Level 7 Passage 2

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The passage discusses four different ice cream manufacturers - Randolph Farms, Goodies, Disco, and Twinkle - and compares their flavors, ingredients, and quality.

The four ice cream manufacturers discussed are Randolph Farms, Goodies, Disco, and Twinkle.

The author seems to prefer Goodies because he describes its ice cream using the most positive words like 'excellent', 'amazing', and 'outstanding' and says its only drawback is that it has few flavors, which he still enjoys.


• Reading Comprehension 2 Level 7

Directions: Read the passage. Then answer the questions below.

For two months, I have been trying to decide who makes the best ice cream. I have narrowed it
down to my four favorite manufacturers: Randolph Farms, Goodies, Disco, and Twinkle.
Let's start with Randolph Farms. Randolph Farms makes very good ice cream. They have lots of
different flavors, but this doesn't really matter to me. That's because I always get coffee flavor. They make
the best coffee ice cream in the world. I've never had hot coffee (the drink) but people tell me that
Randolph Farms coffee ice cream tastes just like the real thing. Also, Randolph Farms uses all natural
ingredients to make their ice cream. This is a good idea, I think.
Second, we have Goodies. Goodies makes excellent ice cream. Like Randolph Farms, Goodies
uses all natural ingredients. They only make three different flavors—strawberry, vanilla, and chocolate—
but they make them very well. The strawberry is amazing. Every bite of it reminds me of the strawberries
that I used to pick behind my old house. The vanilla is wonderful. It is very smooth and has a refreshing,
creamy taste. The chocolate is outstanding. It is made with real cocoa beans from Bolivia. I didn't know
where Bolivia is so I decided to look for it on a map. After hunting awhile, I discovered that it is in South
America! That's a long way to go to get cocoa, so it must be good. I would say that the only drawback to
Goodies ice cream is that they only make three different flavors.
Third, we have Disco. Disco ice cream is okay. They don't have many good flavors. Actually, the
only Disco flavor I like is Bubblegum. It is vanilla ice cream with little chunks of bubblegum in it. After you
eat the ice cream, you can blow bubbles with the gum. That's pretty fun.
Finally, there is Twinkle. Twinkle ice cream is mediocre. The only good thing about Twinkle is that
it is relatively inexpensive. You can buy a whole carton of twinkle ice cream for $4.50. That's only two
weeks' allowance for me.


1) Which of the following would be the best title for this passage?

A. Strawberry, Vanilla, Chocolate, and Bubblegum Too!

B. The Four Top Ice Cream Manufacturers
C. The Finest Ice Cream in the World
D. Picking the Best Ice Cream Manufacturer

2) If the author wanted to get a scoop of coffee ice cream, where would he or she probably go?

A. Randolph Farms
B. Goodies
C. Disco
D. Twinkle

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3) In paragraph 1, the author uses a colon. A colon (:) looks like two dots, one on top of the other.
Colons are used to separate different parts of a sentence. The part before the colon introduces an
idea and can stand alone as a sentence. The part after the colon gives more detailed information
about this idea, often as a list. If the colon could talk, it would say, "And here they are!"

Using this information, it can be understood that which of the following sentences contains the correct
use of a colon?

A. My friends are: sweet, young, and generous.

B. I like: to talk on the phone at night.
C. I have three pets: Toto, Spot, and Rover.
D. I want a new bicycle: or new roller skates.

4) According to the passage, the author likes Randolph Farms ice cream because it

I. is all natural
II. is made in Bolivia
III. comes in many flavors

A. I only
B. I and II only
C. II and III only
D. I, II, and III

5) In paragraph 3 the author writes, "That's a long way to go to get cocoa, so it must be good." Using
this information, we can understand that the author believes that

A. Goodies loses money on sales of chocolate ice cream

B. Bolivia makes the best cocoa in the world
C. things that are hard to get must be high quality
D. cocoa from the United States is not very good

6) According to the passage, the author likes Disco ice cream because it

A. is relatively inexpensive
B. has bubblegum in it
C. is made in Bolivia
D. is okay

7) According to the passage, how is Randolph Farms ice cream different than Goodies?

I. Randolph Farms has many different flavors and Goodies does not.
II. Randolph Farms uses all natural ingredients and Goodies does not.
III. Randolph Farms is very expensive and Goodies is not.

A. I only
B. I and II only
C. II and III only
D. I, II, and III

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8) An adjective is a word that is used to describe a thing. For example, in the sentence, "The car is
fast," the word "fast" is an adjective. Using this information, which of the following are adjectives used
in paragraph 3?

