Science Activity Sheet Quarter 3 - Melc 3 Week 4-5: Characteristics of Light, Sound and Heat

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Science Activity Sheet

Week 4-5
Characteristics of Light,
Sound and Heat


Science 4
Activity Sheet No. 3- Characteristics of Sound, Light and Heat
First Edition, 2020

Published in the Philippines

By the Department of Education
Region 6 – Western Visayas

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Name of Learner: ____________________________________________________
Grade and Section: ____________________________ Date:__________________


Characteristics of Light, Sound and Heat

I. Learning Competency with Code

Describe how light, sound and heat travel (S4FE-IIIf-g-4)

II. Background Information for Learners

In the previous lessons, you learned about the effects of force when
applied to an object and characterized magnetic force. This time, you will
have another lesson to learn and this is about how light, sound and heat

Energy is the ability to do work. Both living and non-living things

need energy to do work. Light, sound and heat are forms of energy. They
travel using various objects.

III. Accompanying DepEd Textbook and Educational Sites

Department of Education. (2015). K-12 Basic Education Curriculum,

Science 4 Learners Material (pp. 60-94). Pasig City, Philippines

IV. Activity Proper

Activity 1: “How does light travel?”

What you need:

• flashlight or cellphone with flashlight

What to do:

1. Switch on the flashlight.

2. Aim the beam of light towards the wall. Observe the direction of
the light.

3. Place your open palm in front of the flashlight. Observe what
happen to the light.

Guide Questions:

1. What did you observe about the direction

of the light from the flashlight when you
aimed it to the wall?

Figure 1. Light from the flashlight

aimed to the wall

2. When you blocked the light with your hand, can you still see the
beam of light reaching the wall? Why?

3. Did the light bend when you placed your hand in front of the

4. Based on your observation, what can you say about the path of
light as it travels? Explain your answer.

Many scientists have been studying the nature of light. Some says
that light behaves like a wave. Other scientists say that light behaves like
a group of particles. Sun is the main source of light. Other common
sources of light are electric bulb, flashlight, and fires. Light helps you see
different things in your environment. Some materials can block the light,
and there are also materials that allow light to pass through them.

Do you know how light travels?

Based on the activity, you have observed that light travels in a

straight line when going through a single medium. A medium is any
substance through which a light wave can travel. Light cannot bend

around a corner. Aside from travelling in a straight line, light also travels
in all directions. It can travel very fast. Mediums like air, water and
transparent glass slow down the speed of light. Materials like a cardboard,
a book, a wood or a plastic chair or a wall can block the light.

Activity 2: “How does sound travel?”

What you need:

• A ticking clock
• Balloon filled with water
• Wooden door
What to do:
1. Cover one ear. Hold the clock 5cm
away from your ear. Can you hear the
clock ticking?

2. Place the water-filled balloon against

your ear. Hold the clock against the
balloon. Can you hear the clock
ticking? Figure 2. A boy trying to hear the
ticking sound of the clock.
3. Place your ear against a wooden door
and the clock on the other side while covering your other ear.
Can you hear the clock ticking?

Guide Question:

1. In which material did you hear the sound of the ticking clock best
t? Why?

Sound, just like color, adds life to your world. It makes the world
alive and keeps you moving. Each day, you encounter a lot of sounds from
the time you wake up until you sleep. Sound can let you communicate
with others or let others communicate with you.

Have you ever wondered how sound travels?

Sound is produced when something is hit or plucked so that it begins

to vibrate. When objects make sound, they move back and forth. This

movement is called vibration. A sound wave travels at different speed
through different media. Sound cannot travel in a vacuum.

Based on the activity, sound waves travel quickly in solid. The

materials in solids are very close to each other. In most liquids, materials
are not closely packed so sound waves travel little less quickly and
bounce back less easily than in solid. Sound waves travel more slowly in
liquids. However, sound waves travel slowest in gases because materials
are very loosely packed.

Activity 3: “How does heat transferred in solid materials?”

What you need:

• 1 cup hot water
• 2 tbsp powdered milk
• cup/mug
• metal spoon

What to do:
1. Prepare your cup.
2. In your cup, put the powdered milk then add hot water (be
careful when pouring hot water to the cup, ask assistance
from your parents).
3. Stir the mixture using the metal spoon. Let the metal spoon
stand for about 5 mins.
4. Carefully feel the exposed end of the spoon.
5. Slightly touch the outside surface of the cup with your

Guide Questions:
1. What did you feel when you touched the
outside surface of the cup with your fingers?
2. What happened to the exposed end of the
metal spoon after 5 minutes?
3. What caused the condition you observed of
the cup and the spoon? Figure 3. Hot milk in a cup

Activity 4: “How does heat transferred in liquid materials?”

What you need:

• cooking pot
• 8 cups water
• 3 fresh eggs
What to do:
(Note: Ask your mother or any adult at home to assist you with
this activity.)
1. Put water into the cooking pot.
2. Add the egg.
3. Place the cooking pot over a fire and allow to boil.
4. When it starts to boil, observe what happens to the water
the egg.
Guide Questions:

1. What happened to the eggs while the

water was boiling?

