Computer System and Application Sem 6

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1 Yahoo is a ________ Portal E-tailer Transaction Broker E-Commerce 1
which term describes the percentage of people who visit a website and buy
2 something Affilates Click-through Spam Conversion Rate 1
The sender and the receiver will have the same key in______Key encryption
3 Symmetric Asymmetric Public Private 1
The full form of SSL in E-commerce is ______
4 Secure Socket Layer Secure Socket Locket Secure Share Layer Secure Socket Loop 1
5 The most commonly used form of payment in E-Commerce is Credit Card PayPal Petro Card Digital Cash 1
6 E-tailer module is ________ revenue Model Sales Subscription Advertising Affiliate 1
7 In public key encryption _______ keys are used Public and Private Only Public Only Private Session 1
8 ______ allows you paperless transaction EDI Electronic Market E-Commerce Internet Commerce 1
When referring to a cell in another worksheet(same workbook),the sheet
Absolute, relative relative, Absolute mixed, absolute relative, mixed 1
reference is always _______,while the cell reference may be_____
If cell A3 contains 10 and cell A4 contains 15, then what is the return value of
TRUE FALSE 25 -5 1
10 the formula =AND(A3 >9, A4 < 20)?
If cell A3 contains 10 and cell A4 contains 15, then what is the return value of
TRUE FALSE 25 -5 1
11 the formula =OR(A3 >9,A4 < 5)?
If cell A3 is named PassMks and contains the value 40, cell A4 contains the
Pass Fail Error ATKT 1
number 76, what is the value of expression =IF(A4 >=PassMks,”Pass”,”Fail”)?
Which of the following function(s) can be used to find a character starting from
=RIGHT() either LEFT() or MID() =MID() MID VALUE(0) 1
13 the end of a string argument?
14 Values used with a function are called: Arguments Parameters Variables Variartion 1

VLOOKUP(lookup_valu VLOOKUP(column_nu VLOOKUP(range_look
e or
The Syntax of the VLOOKUP function is e or key_value , mber, lookup_value or up, column_number, 1
range_lookup, key_value, lookup_value or
column_number) range_lookup) key_value)
15 range_lookup)

LOOKUP(lookup_value LOOKUP(lookup_range LOOKUP(lookup_value

The Syntax of the LOOKUP function is LOOKUP(lookup_value 1
, lookup_range, , lookup_value, , result_range ,
, lookup_range, result)
16 result_range) result_range) lookup_range)
Select the sheet ,then Select the sheet ,then
Which of the following action removes a sheet from workbook? choose Edit >> Delete choose Format >>
select the column and select the row and
Sheet Sheet >>Hide
17 then press enter press tab 1
A ---------- is a special prewritten formula that takes a value or values ,performs
function argument values
18 an operation ,and returns a value or values. Logic 1
The return value of the OR() function is True only if at least one condition or
true false integer
19 argument in the OR() function is ------------- Always false 1

COUNTIF(range,criteri COUNTIF(criteria,rang SUMIF(criteria,range,s

20 What is the syntax of COUNTIF function e) um_range) averageif(sumif) 1
MS-Excel is based on………… DOS UNIX OS 2.0 1
22 What will be the output for =MID("COMPUTER",3,2)? MP ER OM CO 1
23 COUNTBLANK() counts the number of cells that are _____. empty not empty with range with argument 1
24 What can create new charts as well as modify existing charts? chart wizard data maker data point embedded charts 1
A tool that works backwords from a desired result to find the unknown value
25 that produces the desired result is called ____. Goal seek Macro Data table Scenarios 1

26 What is added to a chart that makes it easier to view and evaluate data? gridlines legend data series value axis 1
27 Where is the Scenario Manager available in Excel? Data Tab Home Tab Formulas Tab View Tab 1
28 The default property for a text box control is__________ Text Enable multiline password char 1
29 The three main logical operators are____,_____and ______. And,or,Not And,Not,if or,Not,if False,And,True 1
30 In visual basic a variable name cannot be more than______characters. 255 300 355 400 1
Which of the following arithmetic operations has the highest level of ^ exponentiation () <> {} 1
31 precedence?
An underscore An ampersand Ctrl+Enter A space followed by an 1
character character underscroe character
32 To continue a long statement on another line use:_________
33 What type of items are valid for use in the value list of a case clause? literals arithmetic error exit 1
34 The default property for a text box control is__________ text enable multiline password char 1
______function returns the itervals between two dates in terms of
35 years,months or days. DateDiff () Dateln () Datefix () DiDate () 1
36 Which is not a property of the common control class? Show Font Backcolor Forecolor 1
Multiple document Multiple Design Mainpulated
37 MDI stands for_________ Interface Interface Document Interface Menu Design Interface 1

