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MOLECULAR GEOMETRY geometry about the central atom and adding atoms Steps Used to Find the Shape

Steps Used to Find the Shape of the Molecule

to some or all of the electron pairs. This model To sum up there are four simple steps to apply the
Molecular geometry is the 3-dimensional shape
produces good agreement with experimental VSEPR theory.
that a molecule occupies in space. It is determined
determinations for simple molecules. With this
by the central atom and the surrounding atoms and  Draw the Lewis Structure.
model in mind, the molecular geometry can be
electron pairs. The shape of most molecules can be
determined in a systematic way. Molecules can  Count the number of electron groups and
predicted using the Valence Shell Electron Pair
then be divided into two groups: Group 1: identify them as bond pairs of electron
Repulsion (VSEPR) method. This method states a
Molecules with NO lone electron pairs. In this case groups or lone pairs of electrons.
few rules to help one determine the shape of a
the molecular geometry is identical to the electron Remember electron groups include not only
substance without using high technology methods
pair geometry. Group 2: Molecules with one or bonds, but also lone pairs!
such as X-ray crystallography, NMR Spectroscopy,
more lone electron pairs. In this case an extra step
or electron microscopy. Some of the most common  Name the electron-group geometry. (State
is needed to to translate from electron pair
shapes that can be taken are linear, trigonal planar, whether it is linear, trigonal-planar,
geometry to the final molecular geometry, since
tetrahedral, pyramidal, and angular (or bent). tetrahedral, trigonal-bipyramidal, or
only the positions of bonded atoms are considered
in molecular geometry. octahedral.)
Valence Shell Electron Pair Repulsion (VSEPR)
theory Electron pairs around a central atom arrange  Looking at the positions of other atomic
The VSEPR theory says that:
themselves so that they can be as far apart as nuclei around the central determine the
possible from each other. The valence shell is the  1) The electron pairs and atoms around a molecular geometry. (See how many lone
outermost electron-occupied shell of an atom that central atom will give a molecule its shape. pairs there are
holds the electrons involved in bonding. In a
 2) Electron pairs around a central atom in a
covalent bond, a pair of electrons is shared
molecule will attempt to be as far away
between two atoms. In a polyatomic molecule,
from each other as possible.
several atoms are bonded to a central atom using
two or more electron pairs.   3) Lone pairs around the central atom will
have an effect on the shape of the entire
The repulsion between negatively charged electron
molecule, just like an atom would.
pairs in bonds or as lone pairs causes them to
spread apart as much as possible. The idea of  4) Lone pairs of electrons repel each other
"electron pair repulsion can be demonstrated by more strongly than a lone pair and a shared
tying several inflated balloons together at their pair, which in turn repel each other more
necks. Each balloon represents an electron pair. The than two shared pairs (or bonds between
balloons will try to minimize the crowding and will the central atom and another atom).
spread as far apart as possible.

According to VSEPR theory, molecular geometry

can be predicted by starting with the electron pair

 Linear molecule is a molecule in which  In a tetrahedral molecular geometry, a

atoms are deployed in a straight line (under central atom is located at the center with  Trigonal pyramidal is a molecular shape
180° angle). four substituents that are located at the that results when there are three bonds
corners of a tetrahedron. and one lone pair on the central atom in
 CO2
the molecule
 CCl4
 BeH2
 NH3
 NH4
 BeCl2
 SO3
 CH4

 this geometry is almost always consistent
 In chemistry, trigonal planar is a molecular
with VSEPR theory, which usually explains
geometry model with one atom at the
non-collinearity of atoms with a presence
center and three atoms at the corners of
of lone pairs. There are several variants of
an equilateral triangle, called peripheral
bending, where the most common is
atoms, all in one plane.[1] In an ideal trigonal
AX2E2 where two covalent bonds and two
planar species, all three ligands are
lone pairs of the central atom (A) form a
identical and all bond angles are 120°.
complete 8-electron shell
 AlBr3
 H2O
 BH3
 Trigonal bipyramidal (trigonal bipyramidal
 CO3
shape) is a molecular geometry that results
when there are five bonds and no lone pairs
on the central atom in the molecule.
Trigonal planar  -bent
 PCl5
 2 bonds and 1 lone pair

 Example

 So2

 No2

 It occurs when a molecule has a steric  2 BONDS AND 3 LONE PAIRS  Square pyramidal is a molecular shape that
number of 5, with the central atom being results when there are five bonds and one
 EX
bonded to 4 other atoms and 1 lone pair lone pair on the central atom in the
 I3 molecule. 
 SF4
 BrF5
 SeF4


 T-shape is a molecular geometry that  Octahedral molecular geometry (square
results when there are 3 bonds and 2 lone  Square pyramidal is a molecular shape that
bipyramidal shape) describes the shape of
pairs around the central atom in the results when there are five bonds and one
compounds where six atoms or ligands are
molecule. The atoms bonded to the central lone pair on the central atom in the
symmetrically arranged around a central
atom lie at the ends of a T with 90° angles molecule. 
between them.
 XeF4
 SF6
 NF3

 ICl3

 ClF3


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