Alex Clippinger - Piety of Eberron

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Credits DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast, Forgotten

Realms, Ravenloft, Eberron, the dragon ampersand, Ravnica and

Designer: Alex Clippinger all other Wizards of the Coast product names, and their respective
logos are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast in the USA and other
Art: Brianna Collins (@InkOcculi on Twitter), countries.
Dean Spencer, Wizards of the Coast via the
Dungeon Master’s Guild Creator’s resources This work contains material that is copyright Wizards of the Coast
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the Community Content Agreement for Dungeon Masters Guild.

All other original material in this work is copyright 2020 by Alex

Clippinger and published under the Community Content
Agreement for Dungeon Masters Guild.
‘As is the world, so are the gods. As are the Your piety score to Arawai decreases if you
gods, so is the world.’ This doctrine is the do things that dishonors her pantheon,
founding principle for worshippers of the including:
Sovereign Host. It indicates that the gods of
the Host are omnipresent, existing in all  Refusing to help a lost traveler in need of
things. aid
While deities might manifest through  Letting a community suffer famine without
spells or followers, the deities of the Host do help
not speak directly to followers or present  Failing to protect a town from wild
themselves in physical forms. The lowliest of animals
the faithful is as surrounded by the Sovereign
Host’s power as the most devout
clergy. To worshippers of the Host,
Arawai’s Devotee
Piety 3+ Arawai trait
every detail of the world is
proof of their deities’
manifestation. Dedication to Arawai puts a
spring in your step. You can
cast longstrider with this trait a
Arawai number of times equal to your
Most often called upon as Wisdom modifier (minimum
a goddess of fertility and of once). You regain all
the harvest, Arawai also expended uses when you
has influence in regard to finish a long rest. Wisdom is
the wilds—surviving and your spellcasting ability for this
navigating—rather than spell.
incorporating oneself into
nature. Arawai’s Votary
Piety 10+ Arawai trait
Alignment: Usually lawful or neutral, often
good You can cast plant growth with this trait. Once
Suggested Classes: Barbarian, druid, ranger you cast the spell in this way, you can’t do so
Suggested Cleric Domains: Life, Nature again until you finish a long rest. Wisdom is
Suggested Backgrounds: Hermit, outlander your spellcasting ability for this spell.

Earning and Losing Piety Arawai’s Disciple

You increase your piety score to Arawai when Piety 25+ Arawai trait
you help individuals and communities with
acts such as these: Arawai’s gift protects the faithful. Hostile
creatures in the area of your Votary feature’s
 Working rites or spells to improve plant growth spell have disadvantage on
harvests or protect crops attack rolls that target you.
 Protecting a traveler from wild beasts and
 Helping someone lost navigate the wild
Champion of Life
Piety 50+ Arawai trait Your piety score to Aureon decreases if you
diminish his influence in the world by:
You can increase your Constitution or
 Keeping valuable knowledge to yourself.
Wisdom score by 2 and also increase your
 Using magic recklessly and dangerously.
maximum for that score by 2.
 Letting emotion instead of rationality rule
your actions, resulting in harm to others.
Aureon is a god of lore, law, and knowledge. Aureon Devotee
He is also a god of magic, but only magic as it Piety 3+ Aureon trait
is harnessed and controlled dutifully by
mortals. Lawful society and rational thought Aureon grants you a sense for magic in the
are the most common themes of Aureon’s world. You can cast detect magic with this
everyday influence. trait a number of times equal to your
Intelligence modifier (minimum once). You
Alignment: Usually lawful good. regain all expended uses when you finish a
Suggested Classes: Cleric, monk, sorcerer, long rest. Intelligence is your spellcasting
wizard ability for this trait.
Suggested Cleric Domains: Arcana (Sword
Coast Adventurer’s Guide), Knowledge Aureon Votary
Suggested Backgrounds: Acolyte, sage
Piety 10+ Aureon trait

Earning and Losing Piety Once when you fail a saving throw against a
You increase your piety score to Aureon spell, you can reroll the saving throw and use
when you honor his pantheon with acts such the new result. Once you use this trait, you
as: can’t do so again until you finish a long rest.

 Rigorous study and exploration of Aureon Disciple

knowledge. Piety 25+ Aureon trait
 Preserving knowledge and sharing it with
others. You can cast magic circle with this trait,
 Practicing magic safely and responsibly. requiring no material components. When you
do so, you can’t use this trait again until you
finish a long rest.

