Chem Mock Brand School Chem Pre-Mock 3 Solutions

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Pre-mock 3 Solutions

Paper 1A

1. (1) Ammonia is a covalent compound.

(2) Ammonia is a simple molecular substance. Ammonia molecules are held by weak intermolecular forces and
hence it has a low boiling point.
(3) Ammonia ionizes in water to give ammonium ions and hydroxide ions. The mobile ions can conduct electricity.

2. Let m be the relative atomic mass of element X.

16.0  4
Percentage by mass of oxygen =  100% = 27.7%
3m  16.0  4
m = 55.7

∴ the relative atomic mass of element X is 55.7.

3. Ammonium sulphate solution reacts with calcium chloride solution to give a white precipitate of calcium sulphate.
(NH4)2SO4(aq) + CaCl2(aq)  CaSO4(s) + 2NH4Cl(aq)
Ammonium sulphate reacts with sodium hydroxide solution to form ammonia gas, which is an alkaline gas.
(NH4)2SO4(s) + 2NaOH(aq)  Na2SO4(s) + 2NH3(g) + 2H2O(l)

4. P and Q are both non-metal elements. They form a covalent compound and the electron diagram is as follows:

5. (1) Potassium burns with a lilac flame.

(2) Potassium reacts with water to form potassium hydroxide solution, which is an alkaline solution and it can
turn phenolphthalein indicator pink.
(3) Potassium reacts with water instead of displacing copper metal from copper(II) sulphate solution.

6. Impure copper metal strip should be placed at the anode (positive pole) of an electrolytic cell:
Cu(s)  Cu2+(aq) + 2e
Pure copper metal strip should be placed at the cathode (negative pole) of an electrolytic cell and the copper(II)
ions from copper(II) sulphate solution are reduced at the cathode.
Cu2+(aq) + 2e  Cu(s)

7. Mass of 1 cm3 of conc. HNO3 = 1.60 g cm−3  1 cm3 = 1.60 g

Mass of HNO3 in 1 cm3 of conc. HNO3 = 1.60 g  65.5% = 1.048 g
1.048 g
Number of moles of HNO3 in 1 cm3 of conc. HNO3 =
(1.0  14.0  16.0  3) g mol 1
= 0.0166 mol

0.0166 mol
Concentration of the sample = = 16.6 mol dm−3
1.0  10 3 dm 3

8. Magnesium and aluminium are more reactive than iron. Therefore, they can prevent the iron nail from rusting.
The rust indicator does not turn blue.
Tin is less reactive than iron. It can increase the rate of rusting of the iron nail and hence the rust indicator turns
9. Option (A): Copper does not react with dilute sulphuric acid.

Option (B): There is no reaction between copper(II) chloride solution and sodium sulphate solution.

Option (C): CuCO3(s) + H2SO4(aq)  CuSO4(aq) + CO2(g) + H2O(l)

A mixture of copper(II) sulphate solution and excess dilute sulphuric acid forms. It is difficult
to separate copper(II) sulphate solution from sulphuric acid.

Option (D): CuCO3(s) + H2SO4(aq)  CuSO4(aq) + CO2(g) + H2O(l)

Excess copper(II) carbonate can be separated from the mixture easily by filtration and
copper(II) sulphate solution is obtained as filtrate. Copper(II) sulphate crystals can be obtained
by slow evaporation of the filtrate.

10. (1) 1.0 M HCl(aq) is diluted by distilled water and hence its pH value increases.
(2) Addition of 1.0 M nitric acid to the 1.0 M HCl(aq) does not affect the concentration of H+(aq) and hence the
pH value of 1.0 M HCl(aq) remains unchanged.
(3) Magnesium reacts with 1.0 M HCl(aq), so the concentration of H+(aq) decreases. Hence, the pH value of 1.0
M HCl(aq) increases.

11. Option (A): Magnesium chloride solution reacts with aqueous ammonia to form a white precipitate of
Mg(OH)2(s). Mg(OH)2(s) formed does not dissolve in excess aqueous ammonia.
Option (B): Zinc nitrate solution reacts with aqueous ammonia to form a white precipitate of Zn(OH)2(s).
Zn(OH)2(s) formed dissolves in excess aqueous ammonia.
Option (C): Silver nitrate solution reacts with aqueous ammonia to form a brown precipitate of Ag2O(s).
Ag2O(s) formed dissolves in excess aqueous ammonia.
Option (D): Calcium chloride solution does not react with aqueous ammonia to form a white precipitate.

12. Number of moles of the acid = 0.3 M  dm3 = 7.5  10−3 mol

Number of moles of NaOH = 1.0 M  dm3 = 0.0225 mol

Number of moles of NaOH 0.0225 mol

 3
Number of moles of the acid 7.5  103 mol

∴ the basicity of the acid is 3.

13. For AO2,

Number of moles of atoms in 2 mol of AO2 = 6 mol
Number of atoms in 2 mol of AO2 = 6L = x (L = Avogadro constant)
For A2O3,
Number of moles of atoms in 1 mol of A2O3 = 5 mol
x 5
Number of atoms in 1 mol of A2O3 = 5L = 5  = x
6 6

14. (1) The reaction between bromine and but-2-ene is an addition reaction.
(2) But-2-ene can decolorize acidified potassium permanganate solution.
(3) But-2-ene contains a carbon-carbon double bond and enables it to undergo addition polymerization.
15. CO(g) + 2H2(g) 
 CH3OH(g)
H = Hf (products) – Hf (reactants)
= Hf [CH3OH(g)] – {Hf [CO(g)] + 2Hf [H2(g)]}
= r – (p + 2q)
= r – p – 2q

16. 2MnO4–(aq) + xH2O2(aq) + yH+(aq)  5O2(g) + 2Mn2+(aq) + zH2O(l)

2 (MnO4–(aq) + 8H+(aq) + 5e  Mn2+(aq) + 4H2O(l))

+ 5 (H2O2(l)  O2(g) + 2H+(l) + 2e)

2MnO4–(aq) + 5H2O2(aq) + 6H+(aq)  5O2(g) + 2Mn2+(aq) + 8H2O(l)

∴ x = 5; y = 6; z = 8

17. (1) This is a redox reaction because there is a change in oxidation number of bromine.
(2) Br2(aq) is reduced to Br−(aq) as the oxidation number of bromine decreases from 0 to −1.
(3) Br2(aq) is oxidized to BrO3−(aq) as the oxidation number of bromine increases from 0 to +5, none of the atoms
in NaOH have their oxidation number changed.

18. Mass of water = 1.0 g cm−3  100.0 cm3 = 100.0 g

Energy absorbed = (105.20) g  4.31 J g−1K−1  3.6 K = 1632.28 J

5.20 g
Number of moles of NH4Cl dissolved = = 0.0972 mol
(14.0  1.0  4  35.5) g mol 1
1632.28 J
The enthalpy change of solution of NH4Cl =  = +16.8 kJ mol−1
0.0972 mol

19. (1) The air is compressed and cooled into liquid state for fractional distillation.
(2) Oxygen and nitrogen are separated from air by fractional distillation.
(3) Nitrogen has a lower boiling point than oxygen.

22. (1) NaI(s) is soluble in water but CaCO3(s) is insoluble in water.

(2) CaCO3(s) reacts with dilute hydrochloric acid to give colourless gas bubbles and NaI(s) does not react with
dilute hydrochloric acid.
(3) Chlorine water can oxidize I−(aq) to I2(aq) where I2(aq) is dark brown in colour. However, chlorine water does
not react with calcium carbonate.

