Adv Customer Support Service Desc 3758596

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Advanced Customer Services

(ACS) Service Descriptions

September 23, 2021

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Advanced Customer Services (“ACS”) Annual Service Descriptions ............................................................................................ 3
Oracle Advanced Support Assistance (“ASA”) ......................................................................................................................................... 3
Oracle Advanced Database Support (“ADS”) ............................................................................................................................................ 5
Oracle Advanced Database Support (“ADS”) for Exadata Cloud at Customer (“ExaCC”) .............................................................. 5
Oracle Business Critical Assistance (“BCA”)............................................................................................................................................11
Oracle Engineered Systems Incremental Patch Deployment for Oracle Platinum Service .........................................................14
Oracle Engineered Systems Quarterly Patch Deployment .................................................................................................................17
Oracle Functional Help Desk for Retail and Hospitality .......................................................................................................................20
Oracle Retail Store Open Support .............................................................................................................................................................31
Oracle Retail Store Close Support .............................................................................................................................................................35
Oracle Priority Support for Hotel and Food and Beverage - Agent ..................................................................................................39
Oracle Priority Support for Hotel and Food and Beverage - Customer ...........................................................................................42
Oracle Solution Support Center (“SSC”)...................................................................................................................................................45
Oracle Solution Support Center Advantage (“SSCA”) ..........................................................................................................................49
Oracle Solution Support Center Intelligent Operations (“SSCIO”) .....................................................................................................56
Advanced Customer Services (“ACS”) Fixed Scope Service Descriptions .................................................................................62
Oracle Advanced Support Knowledge Workshop .................................................................................................................................62
Oracle Backup and Recovery Review........................................................................................................................................................64
Oracle Capacity Planning Review and Recommendations..................................................................................................................65
Oracle Configuration Review and Recommendations .........................................................................................................................66
Oracle Consolidation Planning Service ....................................................................................................................................................67
Oracle Database Security Review Pack ....................................................................................................................................................69
Oracle Exadata Deployment Pack .............................................................................................................................................................70
Oracle Go-Live Support ...............................................................................................................................................................................72
Oracle High Availability Review and Recommendations .....................................................................................................................73
Oracle Load Testing and Analysis Service ..............................................................................................................................................74
Oracle Modernization and Upgrade Roadmap ......................................................................................................................................77
Oracle Patch Review and Installation .......................................................................................................................................................79
Oracle Performance Review and Recommendations ...........................................................................................................................80
Oracle Performance Tuning and Benchmarking Service ....................................................................................................................81
Oracle Platform Provisioning and Readiness Pack ...............................................................................................................................84
Oracle Premier Support Qualification ......................................................................................................................................................86
Oracle Preproduction Readiness Review .................................................................................................................................................89
Oracle Production Diagnostic Review and Recommendations ..........................................................................................................90
Oracle Security Design and Hardening Pack ..........................................................................................................................................91
Oracle Security Review and Recommendations ....................................................................................................................................92
Oracle Standard Software Installation and Configuration ..................................................................................................................93
Oracle Standard System De-Installation..................................................................................................................................................94
Oracle Standard System Installation (“OSSI”) Basic ..............................................................................................................................96
Oracle Standard System Installation (“OSSI”) with Site Audit ............................................................................................................99
Oracle Standard System Installation (“OSSI”) without Site Audit ................................................................................................... 103
Oracle Supportability Planning and Site Survey Support ................................................................................................................. 107
Oracle Upgrade Assurance for Oracle Database ................................................................................................................................ 108
Oracle Database Upgrade Service .......................................................................................................................................................... 112
Oracle Workload Planning and Design ................................................................................................................................................. 116
Oracle Workshop(s) for Third Party Applications ............................................................................................................................... 119
Advanced Customer Services (“ACS”) Time and Materials Service Descriptions ............................................................... 121
Technical Account Manager I .................................................................................................................................................................. 121
Technical Account Manager II ................................................................................................................................................................. 122
Advanced Support Engineer.................................................................................................................................................................... 123
Sr. Advanced Support Engineer.............................................................................................................................................................. 125
Datacenter Engineer .................................................................................................................................................................................. 127
Sr. Datacenter Engineer ............................................................................................................................................................................ 128
Retired Service Descriptions................................................................................................................................................................. 130
Oracle Application Readiness Service ................................................................................................................................................... 130
Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Starter Pack .............................................................................................................................................. 131
Oracle Solution Support Center Connected (“SSCC”)........................................................................................................................ 133
Oracle Transition Services........................................................................................................................................................................ 140

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Advanced Customer Services (“ACS”) Annual Service

Oracle Advanced Support Assistance (“ASA”)

Service Offering Part #
Oracle Advanced Support Assistance for Software 8X5 B86696
Oracle Advanced Support Assistance for Software 7X24 B86697
Oracle Advanced Support Assistance for Software 8X5: Custom B86698
Oracle Advanced Support Assistance for Software 7X24: Custom B86699
Oracle Advanced Support Assistance for Systems 8X5 B86708
Oracle Advanced Support Assistance for Systems 7X24 B86709
Oracle Advanced Support Assistance for Systems 8X5: Custom B86710
Oracle Advanced Support Assistance for Systems 7X24: Custom B86711
ACS Supplemental Resource for Software Days B76416
ACS Supplemental Resource for Systems Days B76417

Description of Services
1. Support Delivery Management

A Technical Account Manager (“TAM”) will be assigned to You, as Your primary contact for the
Services, during the hours specified in Your order. Your TAM shall provide and/or assist with the
following Services:

a. Prepare and maintain a service delivery plan;

b. Document the contact details for key Oracle contacts, Your technical contacts for Oracle
Premier Support, and management escalation team (“Customer Contacts”) and Oracle’s
escalation procedures (“Joint Contacts and Escalation Guide”);
c. Document the technical specifications of Your Oracle Product Environment (“Environment and
Configuration Guide”);
d. Prepare and provide quarterly service delivery plan progress reports;
e. Provide access to a customer-specific web portal;
f. Assist with conducting an orientation for Your Customer Contacts;
g. Assist with conducting a delivery planning session and maintaining the service delivery plan;
h. Assist with conducting quarterly service delivery plan reviews;

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i. Assist with reviewing all applicable Oracle Support Services activity related to the items
identified in the OPE, including service request (“SR”) activity in connection with individual SRs
logged by Your Customer Contacts. This review may consist of status reports, next steps, if
any, and review of Your SR priorities;
j. Assist with SR management, prioritization and escalation;
k. Assist with communicating the status of Your SRs to Your Customer Contact(s), as requested;
l. Assist with facilitating communications between Oracle and Your Customer Contacts; and
m. Assist with maintaining the Joint Contacts and Escalation Guide and the Environment and
Configuration Guide.
2. Standby Coverage

Upon Your request to Your TAM, Oracle will provide standby coverage (e.g., SR management,
prioritization and escalation) by Your primary TAM for up to twenty-four (24) consecutive hours in
the quantity defined in the OPE section of the Annual Services Exhibit.

3. Supplemental Resources
If included in Your order, Oracle will provide additional resources, either on-site or remotely, to
assist in the furtherance of Advanced Support Assistance services, up to the maximum number of
days per resource role as set forth in Your order. A “day” is defined as one (1) resource working
eight (8) hours per day.1

Obligations and Assumptions

In addition to the obligations stated in Your order, You acknowledge that Oracle’s ability to perform
the Services depends upon Your fulfillment of the following obligations and assumptions:
1. Your Obligations
a. Restore service, including, for example, reconfiguring applications or reloading or restarting
application software.
b. Designate Customer Contacts and identify by name, phone number, e-mail address and other
appropriate contact methods, for each of Your Customer Contacts.
c. Apply bug fixes, critical patches and configuration recommendations provided through Oracle
Support Services within a commercially reasonable period of time.
d. Assist Oracle to maintain the Joint Contacts and Escalation Guide and the Environment and
Configuration Guide.
2. Assumptions
a. Only Customer Contacts may communicate with Oracle regarding the delivery of the Services
or deliverables, if any.

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Oracle Advanced Database Support (“ADS”)
Oracle Advanced Database Support (“ADS”) for Exadata Cloud at
Customer (“ExaCC”)
Service Offering Part #
Oracle Advanced Database Support B85837
Oracle Advanced Database Support with TAM B85838
Oracle Advanced Database Support: Patch Management (1 Patch) B85839
Oracle Advanced Database Support: Patch Management (2 Patches) B85840
Oracle Advanced Database Support: Patch Management (3 Patches) B85841
Oracle Advanced Database Support: Patch Management (4 Patches) B85842
Oracle Advanced Database Support for Exadata Cloud at Customer B90915
Oracle Advanced Database Support: Patch Management for Exadata Cloud at B90916
Customer Oracle Homes (1 Patch)
Oracle Advanced Database Support: Patch Management for Exadata Cloud at B90917
Customer Oracle Homes (2 Patches)
Oracle Advanced Database Support: Patch Management for Exadata Cloud at B90918
Customer Oracle Homes (3 Patches)
B90919 Oracle Advanced Database Support: Patch Management for Exadata Cloud at B90919
Customer Oracle Homes (4 Patches)
Oracle Advanced Database Support: Patch Management for Exadata Cloud at B90920
Customer Oracle VMs (1 Patch)
Oracle Advanced Database Support: Patch Management for Exadata Cloud at B90921
Customer Oracle VMs (2 Patches)
Oracle Advanced Database Support: Patch Management for Exadata Cloud at B90922
Customer Oracle VMs (3 Patches)
Oracle Advanced Database Support: Patch Management for Exadata Cloud at B90923
Customer Oracle VMs (4 Patches)
ACS Supplemental Resource for Software Days B76416

Description of Services
1. Advanced Database Support
Oracle will provide the following Services for (i) Oracle Advanced Database Support, (“ADS”) for
the databases running on the quantity of ACS processor cores identified in the OPE section of the
Annual Services Exhibit; and/or (ii) Oracle Advanced Database Support (“ADS”) for Exadata Cloud
at Customer, (“ExaCC”) for the databases running on the quantity of OCPUs identified in the OPE
section of the Annual Services Exhibit and the associated Oracle virtual machines (VMs) for
ExaCC, as applicable. Oracle will provide the following for the initiation of the Services:
a. Online ADS activation questionnaire (“Questionnaire”);
b. ACS Gateway (defined below) installation and setup process instructions;

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c. Oracle’s fault notification process documentation;
d. Service Request (“SR”) process documentation; and
e. Customer Portal (defined below) use and functionality documentation.
2. Fault Management
Oracle will monitor the Oracle databases and/or VMs for ExaCC identified in the OPE section of
the Annual Services Exhibit twenty-four (24) hours per day, seven (7) days a week (“24x7”) to
identify nonstandard activity (“Event”). Each detected Event that results in an actual unplanned
interruption or immediate material reduction in quality of performance of the Oracle database(s),
and associated VMs for ExaCC as applicable, is referred to as a Fault. Oracle will determine the
tools and criteria used to determine whether an Event constitutes a Fault.
a. For each Fault, Oracle will:
i. Categorize the Fault based upon the definitions of severity in Oracle’s technical
support policies, which are available at:;

ii. Gather available applicable diagnostic information pertaining to the Fault;

iii. Provide You with a Fault notification e-mail for each automated service request
(“ASR”). Oracle will use commercially reasonable efforts to provide the Fault
notification email within fifteen (15) minutes of Oracle’s detection of the Fault. The
fifteen minutes commences upon the detection of the Fault by the Oracle fault
monitoring tools and ends when Oracle sends You the Fault notification e-mail; and
iv. Create an ASR with My Oracle Support (“MOS”), which includes the available
applicable diagnostic information. Oracle will use commercially reasonable efforts
to create the ASR within fifteen (15) minutes of Oracle sending the Fault
notification e-mail.
v. In the event You submit a severity 1 SR, based upon the definitions of severity in
Oracle’s technical support policies, for a database and/or VM for ExaCC identified
in the OPE section of the Annual Services Exhibit, Oracle will use commercially
reasonable efforts to provide an initial response through MOS within twenty (20)
minutes of Your SR submittal.
3. Reporting
Oracle will provide standardized reports via the Customer Portal for the databases and/or VMs for
ExaCC, as applicable, identified in the OPE section of the Annual Services Exhibit. Oracle will
determine the contents of the reports which may include the following:
a. Oracle Database Security Compliance Report. Oracle will provide summary and detail reports
comparing Your database configurations, database directory and file permissions and
database user access to Oracle’s configuration recommendations;
b. Oracle Patch Advisory Report. Oracle will provide a summary and detailed report identifying
the patch set update(s) (“PSU”) available for the databases and/or VMs for ExaCC, as
applicable, identified in the OPE section of the Annual Services Exhibit;

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c. Oracle Status Report. Oracle will provide information concerning the status of the databases
and/or VMs for ExaCC, as applicable, identified in the OPE section of the Annual Services
Exhibit (e.g., current up/down status, cluster/single instance, version number);
d. Oracle ASR Report. Oracle will provide a summary of opened ASRs for each database and/or
VM for ExaCC, as applicable, identified in the OPE section of the Annual Services Exhibit; and
e. Oracle Health-check Report. Oracle will provide information about potential configuration
setting issues and scalability attributes for database and/or VM for ExaCC, as applicable, as
well as suggested remediation actions.
4. Patch Management
If Patch Management is included in Your order, Oracle will perform the following Services for the
quantity of ACS – Oracle HOMES and/or VMs for ExaCC, as applicable, identified in the OPE
section of the Annual Services Exhibit:
a. Perform a patch assessment;
b. Create a patch installation plan;
c. If necessary, prior to installing the PSUs, Oracle will provide a standard test/back-out plan
example, and both You and Oracle will agree, in writing, on the test/back-out plan;
d. Oracle will install the PSUs during an agreed upon window; and
e. Provide oversight and escalation management for each patch installment activity.
5. Support Delivery Management
If Support Delivery Management is included in Your order, a Technical Account Manager (“TAM”)
will be assigned to You as Your primary contact for the Services and shall provide and/or assist
with the following support Services:
a. Conduct an orientation for Your Customer Contacts (defined below);
b. Document the contact details for key Oracle contacts, Your technical contacts for Oracle
Premier Support, and management escalation team (“Customer Contacts”) and Oracle’s
escalation procedures (“Joint Contacts and Escalation Guide”);
c. Assist with providing monthly technical service reviews including SR and ASR activity in
connection with the databases and/or VMs for ExaCC, as applicable, identified in the OPE
section of the Annual Services Exhibit;
d. Assist with providing quarterly management reviews; and
e. Assist with facilitating communications between Oracle and Your Customer Contacts.

