GG Highway

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Objective Questions
(01 to 15)

Q.1) Nagpur road plan formulae were prepared by

a. Rectangular or block road pattern

b. Radial or star and block road pattern
c. Radial or star and circular road pattern
d. Radial or star and grid road pattern
Answer: D
Q. 2) Select the correct statement
a. Nagpur road plan formulae take into account the towns with very large
b. Nagpur road plan has a target road length of 32km per 100 sq.m
c. Second 20-year plan has provided 1600km expressway out of the
proposed national highway
d. Second 20-year plan allowed deduction of length of railway track in the
area while caculating length of roads
Answer C
Q. 3 The sequence of four stages survey in a highway
alignment is
a. Reconnaissance, map study, preliminary survey and detailed
b. Map study, preliminary survey, reconnaissance and detailed
c. Map study, reconnaissance survey, preliminary survey and
detailed survey
d. Preliminary survey, map study, reconnaissance survey and
detailed survey.
Answer: C
The position of the center line on the highway in the ground is called highway

Engineering Survey and its stages:

1. Map Study - The study of the topographical map is done to find out the possible
routes of the road.
2.Reconnaissance - Simple Survey Instruments are used in the reconnaissance
3.Preliminary Survey -
To estimate the quantity of earthwork.
To finalize the best alignment.
4. Final Location and Detailed Survey
The data during the detailed survey should be elaborated and completed for the
preparation of the plans, designing, and estimation of the project.
Q. 4) The shape of the camber, best suited for the
cement concrete pavement is

a. Straight line
b. Parabolic
c. Elliptical
d. Combination of straight and parabolic
Answer: A
Camber - slope in transverse direction to
drain of water from the road surface.
X% - X vertical and 100 horizontal
1 in n – 1 vertical and n horizontal

a. Straight line camber -

They are generally adopted for very flat
slopes such as PCC or RCC Pavement.

b. Parabolic camber –
Designed for fast moving highways.
Adopted for Bituminous pavement.

c. Composite camber –
Design for mixed traffic.
Q. 5) For water bound macadam road in localities of
heavy rainfall, the recommended value of camber is

a. 1 in 30
b. 1 in 33
c. 1 in 48
d. 1 in 60
Answer: B
Q. 6) The stopping sight distance depends upon

a. Total reaction time of driver

b. Speed of vehicle
c. Efficiency of brakes
d. All the above
Answer: D
SSD - It is the minimum distance open to the vision of the driver to stop
the vehicle to avoid collision with an obstruction(moving or stationary)
which is present on the carriage way

Factors affecting SSD = Lag distance + Braking distance

= ( 0.278Vt) + V² / 254(f±n)
1. Total reaction time of the driver ↑
2. Speed of the vehicle ↑
3. Friction between the Tyre and the pavement surface ↓
4. Brake efficiency ↓
5. Gradient of the road → Up/ascending ↓ and down/descending ↑
Q. 7) When the path travelled along the road surface
is more than the Circumferential movement of the
wheels due to rotation, then it result is

a. Slipping
b. Skidding
c. Turning
d. revolving
Answer: B → Skidding
Q. 8) Coefficient of friction is less when the
pavement surface is

a. Rough
b. Dry
c. Smooth and dry
d. Smooth and wet
Answer: D → Smooth and wet
Q. 9) The shoulder provided along the road edge
should be

a. Rougher than the traffic lanes

b. Smoother than the traffic lanes
c. Of same colour as that of the pavement
d. Of very low load bearing capacity
Answer: A
1. The purpose of building a
shoulder is that in the event of
an emergency or breakdown a

2. Shoulders help provide extra

structural support of the
Q. 10) Camber in road provided for

a. Effective drainage
b. Counteracting the centrifugal force
c. Having proper sight distance
d. None of the above
Answer: A
a. Effective drainage – Camber

b. Counteracting the centrifugal force – Super elevation

c. Sight distance – SSD, OSD etc

Q. 11) Compared to a level surface, on a descending
gradient the stopping sight distance is

a. Less
b. More
c. Same
d. Dependent on speed
Answer: B
Descending gradient > Level > Ascending
Q. 12) On a single lane road with two way traffic, the
minimum stopping sight distance is equal to

a. Stopping sight distance

b. Two times the stopping distance
c. Half the stopping distance
d. Three times the stopping distance
Answer: B
Single lane two way traffic
= 2 × SSD

Two lane two way traffic

Q. 13) The desirable length of overtaking zone as per
IRC recommendation is equal to

a. Overtaking sight distance

b. Two times the overtaking sight distance
c. Three times the overtaking sight distance
d. Five times the overtaking sight distance
Answer: D
Overtaking zones are provided when OSD cannot be
provided throughout the length of the highway

IRC recommendation

1. Desirable Length = 5 × OSD

2. Minimum Length = 3 × OSD

Q. 14) Stopping sight distance is always

a. Less than overtaking sight distance

b. Equal to overtaking sight distance
c. More than overtaking sight distance
d. None of the above
Answer A

Less than over taking sight distance

Q. 15) Reaction time of a driver

a. Increases with increase in speed

b. Decreases with increase in speed
c. Is same for all speeds
d. None of the above
Answer: B
Objective Questions
(16 to 30)

Highway Engineering
Q. 16) If the stopping distance is 60 metres, then the
minimum stopping sight distance for two Lane, two
way traffic is

a. 30m
b. 60m
c. 120m
d. 180m
Answer: B
For two lane two way traffic

For One lane two way traffic

= 2 × SSD
Q. 17) The effect of grade on safe overtaking sight
distance is

a. To increase it on descending grades and to

decrease it on ascending grades
b. To decrease it on descending grades and to
increase it on ascending grades
c. To increase it on both descending and ascending
d. To decrease it on both descending and ascending
Answer : C

OSD always increases either descending gradient or

ascending gradient.
Q. 18) The ruling design speed on a National
highway in plain Terrain as per IRC recommendation

a. 60 kmph
b. 80 kmph
c. 100 kmph
d. 120 kmph
Q. 19) The terrain may be classified as rolling terrain
if the cross slope of land is

a. Upto 10%
b. Between 10% and 25%
c. Between 25% and 60%
d. More than 60%
Answer : B
Q. 20) If b is the wheel track of a vehicle and h is the
height of centre of gravity above road surface, then
the avoid overturning and Lateral skidding on
horizontal curve, the centrifugal ratio should always

a. Less than b/2h and greater than coefficient of lateral friction

b. Less than b/2h and also less than coefficient of lateral friction
c. Greater than b/2h and less than coefficient of lateral friction
d. Greater than b/2h and also greater than coefficient of lateral
Answer : B
Q. 21) As per IRC recommendations, the maximum
limit of superelevation for mixed traffic in plain
Terrain is

a. 1 in 15
b. 1 in 12.5
c. 1 in 10
d. Equal to camber
Answer: A

Maximun super elevation

1. Plain and rolling terrain – 7% or 1 in 15

2. Hilly terrain - 10% or 1 in 10

Q. 22) For the design of superelevation for mixed
traffic conditions, the speed is reduced by

a. 15%
b. 20%
c. 25%
d. 75%
Answer :C
Design of super elevation, e + f = V²/127R

Step1. Calculate super elevation for 75% of design speed, neglecting the effect of friction
e = (0.75V) ²/127R

If e < emax. emax. ( 7% for plain and rolling 10% for hilly terrain ), then provide e, other wise
Step2. Calculate coefficient of friction assuming maximum value of super elevation

0.70 + f = V²/127R

If f < 0.15, then provide super elevation is 7% or 0.70, other wise

Step3. Reduce the speed

0.7 +0.15 = V²/127R

Q. 23) On horizontal curve if the pavement is kept
horizontal across the alignment, then the pressure on
the outer wheels will be

a. More than the pressure on inner wheels

b. Less than the pressure on inner wheels
c. Equal to the pressure on inner wheels
d. Zero
Answer: A
Q. 24) The equilibrium superelevation required to
counteract the centrifugal force fully is given by

a. V² / 27.5R

b. V² / 75R

c. (0.75V) ² / 127R

d. V² / 127R
Answer: D

Super elevation, e + f = V²/127R

Equilibrium super elevation or super elevation to

counteract fully centrifugal force, then f = o
Q. 25) For constant value of coefficient of lateral
friction, the value of required superelevation
increases with

a. Increase in both speed and radius curve

b. Decrease in both speed and radius of curve
c. Increase in speed and with decrease in radius of
d. Decrease in speed and with increase in radius of
Answer: C

Super elevation, e + f = V²/127R

Q. 26) To calculate the minimum value of ruling
radius of horizontal curves in Plains, the design speed
is given by

a. 8 kmph
b. 12 kmph
c. 16 kmph
d. 20 kmph
Answer: C
Q. 27) The absolute minimum radius of curve for
safe operation for a speed of 110 kmph is

a. 110 m
b. 220 m
c. 440 m
d. 577 m
Answer: C
Design speed(kmph) 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110
Rmin in m 40 70 100 150 200 260 320 400 440
Q. 28) The attainment of superelevation by rotation
of pavement about the inner edge of the pavement

a. Is preferable in steep terrain

b. Results in balancing the earth work
c. Avoids the drainage problem in flat terrain
d. Does not change the vertical alignment of road
Answer: C
Q. 29) select the correct statement

a. Psychological extra widening depends on the

number of traffic lanes
b. Mechanical extra widening depends on the speed
of vehicle
c. Psychological extra widening depends on the
length of wheel base
d. Psychological extra widening depends on the
speed of vehicle
Answer: D

When a vehicle takes a turn on horizontal curve, the rear wheels do not follow the same path
as that of the front wheels.

The vehicle has occupies more width that it occupies on straight portion of the road.

To compensate this, the carriageway width increased on the entire curved portion of the road,
which is called extra widening of pavement on curve.

Extra widening = Mechanical widening(Wm) + Psychological widening(Wps)

= nl²/2R + V/9.5√R

Where 'n' is the number of the traffic lane, l is the length of the wheelbase of the longer
vehicle in m (generally taken as 6 m), V is the design speed of the vehicle in Kmph and R is the
radius of the horizontal curve in m.
Q. 30) In case of Hill roads, the extra widening is
generally provided

a. Equally on inner and outer sides of the curve

b. Fully on the inner side of the curve
c. Fully on the outer side of the curve
d. One fourth on inner side and three fourth on outer
side of the curve
Answer: B
Objective Question

(31 to 45)

Highway Engineering
Q. 31) The mechanical extra widening required for
10.5m wide pavement on a horizontal curve of a
radius R metre is given by

a. L²/2R

b. 2L²/3R

c. L²/R

d. 3L²/2R
Answer: D
Width of road or carriage way (1) Single lane = 3.75m
(2) Two lane = 7m
(3) Multi lane = number of lane × 3.5m

When a vehicle takes a turn on horizontal curve, the rear wheels do not follow the same path
as that of the front wheels, is known as mechanical widening or off tracking. The vehicle has
occupies more width that it occupies on straight portion of the road.
Extra widening = Mechanical widening(Wm) + Psychological widening(Wps)
= nl²/2R + V/9.5√R

Where 'n' is the number of the traffic lane, l is the length of the wheelbase of the longer vehicle in m
(generally taken as 6 m), V is the design speed of the vehicle in Kmph and R is the radius of the horizontal
curve in m.