24. 1st statement: Concentrated sulphuric acid can turn hydrated copper(II) sulphate crystals from blue to white
due to its dehydrating property.
2nd statement: Concentrated sulphuric acid is also a strong oxidizing agent.
However, they are unrelated.

25. (1) If same mass of zinc granules is used, the reaction rate decreases but the volume of hydrogen produced is
the same as that of curve A.
(2) As the concentration of HCl(aq) decreases, the reaction rate decreases. However, the number of moles of
HCl(aq) reacted increases, the volume of hydrogen produced is larger than that of curve A.
(3) As the temperature of HCl(aq) decreases, the reaction rate decreases but the volume of hydrogen produced
is the same as that of curve A.

26. Amphoteric oxide is the oxide which exhibits both acidic properties and basic properties.
Al2O3(s) + 6H+(aq)  2Al3+(aq) + 3H2O(l)
Al2O3(s) + 2OH−(aq) + 3H2O(l)  2Al(OH)4−(aq)
27. Concentration (mol dm3) N2O4 (g) 2NO2(g)
0.5 mol
Initial 0
1.0 dm 3
(0.5  x) mol 2x mol
Equilibrium 3
1.0 dm 1.0 dm 3
Since the number of moles of NO2 at equilibrium = 2x = 0.4 mol, i.e. x = 0.2.

 0.4 mol 
 
 1.0 dm 3 
Kc = = 0.53 mol dm−3
 0 . 3 mol 
 
 1.0 dm 3

28. The forward reaction is endothermic. According to Le Châtelier’s Principle, when there is an increase in
temperature, the equilibrium position will shift to the right.

29. The species shown is the sodium salt of carboxylate ion of soapy detergents.

(1) Soapy detergents are made from saponification (or alkaline hydrolysis) of animal fats or vegetable oils.
(2) Sodium salts are soluble in water.
(3) The carboxylate ion in soapy detergents forms scum (a white precipitate) with calcium ions.
(4) The hydrolysed products of animal fats or vegetable oils are biodegradable.

30. Structure of P:

(1) P has a chiral carbon, so it exhibits optical isomerism.

(2) P exhibits cis-trans isomerism due to the presence of the carbon-carbon double bond.
(3) Only P has a hydroxyl group but not pent-3-en-2-one. Molecules of P are attracted by hydrogen bonds while
molecules of pent-3-en-2-one are attracted by weak van der Waals’ forces only. Therefore, P has a higher
boiling point.

31. (1) Both compounds do not react with bromine in organic solvent.
(2) Acidified K2Cr2O7(aq) can oxidize the –OH group and –CHO group in X but not the –COOH group in Y.
(3) Na2CO3(aq) can react with the –COOH group in Y to give colourless gas bubbles but Na2CO3(aq) cannot react
with the –OH group or –CHO group in X.
33. (1) The amide linkage of the polypeptide can be hydrolysed in an alkaline solution.




34. Zinc is a transition metal but zinc ions only exhibit one oxidation state, +2.

35. 1st statement: According to Avogadro’s Law, the volume ratio of two gases is the same as their mole ratio.
Thus, the volume of 0.6 mol of NO2(g) should be twice the volume of 0.3 mol of N2O4(g).

2nd statement: 0.6 mol of NO2(g) have 0.6  3 = 1.8 mol of atoms, while 0.3 mol of N2O4(g) also have 0.3  6 =
1.8 mol of atoms.

Paper 1B
1 X, Y and Z are three elements in the periodic table, with the sum of their atomic numbers equals to 34. Moreover,
both X and Z are Group V elements, while the atomic number of Z is greater than that of X.
a) What are the elements X, Y and Z?
 First consider elements X and Z, they are Group V, and the only combination for them to not have the sum of
their atomic number greater than 34 is only nitrogen and phosphorus. As Z has a greater atomic number than
X, Z is phosphorus while X is nitrogen.
 By simple subtraction, the atomic number of Y is 12, that is magnesium.
 Answer: X: Nitrogen/ N2/ N Y: Magnesium/ Mg Z: Phosphorus/ P4/ P [1 for all correct]
b) Draw an electron diagram of the compound formed from X and Y, showing electrons in the outermost shells only.
 Although it is optional to reveal what X and Y are, it is better to leave them being X and Y, because the question
asked X and Y, so you should put your answers in terms of X and Y. This can also prevent your potential mistake
in part a make you score none in both parts.
 Answer: [1]

c) X can form a trichloride. Draw and state the shape you would expect for the trichloride molecule.
 X is a group V element, forming a trichloride leaving a lone pair of electron, so its shape is trigonal pyramidal.
 Although it is optional to show lone pairs of electrons, it is recommended for you to show them.
 Answer: Trigonal pyramidal [1] [1]

d) Explain whether you agree with the following statement. ‘Both X and Z can form pentachloride.’

 X is nitrogen, it is a period 2 element while Z is phosphorus, it is a period 3 element. If we make use of the
formula to show the maximum number of outermost shell electrons (i.e. 2n2). For n=2, we get 8. So a nitrogen
atom can only hold 8 electrons in its outermost shell at most. To form a pentachloride, 10 electrons are
involved. As the size of the electron shell of nitrogen is not able to hold 10 electrons, it cannot form a

 Whereas for Z, using 2n2, for n=3, we get 18. As it can hold 10 electrons in its outermost shell, it can form a
stable pentachloride.

 Answer: No. The outermost shell of electron of X cannot hold enough all the electrons// X is a much smaller
atom than Z// Z cannot hold 10 electrons in its outermost shell// X can hold less electrons than Z. [1]
(Any explanation about electronegativity and bonding length/strength are NOT accepted)

2 Graphite and buckminsterfullerene are allotropes of carbon.

a) Graphite is used to make electrodes in dry cells.

i) Sketch a labelled diagram to show the arrangement of atoms and bonds existed in graphite.

 Showing arrangement of atoms meant drawing a structure of graphite (the hexagonal layers of graphene), and
showing the different bonds in graphite (strong covalent bonds in graphene and weak van der Waals’ forces
between layers)

 Answer: Strong covalent bonds

Weak van der Waals’ forces

[1, hexagonal layer structure, 1, labelling of bonds]

ii) Explain why graphite can conduct electricity with reference to its structure.

 Carbon has 4 outermost shell electrons. Consider a layer of graphite (graphene), referring to its structure, each
carbon atom is only bonded to three neighbouring carbon atoms. That leaves one electron to conduct
electricity per atom of carbon between layers.

 Answer: Each carbon atom in graphite is only bonded to three neighbouring carbon atoms [1]
b) Suggest and explain how you would distinguish between buckminsterfullerene and graphite by a simple physical
method, without checking their electrical conductivity.
 Both buckminsterfullerene and graphite have high melting point (over 1000oC), so checking melting point or
boiling point is obviously not a simple method.
 In buckminsterfullerene, as they are just molecules, they are held by weak van der Waals’ forces that form a
simple molecular structure. But in graphite, graphite adopts a giant covalent structure. So, by the theory of
like dissolve like, buckminsterfullerene can be dissolved in organic solvent (such as ether and propanone), but
graphite cannot.
 Both graphite and buckminsterfullerene are brittle due to the existence of weak van der Waals’ forces, so
compressing them (giving it pressure) is not a suitable method.
 Answer: Put the two substances (NOT compound) in an organic solvent, only buckminsterfullerene can be
dissolved in the solvent while graphite cannot. [1] As buckminsterfullerene molecules are held by weak van
der Waals’ forces, it has similar attractions to that in organic solvents// by like dissolve like theory. [1]

