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Journal of Agricultural Science and Practice

Volume 4(4), pages 120-133, August 2019

Article Number: F7F34BCF4
ISSN: 2536-7072
Full Length Research

Grain quality and yield response of bread wheat

(Triticum aestivum l.) varieties to different rates of
blended fertilizer at Kulumsa, South-eastern Ethiopia
Melaku Tafese Awulachew
Department of Food Science and Nutrition Research Process, Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research, Kulumsa
Agricultural Research Center, P. O.box:489, Assela, Ethiopia.
Email: [email protected]

Copyright © 2019 Awulachew. This article remains permanently open access under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0, which
permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Received 1st August, 2019; Accepted 27th August, 2019

ABSTRACT: This study was initiated to assess the effect of blended fertilizer of Nitrogen(N), phosphorus(P), sulfur(S)
and boron(B) rate on yield and quality of Ethiopian newly release varieties of wane (2016) and king bird (2015) of bread
wheat varieties by Kulumsa Agricultural Research Center Wheat Breeding Program. A field experiment was carried out in
2018 robi season to determine grain quality and yield response of bread wheat varieties to different rate of fertilizer. The
treatments was factorial combination of eight levels control, recommended PN (150 kg ha-1 TSP (69 P2O5) + 158.7 kg ha-
1 Urea (73 N), 100 kg NPSB (18.1N + 36.1P O + 6.7S + 0.71B), 100 kg NPSB + Rec. Urea (46 kg N) , 150 kg NPSB +
2 5
Rec. Urea, 200 kg NPSB + Rec. Urea, 250 kg NPSB + Rec. Urea, 300 kg NPSB + Rec. Urea) and two bread wheat
varieties (wane and king bird). The experiment design was laid in Randomized Complete Block Design with factorial
arrangement of two varieties. Phonological traits, grain quality parameters and yield were taken as experimental variables.
The result showed that grain yield, thousand kernel weight and hectoliter weight were significantly affected by interaction
of fertilizer rate and varieties. However, days to heading, days to maturity, plant height, number of productive tillers, straw
yield and number of grains per spike were significantly affected by both fertilizer rate and varieties. The highest Seeds per
spick (53.9), thousand kernel weight (37.3 g), and SY (9071.7 kg ha-1) in the main effect were recorded from 300 kg NPSB
treatment with supplementary urea, whereas grain protein content (12.1%) was recorded from 73/69 kg recommended
NP (12.1%). The interaction effect of PT and BY showed that variety Wane scored Wane7.7 PT and 14053 kg ha-1 as
compared to 6.0 PT and 12009 kg ha-1 BY in variety Kingbird at 300 kg NPSB fertilizer treatment with supplementary urea;
whereas the least was observed at control. The higher GY was produced in Wane (4236 kg ha-1) variety at 300 kg NPSB
fertilizer treatment; but in Kingbird (3737 kg ha-1) variety 200 kg NPSB fertilizer treatment with supplementary urea. Wane
variety was found to be better in terms of both agronomic and economical feasible. However, as the experiment was
conducted only for a single season, the repeat of the study is suggested for more seasons around Kulumsa area and
similar agro ecology.

Keywords: Bread wheat, Kingbird, NPSB fertilizer, productivity, quality trait, Wane.


Wheat is one of the most important crop plants in the Africa. Wheat is one of the major staple crops in the
world. Supplementary of the earth’s surface is wrapped by country in terms of both production and consumption.
wheat more than any additional food crop (FAO, 2013). Wheat is modeled here due to its relative importance as
Wheat grows mostly in the range between 1500 to 3000 m well as its wide scale adoption throughout the four main
above sea level in Ethiopia, where the need for chilling regions of Ethiopia (Minot et al., 2015).
temperature is satisfied (Daba, 2017). Ethiopia is the Stewart et al. (2005) reported that 50 to 60% of the
second largest wheat producer in Africa next to South increase in crop yields worldwide was due to application of
Awulachew 121