38 ________do not return a value. Sub procedure Function procedure Property Procedures Public Constants 1
From_Mouse Down () procedure is executed when any mouse button is clicked
form windoow screen error 1
39 in a free area of the__________.
40 The_______function returns a string stored in a variant data type. chr. str. char. var. 1

41 ________control is used to represent the items in a hierarchical manner. Tree view Grid View Progress bar Exit view 1
42 ________event occurs when a form loaded into the memory. load Activate Initialize Setfocus 1
43 In SSL _________ key is used for encryption Public Private Session Limited 2
44 The full form of HTTP in E-Commerce is Hyper Text Transfer ________ Paper Protocol Power Place 2
45 In SSL Ecommerce key is used for __________ EDI Encryption E-Business E market 2
Secure Electronic Secure Electronic Secure Electronic
the full form of SET in E-Commerce is :
46 Secure Electronic Tax Transaction Territory Tunnel 2
It’s a convention that all sites that use SSL connection while making a secure
47 connection,use ___ instead of HTTP SMTP HTTPS FTP TCP/IP 2
48 _______ is virtual representation of physical market EDI ELEctronic Market E-Commerce Internet Commerce 2
PayPal is an example of___________
49 Digital Cash Online Stored Value Credit Card Credit Server 2
Identify the identity of a persion on entity with whom you are dealing on
50 Internet is known as _____ Integrity Authencity Authorisation Validity 2
51 SSL can be used only with ________ FTP HTTP POP SMTP 2
52 In public key encryption _______ keys used for Decryption Receiver's Public Receiver's Private Sender's Public Sender's Private 2
When messagge & data are available only to those who are authrised to view
53 them is known as ______ Integrity Confidentiality Authencity Privacy 2
54 Excel templates have the file name extension .temp .xltx .xtemp .xls 2
Which of the following function(s) can be used to find a character starting from
=LEFT() either LEFT() or MID() =MID() =MID(0) 2
55 the starting of a string argument?
A ------ is a predesigned worksheet that you can use to create new worksheets
Option Template layout workbook 2
56 with the same formatting and predefined formulae.
Provides a quick way
to view the result of Automatically creates
can only add values in
The auto calculate feature an arithmetic formulas and adds a and c. 2
a range of cells
operation on a range them to a worksheet
of cells.
Word processing Communication S/W
Microsoft Excel is a Powerful______ Spreadsheet package
58 package package DBMS package 2
Statistical calculations and preparation of tables and graphs can be done using  Adobe Photoshop  Excel  Notepad
59 power point 2
60 The ____ feature of MS Excel quickly completes a series of data Auto Complete. Auto fill Fill Handle sorting 2
The term _______refers to the process of creating formulas that use values
Sorting linking worksheet
61 contained in another workbook. operators 2
AND(),OR(),NOT(),TRUE(),FALSE(),IF() and IFERROR() are the logical functions conditional functions
62 functions argument Functions 2
external reference dependent workbook linking workbook
63 -------- is a workbook that contains links to another workbook. range 2
Multiple calculations can be made in a single formula using………… Formulas Standard Array complex
64 Smart 2
The Syntax of the IF function is IF(logical_test,value_if IF(logical_test,value_if stmt,value_if_true,val
_true) _true,value_if_false). ue_if_false).
65 T) 2
The values that we supply to the function,within parentheses,are called the : parentheses function argument function
66 no argument 2
67 To find the number of characters in a string we use ______ COUNT() LEN() LENGTH() SUM() 2
68 We can add Constarints while using_______command Goal seek Solver Scenario Manager Data table 2
69 Excel treats Date and Time as ______. string number operator formula 2
70 The function NOW returns ______. date date and time time day 2
71 The function DAY returns the day of the month for a date as a _____. text number name value in year 2
72 SMALL(array, k) returns the kth ______. value smallest value largest value next value 2
73 The ____ function gives correlation between two sets of values. LARGE() CORREL() COUNTA() COUNTBLANK() 2
In a range cosisting of 10 numbers, which of these formula will return the
74 largest number? SMALL(A1:A10, 1) SMALL(A1:A10, 10) SMALL(1, A1:A10) SMALL(10, A1:A10) 2
Which of the following is a What IF analysis tool that is an add-on product
75 which is not automatically installed into Excel? Goal seek Solver Data table Scenarios 2
76 Graphs can be created only through _____ . Data Tab Insert Tab Formulas Tab View Tab 2
You can store different sets of input values for any number of variables and give
77 a name to each set. This can be done using _______. Data table Scenarios Solver Goal seek 2
78 To store a macro, Excel provides _____ options. 2 3 1 4 2
load show display screen 2
79 The method, which loads the form into memory and displays it on screen
Rtrim Ltrim Trim Strim 2
80 _______fuction is used to return a copy of a string without leading spaces.
81 ________indicates whether a particular condition is on or off. Text box Check box List box Combo box 2
82 The_______ is a tool used for both the input and output purpose. label text box combo box command button 2
83 Which symbol creates an access key in the text of menu iteam? @ & $ # 2
84 Visual basic responds to events using which of the following________ A code procedure An event procedure A from procedure A property 2
They make it possible
They break a complex
they make a program They can be reused for a team of people
Which of the following is not a reason for using procedures? problem down into 2
run faster easily to work together on a
smaller pieces
single program
The window in which the individual documents are displayed is
86 called_______window. main child parent root 2
_______displays current directory with any subdirectories and allows the user
FileListBox DirListBox DriveListBox FileBox 2
87 to change directory.