3 A student performs several experiments to determine the order of reactivity of three metals. The results are shown
in the table below.
Reaction with cold water reacts readily no observable change no observable change
Reaction with dilute
reacts readily no observable change reacts slowly
hydrochloric acid
Heating the metal oxide formation of a solid formation of a solid
no observable change
with carbon powder with metallic lustre with metallic lustre
a) Arrange the metals in order of reactivity, starting with the most reactive one. Explain your answer briefly.
 The oxide of X cannot be reduced by carbon reduction, so it must be higher than zinc in the metal reactivity
series. Both oxides of Y and Z can be reduced by similar method, so they are less reactive than X.
 X reacts with cold water while Y and Z does not, so X must be more reactive than Y and Z.
 Z is able to react with hydrochloric acid, or in another word, Z has a strong enough reducing power to reduce
H+ ions, while Y cannot reduce H+ ions, so Z is more reactive than Y.
 Hence, it is X>Z>Y starting from the most reactive one.
 Answer: X>Z>Y. X is the most reactive because X cannot be reduced by carbon reduction while Y and Z can//
Only it can react with cold water while Y and Z cannot// X reacts most readily with hydrochloric acid. [1] Y is
the least reactive because Y does not react with HCl while Z does. [1] (The arrangement carries NO mark)

b) Metal X gives a brick-red flame in flame test. Draw a labelled diagram of the set-up for carrying out the reaction
between X and cold water, with the collection of the gaseous product.
 Metal X gives a brick-red flame, X is calcium. Calcium reacts with water to form calcium hydroxide and
hydrogen gas. So the gas collected should be hydrogen.

[1, correct diagram of collecting gaseous product, 1, labelling]

ci) Name the type of reaction that occurs when the oxide of Y is heated with carbon powder.

 A metal oxide is turned into a metal, that is reduction by the fact that oxygen is removed. When heated with
carbon powder, the most accurate answer is carbon reduction.

 Answer: (Carbon) reduction [1]

ii) Suggest ONE way to show that the solid with metallic lustre formed in the experiment is a metal.

 Physical properties of metals: Having high densities, malleable and ductile, an electrical conductor, with a high
boiling and melting point.

 Given the condition that Y does not react with hydrochloric acid, Y could be anything lower than copper in the
reactivity series, that could be mercury. You cannot physically check the malleability and ductility of mercury
because it is a liquid. Checking boiling/melting points or densities are not good ideas as ionic compounds or
even covalent compounds have high densities and boiling and melting points.

 So, the only possible property to check would be its electrical conductivity.

 Answer: The solid conducts electricity if the metallic lustre formed is a metal. [1]

4 Methanoic acid (HCOOH) is a carboxylic acid that is present in bee stings.

a) The graph below shows the variation of pH when 40.0 cm3 of methanoic acid is titrated against 0.100 mol dm–3
sodium hydroxide solution.
i) Calculate the accurate concentration of the methanoic acid used.
 Volume of NaOH(aq) required to reach the end point = 25.0 cm3

 Number of moles of NaOH in 25.0 cm3 solution

= molarity of solution x volume of solution
= 0.100 mol dm–3 x dm3 =0.00250 mol [1]

1 mole of HCOOH requires 1 mole of NaOH for neutralization. This is the equivalence point,
i.e. number of moles of HCOOH in 40.0 cm solution = 0.00250 mol where concentration of
0.00250 mol H+ is equal to OH-

Concentration of HCOOH(aq) = 40.0 3
= 0.0625 mol dm–3 [1A]
1 000

(Using original pH value to calculate concentration of methanoic acid is NOT accepted)

ii) Select, from the table below, an indicator which is suitable for this acid-alkali titration. Explain your answer.
Indicator pH range
Meta-cresol purple 1.2 – 2.8
Chloro-phenol red 4.8 – 6.4
Thymol blue 8.0 – 9.6
 Look at the equivalence point (where the slope tends to infinity, a straight vertical line) to determine which
indicator to add. The equivalence point here is at about pH 5.6 – 11.2, so only indicators ranging from pH 5.6
– 11.2 would be suitable to be the indicator, that is thymol blue.
 Answer: Thymol blue. As it starts to change colour when reaching equivalence point. [1]
*b) Methanoic acid is a weak monobasic acid while hydrochloric acid is a strong monobasic acid. Describe a test to
distinguish between a weak monobasic acid and a strong monobasic acid of the same concentration. Include in
your answers observations and appropriate explanation(s).

 Theoretically, a strong monobasic acid has a much higher concentration of hydrogen ions than a weak
monobasic acid as a strong monobasic acid fully ionizes to give H+ ions and a weak monobasic acid slightly
ionizes. So, essentially any test that can show comparison between the concentrations of hydrogen ions of
strong acid and weak acid can be used, but the explanation part need to be corresponding to the test (whether
it is about reaction rate or just the acidity)

 Checking pH value is to measure its acidity, the higher the concentration of hydrogen ions in a solution, the
lower the pH value.

 Reaction with base/ metal is to measure the effect of increasing concentration on reaction rate, the higher
the concentration, the more the particle there is per unit volume. It increases chance of collision and number
of collisions per unit time.

 Checking electrical conductivity is to check the number of ions in the solution, an increase in number of ions
in the solution will cause the increase in rate of redox.

 Answer: Check the pH value of solution of both of the acids. [1, or any correct tests] The reading is lower for a
strong monobasic acid while higher for a weak monobasic acid. [1, for correct corresponding observation] A
strong acid fully ionizes in water to form hydrogen ions while a weak acid only slightly ionizes to form hydrogen
ions. The concentration of hydrogen ions in a strong acid higher, hence the pH value is lower [1, for explanation]
[1] Effective communication

5 For each of the following pairs of substances, suggest a chemical test to distinguish one substance from the
other. Write down any relevant chemical equation(s) and state the expected observations.
 For this question, any correct chemical reactions that can be used to distinguish the two substances is correct,
regardless of whether it is a colour change or any other observable changes, the score is always 1 mark for the
correct test and the other mark for the explaining how and why they are different.
a) Concentrated sulphuric acid and concentrated nitric acid
 You could consider both sulphate ion or nitrate ion in this case. For sulphate ion, the tests for sulphate ions
are to add calcium ions/ lead(II) ions/ barium ions to the solution; while for nitrate ion, the test for a
concentrated sample of nitrate ion is to react with metals and it will give a reddish-brown gas of nitrogen
 Answer: To the substances, add a copper strip. [1, for test] Only concentrated nitric acid will react to give a
reddish-brown gas of NO2, while concentrated sulphuric acid reacts to give a colourless gas of SO2.
Cu + 4HNO3  Cu(NO3)2 + 2NO2 + 2H2O (Cu + 2H2SO4  CuSO4 + SO2 + 2H2O) [1, for both observation and eqn]

b) Potassium bromide solution and potassium chloride solution

 Either by colour change of silver ions, or by redox method. By adding AgNO3/HNO3 (aq), the one with bromide
solution will give a pale-yellow (milky yellow) precipitate, while the one with chloride ion will give a white
precipitate; by redox means, by adding chlorine water, as chlorine is a strong oxidizing agent, and it will oxidize
bromide ions to form reddish brown bromine solution, while chlorine will not oxidize chloride ions.

 Answer: To the substances, add excess dilute nitric acid followed by silver nitrate solution. [1, for test] KBr will
react to give a pale-yellow precipitate while KCl will react to give a white precipitate.