chemical fertilizers. They also stated that during the 21st Treatment and experimental deign
century, the essential plant nutrients would be one of the
factors limiting crop yields, especially in developing The blended NPSB fertilizer rates (18.1% of N, 36.1% of
countries; the main factors responsible for low yield are P2O5, 6.7% of S and 0.71% of B) in 100 Kg bags as shown
less or more plant population and inadequate crop in Bellete (2015), TPS (69% P2O5) and Urea (73% N) was
nutrition. Wheat yields especially those of newly used as the supplementary fertilizers for making NPSB
developed genotypes are among the most depending optimum amount for the crop productivity.
nitrogen fertilization plant species (Hirel et al., 2001). The experimental design used for this experiment was
Since its start in the early 1970's, fertilizer use in Ethiopia Randomized Complete Block Design with factorial
has focused mainly on the use and application of nitrogen arrangement of two varieties (Kingbird and Wane) and six
and phosphorous fertilizers in the form of Urea and DAP rates of NPSB (0, 100, 150, 200, 250, and 300) including
for almost all crops and soil types. Such unbalanced and the local check and recommended rate with three
blanket application of plant nutrients may aggravate the replications. This gave a total of 16 treatment
depletion of other important nutrient elements in the soils combinations. The treatments includes control,
(Fayera et al., 2014). Inappropriate cropping systems, recommended PN (150 kg ha-1 TSP (69%P2O5 ) + 158.7 kg
mono cropping, nutrient mining, unbalanced nutrient ha-1 Urea (73 N), 100 kg NPSB (18.1N + 36.1P2O5 + 6.7S
application, removal of crop residues from the fields and + 0.71B), 100 kg NPSB + Rec. Urea (100 kg), 150 kg
inadequate re-supplies of nutrients have contributed to NPSB + Rec. Urea, 200 kg NPSB + Rec. Urea, 250 kg
decline in crop yields (Nyamangara et al., 2001). Low soil NPSB + Rec. Urea, 300 kg NPSB + Rec. Urea (Table 1).
fertility due to monoculture cereal production systems is Supplementary nitrogen fertilizer in the form of Urea was
recognized as one of the major causes for declining per applied in split form at two times, two weeks after
capita food production. In Ethiopia, soil degradation and germination and before booting to maintain the N
nutrient depletion have gradually increased in area and requirement of the crop. This means about 36 kg ha-1 of
magnitude and have become serious threats to agricultural Urea was applied two weeks after planting in all plots
productivity (Kebede and Yamoah, 2009). Adequate and except the control and blended alone.
timely application of fertilizer should be aligned with
fertilizer responsive varieties. This is directly associated
with amount of yield harvested and thereby its end quality. Experimental procedure
Kingbird and Wane bread wheat varieties are released to
for their resistance against rust and early maturity. Besides The gross experimental area was 49.1m x 14m (687.4m2),
to genetic and environmental factors, crop management with inter-row spacing of 0.20 m, and 0.5 and 1 m between
factors like fertilizer application determine productivity. the plots and blocks, respectively. The gross plot size of
Therefore, this study was initiated to evaluate the effects 4m x 2.6m (10.4m2) and the net plot size of 3 m x 2 m
of blended (NPSB) fertilizers rate, varieties and their (6m2), leaving the two outer rows from both sides of a plot
interaction on yield, yield components and quality and a 0.25 m row length on both ends of each plant row of
attributes of bread wheat varieties. each plot to avoid border effects resulting into a net plot
size. A surface soil sample was collected from five spots
at a plough depth of 0 to 30 cm diagonally from each block
MATERIALS AND METHODS to form composite samples for pre-planting soil analysis
and also the soil samples were analyzed for selected
Study area description physicochemical properties following the standard
The field experiment was conducted at Kulumsa
Agricultural Research Center (KARC), which is located in
Tiyo district of Arsi Administrative Zone, Oromia Regional
State, Ethiopia during 2018. The site is located at 167 km Management of the experiment
south-east of Addis Ababa and 8 km north of Asella town
at an altitude of 2200 meters above sea level (m. a.s.l), 8° The land was ploughed three times by oxen including land
01' N latitude and 39° 09' E longitude. Even though, Gora clearing or removing unwanted materials from the field.
Silingo kebele is the potential area for cereals and highland The seed rate was 125 kg ha-1 and sown in row of 3 cm
pulses, the area is dominated by continuous mono depth by using mechanical row marker and the seed was
cropping of cereals especially wheat which exhaust the drilled manually in the rows at the beginning of July 2018.
same kind of nutrients season to season. Agro-ecological All the necessary field management practices were carried
zones of the area is from highland to semi-arid and out as per the practices followed by Kulumsa Agricultural
receives a uni-modial mean annual rainfall of 809.2 mm Research Center. The crop was finally harvested on the
from March to September; however, the peak season is basis of maturity stage of each variety after physiological
from July to August. maturity from the net plot area and was threshed manually.
122 J. Agric. Sci. Pract.

Table 1. Fertilizer treatment rates used with their nutrient contents in kg/ha for the experiment field at
Kulumsa research in 2018 main cropping season.

Fertilizer rates N P2O5 S B

Control 0 0 0 0
Rec. NP (73 kg N+69 kg P2O5) 73 69 0 0
100 kg NPSB 18.10 36.10 6.70 0.71
100 kg NPSB + 100 kg Urea ha-1 64.10 36.10 6.70 0.71
150 kg NPSB + 100 kg Urea ha-1 73.15 54.15 10.05 1.07
200 kg NPSB + 100 kg Urea ha-1 82.20 72.20 13.40 1.42
250 kg NPSB + 100 kg Urea ha-1 91.25 90.25 16.75 1.78
300 kg NPSB + 100 kg Urea ha-1 100.30 108.30 20.10 2.13
NPSB = Nitrogen Phosphorus Sulfur, S = Sulfur, N=Nitrogen, P2O5 = di phosphorus pento Oxide, B = Boron and Boron.

Determination of yield and yield components Soil sampling and physico-chemical analysis

All the plants of different treatments were harvested in the Soil samples were collected from representative points
same physiological growth state. Plants were hand- within the experimental field (0 to 30 cm depth) before
harvested at 5 cm from the above soil level at 180 days planting by auger to make two composite samples.
after planting. Data on wheat total dry biomass, grain and Similarly, surface soil samples of the same depth were
straw yields, harvest index, tiller and spike numbers collected at the time of full maturity for each treatment by
per plant, seed number per spike, plant and spike height taking samples from 3 points within each plot. Soil
and weight of 1000 kernels were recorded. Spikes were analyses were carried out at the soil laboratory of Kulumsa
oven-dried at 70.1°C for 72 hours and their dry weights Agricultural Research Center (KARC). The pre-planting
determined. Tiller and spike numbers per plant were soil samples were used to analyze available nitrogen,
recorded from 5 randomly chosen plants. Spike weight per available phosphorus, organic carbon, and soil pH,
plant was recorded from 5 randomly chosen plants. Dried available S, particle size, CEC and soil pH in a single plot
biomass was calculated corresponding to relative moisture basis.
of 86% dry weight (DW). Available Phosphorus was measured using Bray II
(Bray, 1945). The pH of the soil measured potentiome-
Thousand kernel weight (g) trically in the supernatant suspension of 1:5 soil: water
mixture by using a pH meter, and Organic Carbon was
It was determined based on the weight of 1000 kernels determined by following Walkely and Black wet oxidation
sampled from the grain yields used to determine each method as described by Jackson (1958). Total Nitrogen
treatment, using an electric seed counter, weighing with an was determined by using Kjedahl method as described by
electronic balance and adjusted to 12.5% moisture level. Neas (1988). Cation Exchangeable Capacity (CEC) was
determined by using the NH4AC pH 7.0 methods.
Digestion with acid-dichrome and heat modified Walkely-
Harvest index (HI) Black (Nelson and Sommers, 1982). Available sulfur will
be determined by using available sulfur in the form of
It was calculated as the ratio of grain yield per the above sulphate and determined by using 0.15% CaCl2 as
ground dry biomass yield per plot expressed as a extractant and measured turbidometrically using
percentage. HI (%) = (Grain yield/ plot x 100)/ (Above spectrophotometer at 420 nm (Jackson, 1973). Texture or
ground dry biomass/plot). particle size was determined by Hydro meter method.
Exchangeable Boron was determined by using
Spectrophotometer, measure absorbance at a wavelength
Phonological parameters of 420 nm.