Champion of Measured
Piety 50+ Name trait

You can increase your Constitution or

Intelligence score by 2 and also increase your
maximum for that score by 2.
Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for this
Balinor trait.
A patron of hunters, Balinor is not like the
savage deities of the hunt in other worlds.
The god applauds hunting for sustenance and
Balinor Disciple
survival, never for bloodlust, sport, or out of Piety 25+ Balinor trait
You are permanently under the effects of the
Alignment: Generally neutral speak with animals spell.
Suggested Classes: Druid, monk, ranger
Suggested Cleric Domains: Nature, War Champion of the Hunt
Suggested Backgrounds: Folk hero, Piety 50+ Balinor trait
You can increase your Dexterity or Wisdom
Earning and Losing Piety score by 2 and also increase your maximum
You increase your piety score to Balinor for that score by 2.
when you:

 Successfully hunt a dangerous creature.

While her husband Aureon’s focus on law
 Track a predator to ensure it doesn’t
forms the basis for civilized society, the
unbalance the local ecosystem.
goddess Boldrei forms the basis for life in
 Provide meat for the poor or a local
those societies. She is the goddess of hearth,
home, and the ties that bind the people of a
civilization together.
Your piety score to Balinor decreases if you:
 Wantonly waste parts of a hunted animal.
Alignment: Neutral or lawful, usually good
 Hunt for the pleasure of killing, rather
Suggested Classes: Bard, cleric
than practical use.
Suggested Cleric Domains: Life
 Act to upset the balance between nature
Suggested Backgrounds: Entertainer, folk
and civilization.
hero, guild artisan

Balinor Devotee Earning and Losing Piety

Piety 3+ Balinor trait
You increase your piety score to Boldrei when
The Sovereign of Horn and Hunt gifts you
with clever traps. You can cast snare with this
trait a number of times equal to your Wisdom  Aid in duties of civil service and
modifier (minimum once). You regain all community-building.
expended uses when you finish a long rest.  Participate in cultural celebrations.
Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for this  Observe and respect local customs.
Your piety score to Boldrei decreases if you:

Balinor Votary  Work to damage interpersonal

Piety 10+ Balinor trait relationships and community ties.
 Disrespect important cultural traditions or
You can cast animal messenger once as a 3rd- belittle the cultures of others.
level spell. Once you use this trait, you must
finish a long rest before you can do so again.
 Fail to help community cohesion and
family bonds when you have an
opportunity to do so. Dol Arrah
A goddess of both literal and spiritual light,
Dol Arrah is a patron of righteousness in all
Boldrei Devotee things. She is closely bound with the other
Piety 3+ Boldrei trait deities of the Host, bringing the ‘light’ of law,
knowledge, understanding, self-sacrifice, and
The Sovereign of Hall and Hearth helps you to truth to the world.
foster a sense of community in those around
you. You can cast the ceremony spell a Alignment: Usually lawful, almost always
number of times equal to your Wisdom good
modifier (minimum once), regaining Suggested Classes: Cleric, fighter, paladin
expended uses when you finish a long rest. Suggested Cleric Domains: Light, War
When you cast this spell to perform the Suggested Backgrounds: Acolyte, folk hero,
Atonement, Coming of Age, Dedication, or house agent, noble, soldier
Funeral Rite functions of the spell, you can do
so without needing material components.
Regardless of how you use it, Wisdom is your Earning and Losing Piety
spellcasting ability for this spell. You increase your piety score to Dol Arrah
when you:
Boldrei Votary
 Make a stand for righteous causes.
Piety 10+ Boldrei trait
 Conduct yourself honorably both in and
out of combat.
You gain proficiency in the Insight and
 Exercise self-sacrifice for good causes and
Persuasion skills, and add double your
for others.
proficiency bonus to ability checks using
these skills when interacting with common
Your piety score to Dol Arrah decreases if
folk; commoners, artisans, and the like.

