The Devils Mother Baba Lysaga. A CR 25 Version.

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The Devil's Mother, Baba Lysaga

The Devil's Strahd , Dark Mother and the queen of all Barovian Hags flies
her skull under the misty moonlight.
Who knows what mischief she is planning
Short Description
This document contains a cr25
Version of Baba Lysaga, The Devil's
Mother and the queen of all
Barovian Hags. This is a follow up to
"The Real Devil Strahd " CR27. I felt
that the book version was pretty
weak compared to the discriptions of
Baba Lysaga. According to the lore,
she is the one who baptised Strahd
into the art of dark magic and was
the first one to make a pact with the
Mother Night. This version is made
to be used only under extreme
caution as it is quite deadly and will
most likely result in a total party
kill if used incorrectly. You have
been Warned.

What is different?
The powers of the Hag New Spell list and new spells

In this version Lysaga is being The spell list of Baba Lysaga has been
empowered according to the adjusted to the power of someone
discriptions of the lore. The Swamp who has the experience of hundrets
of berez is her home and the players of years and the favor of Mother
will have to fight not only the hag Night's chosen. You can also find
but the area itself. new spells of previous editions
translated to 5th ed. at the end of
this file.
New legendary and lair actions
New legendary and lair actions have
been added to the original statblock.
They give environmental,flavour and As the "Mother" of the lord of the
mechanical benefits worthy only to land, Lysaga can only have the best
Devil's mother. The flying skull , the artifacts.The empowered versions of
fence arround her hut and the hut the hut and animated skull will help
itself will make the experience feel her deal with anyone that she
more dreadful to the players. considers a pest.

The Side quest:

A Lullaby for Strahd

The Lullaby for Strahd is a song that his mother has

been singing to him in his youth in order to make
him sleep peacefully. It was composed by Lysaga
herself when she was a maid, way before she
became the hag we all know. In this document you
will find the final part of the lullaby that only Lisaga
knows. The whole quest can be found here:

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Baba Lysaga was the midwife to Queen Ravenovia van
Roeyen in her pregnancy and birth to Strahd von Zarovich.
Despite Ravenovia's motherhood, Baba Lysaga always viewed
Strahd as truly her baby. She planted the potential for dark
magic within him. Baba Lysaga's unwholesome
preoccupation with young Strahd motivated Ravenovia to
exile her. Though separated from Strahd, Baba Lysaga kept
tabs on Strahd's life form afar and came to admire him more
and more. In the meanwhile, Baba Lysaga performed
innumerable sacrifices to Mother Night with the hope that
Ravenovia would one day be struck down by a fatal disease.
Eventually Mother Night granted her death and Ravenovia
was struck dead.
Following Strahd's fall into corruption and depravity, Baba
Lysaga kept off the effects of old age through the sacrifice of
innumerable beasts. Although Strahd discounts their threat,
Lysaga has made it her duty to plague, antagonize, and
destroy the wereravens of the Keepers of the Feather. She
animated her Creeping Hut from one of the stolen Wizard of
Wines Magic Gems.
Baba Lysaga (at least, in her mind) serves Strahd from afar
under her own initiative. Recognizing on some level that
Strahd would never acknowledge her, Baba Lysaga has never
met with Strahd and confessed her maternal affections to
him. Instead she wages war on a threat he does not even
consider serious. Baba Lysaga resides in the ruins of Berez,
where she is spied upon by Muriel Vinshaw, an ally of the

Special Abilities and

Lysaga continues her ritual blood sacrifice to this day in the
ruins of Berez, to where she wards off both the toll of time to
her person and the use of divination magic against her. She
also has some power over insects, able to summon insect
swarms and even transform into them.
Beyond her constructs, Baba Lysaga also animated a giant
skull to serve as her personal air vessel.

Alliances and Minions

In addition to her hut, Baba Lysaga has created a number of
scarecrow constructs that she uses to harrass and harangue
the Martikov Family and other wereravens. She also
mantains alliances with the Barovian witches of Castle
Ravenloft and the druids of Yester Hill.

