Assessing The Risk of Software Development

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10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3115941, IEEE Access

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Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/ACCESS.2017.DOI

Assessing the Risk of Software

Development in Agile Methodologies
Using Simulation
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science University of Cagliari, Italy (e-mail:,,
Corresponding author: Maria Ilaria Lunesu (e-mail:

ABSTRACT Agile methodologies aim to reduce software development risk using short iterations, feature-
driven development, continuous integration, testing automation, and other practices. However, the risk of
project failure or time and budget overruns is still a relevant problem. The aim of this paper is to present
and discuss a new approach to model some key risk factors in agile development, using software process
simulation modeling (SPSM), which can complement other approaches, and whose usage is particularly
suited for agile development. We introduce a new approach to modeling some key risk factors – namely
project duration, number of implemented issues, and key statistics of issue completion time – using a
simulator of agile development, which we developed to this purpose. The approach includes modeling the
agile process, gathering data from the tool used for project management, and performing Monte Carlo
simulations of the process, to get insights about the expected time and effort to complete the project,
and to their distributions. The model’s parameters that can cause risk are errors in effort estimation of
the features to develop, variations in developers’ assignment to these features, impediments related to
developers’ availability and work completion. To validate the simulator, and to demonstrate how the method
can be used, we analyzed three open source projects, gathering their data from JIRA repositories. We ran
Monte Carlo simulations of these projects, showing that the simulator can well approximate the progress of
the real project, then varying the identified risk factors and statistically evaluating their effects on the risk
parameters. The proposed approach is relevant for project managers, being able to quantitatively evaluate
the risks, provided that the process and the project’s data are properly modeled and gathered. As for the
future, we are working to improve our risk assessment method, evaluating it on more case studies, scaling
the model from a single team to multiple teams involved in one or more projects.

INDEX TERMS Effort estimation error, random issue allocation, risk analysis, software process develop-
ment, software process simulation.

Software technical risk is hard to define and there is no A broader definition is given by PMBoK (Project Manage-
agreement on a common definition. Risk is somehow defined ment Body of Knowledge book). Here, risk is defined as an
as a measure of the probability and severity of adverse "event or an uncertain condition that, if it occurs, can result
effects [29], inherent in the development of software which in positive (opportunities) or negative impacts (threats) in
does not meet its intended functions and performance re- one or more project objectives, such as scope, time, cost, and
quirements [14]. quality" [24].
The Software Engineering Institute (SEI) defines risk as Wallace et al. [50] identified and studied six dimensions of
the possibility of suffering loss [5]. In such context the loss software project risk, i.e. risks related to: Organization envi-
may describe any impact to the project, which could be in ronment, User, Requirements, Project complexity, Planning
the form of diminished quality of the end product, increased and control, Team.
costs, delayed completion, loss of market share, failure, and Traditional software development methodologies deal with

VOLUME 4, 2016 1

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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3115941, IEEE Access

Maria Ilaria Lunesu et al.: Assessing the Risk of Software Development in Agile Methodologies Using Simulation

risk by performing a detailed up-front analysis with the However, how and to which extent SPSM can support
purpose of lowering risks related to poor requirements speci- software risk management is a topich that still needs to be
fication, and enforcing a strict control planning, with frequent better clarified, especially in case of ASD.
risk re-evaluations. However, they tend to integrate the vari- The goal of this work is to present a viable approach to risk
ous software modules late in the project, leaving room for management using SPSM, when using an agile development
integration risks. process, that is a process based on implementing require-
A newer approach is adopted by Agile Methodologies, ments or change requests specified as atomic "features" or
which were introduced in the late 90’s precisely to lower risks "issues". In term of research questions, this goal can be
due to changing requirements — a characteristic common specified as:
to most Internet-age software projects — but related also to RQ1: To which extent it is possible to automatically import
other issues, such as user involvement, team cooperation, late into the simulator data of real projects, from issue man-
integration, insufficient feedback [4], [33], [41], [23]. agement systems?
RQ2: How accurate can the simulator be in predicting
a: Problem statement
project completion times?
Software risk management is crucial for successful project RQ3: Can the simulator be useful to estimate project risk
management, but it is often an aspect not properly taken (induced by errors in efforts estimation, and random
into account in real projects. One of the main reasons is developer issues assignment) with a Monte Carlo ap-
that project managers often do not have effective tools and proach?
practices for software risk management.
In their work [12] Chadli and collaborators presented a
b: Contribution
research focused on discovering and classifying the various
tools mentioned in the literature which support Global soft- In this paper, we present a system to perform risk assessment
ware development (GSD) project managers, and on identi- of ASD projects using SPSM and a Monte Carlo stochastic
fying in which way they support group interaction. In this approach. Regarding Wallace’s risk dimensions [50], we
paper, the authors state that "Decision management, risk mainly consider requirement correctness and estimation. Our
management and measurement processes are not adequately approach can improve the planning and control of the project,
supported by tools when compared to the other Software and the management of its complexity. Also, team factors
Process Management processes". can be taken into account, by explicitly modeling developers’
Only recently, a few frameworks and tools have been intro- skills, impediments and turnover. The dimensions of organi-
duced for better addressing risk management in Agile Soft- zation environment and of user are out of the scope of the
ware Development (ASD). The results of a survey conducted proposed approach.
using a qualitative approach to analyze how risk management The basic tool of our system is an event-based simulator,
is carried out in Scrum software projects were presented able to simulate ASD based on the implementation of User
in [43]. De Souza Lopes et al. in [17] established a framework Stories (USs), or features, kept as independent as possible
called RIsk Management PRoduct Owner (RIMPRO), which from one another. The agile process may be iterative, as in
intends to support project teams to systematically manage Scrum, or using a continuous flow approach, as in Lean-
risks related to PO activities that may arise during the project Kanban approach.
definition proposed by PMBoK. The basic inputs to the simulator are the team composition
Risk is an ”event or an uncertain condition that, if it occurs, and skills, and the USs themselves. These inputs can be fed
can result in positive (opportunities) or negative impacts to the simulator from Issue Management tools. We have so
(threats) in one or more project objectives, such as scope, far implemented the interface to the popular JIRA tool [1].
time, cost, and quality” (PMI, 2017), in [6] intelligent agents Other inputs are parameters driving the random variation of
are used to manage risk. It does not simulate the process but team work, and of USs estimation and actual cost, as well as
only the stochastic impact of the variation [32], [38]. of possible events able to influence the project.
In such a scenario, Software Process Simulation Modeling The outputs of the simulation are key risk parameters, such
(SPSM) has emerged as a promising approach to address a as the distribution of times to complete the project, or the
variety of issues related to software engineering, including iteration, and of the forecast project cost. The simulations
risk management [35], [20]. Clearly, SPSM cannot address are performed hundreds, or thousands, of times, properly
risk dimensions such as organization environment stability varying the inputs, to get the distribution of the required
and management support, lack of User involvement, team outputs. The resulting distributions can provide hints on the
motivation and communication issues. SPSM can be useful expected outputs and of their variances, including proper risk
to establish the impact of risks on specific topics, such percentiles, useful to monitor development and to control
as requirement estimation errors, rework due to software risk. In fact, if risk assessment is not done in the initial stage,
that does not meet its intended functions and performance effort estimation will be strongly affected and the overall
requirements (software technical risk), project complexity, project may risk failure [28].
planning and control practices [49]. The main contributions of our work are:
2 VOLUME 4, 2016

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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3115941, IEEE Access

Maria Ilaria Lunesu et al.: Assessing the Risk of Software Development in Agile Methodologies Using Simulation

