Direct: by Your Side, For Life: Dai-Ichi's Management Philosophy

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By Your Side, for Life:

Dai-ichi’s Management Philosophy

System to Provide Consulting Services That Leverage

Dai-ichi’s Organizational Power
Dai-ichi’s Management Philosophy
By Your Side, for Life:

Direct Call centers Approx. 21 million

Approx. 2.36 million page views
calls a year

Approx. 10 million
Advancement to
the next stage of

(Financial planners)
Approx. 480 RMs
(Relationship managers) Total Life
Approx. 340 (Sales


System to support the provision of

In-house staff support of consulting services

(service advisors (Note 2))

■ Value Dai-ichi provides

Consistent, high-quality consulting services in all settings from contract to payment to the expiration of policies.

Number of new policies sold:

Approx. 1.4 million policies a year

At the time of contract During the contract period

■ Makes proposals to meet ■ Provides information on ■ Checks the content of each
the needs of each customer social security and tax policy, the payment reasons,
through Total Life Plan planning payment history, and any
consulting changes in the content
■ Employs Uses the DL Pad, a of the policy during the
tablet computer for sales and annual Periodical Insurance
business use Information Check.
■ Offers a product lineup that ■ Proposes an appropriate
meets all customer needs review of coverage according
■ Provides information on to the life cycle.
health and medical services

54 The Dai-ichi Life Insurance Company, Limited

Various kinds of notices

Dai-ichi’s Management Philosophy

By Your Side, for Life:
Informational notices Approx. 23 million notices
Total Life Plan Report Approx. 8.4 million copies


customers (Note 1)
Child-rearing independence

Approx. 2,600
Dai-ichi Life Hoken Store
Plan Designers Dai-ichi Life Insurance Shop Notes:
(consulting counters)
representatives) 82 stores 1. Number of customers who, either as a policyholder or
44,000 the insured, have purchased the Company’s individual
insurance or individual annuity insurance, or AFLAC’s
cancer insurance or Sompo Japan’s non-life insurance
handled by Dai-ichi staff.
2. Allocated to approximately 1,300 business locations
across the country since fiscal 2013. Consisting of staff
knowledgeable in various procedures who are in charge
of customer service and the training of Total Life Plan
“consistent, high-quality” values Designers (sales representatives).

Consulting services and support provided by specialized staff

for benefits, claims, and various office procedures

Death proceeds: Approx. 50,000

policies a year
Benefits: Approx. 900,000
Maturity proceeds: Approx. 150,000
policies a year
policies a year

At the time of payment and expiration

■ Provides consulting when benefits are ■ Prompt and accurate ■ Provides consulting at the
received payment time of receiving insurance
l Provides information on high-cost illness l Provides information on proceeds
insurance and the medical expenses secure billing procedures l Consults on public
deduction for insurance claims’ formalities and procedures
l Provides information on medical support proceeds and the social security
services l Has established a system, etc.
■ Provides information on health and medical dedicated call center ■ Provides estate consulting
services l Has initiated the Insurance l Consults on inheritances
Proceeds Quick Reception and methods of using
Service proceeds, etc.

The Dai-ichi Life Insurance Company, Limited 55

Continuing to Stand by the Side of Consultation Systems
Our Customers for Life
As a lifelong partner of its customers, Dai-ichi Bolstering Consultation Functions
Dai-ichi’s Management Philosophy
By Your Side, for Life:

has been promoting various initiatives based on

the concept of delivering high-quality products, ■ Total Life Plan Proposals to Customers
services, and proposals to all its customers, and Using the DL Pad
since its founding has been working to practice its The Total Life Plan is capable of simulating the
management philosophy of Customer First. various risks that could arise in the future according
In Japan, the business environment surrounding to each customer’s life stage, taking into account
the life insurance industry is expected to continue to customers’ future income status and expenditures,
change, reflecting the agings of the population and including the public pension payments they will
the falling birth rate, change in customer needs and receive. Customers can consider their future life
life cycles, and intensified competition. planning in an enjoyable way on the screen, which
To continue to be the insurance company that employs many colorful animations, as if they were
customers choose and to keep growing in this playing a game.
environment, the Company aims to strengthen its
contact points with customers throughout their
lifetimes, from contract to the maturity of policies Provision of Consultation Services by
and payment. We will achieve this by leveraging Total Life Plan Designers
all the Group’s resources centered on our Total At Dai-ichi, over 40,000 Total Life Plan Designers
Life Plan Designers (sales representatives), not (sales representatives) provide face-to-face
only regarding its customers as policyholders and consultations and services to policyholders based
the insured, but also seeing them along with their on their individual total life plans.
beneficiaries and families. From this standpoint, To assist customers in all settings over the
we will deliver products, services, and proposals course of their contract cycles, including at the
tailored to their lifestyles. time of contract, during the policy, when paying
We will continue to stand by the side of our insurance proceeds, and when the policy matures,
customers for life by communicating, cementing, Total Life Plan Designers have established trust
and expanding the concept of Passing On Peace Of with customers. They offer advice on Dai-ichi’s
Mind into the future and mobilizing all the available products, as well as a wide range of information
resources of the Group. and services related to social security, taxes, health,
medical services and nursing care, and provide
consistent, high-quality consulting services suited to
customers’ lifestyles.

