Q1 Module in Personal Development

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Manibaug Paralaya Porac, Pampanga

Academic Year 2020– 2021



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Holy Trinity School: Center of Catholic Educ. Inc. is a Catholic To adopt and implement Philippine Catholic Schools
Archdiocesan Educational Community centered in the person Standards.
and message of Jesus Christ, animated by gospel values and
Core Values
guided by church teachings and practices.
Faith – Service - Excellence
Holy Trinity School: Center of Catholic Education Inc.
PER DEV, A.Y. 2020-2021, 1st Semester (Quarter 1)

A Journey to Self
Good Day!

Christ is Alive! Now and Forever.

Welcome to School Year 2020-2021 and welcome to Discipline and Ideas in Social Sciences

This instructional module is a self-contained, self-sufficient and self-implementing segment of

instruction which intends to provide learning experiences for both digital and non-digital
learners. For the conventional mode of delivery (non-digital learning), you will be given time to
complete the tasks or activities for submission to the teacher. While, for e-learners (digital
learning), you will be given time to complete the tasks and activities for e-submission and /or
work with the teacher to accomplish it through online means on a real-time.

Welcome aboard! You are about to start your journey to personal development. Personal
Development is a very interesting course, and can become the most personally rewarding for
you, because the subject matter for this course is YOU! This course shall make you take a
deeper look at yourself and analyze your developmental changes, your skills and traits which
can help you meet the various tasks that you must undertake at this point in your life. It shall
provide you with some techniques to meet stress and other mental health issues with one’s
strengths and coping powers. The course shall also give you the chance to analyze your
relationships with your family, friends and significant others. Finally, PERDEV course shall help
you take stock where you are in your career development and how to get to where you want to

The lessons for this module are as follows:

Lesson No. Topic Duration
Lesson 1 Knowing Oneself Week 1
Lesson 2 Developing the Whole Person Week 2
Lesson 3 Developmental Stages in Middle and Late Week 3
Lesson 4 The Challenges of Middle and Late Adolescence Week 4
Lesson 5 Coping with Stress in Middle and Late Week 5
Lesson 6 The Powers of the Mind Week 6
Lesson 7 Mental Health and Well-being in Middle and Week 7
Late Adolescence
Lesson 8 Emotional Intelligence Week 8

At the end of this module, you will be able to:

Demonstrate an understanding of oneself during middle and late

Make a list of ways on how to become responsible adolescents prepared

for adult life.
Identify ways to communicate and manage emotions in a healthy

Revised and Edited by: Sir. Christian Arby M. Bantan
Senior High School Teacher
Holy Trinity School: Center of Catholic Education Inc.
PER DEV, A.Y. 2020-2021, 1st Semester (Quarter 1)

For the first quarter period, you have to explain your own understanding of self by writing a
spoken poetry. For the students who take online distance learning, you have to make a video
presentation as a finished product. For the modular students, be creative in writing your piece.
Write it in a piece of bond paper with background pictures and attach it in your module.

Goal To know if the students already know their self.

Role Spoken poetry writer
Audience Concern parents and citizens.
Nowadays, most of the teenagers are not yet sure about their identity. Peer
pressure, environmental factors and social factors are aspects which somehow
confused them. By writing a spoke poetry about their self might help them
reflect on who and what they are in reality.
Product Poetry
The task will be assessed according to its Communication Ideas, setting,
planning, organization, using an assessment rubric.

Scoring Rubric:

Criteria 4 Exceptional 3 Admirable 2 Acceptable 1 Amateur

Entire poem shows Poem shows Poem is basic Theme is

reflection and some evidence and shows very unclear.
expression with of the author’s little reflection
2481065 Supportive ideas
the given theme. reflection on a on the theme.
are missing or
Student independ particular
Supportive ideas Supportive unclear.
are relevant and ideas are
original Supportive ideas mostly
throughout. are mostly irrelevant and
relevant and unoriginal.
Poem gives real
insight into the The poet’s
writer’s character Parts of the feelings are not
and point of view. poem might be revealed.
off-topic but
most of the
poem expresses
some depth and