Boldrei Disciple  Selfishly allow others to get hurt in your

Piety 25+ Boldrei trait stead.
 Disgrace yourself or others through your
When you expend Hit Dice to recover hit actions.
points as part of a short rest, you recover one  Fail to stand up for righteousness when it
additional hit point for each Hit Die you is right and reasonable to do so.
expend, and any ally that expended one or
more Hit Die as part of the same short rest Dol Arrah Devotee
regain this same number of extra hit points.
Piety 3+ Dol Arrah trait
In addition, you recover one additional Hit
Die when you finish a long rest.
Dol Arrah is a paragon of honorable combat.
You can cast compelled duel with this trait a
Champion of Hearth number of times equal to your Charisma
Piety 50+ Boldrei trait modifier (minimum once), regaining
expended uses when you finish a long rest.
You can increase your Charisma or Wisdom Charisma is your spellcasting ability for this
score by 2 and also increase your maximum spell.
for that score by 2.
Dol Arrah Votary Earning and Losing Piety
Piety 10+ Dol Arrah trait You increase your piety score to Dol
Dorn when you:
You can cast daylight
with this trait. Once you  Win a difficult battle.
cast the spell in this way,  Are victorious or make a
you can’t do so again remarkable effort in a
until you finish a long competition.
rest. Charisma is your  Triumph over evil.
spellcasting ability for
this trait. Your piety score to Dol Dorn
In addition, you have decreases if you:
advantage on saving
throws against being  Ignore evil when you have a
Blinded. viable opportunity to intervene.
 Cheat or are guilty of
Dol Arrah unsportsmanlike conduct.
 Surrender, give up, or
Disciple abandon your ideals.
Piety 25+ Dol Arrah trait

Your movement speed is Dol Dorn Devotee

increased by 10 feet on the first round of Piety 3+ Dol Dorn trait
Dol Arrah is a paragon of honorable combat.
You can cast detect evil and good with this
Champion of trait a number of times equal to your Strength
Righteousness modifier (minimum once), regaining
Piety 50+ Dol Arrah trait expended uses when you finish a long rest.
Strength is your spellcasting ability for this
You can increase your Constitution or spell.
Charisma score by 2 and also increase your
maximum for that score by 2. Dol Dorn Votary
Piety 10+ Dol Dorn trait
Dol Dorn You can cast magic weapon with this trait.
It is said that Dol Dorn is the one who drove
Once you cast the spell in this way, you can’t
the Dark Six out of the pantheon. He is the
do so again until you finish a long rest.
patron god of those who take up a life of
Strength is your spellcasting ability for this
battle and competition, whether they be
soldiers or athletes.
In addition, you have advantage on saving
throws against being Frightened.
Alignment: Usually neutral good
Suggested Classes: Barbarian, fighter, monk,
paladin, ranger Dol Dorn Disciple
Suggested Cleric Domains: War Piety 25+ Dol Dorn trait
Suggested Backgrounds: Athlete, folk hero,
sailor, soldier You are a champion against evil. You have
advantage on saving throws against spells
and other magical effects from aberrations trade goods and adventuring gear in the
and fiends. Player’s Handbook listed for 25 gp or less, in
reasonable quantities.
Champion of Battle
Piety 50+ Dol Dorn trait Kol Korran Votary
Piety 10+ Kol Korran trait
You can increase your Strength or Charisma
score by 2 and also increase your maximum You can cast find traps with this trait. Once
for that score by 2. you cast the spell in this way, you can’t do so
again until you finish a short or long rest.
Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for this
Kol Korran trait.
A god of wealth and commerce, a patron of
merchants and trade. While others of the
pantheon are often paragons of virtue and
Kol Korran Disciple
justice, Kol Korran is also a patron of thieves Piety 25+ Kol Korran trait
and self-enrichment. He is not an evil god, but
one whose moral standards are flexible When you or another creature you can see
enough to see how a dash of greed fits into within 30 feet is forced to make a saving
the grand weave of society’s tapestry. throw against a trap (as defined by the find
traps spell), you can use your reaction to give
Alignment: Often neutral, sometimes chaotic. the creature advantage on its saving throw.
Suggested Classes: Bard, rogue
Suggested Cleric Domains: Trickery Champion of Commerce
Suggested Backgrounds: Charlatan, Piety 50+ Kol Korran trait
criminal, entertainer, sailor
You can increase your Dexterity or
Earning and Losing Piety Intelligence score by 2 and also increase your
You increase your piety score to Kol Korran maximum for that score by 2.
when you:

 Enrich yourself without harming society at

 Make a rare and valuable discovery.
 Get the better part of a difficult

Your piety score to Kol Korran decreases if


 Let your greed get the better of you.

 Treat riches without respect.

