................................................................................................................ ca 1895 t
This company produced photographs of urban and rural residences and of farmers showing off a prize bull or a new t
McCormick reaper on at least three different styles of cabinet mounts. During the same period, G. W. Bretz was t 1
proprietor of the Buckeye View Company of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and produced views of small town or 1
neighborhood store fronts on cabinet mounts. 1
1. Learned in 1998 from Cynthia Motzenbecker of Royal Oak, Michigan.

Buckhout, _______
Paw Paw (Shaefer & Buckhout) PHOTOGRAPHERS on the ground floor ......................................................... ca 1895 t
The most likely person to have been the junior partner in this business was Joseph E. Buckhout. He was born in 1
Michigan in October of 1866, the eldest child and only son of Romanzo and Ella (McPherson) Buckhout. He grew up 1
on the family farm in Almena Township just northeast of Paw Paw. His sister Kate was two years younger and the only 1
other Buckhout of an appropriate age in the county. By 1900 Joseph seems to have inherited the Almena Township 1
farm, married Blanche, and started a family of his own. He farmed there and later in Charleston Township of 1
Kalamazoo County for the rest of his life. 1
1. 1880 and 1900 Federal Censes of Almena Township in Van Buren County, plus 1920 and 1930 Federal Censes of Charleston
Township in Kalamazoo County, Michigan.

Buckingham, Charles L.
West Genesee Township farmer on his father’s farm ................................................................................................ 1850 1 m
Flint clerk ................................................................................................................................................................... 1860
Flint PHOTOGRAPHER on Saginaw st at the corner of Kearsley st .............................................................. 1862-1863
Flint clerk in a store ................................................................................................................................................... 1870
Charles was born in New York State late in 1834 or early in 1835, the son of Lyman G. and Salome C. (Beach)
Buckingham. The family moved to Michigan before his brother Wait was born two years later. His sister Elizabeth was
born in the summer of 1845. Charles remained single and lived with his parents through 1870. Both parents were
living in Flint in 1880, but Charles had vanished.
1. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1862-1866, National Archives, Washington, D.C.
Buckley, Oliver H.
Augusta, Maine, child ................................................................................................................................................ 1850 1
South Bend, Indiana, resident .................................................................................................................................... 1860 1
United States Army soldier .............................................................................................................................. 1861-1865 2 3
Tekonsha PHOTOGRAPHER and sewing machine agent .............................................................................. 1872-1873 m
Deering Township, Maine, commercial traveler ........................................................................................................ 1880 1
Portland, Maine, agent for a Boston insurance company ................................................................................. 1889-1891 4
Oliver was born in Maine in 1844 or early in 1845, fifth of the six children of Charles S. and Laura J. Buckley. He 1
and three of his siblings were with their father in South Bend in 1860, where Charles and the two older boys were 1
working as tinners. Oliver claimed to be 18 years old when he enlisted at Tekonsha in Company K of the First 1 2
Michigan Engineers and Mechanics on October 23, 1861. At some time during his army service he was wounded in 2 3
the right arm. He re-enlisted at Chattanooga, Tennessee, on December 31, 1863, and was designated an artificer on 3
October 31, 1864. He was promoted to corporal on January 18, 1865, and was mustered out of the service at 3
Nashville, Tennessee, on September 22, 1865. He and Miss Mary E. Hulbert were married at Marshall, Michigan, on 3
December 25, 1865, and had four children. Georgia and Orin were born in Michigan between 1866 and 1873, and then 3 1
Lewis and Edith were born in Maine between 1875 and 1879. Oliver worked as a traveling salesman. Their home 1 3
seems to have been for many years at Portland, Maine, and then in Boston, Massachusetts, until 1895 when the family 3
moved to Chicago, Illinois. Oliver spent some time on business in Los Angeles, California, and in the fall of 1894 3
business took him to Portland, Oregon. He joined his wife and daughter at Chicago in March of 1896. He was 3
employed by Seavey & Company of Boston in March of 1897, and was traveling for them at the time of his death. He 3
died at Bangor, Maine, of congestion of the lungs on April 27, 1897. 3
1. 1850 Federal Census of the city of Augusta in Kennebec County, Maine, 1860 Federal Census of the city of South Bend in St. Joseph
County, Indiana, and 1880 Federal Census of Deering Township in Cumberland County, Maine.
2. Record of Service of Michigan Volunteers in the Civil War, 1861-1865; published by the State of Michigan about 1904.
3. Civil War Pension Record of Oliver H. Buckley obtained from the National Archives at Washington, D. C.
4. Portland, Maine Directories 1889-91.

Bueche, Charles Cornelius

Grand Rapids photo printer for photographer Louis M. Kramer ............................................................................... 1893 g
Grand Rapids resident, helper, tinner, apprentice or carriage painter .............................................................. 1894-1898 g
Grand Rapids sander, machine hand, bench hand or contractor ...................................................................... 1899-1912 g
Grand Rapids sander, machine hand, core maker, foreman, inspector or tester ............................................... 1913-1936 g
Grand Rapids machine hand or factory worker ............................................................................................... 1937-1939 g
Grand Rapids resident ................................................................................................................................................ 1943 g
His parents came from Pennsylvania before Charles was born in Michigan on March 22, 1878, to become a slender 1 2
man with blue eyes and black hair. Agnes was born in England in 1880, and their children were born in Michigan: 2 1
Charles in 1902, Lillian in 1904, and Clarence in 1905. 1
1. 1920 Federal Census of the Second Ward of Grand Rapids in Kent County, Michigan.
2. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.

Buehl, Carl E.
Merritt Township farmer ........................................................................................................................................... 1900 1
Bay City PHOTOGRAPHER at the corner of Fifth and Washington sts .............................................................. ca 1902 t
Hampton Township farmer ........................................................................................................................................ 1910 1
Portsmouth Township farmer ............................................................................................................................ 1920,1930 1
Carl was born in Germany in January of 1869, the son of Andrew and Caroline Buehl and the older brother of the 1
Ernest Buehl of the next entry. He immigrated with his family in 1884. Louisa was born in Michigan to German 1
parents in January of 1873, and she married Carl in 1897 or early in 1898. They never had children. 1
1. 1900 Federal Census of Merritt Township, 1910 Federal Census of Hampton Township, plus 1920 and 1930 Federal Censes of
Portsmouth Township in Bay County, Michigan.
Buehl, Ernest Kouvad
Merritt Township laborer on his father’s farm ........................................................................................................... 1900 1
Bay City photographer ..................................................................................................................................... 1909-1910 b 1
Bay City PHOTOGRAPHER at 505 Kelton st ................................................................................................ 1911-1915 b m
Bay City clothing merchant ....................................................................................................................................... 1916 b
Bay City merchant ..................................................................................................................................................... 1918 2
Bay City clothing merchant ....................................................................................................................................... 1920 1
Ernest was born in the Bavarian part of Germany on November 27, 1875, the son of Andrew and Caroline Buehl and 2 1
the younger brother of Carl. Bertha was born in the Pomeranian section of Germany in 1878. They immigrated in 1
1884, they married about 1901, and they became naturalized citizens of the United States in 1913. They had nine 1
children born in Michigan: Edna, Matilda and Clara between 1902 and 1905, Leana about 1907, Esther in August of 1
1909, Alvin in 1911, Viola in 1913, Carl in 1914, and Clarence in 1921. Ernest’s widowed mother was living with 1
them in 1910. Ernest was short and stout in 1918, with brown eyes and light hair. Bertha was a widow by 1930, when 2 1
she was working as an office janitress and sharing her home with a daughter and all three of her sons. 1
1. 1900 Federal Census of Merritt Township plus 1910, 1920 and 1930 Federal Censes of the Seventh Ward of Bay City in Bay County,
2. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.

Buell, _______
Howell (Cleave & Buell) PHOTOGRAPH & FINE ART GALLERY ................................................................ ca 1885 t

Buell, Charles E.
Duplain Township student ......................................................................................................................................... 1880 1
Detroit electrician or inspector ........................................................................................................................ 1900-1904 d
Detroit solicitor .......................................................................................................................................................... 1906 d
Detroit electrician ............................................................................................................................................ 1907-1912 d
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 971 Van Dyke av ............................................................................................ 1912-1913 m
Detroit vacuum cleaner merchant .............................................................................................................................. 1913 d
Detroit electrician ............................................................................................................................................ 1914-1926 d
His parents came from Ohio and Charles was born in Michigan in May of 1870, the son of S. Augustus and Mary J. 1
(Searl) Buell. His sister Lottie May was born four years later. Louise was born in Michigan to German parents in April 1
of 1870, and she married Charles late in 1869 or early in 1870. Their son Orville was born in Detroit in 1908. Charles 1
worked primarily for the telephone company prior to 1920, when he started working in the laboratory of Parke, Davis 1 d
& Company. d
1. 1880 Federal Census of Duplain Township in Clinton County, plus 1900, 1910, and 1920 Federal Censes of the Seventeenth Ward
of Detroit in Wayne County, Michigan.

Buell, John
Genesco, Illinois, child or student ..................................................................................................................... 1860,1870 1
Genesco, Illinois, photographic apprentice for Noah D. Davis ....................................................................... 1874-1876 2
Jackson employee of a photograph gallery ...................................................................................................... 1876-1879 2
Jackson photographer ................................................................................................................................................ 1880 1
Jackson photographer for James M. LeClear ............................................................................................................. 1881 J
Genesco, Illinois, PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................ 1881-1885 2
Genesco, Illinois, PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................. 1900,1910 1
Nevada, Iowa, resident .............................................................................................................................................. 1920 1
His parents, Christian and Christina (Meyers) Buell, were natives of Denmark and the Baden region of Germany and 1 2
moved from Pennsylvania shortly before John was born at Genesco, Illinois on July 27, 1856. He acquired two sisters 2 1
and a pair of twin brothers between 1859 and 1868. He and artist Fred D. Welling, along with Fred’s wife and one- 1
year-old son, were boarding in 1880 with Fred’s mother, Mrs. Sarah A. Welling. When he left Jackson, John worked 1 2
in photography for three months at Ottawa, Illinois. Then he returned to Genesco and purchased the business of Noah 2
D. Davis. Sarah was born in Illinois in September of 1859 to a German mother, and she married John in 1882 or early 2 1
in 1883. Their daughter Edith was born in March of 1888, and their son Carley (later Charles) was born in November 1
of 1890. Sarah was with John in Iowa in 1910, and then was back on an Illinois farm as a widow with the family of her 1
son in 1920. 1
1. 1880 Federal Census of the city of Jackson in Jackson County, Michigan, 1860 Federal Census of the town of Genesco, 1870 Federal
Census of the city of Genesco, plus 1900 and 1910 Federal Censes of the Fourth Ward of Genesco and 1930 Federal Census of Munson
Township in Henry County, Illinois, as well as 1920 Federal Census of the Fourth Ward of Nevada in Story County, Iowa.
2. Portrait and Biographical Album of Henry County, Illinois, Biographical Publishing Company, Chicago, Illinois, 1885.
Buell, Leslie Albert
Ravenna Township, Ohio, child ................................................................................................................................. 1860 1
Chester Township student .......................................................................................................................................... 1870 1
Agricultural College student ............................................................................................................................ 1879-1883 2
Minneapolis, Kansas, abstractor and dealer in real estate, loans and insurance ............................................... 1883-1891 2
Detroit clerk for a sulphite fiber company ................................................................................................................. 1895 d
Detroit employee of a real estate exchange ................................................................................................................ 1896 d
Detroit manager of “Photo Titles” ........................................................................................................................ ca 1897 2
Highland Township farmer and stock raiser .............................................................................................................. 1900 1 2
Highland Township farmer ........................................................................................................................................ 1910 1
Holly farm implement and equipment salesman ............................................................................................... 1920,1930 1
Leslie was born in Ohio in June of 1858, second of the four children of Albert G. and Angeline Buel. He graduated 1 2
from Michigan Agricultural College in 1883 with a Bachelor of Science degree. Her parents emigrated from England 2 1
and Ireland, and Mary Bamber was born in Michigan in October of 1865. She married Leslie in 1887, and gave birth 1
in Kansas to Herbert in August of 1892. Leslie was the inventor as well as the manager of “Photo Titles,” providing 1 2
photographic abstracts of deeds and mortgages. He and Mary still were together in 1930. 2 1
1. 1860 Federal Census of Ravenna Township in Portage County, Ohio, 1870 Federal Census of Chester Township in Eaton County,
1900 and 1910 Federal Censes of Highland Township plus 1920 and 1930 Federal Censes of the village of Holly in Oakland County,
2. General Catalogue of the Officers and Students, 1857-1900, Michigan State Agricultural College, Agricultural College, Michigan, 1900.

Buell, Lorenzo
Grand Rapids resident or mechanic ................................................................................................................. 1849-1851 1 2
Grand Rapids DAGUERREOTYPIST in Faneuil Hall on Monroe st ............................................................. 1851-1852 1
Grand Rapids (Proctor & Buell) DAGUERREOTYPISTS in Faneuil Hall on Monroe st .............................. 1852-1855 1
Grand Rapids DAGUERREOTYPIST over S. S. Porter & Company’s store in Faneuil Hall on Monroe st ............ 1856 g
Grand Rapids DAGUERREOTYPIST in Taylor & Barns’ Block at the se corner of Canal and Lyon sts ...... 1858-1860 1 g
Grand Rapids druggist ..................................................................................................................................... 1860-1867 2 g
Grand Rapids resident ...................................................................................................................................... 1868-1888 1 g
Lorenzo was born in New Hampshire about 1808, Margaret was born in New York five years later, and their 2
daughters were born in Michigan: Elizabeth about 1837, Frances about 1840, and Mary about 1847. Lorenzo opened 2 1
the daguerreian rooms in Faneuil Hall in November of 1851, and went into the partnership with Proctor in June of 1 3
1852. Proctor & Buell were in Grand Haven in 1852 taking daguerreotypes, possibly outdoors. In 1856 Lorenzo 3 g
claimed to be the “... oldest and best in town.” In 1859 and 1860 he was making ambrotypes and paper photographs as g 1
well as daguerreotypes until he lost his up-stairs gallery in a fire. From 1870 until his death on August 21, 1888, 1 g
Lorenzo boarded with his daughter Mary and her husband, Lyman E. Patten. Lorenzo’s widow Margaret stayed with 3 g
the Pattens through 1893. Though he was in the picture and stationery business, Patten sold a variety of stereo views g t
over the years. t
1. Albert Baxter, History of the City of Grand Rapids, Munsell & Company, 1891.
2. 1850 and 1880 Federal Censes of the city of Grand Rapids plus 1860 and 1870 Federal Censes of the Third Ward of Grand Rapids
in Kent County, Michigan.
3. Leo C. Lille, Historic Grand Haven and Ottawa County, Grand Haven, Michigan, 1931, page 251.
Buell, Sidney D.
Union Township student ............................................................................................................................................ 1850 1
Union Township carpenter ......................................................................................................................................... 1860 1
Union City resident .................................................................................................................................................... 1861 2
United States Army soldier .............................................................................................................................. 1862-1865 2
Union City PHOTOGRAPH ARTIST ............................................................................................................. 1865-1867 3 m
Union City carpenter .................................................................................................................................................. 1870 1
Union City carpenter and joiner or beehive maker .......................................................................................... 1880-1881 m
Union City planing mill proprietor .................................................................................................................. 1882-1903 m
Union City resident .................................................................................................................................................... 1910 1
His parents came from New York and Maine. Sidney was born in Michigan in September of 1838, second of the five 1
sons of Darius and Cornelia Buell. He was 23 years old when he enlisted in Battery D of the First Michigan Light 1 2
Artillery on December 31, 1861. The officers and other men of the battery had left for Kentucky on December 9, and 3
records of their operations prior to June of 1863 do not exist. They fought on June 26 at Hoover’s Gap, Tennessee, and 3
left Winchester, Tennessee, for the Chattanooga Campaign in September of 1863. On September 20, the second day of 3
the Battle of Chickamauga, their infantry support was driven back and many of their horses were killed. When the 3
battery was overrun they could save only one of their guns, abandoning the others to the Confederates. In November of 3
1863 Battery D was furnished with 20-pounder Parrott guns, and was stationed in Chattanooga at Fort Negley. They 3
supported the advance on Lookout Mountain and shelled the entrenchments on Missionary Ridge. They moved to 3
Nashville in December to spend the winter and in March of 1864 were ordered to Murfreesboro, Tennessee. Sidney 3
was transferred to the Invalid Corps on April 30, 1864. When his three-year term of service had expired, Sidney was 3
discharged at Nashville on January 2, 1865. Her parents came from Pennsylvania and New York, and Margaret, better 3 1
known as Maggie, was born in Michigan in August of 1839. She and Sidney married about 1866, and never had 1
children. One of their neighbors in 1870 was the photographer William McClellan. In 1884, Sidney’s planing mill 1 m
manufactured sash, doors and blinds and made beehives and supplies to order. By 1900 the beehives had been m
replaced by window and door screens, interior finish, scroll sawing and other planing mill work, and Sidney was m
offering the mill for sale. Margaret died some time between 1900 and 1910. m 1
1. 1850, 1860, 1870 and 1880 Federal Censes of Union Township plus 1900 and 1910 Federal Censes of the village of Union City in
Branch County, Michigan.
2. Record of Service of Michigan Volunteers in the Civil War, 1861-1865; published by the State of Michigan about 1904.
3. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1862-1866, National Archives, Washington, D.C.

Buffham, Alfred T.
Sedalia, Missouri, painter .......................................................................................................................................... 1880 1
Sedalia, Missouri, PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................. ca 1888 2
Fort Scott, Kansas, PHOTOGRAPHER at 115 Scott Avenue ................................................................................... 1898 3
Kalamazoo (Chicago Penny Picture Gallery) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 139 Burdick st south .......................... 1906-1909 m K
Bellevue PHOTOGRAPHER .......................................................................................................................... 1908-1909 m
Kalamazoo (Chicago Penny Picture Gallery) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 104 Main st east .......................................... 1909 K
Kalamazoo PHOTOGRAPHER at 104 Main st east ....................................................................................... 1910-1911 K m
Kalamazoo PHOTOGRAPHER at 128 Main st west ...................................................................................... 1912-1913 m K
Kansas City, Kansas, resident .................................................................................................................................... 1915 4
His parents emigrated from England, and Alfred was born in Michigan in 1846 or 1847. Margaret was born in 1
Illinois in 1853, and she married Alfred about 1871. They had at least three children: Clara was born in Illinois in 1
1873 or 1874, Delmer was born in Missouri in December of 1879, and Edna was born in Missouri about 1886. Alfred 1 4
was boarding alone at Kansas City in 1915. Margaret was boarding alone with a family and working in a Battle Creek 4 1
food factory in 1920, and still was characterizing herself as married. 1
1. 1880 Federal Census of Sedalia in Pettis County, Missouri, 1910 Federal Census of the Second Ward of Kalamazoo in Kalamazoo
County, and 1920 Federal Census of the Sixth Ward of Battle Creek in Calhoun County, Michigan.
2. United States Business Directory for 1890, H. A. Curtin, New York.
3. Carl Mautz, Biographies of Western Photographers, Carl Mautz Publishing, Nevada City, California, 1997.
4. Kansas State Census Collection 1855-1915.

Buffington, P.
Ann Arbor PHOTOGRAPH ARTIST and sewing machine agent on Huron st ............................................... 1859-1860 m

Bugby, A.
Tecumseh PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................ 1898-1899 m

Bulla, S. A.
Mendon PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................................ ca 1867 t
Please see also the entry for Miss Bulls.
Bulley, Peter
Wyandotte PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................................. 1890 R
Bay County resident ................................................................................................................................................... 1894 1
Pinconning Township stove pointer ........................................................................................................................... 1900 2
Pinconning Township farmer ..................................................................................................................................... 1910 2
Wyandotte punch press operator in a ship yard ......................................................................................................... 1920 2
Wyandotte library janitor ........................................................................................................................................... 1930 2
Peter was born in Michigan in October of 1856. Elizabeth was born here in June of 1865, and she married Peter 2
about 1882. Their children were born in Michigan: William in July of 1885, Benjamin in July of 1889, James in June 2
of 1891, and Sadie in June of 1895. Benjamin was single and living with his parents while working as a mill wright in 2
an auto plant in 1930. 2
1. 1894 Michigan State Census.
2. 1900 and 1910 Federal Censes of Pinconning Township in Bay County, plus 1920 Federal Census of the Fourth Ward and 1930 Federal
Census of the Fifth Precinct of Wyandotte in Wayne County, Michigan.

Bulls, _______, Miss

Mendon PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................... 1869-1870 1
In January of 1870, Miss Bulls had placards up announcing her decision to close out her business in Mendon. Please 1
see also the entry for S. A. Bulla. t
1. Three Rivers Reporter, Three Rivers, Michigan, January 13, 1870.

Buncher, Charles
Detroit active member of the Detroit Lantern Club ................................................................................................... 1894 1
Charles was born at Lowell, Massachusetts, on March 2, 1839. From 1863 through 1871 he was with Boston dry 2
goods firms, representing them in Detroit and elsewhere. He joined the Detroit wholesale dry goods merchants Edson- 2
Moore & Company in 1871, and was a principal of this firm throughout the 1890s. Charles was a noted amateur 2 d
archeologist, and had a personal library of 5000 volumes. 2
1. The Blue Book for Amateur Photographers ... 1895: compiled early in 1894 by Walter Sprange, Beach Bluff, Massachusetts.
2. Landmarks of Detroit, Ross & Catlin, Detroit, 1898, page 656.

Bunker, Ada, Miss

Wilmington, Indiana, resident .................................................................................................................................... 1880 1
Owosso Township resident ............................................................................................................................... 1900,1920 1
Owosso Township farmer .......................................................................................................................................... 1930 1
Ada was born in Wisconsin on March 2, 1873, to James and Mary A. Bunker, who had emigrated from Canada in 1 2
1872. She was living with her parents in 1880 and 1900, and with her widowed mother in 1920 and 1930. She worked 1 2
as a professional photographer and musician. She remained single and was head of the household in 1930. Ada died in 2 1
Owosso from complications following a stroke on November 13, 1946. 2
1. 1880 Federal Census of Wilmington in De Kalb County, Indiana, plus 1900, 1920 and 1930 Federal Censes of Owosso Township in
Shiawassee County, Michigan.
2. Shiawassee County Surname File, Shiawassee District Library, Owosso, Michigan.
Bunker, Hollis P.
Kalamazoo DAGUERREOTYPIST opposite the Kalamazoo House on Main st at the corner of Portage st ............ 1860 m 1
Kalamazoo PHOTOGRAPH ARTIST west of the Burdick House in Booth’s Brick Block ........................... 1860-1862 1
Battle Creek PHOTOGRAPHER on Main st .................................................................................................. 1862-1863 m
Kalamazoo PHOTOGRAPHER on Main st .................................................................................................... 1864-1865 m
Galion, Ohio, (Bunker & Oldroyd) PHOTOGRAPHERS .......................................................................................... 1865 2
Dayton, Ohio, PHOTOGRAPHER at the corner of Third and Main sts .......................................................... 1867-1871 3
Dayton, Ohio, PHOTOGRAPHER at the corner of Fourth and Jefferson sts .................................................. 1874-1890 3
Columbus, Ohio, artist ............................................................................................................................................... 1900 4
Hollis probably was born in Vermont about 1837, though his reported year of birth kept getting later as he aged and 4
he may have been born in Ohio or Michigan. His first wife and their daughter were born in Michigan, Lucy in 1837 or 4
1838 and Ada about 1859. He purchased the Main Street gallery in Kalamazoo from J. Stimpson in February of 1860, 4 1
and began advertising ambrotypes for only fifty cents. He in turn sold that gallery to G. W. Crego, and acquired the 1
interests and location of Schuyler & Anders in Booth’s Brick Block. He produced stereo views of Dayton over two 1 5
decades. By 1870 Hollis had a 27-year-old wife from New York named Jennie who also was identified as a 5 4
photographer. About 1878 he married an Ohio girl named Augusta who was not yet twenty, and they still were 4
together in 1900. 4
1. Richard W. Welch, Sun Pictures in Kalamazoo; Kalamazoo Public Museum, 1974.
2. Learned in 2001 from Don Fredgant of Lakewood, Ohio.
3. Diane VanSkiver Gagel, Ohio Photographers 1839-1900, Carl Mautz Publishing, Nevada City, California, 1998.
4. 1860 Federal Census of Kalamazoo Township, Kalamazoo County, Michigan, plus 1870 and 1880 Federal Censes of the city of
Dayton in Montgomery County and 1900 Federal Census of the Fifth Ward of Columbus in Franklin County, Ohio.
5. William C. Darrah, Stereo Views, Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, 1964.

Bunnington, _______
Pentwater (Clark & Bunnington) PHOTOGRAPHERS .................................................................................. 1863-1864 1
1. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1862-1866, National Archives, Washington, D.C.

Bunting, Clarence M.
Oxford, Pennsylvania, student ................................................................................................................................... 1880 d
Detroit photographer for the estate of Charles A. Millard ......................................................................................... 1892 d
Detroit photo printer for photographer Charles R. Baker ................................................................................ 1893-1896 d
Detroit printer or photographer ........................................................................................................................ 1897-1900 1
New York, New York, photographer ......................................................................................................................... 1910 1
Dayton, Ohio, PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................... 1920,1930 1
Clarence was born in Pennsylvania in October of 1871, the only son of Samuel C. and Adaline (Barry) Bunting. 1
Lillian was born in Canada in May of 1875, crossed the border in 1888 or 1890, and married Clarence about 1892. 1
They had no children. Clarence seems to have been in the process of establishing the Dayton studio in 1920, for he 1
was enumerated as a lone boarder in one location on January 9 and boarding together with Lillian in a different 1
location on January 20. 1
1. 1870 Federal Census of Lower Oxford Township and 1880 Federal Census of the Borough of Oxford in Chester County, Pennsylvania,
1900 Federal Census of the Fourth Ward of Detroit in Wayne County, Michigan,1910 Federal Census of .the Twelfth Ward of the
Borough of Manhattan in New York City, New York, plus 1920 Federal Census of the First Ward of Dayton and 1930 Federal Census
of Madison Township in Montgomery County, Ohio.

Bunyea, L. Gifford
Olive Township student ............................................................................................................................................. 1870 1
Farwell laborer ........................................................................................................................................................... 1880 1
Gladwin PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................... 1888-1889 m
Gladwin PHOTOGRAPHER and baker .......................................................................................................... 1890-1891 m
Gladwin PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................... 1894-1895 m
Hanover Township foreman in a sawmill .................................................................................................................. 1900 1
Gifford was born in New York State in November of 1859, fourth of the six children of Jackson S. and Amorette 1
Bunyea. His mother died after giving birth to a daughter in August of 1869, his oldest brother was paralytic and could 1
not read or write as an adult, and his younger brother was less severely handicapped. Gifford never married. 1
1. 1850 Federal Census of Elbridge Township in Onondaga County, New York, plus 1870 Federal Census of Olive Township in Clinton
County, 1880 Federal Census of the village of Farwell in Clare County, and 1900 Federal Census of Hanover Township in Wexford
County, Michigan.
Buob, Josephine, Miss
Grand Rapids child .................................................................................................................................................... 1880 1
Grand Rapids resident or seamstress ............................................................................................................... 1893-1898 g
Grand Rapids retoucher or photographer ......................................................................................................... 1899-1900 g 1
Grand Rapids retoucher for photographer Mrs. Emma J. Hamilton ................................................................ 1900-1906 g
Grand Rapids bookkeeper, resident or clerk .................................................................................................... 1907-1912 g
Grand Rapids bookkeeper ................................................................................................................................ 1913-1939 g
Grand Rapids resident ................................................................................................................................................ 1943 g
Her father came from the Wurtemburg region of Germany, and her mother was born in Michigan to German parents 1
in December of 1841. Josephine was born here on August 17, 1875, sixth of the seven children of Christian and Eva J. 1 2
Buob. She and her sister Nellie, her brother William, and her younger sister Christine were living in 1900 with their 1
widowed mother. Josephine was living alone in 1930. She died in Grand Rapids in June of 1966. 1 2
1. 1900 Federal Census of the Twelfth Ward plus 1880 and 1930 Federal Censes of the Third Ward of Grand Rapids in Kent County,
2. Social Security Death Index.

Burbank, E. C.
Bronson (Noble Art Gallery) PHOTOGRAPHERS ........................................................................................ 1906-1907 m
The Noble Art Gallery stayed in Bronson until 1915, but its manager was identified only in the 1907 gazetteer. m

Burch, Joseph Albert

Detroit resident or photographer ...................................................................................................................... 1892-1893 d
Detroit clerk for the photographers E. H. Husher & Company .................................................................................. 1894 d
Detroit laborer, engineer, janitor, fireman, clerk or scraper ............................................................................. 1895-1911 d
Detroit resident, autoworker, machinist or bench hand ..................................................................................... 1912-1918 d 1
Joseph was born in Michigan on April 8, 1875, to Joseph and Elizabeth Burch who had emigrated from Germany. As 1 2
an adult, he was of average height and weight with blue eyes and light hair. Anna Becker was born in Michigan in 1 2
1877 or 1878, and she married Joseph about 1903. Their sons Albert and John were born between 1904 and 1907, and 2
their daughter Gertrude was born in October of 1909. Anna was a widow by 1920, and all three of her children still 2
were living with her in 1930. 2
1. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.
2. 1900 and 1910 Federal Censes of the Fifth Ward, 1920 Federal Census of the Ninth Ward, and 1930 Federal Census of the Nineteenth
Ward of Detroit in Wayne County, Michigan.

Burchnell, _______
Coleman PHOTOGRAPHER .................................................................................................................................... 1907 t
“Burchnell. 1907.” was lettered on the negative of a 4 ¾ by 6 ¾ inch photograph of the Coleman baseball team, and t
“Photo by Burchnell, Coleman, Mich.” was printed on the face of its 8 by 10 buff mount. t

Burck, Henry
Detroit painter, portrait painter or artist ........................................................................................................... 1870-1875 1 d
Detroit artist at 260 Macomb st ....................................................................................................................... 1878-1883 d 1
Detroit artist, decorator, sign painter or painter ............................................................................................... 1884-1898 d
Henry was born in the Hessian section of Germany in 1823 or 1824 and his wife, Mary, was born in Prussia one year 1
later. In 1880 they were sharing their home with their children Emil, Louis, Otto and Bertha born in Michigan between 1
1854 and 1865. Between 1870 and 1880 they seem to have lost Emilie and Oscar who were born between 1862 and 1
1864. Printed on the backs of slightly oversize cartes de visite was: “Henry Burck, Portrait Painter and Decorator, 260 1 t
Macomb Street, Detroit, Michigan. Painting, Decorating and Arranging of Theatre, Private and Public Tableaux, also t
Enlarging of Photographs to Life Size a Specialty.” He advertised in 1881: “Henry Burck, ATELIER OF ART, t d
Ambrotypes, Cards and Life Size Photographs a Specialty. Oil Paintings of any Subject. No. 260 Macomb Street, d
Detroit, Mich.” He was 77 years old when he died on October 28, 1900, leaving a widow, Mrs. Pauline Burck. d
1. 1870 and 1880 Federal Census of the city of Detroit in Wayne County, Michigan.
Burd, Frank Eldridge
Hillsdale Township student ........................................................................................................................................ 1900 1
Lansing draftsman for a factory ................................................................................................................................. 1910 1
Flint draftsman for the Buick Motor Company .......................................................................................................... 1918 2
Flint PHOTOGRAPHER at 2318 Delmar st .............................................................................................................. 1920 3 1
Detroit tool designer for an auto factory .................................................................................................................... 1930 1
Frank was born at Hillsdale, Michigan, on September 15, 1883, the elder son of William E. and Addie (Blood) Burd. 2 4
He was 5 feet 10 ½ inches tall at maturity, with blue eyes and brown hair. His first marriage took place about 1907 to a 2 1
gal named Frankie who was born in Wisconsin to parents from Illinois in 1888 or early in 1889, and it apparently did 1
not last. He was married for the second time at Essex, Ontario, on March 18, 1914, to Myrtle Nichols. Myrtle was born 1 4
at Hillsdale about 1891, the daughter of Elwood S. and Jennie (Allen) Nichols. She and Frank had five children born 4 1
in Michigan between 1917 and March of 1926: Lionel, Frank, Edwin, Doris and Duane. 1
1. 1900 Federal Census of Hillsdale Township in Hillsdale County, 1910 Federal Census of the Sixth Ward of Lansing in Ingham County,
1920 Federal Census of the First Ward of Flint in Genesee County, and 1930 Federal Census of the Second Ward of Detroit in Wayne
County, Michigan.
2. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.
3. “Photographers of Flint, Michigan” by Kenneth A. Wallace in The Flint Genealogical Quarterly; volume 17, numbers 2 ,3 and4,
and volume18, numbers 1, 2, 3 and 4, April 1975 to October 1976.
4. Ontario, Canada Marriages, 1857-1922.

Burdick, C.
Ann Arbor photographer ............................................................................................................................................ 1899 1
“Yesterday noon, C. Burdick, electrician for the university, took from the top of the flagstaff eight photographic 1
views of the campus. The camera was pointed at each of the corners and sides of the campus. He reached the top of the 1
pole by means of the halyards used to hoist the flag.” 1
1. Ann Arbor Argus-Democrat, Ann Arbor, Michigan, November 10, 1899. Noted by Wystan Stevens of Ann Arbor.

Burdick, C. Willard
Lowell (Burdick & Company) PHOTOGRAPHERS on Main st .................................................................... 1869-1870 m
Burdick, Chester W.
Verona Township, New York, child .......................................................................................................................... 1860 1
Lansing photographer for J. Harvey Scotford ............................................................................................................ 1878 L
Hannibal, Missouri, (Burdick & Powe) PHOTOGRAPHERS ............................................................................. ca 1880 t
Lansing (Burdick & Powe) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 108 Washington av ........................................................ 1880-1881 2 m
Lansing PHOTOGRAPHER on Washington av .............................................................................................. 1882-1883 m
Lansing photographer ................................................................................................................................................ 1883 3
Lansing (Burdick & Powe) PHOTOGRAPHERS ..................................................................................................... 1883 2
Lansing (Howell & Burdick) PHOTOGRAPHERS .................................................................................................. 1883 2
Defiance, Ohio, (Howell & Burdick) PHOTOGRAPHERS ...................................................................................... 1883 2
Napoleon, Ohio, (Howell & Burdick) PHOTOGRAPHERS ..................................................................................... 1883 2
East Saginaw (Kittle & Burdick) PHOTOGRAPHERS ............................................................................................ 1884 4 5
East Saginaw PHOTOGRAPHER at 305 Genesee st ...................................................................................... 1884-1885 s m
Los Angeles, California, (Stanton & Burdick) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 119-129 Main st north ..................... 1888-1890 6
Los Angeles, California, (Burdick & Company) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 221 ½ Spring st south ................... 1892-1893 6
Los Angeles, California, (Burdick & Swisher) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 221 ½ Spring st south ................................ 1894 6
Los Angeles, California, PHOTOGRAPHER at 221 ½ Spring st south .................................................................... 1895 6
Los Angeles, California, (Burdick & Swisher) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 221 ½ Spring st south ................................ 1896 6
Los Angeles, California, PHOTOGRAPHER at 221 ½ Spring st south .......................................................... 1897-1906 6 7
Los Angeles, California, PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................... 1910 7
Los Angeles, California, resident ............................................................................................................................... 1920 7
The Michigan photographer and his parents were born in New York State. Chester was born in 1855 or 1856, last of 1
the three children of Perry R. and Elizabeth A. Burdick. He and his parents were living in Lansing with the family of 1
his brother Herbert in June of 1880. One week later, Chester and his photographic partner Harland T. Powe were 1
boarding with a Lansing blacksmith. This ad appeared in the spring of 1880: “The Great Wonder of the Age is that 1 2
Burdick & Powe are making Photographs to Accommodate Both Rich and Poor. We are making pictures from $1 per 2
dozen to $100 a piece. Our backgrounds are made in New York City, we use the very best make of instruments, buy 2
pure chemicals, and last, but not least, keep tidy rooms. We have made many hundred dozen Photographs in Lansing, 2
thereby knowing just the style of picture that best pleases the public. Our prices are as follows: 2
Cards, plain, per dozen...............................$2.00 2
Cards, vignette, 2 cabinets, per dozen. ....$3.00 2
Cabinets, Full Figure, per dozen............ ...$4.00 2
Cabinets, Bust, per dozen....................... ...$6.00 2
4 x 4 ...........................................................$3.00 2
Imperial Boudoirs.......................................$7.00 2
Burdick & Powe, successors to Mead & Jennings. 2
p.s. We wish all those who can make it convenient to make an appointment for their sitting, day and hour. B. & P.” 2
Crayon portraits of Governor Begole and Senator Seymour were exhibited three years later by Burdick & Powe. In 4
February of 1884 it was reported that C. Willard Burdick of Lansing and H. Maurice Kittle of East Saginaw had 5
become partners, and were offering to make a cabinet sized photo of everyone and any one for fifty cents. In 5
November Chester was advertising cabinet photos at $2.50 per dozen in a regional newspaper published fifty miles 8
northwest of East Saginaw. Just before Christmas in 1884, he offered cabinet photographs in clubs of ten for two 8 9
dollars per dozen. 9
The California photographer and his parents were born in New York State. Chester was born in May of 1850, and he 7
was listed as C. William Burdick in 1900. Her parents came from Maine and Canada, Fannie was born in Michigan in 7
October of 1850, and her second marriage was to Chester about 1884. She was identified in turn as M. Fannie, Maud 7
F., and Fannie M. Burdick. They had no children that lived to maturity. Except for the discrepancy in birth date, the 7 1
records read like the photographic career of a single individual. About 1896, Burdick & Swisher’s business was also 7 6
called Swisher & Burdick, the Bijou Studio and the Stanton Studio. 6
1. 1860 Federal Census of Verona Township in Oneida County, New York, and 1880 Federal Census of the Second Ward of Lansing in
Ingham County, Michigan.
2. Lansing Journal, Lansing, Michigan, April 22, 1880, page 3, column 5; June 14, 1883, page 3, column 2; and September 20, 1883,
page 3, column 1.
3. Lansing City and Ingham County Directory 1883-84, R. L. Polk & Company, Detroit.
4. The Photographic Times, New York, volume 14, number 158, February 1884, page 103.
5. Saginaw Evening Express, February 14, 1884.
6. Carl Mautz, Biographies of Western Photographers, Carl Mautz Publishing, Nevada City, California, 1997.
7. 1900 Federal Census of the Fourth Ward, 1910 Federal Census of Precinct 159, and 1920 Federal Census of Precinct 63 of
Los Angeles in Los Angeles County, California.
8. Isabella County Enterprise, Mount Pleasant, Michigan, November 19, 1884.
9. Saginaw Evening News, December 20, 1884.
Burdick, George G.
Muskegon (Central Photograph Gallery) PHOTOGRAPHERS ........................................................................... ca 1879 t
Muskegon PHOTOGRAPHER at 49 Western av ............................................................................................ 1879-1881 M m
Muskegon PHOTOGRAPHER at the corner of Western av and Jefferson st .................................................. 1882-1883 m
Muskegon PHOTOGRAPHER at 99 Western av ...................................................................................................... 1883 M
Muskegon hat and cap merchant ...................................................................................................................... 1884-1887 m
Muskegon dealer in men’s furnishing goods ................................................................................................... 1888-1905 m 1
George was born in New York in October of 1853. “Geo. G. Burdick. Chas. Van Buskirk.” was printed on some 1 t
card mounts from the Central Photograph Gallery, while only “G. G. Burdick” was printed on others. Some card and t
cabinet imprints noted that the Instantaneous Process was used for children’s Portraits at George’s gallery over the t
Central Drug Store. George attended the annual convention of the Photographers’ Association of America at t 2
Milwaukee in August of 1883. He still was single and living alone in 1900. 2
1. 1880 Federal Census of the Second Ward and 1900 Federal Census of the Fourth Ward of Muskegon in Muskegon County, Michigan.
2. The Photographic Times, New York, volume 13, number 152, August 1883.

Burdick, Ida, Mrs.

Lebanon Township farm wife .................................................................................................................................... 1880 1
Middleton PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................ 1900-1903 1 m
Her parents came from New York, and Ida was born in Michigan in January of 1860. His parents came from New 1
York and Pennsylvania, Harlow (sometimes Harlo or Harley) was born in Michigan in January of 1851, he farmed and 1
became a blacksmith, and he married Ida about 1876. Their daughters were born in Michigan: Shirley in August of 1
1880 and Edna in December of 1881. Harlow was a widower in 1920 living on a farm with the family of Shirley and 1
her husband, Peter Stites. 1
1. 1880 Federal Census of Lebanon Township in Clinton County, 1900 Federal Census of Fulton Township in Gratiot County, and
1920 Federal Census of Ronald Township in Ionia County, Michigan.

Burdick, Victor G.
Charleston Township child ........................................................................................................................................ 1860 1
Kalamazoo student ..................................................................................................................................................... 1870 1
Lock Haven, Pennsylvania, wind mill agent .............................................................................................................. 1880 1
Galesburg (Burdick & Willson) PHOTOGRAPHERS .................................................................................... 1890-1891 m t
Augusta merchant ...................................................................................................................................................... 1900 1
Augusta post office clerk ........................................................................................................................................... 1910 1
Victor was born in Michigan in January of 1859, fifth and last child of H. M. and Sarah W. Burdick. He probably 1
was on a business trip in 1880, away from a home address in Michigan. The gazetteer listed Burdick & Wilson in m
Galesburgh, but the printing on at least three different types of cabinet mounts used the spellings shown above. Some m t
of Burdick & Willson’s patrons were photographed outdoors. In the 1890s Victor married Mrs. Mary M. Sprague, who t 1
was born in Michigan to English parents in July of 1863. Mary brought to the marriage her two daughters: Ruth born 1
in August of 1888 and Blanche born in March of 1892. Mary died prior to 1910 and Victor found himself raising two 1
step-daughters. 1
1. 1880 Federal Census of Lock Haven in Clinton County, Pennsylvania, and 1860 Federal Census of Charleston Township, 1870 Federal
Census of the village of Kalamazoo, plus 1900 and 1910 Federal Censes of the village of Augusta in Kalamazoo County, Michigan.

Burgess, _______
Detroit (Cogan & Burgess) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 103 Michigan av ........................................................... 1902-1904 d

Burgess, Annie
Detroit photographer .................................................................................................................................................. 1890 d
Burgess, Azariah M.
Waukegan, Illinois, child ........................................................................................................................................... 1850 1
Saint Joseph student ................................................................................................................................................... 1860 1
Saint Joseph (Burgess & Gregg) PHOTOGRAPHERS on State st ...................................................................... ca 1870 t
Saint Joseph PHOTOGRAPHER .............................................................................................................................. 1870 1
Saint Joseph artist at 46 State st ................................................................................................................................. 1871 2
Muskegon (Burgess & Hatch) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 63 Western av ........................................................... 1872-1873 m
Muskegon PHOTOGRAPHER at the corner of Western av and Terrace st .............................................................. 1875 M
Holland PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................... 1876-1887 m
Holland (Burgess & Young) PHOTOGRAPHERS .............................................................................................. ca 1887 t
Holland PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................... 1888-1893 m
His parents emigrated from Nova Scotia and England, and Azariah was born in Waukegan, Illinois, on March 30, 1 3
1835, fifth of the eight children of William and Ann Burgess. He learned photography in 1868. Her parents came from 1 3
Pennsylvania and Kate E. Thomas was born in Wisconsin about 1847. She and Azariah were married in 1870. Burgess 1 3
& Hatch also were proprietors of a Muskegon billiard parlor. “From A. M. Burgess’ ART GALLERY, Muskegon, m t
Mich. - Negatives Preserved. No..........” was printed on carte de visite sized folders holding tintypes. Azariah had a t
handsome marble front gallery in Muskegon. His studio was opposite the post office at Holland in 1877, when he had t 4
been in the photographic profession for nine years. His Holland gallery was on Eighth Street in 1882. He was in 4 3
Milwaukee for the annual meeting of the Photographers’ Association of America in August of 1883. 5
1. 1850 Federal Census of Waukegan in Lake County, Illinois, 1860 and 1870 Federal Censes of St. Joseph Township in Berrien
County, and 1880 Federal Census of Holland in Ottawa County, Michigan.
2. Berrien County Directory and History, 1871, Ed. B. Cowles.
3. History of Ottawa County, H. R. Page, Chicago, 1882, page 91.
4. Holland City News, Holland, Michigan, December 22, 1877.
5. The Photographic Times, New York, volume 13, number 152, August 1883.

Burger, C. A.
Please see the entry for Charles A. Berger.

Burgess, Ella J., Mrs.

Ovid housewife .......................................................................................................................................................... 1880 1
Albion assistant to photographer Harrison L. Burgess .............................................................................................. 1895 2
Detroit housewife ..................................................................................................................................... 1900,1910,1920 1
Ella was born in New York in July of 1853, and she married Harrison L. Burgess in 1876. They never had children, 1
and Ella participated extensively in his photographic business. Ella was an excellent artist, and was given credit by her 2
husband for being the main spoke in the wheel. 2
1. 1880 Federal Census of Ovid in Clinton County, plus 1900 and 1910 Federal Censes of the Tenth Ward and 1920 Federal Census
of the Fourteenth Ward of Detroit in Wayne County, Michigan.
2. Headlight, volume 2, number ?, Albion, Michigan, Chicago Photo-Engraving Company, 1895.
Burgess, Harrison L.
Novi Township student .............................................................................................................................................. 1860 1
Ovid Township laborer on his father’s farm .............................................................................................................. 1870 1
Ovid carpenter ........................................................................................................................................................... 1880 1
Ovid employee and student of photographer William E. Merrill .......................................................................... ca 1887 2
Muir PHOTOGRAPHER ..................................................................................................................................... ca 1888 t
Romeo PHOTOGRAPHER ....................................................................................................................................... 1890 R t
Marshall PHOTOGRAPHER .................................................................................................................................... 1890 3
Albion PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................. 1891-1893 4 m
Albion PHOTOGRAPHER on the second floor at 301 Superior st south ....................................................... 1893-1897 5 m
Detroit resident ................................................................................................................................................ 1898-1899 d
Detroit barber supply agent ........................................................................................................................................ 1900 1
Detroit secretary of the Acme Chemical Company .................................................................................................... 1901 d
Detroit resident .......................................................................................................................................................... 1902 d
Detroit provider of photo specialties ......................................................................................................................... 1903 d
Detroit chemist ................................................................................................................................................. 1904-1908 d
Detroit bookkeeper .................................................................................................................................................... 1909 d
Detroit manufacturing chemist ................................................................................................................................... 1910 1 d
Detroit chemist ........................................................................................................................................................... 1911 d
Detroit laboratory chemist ......................................................................................................................................... 1920 1
Harry was born in New York State in April of 1853, the younger son of John C. and Betsey A. Burgess. Ella was 1
born in New York in July of 1853, and she married Harry in 1876. They never had children, and Ella participated 1 2
extensively in the photographic business. Some of the mounts Harry used in Romeo were as high as a card mount, but 2 t
only 1¾ inches wide. He may have acquired photographic equipment and accessories from Charles W. Leonard in t
Romeo, for the identical backgound appears in a cabinet photograph from Romeo by Leonard and one from Albion by t 3
Burgess. It was announced late in 1890 that Harry had bought out the photographers Young & McKay in Marshall, but 3
apparently the deal fell through and he left Marshall a month or so later. Harry sold a finely equipped Albion gallery to 3 4
Forbes C. Welsh in April of 1893, but soon was back in business on Superior Street. He advertised in the Albion 4
College Pleiad on October 7, 1893: “Something New - Embossed Photos. If you want something Nobby, order a dozen 4
Embossed Photos of Burgess. Call and See Samples.” Again in the Pleiad on January 20, 1894: “Students will please 4
take note that we are better equipped than ever to turn out strictly first class work. We have several new styles that 4
have never been shown in Albion before.” In 1895 Harry’s wife was credited for her assistance in the work of the 4 2
gallery. Harry was a Mason, a Noble of the Mystic Shrine, a member of the Modern Woodmen of America, and left 2 4
Albion in 1897. Mrs. Bessie A. Burgess, Harry’s mother, was living with Harry and Ella in 1900. 4 1
1. 1860 Federal Census of Novi Township in Oakland County, 1870 Federal Census of Ovid Township and 1880 Federal Census of
the village of Ovid in Clinton County, plus 1900 and 1910 Federal Censes of the Tenth Ward and 1920 Federal Census of the
Fourteenth Ward of Detroit in Wayne County, Michigan.
2. Headlight, volume 2, number ?, Albion, Michigan, Chicago Photo-Engraving Company, 1895.
3. Doris Borthwick, “Doing History, Part Three,” in the Chronicle, Historical Society of Michigan, Fall 1982.
4. Mrs. Doris Borthwick, “19th Century Photographers of Albion, Michigan,” presented to the Albion Historical Society on
November 13, 1973.
5. Illustrated Atlas and Directory of ... Calhoun County, Michigan, Atlas Publishing Company, Fort Wayne, Indiana, 1894.

Burgess, Herman Calvin

Detroit bookkeeper or clerk ............................................................................................................................. 1878-1886 d
Detroit traveling agent, collector or assistant manager .................................................................................... 1887-1894 d
Detroit clerk, superintendent, cashier or city agent .......................................................................................... 1895-1898 d
Detroit clerk or bookkeeper ............................................................................................................................. 1899-1901 d
Detroit (Cogan & Burgess) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 103 Michigan av ........................................................... 1902-1905 d m
Detroit bookkeeper, clerk or resident manager ................................................................................................ 1903-1909 d
Detroit manager or vice president of the Detroit Sanitarium ........................................................................... 1910-1914 1 d
He was often listed as Heman C. Burgess, and was born in Redford Township near Detroit about 1852. After 1902, d 2
he seems to have been closely associated with Harper Hospital until his retirement in 1916. He never married, and he d 1
died on March 24, 1940, at the Pontiac home of his sister, Mrs. George Rogers. Burial was in Grand Lawn Cemetery. 2
1. 1910 Federal Census of the Fourth Ward of Detroit in Wayne County, Michigan.
2. Obituary in the Detroit News, Detroit, Michigan, March 26, 1940.
Burgess, John H.
Vassar shoe maker ............................................................................................................................................ 1860,1870 1
Vassar grocer ............................................................................................................................................................. 1880 1
Vassar PHOTOGRAPHER ....................................................................................................................................... 1889 t
Vassar retiree ........................................................................................................................................... 1900,1910,1920 1
His father came from Massachusetts and John was born in New York State in May of 1837 or earlier. Charlotte was 1
born in Ohio about 1845, and she married John in 1864 or early in 1865. They had no children. “J. H. Burgess, Art. 1 t
8/3/89” was lettered on the negatives of 7 ¾ by 9 ¾ sepia prints on 10 by 12 inch plain buff mounts. The photographs t
showed more than twenty well dressed young men and women in a grove surrounded by tents, hammocks and a long t
trestle table. Tacked to one of the trees was a printed sign: “CAMP PHUN, EAT DRINK AND BE MERRY” A t
printed list of the participants over “Camp Phun, No. 2, Vassar, Mich, _______ 1889.” was attached to one of the t
photographs as a label. Charlotte shared his retirement through 1910, but by 1920 John was an 84-year-old widower. t 1
1. 1860, 1870, 1880, 1900, 1910 and 1920 Federal Censes of the village of Vassar in Tuscola County, Michigan.

Burgett, _______, Miss

Adrian artist for photographer John P. Greenwald ..................................................................................................... 1867 A

Burgher, John W., Mrs.

Jonesville PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................ 1902-1903 R m

Burk, _______
Quincy (Bobb & Burk) PHOTOGRAPHERS ................................................................................................. 1874-1875 m

Burke, Dave S.
Charlevoix photographer ........................................................................................................................................... 1900 1
Detroit solicitor for the telephone company ............................................................................................................... 1910 1
Detroit office clerk ..................................................................................................................................................... 1920 1
Detroit salesman for an oil refining company ............................................................................................................ 1930 1
Both of his parents were natives of Michigan, and Dave was born here in March of 1882. His mother, Mrs. Mattie 1
Burke, married the photographer George W. Priest about 1897. Dan was living with them in 1900, and probably was 1
working for his stepfather. Marie was born in Michigan to an Irish mother in 1884, and she married Dave about 1909. 1
Their daughter Betty was born in Detroit in 1912, and she still was living with Marie and Dave in 1930. 1
1. 1900 Federal Census of the village of Charlevoix in Charlevoix Township of Charlevoix County, as well as 1910 Federal Census of
the Second Ward plus 1920 and 1930 Federal Censes of the Tenth Ward of Detroit in Wayne County, Michigan.

Burke, John J.
Sterling, Illinois, photographer .................................................................................................................................. 1870 1
Niles photographer .................................................................................................................................................... 1880 1
His parents emigrated from Ireland, and John was born in Connecticut in 1838 or 1839. He was boarding with the 1
large family of a saloon keeper in 1870. His wife was born L. Adela Dunham in Connecticut about 1854, and their 1
children (Julia, Mary and Harvey) were born in Mississippi between 1873 and 1878.
1. 1870 Federal Census of the Second Ward of Sterling in Whiteside County, Illinois, and 1880 Federal Census of the Second and Third
Wards of Niles in Berrien County, Michigan.

Burke, S. E.
Muskegon (Radium Studio) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 10 Western av west ...................................................... 1914-1915 m
Burke was listed as manager of the Radium Photo Studio. m

Burkhart, Munson Lee

Chelsea child .............................................................................................................................................................. 1880 m
Chelsea PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................ 1894-1895 1
Chelsea PHOTOGRAPHER on East st south ............................................................................................................ 1896 2
Chelsea ice cream salesman ....................................................................................................................................... 1900 2
Lima Township farmer ..................................................................................................................................... 1910,1920 2
Lima Township fertilizer salesman ............................................................................................................................ 1930 2
Munson was born in March of 1873 and, like his parents, was a native of Michigan. He was the only child of Aaron 2
V. and Rebecca A. Burkhart that survived to maturity. Huldah A. Feldkamp was born in Michigan to German parents 2
in December of 1872, and she married Munson in 1897 or early in 1898. Their only child, Olive Rebecca Burkhart, 2
was not born until 1914. Both Munson’s mother and Huldah’s sister Clara were living with them in 1920. Huldah and 2
Rebecca were gone by 1930, but Clara had stayed on to help in raising Olive.
1. Township and Sectional Pocket Map of Washtenaw County, Michigan, M. M. Dickinson & Company, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 1896.
2. 1900 Federal Census of the village of Chelsea, plus 1910, 1920 and 1930 Federal Censes of Lima Township in Washtenaw County,
Burkholder, Adin
Detroit clerk for a grocer or a cigar manufacturer ........................................................................................... 1886-1887 d
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 232 Woodward av ................................................................................................ ca 1888 t
Detroit tester .............................................................................................................................................................. 1889 d
Detroit chair maker, laborer, machine hand or checker ................................................................................... 1891-1897 d
Detroit railway clerk .................................................................................................................................................. 1909 1
Detroit rail road checker ............................................................................................................................................ 1910 2
Avon Township farmer or resident ................................................................................................................... 1920,1930 2
The use of 232 Woodward Avenue as a photograph gallery was only recorded for a few years: by Charles Levy in d
1885 and 1886, and by both John H. Dubbs and Clarence H. Smith in 1887. The first name of the photographer was d t
not printed on his cabinet mounts, but Adin was the only Burkholder in Detroit directories during this period. Adin t d
was born in Canada about 1862, the son of Benjamin and Barbara Burkholder, and came to the United States in 1886. 2 1
He became a naturalized citizen in 1896. Emma L. Bell was born in Canada about 1879, a daughter of Abraham and 2 1
Margaret Bell, and she married Adin at Oxford, Ontario, on July 7, 1909. They had no children. 1 2
1. Ontario, Canada Marriages, 1857-1922.
2. 1910 Federal Census of the Ninth Ward of Detroit in Wayne County, plus 1920 and 1930 Federal Censes of Avon Township in
Oakland County, Michigan.

Burkholder, William
Dushville PHOTOGRAPHER ......................................................................................................................... 1892-1895 m
Fowler PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................. 1894-1895 m
Denver Township farmer ........................................................................................................................................... 1900 1
Wauseon, Ohio, resident ............................................................................................................................................ 1910 1
Windsor Township resident ....................................................................................................................................... 1920 1
Watertown Township farmer ..................................................................................................................................... 1930 1
His father was German, his mother came from Pennsylvania, and William was born in Ohio in April of 1856. 1
Barbara was born to Swiss parents in February of 1863, and she emigrated from Switzerland in 1880. She married 1
William about 1884 and they never had children. 1
1. 1910 Federal Census of the village of Wauseon in Fulton County, Ohio, plus 1900 Federal Census of Denver Township in
Isabella County, 1920 Federal Census of Windsor Township in Eaton County, and 1930 Federal Census of Watertown
Township in Clinton County, Michigan.

Burley, Almon J.
Tekonsha Township student and/or laborer on his father’s farm ...................................................................... 1860,1870 1
Tekonsha PHOTOGRAPHER ......................................................................................................................... 1872-1873 m
Monroe PHOTOGRAPHER & FERROTYPE STUDIO over 8 Front st east ................................................. 1874-1875 m
Kendallville, Indiana, PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................ 1880 1
Ionia PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................................ 1898-1899 m
Luther constructor and builder ................................................................................................................................... 1900 1
His parents came from Massachusetts, and Almon was born in Michigan in February of 1845, the youngest child of 1
Ira and Caroline Burley. Her parents came from New York, Emily was born in Michigan in September of 1846, she 1
married Almon about 1873, and she gave birth in Michigan to Cora in July of 1879. Mrs. A. J. Burley ran a boarding 1 m
house at Ionia in 1900. Emily was living in Luther as a widow in 1910. m 1
1. 1880 Federal Census of Kendallville in Noble County, Indiana, 1860 and 1870 Federal Censes of Tekonsha Township in Calhoun
County, plus 1900 and 1910 Federal Censes of the village of Luther in Lake County, Michigan.
Burnett, Harry
Louisville, Kentucky, student .................................................................................................................................... 1870 1
Cairo, Illinois, resident .............................................................................................................................................. 1880 1
Lansing photographer ................................................................................................................................................ 1897 2
Newton, Kentucky, PHOTOGRAPHER .................................................................................................................... 1898 2
Louisville, Kentucky, assistant custodian of the Custom House ................................................................................ 1900 1
Shively, Kentucky, farmer ......................................................................................................................................... 1910 1
Shively, Kentucky, road supervisor ........................................................................................................................... 1920 1
Louisville, Kentucky, superintendent of public roads ................................................................................................ 1930 1
His father came from Tennessee and Harry was born in Kentucky in July of 1859, third of the six children of John 1
M. and Hattie Burnett. Sallie was born in Kentucky in September of 1862, and she married Harry in 1883 or early in 1
1884. Their sons were born in Kentucky, James in January of 1886 and Roy in May of 1887. That Harry had gone to 1 2
Newton with Clinton Collins of Lansing to open a photo gallery was reported early in 1898. James remained single and 2 1
shared his parents’ home through 1920, but in 1930 the household of Sallie and Harry Burnett included both sons and 1
their wives and five grandchildren. 1
1. 1880 Federal Census of Cairo in Alexander County, Illinois, 1870 Federal Census of the Eleventh Ward, 1900 Federal Census of the
Tenth Ward and 1930 Federal Census of the Fourth Ward of Louisville, plus 1910 and 1920 Federal Censes of Shively in Jefferson
County, Kentucky.
2. St. Louis and Canadian Photographer; volume 22, number 1, January 1898, page 35.

Burnham, Arthur C.
Battle Creek student ................................................................................................................................................... 1870 1
Grand Rapids photographer ....................................................................................................................................... 1872 g
Battle Creek PHOTOGRAPHER at 5 Main st east ......................................................................................... 1876-1877 m
Springfield, Illinois, PHOTOGRAPHER .................................................................................................................. 1879 2
Grand Rapids painter ................................................................................................................................................. 1880 1
Detroit photographer for Clarence H. Smith .............................................................................................................. 1883 d
Ann Arbor photographer for Lewis & Gibson ........................................................................................................... 1884 3
Ann Arbor (Randall & Burnham) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 30 Huron st east ............................................................. 1885 4
Battle Creek PHOTOGRAPHER at 27 Main st west ...................................................................................... 1886-1887 m
Mechanicsburg, Ohio, PHOTOGRAPHER ..................................................................................................... 1896-1897 5
His father was a carriage painter from Vermont, his mother came from New York, and Arthur was born in Michigan 1
in 1855 or early in 1856, the son of Albert and Catherine Burnham. He closed his first Battle Creek gallery in January 1 6
of 1877. By June of 1880 he had acquired a 17-year-old bride named Libbie who was born in Michigan to parents 6 1
from New York. It was reported early in 1885 that “A neat circular ... addressed to the citizens of Ann Arbor, Mich., 1 4
and vicinity, contains the announcement of the co-partnership formed by Messrs. H. Randall and A. C. Burnham under 4
the style Randall & Burnham. These gentlemen have refitted the gallery at 30 East Huron Street, known as the 4
Revenaugh Studio, and start under favorable auspices....” The partnership was effective January 1, and Arthur was in 4 3
charge of the gallery. Randall & Burnham produced portraits, from miniature to life size, in every branch of the 3
photographic art. They cordially invited everybody to a public reception in the gallery during the day and evening of 3
Saturday, February Seventh. Two weeks later the senior literature class chose Randall & Burnham as the class 3
photographers with only two dissenting votes. They seem to have been the first Ann Arbor firm ever selected for this 3
work. Pamphlets were made by punching two holes in the upper left corner of stiff card 8 ¼ by 6 ¼ sheets, and then 3 6
fastening seven of them together with ribbon. Printed on the first leaf was: “Souvenir of Ann Arbor, Michigan, 6
published by H. RANDALL, Dealer in Fine Art Goods, 30 East Huron Street, Ann Arbor, Mich. - 1. ...... 2. ...... 3. ...... 6
4. ...... 5. ...... 6. ...... Photographed by Randall & Burnham.” Lettered behind the numbers on one copy were: 6
“Museum,... Dental College,... Medical College,... Library and Art Building,... Fraternity House,... Unitarian Church.” 6
The appropriate photographs were mounted on the following six leaves. Another copy had a front cover carrying a 6
photograph of the dome of University Hall, the lines behind the numbers on the first leaf were left blank, and the 6
photographic views on the following leaves were of the Beal Block at Main and Ann Streets, the campus walk in 6
winter, University Hall, the Law Building, the Museum Building and the Library. 6
1. 1870 Federal Census of the First Ward of Battle Creek in Calhoun County and 1880 Federal Census of the city of Grand Rapids in
Kent County, Michigan.
2. Marie Czach, A Directory of Early Illinois Photographers, Western Illinois University, Macomb, Illinois, 1977.
3. Ann Arbor Courier, Ann Arbor, Michigan, January 7 and February 25, 1885. Noted by Wystan Stevens of Ann Arbor.
4. The Photographic Times, New York, February 13, 1885, page 83.
5. John Waldsmith, A Directory of Ohio Photographers, 1839 to 1900, Sycamore, Ohio, compiled in 1978 and augmented through 1993.
6. Battle Creek newspaper, January 12, 1877.
7. Learned in 1998 at the Bentley Historical Library in Ann Arbor, Michigan.

Burnham, Catherine A., Mrs.

Grand Rapids photo portrait painter ................................................................................................................ 1873-1874 g
Catherine’s husband, Albert W. Burnham, was a burial case finisher. g
Burniewicz, Alexander
Grand Rapids (Wytkowicz & Burniewicz) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 83 Stocking st ........................................ 1910-1911 g m
Grand Rapids (Burniewicz & Staskorz) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 83 Stocking st ...................................................... 1911 g
Grand Rapids PHOTOGRAPHER at 535 Stocking av .................................................................................... 1912-1922 g m
Grand Rapids PHOTOGRAPHER at 535 Stocking av northwest ................................................................... 1923-1925 g m
Grand Rapids photographer ....................................................................................................................................... 1927 g
Grand Rapids PHOTOGRAPHER at 535 Stocking av northwest ............................................................................. 1929 g
Grand Rapids resident ...................................................................................................................................... 1930-1932 1 g
Alex was born in the Polish region of Russia about 1863. Evangeline was born in Russia in 1878 or 1879, married 1
Alex about 1900, and gave birth there to a girl and a boy between 1901 and 1904. They were sharing their home in 1
1910 with his business associates, Adolph Wytkowicz and Joseph Urbajtus. Alex was living by himself in 1930. 1
1. 1910 Federal Census of the Seventh Ward and 1930 Federal Census of the First Ward of Grand Rapids in Kent County, Michigan.

Burns, _______
Detroit (Burns & Tromblay) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 59 Monroe av .............................................................. 1880-1881 m

Burns, E., Mrs.

Vicksburg PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................. ca 1910 t
“F. M. Gospel Workers Band at Vicksburg, Mich.” and “Photo by Mrs. E. Burns.” were lettered on the negative of a t
post card photograph of six mature people seated outdoors with open bibles in their laps in front of a tent. They were t
attended by several younger persons, and no musical instruments were in view. The post card never was mailed. The t
photographer probably was Mrs. Eugenia Burns who lived in Kalamazoo some ten miles north of Vicksburg. Eugenia 1
was born in Michigan to parents from New York in 1883 or early in 1884, and she married William Burns about 1904. 1
Their children were born in Michigan: Eldorene in 1905 or early in 1906, and Harriet in July of 1909. 1
1. 1910 Federal Census of the First Ward of Kalamazoo in Kalamazoo County, Michigan.

Burns, George T.
Escanaba photographer .............................................................................................................................................. 1890 1
George was born on December 12, 1843, at Lowell, Massachusetts, and moved in 1856 to Manitowoc County in 2
Wisconsin. After three years in the 21st Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry he returned to Wisconsin. In 1873 he became 2
manager in Escanaba of the business interests of the lumber manufacturers N. Ludington & Company, and continued 2
in this position for at least fourteen years. He was elected supervisor in 1881 and was reelected in 1882. He was agent m 2
for I. Stephenson & Company in 1890, offering for sale Escanaba lots and acreage. “Running the Rapids on the m 1
Escanaba” in The City of Escanaba was reproduced from a photograph by George. He was county treasurer from 1900 1 m
through 1903, and was proprietor of the Stephenson Dock Company in 1902. m
1. Walter R. Nursey, The City of Escanaba, Michigan, U.S.A. “The Iron Port of the World,” Lew A. Gates, Escanaba, 1890.
2. History of the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, A. T. Andreas, Chicago, 1883.

Burns, William M.
Detroit carpenter ........................................................................................................................................................ 1867 d
Detroit photographer ........................................................................................................................................ 1869-1877 d
Detroit whitner, photographer, iron molder or bartender ................................................................................. 1879-1883 d
Detroit photographer, clerk or floorwalker ...................................................................................................... 1884-1892 d
Detroit grocer ................................................................................................................................................... 1893-1899 d
Detroit painter .................................................................................................................................................. 1900-1904 d
His parents were Scotch-Irish, and William was born in New York State in November of 1848. Ada V. Miles was 1
born in Michigan to English parents in June of 1846, the daughter of Henry and Anna Miles. William and Ada were 1
married in 1871 or early in 1872. Their only child, Ada W. Burns, was born in Detroit in June of 1873 and still was 1
single and living with her parents in 1900. 1
1. 1880 Federal Census of the city of Detroit and 1900 Federal Census of the Sixteenth Ward of Detroit in Wayne County, Michigan.
Burose, Herman
Detroit restaurant proprietor ...................................................................................................................................... 1890 d
New Haven publisher ................................................................................................................................................. 1900 1
New Haven PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................................ 1908 2 t
New Haven printer and PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................. 1910 1
New Haven printer ..................................................................................................................................................... 1920 1
Monroe Township inmate of the Altenheim, a home for elderly German people ...................................................... 1930 1
Herman was born in Germany in January of 1862, immigrated to America in 1883 and became a naturalized citizen 1
of the United States. He was single in 1900. “The Well Fenced in the Woods, Near New Haven, Mich.” was 1 t
written on the face of a post card photograph along with: “This picture was taken October 25, 1908, at about 3 t
o’clock, p.m. A Stereoscopic View was also taken. That day was quite pleasant and a balmy breeze was t
blowing. Herman Burose, View & Stereoscopic Photographer, New Haven, Mich. ” t
1. 1900, 1910 and 1920 Federal Censes of the village of New Haven in Lenox Township of Macomb County, plus 1930 Federal Census
of Monroe Township in Monroe County, Michigan.

Burpee, Edmund W.
Jaffrey Township, New Hampshire, student and laborer on his father’s farm ........................................................... 1850 1
Boston, Massachusetts, artist ..................................................................................................................................... 1860 1
Kalamazoo PHOTOGRAPHER ...................................................................................................................... 1864-1865 2
Chicago, Illinois, lumber prospector .......................................................................................................................... 1870 1
Edmund was born in Jaffrey Township, New Hampshire, in 1834 or early in 1835, the last child of Edmond and 1
Olive Burpee. He and Emily, two years older, were living on the family farm with their parents in 1850. 1
1. 1850 Federal Census of Jaffrey Township in Cheshire County, New Hampshire, 1860 Federal Census of the First Ward of Boston in
Suffolk County, Massachusetts, and 1870 Federal Census of the Thirteenth Ward of Chicago in Cook County, Illinois.
2. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1862-1866, National Archives, Washington, D.C.

Burr, M.
Coldwater PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................ 1866-1867 1 t
Marvin Burr was a daguerreotypist in 1859 at Broadalbin, New York, and an ambrotypist in 1860 and 1861 at 266 ½ 2
State Street in Lansingburgh, New York. 2
1. February 22, 1867, note in The Index of Early Newspapers in Coldwater, Coldwater Public Library, Coldwater, Michigan, unpublished.
2. Learned in 2002 from Don Fredgant of Lakewood, Ohio.

Burridge, Charles A.
Goodwin Township, Dakota Territory, common laborer ........................................................................................... 1880 1
Rochester, Minnesota, clergyman .............................................................................................................................. 1900 1
Saint Johns PHOTOGRAPHER ...................................................................................................................... 1914-1923 m 1
Ionia PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................................ 1924-1931 m 2
His father emigrated from England and Charles was born in New York State in March of 1863. Her father came from 1
Vermont, her mother came from New York, and Lucy was born in Wisconsin in December of 1868. She and Charles 1
were married early in 1899. Their son John was born in Minnesota in 1904, and their son Gale was born in Illinois in 1
1908. The Burridge Studio in Ionia was at 320 ½ West Main Street in 1929. 1 2
1. 1880 Federal Census of Goodwin Township in Deuel County, Dakota Territory, 1900 Federal Census of the Second Ward of Rochester
in Olmsted County, Minnesota, plus 1920 Federal Census of the Third Ward of St. Johns in Clinton County and 1930 Federal Census
of the First Ward of Ionia in Ionia County, Michigan.
2. Ionia City Directory; 1929, Earl A. Lester.

Burridge, William P.
Detroit student ........................................................................................................................................................... 1880 1
Detroit clerk ............................................................................................................................................................... 1884 d
Detroit photographer for Frank N. Tomlinson ................................................................................................. 1885-1887 d
Detroit photographer or photo printer for photographers C. G. Wynn & Company ........................................ 1888-1890 d
Detroit retoucher for photographers Arthur & Philbric ............................................................................................. 1891 d
Detroit (Wynn & Burridge) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 242 Woodward av ........................................................ 1892-1893 d m
Detroit (Wynn & Burridge) PHOTOGRAPHERS in the Detroit Opera House Block .............................................. 1894 d
Detroit photographer ........................................................................................................................................ 1895-1900 d
Detroit photo engraver ............................................................................................................................................... 1901 d
Lapeer inmate at the Michigan Home for the Feeble Minded and Epileptic .............................................................. 1910 1
Indianfields Township inmate or patient at the Michigan Farm Colony for Epileptics .................................... 1920,1930 1
His parents emigrated from England, and William was born in Michigan in November of 1868, one of the five or 1
more sons of John D. and Mary Ann Burridge. He was identified as an invalid in 1900, when he and his three younger 1
brothers were living with their 58-year-old widowed mother. 1
1. 1880 and 1900 Federal Censes of the Eighth Ward of Detroit in Wayne County, 1900 Federal Census of the city of Lapeer in Lapeer
County, plus 1920 and 1930 Federal Censes of Indianfields Township in Tuscola County, Michigan.
Burrill, _______
Centreville (Burrill Brothers) PHOTOGRAPHERS .................................................................................................. 1870 1
Two weeks before Christmas in 1870 the Centreville newspaper had this advice: “Competition - Two four-wheeled 1
photographic establishments located on Main Street, on Thursday Last. Now is the time to get your picture `took’.” 1
The same edition carried this advertisement: “FERROTYPES, SIX FOR $1.00. The BLUE Photographic Car, is now 1
for a FEW DAYS on the corner of Main and Clark Streets, where pictures can be obtained in the best style of the art. 1
Particular attention paid to copying and enlarging. N.B., no business done on Saturday. - Remember the place, it is the 1
Blue Car, Centreville. BURRILL BRO’S.” 1
1. St. Joseph County Republican, Centreville, Michigan, December 10, 1870.

Burrill, A. O.
Battle Creek photographer ......................................................................................................................................... 1869 1
1. Calhoun County directory, 1869.

Burrington, L. S.
Elmira resident ................................................................................................................................................. 1910-1911 1
Mayville PHOTOGRAPHER .................................................................................................................................... 1911 1
The Mayville studio was purchased from Harry Wells. 1
1. Noted in the Mayville Monitor for April 20, 1911, by Alonzo J. Sherman of Oscoda, Michigan.

Burroughs, Edwin B.
Calumet photographer for Victor Herman ................................................................................................................. 1899 1
Laurium photographer ............................................................................................................................................... 1900 2
Lowell Precinct, Arizona, manager of the supply shop for a mining company .......................................................... 1920 2
His father came from Pennsylvania, and Ed was born in Michigan in May of 1867. Her parents came from New 2
Jersey, Ida was born in Indiana in May of 1869, she married Ed about 1889, and she gave birth in Indiana to their son 2
in December of 1893. The name was spelled Burrows by the census enumerator in 1900. Ed‘s photograph of a 25-foot 2 1
snow drift behind a drugstore on Fifth Street was exhibited at Herman’s gallery. 1
1. Copper Country Evening News, Calumet, Michigan, February 27, 1899.
2. 1900 Federal Census of the village of Laurium in Houghton County, Michigan, and 1920 Federal Census of Lowell Precinct in
Cochise County, Arizona.

Burrows, Charles E.
White Pigeon PHOTOGRAPHER on Kalamazoo av ...................................................................................... 1880-1881 1 m
Charles was born in Ohio in 1856 or 1857. His wife’s parents came from Pennsylvania, and Maggie was born in 2
Ohio at about the same time. 2
1. St. Joseph County Directory, 1880, Globe Publishing Company, Mendon, Michigan.
2. 1880 Federal Census of the village of White Pigeon in St. Joseph County, Michigan.

Burrows, Charles S.
Lansing photo printer for photographer Henry J. Christmas ...................................................................................... 1892 L

Burrows, F. R.
Sturgis card photographs with this name printed on the mount were the work of Frank R. Barrows. t

Burrows, William J., Doctor

Detroit active member of the Detroit Lantern Club ................................................................................................... 1894 1
From 1889 through 1896, and probably before and after, William had dental offices at 132 Michigan Avenue. d
1. The Blue Book for Amateur Photographers ... 1895: compiled early in 1894 by Walter Sprange, Beach Bluff, Massachusetts.

Burt, E.
Hancock PHOTOGRAPHER .................................................................................................................................... 1895 1
1. Identification of the source of this information has been misplaced, and must be re-established.
Burt, Helen T., Mrs.
Ypsilanti housewife ................................................................................................................................................... 1886 1
Ypsilanti producer of French Crystal Pictures ...................................................................................................... ca 1890 f
Ypsilanti housewife ......................................................................................................................................... 1892-1912 1
Photographs were adhered to the concave back of 2 ½ by 3 ¾ inch clear domed pieces of celluloid with rounded t
corners. Then the photos were backed with a sheet of cream-colored paper, and a label was pasted on the back of this t
sandwich: “MRS. WM. BURT’S French Crystal Pictures. PRONOUNCED PERFECTION BY THE PUBLIC. The t
finest and most life-like pictures in the world, and the only way to preserve the pictures of departed friends. Address, t
MRS. WM, BURT, 302 N. Grove St., Ypsilanti, Mich.” Helen’s husband, William A. Burt, was a machinist and was t 2
born in Michigan in November of 1854. They were living at 11 North Grove Street in 1886, and at 302 Grove Street 2 1
from 1892 until 1912 and perhaps longer. Her parents came from Connecticut and Rhode Island, and Helen was born 1 2
in Michigan in April of 1860. One of her children died as an infant, her sons Ormand and Lyndon were born in 2
November of 1881 and in May of 1886, and her daughter Edith was born in August of 1888. Her elder son, Orman W. 2 1
Burt, served in Company G of the 31st Michigan Regiment during the Spanish-American War. 1
1. Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti directories, 1886, 1906, 1907, 1908, 1910 and 1912, R. L. Polk & Company, Detroit;
and 1892, 1894, 1895, 1896, 1897, 1899, 1901, 1903 and 1905, Glen V. Mills, Ann Arbor, Michigan.
2. 1894 State Census of Washtenaw County, page 824, plus 1900 and 1910 Federal Censes of the Fifth Ward of Ypsilanti in
Washtenaw County, Michigan.

Burt, Mary E.
Flint retoucher for photographer William H. Foote ................................................................................................... 1892 f
Flint domestic .................................................................................................................................................... 1894,1903 f

Burton, J. H.
Traverse City PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................... 1865-1866 1
At the Oakland County Agricultural Fair held at Pontiac in October of 1859, the Premium of $1.00 for the Best Lot 2
of Ambrotypes exhibited was awarded to J. H. Burton. 2
1. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1862-1866, National Archives, Washington, D.C.
2. Pontiac Gazette, October 21, 1859.

Bury, Frederick
Adrian member of the Adrian Camera Club, the Photographic Section of the Adrian Scientific Society ................. 1893 1
1. The Blue Book of Amateur Photographers ... 1893: compiled by Walter Sprange, Beach Bluff, Massachusetts.

Buscey, John S.
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at the southeast corner of Michigan av and Wayne st ................................................... 1869 d
Detroit awning maker ................................................................................................................................................ 1874 d
Detroit awning manufacturer ..................................................................................................................................... 1879 d
Detroit sail maker ...................................................................................................................................................... 1880 d 1
John S. Buscey was born in Ontario in 1846 or early in 1847. His wife Carrie was born in Michigan four years later, 1
and their daughters were born here: May about 1874 and Annie in May of 1880. 1
1. 1880 Federal Census of the Third Ward of Detroit in Wayne County, Michigan.
Busch, Charles Julius
Saginaw newspaper printer ........................................................................................................................................ 1900 s 1
Saginaw photographer ............................................................................................................................................... 1902 s
Saginaw PHOTOGRAPHER at 116 Hamilton st north ................................................................................... 1902-1905 m s
Saginaw PHOTOGRAPHER at 1005 Madison st ........................................................................................... 1906-1907 m
Saginaw PHOTOGRAPHER at 1007 Janes av ................................................................................................ 1908-1909 s
Saginaw PHOTOGRAPHER at 1107 Janes av ................................................................................................ 1908-1913 m s
Saginaw PHOTOGRAPHER at 1115 Janes av ................................................................................................ 1912-1943 m 2
His mother emigrated from Germany in 1867 and Charles was born in Michigan on September 7, 1881, third of the 1 3
seven children of Henry J. and Elizabeth Busch. He was called Carl as a youth, and became a slender man with blue 1 3
eyes. He married Minnie in 1903 or early in 1904, and the development of their family is included in the entry which 3 1
follows this one. Through 1909 he was usually listed as Charles J. L. Busch. “C. J. L. Busch, 116 N. Hamilton, m t
Saginaw, W.S.” was blind stamped on the 11 by 14 inch mount of a 7 ¾ by 10 photograph of the interior of the office t
of Edwin Karsten, Notary Public and Insurance Agent. Four men, a youth and a young boy are in the picture. Charles t
provided one of the 32 photographs reproduced in the commemorative booklet “Souvenir of SAGINAW’S GREATEST t
FLOOD, March – April, 1904.” He was elected secretary of the Professional Photographers Association of Saginaw in t 4
December of 1906. “C. J. BUSCH, 1115 JANES, SAGINAW, MICH.” was stamped on the back of postal 4 t
photographs, including some used for advertising by a distributor of Gray automobiles. Charles advertised as a Portrait t s
and Commercial Photographer in 1914, and offered Studio and Home Portraiture from 1917 to 1923. s
1. 1880 Federal Census of the city of Saginaw, 1900 Federal Census of the Twelfth Ward, 1910 Federal Census of the Sixteenth Ward,
plus 1910, 1920 and 1930 Federal Censes of the Fourth Ward of Saginaw in Saginaw County, Michigan.
2. Frank Gueder, “Index of Saginaw Photographers 1865-1971” in Timbertown Log, Saginaw, Michigan, 1973 Fall-Winter 1974 and
Summer 1974.
3. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.
4. Learned in 1998 from John V. Jezierski of Hemlock, Michigan.

Busch, Minnie J. H., Mrs.

Saginaw PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................... 1906-1908 R
Saginaw housewife .................................................................................................................................................... 1910 1
Saginaw housewife .......................................................................................................................................... 1918-1920 2 1
Saginaw housewife .......................................................................................................................................... 1923-1930 s 1
Her father emigrated from Germany, her mother came from Wisconsin, and Minnie was born in Michigan in 1882. 1
She married Charles J. Busch in 1903 or early in 1904 and they had three daughters and then three sons, all born in 1
Michigan: Irene in 1906, Evelyn in 1908, Mildred in May of 1909, the twins Alfred and Norman in June of 1915, and 1
Francis in 1917. She undoubtedly played a more significant part in her husband’s photographic business than is 1
indicated above. R
1. 1910, 1920 and 1930 Federal Censes of the Fourth Ward of Saginaw in Saginaw County, Michigan.
2. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.
Bush, Henry F.
Fentonville clerk .............................................................................................................................................. 1858-1860 1 2
Fentonville AMBROTYPIST .......................................................................................................................... 1859-1860 m
_______, California, miner .............................................................................................................................. 1861-1862 1
Battle Creek PHOTOGRAPHER .............................................................................................................................. 1863 1
Battle Creek (Bush & Huntington) PHOTOGRAPHERS ......................................................................................... 1864 3
Coldwater (Bush & Huntington) PHOTOGRAPHERS ........................................................................................ ca 1864 t
Ionia stave manufacturer .................................................................................................................................. 1864-1865 1
Ionia general store proprietor ........................................................................................................................... 1866-1868 1
Gaines Station general store proprietor and stave manufacturer ...................................................................... 1868-1881 1 m
Gaines produce dealer ............................................................................................................................................... 1880 2
Gaines Station general store proprietor ............................................................................................................ 1882-1883 m
Gaines Station proprietor of a general store and a grain elevator .................................................................... 1884-1891 m
Gaines Station general store proprietor ............................................................................................................ 1892-1899 m
Fenton miller .............................................................................................................................................................. 1900 2
Fenton resident .......................................................................................................................................................... 1910 2
Henry was born at Deerfield, Michigan, on May 20, 1837, youngest of the eighteen children of Peter and Sallie 1
(Earle) Bush. After his mother died in 1842, his father moved the family to Washtenaw County where Henry attended 1
the district schools. He accumulated considerable wealth as a California miner. Bush & Huntington were proprietors of 1 t
the New York Gallery in Battle Creek, and of one of the same name in Coldwater. Henry and Miss Flora A. Holmes of t 1
Corunna were married on November 12, 1866, their son Willard was born in 1868, and their daughter Betsy or Bessie 1 2
was born in June of 1874. Henry was a deputy sheriff of Genesee County and a druggist in 1878, proprietor of a livery 2 m
stable in 1880, and postmaster of Gaines Station in 1884. Adda (later Addie) was born in England in October of 1859, m 2
immigrated to the United States in 1875, became Henry’s second wife about 1879, and gave birth to their son Howard 2
in March of 1884. 2
1. American Biographical History of Eminent and Self-Made Men, Michigan Volume, Western Biographical Publishing Co., Cincinnati,
2. 1860 Federal Census of the village of Fentonville, 1880 Federal Census of the village of Gaines, plus 1900 and 1910 Federal Censes
of the village of Fenton in Genesee County, Michigan.
3. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1862-1866, National Archives, Washington, D.C.

Bush, James E.
Milwaukee, Wisconsin, cooper .................................................................................................................................. 1850 1
Corunna AMBROTYPIST and artist ......................................................................................................................... 1859 2
Corunna baker ............................................................................................................................................................ 1860 1
Corunna PHOTOGRAPHER, baker and eating house proprietor ................................................................... 1862-1863 3 m
Corunna PHOTOGRAPHER ..................................................................................................................................... 1864 3
Corunna grocer ................................................................................................................................................ 1866-1867 m
Vernon stave maker ................................................................................................................................................... 1880 1
James was born in Canada in 1826 or early in 1827. Adelia was born in New York State four years later, and she 1
married James about 1848. Their two daughters and three sons were born in Michigan: Clarie about 1850, Alfred 1
about 1856, Mary Ann about 1858, Frederick about 1865 and Sumner about 1872. Gould & Bush were artists who 1 2
shared a Corunna address in 1859, when views from ambrotypes by J. E. Bush embellished a map of the area. James 2
paid separate license fees in 1862 on his photograph gallery, on his eating house and as a retail dealer in liquor. His 3
son Alfred was attending school in Corunna in 1870, and living with John and Mary A. Gould, who may have been his 1
grandparents. Burlingame, Kansas, had a photographer named J. E. Bush in 1889. 1 4
1. 1850 Federal Census of the Second Ward of Milwaukee in Milwaukee County, Wisconsin, plus 1860 Federal Census of the village of
Corunna, 1870 Federal Census of the city of Corunna and 1880 Federal Census of the village of Vernon in Shiawassee County, Michigan.
2. Map of the Counties of Genesee and Shiawassee, 1859.
3. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1862-1866, National Archives, Washington, D.C.
4. South Western Business Directory, March 1889, McKenney Directory Company, Denver, Kansas City, New Orleans and San Francisco.

Bush, L. A.
Lansing PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................................. ca 1900 t
“L. A. BUSH, Lansing, Mich., Flashlights, Views & Portraits” was printed on the backs of stereo views. Penciled t
captions below the images included: “No. 12. Lansing, after the flood; East side of Wiatts ... House” and “No. 14 t
Lansing. Kalamazoo St. bridge lodged against Mich. Ave. bridge.” t
Bush, Lewis Ambrues
Toledo, Ohio, PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................ 1908 t
Toledo, Ohio, RESIDENCE PHOTOGRAPHER ..................................................................................................... 1910 1
Marlette PHOTOGRAPHER and confectioner ............................................................................................... 1912-1917 m
Toledo, Ohio, photographer for L. W. Gentry ........................................................................................................... 1918 2
Toledo, Ohio, PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................ 1920 1
Deshler, Ohio, PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................... 1930 1
His father came from New York and Lewis was born to a Canadian mother in Tuscola Township of Tuscola County, 1
Michigan, on December 24, 1880, the son of Jacob Henry Bush and Mary Elizabeth (Nokes) Bush. He became a 2 3
medium sized man with brown eyes and black hair. He was enumerated as Louis Bush in 1910 and 1920, and as Louie 2 1
Bush in 1930. Cora was born in Ohio to parents from Pennsylvania in 1877, and she married Lewis about 1907. Their 1
children were born in Ohio: Clifford on April 26, 1914, and Vivian on March 6, 1821. “Photo by L. A. BUSH, 3 t
Toledo, O.” was printed on the post card backs of a series of photographic views numbered between 250 and 261 of t
conditions due to flooding at Monroe, Michigan, on February 17 and March 8, 1908. “L. A. BUSH, PHOTO.” was t
lettered on the negatives and “L. A. BUSH PHOTO POST CARD CO., TOLEDO, O.” was printed on the post card t
backs of scenes at Silverwood with numbers such as 400 and 402. Silverwood is nine miles due west of Marlette. t 4
the negative from which other post card photographs were made. Cora died on October 24, 1961. Lewis died in Eaton t 3
Rapids Community Hospital on March 25, 1969. He was characterized as a Lansing photographer, and burial was in 3
Woodlawn Cemetery at Deshler, Ohio. 3
1. 1880 Federal Census of Tuscola Township in Tuscola County, Michigan, 1910 Federal Census of the Sixth Ward and 1920 Federal
Census of the Twelfth Ward of Toledo in Lucas County plus 1930 Federal Census of the village of Deshler in Henry County, Ohio.
2. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.
3. Bush/Benedict Family Tree on the internet.
4. Rand McNally Road Atlas, United States-Canada, Mexico. 1997 Edition, Rand McNally, Skokie, Illinois.

Buskirk, Jesse A.
Ann Arbor (White & Buskirk) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 110 Huron st east ..................................................... 1898-1899 m
Stockbridge PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................... 1899 1
Darwin E. White was Jesse’s associate in Ann Arbor. They advertised: “Fine Photographs, Crayons, Water Colors m 2
and Frames. Amateur work promptly finished at prices to suit. Special rates to students.” 2
1. Identification of the source of this information has been misplaced, and must be re-established.
2. The Wrinkle of the University of Michigan, Volume VI, Number 2, November 10, 1898, page 12.

Butcher, Veronica, Mrs.

Charlevoix PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................................. 1877 1
During the summer of 1877 a newspaper carried this notice: “PHOTOGRAPHING - Mrs. Veronica Butcher, an 1
artist of experience, would inform the public of Charlevoix ... (that she will stay) one month, if patronage warrants. 1
Pictures of all kinds usually taken in galleries. Tent opposite Fox, Rose & Buttar’s store.” 1
1. Charlevoix Sentinel, Charlevoix, Michigan, volume 9, number 11, July 10, 1877.

Butler, _______
L’Anse PHOTOGRAPHER .................................................................................................................................. ca 1918 t
Trout Creek PHOTOGRAPHER .......................................................................................................................... ca 1920 t
“338 - M.E. CHURCH, L’ANSE, MICH. Photo by Butler” - “WEIDMAN LUMBER CO., TROUT CREEK. - 286.- t
Photo by Butler.” and “LOGGING, Trout Creek, Mich. - 316 - Photo by Butler” were lettered on negatives from t
which post card photographs were printed. “CLOVERLAND” over a three-leaf clover with “TRAIL” under it was t
marked on some of the negatives. t
Butler, Alban C.
Detroit student ........................................................................................................................................................... 1870 1
Detroit book binder .................................................................................................................................................... 1880 1
Toledo, Ohio, (Rookwood Gallery) PHOTOGRAPHERS ........................................................................................ 1880 2
Detroit paper ruler or book binder ................................................................................................................... 1880-1882 d
Detroit photographic operator for photographer Joseph E. Watson .......................................................................... 1883 d
Detroit photographer for Frank N. Tomlinson ................................................................................................. 1884-1885 d
Detroit (A. C. Butler & Company) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 253 Woodward av ............................................. 1886-1888 d R
Detroit photographer .................................................................................................................................................. 1888 d
Cincinnati, Ohio, resident .......................................................................................................................................... 1889 d
Toledo, Ohio, (Butler Brothers) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 309, 311 and 313 Cherry st ............................................. 1890 2
Toledo, Ohio, PHOTOGRAPHER at 309, 311 and 313 Cherry st .................................................................. 1890-1898 3 2
Toledo, Ohio, insurance agent ................................................................................................................................... 1900 1
Detroit assistant superintendent of the North American Investment Company .......................................................... 1904 d
Detroit assistant superintendent ................................................................................................................................. 1905 d
Detroit solicitor for the Michigan State Telephone Company ......................................................................... 1906-1910 d
Detroit subscriber agent for the telephone company .................................................................................................. 1910 1
Detroit salesman ........................................................................................................................................................ 1911 d
Highland Park clerk for and automobile company ..................................................................................................... 1920 1
Dearborn chief clerk for an auto company ................................................................................................................. 1930 1
Alban was born in Detroit to English parents in November of 1859, second of the six children of Alfred B. and 1
Margaret Butler. Mary was born in Canada in August of 1864, and she came to Michigan in 1878. She married Alban 1
about 1885, and their son Raymond was born in Ohio in September of 1892. Phillip G. Sanderson was associated with 1 d
Alban in A. C. Butler & Company. They advertised in 1886, citing Alban’s experience with the Watson Gallery, as d
artistic photographers who guaranteed satisfaction and used only the instantaneous process. They employed Thomas d
A. Butler and George Williams as photo printers in 1886, and Mrs. Lizzie J. Humphrey as a clerk and Miss Belle d
McMillan as a retoucher in 1887. “A. C. Butler & Company., 253 Woodward Ave.” was scribed in script into the d t
negative of a photograph of an actress, while “Trade at Farnsworth’s Shoe House, cor. Woodward and Michigan t
Aves., Detroit.” was printed on the back of its 5 ¼ by 3 ¾ mount. Butler & company cabinet photographs included one t
of a proud wheelman with his standard bicycle. Alban’s gallery in Toledo during the 1890s occupied the entire second t 2
floor of the Cherry Street building, where he specialized in portraits of infants and children. Alban and Mary were 2 1
sharing their home in 1920 with their son Raymond and his wife Hazel. 1
1. 1900 Federal Census of the Tenth Ward of Toledo in Lucas County, Ohio, plus 1870 and 1880 Federal Censes of the Fifth Ward and
1910 Federal Census of the Tenth Ward of Detroit, 1920 Federal Census of the city of Highland Park, and 1930 Federal Census of
the city of Dearborn in Wayne County, Michigan.
2. Diane VanSkiver Gagel, Ohio Photographers 1839-1900, Carl Mautz Publishing, Nevada City, California, 1998.
3. Learned in 1994 from Brian McDowell of Dearborn Heights, Michigan.

Butler, Albert
Grand Rapids peddler ................................................................................................................................................ 1895 g
Grand Rapids photographer for Thomas F. Loftus .................................................................................................... 1897 g

Butler, Alvira, Mrs.

Manchester PHOTOGRAPHER over the jewelry store ....................................................................................... ca 1866 t
Manchester housewife ............................................................................................................................................... 1870 1
Whiteford Township farm wife .................................................................................................................................. 1880 1
Clarence Township house keeper .............................................................................................................................. 1910 1
Alvira was born in New York State about 1852, though she claimed to be twenty years old in 1870. She married 1
Nathan N. Butler, who was born in New York in 1830 and was working as a day laborer in 1870 and as a farmer in 1
1880. Revenue stamps were affixed to the back of some of her cartes de visite, but not to others. Her son David was 1 t
born in Ohio in 1871 or early in 1872, and her daughters Anna, Elizabeth, and Hattie were born in Michigan between 1
1873 and 1878. Alvira was a widow by 1910, and was employed by a 67-year-old widowed English farmer. 1
1. 1870 Federal Census of the village of Manchester in Washtenaw County, 1880 Federal Census of Whiteford Township in Monroe
County, and 1910 Federal Census of Clarence Township in Calhoun County, Michigan.
Butler, Edward Victor
Houghton PHOTOGRAPHER at 110 Sheldon st ...................................................................................................... 1918 1
Houghton PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................ 1918-1927 m
Houghton (Butler Studio) PHOTOGRAPHERS in the Leopold Building ...................................................... 1930-1931 m
Edward was born in Switzerland on June 16, 1881, emigrated from there in 1890, and became a United States citizen 1 2
when his father was naturalized while Edward was a minor. As he matured, he was short and slender with gray eyes 1
and dark hair. Some time between 1910 and 1918 Edward married Mrs. Ida May Edkin. He seems to have adopted her 1 2
three sons who were born in Michigan between 1903 and 1907, for in 1920 they were using his surname. “PHOTO BY 2 t
BUTLER’S STUDIO, HOUGHTON, MICH.” was printed on the back of postal photographs, including a winter view t
of the Houghton Amphidrome postmarked in October of 1919. Studio portraits on post card stock were blind stamped: t
“E. V. BUTLER, HOUGHTON, MICH.” In 1930 Edward was a mink breeder as well as president of the Butler t m
Studio, offering commercial and portrait photography, picture framing and Kodak finishing. By this time George, m 2
Stanley and Ralph were out on their own, and Ida worked in his studio as a retoucher as well as keeping house for him 2
and two roomers. 2
1. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.
2. 1910 Federal Census of the Third Ward of Petoskey in Emmet County plus 1920 and 1930 Federal Censes of the village of Houghton
in Portage Township of Houghton County, Michigan.

Butler, Elijah
Davison DAGUERREIAN ........................................................................................................................................ 1860 1
Oxford PHOTOGRAPHER ....................................................................................................................................... 1862 2
Clarkston PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................................... 1863 2
Greenville, Illinois, jeweler ....................................................................................................................................... 1870 1
Greenville, Illinois, PHOTOGRAPHER ......................................................................................................... 1880, 1885 1 3
Effingham, Illinois, PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................... 1900 1
Greenville, Illinois, resident ....................................................................................................................................... 1910 1
His parents came from Maine and Elijah was born in New York State in May of 1829. Mary (known as Nancy in 1
1870 and later) was born in Vermont in March of 1835, and she married Elijah about 1854. Their daughter Mary 1
Elizabeth was born in Michigan in 1857 or 1858. Their son George was born in Illinois and didn’t come along until 1
December of 1875. Elijah and Nancy celebrated their golden wedding anniversary about 1904 and still were living 1
together six years later. 1
1. 1860 Federal Census of Davison Township in Genesee County, Michigan, 1870 and 1880 Federal Censes of Greenville in Bond
County, 1900 Federal Census of the Third Ward of Effingham in Effingham County, and 1910 Federal Census of the Third Ward
of Greenville in Bond County, Illinois.
2. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1862-1866, National Archives, Washington, D.C.
3. Diane VaSkiver Gagel, Directory of Photographers in the United States 1888 & 1889 and Canada 1889, Heritage Books, Bowie,
Maryland, 2002. (Much of the data in this publication has proven to be at least two years out-of-date.)

Butler, George H.
Brighton PHOTOGRAPHER .................................................................................................................................... 1867 1
1. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1867-1868, Great Lakes Branch of the National Archives, Chicago, Illinois.

Butler, George N.
Detroit photographer for Nelson J. Shattuck ................................................................................................... 1888-1889 d
Bay City bookkeeper ................................................................................................................................................. 1900 1
Detroit proprietor of a confectionary store ....................................................................................................... 1910,1920 1
Detroit resident .......................................................................................................................................................... 1930 1
George was born in Canada in January of 1866, crossed the border about 1880, and by 1898 was a naturalized 1
citizen of the United States. Laura was born in Canada in December of 1872, she immigrated to the United States in 1
1894 or1895, and she married George at about the same time. They had no children, but were sharing their home with 1
a couple of young adult nephews in 1920. 1
1. 1910, 1920 and 1930 Federal Censes of the Eighth Ward of Detroit in Wayne County, and 1900 Federal Census of the Third Ward of
Bay City in Bay County, Michigan.

Butler, Ida May, Mrs.

For more information about the wife of Edward V. Butler, please see the entry for Mrs. Ida May Edkin.
Butler, James A.
Chicago, Illinois, student ........................................................................................................................................... 1900 1
Chicago, Illinois, letter carrier ................................................................................................................................... 1910 1
Harbor Beach PHOTOGRAPHER .................................................................................................................. 1912-1913 m
Port Huron machinist or factory worker .......................................................................................................... 1919-1920 P 1
Port Huron (Hoskins Studio) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 703 Huron av .............................................................. 1921-1922 P
Port Huron PHOTOGRAPHER at 703 Huron av ............................................................................................ 1922-1923 m
His father came from South Africa and James was born in Illinois in April of 1888, the younger son of James P. and 1
Nettie E. Butler. By 1920 James was married to a thirty-year-old lady from Ohio named Bessie who was working in a 1
plating plant. He produced a 5 by 7 inch photograph of the interior of a Harbor Beach barrel factory and mounted it 8 1 t
by 10. He advertised from Harbor Beach as a “Commercial Photographer, flashlights, portraits, enlarging, amateur t m
finishing. Equipped with Seavey Window and Rex Washer.” Two years later, Harold C. Fraser used an identically m
worded advertisement. Collin A. Hoskins founded the Hoskins Studio in Port Huron. m t
1. 1900 Federal Census of the Nineteenth Ward and 1910 Federal Census of the Twentieth Ward of Chicago in Cook County, Illinois,
plus 1920 Federal Census of the Fourth Precinct of Port Huron in St. Clair County, Michigan.

Butler, N., Mrs.

Please see the entry for Mrs. Alvira Butler.

Butler, Thomas A.
Detroit child or student ..................................................................................................................................... 1870,1880 1
Detroit photo printer for photographers A. C. Butler & Company ............................................................................ 1886 d
Detroit foundry clerk ................................................................................................................................................. 1888 d
Toledo, Ohio, (Butler Brothers) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 309, 311 and 313 Cherry st ............................................. 1890 2
Detroit traveling agent ............................................................................................................................................... 1900 1
His parents emigrated from England and Thomas was born in Michigan in April of 1867, fourth of the six children of 1
Alfred B. and Margaret Butler and brother of photographer Alban C. Butler. Bessie was born in Michigan in October 1
of 1870, and she married Thomas about 1887. Their son Percy was born in Michigan in June of 1888, and their 1
daughter Hazel was born in Ohio in October of 1890. Both children still were at home in 1910, when Bessie was a 1
widow working as a clerk in a Detroit photograph studio. 1
1. 1870 and 1880 Federal Censes of the Fifth Ward, 1900 Federal Census of the Thirteenth Ward, and 1910 Federal Census of the
First Ward of Detroit in Wayne County, Michigan.
2. Diane VanSkiver Gagel, Ohio Photographers 1839-1900, Carl Mautz Publishing, Nevada City, California, 1998.

Butlin, C. A.
Disco AMBROTYPIST and harness manufacturer .................................................................................................... 1859 1
1. 1859 Map of Macomb County, Michigan.

Butnell, E. A.
White Rock PHOTOGRAPHER ..................................................................................................................... 1863-1864 1
1. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1862-1866, National Archives, Washington, D.C.

Butterfield, Jay H.
Please see the entry for John H. Butterfield.
Butterfield, John H.
Manhattan, Kansas, child ........................................................................................................................................... 1870 1
Bay City student ......................................................................................................................................................... 1880 1
Bay City bank clerk ................................................................................................................................................... 1900 1
Bay City bank bookkeeper ......................................................................................................................................... 1910 1
Bay City bank teller ................................................................................................................................................... 1920 1
Bay City (Alexander & Butterfield) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 610 Washington av .......................................... 1920-1927 m b
Bay City bank teller ................................................................................................................................................... 1930 1
Bay City (Alexander & Butterfield) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 1100 Center av ................................................. 1930-1938 m b
His mother came from New York State and John was born in Michigan in January of 1869, the son of George W. 1
and Amanda E. Butterfield. His sister Kate was born here nine years later. Thanks to his father’s second wife, he had 1
three half-brothers and a half-sister born in Michigan between January of 1882 and January of 1896. Eva Helen was 1
born in Missouri in October of 1871 to an Irish father and a Canadian mother, and she married John about 1895. Their 1
daughters were born in Michigan: Gertrude Helen in April of 1896, Florence May in December of 1898, and Marian in 1
1903. All three of the girls became school teachers, and Gertrude and Marian still were teaching and living with their 1
parents in 1930. John was known as “J. H.” from childhood, which accounts for his being identified as Jay H. 1 m
Butterfield in some of the gazetteers and directories. George S. Alexander & Butterfield succeeded Verner & b m
Alexander and the Harman Studios in 1920. They offered: “Photographs, Pictures, Frames and Framing, Pastel and m
Oil, Amateur Supplies and Finishing. Mail orders solicited.” J. H. seems to have been a financial rather than an active m 1
partner in the photographic business while he maintained his position with the bank. m 1
1. 1870 Federal Census of the city of Manhattan in Riley County, Kansas, plus 1880 Federal Census of the Fourth Ward, 1900 Federal
Census of the Eleventh Ward, 1910 and 1920 Federal Censes of the Second Ward, and 1930 Federal Census of the Third Ward of
Bay City in Bay County, Michigan.

Butters, Marshall F.
Dallas, Illinois, child .................................................................................................................................................. 1860 1
Stronach Township student ........................................................................................................................................ 1870 1
Ludington lumberman ....................................................................................................................................... 1900,1910 1
Ludington real estate salesman .................................................................................................................................. 1920 1
Ludington lumberman ................................................................................................................................................ 1930 1
Marshall was born in Wisconsin in October of 1857, second of the six children of Horace U. and Mary Butters, and 1
their eldest son. His father came from Maine to Manistee in 1852 and worked his way up from logger to lumber 1 2
tycoon. He moved to Ludington in 1874 and with a Manistee partner named Peters purchased a large tract of pine land 2
in eastern Mason County in 1878. When in 1879 Horace founded the village of Tallman, 17 miles east of Ludington, 2 3
Marshall became its storekeeper and postmaster. The following year Marshall and Horace founded Buttersville a few m 3
miles south of Ludington, where they established the office and mills of the Butters & Peters Salt & Lumber Company. 2
The narrow gauge Mason & Oceana Railroad was built from Ludington through Buttersville in 1886, and on to Stetson 2
or Walkerville in Oceana County. Maggie, later Margaret, was born in Canada to Scotch parents in October of 1860, 2 1
and she married Marshall about 1885. Their son Robert was born in March of 1886, and their son Marshall was born 1
in June of 1889. They lived at Ludington where Marshall was secretary of the Butters & Peters Salt & Lumber 1 m
Company until 1907, president of the company through 1915, and then president of the Butters Land Company until m
1919. He was also president of the Mason & Oceana Railroad from 1900 until 1909, and was recognized locally as a m 4
notable amateur photographer. 4
1. 1860 Federal Census of Pontoosuc Township in Hancock County, Illinois, 1870 Federal Census of Stronach Township in Manistee
County, Michigan, plus 1900, 1910, 1920 and 1930 Federal Censes of the Second Ward of Ludington in Mason County, Michigan.
2. History of Mason County, page 63.
3. Walter Romig, Michigan Place Names, Grosse Pointe, Michigan.
4. Ludington Daily News, Ludington, Michigan, June 1, 1996, page 9.
Butterworth, John T.
Lansing photographer for Charles H. Mead ............................................................................................................... 1878 L
Saginaw PHOTOGRAPHER on the east side, on Hamilton st near Franklin st .............................................. 1879-1883 s m
Saginaw PHOTOGRAPHER on the east side, on Hamilton st between Court and Franklin sts ..................... 1884-1886 m s
Saginaw PHOTOGRAPHER at 116 Hamilton st north ................................................................................... 1886-1890 m R
Detroit clerk for the Detroit Manufacturing Novelty Company ................................................................................. 1895 d
Detroit bookkeeper or stock keeper in a foundry ....................................................................................................... 1900 d 1
Detroit photographer .................................................................................................................................................. 1901 d
Detroit engineer ............................................................................................................................................... 1902-1904 d
Detroit watchman ....................................................................................................................................................... 1905 d
Detroit stationary engineer ............................................................................................................................... 1907-1911 d 1
Detroit engineer in an automobile factory ................................................................................................................. 1920 1
John was born in England in March of 1852, immigrated in 1873, and became a naturalized citizen of the United 1
States in 1888. Caroline was born in Canada in July of 1835, and she married John about 1877. They never had 1
children. John advertised early in 1885: “... Portrait Photographer. I duplicate anybody’s work; quality considered. 1 2
Children’s pictures a certainty by the new Rapid Dry Plate Process. Copying and enlarging done. Hamilton St., up 2
stairs, Saginaw City.” His cabinet photographs included views of a ditch being dug manually down the center of 2 t
Hamilton Street, apparently for a sewer. Caroline still was keeping house for John in 1910, but he was a widower by t 1
1920, when he was one of six lodgers with a middle-aged couple. 1
1. 1880 Federal Census of the Fifth Ward of Saginaw in Saginaw County, plus 1900 Federal Census of the Fifth Ward, 1910 Federal
Census of the Fifteenth Ward, and 1920 Federal Census of the Third Ward of Detroit in Wayne County, Michigan.
2. Saginaw Daily Courier, January 1, 1885.

Buyher, John, Mrs.

Please see the entry for Mrs. John W. Burgher.

Buzzard, Arthur Clifton

Groveland Township child or student ............................................................................................................... 1870,1880 1
Fenton photographer .................................................................................................................................................. 1892 2
Ortonville (Buzzard & Brabon) PHOTOGRAPHERS ......................................................................................... ca 1895 t
Holly house painter .................................................................................................................................................... 1900 1
Holly tinsmith for a hardware store ........................................................................................................................... 1910 1
Holly proprietor of a tin shop .................................................................................................................................... 1920 1
Holly plumber and dealer in plumbing supplies ........................................................................................................ 1930 1
He was called Arthur as a child, used Clifton as a photographer, and alternated between Arthur C. and Clifton A. in 1 2
the later censes. His father came from New York and Arthur was born in Michigan in April of 1869, first of the three 1
sons of Sylvenus and Sarah S. Buzzard. Her father emigrated from Canada and Rose was born in Michigan in February 1
of 1871. She and Arthur married about 1893. Their daughter Winifred was born in June of 1894 but died some time 1
between 1910 and 1920. Their son Ernest was born in June of 1897, and was working in his dad’s tin shop in 1920. 1
His daughter Betty Lou was living with Arthur and Rose in 1930, when Rose was also providing for five young 1
boarders most of whom worked in the local spring factory. 1
1. 1870, 1880 and 1900 Federal Censes of Groveland Township, plus 1900, 1910, 1920 and 1930 Federal Censes of the village of Holly
in Holly Township of Oakland County, Michigan.
2. Flint and Genesee County Directory, 1892-93.

Buzzard, Walter Henry

Port Huron student ..................................................................................................................................................... 1870 1
Port Huron machinist ................................................................................................................................................. 1880 1
Port Huron seaman on the schooner L. L. Lamb ....................................................................................................... 1882 2
Port Huron captain of the ship Belle Cross ................................................................................................................ 1892 2
Port Huron (Buzzard & Hoskins) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 720 Huron av ........................................................ 1896-1901 m P
Port Huron (Tunnel City Studio) PHOTOGRAPHERS on the ground floor at 720 Huron av .................................. 1904 P
Port Huron marine pilot .................................................................................................................................... 1910,1920 1
Port Huron marine captain ......................................................................................................................................... 1930 1
He was born in June of 1860 in Osage Township of Mitchell County, Iowa, and as a photographer was known as W. 1 P
Henry Buzzard. He was plain Henry Buzzard in most census records. He was second of the three sons of John and 1
Electa Buzzard. His father came from New York and farmed before becoming a sailor, and his mother was born in 1
Ohio. Mary was born in Michigan to Canadian parents in May of 1859, and she married Henry about 1878. Their 1
daughter Birdie was born in November of 1879, and was their only child. Collin A. Hoskins was a principal both of 1 m
Buzzard & Hoskins and of the Tunnel City Studio. m t
1. 1860 Federal Census of Osage Township in Mitchell County, Iowa, plus 1870, 1880, 1900, 1910 and 1920 Federal Censes of the
First Ward of Port Huron in Saint Clair County, Michigan.
2. Learned in 2007 from Russ Plumb through Keith Steffke of Lincoln Park, Michigan.
Byam, John W.
Howell PHOTOGRAPHER ....................................................................................................................................... 1862 1
Howell DAGUERREOTYPIST ...................................................................................................................... 1862-1863 m
Fond du Lac, Wisconsin, PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................. 1864-1884 2
Fox Lake, Wisconsin, PHOTOGRAPHER ...................................................................................................... 1864-1884 2
Ellendale, North Dakota, PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................. 1888-1907 3
Ellendale, North Dakota, resident .................................................................................................................... 1910-1920 4
His parents came from New York and John was born in Ohio some time between 1840 and 1850. He was identified 4
as a 25-year-old daguerreotype artist in 1870, and as a 40-year-old artist in 1880. In 1900 he claimed to have been 4
born in December of 1849, and then stuck to this story for the next twenty years. Emma was born in Wisconsin about 4
1850 to parents from New York, and she married John a year or more before giving birth to Josephine in Wisconsin in 4
1875 or early in 1876. She and John divorced some time before 1900, and he did not marry again. 4
1. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1862-1866, National Archives, Washington, D.C.
2. Directory of Wisconsin Photographers; State Historical Society of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin, 1991.
3. Robert Kolbe with Brian Bade, They Captured the Moment, Dakotas Photographers 1853-1920, Pine Hill Press, Sioux Falls, SD, 2006.
4. 1870 and 1880 Federal Censes of the First Ward of Fond du Lac in Fond du Lac County, Wisconsin, plus 1900 and 1910 Federal
Censes of the First Ward and 1920 Federal Census of the Third Ward of Ellendale in Dickey County, North Dakota.

Byard, Mortimer L.
Pewamo PHOTOGRAPHER and baker .......................................................................................................... 1902-1903 m 1
Jackson letter carrier for the post office .......................................................................................... 1910,1918,1920,1930 2 3
Mortimer was born in Michigan on June 11, 1877, and matured into a slender man with brown eyes and black hair. 2 3
Electa J. Sweet, usually called Lettie, was born in Michigan early in 1876, and she married Mortimer about 1902. 2
They never had children. 2
1. Ionia County directory, 1903.
2. 1910 and 1920 Federal Censes of the Fourth Ward and 1930 Federal Census of the Fifth Ward of Jackson in Jackson County, Michigan.
3. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.

Byers, John
Three Oaks photographer .......................................................................................................................................... 1880 1
John was born in Pennsylvania in 1849 or 1850, and was boarding with a Three Oaks family in 1880. 1
1. 1880 Federal Census of the village of Three Oaks in Berrien County, Michigan.
C______, E.
Comins PHOTOGRAPHER ...................................................................................................................................... 1907 1
“E. C. Photog, Comins, Mich.” was lettered on the negative of some post card photographs, while “Comins Band, 1
April 10, 1907. E. C.” was lettered on the negative of others. A group of a dozen or more such photos includes views 1
of a school, logging, farming, scenes along the Au Sable & Northwestern Railroad, and a Lewiston street scene. 1
1. Learned in 2000 at the Bentley Historical Library in Ann Arbor, Michigan.

Stambaugh PHOTOGRAPHERS .................................................................................................................... 1908-1909 t 1
“C + S FOTO ’08” was lettered on the negative of a post card photograph of five houses under construction along a t
Stambaugh street, and a postal photo of Stambaugh High School was marked in a similar way in 1909. t 1
1. Learned in 1997 at the Iron County Historical Museum in Iron River, Michigan.

Cadillac Studio, The

Detroit PHOTOGRAPHERS on the second floor at 103 Michigan av ............................................................ 1907-1911 d m
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHERS at 120 Michigan av ........................................................................................... 1912-1915 d
William P. Cogan was proprietor of this studio throughout its existence. He had a partner, Smith A. Topping, only in d
1910. They advertised as “General Photographers, Developing, Finishing and Commercial Work. Photographs at night d
by appointment....” In 1915 it was: “General Photographers, Portrait and Commercial.” d
Cadwallader, James Dallas
Brookfield Township, Illinois, machinist ................................................................................................................... 1850 1
Chicago, Illinois, resident ................................................................................................................................ 1850-1852 2
Cincinnati, Ohio, machine manufacturer ......................................................................................................... 1852-1857 2
Cincinnati, Ohio, PHOTOGRAPHER ....................................................................................................................... 1858 3
McComb, Ohio, PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................ 1859 3
Marietta, Ohio, PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................ 1860-1864 3
Marietta, Ohio, (Cadwallader & Tappen) PHOTOGRAPHERS over the bank on Front st ............................ 1864-1865 t 3
Detroit (Cadwallader Brothers) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 223 Jefferson av ..................................................... 1866-1868 d m
Marietta, Ohio, PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................ 1868-1887 3 4
Parkersburg, West Virginia, PHOTOGRAPHER on Market st ....................................................................... 1880-1888 2 t
Parkersburg, West Virginia, (Cadwallader & Moulton) PHOTOGRAPHERS ......................................................... 1887 5
Marietta, Ohio, (Cadwallader & Swisher) PHOTOGRAPHERS .............................................................................. 1887 2
Marietta, Ohio, owner of real estate, home builder and/or resident ................................................................. 1888-1905 2
James was born in December of 1828 at Mahoning, Pennsylvania, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Eli Cadwallader. Many of 1 2
the Ohio listings were for John D. Cadwallader. He was single and living on the farm of his widowed father in 1850. 3 1
By 1860 he had married Arabella Tappan, who was born in Indiana about 1836. Cadwallader & Tappen mounted 1 t
small tintypes in carte de visite sized paper frames with no tax stamps. Early in July of 1866 this advertisement t 6
appeared in Detroit newspapers: “NEW PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY. Cadwallader Brothers have the honor to 6
announce to the citizens of Detroit, that about the 20th of July they will open their ART PLACE at 223 Jefferson 6
Avenue. The Messrs. Cadwallader have, at great expense, designed and erected this spacious building, expressly for 6
photographic purposes, and it is with no small degree of pride that they are about to open in this beautiful city a 6
photograph establishment which shall rank equal to any place of its kind in the country, East or West....” The opening 6
was announced early in August. Cadwallader Brothers and H. L. Bingham of Kalamazoo were the only professional 6
photographers to exhibit at the Michigan State Fair at Detroit in September of 1867. The Cadwalladers made a clean 6
sweep of the First Premiums for the best collection of photographs, the best photograph portrait in India ink, the best 6
photograph portrait in oil colors, the best photograph of an animal shown at the fair, and the best and second best 6
photographs of the fair grounds. Bingham received only two Second Premiums. “Cadwallader Bro’s., Photographers. 6 t
CABINET CARD. Art Place, 223 Jeff. Ave., Detroit.” was printed below the image on the relatively thin mounts of t
the oldest Michigan cabinet photographs known to me. From Marietta, J. Dallas sent cabinet photographs as examples t 7
to The Philadelphia Photographer in 1868, the same year in which he published a series of stereo views of Marietta 7 8
College. He was living alone in 1870, and then married Miss Julia A. Wheeler at Marietta on December 25, 1872. 1 2
Their daughter Agnes was born in June of 1876, and was their only child. J. Dallas was a member of the National 1 2
Photographic Association in 1873. The Parkersburg gallery was a branch of his Marietta business. He attended the first 2 8
convention of the Photographers’ Association of America at Chicago in August of 1880. He exhibited a collection of 8 4
views at the fourth annual convention of the PA of A at Milwaukee in August of 1883. He invested heavily in real 4 2
estate, built and owned some of the finest residences in Marietta, which he rented. J. Dallas died in November of 1905. 2
Agnes was single and with her mother in 1910, and she lived until July of 1921. Julia died in December of 1919. 1 2
1. 1850 Federal Census of Brookfield Township in LaSalle County, Illinois, plus 1860, 1870, 1880 and 1910 Federal Censes of the
Second Ward and 1900 Federal Census of the Third Ward of Marietta in Washington County, Ohio.
2. Learned in 1994 from Joan Hostetler of Indianapolis, Indiana.
3. John Waldsmith, A Directory of Ohio Photographers, 1839 to 1900, Sycamore, Ohio, compiled in 1978 and augmented through 1993.
4. The Photographic Times, New York, volume 13, number 152, August 1883, page 432.
5. Learned in 2003 from Don Fredgant of Lakewood, Ohio.
6. Detroit Advertiser & Tribune, Detroit, Michigan, July 2 and August 2 of 1866, and September of 1867.
7. The Philadelphia Photographer, volume 5, 1868, page 215.
8. William C. Darrah, Stereo Views, Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, 1964.
9. Anthony’s Photographic Bulletin, volume 11, August 1880, page 273, 274 and 275.
Cadwallader, John
Poland Township, Ohio, artist ................................................................................................................................... 1850 1
Maysville, Kentucky, PHOTOGRAPHER ...................................................................................................... 1856-1860 2
Toledo, Ohio, PHOTOGRAPHER at 107 Summit st ...................................................................................... 1863-1865 3
Detroit (Cadwallader Brothers) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 223 Jefferson av ..................................................... 1866-1868 d m
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 223 Jefferson av .............................................................................................. 1868-1869 d
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 217 Woodward av ........................................................................................... 1870-1872 d m
Toledo, Ohio, PHOTOGRAPHER at 57 and 59 Summit st ...................................................................................... 1872 4 t
Indianapolis, Indiana, PHOTOGRAPHER over the Beehive Corner ........................................................................ 1872 5 2
Indianapolis, Indiana, PHOTOGRAPHER at 4, 6 and 8 Washington st west ........................................................... 1873 2
Indianapolis, Indiana, PHOTOGRAPHER in the Claypool Block at the cor of Washington and Illinois sts .. 1874-1875 2
Indianapolis, Indiana, PHOTOGRAPHER in Room 29 of the Bates Block .................................................... 1876-1877 2 t
Indianapolis, Indiana, PHOTOGRAPHER at 66 Washington st east .............................................................. 1878-1879 t
Michigan City, Indiana, PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................. 1879 t
Indianapolis, Indiana, PHOTOGRAPHER at 66 Washington st east ........................................................................ 1880 2
Indianapolis, Indiana, PHOTOGRAPHER at 2 ½ Washington st west ........................................................... 1881-1884 2
Indianapolis, Indiana, (Cadwallader & Fearnaught) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 16 & 18 Washington st east ..... 1884-1886 t 2
Madison, Indiana, PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................ 1887-1894 2 6
Richmond, Indiana, PHOTOGRAPHER at 732 Main st ........................................................................................... 1899 6
John was the son of Eli Cadwallader and was born about 1827 at Mahoning, Pennsylvania. Amelia was born three 2 1
years later in Ohio, and their sons were born in Kentucky about 1856 and 1861. John’s first Toledo gallery was 1 3
established in the summer of 1863 in rooms altered to suit the purpose. A large assortment of albums and frames was 3
displayed in the first floor salesroom. On the second floor were the parlor, the toilet room and an operating room with 3
a sky-light and a large side window so arranged that the operator could obtain any desired degree of light. Card 3
photographs were sold at $2 per dozen. A Detroit newspaper noted in May of 1866 that “J. Cadwallader of Toledo is 3 7
to come to Detroit in the occupation of photography.” The Cadwallader Brothers announced the opening of their Art 7
Place early in August of 1866. Their employees in 1867 included photo operator Christian Mowry, artists Miss A. B. 7 d
Chamberlain and Miss Myra A. Chamberlain, and Miss Mary Andrews. John ran this advertisement on the first day of d 7
the fair in 1868: “CADWALLADER’S ART PLACE to be Kept Open, and PHOTOGRAPHS MADE Every Day of 7
the Fair. Having made a large display of photographs at the State Fair of 1867, and having been awarded four FIRST 7
PRIZES for the best photographs, Cadwallader has decided not to make any display at the present State Fair, but he 7
will give his undivided personal attention to making sittings for photographs during every day of the fair. Be it known 7
that CADWALLADER’S is the leading Photograph establishment in the city. Cabinet Cards made in elegant style. 7
CADWALLADER’S pictures of children and infants are pronounced inimitable. Art Place open every day and 7
evening, 223 Jefferson Avenue.” John was on the first published list of members of the National Photographic 7 8
Association in July of 1869. A few months later he was offering a series of photographic Detroit scenes in a size 8 9
suitable for framing, including a view of St. John’s Church and rectory. Henry G. Cassey worked as a photographer for 9 d
John in 1870 at the Woodward Avenue “Parlor Gallery.” A group of Detroit photographers met here in October of d 9
1872 to discuss forming a union. “CADWALLADER’S TOLEDO GALLERY, 57 & 59 Summit Street. - One 9 t
Operating Room For Photographs. One Operating Room For Gems and Ferrotypes. - Old Pictures carefully copied and t
finished by Artists in India Ink, Water and Oil Colors.” was printed on some carte de visite sized paper sleeves t
enclosing tintypes. It was reported in October of 1872 that John had opened a new gallery over the Beehive Corner at t 5
Indianapolis. Some of his card mounts from the Bates Block opposite the Indianapolis post office reproduced a Prize 5 t
Medal awarded by the Indiana State Board of Agriculture and state: “Artistic Photography, Pre-eminence Established, t
Pre-payment system abolished.” John attended the inaugural convention of the Photographers’ Association of America t 0
at Chicago in August of 1880. He also attended the second annual PA of A convention at New York City in August of 0 5
1881, and while there was elected secretary of the PA of A. Joan Hostetler has compiled much more detailed 5 2
information about John Cadwallader. 2
1. 1850 Federal Census of Poland Township in Mahoning County, Ohio, and 1870 Federal Census of the First Ward of Detroit in
Wayne County, Michigan.
2. Learned in 1994 from Joan Hostetler of Indianapolis, Indiana.
3. Diane VanSkiver Gagel, Ohio Photographers 1839-1900, Carl Mautz Publishing, Nevada City, California, 1998.
4. John Waldsmith, A Directory of Ohio Photographers, 1839 to 1900, Sycamore, Ohio, compiled in 1978 and augmented through 1993.
5. The Photographic Times, New York, volume 2, 1872, page 153, and volume 11, number 128, August 1881.
6. Learned in 2000 from James A. Marusek of Bloomfield, Indiana.
7. Detroit Advertiser & Tribune, Detroit, Michigan, July 2 and August 2 of 1866, and September 15, 1868.
8. The Philadelphia Photographer, volume 6, 1869, page 234.
9. Detroit Post, Detroit, Michigan, November 7, 1869, page 8, column 5; and Detroit Free Press, Detroit, Michigan, October 7, 1872.
0. Anthony’s Photographic Bulletin, volume 11, August 1880, page 273, 274 and 275.
Cady, Guy Brewster
Detroit child ............................................................................................................................................................... 1880 1
Detroit clerk in his father’s wholesale grocery business ............................................................................................ 1900 1
Detroit city agent for his father’s wholesale grocery business ......................................................................... 1901-1902 d
Detroit broker .................................................................................................................................................. 1903-1904 d
Detroit advertising agency or advertising specialties ....................................................................................... 1906-1909 d
Detroit advertising agency ............................................................................................................................... 1915-1916 d
Detroit advertising specialties and printing ...................................................................................................... 1918-1920 2 d
Detroit manager of the advertising department of an automobile company ............................................................... 1920 1
Detroit advertising specialties and printing ...................................................................................................... 1921-1923 d
Detroit real estate agent ............................................................................................................................................. 1925 d
Los Angeles, California, resident ..................................................................................................................... 1949-1954 3
His mother came from New Hampshire and Guy was born in Michigan on July 3, 1876, second of the four children 1 2
and the elder son of David D. and Catherine Elizabeth Cady. He became a tall man with a medium build, blue eyes and 1 2
brown hair. Her parents came from Massachusetts and New York, Ada Lathrop was born in Michigan on May 27, 1 3
1877, she married Guy about 1901, and she gave birth to Elizabeth in 1903. On the photograph of an attractive young 1 t
woman writing at her desk was printed: “Copyright 1909, Rochester Photo Press, Rochester, NY.” Below the photo on t
this post card was printed a calendar for June of 1910 and: “REAL PHOTO ADVERTISING. Exclusively for t
Advertisers. Original Copyrighted Pictures. GUY B. CADY, 125 Farmer St., Detroit, Mich.” Guy’s business was at t d
this address from 1909 through 1923. On the back of the same post card was printed: “FOLLOW-UP d t
ADVERTISING, Will Bring Back FORMER Customers. Will Hold Fast PRESENT Customers. Will Bring in NEW t
Customers. * The first secret of business success is ORDERS. * Salesmen and Good Advertising will get orders. * t
Good Advertising is anything that GETS attention. * Interest follows attention and Sales can be made only to those t
who ARE interested. * Real Photo Cards are wonderful GETTERS of attention. They ALLURE attention. * Real t
Photo Cards are a proven forceful MONTHLY FOLLOW-UP MEDIUM. GUY B. CADY, Detroit, Mich.” Ada died t 3
at Los Angeles on December 18, 1949, and Guy died there on February 17, 1954. 3
1. 1880 Federal Census of the city of Detroit, plus 1900 and 1910 Federal Censes of the First Ward and 1920 Federal Census of the
Seventeenth Ward of Detroit in Wayne County, Michigan.
2. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.
3. California Death Index, 1940-1997.

Cady, Leonard Alfred

Dollar Bay PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................ ca 1909 t
Dollar Bay helper in a machine shop ......................................................................................................................... 1910 1
Detroit tool maker for the Ford Motor Company ....................................................................................................... 1917 2
Detroit tool maker in an automobile factory .............................................................................................................. 1920 1
Birmingham tool maker in an automobile factory ..................................................................................................... 1930 1
Saginaw resident ........................................................................................................................................................ 1971 3
His parents emigrated from England and Canada, and Leonard was born in Michigan on December 27, 1889. He and 1 2
his sister Hazel were living in 1910 in the boarding house operated by their widowed mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Cady. 1
“Made By Leonard Cady, Dollar Bay.” was stamped on the post card backs of photographs of Dollar Bay and of t
Redridge, twelve miles west of Dollar Bay. At some time prior to 1917, Leonard served the United States Government 4 2
for two years as a naval seaman. Alma was born in Michigan to Norwegian parents on March 31, 1895. She married 2 1
Leonard and they raised Dorothy born about 1914, Alfred born about 1920, and Elizabeth born in March of 1929. Guy 1
died at Saginaw in August of 1971, and Alma died in November of 1974 at Suffolk, New York. 3
1. 1910 Federal Census of Osceola Township in Houghton County, 1920 Federal Census of the Second Ward of Detroit in Wayne
County, and 1930 Federal Census of the village of Birmingham in Oakland County, Michigan.
2. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.
3. Social Security Death Index.
4. Michigan County Map Guide, Michigan United Conservation Clubs, Lansing, Michigan.

Cadzow, John M.
Reed City dealer in dry goods and shoes ......................................................................................................... 1890-1897 m
Reed City (Cadzow & Harter) PHOTOGRAPHERS ................................................................................................ 1899 1
John’s intention of engaging in photography at Reed City with Herbert R. Harter was reported in June of 1899. 1
1. St. Louis and Canadian Photographer; volume 23, number 6, June 1899, page 282.
Cain, William Charles
Wroxeter, Ontario, PHOTOGRAPH ARTIST .......................................................................................................... 1864 1
Owen Sound, Ontario, PHOTOGRAPHER ..................................................................................................... 1865-1869 1
Au Sable photographer .............................................................................................................................................. 1871 2
Alpena PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................. 1872-1881 m
His parents emigrated from the Isle of Man and William was born in Ontario about 1838. At Oscoda on August 1, 3 2
1871, he married 27-year-old Charlotte A. Smith of Oscoda, who was born in New York State. Their son Charles was 2 3
born about 1875 and their daughter Marian was born in August of 1879. Early in 1874, William sent stereo views of 3 4
the labors of the sturdy lumbermen of Michigan to The Philadelphia Photographer. They included winter views in the 4 t
woods and spring views on the log-driving streams. He also took stereoscopic street scenes in Alpena and winter views 4 t
at Hubbard Lake. “W. C. CAIN, PHOTOGRAPHER, Myers Block, Alpena, Mich....” was printed above the t
monogram of the National Photographic Association on some card mounts. Around 1880 his Alpena gallery was on t
River Street, and he offered to enlarge Old Pictures to any desired size, and to finish them in India Ink, Crayon, Pastel t
or Oil at reasonable rates. t
1. Glen C. Phillips, The Ontario Photographers List (1851-1900), Iron Gate Publishing Company, Sarnia, Ontario, 1990.
2. Marriage record furnished by James G. Donaldson of Detroit, Michigan.
3. 1880 Federal Census of Alpena in Alpena County, Michigan.
4. The Philadelphia Photographer, volume 11, 1874, page 96.

Caldwell, Bertha M., Mrs.

Le Roy PHOTOGRAPHER ....................................................................................................................................... 1910 1
Lapeer PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................. 1912-1915 m
Cadillac housewife ..................................................................................................................................................... 1920 1
Cadillac PHOTOGRAPHER ..................................................................................................................................... 1930 1
Her parents came from New York and Ohio, and Bertha was born in Michigan in 1887. William Pearl Caldwell was 1
born in Michigan to parents from Ohio in 1879, he married Bertha about 1903, and they had five children born in 1
Michigan: Clayton in 1905, Russell in August of 1908, Mildred in 1912, Arlene in 1915, and Marguerite in July of 1
1919. 1
1. 1910 Federal Census of the village of Le Roy in Osceola County, plus 1920 Federal Census of the Second Ward and 1930 Federal
Census of the First Ward of Cadillac in Wexford County, Michigan.

Caldwell, Perley
Le Roy Township child .............................................................................................................................................. 1880 m
Le Roy Township photographer ................................................................................................................................ 1900 1
Le Roy PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................. 1902-1905 1
Le Roy machinist in a garage ..................................................................................................................................... 1910 1
Cadillac shoe maker with his own shop ..................................................................................................................... 1920 1
Cadillac proprietor of a shoe repair shop ................................................................................................................... 1930 1
The machinist was identified as William Pearl Caldwell, and was the husband of photographer Bertha Caldwell. 1
William was born in Michigan to parents from Ohio in 1879, eldest of the three children of John W. and Louanna 1
Caldwell. He grew up on the family farm, and he married Bertha about 1903. Please see the entry above for the 1
development of their family. 1
1. 1880 and 1900 Federal Censes of Le Roy Township and 1910 Federal Census of the village of Le Roy in Osceola County, plus 1920
Federal Census of the Second Ward and 1930 Federal Census of the First Ward of Cadillac in Wexford County, Michigan.
Calhoun, Joseph C.
Holland PHOTOGRAPHER at 243 Tenth st west ........................................................................................... 1896-1897 m t
Holland PHOTOGRAPHER in the Kanters Block .......................................................................................... 1897-1898 1 2
Holland PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................... 1900-1903 3 2
Holland PHOTOGRAPHER at 243 Tenth st west ..................................................................................................... 1903 2
Holland PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................... 1906-1910 R 3
Grand Rapids president and secretary of the Calhoun Photo Materials Company ..................................................... 1911 g
Grand Rapids vice president of the Calhoun Photo Materials Company ................................................................... 1912 g
Grand Rapids resident or traveling agent ......................................................................................................... 1913-1914 g
Union, New Jersey, manufacturing chemist ............................................................................................................... 1920 3
His parents emigrated from Ireland and Canada, and Joseph was born in Illinois in April of 1876. Lovancha was 3
born in New York in July of 1868, married a man named Peters and had sons born in September of 1888 and October 3
of 1890. She brought along the two boys when she married Joe about 1895, and she gave birth to Dewey in May of 3
1898 and to Lovancha in 1905 or early in 1906. A photographic journal mentioned late in 1897 that “J. C. Calhoun, an 3 1
artist, has leased the photographic rooms in the Kanters Block, Holland, Michigan, and will move in soon.” His eldest 1 3
stepson, Louis C. Peters, was working as a photographer in Joe’s studio in 1910. The Calhoun Photo Materials 3 g
Company continued through 1915 with a changing list of officers which did not include Joe after 1912. By 1920 Joe g 3
was married to 24-year-old Dorothy who was born in Alabama, and was helping to raise her ten-year-old son Jack 3
from a previous marriage in Tennessee to a man named Halliday. 3
1. St. Louis and Canadian Photographer; volume 15, number 12, December 1897.
2. Holland City Directory, John Kanters Press, Holland, Michigan, 1897-98, 1901-02 and 1903-04.
3. 1900 and 1910 Federal Censes of the Fourth Ward of Holland in Ottawa County, Michigan, and 1920 Federal Census of the
Third Ward of Union in Hudson County, New Jersey..

Calker, Victor
Manistee photographer .............................................................................................................................................. 1893 1
One Victor Cawker was born in Canada to English parents in October of 1864, immigrated in 1882, and became a 2
naturalized citizen of the United States. In June of 1900 he was a porter on a large passenger ship moored in the 2
Michigan Canal Slip of the Chicago River at Chicago, Illinois. 2
1. Manistee City Directory, 1893, J. Carr Anderson, Manistee, Michigan.
2. 1900 Federal Census of the 24th Ward of Chicago in Cook County, Illinois.

Calkins, Eleazer E.
Lyon Township child ................................................................................................................................................. 1870 a R
Ypsilanti student ........................................................................................................................................................ 1880 1
Ann Arbor PHOTO SUPPLY DEALER and druggist at 34 State st south ...................................................... 1892-1907 1
Ann Arbor druggist .................................................................................................................................................... 1910 1
Pittsfield Township farmer or resident .............................................................................................................. 1920,1930 1
His parents came from New York and Eleazer was born at South Lyon, Michigan on April 12, 1866, the second and 1 2
last child of Elisha and Eleanor Calkins. His sister Caroline was ten years older. Alice, usually called Allie, was born 1
at Ann Arbor on November 18, 1866, and she married Eleazer about 1889. Their children were born in Michigan: 2 1
Bernice in September of 1890, Lois in August of 1898, and Paul in 1902. Eleazer and Allie visited Europe in 1928, 1 2
and sailed back from Liverpool to Quebec in April. 2
1. 1870 Federal Census of Lyon Township in Oakland County, 1880 Federal Census of the Second Ward of Ypsilanti, 1900
and 1910 Federal Censes of the Seventh Ward of Ann Arbor, plus 1920 and 1930 Federal Censes of Pittsfield Township in
Washtenaw County, Michigan.
2. Border Crossings: From Canada to United States, 1895-1956.
Calkins, Frederick Elmer
Grand Rapids child .................................................................................................................................................... 1880 1
Grand Rapids clerk, cabinet maker, press hand or resident ............................................................................. 1895-1903 g
Grand Rapids photo supply clerk ............................................................................................................................... 1904 g
Grand Rapids PHOTOGRAPHER at 9 Dayton st ..................................................................................................... 1905 g
Grand Rapids manager of the Loftus Photo Company ..................................................................................... 1906-1908 g
Grand Rapids employee, operator or photographer for The Camera Shop ...................................................... 1910-1917 g
Grand Rapids photographer for Olin F. Whittier ....................................................................................................... 1918 2
Walker Township resident ......................................................................................................................................... 1920 1
Grand Rapids drugstore clerk or salesman ...................................................................................................... 1920-1930 g
Grand Rapids insurance salesman .............................................................................................................................. 1930 1
Grand Rapids salesman for The Camera Shop ................................................................................................ 1931-1932 g
Grand Rapids PHOTOGRAPHER at 1140 Benjamin av southeast ................................................................. 1934-1937 g
Grand Rapids PHOTO FINISHER at 1140 Benjamin av southeast ................................................................ 1938-1939 g
Grand Rapids PHOTO DEVELOPER & PRINTER at 1140 Benjamin av southeast ............................................... 1943 g
Frederick was born in Michigan on June 27, 1876, the final child of Charles R. and Lizzie A. Calkins. His sister 1 2
Mary and brother Clarence were born seven and four years before him. He became a medium sized man with gray eyes 1 2
and brown hair. He married about 1902. His wife and two sons also were born in Michigan, Anna in 1882, Charles in 2 1
May of 1909, and Norman in 1913 or early in 1914. “Grand Trunk Wreck. Apr. 19th ’09. Loftus Photo Co.” was 1 t
lettered on the negative from which post card photographs were made. t
1. 1880 Federal Census of the city of Grand Rapids and 1920 Federal Census of Walker Township, plus 1900 Federal Census of the
Sixth Ward, 1910 Federal Census of the Tenth Ward and 1930 Federal Census of the Third Ward of Grand Rapids in Kent County,
2. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.

Calkins, Lorenzo
Ann Arbor PHOTOGRAPHIC ARTIST on Huron st ...................................................................................... 1864-1866 m 1
Milan PHOTOGRAPHER ......................................................................................................................................... 1867 2
London Township carpenter ...................................................................................................................................... 1870 3
London Township farmer .......................................................................................................................................... 1880 3
Lorenzo was born in New York State in 1824 or earlier. He may have one wife that gave birth to Charles, Ernest and 3
Charlotte between 1852 and 1863, and another that took over when the younger two were in their teens. London 3 4
Township is a few miles east of Milan. 4
1. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1862-1866, National Archives, Washington, D.C.
2. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1867-1868; Great Lakes Branch of the National Archives, Chicago, Illinois.
3. 1870 and 1880 Federal Censes of London Township in Monroe County, Michigan.
4. Michigan County Map Guide, Michigan United Conservation Clubs, Lansing, Michigan.

Call, Charles P.
United States Army soldier .............................................................................................................................. 1862-1865 1
Boyne jeweler .................................................................................................................................................. 1880-1881 m
Advance jeweler .............................................................................................................................................. 1882-1885 m
Boyne photographer and inventor .............................................................................................................................. 1887 1 p
Boyne artist ...................................................................................................................................................... 1888-1889 m
Boyne City resident ................................................................................................................................................... 1891 1
Evangeline Township farmer ..................................................................................................................................... 1902 1
His parents came from New York, and Charles was born late in 1843 at Winkley, Ohio. He was a five foot eight inch 2 1
farmer with a light complexion, blue eyes and sandy hair when he was enrolled at Sheboygan, Wisconsin, as a private 1
in Company B of the Twelfth Regiment, Second Battalion, United States Infantry on March 19, 1862. During the 1
spring of 1862 he contracted an affection of the back that lead to his discharge at Baltimore, Maryland, on August 19, 1
1862, and prevented him from doing hard manual labor for the rest of his life. He enlisted in the Second Minnesota 1
Cavalry on January 4, 1864, at Fort Ridgely, Minnesota, and served as a guard against Indians at various places in 1
Minnesota. This duty in a favorable climate did not trouble his back, and he was discharged with his company at Fort 1
Snelling on November 22, 1865. Charles and his mother, Mrs. Hannah Call, were sharing a home at Boyne in 1880. 1
He married Miss Ida May Shryock at Advance on March 9, 1882, and they had five children that all lived to maturity. 1
The last three born were Jessie in 1890, Harry in 1896 and Ray in 1899. Charles filed a patent application on a Self- 1 p
Timing Photographic Camera Shutter on February 24, 1887, and was granted Patent Number 368,930 on August 30, p
1887. He was 5 feet 11½ inches tall when he applied successfully for a pension in July of 1887. He applied for an p 1
increase in 1891, and was receiving $12.00 per month when he died from locomotor ataxia on August 18, 1902. Ida 1
stayed in Charlevoix County and remarried on September 12, 1906. 1
1. Civil War Veteran Pension Record of Charles P. Call obtained from the National Archives in Washington, D. C.
2. 1880 Federal Census of Evangeline Township in Charlevoix County, Michigan.
Call, Mary A., Miss
Flushing weaver ......................................................................................................................................................... 1880 m
Flushing PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................... 1882-1887 m
Flushing PHOTOGRAPHER at the first door east of Parsell’s Hotel ............................................................. 1888-1889 m
Flushing PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................... 1890-1893 m
Flushing confectioner ...................................................................................................................................... 1894-1895 m
Flushing PHOTOGRAPHER ..................................................................................................................................... 1895 t
Her father was born in Canada, her mother was born in Vermont in 1819 or 1820, she had a brother born in Ohio 1
about 1854, and Mary was born in Michigan in 1856 or 1857. “Mary A. Call, Photographer”. was printed on the back 1 t
of an early card photograph of a boy with his drum, and “Miss M. A. Call, Flushing, Mich.” was stamped on other card t
mounts, but in some directories and on most of her photograph mounts, she was identified only as M. A. Call. Ephraim t m
McMillen was also a Flushing photographer from 1882 until 1885, and some card mounts have his name blocked out m t
with “M. A. Call” printed above it. “Central Gallery, ...” or “South side of Main Street, ... All Work Warranted.” was t
printed on very similar cabinet mounts, one with the photograph of a bearded man with his percussion rifle. “First door t
East of Parsels’ Hotel, ...” or “Maple St., Second Block North of Bridge, ...” was printed on other cabinet mounts. t
Mary advertised in 1889: “PHOTOGRAPHS, Both Large and Small taken by the New Instantaneous Process. Pictures m
of Children a Specialty. Old Pictures Copied and Enlarged. Views of Buildings, Etc., Pictures of Invalid or Infirm m
persons taken at their homes in any part of the country. Call and Examine Specimens and Prices. Remember the place, m
First Door East of Parsell’s Hotel. M. A. CALL, Flushing, Michigan.” Mary seems to have married Daniel J. Johnston m 1
about 1896. He was senior to her by thirteen years, and had been married once before. They farmed for a while in 1
Flushing Township, and then remained in the township through 1910 after Daniel retired. 1
1. 1880 Federal Census of the village of Flushing, plus 1900 and 1910 Federal Censes of Flushing Township in Genesee County, Michigan.

Callender, George W.
White Pigeon dentist ........................................................................................................................................ 1859-1860 m
White Pigeon DAGUERREIAN ARTIST and dentist ............................................................................................... 1860 1
Van Buren Township, Indiana, daguerreian artist ...................................................................................................... 1860 2
White Pigeon DAGUERREOTYPIST and dentist .......................................................................................... 1862-1863 m
Van Buren Township, Indiana, farmer .............................................................................................................. 1870,1880 1
Arroyo Grande Township, California, farmer ............................................................................................................ 1900 1
George was born in New York State in October of 1828. Caroline was born in Pennsylvania in August of 1834, and 1
she married George about 1855. Two of their children were born in Michigan: Frank in 1856 or early in 1857 and 1
Byron in July of 1859. George seems to have been maintaining a rural home for his family in Van Buren Township 1 2
while commuting a few miles to his gallery in White Pigeon. Five more of their children were born in Indiana: Elmore 2 1
and Ernest between 1860 and 1863, Genie (their only daughter) about 1866, Charles two years later and George in 1
September of 1869. By 1910 Caroline was a widow living with the family of her son George on their farm in Nipomo 1
Township of San Luis Obispo County, California. 1
1. 1860 Federal Census of White Pigeon Township in St. Joseph County, Michigan, 1870 and 1880 Federal Censes of Van Buren Township
in Lagrange County, Indiana, plus 1900 Federal Census of Arroyo Grande Township and 1910 Federal Census of Nipomo Township in
San Luis Obispo County, California.
2. 1860 Federal Census of Van Buren Township in Lagrange County, Indiana, as noted in 2000 by James A. Marusek of Bloomfield, Indiana.

Calliari, Arthur
Stambaugh assistant at his mother’s hotel .................................................................................................................. 1910 1
Palatka moving picture theatre proprietor ........................................................................................................ 1914-1915 m
Palatka billiard hall proprietor ......................................................................................................................... 1916-1918 m 2
Caspian jobber ........................................................................................................................................................... 1920 1
Arthur was born on August 2, 1893, at Norway, Michigan, and became an average sized man with brown eyes and 2
dark brown hair. His parents came from a part of Austria where they spoke Italian. Post card photographs such as one 2 1
of the Palatka School from a negative on which “A. C. Photo” had been lettered may have been the work of Arthur t
Calliari. He limped a little in 1917 due to a leg that had been broken five years earlier, and expected that physical t 2
inability and his contributions to the support of his mother would exempt him from military service. He and four 2 1
brothers still were living with their mother in 1920. 1
1. 1910 Federal Census of Stambaugh Township and 1920 Federal Census of the village of Caspian in Iron County, Michigan.
2. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.

Calman, Josiah B.
Please see the entry for Josiah B. Coleman.
Calumet New Studio
Calumet PHOTOGRAPHERS on the ground floor at 414 Fifth st ............................................................................ 1912 t 1
J. William Nara was the proprietor of this studio, where he offered Souvenir PICTURES, Framing, Enlarging and t
Kodak Finishing. A red and white sticker with this information was pasted on the back of a 10 by 12 inch mount. t
“Calumet New Studio” in script over “Ground Floor, Calumet, Mich.” in smaller slanted capitals was blind stamped t
into post card photographs of parading miners and printed on various sizes and shapes of photograph mounts and t
folders. t
1. Calumet, Houghton, Hancock Directory, 1912, R. L. Polk & Company, Detroit.

Camera Club of Detroit

This club was organized in April of 1915, and held annual meetings for the election of officers on the first Monday 1
in October. The club met in Suite 513-15 on the fifth floor of the Kresge Buildong. In 1916 the president was Otto H. d 1
Linstead, a River Rouge ship fitter and artist, the vice president was Cecil H. Taylor, a Detroit consulting engineer, the 1 d
secretary-treasurer was Phillip M. C. Armstrong, a Detroit leather company executive, and the board members at large 1 d
were Dr. Oscar E. Fischer, a Detroit physician, and Herman Gabriel, a Detroit artist. The club had 45 members in 1 d
1916, and 30 active members in 1918 and 1919. Dr. Fischer was secretary of the club in 1918 and 1919. 1
1. The American Annual of Photography, New York, edited by Percy Y. Howe, 1917, 1919 and 1920.

Camera Kraft Company

Detroit PHOTOGRAPHERS in Room 420 of the Telegraph Building ..................................................................... 1915 d
Joseph H. Devereaux was the manager of this company. d

Camera Kraft Shop

Highland Park PHOTOGRAPHERS at 494 Waverly av ................................................................................. 1918-1919 d
Highland Park PHOTOGRAPHERS at 512 Waverly av ........................................................................................... 1919 d
The proprietor of this shop in 1918 was Mrs. Josephine Roberts, and in 1919 was Horace B. Reynolds. d

Camera Shop, The

Grand Rapids photographic supply house at 147 Monroe st ........................................................................... 1909-1911 g m
Grand Rapids photographic supply house at 16 Monroe av ...................................................................................... 1912 g
Grand Rapids COMMERCIAL PHOTOGRAPHERS and photographic supply house at 16 Monroe av ....... 1913-1916 g m
Grand Rapids photographic supply house at 16 Monroe av ............................................................................ 1917-1925 g m
Grand Rapids photographic supply house at 16 Monroe av and 21 Sheldon av northeast .............................. 1925-1931 g m
Grand Rapids photographic supply house at 16 Monroe av and 56 Monroe av ........................................................ 1932 g
Grand Rapids photographic supply house at 56 Monroe av ............................................................................ 1934-1937 g
Grand Rapids photographic supply house at 52 Monroe av ............................................................................ 1938-1939 g
Walter K. Schmidt founded The Camera Shop, and was manager and treasurer until 1936. The shop was classified g
with commercial photographers from 1913 through 1916. Photographers employed by The Camera Shop included g
George T. Ledward in 1911, 1912 and from 1915 to 1917; Frederick E. Calkins from 1912 to 1917; Carl H. Gridley in g
1913 and 1914; Harry Kleinhesselink in 1918; William C. G. Hubert in 1918 and 1920; and Zanon Burniewicz from g
1928 through 1932. In 1926 the Camera Shop was incorporated and stocked “`Everything Photographic’, artists g m
materials, school and school art and kindergarten supplies, teachers aids, picture frames, stereopticons, moving picture m
machines, microscopes, technical equipment, drawing instruments, ...” Thomas Dempster, Junior, was owner of The m 1
Camera Shop from around 1937 through 1942, and it continued to operate at 22 North Division Avenue under various 1
owners until about 1972. The Public Museum of Grand Rapids holds 5400 microfilmed images, 10,000 prints and 1
8000 film negatives attributed to The Camera Shop prior to 1934. The collection includes street scenes, special events 1
and business interiors and exteriors. 1
1. Learned in 1994 from Gina Bivins, Collections Assistant at the Public Museum of Grand Rapids.

Camerist Company, The

Kalamazoo publishers ................................................................................................................................................ 1896 1
Under NEW AMERICAN PHOTOGRAPHIC JOURNALS, in the spring of 1896 a national periodical mentioned: 1
“Amateur photographers will be catered to by `The Camerist, an up-to-date magazine of photography,’ published by 1
The Camerist Company, Kalamazoo, Michigan.” 1
1. The Photo-Beacon, volume 8, number 4, April 1896, page 96.

Cameron, Belle, Miss

Please see the entry for Miss Isabella Cameron.
Cameron, Charles Martin
Cass Township, Illinois, child .................................................................................................................................... 1900 1
Canton, Illinois, apprentice to photographer Charles D. Smith ................................................................................. 1910 1
Indianapolis, Indiana, PHOTOGRAPHER at 611 Illinois st north ............................................................................ 1917 2
Davenport, Iowa, PHOTOGRAPHER ....................................................................................................................... 1920 1
Saint Joseph PHOTOGRAPHER on State st ................................................................................................... 1920-1934 m 3
Charles was born at Smithfield, Illinois, on September 25, 1893, the son of Jesse A. and Lottie J. Cameron. His 2 1
sisters were born in Illinois: Corda in April of 1896 and Carrie in May of 1897. Their mother died prior to 1910, and 1
their father was married again by 1920. Charles matured into a tall man with blue eyes and light hair. Dora was born in 1 2
Indiana to a German mother in 1895 or early in 1896, she married Charles about 1921, and they had no children in 1
1930. The address of Cameron’s Studio on State Street was reported as 215 in 1922, 204 in 1925, 204 ½ in 1926 and 1 3
1929, and 419 in 1930 and 1934. “Cameron Studio” was incised into the negative of a post card portrait of long-time 3 t
baseball coach Francis Thorpe sold as a souvenir of the City of David. Charles and his wife attended an international t 4
convention of photographers in July of 1930 at Milwaukee, Wisconsin. He was the only photographer in southwestern 4
Michigan who belonged to the Michigan Photographers’ Honorary Society, and his wife assisted him in the studio 4
work. In Milwaukee they attended daily lectures by world famous authorities on the newest photographic methods. 4
1. 1900 Federal Census of Cass Township and 1910 Federal Census of the Second Ward of Canton in Fulton County, Illinois, 1920
Federal Census of the Sixth Ward of Davenport in Scott County, Iowa, and 1930 Federal Census of the Fourth Precinct of St. Joseph
in Berrien County, Michigan.
2. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.
3. Benton Harbor and St. Joseph Business Directory, 1922, 1925, 1926, 1929, 1930 and 1934, R. L. Polk & Company, Detroit.
4. Benton Harbor News-Palladium, Benton Harbor, Michigan, July 26, 1930. Noted by James G. Donaldson of Detroit, Michigan

Cameron, Eva May, Miss

Goderich, Ontario, resident ........................................................................................................................................ 1901 1
Cleveland, Ohio, china clerk ...................................................................................................................................... 1910 2
Detroit clerk ..................................................................................................................................................... 1911-1912 d
Detroit bookkeeper for the photographic Sarjeant Company ..................................................................................... 1914 d
Detroit clerk ..................................................................................................................................................... 1916-1917 d
Detroit clerk for the photographic Hedges-Sarjeant Company ........................................................................ 1918-1920 d
Detroit studio receiving clerk .................................................................................................................................... 1920 2
Detroit clerk ............................................................................................................................................................... 1921 d
Detroit housewife ....................................................................................................................................................... 1930 2
Her father emigrated from Scotland and Eva was born in Ontario on October 15, 1887, the daughter of Angus F. and 2 1
Elsie Cameron. She had an older sister and a younger brother Harold. She and Harold moved with their parents to 1 2
Cleveland in 1904. George T. Hedges was born in Detroit in January of 1870. He was a principal of the Sarjeant 2 d
Company and of the Hedges-Sarjeant Company. He remained single until he married Eva in 1921. Their sons were d 2
born in Detroit: George about 1923 and Sheldon in October of 1925. 2
1. 1901 Canadian Census.
2. 1910 Federal Census of the First Ward of Cleveland in Cuyahoga County, Ohio, plus 1920 Federal Census of the Eighth Ward and
1930 Federal Census of the Sixteenth Ward of Detroit in Wayne County, Michigan.

Cameron, Isabella, Miss

Detroit retoucher for photographer John S. Foster .................................................................................................... 1882 d
Detroit resident .......................................................................................................................................................... 1884 d
Detroit photo retoucher for photographer John S. Foster .......................................................................................... 1885 d
Detroit artist ..................................................................................................................................................... 1886-1888 d
Between 1875 and 1902 there seem to have been two or three Cameron ladies in Detroit called Bella, Belle and d
Isabella quite interchangeably, with and without the Miss. One and then two were domestics in the 1870s. One was an d
office clerk for a railroad from 1882 to 1884, and again from 1889 to 1891. One was thirty when she died on May 2, d
1890. Another used the middle initial N or M and alternated between being an artist and a nurse from 1892 through d
1899, and then was listed as a domestic in 1902. d
Cameron, Ronald Roy
Allentown, Pennsylvania, student .............................................................................................................................. 1910 1
United States Army soldier .............................................................................................................................. 1916-1917 2
Grand Rapids clerk or photographer .......................................................................................................................... 1917 g 2
United States Army soldier .............................................................................................................................. 1917-1919 2 3
Grand Rapids photographer for Morris & Wilding ................................................................................................... 1919 g
Grand Rapids (Artcraft Studios) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 79 Monroe av .................................................................. 1920 g 1
Grand Rapids (Artcraft Studios) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 47-49 Monroe av ................................................... 1921-1923 g
Grand Rapids manager for photographer Leonard A. Ver Sluis ................................................................................ 1925 g
Princeton, New Jersey, photographer ........................................................................................................................ 1942 4
Ronald was born at East Orange, New Jersey, to Thomas Carlyle and Mary (Barr) Cameron on January 18, 1894, 2 5
and became a medium sized man with blue eyes and brown hair. He served for six months on the Mexican Border in 5 2
1916 and 1917 as a corporal with the Fourth Pennsylvania Infantry. He entered the regular army at Columbus 5 2
Barracks, Ohio, on December 14, 1917, and after basic training at Camp Grant, Illinois, was assigned to the Aviation 2 3
Section of the Signal Corps at Park Field near Millington, Tennessee. He was promoted from private to sergeant first 2 3
class in the 281st Aero Squadron on February 14, 1918, and was transferred to the School of Aerial Photography at 2
Rochester, New York, as an instructor on May 21, 1918. Ronald was transferred to the Eleventh Photo Section of the 2
Army Observation Group in the American Expeditionary Force as Head Laboratory Man on July 10 and went overseas 2
on August 8, 1918. The Eleventh was one of only six photo sections actually in operation along the front. Ronald was 2
transferred to the A. E. F. University at Beaune, France, on March 10, 1919, returned to the United States on May 7, 2 3
and was honorably discharged on May 12, 1919. He was rooming at the Grand Rapids YWCA in 1920. He was listed 2 1
as proprietor of the Artcraft Studios in 1922, and as manager of the studios in other years. Ronald seems never to have g 1
married, and he was living in Florida when he died in March of 1963. 1 6
1. 1910 Federal Census of the Third Ward of Allentown in Mercer County, Pennsylvania, and 1920 Federal Census of the Second Ward
of Grand Rapids in Kent County, Michigan.
2. World War I Veteran Census compiled by the War Preparedness Board in the State Archives of Michigan at Lansing.
3. World War I Veterans Bonus Files in the State Archives of Michigan at Lansing.
4. World War II Draft Registration Cards, 1942.
5. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.

