Operation Manual: Plastic Processing Machine

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Q8 /M10M Standard

Please read this manual carefully before the installation, operation and maintenance.

Original instruction
Pxa270 Standard Q8/M10M Version Manual

This Controller Manual for the Q8,M10M and M12M (Standard Version) .
Please refer to the Operations Manual for exact instructions on how to set up and program the machine‟s
clamping unit, injection unit, production monitor and the printing and networking functions.

Please note that the information in this manual is subject to change without notice.
We hope you will find this manual helpful for your machine operations. In order to help us improve our
products and documentation we encourage you to provide us with any feedback and suggestions for
improvement you might have.

This document remains our property and must not be copied without our written consent. Its contents may
neither be made known to third parties nor be used for non-approved purposes. This manual is for internal
use only.

Note: For avoid damage the operator or machine , produce the good quality products please read
careful the manual before running the machine.

Responsibility: The purchaser has the responsibility to ensure safety of operator and machine. The
people who is not be basic train and no knowledge of injection molding machine is not allow to operate the

Note:Not change the content of manual without approve.

Note:This manual is a general purpose, some page and function maybe not for your machine.

Note: This manual is only to the purchaser who will use the controller.

Pxa270 Standard Q8 Version Manual

Table of Contents
Preface ................................................................................................................................ 2
1 Operations Manual...................................................................................................... 6
1.1 Clamping Unit Setup .............................................................................................. 6
1.1.1 Mould Height Adjustment ............................................................................ 6
1.1.2 Mold Closing and Mold Protection .............................................................. 7
1.1.3 Mold Opening ............................................................................................... 8
1.1.4 Ejector ........................................................................................................... 9
1.1.5 Air Blast ...................................................................................................... 10
1.1.6 Core(s) ........................................................................................................ 11
1.2 Injection Unit Setup.............................................................................................. 12
1.2.1 Nozzle/Injection Unit .................................................................................. 12
1.2.2 Injection and Hold Pressure ........................................................................ 13
1.2.3 Charge (Plasticizing) and Suck-Back ......................................................... 14
1.2.4 Heater .......................................................................................................... 15
1.3 Production Monitor Setup ................................................................................... 16
1.4 Other Functions and Settings .............................................................................. 18
2 Control Panel (HMI) ................................................................................................. 19
2.1 Control Panel and Keys ....................................................................................... 20
2.1.1 Machine Control Panel Keys ...................................................................... 20
2.1.2 Mold Height Adjustment ............................................................................ 21
2.1.3 Manual Operation Mode Keys .................................................................... 22
2.1.4 Data Entry Keys .......................................................................................... 26
2.2 HMI Display .......................................................................................................... 29
2.2.1 Screen Selection .......................................................................................... 29
2.3 Control Panel(A-1)................................................................................................ 30
2.4 Clamp Settings ...................................................................................................... 31
2.4.1 Clamp open/close mold settings(B-1)......................................................... 31
2.4.2 Open/close mold function settings(B-2) ..................................................... 32
2.4.3 Open/ close mold parameters settings(B-3) ................................................ 33
2.4.4 Open /close mold Special parameters(B-4) ................................................ 34
2.5 Injection settings ................................................................................................... 35
2.5.1 Injection Settings(C-1) ................................................................................ 35
2.5.2 Injection function Settings(C-2) ................................................................. 36
2.5.3 Injection Profile Settings(C-3) .................................................................... 37
2.5.4 Injection parameters(C-4) (C-5) ................................................................. 38
2.6 Charge (plasticizing) and suck-back settings ..................................................... 39
2.6.1 Charge and suck-back settings(D-1) ........................................................... 39
2.6.2 Automatic barrel clean-up settings(D-2) .................................................... 40
2.6.3 Charge function settings(D-3) .................................................................... 41
2.6.4 Charging parameters settings(D-4) (D-5) ................................................... 42
2.7 Ejector.................................................................................................................... 43
2.7.1 Ejector settings(E-1) ................................................................................... 43
2.7.2 Air Blast Settings(E-2)................................................................................ 44
2.7.3 Ejector function settings(E-3) ..................................................................... 45
2.7.4 Ejector Parameters(E-5) .............................................................................. 46
2.8 Core(s) Settings ..................................................................................................... 47
2.8.1 Core1, Core 2, Core3 Settings(F-1) (F-2) (F-3).......................................... 47
2.8.2 Core Function(F-4) ................................................................................... 49
2.8.3 Core Parameters(F-5) .................................................................................. 50
2.9 Nozzle Settings ...................................................................................................... 51
2.9.1 Nozzle Setting(G-1) .................................................................................... 51
Pxa270 Standard Q8/M10M Version Manual

2.9.2 Nozzle/Mold Parameters (G-2)................................................................... 52

2.10 Temperature Control ........................................................................................... 53
2.10.1 Temperature Settings(H-1) ......................................................................... 53
2.10.2 Temperature function(H-2) ......................................................................... 54
2.10.3 Temperature parameters(H-3) .................................................................... 54
2.11 Fast set ................................................................................................................... 55
2.11.1 Fast set(I-1) ................................................................................................. 55
2.11.2 Fast set mold adjustment settings(I-2) ........................................................ 55
2.11.3 Fast set mold adjustment parameters settings(I-3) ..................................... 56
2.12 Monitor Settings ................................................................................................... 57
2.12.1 Alarm display(J-1) ...................................................................................... 57
2.12.2 Monitor 1Settings (J-2) ............................................................................... 58
2.12.3 Monitoring Settings 2/3 (Production Parameter Comparison) (J-3) (J-4) .. 60
2.12.4 Quality Profile setting(J-6) ......................................................................... 61
2.12.5 Monitoring counting settings(J-7) .............................................................. 62
2.12.6 Monitor parameters settings(J-8) ................................................................ 63
2.13 Monitor adjustment .............................................................................................. 64
2.13.1 Transducer Zero Point Reset(K-1).............................................................. 64
2.13.2 DA adjustment settings(K-2) ...................................................................... 65
2.14 I/O Channel Diagnostics ...................................................................................... 66
2.14.1 Input Channel Diagnostics (PB) (L-1) (L-2) .............................................. 66
2.14.2 Output Channel Diagnostics (PC) (L-3) (L-4)............................................ 67
2.14.3 I/O Channel Reassignment(M-1) (M-2) ..................................................... 68
2.14.4 Control Panel operating screen (PA) (L-5) ................................................. 69
2.14.5 Machine diagnostics screen(L-6) ................................................................ 70
2.15 Mold Set Database ................................................................................................ 71
2.15.1 Mold Save(N-1) .......................................................................................... 71
2.15.2 Mold Read(N-2).......................................................................................... 72
2.15.3 Mold Copy(N-3) ......................................................................................... 73
2.15.4 Mold Delete(N-4) ....................................................................................... 74
2.15.5 Machine Set(N-5) ....................................................................................... 75
2.15.6 Modify Record(N-6) ................................................................................... 75
2.16 Other special parameters settings(O-1) .............................................................. 76
2.17 System Settings ..................................................................................................... 77
2.17.1 System Parameter Settings(P-1) ................................................................. 77
2.17.2 System Control screen(P-2) ........................................................................ 78
2.17.3 Date Base(P-3) ............................................................................................ 78
2.17.4 System Reset(P-4) ...................................................................................... 79
2.17.5 Privilege(P-4) .............................................................................................. 80
2.17.6 Install screen(Q-1) (Q-2) ............................................................................ 80
2.18 Version(R-1) .......................................................................................................... 82
3 I/O Channel Index ..................................................................................................... 83
3.1 Input Channels...................................................................................................... 83
3.2 Output Channels ................................................................................................... 84
4 Parameter Index ................................................................................................... 85
4.1 Open mold parameters ......................................................................................... 85
4.2 Injection Parameters ............................................................................................ 87
4.3 Charge parameters ............................................................................................... 88
4.4 Ejector parameters ............................................................................................... 89
4.5 Core parameters ................................................................................................... 90
4.6 Nozzle parameters ................................................................................................ 91
4.7 Temperature parameters ..................................................................................... 92

Pxa270 Standard Q8 Version Manual

4.8 Fast set parameters ............................................................................................... 93

5 Alarm/Error Message Index..................................................................................... 94
6 Robot Installation (Optional) ................................................................................... 98

Pxa270 Standard Q8/M10M Version Manual

1 Operations Manual
The instructions within the Operations Manual assume that you are familiar with the HMI panel keys
and the various HMI display screens. If you are not or you are looking for more information on any
of the keys or display screens please refer to the appropriate section within the Reference Manual.

1.1 Clamping Unit Setup

When changing the mold follow the machine manufacturer‟s instructions at all times to avoid the
possibility of serious injuries to the machine operators.
After changing the mold you have to ensure that the mold and the nozzle/injection unit are properly
aligned to avoid damage to the machine. In addition, you need to make sure all necessary hose
connections to the mold have been properly established and the mold has been mounted securely.

1.1.1 Mould Height Adjustment

Before installing the mold use the Mold Adjustment keys to adjust for mold thickness and to advance
or retract core(s) if necessary.
Press the Reduced Mold Height Adjustment Key to roughly adjust for a reduced mold height
(reduced distance between moving and static platen) or the Increased Mold Height Adjustment Key
to roughly adjust for an increased mold height (increased distance between moving and static platen).
For continues platen movement press and hold the
Adjust the mold height. key. The platen will move slightly and stop. Keep
the key pressed and after a one-second delay the
platen will start to move continuously. Release the
key to stop platen movement. If you press the key
Turn the machine off. and release it immediately, the platen will move
slightly and stop, allowing for micro adjustments.
You can repeat this operation until the moving
Install the new mold. platen has reached the desired position.
Caution: Regarding to the safety issue, please stop
the motor from operating and turn OFF the
Turn the Machine on. machine while installing the new mold.
Once you have finished the installation of the new
mold, close the safety gate, turn on the machine
and press the Manual Mold Height Adjustment
Switch to Manual Mold Height
On/Off Key once to activate the Manual Mold
Adjustment mode and, if necessary,
Height Adjustment mode. Switch the HMI
change the speed and pressure
settings or load the mold set data.
display to the Other Settings screen by pressing
F9 (Fast) F2 (Adjm). This screen allows you to
change the speed and pressure settings after the
mold has been changed. If necessary, adjust the
Execute the Automatic Mold Height pressure, speed and position settings for the new
Adjustment. mold or load the mold set data.
After adjusting the settings press the Manual
Mold Height Adjustment On/Off key again to
Switch to normal operation mode. close the mold. While closing the mold the
controller will execute an automatic mold height
adjustment until the new settings are reached.
Once the automatic adjustment has finished all
machine operations will stop and the alarm will
sound. This indicates that you can now switch
back to manual or automatic operation modes.
Warning: For the safety reasons, you have to switch the machine into Manual Operation mode by
pressing Manual key before you use the Mold Height Adjustment key or Manual key. If you wish to
use any other mode, please change to the Manual mode before switching to the mode you required.

Pxa270 Standard Q8 Version Manual

If you encounter any problems during the mold height adjustment press the Manual key for an
emergency reset to stop the operation.

1.1.2 Mold Closing and Mold Protection

Mold closing is executed in three phases: Close mold 1 stage, Close mold 2 stage, Close mold 3
stage, Low Pressure closing and High Pressure closing. For optimum productivity mold closing
should be executed as fast as possible. However, to avoid damage to the mold and/or machine it
is important to use correct settings to ensure appropriate mold protection. For this reason pay
particular attention to the Slow Speed phase.

Press the Manual key to activate the Manual

mode. Switch the HMI display to the Clamp
Settings screen by pressing F2 (Clamp). Switch into Manual Mode.

Set the Mold Opening Stroke. The Mold Opening

Stroke is measured from the closed mold.
Therefore the Mold Opening Stroke position is Set the Mold Opening Stroke.
“0” when the mold is in its closed position.

Next enter the desired hydraulic speed and Set the hydraulic speed and pressure
pressure settings for the three mold closing for the three mold closing phases.
phases. You have to ensure that the settings
allow for a smooth, jerk-free movement of the
Set the transition position for
Set the hydraulic speed for the Low Speed phase switching from the High Speed phase
low enough to avoid damage to the mold in case to the Low Speed phase.
a jammed part has remained in the mold. For the
same reason set the lowest hydraulic pressure
Set the transition position for
To avoid damage to the mold the transition point switching from the Low Speed phase
for switching between High Speed and Low to the High Pressure phase.
Speed phase should be set before the position
where the mold could come into possible contact
with a jammed part.
Execute mold closing in Manual
The transition point for switching from the Low Mode to verify the settings and to
Speed to the High Pressure phase should be set check for optimum performance.
at the position where both parts of the mold are
starting to touch to initiate the high pressure
mold lock-up.

To accelerate mold closing you can activate the

differential high-speed mold closing option for
the High Speed closing phase.

After setting all mold closing parameters execute mold closing in Manual Mode to check for
optimum machine performance. If you encounter any problems during the mold closing adjustment
press the Manual key for an emergency reset to stop the operation.

Pxa270 Standard Q8/M10M Version Manual

1.1.3 Mold Opening

Mold opening is divided into five phases: Open mold 1 stage, Open mold 2 stage, Open mold 3
stage, Open mold 4 stage and Open mold 5 stage .

Press the Manual key to activate the Manual

Switch into Manual Mode. mode. Switch the HMI display to the Clamp
Settings screen by pressing F2 (Clamp).

Verify the Mold Opening Stroke and Then, enter the desired hydraulic speed and
adjust if necessary. pressure setting for the 5 mold opening stages.
You have to ensure that those settings allow for a
smooth, jerk-free movement of the mold.

Set the hydraulic speed and pressure Set the hydraulic speed for the Mold Open Stage 1
for the three mold opening phases. in order to separate the mold platen smoothly.

Adjust the transition point for switching from

Mold Opening Stage 1 to Mold Opening Stage 2
Set the transition position for according to your requirement.
switching from the first Low Speed
phase to the High Speed phase. The transition point setting of switching from
Mold Open Stage 4 to Mold Open Stage 5 would
allow the mold to slow down sufficiently before
reaching the end of position of the Mold Opening
Set the transition position for Stroke.
switching from the High Speed phase
to the final Low Speed phase. In case you want to use a robot to retrieve the
mold product at the end of the mold
opening/production cycle you need to set the Auto
Cycle Delay Time. Enter the time to elapse
Set Auto Cycle Delay Time for robot
use if necessary. between the end of mold opening and the
beginning of mold closing (indicating the start of
the next production cycle).

