Auto Zone

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The document discusses AutoZone's financial performance over the past 5 years and analyzes the impact of its share repurchase program.

The stock price has done extremely well compared to the S&P 500 over the past five years. Financial metrics like ROIC, net sales, and gross profit have also increased.

A stock repurchase reduces the number of shares outstanding, enhancing earnings per share. It also reduces equity. AutoZone has seen significant reduction in shares and equity due to consistent repurchases.

1. How has AutoZone’s stock price performed over the previous five years?

What other
financial measures can you cite that are consistent with the stock price performance? You
are the CFO. Prepare a report to be given to the Board of Directors discussing this.
- The stock price has done extremely well compared to the S&P 500 over the past five
- ROIC has become attractive over the years.
- Net sales have increased
- Gross profit has increased
- There was an economic downturn (2007 – Present)
- Capital Expenditure has been higher than DA

2. How does a stock repurchase work? Why would a company use this tactic? What
impact does it have on: EPS? ROIC?
· Assume that you are the CFO explaining these concepts to the Board of Directors.
Other members of the class will take on the role of directors and ask relevant questions.
- Share repurchase program affects EPS
- When a company repurchases its own shares, it enhanced earnings per share by
reducing the shares outstanding, and it also served to reduce the book value of
shareholder’s equity.
- Autozone’s consistent use of share repurchases had resulted in a significant
reduction of both the shares outstanding and equity capital.
- ROIC is not affected by share repurchase ROIC = NOPAT/Invested Capital
- Autozone’s invested capital had remained fairly constant since 2007, which,
combined with increased earnings, created attractive ROIC levels. Exhibit 9
shows the positive correlation between ROIC and the share repurchase program.
3. How much of AutoZone’s stock price performance should we attribute to the share
repurchase program?
· Assume that you are the CFO giving your report on this subject to the Board of
Directors. Other members of the class will take on the role of directors and ask relevant
- Although the price of shares has been positively impacted by the share repurchase
program, the stock price has increased thanks to the performance of the company.
- We can see the good use of invested capital through the attractive ROIC
- The has been growing both top and bottom lines and is suited to grow during this
economic downturn. When looking at the CFS we can see that cash from
operations has grown year over year since 2011.
- It would be interesting to see how comps have been doing and if they have a share
repurchase program.

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4. Assume that AutoZone is planning to stop its share repurchase program. What would
be the best alternative use of those cash flows? Why?
- The company has several options if it decides to stop the share repurchase.
1) Dividends
a) Dividends are considered to be “sticky” in the sense that the market will
expect these to be consistent. This can be viewed by investors as a positive
or negative depending on the situation. It can either mean the company
doesn’t see anything worth investing in or that they are no longer growing
and are unsure of how to spend excess cash.
2) Reinvest in the company operations
a) Autozone could consider using its operating cash flow to increase the
number of new stores it opens each year. Additionally, this would
continue to grow the CFO over the long haul if done correctly.
3) M&A
a) This could swiftly increase revenue would be for Autozone to acquire
other auto-parts retail stores. This could send a positive message to the
market by showing they are still growing. Plus, this would continue to
grow the CFO over the long haul if done correctly.
4) Pay down debt
a) The company could use the funds to pay down the debt that has been taken
on in order to subsidize part of the share repurchase. However, with a
negative book-equity position and such a large debt position, it might be
dangerous to add more debt.
5) Recommendation
a) We recommend the company do a combination of the options mentioned
above. It should reinvest in the company operations, do any reasonable
M&A, and pay down its debt. We think this would show a positive
message that they are still trying to grow. Paying down debt would afford
them flexibility in the future should they want to pursue any M&A in the
future or have to raise unexpected debt.

5. What should Johnson do about his holdings of AutoZone shares?

- Johnson should hold onto his investment in AutoZone shares as AutoZone seems to be
outperforming the market. The stock price does not seem to be heavily impacted by the
share repurchase program. The company’s growth in stock price seems to be the result of
the good performance of the company rather than the management of earning. For
example, the net cash provided by operating activities seems to be growing each year.
There has been a growth of about 25% in net operating cash flows from 2007 to 2011
while ending cash seems to be about the same throughout the end of each period. If for
some reason, the economy does become worse, the company’s current ratio is about 1.
This means their liquidity is quite high in case they require cash quickly. Their inventory

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turnover ratio also seems to be fairly stable even though the economy is going downhill.
Due to the points above, the performance of the company seems to be fairly stable and
Johnson should hold his investment in AutoZone.

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