Given, Width of pavement = 10.5m means three lane road, the value of n = 3

Mechanical widening, Wm = 3l²/2R

Q. 32) The transition curve used in the horizontal
alignment of highways as per IRC recommendations is

a. Spiral
b. Lemniscate
c. Cubic parabola
d. Any of the above
Answer: A
A transition curve may be defined as a
curve of varying radius of infinity to R


1. To gradually introduce the centrifugal force between the tangent point and the
beginning of the circular curve thereby avoiding sudden jerk on the vehicle.
2. To increase the comfort of passengers.
3. To introduce designed superelevation at a desirable rate
4. To enable the driver to turn the steering gradually for his own comfort and
5. To introduce designed extra widening at a desirable rate
6. To enhance the aesthetic appearance of the road
IRC recommends spiral as the transition curve because, it fulfills the requirement of
an ideal transition curve
Q. 33) For design, that length of transition curve
should be taken which is

a. Based on allowable rate of change of centrifugal

b. Based on rate of change of super elevation
c. Higher of (a) and (b)
d. Smaller of (a) and (b)
Answer: C

1. Based on allowable rate of change of centrifugal acceleration, Lc = V³/cR

2. Based on rate of change of super elevation, Lc

(a) If superelevation was provided by rotating the pavement surface about the inner edge
Lc = N × e × (W + We)
Where, e is the rate of superelevation, W is the width of the pavement, We are the extra widening
and N are the gradient of terrain.
(b) f the pavement is rotated about the center line, double effect is achieved.
Therefore, Lc = 0.5 × N × e × (W + We)

Higher value of 1 and 2

3. By Empirical formula
IRC suggest the length of the transition curve is minimum,
For plain and rolling terrain, Ls = 2.7V²/ R
For steep and hilly terrain, Ls = V²/R

Where, V is the design speed in kmph and R is the radius of the curve in meters.
Q. 34) The maximum design gradient for vertical
profile of a road is

a. Ruling gradient
b. Limiting gradient
c. Exceptional gradient
d. Minimum gradient
Answer: A
Gradient - It is the rate of rise or fall of road level along the length.
Raise wrt horizontal distance is called Upward gradient or ascending gradient (+n %)
Fall wrt Horizontal distance is called Downward Gradient descending gradient (-n %)
Types of gradients
1. Ruling gradient - This is the maximum gradient which is generally used to design the vertical profile of highway. So it is also
called as design gradient.
2. Maximum or Limiting gradient - This gradient is provided as shorter stretches in highways. Whenever ruling gradients
costs high for the hilly terrains then limiting gradient is provided which will reduce the cost.
3.Exceptional gradient - These are very steeper gradients given at unavoidable situations and they are adopted for stretches
not exceeding 100m of length.
4.Minimum gradient - To drain of rain water from the road minimum gradient is needed. Generally for lateral drainage
Camber is provided. But for the longitudinal drainage along the side drains require some slope for smooth flow of water
Q. 35) The percentage compensation in gradient for
ruling gradient of 4% and horizontal curve of radius
760 m is

a. 0.1%
b. 1%
c. 10%
d. No compensation
Answer: D
Grade Compensation
When a horizontal circular curve lies in vertical curve there will be an increased
resistance offered by the circular curve in the form of curve resistance in addition to
the component of gravity.

IRC specifications for grade compensations are:

1. For grades flatter than 4% - grade compensation is not required.

2. Grade compensation in% = (30 + R) /R

3. Maximum value of gradient compensation in% = 75/R

Where, R= radius of horizontal curve in metre

Q. 36) If ruling gradient is 1 in 20 and there is also a
horizontal curve of radius 76m, then the
compensated grade should be

a. 3%
b. 4%
c. 5%
d. 6%
Answer: B

1. Grade compensation in% = (30 + R) /R

= (30 + 76) /76

= 106/76 = 1.39%

2. Maximum value of gradient compensation in% = 75/R

= 75/76 = 0.99%
Minimum of 1 and 2 that is 0.99%

Given, ruling gradient is 1 in 20 means 5%

So Compensated grade = 5 – 0.99 = 4% approx.

Q. 37) The camber of road should be approximately
equal to

a. Longitudinal gradient
b. Two times the longitudinal gradient
c. Three times the longitudinal gradient
d. Half of longitudinal gradient
Answer: D

Gradient = 2 × Camber
Q. 38) Which of the following shapes is preferred in
valley curve

a. Simple parabola
b. Cubic parabola
c. Spiral
d. Lemniscate
Answer: B → Cubic parabola
Q. 39) The value of ruling gradient in plains as per
IRC recommendation is

a. 1 in 12
b. 1in 15
c. 1 in 20
d. 1 in 30
Answer: D
Q. 40) In case of summit curves, the deviation angle
will be maximum when
a. An ascending gradient meets with another ascending gradient

b. An ascending gradient meets with a descending gradient

c. A descending gradient meets with another descending gradient

d. An ascending gradient meets with a level surface

Answer: B
Q. 41) If the design speed is V kmph and deviation
angle is N radians, then the total length of valley
curve in metres is given by the expressions

a. 0.38NV^3/2

b. 0.38 (NV³) ^1/2

c. 3.8 NV^1/2

d. 3.8 (NV³) ^1/2

Answer: B
Q. 42) If an ascending gradient of 1 in 50 meets a
descending gradient of 1 in 50, the length of summit
curve for a stopping sight distance of 80 m will be

a. Zero
b. 64m
c. 80m
L >SSS → L = NS²/4.4

L < SSD → L = 2S – 4.4/N

Q. 43) Highway facilities are designed for

a. Annual average hourly volume

b. Annual average daily traffic
c. Thirtieth highest hourly volume
d. Peak hourly volume of the year
Answer: C
Traffic volume may be defined as the number of vehicles crossing
a selected section of the road per unit time. Unit is vehicle/hour

30th highest hourly volume – It is that hourly volume which will

be exceeded only 29 times in a year.

IRC consider 30th highest hourly volume because it is economical

and it suited Indian traffic conditions.
Q. 44) Enoscope is used to find

a. Average speed
b. Spot speed
c. Space mean speed
d. Time mean speed
Answer: B

Average speed – It is the average spot speed of all vehicles passing

through a particular section or spot.

Spot speed - Spot speed is the instantaneous speed of a vehicle at a

specified location. Find using Enoscope.

Space-mean speed is the distance traveled divided by

an average travel time.

Time-mean speed is an average of individual vehicle speeds.

Q. 45) For highway geometric design purposes the
speed used is

a. 15th percentile
b. 50th percentile
c. 85th percentile
d. 98 percentile
Answer: D

d. Design speed or 98th percentile speed – It is the speed at or

below which 98% of vehicle are moving and only 2% exceeds that

a. 15th Percentile speed – It is lower safe speed.

b. 50th Percentile speed – It is mean speed.

c. 85th Percentile speed – It is upper safe speed limit for

regulation of traffic.
Objective Question

(46 to 60)

Highway Engineering
Q. 46) Select the correct statement

a. Traffic volume should always be more than traffic capacity

b. Traffic capacity should always be more than traffic volume
c. Spot speed is the average speed of a vehicle at specified
d. 85th percentile speed is more than 98th percentile speed
Answer: B

Traffic volume is the numbers of vehicles that pass a point on a highway

on a particular lane on particular direction in unit time, generally in per
unit hour.

Traffic capacity is expressed as the maximum number of vehicle in a lane

or a road that can pass a given point in unit time, usually an hour, i.e.,
vehicles per hour per lane.

Spot speed is the instantaneous speed of a vehicle at a specified location.

Design or 98th percentile speed - It is the speed at or below which 98% of

vehicle are moving and only 2% exceeds that limit.
Q. 47) Length of a vehicle affects

a. Width of traffic lanes

b. Extra width of pavement and minimum turning radius
c. Width of shoulders and parking facilities
d. Clearance to be provided under structures overbridges,
underbridges etc.
Answer: B
Length of vehicle affects:
Extra widening and radius of curve
Extra widening refers to the additional width of carriageway that is required on a
curved section.
1.Mechanical widening or off tracking
2.Psychological widening

Width of vehicle affects:

Width of pavement, shoulder and parking facilities.

Height of vehicle affects:

Vertical clearance for road over bridge, electric line etc

Weight of vehicle affects:

Thickness of pavement
Q. 48) The maximum width of vehicle as recommended by
IRC is

a. 1.85m
b. 2.44m
c. 3.81m
d. 4.72m
Answer: B

Maximum dimension and weight of a vehicle by IRC

Width = 2.44m
Height = 4.75m
Length = 18.0m
Weight = 52.2 tones
Q. 49) Desire lines are plotted in

a. Traffic volume studies

b. Speed studies
c. Accident studies
d. Origin and destination studies
Answer: D
a. Traffic volume may be defined as the number of vehicles crossing a selected section of the
road per unit time.
Method of volume counting
(1) Mannual counts, (2) Automatic counters, (3) Moving car method

b. Speed studies are useful for establishing speed zones, traffic signals, regulatory signs, non-
passing zones, warning zones etc.

c. The various steps involved in the traffic accident studies:

(1) Collection of accident data, (2) Preparation of report,
(3) Study of accident, (4) Suggestions for remedial measures.

d. Origin and Destination studies:

Desire line are prepared. (Two points connect by a straight line)
Thickness of desire line, show volume of that road.
Methods of collecting O and D study data
(1) Road side interview method, (2) License plate method, (3) Return post card method,
(4) Tag on car method, (5) Home interview method
Q. 50) Which of the following methods is preferred for
collecting origin and destination data for a small area like a
mass business Centre or large intersection

a. Road side Interview method

b. Licence plate method
c. Return postcard method
d. Home interview method
Answer: B

→ License plate method

Answer D
Q. 52) The diagram which shows the approximate path of
vehicles and pedestrians involved in accidents is known as

a. Spot maps
b. Pie charts
c. Condition diagram
d. Collision diagram
Answer: D
Accident record may be maintained by means of location files, spot maps, collision
diagram and condition diagram.

- Location file record locations where accidents have taken place.

- Spot maps show, accidents by spots, pin or symbol on the road map of the locality

Collision diagram - Details of accident location and show approximate path of the
vehicles and pedestrian involved in the accident and also other objects with which
the vehicle have Collided.

- Condition diagram drawing of accident location showing important physical

features of the road and adjoining area.

Pie chart showing segregation of fast moving traffic.

Q. 53) With increase in speed of the traffic stream, the
minimum spacing of vehicles

a. Increases
b. Decreases
c. First decreases and then increases after reaching a
minimum value at optimum speed
d. First increase and then decrease after reaching a
maximum value at optimum speed
Answer: A
Q. 54) Traffic volume is equal to

a. Traffic density × Traffic speed

b. Traffic density/traffic speed
c. Traffic speed/traffic density
d. None of the above
Answer: A
Q. 55) which of the following is known as design capacity

a. Basic capacity
b. Theoretical capacity
c. Possible capacity
d. Practical capacity
Answer: D
Traffic capacity is expressed as the maximum number of vehicle in a lane or a road that can pass a
given point in unit time, usually an hour, i.e., vehicles per hour per lane or roadway.

Basic capacity is the maximum number of vehicles(PCU) that can pass a given point on a lane or
roadway during one hour under the most nearly ideal roadway and traffic conditions.

Possible Capacity is the maximum number of vehicles which can pass a given point on a lane or
highway during one hour under the prevailing roadway and traffic conditions.
This means that the possible capacity of a highway will always be lower than the basic capacity
unless the prevailing conditions of the traffic, approach the ideal conditions.