88 _________method is used to retrieve the stored text from the clipboard. Input Gettext Addtext Settext 2
89 The full form of P2P in E-Commerce is Person to person Peer to Person Peer to Peer Person to Peer 3
in _____ E-commerce one business makes deals with another business
90 C2B C2C B2B B2C 3
A computer to computer exchange of business transaction is called _______
91 E-business Super Market EDI E-market 3
92 SET ensures Authentication Non-repudiation Both 1 & 2 Device 3
The full form of B2C in E-Commerce is
93 Business to Care Business to Case Business to Consumer Business to Core 3
94 The technology behind M-Commerce is based on ________ HTTP HTTPS WAP POP 3
95 In SSL encryption is done using ______ key Public Private Session Symmetric 3
96 ______ is an online retail store Portal Service Provider E-Tailer Content Provider 3
97 In _____ encryption is performed with session key Public Key Private Key SSL SET 3
98 In public key encryption ____ keys used for encryption Receiver's Public Receiver's Private Sender's Public Sender's Private 3
99 A selection consisting of two or more cells on a worksheet is called Area Unit Range Name 3
=<2008 ={2008 =[2008 =[2008
Which of the following is a valid external reference formula? Forecast>fourth Forecast}fourth Forecast]fourth Forecast]!fourth 3
100 Quarter!$D$8 Quarter!$D$8 Quarter!$D$8 Quarter!$D$8
=COUNTIF(criteria, =COUNTIF(list_range,
Which of the following is the correct syntax for the COUNTIF function? =COUNTIF(criteria,fiel =COUNTIF(field_range 3
field_name, list_range) field_name,
d_range) , criteri
101 criteria_range)
Which formula can add the all the numeric values in a range of cells, ignoring
those which are not numeric, and place the result in a different cell?
   It determines the It determines the It determines the It determines the
What is the purpose of the COUNT() function? number of cells in a number of empty cells number of number of number of columns in 3
range. in a range. filled cells in a range. a range.
To return the remainder after a number is divided by a divisor in EXCEL we use ROUND()
104 the function FACT() MOD() DIV 3
Command used for
 A range of values
A worksheet range is a data modelling   A group of cells
such as from 23 to 234
105 a group of worksheets 3
The term ____means a reference to a cell or a range in the another workbook. template worksheet external reference
106 Factsheet 3

=[workbookName]She =[workbookName]She !worksheetname=celln
107 The general syntax for an external reference formula is etName!Cellnumber. etName!Celladdress o 3
The values that a function produces after computation ,are called the ------------- values function return values
108 logic function 3
109 With Text Filters ________ Operation is not allowed begins with ends with above average contains 3
hh:mm AM/PM (12 hh:mm AM/PM (24
110 The function TIME returns the time in _____ format for given time. AM/PM hh:mm hrs) hrs) 3
111 The time 1.00 AM is the output of the function ____. TIME(1,0,0) TIME(23,0,0) TIME(25,0,0) TIME(24,1,0) 3