Execute mold opening in Manual After setting all mold opening parameters execute
Mode to verify the settings and to mold opening in Manual Mode to check for
check for optimum performance. optimum machine performance. If you encounter
any problems during the mold opening adjustment
press the Manual key for an emergency reset to
stop the operation.

Pxa270 Standard Q8 Version Manual

1.1.4 Ejector
The ejector can be operated in three different modes to knock the finished product out of the mold at
the end of mold opening. You can choose between the Hold, Count Number and the Vibration modes.

The Hold mode is used during semi-automatic operation. The ejector moves forward according to
the ejector settings and the product is dropped or taken out. After the safety gate has been opened
and closed the next cycle will start.
In Count Number mode the ejector is activated according to the Ejector and Ejection Count settings.
This mode is usually used for automatic machine operation. It does not require the opening and
closing of the safety door to continue the production cycle.
If you use the Vibration mode the ejector movement is controlled by the Ejector and Ejection Count
settings with the ejector vibrating at the end of the forward movement according to the Vibration
setting set in the Parameter 2 screen (setting No. 6) before retracting again.

Press the Manual key to activate the Manual

mode. Switch the HMI display to the Ejection Switch into Manual Mode.
Settings screen by pressing F5 (Eject).

First, set the Ejection Mode and Count. Please

note, if you want to deactivate the ejector you Set the Ejection Mode and Count.
can do so by setting the Ejection Count to “0”.

The Eject Try Again function is used for the Set the Forward Pressure and Speed
Photo Sensor auto operation mode. If the mold for both phases.
product cannot be knocked out completely, the
alarm will sound and the ejector will be activated
again. If the mold product is then successfully
knocked out the machine will resume normal Set the Forward End Position and
operation; otherwise it will stop for trouble Vibration time (if necessary).

If the mold product has not been knocked out

Set the transition point for switching
successfully while in Photo Sensor auto
between first and second phase.
operation mode and the Eject Try Again function
is not activated, the alarm will sound and the
machine will stop for ejection trouble shooting.
Set the Backward pressure and
The initial ejection is divided into two phases speed and delay time (if necessary).
that can be controlled separately. Set the pressure,
speed and transition position individually for
each phase.
Set the Backward end position.
Then, please set the pressure and speed for the
ejection retract.The Backward Delay time allows
you to set the time the ejector will stay in the
forward end position before it is retracted. (But Set the Ejector Activation Delay
will not maintain ejector forward, pressure, Time if necessary.
speed and electromagnetic valve).

If you require additional cooling of the mold

product after mold opening, set the Ejector Activate the ejector in Manual Mode
Activation Delay Time accordingly. to verify the settings and to check for
optimum performance.
After setting all ejection parameters activate the
ejector in Manual Mode to check for optimum
machine performance. If you encounter any
problems during the ejection set-up press
theManual key for an emergency reset to stop
the operation.
Pxa270 Standard Q8/M10M Version Manual

1.1.5 Air Blast

The machine provides an air blast ejection option for the moving platen as well as for the stationary
platen, and C platen, D platen, E platen, F platen.

Press the Manual key to activate the Manual

Switch into Manual Mode.
mode. Switch the HMI display to the Ejection
Settings screen by pressing F5 (Eject)F3(Blst).

Set the air blast Activation Time. First, set the Activation Time (duration of air blast)
for each platen.

Set then the corresponding Activation Position at

Set the air blast Activation Position. which you want to activate the air blast. The
Activation Position refers to the mold position
(reached during mold opening) at which the air
Set the air blast Delay Time. blast is activated.

If necessary, set the Delay Time for activating the

air blast (after the Activation Position has been
Activate the air blast in Manual reached) according to your preferences.
Mode to verify the settings and to
check for optimum performance. In case you require additional cooling of the mold
product after mold opening, set the Delay Time
for the air blast activation accordingly.

After setting all air blast parameters activate the air blast in Manual Mode to check for optimum
machine performance. If you encounter any problems during the air blast set-up press the Manual
key for an emergency reset to stop the operation.

Pxa270 Standard Q8 Version Manual

1.1.6 Core(s)
Depending on your setup your machine may be equipped with up to 6 cores (A, B, C, D, E, F ). Each
core is controlled separately. When setting up the core(s), you need pay close attention to make sure
the settings will not cause damage to the core(s) and/or the mold. Since the cores are freely
programmable it is impossible for the controller to prevent all possible settings errors.

Press the Manual key to activate the Manual

Mode. Switch the HMI display to the Core
Settings screen by pressing F6 (Cores).
Switch into Manual Mode.
First, choose for each core either the Core Mode
if you want to use a regular core that is moved in
and retracted hydraulically or the Unscrew Mode
if your mold requires threads created by Set the Core Mode (Function) and
unscrewing the inserted core. If the core is not Control Mode for each core.
needed set the Function value to “0”.

Next, select the desired Control Mode to control

the core movement. In Core Mode you can use Set the hydraulic Pressure and Speed
either Cycle Control or Time Control. In for each core.
Unscrew Mode you can use Time Control or
Count Control.

Using Cycle Control allows you to control the Set the Position values for moving in
core movements by limit switches for end- and retracting each core and enter the
Activation Time or Unscrew Count
position control (for insertion and retraction). At
(if used).
the pre-set point during the production cycle the
core(s) will move in/out until the limit switch
controlled end-position is reached. Please make
sure the limit switches are activated since Activate the cores in Manual Mode
deactivated switches will cause the machine to to verify the settings and to check for
stop (if Cycle Control is selected). optimum performance.

Time Control uses time settings for core insertion

and retraction. At the pre-set position during the
production cycle the core(s) are moved in/out for
the set period of time. Therefore core movement
(travel) is not controlled by end-position but by
time. As a result you will not be able to rely on
the protection of limit switches.

Accordingly, in Unscrew Mode the Time Control is used to set the time core unscrewing is activated
(e.g. for creating threads).

Count Control uses the pre-set number of revolutions to control the unscrewing of the core at the set
position during mold opening. To use Count Control you have to make sure a photo sensor for
counting the revolutions is installed on the core driving gear.
Please note that Count Control allows for higher precision than Time Control.

Set the Pressure, Speed, Activation Time, Unscrew Count (if used) and Position values for moving in
and retracting each core according to your needs.
Unique to Core A is the possibility to activate Core Unscrewing a second time (2nd Uns.) at the end
of the mold opening cycle. Please note that the second unscrewing can only use Count Control.

After setting all core parameters activate the core(s) in Manual Mode to check for optimum machine
performance. If you encounter any problems during the core set-up press the Manual key for an
emergency reset to stop the operation.

Pxa270 Standard Q8/M10M Version Manual

1.2 Injection Unit Setup

1.2.1 Nozzle/Injection Unit
Depends on your requirements you can set up the nozzle/injection unit to retract after injection has
finished. The controller offers you 3 different modes to choose from if nozzle/injection unit
retraction is needed.
Press the Manual key to activate the Manual mode.
Switch the HMI display to the Other Settings screen
by pressing F7 (Nozzle).
Switch into Manual Mode.
First, set the Retraction Mode (Sprue Back). The
After Charge mode (A. Chg.) retracts the
Set the Retraction Mode. nozzle/injection unit after charging (plasticizing) is
finished. The Before Opening mode (B. Opn.)
initiates nozzle/ injection unit retraction before
mold opening starts. If you want to retract the
Set the hydraulic pressure for nozzle/injection unit after injection has finished
nozzle/injection unit Advance. choose the After Injection mode (A. Inj.). Setting
the value to “0” will cause the nozzle and injection
unit to stay in place (no retraction).
Set the hydraulic speed settings for Next, set the hydraulic pressure for nozzle/injection
the High and Low Speed phases of
unit Advance. Enter the hydraulic speed settings for
the nozzle/injection unit Advance.
the corresponding High and Low Speed phases of
the nozzle/injection unit Advance. During the
forward movement the High-Speed settings are
Set the transition point between High used until the set End Position is reached.
and Low-Speed phases by entering Thereafter the nozzle/injection unit will move
the End Position for nozzle/injection forward using the Low-Speed settings, until it has
unit Advance. reached the final injection position.

When the Nozzle/Injection Unit moves forward

near to the end position, the speed will be changed
Activate the nozzle/injection unit in into low speed. It is important to allow for a safety
Manual Mode to verify the settings margin of at least 20mm between the set End
and to check for optimum Position and the actual contact point of nozzle and
performance. mold. If the End Position is set too close to the
contact point of nozzle and mold the nozzle might
not slow down enough before touching the mold.
The result could be damage to mold and/or nozzle.

Please note that a position setting of “0” refers to the position reached at the end of maximum
nozzle/injection unit retraction. As a result the Advance End Position is always greater than “0”.

After setting all nozzle/injection unit parameters activate the nozzle/injection unit in Manual Mode
to check for optimum machine performance. If you encounter any problems during the
nozzle/injection unit set-up press the Manual key for an emergency reset to stop the operation.

Pxa270 Standard Q8 Version Manual

1.2.2 Injection and Hold Pressure

Depending on your machine set-up the Injection process is divided into 3-6 phases and Hold
Pressure into 1-5 phases. The corresponding pressure - position graph of the current injection
settings and the real-time values achieved during the current Injection/Hold Pressure cycle are
display in the Injection Settings Profile. Press F3 (Inject) to access the Injection Settings Profile
screen for a review of your settings.

Activate the Manual Mode by pressing the Manual

key. Switch the HMI display to the Injection
Settings screen by pressing F3 (Inject). Switch into Manual Mode.

First, choose the Hold Pressure Transition Mode.

If the Time mode is used the controller will
switch to Hold Pressure after the set injection Set the Hold Pressure Transition
time has elapsed. In case the Position mode has Mode.
been selected the controller will switch to Hold
Pressure after the last set injection position has
been reached. However, the set time is used as a
backup to initiate the Hold Pressure phase if for Set the hydraulic Pressure and Speed
some reason the set transition position cannot be for each of the Injection and Hold
Pressure phases.

Please note that you should always set the time

limit higher than the usually required injection Set the Position settings for each of
time. This avoids poor molding results due to the Injection phases.
possible resign fluidity variations (poor fluidity
could require a longer than usual injection time).
The transition between each Hold Pressure
phase is controlled by the corresponding time Set the Time settings for each of the
settings and is not affected by the Hold Pressure Hold Pressure phases.
Transition Mode settings.

It is possible to use a combination of pressure

and time settings to control the injection process Set the Delay Time before Charge
by setting the position value for the transition value (if needed).
from Injection to Pressure Hold to zero. In this
case the final position will never be reached and
the pre-set injection time will be used as a
backup. However, doing so will disable the Activate Injection and Hold Pressure
monitoring of the current injection data and as a in Manual Mode to check for
result you will not be able to use the injection optimum machine performance.
cushion for monitoring the injection process.
Please refer to the Monitor Settings 1 section of
the reference manual for more information on
monitoring options.

Next, set the hydraulic pressure and speed for

each of the Injection and Hold Pressure phases.

Enter the Position settings for each of the Injection phases and the Time settings for each of the Hold
Pressure phases.

If cooling is needed at the end of Injection/Hold Pressure and before Charge (Plasticizing)/Suck-
Back is initiated set the desired Delay Time before Charge value accordingly.

After setting all Injection/Hold Pressure parameters activate Injection and Hold Pressure in Manual
Mode to check for optimum machine performance. If you encounter any problems during the
Injection/Hold Pressure set-up press the Manual key for an emergency reset to stop the operation.

Pxa270 Standard Q8/M10M Version Manual

1.2.3 Charge (Plasticizing) and Suck-Back

Charge (Plasticizing) is divided into five phases and suck back. You can set the Backpressure and
Speed for each phase individually. Suck-back is initiated at the end of Charge (Plasticizing) if

Press the Manual key to activate the Manual

Switch into Manual Mode. mode. Switch the HMI display to the Injection
Settings screen by pressing F4 (Charge).

First, set the Charge (Plasticizing) values for

Set the Charge (Plasticizing) values Backpressure and Speed individually for each
for Backpressure and Speed for each phase.
Next, enter the Positions for the transition
between the five Charge (Plasticizing) phases.

Set the Positions for the transition If there is a control back pressure with the setting
between the three Charge value of pressure function, you can set the back
(Plasticizing) phases. pressure in order to raise the density of the plastic
in the barrel.

You can choose Suck-Back mode at the F2 charge

Set the Suck-Back mode and Speed page. Suck back mode has the option of suck back
and Position/Time values. after injection and suck back after cooling.

You can choose Suck-Back control mode at the F4

function page. Suck back control mode has the
If needed set the Delay Time before
Charge and/or Cooling Time values.
time controlling and position controlling.

In addition, enter the Suck-back Speed and

Position/Time values. The same input field (below
Activate Charge (Plasticizing)/Suck- the Suck-Back Pressure and Speed settings) is
Back in Manual Mode to verify the used for both, the Time and the Position settings.
settings and to check for optimum The field label will change according to the
performance. selected mode to indicate the required value.

Set the Suck-back Press/Speed value to “0” if no

Suck-back is needed.

If cooling is needed after the injection hold pressure, please set the cooling before charging time.

Cooling timing:In case mold cooling is needed after completion of Charge/Suck-Back, please set
the cooling time as required.

In case cooling is needed after the completion of Charge (Plasticizing)/Suck-Back and before the
mold is opened enter the desired Cooling Time.

After setting all Charge (Plasticizing)/Suck-Back parameters activate Charge (Plasticizing) and
Suck-Back in Manual Mode to check for optimum machine performance. If you encounter any
problems during the Charge (Plasticizing)/Suck-Back set-up press the Manual key for an emergency
reset to stop the operation.

Pxa270 Standard Q8 Version Manual

1.2.4 Heater
Depending on your machine set-up the barrel heater of the injection unit is equipped with up to 9
barrel heating zones. The temperature, cushion and timer is controlled separately for each of the
barrel‟s heater bands. The right hand graph shows the current (actual) and set temperature for each
barrel heating zone.

Activate the Manual Mode by pressing the

Manual key. Switch the HMI display to the
Temperature Settings screen by pressing F8
Switch into Manual Mode.