Camp, Arthur Thomas

Homer Township student ........................................................................................................................................... 1894 1
Homer Township laborer on his father’s farm ........................................................................................................... 1900 2
Midland (Camp Brothers) PHOTOGRAPHERS in the Baker Block .............................................................. 1908-1911 m
Midland PHOTOGRAPHER ..................................................................................................................................... 1917 3
Bellingham, Washington, garage mechanic ............................................................................................................... 1920 2
Ypsilanti photographer for the Camp Publishing Company ............................................................................ 1929-1930 y 2
Ypsilanti photographer for the Camp Publishing Company ............................................................................ 1932-1939 y
Ypsilanti photo printer for the Camp Publishing Company ............................................................................. 1940-1941 y
Ypsilanti foreman for the Camp Publishing Company .................................................................................... 1942-1945 y
Ypsilanti (Camp’s Photographers) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 323 ½ River st north .......................................... 1948-1955 y
Ypsilanti (Camp Studio) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 207 Cross st west ............................................................... 1957-1960 y
Ypsilanti resident ............................................................................................................................................. 1961-1967 y
This person was identified as Arthur T. as a youth and in the 1930s and 1940s, as Thomas A. in 1917 and in 1954, as 2 y
Arthur in 1920, and as T. Arthur Camp in much of his later life. He was born on June 28, 1887, in Homer Township of y 3
Midland County, Michigan, to George R. and Cynthia A. Camp, and was the elder brother of Cyrus T. Camp. He 3 2
became a stout man with gray eyes and dark brown hair. Bernice Owen was born in Wisconsin to a father from New 3 2
York and a Canadian mother in 1893, and she married Arthur about 1912. Their son Rolland was born in Michigan in 2
1916, and then Archie and Kenneth were born in Washington early in 1918 and in December of 1925. They returned 2
to Michigan, where Marylou was born in March of 1930. A photographer from the Camp Publishing Company, 2 4
probably Arthur, took pictures of the high school seniors up at Gagetown in Tuscola County in November of 1934. 4
Bernice seems to have died about 1934, and Arthur soon married a lady named Norma. Arthur had his son Rolland as y
a partner in both Camp’s photographers and the Camp Studio. Norma lived in Ypsilanti as a widow from 1968 through y
1973. y
1. 1894 Michigan Census of Homer Township in Midland County.
2. 1900 Federal Census of Homer Township in Midland County and 1930 Federal Census of Ypsilanti Township in Washtenaw County,
Michigan, plus 1920 Federal Census of the Ninth Ward of Bellingham in Whatcom County, Washington.
3. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.
4. Cass City Chronicle, Cass City, Michigan, November 16, 1934, as noted by James Donaldson of Detroit, Michigan.
Camp, Cyrus Talmadge
Homer Township student ........................................................................................................................................... 1900 1
Midland (Camp Brothers) PHOTOGRAPHERS in the Baker Block .............................................................. 1908-1911 m
Midland PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................... 1911-1915 R m
Big Rapids student at Ferris Institute ......................................................................................................................... 1917 2
Ypsilanti PHOTOGRAPHER at 122 ½ Michigan av ...................................................................................... 1920-1923 m y
Ypsilanti PHOTOGRAPHER at 37 ½ to 39 ½ Huron st north ........................................................................ 1924-1925 y m
Ypsilanti PHOTOGRAPHER at 54 Cross st east ...................................................................................................... 1926 y
Ypsilanti publisher of school manuals ............................................................................................................. 1926-1940 m y
Ypsilanti (Talmadge Studio) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 46-50 Cross st east ...................................................... 1940-1941 y
Ypsilanti (Camp Publishing Company) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 40 Cross st east ..................................................... 1941 y
Ypsilanti (Camp Publishing Company) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 48-54 Cross st east ...................................... 1942-1945 y
Ypsilanti photographer .............................................................................................................................................. 1948 y
Ypsilanti resident ............................................................................................................................................. 1954-1957 y
Cyrus was born to George L. and Hazel B. Camp in Homer Township of Midland County, Michigan, on December 12
9, 1891, and became an average sized man with blue eyes and dark brown hair. His wife and children also were born 2 1
in Michigan: Bertha in 1895 or early in 1896, Donald in June of 1924 and Ellen in April of 1927. In 1908 the Camp 1 m
Brothers styled themselves “Artists, Successors to W. H. Love, Artistic Posing, Fine Retouching, Picture Framing and m
Residential Viewing Promptly attended to.” His sister Marie worked for Cyrus as a photographer in 1924, and Edward m y
R. Hillis worked for his company as a photo finisher in 1930. Cyrus was proprietor of the Camp Publishing Company 1 y
from 1926 until 1945, specializing in commercial and school photography in the 1940s. His brother Arthur T. Camp y
was a photographer, printer or foreman for the company from 1929 through 1945. Arthur and Rolland T. Camp y
operated as Camp’s Photographers at 323 ½ North River in Ypsilanti from 1948 through 1955. Camp’s Photographers y
was continued by Clyde A. Brown and Boyd A. Brown until 1962, while Arthur and Rolland Camp operated the Camp y
Studio at 207 West Cross Street in Ypsilanti from 1957 through 1960. y
1. 1900 Federal Census of Homer Township and 1910 Federal Census of the Second Ward of Midland in Midland County, plus 1930
Federal Censes of Ypsilanti Township and the First Ward of Ypsilanti in Washtenaw County, Michigan.
2. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.

Camp, E. B.
Reading PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................... 1872-1873 m
Please see the entry for E. B. Cump, for whom this probably was a misspelled reference. t

Camp, Thomas A.
Please see the entry for Arthur Thomas Camp.

Camp Custer Arcade Photo Studio

Camp Custer PHOTOGRAPHERS ........................................................................................................................... 1918 t
“CAMP CUSTER ARCADE PHOTO STUDIO” was stamped on the back of a post card photograph of a soldier, t
and “Aug. 1918” was written on the card. t

Campbell, _______
Reading (Parmelee & Campbell) PHOTOGRAPHERS ....................................................................................... ca 1864 t

Campbell, _______
Reading PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................................ ca 1890 t

Campbell, Alexander L.
Saint Clair Township farmer ...................................................................................................................................... 1880 1
Saint Clair PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................................. 1883 2
Detroit photographer for Hall & Son ......................................................................................................................... 1884 d
Alvinston, Ontario, PHOTOGRAPHER .......................................................................................................... 1886-1887 3
His parents, James and Elka Campbell, emigrated from Scotland and Ireland, and Alexander was born in Canada in 1
1853 or 1854. “A. L. Campbell, St. Clair, M.” was penned on the back of card photograph mounts. 1 t
1. 1880 Federal Census of St. Clair Township in St. Clair County, Michigan.
2. St. Clair County Directory, 1883, Meech.
3. Glen C. Phillips, The Ontario Photographers List (1851-1900), Iron Gate Publishing Company, Sarnia, Ontario, 1990.
Campbell, Charles R.
Unionville PHOTOGRAPHER ....................................................................................................................... 1886-1887 m
Unionville painter and paper hanger .......................................................................................................................... 1900 1
Unionville resident ..................................................................................................................................................... 1910 1
Flint house painter ..................................................................................................................................................... 1920 1
Unionville house painter ............................................................................................................................................ 1930 1
Charles was born in Canada in June of 1851. He was brought to the United States as a child and became a 1
naturalized citizen. Mary was born in Ohio in October of 1855, and she married Charles about 1874. The last of their 1
three children, Vera, was born in Michigan in August of 1889. Something happened to Mary, and around 1902 Charles 1
married a lady named Charlotte Emma who was born in Canada in 1843. By 1930 he was a widower living on his own. 1
1. 1900, 1910 and 1930 Federal Censes of the village of Unionville in Columbia Township of Tuscola County, and 1920 Federal Census
of the Fifth Ward of Flint in Genesee County, Michigan.

Campbell, Daniel
Bay City PHOTOGRAPHER .......................................................................................................................... 1863-1864 1
Bay City PHOTOGRAPHER on the north side of Center st ..................................................................................... 1865 2
Bay City plasterer ...................................................................................................................................................... 1870 3
Bay City mason and builder ....................................................................................................................................... 1880 3
Denver, Colorado, builder ......................................................................................................................................... 1900 3
Daniel was born in 1836 in Caithness-shire, Scotland, and came to Michigan in 1861. When his gallery burned on 4 2
October 4, 1865, he was uninsured and his loss was $200. By occupation he became a builder, and for a while was a 2 4
member of the city council. He was elected to the Michigan Senate of 1887-1888 on the Greenback and Republican 4
ticket from the 25th District, composed of Arenac and Bay Counties. Eliza was born in Michigan to a father from New 4 3
York and an Irish mother in June of 1845, and she married Daniel about 1862. Their children were born in Michigan 3
between 1863 and September of 1877: James, Jennie, Gibson, Kenneth, William and Eva Viola. By 1910 Eliza was a 3
widow living in California and sharing her home with two of her children, Jennie and Gibson. 3
1. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1862-1866, National Archives, Washington, D.C.
2. History of Bay County, Michigan, H. R. Page, Chicago, 1883.
3. 1870 and 1880 Federal Censes of Bay City in Bay County, Michigan, 1900 Federal Census of the Fifteenth Ward of Denver in
Arapaho County, Colorado, and 1910 Federal Census of San Jose Township in Los Angeles County, California.
4. Michigan Biographies, Michigan Historical Commission, Lansing, Michigan, 1924.

Campbell, George W.
Detroit photo operator for photographers Alvord & Company .................................................................................. 1893 d
Grand Rapids photo printer for photographer Samuel L. Sharpsteen ........................................................................ 1896 g
Vicksburg PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................ 1896-1897 m
Otsego PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................. 1896-1901 m 1
Otsego PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................. 1903-1913 R m
Hopkins PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................... 1906-1911 m 1
Otsego baker .................................................................................................................................................... 1914-1915 m
Otsego PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................. 1918-1921 m 1
Kalamazoo house painter ........................................................................................................................................... 1930 1
George was born in New York State in February of 1870. Kate Ashenden was born in England in March of 1872, 1
and she married George about 1897. They had no children. 1
1. 1900 and 1910 Federal Censes of the village of Otsego and 1920 Federal Census of the city of Otsego in Allegan County, plus
1930 Federal Census of the Third Ward of Kalamazoo in Kalamazoo County, Michigan.

Campbell, Harry
Jackson photographer ................................................................................................................................................ 1896 J

Campbell, Henry
Grand Rapids laborer or cabinet maker ........................................................................................................... 1889-1892 g
Grand Rapids PHOTOGRAPHER at 44 Canal st ...................................................................................................... 1893 g
Grand Rapids railroad section hand, laborer, foreman or janitor ..................................................................... 1896-1921 g
George and his wife were born in Ireland: he in 1857 and Mary in 1863. By 1930 Mary was a widow sharing their 1
home at 47 Leonard Street with a couple of lodgers.
1. 1920 and 1930 Federal Censes of the Second Ward of Grand Rapids in Kent County, Michigan.
Campbell, Hugh C.
Calumet PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................... 1910-1911 m
Houghton PHOTOGRAPHER at 119 Shelden st ...................................................................................................... 1912 1
CENTURY POSTAL PHOTO STUDIO, HOUGHTON, MICH.” was printed on the post card backs of studio portraits. t
1. Calumet, Houghton, Hancock Directory, 1912, R. L. Polk & Company, Detroit.

Campbell, J. M.
East Saginaw PHOTOGRAPHER at 423 Genesee av ............................................................................................... 1889 s
John M. Campbell was an East Saginaw physician from 1887 through 1889, and in 1889 his offices were at 423 s
Genesee Avenue. Miss Jennie M. Campbell was a teacher at Crary School from 1887 until 1889, and boarded with Dr. s
Campbell in 1889. s

Campbell, Martin W.
Pickford Township student ........................................................................................................................................ 1900 1
Stirlingville PHOTOGRAPHER ..................................................................................................................... 1908-1909 m
Detroit grinder in a drill works .................................................................................................................................. 1910 1
Quincy, Massachusetts, telephone lineman ................................................................................................................ 1930 1
Martin was born in Michigan to Canadian parents in September of 1887, third of the four children and the only son 1
of Walter and Clara M. Campbell. Lila was born in Michigan to Canadian parents in 1899 or early in 1900, and she 1
married Martin about 1922. They had two children born in Massachusetts: Mildred about 1924 and Walter in 1
November of 1928. Stirlingville is in Pickford Township. 1 2
1. 1900 and 1910 Federal Censes of Pickford Township in Chippewa County, Michigan, plus 1930 Federal Census of the Third Precinct
of Quincy in Norfolk County, Massachusetts.
2. Walter Romig, Michigan Place Names, Grosse Pointe, Michigan.

Campbell, Silas William

Detroit DAGUERREAN ARTIST ................................................................................................................... 1859-1860 1
Detroit DAGUERREAN ARTIST at the corner of Randolph and Farrar sts ............................................................. 1861 d
Detroit DAGUERREAN ARTIST at the corner of Monroe av and Randolph st ....................................................... 1862 d
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at the corner of Lafayette and Randolph sts .................................................................. 1862 2
Detroit machinist or photographer ................................................................................................................... 1863-1864 d
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at the corner of Michigan av and Abbott st ................................................................... 1865 2
Detroit photographer, machinist or engineer ................................................................................................... 1866-1876 d
Detroit (Campbell & Company) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 134 Gratiot av ............................................................. ca 1877 t
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 134 Gratiot av ................................................................................................. 1877-1881 d
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 138 Gratiot av ........................................................................................................... 1882 d
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 47 and 49 Monroe av ...................................................................................... 1883-1886 d
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 134 Gratiot av ................................................................................................. 1887-1890 d m
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 136 Gratiot av ................................................................................................. 1891-1895 d m
Detroit physician ............................................................................................................................................... 1887-1906 d
He was often listed as S. William or William S. Campbell. He was born in 1837 or 1838 at Detroit, where he later d 1
studied the daguerreian art, and then operated on very limited capital from 1859 to 1871. By 1870 he had a 34-year- 1 3
old wife named Mary born in Upper Canada and a 13-year-old daughter Geraldine born in Michigan. They had another 3
daughter born in 1871 or 1872. In 1880 his rooms were 20 feet wide and 50 feet deep, and he was making “... a 3 1
specialty of children’s pictures, which he has reduced to popular prices, but gives every satisfaction to his customers.” 1 t
The printing on his cabinet mounts included: “Campbell, Artistic Photographer, 134 Gratiot Ave., and 47 and 49 t
Monroe Ave., Detroit.” After 1886 there were often separate listings for photographer William S. Campbell and t d
physician Silas W. Campbell, but also listings for Dr. Silas W. Campbell and Dr. William S. Campbell as the d
photographer. The only identification on some cabinet mounts was “Campbell 134 Gratiot ave” written in script on the d t
back, and some of these carried portraits of African-American patrons. Silas was 68 years old when he died in Detroit t d
on July 13, 1906. d
1. Industries of Michigan - City of Detroit, Richard Edwards, New York and Chicago, 1880.
2. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1862-1866, National Archives, Washington, D.C.
3. 1870 Federal Census of the Ninth Ward of Detroit and 1880 Federal Census of the city of Detroit in Wayne County, Michigan.

Canadian Stereoscopic View Company

Waterloo, Ontario, publishers of stereo views ...................................................................................................... ca 1900 t
“CANADIAN STEREOSCOPIC VIEW CO., WATERLOO, ONT.” was press printed at both ends of stereograph t
mounts, while “253 BELLE ISLE PARK, DETROIT” was photographically printed with one image of a stereo pair. t
A similarly mounted view was labeled “254 PALMER PARK, DETROIT.” 1
1. This view was included as Lot 438 in Jefferson Stereoscoptics Auction #01-2 on November 8, 2001, by John Saddy of London, Ontario.
Canfield, Claude Hiram
Battle Creek child ...................................................................................................................................................... 1880 1
Battle Creek PHOTOGRAPHER at 55 Main st east ....................................................................................... 1898-1899 m
Battle Creek furniture salesman ................................................................................................................................. 1900 1
Battle Creek PHOTOGRAPHER at 119 Main st west .................................................................................... 1900-1901 m
Battle Creek bookkeeper for the electric light company ............................................................................................ 1910 1
Battle Creek assistant office manager for the Union Steam Pump Company ............................................................ 1918 2
Battle Creek clerk in the office of a steam railroad ........................................................................................... 1920,1930 1
His father came from Ohio, and Claude was born in Michigan on November 29, 1875, the only child of Charles H. 1 2
and Melissa Canfield. His widowed mother was sharing his home in 1900, and then lived next door for the rest of her 1
long life. Emily Bailey was born in Canada in 1875, and she married Claude about 1902. Their only child, Bailey L. 1
Canfield, was born in 1907. 1
1. 1880, 1900 and 1910 Federal Censes of the Fifth Ward, 1920 Federal Census of the Thirteenth Precinct, and 1930 Federal Census
of the 21st Precinct of Battle Creek in Calhoun County, Michigan.
2. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.

Canfield, Gilbert J.
Bay City photographer for Elizur J. Colburn ............................................................................................................. 1871 b
Bay City PHOTOGRAPHER and portrait painter on Water st north .............................................................. 1874-1875 m b
Gilbert’s gallery was in the McEwen Block on the east side of Water Street between Fourth and Fifth Streets. One m b
Gilbert J. Canfield was an artist in 1881 at 122 Ralph Avenue in Brooklyn, New York. 1
1. Learned in 2002 from Don Fredgant of Lakewood, Ohio.

Canis, F.
Lawton PHOTOGRAPHER ...................................................................................................................................... 1895 1
1. Van Buren County atlas, 1895.

Cannon, William F.
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 120 Michigan av ............................................................................................. 1917-1919 d m
An ice fountain was built each year between 1910 and 1920 on Washington Boulevard opposite the Cadillac Hotel. t
Unusually cold weather in the winter of 1917-1918 produced the largest one on record. One post card photo of it was t
labeled: “Detroit’s Mountain of Ice, Height 60 Ft., Photo by Cannon, 120 Michigan.” t

Cantor, Max
Hamtramck PHOTOGRAPHER at 2142 Joseph Campau av .................................................................................... 1920 d
Hamtramck PHOTOGRAPHER at 9518 Joseph Campau av .......................................................................... 1920-1921 d
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 8034 Ferndale av ............................................................................................. 1922-1926 d
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 8034 Vernor Highway west ............................................................................ 1927-1930 d
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 7914 Vernor Highway west ............................................................................ 1931-1944 d
Max and his wife were born into Jewish families in Russia: he in 1877 and Becky in 1889. They married in 1912 or 1
1913, and had no children by 1930. Ferndale Avenue became West Vernor Highway about 1927. 1 d
1. 1920 Federal Census of the First Ward and 1930 Federal Census of the Twentieth Ward of Detroit in Wayne County, Michigan.

Capen, Phillip R.
Millbrook student ...................................................................................................................................................... 1880 1
Millbrook Township day laborer ................................................................................................................................ 1900 1
Millbrook bicycle merchant ............................................................................................................................. 1904-1911 m
Millbrook Township mail carrier on a rural route ................................................................................... 1910,1920,1930 1
His parents came from Connecticut and New York, and Phillip was born in Wisconsin in December of 1865, third of 1
the four children of N. G. and Jane Capen. His family moved to Michigan in the 1870s. Lottie was born in Michigan to 1
parents from New York in August of 1869, and she married Phillip about 1886. She gave birth to their son Lewis in 1
April of 1892. “MAIN STREET, LOOKING EAST, MILLBROOK, MICH. CAPEN. 2830” was lettered on the 1 t
negative of a post card photograph that may have been produced by Phillip. By 1930 Phillip was a widower and his t 1
son, now the Millbrook postmaster, still was sharing his home. 1
1. 1880, 1900, 1910, 1920 and 1930 Federal Censes of Millbrook Township in Mecosta County, Michigan.

Capital City Gallery

Lansing PHOTOGRAPHERS .............................................................................................................................. ca 1886 t
The Sweet Brothers were the proprietors of this gallery. t
Cappy, John W.
Grand Rapids molder .............................................................................................................................. 1886,1889-1890 g
Grand Rapids PHOTOGRAPHER at 19 Bridge st west ............................................................................................ 1891 g
Grand Rapids resident or molder ..................................................................................................................... 1892-1898 g
Chelsea iron molder ................................................................................................................................................... 1900 1
His father came from Wisconsin, and John was born in Michigan in January of 1865. Her parents emigrated from 1
Germany, Lizzie was born in Michigan in June of 1878, and she married John about 1898. 1
1. 1900 Federal Census of the village of Chelsea in Sylvan Township of Washtenaw County, Michigan.

Carbutt, John
Plymouth, Indiana, (Cosmopolitan Gallery) PHOTOGRAPHER .................................................................... 1858-1861 1
Chicago, Illinois, PHOTOGRAPHER at 131 Lake st ...................................................................................... 1861-1866 c
Chicago, Illinois, PHOTOGRAPHER at 151 Lake st ...................................................................................... 1866-1867 c
Chicago, Illinois, PHOTOGRAPHER at 131 Lake st ...................................................................................... 1867-1868 c
Chicago, Illinois, PHOTOGRAPHER at 24 Washington st ............................................................................ 1868-1871 c
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, manufacturer ........................................................................................................ 1871-1905 2
John was born in 1832 at Sheffield, England, and emigrated to the United States in 1853. From Chicago, he was the 2
official photographer of the Canadian Pacific Railway. A photographic journal reported in 1867: “LAKE SUPERIOR 2 3
VIEWS. Mr. J. Carbutt, 131 Lake Street, Chicago, accompanied the excursion to Lake Superior lately made by the N. 3
W. Railway Company, and secured twenty-four excellent negatives of scenes thereabouts. Among them are views of 3
the sawmills at Peshtigo, Wis.; the ore docks at Marquette, Mich.; views in the Jackson iron mine; an ore train of 45 3
cars crossing Goose Lake; ore dock at Escanaba, 1300 feet long; and several groups of excursionists. They give one a 3
grand idea of how rapidly the West grows, and are in Mr. Carbutt’s best style.” Two of these stereoscopic views were 3 t
taken at Negaunee of the mayor of Chicago, W. B. Ogden, and his large party which included several women. John t 2
purchased the American rights to the woodburytype process in 1870, and proceeded to establish a printing company in 2
Philadelphia. He became the first commercially successful manufacturer of gelatin dry plates in 1879, and produced 2
plates with positive emulsions for 3 ¼ by 4 inch lantern slides, which became established as the standard American 2
size. He began selling a celluloid cut film in 1888, furnished Thomas Edison with the first film strips for the 2
Kinetoscope, and pioneered production of other photographic innovations. He was elected first president of the 2
Photographers’ Association of America in 1880, and died at Philadelphia in 1905. For more information about John 2 4
Carbutt, see the book by William Brey. 4
1. Learned in 2000 from James A. Marusek of Bloomfield, Indiana.
2. McMillan Biographical Encyclopedia of Photographic Artists and Innovators, 1883.
3. The Philadelphia Photographer, volume 4, 1867, page 272.
4. William Brey, John Carbutt, On The Frontiers of Photography, Willowdale Press, Cherry Hill, New Jersey, 1984.

Card, Earl R.
Toledo, Ohio, PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................ 1910 1
Yale PHOTOGRAPHER on Main st ............................................................................................................... 1910-1917 m 2
Yale garage proprietor ..................................................................................................................................... 1917-1919 3 m
Port Huron manager of a refining company ............................................................................................................... 1920 1
Los Angeles, California, soap manufacturer .............................................................................................................. 1930 1
He was born Robert Earl Card at Imlay City, Michigan, on February 11, 1889, the son of William F. and Mary J. 3 1
(McCrea) Card. He became a slender man with blue eyes and light hair. Mary was born in Tennessee in 1887, and she 3 1
married Earl in 1909. Their daughter Mildred was born a year later, and then their son came along in 1913. He was 1
named William F. after his grandfather, and later was called Franklyn. Their daughter Vera was born in July of 1916. 1
“E. R. CARD, YALE, MICH.” was printed at the lower right corner of the 11¾ by 13¾ inch mount of a photo of eighteen t
people from three generations standing and seated in front of a small cottage. “COPYRIGHT 1912 - E. R. CARD” was t
lettered on the negatives of post card photographs of scenes at Yale. He was supporting his mother in 1917, as well as t 3
his wife and three children under seven years of age. Earl died at Los Angeles on November 28, 1961. 3 4
1. 1910 Federal Census of the Second Ward of Toledo in Lucas County, Ohio, 1920 Federal Census of the Third Precinct of Port Huron
in St. Clair County, Michigan, and 1930 Federal Census of Assembly District 51 of Los Angeles in Los Angeles County, California.
2. St. Clair County Directories, 1912 and 1916, Wolverine Directory Company, Port Huron, Michigan.
3. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.
4. California Death Index, 1940-1997.
Card, Fred
Haynes Township laborer on his father’s farm .......................................................................................................... 1900 1
Black River PHOTOGRAPHER ..................................................................................................................... circa 1908 2
Haynes Township farmer ........................................................................................................................................... 1910 1
Haynes Township PHOTOGRAPHER ..................................................................................................................... 1913 t
Flint worker at motor assembly for the Buick Motor Company ................................................................................ 1918 3
Flint machinist in an automobile shop ....................................................................................................................... 1920 1
Haynes Township laborer on his brother-in-law’s farm ............................................................................................. 1930 1
His parents emigrated from Canada and Fred was born in Michigan on May 17, 1882, first of the three children of 1 3
Frederick J. and Eliza Card. His sisters also were born in Michigan: Florence in June of 1890, and Ester in October of 1
1894. Fred became a six foot eleven inch man with gray eyes and dark brown hair. Nellie was born in Michigan to a 1 3
Canadian mother in 1883, and she married Fred in 1905 or early in 1906. Four of Fred’s post card photographs of 1 2
Black River, including the D & M depot and W. Miller’s grocery store, were reproduced in a souvenir issue of the 2
Alcona County Review in the 1980s. ‘The Mining and Development Co., operating on T. Fleming’s farm, 2 t
Alcona Co., Mich. Photo by F. Card – ’13” was lettered on the negatives of a series of 5 by 7 photos on 8 by 10 t
inch gray mounts. “Pump at work at the Gold Mine on T. Fleming’s farm, Alcona Co., Mich. Photo by F. t
Card – ’13” was lettered on the negative of a 4 by 5 photo on a 5½ by 6½ inch tan mount. Fred’s residence and that of t 1
Thomas Fleming were ten farms apart in the 1910 census report. Nellie gave birth in Michigan to their daughter Oakla 1
in 1913, and to their son Frederick in 1920 or early in 1921. In 1917 Fred’s sister Florence married a Pennsylvanian 1
named Noble Ferguson, who in 1920 was working the Haynes Township farm of her father Frederick J. Card. Noble 1
still was farming in Haynes Township in 1930 with the help of Fred Card, who was divorced. Nellie had taken along 1
Oakla and Frederick when she married Dale Kaschut, who was born at sea about 1881 to German parents, and in 1930 1
the four of them were living in Flint. 1
1. 1900, 1910, 1920 and 1930 Federal Censes of Haynes Township in Alcona County, plus 1920 and 1930 Federal Censes of the First
Ward of Flint in Genesee County, Michigan.
2. Learned in 2000 from James Donaldson of Detroit, Michigan.
3. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.

Carey, Newton J.
Cambridge, Ohio, baby .............................................................................................................................................. 1845 1
United States Army soldier ........................................................................................................................................ 1865 1
Greenwich, Ohio, PHOTOGRAPHER ...................................................................................................................... 1880 1
Big Rapids PHOTOGRAPHER ....................................................................................................................... 1886-1887 m
Oskaloosa, Iowa, PHOTOGRAPHER at 605 High av west ............................................................................ 1889-1890 2 1
Saginaw artist ................................................................................................................................................... 1892-1893 m
Summit Township stove manufacturer ....................................................................................................................... 1900 3
Jackson resident or stationary engineer ........................................................................................................... 1909-1910 1 3
Jackson resident ............................................................................................................................................... 1917-1918 1
Newton was born on July 4, 1845, at Cambridge, Ohio. He matured into a five foot 10½ inch man with a fair 1
complexion, blue eyes and brown hair. He was employed as an engineer prior to enlisting at Milwaukee as a paid 1
substitute in the Sixth Wisconsin Infantry on March 31, 1865. He was enrolled as a private but was not assigned to a 1
company. With the end of the war he was honorably discharged at Madison, Wisconsin, on August 10, 1865. Ophelia 1
Parker was born on April 22, 1853, at North Fairfield, Ohio, and she married Newton there on December 25, 1870. 1
Their son Frank was born in July of 1875 in Michigan (or possibly Iowa), and their daughter Alice was born in Ohio 3 1
about 1878. Newton applied for an Invalid Pension in October of 1890, citing disease of the heart and lungs, chronic 3 1
diarrhea, rheumatism, and an injury to his right leg that broke a bone. In September of 1909 he applied to have his 1
pension increased from eight to twelve dollars per month. Newton died at Jackson on February 21, 1918. Ophelia 1
received a pension of thirty dollars per month until she remarried on October 8, 1924. 1
1. Pension records of Newton J. Carey obtained from the National Archives in Washington, D.C.
2. Learned in 1993 from Jo Ann Burgess of Clear Lake, Iowa.
3. 1880 Federal Census of the village of Greenwich in Huron County, Ohio, plus 1900 Federal Census of Summit Township and 1910
Federal Census of the Second Ward of Jackson in Jackson County, Michigan.

Cargill, Charles M.
Adrian mechanic ........................................................................................................................................................ 1860 d 1
Detroit photographer ......................................................................................................................................... 1875,1880 1
Petersburg carpenter or painter ......................................................................................................................... 1900,1910
Ida Township retiree .................................................................................................................................................. 1920
Charles was born in Massachusetts in August of 1840, the son of Charles and Julia A. Cargill. He never married.
1. 1850 Federal Census of Pittsfield in Berkshire County, Massachusetts, 1860 Federal Census of the Fourth Ward of Adrian in
Lenawee County, 1880 Federal Census of the Second Ward of Detroit in Wayne County, plus 1900 and 1910 Federal Censes
of the village of Petersburg and 1930 Federal Census of Ida Township in Monroe County, Michigan.
Cargill, George T.
Grand Rapids employee of a box factory ................................................................................................................... 1880 g
Grand Rapids engraver .................................................................................................................................... 1886-1890 g
Grand Rapids engraver .............................................................................................................................................. 1900 g
Grand Rapids vice president of an engraving company ................................................................................... 1901-1908 g
Grand Rapids photographer for the Cargill Company ............................................................................................... 1909 1
Grand Rapids engraver or photo engraver ....................................................................................................... 1910-1931 1
His father came from New York, his mother was Dutch, and George was born in Michigan in November of 1864, 1 g
fifth of the ten children of Hawley and Frances Cargill. Georgiana was born in Michigan in September of 1868,
married George about 1889, and gave birth to Florence in October of 1893, to Erma in September of 1895, and to
Gerald in 1906. She was living in Grand Rapids as George’s widow in 1936.
1. 1880 Federal Census of the city of Grand Rapids, 1900 and 1910 Federal Censes of the Fifth Ward of Grand Rapids, plus 1920 and
1930 Federal Censes of Grand Rapids Township in Kent County, Michigan.

Cargill, Joseph D.
Grand Rapids student ................................................................................................................................................. 1880 1
Grand Rapids draughtsman or engraver ........................................................................................................... 1891-1892 g
Grand Rapids photographer for the Grand Rapids Engraving Company ......................................................... 1893-1897 g
Grand Rapids engraver, etcher or photo engraver ........................................................................................... 1898-1932 g
His father came from New York, his mother emigrated from Holland, and Joseph was born in Michigan in 1872, 1
eighth of the ten children of Hawley and Frances Cargill. Her mother emigrated from Ireland, Agnes was born in New 1
York in 1874 or 1875, and she married Joseph about 1898. Their two sons were born in Michigan, Jerome in 1899 and 1
Melbourne in 1904. Joseph was enumerated as a half-tone etcher in 1910. He was a widower by 1930, when he was 1
sharing his home with his younger son. 1
1. 1880 Federal Census of the city of Grand Rapids, 1910 Federal Census of the Tenth Ward plus 1920 and 1930 Federal Censes of the
Third Ward of Grand Rapids in Kent County, Michigan.

Carley, _______, Miss

Marshall (Misses Carley & Emerich) DAGUERREOTYPISTS at 227 State st ........................................................ 1852 1
1. Richard Carver, A History of Marshall, Marshall Historical Society, Marshall, Michigan, 1993.

Carlisle, George H.
Detroit inventor ................................................................................................................................................ 1888-1889 p
Detroit member of the Detroit Amateur Photographic Society .................................................................................. 1890 d
Detroit active member of the Detroit Lantern Club ................................................................................................... 1894 1
George was born at Oswego, New York, and was a professional stenographer in Detroit from 1878 until 1891, and 2 d
then a Detroit lawyer until 1903. He filed a patent application on a Photographic Plate Holder, an opaque envelope d p
with an opening covered by a slide to facilitate exposing the dry plate, on September 8, 1888, and was granted Patent p
Number 406,085 on July 2, 1889. After 1903 he was listed as stenographer of the Wayne County Circuit Court, and p d
his obituary said that he had been a circuit court reporter for 55 years. George died at his Highland Park home on 2
November 3, 1938, survived by his wife and three children. 2
1. The Blue Book for Amateur Photographers ... 1895: compiled early in 1894 by Walter Sprange, Beach Bluff, Massachusetts.
2. Obituary in the Detroit Free Press, Detroit, Michigan, on November 3, 1938.
Carlisle, Orville D.
Lagrange Township farm hand on his father’s farm .................................................................................................. 1850 1
Buchanan farm hand on his father’s farm .................................................................................................................. 1860 1
Niles teacher .............................................................................................................................................................. 1861 2 3
United States Army soldier .............................................................................................................................. 1861-1862 2
Niles resident ............................................................................................................................................................. 1865 2
South Bend, Indiana, resident .......................................................................................................................... 1866-1868 2
Mishawaka, Indiana, painter ...................................................................................................................................... 1870 1
Buchanan resident ...................................................................................................................................................... 1877 2
Buchanan painter ....................................................................................................................................................... 1880 g
Grand Rapids PHOTOGRAPHER at 19 Bridge st west ............................................................................................ 1889 m g
Grand Rapids PHOTOGRAPHER at the rear of 305 Ottawa st ...................................................................... 1890-1893 g
Grand Rapids PHOTOGRAPHER at the rear of 307 Ottawa st ................................................................................ 1894 g
Grand Rapids inmate of the Michigan Soldiers’ Home ............................................................................................. 1895 g
Grand Rapids PHOTOGRAPHER on the west side of Canal st three doors north of the Soldiers’ Home ................ 1896 g
Grand Rapids inmate of the Michigan Soldiers’ Home ................................................................................... 1897-1899 2 3
Orville was born in New York State about 1833, a son of Daniel and Louisa Carlisle. He enlisted at Niles as a 1 3
corporal in Company L of the Second Michigan Cavalry on September 17, 1861. At the time he was six feet tall with a 3
light complexion, light hair and blue eyes. The regiment left Grand Rapids for St. Louis on November 14, 1861, and 3
saw its first real service operating against Island Number Ten under General Pope. After Island Number Ten was 3
captured they took part in the siege of Corinth, Mississippi. Colonel Phil H. Sheridan of the Second Michigan Cavalry 3
was promoted to Brigadier General for leading them in one of the most brilliant minor engagements of the war in June 3
of 1862 at Booneville, Mississippi. In October of 1862 the regiment drove the enemy in confusion from the field at 3
Perryville, Kentucky. On November 14, 1862, Orville was discharged at Keokuk, Iowa, on a Surgeon’s Certificate of 3
Disability. He married Miss Lydia Bartlett of Pittsfield, New Hampshire, at Niles on August 26, 1865. Two of their 3 2
daughters were born at South Bend, Indiana: Clara in August of 1866 and Lillie in August of 1868. Mary was born in 2 1
April of 1877 at Buchanan, Michigan. Mr. and Mrs. Carlisle were divorced in March of 1896 at South Bend, Indiana. 1 2
“Main Building MICHIGAN SOLDIERS HOME 258 Ft. Long. Photo by O. D. Carlisle, a member of the home” was t
printed with the negative of a cabinet photograph. Another cabinet photo by Orville was made from separate negatives t
of the hospital, dormitory and main building of the Michigan Soldiers’ Home. t
1. 1850 Federal Census of Lagrange Township in Cass County plus 1860 and 1880 Federal Censes of the village of Buchanan in
Berrien County, Michigan, and 1870 Federal Census of Mishawaka in St. Joseph County, Indiana.
2. Pension records of Orville D. Carlisle in the National Archives, Washington, D.C.
3. Record of Service of Michigan Volunteers in the Civil War, 1861-1865; published by the State of Michigan about 1904.

Carlson, Albin R.
Flint (Johnson & Carlson) PHOTOGRAPHERS in the Ward Building at 528 Saginaw st south .................... 1911-1913 R m
Charles D. Johnson was Albin’s partner. 1
1. “Photographers of Flint, Michigan” by Kenneth A. Wallace in The Flint Genealogical Quarterly; volume 17, numbers 2 ,3 and4,
and volume18, numbers 1, 2, 3 and 4, April 1975 to October 1976.

Carlton, C. T., Mrs.

Napoleon housewife .................................................................................................................................................. 1860 1
Birmingham PHOTOGRAPHER .................................................................................................................... 1864-1867 2 m
Birmingham resident .................................................................................................................................................. 1870 1
Stuart, Iowa, resident ................................................................................................................................................. 1900 1
Greenville resident ..................................................................................................................................................... 1910 1
“From Mrs. C. T. Carlton’s Photographic & Ferrotype Gallery, ...” was printed on the paster holding a delicately t
tinted tintype of exceptional quality into its carte de visite sized paper frame. Her father came from Vermont and t 1
Cynthia was born in New York State in February of 1836. Henry Carlton was born in Maine in 1831 or early in 1832, 1
became a Methodist Episcopal clergyman, and married Cynthia about 1854. Their daughters were born in Michigan: 1
Mary in May of 1856 and Hattie two years later. When the 22 nd Michigan Infantry was organized, one Henry Carlton 1 3
entered service as Captain of Company E. He was commissioned on July 31, 1862, and mustered into the army three 3
weeks later. He was in charge of a train guard contingent when he was killed in a railroad accident at Stewart’s Creek, 3
Tennessee, on June 6, 1863. Cynthia was raising her daughters on her own in 1870, and she was identified as a widow 3 1
in 1900 and 1910. Her daughter Mary married a man named Mc Nichols, gave birth in Iowa to a daughter in February 1
of 1884, and subsequently divorced. She was providing a home for her mother in 1900, and they still were living 1
together at Greenville in 1910. 1
1. 1860 Federal Census of Napoleon Township in Jackson County, 1870 Federal Census of Bloomfield Township in Oakland County,
and 1910 Federal Census of the Second Ward of Greenville in Montcalm County, Michigan, plus 1900 Federal Census of the city of
Stuart in Guthrie County, Iowa.
2. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1862-1866, National Archives, Washington, D.C.
3. Record of Service of Michigan Volunteers in the Civil War, 1861-1865; published by the State of Michigan about 1904.
Carlton, Ella M., Miss
Grand Rapids Township student ................................................................................................................................ 1880 1
Grand Rapids worker in a felt boot factory ................................................................................................................ 1883 g
Grand Rapids photo printer for photographer Daniel H. Hamilton ........................................................................... 1886 g
Grand Rapids clerk for photographer Daniel H. Hamilton .............................................................................. 1888-1891 g
Grand Rapids clerk for photographer Mrs. Emma J. Hamilton ................................................................................. 1893 g
Grand Rapids retoucher for photographer Wilkie G. Coss .............................................................................. 1894-1895 g
Grand Rapids retoucher for photographer George E. Heath ............................................................................ 1896-1898 g
Grand Rapids retoucher for photographer Thomas F. Loftus .................................................................................... 1899 g
Her mother came from New York and Ella was born in Michigan in 1864 or early in 1865, the second and last child 1
of Lewis M. and Mary Carlton. Her brother Myron was two years older. She married Derl A. Caverly about 1899 and 1 g
continued her career, so please see also the entry for Mrs. Ella M. Caverly. g
1. 1880 Federal Census of Grand Rapids Township in Kent County, Michigan.

Carlton, Ida V., Miss

Grand Rapids artist or photographer ................................................................................................................ 1890-1891 g
Ida probably was born in Michigan in 1871 or early in 1872, the daughter of Norman and Mary Carlton. Her brother 1
Frank was six years older, and in 1880 the family was living in Cascade Township of Kent County. 1
1. 1880 Federal Census of Cascade Township in Kent County, Michigan.

Carmer, Emery I.
Napoleon Township child or student ................................................................................................................ 1870,1880 1
Jackson photographer ................................................................................................................................................ 1887 J
Jackson brakeman for the Michigan Central Railroad ............................................................................................... 1890 J
Jackson railroad conductor ....................................................................................................................................... 1910 1
Detroit railroad conductor ................................................................................................................................ 1920,1930 1
Emery was born in Michigan in 1865, eldest of the four children of Thomas and Lisette Carmer. Alberta was born in 1
Pennsylvania to parents from New Jersey in 1864. She and Emery both had been married previously when they were 1
wed about 1902. They had no children. 1
1. 1870 and 1880 Federal Censes of Napoleon Township and 1910 Federal Census of the Fourth Ward of Jackson in Jackson County,
plus 1920 and 1930 Federal Censes of the First Ward of Detroit in Wayne County, Michigan.

Carmichael, Albert S.
Le Sueur, Minnesota, PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................... ca 1888 t
Almont PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................ 1888-1891 m
Le Sueur, Minnesota, PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................ 1894 1
Le Sueur, Minnesota, traveling salesman ................................................................................................................... 1900 2
Le Sueur, Minnesota, resident ................................................................................................................................... 1905 3
Spokane, Washington, real estate agent ..................................................................................................................... 1910 2
His father moved from Ohio to Indiana, where Albert was born in December of 1864. Emily L. Huber was born in 2
Minnesota to a Swiss father and a German mother in October of 1867, and she married Albert about 1895. They never 2
had children. “A. S. Carmichael, Le Sueur, Minn. and Almont, Mich.” was printed on some cabinet mounts. One of his 2 t
Almont cabinet photographs shows a young girl and boy seated at a small table set for a tea party and a beaming baby t
sitting on the floor in front of the table. By 1920 Emily was a widow living in Spokane with her sister’s family. t 2
1. The Blue Book for Amateur Photographers ... 1895: compiled early in 1894 by Walter Sprange, Beach Bluff, Massachusetts.
2. 1900 Federal Census of the First Ward of Le Sueur in Le Sueur County, Minnesota, plus 1910 Federal Census of the Fourth Ward
and 1920 Federal Census of the Second Ward of Spokane in Spokane County, Washington.
3. Minnesota Territorial and State Censuses, 1849-1905.

Carnes, William F.
Centreville PHOTOGRAPHER ....................................................................................................................... 1864-1865 1
William was born in Michigan about 1815, and was married when he died of pneumonia at Fawn River in St. Joseph 2
County, Michigan, on February 9, 1875. 2
1. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1862-1866, National Archives, Washington, D.C.
2. GENDIS on the Web, Genealogical Death Indexing System, Michigan.

Carney, _______
North Adams (Buck & Carney) PHOTOGRAPHERS ............................................................................................... 1900 1
The opening of a gallery in North Adams by Buck & Carney was reported in March of 1900. 1
1. St. Louis and Canadian Photographer; volume 24, number 3, March 1900, page 138.
Carpenter, _______
Ann Arbor (Speechly & Carpenter) PHOTOGRAPHERS ........................................................................................ 1866 1
Late in 1866 a Michigan newspaper carried this advertisement: “FOR RENT.... the photograph gallery lately 1
occupied by Speechly & Carpenter. Enquire of Dr. W. B. Smith, at his drug store, in the Exchange Block.” 1
1. Weekly Michigan State News, Ann Arbor, Michigan, November 24 and December 21, 1866.

Carpenter, _______
Battle Creek (Battle Creek View Company) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 1 Main st west ..................................... 1884-1885 m
Carpenter & Kimball were the proprietors of the Battle Creek View Company. m

Carpenter, _______
Detroit (Gue & Carpenter) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 231 Jefferson av .................................................................. ca 1876 t
Gue & Carpenter were successors to Gottshalk Grelling in the Jefferson Avenue gallery. t

Carpenter, Bird
Harbor Springs (Carpenter Brothers) PHOTOGRAPHERS ................................................................................. ca 1890 t
Harbor Springs PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................ 1890-1891 m
Harbor Springs (Williams & Carpenter) PHOTOGRAPHERS ....................................................................... 1892-1894 m 1
Bird was one of several Emmet County photographers that utilized 5¼ by 8½ mounts for views of resorts and for t
pictures of groups of vacationing people. He also used 3¼ by 1¾ mounts for portraits of two or three people. Daniel t m
Williams remained a Harbor Springs photographer following his partnership with Bird until 1911. m
1. The Blue Book for Amateur Photographers ... 1895: compiled early in 1894 by Walter Sprange, Beach Bluff, Massachusetts.

Carpenter, Elbert Lewis

Kalamazoo student ..................................................................................................................................................... 1880 1
Kalamazoo photographer ................................................................................................................................. 1899-1900 2 1
Kalamazoo PHOTOGRAPHER at 418 Park st south ........................................................................................... ca 1900 t
Kalamazoo PHOTOGRAPHER at 417 Potter st ............................................................................................. 1902-1903 m
Kalamazoo PHOTOGRAPHER at 509 West st south ..................................................................................... 1903-1904 K
Kalamazoo PHOTOGRAPHER at 714 Wheaton av ....................................................................................... 1904-1905 m K
Kalamazoo photographer ........................................................................................................................................... 1913 K
Kalamazoo resident ................................................................................................................................................... 1920 1
His parents came from Pennsylvania and New York, and Elbert was born in Indiana to Frank and Electa B. (later 1
called Letta) Carpenter in October of 1867. His sisters were born in Indiana: Florence in 1870 and Mary in 1873. 1
Their brother Walter was born in Michigan in December of 1878. Elbert lived with his parents through 1900. He 1
produced an outdoor cabinet photograph of a collie identified as George Moorhead’s dog. He advertised in 1905 as a t K
“Commercial Photographer, Outside and Inside Work and Flash Lights, Pillow Covers and Novelty Work on Fabrics K
and other materials.” His sisters became school teachers and, like Elbert, never married. The three of them were living K 1
together in 1920, when Elbert seems to have been unemployed. Florence was living alone in 1930, so Elbert and Mary 1
apparently had passed on. 1
1. 1880 Federal Census of the city of Kalamazoo, plus 1900, 1920 and 1930 Federal Censes of the Third Ward of Kalamazoo in
Kalamazoo County, Michigan.
2. Kalamazoo County Directory, 1899, F. A. Corey, Kalamazoo, Michigan.
Carpenter, Frank W.
Rochester, New York, child ....................................................................................................................................... 1850 1
Grand Rapids student ................................................................................................................................................. 1860 1
Grand Rapids (Carpenter & Morgan) PHOTOGRAPHERS on Monroe st ..................................................... 1862-1863 2 g
Ann Arbor photographer ............................................................................................................................................ 1870 1
Adrian PHOTOGRAPHER in the Underwood Block at 52 Maumee st east ................................................... 1872-1874 m 3
Adrian (Carpenter & Hall) PHOTOGRAPHERS in the Underwood Block .................................................... 1874-1875 A m
Grand Rapids PHOTOGRAPHER at 72 Canal st ............................................................................................ 1876-1877 g m
Grand Rapids cashier ....................................................................................................................................... 1878-1879 g
Kendallville, Indiana, photographer .......................................................................................................................... 1880 1
Frank was born in the state of New York about 1844, third of the seven children of Erasmus D. and Rhoda 3 1
Carpenter. George H. Morgan was his associate in 1863. Frank boarded in Ann Arbor with the family of Horace O. g 1
Hobart and his son Marl, who later were Big Rapids photographers. Marl E. Hobart and Frank described what they did 1
in 1870 as “work at photography.” Some card photograph mounts were imprinted: “Frank W. Carpenter, Succeessor to 1 t
John S. Foster, PHOTOGRAPHER, Underwood’s Block, Maumee Street, (Formerly known as the Greenwald t
Gallery,) ... Adrian, Mich.” 1872 was Frank’s first year in Lenawee County, and he produced stereoscopic views of 3 4
Adrian. William Hall was his partner in Adrian, and they employed Fred W. Meyerhuber in 1874. Clarence O. Morrill, A 1
Henry Geisel and Frank were boarding together in Kendallville. They all gave Michigan as their place of birth and 1
“photographing” as their occupation in 1880. 1
1. 1850 Federal Census of the Fifth Ward of Rochester in Monroe County, New York, 1860 Federal Census of the Second Ward of
Grand Rapids in Kent County and 1870 Federal Census of the First Ward of Ann Arbor in Washtenaw County, Michigan, plus
1880 Federal Census of Kendallville in Noble County, Indiana.
2. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1862-1866, National Archives, Washington, D.C.
3. Lenawee County Atlas, 1874, Everts & Stewart, Chicago.
4. William Culp Darrah, Stereo Views, 1964, and The World of Stereographs, 1977, Gettysburg, Pennsylvania.

Carpenter, James
Wayland Township farm laborer ...................................................................................................................... 1880,1900 1
Wayland PHOTOGRAPHER .................................................................................................................................... 1902 2
Wayland Township farmer ........................................................................................................................................ 1910 1
Wayland Township farmer ............................................................................................................................... 1918,1920 3 1
His parents came from New York and James was born in Michigan on May 25, 1872, fifth of the eight children of 1 3
Milo and Mary Sophia Carpenter. He photographed the fire at the Schuh Harness Shop in Wayland on July 2, 1902. 1 2
Her father emigrated from Holland, her mother came from Wisconsin, and Rachel was born in Michigan in 1877. She 1
married James about 1904, and they never had children. James was tall and slender in 1918, and had grey eyes and 1 3
hair. 3
1. 1880, 1900, 1910 and 1920 Federal Censes of Wayland Township in Allegan County, Michigan.
2. Compiled by Mrs. Donna L. Benedict from Wayland Globe newspapers.
3. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.

Carpenter, James A.
Vermilion poultry breeder ............................................................................................................................... 1902-1903 m
Vermilion keeper of the United States Life Saving Station ............................................................................. 1904-1913 m 1
Vermilion PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................ 1910-1915 m
James was born in New York State in 1864 or 1865. By 1910 he was a Captain in the United States Life Saving 2
Service and a widower with a two-year-old daughter named Catherine. His 48-year-old widowed sister-in-law, Mrs. 2
Hattie Hanzer, was sharing his home and helping to raise the child. 2
1. Learned in 2006 from Grace Truman of Grand Rapids, Michigan.
2. 1910 Federal Census of Whitefish Township in Chippewa County, Michigan.

Carpenter, John
Detroit clerk or photographer .......................................................................................................................... 1875-1878 d

Carpenter, Leonard W.
Ypsilanti PHOTOGRAPHER .......................................................................................................................... 1869-1870 m 1
Painesville PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................ ca 1872 t
The Carpenters were born in the state of New York, Leonard in 1831 or 1832, Emily seven years later, and their 1
daughters Emma and Caroline between 1859 and 1862. The backing paper used to secure tintypes to their carte de 1 t
visite sized frames apparently came in a roll, preprinted: “Gem Miniatures taken with the New Invented Camera, t
finished in ten minutes. Card Ferrotypes, of all sizes, taken by L. W. Carpenter, Ypsilanti, Mich.” Some tintypes like t
this have Ypsilanti crossed out, and Painesville penciled in. t
1. 1870 Federal Census of the Fifth Ward of Ypsilanti, Washtenaw County, Michigan.
Carpenter, T. N.
Adrian PHOTOGRAPHER ....................................................................................................................................... 1874 R
This probably was a misspelled reference to Frank W. Carpenter. m

Carpenter, William Henry

Cadillac inventor .............................................................................................................................................. 1886-1888 p
William was granted two patents on camera tripods: Number 370,240 issued September 20, 1887, and Number p
378,430 issued February 28, 1888. The William H. Carpenter that served in Company I of the Eleventh New York p 1
Cavalry during the Civil War was not the inventor. 1
1. Civil War Veteran Pension Record of William H. Carpenter obtained from the National Archives at Washington, D. C.

Carr, J. O.
Please see the entry for Orson J. Carr.

Carr, Nettie T., Miss

Jackson student or resident ............................................................................................................................... 1870,1880 1
Jackson artist for the photographers LeClear Brothers .............................................................................................. 1883 2
Jackson (C. Underwood & Company) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 156 Main st west .......................................... 1884-1886 m J
Alpena housewife ............................................................................................................................................. 1900,1910 1
Jackson resident ................................................................................................................................................ 1920,1930 1
Her parents came from Maine and Connecticut, and Jeanette was born in Michigan in October of 1861, fifth of the 1
eight children of Francis W. and Mary B. Carr. She was called Nettie most of her life. His father came from New York 1
and Joseph H. Cobb was born in Michigan in January of 1863. He became a lawyer and married Nettie about 1888. 1 2
Their daughters were born in Michigan, Ruth in July of 1890 and Jean in April of 1893. By 1920 Nettie was a widow 1
and was sharing her home with her daughter Ruth, a kindergarten teacher. Ruth married Max R. Norton in 1921, had a 1
couple of children, and in 1930 was providing a home for her mother. 1
1. 1880 Federal Census of the city of Jackson, 1870 and 1920 Federal Censes of the Fourth Ward and 1930 Federal Census of the Third
Ward of Jackson in Jackson County, plus 1900 and 1910 Federal Censes of the First Ward of Alpena in Alpena County, Michigan.
2. Learned in 1997 from Gerry L. Blanchard of Jackson, Michigan.

Carr, Orson J.
Sumner Township student .......................................................................................................................................... 1870 1
Essex Township farm laborer .................................................................................................................................... 1880 1
Grand Rapids painter or machine hand ............................................................................................................ 1888-1890 g
Grand Rapids LANDSCAPE PHOTOGRAPHER at 89 Front st north ................................................................ ca 1893 2
Grand Rapids photographer ............................................................................................................................. 1893-1896 g
Grand Rapids machine hand or machinist ........................................................................................................ 1898-1900 g 1
Pasadena, California, PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................ 1910 1
Redlands, California, citrus fruit picking boss ........................................................................................................... 1920 1
His father came from New York and Thomas Jay Orson Carr was born in Michigan in February of 1861, last of the 1
seven children of James V. and Sarah Carr. He soon dropped the Thomas and subsequently was called Orson J., J. 1
Orson, Jay O. or just J. O. Carr. “J. O. CARR, Landscape Photographer, 89 N. Front St., Grand Rapids, Mich.” was 1 2
printed on the face of stereo views, including one of a fire at the Grand Rapids Bed Company. Her parents came from 2 1
Pennsylvania, Minnie was born in Michigan in March of 1871, and she married Orson about 1897. Their son Harold 1
was born in Michigan in June of 1899. Their son Raymond and daughter Ruth were born in California between 1902 1
and 1906. Minnie and Orson divorced prior to 1920. 1
1. 1860 Federal Census of Washington Township and 1870 Federal Census of Sumner Township in Gratiot County, 1880 Federal
Census of Essex Township in Clinton County, and 1900 Federal Census of the Fifth Ward of Grand Rapids in Kent County,
Michigan, plus 1910 Federal Census of the Fifth Ward of Pasadena in Los Angeles County and 1920 Federal Census of the
Eleventh Precinct of Redlands in San Bernardino County, California.
2. Learned in 2003 from the Clarke Historical Library at Central Michigan University, Mount Pleasant, Michigan.

Carrier, W. H.
Adrian secretary and treasurer of the Adrian Camera Club ....................................................................................... 1890 1
Adrian member of the Adrian Camera Club, the Photographic Section of the Adrian Scientific Society ................. 1893 2
He was identified as Professor W. H. Carrier in 1893. 2
1. The International Annual of Anthony’s Photographic Bulletin, volume 3, 1890.
2. The Blue Book of Amateur Photographers ... 1893: compiled by Walter Sprange, Beach Bluff, Massachusetts.
Carris, Frank
Lawton (Carris and Shaefer Brothers) PHOTOGRAPHERS ............................................................................... ca 1892 t
Lawton PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................ 1892-1893 m
“Carris and” was added in a different printing ink than was used for the original “Shaefer Bros., Lawton, Mich.” t
below the photograph on some cabinet mounts. On the backs of these mounts was printed: “From CARRIS’ ART t
STUDIO, Lawton, Mich. Viewing given special attention. Instantaneous Portraits of Children a Successful Specialty. t
THE NEGATIVE of this Photograph is preserved for future orders, and can be Reduced for the Smallest Locket, or t
Enlarged up to Life Size and Finished in Ink, Crayon, or Water Color.” t

Carson, _______
Reading (Keefer & Carson) PHOTOGRAPHERS .................................................................................................... 1892 1
In April of 1892 a photographic magazine mentioned that “Keefer & Carson, Reading, Michigan, send samples of 1
aristo printing, several tints of tone from beautiful brown to jet black. The work is excellent, lighting and finish.” 1
1. St. Louis and Canadian Photographer; volume 10, number 4, April 1892.

Carson, Henry Cleland

Detroit child ............................................................................................................................................................... 1880 1
Detroit photo printer or resident ...................................................................................................................... 1899-1902 d
Detroit artist or photographer .......................................................................................................................... 1904-1906 d
Detroit stenographer for the Detroit Publishing Company ......................................................................................... 1907 d
Detroit resident ........................................................................................................................................................... 1908 d
Detroit stock and bond broker .......................................................................................................................... 1908-1910 d 1
Detroit resident ........................................................................................................................................................... 1911 d
Detroit life insurance agent .............................................................................................................................. 1912-1913 d
Detroit wholesale grain and bean merchant ..................................................................................................... 1914-1922 d
Detroit salesman for a ventilating company ............................................................................................................... 1930 1
His father emigrated from Northern Ireland, and Henry was born in Michigan on August 27, 1877, third of the four 1 2
children of William and Hannah M. (Wynkoop) Carson. Edna B. Hakes was born in Michigan in 1877 or 1878, the 1 2
daughter of Theo M. and Ursula A. Hakes, and she married Henry about 1901. Their only child, Elizabeth (later 1
Dolores), was not born until July of 1914. Henry was of medium height and slender in 1918, with blue eyes and brown 1 2
hair. 2
1. 1880 Federal Census of the city of Detroit, 1900 Federal Census of the Fourth Ward, 1910 Federal Census of the Tenth Ward, 1920
Federal Census of the Second Ward and 1930 Federal Census of the Seventeenth Precinct of Detroit in Wayne County, Michigan.
2. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.
Carson, James P.
Pontiac (Carson & Company) DAGUERREOTYPE & PHOTOGRAPHIC GALLERY .......................................... 1855 1
Pontiac DAGUERREOTYPE & PHOTOGRAPHIC GALLERY ................................................................... 1855-1856 1
Albion, New York, resident ....................................................................................................................................... 1856 2
Toronto, Ontario, (Carson Brothers) PHOTOGRAPHERS ....................................................................................... 1857 3
Toronto, Ontario, daguerrean artist for Palmer ................................................................................................ 1857-1858 2
Toronto, Ontario, (Carson Brothers) PHOTOGRAPHERS ....................................................................................... 1859 3
Toronto, Ontario, PHOTOGRAPHER at 6 King st west ................................................................................. 1859-1862 3
Toronto, Ontario, (Carson & Company) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 6 King st west ..................................................... 1864 3
Toronto, Ontario, (Carson Brothers) PHOTOGRAPHERS ....................................................................................... 1865 3
Cleveland, Ohio, resident ........................................................................................................................................... 1866 1
Chicago, Illinois, PHOTOGRAPHER at 108 Lake st ...................................................................................... 1869-1870 c
Chicago, Illinois, PHOTOGRAPHER at 179 Chicago st .......................................................................................... 1888 c
James was probably born in Canada, and was the brother of photographer William A. Carson. He first advertised on 2 1
April 28, 1855, when he announced that he was “... fitting up a splendid Daguerreotype Room over Phelps’ Jewelry 1
Store, where he intends taking Photographic, Daguerreotypic and Mezzographic Miniatures.” W. I. Beardsley was a 1
principal of Carson & Company from May until July of 1855, when James dropped the “& Co.” and began signing the 1
advertisements with only his own name. The advertisement which ran from May 19, 1855, through February 16, 1856, 1
included: “... Our sky-light is so arranged that we can produce pictures in cloudy weather as well as clear, and our 1
pictures taken by the photographic process are warranted equal to any heretofore taken in this country. Having had 1
ELEVEN YEARS EXPERIENCE in the art ... Rooms open from 8 A.M. to 6 P.M.” In January of 1856 the editor of 1
the Gazette noted “Daguerreotypes on Convex Plates, a new experiment by Mr. Carson....” Four weeks later he 1
mentioned: “We have been shown ... Ambrotypes and Photographs, taken by J. P. Carson.... for beauty and fidelity 1
they surpass the Daguerreotype. The Ambrotype is taken on glass and cannot be defaced by rubbing.... The 1
Photograph is taken on paper, and has the appearance of the finest steel engraving and may be colored in imitation of 1
nature...” James’ advertisements in the spring of 1856 emphasized “AMBROTYPES, or Miniatures on Glass.... This 1
Gallery ... has the largest Sky-Light (containing at least 300 square feet of glass), and the largest room in the State.... 1
out-door views and likenesses of sick or deceased persons taken at short notice.... likenesses beautifully colored, and 1
set in Morocco, Silk-Velvet, Papermache, Union, Operas and other fancy styles. Or set in Medallions, Lockets, Pins, 1
Rings, Canes, &c., in a few minutes....” James was indicted by the Oakland County Grand Jury for procuring a gold 1
watch and other goods under false pretenses, but eluded the officers and left Michigan suddenly. He was remembered 1
ten years later as “... a first class artist, but was corrupt and dishonest....” The succinct Dun & Bradstreet reports from 1 2
Toronto about James begin in 1858: “... Has done a good business ... but saved nothing. Was in a tight place a year 2
ago, and assigned everything to his brother, W.A.C. ... about 30, without children or household effects, good artist, ... 2
business with him is dull. We cannot recommend him.” In April of 1860 things had not changed much: “... doing a 2
pretty good business, yet can’t recommend him for credit, having no confidence in him.” , but by September: “Have a 2
first rate trade, are attending more closely, and think are making money.” Three years later, in September of 1863, he 2
was doing good business and probably “... making money, owns a small property at Brocton but encumbered. Rather 2
fast and fond of racing gambling &c., and though generally on the winning side his character is hardly good enough to 2
recommend for much....” Two months later he was characterized as “Unreliable in every respect, little or no means and 2
constantly pressed.” Warren L. Ash was a principal of Carson & Company in 1864. The report in December of 1865 2 3
was that “James P. Carson of Carson Bros, left the city some months ago and the style of the firm then became Carson 2
& Co., ... Wm. Carson has now left the city ... The business is now advertised for sale.” James and William seem to 2
have left some debts behind them in Toronto. During the summer of 1865 James “eloped” with his cousin, who was 2 1
married to the prominent Hillsdale business man B. F. Cutler. She later returned and was reconciled with her husband. 1
James continued to correspond with her from Cleveland, despite promises that he would not. The cousins met several 1
times in the months preceding one closely observed meeting at Adrian in the spring of 1866. They met on a back 1
street, drove about the city for a while, took tea together at the Lenawee Hotel where they were both staying, and were 1
closeted together in his room for several hours in the evening. Three weeks later they had arranged to meet again, and 1
Mrs. Cutler had slipped her trunks out of the house. However, Mr. Cutler had revised the intercepted message to 1
Carson, and when James arrived at Monroe he was met by Mr. Cutler and an under-Sheriff rather than the expected 1
cousin. James was confined in the Adrian jail awaiting examination on adultery charges based upon the earlier meeting 1
and numerous letters in the possession of Mr. Cutler. 1
1. Pontiac Gazette, Pontiac, Michigan, April 28, 1855, to May 3, 1856; and May 25, 1866.
2. Dun & Bradstreet Collection, Baker Library, Harvard University, Graduate School of Business Administration,
3. Learned in 1993 from the National Archives of Canada, Ottawa, Ontario.
Carson, William A.
Seneca Township, New York, student ....................................................................................................................... 1850 1
Toronto, Ontario, (Carson Brothers) PHOTOGRAPHERS ............................................................................. 1857-1859 2
Toronto, Ontario, PHOTOGRAPHER at 6 King st west ........................................................................................... 1861 2
Toronto, Ontario, (W. A. Carson & Company) PHOTOGRAPHERS ............................................................ 1864-1865 3
Toronto, Ontario, (Carson Brothers) PHOTOGRAPHERS ....................................................................................... 1865 2
Toronto, Ontario, (Carson & Company) PHOTOGRAPHERS ................................................................................. 1865 4
Hillsdale (Andrew & Carson) PHOTOGRAPHERS on Howell st .................................................................. 1867-1873 5 m
Hillsdale (Carson & Graham) PHOTOGRAPHERS on the west side of Howell st south of McCollum st ..... 1873-1874 t 6
Hillsdale (Carson & Graham) PHOTOGRAPHERS on Howell st .................................................................. 1874-1883 m
Hillsdale PHOTOGRAPHER .......................................................................................................................... 1884-1890 m R
Hillsdale photo operator for his successor, George W. Shafer ........................................................................ 1890-1891 t
Almont PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................ 1892-1895 m
Detroit photographer for George A. F. Petersen ........................................................................................................ 1895 d
Chicago, Illinois, PHOTOGRAPHER at 24 Ellen st ....................................................................................... 1898-1899 c
Cleveland, Ohio, shipping clerk ................................................................................................................................. 1900 1
Detroit photographer or printer ........................................................................................................................ 1904-1909 d
William was born in New York in March of 1833, second of the five children of William and Angelina Carson. Her 1
parents emigrated from Scotland, Mary Wyllie was born in Canada in 1844 or 1845, and she married William about 1
1863. Their daughter Ida was born in Canada in June of 1865, and Minnie was born in Michigan six years later. The 1
Carson Brothers were awarded prizes for the best colored photographs and a collection of ambrotypes displayed at the 2
Provincial Exhibition at Brantford in September of 1857, and for the best collection of photographs shown at the 2 3
Provincial Exhibition at Kingston in September of 1859. W. L. Ash was a principal of W. A. Carson & Company. 3 4
William left Toronto in November of 1865, with the business up for sale and creditors hard on his heels. His brother 3
James, who probably had run up the debts, had left the city a couple of months earlier. It was announced in June of 4 5
1867 that “Mr. W. A. Carson is now operating in this PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY lately owned by Eugene Clarke … 5
Likenesses Taken … in AMBROTYPES, PHOTOGRAPHS, PORCELAIN, WATCH DIAL, Pocket Handkerchief, 5
or any picture known to the Art. CALL AND SEE US. R. L. ANDREWS, Proprietor, WM. A. CARSON, Photographer.” 5
William joined the National Photographic Association between July of 1869 and June of 1870. The NPA monogram 7 t
was printed on some Andrew & Carson card photograph mounts, and they published a series of approximately one t 8
hundred stereo views of the ruins after the Chicago fire in October of 1871. Carson & Graham advertised as First Class 8 6
Photographers and as successors to Andrew & Carson, executed all kinds of work in the best styles of the art, and by 6
June of 1874 were selling photographs of a drawing of the five buildings planned to replace the single Hillsdale 6 t
College structure which had burned in March. They later recorded the college buildings and the town on mounts t
ranging from card size to 8 by 10 inches as well as with stereoscopic views. They also photographed President Durgin t
with his scholars Christopher and Edward Sparling, said to be the smallest college students in the world. William t 9
attended the fourth annual convention of the Photographers’ Association of America at Milwaukee in August of 1883, 9
and later published stereo views of Hillsdale. By 1888 he was calling himself the “Old Reliable” Photographer. He and t 1
his wife seem to have lived separately for some time. He and his 19 and 13-year-old daughters, but no wife, were 1
living at Hillsdale in 1884. Mrs. William A. (Mary A.) Carson was listed as a Detroit nurse in 1893 and 1896 with the 1 d
same residential address given for him in 1895. William was boarding alone with his widowed sister Mary at d 1
Cleveland in 1900. He died at the Detroit residence of his daughter on August 3, 1909, survived by two daughters and 1 0
his wife, Mrs. Mary A. Carson. After a private funeral, interment was at Seneca Castle, New York. 0
1. 1850 Federal Census of Seneca Township in Ontario County, New York, 1870 Federal Census of the Third Ward of Hillsdale, 1880
Federal Census and 1884 State Census of the city of Hillsdale in Hillsdale County, Michigan, and 1900 Federal Census of the 21st
Ward of Cleveland in Cuyahoga County, Ohio.
2. Learned in 1993 from the National Archives of Canada, Ottawa, Ontario.
3. Glen C. Phillips, The Ontario Photographers List (1851-1900), Iron Gate Publishing Company, Sarnia, Ontario, 1990.
4. Dun & Bradstreet Collection, Baker Library, Harvard University, Graduate School of Business Administration,
5. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1867-1868, Great Lakes Branch of the National Archives, Chicago, Illinois, and
Hillsdale Standard, Hillsdale, Michigan, June 25, 1867.
6. Hillsdale Directory, 1874, Burch, Montgomery & Company.
7. The Philadelphia Photographer, volume 7, 1870, page 291.
8. William Culp Darrah, Stereo Views, 1964, and The World of Stereographs, 1977, Gettysburg, Pennsylvania.
9. The Photographic Times, New York, volume 13, number 152, August 1883.
0. Identical obituaries in the Detroit Free Press and in the Detroit News on August 4, 1909.
Carswell, Thomas William
Detroit photo printer for photographer William Marratt .................................................................................. 1888-1889 d
Detroit photographer .................................................................................................................................................. 1890 d
Detroit retoucher for photographer James G. Hill ..................................................................................................... 1891 d
Detroit retoucher ........................................................................................................................................................ 1897 d
Detroit photographer .................................................................................................................................................. 1900 1 d
Detroit photographer .................................................................................................................................................. 1907 d
Los Angeles, California, studio photographer ........................................................................................................... 1910 1
Los Angeles, California, studio photographer ........................................................................................................... 1930 1
Thomas had Scotch ancestors, was born in Canada on July 17, 1872, and came to the United States in 1885. He still 1 2
had alien status in 1900, but by 1910 he was a naturalized citizen. Mabel was born in Tennessee in April of 1872, and 1
she married Thomas about 1899. Their son Ford was born in California in 1901 or early in 1902. Their marriage lasted 1
through 1910, but not much longer. The photographer was identified as William T. Carswell in 1907. Mildred’s father 1 d
emigrated from England, she was born in Michigan on March 25, 1879, and she married Thomas about 1915. Their 1 2
son Donald was born in California a year later. It is not clear whether Thomas was the proprietor or an employee of the 1 2
California studios in which he worked. He died at Los Angeles on March 15, 1947. 2
1. 1900 Federal Census of the Sixth Ward of Detroit in Wayne County, Michigan, plus 1910 Federal Census of the 74th Assembly
District and 1930 Federal Census of the 55th Assembly District of Los Angeles in Los Angeles County, California
2. California Death Index, 1940-1997.

Carswell, William
Detroit photo printer for photographer William Marratt ............................................................................................ 1890 d

Carter, _______
Flint (Carter & Persons) PHOTOGRAPHERS on Saginaw st over Symons’ book bindery ...................................... 1882 1 t
Carter & Persons succeeded Lysander W. Miller and retained his negatives. t
1. “Photographers of Flint, Michigan” by Kenneth A. Wallace in The Flint Genealogical Quarterly; volume 17, numbers 2, 3 and 4,
and volume18, numbers 1, 2, 3 and 4, April 1975 to October 1976.

Carter, Ethel
Bay City retoucher for photographers Harman & Verner .......................................................................................... 1889 b

Carter, Homer L.
Greene Township, Pennsylvania, child ...................................................................................................................... 1850 1
Homestead Township farmer ..................................................................................................................................... 1870 1
Grand Rapids apprentice to photographer Orsamus W. Horton ................................................................................ 1871 g
Grand Rapids photographer for Orsamus W. Horton ................................................................................................ 1873 g
Sand Lake PHOTOGRAPHER ....................................................................................................................... 1876-1877 m
Rockford PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................................... 1877 t
Sand Lake PHOTOGRAPHER, furniture dealer and undertaker .................................................................... 1878-1879 m
Sand Lake PHOTOGRAPHER and furniture merchant .................................................................................. 1880-1887 1 m
Sand Lake PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................................. 1890 R
Sand Lake lumber manufacturer ...................................................................................................................... 1890-1893 m
Traverse City undertaker ........................................................................................................................................... 1900 1
Traverse City funeral director and embalmer ............................................................................................................ 1910 1
Homer was born at Greene, Pennsylvania, on October 28, 1847, fourth of the five children of Samuel and Cynthia 2 1
(Horton) Carter. He grew up on a farm in Ashtabula County, Ohio, and attended Kingsville Academy. After leaving 2
Grand Rapids he was a traveling photographer until he located at Sand Lake. In Rockford he described himself as a 2 t
Photo & View Artist who copied and enlarged old pictures and framed pictures to order. Homer also was dealing in t m
sewing machines about 1881. “H. L. Carter, PHOTOGRAPHER AND DEALER IN Furniture, Picture Frames and Sewing m t
Machines. FUNERAL DIRECTOR . SAND LAKE, MICH.” was stamped on the back of the ten by twelve inch mount of a photo of t
almost forty lumbermen posed on the platform of their mill. Emily C. Hartt was born in Ontario in July of 1853, and t 1
she married Homer on December 21, 1879. Their children were born in Michigan: Vera May in November of 1880, 2 1
Claud in July of 1883, Fritz in June of 1884, and Sylvia Norine in April of 1891. 1
1. 1850 Federal Census of Greene Township in Erie County, Pennsylvania, 1870 Federal Census of Homestead Township in Benzie
County, 1880 Federal Census of the village of Sand Lake in Kent County, plus 1900 and 1910 Federal Censes of the Third Ward
of Traverse City in Grand Traverse County, Michigan.
2. History of Kent County, 1881.

Carter, Laura
Ithaca PHOTOGRAPHER ......................................................................................................................................... 1865 1
1. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1862-1866, National Archives, Washington, D.C.
Carter, M. E.
Smith Junction PHOTOGRAPHER ...................................................................................................................... ca 1910 t
“SMITH JC. M. E. CARTER” was printed on the negative of a winter scene, while “F. J. KELSEY & SON” was t
printed on its post card back. The card was mailed in July of 1910. t

Carter, S. E., Mrs.

Galesburg PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................ 1866-1867 m

Cartwright, _______
Mayville PHOTOGRAPHER .................................................................................................................................... 1898 t
“Cartwright, Mayville, Mich.” was printed below 3¼ by 4¼ images on 5¼ by 6¼ inch mounts. One such photo was t
of a wall of posters advertising the Tuscola County Farmers Fair at Caro from September 27 to 30, 1898. t 1
“Cartwright 1898 Mayville, Mich.” was printed below 4¾ by 6¾ images on 7 by 9 inch mounts. E. D. Cartwright 1
was a Mayville merchant in 1900. His parents emigrated from Canada, and he was born in Michigan in July of 1878. 1
His wife’s parents also came from Canada, Mary was born here in October of 1878, and she became Mrs. Cartwright 1
late in 1899.
1. 1900 Federal Census of the village of Mayville in Tuscola County, Michigan.

Cartwright, John H.
Detroit active member of the Detroit Lantern Club ................................................................................................... 1894 1
From 1889 through 1896, and probably for a while before and after, John and his brother operated a marble, granite d
and monumental works on Jefferson Avenue. d
1. The Blue Book for Amateur Photographers ... 1895: compiled early in 1894 by Walter Sprange, Beach Bluff, Massachusetts.

Cartwright, Milton W.
Hoaglin Township, Ohio, baby .................................................................................................................................. 1880 1
Clare PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................................ 1910-1913 1 m
Clare resident ............................................................................................................................................................. 1914 2
Owosso PHOTOGRAPHER at 218 Washington st south ................................................................................ 1917-1921 t 3
His father came from Pennsylvania and Milton was born in Ohio on January 12, 1880, the son of George and Ellen 1 4
Cartwright. He became a slender man with brown eyes and hair. His wife and children were born in Michigan: Bessie 4 1
Moore in 1885 and four sons and four daughters between 1907 and 1927. While a Clare photographer, Milton 1 t
produced a multi-view post card photograph featuring the Congregational Church in Clare and its pastor that included t
the Congregational Church in Dover, five miles north of Clare, as well as the Brick School and the Grange Hall in t
Vernon, 75 miles southeast of Clare, but only 8 miles from Owosso. He was a member of the Clare County Law and 5 2
Order League in 1914, supporting enforcement of the local option laws prohibiting the sale of alcoholic beverages. 2
“Photo by Cartwright, Owosso, Mich., May 15, 1917.” was lettered on the negative of an 8 by 37 inch panorama of t
200 Knights of Columbus lined up on Washington Street with a large crowd, the Majestic Theatre and other business t
places behind them. Milton used a post card photo of a company of soldiers being escorted along a city street by the t
West Owosso City Band to send this message to a Shepardsville patron: “Dear Sir: Your Photos are ready for delivery. t
Yours Respty, M. W. Cartwright, Owosso, Mich.” The card was mailed on May 18, 1917. Bessie was a widow living t 1
in Owosso with seven of her children and her mother in 1930. 1
1. 1880 Federal Census of Hoaglin Township in Van Wert County, Ohio, 1910 Federal Census of the Third Ward of Clare in Clare County,
plus 1920 Federal Census of the Fourth Ward and 1930 Federal Census of the Second Ward of Owosso in Shiawassee County, Michigan.
2. Forrest B. Meek, Michigan’s Heartland, Edgewood Press, Clare, Michigan, 1979.
3. Owosso City & Shiawassee County Directories, 1917, 1919 and 1921, R. L. Polk & Company, Detroit.
4. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.
5. Michigan County Map Guide, Michigan United Conservation Clubs, Lansing, Michigan.

Carver, L. P.
Farmington PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................................ 1867 1
1. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1867-1868, Great Lakes Branch of the National Archives, Chicago, Illinois.
Cary, C. Irving
Delta Township child ................................................................................................................................................. 1880 1
Lansing PHOTOGRAPHER at 617 Michigan av east ............................................................................................... 1893 2 3
Irving (or Erving) was born in Michigan in 1874 or early in 1875. He was the grandson of John N. and Sarah M. 1
Cary, and probably the son of Charles A. Cary. He sold 99-cent photographs. Traveling photographers J. N. Wigle of 1 2
Detroit and W. W. Webb of St. Thomas, Ontario, were arrested September 9, 1893, on a warrant charging them with 3
taking a photograph which would corrupt the morals of both young and old, for the purpose of sale, distribution and 3
circulation, a state prison offence. They were accused of selling obscene photos in Lansing saloons, and charged 3
specifically with taking a photograph on August 18 of Mrs. Emily Ketchum in her parlor while she was wearing 3
nothing but a pair of shoes and a smile. Mrs. Ketchum, who was also arrested, was a fairly prominent Lansing resident 3
and had recently been active in the W.C.T.U. She was past middle age and was not considered particularly beautiful. 3
She denied posing for the photo while agreeing that it was taken in a corner of her parlor which included furniture 3
made by her carpenter husband and a framed copy of the W.C.T.U. constitution and by-laws. The police had this 3
photograph and the negative from which it was printed, and obtained a search warrant for the hotel rooms of the 3
photographers, where they found a large number of bawdy pictures. Wigle and Webb claimed that the negative was not 3
their work, and that the other nude photographs had been copied from noted oil paintings during their travels. At the 3 4
examination on September 13 a young local photographer named Irving Cary testified that he had loaned some frames 4
to Wigle and Webb, was in their hotel room to retrieve the frames, looked over their negatives and noted the one of 4
Mrs. Ketchum. Knowing that people were looking for evidence against her, he took the negative and made a print from 4
it. Later the city marshal demanded the plate and Cary gave it to him. Wigle was tried in Lansing on October 3, 1893, 4
and his attorney claimed that although the pictures had been taken, they had not been distributed, sold or loaned by the 4
defendant. The prosecutor apparently convinced the jury that Wigle had taken the pictures with criminal intent, for 4
after brief deliberations Wigle was found guilty and was sentenced to a short term in the county jail. Webb was tried at 4
Mason in January of 1894 on the same charge and was acquitted, probably because of evidence that Wigle had taken 4
the Ketchum picture. Mrs. Ketchum was found guilty at Mason a few days later, but this verdict was overturned on 4
appeal in January of 1895. 4
1. 1870 Federal Census of the Third Ward of Lansing in Ingham County and 1880 Federal Census of Delta Township in Eaton County,
2. Learned in 1995 from the State Archives of Michigan in Lansing.
3. The Detroit News, Detroit, Michigan, September 10 and 11, 1893; The State Republican, Lansing, Michigan September 11 and 14, 1893;
The Detroit Free Press, Detroit, Michigan, September 14, 1893; and The Lansing Journal, Lansing, Michigan, September 15, 1893.
4. Richard Frazier, Let The Record Show, A Legal History of Ingham County, Michigan State University Press, East Lansing, Michigan, 1997.

Cary, William A.
Central Lake Township student ................................................................................................................................. 1880 1
Central Lake PHOTOGRAPHER .................................................................................................................... 1894-1901 m
Central Lake Township farm operator or farmer .............................................................................................. 1910,1920 1
Central Lake shoe cobbler in a repair shop ................................................................................................................ 1930 1
William was born in Canada in December of 1866, the only son of Jesse A. and Reima Cary. His sister Edith Ann 1
was born a year later. The family crossed the border when he was a child, and by 1900 he was a naturalized citizen of 1
the United States. Lillian was born in Michigan in July of 1877, she married William about 1893, and she gave birth to 1
eight children in Michigan between July of 1895 and 1912: Sherman, Clarence, Edith, Ethel, William, Lillian, Gladys, 1
and Howard. 1
1. 1880, 1910 and 1920 Federal Censes of Central Lake Township, plus 1900 and 1930 Federal Censes of the village of Central Lake in
Antrim County, Michigan.

Case, Samuel W.
Hamburg Township child or student ................................................................................................................. 1860,1870 1
Hamburg Township farm laborer ............................................................................................................................... 1880 t m
Alma traveling salesman ............................................................................................................................................ 1900 1
Alma PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................................ 1905-1909 1
Alma soliciting agent for a nursery ............................................................................................................................ 1910 1
His parents came from Rhode Island and New York and Samuel was born in Michigan in May of 1857, last of the 1
six children of Rodman and Margaret Case. Retta was born in Michigan in May of 1870, and she married Samuel 1
about 1898. They never had children. “S. W. Case, Artist, Alma, Mich.” was stamped, and “Jan. - `05” was written, on 1 t
the back of the 8 by 6 inch mount of a 5 by 3 ½ oval photograph of a mustachioed young man in Masonic vestments. t
“S. W. Case. Alma. Photographer.” was stamped on the back of the 8 by 10 mount of a 5 by 7 inch photograph of 27 t
members of the Modern Woodmen of America standing in front of Stevens, McCurdy & Company’s store, as well as t
on the backs of 7½ by 5¼ mounts for oval portraits. Retta was a widow living alone in Alma in 1920, and working as a t 1
dress maker from her home. 1
1. 1860, 1870 and 1880 Federal Censes of Hamburg Township in Livingston County, plus 1900 Federal Census of the village of Alma,
1910 Federal Census of the Fourth Ward and 1920 Federal Census of the Third Ward of Alma in Gratiot County, Michigan.
Casey, Charles
Milan PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................... 1894-1895 m
Deerfield PHOTOGRAPHER ......................................................................................................................... 1894-1903 m
These probably were garbled references to Chester W. Casey. “C. Casey, Milan and Deerfield.” was printed on some m t
cabinet mounts. t

Casey, Chester W.
Dundee Township child or student ................................................................................................................... 1870,1880 1
Dundee PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................ 1896-1897 m
Deerfield PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................................... 1897 2 t
Petersburgh PHOTOGRAPHER .......................................................................................................................... ca 1897 t
Dundee PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................ 1898-1903 m
Toledo, Ohio, carpenter building houses .......................................................................................................... 1920,1930 1
His father was a farmer from New York State, who for a while made his living as a fiddler. Chester was born in 1
Michigan in February of 1866, the only son of George M. and Eliza M. Casey, and was known as William C. Casey as 1
a youth. His sister Anna was one year older, and died in her later teens or early twenties. In 1897, Chester lived in 1 2
Dundee and kept the Deerfield gallery open every Monday. Cabinet photographs by Chester are found from “... 2 t
Dundee, Deerfield and Petersburgh.” One of these pictures posed on a Dundee business street shows a man in a sulky t
with another man holding the bridle of the horse. Chester was single and was living with his parents in 1900. Mayme t 1
was born in Ohio in 1886, and she married Chester when she was 20 and he was 41. Their daughters, Eveline, Doris 1
and Mabel, were born in Ohio between 1907 and 1913. When all the girls were school age, Mayme worked for a while 1
in a local glass factory. 1
1. 1870, 1880 and 1900 Federal Censes of Dundee Township in Monroe County, Michigan, plus 1920 and 1930 Federal Censes of the
Third Ward of Toledo in Lucas County, Ohio.
2. Adrian and Lenawee County Directory, 1897.

Cashore, Jennie, Miss

Napoleon student ....................................................................................................................................................... 1880 1
Jackson photographer for Leamon G. Barton ............................................................................................................ 1884 2
Jennie was born in Ireland in 1861 or 1862, and was the daughter of Thomas and Mary Cashore. She had a sister that 1
was born in Ireland about 1870. 1
1. 1880 Federal Census of the village of Napoleon in Jackson County, Michigan.
2. Learned in 1997 from Gerry L. Blanchard of Jackson, Michigan.

Cass, William M.
Grand Haven (Hughes & Cass) PHOTOGRAPHERS ................................................................................................ 1865 1
Grand Haven PHOTOGRAPHER on Washington st at the corner of First st .................................................. 1865-1867 2 m
Grand Haven PHOTOGRAPHER on Washington st ...................................................................................... 1868-1870 3 m
Grand Haven PHOTOGRAPHER at 72 Washington st ................................................................................... 1874-1875 m
Grand Haven PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................... 1876-1877 4
Grand Haven PHOTOGRAPHER on Washington st ...................................................................................... 1878-1889 m t
William was born in New York State in 1826 or 1827 and his wife, Adelia, was born there ten years later. Hughes & 5 1
Cass opened their Grand Haven gallery in January of 1865, and were credited with taking the 1868 bird’s-eye view of 1
Grand Haven reproduced in Historic Grand Haven and Ottawa County. Between 1864 and 1866 photographs selling 1 6
for 25 cents or less were required to carry a two-cent revenue stamp, but William applied only a single one-cent stamp 6 t
to some of his carte de visites. About 1867, William called himself an Artist and his studio a Picture Gallery. One of t m
the stereo views “Photographed by Wm. Cass” was of the Cutler House in Grand Haven. “All kinds of Picture frames t
cheaper than any other place in the City. Negatives Preserved and duplicates can be had at any time.” was printed on t
some of his mounts in the early 1880s. Later imprints included: “Art Photographer.... Children’s Photographs and t
Bromide Portraits a Specialty.” t
1. Leo C. Lillie, Historic Grand Haven and Ottawa County, Grand Haven, Michigan, 1931, page 323.
2. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1862-1866, National Archives, Washington, D.C.
3. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1867-1868, Great Lakes Branch of the National Archives, Chicago, Illinois.
4. Bradstreet’s Commercial Reports ... Western & Southern States; J. M. Bradstreet & Son Company, New York, January 1, 1877.
5. 1870 Federal Census of the city of Grand Haven and 1880 Federal Census of the First and Second Wards of Grand Haven in
Ottawa County, Michigan.
6. Robert Taft, Photography and the American Scene, Dover Publications, Inc., Mineola, New York, 1964.

Cassady, William J.
Albion PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................. 1862-1864 1
1. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1862-1866, National Archives, Washington, D.C.
Cassey, Henry G.
Detroit druggist’s clerk .............................................................................................................................................. 1868 d
Detroit photographer for John Cadwallader ............................................................................................................... 1870 d 1
Detroit retoucher for photographer Benjamin F. Powelson ....................................................................................... 1876 d 2
Lansing retoucher for photographers G. W. Wood & Company ..................................................................... 1876-1878 2 L
Lansing artist ............................................................................................................................................................. 1880 1
Lansing PHOTO RETOUCHER in the Postoffice Block ................................................................................ 1880-1881 m
Lansing (Cassey & Merell) PHOTOGRAPHERS on Washington av ............................................................. 1882-1883 m
Lansing (Cassey & Beardsley) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 101 Washington av south ................................................... 1883 3
Lansing PHOTOGRAPHER over the Lansing National Bank at 101 Washington av south ..................................... 1883 4
Lansing (Cassey & Whitney) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 101 Washington av south ........................................... 1884-1887 m L
Lansing (Cassey & Company) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 101 Washington av south ......................................... 1888-1889 m
Lansing (Cassey & Riley) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 101 Washington av south ................................................ 1888-1891 4 m
Charlotte (Cassey & Riley) PHOTOGRAPHERS ........................................................................................... 1889-1890 t R
Lansing PHOTOGRAPHER at 101 Washington av south .............................................................................. 1892-1895 L m
Lansing clerk for the Attorney General ............................................................................................................ 1897-1904 L
Lansing clerk in a state office .................................................................................................................................... 1910 1
His father emigrated from France and Henry was born in Pennsylvania in October of 1842. He spent his early years 1 4
at Philadelphia, and moved to Ann Arbor following the death of his father. His name was also spelled Casey and Cassy 4 d
in Detroit directories, and all three names were listed in 1870. One Detroit listing included the designation (col’d), and d
Henry was enumerated as mulatto in the 1870 census. He boarded in 1870 and 1876 with Benjamin Chappee, who was 1 d
one of Detroit’s earliest black citizens and who had two children that spent portions of their careers in photography. A d
Lansing newspaper reported in the summer of 1876 that: “H. G. Cassey, formerly from Powelson’s gallery, Detroit, is 2
now engaged with G. W. Wood & Company. Mr. Cassey is one of the best retouchers in the state.” Henry also gave 1 4
lessons in French and other languages at Lansing. Cassey & Beardsley employed DeForest F. Gibson and Jean B. 4 L
Louis as photographers in 1883, and Henry sold his Best Cabinets for $3.00 per dozen during December. The rooms L 4
over the Lansing National Bank at 101 Washington Avenue were called the Central Michigan Art Gallery by Cassey & L
Whitney, who made specialties of crayon portraits and large work and produced stereo views of the State Capitol and L t
other subjects. In June of 1885 they placed in each of the legislative halls one of their charts with photographic t 2
likenesses of senators and representatives. In November of 1885 they produced a photographic album of the 2
graduating class at Michigan Agricultural College. They employed John B. Louis as a photographer in 1885, Samuel 2 L
S. Riley as a photographer in 1887 and George W. Rose as an artist in 1887. They recorded many aspects of the L t
campus of Michigan Agricultural College and the dining room of the Reform School for Boys as cabinet photographs, t
and produced a composite of 1887 Michigan House of Representatives portraits in the same format. Both Cassey & t
Whitney and Cassey & Riley incorporated the official seal of the State of Michigan into the logo on the back of some t
cabinet mounts. Walter E. Laine was hired by Henry to manage his new system of taking portraits by electric light, the t 4
first in Michigan, and became associated with him as Cassey & Company. One light was used to illuminate the room L 4
while another threw a bluish tint on the back of a sheet of draughting paper against which the subject sat or stood. 4
They had “Taken by Electric Light” printed on some of their cabinet mounts, were open every Tuesday and Saturday t 4
evening, and employed operator Clarence W. Wentworth in 1888. Other employees were photographers E. LeRoy 4 L
Howard in 1889, Charles G. Eddington in 1891 and Eugene A. Phelps in 1892. Blanche Moses was a retoucher for L
Cassey & Riley in 1892. By October of 1888 the new operator at Cassey & Riley had discarded that “horrid head rest’ L 4
and was especially successful with children’s photos. They advertised in the fall of 1889: “For the finest Photographic 4 5
Work go to CASSEY & RILEY, Over Lansing National Bank. Special Rates to Students. Out-Door Groups made on 5
short notice.” One of their cabinet photographs from “... Lansing and Charlotte, Mich.” was a composite of 110 5 t
portraits of members of the 1889 Michigan House of Representatives. Cassey & Riley published an “Album of Class t 6
of 1890 of Michigan Agricultural College.” Henry produced stereoscopic views of the capitol building and of the 6 t
campus of Michigan Agricultural College. He was 75 years old when he died at Lansing on January 13, 1916, t 4
following a brief illness. He was survived by two nieces and a sister-in-law, and burial was in Mount Hope Cemetery. 4
1. 1870 Federal Census of the Sixth Ward of Detroit in Wayne County, 1880 Federal Census of the city of Lansing, plus 1900 and 1910
Federal Censes of the Second Ward of Lansing in Ingham County, Michigan.
2. Lansing Republican Weekly, Lansing, Michigan, August 11, 1876; June 10, 1885, page 4, column 2; and November 23, 1885, page 4, column 3.
3. Lansing City and Ingham County Directory, 1883-84, R. L. Polk & Company, Detroit.
4. Lansing Journal, Lansing, Mich., December 6, 1883; January 19 and 20, March 15, August 1, October 15 and 22, 1888; and January 27, 1916.
5. Michigan Agricultural College newsletter, “The Speculum,” November 10, 1889.
6. Learned in 1995 from Martha Rambo of Lansing, Michigan.
Cassidy, Hillery S.
Pontiac tailor .............................................................................................................................................................. 1850 1
Albion PHOTOGRAPHIC ARTIST over Dr. Stone’s dental parlors on the east side of Superior st .............. 1857-1863 2 m
Albion PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................. 1865-1868 3 4
Albion AMBROTYPE & PHOTOGRAPH ARTIST over the National Bank on Superior st south ......................... 1869 5
Albion PHOTOGRAPHER ....................................................................................................................................... 1870 1
He was born in New Jersey in the summer of 1821, and was enumerated in 1850 and 1860 as Henry S. Cassidy. 1
Elizabeth was born in New York State in the summer of 1826, and she married Hillery about 1843. Their daughter 1
Amelia was born in the state of New York in 1845. Hillery advertised locally late in 1857 and early in 1858: “Gallery 1 2
of Fine Arts. The undersigned would respectfully inform the citizens of Albion and vicinity that he is again in town 2
and ready to wait upon those wishing Perfect Likenesses in any style usually produced by the Photographic Art. 2
Having recently purchased a whole sized camera, he is prepared to execute Likenesses from 4 x 4 size, down to a size 2
small enough for Lockets and Rings. Photographs taken in the finest artistic style. Also Ambrotypes, Or any other 2
Style of Picture required, put up in the best style, and warranted to compare well with any in the State. Please call and 2
examine specimens. Double whole sized views taken. Rooms over Dr. Stone’s new office, south of Phipany’s store, 2
east side of Superior St. H. S. Cassidy, Artist. Albion, November 1, 1857.” Ten engravings of buildings in the border 2 6
of an 1858 map of Calhoun County were each “... from an ambrotype by H. S. Cassidy, Albion.” Mrs. H. C. Cassidy 6 5
and Miss Amelia F. Cassidy both were artists on South Superior Street over the National Bank at Albion in 1869. 5
1. 1850 Federal Census of the village of Pontiac in Oakland County, plus 1860 and 1870 Federal Censes of the village of Albion in
Calhoun County, Michigan.
2. Albion Weekly Mirror, Albion, Michigan, February 18, 1858.
3. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1862-1866, National Archives, Washington, D.C.
4. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1867-1868, Great Lakes Branch of the National Archives, Chicago, Illinois.
5. Calhoun County Business Directory for 1869-70, E. G. Rust, Battle Creek, Michigan.
6. Map of Calhoun County, 1858, Geil, Harley & Siverd, Philadelphia.

Cassidy & Company

Deep River portrait artists ................................................................................................................................ 1886-1893 m
Standish portrait artists .................................................................................................................................... 1894-1895 m
This was printed on the back of trade cards: “CASSIDY & CO. Pictures Copied and Enlarged in India Ink, Water t
GUARANTEED. Orders by Mail Receive Prompt Attention. DEEP RIVER, MICH. OUR WORK IS WARRANTED. Presented by t
……………… Agent. AGENTS WANTED. N. B. Not Responsible for debts contracted by Agents.” A black label on the back of t
an 11½ by 9¾ inch portrait stated: “From CASSIDY & CO., PICTURES COPIED AND ENLARGED. FINE PORTRAITS MADE FROM t
EVERY DESCRIPTION OF SMALL PICTURES. DEEP RIVER, MICH.” W. H. Shepard was identified as the express agent and the t m
manager of Cassidy & Company at Deep River in 1886. George Cassidy held the same positions in 1888 and also was m
serving as postmaster. George was the proprietor of Cassidy & Company at Standish in 1894. m

Cassidy, George J.
Deep River manager of Cassidy & Company, express agent and postmaster .................................................. 1888-1889 m
Standish proprietor of Cassidy & Company .................................................................................................... 1894-1895 m
Standish grain dealer ........................................................................................................................................ 1896-1897 m
Standish dealer in flour and feed, grain and agricultural implements .............................................................. 1898-1899 m
Standish agricultural implement salesman ................................................................................................................. 1900 1
Standish real estate and insurance salesman .............................................................................................................. 1910 1
Standish milking machine salesman ........................................................................................................................... 1920 1
Standish monument salesman .................................................................................................................................... 1930 1
George was born in Canada to parents from Northern Ireland in October of 1854. He immigrated about 1881 and 1
became a naturalized citizen of the United States. Lucy was born in Canada in May of 1856 and came to Michigan in 1
1885. She married George about 1886, and their daughter Gladys was born here in October of 1895. Gladys remained 1
single, was employed as a stenographer and then a bookkeeper, and still was living with her parents in 1930. 1
1. 1900 Federal Census of the city of Standish plus 1910, 1920 and 1930 Federal Censes of the Second Ward of Standish in Arenac
County, Michigan.

Castle Gallery, The

Benton Harbor PHOTOGRAPHERS ........................................................................................................................ 1911 t
“The Castle Gallery, Benton Harbor, Mich.” was printed on the post card backs of photographs of people holding a t
“BENTON HARBOR” pennant. One of these was taken of three children on July 25, 1911. t
Castlio, Iantha, Miss
Saint Joseph retoucher and printer ............................................................................................................................. 1903 1
Iantha advertised nationally in the summer of 1903: “WANTED - Position by a lady; retouching, printing, finishing; 1
can assist in other work; wages, $10. Miss Iantha Castlio, 319 Wayne, St. Joseph, Mich.” 1
1. St. Louis and Canadian Photographer; volume 27, number 7, July 1903.

Caswell, George E.
Lyons PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................................ 1865 1
Portland merchant ...................................................................................................................................................... 1878 2
George was born on July 2, 1843, and was married when he died of consumption of the lungs on July 14, 1878. 2
1. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1862-1866, National Archives, Washington, D.C.
2. GENDIS on the Web, Genealogical Death Indexing System, Michigan.

Cates, John Wesley

Petrolia, Ontario, child ............................................................................................................................................... 1901 1
Winnipeg, Manitoba, student ..................................................................................................................................... 1911 1
United States Army soldier .............................................................................................................................. 1917-1918 2
Detroit photographic worker in the studio of a photographer .................................................................................... 1920 2
Detroit COMMERCIAL PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................... 1930 2
Highland Park resident .............................................................................................................................................. 1935 2
Hazel Park photographer for an auto manufacturer ................................................................................................... 1940 2
John was born in New York State to Canadian parents on April 1, 1897, the only son of John Wesley Cates and 1 3
Emma Ellena (Chititick) Cates. His sisters also were born in the United States: Wanda in May of 1895, and Ella in 3 1
July of 1906. Their family was together in 1911, but in 1920 John and Ella were living with their mother and her 1 2
current husband, John A. Henry. The photographic worker Russell O. Wilson also was a member of this household. 2
In 1930 John was boarding with his widowed sister Wanda McPhee. Myra E. O’Hare was born in Michigan to natives 2 3
of Michigan on May 3, 1910, fifth of the six children of John and Rose (Neville) O’Hare. She married John about 3 2
1932, and their children were born in Michigan: John in 1933 or early in 1934, and Sally four years later. John Wesley 2 4
Cates died at Bradenton, Florida, on September 18, 1976. His widow Myra lived on at Bradenton until her death on 4
September 15, 2001. 4
1. 1901 Canadian Census of Petrolia in Lambton County, Ontario, and 1911 Canadian Census of the city of Winnipeg, Manitoba.
2. 1920 Federal Census of the Sixth Ward and 1930 Federal Census of the Second Ward of Detroit in Wayne County, plus 1940 Federal
Census of the village of Hazel Park in Oakland County, Michigan.
3. Debra Elrod Family Tree on the internet.
4. Social Security Death Index.

Great portrait with camera in Debra Elrod Family Tree

Cathcart, _______
Constantine PHOTOGRAPHER in Gladding’s Block .................................................................................... 1860-1861 1
This advertisement ran in a local newspaper for several months early in 1861: “ates, jhcart’s Photographic Rooms! In 1
Gladding’s Block, Constantine, Michigan. Pictures taken in all kinds of weather, and in the highest style of the art, 1
upon PAPER, GLASS, IRON, LEATHER, or on any other material upon which pictures have been taken, as may be 1
desired. Call in and examine specimens. Constantine, December 20th, 1860.” By June 6, 1861, the ambrotype gallery 1
in Gladding’s Hall was being advertised for lease. 1
1. Mercury & Advertiser, Constantine, Michigan, January 10 through May 9, and June 6, 1861.

Cathcart, A. M.
Perry PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................................ 1880-1881 m
Nelson H. Cathcart was Perry’s photographer in 1880, so probably this was a garbled reference to him. 1
1. 1880 Federal Census of Perry Township in Shiawassee County, Michigan.
Cathcart, Martha Adeline, Mrs.
Berrien County child or student ........................................................................................................................ 1850,1860 1
Buchanan (Mr. & Mrs. M. Cathcart) PHOTOGRAPHERS ................................................................................. ca 1867 t
Buchanan housewife .................................................................................................................................................. 1870 1
Buchanan portrait painter or artist ................................................................................................................... 1874-1887 m
Buchanan housewife .................................................................................................................................................. 1900 1
Buchanan stenographer .................................................................................................................................... 1906-1907 m
Buchanan resident ............................................................................................................................................ 1909-1916 2
Her father emigrated from England, her mother came from Ohio, and Martha Adeline Roe was born in Michigan in 1 2
October of 1844. She was third of the four children of George and Asenath Roe. Martha married photographer Marvin 1 2
Cathcart at Buchanan on August 21, 1867. She was often known as Addie, and was not listed in every gazetteer during 2 m
the 1870s and 1880s. She was a widow working as a teacher and as a private stenographer in 1910. She was cared for 1 2
during the seven months of her final illness by her adopted daughter, Miss Nellie M. Cathcart. Martha was receiving a 2
widow’s pension of $12.00 per month when she died on May 5, 1916. 2
1. 1850 Federal Census of the Tenth Division of Berrien County, 1860 Federal Census of Bertrand Township in Berrien County, plus
1870, 1900 and 1910 Federal Censes of the village of Buchanan in Berrien County, Michigan.
2. Civil War Veteran Pension Record of Marvin Cathcart obtained from the National Archives in Washington, D. C.

Cathcart, Marvin
Elkhart County, Indiana, student and farm laborer .................................................................................................... 1840 1
Washington Township, Indiana, farmer ..................................................................................................................... 1850 1
Warsaw, Indiana, (Excelsior Rooms) AMBROTYPIST ........................................................................................... 1858 2
Bristol, Indiana, artist ................................................................................................................................................ 1860 1
Bristol, Indiana, photographist ................................................................................................................................... 1862 3
United States Army soldier .............................................................................................................................. 1862-1863 3
Bristol, Indiana, photographer .............................................................................................................................. ca 1863 3
South Bend, Indiana, photographer ...................................................................................................................... ca 1864 3
New Carlisle, Indiana, photographer .................................................................................................................... ca 1865 3
Buchanan PHOTOGRAPHER .................................................................................................................................. 1865 4
Buchanan (Cathcart & Walters) PHOTOGRAPHERS on Main st .................................................................. 1865-1866 m
Buchanan PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................ 1866-1867 m
Buchanan (Mr. & Mrs. M. Cathcart) PHOTOGRAPHERS ................................................................................. ca 1867 t
Buchanan PHOTOGRAPHER .................................................................................................................................. 1870 1
Buchanan PHOTOGRAPHER on Main st ....................................................................................................... 1871-1893 5 m
Buchanan PHOTOGRAPHER .................................................................................................................................. 1894 6
Buchanan cigar merchant ................................................................................................................................. 1894-1897 m
Buchanan PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................ 1896-1899 m
Buchanan PHOTOGRAPHER and cigar merchant ................................................................................................... 1899 7
Buchanan PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................ 1900-1907 m R
Buchanan resident ............................................................................................................................................ 1908-1909 3
His parents came from New York and New Jersey and Marvin was born in Indiana in January of 1827. By 1840 his 1 2
mother, Peniniah, Penenah or Pennina Cathcart, was a widow running a farm with the help of her five children, of 1
which Marvin was the third. In 1860 he was identified as a literate artist with no real or personal property. He was 5 1 2
feet 11 inches tall with a light complexion, blue eyes and dark hair when he enlisted as a private in Company I of the 3
88th Indiana Infantry at Bristol on August 5, 1862. For six weeks he stood picket guard and camp guard, and then was 3
assigned as a bugler. From severe exposure near Perryville, Kentucky, he contracted chronic diarrhea and by 3
November 10, 1862, was in a hospital at Bowling Green, Kentucky. He was in a hospital at Nashville, Tennessee, from 3
December 9 until he was discharged on February 16, 1863. Marvin and Miss Kate Fallon were married earlier but had 3
no children, and were divorced in 1864. His studio was called a Picture Gallery in the gazetteer for 1867, and 3 m
Cathcart’s Art Place on some of his early card photograph mounts. He and 22-year-old Miss Martha Adeline Roe were t 3
married at Buchanan on August 21, 1867, and later adopted a daughter. He applied successfully for a pension in 1 3
December of 1879, and applied for increases in July of 1890 and February of 1907. He was receiving $20.00 per 3
month at the time of his death on January 20, 1909. 3
1. 1840, 1850 and 1860 Federal Censes of Washington Township of Elkhart County, Indiana, plus 1870, 1880 and 1900 Federal Censes
of the village of Buchanan in Berrien County, Michigan.
2. Learned in 2000 from James A. Marusek of Bloomfield, Indiana.
3. Civil War Veteran Pension Record of Marvin Cathcart obtained from the National Archives in Washington, D. C.
4. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1862-1866, National Archives, Washington, D.C.
5. Berrien County Directory, 1871, Ed. B. Cowles.
6. The Blue Book for Amateur Photographers ... 1895: compiled early in 1894 by Walter Sprange, Beach Bluff, Massachusetts.
7. Benton Harbor, St. Joseph and Niles Directory, 1899, W. A. Norton, St. Joseph, Michigan.
Cathcart, Nelson H.
Pembroke, New York, student ................................................................................................................................... 1850 1
Coldwater PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY on Chicago st ................................................................................... 1862-1863 m
Adrian PHOTOGRAPHER at the corner of Maumee and Winter sts .............................................................. 1864-1865 2 t
Flint baker .................................................................................................................................................................. 1870 1
Flint PHOTOGRAPHER on the north side of Kearsley st east of Saginaw st ................................................. 1874-1877 f 3
Perry PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................................ 1880-1884 4 5
Dansville PHOTOGRAPHER .............................................................................................................................. ca 1883 t
Morrice PHOTOGRAPHER ..................................................................................................................................... 1884 65
Fowlerville PHOTOGRAPHER ...................................................................................................................... 1884-1887 m
Flint PHOTOGRAPHER at 400 Saginaw st south .......................................................................................... 1888-1889 f
Bancroft PHOTOGRAPHER .......................................................................................................................... 1888-1891 m
Flint photographer for Charles S. Seabolt ................................................................................................................... 1892 f
Flint PHOTOGRAPHER on the ground floor at 120 Second st west .............................................................. 1894-1897 f m
Goodrich PHOTOGRAPHER ......................................................................................................................... 1896-1897 m
Flint PHOTOGRAPHER on the ground floor at 120 Second st west ........................................................................ 1898 m
Flint (Cathcart & Williams) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 120 Second st west ....................................................... 1898-1899 7 f
Flint PHOTOGRAPHER at 501 Saginaw st ......................................................................................................... ca 1900 1 t
Flint PHOTOGRAPHER at 500 Saginaw st south .......................................................................................... 1902-1903 f m
Flint PHOTOGRAPHER at 504 Liberty st ...................................................................................................... 1904-1911 8 m
Nelson was born in New York State in March of 1836, a son of Thomas and Maria Cathcart, both natives of New 1
York. He had at least one older brother as well as a younger sister and brother. Amanda was born in the state of New 1
York in May of 1839, and she married Nelson about 1861. Etta, or Ettie, was born in Michigan in June of 1868, and 1
was adopted by the Cathcarts sometime after 1880. Some carte de visite sized tintypes carried two cent revenue stamps 1 t
and were held into their paper frames by pasters which were preprinted: “New Style Card Pictures executed and t
delivered in Twenty Minutes. N. H. Cathcart, New Chemical Process and Patent Multiplying Camera. Made only at t
the cor. Maumee & Winter Sts., opposite Lawrence Hotel, Adrian, Mich. For beauty, cheapness and durability, not t
surpassed. Pictures from $1.00 to $2.50 per doz.” He also produced carte sized tintypes from Kearsley Street in Flint. t
Nelson was moving so often about 1880 that “N. H. Cathcart, _______, Mich. Negatives Preserved.” was printed on t
his card photograph mounts. He attended the inaugural convention of the Photographers’ Association of America at t 4
Chicago in August of 1880, and was on the first published list of PA of A members in May of 1881. He was in 4 5
Milwaukee for the fourth annual PA of A convention in August of 1883. He was moving his photographic car from 5 6
Perry to Morrice in April of 1884. In addition to the usual portraits, Nelson used the card format for photographic 6 t
views of Fowlerville business frontage. The purchase by Julius I. Williams of an interest in Cathcart’s Flint gallery was t 7
reported late in 1898. Nelson advertised nationally in the fall of 1907: “WANTED - ... an all-round workman, sober 7
and neat....” Amanda was a widow by 1920, and still was sharing her home with Etta who had remained single. 7 1
1. 1850 Federal Census of Pembroke Township in Genesee County, New York, 1880 Federal Census of Perry Township in Shiawassee
County, plus 1870 Federal Census of the Third Ward, 1900 and 1910 Federal Censes of the Second Ward, and 1920 Federal Census
of the Sixth Ward of Flint in Genesee County, Michigan.
2. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1862-1866, National Archives, Washington, D.C.
3. Bradstreet’s Commercial Reports ... Western & Southern States; J. M. Bradstreet & Son Company, New York, January 1, 1877.
4. Anthony’s Photographic Bulletin, volume 11, August 1880, page 273.
5. The Photographic Times, New York, volume 11, number 125, May 1881, and volume 13, number 152, August 1883.
6. Noted in The Times of Owosso for April 18, 1884, by Father George C. Michalek of Lansing, Michigan.
7. St. Louis and Canadian Photographer; volume 22, number 12, December 1898, page 663; and volume 31, number 10, October 1907, page 342.
8. “Photographers of Flint, Michigan” by Kenneth A. Wallace in The Flint Genealogical Quarterly; volume 17, numbers 2 ,3 and4,
and volume18, numbers 1, 2, 3 and 4, April 1975 to October 1976.

Catlin, C. S.
Boyne City (Findlay & Catlin) PHOTOGRAPHERS ...................................................................................... 1920-1921 m
Caton, George Judson
White Eyes Township, Ohio, student ......................................................................................................................... 1900 1
Detroit mounter or photographer ..................................................................................................................... 1904-1906 d
Detroit stenographer .................................................................................................................................................. 1910 d
Detroit photo printer or photographer .............................................................................................................. 1911-1913 d
Detroit painter .................................................................................................................................................. 1914-1916 d
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 261 Hecla av ................................................................................................... 1916-1919 m d
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 1298 Fourteenth av ......................................................................................... 1919-1920 d
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 5906 Fourteenth av ......................................................................................... 1920-1923 d m
Detroit (Caton Photo Company) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 5906 Fourteenth av ................................................ 1924-1928 d m
Detroit (Caton Photo Company) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 5906-08 Fourteenth av .......................................... 1929-1941 d m
Detroit (Caton Photo Company) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 5906 Fourteenth av ................................................ 1942-1948 2
George was born at Fresno in Coshocton County, Ohio, on September 8, 1888, the elder son of James and Victoria 3 1
(Phillabaum) Caton. He was often identified by his middle name, Judson. Something happened to James in 1900, for 1
on June 14 Judson and his brother Roy were in the Children’s Industrial Home at Cleveland. A few days later Roy and 1
his mother were with his maternal grandparents in White Eyes Township and Judson was with his paternal 1
grandparents, George R. and Lucinda Caton, in the same township. Janet, later Jennie, was born in Michigan to a 1 3
Scotch mother in 1892, and she married Judson about 1910. Their daughter Doris was born in Michigan in 1911 or 1
1912. Judson was of medium height and build in 1918, with grey eyes and black hair. He was sole proprietor of the 3 d
Caton Photo Company through 1926, in 1935, and in most succeeding years. W. J. Gowanlock and George C. d
Shepperd were his partners from 1927 until 1934, and defined themselves as photo finishers. George C. Shepperd was d
again associated with the Caton Photo Company in 1937 and in 1940. G. Judson Caton was also president of the d
Concourse Camera Shop in 1939 and 1940. He was 71 years old at the time of his death in Detroit on September 25, d 4
1959. 4
1. 1900 Federal Census of White Eyes Township in Coshocton County and 1900 Federal Census of the 41st Ward of Cleveland in
Cuyahoga County, Ohio, plus 1920 Federal Census of the eighth Ward and 1930 Federal Census of the Sixteenth Ward of Detroit
in Wayne County, Michigan.
2. Detroit telephone directories, 1942 through 1948.
3. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.
4. Detroit Death Index in the Burton Historical Collection of the Detroit Public Library at Detroit, Michigan.

Caul, Thaddeus
White Pigeon grocer .................................................................................................................................................. 1850 1
White Pigeon AMBROTYPIST ................................................................................................................................ 1858 2
White Pigeon grocer .................................................................................................................................................. 1860 1
Winona, Minnesota, laborer ...................................................................................................................................... 1870 1
Toledo, Ohio, resident ............................................................................................................................................... 1880 3
New York, New York, resident ................................................................................................................................. 1900 1
Thaddeus was born in Pennsylvania about 1824. Mary Ann was born there two years later, and she married 1
Thaddeus about 1847. Their four sons and three daughters were born in Michigan between 1848 and 1865. Thaddeus 1
was unemployed at Toledo in 1880, and he died in New York City on April 8, 1900. 1 3
1. 1850 and 1860 Federal Censes of the village of White Pigeon in St. Joseph County, Michigan, 1870 Federal Census of the First Ward
of Winona in Winona County, Minnesota, and 1880 Federal Census of the city of Toledo in Lucas County, Ohio.
2. Map of St. Joseph County, Michigan, 1858, Geil, Harley & Siverd, Philadelphia.
3. New York City Deaths, 1892-1902.

Cauzac, _______
Montague PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................ 1909-1911 t
Chicago, Illinois, PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................. 1910-1911 t
negative of a post card photograph mailed in July of 1910. “CAUZAC PHOTO. MONTAGUE, MICH.” was lettered t
on other postal negatives of scenes at Mears along with captions and circled numbers such as 511 and 777. t
“CAUZAC PHOTO.” was lettered on additional post card negatives of scenes at Hart, Mears, New Era, Pentwater and t
Rothbury along with captions and circled numbers such as 25, 100, 222, 501, 555, and 557. Some of the cards were t
mailed between October of 1909 and August of 1911. “PUB BY J. W. ANYS” was also lettered on the Pentwater t
negatives. “-CAUZAC-, CHICAGO” or “-CAUZAC-, CHICAGO, ILL.” was lettered on the negatives of postal scenes t
at Epworth Heights and Lower Hamlin Lake accompanied by captions and designations such as #2B, #20 or #33. t
Some of these cards were postmarked between July of 1910 and December of 1911. t
1. Map of St. Joseph County, Michigan, 1858, Geil, Harley & Siverd, Philadelphia.
Cave, John Henry
Detroit child ............................................................................................................................................................... 1880 1
Detroit bookkeeper, machine hand, box maker, grocer or sales clerk ............................................................. 1891-1898 d
Detroit COMMERCIAL PHOTOGRAPHER at 10 Baker st .................................................................................... 1899 d
Detroit COMMERCIAL PHOTOGRAPHER at 27 Lafayette av .................................................................... 1900-1903 d m
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 62 Washington av ..................................................................................................... 1903 d
Detroit traveling agent ............................................................................................................................................... 1904 d
Detroit (Cave & Dempster) PHOTOGRAPHERS ................................................................................................ ca 1905 t
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 193 Theodore st .............................................................................................. 1905-1906 d t
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 462 Berlin st .............................................................................................................. 1907 d t
Highland Park PHOTOGRAPHER working from his home ........................................................................... 1908-1911 d 1
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER ....................................................................................................................................... 1911 R
North Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................ ca 1915 t
Highland Park clerk or auto worker ................................................................................................................. 1917-1918 d
Detroit photographer for the Manning Brothers ........................................................................................................ 1918 2
Highland Park photographer ............................................................................................................................ 1919-1920 d
Detroit photographer for the Manning Brothers .............................................................................................. 1921-1922 d
Highland Park photographer ............................................................................................................................ 1923-1925 d
Detroit commercial photographer .............................................................................................................................. 1930 1
John was born in Michigan on May 14, 1874, eldest of the four children and only son of William and Josephine Ada 3 1
Cave. He became a man of medium height and weight with hazel eyes and brown hair. His wife and children also were 3 1
born in Michigan: Ida in 1872, Marion in 1905, Clarence about 1907, Marjorie in 1911 and John H. Junior in 1913. 1
Clarence did not reach maturity. As a commercial photographer John offered general viewing, finishing for amateurs, 1 d
copying and enlarging. “CAVE, 10 BAKER ST., Detroit, M.” was printed on labels adhered inside the backs of 1¼ inch d t
diameter pin-back buttons made from studio portraits. John copyrighted views of Rochester in 1900. He was a very t
prolific publisher of post card photographs, mainly views of southeastern Michigan places within 50 miles of Detroit, t
but including some places as much as 150 miles away. The printing on the back of some early postal views was a t
modest “J. H. CAVE, - DETROIT, MICH.” or “Real Photo Cards - (Copyright Reserved) J. H. Cave, Detroit, Mich.” t
Then his printing became bolder with “ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. J. H. Cave, 193 Theodore St., Detroit, Mich.” or t
“REAL PHOTO CARD, Copyright Reserved. J. H. CAVE, 462 BERLIN ST., DETROIT, MICH.” printed on the t
backs. Some cards were made from negatives on which “COPYR’T. APL’D FOR, J. H. CAVE, DET.” had been t
lettered, or into which “PHOTOS BY J. H. CAVE, HIGHLAND PARK, MICH.” had been scribed. “J. H. CAVE, t
Highland Park, Mich.” was stamped on the back of a postal view of the court house at Corunna, while “GENUINE t
PHOTO - BROMIDE” was stamped on its face. “Photo by J. H. Cave” and “Paulding Co. Grows `Some Corn’” were t
lettered on the negative of a postal photo of a motor truck loaded with three huge ears of corn on a business street. On t
the back of this card was printed: “WHAT IS YOUR TOWN (Or Locality) NOTED FOR? Do you excell in Corn, t
Hogs, Cattle, or what have you to be proud of? Send a Photo (or photo post card) of some view of interest (your main t
st., etc.) which could be worked up similar to this sample trick card and I will make up a design for your approval, t
without charge. Price of real photos: $2.50 per 100. Re-orders, $1.50 per 100. Special prices in quantities. Terms t
cash with order. J. H. Cave, Highland Park, Mich.” Printed on the post card back of a canoeing scene at Belle Isle t
was this message: “REAL PHOTOS, $1.50 per 100, cash with order. Views from your own photos or negatives with fancy border, or with t
the view covering entire card, as you prefer. A line of Easter, Holiday Cards, etc., with views of local interest make exceptional sellers. Send for t
designs with space for your photos. Photo cards may be made from any photo or photo card, but original negatives are preferred. Special prices in t
quantities. - J. H. Cave, Highland Park, Mich.” Some post card photographs had “Pub, by J. H. Cave, Photographer, North Detroit, t
Mich.” printed on their backs, while others were printed from negatives on which “J. H. Cave, N. Detroit” had been t
lettered. John’s 16-year-old namesake also was identified as a commercial photographer in 1930. John was 84 years 1 4
old when he died in Detroit on September 9, 1958. 4
1. 1910 Federal Census of the village of Highland Park, 1880 Federal Census of the Twelfth Ward, 1900 Federal Census of the
Eighth Ward, plus 1920 and 1930 Federal Censes of the Sixth Ward of Detroit in Wayne County, Michigan.
2. Identification of the source of this information has been misplaced, and must be re-established.
3. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.
4. Detroit Death Index in the Burton Historical Collection of the Detroit Public Library at Detroit, Michigan.
Caverly, Ella M., Mrs.
Grand Rapids PHOTO RETOUCHER at 1062 Fifth av ............................................................................................ 1900 g
Grand Rapids photo retoucher for photographer Charles E. Heath ........................................................................... 1901 g
Grand Rapids photo retoucher for photographers Krebs & Brubaker ....................................................................... 1902 g
Grand Rapids photo retoucher for photographer Frank C. Fryett .............................................................................. 1903 g
Grand Rapids resident ...................................................................................................................................... 1904-1905 g
Grand Rapids PHOTO RETOUCHER 84 Monroe st ................................................................................................ 1906 g
Grand Rapids resident ................................................................................................................................................ 1908 g
Grand Rapids PHOTO RETOUCHER 84 Monroe st ................................................................................................ 1909 g
Grand Rapids resident ...................................................................................................................................... 1910-1912 g
Ella was born in Michigan in 1864 or early in 1865, the second and last child of Lewis M. and Mary Carlton. She 1
married Derl A. Caverly about 1899. Ella employed Miss Grace L. Wiser as a retoucher in 1900. Beginning in 1908, 1 g
she was identified as the widow of Derl A. Caverly. Please see also the entry for Miss Ella M. Carlton. g
1. 1880 Federal Census of Grand Rapids Township in Kent County, Michigan.

Cawker, Victor
Manistee PHOTOGRAPHER .......................................................................................................................... 1884-1885 m
In June of 1900, one Victor Cawker was a porter on a large passenger ship moored in the Michigan Canal slip of the 1
Chicago River at Chicago, Illinois. He was born in Canada to English parents in October of 1864, and immigrated to 1
the United States in 1882. 1
1. 1900 Federal Census of the 24th Ward of Chicago in Cook County, Illinois.

Cedarback, Matt
Negaunee PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................ 1912-1915 m
Please see also the entries for Saterback and Soderback. m

Celery City View Company

Kalamazoo STEREOGRAPH PUBLISHER ........................................................................................................ ca 1895 t
The Celery City View Company published a “LIFE OF CHRIST SERIES. Reproduced from Original Photos.” The t
views are colored lithoprints mounted on flat gray cards. While the colors are somewhat garish, the scenes are more t
realistic and show more depth and detail than do most examples of this table-top genre. They also published a t
“COLORADO SERIES, Original Photographs.” with individual legends lettered beneath the photographic prints. One t
example was “Indians at Albuquerque, N. M.” t

Cemer, Ella H., Mrs.

Battle Creek assistant photographer ........................................................................................................................... 1910 1
Ella was born in Michigan in 1885 or early in 1886, and by 1910 had been married and divorced. Her next-door 1
neighbor, Mrs. Mattie B. Riedell, also was an assistant photographer in 1910, and Mattie’s husband, Burt H. Riedell, 1 m
opened a photographic studio a couple of years later. m
1. 1910 Federal Census of the Second Ward of Battle Creek in Calhoun County, Michigan.

Central Art Studio Company

Detroit PHOTOGRAPHERS at 935 Chene st ................................................................................................. 1917-1918 d m
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHERS at 4743 Chene st ......................................................................................................... 1920 t d
Stanley Babiarz and Thomas Hoffman were the proprietors of this studio in 1917 and 1918, and advertised as “First d
Class Photographers. We make Artistic Photographs of Weddings, Family Groups, &c. Photos Enlarged and Portraits d
Hand Finished. Stanley Babiarz was sole proprietor of the Chene Street studio in 1920. d

Central City Photo Studio

Jackson PHOTOGRAPHERS ............................................................................................................................... ca 1905 t
“Central City PHOTO STUDIO, JACKSON, MICH.” was blind stamped below 5½ by 3 inch photographs on 9 by 5¾ tan mounts. t
One of these photos was of a streetcar or interurban motorman or conductor in his freshly pressed uniform. t

Central Gallery
Ann Arbor PHOTOGRAPHERS at the southwest corner of Main and Huron sts ................................................ ca 1887 t

Central Gallery
Cadillac PHOTOGRAPHERS ......................................................................................................................... 1884-1885 m t
Adelbert Newell was the proprietor of this Central Gallery. t
Central Gallery
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHERS at 217 Woodward av .............................................................................................. ca 1873 t
Card photographs from the early 1870s are found with this, but with no additional information. The gallery at this d
address was occupied by John Cadwallader in 1870, by Corydon C. Randall in 1871 and 1872, by Charles Eisenhardt d
in 1874, by Alfred W. Abraham in 1875, and by John Mintoyne in 1876. d

Central Lake View Company

Central Lake PHOTOGRAPHERS ....................................................................................................................... ca 1900 t
Views of a band parading under a temporary decorative arch and of costumed men on a horse-drawn float were t
published in the standard stereo view format, but the two images appear to be identical. t

Central Michigan Copying Company

Charlotte PHOTOGRAPHERS ............................................................................................................................ ca 1870 t

Central Michigan Portrait Company

Jackson PHOTOGRAPHERS at 118 Main st east ........................................................................................... 1886-1887 1 m
Charles R. Eckstein was the proprietor of this company. 1
1. Learned in 1997 from Gerry L. Blanchard of Jackson, Michigan.

Central Photo Gallery

Iron Mountain PHOTOGRAPHERS on Ludington st .......................................................................................... ca 1895 t

Central Photograph Gallery

Muskegon PHOTOGRAPHERS .......................................................................................................................... ca 1879 t
George G. Burdick and Charles Van Buskirk were the proprietors of this Central Photograph Gallery. t

Central Studio, The

Kalamazoo PHOTOGRAPHERS at the corner of Main and Burdick sts ............................................................. ca 1895 t
Century Photo-View Company
Midland STEREOGRAPH PUBLISHERS .......................................................................................................... ca 1904 t
Saginaw STEREOGRAPH PUBLISHERS at 612 Union av ................................................................................ ca 1905 t
Traverse City STEREOGRAPH PUBLISHERS at 815 Seventh st ...................................................................... ca 1905 t
Traverse City PHOTOGRAPHERS ................................................................................................................ 1906-1910 t
Grand Rapids PHOTOGRAPHERS in Room 312 of the New Aldrich Block ................................................ 1919-1920 g
Grand Rapids PHOTOGRAPHERS at 1119 Wealthy av southeast ........................................................................... 1922 g
Grand Rapids PHOTOGRAPHERS at 40 Ionia av northwest ......................................................................... 1926-1930 g m
The Midland, Saginaw and Traverse City stereograph imprints seem to have been used interchangeably and t
simultaneously, rather than sequentially. The Midland imprint was used on stereo views of Midland, of the 1904 t
funeral of Perry Hannah and other scenes at Traverse City, and of Mackinac Island, St. Charles, St. Ignace, Sault Ste. t
Marie, Ishpeming, Marquette, Negaunee and Frankfort; also of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition at St. Louis in 1904, t
Park Place in New York City, and of humorous and sentimental subjects. The Saginaw label appeared on stereo views t
of Davison, Flushing, St. Ignace, Saginaw, Durand and humorous subjects. Traverse City stereographs included views t
of Harbor Springs, Harbor Point, Charlevoix, Petoskey, Traverse City, Mackinac Island and sentimental subjects as t
well as views of Arizona, California, Colorado and Missouri. “Published by Century Photo-View Co., Traverse City, t
Mich.” was printed on the post card backs of photographs with legends printed on their negatives in small block t
letters. Besides views of Traverse City, these included scenes at Crystal Lake, Frankfort, South Frankfort and t
Thompsonville in Benzie County, and at Mesick in Wexford County. Many of these cards were postmarked during t
1910. Cards with the same type of printed legends but without the back mark were common, and included views of a t
Knights of Pythias conclave at Traverse City on October 21, 1906, a Soldiers’ Encampment there in September of t
1907, and the decorations on Front Street for July 4, 1908. From 1919 through 1922, Frank P. Wright was manager of t g
the company. In 1919 they advertised stereopticon lantern slides, Michigan views and photographs for illustrations. In g
1922 it was educational, religious and advertising slides, projection equipment and theatre supplies. “CENTURY g t
was printed in gold on the black border surrounding the photographs of lantern slides. Some of these slides depicted t
birds, an excelsior plant, a cooperage plant, assembling barrels, a veneer mill, a shingle mill, a saw mill, tanbark t
outside a tannery, Michigan white pine - cut and burned, a log drive on the Betsie River, a banking ground, a lumber t
yard at Traverse City, the Piqua Handle Works at Thompsonville, and a poor farmer’s homestead in Kentucky. t
Numbered views included 25c - A jam during a log drive on the Betsie River, 26a - Saw mill, boom of logs and lumber t
piles on the Saginaw River, 26d - Loading steam barge with lumber at Empire, 10313 - Wood yard and charcoal- t
chemical plant at Cadillac, 10513 - Rollways at Boardman Lake in Traverse City, and 10521 - Train load of hard t
wood. Some of the views were nicely hand colored. “Century Photo-View Co., Grand Rapids, Mich.” was printed on t
the post card backs of photographs postmarked from 1923 to 1926, and was stamped on the backs of others along with t
“Sample Card, No. _____” Descriptions were printed on the cards in various styles, usually on the face at the top or t
beneath the picture, of scenes in Kent, Leelanau, Newaygo and Osceola Counties. At the top of a 15 by 6 inch heavy t
black card was posted a label advertising: “Set No. 2. Genuine Photo View Post Cards, Three Cards – 10c. Published by t
CENTURY PHOTO VIEW CO., Grand Rapids, Mich.” Below the label were mounted three post card photographs of t
scenes in the Michigan National Guard Camp at Grayling in Crawford County. These cards had captions press printed t
below the image in the white border surrounding it. Cards of scenes at Camp Grayling in the identical format were t
mailed in July or early in August of 1929, 1930, 1931, 1932, 1933 and 1934, and carried no identification of the t
maker. t
Chadbourne, Cyrus
Harrison Township, Maine, student ........................................................................................................................... 1850 1
Harrison Township, Maine, clerk in a store ............................................................................................................... 1860 1
Monroe photograph artist .......................................................................................................................................... 1870 1
Monroe (S. Wing Gallery) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 23 Front st ........................................................................... ca 1872 t
Toledo, Ohio, PHOTOGRAPHER at 183 Summit st ...................................................................................... 1873-1874 2
Toledo, Ohio, PHOTOGRAPHER at 324 Superior st ..................................................................................... 1874-1875 2
Fond du Lac, Wisconsin, PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................. 1875-1882 3
Milwaukee, Wisconsin, PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................... 1883-1886 3
Fond du Lac, Wisconsin, PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................. 1887-1892 3
Fond du Lac, Wisconsin, (Miller & Chadbourne) PHOTOGRAPHERS ........................................................ 1893-1900 3
Fond du Lac, Wisconsin, PHOTOGRAPHER with a studio ........................................................................... 1901-1905 3
Fond du Lac, Wisconsin, PHOTOGRAPHER from his home ................................................................................... 1910 1
Cyrus was born in Maine in 1843, apparently the only child of Samuel W. and Susan F. Chadbourne. He was 1
recruited by Simon Wing to staff one of his growing network of photograph galleries. On the back of a card 1 t
photograph beneath an engraving of a four lens camera is printed: “WING’S MULTIPLYING CAMERA, Secured by t
Southworth’s reissued patent, dated Sept. 25, 1860, extended April 10, 1869, and Wing’s patents, dated Dec. 4, 1860, t
and May 26, 1868. Legally used only at our Rooms, 23 FRONT ST., MONROE, MICH. Just the thing for quick t
working with children and others who cannot sit still, and doing best work at low prices. Every customer can rely upon t
the most respectful and kind attention. C. CHADBOURN, Operator.” E. J. Phippen either preceded or succeeded t
Chadbourne as operator of the Wing Gallery in Monroe. Anna was born in Maine about 1849, and she married Cyrus t 1
in 1874. Their sons were born in Wisconsin, Franklin in 1835 or early in 1836 and Percy seven years later. The 1 4
continuity of working dates in Wisconsin is based upon some assumptions. 2
1. 1850 and 1860 Federal Censes of Harrison Township in Cumberland County, Maine, 1870 Federal Census of the Second Ward of
Monroe in Monroe County, Michigan, and 1910 Federal Census of the Twelfth Ward of Fond du Lac in Fond du Lac County, Wisconsin.
2. Diane VanSkiver Gagel, Ohio Photographers 1839-1900, Carl Mautz Publishing, Nevada City, California, 1998.
3. Directory of Wisconsin Photographers; State Historical Society of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin, 1991.
4. Wisconsin State Censuses, 1895 and 1905.

Chafee, _______
South Haven (Newman & Chafee) PHOTOGRAPHERS at Number 5 Broadway ............................................... ca 1872 t

Chaffin, _______
Owosso (Sharpsteen & Chaffin) PHOTOGRAPHERS at the corner of Washington and Exchange sts .................... 1874 R t
Sharpsteen & Chaffin produced tintypes and card photographs, and dealt in picture frames of all kinds. t

Chaffin, Charles M.
Cass Township, Ohio, child ....................................................................................................................................... 1850 1
North Star Township farm hand on his father’s farm ................................................................................................. 1870 1
North Star Township farmer ...................................................................................................................................... 1900 1
North Star PHOTOGRAPHER ......................................................................................................................... 1907,1910 t 1
Pompeii PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................................ ca 1910 t
Ithaca PHOTOGRAPHER ......................................................................................................................................... 1915 t
His father came from Virginia and Charles was born in Ohio in August of 1849, eldest of the six children of John W. 1
and Clara A. Chaffin. By 1880 his mother was a widow and his three brothers were working on the North Star 1
Township farm for her. He was a widower with a 17-year-old daughter in 1900. His daughter, Bessie, married Henry 1
H. Wright about 1904, and Henry seems to have taken over the farm work. In his mid to late fifties, Charles was one of 1
the oldest individuals to take up photography professionally that I have noted. “Centre St., North Star, C. M. Chaffin, 1 t
Photographer” was scribed into the negative of a post card photograph postmarked on July 19, 1907. “Harry Gulick t
Barn Raising, May 13, 1915. Photo by C. M. Chaffin, Ithaca.” was lettered on the negative of another postal photo. t
“C. M. CHAFFIN, PHOTOGRAPHER, ITHACA, MICH.” was stamped and “Gratiot Co Teachers’ Institute” was t
written on the back of the 8 by 10 inch mount of a 4 ½ by 7 ½ photograph of almost eighty adults posed in front of a t
school building. t
1. 1850 Federal Census of Cass Township in Hancock County, Ohio, plus 1870, 1880, 1900 and 1910 Federal Censes of North Star
Township in Gratiot County, Michigan.
Chaffin, Theodore A.
North Star Township student ..................................................................................................................................... 1870 1
North Star Township farm hand on his mother’s farm ............................................................................................... 1880 1
Ithaca PHOTOGRAPHER on Rural Free Delivery Route Number 2 ................................................................... ca 1900 t
North Star Township farmer ...................................................................................................................................... 1900 1
Ithaca PHOTOGRAPHER on Rural Free Delivery Route Number 6 ................................................................... ca 1905 t
North Star Township itinerant PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................... 1910 1
Washington Township farmer ........................................................................................................................... 1920,1930 1
His parents came from Virginia and Ohio, and Theodore was born in Michigan in April of 1859, third of the six 1
children of John W. and Clara A. Chaffin. Her father emigrated from Germany, Delia was born in New York in July of 1
1862, and she married Theodore about 1879. Their two daughters were born in Michigan: Clellia in April of 1881 and 1
Ethel in April of 1883. By 1910 Theodore was a widower, his daughters were gone, and a 14-year-old foster daughter 1
was sharing his home. Chaffin’s name and address were stamped on the backs of cabinet and slightly larger portrait 1 t
mounts, and on the back of the 8 by 10 and 9 by 12 inch mounts of 5 by 8 photographs of a barn demolished by a t
tornado and various logging and social events. Theodore married a widow named Cora and returned to farming in t 1
Washington Township a few miles south of his former location. 1 2
1. 1870, 1880, 1900 and 1910 Federal Censes of North Star Township plus 1920 and 1930 Federal Censes of Washington Township in
Gratiot County, Michigan.

Chafy, Thomas W.
Jackson AMBROTYPE ARTIST on Marshall st ...................................................................................................... 1860 1
Albion DAGUERREIAN ........................................................................................................................................... 1860 2
Albion PHOTOGRAPHER over the post office on Superior st ...................................................................... 1862-1863 m t
Parma PHOTOGRAPHER .............................................................................................................................. 1863-1864 3
Rives PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................... 1864-1865 3
Jackson PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................ 1866-1867 3 4
Hastings carpenter ..................................................................................................................................................... 1870 2
Thomas was born in New York State in 1819 or 1820, and was living in a boarding house in 1860. The assessors 2 3
spelled the name Chafey at Albion, and Chafee at Rives and at Jackson in 1866. 3
1. Identification of the source of this information has been misplaced, and must be re-established.
2. 1860 Federal Census of Albion Township in Calhoun County and 1870 Federal Census of the village of Hastings in Barry County, Michigan.
3. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1862-1866, National Archives, Washington, D.C.
4. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1867-1868, Great Lakes Branch of the National Archives, Chicago, Illinois.

Chalcroft, Hattie, Mrs.

Jackson retoucher for photographer Hugh A. Steele ........................................................................................ 1891-1892 J

Chalmers, Carrie L., Miss

Detroit clerk for photographers Powelson & Millard ................................................................................................ 1880 d
Detroit clerk or bookkeeper for photographer Charles A. Millard .................................................................. 1881-1884 d
Her parents, William and Jessie Chalmers, emigrated from Ireland, and Carrie was born in Canada in 1860 or early d 1
in 1861. In 1880 she was living with her widowed mother, older sisters Maggie and Jessie, and younger sister Edith. 1
1. 1880 Federal Census of the city of Detroit in Wayne County, Michigan.

Chalmers, Jessie, Miss

Detroit retoucher ........................................................................................................................................................ 1880 d
Detroit bookkeeper for Corydon C. Randall .............................................................................................................. 1881 d
Detroit milliner .......................................................................................................................................................... 1884 d
Her parents, William and Jessie Chalmers, emigrated from Ireland, and Jessie was born in Canada in 1858 or 1859. d 1
In 1880 she was living with her widowed mother, an older sister Maggie and two younger sisters, Carrie and Edith. 1
1. 1880 Federal Census of the city of Detroit in Wayne County, Michigan.

Chamberlain, A. B., Miss

Detroit artist for the photographers Cadwallader Brothers ........................................................................................ 1867 d
Chamberlain, Charles Chetwynd
Detroit resident, foreman, machinist or machine hand ..................................................................................... 1899-1910 d
Detroit machist for an adding machine company ....................................................................................................... 1910 1
Detroit solicitor for a mercantile agency .................................................................................................................... 1912 d
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 1428 Warren av west ...................................................................................... 1914-1920 d m
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 4368 Warren av west ...................................................................................... 1920-1938 d m
Charles was born in England on March 31, 1875, immigrated in 1892, and by 1918 had declared his intention of 2 1
becoming a citizen of the United States. He was tall and slender with dark blue eyes and dark brown hair. Anna 2 1
Rennick was born in Canada in 1875, and she married Charles about 1901. Their daughter Wilma was born in 1
Michigan in December of 1909. The change in address during 1920 was due to revision of the Detroit numbering 1 d
system, and not to relocation. After 1927, his place of business was often called the West Warren Photo Studio and d
Gift Shop. The metal back of two-inch round mirrors advertised the “West Warren Photo Studio and Gift Shop. d t
1. 1910 Federal Census of the Tenth Ward plus 1920 and 1930 Federal Censes of the 14th Ward of Detroit in Wayne County, Michigan.
2. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.

Chamberlain, Myra A., Miss

Detroit artist for the photographers Cadwallader Brothers ........................................................................................ 1867 d
Detroit artiste ............................................................................................................................................................. 1868 d
Myra may have been born in Massachusetts in 1846 or early in 1847, third of the five children of Norman and 1
Rebecca Chamberlain. 1
1. 1860 Federal Census of Hanover in Plymouth County, Massachusetts.

Chamberlain, Susan C.
Rives PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................... 1864-1865 1
1. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1862-1866, National Archives, Washington, D.C.

Chamberlin, Ira Howard

Otsego Township child .............................................................................................................................................. 1880 1
Kalamazoo PHOTOGRAPHER on the third floor at 112 Main st east ........................................................... 1903-1911 K m
Waterloo, Iowa, fire insurance and real estate agent .................................................................................................. 1918 2
Waterloo, Iowa, real estate agent or real estate salesman ................................................................................ 1920-1930 1
Ira was born in Michigan on November 16, 1876, the younger of the two sons of Leonard and Elsie Chamberlin. Her 2 1
parents came from Ohio, Myrtle was born in Michigan in 1885 or 1886, and she married Ira about 1902. Ira was often 1 K
classified as a commercial photographer. On May 23, 1904, he produced a 7¼ by 9½ photograph of more than 100 K t
pupils and their teachers in front of the Climax Public School, which was built in 1880. His first marriage did not last. t 1
La Vonne Kelley was born in Missouri to parents from Indiana and Wisconsin in 1891, and she married Ira about 1
1916. Their children, Ira and Virginia, were born in Iowa between 1918 and 1922. 1
1. 1880 Federal Census of Otsego Township in Allegan County and 1910 Federal Census of the Fourth Ward of Kalamazoo in Kalamazoo
County, Michigan, plus 1920 Federal Census of the Fourth Ward and 1930 Federal Census of the Second Ward of Waterloo in Black
Hawk County, Iowa.
2. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.
Chambers, Dwight Thomas
Bloomington, Wisconsin, child .................................................................................................................................. 1880 1
Prairie du Chien, Wisconsin, PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................... 1900-1902 1 2
Jackson PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................ 1902-1903 3 R
Lancaster, Wisconsin, PHOTOGRAPHER ..................................................................................................... 1903-1904 2
De Pere, Wisconsin, PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................ 1905-1906 2
Chicago, Illinois, photograph operator ...................................................................................................................... 1910 1
Chicago, Illinois, PHOTOGRAPHER ....................................................................................................................... 1920 1
Asheville, North Carolina, PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................ 1930 1
Asheville, North Carolina, PHOTOGRAPHER .............................................................................................. 1934-1943 4
Dwight’s father, John M. Chambers, came from New York and maintained a photographic gallery from before 1880 1 2
until 1898 at Bloomington, Wisconsin. He married a Wisconsin girl named Elmira Jennie (something), and their six 2 1
children were born in Wisconsin. Wallace was born in August of 1862, and is the subject of another entry. Then 1 d
Emeline, Helen, Laura and Caroline were born between 1864 and 1874. Finally Dwight was born in February of 1879, 1
and grew up in his father’s gallery. Stasia, sometimes called Eleanor, was born in Wisconsin in April of 1882 and 1
married Dwight about 1902. His purchase of a studio at Jackson was reported early in 1903. He and Stasia soon 1 3
returned to Wisconsin, where their children were born: Donald in 1904 and Ruth in 1905. Much of his time in 1 4
Asheville he had a branch studio at Arden. In 1935 he had his son, John Donald Chambers, as an assistant and his son 4 1
in law, Carl E. Clark, as a partner. J. D. Chambers was in charge of the Arden studio in 1940 and 1941. 4
1. 1880 Federal Census of Bloomington in Grant County and 1900 Federal Census of the Fourth Ward of Prairie du Chien in Crawford
County, Wisconsin, 1910 Federal Census of the Sixth Ward and 1920 Federal Census of the Seventh Ward of Chicago in Cook County,
Illinois, plus 1930 Federal Census of Limestone Township in Buncombe County, North Carolina.
2. Directory of Wisconsin Photographers; State Historical Society of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin, 1991.
3. St. Louis and Canadian Photographer; volume 27, number 2, February 1903, page 74.
4. Stephen E. Massengill, Photographers in North Carolina, North Carolina Office of Archives and History, Raleigh, North Carolina, 2004.

Chambers, E. A.
Orion PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................... 1918-1919 m
Edward A. Chambers was born in Michigan of Canadian parentage in March of 1863, fifth of the nine children of 1
Joseph and Matilda Chambers, and their eldest son. Ida was born in Michigan in 1860, and she married Edward when 1
she was 19 years old. They raised at least two daughters. Edward was cutting wood in a machine shop in 1920, and 1
they were living in Orion with their 24-year-old daughter Lucy and her husband, Joseph C. Buyington. By 1930 1
Edward was in the Oakland County Infirmary and Ida was operating a boarding house in the Lake Orion home of 1
another daughter who was a widow with two young daughters. 1
1. 1870 and 1880 Federal Censes of Mayfield Township in Lapeer County, 1920 Federal Census of the village of Orion plus 1930 Federal
Census of the village of Lake Orion and 1930 Federal Census of Waterford Township in Oakland County, Michigan.

Chambers, George W.
Sturgis student ........................................................................................................................................................... 1850 1
Burr Oak mason ......................................................................................................................................................... 1860 1
Quincy PHOTOGRAPHER ....................................................................................................................................... 1867 2
Quincy stone and brick mason ................................................................................................................................... 1870 1
North Adams stone mason ......................................................................................................................................... 1880 1
His parents came from New York and George was born in Michigan about 1839, second of the four children of 1
Edward and Lucinda Chambers, and their eldest son. May’s parents also came from New York, and she was born in 1
Michigan in June of 1843. She married George about 1871 and their children were born in Michigan: Albert, Henry 1
and Leroy between 1862 and 1872, and then their daughter Lura in December of 1878. By 1900 Lura had a husband 1
and a child of her own, and was providing a home for her widowed mother. 1
1. 1850 Federal Census of Sturgis Township and 1860 Federal Census of the village of Burr Oak in St. Joseph County, 1870 Federal
Census of the village of Quincy in Branch County, as well as 1880 Federal Census of the village of North Adams in Hillsdale County,
Michigan, plus 1900 Federal Census of the city of Albert Lea in Freeborn County, Minnesota.
2. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1867-1868, Great Lakes Branch of the National Archives, Chicago, Illinois.
Chambers, Wallace J.
Bloomington, Wisconsin, student .............................................................................................................................. 1870 1
Bloomington, Wisconsin, photographic artist ............................................................................................................ 1880 1
Milwaukee, Wisconsin, PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................... 1883-1884 2
Detroit photographer for Frank N. Tomlinson ........................................................................................................... 1887 d
Cleveland, Ohio, resident ........................................................................................................................................... 1888 d
Montgomery, Alabama, photographer ....................................................................................................................... 1900 1
Montgomery, Alabama, PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................. 1920 1
Montgomery, Alabama, resident ................................................................................................................................ 1930 1
His father, John M. Chambers, came from New York and maintained a photographic gallery from before 1880 until 1
1898 at Bloomington, Wisconsin. John married a Wisconsin girl named Elmira Jennie (something), and their six 1
children were born in Wisconsin. Wallace was born in August of 1862. Then his sisters Emeline, Helen, Laura and 1
Caroline were born between 1864 and 1874. His brother Dwight was born in February of 1879, and is the subject of an 1
earlier entry. Ella was born in Canada in September of 1864 and came to the United States in 1878. She married 1
Wallace about 1885, and their son Karl was born in Alabama in June of 1893. By 1920 Karl was working as a 1
photographer in his father’s studio. He married a gal named Gertrude from Colorado, and both of them were lecturing 1
on physiology in 1930 while living with his parents. 1
1. 1870 and 1880 Federal Censes of Bloomington in Grant County, Wisconsin, plus 1900 and 1920 Federal Censes of the Sixth Ward
and 1930 Federal Census of the Third Ward of Montgomery in Montgomery County, Alabama.
2. Directory of Wisconsin Photographers; State Historical Society of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin, 1991.

Chamblin, L. C.
Jackson PHOTOGR on the lot adjoining the city buildings on Jackson st nearly opposite the jail ................. 1863-1864 1
Jackson PHOTOGR in the Empire Block over B. F. Eggleston’s store on the south side of Main st ............... 1865-1866 1 2
Chamblin had his Cheap Picture Gallery, probably a photographic car, parked somewhere else in Jackson before he 1
moved to Jackson Street in October of 1863. He sold to John Wesley Excell in 1864, and succeeded photographer 1 2
Loran H. Geer in the Empire Block in May of 1865. He refitted these rooms “... in elegant style for doing all kinds of 2 1
Photographing and Ambrotyping.” Lewis C. Chamblin was a sewing machine agent in 1870 at Dixon, Illinois. He was 1 3
born in Ohio about 1842, and his wife Mary was born in Michigan at about the same time. Their son Charles was born 3
in Michigan in 1859 or early in 1860. 3
1. Learned in 1997 from Gerry L. Blanchard of Jackson, Michigan.
2. Information from a carte de visite in the collection of Dale Niesen of South Rockwood, Michigan.
3. 1870 Federal Census of the First Ward of Dixon in Lee County, Illinois.

Chamblin, Thomas H. B.
Wheeling, Virginia, editor ......................................................................................................................................... 1860 1
Kalamazoo PHOTOGRAPHER in the Champion Block on Main st ......................................................................... 1860 2
Jackson PHOTOGRAPHER ...................................................................................................................................... 1862 3
Kalamazoo PHOTOGRAPHER in the Champion Block on Main st ............................................................... 1862-1863 m
Jackson PHOTOGRAPHER on the first floor at the corner of Main and Jackson sts ..................................... 1863-1864 3 t
Jackson (Excell & Chamblin) PHOTOGRAPHERS ................................................................................................. 1864 3
Sterling, Illinois, PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................ 1870 1
Galesburg, Illinois, corn planter salesman ................................................................................................................. 1880 1
Riverside, California, resident ................................................................................................................................... 1900 1
Santa Monica, California, resident ............................................................................................................................. 1910 1
Thomas was born in Ohio in September of 1834. Hattie was born in Ohio to English parents about 1840 and by 1860 `
she was married to Thomas. A Kalamazoo newspaper announced that Chamblin’s Palace of Art would open on 1 2
Monday, December 24, 1860, over Parker & Brother’s hat store in the Champion Block, selling warranted 2
photographs and ambrotypes. Thomas was assessed as a Jackson individual in May of 1864, while Excell & Chamblin 2 3
were assessed there in October of 1864. The Chamblin’s son Wilbur was born in Michigan in November of 1861, and 3 1
his brother Gaylord was born there four years later but did not survive to maturity. Their daughters were born in 1
Illinois: Julia in the summer of 1867 and then Stella and Mabel between 1874 and 1877. Thomas was a widower by 1
1900, when he was living in Riverside with the family of his son Wilbur. 1
1. 1860 Federal Census of the Sixth Ward of Wheeling in Ohio County, Virginia, 1870 Federal Census of the Second Ward of Sterling
in Whiteside County and 1880 Federal Census of the Second Ward of Galesburg in Knox County, Illinois, plus 1900 Federal Census of
the city of Riverside in Riverside County and 1910 Federal Census of the First Ward of Santa Monica in Los Angeles County, California.
2. Kalamazoo Gazette, Kalamazoo, Michigan, December 21, 1860.
3. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1862-1866, National Archives, Washington, D.C.
Champanois, William
Adrian baby or student ...................................................................................................................................... 1870,1880 1
Adrian pump salesman ............................................................................................................................................... 1890 A
Adrian photo printer .................................................................................................................................................. 1894 A
Adrian painter ............................................................................................................................................................ 1897 A
Madison Township painter in a wagon factory .......................................................................................................... 1900 1
Coshocton, Ohio, artist for a novelty works ............................................................................................................... 1910 1
Coshocton, Ohio, foreman for an advertising company ............................................................................................. 1920 1
Coshocton, Ohio, artist for an art works .................................................................................................................... 1930 1
William was born at Adrian in January of 1870, the son of Lyman and Alice (Lamb) Champanois. Lena was born in 1
March of 1870 and emigrated with her family from Germany in 1872. She married William in 1891, and their daughter 1
Annetta was born in April of 1892. Lyman died at Coshocton on April 29, 1941. 1 2
1. 1870 Federal Census of the First Ward and 1880 Federal Census of the Fourth Ward of Adrian, plus 1900 Federal Census of Madison
Township in Lenawee County, Michigan, as well as 1910 Federal Census of the Third Ward, 1920 Federal Census of the Second Ward
and 1930 Federal Census of the Fourth Ward of Coshocton in Coshocton County, Ohio
2. Ohio Deaths, 1908-1932, 1938-1944 and 1958-2002.

Champlin, Thomas H. B.
Please see the entry for Thomas H. B. Chamblin.

Chandler, Cassius E.
Rutland Township child ............................................................................................................................................. 1880 1
Lake Township laborer .............................................................................................................................................. 1900 1
Flint PHOTOGRAPHER at 525 Saginaw st south .................................................................................................... 1909 2
Blaine Township farmer ............................................................................................................................................ 1910 1
Flint PHOTOGRAPHER at 105 Kearsley st east ...................................................................................................... 1913 2
Flint PHOTOGRAPHER at 429 Detroit st ................................................................................................................ 1916 2
Flint PHOTOGRAPHER at 301 Detroit st ................................................................................................................ 1918 2
Benzonia employee of the United States Shipping Board ......................................................................................... 1918 3
Benzonia house carpenter .......................................................................................................................................... 1920 1
Flint carpenter contractor ........................................................................................................................................... 1920 1
Flint PHOTOGRAPHER at 301 Detroit st ...................................................................................................... 1922-1927 2 m
Flint PHOTOGRAPHER at 528 East st ........................................................................................................... 1929-1931 2 m
Owosso resident ......................................................................................................................................................... 1939 2
His parents came from Ohio and Cassius was born in Michigan on July 25, 1875, the son of John and Jane Chandler. 1 3
His two sisters were born here between 1868 and 1871. Her father emigrated from England, her mother came from 1
Rhode Island, and Isabella Ketchum was born in Michigan in 1880 or 1881. She married Cassius about 1901, and their 1
three daughters were born in Michigan: Carol in 1904, Blanche in 1906 and Leola in 1913 or 1914. Cassius had 1
become an average sized man with blue eyes and brown hair, and he seems to have maintained a home for his family 3 1
up in Benzie County for a couple of decades while he was working in Flint. For the 1920 census he was enumerated on 1
January second at Benzonia and three days later at Flint, where he was boarding with his sister Amy and her family. At 1
this time Isabella was the photographer and he was a carpenter. In 1930 he and Isabella both were enumerated as 1
photographers in a gallery, and they had their family together at Flint. Carol was a single school teacher, Leola was a 1
teenager and Blanche (who had married and divorced) brought her three-year-old son Webster to live with her parents. 1
1. 1880 Federal Census of Rutland Township in Barry County, 1900 Federal Census of Lake Township, 1910 Federal Census of Blaine
Township and 1920 Federal Census of the village of Benzonia in Benzie County, plus 1920 Federal Census of the Third Ward and
1930 Census of the Fourth Ward of Flint in Genesee County, Michigan.
2. “Photographers of Flint, Michigan” by Kenneth A. Wallace in The Flint Genealogical Quarterly; volume 17, numbers 2, 3 and 4,
and volume18, numbers 1, 2, 3 and 4, April 1975 to October 1976.
3. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.
Chandler, Charles Westley
Hope Township child ................................................................................................................................................. 1880 1
Hastings PHOTOGRAPHER .......................................................................................................................... 1896-1897 m
Kalamazoo PHOTOGRAPHER on the third floor at 128 Main st west .......................................................... 1897-1901 K m
Fort Wayne, Indiana, PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................. 1901 2
Niles PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................................ 1902-1903 m
Mishawaka, Indiana, PHOTOGRAPHER at 114 Main st south ................................................................................ 1904 3
Kalamazoo PHOTOGRAPHER at 128 Main st west ................................................................................................ 1906 4
Milwaukee, Wisconsin, PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................... 1909-1910 5
Flint PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................................... 1911 R
Bay City PHOTOGRAPHER .......................................................................................................................... 1912-1913 m
Flint PHOTOGRAPHER at 525 Saginaw st south .......................................................................................... 1912-1913 m
Kalamazoo (Chandler & Albro) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 411 Burdick st north .............................................. 1912-1913 K m
Saginaw PHOTOGRAPHER at 106 Jefferson av north .................................................................................. 1912-1913 m s
Flint PHOTOGRAPHER at 105 Kearsley st east ............................................................................................ 1914-1915 m
Flint PHOTOGRAPHER at 429 Detroit st ...................................................................................................... 1916-1917 m
Flint PHOTOGRAPHER at 301 Detroit st ...................................................................................................... 1918-1919 m
Mount Morris PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................ 1920 1
Flint PHOTOGRAPHER at 2200 Saginaw st north ................................................................................ 1925,1930-1931 6 m
His parents came from Ohio, and Charlie was born in Michigan on October 13, 1873. He was the son of Martin D. 1 7
and Jane A. (Hall) Chandler, and the brother of the Grace Chandler profiled below. His first marriage took place about 8 1
1891, and the bride was Miss Lottie Woodworth, born in Michigan in July of 1875 to Mr. and Mrs. Jasper A. 1
Woodworth. She gave birth to Leora in March of 1895 and to Roscoe in April of 1898. Lottie also was enumerated as 1
a photographer in 1900. That Charles was establishing a gallery at Fort Wayne, where he had moved from Kalamazoo, 1 2
was reported in the summer of 1901. Lottie and the children stayed in Kalamazoo, where she remarried and became 2 1
proprietor of the Chandler Studio. Charles’ second wife was born in Michigan in 1887, and she became Mrs. Ida Belle m 1
Chandler about 1906. The Milwaukee listing was for C. W. Chandler. Charles was stout and 5 feet 4½ inches tall with 5 7
blue eyes and brown hair in 1918, and still was married to Ida.Belle in 1930. 7 1
1. 1880 Federal Census of Hope Township in Barry County, 1900 Federal Census of the First Ward of Kalamazoo in Kalamazoo County,
plus 1910 Federal Census of the Second Ward of Flint, 1920 Federal Census of Mount Morris Township and 1930 Federal Census of
the Eleventh Ward of Flint in Genesee County, Michigan.
2. St. Louis and Canadian Photographer; volume 25, number 6, June 1901, page 262.
3. Learned in 2000 from James A. Marusek of Bloomfield, Indiana.
4. Kalamazoo City and County Directory, 1906.
5. Directory of Wisconsin Photographers; State Historical Society of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin, 1991.
6. “Photographers of Flint, Michigan” by Kenneth A. Wallace in The Flint Genealogical Quarterly; volume 17, numbers 2, 3 and 4,
and volume18, numbers 1, 2, 3 and 4, April 1975 to October 1976.
7. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.
8. Learned in 2001 from Peter E. Palmquist of Arcata, California.

