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VanguardGuardian+CMS-E Manager User's Manual

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Vanguard Guardian+ CMS-E

User’s Manual

Version 1.2.0
Table of Contents

1 OVERVIEW AND ENVIRONMENT...................................................................... 1

1.1 Overview ...................................................................................................................................... 1

1.2 System ......................................................................................................................................... 1

1.3 Requirement for Configuration .................................................................................................. 2

2 PROCEDURE OF CONFIGURATION ................................................................. 3

3 LOGIN SYSTEM .................................................................................................. 4

3.1 Login Interface ............................................................................................................................ 4

3.2 Buttons ......................................................................................................................................... 5

4 SYSTEM SETTINGS ........................................................................................... 6

5 MANAGE DEVICE ............................................................................................... 8

5.1 Add Organization ........................................................................................................................ 8

5.2 Add Device ................................................................................................................................... 9

5.2.1 Add Encoder ......................................................................................................................... 9
5.2.2 Add Decoder ....................................................................................................................... 13
5.2.3 Add Alarm Host .................................................................................................................. 13
5.2.4 Add Intelligent Device ......................................................................................................... 13
5.2.5 Add Matrix .......................................................................................................................... 13
5.2.6 Add Transcoder .................................................................................................................. 14
5.2.7 Search Server ..................................................................................................................... 14

5.3 Manage Channel ........................................................................................................................ 14

6 MANAGE ACCOUNT ........................................................................................ 15

6.1 Add User Role ........................................................................................................................... 15

6.2 Add User .................................................................................................................................... 17

7 DAILY OPERATION .......................................................................................... 19

7.1 Add Record Plan ....................................................................................................................... 19

7.2 Alarm .......................................................................................................................................... 21

7.2.1 Set Contacts ....................................................................................................................... 21

7.2.2 Set Link Level ..................................................................................................................... 22
7.2.3 Set Alarm Time Template ................................................................................................... 23
7.2.4 Set Alarm Type ................................................................................................................... 24
7.2.5 Set Alarm Video on Wall ..................................................................................................... 26
7.2.6 Set Alarm Scheme .............................................................................................................. 27

7.3 Map ............................................................................................................................................. 32

7.3.1 Add Google Map ................................................................................................................. 32
7.3.2 Add Raster Map .................................................................................................................. 36

7.4 Set TV Wall ................................................................................................................................. 37

7.5 Set Cascading ........................................................................................................................... 40

7.6 Upload ........................................................................................................................................ 41

7.7 Log .............................................................................................................................................. 42

7.8 Backup and Restore ................................................................................................................. 43

7.8.1 System Backup ................................................................................................................... 43
7.8.2 Restore ............................................................................................................................... 44

Thank you for using our Digital Surveillance System Guardian+ CMS-E
This user’s manual is designed to be a reference tool for operation of your system.
Here you can find detailed operation information about CMS-E

1 Overview and Environment
1.1 Overview
VANGUARD GUARDIAN+CMS-E is a hard & software device with Linux structure. It is based on
network to connect those independent on-site monitoring thus achieving centralized monitoring
and management crossing area and industry. It provides user with a brand new, direct
management tool. Besides A/V, alarm, remote collection, transmission, storage, processing,
VANGUARD GUARDIAN+CMS-E has advantages of high quality, wide coverage, multi-task,
integral, easy management, one-stop service.
l Advanced All-In-One structure
l Real UPnP
l One-key upgrade
l Higher performance
l Higher reliability
l Higher stability

1.2 System
The system network is in Figure 1- 1.

Figure 1- 1

Abbreviation Definition
System management, server management,
CMS operation implementation, system dispatch,
storage plan implementation.

Device config, PTZ, device alarm collection

and distribution.
Real time transmission of A/V data, support-
streaming media.
SS Centralized storage, playback, play of A/V data

Manage decoder, output video signal to TV

Provide support to actively signed device for
connected device without static WLAN IP.
Monitor core operation, real time monitoring,
PTZ, play back, alarm activation and etc.
Device management, username management,
MU user group management, organizational
structure management and etc.

1.3 Requirement for Configuration

The requirement for PC configuration is in Chart 1- 1.

