Arranged Marriages and Islamic Culture

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Sociology paper #2

Ryan McClain

Introduction to Sociology SOC 1101-192

Mansfield University of Pennsylvania


Arranged Marriages (Introduction)

When one thinks of arranged marriages, one usually thinks of Muslim/Islam and the middle east.

It is not just Muslim/Islam, middle east practice.

Arranged marriages are still prevalent in many cultures around the world, even in the United

States. It is not as uncommon as many people might think, and in quite several societies, it is

expected. I will address these further, including here in the United States, amongst the Amish

and the Mormon communities. By definition, an arranged marriage is a marital union planned by

the two families, most typically by the couple's parents going to be married. Believe it, or not

more than half of the marriages around the world are arranged. It is estimated that over 20

million of those marriages are Today's figures worldwide, so close that dropped jaw! What is

even more interesting is that the divorce rate among arranged marriages is only about 4%,

compared to the rate of 40-50% of non-arranged marriage divorces. This is part in part by the

societal and cultural expectations of arranged marriages of the culture and the religions of those

societies and cultures. When an arranged marriage takes place, it is expected that the couple will

remain married.

Divorce in some cultures and religions is forbidden. If there is a divorce, there is shame and

shunning that takes place, and in some societal cultures, if there are children, the children remain

in the custody of the father and the father's family. For example, in India, over 90% of marriages

are arranged, and the divorce rate is 1%. This is because of their culture and their religious


Today, unlike arranged marriages of the past where the bride did not meet the groom until the

wedding day, arranged marriages Today are a lot more involved.

Today, one or both couples may veto the decision upon meeting their chosen spouse. There is a

lot of freer choice in the matter. That may or may not have an impact on the divorce rate.

It is more common for couples to let their parents "find" their mate, but if the person does not

like the chosen mate, they have the right to say no, mainly here in the U.S. and the west, but only

in some societies in other countries, in other parts of the world.

In other cultures, the old traditions continue in an arranged marriage from other parts of the

world. The woman has no option/choice but to marry the spouse chosen for them.

However, with all arranged marriages, the underlying tone of why divorce rates are so low is that

the women who enter into these marriages believe this is their life's responsibility, marry,

procreate, and serve their husbands' needs. Many also believe that they have no other option:

they are essentially trapped in the marriage, and they do not want to cause any problems. There

are more trends that young people are happy to let their parents look for their mate, and they get

to give the final yes or no. This has the traditional aspect and the modernization of independence.

China is another country where arranged marriages, called blind marriages, occur. Remember the

movie Mulan? The arranged marriage is addressed. Remember the musical Fiddler On The

Roof? Remember the Neil Diamond movie musical, how arranged marriages are addressed.

Arranged marriages were the norm of the societal culture in Russia before the 20th century.

Before the first half of the 20th century, Japanese migrant families in the United States had

arranged marriages. These were called picture-bride marriages.

Even though arranged marriages have decreased in the more prosperous and capitalistic

countries, and societal negativity towards these marriages, and the increase in individualism,

arranged marriages are still the norm in Europe and North America, within the royal families, the

aristocrats, and the minority religious groups.

Sociologists categorize arranged marriages into subgroups. The following three are examples of

these subgroups.

Arranged exogamous marriage A third party finds and picks the bride and groom. Their

social, economic, and cultural group is not considered.

Arranged endogamous marriage A third party finds and picks the bride and groom. They are

chosen from a particular social, economic, and cultural group.

Consanguineous marriage This is a form of and endogamous marriage. The bride and groom

share a grandmother or a near ancestor. The primary example of this is first cousin marriages

second cousin marriages. The most common are first cousin marriages. The following common

is second cousins. The number of first/second cousin marriages is around 25-40% in many parts

of the middle east. The number of consanguineous marriages in North Africa and Central Asia is

around 65-80%.

In the Middle East culture, daughters are valuable as far as marriage goes, ,because it is tradition

the groom and his family must pay cash and property for the right to marry the daughter. This is

called bride wealth. The bride's family always keeps the bride wealth after the marriage. It is

considered income for low-income families. In this situation, the brothers, father, and male

relatives of the bride are the ones doing "arranging her marriage to a man who is willing to pay

the most wealth in exchange for the right to marry her."