• The development of a flexible and extensible ASD simu- The paper by de Oliveira Barros et al. [16] presents an
lator, able to simulate virtually every Agile development approach to develop, retrieve, and reuse management knowl-
process, based on incremental development. This sim- edge and experience concerned with software development
ulator models most aspects of ASD – team members, risks, using scenarios to model risk impact and resolution
USs, activities, events – and can be easily extended strategies efficacy.
and customized, due to the full object-oriented approach Shahzad and Al-Mudimigh [40] propose a model that takes
used for its development. care of the most frequently occurring risks, and provides a
• The development of a risk management model, consid- way for handling all of them. The sequence of activities for
ering team factors, requirement correctness and effort mitigating all risk factors are presented in a comprehensive
estimation. The input data, parameters and events, as model, which is useful for improving management and avoid-
well as the relevant output distributions, are analysed ance of software risk.
and discussed. Xiaosong et al. [52] use a classical matrix approach,
• The ability to feed project data from a popular issue defining 82 software project risk factors, aggregated in 14
management tools, namely JIRA, with the ability to kinds of risk, each one with a impact level on the overall
extend the simulator taking into account also other tools. project, from Negligible to Critical. Once experts evaluate
• A risk management analysis performed on three each factor, the risks are evaluated using the risk matrix.
medium-sized Open Source projects, comparing the Thereafter, high-level risks should be immediately addressed,
simulation results of different choices of the input pa- whereas medium and low risks will be monitored and kept
rameters. The results highlight both the prediction ac- under control.
curacy of our tool, and how it can be used to manage Roy et al. identified key risk factors and risk types for each
risk. of the development phases of SDLC (Software Development
Life Cycle) [37], including services and maintenance of
c: Outline software products.
Thieme et al. in their paper [45] present a study about the
The remainder of the paper is structured as follows. Section II
process for the analysis of functional software failures, their
reports the main related works on software risk management
propagation, and incorporation of the results in traditional
and on the application of SPSM to it. Section III presents
risk analysis methods (fault trees and event trees). A func-
the proposed risk-assessment method. Section IV describes
tional view on software is taken by allowing integration of
the simulation model. Section V presents how the risk-
software failure modes into risk analysis of the events and
assessment method is applied to in this paper. Section VI
effect. The proposed process can be applied during system
presents the case studies. Section VII presents the results
development and operation in order to analyses the risk level
on the case studies, and how they can be generalized and
and identify measures for system improvement.
applied to other projects. Section VIII presents the threats
to validity. Section IX eventually concludes the paper and
2) Risk Management in ASD
discusses future work.
Recently, agile software development methods have been
introduced, with the goal to be able to manage requirement
changes throughout project development. ASD might be
1) Risk Management in Software Projects considered also as a risk management approach, because
It is well known that several software projects suffer from errors and changes in requirements are one of the main risk
various kinds of problems, such as cost overruns, missing factors in software development. Among specific studies and
delivery deadlines and poor product quality. One of the approaches to manage project risk in ASD processes we
factors that cause these problems is the fact that the risks are already quoted the RIMPRO framework by de Souza Lopes
not handled, as shown by Charette [13]. et al. [17]. We also recall the work of Tavares et al. [44]
Risk management in software projects is a key component who propose Rm4Am, a tool which identified 5 components
of the success of a project. Software engineering researchers and 48 sub-components important in ASD, and conducted an
and professionals have proposed a number of systematic experiment with the supervision and participation of Agile
approaches and techniques for effective risk management as expert.
reported by Boehm [11].
A study conducted by the Project Management Institute 3) Simulation of Software Process
has shown that risk management is an activity not practiced Software Process Simulation Modeling (SPSM) is presented
among all the disciplines of project management in the IT as a promising approach suitable to address various kind
industry [18]. In real software projects, risks are often man- of issues in software engineering [26]. The results of the
aged using the insights of project manager, and the entire review conducted by Zhang et al. [53] showed that the risk
process of risk management is rarely followed [34]. One management is one of the several purposes for SPSM. Liu et.
of the main reasons for this is that project managers lack al. performed a systematic review on this topic, concluding
practical techniques and tools to effectively manage the risks. that the number of SPSM studies on software risk man-
VOLUME 4, 2016 3

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3115941, IEEE Access

Maria Ilaria Lunesu et al.: Assessing the Risk of Software Development in Agile Methodologies Using Simulation

agement has been gradually increasing in recent years, and threats in a software development project, to minimize risks.
that discrete-event simulation and system dynamics are two Their model, named "Apollonian", generated 20 rules that
most popular simulation paradigms, while hybrid simulation work as reference for any software development project, to
methods are more and more widely used [27]. assess the main threats to the project.
Practical examples of the use of SPSM are the works Raymond Joseph [25] propose a machine learning algo-
by Baum et al. [10], who compares pre-commit reviews rithm to generate risk prompts, based on software project
and post-commit reviews using process simulation through characteristics and other factors. His approach uses multiple
a parametric discrete event simulation model of a given multilabel artificial neural networks to label software projects
development process, and by Zhao et al. [54] who present according to the risks to which they are most exposed.
a fine-grained dynamic micro-simulation system based on an Han [22] trained a multi-layer-perceptron to assess the risk
agent model at the project level for Open Source Software level of a software project, using as learning set the OMRON
Development. dataset of 40 projects, each described by 24 risk-related
Discrete-event simulation of agile development practices parameters. The results look better than a more traditional
was first introduced by Melis et al. [30]. Anderson et al. [7] logistic regression.
proposed an event-driven, agent-based simulation model for Min et al. [31] applied fuzzy comprehensive evaluation to
Lean-Kanban process, extensible to other Agile software estimate a project’s risk level. The approach is somewhat
processes, and used it to demonstrate the effectiveness of a similar to, though much simpler than, that of ref. Fenton,
WIP-limited approach, and to optimize the WIP limits in the but instead of Bayesian nets fuzzy algebra is used to find the
various process activities. In a subsequent work, Anderson et probability of risks, given estimated risk factors.
al. [8] used an extended version of their simulator to compare Alencar at al. [6] propose a proactive and automated
Lean-Kanban with traditional and Scrum approaches on the approach based on agent technology to assist the software
data collected from a Microsoft maintenance project, show- project manager in the execution of the Risk Management
ing that the Lean-Kanban approach is superior to the others. processes.
Turner et al. worked on modeling and simulation of Kan- Abioye et al. [3] present a life-cycle approach to ontology-
ban processes in Systems Engineering [48], [47]. These two based risk management framework for software projects us-
works, though quite preliminary, propose the use of a mixed ing a dataset gathered from literature, domain experts, and
approach, merging Discrete Event and Agent-based simula- practitioners. The risks are conceptualized, modeled, and
tion approaches. In particular, Discrete Event simulation is developed using Protégé. The framework was adopted in
used to simulate the flow of high-level tasks and the accu- real-life software projects.
mulation of value, whereas Agent-based simulation is used Asif et al. [9] identify the relationship between risk factors
to model the workflow at a lower level, including working and mitigation actions automatically by using an intelli-
teams, Kanban boards, work items and activities. gent Decision Support System. The DSS is rule-based, and
Wang [51] introduces an agent-based simulation tool to identifies the rules using the Equivalence Class Clustering
compare solo and pair-programming, and other agile prac- and bottom-up Lattice Traversal (ECLAT) algorithm, starting
tices, in the context of Scrum development. The simula- from expert knowledge and literature. 26 highly cited risk
tion tool can simulate all types of Scrum context and team factors and 57 risk mitigations were identified from the
composition to test designed strategies under various what-if literature, and associated through the rules of the DSS, to help
assumptions in agent-based modelling. project managers to mitigate the risks.

4) Automated Approaches for Software Risk Management 5) SPSM for Risk Management
Another field of interest related to software risk management The literature about SPSM applied to risk management is
is the application of Machine Learning, and similar auto- still quite limited. Ghane [21] observes that ASD delivers
mated techniques. workable software in short cycles, and this helps with collect-
In this field, Fenton et al. [19] developed a complex causal ing more heuristic data as compared to traditional waterfall
model based on Bayesian networks for predicting the number methodologies. Such data can be used as quantitative metrics
of residual defects of a system. Their approach accounts for time and effort estimation. He then introduces a risk
for various phases of software development, among which management model that uses project simulation to produce
requirement analysis, design and programming, testing and risk metrics used to help with risk avoidance and mitigation.
rework. Each phase is modeled by a Bayesian net, whose These metrics are used to adjust project factors such as time,
probability values and functions are set by project managers. cost and scope during the lifespan of project.
The model allows managers to perform various types of Singh et al. [42] represent the PERT graph of a software
what-if-analyses and trade-offs, focusing on minimizing the project, where nodes are the states, and arcs represent activi-
number of defects, which is a key factor in risk management. ties. Each arc bears mean and standard deviation of its cost. A
Tinjacá Rodríguez et al. [36] present a model based on Monte Carlo simulator stimulates the model with thousands
the A.I. technique called "Rough Set" for selecting and of executions, to find the cost distribution, and the critical
prioritizing, in environments of uncertainty, a set of critical paths.
4 VOLUME 4, 2016

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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3115941, IEEE Access

Maria Ilaria Lunesu et al.: Assessing the Risk of Software Development in Agile Methodologies Using Simulation


