Earthquake Vs Moonquake A Review

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WSN 100 (2018) 1-15 EISSN 2392-2192

Earthquake Vs. Moonquake: A Review

Moushtakim Billah, Md. Mofizul Islam, Rubieyat Bin Ali*

Department of Civil & Structural Engineering, Bangladesh University of Engineering & Technology,
Dhaka, Bangladesh
*E-mail address: [email protected]

The earthquake has most horrific and devastating effects on earth as it causes building collapse,
destruction of the communication transportation infrastructure system. It further creates the natural
disaster like the landslide, soil liquefaction, tsunamis; sometimes can cause enormous fire incident.
There are advanced studies and new technologies are being developed to fully understand the
phenomenon of the earthquake and its effect, mitigation process, and early prediction. Other bodies in
planet, moon or star also experience quake. The seismometer reading from Apollo mission is still
being studied to know more about lunar seismology. This study will review earthquake and
moonquake as the general introduction, effects, terminology, characterization and shows the relation
between these on the bases of some excellent studies done by researchers.

Keywords: Earthquake, moonquake, seismometer and lunar seismology


An earthquake is one phenomenon that the scientists are most concerned about
nowadays and is defined as the shaking of the earth’s surface which results from the release of
energy which is stored in the earth's crust and causes a wave that is called a seismic wave.
Earthquake seeks attention for various reasons, including its devastating effects like tsunamis,
building collapse, land sliding and many others. Typical Civil engineering structures like
building structures, nonbuilding structures like the bridge, towers, dam, retaining wall,
embankment, and buried structures must need to consider seismic effects in their design [1].

( Received 03 May 2018; Accepted 17 May 2018; Date of Publication 18 May 2018 )
World Scientific News 100 (2018) 1-15

So EQRD, Earthquake Resistant Design is one of the most important factors of these
important structures. The proper practice of earthquake resistant design should be needed in
such sophisticated structures. Advanced research should be needed in this field [2]. The new
device should be used in civil engineering structures to predict and mitigate the effect of
cyclic loading in soil-structure interaction [3]. The Seismic Resilience framework consists of
Reducing failure probabilities, Reducing failure consequences in terms of loss of lives,
property damage, harmful economic and social consequences and Reducing time to recovery
[4]. Earthquake becomes one of the great interests in the field of research and scientists where
they are trying to understand earth seismology. Even several studies are being made on moon
seismology nowadays. An attempt is being made to relate between earthquake and
moonquake where the moonquake is the shaking of the moon’s surface due to reason like tidal
force, temperature difference and meteoric reasons [5]. The data collected by Apollo mission
were studied and tried to identify this. Studies are being carried on seismic behavior of earth
surface and other planetary surfaces. This paper reviews both the earthquake and moonquake
phenomenon and tried to show their comparative relations.

2. 1. Introduction and Terminology
An earthquake is a natural phenomenon caused when tectonic plates get stuck and
create vibrations on the earth’s surface. It can also be felt due to other reason like volcanoes,
man-made explosion etc. The Hypocenter or focus is the location surface where an earthquake
rupture begins and the pressure releases [6]. Vertically above the hypocenter of the point on
the earth’s surface undergoes the most shaking and known as an epicenter. The angle between
the fault and the horizontal surface is the dip. The device which is used to detect or record the
ground motion of the earth is called a seismometer or seismograph [7]. The output of
seismograph result is represented as a graph, plotting time vs. intensity of motion called a
seismogram. Seismic waves transmitted radially outward from the focus of the earthquake and
the point where the earthquake begins [8]. Primary or P (push-pull) waves are the first waves
to reach seismograph followed by Secondary or S waves (shake-waves / shear waves) and
surface waves. Among these surface waves are the main culprit to do the most damage and
further classified as:
a. Rayleigh Waves = rolling ground vibration which similar to the waves of the surface
of the water.
b. Love Waves = horizontally polarized shear waves which are perpendicular to travel.

Scientists tried hard to characterize earthquake in a proper way. But it was not an easy
job, in fact before the 18th century the scientist only characterized the earthquake based on
the destruction [10]. In 1935, Charles F. Richter invented a scale which measured the seismic
wave and known as Richter scale. It is also called “Richter magnitude scale” because of
measuring the strength of earthquakes [11]. The sign ML is designated as “Local magnitude
scale” and Mw is identified as “Moment magnitude scale”. The Richter scale is one kind of
logarithmic scale where the wave amplitude is recorded by seismographs. The popular
earthquake measuring scales are Surface-wave magnitude scales, Moment magnitude and
energy magnitude scales, Energy class (K-class) scale, Macro seismic magnitude scales,

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Tsunami magnitude scales etc. The main features of the Richter scale are to measure between
small to medium size earthquake (3 to 7). And it can be measured the quake within 400 miles
and it has been widely used since 1979. On the other hand on the Richter scale, data is
collected from different stations and comparing different seismic waves which help to
estimate the earthquake. The Scale which records the damage of an earthquake is called
Mercalli intensity scale. So, the proper investigation should carry to talk with many
eyewitnesses to find out the important information during the earthquake [12].
Figure 1 shows the details of earthquake terminology.