First, set the Temperature Mode(Half Warm):

Choose “Not neccessary” if you want to keep the Set the Temperature Mode (Keep
temperature always in the preset range regardless Warm).
of the machine operation. Choose “Use” if you
want to keep the barrel temperature at the half
warm temperature.
Set the temperature for the different
Then, set the temperature for the different barrel barrel heating zones.
heating zones. On the screen it will show each
heating zone status with different colors:
Dark Green : The real temperature is in the Set the Temperature Cushion for
range of the temperature cushion.(injection each barrel heating zone.
movement is available)
Green : Heating is activating(Injection is not
available) Set the Timer Mode and program the
Red:The real temperature is out of the range of timer for each barrel heating zone (if
the temperature cushion and over the up limit. needed).

Please note that the heater will be turned off

immediately once the current temperature
Run the machine in Manual Mode to
exceeds the set value. For current temperatures check for optimum machine
below the set value heater activation depends on performance.
the set Temperature Cushion.

To adjust the Temperature Cushion, please press F8 (Temp) and press F4 (Para) to go to the
Parameter screen. If you want to activate the fist zone, just enter “1” for the first zone.

If you want to use Timer to control the barrel heating. Please press F3 (Func), select Temperature
Timer mode. Choose the date according to the day and setup the starting time. The computer will
then adjust the temperature according to the time you set. Select the setting 0 if you are not using.

In case of temperature related malfunctions a “977”, „988” or “999” will be displayed in the Real
Value field. A “977” refers to either a disconnected or malfunctioning D/A Temperature Card. The
value “988” identifies either a problem with the Thermal Wire Interface or the corresponding
Temperature Sensor. In case the current temperature is exceeding the normal temperature range (the
current temperature is above 450º C) the value “999” will be displayed.

After setting all Heater parameters run the machine in Manual Mode to check for optimum machine
performance. If you encounter any problems during the Heater set-up press the Manual key for an
emergency reset to stop the operation.

Pxa270 Standard Q8/M10M Version Manual

1.3 Production Monitor Setup

The HMI and controller provide you with automatic production monitoring and alarm features. The
system allows you to set a desired operating range with upper and lower limits (Delta Values) for
each production parameter. Once the current parameter value is outside the set operating range the
machine will stop operation and the alarm will sound. For later analysis the monitoring system will
record the time and the type of error that caused the alarm. To access the Alarm/Error Message
Display screen press F10 (Next) F2 (Prod).

At the beginning of each operation, the automatic

alarm is turned off until the machine has finished
the pre-set number of production cycles in Auto
Switch into Automatic Mode.
Operation mode. After the number of pre-set
production cycles the automatic alarm will be
activated and the achieved parameter values of the
Activate the Automatic Alarm Mode last production cycle will be used as reference
by setting it to “1”. points for the upper and lower limits (Delta
Values) of each production parameter. Should any
of the current production parameters during the
next production cycle and thereafter be outside the
Set the Delta Values (% and/or set upper and lower limits (Delta Values) the
absolute) for the production alarm will sound and machine operation will stop
parameter control. for trouble shooting.

After the stable of the production cycle, then the

auto alarm system is executed. Before the normal
Switch to the Parameter 2 screen operating of the machine is execute, the
and set the Auto Alarm Unit Count. parameters of the production will be corrected.
Therefore, you should take into consideration the
auto alarm system will only execute after the
stable production.
Switch to the Product Data screen to
set the Target Shot Count and the Press the Time Auto key to activate the Automatic
Pack Count (if necessary). mode. Switch the HMI display to the Monitor 1
screen by pressing F10 (Next), and pressing
F2( PM) ,and pressing F3 (mon1).
Run the machine in Automatic Mode. First, activate the Automatic Alarm Mode by
setting the Auto Alarm value to “1”.

In case of improved production Next, set the Delta Values (% and/or absolute) for
results re-establish the Reference the production parameter control. See below for a
Values by setting the Auto Alarm more detailed explanation for the calculation of
Mode to “2” if desired. upper and lower limits based on the Delta Values.

You can use the actual production parameter value with the delta value(%)in order to built a
deviation value, then use the deviation value and the reference value to build a up and down limit, if
you need a group delta value(%)and delta value to get the maximum and minimum limit please use
the formula under:

Upper Limit Where

RV + (RV * x/100) + y RV = Reference Value

x = Delta Percentage Value (e.g. 10 for 10%)
Lower Limit y = Delta Absolute Value

RV - (RV * x/100) - y

Pxa270 Standard Q8 Version Manual

Since the Reference Values are not fixed and vary from one machine operation cycle to the next the
values are lost once the machine is turned off. They will be re-established at the beginning of the
next operation cycle by using the current parameter values to determine the new reference points for
the upper and lower limits (Delta Values).

Under the Auto Alarm mode, if the Auto Alarm had already been activated (mode 1) or if the
necessary number of production cycle for establishing the reference values has not yet been reached
(mode 0), you can adjust the cycle numbers for Auto Alarm mode please press F8 enter into the
parameters screen and insert the data you required.
Run the machine in automatic mode after setting all parameters until the activation of the Auto
Alarm mode to verify the setting and to check for optimum performance. In case of improved
production results after the activation of the Auto Alarm mode re-establish the Reference Value in
Monitor 1 screen.

Pxa270 Standard Q8/M10M Version Manual

1.4 Other Functions and Settings

The use of optional features such as Power Doors, the Robot, the Solenoid Valve and the
Accumulator is set within the Other Functions and Settings screen. Their availability is dependent on
your machine set-up.

Switch into Manual Mode. Press the Manual key to activate the Manual
mode. Switch the HMI display to the Other
Settings screen by pressing F5 (Eject), and press
F4 (Function).
Set the Power Door mode.
Set the Power Door mode. If activated the Safety
Door opens automatically (in semi-auto mode
only) at the end of the cycle. The operating keys
Set the Robot Mode.
to close and open the door are activated. If this
function is disabled the Safety Doors will not
open automatically and any door opening and
Set the Inject Fast mode. closing has to be done manually without the help
of the power assisted operating keys.

Please note that manual Safety Door operation

Set the Accumulator mode.
might require considerable physical strength
especially when operating large machines.

Run the machine in Manual Mode to Next, set the Robot Mode. Activate if a robot is
verify the settings and to check for used for retrieving the product from the mold.
optimum performance.
Activating the Inject Fast mode allows the use of
an optional solenoid valve to achieve higher
injection speeds.

The Accumulator should be activated if you need to achieve a higher injection pressure and with it
the capability of higher injection speeds.

After setting all parameters run the machine in Manual Mode to check for optimum machine
performance. If you encounter any problems during set-up press the Manual key for an emergency
reset to stop the operation.

Pxa270 Standard Q8 Version Manual

2 Control Panel (HMI)

Pxa270 Standard Q8/M10M Version Manual

2.1 Control Panel and Keys

The Control Panel is covered with a protective Mylar layer to make the panel water, dirt
and abrasion resistant. All keys are operated through type A mechanical contact
switches to provide for reliability and a long service life.

2.1.1 Machine Control Panel Keys

The machine control panel keys allow you to switch between different machine
operating modes and to manually control the operation of the machine. Nevertheless,
even most manual commands will be executed using the stored machine settings. It is
therefore important that you verify the settings first to ensure safe machine operation.

Pxa270 Standard Q8 Version Manual

Machine Operating Mode Keys

Manual Key: This key has various functions. It is used to change from Auto
Operation mode to Manual Operation mode as well as a reset key for data and alarm

Semi-Auto Key: Press this key to run the machine in Semi-Auto Operation
mode. After each cycle you have to open and close the safety gate to start the next cycle.

Photo Sensor Key: Press this key to run the machine in Auto Operation mode
with the Photo Sensor activated. At the end of each cycle, the photo sensor will verify
whether the product has been properly ejected from the mold within 4 seconds. If the
product is still in the mold the machine will automatically stop and the alarm will sound.
The control display will show an „Ejection Failure‟ error message.

Time Auto Key: Press this key to run the machine in Auto Operation mode.
Use this operation mode to let the machine execute each cycle automatically. The
controller will stop the machine and the alarm will sound in case an error occurs. In this
mode the photo sensor is not activated.

2.1.2 Mold Height Adjustment

Mold Adjustment: This key provides two options of function, the first press is
thick mold adjustment, the screen will display a transfer from the manual to thick mold,
under this situation, mold distract and forward is able to move, meanwhile to provide
convenient and safety to the mold platen. At the same time operating the open close
mold, injection, charge, suck back, nozzle in and out pressure and speed eventually use
the internal low pressure slow speed, the position of pressure speed will not change
while operating, however mold open, charge and injection distract will stop when they
reach the position. Therefore, please use the thick mold which setting the mold platen.
The second selection will be the automatic mold adjustment, when the operator had
done fixing with the mold platen, please set the pressure, speed, position and any other
parameters etc, then close the safety door, press the Manual Mold Height Adjustment
key again to execute an automatic mold height adjustment until all preset parameters
and conditions had been reached. When the machine gives an alarm, it means the work
had been finished, and you can continue to do the next step operation.

Pxa270 Standard Q8/M10M Version Manual

Just press Manual key to turn back to Manual mode. It is not allowed to change into
Auto mode from any Mold Height Adjustment mode directly.

Increased Mold Height Adjustment key: same to the function of the above
key, only the direction is opposite. The mold adjustment is moving backward. When the
mold height is adjusted to the maximum position, the limit switch will be activated and
mold height increase will stop.

Reduced Mold Height Adjustment key: Under the Manual Mold Height
Adjustment mode, you can press this key to reduce mold height roughly; If you press
this key and release immediately, the platen will move slightly and stop, allowing for
micro mold height adjustment. The reduced mold height will depend on how many
times you press this key. If you press this key and hold it for one second, the mold plate
will move continuously, release the key to stop the movement.

2.1.3 Manual Operation Mode Keys

Open Mold Key: While in Manual Operation mode, close the safety gate and
press and hold this key to open the mold. Once you release the key mold opening will
stop. If core(s) are used they will be moved according to the settings. Press F6 (Cores)
to view the core settings. Please note that you can use the Open Mold key in Manual
Operation mode only.

Close Mold Key: While in Manual Operation mode, close the safety gate and
press and hold this key to close the mold. If core(s) are used they will be moved
according to the settings. Press F6 (Cores) to view the core settings. In case a robot is
installed it must be reset. If the ejector is in knockout position, it will retract before the
mold closes. Once you release the Close Mold key mold closing will stop. Please note
that you can use this key in Manual Operation mode only.

Pxa270 Standard Q8 Version Manual

Ejector Retraction Key: Use this key in Manual Operation mode to retract the
ejector. Ejector movement will stop once the key has been released or the back limit has
been reached. Please note that you can use this key in Manual Operation mode only.

Ejector Activation Key: Use this key in Manual Operation mode to activate the
ejector. Before the ejector can be activated the mold has to be opened completely, all
cores have to be retracted and the ejector has to be positioned between the limit
switches. The ejector will be activated according to the Ejector settings. Press F5 (Eject)
to view the settings. Please note that you can use Ejector Activation key in Manual
Operation mode only. If necessary press the Manual key for an emergency reset to stop
the operation.

Air Blast Moving Platen Key: Use this key in Manual Operation mode to
activate the air blast for the moving platen. The current air blast settings will be used.
Press F5 (Eject) to view the settings. Please note that you can use this key in Manual
Operation mode only. If necessary press the Manual key for an emergency reset to stop
the operation.

Air Blast Static Platen Key: Use this key in Manual Operation mode to
activate the air blast for the static platen. The current air blast settings will be used.
Press F5 (Eject) to view the settings. Please note that you can use this key in Manual
Operation mode only. If necessary press the Manual key for an emergency reset to stop
the operation.

Core A In Core A Out Keys: Press the Core A In key to enter the core
function option. Press the core in or core out key under the manual mode any core
movement will be executed according to the current settings at any position of the open
and close mold.

Core B In Core B Out: Selection of the function of Core B, press the

core in or core out key under the manual mode any core movement will be executed
according to the current settings at any position of the open and close mold.

Core C In Core C Out: Selection of the function of Core C, press the

core in or core out key under the manual mode any core movement will be executed
according to the current settings at any position of the open and close mold.

Injection Key: Under the manual mode, when the temperature is “ON”, the
barrel‟s temperature had reached and had also reach the preset temperature value. Press
Pxa270 Standard Q8/M10M Version Manual

this key to inject and during the movement, the set value will enter into pressure
protection according to different stages then enter into the end of the pressure protection
pressure and speed. Once u release this key then the injection will stop.

Suck back Key: Press this key to retract the ejector. Ejector movement will stop
once the key has been released or the back limit has been reached.

Charge (Plasticizing) Key: Use this key in Manual Operation mode to charge
the injection unit. Press and release this key to start charging (plasticizing). The
operation is automatically stopped once charging has been completed. If necessary,
press and release the Charge (Plasticizing) key again to stop charging immediately. If
Suck-Back is required the controller will initiate Suck-Back automatically according to
the current settings. Press F3 (InjSpc) to view the settings.
Please note that you can use this key in Manual Operation mode only.

Auto Purge Key: While in Manual Operation mode, press this key to activate
Auto Purge. The current Auto Purge settings will be used. Press F3 (InjSpc) to view the
settings. Please note that you can use this key in Manual Operation mode only. If
necessary press the Manual key for an emergency reset to stop the operation.

Nozzle Advance Key: Press and hold this key in Manual Operation mode to
move the nozzle and injection unit forward. Release the key to stop movement. Please
make sure the nozzle advance limit switch (located on the machine) is activated to
prevent damage as a result of the nozzle colliding with the mold. For safety reasons the
nozzle and injection unit will slow down once it is moving close to the mold.
Please note that you can use this key in Manual Operation mode only.

Nozzle Retraction Key: Press and hold this key in Manual Operation mode to
retract the nozzle and injection unit. Release the key to stop movement. Please note that
the nozzle retraction limit switch is deactivated during this operation to permit
maximum injection unit movement. This allows for easy cleaning and maintenance. The
nozzle retraction limit switch is only activated while using auto operation modes. Please
note that you can use this key in Manual Operation mode only.

Hydraulic Pump Motor On/Off Key: Press this key in Manual Operation
mode to start the hydraulic pump motor (customer installed), press it again to stop the
motor. Please note that you can use this key in Manual Operation mode only.

Heater On/Off Key: Press this key in Manual Operation mode to start heating
the barrel, press it again to stop heating the barrel. The heater will use the current barrel

Pxa270 Standard Q8 Version Manual

heating settings. Press F8 (Temp) to view the settings. Please note that you can use this
key in Manual Operation mode only.