Our starting points in Risk assessment are the Six dimensions
of risk, as defined by Wallace et al. [50]. They are:
1) Organizational Environment Risk, including change in
organizational management during the project, corpo- FIGURE 1. Interaction between JIRA Issue tracking System and the simulator.
rate politics with negative effect on project, unstable or-
ganizational environment, organization undergoing re-
structuring during the project.
1) The development (or maintenance) process is modelled
2) User Risk, including users resistant to change, conflict
(activities, team, process, issues, constraints) and the
between users, users with negative attitudes toward the
simulator is configured to simulate it.
project, users not committed to the project, lack of
2) Key quantitative risk factors are identified; in our case,
cooperation from users.
they are estimation errors in efforts to complete features
3) Requirements Risk, that is continually changing sys-
or resolve issues, percentage of rework, variations in the
tem requirements, system requirements not adequately
skills of team members, probability of events that stall
identified or incorrect, system requirements not properly
the development of single features, or block one or more
defined or understood.
developers, and so on.
4) Project Complexity Risk, encompassing high level of
3) Probability distributions are given to these risk factors,
technical complexity, the use of new or immature tech-
for instance the probability distribution of actual effort
needed to fix an issue, or the probability that a developer
5) Planning & Control Risk, including setting of unreal-
is blocked, together with the probability distribution of
istic schedules and budget, lack of an effective project
the time length of this block.
management methodology, project progress not moni-
4) Key process outputs are identified, such as project total
tored closely enough, inadequate estimation of required
time, throughput, average and 95% percentile of lead
resources, project milestones not clearly defined, inex-
and cycle times to resolve issues.
perienced project manager.
5) Hundreds or thousands of Monte Carlo simulations of
6) Team Risk, including inadequately trained and/or inex-
the project are made varying the risk factors accordingly
perienced team members, team member turnover, inef-
to their probability distributions, and recording the pro-
fective team communication .
cess outputs.
We recall that risk management involves the following 6) The resulting distributions are analyzed, assessing for
three steps: instance the most likely duration and cost of the project,
1) Risk identification: where possible risks related to a the average time – or the distribution of times – to
project are enumerated and discussed, typically pre- implement an issue or to fix a bug, the probability that
empting what might go wrong in a proactive way. a given percentage of issues is implemented within a
2) Risk analysis: where identified risks are quantitatively given time.
and qualitatively evaluated, to ascertain the probability This Monte Carlo assessment can be performed also on an
and critical level of their impact. ongoing project, by simulating the continuous flow of new
3) Risk mitigation: actions to both lower the probability requirements or maintenance requests, or just the remaining
that the adverse event occurs, and reduce its impact on features to be implemented.
the project, before it happens. In creating the proposed approach, we were inspired by
SPSM can be applied to risk analysis, greatly helping the ever increasing use of Issue Tracking Systems (ITS) that
the quantitative assessment of some risk dimensions. Our allow developers to easily gather all data related to change
approach is intended to work together with other risk man- requests and defect correction, as well as to schedule and
agement frameworks, and not as a stand-alone method. track the project flow. We started by creating a connection
The use of SPSM approach addresses mainly dimensions with the JIRA system [1], one of the most popular ITS world-
3, 4 and 5, and specifically inadequate estimations of require- wide, throughout REST calls, using JIRA APIs. Once the
ments, project complexity in terms of number and complexity connection is established, it is possible to download project
of requirements (including sequence constraints), and poor data and all related information in a file in JSON or CSV
quality of software artifacts, due again to requirements not formats. In particular, the simulator can collect detailed data
properly understood, or to issues in project management and related to developers, issues, process activities and others, as
planning. Team risk can also be modeled by setting proper shown in Fig. 1.
developers’ skills, by representing developers’ turnover, task
switching and absences due to various causes. IV. THE SIMULATION MODEL
The Risk-assessment methodology we propose is per- Our SPSM model uses an approach that is both event-
formed in subsequent steps: driven and agent-based. The operations of the system are
VOLUME 4, 2016 5

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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3115941, IEEE Access

Maria Ilaria Lunesu et al.: Assessing the Risk of Software Development in Agile Methodologies Using Simulation

represented by a sequence of events in chronological order. 1) The simulation starts at time zero: t = 0. Time t is
Each event occurs at an instant of the simulation time, and expressed in working days. Each day involves 8 hours
causes a change in the state of the system. The simulator of work. At the beginning, the system may already hold
is also based on agents (the team members), who exhibit an initial backlog of issues to be worked out.
autonomous behavior. The agent’s actions are not fixed, but 2) The simulation proceeds by time steps of one day, until
depend on to the simulated environment. a predefined end, or until the event queue is empty.
3) Issues are entered at given days, drawn from a random
A. BASIC COMPONENTS distribution, or given as input to the system. Each issue
The basic components of the SPSM model are the issues, the is endowed with a collection of effort values for each
activities, the team members and the events: activity (in days of work), to be performed to complete
• Issues are the atomic work items in a development or the issue. These values can be drawn from a distribution,
maintenance project. They correspond to the features or obtained from real data.
described in the Lean-Kanban approach and are similar 4) Each issue passes through the activities. Each activity
to Scrum USs. Each unit of work is characterized by an takes a percentage of the whole effort to process the is-
unique identifier, a collection of effort values (in man- sue. The sum of the percentages of all the activities must
days) expressing the amount of work needed in each be 100%. When an issue enters an activity, the actual
activity to complete the issue, a priority (an integer in a effort (in man-days) needed to complete the activity is
given range, expressing the importance of the issue), and equal to the total effort of the issue multiplied by the
information of the actual effort spent in each activity. proper percentage.
When the last activity is completed, the issue becomes 5) At the beginning of each day, the developers choose the
closed. issue (and the activity) they will work on in the day.
• Activities represent the kinds of work that has to be This choice is driven by the developer’s skills, by the
done on the issues to complete them. Typically, they are: issue priority, and by the preference to keep working
Planning, Analysis, Coding and Testing, but they can be on the same issue of the preceding day, if possible. In
configured on the specific development process chosen fact, whenever an issue is processed for the first time,
by the team. or in case of developer switching from another issue, a
• Team members (Developers) hold the information on multiplicative penalty factor p, with p ≥ 1, is applied
the actual developers, which includes the skills in the to compute the time effort, in order to model time waste
various activities. If the skill is equal to one, it means due to task switching (extra time needed to study the
that the team member will perform work in that activity issue, which is proportional to the size of the task).
according to the declared effort. For instance, if the The task switching problem is well known in software
effort is one man day, the member will complete that engineering, as reported also recently by Abad et al. [2].
effort in one man day. If the skill is lower than one, 6) When the work on an issue in a given activity ends, the
for instance 0.8, it means that one-day effort will be issue is pulled to the next activity, where it can be chosen
completed in 1/0.8 = 1.25 days. A skill lower than one by a developer, or is closed in the case of last activity.
can represent an actual impairment of members, or the The developer who ended the work will choose another
fact that they have also other duties, and are not able to issue to work on, which might be the same issue, in the
work full time on the issues. If the skill for an activity is subsequent activity, or not.
zero, the member will not work in that activity. The presented simulation model can represent develop-
• Events represent what happens at a given time, which is ment, or maintenance processes, and can be customized
relevant to the development. We manage three kinds of to cater for the specific process of an organization. From
events: i) the creation of an issue; ii) the start of work on this generic model, we can derive various specific models.
an issue in a given activity; iii) the end of the work on For instance, one might introduce WIP limits, as suggested
the issue in a given activity. Each event has a time, and by the Lean-Kanban approach. For a WIP-limited process,
is executed by the simulator when its time arrives. the model has to be complemented by adding limits to the
maximum number of issues than can be processed at any
B. THE SIMULATION PROCESS given time inside an activity.
The modeled development process proceeds through a se- If a Scrum-like development has to be modeled, this can be
quence of steps. Preliminarly, one has to define the ASD accomplished by defining the length of the iteration (Sprint),
process, that is what are the activities of the process, their se- and managing the number and total effort of new issues
quence and their average relative weight on the total effort to entering at the beginning of each Sprint.
complete an issue. Secondly, the development team members
must be created, each having different skills in the various C. SIMULATOR DESIGN
activities. The simulator is implemented using Smalltalk, a language
Then, the simulator is started, executing steps with the very suited to event-driven simulation and very flexible to ac-
following characteristics: commodate any kind of changes and upgrades to the model.
6 VOLUME 4, 2016

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3115941, IEEE Access

Maria Ilaria Lunesu et al.: Assessing the Risk of Software Development in Agile Methodologies Using Simulation

FIGURE 2. UML simulator class diagram.