Supplemental Resources
If included in Your order, Oracle will provide additional resources, either on-site or remotely, to
assist in the furtherance of the Oracle Advanced Database Support services, up to the maximum
number of days per resource role as set forth in Your order. A “day” is defined as one (1) resource
working eight (8) hours per day.1

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Oracle Advanced Support Gateway
ACS Services may be delivered utilizing a gateway. A gateway is the computing platform,
consisting of the Oracle Advanced Support Gateway software available on MOS and a physical
or virtual hardware platform or an Oracle Public Cloud (“OPC”) instance, which hosts Oracle’s
tools, for collecting, managing, updating and presenting information (“ACS Gateway”).
Oracle’s minimum hardware requirements for the ACS Gateway are available at Oracle will provide the necessary
software and instructions to install the ACS Gateway or You may provide Oracle remote access
to install the ACS Gateway on Your behalf. You will ensure the ACS Gateway (i) has sufficient
rack and floor space, air conditioning, electrical power, Internet connectivity, (ii) is correctly
located within Your local-area network and wide-area network environments(s) (as agreed to
with Oracle) and attached to Your network, to physically rack, stack and power-up, and (iii) is
positioned such that the systems being fault monitored can be logically routed to it using layer
3 IP. Once the ACS Gateway is installed, Oracle will deploy additional software on the ACS
Gateway which will be used to deliver Your Services. If utilized, the ACS Gateway must be fully
installed, connected and operational in order for You to receive the Services. Oracle retains all
rights, title and interest to the Oracle supplied ACS Gateway. Oracle retains the right to update
and/or replace the ACS Gateway at any time during the performance of the Services.
The Oracle Advanced Support Gateway Portal (“Customer Portal”) is a Web-based interface
hosted on the ACS Gateway, behind Your firewall and is accessible by You and authorized
Oracle Support engineers. It is used by You to interact with the ACS service(s) enabled on the
ACS Gateway.

Obligations and Assumptions

In addition to the obligations stated in Your order, You acknowledge that Oracle’s ability to
perform the Services depends upon Your fulfillment of the following obligations and
1. Your Obligations
a. Prior to the commencement of Services, return the completed Questionnaire.
b. Maintain Oracle Premier Support for Systems for the dedicated hardware component of
the ACS Gateway and the Oracle systems running the Oracle database(s) and/or VMs for
ExaCC, if applicable and as described here:
c. Prior to the commencement of Services, install and configure the ACS Gateway in Your
datacenter on Your network and start the Services initiation process.
d. Provide required private and public-facing Internet Protocol (“IP”) addresses, proper
firewall settings, required predefined ports, and appropriate inbound and continuous
outbound connectivity to the ACS Gateway.
e. If You have chosen to enable the remote access control feature of the ACS Gateway:
vi. Use commercially reasonable efforts to immediately grant Oracle access to the
ACS Gateway when requested by Oracle to allow Oracle to resolve incidents or
security vulnerabilities associated with the ACS Gateway; and

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vii. At least monthly, mutually agree with Oracle on a window of access to the ACS
Gateway sufficient for Oracle to proactively patch the ACS Gateway and make
any configuration changes appropriate for Oracle to deliver the Services.
f. Provide on-site troubleshooting in the event that Oracle is not able to remotely connect to
the ACS Gateway.
g. Identify the database(s) described in section A.2. (Fault Management) above via the
Customer Portal.
h. Change the default Customer Portal password.
i. Via the Customer Portal, maintain current contact and email information.
j. Maintain Internet connectivity with availability of 99.5% or better as measured on a
monthly basis.
k. Follow the SR escalation process documented on MOS (i.e., “How To Request Management
Attention to a Service Request (SR) with Oracle Support Services (ID 199389.1”)).
l. Create a blackout in the actions field within the Customer Portal during key system
change(s) initiated by You so that ASRs are not initiated automatically as a result of faults
caused by key systems change(s).
m. Patch Management Specific Obligations:
If Patch Management is included in Your order, You will:
viii. Schedule patch installation(s) via the Customer Portal;
ix. Provide installation and back out instructions that were created and tested in
Your nonproduction environment for the patch installations; and
x. Test all patch installations in Your nonproduction environment.
2. Assumptions
a. All communication (oral, written and electronic) associated with the delivery of the Service
is only provided in English.
b. Your prompt return of the completed Questionnaire is a prerequisite to Oracle’s
performance of the Services described herein. Any delays in the prompt return of the
Questionnaire shall delay the performance of the Services.
c. Oracle shall limit Your access to functionality contained within the ACS Gateway in order to
perform the Services.
d. Subject to hardware system capacity limits, any number of Oracle databases may be fault
monitored on the hardware system(s) associated with the ACS processor cores identified in
the OPE section of the Annual Services Exhibit.
e. Oracle Database Security Compliance Reporting Assumption
xi. Database security compliance reports provided by Oracle hereunder may
contain security related information regarding the Oracle databases and/or
VMs for ExaCC, as applicable, identified in the OPE section of the Annual
Services Exhibit. While you may use such reports for informational purposes to
assist You in your submission of security content for any of Your internal or
external reporting, the security reports provided hereunder are not certifications
or attestations and are provided for Your internal business operations only.

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Oracle makes no representations about the security of Your systems or
f. Patch Management Assumptions
If Patch Management is included in Your order, the following assumptions will apply:
xii. Ensure You are running Oracle Database 11g2 or higher, and/or Oracle ExaCC
in order to receive the Services.
xiii. Upon the commencement of Patch Management, You and Oracle will agree
upon the current PSUs appropriate for Your environment which shall be either
the most current PSU or its immediate predecessor applicable to Your version of
the Oracle database(s) and/or VMs for ExaCC, as applicable, identified in OPE
section of the Annual Services Exhibit;
xiv. PSU deployment will be performed first in Your non-production environment(s).
Oracle will validate that the environment(s) is accessible to You for Your testing
prior to promotion to production. Prior to the promotion of the patch to
production, a valid backup must be performed by You if backups are under Your
xv. Patch Management does not include testing of patch installations for customer-
specific configurations;
xvi. Oracle will not install patches designated as, or determined by Oracle to be,
“release” or “version” patches; and
xvii. The deployment of PSUs may impact the performance of the databases and/or
VMs for ExaCC, as applicable, identified in the OPE section of the Annual
Services Exhibit.

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Oracle Business Critical Assistance (“BCA”)
Service Offering Part #
Oracle Business Critical Assistance for Software 8X5 B86700
Oracle Business Critical Assistance for Software 7X24 B86701
Oracle Business Critical Assistance for Software 8X5: Custom B86702
Oracle Business Critical Assistance for Software 7X24: Custom B86703
Oracle Business Critical Assistance for Systems 8X5 B86712
Oracle Business Critical Assistance for Systems 7X24 B86713
Oracle Business Critical Assistance for Systems 8X5: Custom B86714
Oracle Business Critical Assistance for Systems 7X24: Custom B86715
ACS Supplemental Resource for Software Days B76416
ACS Supplemental Resource for Systems Days B76417

Description of Services
1. Support Delivery Management
A Technical Account Manager (“TAM”) will be assigned to You, as Your primary contact for the
Services, during the hours specified in Your order. Your TAM shall provide and/or assist with
the following support Services:
a. Prepare and maintain a service delivery plan;
b. Document the contact details for key Oracle contacts, Your technical contacts for Oracle
Premier Support, and management escalation team (“Customer Contacts”) and Oracle’s
escalation procedures (“Joint Contacts and Escalation Guide”);
c. Document the technical specifications of Your Oracle Product Environment (“Environment
and Configuration Guide”);
d. Prepare and provide quarterly service delivery plan progress reports;
e. Provide access to a customer-specific web portal;
f. Assist with conducting an orientation for Your Customer Contacts;
g. Assist with conducting a delivery planning session and maintaining the service delivery
h. Assist with conducting quarterly service delivery plan reviews;
i. Assist with reviewing all applicable Oracle Support Services activity related to the items
identified in the OPE, including service request (“SR”) activity in connection with individual
SRs logged by Your Customer Contacts. The review may consist of status reports, next
steps, if any, and review of Your SR priorities;
j. Assist with SR management, prioritization and escalation;
k. Assist with communicating the status of Your SRs to Your Customer Contacts, as
l. Assist with facilitating communications between Oracle and Your Customer Contacts; and
m. Assist with maintaining the Joint Contacts and Escalation Guide and the Environment and
Configuration Guide.

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2. Assistance on Service Requests
At the TAM’s discretion, for Severity 1 and mutually agreed upon Severity 2 issues, the TAM
will engage the Services of an Oracle Advanced Support Engineer (“ASE“) or team of ASEs, to
assist Your Customer Contact(s) with technical issues. The current definition of Oracle’s
Severity Levels is available in the applicable Oracle Technical Support Policies which may be
accessed at
a. Critical Service Requests
For products identified in the OPE section of the Annual Services Exhibit and documented
in Your Environment and Configuration Guide, the TAM and ASE(s) are the designated
points of contact for Severity 1 and mutually agreed upon Severity 2 SRs, collectively
(“critical SRs”) and shall provide the following support Services for the quantity of Full
Coverage Units defined in the OPE section of the Annual Services Exhibit:
xviii. Conduct SR analysis;
xix. Assist with issue identification and issue reproduction;
xx. Assist with constructing a reproducible test case required by Oracle Support
Services to address an SR and help determine a workaround for the issue;
xxi. Assist with potential workarounds;
xxii. Provide guidance to implement the recommendations documented in the SR;
xxiii. Assist with testing prior to production implementation of any
xxiv. Extract data from a downed database and attempt a recovery for Oracle
databases within the OPE section of the Annual Services Exhibit;
xxv. Provide advice and recommendations regarding the operation, configuration
and use of the applicable Oracle Support Services tools for Your Oracle products
in the OPE section of the Annual Services Exhibit; and
xxvi. Notify You of Oracle alerts, releases, firmware updates and patches related to
Your Oracle products in the OPE section of the Annual Services Exhibit,
including critical patch updates.

b. Critical Reactive Service Requests

If Your order includes products identified in the OPE section of the Annual Services Exhibit
and documented in Your Environment and Configuration Guide as Critical Reactive units as
defined in the Annuals Exhibit, Oracle will monitor only Severity 1 and mutually agreed
upon Severity 2 SRs and communicate the SR status to Your designated Customer
Contacts for the quantity of Critical Reactive units defined in the OPE section of the Annual
Services Exhibit.
3. Standby Coverage
Upon Your request to Your TAM, Oracle will provide technical standby coverage for non-
Severity 1 issues (e.g., software upgrade, patch set applications, data purge) by an ASE for up
to twenty-four (24) consecutive hours in the quantity defined in the OPE section of the Annual
Services Exhibit.
4. Service Request Prioritization

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Oracle will prioritize Your SRs above SRs of the same severity level submitted by other Premier
Support customers. Reasonable efforts will be made to respond to Your SRs per the following
guidelines (“SR Response Guidelines”): 

a. 90% of Severity 1 SRs within one (1) hour (available 24x7);

b. 90% of Severity 2 SRs within two and one half (2.5) local business hours;
c. 90% of Severity 3 SRs within the next local business day; and
d. 90% of Severity 4 SRs within the next local business day.
5. Supplemental Resources

If included in Your order, Oracle will provide additional resources, either on-site or remotely,
to assist in the furtherance of the Business Critical Assistance services, up to the maximum
number of days per resource role as set forth in Your order. A “day” is defined as one (1)
resource working eight (8) hours per day.1

Obligations and Assumptions

In addition to the obligations stated in Your order, You acknowledge that Oracle’s ability to
perform the Services depends upon Your fulfillment of the following obligations and
1. Your Obligations
a. Restore service, including, for example, reconfiguring applications or reloading or
restarting application software.
b. Designate Customer Contacts and identify by name, phone number, e-mail address and
other appropriate contact methods, for each of Your Customer Contacts.
c. Apply bug fixes, critical patches and configuration recommendations provided through
Oracle Support Services within a commercially reasonable period of time.
d. If requested by Oracle, You shall provide a test environment and, if applicable, a non-
customized code test environment for Your Oracle applications, for testing patches and
2. Assumptions
a. Only Customer Contacts may communicate with Oracle regarding the delivery of the
Services or deliverables, if any.

