Exploring The Effect of Nitrogen Levels On Yield and Yield Attributes of Diverse Open-Pollinated Varieties (OPVs) of Maize (Zea Mays)

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Advances in Agriculture and Biology (2023) 6(1): 61-68


Exploring the effect of nitrogen levels on yield and yield attributes of

diverse open-pollinated varieties (OPVs) of maize (Zea mays)
Muhammad Azam1, Beena Saeed1, Sajjad Khan2 and Danish Zafar1*
Department of Agriculture, University of Swabi, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan
Fodder Program, Crop Sciences Institute (CSI), National Agricultural Research Centre (NARC), Islamabad, Pakistan

*Corresponding author’s email: [email protected]

Received: 12 July 2023
Accepted: 14 November 2023

Key Message: The study evaluated the effects of different a cultivator and rotavator, and then leveled with a back
nitrogen levels on maize yield and attributes across various leveler. Irrigation was managed according to weather
open-pollinated varieties. Results indicate that applying conditions, and the water needs of the crop. Among the
200 kg ha-1 of nitrogen significantly enhances plant different maize varieties, Jalal variety significantly
growth, yield, and yield components, with the Jalal variety (p<0.05) delayed tasseling (54 days) and silking (61days),
showing the best overall performance. Plant height (193 cm), ear length (18.9 cm), 1000 grain
weight (31 g), grains per ear (422), grain yield (5030 kg
Abstract ha-1) and biological yield (12337 kg ha-1) were all
improved when compared to DSW and CIMMYT FATA
A field trial was carried out during the Kharif season of cultivars. However, the harvest index (43.7%) was highest
2022 at the Agronomy Research Farm, University of for the DSW variety. The application of 200 kg ha-1
Swabi. The trial was designed as a 3×3 factorial delayed silking (60 days) and tasseling (53 days), as well
experiment, involving three varieties (CIMMYT FATA, as enhanced plant height (192 cm), ear length (18.8 cm),
DSW, and Kaptan) which were allocated to the main plots. grains per ear (411), thousand seed weight (305 g),
Three levels of nitrogen (200, 150, and 100 kg ha−1) were biological yield (12036 kg ha-1), and grain yield (4995 kg
applied to the subplots. A plot size of 22.5 m2, having 6 ha-1) as compared to 100 and 150 kg N ha-1. Based on the
rows 75 cm apart with plant-to-plant distance of 25 cm was study's findings, it is recommended that nitrogen be
maintained. The concerned maize varieties were sown at supplied at a rate of 200 kg ha-1and the Jalal variety be
the first week of July 2022. The required amount of N was used to boost maize yield as well as yield components in
applied at the time of second irrigation using urea fertilizer. the study area. © 2023 The Author(s)
Similarly, the recommended dose of phosphorus (TSP) and
potassium (KCl) were applied at a rate of 60 kg ha-1 prior Keywords: Crop nutrition, Maize, Nitrogen fertilization,
to the final ploughing. The field was cultivated twice with Open-pollinated varieties (OPVs), Yield attributes

Citation: Azam, M., Saeed, B., Khan, S., & Zafar, D. (2023). Exploring the effect of nitrogen levels on yield and yield
attributes of diverse open-pollinated varieties (OPVs) of maize (Zea mays). Advances in Agriculture and Biology, 6(1), 61-