Kol Korran Devotee

Piety 3+ Kol Korran trait

You gain proficiency in the Persuasion skill. In

addition, you pay half the normal cost for
You can cast blur with this trait. Once you cast
Olladra the spell in this way, you can’t do so again
Olladra is a goddess of luck—and like the until you finish a short or long rest. Wisdom
concept itself, she is just as unpredictable. A is your spellcasting ability for this trait.
giver of good fortune and a goddess of
gamblers, celebrations, and performance. She
especially enjoys offerings of things gained by
Olladra Disciple
happenstance, such as a valuable item found Piety 25+ Olladra trait
on the street or money won by chance.
Before you make a saving throw, you can
Alignment: Usually chaotic, often good or declare whether the result on the d20 will be
neutral. odd or even. If you’re right, you get a 2d4
Suggested Classes: Bard, rogue, sorcerer bonus to the saving throw. If you’re wrong,
Suggested Cleric Domains: Life, Trickery you get a 1d4 penalty. Once you make a
Suggested Backgrounds: Criminal, sailor, correct prediction, you can’t use this feature
urchin until you finish a long rest.

Earning and Losing Piety Champion of Fortune

You increase your piety score to Olladra when Piety 50+ Olladra trait
You can increase your Dexterity or Wisdom
 Take calculated risks, especially ones that score by 2 and also increase your maximum
pay off. for that score by 2.
 Trust your instincts and act on them.
 Gladly accept success and failure in equal
A god of craft, fire, and forge, it is Onatar's
pantheon of tools and creation that allows the
Your piety score to Olladra decreases if you: intelligent races to distinguish themselves
from monsters and beasts. Of all the Host, he
 Act recklessly and self-destructively. is becoming the most popular among the new
 Are a poor loser. race, the warforged.
 Don’t greet danger or challenge with
enthusiasm. Alignment: Usually neutral good
Suggested Classes: Cleric, fighter, paladin,
Olladra Devotee ranger
Piety 3+ Olladra trait Suggested Cleric Domains: Forge, Light,
A goddess of bold action rewards bravery. Suggested Backgrounds: Guild artisan,
You can cast heroism with this trait a number house agent, soldier
of times equal to your Wisdom modifier
(minimum once), regaining expended uses Earning and Losing Piety
when you finish a long rest. Wisdom is your You increase your piety score to Onatar when
spellcasting ability for this spell. you:

Olladra Votary  Seek out new knowledge and techniques.

Piety 10+ Olladra trait  Practice a trade or craft.
 Protect and appreciate finely-wrought
items and art.
When you score a critical hit on an attack
roll, you can choose to deal no additional
damage. If you do, you gain resistance to all
damage dealt by that target for 1 minute, or
until you score another critical hit against

Champion of Craft
Piety 50+ Onatar trait

You can increase your Strength or

Intelligence score by 2 and also increase
your maximum for that score by 2.

Your piety score to Onatar decreases if you:

 Let your craft and talents fall by the

 Don’t take pride in your work or the work
of others.
 Treat crafted items with disrespect.

Onatar Devotee
Piety 3+ Onatar trait

Onatar rewards a natural curiosity for craft.

You can cast identify using this trait, without
the need for material components. When you
do so, you must finish a long rest before you
can use this trait again.
In addition, you learn the mending cantrip.
Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for
both spells.

Onatar Votary
Piety 10+ Onatar trait

You gain proficiency with two types of tools

of your choice. In addition, choose one set of
tools you’re proficient with. You add double
your proficiency bonus when making ability
checks related to your chosen tools.

Onatar Disciple
Piety 25+ Onatar trait
Like a lurking shadow of the Sovereign Host,
the Dark Six are an evil reflection of the The Devourer
Host’s goodness. Where the Host’s pantheon Brother to the Host deity Arawai, the
represents civilization’s ability to create Devourer is a god of natural destruction and
something greater than our individual pestilence. His influence ravages crops, floods
natures, the Six emphasize the most primal rivers, and drags ships beneath storm-tossed
and selfish instincts. While most followers of waves. Sacrifices to the Devourer involve
the Host honor the entire pantheon, followers casting the sacrifice into the water, even if it’s
of the Six are much more likely to focus on a living creature.
one deity that appeals to them.
Alignment: Often chaotic, usually evil
The Dark Six’s followers are inarguably evil, Suggested Classes: Barbarian, cleric, druid,
or at the very least are tasked with ranger
performing acts of evil to appease their Suggested Cleric Domains: Nature, Tempest
chosen deity. Characters who wish to pursue Suggested Backgrounds: Outlander, sailor
the path of piety under one of the Dark Six
should discuss the decision with their Earning and Losing Piety
Dungeon Master and their party. Roleplaying You increase your piety score to the Devourer
one or more evil characters in a group is when you:
possible with consistent communication.
 Revel in destruction.
 Completely decimate an opponent.
 Hold the threat of destruction over the
weak to prompt worship of the Devourer.