Chandler, Grace Maude, Miss

Hope Township child ................................................................................................................................................. 1880 1
Kalamazoo photo printer ........................................................................................................................................... 1899 2
Flint PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................................... 1923 3 t
Los Angeles, California, PHOTOGRAPHER at 7102 Hollywood Boulevard .......................................................... 1925 3
Grace was born on February 28, 1879, and was the daughter of Martin D. and Jane A. (Hall) Chandler. She had an 3 1
older sister Effie and a younger sister Ila, as well as her brother Charles reported upon above. She married Charles E. 1 3
Horn on October 6, 1899, and became well known as Mrs. Grace Chandler Horn. She and Charles were divorced in 3
August of 1915, and she married James H. De Pue in March of 1917. Following their divorce in September of 1922, 3
Grace reverted to her maiden name. “The Grace Chandler Studio” was printed on 11 by 14 inch mats with 6 by 9½ inch 3 t
openings for photographs, one of which was of a large group of people at the Bishop Reunion. In California she visited t 3
San Francisco and went to photograph the redwoods, and was associated with the photographer Grace Armstrong, also 3
from Michigan. She experienced the Santa Barbara earthquake, and planned to open a studio at 31 East Micheltorena 3
in Santa Barbara. Her studio in Los Angeles featured “Portraits, Pictorial Photography and Indian Pageantry.” She 3
spent forty years in California mental institutions prior to her death on February 12, 1967, from congestive heart 3
failure and chronic brain syndrome. Please see also the entry for Mrs. Grace Chandler Horn. 3 m
1. 1880 Federal Census of Hope Township in Barry County and 1900 Federal Census of the Second Ward of Battle Creek in Calhoun
County, Michigan.
2. Kalamazoo County Directory, 1899, F. A. Corey, Kalamazoo, Michigan.
3. Learned in 2000 and 2001 from Peter E. Palmquist of Arcata, California.

Chandler, J. H.
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at the southwest corner of Fort st and Columbus av ..................................................... 1891 d
Jacob H. Chandler was an Indiana photographer at Patriot from 1858 to 1860, at Madison from 1866 until 1884, and 1
at Indianapolis from 1886 until 1890, and was an Indianapolis resident in 1892. 1
1. Learned in 2000 from James A. Marusek of Bloomfield, Indiana.
Chandler, Lewis W.
Saginaw photographer ............................................................................................................................................... 1913 s

Chaney, Oscar E.
Little Traverse Township student .............................................................................................................................. 1880 1
Conway PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................... 1896-1897 m
Little Traverse Township farmer ............................................................................................................................... 1900 1
Conway carpenter and manufacturer of incubators .......................................................................................... 1900-1903 m
Huntington Park, California, house carpenter ............................................................................................................ 1920 1
Huntington Park, California, resident ........................................................................................................................ 1930 1
Oscar was born in New York State in September of 1869, the son of John E. and Arvilla Chaney. His sister was born 1
two years later and given the intriguing name Leafie Belle. He grew up on the family farm and by 1900 had a farm of 1
his own near Conway. Addie was born in Michigan in July of 1869, married Oscar about 1896, and gave birth to Ruth 1
in July of 1898. She still was married in 1910, was running the farm and raising Ruth, but there was no sign of Oscar. 1
Addie sold the farm, got a divorce, and stayed with her daughter. Ruth was teaching in a rural school in Inverness 1
Township of Cheboygan County in 1920, and in a public school in Milan Township down in Monroe County in 1930. 1
Oscar turned up in California in 1920 married to a lady named Rose. She was born in Michigan to parents from New 1
York about 1880, and was working as a restaurant waitress in 1920. By 1930 Oscar was retired, but Rose was doing 1
clerical work for a building construction firm. 1
1. 1880, 1900 and 1910 Federal Censes of Little Traverse Township in Emmet County, 1920 Federal Census of Inverness Township in
Cheboygan County, and 1930 Federal Census of Milan Township in Monroe County, Michigan, plus 1920 and 1930 Federal Censes
of the city of Huntington Park in Los Angeles County, California..

Chaney, William H.
West Superior, Wisconsin, PHOTOGRAPHER .............................................................................................. 1899-1900 1
West Superior, Wisconsin, resident ........................................................................................................................... 1902 2
Bessemer PHOTOGRAPHER ......................................................................................................................... 1902-1911 m R
Wakefield PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................ 1903-1911 R
Mellen, Wisconsin, PHOTOGRAPHER ......................................................................................................... 1911-1912 1
Bessemer PHOTOGRAPHER ......................................................................................................................... 1912-1923 m 3
His parents came from Pennsylvania and Michigan, and William was born in Wisconsin in 1876. Her parents came 3
from Pennsylvania and Massachusetts, and Ethel was born in Wisconsin in 1881. Their four sons were born in 3
Michigan: Frederick in 1909, William about 1912, Raymond in November of 1915, and John in August of 1919. 3
William was having a building moved to the corner of Sellar and Sophie Streets in Bessemer to be fitted up as a 2
photograph gallery, but in the meantime intended to open his gallery in a tent and be doing business by May 20, 1902. 2
His gallery was closed for several weeks due to the final illness and death of William’s brother in the Oklahoma 2
Territory, but opened for business on December 8, 1902. William contracted for the construction of a new building in 2
Wakefield, and opened his branch gallery there late in April of 1903. Some of the photographs of Bessemer and 2 4
Wakefield reproduced in The Gogebic Range about 1903 were by W. H. Chaney. The handsome Children’s Day 4 2
decorations at the Methodist Church and all participants in the two programs were photographed by William in June of 2
1905. Miss Harriet E. Pomeroy was an experienced photographer when she was hired by William in August of 1905. 2
A Miss Thomas of Bessemer had charge of the Wakefield gallery on Sunday, October 27, 1907. William’s galleries 2
were closed during his absence from Bessemer from February 4 to March 1, 1908, and during the last three weeks of 2
October in 1911. He announced in June of 1910 that his Wakefield gallery would be open every Sunday in the 2
forenoon only. In August of 1922 William was fixing up his new gallery whenever he could spare time from finishing 2
pictures. He was being kept so busy that he had little time to move his outfit from his tent into the new building. 2
1. Directory of Wisconsin Photographers; State Historical Society of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin, 1991.
2. Bessemer Herald, Bessemer, Michigan, May 10 and December 6, 1902, April 4, 1903, August 19, 1905, November 2, 1907,
January 25, 1908, January 25, 1908, June 18, 1910, October 7, 1911, October 17, 1914, August 25, 1922, and June 19, 1925.
Noted by James G. Donaldson of Detroit, Michigan.
3. 1910 and 1920 Federal Censes of the First Ward of Bessemer in Gogebic County, Michigan.
4. C. O. Stiles, The Gogebic Range, Iron Mountain, Michigan, circa 1903.
Chapell, Daisie B., Miss
Albee Township student ............................................................................................................................................ 1880 1
Stockbridge resident .................................................................................................................................................. 1900 1
Stockbridge PHOTOGRAPHER ..................................................................................................................... 1902-1931 2 m
Daisie was born in Michigan in November of 1872, the daughter of Henry C. and Frances E. Chapell. Both of her 1
parents were born in Michigan, but all four of her grandparents came from New York State. That she had leased a lot 1 2
in Stockbridge on which she was building a studio was reported in May of 1902, and the opening of her studio was 2
reported one month later. “Greetings from STOCKBRIDGE, Mich. - Daisie B. Chapell, Photographer.” was 2 t
artistically lettered so as to take up the entire negative of a post card photograph, and the calligraphy was enhanced t
with small photos of about 250 babies and youngsters. “The Season’s Greetings From Daisie B. Chapell, t
Photographer. Stockbridge, Mich. Portraits, Copying, Views, Frames, Enlarging” was printed on the post card back t
of a photo of the Soldiers Monument and Stockbridge Town Hall. Daisie remained single and lived with her parents t 1
through 1910, but by 1920 she was providing a home for her aging parents and in 1930 she was doing the same for her 1
widowed mother. 1
1. 1880 Federal Census of Albee Township in Saginaw County, plus 1900, 1910, 1920 and 1930 Federal Censes of the village of
Stockbridge in Livingston County, Michigan.
2. St. Louis and Canadian Photographer; volume 26, numbers 5 and 6, May and June 1902, pages 232 and 268.

Chapin, Allen
Bloomfield Township, Pennsylvania, youth .............................................................................................................. 1850 1
Morley photographer ................................................................................................................................................. 1870 1
Morley PHOTOGRAPHER and grocer ........................................................................................................... 1872-1873 m
Morley general store proprietor ....................................................................................................................... 1874-1877 m
Morley PHOTOGRAPHER and grocer ........................................................................................................... 1876-1877 2
Morley general store proprietor ....................................................................................................................... 1878-1887 m
Morley general store proprietor and fruit grower ............................................................................................ 1888-1889 m
Morley farmer ............................................................................................................................................................ 1900 1
Allen was born in Pennsylvania in April of 1840, third of the six sons of lumberman James Chapin and his wife 1
Polly. Carrie was born in Ohio to parents from Virginia in February of 1844, and she married Allen about 1862. Their 1
son Frank was born in Canada in February of 1864. 1
1. 1850 Federal Census of Bloomfield Township in Crawford County, Pennsylvania, as well as 1870 Federal Census of Aetna Township
plus 1880 and 1900 Federal Censes of the village of Morley in Mecosta County, Michigan.
2. Bradstreet’s Commercial Reports ... Western & Southern States; J. M. Bradstreet & Son Company, New York, January 1, 1877.

Chapin, M. W.
Stanton PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................................. ca 1890 t
“M. W. CHAPIN, Stanton, Mich.” was stamped on the backs of some of a series of rural scenes mounted as stereo t
pairs, but which seem to be two prints from the same negative. Merrick W. Chapin was born in Michigan in March of t 1
1858, and in 1880 was a clerk in Stanton for his banker brother, Clarence W. Chapin. About 1891 Merrick married a 1
school teacher named Della who was born in Michigan in April of 1864. By 1900 they had moved to Toledo, Ohio, 1
where Merrick found a job with the post office and Della continued to teach through 1910. Merrick worked his way up 1
in the post office, and in 1920 was superintendent of the money order department. 1
1. 1880 Federal Census of the village of Stanton in Montcalm County, Michigan, plus 1900 Federal Census the Eleventh Ward, 1910
Federal Census of the Sixth Ward and 1920 Federal Census of the Fifth Ward of Toledo in Lucas County, Ohio.
Chapin, Roy Dikeman
Lansing infant ............................................................................................................................................................ 1880 1
Lansing PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................................. ca 1896 2
Lansing employee of the United States Weather Bureau ................................................................................. 1896-1898 2
Ann Arbor student at the University of Michigan ............................................................................................ 1899-1901 2 1
Detroit demonstrator for the Olds Motor Works ............................................................................................. 1901-1902 2
Detroit manager of the service department for the Olds Motor Works ............................................................ 1902-1903 2
Detroit sales manager for the Olds Motor Works ............................................................................................ 1904-1906 2
Detroit executive of the E. R. Thomas-Detroit Company ................................................................................ 1906-1908 2
Detroit treasurer and general manager of the Chalmers-Detroit Motor Company ........................................... 1908-1909 2
Detroit president of the Hudson Motor Car Company ..................................................................................... 1910-1922 2 1
Detroit chairman of the board of the Hudson Motor Car Company ................................................................. 1923-1933 2 1
Detroit president of the Hudson Motor Car Company ..................................................................................... 1933-1936 2
His father came from Connecticut and Roy was born in Lansing on February 23, 1880, second of the three children 1 2
of Edward Cornelius Chapin and Ella Rose (King) Chapin. His brother Cornelius was born in Lansing on April 28, 3
1877, and his sister Maybelle was born there on October 25, 1882. Roy turned his early interest in amateur 3 2
photography into a profitable business by selling the photographs he took of people and buildings. He was reporting 2
early morning temperatures at an elevation of one thousand feet to the Weather Bureau by flying a kite equipped with a 2
thermometer to that altitude. Roy sold magazines and took on many other odd jobs, and most of his earnings went into 2
buying photographic equipment and supplies. After he graduated from high school in June of 1897, he worked full- 2
time for the Weather Bureau until he enrolled at the University of Michigan in February of 1899. A test run in an 2
curved-dash Oldsmobile in April of 1901 convinced Roy that he should quit school and go to work for the 2
manufacturer. Soon he was hired by Ransom Olds as a demonstrator or test driver. He learned to operate much of the 2
machinery in the Detroit factory during a strike in the spring of 1901. Roy drove a curved-dash Oldsmobile the 820 2
miles from Detroit to New York City via Canada in the fall of 1901, arriving in the middle of the New York 2
Automobile Show. This well-publicized durability run generated a flood of orders for Oldsmobile. Early catalogs and 2
advertisements included illustrations from photographs taken by Roy of factory operations, car parts and finished cars. 2
Roy was the charismatic leader of the group of ambitious Oldsmobile employees that eventually founded the Hudson 2
Motor Car Company. The group included Howard Coffin, James Brady, Frederick Bezner, and Roscoe Jackson. Roy 2
arranged with Edwin Ross Thomas, manufacturer of the popular Thomas Flyer automobile, to create the E. R. 2
Thomas-Detroit Company. This company produced a mid-priced car designed by Howard Coffin which was sold by 2
established Thomas dealers as a companion to the expensive Thomas Flyer. Hugh Chalmers was a super-salesman who 2
had recently resigned from National Cash Register Company when he was approached by the partners in the E. R. 2
Thomas-Detroit Company. E. R. Thomas amicably resigned the presidency in favor of Chalmers, and the firm was 2
renamed the Chalmers-Detroit Company. Chalmers had complete control of selling and advertising automobiles, while 2
the managers of all other functional divisions reported to Roy Chapin. Howard coffin designed a lower-priced 2
automobile which was a great success when manufactured and sold by the Chalmers-Detroit Company. Thomas and 2
Chalmers each owned one-third of this successful company, so if either or both of them sold their stock Roy and his 2
partners could lose control of their future. This situation inspired them to establish the Hudson Motor Car Company. 2
Joseph L. Hudson, founder of Detroit’s major department store and uncle of Roscoe Jackson’s wife, became the 2
largest investor in the company, though Chalmers, Chapin, Jackson, Coffin, Brady and Bezner had comparable 2
holdings. Chapin, Coffin and Bezner sold their stock in the Chalmers-Detroit Company to Hugh Chalmers in 2
December of 1909, and purchased his stock in the Hudson Motor Car Company. One month later Roy resigned from 2
the Chalmers-Detroit Company and became president of the Hudson Motor Car Company. Her father came from South 2 3
Carolina and Inez Tiedeman was born in Savannah, Georgia, on February 16, 1891, first of the two children of George 3
Washington Tiedeman and Sarah Floride (Shivers) Tiedeman. She married Roy at Savannah on November 4, 1914, 3
and their children were born in Michigan: Roy in February of 1916, Joan in February of 1917, John about 1920, Sara 1
about 1921, Daniel in October of 1926, and Marian in January of 1930. The introduction of the Super-Six engine in 1 2
1916, the Essex line of lower-priced cars in 1919, and the first American closed-body car with a moderate price in 2
1921, kept Hudson a leader in the automotive industry. Roy Chapin was a millionaire by 1910, and in 1915 and 1916 2
explored several merger plans with other successful automobile manufacturers with a view to turning his Hudson stock 2
into cash, forgetting management worries, and enjoying his wealth. Early in 1923 he moved from president to 2
chairman of the board, withdrawing from day-to-day operations but remaining the public spokesman for Hudson and 2
involved with strategic decisions. The introduction of the Terraplane in 1932 helped to pull the Hudson Motor Car 2
Company through the depression, but again in May of 1933 Roy Chapin became president and returned the company 2
to profitability. Roy died from pneumonia in Detroit on February 25, 1936. As well as a visionary automotive pioneer, 2
Roy was remembered as a leader in the Michigan Good Roads Association, a founder of the Lincoln Highway 2
Association, chairman of the Highways Transport Committee of the Council on National Defense during World War I, 2
and Secretary of Commerce in President Hoover’s cabinet from August of 1932 until March of 1933. Inez died in 2 3
Highland Park on April 19, 1957. 3
1. 1880 Federal Census of the Second Ward of Lansing in Ingham County, 1900 Federal Census the Sixth Ward of Ann Arbor in
Washtenaw County, plus 1920 and 1930 Federal Censes of the village of Grosse Pointe Farms in Wayne County, Michigan.
2. Charles K. Hyde, Storied Independent Automakers, Wayne State University Press, Detroit, Michigan, 2009.
3. My Parker Family and Those Allied to It Family Tree and One World Tree on the internet.
Chaplin, Joseph
Ontonagon PHOTOGRAPHER ....................................................................................................................... 1884-1885 m
Ironwood PHOTOGRAPHER on Aurora st .............................................................................................................. 1888 1
Ironwood PHOTOGRAPHER ......................................................................................................................... 1890-1891 m
Ironwood PHOTOGRAPHER opposite the car barn ................................................................................................. 1892 2
Ironwood PHOTOGRAPHER at 320 Silver st .......................................................................................................... 1893 3
Ironwood PHOTOGRAPHER ......................................................................................................................... 1894-1901 m
Ironwood PHOTOGRAPHER at 320 Silver st .......................................................................................................... 1901 3
Ironwood PHOTOGRAPHER ......................................................................................................................... 1902-1905 m
Joseph was born in England in February of 1848, crossed the ocean in 1866, and became a naturalized citizen of the 4
United States. Her parents emigrated from Germany, Barbara was born in Wisconsin in June of 1865, and she married 4
Joseph about 1889. Recognizing adjacent Hurley, Wisconsin, Joseph’s Ironwood studio was called the Twin City 4 t
Gallery in the early 1890s. Only “Joe. Chaplin, Cottage Gallery.” or “Joe. Chaplin, Artist.” was printed on some t
cabinet mounts found in albums with Ironwood photographs. t
1. Gogebic Range Mining & Business Directory, 1888, Northern Directory Company, Wakefield, Michigan.
2. Twin City Directory of Ironwood, Mich., and Hurley, Wisc., 1892, A. P. Negley, Ironwood, Michigan.
3. Wright’s Directory of Ironwood and Hurley, 1893-94 and 1901-1902, A. G. Wright, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
4. 1900 Federal Census of the First Ward of Ironwood in Gogebic County, Michigan.

Chapman, _______
Prairieville (Chapman & Horton) PHOTOGRAPHERS ........................................................................................... 1866 1
1. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1862-1866, National Archives, Washington, D.C.

Chapman, _______
Stanton (Chapman Brothers) PHOTOGRAPHERS ......................................................................................... 1885-1887 1
Stanton (Chapman Brothers) PHOTOGRAPHERS .............................................................................................. ca 1897 t
Lakeview (Chapman Brothers) PHOTOGRAPHERS .......................................................................................... ca 1898 t
Mecosta (Chapman Brothers) PHOTOGRAPHERS ............................................................................................ ca 1898 t
Crystal (Chapman Brothers) PHOTOGRAPHERS ......................................................................................... 1902-1907 m
The Chapman Brothers of Stanton photographed the Union School at Mount Pleasant in June of 1885, and were 1
invited to a dinner at Mount Pleasant in September of 1887, after which they photographed the local W.R.C. and then 1
the G.A.R. From a range of card and cabinet mounts it seems probable that the Chapman Brothers worked in Stanton 1 t
from the mid 1880s until the turn of the century. Some cabinet photos were from “Lakeview and Mecosta, Mich.” t
1. Isabella County Enterprise, Mount Pleasant, Michigan, March 7, 1886, and September 30, 1887.

Chapman, E. Frank
Stanton PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................ 1896-1915 m
Frank was born in New York in November of 1858, Alice was born there in December of 1859, and they married 1
about 1885. Their children were born in Michigan: Glace in February of 1888, Vera in July of 1890, Verne in May of 1
1892, and Merton in April of 1897. Their younger daughter Vera was an invalid in 1900 and died before 1910. Frank 1 m
succeeded Isaac O. Chapman in Stanton, and some of the many cabinet sized photographs marked “Chapman, Stanton, m t
Mich.” were undoubtedly his work. “E. F. CHAPMAN, Stanton, Mich.” was stamped on the back of postal t
photographs, including studio portraits of infants and adults, three boys and a man with musical instruments, and the t
Stanton “Maroons” basketball team of 1914. By that time their son Vern seems to have opened his own photography t m
studio down in Lake Odessa. m
1. 1900 Federal Census of the Third Ward and 1910 Federal Census of the First Ward of Stanton in Montcalm County, Michigan.

Chapman, Edwin A.
Livonia Township student ................................................................................................................................. 1850,1860 1
Lowell PHOTOGRAPHER on Bridge st ......................................................................................................... 1866-1877 m
Lowell PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................. 1878-1884 m 2
Big Rapids PHOTOGRAPHER ....................................................................................................................... 1884-1885 m
Charlotte (Star Gallery) PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................... 1886-1887 m t
His parents came from New York, and Edwin was born in Michigan in 1837 or early in 1838, third of the seven 1
children of Alonzo L. and Charlotte Chapman. Jennie’s parents also were New Yorkers, and she was born in 1
Pennsylvania about 1840. Their sons Glen and Gale were born in Michigan between 1870 and 1873. The Lowell 1 m
gallery was “on the Bridge” in 1872, and its recent destruction by fire was reported early in 1884. “E. A. CHAPMAN, m 2
Photo. Artist” was stamped on the back of cabinet mounts on which “Cheney & Christmas” was crossed out leaving t
“Star Gallery, Charlotte, Mich.” Edwin produced tintypes in 4¾ by 3¼ paper sleeves from Charlotte. t
1. 1850 and 1860 Federal Censes of Livonia Township in Wayne County plus 1880 Federal Census of the village of Lowell in Kent
County, Michigan.
2. The Photographic Times, New York, volume 14, number 158, February 1884, page 103.
Chapman, Fenn G.
Leighton Township laborer on his father’s farm ........................................................................................................ 1900 1
Wayland (Stockdale & Chapman) PHOTOGRAPHERS ........................................................................................... 1906 2
Kalamazoo light repairer for the gas company .......................................................................................................... 1910 1
Leighton Township dairy farmer ............................................................................................................................... 1920 1
Hudson meat cutter in a meat market ......................................................................................................................... 1930 1
Los Angeles, California, resident ..................................................................................................................... 1959-1962 3
Fenn was born in Michigan on December 16, 1879, the second child of Adelbert E. and Ellen D. (Baldwin) 1
Chapman. He had an older sister Georgia and a younger sister Hattie. Pearl Mae Stockdale was born in Michigan on 1
August 31, 1885, the daughter of Daniel A. and Belle A. (Sims) Stockdale. She and Fenn married about 1903. D. A. 1 2
Stockdale’s purchase of the Wayland photographic studio of A. W. Buck was announced on January 20, 1906, when it 2
was stated that the studio would be operated by Earl Stockdale and Fenn Chapman. Pearl gave birth to their daughter 2 1
Vivian in May of 1908, and was a dress maker from their home in Kalamazoo. She later was a saleslady in a Hudson 1
grocery market. Vivian married a guy named Hurley, but was divorced and back at home by 1930. Pearl died at Los 1 3
Angeles on September 30, 1959, and Fenn died there on November 7, 1962. 3
1. 1900 Federal Census of the village of Wayland plus 1900 and 1920 Federal Censes of Leighton Township in Allegan County, 1910
Federal Census of the Fourth Ward of Kalamazoo in Kalamazoo County, and 1930 Federal Census of the Third Ward of Hudson in
Lenawee County, Michigan
2. Information compiled by Mrs. Donna L. Benedict from Wayland Globe newspapers.
3. California Death Index, 1940-1997.

Chapman, Harry M.
Attica, Indiana, child .................................................................................................................................................. 1870 1
Crawfordsville, Indiana, student ................................................................................................................................ 1880 1
Benton Harbor (Chapman & Son) PHOTOGRAPHERS in the Robinson Block ............................................ 1886-1889 m
Harry was born in June of 1865 at Attica, Indiana, the son of Moses V. and Margaret Chapman. His sister Alice 1
(later Ella) was born seven years earlier. Harry undoubtedly was playing and then working in his father’s photograph 1
gallery for many years before Chapman & Son was established. Some patrons of the Chapman & Son gallery were 1 t
African American. t
1. 1870 Federal Census of the village of Attica in Fountain County and 1880 Federal Census of Crawfordsville in
Montgomery County, Indiana.

Chapman, Harry O.
River Rouge student or clerk ........................................................................................................................... 1899-1902 d
River Rouge (Chapman & Plourde) PHOTOGRS at the northeast corner of Burke st and James av ........................ 1903 d
Detroit clerk for a drug manufacturer ........................................................................................................................ 1904 d
Detroit tester or inspector ................................................................................................................................ 1906-1907 d
Detroit sash manufacturer ................................................................................................................................ 1908-1909 d
Detroit clerk, office manager, correspondent, department supervisor, chief clerk or department manager .... 1912-1920 d 1
Harry was born in Michigan on October 17, 1883, and became an average sized man with brown eyes and black hair. 1 2
Her parents came from Ohio and Illinois and Gertrude was born in Iowa in 1883. She married Harry about 1907, their 1
son Kenneth was born in Michigan in 1909, and their daughter Bernice was born in Nebraska in 1911. Harry was an 1 d
employee of the Burroughs Adding Machine Company from 1912 through 1920. d 1
1. 1920 Federal Census of the Fourteenth Ward of Detroit in Wayne County, Michigan.
2. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.

Chapman, Herbert P.
Hubbardston PHOTOGRAPHER .................................................................................................................... 1904-1907 m
Lakeview PHOTOGRAPHER ......................................................................................................................... 1910-1913 1 m
His parents came from New York, and Herbert was born in Michigan in 1868 or 1869. His first wife gave birth in 1
Michigan to a son named Sego in 1897 or 1898. Her parents came from Ohio and New York and Alice was born in 1
Michigan in 1872 or 1873. She became Herbert’s second wife about 1899, and their son Boyd was born in Michigan 1
in 1902 or 1903. 1
1. 1910 Federal Census of the village of Lakeview in Montcalm County, Michigan.

Chapman, Ida B., Mrs.

Howell (Chapman & Osborn) PHOTOGRAPHERS ............................................................................................ ca 1887 t
Howell PHOTOGRAPHER ....................................................................................................................................... 1888 t
Howell (Kent & Chapman) PHOTOGRAPHERS ........................................................................................... 1888-1889 m
Howell PHOTOGRAPHER ....................................................................................................................................... 1890 R
“CHAPMAN Howell, Mich. OSBORN” and “CHAPMAN, Osborne Gallery, Howell, Mich.” were printed on t
some cabinet mounts. t
Chapman, Isaac O.
Ionia PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................................ 1874-1875 m
Stanton (Jennings & Chapman) PHOTOGRAPHERS .................................................................................... 1876-1877 m
Stanton PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................ 1878-1895 m
Lakeview PHOTOGRAPHER ......................................................................................................................... 1886-1907 m
Mecosta PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................... 1886-1909 m
Lakeview (I. O. Chapman & Company) PHOTOGRAPHERS and jewelers ................................................... 1906-1907 R
Lakeview (I. O. Chapman & Company) PHOTOGRAPHERS ....................................................................... 1907-1908 R
Lakeview PHOTOGRAPHER ......................................................................................................................... 1908-1909 m
He was listed as Ira O. Chapman in Ionia and once in Lakeview at the turn of the century. He was born in New York m 1
State in May of 1852. His first wife’s parents were born there, but Eunice was born in Michigan about 1853. He 1
reproduced a daguerreotype or ambrotype of a logging camp and an engraving of the Montcalm County court house, t
both as card photographs from Stanton. One of his Stanton stereo views shows the court house standing unharmed, t
while in the foreground are business buildings reduced to rubble by a fire. Others depict rural scenes and interiors, as t
well as some views of Denver, Colorado. Many of his mounts locate his Stanton gallery in the Gardner Block, where t
he also did job printing. In 1880 he and Eunice both were enumerated as artists, and he supplemented his photography t 1
as a printer and proprietor of the Stanton Hornet, an independent daily newspaper. He was succeeded in Stanton by E. 1 t
Frank Chapman, and in Lakeview by Herbert P. Chapman. About 1890 he married a lady named Hattie who was born m 1
in New York in September of 1868 to parents from Vermont and Pennsylvania. Hattie gave birth to Virgil in August of 1
1892, and by 1910 she was a widow. 1
1. 1880 Federal Census of the village of Stanton plus 1900 and 1910 Federal Censes of the village of Lakeview in Montcalm County,

Chapman, Jennie A., Mrs.

Lowell housewife ....................................................................................................................................................... 1880 1
Charlotte PHOTOGRAPHER .................................................................................................................................... 1888 R
Jennie’s parents came from New York, and she was born in Pennsylvania in 1839 or 1840. She later married Edwin 1
A. Chapman, and she gave birth to two sons (Glen and Gale) in Michigan between 1870 and 1873. She probably took 1 m
a significant part in her husband’s photographic business for several years prior to being recognized as the m
photographer. m
1. 1880 Federal Census of the village of Lowell in Kent County, Michigan.

Chapman, Moses V.
Attica, Indiana, cooper ............................................................................................................................................... 1860 1
Attica, Indiana, (Soldiers’ Picture Gallery) PHOTOGRAPHER ..................................................................... 1864-1865 2
Attica, Indiana, (Chapman & Ennis) PHOTOGRAPHERS ....................................................................................... 1866 2
Attica, Indiana, PHOTOGRAPHER on the third floor of Poole’s Block on Perry st ...................................... 1867-1869 2
Attica, Indiana, PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................ 1870-1872 1 2
Crawfordsville, Indiana, PHOTOGRAPHER .................................................................................................. 1877-1880 2 1
Benton Harbor (Chapman & Son) PHOTOGRAPHERS in the Robinson Block ............................................ 1886-1889 m
Benton Harbor PHOTOGRAPHER in the Robinson Block ............................................................................ 1888-1890 m R
Attica, Indiana, PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................ 1892-1895 2
The Moses Chapman that served in Company H of the 47th Indiana Infantry during the Civil War was not the 3
photographer. Moses was born in the state of New York in 1826 or early in 1827. Her father came from Pennsylvania 3 1
and Margaret was born in Ohio about 1833. She married Moses and their daughter Alice (or Ella) and their son Harry 1
were born in Indiana between 1857 and 1865. From his Attica gallery, Moses offered “Ivorytypes and Photographs all 1 t
sizes.” In 1878 the Crawfordsville gallery was opposite the Court House over 10 East Main Street. From Benton t 2
Harbor Moses produced a respectfully warm cabinet photograph of an African American couple seated at the side of t
their home and surrounded by their five children. t
1. 1860 and 1870 Federal Censes of the village of Attica in Fountain County and 1880 Federal Census of Crawfordsville in
Montgomery County, Indiana.
2. Learned in 2000 from James A. Marusek of Bloomfield, Indiana.
3. Civil War Veteran Pension Record of Moses Chapman obtained from the National Archives at Washington, D. C.

Chapman, Robert
Capac PHOTOGRAPHER .............................................................................................................................. 1896-1901 m
Capac laborer ..................................................................................................................................................... 1910,1920 1
Capac resident ............................................................................................................................................................ 1930 1
His parents emigrated from England, and Robert was born in Canada in January of 1863. Her parents came from 1
Europe, Priscilla was born in Canada in September of 1866, and she married Robert about 1887. Their daughter Ollia 1
was born in Canada in July of 1888, they moved to Michigan in 1894, where Luella, Elsie and Viola were born 1
between November of 1896 and 1905. By 1900 Robert was a naturalized citizen of the United States. 1
1. 1900, 1910, 1920 and 1930 Federal Censes of the village of Capac in Mussey Township of Saint Clair County, Michigan.
Chapman, Vern
Lake Odessa PHOTOGRAPHER .................................................................................................................... 1914-1915 m
Saginaw draftsman for a machine shop ...................................................................................................................... 1920 1
W. Verne Chapman was born in Michigan in May of 1892, and was the elder son of E. Frank and Alice C. Chapman. 1
He had a younger brother and two older sisters, one of whom died before reaching maturity. Vern undoubtedly got 1 m
plenty of experience in his father’s Stanton studio before entering the photographic business on his own. Mena M. 1 m
Hanson was born in Michigan to Danish parents in 1891, and she married Verne about 1913. Their sons were born in 1
Michigan: Merle in September of 1915 and Jack in July of 1918. By 1930 Mena was a widow raising the boys on her 1
own. 1
1. 1910 Federal Census of the Thirteenth Ward of Chicago in Cook County, Illinois, as well as 1900 Federal Census of the Third Ward
and 1910 Federal Census of the First Ward of Stanton in Montcalm County, plus 1920 and 1930 Federal Censes of the Ninth Ward
of Saginaw in Saginaw County, Michigan.

Chappee, Birnie G.
Detroit student ........................................................................................................................................................... 1860 1
Detroit employee of photographer Gottshalk Grelling ..................................................................................... 1871-1872 2
Detroit photographer for Gottshalk Grelling ................................................................................................... 1873-1875 2 d
Detroit photo printer for the Grand Central Gallery ................................................................................................. 1876 d
Detroit photographer .................................................................................................................................................. 1877 d
Detroit stenographer for a law firm .................................................................................................................. 1878-1882 d 1
Detroit stenographer, clerk or chief clerk at police headquarters .................................................................... 1883-1913 d 1
Detroit salesman or clerk ................................................................................................................................. 1915-1916 d
Detroit record clerk for the police department ................................................................................................. 1917-1927 d 1
Detroit clerk ..................................................................................................................................................... 1928-1929 d
Birnie was born in Detroit on December 29, 1852, to Benjamin and Martha (Duncanson) Chappee. His father was 2 d
one of the few black men listed in the Detroit City Directory for 1846. His paternal grandfather emigrated from d 1
France, and everyone in the Chappee family was enumerated as mulatto in the 1880 census. Birnie was educated at 1 2
San Francisco, California, and later at Monroe, Michigan, and studied stenography while he was working for Detroit 2
photographers. He interrupted his service to the law firm of Moore & Moore in 1880 to become private secretary to 2
Joseph Brooks in New York City for about one year. He was married in 1879 to Marion S. DeBaptiste, who died in 2 1
1884. Susan E. Williams was born in Michigan to parents from Virginia in August of 1865, and she married Birnie in 1 2
1891. Susie gave birth to Leon in December of 1892, Helen in July of 1894, and Birnie in January of 1897. Her son 1
Don was born in 1902 or early in 1903, but did not live to maturity. By 1920 the three other children had responsible 1
jobs and the entire family was considered to be white by the census enumerator. Birnie died in Detroit on January 30, 1 d
1929, and Susie was living alone in Detroit in 1930. d 1
1. 1880 Federal Census of the city of Detroit, 1860 Federal Census of the Sixth Ward, 1900 and 1910 Federal Censes of the First Ward,
plus 1920 and 1930 Federal Censes of the Fourteenth Ward of Detroit in Wayne County, Michigan.
2. Robert Budd Ross, Landmarks of Detroit, Evening News Association, Detroit, 1898.

Chappee, Robert D.
Detroit student ........................................................................................................................................................... 1860 1
Detroit artist ............................................................................................................................................................... 1862 d
Detroit clerk for photographer Gottshalk Grelling ..................................................................................................... 1863 d
Detroit photographer or photographic artist ..................................................................................................... 1866,1868 d
Detroit porter or photographer ......................................................................................................................... 1869-1871 d
Cincinnati, Ohio, photographer ........................................................................................................................ 1875-1876 2
Detroit photo printer or artist ..................................................................................................................................... 1878 d
Detroit retoucher for photographer Joseph E. Watson ............................................................................................... 1879 d
Detroit artist or negative retoucher ............................................................................................................................ 1880 d 1
Detroit retoucher for photographer Corydon C. Randall ........................................................................................... 1881 d
Robert was the son of Benjamin and Martha Chappee, who were among the earliest African Americans to settle in 1 d
Detroit. He was born here in 1845 or early in 1846. Her father came from Virginia and Mary L. Johnson was born in 1
Arkansas in December of 1851. She and Robert married about 1870, their son Alford was born in Ohio in 1871 or 1
1872, and their daughter Eda was born in October of 1880. Like his parents and his brother Birnie, Robert and his 1
family were enumerated as mulatto in 1880. Mary was a widow by 1889 and lived on in Detroit well into the 20th 1 d
century. She and her daughter and her mother were classified as black in the 1900 census. d 1
1. 1880 Federal Census of the city of Detroit, plus 1860 Federal Census of the Sixth Ward and 1900 Federal Census of the Third Ward of
Detroit in Wayne County, Michigan.
2. Learned in 2002 from Don Fredgant of Lakewood, Ohio.

Chappell, _______
Schoolcraft (Austin & Chappell) PHOTOGRAPHERS .................................................................................. 1865-1866 1
1. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1862-1866, National Archives, Washington, D.C.
Chappell, Eliza B., Mrs.
Sturgis PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................. 1884-1889 m
Athens PHOTOGRAPHER .................................................................................................................................. ca 1888 t
“Mrs. Chappell, Athens and Sturgis, Mich.” was printed on some cabinet mounts. t

Charach, Charles
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 132 Gratiot av ........................................................................................................... 1920 d
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 442 Gratiot av ................................................................................................. 1920-1921 d m
The change in address was due to revisions in the Detroit numbering system, rather than to relocation. d

Chard, E. Spencer
Grand Rapids photographer ....................................................................................................................................... 1892 g
Please note the entry for Spencer C. Chard. g
Chard, Elijah
Carthage, New York, house joiner ............................................................................................................................. 1860 1
Schoolcraft PHOTOGRAPHER ...................................................................................................................... 1864-1865 2
Brady PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................... 1865-1866 2
Vicksburg PHOTO ARTIST ........................................................................................................................... 1866-1867 m
Grand Rapids builder ................................................................................................................................................. 1880 1
Elijah was born in Canada about 1830 to parents from New York. He and Eliza married and had a son born about 1
1858 before they immigrated to the United States. They added two more sons and a daughter to their family while 1
living in Michigan. 1
1. 1860 Federal Census of the city of Carthage in Jefferson County, New York, and 1880 Federal Census of the city of Grand Rapids in
Kent County, Michigan.
2. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1862-1866, National Archives, Washington, D.C.

Chard, Eliza Ann, Mrs.

Carthage, New York, housewife ................................................................................................................................ 1860 1
Brady PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................... 1866-1867 m
Grand Rapids housewife ............................................................................................................................................ 1880 1
Eliza was born in Canada about 1833 to parents from New York. She married Elijah Chard and their son Norman 1
was born in Canada late in 1857 or in 1858. Their other children, Leroy, Guy and Pearl, were born in Michigan 1
between 1869 and 1876. 1
1. 1860 Federal Census of the city of Carthage in Jefferson County, New York, and 1880 Federal Census of the city of Grand Rapids in
Kent County, Michigan.

Chard, Spencer C.
Grand Rapids photo printer for photographer James Bayne ...................................................................................... 1888 g
Grand Rapids photographer ....................................................................................................................................... 1889 g

Charles, Claire L., Mrs.

Battle Creek PHOTOGRAPHER at 57 Main st west ...................................................................................... 1920-1921 m 1
Lansing (Char Hoff Studio) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 117 ½ Washington av south ......................................... 1930-1931 m
Her father emigrated from England and Claire was born in Canada in 1881 or early in 1882. She came to the United 2
States in 1900 and married the photographer Don M. Bennett about 1905. Claire gave birth to three children: Harlo in 2
January of 1909, Flora in 1912, and Mary in September of 1916. She was a widow and had established a photographic 2
studio in Battle Creek by January of 1920. Claire employed a live-in housekeeper to help with the children. She 2
married an Englishman named J. H. Charles later in 1920 and continued her photographic career. Harriet Hoffman was 2 m
the other principal of the Char Hoff Studio. J. H. Charles was a Lansing furniture salesman in 1930. m 2
1. Battle Creek City Directory, 1921, R. L. Polk & Company, Detroit, Michigan.
2. 1910 Federal Census of the Second Ward of Albion and 1920 Federal Census of the Third Ward of Battle Creek in Calhoun
County, plus 1930 Federal Census of the Sixth ward of Lansing in Ingham County, Michigan.
Charlton, Demetrius Frederick
Detroit draughtsman .................................................................................................................................................. 1881 d
Detroit architect ............................................................................................................................................... 1882-1885 d
Marquette architect .......................................................................................................................................... 1887-1913 1 m
Marquette PHOTOGRAPHER and architect ............................................................................................................. 1914 2 1
Marquette architect .......................................................................................................................................... 1915-1918 1
Marquette PHOTOGRAPHER in the Harlow Block ....................................................................................... 1920-1925 m
Marquette architect .......................................................................................................................................... 1924-1927 m
Marquette PHOTOGRAPHER in Room 105 of the Harlow Block ................................................................. 1930-1931 m
Marquette resident ........................................................................................................................................... 1932-1941 1
D. Fred Charlton was born in 1856 and raised in Wratham, Kent, England. He received some training in civil 1
engineering before immigrating in the late 1870s to Windsor, Ontario. His eldest son Ted was born in Michigan in 1 2
March of 1886, and Fred seems to have lost his first wife. Miss Alice Grylls was born in England to an Irish mother in 2 1
January of 1861, crossed the ocean in 1884, and married Fred in 1887. Their sons Cecil and Seymour were born in 2
Michigan in October of 1889 and December of 1892. They soon moved to Marquette where Fred opened a branch 2 1
office for John Scott & Company of Detroit and was the supervising architect for the construction of the Marquette 1
State Prison and the first building of the Michigan College of Mines at Houghton. He was the first professional 1
architect to reside permanently in the Upper Peninsula, and by 1890 was in business for himself. He was elected a 1
fellow of the American Institute of Architects in 1893, when he designed the Michigan exhibit for the Mines and 1
Mining Building of the Columbian Exposition at Chicago. Fred designed several additions to the prison and six 1
buildings added to the Houghton campus between 1893 and 1908, five buildings of the Northern State Normal School 1
at Marquette between 1900 and 1915, and 30 buildings of the Newberry State Hospital over a period of 22 years. The 1
business structures, the superintendent’s house and the school in the model company town of Gwinn were designed 1
about 1907. His firm was responsible for 426 buildings, including 45 for the state, 20 for counties and towns, 82 1
schools, 11 banks, 7 theatres, 7 churches, several hotels, 3 libraries, 221 commercial or industrial buildings and 30 1
houses. Fred was an accomplished water colorist and an avid photographer. There is a 4½ by 7 inch photograph of a 1 3
drawing of the Northern State Normal School in the Library of Congress that he copyrighted in 1914. He retired from 3 1
active architectural practice in 1918, and opened a photo enlarging shop one year later that operated until 1937. He 1
died at his home in Marquette in 1941, and interment was in a local cemetery. 1
1. Steven C. Brisson, “Architectural Missionary” in Michigan History, November-December 2001, pages 40-47.
2. 1900 and 1910 Federal Censes of the Third Ward of Marquette in Marquette County, Michigan.
3. Learned in 2000 from Carol Johnson of the Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.

Charlton, George
Detroit artist, laborer or photographer ............................................................................................................. 1916-1919 d
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 4864 Woodward av ......................................................................................... 1921-1923 d m
Detroit artist or resident ................................................................................................................................... 1922-1923 d
There were several men named George Charlton in Detroit in the 1920s. One was a black machine hand in 1920, and d
another was a brick layer in 1924 and 1925. d

Charlton, R. M.
Cassopolis (Charlton Photo Company) PHOTOGRAPHERS ......................................................................... 1900-1901 m
Michigan City, Indiana, PHOTOGRAPHER at 617 Michigan st .............................................................................. 1902 1
Michigan City, Indiana, PHOTOGRAPHER at 207 Michigan st east ....................................................................... 1905 1
1. Learned in 2000 from James A. Marusek of Bloomfield, Indiana.

Chartier, Edward E.
Detroit clerk or bellboy .................................................................................................................................... 1888-1891 d
Detroit photographer for Alfred G. McMichael ......................................................................................................... 1892 d
Detroit clerk, collector or peddler .................................................................................................................... 1893-1898 d
Detroit inspector or clerk for the department of public works ......................................................................... 1899-1908 d
Detroit agent, resident or clerk ........................................................................................................................ 1909-1910 d 1
Detroit clerk for the city assessor ..................................................................................................................... 1911-1927 d
Edward was born in Canada in August of 1873. He immigrated with his family in 1880 and became a naturalized 1
citizen of the United States. His wife and daughters were born in Michigan, Celina in March of 1871 and Florence, 1
Emilie, Adele, Celeste and Frances between 1902 and 1913. One did not reach maturity. His widow was living in 1 d
Detroit in 1930. d
1. 1900, 1910 and 1920 Federal Censes of the Thirteenth Ward of Detroit in Wayne County, Michigan.

Chase, _______
Niles (Chase Studio) PHOTOGRAPHERS ..................................................................................................... 1912-1913 m
Chase, Frederick P.
Grand Rapids elevator operator ....................................................................................................................... 1891-1892 g
Grand Rapids helper or blacksmith .................................................................................................................. 1895-1897 g
Grand Rapids blacksmith ........................................................................................................................................... 1900 1
Grand Rapids canvasser or helper .................................................................................................................... 1900,1902 g
Grand Rapids clerk or driver ........................................................................................................................... 1903-1907 g
Holland theater electrician ......................................................................................................................................... 1910 1
Grand Rapids blacksmith ........................................................................................................................................... 1914 g
Grand Rapids PHOTOGRAPHER at 1044 Wealthy st southwest ................................................................... 1915-1917 g m
Grand Rapids janitor, electrician or resident ................................................................................................... 1918-1920 g
Grand Rapids house carpenter ................................................................................................................................... 1920 1
Grand Rapids mechanic ............................................................................................................................................. 1922 g
Fred was born in Michigan in July of 1872, and he did not marry until he was in his forties. Then he chose Mrs. 1
Anna Donaldson, who was born in Michigan in 1875. She brought along her daughter Nana that was born here in 1
1911. 1
1. 1910 Federal Census of the First Ward of Holland in Ottawa County, plus 1900 Federal Census of the Second Ward of Grand Rapids
and 1920 Federal Census of the city of Grand Rapids in Kent County, Michigan.

Chase, J. W.
Buchanan PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................ 1869-1870 m
Chase employed A. A. Heyl as an operator and preserved negatives for one year. t

Chase, John W.
Grand Rapids student ................................................................................................................................................. 1860 1
Grand Rapids brick mason ......................................................................................................................................... 1870 1
Grand Rapids painter ................................................................................................................................................. 1880 1
Grand Rapids electrician .................................................................................................................................. 1886-1891 g
Grand Rapids proprietor of a telegraph school ................................................................................................ 1892-1894 g
Grand Rapids telephone manufacturer ....................................................................................................................... 1895 g
Grand Rapids electrician .................................................................................................................................. 1896-1905 g m
Grand Rapids PHOTOGRAPHER at 106 Monroe st ...................................................................................... 1906-1911 g m
Grand Rapids (Electric Photo Studio) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 59 Monroe av .................................................... ca 1912 t
Grand Rapids PHOTOGRAPHER at 57 ½ Monroe av ................................................................................... 1912-1917 g m
Grand Rapids resident or electrician ................................................................................................................ 1917-1919 g
His parents came from Vermont and New York, and John was born in Ohio in 1851, last of the four children of 1
Hiram J. and Rhoda Chase. In 1860 he was living next door to ambrotypist Edward S. Wykes. Theodocia was born in 1
Pennsylvania to parents from New York in May of 1846, and she married John about 1870. Their daughter Gascoyne 1
was born in Illinois a year or so later, and then Rhoda, Almina, Mortimer and Emery were born in Michigan between 1
1874 and February of 1881. Theodocia divorced John, and she and her younger son were living in Grand Rapids in 1
1900. Her parents emigrated from Ireland, Catherine was born in New York in 1870 or 1871, and she became John’s 1
second wife about 1902. John was manufacturing the Chase Electric Railway Signal in 1900 and 1901. Some studio 1 g
portraits on post card stock are from the “Electric Little Photo Company, 106 Monroe St., Grand Rapids, Mich., J. W. t
Chase, prop.” and from the “Electric Little Photo Studio, J. W. Chase, prop., 106 Monroe St., Grand Rapids, Mich.” t
On the post card backs of other studio portraits was printed: “ELECTRIC PHOTO STUDIO. Post Cards a Specialty. t
Old No. 106, New No. 59 Monroe Avenue, Grand Rapids, Mich. The Furniture City.” John was 68 years old when he t g
died in Grand Rapids on December 5, 1919. g
1. 1880 Federal Census of the city of Grand Rapids, plus 1860, 1870 and 1900 Federal Censes of the Third Ward and 1910 Federal
Census of the Second Ward of Grand Rapids in Kent County, Michigan.
Chase, Lothario Ray
Manton child .............................................................................................................................................................. 1880 1
Evangeline Township worker in a saw mill ............................................................................................................... 1900 1
Boyne City PHOTOGRAPHER at 133 Michigan av ....................................................................................... 1906-1907 m
Boyne City jeweler .................................................................................................................................................... 1910 1
Boyne City PHOTOGRAPHER ...................................................................................................................... 1910-1915 t m
Lansing self employed watch repairer for the Reo Motor Company ......................................................................... 1918 2
Lansing optometrist with his own store ..................................................................................................................... 1920 1
Lansing optometrist in an optical shop ...................................................................................................................... 1930 1
His father came from New York and Lothario was born in Michigan on October 31, 1878, the only son of Edward 1
M. and Lenora Chase. His sisters were born here, Jennie in November of 1881 and Blanch in June of 1884. He was 1
known as Ray as an adult, was medium sized with grey eyes and auburn hair, and was married three times. The name 1
of his first wife has not turned up, but she was born in Michigan and married Ray in 1899. She gave birth to Clyde and 1
Lothario Rolland here between 1901 and 1905. Hazel was born in Michigan to parents from Pennsylvania in 1887 or 1
1888, married Ray about 1906, and gave birth to Queenie in 1907, Marion in November of 1909, Milo in 1911, Philip 1
in 1915, and Albert in November of 1916. Ray was a “Jeweler and tower clock repairer. Musical instruments and 1 m
photographic views. 133 Mich. Ave., North Boyne.” in 1906. “Boyne City High School, 1910. Chase.” was scribed m t
into the negative of a postal photograph postmarked early in February of 1910. Another card was postmarked one t
month later made from the same negative, but “GLENN” had been scribed into the negative by a different hand. t
“BURNING OF THE NEW BOYNE HOTEL, MAR. 7, 1910. Chase.” was lettered on the negative of another post t
card photo, and “Burning of 2,000,000 ft lumber June 23, 1911, at W. H. White Company. No. 1 Mill, Boyne City, t
Mich. - Photo by Ray Chase” was written on still another postal negative. Ray was living alone in 1918, and was a t 1
widower and one of four roomers with a Lansing family in 1920. Queenie, Marion and Philip had been adopted by 1
John M. and Alida J. Chase and were living in Jackson. Milo and Albert were living in Owosso with the family of 1
Frank and Jennie Danielson. Fay was born in Michigan in 1888 or early in 1889, and she married Ray about 1927. In 1
1930 they were sharing their home with Clyde and his wife and two very young daughters as well as Rolland and Milo 1
who had remained single. It is not clear whether Ray was the proprietor or an employee of the optical shop at this time. 1
1. 1880 Federal Census of the village of Manton in Wexford County, 1900 Federal Census of Evangeline Township and 1910 Federal
Census of the First Ward of Boyne City in Charlevoix County, 1920 Federal Census of the Second Ward of Jackson in Jackson
County, 1920 Federal Census of the Second Ward of Owosso in Shiawassee County, plus 1920 Federal Census of the Third Ward
and 1930 Federal Census of the Fourth Ward of Lansing in Ingham County, Michigan.
2. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.

Chase, M., Miss

Charlotte PHOTOGRAPHER .......................................................................................................................... 1862-1863 m

Chase, Newell S.
Hanover Township, New York, child ........................................................................................................................ 1860 1
Hanover Township, New York, worker on his father’s farm ..................................................................................... 1870 1
Gowanda, New York, PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................ 1880 1
Corunna PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................................ ca 1885 t
Saint Johns PHOTOGRAPHER ...................................................................................................................... 1886-1887 m
Saint Johns (Smith & Chase) PHOTOGRAPHERS ........................................................................................ 1888-1889 m
Grand Haven PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................. 1890 R
Grand Rapids photographer ....................................................................................................................................... 1890 g
Grand Rapids photographer for Bradford D. Jackson ................................................................................................ 1891 g
Hart PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................................. 1892-1895 m
Mount Morris, New York, PHOTOGRAPHER ....................................................................................................... 1900 1
Rhinelander, Wisconsin, PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................. 1905-1908 2
Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania, PHOTOGRAPHER ......................................................................................... 1910,1920 1
His father came from Vermont and Newell was born in New York in July of 1855, the third and last child of Samuel 1
W. and Sarah Chase. His sisters Sarah and Mary were born between 1845 and 1847. Ella was born in Wisconsin to 1
parents from New York in April of 1859, and she married Newell about 1876. Their daughters were born twenty years 1
apart, Lula in February of 1878 and Ruth in August of 1898. Phillip B. Smith became Newell’s partner about 1888. 1 m
Ruth had passed on by 1910, but both of the girls were living with Newell. He worked as a photographer from his 1
Mechanicsburg home in 1910 and 1920. Ruth still was sharing his home in 1920. 1
1. 1860 and 1870 Federal Censes of Hanover Township in Chautauqua County, 1880 Federal Census of the village of Gowanda
in Cattaraugus County, and 1900 Federal Census of the village of Mount Morris in Livingston County, New York, plus 1910
Federal Census of the Second Ward and 1920 Federal Census of the Fourth Ward of Mechanicsburg in Cumberland County,
2. Directory of Wisconsin Photographers; State Historical Society of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin, 1991.
Chase, R. H.
Constantine PHOTOGRAPHER .......................................................................................................................... ca 1868 t

Chase, Ray
Please see the entry for Lothario Ray Chase.

Chase, Samuel J.
Grand Rapids resident ................................................................................................................................................ 1862 1
United States Army soldier .............................................................................................................................. 1862-1865 1
Grand Rapids blacksmith ......................................................................................................................... 1880,1886,1888 2 g
Grand Rapids office building janitor or engineer ............................................................................................ 1890-1891 g
Grand Rapids blacksmith or resident ............................................................................................................... 1892-1907 g m
Grand Rapids PHOTOGRAPHER at 29 Canal st ............................................................................................ 1908-1909 g m
Grand Rapids PHOTOGRAPHER at 14 Division st north ........................................................................................ 1909 g
Grand Rapids PHOTOGRAPHER at 29 Canal st ............................................................................................ 1910-1911 g m
Grand Rapids PHOTOGRAPHER at 329 ½ Monroe av ................................................................................. 1912-1913 g m
Grand Rapids PHOTOGRAPHER at 701 Michigan st northeast .................................................................... 1914-1915 g m
Grand Rapids resident ...................................................................................................................................... 1915-1917 g
Samuel was born at Cleveland, Ohio, on June 19, 1847, and was fifteen years old when he enlisted at Hastings as a 1
fifer in Company F of the 21st Michigan Infantry. He was mustered into the army on September 3, 1862, and 1
apparently served more as a drummer than as a fifer. He was captured on December 31 during the battle of Stone 1
River, and was paroled at Murfreesboro, Tennessee, on January 2, 1863. Early in May of 1863 he was sent to Camp 1
Chase in Ohio, but seems to have spent most of the war with his company and regiment. Samuel was honorably 1
discharged at Detroit on August 15, 1865, but was not officially mustered out until October 17, 1866. He and Miss 1
Lettie Elizabeth Follands were married in Grand Rapids on December 29, 1869, and their sons Franklin, George, Roy 1 2
and Samuel were born between July of 1871 and August of 1880. Their daughter Mabel was born on December 15, 2
1887. Samuel began receiving a pension of twelve dollars per month in August of 1890 for the disability due to the 2 1
piles and rheumatism that had afflicted him since 1863. His wife died on November 15, 1901, and for a brief period in 1
1906 Samuel moved to Holland, Michigan. “S. J. Chase’s Gallery of Art, 29 Canal St....” was printed on the back of a t
post card studio portrait of a child with a toy telephone. Samuel died in Grand Rapids on May 24, 1918. t 1
1. Civil War Veteran Pension Record of Samuel J. Chase obtained from the National Archives at Washington, D. C.
2. 1880 Federal Census of the city of Grand Rapids plus 1900 and 1910 Federal Censes of the Second Ward of Grand Rapids
in Kent County, Michigan.

Chase, William Moody

Baltimore, Maryland, employee of photographer R. D. Ridgeley ................................................................... 1867-1868 1
Baltimore, Maryland, PHOTOGR & STEREOGRAPH PUBLISHER, corner of Lexington &Eutaw ............ 1872-1888 1
Baltimore, Maryland, PHOTOGRAPHER & STEREOGRAPH PUBLISHER at 330 Lexington west .......... 1889-1890 1
Baltimore, Maryland, PHOTOGRAPHER & STEREOGRAPH PUBLISHER at 941 Franklin west ............. 1891-1894 1
William was born in 1817 at Bolton, Massachusetts. “Excelsior Stereo Views, By W. M. Chase.” was printed on the 1 t
mounts of stereoscopic views along with captions like “The Picturesque of Belle Isle Park, Detroit, Mich.” and t
“Welcome to the G. A. R., Detroit, Mich., Aug. 4, 1891.” William died in November of 1901 at Boston, Mass. t 1
1. Ross J. Kelbaugh, Directory of Maryland Photographers 1839-1900, Historic Graphics, Baltimore, Maryland, 1988.

Chatelain, Ali Numa

Aurora, Illinois, PHOTOGRAPHER ......................................................................................................................... 1900 1
Iron Mountain PHOTOGRAPHER at 215 Hughitt st east ............................................................................... 1904-1908 2 R
Iron Mountain PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................... 1910 1
Kalamazoo PHOTOGRAPHER at 117 Burdick st south ................................................................................ 1912-1913 K m
Kalamazoo PHOTOGRAPHER on the second floor at 114 Burdick st south ................................................. 1916-1917 K m
Ali was born in Switzerland in 1867 or early in 1868. He immigrated in 1880 and became a naturalized citizen of the 1
United States. He and Frances were married about 1897, and they raised a son and a daughter. Ali took over Eskil’s 1 2
Art Gallery at Iron Mountain late in December of 1904. “MADE BY CHATELAIN - 117 S. BURDICK, 2 t
KALAMAZOO” was printed on the post card backs of studio portraits, including babies and women and three young t
men smiling over a big string of fish. Ali died late in 1916 or early in 1917. t 3
1. 1900 Federal Census of the Third Ward of Aurora in Kane County, Illinois, and 1910 Federal Census of the Fourth Ward of Iron
Mountain in Dickinson County, Michigan.
2. Dickinson Diggings; Iron Mountain, Michigan, volume 6, number 1, February 1987.
3. Kalamazoo Gazette, Kalamazoo, Michigan, October 18, 1925, page 19.
Chatelain, Frances D., Mrs.
Aurora, Illinois, housewife ........................................................................................................................................ 1900 1
Iron Mountain housewife ........................................................................................................................................... 1910 1
Kalamazoo PHOTOGRAPHER on the second floor at 114 Burdick st south ................................................. 1917-1925 K m
Kalamazoo PHOTOGRAPHER at 126 Burdick st south ................................................................................ 1925-1926 2 K
Grand Rapids cosmetician in a beauty parlor ............................................................................................................ 1930 1
Frances was born in Wisconsin in September of 1877, and she was known as Fannie when she married Ali around 1
1896. Her children were born in Michigan, Ross about 1901 and Margaret in May of 1908. Frances became the 1 2
proprietor of the studio upon the death of her husband, Ali Chatelain. She employed Leon Bonnely as her assistant 2 K
from 1919 through 1925. Her children moved with her to Grand Rapids, where Margaret was a beautician and Ross K 1
sold advertising. 1
1. 1900 Federal Census of the Third Ward of Aurora in Kane County, Illinois, plus 1910 Federal Census of the Fourth Ward of Iron
Mountain in Dickinson County and 1930 Federal Census of the Second Ward of Grand Rapids in Kent County, Michigan.
2. Kalamazoo Gazette, Kalamazoo, Michigan, October 18, 1925, page 19.

Chatfield, Chester
Otsego Township child .............................................................................................................................................. 1860 1
Otsego Township farm laborer .................................................................................................................................. 1870 1
Cassopolis photographer ............................................................................................................................................ 1880 1
Chicago, Illinois, bookkeeper for a railroad .............................................................................................................. 1900 1
Chicago, Illinois, salesman for a tobacco firm ........................................................................................................... 1910 1
His parents came from New York, and Chester was born in Michigan in November of 1857. Something happened to 1
his father not long after Chester was born. In 1860 Eveline Chatfield, his mother, and her four children were living 1
with the family of Alfred and Electa Whitcomb, who probably were her parents. The family was split up, and in 1870 1
Chester and his sister Isabelle were working on the farm of another Whitcomb, possibly an uncle. Alice was born in 1
New York in August of 1859, and she married Chester about 1877. Their children were born in Michigan: Chester in 1
March of 1879, Douglas in May of 1881, Nora in September of 1883, and Dorothy in December of 1888. By 1920 1
Alice was a widow living in Chicago with the family of her younger daughter and working as a practical nurse. 1
1. 1860 and 1870 Federal Censes of Otsego Township in Allegan County and 1880 Federal Census of the village of Cassopolis in Cass
County, Michigan, as well as 1900 Federal Census of the 30th Ward plus 1910 and 1920 Federal Censes of the 31st Ward of Chicago
in Cook County, Illinois.

Chatfield, Fred Eugene

Ferry Township student ............................................................................................................................................. 1900 1
Ferry PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................................ 1909-1917 t m
Ferry Township farmer .................................................................................................................................... 1918-1920 2 1
Ferry Township PHOTOGRAPHER ......................................................................................................................... 1930 1
Fred was born in Michigan on December 28, 1886. He was adopted and grew up on the farm of John C. and Ellen A. 2 1
Chatfield. They later adopted a girl named Pearl who was ten years younger than Fred. He became a medium sized 1 2
man with blue eyes and black hair, and he conducted his photographic business from the Ferry Township farm. “A 2 1
FERRY 1909: CHATFIELD” and “NO 2. MEMORIAL DAY FERRY 1909. F. E. CHATFIELD” were lettered on the t
negatives of post card photographs. “OLD PINE GROVE SCHOOL HOUSE FERRY MICH BUILT IN 1873. t
NEGATIVE BY FRED CHATFIELD” was printed on the negative of a post card photo mailed in 1909. “MAIN ST. t
NEGATIVE BY FRED CHATFIELD” were printed on other postal negatives using the same type. The message on a t
postal photo of the carrier with his wagon and horses serving Hesperia R. F. D. No. 5 mailed from Hesperia in June of t
1909 included: “… Fred Chatfield took it. He is going to take the baby’s picture in the morning. When we get them, I t
will send you one….” Her father came from New York and Fred’s future wife was born in Michigan in 1889. She t 1
became Mrs. Elsie Louise Chatfield about 1910, and never had children. John C. Chatfield was a widower by 1920, 1
when he was sharing the farm work with Fred. He was retired in 1930 and living with Elsie and Fred, who was back to 1
working from his home photo shop. 1
1. 1900, 1910, 1920 and 1930 Federal Censes of Ferry Township in Oceana County, Michigan.
2. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.
Cheff, Edmund Archael
River Rouge laborer, cook, paperhanger or photographer ............................................................................... 1900-1906 d
River Rouge PHOTOGRAPHER on Jefferson av west between Henry and Linden sts ....................................... ca 1906 1
River Rouge PHOTOGRAPHER at 9 Cicotte av east ..................................................................................... 1906-1913 m d
River Rouge PHOTOGRAPHER at 3161 Jefferson av west ........................................................................... 1914-1920 d m
River Rouge PHOTOGRAPHER at 10441 Jefferson av west .......................................................................... 1920 1924 d
River Rouge PHOTOGRAPHER at 12 Haltiner av ......................................................................................... 1925-1937 2 m
River Rouge PHOTOGRAPHER at 10654 Jefferson av west ......................................................................... 1938-1942 2 d
River Rouge PHOTOGRAPHER at 18 Haltiner av ......................................................................................... 1943-1946 2 d
River Rouge photographer ............................................................................................................................... 1947-1953 d 2
Edmund was born May 13, 1885, at Paincourt, Ontario, near the middle of the three sons and three daughters of Mr. 1
and Mrs. Hubert P. Cheff. Mrs. Cheff never spoke anything but French. Hubert Cheff was a carpenter, and the family 1
moved to River Rouge about 1897. One of Edmund’s early jobs was as cook for the fifteen man crew of a boat. He 1
learned the photographic business as an apprentice in Detroit, probably in the studio of D. D. Spellman. In 1907 he 1 3
married Emma Marion, who was born in Detroit in 1886 and worked at the toothpick factory near their home at 9 3 1
Cicotte Avenue. His studio was in a large room about 20 by 30 feet on the second floor of their home, with an adjacent 1
dark room. The house was next to the alley behind the commercial buildings facing Jefferson Avenue, and access to 1
the studio was along this alley and up an outside stairway at the rear of the house. They already had two daughters and 1
two sons in 1913 when Roy was born, so the studio on the ground floor of the wooden Jacobson Building at 3161 1 3
West Jefferson Avenue at Leroy Street was opened, and the photographic rooms on Cicotte Avenue were converted 3 1
into living space. They later had two more sons. Edmund and Emma liked to dance, and were good enough to win 1
some dancing contests. Edmund enjoyed playing with his children, and liked to fish and hunt. He usually took a trip 1
north during deer season. He was very even tempered and was a meticulous dresser who always worked in a suit and 1
tie. You could set your watch by his adherence to the same schedule throughout his career. He was in the studio from 1
8:00 until noon and from 12:30 until 8:00, Monday through Saturday, and from noon until 5:00 on Sunday. The return 1
address on some of Edmund’s business envelopes was: “E. A. CHEFF, Photographer, 3161 Jefferson Ave. West, River 1 t
Rouge, Michigan - Photographs, Framing, Enlarging and Viewing. Flashlights of Parties and Amateur Finishing.” By t
1918 Edmund had formally declared his intention of becoming a citizen of the United States. Most addresses in Detroit 4 d
and River Rouge changed during 1920, while Edmund’s studio remained in the same location on West Jefferson. This d 1
studio had a reception room, two dressing rooms, waiting rooms, the operating room and the dark room. His largest 1
prints were 16 by 20 inches. He had a panoramic camera, but it was not used much once wide angle lenses had been 1
introduced. An artistic cousin was paid to paint backgrounds. School pictures were a mainstay of the business, and 1
Edmund did work regularly at St. Andrew & Benedict in Detroit, St. Francis in Ecorse, St. Henry in Lincoln Park, 1
River Rouge High School and Our Lady of Lourdes in River Rouge. During prohibition, if the federal agents raided a 1
still or impounded a vehicle used to transport booze, Edmund would be called in to photographically document the 1
evidence. He was employed by the River Rouge and Ecorse Police Departments to take identification photographs and 1
was on call any time of the day or night to record the scenes of murders and robberies. He had the explosives handing 1
license required in order to use photographic flash powder. He took many photographs of weddings, athletic groups, 1
boat launchings at the ship yards in River Rouge, and publicity pictures for E & B Beer. Roy, the only one of the Cheff 1
children that could work with his father, began about 1935, and started retouching about 1937. Some retouching was 1
done on every portrait. About this time the Cheffs moved into a smaller house at 11 East Cicotte Avenue, and their 1
daughter moved her growing family into the place next door which had been their home for thirty years. Roy was 1
severely wounded in Europe during the war, and went through a lengthy hospitalization before he could return to the 1
business of which he was identified as the proprietor in 1947 and in many succeeding years. Edmund continued to d 1
participate in the photographic business, but gradually left more and more of the operations to Roy, and began 1
spending six to eight weeks of each winter in Florida. His health started to deteriorate about 1951, and he was 68 years 1
old when he died at home on September 2, 1953. He was survived by one daughter, five sons and his wife, Emma, who 1
lived until 1964. 1
1. Learned in 1997 from Roy Cheff of Westland, Michigan
2. Detroit telephone directories for 1925 through 1947.
3. Column “Intimate Notes About People You Know” about E. A. Cheff in the River Rouge Herald, River Rouge, Michigan, about 1945.
4. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.

Chelsea Manufacturing Company

Chelsea PHOTOGRAPHIC ACCESSORY MANUFACTURERS ................................................................. 1900-1903 m
The CHELSEA FLASH LIGHT PISTOL was manufactured in two versions: No. 1 was priced at $2.50, and No. 2 at m
$1.50. It had the hammer, trigger and grip of a pistol, with a flash pan in place of the barrel. The company was m
capitalized at $25,000 and manufactured “... Aluminum Belt Skirt Supporters; Beef Steak Tenderer and Fish Scalers; m
dripless Tea and Coffee Strainers; Diamond Knife, Shear and Scissors Sharpener; Combined Salt and Pepper Shakers” m
and other “... General Novelties, Hardware and Stationery Supplies.” In 1903 the company put out a brochure on “The m 1
Welch Tourist” gasoline touring car. H. S. Holmes was president, W. J. Knapp was vice president, J. D. Watson was 1 m
secretary and treasurer, and Allie R. Welch, inventor of the Flash Light Pistol, was manager of the company. m p
1. A copy of the Welch Tourist brochure was offered in 1995 in Catalog 80 by John K. King Books of Detroit, Michigan.
Cheney, Alonzo M.
Lansing ambrotype artist ............................................................................................................................................ 1860 1
Lansing PHOTOGRAPHER ...................................................................................................................................... 1862 2
Lansing (Cheney & Baker) PHOTOGRAPHERS in the middle town ............................................................. 1862-1863 m
Lansing PHOTOGRAPHER over the City Book Store on Michigan av ......................................................... 1864-1866 m 2
Lansing (Cheney & Richardson) PHOTOGRAPHERS and retail dealers ................................................................. 1866 2
Lansing (Cheney & Holly) PHOTOGRAPHERS at the corner of Washington and Michigan avs .................. 1866-1867 m
Lansing (Cheney & Richardson) PHOTOGRAPHERS and retail dealers ....................................................... 1867-1868 3
Charlotte (Cheney & Richardson) PHOTOGRAPHERS and book store ............................................................. ca 1868 t
Charlotte patent rights agent ...................................................................................................................................... 1870 1
Charlotte auctioneer ......................................................................................................................................... 1872-1873 m
Charlotte (Salls & Cheney) PHOTOGRAPHERS over Richardson’s book store ................................................ ca 1873 t
Charlotte PHOTOGRAPHER over Richardson’s book store ............................................................................... ca 1874 t
Charlotte PHOTOGRAPHER at the southeast corner of Lovett st and Cochrane av ...................................... 1874-1875 m
Charlotte (A. M. Cheney - A. H. Nichols) PHOTOGRS on the ground floor south of the post office ................. ca 1875 t
Charlotte (A. M. Cheney & Company) PHOTOGRS at the corner of Lovett st and Cochrane av .................. 1876-1877 m
Charlotte PHOTOGRAPHER .......................................................................................................................... 1877-1883 4 m
Charlotte (Cheney & Christmas) PHOTOGRAPHERS ................................................................................... 1884-1885 m
Lansing (Cheney & Christmas) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 301 Washington av south ........................................ 1886-1888 m 5
Lansing (Cheney & Lawson) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 201 Washington av south ........................................... 1889-1890 6 R
Lansing PHOTOGRAPHER at 201 Washington av south .............................................................................. 1890-1895 m L
Alonzo was born in New York State on August 27, 1837, the son of Eliphalet and Lavina (Nichols) Cheney. Mary E. 1 7
Hawley was born in Ohio in 1840 or 1841, and she was married to Alonzo by 1860. Their daughter Estella was born in 7 1
1861. Alonzo’s partner in 1863 was Harvey Baker, and in 1867 was Francis M. Holly, though their most common 7 m
back mark reads “Photographed by Cheney & Holley, over City Book Store, Lansing, Mich.” Mary died in 1867, and t 7
Alonzo soon married her sister Rosana, who was born in Ohio in 1843. Their daughters were born in Eaton County: 7
Lena on February 26, 1868, and Minnie (later Lulu) on December 2, 1869. Alonzo moved in 1868 from Lansing to 7 8
Charlotte, where Cheney & Richardson did their photography over their book store. They dealt in books, stationery, 8 t
wall paper, curtain paper, clocks, jewelry, silver ware, oval and square picture frames, looking glasses, hats, caps, furs, t
gloves, paper collars, and a full line of gent’s furnishing goods, notions, &c. Some Charlotte card photos are from t
“Cheney’s Golden Star Gallery, No. 125 Main Street,...” and others are “From the Ground Floor Gallery, south of Post t
Office....” Cheney & Christmas were succeeded by Edwin A. Chapman in the Star Gallery at Charlotte. In their t
Lansing gallery in 1887 they employed Miss Lena Cheney as a clerk and Mrs. Cora Christmas as a retoucher. In the L
spring of 1888 they were using a new cabinet card, for which Alonzo had made a patent application, and the new 5
instantaneous dry tintype plates for nice pictures at the same old prices. In the fall of 1889 Cheney & Lawson 5 6
advertised in a Michigan Agricultural College newsletter: “WILL IT PAY to give $3.00 per dozen for Cabinet 6
Photographs, when we Positively Guarantee just as good for $2.00 as can be had in the city of Lansing. Special rates to 6
all connected with the M. A. C. We solicit a trial, which will be Free of Charge if not Perfectly Satisfactory. Cheney & 6
Lawson.” Late in 1891 Alonzo began offering lessons in retouching. Some of his employees in 1892 were Maurie P. 5 L
Curtis as retoucher, Harry A. Edgerly as photo printer and Mattie Warfle as clerk. He was succeeded in Lansing about L t
1895 by Hamilton Bigelow. One source states that Alonzo died in Lansing on July 5, 1892. If so, someone kept the t 7
photographic business going in his name for three years. m L
1. 1860 Federal Census of the Second Ward of Lansing in Ingham County, plus 1870 Federal Census of the village of Charlotte and
1880 Federal Census of the Third Ward of Charlotte in Eaton County, Michigan.
2. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1862-1866, National Archives, Washington, D.C.
3. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1867-1868, Great Lakes Branch of the National Archives, Chicago, Illinois.
4. Bradstreet’s Commercial Reports ... Western & Southern States; J. M. Bradstreet & Son Company, New York, January 1, 1877.
5. Lansing Journal, March 15, 1888, page 2, column 3; April 2, 1888, page 3, column 2; and November 16, 1891, page 3, column 1.
6. Michigan Agricultural College newsletter, “The Speculum,” September 10, 1889, page 41.
7. One World Tree on the internet.
8. 1880 description of Charlotte businesses.

Cheney, Nellie A., Miss

Orange, Massachusetts, baby ..................................................................................................................................... 1860 1
Grand Rapids photographer ....................................................................................................................................... 1880 g
Minneapolis, Minnesota, resident .............................................................................................................................. 1885 2
Kansas City, Missouri, resident ........................................................................................................................ 1900,1910 1
Nellie was born in June of 1860 at Orange, Massachusetts, the daughter of Ebenezer R. and Catherine Cheney. Her 1
brother George was born in New York State in 1857 or early in 1858. She remained single and was living with her 1
parents in 1880 and 1900, and with her widowed father in 1910. 1
1. 1860 Federal Census of Orange Township in Franklin County, Massachusetts, 1880 Federal Census of the city of Grand Rapids in
Kent County, Michigan, plus 1900 Federal Census of the Fifth Ward and 1910 Federal Census of the Fourth Ward of Minneapolis
in Hennepin County, Minnesota.
Cheney, Willis L.
Vevay Township student ................................................................................................................................... 1870,1880 1
Hanover PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................... 1882-1883 m
Jonesville (Cheney & Langdon) PHOTOGRAPHERS .................................................................................... 1884-1885 m
Jonesville PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................ 1886-1891 m
Coldwater undertaker ................................................................................................................................................. 1900 1
Vevay Township farmer ............................................................................................................................................ 1910 1
Mason photographer .................................................................................................................................................. 1911 2
Vevay Township farmer ................................................................................................................................... 1920,1930 1
His father came from New York and Willis was born in Michigan in July of 1861, the only child of David and 1
Eunice Cheney. Kate was born in New York in April of 1858, and she married Willis about 1883. The marriage lasted 1
for more than seventeen years but produced no children. Her parents came from New York, Myra was born in 1
Michigan in 1872 or 1873, and she married Willis about 1906. Their sons were born in Michigan: Ludell in 1910 and 1
Paul in 1912. Some Jonesville cabinet photographs by Willis were of outdoor scenes. He used 4 by 7 inch mounts 1 t
which were gray on one side and bright orange on the other. When the images were on the gray side, the back was t
usually stamped “W. L. CHENEY, Jonesville, Mich. Photographer.” When the images (either a single landscape t
print or a stereoscopic pair) were on the orange side, “Photo by Cheney, Jonesville, M.” was blind stamped along the t
lower edge of the mounts. The same ink stamp and blind stamp were used on buff mounts 5 by 7 ½, 5 by 8 and 5 ¼ by t
8 ½ inches. The prints included bird’s-eye and ground level views of the business district, the fire hall and engine, a t
locomotive and many scenes along the St. Joseph River and the mill race. Willis and Myra were living in 1910 on the t 1
farm of his widowed father and sharing the farm chores. George W. Tamlyn had only recently acquired the Mason 1 2
photograph gallery in 1911 when he required a few days off in which to get married. “... W. L. Cheney attended to the 2
business while Mr. Tamlyn was away.” 2
1. 1900 Federal Census of the Third Ward of Coldwater in Branch County, plus 1870, 1880, 1900, 1910, 1920 and 1930 Federal Censes
of Vevay Township in Ingham County, Michigan.
2. Newspaper clipping in a scrapbook kept by Mrs. Lydia A. O’Heren and Mrs. June M. Koester, daughters of George W. Tamlyn.

Cheny, _______
Charlotte cartes de visite marked Cheny & Richardson were the work of Alonzo M. Cheney and a merchant named 1 2
Richardson. 2
1. Learned in 1978 from Ray Hanning of Dexter, Michigan.
2. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1862-1866, National Archives, Washington, D.C.

Cherney, Charles
Montpelier Township, Wisconsin, child .................................................................................................................... 1870 1
Iron Mountain PHOTOGRAPHER at 104 B st east .................................................................................................. 1892 2
Iron Mountain PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................. 1892-1895 m
Kewaunee, Wisconsin, PHOTOGRAPHER .................................................................................................... 1895-1904 3
Green Bay, Wisconsin, real estate agent ........................................................................................................... 1910,1920 1
Green Bay, Wisconsin, Justice of the Peace .............................................................................................................. 1930 1
Charles was born in Bohemia (then part of the Austrian Empire) in March of 1863, the son of Anton and Anna 1
Cerny. He came to America with his family in 1865, grew up on the family farm and became a naturalized citizen of 1
the United States. Her parents emigrated from Belgium, Jennie was born in Wisconsin in May of 1870, and she 1
married Charles about 1891. By 1910 she was being called Jane. Their daughter Mable was born in Michigan in 1
March of 1892 and the other three were born in Wisconsin: Grace in December of 1893, Lillian in March of 1897, and 1
Alyce in 1900. For a while, Charles’ gallery in Iron Mountain was opposite the M & N Depot. The three younger girls 1 t
had jobs and still were at home in 1920, and Grace was living with her parents in 1930 and dress making from their 1
home. 1
1. 1870 Federal Census of Montpelier Township and 1900 Federal Census of the city of Kewaunee in Kewaunee County, Plus 1910 and
1920 Federal Censes of the Second Ward and 1930 Federal Census of the Fourth Ward of Green Bay in Brown County, Wisconsin.
2. Iron Mountain Directory, 1892-1894, Bunn & Simmons.
3. Directory of Wisconsin Photographers; State Historical Society of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin, 1991.

Cherry, Ella E., Mrs.

Owosso housewife ..................................................................................................................................................... 1900 1
Owosso PHOTOGRAPHER at 1720 Washington st north ........................................................................................ 1910 2
Ella was born in Michigan in July of 1874, and she married Edward H. Cherry about 1893. His parents came from 1
New York, and Eddie was born in Michigan in March of 1874. Their son Leaton was born here in April of 1898. 1
Edward was a shipping clerk in 1900 and a house painter in 1910. By April of 1910 they had moved to Rush 1
Township, just northwest of Owosso. Nine of the 96 women who exhibited photographs at the national convention of 1 2
the Photographers’ Association of America at Milwaukee in July of 1910 were from Michigan, and Mrs. E. H. Cherry 2
was one of them. 2
1. 1900 Federal Census of the Third Ward of Owosso and 1910 Federal Census of Rush Township in Shiawassee County, Michigan.
2. Bulletin of Photography, Philadelphia, “Special Women’s Number” June 22, 1910, page 406.
Chetlian, C.
Lansing (Kanzadian & Chetlian) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 109 Washtenaw st ................................................. 1916-1917 m

Chevalier, _______
Manistee (Star Gallery) PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................ ca 1885 t
Samuel Chavalia was a Manistee barber, off and on, from 1886 through 1895. m

Chevalier, John E.
Detroit retoucher for photographer D. Algen DeForest ............................................................................................. 1877 d
Detroit painter or photographer ................................................................................................................................. 1880 d 1
Detroit artist ..................................................................................................................................................... 1882-1883 d
Detroit artist for photographer Charles A. Millard .................................................................................................... 1884 d
He was born in New York in 1855 or 1856, and was enumerated in 1880 as Edward J. Chevalier. At this time he and 1
two younger sisters were living with their parents, the artist Louis Chevalier and his wife, Julia. 1
1. 1880 Federal Census of the Eighth Ward of Detroit in Wayne County, Michigan.

Chibicki, Joseph T.
Grand Rapids finisher ................................................................................................................................................ 1907 g
Grand Rapids PHOTOGRAPHER at 55 Bridge st west .................................................................................. 1908-1911 g m
Grand Rapids PHOTOGRAPHER at 343 ½ Bridge st .................................................................................... 1912-1919 g m
Grand Rapids photographer ....................................................................................................................................... 1920 g
Chicago, Illinois, photographer ................................................................................................................................. 1930 1
Joseph was born in the Polish region of Russia on March 16, 1883, and immigrated in 1904. His name was 2 1
sometimes spelled Chibici, Chibiel, Chibicky or Chybicki. Catherine was born into a Polish family in Germany about m 1
1882, came to America with her parents in 1888, and married Joseph about 1906. They had three sons born in 1
Michigan: Edmund in 1907, Gerald in 1914 and Robert in 1917. Joseph’s studio probably stayed in the same location 1 g
between 1911 and 1912, while most addresses in Grand Rapids changed. He had applied for United States citizenship g 2
by 1918, when he was short with brown eyes and hair, and used 345 Bridge Street as the studio address. 2
1. 1910 Federal Census of the Seventh Ward and 1920 Federal Census of the Second Ward of Grand Rapids in Kent County, Michigan,
plus 1930 Federal Census of the 38th Ward of Chicago in Cook County, Illinois.
2. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.

Chicago Penny Picture Gallery

Kalamazoo PHOTOGRAPHERS at 139 Burdick st south .............................................................................. 1906-1909 m K
Kalamazoo PHOTOGRAPHERS at 104 Main st east ............................................................................................... 1909 K
Alfred T. Buffham was the manager of this gallery. m K

Chicago Portrait, Tin Type and Viewing Company

Benton Harbor PHOTOGRAPHERS .............................................................................................................. 1890-1891 m
Frederick G. Timm was the proprietor of this company. m

Chicago Studio, The

Kalamazoo PHOTOGRAPHERS at 104 Main st east .......................................................................................... ca 1910 t
“The Chicago Studio, 104 E. Main St., Kalamazoo, Mich.” was printed on the backs of studio portraits in the post t
card format. Note that the Chicago Penny Picture Gallery was operating at the same address in 1909. t K
Chickering, Roydon
Saint Johnsbury, Vermont, student ............................................................................................................................ 1900 1
Newburgh, New York, canvasser for a stereoscopic view company .......................................................................... 1910 1
Detroit salesman for photographers ........................................................................................................................... 1920 1
Detroit salesman .............................................................................................................................................. 1922-1932 d
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 12007 Linwood av .......................................................................................... 1934-1936 d
Detroit salesman .............................................................................................................................................. 1937-1940 d
Detroit photographer .................................................................................................................................................. 1941 d
Detroit salesman ........................................................................................................................................................ 1953 d
Roydon was born in Vermont in June of 1884, the son of Solomon B. and Charlotte Chickering. His only sibling, 1
Mabel, was born in March of 1879. Myrel was born in New York State in 1894 or early in 1895, and she married 1
Roydon about 1915. Their first child was born in New York in 1916 and was identified as a daughter named Roberta 1
in 1920, and as a son named Robert in 1930. They had three sons born in Michigan: Glenn in 1921 or early in 1922, 1
Donald in May of 1925, and Bertrand in July of 1927. Roydon was called a commercial traveler in 1930. “Roydon 1 t
Chickering, 2052 Collingwood, Detroit, Michigan Townsend 7-5627” was printed on hundreds of gray curved-mount t
stereo mounts otherwise identical to those produced by the Keystone View Company of Meadville, Pennsylvania. The t
views are mostly exteriors and interiors of Detroit homes and businesses and seem to date from the 1930s through t
World War II. They include views of a proud man in his motorboat and a skinny Stanley Cup hockey trophy. t
1. 1900 Federal Census of the village of St. Johnsbury in Caledonia County, Vermont, 1910 Federal Census of the Second Ward of
Newburgh in Orange County, New York, plus 1920 Federal Census of the First Precinct of Highland Park and 1930 Federal Census
of the Eighth Ward of Detroit in Wayne County, Michigan.

Chidester, Benjamin F.
Ionia Township carpenter and joiner ......................................................................................................................... 1850 1
Lyons carpenter ......................................................................................................................................................... 1860 1
Ionia PHOTOGRAPH & AMBROTYPE GALLERY ......................................................................................... ca 1862 t
Ionia PHOTOGRAPHIC ARTIST .................................................................................................................. 1864-1865 m
Rutland Township farm laborer ................................................................................................................................. 1870 1
Hastings PHOTOGRAPHER .................................................................................................................................... 1872 2
Hastings (Heath & Chidester) PHOTOGRAPHERS on State st ...................................................................... 1872-1873 m
Hastings (Chidester & Farlin) PHOTOGRAPHERS ............................................................................................ ca 1875 t
Leavenworth, Kansas, PHOTOGRAPHER at 814 Fifth st south ..................................................................... 1880-1881 3
Leavenworth, Kansas, PHOTOGRAPHER at 518 Fifth st south ............................................................................... 1882 3
Benjamin was the son of Gardiner and Sally Chidester, and was born about 1825 in New York State. 17-year-old 1
Clara B. Chidester and 16-year-old Mary Chidester were born in Michigan and were keeping house for him in 1870. 1
Ten years earlier these girls were living in Cayuga County, New York, with Spencer and Sarah C. Boyce, who may 1
have been their maternal grandparents. Apparently Benjamin was married in the early 1850s to a young lady named 1
Boyce who died after giving birth to Clara and Mary. “Photographed By B. F. Chidester, Hastings, Mich.” was written 1 t
in pencil on the back of some card photograph mounts. George L. Heath was Benjamin’s earlier partner in Hastings. t m
Ben F. Chidester was enumerated as a carpenter on June 2, 1880, living at Leavenworth with 37-year-old milliner 1
Elizabeth M. Chidester and her 11-year-old Emma and 6-year-old Guy. Photographer B. F. Chidester was enumerated 1
the next day at Randolph, Kansas, 100 miles west, along with 34-year-old photographer Joseph Haag from Germany. 1
Both Ben and B. F. were born in New York about 1826. 1
1. 1850 Federal Census of Ionia Township and 1860 Federal Census of Lyons Township in Ionia County, plus 1870 Federal Census of
Rutland Township in Barry County, Michigan, as well as 1860 Federal Census of Ledyard Township in Cayuga County, New York,
plus 1880 Federal Censes of the Third Ward of Leavenworth in Leavenworth County and the village of Randolph in Riley County,
2. Business Directory of Barry County, 1872, E. Darwin Porter.
3. Carl Mautz, Biographies of Western Photographers, Carl Mautz Publishing, Nevada City, California, 1997.

Childs, _______
Port Huron (Philbrook & Childs) PHOTOGRAPHERS on Huron av ....................................................................... 1866 m
This gallery also was identified as Childs & Philbrick. 1
1. Mimeographed slip of paper among the William Lee Jenks manuscripts in the Burton Historical Collection of the Detroit Public Library.
Childs, Brainard Freemont
United States Army soldier ........................................................................................................................................ 1861 1
Fort Alexandria, Virginia, PHOTOGRAPHER .................................................................................................... ca 1863 1
Richmond, Virginia, PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................. ca 1865 1
Baltimore, Maryland, PHOTOGRAPHER at 560 Baltimore st ................................................................................. 1866 2
Marblehead, Massachusetts, (Child & Adams) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 153 Washington st .................................... 1866 2
Marblehead, Massachusetts, PHOTOGRAPHER ...................................................................................................... 1867 2
Marquette landscape photographer ............................................................................................................................ 1870 3 t
Marquette PHOTOGRAPHER in the Masonic Block ............................................................................................... 1873 3
Marquette PHOTOGRAPHER at 66 Front st .................................................................................................. 1874-1883 m
Ishpeming PHOTOGRAPHER on Division st ................................................................................................. 1876-1879 m
Houghton PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................ 1878-1885 m
Ishpeming PHOTOGRAPHER on Division st ................................................................................................. 1880-1887 4 m
Marquette PHOTOGRAPHER in the Adams Block over 305 Front st ........................................................... 1884-1887 m 3
Ishpeming (Childs & Cole) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 115 Division st west ...................................................... 1888-1891 m
Marquette PHOTOGRAPHER in Room 3 of the Adams Block at 301 Front st south .................................... 1888-1893 m 3
Arkansas City, Kansas, druggist ...................................................................................................................... 1890-1916 R 5
Ishpeming (Childs’ Art Gallery) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 115 Division st west .............................................. 1892-1921 m
Arkansas City, Kansas, resident ....................................................................................................................... 1917-1918 5
San Diego, California, resident ........................................................................................................................ 1919-1921 5
Brainard was born at Wilmington, Vermont, on October 13, 1842. He was a five feet eight inch artist with a dark 6
complexion, gray eyes and dark brown hair prior to his enlistment in the Regimental Band of the Second Vermont 6
Volunteer Infantry on June 9, 1861. Exposure during and succeeding the Battle of Bull Run in July of 1861 6
incapacitated him so badly with chronic diarrhea that he was furloughed home to Vermont from September 4 to 6
October 14. He was still weak when he returned to his regiment, and was discharged at Camp Barry, Virginia, on 6
December 19, 1861, when most regimental bands were eliminated as an unnecessary expense. In the army he met 6 5
photographer Daniel Cross, who became a lifelong friend. After the war Brainard spent a few months working with 5
Cross making photographic portraits in Vermont, and may have come to Michigan as early as 1868. Photographer B. 5 4
F. Childs was identified as a collaborator with the staff of the Michigan State Geological Survey in 1869. Some of his 4 t
earliest work here was published by C. B. Brubaker from Houghton about 1870 in the form of stereoscopic views on t
yellow mounts in the series called “Lake Superior Views” or “The Picturesque of Lake Superior” with penciled titles, t
and as card photographs from the same negatives. Childs was credited with the photography on the stereographs but t
not on the card mounts. None of these views seems to have been numbered on the negative or on the mount, though t
some of the negatives were numbered later, and prints from most of the negatives subsequently appeared on numbered t
orange stereo mounts with printed titles. The majority of these early views were of the Pictured Rocks, and others t
ranged west on the south shore of Lake Superior to the Copper Country. Over the next few years Brainard t 7
circumnavigated Lake Superior in his small sailboat, the Wanderer, photographing everything interesting along the 7 t
shores and creating the expanded stereoscopic series “Gems of Lake Superior Scenery” which was published on t
orange mounts by C. B. Brubaker from both Houghton and Marquette, by Brubaker & Whitesides from Marquette, and t
by Childs’ Art Gallery from Marquette. Michigan views included Houghton, Hancock and the copper mines; t
Marquette, Presque Isle and the iron mines; the Pictured Rocks and Grand Island; Sault Ste. Marie and the locks; t
Chippewa Indians, steamships; and most of the views numbered 500 and above were of Mackinac Island. The series t
incorporated views of Wisconsin, Minnesota and Ontario as well as Michigan with numbers to at least 535 and many t
with no numbers. Some card photographs from the same negatives were published by Brubaker from Houghton and by t
Childs from Marquette. Hundreds of unnumbered views have been preserved at Marquette which seem to include t 8
many taken around the Childs residence. In 1872 Brainard was wholesaling stereographs by the gross for $1.00 to 8
$1.75 per dozen to photographers and merchants at Chicago, Boston, New York, Alma and Sault Ste. Marie, as well as 8
to three separate outlets at Detroit, and was retailing views as far away as Cambridge, England. At the end of 1872 he 8
seems to have sold a Houghton inventory to William Whitesides for $981.95 and a Marquette inventory to C. B. 8
Brubaker for $1650.00, and two years later Brubaker acquired some of his stereoscopic negatives for $3250.00. 8
Brainard advertised locally in 1873: “STEREOSCOPIC VIEWS of all Points of Interest on the North and South 3
Shores of Lake Superior. CHROMOS, ENGRAVINGS, FRAMES, Etc. in great variety at Childs’ Art Gallery....” On 3
October 28, 1874, he and Miss Mary Fannie DeHart were united at Coldwater, Michigan, in a marriage which lasted 5
44 years but was childless. The opening of Childs’ new Art Gallery at Ishpeming was announced locally in May of 5 4
1880, with the only ground glass light north of Chicago and every appliance for making the most modern work. 4
“CHILDS ART GALLERY, Marquette, Mich. - Additional copies of this picture can be had at reduced price, at any t
time within five years. We can make you a fine enlargement from this picture for framing, for $3.00. Work guaranteed t
the best.” was printed on the back of cabinet mounts, some of which carried copies of a lithographed birds-eye view of t
Marquette dated 1881. Brainard advertised nationally late in 1882: “WANTED - Operator who can retouch to take t 9
entire charge. A year’s engagement with eventual interest in the business will be given to a good man. Send samples, 9
photo of self, references, and state wages. A permanent engagement also open to a good retoucher. Address Childs’ 9
Art Gallery, Marquette, Mich.” He was vice president for Michigan of the Photographers’ Association of America in 9
1883 and 1884. H. C. Myers was managing the Marquette gallery for him in 1885, and they advertised: “CHILDS’ 9 m
ART GALLERY. Strangers and Tourists visiting Marquette should not fail to see the immense collection of m
STEREOSCOPIC VIEWS of the magnificent scenery of Lake Superior, which vies with any portion of America in m
grandeur and beauty. ARTISTIC PORTRAITS. The clear atmosphere of Lake Superior is peculiarly adapted to m
Photographic purposes, and CHILDS’ ART GALLERY is one of the most elegant and complete Photographic m
Establishments in the United States; contains the latest novelties in apparatus and accessories for production of THE m
BEST OF MODERN WORK; and its portraits are not excelled in artistic lighting, posing, finish, and mounting. Its m
customers are numbered in every State of the Union. You are welcome either on business or on inspection. m
MARQUETTE, ISHPEMING and HOUGHTON, MICH.” Soon Brainard closed the Houghton gallery and with his m R
wife moved to Arkansas City, Kansas, where he established a drug store. Charles D. Cole, who had worked several R 8
years for Brainard in the early 1870s, managed the Marquette gallery and later became a full partner in the Ishpeming 8 m
gallery. The Albertype Company of New York produced a twelve page booklet copyright 1889 by B. F. Childs entitled m 7
“Marquette, Mackinac Island and the ‘Soo’” with over fifty illustrations. Childs’ Art Gallery in Marquette was sold to 7 0
Frederick C. Haefer and C. B. Brubaker in May of 1893. In response to a new wave of enthusiasm for stereo views 0 5
around the turn of the century, new prints from the 1870s Lake Superior negatives were affixed to curved gray mounts t 7
similar to Keystone, but with the Childs’ Art Gallery imprint. Brainard retired from the drug business about 1916, and 7 5
after the death of his wife in 1918 moved from Kansas to the home of his sister at San Diego, California. He remained 5 m
a principal of Childs’ Art Gallery until his death from pleurisy and heart failure on March 7, 1921. His ashes were m 7
returned to Marquette for burial, and much of his estate was left to St. Paul’s Episcopal Church for the establishment 7
of a home for the poor in Marquette. 7
1. Russell M. Magnaghi, “History of Childs’ Art Gallery,” in Harlow’s Wooden Man, Marquette County Historical Society, volume 14,
number 1, Spring 1978.
2. Ross J. Kelbaugh, Directory of Civil War Photographers, Volume Two, Historic Graphics, Baltimore, Maryland, 1991; and
Chris Steele and Ronald Polito, A Directory of Massachusetts Photographers 1839-1900, Picton Press, Camden, Maine, 1993.
3. 1870 Federal Census of Portage Township, Houghton County, Michigan; Beard’s Directory and History of Marquette County,
1873, Detroit; and Marquette County directories for 1886 and 1891.
4. Ishpeming Ag, Ishpeming, Michigan, May 1, 1880, and Grand Traverse Herald, Traverse City, Michigan, December 30, 1869.
5. Lynn Marie Mitchell, “B. F. Childs’ Images Along Lake Superior,” in Stereo World, January/February 1992
6. Veterans Pension Record of Brainard F. Childs obtained from the Department of Veterans Affairs Regional Office at Detroit, Michigan.
7. Learned in 1978 and subsequently from Jack Deo of Marquette, Michigan.
8. Learned in 1978 at the Marquette County Historical Museum, Marquette, Michigan.
9. The Photographic Times, New York City, volume 12, number 143, November 1882; and Anthony’s Photographic Bulletin, volume 14,
1883, page 229.
0. Mining Journal, Marquette, Michigan, May 13, 1893.
Childs, Charles R.
Chicago, Illinois, publisher of post card photographs at 5707 South Boulevard ............................................. 1912-1917 t
“GENUINE PHOTOGRAPH. C. R. CHILDS, Photograph Post Cards, Chicago” or “C. R. CHILDS, 5707 SOUTH t
POST CARDS, CHICAGO” was printed on the post card backs of thousands of postal scenes at many towns and t
resorts in at least 23 Michigan counties: Allegan, Barry, Berrien, Branch, Calhoun, Cass, Eaton, Genesee, Hillsdale, t
Ingham, Ionia, Jackson, Kalamazoo, Lenawee, Mason, Montcalm, Oakland, Oceana, Ottawa, St. Joseph, Van Buren t
and Washtenaw. Many of the cards were mailed between 1912 and 1919. A 1915 invoice identified C. R. Childs as a t 1
manufacturer and importer of souvenir post cards established in 1899 and specializing in real photograph post cards of 1
the highest grade. An order for approximately one hundred each of ten different cards was priced at $30.00 per 1
thousand less 50% for net cash with parcel post charges added. 1
1. Learned in 1999 from LeRoy Blommaert of Chicago, Illinois.

Childs, H. R.
South Bend, Indiana, photographer ........................................................................................................................... 1898 1
Holland PHOTOGRAPHER ..................................................................................................................................... 1898 1
It was reported in July of 1898 that H. R. Childs had purchased the summer gallery of Lewis A. Smith and had sent it 1
to Holland, Michigan, where he expected to work. 1
1. St. Louis and Canadian Photographer; volume 22, number 7, July 1898, page 412.

Childs Art Gallery

Marquette PHOTOGRAPHERS at 301 Front st south .............................................................................................. 1889 1
Ishpeming PHOTOGRAPHERS at 115 Division st west .......................................................................................... 1889 1
Ishpeming PHOTOGRAPHERS at 115 Division st west ................................................................................ 1891-1893 2 m
Marquette PHOTOGRAPHERS at 301 Front st south .............................................................................................. 1893 3
Ishpeming PHOTOGRAPHERS at 115 Division st west ................................................................................ 1894-1931 m 4
“Childs’ Art Gallery, Marquette, Mich. was printed on the orange mounts of many stereo views produced in the early t
1870s from negatives by Brainard F. Childs, and “Published by Childs Art Gallery, Ishpeming, Mich.” was printed on t
the curved grey mounts of stereo views produced from the same negatives around the turn of the century. The same t
title was used by Childs in advertisements for the Marquette gallery in 1885. Charles D. Cole was manager of the m 1
galleries in both Marquette and Ishpeming in 1889, and advertised in 1891: “CHILDS’ ART GALLERY, Ishpeming, 1 2
Does First Class Photographic Work, Has Unexcelled Facilities for Photographing Large Groups, Makes a Specialty 2
of Artistic Framing. C. D. Cole, Manager.” In May of 1893 Frederick C. Haefer was identified as the new proprietor of 2 3
Childs’ Art Gallery in Marquette, with C. B. Brubaker as a partner. “Special attention given to developing and printing for 3 t
amateurs by CHILDS ART GALLERY, ISHPEMING, MICH. Good enlargements can be made from good negatives. – SOLE AGENT FOR t
PREMO CAMERAS and FILM PACKS ” was printed on the backs of 5 by 6 inch gray mounts. “Photo by Childs Art t
Gallery, Ishpeming, Mich.” was printed on or with the negatives of post card photos, both individual studio portraits t
and groups such as the Ishpeming High School basketball team. Captions like “WINTER RAILROADING, t
ISHPEMING, MICH. Photo by Childs Art Gallery” were used on press printed post cards. Charles D. Cole was a t m
principal of Childs Art Gallery in Ishpeming through 1929, as the partner of B. F. Childs from 1892 until 1921, and 4 m
then as the partner of Thomas J. Bennett. Bennett was sole proprietor of Childs Art Gallery in 1930 and 1931, with 4 m
“All Branches of Photography. Pictures Enlarged, Developing and Finishing for Amateurs, Cameras and Films For m
Sale, Picture Framing....” Bennett called it Childs’ Art Gallery until he sold the studio to Henry Helmisto in 1958. 5 6
Thousands of 8 by 10 glass negatives from this gallery of mining, lumbering and scenery, plus thousands of 3 by 5 6
glass portrait negatives have been preserved by the Marquette County Historical Society. Significant collections of 6 5
stereoscopic and other early negatives and prints from the gallery are held by the Minnesota Historical Society and by 5
Jack Deo of Marquette. 5
1. A Gazetteer for Marquette County, 1889, A. H. Holland.
2. Upper Michigan Lodge Directory, 1891.
3. Mining Journal, Marquette, Michigan, May 13, 1893.
4. Ishpeming-Negaunee City Directory, 1929, R. L. Polk & Company, Detroit.
5. Learned in 1978 and subsequently from Jack Deo of Marquette, Michigan.
6. Harlow’s Wooden Man, volume 14, number 1, Spring 1978, pages 7 and 8.

Chilson, Alphonso W.
Riley Township student ............................................................................................................................................. 1850 1
Memphis AMBROTYPE ARTIST ............................................................................................................................ 1860 1
Alphonso was born in New York State in the summer of 1836, the eldest child of George Washington Chilson and 1
his wife Clarissa. The family soon moved to Michigan, where seven more children were born between 1837 and 1857. 1
Michael Cribbins was living and working on their farm in 1860, and he opened a photograph gallery in 1894. 1
Alphonso may have married a lady named Martha who was born in New York about 1841, and they may have been 1
farming in Fayette Township of Hillsdale County in 1870. 1
1. 1850 and 1860 Federal Censes of Riley Township in St. Clair County and 1870 Federal Census of Fayette Township in Hillsdale
County, Michigan.
Chilson, Frank W.
Detroit student ........................................................................................................................................................... 1900 1
Detroit salesman in a grocery store ............................................................................................................................ 1910 1
Detroit photographer or driver .......................................................................................................................... 1911-1912 d
Dayton, Ohio, garage foreman ................................................................................................................................... 1920 1
Akron, Ohio, bus driver for the power company ....................................................................................................... 1930 1
Frank was born in Michigan in June of 1894, last of the six children of James and Elvira A. Chilson and the brother 1
of photographer Julius W. Chilson. Her father came from Missouri and Goldie M. Lake was born in Ohio in 1894. She 1
married Frank about 1914, and their son Alvin was born in New York State in 1916. Three more sons, Llewellyn, 1
William and Frank, were born in Ohio between 1919 and 1929. 1
1. 1900 Federal Census of the Sixth Ward and 1910 Federal Census of the Fourteenth Ward of Detroit in Wayne County, Michigan,
plus 1920 Federal Census of the Eighth Ward of Dayton in Montgomery County and 1930 Federal Census of the First Ward of
Akron in Summit County, Ohio.

Chilson, Julius Wells

Detroit student ........................................................................................................................................................... 1900 1
Detroit deliverer, frame maker, hat maker or hatter ......................................................................................... 1904-1910 d
Detroit photographer .................................................................................................................................................. 1911 d
Detroit photographer for the Edison Illuminating Company ...................................................................................... 1912 d
Detroit draftsman ....................................................................................................................................................... 1913 d
Detroit photographer for the Edison Illuminating Company ...................................................................................... 1914 d
Detroit photographer ........................................................................................................................................ 1915-1918 d
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 2391 Jefferson av ...................................................................................................... 1919 d
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 9043 Woodward av ......................................................................................... 1921-1922 d
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 6515 Scotten av ......................................................................................................... 1923 d
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 9049 Woodward av ......................................................................................... 1924-1925 d
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 9037 Woodward av ................................................................................................... 1926 d
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 8127 Linwood av ............................................................................................ 1929-1931 d m
Detroit photographer .................................................................................................................................................. 1934 d
Julius was born in Detroit on April 30, 1889, fifth of the six children of James and Elvira A. Chilson. He was a 2 1
slender single man of medium height with gray eyes and brown hair in 1910, and was living with his widowed mother 2 1
along with two older sisters and a younger brother. Clarisse was born in Canada (probably Quebec) in 1894 or early in 1
1895. She was brought to the United States in 1900, and she married Julius about 1912. Their son Julius was born in 1
September of 1913, and then John and Lucille were born between 1918 and 1921. Julius was working as a 3 1
photographer in 1917 from their home at 427 Drexel Street. A 1917 Wyandotte publication included: “CHILSON 2 4
ART STUDIOS. The young man who took most of the best photographs for the Wyandotte Magazine, though young 4
in years, has had a most thorough and grueling experience in all branches of the photographic art. For three years he 4
conducted an expert photographic campaign for the Edison Company of Detroit. This expert work necessitated the 4
most careful attention to details of various construction jobs handled by the Edison Company; so when Mr. Chilson 4
decided to resign his position and start in business for himself, he was well equipped to satisfactorily perform any 4
requirements of his art. The Exchange was fortunate in securing Mr. Chilson’s services for the Wyandotte Magazine 4
before he opened his studio. Mr. Chilson calls at homes to take pictures and his work is superior to many studio 4
photos. Orders can be left with the Exchange.” He was known as Julius W. Chilson through 1919, and as J. Wells 4 d
Chilson after 1920. He advertised in 1929 as “Detroit’s Exclusive Home Portrait Photographer. Two Studios, Your d
Home, My Home. Somewhere Somebody Wants Your Photograph....” By 1930 Julius and Clarisse were divorced and d 1
living in different Detroit neighborhoods. 1
1. 1900 Federal Census of the Sixth Ward, 1910 Federal Census of the Fourteenth Ward, 1930 Federal Census of the Tenth Ward and
1930 Federal Census of the 21st Ward of Detroit in Wayne County, Michigan.
2. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.
3. Michigan Deaths, 1971-1996.
4. The Wyandotte Magazine, The Wyandotte Exchange Printing Company, Wyandotte, Michigan, 1917, page 55

Chipinger, John
Wooster, Ohio, child .................................................................................................................................................. 1860 1
Adrian photographist ................................................................................................................................................. 1870 1
John was born in Ohio in 1852 or 1853 and was living in 1870 with photographer John P. Greenwald, and probably 1
was working for him. His elder sister Emma was married to John P. Greenwald, and his 15-year-old sister Alice also 1
was living with the Greenwalds. 1
1. 1860 Federal Census of Wooster in Sugar Creek Township of Wayne County, Ohio, and 1870 Federal Census of the Third Ward of
Adrian in Lenawee County, Michigan.
Chipman, Frank L.
Washington Township student ................................................................................................................................... 1880 1
Carsonville PHOTOGRAPHER and barber .................................................................................................... 1892-1893 m
Carsonville PHOTOGRAPHER ...................................................................................................................... 1894-1895 m
Carsonville farmer ..................................................................................................................................................... 1900 1
Port Huron laborer in a lumber yard .......................................................................................................................... 1910 1
Detroit Standard Oil agent ......................................................................................................................................... 1920 1
Mount Clemens tire builder in a tire factory .............................................................................................................. 1930 1
His parents came from New York and Vermont, and Frank was born in Michigan in September of 1868, the son of 1
William and Martha Chipman. He grew up on the family farm with at least one older sister Mattie and a younger 1
brother Freddie. Ida was born in Canada in June of 1875 and was brought across the border in 1877. She married 1
Frank about 1893 and gave birth to three children: Laura in October of 1895, Vance in October of 1898, and Max in 1
1900 or early in 1901. Frank was a widower by 1920 and, with his two sons, was boarding in Detroit. He married a 1
Canadian lady his own age named Elizabeth, and in 1930 they were sharing their home with Vance and a seven-year- 1
old nephew. 1
1. 1880 Federal Census of Washington Township and 1900 Federal Census of the village of Carsonville in Washington Township
of Sanilac County, Michigan, plus 1910 Federal Census of the Ninth Ward of Port Huron in St. Clair County, 1920 Federal Census
of the 21st Ward of Detroit in Wayne County, and 1930 Federal Census of the First Precinct of Mount Clemens in Macomb
County, Michigan,

Chippewa Film Company

Sault Sainte Marie PHOTOGRAPHERS at 311 Portage av west .............................................................................. 1917 S
Kenneth R. Eddy was the manager of this company. S

Chittenden, H., Miss.

Adrian member of the Adrian Camera Club, the Photographic Section of the Adrian Scientific Society ................. 1893 1
1. The Blue Book of Amateur Photographers ... 1893: compiled by Walter Sprange, Beach Bluff, Massachusetts.

Chope, Thomas
New Haven, Connecticut, carriage painter ................................................................................................................ 1850 1
Detroit carriage painter .................................................................................................................................... 1852-1856 d
Detroit painter for the Michigan Central Railroad ..................................................................................................... 1857 d
Detroit (Watson & Chope) DAGUERREAN GALLERY at 159 Jefferson av ................................................ 1859-1860 d m
Detroit painter .................................................................................................................................................. 1860-1861 1 d
Pontiac paint and paper merchant .............................................................................................................................. 1870 1
Eureka, California, painter ......................................................................................................................................... 1880 1
San Francisco, California, sign painter ...................................................................................................................... 1900 1
Thomas was born in England in September of 1831, immigrated in 1867 and became a naturalized citizen of the 1
United States. Jane was born in Michigan in the summer of 1837, and she married Thomas about 1853. Their children 1
were born in Michigan: Nellie about 1855, Thomas in February of 1860, John in the summer of 1868, and Willie in 1
March of 1870. George E. Watson was the other half of Watson & Chope. All four children moved with Thomas and 1 d
Jane to California. Thomas was a widower by 1900, and was living with the family of his youngest son who now was 1
known as William. 1
1. 1850 Federal Census of New Haven Township in New Haven County, Connecticut, 1860 Federal Census of the Eighth Ward of
Detroit in Wayne County and 1870 Federal Census of the First Ward of Pontiac in Oakland County, Michigan, plus 1880 Federal
Census of Eureka in Humboldt County and 1900 Federal Census of the 34th Assembly District of San Francisco in San Francisco
County, California.
Chrisman, John F.
Ligonier, Indiana, artist .............................................................................................................................................. 1860 1
Cassopolis PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................ ca 1870 t
Schoolcraft showman ................................................................................................................................................. 1870 1
Adrian PHOTOGRAPHER at 108 Main st south ...................................................................................................... 1874 A
Adrian PHOTOGRAPHER and artist at 24 Erie st .......................................................................................... 1876-1878 A m
Lansing photo operator for the Union View Company .............................................................................................. 1878 L
Adrian photographer .................................................................................................................................................. 1880 1
Adrian PHOTOGRAPHIC VIEW ARTIST .............................................................................................................. 1882 A
Adrian PHOTOGRAPHER at 49 Maumee st west .......................................................................................... 1884-1885 m
Adrian PHOTOGRAPHER at 63 Michigan av .......................................................................................................... 1885 A
Toledo, Ohio, PHOTOGRAPHER .................................................................................................................. 1891-1893 2
Toledo, Ohio, (Chrisman & Koster) PHOTOGRAPHERS ............................................................................. 1894-1897 2
Toledo, Ohio, photographer ....................................................................................................................................... 1900 1
John was born in Virginia in September of 1832, Elizabeth was born in Pennsylvania in September of 1833, and they 1
married about 1855. Their children were born in Indiana: Willard in September of 1857 and his sisters Suetta and 1
Anna between 1861 and 1866. Suetta did not live to maturity. Views of dwellings were a specialty of John’s in 1882. 1 A
In 1900 He and Elizabeth were sharing their home with a granddaughter born in Michigan in November of 1883. 1
Elizabeth was a widow in 1920 living at Adrian with her son Willard and his third wife. 1
1. 1860 Federal Census of Ligonier in Noble County, Indiana, 1870 Federal Census of the village of Schoolcraft in Kalamazoo County
plus 1880, 1900 and 1920 Federal Censes of the city of Adrian in Lenawee County, Michigan, and 1900 Federal Census of the Third
Ward of Toledo in Lucas County, Ohio.
2. John Waldsmith, A Directory of Ohio Photographers, 1839 to 1900, Sycamore, Ohio, compiled in 1978 and augmented through 1993.

Chrispell, Luther S.
Windham Township, Pennsylvania, child or student ........................................................................................ 1850,1860 1
Windham Township, Pennsylvania, laborer on his father’s farm ............................................................................... 1870 1
Orwell Township, Pennsylvania, laborer on his brother’s farm ................................................................................. 1880 1
Midland PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................... 1892-1894 m 2
Lee’s Corners PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................ 1894 3
Windham Township, Pennsylvania, PHOTOGRAPHER .......................................................................................... 1900 1
His parents came from New York and Luther was born in Pennsylvania in June of 1848, last of the six or more 1
children of Anthony and Deborah Chrispell. Ruth was born in the state of New York in February of 1854, and she 1
married Luther about 1871. Their daughter Annie was born in New York in 1874 or early in 1875, and their son 1
William was born in Pennsylvania in July of 1888. Luther came to Michigan about 1883, and he guaranteed first-class 1 3
work from Midland. His wife worked as his assistant photographer at Lee’s Corners. m 3
1. 1850, 1860, 1870, and 1900 Federal Censes of Windham Township and 1880 Federal Census of Orwell Township in Bradford
County, Pennsylvania.
2. The Blue Book for Amateur Photographers ... 1895: compiled early in 1894 by Walter Sprange, Beach Bluff, Massachusetts.
3. 1894 Michigan Census of Lee’s Corners in Midland County, Michigan.

Chrispell, Ruth, Mrs.

Orwell Township, Pennsylvania, farm wife ................................................................................................................ 1880 1
Lee’s Corners assistant photographer ........................................................................................................................ 1894 2
Windham Township, Pennsylvania, housewife .......................................................................................................... 1900 1
Ruth was born in the state of New York in February of 1854. Her mother also was born in New York, and her father 1
was born in Vermont. Ruth married Luther S. Chrispell about 1871, and they came to Michigan about 1883. She gave 1
birth to Annie in New York in 1874 or early in 1875, and to William in Pennsylvania in July of 1888. Ruth 1
undoubtedly took a greater part in her husband’s photographic business than is indicated above. 1 2
1. 1880 Federal Census of Orwell Township and 1900 Federal Census of Windham Township in Bradford County, Pennsylvania.
2. 1894 Michigan Census of Lee’s Corners, Midland County.
Christensen, Jesse
Ludington PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................ 1894-1895 m
Alma PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................................ 1896-1898 m 1
Clarinda, Iowa, PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................ 1899-1900 2 3
Clarinda, Iowa, PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................. 1920,1930 3
Jesse was born in June of 1866 in Schleswig-Holstein, a region claimed by both Denmark and Germany and fought 3 4
over for centuries. He immigrated to the United States in 1886 and became a naturalized citizen in 1894. A 4 3
photographic journal noted in March of 1897 that “Mr. Christianson bought out the interest of Mr. F. E. Osborn in his 1
Alma, Michigan, gallery.” Jesse advertised nationally in March of 1898: “FOR SALE - Only gallery in town of 2500 1
population, college and sanitarium; good business and good reasons for selling....” Two months later it was reported 1
that the Alma gallery had been sold to Garrit Tromp of Holland, and that Jesse planned to locate in South Dakota. Her 1
father came from Illinois, her mother was Canadian, and Atta was born in Iowa in March of 1832. She seems to have 3
married Jesse as soon as he arrived in Iowa. She and Jesse both were enumerated as photographers in 1920. They 3
never had children. 3
1. St. Louis and Canadian Photographer; volume 15, number 3, March 1897; and volume 22, numbers 3 and 5, March and May 1898,
pages 143 and 217.
2. Learned in 1993 from Jo Ann Burgess of Clear Lake, Iowa.
3. 1900 and 1930 Federal Censes of the First Ward and 1920 Federal Census of the Fourth Ward of Clarinda in Nodaway Township of
Page County, Iowa.
4. Webster’s Geographical Dictionary, G. & C. Merriam Company, Springfield, Massachusetts, 1969.

Christian, Joseph
Detroit draftsman, laborer or watchman .......................................................................................................... 1912-1918 d
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 784 Franklin st ................................................................................................ 1919-1920 d
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 3158 Franklin st .............................................................................................. 1920-1921 d
There were at least six men named Joseph Christian in Detroit in 1920, but not one that was enumerated as a 1
photographer. The number of the Christian photo studio changed in 1920, along with most other Detroit addresses. 1 d
1. 1920 Federal Census of the city of Detroit in Wayne County, Michigan.

Christmas, Cora, Mrs.

Battle Creek child or resident ........................................................................................................................... 1870,1880 1
Lansing retoucher for photographers Cheney & Christmas ....................................................................................... 1887 L
Cora Harper was born in Michigan to English parents in 1862 or early in 1863, third of the ten children of John and 1
May C. Harper. She married Henry J. Christmas in 1886, and died after giving birth to Earl in January of 1891. 1 2
1. 1870 Federal Census of the First Ward and 1880 Federal Census of the Fifth Ward of Battle Creek in Calhoun County, Michigan.
2. Learned in 1995 from the State Archives of Michigan in Lansing.
Christmas, Henry J.
Mason employee of photographer Helen Parsons ...................................................................................................... 1870 1
Grand Ledge PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................ ca 1872 t
Grand Ledge (Christmas & DeLamater) PHOTOGRAPHERS over Rider’s store .......................................... 1872-1873 2 m
Mason PHOTOGRAPHIC ARTIST ................................................................................................................ 1874-1877 m
Charlotte PHOTOGRAPHER one door south of Ruggles Brothers ..................................................................... ca 1880 t
Charlotte (DeVos & Christmas) PHOTOGRAPHERS .................................................................................... 1882-1883 m
Charlotte (Cheney & Christmas) PHOTOGRAPHERS ................................................................................... 1884-1885 m
Charlotte (Christmas & Sharpsteen) PHOTOGRAPHERS .................................................................................. ca 1885 t
Lansing (Cheney & Christmas) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 301 Washington av south ........................................ 1886-1887 m L
Lansing (Savigny & Christmas) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 301 Washington av south ....................................... 1888-1891 m L
Lansing PHOTOGRAPHER at 301 Washington av south .............................................................................. 1892-1894 m L
Three Rivers PHOTOGRAPHER ......................................................................................................................... ca 1894 t
Hastings PHOTOGRAPHER .......................................................................................................................... 1894-1908 m 3
Eaton Rapids PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................... 1910-1921 m
Eaton Rapids PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................. 1925 R
Henry was born in Michigan to Canadian parents in June of 1852. Ada was born in Michigan to parents from New 1
York in the summer of 1854, last of the four children of John W. and Mary C. (Root) Phelps. She married Henry in 1 4
1871 and their children were born in Michigan: daughter Lue in 1872 or early in 1873, and son Ward two years later. 5 1
Henry was a portrait and landscape photographer in Mason. Ada remained in Mason with her children when Henry t 1
moved to Charlotte. Some cabinet mounts were used despite having “Cheney & Christman” printed on both the front t
and the back. Christmas & Sharpsteen were proprietors of the Golden Star Gallery in Charlotte. Henry was married to t 1
Cora Harper from 1886 until she died after giving birth to Earl in January of 1891. Savigny & Christmas advertised in 1 6
the fall of 1889: “You will find us directly opposite the Hotel Downey, in one of the Best GROUND FLOOR 6
PHOTOGRAPH GALLERIES in the State. We do all kinds of work known to the art, and always try to excel all 6
competition. We offer Special Inducements to all connected with the STATE AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE....” 6
Henry produced a 16½ by 11½ inch group of portraits of George W. Stone and his staff of 38 in the Michigan Auditor t
General’s Department of 1891-92. He employed Frank H. Curtiss as a photographer in 1892. Her parents came from t L
New York, Lillie was born in Michigan in June of 1849, and she married Henry about 1892. Wylie A. Quirk was the 1 m
proprietor of the Christmas Studio at Three Rivers in 1894 and 1895. Henry’s sale of his branch studio in Hastings to m 3
Sherman M. Joy was reported late in 1908. He and his wife Lillian owned a house at 140 North Main Street in Eaton 3 7
Rapids in 1916. 7
1. 1860 Federal Census of the village of Mason, 1870 Federal Census of Vevay Township and 1880 Federal Census of the city of Mason
in Ingham County, 1900 Federal Census of the First Ward of Hastings in Barry County, plus 1910 Federal Census of the First Ward of
Eaton Rapids and 1920 Federal Census of Eaton Rapids in Eaton County, Michigan.
2. Eaton County Directory, 1872, C. Exera Brown, East Saginaw, Michigan.
3. St.. Louis and Canadian Photographer; volume 32, number 12, December 1908, pages 38 and 42.
4. One World Tree on the internet.
5. Learned in 1995 from the State Archives of Michigan in Lansing.
6. Michigan Agricultural College newsletter, “The Speculum,” November 10, 1889.
7. Rural Directory of Eaton County, 1916-1921, Wilmer Atkinson Company, Philadelphia.

Christmas, J. H.
The printer almost certainly reversed the initials in the “Golden Star GALLERY, J. H. Christmas, Manager, t
Charlotte, Mich.” which was printed on some card mounts. t

Christmas Studio, The

Three Rivers PHOTOGRAPHERS ................................................................................................................. 1894-1895 m
Wylie A. Quirk was proprietor of The Christmas Studio. m

Grass Lake PHOTOGRAPHER ...................................................................................................................... 1907-1908 t
Grosse Pointe PHOTOGRAPHER .................................................................................................................. 1909-1911 t
“Chuck Club House-Michigan Center” and “Grass Lake High School ‘Chuck’” and similar captions were lettered t
on the negatives of post card photographs which were mailed between July of 1907 and February of 1908. “Souvenir t
Post Card Grosse Pointe, Mich. - Photo by ‘Chuck’” was printed in red on the post card backs of photographs. Some t
of these cards were postmarked between September of 1909 and August of 1911. t
Church, Edna E., Mrs.
Pittsford child ............................................................................................................................................................ 1880 1
Pittsford PHOTOGRAPHER ..................................................................................................................................... 1900 1
Pittsford PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................... 1904-1917 m 1
Pittsford farm wife ............................................................................................................................................ 1920,1930 1
Edna was the only child of Byron L. and Emily (Howell) Turner, and was born in Michigan in December of 1875. 1 m
As Miss Edna E. Turner, she was a Pittsford photographer from 1894 through 1903. She married John H. Church in m 1
1898, and continued as Pittsford’s photographer through 1917 as Mrs. Edna E. Church. She gave birth to Ethel on m 1
October 21, 1904, to William (later Lee) in 1908, and to Jean on December 22, 1917. Nine of the 96 women who 2 3
exhibited photographs at the national convention of the Photographers’ Association of America at Milwaukee in July 3
of 1910 were from Michigan, and Edna was one of them. 3
1. 1880, 1900, 1910, 1920 and 1930 Federal Censes of Jefferson Township in Hillsdale County, Michigan.
2. Vrooman Family Tree on the internet.
3. Bulletin of Photography, Philadelphia, “Special Women’s Number” June 22, 1910, page 406.

Church, Emma, Miss

Saginaw retoucher ...................................................................................................................................................... 1889 s

Churchill, Cyrus B.
Buchanan DAGUERREOTYPIST and jeweler ............................................................................................... 1862-1863 m
Buchanan PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................ 1863-1864 1
Lawton peddler and tinker ......................................................................................................................................... 1870 2
Lawton jeweler ................................................................................................................................................ 1872-1873 m
Buchanan jeweler ............................................................................................................................................. 1874-1881 m
Buchanan watch maker .............................................................................................................................................. 1892 3
Cyrus was born in 1828 or 1829 in New York State, and Susan was born in Michigan five years later. Their 2
daughters Florentine and Ida were born in Michigan between 1855 and 1858. Note that Susan obtained a divorce from 2
Cyrus and was a Three Oaks photographer from 1876 through 1888. 2 m
1. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1862-1866, National Archives, Washington, D.C.
2. 1870 Federal Census of the village of Lawton in Van Buren County and 1880 Federal Census of the village of Three Oaks in Berrien
County, Michigan.
3. Berrien County Directory, 1892, R. L. Polk & Company, Detroit.

Churchill, Erastus
Hudson painter ........................................................................................................................................................... 1850 1
Maumee City, Ohio, AMBROTYPIST and painter ................................................................................................... 1859 2
Maumee City, Ohio, artist .......................................................................................................................................... 1860 m
Morenci DAGUERREOTYPIST ..................................................................................................................... 1862-1863 2
Maumee City, Ohio, PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................ 1863-1864 3
Blissfield PHOTOGRAPHER ......................................................................................................................... 1865-1866 4
Bellevue house painter ............................................................................................................................................... 1870 1
Kalamo peddler .......................................................................................................................................................... 1880 1
Assyria Center resident .................................................................................................................................... 1884-1885 1 4
Erastus was born in Massachusetts about 1818 and his wife, Nancy, was born in New York in 1821. Their son 4
William and daughters Nancy and Louisa were born in Ohio between 1839 and 1843, Ruth and James were born in
Iowa between 1844 and 1846, Erastus was born in Michigan about 1847 and died as a child, and Mary was born in
Ohio in September of 1859. “Erastus Churchill of Assyria Center, Barry County, cut his throat from ear to ear with a
razor a few mornings ago. Cause supposed to be hard times. He leaves wife and child.” was reported early in 1885.
1. 1860 Federal Census of the First Ward of Maumee City in Lucas County, Ohio, and 1850 Federal Census of the village of
Hudson in Lenawee County plus 1870 Federal Census of the village of Bellevue and 1880 Federal Census of the village of
Kalamo in Eaton County, Michigan.
2. Learned in 2001 from Don Fredgant of Lakewood, Ohio.
3. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1862-1866, National Archives, Washington, D.C.
4. Death notice from a February 27, 1885, Hudson newspaper in the Lenawee County Historical Museum at Adrian, Michigan.
Churchill, J. Edwin
Bridgeport, Connecticut, artist ................................................................................................................................... 1860 1
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, portrait painter .................................................................................................... 1860-1861 2
Pontiac PHOTOGRAPH PAINTER at Benson’s Photograph Gallery ............................................................ 1866-1867 3
Pontiac clergyman ...................................................................................................................................................... 1870 1
Savannah, Georgia, artist ........................................................................................................................................... 1880 1
His parents came from Connecticut and J. Edwin Churchill was born in Pennsylvania or Ohio about 1821. His wife 1
Jennie was born in Ohio about 1836, and their daughters Dolly and Eva were born there between 1873 and 1877. Prof. 1 3
Churchill was apparently the first in Pontiac to paint photographs using oil colors. The photographs were taken from 3
life or copied from “old-fashioned” daguerreotypes by John H. Benson, and reduced to miniature or enlarged to life 3
size before Edwin started his painting. Sometimes referred to as Rev. Churchill, he did some preaching and taught 3
drawing and painting in the Pontiac area. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Churchill were artists and daguerreotypists in 1851 and 3 2
1852 at Washington-on-the Brazos, Matagorda and Indianola, Texas. Mr. Churchill seems to have been the portrait 2
painter and art teacher while his wife produced the daguerreotypes. 2
1. 1860 Federal Census of Bridgeport in Fairfield County, Connecticut, 1870 Federal Census of the Second Ward of Pontiac in Oakland
County, Michigan, and 1880 Federal Census of Savannah in Chatham County, Georgia.
2. Peter E. Palmquist and Thomas R. Kailbourn, Pioneer Photographers from the Mississippi to the Continental Divide,
Stanford University Press, Stanford, California, 2005, page 163.
3. Pontiac Gazette, Pontiac, Michigan, March 16 and 23, April 6 and May 11, 1866; and April 12, 1867.

Churchill, Susan, Mrs.

Lawton housewife ...................................................................................................................................................... 1870 1
Three Oaks PHOTOGRAPHER ...................................................................................................................... 1876-1885 m
Three Oaks PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................................ 1888 R
Three Oaks machine operator .................................................................................................................................... 1892 2
Three Oaks seamstress ............................................................................................................................................... 1900 1
Three Oaks keeper of a rooming house ..................................................................................................................... 1910 1
Susan was born in Indiana in February of 1834. She married Cyrus B. Churchill, who was a Buchanan photographer 1 3
in the 1860s. Their daughters Florentine and Ida were born in Michigan between 1855 and 1858. By 1880 Susan was 3 1
divorced and sharing her home with her 24-year-old daughter now called Tina who was teaching school. Susan was 1 2
working in the Warren Featherbone Company’s whip factory in 1892, had three young male lodgers in 1900 and four 2 1
young male lodgers in 1910. 1
1. 1870 Federal Census of the village of Lawton in Van Buren County, plus 1880, 1900 and 1910 Federal Censes of the village of
Three Oaks in Berrien County, Michigan.
2. Berrien County Directory, 1892, R. L. Polk & Company, Detroit.
3. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1862-1866, National Archives, Washington, D.C.

Churchill, Willard D.
Dowagiac PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY .......................................................................................................... 1866-1867 1 m
Breckenridge, Colorado, had a photographer named W. D. Churchill from 1882 to 1894 who produced stereo views. 2 3
1. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1862-1866, National Archives, Washington, D.C.
2. Carl Mautz, Biographies of Western Photographers, Carl Mautz Publishing, Nevada City, California, 1997.
3. The Blue Book for Amateur Photographers ... 1895: compiled early in 1894 by Walter Sprange, Beach Bluff, Massachusetts.

Cihak, _______
Muskegon proprietor of the Radium Studio .......................................................................................................... ca 1915 t
“RADIUM STUDIO, 10 W. Western Ave., Muskegon, Mich. Duplicates at any time by returning photo with order.” t
was printed in two different ways on the post card backs of studio portraits. In both cases, the “RADIUM” was printed t
very large, with the “R” even larger, and “CIHAK” was printed in white in the leg of the R which curled under the A. t
Cihak, Charles J.
Chicago, Illinois, student ........................................................................................................................................... 1900 1
Chicago, Illinois, photographer ................................................................................................................................. 1910 1
Muskegon PHOTOGRAPHER at 88 Western av west .................................................................................... 1916-1921 m
Muskegon (Radium Photo Service) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 88 Western av west .................................................... 1921 2
Muskegon PHOTOGRAPHER at 88 Western av west .................................................................................... 1922-1925 m
Muskegon (Radium Photo Service) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 320 Western av west ........................................ 1926-1927 m
Muskegon proprietor of a retail store ........................................................................................................................ 1930 1
Muskegon (Radium Photo Service) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 367 Western av west ........................................ 1950-1969 3
Charles was born at Cravolitz in the Bohemian region of Austria on February 10, 1890, was brought to Chicago by 4 1
his family in 1891 or 1892, and became an American citizen when his father was naturalized while Charles was a 1 4
minor. He seems to have been associated with his brother Joseph in the studios at Ithaca, Chicago and Muskegon 3 1
between 1908 and 1915. He grew into a tall man with blue eyes and brown hair, and married Miss Olive Wilcox in 3 4
1914. Their son Charles was born in December of 1916, and their daughter Marion was born in April of 1919. 3 1
Operating from his own studio, Charles served for many years as photographer for the Muskegon Chronicle before the 3
newspaper had staff photographers. This experience helped in gaining his designation in 1919 as official camp 3
photographer of Camp Roosevelt, the training camp near Muskegon of the Chicago R. O. T. C. unit. He was an avid 3
outdoorsman and a life member of the Elks Lodge. His wife died in January of 1964. Though the Radium Photo 3
Service was managed in the 1960s by his son Charles, the elder Mr. Cihak maintained an active interest in the photo 3
business until his death. He also developed a marina in North Muskegon which he sold about 1968. He died in his 3
apartment over the Radium Photo Service on March 28, 1969, survived by a son and a daughter, four brothers and a 3
sister, nine grandchildren and five great grandchildren. 3
1. 1900 Federal Census of the Fifth Ward and 1910 Federal Census of the 31st Ward of Chicago in Cook County, Illinois, plus 1920
Federal Census of the Twelfth Precinct and 1930 Federal Census of the Seventeenth Precinct of Muskegon in Muskegon County,
2. Muskegon City and County Directory, 1921, R. L. Polk & Company, Detroit.
3. Muskegon Chronicle, Muskegon, Michigan, May 2, 1919, April 28, 1950 28: 7-8; and March 29, 1869 23: 7-8.
4. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.

Cihak, Joseph Frank

Chicago, Illinois, photographer ................................................................................................................................. 1900 1
Ithaca PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................... 1907-1909 t m
Chicago, Illinois, PHOTOGRAPHER ....................................................................................................................... 1910 1
Muskegon PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................ 1914-1915 m
Chicago, Illinois, PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................. 1918-1920 2 1
Chicago, Illinois, farm laborer ................................................................................................................................... 1930 1
Twin Lake resident .......................................................................................................................................... 1969-1970 3
Joseph was born in the Bohemian region of Austria on March 21, 1884, eldest of the six children of Frank and 1 2
Josephine Cihak. He came to the United States with his parents and two brothers in 1891 or 1892, matured into a tall 1 2
man with blue eyes and black hair, and by 1910 was a naturalized citizen. Grace was born in Illinois in 1887, and she 2 1
married Joseph in 1906 or early in 1907. Their son Joseph was born in Michigan in 1908 and the rest of their children 1
were born in Illinois: Grace in 1911, Frank in 1913, Joyce in 1915, Antoinette in 1920 or early in 1921 and Robert 1
three years later. Titles such as “ITHACA BIRDS EYE NO. 8. By Cihak for Goodwin Drug Store” - “Court House, 1 t
Ithaca, Mich., by Cihak” and “ITHACA HIGH SCHOOL FOOTBALL TEAM.... PHOTO BY J. F. CIHAK,...” were t
lettered on the negatives of post card photographs. “PHOTO BY CIHAK, GOODWIN DRUG STORE, PUB.” appeared on press printed t
post cards, ,including one of a horse-drawn fire wagon with a champion team of Ithaca firemen. Joseph may have been t 1
an employee rather than the proprietor of the Chicago photo studio in 1910, but he definitely was in business for 1
himself in 1918 and 1920. By 1930 his son Joe was the professional photographer in the family. Joseph died in 1 3
Muskegon County in February of 1970. 3
1. 1900 Federal Census of the Fifth Ward, 1910 Federal Census of the 31st Ward, 1920 Federal Census of the 29th Ward, and 1930
Federal Census of the 18th Ward of Chicago in Cook County, Illinois.
2. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.
3. Social Security Death Index.

City Art Gallery, The

Ishpeming PHOTOGRAPHERS at 109 First st .................................................................................................... ca 1895 t
Lundberg & Ouchterlony were the proprietors of The City Art Gallery. t

City Drug Store

Kalamazoo photo chemical supplier .......................................................................................................................... 1858 1
This firm was the first in Kalamazoo to stock “acetic acid No. 8, Nitrate Silver Crystals, and Ferr Sulphate, very 1
pure,... [for] Ambrotypists.” 1
1. Kalamazoo Gazette, Kalamazoo, Michigan, June 11, 1858, page 4.

City Studio
Saint Joseph PHOTOGRAPHERS over the post office ....................................................................................... ca 1890 t
Clapp, Leonard Penn
Owosso clerk ............................................................................................................................................................. 1900 1
Owosso photographer ................................................................................................................................................ 1901 2
Helena, Arkansas, PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................... 1901-1902 2
Marinette, Wisconsin, PHOTOGRAPHER ...................................................................................................... 1910,1920 1
His father came from New York, his mother came from Louisiana, and Leonard was born in Michigan in February of 1
1881, the son of Frank and Anna Clapp. His father had a furniture store in 1880 at Mount Pleasant, Michigan, and 1
probably that is where Leonard was born. His brother Frank was born in February of 1879 and his sister Frances was 1
born in October of 1884. The purchase by Leonard of a half interest in a Helena gallery was reported late in 1901. 1 2
Julia was born in Wisconsin to Irish parents about 1884, and she married Leonard in 1904 or early in 1905. They had 1
no children, and Julia was enumerated as Leonard’s assistant photographer in 1920. 1
1. 1880 Federal Census of the village of Mount Pleasant in Isabella County and 1900 Federal Census of the Second Ward of Owosso
in Shiawassee County, Michigan, plus 1910 and 1920 Federal Censes of the Fourth ward of Marinette in Marinette County,
2. St. Louis and Canadian Photographer; volume 254, number 12, December 1901, page 573.

Clark, _______
Milnes PHOTOGRAPHER .................................................................................................................................. ca 1915 t
Osseo PHOTOGRAPHER .................................................................................................................................... ca 1915 t
“By Clark” or “Photo By Clark” was scored into the negatives of winter postal scenes at Milnes along with captions t
and numbers ranging from 8001 to 8005. Some of the cards were mailed in October of 1916. “Street Scene, Osseo t
Mich 8011” and :Clark” were scribed into the negative of a winter scene from which post cards were printed. t

Clark, A.
Dighton PHOTOGRAPHER ..................................................................................................................................... 1913 t
“#1, G.R.I. Wreck at Tustin, Mich. Photo By A. Clark, Dighton, Mich” was scribed into the negative of a post card t
photograph. Another photo of what looked like the same wreck was mailed in April of 1913. t

Clark, A. B.
White River PHOTOGRAPHER ..................................................................................................................... 1862-1863 1
Fox Lake, Wisconsin, PHOTOGRAPHER ...................................................................................................... 1865-1866 2
The White River photographer probably was Ebenezer B. Clark, so please see the entry for him below. 3
1. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1862-1866, National Archives, Washington, D.C.
2. Directory of Wisconsin Photographers; State Historical Society of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin, 1991.
3. Louis M. Hartwick, Oceana County Pioneers and Business Men of Today, Pentwater News Steam Print, Pentwater, Michigan, 1890.

Clark, A. J.
Gaines (A. J. Clark Company) PHOTOGRAPHERS ........................................................................................... ca 1898 t
Albert B. Clark was born in England in April of 1865, he was brought to America in 1871, and he became a 1
physician and a naturalized citizen of the United States. Alma was born in Canada to an English mother in May of 1
1863, crossed the border with her family in 1868, and married Albert about 1890. She was identified as Alma M. Clark 1
in 1910. They had two children born in Michigan, a boy in February of 1893 and a girl in May of 1895. They seem to 1
have been the only Clarks living in or near Gaines in 1900. 1
1. 1900 and 1910 Federal Censes of Gaines Township in Genesee County, Michigan.

Clark, Agnes H., Mrs.

Detroit assistant to photographer Herbert H. Clark ................................................................................................... 1920 1
Detroit housewife ....................................................................................................................................................... 1930 1
Agnes was born in Canada to Scotch parents about 1881, immigrated in 1905, and married Herbert H. Clark in 1910. 1
They never had children. 1
1. 1920 and 1930 Federal Censes of the Tenth Ward of Detroit in Wayne County, Michigan.

Clark, Alfred S.
Grand Rapids PHOTOGRAPHER at 39 Canal st ............................................................................................ 1882-1885 m g
Elyria, Ohio, PHOTOGRAPHER .................................................................................................................... 1887-1889 1
Alfred attended the fourth annual convention of the Photographers’ Association of America at Milwaukee in August 2
of 1883. His business in Grand Rapids was called the Star Photograph Gallery, and his motto was: “The Best Work at 2 t
the Lowest Price.” The Elyria listing was for A. S. Clark. t 1
1. John Waldsmith, A Directory of Ohio Photographers, 1839 to 1900, Sycamore, Ohio, compiled in 1978 and augmented through 1993.
2. The Photographic Times, New York, volume 13, number 152, August 1883.
Clark, Allen
Haring Township child .............................................................................................................................................. 1880 1
Luther day laborer ...................................................................................................................................................... 1900 1
Luther PHOTOGRAPHER .............................................................................................................................. 1904-1905 m
Luther PHOTOGRAPHER .............................................................................................................................. 1908-1917 m
Cadillac PHOTOGRAPHER at 101 Mitchell st north ..................................................................................... 1918-1919 2 m
Cadillac PHOTOGRAPHER ..................................................................................................................................... 1920 1
Cadillac (Clark’s Studio) PHOTOGRAPHERS .............................................................................................. 1924-1927 m
Cadillac PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................... 1930-1931 m
His parents came from New York and Ohio and Allen was born in Michigan on July 11, 1877, the son of Lewis and 1
Melinda Clark. His brother Henry was born here five years earlier. Allen matured into a medium sized man with blue 1 2
eyes and black hair. Lavinna was born in Michigan in 1880, their daughter Eva was born here in 1906 and their son 2 1
James was born here about 1921. “CLARK” or “BY CLARK” or “PHOTO BY CLARK” was lettered on the negatives of 1 t
post card photographs of Bass Lake, Brunswick, Dighton, Little Manistee, Leroy, Loon Lake, Luther and Skookum, t
some with postmarks ranging from 1908 to 1914. Some of his postal photos of Cadillac were similarly marked, but t
many of his later ones had legends and signatures written on the negatives in script. Several postmarked before 1923 t
had “Clark’s Studio” written or lettered on the negatives. He used a blind stamp on some Cadillac post cards, and t
those of a farm near Marion. By 1918 Allen’s black hair was mixed with gray. Their daughter became Eva Lucille 2 3
Briggs, portrait photographer of Detroit and Pleasant Ridge from 1937 into the 1980s. In 1941 Eva became one of the 3
118 in the world to be recognized as a Master Photographer by the Photographers’ Association of America. 3
1. 1900 Federal Census of the village of Luther in Newkirk Township of Lake County, plus 1880 Federal Census of Haring Township,
1920 Federal Census of the First Ward and 1930 Federal Census of the Third Ward of Cadillac in Wexford County, Michigan.
2. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.
3. Inside Michigan, September 1951.

Clark, Almira
Portland Township farm wife .................................................................................................................................... 1860 1
Muir PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................................ 1863-1864 2
Almira was born in Ohio in 1837 or 1838, and she married David Clark who was born there eleven years earlier. 1
Their children were born in Michigan between 1852 and 1859: Emily, Mary, George, Rosa, and the twins Hellen and 1
Ada. David enlisted as a private in Company K of the 21st Michigan Infantry at Ionia on August 15 and was mustered 1 3
into the army on September 4, 1862. He died of disease at Louisville, Kentucky, on November 24, 1862. Muir is four 3 4
miles north of Portland Township. 4
1. 1860 Federal Census of Portland Township in Ionia County, Michigan.
2. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1862-1866, National Archives, Washington, D.C.
3. Record of Service of Michigan Volunteers in the Civil War, 1861-1865; published by the State of Michigan about 1904.
4. Michigan County Map Guide, Michigan United Conservation Clubs, Lansing, Michigan.

Clark, Andrew F.
Niles (Smith & Clark) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 315 Main st ..................................................................................... 1892 1
Shipshewana, Indiana, PHOTOGRAPHER .......................................................................................................... ca 1900 t
Orlando N. Smith was Andrew’s partner at Niles. Some photograph mounts had “SMITH, Ground Floor Studio, 1 t
NILES.” printed on the front, and “A. F. CLARK, Shipshewana, Ind.” stamped on the back. t
1. Berrien County Directory, 1892, R. L. Polk & Company, Detroit.
Clark, Andrew James
Dexter apprentice ambrotypist ......................................................................................................................... 1855-1857 1
Ypsilanti AMBROTYPIST near the Michigan Central depot ................................................................................... 1857 1
Ypsilanti PHOTOGRAPHIC ARTIST on Cross st ......................................................................................... 1859-1860 m
Ypsilanti DAGUERREAN ARTIST ......................................................................................................................... 1860 2
Ypsilanti PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY on Huron st at the corner of Congress st ........................................... 1862-1863 m
Ypsilanti PHOTOGRAPH ARTIST on Huron st ............................................................................................ 1864-1866 m 3
Ypsilanti (A. J. Clark & Brother) PHOTOGRAPH ARTISTS on Congress st ............................................... 1866-1867 m
Ypsilanti (Clark & Company) PHOTOGRAPHERS ................................................................................................. 1867 4
Ypsilanti PHOTOGRAPHER .................................................................................................................................... 1868 4
Ypsilanti PHOTOGRAPHER at the corner of Congress and Huron sts .......................................................... 1872-1873 m
Ypsilanti PHOTOGRAPHER on Huron st ...................................................................................................... 1874-1875 m
Ypsilanti PHOTOGRAPHER at the corner of Huron and Cross sts ................................................................ 1876-1877 m
Ypsilanti PHOTOGRAPHER opposite the post office on Huron st north ................................................................. 1878 5
Ypsilanti PHOTOGRAPHER .......................................................................................................................... 1878-1883 m
Ypsilanti PHOTOGRAPHER nearly opposite the post office on the east side of Huron st north ............................. 1883 6
Dexter PHOTOGRAPHER over Dr. Jenny’s office ........................................................................................ 1883-1884 7 m
Putnam Township farmer .................................................................................................................................. 1900,1910 2
His parents came from New York, and Andrew was born in December of 1838 near London, Ontario. He 2 1
apprenticed himself to a Dexter ambrotypist when he was 15, and opened his own gallery in Ypsilanti when he was 17. 1
He was listed as James Clark in 1860. Fire broke out in his gallery at 11:00 a.m. on January 30, 1860, and consumed 2 8
six frame buildings. He soon opened another gallery on the west side of the river. He experimented with the then new 8 1
process of making photographic prints from glass negatives, and introduced the carte de visite in Ypsilanti. His 1
associate in 1866 was W. J. Clark. The location of his gallery was described on various photograph mounts as: “Over m t
the Farmers’ Store....” or “... in Worden Block ... Porcelain, Ink and Oil Pictures made in the best style.” or “Cor. t
Huron and Cross Sts.” or “Opposite the Laible Block ...” The 1870 enumerator noted that Andrew and 19-year-old t 2
Emma were married in February of 1870, the historian wrote that Andrew married Miss Ella Forsyth of Ypsilanti in 2 1
1874, and the 1880 enumerator indicated that he had a 23-year-old wife named Ellen. He advertised about 1873 as an 2 9
“Artist, Porcelain, Ink, and Oil. Pictures made in the best style.” He had been taking pictures at Dexter since 1858, but 9 7
did not locate there until he succeeded Charles E. Clark in November of 1883. Andrew remained at Dexter until 7
October of 1884. He was a widower by 1900, and was farming in partnership with the husband of his sister Mary, 7 2
Alexander Mallion. 2
1. History of Washtenaw County, Chapman Brothers, Chicago, 1881.
2. 1860 Federal Census of the Second Ward plus 1870 and 1880 Federal Censes of the First Ward of Ypsilanti in Washtenaw
County, as well as 1900 and 1910 Federal Censes of Putnam Township in Livingston County, Michigan.
3. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1862-1866, National Archives, Washington, D.C.
4. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1867-1868; Great Lakes Branch of the National Archives, Chicago, Illinois.
5. Washtenaw County Directory, 1878-79, F. H. Pray, Ann Arbor, Michigan.
6. Washtenaw County Directory 1883-84, Wendell Directory Company.
7. From a typed sheet of information about Dexter photographers of unknown origin.
8. Michigan Argus, Ann Arbor, Michigan, February 3, 1860, per the Depot Town Rag, Ypsilanti, Michigan, volume 18, number 10,
October 1995.
9. Henry Francis Walling, Atlas of the State of Michigan, R. M. & S. T. Tackbury, Detroit, circa 1873.

Clark, Andrew T.
Coopersville PHOTOGRAPHER ......................................................................................................................... ca 1885 t
Fremont PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................... 1886-1889 m
Ashland PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................... 1888-1889 m
Casnovia (Clark & Houghton) PHOTOGRAPHERS ........................................................................................... ca 1890 t
Casnovia (Clark & Pierson) PHOTOGRAPHERS .......................................................................................... 1890-1891 m

Clark, Charles
Jackson photographer ................................................................................................................................................ 1883 J

Clark, Charles E.
Jackson photographer ........................................................................................................................................... ca 1882 1
Dexter PHOTOGRAPHER over the office of Dr. Jenny ................................................................................. 1882-1883 m
One Charles E. Clark served in Company B of the 136th New York Infantry during the Civil War. The rooms that 2 1
Charles occupied in Dexter had formerly been the gallery of photographer Norman E. Allen, and were subsequently 1
used for the same purpose by Andrew J. Clark. 1
1. From a typed sheet of information about Dexter photographers of unknown origin.
2. General Index to Pension Files, 1861-1934, National Archives, Washington, D. C.

Clark, D. J.
Detroit (D. J. Clark & Company) PHOTOGRAPHERS ............................................................................................ 1902 R
Clark, Daniel G.
Clayton PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................ 1876-1877 m
One Daniel G. Clark served in Company K of the 92nd Illinois Infantry during the Civil War. “D. G. CLARK, ON 1 t
WHEELS.” was printed on some card photograph mounts. t
1. General Index to Pension Files, 1861-1934, National Archives, Washington, D. C.

Clark, Dewitt C.
Oskaloosa, Iowa, bath house proprietor ..................................................................................................................... 1900 1
Muskegon PHOTOGRAPHER at 255 Western av west .................................................................................. 1908-1909 M
Muskegon PHOTOGRAPHER at 273 Western av west .................................................................................. 1910-1926 m M
Muskegon PHOTOGRAPHER at 613 Western av .......................................................................................... 1926-1934 m M
Dewitt was born in Michigan about 1860. His second wife, Anne, was born in Illinois in 1862, and she married 1 2
Dewitt about 1894. She was a barber in Oskaloosa. When first in Muskegon, they opened a barber shop for women, 1 2
and he later developed photography as a sideline. By 1910, Dewitt was identified as a photographer, Anne was in 2 1
charge of the barber shop, and his 23-year-old daughter, Jessie, was living at home and managing a millinery shop. 1
Both Jessie and her mother were born in South Dakota. “D. C. Clark, 255 W. Western Ave., Muskegon, Mich.” was 1 t
printed on the back of post card photographs, including a bird’s-eye view of a street car on a Muskegon street. “D. C. t
Clark’s New Studio, 273 W. Western Ave....” was printed on the back of other post cards, including a photographic t
portrait of a young lady in a rustic garden. Dewitt was a familiar figure about the lakefront for many years, taking t 2
pictures of boats and marine events. He accumulated an extensive collection of photographs of early passenger and 2
freight vessels, of which he was very proud. After the death of his wife, Dewitt rented out the barbering portion of the 2
shop, confined himself to photography, lived alone in the back of his shop and became a picturesque character. When 2
he was taken seriously ill, one of his two daughters came to Muskegon to care for him. He died at Hackley Hospital on 2
September 7, 1936. 2
1. 1900 Federal Census of the Third Ward of Oskaloosa in Mahaska County, Iowa, plus 1910 Federal Census of the Sixth Ward, 1920
Federal Census of the 16th Precinct and 1930 Federal Census of the 12th Precinct of Muskegon in Muskegon County, Michigan.
2. Muskegon Chronicle, Muskegon, Michigan, September 7, 1936, page 2, column 2.

Clark, Ebenezer B.
White River resident ........................................................................................................................................ 1861-1863 1
Pentwater AMBROTYPIST ...................................................................................................................................... 1863 1
Pentwater (Clark & Bunnington) PHOTOGRAPHERS .................................................................................. 1863-1864 2
Pentwater justice of the peace .......................................................................................................................... 1867-1889 1 3
Pentwater justice of the peace .................................................................................................................................... 1900 3
Ebenezer was born of Welsh and Irish stock near Montreal in Lower Canada on March 9, 1831. He probably was the 1 2
photographer at White River assessed as A. B. Clark in 1862 and 1863. He opened a daguerreian and ambrotype 2 1
gallery at Pentwater in June of 1863, the first business of this kind in Oceana County. He married Mrs. Almira E. 1 3
Palmiter about 1868. She was born in New York State around 1839, and brought along a baby boy named Belmont. 3
She gave birth to Ebenezer in September of 1870 and to Willis in July of 1877. The elder Ebenezer was enumerated as 3
a real estate agent in 1870. He served as township clerk several times, and as village assessor. He was a widower by 3 1
1900, when he was living with the family of his son Ebenezer. His son Willis was part of this household. 3
1. Louis M. Hartwick, Oceana County Pioneers and Business Men of Today, Pentwater News Steam Print, Pentwater, Michigan, 1890,
pages 45, 342 and 343.
2. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1862-1866, National Archives, Washington, D.C.
3. 1870, 1880 and 1900 Federal Censes of the village of Pentwater in Oceana County, Michigan.

Clark, Edgar E.
Detroit photographer .................................................................................................................................................. 1900 1
Detroit photographer for Huntington & Clark ........................................................................................................... 1901 d
Detroit photographer .................................................................................................................................................. 1902 d
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................. 1902-1903 R
Birmingham resident .................................................................................................................................................. 1903 d
Birmingham PHOTOGRAPHER in the Ford Block ........................................................................................ 1904-1905 m
Canton, Ohio, manager of a photograph gallery ........................................................................................................ 1910 1
Edgar was born in August of 1874 in either Canada or New York. The woman who became Mrs. Florence E. Clark 1
was born in New York State in May of 1875, and she married Edgar in the spring of 1896. Their sons were born in 1
New York: William in August of 1897 and Edgar in June of 1898. Edgar produced “Advertising and Illustrative 1 m
Photography” in Birmingham. One Florence E. Clark was a widow and an inspection forelady in an auto plant in 1930, m 1
when she was providing a home in Royal Oak for her 18-year-old daughter Virginia who was born in Ohio. 1
1. 1900 Federal Census of the Second Ward of Detroit in Wayne County and 1930 Federal Census of the city of Royal Oak in Oakland
County, Michigan, plus 1910 Federal Census of the Second Ward of Canton in Stark County, Ohio.
Clark, Edwin
Elmira Township, Illinois, farmer .............................................................................................................................. 1860 1
Batavia, Iowa, artist ......................................................................................................................................... 1880-1885 1 2
Grand Haven (Clark Brothers) PHOTOGRAPHERS on Washington st ......................................................... 1886-1891 m R
Edwin was born in Canada in 1833 or early in 1834, third of the nine children of Elisha Clark from New Brunswick. 1
Samantha M. Walton was born in Massachusetts in 1840 or early in 1841, and she was enumerated as Edwin’s wife in 1
1880. He was living alone in 1885. Walter A. Clark was the other brother in Grand Haven. 2 m
1. 1860 Federal Census of Elmira Township in Stark County, Illinois, and 1880 Federal Census of the village of Batavia in Jefferson
County, Iowa.
2. Iowa State Census Collection, 1836-1925.

Clark, Elsie Lelia, Mrs.

