Class 11 Sci Question Bank 2021-22

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A. Read the passage given below.

1. In life we sometimes have disagreements with people. It could be with your partner,
with your boss, with your parents, or with a friend. When this happens, the important
thing is to try not to let a calm discussion turn into a heated argument. But of course
this is easier said than done.
2. The first thing Iwould sayis that the wayyou begin the conversation is very important.
Imagine you are a student and you share a flat with another student who you think isn't
doing her share of the housework. If you say, 'Look, you never do your share of the
housework. What are we going to do about it?', the discussion will very soon turn into
an argument. It's much more constructive to say something like, 'I think we'd better
have another look about how we divide up the housework. Maybe there's a better way
of doing it.'
3. My second piece of advice is simple. If you're the person who is in the wrong, just
admit it! This is the easiest and best way to avoid an argument. Just apologize to your
flat mate, your parents, or your husband, and move on. The other person will have more
respect for you in the future if you do that.
4. The next tip is don't exaggerate. Try not to say things like 'You always come home late
when my mother comes to dinner' when perhaps this has only happened twice, or 'You
never remember to buy the toothpaste." This will just make the other person think
you're being unreasonable, and will probably make him or her stop listening to your
5. Sometimes we just can't avoid a discussion turning into an argument. But if you do start
arguing with someone, it is important to keep things under control and there are ways to
do this.
6. The most important thing is don't raise your voice. Raising your voice will just make
the other person lose their temper too. If you find yourself raising your voice, stop for a
moment and take a deep breath. Say 'I'm sorry I shouted, but this is very important to
me', and continue calmly. If you can talk calmly and quietly, you'll find your partner
will be more ready to think about what you are saying.

7. It is also very important to stick to the point. Try to keep to the topic you are talking
about. Don't bring up old arguments, or try to bring in other' issues. Just concentrate on
solving the one problem you are having, and leave the other things for another time. So,
for example, if you're arguing about the housework, don't start talking about mobile
phone bills as well.

8. And my final tip is that if necessary call 'Time out', like in a sports match. If you think
that an argument is getting out of control, then you can say-to the other person, 'Listen,
I'd rather talk about this tomorrow when we've both calmed down'. You can then
continue the discussion the next day when perhaps both of you are feeling less tense
and angry. That way there is much more chance that you will be able to reach an
agreement. You'll also probably find that the problem is much easier to solve when
you’ve both had a good night's sleep. Well, those are my tips.
9. But I want to say one last important thing. Some people think that arguing is always
bad. This is not true. Conflict is a normal part of life, and dealing with conflict is an

important part of any relationship, whether it's three people sharing a flat, a married
couple, or just two good friends. If you don't learn to argue properly, then when a real
problem comes along, you won't be prepared to face it together. Think of the smaller
arguments as training sessions. Learn how to argue cleanly and fairly. It will help your
relationship become stronger and last longer.
Answer the following questions briefly:
(a) What happens if a complaint is exaggerated?
(b)Name two activities that to help to keep arguments under control.
(c) Raising our voice in an argument is not good. Why?
(d)What happens if we don’t learn to argue properly?
(e) How does ‘Time Out’ help’ in agruement?
(f) When is your partner in an argument more ready to think about your point of view?
(i) Find words/phrases from the passage which mean the OPPOSITE as each of the
(i) Surely (Para-4) (ii) Initial (Para 8)
(g) can help strengthen relationships.
(h) The second paragraph suggests when we _ others, it leads to argument.
B. Read the passage given below.
1. Color Therapy is a complementary therapy for which there is evidence dating back thousands of years
to the ancient cultures of Egypt, China and India. If we define it in simple terms, Color is a light of varying
wavelengths, thus each color has its own particular wavelength and energy.
4. Color is absorbed by the eyes, skin, skull, our ‘magnetic energy field’ or aura and the energy of color
affects us on all levels, that is to say, physical, spiritual and emotional. Every cell in the body needs light
energy – thus color energy has widespread effects on the whole body. There are many different ways of
giving color, including; Solarised Water, Light boxes/lamps with color filters, color silks and hands on
healing using color.
5. Color therapy can be shown to help on a physical level, which is perhaps easier to quantify, however
there are deeper issues around the colors on the psychological and spiritual levels. Our wellbeing is not, of
course, purely a physical issue. Fortunately, many more practitioners, both orthodox and complementary,
are now treating patients in a holistic manner.
6. Color Therapy is a totally holistic and non-invasive therapy and, really, color should be a part of our
everyday life, not just something we experience for an hour or two with a therapist. Color is all around us
everywhere. This wonderful planet does not contain all the beautiful colors of the rainbow for no reason.
Nothing on this earth is here just by chance; everything in nature is here for a purpose. Color is no
exception. All we need to do is to heighten our awareness of the energy of color, absorb it and see how it
can transform our lives.
(a) On the basis of your understanding of the above passage, make notes on it using headings
and sub- headings. Use recognizable abbreviations (wherever necessary-minimum four). Also
supply an appropriate title to it.
(b) Write a summary of the passage in about 80 words.

Business Letter
1. You are Ravi/Rashi staying at 12 Abhaya Apartments Indore. Last month you purchased a
computer from RK dealers, Gandhi market Indore with a warranty of two years. All of a sudden it
has stopped functioning. Write a letter to the dealer complaining about it and request to replace it
against the warranty that goes with it.

2. Write a letter to the Chief Marketing Executive of Meesho, UP branch complaining about the
wrong delivery of an ordered product causing a lot of inconvenience to you. You are
Angad/Kartika of 21, Babuganj, Lucknow.

3. You are Deepak/Deepika 14, Mall Road Kochi. You saw an advertisement put up by Excellent
coaching center which provides coaching for Medical Entrance Exam. As you are interested in
enrolling yourself, write a letter to the Director; Excellent coaching center, Chennai requesting him
to inform you about the necessary details. (Generate Data)

4. You are the owner of M/s Home Sajjya. You have a showroom selling household appliances and
furnishings. Lately, you have received complaints from customers that the curtain material
purchased from your showroom is of inferior quality. Write a letter to the Director, Kapadia Mills,
Surat, your supplier, demanding an enquiry and adjustment.

5. Ghulam Rasool Dar, a 35 – year – old resident of 3, Civil Lines, Srinagar, saw the following
advertisement in the newspaper. He is interested in entering some of his poems for the competition.
As Ghulam Rasool Dar, write a letter to the Director of Sahitya Academy wanting to know the
procedure of sending the entries, last date for sending entries, if there is any entry fee, what are the
prizes given etc.

6. You are Riyazzuddin / Rihana, the Secretary of your school sports club. On behalf of the school
Principal, write a letter to the Sales Manager of Delhi Sports Store, Murad Nagar, Delhi, placing an
order for sports equipment - cricket bats, balls, volley balls, rackets etc.
Write a debate either for or against the motion.
1.Competition is far more necessary in regards to the learning process.
2. Humans are too much dependent on computers
3. Do aliens really exist?
4. Increase in the rate of unemployment is due to advancement in technology.
5. Afternoon classes are better than early morning classes.
1.Your school is organizing a Diwali Mela. Design a poster to inform the students about it.
2. Prepare a graceful poster for the Inter-School English Poetry Recitation contest that the
Literary Club of your school is organizing to celebrate Shakespeare's Day.
3. Design a poster for promoting kindness towards animals.
4. Design a poster for promoting cleanliness in the surroundings of your colony.
5. You are running an astrological consultation service called 'Taarey Zamin Par’. Design a
suitable poster to celebrate its foundation day.
I)"I am the Poem of Earth, said the voice of the rain, Eternal I rise impalpable out of the land and
the Bottomless sea, …."
(a) Who does ‘I’ refer to in the above lines?
(b) Identify the figure of speech in " bottomless sea"
(c) Explain the idea ' Eternal I rise impalpable…'.
II) "We have not inherited this earth from our forefathers, we have borrowed it from our children."
(a) Why does the speaker emphasize on "we have borrowed it from our children."?
(b) How is Earth treated as per the author of this article?
(c) What can be done to deter this deterioration?

III) Where did my childhood go? It went to some forgotten place, That's hidden in an infant's face,
That's all I know.
(a) Why is the poet worried?
(b) "It went to some forgotten place"-Bring out the significance of this expression.
(c) Which changes are evident in a person with the process of growing up?

IV) " Not for some time but it still ought to work. Won’t last long, but long enough for what we
want to do."
(a) What is referred to as 'it' in the extract?
(b) Why is it applied?
(c) Which changes are expected to come up immediately after this?

V) As he gazed at the still form a shiver of horror passed over Andrew. After all that he had
(a) What was promised?
(b) Why did a shiver of horror pass over Andrew?
(c) Estimate Andrew as a doctor?
a) What is Taplow's opinion about the Greek tragedy ' Agamemnon'?
b) What does the notice 'the world's most dangerous animal' at a cage in the zoo at Lusaka, Zambia
c) Einstein was not very happy in his lodgings. What disturbed him the most?
d) Why does the poet say that his childhood has gone to ‘some forgotten place’?
e) Why was Dr. Andrew horrified when he saw the condition of the child?
f) “I was yawning at your jokes before you were born.” What does this mean?
g) What do you come to know about Joe Morgan from the story?
h) Who was Elsa? What was her advice to Albert?
j) What gives eternity to rain? How does rain help its origin to relive?
k) What impression do you get of Frank from the play?


a) Bring out the facts that support the title ‘The Ailing Planet’
b) Why did George not want to have evening tea? Why did he grow angry with Mrs. Pearson?
c) I have done something, “oh, God! Have done something real at least”, why does Andrew say this?
What does it mean?
d) What similarity does the poet find between rain and song?
e) How did Einstein’s medical certificate prove useless?
f) What did the child feel when he discovered that he could use his mind according to his own
thinking? Why is independent thinking necessary?
g) Is Taplow an ideal pupil? Why?/Why not
h) How will you define Albert's behavior with his History teacher?
i) Dorris' is an amalgam of vices and virtues-elucidate.
j) Describe Albert’s meeting with Ernst Weil.
k) How does Taplow refuse the charge that he is exaggerating?

