English Syntax For Russian Speaking Students
English Syntax For Russian Speaking Students
English Syntax For Russian Speaking Students
English Syntax
Абакан 2002
ББК 81.2Англ
Я 936
д-р Дж. Бернхардт (Государственный департамент США)
кфилн, доц. В.Р.Щербик
Яцко В.А.
Я 936
Английский синтаксис для русскоязычных студентов. Учебное пособие –
Абакан: Издательство Хакасского государственного университета им.
Н.Ф.Катанова, 2002. – 86 c.
The syntax is a branch of grammar which studies: 1) phrases, 2) parts of the
sentence, 2) types of sentences distinguished according to their structure and
function in discourse.
Home exercises
9. Point out the subject and say by what it is expressed. Translate into
1. At that moment the postman, looking like a German army officer, came in
with the mail. (Mansfield) 2. The clock struck eight. There was no sign of any of
the other guests. (Huxley) 3. Now, there is something peculiarly intimate in
sharing an umbrella. (Mansfield) 4. Together we walked through the mud and
slush. (Mansfield) 5. Something impersonal and humble in that action seemed to
reassure the Consul. (Cronin) 6. The sight of them, so intent and so quick, gave
Bertha a curious shiver (Mansfield) 7. Eight o'clock in the morning. Miss Ada
Moss lay in a black iron bedstead, staring up at the ceiling. (Mansfield) 8. Still,
the good of mankind was worth working for. (Galsworthy) 9. Sometimes the past
injects itself into the present with a peculiar force. (Heym) 10. Forgetting some
things is a difficult matter. (Voynich). 11. To cross from one end to the other was
difficult because of the water. (Heym) 12. "A person doesn't have to be rich to be
clean," Charles said. (Braine). 13. There was an eagerness and excitement in the
faces of the men. (Heym) 14. ...and Timothy's was but one of hundreds of such
homes in this City of London... (Galsworthy) 15. Let's get out quick. It's no good
wasting time. (Maugham) 16. "Very well," said Soames, "then we know where
we are." (Galsworthy)
10. State the nature of it. Translate into Russian.
1. It was dusky in the dining room and quite chilly. (Mansfield) 2. The bell rang.
It was lean, pale Eddie Warren in a state of acute distress. (Mansfield) 3. Oh! Oh!
Oh! It was a little house. It was a little pink house. (Mansfield). 4. But in her
bosom there was still that bright glowing place. It was almost unbearable.
(Mansfield). 5. She sat up, but she felt quite dizzy, quite drunk. It must have been
the spring. (Mansfield). 6. It was marvellous to be made love like that. (Prichard)
7. It is the moon that makes you talk to yourself in that silly way. (Show). 8. It is
very distressing to me, Sir, to give this information. (Dickens). 9. He took the
path through the fields: it was pleasanter than the road. (Huxley) 10. If this is
liberty, it isn't going to mean a thing. . (Heym) 11. It was now almost four-thirty
in the afternoon. (Dreiser) 12. I took a good room. It was very big and light and
looked out on the lake. (Hemingway)
11. Insert it or there in the following sentences.
1. __ was too cold to sit down, but I paused every now and then to lean on the
parapet... (Murdoch) 2. __ was no mist here and a great vault of clear stars hung
over the city with an intent luxurious brilliance. (Murdoch) 3. In what I could
discern of the Square seemed to be no one about. (Murdoch) 4. __ took me
several minutes to collect myself. (Murdoch) 5. __ did not occur to me to reflect
that there was anything illogical in this and indeed __ was nothing illogical.
(Murdoch) 6. He stood and watched her, sorry. But _ could be no altering it. 7. I
kept my face stern, but __ was so much light within, __ must have showed a
little. (Murdoch) 8.__ was still nearly an hour to wait before their plane was due
to leave... (Murdoch) 9. __ was a little flurry as Georgie dropped her handbag and
Honor picked it up for her. (Murdoch) 10. __ then occurred to me that just this
was precisely what I might be able to manage. (Murdoch) 11. Between
Brangwen and Skrebensky __ was an unbridgeable silence. Sometimes the two
men made a slight conversation, but __ was no interchange. (Lawrence) 12. A
terrible energy pervaded Antonia at this time and — tired me extremely to be
with her. (Murdoch) 13. I say this in case you should after last night's exhibition,
feel any apprehension of possible violence to your brother. I assure you sincerely
that __ is no such possibility. __ only remains for me to apologize to you very
humbly... (Murdoch)
12. Translate the following sentences into Russian:
1. There's only one farm near. 2. From the drawing-room there came sounds, 3.
There seemed only one escape for her hunted soul. 4. There arose a hollow echo
from below. 5. There stood a little crib by Miss Temple's bed. 6. There followed
an endless silence. 7. "There remains another way out," said Stephen, laughing. 8.
His grandfather told him that there was a time when all stories were printed on
13. Translate into English. Say by what the subject is expressed.
1. То, что он сказал, следует запомнить. 2. Бесполезно об этом думать. 3.
Нет смысла идти туда сейчас. 4. Было приятно гулять по лесу в такой
жаркий день. 5. Никогда не поздно признать свою ошибку. 6. Чтобы
получить хорошую оценку на экзамене нужно усердно заниматься. 7.
Нельзя так часто пропускать занятия. 8. Говорить неправду не в моих
привычках. 9. Уже поздно посылать письмо. 10. Кто сделал такую грубую