The simulator design is fully object-oriented, allowing to Ci (t)

qi (t) = . (1)
easily add new features, if needed. t
The simulation model records all the significant events Each developer works on an available issue until the end of
related to issues, developers and activities during the simu- the day, or until the issue has been completed. When the state
lation, in order to be able to compute any sort of statistics, of the system changes, for instance because a new issue has
and to draw various diagrams. been introduced, an issue is pulled to an activity, the work on
an issue ends and, in any case, at the beginning of a new day,
In the simulator, software requirements are decomposed the system looks for idle developers and tries to assign them
into issues, that can be independently implemented. The to the issues available to be worked on in the activities they
implementation is accomplished through a continuous flow belong to.
across different activities, from Open to Closed. The work is As reported in section IV-B, developers productivity may
performed by a team of developers, able to work on one or be affected by the penalty factor p used to compute issues
more activities, depending on their background. time effort in case of developer switching. The penalty factor
The different entities of the simulator are represented in p is equal to one (no penalty) if the same developer, at the
the class diagram shown in Fig. 2. Here you can find the four beginning of a day, works on the same issue s/he worked the
basic classes outlined in section IV-A, plus other key classes. day before. If the developer starts a new issue, or changes
The Simulator is a singleton (a class with just one instance) issue at the beginning of the day, it is assumed that s/he will
managing the simulation through the event queue. A Project have to devote extra time to understand how to work on the
defines its activities, and holds the pertaining issues. The issue. In this case, the value of p is greater than one and the
present version of the simulator allows to simulate a single required effort to complete the issue is the original effort,
project, with one team working on the issues. multiplied by p.
The team is composed by a given number of developers.
Each developer i is characterized by a skill array (one skill Issues
for each Activity), and a productivity factor at time t, qi (t), The issues that make up a project are categorized into various
obtained as the ratio between the number of closed issues of types: features, tasks, epics, bugs, stories, which are given
i-th developer at time t, Ci (t) and the number of project days as inputs to the simulator. In the present model, the issues
elapsed: are atomic – meaning that they can be implemented inde-
VOLUME 4, 2016 7

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Maria Ilaria Lunesu et al.: Assessing the Risk of Software Development in Agile Methodologies Using Simulation

FIGURE 3. The possible states of an Issue.

pendently from other issues – and are explicitly linked to a FIGURE 4. The UML activity diagram showing how the event-driven simulator
specific project.
New issues can be created as time proceeds. Each issue is
characterized by: an id, a state, the original effort estimate,
the effort actually spent to date. All efforts are in man-days. beginning of each Sprint in Scrum. The latter is where the
The possible states of the issue are shown in Fig. 3. At the completed issues are kept.
beginning, an issue is In backlog. Then, it can be chosen for When work starts on one issue within a given activity, the
development (To Do), and subsequently is pulled into the first actual effort of development of the issue in the activity is
activity, were it waits to be assigned to a developer (Waiting computed. This is accomplished by randomly increasing or
to be assigned). When a developer subscribes to it, its state decreasing it of a percentage drawn from a given distribution
becomes Under work. When work in the current activity is Of course, the average effort of all issues must be equal
finished, its state becomes Work done, and the issue waits to to the average of their initial estimates. A way to obtain
be pulled into the next activity. If the activity where the work this behavior is to multiply the estimate effort by a random
was done is the last one of the process, the status of the issue number r drawn from a log-normal distribution with mean
becomes Released, which is the final state. equal to 1 and standard deviation depending on the wished
Each project holds a list of all activities defining the ASD Events
process followed. These represent the specific work to be The simulator is event-driven, meaning that the simulation
done on the issues; each of them covers a given percentage proceeds by executing events, according to their time order-
of the total effort needed to complete the issue. ing and priority. When an event is executed, the time of the
Activities can be freely configured according to the process simulation is set to the time of the event. The simulator holds
steps. Each activity is characterized by its name, and by the an event queue, where events to be executed are stored sorted
typical percentage of the total estimated time effort of an by time and priority. When an event is executed, it changes
issue that pertains to the activity. For instance, if an issue has the state of the system, and it can generate new events, with
an overall estimate of 10 days, and the Testing activity has a times equal to, o greater than, the current time, inserting them
percentage of 15%, in this phase the feature will be estimated into the event queue. The simulation ends when the event
to last 1.5 days. The sum of the percentages of all the project queue is empty, or possibly if a maximum time is reached,
activities must be one. marked by an "End of simulation" event.
The first and the last activities are Backlog and Live The The time is recorded in nominal working days, from the
first and the last activities are Backlog and Live. They are start of the simulation. A day can be considered to have 8
special activities, because no work is performed on them – so nominal working hours, but developers can work more or
their effort percentage is zero. The former is a placeholder, less than 8 hours. If we want to consider calendar days, it
containing all issues put into processing, for instance at the is always possible to convert from nominal working days to
8 VOLUME 4, 2016

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Maria Ilaria Lunesu et al.: Assessing the Risk of Software Development in Agile Methodologies Using Simulation

TABLE 1. Simulation Event Description

IssueCreation is raised to create a new Issue. This event refers only to

issues introduced after the start of the simulation, and
not to the issues already included in the initial queue.
Its execution creates and inserts into the event queue,
on the same time, an IssueToPull to activate pulling
the issue from the Backlog activity.
IssueWorkEnded is raised when the work of a developer on a issue,
within a given activity, ends. This may happen when FIGURE 5. The Inputs and Outputs to JIRA simulation model
the work on the issue in the activity is actually com-
pleted, or at the end of the working day. In the former
case, the state of the issue is changed, and an event
IssueToPull is generated for the next activity, on the
same time.
development made on an issue – and a residual effort to
IssueToPull is raised to request to pull an issue from one activity to
the next. If activity which the issue should be pulled to
testing (15%) and deploying (15%) activities.
is the last one (Live, the issue is forthwith moved to it, This choice was reviewed and approved by six expert
and an event IssueWorkEnded is created for the issue,
and inserted into the event queue on the same time. project managers (more than 10 years of experience in
EndOfSimulation when raised, the simulation is ended, and its results
managing medium-to-large size Java and Python projects)
written into a file. of three firms we work with, and by one expert consul-
tant in Python and Javascript development. Their experience
is mainly in Web applications (including apps for mobile
them. The supported events are described in Table 1. devices), ERP platforms, business intelligence applications.
The mentioned events are enough to manage the whole Using a Delphi online panel, we got seven answers (with
simulation. The simulation is started by creating the initial percentages obtained by rounding to five percent), made a
issues, putting them in the Backlog activity, and generating refinement round, and adopted the median result.
a number of IssueToPull events for the first activity equal to
the number of issues ready to be pulled in the next activity, D. JIRA INTERFACE
and then generating as many IssueCreation events for future The simulator reads data directly from JIRA through its APIs.
times as required. The simulator is then asked to run, using JIRA REST APIs allows users to use several kinds of REST
the event queue created in this way. When the work on all calls to get information about projects, issues, developers
issues has been completed in all activities, no more issues and more. Our system asks all data about a project with the
can be pulled and no more work can start, so the event queue specific query:
becomes empty, and the simulation ends.
--data ’{"jql":"project = GROOV",
"startAt":0, "maxResults":100},
Component Validation
The proposed SPSM model reflects standard concepts of
ASD: features (here called issues), development activities, JIRA responds by providing a JSON file which includes
team members, events (which are instrumental to simulate the following fields: project name, project starting date,
an iterative, o a continuous-flow development). Most of its project workflows, developers, backlog of issues, issues ar-
parameters are directly taken from real project data through rival dates, issues types, issues estimate, times, issues original
an interface to an issue management system (see next Sec- times, issues times spent. Then the simulator parses the
tion IV-D). file and organizes the data to be processed. In particular, it
A few parameters, however, must be properly estimated builds the initial queue (backlog) of issues according to their
and validated. The penalty factor p described above was set priority. For each issue, the simulator sets all attributes (key,
to p = 1.15, meaning a 15% increment in the work to be done effort spent, original effort estimate, issue type, developer,
when a developer changes the issue s/he is working on. This issue state, issue description, . . . ), then creates the collection
figure is consistent with the data by Tregubov et al. [46] who of developers, the collection of activities and finally sets up
estimate that "developers who work on 2 or 3 projects spend the the project’s starting date.
on average 17% of their effort on context switching between
tasks from different projects". In our case, the switching can V. RESEARCH DESIGN
be also between different issues of the same project, and the Our overall research objective is to better understand how to
penalty is applied only to the time to work on that issue for use SPSM to perform risk analysis on ASD projects. The
the present day. inputs to our model, taken from an ITS such as JIRA and
Other key parameters to be estimated, which may differ related to an ASD project, are information on team members
from project to project, is the percentage of work to assign involved, and information on all issues managed at a given
to the various activities of a project. Following the same time. The latter kind of information includes the date an issue
approach reported in [15], we assigned most of the effort entered the system, its original effort estimate, the actual
(70%) to the "in progress" activity – representing the actual time spent on it, and an estimate of the remaining effort.
VOLUME 4, 2016 9

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Maria Ilaria Lunesu et al.: Assessing the Risk of Software Development in Agile Methodologies Using Simulation

TABLE 2. The simulator inputs, highlighting the inputs imported from JIRA. "PART." means "partially".