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Oracle Engineered Systems Incremental Patch Deployment for Oracle
Platinum Service
Service Offering Part #
Oracle Engineered Systems Incremental Patch Deployment for Oracle Platinum
Service (1 Patch) – Local Delivery B85531
Oracle Engineered Systems Incremental Patch Deployment for Oracle Platinum
Service (1 Patch) – Remote Delivery B85535
Oracle Engineered Systems Incremental Patch Deployment for Oracle Platinum
(2 Patches) – Local Delivery B85532
Oracle Engineered Systems Incremental Patch Deployment for Oracle Platinum
(2 Patches) – Remote Delivery B85536
Oracle Engineered Systems Incremental Patch Deployment for Oracle Platinum
(3 Patches) – Local Delivery B85533
Oracle Engineered Systems Incremental Patch Deployment for Oracle Platinum
(3 Patches) – Remote Delivery B85537
Oracle Engineered Systems Incremental Patch Deployment for Oracle Platinum
(4 Patches) – Local Delivery B85534
Oracle Engineered Systems Incremental Patch Deployment for Oracle Platinum
(4 Patches) – Remote Delivery B85538
Oracle Engineered Systems Incremental Patch Deployment for Oracle Platinum
Service Connected (1 Patch) - Remote Delivery B86720
Oracle Engineered Systems Incremental Patch Deployment for Oracle Platinum
Service Connected (2 Patches) - Remote Delivery B86721
Oracle Engineered Systems Incremental Patch Deployment for Oracle Platinum
Service Connected (3 Patches) - Remote Delivery B86722
Oracle Engineered Systems Incremental Patch Deployment for Oracle Platinum
Service Connected (4 Patches) - Remote Delivery B86723
Oracle Engineered Systems Incremental Patch Deployment w/SAP for Oracle
Platinum Services (1 Patch) B85539
Oracle Engineered Systems Incremental Patch Deployment w/SAP for Oracle
Platinum Services (2 Patches) B85540
Oracle Engineered Systems Incremental Patch Deployment w/SAP for Oracle
Platinum Services (3 Patches) B85541
Oracle Engineered Systems Incremental Patch Deployment w/SAP for Oracle
Platinum Services (4 Patches) B85542

Description of Services
1. Oracle will review and analyze Your current patching configuration for the product(s) set forth
in the OPE section of the Annual Services Exhibit and deploy the updated/new patches You

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receive from My Oracle Support (“MOS”) up to the number of patches specified in Your order
by performing the following activities:
a. Conduct a preliminary meeting and orientation;
b. Identify the previously installed patches to be combined with the planned patches to be
installed (“Patch Bundle”) using one (1) of the following patching options:
xxvii. Oracle will install the Patch Bundle on one (1) actively running/online system
that is substantially similar to the OPE; or
xxviii. Oracle will install the Patch Bundle on one (1) inactive/offline system that is
substantially similar to the OPE; or
xxix. Oracle will assist You with the installation of the Patch Bundle on one (1) system
that is substantially similar to the OPE.
c. Conduct a final meeting to review the Services.

Oracle Advanced Support Gateway

ACS Services may be delivered utilizing a gateway. A gateway is the computing platform,
consisting of the Oracle Advanced Support Gateway software available on MOS and a physical or
virtual hardware platform or an Oracle Public Cloud (“OPC”), which hosts Oracle’s tools, for
collecting, managing, updating and presenting information (“ACS Gateway”). Oracle’s minimum
hardware requirements for the ACS Gateway are available at
Oracle will provide the necessary software and instructions to install the ACS Gateway or You may
provide Oracle remote access to install the ACS Gateway on Your behalf. You will ensure the ACS
Gateway (i) has sufficient rack and floor space, air conditioning, electrical power, Internet
connectivity and (ii) is correctly located within Your local-area network and wide-area network
environments(s) (as agreed to with Oracle) and attached to Your network, to physically rack, stack
and power-up. Once the ACS Gateway is installed, Oracle will deploy additional software on the
ACS Gateway which will be used to deliver Your Services. If utilized, the ACS Gateway must be
fully installed, connected and operational in order for You to receive the Services. Oracle retains
all rights, title and interest to the Oracle supplied ACS Gateway. Oracle retains the right to update
and/or replace the ACS Gateway at any time during the performance of the Services.

Obligations and Assumptions

In addition to the obligations stated in Your order, You acknowledge that Oracle’s ability to
perform the Services depends upon Your fulfillment of the following obligations and
1. Your Obligations
a. During the preliminary meeting, You will identify the system in subsection A.1.b. above on
which the Patch Bundle shall be installed.
b. In the event You have ordered on-site Patch Bundle installation (as identified in subsection
A.1.b.3.), such installation Services will be performed at Your location as defined in the
2. Assumptions
a. The Services shall be coordinated to coincide with the patching Services You are receiving
under Platinum Services.

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b. Oracle shall limit Your access to functionality contained within the ACS Gateway in order to
perform the Services.

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Oracle Engineered Systems Quarterly Patch Deployment
Service Offering Part #
Oracle Engineered Systems Quarterly Patch Deployment (1 Patch) – Local Delivery B85523
Oracle Engineered Systems Quarterly Patch Deployment (1 Patch) – Remote Delivery B85527
Oracle Engineered Systems Quarterly Patch Deployment (2 Patches) – Local Delivery B85524
Oracle Engineered Systems Quarterly Patch Deployment (2 Patches) – Remote
Delivery B85528
Oracle Engineered Systems Quarterly Patch Deployment (3 Patches) – Local Delivery B85525
Oracle Engineered Systems Quarterly Patch Deployment (3 Patches) – Remote
Delivery B85529
Oracle Engineered Systems Quarterly Patch Deployment (4 Patches) – Local Delivery B85526
Oracle Engineered Systems Quarterly Patch Deployment (4 Patches) – Remote
Delivery B85530
Oracle Engineered Systems Quarterly Patch Deployment Connected (1 Patch) -
Remote Delivery B86724
Oracle Engineered Systems Quarterly Patch Deployment Connected (2 Patches) -
Remote Delivery B86725
Oracle Engineered Systems Quarterly Patch Deployment Connected (3 Patches) -
Remote Delivery B86726
Oracle Engineered Systems Quarterly Patch Deployment Connected (4 Patches) -
Remote Delivery B86727
Oracle Engineered Systems Quarterly Patch Deployment (1 Patch) - Local
Review/Remote Delivery B92954
Oracle Engineered Systems Quarterly Patch Deployment (2 Patches) - Local
Review/Remote Delivery B92955
Oracle Engineered Systems Quarterly Patch Deployment (3 Patches) - Local
Review/Remote Delivery B92956
Oracle Engineered Systems Quarterly Patch Deployment (4 Patches) - Local
Review/Remote Delivery B92957
ACS Supplemental Resource for Software Days B76416
ACS Supplemental Resource for Systems Days B76417

Description of Services
Oracle will review and analyze Your current patching configuration for the product(s) set forth
in the OPE section of the Annual Services Exhibit and deploy the updated/new patches You
receive through My Oracle Support (“MOS”) up to the number of patches identified in Your
order by performing the following in accordance with Section D.2.a (the “Services”):
1. Review and analyze the patch and configuration data collected by the data collector software
or manual methods to identify the current patch levels and status.
2. Identify and determine the compatibility of the previously installed patches with the planned
patches to be installed (the “Patch Bundle”).
3. Create a high level patch plan and a detailed patch plan.
4. Review the patch plan with You and identify the following:
a. The patches to be included in the Patch Bundle;
Page 17 of 143
b. Business requirements and change management procedures;
c. Patching strategy;
d. Patch deployment schedule
5. Install Patch Bundle(s) in accordance with the patch plan, using one (1) of the following
patching options:
a. Install the Patch Bundle on one (1) actively running/online system that is substantially
similar to the OPE;
b. Install the Patch Bundle on one (1) inactive/offline system that is substantially similar to
the OPE ;
c. Assist You with the installation of the Patch Bundle on one (1) system that is substantially
similar to the OPE, at Your location as defined in the exhibit.
6. Upon completion of the installation of the Patch Bundle, create a patch deployment summary.
7. Conduct a final meeting to review the patch deployment summary.

Supplemental Resources
If included in Your order, Oracle will provide additional resources, either on-site or remotely, to
assist in the furtherance of the Oracle Engineered Systems Quarterly Patch Deployment services,
up to the maximum number of days per resource role as set forth in Your order. A “day” is
defined as one (1) resource working eight (8) hours per day.1

Oracle Advanced Support Gateway

ACS Services may be delivered utilizing a gateway. A gateway is the computing platform,
consisting of the Oracle Advanced Support Gateway software available on MOS and a physical or
virtual hardware platform or an Oracle Public Cloud (“OPC”), which hosts Oracle’s tools, for
collecting, managing, updating and presenting information (“ACS Gateway”). Oracle’s minimum
hardware requirements for the ACS Gateway are available at
Oracle will provide the necessary software and instructions to install the ACS Gateway or You may
provide Oracle remote access to install the ACS Gateway on Your behalf. You will ensure the ACS
Gateway (i) has sufficient rack and floor space, air conditioning, electrical power, Internet
connectivity, and (ii) is correctly located within Your local-area network and wide-area network
environments(s) (as agreed to with Oracle) and attached to Your network, to physically rack, stack
and power-up. Once the ACS Gateway is installed, Oracle will deploy additional software on the
ACS Gateway which will be used to deliver Your Services. If utilized, the ACS Gateway must be
fully installed, connected and operational in order for You to receive the Services. Oracle retains all
rights, title and interest to the Oracle supplied ACS Gateway. Oracle retains the right to update
and/or replace the ACS Gateway at any time during the performance of the Services.

Obligations and Assumptions

In addition to the obligations stated in Your order, You acknowledge that Oracle’s ability to
perform the Services depends upon Your fulfillment of the following obligations and
1. Your Obligations
a. Identify the system in which the Patch Bundle will be installed.

Page 18 of 143
b. Comply with patch recommendations provided by Oracle, including authorizing prompt
application of security patches.
c. Be solely responsible for the impact and related risks resulting from Your failure to comply
with Oracle patch recommendations.
d. Purchase additional database deployments under a separate order, as required.
2. Assumptions
a. The Oracle Engineered Systems Quarterly Patch Deployment will be performed on up to
one (1) Oracle database (per Zero Data Loss Recovery Appliance), two (2) Oracle databases
(per Oracle Database Appliance), four (4) Oracle databases (per eighth rack, quarter rack or
half rack Exadata; or half rack SuperCluster); up to eight (8) databases (per full rack
Exadata or full rack SuperCluster) or Exalytics (per machine, up to three (3) Oracle VM
(“OVM”) guests and up to three (3) software instances of any combination of the
following: (i.) Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition (“OBIEE”) and Oracle
TimesTen In-Memory Database; and/or (ii.) Oracle Essbase with optional Enterprise
Performance Management (“EPM”) Foundation; and/or (iii.) Oracle Endeca) in accordance
with the quantities identified in Your Order; one (1) Mammoth patch deployment bundle
(per Big Data Appliance).
b. All communication (oral, written and electronic) associated with the delivery of the Services
will be provided in English language only.
c. Oracle will limit Your access to functionality contained within the ACS Gateway as required
to perform the Services.

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Oracle Functional Help Desk for Retail and Hospitality
Service Offering Part #
Oracle Functional Help Desk for Oracle Retail and Hospitality B85444
Oracle Functional Help Desk for Oracle Retail and Hospitality Hardware B85445
Oracle Functional Help Desk for Oracle Retail and Hospitality Third Party Product B85446
Oracle Retail Store Open Support bundled B91895
Oracle Retail Store Close Support bundled B91896
ACS Supplemental Resource for Software Days B76416
ACS Supplemental Resource for Systems Days B76417

“End Users” means those of Your employees, agents, and contractors who are properly licensed or
properly authorized to use the Oracle programs, Oracle hardware systems, and Third Party
Products identified in the PE.
“Functional Help Desk Configuration Document” means a document that specifies the technical
specifications of Your PE.
“Item” means, for Oracle programs, an application instance (i.e., a single set of memory
structures, a single application code tree, and a single set of operating system processes that
collectively access a single database); for Oracle hardware systems, the hardware system itself;
and for Third Party Products, a hardware component (e.g., a monitor, scanner, printer, etc.).
“Key Contacts” means Your technical contacts for Oracle Premier Support, Your incident
management team, and Your management escalation team.
“Product Environment” or “PE” means, as limited to the number of Oracle program licenses and
Oracle hardware systems specified in Your order, the number of Third Party products specified in
Your order, the number and location of Sites specified in Your order, and the number of Items of
each specified on the Functional Help Desk Configuration Document: (i) the Oracle programs for
which You maintain annual technical support during the Term, (ii) the Oracle hardware systems
for which You maintain technical support during the Term, and (iii) the third party products which
interface with the point of sale (“POS”) terminals at the Sites (“Third Party Products”).
“Services” means Oracle Functional Help Desk Services for the PE.
“Site” means a location from which Your End Users and/or Key Contacts may place SRs for Oracle
Functional Help Desk Assistance Services.
“SR” means a service request, logged by Your End Users and/or Key Contacts, for Oracle
Functional Help Desk Services.
“Term” means the period that commences on the effective date of Your order and ends on the
date that is twelve (12) months thereafter.