112 Hiding all rows except those that satisfy a particular condition is called ___. arranging data sorting data filtering data classifying data 3
If we want a macro be available in all workbooks, it should be stored using Personal Macro Public Macro
113 which of these options? This Workbook New Workbook Workbook Workbook 3
A group of related data points plotted in a chart that originates from rows or
114 columns on a single worksheet is called ____. gridlines legend data series value axis 3
Suppose the data exists for the production of Products A, B and C and total
production. With the available constriants, you want to maximise the profit.
115 Which tool will you use? Data table Scenarios Solver Goal seek 3
Clock Frame Timer Digital 3
116 ________control executes the timer events at specified intervals of time.
The_______allows direct exit from a for loop,do loop,sub procedure or function break exit exit for exit do 3
117 procedure
What property of controls tells the order they receive the focus when the tab Focus order Focus number Tab index Control order 3
118 key is pressed during run time?
a mathematical A tempo for classical a logical sequence of a tool that design 3
formula that solves a music played in a code steps that solve a computer programs &
An algorithm is defined as______________.
problem problem draws the user
119 interface
The code in an application can be broken into logical components
120 by_______process. modular Procedural Partitioning Display 3
121 _______is the process of finding & removing errors. checking compiling debugging quick watch 3

122 _______is used for finding out about objects,properties and methods Form layout window code editor window object browser real time 3
________cntron displays current directory with any sub directories and allows
Filelist box Drive list box Directory list box Store list box 3
123 the user to change directly.
Electronic Data Electronic Data Electronic Data Electronic Data
EDI stands for
124 Information Interface Inference Interchange 4
125 _________ Is part of E-Commerce B2E C2E B2F B2B 4
126 An SSL does not provide Integrity Data Security Authentication Confidentiality 4
which product people more likely to be comfortable buying on the internet
127 Clothing Food Furniture Every Product 4
128 Google is a ______ Portal E-tailer E-Business Serach Engine 4
The first cell
When you are typing formula in a cell. The first thing that must be entered is parenthesis Quotation marks an equal sign 4
129 referenced
Consider the formula =[MONTHLYINC.xlsx]MONTHINC!$F$5.In this formula, ONTHINC!$F$5 is the 4
the external reference the external reference ONTHINC is the
external reference.
130 external reference
A cell A1 contains the following data: MUMBAI-400020.We want to store the
PINCODE separately in another column, say column B1.Which of the following is    LEFT(A16) RIGHT(A1,6) MID(A1,8,6) Either( or ( 4
131 most appropriate?
A(n) ---------- is tested an IF() function to determine if it is true or false. Option formula index condition 4
format, cells, format, cells,
How do you wrap the text in a cell? format, cells, font format, cells, number 4
133 protection alignment
group of columns
What do you mean by a Workspace? group of Worksheets Group of Rows
134 Group of Workbooks 4
workbooks Worksheets and
worksheets charts
135 An Excel Workbook is a collection of _______ charts 4

The syntax of SUMIF function: SUMIF(sum_range,crit SUMIF(range,sum_ran SUMIF(criteria,range,s SUMIF(range,criteria,s

136 eria,range) ge,criteri um_range) um_range) 4
(lookup_value (table_range, HLOOKUP
The Syntax of the HLOOKUP function is ,table_number,column lookup_value (lookup_value
_number,range_looku ,column_number,rang ,table_range,column_
137 p) e_lookup) number,range_lookup) 4
138 The function TIMEVALUE("6 PM") WILL BE 6 6.00 PM 18:00 0.75 4
In the range A1`:A15 there are 5 cells which are empty. The function
139 COUNTA(A1:A15) will return the value _____ . 15 5 1 10 4

140 Which types of charts can Excel produce? Line graphs only Bar charts only Pie charts only Line, Bar & Pie charts 4
Which tool is used to see what must be the value of a cell to get required
141 result? Formula Auditing Research Track change Goal seek 4

142 Which What-IF analysis tool allows the use of more than two changing cells? Goal seek Macro Data table Scenarios 4
The axis which represents the values of data points that are plotted on a chart
143 is called as _____. gridlines X-Axis category axis value axis 4

To earn interest of Rs. X by depositing an amount of RS. Y @ a% p.a., you want

144 to find number of years of investment. Which tool will you use? Solver Data table Scenarios Goal seek 4
To represent the data showing students name and the marks in three subjects,
145 which chart is used? Line chart Pie chart Bar chart Column chart 4
146 Graphs are edited automatically, if you make changes in the data. Stongly disagree Disagree Agree Strongly agree 4
147 For a Macro, what is not true? Created Deleted Recorded Can not be saved 4
What will be the output of the following statement? $1,234.57 1,234.57 $1,234.57 $1,234.57 4
148 Textbox.text=formatcurrency(1234.567)
______loop repeats a group of statements for each item in a collection of
While loop Do until loop Do while loop For each loop 4
149 objects or for each element of an array.
A______control in visual basic is used to create applications that present
MSGridLine MSLineGrid MSGridFlex MSFlexGrid 4
150 information in rows and columns.

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