Introduction Maize (Zea mays L.), commonly known as corn, is a

significant cereal crop globally. Maize is commonly called
Maize (Zea mays L.) is a member of the Poaceae family. It corn which has many types or names such as flint corn,
has a fibrous root system, short-lived and cross-pollinated. dent corn, flour corn, waxy corn, popcorn and sweet corn.
It provides raw materials for industries as well as animal All of these have unique nutritional properties (Gibson &
feed for animals (Tasneem et al., 2004; Batool et al., 2019; Benson, 2002). It is usually used in three industries e.g.
Noor et al., 2021). It is the world's most frequently farmed wet milling, dry milling and nixtamalization. The raw
cereal, ranking third among major cereal crops (Carruthers material from these further changed into snacks bakery
et al, 2000; Aslam et al., 2021; Raza et al., 2023). It is items, breakfast cereals, beer, tortillas and distilled spirits
primarily cultivated in industrialized countries for (Serna-Saldivar, 2016). These nutritional values have a
industrial products (dextrose, glucose and starch) as well as great impact on the status of civilizations throughout the
animal feed (Malvar et al., 2008; Iqbal et al., 2022). Its world. It has also phytochemical compounds. These
average yield of 4815 kg ha-1 was recorded (FAOSTAT, compounds have an important role in controlling chronic
2008). In Pakistan it is cultivated in 1.04 million hectares diseases. Phytochemicals include phenolic compounds,
areas, yielding 3.1 million tons of grain per year with an phytosterols and carotenoids. It has also Galanthus nivalis
average yield of 2984 kg ha-1 (MINFAL, 2007). As the agglutinin (GNA) or lectin (Shah et al., 2016). Maize oils
most significant summer cereal crop, it takes up almost have essential fatty acid which has beneficial effect on
27% of all cultivated area in Pakistan's Northwest Frontier children and adults (Dupont et al., 1990). Decoctions made
Province (NWFP) each year (Khan et al., 2004). In the from the roots, silk, leaves, and stems of the plant are used
NWFP region, maize is grown on about 0.49 million to treat nausea, bladder issues, stomach problems, and
hectares, producing approximately 0.78 million tons vomiting. It also has potential anti-HIV activity. Zein in
annually, with an average yield of 1590 kg ha-1 (MINFAL, maize endosperm has application in pharmaceutical and
2007). biomedical fields (Li & Song, 2020). Resistant starch of
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maize used in cecal cancer treatment and obesity related during the second watering. Similarly, the essential
problem (Keenan et al., 2015). phosphorus (TSP) and potassium (KCl) doses were used at
However, there are other reasons that contribute to rates of 60 kg ha-1 before the final ploughing. The field was
maize's low yield and productivity. The most important plowed two times using a rotavator and cultivator,
parameters contributing to low maize production are wrong followed by leveling with a back leveler. Irrigation was
crop nutrition management, poor soil fertility, and applied based on atmospheric conditions and the specific
acceptable genotype (Shah et al., 2009). Nutrient water requirements of the crop. All other agronomic
insufficiency is a fundamental barrier to the establishment methods were kept consistent across all experimental plots.
of an economically effective farm (Fageria & Baligar, Following are the factors and their levels:
2005). Farmers in developing countries often face
challenges in accessing an adequate supply of N fertilizer. Factor A: Varieties (Main plot)
This can be attributed to various factors, including limited V1 = CIMMYT FATA
access to fertilizers due to high prices or insufficient V2 = DSW
availability. Additionally, there may be issues related to the V3 = Jalal
timing and application rates of fertilizers, as highlighted by Factor B: Nitrogen (kg ha-1) (Sub plot)
Bellete (2014). This has to do with the depletion of N1 = 100
physical soil properties, erosion of topsoil, loss of organic N2 = 150
matter, and macro- and micronutrients in the soil (Zeleke et N3 = 200
al., 2010). Consequently, a consistent and optimum supply
of nutrients is vital for optimal crop development and The following parameters were studied:
growth (Ali & Anjum, 2017).
In fact, the response of maize on application of Days to tasseling
nitrogen fertilizer is based on cultivars, location of
cultivation, and nutrient availability (Ahmad et al., 2018). The data for this parameter was recorded for each
Maize varieties respond better to fertilizers than local treatment from date of planting till 80% of the tassels
cultivars (Taye, 2009). When provided with favorable emerged to collect data regarding days to tasseling.
environmental conditions and better management practices,
maize varieties respond well to fertilizer application,
especially nitrogen and phosphorus, producing better and Days to silking
more consistent yields than local types. The hybrids’ yield
of maize is low when planted with less than optimal Data on days to silking were recorded by counting the
management approaches. Use better nitrogen fertilizer number of days from planting until 80% of the silks were
variety. Maize's high-yielding potential is being realized visible.
thanks to improved application procedures. The key to
better and maintained crop production is supplying
necessary plant nutrients in the right amount and Plant height (cm)
proportion, as well as using precise procedures and timing.
As a result, applying properly balanced fertilizer amounts Plant height was measured at physiological maturity by
based on site and type of crop is one of the most successful selecting five random plants from each experimental unit.
agronomic methods for increasing productivity. However, The total vertical height, from the base to the tassel tip,
much of the research has concentrated on crop nitrogen was recorded using a measuring rod. The average of all
requirements, with limited information available on other measured plants was used to calculate a single mean.
essential nutrients such as sulfur (S) potassium (K), boron
(B), zinc (Zn) and other micronutrients. The primary
objective of this experiment was to determine the impact of Ear length (cm)
varying nitrogen fertilizer rates on the growth and yield
characteristics of different maize varieties. Five ears were chosen at random, and their lengths were
measured using a measuring tape before being averaged to
Materials and Methods yield a single mean.

