Caleb Druckemiller Complaint

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2/15/2022 11:44 AMPage 1 of 3
State of Alabama Warrant Number
Unified Judicial System
(Felonies, Misdemeanors, or Violations - MISSYCase
Form CR-6 Rev. 8/98 District Court or Municipal Court)



Before me, the undersigned authority, personally appeared this day the undersigned complainant who, upon first being duly sworn,
states on oath that he/she has probable cause for believing, and does believe, that CALEB DAKOTA DRUCKEMILLER
, defendant, whose name is otherwise unknown to the complainant, did, prior to the commencement of this action, on or about
2/12/2022 11:43:00 AM (date of occurrence) commit the offense of
1. ATTEMPT - MURDER - 13A-004-002

2. MENACING - 13A-006-023

3. CRIM MISCHIEF 3RD - 13A-007-023

within the

City/Town of or in the police jurisdiction thereof, in that he/she did:
(State specific facts here. Continue on a separate sheet of paper if needed.)

ATTEMPT - MURDER: Probable Cause was established that on February 12, 2022, while in the county of Lauderdale, Alabama,

against the peace and dignity of said county, Caleb Dakota Druckemiller committed the offense Attempt, when he, with intent to commit

a specific crime, to wit: Murder; he cone an overt act towards the commission of such offense, specifically, with intent to cause the death

of another person, he overtly attempted to cause the death of another person, to wit: his grandmother, Ms. Janice Campbell Murphy.

Probable Cause was established that on February 12, 2022, while in the county of Lauderdale, Alabama, against the peace and dignity of

said county, Caleb Dakota Druckemiller committed the offense Menacing when by physical action, he intentionally placed or attempted

to place another person in fear of imminent serious physical injury when he brandished a deadly weapon, to wit: a large pipe wrench; and

used said weapon to place his grandmother, Ms. Janice Campbell Murphy, in fear of imminent serious physical injury.

Probable Cause was established that on February 12, 2022, while in the county of Lauderdale, Alabama, against the peace and dignity of

said county, Caleb Dakota Druckemiller committed the offense Criminal Mischief in the Third Degree when he, with intent to damage

property, and having no right to do so or any reasonable ground to believe that he had such a right, he inflicted damage to property in an

amount not exceeding $500, to wit: the door of his grandmother’s bedroom when he intentionally and with physical force, destroyed said

door by striking said door with a pipe wrench while attempting to effect entry into said bedroom to commit the offense of Murder.

On February 12, 2022, at approximately 11:43 AM, Lauderdale 911 received a call that Mr. Druckemiller had assaulted his grandmother,

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Mr. Janice Campbell Murphy, by striking her in the head with a pipe wrench repeatedly, thereby causing serious injury to Ms. Murphy.

Ms. Murphy informed 911 dispatchers that she escaped by crawling out a window and fleeing to the neighbors residence located at 7010

Highway 157, Florence, Alabama. Deputies with the Lauderdale County Sheriff’s Office arrived on scene shortly thereafter and began

providing first aid to Ms. Murphy. An interview was conducted simultaneously of Ms. Murphy. Ms. Murphy stated she had washed a

blanket for her grandson, Mr. Druckemiller, whom lived in the same residence with her. She stated that she took the blanket into his

room, where he was laying on the bed. She stated that she then started dusting his room. She stated that Mr. Druckemiller then became

very upset and started yelling at her. He then charged at her and struck her with his body, in which caused her to be shoved into a wall

and her head struck violently on the wall. Ms. Murphy then went into the kitchen and Mr. Druckemiller pursued her. In the kitchen area,

Mr. Druckemiller wielded a large, orange in color pipe wrench, and utilizing said wrench as a dangerous weapon, he began to strike Ms.

Murphy in the head violently and repeatedly. Ms. Murphy then fled to her bedroom, and barricaded herself in said bedroom. She stated

that Mr. Druckemiller then began to attempt to remove the door and barricade by striking it with severe blows. She stated that she

believed Mr. Druckemiller was utilizing the aforementioned pipe wrench to break through the barricaded door. At that time, Ms.

Murphy then went to the neighbor’s residence and called 911. Deputies then went to Ms. Murphy’s and Mr. Druckemiller’s residence

and conducted a protective sweep of said residence. Deputies then located Mr. Druckemiller in the residence. Deputies detained Mr.

Druckemiller. While conducting the protective sweep, Deputy Sam Bishop observed a large pipe wrench matching the description given

by Ms. Murphy laying on the dresser, in Mr. Druckemiller’s room. Deputy Bishop described that the pipe wrench was laying in plain

view. There was also blood located throughout the residence.

Investigator Matt Horton and myself arrived on scene an initial examination of the facts. Based upon the above information, it was

determined that Probable Cause existed to believe that Mr. Druckemiller committed the offense of Attempted Murder. Mr. Druckemiller

was arrested for said offense. In addition, what had the consistency of blood, could be plainly observed on the jacket worn by Mr.

Druckemiller. Mr. Druckemiller was transported to the Lauderdale County Detention Center, 653 South Seminary Street, Florence,


MENACING: Probable Cause was established that on February 12, 2022, while in the county of Lauderdale, Alabama, against the peace

and dignity of said county, Caleb Dakota Druckemiller committed the offense Menacing when by physical action, he intentionally placed

or attempted to place another person in fear of imminent serious physical injury when he brandished a deadly weapon, to wit: a large

pipe wrench; and used said weapon to place his grandmother, Ms. Janice Campbell Murphy, in fear of imminent serious physical injury.

CRIM MISCHIEF 3RD: Probable Cause was established that on February 12, 2022, while in the county of Lauderdale, Alabama, against

the peace and dignity of said county, Caleb Dakota Druckemiller committed the offense Criminal Mischief in the Third Degree when he,

with intent to damage property, and having no right to do so or any reasonable ground to believe that he had such a right, he inflicted

damage to property in an amount not exceeding $500, to wit: the door of his grandmother’s bedroom when he intentionally and with

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physical force, destroyed said door by striking said door with a pipe wrench while attempting to effect entry into said bedroom to commit

the offense of Murder.

in violation of
13A-004-002, 13A-006-023, 13A-007-023, Code ofAlabama 1975.
Municipal Ordinance Number , which embraces Section ,
Code of Alabama 1975, previously adopted, effective and in force at the time the offense was committed.
/s/Matt Burbank
Sworn to and Subscribed before me this Complainant Signature
15th day of February , 2022 Matt Burbank

/s/ZENITH CAMPBELL 200 S. Court Street

Judge/Magistrate/Warrant Clerk Florence, AL 35630-3563
Name Address Telephone Number
Sam Bishop 200 S. Court Street Florence AL, 35630-3563

Brandon Graves 200 S. Court Street Florence AL, 35630-3563

Matt Horton 200 S. Court Street Florence AL, 35630-3563

David Terry 200 S. Court Street Florence AL, 35630-3563

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