Practical Capacity is the maximum number of vehicle that can pass a given point on a lane or
roadway during one hour, without traffic density
Q. 56) If the average Centre to Centre spacing of vehicles is
20 metres, then the basic capacity of a traffic Lane at a
speed of 50kmph is

a. 2500 vehicles per day

b. 2000 vehicles per hour
c. 2500 vehicles per hour
d. 1000 vehicles per hour
Answer: C
Q. 57) With increase in speed of the traffic stream, the
maximum capacity of the lane

a. Increases
b. Decreases
c. First increases and then decreases after reaching a
maximum value at optimum speed
d. First decrease and then increase after reaching
minimum value at optimum speed
Answer: C
Q. 58) Equivalent factor of Passenger car unit (PCU) for a
Passenger car as per IRC is

a. 1.0
b. 2.0
c. 0.5
d. 10
Answer: A
Q. 59) If the stopping distance and average length of a
vehicle are 18m and 6m respectively, then the theoretical
maximum capacity of a traffic Lane at a speed of 10 m/sec

a. 1500 vehicles per hour

b. 2000 vehicles per hour
c. 2500 vehicles per hour
d. 3000 vehicles per hour
Answer: A
Q. 60) Scientific planning of transportation system and
mass transit facilities in cities should be based on

a. Spot speed data

b. Origin and destination data
c. Traffic volume data
d. Accident data
Answer: B

Origin and destination studies

These studies are very essential in planing of new highway
facilities or for improving existing road system. It is also
used for planing of mass rapid transit system.
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Objective Questions
(61 to 75)

Highway Engineering
Q. 61) The diagram which shows all important physical
conditions of an accident location like roadway limits,
bridges, trees and all details of roadway conditions is
known as

A. Pie chart
B. Spot maps
C. Condition diagram
D. Collision diagram
Answer C
A. Pie chart showing segregation of fast moving traffic.

→Accident record may be maintained by means of location files, spot maps,

collision diagram and condition diagram.
- Location file record locations where accidents have taken place.

B. Spot maps show, accidents by spots, pin or symbol on the road map of the

C. Condition diagram - drawing of accident location showing important physical

features of the road and adjoining area.

D. Collision diagram - Details of accident location and show approximate path of the
vehicles and pedestrian involved in the accident and also other objects with which
the vehicle have Collided.
Q. 62) When the speed of traffic flow becomes zero, then
A. Traffic density attains maximum value whereas traffic volume
becomes zero
B. Traffic density and traffic volume both attain maximum value
C. Traffic density and traffic volume both become zero
D. Traffic density becomes zero whereas traffic volume attains
maximum value

Answer A
Q. 63) On a right angled road intersection with two way
traffic, the total number of conflicts points is

A. 6
B. 11
C. 18
D. 24
Answer D
Conflict point - Point at which a highway user crossing, merging with, or diverging from a road or
driveway conflicts with another highway user using the same road or driveway.
Q. 64) The background colour of the informatory sign
board is

A. Red
B. Yellow
C. Green
D. White
Answer B
Traffic control device is the medium used for communicating between traffic engineer and road users.The
major types of traffic control devices used are- traffic signs, road markings , traffic signals and parking

Types of traffic sign: -

Regulatory signs
These signs are also called mandatory signs because it is mandatory that the drivers must obey these signs.
White background and circular in shape with red borders.

Warning signs
Warning signs or cautionary signs give information to the driver about the road condition.
White background and shape is upward triangular or diamond shape with red bordsigns

Informatory signs
Informative signs also called guide signs, are provided to assist the drivers to reach their desired
examples are route markers, destination signs, mile posts, service information, recreational and cultural
interest area signing etc.
They are written black letters on yellow background.
Q. 65) Which of the following is indicated by a warning

A. Level crossing
B. No parking
C. End of speed limit
D. Overtaking prohibited
Answer A
Q. 66) “Dead Slow” is a

A. Regulatory sign
B. Warning sign
C. Informatory sign
D. None of the above
Answer A
Q. 67) The most efficient traffic signal system is

A. Simultaneous system
B. Alternate system
C. Flexible progressive system
D. Simple progressive system
Answer C

Flexible system –
It is possible to automatically vary the length of signal cycle at
intersection with the help of sensors to detect vehicle arrival and
connecting to the master computer.
This is the most efficient system.
Q. 68) The provision of traffic signals at intersections

A. Reduces right angled and rear end collisions

B. Increases right angled and rear end collisions
C. Reduces right angled collisions but may increase rear
end collisions
D. Reduces rear end collisions but may increase right
angled collisions
Answer C
Q. 69) Select the incorrect statement

A. Stop or red time of a signal is the sum of go and

clearance intervals for the cross flow
B. Go or green time of a signal is the sum of stop and
clearance intervals for the cross flow
C. Clearance time is generally 3 to 5 seconds
D. The cycle length is normally 40 to 60 seconds for two
phase signals.
Answer B

1. Red for stop

2. Green for go
3. Amber (yellow) for proceed

Q. 70) Center Line markings are used

A. To designate traffic lanes

B. To roadways meant for two way traffic
C. To indicate that overtaking is not permitted
D. To designate proper lateral placement of vehicles before
turning to different directions
Answer B
Traffic marking are special signs used to regulate the traffic.

1. Centre line – used to separate two way traffic. 5 m long and 8 m space

2. Lane line – indicate traffic lanes and used to guide the traffic

3. No passing zone marking – Overtaking is not permissible

4. Stop line – Made near the pedestrians crossings, signalized intersections etc. to
indicate that vehicles have to stop before this line and then proceed.

A) Cross walk – Where the pedestrian have to cross the pavement

B) Parking space limit – indicate the space for parking and its proper utilisation
Q. 71) The particular places where pedestrians are to cross
the pavement are properly marked by the pavement
marking known as

A. Stop lines
B. Trun markings
C. Crosswalk lines
D. Lane lines
Answer C
Answer C
Q. 73) The entrance and exit curves of a Rotary have

A. Equal radii and equal widths of pavement

B. Equal radii but pavement width is more at
entrancethean at exit curve
C. Equal pavement widths but radiis is more at entrance
curve than at exit curve
d. Different radii and different widths of pavement
Answer D

Rotary intersection is an enlarged Road intersection where all converging vehicles

are forced to know around large central Island in One Direction before they are
allowed to weave out of traffic flow.

1. Radius of curve at entrance = 30.5m for 40kmph speed and 18.3 m for 32 kmph
at exit = 47 m for 40kmph speed and 30.5m for 32 kmph

2. The width of the carriageway at entry and exit will be lower than the width of the
carriageway at the approaches to enable reduction of speed.
IRC suggests that a two lane road of 7 m width should be kept as 7 m for urban
roads and 6.5 m for rural roads.
Further, a three lane road of 10.5 m is to be reduced to 7 m and 7.5 m respectively
for urban and rural roads.
Q. 74) When two equally important roads cross roughly at
right angles, the suitable shape of Central Island is

A. Circular
B. Elliptical
C. Tangent
D. Turbine
Answer A
Shape of Central island

a. Circular - Suitable when roads of

equal importance and cross each
other at right angle.

b. Elliptical – When four or more than

four intersecting roads.

c. Turbine – reduce speed at entry

and increase at leaving.

d. Tangent – One road is important.

Q. 75) the maximum number of vehicles beyond which the
Rotary may not function efficiently is

A. 500 vehicles per hour

B. 500 vehicles per day
C. 5000 vehicles per hour
D. 5000 vehicles per day
Answer C
As per IRC
1. Volume of traffic is between 500 to 3000 Vehicles per hour
2. Number of intersecting roads between 4 to 7
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Objective Questions
(76 to 90)

Highway Engineering
Q. 76) A traffic rotary is justified where

A. Number of intersecting roads is between 4 and 7

B. Space is limited and costly
C. When traffic volume is less than 500 vehicles per hour
D. When traffic volume is more than 5000 vehicles per
Answer A
1. As per IRC traffic volume for rotary 500 to 3000 Vehicles per

2. Number of intersecting roads is between 4 to 7

3. Rotary requires large area of land hence cost of its

construction may be very high.
Q. 77) When a number of roads are meeting at a point and
only one of the roads is important, then the suitable shape
of rotary is

A. Circular
B. Tangent
C. Elliptical
D. Turbine
Answer B
Shape of Central island

a. Circular - Suitable when roads of

equal importance and cross each other
at right angle.

b. Elliptical – When four or more than

four intersecting roads.

c. Turbine – reduce speed at entry and

increase at leaving.

d. Tangent – One road is important.

Q. 78) Maximum number of vehicles can be parked with

A. Parallel parking
B. 30° angle parking
C. 45° angle parking
D. 90° angle parking
Answer D
Q. 79) When the width of kerb parking space and width of
Street are Limited, generally preferred parking system is

A. Parallel parking
B. 45° angel parking
C. 65° angel parking
D. 90° angel parking
Answer A
Q. 80) As per IRC recommendations, the average level of
illumination on important roads carrying fast traffic is

A. 10 lux
B. 15 lux
C. 20 lux
D. 30 lux
Answer D
Q. 81) The most economical lightning layout with the
suitable for narrow roads is

A. Single side lightning

B. Staggered system
C. Central lightning system
D. None of the above
Answer A
Lighting layout
1. Single side system–
Suitable only for narrow pavements.
Spacing of poles 30m to 60m

2. Staggered system -
Wider roads with three or more lanes.
Spacing of poles 30m to 60m

3. Central system -
For three or more lanes with narrow Central
strip and heavy traffic conditions

4. Opposite system -
For Wider roads depending upon situation.
Q. 82) The direct interchange ramp involves

A. Diverging to the right side and merging from left

B. Diverging to the left side and merging from right
C. Diverging to the right side and merging from right
D. Diverging to the left side and merging from left
Answer C
Q. 83) In soils having same values of plasticity index, if
liquid limit is increased, then
A. Compressibility and permeability decrease and dry strength
B. Compressibility, permeability and dry strength decrease
C. Compressibility, permeability and dry strength increase
D. Compressibility and permeability increase and dry strength
Answer D

Plasticity index = Liquid limit – Plastic limit

Q. 84) Which of the following tests measures the
Toughness of road aggregates

A. Crushing strength test

B. Abrasion test
C. Impact test
D. Shape test
Answer C

A. Crushing test – Strength of coarse aggregate

1. Aggregate specimen 10 mm to 12.5mm
2. Test cylinder filled with three layers and tamped each layer 25times (W2)
3. 4 t/m up to 40 Tonnes (CTM)
4. Weight Finer than 2.36 mm IS sieve (W2)

Aggregate crushing value = W2/W1

B. Abrasion test (By Los Angeles machine) – Hardness

C. Impact test – Toughness

D. Shape test – Flakiness index and Elongation index

Q. 85) Los Angeles testing machine is used to conduct

A. Abrasion test
B. Impact test
C. Attrition test
D. Crushing strength test
Answer A
Attrition – This is action of mutual rubbing of stones or aggregate. Tested
by Abrasion test.
Q. 86) If in a Dorry abrasion test the loss in weight is 21
grams, then the coefficient of hardness is

A. 9.5
B. 13
C . 17
D. 21
Answer B

Coefficient of hardness = 20 – (Loss in gms)/3)

= 20 – (21/3)

= 20 – 7

= 13
Q. 87) In CBR test the value of CBR is calculated at

A. 2.5 mm penetration only

B. 5.0 mm penetration only
C. 7.5 mm penetration only
D. Both 2.5 mm and 5.0 mm penetrations
Answer D
Q. 88) If aggregate impact value is 20 to 30%, then it is
classified as