Hesperia PHOTOGRAPHER .......................................................................................................................... 1900-1901 1 m
Hesperia (Hesperia Studio) PHOTOGRAPHERS ........................................................................................... 1902-1903 m
Hesperia dress maker ....................................................................................................................................... 1904-1909 m
Hesperia PHOTOGRAPHER .................................................................................................................................... 1910 1
Hesperia dress maker ....................................................................................................................................... 1910-1911 m
She was also identified as Mrs. Lelia Clark, Mrs. E. S. Clark, as Mrs. E. L. Clark, and as Mrs. Celia Clark. Her m 1
parents came from New York and she was born in Michigan in June of 1861. She married a man from Indiana and 1
three of her five children born in Michigan lived to maturity. Robert was born in March of 1886, Leroy or Levant was 1
born in November of 1889, and Harvard was born in September of 1895. Part of Hesperia is in Oceana County and the 1 2
rest is in Newaygo County. 2
1. 1900 Federal Census of the village of Hesperia in Denver Township of Newaygo County and 1910 Federal Census of the village of
Hesperia in Newfield Township of Oceana County, Michigan.
2. Michigan County Map Guide, Michigan United Conservation Clubs, Lansing, Michigan.

Clark, Etta, Mrs.

Leroy Township farm wife ......................................................................................................................................... 1870 1
Athens Township farm wife ....................................................................................................................................... 1880 1
Battle Creek portrait artist .................................................................................................................................... ca 1890 2
Mount Pleasant portrait artist, enlarger and retoucher for photographer Loren S. Morey ......................................... 1891 2
Copemish housewife .................................................................................................................................................. 1900 1
Burlington housewife ................................................................................................................................................. 1910 1
Rosetta was born in Michigan to parents from New York in July of 1848. Her first husband was Sydney Blackett, 1
who was born in England about 1847. Their children Dora and William were born in Michigan between 1866 and 1
1868. About 1879 Etta married Elwood Clark, who was born in Michigan to parents from New York in June of 1857. 1
They raised Dora and William and had no further children. Etta left a good position to come to work for L. S. Morey 1 2
in the spring of 1891. Elwood had a barber shop in Copemish in 1900 and in Burlington in 1910. 2 1
1. 1870 Federal Census of Leroy Township and 1880 Federal Census of Athens Township plus 1910 Federal Census of the village of
Burlington in Calhoun County, as well as 1900 Federal Census of the village of Copemish in Manistee County, Michigan.
2. Isabella County Enterprise, Mount Pleasant, Michigan, April 3, 1891.

Clark, Eugene
Please see the entry for Eugene Clarke.

Clark, Felton W.
Muskegon PHOTOGRAPHER at 255 Western av west ............................................................................................ 1906 M
Clark, Forester
Brattleboro, Vermont, student ................................................................................................................................... 1850 1
Belvidere, Illinois, artist ............................................................................................................................................ 1860 1
Madison, Wisconsin, photographer ........................................................................................................................... 1861 2
United States Army soldier .............................................................................................................................. 1861-1862 2 3
Belvidere, Illinois, PHOTOGRAPHER ..................................................................................................................... 1870 1
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER in Room 20 of the Merrill Block at 300 Woodward av ................................................ 1871 d
Pittsfield, Massachusetts, PHOTOGRAPHER at 40 North st ......................................................................... 1872-1891 4 5
Pittsfield, Massachusetts, PHOTOGRAPHER at 86 North st ......................................................................... 1892-1893 5
Montpelier, Vermont, business executive ........................................................................................................ 1893-1894 5
New York, New York, salesman ................................................................................................................................ 1900 1
Cheshire, Massachusetts, PHOTOGRAPHER .......................................................................................................... 1910 1
New York, New York, resident ................................................................................................................................. 1915 2
Chelsea, Massachusetts, resident of the Soldiers Home ............................................................................................ 1919 2
His father came from Massachusetts and Forester was born in Vermont on August 5, 1836, second of the five 1 2
children of Collin and Gratia Clark and their eldest son. When he enrolled at Madison as a third class musician and 1 2
drummer in the Regimental Band of the Fifth Wisconsin Infantry on July 12, 1861, he was 5 feet 2½ inches tall with 2
blue eyes and light hair. It was decided that bands were an unnecessary expense to the army, and Forester was 2
honorably discharged at a camp near Harrison’s Landing, Virginia, on August 9, 1862. Emma Maria Watson was born 2 1
in New Hampshire in August of 1842, and she married Forester at Belvidere, Illinois, on October 1, 1862. Three of 1 2
their children were born at Belvidere: Jennie in December of 1864 who lived for only four months, Fred in April of 2 1
1867 who lived until 1897, and William in January of 1872. Their other children were born in Pittsfield: Ella in May 2 1
of 1875 who lived only four months, Etta in October of 1876, Eva in November of 1878, and Charles in December of 2 1
1880. Forester used the address 34-44 North in his advertisements from 1879 through 1884. His article about the 1 5
construction and photographic use of his baby lounge was published in 1881. Forester took 31,000 negatives in the 21 5 6
years he was a Pittsfield photographer. He employed his son Fred as a photographer in the later 1880s, and his son 6 4
William as a photo printer from 1890 until 1893, when William took over the business. Forester supplemented his 4
photography as agent of the Excelsior Granite Company in 1892. When he relinquished the gallery on April 1, 1893, 4
he moved to Montpelier as treasurer of the Excelsior Granite Works. His application for a Veteran’s Invalid Pension in 4 2
June of 1900 included a long list of debilitating health problems, and was successful. When he reapplied in August of 2
1911 such problems were not pertinent. He was receiving a pension of thirty five dollars per month at the time of his 2
death on January 6, 1919. 2
1. 1850 Federal Census of Brattleboro in Windham County, Vermont, 1860 and 1870 Federal Censes of the village of Belvidere in
Boone County, Illinois, 1880 Federal Census of Pittsfield and 1910 Federal Census of Cheshire in Berkshire County, Massachusetts,
plus 1900 Federal Census of the Borough of the Bronx in New York City, New York County, New York.
2. Civil War Veteran Pension Record of Forester Clark obtained from the National Archives at Washington, D. C.
3. 1890 Massachusetts Census of Civil War Veterans.
4. Wilson’s Photographic Magazine, volume 30, number 436, April 1893, pages 181 and 182.
5. Chris Steele and Ronald Polito, A Directory of Massachusetts Photographers 1839-1900, Picton Press, Camden, Maine, 1993.
6. Wilson’s Photographics, Edward L. Wilson, Philadelphia, 1881.

Clark, Frank L.
Ann Arbor photographer for Lewis & Gibson ........................................................................................................... 1883 1
1. Washtenaw County Directory 1883-84, Wendell Directory Company.
Clark, Frank Scott
New York, New York, employee of the Mora Studio ...................................................................................... 1883-1890 1 2
Detroit photo operator for the estate of photographer Charles A. Millard ................................................................. 1893 d
Detroit (Huntington & Clark) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 224 and 226 Woodward av ........................................ 1894-1903 d m
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 654 Woodward av ........................................................................................... 1903-1915 d m
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 970 Cass av ..................................................................................................... 1916-1918 m d
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 970 Cass av and The Colonial House ....................................................................... 1919 d
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 970 Cass av ............................................................................................................... 1920 d
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 5108 Cass av ................................................................................................... 1920-1921 d m
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 114 Putnam av .......................................................................................................... 1822 d
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 5108 Cass av and 114 Putnam av .................................................................... 1923-1927 d
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 5108 Cass av ................................................................................................... 1928-1934 d m
Detroit artist ..................................................................................................................................................... 1936-1937 d
Frank was born at Peru, Indiana, on September 17, 1865, and was the son of Joseph Caledon and Charlotte Ann 2
(Ward) Clark. He attended the public schools of Liverpool, New York, and Kingston, Ontario, and studied art at the 2 3
Cooper Institute in New York City and the School of Fine Arts in Detroit. He was making photographic backgrounds 3
and photographic advertising novelties in 1882 and tried shoe making, boat building, and painting signs, barns, 3 2
coaches and stage scenery before settling upon photography as his vocation. He worked for several years in the Mora 2 3
Studio at New York City and came to Detroit in 1892. His partnership with George Huntington was formed in 1894. 2 d
About 1897 it was said of him that “No one has made more rapid progress than this young man. He is a great student 4
and carried off some of the prizes at the National Convention when held at Detroit” in 1895. He spoke about 4
“Retouching” to the 1896 convention of the Michigan Photographers’ Association. He served as secretary of the Ohio- 4 5
Michigan Photographers Association in 1902. He and Miss Mary Louise Foster of Chicago were married on May 7, 5 1
1908. Among many other photographic honors, he was awarded the International Gold Medal in 1907 and the 1 6
Diamond Daguerre Medal in 1909. Five years of experimenting led Frank to a technique for producing photographic 6 3
portraits which exactly imitated sixteenth century engravings with a great range of shading and fine detail and a 3
decidedly softer background. In 1908 he was invited to send examples of such portraits to an International Exhibition 3 6
in Germany. After the New York Convention in 1911, Frank and his wife visited Boston where he photographed some 6 7
former Detroit patrons who had moved to New England and would sit for no other photographer. He handled this in 7
such a way that he continued to enjoy the friendship and goodwill of his Boston competitors. In 1915 a photographic 7
journal carried “Frank Scott Clark - The Man and His Work” with five pages of text by Sadakichi Hartmann (Sidney 7 8
Allan) and six additional pages of portraits. Frank continued to paint as an avocation, was one of the chief organizers 8 9
of the Scarab Club, and by 1927 had been president of the club for nine years. His vacations were spent at his camp at 9
Mindemoya on Manitoulin Island in the northern reaches of Lake Huron making a photographic record of the rapidly 9 3
disappearing race, the Canadian Indian. Frank became known as the dean of Detroit portrait photographers and a 3 9
leader in local art circles. During his last few years he concentrated upon painting wild flowers and wild life, and his 3 9
duck paintings were recognized for their detail and color. He suffered for some time from a heart ailment which 9
proved fatal on October 24, 1937. He was survived by his wife, Mrs. Mary Louise (Foster) Clark, two daughters and a 9
son. Interment was at Battle Creek. Frank’s portrait was still prominently displayed in the entrance hall of the Scarab 9 0
Club in 1998. 0
1. Albert Nelson Marquis, editor, The Book of Detroiters, A. N. Marquis & Company, Chicago, 1908, page 110.
2. Arthur Hopkin Gibson, Artists of Early Michigan, Wayne State University Press, Detroit, Michigan, 1975.
3. Who’s Who in Professional Portraiture in America, 1927.
4. Photographs, circa 1897.
5. The Professional Photographer, Buffalo, New York, volume 1, number 2, March 1896, page 82.
6. St. Louis and Canadian Photographer; volume 26, number 3, March 1902, page 118; and volume 32, number 12, December 1908, page 35.
7. Photo-Era, volume 26, number 4, April 1911, page 209.
8. The Photographic Journal of America, volume 52, number 3, March 1915, pages 115 through 125.
9. Obituary in the Detroit Free Press, Detroit, Michigan, October 27, 1937.
0. Confirmed through a 1998 visit to the Scarab Club in Detroit, Michigan.

Clark, George
Lake Odessa PHOTOGRAPHER .................................................................................................................... 1896-1897 m

Clark, George H.
Vicksburg PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................ 1894-1895 m
Clark, George W.
Boston, Massachusetts, PHOTOGRAPHER at 230 Commercial st ................................................................ 1859-1861 1
Ionia PHOTOGRAPHER on Main st .............................................................................................................. 1862-1868 m 2
Ionia (Clark & Heath) PHOTOGRAPHERS ............................................................................................................. 1869 3
Ionia PHOTOGRAPHER on Main st .............................................................................................................. 1869-1873 m
Ionia (Clark & Flandres) PHOTOGRAPHERS ................................................................................................... ca 1873 t
Ionia PHOTOGRAPHER at the corner of Main and Second sts ..................................................................... 1874-1875 m
Hastings PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................... ca 1875 t
Ionia PHOTOGRAPHER in the Union Block on Main st .................................................................................... ca 1878 t
Ionia (Clark & Millard) PHOTOGRAPHERS in the Union Block on Main st ............................................... 1878-1879 m
Ionia (Ionia Art Gallery and Copying House) PHOTOGRAPHERS in the Union Block on Main st ................... ca 1880 t
Ionia PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................................ 1880-1881 m
Ionia PHOTOGRAPHER in the Union Block on Main st ......................................................................................... 1882 4
Ionia PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................................ 1882-1887 m
Muir PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................................ 1886-1887 m
Ionia PHOTOGRAPHER .......................................................................................................................................... 1888 R
Lyons PHOTOGRAPHER .............................................................................................................................. 1888-1891 m
Saranac PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................ 1890-1891 m
Ionia PHOTOGRAPHER in the Root Block ................................................................................................... 1892-1893 5
Muir PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................................ 1892-1895 m
Ionia PHOTOGRAPHER .......................................................................................................................................... 1900 6
George was born in New York in February of 1835 and Helen, his wife, was born there in November of 1843. They 6
were married about 1862, and their two daughters and one son were born in Michigan between 1863 and 1873. Two- 6 t
cent revenue stamps were affixed to cartes de visite which placed George’s Ionia gallery in Hackett’s Block. In 1866 t 3
he was advertising “Photographs, Ambrotypes, Gems, Porcelain Pictures, colored or plain. Photos enlarged to any 3
size, colored in oil, India ink or water colors.” He began 1867 in “... a new suit of rooms second to none in the West ... 3
adjoining Union Block.” Here the “New Cabinet Size Photograph will receive Particular attention” and an assortment 3
of albums, oval frames, cords, tassels, &c. were available. The artist S. C. Cornell shared George’s rooms in 1867 and 3
devoted his time to finishing enlarged photographs in India ink and colors. George exhibited a collection of plain and 3
colored photographs at the 1868 Ionia County Fair, and photographs were exhibited by Clark & Heath at this Fair in 3
1869. George took home the First Premiums for the best water color painting and the best India ink photograph from 3
the 1870 Ionia County Fair. His collection of large and small photographs was judged to be the second best at the 3
Ionia County Fair in 1874. When George came back to Ionia about 1878, he succeeded photographer Thomas 3 t
Bauslaugh. In addition to his wife and children, his household in 1880 included his 30-year-old sister and his mother, t 6
Mrs. Eliza J. Clark. George was sole proprietor of the Ionia Art Gallery & Copying House where photographs of 6 t
children were taken in one second, and a choice stock of picture frames in velvet, gilt and walnut was carried. His t 5
purchase of the gallery in Ionia’s Root Block from Reverend Leslie R. Gault was reported early in 1893. 5
1. Chris Steele and Ronald Polito, A Directory of Massachusetts Photographers 1839-1900, Picton Press, Camden, Maine, 1993.
2. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1867-1868, Great Lakes Branch of the National Archives, Chicago, Illinois.
3. Ionia Sentinel, Ionia, Michigan, May 1, 1866; January 1, 1867; October 16, 1868; September 24, 1869; October 14, 1870; September 25
and October 16, 1874.
4. Ionia City Directory 1882-3, Baerd & Silcox, Ionia, Michigan.
5. Wilson’s Photographic Magazine, volume 30, number 434, February 1893, page 82.
6. 1880 Federal Census of the city of Ionia and 1900 Federal Census of the Second Ward of Ionia in Ionia County, Michigan.
Clark, Herbert Henry
Detroit clerk in a store ............................................................................................................................................... 1900 1
Detroit student or solicitor ............................................................................................................................... 1903-1904 d
Detroit clerk for photographer J. Wesley Hughes ...................................................................................................... 1905 d
Detroit photographer .................................................................................................................................................. 1906 d
Detroit (Clark Brothers) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 437 Baker st ....................................................................... 1907-1920 d m
Detroit (Clark Brothers) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 2733-35 Baker st ............................................................... 1920-1930 d m
Detroit (Clark Brothers) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 2733-35 Bagley av ............................................................. 1930-1936 m d
Detroit inspector or auto worker ...................................................................................................................... 1937-1938 d
Detroit resident ................................................................................................................................................ 1939-1953 d
Herbert was born in Michigan on May 7, 1884, eldest of the three sons of Walter and Henrietta Clark. He became a 1 2
slender man of average height with brown eyes and dark brown hair. Agnes was born in Canada about 1881, and they 2 1
were married in 1910. The Clark Brothers studio advertised in 1907: “Commercial and Portrait Photographers, 1 d
enlarging and copying, developing and printing for amateurs, flash light, interior and athletic group work....” Herbert d
was the sole proprietor of Clark Brothers throughout the life of the studio except for 1909, when Percy A. Clark was d
his partner and they added “... A Specialty made of Short Notice Work for Cuts and Advertising.” to the words used in d
1907. The studio address was sometimes listed as 437-439 Baker Street prior to Detroit’s overall change in the d
numbering system in 1920, after which the same building was at times identified as 2733 or 2735 Baker Street, as well d
as 2733-35. Ads for the studio mentioned framing in 1912, and in 1921 offered “Enlargements and Frames, Kodaks d
and Supplies, Developing and Printing.” During World War I “Clark Bros. Studio, 437 Baker St., Detroit” was printed d t
on 11 by 7 inch mounts framing 6 by 4 pictures of uniformed soldiers. About 1930 the part of Baker Street on which t d
the studio was located was renamed Bagley Avenue. Herbert had lived in Detroit for 65 of his 69 years when he died d 3
there on November 4, 1953, survived by his brother Percy. Burial was in Evergreen Cemetery. 3
1. 1900 Federal Census of the Twelfth Ward plus 1920 and 1930 Federal Censes of the Tenth Ward of Detroit in Wayne County, Michigan.
2. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.
3. Obituary in the Detroit Free Press, November 6, 1953.

Clark, Herman
Manchester carpenter ................................................................................................................................................. 1900 1
Manchester PHOTOGRAPHER ...................................................................................................................... 1904-1905 m
His parents came from New York, and Herman was born in Michigan in August of 1848. Phoebe was born in 1
Michigan in January of 1859, married Herman about 1875 and had three children born in Michigan, including Nellie 1
in April of 1880 and Elmer in July of 1883. 1
1. 1900 Federal Census of the village of Manchester in Washtenaw County, Michigan.

Clark, Hiram S.
Neenah, Wisconsin, DAGUERREOTYPIST ............................................................................................................ 1857 1
Grand Haven AMBROTYPE & DAGUERREAN ARTIST on Washington st ............................................... 1859-1860 m
Muskegon DAGUERREIAN ARTIST ...................................................................................................................... 1860 2
Green Bay, Wisconsin, (New Art Gallery) PHOTOGRAPHERS ................................................................... 1860-1868 1
Green Bay, Wisconsin, PHOTOGRAPHER .............................................................................................................. 1870 2
Greenville PHOTOGRAPHER at the corner of Lafayette and Washington sts ............................................... 1872-1873 m
Greenville (H. S. Clark & Company) PHOTOGRAPHERS ............................................................................ 1876-1877 m
Sheridan (H. S. Clark & Company) PHOTOGRAPHERS .............................................................................. 1876-1877 3
Sheridan PHOTOGRAPHER .......................................................................................................................... 1876-1877 m
Greenville PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................ 1878-1881 m
Petoskey PHOTOGRAPHER .......................................................................................................................... 1884-1885 m
Hiram was born in New York State about 1830, and was living in a Muskegon hotel in 1860. Mary was born in New 2
York in 1833 or 1834, and their son Harry was born in Wisconsin about 1862. Hiram published stereo views of 2 t
logging and camping scenes from Greenville. “H. S. CLARK & CO., PHOTOGRAPHERS, Greenville, Mich. Pictures t
Copied, Enlarged and Finished in Ink, Crayon, Oil or Water Colors. Fine Retouched Photographs a Specialty.” was t
printed on card mounts. The monogram of the National Photographic Association was printed on some of Hiram’s t
Greenville card mounts, including one with a photo of the marker for the grave of Mrs. Anna Rowley who was 22 t
years old when she died in June of 1872. Hiram was enumerated twice in the 1880 census, on June 1 in Belvidere t 2
Township twenty miles north of Greenville, and on June 8 at home in Greenville with his family. Note that both Hiram 2
and his wife were enumerated as photographic artists in 1880. 2
1. Carl Mautz, Biographies of Western Photographers, Carl Mautz Publishing, Nevada City, California, 1997.
2. 1870 Federal Census of the Second Ward of Green Bay in Brown County, Wisconsin, 1860 Federal Census of the village of Muskegon
in Muskegon County, 1880 Federal Censes of Belvidere Township and the Second Ward of Greenville in Montcalm County, Michigan.
3. Bradstreet’s Commercial Reports ... Western & Southern States; J. M. Bradstreet & Son Company, New York, January 1, 1877.
Clark, Ira A.
Maple Rapids PHOTOGRAPHER .................................................................................................................. 1884-1889 m
Maple Rapids meat market proprietor or candy manufacturer ......................................................................... 1890-1895 m
Ira’s cabinet photographs included one of an entertainer with a short skirt and a fan. His wife kept a millinery shop t m
or a bazaar store in Maple Rapids from 1884 until 1891. m

Clark, J. M.
Syracuse, New York, DAGUERREOTYPIST and PHOTOGRAPHER ......................................................... 1840-1864 1
Syracuse, New York, PHOTOGRAPHER at the corner of Church & Salina sts .................................................. ca 1864 t
Saginaw City PHOTOGRAPHER over the post office ................................................................................... 1864-1865 2 1
Rochester, New York, PHOTOGRAPHER at 114 State st ................................................................................... ca 1866 t
Detroit photographer or artist .......................................................................................................................... 1871-1872 d
Newark, New Jersey, PHOTOGRAPHER at 792 Broad st ....................................................................................... 1875 3
Clark’s Saginaw City advertising quoted a Syracuse newspaper which called him the first artist to establish himself 1
in the daguerreotype business there. He offered “... PHOTOGRAPHS AND AMBROTYPES Of a Superior Quality 1
taken at Clark’s. All kinds of copying done with the late improvements....” Most but not all of his cartes de visite from 1 t
Saginaw City carry two cent revenue stamps with script cancellations. The Saginaw City photographer was identified t 4
as J. W., John M., James M., J. M. and again as John M. Clark by one source. The Rochester, New York, information 4 t
was added to the backs of some of his Saginaw City cartes de visite. Clark’s studio in 1872 was at 187 Grand River t d
Avenue, where Alfred W. Abraham had a photograph gallery a few years later. Clark may have stayed in Detroit d
through 1879 as a painter, but the common name and a lack of address continuity obscure the facts. d
1. Saginaw Weekly Enterprise, January 5, 1865.
2. East Saginaw Courier, East Saginaw, Michigan, November 16, 1864.
3. Zell’s United States Business Directory for 1875, T. Ellwood Zell, Philadelphia.
4. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1862-1866, National Archives, Washington, D.C.

Clark, J. S.
China PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................... 1862-1863 m
Portsmouth, Virginia, PHOTOGRAPHER at 44 High st ........................................................................................... 1873 1
James S. Clark was farming in East China Township in 1860, and his mail was handled by the China post office. He 2
was born in Maine in 1825 or 1826, his wife Mary Jane was born in Vermont six years later, and their sons John, 2
Fredrick, Richard and Sherman were born in Michigan between 1847 and 1859. 2
1. Louis Ginsberg, Photographers in Virginia 1839-1900, Petersburg, Virginia, 1986.
2. 1860 Federal Census of East China Township in St. Clair County, Michigan.

Clark, James
Ypsilanti daguerreian artist ........................................................................................................................................ 1860 1
This undoubtedly was a reference to Andrew James Clark. m
1. 1860 Federal Census of the Second Ward of Ypsilanti in Washtenaw County, Michigan.

Clark, John Brittan

Detroit clergyman ............................................................................................................................................ 1901-1902 1
Late in 1901 a photographic magazine carried this notice: “The Rev. John Brittan Clark, pastor of the Westminster 1
Presbyterian church, 1014 Cass avenue, Detroit, Mich., desires a few `good, clear and strong’ negatives of scenes in 1
and about New York harbor, Brooklyn, noted buildings, etc., for the purpose of making lantern slides. Those who have 1
duplicate negatives of such scenes and are willing to dispose of them at the rate of two negatives for 25 cents, are 1
asked to put themselves in communication with Mr. Clark.” 1
1. The Photo-Miniature, volume 3, number 32, November 1901, page 389.

Clark, John C.
Hastings (Clarkson & Clark) PHOTOGRAPHERS ......................................................................................... 1880-1881 m
Clark, John J.
Ypsilanti student ........................................................................................................................................................ 1880 1
Ann Arbor photo printer for the Gibson Photograph Gallery .................................................................................... 1892 a
Ann Arbor (Gibson & Clark) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 12 Huron st west ........................................................ 1894-1897 m a
Ann Arbor PHOTOGRAPHER at 72 Main st south ........................................................................................ 1896-1897 m
Ann Arbor (John’s Studio) PHOTOGRAPHER at 72 Main st south ........................................................................ 1897 a
Ann Arbor PHOTOGRAPHER at 316 Main st south ................................................................................................ 1898 a
Detroit (Harris-Clark) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 31 Lafayette av ........................................................................... ca 1908 t
Detroit (Harris-Clark) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 318-320 Woodward av .................................................................... 1909 t
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 320 Woodward av ..................................................................................................... 1909 d
Detroit photographer .................................................................................................................................................. 1910 1
Chicago, Illinois, PHOTOGRAPHER ....................................................................................................................... 1930 1
John was born in Michigan about 1871 to John and Helen Clark. His mother was Canadian. Jefferson J. Gibson 1 a
married John’s sister May, and was first John’s employer and then his partner. A fire in the Gibson & Clark gallery at a t
two o’clock in the morning of Saturday, November 14, 1896, caused two hundred dollars in damage to the building, t 1
and destroyed negatives, cameras and other equipment worth two thousand dollars. “JOHN - ANN ARBOR” was all 1
that was printed on some photograph mounts. Anna was born in Wales in 1876 or 1877, emigrated with her family as a 1
child, and married John about 1898. They probably had no children. By 1930 John was a widower boarding with his
widowed sister May and her son.
1. 1880 Federal Census of the Second Ward of Ypsilanti in Washtenaw County and 1910 Federal Census of the Second Ward of Detroit
in Wayne County, Michigan, plus 1930 Federal Census of the First Ward of Chicago in Cook County, Illinois.
2. Ann Arbor Argus, Ann Arbor, Michigan, November 20, 1896. Noted by Wystan Stevens of Ann Arbor.

Clark, John O.
Woodstock, Ontario, AMBROTYPIST ..................................................................................................................... 1862 1
Detroit commercial college student ........................................................................................................................... 1863 d
Detroit DAGUERREAN CAR at the corner of Farrar st and Monroe av .................................................................. 1864 d
1. Glen C. Phillips, The Ontario Photographers List (1851-1900), Iron Gate Publishing Company, Sarnia, Ontario, 1990.

Clark, Lelia, Mrs.

Please see the entry for Mrs. Elsie Lelia Clark.

Clark, Mary J. Mrs.

Green Bay, Wisconsin, housewife ............................................................................................................................. 1870 1
Greenville photographic artist ................................................................................................................................... 1880 1
Mary was born in New York State in 1833 or early in 1834. She married the photographer Hiram S. Clark, and she 1
gave birth to Harry in Wisconsin about 1862. She and Hiram both were enumerated as photographic artists in 1880. 1
She undoubtedly took a greater part in her husband’s photographic business than is indicated above. 1
1. 1870 Federal Census of the Second Ward of Green Bay in Brown County, Wisconsin, and 1880 Federal Census of Greenville in
Montcalm County, Michigan.

Clark, May M., Miss

Please see the entry for Mrs. May M. Gibson.

Clark, O. B.
Please see the entry for Orson B. Clarke.

Clark, Percival A.
Detroit student ........................................................................................................................................................... 1900 1
Detroit washer or machinist ............................................................................................................................. 1906-1908 d
Detroit (Clark Brothers) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 437 Baker st ................................................................................. 1909 d
Detroit automobile repairman .................................................................................................................................... 1910 1 d
Detroit auto repair businessman ....................................................................................................................... 1911-1915 d
Detroit chauffeur, machinist, toolmaker or auto worker .................................................................................. 1916-1925 d
Detroit salesman for or president of an auto parts company ............................................................................ 1926-1928 d
Detroit salesman, machinist, resident, toolmaker, auto worker, diemaker or engineer .................................... 1929-1941 d
He was usually identified as Percy A. Clark. His father came from Canada and Percy was born in Michigan in d 1
December of 1889, last of the three sons of Walter and Henrietta Clark. His brother Herbert had been a photographer 1 d
for several years before taking Percy on as a partner in 1909. Myrtle was born in Michigan to a German mother in d 1
1888, and she married Percy about 1908. Their daughter Myrtle was born in January of 1909, and their son Everett 1
was born early in 1914. Percy was still living when Herbert died in 1953, and seems to have died in Detroit on October 1 2
7, 1961, at the age of 78. 3
1. 1900, 1910, 1920 and 1930 Federal Censes of the Twelfth Ward of Detroit in Wayne County, Michigan.
2. Obituary of Herbert H. Clark in the Detroit Free Press on November 6, 1953.
3. Detroit Death Index in the Burton Historical Collection of the Detroit Public Library, Detroit, Michigan.
Clark, Selah S.
West De Pere, Wisconsin, PHOTOGRAPHER ......................................................................................................... 1880 1 2
Escanaba (Clark & Gillett) PHOTOGRAPHERS ............................................................................................ 1882-1883 m
De Pere, Wisconsin, resident ..................................................................................................................................... 1900 2
Saint Paul, Minnesota, elevator operator in a department store ................................................................................. 1910 2
Saint Paul, Minnesota, invalid ................................................................................................................................... 1920 2
Selah was born in New York State in 1853 or 1854. He and his 69-year-old mother, Mrs. Ande L. Clark, were living 1 2
in 1880 with the family of his sister Hannah, Mrs. Henry Graves. Clara was born in Wisconsin to Canadian parents in 2
July of 1860, the daughter of David and Jane Le Claire, and she married Selah about 1880. Their daughter Rae was 2
born in Michigan in November of 1881. Their other children were born in Wisconsin: Edith in August of 1884 and 2
Harley in August of 1888. Selah was not around when his family was enumerated for the 1900 census, so his 2
occupation was not recorded. He and Clara were living in 1920 with the family of their daughter Rae and her husband, 2
John H. Hurley. Clara still was there as a widow in 1930. 2
1. Directory of Wisconsin Photographers; State Historical Society of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin, 1991.
2. 1880 Federal Census of District Five of De Pere and 1900 Federal Census of the Third Ward of De Pere in Brown County, Wisconsin,
as well as 1910 Federal Census of the Ninth Ward plus 1920 and 1930 Federal Censes of the Eleventh Ward of St. Paul in Ramsey
County, Minnesota.

Clark, W. E.
Evart (Elliott & Clark) PHOTOGRAPHERS .................................................................................................. 1907-1908 R
Evart PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................................ 1908-1909 m
Brown City PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................................ 1911 R

Clark, W. H.
Benton Harbor PHOTOGRAPHER on Water st ....................................................................................................... 1871 1
1. Berrien County Directory and History, 1871, Ed. B. Cowles, Niles, Michigan.

Clark, W. J.
Ypsilanti (A. J. Clark & Brother) PHOTOGRAPH ARTISTS on Congress st ............................................... 1866-1867 m

Clark, Walter A.
Elmira Township, Illinois, farmer .............................................................................................................................. 1860 1
Fairfield Township, Iowa, farmer .............................................................................................................................. 1880 1
Grand Haven (Clark Brothers) PHOTOGRAPHERS on Washington st ......................................................... 1886-1891 m R
Grand Haven PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................... 1890-1891 m
Pentwater PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................ 1892-1919 m
Walter was born in Canada in October of 1839, fourth of the nine children of Elisha Clark from New Brunswick. He 1
immigrated in 1852 and became a naturalized citizen of the United States. Eliza or Ellen was born in Vermont in July 1
of 1845, and she married Walter in 1867. Two of their four children lived to maturity, including Adella who was born 1
in Iowa in October of 1878. Their sons William and Arden were born in Iowa between 1870 and 1874. Edwin Clark 1 m
was the other brother at Grand Haven. m
1. 1860 Federal Census of Elmira Township in Stark County, Illinois, 1880 Federal Census of Fairfield Township in Jefferson County,
Iowa, plus 1900 and 1910 Federal Censes of the village of Pentwater in Pentwater Township of Oceana County, Michigan.

Clark, Willard Arthur

Amboy Township child .............................................................................................................................................. 1880 1
Amboy Township farmer on his father’s farm ........................................................................................................... 1900 1
Waldron confectioner ...................................................................................................................................... 1904-1905 m
Waldron PHOTOGRAPHER .......................................................................................................................... 1908-1931 m
Willard was born in Michigan to parents from Ohio on July 19, 1875, second of the five children of Fredrick B. and 1 2
Annice A. Clark. He became a slender man with gray eyes and black hair, and he never married. He characterized 1 2
himself as a painter and mechanic in 1918, when his nearest relative was his father at Pioneer, Ohio, seven miles west 2 3
and a couple of miles south of Waldron. He was the proprietor of a Waldron lunch room in 1920. 3 1
1. 1880 and 1900 Federal Censes of Amboy Township and 1920 Federal Census of the village of Waldron in Wright Township of
Hillsdale County, Michigan.
2. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.
3. Michigan County Map Guide, Michigan United Conservation Clubs, Lansing, Michigan.
Clark, William Emmons H.
Grand Rapids child .................................................................................................................................................... 1880 1
Grand Rapids photographer ....................................................................................................................................... 1893 g
Grand Rapids resident, artist or painter ........................................................................................................... 1894-1898 g
Grand Rapids scenic artist ............................................................................................................................... 1899-1900 g 1
Grand Rapids actor .......................................................................................................................................... 1900-1920 g 2
Grand Rapids traveling vaudeville actor .......................................................................................................... 1920-1921 1 g
Grand Rapids artist, cartoonist, writer or newspaper correspondent ............................................................... 1922-1934 g 1
Grand Rapids resident ...................................................................................................................................... 1936-1939 g
William was born in Michigan on March 15, 1875, the son of Edgar F. and Lucy E. (Huntly) Clark. His sister Julia 2 1
was born here in October of 1881. His mother divorced and, with her children, was living in 1900 with her mother, 1
Mrs. Julia A. Huntly. William was medium sized with blue eyes and brown hair in 1918, and was working as an actor 1 2
for Al. G. Fields of Columbus, Ohio. He never married, and his Grand Rapids home in 1920 and in 1930 was provided 2 1
by his mother. 1
1. 1880 Federal Census of the city of Grand Rapids, 1900 Federal Census of the Eleventh Ward plus 1920 and 1930 Federal Censes of
the Third Ward of Grand Rapids in Kent County, Michigan.
2. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.

Clark, William H.
Parma PHOTOGRAPHER .............................................................................................................................. 1878-1879 m
Hanover PHOTOGRAPHER ..................................................................................................................................... 1880 1
Litchfield PHOTOGRAPHER ......................................................................................................................... 1882-1885 m
Union City PHOTOGRAPHER ....................................................................................................................... 1900-1907 1 m
His parents came from Maryland and New York, and William was born in Michigan in June of 1848. His wife’s 1
parents came from Pennsylvania, and Nancy was born in Ohio in July of 1851. Their daughter Louise was born in 1
Michigan about 1872 and their son Willie was born in Illinois about 1875. William attended the fourth annual 1 2
convention of the Photographers’ Association of America at Milwaukee in August of 1883. In Union City he 2 t
succeeded Christopher Katz, Junior. Nancy seems to have been a widow living up in Evart in 1920, though her t 1
reported age was four years younger than that of William’s wife. 1
1. 1880 Federal Census of Hanover Township in Jackson County, 1900 Federal Census of the village of Union City in Branch County,
and 1920 Federal Census of the village of Evart in Osceola County, Michigan.
2. The Photographic Times, New York, volume 13, number 152, August 1883.

Clarke, _______
Hubbardston (Clarke & Dinsmore) PHOTOGRAPHERS .................................................................................... ca 1890 t
“Clarke & Dinsmore, Artists” was printed beneath the image on some cabinet mounts with no other identification. t
One of these had “Cowman & McKenna, General Merchandise, Hubbardston, Mich.” stamped on its back. Cowman & t m
McKenna’s general store was in Hubbardston from 1888 through 1899. m

Clarke, _______
Ypsilanti PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................... ca 1867 t
“From CLARKE’S Photographic Gallery, Over the Post Office, Ypsilanti, Mich....” was printed on some cartes de t
visite which were almost certainly the work of Andrew J. Clark. t m

Clarke, Alfred W.
Superior, Wisconsin, PHOTOGRAPHER ....................................................................................................... 1907-1908 1
Battle Creek PHOTOGRAPHER in Suite 1-3 of the Buckley Block ........................................................................ 1909 2
Battle Creek PHOTOGRAPHER at 114 Main st west ..................................................................................... 1910-1911 2 m
He was enumerated as Albert W. Clarke, and was born in England in 1874 or 1875. He crossed the ocean in 1890, 3
and later became a naturalized citizen of the United States. His 27-year-old sister, Estelle, was his assistant 3
photographer in 1910. He may have been third of the six or more children of Jasper and Fanny Clarke. If so, he was 3 4
born at Wymondham in Leicestershire and was living in 1881 at Melton Mobray in Leicestershire. 4
1. Directory of Wisconsin Photographers; State Historical Society of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin, 1991.
2. Battle Creek City Directories, 1909 and 1910, R. L. Polk & Company, Detroit.
3. 1910 Federal Census of the Second Ward of Battle Creek in Calhoun County, Michigan.
4. 1881 England Census.

Clarke, Estelle, Miss

Battle Creek assistant photographer ........................................................................................................................... 1910 1
Estelle was born in England in 1882 or 1883, and she immigrated to America in 1906. In 1910 she was living with, 1
and presumably working for, her brother, the photographer Alfred W. Clarke. 1
1. 1910 Federal Census of the Second Ward of Battle Creek in Calhoun County, Michigan.
Clarke, Eugene
Hillsdale (Farrand & Clarke) PHOTOGRAPHERS .................................................................................................. 1865 t
Hillsdale PHOTOGRAPH ARTIST on Howell st over Mott’s Drug Store ..................................................... 1865-1867 1 m
Clarke’s Photograph Gallery first was mentioned on November 28, 1865. One week later, both Eugene Clarke and 2
Farrand & Clarke advertised in the same newspaper as successors to R. L. Andrew over Mott’s Drug Store on Howell 2
Street. Cartes de visite by Farrand & Clarke had two-cent revenue stamps, and those by Eugene Clarke are found with 2 t
and without revenue stamps. Eugene advertised in December of 1865: “TRAMP, TRAMP, TRAMP, the boys are marching t 2
(and the girls, too) TO CLARKE’S Photograph Gallery … to get their PHOTOGRAPHS taken in the latest and best style of the 2
art. PREPARE FOR THE HOLIDAYS, by having your likeness taken for gifts to your friends…. I have engaged a first-class 2
operator, and must respectfully invite all … to call and examine our specimens, and the latest improvement to the art, The 2
PORCELAIN PICTURE…. Copying done in the best style. I also keep a large assortment of Frames constantly on hand. 2
EUGENE CLARKE, Proprietor.” One of Eugene’s cartes shows two young couples playing cards, and another from his 2 t
Excelsior Gallery is of the Hillsdale College building. During 1866 the local newspaper reported favorably on his t 2
porcelain pictures, his photographs on watch dials, and his photographs of the college, both large and small. He was 2 3
awarded First Diploma and five dollars for his collection of photographs, as well as First Diploma and three dollars for 3
his portrait photographs, exhibited in Adrian at the Michigan State Fair in October of 1866. The account of the state 3
fair and the gazetteer both spell the name Clark, but on several different types of photograph mounts it is consistently m t
spelled Clarke. He was succeeded by Andrew & Carson in June of 1867. t 2
1. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1862-1866, National Archives, Washington, D.C.
2. Hillsdale Standard, Hillsdale, Michigan, November 28 and December 5, 1865; February 3, May 22 and 29, July 31 and September 4,
1866; and June 25, 1867. Noted by James G. Donaldson of Detroit, Michigan.
3. Newspaper report upon the 18th annual Michigan State Fair, October, 1866.

Clarke, Frank L.
Holland PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................... 1890-1893 m

Clarke, Lulu A., Miss

Detroit student ........................................................................................................................................................... 1870 1
Jackson resident ......................................................................................................................................................... 1880 1
Jackson artist and retoucher for photographer Edwin B. Bigelow ............................................................................. 1883 J
Jackson artist and retoucher for photographer Hugh A. Steele ........................................................................ 1885-1886 J
Jackson retoucher ...................................................................................................................................................... 1887 J
Jackson artist and retoucher for photographer James M. LeClear ................................................................... 1888-1890 J
Jackson artist and retoucher for photographer Robert Edmondson ........................................................................... 1897 J
Jackson employee in the telephone office .................................................................................................................. 1900 1
Jackson artist and retoucher for photographer James M. LeClear ................................................................... 1902-1904 J
Jackson artist and retoucher for photographer Edward S. Tray ....................................................................... 1905-1916 J
Marshall resident .............................................................................................................................................. 1920,1930 1
Lulu was eldest of the four daughters of Franklin and Mary Clarke, and was born in Michigan in July of 1857. Her 1
parents came from Massachusetts and New York, and she had an older brother. She lived with her sister Fanny in 1
Marshall, and neither of them was employed in 1920 or 1930. 1
1. 1870 Federal Census of the Seventh Ward of Detroit in Wayne County, 1880 Federal Census of the Fourth Ward, 1900 Federal Census
of the Second Ward and 1910 Federal Census of the Fifth Ward of Jackson in Jackson County, plus 1920 and 1930 Federal Censes of
the Second Ward of Marshall in Calhoun County, Michigan.

Clarke, Orson B.
Saint Johns PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................................ 1884 1 t
Pewamo PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................... 1890-1891 m
One Orson B. Clarke was Chaplin of the 83rd Pennsylvania Infantry during the Civil War, and an O. B. Clarke 2 3
produced stereo views in the 1870s of Brookville, New York. This Orson advertised nationally in the spring of 1884: 3 1
“FOR SALE - Photograph Gallery. - Will sell my entire outfit and business for $500 cash, in St. Johns, Clinton 1
County, Mich., a town of 3,000; best county in Michigan; business good for $4,000 per year. Good reasons for selling. 1
O. B. Clarke, St. Johns, Mich.” Printed beneath the image on some cabinet mounts was: “O. B. Clark, New York Art 1 t
Gallery” with no location specified. t
1. The Photographic Times, New York, volume 14, number 160, April 1884, page 216.
2. General Index to Pension Files, 1861-1934, National Archives, Washington, D. C.
3. William C. Darrah, The World of Stereographs, Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, 1977.

Clarke, R. W.
Detroit DAGUERREOTYPIST in Room 11 of Desnoyer’s Block on Jefferson av at the corner of Bates st ............ 1843 1
Clarke was reported to be taking colored daguerreotype miniatures in Detroit in July and September of 1843. 1
1. Detroit Free Press, Detroit, Michigan, July 27, 1843.
2. Detroit Daily Advertiser, Detroit, Michigan, July 28 and September 1, 1843, page 2, column 6.
Holly (Clarkson & Ambler) PHOTOGRAPHERS .......................................................................................... 1864-1865 1
1. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1862-1866, National Archives, Washington, D.C.

Clarkson, Flora, Miss

Northville child .......................................................................................................................................................... 1880 1
Northville express clerk ............................................................................................................................................. 1900 1
Northville retoucher ................................................................................................................................................... 1903 2
All four of her grandparents were born in New York. Her parents, Eugene Charles and Evelina Clarkson, were born 1
in Michigan and had five children. Flora was born here in October of 1876. She and two younger siblings were still at 1
home in 1900. Flora advertised nationally in the summer of 1903: “SITUATION WANTED - By young lady as 1 2
retoucher; can assist generally in studio....” She probably gained her experience by working for a Northville 2 m
photographer; either Miss Edith P. Clute or William M. Quatermass. m
1. 1880 and 1900 Federal Censes of the village of Northville in Northville Township of Wayne County, Michigan.
2. St. Louis and Canadian Photographer; volume 27, number 8, August 1903.

Clarkson, J. S.
Monroe PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................ 1908-1909 m

Clarkson, James F.
Markham, Ontario, PHOTOGRAPHER .................................................................................................................... 1872 1
Hastings artist .................................................................................................................................................. 1876-1877 m
Caro (Webster & Clarkson) PHOTOGRAPHERS ............................................................................................... ca 1880 t
Caro PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................................. 1880-1881 m
Raritan, New Jersey, had a photographer named James F. Clarkson in September of 1862. The listing in Markham 2 1
was for J. F. Clarkson. This James F. Clarkson was born in England in 1848 or 1849. His partner about 1880 was 1 m
Loren Webster, who had been a Caro photographer since 1876. James was single and living alone in 1880, when he m 3
produced a composite cabinet photograph of the thirteen uniformed members of the Young Ladies’ Cornet Band of t
Caro along with their male director. He made stereo views of Caro. t 4
1. Glen C. Phillips, The Ontario Photographers List (1851-1900), Iron Gate Publishing Company, Sarnia, Ontario, 1990.
2. Ross J. Kelbaugh, Directory of Civil War Photographers, Volume Two, Historic Graphics, Baltimore, Maryland, 1991.
3. 1880 Federal Census of Caro in Tuscola County, Michigan.
4. William Culp Darrah, Stereo Views, 1964, and The World of Stereographs, 1977, Gettysburg, Pennsylvania.

Clarkson, Joseph S.
Hastings (Black & Clarkson) PHOTOGRAPHERS on Jefferson st ................................................................ 1876-1877 m
Hastings (Black & Clarkson) PHOTOGRAPHERS on the south side of State st ................................................. ca 1877 t
Hastings (Clarkson & Curtiss) PHOTOGRAPHERS on the south side of State st ............................................... ca 1877 t
Hastings (Van Schoten & Clarkson) PHOTOGRAPHERS on Jefferson st .......................................................... ca 1877 t
Hastings (Clarkson & Smith) PHOTOGRAPHERS on the east side of Jefferson st ................................................. 1878 1
Hastings (Smith & Clarkson) PHOTOGRAPHERS on Jefferson st ..................................................................... ca 1878 t
Hastings PHOTOGRAPHER on Jefferson st .................................................................................................. 1878-1879 m t
Hastings (Clarkson & Clark) PHOTOGRAPHERS ......................................................................................... 1880-1881 m
Caro (Duck & Clarkson) PHOTOGRAPHERS ............................................................................................... 1884-1885 m
North Branch (Brown & Clarkson) PHOTOGRAPHERS ............................................................................... 1886-1887 m
North Branch PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................... 1888-1915 m
Musselshell County, Montana, farmer ....................................................................................................................... 1920 2
Tacoma, Washington, resident ................................................................................................................................... 1930 2
Joseph was born in England in July of 1854. He immigrated about 1873 and became a naturalized citizen of the 2
United States. His wife’s parents came from New York and Pennsylvania, and May was born in Michigan in July of 2
1860. They married about 1879, and their daughters were born in Michigan: Elizabeth in February of 1881 and Hazel 2
in September of 1889. Joseph’s partners included John C. Black, John C. Clark, James L. Duck and David A. Brown. 2 m
Both James F. Clarkson and William Clarkson preceded Joseph as photographers in Caro. Joseph and May were living m 2
in 1930 with the family of their daughter Elizabeth and her husband, Carl H. O’Neill. 2
1. Eaton, Barry and Ingham County Directory, 1878, Charles E. Mudge, Lansing, Michigan.
2. 1880 Federal Census of the Third Ward of Hastings in Barry County plus 1900 and 1910 Federal Censes of the village of North Branch
in Lapeer County, Michigan, as well as 1920 Federal Census of School District 62 in Musselshell County, Montana, and 1930 Federal
Census of the Fourth Ward of Tacoma in Pierce County, Washington.

Clarkson, William
Caro (Duck & Clarkson) PHOTOGRAPHERS ............................................................................................... 1882-1883 m
Classic Studio
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHERS on the third floor at 212 Woodward av ............................................................. 1917-1919 d 1
William E. Noll was the proprietor of this studio. A sign on the Liggett Building at the northeast corner of d 1
Woodward and Grand River Avenues read: “Classic Studio; Photos Worth Having; Portraits; Popular Prices; Post 1
Cards; Enlarging; Copying; 214 Woodward; Over Sullivan’s.” 1
1. 10 by 48 inch panorama in the Burton Historical Collection of the Detroit Public Library.

Claxton, George W.
Pine Grove Township child ....................................................................................................................................... 1880 1
Delton PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................. 1897-1898 2 t
Akron PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................................ 1899 2
Unionville PHOTOGRAPHER ....................................................................................................................... 1899-1903 2 m
Fairgrove PHOTOGRAPHER ......................................................................................................................... 1899-1903 2 m
Gagetown PHOTOGRAPHER .................................................................................................................................. 1902 R
His father emigrated from England, and George was born in Michigan in August of 1875, the son of William and 1
Alice Claxton. He was single in 1900. From a newspaper clipping: “GHOSTLY HANDS. Strange Phenomenon in a 1 3
Delton Photograph. DELTON, Mich., March 3. - Postmaster Henry Arbour had a flashlight photograph taken of 3
himself, family and home. In the picture were discovered three distinct hands not known to be present at the time of the 3
sitting. One rested upon Mr. Arbour’s arm, another upon or near the opposite shoulder and still another lower down. 3
Mr. Arbour is not a believer in spiritualism and is at a loss to account for this phenomenon. Mr. Claxton, the 3
photographer, is also mystified. The village is agog with speculation.” George advertised nationally early in 1898: 3 2
“WANTED, POSITION - In gallery desired by a man of experience. Can send references or samples of work; can take 2
full charge of gallery or any part of work, or would like to demonstrate some plates.” He advertised again in the spring 2
of 1899: “FOR SALE - Two galleries, one a branch; go there once a week to take negatives; one gallery I own, the 2
other I rent; have three towns to work; no opposition; finest farming country in the State; dull finish cabinets $3 per 2
dozen; reason for selling, I am going into other business.... G. W. C., Unionville, Mich.” Unionville and Fairgrove 2 4
were connected by ten miles of railroad track with Akron between them, and Gagetown was eleven miles east of 4
Unionville. George’s plans for opening a gallery in Akron were reported early in the summer of 1899. He was working 2 R
Gagetown as well as Unionville and Fairgrove in 1902. Both Unionville and Fairgrove were mentioned on some of R t
George’s cabinet mounts, while only “Geo. W. Claxton, Photo Artist” was printed on others. George was an active t 5
member of the Photographers’ Association of America in 1905. 5
1. 1880 Federal Census of Pine Grove Township in Van Buren County and 1900 Federal Census of the village of Unionville in
Columbia Township of Tuscola County, Michigan.
2. St. Louis and Canadian Photographer; volume 22, number 1, January 1898, page 49; and volume 23, numbers 5, 6 and 7,
May, June and July 1899, page 282.
3. Unattributed and incompletely dated newspaper clipping mounted on a board entitled “Spirit Photos” by an amateur photographer
along with several of her double exposures.
4. Michigan County Maps, Michigan United Conservation Clubs, Lansing, Michigan.
5. The Association Review, Convention Annual, Boston 1905, The Photographers’ Association of America.

Clayton, Frank H.
Saginaw City child ..................................................................................................................................................... 1860 1
Saginaw City student ................................................................................................................................................. 1870 1
Saginaw City photographer for William A. Armstrong ............................................................................................. 1873 s
Saginaw City (Clayton Brothers) PHOTOGRAPHERS in the Nathan Block on the east side of Hamilton st 1873-1874 s R
Fort Wayne, Indiana, photographer for Charles E. Wallin ........................................................................................ 1877 2
Fort Wayne, Indiana, photographer for George Palmer ................................................................................... 1878-1879 2
Fort Wayne, Indiana, (Clayton & Barrows) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 18 Berry st west ............................................. 1880 2
Fort Wayne, Indiana, dealer in coal and wood ................................................................................................ 1882-1883 2
He was born Francis H. Clayton in Michigan to English parents in 1857, last of the five children of Isaac and Harriet 1
Clayton. He and John advertised in the fall of 1873: “... If you want the BEST PHOTOGRAPHS Made in the Valley, 1 3
call at the popular establishment of CLAYTON BROTHERS, Armstrong’s Successors, On Line of Street Cars, 3
opposite the Postoffice, Saginaw City.” The Fort Wayne photographer was identified as Frank H. Clayton in the 3 1
census and as F. Harry Clayton in city directories, and his partner in 1880 was Frank R. Barrows. Frank was single at 2 1
this time. There was a photographer named F. H. Clayton about 1885 in Chattanooga, Tennessee. 1 4
1. 1860 and 1870 Federal Censes of Saginaw City in Saginaw County, Michigan, and 1880 Federal Census of Fort Wayne in
Allen County, Indiana.
2. Learned in 2000 from James A. Marusek of Bloomfield, Indiana.
3. Saginaw Daily Courier, November 25, 1873.
4. Diane Van Skiver Gagel, Directory of Photographers in the United States 1888 & 1889 and Canada 1889, Heritage Books, Bowie,
Maryland, 2002. (Much of the data in this publication has proven to be at least two years out-of-date.)
Clayton, John E.
Whitestown, New York, child .................................................................................................................................... 1850 1
Saginaw City student ....................................................................................................................................... 1860-1864 1 2
United States Army soldier .............................................................................................................................. 1864-1866 3
Saginaw City resident ...................................................................................................................................... 1866-1872 s
Saginaw City clerk ..................................................................................................................................................... 1873 s R
Saginaw City (Clayton Brothers) PHOTOGRS in the Nathan Block on the east side of Hamilton st ............. 1873-1874 4 s
Saginaw City PHOTOGR on the ground floor of the Nathan Block on the east side of Hamilton st ........................ 1874 s 4
Saginaw City (Clayton & Stiles) PHOTOGRAPHERS in the Robinson Block on Hamilton st ..................... 1876-1877 m
Saginaw City resident ...................................................................................................................................... 1878-1879 5 s
Saginaw City agent or manager for the National Tea Company ....................................................................... 1880,1883 1 2
Milwaukee, Wisconsin, resident ...................................................................................................................... 1883-1910 2 1
Ashland, Wisconsin, resident ..................................................................................................................................... 1916 2
Milwaukee, Wisconsin, resident ................................................................................................................................ 1930 1
His parents emigrated from England, and John was born at Newburgh, New York, on February 16, 1846, second of 1 2
the five children of Isaac and Harriet Clayton. He was 5 feet 5 inches tall with a fair complexion, grey eyes and brown 1 3
hair when he enlisted at Saginaw City as a private in Company E of the 23rd Michigan Infantry. He was mustered into 3
the army on February 22 but did not join his regiment at Marietta, Georgia, until June 14, 1864. He was transferred to 3
Company C of the 28th Michigan Infantry on June 15, 1865. During the following year the 28th was on duty at 3
Raleigh, Charlotte, Wilmington and New Bern, North Carolina. John was mustered out of service with the regiment at 3
Raleigh on June 5, 1866, and they were immediately conveyed to Detroit, paid off and disbanded on June 8. John was 31
a book store clerk in 1870. Sarah was born in Michigan to English parents in May of 1850, she married John about 1
1872 and their son Samuel was born a year later. Their son Frank was born here in May of 1879. Their younger 1
children were born in Wisconsin: Grace in September of 1885 and Ralph in June of 1890. The Clayton Brothers 1 6
succeeded William A. Armstrong in the ground floor photograph and picture rooms on Hamilton Street in the fall of 6
1873, and John succeeded their partnership about six months later. He advertised: “PHOTOGRAPHS 14 x 17 Made at 6 4
Clayton’s. The largest ever made in this city or East Saginaw.” Another ad was for “LIFE SIZE PHOTOGRAPHS…. 4
The Largest and Finest Photographs Ever Before Made in this or any other Gallery in the Valley.... On Line of Street 4
Cars.” Clayton & Stiles produced tintypes in paper mounts the size of cartes de visite. Seymour W. Stiles succeeded 7 8
his partnership with John, who moved from Saginaw City to Milwaukee on April 25, 1883. John was a real estate 2 1
agent in 1900, and late in 1903 described himself as a lecturer and organizer. He was the same height he had been in 1 2
1864, but weighed 164 pounds and had hair that was turning gray. He was a solicitor of mining stocks in 1910, and 2 1
was a widower living with the family of his youngest son in 1930. John was admitted to the Veterans Administration 1 2
General Hospital in Milwaukee on August 3, 1936, or earlier, and died there of myocardial degeneration, 2
arteriosclerosis and senility on April 18, 1937. 2
1. 1850 Federal Census of Whitestown in Oneida County, New York, 1860, 1870 and 1880 Federal Censes of Saginaw City in
Saginaw County, Michigan, plus 1900 Federal Census of the Sixteenth Ward, 1910 Federal Census of the Fifteenth Ward, and
1930 Federal Census of the Twentieth Ward of Milwaukee in Milwaukee County, Wisconsin.
2. Civil War Veteran Pension Record of John E. Clayton obtained from the National Archives at Washington, D. C.
3. Record of Service of Michigan Volunteers in the Civil War, 1861-1865; published by the State of Michigan about 1904.
4. Saginaw Daily Courier, November 25, 1873; and April 29 and June 5, 1874.
5. Bradstreet’s Commercial Reports ... Western & Southern States; J. M. Bradstreet & Son Company, New York, January 1, 1877.
6. The Saginawian, June 27, 1874.
7. Learned in 2008 from Nicholas A. Marsh of Edgewood, Kentucky.
8. Photograph mount examined in the Burton Historical Collection of the Detroit Public Library.
Cleave, Walter E.
Hudson PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................ 1862-1863 1
Hudson PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................ 1865-1866 1
Howell photograph artist ........................................................................................................................................... 1870 2
Howell PHOTOGRAPHER in the Weimeister Block on Grand River st ........................................................ 1872-1873 m 3
Howell PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................. 1874-1877 m
Howell (Cleave & Briggs) PHOTOGRAPHERS ................................................................................................. ca 1885 t
Howell (Cleave & Buell) PHOTOGRAPHERS ................................................................................................... ca 1885 t
Howell PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................. 1886-1888 m R
Howell artist .................................................................................................................................................... 1888-1891 m
Howell artistic painter ................................................................................................................................................ 1900 2
Walter was born in England in July of 1844 and became a small man, a talented musician, and a good artist who 2 4
painted his own backgrounds. He advertised in 1873: “All kinds of Photographic work done right and reasonable. 4 3
Square and Oval Frames at lowest prices.” His rooms were over the postoffice from 1873 to 1875. He used a very 3 5
ornate paster on the back of his card sized tintype sleeves. “... Small pictures, however dim or faded, copied and t
enlarged to any size, finished in India Ink, Water Colors or Oil, and made to appear as well as taken from life. Pictures t
and Wreaths of all sizes framed very reasonable.” was printed on some of Walter’s card mounts. He produced a study t
of two young men playing chess and a view of Howell Union School, both in the card format. Some of Walter’s glass t 4
negatives are in the collection of Duane L. Zemper at Howell. Emma was born in Michigan to parents from New York 4 2
in February of 1860, and she married Walter about 1878. They had no children, and by 1910 Emma was a widow and 2
a Howell music teacher. 2
1. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1862-1866, National Archives, Washington, D.C.
2. 1870, 1900 and 1910 Federal Censes of the village of Howell in Livingston County, Michigan.
3. Livingston County Directory, 1873-4, Keating & Pawling, Ann Arbor, Michigan.
4. David L. Jaehnig, executive editor, Howell Bicentennial History, American Revolution Bicentennial Committee, Howell, Michigan, 1976.
5. Atlas of Livingston County, Michigan, 1875, F. W. Beers & Company, New York.

Clegg, Edward T.
North Harpersfield, New York, child ....................................................................................................................... 1870 1
Harpersfield Township, New York, farm laborer ...................................................................................................... 1880 1
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 133 Michigan av ....................................................................................................... 1883 d
Detroit (Clegg & Trisket) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 131 and 133 Michigan av ..................................................... ca 1884 t
Detroit photographer .................................................................................................................................................. 1884 d
Plymouth (Clegg & Parker) PHOTOGRAPHERS .......................................................................................... 1884-1885 m
Edward was born in New York State in 1862 or early in 1863, second of the five children of Edward T. and 1
Catherine Clegg. His father emigrated from England in 1849 and was a North Harpersfield cooper in 1870, a North 1 t
Harpersfield photographer about 1875, and a Delhi photographer in 1880. He was a 74-year-old inmate of the Sailor’s t 1
Snug Harbor at New York City in 1900. Clegg & Trisket made life sized portraits to order, plain or in colors. James 1 t
Parker was Edward’s associate in Plymouth. m
1. 1870 Federal Census of North Harpersfield, 1880 Federal Census of Harpersfield Township, and 1880 Federal Census of the village of
Delhi in Delaware County, plus 1900 Federal Census of the First Ward of the Borough of Richmond in New York, New York.

Clegg, Thomas J.
Memphis student ........................................................................................................................................................ 1870 1
Memphis laborer in his father’s foundry .................................................................................................................... 1880 1
Armada (Clegg & Tillitson) PHOTOGRAPHERS ............................................................................................... ca 1885 t
Richmond (Clegg & Tillitson) PHOTOGRAPHERS at the Richmond House ..................................................... ca 1885 t
Memphis resident ....................................................................................................................................................... 1900 1
Memphis machinist with his own shop ...................................................................................................................... 1910 1
Memphis automobile machinist ................................................................................................................................. 1920 1
Memphis mechanic with his own shop ...................................................................................................................... 1930 1
Thomas was born in Canada to English parents in April of 1862, the only child of John and Alice Clegg. While not 1
specifically identified as a photographer, he was the only Clegg in the area that might have been a part of Clegg & 1
Tillitson. Memphis is six miles north of Richmond and about eight miles northeast of Armada. Agnes was born in 1
Canada of Scotch ancestry in March of 1869, and she married Thomas when she was seventeen. They had no children. 1
Agnes was working as a dress maker in 1900, and in 1910 when she had her own shop. 1
1. 1870, 1880, 1900, 1910, 1920 and 1930 Federal Censes of the village of Memphis in Macomb County, Michigan.
2. Michigan County Map Guide, Michigan United Conservation Clubs, Lansing, Michigan.

Clemens, _______, Mrs.

Mrs. Clemens was awarded the premium for the best exhibit of photographs at the Ionia County Fair in 1866. 1
1. Ionia Sentinel, Ionia, Michigan, October 23, 1866.

Clemens, Michael
Rockland PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................................... 1865 1
1. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1862-1866, National Archives, Washington, D.C.
Clement, Earl William
Grand Rapids photo printer for photographers Hamilton & Reingholdtz ........................................................ 1912-1913 g
Grand Rapids photographer ....................................................................................................................................... 1914 g
Grand Rapids photographer for West’s Drug Store ................................................................................................... 1915 g
Grand Rapids drug store clerk or photographer ............................................................................................... 1916-1918 g 1
United States Army soldier .............................................................................................................................. 1918-1919 1 2
Grand Rapids (The Photo Shop) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 308 Monroe av ................................................................ 1920 g
Grand Rapids (The Photo Shop) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 332 Monroe av ...................................................... 1921-1943 g
His parents emigrated from England and Earl was born at Grand Rapids to William E. and Alice (Ball) Clement on 3 4
March 20, 1891. He was an average sized man with blue eyes and brown hair in 1917, working as the Kodak clerk and 4
doing photo finishing for West’s Drug Store, and hoped that his support of his mother and grandmother and his 4
diseased tonsils would exempt him from military service. He was inducted into the army at Grand Rapids on July 24, 4 1
1918, and sent to Camp Custer for basic training. He served as a private in Battery F of the 40th Field Artillery until 1 2
his honorable discharge on January 13, 1919. He was living in 1920 and 1930 in the home of his maternal 2 3
grandmother, Mrs. Mary A. Ball, along with his widowed mother and his maiden aunt Florence. In 1920 his sister 3
Florence also was a member of the household. The Photo Shop provided: “... Developing, Printing and Enlarging ... 3 g
Photo Supplies. Agencies - All Principal Drug Stores.” By 1932, the shop also offered sporting goods and greeting g
cards. g
1. World War I Veteran Census compiled by the War Preparedness Board in the State Archives of Michigan at Lansing.
2. World War I Veterans Bonus Files in the State Archives of Michigan at Lansing.
3. 1900 Federal Census of the Fourth Ward plus 1920 and 1930 Federal Censes of the Second Ward of Grand Rapids in Kent County,
4. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.

Clement, Hazel J., Miss

Douglass Township student or resident ............................................................................................................ 1900,1910 1
Greenville assistant to photographer Burton C. Tuttle ............................................................................................... 1920 1
Her father emigrated from Canada in 1881 and Hazel was born in Michigan in April of 1892, youngest of the three 1
children of John W. and Maggie N. Clement. She grew up on the family farm about twelve miles north and a little east 1 2
of Greenville. She was boarding with the family of Burton Tuttle in 1920. 2 1
1. 1900 and 1910 Federal Censes of Douglass Township plus 1920 Federal Census of the Second Ward of Greenville in Montcalm
County, Michigan.
2. Michigan County Map Guide, Michigan United Conservation Clubs, Lansing, Michigan.

Clement, Mary J., Mrs.

Franklin Township farm wife ............................................................................................................................ 1850,1860 1
Medina Township farm wife ...................................................................................................................................... 1862 2
Adrian PHOTOGRAPHER on Maumee st ...................................................................................................... 1862-1864 3 t
Adrian PHOTOGRAPH & AMBROTYPE ARTIST in Stebbins’ Block on Maumee st .......................................... 1865 A
Franklin Township resident ....................................................................................................................................... 1869 2
Tecumseh PHOTOGRAPHER on Chicago st ................................................................................................. 1869-1870 m 1
Tecumseh PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................ 1872-1873 m
Medina Township resident ......................................................................................................................................... 1880 1
Mary Knapp was born in New York State in 1820, and was living in Franklin Township of Lenawee County when 2 1
she married James M. Clement there on December 22, 1841. James had been born 26 years earlier at Canandaigua, 2
New York. Their children were born in Michigan: Rebecca, Harriett and Milton between 1842 and 1846, Ira in 2 1
December of 1849, Alice in March of 1855, Nellie in February of 1857, Hannah in January of 1860, and Eva in 1864 1 2
or 1865. Not all of them survived to maturity. James was a Medina Township farmer before he enlisted at Hudson in 1 2
Battery I of the First Michigan Light Artillery on August 21, 1862. He was chilled while standing guard duty at Detroit 2
prior to his muster there as a private on August 29, and was sent back to Medina on a convalescent furlough. He 2
rejoined the battery late in October of 1862 but was still troubled with chronic diarrhea and bronchitis. On January 24, 2
1863, he was discharged for disability at Camp Barry in the District of Columbia. The bronchitis developed into 2
pulmonary consumption and James died on September 28, 1864. Mary obtained a pension for herself and the two 2
daughters that were under sixteen years of age. “MRS. M. J. CLEMENT, PHOTOGRAPHER, Rooms over Wright & 2 t
Son’s Drug Store, TECUMSEH, MICH. Photographs finished in India Ink and Water Colors. Old Pictures copied and enlarged.” was t
printed in red on labels adhered to the back of an 8½ by 6½ inch tintype portrait of a little girl with corners beveled to t
fit into an oval frame, and on the carte de visite sized pink paper sleeves holding tintypes. Mary was living in 1880 t 1
with the family of her daughter Alice and her husband, John Thompson. She lived until January 2, 1891. Her son Ira 1 2
applied for a pension two years later based upon the loss of his right hand and his father’s service record. 2
1. 1850 and 1860 Federal Censes of Franklin Township, 1870 Federal Census of the village of Tecumseh, and 1880 Federal Census of
Medina Township in Lenawee County, Michigan.
2. Civil War Veteran Pension Record of James M. Clement obtained from the National Archives at Washington, D. C.
3. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1862-1866, National Archives, Washington, D.C.

Clements, _______
Ann Arbor (Barr & Clements) PHOTOGRAPHIC GALLERY ........................................................................... ca 1863 t
Clements, James P.
Malta Township, New York, resident ........................................................................................................................ 1840 1
Dixboro DAGUERREOTYPIST and farmer ........................................................................................................ ca 1843 2
Superior Township farmer ............................................................................................................................... 1850-1870 1 2
James was born in Saratoga County, New York, about 1809. Miss Mary Ann Finch was born there in 1817, and they 2
married in Saratoga County on October 29, 1839. They soon moved west and became pioneer settlers of Dixboro in 2
Superior Township, while James purchased a farm in adjacent Ann Arbor Township. “He was also a photographer and 2
conducted a gallery in the village, at the same time superintending his general agricultural pursuits.” Mary Ann gave 2 1
birth to Sarah, William, Millard and Henry in Michigan between 1841 and 1860, all of whom survived to maturity. 1
1. 1840 Federal Census of Malta Township in Saratoga Township, New York, plus 1850, 1860 and 1870 Federal Censes of Superior
Township in Washtenaw County, Michigan.
2. S. W. Beakes, Past and Present of Washtenaw County, 1906.

Cleve, W. E.
At least one of the many back marks which Walter E. Cleave used on cartes de visite and card mounts in Howell was t
printed “W. E. Cleve.” t

Cleveland, Henry W.
Ottawa, Illinois, resident .................................................................................................................................. 1852-1856 1
Mill point millwright ........................................................................................................................................ 1856-1860 1
Mill Point shoe maker ................................................................................................................................................ 1860 2
Mill Point boot and shoe maker ....................................................................................................................... 1862-1863 m
Mill Point PHOTOGRAPH ARTIST and boot and shoe maker ...................................................................... 1865-1867 3 m
Spring Lake PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................... 1868 4
Spring Lake druggist .................................................................................................................................................. 1870 2
Spring Lake watch, clock and jewelry merchant .............................................................................................. 1872-1873 m
Nunica druggist and jeweler ............................................................................................................................ 1874-1889 1 m
His parents came from Massachusetts, and Henry was born in Rutland Township of Jefferson County, New York, on 2 1
June 17, 1835. He and 16-year-old Phoebe M. Perhan were married at South Rutland, New York, on February 16, 1 2
1852, and moved to Illinois the following May. Their daughter Ella was born in Illinois in 1853 or 1854, and their 1 2
sons George and Guy were born in Michigan between 1862 and 1873. Henry constructed the first steam cant hoister 2 1
ever used at Mill Point, which was renamed Spring Lake in 1867. Henry was a justice of the peace for twelve years 5 1
and township clerk for several years before he moved to Nunica, where he bought the drug stock of A. C. Adsit & 1
Company. In addition to drugs and jewelry, he at times handled books and groceries and served as postmaster, 1 m
township supervisor and township clerk. 1
1. History of Ottawa County, H. R. Page & Company, 1882.
2. 1860 and 1870 Federal Censes of Spring Lake Township and 1880 Federal Census of the village of Nunica in Ottawa County, Michigan.
3. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1862-1866, National Archives, Washington, D.C.
4. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1867-1868, Great Lakes Branch of the National Archives, Chicago, Illinois.
5. Walter Romig, Michigan Place Names, Grosse Pointe, Michigan.

Cleveland, Jerome Bert

Shepardsville PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................... 1898-1903 m
Shepardsville apiarist ....................................................................................................................................... 1906-1910 m
Denver Township proprietor of a general store ......................................................................................................... 1910 1
Alma grocer ..................................................................................................................................................... 1918-1920 2 1
Alma resident ............................................................................................................................................................. 1967 3
His maternal grandparents emigrated from France, his parents came from New York, and Jerome was born in 1
Michigan to Frank and Mary Cleveland in July of 1883. He became an averaged sized man with brown eyes and 1 2
brown hair. Alta was born in Michigan in 1884 or early in 1885, and she married Jerome about 1904. They had no 2 1
children, and she was working as a saleslady in the general store in 1910. At that time Jerome also employed his only 1
sibling, Olive, and her husband Ralph B. Ward as sales people in his general store. By 1918 Jerome had a 33-year-old 1
wife named Mary Louise, and their son Francis was born in December of 1919. Jerome died at Alma in October of 1 3
1967. 3
1. 1900 Federal Census of Ovid Township of Clinton County, 1910 Federal Census of Denver Township in Isabella County, and 1920
Federal Census of the First Ward of Alma in Gratiot County, Michigan.
2. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.
3. Social Security Death Index.

Cliff, L.
Flint PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................................... 1885 f
Cliff, Stead L.
Imlay City PHOTOGRAPHER ....................................................................................................................... 1890-1894 m 1
Flint PHOTOGRAPHER ...................................................................................................................................... ca 1894 t
Holly PHOTOGRAPHER .................................................................................................................................... ca 1894 t
Marcellus PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................ 1894-1897 m
Imlay City PHOTOGRAPHER ....................................................................................................................... 1898-1900 m 2
Los Angeles, California, PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................... 1910 2
Los Angeles, California, resident ............................................................................................................................... 1920 2
South Gate, California, landlord of a court ................................................................................................................ 1930 2
His parents came from New York and Stead was born in July of 1856 at Altona in Manitoba, Canada, the son of 2 3
Edwin and Almira (Philipps) Cliff. He immigrated in 1881, and by 1900 he had applied for United States citizenship. 3 2
Martha was born in April of 1861 at Uxbridge, Ontario, the daughter of Seward and Hannah (Pearson) Morden. She 2 3
married Stead at Stouffville, Ontario, on September 21, 1883, and came immediately to Lapeer County. She gave birth 3 2
in February of 1885 to Eva, who turned out to be their only child. “FLINT, MICH.” was blanked out on some of 2 t
Stead’s cabinet mounts, and “HOLLY, MICH.” was printed above it. Though a script “S. Cliff ...” was his usual way t
of identifying his work, “Stead Cliff” or “The Cliff, Imlay City, Mich.” was printed on some cabinet mounts. He and t 2
Martha were providing a home in 1930 for their 17-year-old granddaughter, Helen Malcolm. 2
1. The Blue Book for Amateur Photographers ... 1895: compiled early in 1894 by Walter Sprange, Beach Bluff, Massachusetts.
2. 1900 Federal Census of the village of Imlay City in Imlay Township of Lapeer County, Michigan, plus 1910 Federal Census of
Assembly District 70 and 1920 Federal Census of Assembly District 71 in Los Angeles, and 1930 Federal Census of the city of
South Gate in Los Angeles County, California.
3. Ontario, Canada Marriages, 1857-1924.

Cliff Studio
Ishpeming PHOTOGRAPHERS at 100 Canda st east ............................................................................................... 1920 1
Robert Maki was proprietor of this studio, offering First Class Portraits, Commercial Photographs, Home Portraiture 1
as well as Picture Frames and Picture Framing. A strip with “Cliff Studio, Ishpeming, Mich.” typed on it was printed 1 t
along with studio portraits on post card stock. t
1. Marquette City and County Directory, 1920, R. L. Polk & Company, Detroit.

Close, Anna M., Miss

Millersburg, Ohio, baby ............................................................................................................................................. 1880 1
West Branch photographer ........................................................................................................................................ 1900 1
Anna was born in Ohio in April of 1880, the daughter of Silas W. and Alice Close. Her brother William was born 1
two years earlier. She and William were living with their parents and working with their father in 1900. 1
1. 1880 Federal Census of Millersburg in Holmes County, Ohio, and 1900 Federal Census of the village of West Branch in Ogemaw
County, Michigan.

Close, Silas W.
Monroe Township, Ohio, child or student ........................................................................................................ 1850,1860 1
Monroe Township, Ohio, farmer ............................................................................................................................... 1870 1
Millersburg, Ohio, carpenter ...................................................................................................................................... 1880 1
West Branch (S. W. Close & Company) PHOTOGRAPHERS ....................................................................... 1890-1895 m
West Branch (Close & Company) PHOTOGRAPHERS ................................................................................. 1896-1901 m
West Branch (Close & Company) PHOTOGRAPHERS ................................................................................. 1904-1915 m
West Branch house carpenter .................................................................................................................................... 1920 1
West Branch resident ................................................................................................................................................. 1930 1
His father came from Pennsylvania and Silas was born in Ohio in November of 1849, eldest of the five children of 1
Jacob and Mary Close, and their only son. He grew up on the family farm. By 1870 his father was dead and Silas was 1
responsible for the farming. Alice was born in Ohio in May of 1857, and she married Silas about 1874. Their children 1
were born in Ohio: William in March of 1878 and Anna in April of 1880. Both William and Anna were enumerated as 1
photographers in 1900. Something happened to Alice between 1900 and 1904, when Silas married a single lady named 1
Neva who was born in Ohio in 1857 or 1858. He was identified as a house carpenter in 1910, and with a partner ran a 1 m
garage in West Branch in 1914. He was a widower living by himself in 1920 and 1930. m 1
1. 1850, 1860 and 1870 Federal Censes of Monroe Township and 1880 Federal Census of Millersburg in Holmes County, Ohio, as well
as 1900 Federal Census of the village of West Branch plus 1910, 1920 and 1930 Federal Censes of the city of West Branch in Ogemaw
County, Michigan.
Close, William Perry
Millersburg, Ohio, child ............................................................................................................................................ 1880 1
West Branch photographer ........................................................................................................................................ 1900 1
West Branch (Close & Company) PHOTOGRAPHERS ................................................................................. 1904-1915 m
West Branch PHOTOGRAPHER .................................................................................................................... 1918-1920 2 1
Saginaw SCENIC PHOTOGRAPHER ...................................................................................................................... 1930 1
William was born in Ohio on March 2, 1878, the son of Silas W. and Alice Close. His sister Anna was born two 1 2
years later. He and Anna were living with their parents and working with their father in 1900. Pearl was born in 1
Michigan of Canadian parentage in 1886, and she married William about 1908. They never had children. 1
1. 1880 Federal Census of Millersburg in Holmes County, Ohio, plus 1900 Federal Census of the village of West Branch, 1910 Federal
Census of the First Ward and 1920 Federal Census of the Second Ward of West Branch in Ogemaw County, and 1930 Federal Census
of the Third Ward of Saginaw in Saginaw County, Michigan.
2. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.

Clough, George J.
Algonac AMBROTYPIST ............................................................................................................................... 1865-1866 1
1. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1862-1866, National Archives, Washington, D.C.

Clough, Henry R.
Red Jacket PHOTOGRAPHER on Front st near the Commercial Hotel ......................................................... 1886-1887 m
Calumet PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................................ ca 1888 t
Milwaukee, Wisconsin, (Clough & Brown) PHOTOGRAPHERS ............................................................................ 1890 1
Milwaukee, Wisconsin, PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................... 1891-1906 1 2
Milwaukee, Wisconsin, salesman .............................................................................................................................. 1910 2
Milwaukee, Wisconsin, lightning rod contractor ....................................................................................................... 1920 2
His parents came from Vermont, and Henry was born in Wisconsin in June of 1857. Ida was born in Wisconsin in 2
May of 1867 and became Henry’s second wife about 1889. She gave birth in Wisconsin to Edna in January of 1892 2 m
and to Clarence in January of 1893. Henry offered portrait and landscape photography in Red Jacket. James W. Brown 12
was his partner in Milwaukee. Ida was a widow living in Milwaukee with her widowed aunt in 1930. Pueblo, 2 3
Colorado, had a photographer in 1883 named H. R. Clough. 3
1. Directory of Wisconsin Photographers; State Historical Society of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin, 1991.
2. 1900, 1910, 1920 and 1930 Federal Censes of the Ninth Ward of Milwaukee in Milwaukee County, Wisconsin
3. Carl Mautz, Biographies of Western Photographers, Carl Mautz Publishing, Nevada City, California, 1997.

Gladstone PHOTOGRAPHERS ........................................................................................................................... ca 1920 t
“Cloverland Cards Photo by Emil Nelson, Gladstone, Mich.” was press printed on the face of post card photographs t
postmarked between 1919 and 1921. “Cloverland Cards, Gladstone, Mich.” was press printed on the face of other t
postal photographs of the same period, which probably were from negatives by Emil Nelson. t
“CLOVERLAND” above a box enclosing a three-leaf clover with “TRAIL” below it was printed with the negatives of t
post card photographs in the early 1920s, along with captions such as “307 FORD SAWMILL, L”ANSE, MICH.” or t
“388 M.E. CHURCH, L”ANSE, MICH.” or “380 MAIN STREET, HOUGHTON, MICH.” With some of these t
negatives, “Photo by Butler” also was printed. t
Clute, Edith P., Miss
Brooklyn Township, Wisconsin, child ....................................................................................................................... 1880 1
Ripon, Wisconsin, resident ........................................................................................................................................ 1900 1
Northville PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................ 1902-1903 m
Detroit (Brown & Company) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 79 Washington av ....................................................... 1903-1906 d
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................. 1906-1907 R
Detroit (Locke-Clute Company) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 79 Washington av .................................................. 1906-1920 m d
Detroit (Locke-Clute Company) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 1443 Washington av .............................................. 1920-1921 d m
Detroit (Locke-Clute Company) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 1443 Washington Boulevard ................................. 1921-1923 d
Detroit (Locke-Clute Company) PHOTOGRAPHERS in Room 512 of the Washington Arcade ............................. 1924 d
Detroit photographer, tea shop proprietor, resident or photo finisher .............................................................. 1925-1930 d
Detroit artist or commercial artist .................................................................................................................... 1931-1932 d
Detroit photograph retoucher for photographer Ernest S. Barton .............................................................................. 1934 d
Detroit retoucher or artist ................................................................................................................................. 1935-1936 d
Detroit resident or artist ................................................................................................................................... 1939-1940 d
Edith was born in Wisconsin in November of 1873, the daughter of Theodore or Thomas J. and Elizabeth Maria 1
Clute. She and her older brother Charles were living with their parents in 1900. She probably was the one who 1 2
advertised nationally in the spring of 1903: “FOR SALE - $800 buys first-class gallery in good town, thirty miles from 2
Detroit; splendid equipment; old established business; no competition. Address `Photographer,’ Northville, Mich.” 2
Henry F. Brown was Edith’s partner in Brown & Company, portrait artists and commercial photographers. Augustus S. d
Locke was her associate until 1921 in the Locke-Clute Company, who were photographers and portrait artists offering d
commercial photography, enlarging and copying. From 1921 through 1924, Edith was sole proprietor of the Locke- d
Clute Company. In 1910 and in 1920 she was sharing the home of her mother, and in 1930 she was living alone in a d 1
large apartment house. She died in Detroit on January 5, 1944. 1 3
1. 1880 Federal Census of Brooklyn Township in Green Lake County and 1900 Federal Census of the Third Ward of Ripon in Fond
du Lac County, Wisconsin, plus 1910, 1920 and 1930 Federal Censes of the First Ward of Detroit in Wayne County, Michigan.
2. St. Louis and Canadian Photographer; volume 27, number 4, April 1903.
3. Detroit Death Index in the Burton Historical Collection of the Detroit Public Library, Detroit, Michigan.

Clute, Ruby H., Miss

Marathon Township child .......................................................................................................................................... 1880 1
Flint photo retoucher .................................................................................................................................................. 1900 1
Petoskey photographer ............................................................................................................................................... 1905 2
Ruby was born in Michigan in July of 1878, the younger daughter of Sumner and Clara D. Clute. Her sister Hattie 1
married the Flint photographer Julius I. Williams, and Ruby seems to have worked for him as a retoucher. 1
1. 1880 Federal Census of Marathon Township in Lapeer County and 1900 Federal Census of the Third Ward of Flint in Genesee
County, Michigan.
2. Petoskey City and Emmet County Directory, 1905-1906, R. L. Polk & Company, Detroit.
Co-Mo Company
Minneapolis, Minnesota, producers of post card photographs ......................................................................... 1918-1929 1 t
According to a brief history of the Co-Mo Company on the website of watertownhistory.org, the factory was located 1
in Lake Mills, Wisconsin, until 1924 when the lab moved to Watertown, Wisconsin. At this time the emphasis shifted 1
to processing amateur negatives and making prints for drug stores in the area. While all the processing seems to have 1
been conducted at Lake Mills, the business office was in Minneapolis. The most common back mark on post cards is: 1 t
“The Co-Mo Company, Post Cards, Minneapolis.” The Co-Mo Company produced some postal photos of places such t 2
as South Haven in the southwestern part of Michigan’s Lower Peninsula, and many post card photographs of 2 t
Michigan’s Upper Peninsula, including scenes in and near Calumet, Copper Harbor, Eagle Harbor, Eagle River, t
L’Anse, Mohawk, Negaunee, Phoenix, and several other towns. Mines, urban structures and rural scenery were t
pictured. A salesman’s album of sample Co-Mo post cards includes this information: “POST CARD PRICE LIST. t
Regular Retail per card – 5¢ Wholesale Price, Outright Sales, No Exchanges: By the hundred assorted - $3.00 per C. t
By the thousand, 100 or more to negative - $25.00 per M. Five thousand, 200 or more to negative - $22.50 per M.” t
Stated elsewhere in the album was: “C O N S I G N M E N T. We furnish rack – and a reasonable consignment of t
cards, with renewals of 100 or more, make exchanges and take back all unsold cards. All renewals are to be paid cash t
on delivery and a 25% discount or commission is allowed. When a guarantee of 600 or more cards sold in one season t
is given and renewals are taken in lots of not less than 200 – a 33 1/3% discount is given.” The Co-Mo Company was t 1
founded in 1918 by Lloyd L. Cook and Harris Montgomery. Lloyd Lewis Cook was born at Lake Mills, Wisconsin, on 1 3
June 24, 1887, eldest of the six children of James L. and Margaret K. Cook. He matured into a tall slender man with 4 3
brown eyes and brown hair. He was a Lake Mills student in 1900 and in 1905, and he was conducting a wholesale post 5 4
card business from Minneapolis in 1917 and 1920. Jessie was born in Wisconsin in 1885, she married Lloyd about 4 5
1914, and their daughter Margaret was born in March of 1915. Lloyd went on to establish the L. L. Cook Company at 5 1
Milwaukee, which became the most prolific mid-western producer of post card photographs during the 1940s and the 1 t
1950s. Harris Park Montgomery was born at Poy Sippi, Wisconsin, on June 7, 1880, first of the two sons of Jonathan 6 3
and Emma (Parks) Montgomery. He became a slender man with blue eyes and brown hair, and he remained in 5 3
Wisconsin until he moved to Minneapolis in 1918. He was a Poy Sippi dealer in bicycles in 1900, a Red Granite 7 5
photographer in 1905, a Hartford machinist in an auto shop in 1910, and a Hartford photographer from 1911 until 4 7
1918. Elsie Martin was born in Wisconsin on December 2, 1886, and by 1918 she was married to Harris. Their 6 3
daughters were born in Minnesota: Mary Ann in October of 1919, Jean in 1923 or early in 1924, and Nancy in June of 5
1925. In Minneapolis, Harris was a photographer from his home in 1918, the proprietor of a photographic studio with 3 5
employees in 1920, and the secretary and treasurer of a wholesale greeting card company in 1930. He died on 5 6
December 25, 1944. 6
1. ComoPhoto.htm at watertownhistory.org on the internet.
2. Learned in 2009 from Doug Aikenhead of Ann Arbor, Michigan.
3. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.
4. 1905 Wisconsin State Census of the village of Lake Mills in Jefferson County and the village of Red Granite in Waushara County.
5. 1880 and 1900 Federal Censes of Poy Sippi in Waushara County, 1900 Federal Census of the village of Lake Mills in Jefferson
County, and 1910 Federal Census of Hartford in Washington County, Wisconsin, as well as 1920 Federal Census of the Eighth
Ward plus 1920 and 1930 Federal Censes of the Thirteenth Ward of Minneapolis in Hennepin County, Minnesota.
6. One World Tree on the internet.
7. Directory of Wisconsin Photographers, State Historical Society of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin, 1991.
Coates, Alfred E.
West Bloomfield Township farmer on his father’s farm ............................................................................................ 1850 1
Howell PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................. 1863-1865 2
Howell PHOTOGRAPHER and insurance agent ...................................................................................................... 1865 2
Howell PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................. 1866-1867 2 m
Benton Harbor PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................. 1876-1897 m
Benton Harbor photographer ..................................................................................................................................... 1900 1
Berrien Township inmate at the Berrien County Poor House .................................................................................... 1910 1
Alfred’s middle initial was seldom used. He was born in England in January of 1831 and was brought to this country m 1
a year later by his parents, Joseph and Maryam Coates. In the fall of 1879 at the Fair of the Northern Berrien County 1 3
and Michigan Lake Shore Agricultural Society held at Benton Harbor he was awarded a diploma for his exhibit of 3
photographs and other sun pictures and the First Premium of $1.00 for a landscape photograph. He was succeeded as 3 4
Howell’s photographer by his wife, Mrs. Sarah Coates. In 1880 he was single and residing in a boarding house. He 4 1
attended the inaugural convention of the Photographers’ Association of America at Chicago in August of 1880, and 5
was on the first published list of PA of A members in May of 1881. Benton Harbor scenes published by the New York 6 7
Daily Graphic in 1882 were made from photographs by Coates. Alfred produced stereoscopic views of Benton 7 8
Harbor, and was listed as a landscape photographer in the Gates & Hall Block in 1892. By 1900 he was a widower. 9 1
1. 1850 Federal Census of West Bloomfield Township in Oakland County, plus 1880 Federal Census of Benton Harbor, 1900 Federal
Census of the Second Ward of Benton Harbor, and 1910 Federal Census of Berrien Township in Berrien County, Michigan.
2. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1862-1866, National Archives, Washington, D.C.
3. Saint Joseph Herald, St. Joseph, Michigan, October 18, 1879. Noted by James G. Donaldson of Detroit, Michigan.
4. Elisha H. Smith, The History of Howell, Michigan, John A. Keys & Company, Lansing, Michigan, 1868.
5. Anthony’s Photographic Bulletin, volume 11, August 1880, page 273.
6. The Photographic Times, New York, volume 11, number 125, May 1881.
7. The Daily Graphic, New York, volume 28, June 12, 1882, page 729.
8. Learned in 2000 from Bonnie and Kenneth Williams of Mattawan, Michigan.
9. Berrien County Directory, 1892, R. L. Polk & Company, Detroit.

Coates, Boyd
Otsego dentist ................................................................................................................................................... 1850,1860 1
Otsego DAGUERREOTYPIST and dentist ..................................................................................................... 1862-1863 m
Otsego dentist .................................................................................................................................................. 1866-1867 m
Otsego dentist .................................................................................................................................................. 1870-1872 1 2
Boyd was born in Pennsylvania about 1830 to Timothy and Lavina Coates. He died from apoplexy in Otsego on 1 2
April 18, 1872. Elizabeth, his widow, was left with three sons (George, Wayne and Robert) ranging in age from eleven 2 1
to seventeen. 1
1. 1850 Federal Census of Pine Plains Township, plus 1850, 1860 and 1870 Federal Censes of Otsego Township in Allegan County,
2. GENDIS on the Web, Genealogical Death Indexing System, Michigan.

Coates, Sarah, Mrs.

Howell housewife ............................................................................................................................................ 1863-1867 1 2
Howell PHOTOGRAPHER ....................................................................................................................................... 1868 1 3
Chelsea photographer ................................................................................................................................................ 1870 4
Chelsea PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY ............................................................................................................. 1872-1873 m
Sarah was born in England in 1834 or 1835. She married the photographer Alfred E. Coates, and their son was born 4 1
in Michigan in 1861 or 1862. She and Alfred seem to have gone their separate ways about 1867, and in 1870 she was 4 3
raising Frederick on her own. 4
1. Elisha H. Smith, The History of Howell, Michigan, John A. Keys & Company, Lansing, Michigan, 1868.
2. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1862-1866, National Archives, Washington, D.C.
3. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1867-1868, Great Lakes Branch of the National Archives, Chicago, Illinois.
4. 1870 Federal Census of Sylvan Township in Washtenaw County, Michigan.

Coates, W. S.
Lexington PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................. ca 1905 t
“W. S. COATES, LEXINGTON, MICH.” was printed on 10 by 12 inch mounts below 6 by 8 prints, including some t
of young members of a local militia unit relaxing and clowning around on a farm. William S. Coates was born in t
Michigan in April of 1878 to an English father and a Canadian mother, eldest of the three children of Frederick and
Caroline Coates. His father was a Methodist Episcopal clergyman who seems to have moved from one church to
another in Michigan’s thumb. William was a salesman in 1900, and by 1920 he was a traveling salesman with a 35-
year-old wife named Blanche born in Illinois and three children born in Iowa between 1910 and 1916.
1. 1880 Federal Census of the village of Brockway Center in St. Clair County and 1900 Federal Census of the village of Imlay City in
Imlay Township of Lapeer County, Michigan, plus 1920 Federal Census of the city of Sheldon in O’Brien County, Iowa.
Coates, William J.
Detroit insurance clerk or insurance cashier .................................................................................................... 1880-1881 1 d
Detroit photographer .................................................................................................................................................. 1885 d
Detroit bookkeeper, traveling agent or clerk ................................................................................................... 1886-1889 d
William was the eldest child of James G. and Sarah A. Coates, and was born in New York State in 1863 or early in 1
1864. He had three sisters, and his first employment seems to have been with the firm his father managed. This was not 1 2
the William J. Coates that served in Company B of the Third New Jersey Infantry during the Civil War. 2
1. 1880 Federal Census of the city of Detroit in Wayne County, Michigan.
2. General Index to Pension Files, 1861-1934, National Archives, Washington, D. C.

Coats, Harry F.
United States Army soldier .............................................................................................................................. 1898-1901 1
Conklin PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................. circa 1901 2
Grand Rapids resident ...................................................................................................................................... 1903-1912 1
Grand Rapids clerk for the Railway Mail Service ........................................................................................... 1913-1920 g
Grand Rapids clerk ........................................................................................................................................... 1922,1924 g
Chicago, Illinois, resident ................................................................................................................................ 1926-1931 1
Harry was born in Michigan in July of 1876. He enlisted as a private in Company H of the 32nd Michigan Infantry 3 1
on May 11, 1898, and was discharged on October 29, 1898. He enlisted as a private in Company I of the 30th United 1
States Volunteer Infantry on July 26, 1899, and served in the Philippines. He was honorably discharged from the army 1
on April 3, 1901. “HARRY F. COATS, PHOTOGRAPHER. CONKLIN, MICH.” was stamped on the back of the 1 2
mount of a photograph that was taken in the Philippine Islands. Harry first applied for a disability pension in July of 2 1
1901, and finally began receiving it in June of 1926. 1
1. Veteran Pension Record of Harry F. Coats obtained from the Regional Office of the Department of Veterans Affairs at Detroit, Michigan.
2. Learned in 1999 from Michael G. Price of Michigan Center, Michigan.
3. 1900 Federal Census of Military Forces at Atimonan in the Philippine Islands.

Cobban, C. G. & Company

Toronto, Ontario, PHOTOGRAPHERS .................................................................................................................... 1879 1
C. G. Cobban & Company were proprietors of the Stanton & Vickers Studio at Toronto in 1879. “NORTHERN 1 t
LAKE VIEWS of Canada. C. G. Cobban & Co., Toronto.” was boldly printed on the mounts of stereo views. “180 t
Sugar Loaf Rock, Mackinac” was typed on a transparent strip which was printed with a stereoscopic negative to t
provide a view in this series. t
1. Glen C. Phillips, The Ontario Photographers List (1851-1900), Iron Gate Publishing Company, Sarnia, Ontario, 1990.

Cochrane, W.
Escanaba photographer ......................................................................................................................................... ca 1890 1
The woodcut of the Finnegan Brick Block in The City of Escanaba was made from a photograph by W. Cochrane. 1
1. Walter R. Nursey, The City of Escanaba, Michigan, U.S.A. “The Iron Port of the World,” Lew A. Cates, Escanaba, Michigan, 1880.

Coddington, Norman John

Seneca Township child .............................................................................................................................................. 1880 1
Morenci PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................... 1897-1901 2 m
Minot, North Dakota, commercial traveler ................................................................................................................ 1910 1
Los Angeles, California, real estate broker ................................................................................................................ 1930 1
Los Angeles, California, resident ..................................................................................................................... 1945-1946 3
Norman was born in Michigan on September 7, 1875, second of the five children of Peter and Maria Lenora 3 1
(Hooper) Coddington. His father was a dealer in farm implements, and Norman was enumerated as an agent. He was 3 1
single and was living at home with his parents, his older brother and three younger sisters in 1900. Julia Sandland was 1 3
born in Minnesota to Norwegian parents on July 9, 1878, and she married Norman about 1905. She and Norman both 1 3
were enumerated as real estate brokers in 1930. Norman died at Los Angeles on April 20, 1946, and Julia lived on 1 3
until November 1, 1958. 3
1. 1880 Federal Census of Seneca Township and 1900 Federal Census of the village of Morenci in Seneca Township of Lenawee County,
Michigan, 1910 Federal Census of the Third Ward of Minot in Ward County, North Dakota, and 1930 Federal Census of Assembly
District 72 of Los Angeles in Los Angeles County, California.
2. Adrian and Lenawee County Directory, 1897, McEldowney.
3. California Death Index, 1940-1997.
Coe, J. Allison
Newbury Township, Ohio, baby ................................................................................................................................ 1850 1
La Grange, Indiana, student ....................................................................................................................................... 1860 1
Dorr Township farm laborer on the farm of his stepfather ........................................................................................ 1870 1
Rock Creek, Ohio, PHOTOGRAPHER ..................................................................................................................... 1880 2
Chardon, Ohio, PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................ 1883-1884 3 t
Manistique PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................... ca 1887 t
Red Jacket (Sturtz & Coe) PHOTOGRAPHERS ...................................................................................................... 1891 4
Hancock (Sturtz & Coe) PHOTOGRAPHERS .................................................................................................... ca 1891 t
Hancock (Coe & Sturtz) PHOTOGRAPHERS ......................................................................................................... 1891 4
Hancock PHOTOGRAPHER .......................................................................................................................... 1892-1894 m 5
Sault Sainte Marie (Coe & Tate) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 52 Ashmun st .................................................................. 1893 S
Chicago, Illinois, resident .......................................................................................................................................... 1900 1
Chicago, Illinois, PHOTOGRAPHER ....................................................................................................................... 1910 1 t
Allison was born in Ohio in April of 1850. Something seems to have happened to his father, for his family was 1
scattered with other relatives in 1850. By 1860 his mother, Eliza, was married to the physician Sylvester H. Halstead 1
and the family included his sister Gertrude, his brother Irving Franklin, and his half-brothers Clarence and Eugene 1
Halstead. Sylvester Halstead had turned to farming by 1870. Susannah was born in Pennsylvania in September of 1
1857, and she married Allison about 1874. Their children were born in Ohio: Gertrude and Linn between 1875 and 1
1877, and Bert in September of 1878. The Chardon listing was for J. A. Coe, and he often was enumerated as Allison 1 3
J. Coe. Though “Sturtz & Coe, Cottage Gallery, Red Jacket, Mich.” was usually printed on their cabinet mounts, the 1 t
order of their names was reversed in this 1891 advertisement: “PHOTOGRAPHS, For Artistic Work and Perfect 4
Finish go to COE & STURTZ, Red Jacket, or to the COTTAGE GALLERY, Hancock, Mich.” An 1893 ad was for the 4 S
“PALACE ART STUDIO, COE & TATE, PHOTOGRAPHERS, and Marine Photographers. Views of Rapids, Locks S
and all Passing Vessels. 52 Ashmun Street, Soo, Mich.” Some of these views were on 5¼ by 8½ inch mounts labeled 5 6
“Lake Superior Scenery. Published by COE & TATE….” Allison’s occupation was obscured in the 1900 census 6 1
report, but his son Bert was working as a Chicago photographer then and in 1910 and 1920. 1
1. 1850 Federal Census of Newbury Township in Geauga County and 1880 Federal Census of Morgan Township in Ashtabula County,
Ohio, 1860 Federal Census of La Grange in La Grange County, Indiana, 1870 Federal Census of Dorr Township in Allegan County,
Michigan, plus 1900 Federal Census of the 34th Ward, 1910 Federal Census of the Seventh Ward and 1920 Federal Census of the
Fourth Ward of Chicago in Cook County, Illinois.
2. John Waldsmith, A Directory of Ohio Photographers, 1839 to 1900, Sycamore, Ohio, compiled in 1978 and augmented through 1993.
3. Learned in 2007 from the contents of a photograph album listed on the internet by webmaster Amy Hendrick of Georgia.
4. Upper Peninsula Lodge Directory, 1891.
5. The Blue Book for Amateur Photographers ... 1895: compiled early in 1894 by Walter Sprange, Beach Bluff, Massachusetts.
6. Learned in 2002 from Keith M. Steffke of Lincoln Park, Michigan.

Coffin, Charles P.
Owego Township, New York, student and farm laborer ................................................................................... 1850,1860 1
Big Rapids bookkeeper .............................................................................................................................................. 1870 1
Fremont Center PHOTOGRAPHER ......................................................................................................................... 1879 t
Grand Rapids traveling agent ..................................................................................................................................... 1880 1
Grand Rapids refrigerator manufacturer .................................................................................................................... 1900 1
Grand Rapids refrigerator designer ............................................................................................................................ 1910 1
Charles was born in New York State in January of 1843, sixth of the eight children of Henry and Lucy T. Coffin. 1
Flora Osborne was born in New York in February of 1847, and she married Charles about 1866. Their son Raymond 1
was born in Michigan in February of 1872. 1
1. 1850 and 1860 Federal Censes of Owego Township in Tioga County, New York, 1870 Federal Census of the Second Ward of
Big Rapids in Mecosta County, 1880 Federal Census of the city of Grand Rapids plus 1900 and 1910 Federal Censes of the Tenth
Ward of Grand Rapids in Kent County, Michigan, as well as 1900 Federal Census of the Second Ward of Billings in Yellowstone
County, Montana.
Coffman, George Victor
Dallas Township child ............................................................................................................................................... 1880 1
Mackinaw student ...................................................................................................................................................... 1900 1
Mackinaw PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................. ca 1905 t
Mackinaw druggist .......................................................................................................................................... 1906-1907 m
Mackinaw druggist and jeweler ....................................................................................................................... 1908-1917 m
Mackinaw pharmacist, taxidermist and undertaker .................................................................................................... 1918 2
Mackinaw druggist and jeweler ....................................................................................................................... 1918-1919 m
Mackinaw druggist, jeweler and taxidermist ................................................................................................... 1920-1925 m
Mackinaw druggist, jeweler, taxidermist, furniture merchant and undertaker ................................................ 1926-1927 m
Mackinaw druggist .................................................................................................................................................... 1939 1
His parents came from Ohio, and George was born in Michigan on September 3, 1878, the only child of John H. and 1 2
Louisa H. Coffman. His maternal grandparents emigrated from the Wurtemberg region of Germany. Rosella was born 1
in Michigan about 1876, and she married George late in 1900 or early in 1901. Their two sons were born here in 1904 1 t
and 1909. “GEO V. COFFMAN, MACKINAW, MICH.” was stamped on the back of the 5½ by 6½ commercial t
mount of a 3½ by 4½ sepia photograph of the railway car ferry Sainte Marie which operated year round at the straits 3 t
from June of 1893 until October of 1911. “Fish Shanty on the Ice. Winter Sport at Old Mackinaw. Coffman” was t
lettered on the negative from which cyanotype post cards were printed. One was mailed in December of 1908. George t 2
was of medium height and build in 1918, with blue eyes and dark hair. He was a principal of John H. Coffman & Son m
from 1906 through 1927, and was listed separately as a taxidermist beginning in 1920. m
1. 1880 Federal Census of Dallas Township in Clinton County, plus 1900, 1910, 1920 and 1930 Federal Censes of the village of
Mackinaw City in Cheboygan County, Michigan.
2. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.
3. George W. Hilton, The Great Lakes Car Ferries, Howell-North, Berkeley, California, 1962.

Cogan, Richard John

Orleans Township, New York, student ...................................................................................................................... 1870 1
Rossie Township, New York, laborer on his mother’s farm ...................................................................................... 1880 1
Detroit (W. P. Cogan & Company) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 57 Monroe av ............................................................. 1900 d
Detroit city sales agent or insurance agent ....................................................................................................... 1901-1906 d
Los Angeles, California, insurance agent ................................................................................................................... 1920 1
Los Angeles, California, resident ............................................................................................................................... 1930 1
His parents emigrated from Ireland, and Richard was born in Canada on January 22, 1860. He was brought to this 1 2
country by his mother Ann in 1870, along with his older brother William and his younger brother Samuel. By 1880 his 1
brother Thomas, who was born in Ireland about 1850, showed up to help out on the farm. Richard became a 1
naturalized citizen of the United States in 1882. Attie Floretta Collamer was born in Illinois on September 1, 1873, and 1 2
she married Richard about 1894. Their son William was born in Michigan in June of 1897, and their daughter Mary 1
was born in California in 1911 or early in 1912. William P. Cogan was an experienced photographer long before his 1
brother Richard became his partner in 1900. Attie died at Los Angeles on August 21, 1943, and Richard died there on 1 2
October 15, 1951. 2
1. 1870 Federal Census of Orleans Township in Jefferson County and 1880 Federal Census of Rossie Township in St. Lawrence County,
New York, 1900 Federal Census of the Tenth Ward of Detroit in Wayne County, Michigan, plus 1920 Federal Census of Assembly
District 72 and 1930 Federal Census of Assembly District 67 of Los Angeles in Los Angeles County, California.
2. California Death Index, 1940-1997.
Cogan, William P.
Orleans Township, New York, resident ..................................................................................................................... 1870 1
Detroit sewing machine canvasser or agent, cigar manufacturer or clerk ........................................................ 1879-1884 d
Detroit news depot proprietor .......................................................................................................................... 1885-1888 d
Omaha, Nebraska, PHOTOGRAPHER ..................................................................................................................... 1889 t
Detroit photographer or real estate agent ......................................................................................................... 1889-1890 d
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................. 1890-1891 t
Detroit insurance agent .................................................................................................................................... 1891-1895 d
Omaha, Nebraska, PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................ ca 1898 t
Detroit (W. P. Cogan & Company) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 57 Monroe av ............................................................. 1900 d
Detroit (Cogan & Burgess) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 103 Michigan av ........................................................... 1902-1904 d
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 103 Michigan av ....................................................................................................... 1905 d
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................. 1906-1907 R
Detroit (The Cadillac Studio) PHOTOGRAPHERS on the second floor at 103 Michigan av ........................ 1907-1913 d
Detroit (The Cadillac Studio) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 120 Michigan av ........................................................ 1914-1915 d
Dearborn Resident ..................................................................................................................................................... 1920 1
Dearborn photographer .................................................................................................................................... 1926-1930 2 1
William was born in Canada of Irish parentage in May of 1855, and immigrated to New York by 1870. Her father 1
emigrated from Ireland, Mary was born in New York in January of 1850, and she married William about 1880. James 1
V. Cogan, their only child, was born in Michigan in June of 1889. William’s brother Richard J. Cogan also was a 1 d
principal of W. P. Cogan & Company. William published stereo views from Omaha and Detroit on flat orange mounts d t
which were identical except for the name of the city. Some Omaha views were dated 1889. Views of Omaha and of t
Florida were published from Detroit. To the usual Belle Isle, Waterworks Park and river front scenes, William added t
stereo views of middle class families in their homes, of the Detroit International Fair and Exposition in 1890 and of the t
25th Annual Encampment of the G.A.R. at Detroit in 1891. A number of these views have the look of proofs, with a t
dark border around and between the images, and many are unidentified. One view with this appearance is identical to a t
view of the Belle Isle lighthouse published by L. Black & Company. Cogan & Burgess produced stereographs of t
Jacksonville, Palm Beach and St. Augustine, Florida as well as some of Detroit on buff or yellow mounts more typical t
of their period. The Cogan & Burgess stamp was also used on the backs of some of the dark bordered views. William t d
was sole proprietor of The Cadillac Studio except for 1909, when S. A. Topping was associated with him. His home d 1
was in Dearborn by 1900, and he undoubtedly worked in Dearborn much earlier than noted by the first available city 1 2
directory. He was identified as Dearborn’s first commercial photographer. William was living alone at the time of his 2 1
death in 1930. One of his 8 by 10 view cameras with carrying case and tripod, several printing frames, a number of 1 2
stereoscopic and single glass negatives and more than forty stereoscopic and other photographic prints were donated to 2
the Dearborn Historical Museum in 1952 by William’s son, James V. Cogan. 2
1. 1870 Federal Census of Orleans Township in Jefferson County, New York, plus 1900, 1910, 1920 and 1930 Federal Censes of
Dearborn Township in Wayne County, Michigan.
2. Learned in 1998 at the Dearborn Historical Museum in Dearborn, Michigan.
Colbath, Nelson William
Tuscola Township student ......................................................................................................................................... 1870 1
Tuscola Township farm laborer on his stepfather’s farm ........................................................................................... 1880 1
Tuscola Township dog warden .................................................................................................................................. 1900 1
Rose City PHOTOGRAPHER ......................................................................................................................... 1904-1905 m
Rose City PHOTOGRAPHER and baker ........................................................................................................ 1906-1913 m
Rose City PHOTOGRAPHER and confectioner ............................................................................................. 1918-1919 m
Rose City PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................................... 1920 1
Grayling confectioner ...................................................................................................................................... 1924-1927 m
Nelson was born on September 13, 1860, at Arbela in Tuscola County, Michigan, the son of William and Ellen 2
(Adams) Colbath. Something happened to his father, who does not seem to have served in the Civil War, and by 1870 2 1
his mother was married to the farmer William H. Johnson. Soon he and his older sister Ada and his younger sister 1 2
Sarah were joined by a half brother and three half sisters. Nelson attended the local schools through the tenth grade. As 1 2
an adult he was five feet eleven inches tall, weighed 130 pounds, and had a light complexion, dark brown hair and blue 2
eyes. Inza Viola Parks was born in Michigan to parents from New York in November of 1862, and she married Nelson 2 1
at Arbela on September 25, 1880, and later had four children born in Tuscola County: Nelson in August of 1883, Lora 1 2
in March of 1888, Nellie Viola in April of 1890, and Amos in February of 1894. Nelson was a school teacher before 1 2
taking up photography. He was afflicted with asthma as early as 1880, and in later life could only visit relatives in 2
southern Michigan for a few days at a time before needing to go back north. “Colbath, Artist” or “Colbath Photo” or 2 t
“Colbath” or “N.W.C.” was lettered on the negatives of postal photographs along with legends or descriptions. His t
lettering used many ‘artistic’ embellishments and sometimes extended right across the view. His post card photos t
included views of Rose City before and immediately after the fire of March 10, 1911, views of Mio, sixteen miles t
north, and views of Long Lake, twelve miles east of Rose City. About 1919, Nelson moved from Rose City to Grayling t 2
where he opened a confectionery store and did photography work in his spare time. He later retired from this business, 2
but about 1925 opened a similar shop on US 27. He was ailing for some time, but was able to get around and take care 2
of his confectionery until his unexpected death due to heart failure on October 1, 1927. He was survived by his wife 2
and four children, and his body was returned to Tuscola County for burial at Newton Cemetery in Arbela Township. 2
Inza was living down in Tuscola Township in 1930 with the family of her daughter Nellie and her husband, George S. 1
Hart. 1
1. 1860 Federal Census of Arbela Township plus 1870, 1880, 1900 and 1930 Federal Censes of Tuscola Township in Tuscola County,
as well as 1910 and 1920 Federal Censes of the First Ward of Rose City in Ogemaw County, Michigan.
2. Learned in 1993 from Viola Anderson, Dorothy Baldwin, and Lola Rosencrantz, granddaughters of Nelson W. Colbath.

Colburn, _______
Bear Lake (Art Emporium of Colburn & Hall) PHOTOGRAPHERS .................................................................. ca 1885 1
1. Cabinet photograph examined in 1995 in the State Archives of Michigan at Lansing.

Colburn, _______
Negaunee (New York Gallery) PHOTOGRAPHERS .......................................................................................... ca 1890 1
Colburn & Holman were the proprietors of this New York Gallery, and sold picture frames at wholesale prices. 1
1. Learned from a cabinet mount in the collection of Jack Deo of Marquette, Michigan..

Colburn, Benjamin
Bay City resident ....................................................................................................................................................... 1873 1
Bay City PHOTOGRAPHER at 1006 Water st north ................................................................................................ 1886 b
Bay City PHOTOGRAPHER .......................................................................................................................... 1888-1891 R
1. Directory of the Saginaw Valley, November 1873, C. Exera Brown, Lansing, Michigan.
Colburn, Charles B.
Bay City painter ............................................................................................................................................... 1866-1867 m
Bay City PHOTOGRAPHER at 210 Water st north ........................................................................................ 1869-1870 m
Bay City PHOTOGRAPHER in the Griswold Block ...................................................................................... 1872-1873 m b
Bay City (C. B. & E. J. Colburn) PHOTOGRAPHERS in the Griswold Block and 19 Watson Block ........... 1873-1874 b
Bay City (Colburn Brothers) PHOTOGRAPHERS .............................................................................................. ca 1874 t
Bay City PHOTOGRAPHER in the Griswold Block ...................................................................................... 1874-1875 m b
Bay City PHOTOGRAPHER at the northeast corner of Third and Saginaw sts ............................................. 1876-1879 m b
Bay City PHOTOGRAPHER on Third st near Water st .................................................................................. 1880-1881 m
Bay City PHOTOGRAPHER at the northeast corner of Third and Water sts ........................................................... 1881 b
Bay City PHOTOGRAPHER on Third st near Water st .................................................................................. 1882-1883 m
Bay City PHOTOGRAPHER at 105 Third st ............................................................................................................ 1883 b
Bay City PHOTOGRAPHER at the corner of Third and Jefferson sts ................................................................. ca 1883 t
Bay City PHOTOGRAPHER at 500 Third st .................................................................................................. 1884-1887 b m
Bay City (Colburn & Company) PHOTOGRAPHERS on the ground floor at 509 Third st ................................ ca 1887 t
Bay City (Colburn & Son) PHOTOGRAPHERS on the ground floor at 509 Third st ......................................... ca 1888 t
Bay City PHOTOGRAPHER on the ground floor at 509 Third st .................................................................. 1888-1890 m R
Elsie PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................................ 1890-1891 R m
Bay City PHOTOGRAPHER .................................................................................................................................... 1891 R
Belding PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................ 1894-1895 m
Sparta PHOTOGRAPHER .............................................................................................................................. 1896-1897 m
His parents came from New York, and Charles was born in Canada in 1839 or 1840. By 1880 he was a widower with 1
three sons born in Michigan between 1866 and 1876. Some cartes de visite were imprinted: “COLBURN’S CAR, Bay 1 t
City, Mich. – Photographs taken all sizes, from ordinary Card to Cabinet. Copying from old pictures done on short t
notice….” The printing on card photographs by Charles from Third and Saginaw Streets and from Third and Water t
Streets included: “From Colburn’s Photo. Rooms,... The Cheapest Place in the Valley.... Old pictures copied and t
enlarged to every size desired, and made as good as new. Photographs $2.00 per doz. Tin Types 4 for 75 cents.” and t
“From Colburn’s Photo. Car.... Card Photographs $2.50 per Doz. Four Gems for 75 Cts....” Cabinet photos from 105 t
Third Street were $3.00 per dozen, while card photos were $1.50 per dozen from there and from 500 Third Street. t
Colburn & Son were succeeded in Bay City by Densham & Voorhees. t
1. 1880 Federal Census of the city of Bay City in Bay County, Michigan.

Colburn, Charles B., Mrs.

Sparta PHOTOGRAPHER .............................................................................................................................. 1897-1898 1
That Mrs. Colburn had secured the services of Belding photographer J. Raby, and would continue the Sparta 1
business as heretofore, was reported early in 1898. 1
1. St. Louis and Canadian Photographer; volume 224, number 2, February 1898, page 83.
Colburn, Elizur J.
Bay City (Colburn & Bailey) PHOTOGRAPHERS two doors south of the new postoffice on Water st ............. ca 1867 1
Bay City (Padget & Colburn) PHOTOGRAPHERS in the Griswold Block on Water st .......................................... 1867 2 t
Bay City PHOTOGR on Water st north between Fourth and Fifth sts, opposite the Birney Block ................. 1867-1868 3 t
Bay City (Colburn & Gibson) PHOTOGRS in the Shearer Block at the corner of Center and Water sts ............ ca 1870 t
Bay City PHOTOGRAPHER at 418 and 523 Water st north .................................................................................... 1871 b
Bay City (Colburn & Scotford) PHOTOGRAPHERS in the Watson Block at the foot of Center st ............... 1872-1873 b m
Bay City PHOTOGRAPHER in the Watson Block at the foot of Center st .............................................................. 1873 t
Bay City (C. B. & E. J. Colburn) PHOTOGRAPHERS in the Griswold Block and 19 Watson Block ........... 1873-1874 4
Bay City (Colburn Brothers) PHOTOGRAPHERS .............................................................................................. ca 1874 t
Bay City PHOTOGR in the Watson Block on the east side of Water st between Fourth and Fifth sts ............. 1874-1875 m t
Bay City PHOTOGRAPHER in the Griswold Block on Water st ................................................................... 1876-1877 m t
Manistee PHOTOGRAPHER .................................................................................................................................... 1880 5 t
Frankfort PHOTOGRAPHER in the Opera Block Gallery ............................................................................. 1882-1885 t m
Elizur was born in New York State in 1843 or 1844. His wife Mary was born in Canada five years later. Their 5
children, Bernice, Russell, Florence and Lottie, were born in Michigan between 1869 and 1874. Padget & Colburn 5 2
were succeeded by Bailey & Scotford in October of 1867. Elizur advertised in 1868: “... Go to E. J. COLBURN’S 2 3
ART PALACE,... for All Kinds of Photographs, Large and Small, Ambrotypes, Gems, Bontons. Melainotypes, 3
Porcelain, Etc., also Frames and Cases, All Sizes and Styles, Matting of all Kinds Kept Constantly on Hand. Large 3
Pictures Painted in Oil, Water, Sepia, India Ink, and Pastele. N.B. - Particular attention paid to taking Pictures of 3
Houses, Brick Blocks, Landscapes, &c....” On some card photograph mounts, “J. J. Gibson” was crossed out and 3 t
“Colburn & Gibson” was printed in a different color of ink. On other Bay City card mounts, “Colburn & Scotford” t
was crossed out, and “E. J. Colburn, Watson Block,...” was substituted. On yet other Bay City card mounts, “Colburn t
Bros.” was crossed out, and “E. J. Colburn” was printed in a different color of ink. t
1. Learned in 1996 from Robert Coch of Flat Rock, Michigan.
2. Bay City Journal, Bay City, Michigan, October 23, 1867 through January of 1868.
3. Directory of Bay City, Portsmouth, Wenona and Bangor for 1868-9, W. H. DeLisle.
4. Directory of the Saginaw Valley, November 1873, C. Exera Brown, Lansing, Michigan.
5. 1880 Federal Census of the Third and Fourth Wards of Manistee in Manistee County, Michigan.

Colburn, Marion V., Mrs.

Manistee PHOTOGRAPHER .......................................................................................................................... 1878-1879 m
Manistee housewife ................................................................................................................................................... 1880 1
This person was better known as Mrs. Mary V. Colburn. She was born in Canada in 1848 or early in 1849 to an 1
English father and a Canadian mother. She must have been in her late teens when she married Elizur J. Colburn, for 1
she was only 21 when she gave birth to their first daughter, Bernice. Russel, Florence and Dottie then were born 1
between 1871 and 1874. Apparently Mary established the Manistee gallery while Elizur was concluding the enterprise 1
in Bay City and/or traveling on photographic business. 1
1. 1880 Federal Census of the Third and Fourth Wards of Manistee in Manistee County, Michigan.

Colburn, William V.
Wenona child ............................................................................................................................................................. 1870 1
Bay City student ......................................................................................................................................................... 1880 1
Bay City photographer or operator for Charles B. Colburn ............................................................................. 1886-1889 b
Bay City (Colburn & Son) PHOTOGRAPHERS on the ground floor at 509 Third st ......................................... ca 1888 t
His parents, Mr. & Mrs. Charles B. Colburn, were born in Canada. Willie was born in Michigan in 1866 or 1867. 1
1. 1870 Federal Census of the village of Wenona and 1880 Federal Census of the city of Bay City in Bay County, Michigan.

Colby, Cora, Miss

Grand Rapids retoucher for photographer Frank B. LeClear ..................................................................................... 1890 g

Colby, Hattie S., Miss

Albion PHOTOGRAPHER at the corner of Superior st and Michigan av ...................................................... 1880-1881 1 m
Port Huron photo printer for photographer James M. White ..................................................................................... 1887 p
Her parents came from New York, and Hattie was born in Michigan in 1849 or 1850. 1
1. 1880 Federal Census of Albion in Calhoun County, Michigan.
Colby, James M.
Delafield, Wisconsin, school teacher ......................................................................................................................... 1860 1
United States Army soldier .............................................................................................................................. 1862-1863 2
Greenville PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................ 1863-1864 3 4
Hinton Township of Mecosta County resident ................................................................................................ 1865-1867 3
Big Rapids register of deeds for Mecosta County ........................................................................................... 1867-1882 3 m
Big Rapids laborer or resident ......................................................................................................................... 1890-1892 2
James was born at Freeman, New York, on July 12, 1834, to James and Abigail (Metcalf) Colby, who were natives 3
of Vermont. His family moved to Wisconsin in 1843, and James grew up on the family farm. Miss Anna M. Jacques 3
was born in Nova Scotia on August 12, 1841, and married James at Delafield, Wisconsin, on November 8, 1860. He 3 2
entered Company G of the Twenty Fourth Wisconsin Infantry as a private at Milwaukee on August 11, 1862. James 2
was wounded in action at the battle of Perrysville on October 5, 1862, and lost his entire right index finger. Suffering 3 2
with remittent fever and chronic diarrhea, he was hospitalized in Nashville and later Louisville from November 15, 2
1862, until his discharge from the army as disabled on March 17, 1863. At this time he was 5 feet 11½ inches tall with 2
a dark complexion, black hair and blue eyes. Anna and James had six children. Milton was born in Wisconsin on June 2 1
20, 1862. Sherman was born in Michigan on April 5, 1865, and did not live more than a few years. The others were 1
born at Big Rapids: Maria on April 5, 1867, Io Vesta on September 17, 1869, Alta on September 8, 1873, and James 1
on April 13, 1883. While register of deeds, James compiled the set of abstracts that was used extensively after his 1 3
sixteen-year term of office. He applied successfully for a veteran’s invalid pension in December of 1890, and then died 3 2
at Big Rapids on June 19, 1892. Anna applied for a widow’s pension the following month and was receiving twelve 2
dollars per month when she died early in 1913. 2
1. 1860 Federal Census of Delafield in Waukesha County, Wisconsin, plus 1870 and 1880 Federal Censes of Big Rapids in Mecosta
County, Michigan.
2. Civil War Veteran Pension Record of James M. Colby obtained from the National Archives at Washington, D. C.
3. Portrait and Biographical Album of Mecosta County, Chapman Brothers, Chicago, 1883.
4. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1862-1866, National Archives, Washington, D.C.

Colby, Lena M., Miss

Grand Rapids retoucher, solicitor or traveling agent ....................................................................................... 1891-1894 g
Grand Rapids hair dresser or agent .................................................................................................................. 1896-1898 g

Colby, R. F.
Oregon PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................ 1900-1901 m
Ralph F. Colby was a photographer in Belleville, Cross Plains, Fort Atkinson, Mount Vernon and Oregon, 1
Wisconsin, from 1897 through 1934, and probably never worked in Michigan. 1
1. Directory of Wisconsin Photographers; State Historical Society of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin, 1991.

Cole, _______
Marquette (Ward & Cole) PHOTOGRAPHERS ................................................................................................... ca 1867 t

Cole, A. R.
Zanesville, Ohio, DAGUERREOTYPIST ....................................................................................................... 1850-1860 1 2
Saint Joseph PHOTOGRAPHER .................................................................................................................... 1864-1865 t 3
Saint Joseph PHOTOGRAPHER .............................................................................................................................. 1867 4
A. R. Cole was born about 1826 in Massachusetts or New Hampshire. He was a single daguerrean in November of 5
1850 boarding in the First Ward of Zanesville. By April of 1860 he was a photograph artist with a 32-year-old wife 5
named Susan and a three-year-old daughter named Florence, both born in Ohio. In or before 1870, the Ideal Picture 5 t
Company occupied “Cole’s Old Gallery” in St. Joseph. Susan Cole was living in St. Joseph in 1870 with her daughter t 5
Florence and her ten-year-old son Charles. 5
1. John Waldsmith, A Directory of Ohio Photographers, 1839 to 1900, Sycamore, Ohio, compiled in 1978 and augmented through 1993.
2. Diane VanSkiver Gagel, Ohio Photographers 1839-1900, Carl Mautz Publishing, Nevada City, California, 1998.
3. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1862-1866, National Archives, Washington, D.C.
4. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1867-1868, Great Lakes Branch of the National Archives, Chicago, Illinois.
5. 1850 Federal Census of the First Ward and 1860 Federal Census of the Fourth Ward of Zanesville in Muskingum County, Ohio, plus
1870 Federal Census of St. Joseph in Berrien County, Michigan.

Cole, Amanda, Miss

Reading Township baby ............................................................................................................................................ 1870 1
Reading Township student ......................................................................................................................................... 1880 1
Fremont PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................... 1900-1901 m
Amanda was born in Michigan to parents from New York and Pennsylvania in November of 1869, last of the at least 1
five children of John and Anna Cole. She was living in 1900 with her brother John and his wife. John was more than 1
twenty years older than Amanda. 1
1. 1870 and 1880 Federal Censes of Reading Township in Hillsdale County, and 1900 Federal Census of the village of Fremont in
Dayton Township of Newaygo County, Michigan.
Cole, Charles D
Wales Township, New York, student ........................................................................................................................ 1860 1
Marquette photographer for Brainard F. Childs ............................................................................................... 1872-1874 2 3
Ishpeming photographer ............................................................................................................................................ 1880 1
Ishpeming manager of Childs’Art Gallery ....................................................................................................... 1880-1883 4
Ishpeming (Childs & Cole) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 115 Division st west ...................................................... 1888-1891 m 5
Marquette gallery manager for photographer Brainard F. Childs .................................................................... 1888-1893 m
Ishpeming (Childs’ Art Gallery) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 115 Division st west .............................................. 1892-1927 m 1
Ishpeming resident ..................................................................................................................................................... 1930 1
Charles was born on February 1, 1852, in Wales Township of Erie County, New York, last of the six children of 4 1
Isaac and Betsy Cole. His family came in 1865 to Marquette, where his sister Agnes married the photographer Ard G. 1 4
Emery. He learned the photography business at Marquette, at Saginaw and at Ishpeming. Charles was earning a salary 4
of $800.00 per year at Marquette in 1873 and 1874. He was single and residing in a hotel in 1880 and in the boarding 4 1
house of the same Ishpeming family in 1900 and 1910. Brainard F. Childs was a principal of Childs’ Art Gallery until 1 m
his death in 1921, though he was living in Kansas after 1884 and then in California after 1918. During at least the last m 6
ten years of his life, Charles was lodging by himself in a hotel. Thomas J. Bennett was his partner from 1922 through 6 3
1927, and was sole proprietor of Childs’ Art Gallery by 1930. One source stated that the trade name of the studio was m R
Childs & Cole in 1925. R
1. 1860 Federal Census of Wales Township in Erie County, New York, plus 1880, 1900, 1910 and 1920 Federal Censes of the Third
Ward and 1930 Federal Census of the Ninth Ward of Ishpeming in Marquette County, Michigan.
2. Learned in 1978 at the Marquette County Historical Museum, Marquette, Michigan.
3. Beard’s Directory and History of Marquette County, 1873, Detroit.
4. History of the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, Western Historical Company, Chicago, 1883, page 445.
5. A Gazetteer of Marquette County, 1889, A. H. Holland.
6. Russell M. Magnaghi, “History of Childs’ Art Gallery” in Harlow’s Wooden Man, Marquette County Historical Society, volume 14,
number 1, Spring 1978.

Cole, Elizabeth M., Mrs.

Rollin Township housewife ....................................................................................................................................... 1870 1
Hillsdale photographer in the gallery of her husband, John R. Cole .......................................................................... 1880 1
Richmond, Virginia, housewife ........................................................................................................................ 1910,1920 1
Her father emigrated from England, her mother came from Vermont, and Elizabeth was born in New York State in 1
1848 or 1849. After she married John R. Cole, she gave birth in Michigan to William and Lucretia between 1870 and 1
1876. Elizabeth later gave birth in Virginia to Geraldine and Frank between 1888 and 1891. She undoubtedly took part 1
in her husband’s photographic business much more than is indicated above. 1 m
1. 1870 Federal Census of Rollin Township in Lenawee County and 1880 Federal Census of the city of Hillsdale in Hillsdale County,
Michigan, plus 1910 and 1920 Federal Censes of the Madison Ward of the city of Richmond, Virginia.

Cole, Elmer E.
Lincoln Township student .......................................................................................................................................... 1910 1
Reed City apprentice to photographer Frederick P. Atherton .................................................................................... 1920 1
Detroit policeman ...................................................................................................................................................... 1930 1
Elmer was born in Michigan in 1901, fifth of the six children of Martin V. and Alice T. Cole. He still was single in 1
1930, and was with the Detroit Police Department. 1
1. 1910 and 1920 Federal Censes of Lincoln Township and 1920 Federal Census of the village of Reed City in Osceola County, plus
1930 Federal Census of the 21st Ward of Detroit in Wayne County, Michigan.

Cole, Eugene H.
Rubicon Township, Wisconsin, child ........................................................................................................................ 1850 1
New Hampton Township, Iowa, student and laborer on his father’s farm ................................................................. 1860 1
South Arm Township farmer ..................................................................................................................................... 1870 1
Nelsonville PHOTOGRAPHER ...................................................................................................................... 1872-1873 m
South Arm huckster ................................................................................................................................................... 1880 1
South Arm dealer in bazaar goods ............................................................................................................................. 1900 1
Los Angeles, California, chicken rancher .................................................................................................................. 1910 1
Los Angeles, California, real estate broker ................................................................................................................ 1920 1
Downey Township, California, Los Angeles County Farm inmate ............................................................................ 1930 1
Eugene was born in New York State in October of 1844, the eldest child and only son of Nathan D. R. and Susan 1
Cole. His three sisters were born between October of 1848 and April of 1860. Louise was born in Illinois to parents 1
from New York in February of 1846, she was married to Eugene by 1870, and their son Arthur was born in Michigan 1
in April of 1877. Nelsonville was renamed South Arm in 1874. Louise divorced Eugene and married a man named 1 2
Caton about 1895. She was providing a South Arm home in 1900 for her son Arthur, who was a sailor on a steam boat. 1
Eugene was boarding with his sister Chloe and her son at this time. He never remarried. 1
1. 1850 Federal Census of Rubicon Township in Dodge County, Wisconsin, 1860 Federal Census of New Hampton Township in
Chickasaw County, Iowa, 1870, 1880 and 1900 Federal Censes of South Arm Township in Charlevoix County, Michigan, plus
1910 Federal Census of Assembly District 70 of Los Angeles, 1920 Federal Census of Assembly District 65 of Los Angeles, and
1930 Federal Census of Downey Township in Los Angeles County, California.
2. Walter Romig, Michigan Place Names, Grosse Pointe, Michigan.
Cole, Frederick A.
Detroit (Gibson & Cole) PHOTOGRAPHERS and portrait artists at 246 Woodward av ............................... 1889-1890 d R
Detroit portrait artist ........................................................................................................................................ 1890-1891 d
Plymouth resident ...................................................................................................................................................... 1892 d
J. Jefferson Gibson & Cole employed Miss May Armstrong as an artist in 1889. d

Cole, Hiram, Doctor

Le Roy Township farmer ........................................................................................................................................... 1850 1
Grand Ledge (Dr. H. Cole & Wife) AMBROTYPISTS .................................................................................. 1859-1860 m
Grand Ledge AMBROTYPIST and dentist ..................................................................................................... 1862-1863 m
Grand Ledge PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................. 1864 2
Grand Ledge dentist ......................................................................................................................................... 1866-1873 m
Santa Rosa, California, dentist ................................................................................................................................... 1880 1
Hiram was born in 1821 in New York State. Jane was born there two years later, and their eldest daughters were 1
born there between 1843 and 1848. The rest of their children were born in Michigan, a daughter about 1849 and sons 1
between 1852 and 1867. Hiram also was listed as a dentist in 1859 and 1860. 1 m
1. 1850 Federal Census of Le Roy Township in Calhoun County, plus 1860 and 1870 Federal Censes of Oneida Township in Eaton
County, Michigan, as well as 1880 Federal Census of Santa Rosa in Sonoma County, California.
2. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1862-1866, National Archives, Washington, D.C.

Cole, Hiram, Mrs.

Le Roy Township farm wife ...................................................................................................................................... 1850 1
Grand Ledge (Dr. H. Cole & Wife) AMBROTYPISTS .................................................................................. 1859-1860 m 1
Grand Ledge housewife ............................................................................................................................................. 1870 1
Santa Rosa, California, housewife ............................................................................................................................. 1880 1
Jane was born in New York State in 1823, and she married Hiram about 1842. Their daughters Rosamon and Betsy 1
were born in New York between 1843 and 1848. Their other children were born in Michigan: Celia and David 1
between 1849 and 1852, and then Willie in 1866 or early in 1867. 1
1. 1850 Federal Census of Le Roy Township in Calhoun County, plus 1860 and 1870 Federal Censes of Oneida Township in Eaton
County, Michigan, as well as 1880 Federal Census of Santa Rosa in Sonoma County, California.

Cole, J.
Sand Beach PHOTOGRAPHER .......................................................................................................................... ca 1888 t
White Rock PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................... ca 1895 t
“J. Cole, Photographer, Sand Beach, MICH.” was stamped on the back of cabinet mounts. Sand Beach was renamed t 1
Harbor Beach in April of 1889. “J. Cole, Photographer, WHITE ROCK, MICH” was printed on cabinet mounts below 1 t
the image. t
1. Walter Romig, Michigan Place Names, Grosse Pointe, Michigan.

Cole, John M.
Argyle Township student ........................................................................................................................................... 1880 1
Argyle Township farmer ............................................................................................................................................ 1900 1
Ubly PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................................ 1900-1901 m
Ubly PHOTOGRAPHER ..................................................................................................................................... ca 1905 t
Ubly PHOTOGRAPHER .......................................................................................................................................... 1910 1
Ubly PHOTOGRAPHER ..................................................................................................................................... ca 1912 t
Detroit laborer in an auto factory ............................................................................................................................... 1920 1
Harbor Beach PHOTOGRAPHER .................................................................................................................. 1930-1931 m
His father came from Ohio, his mother was Canadian, and John was born in Michigan in December of 1868. He was 1
third of the at least nine children of John M. and Susan Cole. Her parents emigrated from England, Minnie was born in 1
Michigan in February of 1874, and she married John about 1892. Their son Harry was born in February of 1894, and 1
then they had four daughters: Minnie in August of 1895, Blanch about 1901, Ida in 1904 and Evelyn in 1907. “John 1 t
M. Cole, Photographer, Ubly, Mich” was stamped on the back of 7¼ by 5 inch mounts carrying 4 by 3 inch prints, t
including one of a lady standing by a substantial wicker chair on a base made of 2-by-6s with casters. John arranged t
four post card photos of Ubly by Louis Pesha, placed a neat “J. M. Cole” label over each “PESHA PHOTO” and re- t
photographed them to produce a composite post card complete with the Pesha numbers and captions. Note that John t 1
was the brother of the Peck photographer Melvin R. Cole. 1
1. 1880 and 1900 Federal Censes of Argyle Township in Sanilac County, 1910 Federal Census of the village of Ubly in Bingham
Township of Huron County, and 1920 Federal Census of the Third Ward of Detroit in Wayne County, Michigan.
Cole, John R.
Rollin Township worker on the farm of his older brother .......................................................................................... 1870 1
Hillsdale (Hawkins & Cole) PHOTOGRAPHERS on Howell st ..................................................................... 1872-1873 m
Hillsdale PHOTOGRAPHER in the Commercial Block on Howell st ...................................................................... 1874 h
Hillsdale PHOTOGRAPHER on Howell st ..................................................................................................... 1876-1879 m
Hillsdale (Cole & Robinson) PHOTOGRAPHERS ............................................................................................. ca 1880 t
Hillsdale PHOTOGRAPHER at 72 Howell st ................................................................................................. 1880-1881 m
Hillsdale PHOTOGRAPHER .......................................................................................................................... 1882-1885 m
Richmond, Virginia, (Virginia Art Gallery) PHOTOGRAPHER over 525 Broad st east ............................... 1889-1891 2
Richmond, Virginia, PHOTOGRAPHER ......................................................................................................... 1910,1920 1
John was born in Michigan in 1847 or 1848, Elizabeth was born in New York State a year later, and they married 3 1
about 1868. Their son George was born in May of 1870 and did not survive for long, but they had at least four other 1
children. William and Lucretia (called Lulu) were born in Michigan between 1871 and 1876. Geraldine and Frank 3 1
were born in Virginia between 1888 and 1891. Two sizes of stickers were used to hold tintypes into their paper frames. 1 t
Both sizes had the same message printed in red ink: “Hawkins & Cole’s IMPROVED FERROTYPES, THE CHEAPEST AND t
BEST, By Patent Camera. Over A. Andrews’ Grocery, HILLSDALE, MICH.” Reuben L. Andrew was working for John as a t h
photographer in 1874, when John advertised as a Photographic and Ferrotype Artist who copied old pictures and h
finished them in any style desired. John attended the inaugural convention of the Photographers’ Association of h 4
America at Chicago in August of 1880, and was a member of the PA of A one year later when he advertised as a 4 5
“Photographic Artist, India Ink and Crayon Work.” Some of his card photographs were of the diminutive Sparling h t
brothers when they were students at Hillsdale College, and several of his cabinet photographs were composites of t
small portraits with cartoons associated with the mainly verbal battle between the Hillsdale College seniors in the class t
of 1883 and the sophomores two years behind them. John was succeeded by Amos Barnes in 1885 or 1886. While in t 2
Virginia, John may also have worked in Manchester. 2
1. 1870 Federal Census of Rollin Township in Lenawee County and 1880 Federal Census of the city of Hillsdale in Hillsdale County,
Michigan, plus 1910 and 1920 Federal Censes of the Madison Ward of the city of Richmond, Virginia.
2. Louis Ginsberg, Photographers in Virginia 1839-1900, Petersburg, Virginia, 1986.
3. State Census of Hillsdale, Michigan, 1884.
4. Anthony’s Photographic Bulletin, volume 11, August 1880, page 273.
5. The Photographic Times, New York, volume 11, number 125, May 1881.

Cole, Lemoine A., Miss

Chester Township child ............................................................................................................................................. 1880 1
Grand Rapids resident ................................................................................................................................................ 1893 g
Grand Rapids photographer or resident ........................................................................................................... 1897-1900 g 1
Grand Rapids housewife ............................................................................................................................................ 1910 1
Cedar Springs housewife ........................................................................................................................................... 1920 1
Grand Rapids resident ................................................................................................................................................ 1930 1
Her parents came from New York and Lemoine was born in Michigan in August of 1878, last of the six children of 1
Simeon and Emma Cole. She was sharing her home in 1900 with her 33-year-old sister, Minnie R. Cole, who was a 1
dress maker. About 1901 Lemoine married George R. Palmer, who was ten years her senior and a barber in Grand 1
Rapids and later the proprietor of a barber shop in Cedar Springs. By 1930 Lemoine was a widow living with her sister 1
Minnie and her husband, Roy A. Randall. 1
1. 1880 Federal Census of Chester Township in Eaton County, as well as 1900 Federal Census of the Tenth Ward, 1910 Federal Census
of the Eleventh Ward, and 1930 Federal Census of the Third Ward of Grand Rapids, plus 1920 Federal Census of the village of Cedar
Springs in Kent County, Michigan.

Cole, Malvin
Emmett Township photographer ................................................................................................................................ 1894 1
Malvin was born in Michigan to Canadian parents about 1869. His wife, Muriel, was born in Michigan to Canadian 1
parents three years later. 1
1. 1894 Michigan State Census of Emmett Township in St. Clair County, Michigan.

Cole, Marvin
Quincy PHOTOGRAPHER ....................................................................................................................................... 1871 1
1. The Index of Early Newspapers in Coldwater, Coldwater Public Library, Coldwater, Michigan, unpublished.
Cole, Melvin D.
Dryden student ........................................................................................................................................................... 1880 1
Romeo flour manufacturer ......................................................................................................................................... 1900 1
Romeo traveling brass goods salesman ...................................................................................................................... 1910 1
Romeo PHOTOGRAPHER ....................................................................................................................................... 1920 1
Romeo resident .......................................................................................................................................................... 1930 1
His father came from New York and Melvin was born in Michigan in October of 1867, the son of J. Wid and Leveca 1
Cole. Her father emigrated from Canada and Minnie was born in Michigan in January of 1872, last of the three 1
children of James and Marietta E. (sometimes Mary) Harris. She married Melvin about 1892, and their daughters were 1
born in Michigan: Ruth in December of 1895, and Edith in May of 1899. A photograph taken of the Romeo fire truck 1 2
by Melvin in the 1920s shows a corner of the garage or barn from which he operated his Home Studio. 2
1. 1880 Federal Censes of Dryden Township and of the village of Dryden in Lapeer County, plus 1900, 1910, 1920 and 1930 Federal
Censes of the village of Romeo in Macomb County, Michigan.
2. David McLaughlin, Romeo, Images of America Series, Arcadia Publishing, Charleston, South Carolina, 2004.

Cole, Melvin R.
Argyle Township student ........................................................................................................................................... 1880 1
Peck PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................................. 1900-1907 m
Peck PHOTOGRAPHER and jeweler ............................................................................................................. 1906-1908 R
Peck PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................................. 1900-1907 m
Peck PHOTOGRAPHER and jeweler ............................................................................................................. 1907-1908 m
Peck jeweler ............................................................................................................................................................... 1910 1
Peck PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................................. 1918-1931 m
His parents came from Ohio and Canada, and Melvin was born in Michigan in July of 1870, fourth of the nine 1
children of John M. and Susan Cole. Her parents came from New York, Myrtle was born in Michigan in August of 1
1871, and she married Melvin about 1890. She gave birth here to Beulah in October of 1895, Sybil in April of 1899, 1
Silvia in 1901, Russell in 1904, Max in 1907, Delos in 1908, Doris in 1910 and Gordon in 1911. Alfreda was his 1
second wife, was born in Canada in 1893, and married Melvin about 1912. She gave birth to Kenneth in October of 1
1915, to Junior in 1920, and to Maritta about 1925. The enumerator characterized the couple as a farmer and a dress 1
maker in 1920. Melvin had the same words printed on at least five types of his earlier cabinet mounts: “From M. R. 1 t
COLE’S Gallery, Peck, Mich. Duplicates May Be Obtained.” Note that Melvin was the brother of Ubly photographer t 1
John M. Cole. 1
1. 1880 Federal Census of Argyle Township plus 1900, 1910, 1920 and 1930 Federal Censes of Elk Township in Sanilac County, Michigan.

Cole, W. G.
Muskegon PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................. ca 1918 t
“CITY MARKET, MUSKEGON, MICH., BY W. G. COLE.” was lettered on two different negatives from which post card t
photographs were printed. t

Coleman, Isaac N.
Plymouth PHOTOGRAPHER ......................................................................................................................... 1874-1875 m
The photographer probably was Isaac N. Coleman, Junior, who was born in New York State in 1848 or early in 1
1849. He was eighth of the nine children of Isaac N. and Dolly Ann Coleman, who were farming in 1850 in 1
Montgomery Township of Orange County, New York. They moved to Michigan and were farming in 1860 in Putnam 1
Township of Livingston County and in 1870 and 1880 in Dexter Township of Washtenaw County. Young Isaac was 1
living with his parents and working on the family farm in 1870, but was not to be found in 1880. Dexter Township is 1 2
about twenty five miles west of Plymouth. The father was too old and the son was a little too young to have been the 2 3
Isaac N. Coleman who served in Company D of the 26th Michigan Infantry during the Civil War. 3
1. 1870 and 1880 Federal Censes of Dexter Township in Washtenaw County, Michigan
2. Michigan County Map Guide, Michigan United Conservation Clubs, Lansing, Michigan.
3. General Index to Pension Files, 1861-1934, National Archives, Washington, D. C.

Coleman, Josiah B.
Ypsilanti PHOTOGRAPHER .......................................................................................................................... 1864-1865 1
“I. B. Coleman, PHOTOGRAPHER, Follett House Block, Ypsilanti, Mich.” was printed on the pasters holding 2
tintypes into their carte de visite sized paper frames. Two cent revenue stamps were affixed to the pasters. 2
1. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1862-1866, National Archives, Washington, D.C.
2. Learned in 1998 from Michael W. Waskul of Ypsilanti, Michigan.

Colemorgan, A., Mrs.

Hillsdale (Star Gallery) PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................. 1898 t 1
That Mrs. Colemorgan had purchased the photographic stock of William Nunroe, and that she had taken possession 1
of the gallery, was reported in the spring of 1898. 1
1. St. Louis and Canadian Photographer; volume 22, number 4, April 1898, page 186.
Coletta, Anthony S.
Ann Arbor PHOTOGRAPHER at 219 Main st south ...................................................................................... 1914-1916 m a
Anthony offered photograph post cards, crayon portraits, commercial photography, developing and finishing, and a
made a specialty of baby portraits. a

Colie, E. J.
Kalamazoo PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................................ 1864 1
1. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1862-1866, National Archives, Washington, D.C.

Collamer, Alfred Byron

Jackson clerk .............................................................................................................................................................. 1850 1
Jackson DAGUERREOTYPIST on the third floor of the Porter Block over Penny’s store ...................................... 1853 2
Jackson shoemaker .................................................................................................................................................... 1860 1
Jackson clerk in a saloon ........................................................................................................................................... 1870 1
Alfred was the son of Linus and Susan Collamer, and was born in New York State in 1831 or 1832. He probably was 1
working for his father, a Jackson merchant, in 1850. He advertised in the Jackson American Citizen on May 25, 1853, 1 2
as a New and Improved Skylight Daguerrian. Alfred had a 23-year-old wife named Sophia in 1860, but was alone in a 2 1
boarding house in 1870. He was known as Byron during this decade, and was a Jackson musician during the 1880s. 1 2
1. 1850 Federal Census of the city of Jackson, plus 1860 and 1870 Federal Censes of the Third Ward of Jackson in Jackson County,
2. Learned in 1997 from Gerry L. Blanchard of Jackson, Michigan.

Collard, _______
Stanton (Collard & Edson) PHOTOGRAPHERS ................................................................................................ ca 1890 t

Collard, Edgar C.
Cato Township student or resident ................................................................................................................... 1870,1880 1
Fowler PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................. 1890-1891 m
Ecorse Township optical goods salesman .................................................................................................................. 1920 1
Wyandotte book agent for a book concern ................................................................................................................ 1930 1
Edgar was born in Michigan in the summer of 1861, sixth of the seven children of Elijah A. and Eliza Collard. He 1
was enumerated as married in 1920 and as a widower in 1930. 1
1. 1870 and 1880 Federal Censes of Cato Township in Montcalm County, plus 1920 Federal Census of Ecorse Township and 1930
Federal Census of the city of Wyandotte in Wayne County, Michigan.

Coller, Jesse Lester

Macon Township student ........................................................................................................................................... 1900
Tecumseh PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................ 1910-1916
m 2
Tecumseh music store proprietor ..................................................................................................................... 1916-1917
Tecumseh PHOTOGRAPHER and music merchant ....................................................................................... 1917-1931 3 m
Lester was born on April 20, 1889, at Britton, Michigan, second of the three sons of Jesse B. and Ida J. Coller. In 3 1
1900 his father was farming and his mother was a mail carrier. He became a slender man with light blue eyes and 1 3
brown hair. Her parents came from New York and Ireland, and Florence was born in Michigan in 1888 or 1889. She 3 1
and Lester were both 19 years old when they married. Lester advertised locally in 1912: “THE SUNBEAM STUDIO. 1 4
20 per cent off on every dozen on BARGAIN DAY ONLY. No discount on Post Cards. We are going to make one 4
8x10 Water Color and one dozen Photos for $5.00. See samples in case. Phone 100 for all appointments for 4
BARGAIN DAY, Sept. 19th.” About this time “Sunbeam Studio, Tecumseh, Mich.” was printed on 12 by 14 inch 4 t
mounts carrying photographs of Tecumseh scenes. The negatives of some post card photographs were marked “BY t
COLLER”; including one of the historic Walker Tavern fifteen miles west of Tecumseh. “Tecumseh, Mich. 1850 By t
Coller. 150.” and “Tecumseh, Mich. 1860 By Coller. 149.” were lettered on the negatives of some post card views of t
the business section copied from earlier photos. Lester and Florence never had children, and they were providing a t 1
home for Lester’s widowed father in 1920. Florence was working in 1930 as a saleslady in the novelty store. 1
1. 1900 Federal Census of Macon Township plus 1910, 1920 and 1930 Federal Censes of the village of Tecumseh in Lenawee County, Michigan.
2. Standard Atlas of Lenawee County, Michigan, Geo. A. Ogle & Company, Chicago, 1916.
3. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.
4. Tecumseh Herald, Tecumseh, Michigan, September 13, 1912.

Collin, _______
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER .................................................................................................................................. ca 1867 t
“From COLLIN’S GALLERY, Detroit, Michigan.” was printed boldly on some of the pasters holding tintypes into t
their carte de visite sized paper frames. t
Collins, Clinton
Lansing photographer ................................................................................................................................................ 1897 1
Newton, Kentucky, PHOTOGRAPHER .................................................................................................................... 1898 1
Louisville, Kentucky, porter ...................................................................................................................................... 1900 2
His mother came from Virginia, and Clinton was born in Tennessee in January of 1869. Her parents came from 2
Kentucky, and Flora was born in Indiana in May of 1865. She married a man named Lovings and gave birth to Sallie 2
in September of 1894. She and Clinton were married about 1896. They both were African American. That Clinton had 2 1
gone to Newton with Harry Burnett of Lansing to open a photo gallery was reported early in 1898. Flora was working 1 2
as a laundress in 1900. 2
1. St. Louis and Canadian Photographer; volume 224, number 1, January 1898, page 35.
2. 1900 Federal Census of the Ninth Ward of Louisville, Kentucky.

Collins, Connor A.
Elkhart, Indiana, student ............................................................................................................................................ 1900 1
Battle Creek railroad car checker ............................................................................................................................... 1910 1
Fort Wayne, Indiana, PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................. 1917 2
Connor was born at Elkhart, Indiana, on November 7, 1888, eldest of the three children of Henry J. and Mary E. 2 1
Collins. His sisters also were born in Indiana, Nora in September of 1890 and Flora in October of 1893. Connor was 1 2
single in 1917, of medium height and stout with grey eyes and brown hair, and resided in Battle Creek while self- 2
employed as a photographer at Fort Wayne, Indiana. 2
1. 1900 Federal Census of the First Ward of Elkhart in Elkhart County, Indiana, and 1910 Federal Census of the Second Ward of
Battle Creek in Calhoun County, Michigan.
2. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.

Collins, Emmons
Milwaukee, Wisconsin, child ..................................................................................................................................... 1880 1
Ann Arbor PHOTOGRAPHER at 15 Forest av .................................................................................................... ca 1890 t
Western Springs, Illinois, civil engineer .................................................................................................................... 1900 1
Western Springs, Illinois, iron salesman .................................................................................................................... 1910 1
La Grange Park, Illinois, mechanical engineer .......................................................................................................... 1918 2
Western Springs, Illinois, proprietor of a golf course ................................................................................................ 1930 1
His father came from New York, his mother came from Michigan, and Emmons was born in Wisconsin on June 10, 1 2
1874, the only child of William A. and Clara Collins. He visited Europe with his father and returned from Cherbourg, 1 3
France, to New York City in September of 1892. Emmons produced a cabinet photograph of six dressed-up children 3 t
on the front steps of a home. He matured into a tall stout man with brown eyes and dark brown hair, and lost his t 2
hearing in one ear. Emmons had a wife in 1918 but the marriage did not last. Doris was born in Canada 1892 or early 2 1
in 1893, she immigrated in 1911, and she married Emmons about 1924. By 1926 they had two daughters, Emeranda 1
and Augusta. 1
1. 1880 Federal Census of the city of Milwaukee in Milwaukee County, Wisconsin, plus 1900, 1910 and 1930 Federal Censes of the
village of Western Springs in Cook County, Illinois.
2. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.
3. New York Passenger Lists, 1820-1957.
Collins, Eugene F.
Litchfield resident ............................................................................................................................................ 1892-1894 1
Mount Pleasant assistant to photographer Ross H. Williams ........................................................................... 1894-1901 2
Mount Pleasant PHOTOGRAPHER on Broadway over the Kennedy Brothers feed store ....................................... 1901 3
Mount Pleasant assistant to photographer J. O Parrish .................................................................................... 1901-1902 3
Mount Pleasant PHOTOGRAPHER on Main st south next door to the postoffice ......................................... 1902-1909 m 3
Mount Pleasant (Collins & Wightman) PHOTOGRAPHERS ......................................................................... 1909-1911 4 m
Mount Pleasant PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................ 1912-1915 m
Mount Pleasant PHOTOGRAPHER at 117 Broadway west ........................................................................... 1915-1918 5 6
Mount Pleasant PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................ 1918-1927 m
Mount Pleasant PHOTOGRAPHER at 117 Broadway west ........................................................................... 1930-1931 m
Mount Pleasant PHOTOGRAPHER at the corner of Broadway and Washington st ....................................... 1932-1941 2
Mount Pleasant PHOTOGRAPHER at 501 Mission st south .......................................................................... 1941-1948 2
Mount Pleasant retiree ..................................................................................................................................... 1948-1954 2
Eugene was born on October 18, 1875, on a Hillsdale County farm near North Adams, and became a stout man with 2 6
light gray eyes and brown hair. His mother married the photographer Augustus Borden about 1892, and Eugene began 6 7
to learn the photographic business. His Mount Pleasant gallery on Broadway was completely destroyed by fire early in 1 3
the morning of October 10, 1901. He had only $200.00 insurance and lost many irreplaceable negatives. Within a 3
week he was working in the gallery of J. O. Parrish, which he purchased and opened for business on February 9, 1902. 3
Parrish wrote a complimentary recommendation for Collins, characterizing him as an artist of unusual ability who was 3
head and shoulders above any local photographer in lighting, posing and neatness of finish, and remained with him for 3
a few weeks. Eugene advertised locally a couple of weeks later: “... ARTIST’S PROOF PHOTOGRAPHS Are the 3
Best. They are more universally admired than any other Photographic production of the times. They are strikingly 3
artistic and in every particular are much superior to anything of their kind ever given the people of Mount Pleasant. 3
Specimens exhibited at the gallery. They will interest you....” Two weeks after that: “The man who buys a Chestnut 3
Horse is not going to be satisfied with a HORSE CHESTNUT. When you get your PHOTOGRAPH taken or your 3
CHESTNUTS....” Then a few months later: “YOUR FACE IS YOUR FORTUNE! Get your fortune secured in a 3
beautiful, permanent PLATINOTYPE PHOTOGRAPH taken by- E. F. Collins,...” and “IN THE NEGATIVE. When 3
we say photograph, don’t give the subject a negative thought. We attend to the negative; there is where the most of 3
successful photography lies. We will get a good negative, a good print, and a good mount, and you will get a good 3
photograph....” and “RETOUCHING. Do you realize the necessity of first-class retouching in the production of a good 3
photograph? It is one of the most important branches of the work. I allow no negative to go into the printers’ hands 3
until it is carefully and properly retouched. E. F. COLLINS, Photographer. Next Door to Postoffice.” Eugene attended 3 8
the National Photographer’s convention in August of 1902 at Buffalo, New York and was still an active member of the 8 7
Photographers’ Association of America in 1905. On July 6, 1903, he married 19 year old Miss Virgiline H. Doughty 7 1
of Mount Pleasant, who became a constant partner and helper in his profession. One of their twin sons died quite 2
unexpectedly as an infant on May 22, 1904. Eugene spent a day at Weidman taking pictures in the middle of January 2 4
1906. Most of the illustrations in the 1906 souvenir of Mount Pleasant were reproduced from his photographs. For a 4 1
limited time in May of 1907 he was offering post cards with your photo on them at 5 for 25¢ or 12 for 50¢. t
“Photograph by The Collins Studio - Mt. Pleasant, Mich.” was printed on the back of postal photos, some postmarked t
in 1909 and 1910, which included views of Mount Pleasant schools and business streets as well as the crowded interior t
of a drug store on the day it opened, October 23, 1909. The same imprint was used on post card portraits and on views t
of streets and stores in Weidman, fifteen miles northwest of Mount Pleasant. In 1915 the Collins Studio and Art Store t 4
was “The Home of Good Photos. Picture Framing and Enlarging. Amateur Cameras and Supplies.” An 8 by 51 inch 4 t
lettered near the center of the negative, and “COLLINS, 1921” lettered near the right end. Fire razed Eugene’s studio t 2
at Broadway and Washington in 1941, destroying invaluable negative files of the city’s history. He then opened a 2
modern home-studio on South Mission where he continued to live following his retirement. Eugene was a life member 2
of the Michigan Photographers’ Society and the Presbyterian Church, served as city treasurer for three terms and was a 2
member of the first city planning commission. A four year illness preceded his death on December 18, 1954. He was 2
survived by his wife and his son Philip. Interment was in Riverside Cemetery. 2
1. Faces and Places Familiar: Mt. Pleasant, Mich., 1906. Compiled by R. A. Miller and Charles J. Seely.
2. Obituary in the Daily Times-News, Mount Pleasant, Michigan, December 20, 1954, page 1, columns 4 and 5.
3. Isabella County Enterprise, Mount Pleasant, Michigan, October 11 and 18, 1901; February 7 and 21, March 7, May 2, 9 and 30,
August 1 and September 12, 1902; and May 27, 1904.
4. Central Michigan Times, Mount Pleasant, Michigan, January 19, 1906; May 3, 1907, page 7, column 2, and November 25, 1910,
page 1, column 3.
5. Atlas and Farm Directory of Isabella County, 1915.
6. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.
7. 1900 Federal Census of the Second Ward and 1910 Federal Census of the Third ward of Mount Pleasant in Isabella County, Michigan.
8. The Association Review, Convention Annual, Boston 1905, The Photographers’ Association of America.
Collins, Frederick
Ravenna Township, Ohio, student ............................................................................................................................. 1850 1
Saint Joseph dry goods dealer ................................................................................................................................... 1870 1
Saint Joseph farmer .................................................................................................................................................... 1880 1
Saint Joseph inventor ....................................................................................................................................... 1885-1886 p
Benton Harbor resident .............................................................................................................................................. 1920 1
Fred was born in Ohio in 1841 or early in 1842, last of the three children of Lyman and Harriet Collins. His father 1
was a physician and a native of New York State. Harriet was born in Ohio in 1845 or early in 1846, and she married 1
Fred in 1869 or earlier. Their daughter Ellen was born in Michigan about 1870. Frederick filed patent applications on 1 p
camera attachments on July 14 and July 21, 1885, and on January 5, 1886. His Patent Number 341,885 on an p
Attachment for Focusing Photographic Cameras and Patent Number 341,886 on a Photographic Camera Attachment p
for dispensing dry plates both issued on May 18, 1886. Patent Number 351,853 was granted to him on November 2, p
1886, covering a Photographer’s Camera Attachment for brushing a sensitive plate while it was in the camera. He was p 1
a widower living on his own in 1920. 1
1. 1850 Federal Census of Ravenna Township in Portage County, Ohio, as well as 1870 and 1880 Federal Censes of St. Joseph plus
1920 Federal Census of Benton Harbor in Berrien County, Michigan.