(a) Why does Nani Palkhivala ‘call the earth’ ‘The Ailing Planet’? How can this ailing planet
(b) “No generation has free hold on the earth. All we have is a life with a full repairing lease.”
Explain with reference to ‘The Ailing Planet– The Green Movement’s role.”
(c) Crocker Harris does not appear in the scene, yet he dominates the whole play. Explain.
(d) 'Eternal role of natural phenomenon and art in real life is celebrated in The Voice of Rain'-----
(e) How did Andrew Manson react to the call of duty?
(f) ‘Mother’s Day’ highlights some major issues. What are they? How do you justify Mrs. Fitzerald's
decision of swapping personality?
(g) Comment on the role of Yuri, Elsa, Mr. Koch and Headmaster of the school at Munich in
making of Einstein -the genius.
(h) How does Markus Natten establish the loss of innocence and faith in his poem? Does somewhere
it appear that the poet does not appreciate growing up? Why? Why not?
1. the following sentences by filling in the correct form of the verb.
1. In the last hundred years, travelling (a) (become) much easier and very comfortable. In the
19th century, it (b) (take) two or three days to cross North America by a covered
wagon. The trip (c)___________ (be) very rough and often dangerous. Things (d)
(change) a great deal in the last hundred and fifty years. Now you can fly from New York to
Los Angeles in a matter of hours.


In recent years, ---- students enrolled in our course has grown drastically.
Although it has many benefits, green tea has also been found to have ---- side effects when
consumed too much.
---- water should a person drink a day?
---- days a week do you exercise?
Due to the bad weather conditions, very ---- people were able to attend the meeting.
Not ---- students have the same needs, so the teachers should improve their methods of teaching.
I have spent the ---- day studying for my Geography exam.
You can talk to ---- your mother or your father about this issue.
Adequate levels of ---- Vitamin C and D are critical for health.
All I need is ---- advice before I decide on a carrier.
I read through ten articles, but ---- the suggestions seemed to help solve my problem.
---- the indirect effects of greenhouse gases is increasing risk of infectious diseases.

1. P : generally the Q : is closed R : by nine in the evening S : hospital
(a) PSRQ (b) PSQR (c)RSPQ (d)RPSQ
2. P : a great comfort for Pan Singh Q : to find Doctor Sahib R : but it is S : in his room
(a) PQRS (b) SPQR (c) RQPS (d) RPQS
3. P : bad luck Q : the doctor R : listens to S : the story of Pan Sindh’s
(a) QRSP (b) QRPS (c) SPRQ (d) PRSQ
4. P : Pan Singh’s wound Q : dressed properly R : he feels that S : must be
(a) RPQS (b) RSQP (c) RPSQ (d) PQRS
5. P : the office Q : worked late at R : Charlie S : one night
(a) SRQP (b) SQPR (c) RPSQ (d) RQSP
6. P : is a hurry Q : to his apartment R : he was S : to get
(a) RPSQ (b) RPQS (c) PQSR (d) QSPR

1. Comprehension Passage
2. Note Making

1. Determiners
2. Tenses
3. Reordering of sentences
1. Official Letters: e.g. to school/college authorities (regarding admissions, school issues,
requirements / suitability of courses)
2. Debate Writing
3. Poster Making
1. The Voice of the Rain (POEM)
2. The Ailing Planet: The Green Movement’s Role (Prose)
3. The Browning Version (Play)
4. Childhood (Poem)

1. Albert Einstein at School (Prose)
2. Mother’s Day (Play)
3. Birth (Prose)


Mechanical Properties of solids

1. Define stress and strain.
2. State and explain Hooke’s law.
3. Draw the stress-strain characteristic curve and explain.
4. What do you mean by Young’s modulus? What is its SI unit?
5. What do you mean by Bulk modulus? What is its SI unit?
6. What do you mean by modulus of rigidity? What is its SI unit?
7. What do you mean by breaking stress?
8. Derive the expression for the elastic potential energy stored per unit volume in an elastic material.
9. Directions:
(a) If both assertion and reason are true and the reason is the correct explanation of the assertion.
(b) If both assertion and reason are true but reason is not the correct explanation of the assertion.
(c) If assertion is true but reason is false.
(d) If the assertion and reason both are false.
10. Assertion : Steel is more elastic than rubber.
Reason : Under given deforming force, steel is deformed less than rubber.
11. Assertion : Glassy solids have sharp melting point.
Reason : The bonds between the atoms of glassy solids get broken at the same temperature.
12. Assertion : Bulk modulus of elasticity (K) represents incompressibility of the material.
Reason : Bulk modulus of elasticity is proportional to change in pressure.
13. Assertion : A hollow shaft is found to be stronger than a solid shaft made of same material.
Reason : The torque required to produce a given twist in hollow cylinder is greater than that required to
twist a solid cylinder of same size and material.
14. Assertion : The stretching of a coil is determined by its shear modulus.
Reason : Shear modulus change only shape of a body keeping its dimensions unchanged.
15. Assertion : Young’s modulus for a perfectly plastic body is zero.
Reason : For a perfectly plastic body, restoring force is zero.
16. Assertion : Strain is a unitless quantity.
Reason : Strain is equivalent to force.
17. Assertion : Identical springs of steel and copper are equally stretched. More work is done on steel spring.
Reason : Steel is more elastic than copper.
18. Assertion : The bridges declared unsafe after a long use.
Reason : Elastic strength of bridges losses with time.
19. Assertion : Two identical solid balls, one of ivory and the other of wet-clay are dropped from the same
height on the floor. Both the balls will rise to same height after bouncing.
Reason : Ivory and wet-clay have same elasticity.
20. Assertion : Stress is the internal force per unit area of a body.
Reason : Rubber is less elastic than steel.
21. Assertion : Spring balances show correct readings even after they had been used for a long time interval.
Reason : On using for long time, spring balances do not losses its elastic strength.

Mechanical properties of fluids (Fluid statics)
1. Define the term thrust. Give its SI unit.
2. Show that, a liquid at rest exerts force perpendicular to the surface of the container at every point.
3. Define pressure. Is it a scalar or vector?
4. Write down the unit and dimension of pressure.
5. A sharp knife cuts better than a blunt one. Why?
6. Define density. Write its SI unit and dimension.
7. What do you mean by specific gravity or relative density of a substance?
8. State and prove Pascal’s law of transmission of fluid pressure.
9. Explain the principle of multiplication of thrust on the basis of Pascal’s law.
10. With the help of a labelled diagram, explain the working of a hydraulic lift/brake.
11. Derive the expression for the pressure exerted by a liquid column of height h.
12. Discuss the variation of fluid pressure with depth.
13. Explain the effect of gravity in fluid pressure.
14. What is atmospheric pressure? What is its value?
15. Calculate the height of atmosphere.

Mechanical properties of fluids (Viscosity)

1. Define viscosity.
2. What is meant by coefficient of viscosity? Write its unit and dimension.
3. Discuss the variation of fluid viscosity with temperature and pressure.
4. State and establish Poiseulle’s formula using dimensional analysis.
5. State Stoke’s law. Establish the relation on the basis of dimensional consideration.
6. Derive the expression for the terminal velocity of a spherical body falling through a viscous fluid.
7. Distinguish between streamlined and turbulent flow.
8. State the properties of streamlines.
9. What is laminar flow of a liquid?
10. Distinguish between the velocity profiles of viscous and non-viscous liquid.
11. What do you mean by critical velocity?
12. Derive the expression for the critical velocity using dimensional consideration.
13. What is Reynold’s number? Find out its unit.
14. What is the importance of Reynold’s number?
15. State the properties of an ideal fluid.
16. What is meant by efflux?
17. Derive the equation of continuity.
18. What are the different forms of energy possessed by a flowing liquid?
19. State and prove Bernoulli’s principle for the flow of non-viscous fluids. Give its limitation.
20. Why are the roofs of some houses blown off during a wind storm?

Mechanical properties of fluids (Surface tension)

1. What do you mean by cohesive and adhesive forces?
2. Define the terms: molecular range, sphere of influence, surface film.
3. Define surface tension. Give its unit and dimension.
4. Explain surface tension on the basis of molecular theory.
5. Define surface energy. Prove that, it is numerically equal to the surface tension.
6. Derive the expression of excess pressure inside a liquid drop.
7. Derive the expression of excess pressure inside a soap bubble.
8. Define angle of contact. On what factors does it depend?
9. Derive an expression for the rise of liquid in a capillary tube and show that the height of the liquid
column supported is inversely proportional to the radius of the tube.
10. What are the factors that affect the surface tension of a liquid?

Case Study: Surface Tension

Surface tension has been well- explained by the

molecular theory of matter. According to this
theory, cohesive forces among liquid molecules are
responsible for the phenomenon of surface tension.
The molecules well inside the liquid are attracted
equally in all directions by the other molecules.
The molecules on the surface experience an inward
pull. So, a network is formed against the inward
pull, in order to move a molecule to the liquid
surface. It results in a greater potential energy on
surface molecules. In order to attain minimum potential energy and hence stable equilibrium, the free
surface of the liquid tends to have the minimum surface area and thereby it behaves like a stretched

(i) Where do we find adhesive force?

(a) Between similar molecules. (b) Between polar molecules.
(c) Between different molecules. (d) None of these.
(ii) Liquids which have more adhesive force than cohesive force show-
(a) Convex meniscus (b) Concave meniscus
(c) Plane meniscus (d) No fixed shape

(iii) If the angle of contact between a solid and a liquid is 90⁰, then:
(a) Cohesive force >> adhesive force (b) Cohesive force = adhesive force
(c) Cohesive force > adhesive force (d) Cohesive force < adhesive force
(iv) A drop of oil is placed on the surface of the water. Which of the following statements is correct?
(a) It will remain on it as a sphere (b) It will float at the distorted drop on the water surface.
(c) It will partly be as spherical droplets and partly as thin films (d) It will spread as a thin layer

(v) The angle of contact between a glass capillary tube of length 10 cm and a liquid is 90°. If the capillary
tube is dipped vertically in the liquid, then the liquid
(a) will rise in the tube
(b) will get depressed in the tube
(c) will rise up to 10 cm in the tube and will over flow
(d) will neither rise nor fall in the tube

Thermal properties of matter

1. What are the CGS and SI unit of heat? How are they related?
2. State Joule’s law of equivalence between work and heat.
3. What is the value of Joule’s mechanical equivalent of heat?
4. Explain the kinetic interpretation of temperature.
5. Write down the relation between different scales of temperature.
6. State Charles’ law. Hence derive the value of absolute zero.
7. What is meant by triple point of water?
8. Establish the relationship among linear, superficial and cubical expansion coefficient.
9. What do you mean by real and apparent expansion coefficient of a liquid? How are they related?
10. Show the variation of density of a solid or a liquid with temperature.
11. What do you mean by anomalous expansion of water? Write one application of it.
12. Define the following and write their units: specific heat, heat capacity, water equivalent.
13. State the principle of Calorimetry. Why copper is chosen as the material for calorimeter?
14. Discuss the effect of pressure on melting point and boiling point.
15. What is latent heat? Write down the values of latent heat of melting and vaporization.
16. What are the different modes of heat transfer? Define them.
17. What is meant by thermal conductivity?
18. What are the factors on which thermal conduction through a metallic slab depend?
19. What is the unit of thermal conductivity?
20. On what factors does the thermal conductivity of a material depend?
21. Discuss regarding Newton’s law of cooling.
22. Discuss regarding Black body radiation.
23. Discuss regarding Green house effect.
24. What is Wien’s distribution law?
25. Explain the distribution of energy in the spectrum of a black body. What conclusion can be
drawn from it?