Class Parameter Type Description From JIRA Notes

Project ProjectName String Name of the project YES
Project ProjectStart Date Start date of the project YES Corrected to the date of the first completed issue
Project NoOfActivities Integer Number of activities YES
Activity ActivityID String Unique short identifier NO Generated by the system
Activity ActivityName String Name of the activity YES
Activity ActivityEffort Percentage Effort perc. of the activity NO Chosen through expert consultation
Team NoOfDevs Integer No. of developers YES
Developer DevID String Unique short identifier NO Generated by the system
Developer DevName String Name of the developer YES
Developer Skills Float[ ] Array of the dev. skill for each activity PART. Estimated from JIRA data
Developer Productivity Float Productivity factor PART. Estimated from JIRA data
Issue IssueID String Unique short identifier YES
Issue IssueDescr String Issue description NO Not used
Issue IssueStart Date Start date of issue development YES
Issue IssueCreation Date Creation date of the issue YES
Issue IssueType String Type of the issue YES
Issue IssueState String State of the issue NO Dynamic value
Issue IssuePriority String Priority of the issue YES
Issue IssueOrigEstimate Float Original estimated effort YES
Issue IssueEffortSpent Float Original remaining effort YES
Issue IssueWorkRatio Percentage Actual percentage of work performed NO Dynamic value
Issue Assignee String Name of developer in charge YES Converted to DevID of the developer
Simulator PenaltyFactor Percentage Penalty factor p for issue switchng NO See Subsection IV-C
Simulator StDvPertErr Float Standard dev. of the perturbation on issue estimate NO Typically set to 20%

Information on the ASD process used must also be collected Subsequently, we need to define what are the causes of
from the team. It includes: risk, which can affect the desired outcomes of the project
• the sequence of activities performed by the team; at least – in our case duration and cost. The main risk factors we
they include: Backlog, In progress, Done; identified are erroneous effort estimates of the issues, subop-
• the duration of a Sprint, and the way Story Points are timal allocation of the issues to developers, and blocks and
computed to decide how many USs to include in each impediments to the work of developers. Once the statistics of
Sprint, if Scrum is used; these factors are precisely defined, a Monte Carlo simulation
• the maximum number of USs allowed in each activity, can be used to assess the risks in a quantitative way.
if Lean-Kanban approach is used.
Starting from this information, it is possible to compute the VI. EXPERIMENTAL DATA
outputs of SPSM, which typically are: We analyzed three open source projects which comply with
the following preconditions:
• The project duration if no more issues are entered;
• The number and effort of issued forecast to be closed on 1. they are tracked on the JIRA System,
a given date; 2. they have CreationDate, OriginalTimeEstimate, Time-
• An estimate of average, standard deviation and median Spent and Assignee fields filled out for each issue; the
of the issue cycle time, that is the time needed from the last two are reported in man hours;
start of item processing to its completion. 3. they are medium size (meaning a number of issues
Fig. 5 shows the basic inputs and outputs of our model, above a few hundreds, and below one thousand).
based on JIRA issue data. Table 2 shows the parameters The medium size requirement allows us to perform a
used in the simulation, including the class they belong to, deeper analysis of the project and of the correspondent
their type, and whether they were read from JIRA, estimated outcomes when two-months intervals are examined, which
from JIRA data, set after expert consultation, or dynamically would be too time consuming for large size projects. The
computed during the simulation. size is also kept limited in order to be able to perform several
To perform a risk analysis using SPSM, first of all we need Monte Carlo runs (≥ 100).
to assess the suitability of the simulator to effectively model The selected projects have a duration of around 15-20
the software development process. This can be accomplished months, and an average time span of 330 days. The number of
by running the simulator on real data, and verifying its ability team members varies between 15 and 60, but in the latter case
to mimic the real development. team members do not work simultaneously, so on average
10 VOLUME 4, 2016

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Maria Ilaria Lunesu et al.: Assessing the Risk of Software Development in Agile Methodologies Using Simulation

there are 15-20 developers active. TABLE 4. Total project duration. Mean (st. dev.) over 100 simulations.
These projects, all tracked in JIRA, are built for different
domains and purposes, so they present differences in topic,
duration, team size and composition, workflow. The simula- N. days to close project
tor is able to quite faithfully reproduce each of them. Project name N. Issues Real case Simulated case
Test Engineering (TE) 285 408 433 (31)
A. PROJECT: TEST ENGINEERING Platform 321 445 415 (26)
The first development project is TE (Test Engineering), car- CORD 205 138 154 (12)
ried on by edX (, a consortium of more than
160 universities offering courses and programs through an e-
learning platform completely open-source. TE is an internal and carrier business models. CORD is an open source project
project to perform testing and continuous integration of the aiming to develop a platform to build agile datacenters for the
software developed for edX, and by edX partners. network edge.
TE is an ongoing project, which we analyzed for a total
We analyzed the CORD project for a total of 192 working
of 570 working days, including 675 issues classified as: bug,
days, including 523 issues classified as: subtask, feature, bug,
epic, story and task. The team is composed by 13 developers
story and epic. Issues effort estimation approximately also
with different skills and productivity, inferred by analyzing
follows a Pareto distribution with shape value b = 1.51. The
the number and effort of issues completed by each devel-
basic statistics for the CORD project are shown in Table 3.
oper in the considered time interval. Issues effort estimation
follows a very skewed, fat-tail distribution, which is fairly
approximated by a Pareto distribution:
The first step to assess the validity of our simulator was
b to check whether it is able to produce time duration for
p(X) = b+1
. (2)
X completion of all issues similar to those of the real projects.
where X is expressed in man days, and the shape value is We performed simulations giving as input all issues which
b ≈ 1.35. resulted in Closed state, or with a remaining effort equal to
The basic statistics for the TE project are shown in Table 3. zero, among all issues read from JIRA repositories. The work
on each issue was performed by the same team member of
TABLE 3. Projects’ Statistics. Effort statistics in man days. JIRA data, using the developer’s productivity as estimated
from the same data.
Project name Days Issues Developers Mean Std Dev Median
For performing the simulations, we shortened their dura-
Test Engineering (TE) 570 675 15-20 2.9 4.2 1.33 tion to an interval of about 70% of the total, starting from
Platform 622 853 14-15 4.4 6.4 1.1 the date of the first completed issue. This because almost all
CORD 192 523 13 4.3 6.4 1.0
issues created afterwards were not yet completed.
Two among the selected projects have a simulation du-
ration of about 14 months (408 and 445 days). CORD was
B. PROJECT: PLATFORM tested for a shorter period of 138 days, or 4.5 months. The
The second project is also carried on by edX, and regards number of team members are around fifteen people in all
the e-learning platform of edX consortium. In fact, it is projects, remembering that this is an average team size,
called "Platform". Platform is an ongoing project, which we obtained by putting to work only the developers who are
analyzed for a total of 622 working days, including 853 issues actually active in the proper time interval, as inferred by JIRA
classified as: subtask, bug, story, and epic. data.
The team size is 65 people. At a first glance it might seem These projects are built for different domains and pur-
too big, but after a careful check we found that there was a poses, so they present differences in topic, duration, team size
high turnover. Most team members worked only for a limited and composition, workflow. The simulator is able to faith-
amount of time, so that the average team size is about 14-15 fully reproduce each of them. All projects are decomposed in
people, similar to the other projects. several issues. Each issue has a total effort estimation given
Issues effort estimation approximately follows a Pareto in man days. Different kind of issues belonging to a project
distribution with shape value b = 1.38. The basic statistics may have a different workflow. This is modeled according to
for the Platform project are shown in Table 3. the real schema including all main activities (states).
The results for the three projects are shown in Table 4,
C. PROJECT: CORD which shows the actual duration with the average duration of
The last project is called CORD (Central Office Re- the simulations. Standard deviations are shown within round
architected as a Datacenter). It is a project of the Open brackets after the means.
Networking Foundation (ONF), a non-profit operator led Besides running the simulator for the whole development
consortium driving transformation of network infrastructure time, we also refined the effectiveness tests by considering
VOLUME 4, 2016 11