This research was conducted during Kharif season 2022 at Number of grains ear-1
the University of Swabi in Agronomy Research Farm,
University of Swabi. The experiment was designed using a We counted the grains in each ear by first randomly
Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with split selecting five ears from each subplot, shelling, drying, and
plots and three replications. Each replication included 9 counting the grains separately.
treatments, with three maize varieties (CIMMYT FATA,
DSW, and Kaptan) in the main plots and three nitrogen 1000 grains weight (g)
levels (100, 150, and 200 kg ha-1) in the subplots. Plots
were 22.5 m², consisting of 6 rows spaced 75 cm apart and Thousand grains were collected from each plot. They were
a plant-to-plant distance of 25 cm. The maize varieties threshed, dry and clean. Their weights will be measured in
were sown in the first week of July 2022, and the gram (g) using an electric balance.
designated nitrogen levels were applied with urea fertilizer Biological yield (kg ha-1)
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Results and Discussion

To calculate this parameter, four central rows were
harvested from each plot. After five days of sun drying and Number of days to tasseling
weighing the obtained material, the biological yield was
measured by using following formula to kg ha -1: Table 1 shows data regarding the No. of days required for
tasseling. The results showed that the No. of days till
Biological yield (kg ha−1 ) maize tasseling was considerably influenced by nitrogen
Biological weight of four central rows levels and maize varieties, according to the analysis of the
= × 10,000
R − R distance × row length × No. of rows data, but the interaction between nitrogen and varieties was
not significant. Jalal variety required additional days to
Grain yield (kg ha-1) tassel (54), compared to CIMMYT (53) and DSW (51).
The various nitrogen levels showed that tasseling took
Grain yield was measured after shelling the dried ears from longer (53) in the plots treated with 200 kg N ha-1, which
the four central rows of each plot. Then it was converted was statistically similar to N administered at a rate of 150
into kg ha-1: kg ha-1 (53), while the plots treated with 100 kg N ha-1 had
the shortest days to tasseling. The variation in days to
Garin yield (kg ha−1 ) tasseling of the different varieties may be due to the
Grain weight of four central rows genetic variation of the plant. The most plausible
= × 10,000 explanation for this observation is that organic and
R − R distance × row length × No of rows
inorganic fertilizers have high nutrient content, which
increases leaf area duration and delays tasseling and
Harvest index (%) silking (Mehmood et al., 2005). Ali et al. (2019) also
found that applying fertilizer enhanced or lowered the
Following formula was used to calculate the harvest index number of days to tasseling.
of each plot:
No. of days to silking
Economical yield
Harvest index(%) = × 100 Table 2 presented data regarding days to silking of maize.
Biological yield
The influence of different types and nitrogen on days
before silking was substantial, while the interaction
between the varieties and nitrogen was not significant.
Mean data regarding varieties showed that Jalal variety
Statistical analysis
took more days to silking (61), as compared to CIMMYT
(59) and DSW (57). Silking was delayed (60) in plots
The data was statistically evaluated using methods outlined
treated with 200 kg N ha-1, followed by 150 kg N ha-1 (59),
by Steel et al. (1996). To assess the differences between
whereas the plots that received N at a rate of 100 kg N ha-1
group means, the Least Significant Difference (LSD) test
had the shortest days to silking (58). Amanullah et al.
was employed. In this analysis, a significance level of
(2009) reported that days to silking decreased or increased
p<0.05 was used, indicating that differences with a p-value
with the application of fertilizers. The variation in days to
less than 0.05 were considered statistically significant.
silking of the different varieties may be due to the genetic
variation of the plant.