1. State and explain zeroth law of thermodynamics.
2. Discuss the concept of internal energy.
3. Why the internal energy of an ideal gas is purely kinetic in nature?
4. What is indicator diagram? What is its significance?
5. What is a cyclic process? How the work done is calculated for a cyclic process?
6. State and explain different thermodynamic processes.
7. State and explain first law of thermodynamics.
8. Discuss about the limits of specific heat of a gas.
9. Why there are two specific heats of a gas?
10. Establish the relationship between CP and CV.
11. Derive an expression for the work done during an isothermal process.
12. Derive an expression for the work done during an adiabatic process.
13. Derive the adiabatic relations among P, V and T.
14. Rewrite first law in case of different thermodynamic processes.
15. What is heat engine? Explain its working. Find out its efficiency.
16. Efficiency of a heat engine is always less than unity. Why?
17. State and explain second law of thermodynamics.

18. Describe the operation of a Carnot engine. Hence calculate the efficiency of a Carnot engine in
terms of the temperatures of source and the sink.
19. Explain the working of a refrigerator. Find the coefficient of performance for a refrigerator.
20. State and explain Carnot’s theorem.

Case Study: Heat Engine

Any device which converts heat energy continuously into mechanical work is
called a heat engine. The main parts of heat engines are:
a. Source: The source is a hot body at a constant high temperature from which the
heat engine can draw heat.
b. Sink: Sink is a cold body at a constant low temperature to which any amount of
heat can be rejected.
c. Working substance: Working substance is an ideal gas which on being supplied
with heat performs mechanical work.

(i) An engine has an efficiency of 1/6. When the temperature of sink is reduced by
62°C, its efficiency is doubled. Temperature of the source is:
(a) 124°C (b) 62°C (c) 37°C (d) 99°C
(ii) According to the Carnot's theorem, the efficiency of a reversible heat engine
operating between a same given constant temperature source and a given constant
temperature sink is
(a) higher than any other irreversible heat engine
(b) less than any other irreversible heat engine
(c) equal to any other irreversible heat engine
(d) none of the above
(iii) A Carnot engine operates between 200°C and 20°C. Its maximum possible efficiency is:
(a) 90% (b) 100% (c) 38% (d) 72%
(iv) An ideal gas undergoes four different processes from the same initial state. Four processes are adiabatic,
isothermal, isobaric and isochoric. Out of 1, 2, 3 and 4 which one is adiabatic?

(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 4

(v) Consider a cycle followed by an engine-

• 1 to 2 is isothermal
• 2 to 3 is adiabatic
• 3 to 1 is adiabatic
Such a process does not exist because
(a) heat is completely converted to mechanical energy in such a process, which is not possible.
(b) mechanical energy is completely converted to heat in this process, which is not possible.
(c) curves representing two adiabatic processes don’t intersect.
(d) curves representing an adiabatic process and an isothermal process don’t intersect.

Kinetic theory of gases

1. State and explain Boyle’s law.
2. State and explain Charle’s law. Hence find out the value of absolute zero.
3. State and explain Gay Lussac’s law.
4. State Perfect gas equation for an ideal gas.
5. Define universal gas constant. Give its SI and CGS unit.
6. What is an ideal gas? Why do the real gases show deviations from ideal gas behaviour?
Show these deviations graphically.
7. State the basic postulates of an ideal gas.
8. On the basis of kinetic theory, derive an expression for the pressure exerted by an ideal gas.
9. Show that the pressure exerted by a gas is two-third of the average kinetic energy per unit volume
of the gas molecules.
10. Show that the average K.E. of a gas molecule is directly proportional to the temperature of the gas.
Hence, give the kinetic interpretation of the temperature.
11. What do you mean by RMS speed? Write down its expression.
12. Define average, root mean square and most probable speeds. Express these speeds in terms of temperature.
13. What do you mean by degrees of freedom? How it is related to the number of constraints.
14. Find out the degrees of freedom for mono atomic, diatomic and tri-atomic molecules.
15. State and rove the law of equi-partition of energy.
16. Using the law of equi-partition of energy, determine the values of CP and CV and γ for (i) monoatomic
(ii) diatomic and (iii) triatomic molecule.
17. Find out a general expression for the atomicity for a polyatomic gas.
18. What is meant by mean free path of a gas molecule? Derive an expression for it. On what factors does
the mean free path depend?
19. What is the value of Avogadro’s number?
20. Calculate the specific heat of water.

1. What do you mean by periodic motion? Give one example.
2. All oscillatory motions are periodic, but all periodic motions are not oscillatory. Explain.
3. What is meant by simple harmonic motion? Write down its characteristics.
4. Establish the differential equation of SHM. Give its solution. Hence, obtain an expression for the time
5. Show that a linear combination of sine and cosine functions like x ( t ) = a sin t + b cos t

represents a simple harmonic motion. Determine its amplitude and phase constant.
6. Derive the expressions for the velocity and acceleration of a particle executing SHM. Hence find their
maximum and minimum values.
7. Prove that, motion of a simple pendulum is simple harmonic. Hence, find out its time period of oscillation.
8. Prove that, motion of an object hanging from a spring is simple harmonic. Hence, find out its time period
of oscillation.
9. Derive the expressions for the total kinetic and potential energy of a article under SHM.
10. Show that, the total energy of a particle under SHM is constant. Hence draw the relevant graph.
11. Distinguish between free and damped oscillation.
12. Directions:
(a) If both assertion and reason are true and the reason is the correct explanation of the assertion.
(b) If both assertion and reason are true but reason is not the correct explanation of the assertion.
(c) If assertion is true but reason is false.
(d) If the assertion and reason both are false.
13. Assertion: Sine and cosine functions are periodic functions.
Reason : Sinusoidal functions repeats it values after a definite interval of time.
14. Assertion : Simple harmonic motion is a uniform motion.
Reason : Simple harmonic motion is not the projection of uniform circular motion.
15. Assertion : Acceleration is proportional to the displacement. This condition is not sufficient for motion in
simple harmonic.
Reason : In simple harmonic motion direction of displacement is also considered.
16. Assertion : The graph between velocity and displacement for a harmonic oscillator is a parabola.
Reason : Velocity changes uniformly with displacement in harmonic motion.
17. Assertion : When a simple pendulum is made to oscillate on the surface of moon, its time period increases.
Reason : Moon is much smaller as compared to earth.
18. Assertion : All oscillatory motions are necessarily periodic motion but all periodic motion are not
Reason : Simple pendulum is an example of oscillatory motion.
19. Assertion : Resonance is special case of forced vibration in which the natural frequency of vibration of the
body is the same as the impressed frequency of external periodic force and the amplitude of forced
vibration is maximum.
Reason : The amplitude of forced vibrations of a body increases with an increase in the frequency of the
externally impressed periodic force.
20. Assertion : The graph of total energy of a particle in SHM w.r.t., position is a straight line with zero slope.
Reason : Total energy of particle in SHM remains constant throughout its motion.
21. Assertion : The frequency of a second pendulum in an elevator moving up with an acceleration half the
acceleration due to gravity is 0.612 s–1.
Reason : The frequency of a second pendulum does not depend upon acceleration due to gravity.
22. Assertion : Damped oscillation indicates loss of energy.
Reason : The energy loss in damped oscillation may be due to friction, air resistance etc.
23. Assertion : The percentage change in time period is 1.5%, if the length of simple pendulum increases by
Reason : Time period is directly proportional to length of pendulum.

24. Distinguish between transverse and longitudinal wave with example.

25. Define: Amplitude, time period, frequency, angular frequency, wavelength, wave number, angular wave
number or propagation constant, wave velocity or phase velocity.
26. Establish the relation among wave velocity, wavelength and frequency.

Case Study: Simple Pendulum

A simple pendulum consists of a

mass m hanging from a string of
length L and fixed at a pivot point P. When
displaced to an initial angle and released, the
pendulum will swing back and forth with
periodic motion. By applying Newton's
second law for rotational systems, the
equation of motion for the pendulum may be
obtained as

d 2 g
+ sin  = 0 .
dt 2 L

If the amplitude of angular displacement is small enough that the small angle approximation ( sin    )
holds true, then the equation of motion reduces to the equation of simple harmonic motion

d 2 g
+  =0
dt 2 L
The simple harmonic solution is  ( t ) =  0 cos (t +  ) with  = being the natural frequency of the
(i) The time period of a second’s pendulum is
(a) 1 sec (b) 2 sec (c) 3 sec (d) 4 sec
(ii) The acceleration of a simple pendulum is maximum at
(a) x=0 (b) x=A (c) x=A/2 (d) x=A/√2
(iii) The expression of total energy of a body under SHM is
(b) m 2 ( A2 − x 2 ) (c) m 2 x 2
1 1 1
(a) m 2 A2 (d) zero
2 2 2
(iv) Which of the following represents a simple harmonic motion?
(a) Motion of hour hand of a clock
(b) Revolution of Earth around Sun
(c) Motion of a steel ball in a watch glass
(d) Rectilinear propagation of light
(v) If the time period of oscillation of a simple pendulum is 2 sec, then its frequency will be
(a) 1 Hz (b) 1.5 Hz (c) 0.5 Hz (d) 2 Hz


1. Using dimensional analysis, derive the expression for the speed of a transverse wave in a stretched string.
2. Using dimensional analysis, derive the expression for the speed of a transverse wave in a solid.
3. Write down the expressions for the speed of a longitudinal wave in (a) a liquid or gas (b) a solid and (c) a
long solid rod.
4. Write Newton’s formula for the speed of sound in a gas. Why and what correction was introduced by
Laplace in this formula?
5. State the different factors on which the speed of sound in a gas depend.
6. What is a progressive wave? Establish the displacement relation for a harmonic progressive wave
travelling along positive X axis.
7. Define phase.
8. For a simple harmonic wave, deduce expression for (a) particle velocity and (b) particle acceleration.
Also, discuss the phase relationship with them.
9. Deduce the relation of wave velocity with angular frequency ω and propagation constant k.
10. What are stationary waves? What is the necessary condition for the formation of stationary wave?
11. Obtain an expression for the stationary wave formed by two sinusoidal waves travelling along the same
path in opposite directions and obtain the positions of nodes and antinodes.
12. Write down few characteristics of stationary waves.
13. Compare between stationary wave and progressive wave.
14. Find out the expression for the frequency of vibration in a stretched string fixed at both ends.
15. State the laws of vibration of a stretched string.
16. Find out the expression for the frequency of
17. Vibration of air column in an open pipe.
18. Find out the expression for the frequency of vibration of air column in a closed pipe.
19. Discuss about Doppler effect.
20. What is beat?