A. Exceptionally strong
B. Strong
C. Satisfactory for road surfacing
D. Unsuitable for road surfacing
Answer C

1. Aggregate specimen 10 to 12.5 mm filled in three layers and tamped each layer
by 25 blows (W1)
2. Sample transfer in impact test apparatus and compacted by tamping road 25
3. Hammer drop freely from 38 cm and give 15blows
4. Finer than 2.36 mm IS (W2)
Impact value = (W2/W1) × 100

Impact value < 10% Exceptionally strong

Impact value 10-20% Strong
Impact value 20-30% Satisfactory for road construction

For surface or wearing courses IV should not be more than 30%

For base courses allowed up to 45%
Q. 89) The maximum allowable Los Angeles abrasion value
for high quality surface course is

A. 10%
B. 20%
C. 30%
D. 45%
Answer C

Abrasion value
1. CC construction < 16%
2. Bituminous (a) Surface course up to 30%
(b) Base course up to 50%
Q.90) Percentage of free carbon in Bitumen is

A. More than that in tar

B. Less than that is tar
C. Equal to that in tar
D. None of the above
Answer B

Bitumen is obtained by fractional distillation of crude

petroleum (in the presence of air).
It have less free carbon content

Tar is a viscous black liquid which is derived through the

process of destructive distillation of crude petroleum (in
the absence of air).
It have more free carbon
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(91 to 105)

Highway Engineering
Q. 91) The ductility value of bitumen for suitability in road
construction should not be less than

A. 30 cm
B. 40 cm
C. 50 cm
D. 60 cm
Answer C

Ductility is a measure of elasticity of bitumen. It is expressed as the

distance in centimetre to which standard briquette of bitumen can be
stretched before the thread breaks

The ductility of bitumen 5 to 100 cm

For satisfactory performance should not be less than 50 cm
Q. 92) The maximum limit of water absorption for
aggregate suitable for road construction is

A. 0.4%
B. 0.6%
C. 0.8%
D. 1.0%
Answer B

As per IRC Water absorption shall not be more than 0.6%.

Q. 93) Which of the following represents hardest grade of

A. 30/40
B. 60/70
C. 80/100
D. 100/120
Answer A
Penetration test: -
It measures the hardness or softness of bitumen by measuring
the depth in tenths of a millimeter to which a standard loaded needle will
penetrate vertically in 5 seconds.

The penetrometer consists of a needle assembly with a total weight of 100gm

A grade of 40/50 bitumen means the penetration value is in the range 40 to 50 at

standard test conditions.

In hot climates, a lower penetration grade is preferred.

Q. 94) Penetration test on bitumen is used for determining

A. Grade
B. Viscosity
C. Ductility
D. Temperature susceptibility
Answer A
Q. 95) Bitumen of grade 80/100 means

A. Its penetration value is 8 mm

B. Its penetration value is 10 mm
C. Its penetration value is 8 to 10 mm
D. Its penetration value is 8 to 10 cm
Answer C
It measures the hardness or softness of bitumen by measuring the depth
in tenths of a millimeter to which a standard loaded needle will penetrate
vertically in 5 seconds.
Q. 96) RC-2, MC-2 and SC-2 correspond to

A. Same viscosity
B. Viscosity in increasing order from RC-2 to SC-2
C. Viscosity in decreasing order from RC-2 to SC-2
D. None of the above
Answer A

Normal practice is to heat bitumen to reduce its viscosity.

Cut Back Bitumen: - Whose viscosity has been reduced by addition of
some volatile dilutent.
-Cut back mix and volatile matter evaporates.
Types of cutback bitumen
1. Rapid curing cut back (RC) – Evaporate quickly
2. Medium curing cut back (MC) - slowly
3. Slow curing cut back (SC) – very slowly

The grade of cut back designated by RC-0, MC-0, SC-0.

Suffix numericals as 0,1,2,3 etc designate more viscous as the number
Q. 97) The recommended grade of tar for grouting
purpose is

A. RT-1
B. RT-2
C. RT-3
D. RT-4
Answer D
Grouting - injection of pumpable materials into a soil or rock formation to change
its physical characteristics

Tar: - it is viscous liquid obtained by the destructive distillation of wood or coal in

absence of air.

Grade of Tar
RT-1 used for surface painting in exceptionally cold weather.
RT-2 standard surface painting under normal conditions.
RT-3 can be used for surface painting, renewal coats for light carpets and premix
chips for top surface.
RT-4 used for premixing macadam in base courses.
RT-5 used for grouting purposes.
Q. 98) Softening point of bitumen to be used for road
construction at a place where maximum temperature is
40°C should be

A. Less than 40°C

B. Greater than 40°C
C. Equal to 40°C
D. None of the above
Answer B

Softening point is defined as the temperature at

which a substance attains a particular degree of
softening under specified conditions of test.
Q. 99) For Rapid curing cutbacks, the oil used is

A. Gasoline
B. Kerosene oil
C. Light diesel
D. Heavy diesel
Answer A

Kerosene oil - Mediun curing cut back

Q. 100) The method of design of flexible pavement as
recommended by IRC is

A. Group index method

B. CBR method
C. Westergaard method
D. Benkelman method
Answer B
Q. 101) The group index for a soil, whose liquid limit is
40%, plasticity index is 10% and percentage passing 75
Micron IS sieve is 35, is

A. 0
B. 3
C. 5
D. 7
Answer A

GI = 0.2a + 0.005 a.c. + 0.01b.d

a= p – 35 (p = percentage of soil finer than 0.075 mm or 75micron)
b= p – 15
c= LL - 40
d= PI - 10
GI = 0.2a + 0.005 a.c. + 0.01b.d

GI = 0.2 × (35-35) + 0.005 × (35-35) × (40-40) + 0.01 (35-15) × (10-10)

GI = 0
Greater the value of group index poor will be the quality of soil.
0–2 Good
2–5 Fair
5 – 10 Poor
10 – 20 Very poor
Q. 102) Bottom most layer of pavement is known as

A. Wearing course
B. Base course
C. Sub-base course
D. Subgrade
Answer D

Flexible pavement
1. Sub grade
2. Sub base course
3. Base course
4. Surface course

Rigid pavement
1. Sub Grade
2. Base course
3. Surface course
Q. 103) Flexible pavement distribute the wheel load

A. Directly to subgrade
B. Through structural action
C. Through a set of layers to the subgrade
D. None of the above
Answer C
Flexible pavements will transmit wheel load stresses to the
lower layers by grain-to-grain.

Rigid pavement, load is distributed by the slab action and

directly to the sub grade.
Q. 104) The number of repetitions, which the pavement
thickness designed for a given wheel load should be able
to support during the life of pavement is

A. 1,000
B. 10000
C. 100000
D. 1000000
Answer D
Q. 105) Group index mthod of design of flexible pavement

A. A theoretical method
B. An empirical method based on physical properties of
subgrade soil
C. An empirical method based on strength characteristics
of subgrade soil
D. A Semi empirical method
Answer B

Group Index method of flexible pavement design is an empirical method which is

based on the physical properties of the soil sub-grade.

To design the thickness of the pavement you have to go through the following steps:

1.Find out the Group Index Value(GI) of the soil: -

Group Index is a number assigned to the soil based on its physical properties like
particle size, Liquid limit and plastic limit.
It varies from a value of 0 to 20, lower the value higher is the quality of the sub-
grade and greater the value, poor is the sub-grade.

GI = 0.2a + 0.005 a.c. + 0.01b.d

2. Use the design charts to find out the thickness of the pavement and layers.
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Objective Questions
(106 to 120)

Highway Engineering
Q. 106) Select the correct statement

A. More value of group index, less thickness of pavement will be

B. More value of CBR, greater thickness of pavement will be
C. Minimum and maximum values of group index can be zero and
20 respectively
D. All of the above
Answer C

Greater the value of group index poor will be the quality of soil.
GI is between 0 to 20.

Good (0 – 2)
Fair (2 – 5)
Poor (5 – 10)
Very poor (10 – 20)
Q. 107) If the group index value of subgrade is between 5
and 9, then the subgrade is treated is

A. Good
B. Fair
C. Poor
D. Very poor
Answer C
Q. 108) Tyre pressure influences the

A. Total depth of pavement

B. Quality of surface course
C. Both of the above
D. None of the above
Answer B

-Influence of tyre pressure is Predominant in the upper layers.

-Upper layers of pavements should be of high quality materials.

-Tyre pressure does not affect total depth(thickness) of the


-Distribution of wheel load is assumed on a circular area, but by

actual measurement of the imprint of tyre in many cases has
been found as elliptical in shape.
Q. 109) Rigidity factor for tyre pressure greater than 7

A. Equal to 1
B. Less than 1
C. Greater than 1
D. Zero
Answer B

Contact pressure = Wheel load / Contact area

Contact area = (0.9 × Wheel load ) / Tyre pressure

The contact area can also be found by taking actual impression of

the tyre imprint.

Rigidity factor = Contact pressure / Tyre pressure

When tyre pressure = 7 kg/cm² RF = 1
When tyre pressure < 7 kg/cm² RF > 1
When tyre pressure > 7 kg/cm² RF < 1
Q. 110) In a dual wheel assembly if P is equal to each wheel load,
S is the centre to centre distance of dual wheels and d is the
distance between walls of wheels, then
A. Each wheel load acts independently upto a depth d
B. Total stress due to the dual wheels at any depth greater than 2S is
equivalent to a single wheel load of magnitude 2P
C. Total stress due to the total dual wheels at any depth greater than S is
equivalent to a single wheel load of magnitude 2P
D. Total stress due to the dual wheels at any depth greater than 2D is
equivalent to a single wheel load of magnitude 2P
Answer B

Wheels act independently at depth approximately d/2

Beyond d/2 the stresses induced in the pavement result from

each wheel load are overlap.

As depth increase the overlap of stresses also increases, but after

a certain limit, the overlap is negligible.

By experiments observed that this limit starts at a depth of about

twice the center to center distance (2S) between the wheels and
the equivalent single wheel load is equal to the load on whole
assembly that is 2P.
Q. 111) Main drawback of CBR method is that it

A. Does not consider the strength characteristics of

subgrade soil
B. Is a complex method
C. Give the total thickness which remains the same
irrespective of the quality of materials used in the
component layers
D. Does not give the thickness of individual layers
Answer C
Answer D

A certain degree of resistance to slab deflection is offered by the


The sub-grade deformation is same as the slab deflection.

Hence the slab deflection is direct measurement of the

magnitude of the sub-grade pressure.

This pressure deformation characteristics of rigid pavement lead

Westergaard to the define the term radius of relative stiffness.
Q. 113) Critical load position in a rigid pavement design is
taken as

A. Interiors loading
B. Edge loading
C. Corner loading
D. Interior, edge and corner loading
Answer D
Answer C
Radius of wheel load 30 > 1.724 × 15
Because the radius of wheel load distribution is more than 1.724
times slab thickness, hence radius of resisting section is equal to
the radius of wheel load distribution.
Q. 115) The critical combination of stresses for corner
region in cement concrete roads is

A. Load stress + warping stress – fictional stress

B. Load stress + warping stress + frictional stress
C. Load stress + warping stress
D. Load stress + frictional stress
Answer C
Temperature stresses:- developed in CC pavement due to
variation in slab temp.
This is caused by
(i) Daily variation resulting in a temperature gradient across the
thickness of the slab is known as warping stresses
(ii) Seasonal variation resulting in overall change in the slab
temperature is known as frictional stresses.
At interior and edge
1. During Summer → Load stress + warping stress – frictional
2. During Winter → Load stress + warping stress + frictional
At corner → Load stress + warping stress
Q. 116) Tie bars in cement concrete pavements are at

A. Expansion joints
B. Contraction joints
C. Warping joints
D. Longitudinal joints
Answer D

1. Transverse joints
(a) Construction joints(b) Expansion joints(c) Contraction joints
(d) Warping joints
2. Longitudinal joints or tie bars

Tie bars- tie bars are not load transfer devices, but serve as a
means to tie two slabs
They are smaller than dowel bars and placed at large intervals.
They are provided across longitudinal joints.
Dowel bars - The purpose of the dowel bar is to effectively
transfer the load between two concrete slabs and to keep the
two slabs in same height
The dowel bars are used in Contraction and Expansion joints.
The design consideration are: -
1. Mild steel rounded bars,
2. bonded on one side and free on other side
Q. 117) The maximum spacing of contraction joints in rigid
pavement is

A. 2.5 m
B. 3.5 m
C. 4.5 m
D. 5.5 m
Answer C
Contraction joints
The purpose of the contraction joint is to allow
the contraction of the slab due to fall in slab temperature below
the construction temperature.

