Module 1 - Lesson 2 - Contemporary Arts

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Module 1Q1


Integrative Art as Applied to Contemporary Art

TOPIC LESSON 2: Contemporary Art Forms and Practices from the Regions.

This lesson will discuss different modern and contemporary art forms and practices
from the regions and in the country in general. This will also tackle the characteristics
OVERVIEW of the various art forms as they developed from the American Colonial period up to

MELC Week 3- Describes various contemporary art forms and their practices from the
various regions

LESSON LEARINGS After the lesson, the students should be Able to :

OBJECTIVES  Classifies various art forms in the Philippines
 Identify the different contemporary art forms and practices or initiatives from
the regions,
 Appreciate contemporary art forms and practices.

Contemporary Philippine Arts Quarter 1Neric Rivera

Engaging with Arts
Focus Questions (Formattive assessment)
1. Can you cite the seven major art forms in the Philippines and describe their
characteristics in the modern and contemporary context?
2. Do you know any regional iniatives and practices in doing, promoting, and preserving
contemporary art?
Pre-test (Formative assessment)
Reminder: This is to test your background knowledge about the 7 major art forms and the
history of the Arts in the Philippines. If you are enrolled in the online modality you can submit
it online by sending the copy of your activity in my Gmail account [email protected]
but if your enrolled in the Modular Learning Modality you can print the activity you have and
your parents wll be submitting it here in school, but if you are enrolled in flexible learning you
can choose between the two options.

Major art forms What I know about it! What do I want to

know about it?
1. Visual Arts

2. Literature

3. Music

4. Dance

5. Architecture

6. Theater

7. Film

Contemporary Philippine Arts Quarter 1Neric Rivera


According to Sayseng and Sandagan(2016) The Philippine Contemporary Art is divided into
seven major art forms: visual arts, literature, music, theatre, dance, architecture, and film.

In the American period, education was introduced to the Philippines. There were Filipinos who
studied abroad and influenced the art making in the country. Juan Arellano, Diosdado Lorenzo,
and Victorio Edades were among those who studied outside the Philippines. These three artist
went back and introduced the concept of modern art in the country. They were also called as the
VICTORIO EDADES- introduced the modern visual art through his art exhibition which
shocked many Filipino audiences due to his different style in painting. Instead of using bright
and happy Colors, he used dull and dark hues in his works with the life of the laborers, workers,
and lower sector of the society as his subjects.
THIRTEEN MODERNS- Vicenete Mansala, Cesar Legaspi, Anita Magsaysay-ho,Hernando
Ocampo, Carlos Francisco were few of those composing the thrirteen Modern, it was noticeable
that during the American period, the subjects artworks shifted from rural to urban themes.
War II, artist started creating proletarian art which depicts the lie after the war, social issues, and
economic problems.
MODERNISM- garnered a larger influence since there were institutions created like the art
Association etc.
Through the year’s different artist carrying different styles in making arts became popular and
various visual art trends emerged. There were stylistics arts and drawings thematic artworks
reflecting historical, social economic, and political themes. Different mediums were also
employed in art making. It was also during this period Paris Cubism took its scene. It is a kind of
cubism showing fragmented figures in larger planes, color harmonies and texture. (Sayseng and
Sandagan, 2016)

Figure 4.(geringer, 2020)

According to Sayseng and Sandagan (2016) Most known cubist in their times, Vicente
Manansala, Romeo Tabuena, and Cesar Legaspi. Also, during the modern period, abstraction

Contemporary Philippine Arts Quarter 1Neric Rivera

was employed. Among the known abstractionist during those time were H.R. Ocampo,
Constantino Bernardo, Frederico Aguilar Alcuaz, Arturo Luz and Jose Joya.
Napoleon Abueva- became famous in sculpture because of his technique and materials that he is
using like the variety of woods, metals and stones. He also combined these materials to produce
unique sculpture and because of that other sculptors joined Abueva in his modernism and
produced creative works.
Arts in the Philippines during these period reflects dynamism, freedom of expression and
concern to the masses. This kind of art continued to flourish, and the number of artist’s eager of
creating innovations increased. (Sayseng and Sandagan, 2016)
Ang Kiukok painted in expressionistic style
BenCab worked with realism and experimental devices
Sculptors like Ramon Orlina and Impy Pilapil Explored the use of glass in making

Figure 5. Impy Pilapil’s Glass Work

There were also social realist who continued doing proletarian art but this time, they used other
popular art forms in conveying nationalistic messages like a comic, posters and cartoons.
MAGIC REALSIM- entered the art scene. This refers to the style in a painting showing minute
details of the subjects and Highlighting their texture and Color. An Example of this is the Bigas
Artwork by Nestor Leynes.

