Gas Efficiency: Gas-Fired Condensing Rooftop Units

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Gas Efficiency: Gas-Fired

Condensing Rooftop Units


Christine Riegler
Northwest Energy
Efficiency Alliance (NEEA)

Emily Pearce
Waypoint Energy

• Objectives
• What is a Condensing RTU?
• Where should a Condensing RTU be installed?
• Case Studies
• O&M Considerations
• Next Steps

• Walk away with knowledge and familiarity of

Condensing RTUs
• Debunk common myths about the technology
• Understand the business cases for considering
Condensing RTUs
• Identify potential pilot sites
Of all of natural gas
Pop Quiz used in the U.S. in 2016,
how much was used in
the commercial sector?

A. 34%
B. 20%
C. 11%
D. 3%
Of all of natural gas
Pop Quiz used in the U.S. in 2016,
how much was used in
the commercial sector?

A. 34%
B. 20%
C. 11%
D. 3%
What is a Condensing RTU
Rooftop Unit (RTU) Basics
• RTUs are HVAC equipment
option used to heat/cool a
commercial building

• They are packaged heating

and cooling units located

• Generally the building is

max 3 stories tall because
the unit pushes conditioned
air down into the building
Acronyms to Know
• RTU = Rooftop Unit
• C-RTU = Condensing Rooftop Unit
• DOAS = Dedicated Outside Air System
• MUA = Make Up Air
• OA = Outside Air
• EFLH = Equivalent Full-Load Hours (runtime)
• AFUE = Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency
• TE = Thermal Efficiency
• CFM = Cubic Feet per Minute (air volume)
• kWh = Kilowatt Hours (electricity)
• BTU = British Thermal Units (gas)
What is a Condensing RTU?

We’re all familiar with a This is a condensing

condensing furnace in rooftop unit for our
our residential homes commercial buildings
What is a Condensing RTU?

• Packaged unit used for This is a condensing

rooftop unit for our
space heating, space
commercial buildings
cooling and ventilation
• Adds a secondary heat
• Requires condensate
Inside the C-RTU

Image Credit: John McKissack, Nortek Reznor RHH Model C-RTU

Who Manufactures C-RTUs?
Why do we care about C-RTUs?



Customer Incentives
Current Market Strategy

Emerging Market Research & Codes &

Technologies Development Evaluation Standards

 Product development  Market characterization

 Lab and field testing  Data acquisition
 Product feasibility and
 Manufacturer engagement
 Technical training  Eliminate barriers to
 Sales training installation found in
 Marketing support local codes
 Incentives
Where should a C-RTU be
What do these buildings have in common?

Retail Medical / Healthcare Gyms

Commercial Kitchens Hotels Schools / Child Care

Ideal Building Candidates for C-RTUs

Lots of Long High Building

ventilation runtimes heating has gas
Pop Quiz

A retail store brings in

100% outdoor air for ventilation
and utilizes an old gas unit to heat A. Probably!
its space 6 months out of the year
B. Maybe?
for its 24/7 operations.
C. Probably not.
Is this building a good candidate for
a C-RTU?
Pop Quiz

A retail store brings in

100% outdoor air for ventilation
and utilizes an old gas unit to heat A. Probably!
its space 6 months out of the year
B. Maybe?
for its 24/7 operations.
C. Probably not.
Is this building a good candidate for
a C-RTU?
Pop Quiz

A retail store brings in

Lots of
100% outdoor air for ventilation
and utilizes an old gas unit to heat Building
has gas
its space 6 months out of the year
Lots of
for its 24/7 operations. heating

Case Studies
Case Study 1
Retail Showroom in Chehalis, WA
30% Outside Air
Case Study 1
Retail Showroom in Chehalis, WA
30% Outside Air

Vertical Condensate System Drain

Condensing (clear flexible tube with 2-way Horizontal Flue
Gas RTU value in vertical vs horizontal drain (white PVC)
Case Study 1
Retail Showroom in Chehalis, WA
30% Outside Air

annual gas
2.2 years
annual gas
Case Study 1
Retail Showroom in Chehalis, WA
30% Outside Air

“Well, we no longer see our owner Jon running around the

showroom spraying Febreze everywhere.” – Elena Payne,
Accountant at Home Carpet Warehouse, Inc.

