Magazine: The Liver
Magazine: The Liver
Magazine: The Liver
many more undiscovered colonies Primer functions and serves to orient the
likely exist. In locations such as Cueva reader. It is important to emphasize
del Guácharos (Caripe, Venezuela)
and Dunstan’s Cave (Asa Wright
The liver that insight into hepatic pathologies
and potential therapeutic avenues
Nature Centre, Trinidad), oilbirds are a to treat these conditions requires an
big eco-tourism draw, their mystery- Elijah Trefts1, Maureen Gannon1,2, understanding of the development
enshrouded reputation adding a and David H. Wasserman1,* and physiology of specialized hepatic
positive contribution to the local functions.
economy. On the downside, some The liver is a critical hub for numerous
concern is certainly still warranted, physiological processes. These Liver cellular anatomy
since the core threat to oilbirds include macronutrient metabolism, The liver is composed of several
is still from humans, particularly blood volume regulation, immune cell types of different embryological
in the form of habitat destruction system support, endocrine control origin including hepatocytes, biliary
and climate change. Obtaining a of growth signaling pathways, epithelial cells (cholangiocytes),
greater knowledge of the habits and lipid and cholesterol homeostasis, stellate cells, Kupffer cells, and liver
senses of these enigmatic creatures and the breakdown of xenobiotic sinusoidal endothelial cells. Each of
would certainly benefit their future compounds, including many current these cell types possesses unique
conservation. drugs. Processing, partitioning, functions that cooperatively regulate
and metabolism of macronutrients hepatic function at multiple levels.
Where can I learn more? provide the energy needed to drive Hepatocytes are the primary epithelial
Brinkløv, S., Elemans, C.P., and Ratcliffe, J.M. (2017). the aforementioned processes and
Oilbirds produce echolocation signals beyond
cell population of the liver. They make
their best hearing range and adjust signal design are therefore among the liver’s most up the majority of the liver volume
to natural light conditions. R. Soc. Open Sci. critical functions. Moreover, the and perform many of the functions
4, 170255.
Brinkløv, S., Fenton, M.B., and Ratcliffe, J.M. (2013). liver’s capacities to store glucose in ascribed to the liver. Cholangiocytes are
Echolocation in Oilbirds and swiftlets. Front. the form of glycogen, with feeding, the second most abundant epithelial
Physiol. 4, 123. and assemble glucose via the
Griffin, D. (1953). Acoustic orientation in the oilbird,
population of the liver and have a
Steatornis. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 39, gluconeogenic pathway, in response to more traditional epithelial function
884–893. fasting, are critical. The liver oxidizes as the cells lining the lumen of the
Holland, R.A., Wikelski, M., Kümmeth, F., and
Bosque, C. (2009). The secret life of oilbirds: lipids, but can also package excess bile ducts. Stellate cells represent a
new insights into the movement ecology of a lipid for secretion to and storage in dynamic cell population that can exist
unique avian frugivore. PLoS One 4, e8264. other tissues, such as adipose. Finally,
Konishi, M., and Knudsen E.I. (1979). The oilbird:
in a quiescent or activated state. In
hearing and echolocation. Science 204, the liver is a major handler of protein the quiescent state stellate cells store
425–427. and amino acid metabolism as it is vitamin A in lipid droplets; however,
Martin, G.R., Rojas, L.M., Ramírez, Y., and
McNeil, R. (2004). The eyes of Oilbirds responsible for the majority of proteins other functions in this quiescent state
(Steatornis caripensis): pushing a the limits of secreted in the blood (whether based remain unclear. Damage to the liver
sensitivity. Naturwissenschaften 91, 26–29. on mass or range of unique proteins),
Rojas, L.M., Ramirez, Y., McNeil, R., Mitchell, M.,
leads to activation of stellate cells.
and Marin, G. (2004). Retinal morphology and the processing of amino acids for Upon activation, stellate cells proliferate
electrophysiology of two caprimulgiformes birds: energy, and disposal of nitrogenous and progressively lose vitamin A stores.