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Baba Lysaga Spellcasting. Baba Lysaga is a 20th-level spell- caster.
Her spellcasting ability is Intelligence (spell save DC
Medium humanoid (Corrupted Fey), chaotic evil
24, +16 to hit with spell attacks). She has the following
Armor Class 18(Natural Armor) spells prepared:
Hit Points 296 Cantrips (at will): acid splash, chill touch, mage hand,
Speed 50 ft. with her Giant Skull minor illusion, ray of frost, light ,prestidigitation,
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA 1st level (4 slots): detect magic, shield, thunderwave,
sleep, witch bolt, False Life( always active ), ray of
15 (+2) 16 (+3) 30 (+10) 27 (+8) 20 (+5) 17 (+3) sickness, Hives, chromatic orb, absorb elements,
Snare( 3 traps active near the hut) ,entangle.
Saving Throws Intelligence +15, Constitution +17,
Wisdom +13 2nd level (4 slots): acid arrow, detect thoughts,
Skills Arcana +16, Deception +14, History +16, Insight invisibility, mirror image, crown of madness,
+14, Intimidation +14, Perception +14,Religion +16 enlarge/reduce, misty step, blood bath, blood geyser,
Damage Resistances Psychic,cold; bludgeoning, Smothering Cloud, leech seed, spike growth.
piercing and slashing from nonmagical weapons 3rd level (3 slots): blink, dispel magic, fireball, lightning
Damage Immunities poison,Necrotic bolt, counterspell, fly.
Condition Immunities charmed, deafened, frightened,
4th level (3 slots): , greater invisibility, blight, Evard's
poisoned, stunned, Sleep, Paralysis
black tentacles, polymorph, Twig Torture, vermin
Senses darkvision 120 ft., truesight 60 ft., passive
swarm, grasping vine.
Perception 24
Languages Common, Abyssal, Infernal, Draconic, Giant, 5th level (3 slots): cloudkill, scrying. Geas, modify
Dwarvish memory,corrupt water, contagion, insect plague.
Challenge 25 6th level (2 slots): disintegrate, globe of invulnerability,
programmed illusion,eye bite, wall of thorns, poisonous
Oath of Rebirth. If Baba Lysaga is killed her body smog.
dissolves and her hut and Giant Skull collapse into
inactivity. She can be summoned back to life through a 7th level (2 slots): etherealness, prismatic spray,
complex, secret ritual which also reactivates her mirage arcane, acid swamp, acid storm.
belongings. Unless the PCs are properly trained in the 8th level (1 slot): dominate monster, power word stun.
appropriate skills, they would otherwise assume she is
dead. -The Ritual. The Barovian witches can summon 9th level (1 slot): power word kill.
Baba Lisaga back to life by gathering at Lisaga Hill
under a Blood Moon and sacrificing 10 young virgin Actions
girls. The blood of the virgins must be wholy Hag’s bolt. Spell Ranged Attack. +16 to hit, ranged 240
consumed by one Barovian Witch, which dies to let her ft., One Target. Hit: 23 (3d10+7) force damage.
body become the gate and vessel for Lysaga’s soul.
When the ritual is over the Witch's body is transformed Multiattack. Baba Lysaga makes two attacks with her
to Baba Lysaga's original body. quarterstaff.