Figure. 6 Nestor Leyne’ Bigas

Genre painting is showing the lives of town-folks, legends and traditions stayed in the Philippine
Contemporary period. Moreover the use of indigenous materials became a trend in sculptures
and installation art to promote environmental awareness
Indeed, visual art has developed and transformed through the years. The significant development
of the modern and contemporary art in the country only shows how creative, innovative and free

Contemporary Philippine Arts Quarter 1Neric Rivera

thinkers the Filipinos are. In order promote and preserve the rich artistry in the country.
(Sayseng and Sandagan, 2016)
The bond between the Philippines and the American still continues even after the declaration of
independence in 1946 which is evident in the continual flourishment of modernism.
IN THE FIELD OF POERTY- during the contemporay period, publication of young poets to
campus journals emerged. The “Bagay” Movement also took the scene, it is a kind of poetry
which uses colloquial language and is built on concrete images which tend to describe
experiences, poets Jose F. Lacaba, Rolando Tinio, Bienvenido Lumbera, Antonio Samson, and
Edmundo Martinez started the Bagay Movement.
AMADO V. HERNANDEZ- introduced another type of poetry through his work “Ang Bayang
Malaya” it is along narrative piece about a peasant leader , oppression and fighting for human
rights are the main themes of the said piece. In the succeeding poems developed by the Filipino
poets, the influence of Amado V. Hernandez was evident.

Figure 7. Amado V. Hernandez

Social protest and social realism became the theme of the poems. Protest poetry proliferated. The
nationalist spirit of many writers arose because of the Marshall Law during the contemporary
period, the works of American and British poets influenced the English poems in the Philippines.
Poets like Edith Tiempo, Emmanuel Torres and Dominador Ilio were among those who
influenced by Western poets. Their works revolved on subjects like the search for love and
identity, oppression and those subjects concerning the poet’s private worlds. This kind of poetry
was followed by poems containing social issues. The rise of the nationalistic poetry discussing
poverty, in equality, political turmoil and other social problems started during the Marcos Era.
(Sayseng and Sandagan, 2016)

Contemporary Philippine Arts Quarter 1Neric Rivera

Figure 8. From left to right Nick Joaquin, Alejandro Roces, Editha Tiempo, NVM Gonzales.

In the area of short story, after the World War II, short stories focused on the self-consciousness
and self-expression of the writer. Some of the know English short story writers during those
times are N.V.M Gonzales, Nick Joaquin, Alejandro Roces, Francisco Arcellana, Gregorio
Brillantes, Bienvenido Santos, Edith Tiempo,etc. During the contemporary period there are also
short stories produced whice use vernacular language. However, it was only the publication of
Filipino literary works that continued due to the lack of moral and financial support, and due to
the writer’s choice of producing works using a language that can be understood by more readers.
In the area of novels, the production of novels with socio political themes continued after the
World War II. English novelist, on the other hand, like the English poets and short story writer,
focused on the search for identity
In the area of essay and criticism, literary criticism was produced after the World War II aiming
to analyse the Philippines writings. Informal essay, on the other hand, also took the scene which
was developed by women writers. The Contemporary Literature was a mixture of a variety of
subjects. It is also a product of different innovative techniques of writers. (Sayseng and
Sandagan, 2016)

Figure 9. Freddie
Aguilar Source;

Based on the book of Sayseng and Sandagan (2016) During the early American period, the music
of the country was mostly classical due to the influence of the European. This kind of music
continued flourishing until 1950s. It was in the 1960s that avant-garde music emerged. The
Philippine Music at the time evolved into a combination of classical and traditional or ethnic
music at the time evolved into a combination of classical and traditional or ethnic music. As time
goes by, due to the introduction of radio, film, and other entertainment technology, the theater
music that once flourished gradually declined. However, the rondallas or the srting bands remain
even up to the present.
Philippine music continuously evolved, and Pinoy pop music took place, Pinoy pop covers
different forms like jazz, dance hits, folksong revival, rock and roll, rap, etc. western-derived
with English lyrics jut with pure Filipino spirit. Later on the OPM or the Original Pilipino Music
became popular. The OPM is a kind of music purely Filipino and is composed and sung by

Contemporary Philippine Arts Quarter 1Neric Rivera

Filipino composers and singers. The OPM is a kind of music purely Filipino and is composed
and sung by Filipino composers and singers. The OPM was followed by another form of popular
music called “alternative music” Folk balladeers influenced by the alternative music. This type
of music sprouted out of protest that later on included themes like Filipino values, political and
environmental concerns, and other societal themes. Some example of alternative music are
Freddie Aguilars’s Anak, Herbert Bartolome’s Tayo’y mga Pinoy, and Florante De Leon’s Akoy
Pilipino. (Sayseng and Sandagan, 2016)
Here are some examples of alternative music Click the link below (if you are enrolled in
modular modality, I have prepared you a soft copy of all the sample)

