COT-TR Rubrics (Distinguished)
COT-TR Rubrics (Distinguished)
COT-TR Rubrics (Distinguished)
The teacher demonstrates a range of associated pedagogical aspects of the indicator that usually are
aligned with the learners' developmental needs.
CONSOLIDATIN The teacher uses well-connected pedagogical aspects of the indicator that consistently are aligned with
G student development and support students to be successful learners.
The teacher uses well-connected pedagogical aspects of the indicator to create an environment that
addresses individual and group learning goals.
DISCRIMINATIN The teacher applies deep knowledge and understanding of the indicator discriminately to contextualize
G teaching and learning processes within the discipline to meet individual and group learning goals.
The teacher strategically applies exceptional knowledge and understanding of the indicator to foster a
teaching and learning culture that values informed feedback, critical thinking and lifelong learning.
INDICATOR 1 Apply knowledge of content within and across curriculum teaching areas
5 6 7 8 9
The teacher demonstrates accurate The teacher demonstrates accurate The teacher applies accurate, in- The teacher applies high-level The teacher applies exceptional
and in-depth knowledge of most and in-depth knowledge of all depth, and broad knowledge of knowledge of content and pedagogy knowledge of content and pedagogy
concepts in presenting the lesson and concepts in presenting the lesson and content and pedagogy that creates a within and across curriculum within and across curriculum
in responding to learners’ questions in responding to learners’ questions conducive learning environment that teaching areas to empower learners
in a manner that attempts to be in a manner that is responsive to enables an in-depth and sophisticated teaching areas to develop learners’
responsive to student developmental learners' developmental needs and understanding of the teaching and to acquire and apply successful lifelong learning skills.
learning needs. promotes learning. learning process to meet individual learning strategies to assist in their
or group learning needs within and development as independent learners.
across curriculum teaching areas.
The teacher makes connections The teacher makes meaningful
across curriculum teaching areas, if connections across curriculum
appropriate. teaching areas, if appropriate.
1. The teacher displays 1. The teacher displays extensive 1. The teacher applies extensive 1. The teacher applies extensive and 1. The teacher affirms the role of
comprehensive understanding of knowledge of content. knowledge of content beyond complex content knowledge to lifelong learning skills, such as
the concepts and structure of the his/her area of specialization. support learners in acquiring
teaching area. critical thinking and informed
2. The teacher addresses content successful learning strategies in
accurately and its focus is 2. The teacher motivates learners to feedback.
other areas.
2. The teacher presents conceptual congruent with the big ideas and/or investigate the teaching area to
knowledge of the subject and structure of the teaching area. expand their knowledge and 2. The teacher relates the lesson to
makes connections within the satisfy their curiosity. 2. The teacher extends knowledge
teaching area. beyond the curriculum real-life experiences, which results
3. The teacher cites intra and requirements and stimulates in learners’ willingness to share
interdisciplinary content learners’ curiosity. their own experiences in class or in
relationships. group work.
error-free content different learning/subject areas taught and learned
PEDAGOGY in the K to 12 curriculum which includes areas for Kindergarten Education,
method and practice of teaching Special Education, Alternative Learning System, Indigenous Peoples Education
IN-DEPTH KNOWLEDGE In the context of Indigenous Peoples Education (IPEd),
foundational knowledge and finer details within the curriculum pedagogy is articulated in the IP's Indigenous Learning System
teaching area For IPEd, learning/subject areas are contextualized by interfacing the national
(ILS) (DO 32, s. 2015). curriculum competencies with the community competencies identified in their
Indigenous Knowledge Systems and Practices (IKSPs) (DO 32, s. 2015).