Table 1 Effect of various levels of nitrogen on the days to tasseling of maize varieties
Nitrogen Varieties (V)
(kg ha-1) CIMMYT FATA DSW Jalal
100 52 50 53 52b
150 53 51 54 53a
200 53 52 55 53a
Mean 53b 51c 54a
LSD (p<0.05) for varieties (V) = 0.80; LSD (p<0.05) for nitrogen (N) = 0.83; LSD (p<0.05) for V × N = NS

Table 2 Effect of varying nitrogen levels on the number of days until maize varieties silk
Nitrogen Varieties (V)
(kg ha-1) CIMMYT FATA DSW Jalal
100 58 56 60 58c
150 59 57 61 59b
200 60 58 63 60a
Mean 59b 57c 61a
LSD (p<0.05) for varieties (V) = 1.44; LSD (p<0.05) for nitrogen (N) = 0.86; LSD (p<0.05) for V × N = NS; The LSD test indicates
that the mean levels of each factor are significantly different at p values equal to or less than 0.05, as indicated by distinct letters (a, b,

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Plant height (cm)

Ear length (cm)
Data are displayed in Table 3 regarding plant height in cm.
Data analysis showed that different types and quantities of Table 4 presents data on ear length. The data showed that
nitrogen showed significant impact on maize plant height. variety and nitrogen considerably affected ear length, but
Plant height of the Jalal variety was maximum (193cm), the interactive effect was not significant. Jalal variety
followed by CIMMYT FATA (189cm), while shorter produced maximum ear length (18.9 cm); followed by
plants (182cm) were recorded in the plot sown with DSW DSW (18.6 cm), while CIMMYT FATA produced
variety. Mean data regarding the different levels of N minimum ear length (17.7 cm). Mean data regarding the
showed that plant height increased as N rates increases. different levels of nitrogen showed that ear length
The plots (plants) treated with 200 kg N ha-1 had the decreased from 18.1 cm to 18.8 cm as N rates reduced
highest plant height (192 cm), followed by 150 kg N ha-1 from 100 kg ha-1 to 200 kg N ha-1. Farshad and Mojtaba
(187 cm), and shorter plants (185 cm) were seen in the (2014) stated that the variation in the yield components
plots treated with 100 kg N ha-1. The interactive effect was and plant growth could be due the genetic variation of the
also found to be significant. This finding aligns with varieties. Cob weight, length, and diameter all increased
Kandil (2013), who observed considerable variability in significantly after application of nitrogen, which could be
plant height attributed to different hybrid maize types. attributable to nitrogen's good influence on the leaf size,
Furthermore, Radma and Dagash (2013) found that plant length, number of leaves per plant, and number of ears per
heights varied significantly between types. This is most plant. These results are similar with Carlone and Russell's
likely related to genetic variance in plant height. Similarly, (1987) results that nitrogen application has a considerable
Mahmood et al. (2001) found that nitrogen significantly effect on maize yield components.
influenced the number of grains per cob, plant height and
1000 grain weight when studying maize components.