Days to emergency were recorded as the number of days

from sowing to when 50% of the plant emerged in each Quality assessment
plot. Similarly, days to heading was recorded as the
number of days from planting to 50% of heads fully Wheat samples were uniformly divided through Boerner
matured, while physiological maturity was recorded as the Divider and analyzed for quality characteristics such as
number of days from planting to when 90% of heads fully hectoliter weight, moisture content, protein according
matured was recorded. to standard procedures as described in AACC (2000).
Awulachew 123

Hectoliter weight: random sample grain weight of one liter low (0.11). According to Ethio SIS (2014), TN content <0.1,
volume was estimate for each experimental unit. Protein 0.1 to 0.15, 0.15 to 0.3, 0.3 to 0.5, and >0.5 was very low,
Content: Protein content in grain was determined by Near low, medium, high and very high, respectively. The result
Infra-Red Spectroscopy. also indicated the N is limiting factor for crop growth. The
optimum N level needed for crop production under most
soils of Ethiopia is reported to be <0.2% according to
Growth parameters EthioSIS (2013). Analysis of variance for germination date,
seedling density, days to 50% heading, days to 90%
Plant height was measured at the time of physiological maturity and plant height of wheat as affected by variety
maturity from central rows as the mean height of five and rate of blended fertilizer (Table 2).
randomly selected plants from the ground level to the apex As indicated in Table 3, the laboratory analysis result
of each plant. Spike length per plants was determined from revealed that the available P was low (8.21). According to
5 randomly taken plants. Similarly, number of tillers per Bray (1954), the range of phosphorus in Bray method is
plant was estimated by counting tillers from five randomly <7, 8 to 19, 20 to 39, 40 to 58 and >59 was very low, low,
selected plants. medium, high and very high, respectively. Habtamu et al.
(2015) reported that low contain of P was due to fixation
Data analysis The study soil CEC value was medium (22.86 cmol kg-1)
(Table 3). According to Landon et al. (1991), soil CEC
All data was subjected to analysis of variance (ANOVA) for ranges soils having CEC of >40, 25 to 40, 15 to 25, 5 to
both sites following the standard procedure for split plot 15, < 5 cmol kg-1 categorized as very high, high, medium,
design. Variety and nitrogen fertilizer interaction will be low and very low, respectively. According to the result from
performed using PROC GLM Procedure of SAS software soil laboratory, the mean B value of the soil is 0.43 mg kg-
version 9.1(SAS, 2004). Correlation analysis was 1 (Table 3). According to EthioSIS (2013), critical B value

conducted using Pearson correlation coefficient. Then for most Ethiopian soils is 0.8 mg/kg. This shows that soils
path analysis was used to investigate cause relationships of the study area are deficit in B suggesting application of
and direct and indirect effects of traits on grain yield and fertilizer which contains B. Intensive cultivation in the area
quality traits. Mean separation was employed following the was responsible for low B content of the soil.
significance of mean squares using least significant It was also related to continuous cultivation which result
difference (LSD) at 5% level of significance. intensive mining of S from the soil. Bulk density of the
experimental site was 0.85 g cm-3 (Table 3). White (1997)
stated that values of bulk density ranges from < 1 g cm -3
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION for soils high in OM, 1.0 to 1.4 g cm-3 for well- aggregated
loamy soils and 1.4 to 1.8 g cm-3 for sands and compacted
According to the initial soil laboratory test results, the soil horizons in clay soils. Based on these, soils of the study
reactions were found to be moderately acidic vertisols with area were good for production with regarding to bulk
a pH value of 6.17. According to EthioSIS (2013), pH density. Memon et al. (2018) who found decrease in bulk
values classified as < 4.5 strongly acidic, 4.5 to 5.5 highly density as a result of nutrient and crop management.
acidic, 5.6 to 6.5 moderately acidic, 6.6 to 7.3 neutral, 7.4 The shortest and longest days to maturity were recorded
to 8.4 moderately alkaline, >8.5 strongly alkaline. Mengel from 0 and 300 kg ha-1 blended fertilizer rates and Urea,
and Kirkby (1996) found that the optimum soil pH values respectively. Abedi et al. (2011) and Sofonyas and Lemma
range from 4.1 to 7.4 were recommended for wheat and (2016) reported significant increments in plant height due
barley production. to application of high nitrogen rate. Generally, increased
The study area soil organic carbon was 1.76 having the combined application of N and blended fertilizer showed
organic matter content of 3.03 which can be classified in inconsistent increment in plant height. These results were
medium range according to EthioSIS (2013) as it classified in line with Abebe and Abebe (2016) who reported that N
soil organic carbon percentages of < 0.60, 0.6 to 1.0, 1.0 fertilizer rate significantly affected days to maturity on
to 1.80, 1.80 to 3.0, and >3 as very low, low, medium, high, wheat.
and very high, respectively. According to (Tekalign et al., Wheat variety significantly (p<0.05) affected only days to
1991) rating, organic matter content of the soil is very low heading and maturity having longer heading and maturity
(<0.86%), low (0.86 to 2.59%), medium (2.59 to 5.17%), period on Kingbird variety as compared to Wane (Table 4).
high (>5.17%), and very high (not given). Azlan et al. It is also important to note that the differences in maturity
(2012) reported that soil texture influences the rate of soil can be caused by the combined effect of genetic and
organic matter (SOM) decomposition. Soils with high clay environmental factors during the growth stage of the crops.
content may have higher SOM content due to slower This difference could be attributed to the genetic makeup
decomposition of organic matter. (Table 6). In line with this, bread wheat varietal differences
Total nitrogen (TN) value of the experimental soil was with respect to heading were reported by Abdulkerim et
124 J. Agric. Sci. Pract.

Table 2. Analysis of variance for germination date, seedling density, days to 50% heading, days to 90% maturity and plant height of
wheat as affected by variety and rate of blended fertilizer at Tiyo Woreda 2018 main cropping season.