“As if lower utility bills haven’t been enough, our staff has
experienced significantly less headaches from the fumes and I no
longer hear customers walk into the store and claim that ‘it smells
like carpet in here’ instantly.” – Jon Vigre, Owner of Home Carpet
Warehouse, Inc.
Case Study 1
Retail Showroom in Chehalis, WA
30% Outside Air, Full 2015/2016 Heating Season

Actuals compared to
C-RTU Costs and Paybacks
existing baseline unit

Annual Gas Savings (therms) 462

Annual Gas Cost Savings ($) $392
Annual Electric Savings (kWh) 4,654
Annual Electric Cost Savings ($) $423
Net Energy Cost Savings ($) $815
Total Equipment Cost ($) $4,665
Total Installation Cost ($) $10,835
Total Incremental Installed Cost ($) $1,787
Payback of Incremental Cost (years) 2.2
Case Study 2
Restaurant in Spokane, WA
100% Makeup Air
Case Study 2
Restaurant in Spokane, WA
100% Makeup Air

Condensing Condensate System

Gas RTU Drain in RTU
Case Study 2
Restaurant in Spokane, WA
100% Makeup Air

annual gas
1.3 years
annual gas
Case Study 2
Restaurant in Spokane, WA
100% Makeup Air

“We are very satisfied with the new rooftop unit. I personally spend
30+ hours a week in the kitchen and over the past year we noticed
cooler summers and more comfortable winters with the fresh air
coming in. For the first time since I’ve been here, we were even
able to shut off the swamp cooler we purchased a few years
ago entirely.” – Daniel, Kitchen Manager at The Onion Bar & Grill.

“Those secondary heat exchangers really make these units

head-and-shoulders above noncondensing units in terms of
efficiency. While they require more work on our part with regard to
condensate piping and freeze protection, the customer gets a lot
more out of the unit. From a strictly energy efficiency standpoint,
the potential is there.” – Chris, Project Manager at Holliday Heating
Case Study 2
Restaurant in Spokane, WA
100% Makeup Air, Full 2015/2016 Heating Season

Actuals compared to
C-RTU Costs and Paybacks
existing unit

Annual Gas Savings (therms) 1,902

Annual Gas Cost Savings ($) $1,617
Annual Electric Savings (kWh) 3,003
Annual Electric Cost Savings ($) $273
Net Energy Cost Savings ($) $1,890
Total Equipment Cost ($) $32,726
Total Installation Cost ($) $22,329
Total Incremental Installed Cost ($) $2,529
Payback of Incremental Cost (years) 1.3
O&M Considerations
Step by Step Operations
• Flame (blue) runs through heat exchanger
(pink) until gas leaves out of flue (yellow
• Fan sends cold air over hot heat exchanger
unit it leaves at 95°F, delivering hot air to the
• Water management plays into the high-
efficiency unit, and the temperature of
exhaust fumes varies as well:
– @ 80% Efficiency:
Air Temp is > 200°F,
No Water
– @ 90% Efficiency:
Air Temp is < 130°F,
Lot of Water
Pop Quiz Why does a Condensing
Gas RTU save more
energy than a
Conventional Gas RTU?

A. Faster Air Flow

B. Lower Heat Gas Flame
C. Heat Exchanger
Pop Quiz Why does a Condensing
Gas RTU save more
energy than a
Conventional Gas RTU?

A. Faster Air Flow

B. Lower Heat Gas Flame
C. Heat Exchanger
Condensate Management

• Get the piping right

• Install condensate pump for drainage

• Neutralize the condensate before disposing

• Plan for freezing temps and freeze protection

• Organize proper proactive maintenance

Get the Piping Right

Configure drain lines such that

Use PVC/CPVC that meet
future cleanout and clearing of
appropriate ASTM/CSA
blockages will not require the
drain line to be cut

Route drain lines inside curbs Provide a minimum slope of 2%

and inside the building when for gravity-driven drainage. This is
possible equal to a slope of ¼” per foot.