Figure 4. Boiling of eggs in a
2. How will you describe the movement of the eggs whilepotthe
water was boiling?
3. What is the direction of the movement of water while being

Activity 5: “How does heat travel through air?”

What you need:

Choose any of the following:
chocolate bar/ ice cream in a cone/margarine/butter/ice
What to do:
(Note: Perform this activity during noontime in a sunny day.)
1. Place the chocolate bar/ ice cream/margarine/butter/ice
under the sun for 5 minutes.

2. Observe what happened to the chocolate bar/ ice
cream/margarine/butter/ice after 5 minutes under the sun.

Guide Questions:
1. What happened to the chocolate bar/ ice
cream/margarine/butter/ice after five minutes of
being exposed to the heat of the sun?

2. Based on your activity, in what way does heat

from the sun travel?
______________________________________ Figure 5. Ice cream under
the heat of the sun

3. Give one example of cooking at home where food is cooked

even without being in direct contact with the fire or source of

Heat is a form of energy and it is very important in many ways. Heat

is transferred from one object to another.
Have you experienced walking barefoot outside your house on a hot
day? How did the skin of your feet touching the ground feel? Did you like
it? Your feet felt the heat of the ground, right?

The heat of the sun travels. When it reaches the earth, it warms the
surface of the earth. Heat can travel in different objects. It can move
through a material without the material moving itself.

Heat can move from one object to another in three different ways:
conduction (solid materials), convection (liquid materials), and
radiation (through air).

1. Conduction is the transfer of heat among solid materials. It is the heat

transfer from a substance to another by direct contact. The materials do
not move while heat is transferred.

Conductors are materials that allow heat to flow through easily. Metals
are good conductors. That is why you use them as cooking utensils
because heat moves fast through the metal pan to the food. In the activity,
the spoon is heated easily when placed in a hot cup of milk because it is
made of metal.

On the other hand, insulators are materials through which heat pass
slowly or not at all. Some good insulators are cloth, rubber, wood, plastic
and ceramic. Rubber, wood and plastic are use in the handles of cooking
utensils because they do not allow heat to pass through.

2. Convection is the transfer of heat by a moving fluid. Convection is the

heat transfer in liquids and gases as particles circulate in currents. Fluids
include liquids and gases. When gas or liquid is heated, it carries the heat
energy as it moves away from the source of heat. This is shown when you
boil water. Heat from the source is absorbed by water causing it to boil.

The movement of the wind is a result of air convection. Warm air rises
while cool air sinks. During day time, air over the land is heated. Heated
air expands and rises. The cool air over the sea moves towards the land.

3. Radiation is a way where heat is transmitted or transferred through

space. It does not depend on the presence of matter or a material to
transfer heat.

The heat you receive from the sun is radiant heat. Radiant energy
travels as waves through space. Heat waves from the sun warms the
earth. This is the reason you feel warm during daytime. This process is
useful when you dry your clothes under the heat of the sun or in making
dried fish.

Activity 6: Analyze the given situations carefully then answer the
questions that follows.
In the given illustrations, in what setup do the person will be
able to see the light from the candle and why?


You and your friends were having swimming in the river.
While you were swimming underwater, one of your friends struck/hit
two stones together underwater. Were you able to hear the sound
produced by your friend? Why?


At noon time, your mother asked you to buy ingredients for her
tinolang manok for your lunch at the mini store. While you were
walking under the heat of the sun, you have noticed that your head
gets warm. Why do you feel that way when you walk under the sun?
How do you think the heat from the sun reaches the earth?

V. Reflection

Complete the statements below.

I understand

I don’t understand

I need more information about


VI. Links and/or Other References

Department of Education. (2015). K-12 Basic Education Curriculum,

Science 4 Learners Material, Pasig City, Philippines, 186-206
Mapa, A.P., Vengco, L.G. and Potenciano, J.L. (2015). Science for Active
Learning. Quezon City: Sibs Publishing House, Inc., 299-309
Abracia, N.M., and Sarte, E.T. et. Al. (2014). Science in our World,
Quezon City: Vibal Publishing, Inc., 141-160

Activity 1
1. The direction of the light is straight.
2. No, I can’t see the beam of the light reaching the wall when I placed my hand
in front of the light.
3. No, the light didn’t bend when I placed my hand in front of the flashlight.
4. The light travel in a straight line.
Activity 2
1. Door (solid). The sound is louder the sound vibrations travels faster through
solids than in liquid and gas.
Activity 3
1. The surface of the cup is hot.
2. The exposed part of the spoon become hot.
3. The hot water is responsible of the condition of cup and spoon
Activity 4
1. While the water is boiling, eggs are moving.
2. The movement of the eggs moves in motion of fluids in current while the
water was boiling.
3. The hot water moves up while the cold water above sinks.
Activity 5
1. The chocolate bar or ice cream melt after five minutes exposed to the heat of
the sun.
2. The heat of the sun travel through space.
3. Answers may vary.
Activity 6
Set up A. Light travels in a straight line when going through a single medium.
Light cannot bend around a corner.
Yes. Because sound waves travel in liquids. But unlike solids, most liquids
materials are not closely packed so sound waves travel little less quickly and
bounce back less easily than in solid.
You feel warm because the radiant energy travels as waves through space. Heat
waves from the sun warms the earth.
VII. Answer Key

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