Parameter Definition

Processor Core 2 3.0

Memory DDR3 2GB

OS Microsoft Windows XP SP3 (32 bit), Microsoft Windows 7

Explorer IE7, IE8

Display 1024×768 and higher, DirectX9.0c and higher

Chart 1- 1

2 Procedure of Configuration
You can refer to the following figure of procedures to configure VANGUARD GUARDIAN+CMS-
E’s operation. See Figure 2- 1.

Login System

Configure System

Add Organization

Add Device

Add User Role

Add User


Exit System

Figure 2- 1

3 Login System
3.1 Login Interface
You can refer to the following steps to login VANGUARD GUARDIAN+CMS-E manager.

Step 1. In Internet Explorer, input IP address of VANGUARD GUARDIAN+CMS-E, press Enter.

You will see Figure 3- 1.

Figure 3- 1
You can download VANGUARD GUARDIAN+CMS-E Client on this login page. If it is your first
time login VANGUARD GUARDIAN+CMS-E Manager, please add its IP address into the trusted
site of your explorer.

Step 2. Input Username and Password. Default username is: system. Default password is:
Step 3. Click on Login.

After login, you will see Figure 3- 2.

Figure 3- 2
l When you exit the system, click on Exit in the upper-right corner. Click on OK in the prompt

l If you want to change password, click on , and select Modify Password. You can change
password in the prompt box.

3.2 Buttons
VANGUARD GUARDIAN+CMS-E Manager buttons that used most frequently are as follows:
Buttons Note

Add new organization

Delete current organization.

Enter device Web setup page.
Edit searched info


When current page is not locked, click this button to lock.

Page is locked.

Auto search of encoder and decoder.

By filling in different filters to search. If you leave all filters
blank, the system will search all info.

4 System Settings
When you first login the system, you shall configure system settings in order to make the system
run properly.
Configure the system as follows:
Step 1. Select System > Parameters, you will see Figure 4- 1.

Figure 4- 1

Parameter Note

IP IP address of manager server

Port Port of manager server, default is 9000

LAN IP LAN IP of map server

Map WAN IP WAN IP of may server

Port Port of map server, default is 80.

LAN IP LAN IP of WEB service

WAN IP WAN IP of WEB service.

Parameter Note

Set IP address and port of DDNS
Log Max Save Time Set max save time of log, default is 30 days

Alarm Max Save Time Set max save time of alarm info, default is 30 days

Start Enable sync or not.

Sync Subject to time on server. Sync all devices.

Sync Interval Default is 1 hour.

Alarm LAN Path FTP address where to save alarm picture

Server Username/Password Username and password to login FTP server

l If check Start, organization and channel will have this SN.

l If you do not check Start, this SN will not be display in
organization manager and device manager.
Org/Channel SN
It remains checked by default.

Step 2. Configure parameters.

Step 3. Click on Submit.

5 Manage Device
VANGUARD GUARDIAN+CMS-E supports adding organization and different types of device.

5.1 Add Organization

Before you add device, you need to add organization of current device. You can arrange,
organize and manage layer of device in Org.
The default first-level organization is root node. Newly added organization will be displayed
below the root node.
Step 1. Select General> Org, see Figure 5- 1.

Figure 5- 1

Step 2. Click on . System pops up a Edit Org box, see Figure 5- 2.

Figure 5- 2
Step 3. Edit Org Name, and click on OK.

Step 4. Click on . System pops up an Add Org box, see Figure 5- 3.

Figure 5- 3

Step 5. You can enter designated Org Name and click on OK. For multiple layers of
organizations, you shall repeat these steps. See Figure 5- 4.

Figure 5- 4

You also can edit and delete current organizations, please refer to Ch 3.2.
Note: You cannot delete Root Node organization.

5.2 Add Device

You can add device in two ways:
l Device: Manage in device mode, where you can add, edit and delete devices, also you can
configure and manage deployed devices.
l Channel: Manage in channel mode there you can view all devices’ monitoring spot and
alarm channel.

5.2.1 Add Encoder

VANGUARD GUARDIAN+CMS-E Manager supports manually adding encoder and auto search
deployed encoder.

l Manually Add
Step 1. Select General>Device>Device, system displays device interface.

Step 2. Click on

Step 3. Click on . System displays Add Encoder box, see Figure 5- 5.