Flyby. Baba Lysaga doesn’t provoke opportunity attacks Quarterstaff strike. Melee weapon attack: +15 to hit,
when she flies out of an enemy’s reach. reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 2d8 + 9 bludgeoning
damage and target must make a DC 24 Dexterity
Keen Smell.* Baba Lysaga has advantage on Wisdom saving throw or be knocked prone.
(Perception) checks that rely on smell.
Summon Swarms of Insects (Recharges after a Short or
Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If Baba Lysaga fails a Long Rest). Baba Lysaga summons 1d4 swarms of
saving throw, she can choose to succeed instead. insects. A summoned swarm appears in an unoccupied
Shapeshifter. Baba Lysaga is able to assume the form of space within 60 feet of Baba Lysaga and acts as her
a beautiful, young woman or turn into a swarm of ally. It remains until it dies or until Baba Lysaga
insects (flies), or back into her true form. While in dismisses it as an action.
swarm form, she has a walking speed of 5 feet and a Whirlwind of decay (Recharge 4-6). Baba Lysaga creates
flying speed of 30 feet. Anything she is wearing a 10-foot radius whirlwind centered on a spot within
transforms with her, but nothing she is carrying does. 30 feet. Each creature in the whirlwind must make a
Gifts of Mother Night. Baba Lysaga has advantage on DC 24 Strength saving throw. On a failed save, a target
saving throws against any spell. In addition, if she rolls takes 2d6 bludgeoning and 2d4 necrotic + 2 damage
a natural 20 for the save, she deflects the spell back to and is flung up to 20 feet away in a random direction
the caster. The spell has no effect on her (even if she’s and is knocked prone. If the save is successful, the
still in the area of effect) and instead targets the caster, target takes only the necrotic damage and is not
using the slot level, spell save DC, attack bonus, and moved or knocked prone. If a creature is thrown
spell casting ability of the original caster. through the space of another creature or creatures,
then those standing in the path must make a DC 15
Blessing of mother Night. Baba Lysaga is shielded Dexterity saving throw or take 2d6 bludgeoning
against divination magic, as though protected by a damage and be knocked prone.
nondetection spell.
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-Madness: The victim faces an effect of madness. The
Reactions. level of madness depends on whether or not the victim
has already experienced a prior level. Effects are
Disturb! If someone within 10 feet of Baba Lysaga detailed in Chapter 8 of the Dungeon Master’s Guide.
attempts to cast a spell, as a reaction she may attack
them with a quorterstaff strike attack. The target must -Ugliness: Lysaga’s target becomes hideous to watch
make a Constitution saving throw (DC = 10 or half the as their face is deformed. The victim has disadvantage
damage from the attack, whichever is higher) at on all Charisma(persuasion) checks. Furthermore,
disadvantage or lose the spell. onlookers must make a Charisma saving throw (equal
to Baba Lysaga’s DC(24)) or become overwhelmed
CounterSpell. As per discription of the spell. with fear.
Absorb Elements. As per discription of the spell. -Dreary Dreams: While taking a long rest, the target
may either attempt to sleep and face damaging dreams
or go without sleep entirely. The former option results
Legendary Actions in taking 6d6 psychic damage after completing the rest
Baba Lysaga can take 3 legendary actions, choosing + 1d6 for every night of bad dreams following the last
from the options below. Only one legendary action one. The latter results in taking a level of exhaustion at
option can be used at a time and only at the end of the end of the long rest.
another creature's turn. Baba Lysaga regains spent
legendary actions at the start of her turn.
Lair Actions
Mad cackle. All creatures within 30 feet of Baba Lysaga On initiative count 20 (losing initiative ties), Baba
must make a DC 24 Wisdom saving throw or become Lysaga can take a lair action to cause one of the
frightened. The creature may attempt to repeat the following effects. She cannot use the same effect two
save at the end of each turn, otherwise the effect lasts rounds in a row:
for 1 minute.
Baba Lysaga’s Hut. The hut moves 30 feet and makes a
Queen of the Hags . Baba Lysaga casts a spell of 2nd
root attack.
level or lower.
Bone fence. Animated bones flow from the hut and
Multicast (3 Legendary Actions). Baba Lysaga may cast
form a bone fence up to 50 feet long and 15 feet high
an additional spell of level 3 up to level 5.
that remains for the duration of the encounter. This
Hold This for Mother. Baba Lysaga transfers same lair action can be used at a later time to move the
concentration of one of her spells to her hut or her wall to a new location. Any creature that is adjacent to
Flying Skull. or attempts to climb the wall is attacked by numerous
Skull Bash: Lysaga orders her animated skull to strike a skull bites. The creature must make a DC 17 Dexterity
foe within 80ft range. The Skull charges at a creature in saving throw or takes 11 (3d6) piercing damage and is
range ignoring any opportunity attacks that may incur. restrained. To escape from the wall the restrained
Make a melee attack roll +15, doing 5d6 bludgeoning creature must make a DC 17 Strength (Athletics)
damage on a hit. A creature hit with this attack much check.
succeed on a STR saving throw against Lysaga’s Secret’s of the Animated skull. Lisaga’s animated skull
DC(24) or be knocked prone. whispers magical secrets to her. Roll 1d8, Lysaga gains
Berating Demand. Baba Lysaga causes one of her allies a spell slot of the same level as the roll’s result. If the
to take the Dash action immediately. skull is destroyed, this lair action cannot be used.
Mother's Love (Costs 3 Actions). Baba Lysaga transfers Invocation of Mother Night. Baba Lysaga ends a
8d8 of damage received by her and/or her flying skull condition or spell effect on either herself or one of her
to her hut. allies.