Br- + Ag+  AgBr AND Cl- + Ag+  AgCl [1, for both observation and eqn]

(The redox equation for using chlorine water is Cl2 + 2Br-  Br2 + 2Cl-)
c) Cyclohexane and cyclohexene

 Must be an addition reaction, either by bromine in organic solvent or acidified potassium permanganate
solution. Bromine in organic solvent turns colourless from red orange (bromine solution, brown to colourless),
while potassium permanganate turns colourless from purple.

 Answer: Add bromine in organic solvent. [1, for test] Cyclohexene turns the solution red orange to colourless.

C6H10 + Br2  C6H10Br2 [1, for both observation and eqn]

6 A chemical cell is set up using the following materials and apparatus:

1 mol dm–3 iron(II) sulphate solution, 1 mol dm–3 acidified potassium permanganate solution, beakers, filter
paper soaked with potassium nitrate solution, carbon rods, connecting wires and voltmeter

a) Explain the function of the filter paper soaked with potassium nitrate solution in the chemical cell.

 Obviously, it is a salt bridge, but it is just the name and not its function.
 To explain the function of the salt bridge, the most important use of it is that it completes the circuit and the
explanation is it allows ions to flow from one half cell to another.
 Or you could say it balance the charges of the two half cells by providing ions.
 Answer: (As a salt bridge) to complete the circuit by allowing ions to flow from one half cell to another. [1]
(‘Salt bridge’ or ‘complete the circuit’ are NOT accepted)

b) Draw a labelled diagram to show how the chemical cell can be set up in a laboratory, and show the electron flow
in the external circuit.

 You have a solution of iron(II) sulphate and potassium permanganate, it is observed that the main reactants
here are iron(II) ions (reducing agent) and permanganate ions (strong oxidizing agent) while the two electrodes
are inert.

 So, the half-cell containing iron(II) ions is flowing electrons to the one containing permanganate ion through
the external circuit (anode releases electrons to cathode)
e- e-
 Answer:

[1, correct diagram, 1, correct labelling + e- flow]

c) State the observable changes in the two half-cells.

 Iron(II) ions are oxidized to iron(III) ions in the left-hand side half-cell, colour turns from (pale) green to (pale)
yellow (Fe2+  Fe3+ + e-); permanganate ions are reduced to manganese(II) ions in the right-hand side half-cell,
colour turns purple to colourless (MnO4- + 8H+ + 5e-  Mn2+ + 4H2O).

 Answer: Half-cell containing green iron(II) sulphate turns yellow [1], the half-cell containing purple potassium
permanganate turns colourless. [1]

d) Write an ionic equation for the overall reaction that occurs in the chemical cell.

 The two half equations: Fe2+  Fe3+ + e- // MnO4- + 8H+ + 5e-  Mn2+ + 4H2O

 Answer: MnO4- + 5Fe2+ + 8H+  Mn2+ + 5Fe3+ + 4H2O [1]

e) The voltmeter is replaced by a battery with a voltage of 3.0 V so that the direction of electron flow in b) is reversed
in another set-up with the same initial reactants. State the observation on both electrodes with the aid of half

 The new situation:

e- e-
 The electron flow is reversed, so the left-hand side
half-cell is forced to become the cathode and the
right-hand side half-cell is forced to become the anode.
 As it became the electrolysis, use the concepts of
electrolysis to solve the problem.
 On the left-hand side half-cell, both H+ and Fe2+ go to cathode. H+ is preferentially discharged as it is lower
than Fe2+ in the electrochemical series. Hence, hydrogen gas is formed. (2H+ + 2e-  H2)
 On the right-hand side half-cell, both MnO4- and OH- go to anode. OH- is preferentially discharged as it is higher
than MnO4- in the electrochemical series. Hence, oxygen gas is formed. (4OH-  2H2O + O2 + 4e-)
 Answer: The half-cell with FeSO4, colourless gas bubbles formed. 2H+ + 2e-  H2 [1]
The half-cell with KMnO4, colourless gas bubbles formed. 4OH-  2H2O + O2 + 4e- [1]

7. The industrial processes involved in the production of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) are summarized in the flow chart:

ethane ethene 1,2-dichloroethane chloroethene
a) Ethene is described as an unsaturated hydrocarbon. Explain why ethene is described as ‘unsaturated’.
 Saturated hydrocarbon = the hydrocarbon only contained single bonds, hence an unsaturated hydrocarbon is
a hydrocarbon that carries double bonds (alkenes) or triple bonds (alkynes).
 Here it asks why ‘ethene’ is described as ‘unsaturated’, you only need to use the situation of ethene to explain
‘unsaturated’, that is it contains a double bond.
 Answer: Ethene contains a (C=C) double bond. [1]

bi) 1,2-dichloroethane is formed from ethene by reaction with chlorine. Write a chemical equation for the reaction.
 Simple addition reaction, adding chlorine to an alkene.
 Answer: CH2=CH2 + Cl2  CH2ClCH2Cl

bii) State the type of reaction involved.

 Addition, to make the answer more accurate, chlorination or halogenation.
 Answer: Addition reaction// chlorination// halogenation [1]

c) Name the type of intermolecular attractions between chloroethene molecules.

 Chloroethene is a polar molecule as it has one chlorine atom bonded to a carbon atom.
 Answer: Van der Waals’ forces// dipole-dipole attractions [1]

d) Compare the boiling points of ethane and 1,2-dichloroethane.

 1,2-chloroethane is a non-polar molecule as the two polarities of C-Cl bonds cancel out each other, as they are
on the two sides, and ethane is also a non-polar molecule. So, the only way to compare their difference in
attraction is the molecular mass and size of molecule.
 Answer: 1,2-dichloroethane has a larger molecular mass and size than ethane. The van der Waals’ forces in
1,2-dichloroethane is stronger. [1] A larger amount of energy is needed to separate the attractions. [1] Hence,
1,2-dichloroethane has higher boiling point.
ei) Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) is formed from chloroethene by polymerization. Explain the meaning of the term
 The process of polymerization is to join many small molecules together to form a larger molecule.
 Answer: Joining many small monomers together (to form a polymer). [1]

ii) Plastic products made of PVC may vary greatly in rigidity.

(1) Give the equation for the production of PVC.

 Answer: [1]

(2) Name a substance that is used to make PVC flexible.

 Answer: Plasticizer (NOT flexicizer)

(3) Give one application of the flexible product made of PVC.

 There can be many answers, as PVC is used very common as plastics in many products. As long as the product
is flexible, and the product does not heat up in any situation (as PVC releases toxic products when heated),
you will get the point.
 Answer: Bottles// shower curtains// raincoats// artificial leather… [1]

fi) Incineration of PVC wastes produces hydrogen chloride which causes acid rain. State two undesirable effects of
acid rain.
 Many answers involving the damages caused by acid rain are acceptable.
 Answer: Damage building and structures// harm eco-system// killing aquatic life// acidify soil// disrupt growth
of crops [Any 2, 2]

fii) Suggest how hydrogen chloride can be removed from incinerator flue gas prior to its discharge to the atmosphere.
 Hydrogen chloride is an acidic gas, and it can be removed by neutralization by bases, to remove HCl from
incinerator flue gas, one of the most common way is to install scrubbers.
 Answer: Pass the flue gas through a scrubber// React the gas with calcium hydroxide [1]

fiii) Suggest another substance that is responsible for causing acid rain.
 Usually gas exhausts, including acidic oxides. Not carbon dioxide, as carbon dioxide is already considered into
the pH value of rainwater, so the rainwater is normal to be slightly acidic.
 Answer: nitrogen dioxide// sulphur dioxide (NOT carbon dioxide) [1]

8 Quicklime is used in self-heating cans.

The button on the base of the can is pushed. The foil separator breaks, allowing water to mix with the quicklime.
After about 3 minutes, the can is opened by the ring pull.

a) Explain why the coffee becomes hot.