Figure 5- 5

Parameter Note

Manufacturer Manufacturer of the device.

Parameter Note

You can add device via the following methods:

l IP Address: If the device has static IP address, you can add
device with its IP address.
l IP Section: If there are multiple devices with continuous IP
address, such as, and their
port no., channel number and other parameters are the
Add Type same, you can add these devices as batch by entering
starting IP and end IP.
l Domain Name: If you do not know IP the device, you can its
domain name.
l Auto Register: When front-end device has dynamic IP
address or in LAN, you shall add device via auto register. For
example, add mobile device via auto register.

IP Address IP address of the device.

Device Port Device port no.


Username Username to login device

Password Password to login device

Organization where the device belongs to.

Org Click on the box and you can select corresponding organization in
prompt box.

Click on it to get info of device video channel, alarm input channel

Getting Info
and output channel.

Device Name Set device name.

Device SN SN of the device

Actual number of channels, ranging from 1 to 255.

Amount Note:
Channel After you save the parameter, you may not change it.

Sub If you select this parameter, you may enable sub stream.
Stream Otherwise, you shall disable it.

Actual number of channels, ranging from 1 to 255.

Channel Note:
Channel After you save the parameter, you may not change it.

Parameter Note

Actual number of channels, ranging from 1 to 255.

Channel Note:
Channel After you save the parameter, you may not change it.

Step 4. Set Input Info, and click on Getting Info. System will automatically get info of video
channel, alarm input channel and alarm output channel.
Note: If you add device with IP section, domain name or auto register, then you cannot get info of
video channel, alarm input channel and alarm output channel by clicking on Getting Info.
Step 5. Click on OK as finishing adding encoder.

l Auto Search
System automatically adds encoder as follows:

Step 1. Click on . System auto searches the device and the result shall look

like Figure 5- 6. Click on to edit device info.

Figure 5- 6

Step 2. Check device to add, and click on .System pops up a Add Encoder box, see
Figure 5- 7.

Figure 5- 7

Step 3. Select Org, input username and password. Username and password is the login
username and password of device. Default username and password is admin/admin.
Step 4. Click on OK.

When device status switches from to as in Figure 5- 8. You also can view added device

by selecting Controlled Status in the upper-right corner in Auto Search Encoder interface.

Figure 5- 8

Step 5. Click on Close.

System will add the device into corresponding organizations. You may also edit and delete
added device, please refer Ch 3.2.

5.2.2 Add Decoder

VANGUARD GUARDIAN+CMS-E Manager supports manually adding decoder and auto search
deployed decoder. Please refer to Ch 5.2.1.
When you add decoder, please refer to Chart 5- 1.
Parameter Note

Actual channel number of the device, ranging from 1 to

Channel 255.
Amount Note:
After you save the parameter, you may not change it.
Decode Decode mode has direct and pull.
Mode l Direct: decoder obtain bit stream from device directly.
l Pull: decoder obtain bit stream from device via server.
Default is pull and it is recommended.

Chart 5- 1

5.2.3 Add Alarm Host

VANGUARD GUARDIAN+CMS-E support manually adding of alarm host, please refer to Ch

5.2.4 Add Intelligent Device

VANGUARD GUARDIAN+CMS-E Manager supports manually adding of intelligent device.
Please refer to Ch 5.2.1.

5.2.5 Add Matrix

VANGUARD GUARDIAN+CMS-E Manager supports manually adding of matrix device. Please
refer to Ch 5.2.1.

5.2.6 Add Transcoder

VANGUARD GUARDIAN+CMS-E Manager supports manually adding of transcoder. Please
refer to Ch 5.2.1.

5.2.7 Search Server

VANGUARD GUARDIAN+CMS-E Manager supports server search to see server type and online
Step 1. Select Device>Device>Server, system displays interface as in Figure 5- 9.

Figure 5- 9
Step 2. View status of server.

5.3 Manage Channel

In Channel, you can view added video channel, alarm input channel and alarm output channel.
You can search added channel in Video Channel interface.
Alarm Channel includes alarm input and output channels. You can search added channels here.

6 Manage Account
VANGUARD GUARDIAN+CMS-E Manager allows user to add and delete accounts. User must
create user role before adding user. Existing user can login manager and login the client.
Different users may have different operation rights according to their user role.