Image of the information Image of the DL Pad display

56 The Dai-ichi Life Insurance Company, Limited

The role of life insurance is to provide customers our subsidiary that specializes in providing products
with tangible peace of mind to protect their to financial institutions, has also been offering
treasured belongings and precious lives and savings-type products, such as individual annuity

Dai-ichi’s Management Philosophy

By Your Side, for Life:
loved ones. Dai-ichi will continue communicating annuities, to agents at financial institutions since
the concept of Passing On Peace Of Mind to its fiscal 2007.
customers and their families based on the sense of Dai-ichi will continue to provide products and
duty that the mission of Total Life Plan Designers is services to meet our customers’ needs, making
to stand by the side of our customers for life, to put maximum use of the comprehensive strength of the
themselves in customers’ shoes, and be sensitive to Dai-ichi Life Group.
their feelings and sentiments.

Provision of Consultation Services by

Financial Planners (FPs)
Specialist knowledge about products and tax is
required in proposing life insurance to customers.
To promptly and accurately respond to the
diversified requests of customers, Dai-ichi deploys
approximately 480 financial planners (FPs)
nationwide. Counter at an agent of Sompo Japan
In principle, Dai-ichi FPs possess qualifications
such as a Certified Skilled Worker of Financial
Planning, a national accreditation, or CFP or AFP Internet Consulting
certifications provided by the Japan Association for Dai-ichi has developed a Life Design Cyber
Financial Planners. Shop on its website so that customers can easily
Aiming to improve customer satisfaction, FPs are ask questions about insurance estimates and
engaged in a wide range of activities nationwide, other matters. Dai-ichi FPs offer comprehensive
including proposals such as: structuring a corporate consultation services, including preparations
welfare system using life insurance products to local for various kinds of insurance in accordance
small and medium-size enterprises, and explaining with customers’ objectives, and provision of
the effective use of life insurance based on their consultations and advice via e-mail, telephone,
extensive knowledge of tax. Dai-ichi has 5,645 and even face-to-face. Dai-ichi also provides
employees holding qualifications as a 2nd Grade individual customers with a wide range of private
Certified Skilled Worker of Financial Planning and/ consultations regarding post-retirement financing
or AFP including 359 1st Grade Certified Skilled plans, inheritance planning, and other topics.
Workers of Financial Planning, or CFPs (at the end
of March 2013).

Initiatives for the Agent Channel

From the standpoint of further improving
customer convenience and responding to
increasingly diversified customer needs, Dai-ichi
embarked on a full-scale initiative for our agent
channel in fiscal 2000. Since then, we have been
bolstering our efforts by improving the organizations
and staff involved in our agent channel.
Specifically, in fiscal 2001 we began selling our
products through the professional agents of Sompo
Japan, our business partner, in order to provide total
insurance services, including both life and non-life
insurance products. Dai-ichi Frontier Life Insurance,

The Dai-ichi Life Insurance Company, Limited 57

Call Centers and to centralize names under the easy-to-
understand name ‘Insurance Shops,’ these counters
■ Dai-ichi Life Call Center were designed to raise customer awareness that
Dai-ichi’s Management Philosophy
By Your Side, for Life:

Dai-ichi Life Call Center handles administrative along with taking care of insurance procedures,
procedures and inquiries from customers across they can also receive consultations and information
the country. It has introduced the latest call there.
center systems in an effort to more quickly and Along with providing roadside offices, Dai-ichi
appropriately meet customer demands. It has Life Insurance Shops have also been established
also established call centers in Tokyo, Osaka and close to terminal stations and inside shopping
Sapporo to reliably handle calls even during large- centers, for increased customer convenience. In
scale disasters. March and April 2013, we opened the following
As approximately 1.27 million cases were three shops: the Kasukabe Office, the Machida
handled in fiscal 2012, a large number of Station-Front Office, and the Higashi Kurume
customers use these call centers. The call centers Office. Currently, 32 out of the 82 Dai-ichi Life
receive customer feedback and requests, and Insurance Shops have extended business hours in
this information is shared inside the Company to the evenings on weekdays and on weekends, and
improve our services and business processes. we have received a number of favorable comments
from the customers who have visited them, such as,
“It was good to be able to visit the office at my own
convenience” and “It was nice to be able to consult
them about a number of things.” We aim to continue
to improve our services at consulting counters so
that customers can easily talk to us at the time and
place most convenient for them.