Structure All lines and Most line and Lines and The organization
stanzas are stanzas are stanzas do not of the lines or
carefully chosen to carefully chosen effectively stanzas is not
reinforce rhythm. to reinforce reinforce apparent.
2481091 rhythm. rhythm. 2481094
2481092 2481093
Data are presente Required work ha

Revised and Edited by: Sir. Christian Arby M. Bantan
Senior High School Teacher
Holy Trinity School: Center of Catholic Education Inc.
PER DEV, A.Y. 2020-2021, 1st Semester (Quarter 1)

The poem is Data are presente Data is confusing

organized in a way
that naturally lends The poem is Most pf the
itself to spoken organized in a poem is
word. way that lends ineffectively
itself to the organized.
spoken word.

Language Utilizes numerous Utilizes more Utilizes a poetic Utilizes either

effective poetic than one device and poetic device or
devices or effective poetic figurative figurative
figurative devices or language. language.
language. figurative
Uses some Uses everyday
Uses vivid, detailed images. language with
images and rich, Uses images and no images.
Language is
imaginative imaginative
language. language.

Vocal Highly effective and Effective and Moderately Not effective,

Intonation expressive expressive effective and more practice
and intonation used to intonation used expressive with intonation is
expression reinforce change in to reinforce intonation used strongly
mood, voice, change in mood, with room for recommended.
setting, and/or voice, setting, improvement
characterization. and/or and practice.

Body Facial expressions, Facial Facial Very little used

Language ideas and body expressions, expressions, of facial
language generate ideas and body ideas and body expressions,
a strong interest language language are original ideas or
and enthusiasm sometimes used to try to body language
about the topic. generate a generate does not
strong interest enthusiasm, but generate much
and enthusiasm seem somewhat interest in topic.
about the topic. lacking.

Submission of Performance Task is on October 02, 2020.


Revised and Edited by: Sir. Christian Arby M. Bantan
Senior High School Teacher
Holy Trinity School: Center of Catholic Education Inc.
PER DEV, A.Y. 2020-2021, 1st Semester (Quarter 1)

Multiple Choice. Encircle the letter of the best answer.

1. The following are elements of self except ________.

a) Sensations c) Curiosity
b) Emotions d) Body
2. Which of the following is not a characteristic of a teenager who is aware of his or her
a) Shy c) Dependable
b) Emotionally mature d) Competent
3. Emotional maturity is achieved during __________.
a) Puberty c) Adulthood
b) End of adolescence d) Early adolescence
4. How does today’s generation differ from older generations?
a) Style of living c) Courtship rituals
b) Values & belief system d) All of the above
5. Which is a characteristic of the adolescents of today?
a) Having an “instant” culture
b) Tech-savvy
c) Being materialistic
d) All of the above
6. Which statement best describes the developmental tasks of adolescents?
a) They follow a sequential order
b) Rapid growth is experienced by adolescents
c) Boys differ from girls in terms of developmental tasks
d) Girls mature faster than boys
7. Which is the most important building block of responsibility?
a) Self-regulation c) Self-control
b) Self-esteem d) Self-discipline
8. What is your ability to understand how others feel called?
a) Sympathy c) Accountability
b) Conscience d) Empathy
9. DOH data on HIV indicate that the most number of persons infected are ______.
a) adults c) males
b) teenagers d) females
10. Common causes of suicide include ______________.
a) self-blame c) hopelessness
b) low self-esteem d) all of the above

II. True or False. Read the statement carefully. Write T in the blank if the statement is true and
F it is false.
____1. When you accept your feelings, you acknowledge what you feel.
____2. Engaging in sports may contribute to your stressors.
____3. Mind mapping is useful in note-taking only.
____4. An urge for independence is felt during adolescence.
____5. During adolescence, most teenagers gradually seek for their identity.

Revised and Edited by: Sir. Christian Arby M. Bantan
Senior High School Teacher
Holy Trinity School: Center of Catholic Education Inc.
PER DEV, A.Y. 2020-2021, 1st Semester (Quarter 1)


Knowing Oneself
Explain that knowing myself can make me accept my strengths and limitations and deal with other
people better.
Share my unique characteristics, habits, and experiences.
Appreciate and value myself.