knowledge across curriculum teaching areas KNOWLEDGE OF CONTENT AND PEDAGOGY
integration of expertise and teaching skill for a particular area;
appropriateness of the pedagogy to teaching area
accurate, in-depth, and broad knowledge within and
across curriculum teaching areas inclusion of appropriately chosen intra-disciplinary topics and enabling learning
competencies within the curriculum guide of a specific learning/subject area and
grade level
knowledge grounded in global best practices ACROSS CURRICULUM TEACHING AREA
making meaningful connections and including appropriate
interdisciplinary topics and learning competencies cited in
the curriculum guide of other learning/subject areas in any
grade level
INDICATOR 2 Apply a range of teaching strategies to develop critical and creative thinking, as well as other higher-order thinking skills
5 6 7 8 9
The teacher employs a range of The teacher challenges learners to The teacher provides a broad range The teacher provides, at the The teacher provides, at the
targeted follow-up questions and justify their thinking and of questions and activities, appropriate times, a learning appropriate times, a learning
activities that encourage learners to successfully engages most learners including those of higher-order, environment for higher-order environment that supports learners
explain demonstrate, and use ideas in the discussion using well- that challenge learners to analyze thinking skills that enable learners to discuss, justify, apply, analyze,
learned. directed questions and activities. their thinking to promote deeper to evaluate their thinking and to
understanding. seek constructive feedback from evaluate, and create useful ideas in
peers and the teacher. real-life situations.
1. The teacher employs a range 1. The teacher challenges 1. The teacher gives learners 1. The teacher leads learners to 1. The teacher challenges learners
of strategies to ensure that learners cognitively to opportunities to compare and judge or evaluate situations to formulate high-level
most learners are given advance high-level thinking contrast ideas. and problems to resolve questions to provoke one
opportunities to give opinions and discourse in an issues/concerns. another’s thinking.
about the lesson and to react interactive exchange of 2. The teacher gives learners
to the opinions of others. views. opportunities to synthesize or
summarize information 2. The teacher extends the 2. The teacher and learners
2. The teacher creates a genuine 2. The teacher ensures that all within or across disciplines. discussion by inviting collaboratively apply ideas to
discussion among learners, voices of learners are heard learners to give comments to create life-long learning
providing adequate time for in the discussion. others' answers/output during activities that can be applied to
them to respond, as well as to the discussion. real-life situations.
step aside when appropriate.
Maintain supportive learning environments that nurture and inspire learners to participate, cooperate and collaborate in continued
INDICATOR 3 learning
5 6 7 8 9
The teacher provides sufficient The teacher provides a variety of The teacher consistently provides The teacher adapts and modifies The teacher creates and maintains a
learning opportunities, which are learning opportunities, which are varied learning opportunities, learning opportunities to create a learning environment that links
usually aligned with the learning well aligned with the learning which are well aligned with the supportive learning environment classroom learning contexts to real-
goals, and engages most learners to goals, and engages all learners to learners’ individual and group for learners to recognize each life situations and enables learners
participate, cooperate, and participate, cooperate, and learning needs, and engages other’s learning strengths, and to independently support each
collaborate in continued learning. collaborate in continued learning. learners to participate, cooperate, value the contribution of others. other’s learning.
and collaborate in continued
1. The teacher engages learners in a 1. The teacher clearly provides the 1. The teacher constructs carefully- 1. The teacher adjusts learning 1. The teacher promotes inclusivity in
structured task that features some class with structured tasks structured groups in which learners activities for learners to actively the learning environment where
elements of cooperative learning: involving most elements of are engaged in learning participate in groups with diverse learners are fully vested in the
positive interdependence, cooperative learning. experiences that clearly reflect all peers. learning process.
individual accountability, and elements of cooperative learning.
face-to-face interaction.
2. The teacher provides complex 2. The teacher involves the learners 2. The teacher leads learners to think
tasks in which all learners share in the formation or adjustment of critically, solve problems, and find
the authority of setting goals, learning activities, taking into solutions to self-directed challenges
assessing learning, and facilitating account their possible contribution with connections to real-life
learning. to the learning outcomes. contexts.