Your piety score to the Devourer decreases if


 Fail to bring destruction to those who

oppose or insult you.
 Exercise excessive mercy.

Devourer Devotee
Piety 3+ Devourer trait

The Devourer is the wrath of the storm and

tempest. Once on each of your turns when
you hit a creature with a weapon attack, you
can deal an extra 1d6 thunder damage to the
target. You can use this trait a number of
times equal to your Constitution modifier
(minimum once), regaining expended uses
when you finish a long rest.
Devourer Votary
Piety 10+ Devourer trait Your piety score to the Fury decreases if you:

Nothing can bear your wrath. When you hit  Allow yourself to be slighted.
an object with an attack roll, you can use this  Don’t listen to emotions before logic.
trait to turn the attack into a critical strike.  Let bygones be bygones.
Once you use this feature, you must finish a
short or long rest before you can do so again. Fury Devotee
In addition, you have advantage on Strength Piety 3+ Fury trait
checks to push, pull, shove, or break objects
and to shove creatures. One ill turn deserves another. When a
creature within 5 feet of you hits you with an
Devourer Disciple attack, you can make one weapon attack
Piety 25+ Devourer trait against the creature as a reaction. You can use
this trait a number of times equal to your
You have advantage on saving throws against Strength modifier (minimum once), regaining
being incapacitated, paralyzed, petrified, or expended uses when you finish a long rest.

Champion of Disaster
Piety 50+ Devourer trait

You can increase your Constitution or

Intelligence score by 2 and also increase your
maximum for that score by 2.

The Fury
Offspring of Arawai and the Devourer, the
Fury lost her true name as she became
indistinguishable from her rage. Passion and
emotion to the extreme are her purview. The
Fury finds followers among those who
despise the idea of a civilized society.

Alignment: Almost always chaotic

Suggested Classes: Barbarian, druid, ranger
Suggested Cleric Domains: War
Suggested Backgrounds: Hermit, outlander

Earning and Losing Piety

You increase your piety score to the Fury
when you:

 Pursue vengeance, especially without

regard for your personal safety.
 Allow your passions to rule your actions.
Your piety score to the Keeper decreases if
Fury Votary
Piety 10+ Fury trait  Display excessive charity.
 Fear death or the undead.
You can cast hellish rebuke using this trait.  Put altruism ahead of your own desires.
Once you cast the spell in this way, you can’t
do so again until you finish a long rest.
Charisma is your spellcasting ability for this Keeper Devotee
trait. Piety 3+ Keeper trait

You can cast false life using this trait, without

Fury Disciple the need for material components. You can do
Piety 25+ Fury trait so a number of times equal to your Wisdom
modifier (minimum once), regaining
You have advantage on saving throws against expended uses when you finish a long rest.
being Charmed and Frightened. Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for this
Champion of Rage
Piety 50+ Fury trait Keeper Votary
Piety 10+ Keeper trait
You can increase your Strength or Charisma
score by 2 and also increase your maximum You can cast speak with dead using this trait.
for that score by 2. Once you cast the spell in this way, you can’t
do so again until you finish a long rest.
The Keeper Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for this
Son of Ollandra and Onatar and brother to Kol
Korran, the Keeper is a deity of selfish greed.
The desire to possess all things extends into Keeper Disciple
both the spiritual and physical realms; his Piety 25+ Keeper trait
followers believe the Keeper will waylay their
souls on the way to the oblivion of Dolurrh. When an undead creature with an
Intelligence score of 9 or less is about to
Alignment: Sometimes chaotic, usually evil attack you, it must make a DC 15 Wisdom
Suggested Classes: Cleric, warlock, wizard saving throw. On a failed save, the creature
Suggested Cleric Domains: Death, Grave must choose a different target, or the attack
Suggested Backgrounds: Charlatan, automatically misses you. On a successful
criminal, noble save, the creature is immune to this trait for
24 hours.
Earning and Losing Piety
You increase your piety score to the Keeper Champion of Greed
when you: Piety 50+ Keeper trait