6.1 Add User Role

Before you configure user, you must set user role and grand certain rights to the role.
Rights of user role includes Administrator Menu right, Operator Menu right and Device right. You
must grand these rights before operate.
For example, you want to grant right as administrator:
Step 1. Click on General>Account. System displays Account interface.
Step 2. Click on Role tab.

Step 3. Click on . System pops up Add Role box.

Step 4. Input Role Name, and select Role Level.
Note: If you check Copy Role next to Role Name, and select one role from the dropdown box,
then the info will be pasted to your selected role.
Step 5. Click Device Rights page, select right in Right Trees and select channel in Channel Tree
on the right. See Figure 6- 1.

Figure 6- 1

l If you do not check corresponding device right, then all users under this role will have no
corresponding rights.
l You must add TV wall in Business>TV Wall before set right of TV wall. Please refer to Ch

Step 6. Click System Rights tag, select corresponding system rights. See Figure 6- 2.

Figure 6- 2
l If you do not check corresponding device right, then all users under this role will have no
corresponding rights. For example, if Operator Menu is not checked, then when this user
logs in Operator, there will be no menu displayed.
l Operator menu in system right means B/S format menu in Client.
Step 7. Click on OK to add the role.

6.2 Add User

If you have added user role, now you can add user of that role.
Step 1. Click on User tab under Account.

Step 2. Click on . System pops up Add User box.

Step 3. Create a username, a password and confirm password. Select Department and Role.
See Figure 6- 3.

Figure 6- 3

l If you check Reusable box next to Username, then you allows more than one user to login
system with this Username at the same time.
l If you do not select a role, then the user will have no System Rights or Device Rights.
l You can select more than one role at a time.
l You can click on Optional in the lower-left corner to fill in extra info.
Step 4. Click on Optional, system display interface as in Figure 6- 4.

Figure 6- 4

Step 5. Set parameters.

Step 6. Click on OK to add user.

7 Daily Operation

7.1 Add Record Plan

VANGUARD GUARDIAN+CMS-E Manager supports record plan of channel which allow front-
end device to record during planned period.
System saves record file to network storage server. You can plan the file in General >Playback
on Operator-end.
Step 1. Select Business>Record. System displays Record interface as in Figure 7- 1.

Figure 7- 1

Step 2. Set record time.

a) Click on Time Template in the upper-right corner of record interface. System displays
Time Template interface. Default Time Templates are weekend, weekday and 24-hour.

b) Click on . System pops a Add Time Template box.

c) Input Template Name, select cycle period Set single system, cycle mode and never stop.
See Figure 7- 2.

Figure 7- 2

If you check Copy next to Template Name, and select template in the dropdown list, then you
can copy configured template to current template.
d) Click on OK.
See Figure 7- 3.

Figure 7- 3

Step 3. Set record plan.

a) Click on Record Plan in the upper right corner of Record interface. System displays
Record Plan interface.

b) Click on . System pops up Add Record Plan box.

c) Input Plan Name, and select Template, Bit Stream. Check Record Plan. See Figure 7- 4.

Figure 7- 4
Step 4. Click on OK. System displays configured record plan as in Figure 7- 5.

Figure 7- 5

7.2 Alarm
VANGUARD GUARDIAN+CMS-E Manager supports alarm, including Alarm Scheme, Output
Alarm Video to the Wall, Alarm Type, Alarm Time Template, Link Level and Contacts.
l Alarm Scheme: set alarm scheme template.
l Output Alarm Video to the Wall: Make alarm video display on wall.
l Alarm Type: Set system alarm interval and customize alarm as batch.
l Alarm Time Template: Set alarm time template.
l Link Level: Set alarm link level.
l Contacts: Set user who to receive alarm notice.
Alarm flow chart is in Figure 7- 6.

Set Contacts

Set Link Level

Set Alarm Time


Set Alarm Type

Set alarm video on

TV wall

Set Alarm Scheme

Figure 7- 6

7.2.1 Set Contacts

When you add user into contacts and if the setup of Link Level includes email or sms, then
system will send email or sms to the new contact.
Step 1. Click on Alarm tab. System displays Alarm interface.

Step 2. Click on .