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Maria Ilaria Lunesu et al.: Assessing the Risk of Software Development in Agile Methodologies Using Simulation

shorter time intervals. We considered time intervals of 60 We deemed these results good enough to consider the
days, being two months the shortest time suitable to get simulator suitable for its use in risk analysis.
significant results. Trying shorter duration did not work, both
because some issues require at least 60 days to be completed, VII. RISK ASSESSMENT THROUGH SIMULATION
and because the number of issues to test in each interval We applied the Risk assessment methodology outlined in
becomes too small. Section III-A on the reported cases, to test its effectiveness.
We divided the project duration in intervals of 60 days, The key risk factors identified are: variations in efforts esti-
considering for each interval the issues actually created, and mated by developers to complete USs, and random developer
the team members actually working in the real project. The issues assignment – to be compared with assignment accord-
issues not yet completed at the end of the interval are left to ing to real data. In this preliminary study, we did not consider
the next one for the remaining part, and are considered to be variations in the skills of team members, and events stalling
completed only when their status becomes Closed. In these the development of single features, or blocking one or more
tests, the key parameter is not the duration of the project, but developers, though the simulator could account also for these
the number of issues completed in each interval, and the total factors.
number of issues completed at the end of the last interval. The effort estimation error of each issue is modeled using
random variations. The Percentage differences between esti-
TABLE 5. Results of simulations with 60 days intervals. mated and actual times to close an issue in the three projects
are very close to zero, and show a standard deviation between
Project name Days Issues Mean Std Dev Simul. Issues Diff.
0.17 and 0.26. Averaging on all closed issues of the three
Test Engineering (TE) 540 369 41 24.5 370 1 project, the standard deviation is 0.22, which we approximate
Platform 600 431 43 26.9 426 -5 to 0.2.
CORD 180 265 83.3 62.9 267 2
So, the effort estimation error is obtained by multiplying
the original issue effort value by a number that follows a log-
Table 5 shows statistics and results of the simulations normal distribution with average equal to one, and standard
for the three examined projects. Note that overall time in- deviation equal to 0.2. In this way, the efforts averaged on all
tervals considered are longer than those of the preceding issues remain equal to the average of original issues, and the
simulations, and run as long as possible, compatibly with the standard deviation of errors is very similar.
constraint to be multiple of 60 days. The reported mean and The key process outputs whose variations are checked
standard deviations are made on real issues, over the 60 days are the project total time and statistics on cycle times to
time intervals. The simulated issues are averaged over 100 implement a feature. The time from project start to the time
simulations for each project. when the last feature is released is inversely proportional
To give a further insight on these simulations, in Table 6 to the throughput, and is a very good indicator of the good
we report the number of issues closed in every 60-day in- performance of the project.
terval for project Test Engineering. The number referring to The statistics on cycle times, measuring time to give value
simulated issues is again the average over 100 simulations. to the customer, are:
The last columns reports the real values. Similar behavior can • average time to implement a feature;
be found in the issue management of the other projects. As • standard deviation of the time;
you can see, the number of closed issues varies a great deal • median time, measuring the most likely time to com-
from two months to two months. The simulation is able to plete a feature;
reproduce quite well the number of closed issues in every 60- • 95% percentile of times, measuring the limit of the
day interval. worst 5% times;
• 5%percentile of times, measuring the limit of the best
TABLE 6. Issue Management in 60-day intervals 5% times;
• maximum time, measuring the worst case.
TE (Test Engineering) Project We perform a given number of Monte Carlo simulations
Days Closed Issues (Mean) Real Closed Issues – typically one hundred, but they might be more – for each
60 56 54 choice of the tested risk factors, varying random perturba-
120 10 9 tion, or developers’ assignments to issues, recording the key
180 39 36 outputs.
240 58 60
300 44 46 From these outputs it is then possible to compute the
360 84 85 desired statistics. On each of these values it is possible to set
420 25 26 risk thresholds that, if reached or overcome, trigger proper
480 10 9
540 44 44
mitigation actions.

12 VOLUME 4, 2016

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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
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Maria Ilaria Lunesu et al.: Assessing the Risk of Software Development in Agile Methodologies Using Simulation

FIGURE 7. Platform Project: N. of completed issues vs. time. Averages and

FIGURE 6. TE Project: N. of completed issues vs. time. Averages and percentiles over 100 simulations.
percentiles over 100 simulations.


We used the three open source projects described in Sec-
tion VI, considering the time interval from the first issue
project creation date until the end of the projects. We start
by analyzing the time estimation of project duration, when
only time estimation variations are considered as risk factors,
but issue resolutions are made by the same developers of the
real case. For a better interpretation of the results, we divided
the simulations in time intervals of 60 days, as made before.
Figures 6, 7 and 8 show the results for projects TE, Plat-
form and CORD, respectively. Here we show, for each time
interval, the values of the real number of issues completed in
that interval, of the average on 100 simulations varying the FIGURE 8. CORD Project: N. of completed issues vs. time. Averages and
issue estimates as described in Section VII, and of the 5% percentiles over 100 simulations.

and 95% percentiles of the simulated completed issues. We

do not show the medians of completed issues because they
are very similar to the averages, and would not add significant In Platform project, whose results are shown in Fig. 7, the
information to the figures. differences between real and simulated cases look slightly
In all projects, the number of completed issues every lower than in TE project. In time intervals with very few
60 days greatly varies. This variability is due to different issues completed, obviously the percentage errors are quite
reasons, such as different commitment of the developers high, but the overall percentage difference between the total
in different months, tendency of issues to be completed in number of completed issues (423) and the average number of
"batches" rather than in a continuous flow, and low number simulated ones over 100 simulations (416) is about 2%.
of active developers, which makes the project output more Considering the cumulative number of completed issues
susceptible to random variations. over time, the error is always under 6%, but after the first 120
Regarding TE project, the real number of completed is- days, where it is 25% after 60 days, and 13% after 120 days.
sues and the average of simulated numbers are quite close With respect to TE project, 5% and 95% percentiles over
each other, being the maximum percentage error equal to 100 simulations include the real number of completed issues,
36%. The real number of completed issues is almost always but for the result at 300 days, where the real number is lower
contained between 5% and 95% percentiles, but in the first, than the 5% percentile.
third and last intervals. Only in the latter case the discrepancy The results of CORD project are shown is Fig. 8. Here
looks significant. In these three cases, the risk analysis would we have only three simulated intervals of 60 days, with very
have triggered corrective actions. few completed issues after the first one. For this reason,
Note, however, that the average estimation of all completed the differences between real and average number over 100
issues is 354, with a percentage error of 4%, being the real simulated cases of the completed issues are higher, being
number equal to 369. Considering the cumulative number of 25% after the second time interval.
completed issues over time, the error peaks at 180 days with a The average of total closed issue after 180 days is 291,
value of 17%, and then decreases. On day 360 and thereafter, versus the real value of 265 (the difference is 10%). The real
the error is always under 4%. number of completed issues is always contained between 5%
VOLUME 4, 2016 13

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Maria Ilaria Lunesu et al.: Assessing the Risk of Software Development in Agile Methodologies Using Simulation

FIGURE 9. TE Project: N. of completed issues vs. time. Averages and FIGURE 10. Platform Project: N. of completed issues vs. time. Averages and
percentiles over 100 simulations, with random allocation of developers. percentiles over 100 simulations, with random allocation of developers.

and 95% percentiles of the simulated cases.