Collins, John B.
South Haven PHOTOGRAPHER at 311½ Center st ................................................................................................. 1918 1
South Haven PHOTOGRAPHER .................................................................................................................... 1918-1924 m 2
Both David C. Moyer and John were listed as South Haven photographers in the gazetteer for 1919, but John was m 2
said to have taken over the studio at 319 Center Street from Moyer. John sold this 25 by 40 foot building to 2
photographer Ray S. Appleyard in September of 1924. 2
1. Learned in 2010 from Beth Keithly of the South Haven Historical Association.
2. History of Van Buren County, Michigan, 1982, copyrighted 1983 by the Van Buren County Historical Society.

Collins, Lucius H.
Detroit seller of a photograph gallery ........................................................................................................................ 1898 1
Lucius advertised nationally in March of 1898: “For Sale - Best located gallery in Detroit; doing good business. 1
Address L. H. COLLINS, 413 Hammond Bldg., Detroit.” He was a lawyer with offices in the Hammond Building. 1 d
1. The Professional Photographer, Buffalo, New York, volume 3, number 3, March 1898.

Collins, Richard B.
Ishpeming miner ........................................................................................................................................................ 1870 1
Ishpeming PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................ 1874-1875 m
Boulder, Colorado, PHOTOGRAPHER .......................................................................................................... 1876-1877 2
Boulder, Colorado, (Collins & Gregg) PHOTOGRAPHERS ................................................................................... 1878 2
Leadville, Colorado, PHOTOGRAPHER at 54 Harrison st ...................................................................................... 1880 1 2
Durango, Colorado, PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................... 1882 2
Dallas, Oregon, PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................... 1884-1891 3
Victoria, British Columbia, PHOTOGRAPHER ....................................................................................................... 1892 3
Los Angeles, California, keeper of a lodging house .................................................................................................. 1910 1
San Juan Township, California, resident .................................................................................................................... 1920 1
Los Angeles, California, proprietor of the Annabelle Apartments ............................................................................. 1930 1
Richard was born in England about 1845. He immigrated in 1863 and soon became a naturalized citizen of the 1
United States. Eighteen-year-old Miss Kate Collins emigrated from England and was his apprentice at Leadville in 1
1880. Richard’s newspaper advertising in 1892 claimed that he had twenty years of photographic experience in the 1 3
United States and England. Emily was about 26 years old when she emigrated from England in 1881. She married 3 1
Richard a year later, and she still was with him in 1930. 1
1. 1870 Federal Census of Ishpeming in Marquette County, Michigan, 1880 Federal Census of Leadville in Lake County, Colorado,
plus 1910 Federal Census of Assembly District 73 of Los Angeles and 1930 Federal Census of the city of Los Angeles in Los Angeles
County, as well as 1920 Federal Census of San Juan Township in Orange County, California.
2. Opal Harber, Photographers and the Colorado Scene 1853-1900, Denver Public Library, Western History Department, 1961.
3. Thomas Robinson, Oregon Photographers, Portland, Oregon, second edition, 1993.

Collins, Thomas J.
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 773 Michigan av ....................................................................................................... 1896 d
Between 1890 and 1900 there were from three to five men with this name listed in each Detroit City Directory, d
making it impossible to trace the career of the photographer. d

Collins Photo Print Company

Marshall PHOTOGRAPHERS at 201 Michigan av east ........................................................................................... 1914 1
1. Richard Carver, A History of Marshall, Marshall Historical Society, Marshall, Michigan, 1993.
Colloff, Edward E.
New Baltimore laborer in a saw mill ......................................................................................................................... 1880 1
New Baltimore PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................ 1888-1891 m
New Baltimore tinsmith and horse shoer .............................................................................................................. ca 1892 2
Edward was born in Michigan to German parents in 1861 or early in 1862. He and his mother, Mrs. Caroline 1
Colloff, were living in 1880 with the family of his brother August. Hattie M. Tucker was born in Vermont in 1860 or 1 2
1861. She married Edward Colloff, and their daughter Florence was born in April of 1889. Hattie was a niece of 2
Eugene W. Haight, Edward’s successor as a New Baltimore photographer. She was a New Baltimore milliner in 1890 2 m
and 1891, and again in 1900. She was identified as a widow in 1900. m 1
1. 1880 and 1900 Federal Censes of the village of New Baltimore in Chesterfield Township of Macomb County, Michigan.
2. Learned in 1978 from Charles M. Miller of New Baltimore, Michigan.

Coloma Art Studio

Coloma PHOTOGRAPHERS ............................................................................................................................... ca 1908 t
This studio was included in a street scene postmarked in June of 1909 that was produced by Walter W. Hicks, a t
Coloma post card photographer. It probably was operated by James R. Hamilton, who was listed as Coloma’s t m
photographer from 1904 until 1911. m

Colton, Charles Lavern

Rochester child .......................................................................................................................................................... 1880 1
Detroit photographer ........................................................................................................................................ 1897-1899 d
Detroit photographer ........................................................................................................................................ 1901-1902 d
Detroit (C. L. Colton & Company) PHOTOGRAPHERS on the ground floor at 73 Miami av ...................... 1902-1903 m
Detroit photographer ........................................................................................................................................ 1903-1905 d
Bellevue photographer ............................................................................................................................................... 1909 2
Bellevue Township laborer on his brother-in-law’s farm .......................................................................................... 1910 1
Detroit photographer ........................................................................................................................................ 1913-1914 d
Dearborn stock man at the Ford Motor Company ship building plant ....................................................................... 1918 3
Charles was born in Michigan on April 21, 1876, the son of Walter and Martha (Wooster) Colton. His sister Etta was 3 1
eleven years older and became a photo retoucher, and his father was a Rochester dry goods merchant. Dorie May d 1
Chapman was born in Michigan in the spring of 1876, the daughter of William and Martha Chapman. She married 1
Charles about 1898 and their three children (Doris, Walter and Edward) were born in Michigan between 1900 and 1
1908. C. L. Colton & Company were commercial photographers that made photo enlargements and specialized in 1 m
Factory Work. Members of the Cosgrove and Waterbury families got together in Convis Township on Sunday, m 2
February 21, 1909, and “Photographer Colton was on hand from Bellevue, and photographed the group.” Charles was 2 1
employed for only two of the twelve months preceding April of 1910. He was a stout man with blue eyes and gray hair 1 3
by 1918, when his family was living on a Dearborn rural route. Please see also the entry for Verne Colton. 3 d
1. 1880 Federal Census of the village of Rochester in Avon Township of Oakland County, plus 1880 and 1910 Federal Censes of
Bellevue Township in Eaton County, Michigan.
2. Marshall Statesman, Marshall, Michigan, February 26, 1909.
3. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.

Colton, Etta, Miss

Rochester student ....................................................................................................................................................... 1880 1
Mason photographic retoucher .................................................................................................................................. 1892 2
Lansing photographer ................................................................................................................................................ 1894 L
Detroit retoucher or finisher ............................................................................................................................ 1898-1899 d
Detroit photographer .................................................................................................................................................. 1900 1
Detroit finisher ........................................................................................................................................................... 1905 d
Detroit retoucher or finisher for photographers C. M. Hayes & Company ...................................................... 1906-1908 d
Detroit finisher ........................................................................................................................................................... 1909 d
Detroit photographer .................................................................................................................................................. 1910 1
Detroit retoucher .............................................................................................................................................. 1910-1911 d
Detroit photograph finisher ........................................................................................................................................ 1920 1
Her father came from New York, her mother came from Ohio, and Etta was born in Michigan in January of 1864, the 1
daughter of Walter and Martha (Wooster) Colton. Her younger brother Charles became a photographer. Etta never 1
married, and in 1900 she was living with her 55-year-old widowed mother, Mrs. Martha Colton, who was a 1
dressmaker. They lived together for at least another twenty years. 1
1. 1880 Federal Census of the village of Rochester in Avon Township of Oakland County, plus 1900 and 1920 Federal Censes of the
Tenth Ward and 1910 Federal Census of the Third Ward of Detroit in Wayne County, Michigan.
2. Lansing City and Ingham County Directory, 1892, R. L. Polk & Company, Detroit.
Colton, Lucinda I.
Coldwater PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................ 1862-1864 1
Lucinda Colton was born in Pennsylvania in 1834 or 1835, and in 1850 was the only boarder at the farm of Mr. and 2
Mrs. John Kibbee in Burr Oak Township, twenty miles southwest of Coldwater. 2
1. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1862-1866, National Archives, Washington, D.C.
2. 1850 Federal Census of Burr Oak Township, Saint Joseph County, Michigan.

Colton, Moses Winslow

Worcester, Massachusetts, shoe maker ...................................................................................................................... 1850 1
Marshall boot and shoe maker .................................................................................................................................. 1860 1
Marshall AMBROTYPE ARTIST with a car at the corner of Eagle and Main sts .................................................... 1860 2
Marshall PHOTOGRAPHER .................................................................................................................................... 1862 3
Marshall (Barker & Colton) PHOTOGRAPH CAR on Main st ...................................................................... 1862-1863 m
Marshall PHOTOGRAPHER .......................................................................................................................... 1863-1864 3
Marshall (Colton & Nabors) PHOTOGRAPHERS ......................................................................................... 1864-1865 3
Saint Charles Township, Illinois, farmer ................................................................................................................... 1880 1
Moses Winslow Colton was born at Hubbardton in Rutland County, Vermont, on March 26, 1827. His parents were 4
Porter and Keziah (Walker) Colton, and he married Fannie Bowe on January 1, 1849. His wife was called Betsy in 4 1
later records, and was born in Vermont about 1827. She gave birth in Illinois to Elizabeth in 1867 or early in 1868. 1
Moses died in Illinois on February 6, 1881. 1 4
1. 1850 Federal Census of the Second Ward of Worcester in Worcester County, Massachusetts, 1860 Federal Census of the Second
Ward of Marshall in Calhoun County, Michigan, and 1880 Federal Census of St. Charles Township in Kane County, Illinois.
2. Jackson, Marshall and Battle Creek Directory, 1860-61, Loomis & Talbot.
3. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1862-1866, National Archives, Washington, D.C.
4. Family History from Ancestry Library Edition on the internet.

Colton, Verne
Detroit photographer .................................................................................................................................................. 1904 d
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 150 Champlain st ...................................................................................................... 1907 d
This may be the same person identified above as Charles Lavern Colton. d

Colton, Winslow M.
Please see the entry for Moses Winslow Colton.

Colvin, William Thomas

Traverse City student ................................................................................................................................................. 1900 1
Traverse City PHOTOGRAPHER at 815 Union st south .......................................................................................... 1905 2
Buckley PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................... 1910-1911 1 R
Lansing assistant shipping clerk for a hardware company ......................................................................................... 1920 1
Sparta PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................................ 1930 1
His parents came from New York and William was born on November 16, 1887, at Wexford, Michigan, the son of 1 3
Barton and Eliza Colvin. He became a stout man with blue eyes and brown hair. Sadie was born in Michigan to Dutch 1 3
parents in 1890, and she married William about 1908. Their daughter Wilma was born in 1913, and their son Barton 1
was born in October of 1917. At that time William and his family were living at Sherman while he farmed in adjacent 1
Wexford Township. 1
1. 1900 Federal Census of the Fifth Ward of Traverse City in Grand Traverse County, 1910 Federal Census of the village of Buckley in
Wexford County, 1920 Federal Census of the Fifth Ward of Lansing in Ingham County, and 1930 Federal Census of the village of
Sparta in Kent County, Michigan.
2. Traverse City and Grand Traverse County Directory, 1905, R. L. Polk & Company, Detroit.
3. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.

Colwell, _______
Saginaw City (Colwell & Stafford) PHOTOGRAPHERS .................................................................................... ca 1863 1
1. Carte de visite examined in 1995 in the State Archives of Michigan at Lansing.
Colwell, Stephen
Providence, Rhode Island, child ................................................................................................................................ 1850 1
Syracuse, New York, student ..................................................................................................................................... 1860 1
Syracuse, New York, bookkeeper .............................................................................................................................. 1870 1
Syracuse, New York, clerk in a picture store ............................................................................................................. 1880 1
Detroit clerk, salesman or traveling agent for George R. Angell ..................................................................... 1883-1906 d
Detroit photographer, traveling agent or salesman for George R. Angell ........................................................ 1907-1909 d
Detroit traveling agent for a photo supply firm ................................................................................................ 1910-1912 d
Detroit traveling agent ..................................................................................................................................... 1913-1915 d
Detroit clerk ..................................................................................................................................................... 1916-1934 d
Detroit resident .......................................................................................................................................................... 1935 d
Stephen was born in Rhode Island in April of 1848, last of the six children of jeweler Stephen Colwell and his wife 1
Mary. His father was married a second time during the 1850s to a lady named Eliza who had several children older 1
than Stephen. Florence was born in New York State in July of 1848, and she married Stephen in 1868. Their two sons 1
were born in New York: Walter in 1873 or early in 1874 and William in October of 1877. Stephen was employed by 1 d
the Hupp Motor Car Company much of the time between 1916 and the 1930s. d
1. 1850 Federal Census of the Sixth Ward of Providence in Providence County, Rhode Island, 1860 Federal Census of the Seventh
Ward, 1870 Federal Census of the Sixth Ward, and 1880 Federal Census of the city of Syracuse in Onondaga County, New York,
plus 1900 Federal Census of the Second Ward and 1910, 1920 and 1930 Federal Censes of the Fourth Ward of Detroit in Wayne
County, Michigan.

Coman, Anna S., Miss

Buffalo, New York, child .......................................................................................................................................... 1860 1
Detroit saleslady or clerk ................................................................................................................................. 1875-1878 d
Detroit clerk for photographer Corydon C. Randall ........................................................................................ 1879-1880 d 1
Detroit clerk for photographers Friend & Smith ........................................................................................................ 1882 d
Detroit clerk for photographers Bracy, Diehl & Company .............................................................................. 1883-1884 d
Detroit clerk for photographers A. J. Diehl & Company ................................................................................. 1885-1886 d
Detroit stenographer ........................................................................................................................................ 1888-1891 d
Detroit stenographer ......................................................................................................................................... 1896,1898 d
Detroit stenographer ........................................................................................................................................ 1900-1902 1 d
Detroit stenographer .................................................................................................................................................. 1907 d
Detroit stenographer ........................................................................................................................................ 1909-1911 d
Detroit house keeper .................................................................................................................................................. 1917 d
Her parents emigrated from Bavaria and Anna was born in New York State about 1857, the eldest child of Frank and 1
Anna Coman. Her sister Alice was born in January of 1860. Anna was residing in a rooming house in 1880, and she 1
was rooming with the family of a widow in 1900. 1
1. 1860 Federal Census of the Seventh Ward of Buffalo in Erie County, New York, plus 1880 and 1900 Federal Censes of the First
Ward of Detroit in Wayne County, Michigan.

Comee, Squire S.
Henderson, New York, child ..................................................................................................................................... 1850 1
Hebron, Wisconsin, school teacher ............................................................................................................................ 1870 1
Jefferson, Wisconsin, PHOTOGRAPHER ...................................................................................................... 1876-1881 2
Lake Linden PHOTOGRAPHER .................................................................................................................... 1884-1898 m 3
Squire was born in New York State in 1848 or 1849, the son of Benjamin and Eliza A. Comee. Helen Comee was 1
two years younger than Squire and probably was his sister, though she could have been his wife. She was a Hebron 1
milliner in 1870 and a Lake Linden milliner from 1886 until 1889. “S. S. Comee, Jefferson, Wis.” was printed on a m t
card mount beneath a photograph of a drawing depicting two mills at either side of a dam with a town across the river. t
The Comee gallery was on Fourth Street in 1895, and it was at the corner of Fourth and Calumet Streets in 1898. 3
1. 1850 Federal Census of Henderson in Jefferson County, New York, and 1870 Federal Census of the village of Hebron in Jefferson
County, Wisconsin.
2. Directory of Wisconsin Photographers; State Historical Society of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin, 1991.
3. Houghton County Directory, 1895 and 1898, R. L. Polk & Company, Detroit

Comet Photo Studio

Grand Rapids PHOTOGRAPHERS at 230 Michigan st northwest ................................................................. 1916-1925 g
Leo Semerjian was proprietor of this studio in 1916, and offered: “Copying, Enlarging, Printing and Developing. g
Takes Pictures Day or Night, Rain or Shine....” Successive proprietors were Avedis Merigian in 1917, Harry Daniels g
in 1918, and Leo Semerjian again from 1919 to 1925. The same advertising theme was used until 1922, when it was g
abbreviated to: “Copying, Enlarging, Printing and Developing.” g
Comet Photo Studio
Lansing PHOTOGRAPHERS at 117 Washington av south ................................................................................. ca 1915 t
Lansing PHOTOGRAPHERS at 109 Washtenaw st east ..................................................................................... ca 1915 t
The name and address of this studio was printed on the backs of studio portraits in the post card format. One depicts t
a young man in a cowboy outfit probably supplied by the studio. t

Commercial Art Studio

Grand Rapids PHOTO RETOUCHERS in Suite 540-541 of the Houseman Building .............................................. 1906 g
Rudolph L. Beckman and Christian E. Merkle were the proprietors of this studio. They offered Designing, Photo g
Retouching, Wash and Pen Drawings, Catalog Illustrating, Etc. g

Commercial Photo Company

Detroit COMMERCIAL PHOTOGRAPHERS at 54 State st .................................................................................... 1918 d

Commercial Photo Printing Company

Detroit PHOTOGRAPHERS at 74 Woodward av ........................................................................................... 1912-1919 d
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHERS at 78 Woodward av ..................................................................................................... 1920 d
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHERS at 416 Woodward av ................................................................................................... 1920 d
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHERS at 61 Sproat st ................................................................................................... 1921-1922 d
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHERS at 2534 Woodward av ................................................................................................. 1924 d
Detroit COMMERCIAL PHOTOGRAPHERS at 2535 Woodward av ..................................................................... 1925 d
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHERS at 513 Shelby st ................................................................................................ 1926-1929 d
Detroit photographer Isaac D. Jackson was president of this company from 1912 until at least 1917, while Orville R. d
Fondren, William W. Ironside, Frank J. Morgan, Louise C. Owens and Peter H. Nieber played musical chairs in the d
offices of vice president, secretary and treasurer. In 1917 a sign in their second floor rooms right next to the studio of d 1
I. D. Jackson read: “Prints by the Thousand.” Peter Nieber was manager of the company in 1918 and 1919 and 1 d
president in 1920, with Wanda Nowicke as vice president and Frederick J. Holmes as secretary-treasurer. Mrs. Mary d
Nieber became vice president in 1921 and then traded jobs with Fred Holmes in 1922. Peter Nieber was the only d
principal mentioned in 1924, as was Mrs Alma Brown from 1925 to 1927. She was joined by Charles E. Brown in d
1928 and 1929. d
1. 10x48 inch panorama of Woodward Avenue dated 1917 by Lyons & Wyckoff, Burton Historical Collection of the Detroit Public Library.

Commercial Reproducing Company

Detroit COMMERCIAL PHOTOGRAPHERS in Room 1901 of the Real estate Exchange Building ...................... 1920 d
Detroit COMMERCIAL PHOTOGRAPHERS in Room 302, Union Investment Building, 320 Fort st west .. 1921-1926 d m
Detroit COMMERCIAL PHOTOGRAPHERS at 131 Lafayette Boulevard ................................................... 1927-1941 d
In 1921 this company offered “Photostat reproductions, Blue Prints, Van Dykes, Black Lines and Mounting.” d

Commercial Studio, The

Detroit COMMERCIAL PHOTOGRAPHERS at 1048 Vermont av ............................................................... 1914-1915 d m
Joseph L. Grossman was proprietor of this studio, which did catalogue work and commercial work of all kinds. d

Compton, Benjamin D.
Berrien County carpenter ........................................................................................................................................... 1850 1
La Grange Township farmer ...................................................................................................................................... 1860 1
Dowagiac PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................ 1863-1865 2
Dowagiac PHOTOGRAPHER and retail liquor dealer ................................................................................... 1866-1867 3
Dowagiac saloon keeper ............................................................................................................................................ 1870 1
Benjamin was born in New Jersey about 1807. In 1850 he and 33-year-old Jemima Compton (born in Ohio) were 1
providing a home for six-year-old Andrew W. Saux and two-year-old Nelson Compton. By 1860 he had a thirty-year- 1
old wife named Margaret, who was a widow by 1880. 1
1. 1850 Federal Census of the Tenth Division of Berrien County, as well as 1860 Federal Census of La Grange Township plus 1870
and 1880 Federal Censes of the village of Dowagiac in Cass County, Michigan.
2. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1862-1866, National Archives, Washington, D.C.
3. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1867-1868, Great Lakes Branch of the National Archives, Chicago, Illinois.
Compton, Margaret, Mrs.
La Grange Township farm wife ................................................................................................................................. 1860 1
Dowagiac PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................ 1866-1867 m
Dowagiac house wife ................................................................................................................................................. 1870 1
Dowagiac grocer .............................................................................................................................................. 1872-1875 m
Dowagiac photographer ............................................................................................................................................. 1880 1
Margaret was born in New Jersey or New York about 1830. Her marriage to Benjamin D. Compton may have been 1
her second, for they were sharing their home with nine-year-old Sarah J. Heninger in 1860. Margaret’s picture gallery 1 m
was classified with the photographers in 1866. She was a widow by 1880. Joliet, Illinois, had a daguerreotypist named 1 2
Mrs. Compton in 1860. 2
1. 1860 Federal Census of La Grange Township plus 1870 and 1880 Federal Censes of the village of Dowagiac in Cass County,
2. Marie Czach, A Directory of Early Illinois Photographers, Western Illinois University, Macomb, Illinois, 1977.

Conant, _______
Manistee (Conant & Gurnsey) PHOTOGRAPHERS on River st east ................................................................. ca 1885 t
Charles W. Conat probably was the senior half of this partnership. m

Conant, Arthur Maximillian

Masonville photographer ........................................................................................................................................... 1900 1
Pequaming (Conant & Sons) PHOTOGRAPHERS .............................................................................................. ca 1907 t
Escanaba (Conant Brothers) PHOTOGRAPHERS ......................................................................................... 1908-1909 m
Menominee PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................... 1910 1
Menominee PHOTOGRAPHER at 926 Main st .............................................................................................. 1911-1913 2 m
Crystal Falls PHOTOGRAPHER .............................................................................................................................. 1913 t
Chassell (Conant & Sons) PHOTOGRAPHERS .................................................................................................. ca 1914 t
Pequaming (Conant & Sons) PHOTOGRAPHERS .............................................................................................. ca 1914 t
Menominee PHOTOGRAPHER at 926 Main st .............................................................................................. 1914-1923 2 m
Menominee PHOTOGRAPHER at 926 Sheridan road ................................................................................... 1924-1935 2 1
Arthur was born in Michigan on September 26, 1882, second of the four children of photographer David J. and Anna 3 1
M. Conant and their elder son. He became a tall man with blue eyes and brown hair. Margaret’s parents were Irish, 1 3
and she was born in Michigan in 1886. She married Arthur about 1907. Their daughter Marjorie was born in 1910 and 1
their son Harry was born in 1915. The Conant Brothers recorded in post card photographs the destruction of an 1 t
Escanaba hotel by fire on February 1, 1909. Arthur used the same format for a burning church in Menominee, informal t
outdoor groups, the state champion Menominee High School football team of 1912, sailboats in the harbor and a t
bird’s-eye view of Menominee. The Pequaming and Chassell dates came from postmarks which approximate when t
photos were taken there, and do not indicate that a studio was established in these towns though there are indications t
that the Conants did utilize a portable gallery that could be set up or disassembled in a day and transported by rail. The t
gazetteers for 1927 and 1931 placed the studio at 926 Sheridan Avenue. By 1930 Arthur was divorced and living m 1
alone. Some of his postal photographs were mailed in 1937 and 1938. 1 t
1. 1900 Federal Census of Masonville Township in Delta County, as well as 1910 and 1930 Federal Censes of the Second Ward plus
1920 Federal Census of the Third Ward of Menominee in Menominee County, Michigan.
2. Menominee City Directory, 1911, 1913, 1921, 1924, 1926, 1930, 1932 and 1935, R. L. Polk & Company, Detroit.
3. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.
Conant, Charles B.
Lewiston, Maine, PHOTOGRAPHER ....................................................................................................................... 1870 1
Falmouth, Massachusetts, PHOTOGRAPHER ` .............................................................................................. 1873-1874 2
Portland, Maine, PHOTOGRAPHER at 478 Congress st opposite the Preble House ..................................... 1874-1878 3
Portland, Maine, PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................ 1880 1
Boston, Massachusetts, PHOTOGRAPHER at 25 Winter st ..................................................................................... 1890 2
Boston, Massachusetts, general manager of Allen & Powell, photographers and photo supply merchants ............... 1890 2
Traverse City PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................. 1893 4
Cambridge, Massachusetts, traveling agent ............................................................................................................... 1900 1
Cambridge, Massachusetts, real estate agent ............................................................................................................. 1910 1
Cambridge, Massachusetts, proprietor of a real estate business ................................................................................ 1920 1
Charles was born in Maine in October of 1839. Eleanor (called Nellie in 1870) was born in Maine to Scotch parents 1
in December of 1841, and she married Charles about 1862. All of their children were born in Maine: Charles in 1
December of 1866, Harry in July of 1868, Grace about 1871, Francis in November of 1873, and Louis in January of 1
1881. That C. B. Conant’s gallery in Traverse City had been damaged by fire was reported in the spring of 1893. The 1 4
1900 census found Charles in San Francisco on business, while Eleanor and three of their sons were enumerated back 1
in Cambridge. 1
1. 1870 Federal Census of Lewiston in Androscoggin County and 1880 Federal Census of the city of Portland in Cumberland County,
Maine, 1900 Federal Census of Assembly District 39 of San Francisco in San Francisco County, California, 1900 Federal Census
of the Fifth Ward plus 1910 and 1920 Federal Censes of the Ninth Ward of Cambridge in Middlesex County, Massachusetts..
2. Chris Steele and Ronald Polito, A Directory of Massachusetts Photographers 1839-1900, Picton Press, Camden, Maine, 1993.
3. Important Events of the Century, Benson & Rippey, New York, 1878.
4. Wilson’s Photographic Magazine, volume 30, number 436, April 1893, page 190.
Conant, David Joseph
United States Army soldier .............................................................................................................................. 1864-1865 1
Detroit resident .......................................................................................................................................................... 1880 1
Garden PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................. 1886-1887 m
Cheboygan PHOTOGRAPHER up stairs ........................................................................................................ 1888-1891 m
Naubinway PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................... ca 1892 t
Masonville PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................................ 1900 2
Escanaba (Conant & Son) PHOTOGRAPHERS ............................................................................................. 1906-1908 R
Pequaming (Conant & Sons) PHOTOGRAPHERS .............................................................................................. ca 1907 t
Wausaukee, Wisconsin, (Conant & Son) PHOTOGRAPHERS ...................................................................... 1907-1908 3
Escanaba resident ...................................................................................................................................................... 1910 2
Nahma PHOTOGRAPHER .................................................................................................................................. ca 1911 t
Pequaming PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................ ca 1912 t
Chassell (Conant & Sons) PHOTOGRAPHERS .................................................................................................. ca 1914 t
Felch PHOTOGRAPHER .................................................................................................................................... ca 1914 t
Foster City PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................ ca 1914 t
Pequaming (Conant & Sons) PHOTOGRAPHERS .............................................................................................. ca 1914 t
Stephenson PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................... ca 1914 t
Menominee PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................... 1920 2
His parents came from New York and David was born in Michigan on November 3, 1845. He was five feet eleven 2 1
inches tall with a light complexion, grey eyes and light hair when he enlisted at Grand Rapids as a private in Company 1
H of the 26th Michigan Infantry on February 10, 1864. He was mustered into the army on the same day, and was 1 4
wounded in action at Spottsylvania, Virginia, on May 12, 1864. He deserted on July 31, 1864, but seems to have 4 1
reported back to his unit and was discharged by General Order Number 77 dated April 19, 1865. During the next 1
fifteen years he was married and widowed. Anna was born at Berlin, Germany, on April 29, 1861, and was brought to 1 2
America in 1866. She married David at Detroit on January 23, 1880, and their daughter Electa was born in Illinois in 2 1
November of 1880. Their other children were born in Michigan: Arthur in September of 1882, Harry in November of 2
1884, and Iva in 1903 or early in 1904. Both sons became professional photographers. His name was spelled “D. J. 2 5
Connant” on some cabinet mounts. He was on the road much of the time between 1905 and 1915. Anna and Iva were 5 2
enumerated at Escanaba in 1910, while David was out taking pictures. Some of the towns listed above are where 2 t
negatives were exposed from which to print post card photographs of lumbering, shipping, streets, stores and schools. t
“Conant” or “Photo by Conant and Sons” or “Conant and Sons Photo” or “Foto Conant” was lettered on the negatives t
produced by David, Arthur or Harry. In most cases the dates shown above were derived from postmarks. One of the t
views of Stephenson includes a portable gallery the same as or very similar to the one used by the Jacobson Brothers t
in 1907 and 1908 in places such as Bark River and Nadeau. This building could be disassembled or erected in a day t
and transported by rail. David applied for a veteran’s pension of sixteen dollars per month in May of 1912. His t 1
daughter Electa was working as a photographer in his Menominee studio in 1920. He died at Munising on February 2 1
13, 1922, and a year later Anna applied for a widow’s pension. 1
1. Civil War Veteran Pension Record of David J. Conant obtained from the National Archives at Washington, D. C.
2. 1900 Federal Census of Masonville Township and 1910 Federal Census of the Fourth Ward of Escanaba in Delta County, plus
1920 Federal Census of the Third Ward of Menominee in Menominee County, Michigan.
3. Directory of Wisconsin Photographers; State Historical Society of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin, 1991.
4. Learned in 1997 at the Garden Peninsula Historical Museum at Garden, Michigan.
5. Record of Service of Michigan Volunteers in the Civil War, 1861-1865; published by the State of Michigan about 1904.
Conant, Harry Arlington
Masonville student ..................................................................................................................................................... 1900 1
Escanaba (Conant & Son) PHOTOGRAPHERS ............................................................................................. 1906-1908 R
Pequaming (Conant & Sons) PHOTOGRAPHERS .............................................................................................. ca 1907 t
Wausaukee, Wisconsin, (Conant & Son) PHOTOGRAPHERS ...................................................................... 1907-1908 2
Escanaba PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................................... 1908 3
Escanaba (Conant Brothers) PHOTOGRAPHERS ......................................................................................... 1908-1909 m
Escanaba PHOTOGRAPHER at 801 Wells av ......................................................................................................... 1909 4
Chassell (Conant & Sons) PHOTOGRAPHERS .................................................................................................. ca 1914 t
Pequaming (Conant & Sons) PHOTOGRAPHERS .............................................................................................. ca 1914 t
Sturgeon Bay, Wisconsin, PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................... 1917-1918 2
Crystal Falls PHOTOGRAPHER .................................................................................................................... 1918-1921 m
Marinette, Wisconsin, PHOTOGRAPHER at 222 Main st ....................................................................................... 1921 5
Marinette, Wisconsin, PHOTOGRAPHER ..................................................................................................... 1924-1928 2
Van Nuys, California, resident ......................................................................................................................... 1873-1874 6 7
Harry was born in Michigan on November 13, 1884, third of the four children of photographer David J. and Anna 8 1
M. Conant. He became a tall and slender man with hazel eyes and brown hair. The opening of Harry’s Escanaba studio 8 3
was reported in the spring of 1908. “Conant’s Art Gallery, Escanaba, Mich.” was blind stamped into 10 by 12 inch 3 t
black mounts carrying photographs of lumber mills. As Conant Brothers, he and Arthur produced interesting post card t
photographs of Escanaba. Harry wanted very much to be the photographic partner of Henry H. Robb in Escanaba, and t 9
in 1908 Henry spent some time teaching him several techniques in developing, printing and toning pictures, but the 9
partnership never materialized. For a while Harry roamed northern Michigan and Wisconsin working with his camera 9 6
when he could from a tent. He later established a successful studio at Marinette. Elizabeth was born in Wisconsin on 6 1
October 20, 1886, and she married Harry when she was 27 years old. They had three sons: Howell was born in 1
Wisconsin in 1915 or early in 1916, Roger was born in Michigan three years later, and James was born in Wisconsin 1
about 1929. Harry retired to California in the late 1930s, and died at Van Nuys on September 3, 1974. Elizabeth died 6 7
in February of 1980 at Scottsdale, Arizona. Howell Conant, Harry’s son, became known nationally in the 1960s and 7 6
1970s for his photographs, such as those of the wedding of Grace Kelly to the Prince of Monaco and those of the 6
Nixon family. 6
1. 1900 Federal Census of Masonville Township in Delta County, Michigan, and 1930 Federal Census of the Fifth Ward of Marinette
in Marinette County, Wisconsin.
2. Directory of Wisconsin Photographers; State Historical Society of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin, 1991.
3. St. Louis and Canadian Photographer; volume 32, number 4, April 1908, page 122.
4. Escanaba and Delta County Directory, 1909, R. L. Polk & Company, Detroit.
5. Marinette City Directory, 1921, R. L. Polk & Company, Detroit.
6. Correspondence from Mrs. Alda R. Zuver, daughter of Henry Robb, in July and August of 1975.
7. California Death Index, 1940-1997, and Social Security Death Index.
8. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.
9. Letter from Henry H. Robb to his brother Charles on January 31, 1909.

Conant, Joseph D.
Carleton PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................................ ca 1894 t
Deerfield PHOTOGRAPHER .............................................................................................................................. ca 1894 t
Milan PHOTOGRAPHER .................................................................................................................................... ca 1894 t
Monroe PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................................. ca 1894 m
Dundee PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................ 1894-1895 t
Deerfield (Elwood & Conant) PHOTOGRAPHERS ............................................................................................ ca 1895 t
Dundee (Elwood & Conant) PHOTOGRAPHERS .............................................................................................. ca 1895 t
Milan (Elwood & Conant) PHOTOGRAPHERS ................................................................................................. ca 1895 t
Petersburg (Elwood & Conant) PHOTOGRAPHERS .......................................................................................... ca 1895 m
Dundee PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................ 1896-1897 t
Cabinet photographs are found from “CONANT’S STUDIO, DUNDEE AND CARLETON, MICH.” from “CONANT’S t
DEERFIELD, PETERSBURG, MILAN, DUNDEE.” Fred W. Elwood was Joseph’s partner about 1895. t m
Conat, Charles W.
Great Lakes sailor ............................................................................................................................................ 1858-1860 1
Port Huron photographic apprentice ................................................................................................................ 1860-1861 1
White Rock PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................... 1867 2
Au Sable jeweler .............................................................................................................................................. 1869-1871 1
East Tawas PHOTOGRAPHER and jeweler ................................................................................................... 1872-1873 1
Van Buren County medical student ................................................................................................................. 1873-1875 1
Ludington doctor and dentist ........................................................................................................................... 1875-1878 1
Manistee PHOTOGRAPHER on the north side of River st ............................................................................. 1878-1880 m 1
Manistee PHOTOGRAPHER at 341 River st .................................................................................................. 1880-1895 m
Manistee (Conant & Gurnsey) PHOTOGRAPHERS on River st east ................................................................. ca 1885 t
Manistee PHOTOGRAPHER at 341 River st .................................................................................................. 1886-1893 m 3
Ludington PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................. ca 1893 t
Manistee PHOTOGRAPHER at 341 River st .................................................................................................. 1894-1897 m
Bear Lake PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................ 1898-1899 4
Manistee PHOTOGRAPHER at 341 River st .................................................................................................. 1898-1901 m
Manistee PHOTOGRAPHIC SUPPLY MERCHANT at 66 Filer st ......................................................................... 1902 5
Manistee PHOTOGRAPHER at 341 River st .................................................................................................. 1902-1905 m
Charles was born April 5, 1840, at Streetsville, Ontario, and was educated in a private school at Kleinsburg, Ontario. 1
He sailed out of a port in the United States, probably Port Huron, and began learning both photography and the 1
jewelry business there during the winters. The Charles Conat who served in Company D of the First Michigan 1 6
Engineers and Mechanics during the Civil War was not the photographer. Charles was on the road for seven years 6 1
before settling in Au Sable, taking photographs and selling jewelry, and he probably used his camera to supplement his 1
jewelry business in Au Sable. Ellen was born in Michigan in 1847 or 1848, she married Charles about 1865, and she 7
gave birth to Electa, Charles and John between 1866 and April of 1870. Charles wrote a long letter to the local 7 8
newspaper about the origins of a fire late in 1872, stating that it originated neither by his photograph screen taking fire 8
nor from his stove or pipe, but burst out through the wall 18 inches below the second floor from the chimney of the 8
adjoining billiard room. After giving the alarm, Charles ran up stairs to find his photo room full of smoke with no 8
visible fire. Late in March of 1873 he reminded people who wanted pictures to call soon, since he would remain in 8
East Tawas only until the opening of navigation. He studied medicine with a Doctor Rowe, and specialized in dentistry 8 1
at Ludington until he sold that portion of his business in 1877. He had a medical office in Pierport for a short time 1
before moving to Manistee in the spring of 1879. Charles married 24-year-old Mrs. Catherine Soper from Ireland on 1 7
November 6, 1879. She brought along her six-year-old son Arlie and took charge of 13-year-old Lettie Conat and her 7
five brothers ranging in age from 3 to 12: Davy, Willie, Josie, John and Charlie. Their daughter Birdelia was born in 7
September of 1881. Charles moved into the new gallery at 341 River Street in May of 1880, and maintained a jewelry 7 1
store on the first floor of this building until at least 1888, when he was listed as a photographer, jeweler and proprietor 1 R
of the Eagle Clothing Company. Many of his cabinet photographs are from “Conat’s Riverside Gallery’” but some R t
from the early 1890s are from “Manistee & Ludington.” They include portraits with a “Celluloid Finish” and photos of t 9
supposedly prehistoric artifacts dug up in Montcalm County, which have since come to be known as the Soper Frauds. 9 t
Conat cabinet photographs from “Manistee, Traverse City and Ludington” could be the work of Charles or of J. t
Wesley Conat, or may have resulted from their collaboration. Charles rental of a gallery at Bear Lake was reported late t 4
in 1898. He advertised nationally early in 1899: “WANTED - All-round photographer; send samples and photo of self; 4
state salary per month; steady job; board $3.50 to $4.00....” Charles made improvements to his studio during the winter 4
of 1899-1900. He advertised again in the summer of 1903: “WANTED - A first-class, all-around man, especially good 4
retoucher and finisher; answer at once and state salary in first letter; steady job year round....” In 1905 Conat’s Studio 4
advertised “Artistic Portraiture. Viewing of all Descriptions. General Photographic Work. Portraits Enlarged, Crayon, 4
Pastelle and Water Colors….” Mrs. Jennie E. Smith was proprietor of the Conat Studio at 341 River Street in 1907. 4 5
Note that Charles’ sons John and Ed became professional photographers. Catherine was a widow in 1920 living with m 7
the family of her daughter Birdelia at Cleveland, Ohio. 7
1. The Salt City of the Inland Seas, Manistee Daily News, Manistee, Michigan, 1899.
2. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1867-1868, Great Lakes Branch of the National Archives, Chicago, Illinois.
3. Manistee City Directory, 1893, J. Carr Anderson, Manistee, Michigan.
4. St. Louis and Canadian Photographer; volume 22, number 11, November 1898, page 593; volume 23, number 2, February 1899, page 102;
volume 24, number 1, January, 1900, page 34; and volume 27, number 7, July 1903.
5. Manistee County Directory, 1902, 1905 and 1907, R. L. Polk & Company, Detroit.
6. Record of Service of Michigan Volunteers in the Civil War, 1861-1865; published by the State of Michigan about 1904.
7. 1870 Federal Census of the village of Au Sable in Iosco County, plus 1880 and 1900 Federal Censes of the Third Ward of Manistee
in Manistee County, Michigan, as well as 1920 Federal Census of the Third Ward of Cleveland in Cuyahoga County, Ohio.
8. Iosco County Gazette, Tawas City, Michigan, January 2 and March 27, 1873. Noted by James Donaldson of Detroit.
9. John Cumming, “Humbugs of the First Water: The Soper Frauds,” in Michigan History, March/April 1979.

Conat, D. W.
Manistee sailor and photographer .............................................................................................................................. 1880 1
D. W. was born in Canada in 1844 or 1845 and Annie, his wife, was born in Prussia fifteen years later. They were 1
living with his brother Charles in 1880. 1
1. 1880 Federal Census of the Third and Fourth Wards of Manistee in Manistee County, Michigan.
Conat, Edward
Please see the entry for W. Ed Conat.

Conat, George
Au Sable daguerreian ................................................................................................................................................. 1870 1
George was born in Canada about 1849, and was living with his brother Charles in 1870. 1
1. 1870 Federal Census of the village of Au Sable, Iosco County, Michigan

Conat, John Wesley

Au Sable baby ............................................................................................................................................................ 1870 1
Manistee student ........................................................................................................................................................ 1880 1
Manistique PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................... ca 1890 2
Traverse City PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................... 1892-1895 m
Manistee photographer .............................................................................................................................................. 1900 1
Manistee manager of Conat’s Studio at 341 River st ................................................................................................. 1902 3
Grand Rapids (Conat Brothers) PHOTOGRAPHERS .................................................................................... 1902-1903 m
Manistee (Conat Brothers) PHOTOGRAPHERS at the south east corner of River and Poplar sts ................. 1903-1907 3 m
Manistee (Conat Brothers) PHOTOGRAPHERS ............................................................................................ 1908-1909 m
Manistee (Conat Brothers) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 55 Poplar st .................................................................... 1910-1922 3 m
Manistee PHOTOGRAPHER at 55 Poplar st .................................................................................................. 1915-1923 3 m
Manistee PHOTOGRAPHER .................................................................................................................................... 1925 R
Manistee (Conat Brothers Studio) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 55 Poplar st ......................................................... 1926-1931 m
John was born in Michigan of Canadian parentage in April of 1870, the son of photographer Charles W. Conat and 1
his first wife, Ellen. “J. W. Conat, Jr., Artistic Photographer, Manistique, Mich.” was printed on cabinet mounts. He 1 t
probably was working with his father in 1900. Before 1916 he usually was listed as J. Wesley Conat. Cabinet m t
photographs from “Manistee, Traverse City and Ludington” may have come from a collaboration between this man t
and Charles W. Conat. The Conat Brothers blind stamped post card photographs, including a bird’s-eye view of the t
blazing Briny Inn showing firemen working in the below-zero cold. A 1913 advertisement was for “CONAT BROS., t m
THE LEADING PHOTOGRAPHERS, John W. Conat, Prop. Pictures Copied and Enlarged in Pastel, India Ink, m
Crayon and Water Colors. Savings Bank Building Annex, MANISTEE,….” John was the sole proprietor of the Conat m 3
Brothers studio most of the time after 1911, but W. Ed Conat rejoined him for a while about 1919. “MANISTEE, m 3
Mich., July-30-24 CONAT BROS” was lettered on the negative of a post card photograph of a tree that had been t
uprooted by a storm and was leaning against a house. John does not seem to have married. He was living with his t 1
father in 1900, sharing space with his brother Edward in 1910 and living by himself in 1920 and in 1930. 1
1. 1870 Federal Census of the village of Au Sable in Iosco County, as well as 1880, 1900 and 1910 Federal Censes of the Third Ward
plus 1920 and 1930 Federal Censes of the Fourth District of Manistee in Manistee County, Michigan.
2. Learned in 1997 at the Garden Peninsula Historical Museum in Garden, Michigan.
3. Manistee County Directory, 1902, 1903, 1905, 1907, 1910, 1913, 1919, 1922 and 1928, R. L. Polk & Company, Detroit.

Conat, Joseph Heyrion

Manistee student ........................................................................................................................................................ 1880 1
Woodstock, Ontario, carver ....................................................................................................................................... 1901 2
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 236 ½ Gratiot av ............................................................................................. 1906-1907 m
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 836-840 Grand River av ................................................................................. 1907-1909 d m
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 836 Grand River av ......................................................................................... 1910-1914 d m
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 825 Grand River av ......................................................................................... 1914-1915 m
Greenfield photographer ............................................................................................................................................ 1915 d
One Joseph H. Conat had a photographic studio in 1904 at Preston, Ontario, and another from 1905 until 1907 at 3
Chatham, Ontario. This Joseph H. Conat was born in Michigan in 1872, a son of photographer Charles W. Conat and 3 1
his first wife, Ellen. He was called Josie as a child, and seems to have been married and divorced by 1901. Isabelle M. 1 2
Reid was born in 1877 or 1878 at Woodstock, Ontario, the daughter of William and Christine (Street) Reid. She 1 2
married Joseph at Woodstock on April 17, 1901, and they moved to Detroit in 1906. 2 1
1. 1880 Federal Census of the Third Ward of Manistee in Manistee County and 1910 Federal Census of the Eighth Ward of Detroit in
Wayne County, Michigan.
2. Ontario, Canada Marriages, 1857-1924.
3. Glen C. Phillips, The Ontario Photographers List Volume II (1901-1925), Iron Gate Publishing Company, London, Ontario, 1997.

Conat, T. J.
Manistee (Conat Brothers Studio) 55 Poplar st ............................................................................................... 1912-1915 m
T. J. was listed as the manager of the studio during this period, and no principals were identified. m
Conat, William Edward
Manistee child ............................................................................................................................................................ 1880 1
Manistee artist for Conat’s Studio ............................................................................................................................. 1902 2
Grand Rapids (Conat Brothers) PHOTOGRAPHERS .................................................................................... 1902-1903 m
Manistee (Conat Brothers) PHOTOGRAPHERS at the south east corner of River and Poplar sts ................. 1903-1907 2 m
Manistee (Conat Brothers) PHOTOGRAPHERS ............................................................................................ 1908-1909 m
Manistee (Conat Brothers) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 55 Poplar st .................................................................... 1910-1911 2 m
Manistee photographer .............................................................................................................................................. 1913 2
Saginaw PHOTOGRAPHER at 415 Genesee av ............................................................................................. 1914-1915 m s
Seattle, Washington, photographer for the Radium Studio ........................................................................................ 1918 3
Manistee (Conat Brothers) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 55 Poplar st .............................................................................. 1919 2
Chicago, Illinois, general photographer ..................................................................................................................... 1930 1
Alameda, California, resident .......................................................................................................................... 1955-1956 4
Edward was born in Michigan on June 24, 1873, the son of photographer Charles W. Conat and his first wife, Ellen. 3 1
As a child he was called Willie. John Wesley Conat was the senior partner in Conat Brothers, and was sole proprietor 1 m
of the business when he was not sharing the responsibilities with Edward. Ed was an active member of the m 5
Photographers’ Association of America in 1905. He died at Alameda on March 3, 1956. 5 4
1. 1870 Federal Census of the village of Au Sable in Iosco County, plus 1880 and 1910 Federal Census of the Third Ward of
Manistee in Manistee County, Michigan, as well as 1930 Federal Census of the 43rd Ward of Chicago in Cook County, Illinois.
2. Manistee County Directory, 1902, 1903, 1905, 1907, 1910, 1913, 1919, 1922 and 1928, R. L. Polk & Company, Detroit.
3. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.
4. California Death Index, 1940-1997.
5. The Association Review, Convention Annual, Boston 1905, The Photographers’ Association of America.

Conely, William B.
Brighton Township farmer on his father’s farm ......................................................................................................... 1850 1
Ann Arbor wagon maker ............................................................................................................................................ 1861 2
United States Army soldier .............................................................................................................................. 1861-1862 2 3
Ann Arbor resident .................................................................................................................................................... 1863 2
Ann Arbor PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................ ca 1864 4
Detroit artist ..................................................................................................................................................... 1871-1897 d
New Baltimore artist ........................................................................................................................................ 1898-1899 d m
Detroit artist ..................................................................................................................................................... 1900-1906 d
Detroit resident or landscape and portrait artist ................................................................................................ 1908,1910 2 1
William was born in New York State on December 15, 1830, second of the eight children of Samuel and Rebecca 2 1
(Southard) Conley. He enlisted in Company A of the First Michigan Engineers and Mechanics at Albion on September 3 2
18, 1861. His first and only marriage was to Miss Ann McCollum in Ann Arbor four days later, on September 22. 2
Annie was born in Ann Arbor on May 24, 1840. William was mustered into the army as a private at Marshall on 2 3
October 29, 1861. During the Battle of Perryville, Kentucky, on October 8, 1862, he received a gun shot wound in the 3
right thigh which fractured the femur. He was hospitalized at Louisville, Kentucky, but the ball was never removed and 12
to avoid extreme pain, the wound was kept open for the rest of his life. He was honorably discharged at Louisville on 2 3
a surgeon’s certificate of disability on December 5, 1862. He soon applied for and obtained an Invalid Pension. Ann 3 2
gave birth to Katherine on June 16, 1868, and to Walter on March 26, 1872. Both were single and living with their 2 1
parents in 1900. Katherine married, but by 1910 was back with her parents as a divorcee with two young daughters. 1
The surname was spelled Conley in many of the 20th Century records. By 1908 William’s wound was getting worse so d 2
that walking was difficult and a nurse was required to dress the wound every day. He was identified as an artist and 2
was pensioned at $40.00 per month when he died of old age at Algonac on October 12, 1911. Anna qualified for a 2
Widow’s Pension of $30.00 per month and lived with or near her son in Highland Park until her death on October 13, 2
1921. 2
1. 1850 Federal Census of Brighton Township in Livingston County, plus 1900 Federal Census of the Fourth Ward and 1910
Federal Census of the Second Ward of Detroit in Wayne County, Michigan.
2. Civil War Veteran Pension Record of William B. Conely obtained from the National Archives at Washington, D. C.
3. Record of Service of Michigan Volunteers in the Civil War, 1861-1865; published by the State of Michigan about 1904.
4. Identification of the source of this information has been misplaced, and must be re-established.
Conklin, Charles A.
Adrian insurance agent .............................................................................................................................................. 1865 A
Adrian undertaker ............................................................................................................................................ 1869-1873 m A
Adrian art store proprietor and undertaker ....................................................................................................... 1874-1878 A m
Adrian undertaker ...................................................................................................................................................... 1880 1
Adrian furniture dealer and undertaker ............................................................................................................ 1882-1883 A m
Adrian funeral director and furnisher ............................................................................................................... 1885-1900 A
Their parents came from New York, and Charles and his wife were born in Michigan, he in 1838 or 1839 and Mary 1
five years later. Their three sons and two daughters were born in Michigan between 1863 and 1876. From his art store 1 m
at 32 Maumee Street in the 1870s, Charles dealt in “... Stereoscopes and views, picture frames, brackets, window m
shades, cords and tassels, artist’s material, material for wax flowers, stationery, &c., &c., &c.” Over thirty stereo views m t
of Adrian were photographed by James A. Jenney and were “... Published and sold only by C. A. Conklin....” C. A. t
Conklin also was printed on stereographs of American scenery mass-produced by eastern firms. t
1. 1880 Federal Census of the Fourth Ward of Adrian in Lenawee County, Michigan.

Conklin, Charles F.
Detroit messenger or clerk ................................................................................................................................ 1877,1879 d
Detroit artist for photographer John S. Foster ........................................................................................................... 1881 d
Detroit artist ..................................................................................................................................................... 1882-1883 d

Conklin, William G. B.
Silver Creek Township child ..................................................................................................................................... 1870 1
Silver Creek Township farmer on his father’s farm ................................................................................................... 1880 1
Dowagiac PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................ 1890-1891 m
Dowagiac PHOTOGRAPHER at 135 Front st south ....................................................................................... 1891-1892 2
William was born in Michigan in 1863 or early in 1864, the eldest child and only son of Gilbert and Maria Conklin. 1
His sisters Belinda and Alice were born between 1865 and 1868. Silver Creek Township was served by the Dowagiac 1
post office. In the spring of 1891 William succeeded Thomas A. Cunningham in the studio over Beckwith’s millinery 1 2
store at 135 South Front Street in Dowagiac. William was in turn bought out by Fred Howe in December of 1892. 2
1. 1870 and 1880 Federal Censes of Silver Creek Township in Cass County, Michigan.
2. Dowagiac Times, Dowagiac, Michigan, May of 1891and December 8, 1892.

Conley, Rebecca A., Mrs.

New Buffalo housewife ............................................................................................................................................. 1880 1
Grand Rapids resident or retoucher ................................................................................................................. 1888-1889 g
Grand Rapids resident ................................................................................................................................................ 1893 g
Rebecca was born in Ohio about 1846 and by the time she was twenty was married to John Conley. Their children, 1
William, John, Edward, Anna and Nettie, were born in Michigan between 1867 and 1878. In 1893 Rebecca was 1 g
identified as the widow of John Conley. g
1. 1880 Federal Census of the village of New Buffalo in Berrien County, Michigan.

Conlon, _______
Detroit (Hunter, Conlon & Pierce) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 220 Woodward av ....................................................... 1884 1
They advertised: “VIEWS of the Michigan MILITARY ACADEMY taken on Commencement Day, at Orchard 1
Lake, Can be had by addressing HUNTER, CONLON & PIERCE, 220 Woodward Avenue ...” 1
1. The Academy News, Michigan Military Academy, Orchard Lake, Michigan, volume 1, number 3, June 1884, page 48.
Conn, George C.
Three Rivers wheelwright .......................................................................................................................................... 1850 1
Three Rivers DAGUERREAN GALLERY ..................................................................................................... 1855-1857 2 3
Constantine AMBROTYPE CAR .................................................................................................................... 1857-1858 3
Three Rivers AMBROTYPIST ................................................................................................................................. 1858 4
Three Rivers wheelwright .......................................................................................................................................... 1860 1
Matteson Township wagon maker ............................................................................................................................. 1870 1
Matteson Township farmer ........................................................................................................................................ 1880 1
Matteson Township wagon maker ............................................................................................................................. 1900 1
George was born in New York State in March of 1822, Frances was born there one year later, and in 1850 they were 1
newlyweds boarding with 36-year-old wheelwright N. L. Pettit. At Three Rivers in 1855 George had a “Mammoth sky 1 2
light ... gallery fitted up with improved facilities for taking correct likenesses of all sizes and prices, and in all kinds of 2
weather.” He was still located in Three Rivers when he was awarded the premium for the Second Best Ambrotype 2 3
exhibited at the St. Joseph County Fair in the fall of 1857. Later in that year George was “... located in Constantine for 3
a short time, and will be happy to accommodate all who wish good Likenesses as cheap as they can be had in Western 3
Michigan. Good Ambrotypes in cases, one dollar; on leather, fifty cents. As I shall remain but a short time ... please 3
give me an early call.” Frances gave birth in April of 1859 to Frank, their only child. Frank married a girl named Ella 3 1
about 1881. With their children, Fred, Albert, Minnie, Mellissa and Bertha, they were living with Frank’s parents in 1
1900. Frank and his family were farming on the Matteson Township property in 1910. 1
1. 1850 and 1860 Federal Censes of Lockport Township in Saint Joseph County, plus 1870, 1880, 1900 and 1910 Federal Censes of
Matteson Township in Branch County, Michigan.
2. Weekly Mercury and St. Joseph County Advertiser, Constantine, Michigan, December 4, 1855, and July 24, 1856.
3. Western Chronicle, Centreville, Michigan, November 5, 1857, and December 30, 1857, through March 4, 1858.
4. Map of St. Joseph County, Michigan, 1858, Geil, Harley & Siverd, Philadelphia.

Conn, James W.
Taymouth Township farmer ....................................................................................................................................... 1900 1
Saginaw photographer for a factory ........................................................................................................................... 1910 1
Saginaw PHOTOGRAPHER at 512 Water st north ........................................................................................ 1912-1913 m s
Saginaw photographer for Wickes Brothers .................................................................................................... 1914-1917 s
Saginaw PHOTOGRAPHER ..................................................................................................................................... 1920 1
Saginaw photographer ............................................................................................................................................... 1921 s
Saginaw photographer for Wickes Brothers .................................................................................................... 1923-1928 s
Saginaw commercial photographer ............................................................................................................................ 1930 1
Saginaw PHOTOGRAPHER at 109 Center st ................................................................................................. 1941-1942 2
James was born in England about 1866, immigrated in 1890 and became a naturalized citizen of the United States. 1
Her mother emigrated from England, Florence was born in Canada in May of 1875, and she married James about 1
1898. Their children were born in Michigan: Wilfred in February of 1900 and Dollie in 1906. James’ second wife was 1
born in Canada in 1880 or 1881. This was Susan’s second marriage, for her 14-year-old son, William Day, was living 1
with them in 1930. Wickes Brothers were engineers and manufacturers of boiler shop tools and saw mill machinery. 1 s
One J. W. Conn was a photographer in 1899 at Wallaceburg, Ontario. 3
1. 1900 Federal Census of Taymouth Township plus 1910, 1920 and 1930 Federal Censes of the Eleventh Ward of Saginaw in Saginaw
County, Michigan.
2. Frank Gueder, “Index of Saginaw Photographers 1865-1971” in Timbertown Log, Saginaw, Michigan, 1973 Fall-Winter 1974 and Summer 1974.
3. Glen C. Phillips, The Ontario Photographers List (1851-1900), Iron Gate Publishing Company, Sarnia, Ontario, 1990.

Connable, Ralph
Petoskey book and stationery merchant ........................................................................................................... 1878-1887 t m
Petoskey wholesale fish merchant .................................................................................................................... 1882-1893 m
Ralph was born in Massachusetts in 1836 or 1837 and his wife, Mary, was born in New York three years later. Their 1
three sons were born in Michigan between 1867 and 1874. Ralph discovered a natural growth of birch, hemlock and 1 t
cedar which he fashioned into a rustic pulpit for presentation to the Michigan Camp Ground Association at Bay View. t
Hoyt S. Spencer and other photographers were commissioned to take stereo views of the pulpit, and some of these t
views were copyrighted by Ralph in 1878. The stereographs were sold for 50 cents, and later 25 cents, to benefit the t
building fund of the Methodist Episcopal Church in Petoskey. The stamp of “R. Connable, cash dealer in Books, t
Stationery and Musical Merchandise, Petoskey, Mich.” is found on other stereo views by H. S. Spencer and on cabinet t
photographs of Mackinac Island scenery. Both Spencer and Wallace S. White of Kalamazoo produced stereographs of t
the Connable cottage at Bay View. t
1. 1880 Federal Census of Bear Creek Township in Emmet County, Michigan.

Connant, D. J.
Please see the entry for David J. Conant.
Connant, Joseph D.
Please see the entry for Joseph D. Conant.

Conner, Charles
Fyfe Lake PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................ 1874-1875 m

Connolly, Beata A., Miss

Grand Rapids artist or retoucher ...................................................................................................................... 1892-1893 g

Connor, E. F.
Waldron PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................... ca 1895 t

Connor, Leartus, Doctor

Detroit member of the Detroit Lantern Club .............................................................................................................. 1893 1
From 1872 until 1878 Leartus was a professor in the Detroit Medical College, and from 1871 through 1907 or longer 2 d
he was an eye and ear surgeon in Detroit. 2
1. The Blue Book of Amateur Photographers ... 1893, compiled by Walter Sprange, Beach Bluff, Massachusetts.
2. Compendium of History and Biography of ...Detroit and Wayne County, H. Taylor & Company, Chicago, Illinois, 1909, pages 453 to 456.

Conper, N. G.
Please see the entry for N. G. Couper.

Conrad, Benjamin J.
Ann Arbor employee of a book and picture store ...................................................................................................... 1870 1
Ann Arbor (J. C. Watson & Company) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 28 Huron st east .................................................... 1872 a
Ann Arbor photographer .................................................................................................................................. 1874-1875 2
Ann Arbor bookkeeper .............................................................................................................................................. 1880 1
Ann Arbor insurance agent .............................................................................................................................. 1886-1900 a 1
Benjamin was born in New York State in March of 1833. Her parents came from New York, Helen was born in 1
Michigan in February of 1840, and she married Benjamin about 1865. Their son Ernest was born in California about 1
1866, and their daughter Lola was born in Michigan in 1871 or early in 1872. The United States sent eight parties to 1 2
observe and photograph the Transit of Venus from different points on the western rim of the Pacific Ocean. The party 2
sent to Pekin, China, was headed by Professor James C. Watson of the University of Michigan as chief astronomer 2
with Professor C. A. Young as assistant astronomer. W. V. Ranger of Syracuse, New York was chief photographer of 2
this party with Dr. Ethan Watson of St. Joseph, Michigan, as first assistant photographer and Benjamin J. Conrad of 2
Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second assistant photographer. The other seven parties were similarly staffed. After weeks of 2
establishing routines and drilling in them on the Observatory grounds at Washington, they started in June and July for 2
their various destinations, to be in place for celestial events that would occur on December 8 and 9, 1874. Benjamin’s 2 3
job was to coat and sensitize the plates, take them out of the baths and hand them to Mr. Ranger, who was to expose 3
them. At times, when Venus was just making contact with the disc of the Sun or as the transit was being completed, 3
they were exposing a plate every twenty seconds. Despite clouds that limited their success, they were able to make 99 3
exposures during the transit. Helen was a widow in 1910, and was providing a home in Ann Arbor for her daughter 3 1
and her husband, Professor John R. Allen, and their daughter Helen. 1
1. 1880 Federal Census of the Fourth Ward plus 1870, 1900 and 1910 Federal Censes of the Sixth Ward of Ann Arbor in Washtenaw
County, Michigan.
2. The Philadelphia Photographer, volume 11, 1874, pages 213 and 214; and The Photographic Times, New York, volume 4, 1874,
pages 97 and 98.
3. Anthony’s Photographic Bulletin, volume 6, number 3, March 1875, pages 65 to 69.
Conrad, Edmond S.
Perry Township, Indiana, child .................................................................................................................................. 1860 1
Clinton Township, Indiana, student and farm laborer on his father’s farm ................................................................ 1870 1
Big Rapids PHOTOGRAPHER on Michigan av ............................................................................................. 1874-1875 m
Reed City LANDSCAPE PHOTOGRAPHER ..................................................................................................... ca 1880 t
Stanton PHOTOGRAPHER ...................................................................................................................................... 1880 1
Mecosta PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................... 1883-1884 2 3
Wylie, Texas, PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................ 1892 4
Fort Gibson, Indian Territory, day laborer ................................................................................................................. 1900 1
Wagoner, Oklahoma, PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................ 1910 1
Wagoner, Oklahoma, painter and paper hanger ......................................................................................................... 1920 1
Wagoner, Oklahoma, PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................ 1930 1
Edmond was born in Indiana to parents from Pennsylvania in September of 1854, eldest of the twelve children of 1
William and Sarah Conrad. Alice was born in Ohio to parents from Pennsylvania in October of 1859, and she married 1
Edmond about 1877. Their four sons were born in Michigan: Guy in April of 1878, Leroy in January of 1880, Oliver 1
in November of 1881, and Glenn William in October of 1883. “E. S. CONRAD, Landscape Artist, REED CITY, 1 t
Mich.” was printed on the lavender back of the orange 5 by 8 inch mount of an albumen print of a lumber mill. t
Edmond produced a series of at least fifteen similar views showing men in camps and in the woods with axes, saws, 5
horses and oxen, on logging railroads, and at banking grounds, rollways and saw mills. “FROM E. S. CONRAD, 5 t
Photographer, MECOSTA, MICH. VIEWS A SPECIALTY.” was printed on the backs of typical stereo mounts which may t
have carried two identical images. The census reports in 1860, 1880 and 1900 were for Edward Conrad, and the Wylie t 1
photographer was identified as E. S. Conrad. Edmond and Alice were providing a home in 1920 for a 13-year-old 4 1
grandson named George and in 1930 for a 28-year-old grandson named Kenneth. 1
1. 1860 Federal Census for Perry Township in Noble County and 1870 Federal Census for Clinton Township in Elkhart County, Indiana,
1880 Federal Census of the village of Stanton in Douglas Township of Montcalm County, Michigan, 1900 Federal Census for Fort
Gibson in the Cherokee Nation, Indian Territory, plus 1910, 1920 and 1930 Federal Censes of the Third Ward of Wagoner in Wagoner
County, Oklahoma.
2. Portrait and Biographical Album of Mecosta County, Michigan, Chapman Brothers, Chicago, 1883, page 573.
3. 1884 Directory of Western Michigan.
4. David Haynes, Catching Shadows, A Directory of 19th-Century Texas Photographers, Texas State Historical Association, Austin,
Texas, 1993.
5. Learned in 1999 at the Burton Historical Collection of the Detroit Public Library.

Conrad, Edward
Please see the entry for Edmond S. Conrad.

Conrad, I. N.
Union PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................................ 1888 R

Conran, Edward C.
Pendleton Township, New York, baby ...................................................................................................................... 1880 1
Kalamazoo resident ................................................................................................................................................... 1900 1
Kalamazoo manager of something illegible ............................................................................................................... 1910 1
Kalamazoo PHOTOGRAPHER at 423 Bellevue Place ................................................................................... 1914-1915 Km
Kalamazoo steward of the Elks Temple ..................................................................................................................... 1920 1
Kalamazoo manager of a general store ...................................................................................................................... 1930 1
Edward was born in New York State about 1881 to an Irish father and a Canadian mother named Barbara. His father 1
was not around in 1880 and seems to have died prior to 1900. Barbara worked as a live-in housekeeper for the family 1
of a farmer in 1880 and for the family of a restaurant proprietor in 1900. Edward was not employed in 1900. He seems 1
to have lived with his mother through 1920. By 1920 he had acquired a 33-year-old wife named Esther who was born 1
in Michigan and was working as a sales lady. In 1930 she was a clerk in the general store. 1
1. 1880 Federal Census of Pendleton Township in Niagara County, New York, and 1900 Federal Census of the Second Ward plus
1910, 1920 and 1930 Federal Censes of the Third Ward of Kalamazoo in Kalamazoo County, Michigan.

Consolidated Copying Company

Detroit PHOTO ENLARGERS at at 44 Grand River av ........................................................................................... 1894 d
Granville S. Gustin and Benjamin O. Edwards were the proprietors of this company. d
Constable, James D.
Wayne Township, Ohio, farm hand on his father’s farm ........................................................................................... 1870 1
Fairview Precinct, Kentucky, druggist ....................................................................................................................... 1880 1
Bessemer (Corlis & Constable) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 5 Longyear st west .................................................. 1892-1893 m 2
Bessemer (Corlis & Constable) PHOTOGRAPHERS ............................................................................................... 1894 3
Bessemer PHOTOGRAPHER at 5 Longyear st west ...................................................................................... 1894-1902 m R
Gaylord PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................... 1902-1903 m
James was born in Ohio in January of 1851, third of the seven known children of John C. and Dorothy Constable. 1
His first marriage was to a lady named Flora who was born in Ohio about 1855. In 1880 Flora was teaching school and 1
they were boarding with the family of a farmer. Corlis & Constable offered photo-enlarging and other services, and 1
guaranteed satisfaction. James’ second marriage was to a Canadian lady, and their daughter Una was born in Michigan 1
in April of 1893. Her parents came from Massachusetts, Rosa was born in Maine in April of 1847, and she came from 1 m
Gaylord as Mrs. Rosa B. Kimberley to marry James at Ironwood on January 17, 1900. Una was living with James and 4 1
Rosa later in 1900, and she was boarding at Wolverine in Cheboygan County with Milo and Hattie B. Peck in 1910. 1
The Constable photograph gallery at the corner of Sophie and Sellar Streets in Bessemer was totally destroyed by a 4
fire which broke out at two o’clock in the morning of Thursday, March 27, 1902. It was a one-story frame structure 4
covered with tar paper, and it burned so rapidly that none of the contents could be saved. A strong wind was blowing 4
at the time, but fortunately it carried the flames toward the street and away from adjacent buildings. This was the 4
second time that James lost a Bessemer gallery to fire, and his 1902 loss was partially covered by insurance. He and 4
his family left Bessemer during the first week of May in 1902 for Gaylord, where James planned to establish a 4
photographic business. 4
1. 1870 Federal Census of Wayne Township in Clermont County, Ohio, 1880 Federal Census of Fairview Precinct in Bracken County,
Kentucky, plus 1900 Federal Census of the Third Ward of Bessemer in Gogebic County and 1910 Federal Census of the village of
Wolverine in Nunda Township of Cheboygan County, Michigan.
2. Wright’s Directory of Ironwood, Hurley and Bessemer, 1893-94, A. G. Wright, Milwaukee.
3. The Blue Book for Amateur Photographers ... 1895: compiled early in 1894 by Walter Sprange, Beach Bluff, Massachusetts.
4. Bessemer Herald, Bessemer, Michigan, March 29 and May 8, 1902, and January 3, 1930. Noted by James G. Donaldson of Detroit,

Converse, James Oliver

Medina Township resident ............................................................................................................................... 1840-1861 1
United States Army soldier .............................................................................................................................. 1861-1863 2
Medina Township resident ............................................................................................................................... 1863-1865 1
Morenci PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................... 1865-1873 1
Morenci (Converse & Stout) PHOTOGRS on the south side of Main st opposite the Exchange Hotel .................... 1874 3
Morenci PHOTOGRAPHER on the third floor over Saulsbury, Pooler & Company’s hardware store .................... 1874 4
Morenci PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................... 1875-1895 1 m
Morenci resident .............................................................................................................................................. 1896-1920 1
James was born in Massachusetts on February 1, 1838, the son of James and Huldah Converse, who brought him to 5 1
Michigan in 1840 and settled in the woods five miles west of Morenci. Here he grew to manhood and helped to clear 1
the farm. He attended the district school, Barrows Seminary and Oak Grove Academy in the nearby village of Medina. 1
James enlisted as a sergeant in Company F of the Eleventh Michigan Infantry on September 11, 1861, and was 1 2
mustered into service on the same day. During the spring of 1862 the regiment was occupied in guarding the Louisville 2
& Nashville Railroad against Confederate raiders. James was honorably discharged at Detroit by reason of a surgeon’s 2
certificate of disability on July 27, 1862. He returned to the family farm, but within two years had settled in Morenci 2 1
and begun his photographic career. Miss Lucy Adams, daughter of Aaron Adams of Medina Township, and James 1
were married on February 1, 1866, and made their home in Morenci. Though they were childless, by 1874 James 1 4
specialized in photographs of children, as well as in copying and enlarging old pictures, and in coloring photographs 4 t
nicely in India Ink. About this time his gallery was on the south side of Main Street, opposite the Exchange Hotel. Ten t
years later his Art Studio was “... over Green & Co’s Hardware.... Copying; India Ink, Crayon and Water Color t
Portraits a Specialty.” Lucy Converse died in Morenci after a short illness on November 19, 1914. Elwood Stoffer and t 1
his daughter Marie, cousins of Mrs. Converse, cared for James in his Morenci home until his death there on December 1
3, 1920. Burial was in Morenci’s Oak Grove Cemetery with services under the auspices of the Masonic Lodge 1
attended in a body by members of the G.A.R. 1
1. Historical column, probably in the Morenci Observer, written by Miss Maud Chase, Morenci City Historian, noted by William A. LaRowe.
2. Record of Service of Michigan Volunteers in the Civil War, 1861-1865; published by the State of Michigan about 1904.
3. Lenawee County Directory, 1874.
4. Morenci Observer, Morenci, Michigan, E. D. Allen, editor, October 24, 1874.
5. 1910 Federal Census of the village of Morenci in Seneca Township of Lenawee County, Michigan.
Conway, Blanche, Miss
South Bloomfield Township, Ohio, resident .............................................................................................................. 1900 1
South Bloomfield Township, Ohio, school teacher ................................................................................................... 1910 1
Hartford PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................... 1920-1931 m
Blanche was born in Ohio in February of 1883, youngest of the three children of Melville R. and Phoeba E. Conway. 1
In 1900 she and her sister May, who was a school teacher, were living with their parents on the family farm. Blanche 1
still was living there in 1910. She and two of her nieces were living at Hartford in 1920 with the widow Rebecca C. 1
Conway, who was identified as Blanche’s mother but was more likely her aunt. In 1930 Blanche was sharing her home 1
with 41-year-old Edna Mason, who was not employed. 1
1. 1900 and 1910 Federal Censes of South Bloomfield Township in Morrow County, Ohio, plus 1920 and 1930 Federal Censes of the
village of Hartford in Hartford Township of Van Buren County, Michigan.

Cook, _______
Jackson (Bailey & Cook) PHOTOGRAPHERS on the third floor at 215 Main st .......................................... 1867-1869 1 2
1. Jackson City Directory and Business Advertiser for 1867 and 1868, James M. Thomas, Jackson, Michigan.
2. Learned in 1997 from Gerry L. Blanchard of Jackson, Michigan.

Cook, _______
South Haven (The North Shore Studio) PHOTOGRAPHERS ............................................................................. ca 1910 t
“COOK & SHER. The North Shore Studio, South Haven, Mich. ” was printed on the back of a postal portrait of a gentleman t
posed outdoors in front of a grape vine. t

Cook, Alton G.
Petoskey rubber stamp manufacturer ............................................................................................................... 1894-1895 m
Petoskey job printer ......................................................................................................................................... 1896-1899 m
Petoskey news dealer ................................................................................................................................................. 1900 1
Petoskey printer and bazaar merchant ............................................................................................................. 1900-1903 m
Petoskey bazaar merchant ................................................................................................................................. 1908-1909 m
Petoskey printer ............................................................................................................................................... 1910-1923 1 m
Alton was born in New York State in November of 1862. Her parents came from Ohio, Nettie was born in Michigan 1
in January of 1867, and she married Alton about 1887. Their two daughters and one son were born in Michigan 1
between September of 1888 and November of 1899. Alton copyrighted numerous works between 1900 and 1907, and 1 2
the Library of Congress has a 5¾ by 14 inch bird’s-eye view of Petoskey from the west and a 3¾ by 9 inch panorama 2
of Petoskey from the harbor, both photographs copyrighted in 1907. He was a commercial printer and a wholesaler of 2 m
post cards in 1918. m
1. 1900, 1910 and 1920 Federal Censes of the First Ward of Petoskey in Emmet County, Michigan.
2. Learned in 2000 and 2001 from Carol Johnson of the Library of Congress in Washington, D. C.

Cook, Arthur Byron

Wolverine child ......................................................................................................................................................... 1900 1
Wolverine student ..................................................................................................................................................... 1910 1
Wolverine PHOTOGRAPHER .................................................................................................................................. 1913 t
Wolverine railroad, express and telegraph agent ............................................................................................. 1916-1927 m
Midland ticket agent for the Michigan Central Railroad ........................................................................................... 1930 1
His father emigrated from England in 1867, his mother emigrated from Canada in 1870, and they married about 1
1878. Arthur was born at Waters, Michigan, on March 25, 1894, fifth of the eight children of Alfred and Sarah Cook, 2 1
and he became a man of average height, slender with blue eyes and dark hair. “BIRDSEYE VIEW, Wolverine, Mich. 2 t
Arthur B. Cook, Photographer” and “CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH, Wolverine, Mich. Arthur B. Cook, t
Photographer” were printed on the post card backs of photographs, including one which was purchased at Wolverine t 1
on August 23, 1913. Vera also was born in Michigan in 1894, and was married to Arthur by 1917. Their sons Robert 1
and Harold were born between 1920 and 1924. 1
1. 1900, 1910 and 1920 Federal Censes of the village of Wolverine in Nunda Township of Cheboygan County, plus 1930 Federal Census
of the Second Ward of Midland in Midland County, Michigan.
2. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.

Cook, Bertha, Mrs.

Detroit housewife ....................................................................................................................................................... 1910 1
Detroit (Washington Studio) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 64 Washington av ....................................................... 1914-1915 m
Bertha was born in Canada in 1871 or 1872, she married Stephen H. Cook about 1896, and she moved with him to 1
Detroit in 1901. Stephen also was a principal of the Washington Studio, and he succeeded the partnership. m d
1. 1910 Federal Census of the First Ward of Detroit in Wayne County, Michigan.
Cook, Charles
East Tawas canvasser for photographer John H. Dubbs ............................................................................................ 1889 1
One of two men hired by Dubbs in the spring of 1889, Charles was expected to be on the road most of the time 1
soliciting orders for large portraits. 1
1. Iosco County Gazette, East Tawas, Michigan, May 2, 1889. Noted in 1994 by James Donaldson of Detroit.

Cook, Converse G.
Ann Arbor apprentice to a printer .............................................................................................................................. 1860 1
United States Army soldier ........................................................................................................................................ 1861 2
Ann Arbor printer ...................................................................................................................................................... 1880 1
Ann Arbor PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................ ca 1885 t
Dundee PHOTOGRAPHER ...................................................................................................................................... 1885 2 t
Ann Arbor photographer for Miss Susan T. Speechly ............................................................................................... 1886 a
Ann Arbor resident .................................................................................................................................................... 1894 a
Ann Arbor printer ............................................................................................................................................ 1896-1901 a
Biloxi, Mississippi, resident ....................................................................................................................................... 1910 1
Converse was born in Michigan some time between 1839 and 1843, probably in January of 1842. He enlisted at Ann 1 2
Arbor for three months in Company E of the First Michigan Infantry on April 24, 1861. He was mustered into the 2
army on May 1 and was mustered out at Detroit on August 7, 1861. In 1880 Converse had a 33-year-old wife named 2 1
Mary, who was born in New York of Irish parentage. It was reported in April of 1885 the “C. G. Cook goes to Dundee 1 3
this week to start a photograph gallery.” Converse’s second marriage was to the photographer Susan Speechly, and 3 4
probably took place in 1887. Converse outlived Susan by five years, living until 1920. 4
1. 1860 Federal Census of the Fourth Ward, 1880 Federal Census of the Third Ward and 1900 Federal Census of the Second Ward of
Ann Arbor in Washtenaw County, Michigan, plus 1910 Federal Census of the Second Ward of Biloxi in Harrison County, Mississippi.
2. Record of Service of Michigan Volunteers in the Civil War, 1861-1865; published by the State of Michigan about 1904.
3. Ann Arbor Courier, Ann Arbor, Michigan, April 8, 1885. Noted by Wystan Stevens of Ann Arbor.
4. Inscription on the tombstone of Converse G. Cook in the Speechly plot of Forest Hills Cemetery at Ann Arbor, Michigan.

Cook, Darwin D.
United States Army soldier .............................................................................................................................. 1846-1848 1
Clinton County traveling PHOTOGRAPHER ...................................................................................................... ca 1849 1
Salem Township farmer ............................................................................................................................................. 1850 2
Salem Township farmer ................................................................................................................................... 1860-1891 2 1
His father was a physician, and Darwin was born in Vermont on March 12, 1823, to Edward W. and Helen W. Cook. 1 2
He served in the Mexican War, and on his return he secured on his land warrant a tract in Clinton County, Michigan. 1
“He was a photographer and traveled about the country with a cart equipped for this purpose, taking pictures in the 1
smaller towns….” Darwin was living with his parents and a younger brother in 1850. He traded his quarter section in 1 2
Clinton County for a tract of forty acres of the family homestead in Salem Township of Washtenaw County, which he 1
proceeded to improve. Miss Eliza B. Murray was born in Salem Township on March 16, 1835, and she married 1
Darwin on July 4, 1852. They had two sons and two daughters between April of 1857 and December of 1863. Eliza 1 2
applied for a widow’s pension on January 15, 1894. 3
1. Portrait and Biographical Album of Washtenaw County, 1891, page 395.
2. 1850, 1860, 1870 and 1880 Federal Censes of Salem Township in Washtenaw County, Michigan, and 1900 Federal Census of the Eighth
Ward of Minneapolis, Minnesota.
3. Index to Civil War Pension Records on the Internet

Cook, David G.
Detroit photographer for Mrs. Clarence H. Smith ..................................................................................................... 1899 d
Cook, David J.
Flint photographer for Charles S. Seabolt .................................................................................................................. 1892 f
Flint photographer ..................................................................................................................................................... 1894 f
Concord PHOTOGRAPHER ..................................................................................................................................... 1895 1
Flint photo operator for photographer Nelson H. Cathcart ........................................................................................ 1897 f
Mason PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................. 1898-1900 2 3
Effingham, Illinois, instructor at the Illinois College of Photography .............................................................. 1910,1920 3
Chicago, Illinois, manager of photographic products ................................................................................................ 1930 3
David was born in Canada in February of 1871 to a father from Indiana and an English mother. Minnie Louise 3
Huxley was born in New York State in August of 1870, the only child of Nelson L. and Louisa Huxley. As newlyweds, 3
Minnie and David lived in Mason with her parents. At the fourth annual convention of the Michigan Photographers 3 2
Association, held at Grand Rapids on February 1, 1899, D. J. Cook of Mason was awarded the first prize in Class C, 2
twelve pictures of any size by a photographer from a town with a population of three thousand or less. Minnie gave 2 3
birth to Emily Louise and James in Illinois between 1905 and 1907. Two of her 1910 neighbors in Effingham, Lewis 3
H. Birsell and Felix A. Raymer, were identified as photographers and probably were instructors at the Illinois College 3
of Photography. Her children still were at home in 1930. Emily was working as a receptionist and James was an 3
interior decorator. 3
1. Identification of the source of this information has been misplaced, and must be re-established.
2. Anthony’s Photographic Bulletin, volume 30, March 1899, page 70.
3. 1900 Federal Census of the Second Ward of Mason in Ingham County, Michigan, plus 1910 and 1920 Federal Censes of the Third Ward
of Effingham in Effingham County and 1930 Federal Census of the 37th Ward of Chicago in Cook County, Illinois.

Cook, Frank E.
Corunna PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................... 1884-1885 m
One Frank Cook was born in 1861 or early in 1862 in California, eldest of the five children of Seth and Mary Cook. 1
The family moved to Michigan about 1865. Frank was attending college in 1880, but in June was living on his parents’ 1
farm in Shiawassee Township, just a few miles south of Corunna. 1
1. 1880 Federal Census of Shiawassee Township in Shiawassee County, Michigan.

Cook, Fred
Alpena child ............................................................................................................................................................... 1880 1
Alpena (LaPine & Cook) PHOTOGRAPHERS ........................................................................................................ 1898 2
Alpena photographer ................................................................................................................................................. 1900 1
Fred was born in Michigan in December of 1878, the son of Fred and Jessie Cook. His father was born in England in 1
April of 1850, was brought to America in 1854 and became a naturalized citizen of the United States. His mother’s 1
parents emigrated from Scotland, she was born in Canada in July of 1855, and she crossed the border in 1870. His 1
parents married about 1873. La Pine & Cook were fitting up a gallery in the spring of 1898 that was to be the finest in 1 2
Northern Michigan. 2
1. 1880 Federal Census of the Second Ward and 1900 Federal Census of the Third Ward of Alpena in Alpena County, Michigan.
2. St. Louis and Canadian Photographer; volume 22, number 4, April 1898, page 186.

Cook, Frederick Dean

Royalton Township, New York, child ....................................................................................................................... 1880 1
Bangor day laborer .................................................................................................................................................... 1900 1
Bangor PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................. 1910-1921 t m
Fred was born in New York State on April 7, 1879, last of the four children of Richard H. and Zernah Cook. He 1 2
became a slim man with blue eyes and light hair. Martha was born in Michigan about 1880 and married Frederick in 2 1
the early 1900s. Their daughter Lois was born in Michigan in 1905. “Cook Studio, Bangor” and captions were 1 t
mechanically printed below the images on post card photographs of such subjects as a store in Bangor and the t
Congregational Church in Grand Junction. Some of the cards were postmarked in 1910. “COOK STUDIO, t
BANGOR, MICH.” was stamped at the upper left corner of an envelope which was addressed to Mrs. C. B. Grant in t
Lawrence, Michigan, and enclosed four negatives of an automobile wreck. “3 each on cards” was penciled on the t
envelope at the lower left, apparently by Fred, indicating that the envelope originally held twelve post cards as well. t
Oddly, the envelope was postmarked in May of 1917, and “Mitchell smashup, June 1917” was penciled at the upper t
right in a different hand. t
1. 1880 Federal Census of Royalton Township in Niagara County, New York, plus 1900 and 1920 Federal Censes of the village of
Bangor in Van Buren County, Michigan.
2. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.
Cook, Frederick Elmarn
Detroit photographer ........................................................................................................................................ 1907-1909 d
Detroit (Norman J. Rimes & Company) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 22 Witherell st ........................................... 1910-1911 d m
Detroit photographer for Nathan Lazarnick & Company ................................................................................. 1911-1913 d
Detroit photographer for the W. D. Benham Company ............................................................................................. 1914 d
Detroit photographer ........................................................................................................................................ 1915-1916 d
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 577 Antoinette st ............................................................................................. 1917-1919 d m
Detroit switchman ............................................................................................................................................ 1919-1920 d
Detroit helper, watchman or janitor for the Detroit Edison Company ............................................................. 1921-1928 d
His father emigrated from England, his mother came from Canada, and Frederick was born in Michigan on January 1 2
25, 1877. Lillian was born in Canada in 1875 or 1876, she married Frederick about 1906, and their son Frederick was 2 1
born in Michigan a year later. Frederick’s height and weight were medium in 1918. He had gray eyes and brown hair, 1 2
and described himself as a commercial photographer. 2
1. 1910 Federal Census of the Eighth Ward of Detroit in Wayne County, Michigan.
2. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.

Cook, Gordon W.
Detroit photographer or metal worker ............................................................................................................. 1907-1908 d
Detroit steam fitter ........................................................................................................................................... 1909-1915 d

Cook, John A.
Benton Harbor PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................... 1892 1
Saint Joseph (Mason & Cook) PHOTOGRAPHERS ...................................................................................... 1896-1897 m
Benton Harbor broom manufacturer ........................................................................................................ 1900,1910,1920 2
Benton Harbor laborer in a broom factory ................................................................................................................. 1930 2
John was born in November of 1865, probably in Canada but perhaps in Michigan. He may have been fourth of the 2
nine children of Reverend William and Elizabeth S. Cook who were living in Howell in 1880. Emma was born in 2
Michigan in February of 1865, she and John were married about 1886, and their two daughters were born in Michigan: 2
Lela in September of 1888 and Gertrude (later Ella) in October of 1890. His photographic partner in 1896 was Joe E. 2 m
Mason. m
1. Berrien County Directory, 1892, R. L. Polk & Company, Detroit.
2. 1880 Federal Census of the village of Howell in Livingston County, 1920 Federal Census of St. Joseph Township plus 1900, 1910 and
1930 Federal Censes of the Second Ward of Benton Harbor in Berrien County, Michigan.

Cook, John G.
Saginaw dealer in second hand goods .............................................................................................................. 1892-1895 m
Saginaw PHOTOGRAPHER at 399 Genesee av west ..................................................................................... 1896-1897 m s

Cook, John W.
Kalamazoo PHOTOGRAPHER on the third floor at 103 Main st .................................................................. 1865-1868 K m
Kalamazoo clerk in a store ......................................................................................................................................... 1870 1
Kalamazoo mechanic ................................................................................................................................................. 1873 K
John and his wife and their daughter were born in New York State, John in 1839 or 1840, Ellen two years later, and 1
the younger Ellen about 1861. The John W. Cook that served in Company D of the First Michigan Engineers & 1 2
Mechanics from 1861 until 1865 was not the photographer. Another John W. Cook served in Company D of the 20th 2 3
New York Cavalry during the Civil War. The Kalamazoo John W. Cook overprinted his name on some of the cartes 3 t
de visite of Elmer A. Boughton. Baltimore, Maryland, had a photographer named John W. Cook from 1883 through t 4
1885. 4
1. 1870 Federal Census of the village of Kalamazoo in Kalamazoo County, Michigan.
2. Civil War Veteran Pension Record of John W. Cook obtained from the National Archives at Washington, D. C.
3. General Index to Pension Files, 1861-1934, National Archives, Washington, D. C.
4. Ross J. Kelbaugh, Directory of Maryland Photographers 1839-1900, Historic Graphics, Baltimore, Maryland, 1988.

Cook, Milo
South Haven photo printer ......................................................................................................................................... 1897 1
Milo advertised nationally in the spring of 1897: “WANTED - A situation as printer; can operate; strictly temperate; 1
will work reasonable; will buy a half interest in a paying business. Good references and samples....” 1
1. St. Louis and Canadian Photographer; volume 15, number 4, April 1897.

Cook, Morris L.
Grand Rapids apprentice to photographer Orville A. Gillett ..................................................................................... 1892 g
Mill Creek resident .................................................................................................................................................... 1893 g
Cook, Stephen H.
Detroit resident, painter, checker or helper ...................................................................................................... 1901-1904 d
Detroit grocer ............................................................................................................................................................. 1906 d
Detroit teamster for a cracker bakery ......................................................................................................................... 1910 1
Detroit salesman for a bakery or driver ........................................................................................................... 1912-1913 d
Detroit (Washington Studio) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 64 Washington av ....................................................... 1914-1915 m
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 64 Washington av ..................................................................................................... 1915 d
Detroit machinist or auto worker ..................................................................................................................... 1916-1917 m d
Stephen was born in Canada in 1869 or 1870, he emigrated in 1901, and by 1910 he was a naturalized citizen of the 1
United States. Bertha was born in Canada in 1871 or 1872, she married Stephen about 1896, and she moved with him 1
to Detroit in 1901. Bertha and Stephen were the proprietors of the Washington Studio. Julius Levin succeeded Stephen 1 d
on Washington Avenue, and he too did business as the Washington Studio. d m
1. 1910 Federal Census of the First Ward of Detroit in Wayne County, Michigan.

Cook, Susan T., Mrs.

Dundee PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................ 1890-1894 m 1
Ann Arbor PHOTOGRAPHER and employment bureau at 72 Main st south ................................................. 1894-1895 a m
Ann Arbor PHOTOGRAPHER at 72 Main st south .................................................................................................. 1896 a
This was the married name of Susan T. Speechly, photographer in Manchester, Ann Arbor and Dundee from 1870 to m
1890. “S. T. Cook, Ann Arbor and Dundee, Mich.” was printed on some of her cabinet mounts. She employed t a
Converse G. Cook as a photographer in 1886, and married him soon after that. She maintained her residence in Ann a
Arbor while conducting the photographic business at Dundee. She was listed as Mrs. Susan T. Speechly through 1889, a m
and her gravestone read: “Susan T. Speechly, wife of C. G. Cook. Feb. 10, 1844 - Apr. 7, 1915.” 2
1. The Blue Book for Amateur Photographers ... 1895: compiled early in 1894 by Walter Sprange, Beach Bluff, Massachusetts.
2. Learned in 1987 from James M. Herzberg of Toledo, Ohio.

Cook, Theodore
Dowagiac student ....................................................................................................................................................... 1870 1
Dowagiac laborer ....................................................................................................................................................... 1880 1
Hartford PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................... 1884-1895 2 m
Dowagiac PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................ 1896-1899 m
Dowagiac PHOTOGRAPHER at 214 Front st south ................................................................................................. 1899 2
Dowagiac PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................ 1900-1905 m
Chicago, Illinois, PHOTOGRAPHER .............................................................................................................. 1910,1920 1
Theodore was born on September 2, 1854, at Beechville, Ontario, to William J. and Armina Cook. His parents were 2 1
born in Canada, but all four grandparents were born in New York. His family moved to Dowagiac about 1862, and he 1 2
attended the Dowagiac schools. Her parents came from New York and Mary was born in Michigan in November of 2 1
1862. She married Theodore about 1880, and their daughter Mabel was born in Michigan in March of 1883. 1
According to some of Theodore’s cabinet mounts, the Hartford gallery was on East Main Street. When he first moved t m
back to Dowagiac, he advertised as a “Photographer. Portrait Painting, Crayon Work and Enlarging.” Mary was m 1
managing a nursery in 1920, and in 1930 was a widow living in Chicago with her daughter, Mrs. Charles B. Hawker. 1
1. 1870 and 1880 Federal Censes of Dowagiac and 1900 Federal Census of the Second Ward of Dowagiac in Cass County, Michigan,
plus 1910 Federal Census of the 33rd Ward, 1920 Federal Census of the Fifteenth Ward and 1930 Federal Census of the Second Ward
of Chicago in Cook County, Illinois.
2. Biographical Sketches of Dowagiac, 1899.
Cook, William D.
Detroit artist ............................................................................................................................................................... 1845 d
Detroit (Cook & Winchester) DAGUERREAN ARTISTS ....................................................................................... 1845 1
Detroit artist ............................................................................................................................................................... 1846 d
They advertised locally in the summer of 1845: “Detroit Daguerrian Miniature Gallery. COOK & WINCHESTER 1
Would respectfully inform the citizens of Detroit that they have taken rooms for conducting the above Art in Mr. 1
Drew’s building, immediately over the Michigan Insurance Co. Bank, and directly opposite the Postoffice, where 1
perfect likenesses can be obtained on the shortest notice, and fully equal to any taken in the City of New York or 1
elsewhere. - Busts, Family Portraits, &c., copied with faithfulness to the original. Pictures set in lockets, bracelets, and 1
breast pins. - Messrs. C & W will take corpses in any part of the city by notifying them at their rooms. Prices of 1
miniatures from ten shillings to five dollars. The recent improvements in the Art enable us positively to take pictures 1
equally well in cloudy weather by adding a few seconds time to the sitting. The citizens of Detroit and strangers 1
visiting the city are respectfully invited to call and judge for themselves. Business hours from 8 o’clock A.M. until 5 1
P.M. N. B. - Editors in the State by giving the above four or five insertions, and sending us a copy by mail, can, by 1
calling on us have one of our best pictures. Splendid and correct views of buildings taken with accuracy. COOK & 1
WINCHESTER. Detroit, July 14, 1845. A CARD. - Mr. Cook returns his sincere thanks to his old patrons, and 1
would inform them that he has just returned from a full course of instructions from the first masters in the Art in the 1
city of New York, and would assure the public that our new concern will give perfect satisfaction to all who may favor 1
us with a call.” 1
1. Detroit Daily Advertiser, July 15 through July 22, 1845.

Cook, William E.
Muir day laborer ........................................................................................................................................................ 1900 1
Matherton PHOTOGRAPHER and constable ................................................................................................. 1904-1907 m
Matherton constable and laborer in a stave mill .............................................................................................. 1908-1911 m 1
North Plains Township farmer ................................................................................................................................... 1920 1
His parents came from New York and New Jersey, and William was born in Michigan in October of 1873. Her 1
parents came from Ohio, Tillie was born in Michigan in December of 1876, and she married William about 1895. 1
Their children, Frieda, Eleanor, Agnes and William, were born in Michigan between 1900 and 1910. One William 1 2
Cook was a photographer in 1911 at Milwaukee, Wisconsin. 2
1. 1900 Federal Census of the village of Muir in Lyons Township, 1910 Federal Census of the village of Matherton in North Plains
Township, and 1920 Federal Census of North Plains Township in Ionia County, Michigan.
2. Directory of Wisconsin Photographers; State Historical Society of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin, 1991.
Cookingham, Israel V.
New London, Ohio, daguerrean ................................................................................................................................. 1850 1
Jackson (Cookingham & Iams) DAGUERREOTYPISTS ......................................................................................... 1852 2
Jackson DAGUERREAN ARTIST in the Merchant Exchange Block over Merriman’s store ........................ 1853-1856 2 J
Jackson (Cookingham & Allen) DAGUERREOTYPISTS in the Merchant Exchange Block ................................... 1856 2
Jackson DAGUERREAN ARTIST on the third floor of the Merriman Block ................................................ 1857-1858 2
Jackson PHOTOGRAPHER with other business ............................................................................................ 1859-1860 m
Jackson PHOTOGRAPHER, retail liquor dealer and retail dealer ............................................................................ 1862 3
Jackson PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY and grocery store on Main st ............................................................... 1862-1863 m 3
Jackson PHOTOGRAPHER on Main st .......................................................................................................... 1864-1867 m 3
Jackson PHOTOGRAPHER on the second floor at 222 Main st .............................................................................. 1867 J
Jackson PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................ 1867-1868 4
Jackson PHOTOGRAPHER at 222 Main st .................................................................................................... 1869-1879 m
Jackson PHOTOGRAPHER in the Smith Block ............................................................................................. 1880-1883 m
Jackson PHOTOGRAPHER at 124 Main st west ............................................................................................ 1883-1895 J m
Jackson photographer ................................................................................................................................................ 1900 1
He was born in May of 1828 and grew up in Penn Yan, New York. Cookingham & Iams first advertised in the 1 2
Jackson Weekly Citizen on August 4, 1852. Cookingham employed Mr. M. Finlay as a daguerreian artist in 1853. His 2
first advertisement for ambrotypes was in February of 1856, and a year later he was offering ambrotypes and 2
melainotypes from his newly outfitted studio in the same building, which had been renamed. A woodcut book 2 5
illustration was made from his ambrotype of the Michigan State Prison at Jackson. He and Ann C. Cookingham were 5 1
sharing a home in 1860, when they both were identified as artists. Ann was born in New York State in 1830 or 1831. 1
Israel used a script “Cookingham” or “Cook” to cancel revenue stamps on cartes de visite. Some photograph mounts t
identify him only as “Cookingham,” but all other card and cabinet mounts use “J. V. Cookingham.” He was Israel V. t 3
Cookingham in 1862 tax records, James V. Cookingham in the gazetteer for 1863, and J. V. Cookingham in gazetteers 3 m
until 1875, when his initials changed to I. V. and then to J. B. or I. B. In the 1880s his identification stabilized as Israel m J
V. Cookingham first in local directories and then in the gazetteers. Some time between 1862 and 1866 his gallery m 2
moved from the Merriman Building to the Smith Brothers Block, where it remained for the rest of his career. He 2
employed John Esselstyn and Mary Lowell as photographers in 1870. He joined the National Photographic 2 6
Association before June of 1870, and the NPA monogram was printed on some of his card mounts during the next few 6 t
years. His studio was called the Dollar Gallery in the later 1870s. He was identified as a widower in 1880. Miss Etta t 1
Miller, his niece, worked for him from 1878 until 1883 and they seem to have married, for he had a 51-year-old wife 2 1
named Etta in 1900. From 1884 until 1891 the gazetteers listed the gallery at 126 West Main Street just as consistently 1 m
as local directories placed it at 124. Late in 1894 the I. V. Cookingham Studio was sold to Colonel John W. Paine, J 7
who proceeded to consolidate it with his adjacent rooms. At the age of 76, despondent over his health and personal 7 2
problems, Israel took his own life. 2
1. 1850 Federal Census of New London Township in Huron County, Ohio, plus 1860 Federal Census of the First Ward of Jackson,
1880 Federal Census of the city of Jackson, and 1900 Federal Census of the Fourth Ward of Jackson in Jackson County, Michigan.
2. Learned in 1997 from Gerry L. Blanchard of Jackson, Michigan.
3. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1862-1866, National Archives, Washington, D.C.
4. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1867-1868, Great Lakes Branch of the National Archives, Chicago, Illinois.
5. Identification of the source of this information has been misplaced, and must be re-established.
6. The Philadelphia Photographer, volume 7, 1870, page 291.
7. St. Louis and Canadian Photographer; volume 12, number 12, December 1894.

Cookingham, J. V.
Please see the entry for Israel V. Cookingham.

Cooley, Charles L.
Eagle Harbor DAGUERREOTYPIST ............................................................................................................. 1862-1865 m
Coombs, Harry E.
Beetown, Wisconsin, child ........................................................................................................................................ 1880 1
Lancaster, Wisconsin, PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................... 1900 2 1
Whitewater, Wisconsin, PHOTOGRAPHER .................................................................................................. 1909-1912 2 1
Niles (Coombs Studio) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 308 Main st east ................................................................... 1914-1915 m 3
Harry was born in Wisconsin in July of 1877, eldest of the four sons of Thomas J. and Lizzie J. Coombs. Winifred 1
was born in Iowa in 1881 or 1882, she married Harry about 1901, she was working with him in 1910, and she 1
succeeded him about 1915. 3
1. 1880 Federal Census of Beetown and 1900 Federal Census of the city of Lancaster in Grant County, and 1910 Federal Census of the
Second Ward of Whitewater in Walworth County, Wisconsin.
2. Directory of Wisconsin Photographers; State Historical Society of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin, 1991.
3. Niles city directory, 1915-16.

Coombs, Winifred E., Mrs.

Whitewater, Wisconsin, photographer ....................................................................................................................... 1910 1
Niles (Coombs Studio) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 308 Main st east ................................................................... 1915-1921 2 m
Niles (Coombs Studio) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 306 Main st east ................................................................... 1925-1927 3
Niles PHOTOGRAPHER .......................................................................................................................................... 1930 1
Winifred E. Berdy was born in Iowa in 1881 or 1882, and she married Harry E. Coombs about 1901. She was 1
undoubtedly working in his Whitewater studio in 1910, and she succeeded him in Niles about 1915. “COOMBS 1 2
STUDIO, NILES, MICH.” was blind stamped at the lower right corner of studio portraits on post card stock, one of t
which was dated November 6, 1916. By 1927 Winifred had married the Niles jeweler Will A. Thayer. t 3
1. 1910 Federal Census of the Second Ward of Whitewater in Walworth County, Wisconsin, and 1930 Federal Census of Niles in
Berrien County, Michigan.
2. Niles city directories, 1915-16, 1918-19 and 1921.
3. City Directory of Niles, Michigan, 1925 and 1927, Otto E. Luedders, Coldwater, Michigan..

Coons, Walter Joseph

Detroit machinist ............................................................................................................................................. 1912-1914 d
Detroit photographer .................................................................................................................................................. 1916 d
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 2510 Jefferson av ............................................................................................ 1916-1917 m
Detroit photographer or gauge maker .............................................................................................................. 1917-1918 d 1
Detroit tool maker or photographer ................................................................................................................. 1920-1921 2 d
Detroit photographer for Morris Lyman .................................................................................................................... 1922 d
Detroit manager or clerk at the Michigan Art Store ......................................................................................... 1924-1925 d
Detroit shoe merchant ...................................................................................................................................... 1927-1932 d
Walter was born in Canada on November 15, 1883. By 1918 he had declared his intention of becoming a United 1
States citizen. He was of medium height and build, and had blue eyes and dark brown hair. His nearest relative was his 1
father, George A. Coons, living at Guelph, Ontario. Walter was living with the family of his younger brother Albert in 1 2
1920, and was living by himself in 1930. 2
1. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.
2. 1920 Federal Census of the Eighth Ward and 1930 Federal Census of the Sixteenth Ward of Detroit in Wayne County, Michigan.

Cooper, Charles E.
Panola Township, Illinois, child ................................................................................................................................ 1860 1
Chicago, Illinois, student ........................................................................................................................................... 1870 1
Ypsilanti resident or hostler .............................................................................................................................. 1878,1880 2 1
Chicago, Illinois, PHOTOGRAPHER 631 Lake st west ................................................................................. 1885-1888 c
Ypsilanti PHOTOGRAPHER in the Post Office Block ................................................................................... 1888-1892 m y
Ypsilanti PHOTOGRAPHER .......................................................................................................................... 1892-1893 m
Ypsilanti PHOTOGRAPHER at 39 Huron st .................................................................................................. 1894-1911 m y
His parents came from New York and Vermont, and Charles was born in Illinois in August of 1858, the son of 1
William and Julia Cooper. His mother had been married previously, so Charlie grew up in the shadow of two teen- 1
aged half-brothers as well as his full brother James just two years older. They had a younger sister that does not seem 1
to have lived to maturity. Tillie was born in Canada in February of 1855, and she married Charles about 1883. Their 1
son Charles was born in Illinois in August of 1886, and their daughter Hazel was born in Michigan in August of 1890. 1
Charles advertised in 1892 as the “... Leading PHOTOGRAPHER, Parlors over Post Office, YPSILANTI.” He y
advertised several years later in a 1903 college yearbook: “... COOPER, The Students’ Photographer, Will be pleased 3
to have you call and inspect his artistic work. Gallery over the post office.” Many of his patrons were young adults 3 t
who probably were students at the State Normal School in Ypsilanti. Charles was succeeded in 1911 by his wife, Mrs. t R
Matilda Cooper. R
1. 1860 Federal Census of Panola Township in Woodford County and 1870 Federal Census of the Eleventh Ward of Chicago in Cook
County, Illinois, plus 1880 and 1900 Federal Censes of the First Ward of Ypsilanti in Washtenaw County, Michigan.
2. Washtenaw County Directory 1878-79, F. H. Pray, Ann Arbor, Michigan.
3. Aurora, Senior Annual of Michigan Normal College, Ypsilanti, Michigan, 1903.
Cooper, Edward P.
Ann Arbor PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................ ca 1895 1
Two photographs were reproduced in American Image, each labeled “Edward P. Cooper, Outside Ann Arbor, 1
Michigan, c. 1895” and noted to be from the collection of the author. 1
1. Martin W. Sandler, American Image, Contemporary Books, Inc., Chicago, Illinois, 1989, pages 134 and 135.

Cooper, Matilda, Mrs.

Ypsilanti housewife ................................................................................................................................................... 1900 1
Ypsilanti PHOTOGRAPHER .................................................................................................................................... 1911 R
Ypsilanti resident .............................................................................................................................................. 1920,1930 1
Tillie was born in Canada in February of 1855, immigrated in 1875, and married Charles E. Cooper about 1883. She 1
gave birth to Charlie in Illinois in August of 1886 and to Hazel in Michigan in August of 1890. Her husband was a 1 m
photographer in Ypsilanti from 1888 until 1911. Matilda was a widow and was providing a home for her single y 1
daughter Hazel in 1920 and 1930. 1
1. 1900 Federal Census of the First Ward plus 1920 and 1930 Federal Censes of the Third Ward of Ypsilanti in Washtenaw County,

Cooperative Portrait Company

Detroit PHOTO ENLARGERS at 488 Monroe av .................................................................................................... 1894 d
Detroit PHOTO ENLARGERS at 508 Monroe av .......................................................................................... 1894-1895 m
Miss Zoah Fluett was the manager of what was sometimes called the Co-operative Portrait Company. d

Co-Operative View Company

Saint Paul, Minnesota, manufacturers and publishers of stereo views at 51 Union Block ......................................... 1905 t 1
Saint Paul, Minnesota, publishers of stereoscopic views at 294 Fuller av ........................................................ 1908,1912 1
Raymond E. Steele was proprietor and manager of the Co-Operative View Company, and was a photographer or 1
portrait merchant in St. Paul at 294 Fuller Avenue in 1906 and 1907. “Co-Operative View Company, Manufacturers 1 t
and Publishers, St. Paul, Minnesota, U.S.A., 51 Union Block” was printed on standard height curved olive drab t
mounts. Also printed on some of these mounts was: “04067 Beautiful Flower Beds and Driveway, Belle Isle Park, t
Detroit, Michigan, U. S. A.” The Minnesota Historical Society has only one stereograph by this company. It is of t 1
Minnehaha Falls and the imprint is: “Co-Operative View Company, Publishers. The Original Stereograph. Home 1
Office & Factory, St. Paul, Minn., U.S.A. Branch Offices: Spokane, Wn. Honolulu, H.I., Winnipeg, Can.” Ray was 1
born in Michigan early in 1878. Mary was born in Minnesota a year later, married Ray about 1901, gave birth in 1 2
Minnesota to twin sons in 1903, and in Michigan to a daughter in March of 1916. Ray was conducting a photo 1 2
business at St. Paul in 1910, and in 1920 was a building contractor in Greenfield Township of Wayne County, 1 2
Michigan. 2
1. Learned in 2006 from Tracey Baker of the Minnesota Historical Society, Saint Paul, Minnesota.
2. 1920 Federal Census of Greenfield Township of Wayne County, Michigan.

Cope, Mary J., Mrs.

Wyandotte resident .................................................................................................................................................... 1870 1
Wyandotte PHOTOGRAPHER at the northwest corner of Second and Oak sts ............................................. 1876-1879 m 2
Wyandotte photographer ........................................................................................................................................... 1880 1
Her parents came from Connecticut and New York, and Mary was born in Ohio in 1830. Her photograph gallery and 1 2
her residence were in the same building. By 1880 she was divorced. According to her tombstone in Wyandotte’s 2 1
Oakwood Cemetery, she lived from 1830 until 1895 3
1. 1870 and 1880 Federal Censes of the First Ward of Wyandotte, Wayne County, Michigan.
2. Wyandotte Herald, Wyandotte, Michigan, August 28, 1879, and November 17, 1911.
3. Notation in an historical card file at the Wyandotte Public Library, Wyandotte, Michigan.
Copeland, Flora, Miss
Owosso student .......................................................................................................................................................... 1860 1
Dexter resident ........................................................................................................................................................... 1870 1
East Saginaw clerk in the photograph gallery of Daniel Angell ................................................................................ 1880 1
East Saginaw photographer, artist, assistant or colorist for photographer Daniel Angell ................................ 1883-1889 s
Detroit (Angell, Diehl & Company) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 246 Woodward av ........................................... 1890-1891 m d
Charlotte optician ...................................................................................................................................................... 1900 1
Dowagiac PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................ 1906-1907 m
Dowagiac PHOTOGRAPHER at 111 ½ Beeson st ......................................................................................... 1908-1909 2 m
Bridgewater Township resident ................................................................................................................................. 1910 1
Flora was born in Maine in October of 1847, the elder child of Franklin R. and Caroline Copeland. Her brother 1
Stanley was born in Michigan in 1855 or early in 1856. She lived with her parents through 1870, but was on her own 1
in East Saginaw. Her partners in Detroit were Daniel Angell and Ambrose J. Diehl. In the 1910 census, Flora was 1 d
reported to be several years younger than indicated above. She was boarding at this time on the farm of Charles M. and 1
Hattie B. Green, and living on her own income. 1
1. 1860 Federal Census of the First Ward of Owosso in Shiawassee County, 1880 Federal Census of East Saginaw in Saginaw County,
1900 Federal Census of the First Ward of Charlotte in Eaton County, plus 1870 Federal Census of the village of Dexter in Scio
Township and 1910 Federal Census of Bridgewater Township in Washtenaw County, Michigan.
2. Dowagiac city directory, 1908-1909.

Copeland, R. S.
Detroit photographer .................................................................................................................................................. 1897 d
“World’s Fair Photo View Co., 13 Perry Street, Detroit, Mich.” was printed on cabinet mounts and R. S. Copeland t d
was residing at 13 Perry Street at about the same time. I have been able to associate no other photographer with this d t
company. t

Copley, Edna Dan, Miss

Wayne Township child .............................................................................................................................................. 1880 1
Decatur (Graham & Copley) PHOTOGRAPHERS ......................................................................................... 1900-1901 1 m
Edna was born in Michigan’s Cass County to a mother from New York on September 20, 1877, the first child of 1 2
Charles E. and Emily (Dan) Copley. Her brother Walter was born here in May of 1879. Edna was boarding in 1900 2 1
with her partner and cousin, Anna Graham. Edna’s father was the brother of Anna’s mother. Edna lived until 1 2
December 23, 1948. 2
1. 1870 and 1880 Federal Censes of Wayne Township in Cass County and 1900 Federal Census of the village of Decatur in
Van Buren County, Michigan.
2. Lorraine Lea Clark Family Tree on the internet.

Coppin, Jane, Mrs.

Coldwater PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................ 1863-1864 1
Coldwater housewife ........................................................................................................................................ 1870,1880 2
Coldwater housewife ................................................................................................................................................. 1900 2
Connersville, Indiana, resident .................................................................................................................................. 1910 2
Jane was born in New York State to Irish parents in August of 1842. Thomas Coppin was born in England in April 2
of 1831, and he immigrated in 1852. He became and remained a carpenter, and he married Jane about 1861. He had 2
been married previously, and brought along his daughter Ellen who was born in Michigan about 1855. Jane gave birth 2
to Maggie (later Margaret) in 1864 or early in 1865, and to Allie (later Lorene) in March of 1880. She was a widow in 2
1910, living with the family of her daughter Lorene and her husband, Thomas D. Robbins. 2
1. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1862-1866, National Archives, Washington, D.C.
2. 1870, 1880 and 1900 Federal Censes of the Second Ward of Coldwater in Branch County, Michigan, and 1910 Federal Census of
the Fourth Ward of Connersville in Fayette County, Indiana.
Coquard, Leon
Detroit child ............................................................................................................................................................... 1870 1
Detroit architect ......................................................................................................................................................... 1890 d
Detroit architect ............................................................................................................................................... 1896-1909 d 1
Detroit architect with a general practice .................................................................................................................... 1910 1
Detroit architect ........................................................................................................................................................ 1911 d
Detroit house architect ............................................................................................................................................... 1920 1
Leon was born in Detroit to French parents in September of 1860, the son of Nicholas and Marie Coquard. His 1
brother Edmund was ten years older and his sister Louise was six years younger. Leon never married. In the amateur 1 2
competition sponsored by the Michigan Photographers Association during their second annual meeting at Detroit in 2
February of 1897, Leon was awarded the first prize in Class I for his exhibit of six interior photographs, which could 2
be of any size. Leon was prominent enough to be included in a Biographical Dictionary of American Architects, and in 2 3
a volume of Who Was Who in America. He died about 1927. 4 3
1. 1870 Federal Census of the First Ward plus 1900, 1910 and 1920 Federal Censes of the Fourth Ward of Detroit in Wayne County,
2. St. Louis and Canadian Photographer; volume 15, number 3, March 1897.
3. Henry F. Withey and Elsie Rathburn Withey, Biographical Dictionary of American Architects, Deceased, New Age Publishing
Company, Los Angeles, 1956.
4. Who Was Who in America, volume 4, 1961-1968, Marquis Who’s Who, Chicago, 1968.

Corbett, _______
Albion PHOTOGRAPHER ....................................................................................................................................... 1913 t
“192 LAMBS - KILLED IN ONE NIGHT, THE WORK OF TWO DOGS” and “CORBETT” were lettered on the negative of a rather t
gruesome post card photograph of the animals heaped together. “THE WORK OF TWO DOGS - 192 KILLED” and “BEHLING t
FARM, ALBION, MICH.” was similarly lettered on the negative of another view of the same tragedy which was mailed from t
Albion in November of 1913. t

Corbitt, James Henry

Girard, Alabama, child .............................................................................................................................................. 1880 1
Cape Girardeau, Missouri, photographer ................................................................................................................... 1900 1
Earlington, Kentucky, PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................... 1910 1
Battle Creek PHOTOGRAPHER at 96 Main st west ...................................................................................... 1918-1921 2 m
Battle Creek PHOTOGRAPHER at 143 Division st north ........................................................................................ 1921 2
Battle Creek (Home Portrait Studio) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 54 Main st west ......................................................... 1922 2
Battle Creek PHOTOGRAPHER at 57 Main st west ...................................................................................... 1922-1923 m
James was born in Alabama on June 21, 1874, the son of George and Mary D. Corbitt. His sister Annie was two 3 1
years younger and his sister Bettie was born in November of 1879. James became a tall man with a medium build, blue 1 3
eyes and dark brown hair. James’ next door neighbor, and possibly his employer, at Cape Girardeau was a 33-year-old 3 1
photographer named George Kassel. Alvia was born in Missouri to German parents in December of 1880, and she was 1
called Bouch. She married James in 1900, and their daughter Dorothy was born in Missouri a year later. This marriage 1
did not last. Martha was born in Georgia in 1877, and she married James about 1918. Their four daughters, Nan, Jo, 1
Martha and Floria, were born in Michigan between 1913 and 1918. James was listed as manager of the Home Portrait 1 2
Studio in 1922. 2
1. 1880 Federal Census of Girard in Russell County, Alabama, 1900 Federal Census of the Second Ward of Cape Giardeau in Cape
Girardeau County, Missouri, 1910 Federal Census of Earlington in Hopkins County, Kentucky, and 1920 Federal Census of the
Tenth Precinct of Battle Creek in Calhoun County, Michigan.
2. Battle Creek city directories, 1918, 1921 and 1922.
3. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.

Cordley, James
Ann Arbor DAGUERREAN ROOMS ............................................................................................................. 1855-1856 m
Ann Arbor DAGUERREOTYPIST on the east side in Room No. 4 of the New Block ............................................ 1857 1
James’ rooms were reached via the first staircase from the corner of Main and Huron Streets. 1
1. Ann Arbor Journal, Ann Arbor, Michigan, April 8, 1857.

Corey, E. C.
Park PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................................... 1862 1
1. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1862-1866, National Archives, Washington, D.C.

Corey, Fred
Please see the entry for Fred C. Cory.
Corin, W. John
Norway PHOTOGRAPHER on Cyclops av .................................................................................................... 1888-1890 1
John built his gallery in the fall of 1888, and closed it in March of 1890. 1
1. Dickinson Diggings; Iron Mountain, Michigan, volume 6, number 1, February 1987.

Corkins, _______
Milan (Jewell & Corkins) PHOTOGRAPHERS on Main st ................................................................................ ca 1885 t

Corlett, Mamie, Mrs.

Wayne housewife ..................................................................................................................................... 1860,1870,1880 1
Wayne (Hickok & Corlett) PHOTOGRAPHERS ............................................................................................ 1892-1894 m 2
Wayne PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................. 1894-1895 m
Wayne housewife ....................................................................................................................................................... 1900 1
Mamie was born in Michigan in February of 1842 to parents from New York, and her formal name was Harriet. 1
About 1858 she married William R. Corlett, who was born in New York State in February of 1830 to English parents, 1
and who was an inn keeper, then a fire insurance agent, and then a store keeper or merchant in the village of Wayne. 1
She gave birth to eight children, including Esther Anna about 1859, Ella about 1861, William about 1864, Florence in 1
April of 1870, George about 1873, and Mary about 1876. Only four of them were living in 1900. Mamie’s partner in 1 m
1892 was Mrs. Anna S. Hickok. m
1. 1860, 1870, 1880 and 1900 Federal Censes of the village of Wayne in Nankin Township of Wayne County, Michigan.
2. The Blue Book for Amateur Photographers ... 1895: compiled early in 1894 by Walter Sprange, Beach Bluff, Massachusetts.

Corlis, A. W.
Bessemer PHOTOGRAPHER .............................................................................................................................. ca 1892 t
Bessemer (Corlis & Constable) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 5 Longyear st west .................................................. 1892-1894 m 1
Ann Arbor PHOTOGRAPHER at 6 Huron st east .................................................................................................... 1894 a
Gaylord PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................... 1902-1903 m
Corlis & Constable guaranteed satisfaction with their photography, photo-enlarging, etc. A. W. Corliss was a m 2
photographer in 1893 and 1894 at Thorp, Wisconsin, over 125 miles from Bessemer. Corlis advertised in Ann Arbor: 2 3
“The Best Operator. I have secured the services of Mr. H. W. Tibbals of Detroit as Operator. I especially request 3
that the Senior Law Class investigate his Merits before going elsewhere. We’ll positively guarantee the finest work in 3
the city….” Abraham W. Corlis was farming in Hart Township of Oceana County in 1900. He was born in Michigan in 3 4
January of 1853 to parents from Maine and New Brunswick, and he married nineteen-year-old Nora about 1895. They 4
had two daughters and a son born in Michigan between June of 1896 and June of 1899. A photographer named A. 4 5
Walker Corlis had a studio from 1909 until 1924 at Toronto, Ontario. 5
1. Wright’s Directory of Ironwood, Hurley and Bessemer, 1893-94, A. G. Wright, Milwaukee.
2. Directory of Wisconsin Photographers; State Historical Society of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin, 1991.
3. To Wit, University of Michigan Law School yearbook, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 1894.
4. 1900 Federal Census of Hart Township in Oceana County, Michigan.
5. Glen C. Phillips, The Ontario Photographers List Volume II (1901-1925), Iron Gate Publishing Company, London, Ontario, 1997.
Cormany, Montgomery L.
Allegan student .......................................................................................................................................................... 1870 1
Ypsilanti photographer .............................................................................................................................................. 1880 1
Jackson photographer ................................................................................................................................................ 1881 J
Duluth, Minnesota, PHOTOGRAPHER at 413 Superior st west .................................................................... 1887-1890 2
Duluth, Minnesota, real estate attorney ............................................................................................................ 1890-1892 2
Ishpeming resident ..................................................................................................................................................... 1892 2
Muskegon PHOTOGRAPHER at 51 Western av west .................................................................................... 1892-1893 m M
Muskegon PHOTOGRAPHER at 52 Western av west .................................................................................... 1893-1894 M 3
Princeton, Minnesota, attorney at law ........................................................................................................................ 1900 1
His parents came from Indiana and New Jersey, and Montgomery was born on the family farm in Allegan Township, 1
Michigan, on December 28, 1861. His sister Clara was four years older and his brother Frank was two years older. By 2 1
1870 his father Henry was gone and his mother Emily was working as a dress maker to support herself and her three 1
children. He still was living in 1880 with his widowed mother. He married, he and his wife had three children, and they 1 2
were divorced by 1900. From Muskegon Montgomery moved to Princeton, Minnesota. Law was his primary 1 2
occupation, but he continued to do photography on the side. He began having delusions, and was committed to a state 2
hospital in 1913. He died in a different state hospital on June 7, 1942. Augusta, Georgia, had a photographer named 2 4
M. L. Cormany about 1885. 4
1. 1860 Federal Census of Allegan Township and 1870 Federal Census of the village of Allegan in Allegan County, 1880 Federal Census
of the Second Ward of Ypsilanti in Washtenaw County, Michigan, plus 1900 Federal Census of the village of Princeton in Mille Lacs
County, Minnesota..
2. Learned in 2004 from Tracey I. Baker of the Minnesota Historical Society.
3. The Blue Book for Amateur Photographers ... 1895: compiled early in 1894 by Walter Sprange, Beach Bluff, Massachusetts.
4. Diane VanSkiver Gagel, Directory of Photographers in the United States 1888 & 1889 and Canada 1889, Heritage Books, Bowie,
Maryland, 2002. (Much of the data in this publication has proven to be at least two years out-of-date.)

Cormely, R.
Eagle River DAGUERREOTYPIST ............................................................................................................... 1850-1851 1
The Lake Superior Journal mentioned the daguerreian work of R. Cormely during this time period. 1
1. David M. Frimodig, compiler, A Most Superior Land, TwoPeninsula Press, Lansing, Michigan, 1983.

Cornelius, Harry E.
Fremont, Ohio, student .............................................................................................................................................. 1900 1
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 337 Woodward av ........................................................................................... 1910-1911 m
Detroit (Cornelius Brothers) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 327 Woodward av ....................................................... 1910-1911 d
Detroit (Cornelius Brothers) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 31 Lafayette Boulevard ............................................... 1910-1912 d
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 213 Woodward av ..................................................................................................... 1912 d
Detroit (Cornelius Brothers) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 26 Monroe av .............................................................. 1912-1915 d
Detroit (Cornelius Brothers) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 95 Woodward av ......................................................... 1912-1920 d m
Detroit (Cornelius Brothers) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 176 Griswold st ..................................................................... 1913 d
Detroit (Cornelius Brothers) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 768 Woodward av ....................................................... 1915-1917 d m
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 325 Woodward av ........................................................................................... 1916-1917 d
Detroit (Cornell Studio) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 16 ½ Monroe av ................................................................. 1919-1920 d
Detroit (Cornell Studio) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 46 Monroe av ............................................................................... 1920 d
Detroit (Cornelius Brothers) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 521 Woodward av ................................................................. 1920 d
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 46 Monroe av .................................................................................................. 1921-1923 d
Detroit resident ................................................................................................................................................ 1924-1926 d
Harry was born at Fremont, Ohio, on September 21, 1886, the son of James Perry Cornelius and Clara Cornelius. 2 1
His three sisters, Maude, Clara and Lucy, were born in Ohio between 1875 and 1880, and his brother William was 1
born there in 1890. Harry probably had more to do with the operation of the Cornell Studios than is indicated here. In 1 d
1917 he was a stout married man of average height with light brown eyes and was partly bald. His wife was named 2 1
Bertha, and she was born in Michigan in 1890. The address changes during 1920 of Cornelius Brothers from 95 to 521 1 d
Woodward Avenue, and of the Cornell Studio from 16 ½ to 46 Monroe Avenue, were due to revision of the entire d
Detroit numbering system rather than to relocation. d
1. 1880 and 1900 Federal Censes of the Second Ward of Fremont in Sandusky County, Ohio, and 1920 Federal Census of the Tenth Ward
of Detroit in Wayne County, Michigan.
2. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.
Cornelius, Roy Cleveland
Middle Creek, Pennsylvania, student ......................................................................................................................... 1900 1
Middle Creek, Pennsylvania, blacksmith ................................................................................................................... 1910 1
Detroit photographer ........................................................................................................................................ 1911-1915 d
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 16 ½ Monroe av .............................................................................................. 1916-1917 d
Detroit photographer for Harry E. Cornelius ............................................................................................................. 1918 2
Detroit manager of the Cornell Studio .............................................................................................................. 1918,1920 d
Detroit manager for photographer Harry E. Cornelius .............................................................................................. 1921 d
Detroit manager or photographer ..................................................................................................................... 1922-1923 d
Detroit salesman for a department store .......................................................................................................... 1924-1948 d 3
Roy was born in Pennsylvania on September 2, 1884, third of the six children of Jesse and Margaret Cornelius. His 2 1
father was a blacksmith, and his siblings were born in Pennsylvania: Bessie in 1880, George in 1882, Annie in 1887, 1
Emory in 1889, and Aida in 1892. He was a stout man of medium height with brown eyes and hair in 1918. At this 1 2
time, his father was living at New Berlin, Pennsylvania. It seems that Roy never married. 2 d
1. 1900 and 1910 Federal Censes of Jackson Township in Snyder County, Pennsylvania, and 1920 Federal Censes of the First Ward of
Detroit in Wayne County, Michigan.
2. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.
3. Detroit telephone directories, 1942 through 1948.

Cornelius, William Henry

Fremont, Ohio, student .............................................................................................................................................. 1900 1
Detroit (Cornelius Brothers) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 327 Woodward av ....................................................... 1910-1911 d
Detroit (Cornelius Brothers) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 31 Lafayette Boulevard ............................................... 1910-1912 d
Detroit (Cornelius Brothers) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 26 Monroe av .............................................................. 1912-1915 d
Detroit (Cornelius Brothers) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 95 Woodward av ......................................................... 1912-1920 d m
Detroit (Cornelius Brothers) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 176 Griswold st ..................................................................... 1913 d
Detroit (Cornelius Brothers) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 768 Woodward av ....................................................... 1915-1917 d m
Detroit (Cornelius Brothers) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 521 Woodward av ................................................................. 1920 d
Detroit (Cornell Studio) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 521 Woodward av .............................................................. 1921-1931 d m
Detroit (Cornell Studio) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 12 Michigan av ............................................................................ 1931 d
Detroit (Cornell Studio) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 521 Woodward av ........................................................................ 1932 d
Detroit (Cornell Studio) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 521 Woodward av and 10 Michigan av ....................................... 1934 d
Detroit (Cornell Studio) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 521 Woodward av and 12 Michigan av ............................. 1935-1941 d
Detroit (Cornell Studio) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 521 Woodward av .............................................................. 1942-1945 2
Detroit (Cornell Studio) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 521 Woodward av and 12 Michigan av ............................. 1946-1948 2
William was born January 21, 1890, at Fremont, Ohio, last of the five children of James Perry Cornelius and Clara 3 1
Cornelius. He was a single man of medium size in 1917, with blue eyes and dark hair. By 1920 he was married to 3 1
Grace, born in Michigan in 1892, and by 1925 they had a son named Ben. The interplay and mutations of the Cornell 1 d
Studios and the Cornelius brothers were much more complex than shown above. See the entry on the Cornell Studios d
for further information. In the early 1920s the directories vacillated between listing William as a photographer in his d
own name and as proprietor of the Cornell Studio. He was dealing in radio supplies as well as photography at that d
time. William died after a brief illness on July 22, 1960, at Deaconess Hospital in Detroit, and was survived by his d 4
wife Grace and son Ben. Burial was in Oakview Cemetery. 4
1. 1900 Federal Census of the Second Ward of Fremont in Sandusky County, Ohio, plus 1920 and 1930 Federal Censes of the Tenth
Ward of Detroit in Wayne County, Michigan.
2. Detroit telephone directories, 1942 through 1948
3. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.
4. Obituary in the Detroit Free Press, Detroit, Michigan, July 24, 1960.

Cornell, A. J.
Please see the entry for Joseph A. Cornell.

Cornell, Charles
Adrian artist .............................................................................................................................................................. 1860 1
Charles was born in New York State in 1840 or early in 1841. He was boarding in 1860 with the family of the 1
photographer Julius A. Foster, who also was enumerated as an artist. Charles probably was working at this time in the 1
Foster photographic gallery. 1
1. 1860 Federal Census of the Fourth Ward of Adrian in Lenawee County, Michigan.

Cornell, Frances H., Mrs.

Saint Clair Township wife of a carpenter ................................................................................................................. 1860 1
Port Huron PHOTOGRAPHER ...................................................................................................................... 1863-1864 2
Frances was born in New York State in 1830 or 1831, and her husband Charles was born in England one year earlier. 1
Their children, Leander, Charles and Alice, were born in Michigan between 1849 and 1854. 1
1. 1860 Federal Census of Saint Clair Township, Saint Clair County, Michigan.
2. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1862-1866, National Archives, Washington, D.C.
Cornell, Joseph A.
Kalamazoo wheel wright ........................................................................................................................................... 1850 1
Grass Lake DAGUERREOTYPIST and jeweler ............................................................................................. 1859-1860 m
Grass Lake jeweler and hardware merchant .................................................................................................... 1862-1863 m
Grass Lake PHOTOGRAPHER ...................................................................................................................... 1863-1864 2
Grass Lake dealer in clocks, watches and jewelry ........................................................................................... 1864-1865 m
Chelsea PHOTOGRAPHER and retail dealer ................................................................................................. 1864-1865 2
Colon jeweler ................................................................................................................................................... 1870-1873 1 m
Colon PHOTOGRAPHER and jeweler ........................................................................................................... 1874-1879 m
Colon PHOTOGRAPHER and jeweler on State st .................................................................................................... 1880 3
Colon watch repairer or jeweler ....................................................................................................................... 1880-1883 1 m
Colon PHOTOGRAPHER and jeweler ........................................................................................................... 1884-1887 m
Colon PHOTOGRAPHER and justice of the peace ........................................................................................ 1888-1889 m
Colon jeweler ............................................................................................................................................................. 1900 1
Joseph was born in the state of New York in April of 1830, and Emily was born there in December of 1839. They 1
married about 1860, and their son Burt was born in Michigan a year later. Burt was living at home in 1880, but died 1
prior to 1900. Emily was a widow in 1910, and was living in Detroit with her sister Angeline and her husband, Russell 1
G. Warner. 1
1. 1850 Federal Census of the village of Kalamazoo in Kalamazoo County, 1860 Federal Census of the village of Grass Lake in Jackson
County, plus 1870, 1880 and 1900 Federal Censes of the village of Colon in Saint Joseph County, as well as 1910 Federal Census of
the First Ward of Detroit in Wayne County, Michigan.
2. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1862-1866, National Archives, Washington, D.C.
3. St. Joseph County Directory, 1880, Globe Publishing Company, Mendon, Michigan.

Cornell, Spencer C.
Easton Township child ............................................................................................................................................... 1850 1
Easton Township student ........................................................................................................................................... 1860 1
United States Army soldier ........................................................................................................................................ 1864 2
Ionia artist .................................................................................................................................................................. 1868 3
Grattan Township farm laborer .................................................................................................................................. 1870 1
Greenville artist ......................................................................................................................................................... 1870 2
Greenville (Cornell Brothers) PHOTOGRAPHERS on Lafayette st ............................................................... 1872-1873 m t
Greenville PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................ 1874-1875 m
Portland artist for photographer Lorenzo K. Showman ................................................................................... 1877-1883 2
Portland artist ................................................................................................................................................... 1884-1885 2
Spencer was born in 1844 or 1845 in New York State, third of the six children of Alfred and Amanda Cornell. His 1
father was a minister of the gospel. Spencer was enrolled at Norwalk, Ohio, for 100 days as a private in Company B of 1 2
the 166th Ohio Infantry on May 2, 1864. On May 15 he was mustered into the army with his company at Cleveland, 2
Ohio, and he served as a musician. His term of service having expired, he was mustered out of the army at Cleveland 2
on September 9, 1864. He came home with the “army diarrhea” as a souvenir of his military experience. Spencer 2 3
advertised in 1868: “YES! S. C. CORNELL has located his studio with G. W. Clark’s Photographic rooms, where he 3
will devote his whole time and attention to copying from the smallest locket picture to life size, and Finishing in India 3
Ink and Colors. As an Artist, Mr. Cornell is not surpassed in the State, and is the only one in Northern Michigan who 3
works in India Ink. Now is the time for those who have lost friends in the army to get good pictures of them.... 3
Remember the place - with G. W. Clark, adjoining Union Block, Ionia, Mich.” Spencer and Miss Sarah O. Cook were 3 2
married by his father in or near the home of her parents at Grattan in Kent County, Michigan, on December 24, 1869. 2
Sarah was born about 1844 to Luther B. and Nancy Cook in Oakland County, Michigan, and she was second of their 2 1
six children. Sarah gave birth to Katie at Grattan on December 9, 1870, and to Fred at Greenville on December 5, 1 2
1873. Beginning in 1877, Spencer was employed off and on as an artist or photographer by Lorenzo K. Showman for 2
six or seven years. His continued trouble with chronic diarrhea contributed to the development of the pulmonary 2
consumption that was the immediate cause of Spencer’s death at Portland on May 4, 1885. Sarah and her children 2
continued to live in Portland for several years. She was receiving a Widow’s Pension of $12.00 per month when she 2
died late in 1898 or early in 1899. 2
1. 1850 and 1860 Federal Censes of Easton Township and 1880 Federal Census of the village of Portland in Ionia County, plus 1870
Federal Census of Grattan Township in Kent County, Michigan.
2. Civil War Veteran Pension Record of Spencer C. Cornell obtained from the National Archives at Washington, D. C.
3. Ionia Sentinel, Ionia, Michigan, March 6 and 20 and April 24, 1868.
Cornell, Warren B.
Easton Township child ............................................................................................................................................... 1850 1
Easton Township student ........................................................................................................................................... 1860 1
Otisco Township resident .......................................................................................................................................... 1870 1
Greenville (Cornell Brothers) PHOTOGRAPHERS on Lafayette st ............................................................... 1872-1873 m t
Ionia school teacher ................................................................................................................................................... 1880 1
Warren was born in Michigan in 1846 or early in 1847, fourth of the six children of Alfred and Amanda Cornell. His 1
father was a Baptist clergyman. His oldest brothers, Augustus and Seymour, were born in Michigan between 1837 and 1
1840. His brother Spencer was two years older than Warren, and became a soldier and then a photographer. His sister 1
Emma and brother Arthur were born in Michigan between 1851 and 1856. Warren still was living with his parents in 1
1870, and was without an occupation. He was not specifically identified as Spencer’s partner in 1872, but was by far 1
the most likely possibility of Spencer’s three brothers. He was boarding with an Ionia family that included school-age 1
sons in 1880, and was noted to be handicapped by general debility. 1
1. 1850 and 1860 Federal Censes of Easton Township, 1870 Federal Census of Otisco Township, and 1880 Federal Census of the
First and Second Wards of Ionia in Ionia County, Michigan.

Cornell Studio
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHERS at 31 Lafayette Boulevard ................................................................................. 1910-1911 m
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHERS at 95 Woodward av ................................................................................................ ca 1912 t
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHERS at 213 Woodward av .............................................................................................. ca 1912 t
Toledo, Ohio, PHOTOGRAPHERS at 422 Adams st .......................................................................................... ca 1912 t
Toledo, Ohio, PHOTOGRAPHERS at 321 Adams st .......................................................................................... ca 1913 t
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHERS at 26 Monroe av .......................................................................................................... 1914 d
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHERS at 16 ½ Monroe av ............................................................................................ 1917-1920 d m
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHERS at 46 Monroe av .......................................................................................................... 1920 d
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHERS at 521 Woodward av ......................................................................................... 1921-1931 d m
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHERS at 12 Michigan av ....................................................................................................... 1931 d
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHERS at 521 Woodward av ................................................................................................... 1932 d
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHERS at 521 Woodward av and 10 Michigan av .................................................................. 1934 d
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHERS at 521 Woodward av and 12 Michigan av ........................................................ 1935-1941 d
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHERS at 521 Woodward av ......................................................................................... 1942-1945 1
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHERS at 521 Woodward av and 12 Michigan av ........................................................ 1946-1948 1
Often called the Cornell Studios, this business was owned and operated by Harry E. Cornelius and William H. t d
Cornelius until the early 1920s, when William became the sole proprietor. From 1910 until 1914 many of the d t
addresses listed in the directories for the Cornelius Brothers or for Harry Cornelius were printed on the backs of post d t
card photographs in various combinations along with one of the Toledo addresses shown above. Two other common t
plain and ornate chairs were available to those posing for portraits, as well as painted flats representing a speed boat, a t
race car, a touring car, the water wagon, a fence with a lady adjusting her stocking and other scenes for those who t
wanted to add novelty to their postal portraits. A couple of these flats were prepared specifically for the Elks t
Convention during the summer of 1910. Top hats apparently were supplied by the studio when appropriate, but a band t
of five fellows brought their own violin, banjo, mandolin, flute and bones. “35 Years of Quality Work, 1910 …..1945! t
IDENTICATION Fotos While U Wait” was printed on one side of folders for prints, while “PHOTOGRAPHS OF t
ALL KINDS. Cornell Studios. 35 Years at 521 Woodward Avenue. WE COPY OLD PHOTOS. Enlargements. Take t
a magnifying glass and look at some of your prints. See how it brings out details and features you never noticed before. t
An enlargement gives you the same results in permanent form, and can be made from the entire negative or any portion t
of it. We will gladly show you samples of enlargements, framed, mounted, or unmounted for placing in your album.” t
was printed on the other side. Similar folders with different numbers were used in 1941. t
1. Detroit telephone directories, 1942 through 1948.

Corning, Thomas
Byron Center (Corning & Perkins) PHOTOGRAPHERS ........................................................................................ 1900 1
Frank P. Perkins lodged with Thomas and continued as a professional photographer at Byron Center and then at 1 m
Wayland for two decades. m
1. 1900 Federal Census of Byron Township in Kent County, Michigan.

Cornish, Henry R.
Saginaw City photographer ........................................................................................................................................ 1884 s
East Saginaw photographer for Carson M. Howell .................................................................................................... 1886 s
Holly PHOTOGRAPHER .................................................................................................................................... ca 1887 t
Cornish, Ira A.
Port Austin PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................... ca 1880 t
Saginaw City photographer ........................................................................................................................................ 1883 s

Cornish, Jay
Alpena (Cornish & Stocking) PHOTOGRAPHERS ............................................................................................ ca 1868 t
Alpena daguerreian .................................................................................................................................................... 1870 1
Jay was born in Michigan in 1843 or 1844. Cornish & Stocking were proprietors of the Star Gallery. Both Jay 1 t
Cornish and Albert Stocking were enumerated in 1870 as daguerreians boarding with the family of an Alpena 1
carpenter. One Jay C. Cornish was a Detroit resident in 1872. 1 d
1. 1870 Federal Census of Alpena in Alpena County, Michigan.

Cornish, John R.
Saginaw City photographer ........................................................................................................................................ 1889 s
Saginaw City PHOTOGRAPHER at 116 Hamilton st north ........................................................................... 1890-1891 s m
Saginaw PHOTOGRAPHER on the west side at 116 Hamilton st north .............................................................. ca 1891 t
Iron Mountain photographer ...................................................................................................................................... 1900 1
Laurium (Lawson & Cornish) PHOTOGRAPHERS ................................................................................................. 1904 2
Laurium PHOTOGRAPHER on the northeast corner of Third and Osceola sts .............................................. 1904-1907 m 3
Laurium PHOTOGRAPHER ..................................................................................................................................... 1908 R
Wayne Township, Indiana, artist photographer ......................................................................................................... 1910 1
John was born in Canada in January of 1870, and he moved to the United States in 1882. Antonette was born in 1
Pennsylvania to parents from New York in December of 1872, and she married John about 1895. By 1900 they had no 1
children and John had become a naturalized citizen of the United States. The retirement of Mr. Lawson from the 1 2
partnership of Lawson & Cornish was reported late in 1904. One of John’s photographs was an 8 by 10 inch print of a 2 t
Laurium house on an 11 by 14 blind stamped mount. He was described as single in 1910, when he was living with the t 1
family of his brother Stephen. 1
1. 1900 Federal Census of the Fifth Ward of Iron Mountain in Dickinson County, Michigan, and 1910 Federal Census of Wayne
Township in Bartholomew County, Indiana.
2. St. Louis and Canadian Photographer; volume 28, number 12, December 1904.
3. Houghton County Directory, 1907, R. L. Polk & Company, Detroit.

Cornish, Stephen R.
Saginaw photo printer for photographer William L. Smith ....................................................................................... 1890 s
Saginaw (McIntyre & Cornish) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 295 Genesee av west ............................................... 1896-1897 m
Chicago, Illinois, photographer ................................................................................................................................. 1900 1
Wayne Township, Indiana, artist photographer ......................................................................................................... 1910 1
Wayne Township, Indiana, farmer ............................................................................................................................. 1920 1
Wayne Township, Indiana, photographer .................................................................................................................. 1930 1
Stephen was born in Canada in January of 1872, the younger brother of John R. Cornish. He was brought to the 1
United States about 1882, and was a naturalized citizen by 1893. Amelia, later Minnie, was born in Michigan in June 1
of 1874, and she married Stephen about 1894. Their daughter Helen was born in Michigan in March of 1896. They 1
were providing a home for Stephen’s brother John in 1910. Helen married William Shroyer and was raising six 1
children in 1930, but found room in their farm home for her parents. 1
1. 1900 Federal Census of the Twelfth Ward of Chicago in Cook County, Illinois, plus 1910, 1920 and 1930 Federal Censes of Wayne
Township in Bartholomew County, Indiana.
Cornwell, Charles Titus
Fulton County, New York, farm hand .............................................................................................................. 1832-1836 1
Fulton County, New York, apprentice carriage maker ..................................................................................... 1838-1841 1
Ralston, Pennsylvania, mine car builder .......................................................................................................... 1842-1843 1
Rexford Flats, New York, wagon maker .......................................................................................................... 1843-1844 1
Troy, New York, wagon maker ....................................................................................................................... 1844-1846 1
Schenectady, New York, railroad car builder .................................................................................................. 1846-1847 1
Schenectady, New York, DAGUERREOTYPIST ........................................................................................... 1847-1849 1
Coldwater DAGUERREOTYPIST and cabinet maker .................................................................................... 1849-1850 1
Fort Wayne, Indiana, DAGUERREOTYPIST over the office of Drs Thompson and Sturgis on Calhoun st ............. 1850 2
Shelbyville, Indiana, DAGUERREOTYPIST over Burn’s Silversmith Shop ........................................................... 1853 2
Alton, Illinois, (Cornwall & Williams) PHOTOGRAPH & DAGUERRIAN ARTISTS s side Third st ......... 1858-1859 3
Alton, Illinois, AMBROTYPIST ............................................................................................................................... 1860 3 2
Coldwater artist .......................................................................................................................................................... 1860 4
Saint Louis, Missouri, (Williams & Cornwell) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 60 Fourth st north ................................ ca 1863 1 5
Coldwater PHOTOGRAPHER .................................................................................................................................. 1864 6
Coldwater PHOTOGRAPHER up stairs at 46 Chicago st west ....................................................................... 1869-1894 m 7
Coldwater PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................ 1894-1899 m 7
Coldwater PHOTOGRAPHER at 102 Marshall st north ................................................................................. 1900-1901 7 m
Coldwater resident ............................................................................................................................................ 1902-1922 1 7
Charles was born in Fulton County, New York, on September 24, 1821, to Ann (Warn) and Ashwell Cornwell, 1
Junior. He left home when he was eleven and made his own living as outlined above. About 1844 he married 18-year- 1 4
old Miss Anna A. Lefferts at Rexford Flats, New York, and their son Charles was born in New York in August of 1 4
1845. In 1850 he built a house on the east side of Marshall Street two doors north of Hull Street in Coldwater, which 1
he still occupied in 1906 though he had traveled all over the country during his early years as a Coldwater home 1
owner. Charles succeeded James Tripp in the gallery on the second floor of Moore’s Block in Coldwater. His work t 8
was mentioned in Coldwater newspapers in January, April and August of 1869. In addition to the usual portraits he 8 t
photographed a continuous spinning machine patented by two Coldwater men in April of 1871. He took stereo views t
when Coldwater streets and buildings were snow covered, and offered “Pictures Taken in Every Style, and Satisfaction t 7
Guaranteed.” in 1874. His views around Coldwater and Branch County were news in August of 1878, and his picture 7 8
of the State School was commended by the press in October of 1878. Views of Coldwater published in the New York 8 9
Daily Graphic in 1882 were made from photographs by Charles. He was in Milwaukee in August of 1883 for the 9 0
annual convention of the Photographers’ Association of America. By 1889 he was “C. T. CORNWELL. THE OLD 0 7
RELIABLE PHOTOGRAPHER At the same Old Place, No. 46 Chicago Street,... An experience of forty-six years 7
ought to satisfy the public that he is capable of doing satisfactory work. HIS WORK SPEAKS FOR ITSELF.” Charles 7
had given up the Chicago Street gallery by 1900, and had moved his studio into his Marshall Street home. His wife 7 1
died on May 8, 1904, and his son was living in Chicago at that time. In 1906 Charles was still acknowledged to be 1 8
expert in daguerreotype work, and to have retained a fine selection of daguerreotypes taken more than fifty years 8
earlier. He was living by himself in 1910, but by 1920 his son Charles had moved back to Coldwater with his wife and 4
they were providing a home for the old photographer. Charles observed his one- hundredth birthday in Coldwater. 4 8
1. 20th Century History of Branch County, Henry P. Collin, Chicago, 1906.
2. Learned in 2000 from James A. Marusek of Bloomfield, Indiana.
3. Marie Czach, A Directory of Early Illinois Photographers, Western Illinois University, Macomb, Illinois, 1977.
4. 1850, 1860 and 1870 Federal Censes of Coldwater Township, plus 1880, 1900, 1910 and 1920 Federal Censes of the Second Ward
of Coldwater in Branch County, Michigan.
5. Peter E. Palmquist and Thomas R. Kailbourn, Pioneer Photographers from the Mississippi to the Continental Divide,
Stanford University Press, Stanford, California, 2005, page 179.
6. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1862-1866, National Archives, Washington, D.C.
7. Coldwater city directories, 1874, 1882, 1894 and 1900; as well as Coldwater Illustrated, Conover, 1889.
8. Newspaper clipping files, Coldwater Public Library, Coldwater, Michigan.
9. The Daily Graphic, New York, volume 29, July 14, 1882, pages 81 and 82.
0. The Photographic Times, New York, volume 13, number 152, August 1883.
Corpe, Emerson J.
Middlebury Township, Indiana, child ........................................................................................................................ 1850 1
Clear Spring Township, Indiana, student and farm laborer ....................................................................................... 1860 1
United States Army soldier .............................................................................................................................. 1862-1865 2 3
York Township, Indiana, farmer ................................................................................................................................ 1870 1
Middle Branch Township farmer ............................................................................................................................... 1880 1
Kalkaska Township farmer .............................................................................................................................. 1888-1890 1
Kalkaska PHOTOGRAPHER .......................................................................................................................... 1896-1903 m
His father was from New York, his mother was Canadian, and .Emerson was born in Indiana in August of 1847. He 1
was eighth of the nine children of Benjamin F. and Mary Corpe. By 1860 his mother was married to John Kitchen, and 1
Emerson and his younger sister were step-children in a fairly large farm family. He enlisted as a musician in Company 1 2
E of the 100th Indiana Infantry at Kendallville, Indiana, on August 12, 1862. While serving in March of 1863 at 3
Hickory Valley near Grand Junction, Tennessee, Emerson was sick with chills and fever for several weeks while 3
exposed to rain and mud and all kinds of weather, resulting in deafness and the loss of most of his teeth. He seems to 3
have believed that his treatment by the camp doctors in field tents was more harmful than helpful. He was mustered out 3
as a private with his company at Washington, D. C., on June 8 and honorably discharged at Indianapolis, Indiana, on 3
June 18, 1865. Sarah was born in Ohio in February of 1845 to parents from Maryland, and she married Emerson about 3 1
1874. Their daughter Edna was born in Michigan a year later, but neither of their two children lived to maturity. As a 1 3
veteran, Emerson applied for an Invalid Pension in July of 1888, but apparently was not successful. He was five feet 3
seven inches tall with a fair complexion, light brown hair and blue eyes at this time. He applied successfully in July of 3
1890, and received his last monthly pension of twelve dollars on December 4, 1906. The pension was stopped because 3
of his death. 3
1. 1850 Federal Census of Middlebury Township and 1870 Federal Census of York Township in Elkhart County, plus 1860 Federal Census
of Clear Spring Township in La Grange County, Indiana, as well as 1880 Federal Census of Middle Branch Township in Osceola County
and 1900 Federal Census of the village of Kalkaska in Kalkaska Township of Kalkaska County, Michigan.
2. 1890 Michigan Veterans Schedules.
3. Civil War Veteran Pension Record of Emerson J. Corpe obtained from the National Archives at Washington, D. C.

Corry, Frederick C.
Sparta PHOTOGRAPHER .............................................................................................................................. 1902-1915 m
Sparta PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................................ 1917 1
Saint Louis resident ................................................................................................................................................... 1920 2
Fred was born in Michigan in 1862 or 1863. Her parents came from New York, Emma was born in Michigan in 2
1866 or 1867, she married Fred about 1888, and their sons Ray and Vernon were born in Michigan between 1891 and 2
1895. The gazetteers consistently spelled the name “Corey” through 1909, and just as consistently spelled it “Cory” 2 m
after that. It was spelled “Corry” on blind stamped photograph mounts and in four other sources. Fred was not working t R
in 1920, but both sons were at home and had good jobs. Emma was a widow in 1930, and was living in Saint Louis 2
with a widowed daughter-in-law and a granddaughter. 2
1. Rural Directory of Kent County 1917-1922, Wilmer Atkinson Company, Philadelphia.
2. 1910 Federal Census of the village of Sparta in Sparta Township of Kent County, plus 1920 and 1930 Federal Censes of the Third
Ward of St. Louis in Gratiot County, Michigan.

Corte-Scope Company, The

Cleveland, Ohio publishers of stereo views ..................................................................................................... 1914-1927 1
This company was successor to the American Corte-Scope Company that operated out of Toledo, Ohio, from 1911 1
until 1914. Both companies were founded by Harry N. Clarke, and they specialized in producing sets of views for 1
large manufacturing companies illustrating their factories and products. The sets included a folding viewer of a design t 1
patented and assigned to the company in 1914. The stereographs were in an unusual format: 3¾ by 6½ inch 1 t
photographic paper a little heavier than a typical post card photograph, and not mounted to any card stock. The logo t
on the back of some of the stereographs included: “The Corte-Scope, THE MIRROR WITH A MEMORY. CORTE-SCOPIC t
to 90 scenes in many Detroit factories were published, including the Adams X-Ray Company, the Anderson Electric 2
Car Company, the Cadillac Motor Car Company, the Chalmers Motor Company, the Federal Motor Truck Company, 2
the Hudson Motor Car Company, the Maxwell Motor Company, the Packard Motor Car Company, the Paige-Detroit t 2
Motor Car Company, the Pingree Company (shoes), the Timken-Detroit Axle Company, the Trojan Laundry 2 t
Company, the U. S. Radiator Company, and the Morgan & Wright factory of the U. S. Tire Company. Similar series 2 t
were published of the Buick Motor Car Company in Flint and the Mutual Motors Company in Jackson. Most of the 2 t
stereo photographs seem to have been taken by Albert K. Hibbard, who worked for Underwood & Underwood in the 1
United States and Europe from 1904 until 1914 and became Secretary and Chief Photographer of the Corte-Scope 1
Company in 1915. 1
1. Learned in 2007 from John Waldsmith of Medina, Ohio.
2. John Waldsmith, Stereo Views, second edition, Krause Publications, Iola, Wisconsin, 2002, pages 210-212.
Cortright, Leonard
Please see the entry for Leonard Courtright.

Corvinus, _______
Flint PHOTOGRAPHER at 119 Second st east ............................................................................................... 1911-1912 t 1
VIEWS FROM THE FLINT SKY SCRAPER.” was stamped on the back of the 6 ½ by 8 ¾ inch mounts of views t
taken from the nine story Flint P. Smith Building soon after it opened about 1911. “CORVINUS PHOTOS, WALKER t
ARTIST, 119 E. Second St., FLINT. AT A MODERATE PRICE.” was stamped on some mounts in this series. “FINE t 2
ADDRESS CORVINUS, 119 E. SECOND ST., FLINT, MICH.” was stamped awkwardly on the postcard backs of 2
photographs. One of these photos was of a young man standing by his tripod-mounted camera and was labeled: 2
“CORVINUS, THE PHOTOMAN, Flint, Mich.” on the negative. William H. Corvinus was born in Michigan to Danish 2 3
parents in 1876 and in 1920 was working on the assembly line in a Flint auto factory and supporting a wife named Dot. 3
William just might have been the photographer. 3
1. “Photographers of Flint, Michigan” by Kenneth A. Wallace in The Flint Genealogical Quarterly; volume 17, numbers 2 ,3 and4,
and volume18, numbers 1, 2, 3 and 4, April 1975 to October 1976.
2. Learned in 2004 from Gary Banas of Warren, Michigan.
3. 1920 Federal Census of the First Ward of Flint in Genesee County, Michigan.

Corwin, C. W.
Marcellus PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................ 1876-1877 1
Guide Rock, Nebraska, PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................... 1884-1885 2
1. Bradstreet’s Commercial Reports ... Western & Southern States; J. M. Bradstreet & Son Company, New York, January 1, 1877.
2. Carl Mautz, Biographies of Western Photographers, Carl Mautz Publishing, Nevada City, California, 1997.

Corwin, Dwight I.
Brady resident ............................................................................................................................................................ 1862 1
United States Army soldier .............................................................................................................................. 1862-1865 1
Vicksburg PHOTOGRAPHER .................................................................................................................................. 1872 2
Bronson (Rampton & Corwin) PHOTOGRAPHERS ...................................................................................... 1874-1875 m
Vicksburg (Holcomb & Corwin) PHOTOGRAPHERS .................................................................................. 1876-1877 m
Vicksburg PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................ 1878-1879 m
Vicksburgh PHOTOGRAPHER and taxidermist ............................................................................................ 1880-1881 m
Vicksburgh PHOTOGRAPHER ...................................................................................................................... 1882-1883 m
Vicksburg resident, carpenter or taxidermist .................................................................................................. 1884-1914 3 4
Dwight was one of the sons of Samuel and Levina Corwin, and was born in February of 1839 in New York State. He 4 1
was 23 years old when he enlisted at Kalamazoo as a corporal in Company K of the 19th Michigan Infantry on August 1
5, 1862. He was mustered into the army on September 5 and was promoted to sergeant on November 24, 1862. He was 1
wounded in action at Culp’s Farm, Georgia, on June 22, 1864. Dwight was commissioned First Lieutenant on January 1
31, 1865, and was mustered out of the army near Washington, D. C., on June 10, 1865. He attended the Toledo 1 5
Business College of Bryant, Stratton & Strong in 1865. Brady was renamed Vicksburg in 1871. A diary dated 5 6
November 1872 has survived with formulas for collodion, wash bath, printing, toning, fixing and salting solutions, lists 2
of customers, and other information written by Dwight. For many years Dwight ran a boat livery on Sunset Lake in 2 3
Vicksburg, on West Prairie Street near the Grand Trunk Railroad. He never married, and he lived alone at the boat 3
livery until a week before his death on April 20, 1914. 3
1. Record of Service of Michigan Volunteers in the Civil War, 1861-1865; published by the State of Michigan about 1904.
2. The source of this information has been misplaced, and must be re-established.
3. Obituary in the Vicksburg Semi-Weekly, April 21, 1914.
4. 1880, 1900 and 1910 Federal Censes of the village of Vicksburg in Schoolcraft Township of Kalamazoo County, Michigan.
5. Learned in 1993 from Mrs. Roberta Davis of Three Rivers, Michigan.
6. Walter Romig, Michigan Place Names, Grosse Pointe, Michigan.
Corwin, Loren F.
Flint student ............................................................................................................................................................... 1870 1
Bridgeport laborer in a brick yard ............................................................................................................................. 1880 1
Ashley PHOTOGRAPHER .................................................................................................................................. ca 1895 t
Ashley PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................. 1900-1905 1 m
Ashley apiarist or bee keeper ..................................................................................................................................... 1910 1
Lansing sweeper in an auto factory ............................................................................................................................ 1920 1
His mother came from New York and Loren was born in Michigan in February of 1856. He was living in 1870 with 1
Albert and Alvira Van Slyke and their son Henry. Her father came from New York, Nellie Turner was born in 1
Michigan in April of 1859, and she married Loren about 1876. Their son Charles was born in Michigan in October of 1 t
1879. One of Loren’s cabinet photographs shows a couple seated at a table. There is a framed portrait on the table and t
the man is holding a stereo viewer. Loren and Nellie were providing a home in 1910 for two grandsons born between t 1
1902 and 1905, and the younger boy still was with them in 1920. 1
1. 1870 Federal Census of the First Ward of Flint in Genesee County, 1880 Federal Census of the village of Bridgeport in Saginaw
County, 1900 and 1910 Federal Censes of the village of Ashley in Elba Township of Gratiot County, and 1920 Federal Census of
the Third Ward of Lansing in Ingham County, Michigan.