Description of Services
During the Term, Oracle will provide the following Services:
1. Support Delivery Management
One Technical Account Manager (“TAM”) will be assigned to You, as Your primary contact for
the Services. The TAM shall provide the following remotely:

Page 20 of 143
a. Assist You with developing and maintaining a Functional Help Desk Configuration
b. Assist You with developing a service delivery plan for the Services which takes into
xxx. Your current, documented business processes and end user training practices;
xxxi. Your current, documented customizations, extensions, modifications,
localizations and interfaces/integrations for Oracle programs (“CEMLIs”);
xxxii. Your current, documented PE operational processes, including processes for
incident management, testing, change management, configuration
management, and escalation management; and
xxxiii. Your current, documented PE priorities.
c. If available, document information, captured during the Term for the PE, on work arounds,
patches, fixes and/or known errors;
d. Document the contact details of Your Key Contacts, the contact information Key Contacts
will need to contact the Oracle Functional Help Desk described in Section B.2 below
(“Oracle Functional Help Desk Contacts”), and the escalation process and procedures Key
Contacts must follow in contacting the Oracle Functional Help Desk Contacts (all
information collectively documented in the “Joint Contacts and Escalation Guide”);
e. Document the Oracle programs setups, configurations and technical specifications of the
f. Prepare and provide to one of Your Key Contacts a monthly report which shall include:
xxxiv. Analysis of the trends in the SRs logged by Your End Users during the reporting
period; and
xxxv. Identification of the patch sets, alerts, new releases, de-support notices, or new
support tools applicable to the Oracle programs in the PE that have been
published by Oracle, via My Oracle Support (“MOS”) during the reporting period.
g. Conduct a Services orientation for Your Key Contacts;
h. Conduct a Services delivery planning session with Your Key Contacts;
i. Assist with SR management, prioritization and escalation in accordance with this exhibit;
j. Communicate the status of Severity 1 SRs;
k. For Oracle programs in the PE, facilitate communications between Oracle Global Customer
Support and Your Key Contacts, provided, however, that for any SRs related to PE CEMLIs,
the TAM will refer Your Key Contacts to Oracle Consulting for assistance with discussing
the terms and fees for addressing issues related to PE CEMLIs; and
l. Maintain the Joint Contacts and Escalation Guide.
2. Oracle Functional Help Desk Support
Oracle Functional Help Desk Contacts will be available to perform the following activities,
remotely, twenty-four (24) hours a day, seven (7) days a week (“24x7”):
a. For Oracle programs and Oracle hardware systems SRs only:
xxxvi. Receive and acknowledge Oracle programs SR(s) that have been logged by Your
End Users in MOS or by calling Oracle’s designated help desk number for
customers who have purchased technical support services;
Page 21 of 143
xxxvii. Assist in gathering additional relevant information pertaining to the SR(s);
xxxviii. Assist in collecting system data as necessary to address SR resolution. System
data may include trace files, log files, and diagnostic information;
xxxix. Diagnose underlying issues and propose an SR resolution or work around where
xl. As specified in Section D (Service Request Severity Levels) below, adjust the
severity level of SR(s), if required;
xli. As specified in Section D (Service Request Severity Levels) below, escalate SR(s)
according to severity level definitions;
xlii. Coordinate with Your incident management team to address Severity 1 SR(s);
xliii. Coordinate with Oracle Global Customer Support and You for SR(s) that cannot
be resolved by the Oracle Functional Help Desk, provided, however, that for any
SR(s) related to PE CEMLIs, the Oracle Functional Help Desk Contacts will refer
You to Oracle Consulting for assistance with discussing the terms and fees for
addressing issues related to PE CEMLIs;
xliv. Monitor SR(s) and provide status updates throughout the SR lifecycle;
xlv. Provide assistance with basic administrative, functional and technical incidents;
xlvi. Provide assistance regarding the use and navigation of the features and
functionality of the Oracle programs, as configured in the PE;
xlvii. You and Oracle agree that an SR will remain open until one of the following
1) The SR has been resolved;
2) You and Oracle agree to close the SR;
3) The SR is transferred or referred in accordance with this exhibit; or
4) The SR is determined by Oracle to be outside the scope of the Services, at which
point the SR will be transferred back to one of Your Key Contacts.
b. For Third Party Products SRs only, if included in Your order:
xlviii. Receive and acknowledge Third Party Products SR(s), from Your End Users;
xlix. Gather preliminary information pertaining to the Third Party Products SRs;
l. Transfer the Third Party Products SRs to You or the appropriate third party;
li. Update the Third Party Products SRs with information, if any, received from the
third party (i.e., third party ticket number); and
lii. Once the Third Party Products SRs have been transferred to You or the third
party, document the transfer information in the SR received from Your End
User, and then close the SR.
3. Oracle Retail Store Open Support (B91895)
If included in Your order, Oracle will monitor Oracle Retail Xstore Point-of-Service (“Xstore
POS”) and perform the following in an effort to address errors that may impact Your store
startup process:
a. Setup and configure the Xstore POS monitoring process.

Page 22 of 143
b. Review the monitoring exception report on a daily basis to identify post-polling errors,
Xstore POS startup errors, and environment startup errors (each error, a “Startup Event”).
c. Attempt to remediate Startup Events.
d. Create one SR per day to document the following:
liii. Actions completed by Oracle to remediate Startup Events
liv. A list of any Startup Events that could not be remediated and require further
collaboration with You to diagnose the issue.
e. Work with You to further diagnose Startup Events that could not be remediated and
require further action.
f. Email a daily Startup Event summary report to one email address designated by You.
g. Provide You with trending reports that recommend actions to remediate recurring Startup
Events, on a monthly basis or more frequently as deemed necessary by Oracle, to address
and reduce the frequency of recurring Startup Events.
Oracle reserves the right to disable polling for recurring Startup Events if You fail to implement
Oracle recommended actions within seven (7) calendar days.
4. Oracle Retail Store Close Support (B91896)
If included in Your order, Oracle will monitor Xstore POS and perform the following in an effort
to address closing errors that may impact Your store closing and polling process:
a. Setup and configure the Xstore POS monitoring process.
b. Review the monitoring exception report on a daily basis to identify Xstore POS closing and
polling errors (each error, a “Close Event”).
c. Create one SR per day to document the following:
lv. Actions completed by Oracle to remediate Close Events
lvi. A list of any Close Events that could not be remediated and require further
collaboration with You to diagnose the issue
d. Work with You to further diagnose Close Events that could not be remediated and require
further action.
e. Email a daily Close Event summary report to You.
f. Provide You with trending reports that recommend actions to remediate recurring Close
Events, on a monthly basis or more frequently as deemed necessary by Oracle, to address
and reduce the frequency of recurring Close Events.

Oracle reserves the right to disable polling for Close Events if You fail to implement Oracle
recommended actions, within seven (7) calendar days.
5. Supplemental Resources
If included in Your order, Oracle will provide additional resources, either on-site or
remotely, up to the maximum number of days1 per resource role as set forth in Your order
("Supplemental Resources").
These Supplemental Resources may assist with one or more of the following activities in
furtherance of the services provided under Your order for Oracle Functional Help Desk for
Oracle Retail and Hospitality services:
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a. Assistance with SRs related to the following:
lvii. Issue identification and issue reproduction
lviii. Constructing a reproducible test case
lix. Potential workarounds
lx. Guidance to implement the recommendations documented in the SR
b. Customer meetings
c. Knowledge sharing
d. Local language support

A “day” is defined as one (1) resource working eight (8) hours per day, except in the following
countries: Canada (7.5 hours per day), Denmark (7.4 hours per day), Finland (7.5 hours per
day), Germany (7.8 hours per day), Israel (8.6 hours per day), and Norway (7.5 hours per day).
6. Out of Scope
The Services do not include any Service that is not expressly identified in this exhibit, including
but not limited to:
a. Defining, creating, designing or implementing business practices or processes;
b. Products training;
c. Disaster recovery services;
d. System architecture design or validation;
e. Assistance, address or resolution of PE CEMLIs; and
f. Assistance, address or resolution of Third Party Products SRs, other than as expressly
specified in Section B.2.b. above.
g. Any activity or tasks required to ensure that the then current supported
release(s)/version(s) of Third Party Products are running in the PE.

Performance Levels, Metrics and Targets

Oracle will use commercially reasonable efforts to achieve the performance targets listed in the
following table; however, the parties agree that Oracle shall not incur any contractual, financial, or
other penalty or liability if Oracle does not achieve the performance targets.

Performance Level Performance Metric Performance Target

Average Speed of The average length of time a call (SRs) to 85% of all SRs are answered
Answer (“ASA”) the Oracle Functional Help Desk waits within 120 seconds
before being answered by Oracle
First Call Resolution The average rate in which the call (SR) is 65% of first call issues (SRs) are
Rate handled in accordance with this exhibit handled within 1 hour of Your
initial call to the Oracle
Functional Help Desk

Page 24 of 143
Performance Level Performance Metric Performance Target
Abandon Rate The percentage of calls in which a caller <= 8% for calls (SRs) that hold
hangs up or terminates a call to the Oracle longer than 120 seconds
Functional Help Desk prior to the call
being answered

Service Request Severity Levels

1. Service Request Severity Level Assignment
Working together, the parties shall assign each SR one of the severity definitions identified in
the applicable Oracle Technical Support Policies, which are available at The Severity Level of an Oracle
program SR may be upgraded or downgraded, using the severity definitions, by the parties as
set forth in the following two paragraphs. For purposes of clarity, SR(s) for Oracle programs
CEMLIs will be handled in accordance with Section B.2.a.ix. and SR(s) for Third Party Products
will be handled in accordance with Section B.2.b. (Third Party Products), and will not be
upgraded or downgraded.
2. Downgrading Severity Levels
If, during the SR process, the incident no longer warrants the Severity Level currently assigned
to it, then the Severity Level may be downgraded to a lower Severity Level that most accurately
reflects the current impact of the incident.
3. Upgrading Severity Levels
If during the SR process, the incident warrants the assignment of a higher Severity Level, then
the Severity Level may be upgraded to a higher Severity Level that most accurately reflects the
then current impact of the incident. When requesting the designation of a higher Severity
Level, You must provide Oracle with sufficient information that demonstrates the increased
adverse impact of the SR on Your use of the Oracle programs in the PE.

Obligations and Assumptions

You acknowledge that Your timely provision of and access to office accommodations, facilities,
equipment, assistance, cooperation, complete and accurate information and data from Your
officers, agents, and employees, and suitably configured computer products (collectively,
“cooperation”) are essential to the performance of the Services as set forth in this exhibit. Oracle
will not be responsible for any deficiency in performing the Services if such deficiency results from
Your failure to provide full cooperation.
You acknowledge that Oracle’s ability to perform the Services depends upon Your fulfillment of
the following obligations and the following assumptions:
1. Your Obligations
a. General
lxi. Maintain the properly configured software and hardware/operating system
platform to support the Services;
lxii. Obtain licenses under separate contract for any necessary Oracle software and
hardware programs before the commencement of the Services;

Page 25 of 143
lxiii. Maintain annual technical support for the Oracle software and hardware with
access to software patches and updates made available by Oracle under
separate contract throughout the term of the Service;
lxiv. Restrict Oracle's access to any content or information that imposes privacy,
security or regulatory obligations greater than those specified in this order;
lxv. Provide Oracle with full access to the relevant documentation and the
functional, technical and business resources with adequate skills and knowledge
to support the performance of the Services;
lxvi. Identify a designated contact to Oracle, with the appropriate level of authority,
to set priorities, coordinate activities and resolve conflicts between Your teams
regarding the Services hereunder;
lxvii. Provide, for all Oracle resources performing the Services at Your site, if any, a
safe and healthful workspace;
lxviii. Provide any notices, and obtain any consents, required for Oracle to perform
the Services;
lxix. Limit Oracle’s access to any production environments or shared development
environments to the extent necessary for Oracle to perform the Services;
lxx. Return all Oracle property (e.g., Oracle Advanced Support Gateway, hardware,
VPNs, etc.) used for the delivery of the Services upon Oracle’s request and in no
event later than fourteen (14) days after the cessation of the Services;
lxxi. Provide and/or support all third-party software in connection with the provision
of the Services defined in Your order;
lxxii. Provide complete and accurate information to Oracle regarding hardware
system(s) for, or on, which the Services are to be performed, including, without
limitation, the serial number for the hardware system(s);
lxxiii. Perform back-up or archival reproductions of all software and data contained
on all hardware system(s), and within any of Your systems or equipment that
may be affected by the Services, prior to the commencement of the Services;
lxxiv. Prior to the commencement of the Services, inform Oracle of any storage,
server, system, application, equipment or environment modifications that may
affect Oracle’s performance of the Services;
lxxv. Work with Oracle to facilitate an efficient delivery of the Services; and
lxxvi. In the event that there is a change to the Services such that Oracle employees
will be required to perform the Services at Your work site, then as required by
U.S. Department of Labor regulations (20 CFR 655.734), You will allow Oracle to
post a Notice regarding Oracle H-1B employee(s) at the work site prior to the
employee's arrival on site.
b. Functional and Technical Support
lxxvii. Implement all recommendations, provided by Oracle to You, to modify the PE to
facilitate Oracle’s performance of the Services. Oracle reserves the right to
suspend or cease the performance of the Services if You fail to implement
recommendations as and when required by Oracle;
lxxviii. Log all SRs in MOS or by calling Oracle’s designated help desk number for
customers who have purchased technical support services;
Page 26 of 143
lxxix. Work with Oracle to assign a Severity Level, per the severity definitions
identified in the Technical Support Policies referenced in Section D. above, and
criteria identified in Section D. above, to each SR;
lxxx. While an SR is at Severity Level 1, have a Key Contact available twenty-four (24)
hours per day, seven (7) days per week, to provide information requested by
Oracle, answer questions and participate in diagnostics;
lxxxi. Provide accurate business impact details for Severity Level 1 and Severity Level
2 SRs;
lxxxii. Be responsible for SRs that are not within the scope of the Services (e.g., SRs
related to Third Party Products, SRs related to CEMLIs);
lxxxiii. Provide overall SR management coordination for all products in the PE;
lxxxiv. Assist Oracle with SR analysis, data collection, and resolution;
lxxxv. Validate any data correction and/or modifications to the PE;
lxxxvi. Initiate escalation procedures documented in the Joint Contacts and Escalation
Guide for Severity Level 1 and Severity Level 2 SRs;
lxxxvii. At Oracle’s request, promptly identify to Oracle, and ensure the availability of,
Your appropriate technical resources for assistance with resolution of SRs;
lxxxviii. Perform all functional regression, unit and user acceptance testing for SR
resolutions and work arounds provided by Oracle;
lxxxix. Manage the setup and management of Your end users;
xc. Provide information on PE functional setups and configurations;
xci. Test any change, modification, update or upgrade made to the PE;
xcii. Adhere to Oracle’s recommended practices, for instance, strategy and code
promotion, as part of Your overall release management process;
xciii. Prior to the commencement of the Services, provide to the TAM Your functional
setups and configuration documents, business process flow documents, user
acceptance test case documents, functional specifications, technical
specifications, technical architecture documents, CEMLI documents, service
operations training guides and other appropriate documentation for all
products in the PE;
xciv. Prior to the commencement of the Services, provide all documentation and
training to Oracle with respect to Your internal processes and tools relevant to
the performance of the Services;
xcv. Prior to the commencement of the Services, ensure all end users are properly
trained on how to use all products and the PE; and
xcvi. Prior to the commencement of the development of the Functional Help Desk
Configuration Document, provide the Oracle Functional Help Desk Contacts,
and the TAM, with a list of Sites (by site number, and address), and the number
of Oracle program licenses, Oracle hardware systems, and Third Party Products
at each such Site. The number of Sites on the list, and the numbers of Oracle
program licenses, Oracle hardware systems, and Third Party Products at each
Site on the list, shall be no greater than the numbers for each that are specified
in the order under which You acquired Oracle Functional Help Desk Services.
Page 27 of 143
c. Changes to the PE
xcvii. Planned changes
xcviii. Notify the Oracle Functional Help Desk Contacts designated in the Joint
Contacts and Escalation Guide, and the TAM, of mutually agreed planned
changes to the PE at least forty-eight (48) hours in advance of the planned
change; and
xcix. Emergency changes
c. Notify the Oracle Functional Help Desk Contacts designated in the Joint
Contacts and Escalation Guide, and the TAM, of emergency changes to the PE
at least four (4) hours in advance of the emergency change.
d. Third Party Products
ci. Maintain annual technical support contract(s) between the You and all third
parties for all Third Party Products in the PE throughout the Term of the
cii. Be responsible for Your relationships with all third parties necessary to support
the Services, including, without limitation, all contract administration, any
regular interaction regarding SR status, and all responsibility for knowledge,
access privileges and use of available support tools;
ciii. Facilitate Oracle’s access to the third party SR submission process between You
and Your third parties, and provide all Oracle Functional Help Desk Contacts
designated in the Joint Contacts and Escalation Guide, and the TAM, with such
information and appropriate rights to so access;
civ. Ensure Oracle is assigned rights to act on Your behalf to open SRs with Your
third party(ies) both electronically and verbally;
cv. Provide any alternate contact information to be used for Third Party Product
SRs. In the absence of alternate contact information, Oracle will open the Third
Party Product SR with the contact information of the End User found in the
original SR;
cvi. Be responsible for all Third Party Product SRs once transferred to You or the
third party, including status tracking and all subsequent interactions; and