Some religions will only recognize marriages within the faith. The most common of these is that

Islam forbids the marriage of girls whose parents are devout followers of the Islam faith to only

marry within the Islamic faith. Islam forbids a Muslim female to marry a non-Muslim male, and

there is severe religious punishment for those who disobey the rule. This happens to be the

motivations of arranged marriages within the Islamic population of Europe and the middle east,

I chose to write on arranged marriages because it affects my life through my mother's family on

her father's side. My grandfather was a Cypriot Turk and was born and raised in Cyprus. He was

born into the Muslim family unit and was raised in the Islamic faith. He had two brothers and

two sisters. It was not until my grandfather immigrated to the United States and became a United

States citizen to change his religion to Catholic. My mother and her sister were raised Catholic,

and as were my brother and me.

However, all of my mother's relatives on her father's side are Muslim and practice Islam. All of

her living relatives born in Cyprus and live in Cyprus are of first and second cousin arranged

marriages. Several of her living relatives but not in the U.K and the United are first and second

cousin marriages, and half of them practice the Islamic faith. Those that do not practice the faith

still marry within the Muslim community because that is how it is done. They may not practice

Islam, they may be more secular in their faith, but the spouse is Muslim. A few of her living

relatives have married outside of the Muslim community. It is not frowned upon because in the

U.K. and the United States, marrying outside of the Muslim community is accepted. The younger

ones, well, we will have to see how they chose their mate, or if their mate is chosen for them

when that time comes. I believe they will remain within their Muslim cultural upbringing.

It took some time for my mother to explain the arranged marriages and the first cousin/second

cousin marriages to me. It took some time to learn about the Muslim culture and their faith. It

was hard to grasp and understand, but I have it down now, and I am ok with it. They are my

family; I love them no matter what religion they follow or cultural traditions. It has been a

valuable learning experience for me to see how another culture and religion lives.

I have learned quite a lot about the Muslim culture, and I admit I was very skeptical because of

the general bias against Muslims in this country.

However, if everyone in our family, I have never seen a more tight-knit group of individuals who

genuinely love and care about each other as her family does. The family is extensive, with many

cousins, and I love that. They are loving and caring people who will give the shirt off their back

for you because you are one of them. They feed you all day long. Food in the Muslim

community and the traditions of the Cypriot Turks is essential. Everything revolves around food.

There are many traditional traditions, such as no shoes in the home. Men usually gather together

to talk and play backgammon while the women are in the kitchen. That is ok too. It is what they

like to do, and the food tastes incredible. There is most definitely respect for the parents and the

elders in the family unit. Although my father became Catholic, many of his traditions never left

him; and my mother grew up with those traditions. She brought those with her to her marriage to

my father, and they have been married 41 years now. The family unit is essential to her, and that

is how I was raised. I am glad to be a part of a different culture than the standard way of life here

in the U.S. I am glad that I have traditions and values from another part of the world with me. I

believe it makes me more adaptable to understanding the different cultures that make up the


Furthermore, I have not seen any form of discord within the arranged marriages of my mother's

family. No one on my grandfather's side has been divorced. All live in complete harmony and are

happy and healthy. This told me arranged marriages could and do work for some cultures and

some societies, and we should not look down on them because it is different from the norm here

in the U.S.

One final thought, our book states there is no dating. In Today's arranged marriage set up in the

United States, at least, a date can and does happen, in some instances.


Scholars and Sociologists say it is race and ethnic relationships. Endogamy stems from the

relationship to the group and the group's boundaries; and the processes in which the boundaries

are maintained. It has to do with the processes of how boundaries are negotiated. According to

sociologists, endogamy is understood as the most critical social mechanism and is done by

forming and reforming racial and ethnic groups. Endogamy, according to our text states it is a

"pattern of marrying someone similar in race, age, education, religious background, and social

class." These aspects of marriage will most likely influence me when I marry, although it will

not be a deciding factor. There is no way these five factors do not enter into the equation to some


Endogamy is a complex social process that is growing. For example, with the marriage of two

partners who are different in their ethnicity but have a similarity in their religion, a marriage

endogamous in one respect may not be so along another dimension. Furthermore, the endogamy

example is when one of the partners is of one religion. The other partner is of another religion;

one of the marriage partners converts to the other's religion, and thus the outsider from the other

is accepted into the new religion. The spouse has thus been incorporated into the "new" religion.