• heterogeneous grouping minimum strategies employed as required by the learning situation
• mixed abilities
• mixed gender VARIETY
• interdependence a range of different strategies employed as required by the learning situation
specific tasks given to learners in group activities generally matched with the other learning goals
For SPED classrooms: A healthy balance of structured and unstructured processes is important to WELL ALIGNED
maintain an organized classroom and limit distractions.
perfectly matched with the other learning goals
child-friendly and conducive to learning MOST
almost all, approaching 100%
Use differentiated, developmentally appropriate learning experiences to address learners’ gender, needs, strengths, interests and
INDICATOR 4 experiences
5 6 7 8 9
The teacher provides differentiated The teacher provides differentiated The teacher provides differentiated The teacher adjusts learning The teacher fosters a learning
and developmentally appropriate and developmentally appropriate and developmentally appropriate experiences to meet individual and culture that enables learners to take
learning experiences to address the learning experiences to address the learning experiences to address the group learning needs of learners. part in creating learning experiences
learning needs of learners. learning needs of different groups diverse individual learning needs to support their diverse learning
of learners. of learners needs.
1. The teacher addresses the 1. The teacher supports the learners’ 1. The teacher provides appropriate 1. The teacher modifies instruction 1. The teacher plans for learners to
developmental levels of learners in needs through a variety of instructional adaptation for diverse and matches strategies to meet suggest ways in which instruction
the classroom and makes use of strategies, materials, and/or pacing learners to allow them to have diverse learning needs and to make or lessons might be modified to
the different ways they learn by that make learning accessible and opportunities to actively engage in learning accessible and demonstrate and advance their own
providing differentiated learning challenging for different groups of various and effective learning
experiences that enable most learners. activities. challenging for all learners in the learning.
learners to progress toward classroom.
meeting intended outcomes. 2. The teacher uses differentiated
strategies that motivate and engage 2. The teacher effectively uses
groups of learners, allowing them independent, collaborative, and
to achieve learning outcomes. whole-class instruction to support
individual learning goals and
provides varied options for how
learners will demonstrate mastery.
DIFFERENTIATED LEARNING EXPERIENCES social attributes and opportunities associated with being male and female and the relationships between
teaching and learning activities that are suited to the various learning needs, abilities, and women and men and girls and boys, as well as the relationships between women and those between men
skills of diverse learners
gaps between a learner’s present knowledge or competence and the curriculum standards identified as
teaching and learning activities that are suited to the developmental level of learners
LEARNING NEEDS pre-existing knowledge or competence that helps a learner meet required standards
comprise both essential learning tools (literacy, oral expression, numeracy, and problem
solving) and the basic learning content (knowledge, skills, values, and attitudes) required by LEARNERS’ INTERESTS
human beings to be able to survive, to develop their full capacities, to live and work in learners’ personal preferences, likes or dislikes, which must be considered in the teaching-learning
dignity, to participate fully in development, to improve the quality of their lives, to make process
informed decisions, and to continue learning (UNESCO, 1992)
skill or knowledge that a learner gets from doing something
(For SPED teachers) Design, adapt and implement teaching strategies that are responsive to learners with disabilities, giftedness and
INDICATOR 4 talents
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The teacher employs strategies The teacher employs a variety of The teacher employs extensive The teacher applies consistently The teacher adapts and modifies
which are appropriate in addressing strategies which are appropriate in repertoire of strategies to create a effective strategies for learners teaching and learning experiences
the learning needs of learners with addressing the learning needs of learner-centered environment that with special educational needs to taking into account the learning
special educational needs. learners with special educational addresses the learning needs of the encourage them to be successful needs of the individual and group of
needs. individual and group of learners citizens within the changing local
with special educational needs. and global environments. learners with special educational
needs to promote learners’ success.