cvii. Limit Your Third Party Products SRs as set forth in Section E.2.d. below.
2. Assumptions
a. Throughout the Term, each Third Party Product in the PE must be the current supported
release version of such Third Party Product then available from the third party;
b. SRs shall only be submitted via MOS or by calling Oracle’s help desk number for customers
who have purchased support;
c. Only Key Contacts may communicate with the Oracle Functional Help Desk Contacts
regarding the Support Delivery Management services set forth in Section B.1. above;
d. Third Party Product SRs will not exceed 80% of the total number of SRs logged for Oracle
programs and hardware systems in a given quarter. Receipt and acknowledgement of
Third Party Product SRs in excess of 80% of the total number of SRs logged for Oracle
programs and hardware systems is, at all times, at the sole discretion of the Oracle
Functional Help Desk Contacts;
Page 28 of 143
e. Each SR must relate to a single issue only. While additional issues may arise out of an
earlier issue for which an SR had previously been submitted, such subsequent issues shall
be considered new issues for purposes of this exhibit and a separate SR must be created
for each such new issue; and
f. Notwithstanding any provision or interpretation of this exhibit to the contrary, the Services
under this exhibit do not include, and Oracle shall not be responsible for, the quality
and/or time for response, restoration or resolution of SR opened with any third party.
You acknowledge that if Oracle’s cost of providing the Services is increased because of Your
failure to meet the obligations listed in this exhibit, failure to provide cooperation, or because
of any other circumstance outside of Oracle’s control, then You agree to pay Oracle for such
increased costs. Such increased costs may include time during which Oracle resources are
under-utilized because of delays.

Fees, Expenses and Payment

You agree to pay Oracle the fees for the Services as identified in Your order. All Services and
payments are non-cancelable and nonrefundable.
Expenses related to the providing of the Services are in addition to the fees for the Services
identified in Your order. Such expenses will be invoiced monthly as they are incurred and are due
within thirty (30) days of the invoice date.

Effect of Termination
Notwithstanding any provision or interpretation of this exhibit to the contrary, upon the expiration
of the Term or the termination of this exhibit (“End Date”), Oracle’s obligation to provide You with
the Services under this exhibit shall terminate. As of the End Date, any portion of the Services that
Oracle has not provided prior to the End Date shall be automatically forfeited by You on the End
Date, and You shall not be entitled to any refund, or any credit toward additional or other services,
for any unused portion of the Services. In order for Oracle to provide the Services to You after the
End Date, You and Oracle shall mutually agree, in writing, under a separate order, to the terms and
fees for such Services.

Data Privacy
In performing the Services, Oracle will treat the data that resides on Oracle, Your or third-party
systems to which Oracle is provided access to perform the Services in accordance with the Oracle
Services Privacy Policy, which is available at
privacy-policy.html. The Oracle Services Privacy Policy is subject to change at Oracle’s discretion;
however, Oracle will not materially reduce the level of protection specified in the Oracle Services
Privacy Policy during the period for which fees for the Services have been paid.

Delivery of Services
Services shall be provided remotely. Oracle may provide the Services by phone, via a customer-
specific web portal (if ordered), and/or via electronic communication. You agree that Oracle may
access Your systems throughout the performance of the Services using an Oracle defined
standard virtual private network (“VPN”), multi-protocol label switching (“MPLS”) connection, or
Oracle Web Conference (“OWC”). If necessary to perform the Services under this exhibit, Oracle
will provide each of Your Sites with a single pre-configured VPN or MPLS device. You are
responsible for the installation of the VPN or the MPLS device on Your internet network, in
accordance with Oracle’s specifications, to create a network connection between Oracle and Your

Page 29 of 143
You are responsible for ensuring that Your network and systems comply with specifications that
Oracle provides and that all components of Your Oracle software environment are accessible
through the VPN, MPLS, or OWC.
Oracle is not responsible for network connections or for issues, problems or conditions arising
from or related to network connections, such as bandwidth issues, excessive latency, network
outages, and/or any other conditions that are caused by an internet service provider, or the
network connection.
Except for those Services identified in this exhibit as Services to be provided twenty four (24)
hours a day, seven (7) days a week (“24x7”), Services are delivered during local business days and
hours, excluding local public holidays, in the time zone of Your Sites. Services are not available
during non-business hours unless otherwise specified in the exhibit. Services designated “24x7”
may be delivered at any time of day, seven days a week, including local public holidays.

Page 30 of 143
Oracle Retail Store Open Support
Service Offering Part #
Oracle Retail Store Support Base Fee B91894
Oracle Retail Store Open Support B91895

Description of Services
Oracle will provide the following services (the “RSOS Services”) for Your Oracle Retail Xstore Point-
of-Service (“Xstore POS”).
1. Service Delivery Management
Oracle will assign a Technical Account Manager (“TAM”) to You for the duration of the RSOS
Services who will provide the following:
a. Conduct a preliminary meeting and orientation with You to review the RSOS Services.
b. Document contact details for up to four (4) Users with administrator privileges assigned by
You to function as primary points of contact (“Key Contacts”) to coordinate with the TAM.
c. Coordinate delivery of the RSOS Services.
d. Review Service Requests (“SRs”) logged by Oracle on Your behalf.
e. Provide You with trending reports that identify recommended actions to remediate
recurring Startup Events (defined below), either on a monthly basis, or more frequently as
deemed necessary by Oracle, in an effort to reduce the frequency of recurring Startup
f. Prepare and provide to You quarterly RSOS delivery progress reports.
2. Retail Store Open Support
Oracle will monitor Xstore POS and perform the following in an effort to address errors that
may impact Your store startup process:
a. Setup and configure the Xstore POS monitoring process.
b. Review the monitoring exception report on a daily basis to identify post-polling errors,
Xstore POS startup errors, and environment startup errors (each error, a “Startup Event”).
c. Attempt to remediate Startup Events.
d. Create one SR per day to document the following:
cviii. Startup Events that were remediated by Oracle, including completed steps and
cix. A list of Startup Events that could not be remediated and require further
collaboration with You to diagnose the issue
e. Work with You to further diagnose Startup Events that could not be remediated and
require further action.
f. Email a daily Startup Event summary report to the email address designated by You.

Oracle reserves the right to disable polling for recurring Startup Events if You fail to implement
Oracle recommended actions within seven (7) calendar days.
Page 31 of 143
Out of Scope
RSOS Services do not include any service not expressly identified in this Service Description,
including but not limited to, the following:
1. Deployment of new business functionality;
2. Assistance with creating custom code, building or testing extensions, enhancements,
modifications, localizations or interfaces;
3. Updates or patches to Xstore POS applications;
4. Physical hardware installation; or
5. Network troubleshooting;

Your Obligations
You acknowledge that Your timely provision of assistance, cooperation, complete and accurate
information and data from Your officers, agents, and employees (collectively, “cooperation”) are
essential to the performance of the RSOS Services. Oracle is not responsible for any deficiency in
performing RSOS Services if such deficiency results from Your failure to provide full cooperation.
You acknowledge that Oracle’s ability to provide the RSOS Services depends upon Your fulfillment
of the following obligations:
1. Maintain the properly configured software and hardware/operating system platform to
support the RSOS Services.
2. Obtain licenses under separate contract for any necessary Oracle software and hardware
programs before commencement of the RSOS Services.
3. Maintain annual technical support for the Oracle software and hardware with access to
software patches and updates made available by Oracle under separate contract throughout
the term of the RSOS Services.
4. Restrict Oracle's access to any content or information that imposes privacy, security or
regulatory obligations greater than those specified in this Service Description.
5. Provide Oracle with full access to the relevant documentation and the functional, technical and
business resources with adequate skills and knowledge to support the performance of the
RSOS Services.
6. Identify a designated contact to Oracle, with the appropriate level of authority to set priorities,
coordinate activities and resolve conflicts between Your teams regarding the RSOS Services.
7. Provide a safe and healthful workspace for any Oracle resources performing the RSOS Services
at Your site.
8. Provide any notices, and obtain any consents, required for Oracle to perform the RSOS
9. Limit Oracle’s access to production environments or shared development environments to the
extent necessary for Oracle to perform the RSOS Services.
10. Return all Oracle property (e.g., Oracle Advanced Support Gateway, hardware, VPNs, etc.) used
for delivery of the RSOS Services upon Oracle’s request and in no event later than fourteen
(14) days after the cessation of the RSOS Services.
11. Provide and/or support all third-party software in connection with the provision of the RSOS

Page 32 of 143
12. Provide complete and accurate information to Oracle regarding hardware system(s) for, or on,
which the RSOS Services are to be performed, including, without limitation, the serial number
for the hardware system(s).
13. Perform back-up or archival reproductions of all software and data contained on all hardware
system(s), and within any of Your systems or equipment that may be affected by the RSOS
Services, prior to the commencement of the RSOS Services.
14. Prior to the commencement of the Services, inform Oracle of any storage, server, system,
application, equipment or environment modifications that may affect Oracle’s performance of
the RSOS Services.
15. Work with Oracle to facilitate efficient delivery of the RSOS Services.

16. In the event that there is a change to the RSOS Services such that Oracle employees will be
required to perform the Services at Your work site, then as required by U.S. Department of
Labor regulations (20 CFR 655.734), You will allow Oracle to post a Notice regarding Oracle H-
1B employee(s) at the work site prior to the employee's arrival on site.
17. Prior to commencement of the RSOS Services, install and configure an Oracle-approved VPN
18. Provide required private and public-facing network access, proper firewall settings, required
predefined ports, and appropriate inbound and continuous outbound connectivity to Oracle.
19. Provide Oracle with a designated email address to which the daily Startup Event summary
report will be sent.
20. Work with Oracle to diagnose Startup Events that could not be remediated and require further
action, such as data collection or initiation of the Xstore POS startup process.
21. Implement Oracle recommended actions to remediate Startup Events within seven (7)
calendar days.

1. You acknowledge that if Oracle’s cost of providing RSOS Services is increased because of Your
failure to meet the obligations identified in this Service Description, failure to provide
cooperation, or because of any other circumstance outside of Oracle’s control, then You agree
to pay Oracle for such increased costs. Such increased costs may include time during which
Oracle resources are under-utilized because of delays.
2. If You renew RSOS Services, Your renewal fee for the RSOS Services will be based on the
pricing policies in effect at the time of renewal.
3. RSOS Services will be provided by remote resources.

Fees and Expenses

You agree to pay Oracle the fees for the RSOS Services identified in Your order. The RSOS Services
and all payments are non-cancelable and nonrefundable.
Expenses related to providing RSOS Services are in addition to the fees identified in Your order.
Such expenses will be invoiced monthly as they are incurred and are due within 30 days of the
invoice date.

The term of RSOS Services shall be as defined in the Services table in Your order (“Term”).

Page 33 of 143
Notwithstanding any provision or interpretation of this Service Description to the contrary, upon
the expiration of the Term or the termination of the RSOS Service (“End Date”), Oracle’s obligation
to provide You with RSOS Services under this Service Description shall terminate. As of the End
Date, any portion of RSOS Services that Oracle has not provided prior to the End Date shall be
automatically forfeited by You, and You shall not be entitled to a refund, or a credit toward
additional or other services, for any unused portion of RSOS Services. In order for Oracle to
provide RSOS Services to You after the End Date, Oracle and You shall mutually agree, in writing,
under a separate order, to the terms and fees for RSOS Services.

Page 34 of 143
Oracle Retail Store Close Support
Service Offering Part #
Oracle Retail Store Support Base Fee B91894
Oracle Retail Store Close Support B91896

Description of Services
Oracle will provide the following services (the “RSCS Services”) for Oracle Retail Xstore Point-of-
Service (the “Xstore POS”).
1. Service Delivery Management
Oracle will assign a Technical Account Manager (“TAM”) to You for the duration of the RSCS
Services who will provide the following:
a. Conduct a preliminary meeting and orientation with You to review the RSCS Services.
b. Document contact details for up to four (4) Users with administrator privileges assigned by
You to function as primary points of contact (“Key Contacts”) to coordinate with the TAM.
c. Coordinate delivery of the RSCS Services.
d. Review service requests (“SRs”) logged by Oracle on Your behalf.
e. Provide You with trending reports that identify recommended actions to remediate
recurring Close Events (defined below), either on a monthly basis, or more frequently as
deemed necessary by Oracle, in an effort to reduce the frequency of recurring Close
f. Prepare and provide to You quarterly RSCS Services delivery progress reports.
2. Retail Store Close Support
Oracle will monitor Xstore POS and perform the following in an effort to address errors that
may impact Your store closing and polling process.
a. Setup and configure the Xstore POS monitoring process.
b. Review the monitoring exception report created on a daily basis to identify closing and
polling errors (each error, a “Close Event”).
c. Create one SR per day to document the following:
cx. Close Events that were remediated by Oracle, including completed steps and
cxi. A list of Close Events that could not be remediated and require further
collaboration with You to diagnose the issue
d. Work with You to further diagnose Close Events that could not be remediated and require
further action.
e. Email a daily Close Event summary report to the email address designated by You.