Maximum spacing of 4.5 m as per IRC

Q. 118) The maximum thickness of expansion joint in rigid
pavements is

A. 0
B. 25 mm
C. 50 mm
D. 100 mm
Answer B
Expansion joints
The purpose of the expansion joint is to allow the
expansion of the pavement due to rise in temperature with
respect to construction temperature.

Expansion joint thickness 2 to 2.5 cm specified by IRC

Provided at interval of 18 m to 21 m
Q. 119) The function of an expansion joint in rigid
pavements is to

A. Relieve warping stresses

B. Relieve shrinkage stresses
C. Resist stresses due to expansion
D. Allow free expansion
Answer D
Q. 120) A traffic survey revealed the present average daily traffic
of commercial vehicles as 1000. The annual rate of growth of
traffic is found to be 8 percent. The pavement construction is to
be completed in three years after the last traffic count. Then the
number of vehicles for design of rigid pavements will be taken as

A. 1000(1.08)¹³
B. 1000(1.08)²³
C. 1000(0.92)¹³
D. 1000(1.08)³
Answer D
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Objective Questions
(121 to 135)

Highway Engineering
Q. 121) The fundamental factor is the selection of
pavement type is

A. Climatic condition
B. Type and intensity of traffic
C. Subgrade soil and Drainage conditions
D. Availability of funds for the construction construction
Answer B
Selection of type of pavement:- the most important factors is the
traffic volume or intensity.

-If traffic intensity is 30 to 200 tonnes per day then low cost road,
i.e. Earth and soil stabilized road used.

-If traffic intensity up to 500 tonnes per day for WBM

-Bituminous road upto 1500 tonnes per day

-Cemenet concrete road over 2000 tonnes per day

Q. 122) Most suitable material for Highway embankments

A. Granular soil
B. Organic soil
C. Silts
D. Clays
Answer A
Raising the grade of a roadway (or railway) above the level of the existing
surrounding ground surface is known as embankment.

For highway embankments, generally granular soil are preferred, clay and
silt is less desirable while organic soils are unsuitable.

Granular soil means gravel, sand, or silt (coarse grained soil) with little or
no clay content.

For economic considerations generally best locally available soil should

be used.
Q. 123) Maximum daily traffic capacity of bituminous
pavements is

A. 500 tonnes per day

B. 1000 tonnes per day
C. 1500 tonnes per day
D. 2000 tonnes per day
Answer C
Q. 124) The most suitable equipment for compacting
clayey soils is a

A. Smooth wheeled roller

B. Pneumatic tyred roller
C. Sheep foot roller
D. Vibrator
Answer C
A. Smooth wheeled roller B. Pneumatic tyred roller C. Sheep foot roller
Q. 125) The aggregates required for one kilometre length
of water bound macadam road per metre width and for 10
mm thickness is

A. 8 cubic metre
B. 10 cubic metre
C. 12 cubic metre
D. 15 cubic metre
Answer C

Quantity of aggregate = Area × Thickness

= (1000 × 1) × (1/1000)

= 10 m³

20% extra broken stones on volume basis are recommended

Total quantity of aggregate = 1.2 × 10

= 12 m³
126) The camber of shoulders in water bound macadam
roads is

A. Equal to the cross slope of pavement

B. Less than the cross slope of pavement
C. Greater than the cross slope of pavement
D. Zero
Answer A
The term macadam in the present time means the road surfaces
and bases constructed of crushed or broken aggregates
cemented together by the action of rolling and water.

Camber for pavement and shoulder is 1 in 36 to 1 in 48

Q. 127) The Binder normally used in flexible pavement
construction is

A. Cement
B. Lime
C. Bitumen
D. None of the above
Answer C
Q. 128) In highway construction, rolling starts from

A. Sides and proceed to centre

B. Centre and proceed to sides
C. One side and proceed to Other Side
D. Any of the above
Answer A
Rolling is started from edges toward the centre. When half
surface is rolled, then rolling again is started from the other edge.
Q. 129) For the construction of water bound macadam roads, the correct
sequence of operations after spreading coarse aggregate is

A. Dry rolling, wet rolling, application of screening and application of filler

B. Dry rolling, application of filler, wet rolling and application of screening
C. Dry rolling, application of screening, wet rolling and application of Filler
D. Dry rolling, application of screening, application of filler and wet rolling
Answer C

Construction procedure of macadam road

1. Preparation of subgrade
The site is cleared and weak spot corrected and rolled.

2. Pavement construction
Coarse aggregate is Spread on the prepared surface of subgrade

3. Dry rolling
After spreading the coarse aggregate, the rolling is done.
4. Application of screenings
Screening is generally used to fill about 50% of total voids and rest 50%
voids are filled with filler materials.

5. Wet rolling
After the spreading the screenings, the surface of the layer is sprinkled
with water and rolled again.

6. Application of filler
After the application of the filler, water is sprinkled on the surface and
slurry is allowed to fill the voids.

7. Surface finishing
Q. 130) The penetration macadam construction, the
bitumen is

A. Sprayed after the aggregates and spread and compacted

B. Premixed with aggregates and then spread
C. Sprayed before the aggregates are spread and
D. None of the above
Answer A
Grouted or Penetration macadam:- In water bound macadam
(WBM) the strength is developed due to mechanical interlocking
and bond due to soil binder. The stresses induced due to heavy
mixed traffic destroys these surface very soon. Thus in order to
increase the stability of such road, bitumen is used as a binder.

-Bitumen is spread over the compacted aggregate surface.

-Bitumen penetrates into voids from the surface, filling up a part
of voids and binding the aggregate together.
1. Semi grouted - When bitumen penetrates up to half of the
thickness of the road
2. Full grouted – Bitumen penetrates upto full depth
Q. 131) When the bituminous surfacing is done on already
existing black top Road or over existing cement concrete
Road, the type of treatment to be given is

A. Seal coat
B. Tack coat
C. Prime coat
D. Spray of emulsion
Answer B
1. Prime coat: - It is recommended when the first coat of
bituminous surfacing is done on an existing previous texture base
such as WBM Road.
2. Tack coat: - It is usually recommended when the bituminous
surfacing is done over an existing cement concrete top or already
existing black top surface road.
3. Seal coat: - it is usually recommended as a final coat over
certain pervious bitumen the pavements.
Main function of seal coat
1. To develop the skid resistance.
2. To make the surface water proof.
3. To increase the life of the surface.
Q. 132) Which of the following premix methods is used for
base course

A. Bituminous carpet
B. Mastic asphalt
C. Sheet asphalt
D. Bituminous bound macadam
Answer D
Premix method:- The aggregate and binder is mixed prior to
placing and spreading over the desired surface.
1. Bitumen bound macadam: -
Binder and aggregate are mixed prior to placement.
In hilly region, the WBM have been found more resistant to frost
action than normal base courses.
In regions of high water table, the WBM offers an impervious cut
2. Bituminous carpet: -
It is construction is usually recommended for surface course layer
Premix prepared from 10 to 12 mm size chhipings with sand and
Q. 133) Select the correct statement

A. Quantity of Binder required for tack coat is less than that

required for prime coat
B. Prime coat treatment is given for plugging the voids in water
bound macadam during bituminous road construction
C. Seal coat is the final coat over certain pervious bituminous
D. A bitumen primer is a high viscosity cutback
Answer D
Bitumen Primer is a locally manufactured bitumen solution
suitable for sealing and priming porous and non-porous surfaces.
Used on concrete, metal and timber surfaces.
Q. 134) The suitable surfacing material for a bridge deck
slab is

A. Sheet asphalt
B. Bituminous carpet
C. Mastic asphalt
D. Rolled asphalt
Answer C
Mastic asphalt on bridges as protection, decking (deck is the
surface of a bridge) and finishing layers.

Mastic asphalt is an ideal construction material for absorbing

dynamic stresses that occur on bridges.
Q. 135) Which of the following is considered to be the
highest quality construction in the group of Black top

A. Mastic asphalt
B. Sheet asphalt
C. Bituminous carpet
D. Bituminous concrete
Answer D

Bituminous concrete: -

Bituminous concrete premix pavement surface construction is

the best and used for heavier and mixed traffic

Coarse and fine aggregates are used along with bitumen to give
dense mass.

Tickness depends on the traffic intensity and the quality of the

base course.
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Objective Questions
(136 to 150)

Highway Engineering
Q. 136) The thickness of bituminous carpet varies from

A. 20 to 25 mm
B. 50 to 75 mm
C. 75 to 100 mm
D. 100 to 120 mm
Answer A

Premix method of bitumen construction

The aggregates and binder is mixed prior to placing and
spreading over the desired surface.
1. Bitumen bound macadam
Binder and aggregates are mixed prior to placement and finishing
Thickness is kept from 5 to 7.5 cm.
2. Bituminous carpet
Recommended for surface course layer only.
Premix of 10-12 mm size chippings with sand and bitumen
The tickness varies from 2 cm to 2.5 cm
3. Bituminous concrete
Coarse and fine aggregates are used along with bitumen to give
dense mass.
This is the best and used for heavier and mixed traffic

4. Sheet asphalt
A premix of bitumen and sand

5. Mastic asphalt
Mastic asphalt is a mixture of a bitumen binder, stone filler and
mineral powder heated and mixed in the hot state.
Q. 137) Which of the following represents a carpet of
sand-bitumen mix without coarse aggregate

A. Mastic asphalt
B. Sheet asphalt
C. Bituminous carpet
D. Bituminous concrete
Answer B
Q. 138) In highway construction on superelevated curves,
the Rolling shall proceed from

A. Sides towards the centre

B. Centre towards the sides
C. Lower edge towards the upper edge
D. Upper edge towards the lower edge
Answer C

Superelevated curve: - The rolling shall proceed from lower edge

towards uper edge.

Level surface: - Rolling is started from edges toward the centre.

When half surface is rolled, then rolling again is started from the
other edge.
Q. 139) Expansion joints in cement concrete pavements
are provided at an interval of

A. 10 m
B. 15 m
C. 18 m to 21 m
D. 25 m to 30 m
Answer C
Expansion joints: -
These joints are provided to allow the expansion
of concrete slab due to temperature rise.
Provided at interval of 18 m to 21 m
Approximate gap width of joints is provided between 2 to 2.5 cm

Contraction joints: -
The purpose of the contraction joint is to
allow the contraction of the slab due to fall in slab temperature
below the construction temperature.
Maximum spacing of 4.5 m as per IRC
Q. 140) Select the incorrect statement

A. Contraction joints are spaced closer than Expansion

B. Longitudinal joints are provided in cement concrete
roads to prevent longitudinal cracking
C. Dowel bars are provided in longitudinal joints
D. Warping joints are provided to relieve stresses induced
due to warping
Answer C

1. Transverse joints
(a) Construction joints (b) Expansion joints (c) Contraction joints (d) Warping joints
2. Longitudinal joints or Tie bars

Longitudinal joints Or Tie bars

This are provided in CC roads if their width is more than 4.5 m.
Provided to keep the two portion of slab in same level.