Mean squares
Source of variation
Replication 2 0.02 0.17 65.58*** 34.19*** 11.04
Varieties(V) 1 0.00ns 0.27ns 325.52*** 295.02*** 5.67ns
Fertilizer(F) 7 0.04ns 3.95*** 105.69*** 38.97*** 271.45***
FxV 7 0.05ns 0.34ns 10.85ns 3.74ns 11.40ns
Error 30 0.04 0.55 4.81 1.45 6.59
CV (%) 3.26 3.25 3.30 1.10 2.89
GD = Germination date, SD = Seedling density DTH = Days to 50% heading, DTM = Days to 90% maturity, PH (cm) = Plant height, NPSB = Nitrogen
Phosphorus Sulfur, and Boron, LSD = Least Significant Difference, CV = Critical Value. ns,*** = non-significant and very highly Significant 1% probability
level, respectively.

Table 3. Major soil physical and physicochemical characteristics of the experimental field
before planting in 2018 cropping season at Kulumsa, South-eastern Ethiopia field experiment.

Soil Parameter Unit Value Rates

Bulk Density g/cm3 0.85 high
PH % 6.17 slightly acidic
Organic Carbon % 1.76 Low
Total Nitrogen % 0.11 Low
Available Phosphorous mg kg-1 7.67 Low
Available Boron mg kg-1 0.43 Low
Available sulfur mg kg-1 2.09 Low
Cation Exchange Capacity meq/100 g 22.86 Medium

Particle size distribution

Sand Silt Clay Textural class
11.25% 39.75 % 49.00% Clay

al. (2015). Tuteja and Sarvajeet (2012) reported that plant 2018 cropping season there was a shortage of water after
sensitivity to drought and high temperature result in post anthesis to maturity according to Tiyo wereda
disturbed metabolic processes coupled with shorter plant meteorological data recorded (Table 8). Growth
life cycle which could be the reason for varietal differences parameters, yield components, yield and quality attributes
in heading and maturity. are highly influenced by water and environmental
The analysis of variance showed that the main effect of changes. Drought stress from anthesis to maturity,
varieties and blended fertilizer rates significantly (p<0.01) especially if accompanied by high temperatures, hastens
affected thousand seed weight (TKW), but there was no leaf senescence; reduce mean kernel weight (Royo et al.,
interaction effect (Table 7). Wane variety (37.0 gm) was 2000). Water stress imposed during later stages might
weighed more than Kingbird variety (35.3 gm) in TKW. The additionally cause a reduction in number of kernels/ear
highest TKW (37.3g) was produced by the application of and kernel weight (Gupta et al., 2001; Denčić et al., 2000).
300 kg ha-1 NPSB while in most fertilizer treatments there The result between varieties and blended fertilizer rates
was no significant difference (Table 4). The lowest showed that there was highly significant (p<0.01)
thousand seed weight was recorded from control and the differences in grain yield. The interactions between
plot fertilized with recommended NPSB alone which was varieties and blended fertilizer rates were found to be
decreased by 9 and 8%, respectively from the highest significantly (p< 0.05) affect grain yield. These indicating
TKW produced from those fertilized by 300 kg ha-1 NPSB. that the varieties grain yield was differently influenced by
Abedi et al. (2011) who reported number seeds spike-1 and fertilizer rate (Table 9). Data for mean grain yield is
1000 grain weight were significantly enhanced by presented in Table 10. The ultimate goal in crop production
increasing nitrogen levels. However, the results were is maximum economic yield, which is a complex function
aligned with Khan et al. (2013) whereby nitrogen rates and of individual yield components in response to the genetic
sources significantly influence thousand seed weight. In potential of the varieties and inputs used.
Awulachew 125

Table 4. Main effect of variety and blended fertilizer rate on germination date, seedling density, days to 50% heading,
days to 90% maturity and plant height in 2018 cropping season at kulumsa field research experiment.

Fertilizer rates (kg ha-1) GD SD DTH DTM PH (cm)

0 kg F ha-1 6.2 21.1c 61.3d 106.2c 75.6f
150 kg TSP + 158.7kg Urea h-1 6.0 23.4ab 68.0bc 109.7b 90.5cd
Rec. NPSB (100 kg ha-1) 6.0 22.7b 61.0d 106.7c 83.0e
100 kg NPSB + 100 kg Urea ha-1 6.0 23.4ab 63.3d 108.8b 87.6d
150 kg NPSB + 100 kg Urea ha-1 6.0 22.8ab 66.5c 109.8b 92.3bc
200 kg NPSB + 100 kg Urea ha-1 6.2 23.2ab 69.7ab 112.3a 92.6bc
250 kg NPSB + 100 kg Urea ha-1 6.0a 23.4ab 70.7a 112.0a 94.5ab
300 kg NPSB + 100 kg Urea ha-1 6.0 23.6a 71.7a 113.0a 95.5a
LSD (5%) NS 0.92 2.72 1.49 3.18
CV (%) 3. 26 3.25 3.30 1.10 2.89
GD = Germination date, SD = Seedling density DTH = Days to 50% heading, DTM = Days to 90% maturity, PH = Plant height, NPSB
= Nitrogen Phosphorus Sulfur, and Boron, LSD = Least Significant Difference, CV = Critical Value.

Table 5. Interaction effect of blended fertilizer rates and bread wheat varieties on productive
tillers in 2018 cropping season in kulumsa research field experiment, south-eastern Ethiopia.

Fertilizer rates (kg ha-1)
Wane Kingbird
0 kg F ha-1 4.4fg 4.4fg
150 kg TSP + 158.7 kg Urea h-1 5.8bc 4.8efg
100 kg NPSB + 0 kg Urea ha-1 4.8efg 4.8efg
100 kg NPSB + 100 kg Urea ha-1 4.8efg 5.2cde
150 kg NPSB + 100 kg Urea ha-1 5.1ddef 5.0defg
200 kg NPSB + 100 kg Urea ha-1 7.0a 5.1def
250 kg NPSB + 100 kg Urea ha-1 7.3a 5.5bcd
300 kg NPSB + 100 kg Urea ha-1 7.7a 6.0b
Mean 5.9 5.1
LSD (5%) 0.67
CV (%) 7.33
NPSB = Nitrogen Phosphorus Sulfur, and Boron, LSD = Least Significant Difference, CV = Critical Value.
Means followed by the same letter(s) within a column are not significantly different from each other at 5%
level of significance, ns: Not significant.