This is what took place with my grandparents on my mother's side.

My grandfather was Catholic, and my grandmother was Baptist. My grandmother took classes to

become Catholic to be married in the Catholic Church, and thus my grandmother was the

outsider coming into the endogamous Catholic group. Thus my mother was raised Catholic. My

father was not raised with any religious affiliation. Thus when my mother and father married, my

father took classes to become Catholic and was welcomed into the Catholic church. This is how

endogamy has affected me socially and culturally.

In societies of late, endogamy is the norm. The most prevalent one is regarding the respect of

boundaries of one's social class and race. We see this every day here in the United States and

around the world. In some parts of the United States, interracial marriages were illegal until the

1960s. Furthermore, even though it is no longer illegal, it is still heavily frowned upon in many

societies. Culture and societal norms can and do dictate how the society as a who runs.

Today interracial marriages are controlled by power and informal segregation of social networks.

Endogamy Marriages

Here are the causes of Endogamy marriages


"Policy of Separation." Some people will not live with others who are "outside" of their

endogamous group. An example is considering oneself as "pure white," and all others are

"impure.: Some people do not want to live with other people of outside groups. They considered

themselves pure while others impure. They want to live separately, and so they practice


"Accumulation of wealth." An example is a woman marrying within her same endogamous

group, who will bring her all she has accumulated in wealth.

"Sense of superiority and inferiority" People of one group consider themselves superior to

another group. Thus they will only marry within their group.

"Religious Differences." Religious differences will also make a person practice endogamy. It is

considered blood purity. They cannot mix with others because the other group is impure blood.

Their religion prohibits mixing. As stated in arranged marriages, the Muslims.

“Geographical Separation.” This involves two people from two different groups who live quite a

distance from each other. Neither will move from their ancestral home. They both stay with their

endogamous group, and the relationship ends.

Advantages and Disadvantages Endogamy Marriage

Advantages of Endogamy

Unity within a group is maintained, and it creates a "we" type of feeling.

Group vs. individualism.


Purity of blood, as with the Muslim culture.

If there is a partnership with marriage, one is not superior because they belong to the same


Disadvantages of Endogamy

It can create jealousy between one group and another.

Marriage partners are limited.

Ethnocentric behavior.

The family's wealth remains within the same family, for example, royalty, and in many cases

with the Muslim Community. This was also true with my mother's father's family.

In respect to the Greek/Turkish division of Cyprus. The Turks and Greeks do not like each other

and will not allow a marriage between a Greek and a Turk. My mother's family owns land in

Cyprus. It is forbidden to marry a Greek person, and the land ownership is to remain in the

family and the family only. My mother was told growing up if she married and Greek man, she

would be disowned.

Diana Baumrind's Parenting Styles


"The parenting style used to rear a child will likely impact that child's future success in romantic,

peer and parenting relationships. Diana Baumrind, a clinical and developmental psychologist,

coined the following parenting styles: authoritative, authoritarian, and permissive/indulgent."

The Authoritative Parent.

This is the type of parenting that took place in my home with my parents. It has had a very

positive and profound impact on my life. According to Baumrind, children reared with this type

of parenting have more self-confidence. They are more competent when they have high and

reasonable, and "consistent" expectations of their children and their behaviors. Parents in this

category communicate very well with their children. In my case, this is very true, and there has

always been open and honest communication between myself and my parents.

My parents have always been responsive to my brother's needs, and they have always reasoned

with us. We were never manipulated or coerced into behavior they wanted from us.