At present, different music genre like pop, rock, OPM, indegenous music, jazz, rap a mixture of
different genre like ethnic rock, and many other forms exist in the music industry. Also, rock
bands and pops stars entered the lime light.
 In the original set up, through the establishment of CCP (Cultural Center of the
Philippines), Filipinos music as well as the Filipino artists were given importance.
 There were provincial art councils established which preserves the traditional music and
innovate Philippine Music.
 Indigenous music continuously thrives and spread in different localities.
 Local composers continuously create a vernacular songs. Moreover, local festivals were
 However American introduced the bodabil stage show
 Bodabil in the American period was not a form of stage play, because it was composed
mainly of songs dances and skits.
 During the Japanese period bodabil included short drama.
The educational system established by the American in the country paved the way to the
development of legitimate theater.
 Through the western education, production of Shakespearean plays and others.
 Western contemporary classics entered the scene.

In the early stage of Philippine theater:

 Western culture greatly influenced theater production
 Artist imitate popular American actors and actresses
 Philippine theater was Americanized
However, later on because of the exposure of different theatrical styles and dramatic theories, the
Filipinos were able to expand their horizon and create stage plays that reflect Philippine realities
and set up. Those Filipinos in the field of theater started to experiment on traditional theater
forms like:
 Sarswela
 Komedya
 Senakulo

Contemporary Philippine Arts Quarter 1Neric Rivera

Included in the directors who significantly contributed in the progress of the Philippine theater
are the national Artists Lamberto Avellana, Severino Montano, and Wilfedo Ma. Guerrero.
There are different styles employed in the Philippine Contemporary theater.
 Representational style -composed of psychological and social realism
(Psychological realism- deals with the problems of individuals)
(Social realism- deals with the problems of individuals, considering their society)
Highlights discussion of social ideas - this Style was employed during the Marcos Regime,
realistic portrayal was prohibited. (Sayseng and Sandagan, 2016)
Presentational style made use of different methods like dance, song, mime etc. to summon ideas
from the audience.
Here is an example of “ theater of the oppressed” by Augusto Boal click the link below

There are other forms of theater art that emerged like dula-dula. This is a short drama poem.
Musicals with contemporary themes, dance dramas employing ethnic music and choreography,
plays mixing realistic and non-realistic styles, and traditional drama forms with contemporary
messages are also among the different theater art forms today.

Appreciating the Arts

Now it’s your time to discover the different and Rich Contemporary art forms and
practices from the Regions here in the Philippines. Yours task is to research about the
last three art forms we have and those are dance, architecture and films. Follow the steps
I’ll be including for those who are in the online learning program you can submit it using
your Gmail account and send it to my Gmail ( [email protected] ) if you are enrolled in
the modular program you can answer it on the separate paper from the module, but if you are
enrolled in flexible learning style then probably you can choose between the two. Let start to
discover more about the treasure of the Philippine Arts.

Read and analyze the different guided questions for you to build a comprehensive
Guided questions for DANCE
1. What happened to the dance art form of the Philippines during the first year of the
American Period?
2. How Ballet entered the scene?
3. What does the Modern Dance means?
4. How folk and social dances entered the lime light?
5. Does traditional and folk dances still performs or still alive in the contemporary setting?
Guided questions for ARCHITECTURE
1. What happened in the American colonial and contemporary period in terms of

Contemporary Philippine Arts Quarter 1Neric Rivera

2. What does it mean that the Philippines Architecture was characterized as simple rational
and functional?
3. Who are the Filipinos who introduced the neoclassic style in building structures?
4. What is “tsalet” and its speciality during the 20th century?
5. What does it mean that Filipino houses is Americanized?
6. What type of architectural designs and structures arrived during Marcos Era?
Guided questions for FILM
1. When did the Philippine film industry started?
2. Who is Edward Gross and Harry Brown?
3. Who is the first Filipino, who produced a film and is also tagged as the father of Filipino
4. When did production of movie stopped?
5. What are the four film studios, who became prominent and called as the Big 4?
6. What is BCMP and its functions?
7. Who are the new young directors who started the so called new-cinema during the
Marcos Era?
8. What are the subjects and themes in film now in the contemporary period?

Analyze and start to search about the different contemporary art forms and
practices. Remember to follow the following rubrics upon creating your research
Content – 20 points relativity to the topic – 15 points
Creativity – 5 points questions are answer and used well- 10 points

Collate all the information you have gathered and submit it according to the
ways you are comfortable and after that I’ll be messaging each of you if I
already checked your work. After receiving the confirmation of mine review well
your work because we will be having a quiz about your research.

Figure 10. Philippine Dance, Source;

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Figure 11. Philippine Architecture

Figure 12. Philippine Film

Contemporary Philippine Arts Quarter 1Neric Rivera

Contemporary Philippine Arts Quarter 1Neric Rivera

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