Dowel bars: - Are used in expansion and contraction Joints.

Warping joints:- Provided to relieve stresses developed due to warping

Q. 141) Hill Road is one which passes through a terrain
with a cross slope

A. 0 to 10%
B. 10 to 25%
C. 25 to 60%
D. None of the above
Answer C
Types of terrain Cross slope in%

1. Plain terrain < 10

2. Rolling terrain 10 to 25
3. Hilly terrain 25 to 60
4. Steep terrain > 60
Answer B
The resisting length of a road is its effective length.
If two points are to be connected by the shortest distance in a
straight line, the gradient may be steeper than the ruling
gradient; therefore, it becomes necessary to increase the length
so as to have the desired ruling gradient.

Resisting length = Actual length of route + (Rise and fall) /

Coefficient of friction bt
tyre and pavement
Lr = L1 + h/f
Q. 143) In hill roads if several alternate alignments are
surveyed which fulfill to Geometric standards, then the
preferred alignment is the one which is resisting length as

A. Maximum
B. Minimum
C. Very near to average resisting length of all the alignments
D. Zero
Answer B

Since, in hill roads, ineffective rises and falls are unavoidable, the
particular alignment for which the resisting length is the
minimum is the most desirable one.

The following surveyed for fixing the alignment: -

(a) Reconnaissance survey
(b) Preliminary survey
(c) Determination of final centre line
(d) Final location survey.
Q. 144) The camber for hill roads in case of bituminous
surfacing is adopted as

A. 2%
B. 2.5%
C. 3%
D. 4%
Answer B
Camber is the slope, provided in the transverse direction of the
road to drain off the rain water from the road surface
Q. 145) The superelevation to be provided in horizontal
curves of radius R in hill roads is given by

A. V²/127R

B. V²/17.5R

C. V²/225R

D. (V+8)²/127R
Answer C

Super elevation: - It is the ratio of the height of outer edge

with respect to horizontal width.
In hill roads super elevation is

e = V² / 225R

e = super elevation
V = design speed in kmph
R = radius of curve in metre
Q. 146) The minimum design speed for hair pin bends in
hill road is taken as

A. 20 kmph
B. 30 kmph
C. 40 kmph
D. 50 kmph
Answer A
For design of hair pin bend following criteria may be adopted

1. Minimum design speed = 20 kmph

2. Minimum length of transition curve = 15 m
3. Gradients
(a) Maximum = 1 in 40 (2.5%)
(b) Minimum = 1 in 200 (0.5%)
4. Super elevation = 1 in 10 (10%)
Q. 147) The drain which is provided parallel to roadway to
intercept and divert the water from hill slopes is known as

A. Sloping drain
B. Catchwater drain
C. Side drain
D. Cross drain
Answer B

Hill roads, drains on both sides of the road can only be provided if the road runs
wholly through cutting.
In the case of side cutting, drains are provided only on one side, usually on the
Hill side.

Catch drain: -
When the road runs in steep side Hill, the water from the upper slopes comes to
the road surface and causes major damage of the road.

Divert the water from the hill slope, catch water drains are provided on the same
side as the side drains, running parallel to the road.

The water from this catch water drain is diverted to the nearest cross drainage
work such as culvert or to a natural stream.
A. Drain on both side B. Drain on hill side
Q. 148) The walls which are necessary on the hill side of
roadway where earth has to be retained from slipping is
known as

A. Retaining wall
B. Breast wall
C. Parapet wall
D. None of the above
Answer B

Breast wall
A breast is wall constructed to prevent the soil on a natural slope
of embankment from sliding down the slope due to effects of
weather, erosion etc.

Retaining wall
A retaining wall is used when artificial excavation is done
Q. 149) In hill roads the side drains are provided

A. Only on the hill side of road

B. Only on the opposite side of Hill
C. On both sides of the road
D. None of the above
Answer A
Q. 150) select the incorrect statement

A. Emulsion is used for stabilizing desert sand

B. Soil lime stabilization is very effective for stabilizing
black cotton soils
C. Soil lime stabilization is quite effective in warm regions
D. Soil cement stabilization is quite durable for surface
Answer D

Stabilisation is the process of improving the engineering

properties of the soil before construction.

A. Desert sand is a very light and very weakly saturated reddish

yellow colour which corresponds specifically to the coloration of

D. Uses Of Cement In Soil Stabilization for subgrade or road base.

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Objective Questions
(151 to 160)

Highway Engineering
Q. 151) For sandy soils the most common method of
stabilization is

A. Soil cement stabilization

B. Mechanical stabilization
C. Soil lime stabilization
D. Soil bitumen stabilization
Answer D

Soil stabilization is the process of improving the engineering

properties of soil and making it more stable.
1. Cement Stabilization: -
Is done by mixing pulverised soil and
portland cement with water and compacting the mix to attain a
strong material.

2. Mechanical Stabilization: -
Is the process of improving the soil
by changing its gradation. Two or more types of natural soils are
mixed to obtain a composite material which is superior to any of
its components. It is also known as granular stabilization.
3. Lime Stabilization:-
Is done by adding lime to a soil. It is useful
for stabilization of clayey soils.

4. Bitumen Stabilization: -
Is generally done with asphalt as binder.
Emulsion are also used but in this form they require a longer
drying period.

The amount of bitumen is 4% to 7%. The actual amount is

determined by trial.
Q. 152) In which one of the following types of bituminous
Constructions is proportioning of materials determined
from laboratory tests?

A. Grouted macadam
B. Premix carpet
C. Bituminous or asphalt concrete
D. Bituminous macadam
Answer C
1. Grouted or penetration macadam: -
The strength is developed due to
mechanical interlocking and bond due to soil binder. The stresses induced
due to heavy mixed traffic order to increase the stability of such roads,
bitumen is used as a binder.
The bitumen is spread over the compacted aggregate surface. The
bitumen penetrates into voids from the surface, filling up a part of voids
and binding the aggregate together.

2. Premix Carpet: -
is usually recommended for surface courses layer only.
Bituminous carpet or premix carpet is a premix prepared from 10 to 12
mm size chipping with sand and bitumen binder.
3. Bituminous or asphalt concrete: -
Best and can be used for
heavier and mixed traffic. In this method coarse and fine
aggregates are used along with bitumen to give dense mass.
The premix is carefully designed and the aggregates and bitumen
heated separately upto specified temperature and mixed
together till all particles are coated with bitumen.

4. Bitumen Macadam: -
The binder and aggregates are mixed prior
to placement and the finished thickness is kept from 5 to 7.5 cm.
Answer D
Q. 154) Which one of the following is associated with
“Limiting Gradient” on highways?

A. Requirement of maximum tractive effort for a short distance

B. Requirement of minimum tractive effort on the whole gradient
C. Efficient drainage conditions
D. Alignment design in general
Answer A
Gradient: - It is the rate of rise or fall of road level along its length.

1. Maximum gradient: - It is the maximum or steepest or limiting gradient which

is allowed to be provided in a road and which must never be exceeded in any
part of the road as steeper gradient are very inconvenient to the traffic, more
specially for slow moving traffic.

2. Ruling or desing gradient: - This is desirable upper limit or permissible limit of

gradient in the alignment of the road.

3. Minimum gradient: - Provided on flat or level road to drain off rain water.

4. Exceptional gradient: - Provided in exceptional situations such as in approaches

to cause way or near hairpin bends etc.
Q. 155) While aligning a hill road with a ruling gradient of 1
in 20, a horizontal curve of radius 80 m is encountered.
The compensated gradient on curve will be

A. 1 in 15
B. 1 in 17
C. 1 in 25
D. 1 in 27
Answer C
Q. 156) While designing the superelevation of a highway,
its maximum value is fixed considering the need to
A. Avoid toppling of slow moving vehicles in mixed traffic flow
B. Avoid tranverse skidding
C. Provide drainage
D. Counteract centrifugal force due to 75% of design speed
Answer A

Design of superelevation
Superelevation is designed for the particular vehicle called design
vehicle which has some standard weight and dimensions. But in
the actual case, the road has mixed traffic conditions. Different
vehicles require different values of superelevation.

1. Heavily loaded trucks require the small value of superelevation
otherwise toppling may occur.
2. Fast moving vehicles may be provided with high superelevation
while slow moving ones require small superelevation.
Q. 157) In a Group Index method of flexible pavement
design, which one of the following factors decides the
thickness of base and surface course?

A. Percentage of subgrade soil passing 75 Micron sieve

B. Type of surface and base course materials
C. Daily volume of commercial vehicles
D. Percentage of liquid limit of subgrade soil
Answer C

Step 1. First the value of group index is found out by equation

GI = 0.2a + 0.005ac + 0.01bd

Step 2. Traffic is estimate and classified as

light (< 50 commercial vehicles per day),
medium (40-300) and
heavy (>300)

Step 3. Appreciate curve is choosen and the total thickness of

pavements is calculated.
Q. 158) In a bituminous pavement, alligator cracking is
mainly due to

A. Inadequate wearing course

B. Inadequate thickness of subbase course of pavement
C. Use of excessive bituminous material
D. Fatigue arising from repeated stress applications
Answer D
Failure of flexible pavements
1. Map or Alligator cracking:
-Occurs due to fatigue.

2. Consolidation of pavement layers: -

Repeated loads on same location of the
road causes consolidation, deformation,
causing depression (ruts) on the road

3. Shear failure: - Weakness of pavement

mixtures. The shear failure causes
upheaval of the pavement material forming
cracking or fracture.
4. Frost heaving: - Shear or other failure the upheaval of the pavement is
followed by a depression while in frost heaving it is a localized upheaval

5. Longitudinal cracking: -
Due to differential volume changes or
other reasons such as frost action, settlement
of embankment etc

6. Lack of cohesion in different layers: - Whene there is no proper bond

between them wearing course and underlying base course etc.

7. Formation of waves and corrugation: -

The sequence of such depression and heaving up.
Q. 159) The main function of prime coat is to

A. Provide bond between old and new surfacing

B. Improve riding quality of pavement
C. Provide bond between the existing base and surfacing
of new construction
D. Control dust nuisance
Answer C

1. Prime coat: - It is recommended when the first coat of bituminous

surface is done on an existing pervious texture base such as WBM road.

2. Tack coat: - It is usually recommended when bituminous surfacing is

done over an existing cement concrete top or already existing black top
surface road.

3. Seal coat: - It is usually recommended as a final coat over certain

pervious bitumen pavements.
-To make the surface water-proof.
-To increase the life of the surface.
Q. 160) The design of horizontal transition curve length of
highways should take into account
A. Three factors namely, allowable values of rate of change of
centrifugal acceleration and superelevation and the minimum
length formula given by the IRC
B. Two factors, namely, comfort and rate of change of
C. Two factors, namely, rate of change of superelevation and
minimum length formula given by the IRC
D. Only one factor, namely, the rate of change of centrifugal
Answer A Length of the transition curve maximum of three
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Objective Questions
(161 to 175)

Q. 161) The radius of horizontal curve is 100 metres. The
design speed is 50 kmph and design coefficient of lateral
friction is 0.15. What would be the rate of superelevation if
full lateral friction is considered?

