Financial Liberalization Savings Investment and Growth in Mena C
Financial Liberalization Savings Investment and Growth in Mena C
Financial Liberalization Savings Investment and Growth in Mena C
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Lahcen Achy
Over the last two decades Middle East and North African (MENA)
countries like much of the developing countries have experienced a wave
of liberalization of their financial sectors. There have been expectations
that financial liberalization would enhance economic growth by stimulat-
ing savings and investment. The purpose of this chapter is three-folds: (1)
to review the literature on the rationale for financial repression; (2) to
examine the theoretical and empirical literature on the links between
financial liberalization, savings, and investment; and (3) to assess em-
pirically the effect of financial reforms on economic performance in the
specific case of MENA countries.
Over the last two decades Middle East and North African (MENA) coun-
tries like many of the developing countries have experienced a wave of
liberalization of their financial sectors. For a long time, the primary task of
Money and Finance in the Middle East: Missed Opportunities or Future Prospects?
Research in Middle East Economics, Volume 6, 67–94
Copyright r 2005 by Elsevier Ltd.
All rights of reproduction in any form reserved
ISSN: 1094-5334/doi:10.1016/S1094-5334(05)06004-8
the financial system was to finance the government needs, public enterprises,
and priority sectors through mandatory holding of treasury bills and bonds
issued by development banks.
Interest rates subsidies to priority sectors have been reduced or eliminat-
ed. The monetary authorities started to manage liquidity through a more
active use of reserve requirements and a more market-based allocation of
refinancing. Stock markets legislation has been updated, and their manage-
ment was transferred to the association of brokerage houses. New banking
laws have increased the autonomy of the central bank and introduced pru-
dential regulation in line with international standards. Finally, measures to
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1991; Levine, 1997). Those who hold the latter view argue that by reallo-
cating capital to the highest-return projects and dealing with moral hazard,
adverse selection and transaction costs problems, financial intermediaries
represent an essential catalyst for economic growth. So, why do govern-
ments adopt financial repression policies?
Financial repression is the result of a nominal interest rate ceiling that is
below the prevailing rate of inflation and currency depreciation. Under fi-
nancial repression regimes, the monetary authorities impose high-reserve
requirements, bank-specific credit ceilings and selective credit allocation,
mandatory holding of treasury bills and bonds issued by the government,
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demand for deposit and illiquid high-return investments. In doing so, banks
provide complete insurance, against liquidity risk, to savers while facilitating
long-run investments. The ability of banks and security markets to pool risk
across individual projects, industries, and regions is also crucial for economic
growth. By facilitating risk diversification, financial markets induce a portfolio
risk toward projects with high-expected returns.
Dornbusch and Reynoso (1989) argue that strong assertions concerning
the positive effects of financial liberalization on economic growth are not
supported by the evidence. To support their claim, they reconsider the con-
ventional theoretical propositions and empirical facts against financial re-
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pression. First, the relationship between real deposit rates and the savings
rates: Although there is a strong belief that higher interest rates stimulate
savings, the offsetting income and substitution effects of increased interest
rates mean an ambiguous total effect on saving. In developing countries, the
lack of appropriate data and their poor quality make it harder to provide
any evidence. Second, the relationship between financial depth and growth
is not strong, and varies substantially across countries.
Furthermore, Levine (1991) derives a model where more liquid stock
markets (markets where it is less expensive to trade equities) stimulate long-
run investment projects. This is because investors can easily sell their stake if
they need liquidity before the project matures. He concludes that high-liquid
stock market attracts investment in long-run high-return projects that boost
productivity growth.
Also, Mauro (1995) starts from the documented fact that Japan and
continental Europe have experienced high saving rates and fast growth even
though their stock markets have been relatively underdeveloped, while the
U.S.A. and U.K. have been characterized by low savings and slower growth
even though their stock markets have been well developed. To accommo-
date these facts, he incorporates some results from the precautionary savings
literature into an endogenous growth model in which the young and the old
share the output produced by their ‘‘family business’’. This model suggests
that the existence of a stock market where investors can pool their risks is
expected to reduce precautionary savings and – in a closed economy – in-
vestment and growth. Mauro’s paper shows that if uncertainty is of a mul-
tiplicative nature and utility across states is Constant Relative Risk
Aversion (CRRA), then the mechanism will decrease savings and tend to
lower growth if and only if the elasticity of inter-temporal substitution is
below 1.
However, there is a theoretical debate on whether high stock market
liquidity improves saving rates. In fact, higher returns and better risk
sharing may reduce saving. Furthermore, since more liquidity makes it eas-
ier to sell shares, it may reduce the incentives of shareholders to monitor
managers (Shleifer & Vishny, 1986). Also, weaker corporate governance
limits the effective resource allocation and affects economic growth.