the cave-living and nocturnal oilbird (Steatornis
caripensis) and the crepuscular and nocturnally waste from protein degradation Stellate cells are also responsible
foraging common pauraque (Nyctidromus in the form of urea metabolism. for deposition and organization of
albicollis). Brain Behav. Evol. 64, 19–33. Over the course of evolution this
Snow, D.W. (1961). The natural history of the oilbird,
collagen in the injured liver. This
Steatornis caripensis, in Trinidad, W. I. Part 1. array of hepatic functions has been process contributes to scarring of the
General behavior and breeding habits. Zoologica consolidated in a single organ, the liver, liver, which can progress to cirrhosis,
46, 27–48.
Snow, D.W. (1962). The natural history of the which is conserved in all vertebrates. a critical pathology contributing to end
oilbird, Steatornis caripensis, in Trinidad, W.I. Developmentally, this organ arises as stage liver disease. Kupffer cells are
Part 2. Population, breeding ecology and food. a result of a complex differentiation
Zoologica 47, 199–221.
the resident macrophage population
Suthers, R.A. (1994). Variable asymmetry and program that is initiated by exogenous of the liver. These cells recognize the
resonance in the avian vocal tract – a structural signal gradients, cellular localization many pathogenic stimuli introduced
basis for individually distinct vocalizations. J.
Comp. Physiol. A 175, 457–466. cues, and an intricate hierarchy of through the portal circulation and can
Suthers, R.A., and Hector, D.H. (1985). The transcription factors. These processes attain pro- or anti-inflammatory roles
physiology of vocalization by the echolocating that are fully developed in the mature
Oilbird, Steatornis caripensis. J. Comp. Physiol.
in liver wound healing depending on a
A 156, 243–266. liver are imperative for life. Liver failure number of contributing factors. Finally,
Thomas, B.T. (1999). “Family Steatornithidae from any number of sources (e.g. viral liver sinusoidal endothelial cells are a
(Oilbird),” in Handbook of the Birds of the World.
Barn Owls to Hummingbirds, Vol. 5, J. del Hoyo, infection, overnutrition, or oncologic specialized endothelial population with
A. Elliott, and J. Sargatal, eds. (Barcelona: Lynx), burden) is a global health problem. unique characteristics. These cells
pp. 244–251. The goal of this primer is to concisely form fenestrated sieve plates at the
summarize hepatic functions with sinusoidal lumen. This structure creates
Department of Biology, University of Southern
respect to macronutrient metabolism. pores ranging in size from 50–180 nm in
Denmark, Campusvej 55, 5230 Odense M,
Denmark. 2Department of Biology, University of Introducing concepts critical to liver humans or 50–280 nm in mice and rats.
Lund, Sölvegatan 35, S-22362 Lund, Sweden. development, organization, and This organization is critical for exchange
*E-mail: [email protected] physiology sets the stage for these of proteins and particles within these
Current Biology 27, R1141–R1155, November 6, 2017 © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. R1147
Current Biology
A B Cholangiocyte
process nutrients, while generating
Endothelial cell Hepatocyte metabolites and waste products. Blood
Portal vein Central vein
Zone 1 Sinusoid becomes deoxygenated and metabolic
byproducts are secreted from cells
Bile duct
along the length of the sinusoid. This
Zone 2
creates gradients of oxygen, nutrients,
and waste presented to cells of the liver
Zone 3 based on their lobular location. These
Hepatic artery Stellate cell Kupffer cell and other gradients formed across
Central vein the sinusoids of the lobule result in
a partitioning of functions based on
Zone 1 Zone 2 Zone 3
localization, such as increased oxidative
Oxygen concentration metabolism in areas with higher blood
TG synthesis oxygen content. This partitioning of
-oxidation functions has been termed ‘metabolic
zonation’ and typically breaks the
Lipogenesis/ Ketogenesis
lobule into three distinct ‘zones’. Each
Portal triad Gluconeogenesis zone possesses hepatocytes with
Hepatic artery differential metabolic gene expression
Portal vein
Bile duct and functionality. These metabolic
Glycogen synthesis (from lactate)
zones are typically depicted as discrete
Glycogen synthesis (from glucose) regions (Figure 1A), but hepatic
Ureagenesis zonation actually exists on a flexible
Current Biology spectrum. For example, hepatocytes
from Zone 2 can assume the functional
Figure 1. Organization of the liver. attributes of Zone 1 hepatocytes in the
(A) Geometric representation of a hepatic lobule. Appearing roughly hexagonal in shape, the ver- face of damage or loss of function. This
tices represent the portal triad area. Each triad contains branches of the hepatic artery, portal may occur in response to various liver-
vein, and bile duct. Oxygenated blood from the hepatic artery mixes with nutrient-rich blood damaging pathologies such as viral
from the portal circulation drained from the gut. Upon mixing, this blood equilibrates and flows hepatitis. A hallmark of the liver is that
across the lobule through a sinusoidal network before draining in to branches of the central vein.