Lubrication Key: Press and hold this key in Manual Operation mode to start
the lubrication oil pump (customer installed). Release the key to stop the pump. Please
note that you can use this key in Manual Operation mode only.

Pxa270 Standard Q8/M10M Version Manual

2.1.4 Data Entry Keys

The keys described in this section are used for numerical and text input.

Important: In order to avoid any loss of data and/or settings make sure you have saved
the current mold set again before loading a new mold. If you fail to do so any settings
changes you may have made will be lost.

When you turn off the controller/machine the current settings will be saved as the
working mold set. Nevertheless, you need to save the mold set again before loading any
new mold set since any changes you made have not been saved in the mold set database,
only as the working mold set settings.
It is also important to note that you need to leave the current screen before you turn off
the controller/machine since any changes will be saved only after you have left the
screen you have used to make the changes. If you turn off the controller/machine
without exiting the current screen any changes you may have made within this screen
will be lost.

If you are unsure if the current settings have been saved always save the current mold
set into the mold set database.

Numerical Keys

Use the number keys to enter numeric values. The controller has a pre-set
minimum/maximum for most values that cannot be exceeded. If you try to enter a value
that exceeds the pre-set minimum/maximum you will not be able to leave the current
entry field until a correct value has been entered.
Pressing Enter, Y or an arrow key will confirm the input and move the cursor to the next
input field. In order to use the numerical keys you have to unlock the key pad by turning
the Num. Lock Key in the lower left corner of the control panel to position 1.

If you need to enter the alphabet for example: A then enter press two times then

will become A if enter B then press twice, and so on.

Screen Saving Key

The movement under should be activating under manual mode:

Pxa270 Standard Q8 Version Manual

1. inserts the SD card or USB to the machine.

2. turn to the screen of printing,press this button twice .

Next, “ER: loading MMC card” will appear at the left bottom column,it means the
printing is in the process.
3. A screen will pop up from the window in about 2 or 3 seconds which means that
the printing is in process and will be save into SD/MMC card,after that press

to confirm.

4 insert SD/MMC card and connected to the pc machine,enter print file,in side the
file it include the screen that after printing.
ATTN:User can use different language to process the actions above

Input Dialog Box Confirm/Cancel Keys

Enter key : After the insert of the value, press this enter key to indicate the saving
other data, press once the enter key to move the cursors to the other position. This key
is able to represent the direction key.
Warning: Before you renew the mold platen, if you want to change any set documents,
you have to resave the mold data again. If you did not do so, the new data will disappear.

Cancel key : Pressing this key cancels the changes you may have made within the
current field and resets the current value to “0”.

Arrow Keys:

Arrow Keys: Use the arrow keys to change the current field selection and to move the
cursor. Please note that the arrow keys move the cursor only within the current column
(up/down) or line (left/right). If the field you are trying to select does not overlap with
the currently selected column or line using the arrow keys will not allow you to jump to
the desired field unless you use a combination of left/right and up/down movements you

can use the enter key to reach the desired position.

Pxa270 Standard Q8/M10M Version Manual

Notice:After you change the data and willing to move the cursors to another position,
the original data after corrections will be saved.

Screen Selection Keys

The Machine Settings Panel provides 10 keys (F1 – F10) for screen selection. The
entire set of keys has two different menus (A and B).
A group included 8 groups of vice menu (mold platen, injection, charge, ejector, core,
nozzle, temperature and fast set)
B group including 7 groups of vice menu (production monitor setup, correction, IO,
mold platen others, system, and version)



You can choose the display screen you needed from the screen below and you can use
F10 key to transfer between two main options, and also to return from the vice option to
the main option.
When choosing any of the display screen, if the vice menu is not display, then the option
will turn white and display the above situation. On the other hand, if the display screen
appears vice menu then the display screen will change into another display screen.
If the option you select includes a vice menu, the display screen and option will change
For example: Press F2 mold platen, then the mold platen screen and the display screen
below will appear in chorus.

Pxa270 Standard Q8 Version Manual

2.2 HMI Display

2.2.1 Screen Selection
To access any of the screens described in this section please use this graphic as a

F2 F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F8 F9 F10
F3 F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F8 F9 F10
F4 F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F8 F9 F10
F5 F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F8 F9 F10
F6 F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F8 F9 F10
F7 F1 F2 F3 F7 F8 F9 F10
F8 F1 F2 F3 F4 F10
F9 F1 F2 F3 F4 F6 F7 F8 F9 F10

F2 F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F10
F3 F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F9 F10
F4 F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F10
F5 F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F10
F7 F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F6 F10
F8 F10

For a more detailed explanation of how to use the screen selection keys (F1 through F10)
please refer to the Screen Selection Keys section of this manual.

Pxa270 Standard Q8/M10M Version Manual

2.3 Control Panel(A-1)

Status display Barrel current Communication Page Screen & Mold

machine temperature and identity Number data Name
heating condition

Mold opening total

counter display after
the auto cycle

Total time display

pressure, Flow during the auto cycle.

Rotation speed of
Display the
position of the
Injection Position,
mold and ejector Injection Start, and

Date and time

The motor icon will

Screen Menu Oil Temperature appear here if the
hydraulic motor is
turned on.

Warning: Situation display above, mold platen name, motor movement situation, open
mold total amount timing and at the below part had point out the date, time of display
key will be shown in any of the screen

Pxa270 Standard Q8 Version Manual

2.4 Clamp Settings

include F2 Mold, F3 Function, F4 Para1 , F5 Para2 and F6 Sppa

2.4.1 Clamp open/close mold settings(B-1)

Path- Main screen  F2 mold  F2 mold
F2 Mold

Mold Opening Stroke: Sets the distance the mold will travel between mold closed and
mold open positions.
Mold Opening and Closing Settings: Mold Closing and Mold Opening is divided into
3 phases each. Pressure and speed settings can be adjusted separately for each phase.
The transition between each phase is controlled by the corresponding position settings.
The corresponding Mold Closing and Mold Opening profiles are displayed in the
Pressure-Position Graphs on the right hand side (Mold Closing top, Mold Opening
Auto Cycle Delay Time: The delay time between molding cycles, usually for robot use.

Pxa270 Standard Q8/M10M Version Manual

2.4.2 Open/close mold function settings(B-2)

Path- Main screen  F2 mold F3 function
F3 function

Close Mold: it could set for close mold if need 3 column please enter 3
Open Mold: it could set for open mold if need 3 column please enter 3
Re-cycle timing: Remain time after a cycle is done and between the time entering into
another new cycle.
Open /Close fast: if the section has been chosen, it will fasten the speed of processing
Open mold continuous moving: You can either choose use or not use the ejector or
core (A/B/C).
Continuous moving position: The position of the movement starting point.

Pxa270 Standard Q8 Version Manual

2.4.3 Open/ close mold parameters settings(B-3)

Path- Main screen  F2 mold  F4 PARA

This photo including Clamp Settings and all the other parameters (detail information
please referral to the Para chart)

Pxa270 Standard Q8/M10M Version Manual

2.4.4 Open /close mold Special parameters(B-4)

Path- Main screen  F2 mold  F5 SPPA

Pxa270 Standard Q8 Version Manual

2.5 Injection settings

Including F2 injection, F3 function, F4 profile, F5 parameter and F6 Sppa
2.5.1 Injection Settings(C-1)
Path- Main screen  F3 Inje  F2 Injection
F2 Injection

Injection and hold pressure: Due to the injection control, it is divided into injection
and hold pressure, injection is divided into 4 stages, each stages has its own pressure
and speed setup , transition of each stages is used according to the position distance to
transit the pressure and speed, it‟s is suitable for different kinds of complicated , high
precision mold platen , however injection hold pressure is available to transit by time, or
by using position transit or both, the perform is due to the consideration of the mold
platen‟s formation , the flowing and efficiency of the raw materials, there are many
different ways to modulate but all the modulation are basically included.
Hold pressure used three stages of pressure, speed, transition is function according
to the position of time or pressure, until the last timing was done, it means that the
injection procedure is completed and continues by the next step.
The user can also use the permanent injection timing to inject by setting the hold
pressure position to zero, to prevent the hold pressure to reach the transition point, the
manual injection time is equal to the actual injection time however the sensor function
will be lost, and the low quality products will be hard to discover and lack of
immediate modulation.
Due to the difference of flowing of every mold barrel, the smaller the variation is
the higher the products quality will be, therefore the computer will check during the
starting point of the injection , the injection movement timing and the sensor part .
Please take notice that the alarm will be alert when the limit is overtaken.
Hold pressure transform: Pressure protection after the injection is mainly divided in
to 3 types.
Position selection will be made after the hold pressure reach the position; times
selection will be made when the injection time reach the transformed hold pressure;
pressure selection is made when the hold pressure reach the transformed hold pressure

Pxa270 Standard Q8/M10M Version Manual

hold pressure:The transformation way selection: Under the pressure condition this
setup is available.
Injection time: The injection time is normally longer than the actual time, it is because
when the hold pressure reached its transit point the computer will stop the injection time,
therefore when the raw material flowing is not in the best condition, the actual timing
will be longer, and the transit point will reach later, however during the good condition
of the raw material flowing the transit point will reach efficiently, at the moment the
actual timing will be shorter. In order to differentiate both of these, we provide a highest
and lowest limit, it means that the actual timing of injection should not overtake the
limit it is because the production out of this scope will be considered as bad quality
When the hold pressure transform is using the injection position controller, when the
injection of 6 stages position ends when the screw is reached , it is transform to the
hold pressure, if the point is not reached, then the transform will happen when the
upper limit time is reached. Therefore, this time setting value will normally be longer
then the injection timing, when the transform timing is selected the 4 stages end
position will not be displayed, and the upper limit 000.0mm will change to
movement000.0sec, at the moment the injection will activate according to the time set.

2.5.2 Injection function Settings(C-2)

Path- Main screen  F3 Inje F3 Func
F3 Func

Inject Rank:could be divide into three zone if need it then enter 3。

Hold Rank:could be divide into three zone if need it then enter 3。
Accumulator:when choosing accumulator, the machine can reach to the max speed。
Inject Fast:If you have choosing this function, will increase the valve
Inj. Shut Off:only can be use if the machine has it

Pxa270 Standard Q8 Version Manual

2.5.3 Injection Profile Settings(C-3)

Path- Main screen  F3 Inje F4 Prof
F4 Prof

Pressure – Position graph of the current injection settings and the values achieved
during the current Injection/Hold Pressure cycle. The values are displayed in real-time.

Speed Curve Ratio (optional): This setting allows you to adjust the displayed speed
curve if it should exceed the graph‟s value range (e.g. the curve “leaves” the graph). The
present value is 100.
If you change the ratio to 50 the displayed graph value will actually be 50% of the true
value. This allows you to flatten the speed curve if some of its values should exceed the
values indicated by the graph.
You are reading off the peak of the injection speed. Taking the highest point of the
curve you go to the right border of the graph to read off the corresponding value. If the
value is 60 and the Speed Curve Ratio is 100 then the actual peak injection speed would
be 60. If you now set the Speed Curve Ratio to 50 you will notice that the curve
becomes considerably flatter. When reading off the peak speed again you will find the
corresponding value to be 30 (50% of the true value which is still 60).
Set P (Set Pressure): The black line indicates the preset pressure for Injection and Hold
Inject P (Injection Pressure): The red line indicates the actual pressure achieved
during the last Injection/Hold Pressure cycle.
Inject S (Injection Speed): The blue line indicates the actual injection speed achieved
during the last injection cycle.

Pxa270 Standard Q8/M10M Version Manual

2.5.4 Injection parameters(C-4) (C-5)

Path- Main screen  F3 Inje F5 Para/F6 Sppa

This photo including Injection Settings and all the other parameters (detail information
please referral to the Para chart)


Pxa270 Standard Q8 Version Manual

2.6 Charge (plasticizing) and suck-back settings

Including F2 charge、F3 cleaning、F4 function、F5 parameters and F6Sppa

2.6.1 Charge and suck-back settings(D-1)

Path– screen  F4 charge  F2 charge
F2 charge

Charge setting: Charging process, a total of 5 stages of pressure, speed control, are free
to set its start, the necessary pressure and the speed and location at the last and middle
Suck back setting: Suck back setting of pressure speed is divided into position or time.
If position is selected you only need to insert the suck back distance, if you are not
using the suck back please set the time and position to 0.
Cool Delay: Reserve before the cooling time can also be done before the charge is
expected to use the cooling function.
Cool Time: After injection began cooling time.

Pxa270 Standard Q8/M10M Version Manual

2.6.2 Automatic barrel clean-up settings(D-2)

Path– screen  F4 charge  F3 cleaning
F3 cleaning

Cleaning frequency: According to the actual demand to setup the cleaning frequency,
the maximum setup is 99 times.

Notice:When the machine is activating the production normally, if the screw last
position is too big (current location) after the product is completed. When the
operator is willing to correct the value, changing of the corresponding data is
according to the charging and injection. However this function could simplify the
operation if only to insert the final position of the injection at the correction
column and select use at the “remain storage corrections” column to complete the
auto correction of all the charging injection position.

Time: According to the actual demand to setup the cleaning time.

Pxa270 Standard Q8 Version Manual

2.6.3 Charge function settings(D-3)

Path– screen  F4 charge  F4 function
F4 function

Charge: The Rank setting of charge

Charge back pressure valve:You can either choose output or not output during the
charge back pressure valve.
Suck back control mode: When the selection of the suck back time control is selected,
the suck back position settings column unit will change to time which means suck back
movement timing settings are available.

Suck back control before charging : Selection of time and position control is
available during the suck back movement before charging.
Charging control once again: Selection of position and time control is available
during charging before injection.

Pxa270 Standard Q8/M10M Version Manual

2.6.4 Charging parameters settings(D-4) (D-5)

Path – screen  F4 charge  F5 parameters / F6 Sppa

F5 parameters

This screen consists of all corresponding parameters during charging settings. (Please
refer to the parameters index for further information)
F6 Sppa

Pxa270 Standard Q8 Version Manual

2.7 Ejector
Including F2 Ejector、F3 Blast 、F4 Function and F5 Parameters

2.7.1 Ejector settings(E-1)

Path- Main screen  F5 EJET F2 EJET

Ejector settings:
The initial ejection is divided into two phases that can be controlled separately. You can
set pressure, speed and activation position individually for each phase. If you require
additional cooling of the mold product after mold opening set the delay time for ejector
activation accordingly.
Ejector mode:Ejector mode consists of 3 different kind of options ;
Stop:Use this function when ejector stop, uniformly used under semi auto mode,
automatic mode is not available, the thimble will push then stop to await for the
extraction of the production, the thimble will only move backward after the
power door is closed . After the thimble movement then the close mold will
Frequency:The ejector frequency is count according to the setup value of the ejector
Vibration:It is the ejector vibration, the thimble will rely on the frequency set and
will activate a short term high speed backward and forward ejection when the
forward ejector reach the end which will cause a vibration and a fall off of the
production(the vibration time please refer to the ejector column)
Eject Count (Ejection Count): The number of times the ejector will be activated.
Setting this value to “0” will deactivate the ejector.
Position: Set here the end position for ejector retraction between repeated activation (in
case of multiple ejector activation). Please note this position is relative to the absolute
retraction end position that is used after final ejector activation and determined by the
transducer zero point setting.