 Let greed dictate your actions. You can increase your Dexterity or Wisdom
 Show mastery over life, death, and score by 2 and also increase your maximum
undeath. for that score by 2.
 Take what is important to others.
The Mockery You can cast enemies abound using this trait.
Also called the Betrayer, the Mockery is the Once you cast the spell in this way, you can’t
brother of Dol Arrah and Dol Dorn. As his do so again until you finish a long rest.
brothers represent honorable war and Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for this
righteous cause, the Mockery is a patron of trait.
assassination, murder, betrayal, and wars for
unjust causes.
Mockery Disciple
Alignment: Usually neutral or chaotic, Piety 25+ Mockery trait
neutral or evil
Suggested Classes: Fighter, rogue, paladin When a creature detects you with a Wisdom
Suggested Cleric Domains: Trickery, War (Perception) check or wins a contested check
Suggested Backgrounds: Criminal, noble, against your Charisma (Deception) check, you
soldier can use this trait to make them roll again and
take the new result. Once you use this trait,
you must finish a long rest before using it
Earning and Losing Piety again.
You increase your piety score to the Mockery
when you:
Champion of Betrayal
 Get the better part of a negotiation Piety 50+ Mockery trait
through deception or blackmail.
 Win a battle with dirty tactics, surprise, You can increase your Dexterity or
and guile. Intelligence score by 2 and also increase your
 Profit from conflict in which you have no maximum for that score by 2.
personal belief.
The Shadow
Your piety score to the Mockery decreases if The god Aureon is the patron of structured
you: arcane magic, but the price of this power was
equal godhood for Aureon’s shadow, which
 Take the high road. manifested as a deity of corruption and dark
 Compete with honor. power. While Aureon's pantheon of law and
 Become personally invested in battle the quest to harness magic was noble, the
instead of manipulating it to your own Shadow oversees magic harnessed from
ends. vanity and dark ambition.

Mockery Devotee Alignment: Neutral, usually neutral or evil

Piety 3+ Mockery trait Suggested Classes: Sorcerer, warlock, wizard
Suggested Cleric Domains: Arcana,
You can cast Tasha’s hideous laughter using Knowledge
this trait. You can do so a number of times Suggested Backgrounds: Charlatan, hermit,
equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum sage
once), regaining expended uses when you
finish a long rest. Intelligence is your Earning and Losing Piety
spellcasting ability for this trait. You increase your piety score to the Shadow
when you:
Mockery Votary
Piety 10+ Mockery trait  Turn good against itself.
 Discover arcane secrets.
 Defeat powerful enemies with magic. The Traveler
The only god of the Host or the Six said to
Your piety score to the Shadow decreases if walk in actual physical form upon the world,
you: the Traveler has no familial ties with other
deities, and it walks in myriad forms to match
 Fail to pursue arcane knowledge. its obscure origins. The Traveler is a patron of
 Are bested by superior magic. chaos, adaptation, and transformation.
 Are thwarted by forces of good.
Alignment: Almost always a mixture of
Shadow Devotee chaotic and neutral
Suggested Classes: Any
Piety 3+ Shadow trait
Suggested Cleric Domains: Forge,
Knowledge, Trickery
You can cast detect magic using this trait. You
Suggested Backgrounds: Charlatan,
can do so a number of times equal to your
criminal, urchin
Charisma modifier (minimum once),
regaining expended uses when you finish a
long rest. Charisma is your spellcasting ability Earning and Losing Piety
for this trait. You increase your piety score to the Traveler
when you:
Shadow Votary
Piety 10+ Shadow trait  Challenge established traditions.
 Try new tactics and approaches.
You can cast dispel magic using this trait.  Introduce chaos and follow through on the
Once you cast the spell in this way, you can’t result.
do so again until you finish a long rest.
Charisma is your spellcasting ability for this

Shadow Disciple
Piety 25+ Shadow trait

When you fail a saving throw against a spell,

you can choose to reroll and take the new
result. You must finish a long rest
before you can use this trait again.

Champion of Arcanum
Piety 50+ Shadow trait

You can increase your Dexterity or Charisma

score by 2 and also increase your maximum
for that score by 2.
Your piety score to the Traveler decreases if

 Fall into repeat patterns.

 Don’t push boundaries or try unorthodox
 Fear consequences of risky ideas.

Traveler Devotee
Piety 3+ Traveler trait

You can cast disguise self using this trait. You

can do so a number of times equal to your
Charisma modifier (minimum once),
regaining expended uses when you finish a
long rest. Charisma is your spellcasting ability
for this trait.