Entire revised Term - II syllabus of class XI (As per CBSE latest curriculum)



1. Sodium forms peroxide while lithium gives monoxide. Why?

2. Sodium metal can be used to dry diethyl ether but not ethyl alcohol. Why?
3. Why is BeSO4 soluble in water while BaSO 4 is insoluble?
4. Potassium carbonate cannot be prepared by Solvay process. Why?
5. Lithium carbonate decomposes on heating while sodium carbonate
does not. Why?
6. Draw the structures of i) BeCl2(in solid state) ii) BeCl2(in vapour state)
7. Why are lithium salts commonly hydrated while those of other alkali metal
ions are usually anhydrous ?
8. How is Plaster of Paris prepared ?
9. What happens when caebon monoxide is passed through sodium hydroxide
under pressure ?
10.How will you prepare the following
a) sodium carbonate from sodium chloride
b) sodium cyanide from sodium metal
c) sodium thiosulphate from sodium sulphite
d) sodium silicate from silica
11. Why do not we use MgCl2 instead of CaCl2 to lower the melting of NaCl in
the Down’s pro ?cess

Give reasons
1. Halides of boron and aluminium are Lewis acids.
2. Anhydrous AlCl3 is covalent but hydrated AlCl3 is electrovalent.
3. The B-X distance is shorter in BX3 than what is actually expected.
4. Why is +2 oxidation state of lead more stable than +4 oxidation state ?
5. Boron is unable to form BF6 3-.
6. [SiF6]2- is a well known compound but [SiCl6] 2- is not.
7. Boric acid is a very weak acid.
8. Carbon does not form any complexes while silicon participates in the formation
of complexes.
9. BBr3 is a stronger Lewis acid as compared to BF3 though F is more electronegative
than Br.
10. Trisilicylamine is a weaker base than trimethylamine is pyramidal.
11. Tl(NO3)3 acts as an oxidising agent.
12. CO2 is a bas whereas SiO 2 is a solid.
13. CCl4 is immiscible in water whereas SiO 2 is a solid.
14. Carbon has a strong tendency for catenation compared to silicon.
1.Which elements always show: +ve oxidation state. -ve oxidation state?
2.What is the oxidation state of C in diamond and graphite?
3.Predict the maximum and minimum oxidation state of the following elements: N,S,C,Cl
4.Define oxidation and reduction in terms of electron loss/gain concept.
5.Define oxidizing and reducing agent with examples. Name two compounds which can behave
as both oxidizing and reducing agent and write relevant equations.
6.F2 is the strongest oxidizing agent while Li metal is the strongest reducing agent.Why?
7.What are hard and soft water? How would you remove temporary hardness of water?
8.Write short notes on:
a.permutit process of removing hardness of water.
b.ion exchange process
9.Water is an amphoteric solvent. Give necessary equation to justify the statement.
10 Differentiate between hydration and hydrolysis.
11.Draw the structure of water in solid and liquid state.
12.At 25○C and 760 mm of Hg pressure a gas occupies 600 mL volume. What will be its
pressure at a height where temperature is 10 ○C and volume of the gas is 640 mL.
13.Fe2O3 (s) + 3CO (g) ⇌ 2Fe (l) + 3CO2 (g) Use Le Chatelier's principle to predict the direction
of reaction when equilibrium mixture is disturbed by (a) removing CO2 (b) removing CO.
14.i) A vessel of 120 ml capacity contains a certain amount of gas at 35º C and 1.2 bar pressure.
The gas is transferred to another vessel of volume 180 ml at 35○ C. What would be its pressure?
ii) Using the equation of state PV= nRT, show that at a given temperature the density of a gas is
proportional to gas pressure P.
iii) Explain the physical significance of Van-Der Waal’s parameters.
15.i) A sample of air has a volume of 500 dm3 and pressure of 1 bar. What additional pressure is
required to reduce the volume to 200 dm3 at 30○C?
ii) Why a balloon filled with hot air rises up in the air?
iii) What is compressibility factor? Write its numerical value for ideal gas and real gas.
16.i) A balloon is filled with hydrogen at room temperature. It will brust if pressure exceeds 0.2
bar. If at 1 bar pressure the gas occupies 2.27 L volume, upto what volume can the baloon be
ii) At 300○C, equilibrium constant (Kc) = 2 × 1013 for hydrolysis of ester. Calculate standard
Gibbs free energy change (ΔG○) at this given temperature.
1. Give one chemical test to distinguish between Propene and Propyne.

2. Identify the position of +I effect/-I effect from the atoms/groups.

O + O



(A) (B) (C)



3.a) An Alkene ‘A’ upon ozonolysis gives a mixture of Ethanal and pentan-3-one. Write the
structure and IUPAC name of ‘A’.

b) Convert Benzene to Benzophenone

4.Arrange the following in the decreasing order (according to the property mentioned)

a.i) CH3-CH2-COOH ii) CCl.H2-CH2-COOH iii) CH3-CH.Cl-COOH (acidic strength)

b.i) 2-methyl pentane, ii) 2,3 dimethyl butane iii) 2,2 dimethyl butane (boiling point)
c.i) Benzene ii) hexane iii) ethyne (acidic strength)

5.i)Write short notes(with examples and equations ) of :

a) Satzeff’s rule b) Anti Markonikoff’s rule c) Fittig reaction
ii) Give the complete reaction mechanism for halogenations of Methane in presence of diffused

Q6. Give the IUPAC names of the following structures:





Q7.Identify the following structures as Aromatic/ Non aromatic






Sub: Mathematics

 19 
1. Find the value of (a) cos ec(1565 ) (b) tan  
 3 
sin( )  cos( )
2. If 4  11 , find the value of
sec   tan( )
3. If A, B, C, D are the four angles, taken in order of a cyclic quadrilateral, prove that
cot A+ cot B+ cotC+ cot D=0.
4. cos ec(   )  and s ec(   )  2 , find least positive values of  and  .
5. Find the radian measure of 3730'

4 12 3
6. If cos A  , cos B  ,  A, B  2 , find the value of sin  A – B  .
5 13 2
7. Prove that (i) tan3A tan 2 A tan A  tan3A  tan 2 A  tan A (ii) tan 50  tan 40  2 tan10

8. An angle  is divided into two parts so that the ratio of the tangents of the parts is k ; if the difference between
k 1
the parts be  , prove that sin   sin 
k 1
9. If 2 tan   cot  , show that cos      3cos    
   2  3tan x  tan 3 x
10. If tan x  tan  x    tan  x    3 , prove that 1
 3  3  1  3tan 2 x
11. If cosA  cosB  cosC  sinA  sinB  sinC  0 , show that cos( A  B)  cos( B  C )  cos(C  A)  

12. Prove that: (a) cos 20 cos 40 cos 60 cos80  (b) 4 cos12 cos 48 cos 72  cos 36

   2 
13. Prove that: 4sin  sin     sin      sin 3
3   3 
          
14. Prove that: sin   sin   sin   sin(     )  4sin   sin   sin  
 2   2   2 
cos  A  B  cos  C  D 
15. If   0 , prove that tan A tan B tan C tan D  1
cos  A  B  cos  C  D 
16. Prove that sin A sin (600 – A ) sin (600 +A ) = sin3A
     
17. Prove that cos   cos   cos   cos(     )  4 cos cos cos
2 2 2
18. Show that 2  2  2  2 cos8  2 cos 

Page 1 of 6
  3
19. Prove that : cos 2 A  cos 2 ( A  )  cos 2 ( A  ) 
3 3 2
 3 5 7 9 11 13 1
20. Prove that : sin sin sin sin sin sin sin 
14 14 14 14 14 14 14 64
tan   tan  sin 2  sin 2
21. If tan   , prove that sin 2 
1  tan  tan  1  sin 2 sin 2
22. Prove that tan   2tan 2  4tan 4  8cot8  cot 
 1 e  cos   e
23. If tan  tan , prove that cos  
2 1 e 2 1  e cos 

24. Prove that cot 2 3 4 6
 a b  a cos   b
25. If tan  tan , prove that cos  
2 ab 2 a  b cos 
26. If  and  are distinct roots of a cos  b sin   c , prove that sin(   ) 
a  b2

sin 2
27. If 2 tan   3 tan  , prove that tan(   ) 
5  cos 2
28. Prove that tan 6 tan 42 tan 66 tan 78  1

1. Solve:
5x  2 7 x  3 x x 1 4x  3 x 1 6x 1
(i)   (ii)  1 (iii)  6 (iii)  , 
3 5 4 x2 2x  5 2x  1 4 4x 1 2
3x  4 5 2x 1 x2 x
(iv)  (v)  2 (vi)  2 (vii) x 1  x  2  4
2 12 x 1 x
2. Solve the following systems of linear inequations graphically:
(i) 2x+3y  6, x+4y  4, x  0, y  0
(ii) x+y  1, 7x+9y  63, x  6, y  5, x  0, y  0
(iii) 3x+4y  12, 4x+3y  12, x  0, y  0


n! n!
1. If and are in the ratio 2:1, find the value of n.
2! n  2 ! 4! n  4 !
2. How many numbers are there between 100 and 1000 such that 7 is there in the unit’s place.
3. How many 4-digit number can be formed with the digits 0,1,2,3,4,5 if (i) repetition of digits not allowed
(ii) repetition of digits is allowed
4. In how many ways five rings of different types can be worn in 4 fingers?
5. If 56 Pr  6 : 54 Pr 3  30800 :1 , find r 6. If 2 n 1Pn 1 : 2 n 1Pn  3 : 5 , find n
7. How many words with or without meaning can be made from the letters in the word MONDAY, assuming that no letter is
repeated, if (i) 4 letters are used at a time (ii) all letters are used at a time (iii) all letters are used but first is vowel.
8. How many different words can be formed with the letters of the word EQUATION so that (i) the words begin with E
(ii) the words begin with E and end with N (iii) the words begin and end with a consonant?
9. How many words can be formed with the letters of the word ‘PARALLEL ‘so that all L’s do not come together?
10. The letters of the word ZENITH are written in all possible orders. How many words are possible if all these words are
written out as in a dictionary? What is the rank of the word ZENITH?