Pxa270 Standard Q8/M10M Version Manual

2.7.2 Air Blast Settings(E-2)

Path- Main screen  F5 EJET F3 BLST


Blast :We provide fixed-blowing activities template (optional), which included A, B,

C, D, E, F group blasting to control the position of the action point, timing delay of the
blasting time. If the ejection is done, mold close will only be activated after the blasting
is completed.

Pxa270 Standard Q8 Version Manual

2.7.3 Ejector function settings(E-3)

Path – screen  F5 EJET  F4 FUNC

Robot: In order to operate with the automatic production of the production department,
therefore robot is used to replace the workers to extract the injection products. Therefore
after every completion of open mold the robot will automatically extract the products.
Besides, in order to protect the mold platen and the robot the computer of our company
will ensure that the robot has returned to its position in reserve before the close mold
then close mold will be activate.
Automatic power door: If there is an installment of pneumatic or oil pressure power
door, selection of this function should be set if not the power door key on the operating
panel will be insufficient.

Manual:Manual air blow, Example:when set=0,press this key then move

platen air blow。When set=1,

Enter this key then C set air blow。setting=2, press this key then E set air

Pxa270 Standard Q8/M10M Version Manual

2.7.4 Ejector Parameters(E-5)

Path- Main screen  F5 EJET F6 PARA

This photo including Ejector Settings and all the other parameters (detail information
please referral to the Para chart)

Pxa270 Standard Q8 Version Manual

2.8 Core(s) Settings

Including F2 core 1, F3 core 2, F4 core 3, F5 function and F6 Parameters

2.8.1 Core1, Core 2, Core3 Settings(F-1) (F-2) (F-3)

Path– screen  F6 core  F2 core 1/F3 core 2/ F4 core 3

F2 core1

F3 core 2

Pxa270 Standard Q8/M10M Version Manual

F4 Core 3

Core means core in and core out movement, it‟s also a injection of a core when
mold platen needs a mold close procedure, while during the open mold procedure the
core was suck out and return to its original form, this function basically is used for a
cannular mold platen. Under a auto mode condition injection and core move forward at
the same time to prevent the core from being contracted when injection. Therefore core
and screw is not allowed to use for the same function.
Function:Selecting core mode, it is a core in movement, selecting screw mode it
means the products need manufacture with grains, with the help of oil pressure motor to
activate turning and position fixing control. (When you are using the function above,
please check the motor if there is a oil passage switch, it is because this function is a
non standardize equipment)
Core setting: The computer can provide at least 6 group of core control which is
depends on the motor oil passage equipment every group of core can set separately
according to your require including the pressure, speed, movement time, movement
position setup.

Control:If a core mode is selected, you can either choose the distance control or the
time control. If a screw mode is selected, you can either choose counting control or time

Pxa270 Standard Q8 Version Manual

2.8.2 Core Function(F-4)

Path- screen  F6 Core  F5 FUNC

Core Pull:Maximum 6 groups of core setting usage is available

Manual core:Operating panel only provide A B C three groups of operating key.

Select this if you want to operate core D E F group manually.

When the setup is 1, press to change to D group core forward and


When the setup is 2, press to change to E group core forward and


When the setup is 3, press to change to F group core forward and


Pxa270 Standard Q8/M10M Version Manual

2.8.3 Core Parameters(F-5)

Path- screen  F6 CORR F6 PARA

This photo including Core Settings and all the other parameters (detail information
please referral to the Para chart)

Pxa270 Standard Q8 Version Manual

2.9 Nozzle Settings

Including F2 nozzle、F3 parameter

2.9.1 Nozzle Setting(G-1)

Path– screen  F7 nozzle  F2 nozzle
F2 nozzle

Nozzle setting
Pressure: Set here the hydraulic pressure for Nozzle advance and retraction.
Speed: Set up suitable nozzle high speed and slow speed action, when the nozzle move
in a high speed to the final position, nozzle forward will change to a slow speed
movement until the slow speed timing is done.
Position: Nozzle move forward to the final position will change the speed from high
speed to low speed, considering changing to slow speed before 20mm of the final
position to allow the shut off to reach the mold platen by using the rotation power which
is very important. It is because if the position setting is not accurate, the nozzle will not
decrease the speed, the mold platen and shut off will damage because of the strength
while they contact.
Warning: Nozzle position, the forward the figure is the bigger the figure will be. If the
nozzle distract position is 0, the nozzle will distract to the end.
Nozzle distraction mode: Not necessary = means the nozzle is not operating
After the charge= Nozzle distract after the charge ends
Before mold open = Nozzle distract before the mold
open(means the cooling time has
reached) 。
After the injection= Nozzle distract after the injection.

Pxa270 Standard Q8/M10M Version Manual

2.9.2 Nozzle/Mold Parameters (G-2)

Path– screen  F7 nozzle  F3 parameter
F3 parameter

This photo including nozzle and molding and all the other para (detail information
please referral to the Para chart)

Pxa270 Standard Q8 Version Manual

2.10 Temperature Control

Including F2 temperature, F3 timing and F4 parameter

2.10.1 Temperature Settings(H-1)

Path– screen  F8 temp  F2 temp
F2 temp

Maximum temperature preset value 450℃。

Keep warm function:Use to select “not use” .When it shows ”use”, then the
actual temperature is set according to the preset warming temperature.
Anti-cold start time: this time on the actual temperature reached the set temperature of
minus deviation of the temperature after the next time. Allow time after the end of the
Keep warm temperature : When the temperature reached the preset keep warm
temperature the computer will automatically switch on the heater to activate the keep
warm function.
Electric heat diagram color explanation
Green: Means the actual temperature is within the limit range.(injection movement is
Yellow: Heating condition.(injection is not available)
Red: Means the actual temperature has overtake the temperature range which is
exceeding the upper limit.
※ Note: If the actual temperature than the original set of temperature alarm, the lower
limit will be 'temperature deviations' message, but so will be able to reduce the heating
next time.
When the temperature is damage the screen will display ”977” , ”988” , ”999”。
977 means the temperature board is not connected or damaged.
988 means the temperature wire or temperature induction is damaged.
999 means the temperature is exceeding the normal range limit or the temperature wire
is damaged.
Pxa270 Standard Q8/M10M Version Manual

2.10.2 Temperature function(H-2)

Path – screen  F8 temperature  F3 timing
F3 timing

Heating on time :When you are using the heating on time function, please setup the
heating time and select use, when it reach the heating time the computer will
automatically activate the heater switch.

2.10.3 Temperature parameters(H-3)

Path – screen  F8 temperature  F4 parameter
F4 parameter

This photo including temperature setting and all the other parameters (detail information please
referral to the Para chart)

Pxa270 Standard Q8 Version Manual

2.11 Fast set

Including F2 fast set, F3 mold adjustment and F4 parameters

2.11.1 Fast set(I-1)

Path – screen  F9 fast F2 fast
F2 fast

This photo can be fast set close mold, open mold, eject mold, inject mold pressing,
charge, suck back, and also temperature

2.11.2 Fast set mold adjustment settings(I-2)

Path– screen  F9 fast F3 adjustment
F3 adjustment

Mold adjustment setting:Mold forward and backward speed usage by using slow speed, once
the mold plate start timing, then it will change into high speed. The computer will activate
automatic timing, setting is not needed.

Pxa270 Standard Q8/M10M Version Manual

2.11.3 Fast set mold adjustment parameters settings(I-3)

Path – screen  F9 fast F4 parameter
F4 parameter

This screen consists of all corresponding parameters of the mold adjustment. (Please refer to
the parameters index for further information)

Pxa270 Standard Q8 Version Manual

2.12 Monitor Settings

Including F2 alarm, F3 Mon1, F4 Mon2, F5 Mon3, F6 Profile, F7 counting and F8

2.12.1 Alarm display(J-1)

Path– F10 next  F2 PM F2 alarm
F2 alarm

Display Start No: The screen displays 8 error messages at a time. If you want to refer
to the previous recorded errors you can enter here the error number for the first error to
be displayed on the screen. But this system is only allowed to record 100 errors in
maximum and the dates will be save when the electricity is OFF.

Total Error Count: The total number of errors is recorded.

Reset: Set this value to “1” if you want to reset the error log.
Code: The error code display is from 0 to 100
Alarm Explanation: Including brief Chinese explanation to assist you to find the error.
Str.Tim. (Start Time): The time when the error occurred
Reset Tim (Reset Time): The time when the error is eliminated.

Pxa270 Standard Q8/M10M Version Manual

2.12.2 Monitor 1Settings (J-2)

Path– F10 next  F2 PM  F3 Mon 1
F3 Mon1

The HMI and controller provide you with an automatic monitoring and alarm system.
The system allows you to set a desired operating range with upper and lower limits
(Delta Values) for each production parameter. Once the current parameter value is
outside the pre-set range the machine will stop operation and the alarm will sound. For
later analysis the monitoring system will record the time and the type of error that
caused the alarm.
At the beginning of each operation, the automatic alarm is turned off until the machine
has finished the pre-set number of production cycles in Auto Operation mode. After the
number of pre-set production cycles the automatic alarm will be activated and the
achieved parameter values of the last production cycle will be used as reference points
for the upper and lower limits (Delta Values) of each production parameter. Should any
of the current production parameters during the next production cycle and thereafter be
outside the pre-set upper and lower limits (Delta Values) the alarm will sound and
machine operation will stop for trouble shooting.
The activation of the automatic alarm function is delayed to allow for a stabilization of
the production cycles. At the start of machine operation it is normal that the current
production parameters vary considerably from one cycle to the next before they begin to
stabilize. You should consider this when setting the number of production cycles before
automatic alarm activation to allow for a smooth operation without interruptions.
You can adjust the automatic alarm starting in the parameters.
To set the upper and lower limits for current production parameters you can use %
values and/or absolute values. These Delta Values are then used in connection with the
established Reference Value to determine the upper and lower limits. In case you use a
combination of % and absolute values the upper/lower limits will be calculated
according to the following formula:

Pxa270 Standard Q8 Version Manual

Upper Limit Explanation

RV+ (RV*X/100) + Y RV=Reference Value
Lower Limit X=Delta percentage (e.g.10 for 10%)
RV- (RV*X/100) -Y Y= Delta Absolute Upper Limit

Since the reference values are not fixed and vary from one machine operation cycle to
the next the values are lost once the machine is turned off. They will be re-established at
the beginning of the next operation cycle by using the current parameter values to
determine the new reference points for the upper and lower limits (Delta Values).
If at some point after establishing the reference values you want to replace them with
the currently achieved parameter values (e.g. because of improved production results)
you can set the Auto Alarm mode at the top of the screen to “2”. The controller will
then use the parameter values of the last production cycle as the new reference values.

When the Auto Alarm system display use: auto alarm is open
Display not use: auto alarm is close

Explanation of each monitoring value:

Cls Mold (Close Mold): Total mold closing time.
Mold Prot (Mold Protection): Total time of low speed/low pressure mold closing
phase (for mold protection).
Cls H.Prs (Closing High Pressure): Total high pressure mold closing time.
Mold Opn (Mold Open): Total mold opening time.
Eject: Total ejection time.
Cycle: Total production cycle time in Auto Mode.
Mold Ope End (Mold Open End): End position after mold opening.
Inj Time (Injection Time): Total injection time.
V->P SW: The position achieved at time of transition from injection to hold pressure.
V->P SW: The injection time elapsed at time of transition from injection to hold
V->P SW: The injection pressure achieved at time of transition from injection to hold
Cushion: End position reached by screw at the end of hold pressure.
Charge (Plasticizing): Total charge (plasticizing) time.
Inj Start (Injection Start): The position reached at start of injection.

Pxa270 Standard Q8/M10M Version Manual

2.12.3 Monitoring Settings 2/3 (Production Parameter

Comparison) (J-3) (J-4)
Path– F10 next  F2 PM  F4 Mon 2 / F5 Mon 3
F4 Mon 2

F5 Mon 3

This monitoring screen allows you to compare the most important production cycle
parameters. Use this screen to compare production parameter deviation during machine
operation. The parameter comparison of different production cycles allows you to adjust
the relevant machine settings to improve overall product quality.
The controller automatically saves the parameters of the last 100 production cycles,
displaying 10 records at a time (No. 1 being the first cycle recorded).
Display Start No: Enter the number of the record you want to be displayed first.

Pxa270 Standard Q8 Version Manual

Sampling Interval (Cyc): Enter the sampling interval you would like to use (e. g. “3”
to display every third record).
Reset (0/1): If you want to reset this monitor screen at any time enter here the value “1”
and press enter.
Sht. Cnt (Shot Count): The record number of the corresponding parameter set.
Cycle (Cycle Time): Total duration of this production cycle.
Inj.Tim. (Injection Time): Total duration of injection.
Chg.Tim. (Charge Time): Total charging time.
Inj Start (Injection Start): The position reached at start of injection.
Hld.Str. (Hold Start): The position reached at beginning of hold pressure.
Cushion: End position reached by screw at the end of hold pressure.

2.12.4 Quality Profile setting(J-6)

Path– F10 next  F2 PM  F7 Profile
F7 Profile

Pxa270 Standard Q8/M10M Version Manual

2.12.5 Monitoring counting settings(J-7)

Path– F10 next  F2 PM  F8 counting
F8 counting

Total amount of mold open zero-mode: If you want to enter a zero mode after the

opening mold, please select “use”, then press key to clear and
recount the total.
Total amount of target production: Setup the production amount you required , when
the opening mold amount preset value has reached, the computer will
alarmed opening mold to stop the machines from operating unless the
opening mold is in zero mode, if not the machine is not able to operate.
Total amount of current production: Means the actual amount of current production.
Total amount of target packaging: Setup the package you required if the preset
package amount had reached the alarm will siren and will be shown on
the display screen to inform the customer , however the machine will
not stop while continue the next movement.
Total amount of current packaging: Means the current packaging amount, but if the
present value and the current value is the same the current value will be cleared to 0.