MATERIALS NEEDED:Ballpen, Pencil, Paper or Notebook, Cellphone or Laptop and any

gadgets that you may use during the discussion.


In order to understand the lesson on this module, try to answer the following essential

1. What is the importance of understanding yourself?


2. In what ways can you become more aware of yourself?


3. How does self-awareness help you boost your self-confidence?


Revised and Edited by: Sir. Christian Arby M. Bantan
Senior High School Teacher
Holy Trinity School: Center of Catholic Education Inc.
PER DEV, A.Y. 2020-2021, 1st Semester (Quarter 1)


Instruction: As an individual, you should know yourself. As a basis, try to answer the following
questions below.

Do you really know who you are?

Do you discover who you are as a
person? Do you know your deepest
fears, doubts, and vulnerabilities?

1) Who am I as a person?

2) What makes me different from my friends and classmates?


3) How do I react when someone backbites me or talks something bad about me?

4) What are my weaknesses or vulnerabilities?


5) Do I fear of losing something or someone in my life? Why?


Rubric (For Teacher Use Only):

Criteria Points Score
Content 5

Revised and Edited by: Sir. Christian Arby M. Bantan
Senior High School Teacher
Holy Trinity School: Center of Catholic Education Inc.
PER DEV, A.Y. 2020-2021, 1st Semester (Quarter 1)

Who are you as a person?

Defining the Self-Concept

Your thoughts, the way you think, and how

Self is the union of you perceive things around you affect how you
elements, namely body, feel about them.
thoughts, feelings or
emotions, and sensations
that constitutes your
physical attributes, your
health, and your posture
and poise.

Emotions and sensations that you experience

prompt you to act and behave the way you do.

If you were asked to describe yourself, you may probably talk about your physical
characteristics, your interests, your hobbies, your skills or abilities, or even your beliefs.

Physical attributes such as height and skin

complexion, as well as psychological
characteristics such as temperament, may be
inherited from your parents; some attributes
and traits, however, may be brought about by
environmental factors.

Being aware of how you look, think, feel, and

act helps you to know more about yourself.
You gather more information about yourself
when you identify your strengths and
weaknesses. In knowing your strengths, you
are more empowered to do developmental
tasks. These tasks include your capacity to
establish mature relationships with others,
emotional independence, and your ability to
9 demonstrate responsible behaviors.
Revised and Edited by: Sir. Christian Arby M. Bantan
Senior High School Teacher
Holy Trinity School: Center of Catholic Education Inc.
PER DEV, A.Y. 2020-2021, 1st Semester (Quarter 1)

Strength and Weaknesses

Introspection, or your Aside from self- Listening to the feedback
ability to reflect and think assessment, you have to of others is important
about your own thoughts, listen and accept because it allows you to
feelings, and actions, is positively the feedback validate your perceptions
essential in understanding you get from others,Remember
as of whothat
you are.
it Whenis youin
and improving yourself. well as their opinions listen to positive feedback,
understanding yourself that you
about you. you become
become more capableenthusiastic.
of actualizing
your potentials to the fullest.

Criticism or negative feedback. When you

hear criticism, you tend to get angry and may
even deny what others have observed about
you. Thus, you have to be smart to determine
the accuracy of the feedback that you receive
from others, which you can do by consulting a
true friend or classmate.


By becoming aware of yourself, you are more

equipped to accept yourself and be more open
for self-improvement. Also, a deeper
understanding of who you are allows you to see
your potentials, thus utilizing them to the fullest.
come to value ourselves more as we understand ourselves
Becoming better. Self-awareness
self-aware helps create yourstarts own
assessing yourself. Based on the previous activities, you were
individuality and able to assesswiser
promotes and write your
personal observations. These components are important
making wheninconfronted
assessing ourselves.
with critical issues in
life such as setting goals, making career choices,
and relating with significant others.

Revised and Edited by: Sir. Christian Arby M. Bantan
Senior High School Teacher
Holy Trinity School: Center of Catholic Education Inc.
PER DEV, A.Y. 2020-2021, 1st Semester (Quarter 1)

“Don’t ever doubt your


Let us get you engaged by doing the following activities. You have to create a personal collage.