Call Center

■ Communication Desk
The Communication Desk endeavors to improve
customer service by confirming policy details
and providing the latest information on products,
services, and campaigns. Depending on the details
of the policy and the situation, the Communication
Desk can also provide more useful information for Courteous consulting services from
a customer perspective
customers by calling them directly.

Nationwide Consulting Counters

(Dai-ichi Life Insurance Shops, etc.)

■ Enhanced Services at Consulting

The Company’s consulting counters were
standardized in October 2012 by naming both
‘Total Life Plan Parks,’ the offices that are directly
managed by the head office, and the counters
at branch offices across the country ‘Dai-ichi
Life Insurance Shops.’ In preparation to provide The Ikebukuro Station Front Office
consistent consulting services across the country for the Dai-ichi Life Insurance Shop

58 The Dai-ichi Life Insurance Company, Limited

Payment of Insurance Claims and Insurance claims and benefits paid in fiscal 2012
Benefits Death, disability and specified disease

Dai-ichi’s Management Philosophy

By Your Side, for Life:
insurance claims, etc.)
Status of the Payment of Insurance
Claims and Benefits
The Company is endeavoring to handle insurance
¥439.6 billion
(94.6% year-on-year)
procedures from a customer-based perspective,
and to make accurate and equitable payments
by ensuring that all its officers and employees
Hospital expenses and surgical insurance
understand that the role of insurance is fulfilled
benefits, etc.
at the very moment that customers receive their
insurance claims and benefits.
In fiscal 2012, our customers received a total
¥123.3 billion
of ¥1,822.8 billion, including claims and benefits (102.2% year-on-year)
for death and hospitalization as well as maturity
Maturity proceeds, living benefits, and
annuities, etc.

¥1,259.8 billion
(107.0% year-on-year)

Total: ¥1,822.8 billion

(103.4% year-on-year)

[Status of Claims and Benefit Payments in FY2012]

Total Claims for death, disability and Benefits for hospital expenses
specified disease insurance , etc. and surgical insurance, etc.
Number of cases in which
1,017,381 80,482 936,899
payments were made
Number of cases in which
36,335 3,495 32,840
payments were not made
Cases that don’t meet
34,674 3,005 31,669
payment requirements
Cancellations due to violations
1,044 102 942
of the duty to disclose
Cases that fall under immunity
597 387 210
Other 20 1 19
* These figures do not include maturity proceeds and living benefits, etc.
[Cases that don’t meet payment requirements]
These are cases that don’t meet the payment requirements prescribed in our policy provisions, such as cases that aren’t
eligible for surgery, or the onset of diseases before the policy went into effect.
[Cancellations due to violations of the duty to disclose]
If the policyholder or the insured does not disclose important facts that must be declared when subscribing to the policy,
either intentionally or through gross negligence, the insurance policy will be cancelled. If a refund is due based on calculations
at the time of cancellation, this will be paid.
[Cases that fall under immunity grounds]
If there is a case that constitutes grounds for immunity under the policy provisions, such as the insured committing suicide
within the specified period of time or the policyholder or insured, either intentionally or through gross negligence, having an
accident, insurance claims and benefits will not be paid.

The Dai-ichi Life Insurance Company, Limited 59

Improved Explanations Regarding Customer-Oriented Assistance with
the Payment of Insurance Claims and Insurance Procedures
Dai-ichi’s Management Philosophy
By Your Side, for Life:

For any inquiries pertaining to the content of ■ Accurate and courteous guidance upon
insurance claims and benefits, the Company will request
explain the details in a courteous and easy-to- At the Dai-ichi Life Call Center, persons in charge
understand manner through a dedicated dial-up with specialized knowledge will directly respond
(toll-free) number. to customer inquiries regarding insurance claims
In the event that customers aren’t eligible to and benefits, providing accurate and courteous
receive insurance claims and benefits or, if they are guidance to their questions.
unclear about any points, they can consult with the
‘Payment Inquiry Counter.’ Specialized persons
in charge in the payment department can directly
provide them with an explanation.
If customers aren’t satisfied with the explanation,
they can go to the ‘Dispute Counter’ (a different
department from the payment department), use the
‘Outside Lawyer Consultation System,’ or go before
the ‘Payment Examination Committee’ (a third-party

[Status of Utilization of Dispute Counters, etc.]