Pxa270 Standard Q8 Version Manual

2.12.6 Monitor parameters settings(J-8)

Path – F10 next  F2 PM  F9 parameter
F9 parameter

The value could be set according to the actual production demand.

Pxa270 Standard Q8/M10M Version Manual

2.13 Monitor adjustment

Including F2 AD、 F3 DA1、 F4 DA2、 F5 DA3 and F6 DA4

2.13.1 Transducer Zero Point Reset(K-1)

Path– F10 next  F3 REVSF2AD

The replacement of foot position or modify some of the mechanical parts, so re-location
of the zero correction is needed (in manual mode only):
1. Please insert the password
2. Please switch the part to zero according to the requirement before operating.
3. Please set the value to 1 then press enter key to complete the zero mode movement.

Pxa270 Standard Q8 Version Manual

2.13.2 DA adjustment settings(K-2)

You can use Step and output to adjust DA at the same time in order to adjust DA output
like. DA not just provide you with straight line and also provide speed adjust, slide or
working by manually
There‟s two ways for DA adjustment please see as the photo:

Path– F10 next  F3 REVS  F3 DA1

F3 DA1

DA2,DA3,DA4 and DA1 picture and function are similar

Output force: DA correction during the test output, the corresponding channel's output
continued to the timing, when the timing has reach the limit , the output will
automatically be cut off.
Test:During testing, insert the pressure and flowing preset value as required.
Output:The corresponding value of the host computer
Reference value:Preset value of the DA curve by the system
Actual value:Value after adjustment according to the actual demand of the DA
Example of the operation:(the first group of proportional valve):
Select the node point from 0 to 140 for the testing such as 60. Then, enter 60 into the
testing point, the system will immediately respond to the feedback output value of 60.
Then, by observing the machine pressure gauge of their own systems or external
pressure test tools, the real pressure is assumed to be 58. In the corresponding node,
change 60 to 58! If the actual pressure is 58.5, while at the corresponding node, 60 will
be changed to 58 or 59, then adjust the figures for the corresponding binary output value
to achieve the adjustment.
If you need other options of adjustment please contact Techmation for further

Pxa270 Standard Q8/M10M Version Manual

2.14 I/O Channel Diagnostics

Include F2 PB1、F3PB2、F4 PC1、F5PC2、F6 A IO、F7 PA and F8 DIAG

2.14.1 Input Channel Diagnostics (PB) (L-1) (L-2)

Path – F10 next  F4 I/O  F2 PB1 / F3 PB2
F2 PB1

F3 PB2

PB signals is accroding to the practical situation

You can use this display screen to ensure the connection between the controller and the
corresponding input signal, if you reach INPUT sign during operating, you can ensure
the connection between the controller and the signal through this display screen.
If the PB signals display red it means normal while if the signal is gray it means
the signal is not received yet.

Pxa270 Standard Q8 Version Manual

If the INPUT signal of the I/O board is malfunction, use PB REASSIGN to solve PCB
board malfunction problems. Operating procedure please refer to I/O Channel Index
section for a list and description of all I/O channels are available.

2.14.2 Output Channel Diagnostics (PC) (L-3) (L-4)

Path – F10 next  F4 I/O  F4 PC1 / F5 PC2
F4 PC1

F5 PC2

PC signals is accroding to the practical situation

When there is an output during the output valve, the signal light will be gray while
when there is no output the signal light will be in red .

Pxa270 Standard Q8/M10M Version Manual

Under the manual mode motor close condition , press “ ” key and the signal light

will turn gray , at this moment there will be an output force, press ” ” cancel
key ,the signal light will turn red to cancel the output force.

2.14.3 I/O Channel Reassignment(M-1) (M-2)

Setting input PB
Path – F10 next  F4 I/OF6 A IO F2 A PB

If the PCB board is malfunctioning, you can transfer the malfunction point to the
unused input point. Please consult the producer for the password.

Setting output PC
Path – F10 next  F4 I/O  F6 A IO  F3 A PC

Pxa270 Standard Q8 Version Manual

If the PCB board is malfunctioning, you can transfer the malfunction point to the
unused output point. Please consult the producer for the password.

2.14.4 Control Panel operating screen (PA) (L-5)

Path– F10 next  F4 I/O  F7 Test PA
F7 Test PA

This screen is used to testify all the key on the control panel, when you press on any key
on the panel the key on the screen will correspondingly turn yellow.

The graph below is the changes after is selected:

If the screen display has changes without accordance to the key you press it means that
the panel is malfunctioning, at this moment please check the panel or change a control

Pxa270 Standard Q8/M10M Version Manual

Press “ ” cancel key twice to exit from this screen.

2.14.5 Machine diagnostics screen(L-6)

Path – F10 next  F4 I/O  F8 diagnose
F8 diagnose

Attention * this page data is for engineer checking system usage only, please do not
perform any correction.

Pxa270 Standard Q8 Version Manual

2.15 Mold Set Database

Include: F2 Save, F3 Read, F4 Copy , F5 Delete, F6 Machine, F7 Record
NO :Mold database save „s number
MoldName:mold‟s name, the max length are 8 words.
Material :Material data, the max length are 5 words.
Color:Color‟s data, the max length are 5 words.

2.15.1 Mold Save(N-1)

Path – F10 next  F5 Mold  F2 save
F2 save

Object:You can use for target saving in panel or memory card.

Save mode:You can use key to choose the sequencing mode according to the
date and name.
Change Pages: You may request for the next or previous page data by using

key. Press for confirmation of the page switching.

Save mode:Use key to replace or save.

Save As:Save and copy the data and name from the mold platen source
to another inexistence mold platen. You need to choose the number
separately and setup “ mold platen name”+”material”+”color” for saving.
The saving date will appear automatically.
Replace:Replace the mold platen data after correction and save again.

Pxa270 Standard Q8/M10M Version Manual

Confirmation:Use to choose delete or confirm.

cancel:Delete the mold platen data.
confirm :Save the mold platen data.

Maximum storage:The maximum amount of mold platen data saving.

Remain storage: Remain space to save the mold platen data.

2.15.2 Mold Read(N-2)

Path– F10 next  F5 Mold  F3 read
F3 read

Source :Use key to read the mold platen data from the panel of SD memory

Sort Type:In the current mold platen list, use key to choose the date and mold
platen name in sequence.

Change Page:Use key to choose next previous, press key after

selection for confirmation.
Mold read :Insert the serial number of the mold platen you required after the setup of
the mold platen serial number.

Confirm:Use to choose delete or confirm.

delete:Delete the mold platen data
confirm :Save the mold platen data
Maximum storage:The maximum amount of mold platen data that can be saved.

Pxa270 Standard Q8 Version Manual

Remain storage: Remaining space to save the mold platen data.

2.15.3 Mold Copy(N-3)
Path– F10 next  F5 Mold  F4 copy
F4 copy

You can copy the data from the SD card to the panel or from the panel to the SD card by
using this function.

Source :Use key to read the mold platen data from the panel of SD memory

Sort Type:In the current mold platen list, use key to choose the date and mold
platen name in sequence.

Change Page:Use key to choose next previous, press key after

selection for confirmation.

Object :Use to save the target either in the panel or the SD memory card.

Mold copy:Mold platen serial number from the setup source.

confirmation:Use to choose confirm or cancel.

Pxa270 Standard Q8/M10M Version Manual

2.15.4 Mold Delete(N-4)

Path– F10 next  F5 Mold  F5 Delete
F5 Delete

By using this screen to delete the mold platen data

Source :Use key to read the mold platen data from the panel of SD memory

Sort Type:In the current mold platen list, use key to choose the date and mold
platen name in sequence.

Change Page:Use key to choose ▼next ▲previous, press key after

selection for confirmation.
Mold delete :Insert the mold platen serial number which you want to delete.

Pxa270 Standard Q8 Version Manual

2.15.5 Machine Set(N-5)

Path– F10 next  F5 Mold  F6 machine
F6 machine

This screen allows machine parameters/version data to save in MMC card or

external data input.

2.15.6 Modify Record(N-6)

Path– F10 next  F5 Mold  F7 records
F7 records

This screen is the reference page of the parameters data correction records.

Pxa270 Standard Q8/M10M Version Manual

2.16 Other special parameters settings(O-1)

Path –F10 next  F6 others
F6 others

This screen consists of all corresponding parameters of the other settings. (Please
refer to the parameters index for further information)

Pxa270 Standard Q8 Version Manual

2.17 System Settings

Including F2system, F3 control, F4 data, F5 reset, F6 privilege and F7 install

2.17.1 System Parameter Settings(P-1)

Path – F10 next  F7 system  F2 system
F2 system

Monitor protection installment: Protect LCD screen and increase its exercise life span
according to your data set.

Language display:Basically is Chinese or English screen, include optional choice of

other languages.
Time and date:Time and date setup of the system.

Pxa270 Standard Q8/M10M Version Manual

2.17.2 System Control screen(P-2)

Path– F10 next  F7 system  F3 control
F3 control

You can only adjust the electron ruler stroke, machine stroke and current position
system data in this screen.

2.17.3 Date Base(P-3)

Path – F10 next  F7 system  F4 data
F4 data

This is specializing for software engineer for data correction, please do not use.

Pxa270 Standard Q8 Version Manual

2.17.4 System Reset(P-4)

Path – F10 next  F7 system  F5 Rest

F5 Rest

You can either reset the panel or the computer host.

Regarding to the abnormal movement of the controller, you can use this screen to reset
the system, by pressing confirm(Y), the system will reset. In order to prevent data lost,
insert the password before entering the system reset screen, please consult the supplier

Warning:System reset is the last option, after the system reset all the mold data
and parameters data will disappear. After your system reset please switch off the
power supply and restart the computer.

Pxa270 Standard Q8/M10M Version Manual

2.17.5 Privilege(P-4)
Path – F10 Next  F7 system  F6 SENQ

Customer can use this to change the original preset password.

2.17.6 Install screen(Q-1) (Q-2)

Path– F10 next  F7 system  F7 install F2 install/ F3 install
F2 install

Insert the value in the Machine ID column and the Out Date column then work
out the F3 install screen machine turn on password.

Pxa270 Standard Q8 Version Manual

F3 install
Insert the password and press enter, the contents below will be shown:

Machine consignment date: The date when the machine is sent to the customers,
which is also the date when the down time function activated.
Installment:Represent the total installment of the customers‟ payment, the current
installment represent the total installment of the payment prepaid.
Parking day of single installment:Represent the interval day of the payment of every
Parking date of next installment:When the parking date is activation, please insert
again the year/month/day as insert once is ineffective.
Parking warning day number:The advance day number before the parking date

Next warning date:While using the parking timing function, the warning time
before the parking timing.

Running timing:This is the accumulated running time after the activating of the
motor; it is only available for display.

Running condition : When the setup is “1” the function above will start
operating,”0”means not using.
Interval minute:When the alarm is activating, there will be an alarm message pop out
during every internal period.

Important items:
 Please insert once again if there is a changes of month/day during the down
time function year/month/day.
 When the down time function is operating, the current date and time can only enter
the correction with the turn on password.
 Customer machine serial number and turn on password, detail records are needed
for the panel control board serial number, once the turn on password is set our
company is unable to disentangle from the screen.
Pxa270 Standard Q8/M10M Version Manual

 When the down time function is able to change with the control panel, the
maintenance board of the machine under the down time function then is able to
insert, your company should report the serial number record of the down time
function usage to our company in order to prevent customers sending directly for
maintenance or our company provide maintenance support.(turn on password is not
If your company is willing to unlock the password function the only way is to replace
the hardware, spare parts should be charge for your company.

2.18 Version(R-1)
Path– F10 next  F8 version

Maintenance personnel could take more notice against the system data and
version by this record in order to facile the usage communication in the future.

Pxa270 Standard Q8 Version Manual

3 I/O Channel Index

Please use this list to enter the label and description of the relevant I/O channels as
supplied by the machine manufacturer. If necessary this list allows you to track any
changes of I/O channel assignments.

3.1 Input Channels

Channel Label Description

Pxa270 Standard Q8/M10M Version Manual

3.2 Output Channels
Channel Label Description

Pxa270 Standard Q8 Version Manual

4 Parameter Index
4.1 Open mold parameters
No. other Ramp
1 stage Close mold at the start Ramp maximum counting –The initial pressure/ speed increase time is
the maximum value.
2 stage
3 stage
Low Close End Pres Ramp-Pressure change time limit for transition in the close end
High Close End Flow Ramp-Speed change time limit for transition in the close end

No. Pressure Ramp

1 stage Close mold 1 stage pressure Ramp –The increase slope of Close Mold 1 stage pressure buildup
2 stage Close mold 2 stage pressure Ramp –The increase slope of Close Mold 2 stage pressure buildup
3 stage Close mold 3 stage pressure Ramp –The increase slope of Close Mold 3 stage pressure buildup
Low Close mold 4 stage pressure Ramp –The increase slope of Close Mold 4 stage pressure buildup
pressure time.
High Close mold 5 stage pressure Ramp –The increase slope of Close Mold 5 stage pressure buildup
pressure time.

No. Close mold- Flow Ramp

1 stage Close mold 1 stage flowing Ramp –The increase slope of Close Mold 1 stage speed buildup
2 stage Close mold 2 stage flowing Ramp –The increase slope of Close Mold 2 stage speed buildup
3 stage Close mold 3 stage flowing Ramp –The increase slope of Close Mold 3 stage speed buildup
Low Close mold 4 stage flowing Ramp –The increase slope of Close Mold 4 stage speed buildup
pressure time.
High Close mold 5 stage flowing Ramp –The increase slope of Close Mold 5 stage speed buildup
pressure time.