A. 1 in 21.2
B. 1 in 15.8
C. 1 in 25.0
D. 1 in 32.6
Answer A
Q. 162)
Answer B
A. The penetration value of bitumen is measured by distance in tenths of
mm that a standard needle would penetrate vertically into bitumen
sample under standard conditions of test.

By this test we can determine the hardness or softness value of bitumen.

Penetration test is a commonly adopted

test on bitumen to grade the material in
terms of its hardness.

A 80/100 grade bitumen indicates

that its penetration value lies
between 80 & 100.
B. Bituminous concrete mix is commonly designed by Marshall Method.

C. Softening point of bitumen indicates the point at which bitumen

attains a particular degree of softening under specified conditions of the
test. Take small amount of bitumen sample and heat it up to 75-100oC.
Ring and ball apparatus is used to conduct this test.

D. The Benkelman beam method is one of the methods for measuring

surface deflections in field.
Method to access pavement condition and overlay design.
Q. 163) In the design of highways, expansion and
contraction joints should respectively be provided at

A. 50 m and 32 m
B. 50 m and 10 m
C. 25 m and 10 m
D. 25 m and 32 m
Answer B
Expansion joints: - The purpose of the expansion joint is to allow the
expansion of the pavement due to rise in temperature with respect to
construction temperature.
Spacing between 50 to 500 ft (15 to 150 m)

Contraction joints: - The purpose of the contraction joint is to allow the

contraction of the slab due to fall in slab temperature below the
construction temperature.
The joint spacing should be 24 to 30 times the pavement thickness.
The maximum joint spacing is 30 ft (9.0 m)
Q. 164) Reflection cracking is observed in

A. Flexible pavement
B. Rigid pavement
C. Bituminous overlay over cement concrete surface
D. Rigid overlay over flexible pavement
Answer C

Reflective cracking can include cracks that occur away from an underlying

Reflection cracking is observed in

Bituminous overlay over CC surface

Problem: Allows moisture infiltration

and can cause roughness in the
pavement ride.
Answer B
1. Psychological widening (Wep):
While negotiating a horizontal curve, the driver has a tendency to follow the inner
of the pavement. This reduces the effective width of the pavement at curves. In
order to have a smooth operation at curves, you need to provide an extra widening
at the curve of the road.
The IRC recommended a value of extra widening formula for psychological reasons
Wep = V / 9.5 √r
2.Mechanical Widening (Wem):
While negotiating a curve, rear wheels have a tendency to follow the inner track. To
accommodate this, there will be a widening is provided called mechanical widening
have to be provided. This is due to the offtracking of the vehicle.
The off-tracking in a highway is one the main criteria during curve widening design.
The IRC value for the mechanical widening is given by
Wem = nL² / 2R
Q. 166) Which one of the following items of Hill Road
Construction does not help in the prevention of landslides
in the monsoon season

A. Retaining walls
B. Catch water drains
C. Breast wall
D. Hair-pin bends
Answer D
Breast wall:- A breast is wall constructed to prevent the soil on a natural slope of
embankment from sliding down the slope due to effects of weather, erosion etc.

Retaining wall:- A retaining wall is used when artificial excavation is done.

Catch drain: - When the road runs in steep side Hill, the water from the upper
slopes comes to the road surface and causes major damage of the road.

Divert the water from the hill slope, catch water drains are provided on the same
side as the side drains, running parallel to the road.

The water from this catch water drain is diverted to the nearest cross drainage
work such as culvert or to a natural stream.
Q. 167) In the Los Angeles Abrasion test on aggregate, if
the speed of the drum is increased to 50 rpm, then the
abrasion value will

A. Increase
B. Decrease
C. Remain unchanged
D. Be unpredictable
Answer A
Los Angeles Abrasion Test:- It consists of a hollow cylindrical machine
closed at both ends having 70 cm internal diameter and 50 cm long,
mounted on supports so that it may rotate about its horizontal axis.
Steel spherical balls 4.5 cm diameter and weight 390 grams to 445 grams.
The weight and number of balls per charge of aggregate depends upon
the grading of aggregate simple.
1. Sample 5 kg or 10 kg depending on the grading of aggregate sample.
2. Machine is rotated at a speed of 30 to 33 r.p.m. For 500-1000 r.p.m
depending on grading.
3. Sample is taken out and sieved through 1.7 mm I.S. Sieve and weight of
aggregate passing through it.
Abrasion value = W2/W1× 100%
W1 is the weight of sample put in the machine.
Q. 168) The maximum superelevation to be provided on a
road curve road is 1 in 15. If the rate of change of
superelevation is specified as 1 in 120 and the road width
is 10 m, then the minimum length of the transition curve
on either end will be

A. 180 m
B. 125 m
C. 80 m
D. 30 m
Answer C
Q. 169) A summit curve is formed at the intersection of a
3% up gradient and 5% down gradient. To provide a
stopping distance of 128 m, the length of summit curve
needed will be

A. 271 m
B. 298 m
C. 322 m
D. 340 m
Answer B
Q. 170) Which one of the following causes ravelling in
bituminous pavement?

A. Use of soft bitumen

B. Excessive bitumen content
C. Low bitumen content
D. Use of open graded aggregates
Answer C
Disintegration in Bituminous Pavements and their Causes
Caused by insufficient compaction of the surface, insufficient asphalt in
the mix, loss of adhesion between the asphalt coating and aggregate
particles, or overheating of the mix.

The most common type of disintegration in bituminous pavements is

raveling. Raveling is the wearing away of the pavement surface caused by
the dislodging of aggregate particles and the loss of asphalt binder. As the
raveling continues, larger pieces are broken free, and the pavement takes
on a rough appearance.
Q.171) In desire-line diagram

A. Width of desire-line is proportional to the number of trips in

one direction
B. Length of the desire-line is proportional to the number of trips
in both directions
C. Width of desire-line is proportional to the number of trips in
both directions
D. Both length and width of desire-line are proportional to the
number of trips in both directions
Answer C

The origin and destination studies give idea of the number of

vehicular traffic, their origin and destination in each zone of

Desire-line are ploted.

Thickness or width of desire-line, shows volume (Number of trips

on both directions) on that road.
Q. 172) A typical Marshall test graph is shown in fig. 4.5.
The variable on the y-axis is
Answer B
Q. 173) Given that
r = radius of load distribution, E = Modulus of elasticity of concrete
K = modulus of subgrade reaction, u = poisson’s ratio of concrete
h = thickness of slab, P = wheel load

The combination of parameters required for obtaining the radius of

relative stiffness of cement concrete slab is

A. E, K, u, r
B. h, K, u, r
C. E, h, K, u
D. P, h, K, u
Answer C

L = Radius of relative stiffness in cms
E = Modulus of elasticity of cement concrete kg/cm²
u = Poisson ratio of cement concrete = 0.15
h = Slab thickness in cms
K = Subgrade modulus or modulus of subgrade reaction kg/cm²
Q. 174) Consider the following situations
1. Traffic volume entering from all roads is less than 3000 vehicles per
2. Pedestrian volume is high
3. Total right turning traffic is high
4. A road in a hilly region

A rotary will be more suitable than control by signals, in situations listed


A. 1 and 3
B. 1 and 4
C. 2 and 4
D. 2 and 3
Answer A
Guidelines for the selection of rotary:-
1. Traffic volume entering from all roads is 500 to 3000 vehicles per hour.
2. Total right turning traffic is high.
3. If the number of intersecting roads is between 4 and 7 then rotaries
can be constructed with advantage
Answer C
Durability:- Aggregates used in pavements have to withstand the adverse action
of weather such as physical and chemical action of rain and ground water and
effects of atmosphere etc. The durability of aggregates is determined by
soundness test.

Abrasion:- The aggregates used in the surface course are subjected to constant
abrasion due to moving vehicles. The removal of material from the surface of the
road by grinding action is known as abrasion.

Attrition:- The mutual rubbing of stones also causes wear in the aggregates. This
action of mutual rubbing or grinding of stones is known as attrition.

Crazing:- Breaking up of road surface layer through cracking into irregular shaped
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Objective Questions
(176 to 190)

Q. 176) Ratio of the width of the car parking area required
at kerb for 30° parking relative to 60° parking is

A. 0.5
B. 0.7
C. 0.8
D. 2.0
Answer C
Q. 177) Consider the following statements with reference to pavements
1. Flexible pavements are more suitable then rigid pavements in regions
where subgrade strength is uneven.
2. Load carrying capacity of rigid pavements depends more on the
properties of concrete then the strength of subgrade.
3. Compared to flexible pavements, rigid pavements are more affected by
temperature variations.

Of these statements

A. 1 and 2 are correct

B. 1 and 3 are correct
C. 2 and 3 are correct
D. 3 alone is correct
Answer C
Load carrying capacity of rigid pavement is mainly due to the
rigidity and high modulus of elasticity of the slab itself.
Q. 178) For the relationship u = 55 – 0.44 k, where u is this
speed in kmph and k is the density in vpkm, what will be
the maximum flow in vph?

A. 1718
B. 1250
C. 625
D. 125
Answer A
Q. 179) Consider the following statements:
Collision diagram is used to
1. Study accident pattern
2. Eliminate accidents
3. Determine remedial measures
4. Make statistical analysis of accidents

Of these statements

A. 1 and 2 are correct

B. 1 and 3 are correct
C. 3 and 4 are correct
D. 2 and 4 are correct
Answer B
Collision diagrams are used to display and identify similar accident
patterns. They provide information on the type and number of accidents;
including conditions such as time of day, day of week, climatic conditions,
pavement conditions, and other information.

Collision diagram are most useful to compare the accident pattern before
and after the remedial measures have been taken.
Q. 180) In which one of the following grades of highway is
an emergency escape ramp provided

A. 1 in 200
B. Zero grade
C. Down grade
D. Up grade
Answer C

Runaway truck ramp / Runaway truck lane / Escape lane /

Emergency escape ramp / Truck arrester bed:- is a traffic device
that enables vehicles which are having braking problems to safely
stop. It is typically a long, sand or gravel-filled lane connected to
a steep downhill grade section of a main road, and is designed to
accommodate large trucks or buses.
Q. 181) The Plasticity Index of the fraction passing 425
micron I.S. Sieve in case of sub base/base course would be

A. Less than 6
B. Greater than 6
C. Greater than 9
D. Between 15 and 30
Answer A

According to IS:2720 the plasticity index of binding material in

WBM for Base / sub base Should be less than 6%
Q. 181) Assuming the safe stopping sight distance to be
80 m on a flat Highway section and with a setback distance
of 10 m, what would be the radius of the negotiable
horizontal curve?

