Laboratory Activity 3 - Group 10

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Course Code: ME 006 Program: Mechanical Engineering

Course Title: Materials Engineering Date
Section ME41S1 Date January 11, 2021
Students: Instructor: Engr. Darrel San Luis
1. Cid, Joshua
2. Ejem, Adrian James
3. Fajardo, Emmanuel Angelico Dominic
4. Franco, Reinier
5. Resurreccion, John Alesi
1. Objective:
The activity aims to familiarize students with the theory of Lewis dot, molecular structure, and molecular
2. Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs):
The students shall be able to:
2.1 Build a variety of molecules and ions using molecular model kits.
2.2 Draw Lewis structures for each of these molecules and ions.
2.3 Determine the hybridization of the central atoms, the number and types of bonds, the geometries,
and the polarities of the molecules and ions.
3. Discussion:
Molecular geometry or molecular structure is the three-dimensional arrangement of atoms within a molecule.
It is important to be able to predict and understand the molecular structure of a molecule because many of
the properties of a substance are determined by its geometry. Examples of these properties include polarity,
magnetism, phase, color, and chemical reactivity. Molecular geometry may also be used to predict biological
activity, to design drugs or decipher the function of a molecule. The basic idea in molecular shapes is
called valence shell electron pair repulsion (VSEPR). It basically describes that electron pairs, being
composed of negatively charged particles, repel each other to get as far away from each other as possible.
VSEPR makes a distinction between electron group geometry, which expresses how electron groups (bonds
and nonbonding electron pairs) are arranged, and molecular geometry, which expresses how the atoms in
a molecule are arranged.
4. Illustrations:


ClF3 BrF5 XeF4

5. Materials or link:
6. Procedure:
6.1 Add up the total number of valence electrons found in the entire compound.
6.2 Draw the simple structure (skeleton structure) of the compound by connecting everything with
single bonds only.
6.3 Add electrons to all the noncentral atoms.
6.4 Put any unused electrons on the central atom.
6.5 If one or more atoms do not have eight electrons, you must form double or triple bonds between
6.6 If all atoms now have eight electrons around them, you’re done. If you have valence electrons left
over, add them to the central atom, even if it violates the octet rule.

Number of Number of Molecular

Total number atoms bonded non-bonding geometry with
of electron Electronic Examples
to a central electric pair on ideal bond
pairs geometry
atom the central angles
3 2 1 Trigonal Planar Bent O3
4 3 1 Tetrahedral Trigonal NH3
4 2 2 Tetrahedral Bent H2O
Trigonal Distorted
5 4 1 Bipyramidal Tetrahedron SF4
5 3 2 Trigonal T-shaped CIF3
5 2 3 Trigonal Linear I3
6 5 1 Octahedral Square BrF5
6 4 2 Octahedral Square Planar XeF4




Triiodide ion



7. Questions:
7.1 For each one of the molecules with lone pairs of electrons on the central atom that is non-polar, give an
explanation of why they have no dipole moment.
Answer: The separation of charges in any system leads to dipole moment. Both ionic and covalently bonded
compounds develop dipole moment. The main cause for the development of dipole moment is the
electronegativity difference between chemically bonded atoms. The larger the difference in electronegativity,
the larger the dipole moment. In triatomic H2O molecule, the dipole moment is 1.84D. Due to the bent
structure of the water molecule, the dipole moment is not zero. This is due to the resultant dipole moments
of 2 O-H bonds, inclined at 104.5 degrees, with 2 lone pairs on oxygen. Also, when considering NH3 and
NF3 molecules, both have 3 N-H bonds and a lone pair on nitrogen atom but the resultant dipole moment
of NF3 is less than that of NH3. This is because the dipole formed between the lone pair and nitrogen atom
differs in both NH3 and NF3 molecules. Fluorine, being more electronegative than nitrogen, will attract all
the shared electrons towards it from nitrogen in opposite direction to net dipole moment.

7.2 Give a molecule (or ions) with resonance structures and draw them in the box:



8. Conclusion:
The group concluded that it is important to predict and understand the molecular structure of a molecule
because many of the properties of a substance are determined by its geometry. The shape of a molecule is
a feature that often determines the fate of a compound regarding molecular interactions. The shape of a
molecule determines the way it behaves in nature, and molecular shapes are described by using geometrical
terminology. The very nature of a molecule is dependent upon the shape as well as the electron shift in
bonding. The shape of a molecule influences the physical and chemical properties of the elements involved.
Today, we classify the world according to their atoms or elements. In nature, most atoms will be found as
molecules and each of these molecules has its own variations and this can change the feature of a molecule.
With the discovery of molecular geometry and its probable effects on other molecules, we were able to see
Global Warming, Air, Water, and Land Pollution, harmful/toxic chemicals in nature.
9. References:

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