Oracle reserves the right to disable polling for Close Events if You fail to implement Oracle-
recommended actions within seven (7) calendar days.

Out of Scope
Page 35 of 143
RSCS Services do not include any service not expressly identified in this Service Description,
including but not limited to:
1. Deployment of new business functionality;
2. Assistance with creating custom code, building or testing extensions, enhancements,
modifications, localizations or interfaces;
3. Updates or patches to Xstore POS;
4. Configuration or training of third party applications;
5. Physical Hardware Installation; or
6. Network Troubleshooting

Your Obligations
You acknowledge that Your timely provision of assistance, cooperation, complete and accurate
information and data from Your officers, agents, and employees (collectively, “cooperation”) are
essential to the performance of the RSCS Services. Oracle is not responsible for any deficiency in
performing RSCS Services if such deficiency results from Your failure to provide full cooperation.
You acknowledge that Oracle’s ability to provide the RSCS Services depends upon Your fulfillment
of the following obligations:
1. Maintain the properly configured software and hardware/operating system platform to
support the RSCS Services.
2. Obtain licenses under separate contract for any necessary Oracle software and hardware
programs before commencement of the RSCS Services.
3. Maintain annual technical support for the Oracle software and hardware with access to
software patches and updates made available by Oracle under separate contract throughout
the term of the RSCS Services.
4. Restrict Oracle's access to any content or information that imposes privacy, security or
regulatory obligations greater than those specified in this Service Description.
5. Provide Oracle with full access to the relevant documentation and the functional, technical and
business resources with adequate skills and knowledge to support the performance of the
RSCS Services.
6. Identify a designated contact to Oracle, with the appropriate level of authority, to set priorities,
coordinate activities and resolve conflicts between Your teams regarding the RSCS Services.
7. Provide a safe and healthful workspace for any Oracle resources performing the RSCS Services
at Your site.
8. Provide any notices, and obtain any consents, required for Oracle to perform the RSCS
9. Limit Oracle’s access to production environments or shared development environments to the
extent necessary for Oracle to perform the RSCS Services.
10. Return all Oracle property (e.g., Oracle Advanced Support Gateway, hardware, VPNs, etc.) used
for the delivery of RSCS Services upon Oracle’s request and in no event later than fourteen
(14) days after the cessation of the RSCS Services.
11. Provide and/or support all third-party software in connection with the provision of the RSCS

Page 36 of 143
12. Provide complete and accurate information to Oracle regarding hardware system(s) for, or on,
which the RSCS Services are to be performed, including, without limitation, the serial number
for the hardware system(s).
13. Perform back-up or archival reproductions of all software and data contained on all hardware
system(s), and within any of Your systems or equipment that may be affected by the RSCS
Services, prior to the commencement of the RSCS Services.
14. Prior to the commencement of the RSCS Services, inform Oracle of any storage, server,
system, application, equipment or environment modifications that may affect Oracle’s
performance of the RSCS Services.
15. Work with Oracle to facilitate an efficient delivery of the RSCS Services.

16. In the event that there is a change to the RSCS Services such that Oracle employees will be
required to perform the RSCS Services at Your work site, then as required by U.S. Department
of Labor regulations (20 CFR 655.734), You will allow Oracle to post a Notice regarding Oracle
H-1B employee(s) at the work site prior to the employee's arrival on site.
17. Prior to commencement of the RSCS Services, install and configure an Oracle-approved VPN
18. Provide required private and public-facing network access, proper firewall settings, required
predefined ports, and appropriate inbound and continuous outbound connectivity to Oracle.
19. Provide Oracle with a designated email address to which the daily Close Event summary report
will be sent.
20. Work with Oracle to diagnose identified Close Events that could not be remediated and require
further action to address SR resolution, including, but not limited to, data collection, initiation
of the Xstore POS polling process and retrieval and processing of pospoll files.
21. Implement Oracle-recommended actions to remediate Close Events within seven (7) calendar

1. You acknowledge that if Oracle’s cost of providing RSCS Services is increased because of Your
failure to meet the obligations identified in this Service Description, failure to provide
cooperation, or because of any other circumstance outside of Oracle’s control, then You agree
to pay Oracle for such increased costs. Such increased costs may include time during which
Oracle resources are under-utilized because of delays.
1. If You renew RSCS Services, Your renewal fee for the RSCS Services will be based on the
pricing policies in effect at the time of renewal.
2. RSCS Services will be provided by remote resources.

Fees and Expenses

You agree to pay Oracle the fees for RSCS Services identified in Your order. The RSCS Services
and all payments are non-cancelable and non-refundable.
Expenses related to providing RSCS Services are in addition to the fees identified in Your order.
Such expenses will be invoiced monthly as they are incurred and are due within 30 days of the
invoice date.

The term of RSCS Services shall be as defined in the Services table in Your order (“Term”).
Page 37 of 143
Notwithstanding any provision or interpretation of this Service Description to the contrary, upon
the expiration of the Term or the termination of the RSCS Service (“End Date”), Oracle’s obligation
to provide You with RSCS Services under this Service Description shall terminate. As of the End
Date, any portion of RSCS Services that Oracle has not provided prior to the End Date shall be
automatically forfeited by You, and You shall not be entitled to a refund, or a credit toward
additional or other services, for any unused portion of RSCS Services. In order for Oracle to
provide RSCS Services to You after the End Date, Oracle and You shall mutually agree, in writing,
under a separate order, to the terms and fees for RSCS Services.

Page 38 of 143
Oracle Priority Support for Hotel and Food and Beverage - Agent
Service Offering Part #
Oracle Priority Support for Hotel and Food and Beverage Software - Agent B90549

Description of Services
1. Support Delivery Management
An Oracle Technical Account Manager (“TAM”) will be assigned to You as a designated agent
acting at the request of and on behalf of an Oracle customer(s) that purchases Oracle Priority
Support for Hotel and Food and Beverage Services - Customer ("OPS-HFB Services Customer")
(You may also be referred to as "Agent") for the duration of the Services set forth in Your
order. The TAM will serve as Your primary contact for the administration of the Oracle Priority
Support for Hotel and Food and Beverage as set forth herein (the “OPS-HFB Services”) and will
communicate with You and the Agent Contacts (defined below) in a local language. The TAM
will provide and/or assist You and the Agent Contacts with the following:
a. Prepare and maintain quarterly service delivery progress reports;
b. Assist with the documentation of Your authorized technical contact details (for up to a
maximum of five (5) individuals) who will work directly with the TAM at Your direction and
on behalf of the OPS-HFB Services Customer ("Agent Contact" or “Agent Contacts”):
c. Assist You and the Agent Contacts with Oracle’s escalation procedures for such Agent
Contacts (“Agent Contacts and Escalation Guide”);
d. Provide the Agent Contacts with access to a OPS-HFB Services customer-specific web
e. Conduct an orientation for the Agent Contacts;
f. Conduct a delivery planning session;
g. Maintain the service delivery plan;
h. Perform quarterly service delivery plan reviews;
i. Maintain the Agent Contacts and Escalation Guide;
j. Review all Oracle Support Services activity, including service request (“SR”) activity in
connection with individual SRs logged by or on behalf of the OPS-HFB Services Customer.
The review may consist of status reports, next steps, if any, and a review of the SR
k. Serve as the point of contact for Severity 1 and mutually agreed upon Severity 2 SRs as
defined in the Oracle Technical Support Policies located at: (collectively, “Critical SRs”). The TAM will
provide assistance in managing Critical SRs as follows:
cxii. Critical SR management and escalation;
cxiii. Communicate the status of Critical SRs to the Agent Contacts; and
cxiv. Facilitate communications between Oracle and the Agent Contacts.
l. Facilitate the Agent Contacts' access to monthly web conference sessions delivered in
English featuring Oracle products.

Obligations and Assumptions

Page 39 of 143
In addition to the obligations and assumptions stated in Your order, You acknowledge and agree
that Your and Your Agent Contacts' timely provision of and access to assistance, cooperation,
complete and accurate information and data from Your and Your Agent Contacts, officers, agents,
and employees, and suitably configured computer products (collectively, “cooperation”) are
essential to the performance of the OPS-HFB Services set forth in this Service Description. Oracle
will not be responsible for any deficiency in performing the OPS-HFB Services if such deficiency
results from Your or the Agent Contacts' failure to provide full cooperation, and You agree to
indemnify and hold Oracle harmless from any and all claims, damages, and liabilities arising out of
or related to Your and/or the Agent Contacts' failure to comply with the obligations set forth in
this section B.
You further acknowledge and agree that Oracle’s ability to perform the Services herein depends
upon Your and the Agent Contacts' fulfillment of the following obligations and assumptions:
1. Your Obligations
a. Designate up to a maximum of five (5) Agent Contacts and identify each by individual
name, phone number, e-mail address and other appropriate contact methods. Only Your
Agent Contacts may communicate with Oracle regarding the delivery of the OPS-HFB
Services on behalf of the OPS-HFB Services Customer(s).
b. Assist Oracle with maintaining the joint Agent Contacts and Escalation Guide.
c. Provide any notices and obtain any consents required for Oracle to perform the OPS-HFB
d. Comply and ensure that the Agent Contacts comply with the terms and conditions of the
Master Agreement, the applicable order and this Service Description.
e. Limit Oracle’s access to any production environment or shared development environments
to the extent necessary for Oracle to perform the OPS-HFB Services.
f. Promptly update Oracle with respect to business and technology changes or events that
may impact the OPS-HFB Services (e.g., configuration changes, implementation of new
business functionality, modifications to Your change control policies, etc.).
g. You shall be responsible for Your security policies, Your approvals, and all testing and
h. The aggregate spend for the OPS-HFB Services Customers that designate You as their
agent must be at least Forty Thousand US Dollars (US $40,000) annually ("Minimum
Aggregate Spend") or You agree to pay Oracle the difference between the actual aggregate
spend and the Minimum Aggregate Spend upon receipt of an invoice from Oracle.
2. Assumptions
a. The OPS-HFB Services shall be provided by remote delivery resources only, and not at
Your site or the OPS-HFB Services Customer site.
b. Oracle may provide OPS-HFB Services by telephone, via a customer-specific web portal (if
ordered), and/or via electronic communication.
c. OPS-HFB Services may not be available for all Oracle programs.
d. Any other services not expressly identified herein are considered out of scope.
You acknowledge that if Oracle’s cost of providing the OPS-HFB Services is increased because
of Your or the Agent Contacts' failure to meet the obligations listed in this Service Description,
failure to provide cooperation, or because of any other circumstance outside of Oracle’s

Page 40 of 143
control, then You agree to pay Oracle for such increased costs and to indemnify and hold
Oracle harmless from all claims and liabilities related to the failure to meet the obligations.

Page 41 of 143
Oracle Priority Support for Hotel and Food and Beverage - Customer
Service Offering Part #
Oracle Priority Support for Hotel and Food and Beverage Hardware - Customer B90554
Oracle Priority Support for Hotel and Food and Beverage Software - Customer B90548

Description of Services
Oracle Priority Support for Hotel and Food and Beverage Hardware and Oracle Priority Support for
Hotel and Food and Beverage Software consist of:
1. Service Request (“SR”) Prioritization
a. Oracle will prioritize your SRs above SRs of the same severity level submitted by other
Premier Support customers that have not purchased Oracle Priority Support for Hotel and
Food and Beverage Hardware or Oracle Priority Support for Hotel Food and Beverage
Software as set forth herein (the “OPS-HFB Services”). Oracle will make reasonable efforts
to respond to your SRs using the following guidelines (“Service Request Response

Severity Level Response Time Time to Update or Resolution

Severity 1 90% within 5 minutes 1 local business hour
Severity 2 90% within 2 local business hours 6 local business hours
Severity 3 90% within 8 local business hours 24 local business hours
Severity 4 90% within 24 local business hours 48 local business hours
b. Oracle will initiate internal escalations for Severity 1 and Severity 2 SRs according to the
Service Request Response Guidelines; and
c. Oracle will prioritize the repair of product defects encountered during the resolution of SRs.
2. Support Delivery Management
An Oracle Technical Account Manager (“TAM”) will be assigned to your designated agent
("Agent") during the term of the OPS-HFB Services. The TAM will serve as your Agent’s
primary contact for the administration of the OPS-HFB Services and will communicate with
your Agent in English. The TAM will provide and/or assist your Agent with the following
support services:
a. Prepare and maintain quarterly service delivery progress reports;
b. Review all Oracle Support Services activity in connection with individual SRs logged by you
or on your behalf by your Agent. The review may consist of status reports, next steps, if
any, and a review of your SR priorities;
c. Serve as your Agent's point of contact for Severity 1 and mutually agreed upon Severity 2
SRs as defined in the Oracle Technical Support Policies located at: (collectively, “Critical SRs”). The TAM will
provide assistance in managing Critical SRs as follows:
cxv. Manage and escalate your Critical SRs;
cxvi. Communicate the status of your Critical SRs to the contacts designated by your
Agent to act on behalf of you and the Agent (the “Agent Contacts”); and
cxvii. Facilitate communications between Oracle and your Agent Contacts.

Page 42 of 143
d. Facilitate the Agent Contacts' access to monthly web conference sessions delivered in
English featuring Oracle Services.

