DR24 Exercise Report Template: Title: Exercise Report For Drill Date of Exercise

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DR24 Exercise Report Template

The exercise report records, describes and analyses the exercise—drawing on debriefs and reports
from observers—and derives lessons from it.

It is prepared after the exercise by the facilitation team and exercise director.

It should be circulated to the participating organization(s) for input. It should also be presented to
senior-level authorities of the participating organizations for their endorsement.

The report should be provided to management and interested parties when it is finalized.

Title: Exercise report for [NAME] drill
Date of exercise: [DD/MM/YYYY]
Front page
Insert organisation logo. Insert exercise title and date.

Insert the summary of the different sections of the report.

List the acronyms used in the report.

The introduction presents a brief description of the exercise:

 Purpose, scope and objectives

 A summary of participants, resources, exercise location, set-up and staging, and the activities
relating to the preparation and execution of the exercise.

The methodology section presents a brief description of the methodology:

 The methodology of the evaluation: composition and organization of the evaluation team,
evaluation of the exercise
 The methodology of the exercise debriefing.
The observations present the exercise outcome along with the input from observers and
participating organizations, and the debriefings. They refer to the purpose and objectives of the
exercise, describing key outcomes, and highlighting actions taken and significant strengths and

The observation section also presents the results of the participant feedback forms.

Recommendations and conclusion

This section includes:

 Recommendations for improvements, with responsibilities assigned and completion dates

 Recommendations for a next exercise
 Any limitations on findings or guidance on how findings should be interpreted.

Conclusions and next steps

This section includes:
 Conclusions regarding the validity of the exercise
 Next steps for the exercise report:
o Circulation to participating organization(s) for input
o Finalization and release to ministry of health.

Annexe 1 – Action plan

Annexe 2 - Scenario

Annexe 3 - Exercise agenda

Annexe 4 - List of participants

Annexe 5 – Participant feedback forms: detailed results

Annexe 6 – Transcription of debriefing session.

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