Table 6. Descriptions of the bread wheat varieties for the research conducted in Kulumsa, South-eastern Ethiopia during 2018 cropping

Date of Potential yield (Qt Agro-ecology above- Maturity Research

Variety name Rainfall(mm)
released ha-1) sea level (m) date center
Wane 2016 50 – 65 2000-2300 120 750-1500 Kulumsa
King Bird 2015 40 – 50 2000-2200 133 800-1000 Kulumsa
Source: Ethiopian institute of agricultural research, Ethiopian National wheat research program.

Results showed significant differences (p<0.01) among the highest mean productive tiller of 7.7% at a fertilizer rate
NPSB blended fertilizer rate treatments and varieties for of 300 kg NPSB + 100 kg Urea ha-1 and the lowest 4.8%
productive tiller. However, the interaction effect of the two to 100 kg NPSB + 0 kg Urea ha-1 rate were recorded. While
factors was not significant (Table 5). The mean productive Variety kingbird had the highest mean productive tiller of
tiller varied from the control (4.4%) to the highest 300 kg 6.0% at a fertilizer rate of 300 kg NPSB + 100 kg Urea ha-
NPSB + 100 kg Urea ha-1 rates (7.7%). Variety wane had 1 and the lowest 4.8% to 150 kg TSP + 158.7 kg Urea h-1
126 J. Agric. Sci. Pract.

Table 7. Main effect of variety and blended fertilizer rate on Spike length, Seeds per spike and
thousand kernel weight in 2018 cropping season at Kulumsa, South-eastern Ethiopia.

Varieties SL (cm) SPS TKW (gm)

Wane 6.5b 45.2a 37.0a
Kingbird 7.3a 43.1b 35.3b
LSD (%) 0.14 0.75 0.73
Fertilizer rates (kg ha-1)
0 kg F /ha 6.4d 32.3e 33.9c
150 kg TSP + 158.7kg Urea h-1 7.0ab 48.2b 36.9ab
100 kg NPSB 6.6cd 34.0e 34.4c
100 kg NPSB + 100 kg Urea ha-1 6.9bc 39.9d 35.9b
150 kg NPSB + 100 kg Urea ha-1 6.9bc 44.5c 36.7ab
200 kg NPSB + 100 kg Urea ha-1 7.1ab 48.3b 36.8ab
250 kg NPSB + 100 kg Urea ha-1 6.9bc 52.2a 37.2ab
300 kg NPSB + 100 kg Urea ha-1 7.3a 53.9a 37.3a
LSD (5%) 0.28 1.49 1.45
CV (%) 3.34 2.73 3.24
SL = Spike length, SPS = Seeds per spick, TKW = Thousand kernel weight, NPSB = Nitrogen Phosphorus Sulfur, and
Boron, LSD = Least Significant Difference, CV = Critical Value. Means followed by the same letter(s) within a column are
not significantly different from each other at 5% level of significance, ns: Not significant.

Table 8. Average monthly minimum and maximum temperature and monthly total rainfall of the experimental site in
Kulumsa, South-eastern Ethiopia in 2018 main cropping season.

Months Rainfall (mm) Min. Temp. (°C) Max. Temp. (°C)

January 0.0 9.7 23.6
February 43.9 10.4 25.3
March 30.2 12.5 25.2
April 165.1 13.2 24.7
May 57.2 13.2 24.7
June 127.3 12.8 22.7
July* 121.6 11.7 21.4
August* 199.3 12.3 21.3
September* 70.2 12.0 22.8
October* 15.8 12.0 24.2
November* 31.5 11.5 23.4
December 0.6 10.4 24.0
Mean 71.89 11.8 23.6

and 100 kg NPSB + 0 kg Urea ha-1 rate were recorded. NPSB (4107 kg ha-1) and 300 kg NPSB (4236kg ha-1)
The differences in the number of tillers produced by the fertilizer rates applications was statistically non-significant
wheat varieties could be attributed to genetic differences from each other, but there was significant difference from
(Alam et al., 2007). the recommended NP (3562 kg ha-1) (Table 7). Variety
Wane variety showed better performance of grain yield Kingbird was statistically non-significant between the
(4236kg ha-1) at the highest rate of 300 kg NPSB fertilizer treatments recommended NP (3647 kg ha-1), 200 kg NPSB
application which may be due to the highest response of (3737 kg ha-1), 250 kg NPSB (3499 kg ha-1) and 300 kg
cultivars to N and use efficiency. The lowest grain yield NPSB (3682 kg ha-1). The highest result of Wane and
(2165kg ha- 1) was also recorded from control. But Kingbird Kingbird were improved by 48.9% and 46.7%, respectively
variety showed better performance of grain yield (3737 kg as compared to the lowest grain yield produced from
ha-1) at 200 kg NPSB fertilizer application, and the lowest control; and by 33.8% and 24.1% as compared to
yield (1991 kg ha-1) at control. The grain yield obtained recommended NPSB alone for Wane and Kingbird
from Wane variety at 200 kg NPSB (3966 kg ha-1), 250 kg varieties respectively. Mulugeta et al. (2017) reported that
Awulachew 127

Table 9. Analysis of variance for adjusted grain yield, harvest index, above ground biomass yield and straw yield of
wheat as affected by variety and NPSB fertilizer rate at Tiyo Woreda in 2018 main cropping season.

Mean Squares
Source of Variation
DF GY (kg h-1) HI (%) BY (kg h-1) SY (kg h-1)
Replication 2 592030.75*** 10.22 1637593.3* 314048.5
Varieties (V) 1 568763.02** 0.05 ns 4264380.2** 1718768.5*
Fertilizer (F) 7 2398130.19*** 82.66 *** 40594102.0*** 24086607.9***
FxV 7 92637.07ns 8.38 ns 1057381.9ns 709206.7ns
Error 30 38238.4 6.99 386091.3 343850.9
CV 5.82 7.30 6.53 9.52
AGY = Adjusted grain yield, HI = Harvest index, BY = Above ground biomass yield, SY = Straw yield, NPSB = Nitrogen Phosphorus
Sulfur, and Boron, LSD = Least Significant Difference, CV = Critical Value. ns,*, ** ,*** = non significant, Significant, highly Significant,
very highly Significant 5% and 1% probability level, respectively.