I. flavors
II. excellent
III. old

A. I only
B. I and II only
C. II and III only
D. I, II, and III

9) According to the author, what is the only drawback to Goodies ice cream?

A. cheap ingredients
B. expensive price
C. mediocre quality
D. a lack of flavors

10) How much money does the author receive in his or her weekly allowance?

A. $2.25
B. $4.50
C. $9.00
D. Not enough information is provided

11) Given the information included in the passage, which of the following statements would the author
most likely agree with?

A. Each manufacturer has its strengths and weaknesses.

B. The best manufacturers are the ones with the most flavors.
C. Goodies is certainly not the best manufacturer, as they only have three flavors.
D. Each manufacturer is good for different reasons.

12) If the author did decide that one manufacturer is best, which one would he or she probably choose?

A. Randolph Farms
B. Goodies
C. Disco
D. Twinkle

13) How many weeks would it take for the author to save enough money to buy two cartons of Twinkle
ice cream?

A. 1 week
B. 2 weeks
C. 3 weeks
D. 4 weeks

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Answers and Explanations

1) D
A good title summarizes the main idea of the passage and lets the reader know what to expect should he or she continue reading.
At the beginning of the passage the author writes, "For two months, I have been trying to decide who makes the best ice cream."
The next four paragraphs explain the reasons why the narrator likes each individual manufacturer. We can understand from this
information that the passage is about picking the best ice cream manufacturer. Choice (D) is correct. (A) is incorrect because it only
states 4 flavors of ice cream, while the passage is about more than just ice cream flavors. (B) is incorrect because the author is
trying to decide which of the four manufacturers is the best, not inform us about the world’s four best manufacturers. (C) is incorrect
because the author is trying to decide who the best ice cream maker is, not which ice cream is the best.

2) A
In paragraph 2 the author discusses Randolph Farms ice cream. The author tells us that "They make the best coffee ice cream in
the world." Using this information, we can understand that the author would probably go to Randolph Farms to get a scoop of coffee
ice cream. This means (A) is correct. In paragraph 3 the author discusses Goodies ice cream. The author tells us that "They only
make three different flavors—strawberry, vanilla, and chocolate." Since Goodies does not make coffee ice cream, this rules out
choice (B). Bubblegum is the only flavor of Disco ice cream that the author likes. This rules out (C). In paragraph 5, we learn that the
author thinks that all Twinkle ice cream is “mediocre.” Therefore the author would probably not go to Twinkle for coffee ice cream.
This rules out (D).

3) C
(C) is correct because the part of the sentence that comes after the colon contains a list that gives us more detailed information
about the idea presented before the colon. This fits the description of a colon as explained in the question and as used in the
passage. Choices (A) and (B) are incorrect because the part of the sentence that comes before the colon cannot stand alone as a
sentence. The part after the colon is necessary to complete the idea started before the colon. (D) is incorrect because the part of the
sentence that comes after the colon does not give more information about the idea introduced before the colon.

4) A
In paragraph 2, the author writes, “Randolph Farms uses all natural ingredients to make their ice cream. This is a good idea, I think.”
We can understand from this information that one of the things the author likes about Randolph Farms ice cream is that it is made
using all natural ingredients. This supports option (I). In paragraph 3 the author tells us that Goodies' chocolate ice cream is "is
made with real cocoa beans from Bolivia." Nothing in the passage supports the idea that Randolph Farms makes their ice cream in
Bolivia. This eliminates option (II). In paragraph 2, the author writes that Randolph Farms has “lots of different flavors, but this
doesn't really matter to me." This eliminates option (III). Therefore (A) is correct.

5) C
To answer this question correctly, it helps to use context. In paragraph 3 the author discusses Goodies chocolate ice cream. The
author tells us that Goodies gets their cocoa from Bolivia. This is a long way from the author's home. Because of this, the author
concludes that this cocoa must be good. Using this information, we can understand that the author believes that things that are hard
to get must be high quality. This makes (C) the correct choice. The passage does not provide information to support choices (A),
(B), and (D). Therefore they are incorrect.

6) B
In paragraph 4, the author says, “the only Disco flavor I like is Bubblegum. It is vanilla ice cream with little chunks of bubblegum in it.
After you eat the ice cream, you can blow bubbles with the gum. That's pretty fun.” This lets us know that the author likes
bubblegum ice cream because you can blow bubbles with the gum after you eat the ice cream. Since bubblegum is the only Disco
ice cream that the author likes, we can understand that the author likes Disco ice cream because it has bubblegum in it. This means
(B) is correct. The author likes Twinkle ice cream because it is inexpensive, not Disco. This rules out (A).No ice cream is made in
Bolivia. Bolivia is where Goodies gets cocoa beans. This means (C) is incorrect. In paragraph 4 the author does say that Disco ice
cream "is okay," but this is not why the author likes Disco. This means (D) is incorrect.