Figure 1. Earthquake terminology [9].

To reduce earthquake risk, new projects or techniques should be needed. The Current
new project has taken on the mitigation of earthquake risk in the U.S.A. (2018-2019) and the
cost is estimated at 7 million dollars [13]. A large-scale earthquake can damage any
sophisticated structures. That’s why in the design of these structures, earthquake consideration
is a must. There are standards for the design included in the codes used for design guideline.
The common earthquake-related experiment is shaking table experiment and this type of
experiment has been widely used since 1930 [14]. So, more investigations should be needed

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to reduce the earthquake resistivity in building structures. Some devastating effects of

earthquakes are described below.

2. 2. Tsunami
At the moment of the seismic wave under sea water, huge energy is released in the fault
of tectonic plates which can create the huge displacement of seawater and this incident is
called tsunamis. Many people were killed by the tsunami and greatest loss can occur. The
earthquake and tsunami struck on 26 December 2004 and hit the Indonesia, Sri Lanka, India
and Thailand. The Maldives and Somalia were the deadliest in recent history. In this case,
water arose 12m above the sea water level and many people have died in this incident. It is
regarded as mega thrust earthquake because of its high magnitude (9.1 to 9.3) and it gained
the third position around the world to its intensity [15].

2. 3. Landslides and Rockfall

Cliffs and steep slopes get destabilized at the time of Ground shaking due to
earthquakes causing landslides and rock falls. The destructive landslide has occurred in the
Calabria region of Italy after the earthquake in 1783 [16]. So, to stable the stiff slope, some
measures may be taken. To plant small grasses can stable the stiff slope by the natural way
because of having root cohesion to the sloppy soil. Anchoring or nailing small steel piles and
using cemented sand paste in the sloppy soil can stable the stiff soil [17]. The Kumamoto
earthquake, that occurred in Japan generated significant numbers of landslides and did
remarkable destruction throughout the entire area [18].

2. 4. Liquefaction
In case of the earthquake, waterlogged ground more specifically saturated
unconsolidated soil undergoes failure due to loss of strength. While Seismic shaking separates
the grains from each other, the soil loses its bearing capacity and ultimately solid soil behaves
temporarily as a viscous liquid. This incident was known as Liquefaction. Liquefaction has
devastating effects on buildings, bridges, pipelines, and roads, as it undermines the
foundations and ultimately causing them to sink into the ground, collapses or dissolves.
Although liquefaction was known for its destructive effect for centuries but the phenomenon
was observed in Japan (1964) and Alaska (1964). Earthquake resistive building code should
be maintained in case of building design [19].

2. 5. Fire
When electrical power lines or gas supply lines get broken at the time of the
Earthquake, it increases the possibility of incidents of fires. The earthquake of San Francisco
in 1906, proves the effect of fire caused by the earthquake can be as costly as it causes more
deaths happened because of fire as compared to the earthquake itself [20].
Education, training, publications, mass media actions need to Increase public awareness
about earthquakes. Proper assessment and research work on ground motion, soil effects,
forecast the probable damage to buildings and other structures should be needed. Testing
facilities for research need to be improved by developing laboratory [21]. Disaster

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management plan should be made for the resultant incident of earthquakes like tsunamis,
liquefaction, landslide etc. Table 1 shows the statistics of some devastating earthquakes.

Table 1. The statistics of some devastating earthquakes.

Place Date Magnitude Number of people killed

Haiti Jan. 12, 2010 7-magnitude 316,000 people killed [22]

Tangshan, China: July 27, 1976; 7.5-magnitude 255,000 people killed [23]

Sumatra, Indonesia Dec. 26, 2004 9.1-magnitude 227,898 people killed [24]

Eastern Sichuan,
May 12, 2008; 7.9-magnitude 87,587 people killed [25]

Pakistan Oct. 8, 2005 7.6-magnitude 80,361 people killed [26]

3. 1. Structure of Moon

Figure 2. The details of the physical aspects of the moon [30].