Provide a condensate trap (at

least 6” high unless using a
Space support hangers or waterless trap) directly after the
brackets at a minimum of C-RTU drain outlet to prevent air
every three feet along the run from entering the unit. Ensure the
of a suspended pipe trap is in conditioned space to
prevent freezing.
Install Condensate Pump for Drainage
Install a condensate pump where gravity will not sufficiently provide
condensate drainage

Ensure that the pump is correctly sized to handle two to three times
the volume of condensate that will be produced in order to avoid
100% run times during cold weather

Ensure that the pump is either rated to handle acidic condensate or

has integrated neutralization capability

Place the condensate pump up-stream of the neutralizer to avoid

calcium deposit build-up in the pump

Install fault detection such that when the pump fails the unit will stop
Neutralize the Condensate Before Disposing

Neutralize condensate to a pH of 5 or above

before depositing into sanitary or drain lines

Select a neutralizer that is designed to handle the

estimated flow rate produced at peak heating

Choose a neutralization media that contains a

minimum of 90% calcium carbonate
Plan for Freezing Temps & Freeze Protection

Install outdoor condensing equipment on a curb. Slab

mounting is not recommended.

Install frost free traps immediately after the

condensing unit drain output.

Install heat trace along the pipe where exposed to outside

temperatures. In extremely cold areas install heat trace
even when piping is routed inside the curb.

Do not drain the condensate onto the roof area.

Organize Proper Proactive Maintenance

Scheduled preventative maintenance is critical.

Failure to regularly service neutralizers, pumps,
and drain lines can lead to system failure and
building damage.

Replace neutralization media annually to avoid

blockage from build-up of dissolved media in

Inspect and clean condensate pumps. Ensure

that all calcium deposits are removed.
Curbs & Adapters
• Each brand of RTU has a different
style/version of curbs. When a new
RTU is installed, a curb “adapter” is
sometimes needed so the unit fits on
the building.
condensate piping has to route properly
through the curb otherwise it can freeze
and the unit will break.
• Make sure the installer routes The edge at the bottom of
condensate drain lines inside curbs and RTUs? That’s a curb.
inside the building when possible.
Pop Quiz How do you make sure
the condensate in your
C-RTU doesn’t freeze?
A. Get the piping right
B. Install condensate pump for
C. Neutralize the condensate before
D. Plan for freezing temps and freeze
E. Organize proper proactive
Pop Quiz How do you make sure
the condensate in your
C-RTU doesn’t freeze?
A. Get the piping right
B. Install condensate pump for
C. Neutralize the condensate before
D. Plan for freezing temps and
freeze protection
E. Organize proper proactive
Code Variations & Interpretations
Code varies by state/city/locality for The City of Portland Commercial
plumbing, mechanical, wastewater and Building Code Guides does not have a
specific section to address condensate
building code requirements for
drains on fuel-burning appliances,
condensate management (disposal and though an inspector indicated that
neutralization) neutralizers are required for approval in
Portland as a requirement of the
• International Association of Plumbing and Portland Office of Environmental
Mechanical Officials (IAMPO) – Services
International Plumbing Code & Uniform
Plumbing Code The City of Seattle’s 2015 Fuel Gas
Code specifically adopts the IFGC
• International Mechanical Code (IMC)
Section 307.1 through 307.5,
Uniform Mechanical Code verbatim, with regards to condensate
• International Code Council (ICC) disposal, and also included a Section
307.6 regarding condensate pumps. If a
International Fuel and Gas Code (IFGC) unit is installed in an uninhabitable
• Original equipment manufacturer (OEM) space (i.e. attic), the unit must be
configured to cease operation if the
recommendations for installation and
condensate pump stops operation
Next Steps
Next Steps

• Contact Christine Riegler with

questions or feedback
• Download and share resources
from the BetterBricks C-RTU site
• Ask your contractor and
engineer teams about C-RTUs
for commercial projects
Contact Information

Christine Riegler
[email protected]
(503) 688-5440

Emily Pearce
[email protected]
(503) 347-8610
Thank you!

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