This organization leads to formation of a number of gradients including oxygen, hormones, nutri-
its diverse cell populations couple with
ents, and waste products. This gradient formation and the consequential organization of relevant its anatomical organization to maintain
metabolic processes has been dubbed ‘metabolic zonation’. These zones are depicted as roughly hepatic functionality.
equal, but can shift in size and location based on a number of factors (e.g. hepatocellular damage
or altered blood flow). (B) A schematic representation of a sinusoid within the liver and the cor- Initiation of liver development
responding zonation of several metabolic processes across the sinusoid. A number of cell types As the function and organization
exist within the sinusoid including hepatocytes, biliary epithelial cells (cholangiocytes), endothelial
cells, Kupffer cells, and stellate cells. As previously mentioned blood flows through the sinusoid
of the liver are critical to so many
leading to a number of gradients along the length of this vessel. Liver endothelial cells do not processes it is important to understand
form tight junctions, but instead have sieve plate networks between them. This creates a minimal how these aspects of the liver arise
barrier between the circulating blood and hepatocytes. Hepatocytes perform a majority of the developmentally. Described here is
hepatic metabolic functions. The gradients depicted below the scheme pertain to both essential the general organization of hepatic
molecules (oxygen) and metabolic processes along the sinusoid. These processes are critical to development that occurs in many
both liver and whole body metabolic homeostasis. Therefore, it is important to note the flexibility
of these gradients as they are often modified during times of variable nutrient availability, such as
animals including zebra fish, mice,
the fasting or fed states. rats, and humans. The duration and
identity of signals involved in each
size limits between plasma and the endothelial cells of the liver do not form of these developmental aspects may
cell types of the liver, while maintaining tight junctions (Figure 1B). This creates vary between species. The goal of this
certain barrier functions. a sinusoidal network that minimizes section is to give a general overview of
The cells of the liver are organized barriers between hepatocytes and the hepatic development in common model
around the functional structural unit blood traversing the sinusoid. Oxygen- organisms and humans. For simplicity,
of the liver — the lobule (Figure 1A). rich blood from the hepatic artery specific proteins and transcription
This consists of chords of hepatocytes mixes with nutrient-rich blood from factors referenced have been derived
organized in a typically hexagonal the portal circulation in the sinusoid from studies in mice and rats except
shape around the central vein before flowing over the cells of the where specifically noted.