Page 2 of 6
2n 1.3.5.......(2n  1)
11. If the ratio 2n n
C3 : C3 is equal to 11:1, find n 12. Prove that Cn 

13. If n  2C8 :n  2 P4  57 :16 , find n 14. C2 r : C2 r  4  225 :11 , find r
28 24

15. Out of 5 men and 2 women, a committee of three has to be formed. In how many ways can it be formed if at least
one woman is to be included.
16. Find the number of (i) diagonals (ii) triangles formed in a decagon
17. There are 10 points in a plane of which 4 are collinear. How many different straight lines can be drawn by joining
these points.
18. A box contains 5 different red and 6 different white balls. In how many ways 6 balls be selected so that there are at
least two balls of each colour.
19. How many words can be formed by taking 4 letters at a time out of the letters of the word ‘MORADABAD’?
20. A committee of 12 is to be formed from 9 women and 8 men. In how many ways this can be done if at least 5 women
have to be included in a committee? In how many of these (i) the women are in majority (i) the men are in majority?
21. A candidate is required to answer 7 out of 15 questions which are divided into three groups A, B, C each containing 4, 5,
6 questions respectively. He is required to select at least two questions from each group. In how many ways can he make
up his choice?
22. There are 10 lamps in a hall. Each one of them can be switched on independently. Show that the number of ways the
hall can be illuminated is 210 -1
23. Five balls of different colours are to be placed in three boxes of different sizes. Each box can hold all the five balls. In
how many different ways can we place the balls so that no box remains empty?
24. A fruit basket contains 4 oranges, 5 apples and 6 mangoes. In how many ways can a person make a selection of fruits
from among the fruits in the basket?
25. In how many ways can the letters of the word SUCCESS be arranged so that
(i) the two C’s are together but no two S’s are together (ii) No two C’s and no two S’s are together
26. Find the rank of the followings a) RANK b) PHYSICS c) CHEMISTRY d) MATHS.

1. Find the equation of the circle which passes through the origin and cuts off intercepts 10 and 24 from the positive
parts of x and y- axis respectively.
2. Find the equation of the circles which touch the axis of y at a distance 3 from the origin and cuts off an intercept of
length 8 on the positive axis of x
3. Find the equation of the circles whose centre (3, -1) and which cut off an intercept of length 6 from the line 2x-5y+18 = 0.
4. Find the equation of the circle passing through the points (2, -6), (6,4) and (-3,1).
5. Find the equation of the circle passing through the points (2,3) and (-1,1) and whose centre is on the line x -3y -11 =0
6. Find the equation of the circle on the straight line joining the points of intersection of x2 +y2 =25 and 7x –y – 25 = 0
as diameter.
7. If 2 x-y+6 =0 is a chord of the circle x2+y2 -2y -9 = 0, find the equation of the circle with this chord as a diameter.
8. Find the equation of the circle which touches the lines 4x-3y +10 =0 and 4x-3y -30 =0 and whose centre lies on
the line 2x+y =0
9. Find the equation of a circle of radius 5 which lies within the circle x 2+y2 +14x +10y-26 =0 and which touches
the given circle at the point (-1,3)
10. Find the equation of the image of the circle x2 + y2 +8x -16y+64 =0 in the line mirror x = 0.

1. Find the equation of the parabola whose focus is (2,3) and the directrix is x-4y +3 = 0
2. Find vertex, focus and directrix of the parabola 4y2 +12x -12y +39 = 0
3. Find the equation of the parabola with vertex (2,-3) and the focus (0, 5).
4. Find the equation of the parabola whose focus is (1,1) and the tangent at the vertex is x +y = 1.
5. Find vertex, focus and directrix of the parabola x2 +y =6x -14
6. The focal chord of y2 = 16x is tangent to (x-6)2 +y2 =2, then find the possible values of the slope of this chord.
7. Find the equations of the parabolas the extremities of whose L. R are (3, 5) and (3, -3)

Page 3 of 6
1. Find the equation of the ellipse whose eccentricity is 1/2, the focus is (-1,1) and the directrix is x-y+3 = 0
2. Find the centre, length of major and minor axes, coordinate of vertices, coordinates of foci, eccentricity and length of
latus rectum of (i) 25x2 +9y2 -150 x -90 y +225 = 0 (ii) 36x2 +4y2 = 144.
3. Find equation of the ellipse if (i) major axis = 8 and eccentricity = 1/2, (ii) latus rectum = 5 and eccentricity = 2/3.
4. Find the equation of the ellipse whose foci are (2, 3), (-2, 3) and whose semi – minor axis is 5 .
5. Find the equation of the ellipse whose centre is at the origin, foci are (1, 0) and (-1, 0) and eccentricity is 1/2.
6. Determine the equations of the ellipse using the information given:
(i) The eccentricity is 1/2 and the foci is (  2, 0).
(ii) The eccentricity is 1/2 and semi-major axis = 4.
(iii) Vertices (  5, 0) and foci is (  4, 0).
(iv) The eccentricity is 2/3 and length of its latus rectum is 5.
(v) Ends of major axis (0,  √5 ), Ends of minor axis (  1, 0).
(vi) The eccentricity is 4/5 and vertices are (0,  10).

1. Find the centre, length of axes, eccentricity, coordinates of foci and length of latus rectum of
( x  1)2 ( y  2) 2
(i)   1 (ii) 9x2 -16y2 -72 x + 96y-144 = 0
16 9
2. Find the equation of the hyperbola whose focus is (1,2), directrix is 2x+y = 1 and eccentricity 3.
3. Find the equations of hyperbola satisfying the conditions
28 5
(i) vertices (0,  7) and foci (0,  ) (ii) Vertices (0, 6 ) and e = (iii) distance between foci = 9 and e = 3
3 3
4. Find the equation of the locus of all points such that the difference of their distances from (4,0) and (-4,0) is equal to 2.
5. Find equation of the hyperbola whose focus is at (5,2), vertex at (4,2) and centre at (3,2).
6. If the eccentricity of the hyperbola x2 –y2 sec 2  =5 is 3 times the eccentricity of the ellipse x2 sec 2  +y2 =25, then
find the value of  .
7. Find the length of the straight-line x-3y =1 intercepted by the hyperbola x2 – 4y2 = 1.
8. Determine the equations of the hyperbola using the information given:
(i) The eccentricity is 3/2 and the foci is (  2, 0).
(ii) The eccentricity is 2 and foci are at (6, 4) and (-4, 4).
(iii) Vertices (0,  3) and foci is (0,  5).
(iv) conjugate axis is 5 and distance between foci is 13.
(v) vertices are at (  6, 0) and one of the directrices is x = 4.
(vi) foci is (0,  12) and length of latus rectum is 36.


1. Find the equation of the set of points which are equidistant from the points (1, 2, 3) and (3, 2, –1).
2. Given that P (3, 2, –4), Q (5, 4, –6) and R (9, 8, –10) are collinear. Find the ratio in which Q divides PR.
3. Prove that the points: (0, 7, 10), (–1, 6, 6) and (–4, 9, 6) are the vertices of a right-angled triangle.
4. Calculate the perpendicular distance of the point P(6, 7, 8) from the XY – Plane.
5. If a parallelopiped is formed by planes drawn through the points (2, 3, 5) and (5, 9, 7) parallel to the coordinate
planes, then find the length of edges of a parallelopiped and length of the diagonal
6. Name the octants in which the following points lie: (-5,-4,7), (-7,2,-5).
7. Find the locus of the point which is equidistant from the points A(0,2,3) and (2, -2, 1).
8. Find the ratio in which the line joining (2,4,5) and (3,5,4) is divided by the yz-plane.
9. Find the ratio in which the join of A(2, 1, 5) and B(3, 4, 3) is divided by the plane . Also find the
co-ordinate of the point of division.

Page 4 of 6

1. Differentiate by using first principle:

(a) x2 cosx (b) log sinx (c) e sin x

(d) sin 3x

(e) e tan x
(f) e x
(g) sin( x 2 ) (h) 𝑡𝑎𝑛2 𝑥
2. Differentiate the following functions w.r.t x:
ax 2  bx  c  1  cos( x  2)
(a) (b)  x   (c) (d)  x  sec x  x  tan x 
x  x sin x

2 x cot x
(e) x tan x (f) (g) e x log x tan x (h) (x sinx+cos x)(ex +x2 logx)

e x  tan x a x px 2  qx  r sin x  x cos x

(i) (j) (k) (l)
cot x  x n a x ax  b x sin x  cos x

x a dy  x a 
3. If y   , prove that 2 xy   
a x dx  a x 
4. If for f ( x)   x 2   x  12 , f '  4  15 and f '  2  11 , then find  and  .

1. Out of 100 students, two sections of 40 and 60 students are formed. If you and your friends are among
the 100 students, what is the probability that (i) you both enter the same section? (ii) you both enter the
different sections?
2. A word consists of 9 letters, 5 consonant and 4 vowels. Three letters are chosen at random. What is the
probability that more than one vowel will be selected?
3. An urn contains 9 red, 7 white and black balls. If two balls are drawn at random find the probability that
(i) both the balls are red (ii) one ball is white
(iii) the balls are of same colour (iv) one is white and the other is red.
4. Four persons are to be chosen at random from a group of 3 men, 2 women and 4 children. Find the
probability of selecting: (i) 1 man, 1 woman and 2 children, (ii) Exactly 2 children, (iii) 2 women
5. A bag contains tickets numbered 1 to 30. Three tickets are drawn at random from the bag. What is the
probability that the maximum number on the selected tickets exceeds 25?
6. Twelve balls are distributed among three boxes, find the probability that the first box will contain three
7. Find the probability that when a hand of 7 cards is dealt from a well shuffled deck of 52 cards, it
contains (i) all 4 kings (ii) exactly 3 kings (iii) at least 3 kings.
8. Find the probability that in a random arrangement of the letters of the word ‘SOCIAL’ vowels come
9. Find the probability that in a random arrangement of the letters of the word ‘UNIVERSITY’, the two I’s
do not come together.
10. There are four men and six women on the city councils. If one council member is selected from a
committee at random, how likely is that it is a woman?