Cruel Hex (2 Legendary Actions). Baba Lysaga can use a Winds of Barovia. The winds and fog of the swamp swirl
bonus action to curse a target within 60 ft. of her that over the battlefield, causing ranged attack rolls to be at
she can see. The target must make a Constitution disadvantage for the round.
saving throw (DC 24) or face one of the following: - Blood of Beasts. Baba Lysaga spreads the blood of a
Polymorph: The victim is polymorphed, as per the spell fallen enemy or one of her goats over herself, spending
up to 4 of her hit dice(d8) to immediately recover hit

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Baba Lysaga's Creeping Reconstructing regeneration. The Hut regains 10 hit
points per round. This effect only works if it wasn't
Hut attacked the previous round.
Gargantuan Construct, unaligned Rebuke Outsider. The Hut may use its magical abilities
to eject intruders from its interior. If the Hut is hostile
Armor Class 17(Natural Armor) towards a creature, it may force the target to make a
Hit Points 286 (17d10+108) Charisma saving (DC 17) throw up to once per round.
Speed 45 ft If the target fails, it is violently flung out of the hut’s
main door towards the outside ground below. The
target becomes immune to this effect for 12 hours if it
succeeds 3 saving throws in a row.
26 (+8) 7 (-2) 20 (+5) 1 (-5) 3 (-4) 3 (-4)
Innate Spells The Hut can use some magical abilities
Saving Throws Con +9, Wis +0, Cha +0 At-Will: Feather Fall, Dimension Door, Invisibility (self
Damage Resistances Bludgeoning/Piercing/Slashing only), Misty Step, Teleportation Circle
damage from non-magical weapons, Cold, Thunder.
Damage Immunities poison, psychic • 3/Day: Teleport( only if it was ordered by Baba
Condition Immunities blinded, charmed, deafened, Lysaga)
exhaustion, frightened, paralyzed, petrified,
proned,poisoned. Actions
Senses blindsight 120 ft. (blind beyond this radius) Multiattack. The hut makes three root attacks. It can
Languages None replace one of these attacks with a rock or stomp
Challenge 14 attack.

Constructed Nature. An animated object doesn’t require Root. Melee Weapon Attack: +12 to hit, reach 60 ft.,
air, food, drink, or sleep. Immortal Artifact. Upon one target. Hit: 30 (4d10+8) bludgeoning damage.
dropping to 0 HP, the hut will fall over without looking Rock. Ranged Weapon Attack: +12 to hit, range 120 ft.,
too bad. The hut does not die, but stabilizes in an inert one target. Hit: 21 (3d8+8) bludegoning damage.
state. After 24 hours, the hut will return to 1/2 of its
maximum hit points. Stomp. Melee Weapon Attack. +12 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
Antimagic Susceptibility. The hut is incapacitated while one prone target. Hit:39 (6d10+6) bludgeoning and
the magic gem that animates it is in the area of an piercing damage.
antimagic field. If targeted by dispel magic, the hut Ram. (Recharge 5-6) Melee Weapon Attack. +12 to hit,
must succeed on a Constitution saving throw against reach 10 ft., targets within reach of impact of 20 ft.
the caster’s spell save DC or fall unconscious for 1 horizontal line. Hit: 25 (3d12+6) bludgeoning damage.
minute. Creatures hit by this attack must make a dexterity
saving throw (DC 17) or be knocked prone and
Siege Monster. Siege Monster. The hut deals double become stunned for 1 round.
damage to objects and structures.
Horrid Death Screech (Once per day, when it reaches 0
Magic Resistance. The Hut has advantage on saving hp). Ranged Spell Attack. DC 17 Constitution Saving
throws against magical effects and spells. Throw, up to 60 ft. from the Hut, all targets within
Magic Weapons. The Hut’s attacks count as magical in range. On a success, the target takes 2d10 psychic
nature. damage and 2d10 necrotic damage. On a failure, the
target drops to 0 hit points. Baba Lysaga and her allies
Non-Violent. The Hut will not attack unless Baba lysaga are immune to this effect.
or the Hut itself is damaged. The Hut will not go out of
its way to attack if its targets stop their current actions
and flee unlesh it was ordered by baba lysaga.

The upside-down skull that floats next to the hut is a hill
giant's skull that Baba Lysaga has hollowed out and
transformed into a vehicle. It hovers in place until Baba
Lysaga commands it to fly, which she can do only while inside
it. It has a flying speed of 50 feet. No one else can control the
skull. A creature inside the skull has three-quarters cover
against attacks made from outside the skull. The skull is big
enough to hold one Medium creature. It has AC 15, 100 hit
points, immunity to poison and psychic damage and the Flyby
trait. When the skull is destroyed Baba Lysaga loses the
Skull Bash and Secret’s of the Animated skull actions.