Step 3. Click on . System pops up a Add Contacts box. See Figure 7- 7.

Figure 7- 7
Step 4. Input User Name, ID No., Email and Telephone.
Step 5. Click on OK.

7.2.2 Set Link Level

You can set Link Level and its corresponding Link Mode as 1 is the highest and 5 is the lowest.

Step 1. Click on . System pops up an interface as in Figure 7- 8.

Step 2.

Figure 7- 8

Step 3. Set Link Level Name and select Link Mode.

Step 4. Click on Submit.

7.2.3 Set Alarm Time Template

You can follow these steps:

Step 1. Click on . System displays time template interface.

Step 2. Click on Add. System pops up an Add Alarm Time Template box.
Step 3. Input Template Name, select cycle period. Set Single Period and link level. See Figure 7-

Figure 7- 9
l If you check the Copy box next to Template Name, then you need to select template in the
dropdown box.
l You shall set Link Level first before select level here. Please refer to Ch 7.2.2.

l Click on to set Link Level of other periods.

Step 4. Click on OK.

7.2.4 Set Alarm Type

You can set alarm interval and customized alarm type as batch.
l Set alarm interval as batch

Step 1. Click on . System displays Alarm Type interface.

Step 2. Click on System Alarm Type tab.

Step 3. Select one or more alarm type, and click on . System pops up a
box as in Figure 7- 10.

Figure 7- 10
Step 4. Set Alarm Interval.
Note: The interval cannot be over 86400 seconds.
Step 5. Click on OK.

You can click on to stop alarm interval as batch.

l Customized alarm interval

Step 1. Click on Customized Alarm Type.

Step 2. Click on . System pops up an Add Customized Alarm Type box.

Step 3. Input Type Name, check alarm types at lower-left, and click on Add. System will add all
checked types to the right list, see Figure 7- 11.

Figure 7- 11

Step 4. Click on OK. Customized Alarm Type will be displayed in Alarm Scheme.

7.2.5 Set Alarm Video on Wall

You shall configure TV wall before outputting alarm video to the TV wall. To configure TV wall,
please refer to Ch 7.4.

Step 1. Click on .

Step 2. Click on . System pops up an Add Alarm Scheme box.

Step 3. Input Task Name and select TV Wall.
Step 4. Drag channel on the left to TV wall window. See Figure 7- 12.

Figure 7- 12
Step 5. Click on Save.

7.2.6 Set Alarm Scheme

Configure Alarm Scheme as follows:

Step 1. Click on .

Step 2. Click on . System pops up an Add Alarm Scheme box as in Figure 7- 13.

Figure 7- 13

Step 3. Input Scheme Name, select template and check Enable.

Note: You must configure Alarm Time Template before selecting time template here. To
configure Alarm Time Template please refer to Ch 7.2.3.

Step 4. Click on Next. System displays Alarm Source and Operation interface.

Step 5. Click on . System displays Add Alarm Source and Link Operation 1 box, see
Figure 7- 14.

Figure 7- 14
Step 6. In Alarm Source area, select alarm source and its link operation. Alarm source includes
device, video channel, alarm input channel, and intelligent channel. Different alarm source
corresponds to different alarm type.
Step 7. In Corresponding Link Operation area, select link operation. Link operation includes
Record, Email, SMS and TV Wall.
l You shall add user in Business> Alarm>Contacts first before selecting the user in Link
Operation, please refer to Ch 7.2.1.
To config email parameters:
1. Select Start>Programs>Server Assistant>Server Assistant. See Figure 7- 15.

Figure 7- 15
2. Input Server IP of VANGUARD GUARDIAN+CMS-E, and click on Login. See Figure 7-

Figure 7- 16
3. Click on APPMail. See Figure 7- 17.

Figure 7- 17
Parameter Note

Sender Email address of sender


SMTP SMTP address

Port SMTP listen port, default is 25.

Username Username of sender email

Password Password of the username login sender email

4. Click on Save.
l When link action selects SMS, you must add the user in Business>Alarm>Contacts. Please
refer to Ch 7.2.1.
To config SMS parameters:
1. Click on APPSMS in Server Assistant. See Figure 7- 18.

Figure 7- 18
Parameter Note

GSM Modem Default value is recommended.