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Moon consists of a core, mantle and crust. Comparing with other terrestrial body’s core,
moon core’s is smaller and its radius is 24 kilometers [27]. The major component of solid
moon’s core is iron. It is surrounded by a liquid iron shell of 56 miles thick which is followed
by a partially molten layer with a thickness of 93 miles [28]. The mantle is the layer exists
between the top of the partially molten layer to the bottom of the moon’s crust. Aluminum,
calcium, iron, magnesium, silicon and oxygen are the primary components of the crust of the
moon and having small amounts of hydrogen, potassium, thorium, titanium and uranium [29].
In previous, many volcanoes were presented on the moon’s surface but now at present they
are totally situated in lethargic condition and lose their eruption capability for millions of
years. Figure 2 shows the details of the physical aspects of the moon.
Figure 3 shows the details of the chemical aspects of the moon.

Figure 3. The details of the chemical aspects of the moon [30].

3. 2. Moonquake
A moonquake is one kind of vibration on the surface of the moon. On July 20, 1969
human first touched the moon’s surface [31]. Neil Amstrong and Buzz Aldrin were the first
astronauts whose set a seismometer in moon surface and observed quake there. Apollo 11 was
the name of their space flight [32]. The figure 4 shows the details of a seismometer which was
set up in moon’s surface.
The seismometer had a sensor and it recorded the first moonquake minutes after the
seismometer had settled down, and transmitted the 1st ever seismic data from the moon back
to Earth [34]. After the installation of the seismometer on the surface of the moon, the data are

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recorded in Apollo 11. And this data is sent to earth after three weeks [35]. Apollo 12, 14, 15,
and 16 also set up instruments with more advanced technology near their respective landing
sites. These sensors transmitted their recordings down to until September 1977 [36]. The
intensity of the moonquake is smaller than the earthquake but the occurrence time (up to an
hour) is larger than earthquake because of the lacking of the presence of water in moon’s
surface which cannot absorb that kind of vibration [37]. The moonquakes are categorized into
four types.

Figure 4. The details of a seismometer which was set up in moon’s surface [33].

3. 3. Deep Moonquakes
It is located at the 700 Km below of the moon’s surface. The deep moonquakes are
described as the process of storage and release of tidal energy but it doesn’t release any
tectonic energy as the earthquake does. There is not any tectonic seismicity observed in the
moon. It is the tidal force between the earth and moon and sun causes moonquake [37]. There
is regularity in the time of occurrence of deep moonquake. It finds the relation with the tidal

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periodicity of the moon and confirms tidal forces as the reason. Deep moonquakes are the
most frequently observed seismic events on the Moon, and Apollo seismic experiment
detected more than 7000 events during the July 1969 to September 1977 [38]. In recent
analyses, it has found that Deep moonquake source regions are located between depths of 750
and 1200 km. A study is being done to find out new constraints on the source of the
mechanism including mechanical and thermal conditions at the depth of the deep moonquakes
by revisiting the Apollo seismic data.

3. 4. Meteorite impact vibrations

At least 1700 more than other moonquakes were recorded due to the impact of a
meteorite on the moon’s surface [39]. The moon has no atmosphere. So, there is no hindrance
to burn up such meteorite where earth’s atmosphere can do this. So, the direct hit of meteorite
in the moon’s crust can occur the medium scale vibration [40].

3. 5. Thermal moonquakes
When the sunlight returns after the two-week lunar night then the frigid lunar crust
expands and at the consequences, quake has happened. This quake is termed as thermal
moonquakes. It is mainly occurred because of occurring the temperature differences between
the night and day of the lunar surface. This temperature difference is recorded as 400 degrees
Fahrenheit [41].

3. 6. Shallow moonquakes

Table 2. The comparison between earthquake and moonquake.

Point of basis Earthquake Moonquake

There are significant works

are being done on earthquake
forecasting. Although there is
some success of the Most moonquake is
earthquake prediction predictable as it is regular in
incident like The M 7.3, 1975 time occurrence and related
Haicheng earthquake, 1985– to tidal stresses and position
1993: Parkfield, U.S. (Bakun- on the moon and earth effect
Lindh), but reliable and (Except surface moonquake).
skillful deterministic
earthquake prediction is not
yet possible [44].

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Although moonquake doesn’t

have any destructive effects
The earthquake has an on earth, but Apollo
enormous destructive effect astronauts measured shallow
on earth including collapsing moonquake of up to
of building and non-building magnitude 5.5, where the
structure, damaging magnitude of 4.5 can cause
Effects on building or transportation, damage to a rigid structure on
destructive effects communication system the earth. Moonquake is also
causing the disaster like the longer than the earthquake,
landslide, tsunamis, which indicates future lunar
liquefaction etc, and causing settlers should take this into
a great harm to life and their consideration and build
property. structures which is strong
enough to withstand these
shallow moonquakes.