Cory, Edward J.
Muskegon PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................ 1863-1864 1
1. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1862-1866, National Archives, Washington, D.C.

Cory, Fred C.
Please see the entry for Fred C. Corry.

Coryell, John J.
Grand Rapids clerk .................................................................................................................................................... 1891 g
Grand Rapids photographer or laborer ............................................................................................................. 1894,1896 g

Coryell, Oliver
Litchfield, Illinois, house carpenter ........................................................................................................................... 1860 1
Jonesville (G. J. Rehklau & O. Coryell) PHOTOGRAPHERS ............................................................................ ca 1866 2 t
Jonesville carpenter ................................................................................................................................................... 1870 1
Jonesville carpenter ................................................................................................................................................... 1880 1
Oliver was born in New York State in the summer of 1824. Jane was born there in 1828 or early in 1829, and she 1
married Oliver about 1849. Their son James was born in Michigan about 1851. The three-cent revenue stamps on 1 2
some cartes de visite were canceled with a “G. J. Rehklau & O. Coryell, Photographers, JONESVILLE, MICH.” stamp. 2
George J. Rehklau was a Jonesville photographer prior to his partnership with Oliver, and later became a cabinet 1
maker and carpenter. 1
1. 1860 Federal Census of the city of Litchfield in Montgomery County, Illinois, 1870 and 1880 Federal Censes of the village of
Jonesville in Hillsdale County, as well as 1880 Federal Census of the city of Adrian plus 1870 Federal Census of the First Ward
and 1900 Federal Census of the Fifth Ward of Adrian in Lenawee County, Michigan.
2. Photograph auctioned by eBay in March of 2007.

Cosmos Series, The

New York, New York, publishers of stereo views ................................................................................................ ca 1905 t
“The Cosmos Series. NEW YORK, U. S. A.” was printed at both ends of dark gray curved mounts typical of the early t
Twentieth Century. The series included: “(72) A Michigan Homestead, Shaky Lake.” t
Coss, Wilkie G.
Springfield, Ohio, baby .............................................................................................................................................. 1860 1
Springfield, Ohio, student .......................................................................................................................................... 1870 1
Springfield, Ohio, photographer ................................................................................................................................ 1880 1
Springfield, Ohio, (Coss & Smith) PHOTOGRAPHERS ................................................................................ 1883-1884 2
Grand Rapids (Bayne & Coss) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 22-24 Fountain st ..................................................... 1890-1891 m g
Grand Rapids manager of the Arthur & Philbric Studio .................................................................................. 1892-1893 g
Grand Rapids PHOTOGRAPHER at 21 Canal st ............................................................................................ 1894-1895 g m
Grand Rapids traveling agent ..................................................................................................................................... 1897 g
Oberlin, Ohio, traveling salesman for photo supplies ................................................................................................ 1910 1
His father came from Maryland, his mother came from New York, and Wilkie was born in Ohio in November of 1
1859, second of the three sons of John and Dulcena F. Coss. For the first twenty years or more, he was known as 1
William G. Coss. His father was enumerated as a shoe maker in 1850, and was a Springfield photographer from 1859 1 2
until 1877. His mother died in the late 1860s, and by 1870 his father was married to a 32-year-old lady named 2 1
Elizabeth. In 1880 Elizabeth was a widow, and was providing a home for William and his younger brother Albert. 1
Margaret was born in Ohio in July of 1863, and she married Wilkie about 1886. Their only child, Rachel, was born in 1
Ohio in August of 1888. Bayne & Coss employed Miss Nellie C. Stebbins as a retoucher in 1891. After managing their 1 g
Grand Rapids branch studio for two years, Wilkie purchased it from Detroit photographers Arthur & Philbric and g
continued business at the same address in his own name. He made a specialty of theatrical work. He was awarded one g t
of the Cramer badges for work submitted to the St. Louis convention of the Photographers’ Association of America in 3
July of 1894. Bertha Von Cloedt was his clerk in 1894, Miss Ella M. Carlton was his retoucher in 1894 and 1895, and 3 g
Frank Schindler was his photo printer in 1895. He advertised nationally in June of 1895: “FOR SALE - Leading g 4
photographic studio in Grand Rapids, Michigan, second city in the State; over 12,000 registered negatives; cabinets $3 4
to $6 per dozen; everything first-class and in good condition. Terms easy....” He apparently sold the studio to W. 4 g
Hobart Harper, who was managing the Grand Art Studio at 21 Canal Street in 1896. A photographic periodical noted g 4
late in 1895 that “Wilkie G. Coss of the Hammer Dry Plate Company is making a trip through the West. Coss is a good 4
fellow and a welcome addition to the ranks.” Margaret and Rachel were living in Oberlin in 1900 with the family of 4 1
Margaret’s sister, Mrs. Ellen D. Brightman. Rachel and her husband, William S. Cochran, were providing a home for 1
her widowed mother in 1930. 1
1. 1900 and 1910 Federal Censes of the village of Oberlin in Russia Township of Lorain County, Ohio.
2. John Waldsmith, A Directory of Ohio Photographers, 1839 to 1900, Sycamore, Ohio, compiled in 1978 and augmented through 1993.
3. The Photo Beacon, New York, August 1894, page 307.
4. St. Louis and Canadian Photographer; volume 13, numbers 6 and 11, June and November of 1895.

Cossette, Frank Ralph

Crystal Falls clerk in a store ....................................................................................................................................... 1900 1
Iron River PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................. ca 1915 2
Iron River miner ........................................................................................................................................................ 1918 3
Iron River fire chief ................................................................................................................................................... 1920 1
Frank was born in Michigan of Canadian parentage on May 1, 1883, fourth of the eleven children of Peter and Annie 1
Cossette. He became an average sized man with brown eyes and hair. His wife, Anna Elizabeth Cossette, was born in 3 1
Wisconsin about 1880. Frank took post card size photographs of a local train wreck. 1 2
1. 1900 Federal Census of the city of Crystal Falls and 1920 Federal Census of the village of Iron River in Iron County, Michigan.
2. Learned in 1997 at the Iron County Historical Museum in Iron River, Michigan.
3. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.

Coster, _______
Grand Rapids (Baker-Coster Photo Company) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 39 Fountain st northwest ................. 1917-1919 g m
Coster, Paul R.
Chicago, Illinois, child ............................................................................................................................................... 1870 1
Holland Township student at Hope College .............................................................................................................. 1880 1
Holland mail carrier ................................................................................................................................................... 1900 1
Holland PHOTOGRAPHER at 26 Seventh st east ............................................................................................... ca 1908 t
Holland photo supply merchant ....................................................................................................................... 1908-1909 m
Holland mail carrier ................................................................................................................................................... 1910 1
Holland photo supply merchant ....................................................................................................................... 1910-1919 m
Macatawa PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................ 1914-1919 m
Holland photo supply merchant ....................................................................................................................... 1920-1921 1 m
Park Township proprietor of an automobile agency .................................................................................................. 1930 1
His father was French, and Paul was born in Illinois in July of 1869, the only child of Leopold and Mary Coster. His 1
grandparents, Hero J. and Apollina V. Coster, were providing a home for his parents in 1870 and for Paul in 1880. He 1
was living with his grandmother in 1900, and was sharing his family’s home with her in 1910 when Apollina was 1
nearly one hundred years old. Josie was born in Michigan in 1884, and she married Paul about 1906. Their children, 1
Clyde, Virginia, Lloyd, Kenneth and Carrie, were born in Michigan between 1907 and 1917. One of Paul’s post card 1 t
photographs from Holland was of icebergs on Lake Michigan, and was postmarked on February 24, 1908. He was t m
proprietor of the Coster Photo Supply Company in Holland from 1908 until 1921. The Macatawa listings were for P. m
Coster. Paul advertised the Holland operation in 1918 as providing “Developing and Printing, Framing and Viewing, m t
Cameras and Everything in The Photographic Line At COSTER’S, 19 East 8th Street.” t
1. 1870 Federal Census of the Ninth Ward of Chicago in Cook County, Illinois, 1880 Federal Census of Holland Township, 1900 Federal
Census of the Third Ward, 1910 Federal Census of the Second Ward and 1920 Federal Census of the Fourth Ward of Holland, plus
1930 Federal Census of Park Township in Ottawa County, Michigan.

Cotsopulos, Athan
Otsego laborer for a paper company .......................................................................................................................... 1918 1
Kalamazoo PHOTOGRAPHER at 409 Burdick st north ................................................................................. 1920-1921 m
He was born Athanas Paul Cotsopulos in Greece on March 25, 1898, and probably was the son of Mr. and Mrs. 1
Theano Cotsopulos. 36-year-old Anastas Petrou Cotsopulos had the same residential address at Otsego in 1918, and 1
was working for the same paper company as a laborer. 1
1. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.

Cotton, Claud Deville

Spring Valley Township, Kansas, child ........................................................................................................... 1880-1885 1 2
Detroit photographer for John S. Foster .................................................................................................................... 1898 d
Detroit photographer ........................................................................................................................................ 1899-1900 d
Detroit photo enlarger or photographer ........................................................................................................... 1902-1906 d
Detroit photographer .................................................................................................................................................. 1909 d
Detroit photographer for Frank F. Baxter ........................................................................................................ 1910-1911 1 d
Detroit photographer .................................................................................................................................................. 1912 d
Toronto, Ontario, photographer for the Merchants Portrait Company ....................................................................... 1918 3
Cleveland, Ohio, commercial photographer for a commercial photo company ......................................................... 1930 1
His parents came from Ohio and Iowa, and Claud was born at Chetopa, Kansas, on November 17, 1874, first of the 1 3
six children of G. L. and Lusylvia (Pike) Cotton. His siblings were born in Kansas, Maud in March of 1877, Charles in 2 1
May of 1881, Dewitt in July of 1885, Florence in March of 1890, and Cecil in August of 1892. Claud became a 1 3
slender man of five feet six inches with dark grey eyes and black hair. Frances was born in Michigan in 1880 or early 3 1
in 1881, and she married Claude about 1900. She gave birth to Evelyn and Florence in Michigan between 1901 and 1
1905, to Irwin in Ohio about 1907, to Milton in Michigan about 1912, to Gilbert in Canada about 1917, and to Donald 1
in Ohio about 1920. Irwin and Milton were working for a Cleveland manufacturer of radio parts in 1930. 1
1. 1880 Federal Census of Spring Valley Township in Cherokee County, Kansas, 1910 Federal Census of the Twelfth Ward of Detroit
in Wayne County, Michigan, plus 1900 Federal Census of the 38th Ward and 1930 Federal Census of the Second Ward of Cleveland
in Cuyahoga County, Ohio.
2. 1885 State Census of Spring Valley Township in Cherokee County from the Kansas State Census Collection, 1855-1915.
3. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.
Cottrell, Abraham
Lansing DAGUERREAN ARTIST and gunsmith on Washington av ............................................................. 1859-1860 m
Lansing AMBROTYPE ARTIST .............................................................................................................................. 1860 1
Lansing (Cottrell & Engelhart) AMBROTYPISTS .............................................................................................. ca 1861 t
United States Army soldier .............................................................................................................................. 1861-1865 2
Lansing (Engelhart & Cottrell) PHOTOGRAPHERS ............................................................................................... 1866 3
Lansing PHOTOGRAPHER east of Larch st on the north side of Michigan av east ............................................ ca 1870 4
Lansing retiree ........................................................................................................................................................... 1873 L
Lansing PHOTOGRAPHER up stairs at 135 Washington av .......................................................................... 1876-1879 m L
Lansing PHOTOGRAPHER on Michigan av .................................................................................................. 1880-1883 m
Lansing assistant quartermaster general of the GAR ....................................................................................... 1885-1887 L
Lansing confectioner ........................................................................................................................................ 1886-1887 m
Lansing resident ............................................................................................................................................... 1892-1894 L
Lansing landlord ........................................................................................................................................................ 1900 1
Abraham was born in England in May of 1825, and was 35 years old, five feet seven inches tall with grey eyes, dark 1 5
hair and a dark complexion when he enlisted on August 12, 1861, as First Lieutenant in Company E, “The Elder 5
Zouaves,” of the Eighth Michigan Volunteer Infantry. During the capture of Port Royal, South Carolina, early in 5
November of 1861, Abraham did an exceptional job of organizing troops landing from transports and led an assault on 5
a rebel battery on the Coosaw River. These acts were cited by General Isaac Stevens in his reports, and Abraham was 5
appointed aide-de-camp to Stevens in January of 1862. During a review of troops in April, Abraham’s horse fell on 5
him and badly fractured his right shoulder, which troubled him for the rest of his life. He was back commanding his 5
company on June 16 in the fight for Secessionville on James Island, South Carolina, and was severely wounded in the 5
side and back while leading an attack on Battery Lamar. He was originally listed as killed in action, but actually was 5
taken prisoner, survived crude medical treatment, and was interned at Charleston, Columbia and Richmond’s Libby 5
Prison before his exchange on October 6, 1862. He rejoined the Eighth Michigan on December 19, and was 5
immediately promoted to Captain. Abraham was discharged for disability on March 19, 1863, and returned to Lansing 5
where he married a young lady named Sarah who was born in Indiana in 1843 or early in 1844. He was appointed First 5 1
Lieutenant in Company F of the Sixteenth Regiment of the Veteran Reserve Corps in August of 1863, and began 5
organizing and training recruits for the field at Elmira, New York. He was promoted to Captain in December of 1863, 5
and supervised recruit training at Camp Butler and Camp Rendezvous, Illinois, and at Carlisle Barracks and Camp 5
Curtin, Pennsylvania, through 1864 and into 1865. From June to September of 1865 he commanded Camp Return at 5
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, where troops were mustered out of service and he was again discharged for disability. Sarah 5
died in 1872, leaving Abraham with two daughters: Kate was born March 24, 1864, and Mable was born December 9, 5
1870. Caroline L. Palmer, a young woman born in Indiana in July of 1844 and related to Sarah, soon moved in to care 1 5
for the children and for Abraham who was often bedridden with his disabilities. She stayed with them for 25 years. 5
After Abraham’s death on January 16, 1901, the Lansing post of the GAR draped their meeting hall in mourning crepe 5
for thirty days. 5
1. 1860 and 1880 Federal Censes of the city of Lansing, 1870 Federal Census of the Second Ward and 1900 Federal Census of the
Fifth Ward of Lansing in Ingham County, Michigan.
2. Record of Service of Michigan Volunteers in the Civil War, 1861-1865; published by the State of Michigan about 1904.
3. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1862-1866, National Archives, Washington, D.C.
4. Lansing and Its Yesterdays.
5. Kean Wilcox, “Capt. Abraham Cottrell, The Life of a Soldier-Photographer,” in Military Images, March-April 1986, pages 11
through 15.

Cottrell, K. E.
Ludington PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................. ca 1909 t
“K. E. Cottrell.” was lettered on or printed with the negative of a postal view along the lake shore at Epworth on the t
northern boundary of Ludington. The card was mailed in August of 1909. t
Coughlin, Raymond Michael
Detroit student ........................................................................................................................................................... 1900 1
Detroit photo printer for a photographer .................................................................................................................... 1910 1
Detroit photo printer or photographer .............................................................................................................. 1915-1916 d
Detroit assistant to photographer Frank Scott Clark ............................................................................................. ca 1917 2
Detroit photographer for J. Wesley Hughes ............................................................................................................... 1918 3
Detroit photographer ........................................................................................................................................ 1920-1922 d
Detroit photographer for Morris La Grou .................................................................................................................. 1923 d 4
Detroit photographer for the Ford Motor Company ........................................................................................ 1923-1925 4 d
Detroit photographer for Spencer & Wycoff ............................................................................................................. 1926 d
Detroit photographer ........................................................................................................................................ 1927-1929 d
Detroit manager for the Agfa Ansco Corporation ............................................................................................ 1930-1932 d
Detroit photographer .................................................................................................................................................. 1934 d
Detroit demonstrator for the Eastman Kodak Stores Incorporated ............................................................................ 1938 d
Detroit resident .......................................................................................................................................................... 1939 d
Detroit demonstrator for the Eastman Kodak Company ............................................................................................ 1941 d
Detroit or Royal Oak resident .......................................................................................................................... 1942-1948 5
Raymond was born in Michigan on January 23, 1886. His brothers also were born here: Edwin in August of 1887 3 1
and Royal in January of 1891. Their mother, Mrs. Catherine Coughlin, was born in Canada to Irish parents in May of 1
1857 and was a widow by 1900. Ray became a medium sized man with blue eyes and dark hair that had turned grey by 1 3
1918. He never married, and he seems to have lived with his mother through 1930. He was hired by the Ford Motor 1 4
Company as an inspector in the automatic screw machine department on June 6, 1923. One week later he was 4
transferred to the Photographic Department to fill in for Mr. Feast, a photographer who needed to travel to outlying 4
Ford properties. Ray worked under C. R. Frede at Ford as a still camera man, photographer and laboratory man. He 4
resigned from the Ford Motor Company due to ill health. His Social Security Number, 073-09-8787, was issued in 4 6
New York before 1951. Raymond died in Michigan in March of 1965. 6
1. 1900, 1910 and 1930 Federal Censes of the First Ward of Detroit in Wayne County, Michigan.
2. Reminiscences of Irving R. Bacon, Archives of the Edison Institute, Dearborn, Michigan.
3. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.
4. Ford Industrial Archives, Ford Motor Company, Redford, Michigan.
5. Detroit telephone directories, 1942 through 1948.
6. Social Security Death Index.

Coulson, _______
Mackinaw (Anderson, Coulson & Company) PHOTOGRAPHERS .................................................................... ca 1895 t
“Anderson, Coulson & Co., Photographers, For Duplicates, Address, MACKINAW, MICH.” was printed below the image on t
cabinet mounts. Mackinaw City had its name shortened to Mackinaw from November of 1894 until December of 1935. t 1
1. Walter Romig, Michigan Place Names, Grosse Pointe, Michigan.

Coulter, Robert Douglas

Grand Rapids student ................................................................................................................................................. 1900 g
Grand Rapids student or clerk ......................................................................................................................... 1905-1908 1
Lansing clerk in a furnishing store ............................................................................................................................. 1910 m
Lansing PHOTOGRAPHER at 100 Allegan st east ......................................................................................... 1912-1915 g
Grand Rapids unemployed photographer .................................................................................................................. 1917 2
Grand Rapids resident ...................................................................................................................................... 1917-1919 g
Detroit photographer .................................................................................................................................................. 1920 1
Grand Rapids PHOTOGRAPHER in the Monument Square Building at 8 ½ Monroe av .............................. 1920-1923 g
Grand Rapids (Robert Douglas Coulter Studio) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 8 ½ Monroe av .............................. 1924-1925 3 m
Robert was born at Lansing, Michigan, on April 24, 1889, eldest of the four sons of Joseph P. and Alice Coulter. His 2 1
brothers also were born in Michigan: Joseph in May of 1890, Howard in September of 1895, and Willard in November 1
of 1896. From 1915 on he was listed as R. Douglas Coulter as often as he was listed as Robert D. Coulter. He expected 1 g
to be exempted from the World War I draft because of his tubercular condition. Robert died at his Grand Rapids home 2 g
on February 7, 1923. Mrs. Marrild W. Coulter, his widow, had a Canadian father and was born in Illinois about 1900. g 1
She seems to have married Robert no sooner than 1920. Marrild kept The Coulter Studio open at the same Monroe 1 g
Avenue location from 1924 to 1943. She was identified as a photographer while living in 1930 with Robert’s mother, g 1
Mrs. Alice Coulter. Mrs. Margaret V. Coulter had an interest in the Coulter Studio in 1928 and 1929. 1 g
1. 1910 Federal Census of the Second Ward of Lansing in Ingham County, 1920 Federal Census of the Second Ward of Detroit in
Wayne County, plus 1900 Federal Census of the Tenth Ward and 1930 Federal Census of the Third Ward of Grand Rapids in Kent
County, Michigan.
2. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.
3. Bulletin of Photography, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, March 7, 1923.
Couper, Norman G.
Ann Arbor student ..................................................................................................................................................... 1880 1
Paris, Illinois, photographer ....................................................................................................................................... 1900 1
Muskegon PHOTOGRAPHER at 49 Western av west .............................................................................................. 1906 M
Chicago, Illinois, PHOTOGRAPHER at 936 43rd st east .......................................................................................... 1918 1
Chicago, Illinois, PHOTOGRAPHER ....................................................................................................................... 1930 1
Norman was born in Michigan on January 4, 1873, the third son of Edward and Mary A. Couper. His father 1
emigrated from Scotland and his mother was English. His brother Walter was born in Illinois in August of 1868, 1
became a photographer, and was Norman’s associate or employer in 1900. His brother George was born in Michigan 1
in 1870 or early in 1871. Mary Kopple was born in Kansas to parents from Illinois about 1892, and was Norman’s 1
assistant photographer in 1930. She and her younger sister Olive were boarding with Norman at that time. 1
1. 1880 Federal Census of the city of Ann Arbor in Washtenaw County, Michigan, and.1900 Federal Census of the Fifth Ward of Paris in
Edgar County, Illinois.

Courliss, William Henry

Oregon Township student and farm laborer ............................................................................................................... 1860 1
_______ farmer ......................................................................................................................................................... 1864 2
United States Army soldier .............................................................................................................................. 1864-1865 2 3
Birmingham resident................................................................................................................................................... 1865 3
Detroit resident .......................................................................................................................................................... 1866 3
Port Huron resident ..................................................................................................................................................... 1870 3
Detroit photographer .................................................................................................................................................. 1873 d
Trenton PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................ 1878-1879 m
Bay City photographer ............................................................................................................................................... 1880 1
Detroit photographer ........................................................................................................................................ 1880-1881 d
Port Huron PHOTOGRAPHER on Water st ................................................................................................... 1882-1883 m
Cottrellville PHOTOGRAPHER .......................................................................................................................... ca 1884 t
Marine City PHOTOGRAPHER ..................................................................................................................... 1884-1885 m
Marine City PHOTOGRAPHER on the south side of Union st ....................................................................... 1886-1887 m
Marine City PHOTOGRAPHER ..................................................................................................................... 1888-1889 m
Marine City PHOTOGRAPHER and art gallery ............................................................................................. 1890-1891 m
Wadhams PHOTOGRAPHER and fruit grower .............................................................................................. 1896-1903 m
Ann Arbor PHOTOGRAPHER ....................................................................................................................... 1902-1903 m
Kimball Township farmer .......................................................................................................................................... 1910 1
Elkland Township farmer .......................................................................................................................................... 1920 1
Deford resident .......................................................................................................................................................... 1921 3
Almer Township County resident .............................................................................................................................. 1925 3
William was born to John and Sarah (Huppard) Courliss at Southfield, Michigan, probably on May 15, 1847. John 3 1
seems to have died, and Sarah married Henry Ketchum in the early 1850s. William soon found himself to be a stepson 1
living with several older Ketchum siblings and a little half-brother and half-sister. He was 5 feet 6 inches tall with a 1 3
light complexion, blue eyes and light hair when he was enrolled at Lapeer as a private in Company G of the 3
reorganized Third Michigan Infantry on October 5, 1864. He was identified as Henry Courliss in some military 3 2
records. His regiment was hemmed in by the Confederate Army under General Hood early in 1865 at Murfreesboro, 3 2
Tennessee, where they suffered from exposure and poor rations. William was stricken with typhoid fever about 2 3
January 15, and was sent to the hospital. The fever left him with kidney problems and too weak for military duty so he 3
never rejoined his company. He was honorably discharged for disability at Murfreesboro on May 20, 1865. His first 3 2
and only marriage was to Miss Mary Navarre on May 10, 1873, at Perrysburg, Ohio. Mary was born in 1850 at 3
Monroe, Michigan. William’s family name was spelled Curliss in Detroit directories for 1880 and 1881, and Courtiss 3 d
in the gazetteers for 1897, 1899 and 1901. His pension application filed early in 1885 was based upon his kidney m 3
disease and general debility. It was witnessed by the photographer Eugene M. Haight, who contributed an affidavit 3
supporting William’s claim a year later. Cabinets were William’s specialty about 1886. He was succeeded in Marine 3 4
City by William S. Beazell. William and Mary never had children, but in 1900 and 1910 they were raising Pearl B. 4 1
Patterson, a niece born in Mississippi in August of 1895. William’s pension was increased to $72.00 per month in May 1 3
of 1920. He was living on a Caro rural route in Almer Township of Tuscola County at the time of his death from an 3
embolism on March 23, 1925. Mary lived at Port Huron on a Widow’s Pension of $38.00 per month until her death on 3
August 6, 1934. 3
1. 1860 Federal Census of Oregon Township in Lapeer County, 1880 Federal Census of the Fifth Ward of Bay City in Bay County,
1900 and 1910 Federal Censes of Kimball Township in St. Clair County, and 1920 Federal Census of Elkland Township in Tuscola
County, Michigan.
2. Record of Service of Michigan Volunteers in the Civil War, 1861-1865; published by the State of Michigan about 1904.
3. Civil War Veteran Pension Record of William H. Courliss obtained from the National Archives at Washington, D. C.
4. Learned in 2002 from Keith M. Steffke of Lincoln Park, Michigan.
Courteau, Adolphus D.
Centerville, Minnesota, student ................................................................................................................................. 1875 1
Stillwater, Minnesota, servant in a boarding house .................................................................................................... 1880 2
Battle Creek PHOTOGRAPHER at 9 Jefferson st north ................................................................................. 1894-1899 m t
His parents came from Lower Canada and Adolphus was born in Minnesota about 1861, the son of Hermanigelde 1
and Marie (Deshaies) Courteau. There probably were older members of the family, but he and three siblings native to 1
Minnesota still were at home in 1875. Albert and Eugene were born between 1856 and 1859, and Lillie was born about 1
1864. The studio address was as shown in a local directory and on six different cabinet mounts, but was 7 North 3 t
Jefferson Street in the gazetteers. Adolphus posed a young man on his safety bicycle headed straight for the camera in t
front of a backdrop depicting a tree-lined winding road. Harry E. Raynor worked as a printer for Adolphus in 1897. t 3
1. 1875 Census of Centerville in Anoka County from Minnesota Territorial and State Censuses, 1849-1905.
2. 1880 Federal Census of the Second Ward of Stillwater in Washington County, Minnesota.
3. Battle Creek, Albion, Marshall ... Directory, 1897-98, R. L. Polk & Company, Detroit.

Courtney, Thomas J.
Detroit (American Autotype Company) PHOTO SUPPLIES at 156 Jefferson av ..................................................... 1900 d
Detroit PHOTO PRINTER at 146 Grand River av .................................................................................................... 1901 d
Thomas was born in New York State in May of 1862 to a Scotch father and a French mother. Helena was born in 1
Canada in January of 1874 to English parents, and she married Thomas in 1896 or early in 1897. T. J. Courtney & 1 2
Company were photographers in 1892 at 445 Neponset Avenue in Boston, Massachusetts. Fred M. Bixler was 2 d
associated with Thomas in the American Autotype Company, which manufactured carbon tissue and did carbon d
printing. Thomas was enumerated as a chemist in the 1900 census. d 1
1. 1900 Federal Census of the Fifth Ward of Detroit in Wayne County, Michigan.
2. Chris Steele and Ronald Polito, A Directory of Massachusetts Photographers 1839-1900, Picton Press, Camden, Maine, 1993.

Courtright, Leonard
Springport PHOTOGRAPHER ....................................................................................................................... 1898-1899 m
Leonard was born on his parents’ farm in Clarence Township of Calhoun County in April of 1880, the first child of 1
Harley and Mary A. Courtright. Harley was born in Michigan to New York parents in December of 1856, and was a 1
Springport lawyer in 1900. Mary was born in Ohio to parents from Pennsylvania in November of 1859, married Harley 1
about 1878, and later gave birth to two more sons: Clyde in July of 1883 and Clint in December of1885. She was a 1
Springport dry goods merchant in 1900. 1
1. 1880 Federal Census of Clarence Township in Calhoun County and 1900 Federal Census of the village of Springport in Springport
Township of Jackson County, Michigan.

Couse, W. A.
Port Huron photographer ...................................................................................................................................... ca 1900 t
“W. A. COUSE” was lettered on the negative or on the 10 ½ by 14 inch gray mount of 3 ½ by 7 ½ or 4 ½ by 8 t
marine scenes with the sun going down over the Port Huron skyline and silhouetting boats with furled sails on the St. t
Clair River. Titles such as “The Golden Way” or “Just as the sun went down” were written in script below the images. t

Cousins, Chester J.
Detroit clerk or helper ...................................................................................................................................... 1900-1904 1 d
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 64 Grand River av ..................................................................................................... 1905 d
Detroit clerk or salesman for a creamery ......................................................................................................... 1906-1910 d 1
Detroit clerk ..................................................................................................................................................... 1910-1916 d
Detroit salesman or driver for a creamery ........................................................................................................ 1917-1941 d 1
Detroit resident ................................................................................................................................................ 1942-1948 2
Chester was born in Canada in October of 1881, came to the United States as a child, and became a naturalized 1
citizen. He and five siblings (Frederick, Muriel, Alma, Nola, and Edwin) were living in 1900 with their mother, Mary, 1
and her second husband, Homer M. Stuart. Note that both of his brothers became photographers. May was born in 1
Michigan in 1886, and she married Chester about 1908. Their children were born here: John in 1914, Margaret in 1
April of 1917, James in May of 1919, and Francis in 1923 or early in 1924. 1
1. 1900 Federal Census of the Sixth Ward, 1910 Federal Census of the Seventeenth Ward, and 1920 and 1930 Federal Censes of the
Twenty-first Ward of Detroit in Wayne County, Michigan.
2. Detroit telephone directories, 1942 through 1948.
Cousins, Edwin
Detroit student ........................................................................................................................................................... 1900 1 d
Detroit photographer .................................................................................................................................................. 1907 d
Detroit photographer for Frederick W. Cousins ........................................................................................................ 1908 d
Detroit photographer .................................................................................................................................................. 1909 d
Detroit electrical apprentice or electrician ....................................................................................................... 1910-1911 1 d
His parents emigrated from Canada, and Edwin was born in Michigan in July of 1888. He and five siblings 1
(Frederick, Chester, Muriel, Alma, and Nola) were living in 1900 with their mother, Mary, and her second husband, 1 d
Homer M. Stuart. Note that both of his brothers became photographers. The listing in 1909 was for J. Edwin Cousins. d
1. 1900 Federal Census of the Sixth Ward and 1910 Federal Census of the Seventeenth Ward of Detroit in Wayne County, Michigan.

Cousins, Frederick William

Detroit clerk or resident .................................................................................................................................... 1899-1903 d
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 177 Grand River av ................................................................................................... 1905 d
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 487 Gratiot av ................................................................................................. 1906-1907 d m
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 44 Monroe av .................................................................................................. 1907-1909 d m
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 811 Gratiot av ................................................................................................. 1910-1913 d m
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 613 and 811 Gratiot av ............................................................................................. 1914 d
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 692 Gratiot av ........................................................................................................... 1915 d
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 1338 Mack av ........................................................................................................... 1916 d
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 382 McClellan av ...................................................................................................... 1918 d 1
Ferndale PHOTOGRAPHER at 454 Wordsworth av ...................................................................................... 1924-1927 2 m
Ferndale PHOTOGRAPHER .................................................................................................................................... 1930 3
Ferndale COMMERCIAL PHOTOGRAPHER at 454 Wordsworth av .................................................................... 1933 2
Fred was born in Canada on January 29, 1880, and became a citizen of the United States when his father was 3 1
naturalized while Fred was a minor. He and five siblings (Chester, Muriel, Alma, Nola, and Edwin) were living in 1 3
1900 with their mother, Mary, and her second husband, Homer M. Stuart. Note that both of his brothers became 3 d
photographers. Sarah was born in Canada to Irish parents about 1883, and she married Fred in 1901. Their children d 3
were born in Detroit: Muriel in 1903 or early in 1904, Fred four years later, and Chester in July of 1909. Frederick 3
employed his brother Edwin Cousins as a photographer in 1908. The backs of studio portraits on post card stock were d t
stamped: “COUSINS Art Studio, Detroit” or “Made while you wait at Cousins Art Studio, 44 Monroe Ave., Detroit.” t
A small label “From the COUSINS Art Studio, High Class Photography at popular prices. 811 Gratiot cor. Grandy, t
Detroit, Mich.” was affixed to the back of an 11 by 14 inch mount carrying a photograph of a house under construction t
“Taken May 15, 1911; 474 Montclair Ave., Detroit, Mich.” Fred was five feet five inches tall with brown eyes and t 1
hair in 1918, when he had the same address as his nearest relative, Mrs. Florence Stuart. Ethel was born in Indiana in 1 3
1899 or 1900, and married Fred about 1920. Fred was a commercial photographer in the Detroit area for over forty 3 4
years and became widely known as a dog fancier. He was one of the first mid-western breeders of Boston terriers, and 4
won Detroit’s first international championship for Boston terriers. He died of a heart attack at his Ferndale home on 4
September 28, 1947, survived by his wife Ethel and his two sons. 4
1. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.
2. Royal Oak and Ferndale directory, 1924, 1926 and 1933, R. L. Polk & Company, Detroit.
3. 1900 Federal Census of the Sixth Ward and 1910 Federal Census of the Eleventh Ward of Detroit in Wayne County, plus 1930
Federal Census of the city of Ferndale in Oakland County, Michigan.
4. Obituary in the Detroit News, Detroit, Michigan, September 30, 1947.

Covell-Nash Photo Company, The

Chicago, Illinois, PHOTOGRAPHERS ................................................................................................................ ca 1890 t
Buffalo, New York, PHOTOGRAPHERS ........................................................................................................... ca 1890 t
“Room #4” and “Sparta, Mich.” were lettered on the negative of a cabinet photograph of 42 students and their two t
teachers on the steps of a brick schoolhouse. “The Covell-Nash Photo Co., CHICAGO and BUFFALO.” was printed t
on the mount of this photo. t

Covert, _______
Northville (Bissell & Covert) PHOTOGRAPHERS ............................................................................................. ca 1864 t
Covey, Daniel B.
Bethel Township farm laborer ................................................................................................................................... 1850 1
Fulton farmer ................................................................................................................................................... 1852-1854 2
Leonidas Township farmer .............................................................................................................................. 1857-1862 2 1
Sherwood farmer ....................................................................................................................................................... 1863 3 2
United States Army soldier .............................................................................................................................. 1863-1864 3 2
Leonidas resident ....................................................................................................................................................... 1864 2
Burr Oak PHOTOGRAPHER ......................................................................................................................... 1864-1865 4
Fulton resident ................................................................................................................................................. 1868-1913 2
His parents came from Vermont, Daniel was born on February 26, 1827, in Steuben County, New York, and he 1 2
probably was the brother of Eleazor J. Covey. He was 5 feet 10 inches tall with blue eyes, light hair and a light 2
complexion when he enlisted at Coldwater in Company H of the Ninth Michigan Cavalry on March 7, 1863. The Ninth 2 3
was armed with Spencer rifles, and left Coldwater in May of 1863 for Cincinnati. They moved to Mt. Sterling, 3
Kentucky, in June to pursue guerillas, and succeeded in capturing Morgan’s chief of staff and several of his men. 3
About June 20 at Hickman Bridge, Kentucky, Daniel was stricken with the chronic diarrhea and rheumatism which 2
plagued him for the rest of his life. He was sent to the West End Hospital at Cincinnati, and then early in July to Ward 2
36 at Camp Dennison, Ohio. He was unable to walk for five months and spent time in two other wards before being 2
honorably discharged at Camp Dennison as unfit for service in the Invalid Corps on March 7, 1864. He first applied in 3 2
1878, and seems to have been granted an Invalid Pension about 1880. Two years later he added to his chronic health 2
problems absent mindedness resulting from a head injury incurred during his army service. His inability to remember 2
names, dates and circumstances was a great embarrassment to him and a detriment in conducting any business. While 2 1
living with his widowed aunt Hannah Brooks he was enumerated as a gentleman in 1870 and as a farmer in 1880. 1
Daniel was 56 years old when he married for the first time at Fulton on January 24, 1884. His bride was Miss Carrie 2
Cartright who was born in New York in May of 1855. They never had children. The farms on which the Coveys lived 2 1
were in Wakeshma Township of Kalamazoo County from 1887 until 1904, and then in neighboring Brady Township 1 2
until 1910, but Fulton always was the closest village. Daniel and Carrie were providing a home in 1910 for a three- 2 1
year-old cousin, Lois Cartright. Carrie survived Daniel, who died at Fulton on April 20, 1913. 1 2
1. 1850 Federal Census of Bethel Township in Branch County, 1860 Federal Census of Leonidas Township in St. Joseph County, 1870
and 1880 Federal Censes of Brady Township plus 1900 Federal Census of the village of Fulton in Wakeshma Township and 1910
Federal Census of Wakeshma Township of Kalamazoo County, Michigan.
2. Veterans Pension Record of Daniel B. Covey obtained from the National Archives at Washington, D. C.
3. Record of Service of Michigan Volunteers in the Civil War, 1861-1865; published by the State of Michigan about 1904.
4. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1862-1866, National Archives, Washington, D.C.
Covey, Eleazor J.
Fabius Township farm laborer ................................................................................................................................... 1850 1
Leonidas PHOTOGRAPHER .................................................................................................................................... 1863 2
United States Army soldier .............................................................................................................................. 1864-1865 3 4
Leonidas PHOTOGRAPHER .................................................................................................................................... 1866 3
Albany, Wisconsin, resident ...................................................................................................................................... 1866 3
Osceola, Iowa, PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................. 1867-1868 3
Creston, Iowa, PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................. 1868-1880 3
Stanberry, Missouri, PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................ 1882-1900 3
Rolla, Missouri, resident .................................................................................................................................. 1900-1903 1 3
Marshall, Missouri, resident ............................................................................................................................ 1903-1907 3
Pottawatomi Township, Kansas, resident .................................................................................................................. 1910 1
Waverly, Kansas, resident ......................................................................................................................................... 1912 3
Ottawa, Kansas, resident .................................................................................................................................. 1914-1918 3
Eleazor was born on February 12, 1832, at Cherryride in Howard Township of Steuben County, New York, and 3 4
probably was the brother of Daniel B. Covey. He was 5 feet 8 inches tall with blue eyes, light hair and a fair 4
complexion when he enlisted at Kalamazoo in Company A of the Eleventh Michigan Volunteer Infantry on December 4
30, 1863. He was mustered into the service five days later and joined his regiment at Rossville, Georgia, on January 4
28, 1864. On March 30 Eleazor was transferred to Company F. The regiment had battles during General Sherman’s 4
Georgia Campaign in the spring of 1864 at Buzzard’s Roost on May 10, at Resaca on May 14, at New Hope Church 4
on May 27, at Kenesaw Mountain from June 22 through June 27, at Rough’s Station on July 3 and 4, and at Peach 4
Tree Creek on July 30. They took part in the siege of Atlanta, Georgia, from July 20 until August 27, 1864. About this 4 3
time Eleazor was afflicted with chronic diarrhea. At the end of September of 1864, he and other recent recruits stayed 3 4
in the field while most of the Eleventh returned to Michigan to reorganize. October found Eleazor in the Regimental 4 3
Hospital at Chattanooga, Tennessee. He was transferred to General Hospital Number Three at Nashville in November 3
and remained there until late in April of 1865. Eleazor was honorably discharged at Nashville on May 22, 1865. He 3 4
and Miss Aurelia P. Casey were married at Albany, Wisconsin, on July 5, 1866. Their daughter May J. Covey was 3
born on May 16, 1867, and their twin daughters Myrta A. and Bertha P. Covey were born July 27, 1871. Sons born in 3
1869 and 1873 died as infants. The 1870 and 1880 census reports place the Covey residence at Afton, a smaller town 3 1
nine miles east of Creston. Eleazor seems to have been granted an Invalid Pension because of his chronic diarrhea 5 3
about 1890. Their daughter Bertha married Arthur W. Nichols about 1908, and in 1910 was providing a home for 3 1
Aurelia and Eleazor. Aurelia died at Waverly on October 21, 1912. Eleazor was in poor health and becoming feeble, 1 3
and he seems to have stayed with the Nichols family until Arthur died, and then spent his last four years in the Ottawa 3
home of his widowed daughter, Mrs. Bertha Nichols. He died there of apoplectic paralysis on March 9, 1918. His 3
body was returned to Waverly for burial. 3
1. 1850 Federal Census of Fabius Township in St. Joseph County, Michigan.
2. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1862-1866, National Archives, Washington, D.C.
3. Veterans Pension Record of Eleazor J. Covey obtained from the National Archives at Washington, D. C.
4. Record of Service of Michigan Volunteers in the Civil War, 1861-1865; published by the State of Michigan about 1904.
5. Rand McNally Road Atlas, United States-Canada-Mexico, Rand McNally Map & Atlas Division, Skokie, Illinois.

Covey, Horace
Saranac PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................ 1865-1866 1
One Horace Covey was born in New York State about 1835, fourth of the eight children of James and Lorinda 2
Covey. The family moved to Michigan shortly after his birth, and farmed in Eaton Rapids Township of Eaton County 2
for many years. Horace was living with his parents as a farmer in 1850 and 1860. By 1870 he had acquired a farm of 2
his own down the road from his father, a 25-year-old English wife named Eliza, and a daughter and two sons born 2
between 1863 and 1868. Saranac is about forty miles northwest of Eaton Rapids Township as the crow flies, but more 2 3
like fifty five miles along country roads or ninety five miles by rail. 3 4
1. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1862-1866, National Archives, Washington, D.C.
2. 1850, 1860 and 1870 Federal Censes of Eaton Rapids Township in Eaton County, Michigan.
3. Michigan County Map Guide, Michigan United Conservation Clubs, Lansing, Michigan.
4. Graydon Meintz, Along the Tracks, Clark Historical Library, Central Michigan University, Mount Pleasant, Michigan, 1987.
Coville, Franklin A., Mrs.
Middleville PHOTOGRAPHER ...................................................................................................................... 1876-1877 m
Middleville PHOTOGRAPHER on the south side of Main st ................................................................................... 1878 1
Middleville PHOTOGRAPHER ...................................................................................................................... 1878-1885 m
Lucy was born in New York State in April of 1850, third of the seven children of Jonathan and Lucy Ann Sessions. 2 3
Her father was an English shoe maker, but her older brother Orrin and her younger brother John also became 2 m
professional photographers. Lucy worked for Orrin as a photograph artist in 1870, and she opened her Middleville m 2
gallery in 1874. She married Franklin A. Coville in Allegan County on November 27, 1876. Frank was born in New 2 3
York in August of 1848, and was station agent and telegraph operator for the Michigan Central Railroad in 2 m
Middleville from 1876 through 1885. Lucy was enumerated as a photographist in the 1880 census, and apparently m 2
never had children. Lucy died in 1885. Frank was a Wayland jeweler in 1900, when he was boarding there with Lucy’s 3 2
widowed mother, Mrs. Lucy Ann Sessions. For more information about Lucy’s early life, please see the entry for Miss 2 3
Lucy A. Sessions. 2
1. Eaton, Barry and Ingham County Directory, 1878, Charles E. Mudge, Lansing, Michigan.
2. 1850 Federal Census of the village of Henrietta in Monroe County, New York, plus 1860, 1870 and 1900 Federal Censes of the
village of Wayland in Allegan County, and 1880 Federal Census of the village of Middleville in Barry County, Michigan.
3. One World Tree on the internet.

Cowan, Alexander
Jackson PHOTOGRAPHER next to the Hurd House at 118 Main st east ................................................................. 1885 J
Muskegon (LaFayette & Cowan) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 51 Western av west ........................................................ 1887 M
One Alexander Cowan served in Company E of the 45th Ohio Infantry during the Civil War. Alexander succeeded 1 J
Edwin B. Bigelow in Jackson, and advertised: “All photographs taken by the new instantaneous process in the fraction J
of a second. A. COWAN’S ART GALLERY, Make a Specialty of Fine Work. Cabinets, #3.00 per dozen; Cards, J
$2.00 per dozen....” LaFayette & Cowan’s Star Gallery was on the northwest corner of First Street and Western J M
Avenue in Muskegon. M t
1. General Index to Pension Files, 1861-1934, National Archives, Washington, D. C.

Cowan, Ina S., Miss

Detroit clerk for photographers Holcombe & Alvord ................................................................................................ 1884 d
Detroit clerk ..................................................................................................................................................... 1885-1886 d
Detroit bookkeeper for photographers Diehl & Sharpsteen ....................................................................................... 1887 d
Detroit clerk for photographers Bracy & Gibson ....................................................................................................... 1888 d
Ina’s sister Nettie was a clerk for photographer Augustus B. Taylor in 1887. d

Cowell, William F.
Ypsilanti PHOTOGRAPHER .......................................................................................................................... 1906-1907 m

Cowherd, Ella
Jackson artist or retoucher for photographer John W. Paine ........................................................................... 1888-1892 J
Jackson artist for photographer Edward S. Tray .............................................................................................. 1893-1894 J

Cowles, _______
Flint (Johnston & Cowles) PHOTOGRAPHERS ............................................................................................ 1900-1901 m
Flint had a barber in June of 1900 named Fred G. Cowles who was born in Michigan in March of 1878. His father 1
was from New York State and his mother was English, and Fred was single in 1900. 1
1. 1900 Federal Census of the Fourth Ward of Flint in Genesee County, Michigan.

Cowles, Mary A., Miss

Almont PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................ 1866-1867 1
1. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1862-1866, National Archives, Washington, D.C.
Cox, Alfred
Detroit manager of the Photo-Keramic Company ............................................................................................ 1890-1891 d
Chicago, Illinois, (Cox & Company) PHOTOGRAPHERS in Room 70 of the Athenaeum Building ....................... 1893 c
Chicago, Illinois, PHOTOGRAPHER in Room 510 at 131 Fifty Third st ................................................................ 1894 c
Chicago, Illinois, (Cox & Prime) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 1419 Michigan av ................................................ 1895-1897 c
Chicago, Illinois, PHOTOGRAPHER at 1419 Michigan av ..................................................................................... 1898 c
Chicago, Illinois, PHOTOGRAPHER at 215 Wabash st ................................................................................. 1899-1900 c 1
Chicago, Illinois, PHOTOGRAPHER ....................................................................................................................... 1910 1
Portland, Oregon, PHOTOGRAPHER in Room 516 of the Worcester Building ............................................ 1914-1915 2
Oak Grove Precinct, Oregon, fruit farmer ................................................................................................................. 1920 1
Alfred was born in England in January of 1854. He immigrated in 1887, and seems to have left behind a wife and a 1
five-year-old daughter named Sybil. By 1900 he was a naturalized citizen of the United States. Her parents emigrated 1
from Germany, Josie was born in Michigan in February of 1866, and she became Alfred’s second wife about 1894. 1
Their daughter Helen was born in July of 1896, and their son Alfred was born in 1901 or 1902. Sybil married a 1
Roumanian named Popine about 1903 and emigrated from England in 1909 with her one-year-old son Anthony. 1
Alfred’s household in 1910 included Sybil and Anthony. Alfred was working on the family fruit farm in 1920. Josie 1
was known as Josephine in 1920 and 1930, and in 1930 she was a widow and a housekeeper for an insurance agent 1
and his son. 1
1. 1900 and 1910 Federal Censes of the Twenty-fifth Ward of Chicago in Cook County, Illinois, plus 1920 Federal Census of Oak Grove
Precinct in Hood River County and 1930 Federal Census of Riverdale in Multnomah County, Oregon.
2. Thomas Robinson, Oregon Photographers, Portland, Oregon, second edition, 1993.

Cox, Edward R., Junior

McConnelsville, Ohio, PHOTOGRAPHER .................................................................................................... 1896-1897 1
Lake Linden PHOTOGRAPHER on Front st opposite the Opera House ........................................................ 1898-1899 2 m
Lake Linden PHOTOGRAPHER on Fourth Street east of Calumet st ...................................................................... 1899 2
Lake Linden PHOTOGRAPHER on the north side of Fourth st one east of Calumet st ................................. 1900-1905 m 2
Lake Linden PHOTOGRAPHER in the Cox Building .................................................................................... 1904-1905 m
Lake Linden PHOTOGRAPHER .................................................................................................................... 1906-1907 m
Zanesville, Ohio, PHOTOGRAPHER ....................................................................................................................... 1910 3
New Concord, Ohio, PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................ 1920,1930 3
Edward was born in Ohio in August of 1871, and was single and living alone in 1900. A year later he married Anna 3
Elizabeth McCutcheon. She was born in Ohio in November of 1875, and was the daughter of James and Mary 3
McCutcheon. Elizabeth gave birth to two sons in Michigan between 1902 and 1905: William B. and James Wendell. 3
The rest of their boys, Charles Fred, John E., Robert G. and George M., were born in Ohio between 1909 and 1920. 3
Edward was boarding in 1910 near his studio in Zanesville, while Elizabeth and the boys were living on the farm of 3
her widowed mother in the same county. 3
1. John Waldsmith, A Directory of Ohio Photographers, 1839 to 1900, Sycamore, Ohio, compiled in 1978 and augmented through 1993.
2. Houghton County Directory, 1898, 1899, 1901, 1903 and 1905, R. L. Polk & Company, Detroit.
3. 1900 Federal Census of the village of Lake Linden in Schoolcraft Township of Houghton County, Michigan, 1900 and 1910 Federal
Censes of Rich Hill Township, 1910 Federal Census of the Second Ward of Zanesville, plus 1920 and 1930 Federal Censes of the
village of New Concord in Muskingum County, Ohio.
Craig, Francis James Whitfield
Vassar Township child ............................................................................................................................................... 1880 1
Millersburg PHOTOGRAPHER ...................................................................................................................... 1900-1902 m R
Gaylord PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................... 1904-1905 m
Millersburg PHOTOGRAPHER ...................................................................................................................... 1904-1907 m
Onaway PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................... 1908-1911 m
Onaway PHOTOGRAPHER and employment bureau .................................................................................... 1912-1913 m
Onaway PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................... 1914-1925 m
Rogers City PHOTOGRAPHER ..................................................................................................................... 1930-1931 m
His mother emigrated from England and Frank was born in Canada on February 28, 1874, sixth of the nine children 1 2
of Henry and Mary Ann Craig. He immigrated with his family in 1880 and became a United States citizen when his 1 2
father was naturalized while Frank was a minor. Her father emigrated from Germany and Mary was born in Canada in 1
April of 1877. She came to the United States and married Frank about 1898, and then gave birth to Lela M. Craig and 1
Frances Genevieve Craig between 1904 and 1907. “F. W. Craig” was blind stamped into the charcoal mounts of 6 by 8 1 t
inch photographs of the 1905 Midland baseball team and of a business block on Midland’s Main Street. “CRAIG t 3
BROTHERS” was printed on a photograph mount from the early 1900s with no other information. The mount is in a 3
collection from the vicinity of Millersburg and Onaway. Note that Frank was two years older than his brother Joseph. 3 1
In December of 1911 a couple in Millersburg received a post card photograph of their five month old daughter seated 3
in a sleigh the size of a baby carriage with the message: “Hello Pa & Ma. I just thought I’d run down from Onaway 3
in my slay & tell you that Mr. Craig has all of our pictures finished. Baby.” Frank was stout with brown eyes and 3 2
black hair in 1918. 2
1. 1880 Federal Census of Vassar Township and 1900 Federal Census of Fremont Township in Tuscola County, 1900 Federal Census
of the village of Millersburg in Case Township plus 1910 and 1920 Federal Censes of the First Ward of Onaway in Presque Isle
County, Michigan.
2. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.
3. Learned in 1994 from Karen S. Hayes of Clinton Township, Michigan.

Craig, Joseph Hillary

Vassar Township child ............................................................................................................................................... 1880 1
Onaway PHOTOGRAPHER ..................................................................................................................................... 1900 1
Mayville Township farmer ......................................................................................................................................... 1918 2
His mother was English and Joseph was born in Canada on September 12, 1876, seventh of the nine children of 1 2
Henry and Mary Ann Craig. He was two years younger than his brother, Frank W. Craig. He came to the United States 1
with his family in 1880 and became a citizen when his father was naturalized while Joseph was a minor. He matured 1 2
into a tall man with blue eyes and brown hair and married a lady named Cora. “CRAIG BROTHERS” was printed on a 2 3
photograph mount from the early 1900s with no other information. The mount is in a collection from the vicinity of 3
Millersburg and Onaway. 3
1. 1880 Federal Census of Vassar Township and 1900 Federal Census of Fremont Township in Tuscola County, plus 1900 Federal
Census of the village of Onaway in Allis Township of Presque Isle County, Michigan.
2. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.
3. Learned in 1994 from Karen S. Hayes of Clinton Township, Michigan.
Craine, Benjamin H.
Virginia, Minnesota, clerk in a dry goods store ......................................................................................................... 1910 1
Chisholm, Minnesota, merchant ................................................................................................................................ 1917 1
Detroit (Feinberg & Craine) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 768 Woodward av and 405 Woodward Building ........ 1918-1919 d m
Detroit (Feinberg & Craine) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 768 Woodward av and 503-4 Woodward Building ............... 1920 d
Detroit (Feinberg & Craine) PHOTOGRS at 4124 Woodward av and 503-4 Woodward Bldg ...................... 1920-1921 d m
Detroit (Rembrandt Studios) PHOTOGRS at 4124 Woodward av and 503-4 Woodward Bldg ..................... 1922-1924 d
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER in Room 1408 of the Stroh Building ................................................................... 1922-1925 d
Detroit (Rembrandt Studios) PHOTOGRAPHERS in Suite 503-4 at 19 Clifford st ....................................... 1925-1932 d
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER in Room 1408 of the Stroh Building and the 19th floor of the Stroh Building ............. 1926 d
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER in Room 1408 of the Stroh Building ............................................................................. 1927 d
Detroit (Benj. H. Craine’s Studios) PHOTOGRAPHERS on the 19th floor of the Stroh Building ................. 1928-1943 d
Detroit (Craine’s Babyland Studios) PHOTOGRAPHERS in Room 1408 of the Stroh Building ................... 1928-1932 d
Detroit (Craine’s Babyland Studios) PHOTOGRAPHERS on the 19th floor of the Stroh Building ......................... 1934 d
Detroit (Craine’s Babyland Studios) PHOTOGRAPHERS in Room 1408 of the Stroh Building ............................. 1935 d
Detroit (Craine’s Babyland Studios) PHOTOGRAPHERS in Room 1407 of the Stroh Building ................... 1936-1939 d
Detroit (Craine’s Babyland Studios) PHOTOGRAPHERS on the 19th floor of the Stroh Building ............... 1940-1943 d
Benjamin was born at Yurburg in Lithuania on October 20, 1889, and came to the United States when he was 13 2 1
years old. He grew up speaking Yiddish and learned German, Russian, Lithuanian and some Polish, and he became a 1 3
short and slender man with brown eyes and black hair. He planned a career in fine arts and spent some time selling 2 4
women’s clothes in Minnesota, but found his field in photography. Much of his success was based upon his unusual 4
pictorial studies of children. He enjoyed German food, golf, serious movies and photographing the little odd outdoor 4
scenes. He read biographies and technical articles on photography. He and his partner, Harry M. Feinberg, were the 4 1
same age and had the same background, and in 1920 they and five others were rooming in the same building. From 1
1925 until 1932 Benjamin was also proprietor of the Frame Shoppe in the Stroh Building. Max Ellis owned the Craine d
Studios in 1934, and Benjamin was listed as manager of both studios in the Stroh building from 1934 through 1937. d
Isadore Feinberg owned the Rembrandt Studios in 1934, and Benjamin was listed as manager only in 1935. Beginning d
in 1938 Benjamin was secretary of the company that owned the Craine Studios. He married for the first time only a d 4
few years before he died after a brief illness on May 9, 1943. He was survived by two brothers and his widow, Mrs. 4
Brinnie N. Craine. Burial was in Clover Hill Park. From 1943 through 1948, Mrs. Benjamin H. Craine was a Detroit 4 5
resident associated with the Craine Studios. 5
1. !910 Federal Census of the Third Ward of Virginia in St. Louis County, Minnesota, and 1920 Federal Census of the Fourth Ward of
Detroit in Wayne County, Michigan.
2. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.
3. Detroit Free Press, Detroit, Michigan, March 23, 1933.
4. Obituary in the Detroit Free Press, Detroit, Michigan, May 10, 1943.
5. Detroit telephone directories for 1943 through 1948.

Cram, Ella E., Miss

Barton Township child .............................................................................................................................................. 1870 1
Croton Township domestic servant ............................................................................................................................ 1880 1
Grand Rapids domestic or housekeeper ........................................................................................................... 1888-1889 g
Grand Rapids retoucher ............................................................................................................................................. 1892 g
Grand Rapids retoucher for photographer Orville A. Gillett ..................................................................................... 1895 g
Grand Rapids retoucher for photographer George H. Wykes .................................................................................... 1896 g
Grand Rapids retoucher ............................................................................................................................................. 1897 g
Grand Rapids retoucher for photographer Mrs. Emma J. Hamilton .......................................................................... 1898 g
Golden, Colorado, PHOTOGRAPHER ..................................................................................................................... 1899 2 3
Her parents came from Pennsylvania and Ella was born in Michigan in the summer of 1865, eldest of the three 1
children of Eli and Carrie Cram. She grew up on the family farm and in 1880 was working in the farm home of 1
William and Ann Eliza Cram, who do not seem to have been related to her parents. That Miss Ella Cram of Grand 1 2
Rapids, Michigan, had leased the photograph gallery of M. S. Armantrout in Golden, Colorado, was reported in March 2
of 1899. 2
1. 1870 Federal Census of Barton Township and 1880 Federal Township of Croton Township in Newaygo County, Michigan.
2. St. Louis and Canadian Photographer; volume 23, number 3, March 1899, page 143.
3. Opal Harber, Photographers and the Colorado Scene, Denver Public Library, Denver, Colorado, 1961.

Cram, Roys J.
Detroit member of the Detroit Lantern Club .............................................................................................................. 1893 1
From 1879 until 1901 Roys was a Detroit civil engineer and contractor. d
1. The Blue Book of Amateur Photographers ... 1893: compiled by Walter Sprange, Beach Bluff, Massachusetts.
Cramer, William A.
Muskegon student ...................................................................................................................................................... 1900 1
Marine City PHOTOGRAPHER ..................................................................................................................... 1924-1931 m
His father came from Pennsylvania, his mother emigrated from Ireland, and William was born in Michigan in August 1
of 1887, the son of Albert B. and Anna (Henry) Cramer. He married first about 1909 but the relationship did not last. 1
Her father was German, and Florence was born in Michigan about 1899. She and William married about 1924, and 1
their sons were born at Marine City, William in 1926 or early in 1927 and Carl in August of 1929. 1
1. 1900 Federal Census of the Fifth Ward of Muskegon in Muskegon County and 1930 Federal Census of the First Ward of Marine
City in St. Clair County, Michigan.

Cramer, William Archibald

Grand Rapids laborer ....................................................................................................................................... 1910-1911 g
Detroit photographer for Frank W. Schaldenbrand ................................................................................................... 1918 1
Detroit photographer ........................................................................................................................................ 1919-1920 d 2
William was born in Michigan on July 29, 1881, and he was living in suburban Comstock Park in 1910. He was of 2 g
medium height and build with black and gray hair and blue eyes when he registered for the draft in September of 1918. 1
He had been married and divorced, so his closest relative was his mother, Mrs. Ida Cramer, who lived in Grand 2 1
Rapids. While in Detroit he boarded at the Brunswick Hotel, the Yacht Club and the Hotel Griswold, and then rented a d 2
house. 2
1. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.
2. 1920 Federal Census of the Fifteenth Ward of Detroit in Wayne County, Michigan.

Crandall, _______
Flint DAGUERREOTYPIST ..................................................................................................................................... 1848 1
William P. Crandall was born in 1811 or 1812 in New York State and Pauline, his wife, was born there ten years 2
later. William was a Flint jeweler in 1850, and may have tried his hand at daguerreotypes in 1848. 2
1. Learned in 1976 from Kenneth A. Wallace of Flint, Michigan.
2. 1850 Federal Census of Flint Township in Genesee County, Michigan.
Crandall, Avery B.
South Bend Township, Minnesota, child ................................................................................................................... 1875 1
Hillsboro, Oregon, student ......................................................................................................................................... 1880 2
Hillsboro, Oregon, (Crandall & McBride) PHOTOGRAPHERS .............................................................................. 1890 3
Hillsboro, Oregon, PHOTOGRAPHER .................................................................................................................... 1891 3
Cheboygan (Crandall & McBride) PHOTOGRAPHERS ..................................................................................... ca 1892 t
McBride (Crandall & McBride) PHOTOGRAPHERS ........................................................................................ ca 1892 t
Wolverine (Crandall & McBride) PHOTOGRAPHERS ...................................................................................... ca 1892 4
Grand Marais (Crandall & McBride) PHOTOGRAPHERS ................................................................................. ca 1893 t
Detour (Crandall & Company) PHOTOGRAPHERS .......................................................................................... ca 1895 t
Grand Marais (Crandall & Company) PHOTOGRAPHERS ................................................................................ ca 1895 t
Wolverine (Crandall & Company) PHOTOGRAPHERS ..................................................................................... ca 1895 t
Lewiston PHOTOGRAPHER .................................................................................................................................... 1898 4
Cheboygan PHOTOGRAPHER ...................................................................................................................... 1898-1901 4 m
Gaylord PHOTOGRAPHER ..................................................................................................................................... 1899 3 t
Gaylord (Crandall & Company) PHOTOGRAPHERS .................................................................................... 1900-1901 m
Cheboygan PHOTOGRAPHER ...................................................................................................................... 1902-1907 m
Gaylord PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................................ ca 1905 t
Cheboygan PHOTOGRAPHER at 123 Main st north ..................................................................................... 1908-1911 m
Pontiac inspector in an automobile factory ................................................................................................................ 1930 2
Pontiac PHOTOGRAPHER ...................................................................................................................................... 1935 6
Avery was born at Mankato, Minnesota, in June of 1870, the son of Hillsboro judge Rudolph Crandall and his wife 2 3
Elizabeth O. Crandall, and the brother of photographer Robert S. Crandall of Duluth, Minnesota. In February of 1889 2 3
both Avery and Robert were in Company B of the First Infantry Regiment of the Oregon National Guard. Avery called 3
himself a portrait and landscape artist in Hillsboro, and offered copying, enlarging and landscape painting there. John 3 2
E. and Agnes McClelland emigrated from Canada and their daughter Jennie was born in Michigan in February of 2
1873. Jennie married Avery about 1896. In the spring of 1898 it was reported that Avery had purchased the 2 5
Cheboygan gallery of Fernando C. Hoskins, but had retained the gallery in Lewiston which he planned to visit about 5
once a month. Some cabinet mounts of the late 1890s were blind stamped: “Crandall, Cheboygan and Gaylord, Mich.” 5 t
John E. McClelland, Avery’s father-in-law, was a principal of Crandall & Company in Gaylord. Avery was an active m 7
member of the Photographers’ Association of America in 1905. “CRANDALL PHOTO STUDIO, PHOTOS, 7 t
CRAYONS, WATER COLORS, Cheboygan & Gaylord, Mich.” was stamped on the back of 5 by 3 ½ inch mounts t
about 1905. “CRANDALL” was marked on the negatives of post card photographs of Cheboygan with postmarks of t
1907 and 1908. Avery advertised nationally in the summer of 1908: “FOR SALE - Ground floor studio; main street of t 5
manufacturing city of 10,000; fine stock art goods, Kodaks and framing. Fine climate for hay fever sufferers. Crandall 5
Studio, Cheboygan, Mich.” Jennie presented Avery with a daughter they named Gladys in August of 1909. 5 2
1. 1875 State Census of South Bend Township in Blue Earth County from Minnesota Territorial and State Censuses, 1849-1905.
2. 1880 Federal Census of Hillsboro Township in Washington County, Oregon, plus 1900 and 1910 Federal Censes of the Fourth
Ward of Cheboygan in Cheboygan County and 1930 Federal Census of the city of Pontiac in Oakland County, Michigan.
3. Thomas Robinson, Oregon Photographers, Portland, Oregon, second edition, 1993.
4. Learned in 1996 from James L. Carter of Marquette, Michigan.
5. St.. Louis and Canadian Photographer; volume 22, numbers 4 and 5, April and May 1898, pages 185 and 222; and volume 32,
number 7, July 1908, page 255.
6. Pontiac City Directory, 1935, R. L. Polk & Company, Detroit.
7. The Association Review, Convention Annual, Boston 1905, The Photographers’ Association of America.

Crandell, Gordon E.
Malahide, Ontario, child ............................................................................................................................................ 1852 1
Richmond Township student ..................................................................................................................................... 1860 2
Detroit photograph artist ............................................................................................................................................ 1863 d
Rochester merchant .................................................................................................................................................... 1870 2
Chicago, Illinois, traveling salesman ......................................................................................................................... 1880 2
Gordon was born in Canada in 1843 or 1844, eldest of the four children of Ruben and Susan M. Crandell. Frank was 1 2
born in Michigan in 1848 or early in 1849, and she married Gordon about 1869. Their son Cole was born in Michigan 2
about 1873. 2
1. Census of Malahide in Elgin County of Canada West from 1851 Census of Canada East, Canada West, New Brunswick and
Nova Scotia.
2. 1860 Federal Census of Richmond Township in Macomb County and 1870 Federal Census of Avon Township in Oakland County,
Michigan, plus 1880 Federal Census of the city of Chicago in Cook County, Illinois.

Crane, W. H.
Milletts PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................................. ca 1900 t
Crater, Isaac
Chicago, Illinois, PHOTOGRAPHER opposite the Sherman House at 55 Clark st ........................................ 1862-1867 c t
Chicago, Illinois, (Crater & Bill) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 55 Clark st ................................................................. ca 1865 t
Stereoscopic “Views of Lake Superior - The Pictured Rocks, Copper and Iron Mines, Rivers, Water Falls, Harbors, t
Buildings and other objects of interest, photographed by I. Crater, 55 Clark Street,...” are found with script legends t
such as: “East Mackinac” and “Quincy Copper Mine Tram Way, Portage Lake.” Similar views were “Published by t
Crater & Bill, 55 Clark Street,...” some with script legends and others with individually printed labels with a short t
descriptive paragraph about the scene pictured; some with and some without revenue stamps. t

Crater, Joseph W.
Grand Rapids saloon proprietor or resident ..................................................................................................... 1876-1879 g
Grand Rapids PHOTOGRAPHER at 72 Canal st ............................................................................................ 1880-1882 g m
Grand Rapids proprietor of a billiard hall and lunch counter .................................................................................... 1883 g
Grand Rapids restaurateur ............................................................................................................................... 1888-1894 g
Grand Rapids dealer in billiard and pool supplies or resident ......................................................................... 1896-1897 g
Grand Rapids baker, grocer and confectioner ............................................................................................................ 1898 g
Grand Rapids restaurateur ............................................................................................................................... 1899-1900 g
Grand Rapids restaurateur and proprietor of a pool and billiard hall .............................................................. 1901-1905 g
Grand Rapids restaurateur ......................................................................................................................................... 1906 g
His parents came from New York and New Jersey, and Joseph was born in Michigan in February of 1852. He had a 1
25-year-old Michigan-born wife named Elizabeth in 1880, and was employing William G. Oliver as a photographer. 1 g
Her parents came from New York, Josie A. Fee was born in Minnesota in September of 1875, and she became 1
Joseph’s second wife about 1893. Their son William was born in Michigan in January of 1897. Joseph was 54 years 1 g
old when he died on September 12, 1906, leaving Josie a widow. g
1. 1880 Federal Census of the city of Grand Rapids and 1900 Federal Census of the Seventh Ward of Grand Rapids in Kent County,

Crawford, Arthur Ernest

Lyndonville, Vermont, student .................................................................................................................................. 1900 1
Anderson, Indiana, PHOTOGRAPHER at 615 Fourteenth st west ........................................................................... 1906 2
Hillsdale cobbler for a shoe store or a shoe repairman .................................................................................... 1910-1911 1 3
Hillsdale (Novelty Photo Company) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 67 Budlong st ............................................................ 1911 3
Hillsdale PHOTOGRAPHER .......................................................................................................................... 1912-1915 m
Atlanta, Georgia, (Atlanta Photo Company) PHOTOGRAPHER in room 92 of The Forsyth .................................. 1918 4
His father came from Canada and Arthur was born in Vermont on June 5, 1885. He was living in 1900 with his 1 4
grandparents, Azro H. and Ruth A. Kenison. He may have been the son of James and May S. (Kenison) Crawford. 1
Elsie was born in Vermont in 1884 to parents that emigrated from England, and she married Arthur about 1903. Their 1
son Arthur Ray Crawford was born in New York in 1904, and their son Ralph C. Crawford was born in Vermont in 1
May of 1909. “Made by A. E. Crawford, Hillsdale, Mich.” was stamped using very small lettering on the backs of post card 1 t
photographs of a fire in Hillsdale’s business section in March of 1914, and of the Corlett Lumber Yard fire in June of t
1913. He took both ground level and bird’s eye views while the lumber-yard fire was raging and later of the ruins. t
Another photo postmarked in 1914 had “CITY HALL, HILLSDALE, MICH. - © A. E. C.” lettered on its negative. t
Other postal photos were blind stamped: “CRAWFORD STUDIO, HILLSDALE, MICH.” A sign with “CRAWFORD t
STUDIO” appeared in postal photographs of the west side of Howell Street during this period. “MICHIGAN NATIONAL t
GUARD CAMP AT GRAYLING” and “PHOTO BY A. E. CRAWFORD, HILLSDALE” were lettered on the negative from which t
6½ by 31 inch panoramic photos were printed. While Arthur was at Atlanta in 1918, Elsie was in Chattanooga, t 4
Tennessee. In 1920 she was a widow providing a home for her sons in South Jacksonville, Florida, and working in a 4 1
shop as a photographer. 1
1. 1880 Federal Censes of Newark Township in Caledonia County and Highgate Township in Franklin County, plus 1900 Federal
Census of the village of Lyndonville in Caledonia County, Vermont, as well as 1910 Federal Census of the Fourth Ward of Hillsdale
in Hillsdale County, Michigan, and 1920 Federal Census of South Jacksonville in Duval County, Florida.
2. Learned in 2000 from James A. Marusek of Bloomfield, Indiana.
3. Hillsdale County Directory, 1911, R. L. Polk & Company, Detroit.
4. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.
Crawford, Asahel
Memphis PHOTOGRAPHER ......................................................................................................................... 1863-1864 1
Macomb photographer ............................................................................................................................................... 1865 2 3
United States Army soldier ........................................................................................................................................ 1865 2 3
Milford Township farmer .......................................................................................................................................... 1870 4
Washington Township farmer .................................................................................................................................... 1880 4
Elmer Township farmer ............................................................................................................................................. 1900 4
Red Oak resident ....................................................................................................................................................... 1904 2
Goodison farmer .............................................................................................................................................. 1906-1911 2 4
Asahel was born in Ontario County, New York, to Mr. and Mrs. Jacob A. Crawford on December 23, 1831. He and 2
19-year-old Miss Charlotte F. Wyckoff were married in Macomb Township of Macomb County on May 15, 1856. 4 2
Their four sons; Fred, Edwin, Charles and Perrin, were born about 1859, 1864, 1866 and 1868. Asahel was five feet 4 2
seven inches tall with a fair complexion, brown hair and gray eyes when he was drafted into the army for one year at 2 3
Pontiac on March 21, 1865. He was mustered as a private at Pontiac on April 10, and was assigned to Company B of 2 3
the Fifteenth Michigan Infantry. He arrived on April 12 at the draft rendezvous in Jackson, Michigan, and left there on 3 2
April 17 to arrive on April 19 at Hart Island, New York. From there he was shipped by sea on April 27 to the camp of 2
distribution at New Orleans, arriving on May 2. He finally joined his regiment at Washington, D. C., on May 21, just 2
in time to take part in the Grand Review with Sherman’s Army on May 24. Asahel was admitted to Harper Hospital on 2 3
August 4, and was honorably discharged at Detroit on September 11, 1865. In the years that followed, Asahel lived at 3 2
Romeo, Milford, Walled Lake, Oakland Township and Goodison, Michigan. Citing advanced age and two hernias, he 2
applied for an Invalid Pension in May of 1904. His pension was increased from $12.00 to $20.00 per month in 2
February of 1907. He died at Goodison from gangrene of the left foot on July 4, 1911. Charlotte lived on at Goodison 2
on a Widow’s Pension which reached $25.00 per month until she suffered a brain concussion from a fall down the 2
basement stairs and died three days later, on May 8, 1918. Burial was in Paint Creek Cemetery. 2
1. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1862-1866, National Archives, Washington, D.C.
2. Civil War Veteran Pension Record of Asahel Crawford obtained from the National Archives at Washington, D. C.
3. Record of Service of Michigan Volunteers in the Civil War, 1861-1865; published by the State of Michigan about 1904.
4. 1870 Federal Census of Milford Township in Oakland County, 1880 Federal Census of Washington Township in Macomb County,
1900 Federal Census of Elmer Township in Oscoda County and 1910 Federal Census of Oakland Township in Oakland County,

Crawford, Frank
Haliburton, Ontario, PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................. ca 1887 1
Grand Rapids photographer ....................................................................................................................................... 1891 g
Grand Rapids photographer or machinist ........................................................................................................ 1894-1905 g 2
Grand Rapids bench hand or machinist ........................................................................................................... 1906-1922 g 2
Grand Rapids machine hand in a machine shop ......................................................................................................... 1930 2
His parents emigrated from what became the Irish Free State, and Frank was born in Canada in November of 1858. 2
He came to this country in 1889, he had his first papers by 1900, and he was a naturalized citizen of the United States 2
by 1910. Her father also emigrated from the Irish Free State, Amanda E. Noble was born in Canada in February of 2
1861, and she married Frank about 1883. Their son Leslie and their daughter Eva were born in Canada in April of 2
1886 and March of 1888. Amanda and the children came to the United States with Frank in 1889, and their son 2
Russell Noble Crawford was born in Michigan in September of 1891. Their younger son still was at home in 1910, and 2
he had been joined by their daughter and her daughter and son. Frank and Amanda provided a home for these 2
grandchildren through 1930, when Amanda’s father, 92-year-old John Noble, also was living with them. The 2
Haliburton photographer was identified as F. Crawford. 1
1. Diane VaSkiver Gagel, Directory of Photographers in the United States 1888 & 1889 and Canada 1889, Heritage Books, Bowie,
Maryland, 2002. (Much of the data in this publication has proven to be at least two years out-of-date.)
2. 1900 and 1910 Federal Censes of the Ninth Ward plus 1920 and 1930 Federal Censes of the First Ward of Grand Rapids in Kent
County, Michigan.

Crego, George W.
Kalamazoo (G. W. Crego & Co.) AMBROTYPISTS up-stairs on Main st at the corner of Portage st ........... 1860-1861 K 1
United States Army soldier .............................................................................................................................. 1861-1863 2
George was born in Ohio in 1840, and was twenty years old when he acquired the gallery opposite the Kalamazoo 1
House from Hollis E. Bunker. He opened the refitted gallery in July of 1860, and began offering photographs, 1
ferrotypes and ambrotypes “... which for life like beauty and excellence are nowhere surpassed.” On April 22, 1861, he 1 2
enlisted as First Sergeant in Company I of the Second Michigan Volunteer Infantry. He was mustered into the army 2
with the regiment on May 25, and was commissioned Second Lieutenant on September 22, 1861. George was 2
promoted to First Lieutenant on December 4, 1861. He resigned his commission and was discharged on a surgeon’s 2
certificate of disability on January 27, 1863. No Veterans Pension Record was found for George. 2 3
1. Richard W. Welch, Sun Pictures in Kalamazoo; Kalamazoo Public Museum, 1974.
2. Record of Service of Michigan Volunteers in the Civil War, 1861-1865; published by the State of Michigan about 1904.
3. Learned in 1999 from the National Archives in Washington, D.C.
Cremer, Gerrett
Kalamazoo PHOTOGRAPHER in Room 7 of the Humphrey Building or Block ........................................... 1917-1919 K m
Kalamazoo PHOTOGRAPHER at 120 Main st east ....................................................................................... 1919-1923 K m
Kalamazoo (Kalamazoo Studio) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 336 Burdick st north ....................................................... 1926 K
Kalamazoo (Kalamazoo Studio) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 133 Burdick st north ............................................. 1926-1927 m
Kalamazoo (P K Studios) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 415 Burdick st north .................................................................. 1929 K
Kalamazoo (P K Studio) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 133 Burdick st north ......................................................... 1930-1931 m
Garrett was born in the Netherlands on February 1, 1882, and in 1918 had not applied for American citizenship. He 1
was medium sized with grey eyes and dark hair, and his closest relative was his mother, Weitje Bennema, who still was 1
living in the Netherlands. After 1925 the listings were for Garrit Cremer. m K
1. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.

Crescent, The
Muskegon PHOTOGRAPHERS at 43 Western av ............................................................................................... ca 1895 t

Crescent Photo Company

Allegan PHOTOGRAPHERS .............................................................................................................................. ca 1894 t
“Crescent Photo Co.” was printed below the image on a cabinet photograph of two boys that were identified in ink t
on the back of the mount as Wallace & Arthur Welch. “Allegan, MI” was penciled underneath their names. These boys t 1
probably were the sons of Charles B. and Martha E. Welch. Arthur Henry Welch was born on October 2, 1883, and 1 2
Wallace W. Welch was born in July of 1888. They were living on the family farm in Saugatuck Township of Allegan 1
County in 1900, and each of them had their own farm adjacent to that of their father in 1910. The approximate date of 1 t
the photograph was estimated from the apparent ages of the pictured boys. 1 t
1. 1900 and 1910 Federal Censes of Saugatuck Township in Allegan County, Michigan.
2. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.

Cress, John D.
Oak Park, Illinois, PHOTOGRAPHER ..................................................................................................................... 1910 1
Seattle, Washington, PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................ 1920,1930 1
John was born in Pennsylvania in 1864, the son of James and Margaret R. Cress. He married about 1892, and his son 1
James was born in Ohio a year later. Three more children (Alford, Margaret and Helen) were born in Illinois between 1
1894 and 1901before John lost his first wife. Mrs. Mildred S. Mather was born in India to Scotch parents in 1866. She 1
was a widow working for John in 1910 as a nurse and house keeper. By 1920 she was his wife. John’s work in 1910 1
was principally for newspapers. John wrote an article about Bay City for the American Lumberman which was 1 2
illustrated with his own photographs, and an album of his 1910 photographs of KB operations was donated to the 2
Bentley Historical Library in Ann Arbor. 2
1. 1870 Federal Census of Littleton Borough in Adams County, Pennsylvania, 1910 Federal Census of the village of Oak Park in Cook
County, Illinois, plus 1920 and 1930 Federal Censes of the city of Seattle in King County, Washington.
2. Herman L. Miller, Lumbering in Early Twentieth Century Michigan.
Cressey, Russell M.
Chicago, Illinois, DAGUERREAN ARTIST at 32 Randolph st west .............................................................. 1857-1860 c
United States Army photographic employee .................................................................................................... 1863-1864 1
Little Rock, Arkansas, PHOTOGRAPHER one door north of the post office ..................................................... ca 1864 2
Bloomington, Illinois, PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................... 1870 3
Saint Paul, Minnesota, (McLeish & Cressey) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 27 Seventh st east .............................. 1871-1872 4 5
Wenona PHOTOGRAPHER in the Alpin Block on Midland st ...................................................................... 1872-1873 m 6
Wenona PHOTOGRAPHER at the northeast corner of Lynn and Midland sts ............................................... 1874-1875 6
Detroit photographer for Corydon C. Randall ........................................................................................................... 1879 d
Wabash, Indiana, photographer ................................................................................................................................. 1880 3
Indianapolis, Indiana, photographer .......................................................................................................................... 1890 7
Russell was born in New York State in 1831 or 1832. Richard Delafield was head of the Department of Engineers 3 1
during the Civil War. Late in 1863 and early in 1864 his department in Chattanooga employed R. M. Cressey and H. 1
Goldsticker to photograph bridges, railroad lines and battlegrounds. A photograph from this period by Russell of a 1
railroad bridge across Chattanooga Creek is held by the Special Collections Division of the United States Military 1
Academy Library at West Point, New York. A 10 by 13 inch print from the same negative is in the “Chattanooga 1 8
Album” held by George Eastman House, along with three of his 10 by 13 views of the Tennessee River at Chattanooga 8
and his view of the railroad at the foot of Lookout Mountain. At Little Rock he was a “Practical Photographer” that 8 2
gave particular attention “to outside views of Camps, Companies, Regiments, Batteries, &c., on Short Notice at 2
Reasonable Terms.” Russell married a lady named Martha who was born in Ohio about 1847, and their daughter Linda 2 3
was born in Indiana in December of 1869. This notice appeared in a photographic journal early in 1872: “We regret to 3 4
learn that Cressy, the late partner of Mr. W. McLeish, St. Paul, Min., has absconded and carried away a great deal of 4
property and money belonging to Mr. McLeish. The defaulter is advertised by his late partner.” Russell employed 4 6
Clarence Weed in 1873. The subjects of his stereo views ranged from the lumber mills at Bay City to a Wenona 5 9
Sunday school class. His article on printing and toning albumen paper appeared early in 1874 in the same 9 4
photographic journal which a month later reported upon a meeting of the photographers of Northern Michigan. They 4
met in Bay City and organized a society with R. M. Cressey as chairman and J. H. Scotford as secretary. A committee 4
was appointed to draft a constitution and by-laws for consideration at the next meeting, to be held at East Saginaw. 4
Russell still was a married man in 1880, but his wife was not with him in Wabash. 3
1. Photography in Nineteenth-Century America, Amon Carter Museum, Fort Worth, Texas, H. N. Abrams, New York, 1991.
2. Peter E. Palmquist and Thomas R. Kailbourn, Pioneer Photographers from the Mississippi to the Continental Divide,
Stanford University Press, Stanford, California, 2005, page 186.
3. 1870 Federal Census of the city of Bloomington in McLean County, Illinois, and 1880 Federal Census of Wabash in Wabash
County, Indiana.
4. The Philadelphia Photographer, volume 9, number 99, March 1872, page 96; and volume 11, 1874, pages 13 and 79.
5. Learned in 2004 from Tracey I. Baker of the Minnesota Historical Society.
6. Bay City directories, 1873 and 1875-76.
7. Learned in 2001 from Don Fredgant of Lakewood, Ohio.
8. Learned in 1997 from Joseph R. Struble of George Eastman House in Rochester, New York.
9. Stereo views examined in 1973 at the Museum of the Great Lakes, Bay City, Michigan.

Cressy, Charlotte A., Miss

Gun Plain Township student ...................................................................................................................................... 1880 1
Battle Creek photographer ......................................................................................................................................... 1900 1
Battle Creek assistant in a photo studio ..................................................................................................................... 1910 1
St. Petersburg, Florida, lodger ................................................................................................................................... 1920 1
Battle Creek housewife .............................................................................................................................................. 1922 2
Her parents came from Massachusetts and Lottie was born in Michigan in August of 1872, second of the two 1
daughters of Everett and Estina or Lestina Cressy. By 1880 her father had died and her mother had married a man 1
named Mott, only to be widowed again. In 1900 and 1910 Lottie was single and boarding with her cousin, the 1
photographer John M. Brigham, and his wife Ida. She probably worked in John’s studio. By January of 1920 Ida was 1
gone, John was married to Lottie, and she had accompanied him on a Florida vacation. 1
1. 1870 and 1880 Federal Censes of Gun Plain Township in Allegan County, plus 1900 and 1910 Federal Censes of the First Ward of
Battle Creek in Calhoun County, Michigan, and 1920 Federal Census of St. Petersburg in Pinellas County, Florida.
2. Battle Creek City Directory: 1922.

Cressy, Justin S.
Hillsdale clerk ............................................................................................................................................................ 1850 1
Lansing AMBROTYPIST ............................................................................................................................... 1858-1859 2
Hillsdale clerk ............................................................................................................................................................ 1860 1
Justin was born in New York in 1829 or 1830. He was the first child of Alonzo and Sophia Cressy, and had three 1
sisters born in Michigan between 1835 and 1849. His father was a physician. Early in 1859 an English newspaper was 1 2
illustrated with a woodcut engraving of Okemos, the Pottawattami Indian, made from an ambrotype by Justin S. 2
Cressy. One Justin S. Cressy was a sergeant in Company I of the 21st Massachusetts Infantry during the Civil War. 2 3
1. 1850 and 1860 Federal Censes of the village of Hillsdale in Hillsdale County, Michigan.
2. Illustrated London News, London, England, volume 34, March 5, 1859, page 229.
3. General Index to Pension Files, 1861-1934, National Archives, Washington, D. C.
Cribbins, Michael C.
Riley Township farm laborer ..................................................................................................................................... 1860 1
Port Huron artist ........................................................................................................................................................ 1861 2
United States Army soldier .............................................................................................................................. 1861-1864 2
Port Huron resident .................................................................................................................................................... 1864 2
Orion carpenter .......................................................................................................................................................... 1880 1
Orion PHOTOGRAPHER and livery proprietor ............................................................................................. 1894-1897 m
Orion PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................... 1898-1903 m 1
Orion PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................... 1906-1909 m
Orion house carpenter ................................................................................................................................................ 1910 1
Michael was born in Galway, Ireland, on August 18, 1839, was brought to America in 1843, and became a 2 1
naturalized citizen of the United States. He was living and working on the farm of George W. Chilson in 1860, and 1
associating with George’s 23-year-old son Alphonzo who was an ambrotype artist. Michael was five feet six and a half 1 2
inches tall with a light complexion, light hair and blue eyes when he enlisted as a private in Company A of the Seventh 2
Michigan Infantry at Fort Wayne in Detroit on June 19, 1861. He was enrolled in the regiment as a corporal at Camp 2
Monroe on August 2, 1861. The major bone in Michael’s left forearm was broken by a musket ball while his company 2
was storming Maries Heights during the Battle of Fredericksburg on May 3, 1863. He remained disabled after medical 2
treatment, and was transferred to the 19th Company of the Second Battalion of the Veteran Reserve Corps on October 2
14, 1863. He was discharged from the army on a Surgeon’s Certificate of Disability at Washington, D. C., on January 2
21, 1864. He returned to Port Huron and immediately filed a claim for a disability pension. Her parents came from 2 1
New York, Emerancer C. Eldred was born in Michigan in June of 1842, and she married Michael at Oxford, Michigan, 1 2
on August 31, 1865. They had one daughter born in July of 1866 that lived only six months, but Cora was born on 2 1
January 24, 1869, and lived to maturity. In 1910 they were sharing their home with a 17-year-old granddaughter. 2 1
Michael died on April 4, 1917. 2
1. 1860 Federal Census of Riley Township in St. Clair County, plus 1880, 1900 and 1910 Federal Censes of the village of Orion in
Orion Township of Oakland County, Michigan.
2. Civil War Veteran Pension Record of Michael C. Cribbins obtained from the National Archives at Washington, D. C.

Crispell, L. S.
Please see the entry for Luther S. Chrispell.
Crispell, Theron
Shawangunk Township, New York, child .................................................................................................................. 1850 1
Rives Township laborer on his father’s farm ............................................................................................................. 1860 1
Jackson brick mason .................................................................................................................................................. 1870 1
Albion (Trumbull & Crispell) PHOTOGRAPHERS on Superior st ................................................................ 1872-1873 m
Hudson PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................................. ca 1873 t
Battle Creek PHOTOGRAPHER at 7 Jefferson st north ................................................................................. 1873-1883 2 m
Las Vegas, New Mexico, photo operator for James N. Furlong ...................................................................... 1885-1887 3
Las Vegas, New Mexico, (Furlong & Crispell) PHOTOGRAPHERS on Bridge st ........................................ 1888-1889 3
Las Vegas, New Mexico, PHOTOGRAPHER in the New Plaza on Douglas av ....................................................... 1891 3
Las Vegas, New Mexico, fish warden for San Miguel County .................................................................................. 1892 3
Las Vegas, New Mexico, PHOTOGRAPHER .......................................................................................................... 1893 3
Theron and his wife and all of their parents were born in New York State. He was born in Ulster County on July 19, 1 5
1842, the only son of Anthony A. and Jane Crispell. His sister Frances was four years older, and his sister Mary was 1
six years younger. Alice Hamblin was born seven years later, she was the daughter of A. C. Hamblin, and she married 1 5
Theron on September 8, 1874. Their daughter Louise was born in Michigan about 1878. It was reported in January of 5 1
1873 that Theron was fitting up a photo gallery over the Powell Brothers & Company grocery store on Jefferson 5
Street. Many of the portraits in an 1877 history of Calhoun County were engraved from photographs by Theron. In 6
1878 he advertised as an “Artistic Photographer. Copying and Enlarging in any Size and Style.” He attended the m 7
inaugural convention of the Photographers’ Association of America at Chicago in 1880, and shared the gallery address 7 m
with Mark W. Owens in 1882. “OWENS, Battle Creek, Mich., Crispell, Operator.” was printed on some card m t
photograph mounts. Theron produced stereoscopic views of Battle Creek, and sold the gallery there to Sedgwick S. 8 5
Hull and Son on January 20, 1883. He managed the Las Vegas gallery while pioneer photographer James M. Furlong 5 3
was in Texas and California on cattle business from 1885 until 1890, and continued to work in the studio after Furlong 3
returned. Theron opened his own gallery during the summer of 1891, and he died in Las Vegas on December 10, 1893. 3 5
His widow, Mrs. Alice H. Crispell, was the proprietor of a gallery at 702 Douglas Avenue in East Las Vegas, New 3
Mexico, in 1895 and 1896. She returned to Battle Creek to live from 1897 until her death in 1914. 8 9
1. 1850 Federal Census of Shawangunk Township in Ulster County, New York, 1860 Federal Census of Rives Township and 1870
Federal Census of the First Ward of Jackson in Jackson County, plus 1880 Federal Census of the Second Ward of Battle Creek in
Calhoun County, Michigan.
2. Calhoun County directories, 1873 and 1883.
3. Richard Rudisill, Photographers of the New Mexico Territory 1854-1912, Museum of New Mexico, Santa Fe, New Mexico, 1973.
4. The Blue Book for Amateur Photographers ... 1895: compiled early in 1894 by Walter Sprange, Beach Bluff, Massachusetts.
5. Learned in 2006 from information provided by the Willard Library in Battle Creek, Michigan, and posted on the internet by Steve Lamb.
6. History of Calhoun County, 1877.
7. Anthony’s Photographic Bulletin, volume 11, August 1880, page 273.
8. William Culp Darrah, Stereo Views, 1964, and The World of Stereographs, 1977, Gettysburg, Pennsylvania.
9. Battle Creek city directories, 1897, 1905 and 1914.
Crittenden, Byron B.
Janesville, Wisconsin, artist ....................................................................................................................................... 1850 1
Saline Township farmer in association with Harrison Crittenden .............................................................................. 1860 1
Saline Township farmer ................................................................................................................................... 1864-1865 2
United States Army soldier ........................................................................................................................................ 1865 2 3
Alaiedon Township farmer ........................................................................................................................................ 1870 1
Mason photographist ................................................................................................................................................. 1880 1
Mason PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................. 1883-1885 4
Tacoma, Washington, resident .............................................................................................................................. ca 1892 2
Ocosta, Washington, resident .................................................................................................................................... 1893 2
Zillah, Washington, farmer or resident ............................................................................................................ 1894-1900 2
His parents came from Vermont, and Byron was born at Covington, New York, in 1827 or 1828. Eliza, his wife, was 1 2
born in New York a year later, and their sons were born in Michigan: Julius in 1851 or 1852 and Clarence ten years 1
later. Byron was five feet seven inches tall with a dark complexion, blue eyes and dark hair when he enlisted at Saline 1 3
in Company K of the 24th Michigan Infantry on March 24, 1865. He was mustered into the service as a private on 3 2
March 28, and was mustered out at Detroit on June 30, 1865. Byron produced stereoscopic views of funeral flower 3 t
arrangements, of homes and of a church interior decorated for Children’s Day. On the mounts of these views he was t
identified as a landscape and architectural photographer who did copying and enlarging. “On Wheels” or “Photo Car” t
was printed on his cabinet mounts from Mason. He was later a “Landscape and Architectural Photographer” at t 5
Tacoma, Washington. By 1893 Byron was troubled with rheumatism, and applied for an Invalid Pension. He 5 2
photographed homes at Zillah. He was moving around quite a bit, and spent some time in San Francisco in 1897. In 6 2
June of 1900 he had yet to qualify for a pension. 2
1. 1850 Federal Census of Janesville in Rock County, Wisconsin, 1860 Federal Census of Saline Township in Washtenaw County,
plus 1870 Federal Census of Alaiedon Township and 1880 Federal Census of the city of Mason in Ingham County, Michigan.
2. Civil War Veteran Pension Record of Byron B. Crittenden obtained from the National Archives at Washington, D. C.
3. Record of Service of Michigan Volunteers in the Civil War, 1861-1865; published by the State of Michigan about 1904.
4. Lansing City and Ingham County Directories, 1883 and 1885, R. L. Polk & Company, Detroit.
5. Carl Mautz, Biographies of Western Photographers, Carl Mautz Publishing, Nevada City, California, 1997.
6. Robert O. Brown, Collector’s Guide to 19th Century U.S. Traveling Photographers, Forest Grove, Oregon, 2002.

Crittenden, Edward P.
Eaton Rapids child ..................................................................................................................................................... 1870 1
Hamlin Township student .......................................................................................................................................... 1880 1
Hamlin Township farmer .................................................................................................................................. 1900,1910 1
Devereaux PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................................. 1913 t
Windsor Township farmer ......................................................................................................................................... 1920 1
Edward was born in Michigan in August of 1866, fourth of the five children of Silas R. and Anna S. Crittenden. He 1
remained single through 1910, when he was providing a home for his widowed mother. “E. P. Crittenden, 1 t
Photographer. Res of F. A. and A. M. Thompson, Devereaux, Mich. July 3, 1913” was written on the back of a post t
card photograph. Devereaux, in Jackson County, is seven miles south of Hamlin Township in Eaton County. There t 2
were merchants named Crittenden in Devereaux from 1904 through 1919. By 1920 Edward had married a lady named m 1
Anna who was born in Michigan about 1887, and they were sharing their home with his mother. They adopted Carlton 1
J. Crittenden who was born in Michigan in 1917 or early in 1918. By 1930 Anna was a widow. 1
1. 1870 Federal Census of the village of Eaton Rapids, 1880, 1900 and 1910 Federal Censes of Hamlin Township, plus 1920 and 1930
Federal Censes of Windsor Township in Eaton County, Michigan.
2. Michigan County Map Guide, Michigan United Conservation Clubs, Lansing, Michigan.

Crittenden, S. W.
Pontiac DAGUERREOTYPIST in the corner room, up stairs in Peck’s Block ........................................................ 1846 1
He advertised locally in September of 1846: “DAGUERREOTYPE PORTRAITS! MR. S. W. CRITTENDEN 1
respectfully informs the citizens of Pontiac that he has taken the corner room ... where he may be found at all times of 1
the day, ready to take perfect Miniatures; and where he will be happy to exhibit to all who may give him a call, 1
specimens of his art. Copies of paintings, engravings, &c. are also taken by this process. The natural color will be 1
given to miniatures by another process. Instructions given and instruments furnished on reasonable terms. Pontiac, 1
Sept. 15, 1846.” 1
1. Oakland Gazette, Pontiac, Michigan, September 16 and 30, 1846.
Crittenden, Vincent L.
Pittsfield Township child .................................................................................................................................. 1870,1880 1
Ann Arbor operator for photographer Herbert Randall ............................................................................................. 1896 a
Ann Arbor photo printer for the Randall Art Studio ........................................................................................ 1897-1900 2
Vincent was born in Michigan in November of 1868, second of the three children of Samuel R. and Mary E. 1
Crittenden. His sister Lillie was two years older, and his brother Loyd was six years younger. They grew up on the 1
family farm. Olga was the daughter of Jacob and Mary H. Lambengeyer. She was born in Michigan in May of 1870, 1
and she married Vincent in 1896 or 1897. They were living with her parents in 1900. Vincent “... spent many years in 1 2
the employ of the Randall Art Studio, and was much esteemed by all who came in contact with him. He belonged to 2
the old order of practical workers, and knew every detail of his work so intimately that his department (printing-room) 2
was a model of what the photographer’s printing-rooms and methods should be.” He died on August 24, 1900, and his 2 a
widow, Mrs. Olga L. Crittenden, continued to live in Ann Arbor through 1922. a
1. 1870 and 1880 Federal Censes of Pittsfield Township and 1900 Federal Census of the Second Ward of Ann Arbor in Washtenaw
County, Michigan.
2. Wilson’s Photographic Magazine, volume 37, number 526, October 1900, page 480.

Crocker, Ralph Wilber

Hillsdale student ........................................................................................................................................................ 1900 1
Hillsdale wholesale grocery clerk .............................................................................................................................. 1910 1
Hillsdale PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................... ca 1915 t
Hillsdale wholesale grocery clerk .................................................................................................................... 1918-1920 2 1
Prescott, Arizona, solicitor for newspaper advertising .............................................................................................. 1930 1
Ralph was born in Michigan on March 9, 1883, the son of Horace and Delia Crocker, and became a slender man 1 2
with dark brown eyes and hair. Percy, his wife, was born in New York of Canadian parentage in 1884, and their 2 1
daughter Patricia was born in Michigan in 1917. “PHOTO BY R. W. CROCKER, HILLSDALE, MICH.” was 1 t
stamped on the back of a post card photograph of the hotel at Shadyside which was postmarked in August of 1915, and t
on the back of the 10 by 12 inch mount of a photo of fifteen telephone linemen standing on and around a horse drawn t
wagon. “CROCKER Made Print” also was stamped on the back of the larger photograph. Ralph was a widower by t 1
1930, and was raising Patricia on his own. 1
1. 1900 Federal Census of the Second Ward, 1910 Federal Census of the Third Ward, and 1920 Federal Census of the city of Hillsdale
in Hillsdale County, Michigan, plus 1930 Federal Census of the Northeast Ward of Prescott in Yavapai County, Arizona.
2. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.

Croff, Lillian C., Miss

Flint Township child .................................................................................................................................................. 1870 1
Flint student ............................................................................................................................................................... 1880 1
Flint retoucher for photographer Darwin H. Forsyth ................................................................................................. 1888 f
Flint photographer for William B. Wilson ................................................................................................................. 1892 f
Flint photo operator for Nelson H. Cathcart .............................................................................................................. 1894 f
Lillian was born in Michigan in 1864 or early in 1865, probably to her unwed mother, Mary Ann Fellows. They were 1
living in 1870 with an unrelated widow, while three of Mary’s siblings born in Canada between 1847 and 1852 were 1
living with their mother in the city of Flint. Mary was born in Scotland about 1843 to an English father and a mother 1
from Gibraltar. By 1880 Mary had married Charles W. Croff and given his surname to Lillian before divorcing him. 1
1. 1870 Federal Censes of Flint Township and of the First Ward of Flint, plus 1880 Federal Census of the city of Flint in Genesee
County, Michigan.

Croman, Tunis
Whitmore Lake DAGUERREIAN ARTIST .............................................................................................................. 1860 1
Tunis was born in Michigan in 1839 or early in 1840, and probably was eldest of the nine children of Joseph and 1
Christina Croman. Joseph came from Pennsylvania, Christina emigrated from Wurtemburg, and all of their children 1
were born in Michigan. Louis was boarding in a hotel at Whitmore Lake in 1860, while Joseph and his family were 1
farming in the same township. 1
1. 1860 Federal Census of Northfield Township in Washtenaw County, Michigan.
Cronin, John James
Ludington PHOTOGRAPHER at 121 Ludington av west ......................................................................................... 1910 1 2
Ludington PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................ 1910-1913 m
Ludington PHOTOGRAPHER at 316 Ludington av west .......................................................................................... 1913 1
Ludington PHOTOGRAPHER at 316-318 Ludington av west ....................................................................... 1914-1915 m 1
Ludington PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................ 1916-1917 m
Ludington PHOTOGRAPHER at 310 Ludington av west ......................................................................................... 1918 3
Ludington PHOTOGRAPHER at 316-18 Ludington av west ......................................................................... 1919-1923 1 m
Ludington PHOTOGRAPHER at 310 Ludington av west ............................................................................... 1926-1935 m 1
John was born in Michigan on December 19, 1876, and became a medium sized man with blue eyes and auburn hair. 2 3
Rose was born in Ohio in 1883, and children were born in Michigan: Agnes in 1904, Lawrence in 1906, Edward in 2
May of 1908, and Mary in May of 1919. Daniel Cronin was a solar printer at 32 Hayward Place in Boston, 2 4
Massachusetts, from 1886 to 1895, and a John Cronin was a principal of the firm from 1892 through 1895. John’s 4
Massachusetts residence was in Cambridge, and in 1895 he was called a photo-copyist. The names are too common to 4
be certain, but the Boston John Cronin probably was not the Ludington photographer. 4 2
1. Mason County Directory, 1910, 1913, 1915, 1919, 1922, 1929 and 1935, R. L. Polk & Company, Detroit.
2. 1910 Federal Census of the Third Ward plus 1920 and 1930 Federal Censes of the First Ward of Ludington in Mason County,
3. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.
4. Chris Steele and Ronald Polito, A Directory of Massachuseytts Photographers 1839-1900, Picton Press, Camden, Maine, 1993.

Cronkite, Francis Clyde

Emerson Township child ........................................................................................................................................... 1880 1
Shepherd (Cronkite & Smith) PHOTOGRAPHERS ............................................................................................ ca 1897 t
Emerson Township laborer on his father’s farm ........................................................................................................ 1900 1
Gratiot County farmer on a Breckenridge rural mail route ........................................................................................ 1918 2
Emerson Township farmer ................................................................................................................................ 1920,1930 1
Francis (always Clyde after 1900) was born in Michigan to parents from New York on May 16, 1875, first of the 1 2
three sons of Thomas Franklin Cronkite and Alice Rebecca (Woodward) Cronkite. He grew on the family farm into a 3 1
medium sized man with brown eyes and black hair. Austin R. Smith was the junior partner in Cronkite & Smith, and 2 m
he grew up within a few miles of Francis, who is only presumed to have been the other half of the partnership for the 1
lack of other prospects. Martha B. Dunn was born in Michigan to natives of Michigan in August of 1889, first of the 1
five children of Samuel and Ida M. Dunn. She grew up in Emerson Township and married Clyde about 1913. Their 1
children were born in Gratiot County: Doris in 1914, Burton in 1916, Ralph in May of 1919, and Ruth in 1923 or early 1
in 1924. Their farm in 1918 could have been in Wheeler Township or in Emerson Township. 1
1. 1900 Federal Census of Wheeler Township plus 1880, 1900, 1920 and 1930 Federal Censes of Emerson Township in Gratiot County,
2. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.
3. Woodward Family Tree on the internet.

Cronkite, William G.
United States Army soldier .............................................................................................................................. 1861-1862 1 2
Ronald Township carpenter and day laborer ............................................................................................................. 1870 3
Crystal boot and shoe merchant ....................................................................................................................... 1874-1875 m
Crystal PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................. 1876-1879 m
Edmore carpenter ....................................................................................................................................................... 1880 3
Langley, Virginia, resident ........................................................................................................................................ 1893 2
Washington, D. C., carpenter ........................................................................................................................... 1898-1906 2
William was born about July 1, 1839, in Michigan, where both his mother and his father were born. Apparently he 2
spent a good portion of his life near Dewitt and Wacousta in Clinton County. It was from Ionia County that he enlisted 2 1
at Detroit as a private in Company C of Berdan’s First United States Volunteer Sharpshooters on August 21, 1861. At 1 2
Mechanicsville, Virginia, he was wounded in the right elbow while in action on June 26, 1862. William was sent to a 1 2
hospital at West Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and on October 21, 1862, he was honorably discharged from the army at 2
Philadelphia on a certificate of disability. He and 17-year-old Miss Lydia Jane Montross were married at Crystal Lake 2 1
on March 24, 1867, and later had a son William born on March 24, 1869, and a daughter Inez born on August 6, 1879. 2 3
William was seriously ill with diseases of the bladder and the heart for eight weeks before his death at his Washington 2
home on October 1, 1906. Burial was in Arlington National Cemetery. He was insured for only $42.00, and Lydia had 2
to live on the ten or twelve dollars per month she was paid as caretaker of St. Alban’s Chapel until she qualified for a 2
Widow’s Pension. 2
1. Record of Service of Michigan Volunteers in the Civil War, 1861-1865; published by the State of Michigan about 1904.
2. Civil War Veteran Pension Record of William G. Cronkite obtained from the National Archives at Washington, D. C.
3. 1870 Federal Census of Ronald Township in Ionia County, and 1880 Federal Census of Edmore in Montcalm County, Michigan.
Crooks, Arthur Fleetwood
Flint child ................................................................................................................................................................... 1900 1
Flint bookkeeper for an automobile factory ............................................................................................................... 1910 1
Flint post card merchant .................................................................................................................................. 1912-1913 m
Flint COMMERCIAL PHOTOGRAPHER at 124 ½ Kearsley st east ............................................................. 1916-1923 m
Flint COMMERCIAL PHOTOGRAPHER at 122 Kearsley st east ................................................................ 1924-1925 m
Flint COMMERCIAL PHOTOGRAPHER at 122 ½ Kearsley st east ............................................................. 1926-1931 m
Arthur was born in Michigan of Scotch and English parentage on June 3, 1877, last of the seven or more children of 1 2
James and Lucy A. Crooks. He became a tall slender man with brown eyes and dark brown hair. Maud was born in 1 2
Michigan early in 1880, and she married Arthur about 1904. Arthur was a member of the Commercial Photographers 1 3
Association of Detroit in 1927. 3
1. 1880 Federal Census of the city of Flint, plus 1900 and 1910 Federal Censes of the First Ward, 1920 Census of the Second Ward, and
1930 Federal Census of the Fifth Ward of Flint in Genesee County, Michigan.
2. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.
3. Constitution and By-Laws, The Commercial Photographers Association of Detroit, 1927-1928.

Crooks, Maud E., Mrs.

Flint housewife ................................................................................................................................................. 1910,1918 1 2
Flint commercial photographer .................................................................................................................................. 1920 1
Flint housewife .......................................................................................................................................................... 1930 1
Her parents came from New York and Maud was born in Michigan early in 1880. She married Arthur about 1904, 1
and they never had children. Maud undoubtedly participated more fully in Arthur’s photographic business than is 1
indicated above. 1
1. 1910 Federal Census of the First Ward, 1920 Census of the Second Ward, and 1930 Federal Census of the Fifth Ward of Flint in
Genesee County, Michigan.
2. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.

Crosby, _______
Otsego PHOTOGRAPHER on the ground floor .................................................................................................. ca 1895 t

Crosby, Alfred W.
Grand Rapids student ................................................................................................................................................. 1860 1
Grand Rapids telegraph operator .............................................................................................................................. 1868 g
Grand Rapids railroad news agent ............................................................................................................................. 1870 1 g
Grand Rapids resident ................................................................................................................................................ 1872 g
Grand Rapids PHOTOGRAPHER at 126 Canal st .......................................................................................... 1874-1875 m
Grand Rapids photographer ............................................................................................................................. 1876-1877 g
Grand Rapids PHOTOGRAPHER .................................................................................................................. 1876-1877 2
Grand Rapids teamster ............................................................................................................................................... 1883 g
Austin, Texas, druggist .............................................................................................................................................. 1900 1
Yates Center, Kansas, resident .......................................................................................................................... 1910,1920 1
Alfred was born in New York State in April of 1850, the only son of Danford M. and Marie Crosby. His sister Hattie 1 g
was born in Michigan seven years later. Her mother came from Maine and Mary A. Trin was born in Indiana in 1
December of 1848. She married Alfred in the spring of 1886, and they never had children. They were living in 1910 1
with Mary’s 84-year-old father. 1
1. 1860 and 1870 Federal Censes of the Third Ward of Grand Rapids in Kent County, Michigan, 1900 Federal Census of the Sixth
Ward of Austin in Travis County, Texas, plus 1910 Federal Census of the First Ward and 1920 Federal Census of the Sixth Ward
of Yates Center in Woodson County, Kansas.
2. Bradstreet’s Commercial Reports ... Western & Southern States; J. M. Bradstreet & Son Company, New York, January 1, 1877.
Crosby, Andrew J.
Livonia Township student .......................................................................................................................................... 1850 1
Farmington Township laborer on his father’s farm .................................................................................................... 1860 1
Detroit business school assistant teacher ......................................................................................................... 1860-1861 2
United States Army soldier ........................................................................................................................................ 1861 2
Saint Johns PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................................ 1864 3
Saint Johns school teacher ............................................................................................................................... 1864-1871 2 1
Lyons school teacher ....................................................................................................................................... 1871-1874 2
Pontiac mercantile agent .................................................................................................................................. 1878-1879 m
Novi Township farmer ...................................................................................................................................... 1880,1900 2 1
Andrew was born in Madison County, New York, on September 9, 1840, to Andrew Jackson and Lurania W. (Miles) 2
Crosby, and came to Michigan with his family in 1844. His brother was named Tertullus after his grandfather, and was 2 1
born about 1847.The Crosbys settled upon a heavily timbered tract in Livonia Township of Wayne County until 1855, 1 2
when they moved to an improved farm in Farmington Township of Oakland County. Andrew attended the district 2
schools, took a course at the State Normal School in Ypsilanti, and graduated from Bryant & Stratton’s Business 2
College in Detroit before joining the faculty of this school. He enlisted in Company A of the First Michigan Infantry 2
on April 7, 1861, and left for Washington with his regiment on May 13. They received some drill and stood some 2
guard duty and had light skirmishes at Falls Church and Clouds Mills, Virginia. At the end of his three-month 2
enlistment, on August 8, 1861, Andrew was mustered out of the army. He returned to the family farm, but disease 2
contracted in the army kept him from helping much that season. He and Mary B. Smith were married on December 31, 2 1
1862, and lived for a year at the Crosby homestead before moving to St. Johns. After seven years at St. Johns and two 2
and a half years at Lyons they moved to the Novi Township farm on which Mary’s parents had settled in 1832. With 2
the exception of two years in Pontiac, this became the permanent home of the Crosbys. Mary gave birth to a daughter 2 1
in April of 1870 who did not live long enough to be named. Her daughter Betty was born in 1871 or early in 1872, and 1
her daughter Flora was born in January of 1879. By 1910 Mary was a widow living in Farmington and providing a 1
home for her younger daughter and her husband, Frank N. Steele, who was a school teacher. 1
1. 1850 Federal Census of Livonia Township in Wayne County, 1860 Federal Census of Farmington Township, 1880 and 1900 Federal
Censes of Novi Township, and 1910 Federal Census of the village of Farmington in Oakland County, plus 1870 Federal Census of
the village of St. Johns in Clinton County, Michigan.
2. Portrait and Biographical Album of Oakland County, Chapman Brothers, Chicago, 1891.
3. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1862-1866, National Archives, Washington, D.C.

Cross, C. W.
Please see the entry for Guy Clifton Cross.
Cross, Guy Clifton
Hartford child ............................................................................................................................................................ 1880 1
Bangor (Funk & Cross) PHOTOGRAPHERS ................................................................................................. 1898-1899 2 t
Hartford photographer ............................................................................................................................................... 1900 1
Watervliet PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................ 1902-1907 m
Watervliet PHOTOGRAPHER and publisher ................................................................................................. 1906-1908 R
Watervliet PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................ 1908-1909 m
Paw Paw Lake PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................... 1909 t
Watervliet PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................ 1910-1911 m
Watervliet PHOTOGRAPHER and publisher ........................................................................................................... 1911 R
Watervliet PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................ 1912-1913 m
Corpus Christi, Texas, PHOTOGRAPHER ..................................................................................................... 1913-1918 3 4
Denver, Colorado, photographer for a developing company ........................................................................... 1918-1920 3 1
Santa Fe, New Mexico, PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................... 1921-1925 3 4
Cleveland, Ohio, photographer for the Cleveland Plain Dealer ...................................................................... 1925-1928 3 4
New Philadelphia, Ohio, PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................. 1928-1931 3 1
Benton Harbor PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................... 1932 3
Watervliet PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................ 1933-1938 3 4
Three Rivers PHOTOGRAPHER .................................................................................................................... 1938-1940 3 4
Three Rivers PHOTOGRAPHER at 190 Michigan av east ............................................................................. 1943-1944 3 5
Guy was the elder son of James Westley Cross and Berthena (Truex) Cross, and was born at Bangor, Michigan, on 1 3
July 13, 1878. Berthena was James’ second wife, and Guy had two much older half-sisters. His brother Leo was born 3 1
in May of 1880, and his sister Myrtle was born in March of 1882. His formation of a photographic partnership with 1 2
Will Funk was reported in November of 1898. The C. W. Cross listed as a Watervliet photographer in the gazetteers 2 m
for 1903 and 1905 seems to have been a garbled reference to Guy, who purchased the local studio in 1902. In 1904 he m 3
published a fifty page Souvenir of Watervliet which sold for 25 cents and contained thirteen small portraits of 6
Watervliet pioneers, thirty portraits of Watervliet business men, thirty four exterior and interior views of businesses 6
and other landmarks of the town, and a map. “CROSS PHOTO” was scribed into the negatives of most of the views. 6 t
“Cross Studio, Watervliet and Paw Paw Lake, Mich.” was printed on the post card backs of studio portraits and t 1
outdoor scenes. Anna B. Thompson was born in Pennsylvania about 1877, she married Guy on January 5, 1909, and 1 3
their only son Leo was born on August 10, 1910. Guy’s second marriage was to Miss Nolie Joiner on June 4, 1915. 3 1
She was born in Arkansas early in 1894, and she became the mother of eight children. Ruby and Byron were born in 3 1
Texas in June of 1916 and October of 1917. Guy and Robert were born in Colorado in March of 1919 and a year later. 1
Nolie and Ruth were born in New Mexico between 1921 and 1923. Thenabeth was born in Texas about 1925, and 1
Evelyn was born in Ohio in November of 1929. The chronology of Guy’s work in Texas, Colorado, New Mexico and 1 3
Ohio was reconstructed by two of his daughters with some approximations. For a while prior to 1915 he was in St. 4 3
Petersburg, Florida. While conducting the photographic business at New Philadelphia, he also operated a nearby farm 4 7
of 132 acres. He was a creditable painter, and exhibited some of his paintings at the Museum of New Mexico. Guy was 7 5
still calling his place of business the Cross Studio in 1944. He died at Bangor, Michigan, on April 28, 1952. 5 3
1. 1880 and 1900 Federal Censes of the village of Hartford in Van Buren County and 1910 Federal Census of the village of Watervliet
in Berrien County, Michigan, plus 1920 Federal Census of the city of Denver in Denver County, Colorado, and 1930 Federal Census
of York Township in Tuscarawas County, Ohio.
2. St. Louis and Canadian Photographer; volume 22, number 11, November 1898, page 593.
3. Learned in 1995 from Mrs. Marlene Ruth Breiling of Jasper, Arkansas, a daughter of Guy Cross.
4. Learned in 1995 from Richard Rudisill at the Museum of New Mexico, Santa Fe, New Mexico, who obtained most of the information from
Ruby Cross Schultz of Shelby, Michigan, another daughter of Guy Cross.
5. Three Rivers directory, 1944.
6. Guy C. Cross, Souvenir of Watervliet, Watervliet, Michigan, 1904.
7. Benton Harbor News-Palladium, Benton Harbor, Michigan, May 3, 1929. Noted by James G. Donaldson of Detroit, Michigan.
Cross, Leonard A.
Ingersoll Township child ........................................................................................................................................... 1870 1
Ingersoll Township student and worker on his father’s farm ..................................................................................... 1880 1
Hemlock PHOTOGRAPHER .......................................................................................................................... 1902-1905 m
Seattle, Washington, house carpenter ........................................................................................................................ 1910 1
Pomona, California, farm laborer .............................................................................................................................. 1920 1
Maricopa County, Arizona, laborer and farmer ......................................................................................................... 1930 1
His parents came from New York and Leonard was born in Michigan on September 19, 1867, fifth of the seven 1 3
children of Edmund A. and Martha (Marcy) Cross. He had been married once before he came from Midland County to 1 2
marry Miss Nellie E. Lunney at Hemlock in 1901. Nellie was born in Michigan in December of 1873, eldest of the 2 1
three children of Peter and Emma J. (Perkins) Lunney. She and Leonard lived in Saginaw, Shiawassee, Macomb and 1 2
Gratiot Counties before they moved to Seattle. Their daughter, Gertrude M. Cross, was born in Michigan in January of 2 1
1909. Nellie died about 1925, and Gertrude still was living with her father in 1930. Leonard died at San Bernardino, 1 3
California, on March 13, 1960. 3
1. 1870 and 1880 Federal Censes of Ingersoll Township in Midland County and 1900 Federal Census of Richland Township in Saginaw
County, Michigan, plus 1910 Federal Census of the Tenth Ward of Seattle in King County, Washington, 1920 Federal Census of the
Fourth Ward of Pomona in San Jose County, California, and 1930 Federal Census of Maricopa County, Arizona.
2. Learned in 2006 from Kevin O’Brien of Laguna Hills, California.
3. California Death Index, 1940-1997.

Cross, Myrtle, Miss

Hartford student ......................................................................................................................................................... 1900 1
Watervliet PHOTOGRAPHER .................................................................................................................................. 1910 1
Hartford PHOTOGRAPHER ..................................................................................................................................... 1916 2
Her parents came from Ohio and Indiana, and Myrtle was born in Michigan in March of 1882. She was the daughter 1
of James Westley Cross and Berthena (Truex) Cross. Berthena was James’ second wife, and Myrtle had two much 1
older half-sisters. Her brother Guy was born in July of 1878 and spent his adult life as a photographer. Her brother Leo 1
was born in May of 1880. Myrtle was single in 1910, when she was living with her widowed mother and probably was 1
working with or for her brother Guy. 1 m
1. 1900 Federal Census of the village of Hartford in Van Buren County and 1910 Federal Census of the village of Watervliet in
Berrien County, Michigan.
2. Illustrated Directory of Van Buren County, Michigan, 1916-1921, Wilmer Atkinson Company, Philadelphia.

Cross, William Lewis

Columbiana, Alabama, student .................................................................................................................................. 1900 1
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 106 Broadway ........................................................................................................... 1915 d
Highland Park machinist for the Ford Motor Company ............................................................................................. 1917 2
Los Angeles, California, PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................... 1920 1
Santa Fe Springs, California, resident ........................................................................................................................ 1923 3
William was born on March 26, 1891, at Columbiana, Alabama, the elder son of William Lewis Cross and Lulu 1
Rosa (Lewis) Cross. His brother James was born at Columbiana in July of 1896. William was a slight man of average 1 2
height with light grey eyes and light brown hair in 1917, when he had a wife and one child. The wife was Mrs. Eloise 2 3
Frances (Goding) Cross. By 1920 William was divorced and was one of four boarders with a young widowed mother. 3 1
He died at Santa Fe Springs, California, on July 22, 1923. 3
1. 1900 Federal Census of the Fifth Precinct of Columbiana in Shelby County, Alabama, and 1920 Federal Census of Assembly District
63 of Los Angeles in Los Angeles County, California.
2. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.
3. Individual Records and Family Data Collection – Births, from Ancestry.

Crouch, George F.
Cincinnati, Ohio, child ............................................................................................................................................... 1870 1
Mount Vernon, Ohio, student .................................................................................................................................... 1880 1
East Saginaw artist or photographer for Wesley A. Crouch ............................................................................ 1886-1887 s
George was the younger son of Wesley A. and Henrietta C. (King) Crouch, and was born in Indiana about 1869. His 1 2
brother Wesley was born in Indiana in July of 1865, and his sister Alice was born in Ohio in July of 1871. George was 2
no longer living in June of 1898. 2
1. 1870 Federal Census of the Eighth Ward of Cincinnati in Hamilton County and 1880 Federal Census of Mount Vernon in Knox
County, Ohio.
2. Civil War Veteran Pension Record of Wesley Crouch obtained from the National Archives at Washington, D. C.
Crouch, Wesley A.
Cincinnati, Ohio, daguerreotypist .................................................................................................................... 1860-1861 1
United States Army soldier .............................................................................................................................. 1861-1862 1
Cincinnati, Ohio, photographer for Henry Cowan ..................................................................................................... 1862 2
Cincinnati, Ohio, photographer .................................................................................................................................. 1863 2
Indianapolis, Indiana, artist ........................................................................................................................................ 1864 2
Cincinnati, Ohio, photographer .................................................................................................................................. 1870 3
Mount Vernon, Ohio, PHOTOGRAPHER ...................................................................................................... 1872-1880 4
East Saginaw PHOTOGRAPHER at 415 Genesee av ..................................................................................... 1882-1883 m
East Saginaw PHOTOGRAPHER at 413 Genesee av ..................................................................................... 1884-1885 m s
East Saginaw PHOTOGRAPHER at 316 Genesee av ............................................................................................... 1886 s
East Saginaw PHOTOGRAPHER at 314 Genesee av ..................................................................................... 1886-1890 m R
Saginaw PHOTOGRAPHER on the east side at at 323 Genesee av ............................................................... 1890-1891 s m
Chicago, Illinois, PHOTOGRAPHER at 865 Madison st west ................................................................................. 1894 c
Chicago, Illinois, photographer ................................................................................................................................. 1900 3
Chicago, Illinois, resident .......................................................................................................................................... 1907 1
His parents came from Maryland and Virginia, and Wesley was born in January of 1843 at Dayton, Ohio. He was 3 1
five feet seven inches tall with a dark complexion, grey eyes and brown hair when he was enrolled for three months as 1
a private in Company K of the Fifth Ohio Infantry on April 20, 1861. He re-enlisted as a sergeant in Company A of the 1
Fifth Ohio Infantry at Camp Dennison on June 21, 1861. A month later he was taken seriously ill with a lung disease at 1
Parkersburg, Virginia. Granted a furlough to recuperate at Cincinnati, he returned 30 days later with little improvement 1
in his health. When the lung disease recurred, his captain and the regimental surgeon agreed that Wesley could not 1
withstand the exposure incident to life in the army, and he was discharged on a surgeon’s certificate of disability at 1
Romney, Virginia, on February 3, 1862. He and Miss Henrietta Clay King, born in Ohio in October of 1844, were 1 2
married at Cincinnati on February 26, 1863. Their sons were born in Indiana, Wesley A. on July 9, 1865, and George 2 1
F. about 1869. Their daughter Alice M. Crouch was born in Ohio on July 21, 1871. The address on some of Wesley’s 1 t
East Saginaw card and cabinet mounts was 411 and 413 Genesee Avenue. “FROM W. A. CROUCH, BOSTON GEM GALLERY, t
310 GENESEE AVE., EAST SAGINAW, MICH.” was stamped on the back of 4 5/8 by 3 1/8 paper sleeves of tintypes. In November of t 5
1884 he was offering his best cabinet photos for $2.50 per dozen. Wesley and Henrietta Crouch were arrested in 5
August of 1885 on the charge of disposing of mortgaged property. A carpet allegedly had been removed from the 5
gallery which, with other furniture there, was covered by a mortgage held by a Mr. McLean. The complaint was said to 5
have been motivated by spite. The defendants furnished bail and the case was adjourned for several days. Wesley’s 5 t
mounts from 314 Genesee carry the phrases: “All Pictures made by the instantaneous process ... We Aim to Please ... t
Old Pictures Copied and Enlarged.” He employed his son George as an artist in 1886 and as a photographer in 1887. t s
Citing sciatic rheumatism and disease of the heart and lungs, Wesley applied for an Invalid Pension in July of 1891. 1
He was pensioned at $12.00 per month at the time of his death in Chicago from pulmonary tuberculosis on March 21, 1
1907. Henrietta was managing a boarding house. She immediately qualified for a Widow’s Pension of $8.00 per 3 1
month, which had increased to $12.00 by the time she died on September 22, 1910, at the Chicago home of her 1 3
daughter, now Mrs. Alice M. Barr. The remains of both Wesley and Henrietta were interred in Elmwood Cemetery at 3 1
Chicago. 1
1. Civil War Veteran Pension Record of Wesley Crouch obtained from the National Archives at Washington, D. C.
2. Learned in 2001 from Don Fredgant of Lakewood, Ohio.
3. 1870 Federal Census of the Eighth Ward of Cincinnati in Hamilton County, Ohio, plus 1900 Federal Census of the Twelfth Ward
and 1910 Federal Census of the 27th Ward of Chicago in Cook County, Illinois.
4. John Waldsmith, A Directory of Ohio Photographers, 1839 to 1900, Sycamore, Ohio, compiled in 1978 and augmented through 1993.
5. Saginaw Evening News, Saginaw, Michigan, November 1, 1884, and August 14, 1885, page 2, column 1.
Crouse, Frank Harland
Grand Junction photographer ..................................................................................................................................... 1899 1
South Haven PHOTOGRAPHER .................................................................................................................... 1900-1903 1 m
Monrovia, California, photographer in a gallery ....................................................................................................... 1910 2
Los Angeles, California, photographer for a moving picture company ..................................................................... 1920 2
His father came from Ohio and Frank was born in Michigan to an English mother on September 25, 1876, last of the 2 3
two sons of Casper and Emilene (Hales) Crouse. His brother William was born in Ohio two years earlier. Frank’s 3 1
purchase of the South Haven photo business of Thomas H. Webster was reported in March of 1900. In 1902 both 1 4
Frank’s photograph gallery and his residence were at 541 Phoenix Street. Her father came from New York and Pearl 4 3
A. Niles was born in Michigan to a mother from Pennsylvania on November 13, 1879, fourth of the five children of 3
John W. and Emily W. (Bogardus) Niles. She married Frank on October 1, 1902, but then died at Grand Junction in 3
1903. Her father emigrated from England and Victoria L. Leonard was born in Michigan to a mother from Tennessee 3 2
on June 28, 1876, first of the three daughters of John and Mary (Barry) Leonard. She married Frank about 1906, and 3 2
they never had children. Victoria was the proprietor of a millinery shop in 1910, and she seems to have been a widow 2 5
when she died in Los Angeles on January 4, 1940. 5
1. St.. Louis and Canadian Photographer; volume 24, number 3, March 1900, page 137.
2. 1910 Federal Census of the Second Ward of Monrovia and 1920 Federal Census of Assembly District 63 of Los Angeles in Los Angeles
County, California.
3. My Family Tree and Crouse-Myers Family Tree on the internet.
4. Learned in 2010 from Beth Keithly of the South Haven Historical Association.
5. California Death Index, 1940-1997.

Crouse, George Vernon

Grass Lake Township farmer on his father’s farm ..................................................................................................... 1917 1
Jackson PHOTOGRAPHER in Room 4 of the Allen Bennett Block .............................................................. 1920-1921 2 m
George was born on May 28, 1890, at Leipsic, Ohio, the elder son of Joseph T. and Catherine R. Crouse. His brother 2
Clarence was born in Ohio in 1897. George was a tall single man in 1917, with grey eyes and dark brown hair, and was 2 1
slightly bald. George was living on the family farm in 1920 and commuting to his studio in Jackson. 1 2
1. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.
2. 1920 Federal Census of Grass Lake Township in Jackson County, Michigan.

Crow, Ernest E.
Ganges Township student .......................................................................................................................................... 1900 1
Lawton barber in a shop ............................................................................................................................................. 1910 1
Glenn manager of the Simonson Studio ................................................................................................................ ca 1912 2
His father came from Indiana and Ernest was born in Michigan in January of 1884, the son of John C. and Sarah E. 1
Crow. His parents had seven children born in Michigan between August of 1878 and February of 1899, including two 1
sets of twins. Edna and Edson were born in October of 1880, and then Erma and Ernest were born in January of 1884. 1
The Saugatuck photographer Herman C. Simonson married Erma about 1909, and for several seasons Ernest managed 1 2
the Glenn shop for his brother-in-law. Her father came from New York and Estelle L. Heath was born in Michigan in 2 1
July of 1887. She married Ernest in 1908 or early in 1909. Ernest’s brother Edson lived a few doors from Herman 1
Simonson and had a barber shop at Saugatuck in 1910, when their father was proprietor of a Saugatuck boat livery. 1
1. 1900 Federal Census of Ganges Township and 1910 Federal Census of the village of Saugatuck in Allegan County, plus 1910
Federal Census of the village of Lawton in Van Buren County, Michigan.
2. James E. Sheridan, Saugatuck Through the Years 1830-1980, 1982.

Crow, Isaac E.
Mount Sterling, Wisconsin, child .............................................................................................................................. 1870 1
Cadiz Township, Wisconsin, student ......................................................................................................................... 1880 1
Amasa station agent for the CMSTP&P Railroad ...................................................................................................... 1899 2
Amasa PHOTOGRAPHER .................................................................................................................................. ca 1900 t
Amasa (I. E. Crow & Wife) PHOTOGRAPHERS ............................................................................................... ca 1900 t
Amasa station agent for the CMSTP&P Railroad ............................................................................................ 1900-1918 2 1
Thiensville, Wisconsin, railroad depot agent ................................................................................................... 1920-1930 1
Isaac was born in Wisconsin in 1866 or early in 1867, and his sister Ella was born there two years earlier. Their 1
mother, Mrs. Harriet P. Crow, was raising them on her own in 1870. Harriet married the widower S. C. Weaver about 1
1879 to take care of his young son and baby daughter, so Ella and Isaac became step-children. Isaac married Lillie 1
about 1888. Their three elder children were born in Wisconsin between 1890 and 1898, and their two younger 1
daughters were born in Michigan between 1906 and 1909. Isaac’s photography work in Amasa was conducted from a 1 2
small building in the back yard of his home east of the tracks near the depot. 2
1. 1910 Federal Census of Hematite Township of Iron County, Michigan, 1870 Federal Census of Utica Township in Crawford County,
1880 Federal Census of Cadiz Township in Green County, plus 1920 and 1930 Federal Censes of Mequon Township in Ozaukee
County, Wisconsin.
2. Doris Peryam, A History of Amasa, 1891-1966, Amasa, Michigan.
Crow, Isaac E., Mrs.
Amasa (I. E. Crow & Wife) PHOTOGRAPHERS ............................................................................................... ca 1900 t
Amasa housewife ....................................................................................................................................................... 1910 1
Thiensville, Wisconsin, housewife .................................................................................................................. 1920-1930 1
Lillie, sometimes Lily, was born in Wisconsin in 1867 or early in 1868. She married Isaac about 1888, and gave 1
birth to Harriet and Margie in Wisconsin between 1890 and 1892. Their son Frank was born in Wisconsin about 1898, 1
and their daughters Lillie and Ruth were born in Michigan between 1906 and 1909. “PHOTO’D BY I. E. Crow & Wife, 1 t
Amasa. Mich.” was printed on some photograph mounts. t
1. 1910 Federal Census of Hematite Township of Iron County, Michigan, and 1920 and 1930 Federal Censes of Mequon Township in
Ozaukee County, Wisconsin.

Crowley, Michael J.
Chicago, Illinois, photographer ................................................................................................................................. 1880 1
Chicago, Illinois, PHOTOGRAPHER at 57 Madison st west ................................................................................... 1886 c
Chicago, Illinois, PHOTOGRAPHER Cottage Grove st near 67th st ........................................................................ 1890 c
Chicago, Illinois, PHOTOGRAPHER at 7042 Cottage Grove st .............................................................................. 1891 c
Chicago, Illinois, PHOTOGRAPHER at 359 63rd st and at 6410 Stoney Island st ........................................ 1892-1895 c
Chicago, Illinois, PHOTOGRAPHER at 359 63rd st ................................................................................................ 1896 c
Coloma PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................ 1896-1901 m 1
His parents emigrated from Ireland, and Michael was born in Canada in May of 1838. He was brought across the 1
border in 1843, and later became a naturalized citizen of the United States. He was single in 1880, and was boarding 1
with a young family in Chicago who thought that he was six years older than indicated above. He still was single in 1
1900, and was boarding with a family in Coloma. 1
1. 1880 Federal Census of the city of Chicago in Cook County, Illinois, and 1900 Federal Census of Watervliet Township in Berrien
County, Michigan.

Crowley-Milner Company
Detroit department store .................................................................................................................................. 1909-1914 d
“CROWLEY-MILNER CO., DETROIT.” was printed on the backs of studio portraits in the post card format. The t
company succeeded Pardridge & Blackwell in 1909, and employed William J. Gassman as a photographer in 1910 and d
1911. They became Crowley, Milner & Company in 1915, were classified under photographers in 1917 and 1930, and 1 m
have survived as Crowley’s to the present day with major department stores in many Detroit area shopping malls. 1
1. Detroit telephone directories, 1917 and 1995-96.

Crownover, James
Addison PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................... 1892-1897 m 1
Clayton PHOTOGRAPHER on Church st ....................................................................................................... 1915-1916 2 3
The earlier gazetteers listed him as Crownour, and his middle initial was H in one 1897 source and M in another. m 1
1. Adrian and Lenawee County Directory, 1897.
2. Lenawee County Directory, 1915.
3. Atlas of Lenawee County, 1916.

Crowther, _______
Grand Rapids PHOTOGRAPHER ....................................................................................................................... ca 1868 t
Only “Crowther. - - - Grand Rapids.” was printed below the image on a carte de visite mount dating no later than t
1870. Grand Rapids, Michigan, is by far the largest town of that name in North America, and no photographer named t 1
Crowther has been identified at Grand Rapids in Minnesota, Ohio or Manitoba. t
1. Rand McNally Road Atlas, United States – Canada – Mexico, Rand McNally , Skokie, Illinois, 1997.
Crowton, Jesse J.
Highland Park student ................................................................................................................................................ 1900 1 d
Highland Park resident or machinist ................................................................................................................ 1902-1904 d
Highland Park motorman, marshal or policeman ............................................................................................. 1906-1908 d
Highland Park PHOTOGRAPHER 71 Tyler av .............................................................................................. 1908-1910 t
Highland Park foreman in an automobile factory ...................................................................................................... 1910 1
Highland Park clerk or doorman ...................................................................................................................... 1910-1914 d
Detroit chauffeur for F. W. Lichtenberg .................................................................................................................... 1918 2
Highland Park postal clerk for the Detroit post office ............................................................................................... 1920 1
Los Angeles, California, hotel linen man ................................................................................................................... 1930 1
His father emigrated from England, his mother came from Ohio, and Jesse was born in Michigan on June 13, 1883. 1
He was the son of Jesse and Jennie C. (Fitzgerald) Crowton. Something happened to his father and Jennie married 56- 1 3
year-old George Pell soon after Jesse was born, so he grew up as a step-son. His half-sister Lottie was born in August 1
of 1889. Jesse became a five foot ten inch man with light blue eyes and light hair. Dolly (formal name Maude) was 2 1
born in Michigan in 1878, she married Jesse about 1904, and their daughter Gertrude was born in 1906. “PHOTO BY 1 t
J. J. CROWTON” was stamped on the face of photographs postmarked in September and October of 1908. “Photo t
Postals, J. J. CROWTON, Highland Park, Mich.” was printed on the backs of photographs of the Michigan State Fair: t
two views of Beachey’s airship and a bird’s-eye view past the ferris wheel and the North Baptist Dining Hall down the t
midway, postmarked in September of 1909. On the back of a post card photo was stamped: “DEC 8 - 1909” and t
“JESSE J. CROWTON, 71 Tyler Ave., Highland Park, Mich. J.J. 5624 T.B. 168 P-A.S.C.C. 363 A.S.C.C. 44” t
and part of the written message was: “... We have no colored cards of Highland Park. I supply the stores with view t
cards. This view shows the Ry. Power House where the city cars turn around, the Presbyterian Church at the right....” t
J.J. 5624 was Jesse’s membership number in the Jolly Jokers, a post card exchange club, and the other numbers t
probably represented membership in similar organizations. Though his name always was spelled Jesse in the t d
directories, one of his photo postals sent to a friend was signed Jessie. Jesse and Dolly were separated by 1915, and t d
soon divorced. Jesse was living with his widowed mother in 1920. Dolly established a boarding house and lived in 1
Highland Park through 1930. By 1930 Jesse was married to a lady named Catherine who was born in Missouri to 1
Canadian parents about 1880. He died at Los Angeles on November 25, 1957. 1 3
1. 1880 Federal Census of Hamtramck Township, 1900 and 1910 Federal Censes of the village of Highland Park, plus 1920 and 1930
Federal Censes of the city of Highland Park in Wayne County, Michigan, as well as 1930 Federal Census of Assembly District 58 of
Los Angeles in Los Angeles County, California.
2. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.
3. California Death Index, 1940-1997.

Cuddihy, James E.
Hubbell student .......................................................................................................................................................... 1900 1
Hubbell wash boy in a stamp mill .............................................................................................................................. 1910 1
Hubbell PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................ circa 1915 t
Detroit nickel plater or machine hand ....................................................................................................................... 1917 2 d
United States Army soldier .............................................................................................................................. 1917-1919 3 4
Hubbell railroad section hand .................................................................................................................................... 1920 1
Hubbell resident .................................................................................................................................................... ca 1921 3
Detroit leveler ............................................................................................................................................................ 1927 d
Detroit golf course landscaper ................................................................................................................................... 1930 1
His parents emigrated from Ireland in 1880 and James was born at Hubbell to Richard and Bridget (Thelan) Cuddihy 1 3
on May 22, 1890. His siblings were born at Hubbell: George in March of 1893, Florence in August of 1895, Helen in 3 1
June of 1897, Esmond (a boy) in May of 1899, and Vernier (a girl) in 1900 or early in 1901. “BREAKING ROADS, 1 t
HUBBELL, MICH. PHOTO BY JIM CUDDIHY” was lettered on the negative of a post card photograph of a huge t
roller pulled by ten horses. Jim became a tall man with a medium build, blue eyes and light brown hair. Four days after t 2
he registered for the draft he enlisted on June 9, 1917, at Fort Wayne in Company G of the 33rd Infantry in the 2 4
Michigan National Guard, which soon became the 125th United States Infantry. He was promoted to bugler, and on 4 3
January 30, 1918, transferred to the Headquarters Company as a member of the band. He sailed for France on 4 3
February 10, 1918, and was transferred to Company C of the 125th Infantry as a private. He was in action in Alsace on 4 3
May 15, at Chateau Thierry from July 27 to August 26, at Sousaine from August 27 until September 8, and in the 3
Argonne for two days. He was hospitalized briefly after being gassed at Chateau Thierry. Jim was again promoted to 3 4
bugler on September 12, and served with the Army of Occupation until he sailed for the United States, arriving at 4 3
Hoboken on May 8, 1919. He was demobilized and honorably discharged on June 6, 1919. Jim was living with his 3 4
parents in 1920. He was lodging at McGregor’s Institute and still was single in 1930. 1
1. 1900, 1910 and 1920 Federal Censes of the village of Hubbell in Trout Lake Township of Houghton County, plus 1930 Federal
Census of the First Ward of Detroit in Wayne County, Michigan.
2. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.
3. World War I Veteran Census compiled by the War Preparedness Board in the State Archives of Michigan at Lansing.
4. World War I Veterans Bonus Files in the State Archives of Michigan at Lansing.
Cueny, Benjamin Ursus
Detroit student ........................................................................................................................................................... 1880 1
Detroit photographic apprentice to photographer Constantine Eisenhardt ................................................................ 1887 d
Detroit resident or photographer ...................................................................................................................... 1888-1889 d
Detroit picture frame clerk, frame maker or framer ......................................................................................... 1890-1898 d
Detroit picture framer ................................................................................................................................................ 1900 1
Detroit commercial traveler ....................................................................................................................................... 1910 1
Detroit traveling salesman for the Taber Prang Art Company ................................................................................... 1918 2
Springfield, Massachusetts, manager for an art manufacturing company .................................................................. 1920 1
Chicago, Illinois, farm machinery salesman .............................................................................................................. 1930 1
His father emigrated from Switzerland, his mother emigrated from the Bavarian section of Germany, and Benjamin 1
was born in Michigan on September 17, 1872, third of the seven children of Edmund and Barbara Cueny. His three 2 1
brothers and three sisters all were born in Michigan between July of 1869 and August of 1879. Benjamin matured into 1 2
a stout man with brown eyes and brown hair that was turning gray in 1918. His wife, Josephine Marie Cueny, was born 2 1
in Canada or England about 1883, and she married Benjamin about 1910. Their daughter Josephine was born in 1
Michigan in July of 1917. 1
1. 1880 Federal Census of the city of Detroit, 1900 Federal Census of the Ninth Ward and 1910 Federal Census of the Second Ward of
Detroit in Wayne County, Michigan, 1920 Federal Census of the Fifth Ward of Springfield in Hampden County, Massachusetts, and
1930 Federal Census of the Fortieth Ward of. Chicago in Cook County, Illinois.
2. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.

Cull, Charles C.
Augusta bicycle repairer .................................................................................................................................. 1900-1907 1 m
Augusta electrician at the power house ...................................................................................................................... 1910 1
Augusta PHOTOGRAPHER and florist .......................................................................................................... 1916-1927 m
Augusta proprietor of a club room ............................................................................................................................. 1930 1
Augusta billiard hall proprietor and dealer in soft drinks ................................................................................ 1930-1931 m
Charles was born in England in October of 1870, immigrated about 1883, and by 1900 was a naturalized citizen of 1
the United States. Her parents emigrated from the Mecklenburg region of Germany, Mary M. Buss was born in 1
Michigan in May of 1873, and she married Charles about 1891. Their children were born in Michigan: Frederick in 1
September of 1893, Alma in May of 1895, Arthur in April of 1897, Clyde in 1903, and Harry in 1911. Charles was 1
enumerated as an electrical engineer for the power company in the 1920 census. 1
1. 1900, 1910, 1920 and 1930 Federal Censes of the village of Augusta in Ross Township of Kalamazoo County, Michigan.
Cull, George
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 373 Grand River av ................................................................................................... 1896 d

Cull, Thomas J.
Detroit (Thompson, Sylvester & Cull) PHOTOGRAPHERS in Room 6 of the Van Husan Block ........................... 1914 d
Detroit photographer .................................................................................................................................................. 1915 d
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 20 Columbia st east ......................................................................................... 1917-1919 d m
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 409 Woodward av ........................................................................................... 1919-1920 d
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 2535 Woodward av ......................................................................................... 1920-1923 d m
Detroit auto worker or laborer ......................................................................................................................... 1924-1925 d
Tom’s parents came from Ireland, and he was born in Canada in 1881. Thompson, Sylvester & Cull specialized in 1 d
commercial photography, panoramic views, smokeless flashlights and banquet groups. In April of 1919Tom produced d t
a 6½ by 24 inch panorama of the First Liberty Band of Detroit with City Hall and the Gayety Burlesque Theater in the t
background. Tom was living alone in 1920, next door to photographer Jacob Herbert. One Thomas J. Cull was born in t 1
Canada to Irish parents about 1873, immigrated in 1875, was married for the second time about 1906 to a 23-year-old 1
Michigan lady named Edna, and was working as a tool maker in a Flint auto factory in 1910. What appears to be the 1
same person was a single patient in the Wayne County Home and Insane asylum at Eloise in 1930. 1
1. 1910 Federal Census of the First Ward of Flint in Genesee County, plus 1920 Federal Census of the Second Ward of Detroit and 1930
Federal Census of Nankin Township in Wayne County, Michigan.

Culver, Charles M.
Grand Rapids photographer for William Quatermass ................................................................................................ 1878 g
Culver, John M.
Grand Rapids photographer for John F. Davis .......................................................................................................... 1879 g
Pontiac photographer for Augustus B. Taylor ...................................................................................................... ca 1880 1
Pontiac photographer for H. Maurice Kittle .............................................................................................................. 1882 2
East Saginaw photographer for H. Maurice Kittle ..................................................................................................... 1882 2
Detroit photographer for Augustus B. Taylor ............................................................................................................ 1883 d
“From the Art Gallery of A. B. TAYLOR, Pontiac, Mich. Cor. of Saginaw & Auburn Sts. J. M. CULVER, 1
Photographer.” was printed on the back of some stereo views. When H. M. Kittle moved his gallery from Pontiac to 1 2
East Saginaw in the fall of 1882, it was reported that “... J. M. Culver of this city, also a practical photographer, goes 2
with Mr. Kittle as his right bower.” 2
1. Learned in 1997 from Bonnie Williams of Mattawan, Michigan.
2. Pontiac Bill Poster, Pontiac, Michigan, as quoted in the Saginaw Evening News, Saginaw, Michigan, September 4, 1882.

Culver, L. W.
Otsego PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................. 1914-1915 m

Culver, W. A.
Brooklyn PHOTOGRAPHER .............................................................................................................................. ca 1885 t
Hudson PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................ 1887-1891 t m
One of Culver’s Hudson Cabinet photographs was of a shop window decorated for Christmas in 1887. In October of t
1889, a Hudson photographer was charged with assault and battery for kissing a lame colored girl who had resisted his 1
advances. He was tried and acquitted. Culver seems most likely to have been the accused, though it could have been 1 m
Frederick D. Brown or some other photographer. m
1. The Evening News, Detroit, Michigan, October 11 and 16, 1889, under “State News.” Noted by James Donaldson.

Culver, William H.
Bay City bank collector ................................................................................................................................... 1871-1873 1
Ithaca, New York, college student ................................................................................................................... 1874-1875 1
Bay City grocery store clerk, clothing store salesman or machine shop bookkeeper ....................................... 1877-1879 1
Bay County farm manager ............................................................................................................................... 1879-1883 1 2
Bay City employee of a water pipe company ............................................................................................................. 1883 1
Bay City (W. H. Culver & Company) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 1006 Water st north ................................................ 1884 b
Bay City PHOTOGRAPHER at 1006 Water st north ...................................................................................... 1884-1885 m b
Bay City (Culver & Gibson) PHOTOGRAPHERS ................................................................................................... 1885 t
William was born in 1853 or 1854 in Norfolk County, Canada, eldest of the four children of Leman L. and Mariah L. 2
Culver. He came to Bay City with his parents in 1867. He attended Bay City High School and Cornell University. 2 1
Twenty-year-old Canadian-born Miss Grace McDonald of Bay City became his wife on December 31, 1878, and by 2 1
1883 they had one child. Arthur A. Bowers was a principal of W. H. Culver & Company, and the gallery was over 1 b
Meeker & Adams’ store on Water Street. There was a photographer named W. H. Culver about 1885 in Maiden, t 3
Montana. 3
1. History of Bay County, Michigan, 1883, page 140.
2. 1870 Federal Census of the city of Bay City, 1880 Federal Census of the Second Ward of Bay City, and 1880 Federal Census of
Hampton Township in Bay County, Michigan.
3. Diane VaSkiver Gagel, Directory of Photographers in the United States 1888 & 1889 and Canada 1889, Heritage Books, Bowie,
Maryland, 2002. (Much of the data in this publication has proven to be at least two years out-of-date.)

Cummings, Carlos A.
Camden, Indiana, PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................ 1860-1861 1
Galveston, Indiana, PHOTOGRAPHER ......................................................................................................... 1860-1861 1
Adrian PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................. 1862-1863 2
The Indiana photographer was identified as C. A. Cummings, a literate head of household with no real or personal 1
property who was born in Vermont about 1818. 1
1. Learned in 2000 from James A. Marusek of Bloomfield, Indiana.
2. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1862-1866, National Archives, Washington, D.C.
Cummings, John I.
Portage Township farmer ........................................................................................................................................... 1880 1
Old Mission dealer in confections ............................................................................................................................. 1900 1
Old Mission music teacher and proprietor of a boat livery .............................................................................. 1902-1903 m
Old Mission music teacher .............................................................................................................................. 1904-1905 m
Old Mission confectioner ................................................................................................................................. 1906-1907 m
Old Mission PHOTOGRAPHER .......................................................................................................................... ca 1909 t
Saint Cloud, Florida, resident .................................................................................................................................... 1910 1
Saint Cloud, Florida, cigar and tobacco merchant ..................................................................................................... 1920 1
His father emigrated from Scotland and John was born in Canada in September of 1850. He was brought to this 1
country in 1855, and later became a naturalized citizen of the United States. Her parents were Canadian, Mae was born 1
in Michigan in October of 1858, and she married John about 1874. They never had children. “Old Mission, View. 1 t
By J. I. Cummings.” was printed on the image side of post card photographs, along with such captions as: “Light t
House.” or “The Porter House.” Some of the cards were mailed in August of 1910. John’s wife was Calista M. t 1
Cummings in Portage Township, Mae C. Cummings at Old Mission, and Calista M. Cummings in Florida. She was a 1
widow living by herself at Saint Cloud in 1930. 1
1. 1880 Federal Census of Portage Township in Kalamazoo County and 1900 Federal Census of Peninsula Township in Grand Traverse
County, Michigan, as well as 1910 Federal Census of Precinct Four plus 1920 and 1930 Federal Censes of the city of St. Cloud in
Osceola County, Florida..

Cummins, _______
Clarkston PHOTOGRAPHER .............................................................................................................................. ca 1890 t
Clarkston (Cummins & Petty) PHOTOGRAPHERS ............................................................................................ ca 1893 t
Cummins & Petty made a specialty of fine cabinet work. t

Cump, E. B.
Reading PHOTOGRAPHER in Mallery’s Block on Main st ............................................................................... ca 1872 t
Cump used at least three different card imprints with the same message: “Old Pictures copied and enlarged to any t
size, and painted in oil or water colors. Fancy cases and Albums constantly on hand.” One of his card photographs was t
evidently enlarged to a 16 by 20 inch bust portrait by the Keiser Art Company of Chicago. t

Cunningham, John J.
Carleton (Cunningham & Brown) PHOTOGRAPHERS ................................................................................. 1906-1907 m
Carleton PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................... 1907-1909 R m
Belleville PHOTOGRAPHER ......................................................................................................................... 1908-1909 m
Willard L. Brown was John’s partner. “Cunningham & Brown, Carleton, Mich.” was stamped on the backs of postal m t
photographs of business blocks in Mendon, 165 miles west of Carleton. t
Cunningham, John William
Detroit daguerrean artist ............................................................................................................................................ 1863 d
United States Army soldier .............................................................................................................................. 1863-1866 1 2
Detroit resident or blacksmith .......................................................................................................................... 1866-1868 d
Detroit stove molder ........................................................................................................................................ 1869-1893 d
John was born in Detroit about 1846. His father was Irish and his mother, Sophie, emigrated from Germany. He was 2 3
five feet six inches tall with a light complexion, light hair and blue eyes when he enlisted at Detroit as a trumpeter in 2 1
Company I of the First Michigan Cavalry on October 21, 1863, and he was mustered into the army two days later. 2 1
During December of 1864 and January of 1865 at Winchester, Virginia, he was treated by the regimental surgeon for 2
chronic diarrhea and piles. At some time, John served as a bugler with Company H. After the surrender of the Army of 2 1
Northern Virginia, the Michigan Cavalry Brigade was ordered to Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, and on to Fort Laramie, 1
Wyoming Territory. While crossing the plains in August of 1865 near Fort Halleck, Dakota Territory, John was 1 2
thrown from his horse and injured his back. By October the regiment reached Fort Bridger, Utah Territory, and John 2
was transferred to Company L on November 17, 1865. The regiment was mustered out of the army, paid and 1
disbanded at Salt Lake City on March 10, 1866, and the men were left to their own devices as to finding their way 1
home. John’s first and only marriage was to Miss Catherine Elizabeth Cameron in Detroit on November 17, 1870. 1 2
Their son Arthur and daughter Lily were born between 1872 and 1877. John spent most of his working life with the 3 d
Detroit Stove Works, and was made a foreman for a while about 1885. John successfully applied for a pension in d 2
March of 1890, but was dissatisfied with the $12.00 per month and by November was attempting to get an increase 2
based upon the chronic diarrhea, piles and lame back which he blamed on his military experiences. At this time he 2
deserted his wife and children, moved in with a woman named Carrie about three miles away, and provided no further 2
financial support to his family. John died on October 5, 1893, one week after he had contracted pneumonia. Burial was d 2
in Elmwood Cemetery. Catherine qualified for a Widow’s Pension which had reached $30.00 per month by the time 2
she died in Detroit on September 28, 1926. 2
1. Record of Service of Michigan Volunteers in the Civil War, 1861-1865; published by the State of Michigan about 1904.
2. Civil War Veteran Pension Record of John W. Cunningham obtained from the National Archives at Washington, D. C.
3. 1880 Federal Census of the city of Detroit in Wayne County, Michigan.

Cunningham, Joseph Lawrence

Detroit photographer, clerk or packer .............................................................................................................. 1899-1901 d
Detroit shoe clerk or traveling agent ................................................................................................................ 1902-1906 d
Detroit shoe salesman or traveling agent ......................................................................................................... 1908-1910 d
Detroit salesman for a shoe house .............................................................................................................................. 1910 d
Detroit real estate agent or salesman ................................................................................................................ 1911-1915 d
Detroit president of a real estate sales company .............................................................................................. 1916-1922 d
Detroit real estate sales manager or salesman .................................................................................................. 1923-1931 d
Detroit factory worker, clerk for the County Clerk or clerk for a judge .......................................................... 1932-1936 d
Detroit clerk, resident or real estate broker ...................................................................................................... 1937-1941 1
Joseph was born in Michigan of Irish ancestry on April 6, 1883, and he became a stout man with blue eyes and 1 2
brown hair. Minnie was born here of German parentage in 1887, and she married Joseph about 1909. Their children 1
were born in Detroit: Joseph in 1911, Robert in 1913, Richard in July of 1916, William in December of 1918, Charles 1
and James between 1922 and 1925, Marilyn in March of 1927, and John in October of 1928. Joseph was registered as 1 2
a stamper for the American Car & Foundry Company in September of 1918, during World War I. 2
1. 1910 Federal Census of the Fourteenth Ward, plus 1920 and 1930 Federal Censes of the Seventeenth Ward of Detroit in Wayne
County, Michigan.
2. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.

Cunningham, Thomas A.
Dowagiac (McCollum & Cunningham) PHOTOGRAPHERS ........................................................................ 1888-1890 m R
Dowagiac PHOTOGRAPHER at 135 Front st .......................................................................................................... 1891 t 1
Thomas used McCollum & Cunningham cabinet mounts with “McCollum” crossed out beneath the image and with t
his own rubber stamp on the back indicating that crayon portraits and enlarging were his specialties. In May of 1891 it t 1
was announced that William Conklin was to succeed Thomas in the studio over Beckwith’s millinery store on Front 1
Street in Dowagiac. 1
1. Dowagiac Times, Dowagiac, Michigan, May, 1891.
Cupp, Levi H.
Richland Township, Indiana, student ......................................................................................................................... 1870 1
Keyser Township, Indiana, resident on his father’s farm ........................................................................................... 1880 1
East Saginaw photographic printer for photographer Dan W. Smith ......................................................................... 1883 s
His father came from Pennsylvania, his mother emigrated from the Wurtemberg region of Germany, and Levi was 1
born in Indiana about 1861, the only son of Jacob and Barbara Cupp. His half-sister Matilda was born in Ohio 1
seventeen years earlier. Levi probably changed his surname during the 1880s, so please note also the entry for Levi H. 1 s
Smith. s
1. 1870 Federal Census of Richland Township and 1880 Federal Census of Keyser Township in De Kalb County, Indiana.

Curcuru, Louis Liborio

Detroit (Lucito & Curcuru) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 136 Gratiot av ......................................................................... 1907 d
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 136 Gratiot av ................................................................................................. 1908-1915 d m
Detroit draftsman ............................................................................................................................................. 1916-1917 d
Detroit truck chassis designer for Packard Motor Car Company ............................................................................... 1918 1
Detroit mechanical designer ...................................................................................................................................... 1920 2
Ferndale automobile designer .................................................................................................................................... 1930 2
Louis was born in Italy on August 20, 1885, to a mother whose maiden name was D’Angelo. He immigrated in 1905 1 3
and became a naturalized citizen of the United States in 1911. He was short with a medium build, dark brown eyes and 2 1
black hair. Florence was born in England about 1883, and was brought to America in 1890. She married Louis in 1907 1 2
or early in 1908, and their daughter Veta was born in 1909. They had three sons: Robert was born in 1912, Louis was 2
born in March of 1919, and Edmund was born in 1920 or early in 1921. The family lived for many years in Ferndale, 2 4
where Florence died some time after 1930. Beryl L. Haynes was born in Michigan on July 14, 1905, and was the 2 3
daughter of Louis F. and Bertha C. (Crane) Haynes. She was a Birmingham, Michigan, music teacher before she 2
became the second wife of Louis Curcuru. Young Louis and Edmund Curcuru were appointed to West Point Military 4
Academy in January of 1940. Louis was 23 years old when he died in a plane crash at West Point on October 29, 4
1942, and Edmund graduated from the Academy in June of 1943. Louis and Beryl moved to San Diego, California, 4
where Louis died on May 9, 1968. Beryl died there on November 23, 1985. 3
1. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.
2. 1920 Federal Census of the seventeenth Ward of Detroit in Wayne County, plus 1930 Federal Censes of the Third Ward of Ferndale
and of the village of Birmingham in Oakland County, Michigan.
3. California Death Index, 1940-1997.
4. Obituary in the Royal Oak Tribune, Royal Oak, Michigan, May 11, 1968.