Page 5 of 6
11. Four cards are drawn at random from a pack of 52 playing cards. Find the probability of getting
(i) all the four cards of the same suit (ii) one card from each suit
(iii) two red cards and two black cards (iv) all cards of the same colour.
12. The odds in favour of an event ids 3:5. Find the probability of occurrence of this event.

Trigonometry, Linear Inequations, Permutations, Combinations, Circles, Parabola, Ellipse, Hyperbola,
3D Coordinate Geometry, Derivatives, Probability


Page 6 of 6
Sub: Applied mathematics


1. In a class there are 22 girls and 17 boys. The teacher wants to select either a boy or a girl to
represent the class in a function. In how many ways can the teacher make the selection?
2. Given 6 flags of different colours .How many different signals can be generated by hoisting the
flags on a vertical pole (one below the other) each signal requires the use of at least 4 flags.
3. Find the number of integers greater than 7000 that can be formed with the digits 3, 5, 7, 8 and 9 no
digits are repeated.
4. If the letter of the word SACHIN are arranged in all possible ways as listed in dictionary, then
what is the rank of SACHIN?
5. How many arrangements can be formed by the letters of the word VOWELS if
i) there is no restriction
ii)each word begins with S
iii) each word begins with S and ends with E
iv) all vowels come together
v) all consonents come together

6. In how many ways can the letters of the words ASSASSINATION be arranged so that all the S’s
occur together.
7. In how many ways can a football team of 11 players be selected from 16 players? How many of
these will i) include 2 particular players? ii) exclude 2 particular players?
8. There are 10 professors and 20 students out of whom a committee of 2 professors and 3 students is
to be formed. Find the number of ways in which this can be done. Further find in how many of
these committees:
i)a particular professor is included

ii) a particular student is included

iii) a particular student is excluded

9. There are 10 points in a plane, of which 4 are collinear. How many different straight lines can be
drawn by joining these points?
10. If 𝑛𝑐10 = 𝑛𝑐12 find 𝑛𝐶3 .


𝑥 2−9
1. If f(x)= 𝑥−3 , find if lim 𝑓(𝑥) exists.
2. Prove that lim , x ≠ 1 does not exist.
𝑥→0 𝑥
3. Examine lim [𝑥] exists or not.

Page 1 of 9
𝑥 𝑖𝑓 0 ≤ 𝑥 < 2
4. If f(x) = 0 𝑖𝑓 𝑥 = 2
{𝑥 − 1 𝑖𝑓 2 < 𝑥 ≤ 1
Establish the existence of lim1 𝑓(𝑥)
5. For what value of p does the lim 𝑓(𝑥) exist where f is defined by
2𝑝𝑥 + 3 , 𝑖𝑓 𝑥 < 1
6. If f(x) = {
1 − 𝑝𝑥 2 , 𝑖𝑓𝑥 > 1
7. Evaluate the following limits:
i) lim (7𝑥 2 − 5𝑥 + 1)
𝑥 2+5𝑥+6
ii) lim
𝑥→2 2𝑥 2 −3𝑥
iii) lim
𝑥→0 2𝑥
𝑥√𝑥−𝑎 √𝑎
iv) ) lim 𝑥−𝑎
√3𝑥 2−1−√2𝑥 2−1
v) lim
𝑥→∞ 4𝑥+3
A function is said to be continuous at x=a of its domain, iff
lim f ( x)  lim f ( x)  f (a)
x a  x a

8. Show that f(x)=x3 is continuous at x=2

RHL= lim f ( x)  lim f (2  h)  lim(2  h)  8
x 2 h0 h0

LHL= lim f ( x)  lim f (2  h)  lim(2  h)  8

x 2 h0 h0
And f(2)=8
Therefore LHL=RHL=f(2)
Therefore the function is continuous at x=2

9. Show that the following function is not continuous at the origin

3𝑥 − 2, 𝑖𝑓 𝑥 ≤ 0
f(x) = {
𝑥 + 1, 𝑖𝑓 𝑥 > 0

10. Discuss the continuity of the function f(x) at x=0

, 𝑖𝑓 𝑥 ≠ 0
f(x) = { 𝑥
2, 𝑖𝑓 𝑥 = 0

11. Discuss the continuity of the function f(x) at x=2 and x=3

Page 2 of 9
𝑥 2, 𝑖𝑓 1 ≤ 𝑥 < 2
f(x) = {
3𝑥 − 4, 2≤𝑥<4

12. Determine the value of k for which the following function is continuous at x=2
𝑘𝑥 + 5, 𝑖𝑓 𝑥 ≤ 2
f(x) = {
𝑥 − 1, 𝑖𝑓 𝑥 > 2
13. Find the values of a and b so that the function given below is continuous at x=1
3𝑎𝑥 + 𝑏 𝑖𝑓 𝑥 > 1
f(x) = { 11 𝑖𝑓 𝑥 = 1
5𝑎𝑥 − 2𝑏 𝑖𝑓 𝑥 < 1

14. Show that the following function is not continuous at x = 2
𝑥 𝑖𝑓 0 ≤ 𝑥 < 2
f(x) = 1 𝑖𝑓 𝑥 = 2
{1 − 𝑥 𝑖𝑓 <𝑥≤1

Find the Derivative of the following functions:

x 2

15. 2 x
ax 2  bx  c
16. px  qx  r

ax  ax
17. a  x  a  x
18. x y  c
10 x  e x  2 log x
19. 3
dy log x

dx 1  log x 2
20. If y log x  x  y, prove that
1 dy
y  x , x2  xy  2  0
21. If x prove that dx

1. A die is thrown twice and the sum of the numbers appearing is observed to be 6. What is the
probability that the number 4 has appeared at least once?
2. Five cards are drawn from a pack of 52 cards. What is the chance that these 5 cards will
i) just one ace ii) at least one ace.
6 5 7
3. If P(A) = , P( B)  , P( A  B )  find
11 11 11
Page 3 of 9
4. i) P( A  B) ii)P(A/B) iii)P(B/A)

5. If A and B are mutually exclusive events such that P(A) = 0.35, P( B)  0.45 find

i) P( A  B) ii) P( A  B) iii)P( A  B )

6. A building contractor has undertaken a building construction job. The probability that there will be a
construction worker’s strike is 0.65. If there is a strike and still construction work will be completed on
time, the probability is 0.32. the construction work will be completed on time in absence of any strike has
the probability 0.80

Based on the above information answer the following:

(i) What is the probability that there will be no strike?

(a) 0.68 (b) 0.35 (c) 0.20 (d) 0.80

(ii) What is the probability that the construction job will be completed in time?

(a) 0.208 (b) 0.280 (c) 0.488 (d) 0.408

(iii) What is the probability that there is a strike and construction work is completed in time?

(a) 0.42(approx.) (b) 0.43(approx.) (c) 0.40(approx.) (d) 0.44(approx.)

(iv) If construction work is completed in time what is the probability of no strike?

(a) 0.57(approx.) (b) 0.58(approx.) (c) 0.56(approx.) (d) 0.59(approx.)

(v) Find out the value of  P( E / A). Here E , E
i 1
i 1 2 represent the event of strike and no strike

while A denotes the event of completing the construction job in time

(a)1 (b) 0 (c)0.488 (d) 0.280

1 1
7. Probability of solving a specific problem independently by A and B are and respectively. If both
2 3
try to solve the problem independently, find the probability that

i) the problem is solved

ii) exactly one of them solves the problem.

8. Two dice are thrown together. Find the probability that at least one will show its digit greater

than 3.

Page 4 of 9
9. An urn contains 3 red and 5 black balls. A ball is drawn at random, its colour is noted and returned to the
urn. Moreover, 2 additional balls of the colour noted down are put into the urn and then two balls are
drawn at random (without replacement) from the urn. Find the probability that both the balls drawn are of
red colour.

10) Ten cards numbered 1 to 10 are placed in a box, and one card is drawn randomly. If it is known that the
number on the card drawn is more than 3 what is the probability that it is an even number.


1. Find the CI at the rate of 10% per annum for four years on the principal which in four years at the
rate of 4% per annum gives Rs 1600 as SI?
2. Find the value of regular annuity of Rs 5000 payable at the end of each year for 3 years at 10% per
annum compounded annually.
3. A project requires an annual investment of Rs 2, 50,000 and is expected to generate the following
net cash flow year -1: Rs 98,000, year-2 Rs 1,20,000:, year-3: Rs1, 50,000. Compute the present
value of the investment if the rate of interest is 12%.
4. A project requires an initial investment of Rs 5000000 and is expected to generate net cash flow of
Rs 5,00000 each month for 12 months. If the discount rate ( target rate of return) is 12% per annum,
Calculate the net present value of the project.
5. Find the amount of an ordinary annuity if payment of Rs 500 is made at the end of every quarter for
10 years at the rate of 8% per year compounded quarterly.
6. Find the present value of a sequence of annual payments of Rs 500 each, the first being made at the
end of 7th year and the last being made at the end of 16th year, if the money is worth 7% per
annum compounded annually.
7. A manufacturer sells a refrigerator to a dealer for Rs 45000. The dealer sells it to a customer at a
profit of Rs 4600. If the sales are intrastate and the rate of, is 12% find the amount GST paid by the
dealer to the state and central governments.
8. What sum will become Rs 98,260 in 18 months, if the rate of interest is6% compounded semi
9. Rishav is working in a MNC from where he receives a basic salary of Rs. 175,000 per month,
HRA of Rs 50,000 and special allowances of Rs. 25,000 per month. She also gets leave travel
allowance (LTA) of Rs 20,000 annually. If he pays rent of Rs 40,000 per month and leave in
Delhi, calculate the income tax payable by Keshav in the financial year 20-21.
10. In what time will Rs 64000 amount to Rs 68921 at 5% per annum, interest being compounded
11. A shopkeeper in Haryana buys a mobile phone from a wholesaler in Delhi at a printed price of
Rs. 60,000. The shopkeeper in Haryana sells the phone to a consumer in Haryana at a profit of
20% on the basic cost price. The rate of GST is 18%. Based on the given information, answer the
following questions.
i) Amount paid by the shopkeeper to the wholesaler
ii) GST paid by the retailer shopkeeper to the wholesaler.
12. Ms. Chawla, goes to a shop to buy a coat which costs Rs 885 (list price). The rate of GST is
Page 5 of 9
18%. She tells the shopkeeper to reduce the price to such an extent that she has to pay Rs 885,
inclusive of GST. Find the reduction needed in the price of coat.
13. Find the amount of an ordinary annuity of Rs 1000 payable at the end of each year for 3 years
at 10% per year compounded annually.
14. Aarushi’s monthly salary is Rs 225,000 with HRA at the rate of 20%. She donates Rs 5000
per month towards PM’s relief fund getting a relief of 100% on the donation. Calculate the
income tax paid by Aarushi.
15. A retailer buys a luxury wrist watch from a manufacturer at the listed price of Rs 250000. He
marks the price of the watch 20% above the listed price and sells it to a customer at 10%
discount on the marked price. The sales are intra state and the rate of GST is 18% .
Based on the given information, answer the following questions.
i)Amount paid by the customer to the retailer.
ii)GST paid by the retailer.
16. Mr. Pandey lives in Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh The reading of electric meter of his house is found to be
5678 units. If the previous month’s reading was 4803 units and connection load is 4kW, calculate his
electricity bill for that month.
Tariff plan is given below.
Energy charges
Number of units 0-150 151-300 301-500 >500

Price per unit (in 5.5 6 6.5 7


Fixed charges Rs 110 per kW per month

Energy tax is 5% of tariff rates

Surcharge is 0.26 per unit.

