Attendance To WRP
Attendance To WRP
Attendance To WRP
1. Screen capture your photo with the WRP Specialist during one of the online sessions
you have attended.
2. Write a three hundred (300) word essay by answering the following guide questions:
A. As an attendee, how did you find the session helpful in building a healthy and active
I find the session helpful in building a healthy and active lifestyle because it
promotes the importance and benefits of dancing in our lives. In the session, I have
learned that dancing is a kind of workout that is accessible and available for everyone.
This is for the reason that dancing is a full-body workout that can be done by people of
any age, gender, size, and shape to live a healthy lifestyle. In addition, dancing is a home-
friendly workout as it does not require any special equipment and a professional fitness
coach. It is a kind of workout that everyone can enjoy even in the comfort of their home.
Aside from its availability and accessibility, dancing provides physical and
psychological benefits that can help to improve the physical and mental health of people.
This helps to improve heart and lungs condition, increase muscular strength, build
endurance, improve balance and coordination, improve blood circulation, and maintain a
healthy weight. On the other hand, dancing helps to reduce stress as well as to improve
mood and attitude because it allows people to express themselves. Moreover, it can also
be a way to improve social skills and to develop self-confidence.
Making dancing a way to build a healthy and active lifestyle is crucial because it
helps to improve the holistic well-being of everyone. Dancing should not only be seen as
a recreation and an artistic expression because it provides people a lot of health benefits
that are essential to reduce their chances of getting diseases.
B. In these times of the so-called "new" normal, what are the practices do you undertake for
the maintenance of your fitness, health, and overall wellness?