Table 10. Mean values of the interaction effect of blended fertilizer rates and bread wheat
varieties on grain yield at kulumsa research field experiment in 2018 main cropping
season, South-eastern Ethiopia.

Grain Yield (kg/ ha) Varieties

Fertilizer rates (kg ha-1)
Wane Kingbird
0 kg F ha-1 2165h 1991h
150 kg TSP + 158.7 kg Urea h-1 3562 cde 3647cde
100 kg NPSB + 0 kg Urea ha-1 2806 g 2832fg
100 kg NPSB + 100 kg Urea ha-1 3425de 3252ef
150 kg NPSB + 100 kg Urea ha-1 3489de 3375de
200 kg NPSB + 100 kg Urea ha-1 3966abc 3737bcd
250 kg NPSB + 100 kg Urea ha-1 4107 ab 3499de
300 kg NPSB + 100 kg Urea ha-1 4236 a 3682cd

Mean 3469 3252

LSD (5%) 421.03
CV (%) 7.53
NPSB = Nitrogen Phosphorus Sulfur, and Boron, LSD = Least Significant Difference, CV = Critical
Value. Means followed by the same letter(s) within a column are not significantly different from each
other at 5% level of significance, ns: Not significant.

application of nutrients like K, S, Zn, Mg and B significantly additionally cause a reduction in number of kernels/ear
increased grain yield and yield component of bread wheat and kernel weight (Gupta et al., 2001; Denčić et al., 2000).
as compared to the control (no fertilizer). Grain yield is a function of yield components, so that any
In this cropping season, the amount of yield production stress on growth and development phase of these traits do
by different fertilizer rate was low when compared with the have a cumulative effect on the final grain yield and
actual potential of varieties productivity. Because after productivity.
anthesis to maturity in the cropping season of 2018 there Hussain et al. (2013) also reported that plants have
was a shortage of rain (Table 8). These factors greatly limited nutrient uptake capacity and photosynthetic
affected the genetic potential of bread wheat varieties efficiency under heat and drought stress. These stresses
production capacity (Table 6) in the experimental sites. can also reduce organ size (leaf, tiller, and spikes) and
Grain yield is a complex polygenic trait influenced by growth period for various development stages (tillering,
genotype, environment and genotype x environment (GxE) jointing, booting, heading, anthesis, and grain filling).
interaction. According to Bukhat (2005), moisture stress is Laura et al. (2007) reported that water stress during grain
known to reduce biomass, tillering ability, grains per spike filling period greatly reduced grain yield, and the yield
and grain size at any stage when it occurs. So, the overall reduction resulted from a little decrease of the number of
effect of moisture stress depends on intensity and length kernels per spike and a great decrease of mean kernel
of stress. Water stress imposed during later stages might weight. He demonstrated that post-anthesis water stress
128 J. Agric. Sci. Pract.

Table 11. Analysis of variance for number of productive tillers per plant, Spick length, Seeds per spike and thousand
kernel of wheat as affected by variety and NPSB fertilizer rate at Tiyo Woreda in 2018 main cropping season.

Mean Squares
Source of Variation
DF PT (cm) SL (cm) SPS TKW (g)
Replication 2 0.27 0.86*** 40.61*** 9.09**
Varieties (V) 1 7.52*** 6.75*** 56.12*** 32.34***
Fertilizer (F) 7 4.59*** 0.51*** 390.40*** 10.72***
FxV 7 1.09** 0.09ns 1.18ns 2.08ns
Error 30 0.18 0.05 1.45 1.37
CV 7.72 3.34 2.73 3.24
PT = Productive tillers, SL = Spike length, SPS = Seeds per spick, TKW = Thousand kernel weight, NPSB = Nitrogen Phosphorus
Sulfur, and Boron, LSD = Least Significant Difference, CV = Critical Value. ns,** ,*** = non-significant, highly Significant, very highly
Significant 5% and 1% probability level, respectively.

Table 12. Mean values of the interaction effect of blended fertilizer rates and bread wheat varieties
on above ground Biomass Yield at kulumsa research field experiment in 2018 main cropping season.

Above ground biomass Yield (kg /ha) Varieties

Fertilizer rates (kg ha-1)
Wane Kingbird
0 kg F ha-1 5302i 5053i
150 kg TSP + 158.7 kg Urea h-1 9581 de 10167cd
100 kg NPSB + 0 kg Urea ha-1 7283 gh 6923h
100 kg NPSB + 100 kg Urea ha-1 8749 ef 8108fg
150 kg NPSB + 100 kg Urea ha-1 9905 d 8691ef
200 kg NPSB + 100 kg Urea ha-1 11281 bc 11498b
250 kg NPSB + 100 kg Urea ha-1 12392 b 11325b
300 kg NPSB + 100 kg Urea ha-1 14053 a 12009b
Mean 9818 9222
LSD (5%) 1136.1
CV (%) 7.18
NPSB = Nitrogen Phosphorus Sulfur, and Boron, LSD = Least Significant Difference, CV = Critical Value. Means
followed by the same letter(s) within a column are not significantly different from each other at 5% level of
significance, ns: Not significant.