Table 3 Effect of varying nitrogen concentrations on maize variety plant height (cm)
Nitrogen Varieties (V)
(kg ha-1) CIMMYT FATA DSW Jalal
100 187 177 190 185c
150 189 181 193 187b
200 191 189 197 192a
Mean 189b 182c 193a
LSD (p<0.05) for varieties (V) = 4.04; LSD (p<0.05) for nitrogen (N) = 1.90; LSD (p<0.05) for V × N = *

Table 4 Effect of varying nitrogen concentrations on maize variety ear length (cm)
Nitrogen Varieties (V)
(kg ha-1) CIMMYT FATA DSW Jalal
100 17.3 18.3 18.6 18.1b
150 17.7 18.5 18.9 18.4b
200 18.2 19.0 19.2 18.8a
Mean 17.7c 18.6b 18.9a
LSD (p<0.05) for varieties (V) = 0.32; LSD (p<0.05) for nitrogen (N) = 0.30; LSD (p<0.05) for V × N = NS;
The means of the levels within each factor are significantly different at a significance level of 0.05, denoted
by different letters (a, b, c) based on the LSD test

research has shown that increasing the amount of grains

Number of grains ear-1 per ear leads to high fertilizer use (Sadeghi et al., 2021).

Table 5 showed that data regarding this parameter and data Thousand grains weight (g)
analysis discovered that nitrogen had a substantial effect on
the number of grains ear-1 of maize varieties, however the Table 6 shows data for 1000 grain weight. The data
interaction between varieties and nitrogen was not analysis revealed that nitrogen had a substantial effect on
significant. Data regarding varieties showed that Jalal the 1000 grain weight of maize varieties, but there was no
variety produced maximum grains ear-1 (422), followed by significant interaction between varieties and nitrogen. Data
CIMMYT FATA variety (402), while DSW variety regarding varieties showed that Jalal variety produced
produced minimum grains ear-1 (383). Mean data regarding maximum 1000 grain weight (316 g), followed by
the different levels of N showed that number of grains ear -1 CIMMYT FATA variety (299 g), while DSW variety
increased from 396 to 411 as Nitrogen fertilizer rates produced minimum 1000 grain weight (278 g). Mean data
increased from 100 kg ha-1 to 200 kg ha-1. Farshad and regarding the different levels of N showed that 1000 grain
Mojtaba (2014) stated that the variation in the plant growth weight increased from 305g to 291g as N rates increased
and yield components could be due to the genetic variation from 100 kg ha-1 to 200 kg ha-1. Farshad and Mojtaba
of the varieties. The largest quantity of grains per ear was (2014) stated that the variation in the plant growth and
found using 180 kg N ha-1 (Izadi & Imam, 2010). Other yield components could be due the genetic variation of the

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varieties. Similarly, Mahmood et al. (2001) observed Izadi and Imam (2010) observed that adding nitrogen from
significant effects of nitrogen on maize components such 90 to 180 kg ha-1 caused a considerable increase in maize
as plant height, number of grains per cob, and 1,000 grain seed weight. Khan et al. (1999) and Sharar et al. (2003)
weight. According to Blumenthal et al. (2003), adding observed similar findings.
nitrogen dramatically increases grain weight in maize.

Table 5 Effect of nitrogen on the number of grains ear-1 of maize varieties

Nitrogen Varieties (V)
(kg ha-1) CIMMYT FATA DSW Jalal
100 394 378 416 396b
150 399 378 421 399b
200 412 393 429 411a
Mean 402b 383c 422a
LSD (p<0.05) for varieties (V) = 2.87; LSD (p<0.05) for nitrogen (N) = 6.69; LSD (p<0.05) for V × N = NS

Table 6 Effect of different levels of nitrogen on 1000 grains weight (g) of maize
Nitrogen Varieties (V)
(kg ha-1) CIMMYT FATA DSW Jalal
100 289 274 310 291c
150 298 277 317 297b
200 311 283 322 305a
Mean 299b 278c 316a
LSD (p<0.05) for varieties (V) = 5.23; LSD (p<0.05) for nitrogen (N) = 6.12; LSD (p<0.05) for V × N = NS;
Using the LSD test, distinct letters (a, b, and c) represent the mean levels of each factor that are significantly
different at a p value of 0.05 or less.