 The reaction between calcium oxide and water is exothermic. So, when a certain amount of calcium oxide is
added to water, the heat released by the exothermic reaction can be used to heat water.
 Answer: The heat by exothermic reaction between calcium oxide and water heats up the coffee. [1]
b) Suggest TWO reasons why it is NOT possible to re-use this self-heating can.
 Read the question again, the button on the base of the can is pushed. The foil separator breaks, allowing water
to mix with the quicklime. They cannot be replaced easily, so when they are broken or consumed, they cannot
be reused.
 Answer: The foil separator is broken [1] The quicklime has been reacted. [1]

c) Given the following data, calculate the standard enthalpy change of the reaction of the self-heating can.

Substance ∆HӨf (kJ mol–1)

H2O(l) –286
CaO(s) –636
Ca(OH)2(s) –987
 ΔH Or = ΔHOf [Ca(OH)2(s)] –ΔHOf [CaO(s)] –ΔHOf [H2O(l)] [1]
= [(–987) – (–636) – (–286)] kJ mol–1 = –65 kJ mol–1 [1A]

9 Consider the following reaction schemes involving two alcohols, A and B, which are position isomers of each




a) State what is meant by the term ‘position isomers’.

 First the meaning of isomers, they have same molecular formula but different structures.
 Then the meaning of position isomers, the functional groups locate at different locations.
 Answer: Organic compounds with same molecular formula, but the functional group(s) is/are located at
different carbon atoms [1]
Note that homologous series refers
to alkanes, alkenes, alkynes (C≡C),
bi) Name the homologous series to which compound C belongs.
alcohols, carboxylic acids, ketones,
 Answer: Aldehyde(s) [1] aldehydes, amines, amides

bii) Draw the structure of another member of the series suggested in i) which is an isomer of compound C.
 Only one pair of chain isomer is available.
 Answer: [1]

Note that functional groups refers to

biii) Name the functional group present in D. hydroxyl group, carbonyl group,
(aldehyde or ketone group), carboxyl
 Naming, use words to represent your answers, not symbols (not -COOH)
group, alkyl/alkenyl group, amine
 Answer: Carboxyl group [1] group and carboxamide group

ci) Each of the reactions shown in the scheme above is of the same type and uses the same combination of reagents.
State the type of reaction.
 From alcohol to aldehyde/ carboxylic acid/ ketone are all oxidation reactions
 Answer: Oxidation [1]
cii) Identify a suitable combination of reagents.
 The reagent for oxidation, not potassium permanganate as it is far too reactive and it will not stop at C and
directly form D only, and potassium dichromate must be acidified.
 Answer: Acidified potassium dichromate// K2Cr2O7/H+ [1] (Heating is not required)

ciii) Compare the melting points of C and D with explanation.

 C is an aldehyde while D is a carboxylic acid. An aldehyde does not have a small and highly electronegative
atom bonded to a hydrogen atom, so it cannot form hydrogen bonds within its molecules. A carboxylic acid
can form hydrogen bonds as there is a small and highly electronegative O bonded to a hydrogen atom, so
hydrogen bonds can form between carboxylic acids.
 Aldehyde only has van der Waals’ forces, while carboxylic acid has hydrogen bonds on top of having van der
Waals’ forces. Stronger forces require larger amount of energy to separate molecules.
 Answer: D has a higher melting point than C. D can form strong hydrogen bonds between D molecules while
C only form weak van der Waals’ forces between C molecules. [1] A larger amount of energy is needed to
separate D molecules. Hence D has a higher melting point than C. [1]

civ) Draw a labelled diagram of the set-up you would use to convert compound A to compound D rather than to
compound C.
 Having only D in the product means that you need the full oxidation of alcohol to carboxylic acid using the
reactant in cii (i.e. acidified potassium dichromate), the only way to fully oxidize alcohol is by reflux.
 Answer:
[1, apparatus, 1, correct labelling]
(The labelling of compound A + potassium dichromate
solution + dilute sulphuric acid can be replaced by ‘reaction
mixture’, for time efficiency)

cv) Draw the structure of an isomer of compound A which does not react with this combination of reagents.
 The only condition when alcohol does not react with an oxidizing agent is when it is a tertiary alcohol, and
having four carbons, it is possible for one of the isomers to be a tertiary alcohol.
 Answer: [1]

10 A student performed an experiment to investigate the rate of reaction between calcium carbonate and an acid.
5 g of marble powder were added to a conical flask containing 100 cm3 of 2 mol dm–3 hydrochloric acid at 20 °C.
Afterwards, the experiment was repeated with each of the following changes. In each case, state and explain
whether the expected reaction rate would increase, decrease or remain unchanged.

a) 5 g of marble chips were used instead of marble powder.

 By state and explain, it is expected that the full explanation by collision theory is provided so as to get the two
marks. Answers of changes are usually not given marks.
 Comparing chips and powder, by the definition of words, each powder is smaller than chip, so the surface area
of powder is larger than chips of the same mass. (Always consider powder having the smallest surface area)
 By collision theory, as the surface area increases, the chance of collision increases and the number of collisions
per unit time increases.
 Answer: As the surface area decreases, the chance of collision decreases [1] and the number of collisions per
unit time decreases [1] Hence, rate of reaction decreases.
b) The temperature was raised to 50 °C.
 As temperature increases from 20oC to 50oC, the average kinetic of reactant particles increases. Particles move
faster, collision rate increases, hence reaction rate increases. More particles have energy equal or greater than
the activation energy to collide. More collisions become effective. Hence, reaction rate increases.
 Answer: As temperature increases from 20oC to 50oC, particles move faster, collision rate increases, hence
reaction rate increases. [1] More collisions become effective. Hence, reaction rate increases. [1]

11 Phosgene, COCl2, is a colourless gas which condenses readily to a liquid at 8 oC. It has a pungent and suffocating
smell and is highly poisonous. Phosgene is manufactured by passing carbon monoxide and chlorine through a
bed of porous carbon which acts as a catalyst.

CO(g) + Cl2(g) COCl2(g) ΔH < 0

Although the reaction is exothermic, it is carried out between 50 oC and 150 oC.

a) Complete the table below indicating if the condition chosen increases, decreases or has no effect on the
rate and yield of phosgene.

 This is an exothermic reaction, so at higher temperature, the equilibrium position will shift to reactants side
so as to absorb heat and minimize the high temperature, the yield of products decrease. At lower temperature,
the equilibrium position will shift to product side to release heat and minimize the effect of low temperature,
the yield of products increase.

 For pressure, as there is a decrease in number of gaseous molecules as the forward reaction proceed, an
increase in pressure will shift the equilibrium position to the product side because by reacting forwards, the
high pressure can be minimized by decreasing the number of gaseous molecules, the yield of products increase.
The reverse for low pressure.

 A catalyst increases both the rates of forward and backward reaction to the same extent, so the presence of a
catalyst would not have any effect on the yield of equilibrium.

 But, the three conditions would all contribute to the increase in rate of reaction, by collision theory. The shift
in equilibrium will only reduce the increase of rate, not cancelling out the increase.

Condition Rate Yield

Catalyst Increase No change [1] for all correct in ‘Rate’
[1] for all correct in ‘Yield’
High pressure Increase Increase
(Not accept undefined symbols)
High temperature Increase Decrease

b) Explain the choice of the temperature range 50 – 150 oC.