Obligations and Assumptions

You acknowledge and agree that you and your Agent's and your Agent Contacts' timely provision
of and access to assistance, cooperation, complete and accurate information and data from you
and your Agent Contacts, officers, agents, and employees, and suitably configured computer
products (collectively, “cooperation”) are essential to the performance of the OPS-HFB Services
set forth in this Service Description. Oracle will not be responsible for any deficiency in
performing the OPS-HFB Services if such deficiency results from your or your Agent's or the
Agent Contacts' failure to provide full cooperation, and Oracle may terminate the Services for your
Agent's and/or the Agent Contacts' failure to comply with the obligations set forth in this section
You further acknowledge and agree that Oracle’s ability to perform the Services herein depends
upon your and your Agent's and your Agent Contacts' fulfillment of the following obligations and
1. Your Obligations
a. Maintain the properly configured software and hardware/operating system platform to
support the OPS-HFB Services.
b. Obtain licenses under separate contract for any necessary Oracle software and hardware
programs before the commencement of the OPS-HFB Services.
c. Maintain annual technical support for the Oracle software and hardware under separate
contract throughout the term of the OPS-HFB Services.
d. Apply bug fixes, critical patches and configuration recommendations provided through
Oracle Support Services within a commercially reasonable period of time.
e. If you purchase OPS-HFB Services for hardware systems, you must maintain a current
Oracle Premier Support for Systems and/or Oracle Premier Support for Operating Systems
contract for all of your hardware systems.
f. Provide any notices, and obtain any consents, required for Oracle to perform the OPS-HFB
g. Comply, and ensure that Your Agent and the Agent Contacts comply, with the terms and
conditions of the Master Agreement, the applicable order and this Service Description.
h. Limit Oracle’s access to any production environment or shared development environments
to the extent necessary for Oracle to perform the OPS-HFB Services.
i. Work with Oracle to facilitate an efficient delivery of services.
j. Promptly update Oracle with respect to business and technology changes or events that
may impact the OPS-HFB Services (e.g., configuration changes, implementation of new
business functionality, modifications to your change control policies, etc.).
k. You shall be responsible for your security policies, your approvals, and all testing and
l. You must purchase the OPS-HFB Services for all Oracle programs for all quantities
identified in Your orders. If at any time You order additional Oracle programs for which the
OPS-HFB Services are available, You are required to purchase additional OPS-HFB Services
for such Oracle programs.

Page 43 of 143
2. Assumptions
a. The OPS-HFB Services shall be provided by remote delivery resources only and not at your
b. Oracle may provide OPS-HFB Services by telephone, via a customer-specific web portal (if
ordered), and/or via electronic communication.
c. OPS-HFB Services may not be available for all Oracle programs.
d. Any other services not expressly identified herein are considered out of scope.
You acknowledge that if Oracle’s cost of providing the OPS-HFB Services is increased because of
your or your Agent's or the Agent Contacts' failure to meet the obligations listed in this Service
Description, failure to provide cooperation, or because of any other circumstance outside of
Oracle’s control, then you agree to pay Oracle for such increased costs and to indemnify and hold
Oracle harmless from all claims, damages and liabilities related to the failure to meet the

Fees and Expenses

You agree to pay Oracle the fees for OPS-HFB Services as identified in your order. All services and
payments are non-cancelable and nonrefundable.
Expenses related to the providing of the OPS-HFB Services are in addition to the fees for OPS-HFB
Services identified in your order. Such expenses will be invoiced monthly as they are incurred and
are due within 30 days of the invoice date.

Data Privacy
In performing the OPS-HFB Services, Oracle will treat the data that resides on Oracle, your or
third-party systems to which Oracle is provided access to perform services in accordance with the
Oracle Services Privacy Policy, which is available at The Oracle Services Privacy
Policy is subject to change at Oracle’s discretion; however, Oracle will not materially reduce the
level of protection specified in the Oracle Services Privacy Policy during the period for which fees
for services have been paid.

The term of OPS-HFB Services shall be twelve (12) months (“Term”).

Unused Services
The OPS-HFB Services must be used within twelve (12) months from the effective date of your
order. Any OPS-HFB Services not used within the twelve (12) months from the effective date of
your order will be automatically forfeited by you, with no further action required of either party,
and you will not be entitled to a refund, or a credit toward additional or other services, for any
unused portion of the fees paid for any unused OPS-HFB Services. You may not use the fees for
any services other than the OPS-HFB Services described herein.

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Oracle Solution Support Center (“SSC”)
Service Offering Part #
Oracle Solution Support Center for Software 8X5 B86704
Oracle Solution Support Center for Software 7X24 B86705
Oracle Solution Support Center for Software 8X5: Custom B86706
Oracle Solution Support Center for Software 7X24: Custom B86707
Oracle Solution Support Center for Systems 8X5 B86716
Oracle Solution Support Center for Systems 7X24 B86717
Oracle Solution Support Center for Systems 8X5: Custom B86718
Oracle Solution Support Center for Systems 7X24: Custom B86719
ACS Supplemental Resource for Software Days B76416
ACS Supplemental Resource for Systems Days B76417

Description of Services
1. Support Delivery Management
A Technical Account Manager (“TAM”) will be assigned to You, as Your primary contact for the
Services, during the hours specified in Your order. Your TAM shall provide and/or assist with
the following Services:
a. Prepare and maintain a service delivery plan;
b. Document the contact details for key Oracle contacts, Your technical contacts for Oracle
Premier Support, and management escalation team (“Customer Contacts”) and Oracle’s
escalation procedures (“Joint Contacts and Escalation Guide”);
c. Document the technical specifications of Your Oracle Product Environment (“Environment
and Configuration Guide”);
d. Prepare and provide quarterly service delivery plan progress reports;
e. Provide access to a customer-specific web portal;
f. Assist with conducting an orientation for Your Customer Contacts;
g. Assist with conducting a delivery planning session and maintaining the service delivery
h. Assist with conducting quarterly service delivery plan reviews;
i. Assist with reviewing all applicable Oracle Support Services activity related to the items
identified in the OPE, including service request (“SR”) activity in connection with individual
SRs logged by Your Customer Contacts. The review may consist of status reports, next
steps, if any, and review of Your SR priorities;
j. Assist with SR management, prioritization and escalation;
k. Assist with communicating the status of Your SR(s) to Your Customer Contact(s), as
l. Assist with facilitating communications between Oracle and Your Customer Contacts; and
m. Assist with maintaining the Joint Contacts and Escalation Guide and the Environment and
Configuration Guide.
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2. Assistance on Service Requests
An Oracle Advanced Support Engineer (“ASE”) will be assigned to You during the hours
specified in Your order. A dedicated toll-free telephone number will be assigned to You. You
may contact the ASE via this dedicated toll-free telephone number. Your designated ASE will
respond to all Severity 1 and mutually agreed upon Severity 2 SRs placed during business
cxviii. If Your order contains Services to be delivered “8 x 5”, issues that arise during
non-business hours will be addressed the next business day.
cxix. If Your order contains Services to be delivered “24 x 7”, issues that arise during
non-business hours will be addressed the next business day except for Severity
1 issues, which are immediately forwarded to Your ASE.
The current definition of Oracle’s Severity Levels is available in the applicable Oracle
Technical Support Policies which may be accessed at

a. Critical Service Requests

For products identified in the OPE section of the Annual Services Exhibit and documented
in Your Environment and Configuration Guide, the TAM and ASE are the designated points
of contact for Severity 1 and mutually agreed upon Severity 2 SRs, collectively (“critical
SRs”) and shall provide the following support Services for the quantity of Full Coverage
Units defined in the OPE section of the Annual Services Exhibit:
cxx. Conduct SR analysis;
cxxi. Assist with issue identification and issue reproduction;
cxxii. Assist with constructing a reproducible test case required by Oracle Support
Services to address an SR and help determine a workaround for the issue;
cxxiii. Assist with potential workarounds;
cxxiv. Provide guidance to implement the recommendations documented in the SR;
cxxv. Assist with testing prior to production implementation of any
cxxvi. Conduct root cause analysis of Severity 1 incidents;
cxxvii. Extract data from a downed database and attempt a recovery for Oracle
databases within the OPE section of the Annual Services Exhibit;
cxxviii. Provide advice and recommendations regarding the operation, configuration
and use of the applicable Oracle Support Services tools for Your Oracle products
in the OPE section of the Annual Services Exhibit; and
cxxix. Notify You of Oracle alerts, releases, firmware updates and patches related to
Your Oracle products in the OPE section of the Annual Services Exhibit,
including critical patch updates.

b. Critical Reactive Service Requests

If Your order includes products identified in the OPE section of the Annual Services Exhibit
and documented in Your Environment and Configuration Guide as Critical Reactive units as
defined in the Annuals Exhibit, Oracle will assist You with technical issues and shall provide

Page 46 of 143
the following Services for the quantity of Critical Reactive units identified in the OPE
section of the Annual Services Exhibit:
cxxx. Conduct SR analysis;
cxxxi. Assist with issue identification and issue reproduction;
cxxxii. Assist with constructing a reproducible test case required by Oracle Support
Services to address an SR and help determine a workaround for the issue; and
cxxxiii. Assist with potential workarounds.
3. Standby Coverage
Upon Your request to Your TAM, Oracle will provide technical standby coverage for non-
Severity 1 issues (e.g., software upgrade, patch set applications, data purge) by Your primary
ASE or designee for up to twenty-four (24) consecutive hours in the quantity defined in the
OPE section of the Annual Services Exhibit.
4. Service Request Prioritization
Oracle will prioritize Your SRs above SRs of the same severity level submitted by other Premier
Support customers. Reasonable efforts will be made to respond to Your SRs per the following
guidelines (“SR Response Guidelines”): 

a. 90% of Severity 1 SRs within twenty (20) minutes (available 24x7);

b. 90% of Severity 2 SRs within two (2) local business hours;
c. 90% of Severity 3 SRs within the next local business day; and
d. 90% of Severity 4 SRs within the next local business day.
5. Supplemental Resources

If included in Your order, Oracle will provide additional resources, either on-site or remotely,
to assist in the furtherance of Solution Support Center services, up to the maximum number
of days per resource role as set forth in Your order. A “day” is defined as one (1) resource
working eight (8) hours per day. 1

Obligations and Assumptions

In addition to the obligations stated in Your order, You acknowledge that Oracle’s ability to
perform the Services depends upon Your fulfillment of the following obligations and assumptions:
1. Your Obligations
a. Restore service, including, for example, reconfiguring applications or reloading or
restarting application software.
b. Designate Customer Contacts and identify by name, phone number, e-mail address and
other appropriate contact methods, for each of Your Customer Contacts.
c. Apply bug fixes, critical patches and configuration recommendations provided through
Oracle Support Services within a commercially reasonable period of time.
d. Assist Oracle to maintain the Joint Contacts and Escalation Guide and the Environment
and Configuration Guide.
e. If requested by Oracle, provide a test environment and, if applicable, a non-customized
code test environment for Oracle applications, for testing patches and troubleshooting

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2. Assumptions
a. Only Customer Contacts may communicate with Oracle regarding the delivery of the
Services or deliverables, if any.

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Oracle Solution Support Center Advantage (“SSCA”)

Service Offering Part #

Oracle Solution Support Center Advantage for Software 8X5 B94162
Oracle Solution Support Center Advantage for Software 7X24 B94164
Oracle Solution Support Center Advantage for Cloud 8X5 B94163
Oracle Solution Support Center Advantage for Cloud 7X24 B94165
Oracle Solution Support Center Advantage for Systems 8X5 B94166
Oracle Solution Support Center Advantage for Systems 7X24 B94167