(Figure 1A). At the vertices of this lobule and draining into the central The definitive endoderm, ectoderm,
hexagon are the portal triads consisting vein (Figure 1A,B). This organization and mesoderm make up the three
of closely grouped branches of the causes the blood composition major cell layers established during
hepatic artery, portal vein, and bile exiting the lobule to have different embryonic gastrulation. Cells from
ducts (Figure 1A). Circulatory units characteristics than the blood entering the definitive endoderm proceed to
within the hepatocyte chords differ the lobule. As blood progresses across form the epithelium of the respiratory
from a typical capillary bed in that the the lobule, cells utilize oxygen and and digestive tracts as well as
associated organs such as liver and to cholangiocyte and hepatocyte The switch from placental to
pancreas. The primary metabolic cell differentiation. This contributes maternal-independent endogenous
population of the liver, hepatocytes, to the hepatoblast fates that are and exogenous nutrient provision
and the bile duct lining epithelial cells, dependent on portal vein proximity. leads to a drop in blood glucose,
cholangiocytes, arise from the posterior Mechanistically, higher TGF- which is accompanied by a stark rise
foregut region within the definitive signaling in portal vein proximal in the hepatic sinusoidal glucagon
endoderm. Definitive endoderm hepatoblasts drives cholangiocyte fate to insulin ratio (Figure 2A). These
specification and segregation require by decreasing expression of CCAAT/ hormones have opposing actions
a complex array of extracellular enhancer binding protein (C/EBP) with regards to several hepatic
growth factor signals in a proper and promoting expression of Hnf6 (aka metabolic processes and are the
temporal order. Some of the earliest Oc1) and Hnf1 This transcription primary physiologic regulators of
signals for initiation of hepatic bud factor profile promotes cholangiocyte- glucose homeostasis in the adult
outgrowth from the posterior foregut specific gene transcription through organism. In the fed state, when
endoderm include fibroblast growth HNF6 and HNF1, while suppressing insulin is high and glucagon is low, the
factor (FGF), and bone morphogenic hepatocyte specific genes by liver is a site of glucose uptake and
proteins (BMPs), which are derived decreasing C/EBP levels. Hepatoblasts anabolic processes are accelerated.
from the overlying mesodermally located further from the portal vein Insulin inhibits gluconeogenesis
derived cardiac mesoderm and develop into hepatocytes, forming while promoting glycogen and lipid
septum transversum. Other signals chords across the developing hepatic synthesis in hepatocytes, amongst
include transforming growth factor lobules. These cells receive lower levels other metabolic effects. As an organism
(TGF-), Wnt, and NOTCH. These of TGF-, which leads to a higher level transitions away from placental
signals are supported by expression of C/EBP. In turn, C/EBP inhibits nutrition, glucagon levels rise and
and activity of transcription factors the expression of TGF- receptor II, insulin levels fall. Glucagon promotes
in the FoxA and GATA families within creating a positive feedback loop of glycogenolysis, gluconeogenesis, fat
the endodermally derived epithelium. TGF- signal inhibition. C/EBP also oxidation and metabolism of other
Specific members of these families, regulates expression of HNF1 and macronutrients by hepatocytes.
notably FoxA1 and GATA4, act as HNF4, which in turn act as feed These effects of the increased
pioneer factors, interacting with their forward co-activators of a number of glucagon to insulin ratio are required
DNA-binding motifs within compact hepatocyte-specific genes. Finalization for maintenance of blood glucose
chromatin to modify nucleosome of hepatocyte differentiation is linked concentrations (Figure 2A). The switch
localization. This alteration of chromatin to oncostatin M, glucocorticoids, in perinatal metabolic programming
conformation creates an environment hepatocyte growth factor (HGF), Wnt, of the liver can be stimulated by
of transcriptional competence for these and yes-associated protein signaling hormone-mediated increases in cyclic
and other downstream transcription (YAP). Interestingly, Wnt/-catenin adenosine monophosphate (cAMP)
factors. The sum of these modifications signaling has been implicated in and is relatively insensitive to insulin.