I believe that within the sociological aspect of parenting, you can see the difference in child-

rearing from parents with this type of style versus the uninvolved Parent and the social discord it

creates with the children; as we addressed in previous chapters in our book; and as we can see in

the neighborhoods in which the children live that have parents who are disengaged and

uninvolved. Sociologists and psychologists consider this type of parenting to be the optimal

parenting style in western cultures. Sociologists and psychologists have stated that children of

this parenting style are "happy, capable and successful."

Authoritarian Parenting

These parents have low support and high demand for their children. They demand and expect

obedience. These parents are "in charge." These parents bring up their children in an ordered and

structured environment.

There are clear rules that must be obeyed. It brings to mind Harry Potter and the strict and

stringent way they "raised" Harry. Same with Cinderella and her wicked stepmother. Low self-

esteem was a problem for both Harry Potter and Cinderella.

Permissive Parenting

Parents with this style highly support their children but place little to no demands on them.

Children accordingly are not very happy and do not have good self-regulation. They tend to have

problems with authority, and thus in society, end up causing many problems within their

neighborhoods and at school. You can see that is some of the neighborhoods in which these

children are raised. They are on the street a lot and have little regard for rules because they can

do whatever they want. It causes a problem with the neighborhood and others that live in the

neighborhood. Many times others are taxed with guiding these children who receive little

guidance at home.

Uninvolved Parenting

These children have low support and low demands, and this type of parenting is the lowest

across all contexts. These children have a lack of self-control. These children have low self-

esteem. They are also more challenged educationally than their peers. These children's parents

are considered neglectful. They provide no parenting to their children. From a sociological

standpoint, these children are in the poorest of neighborhoods, where the crime is high, and the

children are in the street just trying to survive and are hungry.

Children in this category are a part of the pipeline that end up seeing these children in prison.

It has been said the Baumrind's theory of parenting style is not practical. I am afraid I have to

disagree. It was effective for my brother and me.

According to our text, Diana Baumrind has general dimensions of the Parent-child interactions.

The text refers to them as disciplining strategies, warmth and nurturing, and communication


Symbolic Interactionism

Religious Symbols. This is the use of acts, artwork, events that will create a way to express the

teachings of a religion.

Religious symbolism Symbols help create ways of expressing the moral values of a society and

or the teachings of the religion. It creates solidarity among the people, bringing them closer to

their object or person they worship.

When Christianity was legalized in the 4th-century, more recognizable symbols (such as the

cross and the crucifix) were used.

Rituals and symbols are widely used in symbolic interactionism. A ritual is a rite. It is a repeated

set of actions. Regarding the sociological concept of rituals, a ritual can serve as a social

function. It can express, fix, or reinforce shared values and beliefs of the society in which the

religion is practiced. A ritual is a set of actions that are performed simply for their "symbolic"

value. All religions have symbolic interactionism and place a high value on their symbols.

Rituals are known to all human societies. This includes worship rites, sacraments of organized

religions. They include oaths of allegiance, coronations, presidential inaugurations. They include

marriages, and funerals, graduations, college pledges, parties, parades, Confirmations, Bar and

Bat Mitzvah's, and even Christmas Shopping. Rituals and symbolic interactionism are in every

aspect of society and cultures of Today, which makes sociology interesting as a construct.

Social Ritual. In conjunction with personal attachment with worship and reverence, rituals also

have social functions. It is a way to express the shared values and beliefs of a society, which is

essential to sociology. Rituals have a way of creating a sense of group identity, thus social

interactionism. The aspects of a ritual and its proceedings are ingrained in society.

Ritual actions are not only prevalent to human cultures; animal rituals exist as well. Many animal

species use ritualized actions to a court or to greet each other, or to fight. At least some ritualized

actions have a powerful selective purpose in animals. For example, ritualized fights often help

avoid or limit strong physical violence between conflicting animals.

Symbolic Interactionism

By definition, Symbolic interactionism shows us a view of social life as interacting by by

symbols, because symbols are things, whether material or immaterial, a person attaches meaning

to. They are the building blocks of human society. They consist of ideas, notions, and

conceptions; whether they are positive or negative, they will encourage or discourage people

from behaving a certain way. With symbolic interactionism, everything is a symbol: self,

parents, other members of society, marriage, religion, state.