Biological yield (kg ha-1) potential (Abera et al., 2017). The above-ground biomass
yield increased with higher fertilizer levels. This finding is
Table 7 presents data on biological yield. The data analysis consistent with Ahmad et al. (2003).
demonstrated that nitrogen had a substantial effect on the
biological yield of maize varieties, but there was no Grain yield (kg ha-1)
significant interaction between the nitrogen and varieties.
Data regarding varieties showed that Jalal variety produced The data of this parameter is summarized in Table 8.
maximum biological yield (12337 kg ha-1), followed by Analysis indicated that nitrogen has a significant effect on
CIMMYT FATA variety (11898 kg ha-1), while DSW the grain yield of maize varieties, whereas the interaction
variety produced minimum biological yield (11170 kg ha- between varieties and nitrogen was not significant. Among
). The mean data for the various levels of N demonstrated the varieties, Jalal produced the highest grain yield at 5030
that biological yield increased from 11581 kg ha-1 to 12036 kg ha-1, followed by CIMMYT FATA variety at 4973 kg
kg ha-1 as N rates climbed from 100 kg ha-1 to 200 kg ha-1. ha-1, while DSW variety had the lowest grain yield at 4877
Maize yields may be low when produced using less-than- kg ha-1. Mean data across different nitrogen levels showed
optimum management approaches. The use of enhanced an increase in grain yield from 4924 kg ha-1 to 4995 kg ha-1
cultivars and optimal nitrogen fertilizer as nitrogen rates increased from 100 kg ha-1 to 200 kg ha-1.
application practices allow for maize's high-yielding

Table 7 Effect of different levels of nitrogen on biological yield (kg ha-1) of maize varieties
Nitrogen Varieties (V)
(kg ha-1) CIMMYT FATA DSW Jalal
100 11760 10965 12017 11581c
150 11878 11257 12231 11789b
200 12055 11289 12763 12036a
b c a
Mean 11898 11170 12337
LSD (p<0.05) for varieties (V) = 184; LSD (p<0.05) for nitrogen (N) = 200 LSD (p<0.05) for V × N = NS

Table 8 Grain yield (kg ha-1) of maize varieties as affected by different levels of nitrogen
Nitrogen Varieties (V)
(kg ha-1) CIMMYT FATA DSW Jalal
100 4943 4831 4997 4924c
150 4975 4885 5024 4962b
200 5001 4916 5068 4995a
Mean 4973b 4877c 5030a
LSD (p<0.05) for varieties (V) = 24; LSD (p<0.05) for nitrogen (N) = 14; LSD (p<0.05) for V × N = NS; the means of the levels within
each factor are significantly different at a significance level of 0.05, denoted by different letters (a, b, c) based on the LSD test.

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Harvest index (%) harvest index represents the ratio of grain yield to
biological yield, which increases with a higher proportion
Table 9 shows data on the harvest index (%). Analysis of of grain yield. The greater harvest index could be
the results showed that maize varieties greatly influenced attributed to a higher grain-to-stove ratio as a result of the
harvest index, whereas varied levels of nitrogen had no combination of organic and inorganic P applications.
significant effect on harvest index since there was not a Similar findings were previously published by Luo et al.
substantial variance between the mean values of harvest (2018); Mukhtiar et al. (2018). This may be due to the
index. The interaction between the different plant allocation of additional photosynthetic resources towards
population and nitrogen was also not significant. Higher grain yield rather than vegetative growth, which can vary
harvest index (43.7%) was recorded by DSW variety, by variety. Similarly, Ahmad et al. (2003) reported
followed by CIMMYT FATA variety (41.8%), while least significant variability in harvest index associated with
harvest index (40.8%) was recorded by Jalal variety. The different maize varieties.

Table 9 Effect of nitrogen on harvest index (%) of maize

Nitrogen Varieties (V)
(kg ha-1) CIMMYT FATA DSW Jalal
100 42.0 44.1 41.6 42.6
150 41.9 43.4 41.1 42.1
200 41.5 43.6 39.7 41.6
Mean 41.8b 43.7a 40.8c
LSD (p<0.05) for varieties (V) = 0.70; LSD (p<0.05) for nitrogen (N) = NS; LSD (p<0.05) for V × N = NS; Means of the levels within
each factor are significantly different at a significance level of 0.05, indicated by different letters (a, b, c) using the LSD test.

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