1. The teacher demonstrates an 1. The teacher provides 1. The teacher demonstrates an 1. The teacher provides 1. The teacher provides
understanding of the purpose thoughtful and appropriate expanded understanding of the opportunities for learners to instructional adaptation for
and value of learning about instructional adaptation for educability of individual suggest ways in which individual and group learners’
learners’ background to inform individual learner needs. The learners. instruction or lessons might be background to maintain an
instructions. adaptation of instruction is modified according to their environment for learners’
realistic and effective. 2. The teacher’s instructional diverse backgrounds to engagement.
strategies respond to individual advance their learning and
The teacher provides diverse and group of learners’ enhance their self-confidence. 2. The teacher enhances learners’
learners with opportunities to background, thus creating an ability to adapt activities
actively engage in various environment where learners 2. The teacher sustains an according to their diverse
learning activities. feel equally involved. engaging relationship with backgrounds to enhance their
others to make the learners understanding.
competent to achieve the
5 6 7 8 9
The teacher employs strategies The teacher employs a variety of The teacher employs extensive The teacher applies consistently The teacher adapts and modifies
which are culturally appropriate in strategies which are culturally repertoire of strategies to create a effective strategies for learners teaching and learning experiences
addressing the learning needs of appropriate in addressing the learner-centered environment that from indigenous groups to through contextualization, taking
learners from indigenous groups. learning needs of learners from addresses the learning needs of encourage them to be successful into account the learning needs of
indigenous groups. individual and group of learners citizens within the changing local
from indigenous groups. and global environments. the individual and group of learners
from indigenous groups to develop
holistic learners.
1. The teacher demonstrates an 1. The teacher provides a culture- 1. The teacher demonstrates a wider 1. The teacher provides opportunities 1. The teacher provides
understanding of the purpose and based instruction to meet the needs understanding of a culture-based for learners to suggest ways in contextualized instruction for
value of learning in the learners' of learners. The adaptation of education. which instruction or lessons might individual and group learners’
context. instruction is realistic and be modified or contextualized background to maintain an
effective. 2. Teacher’s instructional strategies according to their diverse cultural environment for learners’
respond to individual and group of backgrounds to advance their engagement.
2. The teacher provides diverse learners’ cultural background, thus learning and enhance their self-
learners with opportunities to creating an environment where confidence. 2. The teacher develops learners’
actively engage in various learning learners feel equally involved. ability to adapt activities according
activities. 2. The teacher sustains an engaging to their diverse cultural
relationship with others to make backgrounds to enhance their
the learners competent to achieve understanding.
the objectives.
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The teacher frequently provides The teacher consistently provides The teacher consistently provides The teacher adjusts and refines The teacher creates and maintains a
feedback that results in feedback that results in feedback that results in different forms of feedback learning environment that supports
opportunities for most of the opportunities for all learners to opportunities for all learners to grounded on students’ learning learners’ life-long learning through
learners to improve their learning. improve learning and leads to improve learning and to assess needs. teacher-learners and learners-
assess their own progress. their own progress and that of learners feedback.
1. The teacher provides accurate, 1. The teacher provides 1. The teacher establishes a 1. The teacher provides 1. The teacher consistently sets up
timely, and constructive substantive, specific, and routine for constructive individualized, descriptive a constructive learning
feedback, i.e. suggestions/ timely feedback, and shares feedbacking where learners can feedback that is accurate and environment that instills
tasks/ activities/ clarifications, strategies to learners to participate and respond actionable to help learners positive stance towards giving
that fully guides most of the improve their performance productively. advance their learning. and receiving feedback which
learners toward the intended toward the intended learning can be applied to real-life
learning outcomes. outcomes. 2. The teacher provides 2. The teacher uses varied forms context.
opportunities for self and peer of feedback that are accurate
feedbacking that is specific and and specific which can
is focused on advancing their maximize students’ ability to
learning of the lesson on hand. learn.
essential and culturally-appropriate written and/or oral information FREQUENTLY
about learners’ behavior/ performance/ output that can be used to raise awareness often occurs
on their strengths and weaknesses as bases for improvement
MAJORITY constantly occurs
more than half