Traveler Votary
Piety 10+ Traveler trait

You can cast major image using this trait.

Once you cast the spell in this way, you can’t
do so again until you finish a long rest.
Charisma is your spellcasting ability for this

Traveler Disciple
Piety 25+ Traveler trait
You can turn invisible as an action. The
invisibility lasts until the start of your next
turn, ending early if you cast a spell or attack
a creature. Once you use this trait, you must
finish a long rest before you can use it again.

Champion of Deception
Piety 50+ Traveler trait

You can increase your Constitution or

Charisma score by 2 and also increase your
maximum for that score by 2.
Unlike the Sovereign Host or the Dark Six, Silver Flame Devotee
followers of the Silver Flame have no Piety 3+ Silver Flame trait
arguments over whether their chosen deity is
the creator, if it better represents the
You can cast protection from evil and good
intrinsic nature of the world, or any
using this trait. You can do so a number of
other such theological esoterica. The
times equal to your Charisma modifier
Silver Flame acknowledges that it is
(minimum once), regaining expended
post-creation, a divine presence
uses when you finish a long rest.
whose origin places it apart from
Charisma is your spellcasting ability
the Nine-and-Six.
for this trait.
Born of the couatl sacrificing
themselves to bind demonic
forces, the Flame was mysterious Silver Flame Votary
and unapproachable for Piety 10+ Name trait
thousands of years. Finally, the
paladin Tira Miron joined with You can cast remove curse using this
the Flame and became its voice trait. When you do so, you must
and semi-divine representative. finish a long rest before you can use
this trait again. Charisma is your
Alignment: Usually lawful, spellcasting ability for this trait.
almost always good
Suggested Classes: Cleric, Fighter, Silver Flame Disciple
Monk, Paladin
Piety 25+ Silver Flame trait
Suggested Cleric Domains: Life, Light
Suggested Backgrounds: Acolyte, Sage,
The light that shines within your soul refuses
to be dimmed. You gain resistance to necrotic
Earning and Losing Piety
You increase your piety score to the Silver
Flame when you:
Champion of Purity
Piety 50+ Silver Flame trait
 Overcome a fiendish threat.
You can increase your Strength or Charisma
 Inspire great goodness in others.
score by 2 and also increase your maximum
 Overcome malice with compassion.
for that score by 2.
Your piety score to the Silver Flame decreases
if you:

 Suffer the greater of two evils.

 Allow evil to rule your actions.
 Fail innocents who depend on you.
Seekers pray to themselves, Blood of Vol
believing that each being holds
divine potential and must be Devotee
bold enough to embrace it. Piety 3+ Blood of Vol trait
Perhaps there is some truth
to this concept, as Seekers You can cast heroism with this
praying to their own trait, but you can only target
potential certainly wield yourself when you cast the spell
magic just as effectively as in this manner. You regain the
clerics of other faiths. The ability to cast it when you finish
goal of Seekers is to tap into a short or long rest. Constitution
their potential to achieve is your spellcasting ability for
living (not undead) this trait.
immortality, to create a
personal afterlife instead of the Blood of Vol Votary
grim fate that would normally Piety 10+ Blood of Vol trait
await all souls.
You can cast the vampiric touch spell. When
Alignment: Often neutral, sometimes evil. you use this trait, you can’t use it again until
Suggested Classes: Any you finish a long rest. Constitution is your
Suggested Cleric Domains: Life, Grave spellcasting ability for this trait.
Suggested Backgrounds: Any

Blood of Vol Disciple

Piety 25+ Blood of Vol trait
Earning and Losing Piety
You increase your piety score to the Divinity You gain +1 to AC when your heroism spell is
Within when you: active, and you keep any remaining
temporary hit points when the spell ends.
 Put faith in yourself above all else. These temporary hit points last until you
finish a short or long rest.
Your piety score to the Divinity Within
decreases if you:
Champion of the Divinity
 Despair or lose faith in your own potential. Within
Piety 50+ Blood of Vol trait
As a special note, the Blood of Vol is a deeply
personal faith where beliefs will vary among One ability score of your choice increases by
followers. Characters who want to pursue the 2, and your maximum for that score increases
Divinity Within are encouraged to work with by 2.
their Dungeon Master to determine what the
Blood of Vol means to them, and create
courses of action that could lead to an
increase or decrease in piety score.

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