GSM Modem Set like “115200,N,8,1”.


GSM Centre Sender no. which is no. of card inserted in GSM modem.

2. Set parameters.
3. Click on Save.

l You shall set alarm video on wall before selecting the TV wall in TV Wall operation. Please
refer to Ch 7.2.5.
Step 8. Click on Save. System prompts a message “Successfully save scheme rule!”.
Step 9. Click on OK.
Step 10. Click on Next. System displays Alarm Preview interface as in Figure 7- 19.

Figure 7- 19

Step 11. Click on Finish.

When alarm occurs, system performs link operation according to setting in Alarm Scheme and
displays detailed info in Log>Alarm Log.

7.3 Map
VANGUARD GUARDIAN+CMS-E Manager supports electronic map and you can add device on
this map.
7.3.1 Add Google Map
Note: To use Google Map, VANGUARD GUARDIAN+CMS-E must connected to WLAN.

Step 1. Download and install Server Assistant.
a) Select System>Upload. See Figure 7- 20.

Figure 7- 20
b) Click on Server Configuration Assistant on the right.
c) Install DSSConfig.
Step 2. Login Server Assistant.
a) Select Start>Programs>Server Assistant>Server Assistant. See Figure 7- 21.

Figure 7- 21

b) Input IP address of VANGUARD GUARDIAN+CMS-E.

c) Click on Login.
Step 3. Config Google map.
a) Click on Map.
b) Select Google Map, see Figure 7- 22.

Figure 7- 22
c) Click on OK
d) Click on Save.
Step 4. Add device to E-map.
a) In Manager, select Business>Map, see Figure 7- 23.

Figure 7- 23

Parameter Note
Move Move device on map

Reset If you move the map, click on Reset can move map back to default

Tool Length, area and mark

Full-Screen Display in full-screen

b) Drag device on the right onto the map, see Figure 7- 24.

Figure 7- 24

Colors of channel in Video Equipment list:

l Red: Channel is not configured on map.
l Gray: Channel is added on map.

c) Double click on device on map to view device property. See Figure 7- 25.

Figure 7- 25
l If there is no E-map displayed in the interface, you shall open VANGUARD
GUARDIAN+CMS-E installation directory “opt/tomcat/webapps-conf/emap”>”
config.properties”, modify “targetPointX” and “targetPointY” longitude and latitude and

7.3.2 Add Raster Map

To config E-map:
Step 1. Select Business> Map.
l If there is no E-map displayed in the interface, you shall select Raster Map in Map interface

of Server Assistant. Add map on Manager, click on .

l System supports map format of JPEG, JPG, PNG.

Step 2. Drag device in the right onto the map, see Figure 7- 26.

Figure 7- 26
Colors of channel in Video Equipment list:
l Red: Channel is not configured on map.
l Gray: Channel is added on map.

Step 3. Click on Save. System prompts ”Successfully saved a video equipment!”. You may also
Modify Map, Delete Map, Delete Device, Add Sub-Map, Delete Hot Zone.
Parameter Note
Modify Map Change current map to other map.
Delete Map Delete current map.
Delete Select device on map and delete it.
Add Sub- Add a hot zone on map. Click on hot zone, system will
Map automatically link to map.
Delete Hot Select hot zone on map and delete it.

7.4 Set TV Wall

VANGUARD GUARDIAN+CMS-E Manager supports configuration of TV wall.
After TV wall is configured, you can make video display on TV wall from Client. Please refer to
VANGUARD GUARDIAN+CMS-E Client User’s Manual’s Ch 4.4.
Note: User of Client must have TV wall right in order to configure video display on TV wall.

To configure TV wall, please follow:

Step 1. Add decoder. Please refer to Ch 5.2.1.
Step 2. Select Business>TV Wall, system displays TV Wall interface.

Step 3. Click on . System pops up a Add TV Wall box, see Figure 7- 27.

Figure 7- 27

Step 4. Input TV Wall Scheme Name and click on to select layout of

1*1, 2*2, 3*3 or 4*4. See Figure 7- 28.

You also can click on to customize TV wall.

Figure 7- 28


l Press Ctrl and now you can select more than one screen. Click on on the right to

combine selected screens. You can cancel combination by clicking on . Before you
combine screens, you must add video wall equipment.
l Double click on the screen or right-click and select Properties. In the pop-up box, you can
set exact position, size and name of screen.
l Select a screen, and right click to delete or rename the screen.