greatly reduced grain yield at all N rates. Analysis of different between the fertilizer treatments of 200 kg NPSB
variance for number of productive tillers per plant, Spick (11498 kg ha-1), 250 kg NPSB (11325 kg ha-1) and 300 kg
length, Seeds per spike and thousand kernel of wheat as NPSB (12009 kg ha-1) (Table 7). The highest result of
affected by variety and NPSB fertilizer rate (Table 11). Wane and Kingbird was improved by 62.3 and 55.8%
The analysis of variance for above ground biomass yield respectively as compared to the lowest biomass produced
between varieties and blended fertilizer rates and their on the control of each; and by 48.2 and 42.3%, 31.8 and
interaction showed highly significant (p<0.01) differences 16.3% as compared to recommended NPSB alone and
(Table 9). Above ground biomass production of Wane recommended NP for both varieties, respectively. Even
variety (14053 kg ha-1) was better than Kingbird variety though in the application of recommended NPSB without
(12009 kg ha-1). The highest production of above ground supplementary urea and recommended NP fertilizer rate,
biomass yield in Wane (14053 kg ha-1) and Kingbird the productions were low. The application of fertilizer
varieties (12009 kg ha-1) were recorded from those plants treatment rates significantly improved the production of the
fertilized with 300 kg NPSB and the lowest (5302 kg ha -1) biomass yield. According to Melkamu et al. (2019),
and (5303 kg ha-1) was obtained from the control blended fertilizer supply had a marked effect on the
treatments of the two varieties, respectively (Table 12). aboveground biomass, grain yield, and straw yield.
The above ground biomass yield obtained from Wane The main effect of variety and blended fertilizer rate
variety at 300 kg NPSB (14053kg ha-1) was significantly exhibited significant (p<0.05) differences in straw yield, but
different from other fertilizer treatments. On the other their interaction was not significant (Table 13). Wane
hand, Kingbird variety was statistically not-significantly variety (6349 kg ha-1) was more productive than Kingbird
Awulachew 129

Table 13. Mean values of the interaction effect of blended fertilizer rates and bread wheat varieties on
hectoliter weight in 2018 cropping season at kulumsa research field experiment.

Hectoliter Weight (kg/ ha) Varieties

Fertilizer rates (kg ha-1)
Wane Kingbird Mean
0 kg F ha-1 71.2ef 71.3def 71.3
150 kg TSP + 158.7 kg Urea h-1 74.3a 70.8ef 72.6
100 kg NPSB + 0 kg Urea ha-1 72.2bcde 70.0f 70.9
100 kg NPSB + 100 kg Urea ha-1 73.7ab 72.1bcde 72.3
150 kg NPSB + 100 kg Urea ha-1 73.2abc 71.1ef 72.2
200 kg NPSB + 100 kg Urea ha-1 74.5a 70.3ef 72.7
250 kg NPSB + 100 kg Urea ha-1 73.2abc 70.4ef 71.8
300 kg NPSB + 100 kg Urea ha-1 72.0bcde 71.7cde 71.9

Mean 73.03 70.96

LSD (5%) 1.91
CV (%) 1.59
NPSB = Nitrogen Phosphorus Sulfur, and Boron, LSD = Least Significant Difference, CV = Critical Value. Means
followed by the same letter(s) within a column are not significantly different from each other at 5% level of
significance, ns: Not significant.

variety (5970 kg ha-1). The highest production of straw fertilized plots was significantly higher than thousand
yield (9072 kg ha-1) was recorded by those fertilized 300 kernels weight from the unfertilized/ control, plot which
kg NPSB and the lowest (3099 kg ha-1) was from the might be due to the improvement of seed quality and size
control (Table 7). Wheat treated with 200 kg NPSB (7338 due to balanced nutrients application. In line with this
kg ha-1), 250 kg NPSB (8056 kg ha-1) and 300 kg NPSB result, Rahman et al. (2011) reported maximum 1000
(9072 kg ha-1) fertilizer rates were significantly different kernels weight (49.4 g and 46.6g).
from the recommended NP (6270 kg ha-1) (Table 9). This Grain protein content of the experiment showed highly
difference might be attributed to the higher productivity of significant (p<0.0001) difference in the main effect of
yield and yield components of Wane variety (Table 6). blended fertilizer rates and varieties. But the interaction
According to Abebe (2012), straw yield increased with between the two factors was non-significant (Table 15).
increasing the fertilizer rates, whereby the lowest nitrogen Variety Wane gave the highest grain protein content of
increases vegetative growth of plants, especially at higher 11.5% whereas variety Kingbird gave significantly lower
doses. grain protein content of 10.8%. Fertilizer treatments above
The analysis of variance for harvest index showed that 200 Kg NPSB was not significantly different with the
main effect of blended fertilizer rates was significantly recommended NP (Table 10). Ferdoush and Rahman
(p<0.01) affected, but not for varieties and their interaction (2013) reported the protein content in wheat grains ranged
effects (Table 9). The control treatment had resulted in the from 9.23 to 15.11%.
highest harvest index (40.1%) and the lowest (30.2%) was There was a shortage of water in a cropping season after
those fertilized by 300 kg NPSB (Table 7). Reductions in anthesis. This was consistent with the findings of Gooding
HI relative to the control were 8.5, 15.2, 20.2 and 24.2% et al. (2003) and Labuschagne et al. (2006), demonstrated
due to recommended NP, 200, 250 and 300 kg blended that both N fertilization and post-anthesis water stress
fertilizer rate treatments, respectively. Fertilizer rate slightly increased grain protein concentration. The protein
treatments significantly reduced harvest index as content in flour increases significantly with bread wheat as
compared to the control. According to Abdulkerim et al. the result of the heat stress (Bencze et al. 2004; Balla and
(2015), significant varietal differences on harvest index in Veisz 2007; Labuschagne et al. 2009).
bread wheat varieties were reported. A mean harvest Main effect of blended NPSB fertilizer rates had highly
index of about 50% with a positive trend due to increasing significant (p<0.01) influence on grain yield. However, the
N rate was previously reported in Ethiopia (Taye et al., main effect of the varieties and the interaction of the two
2000). In contrast, Marcelo et al. (2013) reported that rates factors were not significant (table 16). The number of
and sources of N did not affect harvest index of wheat. kernels per spike was significantly affected by main effects
Main effect of NPSB rate and varieties showed highly of blended NPSB fertilizer and variety while the interaction
significantly (p<0.01) effect on thousand kernels weight, of two factors was not significant (Table16). These
while the interaction effect was not significant (Table 14). components are in direct connection with productivity in
Thousand kernels weight obtained from the overall wheat (Knezevic et al., 2007), which can modify under
130 J. Agric. Sci. Pract.

Table 14. Main effect of variety and blended fertilizer rate on harvest index, straw yield and grain protein content in 2018
main cropping season in kulumsa research field experiment.