 At a higher temperature, the yield decreases, but the rate increases. So in terms of efficiency, with high
reaction rate and not too low yield, the temperature of 50-100oC is chosen to compromise between the rate
and the yield.
 Answer: To ensure high reaction rate (with not too low yield.) [1]

c) Suggest how phosgene can be removed from the equilibrium mixture.

 With reference to the question, phosgene has a boiling point of 8oC, while theoretically the boiling points of
carbon monoxide and chlorine is far lower than 8oC. So, as there is a great difference in boiling points, phosgene
can be removed by condensation of the mixture to 8oC.
 Answer: Cool the equilibrium mixture to (lower than) 8oC to condense the phosgene and remove it. [1]
d) In a simulation of the process, a mixture of carbon monoxide and chlorine is allowed to reach equilibrium in a 10.0
dm3 vessel. The initial mixture contained 2.00 moles of carbon monoxide and 5.00 moles of chlorine. At
equilibrium, 1.00 mole of carbon monoxide remained. What is the equilibrium constant, Kc, at the temperature of
the experiment?
2 𝑚𝑜𝑙 5 𝑚𝑜𝑙
 Concentration of CO initially: = 0.2M; concentration of chlorine initially: = 0.5M;
10 𝑑𝑚3 10 𝑑𝑚3
1 𝑚𝑜𝑙
Concentration of CO at equilibrium: 10 𝑑𝑚3 = 0.1M

 Construct an ICE table:

(In Molarity) CO Cl2 ⇌ COCl2
Initial conc. 0.2 0.5 0
Change in conc. -0.1 -0.1 +0.1 [1, or Kc]
Equilibrium conc. 0.1 0.4 0.1

[𝐶𝑂𝐶𝑙2 (𝑔) ]𝑒𝑞 0.1

 Find Kc, 𝐾𝑐 = [𝐶𝑂 = 0.4×0.1 = 2.5 mol-1dm3 [1A]
(𝑔) ]𝑒𝑞 [𝐶𝑙2 (𝑔) ]𝑒𝑞

12 The table below shows the melting points of the elements of Period 3.

Na Mg Al Si P S Cl Ar
98 650 660 1 410 44 113 –101 –189
point (oC)
*a) Account for the trend of melting points of the elements across Period 3.

 Sodium, magnesium and aluminium are metals, they adopt giant metallic structure, metallic cations and the
sea of delocalized electrons are bonded by strong metallic bonds. As the cationic charge and the number of
delocalized electrons increases from Na to Al, the strength of bonds increase from Na to Al. [1] A increasing
amount of energy is needed to break the bonds from Na to Al, hence the melting point increases from Na to

 Silicon adopts a giant covalent structure and silicon atoms are bonded by strong covalent bonds. The largest
amount of energy is needed to break the bonds in silicon. Hence, silicon has the highest melting point. [1]

 Phosphorus, sulphur, chlorine and argon have simple molecular structures and the molecules or atoms are
held by weak van der Waals’ forces, so their melting points are low. [1] As the four elements exist as P4, S8, Cl2
and Ar, the sizes of molecules increase as Ar, Cl2, P4 and S8. The increase in molecular size and mass of a
molecule will increase its van der Waals’ forces, a larger amount of energy is needed to overcome the
attractions. Hence, the melting points are arranged increasingly as Ar, Cl2, P4 and S8. [1]

 [1] Communication mark

b) Except silicon dioxide, write down the names of TWO oxides of the above elements that cannot conduct electricity.

 Cannot conduct electricity, but not giving any other clues, that means the oxides do not conduct electricity in
any state or condition.

 Only covalent oxides are unable to conduct electricity in any states (i.e. P4O10, SO2, Cl2O). The point is the
accurate naming of the oxides.

 Answer: Phosphorus pentoxide// Sulphur dioxide// Dichlorine monoxide [Any 2, 2]

Paper 2

1. (a) Gaseous dinitrogen pentoxide, N2O5, decomposes to give nitrogen dioxide and oxygen gas. A series of
experiment was conducted at 25C to determine the rate of decomposition of N2O5. The results were
recorded in the table below:
Initial [N2O5(g)] (mol dm3) 0.150 0.350 0.650

Rate (mol dm3 min1) 3.42 × 104 7.98 × 104 1.48 × 103
(i) Write a balanced equation for the reaction.
 ... N2O5, decomposes to give nitrogen dioxide and oxygen gas..., a test on balancing equation only.
 Answer: 2N2O5  4NO2 + O2 [1]

(ii) Use the data provided to write the rate equation and calculate the value of k for the reaction.

 Let the rate equation be rate = k[N2O5(g)]m

where m is the order of reaction with respect to N2O5(g).
 By substituting the given information into the rate equation, we have
3.42 × 104 = k(0.150)m……..(1) 7.98 × 104 = k(0.350)m……..(2)
 Dividing(2) by (1),

7.98  104 7
 ( )m [1]
3.42  10 3
2.33 = 2.33m
 Thus, the rate equation is rate = k[N2O5(g)] [1A]
3.42 × 104 = k(0.150) k = 2.28 × 103 min1 [1A]

(iii) Explain what ‘initial rate’ is and why it is more common to compare initial rates.

 By definition, initial rate is the instantaneous rate at the start of the reaction where the concentrations of
reactants are known.

 The question asks about two things, one is the definition of initial rate and the reason for comparing initial
rates is more common, so it is required that the answer is separated into two parts.

 Answer: Initial rate is the (instantaneous) rate at the start of the reaction [1] It is more common as the
concentrations of reactants are known// easier to calculate. [1]

(iv) Draw a Maxwell – Boltzmann distribution curve for energy of the above reaction at temperatures T1 and T2 where
T2> T1.
Number of molecules
 [1, axes and labels, 1, shape and accuracy]
T 2 > T1

Ea Kinetic energy
(v) If the initial concentration of N2O5 is 0.150 mol dm3, the initial rate for the reaction at 40C is 2.37 × 103 mol
dm3 min1. Determine the activation energy of the reaction.

 Let k2 be the rate constant of the reaction at 40C.

2.37 × 103 = k2(0.150)
k2 = 0.0158 min1 [1]
 By substituting values of k1, k2, T1 and T2 into the Arrhenius equation and then solving for Ea,

k1 = 2.28 × 103 T1 = 25 + 273 K = 298 K

k2 = 0.0158 T2 = 40 + 273 K = 313 K

Ea 1 1
 log k1  log k2  (  ) (Note that the k1 and k2 are rate constants, NOT accept reaction rates)
2.3 R T2 T1
Ea 1 1
log 2.28  103  log 0.0158  (  )
2.3  8.314 313 298
Solving for Ea = 99.97 kJ mol1 [1A]

(b) Two methods for manufacturing ethanoic acid are shown below:
Method 1:

C4H10 CH3COOH + CO + CO2 + H2O + other products

Method 2:


(i) Suggest ONE importance of ethanoic acid in the chemical industry.

 In the chemical industry, not in other industry, so the answer should only be about creating other chemicals
from ethanoic acid.
 Examples of chemicals: make polyethene terephthalate for water bottles (PETE) or polyvinyl acetate for glues
 Answer: Make other useful chemicals such as polyethene terephthalate// polyvinyl acetate… [1]

(ii) Methanol used in Method 2 can be produced by syngas. Write a chemical equation for the manufacturing of
methanol from syngas.

 Syngas is Carbon monoxide and hydrogen.

 Answer: CO + 2H2 ⇌ CH3OH [1]

(iii) Suggest, with ONE reason, whether Method 1 or Method 2 is greener.