7) A
In paragraph 2, the author says that Randolph Farms has “lots of different flavors." On the other hand, in paragraph 3 the author
says that Goodies only makes "three different flavors—strawberry, vanilla, and chocolate…" Using this information, we can
understand that Randolph Farms has many different flavors and Goodies does not. This supports option (I).In paragraph 2 the
author says, “Randolph Farms uses all natural ingredients to make their ice cream." In paragraph 3 the author says, "Like Randolph
Farms, Goodies uses all natural ingredients." Using this information, we can understand that both Randolph Farms and Goodies use
all natural ingredients. This eliminates option (II). Although the passage says in paragraph 5 that Twinkle ice cream "is relatively
inexpensive," it does not mention the price of Randolph Farms nor Goodies ice cream. This eliminates option (III). Therefore (A) is

8) C
In paragraph 3, the author writes, “They only make three different flavors…" The word flavors refers to the types of ice cream. Since
flavors are things, they are not adjectives. They are nouns. This eliminates option (I).In paragraph 3, the author writes “Goodies
makes excellent ice cream.” The word excellent is a word that describes ice cream, which is a thing. Therefore this word is an
adjective. This supports option (II).In paragraph 3, the author writes, “Every bite of it reminds me of the strawberries that I used to
pick behind my old house.” Old is a word that describes the house, which is a thing. Therefore this word is an adjective. This
supports option (III). Therefore (C) is correct.

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9) D
In paragraph 3 the author says, "I would say that the only drawback to Goodies ice cream is that they only make three different
flavors." Choice (D) is correct. The passage does not provide information to support choices (A), (B), and (C). Therefore they are

10) A
In the last paragraph, the author says, “You can buy a whole carton of Twinkle ice cream for $4.50. That's only two weeks'
allowance for me.” Since $4.50 is two weeks’ allowance, we can determine one week’s allowance by dividing $4.50 by 2. This
means the author’s allowance is $2.25 a week. Therefore (A) is correct. The passage does not provide information to support
choices (B), (C), and (D). Therefore they are incorrect.

11) D
In paragraph 1 the author tell us that he or she has been trying to decide which of four different ice cream manufacturers is the best.
Then the author discusses what is good about each manufacturer and what is bad about some of them. Since each manufacturer
has something good about it, we can understand that the author thinks that each is good for different reasons. This means (D) is
correct.(A) is incorrect because the author does not mention any weaknesses about Randolph Farms ice cream. Therefore not each
manufacturer has its weaknesses. In addition to number of flavors produced, the author considers taste, price and fun in order to
arrive at the best ice cream manufacturer. The author does not rely on number of flavors alone to make his or her decision. This
rules out (B) and (C).

12) B
The author uses the most positive words to describe Goodies ice cream. In paragraph 3 the author says that Goodies ice cream is
“excellent,” “amazing,” and “outstanding”. Although Goodies only makes 3 flavors, the author loves all of them. According to the
author, the only drawback about Goodies ice cream is that "they only make three flavors." We can understand from this information
that the author thinks Goodies is the best ice cream manufacturer. Therefore, the author would probably choose Goodies. (B) is
correct. While the author does like the Randolph Farms ice cream—a manufacturer who makes "a lot of flavors"—he or she always
only gets one flavor. Also, the author says that Randolph Farms ice cream is “very good,” but describes Goodies ice cream as
“excellent”. Since the author enjoys more flavors from Goodies and uses more positive words to describe Goodies, we can
understand that the author prefers Goodies, even though he or she also likes Randolph Farms. This means (A) is incorrect. The
author only likes only one flavor of Disco ice cream. Moreover, the author uses vaguely positive words to describe them, such as
"okay" and "pretty fun." So (C) is incorrect. Since the author describes Twinkle ice cream as “mediocre,” the author would be
unlikely to choose Twinkle. This rules out (D).

13) D
At the end of the passage, the author writes, “You can buy a whole carton of twinkle ice cream for $4.50. That's only two weeks
allowance for me.” Two cartons of ice cream cost twice as much as one carton of ice cream. Since it takes two weeks of allowance
to buy one carton of ice cream, it will take twice that amount to buy two cartons. Two times two weeks is four weeks. (D) is correct.
The passage does not provide information to support choices (A), (B), and (C). Therefore they are incorrect.

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