Regarding the reallocation and productivity effects of financial deepen-
ing, Greenwood and Jovanovic (1990) develop a model where the extent of
financial intermediation and economic growth are endogenously deter-
mined. In their model, financial intermediaries can invest more productively
than individuals because of their better ability to identify investment op-
portunities. They conclude that financial intermediation promotes growth
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mote economic growth. Their chapter extends that of Atje and Jovanovic
(1993) in different dimensions: (1) by enlarging the sample size and the time
coverage; (2) by using different measures of stock market development; and
(3) by controlling for other economic and political factors that may affect
economic growth. Using data on 47 countries from 1976 through 1993, they
find that measures of stock market liquidity are strongly related to growth,
capital accumulation, and productivity. Surprisingly, stock market size does
not seem to be robustly correlated with economic growth. Conversely, bank
lending to the private sector has a strong effect on economic growth. How-
ever, as indicated by Rajan and Zingales (1998), one may be still skeptical
about the causality direction between financial development and economic
growth. Specifically, financial institutions may tend to lend more if they
expect future economic growth and if the stock market capitalizes the
present value of growth opportunities. In this case, financial development
can be viewed as a leading indicator rather than a causal factor. To over-
come these issues, they suggest investigating microeconomic data on firms’
external finance. Using data at the industry level over the period 1980–1990,
their findings indicate that ex-ante development of financial markets facil-
itates the ex-post growth of sectors dependent on external finance.
Harris (1997) re-examines the empirical relationship between stock mar-
kets and economic growth using more appropriate instruments for invest-
ment and applying more advanced econometric techniques. In contrast to
Atje and Jovanovic (1993), he finds no hard evidence that the level of stock
market activity helps to explain growth in per capita output. Splitting the
sample leads to similar results for the sub-sample of less developed coun-
tries. In the sub-sample of developed countries, however, the level of stock
market activity helps to explain per capita growth but by less than half the
value predicted by Atje and Jovanovic for their whole sample.
Bayoumi (1993) investigates the interaction between financial deregula-
tion and household savings behavior using regional data for the U.K. in the
asset pricing predict that stock market liberalization may reduce the liber-
alizing country’s cost of equity capital. This fall in the cost of equity will
transform some investment project that had a negative net present value
(NPV) before liberalization into positive NPV after liberalization. Data in-
dicate that on average these 10 countries experience large, temporary in-
crease in the growth rate of real private investment on the heels of stock
market liberalization. The relationship between private investment growth
and stock market liberalization persists after controlling for world business
cycle effects, contemporaneous economic reforms, and domestic fundamen-
tals. However, Henry cannot conclude that stock market liberalization
causes investment booms, as the possibility of reverse causality cannot be
ruled out.
The evidence found by Kim and Singal (2000), and Bekaert and Harvey
(2000) supports the fact that stock market liberalization causes a one-time
revaluation of emerging market stock prices and a fall in the cost of capital.
Why a country’s cost of equity falls after financial liberalization? There
are two components in the cost of capital: the equity premium and the risk-
free rate. First, stock market liberalization is expected to increase net capital
inflows and this ‘‘supply effect’’ could reduce the risk-free rate. Second,
more risk sharing between foreign and domestic residents should reduce
equity premium. Increased capital inflows may also increase stock market
liquidity, and increased liquidity reduces the equity premium (Levine &
Zervos, 1998b). But, financial liberalization does not always lead to a fall in
the cost of equity capital. It could increase the risk-free rate. This depends
on whether the liberalization of restrictions on inflows is accompanied by a
liberalization of restrictions on outflows. It also depends on whether the
autarky risk-free rate (before liberalization) was above or below the world
rate. Ultimately, whether a country’s cost of capital rises or falls following
stock market liberalization is an empirical question that must be considered
on a case-by-case basis.
Financial Liberalization, Savings, Investment, and Growth in MENA Countries 75
financial sector and does not distinguish between the allocation of capital to
the private sectors, and to various governmental and quasi-governmental
agencies. In this respect, it may not inform reliably on the extent to which
financial services such as risk management and information processing are
provided. Data on this indicator are presented in Table 1.
In order to assess more accurately the contribution of commercial banks
in financial intermediation, the ratio of deposit money bank domestic assets
to total financial assets is used, including central bank domestic assets. The
rationale for this measure is that banks are more likely to identify profitable
investment, monitor managers, and mobilize savings than central banks
(Levine, 1997). The weakness of this indicator is that in some countries the
government influences the structure of bank assets and liabilities through
mandatory holdings and controls on credit allocation. Table 2 presents data
on this indicator.