 Method 2 is greener considered by the equations, as there are less side-products (i.e. high atom economy)
and has a much higher rate by using a catalyst (Ir/HI). But not comparing the conditions used, as their
conditions are almost equal.

 Answer: Method 2. Higher atom economy// higher reaction rate. [1]

(iv) Suggest why the iridium catalyst is finely divided in Method 2.

 One of the properties of a catalyst is that when it is finely divided, the efficiency of the catalyst increases.
This increase the rate of reaction.

 Answer: Increase catalytic properties// increase reaction rate. [1]

(c) The diagram below is a simple set-up used to produce chlorine, hydrogen and sodium hydroxide solution in the
school laboratory.
chlorine hydrogen

graphite electrode graphite electrode
(anode) (cathode)

(i) Suggest TWO possible problems that may arise if the above set-up is used to produce chlorine, hydrogen and
sodium hydroxide solution.
 Think what reaction will occur if the set-up is like this, usually the products with the products, the products
with the electrolyte or the product with the electrode.
 Considering the chlorine gas at anode, it can react with the sodium hydroxide solution formed from the
electrolysis to give chlorine bleach (Cl2 + 2NaOH  NaCl + NaOCl + H2O)
 Considering the hydrogen gas at cathode, although it has no reaction with the sodium hydroxide solution, it
has reaction with the other product, chlorine, and as the reaction between hydrogen and chlorine is explosive,
(H2 + Cl2  2HCl) it is a big problem.
 Considering the electrolyte, concentrated sodium chloride solution. As the reaction proceeds, the
concentration of chloride ions decrease as it is discharged to form chlorine. As the concentration of chloride
ions decrease, hydroxide ions will start to discharge, forming oxygen gas. This will cause the gas collected at
anode not be pure chlorine.
 Answer: Chlorine and hydrogen may mix together and explode// Direct reaction between chlorine and sodium
hydroxide solution contaminates the product// The discharge of hydroxide ions when the concentration of
chloride ions are low contaminates the chlorine gas [Any 2, 2]

(ii) Membrane cell is an advanced set-up used in the chloroalkali industry.

(1) State the characteristic of the ion-permeable membrane that can prevent the problems in (i) from occurring.
 The ion-permeable membrane prevents direct mixing of the
two electrolytes but selectively allows sodium ions to flow
from the left cell to the right cell. It also completes the circuit.
 But it is needed to identify which characteristic the ion-permeable
membrane has to prevent the problems occurring.
 So, it is only allowing the flow of sodium ions to flow but not
the other ions.
 Answer: The ion-permeable membrane only allows the passage of sodium ions, and prevent chlorine and
hydrogen to mix// Separate anodic and cathodic compartments, prevent chlorine from reacting with sodium
hydroxide solution. [Any 1, 1]

(2) Name substance X.

 X is water, to supply hydrogen ions for hydrogen
 Answer: (Pure) (distilled) water
(3) Explain how sodium hydroxide solution is produced in the membrane cell.
 At the cathode, both Na+ (flowed from anode) and H+ go to cathode, as hydrogen ions are lower than sodium
ions in the ECS, it is discharged at the cathode. Leaving a higher concentration of hydroxide ions in the
 As sodium ions are passed from the anode, it combines with the hydroxide ions in the cathode to form
sodium hydroxide solution.
 Answer: As hydrogen ions are discharged at the cathode, the concentration of hydroxide ions is high at the
cathode. [1] As sodium ions are passed from the anode through the ion-permeable membrane, they
combine to form sodium hydroxide solution. [1]

3. (a) In a brand of commercial iron tablets, iron is in the form of iron(II) sulphate. In order to determine the iron
content, four iron tablets are ground and dissolved in excess dilute sulphuric acid. The solution is then made
up to 100.0 cm3 by adding distilled water. 25.0 cm3 of this iron tablet solution requires 12.50 cm3 of 0.030 M
KMnO4(aq) for complete reaction.
(i) Write down the chemical equation of the reaction involved in the titration.
 Sulphuric acid is used to provide an acidic environment for the reaction to proceed, it is not one of the
reactants, but it provides H+.
 Answer: MnO4−(aq) + 8H+(aq) + 5Fe2+(aq)  Mn2+(aq) + 5Fe3+(aq) + 4H2O(l)

(ii) State the indicator of this titration and the expected colour change at the end point of the titration.
 KMnO4 acts as its own indicator for the reaction, as the colour of MnO4- is already deep enough.
 At the end point, all iron(II) ions would have reacted to form iron(III) ions, so the end point is from pale yellow
to pink (pale purple) but not from pale green to pink.
 Answer: KMnO4. From pale yellow to pink [1, for both]

(ii) Determine the mass of iron (in mg) in each tablet.

 Number of moles of MnO4− used for titration
= 0.03 M  dm3 = 3.75  10−4 mol
 Number of moles of Fe2+ in 25.0 cm3 iron tablet solution
= 3.75  10−4 mol  5 = 1.875  10−3 mol [1]
 Number of moles of Fe2+ in 100.0 cm3 iron tablet solution
100.0 cm 3
= 1.875  10−3 mol  = 7.50  10−3 mol [1]
25.0 cm 3
 Mass of Fe in the 100.0 cm3 iron tablet solution

= 7.50  10−3 mol  55.8 g mol−1 = 0.4185 g [1]

0.4185 g
 Mass of Fe in each tablet = = 105 mg [1A, with mg as unit]
(b) You are given a liquid mixture containing ethanoic acid (b.p. 118oC), hexane (b.p. 68.7oC) and
hexan-2-one (b.p. 127oC). Describe how you may separate the three liquids from the mixture.
 Whenever you see an acid in a mixture and you have to separate it out, add a base (sodium carbonate solution
or sodium bicarbonate solution) and then an acid to separate it.
 Whenever you see a large difference in boiling point of two compounds in a mixture, always use fractional
distillation (It is not wrong to use simple distillation, but a better way is to use fractional distillation)
 When under desperate situation and you cannot find any other method but distillation, before you write down
distillation, think about whether the mixture can be separated by adding water and shaking (As some
compounds are more soluble in water than in organic solvent, such as small alcohols, small aldehydes and
ketones and small acids). As it is an easier way than distillation, it is often taken as the better answer, as the
compounds separated can be dried by anhydrous CaCl2 then filtration.
 Answer: Step 1: Hexane is separated from the mixture by fractional distillation, keeping the temperature of the
distillate below 70oC. [1]
Step 2: Add aqueous sodium carbonate solution to the remaining mixture. Two layers are formed. Sodium
ethanoate dissolves in the aqueous layer while the organic layer contains hexan-2-one. [1]
Step 3: Separate hexan-2-one from the mixture using a separating funnel. Acidify the aqueous layer with
sulphuric acid to recover ethanoic acid. [1]
 Step 1: Add aqueous sodium carbonate solution to a separating funnel containing the reaction mixture. Two
layers are formed. Sodium ethanoate forms and dissolves in the aqueous layer while the organic layer contains
hexan-2-one and hexane. [1]
Step 2: Separate the aqueous layer and acidify the aqueous layer with sulphuric acid to recover ethanoic acid.
Step 3: Transfer the organic layer into a conical flask and perform fractional distillation to the remaining organic
layer, while keeping the temperature of the distillate below 70oC. Hexane is obtained as the first distillate, while
hexan-2-one is remained in the conical flask. [1]

(c) The table below shows some reactions of an organic compound X (C8H8O).
Reaction Observation
Reaction with Br2 in 1,1,1-trichloroethane in the dark No observable change
Reaction with acidified K2Cr2O7(aq) No observable change
Reaction with 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine Yellow precipitate is formed
(i) Deduce the possible functional group(s) that may be present in compound X.