Straight Line
1. Find the equation of a line passing through the point (2, 3) and parallel to the line

3x  4 y  5  0

2. Find the distance between the line 12 x  5 y  9  0 and the point (2, 1)

3. A parking lot in a company is triangular shaped. Its sides are given by the equations

AB: 3 y  5 x  2, BC : x  y  6  0, AC : 3 y  x  2  0

Based on the above information answer the following:

(i) The coordinates of the vertex A are

Page 6 of 9
(a) (-1, -1) (b) (-1, 2) (c) (1, 2) (d) (-1, 1)

(ii) The coordinates of the vertex B are

(a) (-2, 2) (b) (2, -2) (c) (2, 4) (d) (2, -4)

(iii) Equation of the line passing through A and perpendicular to BC is

(a) x  y  0 (b) x  y  0 (c) x  2 y  0 (d) x  2 y  0

(iv) Equation of the line passing through B and perpendicular to AC is

(a) x  3 y  10  0 (b) x  3 y  10  0

(c) 3x  y  10  0 (d) 3x  y  10  0

(v) The coordinates of the orthocenter of ABC are

5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
(a) (  ,  ) (b) ( , ) (c) ( , ) (d) ( ,  )
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

4. Find the acute angle between the pairs of straight lines 3x  y  12  0 and x  2 y  1  0

5. Find the equation of a line which is perpendicular to the line joining (4, 2) and (3, 5) and cuts

off an intercept of length 3 on y axis.

6. Find the equation of the median passing through the vertex A of the  ABC whose vertices

are A(2, 5), B(-4, 9) and C(-2, -1)

7. Determine x so that 2 is the slope of the line joining the points (2, 5) and (x, 3)

8. Find the equation of the line through (2, 3) and perpendicular to the line 2 x  5 y  9  0 .

9. Find the equation of the perpendicular bisector of the line segment joining the points A (1, 1) and B (2,

10. Find the equation of a line which passes through (1, -2) and cuts off equal positive equal

intercepts on the axes.

11. Find the equation of the altitude passing through the vertex A of the  ABC whose vertices

are A(2, 5), B(-4, 9) and C(-2, -1)

1. Find the equation of the circle whose centre lies on the negative direction of the y axis at a distance
3 units from the origin and whose radius is 4 units.

Page 7 of 9
2. Find the equation of the circle which touches both the axe sand the line 3x-4y+8=0 and lies in the
third quadrant.
3. If one end of the diameter of a circle x 2  y 2  4 x  6 y  11  0 is (3, 4) then find the coordinates of
the other end of the diameter.
4. Find the equation of a circle whose centre is (1, -2) and which passes through the centre of the
circle x 2  y 2  4 x  6 y  11  0
5. Find the equation of the circle which passes through the origin and cuts off intercepts -2 and 3 on x
axis and y axis respectively.
6. Find the equation of the circle passing through (0, 0) and making intercepts a and b on the
coordinate axes.
7. Find the equation of the circle which is circumscribed about the triangle whose vertices are (-2, 3),
(5,2), and (6,-1).
8. Find the equation of the circle which passes through the points (2, -2), (3, 4) and has its centre on
the line 2x + 2y =7
9. Find the equation of the circle passing through the centre of the circle x 2  y 2  8 x  10 y  7  0 (
and is concentric with the circle 2 x2  2 y 2  8x  12 y  9  0 .
10. Find the area of the circle centered at (1, 2) and passing through the point (4, 6)
11. Find the vertex, focus, axis, directrix and the length of latus-rectum of the parabola 2 y 2  5x
12. Find the equation of the parabola with focus (6,0) and the directrix x = - 6
13. Find the equation of the parabola with focus (-1, -2) and directrix is the line x  2 y  3  0 .
14. A double ordinate of the parabola y 2  4ax is of length 8a. Prove that the lines from the vertex to
its ends are at right angles.
15. If the parabola y 2  4ax passes through the point(3, 2), find the length of the latus-rectum and the
coordinates of the focus.
16. Find the equation of the parabola with vertices at the origin and satisfying the following conditions:
i)Focus at (3, 0)
ii) Focus at (0, 2)
iii) Focus at (0, -4)
iv)Directrix y-2 = 0
v)passing through(2, 3)and axis along x axis.
vi) passing through(5, 2)and axis along y axis.

Page 8 of 9
17. The focus of the parabolic mirror shown in the adjoining figure is at a distance of 5 cm from its

vertx. If the mirror is 45 cm deep find the distance AB

18. An arc is in the form of a parabola with its axis vertical. The arc is 10 m high and 5 m wide at the
base. How wide it is 2 m from the vertex of he parabola?
19. Find the coordinates of the points on the parabola y 2  8 x whose focal distance is 4.
20. If the points (0, 4) and (0, 2) are respectively the vertex and focus of a parabola then find the length
of the latus-rectum of the parabola.

Page 9 of 9


1. Where are the photosynthetic pigments located in the chloroplasts?

2. What is Photophosphorylation?

3. In what form carbohydrates are translocated in plants?

4. What is assimilatory power?

5. Describe briefly the contribution of Jan Ingenhousz.

6. Explain Blackman`s Law of limiting factors.

7. What are the steps that are common to C3 plants and C4 photosynthesis?

8. What is photorespiration? Describe the process in details.

9. What led to the evolution of c4 pathway of photosynthesis? Describe in detail.

10. Explain non cyclic photophosphorylation in plants. Why is this process so called ?

11. What led to the evolution of c4 pathway of photosynthesis? Describe in detail.

12. Explain non cyclic photophosphorylation in plants. Why is this process so called?


1. Why is Krebs’scycle called TCA cycle?

2. Name the enzymes present in oxysomes.
3. How does respiration occur in tree trunks?
4. What is oxidative photophosphorylation?
5. Write two energy yielding reactions of glycolysis.
6. What is meant by RQ?When will the value of RQ be less than 1? .
7. How is proton gradient established?.
8. Oxygen is critical for respiration.Explain with reference to ETS.
9. What do you mean by CO2 compensation point?


1. What term is given to the depression in the left lung near mediastinum? What is it meant for??

2. Mention four functions of the conducting part of the respiratory system.

Page1of 4
3. Bring out the role of Pneumotaxic centre in breathing.

4. How much of CO2 is transported by 100ml of blood?

5. Name the factors that affect the binding of CO2to haemoglobin?

6. What evolutionary adaptations have people living in high altitudes developed?

7. How does the ventral group of neuronsin the respiratoycentre function?

8. Represent schematically the exchange of gases at the alveoli and the body tissues with the blood
and transport of respiratory gases in the blood?


1. Mention two similarities between veins and lymph vessels.

2. What is the significance of atrio ventricular node and AV Bundle in the functioning of Heart?

3. Where does the cardiac impulse originate? How is it conducted to the rest of the heart?

4. Indicate the flow of blood in the heart during joint Diastole.

State whether the small semilunar valves are open or closed?

5. Describe the hormonal control of cardiac function.

6. What is coronary circulation? What is its significance?

7. What is Pulmonary circulation? Describe its importance.

8. What are lymph nodes? Mention their significance in our body.


1. How does Glomerular wall help in filtration?

2. Why does the filtrate become concentrated as it passes through the descending limb of Henle`s

3. What is the basic product of catabolism of protein in animals? In what different forms it is
excreted in sharks, whales and land snails.?

4. How does excess water in the body affect the metabolism of the body?

5. How is the permeability of the distal convoluted tubule and collecting tubule controlled for
regulating the water content of the body?

6. How is urea involved in the osmolarity gradient in the kidney tissues?

7. Explain the autoregulatory mechanism of Glomerular filtration.

Page1of 4

1. Name the type of muscles that are not associated with bones?

2. Mention two different properties of muscles. Name the structural and functional unit of

3. What are sarcosomes and Myofibrils?

4. What is meant by motor unit with regard to muscle contraction?

5. Define muscle fatigue? Name the chemicals responsible for muscle fatigue?

6. What is the difference between G Actin and F actin? What is the role of Ca++ ions in muscle

7. Describe the sliding filament theory of muscle contraction?

8. How is neuromuscular junction different from a motor end plate?

9. Differentiate between muscle twitch and muscle Tetany?

10. What is the cause of muscular dystrophy? Mention its symptoms.

13. Bring out the electrical potential differences that would occur in a muscle fibre when


1. Where are sleep centers and arousal centers located respectively?
What are ventricles in human brain?

2. Which lobe of cerebrum has the soma aesthetic area?

3. Differentiate between Thalamus and hypothalamus?

4. Where is diencephalon located in the brain? Name its component parts.

5. Mention the important functions of HYPOTHALAMUS and CEREBELLUM.

6. What do synaptic vesicle contain?

7. How is the stimulation of post synaptic membrane stopped after an impulse passes through it?

8. What is the total time taken by neuron for its Depolarization and Repolarization?

TOPIC :Chemical control and integration

1. What is the role of Hypothalamus in terms of controlling Pituitary Gland?

Page1of 4
2. Enumerate the role of Thyroid hormones and parathyroid hormones in controlling the metabolic
rate of an adult human?
3. Give reasons:
(i)adrenal glands are emergency glands
(ii)Hormones released by posterior pituitary are not its own products.
(iii) endocrine glands directly release their products into the blood.
4. What causes myxodema? Two symptoms of this disease.
5. .Name the diseases due to hyposecretion of ---mineralocorticoids, growth, thyroid
6. What are inhibiting hormones?
7. Sumans uncle was suffering from diabetes and was regularly taking some injections.for
treatment of diabetes.When Suman asked uncle he said he was taking injections of Insulin.
Sumit discussed the nature of insulin with his teacher who told it is a hormone.
(a) what are hormones?
(b) what is endocrine gland?
(c)Which endocrine gland and its part is involved in insulin secretion?
(d)What precautions one can take to protect oneself from such diseases?
What happens when one suffers from -----
(i) cretinism (ii) gigantism (iii) acromegaly
(iv) Grave`s disease,(v)Osteitis fibrosa cystica,(vi) hypocalcaemic tetany.
9. What is somatostatin?
10. Write the full form of---- PTH, PRL, LTH, ACTH, ICSH, BMR
11. Name the source glands of:
(i) Aldosterone (ii) Estrogen (iii) Glucagon(iv) Parathormone (v) Insulin (vi)Testosterone