Instruction: Present some interesting changes in you. Make a collage of pictures. In the first
box, collect and post some of your photos when you were still young. In the other box, post
some of your current picture. Be creative. Look how you have grown!



Revised and Edited by: Sir. Christian Arby M. Bantan
Senior High School Teacher
Holy Trinity School: Center of Catholic Education Inc.
PER DEV, A.Y. 2020-2021, 1st Semester (Quarter 1)

Developing the

2 Whole Person
Discuss the relationship among physiological, cognitive, psychological, spiritual, and social
development to understand my thoughts, feelings and behaviors.
Evaluate my own thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.
Show the connections between thoughts, feelings, and behaviors in actual life situations.

MATERIALS NEEDED: Ballpen, Pencil, Paper or Notebook, Cellphone or Laptop and any
gadgets that may use during the discussion.


In order to understand the lesson on this module, try to answer the following essential
1. Why is it important to list experiences that support your positive or negative belief about



2. How do your thoughts affect your feelings?



3. In what ways do your friends influence you?



Revised and Edited by: Sir. Christian Arby M. Bantan
Senior High School Teacher
Holy Trinity School: Center of Catholic Education Inc.
PER DEV, A.Y. 2020-2021, 1st Semester (Quarter 1)


Check yourself. This initial activity will help you recall and identify physical changes that you
experience during adolescence and the coping mechanisms that you used to deal with such

Instructions: Answer this question:

What physical changes did you experience when you were 13?

1. ___________________________________________________________________________

2. ___________________________________________________________________________

3. ___________________________________________________________________________

4. ___________________________________________________________________________

5. ___________________________________________________________________________

Reflect Upon. Using your journal, answer the following questions:

1. How did you feel about these changes that you observed about yourself at the onset of



2. How did you cope up with such changes?




Content 3
Grammar 1
Neatness 1
Revised and Edited by: Sir. Christian Arby M. Bantan
Senior High School Teacher
Holy Trinity School: Center of Catholic Education Inc.
PER DEV, A.Y. 2020-2021, 1st Semester (Quarter 1)



Physical or Physiological Changes

You started to experience various body changes

when you were around 13 years old, which is the
onset of adolescence for most children. You can
notice physical changes in your sex organs, which are
your primary sex characteristics.


 Testes or gonads rapidly grow  Fallopian tubes, ovaries, and

bigger vagina, grow rapidly during
 Penis grows markedly puberty
 There’s a production and release  MENARCHE – the first menstrual
of sperm (SPEMARCHE) period, mark’s a girl’s sexual
 Reproductive organs have maturity and is indicative of her
become mature in function and capacity to be pregnant.
capable of reproduction  Come to have a fuller and
 Voice becomes husky melodious voice
 Muscles markedly grow and give  Hips become wider and rounder
shape to their torso.  Breasts develop
 Body hair appears.  Pubic and body hair appear

Both boys and girls experience markedly rapid physical development because of the
hormonal changes that take place in the body. Androgens and estrogens are hormones
or chemical substances produced by endocrine glands that actively affect physical growth
and development.

As more physical changes take place among adolescents, their concern about physical
appearance may also increase. On the other hand, you need to remember that it is
understandable to get affected by these body changes. To be able to cope well during this
stage, you need to make some adjustments – on how you view the things that are happening
inside and outside your body.

Revised and Edited by: Sir. Christian Arby M. Bantan
Senior High School Teacher
Holy Trinity School: Center of Catholic Education Inc.
PER DEV, A.Y. 2020-2021, 1st Semester (Quarter 1)

Cognitive Changes and Their Implications

Have you ever asked yourself how and why you think the way you do right now? During
adolescence your brain goes through significant structural development stages as well. At this
stage, the neurons in the corpus callosum thicken and connect the left hemisphere and the
right hemisphere of your brain, making the brain process information faster and more

Development is also observed in

prefrontal cortex, which is
involved in decision-making,
reasoning, and controlling one’s
Likewise, amygdala, the seat of
your emotions such as anger,
sadness, and happiness, matures
much earlier than the prefrontal

According to Jean Piaget, an adolescent’s

cognitive ability for abstraction and advanced
reasoning is a characteristic of the formal
operation period that he explained in his theory
of cognitive development. This means that you
can now follow clear logic and reason.