In respect to symbolic interactionism, religion by itself is a symbol. However, at the "micro-

level, the theory of symbolic interactionism focuses on the interactions of individuals when they

are in the presence of one another. Religion, in this manner, is divided into sets and subsets of

smaller symbols. For example, in Catholicism, God is the creator o of the world, and God has the

right to rule the world. God has the right to dictate how one is to behave, and God rewards those

who behave according to His rules and ultimately grants the person eternity in Heaven. Those

who do not adhere to God's teachings are punished and will go to Hell for eternity.

They will "burn in Hell."


Therefore, in Catholicism (and other religions), God Himself is a Symbol. We then have subsets

of symbols that we interact with: the crucifix, the Chalice for the Blood of Christ. You have the

Host, which is the body of Christ. There is the alter, and the altar cloth, and more. These are all

essential aspects of Symbolic interactionism within the Community of the Catholic Church. The

rituals of the Catholic Church and the symbols and interactionism within the faith are essential

aspects of my life. I hold to my faith and my beliefs, and the cross. It has meaning and purpose in

my life. Therefore, to a symbolic interactionist and symbolic interactionism, I am holding up my

end of the agreement that God and his ten commandments are a good foundation for choosing to

live my life. It works for me, and that is what is essential.

Another example of symbolic interactionism within the Muslim peoples and culture; they do not

and will not tolerate joking about religion. Symbolic interactionism looks at the micro aspects of

religion. With symbolic interactionism, interactionists will look at the role religion plays in our

daily life. It looks at the way we tend to interpret our religious experiences. Symbolic

interactionism and reactionists emphatically state that our beliefs and practices are not holy or

sacred unless we, the people, regard them as being holy or sacred. If a Catholic does not regard

receiving the body and blood of Christ as being sacred, then there is no meaning to its symbolic

interactionism, and that person is a hypocrite. This is how symbolic interactionists study how

people practice their faith.

They look at how people interact in their churches and places of worship and how they interact

in other religious settings such as a retreat. Symbolic interactionism also looks at how and why

faith and practices have a positive psychological and physical outcome on one's overall well-


The value of a religious symbol weighs heavily on symbolic interactionism and how the

interactionist and sociologist approach the religion.


Universal Education

With universal education, all children of a given age are given general- education with a set of

educational requirements. The idea of universal education is guaranteed with a system of state

legislative acts regarding education and state-funded allocations for schools for their construction

and their maintenance, and their teacher training, etc.

Universal education was a demand of the people for several centuries. French Revolution

proclaimed compulsory education at the end of the 18th century. The demand for free public

education as set forth by none other than Karl Marx and F. Engels in the Communist Manifesto.

Being that in Sociology, the concepts of Karl Marx are referred to throughout, I found this

relevant to the sociological concept of Universal Education. As of the 20th century, Universal

Education is provided free in all societies. In the most highly developed capitalistic countries

such as the United States, Great Britain, Japan, and France, universal education is provided to

students. In capitalistic societies, schools are classroom-oriented. With the tuition-free schooling

these children receive, we see the offset in capitalistic societies making up for expensive tuition

payments at colleges and Universities.

"Education generally refers to a social institution responsible for providing knowledge, skills,

values, and norms. Universal education in the United States grew out of political needs."

(Sociology. Universal Education: Growth and Function. (n.d.).

function.) It started because of economic needs and because of the many diverse populations and

cultures and diverse communities throughout the U.S. Every child should be allowed to receive

FAPE. In many socioeconomic communities, this would only be able to be provided with

universal education. Educating our children is necessary for the continuation of society as a


The modern idea of universal educational access came about in the United States because of the

concern for the education of people with disabilities. Universal education is supported through

federal and state governments that cover the cost of free public education.

As we know, Today, the way schools include differently-abled students in regular education

classrooms are still being researched. It is an ongoing process. "Inclusion" is a method that

involves educating the special needs student in the regular education classroom and is called

"mainstreaming." This is where there is a balance of regular education instruction and instruction

in a special education classroom, with standard classroom participation. This is important to me

because this area of universal education hits home. I had particular special needs, and though I

did not require a special education classroom, some adjustments and supports were in place to

help me progress through my education and continues to help me in college. It is also personal

because my older brother is cognitively disabled and has some medical issues that disrupt his

education. The majority of my brother's education took place in the special education classroom,

but he was also included in many regular education classrooms. Without this form of universal

education, my brother would not have had the necessary education to become of productive adult

in society.