No. Other Ramp

1 stage

2 stage

3 stage
4 stage Mold Open End Flow Ramp- Pressure change time limit for transition in the close end
5 stage Mold Open End Pres Ramp- Speed change time limit for transition in the close end

No. Open mold- Pressure Ramp

1 stage Open mold 1 stage pressure Ramp –The increase slope of Open Mold 1 stage pressure buildup
2 stage Open mold 2 stage pressure Ramp –The increase slope of Open Mold 2 stage pressure buildup
3 stage Open mold 3 stage pressure Ramp –The increase slope of Open Mold 3 stage pressure buildup
4 stage Open mold 4 stage pressure Ramp –The increase slope of Open Mold 4 stage pressure buildup
Pxa270 Standard Q8/M10M Version Manual

5 stage Open mold 5 stage pressure Ramp –The increase slope of Open Mold 5 stage pressure buildup

No. Open Mold- Flow Ramp

1 stage Open mold 1 stage flowing Ramp –The increase slope of Open Mold 1 stage speed buildup
2 stage Open mold 2 stage flowing Ramp –The increase slope of Open Mold 2 stage speed buildup
3 stage Open mold 3 stage flowing Ramp –The increase slope of Open Mold 3 stage speed buildup
4 stage Open mold 4 stage flowing Ramp –The increase slope of Open Mold 4 stage speed buildup
5 stage Open mold 5 stage flowing Ramp –The increase slope of Open Mold 5 stage speed buildup

No. Close mold-pressure/flow

0 Close mold setup pressure – Close mold pressure during mold height adjustment
1 Close mold setup flow – Close mold speed during mold height adjustment

No. Movement time 1

0 Close mold deviation valve open delayed time –Time delay of the opening of the close mold
deviation valve.
1 Close mold deviation valve open delayed time –Time delay to stop the close mold deviation
2 Close mold low pressure forward time delay –Close mold low pressure pressure, speed delay
3 Close mold low pressure valve delayed time –Close mold low pressure valve delay sent.
4 Auto mold adjustment low pressure time - Auto mold adjustment timing at 1 stage.

No. Movement time 2

0 Close mold high pressure forward time delay – Close mold high pressure, speed delay sent.
1 Close mold high pressure maintains time –After close mold, maintain valve, pressure speed,
delay stop.
2 Close mold high pressure valve delayed time –Close mold high pressure valve delay sent.
3 Close mold starting scale valve delay – Close mold start, the output time of scale
valve delay
Delay the stop time of the close mold done valve– After the close mold, close mold valve stop

No. Movement time 3

0 Close mold done delay timing –After close mold, pressure speed stop delayed.

No. Open mold-pressure/flow

0 Open mold setup pressure –Open mold pressure during mold height adjustment
1 Open mold setup flow – Open mold speed during mold height adjustment
2 Open end before Pres
3 Open end before Flow

No. Open-Movement Time 1

0 Open mold 1 delay sent slower then low pressure valve –Open mold 1 delay sent slower then
PC22 valve

Pxa270 Standard Q8 Version Manual

1 Open mold 2 delay sent slower then low pressure valve –Open mold 2 delay sent slower then
PC22 valve
2 Open End Valve Dly – Delay time for closing valve after completion of mold opening
3 Open End Delay - Delay time for resetting hydraulic speed/pressure at the end of mold opening
4 Open Drain Time – Pressure release time before mold opening

No. Open-Movement Time 2

0 Open mold starting scale valve delay – Open mold start, the output time of scale valve delay

No. Open-Movement position

0 Open mold position effective zon–Open mold complete position positive and negative effective

4.2 Injection Parameters

No. Injection-Pressure Ramp
1 stage Injection 1 pressure Ramp –The increase slope of injection 1 pressure buildup time.
2 stage Injection 2 pressure Ramp –The increase slope of injection 2 pressure buildup time.
3 stage Injection 3 pressure Ramp –The increase slope of injection 3 pressure buildup time.
4 stage Injection 4 pressure Ramp –The increase slope of injection 4 pressure buildup time.
5 stage Injection 5 pressure Ramp –The increase slope of injection 5 pressure buildup time.
6 stage Injection 6 pressure Ramp –The increase slope of injection 6 pressure buildup time.

No. Injection-Flow Ramp

1 stage Injection 1 flow Ramp –The increase slope of injection 1 speed buildup time.
2 stage Injection 2 flow Ramp –The increase slope of injection 2 speed buildup time.
3 stage Injection 3 flow Ramp –The increase slope of injection 3 speed buildup time.
4 stage Injection 4 flow Ramp –The increase slope of injection 4 speed buildup time.
5 stage Injection 5 flow Ramp –The increase slope of injection 5 speed buildup time.
6 stage Injection 6 flow Ramp –The increase slope of injection 6 speed buildup time.

No. Injection-Pressure
1 stage
2 stage
3 stage Inject Energy Flow–Speed of inject energy movement
4 stage Inject Energy Pres–Pressure of inject energy movement
5 stage Injection mold setup flow– Speed during mold adjustment mold height adjustment
6 stage Injection mold setup pressure- Pressure during mold adjustment mold height adjustment

No. Injection- Movement time

1 stage
2 stage
3 stage Injection scale valve delay – Injection start, the output time of scale valve delay
4 stage Injection pressure increase timing delayed
5 stage Injection done valve stop delayed timing –Injection valve stop delayed after injection done
6 stage Injection timing delayed – Delay after the nozzle input, before the injection

No. Injection- Other Ramp

1 stage
2 stage
3 stage
4 stage
Pxa270 Standard Q8/M10M Version Manual

5 stage Inject end speed Ramp Down – The slope of injection end speed scale down.
6 stage Inject end press Ramp Down– The slope of injection end press scale down.

No. Hold pressure – Pressure Ramp

1 stage Hold pressure 1 pressure Ramp –The increase slope of hold pressure1 pressure buildup time.
2 stage Hold pressure 2 pressure Ramp –The increase slope of hold pressure2 pressure buildup time.
3 stage Hold pressure 3 pressure Ramp –The increase slope of hold pressure3 pressure buildup time.
4 stage Hold pressure 4 pressure Ramp –The increase slope of hold pressure4 pressure buildup time.
5 stage Hold pressure 5 pressure Ramp –The increase slope of hold pressure5 pressure buildup time.

No. Hold pressure-Flow Ramp

1 stage Hold pressure 1 flow Ramp –The increase slope of hold pressure 1 speed buildup time.
2 stage Hold pressure 2 flow Ramp –The increase slope of hold pressure 2 speed buildup time.
3 stage Hold pressure 3 flow Ramp –The increase slope of hold pressure 3 speed buildup time.
4 stage Hold pressure 4 flow Ramp –The increase slope of hold pressure 4 speed buildup time.
5 stage Hold pressure 5 flow Ramp –The increase slope of hold pressure 5 speed buildup time.

4.3 Charge parameters

No. Charge-Pressure Ramp
1stage Charge 1 stage pressure Ramp –The increase slope of charge 1 pressure buildup time.
2stage Charge 2 stage pressure Ramp –The increase slope of charge 2 pressure buildup time
3stage Charge 3 stage pressure Ramp –The increase slope of charge 3 pressure buildup time
4stage Charge 4 stage pressure Ramp –The increase slope of charge 4 pressure buildup time
5stage Charge 5 stage pressure Ramp –The increase slope of charge 5 pressure buildup time
Suckback Suck back pressure Ramp –The increase slope of suck back buildup time

No. Charge-Flow Ramp

1stage Charge 1 stage flow Ramp – The increase slope of charge 1 speed buildup time.
2stage Charge 2 stage flow Ramp – The increase slope of charge 2 speed buildup time.
3stage Charge 3 stage flow Ramp – The increase slope of charge 3 speed buildup time.
4stage Charge 4 stage flow Ramp – The increase slope of charge 4 speed buildup time.
5stage Charge 5 stage flow Ramp – The increase slope of charge 5 speed buildup time.
Suckback Suck back flow Ramp –The increase slope of suck back buildup time.

No. Charge-pressure/flow
1stage Charge mold setup pressure – Charge pressure during mold height adjustment
2stage Charge mold setup flow –Charge speed during mold height adjustment

No. Charge –Movement time

1stage Charge done valve stop delayed timing – Charge done, charge valve stop delayed
2stage Charge Starting scale valve Dly- Charge open scale valve, delay time for exporting scale
3stage Suck back done valve stop delayed timing- Suck back done, suck back stop delayed
4stage Suck Starting scale valve Dly- Suckback open scale valve, delay time for exporting scale

No. Charge –Other Ramp

1stage Charge end speed Ramp Down – The slope of injection end speed scale down.

Pxa270 Standard Q8 Version Manual

2stage Charge end press Ramp Down– The slope of injection end press scale down.
3stage Suckback end speed Ramp Down – The slope of injection end speed scale down.
4stage Suckback end press Ramp Down– The slope of injection end press scale down.

4.4 Ejector parameters

No. Ejector- Pressure Ramp
1 stage Ejector forward 1 stage pressure Ramp –The increase slope of ejector forward pressure
buildup time.
2 stage Ejector forward 2 stage pressure Ramp –The increase slope of ejector forward pressure
buildup time.
2 stage Ejector backward 1 stage pressure Ramp –The increase slope of ejector backward pressure
buildup time.
1 stage Ejector backward 2 stage pressure Ramp –The increase slope of ejector backward pressure
buildup time.

No. Ejector-Flow Ramp

1 stage Ejector forward 1 stage flow Ramp –The increase slope of ejector forward speed buildup
2 stage Ejector forward 2 stage flow Ramp –The increase slope of ejector forward speed buildup
2 stage Ejector backward 1 stage flow Ramp –The increase slope of ejector backward speed buildup
1 stage Ejector backward 2 stage flow Ramp –The increase slope of ejector backward speed buildup

No. Ejector-pressure/ flow

1 stage Ejector setup pressure –Pressure settings for mold height adjustment
2 stage Ejector Setup Flow –Speed settings for mold height adjustment
Power Door Press – High speed pressure settings for opening/closing of power door
2 stage Power Door Speed – High speed settings for opening/closing of power door
1 stage Power Door Press 2 – Low speed pressure settings for opening/closing of power door
Power Door Speed 2 – Low speed settings for opening/closing of power door

No. Ejector-Movement time 1

1 stage Ejector vibration time –Ejector vibration total timing
2 stage Ejector forward done valve stop delayed time– Ejector forward movement done, valve delay
stop timing
Ejector retract done valve stop delayed time– Ejector retract movement done, valve delay
stop timing
2 stage Eject forward scale valve Dly- Eject forward open scale valve, delay time for exporting scale
1 stage Eject backward scale valve Dly- Eject backward open scale valve, delay time for exporting
scale valve
Power door close stop delayed time–Stop time of Power door close movement delayed

No. Ejector-Movement position

1 stage Power door open timing–Power door open movement time

No. Ejector-Movement position

1 stage Ejector position operative zon – Before mold closing, check ejector backward position allow
inaccuracy value.
2 stage Ejector backward position upper limit value

Pxa270 Standard Q8/M10M Version Manual

No. Eject- Other Ramp

1 stage Ejection end speed Ramp Down – The slope of injection end speed scale down.
2 stage Ejection end press Ramp Down– The slope of injection end press scale down.

No. Eject- Pressure /Flow Upper

1 stage Eject Pres Upper- Pressure settings for eject height adjustment
2 stage Eject Flow Upper- Flow settings for eject height adjustment

4.5 Core parameters

No. Core- Pressure Ramp1
Core A Core A In Pres Ramp– The increase slope of core A in pressure buildup time.
Core B Core B In Pres Ramp– The increase slope of core B in pressure buildup time.
Core C Core C In Pres Ramp– The increase slope of core C in pressure buildup time.
Core D Core D In Pres Ramp– The increase slope of core D in pressure buildup time.
Core E Core E In Pres Ramp– The increase slope of core E in pressure buildup time.
Core F Core F In Pres Ramp– The increase slope of core F in pressure buildup time.

No. Core- Flow Ramp1

Core A Core A In Flow Ramp– The increase slope of core A in speed buildup time.
Core B Core B In Flow Ramp– The increase slope of core B in speed buildup time.
Core C Core C In Flow Ramp– The increase slope of core C in speed buildup time.
Core D Core D In Flow Ramp– The increase slope of core D in speed buildup time.
Core E Core E In Flow Ramp– The increase slope of core E in speed buildup time.
Core F Core F In Flow Ramp– The increase slope of core F in speed buildup time.

No. Core- Pressure Ramp2

Core A Core A Out Pres Ramp– The increase slope of core A out pressure buildup time.
Core B Core B Out Pres Ramp– The increase slope of core B out pressure buildup time.
Core C Core C Out Pres Ramp– The increase slope of core C out pressure buildup time.
Core D Core D Out Pres Ramp– The increase slope of core D out pressure buildup time.
Core E Core E Out Pres Ramp– The increase slope of core E out pressure buildup time.
Core F Core F Out Pres Ramp– The increase slope of core F out pressure buildup time.

No. Core- Flow Ramp2

Core A Core A Out Flow Ramp– The increase slope of core A out speed buildup time.
Core B Core B Out Flow Ramp– The increase slope of core B out speed buildup time.
Core C Core C Out Flow Ramp– The increase slope of core C out speed buildup time.
Core D Core D Out Flow Ramp– The increase slope of core D out speed buildup time.
Core E Core E Out Flow Ramp– The increase slope of core E out speed buildup time.
Core F Core F Out Flow Ramp– The increase slope of core F out speed buildup time.

No. Core-Movement time

Core A Core forward time delayed– Core forward time is slower then the output time.
Core B Core backward time delayed– Core backward time is slower then the output time.
Core C Core forward starting scale valve delay open–The pressure and speed after the core in
movement start is slower than the output time.
Core D Core forward end direction valve delay stop–Stop the pressure flow of the core in
movement first then delay the stop time if the direction valve.
Core E Core backward starting scale valve delay open–The pressure and flow after the core in
movement start is slower than the output time.

Pxa270 Standard Q8 Version Manual

Core F Core backward end direction valve delay stop–Stop the pressure flow of the core out
movement first then delay the stop time if the direction valve

No. Core - Other

Core A Core protection –Setup (1) to activate core protection function
Core B

No. Core – Other Ramp

Core A Core end speed Ramp Down – The slope of injection end speed scale down.
Core B Core end press Ramp Down– The slope of injection end press scale down.

No. Core – Presses /Flow

Core B Core Pres Upper- Pressure settings for core height adjustment
Core C Core Flow Upper- Pressure settings for core height adjustment

4.6 Nozzle parameters

No. Nozzle-Pressure Ramp
2 stage Nozzle forward slow speed pressure Ramp– Increase slope of the nozzle forward slow speed
pressure buildup time.
1 stage Nozzle forward pressure Ramp– Increase slope of the nozzle forward pressure buildup time.
1 stage Nozzle backward pressure Ramp– Increase slope of the nozzle for backward pressure
buildup time.
2 stage Nozzle backward slow speed pressure Ramp– Increase slope of the nozzle backward slow
speed pressure buildup time.