Curran, Frederick W.
Coopers Plains, New York, student ........................................................................................................................... 1870 1
Lansing chair maker ................................................................................................................................................... 1880 1
Lansing printer for The State Republican ........................................................................................................ 1891-1892 L
Lansing PHOTOGRAPHER at 316 Pine st north ................................................................................................. ca 1895 t
Lansing news dealer ......................................................................................................................................... 1896-1904 L
Los Angeles, California, proprietor of a printing shop ..................................................................................... 1910,1920 1
Fred was born in New York State in January of 1864, the son of Salmon M. and Sarah A. Curran. As a chair maker 1
he was following the trade of his father. Mary was born in Germany in October of 1863, immigrated around 1880, and 1
married Fred about 1884. Their son Victor was born in Michigan in May of 1889, and their daughter Vesta was born 1
here in April of 1896. “F. W. Curran, 316 N. Pine Street, Lansing, Mich.” was printed on the back of the 4 by 5 inch 1 t
mount of a bird’s-eye view of Lansing from a very high perch looking west along Michigan Avenue to the Capitol. t
Fred resided at 316 North Pine Street from 1891 through 1896, and then moved to 607 West Hillsdale Street. His shop L
at 117 South Washington Avenue carried books, stationery and magazines in addition to newspapers, and in 1900 L
offered photo supplies and rubber stamps as well. Mary still was living in Los Angeles as a widow in 1930, and was L 1
providing a home for her daughter (now Mrs. Vesta V. King) and two young granddaughters. 1
1. 1870 Federal Census of Coopers Plains in Steuben County, New York, 1880 Federal Census of the Sixth Ward and 1900 Federal
Census of the Third Ward of Lansing in Ingham County, Michigan, plus 1910 Federal Census of Assembly District 75, 1920 Federal
Census of Assembly District 63, and 1930 Federal Census of Assembly District 55 of Los Angeles in Los Angeles County, California.
Curtis, Byron L.
Duplain Township laborer on his father’s farm ......................................................................................................... 1900 1
Elsie PHOTOGRAPHER ..................................................................................................................................... ca 1910 t
Elsie proprietor of a drug store .................................................................................................................................. 1910 1
His father came from Ohio, his mother came from New York, and Byron was born in Michigan in November of 1
1881, the son of Lorenzo W. and Julia S. Curtis. His only sibling, Vera, was born in December of 1888. Her mother 1
came from Wisconsin, Katherine was born in Ohio in 1884 or 1885, and she married Byron about 1903. Their son 1
Lorenzo was born in Michigan in 1905 or 1906. “Curtis Photo Main St., Elsie, Mich.” was lettered on the negative 1 t
from which post card photographs were printed. Young Lorenzo Curtis was living with his paternal grandparents in t 1
1920, and neither of his parents could be found in the 1920 and 1930 censes. 1
1. 1900 and 1920 Federal Censes of Duplain Township, and 1910 Federal Census of the village of Elsie in Duplain Township of
Clinton County, Michigan.

Curtis, Dorr
Owen Sound, Ontario, PHOTOGRAPHER .......................................................................................................... ca 1892 1
Regina, Saskatchewan, PHOTOGRAPHER .................................................................................................... 1893-1894 1
Detroit photo printer for photographers C. M. Hayes & Company ............................................................................ 1895 d
Detroit photo printer .................................................................................................................................................. 1896 d
Grand Rapids photographer ....................................................................................................................................... 1899 g
Delavan, Wisconsin, PHOTOGRAPHER ....................................................................................................... 1905-1914 2 3
Wauwatosa, Wisconsin, traveling salesman and demonstrator .................................................................................. 1920 3
Wauwatosa, Wisconsin, traveling demonstrator for the Kodak Company ................................................................. 1930 3
Dorr was born at Wentworth in Ontario, Canada, on March 18, 1875, and he bought out Regina photographer W. F. 3 1
B. Jackson in July of 1893. He immigrated to the United States in 1895, and was still an alien in 1910. Her parents 1 3
came from Pennsylvania, Olive was born in Iowa around 1871 (though she claimed to be younger for many years), and 3
she married Dorr about 1902. Their son Garret or Gerard was born in Wisconsin in 1907. 3
1. Hugh A. Dempsey, 19th Century Photographers on the Canadian Prairies, Glenbow-Alberta Institute, Calgary, Alberta, 1979.
2. Directory of Wisconsin Photographers; State Historical Society of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin, 1991.
3. 1910 Federal Census of the Third Ward of Delavan in Walworth County, Wisconsin.

Curtis, Eugene A.
Detroit cutter or electrician .............................................................................................................................. 1904-1905 d
Detroit active member of the Photographers’ Association of America ...................................................................... 1905 1
1. The Association Review, Convention Annual, Boston 1905, The Photographers’ Association of America.

Curtis, Loran E.
Dundee Township student .......................................................................................................................................... 1880 1
Ida Grove, Iowa, student ............................................................................................................................................ 1885 2
Toledo, Ohio, PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................ 1899 3
Wooster, Ohio, portrait artist ..................................................................................................................................... 1900 1
Saginaw artist working from his home ....................................................................................................................... 1910 1
Saginaw PHOTOGRAPHER at 323 Genesee av ............................................................................................. 1912-1914 m s
Saginaw PHOTOGRAPHER at 1813 Johnson st ............................................................................................ 1914-1915 m s
Fort Wayne, Indiana, artist and photographer ............................................................................................................ 1920 1
Tampa, Florida, artist and portrait painter ................................................................................................................. 1930 1
Loran was born in Michigan in July of 1873, eldest of the four children of Benjamin F. and Mary L. Curtis. His 1 2
siblings also were born in Michigan: Grace about 1875, Pearl in June of 1877, and Frederick in April of 1883. Jennie 1 2
was born in Ohio in 1875 to a Canadian mother, and she married Loran about 1894. Their daughters Elizabeth and 1
Madelaine were born in Ohio between 1895 and 1903, and their other children were born in Michigan: Norman in 1
1906, Harriet in 1909, Ruth in 1911, and Loran in September of 1916. The Toledo listing was for L. E. Curtis. Loran 1 3
was working on the road in 1900, apparently in association with portrait salesman James F. Sullivan. 1
1. 1880 Federal Census of Dundee Township in Monroe County and 1910 Federal Census of the Fifth Ward of Saginaw in Saginaw
County, Michigan, 1900 Federal Censes of the Fourth Ward of Wooster in Wayne County and the Ninth Ward of Toledo in Lucas
County, Ohio, 1920 Federal Census of the Ninth Ward of Fort Wayne in Allen County, Indiana, and 1930 Federal Census of the
Twelfth Ward of Tampa in Hillsborough County, Florida..
2. Iowa State Census Collection, 1836-1925.
3. John Waldsmith, A Directory of Ohio Photographers, 1839 to 1900, Sycamore, Ohio, compiled in 1978 and augmented through 1993.

Curtis, Mae P.
Lansing retoucher for photographers Cassey & Riley ............................................................................................... 1891 L
Detroit retoucher .............................................................................................................................................. 1896-1897 d
Please see also the entry for Maurie P. Curtis. L
Curtis, Margaret, Mrs.
Nankin Township housewife ...................................................................................................................................... 1850 1
Nankin Township farm wife ...................................................................................................................................... 1860 1
Canton Township housewife ...................................................................................................................................... 1870 1
Hastings PHOTOGRAPHER .......................................................................................................................... 1878-1879 m
Hastings resident ........................................................................................................................................................ 1880 1
Hastings milliner .............................................................................................................................................. 1882-1889 m
She was born Margaret G. Dawson in Scotland in 1826 or 1827. She came to the United States and married Charles 1
G. Curtis, who was born in Connecticut about 1823 and became a carpenter. Their daughter Margaret E. Curtis was 1
born in Michigan about 1846, and their son Charles G. Curtis was born here about 1857. Their daughter Nettie was 1
born in Michigan about 1866 and does not seem to have lived to maturity. The elder Margaret was a widow by 1880, 1
when she and her son Charles were living with the family of her brother, Robert Dawson. 1
1. 1850 and 1860 Federal Censes of Nankin Township and 1870 Federal Census of Canton Township in Wayne County, plus 1880
Federal Census of the First Ward of Hastings in Barry County, Michigan.

Curtis, Maurie P.
Lansing retoucher for photographer Alonzo M. Cheney ............................................................................................ 1892 L
Please see also the entry for Mae P. Curtis. L d

Curtis, Wallace B.
Belpre, Ohio, baby ..................................................................................................................................................... 1850 1
Pomeroy, Ohio, student ............................................................................................................................................. 1860 1
Pomeroy, Ohio, sewing machine agent ...................................................................................................................... 1870 1
Pomeroy, Ohio, PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................... 1879-1897 2
Adrian photograph operator for photographers Waddell & Mills .............................................................................. 1900 A
Hamburg, New York, inventor for a novelty company .............................................................................................. 1910 1
His mother came from West Virginia and Wallace was born at Belpre in January of 1850, the only child of Dudley 1
W. and Mary Ann Curtis. Lillie was born in Pennsylvania in 1849 or early in 1850, and she married Wallace about 1
1878. Their daughter May was born in Ohio a year later, and they may have had a son named William born in 1
Pennsylvania in September of 1880. They seem to have gone their separate ways without divorcing, and Wallace was 1
providing a home for his widowed mother in 1910. 1
1. 1850 Federal Census of Belpre in Washington County plus 1860, 1870 and 1880 Federal Censes of Pomeroy in Meigs County, Ohio,
as well as 1900 Federal Census of Robinson Township in Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, and 1910 Federal Census of the village of
Hamburg in Erie County, New York.
2. John Waldsmith, A Directory of Ohio Photographers, 1839 to 1900, Sycamore, Ohio, compiled in 1978 and augmented through 1993.

Curtiss, _______
Hastings (Clarkson & Curtiss) PHOTOGRAPHERS on the south side of State st ............................................... ca 1877 t

Curtiss, Frank H.
Lansing photographer for Savigny & Christmas ........................................................................................................ 1891 L
Lansing photographer for Henry J. Christmas ........................................................................................................... 1892 L
Lansing (Curtiss Studio) PHOTOGRAPHERS in Suite 508-514 of the Hollister Building ...................................... 1894 L
Ionia PHOTOGRAPHER .......................................................................................................................................... 1894 1
Howell PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................. 1894-1895 m
Worcester, Massachusetts, photographer ................................................................................................................... 1900 2
New Haven, Connecticut, PHOTOGRAPHER .......................................................................................................... 1920 2
Frank was born on February 20, 1868, at Parma, Ohio, and may have been the only child of Nathaniel C. and Helen 3 2
M. Curtiss. In Lansing Frank succeeded Henry J. Christmas, his former employer. He was awarded one of the Cramer t 4
badges for work submitted to the St. Louis convention of the Photographers’ Association of America in July of 1894. 4
The Curtiss Studio offered fine portraits in the latest styles, in 18 popular sizes from $1.50 to &5.00 per dozen. Bessie L
Russell was the Studio’s reception lady, and patrons were encouraged to take the elevator. Frank was succeeded in L t
Howell by either Clarence Gault or John Z. Gault. He still was single in 1920. t 2
1. The Blue Book for Amateur Photographers ... 1895: compiled early in 1894 by Walter Sprange, Beach Bluff, Massachusetts.
2. 1880 Federal Census of the village of Berea in Cuyahoga County, Ohio, 1900 Federal Census of the Eighth Ward of Worcester in
Worcester County, Massachusetts, and 1920 Federal Census of the First Ward of New Haven in New Haven County, Connecticut.
3. Ancestry Family Data Collection.
4. The Photo Beacon, New York, August 1894, page 307.
Curtiss & Smith
Syracuse, New York, PHOTOGRAPHERS at 16 Salina st south ........................................................................ ca 1884 t
Syracuse, New York, PHOTOGRAPHERS at 16 Salina st south ........................................................................ ca 1888 1
Curtiss & Smith were successors to Bonta & Curtiss in Syracuse. Cabinet photographs of at least sixteen members of t
the faculty of the University of Michigan and of no less than forty three U of M students were produced on the mounts t
of Curtiss & Smith. Most of these students graduated in 1884, and the others were at one time members of this class. t 2
Note that Michael B. Donovan was the Detroit agent of the Syracuse Portrait Company in 1884. A history of the d 3
university reproduced photographs of professors Benjamin Chapman Burt and Charles Nelson Jones identical to the 3
Curtiss & Smith prints. Photographer Samuel Bonta, 64, and his wife were sharing their home in 1880 with 3 4
photographer Nathan Curtiss, 41, and his family. 4
1. Curtin’s United States Business Directory for 1890, H. A. Curtin, New York.
2. Catalogue of Graduates of the University of Michigan, 1890, 1901, 1911 and 1921.
3. Hinsdale, History of the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 1906.
4. 1880 Federal Census of the city of Syracuse in Onondaga County, New York.

Curts, Jacob M.
Please see the entry for Jacob M. Kurtz.

Custer, William F.
Detroit photographer ........................................................................................................................................ 1877-1878 d
One William F. Custer served in Company K of the 206th Pennsylvania Infantry during the Civil War. 1
1. General Index to Pension Files, 1861-1934, National Archives, Washington, D. C.

Cute Studio
Mount Clemens PHOTOGRAPHERS at 67 Macomb st ........................................................................................... 1905 1
The “Cute Studio” of the Shea Photo Company was in rooms 29 and 30 of the Nank & Pingel Building in Mount 1
Clemens. E. D. Milton was the manager of this company. “‘CUTE’ STUDIO, Over the Post Office, Mt. Clemens, 1 t
Mich.” or “Milt’s Cute Studio, Near Post Office, Mt. Clemens, Mich.” was stamped on the backs of cards with three t
oval openings for photographs of a persons head above a cartoon. The left photo was captioned either “Going to Mt. t
Clemens” or “On the hog.” The center photo was captioned “Taking the baths at Mt. Clemens” and the right photo had t
the caption “Feeling fine, going home.” t
1. Mount Clemens City Directory 1905-06, Compiled by John L. Miller, Gatz & Behnke Directory Company.

Cutler, Willard F.
Saint Louis laborer ..................................................................................................................................................... 1880 1
Saint Louis (Tripp & Cutler) PHOTOGRAPHERS ......................................................................................... 1880-1881 m
Springfield Borough, Pennsylvania, carpenter ........................................................................................................... 1900 1
North Girard, Pennsylvania, carpenter .............................................................................................................. 1910,1920 1
Girard, Pennsylvania, carpenter ................................................................................................................................. 1930 1
Willard was born in Pennsylvania in May of 1858. Laura was born there in September of 1860, and she married 1
Willard in 1886 or 1887. Their daughter Mildred was born in Pennsylvania in October of 1890. Willard was a 1
widower in 1930 living with his daughter and her husband, Harold W. Oliver, and their eleven-year-old daughter 1
Marjorie. 1
1. 1880 Federal Census of the village of St. Louis in Gratiot County, Michigan, as well as 1900 Federal Census of Springfield Township
plus 1910, 1920 and 1930 Federal Censes of Girard Township in Erie County, Pennsylvania.

Cutshaw, W. S.
Galien child ................................................................................................................................................................ 1870 1
Galien PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................................... ca 1892 2
Three Oaks PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................................ 1893 3
Galien PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................................ 1898 4
Mishawaka, Indiana, druggist .......................................................................................................................... 1905-1935 2
George W. S. Cutshaw was born at Galien, Michigan, on November 24, 1865, the son of Frank and Mary J. 2 1
Cutshaw. He was known as Sherman as a child, and he had an older sister Dora and a younger brother Arthur. This 1
notice appeared in a Galien newspaper during the summer of 1898: “W. S. Cutshaw will be at his photo car Saturday 3
and one week from Saturday. So if you want any work done, better get it done, as he intends closing the car after that 3
time.” He died at Mishawaka on June 24, 1935. 3 2
1. 1870 Federal Census of Galien Township in Berrien County, Michigan.
2. Learned in 1993 from Waneta Batten of Cassopolis, Michigan.
3. Three Oaks Press, Three Oaks, Michigan, April 14 and 28, 1893.
4. Galien Advocate, Galien, Michigan, July 22, 1898.
Cutter, _______
Calumet(Gallagher & Cutter) PHOTOGRAPHERS .................................................................................................. 1908 t
Please see the entry on C. D. Gallagher for more information. t

Cutting, Levi D.
Columbiaville resident ..................................................................................................................................... 1847-1850 1
Columbiaville sawyer ................................................................................................................................................ 1850 2
Columbiaville resident ..................................................................................................................................... 1851-1858 1
Columbiaville DAGUERREOTYPIST, carpenter and butcher ....................................................................... 1859-1860 m
Columbiaville saloon keeper ............................................................................................................................ 1862-1865 m
Columbiaville boot and shoe merchant ............................................................................................................ 1866-1870 m
Columbiaville day laborer ......................................................................................................................................... 1870 2
Columbiaville carpenter ............................................................................................................................................. 1880 2
Alpine Township farmer ............................................................................................................................................ 1900 2
Levi was born in December of 1820 in Nashfield Township, Vermont, and when he was 15 moved with his parents 2 1
to Junius, New York, and later to Hartland, New York. In 1842 he married 18-year-old Miss Eliza M. Warner of 1 2
Niagara County, New York, and in the fall of 1847 brought his wife to a new home on the Flint River in Lapeer 1
County, Michigan. They were the first settlers at what would become the village of Columbiaville. Their son David 1 2
was born in 1848 or 1849. The post office was established in 1857, and after a number of years Levi became the 2 1
second postmaster of Columbiaville. Eliza died on January 20, 1872, and Levi married Mrs. Abigail M. Hopkins on 1
November 12, 1875. Abigail was the widow of Nelson Hopkins, and she brought along her six-year-old daughter 1 2
Loella. The Alpine Township property that they were farming in 1900 probably was inherited by Abigail from her first 2
husband. In 1920 Abigail was a widow living in adjacent Plainfield Township with her daughter Loella, her son-in-law 2
Dr. Byron H. Pelton, and her two-year-old grandson Robert. 2
1. J. Dee Ellis, Pioneer Families and History of Lapeer County, Michigan, Ellis Publishing Company, Lapeer, Michigan, 1978.
2. 1850 and 1860 Federal Censes of Marathon Township and 1870 Federal Census of the village of Columbiaville in Lapeer County,
plus 1880 and 1900 Federal Censes of Alpine Township and 1910 Federal Census of Plainfield Township in Kent County, Michigan.

Cuyler, Harriet E., Mrs.

Attica student and dress maker ........................................................................................................................ 1863-1872 1 2
Romeo resident ................................................................................................................................................ 1872-1884 1 2
Mount Clemens resident .................................................................................................................................. 1886-1887 m
Mount Clemens PHOTOGRAPHER on Pearl st ............................................................................................. 1888-1894 m 2
Mount Clemens resident .................................................................................................................................. 1900-1930 3 4
Hattie was born April 15, 1853, at Norwich, Ontario, youngest of the nine children of Eli and Catherine (Rooney) 1 2
Woodrow, who had emigrated from Ireland. Most of her education was obtained at Attica, and as a young lady she 1 2
learned dress making. A secondary source indicated that Hattie was an Attica photographer at some time. It was in 1 5
Attica that she married the photographer Ben Cuyler on April 18 or 19, 1872, just a few days after her nineteenth 1 2
birthday. She and Ben had three daughters: Nina Kittie was born November 19 in 1873 or 1874, Laurette Mauvette 1 2
was born March 27 in 1876 or 1878, and Zoe Letta was born August 8, 1881. Zoe died on October 12, 1892. Kittie 2
returned home after graduating from St. Mary’s Academy at Windsor, Ontario, exhausted from studying, never 2
recovered her health, and died November 13, 1893. Mauvette also graduated from St. Mary’s Academy, survived, and 2
on April 19, 1904, married Richard B. Remer in Detroit. Richard was a composer and music publisher who later 2
moved to Mount Clemens. She undoubtedly helped Ben to operate his galleries in Romeo and then Mount Clemens 2 m
before succeeding him at the studio on Pearl Street when Ben left for Colorado in hopes of recovering his health. t 2
Though “Mrs. H. E. Cuyler” was printed on most of her cabinet mounts, just “H. E. Cuyler” was printed on others. She t
displayed marked ability and artistic taste, and ran the Mount Clemens gallery successfully for seven years before 2 4
selling it to Alonzo C. Novess. She shared her home in Mount Clemens with her daughter prior to Mauvette’s 2 3
marriage, and later lived with the Remer family from 1910 through 1930. Harriet was listed as divorced in 1900, and 3
as a widow in 1904 and 1910, though Ben was an Indiana photographer at the time. 4 6
1. History of Macomb County, 1882.
2. Past and Present of Macomb County, R. F. Eldredge, 1905.
3. 1900 and 1910 Federal Censes of the Second Ward and 1930 Federal Census of the Fifth Precinct of Mount Clemens in Macomb
County, Michigan.
4. Mount Clemens City Directories, 1901, 1905, 1911, 1913, 1915, 1921, 1923, 1925 and 1927.
5. Arthur Hopkin Gibson, Artists of Early Michigan, Wayne State University Press, Detroit, 1975.
6. Learned in 2000 from James A. Marusek of Bloomfield, Indiana.
Cuyler, William Benjamin
East Guillumbury, Ontario, machinist ................................................................................................................... ca 1864 1
Attica machinist, head sawyer or engineer ....................................................................................................... 1865-1868 1
Lapeer PHOTOGRAPHER .................................................................................................................................. ca 1870 1
Romeo PHOTOGRAPHER in the North Brick Block on Main st north ......................................................... 1870-1884 2 m
Marinette, Wisconsin, (Cuyler & Hill) PHOTOGRAPHERS ................................................................................... 1885 3
Mount Clemens PHOTOGRAPHER on Pearl st ............................................................................................. 1886-1887 m
Murfreesboro, Tennessee, operator for photographer J. M. Driver ...................................................................... ca 1889 t
Bell Buckle, Tennessee, operator for photographer J. M. Driver ......................................................................... ca 1889 t
Santa Fe, New Mexico, PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................. 1890 4
Delphi, Indiana. PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................... 1890-1892 1
Colorado Springs, Colorado, PHOTOGRAPHER ..................................................................................................... 1894 5
Greenfield, Indiana, PHOTOGRAPHER at 20 ½ Main st west ....................................................................... 1895-1908 1 6
Indianapolis, Indiana, PHOTOGRAPHER at 1546 College av ....................................................................... 1909-1911 7 8
Indianapolis, Indiana, PHOTOGRAPHER at 1527 College av ................................................................................. 1916 8 9
Indianapolis, Indiana, PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................ 1920 2
Ben was born March 23, 1846, or March 22, 1847, at East Guillumbury or Newmarket, Ontario, one of the seven 1
children of William E. and Julia Ann (Brady) Cuyler. His work in Attica was in his father’s mill. He worked at 1
photography under instruction in 1869 and 1870. He and Miss Harriet E. Woodrow were married in Attica on April 1
18, 1872, and by 1881 they had three daughters. This appeared in a photographic journal late in 1872: “Another 1 0
Facetious Business Card. Mr. Ben Cuyler, of Romeo, Mich., is responsible for the following facetious business card; 0
What I know about Photographs. I never have any photographs taken unless I sit for them. I never forget to tell the 0
artist if they are not good I will not have them. I always take a picture of a friend along and tell him I want my pictures 0
to look just like it. I never have my picture taken in a group unless there is some one else to sit with me. I always tell 0
the artist that I don’t think my picture looks like me. I always have my friends and relatives go with me to arrange my 0
drapery and curls, and then stand and watch the whole operation, to be sure I don’t look stiff or staring. It is a good 0
plan, when the operator has your head in position, and is about to place the rest, to look down to see if you are all 0
there; it will make him swear some mentally, but never mind. I never have pictures of my children taken in a standing 0
position until they are four months of age. I always ask the artist if it will not do to pay when I get my pictures; he 0
always says No, but I ask him all the same. I always go to Ben Cuyler to get my pictures taken, as he knows just what I 0
want, and does not swear mentally.” On some cartes de visite was printed: “This Picture was made by BEN. 0 t
CUYLER, And is warranted not to fade or change color from the effect of any chemicals contained in it. Romeo, t
Mich.” On the back of mid-1870s card photographs by Clarence Weed of Capac was printed “PRINTS BY BEN t
CUYLER, Romeo, Mich. - Copying and Enlarging. India Ink, Water Coloring and Printing for the trade.” Though he t m
was listed in directories as Benjamin, B. W., W. B., William B. and Ben, he consistently used Ben on his photograph m t
mounts. His gallery was in the North Brick Block at 209-215 North Main Street throughout his stay at Romeo, and his t 1
large skylight was visible from the north side of the building. He advertised “... the French Rembrandt photograph, a 1
beautiful velvet-like picture which no other artist about here can take.” About 1880, his Photographic Art Parlors were 1 t
over Giddings, Rowley & Company’s store, and he promised to retain negatives for six months. Henry E. Hill was his t 3
partner in Marinette, and Ben’s wife Hattie succeeded him in Mount Clemens. He was forced to leave Michigan by ill 3 m
health, and spent several years in Colorado making views of outdoor life before returning to the east. Cabinet mounts 1
of L. L. De Anquinos were over-printed “J. M. DRIVER, Ben Cuyler, Operator, Murfreesboro and Bell Buckle, t
Tenn.” Ben was photographing in Santa Fe with an assistant named Vreeland in August of 1890. He opened the t 4
Greenfield, Indiana, gallery in January of 1895, augmented his photography there with portrait work and oil painting, 8
and met with marked success. A young lady who was born in Ohio in May of 1873 became Mrs. Lucy Madge Cuyler 8 2
early in 1891 and participated in the photographic business at Greenfield. In the spring of 1907 Ben was advertising to 2 8
buy a photograph gallery in a town of more than 10,000 people in the United States or Canada, and in the fall of 1908 6
he was opening branches of his Greenfield studio at Carthage and Morristown, Indiana. The opening of his 6 7
Indianapolis studio was reported in the fall of 1909. Both Ben and Lucy were enumerated as photographers in the 1910 7 2
and 1920 censes, and in 1920 they were working from their home. Lucy was a widow and still in the photographic 2
business at Indianapolis in 1930. 2
1. History of Macomb County, 1882; and Past and Present of Macomb County, R. F. Eldredge, 1905.
2. 1870 and 1880 Federal Censes of Bruce Township in Macomb County, Michigan, 1900 Federal Census of Greenfield in Hancock
County plus 1910, 1920 and 1930 Federal Censes of the Second Ward of Indianapolis in Marion County, Indiana.
3. Directory of Wisconsin Photographers; State Historical Society of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin, 1991.
4. Richard Rudisill, Photographers of the New Mexico Territory 1854-1912, Museum of New Mexico, Santa Fe, New Mexico, 1973.
5. The Blue Book for Amateur Photographers ... 1895: compiled early in 1894 by Walter Sprange, Beach Bluff, Massachusetts.
6. St. Louis and Canadian Photographer; volume 31, number 5, May 1907, page 204; and volume 32, number 9, September 1908, page 336.
7. Bulletin of Photography, September 23, 1909, page 203.
8. Learned in 2000 from James A. Marusek of Bloomfield, Indiana.
9. Polk’s Indiana State Gazetteer, 1916-17, page 1667.
0. Anthony’s Photographic Bulletin, volume 3, number 12, December 1872, page 782.
Cylkowski, Robert
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 589 Wesson av ................................................................................................ 1903-1907 d m
Detroit photographer .................................................................................................................................................. 1908 d
Detroit (Osmialowski & Cylkowski) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 1580 Michigan av ........................................... 1908-1909 m
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 1580 Michigan av ........................................................................................... 1909-1913 d m
Detroit undertaker ...................................................................................................................................................... 1913 d
Robert was born into a Polish family in Germany in 1867 or 1868, and he came to America in 1901. He was single in 1
1910, and was living with his 80-year-old widowed mother, Mrs. Anna Cylkowski, who had immigrated with him. 1
1. 1910 Federal Census of the Sixteenth Ward of Detroit in Wayne County, Michigan.

Cyr, Louis David

Marquette physician ......................................................................................................................................... 1859-1860 1
Negaunee physician and surgeon ............................................................................................................................... 1860 2
Negaunee physician ......................................................................................................................................... 1860-1883 1 3
Negaunee physician ................................................................................................................................................... 1900 2
Louis was born in Lower Canada to David and Sophia (Derome) Cyr on December 25, 1833. After graduating in 1
1856 from the College of Physicians and Surgeons at Montreal, he practiced for one year in Canada and another in 1
New York State. He became the first doctor at Negaunee in 1860, and opened the first drug store there in the same 1
year. He also opened the first jewelry store and the first photograph gallery in Negaunee, and built the first brick 1
building. He soon hired managers for the drug and jewelry businesses, but how the photograph gallery was conducted 1
is not clear. Miss Florence Matilda Watson of Marquette married Louis there on January 31, 1865, and she gave birth 1
to Florence and Philemon between 1865 and 1868, and to Violet Louise in March of 1878. Louis was postmaster of 2 1
Negaunee from 1862 through 1882, and was a principal of a large dry goods business. By 1883 he had a major interest 1 3
in the lease of the tracts where the Iron River Mine was being developed. 3
1. American Biographical History of Eminent and Self-Made Men, Western Biographical Publishing Company, Cincinnati, Ohio,
1878, page 8.
2. 1860 and 1870 Federal Censes of the village of Negaunee, 1880 Federal Census of the Third Ward and 1900 Federal Census of the
Second Ward of Negaunee in Marquette County, Michigan.
3. History of the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, Western Historical Company, Chicago, 1883, page 399.

Czyzewski, J. Boleslaw
Detroit barber ................................................................................................................................................... 1906-1908 d
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 509 Myrtle st ............................................................................................................. 1909 d
Detroit barber or meat cutter ............................................................................................................................ 1910-1911 d
Detroit barber ................................................................................................................................................... 1912-1923 d
Boleslaw was born in the Polish region of Russia in 1867. Leontyna was born in 1870, she married Boleslaw about 1
1898, and their daughters Barbara and Mary were born in Russia in 1900 and 1902. Boleslaw immigrated in 1903, and 1
his wife and children joined him in 1904. Their daughters Sophia and Eugenia were born in Michigan in 1907 and 1
1913. Leontyna was a widow by 1930, when she was living in Royal Oak with her two younger daughters. 1
1. 1910 and 1920 Federal Censes of the Sixteenth Ward of Detroit in Wayne County, plus 1930 Federal Census of the city of Royal Oak
in Oakland County, Michigan.
D and W Studios, The
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHERS at 88 Gratiot av ...................................................................................................... ca 1916 t m
Devereaux & Wright were the proprietors of this studio which produced portraits on post card stock. m t

Daberkoe, Charles August

Pontiac blacksmith for a wagon works ...................................................................................................................... 1900 1
Detroit motorman ............................................................................................................................................. 1912-1914 d
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 781 ½ Holden av ....................................................................................................... 1914 d
Detroit motorman ............................................................................................................................................. 1915-1917 d
Detroit blacksmith, auto worker or manager .................................................................................................... 1918-1920 d
Detroit laundry proprietor ................................................................................................................................ 1921-1923 d
Detroit auto worker or auto mechanic ............................................................................................................... 1924,1926 d
His parents, Chris and Minnie Daberkoe, emigrated from Germany in 1869, and Charles was born on May 4, 1881, 1 2
at Fair Haven, Michigan. In 1918 he was a tall man that weighed 175 pounds, had gray eyes and brown hair, and was 3 2
married to Nellie Loretta Daberkoe. Before he retired in 1948 he was a foreman at the Ford Motor Company. In 1956 2 3
he moved from Detroit to St. Petersburg, Florida, where he died on August 13, 1960. He was survived by a son, two 3
grandchildren and several great grandchildren. Burial was in Memorial Park Cemetery. 3
1. 1900 Federal Census of the First Ward of Pontiac in Oakland County, Michigan.
2. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.
3. Obituaries in the Detroit News and the Detroit Free Press on August 14, 1960.

Dack, Joseph
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 565 Grand River av ......................................................................................... 1914-1915 m

Dafoe, J. W.
Ann Arbor PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................ circa 1885 1
1. Diane Van Skiver Gagel, Directory of Photographers in the United States 1888 & 1889 and Canada 1889, Heritage Books, Bowie,
Maryland, 2002. (Much of the data in this publication has proven to be at least two years out-of-date.)
Dafoe, John M.
Alpena clerk in a furniture store ................................................................................................................................ 1880 1
Alpena apprentice to photographer J. Jefferson Gibson ....................................................................................... ca 1883 2
Fort Wayne, Indiana, PHOTOGRAPHER ....................................................................................................... 1886-1888 2
Alpena PHOTOGRAPHER at 217 Chisholm st west ...................................................................................... 1888-1891 m 3
East Tawas PHOTOGRAPHER ...................................................................................................................... 1890-1891 4 t
Alpena PHOTOGRAPHER at 217 Chisholm st west ...................................................................................... 1892-1893 m 3
Alpena PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................. 1893-1894 5 6
Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, photographer ....................................................................................................................... 1900 1
Davenport, Iowa, PHOTOGRAPHER ....................................................................................................................... 1910 1
Chicago, Illinois, stock man for a department store ................................................................................................... 1930 1
John was born in Canada in 1861 or 1862 to Samuel and Catherine Dafoe. His father was Canadian, his mother was 2 1
Irish, his older siblings were born in Canada, and his younger sister was born in Michigan. John was living with his 1 7
parents in 1890. He leased the Sims Gallery in East Tawas early in 1890 and opened it for business about February 17 7 4
for a few days. He seems to have spent three or four days at East Tawas almost every month for the next two years. At 4
first the East Tawas newspaper spoke well of his work and forecast his arrival a week in advance, but the enthusiasm 4
was gradually lost, and by December of 1891 this comment was published: “We hear a good deal of complaint here 4
about receiving pictures from photographer Dafoe, who makes occasional trips here, takes the negatives to Alpena for 4
filming, with a portion of the pay for same. In some instances months elapse before even hearing from the pictures, and 4
others say they hear nothing of sittings long ago....” Early in 1892 Ard G. Emery occupied the East Tawas gallery 4 2
formerly used by John M. Dafoe. John’s Art Studio on Chisholm Street in Alpena employed Edward LaPine as a 2 3
retoucher and Frank C. LaPine as a photo printer in 1891, when H. T. Marlin was John’s assistant. John was “... 3 2
prepared to execute all kinds of pictures, from the smallest locket to the life size portrait. He also gives special 2
attention to viewing and commercial work. Portraits are also executed in oil, crayon and India ink, in the highest style 2
of the art. at the lowest prices, and satisfaction guaranteed in all cases.” John’s occupation of his new and “model” 2 5
studio, said to be very attractive, was reported in the spring of 1893. It was still identified as the Dafoe gallery when it 5 8
was rented by DeViney & Emmons late in 1898. Daisy (later Merle) was born in Illinois in March of 1876, and she 8 1
married John about 1896. Their son Nelson was born in Pennsylvania in April of 1898. 1
1. 1880 Federal Census of Alpena in Alpena County, Michigan, 1900 Federal Census of the Twentieth Ward of Pittsburg in Allegheny
County, Pennsylvania, 1910 Federal Census of the Fourth Ward of Davenport in Scott County, Iowa, and 1930 Federal Census of the
49th Ward of Chicago in Cook County, Illinois.
2. Supplement to the Alpena Weekly Argus, Fall 1891.
3. Alpena city directories, 1891 and 1893.
4. Iosco County Gazette, East Tawas, Michigan, February 20, April 17, May 1 and 15,July 31, and October 9 and 30, 1890;
and January 8, August 27 and December 17, 1891. Noted in 1994 by James Donaldson of Detroit.
5. Wilson’s Photographic Magazine, volume 30, number 436, April 1893, page 186.
6. The Blue Book for Amateur Photographers ... 1895: compiled early in 1894 by Walter Sprange, Beach Bluff, Massachusetts.
7. Labor Journal, Alpena, Michigan, February 14, 1890. Noted by James Donaldson.
8. St. Louis and Canadian Photographer; volume 23, number 1, January 1899, page 42.

Dagle, Eugene R.
Orange Township farmer ........................................................................................................................................... 1880 1
South Boardman PHOTOGRAPHER .............................................................................................................. 1886-1889 m
Fife Lake PHOTOGRAPHER ......................................................................................................................... 1888-1889 m
Eugene was born in Michigan in 1854 or 1855 to Francis and Mary M. Dagle. His father was born in Canada about 1
1806, and his mother was born in Vermont ten years later. 1
1. 1880 Federal Census of Orange Township in Kalkaska County, Michigan.

Daguerre Camera Club

This club was established in 1889 at Chicago, Illinois, and met there at least through 1895. From 1900 through 1917 1 2
the club was headquartered at Harbert, Michigan, with a membership of about twenty which met on the first Monday 2
of each month. The president was Frank D. Blish or W. Bradford and the secretary was Wells B. Sizer in every 1 2
available record of this club. 1 2
1. The American Annual of Photography and Photographic Times Almanac, for 1892, 1895 and 1902.
2. The American Annual of Photography, edited by Percy Y. Howe, New York, for 1911, 1912, 1913, 1914, 1915, 1916 and 1917.

Daguerreotype Art Union

Detroit DAGUERREOTYPISTS ............................................................................................................................... 1845 1
They advertised in the summer of 1845: “DAGUERREOTYPE ART UNION and Photographic Association. Rooms 1
will be opened by the Association in the City of Detroit, as soon as the necessary arrangements can be made. A 1
detachment will be at Jackson, Marshall and Kalamazoo on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, July 1
21st, 22d, 23d, 24th and 25th, for the purpose of taking these inimitable Likenesses at New York Prices.” 1
1. Detroit Daily Advertiser, Detroit, Michigan, July 16 through 18, 1845.
Dahl, O. T.
Norway photographer for Bordewich & Eskil ........................................................................................................... 1888 1
Norway photographer for W. John Corin .................................................................................................................. 1889 1
Norway (Dahl & Anunson) PHOTOGRAPHERS .................................................................................................... 1889 t
Dahl worked for Bordewich & Eskil before he was hired by W. J. Corin in the middle of January in 1889. He may 1
have operated independently before he left for Norway, his native country, late in the fall of 1889. 1
1. Dickinson Diggings; Iron Mountain, Michigan, volume 6, number 1, February 1987.

Dailey, _______
“Dailey ’13” was scribed into the negative of a post card photograph of a wrecked locomotive. “Between Bay t
City & Akron, Mich.” was written on the photographic print. This was the route of the Deroit, Caro & Sandusky t 1
Railroad. Raby and Farleigh in Bay County plus Quanicassee, Sharpville and Downing in Tuscola County were towns 1
along the rails between Bay City and Akron in 1913. 1
1. Graydon M. Meints, Along the Tracks, Clarke Historical Library, Central Michigan University, Mount Pleasant, Michigan, 1987.

Dailey, Frank
Port Huron photographer ........................................................................................................................................... 1900 1
Chicago, Illinois, painter in a carriage factory ........................................................................................................... 1910 1
Chicago, Illinois, letterer in an automobile factory .................................................................................................... 1920 1
De Kalbb, Illinois, letterer for a wagon company ...................................................................................................... 1930 1
His parents came from New York, and Frank was born in Michigan in October of 1880. He and a younger sister and 1
brother were living in 1900 with their widowed mother, Mrs. Sarah J. Dailey, next door to the veteran photographer 1
James M. White. Frank and his brother Arthur were boarding together in 1910. Anna was born in Illinois to German 1
parents in 1889, and she married Frank about 1917. Their sons, Donald and Rex, were born in Illinois between 1924 1
and 1928. 1
1. 1900 Federal Census of the Fourth Ward of Port Huron in St. Clair County, Michigan, plus 1910 and 1920 Federal Censes of the
Seventh Ward of Chicago in Cook County and 1930 Federal Census of the Fifth Ward of De Kalb in De Kalb County, Illinois.

Dailey, Isadora, Mrs.

Platte Township child ................................................................................................................................................ 1870 1
Frankfort student ........................................................................................................................................................ 1880 1
Chesaning PHOTOGRAPHER .................................................................................................................................. 1900 1
Ludington, Louisiana, housewife ............................................................................................................................... 1910 1
Her parents came from New York and Canada and Isadora was born in Michigan in September of 1864. She was 1
second of the six children of Samuel W. and Elizabeth Benton, and had five substantially older half-brothers. She 1
married Rolland Dailey about 1883. Her children were born in Michigan, Faith W. Dailey in November of 1889 and 1
Rollo E. Dailey in August of 1893. Dora evidently was in charge of the gallery while Rolland was elsewhere in June of 1
1900, and probably was quite involved with his photographic business. 1
1. 1870 Federal Census of Platte Township and 1880 Federal Census of the village of Frankfort in Benzie County, plus 1900 Federal
Census of the village of Chesaning in Saginaw County, Michigan, as well as 1910 Federal Census of Ludington in Calcasieu
County, Louisiana.

Dailey, J.
Please see the entry for Jonas Daily.

Dailey, Rolland
Hart PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................................. 1880-1883 1 m
White Cloud PHOTOGRAPHER .................................................................................................................... 1886-1887 m
Breckenridge PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................ ca 1888 t
Ithaca PHOTOGRAPHER .................................................................................................................................... ca 1890 t
Chesaning PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................ 1890-1891 m
_______, Tennessee, PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................. 1891 t
Durand PHOTOGRAPHER ...................................................................................................................................... 1891 t
Frankfort PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................................... 1892 t
Chesaning PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................ 1892-1893 m 2
Harrison PHOTOGRAPHER .................................................................................................................................... 1893 t
Chesaning PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................ 1894-1899 m
Ludington, Louisiana, hotel manager ......................................................................................................................... 1910 1
Rolland was born in Ohio in 1856 or 1857, and was single and living alone in 1880. His parents also were born in 1
Ohio. He obligingly had the year printed on many of his cabinet mounts. He married Miss Isadora Benton about 1883, t 1
and became the father of a daughter and a son between 1889 and 1893. 1
1. 1880 Federal Census of Hart in Oceana County and 1900 Federal Census of the village of Chesaning in Saginaw County, Michigan,
plus 1910 Federal Census of Ludington in Calcasieu County, Louisiana.
2. Saginaw County Directory, 1892-93, Henry M. Schmidt, Saginaw, Michigan.
Daily, C. H.
Akron PHOTOGRAPHER .............................................................................................................................. 1914-1915 m

Daily, Jonas
Hart shoe maker ......................................................................................................................................................... 1880 1
Hart PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................................. 1884-1885 m
Saint Charles PHOTOGRAPHER .................................................................................................................... 1888,1890 R
Shepherd PHOTOGRAPHER .............................................................................................................................. ca 1890 t
Ashley PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................. 1890-1891 m
Ashley PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................. 1896-1897 m
Elsie PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................................ 1898-1899 m
Rapid City PHOTOGRAPHER ....................................................................................................................... 1900-1903 m
Elgin, Oregon, PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................... 1909 2
His parents came from New York, and Jonas was born in Ohio in May of 1830. His wife’s parents came from New 1
Jersey, and Matilda was born in Ohio in May of 1839. Their son John was born in Ohio about 1860. The photographer 1 t
was identified as J. Daily in five different printings of Ashley cabinet mounts as well as on cabinet mounts from Elsie t
and from Shepherd, and as I. Daily at St. Charles. “Dailey, Artist, St. Charles, Mich.” and J. Dailey, Elsie, Mich.” were R t
printed on other cabinet mounts. He was photo artist Jonas Daily at Rapid City. He was called Dailey in some 1 m
gazetteers and at Elgin, Oregon. In 1878 one J. Daily was a photographer and dealer in frames, mouldings, albums, 2 3
etc. at 1311 Eleventh Street in Altoona, Pennsylvania. 3
1. 1880 Federal Census of Hart in Oceana County and 1900 Federal Census of Clearwater Township in Kalkaska County, Michigan.
2. Thomas Robinson, Oregon Photographers, Portland, Oregon, second edition, 1993.
3. Important Events of the Century, Benson & Rippey, New York, 1878.

Daines, Carl W.
Northville child .......................................................................................................................................................... 1880 1
Detroit grocery clerk, printer or engraver ........................................................................................................ 1893-1895 d
Detroit bellows maker or leather maker ........................................................................................................... 1896-1900 d
Detroit student, reporter or stenographer ......................................................................................................... 1901-1903 d
Detroit chief clerk for a railroad ................................................................................................................................ 1904 d
Saginaw PHOTOGRAPHER at 319 Genesee av ............................................................................................. 1908-1909 m s
Detroit manager of the Monroe Studio ...................................................................................................................... 1910 d
Detroit (Withee & Daines) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 96 Broadway .................................................................. 1910-1911 m
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 96 Broadway ............................................................................................................. 1911 d
Detroit (Daines & Company) in Room 6 of the Van Husan Block .................................................................. 1912-1913 d m
Ann Arbor photographer ............................................................................................................................................ 1914 a
Ann Arbor (Daines & Nickels) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 334-336 State st south ............................................. 1914-1916 m a
Ann Arbor PHOTOGRAPHER at 334 and 336 State st south ........................................................................ 1916-1917 m 2
Glen Rock, New Jersey, PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................ 1920 1
Midland Park, New Jersey, assistant chief of the State Board of Health ................................................................... 1930 1
Carl was born in Michigan in 1877, the son of Ira and Henrietta Daines. His sister Ethel was born two years later. 1
Winifred was born about 1876 in New York, and she married Carl about 1897. Their son Carleton and daughter 1
Harriet were born in Michigan in 1905 and 1908. From 1898 to 1903 the listings were for Carlton W. Daines. Harry T. 1 d
Dennis was a principal of Daines & Company in 1912. Daines & (Stafford B.) Nickels were general photographers and d a
lantern slide makers as well as scrap book and souvenir card publishers in 1916, and they claimed to have “The only a
Studio on the Campus.” According to the printing on their film envelopes, they offered “Portraits, Enlargements, a t
Lantern Slides, Flashless Flashlights, Finishing for Amateurs, Photo Supplies, Etc.” and amateurs could get their prints t
back on either plain paper or with postal backs. Carl advertised in 1917: “‘It’s My Work That Counts’ DAINES, t 2
General Photographer, 334 and 336 South State Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan. ‘The Only Studio on the Campus.’” 2 1
Carl and Winifred still were providing a home for their son in 1930. 1
1. 1880 Federal Census of the village of Northville and 1910 Federal Census of the Eighth Ward of Detroit in Wayne County, Michigan,
plus 1920 Federal Census of the borough of Glen Rock and 1930 Federal Census of the borough of Midland Park in Bergen County,
New Jersey.
2. Michiganensian, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 1915, 1916 and 1917.
Dake, Charles W.
Saint Clair child ......................................................................................................................................................... 1870 1
Ludington student ...................................................................................................................................................... 1880 1
Grand Rapids foreman, bicycle designer or pattern maker .............................................................................. 1895-1899 g
Grand Rapids malleable iron foundry foreman ................................................................................................ 1900-1905 1 g
Grand Rapids draftsman for a bearing manufacturer ................................................................................................. 1906 g
Grand Rapids mechanical engineer or vice president for a steam turbine company ........................................ 1907-1908 g
Grand Rapids resident or inventor ................................................................................................................... 1909-1910 g 1
Grand Rapids mechanical engineer .................................................................................................................. 1910-1914 g
Chicago, Illinois, conceptual engineer for a headlight company ............................................................................... 1920 1
Charles was born in Michigan to parents from the Hanover region of Germany in May of 1868, last of the four 1
children of Henry and Caroline Dake. His oldest brother William was born at Jamaica in the West Indies about 1850. 1
Joanna (often Anna) was born in Michigan to Dutch parents in November of 1873, and she married Charles about 1
1890. Their children (Caroline, Henry, Francis and Charles) were born in Michigan between 1891 and 1915. On May 1 p
16, 1904, Charles applied for a patent on a Photographic Exposure Meter. Patent Number 784,988 was granted to him p
on March 14, 1905, with one-half of the rights assigned to William Donker. Charles and William usually worked for p g
the same series of Grand Rapids companies, and were co-inventors of a steam turbine. g p
1. 1870 Federal Census of the First Ward of St. Clair in St. Clair County, 1880 Federal Census of the city of Ludington in Mason
County, plus 1900 Federal Census of the Seventh Ward and 1910 Federal Census of the Eighth Ward of Grand Rapids in Kent
County, Michigan, and 1920 Federal Census of the 25th Ward of Chicago in Cook County, Illinois.
plus 1920 Federal Census of the borough of Glen Rock and 1930 Federal Census of the borough of Midland Park in Bergen County,

Dake, Clarence J.
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 392 Fourth av .................................................................................................. 1912-1913 d m

Dale, _______
Big Rapids PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................................ 1905 t
“Ferris Institute Faculty, 1905, PHOTOS BY Dale, BIG RAPIDS, MICH.” was lettered on the negative of an 8 by 10 inch t
composite print with individual portraits of 19 men and women plus a view of the building. The print was adhered to t
an 11 by 14 commercial mount. The photographer’s name was written in script, and could have been Vale. t

Daley, M. A.
Jackson PHOTOGRAPHER at 114 E av .............................................................................................................. ca 1895 t
Daley was identified as the artist in penned script on the back of a 6 ½ by 8 ½ inch plain buff mount of a 4 by 5 ½ t
photograph of the Jackson home of Ella A. Collins. t

Daly, Lynne R., Miss

Tecumseh PHOTOGRAPHER over Wright’s drug store on Chicago st west ................................................. 1895-1897 1 m
1. Lenawee County directory for 1895, and Adrian and Lenawee County Directory, 1897.

Dalzell, Samuel
Lima. Ohio, PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................... 1866 1
Hersey PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................. 1876-1877 m
1. Diane VanSkiver Gagel, Ohio Photographers 1839-1900, Carl Mautz Publishing, Nevada City, California, 1998.

Dammand, Robert Peterson

Des Moines, Iowa, photographer ..................................................................................................................... 1880-1883 1
Houghton photographer ............................................................................................................................................. 1884 1
Harlan, Iowa, PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................... 1885-1889 1
Robert was born at Horsens, Denmark, to P. R. and Elizabeth (Anderson) Dammand on September 6, 1855. He first 1
came to America in 1873. He worked for a while in a wagon factory at Racine, Wisconsin, and then for a year and a 1
half on a farm before he returned to Denmark. There he worked as a carpenter for three years and attended school 1
before he spent fifteen months in the Danish army. He then served eight months as a photographic apprentice. When 1
his employer died he again worked as a carpenter until he and his mother and sisters immigrated in 1880 to Story City, 1
Iowa. Four months later he found photographic work at Des Moines which lasted for three years. Robert then spent a 1
year at Houghton. On January 10, 1885, he purchased the Harlan gallery of Frank F. Reynolds and proceeded to do a 1
profitable photographic business. He was married on August 11, 1887, to Mrs. Lettie (Hille) Potter, and by 1889 they 1
had a daughter named Vera Lenore. 1
1. Biographical History of Shelby and Audubon Counties, Iowa, 1889. Noted by Don Fredgant of Lakewood, Ohio.
Damon, Benjamin
Please see the entry for Benjamin B. Lammon.

Damon, Ralph G.
Chesaning Township student ..................................................................................................................................... 1900 1
Chesaning PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................ 1906-1907 m
Davison clerk in his father’s grocery store ................................................................................................................. 1910 1
Detroit credit man for a tobacco factory .................................................................................................................... 1920 1
Royal Oak industrial salesman ................................................................................................................................... 1930 1
His father came from New York and Ralph was born in Michigan in August of 1886, the younger son of La Roy L. 1
and Sarah A. Damon. His brother Coryell was born in December of 1880. Eunice was born in Illinois in 1892, and she 1
married Ralph about 1916. Their daughter Betty was born in September of 1917, and their son Ralph was born five 1
years later. 1
1. 1900 Federal Census of Chesaning Township in Saginaw County, 1910 Federal Census of the village of Davison in Genesee County,
1920 Federal Census of the Eighth Ward of Detroit in Wayne County, and 1930 Federal Census of the city of Royal Oak in Oakland
County, Michigan.

Dampf, _______
East Saginaw (Dampf & Klumpp) PHOTOGRAPHERS in Simoneau’s Block ........................................................ 1867 t 1
Simoneau’s Block was at the corner of Genesee Avenue and Jefferson Street. The Internal Revenue listing was for t 1
Damfp & Klumps. 1
1. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1867-1868, Great Lakes Branch of the National Archives, Chicago, Illinois.

Danbean, Joseph
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER in Room 11 of the John Farmer Building ............................................................ 1904-1905 m
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 79 Woodward av ............................................................................................. 1905-1908 d m
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 79 and 235 Woodward av ............................................................................... 1909-1910 d 1
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 79, 220 and 235 Woodward av ....................................................................... 1911-1912 d
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 235 Woodward av ........................................................................................... 1912-1913 m d
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 96 Broadway ............................................................................................................. 1914 d
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 80 Gratiot av ................................................................................................... 1914-1915 m d
Detroit photographer ........................................................................................................................................ 1916-1917 d
Detroit resident .......................................................................................................................................................... 1918 d
Detroit photographer for a photo company ................................................................................................................ 1920 1
Detroit salesman for a product company ................................................................................................................... 1930 1
Joseph was born in Missouri to an English father and a mother from New York about 1871. Mary was born in 1
Canada to parents from Northern Ireland and England about 1873, and she came to the United States and married 1
Joseph about 1892. The listing in 1904 was for Joseph Danvan. “JOE DANBEAN, 79 WOODWARD AVE., m t
DETROIT,...” was printed on the post card backs of studio portraits. “Jos. Danbeen, 235 Woodward, Detroit” was t
printed on some folders for 5¼ by 2 inch photographs. Mary never had children, she was the clerk in Joseph’s photo t 1
studio in 1910, and she was providing for one male and four female boarders in 1920. Joseph was 74 years old when 1 2
he died in Detroit on December 26, 1945. 2
1. 1910 Federal Census of the Second Ward plus 1920 and 1930 Federal Censes of the Sixth Ward of Detroit in Wayne County,
2. Detroit Death Index in the Burton Historical Collection of the Detroit Public Library, Detroit, Michigan.

Daney, _______
Bay City photographer ............................................................................................................................................... 1877 1
This person, whose name may have been Baney or Raney, was one of the nineteen men on two lighters loaded with 1
mill machinery which were being towed from Caseville to Bay City. They left Caseville on Saturday, December 1, 1
1877, and had not reached Bay City by December 7. 1
1. Iosco County Gazette, Tawas City, Michigan, December 13, 1877, Noted in 1994 by James Donaldson of Detroit.
Danforth, Milton E.
East Saginaw grocery clerk .............................................................................................................................. 1872-1878 1
East Saginaw employee of a wholesale grocer ................................................................................................ 1879-1884 1
East Saginaw commercial traveler for a Detroit wholesale grocer ................................................................... 1885-1888 1
Saginaw traveling agent for the Detroit Soap Company .................................................................................. 1889-1908 s 1
Saginaw PHOTOGRAPHIC SUPPLY MERCHANT on Genesee av ....................................................................... 1897 s
Saginaw PHOTOGRAPHIC SUPPLY MERCHANT at 115 Jefferson av south ............................................ 1900-1908 m R
Saginaw PHOTOGRAPHIC SUPPLY MERCHANT at 113-117 Jefferson av south ..................................... 1909-1911 s m
Saginaw PHOTOGRAPHIC SUPPLY MERCHANT at 113-115 Jefferson av south ..................................... 1912-1913 s m
Saginaw PHOTOGRAPHIC SUPPLY MERCHANT at 507 Genesee av and 106 Lapeer av ......................... 1915-1921 s m
His parents came from Massachusetts and New Hampshire, and Milton was born at Little Falls, New York, on 1 2
August 7, 1847, youngest of the nine children of Silas and Alpa (Bean) Danforth. Milton was an infant when his father 1 2
died, and went to work on a farm when he was twelve to contribute to the family finances. Minnie S. Etson was born in 1 2
May of 1864, and she came from Lebanon, New York, to marry Milton at Detroit on January 5, 1892. They never had 2
children. He started the photo supply business in September of 1897, and in 1900 Milton carried a “... full stock of 1 s
everything pertaining to professional and amateur photography. All the leading Kodaks and Cameras carried in stock.” s
At this time he was also manager of the Queen Anne Soap Art Gallery at the same address. On the second floor of the s 1
Jefferson Avenue store he used two rooms for studio cameras, backgrounds and accessories, one room for chemicals, 1
and a fourth room as a dark room for developing and printing Kodak pictures and for making enlargements. In 1902 he 1 m
offered “Wholesale Photographic Apparatus and Supplies of all kinds. Manufacturer of Danforth’s Gold Medal m
Toning Solution and Star Developer, the best on the market. Send for descriptive circular of Danforth’s Perfection m
Wide Angle, Rapid Rectilinear and Portrait Lenses.” He published a book entitled The Hustler and sent it to all the m 1
photographers in Michigan. He also utilized a 12 by 9 inch four-page catalogue of “THE UNIQUE Photograph 1 t
Jewelry Mountings…” showing many styles and sizes of brooches in gold plate, rolled gold plate and ten karat gold, as t
well as chatelaines, charms, cuff buttons, scarf pins and hat pins. It stated: “THE UNIQUE MOUNTINGS are t
absolutely the best, so simple a child can put together. ALL UNIQUE MOUNTINGS contain Celluloids, Blotters and t
Backs. No machine required: tin types as well as photographs can be used in Unique mountings.” A picture was t
printed on postcards along with “Saginaw’s Greatest Flood, March-April, 1904. Photo by Danforth. Genesee t
Avenue, Looking East From Franklin St.” Milton was an associate member of the Photographers’ Association of t 3
America in 1905, and he died on March 5, 1908. The supply business was continued in Milton’s name from 1908 until 1 m
1921, and then at 507 Genesee Avenue in her own name until 1925, by his widow, Mrs. Minnie S. Danforth. s m
1. James Cooke Mills, History of Saginaw County, Michigan, Seemann & Peters, Saginaw, Michigan, 1918, pages 161 and 162.
2. 1900 Federal Census of the Third Ward and 1910 Federal Census of the Seventh Ward of Saginaw in Saginaw County, Michigan.
3. The Association Review, Convention Annual, Boston 1905, The Photographers’ Association of America.

D’Angelo, Joseph
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 80 Gratiot av ............................................................................................................. 1915 d
Detroit (D’Angelo Studio) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 235 Woodward av ............................................................... ca 1915 t

Dangerfield, Benjamin B.
Ithaca (Dangerfield & Banister) PHOTOGRAPHERS ......................................................................................... ca 1892 t
Ithaca PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................... 1892-1902 m R
Ithaca (Wasson & Dangerfield) PHOTOGRAPHERS .............................................................................................. 1911 R
Ithaca traveling salesman of men’s clothing .............................................................................................................. 1920 1
Benjamin was born in June of 1868 at Liverpool, England, was brought to the United States in 1872, and became a 1
naturalized citizen in 1882. Her parents emigrated from England and Canada, Mary was born in Ohio in February of 1
1870, and she married Benjamin about 1898. They had no children. In 1893 and 1895 Ben advertised: “First-Class 1 m
Work Guaranteed. - Prices Reasonable.” By 1930 Mary was a widow living on a Gratiot County farm with the family m 1
of a niece. 1
1. 1900 Federal Census of the village of Ithaca, 1920 Federal Census of the Third Ward of Ithaca, and 1930 Federal Census of Emerson
Township in Gratiot County, Michigan.

Daniells, Landon
Wacousta PHOTOGRAPHER ......................................................................................................................... 1864-1865 m
Wacousta lawyer ............................................................................................................................................... 1870,1874 1 2
Landon was born to Nathaniel and Abigail Daniells in New York State on January 31, 1814. Amelia Daniells was 2 1
born in England about 1834, and in 1870 was sharing Landon’s home and working as a milliner. Landon was married 1 2
when he died of enlargement of the heart on March 16, 1874. The surname was sometimes written as Daniels. 2 m
1. 1870 Federal Census of Watertown Township, Clinton County, Michigan.
2. GENDIS on the Web, Genealogical Death Indexing System, Michigan.
Daniels, Harry James
Lockport, New York, student ..................................................................................................................................... 1880 1
Owosso city editor of the newspaper ......................................................................................................................... 1900 1
Cadillac city editor of the newspaper ......................................................................................................................... 1910 1
Grand Rapids editor for the Periodical Publishing Company .................................................................................... 1918 2
Grand Rapids (Comet Photo Studio) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 230 Michigan st northwest ....................................... 1918 g
Grand Rapids PHOTOGRAPHER at 230 Michigan st northwest ................................................................... 1918-1919 m
Grand Rapids journal editor ....................................................................................................................................... 1920 1
Westfield, New Jersey, editor of a magazine ............................................................................................................. 1930 1
Harry was born in New York State to a Canadian father on December 17, 1872, eldest of the four children of Henry 1 2
and Ida J. (Ferguson) Daniels. He became a medium sized man with gray eyes and dark brown hair. Blanche E. Tuthill 1 2
was born in Michigan in 1873, the daughter of Charles and Alice Tuthill. She was a teacher before she married Harry 1
about 1904. Their children were born in Michigan:, Elmer in 1905 and Stanley in July of 1909. Harry was preceded as 1 g
proprietor of the Comet Photo Studio by Avedis Merigian, and succeeded there by Leo Semerjian. g
1. 1880 Federal Census of the city of Lockport in Niagara County, New York, 1900 Federal Census of the First Ward of Owosso in
Shiawassee County, 1910 Federal Census of the Second Ward of Cadillac in Wexford County, and 1920 Federal Census of the
Second Ward of Grand Rapids in Kent County, Michigan, plus 1930 Federal census of the Third Ward of Westfield in Union
County, New Jersey.
2. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.

Daniels, J. H.
Belding (J. H. Daniels & Company) PHOTOGRAPHERS ............................................................................. 1896-1897 m
Belding PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................................. ca 1898 t
Belding (Daniels & Berry) PHOTOGRAPHERS ................................................................................................. ca 1898 1
1. A cabinet photo of a young lady dressed in a man’s suit on a mount embossed “Daniels and Berry, Belding, Mich.” sold as eBay
item 370028003454 on March 7, 2008.

Daniels, Oren L.
Kalamazoo photographer ........................................................................................................................................... 1913 K

Danrich, Charles
Detroit photographer .................................................................................................................................................. 1883 d

Danvan, Joseph
Please see the entry for Joseph Danbean.

Darby, L. L.
Hillsdale PHOTOGRAPHER .................................................................................................................................... 1902 R

Darby, William H.
Alexandria, Indiana, PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................ 1899-1910 1
Buchanan PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................ 1910-1913 R t
His parents emigrated from England, and William was born in Illinois in 1875 or 1876. He married Miss Pearl E. 2
Williams about 1900 and they had two children. About 1902 William’s studio was in the H Block at 203 ½ or 205 ½ 2 1
North Harrison Street in Alexandria. “W. H. Darby” was blind stamped into a post card photo of two glass compotes 1 t
full of strawberries with the berries and their stems realistically tinted red and green. “Picked from 2 nd Crop Sept. 27, t
1910, on Ira D. Wagner’s Strawberry Farm, Buchanan, Mich. Berrien Co. DARBY PHOTO.” was lettered on a card in the t
photo. “Darby” was scribed into the negative of a post card photograph of the crowd filling Buchanan’s main street t
during the unveiling of the memorial fountain and clock on August 23, 1913. William died prior to 1920. t 2
1. Learned in 2000 from James A. Marusek of Bloomfield, Indiana.
2. 1910 Federal Census of the village of Buchanan in Berrien County, Michigan, and 1920 Federal Census of the Fourth Ward of
Goshen in Elkhart County, Indiana.
Darby, William H., Mrs.
Posey Township, Indiana, child ................................................................................................................................. 1880 1
Buchanan housewife .................................................................................................................................................. 1910 1
Buchanan PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................ 1916-1917 m
Goshen, Indiana, resident ........................................................................................................................................... 1920 1
Mishawaka, Indiana, housewife ................................................................................................................................. 1930 1
She was born Pearl E. Williams in 1876 or early in 1877 in Indiana, second of the three daughters of George W. and 1
Eugenia A. Williams. She married William H. Darby about 1900, and she gave birth to Edwin in Indiana in 1903 and 1
to Katherine in Michigan in 1913. Pearl was a widow by 1920, and she probably was a widow when she reopened the 1
photograph gallery in 1916. She was providing a home for her widowed mother in 1910 and 1920. By 1930 Pearl was m 1
married to a Texan house painter named John R. Keef. 1
1. 1910 Federal Census of the village of Buchanan in Berrien County, Michigan, plus 1880 Federal Census of Posey Township in
Fayette County, 1920 Federal Census of the Fourth Ward of Goshen in Elkhart County, and 1930 Federal Census of the First Ward
of Mishawaka in St. Joseph County, Indiana.

Darger, Elizabeth J., Mrs.

East Saginaw student ................................................................................................................................................. 1880 1
Saginaw retoucher ............................................................................................................................................ 1899-1901 2 s
Saginaw dress maker working from her home ........................................................................................................... 1910 1
Saginaw resident ............................................................................................................................................... 1920,1930 1
Elise Hoock was born in the Prussian region of Germany in March of 1864, and she came to America with her 1
family in 1872. She was known as Elizabeth by the time she married Mr. Darger about 1885, and she gave birth in 1
Michigan to Adolph in March of 1887 and to Margaret in March of 1889. She and her children were living in 1900 1
with her father, Adolph R. Hoock, and four of her sisters. Elizabeth advertised nationally off and on for two years, 1 2
beginning in the summer of 1899 with: “WANTED - By retoucher, employment in first-class gallery; Michigan 2
preferred; sample of work and references furnished. Mrs. E. Darger, 517 S. 4th Ave., Saginaw E S, Mich.” In March 2
of 1900 her ad read: “WANTED - By retoucher, employment in first-class studio; sample of work and references 2
furnished. Mrs. E. Darger, 517 S. 4th Ave., Saginaw E S, Mich.” She used these same words in the spring and summer 2
of 1901. She and her children were living in 1910 with her sister Marie Hoock, a chiropodist with her own office, and 2 1
two of her other sisters. Elizabeth was a widow living in 1920 and 1930 with the family of her daughter and her tool 1
maker husband, Albert C. Schroeder. 1
1. 1880 Federal Census of the city of East Saginaw, as well as 1900 Federal Census of the Fifth Ward, 1910 Federal Census of the
Fourth Ward, plus 1920 and 1930 Federal Censes of the Ninth Ward of Saginaw in Saginaw County, Michigan.
2. St. Louis and Canadian Photographer; volume 23, Number 7, July 1899; volume 24, number 3, March 1900, page 144;
and volume 25, number 4, 5 and 7, April, May and July, 1901, page 251.

Darling, _______
Cadillac PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................................ ca 1905 t

Darling, Amos
Napoli Township, New York, mason ......................................................................................................................... 1850 1
Lawrence AMBROTYPIST ............................................................................................................................ 1859-1860 m
Lawrence farmer ........................................................................................................................................................ 1860 1
Lawrence PHOTOGRAPHER ......................................................................................................................... 1862-1865 2
Lawrence farmer ............................................................................................................................................... 1870,1880 1
Amos was born in the state of New York in 1828 or 1829, third of the four sons of Amasa F. and Polly Darling. He 1
was living in a Lawrence hotel in 1860 and 1870. Mary was born in Pennsylvania in November of 1843 to a father 1
from New York and an Irish mother, and she married Amos about 1872. Their son Harry was born in Michigan in 1
November of 1873, and they had another child who had left home by 1900. Mary was a widow by 1900, and was 1
providing a home in Benton Harbor for Harry who was an actor. Note below that he later became a photographer. 1
1. 1850 Federal Census of Napoli Township in Cattaraugus County, New York, 1860 and 1870 Federal Censes of the village of Lawrence
and 1880 Federal Census of Lawrence Township in Van Buren County, plus 1900 Federal Census of the Second Ward of Benton Harbor
in Berrien County, Michigan.
2. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1862-1866, National Archives, Washington, D.C.

Darling, George C.
Charlotte PHOTOGRAPHER on the ground floor on Cochrane av .......................................................................... 1880 1 t
George was a recent venturer into photography at Charlotte in 1880. 1
1. 1880 description of many Charlotte businesses.
Darling, Harry
Lawrence Township child .......................................................................................................................................... 1880 1
Benton Harbor actor .................................................................................................................................................. 1900 1
Bloomington, Indiana, PHOTOGRAPHER on College st north between Sixth and Seventh sts ..................... 1909-1910 2
Benton Harbor PHOTOGRAPHER at 417 Pavone st ..................................................................................... 1912-1927 m
Benton Harbor PHOTOGRAPHER at 163 Pipestone st ............................................................................................ 1929 3
Benton Harbor (Darling’s Studio) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 167 Pipestone st .................................................. 1930-1931 m 3
His parents came from New York and Pennsylvania, and Harry was born in Michigan in November of 1873, the 1
elder child of Amos and Mary J. Darling. Note that his father was at one time a photographer. Anna was born in 1
Indiana about 1870, married a Mr. Gregory around 1888, and gave birth to a daughter a year later. She and Harry 1
married about 1902. Anna’s daughter Beulah was living with them in 1910 and in 1930. 1
1. 1880 Federal Census of Lawrence Township in Van Buren County, plus 1900, 1920 and 1930 Federal Censes of the Second Ward
of Benton Harbor in Berrien County, Michigan, as well as 1910 Federal Census of the Second Ward of Bloomington, Indiana.
2. Learned in 2000 from James A. Marusek of Bloomfield, Indiana.
3. Benton Harbor and St. Joseph Business Directory, 1929, 1930 and 1934, R. L. Polk & Company, Detroit.

Darling, William B.
Dubuque, Iowa, child ................................................................................................................................................. 1860 1
Greenfield Township, Ohio, student .......................................................................................................................... 1870 1
Grinnell Township, Kansas, herder ............................................................................................................................ 1880 1
Norwalk, Ohio, portrait painter .................................................................................................................................. 1888 2
Saginaw retoucher for photographer Alexander E. Lyon ................................................................................. 1889-1890 s
Norwalk, Ohio, photographer .................................................................................................................................... 1897 2
Cheboygan PHOTOGRAPHER ...................................................................................................................... 1898-1899 m
Red Jacket photographer ............................................................................................................................................ 1900 1
Calumet PHOTOGRAPHER at 303 Sixth st ............................................................................................................. 1901 3
Norwalk, Ohio, PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................. 1910,1920 1
Norwalk, Ohio, resident ............................................................................................................................................. 1930 1
His father came from New Jersey and William was born in Ohio in February of 1856, eldest of the four children of 1
Isaac and Augusta Darling. Minnie Hall was born in Ohio in September of 1856, and she married William about 1883. 1
They never had children. Minnie was a professional china decorator at Norwalk in 1910 and 1920, but had retired 1
along with William by 1930. 1
1. 1860 Federal Census of the city of Dubuque in Dubuque County, Iowa, 1880 Federal Census of Grinnell Township in Wallace
County, Kansas, 1900 Federal Census of the village of Red Jacket in Houghton County, Michigan, as well as 1870 Federal Census
of Greenfield Township plus 1910, 1920 and 1930 Federal Censes of the Second Ward of Norwalk in Huron County, Ohio.
2. Learned in 2001 from Don Fredgant of Lakewood, Ohio.
3. Houghton County Directory, 1901, R. L. Polk & Company, Detroit

Darst, Anna, Miss

Columbus, Ohio, artist or retoucher for photographer George C. Urlin .......................................................... 1883-1884 1
Columbus, Ohio, retoucher ........................................................................................................................................ 1888 1
Detroit retoucher for photographer Charles A. Millard ............................................................................................. 1889 d
She was identified as Annie Darst in Columbus. 1
1. Learned in 2002 from Don Fredgant of Lakewood, Ohio.

Dart, Minnie L., Miss

Detroit retoucher .............................................................................................................................................. 1885-1886 d
Detroit retoucher for photographers Arthur & Philbric ................................................................................... 1887-1892 d
Detroit clerk or bookkeeper for photographers Arthur & Philbric ................................................................... 1893-1896 d
Detroit bookkeeper for photographer James Arthur ........................................................................................ 1897-1899 d
Detroit bookkeeper .................................................................................................................................................... 1900 d

Darue, Frank
East Saginaw PHOTOGRAPHER one door north of Astor st on the east side of Washington av south ................... 1883 s

Date, John
Muskegon photographer ............................................................................................................................................ 1887 M

Daton, John M.
Alpena PHOTOGRAPHER ....................................................................................................................................... 1890 R
This probably was a garbled reference to John M. Dafoe. m
Daubner, Frank
Detroit photographer .................................................................................................................................................. 1917 d
Detroit photographer for the Babas Studio ................................................................................................................ 1918 d 1
Detroit (Daubner Photo Studio) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 2327 Jefferson av west ................................................ ca 1919 t
Detroit (Modern Photo Studio) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 2327 Jefferson av west ............................................ 1919-1920 d
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 772 Springwells av .................................................................................................... 1920 d
Detroit (Modern Photo Studio) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 8379 Jefferson av west ...................................................... 1920 d
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 1830 Springwells av .................................................................................................. 1920 d
Detroit teamster ......................................................................................................................................................... 1922 d
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER in Room 3 at 710 Sloan st ............................................................................................. 1923 d
Redondo Beach, California, cabinet maker in a chair factory .................................................................................... 1930 2
Frank was born at Bekes in Hungary on November 16, 1881, and he immigrated in 1905. Bertha was born at 2 1
Szolnok in Hungary in 1884, she came to this country in 1908, and she married Frank about 1910. He was a short man 2 1
with gray eyes and brown hair, and by 1918 had declared his intention of becoming a citizen of the United States. 1
“DAUBNER PHOTO STUDIO, 2327 W. JEFFERSON AVE., DETROIT, MICH.” was printed on the post card backs t
of studio portraits. Frank was sole owner of the Modern Photo Studio, which advertised in 1919 and 1920: “Pictures t d
taken day or night, Photographs enlarged, Monument Pictures, Picture Framing....” The changes from 2327 to 8379 d
Jefferson and from 772 to 1830 Springwells were due to revisions in the Detroit numbering system rather than to d
relocation. “Photo by DAUBNER, 1830 Springwells Ave.” was lettered on the negative of postal photos, and a fancy d t
black and gold sticker with similar information was put on the back of some of them. Frank and Bertha had no t 2
children, and still in 1930 had alien status. 2
1. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.
2. 1920 Federal Census of the Twentieth Ward of Detroit in Wayne County, Michigan, and 1930 Federal Census of the Fourteenth and
Fifteenth Precincts of Redondo Beach in Los Angeles County, California.

Daum, Anna, Miss

Detroit photo finisher ................................................................................................................................................. 1920 1 d
1. 1920 Federal Census of the Tenth Ward of Detroit in Wayne County, Michigan.

Davenport, G. F.
Bellevue PHOTOGRAPHER .................................................................................................................................... 1878 t
Wellington, Kansas, PHOTOGRAPHER .................................................................................................................. 1880 1
Wellington, Kansas, PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................. ca 1885 2
“G. F. DAVENPORT, BELLEVUE, MICH.” was printed below the image, and “G. F. DAVENPORT, PHOTOGRAPHER, t
BELLEVUE, MICH.” was printed on the back of card photograph mounts. Geo. Frank Davenport was born in Ohio to a t 1
mother from Massachusetts in 1847 or early in 1848, and was living in 1880 with his widowed mother who had 1
become Mrs. Elizabeth Ruggles. The Wellington photographer about 1885 was identified as C. F. Davenport. 1 2
1. 1880 Federal Census of the Third Ward of Wellington in Sumner County, Kansas.
2 Carl Mautz, Biographies of Western Photographers, Carl Mautz Publishing, Nevada City, California, 1997.

Davey, William
Please see the entry for James A. Jenney.
David, Frederick James
Stag Island, Ontario, (Jenkin & David) PHOTOGRAPHERS ................................................................................... 1895 1
Stag Island, Ontario, PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................. 1897 2
Lapeer PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................. 1902-1913 m
Battle Creek PHOTOGRAPHER in Suite 16-17 of the Arcade ................................................................................ 1918 3
Lapeer PHOTOGRAPHER ....................................................................................................................................... 1920 4
Lapeer PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................. 1922-1931 m 4
His mother emigrated from the Isle of Man and Frederick was born in Ontario in 1869, the son of Theophilus and 4 5
Ellen David. Zaidee was born in 1867 at Port Bruce, Ontario, the daughter of George and Catherine Halls. She married 4 5
Frederick at Lambton, Ontario, on September 16, 1897. Their son Allen was born in Lambton County, Ontario, on 5 4
September 13, 1898. Jenkin & David sold views of Stag Island, a popular resort in the St. Clair River, and offered to 5 1
take souvenir photographs of fishing excursions or other activities of visitors to the island. Fred was the official 1 2
photographer of Stag Island in 1897, and a member of the Canadian Photographers Association. “David’s Studio, 2 t
Lapeer, Mich.” was blind stamped into the 7 by 11 ¼ inch mount of a 4 by 8 ¼ photograph of a fourteen man threshing t
crew with their machine and wagon drawn by a steam tractor and a team of horses. “PEARCE BRO’S - READY TO t
MOVE IN 3 MINUTES” was lettered on the negative from which this photo was printed. “DAVID” was marked on t
the negative of a postal photo of a drawing of a new church in Lapeer about 1910. Post cards were printed in Germany t
for F. J. David showing the interior of “David’s Studio” in Lapeer and resorting scenes on Stag Island. t 5
1. Petrolia Advertiser, Petrolia, Ontario, August 22, 1895.
2. Sarnia, Ontario, souvenir booklet published in 1897.
3. Battle Creek City Directory, 1918, R. L. Polk & Company, Detroit.
4. 1910 Federal Census of the First Ward, 1920 Federal Census of the Third Ward, and 1930 Federal Census of the Second Ward of
Lapeer in Lapeer County, Michigan.
5. Ontario, Canada births, 1869-1909 and Ontario, Canada marriages, 1857-1924.
6. Learned in 2002 from Keith M. Steffke of Lincoln Park, Michigan.

David, Lewis Russell

Coldwater photo engraver .......................................................................................................................................... 1900 1
Butler Township laborer on his father’s farm ............................................................................................................ 1910 1
Jonesville PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................ 1912-1917 m
Hillsdale PHOTOGRAPHER .......................................................................................................................... 1916-1919 m
Jackson tool maker for the Jackson Munition Corporation ........................................................................................ 1918 2
Jackson PHOTOGRAPHER at 106 Main st east ............................................................................................. 1918-1920 m J
Jackson PHOTOGRAPHER at 137 Main st east ............................................................................................. 1922-1923 m
Jackson retoucher for a photography studio .............................................................................................................. 1930 1
His father came from Ohio and Lewis was born in Michigan on October 7, 1881, the son of Ambrose and Jennie W. 1 2
David. He grew up on the family farm with two older sisters, and prior to 1912 he was known as Russell. He became a 1 2
tall and slender man with blue eyes and light hair. A discreet “DAVID” was blind stamped into post card photographs, 2 t
including at least two of the Moscow Plains M.E. Church, seven miles northeast of Jonesville. Lois was born in t 3
Michigan in 1889 or early in 1890, and she married Lewis about 1915. Their daughter Joan was born in 1928 or early 1
in 1929. 1
1. 1880, 1900 and 1910 Federal Censes of Butler Township and 1900 Federal Census of the First Ward of Coldwater in Branch County,
plus 1930 Federal Census of the Second Ward of Jackson in Jackson County, Michigan.
2. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.
3. Mapbook of Michigan Counties, Michigan Natural Resources Magazine, Lansing, Michigan, 1988.

Davidson, Jennie, Mrs.

Saginaw City (Davidson & Lathrop) PHOTOGRAPHERS ............................................................................ 1876-1877 1
Little Traverse Township photographer ..................................................................................................................... 1880 2
Jennie was born in New York in 1839 or 1840. By 1880 she was a widow, and was sharing her home with another 2
widow and photographer, Mrs. Lottie Lathrop. 2
1. Bradstreet’s Commercial Reports ... Western & Southern States; J. M. Bradstreet & Son Company, New York, January 1, 1877.
2. 1880 Federal Census of Little Traverse Township in Emmet County, Michigan.
Davidson, John E.
Lansing DAGUERREOTYPIST at the sign of the American Flag on the east side of the Avenue ........................... 1855 1
Greenbush DAGUERREAN ARTIST ....................................................................................................................... 1860 2
Greenbush PHOTOGRAPHER ....................................................................................................................... 1862-1864 m 3
Greenbush (Davidson & Berebecker) PHOTOGRAPHERS ........................................................................... 1864-1865 m
Greenbush PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................................. 1865 3
Saint Johns PHOTOGRAPHER ...................................................................................................................... 1866-1868 3 4
Alma PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................................ 1869-1870 m 2
Alma PHOTOGRAPHER .......................................................................................................................................... 1874 R
Alma (J. E. Davidson & Son) PHOTOGRAPHERS ............................................................................................ ca 1875 t
Alma PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................................ 1876-1877 5
Alma PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................................ 1880-1883 m
Harbor Springs PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................ 1882-1883 m
Alma PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................................ 1884-1885 m
Some of the Davidsons were born in Ohio, John about 1824, Mary eight years later, and their sons Gaylord and 2
William about 1854 and 1855. Their sons Nicholas, Samuel, Elmer and Frank were born in Michigan between 1856 2 1
and 1871. John had a large skylight in Lansing, and claimed to do the best work ever done there. His specialty was 1
perfect pictures of children taken in two seconds. This advertisement appeared in a national publication in the fall of 1 6
1860: “Ambrotype Artists CAN HEAR OF SOMETHING TO THEIR INTEREST, Free of charge, by sending their 6
address to Box 420, Greenbush, Clinton Co., Mich.” John published stereo views of “The Great Arch Rock,...” and 6 t
“The Devil’s Kitchen,...” and “Sugar Loaf Rock, Mackinaw, Mich. Photographed by J. E. Davidson, Alma, Mich. This t
Photograph sent to any address on receipt of price, 50 cts.” In 1872 he was buying stereo views of Lake Superior t 7
scenery from B. F. Childs by the gross for resale. “J. E. DAVIDSON & SON, ACTINIC ARTISTS, Alma, Mich. Pictures 7 t
of Children a Specialty. Copies of this Photo can be obtained for $1.50 per dozen at any time by sending to above address.” was printed t
on some card photograph mounts. John’s card mounts from about 1880 carried a “... SPECIAL NOTICE. Parties t
having Negatives made can get additional copies at reduced rates at any time....” From Alma he published a series of 5 t
½ by 8 views of Sault Ste. Marie on 10 by 12 inch mounts with very impressive individual titles printed in red beneath t
the images, including the locks and the Indian fishing village. John had lived sixty years when he died at Alma on t 8
December 18, 1885. The Alma gallery was sold to George C. Munger in March of 1886. 8 9
1. Advertisement from a Lansing newspaper dated August 14, 1855, in the State Archives of Michigan at Lansing.
2. 1860 Federal Census of the village of Greenbush in Clinton County, plus 1870 and 1880 Federal Censes of the village of Alma in
Gratiot County, Michigan.
3. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1862-1866, National Archives, Washington, D.C.
4. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1867-1868, Great Lakes Branch of the National Archives, Chicago, Illinois.
5. Bradstreet’s Commercial Reports ... Western & Southern States; J. M. Bradstreet & Son Company, New York, January 1, 1877.
6. Frank Leslie’s Illustrated Newspaper, October 6, 1860, page 317. Noted in 2000 by John Cameron of Rochester Hills, Michigan.
7. Learned in 1978 at the Marquette County Historical Museum, Marquette, Michigan.
8. Willard D. Tucker, Gratiot County, Michigan, Seemann & Peters, Saginaw, Michigan, 1913.
9. Isabella County Enterprise, Mount Pleasant, Michigan, March 19, 1886.

Davidson, William A.
Kalamazoo PHOTOGRAPHER on the third floor at 120 Main st east ........................................................... 1909-1911 K m
Kalamazoo (Davidson & Kenyon) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 214 Main st west ................................................ 1912-1913 m
Kalamazoo PHOTOGRAPHER at 104 Main st east ....................................................................................... 1913-1915 K m
Kalamazoo PHOTOGRAPHER on the second floor at 115 Burdick st north ................................................. 1916-1917 K m
Kalamazoo salesman of Buick automobiles ............................................................................................................... 1920 1
Kalamazoo jeweler .................................................................................................................................................... 1930 1
The Davidsons were born in Indiana: William in 1869, Cora in 1871, their son Donald about 1892, their daughter 1
Isabel (later Mabel) in 1898, and their daughter Nellie in 1901. Studio portraits in the post card format of individuals 1 t
and of two to four person groups were blind stamped “DAVIDSON, KALAMAZOO, MICH.” and included a local football t
player and a violinist. Similar cards, some postmarked in 1910, carry the imprint “W. A. DAVIDSON, t
PHOTOGRAPHER, 120 E. MAIN St., KALAMAZOO, MICH.” Cora’s mother, Mrs. Jennie Moughler, was living t 1
with the Davidsons in 1910. By 1930 William was married to a 53-year-old lady named Edith. 1
1. 1910 and 1920 Federal Censes of the Second Ward and 1930 Federal Census of the First Ward of Kalamazoo in Kalamazoo
County, Michigan.
Davidson, William W.
Detroit cabinet maker ................................................................................................................................................ 1852 d
Detroit resident, furniture painter or finisher ................................................................................................... 1855-1857 d
Detroit furniture factory foreman, finisher or accountant ................................................................................ 1859-1861 d 1
Detroit ornamental furniture finisher ............................................................................................................... 1862-1865 d
Detroit photographer .................................................................................................................................................. 1866 d
Wyandotte PHOTOGRAPH ARTIST ............................................................................................................. 1865-1868 m 2
Detroit photographer .................................................................................................................................................. 1869 d
Amherstburg, Ontario, PHOTOGRAPHER .................................................................................................... 1871-1875 3
Amherstburg, Ontario, PHOTOGRAPHER on Dalhousie st ..................................................................................... 1875 4
Wyandotte PHOTOGRAPHER on Oak st ....................................................................................................... 1872-1874 m R
Cheboygan PHOTOGRAPHER ...................................................................................................................... 1880-1887 m 5
Chicago, Illinois, PHOTOGRAPHER at 384 Fulton st ........................................................................................ ca 1881 t
Chicago, Illinois, PHOTOGRAPHER at 149 Wabash av ..................................................................................... ca 1883 t
Chicago, Illinois, PHOTOGRAPHER at 866 Madison st west ............................................................................ ca 1884 t
Chicago, Illinois, PHOTOGRAPHER at 120 Warren av ................................................................................ 1885-1886 5 t
William was born in Ohio in 1829 or 1830. Ellen was born in New York State in July of 1837, and she married 1
William about 1858. They had three sons: William A. Davidson born in Michigan about 1859, Robert E. Davidson 1
born in Michigan in June of 1868, and J. Frederick Davidson born in Canada in 1872 or early in 1873. “Amherstburg, 1 t
Ont. and Wyandotte, Mich.” was printed on some of William’s card photograph mounts. The Amherstburg gallery was t 3
identified as a branch of the Wyandotte business in 1872. William was succeeded as Wyandotte’s photographer by S. 3 t
A. Johnson. During the early 1880s William made a practice of spending his winters in Chicago and the months of t 5
May through October in Cheboygan. In June of 1880 he was selling an 8 by 10 photograph of the new mill of the 5
Cheboygan Lumber Company showing a vessel at the dock loading lumber. During 1881 he was making cabinet and 5
card photographs, copying and enlarging old pictures, taking instantaneous photographs of babies, and taking four tin- 5
types all made at one sitting for 75 cents. His gallery was one door north of the office of the Cheboygan Tribune, and 5
in 1884 was on the east side of Main between Third and Division. William produced stereo views of Cheboygan and 6 t
vicinity, Topinabee and Mackinac Island, many of which carried the stamp of H. J. A. Todd, Cheboygan dealer in t
everything. In April of 1883 it was reported that Davidson would refit his gallery with new scenery and introduce the t 5
new styles in photographs upon his return from Chicago. He did not leave Cheboygan until early December in 1885, 5
when his new address in Chicago was announced. By 1900 Ellen was a widow living with her son Robert and his 5 1
family at Montclair, New Jersey. 1
1. 1860 Federal Census of the Sixth Ward of Detroit in Wayne County, Michigan, 1880 Federal Census of the city of Chicago in Cook
County, Illinois, and 1900 Federal Census of the Third Ward of Montclair in Essex County, New Jersey.
2. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1867-1868,; Great Lakes Branch of the National Archives, Chicago, Illinois.
3. Glen C. Phillips, The Ontario Photographers List (1851-1900), Iron Gate Publishing Company, Sarnia, Ontario, 1990.
4. General Directory of Windsor and Amherstburg, 1875-1876, Charlton & Company.
5. Cheboygan Democrat, Cheboygan, Michigan, May 13 and June 3, 1880; May 26, June 9, 16 and 23, August 4, 11 and 18, September 8 and 29,
and October 5, 13 and 20, 1881; April 6, October 12 and 26, and November 2, 1882; April 5, May 10 and 17 and October 25, 1883 ;
and December 10, 1885.
6. Directory of Big Rapids, Mecosta County, etc., etc.,R. L. Polk & Company, Detroit, 1884.

Davies, Harlan W.
Rockford resident ...................................................................................................................................................... 1893 1
Grand Rapids theatre musician ........................................................................................................................ 1910-1912 2 g
Grand Rapids (Davies & Son) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 255 ½ Monroe av ............................................................... 1913 g
Grand Rapids resident ................................................................................................................................................ 1914 g
Grand Rapids theatre musician .................................................................................................................................. 1920 2
Muskegon hotel proprietor ........................................................................................................................................ 1930 2
His mother came from New York, and Harlan was born in Michigan in 1873 or 1874. Dorothy (later Gertrude) was 2
born here a year later, she married Harlan about 1892, and she gave birth to Wilbur in May of 1893. She was an 2
actress, probably at the same theatre in which her husband made music. Gertrude and Harlan (called Harland in 1920 2
and 1930) still were together in 1920. By 1930 Harlan had a 36-year-old Irish wife named May and a 15-year-old step- 2
son named Thomas. 2
1. World War I Veteran Census compiled by the War Preparedness Board in the State Archives of Michigan at Lansing.
2. 1910 Federal Census of the Fourth Ward and 1920 Federal Census of the Second Ward of Grand Rapids in Kent County, plus
1930 Federal Census of the Twelfth Precinct of Muskegon in Muskegon County, Michigan.

Davies, W. J.
Calumet PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................................ ca 1885 t
Davies seems to have been a member of the National Photographic Association, for on the back of some of his t
cabinet mounts was printed: “N. P. A. GALLERY, W. J. Davies, Operator.” t
Davies, Wilbur Harlan
Grand Rapids student ................................................................................................................................................. 1910 1
Grand Rapids (Davies & Son) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 255 ½ Monroe av ............................................................... 1913 g
Cannon Township farmer .......................................................................................................................................... 1917 2
Grand Rapids commercial photographer for Max P. Thiele ...................................................................................... 1918 3
United States Army soldier .............................................................................................................................. 1918-1919 3 4
Grand Rapids commercial photographer for Max P. Thiele ............................................................................ 1919-1920 3 1
Wilbur was born in Cannon Township near Rockford, Michigan, to Harlan W. and Gertrude (Ramsdell) Davies on 2 3
May 2, 1893. He married Miss Frances Gilbert at Grand Rapids on June 8, 1914, and their son Wilbur was born in 3 1
September of 1916. Wilbur was medium sized with grey eyes and brown hair when he was inducted into the army on 2 4
March 5, 1918, and he was trained at Camp Greenleaf Annex in Georgia. He was assigned to Ambulance Company 3 4
Number 34, and served overseas from June 8, 1918 until February 17, 1919. Wilbur was honorably discharged from 4 3
the army on March 13, but was in Company Number Two of the Medical Replacement Draft until May 21, 1919. He 3
served in Convalescent Hospital Number Two until June 21, and in Evacuation Hospital Number Five until July 30, 3
1919. 3
1. 1910 Federal Census of the Fourth Ward of Grand Rapids and 1920 Federal Census of the city of Grand Rapids in Kent County,
2. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.
3. World War I Veteran Census compiled by the War Preparedness Board in the State Archives of Michigan at Lansing.
4. World War I Veterans Bonus Files in the State Archives of Michigan at Lansing.

Davis, _______
Cheboygan (Davis & Farmer) PHOTOGRAPHERS on Main st ............................................................................... 1869 1
Davis & Farmer were the first photographic artists to open rooms in the village of Cheboygan. 1
1. Rev. W. H. Ware, Centenniel History of Cheboygan County, Northern Tribune Print, Cheboygan, Michigan, 1876.

Davis, Albert
Jackson photographer ................................................................................................................................................ 1883 J

Davis, C. R.
Port Austin DAGUERREOTYPIST ................................................................................................................ 1862-1863 m

Davis, Cecil E.
Otsego PHOTOGRAPHER ....................................................................................................................................... 1920 1
Otsego dealer in photographic supplies ........................................................................................................... 1920-1921 m
Cecil opened a modern photographic studio at Otsego in 1920. “THIS PHOTOGRAPH MADE BY ‘DAVIS 1 t
PICTURE SHOP’ ‘QUALITY’ AMATEUR FINISHING, - OTSEGO, MICH.” was printed on the post card back of t
a view looking across a river at a paper mill. The card was mailed in December of 1921. “DAVIS PICTURE SHOP, t
Amateur Finishing and Enlarging, OTSEGO, MICHIGAN” was stamped on the back of an unmounted 5 by 7 inch t
photograph of the young cast of a play assembled on the stage. t
1. Joe Armstrong and John Paul, River & Lake, Allegan County, Michigan, A Sesquicentennial History, 1835 Committee, 1985,
pages 290 and 291.

Davis, Charles D.
Detroit (Smith & Davis) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 10 and 12 Michigan av ...................................................... 1890-1891 d
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER ....................................................................................................................................... 1891 R
Clarence H. Smith was the senior partner in Smith & Davis, who employed Andrew Rentschler as a retoucher in d
1890 and as a photo operator in 1891. d

Davis, Charles Woodward

Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 148 Woodward av ................................................................................................ ca 1867 t
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at the corner of Grand River av and Griswold st ........................................................... 1867 d t
Detroit (Futvoye & Davis) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 35 Monroe av ........................................................................... 1867 d
One Charles W. Davis operated a gallery at Sumter, South Carolina, from 1857 until the early part of the Civil War, 1
then reopened it for a few months in 1865 and 1866. “DAVIS’ PLACE OF ART, 148 Woodward Avenue, Detroit, 1 t
Mich. Old Pictures copied and enlarged to any size. Negatives preserved.” was printed on the backs of cartes de t
visite. C. Woodward Davis produced cartes from the corner of Grand River and Griswold for $1.50 per dozen. There t 2
was a photographer named Charles W. Davis in 1881 and 1882 and in 1899 through 1901 at Cincinnati, Ohio. One C. 2 3
W. Davis was an itinerant North Carolina photographer at Charlotte in 1879 and 1880, at Linville in 1884 and 1885, 3
and at Durham and Raleigh in 1892. He worked at Lynchburg, Virginia, in 1882 and 1883. 3
1. Harvey S. Teal, Partners with the Sun, South Carolina Photographers 1840-1940, University of South Carolina Press, Columbia, 2001.
2. Learned in 2002 from Don Fredgant of Lakewood, Ohio.
3. Stephen E. Massengill, Photographers in North Carolina, North Carolina Office of Archives and History, Raleigh, North Carolina, 2004.
Davis, Clarence Harold
Killingworth Township, Connecticut, child ............................................................................................................... 1880 1
New Britain, Connecticut, photo engraver ................................................................................................................. 1900 1
Detroit foreman for an engraving company, engraver or foreman ................................................................... 1907-1914 d 1
Detroit manager of the Davis-Thompson-Hudson Company ..................................................................................... 1915 d
Detroit photoengraver, superintendent, foreman or mechanic ......................................................................... 1916-1920 d
Detroit newspaper photographer ................................................................................................................................ 1920 1
Louisville, Kentucky, newspaper superintendent ....................................................................................................... 1930 1
Clarence was born in Connecticut on September 5, 1874, the son of Peter and Caroline Davis. He grew up on the 1 2
family farm with two older sisters and one younger one, and became a tall man with gray eyes and brown hair. Georgia 1 2
was born in Connecticut in April of 1870 and married Clarence about 1896. Their daughter Gladys was born in 1
Connecticut in October of 1897. The Davis-Thompson-Hudson Company was exclusively devoted to commercial 1 d
photography. Miraculously, Georgia was 30 years old in 1900, 36 in 1910, and 42 in 1920. Clarence may have learned d 1
from this for he had reduced his reported age by five years in 1930, two years after he married 35-year-old Margaret 1
from New York. 1
1. 1880 Federal Census of Killingworth Township in Middlesex Township and 1900 Federal Census of the Third Ward of New Britain
in Hartford County, Connecticut, plus 1910 Federal Census of the First Ward and 1920 Federal Census of the Third Ward of Detroit
in Wayne County, Michigan, as well as 1930 Federal Census of the Second Ward of Louisville in Jefferson County, Kentucky.
2. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.

Davis, Frank W.
Lapeer (Davis Brothers) PHOTOGRAPHERS ................................................................................................ 1900-1901 m
John F. Davis was the other brother. m

Davis, Frederick W.
Clinton (Gibson & Davis) PHOTOGRAPHERS .................................................................................................. ca 1890 t
Clinton PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................ 1890-1899 m
George Gibson was probably the other half of Gibson & Davis. Fred’s gallery was in his home on West Chicago m 1
Street in 1897, when he worked as a weaver for a woolen company. 1
1. Adrian and Lenawee County Directory, 1897.

Davis, George
Ypsilanti photographer for Mrs. John H. Parsons ...................................................................................................... 1883 1
Columbiaville PHOTOGRAPHER .................................................................................................................. 1888-1891 m
Columbiaville (Davis & Vermilya) PHOTOGRAPHERS .................................................................................... ca 1892 t
1. Washtenaw County Directory, 1883-84, Wendell Directory Company.

Davis, George W.
Olivet college student ................................................................................................................................................ 1900 1
Chassell PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................... 1908-1909 t
Chassell Township superintendent of public schools ................................................................................................. 1910 1
Hancock PHOTOGRAPHER .......................................................................................................................... 1911-1912 t
Rahway, New Jersey, public school teacher .............................................................................................................. 1930 1
The George W. Davis that was a photographer from 1872 until 1883 at Salem, Massachusetts, was 25 years older 2 1
than the Michigan photographer and does not seem to have been related. The parents of this George W. Davis came 1
from Delaware and Illinois, and George was born in Massachusetts in September of 1877. His brother Thomas was 1
born in Massachusetts three years earlier, and five of his siblings were born in Japan between August of 1879 and July 1
of 1886. The family returned to the United States in 1888, and two of his sisters were born in New Hampshire in 1
December of 1889 and May of 1893. All nine of her children were living with his widowed mother Frances Davis at 1
Olivet in 1900. Her father came from Mississippi, Loretta was born in Illinois in 1884 or 1885, and she married 1
George about 1903. “Photo by Geo. W. Davis, Chassell Lake, Mich.” or “Made by GEO. W. DAVIS, Chassell, Mich. 1 t
For NEWTON DRUG CO.” or “A Copper Country Photograph, by Geo. W. Davis, Chassell, Mich.” was printed on t
the post card backs of many photographs of Chassell and vicinity, including logging, hunting and street scenes, the t
depot at Houghton and the Jacobsville docks in winter, some postmarked in 1908 or 1909. “A Copper Country t
Photograph taken by Geo. W. Davis, Hancock, Mich.” was printed on the backs of other photos, some postmarked in t
1911 and 1912, taken at Hancock and Dollar Bay. Apparently George was free to marry a forty-year-old t 1
Pennsylvanian named Irma about 1928. 1
1. 1880 Federal Census of Salem in Essex County, Massachusetts, 1900 Federal Census of the village of Olivet in Eaton County and
1910 Federal Census of the Chassell Township in Houghton County, Michigan, plus 1930 Federal Census of the Fifth Ward of
Rahway in Union County, New Jersey.
2. Chris Steele and Ronald Polito, A Directory of Massachusetts Photographers 1839-1900, Picton Press, Camden, Maine, 1993.
Davis, John F.
Grand Rapids sash and blind maker, hotel cigar clerk or resident ................................................................... 1872-1878 g
Grand Rapids PHOTOGRAPHER at 55 Bridge st west .................................................................................. 1878-1879 m
Grand Rapids (Davis & Company) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 55 Bridge st west .................................................... ca 1879 t
Grand Rapids PHOTOGRAPHER at 72 Canal st ...................................................................................................... 1879 g
Sumner, Iowa, PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................. 1880-1899 1
Lapeer (Davis Brothers) PHOTOGRAPHERS ................................................................................................ 1900-1901 m
John succeeded photographer William Quatermass at 55 West Bridge Street, and employed John M. Culver as a t g
photographer in 1879. He produced stereoscopic views of Grand Rapids. Frank W. Davis was the other brother. 2 m
1. Learned in 1993 from Jo Ann Burgess of Clear Lake, Iowa.
2. William Culp Darrah, Stereo Views, 1964, and The World of Stereographs, 1977, Gettysburg, Pennsylvania.

Davis, Milton H.
Flint PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................................. 1863-1864 1
1. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1862-1866, National Archives, Washington, D.C.

Davis, Permelia R., Mrs.

Dushville PHOTOGRAPHER ......................................................................................................................... 1885-1887 1
The entry on Mrs. Permelia R. Richmond has much more information about this twice-married woman. 1
1. Isabella County Enterprise, Mount Pleasant, Michigan, July 24, 1885; and November 18, 1887.

Davis, Samuel
Olive Township, Indiana, student .............................................................................................................................. 1850 1
Olive Township, Indiana, farmer on his father’s farm ............................................................................................... 1860 1
Brighton railroad ticket agent .......................................................................................................................... 1874-1875 m
Brighton PHOTOGRAPHER .......................................................................................................................... 1876-1877 m
Manchester PHOTOGRAPHER ...................................................................................................................... 1878-1887 m 2
Olive Township, Indiana, insurance agent ................................................................................................................. 1900 1 t
Olive Township, Indiana, retiree ............................................................................................................................... 1910 t
His parents came from Ohio, and Samuel was born in Indiana in October of 1836, the younger son of James and Jane 1
Davis. Franc (later Frank) was born in Vermont in May of 1837, and she married Samuel about 1879. They never had 1
children. “Views of Manchester and Vicinity Photographed and Published by S. DAVIS, MANCHESTER, MICH.” 1 t
was printed on the back of stereographs, along with lists of numbered views. Some mounts had a list of 34 views. t
Others had a list of 47 views plus “Residence of ” and “Floral tribute to” followed by spaces. Such floral tributes often t
included a portrait of the deceased person. The Manchester gallery was on Jefferson Street in 1883. Samuel and Frank t 2
still were together in 1910. 1
1. 1880 Federal Census of the village of Manchester in Washtenaw County, Michigan.
2. Washtenaw County Directory, 1883-84, Wendell Directory Company.

Davis-Thompson-Hudson Company
Detroit COMMERCIAL PHOTOGRAPHERS at 574 Woodward av ............................................................. 1914-1915 m d
This company was owned by Mrs. Quinnie Hudson and managed by Clarence H. Davis, and was devoted exclusively d
to commercial photography. d

Davison, _______
“Davison Bros. Michigan’s MODEL CAR.” was printed on the backs of some card photograph mounts which were t
probably used by itinerant photographers during the early 1870s. “DAVISON BROS, ‘On Wheels.’” was printed on t
similar mounts, including one carrying a portrait of “Grandfather Davison.” The brothers were probably related to the t
Davison who had galleries at Fremont and Hudson, Indiana, several years later. t

Davison, Albert J.
Jackson photographer for Edwin B. Bigelow ............................................................................................................ 1883 J
Hartford, Connecticut, PHOTOGRAPHER .......................................................................................................... ca 1885 1
1. Diane VaSkiver Gagel, Directory of Photographers in the United States 1888 & 1889 and Canada 1889, Heritage Books, Bowie,
Maryland, 2002. (Much of the data in this publication has proven to be at least two years out-of-date.)

Davitt, _______
Saint Johns PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................................ 1879 1
Mr. Davitt’s photograph gallery was destroyed by fire on August 18, 1879, but most of the contents were saved. This 1
may have been a misspelled reference to Solon E. DeWitt. m
1. Isabella County Enterprise, Mount Pleasant, Michigan, August 27, 1879.
Daw, James W.
Jackson photographer ................................................................................................................................................ 1880 1
James was born in Canada in 1843 or 1844, and in 1880 was residing in the Pembroke’s boarding house. 1
1. 1880 Federal Census of the Fourth Ward of Jackson in Jackson County, Michigan.

Dawes, George W.
Goshen Township, Massachusetts, child or student .......................................................................................... 1850,1860 1
Manchester student .................................................................................................................................................... 1870 1
Antioch, Indiana, principal of schools ............................................................................................................. 1871-1873 2
Manchester builder .......................................................................................................................................... 1874-1876 2
Saint Louis carpenter and builder .................................................................................................................... 1876-1882 2 1
Ann Arbor photographic apprentice to Charles M. Stark ................................................................................ 1882-1883 2
Saint Louis (Dawes & Denniston) PHOTOGRAPHERS on Mill st ..................................................................... ca 1883 t 2
Saint Louis PHOTOGRAPHER on Mill st ...................................................................................................... 1884-1890 m R
Chicago, Illinois, PHOTOGRAPHER at 689 Ogden st ............................................................................................. 1890 c
Chicago, Illinois, resident ................................................................................................................................ 1891-1892 3
Chicago, Illinois, mason contractor ........................................................................................................................... 1900 1
Los Angeles, California, resident ............................................................................................................................... 1910 1
Memphis, Tennessee, inmate of the Shelby County Hospital .................................................................................... 1930 1
George was the youngest son of Dryden and Permelia (Hubbard) Dawes, and was born on their farm in Goshen 2 1
Township, Massachusetts, on June 15, 1847. He had five older brothers, one older sister and two younger sisters. The 2 1
family moved to a farm at Grass Lake, Michigan, and with the failure of his father’s health, into Manchester. George 2
graduated from the classical department of Manchester Union School. He had learned building as a young man, and 2
followed this trade for several years in Manchester and St. Louis before he spent from the fall of 1882 until March of 2
1883 learning photography from Charles M. Stark. Eva L. King was the eldest daughter of William S. and Sarah (Hall) 2
King, and was born at Ann Arbor on October 28, 1854. Her family moved to Ypsilanti in 1860, and Eva (later Ella) 2 1
was educated there. She married George at Ypsilanti on April 7, 1873, and their daughter Nina was born on December 2
17, 1878. George was a member of the Knights of Labor, and by 1884 had served as Superintendent of Schools of 2
Pine River Township for four years. George and Ella were providing a home in 1900 for their daughter and her first 2 1
husband and their granddaughter Norma. By 1910 George was a widower living with the family of his daughter and 1
her second husband. 1
1. 1850 and 1860 Federal Censes of Goshen Township in Hampshire County, Massachusetts, 1870 Federal Census of the village of
Manchester in Washtenaw County and 1880 Federal Census of St. Louis in Gratiot County, Michigan, .
2. Portrait and Biographical Album of Gratiot County, Michigan, Chapman Brothers, Chicago, 1884, pages 457 and 458.
3. Chicago Voter Registration 1892.

Dawes, Leslie Carl

Owego, New York, student ........................................................................................................................................ 1900 1
Kalkaska PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................... ca 1908 t
Kalkaska laundry proprietor ............................................................................................................................ 1910-1911 m
Rapid City druggist and postmaster ................................................................................................................. 1912-1923 m 2
Leslie was born in New York State to parents from Pennsylvania on October 17, 1882, the son of Joseph M. and 1 2
Mary T. Dawes. He had an older sister Mary and a younger brother Leo. Leslie became an average sized man with 1 2
blue eyes and dark hair. Harriet Clark was born in Michigan in 1884. She married Leslie about 1906, was known as 2 1
Hattie, and gave birth in Michigan to Clark in 1908. “-112- Through The Pines, Kalkaska, Mich. L.C.D.” and “-114- 1 t
M. E. Church, Kalkaska, Mich. L.C.D.” and “-191- County State and Savings Bank, and Post Office, Kalkaska, t
Mich. L.C.D.” and “Court House, Kalkaska, Mich. DAWES” and “The Old Log Cabin, Kalkaska, Mich. t
DAWES” were lettered on the negatives of post card photographs. t
1. 1900 Federal Census of the village of Owego in Tioga County, New York, plus 1910 Federal Census of the village of Kalkaska and
1920 Federal Census of Clearwater Township in Kalkaska County, Michigan.
2. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.

Daws, Charles H.
Tecumseh PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................. ca 1885 t
Adrian photographer for Orin D. Fairbanks ............................................................................................................... 1890 A
Day, Alta M., Mrs.
Coral housewife ......................................................................................................................................................... 1900 1
Coral PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................... 1904-1905 m
Galesburg housewife .................................................................................................................................................. 1910 1
Eugene, Oregon, proprietor of a dressmaking shop ................................................................................................... 1920 1
Los Angeles, California, dress maker and proprietor of a ladies tailor shop ............................................................. 1930 1
Her parents came from Canada and New York, and Alta was born in Michigan in November of 1870. His parents 1
came from Massachusetts and New York, William D. Day was born here in July of 1870, and he married Alta in 1885 1
or 1886. Their two sons were born in Michigan: Paul in November of 1888 and Loren in September of 1896. Their 1
daughter Marion was born in Tennessee in 1908. William was a Coral druggist from 1900 until 1907, and a Galesburg 1 m
druggist in 1910. Alta was a widow by 1920, and was providing a home for her daughter in 1920 and for a niece in 1
1930. 1
1. 1900 Federal Census of Maple Valley Township in Montcalm County and 1910 Federal Census of the village of Galesburg in
Kalamazoo County, Michigan, 1920 Federal Census of the Fourth Ward of Eugene in Lane County, Oregon, plus 1930 Federal
Census of Assembly District 67 of Los Angeles in Los Angeles County, California.

Day, Charlotte, Mrs.

New York, New York, DAGUERREOTYPIST .............................................................................................. 1845-1847 1
Newark, New Jersey, DAGUERREOTYPIST ................................................................................................ 1848-1851 1
Newark, New Jersey, DAGUERREOTYPIST at 259 Broad st ....................................................................... 1852-1853 1
Newark, New Jersey, DAGUERREOTYPIST at 259 and 274 Broad st ......................................................... 1853-1854 1
Paw Paw DAGUERREOTYPIST .............................................................................................................................. 1856 2
Newark, New Jersey, housewife ................................................................................................................................ 1860 3
Warren, Rhode Island, housewife .............................................................................................................................. 1870 3
Dartmouth, Massachusetts, housewife ....................................................................................................................... 1880 3
Charlotte was born in Pennsylvania to German parents probably in 1822, one of the ten children of William and 3 1
Christianna Prosch. Her brother George W. Prosch was a daguerreotypist and a pioneer camera manufacturer, and her 3 1
brother Andrew was a New York City supplier of daguerreotype materials and a manufacturer of “philosophical 1
instruments.” Charlotte and the daguerreotypist Alfred Day married at Newark on March 9, 1853, and soon were using 1
the same business address. The local newspaper noted on July 15, 1853, that Mrs. Day (formerly Miss Prosch) had 1
returned to her rooms on Broad Street at the sign of the American Flag, and was making pictures for 75 cents and up. 1
Her Excelsior Daguerreotype Gallery carried in October of 1853 a large assortment of frames and cases, and offered to 1
insert pictures into lockets, breastpins, bracelets, etc. By May of 1854 Charlotte had been succeeded by Charles 1
Brewster. Charlotte gave birth to Mary in Newark before she and Alfred moved to Michigan, where their daughter Ada 1 3
was born in 1855 or early in 1856. “Taken at Paw Paw, March 12, 1856 by Mrs. C. Day and presented by her to the 3 2
Ed. of the Free Press, Paw Paw.” was written inside the case of a sixth-plate daguerreotype of the printing office and 2
an adjacent grocery on a snow covered street. Charlotte and Alfred soon returned to Newark, where their son George 2 1
was born in the summer of 1857, and their daughter Amelia Sarah was born in March of 1860. Charlotte relinquished 3
photography in favor of her home and children and Alfred became a baker, but their son George was later a 3 1
photographer at Hoboken, New Jersey. 1
1. Learned in 2009 from Gary Saretzky of Tennent, New Jersey.
2. The Daguerreian Annual 1999, page 3. (The daguerreotype is in the collection of Greg French.)
3. 1850 Federal Census of the Fifth Ward and 1860 Federal Census of the Fourth Ward of Newark in Essex County, New Jersey,
1870 Federal Census of Warren Township in Bristol County, Rhode Island, and 1880 Federal Census of Dartmouth in Bristol
County, Massachusetts.

Day, Carl E.
Calumet PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................... 1902-1905 m
“Copyright Apr. 15, ’05 by C. E. Day, Hancock, Mich.” was lettered on the negatives of post card views of the ruins t
of the bridge between Houghton and Hancock which was struck by a steamship on that day. t
Day, Dorr H.
Owosso salesman ....................................................................................................................................................... 1900 1
Owosso (Day & Whitney) PHOTOGRAPHERS ....................................................................................................... 1903 2
Owosso PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................ 1904-1905 m
Owosso PHOTOGRAPHER at 106 Main st east ............................................................................................. 1905-1907 3 4
Owosso PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................ 1908-1909 m
Owosso PHOTOGRAPHER at 108 Exchange st east ..................................................................................... 1910-1915 4 m
Owosso PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................ 1916-1917 m
Owosso (Day Studio) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 108 Exchange st east .............................................................. 1917-1918 4
Owosso farmer ........................................................................................................................................................... 1918 5
Owosso PHOTOGRAPHER at 301 Ball st north ...................................................................................................... 1919 3 4
Owosso (Day Studio) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 108 Exchange st east .............................................................. 1919-1928 4
Owosso (Day Studio) PHOTOGRAPHERS .................................................................................................... 1930-1931 m
Dorr was born on December 20, 1877, at Canandaigua, New York, grew up in Chesaning, Michigan, and became a 5 3
tall man with blue eyes and light hair. Blanche Burhans of Owosso was born in Michigan in November of 1878, last of 5 1
the four or more children of Daniel and Ermina Burhans. She grew up in Owosso and married Dorr about 1899. She 1 3
and Dorr lived for a while with her widowed father. Harold, their only child, was born in 1909 and died when he was 1 3
ten years old. The retirement of M. Otto Whitney from the partnership of Day & Whitney was reported in the fall of 3 2
1903. John Shotwell and Dorr were outstanding pitchers on Owosso’s indoor baseball team, so good that there was 2 3
controversy over whether their pitching might be illegal. A post card photograph “Copyright 1906 by D. H. DAY” of 3 t
the Worlds Champion Indoor Baseball Team included John Shotwell. “Day Studio” was blind stamped in script along t
with “OWOSSO” in smaller block letters into a post card photograph of a winter scene at a small stone crushing mill. Earl t m
H. Sterneman was proprietor of the Day Studio in 1918 and 1919, and was Dorr’s partner in the studio from 1920 until m
1923. Raymond B. Lansing was Dorr’s associate in the studio through 1927, and Dorr was sole proprietor in the early m
1930s. Dorr was said to be 76 when he died on May 29, 1957. m 3
1. 1880 Federal Census of the Second Ward plus 1900, 1910, 1920 and 1930 Federal Censes of the First Ward of Owosso in
Shiawassee County, Michigan.
2. St. Louis and Canadian Photographer; volume 27, number 10, October 1903, page 464.
3. Helen Harrelson, Owosso, Michigan, A to Z, Shiawassee County Historical Society, Owosso, Michigan 1993.
4. Owosso City & Shiawassee County Directory, 1905, 1907, 1910, 1913, 1915, 1917, 1919, 1921, 1924, 1926 and 1928, R. L. Polk
& Co., Detroit.
5. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.

Day, Elmer M.
Orion Township child or student ...................................................................................................................... 1860,1870 1
Detroit officer of a bath tub manufacturing company ...................................................................................... 1885-1897 d
Detroit traveling agent, manager, superintendent or sales manager for a plumbing supply manufacturer ....... 1898-1906 d 1
Detroit president of a plumbing supply manufacturing company .................................................................... 1907-1911 d 1
Detroit (Detroit Commercial Photograph Company) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 96 Broadway .................................... 1912 d
Detroit salesman, resident or mason contractor ............................................................................................... 1913-1920 d
Detroit president of a plumbing supply company ...................................................................................................... 1920 1
Detroit real estate agent or resident ................................................................................................................. 1921-1945 d 2
His parents came from New Jersey and Elmer was born on a farm near Pontiac, Michigan, on January 22, 1856, the 1 3
son of Thomas and Eliza A. Day. His father was a blacksmith, and Elmer had two older brothers, a younger sister and 1
a younger brother. He came to Detroit in the 1880s. Effa (sometimes Effie and once Ethel) was born in Michigan in 1 3
May of 1867, and she married Elmer about 1883. Their son Clarence was born in December of 1885, their daughter 1
Blanche was born in January of 1896, and their son Arthur was born in 1906. Elmer was characterized as a 1
manufacturer of bath tubs in 1900. Charles R. Messinger was his partner in the Detroit Commercial Photograph 1 d
Company. Elmer was ill for several months before his death on August 24, 1945. He was survived by his wife and d 3
their three children. Burial was in Grand Lawn Cemetery. 3
1. 1860 and 1870 Federal Censes of Orion Township in Oakland County, plus 1900 and 1910 Federal Censes of the Fourth Ward and
1920 Federal Census of the Sixth Ward of Detroit in Wayne County, Michigan.
2. Detroit telephone directories, 1942 through 1945.
3. Obituary in the Detroit News, Detroit, Michigan, August 27, 1945
Dayton, Orla Marion
Dansville child ........................................................................................................................................................... 1880 1
Eaton Rapids student ................................................................................................................................................. 1900 1
Eaton Rapids PHOTOGRAPHER at the corner of Main and Hamlin sts ........................................................ 1904-1907 m
Eaton Rapids PHOTOGRAPHER and city clerk ............................................................................................. 1908-1911 m
Eaton Rapids bookkeeper and delivery clerk ............................................................................................................. 1918 2
Eaton Rapids bookkeeper for a lumber yard .............................................................................................................. 1920 1
Lansing employment man for a wood working shop ................................................................................................. 1930 1
Los Angeles, California, resident ..................................................................................................................... 1960-1961 3
Orla was born in Michigan on February 16, 1878, the son of Romain Post Dayton and Mary Maria (Greenoug) 1 3
Dayton. His only sibling, Florence, was born in July of 1886 and as a child was known as Flossie. Orla became a 1 2
medium sized man with blue eyes and dark brown hair. He offered “Photography in all its branches” in 1904. Orla was 2 m
single and lived with his parents through 1920. He was living in 1930 with the family of his sister and her husband, 1
Guy W. Tillford. Orla died at Los Angeles on February 7, 1961. 1 3
1. 1880 Federal Census of the village of Dansville and 1930 Federal Census of the Fifth Ward of Lansing in Ingham County, plus 1900
and 1910 Federal Censes of the Third Ward of Eaton Rapids and 1920 Federal Census of the city of Eaton Rapids in Eaton County,
2. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.
3. California Death Index 1940-1997.

Deal, Henry O.
Centre Township, Indiana, child ................................................................................................................................ 1850 1
La Grange Township student and laborer on his father’s farm .................................................................................. 1860 1
Cassopolis photographist ........................................................................................................................................... 1870 1
Cassopolis grocer ............................................................................................................................................. 1874-1877 m
Cassopolis PHOTOGRAPHER and house painter ......................................................................................... 1878-1881 m 1
Vandalia painter ............................................................................................................................................... 1884-1887 m
Vandalia PHOTOGRAPHER .......................................................................................................................... 1888-1889 m
Vandalia furniture dealer and undertaker ......................................................................................................... 1890-1897 m
Dowagiac house painter ............................................................................................................................................. 1900 1
Dowagiac house painter and repairer ......................................................................................................................... 1910 1
Henry was born in New York State in January of 1843, fourth of the ten children of Owen and Angeline Deal. 1
Emeline was born in New York in November of 1839, and she married Henry about 1863. Their children were born in 1
Michigan: Clara in 1866 or early in 1867, Leroy and Paul between 1870 and 1877, and the twins Edna and Ethel in 1
November of 1878. 1
1. 1850 Federal Census of Centre Township in Porter County, Indiana, 1860 Federal Census of La Grange Township plus 1870 and
1880 Federal Censes of the village of Cassopolis as well as 1900 and 1910 Federal Censes of the Second Ward of Dowagiac in
Cass County, Michigan.

Dean, A. S.
Perry PHOTOGRAPHER ......................................................................................................................................... 1900 1 t
His given name on the census report was written over, but could have been something like Anson or Austin. He was 1
born in Michigan to parents from New York in March of 1866. Nora’s parents came from Ohio and New York, and 1
she was born in Michigan in May of 1872. She married the photographer about 1895, and they had no children in 1
1900. 1
1. 1900 Federal Census of the village of Perry in Shiawassee County, Michigan.

Dean, Abner J.
Edwardsburg school teacher ...................................................................................................................................... 1850 1
Edwardsburg DAGUERREAN ARTIST and bookseller ................................................................................. 1855-1856 m
Elkhart, Indiana, daguerreotypist ............................................................................................................................... 1860 2 1
Abner and his wife were born in New York State, he in 1814 or 1815 and Mary five years later. Their son Henry was 1
born in New York about 1837, their son William (later Hugh) was born in Michigan in 1848 or 1849, and their son 1
Charles and daughter Anna were born in Indiana between 1857 and 1862. Edwardsburg is ten miles northwest of 1 3
Elkhart. By 1870 Mary was a widow providing a home at Dowagiac for her two youngest children. 3 1
1. 1850 Federal Census of the village of Edwardsburg and 1870 Federal Census of Pokagon Township in Cass County, Michigan, plus
1860 Federal Census of Elkhart in Elkhart County, Indiana.
2. Information derived in 2000 from the 1860 Federal Census of Indiana by James A. Marusek of Bloomfield, Indiana.
3. Rand McNally Road Atlas of the United States, Canada and Mexico, 1997, Rand McNally & Company, Skokie, Illinois.
Dean, Floyd
Davison photographer ................................................................................................................................................. 1900 1
Floyd was born in Michigan to Canadian parents in March of 1884. His only siblings also were born in Michigan: 1
Flossy in December of 1886, and Willis in January of 1891. The three of them were living in 1900 with their widowed 1
mother, Mrs. Anna Dean, who was deriving some income from her baking. Their home was two doors away from that 1
of the photographer Walter S. Robinson, who may have been employing Floyd. 1
1. 1900 Federal Census of the village of Davison in Genesee County, Michigan.

Dean, W. W.
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER in Rooms 18 and 20 of the Merrill Block ........................................................... 1869-1870 m

Dean Brow & Godfrey

Please see the entry for James A. Jenney.

Deans Brow & Godfrey

Please see the entry for James A. Jenney.

DeBoer, Charles
Grand Haven student ................................................................................................................................................. 1880 1
Sault Sainte Marie (Aldrich & DeBoer) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 726 Ashmun st ........................................... 1898-1899 S m
Sault Sainte Marie sawyer in a shingle mill ............................................................................................................... 1900 1
Sault Sainte Marie proprietor of a draying service ........................................................................................... 1920,1930 1
His parents emigrated from Holland and Germany, and Charles was born in Michigan in January of 1872, first of the 1
four children of Fredrick and Hulda DeBoer. He was called Cornelius as a child. Something happened to his sailor 1
father, and his mother married Canadian–born George C. McMasters. Charles was living in Marquette in 1898, while 1 S
he was a partner in the Sault Ste. Marie photographic business. In 1900 he was living with his mother and her second S 1
husband. About 1914 he married Mrs. Emily Kault, who was born in Michigan to Canadian parents in 1876. They 1
were sharing their home in 1920 with her daughter Margaret and in 1930 with her widowed daughter Annie. 1
1. 1880 Federal Census of the Third Ward of Grand Haven in Ottawa County, 1900 Federal Census of the Second Ward of Sault Sainte
Marie plus1920 and 1930 Federal Censes of the Second Precinct of Sault Sainte Marie in Chippewa County, Michigan.

Decker, Erskine
Lagrange Township child or student ................................................................................................................ 1860,1870 1
Lagrange Township farmer ........................................................................................................................................ 1880 1
Cassopolis inventor .......................................................................................................................................... 1892-1893 p
Cassopolis (E. Decker & Sons) LENS & CAMERA MANUFACTURERS ................................................... 1894-1895 2 3
LaGrange Township farmer ....................................................................................................................................... 1900 1
LaGrange Township resident ............................................................................................................................ 1910,1920 1
His parents came from New York and Ohio, and Erskine was born in Michigan in November of 1852, last of the 1
three children of Barney and Martha (Wilson) Decker. Her parents emigrated from Germany, Clara (later Louise) was 1
born in New York in September of 1857, and she married Erskine in 1875 or 1876. Their children were born in 1
Michigan: Rudolph in 1876 or early in 1877, Wilson in January of 1879, Isabelle in January of 1886, and Martha in 1
January of 1893. Though he filed the applications on the same day, October 15, 1892, he was granted Patent Number 1 p
494,128 on a Camera Lens adjustable to five different focal lengths on March 28, 1893, and Patent Number 507,790 p
on a trigger operated Camera Shutter on October 31, 1893. The lens was being publicized early in 1895 in a number of p 3
models for different sizes of cameras, each with a choice of five focal lengths selected by moving a couple of levers, 3
and claiming Thomas A. Edison as a satisfied user of a Decker lens. Several months later it was being advertised at a 3
price of $15.00. Late in 1895 the availability of the Decker Gun Camera was announced. It featured a folding stock 3
like that of a rifle, Decker’s patented trigger operated shutter, and the Decker lens with a range of five focal lengths. 3
The magazine reviews were very complimentary about the novelty and utility of both the combination lens and the gun 3
camera. By 1930 Louise was a widow living with the family of her daughter Isabelle and her husband, Claude T. 3 1
Meyers. 1
1. 1860, 1870, 1880, 1900, 1910, 1920 and 1930 Federal Censes of LaGrange Township in Cass County, Michigan.
2. The Blue Book for Amateur Photographers ... 1895: compiled early in 1894 by Walter Sprange, Beach Bluff, Massachusetts.
3. Wilson’s Photographic Magazine, volume 32, numbers 459, 461, 467 and 468, March, May, November and December of 1895,
pages 140, 240, 509, 510, 511 and advertising page (20).

DeCoe, John P.
Grand Rapids photographer for the Grand Rapids Engraving Company ................................................................... 1896 g
DeCommerce, Jule
Rockford PHOTOGRAPHER and dancing master on Cortland st three doors from Depot st ........................ 1896-1897 1 m
Rockford PHOTOGRAPHER ......................................................................................................................... 1898-1900 m 2
New York, New York, master mechanic in a cabinet making shop ........................................................................... 1910 2
His parents emigrated from France and Germany, and Julius was born in New Jersey in January of 1862. He may 2
have grown up in Jersey City as sixth of the nine children of Mathew and Elizabeth Commerce. Her parents came from 2
New York and Virginia, Alice was born in Pennsylvania in May of 1872, and she married Jule about 1894. Jule was 2 1
listed twice in the county directory in 1896: as a photographer guaranteeing his work on cabinets from $1.00 and 1
upwards, and as a professional dancing master establishing classes in all parts of the state. He and Alice still were 1 2
married in 1910, when she was proprietor of a Rockford millinery shop. Alice was living alone in Lowell Township of 2
Kent County, where she was characterized as single in 1920 and as divorced in 1930. 2
1. Business and Professional Directory of Kent County, Michigan, December 1896, Union Publishing Company, Battle Creek, Michigan.
2. 1870 Federal Census of the Second Ward and 1880 Federal Census of the Third Precinct of Jersey City in Hudson County, New Jersey,
1910 Federal Census of the 19th Ward of Manhattan in New York, New York, 1900 and 1910 Federal Censes of the village of Rockford
plus 1920 and 1930 Federal Censes of Lowell Township in Kent County, Michigan.

Deegan, Maggie
Detroit assistant for photographer Joseph E. Watson ................................................................................................ 1883 d

Deemer, A. L.
Quincy PHOTOGRAPHER .................................................................................................................................. ca 1890 t

Deery, Elizabeth E., Miss

Port HUron child or student .............................................................................................................................. 1870,1880 1
Port Huron artist for photographers J. M. White & Company ................................................................................... 1893 P
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 459 Macomb st ......................................................................................................... 1898 d
Port Huron (Deery Art Hall) PHOTOGRAPHERS ......................................................................................... 1899-1901 P m
Port Huron (E. E. & M. A. Deery) COMMERCIAL PHOTOGRAPHERS at 1102 Military st ................................ 1901 P
Their parents emigrated from Ireland and Canada, and their maternal grandparents also were Irish. Elizabeth 1
(sometimes Eliza or Lizzie and once Lillian) and her twin sister Agnes were born in Michigan in December of 1872, 1
daughters of James and Sarah A. Deery. They had five older siblings and a younger sister. The twins and their older 1
sister Mary were living with their widowed mother in 1900, when Elizabeth was identified as an artist in photography. 1
John L. Paul was the proprietor of Deery Art Hall by 1902. m
1. 1870, 1880 and 1900 Federal Censes of the Third Ward of Port Huron in St. Clair County, Michigan.

Deery, Mary A., Miss

Port Huron student or resident .......................................................................................................................... 1870,1880 1
Port Huron school teacher ......................................................................................................................................... 1900 P
Port Huron (E. E. & M. A. Deery) COMMERCIAL PHOTOGRAPHERS at 1102 Military st ................................ 1901 1
Marinette, Wisconsin, public school teacher ............................................................................................................. 1910 1
Her parents emigrated from Ireland and Canada, and Mary was born in Michigan in October of 1858, second of the 1 P
eight children of James and Sarah A. Deery. Her maternal grandparents also were Irish. Mary remained single in 1900.
She and two of her eight siblings were living in 1900 with their widowed mother. The Deery sisters also dealt in
photographic material and supplies. Mary still was single in 1910, when she was living with the family of her sister
Margaret and her husband, Melville Maxwell.
1. 1870, 1880 and 1900 Federal Censes of the Third Ward of Port Huron in St. Clair County, Michigan, and 1910 Federal Census of
the Third Ward of Marinette in Marinette County, Wisconsin.

Defoe, John
Ann Arbor photographer for Gibson’s Photograph Gallery ....................................................................................... 1886 a
DeForest, David Algen
Ann Arbor child or student ............................................................................................................................... 1850,1860 1
Ann Arbor resident .................................................................................................................................................... 1870 1
Detroit photographer ........................................................................................................................................ 1873-1874 d
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 75 Woodward av on the southwest corner of Larned st .................................. 1875-1877 d m
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 1 Larned st west on the southwest corner of Woodward av ............................ 1878-1880 d m
Henry, Illinois, PHOTOGRAPHER ..................................................................................................................... ca 1882 t
Menominee (DeForest & Atwater) PHOTOGRAPHERS ......................................................................................... 1883 2
Menominee PHOTOGRAPHER ..................................................................................................................... 1883-1890 m R
He was born in Michigan to a father from New York and an English mother in 1846 or early in 1847, eldest of the 1
five children of David and Mary A. (Bowers) DeForest, and was called Algen when he was young. His father was a 1
lumber dealer, and was not around in 1870 when Mary was providing a home for Algen and three of his siblings. They 1
were living three doors from the photographer Aurelius Revenaugh. D. Algen DeForest succeeded James A. Brush in 1 d
the gallery at the corner of Woodward and Larned, with the entrance on Larned, had it refitted and refurnished with d
modern improvements, and remained there for five or six years. He retained the Brush negatives, and was pleased to d t
furnish duplicates at any time. In 1877 pictures in India ink, water colors, crayon or oil by a fine artist were available t d
from this gallery. Between 1876 and 1879 David employed two of his brothers, Erymer and George. Other employees d
included John E. Chevalier as a retoucher in 1877 and Charles A. Lindsey as a photographer in 1880. “DeFOREST & d t
ATWATER, Successors to D. A. DeForest, Photographer, Henry, Ill. Menominee, Mich.” was printed on the backs of t
card photograph mounts. That D. A. DeForest had succeeded his partnership with Atwater was reported in October of t 2
1883. David was 44 years old when he died at the Detroit home of his mother on November 19, 1890. Newspapers in 2 3
Ann Arbor and Negaunee, Michigan, and in Springfield, Tennessee, were asked to copy the notice of his death and the 3
funeral arrangements. 3
1. 1850 Federal Census of the village of Ann Arbor plus 1860 and 1870 Federal Censes of the Fourth Ward of Ann Arbor in
Washtenaw County, Michigan.
2. The Photographic Times, New York, volume 13, number 154, October 1883.
3. Obituary in the Detroit Free Press, Detroit, Michigan, November 20, 1890.

DeForest, Erymer E.
Ann Arbor child ......................................................................................................................................................... 1860 1
Detroit employee of photographer D. Algen DeForest .............................................................................................. 1876 d
Detroit photographer for D. Algen DeForest ................................................................................................... 1878-1879 d
Saint Joseph, Missouri, book retailer ......................................................................................................................... 1880 1
Detroit photo printer for photographer Charles A. Millard ........................................................................................ 1883 d
Toledo, Ohio, photographer for Giles H. Cheseboro ................................................................................................. 1885 2
Detroit photographer .................................................................................................................................................. 1889 d
Detroit photographer for John S. Foster .................................................................................................................... 1890 d
Ann Arbor photographer ............................................................................................................................................ 1892 a
Northfield Township day laborer ............................................................................................................................... 1900 1
Erymer was born in Michigan in July of 1851, second of the five children of David and Mary A. (Bowers) DeForest 1
and the brother of David Algen DeForest. He still was single in 1900. 1
1. 1860 Federal Census of the Fourth Ward of Ann Arbor and 1900 Federal Census of Northfield Township in Washtenaw County,
Michigan, plus 1880 Federal Census of the city of St. Joseph in Buchanan County, Missouri.
2. Learned in 2001 from Don Fredgant of Lakewood, Ohio.
DeForest, Frank Bowers
Ann Arbor child ......................................................................................................................................................... 1870 1
Detroit clerk, traveling agent or hardware merchant ........................................................................................ 1880-1889 1 d
Detroit photographer .................................................................................................................................................. 1890 d
Ann Arbor PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................................. 1891 2
Toledo, Ohio, wooden ware laborer .......................................................................................................................... 1900 1
Toledo, Ohio, traveling salesman ..................................................................................................................... 1910,1920 1
Los Angeles, California, real estate salesman ............................................................................................................ 1930 1
Los Angeles, California, resident ............................................................................................................................... 1944 3
Franklin was born in Michigan on April 18, 1862, last of the five children of David and Mary A. (Bowers) DeForest 3 1
and the brother of photographer D. Algen DeForest. In July of 1891 an Ann Arbor newspaper reported that “F. B. 1 2
DeForest is in the city, taking some excellent views of houses, groups, and out-door scenes. He made a picture of the 2
Courier force which certainly is an estimable one, and denotes that he is a superior artist in that line.” Maud was born 2 1
in Michigan in September of 1873, and she married Frank about 1893. Their daughter Lillian was born in Michigan in 1
March of 1895, and their son Franklyn was born in Ohio in April of 1900 but did not live to maturity. By 1920 Frank 1
was a widower living with his daughter and her husband, Walter Pomeroy, and their daughter Madeline. In 1930 Frank 1
was providing a home in Los Angeles for his daughter and her family. He died at Los Angeles on December 5, 1944. 1 3
1. 1870 Federal Census of the Fourth Ward of Ann Arbor in Washtenaw County and 1880 Federal Census of the city of Detroit in
Wayne County, Michigan, plus 1900 Federal Census of the Twelfth Ward, 1910 Federal Census of the Eleventh Ward, and 1920
Federal Census of the Thirteenth Ward of Toledo in Lucas County, Ohio, and 1930 Federal Census of Assembly District 67 of
Los Angeles in Los Angeles County, California.
2. Ann Arbor Courier, Ann Arbor, Michigan, July 22, 1891.
3. California Death Index, 1940-1997.

DeForest, George G.
Ann Arbor child or student ............................................................................................................................... 1860,1870 1
Detroit hardware clerk ............................................................................................................................................... 1876 d
Detroit photographer for D. Algen DeForest .................................................................................................... 1877,1879 d
Detroit clerk, traveling agent, hardware merchant, insurance agent or commercial traveler ........................... 1880-1908 1 d
Detroit salesman ........................................................................................................................................................ 1909 d
Detroit traveling salesman or agent ................................................................................................................. 1910-1914 1 d
Detroit cigar merchant ..................................................................................................................................... 1915-1916 d
Detroit resident ................................................................................................................................................ 1917-1918 d
San Diego, California, retail electrical supply salesman ............................................................................................ 1920 1
George was born in Michigan on July 21, 1857, third of the five children of David and Mary A. (Bowers) DeForest 1
and the brother of photographer D. Algen DeForest. His mother was born in England about 1827, and was a widow by 1
1880. Alice was born in New York on May 25, 1858, she married George about 1882, and their daughter Alice (later 1
Winnie) was born in Illinois on December 15, 1883. The elder Alice was a physician and her daughter became a 1
trained nurse. By 1920 George was a widower and was living alone at San Diego. 1
1. 1860 and 1870 Federal Censes of the Fourth Ward of Ann Arbor in Washtenaw County, 1880 Federal Census of the city of Detroit
plus 1900 Federal Census of the Second Ward and 1910 Federal Census of the Fourteenth Ward of Detroit in Wayne County, Michigan,
and 1920 Federal Census of Precinct 52 of San Diego in San Diego County, California.
DeGereaux, Elmer Rexford
Detroit student ........................................................................................................................................................... 1880 1
Standish PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................... 1902-1903 m
Unionville PHOTOGRAPHER ....................................................................................................................... 1904-1909 m
Saginaw photographer ............................................................................................................................................... 1910 1
Saginaw PHOTOGRAPHER ..................................................................................................................................... 1911 R
Saginaw PHOTOGRAPHER at 415 Genesee st east ....................................................................................... 1912-1913 s 2
Saginaw traveling agent ............................................................................................................................................. 1914 s
Bay City clerk for the Industrial Works ..................................................................................................................... 1918 3
Saginaw oil company clerk .............................................................................................................................. 1920-1921 1 s
Saginaw resident or clerk ................................................................................................................................. 1923-1928 s
Saginaw retiree .......................................................................................................................................................... 1930 1
He was born in New York State on September 30,1872, the son of George H. and Hellen M. DeGereaux. He became 1 3
a short slender man with brown eyes and brown hair, and was known as Elmer R. DeGereaux in Standish and 3 m
Unionville. Six by eight inch black mounts embossed for oval prints and blind stamped “DeGereaux” probably were m t
used at Unionville. “DeGereaux, Photographer, Unionville, Mich.” was printed on the post card backs of photographs of rural t
homes. Elmer remained single through 1910, but by 1918 was married to a lady named Lillian. She was born in t 1
Vermont in 1881, and maintained their home at Saginaw while Elmer worked in Bay City during World War I. Many 1 3
Saginaw listings were for E. Rexford DeGereaux or more commonly for Rex. He was a widower in 1930, when he was s 1
one of six boarders with a Saginaw family. 1
1. 1880 Federal Census of the city of Detroit in Wayne County, plus 1910, 1920 and 1930 Federal Censes of the Seventh Ward of
Saginaw in Saginaw County, Michigan.
2. Frank Gueder, “Index of Saginaw Photographers 1865-1971” in Timbertown Log, Saginaw, Michigan, 1973 Fall-Winter 1974
and Summer 1974.
3. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.

DeGuire, Louis John

Manitowoc, Wisconsin, child .................................................................................................................................... 1860 1
Manitowoc Township, Wisconsin, student ................................................................................................................ 1870 1
Appleton, Wisconsin, worker in a spoke factory ....................................................................................................... 1880 1
Appleton, Wisconsin, PHOTOGRAPHER ...................................................................................................... 1884-1890 2
Winona, Minnesota, PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................ 1895-1905 3 1
Iron River manager of the photograph studio of Olaf J. Hansen ................................................................................ 1913 4
Algoma, Wisconsin, PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................ 1915-1928 2
His father was Canadian and his mother emigrated from the Baden region of Germany. Louis was born in Wisconsin 1
in October of 1859, eldest of the ten children of Louis and Mary DeGuire. Ida (later Edith) was born in Wisconsin in 1
October of 1862, and she married Louis about 1881. Their children were born in Wisconsin: Lillie late in 1882, 1
Frederick in August of 1885, and Viola in March of 1889. They moved to Minnesota in 1890. 1 3
1. 1860 Federal Census of the Third Ward of Manitowoc and 1870 Federal Census of Manitowoc Township in Manitowoc County,
1880 Federal Census of the city of Appleton in Outagamie County, and 1920 Federal Census of the First Ward of Algoma in
Kewaunee County, Wisconsin, plus 1900 Federal Census of the Third Ward of Winona in Winona County, Minnesota.
2. Directory of Wisconsin Photographers, State Historical Society of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin, 1991.
3. 1895 and 1905 State Censes of the Third Ward of Winona in Winona County, Minnesota.
4. 1913 Directory of Iron River, Crystal Falls, Stambaugh and Iron County, published by Douglas Anderson Company, Crandon,

DeHart, Mary G., Miss

Detroit (M. G. DeHart & Company) picture enlargers at 31 Grand River av ............................................................ 1885 d
Detroit artist ............................................................................................................................................................... 1886 d
Mary’s associates in M. G. DeHart & Company were Theo Sigler and Julius Cary. She advertised widely in d 1
September of 1885: “SITUATION WANTED - A first-class artist wishes a place in a large gallery in water-color and 1
ink work; good salary required. Address `M.G.D.’ 31 Grand River Ave., Detroit, Mich.” 1
1. The Photographic Times, New York, September 11, 1885, page 529.
DeHaven, Floyd E.
Hamilton Township child .......................................................................................................................................... 1870 1
Almena Township student ......................................................................................................................................... 1880 1
Paw Paw (DeHaven Brothers) PHOTOGRAPHERS ...................................................................................... 1898-1901 2 m
Dowagiac (DeHaven Brothers) PHOTOGRAPHERS over the City Shoe Store ....................................................... 1899 2 3
Lawton (DeHaven Brothers) PHOTOGRAPHERS ......................................................................................... 1900-1901 m
Kalamazoo (DeHaven Brothers) PHOTOGRAPHERS ................................................................................... 1902-1903 m
Kalamazoo (DeHaven Brothers) PHOTOGRAPHERS on the second floor at 139 Burdick st south .............. 1903-1904 K
Indianapolis, Indiana, construction lather .................................................................................................................. 1910 1
Indianapolis, Indiana, lathing contractor .................................................................................................................... 1920 1
Indianapolis, Indiana, building lather ........................................................................................................................ 1930 1
Floyd was born in Michigan on January 15, 1870, eldest of the four sons of Adam and Harriet M. DeHaven. His 4 1
father was born in Indiana and served in Company I of the Nineteenth Michigan Infantry in 1864 and 1865. He was 4
wounded in action at Resaca, Georgia, in May of 1864 and spent several months in hospitals before returning to his 4
regiment. That the DeHaven Brothers had purchased the Paw Paw gallery of William M. Hall, and had taken 4 2
possession on April 1, was reported in the spring of 1898. The opening of a new studio in Dowagiac by the DeHaven 2
Brothers of Paw Paw was reported in the summer of 1899. They advertised in Dowagiac: “DeHaven Bros. The up-to- 2 3
date Studio. A visit to their Photographic Parlors will convince you they have the trade and know how to handle it. 3
They also deal in Crayon, Pastel, and Water Colors. Satisfaction guaranteed in every respect....” Floyd was single and 3 1
was living with his parents in 1900. His parents moved to Georgia in 1904, to Indiana in 1906, and then to California 1 4
about 1908. Mildred was born in Michigan to parents from Ohio about 1878, and she married Floyd in 1901 or early 4 1
in 1902. Their daughters were born in Indiana: Echo in 1905 and Marion in 1912. Both still were living with Floyd 1
and Mildred in 1930. 1
1. 1870 Federal Census of Hamilton Township, 1880 Federal Census of Almena Township, and 1900 Federal Census of the village of
Paw Paw in Van Buren County, Michigan, plus 1910 Federal Census of the Fifteenth Ward, 1920 Federal Census of the Second
Ward, and 1930 Federal Census of the First ward of Indianapolis in Marion County, Indiana.
2. St. Louis and Canadian Photographer; volume 22, number 4, April 1898, page 184; and volume 23, number 7, July 1899, page 319.
3. Dowagiac City Directory, 1899.
4. Civil War Veteran Pension Record of Adam DeHaven obtained from the National Archives at Washington, D. C.

DeHaven, Guy C.
Almena Township student ......................................................................................................................................... 1880 1
Paw Paw (DeHaven Brothers) PHOTOGRAPHERS ...................................................................................... 1898-1901 2 m
Dowagiac (DeHaven Brothers) PHOTOGRAPHERS over the City Shoe Store ....................................................... 1899 2 3
Lawton (DeHaven Brothers) PHOTOGRAPHERS ......................................................................................... 1900-1901 m
Kalamazoo (DeHaven Brothers) PHOTOGRAPHERS ................................................................................... 1902-1903 m
Kalamazoo (DeHaven Brothers) PHOTOGRAPHERS on the second floor at 139 Burdick st south .............. 1903-1904 K
Indianapolis, Indiana, house lather ............................................................................................................................ 1910 1
Washington Township, Indiana, farmer ............................................................................................................ 1920,1930 1
Guy was born in Michigan on December 1, 1872, second of the four sons of Adam and Harriet M. DeHaven. His 4 1
father was born in Indiana and was wounded in action during the Civil War. Guy was single and was living with his 4 1
parents in 1900. His parents moved to Georgia in 1904, then to Indiana in 1906, and on to California about 1908. Her 1 4
mother came from Kentucky and Letha (later Lessie) was born in Indiana in 1881. She married Guy in 1908 or early in 1
1909, and their daughter Waive was born in Indiana in March or April of 1910. They were providing a home in 1920 1
for Guy’s widowed mother, Mrs. Harriet DeHaven. 1
1. 1880 Federal Census of Almena Township and 1900 Federal Census of the village of Paw Paw in Van Buren County, Michigan,
as well as 1910 Federal Census of the Fifteenth Ward of Indianapolis in Marion County, plus 1920 and 1930 Federal Censes of
Washington Township in Washington County, Indiana.
2. St. Louis and Canadian Photographer; volume 22, number 4, April 1898, page 184; and volume 23, number 7, July 1899, page 319.
3. Dowagiac City Directory, 1899.
4. Civil War Veteran Pension Record of Adam DeHaven obtained from the National Archives at Washington, D. C.
Deibert, William Howard
North Whitehall, Pennsylvania, child ........................................................................................................................ 1880 1
Jackson Township, Ohio, farm hand on his father’s farm .......................................................................................... 1900 1
Pellston (Pellston Studio) PHOTOGRAPHERS ................................................................................................... ca 1906 t
Pellston farmer working out ....................................................................................................................................... 1910 1
Pellston PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................... 1910-1911 m
Alanson PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................... 1912-1913 m
Munising PHOTOGRAPHER ......................................................................................................................... 1914-1931 m
William was born in Pennsylvania on September 12, 1877, eldest of the six children of Milton H. and Jane A. 1 2
Deibert. He became a tall stout man with black eyes and light brown hair. Blanche was born in Michigan in 1892, and 2 1
she married William about 1910. Their children were born in Michigan: Alton in 1911, Cleda in 1914, and William in 1
1919. William was a prolific producer of post card photographs, many of them depicting logging activities. Cards 1 t
marked “Pellston Studio” and just “Studio” seem to have been made from 1905 to 1907. Many of the other t
photographs which he made in Pellston and Alanson were postmarked between 1910 and 1913. They include views of t
Alanson, Brutus, Burt Lake, Carp Lake, Cecil Bay, Conway, Crooked Lake, Crooked River, Douglas Lake, Lakewood, t
Levering, Mackinac Island, Oden, Pellston, Pon She Wa Ing, Van Every and West Oden. “Dibert” was lettered on t
negatives of postal views of Munising saw and paper mills and public buildings, while “Deibert” was marked on the t
negatives of views of the court house, Grand Island and nearby Miner’s Falls. By 1918, William’s left leg was t 2
defective and he was ruptured. For many years he had a small shop on East Superior Street in Munising where he did 2 3
his studio work, sold film, and developed negatives and prints for others. 3
1. 1880 Federal Census of North Whitehall in Lehigh County, Pennsylvania, 1900 Federal Census of Jackson Township in Wood County,
Ohio, 1910 Federal Census of the village of Pellston in Emmet County plus 1920 and 1930 Federal Censes of the city of Munising in
Alger County, Michigan.
2. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.
3. Learned in 1996 from Charles A. Symon of Gladstone, Michigan.

de Jong, Anne
Vriesland PHOTOGRAPHER .............................................................................................................................. ca 1916 t
Zeeland rubber and polisher for a furniture manufacturer ......................................................................................... 1918 1
Anne was born in the Netherlands on December 20, 1868. Apparently Anne was a photographer in the Netherlands, 1 t
where Sneek is a town of 30,000 in the province of Vriesland. “A. de Jong, Reizend Fotograaf, Sneek.” was printed on 2 t
the European style post card backs of some photographs, while “Foto Firma de Jong de Boer Sneek. Nadruk t
verboden.” was similarly printed on others. One of these photos depicted the post office at Vriesland, Michigan, and t
was mailed in March of 1917. Parts of the printing translate as “Regional Photographer” and “Copying forbidden.” t
Anne was a stout man with brown eyes and dark hair in 1918. Tryntjze de Jong was his wife. 1
1. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.
2. Learned in 2000 from the History and Travel Department of the Detroit Public Library in Detroit, Michigan.

DeKalb, J. E.
Saginaw PHOTOGRAPHER at 101 Lapeer st .......................................................................................................... 1895 s
This person was also listed as J. E. DeKolb. John E. DeKalb had a photographic studio in 1890 and 1891 at the s 1
corner of Fifth and Main Streets in Keokuk, Iowa. 1
1. Learned in 1993 from Jo Ann Burgess of Clear Lake, Iowa.
DeLamater, Jay B.
Oxford Township, Ohio, child ................................................................................................................................... 1850 1
Leslie township student .............................................................................................................................................. 1860 1
Charlotte jeweler ........................................................................................................................................................ 1870 1
Grand Ledge (Christmas & DeLamater) PHOTOGRAPHERS over Rider’s store .......................................... 1872-1873 m t
Grand Ledge PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................ ca 1873 2
Grand Ledge (DeLamater & Holmes) PHOTOGRAPHERS over the post office ................................................ ca 1874 t
Grand Ledge (DeLamater & Grimes) PHOTOGRAPHERS ................................................................................ ca 1875 t
Maple Rapids PHOTOGRAPHER ....................................................................................................................... ca 1876 t
Leslie Township jeweler ............................................................................................................................................ 1880 1
Leslie jeweler ................................................................................................................................................... 1883-1892 3
Leslie jeweler ............................................................................................................................................................. 1900 1
Leslie PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................... 1906-1907 m
Leslie jeweler ................................................................................................................................................... 1907-1908 R
Leslie PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................... 1908-1909 m
Leslie jeweler ............................................................................................................................................................. 1910 1
Leslie PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................... 1910-1911 m
Leslie PHOTOGRAPHER and jeweler ........................................................................................................... 1912-1931 m
Jay’s father came from New York, his mother was Canadian, and he was born in Ohio in March of 1847, sixth of the 1
seven children of Henry and Elizabeth DeLamater. His older brother William began a jewelry business at Charlotte in 1
1867, and Jay was working with or for him in 1870. Adalina, called Adda or Addie, was born in Michigan in June of 1
1849 and married Jay in 1873 or 1874. Their children were born in Michigan: Hugh in April of 1881, Beulah in July 1
of 1883 and the twins Lucille and Lenore in July of 1887. An older daughter married a man named Colvin, gave birth 1
to Stewart in December of 1894, and died before 1900. DeLamater & Holmes were proprietors of the Diamond Art 1 t
Gallery. “DeLAMATER & GRIMES” was printed on the carte de visite sized paper sleeves of tintypes at about the t
time both Jay B. DeLamater and Horace C. Grimes were working in Grand Ledge. Jay and Adda were living with m 1
Jay’s widowed mother in 1880, and they were sharing their home with their daughters in 1910 when Lenore was a 1
single painting teacher, Lucille was divorced, and Beulah was a music teacher married to the physician William D. 1
Brooks. By 1930 Jay was a widower living on his own. 1
1. 1850 Federal Census of Oxford Township in Erie County, Ohio, 1870 Federal Census of the village of Charlotte in Eaton County,
1860 and 1870 Federal Censes of Leslie Township plus 1900, 1910, 1920 and 1930 Federal Censes of the village of Leslie in
Ingham County, Michigan.
2. Henry Francis Walling, Atlas of the State of Michigan, R. M. & S. T. Tackbury, Detroit, circa 1873.
3. Lansing City and Ingham County Directory, 1883-84, 1887 and 1892, R. L. Polk & Company, Detroit.

DeLand, Marion C., Miss

Saginaw retoucher ...................................................................................................................................................... 1900 s
Saginaw stenographer ................................................................................................................................................ 1910 1
Marion was born in Michigan in July of 1880, second of the six children of Virgil and Julia DeLand. Her father was 1
a boat master and pilot. Her retouching job may have been in a rule factory rather than in a photographic business. 1
1. 1900 Federal Census of the Ninth Ward and 1910 Federal Census of the Eleventh Ward of Saginaw in Saginaw County, Michigan.

DeLemos, Louis
Detroit cigar maker .......................................................................................................................................... 1884-1886 d
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 134 Gratiot av ................................................................................................. 1886-1887 m

Del Guercio, Carlo

Detroit artist ..................................................................................................................................................... 1903-1904 d
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 223 Gratiot av ........................................................................................................... 1905 d
Detroit artist or painter .................................................................................................................................... 1906-1916 d
Highland Park real estate agent .................................................................................................................................. 1917 d
Highland Park artist ......................................................................................................................................... 1918-1921 d
Carlo was born in 1867 or 1868 at Abruzzi, Italy. Maria was born in Italy in 1870 or 1871, and she married Carlo 1 2
about 1893. They immigrated in 1896, and their daughter Anita was born in New York State in 1897. Carlo’s artistic 2 d
photographic studio offered portraits in oil, water colors, pastel and crayon, interior decorations and designing. He d 1
became known as a painter, sculptor and mural decorator, and created the mural decorations in the Church of St. Leo 1 d
Magno in Detroit. His widow, Mrs. Mary A. Del Guercio, was living in Highland Park in 1922. d
1. All the Arts, December 1920.
2. 1910 Federal Census of the Eleventh Ward of Detroit and 1920 Federal Census of the Fourth Precinct of Highland Park in Wayne
County, Michigan.
Delker, Charles L.
Detroit machinist .............................................................................................................................................. 1893,1895 d
Detroit part owner of a photo engraving company ..................................................................................................... 1896 d
Detroit photographer .................................................................................................................................................. 1897 d
Detroit machinist or saloon keeper .................................................................................................................. 1898-1908 d
Charles was born in Germany in September of 1836 and immigrated in 1861. Caroline was born in Germany in 1
January of 1845, crossed the ocean in 1861, and married Charles in 1866 or 1867. They raised eight children including 1
four born in Michigan: Herman in November of 1870, Christian in July of 1872, Mathew in December of 1877, and 1
George in April of 1882. By 1900, Charles was a naturalized citizen of the United States. Caroline was a widow by 1
1910, when she was sharing her home with her two youngest sons. 1
1. 1900 and 1910 Federal Censes of the Eighth Ward of Detroit in Wayne County, Michigan.

Dell, Charles A.
Battle Creek PHOTOGRAPHER at 72 ½ Main st east ............................................................................................. 1886 1
A cabinet photograph by Dell shows M. N. Lefevre standing proudly by the 12-foot-high tomato vine he grew. t
1. Battle Creek city directory for 1886.

Dell, James
Lawrence photographer for O. L. Millspaugh ............................................................................................................ 1869 1
1. Van Buren County Gazetteer for 1869, Hill & Leavens, Decatur, Michigan.

DeLong, _______
Pompei (Stanton & DeLong) PHOTOGRAPHERS ........................................................................................ 1890-1891 m
Perrington (Stanton & DeLong) PHOTOGRAPHERS ......................................................................................... ca 1891 t

DeLong, Annie B.
Detroit clerk or retoucher ................................................................................................................................. 1893-1894 d

DeLonge, Ferdinand
Milwaukee, Wisconsin, student ................................................................................................................................. 1860 1
Milwaukee, Wisconsin, carver ................................................................................................................................... 1870 1
Milwaukee, Wisconsin, telegrapher ........................................................................................................................... 1880 1
Milwaukee, Wisconsin, draughtsman ........................................................................................................................ 1900 1
Detroit draughtsman or artist ........................................................................................................................... 1903-1909 d
Detroit artist for illustrators of factories and makers of bird’s-eye views ........................................................ 1910-1917 1 d
Detroit artist for photographers the William DeLonge Company .................................................................... 1918-1919 d
Detroit artist or draftsman ................................................................................................................................ 1920-1922 1 d
Ferdinand was born in 1853 at Cologne, Germany, eldest of the five children of Edward and Katherine DeLonge. He 1
came along when his parents immigrated in 1855. Lizzette (later Sadie) was born in Wisconsin of German parentage in 1
1859, and she married Ferdinand in 1876 or 1877. Their sons were born at Milwaukee: Walter in March of 1879, 1
Eddie in October of 1881, Robert in July of 1883, William in June of 1886, and Ferdinand in August of 1889. The 1
senior Ferdinand died in Detroit on September 23, 1922, and in 1930 Sadie was living with the widow of her eldest 2 1
son. 1
1. 1860 Federal Census of the Seventh Ward, 1870 Federal Census of the First Ward, 1880 Federal Census for the city, and 1900
Federal Census for the Sixth Ward of Milwaukee in Milwaukee County, Wisconsin, plus 1910 Federal Census of the Eighth Ward,
1920 Federal Census of the Nineteenth Ward, and 1930 Federal Census of the Twelfth Ward of Detroit in Wayne County, Michigan.
2. Detroit Death Index in the Burton Historical Collection of the Detroit Public Library, Detroit, Michigan.
DeLonge, William
Milwaukee, Wisconsin, student ................................................................................................................................. 1900 1
Detroit student, draughtsman or artist .............................................................................................................. 1903-1906 d
Detroit officer of an appraisal company .......................................................................................................... 1907-1909 d
Detroit draftsman, artist or architect ................................................................................................................ 1910-1914 1 d
Detroit appraiser and field manager ........................................................................................................................... 1917 2
Detroit (William DeLonge Company) PHOTOGRAPHERS in the Baker Building at 91 Park Place west .... 1918-1920 d 1
Detroit (William DeLonge Company) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 1770 Mt. Elliott av ................................................. 1921 d
Temple City, California, industrial appraiser ............................................................................................................. 1930 1
William was born at Milwaukee, Wisconsin, on June 6, 1886, and was fourth of the five sons of Ferdinand and Sadie 2 1
(Rueter) De Longe. He became a slender man with blue eyes and dark brown hair. Sarah was born in Michigan on July 3 2
13, 1887, and she married William in 1910 or 1911. William traveled throughout the country for a Chicago firm 1 2
before establishing the William DeLonge Company to produce factory bird’s-eye views and colored postal cards. 2 d
Sarah gave birth in Michigan to her daughters Joy and Betty between 1920 and 1922. William died at Los Angeles on 1 3
May 5, 1955, and Sarah lived until May 6, 1975. 3
1. 1900 Federal Census for the Sixth Ward of Milwaukee in Milwaukee County, Wisconsin, 1910 and 1920 Federal Censes of the
Eighth Ward of Detroit in Wayne County, Michigan, and 1930 Federal Census of Temple City in Los Angeles County, California.
2. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.
3. California Death Index, 1940-1997.