FY2011 FY2012 ■ Facilitating insurance requests
Instead of having to submit a medical certificate,
Dispute Counter 254 cases 202 cases
we have created other ways for customers to
Outside Lawyer request insurance claims and benefits, such as
8 cases 6 cases
Consultation System customers submitting reports that they can fill out
Payment Examination themselves and copies of receipts.
3 cases 6 cases
Committee If customers are unfortunately unable to receive
insurance claims and benefits, even though they
have attached the prescribed medical certificate,
for instance if the payment requirements haven’t
been met, we will handle the situation by paying
an amount equivalent to the cost of obtaining the
medical certificate (¥5,000 across the board).

■ Making requests more convenient

Requests for insurance claims, etc. are handled
by Total Life Plan Designers and at Dai-ichi Life
Insurance Shops.
For those customers who are usually out during
the day or who live far away, we can send claims
documents directly from the head office. Customers
can then return the prepared documents in a
dedicated envelope.

60 The Dai-ichi Life Insurance Company, Limited

■ Initiatives for customers to receive their Information Systems to Support
insurance claims and benefits faster Customer Services
The Company created the ‘Insurance Proceeds

Dai-ichi’s Management Philosophy

By Your Side, for Life:
Quick Reception Service’ in April 2013 so that
■ The development and introduction of the
customers can receive death proceeds more quickly
DL Pad, a tablet computer for sales and
in case they urgently need to pay funeral expenses,
business use
etc. when their loved one has passed away.
In August 2012, we introduced the DL Pad, a
In this service, we will deposit the total amount of
tablet computer mainly for sales and business use,
the death proceeds that meet requirements to the
to approximately 40,000 Total Life Plan Designers
customer’s account on
(sales representatives) to enhance their consulting
the business day after
the day they request
The DL Pad is equipped with high-speed
the death proceeds.
communications and is a highly portable LCD tablet
Also, to further
to allow users to quickly make proposals and handle
accelerate the process
procedures for customers. We have also installed
for receiving insurance
the most advanced security system to protect
claims and benefits,
important customer information.
in November 2012 we
When consulting with customers, we can design
introduced the new
the best insurance plan together with customers,
Payment Assessment
and customers can confirm the content of their
Workflow System for
benefits in detail. In addition, the DL Pad allows
Insurance Claims and
us to explain a wide variety of information through
Benefits (see page 62
illustrations and video comments, including
for details).
information on health, medical services, and the
social security system, as well as the process to
■ Providing information when customers
ensure the receipt of services and insurance claims
receive insurance claims and benefits and benefits after enrollment. In this way, we are
We also provide information on the social working to improve our consulting services through
security and tax systems customers wish to know, two-way communications with our customers. The
such as information about survivor pensions and DL Pad also has the function of supporting the
inheritance, as well as high-cost illness insurance learning and activities of Total Life Plan Designers
and the medical expenses deduction when medical to improve their consulting capabilities and provide
expenses are incurred. all our customers with consistent, high-quality
consulting services.
We will continue to strive to assist our customers
as their lifelong partner by further improving the
quality of our services and our business efficiency,
such as by installing computerized processes and
settlement functions.

The DL Pad

The Dai-ichi Life Insurance Company, Limited 61

■ Upgrade of the Payment Assessment International Insurance Business
Workflow System for Insurance Claims
and Benefits Services for International Companies
Dai-ichi’s Management Philosophy
By Your Side, for Life:

In November 2012, we upgraded our Payment Operating in Japan

Assessment Workflow System for Insurance Claims Dai-ichi provides comprehensive welfare
and Benefits, which plays a central role in paying services to international companies operating in
insurance proceeds. The new system has tripled the Japan through its International Corporate Relations
rate at which we can take in and process payment Department. We have concluded transactions with
information, such as medical certificates. This was more than 500 international companies in terms of
made possible by upgrading the operating system, corporate insurance alone.
equipped with new functions that enable us to The services we provide to international
significantly improve administrative efficiency, while companies cover a broad array of products. These
retaining the usability of the old system. This has include planning bereaved families’ compensation
substantially shortened the time for turning over through group insurance, planning corporate
payment information to the assessment department. pension plans and proposals for the management
Also, the additional function of visualizing the of corporate pension plan assets, and consulting
process has enabled us to determine the number on introducing defined contribution pension.
of cases in each workflow process in real-time and Moreover, our business alliance with Sompo Japan
to manage the overall process. We will continue has enabled Dai-ichi to provide non-life insurance
striving to provide better-quality products and products, including disability income replacement
services by further improving our business efficiency insurance and accident insurance.
and productivity. As a representative of Japanese insurance
companies, Dai-ichi has become a member of the
International Group Program (IGP), the international
group insurance network created at the initiative
of John Hancock Life Insurance Company, a major
U.S. insurer. In principle, one representative life