No. Nozzle - flow Ramp

2 stage Nozzle forward slow speed flow Ramp–Increase slope of the nozzle forward slow speed
buildup time.
1 stage Nozzle forward flow Ramp–Increase slope of the nozzle forward speed buildup time.
1 stage Nozzle backward flow Ramp–Increase slope of the nozzle forward speed buildup time.
2 stage Nozzle backward slow speed flow Ramp–Increase slope of the nozzle backward slow speed
buildup time.

No. Nozzle-Pressure
2 stage Nozzle setup pressure – Nozzle pressure for mold height adjustment
1 stage Nozzle setup flow– Nozzle speed for mold height adjustment

No. Nozzle-Movement time

2 stage First nozzle slow speed time- nozzle\slow speed forward timing.
1 stage Nozzle forward end direction valve delay stop –Stop the pressure flow of the nozzle in
movement first then delay the stop time if the direction valve.
Nozzle backward end direction valve delay stop –Stop the pressure flow of the nozzle out
movement first then delay the stop time if the direction valve
1 stage Nozzle forward scale valve delay – When nozzle forward start, the output time of scale valve
2 stage Nozzle backward scale valve delay –When nozzle backward start, the output time of scale
valve delay

No. Nozzle- Other Ramp

2 stage Nozzle end speed Ramp Down – The slope of injection end speed scale down.
1 stage Nozzle end press Ramp Down– The slope of injection end press scale down.

No. Nozzle-Pressure/ Flow Upper

Pxa270 Standard Q8/M10M Version Manual

2 stage Nozzle Pres Upper- Pressure settings for nozzle height adjustment
1 stage Nozzle Flow Upper- Flow settings for nozzle height adjustment

4.7 Temperature parameters

No. Temperature-Exercise selection 1
0 1 stage temperature exercise –Temperature 1 stage is not use when the setting is 0 during the 1
stage warming buffering zon.
1 2 stage temperature exercise –Temperature 2 stage is not use when the setting is 0 during the 2
stage warming buffering zon.
2 3 stage temperature exercise –Temperature 3 stage is not use when the setting is 0 during the 3
stage warming buffering zon.
3 4 stage temperature exercise –Temperature 4 stage is not use when the setting is 0 during the 4
stage warming buffering zon.
4 5 stage temperature exercise –Temperature 5 stage is not use when the setting is 0 during the 5
stage warming buffering zon.
5 6 stage temperature exercise –Temperature 6 stage is not use when the setting is 0 during the 5
stage warming buffering zon.

No. Temperature-Exercise selection 2

0 7 stage temperature exercise –Temperature 7 stage is not use when the setting is 0 during the 1
stage warming buffering zon.
1 8 stage temperature exercise –Temperature 8 stage is not use when the setting is 0 during the 2
stage warming buffering zon.
2 9 stage temperature exercise –Temperature 9 stage is not use when the setting is 0 during the 3
stage warming buffering zon.

No. Temperature-Barrel temperature

0 Barrel temperature upper limit alarm value–Barrel temperature alarm upper limit
1 Barrel temperature lower limit alarm value–Barrel temperature alarm lower limit
2 Cooler On Deviate – Hydraulic oil cooler activation temperature
3 Cooler Off Deviate – Hydraulic oil cooler deactivation temperature
4 Temperature Not Up – Setting for temperature warning (C increase per 3 minutes)

No. Temperature-Oil temperature

0 Oil Temp Up Limit – Hydraulic oil temperature upper limit
1 Oil Temp Low Limit – Hydraulic oil temperature lower limit
2 Temp Cooler On – Barrel cooler activation temperature
3 Temp Cooler Off – Barrel cooler deactivation temperature

No. Temperature-Oil temperature preheat

0 Oil temperature preheat usage– Oil temperature preheat for usage.
1 Oil temperature preheat pressure–Oil temperature preheat pressure
2 Oil temperature preheat speed–Oil temperature preheat speed

Pxa270 Standard Q8 Version Manual

4.8 Fast set parameters

No. Fast set- time
0 Motor protection time –Motor activate done, timing maintained
1 Motor Start time – Motor Y starting time
2 Motor rest time – Y turn △ ,intermediate timing

No. Fast set-Lubricating 1

0 After power ON lubricating will not activate among the 1 and 2 mold–The 1 and 2 mold will
not activate lubricating movement after power ON.
1 Auto lubrication mold number – Lubrication counting after few circular numbers.
2 Auto lubrication timing–The usage of the data of lubrication movement time and mode are
different according to current period.
3 Auto lubrication delay – Lubrication movement interval time
4 Auto lubrication total time–Total lubricating time

No. Fast set-Lubricating 2

0 2 stage auto lubricating mold number – 2 stage lubricating activate mold number
1 2 stage auto lubricating timing - 2 stage lubricating movement time.

No. Fast set-Scale open pump system

0 Flow scale open 1 – Other flow 1 scale open
1 Flow scale open 2 – Other flow 2 scale open
2 Flow scale open 3 – Other flow 3 scale open
3 Flow scale open 4 – Other flow 4 scale open
4 Flow scale open 5 – Other flow 5 scale open
5 Flow scale open 6 – Other flow 6 scale open
6 Flow scale open 7 – Other flow 7 scale open
7 Flow scale open 8 – Other flow 8 scale open

No. Fast set-Pump system open delayed

0 Pump Dly On – Delay time for activating hydraulic pump

No. Upper
0 Adjust Press Upper - Pressure settings for Adjust height adjustment
1 Adjust Flow Upper - Pressure flowing for Adjust height adjustment

Pxa270 Standard Q8/M10M Version Manual

5 Alarm/Error Message Index

In case of an error the corresponding alarm message will be displayed in the status bar
in the lower left part of your screen just above the F1 – F10 keys (please refer to the
Overview section for exact location of the status bar). You can see the alarm messages
regardless of the screen you are currently using. In case of multiple alarms the status bar
will display the most important alarm.
For a more detailed description and analysis of the error(s) that caused the alarm you
can switch to the Error Messages Display Screen by pressing the (F6) Alarm key. In
case of multiple alarms this screen allows you to verify any error/alarm messages the
status bar might not have displayed.
Please refer to the Error Messages Display Screen section for more information.

Alarm/Error Message Explanation:

1 - "Temperature Error" – Indicates a barrel heating temperature problem/possible

malfunction. Check the settings and current temperature. Please refer to the
Temperature Control section of this manual for additional information.
2 - "Please Close Door" – Prompt in Semi-auto mode to close the door to start the
next production cycle. Please refer to the Machine Control Panel Keys section of
this manual for additional information.
3 - "Please Open Door" – Prompt in Semi-auto mode to open the door at the end of
the production cycle. Please refer to the Machine Control Panel Keys section of
this manual for additional information.
4 - "Off Man./Emerg. Key" – Indicates the machine has been stopped as a result of
pressing either the Manual key or the Emergency button. Release the Emergency
key if necessary to resume machine operation.
5 - "Oil Temp. Over" – Indicates the hydraulic oil temperature is too low or too high.
Check the parameter settings and adjust if necessary. In case of overheating make
sure the cooling system is turned on. In case of low temperature make sure the
hydraulic motor is turned on and wait until the motor has warmed up the hydraulic
oil sufficiently.
6 - "Cycle Time Exceeded" – Indicates the production cycle time during the last
cycle has been outside the preset limits. Check Monitor 1 for more details. Please
refer to the Monitoring Settings 1 (Automatic Alarm) section of this manual for
more information.
7 - Reserved (not used)
8 - "Eject Position Error" – Indicates an ejector position problem. Check the ejector
position as well as the relevant potentiometer.
9 - "Inject Cushion Error" – Indicates the injection parameters during the last
production cycle have been outside the preset limits. Check Monitor 1 for more
details. Please refer to the Monitoring Settings 1 (Automatic Alarm) section of this
manual for more information.
10 - "Purge Guard Opened" – Indicates that the injection unit cover is open. Please
close the cover to resume machine operation.

Pxa270 Standard Q8 Version Manual

11 - "Robot Malfunction" – Indicates a robot problem. Check and reset robot to

resume machine operation.
12 - "No. of Shots Reached" – Indicates the preset number of production cycles has
been reached. Please refer to the Production Control section of this manual for
more information.
13 - "Mold Open Time Out" - Indicates the mold opening parameters during the last
production cycle have been outside the preset limits. Check Monitor 1 for more
details. Please refer to the Monitoring Settings 1 (Automatic Alarm) section of this
manual for more information.
14 - "Part Not Dropped" – Indicates an ejection failure while in Photo Sensor mode.
Remove the mold product before resuming machine operation. Please refer to the
Machine Control Panel Keys section of this manual for additional information.
15 - "Hopper Empty" – Refill the hopper with plastic granulate.
16 - "Mold Close End Error" – Indicates the mold closing parameters during the last
production cycle have been outside the preset limits. Check Monitor 1 for more
details. Please refer to the Monitoring Settings 1 (Automatic Alarm) section of this
manual for more information.

17 - "Pos. Setting Error" – Indicates inconsistent position settings for either Mold
Closing, Mold Opening, Suck-back or Charge (Plasticizing) settings. Check the
relevant settings.
18 - "Finish Auto Adjust" – Indicates the automatic Mold Height Adjustment has been
completed. Please refer to the Machine Operating Mode Keys section of this
manual for additional information.
19 - "Lubr. Oil Level Error" – Indicates the lubrication oil level is too low. Check the
oil level and fill up if necessary.
20 - "Inj. Start Pos. Error" – Indicates the injection parameters during the last
production cycle have been outside the preset limits. Check Monitor 1 for more
details. Please refer to the Monitoring Settings 1 (Automatic Alarm) section of this
manual for more information.
21 - "Screw Rpm Error" – Indicates a problem during screw operation. Check the
Charge (Plasticizing) settings and make sure the hopper is no empty.
22 - "Inject Time Error" – Indicates the injection parameters during the last
production cycle have been outside the preset limits. Check Monitor 1 for more
details. Please refer to the Monitoring Settings 1 (Automatic Alarm) section of this
manual for more information.
23 - "Opn 1-Slow Pos. Error" – Indicates a problem during automatic Mold Height
Adjustment. Check the transition position from slow to fast movement during Mold
Opening. Adjust if necessary.
24 - "Mold Protection Error" – Indicates that the mold could not close properly.
Check if the molding product has been completely ejected. Adjust mold settings if
25 - "Decompress End Error" – Indicates Suck-back could not be executed according
to the settings. Check and adjust settings if necessary.

Pxa270 Standard Q8/M10M Version Manual

26 - "Charge End Error" – Indicates that the screw could not reach the set end
position during Charge (Plasticizing). Make sure the hopper is not empty and
adjust settings if necessary.
27 - "Pack Count Reached" – Indicates the preset number of product packs has been
reached. Please refer to the Production Control section of this manual for more
28 - "Core Pull End Error" – Indicates the core has not reached the preset end
position (limit switch). Check the core position and make sure it is moving freely.
29 - Reserved (not used)
30 - "Lubrication Fail" – Indicates a lubrication problem. Check the lubrication
31 - "Oil Level too Low" – Indicates the hydraulic oil level is too low. Check the
hydraulic oil level and fill up if necessary.
32 - "Oil Filter Blocked" – Indicates a blocked hydraulic oil filter. Check the filter and
clean if necessary.
33 - "Ptm. Board Check Error" – Indicates a communication problem with the
potentiometer board. Check board for possible causes.
34 - "Adjust End Touched" – Warning message indicating the moving platen has
reached the backward end position (limit switch). Do not move platen/mold further
backward to avoid damage to the machine.
35 - Reserved (not used)
36 - "C. P. Active Pos. Error" – Indicates a core position settings problem. Verify the
core settings and mold position at time of core activation and change if necessary.
37 - "C. P. Set Error" – Indicates a problem with the core in/out activation positions.
Verify settings and change if necessary.
38 - "Waiting Air Mold" – Indicates the controller is waiting for signal form air
injection system.
39 - "Adj. Sensor Fail." – Indicates automatic Mold Height Adjustment failure. Check
the pressure and speed settings and verify if the platen/mold is moving.
40 - "Cool Water Prs Low" – Indicates low cooling water pressure. Check cooling
41 - "Switching Mold" – Status message during mold switching.
42 - "Waiting Robot" – Status message during robot operation.

43 - "Pls Press Close Key" – Prompt in Auto mode to press Close Mold key to start
machine operation.
44 - "Eject Not Back" – Indicates the ejector has not reached the end position (limit
switch). Check the ejector.
45 - Reserved (not used)
46 - "Lub. Filter Fail" – Indicates a problem with the lubrication oil filter. Check filter
for possible causes.
47 - Reserved (not used)

Pxa270 Standard Q8 Version Manual

48 - "Motor Fail" – Indicates a hydraulic pump motor failure. Check motor for
possible causes.
49 - "Pls Press Start Key" – Prompt in Semi-auto mode to press Start key to start
machine operation.
50 - "Pls Close Rear Door" – Indicates an open rear door. Close door to resume
machine operation.
51 - Reserved (not used)
52 - "Manual Open/Eject" – Prompt in Manual mode to execute Mold Opening and
Ejection manually to prevent possible damage to machine.
53 - "Motor Overload" – Indicates problem with hydraulic pump motor. Check the
motor for possible causes.
54 - Reserved (not used)
55 - Reserved (not used)
56 - "Manual Open" – Prompt in Manual mode to execute Mold Opening manually to
prevent possible damage to machine.
57 - "Temperature not up" – Indicates a barrel heating temperature error. The pre-set
temperature could not be reached. Check the barrel heater.
58 - "Safe B. Plate Fail" – Indicates possible object on bottom plate. Remove any
objects to resume machine operation.
59 - Reserved (not used)
60 - Reserved (not used)
61 - "Pls Close Upper Cover" - Indicates an open top cover. Close the cover to
resume machine operation.

Pxa270 Standard Q8/M10M Version Manual

6 Robot Installation (Optional)

If you want to install a robot on the machine, the C-6000 controller provides a
protection circuit for robot control and mold protection. Please refer to below diagram
for robot circuit wiring.

 Connect the robot to the appropriate input point (default is PB23).

 Connect the robot to the appropriate output point (default is PC28).
 Activate the robot mode in the Other Settings screen (refer to the Other Functions
and Settings section).







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