In this section we consider the effect of the application of
both risk factors in the simulations, namely random estima-
tion errors and random allocation of issues among devel-
opers. The estimation errors are introduced using the same
approach of the previous section, multiplying the original
estimates by a random number following a log-normal dis-
tribution with average equal to one, and standard deviation of
The allocation of developers to issues is not equal to the FIGURE 11. CORD Project: N. of completed issues vs. time. Averages and
percentiles over 100 simulations, with random allocation of developers.
real case, but developers simply "decide" what issue to work
on depending on a random choice of available issues with
highest priority. This mimics better the real situation, where
of course it is not known in advance which developer will effort estimation perturbations.
work on which issue, and a risk analysis must consider an The data on Platform project are reported in Fig. 10. Also
issue allocation not known in advance. here the four curves are closer than in the case without
As in the previous Section, we divided the simulations in random developer allocation, as shown in Fig. 7.
time intervals of 60 days, and report the number of issues The overall percentage difference between the total num-
completed in each of them. We report the number of issues ber of completed issues (426) and the average number of
of the real case, the average and the 5% and 95% percentiles simulated ones over 100 simulations (431) is about 1%.
computed over 100 simulations. Considering the cumulative number of completed issues
Fig. 9 shows the results for TE project. As you can see, over time, the error is always under 11%, but for the first time
the four curves are closer than in the case without random interval where it is 100%, due to the very low of completed
developer allocation, as shown in Fig. 6. issues (4 in the real case, 8 in the average of simulated cases).
These results are consistent with those found without risk The 5% and 95% percentiles over 100 simulations include the
parameters. The overall percentage difference between the real number of completed issuest, but again at the end of the
total number of completed issues (369) and the average first time interval.
number of simulated ones over 100 simulations (362) is about Eventually, Fig. 11 shows the results for CORD project.
2%. The results do not differ much from the case with variations
Considering the cumulative number of completed issues only in issue effort estimation, and are slightly better.
over time, the error is always under 5%. The 5% and 95% The average of total closed issue after 180 days is 271,
percentiles over 100 simulations always include the real versus the real value of 265 (the difference is 2%). The real
number of completed issues. number of completed issues is well contained between 5%
Reproducibility of real data is well provided by the model. and 95% percentiles of the simulated cases, but after the first
Having in place both risk parameters results in outputs that, time interval, for the usual reason of very low number of
on average, are closer to real data with respect to using only issues.
14 VOLUME 4, 2016

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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3115941, IEEE Access

Maria Ilaria Lunesu et al.: Assessing the Risk of Software Development in Agile Methodologies Using Simulation

C. DISCUSSION tion and skills. Simulating whole projects, which lasted

Starting from the analysis of three real projects tracked on between six and twenty months, the error margin is of
JIRA, we made four different types of analysis with four the order of 10%. Shortening the simulation intervals
scenarios. to two months, and then resynchronizing the simulator,
The first scenario had the aim to test the simulator relia- yields an even lower error of the order of 1-2% averaged
bility by comparing the number of days needed to close the over 100 simulations. So, the answer to this question is
project in the real and simulated cases for the three projects, that the simulator accuracy to predict project completion
as shown in Table 5. The simulator reproduces the project times is high.
duration in days with an error margin between 6% and 11%, The third and fourth scenarios introduce the use of the sim-
considering the average of 100 simulations, with a standard ulator for risk analysis. Basically, in both scenarios random
deviation between 6% and 8% of the related average. perturbations are applied to issue estimations, chosen from
The second scenario is aimed at improving forecasts by a log-normal distribution, derived from statistical analysis of
reducing the time interval of predictions to time intervals of the real data set. The fourth scenario adds random choice of
sixty days each. In this way, the model simulates the number the developers who subscribe for resolving an issue.
of closed issues for a limited period, and resets itself at the We ran 100 simulations for each considered project, for
end of the interval to perform the next interval forecast, both scenarios, in order to check the extent to which the
according to the supplied real data. The results show that simulated outputs differ from the real ones, in the case of
in this way the model performs better than using the entire random estimation errors. So, we computed not only the
project lasting time. mean value of the forecasted number of closed issues in the
Here the key output is not the duration of the project, but time intervals, but also proper percentiles, helpful to check if
the number of issues which are actually completed during the real values stay within these limits.
each time interval. In the case of issues only partially com- We found that just applying random perturbations to issue
pleted, they are not taken into account, but are moved to be estimation – which in a real project would mean that the
completed to the next time interval. The results of these sim- original estimation was wrong, whereas the perturbated one
ulations, obtained again by performing 100 simulations for is the "right" value – it has limited impact on the goodness
each interval and averaging the number of issues completed of the approximation of the simulation results with respect to
after each simulation, show that the percentage error between the real case. This is shown in Figures 6, 7 and 8, and in the
the average and the real data are typically less than 10% in all discussion thereof.
intervals, except sometimes the first one, characterized by a When random issue assignment to developers is added, the
low number of completed issues in the real case. results are even better, meaning that the simulation outputs
Summing up all completed issues on all intervals yields a tend to be even closer to the real ones, as shown in Figures 9,
total number of completed issues (averaged over 100 simu- 10 and 11, and in the discussion thereof. This result can be
lations) which differ less than 1.5% with respect to the real attributed to the fact that in the real case simulated work on
number of completed issues. the issues is performed by the developers who registered it
We deemed that these scenarios prove that the simulator in JIRA. So, the simulator applies a rigid assignment, which
is able to reproduce with enough precision the real ASD mimics the delays and unavailability of real development.
process. Referring to the Research Questions asked in the When issues are randomly assigned, however, when work on
Introduction, we are able to answer to RQ1 and RQ2: an issue is needed in a given activity, all available developers
RQ1: To which extent it is possible to automatically are polled, and one is chosen at random. If there are available
import into the simulator data of real projects, from developers, work on the issue begins with no delay, and this
issue management systems? justifies the better results in term of completion time.
Importing issue data directly from the popular sys- Practically, the simulator can be applied to actual risk
tem JIRA is quite straightforward. However, importing management by applying the proper random variations to the
the sequence of activities actually used for a specific parameters that could be the major causes of risk, performing
project, as well as estimating the skills and time com- a sufficiently high number of simulations and evaluating the
mitment of developers need a manual intervention. This distributions of key output parameters. Moreover, in a real
must be done before the simulation starts, by analyzing case, future issues can be randomly generated, using their
project data. During project execution new issues can be expected effort distribution, to get a more realistic simulation
periodically read to update the simulation state, without of the work to be performed.
further intervention. Being still an ongoing research project, the simulator has
RQ2: How accurate can the simulator be in predicting not been yet used in real development. To get feedback, we
project completion times? presented our results to the same experts involved in helping
The case studies analyzed show that the simulator can us to estimate the penalty factor p, as reported in Section IV-C
be quite accurate in reproducing a real project progress "Component Validation". The majority of experts encouraged
– that is, the project completion time – if it is fed with us to continue the work, believing that assessing project risks
accurate data about issue estimates and team composi- using SPSM is a valid and promising approach, provided that
VOLUME 4, 2016 15

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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3115941, IEEE Access

Maria Ilaria Lunesu et al.: Assessing the Risk of Software Development in Agile Methodologies Using Simulation

other kinds of risks are considered, besides error in issue Clearly, in real projects this approach should be embedded
estimation. A couple of the project managers stressed that in other risk management approaches, which include risk
this tool might be useful, but only if provided of a user identification and risk mitigation. Our SPSM-based approach
interface able to ease the tuning of the simulation parameters, can substantially help in quantitative risk analysis, but cannot
and to immediately highlight the risks to exceed time and cover different kinds of risk that cannot be modeled and
costs. simulated, such as Organizational Environment Risk, User
This leads to the answer to the last research question: Risk, and Team Risk [50]. In other words, we do not claim
that the simulation technique is better than other known
RQ3: Can the simulator be useful to estimate project
techniques to manage risk, but we claim that it should be used
risk (induced by errors in efforts estimation, and
as another tool, able to complement other approaches.
random developer issues assignment) with a Monte
For instance, in Rm4Am risk management tool for
Carlo approach?
ASD [44], our tool might be used for assessing the risk of
By varying parameters – such as variance of issue
Increments (i.e. user stories/features), in the risk analysis of
estimation errors, and developers’ availability – and
Product and Sprint backlogs. This should be done during the
performing Monte Carlo simulations, a project manager
Risk weekly meeting, a subcomponent specifically added in
can compute statistics on forecast project completion
Rm4Am to manage project risk.
times and average time to complete issues, and take
proper action to control this kind of risk. Consequently,
also the answer to this question is positive. Clearly, The goal of this section is to discuss the threats to validity
much more causes of risk might be accounted for, as that we need to consider regarding the study of JIRA open
described below, and we are actively working to include source projects performed in order to evaluate the presented
them in the simulator. risk assessment method. The typical threats to validity taken
In this paper, for the sake of simplicity, we limited to into consideration in a software process development are:
use just issue effort perturbations, and random developers’ construct validity, internal validity and external validity [39].
assignment. However, other causes of risk can be easily • Internal Validity is the approximate truth about infer-
simulated, such as: ences regarding cause-effect or causal relationships.
• Sequentiality constraints between issues, so that de- Thus, it is only relevant in studies that try to establish
laying or stalling the development of an issue directly a causal relationship and it is not relevant in most obser-
influences other issues. vational or descriptive studies. In our case, the analysis
• Problems related to specific issues, whose development is focused to demonstrate the abilities to manage the risk
is delayed or stalled for external reasons. using a statistical analysis, and internal validity is not
• Change or deletion of existing issues. relevant to find this kind of relationship.
• Different skills of developers in the process activities, • Construct validity is focused on the relation between