Timeline for System-Related Investments

1989 l “Pascal-Kun,” a portable sales terminal (first generation), introduced
1991 l Online facsimile image system created
1992 l New corporate pension actuary system begins operations
1994 l “Second-Generation Pascal-Kun,” a portable sales terminal introduced
1997 l “New Information Network Plan” established
1998 l “New Generation Ordinary Insurance System” begins operations
1999 l “Navit,” a portable sales terminal (third generation), introduced
l Dai-ichi Life Information Systems Co. Ltd., an IT strategy subsidiary, established
2001 l “Customer Database” begins operations
2003 l “New Call Center System” established
2004 l Payment of insurance claims and benefits using a multi-payment network begins
2005 l “eNavit,” a portable sales PC (fourth generation), introduced
2007 l “Payment Information Integration System,” to pay insurance claims and benefits accurately without
omissions, established
2008 l “Mobatan,” a mobile settlement terminal, introduced
l “Company-wide IP Telephone Network” begins operations
2010 l Server virtualization technology introduced
2012 l The “DL Pad,” a tablet computer for sales and business (fifth generation), introduced
l “Payment Assessment Workflow System for Insurance Claims and Benefits” upgraded to respond to
customers more quickly

62 The Dai-ichi Life Insurance Company, Limited

insurance company for each country or region Overseas Reinsurance
becomes a member of the IGP. Currently, insurance Associated with the development of its overseas
companies in more than 70 countries and regions businesses in recent years, Dai-ichi underwrites

Dai-ichi’s Management Philosophy

By Your Side, for Life:
have become members and have formed an reinsurance for overseas life insurance companies,
international group insurance network that spans including reinsurance for its overseas subsidiaries
the globe. and affiliated companies. The Company is engaged
Our group insurance business takes advantage of in the reinsurance business, including reinsurance
the IGP system, in which global member companies for the group insurance of Japanese companies
cooperate to provide support for multinational overseas and the reinsurance of individual
companies. Over 830 companies have joined the insurance, with 22 companies in 12 countries and
IGP worldwide. regions centering on Asia and Oceania.

Group reinsurance agreements by

Group Insurance Consulting country and region (As of March 31, 2013)
To support the overseas expansion and U.K. AXA PPP healthcare Apr. 1994
operations of Japanese companies, Dai-ichi Czech Republic Cooperativa Mar. 2009
manages a group reinsurance business through France Quatrem June 1991
which it introduces Japanese companies to Singapore AVIVA Dec. 1988
Dai-ichi’s partner insurance companies in countries
Thailand Ocean Life July 2006
and regions that have concluded a reinsurance
Muang Thai Life Mar. 1994
agreement. Dai-ichi also provides group insurance
China Ping An Life Insurance June 2010
services to Japanese companies through its partner
Hong Kong Pacific Century Oct. 1997
insurance companies. At present, Dai-ichi has 14
partner insurance companies and has underwritten AXA China Region Mar. 1987
353 reinsurance policies (as at the end of March Taiwan Shin Kong Life June 2006
2013). Malaysia ING July 1994
To improve services provided by our partner Philippines First Life Feb. 1997
insurance companies, we dispatch staff to provide Australia AMP Jan. 1988
support in the form of sophisticated services that TAL Life Oct. 2009
meet the needs of customers. * Months and years in which agreements were concluded
We are also working to enhance the welfare
services for Japanese companies operating
overseas through the IGP system described above.

■ Reinsurance
Reinsurance is a type of insurance in which
another insurance company (a reinsurer) assumes
all or part of the responsibility of an insurance
company (the direct insurer) that has underwritten
the insurance for a policyholder, and must pay
insurance proceeds to the policyholder in the event
that an accident occurs. The group reinsurance
business mentioned here is a scheme in which a
Japanese company purchases an insurance product
from an overseas insurance company, and the
Company assumes part of the responsibility of the
overseas insurance company to pay the insurance
proceeds, and receives a reinsurance premium
depending on its obligation.

Premium Reinsurance premium Insurance

Policyholders company company
Insurance proceeds (Direct insurer) Reinsurance claims (Reinsurer)
(Original insurance) (Reinsurance)

The Dai-ichi Life Insurance Company, Limited 63

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