A more accurate indicator of financial development is provided by the
value of credits by financial intermediaries to the private sector (excluding
credit to money banks) divided by total domestic credit. The last indicator is
computed as the ratio of claims on the financial private sector to GDP.
Tables 3 and 4 present, respectively, data on these two last indicators.
rates and private investment rates, with respect to the explanatory variables,
making it readily possible to assess the economic relevance of the relation-
ship. The logarithmic transformation also accounts for potential non-lin-
earities in the relationship between the dependent and the explanatory
variables. It is very likely, for example, that the effects of financial depth on
private investment are minimal at low levels of financial depth and increase
as the country’s financial system develops.
The equations are estimated using a panel data approach and allowing
specifically each of the five countries to have its own intercept (fixed-effects
estimation). An F-test rejects significantly the hypothesis of a common in-
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Note: These estimations are obtained using country-fixed-effect estimation over the period
1970–1997. The dependent variable is the private saving rate taking in logarithm. All regression
variables are in logarithm, except for real GDP growth, real interest rate and budget surplus/
GDP. The estimates are corrected for auto-correlation and heteroskedasticity (generalized least
squares, GLS, estimation). The t-statistics are given in parentheses. LLY is the ratio of liquid
liabilities over GDP. BANK is the deposit money banks assets as a share of total assets. PRIVY
is private credit by deposit money banks to GDP. PRIV is private credit by deposit money
banks to total domestic credit. FINX is a financial liberalization index constructed on the basis
of available information on the eight main dimensions of financial reforms implemented in the
countries under study.
Source: Author’s estimates.
Data on private saving used are from Loayza et al. (1998).
significant at 10%.
significant at 5%.
depth leads to a lower level of private saving. The coefficients represent the
elasticities of private saving with respect to the financial depth indicators,
since the regression variables are in logarithm. The first column of the table
suggests that a 1% increase in liquid liabilities as a share of GDP leads
roughly to a 0.37% decline in private savings. The elasticities of private
savings with respect to credit issued to the private sector (as a share of
GDP or as a share of total domestic credit) are invariably equal to (0.13).
A similar result is obtained when using deposit money bank assets to
total financial assets as a measure of financial development. Finally, the
elasticity of private savings with respect to the composite index of financial
Note: These estimations are obtained using country-fixed-effect estimation over the period
1970–1997. The dependent variable is real GDP growth rate. All explanatory variables are in
logarithm, except for real interest rate. The estimates are corrected for auto-correlation and
heteroskedasticity (generalized least squares, GLS, estimation). The t-statistics are given in
parentheses. For expansion of LLY, BANK, PRIVY, PRIV, and FINX, refer to that of Ta-
ble 5.
Source: Author’s estimates.
significant at 10%.
significant at 5%.
business sector. To assess the validity of this explanation one needs detailed
data on the allocation of private credit between households and firms. A
complete characterization of the allocation of private credit (by sector, by
maturity) is extremely useful to investigate the extent to which financial
liberalization resulted in an effective increase in the flow of funds attributed
to private investment. For data availability reasons, this exercise is left for
future research.
The real interest rate coefficient is positive in three cases out of five,
although only significant when liquid liabilities as a share of GDP is used as
a measure of financial development. In the two other cases, the real interest
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rate has a negative but insignificant coefficient. The positive sign on the real
interest rate contradicts the theoretical prediction according to which a
higher cost of capital would discourage private investment. This result may
reflect uncertainty concerning future inflation, since investment decisions are
taken on an ex-ante basis, while the real interest rate used here is the ex-post
measure of the borrowing cost.
The coefficient of economic growth is positive, statistically significant and
quite robust across the five measures of financial development. This result
implies a positive relationship between economic growth and private in-
vestment. To ensure that this result is not biased by the potential positive
correlation of economic growth with the error term of the private invest-
ment equation, the contemporaneous real GDP growth rate is replaced with
the real GDP growth rate in the previous year.
To account for the effect of government policies on private investment,
four variables were included in the private investment equation: the extent
of trade openness, the rate of inflation, the degree of overvaluation of the
real exchange rate, and the extent of the government budget surplus as a
share of GDP. The first variable has the expected positive sign, highly sig-
nificant and statistically robust, implying that trade openness exerts a pos-
itive effect on private investment. The second and third variables have the
predicted negative sign, although only marginally significant. This negative
sign is consistent with the damaging effect of uncertainty in the macroeco-
nomic environment on private investors’ decisions. The fourth variable ex-
hibits insignificant coefficients, although one may expect government
borrowing in order to finance budget deficit to be harmful for private in-
both theoretical and empirical research. The channels through which finan-
cial development could affect economic growth have already been presented
in our literature review. The purpose here is to assess the relative contri-
bution of financial factors using the framework provided by the recent em-
pirical growth literature.