 (1): Bromine in organic solvent (1,1,1-trichloroethane) is to test for double bonds (addition reaction), or
single bonds (substitution reaction). As it is in the dark, it is only for double bonds, as substitution reaction
requires more energy to break the C-H bond and substitute with a C-Br bond, requires UV. No observable
change indicates the absence of C=C groups (alkene groups).

 (2): Acidified K2Cr2O7 is to oxidize an organic compound. As only 1o and 2o alcohol and aldehydes can be
oxidized by K2Cr2O7, no observable change indicates the absence of hydroxyl groups and aldehyde groups.

 (3): 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine is to test for a carbonyl group. As both aldehydes and ketones have carbonyl
group, it shows the presence of aldehydes or ketones. But aldehydes are rejected by (2), so only ketone

 Answer: The no observable change in the reaction with bromine in organic solvent indicates the absence of
alkene group. OR The no observable change in the reaction with acidified K2Cr2O7 indicates the absence of
hydroxyl group or aldehyde group. [1] The yellow precipitates formed in the reaction with 2,4-
dinitrophenylhydrazine indicates the presence of an aldehyde or ketone group. [1] Hence the functional
group present is a ketone group. [1]
(ii) The infrared spectrum of compound X is shown below
Identify the peak(s) that can confirm the presence of the functional group(s) deduced in (i).

 You have claimed that there is a ketone group (or carbonyl)

group is present X, a carbonyl group is C=O and it has a
strong absorption peak at around 1700 cm-1.

 You can simply ignore all other absorption peaks other than
what you have deduced in (i) because it is only a 1 mark
question, only need to explain one thing.

 Answer: The strong absorption peak at around 1700 cm-1

indicates the presence of a C=O bond. [1]

(iii) The mass spectrum of compound X is shown below.

Deduce ONE possible structure of compound X.

 Look at the marks, there are 3 marks, so 2 for deduction of

structure and 1 for drawing the correct possible structure.

 Writing the molecular ion usually will not score you any mark
as it does not help with any detection of bonding structure and
it is given by the question already (C8H8O).
But one clue you can get from the given formula is that the number
of carbon atoms is equal to the hydrogen atoms. Whenever you
come across such molecular formula, you should think that it
probably contains a phenyl group (C6H5-) because it consists of many
double bonds that reduces the amount of H atoms.

 When considering the peaks, only consider the peaks that are numbered, not the small peaks, those are
small fragments that could have potentially broken many bonds.

 The peak at m/e = 77 indicates the presence of a phenyl group (C6H5+), and by subtraction, the difference
between 105 and 77 is 28, that is a C=O bond (Given by what is done in part i), and hence the m/e at 105
indicates the presence of C6H5CO+ ion.

 To deduce the structure, see what is left behind, by subtraction, the difference between 120 and 105 is 15,
that is a CH3 group, and it indicates the ending of a molecule. Hence, the m/e is the molecular peak and it
indicates the presence of C6H5COCH3+ ion.

 Note that the positive charges of ions are very important as the positive charges are the keys to the
deflection in the mass spectrometer.

 Answer: The peak at m/e = 77 indicates the presence of the C6H5+ ion. [1] The peak at m/e = 105 indicates
the presence of the C6H5CO+ ion. [1] OR The peak at m/e = 120 indicates the molecular ion C6H5COCH3+. [1]

The structure is deduced as the following: [1]

3. (di) Answer the following short questions: State the working mechanism of paper chromatography.
 The short paragraph in book that was told very important. ‘Different components have different solubility in
water on paper fibre (stationary phase) and the developing solvent (mobile phase). Components that are
more soluble in the developing solvent move up the paper faster. As a result, different components are
 Answer: Different components have different solubility in stationary phase and the developing solvent.[1]
Components that are more soluble in the developing solvent move up the paper faster.[1]

(ii) Suggest a chemical test to show the presence of an aldehyde group in an organic compound.
 There is only one test available, the silver mirror test.
 Answer: To the compound, add Tollens’ reagent (Excess ammonia in silver nitrate solution). [1] The compound
will react to form a silver mirror inside the test tube. [1] (Equation not required)
(Exact correct spelling and punctuation of the word Tollens’ is required)
Distribution of topics:
Paper 1A Paper 1B Paper 2
I 19 N/A Ch. 50 N/A
II 1, 2, 4, 13 1a, 1b, 2a Ch. 51 1ai, 1aii, 1aiii

Question 1
III 5, 8 3 Ch. 52 1aiv, 1av
IV 3, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12 4 Ch. 53 1biv
Part I

V 14 5c, 7 Ch. 54 1bi, 1bii, 1ci, 1cii

VI 20, 23 1c, 1d, 2b Ch. 55 1biii
VII 6, 16, 17, 21, 22, 24 5a, 5b, 6 Ch. 61 3ci, 3dii

Question 3
VIII 15, 18 8 Ch. 62 3b, 3di
IX 25, 35 10 Ch. 63 3a
X 27, 28, 36 11 Ch. 64 3c
Part II

XI 29, 30, 31, 32, 33 9 Ch. 65 N/A

XII 26, 34 12

Projected grade range: (For reference only)

Part Paper 1A Paper 1B Paper 1

Grade Part I Part I Part II Sub-total Sub-total Percentage
Full mark 36 56 28 84 120 100%
5** x≥33 x≥50 x≥25 x≥75 x≥108 x≤90%
5* 30≤x≤32 44≤x≤49 22≤x≤24 66≤x≤74 96≤x≤107 80%≤x≤89%
5 26≤x≤29 38≤x≤43 19≤x≤21 57≤x≤65 83≤x≤95 69%≤x≤79%
4 22≤x≤25 32≤x≤37 16≤x≤18 48≤x≤56 70≤x≤82 58%≤x≤69%
3 18≤x≤21 27≤x≤31 13≤x≤15 40≤x≤47 58≤x≤69 48%≤x≤57%
2 14≤x≤17 18≤x≤26 9≤x≤12 27≤x≤39 41≤x≤57 34%≤x≤47%
1 5≤x≤13 8≤x≤17 4≤x≤8 12≤x≤26 17≤x≤40 14%≤x≤33%
U x≤4 x≤7 x≤3 x≤11 x≤16 x≤13%

Part Paper 2
SBA Total Percentage
Grade Industrial Analytical Sub-total Percentage
Full mark 20 20 40 100% 40 200 100%
5** x≥18 x≥18 x≤36 x≤90% x≤36 x≤180 x≤90%
5* 16≤x≤17 16≤x≤17 32≤x≤35 80%≤x≤89% 32≤x≤35 160≤x≤179 80%≤x≤89%
5 14≤x≤15 14≤x≤15 28≤x≤31 70%≤x≤79% 28≤x≤31 139≤x≤159 69%≤x≤79%
4 12≤x≤13 12≤x≤13 24≤x≤27 60%≤x≤69% 24≤x≤27 118≤x≤138 59%≤x≤69%
3 10≤x≤11 10≤x≤11 20≤x≤23 50%≤x≤59% 20≤x≤23 98≤x≤117 49%≤x≤58%
2 6≤x≤9 6≤x≤9 12≤x≤19 30%≤x≤49% 12≤x≤19 65≤x≤97 32%≤x≤48%
1 3≤x≤5 3≤x≤5 6≤x≤11 15%≤x≤29% 6≤x≤11 29≤x≤64 15%≤x≤31%
U x≤2 x≤2 x≤5 x≤14% x≤5 x≤28 x≤14%

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