SYLLABUS FOR BLOCK TEST II (Acc to Covid syllabus)




Page1of 4

Syllabus of Class XI Computer Science Block Test-II (2020-21)

List Manipulation
1. Start with the list[8,9,10].Do the following using list functions
(a) Set the second entry (index 1) to 17
(b) Add 4, 5 and 6 to the end of the list.
(c) Remove the first entry from the list.
(d) Sort the list.
(e) Double the list.
(f) Insert 25 at index 3
2. If a is [1, 2, 3], what is the difference (if any) between a*3 and [a, a, a]?
3. If a is [1, 2, 3], is a *3 equivalent to a + a + a?
4. Does a slice operator always produce a new list? 5 What are nested Lists?

1. Write python that create a tuple storing first 9 term of Fibonacci series.
2. (a) write a program that receive the index and return the corresponding value .
(b)= write a program that receives a Fibonacci term And return and returns a number telling which term
it is.
3. Write a program that interactively create a nested tuple to store the marks in three subjects for five
4. In the program created in previous question , add a function that computes total marks and average
marks obtain by each student .
5. Write a program that input two tuples and creates a third , that contains all elements of the first followed
by all elements of the second.
6. Find out the output generated by following code fragments:

i. (a, b, c) = (1,2,3)
ii. (a, b, c, d) = (1,2,3)
iii. plane = (“Passengers”, ”Luggage”)
plane *1+ = “Snakes”

1. Repeatedly ask the user to enter a team name and how many games the team has won and how many
they lost. Store this information in a dictionary where the keys are the team names and the values are a
list of the form [wins, losses ].
(i)using the dictionary created above, allow the user to enter a team name and print out the team’s
winning percentage.
(ii) using dictionary create a list whose entries are the number of wins for each team.
(iii) using the dictionary, create a list of all those teams that have winning records.

2. Write a program that repeatedly asks the user to enter product names and prices. Store all of these in a
dictionary whose keys are the product names and whose values are the price .
When the user is done entering products and price ,allow them to repeatedly enter a product name and
print the corresponding price or a message if the product is not in dictionary .

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3. Create a dictionary whose keys are month name and whose values are number of days in the
corresponding month :
(a) ask the user to enter the month name and use the dictionary to tell how many days are in month .
(b) print out all of the keys in alphabetical order .
(c) print out all of the month with 31 days.
(d) print out the (key - value) pair sorted by the number of the days in each month .
4. Can you store the detail of 10 students in a dictionary at the same time ? details include – rollno, name
,marks ,grade etc. Give example to support your answer .
5. Given the dictionary x = {‘k1’: ‘v1’, ‘k2’ : ‘v2’, ‘k3’ : ‘v3’} ,create a dictionary with the
opposite mapping .
Write a program to create the dictionary.

1. What is cyber crime ?how can you report it?
2. What is cyber bullying and cyber stalking?
3. What is identity fraud?
4. What is digital footprint? Why is it so important?
5. Why are privacy settings of a social networking site so important?
1. What is phishing?
2. How is pharming similar to and different from phishing?
3. What is (i) authentication (ii) authorization ?why are these two used together?
4. What is the significance of a firewall in a computer’s security scheme?
5. What is eavesdropping ?what security measures can you take up to prevent it?
1. What is Online Fraud?
2. What are intellectual property rights?
3. Expand the following terms:- i)OSS ii)SDLC iii)GNU iv)FLOSS
4. Discuss gender issues that you see in the field of computer science studies.
1. Write a program that takes any two lists L and M of the same size and adds their elements together to
form a new list N whose elements are sums of the corresponding elements in L and M. For instance, if
L=[3,1,4] and M=[1,5,9], the N should be equal to [4,6,13].
2. Ask the user to enter a list of Strings. Create a new list that consists of those strings with their first
character removed.
3. Write a program which rotates the elements of a list so that the element at the first index moves to the
second index, the element in the second index moves to the third index, etc and the elements in the last
index moves to the first index.
4. Given a tuple pairs=((2,5),(4,2),(9,8),(12,10)), count the number of pairs (a,b) such that both a and b
are even.
5. The membership operators only work with keys of a dictionary but to check for the presence of a value
in a dictionary, you need to write a code.
Write a Python program that takes a value and checks whether the given value is part of given dictionary
or not. If it is, it should print the corresponding key otherwise print an error message.
6. Marks of three students “Suniti”, “Ryna”, and “Zeba” in three subjects are available in following three
dictionaries respectively:
d1= {1:40, 2:70, 3:70}
d2= {1:40, 2:50, 3:60}
d3= {1:70, 2:80, 3:90}
Create a nested dictionary that stores the marks details along with student names and then prints the
output as shown below:-
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Name: Ryna
Subject (key) Marks (value)
1 40
2 50
3 60

Name: Zeba
Subject (key) Marks (value)
1 70
2 80
3 90

Name: Suniti
Subject (key) Marks (value)
1 40
2 70
3 70

7. Write a program to create a dictionary Dct with 10 keys 0…9, each having values as 200. Update the
first and last values by adding 200 to each of them.
Desired Output:-
8. Write a program to read a sentence and then create a dictionary contains the frequency of letters and
digits in the sentence. Ignore the symbols, if any.
9. Write a program to create a third dictionary from two dictionaries having some common keys, in way
so that the values of common keys are added in the third dictionary.
For example:-
The given dictionaries are:-
d1= {1:100, 2:200, 3:300}
d2= {1:300, 2:200, 5:400}
The resultant dictionary
d3= {1:400, 2:400, 3:300, 5:400}

Syllabus for CS Block Test-II (2021-22)

1. List Manipulation 2. Tuples 3. Dictionaries 4. Introduction to Python modules 5. Cyber Safety 6.
Online Access and Computer Security 7. Society, Law and Ethics


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Unit IV Physical Education & Sports for CWSN (Children with Special
Needs- Divyang)
• Aims & objectives of Adaptive Physical Education
• Organization promoting Adaptive Sports (Special Olympics Bharat; Paralympics;
• Role of various professionals for children with special needs (Counsellor,
Occupational Therapist, Physiotherapist, Physical Education Teacher, Speech
Therapist & special Educator)

Q. Where was the first Deaflympics held?

Q. Name the professional who helps the students with special needs perfect their fine motor
and visual skills.
Q. What is the aim and objectives of adapted physical education?
Q. Discuss the history, mission, oath and vision of Special Olympics Bharat in detail.
Q. What are the categories of disabilities accepted by the Paralympic Games for participation?
Q. Discuss Deaflympics in detail.
Q. Write a note on the implementation of Inclusive Education for students with special needs.
Q. Write notes on how the following can help students with special needs:
a) School Counselor
b) Physiotherapist
c) Occupational Therapist
d) Physical Education Teacher
e) Speech Therapist
f) Special Educator.

Unit V Yoga
• Meaning & Importance of Yoga
• Elements of Yoga

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• Introduction – Asanas, Pranayam, Meditation & Yogic Kriyas
• Yoga for concentration & related Asanas (Sukhasana; Tadasana;
Padmasana&Shashankasana, Naukasana, Vrikshasana (Tree Pose), Garudasana
(Eagle Pose)

Q. Which asana is referred to as palm tree pose?

Q. Enlist the Importance of yoga?
Q. Write a brief note on the eight limbs of yoga.
Q. Write the Importance of meditation?
Q. What is pranayama? Mention the types of pranayama.
Q. Give detailed note on yogic kriyas.
Q. What is YogNidra? What are the benefits of YogNidra?
Q. What is the procedure to do a perfect YogNidra?
Q. Write the procedure, benefits and contraindications of following asanas:
1) Sukhasana
2) Tadasana
3) Padmasana
4) Shashankasana
5) Naukasana
6) Vrikshasana (Tree Pose)
7) Garudasana (Eagle Pose)

Unit VI Physical Activity & Leadership Training

 Leadership Qualities & Role of a Leader
 Meaning, objectives & types of Adventure Sports (Rock Climbing, Tracking, River
Rafting, Mountaineering, Surfing, and Para Gliding)
 Safety measures to prevent sports injuries

Q. Explain the role and qualities of a leader in sports.

Q. Define leadership. Discuss the process of creating or making leaders through physical
Q. Elaborate the meaning and objectives of adventure sports.
Q. What are the safety measures during physical activity and adventure sports?

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Q. Write short note along with safety measures on:
1) Rock Climbing
2) Trekking
3) River Rafting
4) Mountaineering
5) Surfing
6) Paragliding

Unit IX Psychology & Sports

• Definition & Importance of Psychology in Phy. Edu. & Sports
• Define & Differentiate Between Growth & Development
• Adolescent Problems & Their Management

Q. Define psychology. Explain the importance of psychology in sports.

Q. What do you mean by growth and development? Differentiate between them.
Q. Explain the problems of adolescence in detail.
Q. Elaborate the management of problems of adolescence.

Unit X Training and Doping in Sports

• Meaning & Concept of Sports Training
• Principles of Sports Training
• Concept & classification of doping
• Prohibited Substances & their side effects

Q. What do you mean by sports training? Enumerate the principles of Sports Training.
Q. Define Doping.
Q. Explain the performance enhancing substances.
Q. Explain physical methods.
Q. Explain in detail the side effects of the prohibited substance in sports.


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