The estimated growth equation relates real GDP growth to a set of
measures of financial depth, real interest rate, and a set of control variables
consisting of private investment rate, human capital indicator, trade open-
ness, inflation rate, external debt as a share of GDP, annual change of terms
of trade, and real exchange rate overvaluation. The estimation strategy is
Downloaded by New York University At 21:28 30 January 2016 (PT)
Since the mid-1980s, a gradual liberalization of the financial system has
taken place in MENA countries. Interest rates subsidies to priority sectors
have been reduced or eliminated. The monetary authorities started to man-
age liquidity through a more active use of reserve requirements and a more
market-based allocation of refinancing. New banking laws increased the
autonomy of the central bank and introduced prudential regulation in line
with international standards. Finally, measures to increase competition by
opening banks’ capital to foreign participation were designed. The expec-
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1. Appendix D describes the list of variables used in the chapter to investigate the
relationship between financial liberalization saving, investment, and growth. It also
presents data sources and the time span covered by available data for each variable.
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Financial Liberalization, Savings, Investment, and Growth in MENA Countries 87
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Downloaded by New York University At 21:28 30 January 2016 (PT)
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APPENDIX A. (Continued)
of bank spreads.
Wider range of saving
Prudential regulation Offset or moderate risk Ambiguous effect on saving
taking promoted
through competition.
May also reduce
upward pressure on
deposit rates
Development of securities Wider and more flexible Can increase saving, the
markets range of saving effect may take time to be
instruments effective
International financial Flows of foreign funds Ambiguous effect on saving
liberalization and increase in rates because banks can also
of returns as barriers borrow from abroad to
to capital outflow are sustain lending to local
removed firms and households
Interest rate 1991: Liberalization Interest rates on deposits Most interest rates 1981: Interest rate
liberalization of interest rates liberalized in 1990 and were liberalized in ceiling abolished
(deposits and 1991 1987, 1994, and 1983: Ceilings
lending) 1996: Controls on lending 1996. But some reintroduced
and deposit rates deposit rates 1988: Ceiling
completely eliminated remain regulated eliminated
except a ban on (interest on sight
remuneration of sight deposits must not
deposits and interest rates exceed a ceiling of
for small saving deposits 2% points)
Reduction of Proxy by total reserves as a share of total deposit money bank assets
Reduction of 1994: Credit ceiling From 1991 to 1993, 1991: Mandatory
directed credit for private sector mandatory holding were holding of treasury
to priority abolished reduced. Obligatory debt instruments
sectors 1995: Credit ceiling holding of treasury was relaxed
for public sector papers reduced from 1994: Abolition of the
abolished 35% in 1986 to 10% by obligation for banks
end 1996 to subscribe and
hold treasury bills
APPENDIX B. (Continued)
Financial Egypt Jordan Morocco Tunisia Turkey
Downloaded by New York University At 21:28 30 January 2016 (PT)
1996: Obligatory
sectoral lending
ratios abolished
Bank ownership 1996: Privatization 1989: Barriers to entry 1986: Measures to
(more of public banks reduced by abolishing enlarge the scope of
privatization) ownership in ‘‘Moroccanization’’ activities for foreign
joint venture and decree banks and off-shore
private banks banks
Pro-competition Since mid-1980s: Further 1981: Barriers to
policies competition by breaking entry lowered
down the
compartmentalization of
activities between
development and
commercial banks. 1993:
The new banking law,
full integration of
development banks
Prudential Prudential regulation Prudential Prudential regulation 1991: Adoption of 1986: New banking
regulation applied regulation introduced (to be met by prudential law becomes
progressively since applied since 1996) regulations effective. It
1991 (liquidity 1993 1993: External audits provides
ratios, the capital and off-site supervisory and
adequacy ratio, the reporting prudential
solvency criterion requirements measures
(Basle Accord) 1994: Amendments to
1997: Banks have to the banking law
publish their These requirements
audited financial to be met in 1999
statements in
accordance with
Development of 1992: Measures to 1993: Stock market 1994: Stock market 1983: The capital
securities ensure stock capitalization and capitalization and market board is
markets market revival turnover increased turnover increased established to
dramatically dramatically promote and
1997: Electronic quotation 1996: Electronic monitor the
quotations securities markets
1986: Istanbul Stock
Exchange becomes
APPENDIX C. (Continued)
APPENDIX D. (Continued)