Universal education worldwide continues to have many challenges to education in societies

because of geographical, environmental and socioeconomic, and gender inequalities. According

to the United Nations, there appear to be more than 57 million children not enrolled in school.

This is not quality education for all.



Today, Islam is one of the fastest-growing religions. Islam is practiced by more than 1.2 billion

Muslims across the world.

"Islam is a faith and comprehensive way of life that means 'peace through submission to God.' It

provides a clear understanding of a person's relationship with God, purpose in life, and ultimate

destiny. A Muslim is someone who adopts the Islamic way of life by believing in the Oneness of

God and the prophethood of Today, Islam is one of the fastest-growing religions and is practiced

by more than 1.2 billion Muslims across the world." Islam was developed over 1400 years ago.

The two sects are Sunni and Shi'ite.

Islam a Monotheistic belief in God. An essential principle in Islam is that it is a purely

monotheistic belief in God. In Islam, Muslims are highly encouraged to develop a direct and

personal relationship with God. In Islam God is referred to as Allah, which means God in

Arabic. Indecently, Arabic-speaking Jews and Christians refer to God as Allah as well.

Islam is a culmination of a universal message of God taught by all of His prophets. Muslims

believe a prophet was chosen for every nation.

Some of the prophets of God in the Islamic faith are Adam, Noah, Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac,

Jacob Moses, Joseph, Jesus, and of course, Muhammad. All the prophets conveyed the one

message of worship, God. In Islam, it is believed Muhammed was sent by God to re-deliver His

message because the original message was lost and abandoned and even changed.

Only some parts of the original message were left.


In Islam, it is believed that the Angel Gabriel visited Muhammad with the first original message

from God. Over the next 23 years, Muhammad was given more revelations at which the original

message was complete. It is said that Muhammed brought people together in believing in One

God. Muhammed is said to tell the people to be merciful and just to one another.

Muhammed told people that he was the living proof of God's existence and the Muhammed was

to be the one guidance of all humankind.

In Islam, the Muslims also believe that God sent many books as a guideline to humanity through

all of the prophets previously listed. These books are referred to as the Torah, the Bible, and the

Quran, which Muhammad was given.

The Quran is said to be the last book from God. In Islam, it is believed that the Quran is God's

literal truth, and it is safe from corruption.

In the religion of Islam, what is the purpose of life is addressed, which is studied thoroughly by

Sociologists. Through the many theories and ideologies, cultures, and societal norms,

sociologists are always looking to find new ways to define life's meaning.

In Islam, and for Muslims, the meaning and purpose of life are to worship God. Sociologists do

not adhere to this belief; they are looking for other answers to the meaning of life. For me, that

brings up the question, does religion, any religion, have a valued meaning to the meaning of life

from the Sociologists aspect? Furthermore, as we have learned from the study of sociology in

this class, societies and cultures gravitate to some form of religion and belief in a God or God's

or God-like beings to help them define the meaning of life is. So I would have to believe that

sociology has a great need to keep religions of the world in their continued efforts to answer the

question of the meaning of life. I believe that there needs to be a belief that there is a higher

power that is part of our everyday life, explain the unexplainable, and helps cultures and peoples

of the world continue to live and thrive.

Whether it be Islam or whatever form of religion one adheres to, the meaning of life falls in the

realm of there being some form of higher power within the universe. If for nothing else, religion

has provided the foundation for sociologists to address how people and cultures live and work

and continue to grow.

In Islam, it is a comprehensive belief that tends to draw people to be conscious of God in their

lives; and provides people with the framework that helps people live what the religion says is a

"balanced and virtuous life." This is something that sociologists have been interested in for many

years. According to the teachings of Islam, the way of life that one is striving to achieve is strong

in moral character, is in good standing with relationships with other people, and lives in harmony

with other societies. They are living one's life responsibly and having accountability. A concept

that is of great interest in sociology.