Specific research-based
In building Code, there is the structural code should be
consideration for needed for in case of
Code for earthquake
earthquakes, and these are moonquake to install any
strictly followed. kind of structure on the
moon’s surface.

As the moon is 27% total size

of earth, so far no direct
evidence of moon’s
responsibility in an
earthquake is proved. Tidal
Ocean waves generated by
One of the main reasons of
moon and sun's gravitational
the moonquake is the tidal
pull can create seismic waves
Influence on each other force, so the earth can cause
billions of times weaker than
moonquake with its
the seismic waves produced
gravitational force.
by earthquakes. Together,
these waves are known as the
ambient wave and more
seismic field investigations
are needed to be done on this

Tectonic plates collide,

Tidal forces, Meteorite
Causes volcanoes, man-made
impact, thermal impact etc.
explosion etc.

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There are different scales to

characterize earthquake like
Surface-wave magnitude NASA, categorizes
scales, Moment magnitude moonquakes as deep
Classification and energy magnitude scales, moonquake, Meteorite
Energy class (K-class) scale, impact, thermal impact and
Tsunami magnitude scales, shallow moonquake.
Macro seismic magnitude
scales etc.

Earthquakes are larger in Moonquakes are smaller in

magnitude than moonquake, magnitude than earthquake
the biggest earthquake but longer. Apollo astronauts
Quake sizes
recorded in Valdivia, Chile measured shallow
May 22, 1960 magnitude of moonquake of up to
9.4–9.6 [45]. magnitude 5.5.

Activity like artificial lakes,

Mining, Groundwater
extraction, Geothermal
Landing spacecraft on the
energy, Carbon Capture and
moon’s surface can create
Storage, nuclear activity
Man-made quake moonquake. And it is
causes man-made earthquake.
regarded as one kind of man-
The largest man-made
made activities.
earthquake caused by oil-
drilling in Oklahoma, 2011
had a Magnitude of 5.6 [46].

Advanced studies are being

A Study is being done to find
done on resilience; hazard
out new constraints on the
awareness, reducing the risk
source mechanism including
posed by existing structures
mechanical and thermal
Advanced studies And infrastructure;
conditions at the depth of the
developing and implementing
deep moonquakes by
new materials, elements and
revisiting the Apollo seismic
predict the quake on the
earth’s surface etc.

No regularities like deep moonquake are observed in case of shallow moonquake and
it’s quite random. Between 1972 and 1977, 28 shallow moonquakes have been detected and
their epicenter is found randomly in the lunar surface. Shallow moonquakes are the rarest
seismic event observed on the moon and also known as HFT (high-frequency teleseismic)
[42]. Actually, shallow moonquake can exceed the rated 5.5 on the Richter scale. So,

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comparing with other moonquakes, the intensity of the shallow moonquake is larger than
another. On earth, when a quake exceeds 4.5 in Richter scale then it is considered as a great
threat to any kind of structures. But when shallow moonquake occurs around simultaneously
around one hour or longer time than it is considered as a great threat to install any
sophisticated research-based structure in such place [43]. Table 2 shows the comparison
between earthquake and moonquake.


There are several communities’ works with the earthquake to mitigate hazards,
determine the exact effects of earthquakes, and to minimize after effects like loss of life,
injuries, and other property losses etc. More investigations should be needed on the moon’s
surface to detect different seismic waves. Recently, some research projects have stopped due
to the lacking of proper funding which is recognized as moonquake based research. So, many
agencies may collect funds to run these kinds of projects [47]. So, many research-based
sophisticated structures should be needed to install to carry the moonquake related research.
Discussions took place during the January 25-26, 2010 workshop, Vision 2020: An Open
Space Technology (OST) Workshop on the Future of Earthquake Engineering mentioned
seven principal research directions identified where significant progress needs to be made by
2020 [48]. They are as follows:

1) Metrics to quantify resilience.

2) Hazard awareness should be created and risk communication should be maintained.
3) Reducing the risk posed by existing structures and infrastructure.
4) New techniques should be developed and implemented to reduce the earthquake
5) Monitoring activity should be properly maintained.
6) Implementation and technology transfer.

On the other hand, Studies to find out more specific information about moonquakes
needs to carry on. As the magnitude of 5.5 Shallow moonquakes had already been recorded
by the Apollo seismometer, research on new technology, code and consideration needs to
carry on.


This study represents basic aspects of earthquake and moonquake and their relations.
Moonquakes and earthquakes are different in magnitude, lasting times and sources. Although
moonquakes are smaller in magnitude, it is longer than the earthquake in terms of time.
Recording of magnitude 5.5 moonquake is a clear indication that moon landing ships and
structure must need to consider this vibration.

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