and consequent preferential choices of issues to work the theory behind the experiment and the observations.
on. Even when it has been established that there is a casual
relationship between the execution of an experiment and
Other important causes of risk, which can also be sim- the observed outcome, the treatment might not corre-
ulated, and which embody random components and add spond to the cause one thinks to have controlled and
"uncertainty" to the process are shown in the followings. The altered, or the observed outcome might not correspond
distributions of the value of these factors must be studied and to the effect people think they are measuring. In our
defined in advance, typically by analyzing the past history of case, the main threat to construct validity is whether
the project, or of similar projects: our models are accurate enough to be realistic. In other
• Arrival of new issues, real or simulated to account for words, are issues, activities and developers, as modeled
forecasts of future work to be done; here the distribu- by us, enough reliable to get plausible results? Other
tion of issue effort estimates, issue priorities, and issue studies on empirical data seem to answer favourably
arrival time must be defined. Also change requests of ex- to this question [8], [15], but more research is clearly
isting issues not yet implemented might be considered. needed. Another issue related to construct validity are
• Issues which do not pass quality controls, and have to be the characteristics of feature effort variations, and of the
reworked, whose probability and extent of rework must random issues to developers allocation. Though these
in turn be specified. characteristics are common to many projects, the exact
• Changes in the availability of team members, due to var- distribution of effort variations, and the random assign-
ious causes (vacation, illness, resignation, more impor- ment performed might be improved. Moreover, there
tant commitments to carry out). This is an important risk are other possible risk factors, such as inaccurate re-
factor, able to substantially change the project schedule. quirements and team-related issues, such as resignation
Again, the probability and duration of developers’ un- of developers, introduction of new developers, intra-
availability must be defined in advance team dependencies, and so on. What we proposed is a
16 VOLUME 4, 2016

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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3115941, IEEE Access

Maria Ilaria Lunesu et al.: Assessing the Risk of Software Development in Agile Methodologies Using Simulation

model able to represent some key aspects of software The proposed approach is clearly relevant for project man-
development, without trying to model every possible agers, who get a tool able to quantitatively evaluate the risks,
aspect. provided that the process and the project’s data are properly
• External validity is concerned with whether one can modeled. This is made possible by the relative simplicity of
generalize the results outside the scope of the study and Agile processes, that typically operate on atomic require-
hold them across different experimental settings, pro- ments -– the features, or issues -– through a sequence of
cedures, and participants. If a study possesses external activities.
validity, its results will generalize to a larger population Clearly, in real projects the approach should be com-
not considered in the experiment [8]. plemented with other risk management approaches, able to
In this specific study, we performed hundreds of simulation cover different kinds of risk that cannot be modeled and
runs. An important aspect to be taken into consideration is simulated, such as Organizational Environment Risk, User
that data analyzed are real but the analysis refers to just three Risk, and Team Risk [50].
simplified test cases. Although the scope of this paper would
a: Limitations
not have allowed to simulate more complex cases, this has
to be taken into account when considering external validity. In this work we limited our study considering only the effort
Also the fact that all features were available at the beginning variations and the random assignment of developers to issues.
of the simulated project, and that no more feature was added, Even though the obtained results are limited to the analysed
limits the generalization of our results. projects, our model could be customized and adapted for
other projects.
b: Future Work
Risk management is essential to software development. Agile
In the future, we will improve our risk assessment method,
methodologies were introduced precisely to minimize the
evaluating it on many other case studies, and also exploring
risk inherent in traditional waterfall processes, with very high
the optimal parameter settings that can minimize the overall
risks related to requirement changes and final integration.
risk. An improvement we are considering is to scale the
However, only a few studies have been devoted to explicit
model from a single team to multiple teams, involved in
risk management of agile processes.
one project, or even in several projects. This would greatly
In this paper we presented a risk assessment procedure improve the utility of the tool for risk management in large
based on process modeling and simulation, and tested it on organizations.
three open source project developed using an agile approach,
with requirements collected as user stories and managed as REFERENCES
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18 VOLUME 4, 2016

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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3115941, IEEE Access

Maria Ilaria Lunesu et al.: Assessing the Risk of Software Development in Agile Methodologies Using Simulation

[53] He Zhang, Barbara Kitchenham, and Dietmar Pfahl. Reflections on 10 MICHELE MARCHESI received the degree in
years of software process simulation modeling: a systematic review. In Electronic engineering from the University of
International Conference on Software Process, pages 345–356. Springer, Genova, in 1975. He has been a Full Professor
2008. with the Faculty of Engineering, University of
[54] Boxuan Zhao, Jian Cao, Sha Jiang, and Qing Qi. An agent based Cagliari, since 1994. Since 2016, he has been a
simulation system for open source software development. In 2020 IEEE Full Professor with the Department of Mathemat-
World Congress on Services (SERVICES), pages 164–170. IEEE, 2020. ics and Computer Science, University of Cagliari,
where he teaches software engineering course. He
has authored over 200 international publications,
including over 70 in the magazine. He has been
one of the first in Italy to deal with OOP, since 1986. He was a Founding
Member of TABOO, the Italian association on object-oriented techniques.
He has also worked on object analysis and design, UML language and
metrics for object-oriented systems since the introduction of these research
MARIA ILARIA LUNESU received the degree themes. In 1998, he was the first in Italy to deal with Extreme Programming
in Electronic Engineering from the University of (XP) and agile methodologies for software production. He organized the
Cagliari and in 2013 she holds from the same first and most important world conferences on Extreme Programming and
university the PhD in Electronic and Computer Agile Processes in Software Engineering, Sardinia, from 2000 to 2002. Since
Engineering and the title of Doctor Europaeus. She 2014, being among the first in Italy, he has extended his research interest
is currently research fellow at the Department of to blockchain technologies, obtaining significant results in the scientific
Mathematics and Computer Science at University community.
of Cagliari. Her research interests concern the
study and applications of Agile and Lean method-
ologies evaluating their potential for risk manage-
ment in software development processes, the study of startup dynamics and
ecosystem and the the study of software engineering practices for blockchain
development and distributed applications and ICOs main success factors

ROBERTO TONELLI received the Ph.D. de-

grees in physics and in computer engineering, in
2000 and 2012, respectively. He is currently a
Temporary Researcher and a Professor with the
University of Cagliari, Italy. The main topic of
his research has been the study of power laws
in software systems within the perspective of de-
scribing software quality. Since 2014, he has been
extended his research interest to the blockchain
technology. His research interests are widespread
and multidisciplinary. He received the Prize for the top-50 most influential
papers on blockchain in 2018, on January 2019 from Blockchain Connect
Conference, San Francisco - CA – USA

LODOVICA MARCHESI graduated in Com-

puter Science at the University of Cagliari in
February 2018, with a final grade of 110/110.
She worked as a research grant on the "Study
of Blockchain technology applied to systems for
managing complex documents" at the Department
of Electrical and Electronic Engineering of the
University of Cagliari. She is currently a third-
year PhD student at the Department of Mathe-
matics and Computer Science of the University
of Cagliari. Her research fields include the application of blockchain tech-
nology in different sectors, cybersecurity for blockchain applications, the
study of software engineering practices for blockchain development and
distributed applications, and the study of machine learning algorithms and
VOLUME 4, 2016 19
economic models. and financials related to the cryptocurrency market.

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