SemiFinal Highway and Railroad

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Puerto Princesa City



Subject: Highway and Railway Engineering

NAME: Paul Erjhun Nalica

Part -1, Multiple Choice:

Instruction: Encircle the correct answer you choice.

1. The maintenance works are not possible for________________

a. Shoulder b. Pavements c. Embankment d. Subgrade

2. The maintenance of rigid pavement is ________________.

a. Easy b. difficult c. Very difficult d. Neutral

3. The desired cross slope in embankment is______________.

a.1 % b. 2% c.3% d. 4%

4. On roads where the soil has been deposited should be stripped by ____.
a. Trowel b. Vicat apparatus c. Blade grader d. Bulldoz

5. The soil erosion may take place on roadside drains where the longitudinal
slope is?
a. Very steep b. Steep c. Normal d. Not steep

6. The longitudinal slope erosion can be corrected by _______.

a. Compaction b. Consolidated soil
c. Permeability d. Void ratio

7. The culvert is a structure whose span is less than _____________.

a. 15m b. 60m c. 7m d. 6m
8. The slope and edges of road embankment get eroded leading to the formation
of ___________.
a.Ruts b. Cuts c. Pot holes d. Cracks

9. The measure not adopted to take care of the embankment failure is

a. Benching b. Grass turf
c. Stone pitching d. Rise of embankment above HFL.

10. The miscellaneous road factor for maintenance is _____________.

a. Surface pavement b. Shoulder
c. Kerbs and median d. Geometric design

11. The braking efficiency mainly depends on__________________.

a. Sight distance b. PIEV theory
c. Friction d. Length of the curve

12. The braking efficiency for a vehicle moving with a speed of 18kph, having a
lag distance of 14m and coefficient of longitudinal friction is 0.36.
a.25.28 % b. 25.4 % c. 25.6 % d. 25.8 %

13. If the longitudinal coefficient of friction is 0.4, then the resultant retardation in
m/sec² as per IRC will be ___________.
a.3.93 b. 4.00 c.4.01 d. 4.02

14. The unevenness index for a good pavement surface of high speed should be
a.1500mm/km b. 25mm/km
c. 3500mm/km d. 4500mm/km

15. The camber required depends on ________.

a. Type of pavement b. Rainfall
c. Both a & b d. Rainfall characteristic
16. The branch of engineering that deals with improvement of traffic performance,
studies and traffic network is called ___________. a. Highway engineering
b. Railway engineering
c. Traffic engineering d. Traffic management

17. For design of roads pedestrian is considered as ___________.

a. Elements of traffic b. Intruder in traffic
c. Essential part of traffic d. Controller of traffic

18. The basic objective of traffic engineering is to achieve _________.

a. Efficient, free and rapid flow of traffic with least priority given to accidents
b.Efficient, free and rapid flow of traffic with fewer accidents.
c. Efficient and rapid flow of traffic
d. Rapid flow of traffic

19. The study of traffic engineering is divided into how many major categories?
a. Five b. Six c. Seven d. eight

20. Which of the following roads are congested during peak hours?
a. Rural roads b. Urban roads c. Highways d. Express ways

21. It is the application of the principle of engineering, planning, analysis and

design to the disciplines compromising transportation, its vehicle and physical
a. Transportation engineering b. Highway engineering
c. Structural engineering d. Geotechnical engineering

22. Distance required when vehicles can overtake and pass each other.
a. Stopping sight distance b. Sight distance
c. Non-passing sight distance d. Passing sight distance

23. Distance required for an emergency stop.

a. Stopping sight distance b. Sight distance
c. Non-passing sight distance d. Passing sight distance
24. The clear distance ahead needed by a driver to bring his vehicle to stop before
meeting a stationary object on his way.
a.Stopping sight distance b. Sight distance
c. Non-passing sight distance d. Passing sight distance

25. A bituminous coat which ensures a bond between an existing surface and the
super imposed layer.
a. Prime coat b. Bitumen coat
c. Tact coat d. seal coat

26. The number of vehicle that pass a specified point on a highway in specific
period of time.
a. Traffic phase b. Traffic time regime
c. Density of traffic d. Traffic volume

27. The process of the binder separating from a coated aggregate due to water.
a.Stripping b. Clearing c. Stabilization d. Restructuring

28. The longest distance a driver can see in front of him.

a. Passing sight distance b. Non – passing sight distance
c. Sight distance d. Stopping sight distance

29. The percent of the roadway that is covered by the vehicles.

a. Slope b. Occupancy
c. Centrifugal slope d. Upward slope

30. In urban areas, advance warning signs should be placed at a distance of

__________ in advance of the hazardous area.
a. not less than 30m or more than 100 m.
b. not less than 25 m or more than 50 m.
c.not less than 20 m or more than 40 m.
d.not less than 40 m or more than 100 m.

Part 2: Solving Problems, show your solution

1. (CE Board nov. 1998) A highway curve has a super elevation of 7⁰

(deg.). Find the radius of the curve so that there will be no lateral
pressure between the tires and the roadway at speed of 40 miles per
hour.(mph)? a. 73.70 m
a.256.17 m
b.265.71 m
c.163.10 m
d.none of these


V= (40 mi/hr)(5280 ft/ 1min)(1m/3.281 ft)(1hr/3600s)

= 17.88 m/s

Tan θ = v²/gr

Tan 7° = (17.88)²/(9.81)r

2. (CE Board may 2015) Compute the impact factor for a horizontal curve
radius of 400 m if the design speed is 120 km per hour (kph)

a. 3.67
b. 0.283
c. 2.83
d. 33.33
e. none of these

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