results in a ‘footprint’ of transcriptional establishment of metabolic zonation. These processes are also regulated
access, leading to the establishment In fact, a balance of stimulation and by glucocorticoid signaling, which
and maintenance of a gene expression suppression of genes by HNF4 is appears necessary for functional
program, critical for differentiation and influenced by the -catenin activated differentiation of glycogen storage and
mature function. transcription factor LEF1 to establish gluconeogenesis. During the perinatal
zonal specific expression of various period, a number of transcription
Cell patterning and maturation enzymes (e.g. glutamine synthetase). factors are induced, which regulate
during liver development expression of key enzymes in these
Cells of the hepatic bud give rise to Perinatal metabolic programming processes. Among these are FoxO1,
bipotential progenitor cells known In the final term of gestation (week glucocorticoid receptor, cAMP
as hepatoblasts, which further 34–37 in humans; day 18–21 in rats response element-binding protein
differentiate into the liver parenchymal and mice), the liver prepares for a (CREB), peroxisome proliferator
cells: hepatocytes and cholangiocytes. metabolic switch from an organ of activated receptor (PPAR) coactivator
Importantly, prior to the formation of glucose consumption to one in which 1, HNF6, and HNF4. Transcription
the bone marrow, the developing glucose is both stored and produced. factors such as HNF6, HNF4, and
liver bud serves as the center This is evidenced by a decrease in the glucocorticoid receptor intertwine
of fetal hematopoiesis. Signals glycolytic enzyme expression coupled differentiation and metabolic control
from hematopoietic cells, such with increases in enzymes critical in hepatocytes, indicating a potentially
as oncostatin M, can also govern to gluconeogenic and glycogenic important connection in the two
hepatoblast proliferation and processes. The rate of enzyme activities processes.
E-cadherin-mediated cell junction such as the gluconeogenic enzymes
formation in hepatoblasts. While phosphenolpyruvate carboxykinase Glucose metabolism
there are several other contributors and glucose-6-phosphatase, and the As discussed at the outset, the ability
to hepatoblast differentiation, the glycogenic enzyme glycogen synthase, of the liver to store, synthesize,
gradient of TGF- secreted from the are dependent on the metabolic zones metabolize, and release glucose is
portal vein mesenchyme is integral of the hepatic lobule. necessary for the postnatal metabolic
insulin resistance is associated with classical fat molecules, the liver is also carbon skeleton of specific amino
an increased flux of gluconeogenic critical for cholesterol homeostasis acids may also be incorporated into
substrates and fatty acids to the liver within the body. Cholesterol can the tricarboxylic acid cycle to serve as
during over-nutrition. This creates a be absorbed from the intestine or gluconeogenic substrates (Figure 2A,B).
paradigm where increased substrate synthesized de novo in the liver. This allows conversion of amino
fluxes are coupled with a deficit Cholesterol is a required molecule for acids from tissues such as skeletal
in appropriate molecular control assembly of cellular membranes as well muscle and intestine to glucose. This
resulting in many of the pathologic as maintenance of membrane fluidity. conversion of gluconeogenic amino
consequences of insulin resistance. While a lack of cholesterol can be acids to glucose is pertinent to glucose
damaging, an excess is also detrimental homeostasis and the provision of
Lipid and cholesterol metabolism to health. Excess cholesterol from energy to glucose-dependent organs in
The liver is critical for digestive the diet and de novo synthesis can times of extended fasting.
absorption and performs uptake, result in inappropriate cell membrane
synthesis, packaging, and secretion of dynamics, and may also stimulate Concluding remarks
lipids and lipoproteins. The liver’s biliary pathologic processes contributing The liver is a dynamic, heterogeneous
synthesis and secretion system enables to atherosclerosis or cardiovascular organ that is under highly regulated
efficient absorption of lipid from disease. Statins are a drug class that physiological control. Development
digestion. Chylomicrons are assembled inhibits HMG-CoA reductase, the and control of these functions is
from lipoproteins and digested lipids rate limiting enzyme in cholesterol established through appropriate timing,
in the gut before progressing through production. This results in a cholesterol- localization, and intensity of signals.
the lymphatic system to the circulation. lowering effect that is necessary Despite progress in our understanding
Fatty acids are then extracted from for statin-mediated improvement of of hepatic development, metabolism,
chylomicron remnants by lipoprotein outcomes for cardiovascular events and repair, hepatic pathologies
lipase at the liver. These fatty acids and atherosclerosis. Statins also continue to have significant global
are then transported into hepatocytes possess pleiotropic actions which morbidity and mortality burdens. This
via a number of transport proteins are thought to be significant at higher drives the need to understand these
(e.g. fatty acid transport proteins 2, statin dosages. Therefore, cholesterol- diseases and how to best treat them.