Delp, Rolland Roy

Lansing factory worker ..................................................................................................................................... 1910,1912 L
Lansing interurban conductor .......................................................................................................................... 1913-1916 L
Lansing PHOTOGRAPHER at 128 Dyer st ......................................................................................................... ca 1916 1
Lansing (Lansing Studio) PHOTOGRAPHER at 221 ½ Washington av south ............................................... 1917-1918 L
Lansing PHOTOGRAPHER at 221 ½ Washington av south ........................................................................... 1918-1919 m
Rolland was born on September 17, 1889, at Fort Wayne, Indiana. He advertised: “Photos of Babies, Children, 2 1
Groups, Houses, Flashlights, Printing and Developing. Satisfaction Guaranteed. 128 Dyer Street.” He and Minnie 1 L
lived at 128 Dyer Street from 1914 until 1916. Raymond B. Lansing was the founder of the Lansing Studio, which he L
apparently sold to Rolland about 1917. Rolland was medium sized with dark blue eyes and light brown hair in 1917. L 2
He and his wife had two young children, and Rolland expected that rheumatism and his dependents would exempt him 2
from military service. The listings in the 1918 Lansing directory and in the gazetteer for 1919 were for Rolland R. m L
Delph. He advertised amateur finishing and enlargements in 1918. L
1. Learned in 2000 from Martha Rambo of Lansing, Michigan.
2. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.

De Luxe Studio
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHERS at 61 Monroe av ..................................................................................................... ca 1920 t
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHERS at 221 Monroe av ................................................................................................... ca 1920 t
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHERS at 1420 Broadway ............................................................................................. 1925-1927 d m
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHERS at 14001 Gratiot av ........................................................................................... 1930-1931 m
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHERS at 1560 Broadway ............................................................................................. 1937-1940 d
Victor Pascany was proprietor of the De Luxe Studio. “DE LUXE STUDIO, 61 MONROE AVE., DETROIT, d t
MICH.” and “DE LUXE STUDIO, 221 MONROE AVE., CAD. 1085, DETROIT, MICH.” were both printed on the t
post card backs of studio portraits, some of which were tinted with restraint. t

Delwich, Julius J.
Ontonagon PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................................. 1903 R

DeMajor. Edward A.
Detroit photographer for Frank N. Tomlinson ........................................................................................................... 1887 d
Buenos Aires, Argentina, resident ............................................................................................................................. 1888 d
Please see the entry for Edward A. Major. d

DeMass, Ralph
Grand Rapids photographer for James Bayne ............................................................................................................ 1896 g

DeMattos, _______
Detroit (Parker & DeMattos) PHOTOGRAPHERS ........................................................................................ 1874-1875 m
Joseph J. DeMattos was a Detroit barber from 1875 until 1877. d
Deming, Franklin S.
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER on Gratiot av ....................................................................................................... 1862-1863 1
Detroit clerk ............................................................................................................................................................... 1863 d
Detroit street railway conductor ................................................................................................................................. 1864 d
The assessor identified him as Frank S. Demming. 1
1. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1862-1866, National Archives, Washington, D.C.

de Moras, H. P.
Negaunee PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................. ca 1880 t

Dempster, _______
Detroit (Cave & Dempster) PHOTOGRAPHERS ................................................................................................ ca 1905 t
“Cave & Dempster, Detroit, Mich.” was stamped on the backs of 6 ½ by 5 ½ inch gray mounts, one with a photo of t
two firemen with a hose at the top of a ladder against a building with billows of smoke added to the negative. t

Demyer, D. W.
Please see the entry for D. W. Denyer.

DeNeut, John H., Junior

Grand Rapids photographer, etcher or engraver .............................................................................................. 1898-1906 g
Grand Rapids inspector for the board of health ......................................................................................................... 1907 g
Grand Rapids engraver, photographer or photo lithographer .......................................................................... 1908-1924 g
John dropped the Junior about 1908. He was often employed by Dickinson Brothers, a printing company. g

Denison, S. C.
Coldwater (S. C. Denison & Company) PHOTOGRAPHERS on Chicago st ...................................................... ca 1862 t
Coldwater PHOTOGRAPHER on Chicago st ...................................................................................................... ca 1863 t
Though no number was written on the mount, patrons of the company were assured: “... This Negative carefully t
preserved and numbered as above. Duplicates can be had at $2.50 per doz.” As an individual, Denison reduced the t
price of duplicates to $2.00 per dozen. J. M. Bottenberg used a back mark with the same wording and format. t

Denkelberg, Henry Carroll

Chicago, Illinois, student ........................................................................................................................................... 1900 1
Chicago, Illinois, driver of a milk wagon ................................................................................................................... 1910 1
Port Huron PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................................ 1914 t
Port Huron air tester for the Grand Trunk Railroad ................................................................................................... 1918 2
Port Huron PHOTOGRAPHER in Suite 17 of the White Block ..................................................................... 1918-1919 P m
Port Huron PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................................ 1920 1
Port Huron COMMERCIAL PHOTOGRAPHER at 1121 Willow st ....................................................................... 1927 3
Port Huron (Denkelberg Studio) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 1611 Military st .................................................... 1928-1931 P
Port Huron (Denkelberg Studio) PHOTOGRAPHERS ............................................................................................. 1933 P
Henry was born in Illinois of German parentage on June 3, 1886, second of the four children and the only son of 1 2
Henry and Frieda Denkelberg. He was called Harry as a child, and became a six foot one inch man with gray eyes and 1 2
brown hair. Ella May was born in 1886, she emigrated from Canada in 1908, and she married Henry in the same year. 1
They had three sons. Robert was born in Illinois in 1910, Arthur was born in Canada in 1912, and Bertram was born in 1
Michigan in October of 1916. “Denkelberg, Port Huron” was embossed with an Old English blind stamp into 1 t
unmounted 4½ by 6½ prints of ice on the St. Clair River taken in March of 1914, and into a 10 by 8 mounted print of a t
horse drawn fire engine and its five man crew in front of Fire Station Number Three. H. Carroll Denkelberg belonged t 3
to the Commercial Photographers Association of Detroit in 1927, and concentrated upon commercial photography as 3 P
proprietor of the Denkelberg Studio in 1928. P
1. 1900 Federal Census of the Second Ward and 1910 Federal Census of the 25th Ward of Chicago in Cook County, Illinois, plus
1920 and 1930 Federal Censes of the Fifth Ward of Port Huron in St. Clair County, Michigan.
2. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.
3. Constitution and By-Laws, The Commercial Photographers Association of Detroit, 1927-1928.

Denkin, Samuel
Detroit (Posen & Denkin) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 304 Theodore st ........................................................................ 1913 d

Dennis, E. M.
Hastings PHOTOGRAPHER .......................................................................................................................... 1908-1909 m
Dennis, F. F.
Blanchard PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................. ca 1915 t
CHRESTENSON, BLANCHARD, MICH” was lettered on the negative of a post card photograph of a cow and a calf. t

Dennis, Harold Tucker

Westbury, England, child ........................................................................................................................................... 1881 1
Auburn, New York, bookkeeper ................................................................................................................................ 1900 d
Detroit bookkeeper .......................................................................................................................................... 1901-1903 d
Detroit manufacturers agent or land and improvement company executive ..................................................... 1906,1908 d
Birmingham proprietor of a brokerage company ....................................................................................................... 1910 2
Detroit portland cement company or investment company executive .............................................................. 1910-1911 d
Detroit (Daines & Company) PHOTOGRAPHERS in Room 6 of the Van Husan Block ......................................... 1912 d
Detroit building and realty company president .......................................................................................................... 1913 d
Detroit resident, real estate agent or builder .................................................................................................... 1914-1919 d
Detroit housing contractor ......................................................................................................................................... 1920 2
Detroit housing corporation executive or resident ........................................................................................... 1920-1923 d
Los Angeles, California, proprietor of a loan business .............................................................................................. 1930 2
Harry was born at Westbury in Somerset County, England, on October 7, 1876, eldest of the four children of James 1 3
C. and Sarah A. (Tucker) Dennis. His father immigrated in 1883, and the family followed him a year later. Harry 2
became a United States citizen when his father was naturalized while Harry was a minor. Grace Bruce was born in 2
Michigan on April 15, 1877, the daughter of C. W. and Grace (Barnum) Bruce. She married Harry in 1901, and gave 2 4
birth to William on March 12, 1904, and to Robert in 1911. Harry was a stout man with blue eyes and light hair in 4 3
1918. Grace died at Los Angeles on December 27, 1940, and Harry lived there until November 17, 1964. 3 4
1. 1881 England Census.
2. 1900 Federal Census of the Tenth Ward of Auburn in Cayuga County, New York, 1910 Federal Census of the village of Birmingham
in Oakland County and 1920 Federal Census of the Second Ward of Detroit in Wayne County, Michigan, plus 1930 Federal Census
of Assembly District 58 of Los Angeles in Los Angeles County, California.
3. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.
4. California Death Index, 1940-1997.

Dennis, Harry
Chicago, Illinois, resident .......................................................................................................................................... 1900 1
Three Oaks PHOTOGRAPHER ...................................................................................................................... 1906-1913 m
Chicago, Illinois, osteopathic physician ........................................................................................................... 1918-1920 2 1
Chicago, Illinois, osteopathic physician ..................................................................................................................... 1930 1
Harry was born on November 16, 1872, became a slender man with blue eyes and brown hair, and emigrated from 2 1
England in 1892. Victoria was born in Germany in 1878 or 1879, she was brought to this country in 1890, and she 1
married Harry about 1895. She and Harry became naturalized citizens of the United States in 1898, and they never had 1
children. Harry’s occupation in 1900 was illegible on the census record, but could have been something like actor or 1
doctor. “H. Dennis, Photographer, Three Oaks, Mich.” was printed on the post card backs of photographs with such 1 t
legends as “RESED. OF E. K. WARREN” stamped beneath the pictures. t
1. 1910 Federal Census of the village of Three Oaks in Berrien County, Michigan, plus 1900 Federal Census of the 26th Ward, 1920
Federal Census of the 25th Ward, and 1930 Federal Census of the 48th Ward of Chicago in Cook County, Illinois.
2. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.

Dennis, James Konstantine

Belding PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................ 1917-1931 1 m
James was born at Athens in Greece on April 13, 1890, came to America in 1909, and by 1920 was a naturalized 2 3
citizen of the United States. He was medium sized with brown eyes and dark hair. His wife, Edna, had Canadian 2 3
parents and was born in Michigan in 1891. James and Edna were married about 1912, and they never had children. 3 2
They lived at 310 Main Street in 1917, and probably his studio was at the same location. A 6½ by 9½ inch composite 2 t
photograph of the twenty one members of the Belding High School Class of 1918 and their school had “Dennis” t
artistically lettered in the lower right hand corner. t
1. Rural Directory of Ionia County, 1917, Wilmer-Atkinson Company, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania..
2. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.
3. 1920 Federal Census of the Second Ward and 1930 Federal Census of the Third Ward of Belding in Ionia County, Michigan.

Dennison, David C.
Saint Louis PHOTOGRAPHER ...................................................................................................................... 1882-1883 m

Dennison, E. E.
Athens PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................. 1908-1909 m
Denniston, DeWitt C.
Sciota Township student ............................................................................................................................................ 1870 1
Sciota Township farm laborer .................................................................................................................................... 1880 1
Saint Louis (Dawes & Denniston) PHOTOGRAPHERS on Mill st ..................................................................... ca 1883 t
Saint Louis PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................... ca 1885 t
Laingsburg PHOTOGRAPHER ...................................................................................................................... 1891-1901 R m
Laingsburg PHOTOGRAPHER on the third floor of the Stone Building ................................................................. 1902 R 2
Dowagiac PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................ 1902-1907 m
Dowagiac PHOTOGRAPHER at 222 Front st south ....................................................................................... 1908-1911 m 3
Saint Maries, Idaho, PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................ 1912-1913 4
His parents came from New York, and Dewitt was born in Michigan in April of 1857. He and his younger brother 1
Daniel were living on the farm of Ezekiel and Flora Putnam in 1870, and Dewitt still was there in 1880, so Flora just 1
might have been his mother. Mary was born in Michigan in February of 1868, and was said to be from a Laingsburg 1 2
family. She married Dewitt about 1890, and they never had children. Dewitt sold his Laingsburg studio to George 1 5
Atchinson in 1902. He advertised in The Billiken, the 1909 senior annual of Dowagiac High School, and frequently 5
during 1910 in the Dowagiac Daily News. At this time, Mary was conducting a dress making business from their 5 1
home. They left Dowagiac in the spring of 1911 with the intention of relocating in the west. 1 3
1. 1870 and 1880 Federal Censes of Sciota Township and 1900 Federal Census of the village of Laingsburg in Shiawassee County, plus
1910 Federal Census of the First Ward of Dowagiac in Cass County, Michigan.
2. Birdie Colby and Emma Jane Wright, The Hill and Below, Laingsburg, Michigan, 1976.
3. Dowagiac Daily News, Dowagiac, Michigan, March 31, 1911.
4. Carl Mautz, Biographies of Western Photographers, Carl Mautz Publishing, Nevada City, California, 1997.
5. Learned in 1993 from Genny Kroepel of the Southwestern Michigan College Museum.

Deno, Frank
Colon Township child ................................................................................................................................................ 1870 1
Burr Oak student ........................................................................................................................................................ 1880 1
Burr Oak shoe merchant .................................................................................................................................. 1896-1897 m
Burr Oak (Hincher & Deno) PHOTOGRAPHERS ................................................................................................... 1898 2
Burr Oak dealer in boots and shoes ........................................................................................................................... 1900 1
Chicago, Illinois, janitor for a private family ............................................................................................................. 1910 1
Burr Oak general painter ............................................................................................................................................ 1930 1
His shoemaker father emigrated from the Prussian region and his mother emigrated from the Mecklenburg region of 1
Germany, and Frank was born in Michigan in December of 1869, eldest of the three sons of Frederic and Hannah 1
Deno. Her father came from Pennsylvania, Effie was born in Michigan in April of 1866, and she married Frank about 1
1890. Their son Norman was born here in August of 1893. Frank had replaced his brother William as the partner of 1 2
Otis R. Hincher before the Burr Oak gallery was sold by Hincher & Deno to Mr. Miller of Coldwater early in 1899. 2
1. St. Louis and Canadian Photographer; volume 23, number 1, January 1899, page 41.
2. 1870 Federal Census of Colon Township plus 1880, 1900 and 1930 Federal Censes of the village of Burr Oak in St. Joseph County,
Michigan, as well as 1910 Federal Census of the Second Ward of Chicago in Cook County, Illinois.

Deno, William M.
Burr Oak child ........................................................................................................................................................... 1880 1
Burr Oak (Hincher & Deno) PHOTOGRAPHERS ................................................................................................... 1898 m 2
Burr Oak dealer in boots and shoes ........................................................................................................................... 1900 1
Burr Oak shoe merchant ................................................................................................................................... 1910,1920 1
Burr Oak proprietor of a grocery and shoe store ....................................................................................................... 1930 1
Williams parents, Frederic and Hannah Deno, emigrated from Germany and he was born in Michigan in November 1
of 1875. Frank was his older brother and Albert was his younger brother. Her parents also were German, Emma was 1
born here in 1875 or 1876, the daughter of John and Fredricka Bauman. She married William about 1902, and they 1
never had children. Frank Deno seems to have taken the place of William as the partner of Otis R. Hincher before the 1 2
end of 1898. Emma clerked in her husbands store in 1920 and 1930. 2 1
1. 1880, 1900, 1910, 1920 and 1930 Federal Censes of the village of Burr Oak in Burr Oak Township of St. Joseph County, Michigan.
2. St. Louis and Canadian Photographer; volume 23, number 1, January 1899, page 41.

Denroche, William S.
Detroit photographer .................................................................................................................................................. 1882 d
W. S. Denroche was a printer for photographers Nicholls & Parkin in 1884 at Winnipeg, Manitoba. 1
1. Carl Mautz, Biographies of Western Photographers, Carl Mautz Publishing, Nevada City, California, 1997.

Densham, Oliver
Bay City (Densham & Voorhees) PHOTOGRAPHERS on the ground floor at 509 Third st ......................... 1889-1890 b R
Densham & Voorhees were successors to Colburn & Son, and used the instantaneous process. t
Densmore, Jay S.
Kendall Township, New York, student ...................................................................................................................... 1850 1
Kendall Township, New York, school teacher .......................................................................................................... 1860 1
Holley, New York, jeweler ........................................................................................................................................ 1870 1
Kalamazoo (Mr. & Mrs. Densmore) PHOTOGRAPHERS ....................................................................................... 1880 1 2
Three Rivers (Mr. & Mrs. Densmore) PHOTOGRAPHERS .......................................................................... 1880-1881 2
Three Rivers PHOTOGRAPHER ......................................................................................................................... ca 1881 t
Niles PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................................ 1882-1890 m R
Niles proprietor of a photo engraving business ................................................................................................ 1890-1891 m
Jay was born in New York in 1839, the only son of Artemus and Saphrona Densmore. His sister Annetta was born 1
three years later, and by 1860 his mother was a widow. He served in the United States Navy from January 16, 1863, 1 3
until June 19, 1864, and was Third Assistant Engineer on the U. S. Steamer Scotia or Scioto. No pension record was 3
found for him. See the following entry for information about his marriage. This advertisement ran during December of 1 2
1880: “Mr. & Mrs. Densmore, Photographic Artists from Kalamazoo, have opened the PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY 2
on the corner of St. Jo. and Penn Streets, THREE RIVERS, MICH. They are fully supplied with all of the improved 2
facilities necessary for the production of the best grades of picture, promptly, rapidly, and cheaply, and until after the 2
approaching Holiday Season will serve their customers with first-class work at the following VERY LOW PRICES: 2
Carte de Visit Photographs. plain prints, $1.00 per dozen 2
Carte de Visit Photographs. fancy prints, $1.50 per dozen 2
Victoria Photographs. plain prints, $1.50 per dozen 2
Victoria Photographs. fancy prints, $2.00 per dozen 2
Cabinet Photographs. plain prints, $2.50 per dozen 2
Cabinet Photographs. fancy prints, $3.00 per dozen 2
8 x 10 Photographs, for frame, $1.00 for first picture, and 50 cents 2
each for copies. 2
Special attention given to work outside the gallery such as Post Mortem pictures, views of Residences, Business 2
Places, &c., &c., as customers may require. A large assortment of Stereoscopic Views of Public Buildings, Streets, and 2
Places of general interest in Three Rivers and Kalamazoo, for sale at $1.50 per dozen. Very nice for Holiday Presents. 2
Stereoscopes 50 cents each. The gallery will be conducted on strictly business principles with an aim to please all its 2
customers. Call and see samples of work.” Stereographs of other states had “DENSMORE, Photographer, Three 2 t
Rivers, Mich.” printed on their backs. Jay’s emulsion filter was pictured and described in Wilson’s Photographics in t 4
1881. He was granted Patent Number 290,217 on December 18, 1883, covering his machine for Retouching 4 p
Photographic Negatives. He demonstrated his machine at the 1884 convention of the Photographers’ Association of p 5
America in Cincinnati, where many rival machines were exhibited. Jay advertised in 1885 and 1886: “DENSMORE, 5 6
Niles, Mich., makes all kinds of Photographs to life size. Sittings, instantaneous. Bring the children and come 6
yourselves. Call whether in want of pictures or not. Prices reasonable, and customers pleased. Cabinets, $3.00 per 6
dozen and other styles equally low.” Jay produced stereo views of Niles business streets and parks, and one of his card 6 t
photographs was of a depot. Three of his suggestions were included in the 1887 publication, Wilson’s Quarter Century t 7
in Photography. The frontispiece of a photographic magazine in the spring of 1891 was produced from a half-tone 7 8
etching made by Jay using a photograph made by another man. His article on “Albumen Paper Printing” was in The 8 9
American Annual of Photography for 1892, and mentioned that the methods which he described had been used in his 9
business for the past twelve years. Jay’s widow, Mrs. Laura A. Densmore, was living in Niles in 1892. 9 0
1. 1850 and 1860 Federal Censes of Kendall Township and 1870 Federal Census of the village of Holley in Orleans County, New York,
plus 1880 Federal Census of the city of Kalamazoo in Kalamazoo County, Michigan.
2. St. Joseph Republican Courier, Three Rivers, Michigan, December 11 to 25, 1880.
3. 1890 Census of Michigan Civil War Veterans and Widows.
4. Wilson’s Photographics, 1881, page 268.
5. The Photographic Times, New York, volume 14, number 164, August 1884, page 447.
6. Berrien County Journal, July 11, 1885; and June 5, 1886.
7. Edward L. Wilson, Wilson’s Quarter Century in Photography, New York, New York, 1887, pages 107, 111, 112 and 324.
8. The Beacon, volume 3, number 29, May 1891.
9. The American Journal of Photography and Photographic Times Almanac, Scoville Manufacturing Co., New York, for 1892, pages 74 and 75.
0. Niles city directory, 1892.
Densmore, Laura A., Mrs.
Murray Township, New York, child or student ................................................................................................ 1850,1860 1
Holley, New York, housewife .................................................................................................................................... 1870 1
Kalamazoo (Mr. & Mrs. Densmore) PHOTOGRAPHERS ....................................................................................... 1880 1 2
Three Rivers (Mr. & Mrs. Densmore) PHOTOGRAPHERS .......................................................................... 1880-1881 2
Niles widow ............................................................................................................................................................... 1892 3
Laura was born in New York State in 1844 or early in 1845, the only child of Joseph B. and Lorinda M. Graham. 1
She married Jay S. Densmore about 1864, and their children were born in New York: Eva in 1866, Leo about 1871, 1
and Ida May about 1875. 1
1. 1850 and 1860 Federal Censes of Murray Township and 1870 Federal Census of the village of Holley in Orleans County, New York,
plus 1880 Federal Census of the city of Kalamazoo in Kalamazoo County, Michigan.
2. St. Joseph Republican Courier, Three Rivers, Michigan, December 11 to 25, 1880.
3. Niles city directory, 1892.

Dent, Joseph
Howardsville PHOTOGRAPHER and plumber .............................................................................................. 1886-1891 m

Denton, _______
Eaton Rapids (West & Denton) PHOTOGRAPHERS ......................................................................................... ca 1898 t
Springport (West & Denton) PHOTOGRAPHERS .............................................................................................. ca 1898 t

Denton, Alonzo
Tilsonburg, Ontario, hardware merchant ......................................................................................................... 1885-1886 1
Saginaw portrait artist or portrait enlarger ....................................................................................................... 1898-1903 m 2
Flint (Denton & Hall) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 310 Saginaw st north ....................................................................... 1917 3
Flint (Denton & Leavitt) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 310 Saginaw st north ......................................................... 1918-1919 3 m
Flint owner of an art gallery ....................................................................................................................................... 1920 2
Caro (American Art Studio) PHOTOGRAPHERS .......................................................................................... 1922-1931 m
Alonzo was born in Canada in August of 1865, the son of Lacie and Mary Denton. Ida May Tabor was born in 2 1
Canada in November of 1870, the daughter of Christopher and Harriet Tabor. She and Alonzo were married at 2 1
Tilsonburg on January 5, 1886. Their son Charles was born in Essex County, Ontario, on September 4, 1888. Their 2 1
son Lorne was born in Norfolk County, Ontario, on March 10, 1891. Alonzo was identified as a local merchant in both 1
1888 and 1891. The boys crossed the border with their parents in 1893, and by 1900 Alonzo had his first papers 1 2
toward United States citizenship. Something happened to his first marriage, and about 1905 Alonzo married May C. 2
Imerson. Her father came from Canada and May was born in Michigan in 1879, the daughter of William and Celinda 2
Imerson. She gave birth to Clifford in June of 1908. May and Clifford were living with her parents at Caro in both 2
1910 and 1920. Quincy R. Hall and Loneta Leavitt were Alonzo’s partners in Flint, and Denton & Leavitt specialized 2 m
in photo enlarging. Lon was rooming with the parents of 20-year-old Loneta Leavitt in 1920. He offered picture frames 2 m
as well as photography from his art studio at Caro. Though May had been characterized as divorced in 1920, by 1930 m 2
Alonzo had joined his wife and son in the Imerson household at Caro. 2
1. Ontario, Canada Marriages, 1857-1924, and Ontario, Canada Births, 1869-1909.
2. 1900 Federal Census of the Third Ward of Saginaw in Saginaw County, 1920 Federal Census of the First Ward of Flint in Genesee
County, plus 1910, 1920 and 1930 Federal Censes of the village of Caro in Tuscola County, Michigan.
3. “Photographers of Flint, Michigan” by Kenneth A. Wallace in The Flint Genealogical Quarterly; volume 17, numbers 2 ,3 and4,
and volume18, numbers 1, 2, 3 and 4, April 1975 to October 1976.

Denton, Charlie
Roscommon manager of the Northwestern Photographic View Company ........................................................... ca 1890 t

Denton, Claude C.
Grand Rapids photo printer ....................................................................................................................................... 1890 g
Grand Rapids photo printer for photographer James Bayne ............................................................................ 1891-1892 g
Grand Rapids photo printer or photographer ................................................................................................... 1893-1894 g

Denyer, D. W.
Decatur PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................ 1902-1903 m
The name was also spelled Demyer in the same source. m

Deplidge, Joseph
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at the corner of Summit av and River road ................................................................... 1884 d
Detroit printer ............................................................................................................................................................ 1885 d
DePue, James H.
Hastings child ............................................................................................................................................................ 1880 1
Toledo, Ohio, salesman for a brokerage company ..................................................................................................... 1910 m
Muskegon self-employed farmer ............................................................................................................................... 1918 1 R
Flint photographer for a drug store ............................................................................................................................ 1920 R
Flint PHOTOGRAPHER at 1214 Saginaw st north ......................................................................................... 1920-1925
Mount Morris Kodak finisher for his wife’s developing studio ................................................................................. 1930
James was born in Michigan to parents from New York on May 31, 1875, fourth of the five children and the only
son of James B. and Helen E. DePue. He matured into a tall man with blue eyes and light brown hair. Grace was born
in Michigan to parents from Ohio in 1879, and she married James about 1902. James was lodging by himself in a large
boarding house in 1910. He and Grace still were together in 1920, but a year or two later he was able to marry for the
second time. His bride was named Alice, and she was born in South Carolina about 1905. Their son Russell was born
in 1922 or early in 1923. By 1925 James was emphasizing the developing of film for customers. In 1930 Alice was
proprietor of a developing studio where James developed the negatives and finished the photographic prints.
1. 1910 Federal Census of the Sixth Ward of Toledo in Lucas County, Ohio, 1880 Federal Census of the city of Hastings in Barry
County, plus 1920 Federal Census of the Fifth Ward of Flint and 1930 Federal Census of the village of Mount Morris in Genesee
County, Michigan.
2. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.

Derby, Ella, Mrs.

Benton Harbor (Derby & Fredericks) PHOTOGRAPHERS at the southeast corner of Church and Summit sts ....... 1894 B
Benton Harbor PHOTOGRAPHER at 117 Broadway .............................................................................................. 1896 B
Benton Harbor PHOTOGRAPHER at 513 Pipestone st ............................................................................................ 1899 B
Benton Harbor PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................... 1900 1
Ella was born in Pennsylvania in October of 1861, and she married Gustav Derby in 1886 or 1887. Gustav was born 2
in Sweden in March of 1858, immigrated to the United States in 1878 and became a naturalized citizen. Their son Paul 2
was born in Nebraska in April of 1890, and their son Glenwood was born in Michigan in October of 1893. Gustav was 2
the proprietor of a Benton Harbor restaurant. In April of 1898 it was reported that the photograph car of Mrs. E. Derby 2 1
had been moved from the vacant lot west of M. Hennis’ store to the lot east of the City Steam Laundry. Late in July of 1
1900 it was announced that Mrs. Derby was offering her photograph outfit for sale September first, and pictures at cut 1
rates till then. By 1920 Gust was a widower working as a night clerk in a Benton Harbor hotel and providing a home 1 2
for the family of his son Glenwood. Ten years later Gust was back in the restaurant business and employing his son 2
Paul as a cook. 2
1. Benton Harbor Daily Palladium, Benton Harbor, Michigan, April 11, 1898, and July 30, 1900. Noted by James G. Donaldson of
Detroit, Michigan.
2. 1900 Federal Census of the Second Ward plus 1920 and 1930 Federal Censes of the Fourth Ward of Benton Harbor in Berrien
County, Michigan.

Derby, Glenn D.
Lansing student .......................................................................................................................................................... 1900 1
Flint bookkeeper for a cigar factory ........................................................................................................................... 1910 1
Flint real estate and insurance agent .......................................................................................................................... 1917 2
Lansing PHOTOGRAPHER at 100 ½ Washington av north ........................................................................... 1920-1925 m
Lansing PHOTOGRAPHER at 527 Washington av north ............................................................................... 1926-1927 m
Lansing (Derby Studio) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 527 Washington av north .................................................... 1930-1931 m
Glenn was born at Litchfield, Michigan, on January 13, 1891, last of the four children of Daniel J. and Ida M. Derby. 2 1
His sisters Nellie and Nina and his brother Jim were born between 1876 and 1881. Katie was born in Michigan in 1
1889 or early in 1890, and she married Glenn about 1910. Katie was a photographer, and in 1930 was associated with 1 m
Glenn as a proprietor of the Derby Studio. They had no children, and Katie probably was involved with Glenn’s 1 m
photographic business throughout the preceding decade. m
1. 1880 Federal Census of the village of Litchfield in Hillsdale County, 1910 Federal Census of the Fifth Ward of Flint in Genesee
County, plus 1900 and 1930 Federal Censes of the Fourth Ward of Lansing in Ingham County, Michigan.
2. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.
Derby, Hugh
Portland child ............................................................................................................................................................. 1880 1
Portland (Wood Photograph Gallery) PHOTOGRAPHERS ..................................................................................... 1898 2
Portland clerk in a grocery store ................................................................................................................................ 1900 1
Portland (Rhodes & Derby) PHOTOGRAPHERS .......................................................................................... 1900-1901 m
Portland PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................... 1904-1910 m 1
Portland clothing store clerk or salesman ........................................................................................................ 1918-1920 3 1
Portland proprietor of a meat market ......................................................................................................................... 1930 1
His parents came from Massachusetts and New York and Hugh was born in Ohio on February 4, 1877, fifth of the 1 3
seven children of Alfred and Josephine (Sellack) Derby. That Eston Smith had acquired the Portland gallery of George 1 2
W. Wood and would be operating it with the assistance of Hugh Derby was reported in the fall of 1898. Frank B. 2 4
Rhodes was the son of a photographer and had more than a decade of professional photographic experience before he 4 t
became Hugh’s partner in 1900. Reva E. Hogle was born in Michigan on February 13, 1881. She and Hugh were m 5
married around 1901, and their daughter Doris was born in the spring of 1912. Reva died in Humboldt County, 1 5
California, on September 14, 1960. Hugh was living at Arcata in Humboldt County at the time of his death on August 5
21, 1969. 5
1. 1880, 1900, 1910, 1920 and 1930 Federal Censes of the village of Portland in Ionia County, Michigan.
2. St. Louis and Canadian Photographer; volume 22, number 9, September 1898, page 512.
3. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.
4. Civil War Veteran Pension Record of James P. Rhodes obtained from the National Archives at Washington, D. C.
5. California Death Index, 1940-1997.

Derkach, Mark
Detroit auto worker .................................................................................................................................................... 1917 1
Detroit photographer .................................................................................................................................................. 1920 d
Hamtramck artist ........................................................................................................................................................ 1921 d
Hamtramck PHOTOGRAPHER at 9639 Joseph Campau av .................................................................................... 1922 d
Hamtramck PHOTOGRAPHER at 11352 Joseph Campau av ............................................................................. ca 1922 t
Hamtramck PHOTOGRAPHER at 11446 Joseph Campau av between Caniff and Casmere sts ..................... 1923-1941 d t
Mark was born at Grodna in Russia on October 30, 1888, and became a tall slender man with gray eyes and brown 1
hair. In 1917 he and his wife were living in Hamtramck. In 1922 Mark advertised his “Studio and Fine Art Gallery. 1 d
We teach Commercial Photography and Art Portrait Painting from Nature....” Studio portraits had “M. DERKACH d t
Campau Bet. Caniff & Casmere, Hamtramck, Mich.” printed on their post card backs. t
1. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.

Derkacz, Wasyl
Detroit photographer or printer for the Wayne Publishing Company .............................................................. 1916-1917 d 1
Detroit photographer .................................................................................................................................................. 1917 d
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 80 Gratiot av ................................................................................................... 1918-1919 d
Wasyl was born at Kliwodynd in Austria on November 28, 1895. He was a short slim single man in 1917, with gray 1
eyes and brown hair. 1
1. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.

Derr, Lona, Mrs.

Holland dress maker .................................................................................................................................................. 1910 1
Ann Arbor PHOTOGRAPHER at 721 University av north ....................................................................................... 1920 2
Lona, or Leona, was born in Michigan early in 1882 to parents who also were born here. She married Schuyler Derr 1
about 1904 and gave birth to Robert in 1907. She was conducting her dress-making business from their home prior to 1
the birth of their daughter Lillian in 1910. Lona was a widow by the time she advertised in 1920: “Your Photograph 1 2
Will be a pleasing picture as well as a good likeness if made at The Derr Studio, 721 N. U. Phone 296-J.” 2
1. 1910 Census of the Fifth Ward of Holland in Ottawa County, and 1920 Federal Census of the Sixth Ward of Ann Arbor in Washtenaw
County, Michigan.
2. Michiganensian, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 1920.

Derr, Schuyler
Holland varnisher for a wagon works ........................................................................................................................ 1910 1
Constantine PHOTOGRAPHER ..................................................................................................................... 1910-1913 m
Schuyler was born in Pennsylvania in 1883 or early in 1884, and he married Lona about 1904. They had a son and a 1
daughter born between 1907 and 1910. Schuyler died prior to 1920. 1
1. 1910 Census of the Fifth Ward of Holland in Ottawa County, and 1920 Federal Census of the Sixth Ward of Ann Arbor in Washtenaw
County, Michigan.
Des Jardins, Edmund R.
Alpena PHOTOGRAPHER and grocer at 829 Chisholm st at the corner of Tenth st ..................................... 1887-1889 1 m
Alpena grocer .................................................................................................................................................. 1890-1899 m
In 1887 Edmund claimed to do fine photographic work at reasonable prices, and to stock a choice line of groceries. 1
1. Alpena city directory, 1887-88.

Desmaries, Oliver
Detroit photographer for the Hunter Brothers ............................................................................................................ 1880 d
Oliver commuted across the Detroit River to his job from Windsor, Ontario. There was a photographer named O. d 1
Desmarais about 1885 in New Haven, Connecticut. 1
1. Diane VaSkiver Gagel, Directory of Photographers in the United States 1888 & 1889 and Canada 1889, Heritage Books, Bowie,
Maryland, 2002. (Much of the data in this publication has proven to be at least two years out-of-date.)

Deter, _______
Allegan PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................................. ca 1897 t

Deter, Samuel A.
Portage Township, Ohio, child or student ........................................................................................................ 1860-1870 1
Findlay, Ohio, telegrapher ......................................................................................................................................... 1880 1
Grand Rapids photo printer for photographer Bradford D. Jackson .......................................................................... 1886 g
Grand Rapids (Star Gem Gallery) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 39 Canal st .................................................................... 1888 g
Grand Rapids PHOTOGRAPHER at 39 Canal st ............................................................................................ 1888-1889 m g
Cleveland, Ohio, photographer .................................................................................................................................. 1890 2
Grand Rapids photographer ....................................................................................................................................... 1894 g
Grand Rapids traveling agent ............................................................................................................................ 1895,1899 g
San Bernardino Township, California, traveling salesman ........................................................................................ 1900 1
Grand Rapids resident, traveling agent or real estate dealer ............................................................................ 1902-1907 g
Grand Rapids sales manager ...................................................................................................................................... 1909 g
Fort Wayne, Indiana, self-employed cleaning compound salesman .......................................................................... 1920 1
Lima, Ohio, newspaper service employee ................................................................................................................. 1930 1
His father came from Pennsylvania and Samuel was born in Ohio in October of 1857, second of the four children of 1
James and Catherine Deter. He grew up on the family farm with two brothers and a much younger sister. Samuel was 1 g
identified as the manager of the Star Gem Gallery. He employed W. Hobart Harper as an artist in 1889. He may have g 2
been working for C. H. Truscott & Company in 1890. He married about 1890 and was characterized as divorced in 2 1
1920 and as a widower in 1930. 1
1. 1860 and 1870 Federal Censes of Portage Township and 1880 Federal Census of Findlay in Hancock County plus 1930 Federal
Census of the Fourth Ward of Lima in Allen County, Ohio, as well as 1900 Federal Census of San Bernardino Township in
San Bernardino County, California, and 1920 Federal Census of the Third Ward of Fort Wayne in Allen County, Indiana.
2. Learned in 2001 from Don Fredgant of Lakewood, Ohio.

Detrick, _______
Battle Creek (Van Nocker & Detrick) PHOTOGRAPHERS ............................................................................... ca 1885 t

Detroit Amateur Photographic Society

During the organization of this society on October 1, 1889, officers were elected to serve until the January meeting: 1
James Joy, president; H. L. Wilton, vice president; Joseph E. Lockwood, secretary; and D. Farrand Henry, treasurer. 1
The society’s rooms on the third floor on State Street just west of Rowland Street were formally opened on Tuesday 1
evening, January 14, 1890, with Bryant Walker outlining the aims and purposes of the club and noting that popular 1
photography dated from the recent advent of dry plates and snap shot cameras. Frederick Joy, president of the society, 1
followed Walker and projected a series of views by members on a screen at one end of the hall. All 150 chairs in the 1
hall were occupied, as was all available standing room. In addition to this assembly room, there were rooms for 1
developing and a room for special experiments, all provided with water and electric lights, a room for lockers and the 1
storage of individual cameras, chemicals and the like, and a room equipped for making solar print enlargements as 1
well as ordinary printing. Mr. C. A. Stacey, representing the Eastman Company of Rochester, New York, addressed a 1 2
special meeting of the society on January 24, 1890. Dainty hand-painted invitations to an entertainment given by the 2 1
society on May 26, 1890, were presented with the compliments of photographic supply dealer George R. Angell. By 1 3
1893 this society had been dissolved. 3
1. Anthony’s Photographic Bulletin, volume 20, number 20, October 26, 1889, page 612;
and volume 21, numbers 3 and 12, February 8 and June 28, 1890, pages 93, 94 and 357.
2. St. Louis and Canadian Photographer; volume 8, number 3, March 1890..
3. The Blue Book of Amateur Photographers ... 1893: compiled by Walter Sprange, Beach Bluff, Massachusetts.
Detroit Camera Club
This club was organized early in February of 1897, and O’Brien Atkinson became secretary. With a membership of 1
50, the spring show was rather crude and local. There were almost 100 members by the time of the autumn show, 1 2
which was more satisfactory. Nearly two hundred entries were displayed in this first annual exhibition of this club. A. 2
D. Noble, Junior, secured the gold medal for the best single picture by an amateur, and the amateur Dr. Hugo Erichsen 2
won the first prize for genre photographs. The best pictures in the professional section were shown by J. E. Watson 2
and E. Donald Roberts. Officers for the ensuing year were elected early in 1898: E. Donald Roberts, president; Mrs. G. 2 3
O. Pratt, vice president; George O. Pratt, secretary; Mrs. P. J. Sherman, historian; and A. D. Noble, custodian. The 3
Second Salon and Exhibition of the club was held at the Detroit Museum of Art on November 21 through 26, 1898. 3
There were three divisions: the salon, the general exhibition and lantern slides, open to artistic workers throughout the 3
world. The third annual Photographic Salon was held in the club rooms from November 25 to December 3, 1899. 3 4
Technique did not receive great consideration in the selection of pictures for the salon, but a general exhibition of 4
photographs without sufficient excellence to be hung in the salon was held at the same time. This was calculated to 4
reconcile salonists and anti-salonists. From 1899 through 1901 the club met at 106 Miami Avenue with E. W. Sprague 4
as president and W. E. Winkler as secretary and treasurer. In 1902 the address was 511 Putnam Avenue, Dr. Preston 4 d
M. Hickey was president, and J. E. Scott was secretary and treasurer. From 1903 until 1905 the address was 69 d
Maybury Grand Avenue, J. E. Scott was president, and W. E. Brinkerhoff was secretary and treasurer. A new Detroit d 5
Camera Club was organized in the spring of 1910 with W. B. Wilcox, president; C. L. Warren, vice president; C. J. 5
Schauer, secretary; and Harold Collins, treasurer. Rooms were established at 6 Adams Avenue West, and the club 5
sponsored outings, a circulating portfolio, and monthly competitions. At the first semi-annual meeting on October 4, 5
1910, J. E. Scott was elected vice president and the other officers were re-elected. An exhibition was to be held early 5
in 1911. 5
1. Identification of the source of this information has been misplaced, and must be re-established.
2. Wilson’s Photographic Magazine, volume 34, number 486, June 1897, page 288.
3. Anthony’s Photographic Bulletin, volume 26, February and October of 1898, pages 63 and 298.
4. The Photo-Miniature, volume 1, number 7, October 1899, pages 366 and 367.
5. The Photographic Times, New York, volume 42, numbers 5, 7, 8 and 11, May, July, August and November of 1910,
pages 202, 283, 284, 325 and 446.

Detroit Camera Exchange

Detroit PHOTOGRAPHERS at 53 Gratiot av ................................................................................................. 1912-1913 m

Detroit Camera Shop

Detroit PHOTOGRAPHERS and photo supply merchants at 67 Grand River av ........................................... 1916-1917 m
Detroit photo supply merchants at 67 Grand River av ..................................................................................... 1918-1920 d
Detroit photo supply merchants at 415 Grand River av ................................................................................... 1920-1948 d 1
Arch P. Wigle and Walter H. Wurst founded this shop, and Walter was the sole proprietor from 1917 on. The shop d
remained in place in 1920, while its address changed along with most others in Detroit. d
1. Detroit telephone directories, 1942 through 1948.

Detroit Carbon Picture Company

Detroit PHOTOGRAPHERS at 576 Kirby av west ................................................................................................... 1906 d
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHERS at the southwest corner of Fourteenth and Grand River avs ....................................... 1907 d
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHERS at 903 Fourteenth av ......................................................................................... 1908-1909 d
Charles Sarjeant was proprietor of this company, which featured fine art publications and commercial photography. d

Detroit Commercial Photograph Company

Detroit PHOTOGRAPHERS at 96 Broadway ................................................................................................. 1912-1913 d m
Charles R. Messinger and Elmer M. Day were the principals of this company. d

Detroit Copying Company

Detroit PHOTOGRAPHERS at 103 Michigan av ........................................................................................... 1919-1920 d
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHERS at 329 Michigan av ........................................................................................... 1920-1923 d m
This company was founded by Frank Baxter and specialized in photo enlargements. Frank W. Gray was proprietor of d
the company from 1920 on. The address change in 1920 was due to numbering system revisions rather than relocation. d
They were identified as commercial photographers in 1922. d
Detroit Film Exchange
Detroit dealers in moving picture films in Suite 24-27 of the Newberry Building .................................................... 1907 d
Detroit dealers in moving picture films in Suite 14-20 of the Newberry Building .................................................... 1908 d
Willard H. Goodfellow was president and Benjamin Jacobson was secretary and treasurer of this company, which d
manufactured, rented and dealt in moving picture films and supplies. d

Detroit Lantern Club

This club was established on January 6, 1891, and continued into 1896. Meetings initially were held on the second 1 d
Monday of each month, with an annual meeting early in January. Later the club met on Thursday evenings at the 2 d
Detroit Museum of Art on Jefferson Avenue, and presented photographic lantern slide exhibitions there about twice a 1 2
month through the season. One such exhibition was “BY SPECIAL REQUEST - THE DETROIT LANTERN CLUB 2 3
will show a series of views taken in this city about 30 years ago. This entertainment will recall memories of the past, 3
and you as a citizen are especially invited to be in the audience at the MUSEUM of ART, Tuesday Eve., Nov. 22, 3
1892.” These slides were probably prepared from negatives by Jex Bardwell, who was an active member of the club, 3 2
and historian Clarence M. Burton provided the commentary. James Joy, son of an early Detroit millionaire, was 4 2
president of the club for a while, but Frank E. Kirby, famed marine designer, was president during most of the life of d 2
the club. D. Farrand Henry, engineer, inventor and designer of the Detroit Water Works, was always secretary and 2 1
treasurer of the club. Alfred D. Noble, Junior, executive of a large family business, was sometimes identified as d 2
director of the club, though Charles C. Hinchman, partner in a wholesale drug firm, was manager of the club in 1892, 1 2
director in 1893 and an active member in 1894. Other members of the club in 1893 and/or 1894 were: William H. and d 5
Orville C. Allen, major dealers in photographic supplies; George R. Angell, Detroit’s other veteran photo supply 1 d
merchant; Eugene T. Barnum, owner of a wire and iron works; George N. Brady, a wealthy commission merchant; 1 5
Joseph M. Bressler, son and partner of a capitalist real estate broker; Charles Buncher, wholesale dry goods merchant 1 d
and amateur archeologist; Dr. William J. Burrows, a dentist; George H. Carlisle, lawyer and circuit court reporter; 1 d
John H. Cartwright, partner in a granite and monumental works; Dr. Leartus Connor, a physician; Roys J. Cram, a civil 1 d
engineer and contractor; Rev. James F. Dickie, pastor of the Central Presbyterian Church; Frederick E. Driggs, a 5 d
prominent attorney; Robert C. Faulconer, president of a manufacturing company; Charles P. Gilbert, secretary and 5 1
manager of the Edison Illuminating Company; Armond H. Griffith, director of the Detroit Museum of Art; Horace d 5
Hitchcock, wholesale woolens merchant; William C. Jupp, wholesale dealer in paper and printing supplies; Max R. 1 d
Lemaire, manager of a large retail store; Hugh McMillan, president of a bank; Charles L. Major, business man and d 1
later a commercial photographer; Frank B. Rae, professional electrical engineer; Ford H. Rogers, owner of the Detroit 1 d
White Lead Works; Ozias W. Shipman, owner of a large coal and wood company; Mortimer L. Smith, a leading 1 5
architect; Albert M. Steele, a real estate broker; E. Chandler Walker, president of a brewing company; and Carlos E. 1 5
Warner, another prominent lawyer. Many of the men were in their fifties and devoted time to intellectual pursuits 1 d
unrelated to their various businesses. d
1. The Blue Book for Amateur Photographers ... 1895: compiled early in 1894 by Walter Sprange, Beach Bluff, Massachusetts.
2. The American Annual of Photography and Photographic Times Almanac, for 1895, 1896 and 1897.
3. Invitation in the Burton Historical Collection of the Detroit Public Library.
4. Detroit Free Press, Detroit, Michigan, November 20, 1892, page 18, column 3.
5. The Blue Book of Amateur Photographers ... 1893: compiled by Walter Sprange, Beach Bluff, Massachusetts.

Detroit Motion Picture Company

Grosse Pointe MOTION PICTURE PHOTOGRAPHERS at 160 Vernier Boulevard .............................................. 1923 t
Printed on the back of a post card photograph of the facade of the Detroit Motion Picture Company studio was: t
“Have you ever been in a motion picture studio and seen the stars at work? Here is your opportunity if you are t
interested. Communicate with Edward Alexander, 601 Stroh Bldg., Detroit, Cherry 7259, and he will show you t
through the finest studio in the world, but only by appointment.” One of these cards was mailed in September of 1923. t

Detroit Novelty Studio

Detroit PHOTOGRAPHERS opposite the post office at 128 Shelby st ............................................................... ca 1897 t
“30 PHOTOS LIKE THIS 10 CENTS. DETROIT NOVELTY STUDIO, 128 Shelby Str….” was stamped on the paper t
backing which held a portrait behind the oval opening in a 3 by 2 ¼ inch ornately embossed card stock frame. This t
business may have been associated with the Detroit Photographic Supply Company. d

Detroit Photo Company

Detroit PHOTOGRAPHERS at 190-192 Grand River av ......................................................................................... 1900 d
Harry Thomas Hall was the manager of this company, which seems to have taken pictures of Hot Springs, South d 1
Dakota. 1
1. Robert Kolbe with Brian Bade, They Captured the Moment, Dakotas Photographers 1853-1920, Pine Hill Press, Sioux Falls, SD, 2006.
Detroit Photo Engraving Company
Detroit photo engravers in the Butterfield Building at 40-44 Larned st west ............................................................ 1897 d
Detroit photo engravers on Fort st at the southwest corner of Wayne st .......................................................... 1899-1900 d
Detroit photo engravers in the Journal Building .............................................................................................. 1901-1908 d
Charles W. McDonald was the proprietor of this business in 1897, and Louis C. Katz was the proprietor from 1899 d
through 1908. d

Detroit Photo Mechanical Printing Company

Detroit printing company ........................................................................................................................................... 1877 1
This company was founded by Lyman G. Bigelow, who visited England from June to August of 1877 to obtain 1
equipment for the venture. 1
1. Identification of the source of this information has been misplaced, and must be re-established.

Detroit Photo Mount Company

Detroit photo mount manufacturers ................................................................................................................. 1907-1908 R

Detroit Photo Tint & Engraving Company

Detroit PHOTOGRAPHERS in the Randall Studio Building at 106 Miami av ................................................... ca 1892 t
This company produced studio portraits in the cabinet format. t

Detroit Photographic Association, The

This association of professional photographers was established in November of 1882. Jex Bardwell was president 1 2
and C. W. Earle was secretary in 1883. The officers elected for 1886 were: Jex Bardwell, president; Albert M. Harris, 2 3
vice president; William H. Allen, treasurer; and Charles W. Earle, secretary; with a council composed of Judge J. J. 3
Speed, D. Farrand Henry and William Marratt. The same officers served in 1887, except that the secretary was 3 1
identified as Charles Farmer. C. W. Earle advised a publisher in July of 1893 that no meetings had been held for 1 4
several years, and though the association had never been formally dissolved, practically it was out of existence. 4
1. The American Annual of Photography and Photographic Times Almanac for 1887, second edition.
2. Anthony’s Photographic Bulletin, volume 14, February 1883, page 89.
3. The British Journal Photographic Almanac and Photographer’s Daily Companion, 1886, page 45.
4. The Blue Book of Amateur Photographers ... 1893: compiled by Walter Sprange, Beach Bluff, Massachusetts.
Detroit Photographic Company
Detroit photographic publishers at the northwest corner of Thirteenth and Linden sts .................................... 1898-1903 d
Detroit picture and frame store at 231 Woodward av ................................................................................................ 1903 d
Detroit photographic publishers at the southwest corner of Vermont and Alexandrine avs ...................................... 1904 d
Detroit photographic publishers at 231 Woodward av .................................................................................... 1905-1907 d
Detroit photographic publishers at 235 Woodward av .................................................................................... 1908-1912 d
Detroit photographic publishers at 22-24 Adams av west ............................................................................... 1913-1915 d
Detroit picture and frame store at 231 Washington Arcade ............................................................................. 1916-1917 d
Detroit picture and frame store at 332 Woodward av ................................................................................................ 1918 d
Detroit picture and frame store at 2236 Woodward av .................................................................................... 1920-1921 d
William A. Livingstone was manager of the Detroit Photographic Company in 1898 and 1899, and was treasurer of d
the company from 1900 through 1903, while Henry A. Cleland was president and George L. Canfield was secretary. d
Livingstone was again listed as manager from 1908 through 1914. Stanley M. Carper was manager from 1916 to 1918, d
and H. J. Nichols was manager in 1921. The Photochrom Company had the same address as the Detroit Photographic d
Company from 1898 through 1904. Livingstone returned from negotiations with the patent holders in Switzerland d 1
during the summer of 1897 with a contract giving him exclusive rights to the Photochrom process in America. 1
Photochrom was a full color printing process employing finely grained lithographic stones from Bavaria with an 1
asphalt coating. Photographic negatives were used without half-tone screens to prepare as many as ten stones to print 1
the different colors of one picture. Albert V. Schuler brought an artist, a machinist and two operators from 1
Switzerland in 1897 to assure that the process was used successfully. William Henry Jackson joined the company in 1
1898, bringing along his large inventory of western negatives. Jackson continued to provide negatives as a traveling 1
photographer until 1903, when he took charge of production in Detroit. By 1902, the Detroit Photographic Company 1
was making seven million prints annually, employing about forty artisans and a dozen commercial travelers. The 1
company is best known to collectors as a prolific and high quality producer of post cards, but many larger prints were 1
made and sold. The collection of the California Historical Society includes an 1899 view of Los Angeles larger than 1 2
10 by 15 inches and three smaller San Francisco street scenes. Prints approximately 5 by 7 and 7 by 9 inches carried 2 t
separately printed gold legends such as: “53431. ARCH ROCK, MACKINAC ISLAND, MICHIGAN. COPYRIGHT t
1899 BY DETROIT PHOTOGRAPHIC CO.” Some of these prints were sandwiched between a backing board and a t
mat, and “... ‘We Photograph the World in the Colors of Nature.’ Detroit Photographic Company, Scenic and Art t
Publishers, Detroit, Michigan.” was printed on the back of some of the boards. When the Detroit Publishing Company t 1
was formed in 1905, it seems to have absorbed the Photochrom Company and to have relegated the Detroit 1
Photographic Company to the role of a local retail outlet. The store was classified with photographers in 1906 and 1 d
1907. “DETROIT PHOTOGRAPHIC CO.” was lettered on the negatives of high quality 7 by 9 inch photographic d t
prints on light 7 ½ by 9 ½ mounts, including a view of the steamer Peerless docked at Mackinac Island and a close-up t
of the light house at the upper entrance to the locks at Sault Ste. Marie. The Company offered photographic t d
developing and printing in 1920. d
1. James L. Lowe and Ben Papell, Detroit Publishing Company Collectors’ Guide, Flushing, New York, 1975.
2. Terry Wm. Mangan and Laverne Mau Dicker, California Photographers 1852-1920, California Historical Society, San Francisco, 1977.

Detroit Photographic Society

In 1868 this society of professional photographers, with Jex Bardwell as president, was reported to be in fine 1
working order. It had been organized to contest the validity of Cutting’s patent rights over the use of bromide in 1 2
photography, and its meager treasury paid Bardwell’s traveling expenses to Philadelphia where the legal battle was 2
concluded successfully in July of 1868. 2
1. The Philadelphia Photographer, volume 5, 1868, page 344.
2. Wilson’s Photographic Magazine, volume 30, number 441, September 1893, pages 391 and 392.

Detroit Photographic Supply Company

Detroit photo supply merchants at 128 Shelby st ............................................................................................. 1897-1898 d
Detroit photo supply merchants at 28 Lafayette av .......................................................................................... 1898-1902 d
Detroit photo supply merchants at 31 Grand River av ..................................................................................... 1903-1911 d
Frank J. Whiting and Harry M. Moore were proprietors of this company from 1897 through 1905. M. H. Bogus d
replaced Moore as Whiting’s partner from 1906 until 1909. The Blome brothers owned the company in 1910 and d
1911, with Fred C. Blome as manager. They were classified as photographers in 1908, 1910 and 1911. d

Detroit Police Department

On the day following his arrest, and immediately after his detailed confession about photographic counterfeiting was 1
made on January 8, 1897, Alfred Devereaux was taken to a Detroit photographer’s studio and “mugged.” He was in 1
the custody of federal marshals at the time, but this seems to have been a typical procedure in this era. For more 1 2
information about photography in the Detroit Police Department, see the entry for Frederick S. Quackenbush. 2
1. Detroit Free Press, Detroit, Michigan, January 9, 1897.
2. Story of the Detroit Police Department, 52nd annual report, 1917.
Detroit Portrait Company
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHERS at 56 Grand River av ................................................................................................... 1891 d
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHERS at 65 Grand River av ......................................................................................... 1892-1893 d
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHERS at 684 Rivard st ................................................................................................. 1902-1903 d
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHERS and picture frame merchants ............................................................................. 1907-1908 R
William J. Radley and Donald A. W. McKinnon were the proprietors of this company in 1891 and 1892, while d
Radley was the sole owner in 1893 and revived the company in 1902 d

Detroit Publishing Company

Detroit printers at 267 Jefferson av ............................................................................................................................ 1899 d
Detroit printers and publishers at the southwest corner of Vermont and Alexandrine avs .............................. 1904-1911 d
Detroit printers and publishers at 235 Woodward av ...................................................................................... 1911-1912 d
Detroit printers and publishers at the southwest corner of Vermont and Alexandrine avs .............................. 1917-1926 d
Detroit printers and publishers at 2373 Seventeenth st .................................................................................... 1927-1935 d
L. F. Kilroy was the manager in 1899 of a printing company which may not have been associated with the d
Photochrom business. “Detroit Publishing Co. FINE ART PUBLICATIONS, ARTISTIC FRAMING, DETROIT, d t
NEW YORK CITY” was printed on a sticker over the paper sealing a carte de visite into its 4 ¼ by 2 ¾ gilded frame. t
About 1905 the Detroit Publishing Company became the predominant firm in Photochrom publishing, absorbing the 1
Photochrom Company and relegating the Detroit Photographic Company to act as a local retail outlet. William A. 1 d
Livingstone was manager of the company through 1923, and then Robert B. Livingstone was manager until 1935. d
“COPR. DETROIT PUBLISHING CO.” was press printed below the photographic image on post cards of such scenes t
as the Detroit Boat Club on Belle Isle, and lettered on the negatives of post card photographs such as one of the t
palatial interior of the steamer City of Detroit. “DETROIT PUBLISHING CO.” was press printed below postal t
photographs of a Knights Templar parade in Detroit in 1906. “COPYRIGHT DETROIT PUBLISHING CO.” was t
printed on the label on some lantern slides. “DETROIT PUBLISHING CO” was lettered on the negatives of t
unmounted 7 ¾ by 9 ¾ photographic prints on heavy stock, including views of cargo vessels under construction and t
being launched in 1912, and both freight and passenger boats in service. The company was included in the commercial t d
photographer classification in 1917, and advertised in 1920: “DETROIT PUBLISHING CO., Commercial d
Department. Framing, Bromide Enlargements, Lantern Slides, Photographing, Color Post Cards. 3925 Vermont d
Ave....” d
1. James L. Lowe and Ben Papell, Detroit Publishing Company Collectors’ Guide, Flushing, New York, 1975.
Detroit Stereograph Company
Detroit publishers of stereo views ......................................................................................................................... ca 1890 t
The views of Detroit and Vicinity listed from 1 to 22 on their mounts included four bird’s-eye views from City Hall t
in different directions and twelve Belle Isle scenes. A different label carried the identical list of views and noted that t
they were for sale by Herman Reif at 94 Gratiot Avenue in Detroit. Herman sold English, French and German books, t d
news, periodicals and stationery from 1883 until 1895. d

Detroit Stereopticon Supplies Concern

Detroit photo supply merchants at 163 Griswold st ......................................................................................... 1905-1909 d
Detroit photo supply merchants at 605 Hodges Building .......................................................................................... 1911 d
Detroit photo supply merchants at 39-53 Cortland av ..................................................................................... 1912-1913 d
They were called the Detroit Stereopticon Advertising Company in 1905. Joseph and Karl Brenkert were principals d
of this firm which manufactured the Brenkert Stereopticons, which were slide projectors or lanterns, and dealt in spot d
lights, reflectoscopes, lanterns, lantern slides (to which they affixed their own label), films and accessories. “THE d t
DETROIT STEREOPTICON SUPPLIES CONCERN, DETROIT, MICH.” was stamped below or beside informal t
images on post card stock of a group of young men relaxing and clowning around. t

Detroit View Company

Detroit STEREOGRAPHERS at 215 Grand River av .......................................................................................... ca 1873 t
Note that the galleries of photographer William J. Walker and of the photographic partners Parker & Marsh were d
both at 215½ Grand River Avenue in 1874, and that the studio of artist Richard A. Pasco was at 215 Grand River d
Avenue in 1875 while he opened a photographic gallery at a different address by 1876. Scenes photographed d t
stereoscopically by the Detroit View Company included Detroit’s City Hall, the Edwards Ship Chandlery and a three- t 1
story mansion. 1 t
1. Learned in 2000 from Carol Johnson of the Library of congress in Washington, D. C.

Detroit Viewing and Photo. Advertising Company

Detroit PHOTOGRAPHERS at 59 Winder st ........................................................................................................... 1890 t
Hiram H. Hunter was the principal of this company. He used the company name on a 12 by 22 inch mount on which d t
was printed: “Wayne County Jury, April 1890” along with the names of fifty jurors, four judges, four county clerks t
and the sheriff. Two photographs were butted end-to-end to make up the 8 by 19 inch view of these men on the steps t
of Detroit City Hall. t

Detroit Viewing Company

Detroit PHOTOGRAPHERS at 179 Michigan av ..................................................................................................... 1878 d t
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHERS at 131 and 133 Michigan av ....................................................................................... 1880 d
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHERS at 227 Jefferson av ............................................................................................ 1886-1888 d
Hiram H. Hunter was the proprietor of this company, with Hiram Gay as a partner in 1886. They produced stereo d t
views, including one of the fire company at Perrysburg, Ohio. On the back of a cabinet photograph of Whitney’s t
Grand Opera House was printed: “Hunter’s Art Gallery, head-quarters DETROIT VIEWING CO. Cheapest Gallery in t
Detroit for First-Class Work.... Specialties: Crayon Portraits, Children’s Photos, and Landscapes.” t
Detwiler, Donald Johnson
Oceanside, California, grocery clerk .......................................................................................................................... 1910 1
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 61 Monroe av ............................................................................................................ 1911 d
Detroit photographer for the Manning Brothers ........................................................................................................ 1912 d
Detroit photographer ........................................................................................................................................ 1914-1915 d
Mundy Township farmer ........................................................................................................................................... 1917 2
Detroit photographer ........................................................................................................................................ 1917-1920 d 1
Detroit salesman or photographer for J. Wesley Hughes ................................................................................. 1920-1922 d
Detroit advertising salesman ...................................................................................................................................... 1924 d
Beaugrand Township farmer ...................................................................................................................................... 1930 1
Carlsbad, California, resident .......................................................................................................................... 1972-1973 3
Donald’s father was Canadian, his mother was born in Michigan, and he was born here at Vicksburg on February 18, 1 2
1892. Something happened to his family, for in 1900 his older sister Angie was living on the farm of her grandfather 1
Arthur Johnson in Mundy Township, his four-year-old sister Mary was boarding with an unrelated family in 1
Vicksburg, and Donald was not to be found. He was boarding with an aunt at Oceanside in 1910. He had become a 1 2
medium-sized man with blue eyes and dark brown hair and was farming for J. Roy Hill in June of 1917, but was 2
leaving for Detroit. Donald was boarding with the family of his sister Angie in 1920. Esther Leone Slade was born in 1 3
Michigan on April 7, 1899, the daughter of Ephraim L. and Edna A. (Francis) Slade, and she married Donald in 1920 3 1
or 1921. Donald died in San Diego County on February 11, 1973, and Esther lived there until December 2, 1985. 1 3
1. 1900 Federal Censes of the village of Vicksburg in Kalamazoo County and Mundy Township in Genesee County, 1910 Federal Census
of Tuscarora Township and 1930 Federal Census of Beaugrand Township in Cheboygan County, and 1920 Federal Census of the Eighth
Ward of Detroit in Wayne County, Michigan, plus 1910 Federal Census of Oceanside in San Diego County, California.
2. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.
3. California Death Index, 1940-1997.

Detwiler, John
Detroit photographer .................................................................................................................................................. 1913 d

Deuel, Clark Owen

Detroit student ........................................................................................................................................................... 1895 1
Detroit clerk ..................................................................................................................................................... 1896-1897 d
Detroit photo clerk ..................................................................................................................................................... 1900 1
Detroit clerk ............................................................................................................................................................... 1901 d
Detroit hardware clerk ..................................................................................................................................... 1902-1909 d
Detroit hardware salesman ............................................................................................................................... 1910-1911 d
Detroit hardware salesman ............................................................................................................................... 1917-1920 2 1
Detroit hardware buyer .............................................................................................................................................. 1930 1
Clark was born in Michigan on May 8, 1878, one of the three children of Dorr K. and Minerva Deuel. His father was 1 2
born in New York and became a horse shoer. Clark often was identified as C. Owen Deuel, and in 1900 was living 1 d
with his parents. Maude was born in New York State in 1885, and she married Clark about 1904. Their children were 1
born in Michigan: Helen in 1905, Geraldine in 1908, Lillian (later Eleanor) in 1910, Walter in 1913, and Bettie in 1
March of 1929. 1
1. 1900 Federal Census of the Tenth Ward, 1920 Federal Census of the Twentieth Ward and 1930 Federal Census of the 21st Ward of
Detroit in Wayne County, Michigan.
2. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.
Deuel, Frederick P.
Tecumseh student ...................................................................................................................................................... 1850 1
Tecumseh DAGUERREOTYPIST in Usborne’s Block ............................................................................................ 1855 2
Tecumseh cabinet maker .................................................................................................................................. 1860-1861 1 3
United States Army soldier .............................................................................................................................. 1861-1862 3 4
Tecumseh resident ........................................................................................................................................... 1862-1883 3
Tecumseh gold and silver plater ...................................................................................................................... 1884-1885 m
Tecumseh proprietor of a repair shop .............................................................................................................. 1886-1891 m
Tecumseh resident ........................................................................................................................................... 1892-1897 3
Tecumseh carpenter ................................................................................................................................................... 1900 1
Frederick was born in December of 1834 at Ontario, New York, the son of Timothy Deuel. His brother Charles was 3 1
three years older and his sister Sophelia was two years younger. Frederick advertised locally in the fall of 1855: “F. P. 1 2
DEUEL, ... Having fitted and materially improved these rooms, now tenders his services in the Art to the Ladies and 2
Gentlemen of Tecumseh and vicinity. His facilities for taking first class Daguerreotypes are not excelled by any similar 2
establishment east or west. He pledges himself to make better work than can be obtained elsewhere at the same price, 2
and in advance perfect satisfaction will be given or no charge made. Everyone is invited to call, for all things are now 2
ready.” Charlotte was born in Michigan in May of 1838, and she married Frederick about 1858. Their son Frank was 2 1
born in February of 1860, and their son Finley was born in 1863 or early in 1864. Frederick enlisted at Adrian as a 1 4
sergeant in Company G of the Fourth Michigan Infantry on June 20, 1861, and was mustered into the army on the 4
same day. He was remembered as strong and rugged, and as one of the most physically fit men in his company. Shortly 4 3
after the Fourth fought at Hanover Court House, Virginia, on May 27, 1862, Frederick was stricken with rheumatism, 3
and was so stiff and lame that he was obliged to ride part of the time. He could have gone to the hospital but managed 3
to stay with his comrades until the Battle of Gaines’ Mill on June 27, when he was wounded in the right thigh by a gun 3
shot. While he was being treated in the hospital for the wound and the rheumatism, he became quite deaf. At this time 3
he was 5 feet 7 inches tall with a light complexion, grey eyes and brown hair. The doctors decided that the wound 3
would not permit Frederick to resume his military duties so he was discharged for disability on October 29, 1862, from 3 4
Fort McHenry at Baltimore, Maryland. The rheumatism and deafness continued to trouble him throughout the rest of 4 3
his life, and were stressed when he was applying for increases to his Invalid Pension. Fred was characterized as a 3 1
millwright in 1870 and 1880. He and Charlotte lost their son Finley prior to 1900, but their son Frank married and had 1
a son. By 1910 Frederick was a widower and an inmate of the National Military Home near Dayton, Ohio. He died on 1 3
April 27, 1911. 3
1. 1850, 1860, 1870, 1880 and 1900 Federal Censes of the village of Tecumseh in Lenawee County, Michigan, plus 1910 Federal
Census of Jefferson Township in Montgomery County, Ohio.
2. Tecumseh Herald, Tecumseh, Michigan, September of 1855.
3. Civil War Veteran Pension Record of Frederick P. Deuel obtained from the National Archives at Washington, D. C.
4. Record of Service of Michigan Volunteers in the Civil War, 1861-1865; published by the State of Michigan about 1904.

Deutsch, Louis Arthur

Cleveland, Ohio, salesman ......................................................................................................................................... 1900 1
Cleveland, Ohio, (Lustig & Deutsch) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 7033 Superior av northeast ...................................... 1909 2
Cleveland, Ohio, general photographer ..................................................................................................................... 1910 1
Cleveland, Ohio, (Deutsch & Cook) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 7033 Superior av northeast ....................................... 1911 2
Cleveland, Ohio, (Deutsch & Kleist) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 7032 Superior av northeast ...................................... 1912 2
Detroit photographer for the Fisher Body Corporation .............................................................................................. 1918 3
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER in Room 11 of the Griswold Building ........................................................................... 1919 d
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER ....................................................................................................................................... 1920 1
His parents emigrated from Hungary and Lou was born in Ohio on December 27, 1881, the son of Samuel and 1 3
Bertha Deutsch. He became a tall man with gray eyes and brown hair. Lillian’s parents emigrated from Canada, she 3 1
was born in Michigan in 1885 or 1886, and she married Lou about 1906. Lou was living in 1918 with Mrs. Bessie 1 3
May Deutsch. The listings in 1919 and 1920 were for Lou A. Deutsche. He was lodging by himself in a large boarding d 1
house in 1920. 1
1. 1910 Federal Census of the 23rd Ward of Cleveland in Cuyahoga County, Ohio.
2. Learned in 2002 from Don Fredgant of Lakewood, Ohio.
3. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.

Devereaux, _______
Detroit (Devereaux & Wright) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 88 Gratiot av ............................................................ 1916-1917 m
Devereaux, _______
Fenton (Devereaux & Bryant) PHOTOGRAPHERS ............................................................................................ ca 1894 t
Fenton (Devereaux & Sluyter) PHOTOGRAPHERS ........................................................................................... ca 1897 t
Gaines (Devereaux & Sluyter) PHOTOGRAPHERS ........................................................................................... ca 1897 t
Linden (Devereaux & Sluyter) PHOTOGRAPHERS ........................................................................................... ca 1897 t
Milford (Devereaux & Sluyter) PHOTOGRAPHERS .......................................................................................... ca 1897 t
Wellington, Ohio, (Devereaux Brothers) PHOTOGRAPHERS ........................................................................... ca 1900 t
Shepherd (Devereaux & Jones) PHOTOGRAPHERS .................................................................................... 1908-1909 m
“Devereaux & Sluyter, Fenton, Milford, Gaines, Linden, Mich.” was printed on some cabinet mounts. t

Devereaux, Albert
Royal Oak Township child ........................................................................................................................................ 1860 1
Fenton student ............................................................................................................................................................ 1870 1
Mundy Township farm laborer .................................................................................................................................. 1880 1
Olivet PHOTOGRAPHER .............................................................................................................................. 1884-1885 m
North Lansing (Devereaux Brothers) PHOTOGRAPHERS ............................................................................ 1890-1891 m
Ashley (Devereaux Brothers) PHOTOGRAPHERS ........................................................................................ 1890-1891 m
Morrice (Devereaux Brothers) PHOTOGRAPHERS ...................................................................................... 1890-1891 m
Vernon (Devereaux Brothers) PHOTOGRAPHERS ....................................................................................... 1890-1891 m
Bancroft (Devereaux Brothers) PHOTOGRAPHERS ..................................................................................... 1891-1893 t m
Byron (Devereaux Brothers) PHOTOGRAPHERS ......................................................................................... 1891-1893 t m
Durand (Devereaux Brothers) PHOTOGRAPHERS ....................................................................................... 1891-1893 t m
Perry (Devereaux Brothers) PHOTOGRAPHERS .......................................................................................... 1892-1893 m
Fenton (Devereaux Brothers) PHOTOGRAPHERS ........................................................................................ 1892-1894 m 2
Fenton PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................. 1894-1895 m
Bancroft PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................... ca 1895 t
Byron PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................................... ca 1895 t
Durand PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................................. ca 1895 t
Fenton PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................. 1896-1911 m
Fenton PHOTOGRAPHER and ice cream parlor proprietor ........................................................................... 1912-1915 m
Fenton PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................. 1918-1919 m
Fenton resident ................................................................................................................................................. 1920,1930 1
Albert was born in Michigan in January of 1858. He and his twin Alfred were first of the seven children of Jonathan 1
Lawrence Devereaux and Charlotte A. Devereaux. Her father came from New York, Minnie was born in Michigan to 1
Levi and Mary Whitford in November of 1858, and she married Albert about 1882. Their sons were born here: Clifton 1
in July of 1887 and Clarence in December of 1888. The Devereaux Brothers were listed as photographers in Ashley, 1 m
Morrice, North Lansing and Vernon in the gazetteer for 1891, and in Bancroft, Byron, Durand, Fenton and Perry in the m
one for 1893. Similar combinations of the same towns were printed on their cabinet mounts, with North Lansing, m t
Durand and Fenton indicated as their main places of business. “Devereaux Brothers are now prepared to take negatives t 3
in this place every Monday” was noted in the Perry World for April 15, 1892. “... Fenton, Durand, Byron, Bancroft, 3 t
Mich.” was printed on some of Albert’s cabinet mounts. Frank Kelley was a neighbor in 1900, and may have been t 1
working for Albert as a photographer. Albert’s ice cream parlor had a soda fountain and sold cigars and confections. 1 m
He and Minnie were providing a home in 1920 for their nine-year-old grandson Donald, while his mother and father 1
next door took care of his baby brother Robert. Albert was a widower by 1930, when both of these boys were living 1
with him. 1
1. 1860 Federal Census of Royal Oak Township in Oakland County, 1870 Federal Census of Bennington Township in Shiawassee
County, 1880 Federal Census of Olive Township in Clinton County, 1880 Federal Census of Mundy Township plus 1870, 1900,
1910, 1920 and 1930 Federal Censes of the village of Fenton in Genesee County, Michigan.
2. The Blue Book for Amateur Photographers ... 1895: compiled early in 1894 by Walter Sprange, Beach Bluff, Massachusetts.
3. Learned in 2006 from Father George C. Michalek of Lansing, Michigan.
Devereaux, Alfred S.
Royal Oak Township child ........................................................................................................................................ 1860 1
Fenton student ............................................................................................................................................................ 1870 1
North Lansing (Devereaux Brothers) PHOTOGRAPHERS ............................................................................ 1890-1891 m
Ashley (Devereaux Brothers) PHOTOGRAPHERS ........................................................................................ 1890-1891 m
Morrice (Devereaux Brothers) PHOTOGRAPHERS ...................................................................................... 1890-1891 m
Vernon (Devereaux Brothers) PHOTOGRAPHERS ....................................................................................... 1890-1891 m
Lansing photographer ................................................................................................................................................ 1891 L
Bancroft (Devereaux Brothers) PHOTOGRAPHERS ..................................................................................... 1891-1893 t m
Byron (Devereaux Brothers) PHOTOGRAPHERS ......................................................................................... 1891-1893 t m
Durand (Devereaux Brothers) PHOTOGRAPHERS ....................................................................................... 1891-1893 t m
Perry (Devereaux Brothers) PHOTOGRAPHERS .......................................................................................... 1892-1893 m
Fenton (Devereaux Brothers) PHOTOGRAPHERS ........................................................................................ 1892-1894 m 2
Detroit COMMERCIAL PHOTOGRAPHER at 38 Congress st west ....................................................................... 1895 d
Detroit EXCLUSIVELY COMMERCIAL PHOTOGRAPHER at 41-43 Monroe av ............................................... 1896 d
Detroit prison inmate ....................................................................................................................................... 1897-1899 3
Crystal portrait photographer ..................................................................................................................................... 1910 1
Alfred was born in Michigan in January of 1858. He and his twin Albert were first of the seven children of Jonathan 1
Lawrence Devereaux and Charlotte A. Devereaux. The Devereaux Brothers gallery in North Lansing was augmented 1 t
by branches at Ashley, Byron, Morrice and Vernon. A major studio at Durand and branches at Bancroft, Byron and t
Morrice supplemented their Fenton gallery. By the time he moved to Detroit, Alfred had a wife and two children but t 4
did not live with them. His commercial photography was mainly exterior and interior views of buildings done for 4
architects and builders. His retouching, printing and mounting were done by employees of Adolphus W. Greene, and 4
by 1896 Alfred was working out of Greene’s extensive studio on Monroe Avenue. Late in the afternoon of January 7, 4
1897, Alfred was arrested there on charges of photographically counterfeiting United States bank notes. Reports 4
conflicted as to whether the photographic equipment confiscated at the time included counterfeiting plates or was only 4 5
a high quality general purpose camera outfit. Greene and his staff were not accused of any criminal actions. Alfred 5 4
made a full confession to a United States Attorney on the following day. He was indicted early in June of 1897 for 5 4
counterfeiting five-dollar bills issued by the National Bank of Commerce of New York and ten-dollar bills issued by 4 6
the Union National Bank of Detroit. Alfred pleaded not guilty and demanded a jury trial separate from his co- 6 4
defendant, the barber William W. Lepper. During his trial, which began on June 10, Alfred’s attorney first claimed that 4
the confession had not been voluntary. Witnesses convinced the judge otherwise, and Alfred was ordered to read the 4
confession in court. Then his attorney claimed that the confession had been obtained under duress and with promises 4
of immunity from prosecution. The jury found Alfred to be guilty, and on June 15 he was fined $500.00 and sentenced 4 6
to three years at hard labor in the Detroit House of Correction. A United States Marshall escorted Alfred to DeHoCo 6
on June 18, 1897. Alfred lost six pounds while imprisoned, and weighed 138 pounds when he was released. Though 6 3
his sentence did not expire until the following June, he was discharged on January 1, 1900. He was said to be a 3 1
widower in 1910, when he was boarding with an unrelated couple. 1
1. 1860 Federal Census of Royal Oak Township in Oakland County, 1870 Federal Census of the village of Fenton in Genesee County,
and 1910 Federal Census of Crystal Township in Montcalm County, Michigan.
2. The Blue Book for Amateur Photographers ... 1895: compiled early in 1894 by Walter Sprange, Beach Bluff, Massachusetts.
3. Detroit House of Correction ledger in the Burton Historical Collection of the Detroit Public Library.
4. The Evening News, Detroit, Michigan, January 8 and June 5, 10, 11, 12 and 15, 1897.
5. The Detroit Free Press, Detroit, Michigan, January 8 and 9, 1897.
6. Criminal Case File Number 4487, U. S. District Court, Eastern District of Michigan, National Archives - Great Lakes Region,
Chicago, Illinois.
Devereaux, Joseph Harold
Detroit child or student ..................................................................................................................................... 1900,1910 1
Detroit photographer .................................................................................................................................................. 1914 d
Detroit (Camera Craft Company) PHOTOGRAPHERS in Room 420 of the Telegraph Building ............................ 1915 d
Detroit photographer .................................................................................................................................................. 1916 d
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 795 Military st ........................................................................................................... 1917 2
Detroit photographer .................................................................................................................................................. 1919 d
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 5426 Dix av ..................................................................................................... 1923-1927 m
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 5418 Vernor Highway west ........................................................................... 1928-1931 d m
Detroit photographer .................................................................................................................................................. 1932 d
He was called Harold as a child, and probably as long as his father lived. He was born in Detroit on March 29, 1 2
1896, last of the five children of Joseph and Catherine Devereaux. His three sisters and one brother were born in 2 1
Michigan between September of 1885 and February of 1891. The surname was spelled Devereux in the 1910 and later 1
censes, in his draft registration, and in most directories after 1922. He became a tall slender man with blue eyes and d 2
brown hair. Pearl was born in Michigan in 1896 or early in 1897, and she married Joseph about 1923. Their children 2 1
were born in Detroit: Shirley in December of 1925, Patricia in May of 1927, and Joseph in December of 1928. 1
1. 1900 Federal Census of the Eighth Ward, 1910 Federal Census of the Sixteenth Ward, and 1930 Federal Census of Precinct 66 of
Detroit in Wayne County, Michigan.
2. World War I Draft Registration Cards microfilmed from the National Archives in Washington, D.C.

DeViney, _______
Stronach PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................... ca 1912 t
DeViney produced post card photographs showing construction of the Stronach Dam on the Pine River in a series t
numbered to at least 38. t

DeViney, _______
Yale PHOTOGRAPHER ...................................................................................................................................... ca 1898 t

DeViney, Orton Legrand

Port Huron photographer or resident ................................................................................................................ 1893,1898 P 1
Alpena (Emmons & DeViney) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 217 Chisholm st west ............................................... 1898-1901 1 m
Port Huron resident .................................................................................................................................................... 1901 2
Port Huron PHOTOGRAPHER at 710 Lapeer av ................................................................................................ ca 1905 t
Ann Arbor photographer ............................................................................................................................................ 1908 1
Port Huron PHOTOGRAPHER at 515 Wall st ............................................................................................... 1908-1919 1 m
Port Huron PHOTOGRAPHER at 206 ½ Huron av ........................................................................................ 1920-1923 m
Port Huron PHOTOGRAPHER at 505 ½ Water st ................................................................................................... 1923 P
Port Huron PHOTOGRAPHER at 505 Water st ............................................................................................. 1924-1928 m P
Orton was born in Canada on October 22, 1873, crossed the border with his family in 1883, and became an 3 4
American citizen when his father was naturalized while Orton was a minor. The rental of the Dafoe gallery in Alpena 4 1
by Orton DeViney and Russell Emmons of Port Huron was reported early in 1899. Orton was boarding in 1900 with 1 3
Mrs. Anna E. Emmons, the widowed mother of Russell. His opening of the Wall Street gallery in Port Huron was 3 1
reported in the spring of 1908. About this time he married a nineteen-year-old lady named Carrie who was born in 1 3
Ohio. He was slender with blue eyes and gray hair in 1918, and his nearest relative was his mother living in another 3 4
Port Huron neighborhood. He advertised in 1926: “DeViney Studio, Photographs of Merit. Not – ‘Just photographs’ 4 P
but portraits – faithful in likeness – truthful in character – attractive in finish – and reasonable in price….” P
1. St. Louis and Canadian Photographer; volume 23, number 1, January 1899, page 42; and volume 32, number 5, May 1908, page 158.
2. Alpena City Directories, 1899 and 1901, R. L. Polk & Company, Detroit.
3. 1900 Federal Census of the First Ward of Alpena in Alpena County, and 1910 Federal Census of the First Ward of Port Huron in
St. Clair County, Michigan.
4. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.

Devoe, Don
Benton Harbor PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................... 1900 1
It was reported in January of 1900 that Don Devoe had taken charge of the photograph gallery of Clyde Rockey, who 1
was busy fixing up his summer resort for Chicago boarders. 1
1. Benton Harbor Daily Palladium, Benton Harbor, Michigan, January 24, 1900. Noted by James G. Donaldson of Detroit, Michigan.
DeVogt, Eugene Henry
Pere Marquette Township shingle packer .................................................................................................................. 1880 1
Reed City (Nix & DeVogt) PHOTOGRAPHERS ..................................................................................................... 1884 2 t
Clare (Nix & DeVogt) PHOTOGRAPHERS .................................................................................................. 1884-1885 m
Clare PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................................ 1886-1895 m
Green Bay, Wisconsin, PHOTOGRAPHER .............................................................................................................. 1900 3
Clare PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................................ 1900-1909 m
Beaverton PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................ 1907-1909 R 4
Detroit photographer in a studio ................................................................................................................................ 1910 1
Clare PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................................ 1910-1911 m
His parents emigrated from France and Germany, and Eugene was born in Ohio in February of 1855. Mary was born 1
in Michigan to parents from New York in December of 1860, last of the four daughters of Levi T. and Mary M. Olds. 1
She and Eugene married about 1878, and they had four children born in Michigan: Edith in October of 1879, Bessie in 1
January of 1883, Rex in January of 1888, and Leo in June of 1890. Their daughter Ardis was born in Wisconsin in 1
1898. Nix & DeVogt announced their partnership in a Reed City newspaper early in 1884, noting their increased 1 2
facilities at Nix’s old stand and promising a finer class of photographic work than ever with style and finish equal to 2
the best and prices as low as first class work could be sold. Eugene was also selling sewing machines in 1890. About 2 m
2:45 a.m. in August of 1903, fire was noticed on McEwan Street between Fourth and Third Streets in Clare. The 4
flames consumed five old frame buildings which had housed the meat market of John Jackson, the studio of E. H. 4
DeVogt, the harness shop of George McKerrchee, a bicycle shop, a furniture and clothing store, a jewelry store, a 4
grocery store, a restaurant and a bakery. Eugene’s gallery, photographs, negatives, cameras and ledgers were 4
destroyed. The glass negatives and ledgers were said to have covered pertinent details of hundreds of lumber camps 4
and the foremen who ran them. In retrospect, the negatives were the most serious loss, but at the time Eugene 4
considered the gallery to be the greatest casualty. He lost his Beaverton studio in a 1909 fire. By 1920 Mary DeVogt 4 1
was a widow living with her daughter Ardis and her husband in Chicago. 1
1. 1860 Federal Census of Decatur Township and 1870 Federal Census of the village of Decatur in Van Buren County, 1880 Federal
Census of Pere Marquette Township in Mason County, 1900 Federal Census of the Second Ward of Clare in Clare County, and 1910
Federal Census of the Eleventh Ward of Detroit in Wayne County, Michigan, plus 1920 Federal Census of the 26th Ward of Chicago
in Cook County, Illinois.
2. Reed City Clarion, Reed City, Michigan, March 14, 1884, page 3.
3. Directory of Wisconsin Photographers; State Historical Society of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin, 1991.
4. Forrest B. Meek, Michigan’s Heartland, Edgewood Press, Clare, Michigan, 1979.

DeVos, _______
Battle Creek PHOTOGRAPHER at 66 Main st west ........................................................................................... ca 1885 t

DeVos, _______
Escanaba (DeVos & Beeman) PHOTOGRAPHERS ........................................................................................... ca 1885 t
Some cabinet mounts have “Wolcott. - Escanaba.” printed below the photograph, and “DeVos & Beeman, View t
Artists.” printed on the back. t

DeVos, _______
Negaunee (DeVos Brothers) PHOTOGRAPHERS .............................................................................................. ca 1885 t
DeVos, Isaac
Pella, Iowa, child or student .............................................................................................................................. 1860,1870 1
Pella, Iowa, artist ....................................................................................................................................................... 1880 1
Charlotte (DeVos & Christmas) PHOTOGRAPHERS .................................................................................... 1882-1883 m
Charlotte (Whalen & DeVos) PHOTOGRAPHERS ............................................................................................ ca 1885 t
Charlotte PHOTOGRAPHER .......................................................................................................................... 1886-1887 m
Warsaw, Indiana, PHOTOGRAPHER at 38 Buffalo st south .................................................................................... 1888 2
Warsaw, Indiana, PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................ 1890-1892 2
Plymouth, Indiana, PHOTOGRAPHER .................................................................................................................... 1892 2
Warsaw, Indiana, PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................ 1893-1895 2 3
Chicago, Illinois, PHOTOGRAPHER at 788 Halsted st south ........................................................................ 1899-1900 c 1
Chicago, Illinois, PHOTOGRAPHER .............................................................................................................. 1910,1920 1
Chicago, Illinois, resident .......................................................................................................................................... 1926 4 t
His parents emigrated from Holland and Isaac was born at Pella, Iowa, on April 21, 1860, third of the five children 1 4
of Izak and Adriana DeVos. He had two older brothers and two younger sisters. Henry J. Christmas was a Charlotte 1 m
photographer prior to his partnership with Isaac, and he continued as a photographer there with other partners until m
1885. On some cabinet mounts originally imprinted “Whalen, CHARLOTTE FINE ART GALLERY, CHARLOTTE, MICH.” the m t
name “DeVOS,” was added in the space following Whalen. Abel J. Whalen was a Charlotte photographer, off and on, t m
from 1872 until 1888. Four of five different printings on Isaac’s cabinet mounts used the words: “DeVos, Cheney R t
Gallery, Charlotte, Mich.” Emma was born to German parents at Fairfield, Ohio, on April 21, 1870, and she married t 4
Isaac about 1886. Their son Kenneth was born in Indiana in June of 1888. Isaac and Emma visited Europe in 1926, 1 4
and took along their fifteen-year-old granddaughter Jean. They returned on the S. S. Montroyal, leaving Liverpool on 4
September 24 and arriving at Quebec on October first. By 1930 Emma was a widow living by herself in Chicago. 4 1
1. 1860, 1870 and 1880 Federal Censes of the city of Pella in Marion County, Iowa, plus 1900 Federal Census of the 24th Ward, 1910 and
1920 Federal Censes of the 21st Ward, and 1930 Federal Census of the 46th Ward of Chicago in Cook County, Illinois.
2. Learned in 2000 from James A. Marusek of Bloomfield, Indiana.
3. The Blue Book for Amateur Photographers ... 1895: compiled early in 1894 by Walter Sprange, Beach Bluff, Massachusetts.
4. Canadian Passenger Lists, 1865-1935.

DeVries, Benjamin
Zeeland Township student ......................................................................................................................................... 1880 1
Grand Rapids student, resident or lawyer ........................................................................................................ 1892-1894 g
Grand Rapids printer or railroad clerk .............................................................................................................. 1896,1899 g
Grand Rapids picture frame merchant or salesman .................................................................................................... 1900 g 1
Grand Rapids PHOTOGRAPHER at 55 Bridge st west .................................................................................. 1901-1903 g m
Grand Rapids huckster, gardener or laborer .................................................................................................... 1903-1908 g
Muskegon resident ..................................................................................................................................................... 1909 g
River Park, Indiana, traveling stove salesman ........................................................................................................... 1910 1
Milwaukee, Wisconsin, commercial traveler selling furnaces ................................................................................... 1920 1
His parents emigrated from the Netherlands and Benjamin was born in Michigan in March of 1872, last of the five 1
children of Jacob and Gtje (VanDerVeen) DeVries. Nellie was born in Michigan in November of 1869, and she 1
married Benjamin late in 1899 or early in 1900. Their daughter Agnes and their son Benjamin were born in Michigan 1
between 1900 and 1902. Their daughter Esther was born in Illinois in 1903 or early in 1904. Benjamin and Nellie and 1
five others were lodging with a Milwaukee family in 1920. 1
1. 1880 Federal Census of Zeeland Township in Ottawa County and 1900 Federal Census of the Eleventh Ward of Grand Rapids in Kent
County, Michigan, 1910 Federal Census of River Park in St. Joseph County, Indiana, and 1920 Federal Census of the First Ward of
Milwaukee in Milwaukee County, Wisconsin..

DeVries, John G.
Grand Rapids bicycle merchant ................................................................................................................................. 1897 g
Grand Rapids photo printer for photographer Orville A. Gillett ................................................................................ 1898 g
Grand Rapids resident ................................................................................................................................................ 1899 g
Grand Rapids photographer for Thomas F. Noble ..................................................................................................... 1900 g
Grand Rapids photographer or resident ........................................................................................................... 1901-1902 g
Grand Rapids PHOTOGRAPHER at 55 Bridge st west ............................................................................................ 1903 g
New York, New York, resident ................................................................................................................................. 1904 g
Grand Rapids resident ...................................................................................................................................... 1906-1907 g
Dewey, H. J.
Hudson (W. W. Dewey & Brother) PHOTOGRAPHERS on Main st ............................................................ 1874-1875 m
Hudson PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................ 1876-1877 t 1
Lansing photo operator for the Union View Company .............................................................................................. 1878 L
Harley J. Dewey served in Company G of the Seventh United States Cavalry during the Civil War. From Hudson in 2 t
1876, H. J. Dewey produced an 8 by 10 photograph of the residence of S. D. Hopkins at Somerset, Michigan, on a t
specially typeset mount with a decorative border. t
1. Bradstreet’s Commercial Reports ... Western & Southern States; J. M. Bradstreet & Son Company, New York, January 1, 1877.
2. General Index to Pension Files, 1861-1934, National Archives, Washington, D. C.

Dewey, LaVerne Irving

Adrian child ............................................................................................................................................................... 1900 1
Adrian student .................................................................................................................................................. 1910-1913 A 1
Adrian PHOTOGRAPHER at 20 Allis st ........................................................................................................ 1915-1916 2 A
Adrian salesman ......................................................................................................................................................... 1917 3
United States Army soldier .............................................................................................................................. 1917-1919 3 4
Adrian salesman or garage mechanic ............................................................................................................... 1919-1920 3 1
Adrian inspector at an automotive electrical plant ..................................................................................................... 1923 A
Adrian clerk for a railroad ......................................................................................................................................... 1926 A
Prescott, Arizona, electrical engineer for an electrical store ...................................................................................... 1930 1
LaVerne was born at Decatur, Michigan, on January 8, 1897, eldest of the three children of Irving A. and Lucy H. 4 1
(Hamlin) Dewey. He entered the army at Columbus Barracks, Ohio, on July 24, 1917, and was sent to Depot Company 1 4
I at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas. He was transferred on August 17 to the 90th Aero Squadron at San Antonio, Texas, 4 3
and left for France on October 27, 1917. He was transferred to Company L of the 327th Infantry in the 82nd Division 3 4
on September 17, 1918, and was promoted to corporal nine days later. LaVerne was in action at St. Mihiel and Meuse- 4 3
Argonne, was slightly wounded on October 12 and was gassed in the Argonne Forest on October 13. He spent some 4
time in Base Hospitals Number 88 and Number One, and arrived in the United States on March 2, 1919. He was 4 3
honorably discharged from the army at Camp Custer on March 12, 1919. Her father was Canadian and Martha was 3 1
born in Ohio on December 23, 1901. She married LaVerne in 1920, and their daughters Irene and Phyllis were born in 1
Michigan between 1921 and 1923. LaVerne died in San Diego County, California, on September 6, 1955. Martha died 1 5
at Sequim in Clallam County, Washington, in November of 1991. 5
1. 1900 Federal Census of the Fourth Ward, 1910 Federal Census of the Second Ward, and 1920 Federal Census of the Seventh Precinct
of Adrian in Lenawee County, Michigan, plus 1930 Federal Census of the Southwest Ward of Prescott in Yavapai County, Arizona.
2. Lenawee County directory, 1915.
3. World War I Veteran Census compiled by the War Preparedness Board in the State Archives of Michigan at Lansing.
4. World War I Veterans Bonus Files in the State Archives of Michigan at Lansing.
5. California Death Index, 1940-1997, and Social Security Death Index.

Dewey, Nathaniel S.
Amboy Township farmer ........................................................................................................................................... 1850 1
Hillsdale PHOTOGRAPHER at the corner of McCollum and Howell sts ................................................................ 1860 h
Morenci PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................... 1863-1864 2
Pioneer, Ohio, PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................. 1878-1879 3
Jonesville PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................ 1878-1883 m
Nathaniel was born in New York State in 1811, Mary was born in Massachusetts in 1812 or 1813, and their daughter 1
Mary was born in Michigan about 1845. In Hillsdale, Nathaniel advertised “The most complete Photographic Gallery 1 h
in South Michigan. All styles of Pictures known to the Art, made at this Establishment. Daguerreotypes, Ambrotypes, h
Photographs, &c. Photographs, plain or colored.” The listing was for N. S. Dewey in Pioneer, which is about 25 miles h 3
south of Jonesville. Nathaniel made stereo views of Jonesville, such as a display of mounted butterflies and a street 4 t
with store fronts and wagons. He was widowed and living by himself in 1880. t 1
1. 1850 Federal Census of Amboy Township, 1860 Federal Census of the village of Hillsdale, and 1880 Federal Census of Jonesville in
Hillsdale County, Michigan.
2. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1862-1866, National Archives, Washington, D.C.
3. John Waldsmith, A Directory of Ohio Photographers, 1839 to 1900, Sycamore, Ohio, compiled in 1978 and augmented through 1993.
4. Rand McNally Road Atlas, United States-Canada-Mexico, Rand McNally, Skokie, Illinois.

Dewey, S. A.
Morenci PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................... 1864-1865 1
1. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1862-1866, National Archives, Washington, D.C.

Dewey, W. B.
Hillsdale DAGUERREAN ARTIST .......................................................................................................................... 1856 m
Dewey, Wallace W.
Hudson (W. W. Dewey & Company) PHOTOGRAPHERS on Main st ......................................................... 1874-1875 m
Hudson PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................................. ca 1875 t
Blissfield PHOTOGRAPHER ......................................................................................................................... 1876-1877 m
Adrian salesman ......................................................................................................................................................... 1885 A
Adrian PHOTOGRAPHIC VIEW ARTIST at 29 Center st south ............................................................................. 1890 A
On some card photo mounts from Hudson, “W. W. Dewey” was crossed out, and “C. O. Nye” was written above it. t
Other card photographs were “FROM W. W. DEWEY’S Art Studio, EAST BLISSFIELD, MICHIGAN. – Best retouched Photographs t
only $2.50 per doz. Gems, 8 for $1.00. Large Photographs to frame, $2.00. Pictures of adults made in cloudy as well as in b right weather. Old t
pictures copied. Satisfaction guaranteed.” No records of a village called East Blissfield have been found. “W. W. DEWEY, t
View Artist Adrian” was printed at the lower right hand corner of 8½ by 11 inch buff mounts. One of these mounts t
carried a 7½ by 9¾ sepia photograph of a family and their dog standing in front of their rural home. t

DeWindt, Abraham
Grand Rapids photographic apprentice ...................................................................................................................... 1870 1
Grand Rapids photographer for Orsamus W. Horton ...................................................................................... 1873-1874 g
Grand Rapids photo printer or photographer ................................................................................................... 1876-1877 g
Grand Rapids photographer for Orsamus W. Horton ................................................................................................ 1878 g
Grand Rapids photographer for Mark W. Owens ...................................................................................................... 1879 g
Grand Rapids photographer for the Nelson-Matter Furniture Company .......................................................... 1880-1883 1 g
Grand Rapids photographer for Reuben L. Andrew .................................................................................................. 1886 g
Grand Rapids photographer ............................................................................................................................. 1888-1890 g
Grand Rapids photographer for the Nelson-Matter Furniture Company .......................................................... 1891-1893 g
Grand Rapids photographer ............................................................................................................................. 1894-1897 g
Grand Rapids (Pearn & DeWindt) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 133 Front st south .............................................. 1898-1905 g m
Grand Rapids COMMERCIAL PHOTOGRAPHER at 133 Front st south ..................................................... 1906-1911 g m
Grand Rapids COMMERCIAL PHOTOGRAPHER at 115 Front av northwest ............................................. 1912-1925 g m
Grand Rapids resident or photographer ........................................................................................................... 1927-1943 g
Abraham (often Abram) was born in Holland in September of 1858, eldest of the five known children of Herbert and 1
Anna DeWindt. The family came to America about 1868. Note that Abraham was apprenticed to a photographer at the 1
age of eleven. Johanna was born in the Netherlands in April of 1860 and was brought to this country in 1864. They 1
both became naturalized citizens of the United States, and were married about 1878. Their three sons were born in 1
Grand Rapids: Anthony in August of 1879, Martin in September of 1883, and Justus in October of 1887. Abraham 1 g
may have used his home at 35 Colfax Street as a gallery in 1889 and 1890, for he employed Charles Manby as a clerk g
in those years. From 1898 on, Pearn & DeWindt were always identified as commercial photographers. They employed g m
as photographers Helen D. Owens in 1898 and William J. Pearn in 1898 and 1899. Abraham employed his sons Justus g
C. and Martin A. DeWindt as photo printers in 1906 and 1907, and as photographers from 1908 through 1919 and in g
1922. He was enumerated as a commercial photographer in 1930. g 1
1. 1880 Federal Census of the city of Grand Rapids, 1870, 1920 and 1930 Federal Censes of the Second Ward plus 1900 and 1910
Federal Censes of the Fifth Ward of Grand Rapids in Kent County, Michigan.

DeWindt, Justus Christopher

Grand Rapids student ................................................................................................................................................. 1900 1
Grand Rapids apprentice or laundry helper ..................................................................................................... 1903-1904 g
Grand Rapids photo printer for photographer Abraham DeWindt ................................................................... 1906-1907 g
Grand Rapids photographer for Abraham DeWindt ........................................................................................ 1908-1919 g 1
Grand Rapids clerk for a hearse company or commercial photographer ......................................................... 1920-1921 g 1
Grand Rapids photographer for Abraham DeWindt .................................................................................................. 1922 g
Grand Rapids photographer ............................................................................................................................. 1923-1925 g
Grand Rapids (DeWindt Studio) COMMERCIAL PHOTOGRS at 425 Scribner av northwest ..................... 1927-1936 g 1
Grand Rapids salesman for a baking company ................................................................................................ 1937-1939 g
Justus was born in Grand Rapids on October 28, 1887, the third son of Abraham and Johanna DeWindt, and became 2 1
a tall man with brown eyes and dark brown hair. Anna or Amy also had Dutch ancestry, she was born in Michigan in 2 1
about 1888, and she married Justus in 1909. Their sons were born in Michigan: Harold in 1911 and Justus in April of 1
1916. Mrs. Amy DeWindt, the widow of Justus, was working in Grand Rapids as a saleswoman in 1943. 1 g
1. 1900 and 1910 Federal Censes of the Fifth Ward plus 1920 and 1930 Federal Censes of the Second Ward of Grand Rapids in Kent
County, Michigan.
2. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.
DeWindt, Martin Adrian
Grand Rapids student ................................................................................................................................................. 1900 1
Grand Rapids clerk or traveling agent ............................................................................................................. 1901-1904 g
Grand Rapids photo printer for photographer Abraham DeWindt ................................................................... 1906-1907 g
Grand Rapids photographer for Abraham DeWindt ........................................................................................ 1908-1919 g 1
Grand Rapids commercial photographer ......................................................................................................... 1920-1921 1 g
Grand Rapids photographer for Abraham DeWindt .................................................................................................. 1922 g
Grand Rapids commercial photographer or resident ....................................................................................... 1923-1925 g
Grand Rapids (DeWindt Studio) COMMERCIAL PHOTOGRS at 425 Scribner av northwest ..................... 1927-1936 g 1
Grand Rapids fibre wardrobe manufacturer or salesman ................................................................................. 1937-1938 g
Grand Rapids commercial photographer ................................................................................................................... 1939 g
Martin was born in Grand Rapids on September 9, 1883, the second son of Abraham and Johanna DeWindt. He 2 1
became a medium sized man with gray eyes and brown hair. Her father emigrated from Holland, her mother came from 2 1
New Jersey, and Maude was born in Michigan in 1883. She and Martin were married about 1908, and their son Ross 1
was born in 1912. In 1917 and 1918 they lived in Jenison with their young son, and Martin commuted to work in 2 3
Grand Rapids. Ruth’s father was Scotch, she was born in Michigan in 1877 or early in 1878, and her first marriage 1
occurred about 1913. By 1930 she was married to Martin and was helping to raise Ross. Ruth was the Grand Rapids 1 g
executive secretary of the Camp Fire Girls in 1943. g
1. 1900 Federal Census of the Fifth Ward, 1920 Federal Census of the Second Ward, plus 1910 and 1930 Federal Censes of the Third
Ward of Grand Rapids in Kent County, Michigan.
2. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.
3. Rural Directory of Ottawa County, 1918-1923, Wilmer Atkinson Company, Philadelphia.

Dewitt, Allen
Ann Arbor PHOTOGRAPHER at 324 State st south ................................................................................................ 1903 a

Dewitt, Edwin
Columbia Township photographer ............................................................................................................................. 1900 1
Edwin was born in Ohio to natives of Ohio in November of 1871. He was boarding in 1900 with the parents of 1
Homer Otis Rose, who was the proprietor of a Grand Rapids photograph gallery a year later. Edward F. Dewitt was 1
born in Ohio to natives of Ohio about 1872, first of the five children of David A. and Sarah Jane (Poulson) Dewitt. His 1 2
family was living in 1880 on a farm in Amboy township of Hillsdale County, Michigan. In 1910 Edward still was 1
single and was back living with his parents at West Unity, Ohio, where he and his brother William were proprietors of 1
a barber shop. He may have been the photographer. 1
1. 1880 Federal Census of Amboy Township in Hillsdale County and 1900 Federal Census of Columbia Township in Van Buren County,
Michigan, plus 1910 Federal Census of the village of West Unity in Williams County, Ohio.
2. Michael Andrew DeWitt Family Tree on the internet.

DeWitt, George W.
Holly Township child or student ....................................................................................................................... 1870,1880 1
Fenton worker in a screen door factory ..................................................................................................................... 1900 1
Fenton dealer in bicycles, repairs and musical instruments ............................................................................. 1907-1908 R
Fenton PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................. 1908-1913 m
Fenton bicycle merchant .................................................................................................................................. 1916-1919 m
Fenton automobile repainter ...................................................................................................................................... 1920 1
Fenton bicycle merchant ............................................................................................................................................ 1930 1
George was born in Michigan to parents from New York in February of 1867, fifth of the six children of James C. 1
and Adaline DeWitt. George’s first marriage resulted in a son James who was born in May of 1893. Zilpha was born
here to parents from New York in September of 1877, and probably was the daughter of Alanson and Carrie Aurand
with two older sisters, one younger sister, and then two much younger brothers. She married George about 1898,
helped to raise James, and gave birth to Gladys in October of 1899. Zilpha still was keeping house for George in 1930.
1. 1870 and 1880 Federal Censes of Holly Township plus 1880 and 1900 Federal Censes of Rose Township in Oakland County, as
well as 1900, 1910, 1920 and 1930 Federal Censes of the village of Fenton in Genesee County, Michigan.

DeWitt, M. Maud, Miss

Flint retoucher ............................................................................................................................................................ 1892 f
DeWitt, Solon E.
Andover, New York, child ......................................................................................................................................... 1860 1
Bingham Township student ....................................................................................................................................... 1870 1
Saint Johns PHOTOGRAPHER ...................................................................................................................... 1880-1881 1 m
Solon was born in New York State in 1856, sixth of the seven known children of James N. and Lucinda DeWitt, and 1
he probably had other older siblings. Her parents emigrated from England and Canada and Sarah E. Wilkins was born 1
in Michigan in February of 1861, last of the five children of John and Margaret Wilkins. She married Solon about 1
1877 and gave birth to Mabel a year later. Frank Sweetman was boarding with the DeWitts in 1880, and probably was 1
working in Solon’s gallery. Sarah presented Solon with four more children: Lucille in April of 1881, Bertha in March 1
of 1883, Fred in April of 1885, and Pearl in June of 1888. Solon seems to have died, and by 1900 Sarah had remarried 1
and still was providing a home for four of her children. 1
1. 1860 Federal Census of Andover in Allegany County, New York, 1860 Federal Census of Bengal Township and 1870 Federal Census
of Bingham Township plus 1880 and 1900 Federal Censes of the village of St. Johns in Clinton County, Michigan.

Dewitt, Wilbur M.
Ovid PHOTOGRAPHER ..................................................................................................................................... ca 1905 m
“WILBUR M. DEWITT, Ovid, Mich.” was stamped on the back of the 8 by 10 inch mount of a 5 by 7 photograph t
of many men standing to eat at a long trestle table, probably at a break during a barn raising. t

Dexter, Clark
Butler Township student ............................................................................................................................................ 1880 1
Butler PHOTOGRAPHER .............................................................................................................................. 1896-1897 m
Butler Township farmer .................................................................................................................................... 1900,1910 1
Homer Township farmer ............................................................................................................................................ 1918 2
Butler Township farmer .................................................................................................................................... 1920,1930 1
His father emigrated from England, his mother came from New York, and Thomas Clark Dexter was born in 1 2
Michigan on September 15, 1872. He was identified as Clark T. Dexter in two census reports and as Thomas C. Dexter 2 1
in another, and as Thomas Clark Dexter on his Draft Registration Card. Clark was fourth of the five children of 1 2
Thomas and Malissa Dexter, and matured into a short man with black hair. Miss Alta Marie Curtis was born in 1 2
Michigan in December of 1879, the second child of Nelson and Delpha Curtis. She married Clark about 1898, and in 1
1900 they were sharing their home with Clark’s widowed father. Alta gave birth in 1903 to their only child, a daughter 1
named La Moyne. Clark was a widower by 1930, when he was sharing his farm home with his daughter, his son-in- 1
law, and his granddaughter. 1
1. 1880, 1900, 1910, 1920 and 1930 Federal Censes of Butler Township in Branch County, Michigan.
2. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.

Dexter, T. E.
Bellevue PHOTOGRAPHER .......................................................................................................................... 1920-1921 m

Dey, Cassius F.
Birdsall Township, New York, child ......................................................................................................................... 1850 1
Lawton student ........................................................................................................................................................... 1860 1
Lawton PHOTOGRAPHER ...................................................................................................................................... 1870 1
Lawton turner ............................................................................................................................................................. 1880 1
Lawton jeweler .......................................................................................................................................................... 1900 1
Lawton resident ......................................................................................................................................................... 1910 1
Cassius was born in September of 1850 in Birdsall Township of Allegany County, New York, last of the three 1
children of George W. and Susannah E. Dey. Mary was born in Michigan to parents from New York about 1851, and 1
she married Cassius in February of 1870. In August of 1870 they were providing a home for his mother, the former 1 2
photographer Mrs. Susan E. Dey. By 1879 Cassius and Mary had four children: Martin, Maud, Clyde and Charlie. 2 1
Martin was later known as the photographer Mert C. Dey. Mary and Cassius divorced, so in 1896 Cassius was able to g d
marry a spinster named Anna who was born in Michigan in January of 1855 to a father from Ohio and a German 1
mother. By 1920 Anna was a widow. 1
1. 1850 Federal Census of Birdsall Township in Allegany County, New York, plus 1860, 1870, 1880, 1900, 1910 and 1920 Federal
Censes of the village of Lawton in Van Buren County, Michigan.
2. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1862-1866, National Archives, Washington, D.C.

Dey, Charles W.
Saint Joseph PHOTOGRAPHER .............................................................................................................................. 1862 1
1. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1862-1866, National Archives, Washington, D.C.

Dey, Clifford
Please see the entry for Mert Clifton Dey.
Dey, Genevieve C., Mrs.
Hillsdale (Wolcott & Dey) PHOTOGRAPHERS ...................................................................................................... 1898 t
Hillsdale PHOTOGRAPHER .......................................................................................................................... 1898-1899 1 m
Hillsdale (Dey & Hayden) PHOTOGRAPHERS ............................................................................................ 1899-1901 1 m
Hillsdale PHOTOGRAPHER .......................................................................................................................... 1902-1905 m
Hillsdale PHOTOGRAPHER at 46 Howell st north .................................................................................................. 1905 2
Hillsdale PHOTOGRAPHER .......................................................................................................................... 1906-1907 m
Hillsdale PHOTOGRAPHER at 39 Howell st south ....................................................................................... 1908-1911 2 m
Hillsdale PHOTOGRAPHER .......................................................................................................................... 1912-1915 m
Hillsdale PHOTOGRAPHER at 29 Howell st south ................................................................................................. 1915 3
Hillsdale PHOTOGRAPHER .......................................................................................................................... 1916-1922 m 4
Ann Arbor PHOTOGRAPHER at 334 State st south ...................................................................................... 1920-1921 m
Ann Arbor (Dey Studio) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 334 State st south .............................................................. 1922-1931 m a
Ann Arbor (Dey Studio) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 332 State st south .............................................................. 1932-1939 a
Her parents came from New York, and Genevieve was born in Iowa about 1872. After the accidental death in the 5 1
spring of 1898 of her photographer husband, Mert C. Dey, Genevieve employed the experienced photographer Charles 1
C. Wolcott to assist in her gallery. “WOLCOTT & DEY” was printed above the “C. S. WOLCOTT, HILLSDALE, MICH.” 1 t
blind stamp on some photograph mounts. Mrs. Grace Hayden came from Chicago to become Genevieve’s partner in t 1
the fall of 1899, and they advertised as “PHOTOGRAPHERS. Everything up-to-date. Only the best work done. Call 1 h
and see our pictures. It is a pleasure to please you.” Genevieve advertised in 1915: “Photo gallery, amateur h 3
developing, prices reasonable.” She advertised in 1921: “DEY, Quality, Service. State Street Across from Campus. 3 4
Ann Arbors New Portrait Studio. We make our strong pull on QUALITY, SERVICE and guaranteed satisfaction to 4
you. Portraits, Groups, Flashlights, Views, Artistic Framing, Pictures in Oils. Dey Studios, Hillsdale, Ann Arbor” and 4
in 1922: “DEY Photographer. Specializing in the Finest Portraits and Giving Unequalled Service. We are in a 4
Position to Interest You with Latest Styles in Portraits….” and again in 1924: “Priceless Service. Our earnest 4
endeavor is to give the Michigan students the best in photography…. Pictures are one of the finest friendship 4
investments. MURATONE PORTRAITS – FRAMES – ENSIAN GROUPS.” M. Clifton Dey, Genevieve’s son, was a 4 m
principal of the Dey Studio from 1922 to 1939, and succeeded the Studio in 1940. m a
1. St. Louis and Canadian Photographer; volume 22, numbers 5 and 6, May and June 1898, pages 223 and 363;
and volume 23, number 11, November 1899, page 526.
2. Hillsdale County Directory, 1905, 1908 and 1911, R. L. Polk & Company, Detroit.
3. Hillsdale City Directory, 1915, W. C. Bailey, Coldwater, Michigan.
4. Michiganensian, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 1921, 1922 and 1924.
5. 1910 and 1920 Federal Censes of the Fourth Ward of Hillsdale in Hillsdale County, plus 1930 Federal Census of the Seventh Ward
of Ann Arbor in Washtenaw County, Michigan.

Dey, Mert C.
Lawton student ........................................................................................................................................................... 1880 1
Grand Rapids street railway clerk .................................................................................................................... 1890-1891 g
Detroit photographer .................................................................................................................................................. 1892 d
Manchester PHOTOGRAPHER on Exchange Place ................................................................................................. 1894 2
Grand Rapids PHOTOGRAPHER at 98 Monroe st over the People’s Savings Bank ..................................... 1894-1897 m g
Hillsdale PHOTOGRAPHER .................................................................................................................................... 1898 3
He was born at Lawton late in 1870 or early in 1871, first of the four children of Cassius F. and Mary L. Dey, and 1
grandson of the photographer Susan E. Dey. He was called Martin as a child. Mert boarded in Grand Rapids and 1 g
Detroit with his mother, the first wife of Cassius F. Dey. He identified himself as a portrait and crayon artist in Grand d t
Rapids, where he employed Minnie M. Mayer as a clerk in 1895 and as a photo printer in 1896. While returning to his g 2
gallery from dinner on his bicycle in the spring of 1898, Mert was run over by a railroad locomotive and killed. His 2
widow, Mrs. Genevieve C. Dey, continued the photographic business in Hillsdale. 1 m
1. 1880 Federal Census of the village of Lawton in Van Buren County, Michigan.
2. Ann Arbor, Ypsilanti and Washtenaw County Directory, 1894.
3. St. Louis and Canadian Photographer; volume 22, numbers 5 and 6, May and June 1898, pages 223 and 363;
Dey, Mert Clifton
Hillsdale student ........................................................................................................................................................ 1910 1
Hillsdale photographer and musician .............................................................................................................. 1917-1918 2
United States Army soldier ........................................................................................................................................ 1918 2 3
Hillsdale photographer and musician ........................................................................................................................ 1919 2 4
Hillsdale photographer for Mrs. Genevieve C. Dey ................................................................................................... 1920 1
Ann Arbor (Dey Studio) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 334 State st south .............................................................. 1922-1931 m a
Ann Arbor (Dey Studio) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 332 State st south .............................................................. 1932-1939 a
Ann Arbor PHOTOGRAPHER on the second floor at 332 State st south ....................................................... 1940-1962 a
He was born at Grand Rapids to Mert C. and Genevieve C. Dey on June 26, 1895, and became a tall slender man 2 5
with blue eyes and light hair. He was single when he was inducted into the army at Hillsdale on August 29, 1918, and 5 3
after a brief indoctrination was transferred to the United States School of Aerial Photography at Rochester, New York. 2
There he studied and played in the U. S. S. A. P. Band. With demobilization, he was discharged from the service on 2 3
December 18, 1918. He probably was known locally as Cliff, for he was listed as Clifford in the county directory. 2 4
Edna was born in Illinois in 1898 or 1899, and she married Cliff about 1920. Their daughter Shirley was born in May 1
of 1926. 1
1. 1910 and 1920 Federal Censes of the Fourth Ward of Hillsdale in Hillsdale County, plus 1930 Federal Census of the Seventh Ward
of Ann Arbor in Washtenaw County, Michigan.
2. World War I Veteran Census compiled by the War Preparedness Board in the State Archives of Michigan at Lansing.
3. World War I Veterans Bonus Files in the State Archives of Michigan at Lansing.
4. Directory of Hillsdale County 1919-1924, Wilmer Atkinson Company, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
5. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.

Dey, Susan E., Mrs.

Lawton housewife ...................................................................................................................................................... 1860 1
Lawton PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................................ 1864-1867 2 3
Lawton PHOTOGRAPHER opposite the Robinson House ....................................................................................... 1869 4
Lawton resident ......................................................................................................................................................... 1870 1
Susannah was born in New York State in 1821, and later married George W. Dey. George was from New Jersey and 1
worked as a carpenter and joiner. Susan gave birth in New York to three sons between 1847 and 1850, but only the 1
youngest seems to have lived for more than a few years. She advertised “Photographs, Ambrotypes, Porcelain and 1 4
Gem Pictures of all sizes, and in the most approved styles, at low prices.” The dental offices of George W. Dey in 4
1869 were opposite the Robinson House at Lawton. In 1870 Susannah was sharing the home of her 20-year-old 4 1
photographer son, Cassius F. Dey, and his 19-year-old wife Mary. 1
1. 1850 Federal Census of Birdsall Township in Allegany County, New York, plus 1860 and 1870 Federal Censes of Lawton Village in
Antwerp Township of Van Buren County, Michigan.
2. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1862-1866, National Archives, Washington, D.C.
3. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1867-1868, Great Lakes Branch of the National Archives, Chicago, Illinois.
4. Van Buren County Gazetteer and Business Directory, 1869, Hill & Leavens, Decatur, Michigan.

DeYoung, Alice, Mrs.

Grand Rapids retoucher ............................................................................................................................................. 1894 g
Grand Rapids retoucher for photographer James M. LeClear ................................................................................... 1895 g
Grand Rapids retoucher for photographer Mrs. Emma J. Hamilton ................................................................ 1896-1897 g
Diamond Art Gallery
Grand Ledge PHOTOGRAPHERS over the post office ....................................................................................... ca 1874 t
Jay B. DeLamater and Luther W. Holmes probably were the proprietors of this gallery. t m

Dibble, Frank G.
Pontiac artist .................................................................................................................................................... 1868-1869 1
Frank began advertising during the summer of 1868 and kept it up for over a year: “... LIFE-LIKE PICTURES 1
MADE from old and faded ambrotypes, photographs and daguerreotypes. Alterations made in arrangements of hair, 1
dress, ornaments, &c. - PICTURES IN OIL, WATER COLORS AND INDIA INK. - Orders taken at Photograph 1
Galleries, and at Brown & Dibble’s drug store.” 1
1. Pontiac Gazette, Pontiac, Michigan, August 28, 1868, through October 15, 1869.

Dibert, _______
Please see the entry for William H. Deibert.

Dick, Adolphus E.
Detroit salesman ........................................................................................................................................................ 1866 d
Detroit (Parker & Dick) PHOTOGRAPHERS over Frisbie’s dry goods store at 55 Woodward av .......................... 1867 1
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER over Frisbie’s dry goods store at 55 Woodward av ....................................................... 1867 1 d
“A. E. DICKS, FINE ART GALLERY, 55 Woodward Avenue, DETROIT, MICH.” was printed on the backs of cartes de visite t
including a view of the west side of Woodward Avenue around Congress Street as well as the usual portraits. t
1. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1867-1868, Great Lakes Branch of the National Archives, Chicago, Illinois.

Dickenson, Ada C., Miss

Detroit assistant to photographer Lyman G. Bigelow ...................................................................................... 1875-1879 1
Ada came to Detroit from New York seeking a job as assistant in a gallery. She was Lyman G. Bigelow’s studio 1
assistant for four years prior to their marriage on April 18, 1880. They later had three children: Lou Adelaide was born 1 2
November 24, 1884, Ada was born November 18, 1886, and Herbert was born October 18, 1888. 2
1. Joan M. Mohr, “Seeker of Light and Shadow, Lou Adelaide Bigelow” in The Journal of San Diego History, circa 1987.
2. Civil War Veterans Pension Records of Lyman G. Bigelow from the National Archives, Washington, D. C.

Dickerman, William F.
Adrian photographer .................................................................................................................................................. 1882 A
There was a photographer named W. P. Dickerman in 1881 and 1882 at Napoleon, Ohio, about forty miles south of 1 2
Adrian. 2
1. Diane VanSkiver Gagel, Ohio Photographers 1839-1900, Carl Mautz Publishing, Nevada City, California, 1998.
2. Official Ohio Highway Map, Ohio Department of Transportation, 1990.

Dickie, James F., Reverend

Detroit member of the Detroit Lantern Club .............................................................................................................. 1893 1
From 1879 until 1894 James was pastor of the Central Presbyterian Church in Detroit. d
1. The Blue Book of Amateur Photographers ... 1893: compiled by Walter Sprange, Beach Bluff, Massachusetts.
Dickinson, Wallace William
Hicksville Township, Ohio, school teacher ............................................................................................................... 1850 1
Newaygo daguerreian artist and teacher in primary schools ...................................................................................... 1861 2
United States Army soldier .............................................................................................................................. 1861-1863 3 2
Newaygo resident ...................................................................................................................................................... 1863 3
United States Army soldier .............................................................................................................................. 1863-1865 3 2
Croton PHOTOGRAPHER ....................................................................................................................................... 1866 4
Newaygo county treasurer ............................................................................................................................... 1869-1870 2 1
Grand Rapids polish manufacturer ............................................................................................................................ 1880 1
Grand Rapids resident ...................................................................................................................................... 1888-1897 2
Wallace was born about 1831 in Trumbull County, Ohio. He was 5 feet 5 or 6 inches tall with brown hair and blue or 2
grey eyes when he enlisted in Company K of the Third Michigan Volunteer Infantry at Grand Rapids on May 13, 2 3
1861. He was promoted to sergeant on June 10, and the Third left Grand Rapids for Washington, D. C., on June 13 to 2 3
join the Army of the Potomac. The regiment was in action on July 18 at Blackburn’s Ford and on July 21 at Bull Run, 3
Virginia, and spent the winter at Alexandria, Virginia. The Third was heavily engaged at Williamsburg on May 5, 3
1862, and had 30 men killed, 124 wounded and 15 missing on May 31 at Fair Oaks, Virginia. They fought at Charles 3
City Cross Roads on June 30, at Malvern Hill on July 1 and in a severe engagement at Groveton which was part of the 3
second Battle of Bull Run. The Army retreated behind the defenses at Washington, and the Third did not see action 3
again until December. From exposure during the Peninsular Campaign, Wallace had contracted heart disease. Early in 3 2
November of 1862 he was sent to the Third Corps Hospital near Alexandria, Virginia, and was discharged for 2 3
disability from there on January 24, 1863. He re-entered the service as Second Lieutenant of Company A of the Tenth 2 3
Michigan Volunteer Cavalry at Newaygo on July 13, 1863. The Tenth was organized at Grand Rapids and reached 2 3
Lexington, Kentucky, on December 5, 1863. The regiment operated in Tennessee throughout 1864, and contacted the 3
enemy ten times in the first five months. Near Knoxville about March 15 Wallace was thrown from his horse and 3 2
landed on his shoulders. He was unable to ride for several weeks, and was subject to rheumatism and neuralgia pains 2
for the rest of his life. Early in the summer of 1864 most Union forces went to join Sherman’s Army, and the Tenth 2 3
was the only cavalry left in east Tennessee. During the rest of 1864 the regiment encountered rebel forces on the 3
average of five days per month, on some days more than once, and the contacts ranged from light skirmishes to pitched 3
battles. Wallace was promoted to First Lieutenant on January 5, 1865, and the Tenth soon moved into North Carolina 3
to fight seven times in March and April. In June of 1865 Wallace was Acting Commissary of Subsistence, First 3
Brigade, First Cavalry Division. He was mustered out of the army at Memphis, Tennessee, on November 11, 1865. At 3 2
Eastmanville, Michigan, on January 8, 1870, he was married to Miss Elizabeth Garrison of Eastmanville, who had 2
been born 26 years earlier in Schuyler County, New York. Their children, William and Grace, were born in Michigan 2 1
between 1871 and 1874. Wallace was a lumberman and manufacturer at Newaygo, Ludington and Grand Rapids prior 1 2
to 1888, and he qualified for an Invalid Pension at about that time. He died at Grand Rapids on June 10, 1897, of the 2
heart disease for which he had been pensioned. Elizabeth received a Widow’s Pension until her death at Oakland, 2
California, on October 10, 1920. 2
1. 1850 Federal Census of Hicksville Township in Defiance County, Ohio, 1870 Federal Census of the village of Newaygo in Newaygo
County and 1880 Federal Census of the city of Grand Rapids in Kent County, Michigan.
2. Veterans Pension Record of Wallace W. Dickinson obtained from the National Archives at Washington, D.C.
3. Record of Service of Michigan Volunteers in the Civil War, 1861-1865; published by the State of Michigan about 1904.
4. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1862-1866, National Archives, Washington, D.C.
Diehl, Ambrose J.
Greenville Township, Pennsylvania, student ............................................................................................................. 1860 1
Greenville Township, Pennsylvania, laborer on his father’s farm ............................................................................. 1870 1
Detroit photo operator for photographer Lyman G. Bigelow .................................................................................... 1876 d
Detroit photographer .................................................................................................................................................. 1877 d
Jackson employee of photographer Frank C. Bracy .................................................................................................. 1878 J
Detroit photo operator or photographer for Joseph E. Watson ........................................................................ 1879-1881 d
Detroit (Bracy, Diehl & Company) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 35 to 39 Monroe av .......................................... 1882-1884 d m
Detroit (A. J. Diehl & Company) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 35 to 39 Monroe av ............................................. 1884-1885 m d
Detroit (A. J. Diehl & Company) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 246 Woodward av ................................................ 1886-1887 d m
Detroit (Diehl & Sharpsteen) PHOTOGRAPHERS on the ground floor at 246 Woodward av ................................ 1887 d
Detroit photographer for Bracy & Gibson ................................................................................................................. 1888 d
Detroit photographer for J. Jefferson Gibson ............................................................................................................ 1889 d
Detroit (Diehl, Ladd & Company) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 246 Woodward av and 82 Gratiot av ........................... 1890 d
Detroit (Angell, Diehl & Company) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 246 Woodward av ........................................... 1890-1891 m d
Detroit (Angell & Diehl) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 246 Woodward av ................................................................. ca 1891 t
Grand Rapids photographer for Mrs. Emma J. Hamilton ............................................................................... 1892-1897 g
Grand Rapids (Diehl & Henze) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 23 Monroe st ........................................................... 1898-1899 g m
Grand Rapids (Diehl & Hansen) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 55 Bridge st west ............................................................ 1900 g
Grand Rapids resident or photographer ........................................................................................................... 1901-1907 g
Detroit photographer ........................................................................................................................................ 1908-1910 d 1
Detroit photographer for Truman S. Fisher ............................................................................................................... 1911 d
Detroit photographer .................................................................................................................................................. 1920 1
Ambrose was born in Pennsylvania in December of 1851, last of the seven or more children of Daniel and Margaret 1
Diehl. His brother Jeremiah was two years older, and their five sisters were born at two-year intervals between 1838 1
and 1847. Elizabeth was born into an English-speaking family in Ireland in 1857, she came to the United States in 1
1878, and she married Ambrose about 1880. She often was called Lizzie, and her sons were born in Michigan: Howard 1
in December of 1881, and Raymond in March of 1890. Frank C. Bracy and Abraham Lapham were associated with 1 d
Ambrose in Bracy, Diehl & Company, and Lapham continued as a partner in A. J. Diehl & Company, with Miss Anna d
S. Coman retained as a clerk through 1886 and Lemuel A. Bracy retained as a photo printer in 1885 and as a d
photographer in 1886. Edward J. Winiker was employed as a photo printer in 1885 and 1886. Charles J. Merbach d
became a third partner in 1886, and John G. Schmidt, Junior, was put on as an apprentice. Their cabinet photographs d t
from 246 Woodward Avenue included business street scenes. Diehl & Sharpsteen retained Edward J. Winkler as a t d
photographer, employed Miss Ina S. Cowan as a bookkeeper, and advertised in Pontiac: “The BEST d 2
PHOTOGRAPHS IN THE WEST at $2.50 per dozen. We guarantee satisfaction on every photo we put out, or money 2
refunded. Life size Portraits in Photographic, Crayon, Water Color, Bromide and other styles from 5 to 30 dollars.... 2
new and elegant ground floor gallery, the only one in the city at 246 WOODWARD.” Burrell W. Ladd and J. Jefferson 2 d
Gibson were also principals of Diehl, Ladd & Company, with Charles A. Ladd as retoucher, Edward J. Winkler as d
photo printer and Miss Lena Lichtwardt as clerk. Daniel Angell and Miss Flora Copeland were associated with d
Ambrose in Angell, Diehl & Company, and they retained Edward J. Winkler as photo printer. Angell & Diehl were d t
succeeded at 246 Woodward Avenue by the Earle Photo Company. Ambrose was working in Detroit studios in 1910 t 1
and 1920. Howard and Raymond had good jobs, remained single and shared their parents’ home through 1920. 1
Elizabeth was keeping a lodging house in 1920 filled with eight lodgers as well as Ambrose and her two sons. 1
1. 1860 and 1870 Federal Censes of Greenville Township in Somerset County, Pennsylvania, 1900 Federal Census of the Fourth Ward
of Grand Rapids in Kent County plus 1910 and 1920 Federal Censes of the Fourth Ward of Detroit in Wayne County, Michigan.
2. Pontiac Gazette, Pontiac, Michigan, June 15, 1887.

Diehl, Howard Wennelt

Grand Rapids student ................................................................................................................................................. 1900 1
Detroit clerk or railroad clerk .......................................................................................................................... 1908-1911 d 1
Detroit (Near & Diehl) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 1356 Woodward av ............................................................. 1910-1911 m
Detroit foreman or clerk .................................................................................................................................. 1912-1913 d
Detroit creamery branch manager, contractor, resident, tire builder, auto worker, or inspector ...................... 1915-1923 d 1
Detroit carpenter, factory worker or builder .................................................................................................... 1924-1928 d
Detroit resident or carpenter ...................................................................................................................................... 1930 d 1
Detroit resident, detective, decorator or caretaker ........................................................................................... 1932-1941 d
Howard was born in Michigan on December 2, 1881, the elder son of photographer Ambrose J. Diehl. As an adult he 1 2
was medium in height and weight with blue eyes and brown hair. Arthur V. Near was his partner in 1910, and had no 2 m
previous nor subsequent professional photographic experience. Howard seems to have remained single most or all of d
his life. d
1. 1900 Federal Census of the Fourth Ward of Grand Rapids in Kent County, plus 1910 and 1920 Federal Censes of the Fourth Ward
and 1930 Federal Census of the Sixth Ward of Detroit in Wayne County, Michigan.
2. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.
Diehl, Jacob
Detroit photographer .................................................................................................................................................. 1876 d
Jacob and Ambrose J. Diehl boarded at the same address in 1876. This could have been the older brother of d 1
Ambrose, who as a child was called Jeremiah. 1
1. 1860 and 1870 Federal Censes of Greenville Township in Somerset County, Pennsylvania.

Dietrich, Max
Lansing artist for photographer Henry C. Cassey ...................................................................................................... 1893 1
Max was a young German artist. 1
1. State Republican, Lansing, Michigan October 9, 1893.

Dildine, John N.
Detroit (Electric Phodallion Company) PHOTOGRAPHERS in Room 405A of the Hodges Block ........................ 1908 d
Detroit body maker or machinist ..................................................................................................................... 1909-1910 d
William L. French was John’s partner in the Electric Phodallion Company, which produced photos on silk. d

Dill, _______
Fremont (Flood & Dill) PHOTOGRAPHERS ...................................................................................................... ca 1890 t
Newaygo (Flood & Dill) PHOTOGRAPHERS .................................................................................................... ca 1890 t
“Flood & Dill, Fremont, Mich.” was printed on some cabinet mounts, while “Flood & Dill, Fremont and Newaygo, t
Mich.” was printed on others. t

Dill, Marie J., Miss

Jackson retoucher for photographer James M. LeClear ................................................................................... 1898-1900 J 1
She was identified as Mary Dill in 1900, when she was boarding with the family of James M. LeClear. Her father 1
was from New York and her mother, Rosanna Dill, was born in Canada to Irish parents. Rosanna was enumerated as 1
married in 1880, but seemed to be the only one around to care for her three daughters ranging in age from one to five 1
years old. Mary was the second daughter, and was born in Michigan in April of 1877. 1
1. 1880 Federal Census of Rives Township and 1900 Federal Census of the First Ward of Jackson in Jackson County, Michigan.

Dill, Russell D.
Detroit photographer for Hughes & Sarjeant ............................................................................................................. 1898 d
Detroit photographer, inspector or watchman .................................................................................................. 1899-1901 d

Dillaman, C.
Three Rivers active member of the Photographers’ Association of America ........................................................... 1905. 1
1. The Association Review, Convention Annual, Boston 1905, The Photographers’ Association of America.

Dilley, B. Franklin
Centralia, Kansas, child ............................................................................................................................................. 1880 1
Berrien Springs PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................... 1900-1903 1 m
Berrien Springs PHOTOGRAPHER and dealer in souvenir goods ........................................................................... 1903 R
Berrien Springs PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................... 1904-1907 m
Berrien Springs PHOTOGRAPHER and manufacturer of souvenir goods ..................................................... 1906-1907 R
Berrien Springs (B. F. Dilley Mfg. Co.) manufacturer of photographic souvenir goods ...................................... ca 1907 t
Berrien Springs PHOTOGRAPHER and jeweler ............................................................................................ 1907-1908 R
Berrien Springs PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................... 1908-1919 m
Berrien Springs jeweler ............................................................................................................................................. 1920 1
Berrien Springs PHOTOGRAPHER and optometrist ...................................................................................... 1920-1921 m
Berrien Springs optometrist ............................................................................................................................. 1922-1923 m
Berrien Springs jeweler and optometrist .......................................................................................................... 1924-1931 m 1
Franklin was born in New Jersey on September 23, 1874, last of the seven or more children of Lawrence and 1 2
Amanda Dilley. Myra Swan was born in Michigan in March of 1877, the daughter of Albert and Manda Swan. She 1
married Franklin about 1894, and their children were born in Michigan: Charles in May of 1897, Vivian in February of 1
1900, and Harry in 1902. The souvenir goods produced by Franklin’s company about 1907 included 5 by 7 inch sheets 1 t
of glass to the backs of which were adhered 4 ½ by 6 ¾ photographs such as one of the interurban bridge over the St. t
Joseph River, with brass ladder chain wrapped around the edges of the glass, and clear glass paper weights backed t
with photos from the same negatives. He produced post card photographs for several years from these same negatives t
and others, including views of a clown and a bunch of kids in front of a storefront theatre, the Berrien Springs High t
School and Lovers Lane. He was an optician of average height and build in 1918, with brown eyes and hair. t 2
1. 1880 Federal Census of the village of Centralia in Nemaha County, Kansas, plus 1900, 1910, 1920 and 1930 Federal Censes of the
village of Berrien Springs in Berrien County, Michigan.
2. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.
Dillon, _______
Unionville (McLeod & Dillon) PHOTOGRAPHERS .......................................................................................... ca 1885 t

Dillon, Harry L.
Washington, District of Columbia, child ................................................................................................................... 1880 g
Grand Rapids clerk for a telegraph company ................................................................................................... 1895-1899 1
Grand Rapids engraver .............................................................................................................................................. 1900 g
Grand Rapids photographer for the Reed Engraving Company ....................................................................... 1900-1901 1
San Augustin Township, New Mexico, ranch hand ................................................................................................... 1910 1
His parents, Joseph and Lizzie Dillon, came from Massachusetts and Harry was born in April of 1878 at 1
Washington, D. C., where his father was Superintendent of a picture copying company. He and his older brother Guy 1
and his younger sister Hazel were living in 1900 with their parents. By 1910 Harry had been married and widowed. 1
1. 1880 Federal Census of the city of Washington, D. C., 1900 Federal Census of the Fifth Ward of Grand Rapids in Kent County,
Michigan, and 1910 Federal Census of San Augustin Township in Dona Ana County, New Mexico.

Dingman, Buel Henry

Waukesha, Wisconsin, child ...................................................................................................................................... 1880 1
Waukesha, Wisconsin, PHOTOGRAPHER .................................................................................................... 1897-1898 2
Plymouth, Wisconsin, PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................... 1900 1
Plymouth, Wisconsin, PHOTOGRAPHER ..................................................................................................... 1901-1912 2
Plymouth, Wisconsin, wholesaler of calendars .......................................................................................................... 1920 1
His father came from New York and Buel was born in Wisconsin on July 23, 1877, the son of Julius H. and Eunice 1 3
Dingman. His sisters Sophia and Birdie were born between 1861 and 1865. Her father emigrated from Germany and 1
Matilda C. Suhrke (usually Tillie) was born in Wisconsin in April of 1879, the daughter of Albert W. and Emma 1
Suhrke. Tillie married Buel about 1901, and their son Roy was born in April of 1905. “B. H. DINGMAN, PUB. 1 4
PLYMOUTH, WIS.” was printed on the post card backs of many photographs of places in the upper peninsula of t
Michigan, towns and mines in Alger, Baraga, Chippewa, Delta, Dickinson, Gogebic, Houghton, Iron, Marquette, t
Menominee, Ontonagon and Schoolcraft Counties. Neat and legible captions were lettered on his negatives along with t
such designations as “No 12, 1908” or “15-09” or “2-’10.” His captions and designations could be recognized on t
many cards without his printing on the back. From the designations and postmarks it seems that most of his Michigan t
work was done between 1908 and 1911. Matilda was described as married in 1930, though she and a divorced sister t 1
were living in Plymouth with their parents and Buel could not be found. 1
1. 1880 Federal Census of the village of Waukesha in Waukesha County, 1900, 1920 and 1930 Federal Censes of the first Ward and
1910 Federal Census of the Second Ward of Plymouth in Sheboygan County, Wisconsin.
2. Directory of Wisconsin Photographers; State Historical Society of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin, 1991.
3. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.
4. Wisconsin State Census, 1905.

Dinniny, Duncan R.
Grand Rapids PHOTOGRAPHER in Room 75 of the Powers Theatre Building ...................................................... 1909 g

Dinsmore, _______
Hubbardston (Clarke & Dinsmore) PHOTOGRAPHERS .................................................................................... ca 1890 t

Dinsmore, Wallace W.
Bay City PHOTOGRAPHER at 301 Parker st ................................................................................................ 1906-1907 m b
Bay City hardware salesman ...................................................................................................................................... 1910 1
Bay City clerk ............................................................................................................................................................ 1911 b
Essexville hardware merchant and sheet metal worker .............................................................................................. 1918 2
Los Angeles, California, sheet metal worker in a sheet metal shop ........................................................................... 1920 1 2
His father emigrated from Canada, and William Wallace Dinsmore was born in Michigan on October 2, 1879. He 1
became a medium sized man with black eyes and hair. Anna Dupree was born in Canada about 1886, and she came to 1 2
the United States in 1898. She married Wallace about 1903, and their son Harold was born in Michigan in 1906. 2
Annie was working as a paper hanger in 1910 and in 1920. She and Wallace were living on Nebobish Avenue in Bay
City in 1918, and she still was there with her son in 1920.
1. 1910 and 1920 Federal Censes of the First Ward of Bay City in Bay County, Michigan, plus 1920 Federal Census of Precinct 53 of
Los Angeles in Los Angeles County, California.
2. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.
Dion, Charles A.
Detroit child ............................................................................................................................................................... 1880 1
Detroit photographer .................................................................................................................................................. 1889 d
Detroit packer, shipping clerk, traveling agent, salesman, bookkeeper or clerk .............................................. 1891-1903 d
Fort Wayne, Indiana, resident .................................................................................................................................... 1904 d
Detroit traveling agent ............................................................................................................................................... 1908 d
Detroit photo supply salesman for the George R. Angell Company ................................................................. 1909-1911 d 1
Detroit photo supply salesman for the Blome Brothers Company ............................................................................. 1918 d 2
Detroit salesman for a music store ............................................................................................................................. 1920 1
Detroit traffic manager for a photograph supply business ......................................................................................... 1930 1
All of his grandparents were Canadian, his parents were born in Michigan, and Charles was born here on August 4, 1 2
1874 to Charles and Zoie (later Susan) Dion. He was the eldest of their nine children, and all of them were living at 1
home in 1900. Charles worked for photographic supply dealer George R. Angell from 1891 through 1902. Charles’ 1 d
first marriage did not work out and he was free to marry Louise Beaudoin about 1908. Louise was born in Michigan to 1
Canadian parents in 1865, and she too had been married previously. Their son Charles was born at Detroit in 1910, 1
and by 1930 was driving a truck there for a photograph supply company. 1
1. 1880 Federal Census of the city of Detroit, 1900 Federal Census of the village of Grosse Pointe, as well as 1910 Federal Census of the
Seventeenth Ward plus 1920 and 1930 Federal Censes of the Fourth ward of Detroit in Wayne County, Michigan.
2. World War I Draft Registration Cards from the National Archives on microfilm in the Allen County Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana.

Dixon, Lester
Sodus Township, New York, shoemaker ................................................................................................................... 1860 1
Wright Township shoemaker ..................................................................................................................................... 1870 1
Coopersville PHOTOGRAPHER .............................................................................................................................. 1874 2
Jackson manufacturer of artificial limbs .................................................................................................................... 1880 1
His father emigrated from England and Lester was born in the state of New York in 1845. In 1860 he was living with 1
Harriet A. and Albert Case, probably his mother and stepfather. His wife was born Mary Spry in Canada to English 1
parents in 1846 or 1847. Their daughter Harriet (sometimes Hattie) was born in New York about 1866. 1
1. 1860 Federal Census of Sodus Township in Wayne County, New York, 1870 Federal Census of Wright Township in Ottawa County
and 1880 Federal Census of the city of Jackson in Jackson County, Michigan.
2. Grand Rapids Directory 1874-75, Polk, Murphy & Company.

Dixon, William J.
Clare (Phinisey & Dixon) PHOTOGRAPHERS ............................................................................................. 1890-1894 m 1
1. The Blue Book for Amateur Photographers ... 1895: compiled early in 1894 by Walter Sprange, Beach Bluff, Massachusetts.

Doby, Samuel
Ann Arbor daguerrean artist ...................................................................................................................................... 1860 a
Please see also the entry for Samuel D. Tobey. a

Dodge, _______
Pontiac (Dodge & Turner) PHOTOGRAPHERS ................................................................................................. ca 1865 t
Dodge & Turner were proprietors of the National Gallery, and affixed two-cent revenue stamps to their mounts. t

Dodge, A. W.
Pewamo PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................................ ca 1880 t

Dodge, Arthur H.
Bentley PHOTOGRAPHER ...................................................................................................................................... 1914 t
“ARTHUR H. DODGE, PHOTOGRAPHER, BENTLEY, MICH.” was printed on the post card backs of t
photographs, including one of the Owosso railroad depot and another with “BENTLEY SCHOOL HOUSE, 1914” t
printed on its negative. Press printed post cards “Pub. by Arthur H. Dodge, Photographer, Bentley, Mich.” included a t 1
bird’s-eye view of Bentley numbered 13. 1
1. Learned in 2004 from Wystan Stevens of Ann Arbor, Michigan.
Dodge, Erastus
Flint carpenter ............................................................................................................................................................ 1850 m1
Flint printer ................................................................................................................................................................ 1870 1
Flint (Henry & Company) PHOTOGRAPHERS at the southwest corner of Saginaw and Kearsley sts .......... 1874-1876 m f
Flint (Henry & Company) PHOTOGRAPHERS over the Savings Bank at 60 Saginaw st ............................. 1876-1883 m f
Talapoosa, Georgia, resident ..................................................................................................................................... 1900 1
His parents were natives of New York, and Erastus was born there in March of 1834, the son of Nathaniel and Betsy 1
Dodge. He had at least one older and one younger sister. One Erastus Dodge, eight years younger than the 1 2
photographer, was 21 years old when he enlisted in the Union Army at Morris, New York, on November 2, 1863. He 2
was mustered as a private in Company G of the Fourteenth New York Heavy Artillery Regiment on December 16, 2
1863, and served with that company until he was mustered out at Washington, D.C., on August 26, 1865. Erastus 2 3
played violin and horn with Gardner’s Flint City Band, and prior to taking up photography was a foreman in the 3 4
offices of the Flint Globe newspaper. Her parents came from Pennsylvania and Anna was born in Iowa in November of 4 1
1862. She married Erastus about 1880, and their daughter Marjorie was born in Florida in May of 1890. 1
1. 1850 Federal Census of the city of Flint plus 1870 and 1880 Federal Censes of the Third Ward of Flint in Genesee County, Michigan,
as well as 1900 Federal Census of the city of Talapoosa in Haralson County, Georgia..
2. American Civil War Soldiers – Ancestry.com.
3. History of Genesee County, Michigan, Everts & Abbott, Philadelphia, 1879, page 160.
4. Franklin Ellis, History of Genesee County, Michigan, Everts & Abbott, Philadelphia, 1879, page 54.

Dodge, Finner B.
Buchanan resident ...................................................................................................................................................... 1870 1
Buchanan PHOTOGRAPHER ........................................................................................................................ 1872-1873 m
Finner was born in Ohio about 1849. He succeeded James D. Westervelt in Buchanan. 1 t
1. 1870 Federal Census of Buchanan Village, Berrien County, Michigan.

Dodge, Laurence B.
Elmwood Township student ....................................................................................................................................... 1900 1
Indianfields Township resident .................................................................................................................................. 1910 1
Hastings photographer ............................................................................................................................................... 1913 2
Ottumwa, Iowa, (The Dodge Studio) PHOTOGRAPHER on Court st north ............................................................ 1913 2
Los Angeles, California, photographer for an art store .............................................................................................. 1920 1
Ontario, California, PHOTOGRAPHER ................................................................................................................... 1935 2
Laurence was born to Henry A. and Minnie Dodge at Elmwood in Tuscola County, Michigan, on April 5, 1891. His 1 2
father came from Ohio, and his mother was born in Canada to English and Irish parents. He had a sister that was one or 1
two years older, and she became a school teacher. Laurence traveled on an Indian motorcycle, and in 1913 he 1 2
purchased a half interest in a studio at Hastings. By December he was in business at Ottumwa. He moved to California 2
about 1918, and he later opened a studio at Orange, California. His address in 1935 was 114½ North Euclid in 2
Ontario, California, and he died there in 1937. A 5 by 7 inch photograph by Laurence of a log house built in Tuscola 2
County in 1864 was reproduced in the Tuscola County Courier on July 16, 1915, above an article by his father about 2
log houses and the men that built them. Post card photographs by Laurence have survived. 2
1. 1900 Federal Census of Elmwood Township and 1910 Federal Census of Indianfields Township in Tuscola County, Michigan, and 1920
Federal Census of Precinct 337 of Los Angeles in Los Angeles County, California.
2. Learned in 1997 from Martha Rambo of Lansing, Michigan. Laurence was her great-uncle.
Dodge, Luther P.
Delaware, Ohio, school teacher ................................................................................................................................. 1850 1
Detroit (Dodge & Company) DAGUERREAN ROOMS over 153 Jefferson av ............................................. 1852-1853 2 d
Detroit DAGUERREAN ARTIST at the northwest corner of Jefferson av and Griswold st ..................................... 1853 d
Detroit daguerrean artist for the Sutton Brothers ....................................................................................................... 1855 d
Detroit daguerrean artist for Sutton & Brother .......................................................................................................... 1856 d
Detroit daguerrean artist for Grelling & Company .......................................................................................... 1856-1857 m d
Cleveland, Ohio, PHOTOGRAPHIC CHEMIST at 198 Superior st ......................................................................... 1858 3
Cleveland, Ohio, PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................................................................................. 1859-1860 4
Detroit daguerreotype artist ....................................................................................................................................... 1860 1
Detroit photo artist for photographer James F. Raymond .......................................................................................... 1861 d
Detroit (Raymond’s Gallery) PHOTOGRAPHERS up stairs at 205 Jefferson av ................................................. ca 1862 t
Detroit daguerrean artist ............................................................................................................................................ 1862 d
Detroit (Roberts & Dodge) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 159 Jefferson av ...................................................................... 1863 d
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 218 Jefferson av ........................................................................................................ 1864 d
Detroit PHOTOGRAPHER at 159 Jefferson av .............................................................................................. 1865-1867 d 5
Detroit (Hollister & Dodge) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 159 Jefferson av ..................................................................... 1867 5
Detroit photograph operator or photographer .................................................................................................. 1867-1869 d
Luther was born in New York State in 1825 or 1826. His wife and daughter were born in Ohio, Mary about 1830 and 1
Christiana (later Clara) in February of 1850. His son Willie was born in Michigan in 1855 or 1856. Luther advertised 1 2
extensively in 1852 and 1853, beginning with this announcement in August of 1852: “Detroit Daguerreotype Gallery 2
opposite the U. S. Court House, Jefferson Avenue, Detroit. Dodge & Co., having purchased the Gallery formerly 2
occupied by McDonnell, and refitted it and furnished it with a full set of apparatus of a superior quality, from the 2
smallest locket to the full-sized cameras, are now prepared to do all kinds of work pertaining to their business, with 2
neatness and despatch. The operating will be conducted by L. P. Dodge, who from long experience and close 2
application to the business, has acquired a thorough knowledge of the Art, both practical and chemical. No work will 2
be sent out of the gallery without his special attention. The public are invited to call and examine his work, as 2
doubtless they will appreciate the fine pictures and correct likenesses, rather than the imperfect productions which are 2
so prevalent throughout the country. Likenesses taken of invalids or deceased persons, at their residence, when 2
desired.” Another early advertisement was for “L. P. Dodge & Co., DAGUERRIAN ARTISTS, over 151 Jefferson 2 d
Avenue, corner Griswold Street,... are prepared to execute all orders in their line, in the very best style of their art, and d
at prices to suit all. They are determined to be excelled by none, and, having made the most extensive preparations for d
business, they would respectfully solicit the patronage of the public.” Dodge & Company were mentioned as late as d 2
February of 1853. Luther’s 1853 directory advertisement offered “DAGUERREOTYPES of the best styles, at 2 d
DODGE’S SKY-LIGHT GALLERY, Opposite U. S. Court House, Jeff. Ave., Detroit. L. P. D. contends that no d
Daguerrean Operator in the Union can excel him in producing the most truthful likenesses. The Public are respectfully d
invited to look in at his Gallery, examine for themselves and be convinced. Chemicals and Plates for Sale.” He d
employed A. P. Allen as a daguerrean artist in 1853. An 1855 advertisement was for “DODGE’S d 6
DAGUERREOTYPE GALLERY. Pictures taken in every style of the art at Dodge’s Sky-Light Gallery, opposite U. S. 6
Court House,... over C. & A. Ives’ Banking House. L. P. Dodge would respectfully call the attention of the public to 6
his specimens of Daguerreian Art, which for truthful likeness and beauty of finish are not excelled in any Gallery in 6
the Union. The exceeding low prices of the same, also place them within the reach of all. He would particularly invite 6
Ladies and Gentlemen visiting Detroit, to call and examine them, as seeing is believing. No Charge Made unless 6
Entire Satisfaction is Given. CHEMICALS AND PLATES FOR SALE.” 6
1. 1850 Federal Census of Delaware Township in Delaware County, Ohio, and 1860 Federal Census of the Sixth Ward of Detroit in
Wayne County, Michigan.
2. Detroit Free Press, Detroit, Michigan, August 31, 1852, and February 14, 1853.
3. John S. Craig, Craig’s Daguerreian Register, Torrington, Connecticut, 1992.
4. John Waldsmith, A Directory of Ohio Photographers, 1839 to 1900, Sycamore, Ohio, compiled in 1978 and augmented through 1993.
5. Commercial Directory of the Western States... , 1867, Richard Edwards, St. Louis and Chicago. Noted by James A. Marusek of
Bloomfield, Indiana.
6. The Michigan Commercial Register and Citizens’ Almanac for 1855.

Dodge, S.
Saint Louis Methodist clergyman .................................................................................................................... 1862-1863 m
Saint Louis PHOTOGRAPHER ...................................................................................................................... 1864-1865 1
Saint Louis Methodist clergyman .................................................................................................................... 1866-1867 m
Stephen Dodge was a St. Louis lumberman in 1870, and was born about 1819 in Ohio. Rhoda was born two years 2
earlier in New York, and their daughter was born about 1842 in Ohio. 2
1. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Michigan, 1862-1866, National Archives, Washington, D.C.
2. 1870 Federal Census of St. Louis Village, Gratiot County, Michigan.
Doehring, Frederick
Please see the entry for Frederick Duhring.

Doherty, Anna, Miss

Grand Rapids photo printer for photographer William H. Silcox .............................................................................. 1890 g
Grand Rapids domestic .................................................................................................................................... 1891-1892 g
Grand Rapids resident ................................................................................................................................................ 1897 g

Doherty, Eva, Miss

Grand Rapids resident ................................................................................................................................................ 1891 g
Grand Rapids photo printer ....................................................................................................................................... 1895 g
Grand Rapids resident ................................................................................................................................................ 1898 g

Dohm, Mary C., Mrs.

Morenci assistant photographer for Nelson A. Dohm ................................................................................................ 1897 1
1. Adrian and Lenawee County Directory, 1897.

Dohm, Nelson A.
Madison Township, Ohio, child ................................................................................................................................. 1870 1
Amboy Township laborer on his father’s farm .......................................................................................................... 1880 1
Waldron PHOTOGRAPHER .......................................................................................................................... 1894-1895 m
Morenci (N. A. Dohm & Company) PHOTOGRAPHERS ....................................................................................... 1896 t
Morenci PHOTOGRAPHER on Main st ......................................................................................................... 1896-1897 m 2
Troy, Ohio, PHOTOGRAPHER at 114 ½ Main st .................................................................................................... 1898 3
Greenville, Ohio, insurance agent .............................................................................................................................. 1900 1
Sandusky, Ohio, peddler ............................................................................................................................................ 1910 1
His father came from Pennsylvania and Nelson was born in Ohio in March of 1864, eldest of the seven or more 1
children of John and Mary C. Dohm. One of Nelson’s cabinet photographs from Waldron was of a detailed model of a 1 t
locomotive and tender. He advertised from Morenci that his specialties were large sizes in photography and crayon t 2
work. He was married about 1893, but was boarding alone in a Greenville hotel in June of 1900. Later that year he 2 1
married for the second time. His bride was named Ida, her father emigrated from Ireland, and she was born in Ohio in 1
1880 or early in 1881. They had three children born in Ohio: Allura and Leroy between 1901 and 1903, and a daughter 1
in January of 1910 who was yet to be named in April. 1
1. 1880 Federal Census of Amboy Township in Hillsdale County, Michigan, plus 1870 Federal Census of Madison Township in
Williams County, 1900 Federal Census of the Fourth Ward of Greenville in Darke County, and 1910 Federal Census of the Third
Ward of Sandusky in Erie County, Ohio.
2. Adrian and Lenawee County Directory, 1897.
3. Learned in 2002 from Don Fredgant of Lakewood, Ohio.

Dolan, Bernard Fisher

Grand Rapids student ................................................................................................................................................. 1900 1
Grand Rapids assistant cashier at a grocery store ...................................................................................................... 1910 1
Grand Rapids bookkeeper, clerk or salesman for a grocery company ............................................................. 1912-1919 g
Grand Rapids (Photo Service Shop) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 1490 Lake Drive ............................................. 1920-1921 g
Grand Rapids (Photo Service Shop) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 59 Division av south ........................................ 1922-1927 g
Grand Rapids (Photo Service Shop) PHOTOGRAPHERS at 44 Monroe av .................................................. 1927-1928 g
Grand Rapids salesman .............................................................................................................................................. 1929 g
Grand Rapids bookkeeper or finisher for the Photo Service Shop .................................................................. 1930-1931 g
Grand Rapids film developer ..................................................................................................................................... 1932 g
Grand Rapids bookkeeper for the Photo Service Shop .................................................................................... 1937-1938 g
Grand Rapids bookkeeper or resident ............................................................................................................... 1939,1943 g
Bernard was born in Michigan on February 10, 1884, second of the six children of Charles W. and Cora E. Dolan, 1 2
who came from Illinois and Wisconsin. He became five feet ten inches tall with blue eyes and black hair. Harriet E. 1 2
Gill was born in Michigan to a Canadian mother in March of 1891, the daughter of Mark W. and Margaret Gill. She 1
married Bernard about 1912. Their son Mark was born in 1913 and their daughter June was born in July of 1915. Olin 1 g
F. Whittier and Bernard were partners in the Photo Service Shop through 1925. In 1927 Bernard was sole owner of g
both the shop on Division Avenue and the shop on Monroe Avenue. Olin Whittier was again Bernard’s partner in g
1928, and was sole owner of the Photo Service Shop thereafter. Harriet was teaching in a public school in 1

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