A. 800 m
B. 160 m
C. 80 m
D. 70 m
Answer C
Q. 183) If the CBR value obtained at 5 mm penetration is
higher than that at 2.5 mm, then the test is repeated for
checking; and if the check test reveals a similar trend
trend, then the CBR value is to be reported as the

A. Mean of the values for 5 mm and 2.5 mm penetrations

B. Higher value minus the lower value
C. Lower value corresponding to 2.5 mm penetration
D. Higher value obtained at 5 mm penetration
Answer D
It is the ratio of force per unit area required to penetrate a soil mass with
standard circular needle at the rate of 1.25 mm/min. to that required for
the corresponding penetration of a standard material.
C.B.R. = Test load/Standard load × 100
Penetration of plunger (mm) Standard load (kg)

2.5 1370
5.0 2055
7.5 2630
10.0 3180
12.5 3600
The C.B.R. values are usually calculated for penetration of 2.5 mm and 5
mm. Generally the C.B.R. value at 2.5 mm will be greater that at 5 mm
and in such a case the former shall be taken as C.B.R. for design purpose.
If C.B.R. for 5 mm exceeds that for 2.5 mm, the test should be repeated.
If identical results follow, the C.B.R. corresponding to 5 mm penetration
should be taken for design.
Q. 184) A vehicle was stopped in two seconds by fully
Jamming the brakes. The skid marks measured 9.8 metres.
The average skid resistance coefficient will be

A. 0.7
B. 0.5
C. 0.4
D. 0.25
Answer B
Q. 185) Which one of the following is the chronological
sequence in regard to road construction/design

A. Telford, Tresaguet, CBR, Macadam

B. Tresaguet, Telford, Macadam, CBR
C. Macadam, CBR, Tresaguet, Telford
D. Tresaguet, Macadam, Telford, CBR
Answer B

Tresaguet construction was started in 1764 AD in France.

Telford construction was started in 1803 AD in London (England).

Macadam construction was started in 1815 AD in England.

CBR construction was started in 1928 AD in USA.

Q. 186) The general requirement in constructing a
reinforced concrete road is to place a single layer of

A. Near the bottom of the slab

B. Near the top of the slab
C. At the middle
D. Equally distributed at the top and bottom
Answer B

The greater quantity of reinforcement should be place In the

longitudinal direction. Further the reinforcement should either
be placed in the mid depth or towards top of the pavement for
better functioning.
Q. 187) It is a common practice to design a highway to
accommodate the traffic volume corresponding to

A. 30th hour
B. Peak hour
D. 15-min peak period
Answer A

Design Hour Volume (DHV) is the hourly traffic volume used in the
design of highways.
The 30th highest hourly volume Is the hourly volume that will be
exceeded only 29 times In a year and all hourly volumes of the year will
be less than this value.
Q. 188) The amount of mechanical energy imposed on the
aggregate during aggregate impact test is of the order of

A. 5320 kg-cm
B. 6750 kg-cm
C. 7980 kg-cm
D. 11400 kg-cm
Answer C
Procedure of Impact test
1. Sample 10 mm to 12.5 mm using sieve.
2. Sample transferred to the cup of the impact test apparatus and compacted by tamping road
25 times.
3. Now the hammer is raised to a height of 38 cm above the surface of the aggregate in the
cup and is allowed to fall freely on the specimen.
4. 15 blows are given.
5. Sieved through 2.36 mm IS sieve and passing fraction is weighed (W1) .

Impact value = W2/W1 × 100

Where W2 is the weight of sample.

In impact test 15 blows of 14 kg hamer with a drop of 38 cm are given. Therefore mechanical
energy imposed on aggregate is
= 15 × 14 × 38 = 7980
Q. 189) Which one of the following binders is
recommended for a wet and cold climate?

A. 80/100 penetration asphalt

B. Tar
C. Cutback
D. Emulsion
Answer D

Bitumen emulsion is a mixture of water & bitumen. The bitumen

content in the emulsion is around 60% and the remaining is

1. Emulsion can be used in wet weather even when it is raining.

2. Also emulsions have been used in soil stabilization, particularly
for stabilization of sands in desert areas.
3. Emulsion are used in maintenance and patch repair works.
Q. 190) With reference to the Marshall mix design criteria
for highways, which one of the following pairs is not
correctly matched?

A. Stability value............. 340 min

B. Flow value.................. 8-16
C. VFB............................. 50-75
D. % Air voids................. 3-5
Answer C

Marshall method
Used for bituminous
design mix.
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Objective Questions
(191 to 200)

Q. 191) It was noted that on a section of road, the free
speed was 80 kmph and the jam density was 70 kmph. The
maximum flow in vph that could be expected on this road

A. 800
B. 1400
C. 2800
D. 5600
Answer B
Q. 192) Which of the criteria given below are used for the
design of valley vertical curves on road?
1. Rider comfort.
2. Headlight sight distance
3. Drainage
Select the correct answer using the codes given below

A. 1,2 and 3
B. 1 and 3
C. 2 and 3
D. 1 and 2
Answer A
Valley (Sag) curves are those curves which have convexity downwards.
They are formed under the four following conditions:
1. When a negative gradient meets another mild negative gradient
2. When a negative gradient meets a level zero gradient
3. When a negative gradient meets with a positive gradient
4. When a positive gradient meets another steeper positive gradient

During day time the visibility in valley curves are not hindered but during
night time the only source of visibility becomes headlight in the absence
of street lights.
And in valley curves, the centrifugal force generated by the vehicle
moving along a valley curve acts downwards along with the weight of the
vehicle and this adds to the stress induced in the spring of the vehicle
which causes jerking of the vehicle.
Answer D

A. Bird baths:- form typically as the result of settlement due to

inadequate compaction of the material under the asphalt during
construction and are particularly noticeable after a rain.

B. Potholes:- this type of failure occurs when there is no proper

bond between the wearing course and underlying base course
etc. This results in opening up and loss of material forming pot
holes. This type of failure generally takes place when the
bituminous surfacing is provided over the existing cement
concrete base course etc.
C. Ravelling:- is caused by the continued infiltration of water and
the degradation of an asphalt top coat. Once the top layer of
asphalt bitumen wears down water and sunlight will continue to
damage the asphalt surface causing the bond between asphalt
bitumen and aggregate rock to break. When water begins to
intrude into an asphalt surface it will cause further cracks and
pavement failure to occur.

D. Subsidence:- Abrupt (Sudden) lowering of the road surface due

to poor drainage.
Q. 194) For carrying out bituminous patch work during the
rainy season, the most suitable binder is

A. Road tar
B. Hot bitumen
C. Cutback bitumen
D. Bituminous emulsion
Answer D
Patching is the process of filling potholes or excavated areas in
the asphalt pavement.

Bitumen emulsion is a mixture of water & bitumen. The bitumen

content in the emulsion is around 60% and the remaining is

1. Emulsion can be used in wet weather even when it is raining.

2. Also emulsions have been used in soil stabilization, particularly
for stabilization of sands in desert areas.
3. Emulsion are used in maintenance and patch repair works.
Q. 195) The corrected characteristic rebound deflection on
a pavement, using Benkelman beam study 2 mm. The
equivalent granular overlay thickness required for an
allowable deflection of 1 mm as per original IRC guidelines

A. 33 mm
B. 66 mm
C. 133 mm
D. 166 mm
Answer D
Q. 196) For a circular curve of radius 200 m, the coefficient
of lateral friction is 0.15 and the design speed 40 kmph.
The equilibrium superelevation (for equal pressure on
inner and outer wheels) would be

A. 21.3
B. 7
C. 6.3
D. 4.6
Answer C
Q. 197) If a descending gradients of 1 in 25 meets an
ascending gradient of 1 in 40, then the length of valley
curve required for head light distance of 100 m will be

A. 30 m
B. 130 m
C. 310 m
D. 630 m
Answer B

Head light sight distance

is the distance visible to a
driver during night driving
under the illumination of
head lights.
Q. 198) An ascending gradient of 1 in 100 meets a
descending gradient of 1 in 50. The length of summit curve
required to provide overtaking sight distance of 500 m will

A. 938 m
B. 781 m
C. 470 m
D. 170 m
Answer B
Q 199) Which one of the following pairs is not correctly

A. Horizontal curves........................ Superelevation

B. Origin and destination studies... Desire lines
C. Los Angeles test.......................... Hardness of aggregates
D. Soundness test............................ Purity of bitumen
Answer D

Durability:- Aggregates used in pavements have to withstand the

adverse action of weather such as physical and chemical action
of rain and ground water and effects of atmosphere etc.
The durability of aggregates is determined by soundness test.

Solubility test:- is used to measure purity of bitumen. Pure

bitumen is completely soluble in solvents like carbon disulphide
and carbon tetrachloride.
Q. 200) Which one of the following expressions gives
intermediate sight distance as per IRC standards? (SSD:
stopping sight distance; OSD: overtaking sight distance)

A. 2 SSD
B. (SSD + OSD) / 2
C. (OSD – SSD) / 2
D. 2 OSD
Answer A
Intermediate sight distance (ISD) is defined as twice SSD.
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(201 to 207 END)
Last Part
Q. 201) Consider the following:
1. L.L. of soil,
2. P.L. of soil,
3. S.L of soil
4. Annual average rainfall,
5. Temperature of soil

As per the latest IRC guidelines, the set of essential data required to
determine moisture correction factor of clayey subgrade soil in
Benkelman beam study would include

A. 1,2 and 4
B. 1,2,3 and 4
C. 2,3 and 5
D. 4 and 5
Answer A

The seasonal variation cause variation in subgrade moisture. The

plasticity index (LL – PL) and annual average rainfall are the data
required to determine moisture correction factor.

Temperature correction is separately applied.

Q. 202) As per latest IRC guidelines for designing flexible
pavement by CBR method, the load parameter required is

A. Number of commercial vehicles per day

B. Cumulative standard axles is msa
C. Equivalent single axle load
D. Number of vehicles (all types) during design life
Answer B

Indian roads congress has specified the design procedures for flexible
pavements based on:-
1. Design traffic in terms of cumulative number of standard axles and
2. CBR value of subgrade.

The method considers traffic in terms of the cumulative number of

standard axles (8160 kg) to be carried by the pavement during the
design life.

MSA Means million standard axle.

Q. 203) If the load, warping and frictional stresses in a
cement concrete slab are 210 N/mm², 290N/mm² and
10N/mm² respectively, the critical combination of stresses
during summer midday is

A. 290 N/mm²
B. 390 N/mm²
C. 490 N/mm²
D. 590 N/mm²
Answer C
Q. 204) Brake is applied on a vehicle which then is skids a
distance of 16 m before coming to stop. If the developed
average coefficient of friction between the tyres and the
pavement is 0.4, then the speed of the vehicle before
skidding would have been nearly

A. 20 kmph
B. 30 kmph
C. 40 kmph
D. 50 kmph
Answer C
Q. 205) When two roads with two-lane, two-way traffic,
cross at an uncontrolled intersection, the total number of
potential major conflict points would be

A. 32
B. 24
C. 16
D. 4
Answer A
Q. 206) Rapid curing cutback bitumen is produced by
blending (admixture) bitumen with

A. Kerosene
B. Benzene
C. Diesel
D. Petrol
Answer D
Cutback bitumen:- Normal practice is to heat bitumen to reduce its
viscosity. In cutback bitumen suitable solvent is used to lower the
viscosity of the bitumen. From the environmental point of view also
cutback bitumen is preferred. The solvent from the bituminous material
will evaporate and the bitumen will bind the aggregate.

The distillates used for preparation of cutback bitumen are naphtha,

kerosene, diesel oil, and furnace oil.

There are different types of cutback bitumen like

1. Rapid curing (RC)- Petrol
2. Medium curing (MC) – Kerosene
3. Slow curing (SC)
Q. 207) A two lane single carriage-way is to be designed for
design life period of 15 years. Total two way traffic intensity in the
year of completion of construction is expected to be 2000
commercial vehicles per day. Vehicle damage factor = 3.0, land
distribution factor = 0.75. Assuming annual rate of traffic growth
as 7.5%, design traffic, expressed as cumulative number of
standard axles, is

A. 42.9 × 106
B. 22.6 × 106
C. 10.1 × 106
D. 5.3 × 106
Answer A
The End
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