Verities HI (%) Straw yield (kg/ ha) Grain Protein content (%)
Wane 36.24a 6349a 11.5a
Kingbird 36.17a 5970b 10.8b
LSD (%) NS 363.06 0.19

Fertilizer rates (kg ha-1)

0 kg F ha-1 40.1a 3099f 9.2c
150 kg TSP + 158.7 kg Urea h-1 36.7bc 6270c 12.1a
100 kg NPSB + 0 kg Urea ha-1 39.7ab 4284e 9.3c
100 kg NPSB + 100 kg Urea ha-1 39.7ab 5090d 11.4b
150 kg NPSB + 100 kg Urea ha-1 37.1ab 5867c 11.3b
200 kg NPSB + 100 kg Urea ha-1 34.0cd 7538b 11.8a
250 kg NPSB + 100 kg Urea ha-1 32.0de 8056b 11.9a
300 kg NPSB + 100 kg Urea ha-1 30.4e 9072a 12.0a

LSD (5%) 3.27 726.12 0.37

CV (%) 7.30 9.52 2.69
HI = Harvest index, SY = Straw yield, NPSB = Nitrogen Phosphorus Sulfur, and Boron, LSD = Least Significant Difference, CV = Critical
Value. Means followed by the same letter(s) within a column are not significantly different from each other at 5% level of significance,
ns: Not significant.

Table 15. Analysis of variance for hectoliter weight and grain Protein content of wheat as affected by variety and
NPSB fertilizer rate in Kulumsa, South-eastern Ethiopia in 2018 main cropping season.

Mean Squares
Source of Variation
DF Hectoliter weight (kg hl–1) Grain Protein content (%)
Replication 2 8.21 0.12
Varieties (V) 1 50.84*** 6.02***
Fertilizer(F) 7 2.48* 8.50***
FxV 7 3.08 0.20ns
Error 30 0.87 0.09
CV 1.29 3.69
HLW=Hectoliter weight, P = Grain protein, NPSB = Nitrogen Phosphorus Sulfur, and Boron, LSD = Least Significant
Difference, CV = Critical Value. ns,*,*** = non significant and very highly significant 5% and 1% probability level, respectively.

Table 16. Analysis of variance Mean values of the interaction effect of blended fertilizer rates and bread wheat varieties
on productive tillers, hectoliter weight, grain yield, and above ground biomass yield of wheat at Tiyo Woreda in 2018 main
cropping season.

Mean Squares
Source of Variation DF
PT HLW GY (kg h-1) BY (kg h-1)
Replication 2 0.14 8.15 591725 1638003
Varieties (V) 1 7.52*** 51.17*** 568538*** 4264908***
Fertilizer (F) 7 4.44*** 2.44* 2398243*** 40591463**
FxV 7 1.32*** 3.13 ** 92572* 1057213*
Error 30 0.16 1.32 64086 466667
CV 7.33 1.59 7.53 7.18
GY = Grain yield, HLW = Hectoliter weight, BY = Aboveground biomass yield, NPSB = Nitrogen Phosphorus Sulfur, and Boron,
CV=Critical Value. ns,*, ** ,*** = non significant, Significant, highly Significant, very highly Significant 5% and 1% probability level,
Awulachew 131

different environmental factor including genetic factors. NPSB fertilizer treatment; but in Kingbird (3737 kg ha-1) at
As indicated in Table 8, the highest HLW were recorded 200 kg NPSB fertilizer treatment with supplementary urea
in Wane variety from those plots fertilized with 200 kg was the best one. With respect to quality parameter, the
NPSB (74.5 kg hl-1) and 150 kg TSP (74.3 kg hl-1) with highest HLW were recorded in Wane variety from those
supplementary urea, respectively. The lowest was plots fertilized with 200 kg NPSB (74.5 kg hl-1) and 150 kg
obtained from Kingbird variety for plots treated with100 kg TSP (74.3 kg hl-1) with supplementary urea, respectively.
NPSB (70.0 kg hl-1) with supplementary urea. This could The lowest was obtained from Kingbird variety for plots
be related to difference in variety with respect to applied treated with100 kg NPSB (70.0 kg hl-1) with supplementary
fertilizer. urea. As a conclusion, since this study was conducted in
The result of the study affirmed that the value of HLW of one location for one season, it should be repeated in more
the tested bread wheat varieties was medium. This is locations and seasons for further recommendation under
important to millers just as grain yield is important to wheat similar agro ecologies.
producer. Atwell (2001) who reported that, HLW may
range from about 57.9 kg hL–1 for poor wheat to about 82.4
kg hL–1 for sound wheat. Gooding and Davies (1997) ABBREVIATIONS
reported slight increase in HLW in response to N
application under more favourable growing conditions. GY, grain yield; SD, seedling density; HLW, hectoliter
Tayyar (2010) report showed that HLW of the varieties weight; OM, organic matter; BY, aboveground biomass
significantly influenced by genotype. However, flour yield yield; DAP, Di-Ammonium Phosphate; PN, phosphorus
was decreased by water stress at jointing and dough and nitrogen fertilizer; PT, productive tillers; SY, Straw
stages compared with optimum irrigation (Day and yield; PT, Productive tillers; NPSB, Nitrogen Phosphorus
Barmore, 1971). Sulfur, and Boron; CV, Critical Value; AGY, Adjusted grain
yield; HI, Harvest index; SL, Spike length; SPS, seeds per
spick; TKW, Thousand kernel weight; GD, germination
Conclusions date; LSD, Least Significant Difference; PH, plant height;
SD, seedling density.
The results showed that the soil of the study site was clay
in texture (49% clay, 11.25% sand and 39.75% silt),
medium (22.86 meq/100g) CEC value , high in bulk density CONFLICT OF INTEREST
(0.85 g/cm3), slightly acidic (with pH value of 6.1), low in
organic carbon (1.76%), total nitrogen (0.11%), available The authors declare no conflict of interest.
phosphorus (7.67 mg kg-1), available boron (0.43 mg kg-1)
and available sulfur (2.09 mg kg-1). ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
The results of phonological and growth parameters
investigations showed that there was no significant The authors thank the people who helped with this study
differences due to varieties for germination date, sowing including technical assistance and experimental field
date, plant height and harvest index. On the other hand, husbandry.
number of days to 50% heading, number of days to 90%
maturity, spike length, number of seeds per spike,
thousand kernel weights, straw yield and grain protein REFERENCES
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