Further, teenagers begin thinking more often about process of thinking itself or
metacognition. This results in increased introspection, but may also lead to some sort of
egocentrism or preoccupation with the self. Moreover, cognitive development during this
stage is characterized by thinking which is not anymore limited to a single scope; rather,
thinking means looking at a situation through more complicated lenses and seeing them
as relative. The lack of clear-plans or fast-changing decisions prods a teenager to engage
in risky behaviors such as cutting classes, cheating, smoking and/or drugs, drinking
alcoholic beverages, lying, computer game addiction, and stealing.

Psychological or Emotional
Changes and Their Implications

As a transition period, adolescence has often been described as

period of “storm and stress.” Teenagers like you experience a lot of
emotional ups and down.

Emotional maturity should be achieved by the end of adolescence.

One indicator that you have finally attained emotional maturity is
when you know how to express your emotions in a socially
acceptable manner. Another important indicator is when you face
15difficult situations. You exercise critical thinking before being
emotionally carried away. These realizationsRevised
are and Editedinby:
important Sir. Christian Arby M. Bantan
journey toward self-actualization. Senior High School Teacher
Holy Trinity School: Center of Catholic Education Inc.
PER DEV, A.Y. 2020-2021, 1st Semester (Quarter 1)

Social pressures and demands add to stress and storm of the

adolescence years. You need to make social adjustments to
overcome challenges.

- Attitude, speech, appearance, and behavior are heavily

influenced by your peers.
- You prefer fewer friends and intimate relationships.
- You become curious about relationship with the opposite sex.
- You begin to look for a relationship wherein you are comfortable
in sharing your feelings and experiences.

Moral Development starts During this stage, you come to

with obeying your elders when critically think about how world
you were a child to more is usually ran by adults. You
internal, moral thinking during want to build your own moral
adolescence. According to codes, which you will use as
Kohlberg, adolescents should bases in judging what is right
have attained the and what is wrong. Your values
postconventional reasoning or as well as your religious and
have developed moral spiritual views affect your
reasoning based on the commitment to this set of codes.
universal rights.

Having developed a sound conscience or the inner force that makes external controls
unnecessary plays an important role in assuming responsibility in your life.

Relationship of Thoughts, Feelings, and Behaviors

Automatic Negative
Thoughts - the more you
Your thoughts, feelings, The interplay of your
believed them, the more
and actions interplay with thoughts, feelings, and
pessimistic and unhappy
one another. Your thoughts actions significantly affect
you become. Hence, the
determine your mood and your attitudes, behavior,
way to overcome these
emotions. You act upon and personality. An
negative feelings is to
what you think and feel. emotionally stable teenager
challenge your negative
Your way of thinking is knows how to let off
thoughts. You can use
influenced by your emotional steam in a
your emotions to identify
personal, familial, and acceptable manner. Taking
your negative thoughts.
social experiences, which control of your thoughts is
may not all be positive. indicator that you are
slowly maturing.

“Never let your emotions overpower your


Revised and Edited by: Sir. Christian Arby M. Bantan
Senior High School Teacher
Holy Trinity School: Center of Catholic Education Inc.
PER DEV, A.Y. 2020-2021, 1st Semester (Quarter 1)


Emometer. This activity will help you realize that emotions have varying degrees and that
emotions are affected by your thoughts.
1. Think of your favorite feeling. Is it excitement? Amazement? Surprise? Then think of a
feeling that bothers you often. Is it anger? Fear? Disappointment? Choose one that you
want to focus on in this activity.
2. Based on the chosen feeling, identify thoughts that come to your mind.
3. Write these thoughts in the blanks provided below. Align these thoughts with the
corresponding intensity of your chosen feeling indicated by the emometer.


My Thoughts

Boiling Hot ______________________________





Warm ______________________________





Cool & Calm ______________________________

When you are done with your emometer. Answer the following questions.

1. What causes your feelings or emotions?


2. What makes these feelings or emotions overwhelming for you?


Revised and Edited by: Sir. Christian Arby M. Bantan
Senior High School Teacher

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