4 and 5 and CD36). The liver is able lowering is considered the primary This can be accomplished through
to utilize fatty acids as an internal benefit of statins to disease processes therapeutic and public health initiatives
energy source through oxidative with pleiotropic statin effects becoming reinforced by knowledge of hepatic
pathways, but can also provide energy relevant at higher doses. physiology and emerging disease
to other organs from the ketogenic treatment paradigms.
products (acetoacetate and beta Protein and amino acid metabolism
hydroxybutyrate) (Figure 2A,B). This Synthesis and breakdown of proteins FURTHER READING
ability to provide ketones as an are critical to all cellular and organ-level
Bechmann, L.P., Hannivoort, R.A., Gerken, G.,
energetic substrate is necessary for functions. However, these metabolic Hotamisligil, G.S., Trauner, M., and Canbay, A.
organisms undergoing extreme fasting processes within the liver have broader (2012). The interaction of hepatic lipid and
or consuming extremely low levels of implications. As a protein synthetic glucose metabolism in liver diseases. J. Hepatol.
56, 952–964.
dietary carbohydrates. The release organ, the liver is responsible for Gordillo, M., Evans, T., and Gouon-Evans, V. (2015).
of ketones from the liver prevents 85–90% of circulating protein volume. Orchestrating liver development. Development
142, 2094–2108.
excess formation of tricarboxylic acid Albumin is the most abundant of these Gruppuso, P.A., and Sanders, J.A. (2016). Regulation
cycle intermediates and could thereby secreted proteins, contributing 55% of of liver development: implications for liver
protect oxidative status. During times the total plasma protein on average. biology across the lifespan. J. Mol. Endocrinol.
56, 115–125.
of feeding, the liver is also important This protein is essential for maintenance Hijmans, B.S., Grefhorst, A., Oosterveer, M.H., and
for providing lipid substrates for the of blood volume and possesses Groen, A.K. (2014). Zonation of glucose and
fatty acid metabolism in the liver: mechanism
body. The liver can assemble fatty acids carrier functions in transporting a and metabolic consequences. Biochimie 96,
and glycerol into triglycerides, which number of critical molecules such 121–129.
are packaged with very low density as lipids and hormones. The liver Rui, L. (2014). Energy metabolism in the liver. Compr.
Physiol. 4, 177–197.
lipoprotein particles for secretion from also secretes acute-phase proteins, Si-Tayeb, K., Lemaigre, F.P., and Duncan, S.A.
hepatocytes into the bloodstream growth factors, and numerous other (2010). Organogenesis and development of the
liver. Dev. Cell 18, 175–189.
(Figure 2B). These can then reach other peptides that are involved in systemic Trefts, E., Williams, A.S., and Wasserman, D.H.
organs such as the adipose tissue regulation. Additionally, the liver has a (2015). Exercise and the regulation of hepatic
for storage or the skeletal muscle for high capacity to break down proteins metabolism. In Progress in Molecular Biology
and Translational Science, 1st edition, vol 135.
use as an energy source. This lipid and metabolize the amino acids that (Amsterdam: Elsevier), pp. 203–225.
handling ability of the liver is also comprise them (Figure 2A,B). Amino Wasserman, D.H. (2009). Four grams of glucose.
37232, 11–21.
critical for absorption of a number of acid metabolism can provide energy for
lipid-soluble vitamins. Without proper the hepatocyte, but requires disposal of 1
Department of Molecular Physiology and
hepatic lipid uptake and secretion, nitrogenous wastes (Figure 2A,B). The
Biophysics, and 2Department of Medicine,
vitamin deficiencies at the whole body liver urea cycle is one mechanism for Vanderbilt University School of Medicine,
or organ-specific level can occur. In this, disposing of otherwise damaging Nashville, TN 37204, USA.
addition to its function with regards to reactive nitrogenous molecules. The *E-mail: [email protected]