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New Spells
Hives You create a cloud of poisonous fog in a 20-foot-radius
1st-level necromancy sphere centered on a point you can see. The sphere extends
around corners, and its area is heavily obscured. The fog is
Casting Time: 1 action semi-solid, and its area is considered diffcult terrain. Each
Range: 30 ft. creature that starts its turn in the fog, or enters it, takes 4d6
Components: V, S, M (poison ivy leaves) poison damage and its speed is reduced by 10 feet until the
Duration: Concentration; up to 1 minute end of its turn. The fog lasts for the duration of the spell or
target: 1 creature until it’s dispersed by a wind of moderate or greater speed (at
Choose a creature you can see within range. The creature least 10 mph).
makes a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, it breaks
into an itchy rash that gives it a -2 penalty to AC and attack Smothering Cloud
rolls for the duration of the spell. At the end of each of its 2nd-level evocation
turns, the creature can make another Constitution saving Casting Time: 1 action
throw; a successful save ends the spell. Enhancement: For Range: 50 ft.
each spell slot used higher than 1st level, you can target one Components: V, S, M (a small piece of worn cloth)
additional creature. Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
area of effect: Sphere, 10-ft. radius
Blood Bath You create a thick, roiling mass of gray clouds in a 10-foot-
2nd-level necromancy radius sphere around a point you can see. Creatures inside
Casting Time: 1 action the cloud can’t breathe, and fres inside the cloud are
Range: 120 ft. extinguished. The cloud also prevents other airbased
Components: V, S, M (a drop of blood) phenomena, such as stinking cloud spells or a troglodyte’s
Duration: Instantaneous stench, from affecting those inside it. You can choose to
target: 1 creature anchor this spell on a creature when you cast it. The creature
One creature that you can see must make a Constitution must make a Constitution saving throw. If it fails, the cloud
saving throw. If the saving throw fails, the creature suffers moves with it. If it succeeds, the spell is centered on a spot
3d8 necrotic damage and is blinded for 1 round as blood just behind the target. The cloud’s area is heavily obscured. It
spurts from its eyes, ears, mouth, and nose. If the saving lasts for the duration of the spell or until a wind of moderate
throw succeeds, it takes half damage and is not blinded. or greater force disperses it.
Blood Geyser Twig Torture
2nd-level transmutation 4th-level transmutation
Casting Time: 1 action Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 60 ft. Range: 1 mile.
Components: V, S Components: V, S, M (a personal object belonging to the
Duration: Instantaneous caster, twine left outside during a full moon)
area of effect: Cylinder, 10-ft. radius, 20 ft. high Duration: 8 hours
You select a point on the ground that you can see. A geyser area of effect: 1 creature
of blood flled with the caustic anger of the defeated erupts You form a crude representation of a humanoid creature
from that point and rains down in a 20-foot high, 10-foot from dead twigs. Something belonging to the target must be
radius cylinder. Each creature in the area takes 4d6 acid incorporated into the twig doll. The creature must make a
damage, or half damage with a successful Dexterity saving Wisdom saving throw. If the saving throw fails, the twig doll
throw. is mystically linked to the targeted creature. As an action, you
can break or burn parts of the twig doll to injure the linked
Poisonous Smog creature. A maximum of 10d6 force or fre damage can be
6th-level conjuration inflicted on the linked creature. The damage can be done all
Casting Time: 1 action at once, or in smaller amounts at a time. For example, you
Range: 120 ft. could spend an action to inflict 1d6 fre damage on your turn.
Components: V, S, M (a pinch of powdered green crystal or On your next turn, you could do 5d6 force damage. This
glass) leaves 4d6 damage that could be inflicted at a later time. The
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute doll is destroyed and the spell ends when 10d6 damage has
area of effect: Sphere, 20-ft. radius been done.