Step 5. Click on Next. System displays Select decode channel interface.

Step 6. In Device Tree, select decoder and drag it to corresponding TV wall. See Figure 7- 29.

Figure 7- 29
Note: Right-click can cancel current binding and rename screen.

Step 7. Click on Next. System displays Enable interface.

Step 8. Check Apply Now.
Note: If you do not check Apply Now, then you cannot select this TV wall on Client.
Step 9. Click on Finish.

7.5 Set Cascading

VANGUARD GUARDIAN+CMS-E Manager supports cascading configuration. You can set
Domain, Domain Service of other zones. After cascading, you can manager lower organization
and device.
Before configuring cascading, you must obtain the IP address and port where lower-level CMS
server is installed, and IP address and port where WEB server is installed.
Step 1. Select Cascade>Domain. System displays Domain interface.

Step 2. Click on . System pops up Add Domain box, see Figure 7- 30.

Figure 7- 30

Parameter Note
Name Set domain name.

IP IP address of lower CMS

Port Port of lower CMS. Default is 9000.
Username Username of lower zone.
CMS Via setting this user, upper zone will obtain rights of lower
zone user.
Password Password of this user.

WEB IP IP address of lower WEB server.

Port Port of lower WEB server. Default is 80.

Step 3. Input Name, CMS IP address, CMS port, CMS username, CMS password, WEB IP
address, WEB port.
Step 4. Click on OK. After configuration, select General>Org. Here you can view added domain
or device info. You can select Cascade>Domain Service to view online status of domain.

7.6 Upload
VANGUARD GUARDIAN+CMS-E supports uploading file to CMS.
Step 1. Select System>Upload. System displays Upload interface.

Step 2. Click on . System pops up Upload File box, see Figure 7- 31.

Figure 7- 31

Step 3. Click on Browse to select file to upload.

Step 4. Click on OK to upload selected file.

7.7 Log
In Log interface, you can search Management Log, Alarm Log, Device Status Log and System
Alarm Log with different filters.
For log type and filters, please refer to Chart 7- 1.

Log Note Filter

Management It records change performed by system l Module
Log administrator. l User
l Period
l Event
Alarm Log It records device alarm status. l Device
l Type
l Period
l Status
l Process Period
l Level
l Process Status
Device Status It records device online/offline status. l Device
Log l Period
l Type

Chart 7- 1

Make searching alarm log as an example:

Step 1. Select Log>Alarm Log.
Step 2. Select device or channel to search from device tree on the left. Input Type, Period, Status
and etc. Click on Search.
System displays results researched out as in Figure 7- 32. You can click on Export to
export logs and save to PC.

Figure 7- 32

7.8 Backup and Restore

VANGUARD GUARDIAN+CMS-E supports config info backup to local PC, and restoration of the
backup file.
Only system user can backup and restore.
7.8.1 System Backup
System backup detailed step:
Step 1. Select System>Backup Restore, see Figure 7- 33

Figure 7- 33
Step 2. Check info to backup. For example, Org, Account.
Step 3. Click on Backup.
Step 4. Click on Save, system pops up Save as box.

Step 5. Select storage path and click on Save. System prompt when downloading is complete.
Step 6. Click on Close.

7.8.2 Restore
You can select backup file to restore system.
Step 1. Select System>Backup Restore.
Step 2. Click on Browse in Restore area.
Step 3. Select backup file.
Step 4. Click on Restore.
Step 5. Input password user “system”.
Step 6. Click on OK.
Step 7. System will restore, and system need to be rebooted.

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• All the designs and software here are subject to change without prior written
• All trademarks and registered trademarks are the properties of their respective
• If there is any uncertainty or controversy, please refer to the final explanation of us.
• Please visit our website or contact your local service engineer for more

Slight difference may be found in user interface.
Information in this document is subject to change without prior notice.
Please visit Vanguard website for more information.

VANGUARD Integrated Solutions

The Pioneer In IP Based Integrated Solutions

© 2013, 2014 VANGUARD, All rights reserved.


January 2014 Ver. 1.1 -Rev.A02


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