Worshiping in Islam is a very intricate part of the daily life of a Muslim person. This worship is

not confined to a mosque. In Islam, there are five pillars that every Muslim is required to meet to

have a divine relationship with God. Sounds a lot like Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs.

Not unlike sociology, Islam has a practical approach to living. When it comes to dressing and

behaviors, the message is modesty. Through other teachings about other societal norms and

practices within the world of sociology, many societies and cultures believe modesty is a good

foundation of dressing, both with men and women. Those that do not adhere to the more modest

way of dress are called deviants. Parental obedience and duty to one's parents are fundamental in


Just as in Baumrind's Parental styles, the style of authoritative and authoritarian style is essential

and raising children who are morally upstanding and responsible people within their society and

community. Family ties are significant with the Islamic religion, and family ties are a crucial

study point in sociology and how it affects society as a whole and how it is seen within the


Islamic Sociology (Conclusion)

The Muslim view of sociology revolves around the family, the Mosque, and the state."

The societal view of marriage in the Islamic Muslim religion is well defined and very much

developed. It is also diverse by what is traditionally considered to be a norm of society. Many

modern Muslims are uncomfortable with the traditional view of marriage and its teachings and

practices regarding marriage. The most unacceptable traditional Islamic rule that societies

adamantly are against is that unsub missive women may be beaten "lightly."

Unfortunately, this practice and teaching of the most deviant forms of Islam have brought much

discord and unrest throughout the world and within the Muslim societies themselves because the

"beatings' are never "light." Women who cheat on their husbands are severely punished up to and

including death.

This is unacceptable and considered deviance by societal norms. Divorce in a Muslim marriage

is not allowed to be filed by a woman. She is the property of the husband, and so are the

children. These traditions are found in countries like Iraq, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and Syria, where

they are considered a part of societal norms.

Muslim societies are considered to be patriarchal. This societal role and cultural role are

expected in the Muslim Islamic community. Women are expected to have children. Muslim

families are often large, and it is expected in the culture to give a man a son. Women are also in

fear of not being able to give a man a son within this culture.

Muslims who live and have been educated in westernized and European cultures and societies

realize that these traditions in direct conflict with genetics. However, men have expectations that

the wife will give him a son, and women living in fear that they may not do so, is very real in the

Muslim society, no matter where the Muslim grows up and lives and is educated.

Although he changed his religion to Catholicism, my grandfather was raised Muslim, still

expected my grandmother to give him a son. When my grandmother was pregnant with my

mother, the doctors told my grandparents my mother was a boy. My grandfather was overjoyed

because they had a girl already. When my mother was born, and of course, was not a boy, my

grandfather was disappointed she was not a boy, so my grandparents compensated for that by

giving my mother a more traditional middle name that encompassed my grandfather's male

lineage namesake. Interestingly, when my mother was growing up, she had a more stable

relationship with my grandfather than my grandmother. This is living proof that traditions and

cultural norms are transferred over generations in every society. My grandfather carried over

more of his Muslim traditions than not. Another reason why Islam and my Muslim family are

essential for me to understand.

One thing that is very important to note when looking at Islam sociology, Islam does not

distinguish between social institution and the state. Islam is considered a comprehensive reality.

The state is as much Islam as the Mosque.

Whereas, in western sociology, there is the separation of church and state. In Turkey, where my

grandfather's lineage originated before settling in Cyprus. Turkey is a Muslim nation whose

constitution is not based on Shari'ah law. Although the people of Turkey are Muslim, Turkey

itself has been a secular country.

A little on the political aspect that is beginning to affect the sociological aspect of Turkey,

President Erdogan is attempting to return Turkey to its more traditional state. He is also trying to

do this to the Turks in Northern Cyprus. This is not going well for him. The Muslims are more

secular there, and they do not wish to return to the "old ways."

One last note it is evident that Islam and Christianity are similar. This is because Muhammad

took the teachings of Christianity and applied them to the teachings of Islam. I could go into the

Catholic Church, Muhammad, and the Knights Templar relationship, but that is another story for

another time.


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