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Vermin Swarm Corrupt Water
4th-level conjuration 5th-level transmutation
Casting Time: 1 action Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 60 ft. Range: 60 ft.
Components: V, S Components: V, S, M
Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
area of effect: 1 or more swarms area of effect: Up to 10,000 cubic ft. of water
You summon one or more swarms of creatures that appear You change an area of water you can see into a poisonous,
at the points you select within range. They can appear in toxic substance. The spell affects a maximum of 10,000 cubic
spaces occupied by other creatures, but those creatures can feet of water (picture ten cubes, each 10 feet on a side). Each
make Dexterity saving throws; on a successful save, they creature that begins its turn in the water or that enters the
jump to the nearest safe square. Choose one of the following water takes 5d6 poison damage and becomes poisoned for as
options when you cast the spell. • One swarm of CR 2 or long as it stays in the corrupt water; a successful Constitution
lower • Two swarms of CR 1 or lower • Four swarms of CR ½ saving throw negates the effect on that creature. If the
or lower • Eight swarms of CR ¼ or lower Only swarms affected area is part of a larger body of water, new water
categorized as beasts can be summoned. A swarm vanishes entering the area becomes poisonous while water leaving the
when its hit points drop to 0 or when the spell ends. Swarms area is no longer affected
obey your mental commands and move on their own turns;
roll initiative for them when you cast the spell. If you don’t Leech Seed
issue any orders to a swarm, it stays where it is but attacks 2nd-level Abjuration
creatures in its space.
Casting Time: 1 action
Acid Swamp Range: 80 ft.
7th-level transmutation Components: V, S, M (a dead seed)
Duration: 1 minute
Casting Time: 1 action area of effect: 1 creature
Range: 120 ft.
Components: V, S, M (a small vial of acid) You send a seed at a living creature in range that implants
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute itself in their skin. Make a ranged attack roll. On a hit, the
area of effect: Up to 100 ft. by 100 ft. by 20 ft. of water target is drained for 2d4 necrotic damage immediately, and
by 2d4 necrotic damage at the end of each of its subsequent
You transform a normal body of water into a pool of thick, turns until it reaches 0 HP or the duration is over.The
bubbling acid. The spell affects an area up to 100 ft. by 100 damage is restored as hp by the user. You can seed up to 4
feet by 20 feet deep. The acid is black and opaque and reeks creatures. When the duration is over the creature becomes
of sulfur. Anyone splashed by the acid takes 2d6 acid damage. immune to this spell for 12 hours.
A creature that starts its turn in the acid or that enters the
acid takes 10d6 acid damage, or half damage with a Razor Leaves
successful Constitution saving throw. 1st level evocation
Acid Storm Casting Time: 1 action
7th-level evocation Range: 80 ft.
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 action Duration: instantaneous
Range: 120 ft. area of effect: 1 creature
Components: V, S, M (a small vial of acid) You send razor sharp leaves at a target in range at
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute tremendous speed. Make a ranged attack roll, doing 1d8
area of effect: Cylinder, 20-ft. radius, 30 ft. high slashing damage on a hit. Razor Leaf results in a critical hit
You create a caustic downpour of acid in a cylindrical area on 19s and 20s Higher Levels: The base damage increases to
with a 20- foot radius, 30 feet high, extending downward from 2d4 at level 5, 1d12 at level 10, and 2d6 at level 17
a point you can see. For the duration, each creature that
starts its turn in the area or enters the area takes 5d8 acid Toxic Pour
damage. Even after leaving the area, a creature is still coated 2nd level Conjuration
with the acid and continues taking 2d8 acid damage at the Casting Time: 1 action
end of each of its turns. A creature can use an action to rinse Range: 30 ft.
off the acid if it has water, vinegar, or another suitable Components: V
substance available. All ongoing damage ends when the spell Duration: instantaneous
ends. The acid can also damage objects in the affected area, You send a downpour of potent, poisonous rain in a 5 foot
but the extent of this damage must be determined by the GM radius, centered on a point within range. Targets in the area
must make a CON save against your DC or become poisoned
- for one minute, rolling to end the effect on the end of their
turns. Creatures poisoned by this effect take double the
- normal poison damage as if vulnerable to poison.
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The final part of the
The Lullaby for Strahd is a song that his mother
Ravenovia has been singing to him in his youth in
order to make him sleep peacefully. It was
composed by Lysaga herself when she was a maid,
way before she became the hag we all know. In this
part of the document you will find the final part of
the lullaby that only Lisaga knows. If the party uses
the Lullaby to incapacitate Strahd and succeed and
Lysaga still lives, she will immediately start singing
the ending part of the Lullaby, immediately ending
the status on Strahd and granting him 20
temporary hit points every round for the next 1d4

Last part of the Lullaby:

Sleep now My precious
hidden from light
sleep little vampire-to-be child
We'll rise at dusk and rule by night
We're all that is pure and blight!

The whole quest can be found here:

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