Description of Services
Oracle Solution Support Center Advantage (“SSCA”) consists of the following services provided by
Oracle in accordance with, and for the Oracle enterprise products identified in, the Annual Services
Exhibit for Oracle Solution Support Center Advantage (the “SSCA Services”):
1. Support Delivery Management
Oracle will assign a Technical Account Manager (“TAM”) to You, as Your primary contact for
the SSCA Services to provide and/or assist with the following activities:
a. Document the contact details for key Oracle contacts, Your technical contacts for Oracle
Premier Support, and management escalation team (“Customer Contacts”) and Oracle’s
escalation procedures (“Joint Contacts and Escalation Guide”).
b. Conduct a delivery planning session.
c. Prepare and maintain the service delivery plan.
d. Provide quarterly service delivery plan progress reports.
e. Conduct quarterly service delivery plan reviews with You.
f. Provide access to a customer-specific web portal and manage Your portal content.
g. Assist with conducting an orientation for Your Customer Contacts.
h. Up to once per quarter, assist with SR management, prioritization and escalation.
2. Advanced Security Review
Oracle will review Your overall security and compliance objectives, and provide the following
guidance based on industry standard practices:
a. Review security and compliance policy documents provided by You.
b. Review Critical Patch Update (“CPU”) policies and procedures provided by You.
c. Work with You to create a security profile document that reflects your overall security and
compliance objectives.
d. Review security vulnerability advisories issued by Oracle for Oracle products and
recommend changes.
e. Identify potential gaps between Your operational security policies and practices and
Oracle’s CPUs and Oracle issued security vulnerability advisories.
f. Discuss with You the results of the gap analysis and propose changes to Your security
g. Once per quarter review Your overall security and compliance objectives.
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3. Security Readiness, Advice and Guidance for Enterprise Solutions
If included in Your order, Oracle will assign a Security Account Manager to provide and/or
assist with the following activities regarding Your combined use of Oracle products and Oracle
services (“Enterprise Solution”):
a. Develop and maintain a security roadmap that aligns Your security and compliance
requirements across Your Oracle Enterprise Solution (the “Security Roadmap”).
b. Support You during security audits and provide guidance on regulatory compliance and
any associated changes to Your security policies and Security Roadmap.
c. Analyze new Oracle products and/or Oracle services for inclusion in Your Security
d. Coordinate the delivery of any security and compliance services provided by Advanced
Customer Services that You have separately purchased and provide input to align Your
specific security configurations with Oracle’s security practices and standards.
e. Address Your security related questions and requests for assistance and/or information.
f. Advise You on availability of security related training and coordinate any identified training
that may help You with Your adoption of Oracle products and Oracle Services and any
related security services.
4. Additional Governance Assistance
If included in Your order, Oracle will provide and/or assist with the following activities:
a. Provide project management for the services under this Service Description.
b. Provide additional Service Request (“SR”) management, prioritization, and escalation
c. Assist with constructing a reproducible test case required by Oracle Support Services to
address an SR and help determine a workaround for the issue.
d. Assist with reviewing all applicable Oracle Support Services activity, including SR activity in
connection with individual SRs logged by You. The review may consist of status reports,
next steps, if any, and review of Your SR priorities.
e. Establish or optimize Your incident management and support processes.
5. Specialized Technical Account Management
If included in Your order, Oracle will assign a Technical Account Manager II to provide and/or
assist with one or more of the following specialized activities associated with Your use,
deployment, and governance of Your Enterprise Solution in accordance with the Annual
Services Exhibit:
a. Advice and Guidance for Enterprise Solutions
If included in Your order, specific services may include assistance with and/or guidance
regarding one or more of the following:
i. Enterprise Solution deployment
ii. Business and operational strategy
iii. Project and program governance
iv. User adoption planning strategy
v. User adoption surveys
Page 50 of 143
vi. Operational and supportability requirements
vii. Full lifecycle planning and optimization
viii. Operational practices.
b. Deployment Assistance for Enterprise Solutions
If included in Your order, specific services may include one or more of the following
activities related to the deployment of Your Enterprise Solution:
i. Provide advice and guidance regarding the deployment of industry standards
for technology, functionality, and supportability.
ii. Provide guidance regarding the configuration of Your Enterprise Solution.
iii. Identify deployment issues, risks and track recommendations.
iv. Coordinate with Your systems integrator(s) where applicable.
v. Provide guidance regarding Your adoption of the Enterprise Solution.
c. Governance Assistance
If included in Your order, specific services may include assistance with one or more of the
following activities related to governance and strategic planning of Your Enterprise
i. Arrange and host private sessions with Oracle leaders and strategists.
ii. Participate in Your program management office (“PMO”) and steering
iii. Provide service management and program oversight of all of Your Services
provided by Advanced Customer Services (“ACS”).
iv. Provide advice and guidance regarding Your Enterprise Solution strategic
planning and implementation planning.
6. Advanced Technical Support
If included in Your order, Oracle will assign an Advanced Support Engineer to provide and/or
assist with one or more of the following activities associated with the installation, setup,
configuration, readiness, operational optimization, SR process management, and migration of
Your Enterprise Solution in accordance with the Annual Services Exhibit:
a. Advanced Technical Guidance and Readiness
If included in Your order, specific services may include assistance with and/or guidance
regarding one or more of the following activities for Your Oracle products:
i. Installation and configuration
ii. Patch and update installation
iii. Technology and software lifecycle
iv. Product functionality
v. Research of setup issues and associated recommendations
vi. Oracle product clustering and Real Application Clusters (“RAC”)
vii. Database and system partitioning
viii. Configuration documentation and run books
Page 51 of 143
b. Advanced Operational and Optimization Assistance
If included in Your order, specific services may include assistance with and/or guidance
regarding one or more of the following activities related to operation and optimization of Your
Oracle products:
i. Administration of Oracle Database and/or Oracle Database Cloud Service
ii. Administration of Oracle operating systems and/or Oracle Cloud Systems
iii. Administration of Oracle Fusion Middleware and/or Java
iv. Administration of Oracle Applications Unlimited environments
v. Application database administration for Your Oracle Products
vi. Database and storage performance optimization
vii. Backup and restore operations
viii. Recommendations for operational practices
ix. Applications server and middleware performance and load balancing
x. Operational troubleshooting and root cause analysis
xi. Change management and patching processes
xii. Modernization and critical change events
xiii. Technical assistance for Your helpdesk
xiv. Operational workarounds
xv. Oracle database, Java and system scripting
xvi. Disaster recovery for database, storage and systems
xvii. System outages related to Oracle products

c. Advanced Support Process Assistance

If included in Your order, specific services may include assistance with one or more of the
following activities related to Service Requests (“SR”), SR processing, and Your internal
problem and incident management processes:
i. Construct and document a support plan.
ii. Conduct SR analysis and assist with addressing SR issues.
iii. Construct a reproducible test case required by Oracle Support Services to
address an SR and help determine a workaround for the issue.
iv. Assist with SR prioritization and issue management.
d. Advanced Migration Assistance
If included in Your order, specific services may include assistance with one or more of the
following activities related to the migration of Your workloads, databases, storage, and
systems from Your source environment to Your destination environment:
i. Conduct a discovery workshop(s) to review Your legacy system configurations,
identify Your Oracle applications and third party applications for migration, and
review Your storage data transfer requirements and objectives.

Page 52 of 143
ii. Provide a report summarizing the findings of the discovery workshop(s).
iii. Prepare a project plan based upon findings of the discovery workshop(s).
iv. Provide guidance on Solaris virtualization, mapping and consolidation.
v. Provide data transfer technical advice and tool and methodology
vi. Provide systems migration test plan assistance.
vii. Provide data transfer test plan assistance.
viii. Assist with the migration of Your source environment(s) to Your new
destination environment(s).
ix. Assist with the transfer of data from Your legacy storage device(s) to the new
Oracle storage device(s).
x. Assist with systems migration testing and validation.
xi. Assist with data transfer testing and validation.
7. Specialized Technical Support
If included in Your order, Oracle will assist You with performing specialized activities
associated with the installation, setup, configuration, readiness, operational optimization, and
architecture of Your Oracle products and the integration of Your Oracle Database with Your
third party applications in accordance with the Annual Services Exhibit:
a. Specialized Technical Guidance and Readiness
If included in Your order, specific services may include specialized technical advice and
guidance associated with the following:
i. Your Infrastructure as a Service (“IaaS”) and/or Platform as a Service (“PaaS”)
Oracle Cloud environment, Oracle Database and systems architecture and
ii. Multi-vendor deployment
iii. Maximum availability and replication design and configuration
iv. Proof of concept (“POC”) projects for Oracle Engineered Systems, applications
utilizing Oracle Fusion Middleware and/or Java, and/or migration of Oracle
Applications Unlimited.
v. Oracle Business Intelligence technology configuration and optimization
vi. Oracle Data Warehouse and Online Analytical Processing (“OLAP”)
configuration and optimization
vii. Business integration and Service Orientated Architecture (“SOA”) configuration
viii. Applications configuration(s), extension(s), modification(s), localization(s), and
integration(s) (“CEMLI”) implementation
ix. Applications and systems partitioning
b. Specialized Operational and Optimization Assistance
If included in Your order, specific services may include specialized operational assistance
with, and optimization of, Your complex Oracle environments associated with the
Page 53 of 143
i. Global deployments
ii. Database and systems capacity analysis and resizing
iii. Oracle applications capacity analysis and resizing
iv. Oracle Cloud operation and virtualization
v. Identity management, security and administration
vi. Oracle applications performance optimization
vii. Load testing for Oracle applications and database
viii. Applications capacity planning and modernizing database and applications
utilizing Oracle Cloud Services
c. Specialized Assistance for Third Party Applications Running on Oracle Database
If included in Your order, specific services may include assistance with one or more of the
following specialized activities related to operational integration of Your Oracle database
with Your third party applications:
i. Conduct workshops for optimizing Your use of the Oracle database deployed
with Your third party applications.
ii. Provide technical advice and guidance for the Oracle database deployed with
Your third party applications.
iii. Provide performance optimization for the Oracle database deployed with Your
third party applications.
iv. Assist You with planning backup and restore activities for the Oracle database
deployed with Your third party applications.
v. Provide migration advice and guidance for the Oracle database deployed with
Your third party applications.
d. Specialized Operational Architecture Assistance for Applications
If included in Your order, specific services may include one or more of the following
specialized activities related to application configurations and design standards,
interpretation of the standards, and validation of Your architecture against the standards:
i. Review architecture design documents with You.
ii. Work with You to define any further details for architecture components as
required prior to implementation.
iii. Respond to Your questions related to application architecture standards on
Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI).
iv. Assist You with sizing and capacity analysis and decisions related to Your
selection of architecture components.
v. Respond to security related questions from Your risk management team.
vi. Act as the technical authority and escalation point for OCI technical issues and
decisions, including deep dives into technical areas to address specific
architecture design challenges.
vii. Act as subject matter expert (SME) for application and Technology Stack
architecture standards on OCI.

Page 54 of 143
viii. Identify potential and emerging technologies to support innovation.
ix. Recommend new services to complement and enhance OCI designed to
streamline and support application development and deployment.
x. Assist You with planning updates for Your application environments, including
defining the deployment of OCI architecture, identifying associated phases of
work, helping You understand the technical and cost impact resulting from any
changes, and identifying any associated contract changes.
xi. Create artefacts and documentation to explain architecture design concepts and
solutions to all levels of management and stakeholders.
xii. Review and advise You on the OCI aspects of application architecture,
integration architecture, and related security.

Page 55 of 143
Oracle Solution Support Center Intelligent Operations (“SSCIO”)
Service Offering Part #
Oracle Solution Support Center Intelligent Operations B92600
ACS Supplemental Resource for Software Days B76416


AGENT: A tool within certain Oracle Products that is responsible for collecting telemetry data,
including log, monitoring and performance data to be used in the various Cloud Services. An
Agent will be installed on the target Entity, whether in Your on-premises environment or in a
Cloud environment. An Agent can communicate to the Cloud Services directly or via a proxy.
CLOUD MANAGEMENT SERVICES: Integrated monitoring, management, and analytics cloud
services that leverage machine learning and big data techniques against operational IT data.
Examples of Cloud Management Services include Oracle Management Cloud and Oracle
Observability and Management.
ENTITY: Your hardware, software or other environment which is the target of the Cloud Services.
DASHBOARD: A graphical reporting tool used to display key performance indicators, metrics, and
key data points to monitor the health of an information technology ecosystem.
MACHINE LEARNING: An application of artificial intelligence (“AI”) that enables computers to
automatically learn and improve from experience in order to perform new/alternative functions
without explicitly being programmed.

Description of Services
1. Support Delivery Management
A Technical Account Manager (“TAM”) will be assigned to You, as Your primary contact for the
Services, during the hours specified in Your order, to provide and/or assist with the following
a. Conduct a delivery planning session and prepare a service delivery plan.
b. Maintain the service delivery plan and provide quarterly service delivery plan reviews.
c. Document and maintain the contact details for key Oracle contacts, Your technical contacts
for Oracle Premier Support, monitoring alerts, and management escalation team
(“Customer Contacts”) and Oracle’s escalation procedures (“Joint Contacts and Escalation
d. Provide access to a customer-specific web portal.
e. Conduct an orientation for Your Customer Contacts.
f. Document the technical specifications of Your Oracle Product Environment (“OPE”) related
to the SSCIO Services (the “Environment and Configuration Guide”).
g. Review all applicable Oracle Support activity related to the items identified in the OPE,
including service request (“SR”) activity in connection with individual SRs logged by Your
Customer Contacts. The review may consist of status reports, next steps, if any, and review
of Your SR priorities.

Page 56 of 143
h. Assist with SR management, prioritization and escalation.
i. Facilitate communications between Oracle and Your Customer Contacts, including
communicating the status of Your SR(s) to Your Customer Contact(s), as requested.
2. Assistance on Service Requests
a. An Oracle Advanced Support Engineer (“ASE”) will be assigned to You during the hours
specified in Your order.
i. A dedicated toll-free telephone number will be assigned to You.
ii. You may contact the ASE via this dedicated toll-free telephone number.
iii. The designated ASE will respond to all Severity 1 and mutually agreed upon
Severity 2 SRs placed during business hours.
iv. Issues that arise during non-business hours will be addressed the next business
day, except for Severity 1 issues, which are immediately forwarded to Your ASE.
v. The current definition of Oracle’s Severity Levels is available in the applicable
Oracle Technical Support Policies which may be accessed at

b. Critical Service Requests

For products identified in the OPE section of the Annual Services Exhibit and documented
in Your Environment and Configuration Guide, the TAM and ASE are the designated points
of contact for Severity 1 and mutually agreed upon Severity 2 SRs, collectively (“critical
SRs”), to provide the following for the quantity of Full Coverage Units defined in the OPE
section of the Annual Services Exhibit:
i. Conduct SR analysis.
ii. Assist with issue identification and issue reproduction.
iii. Assist with constructing a reproducible test case required by Oracle Support to
address an SR and help determine a workaround for the issue.
iv. Assist with potential workarounds and recommendations documented in the
v. Assist with testing of recommended actions prior to deployment in the
production environment.
vi. Conduct root cause analysis of Severity 1 incidents.
vii. Extract data from a database that is down and attempt a recovery.
viii. Provide advice and recommendations regarding the operation, configuration
and use of the applicable Oracle Support tools.
ix. Notify You of Oracle alerts, releases, firmware updates and patches, including
critical patch updates.
c. Critical Reactive Service Requests
Oracle will assist You with technical issues and provide the following for the quantity of
Critical Reactive units identified in the OPE section of the Annual Services Exhibit:

i. Conduct SR analysis.
ii. Assist with issue identification and issue reproduction.

Page 57 of 143
iii. Assist with constructing a reproducible test case required by Oracle Support to
address an SR and help determine a workaround for the issue.
iv. Assist with potential workarounds.
3. Standby Coverage
Upon Your request to Your TAM, Oracle will provide technical standby coverage for non-
Severity 1 issues (e.g., software upgrade, patch set applications, data purge) by Your primary
ASE or designee for up to twenty-four (24) consecutive hours in accordance with the OPE
section of the Annual Services Exhibit.
4. SR Prioritization
Oracle will prioritize Your SRs above SRs of the same severity level submitted by other Premier
Support customers. Reasonable efforts will be made to respond to Your SRs per the following
guidelines (“SR Response Guidelines”): 

a. 90% of Severity 1 SRs within twenty (20) minutes (available 24x7)

b. 90% of Severity 2 SRs within two (2) local business hours
c. 90% of Severity 3 SRs within the next local business day
d. 90% of Severity 4 SRs within the next local business day
5. Intelligent Operations
Oracle will provide an intelligent operations platform (“Intelligent Operations”) to enable the
concurrent use of multiple data sources, data collection methods, analytical (real-time and
deep) technologies, and presentation technologies as follows:
a. Planning and Design
i. Perform an analysis of the monitoring environment.
ii. Provide a questionnaire to identify Your existing monitoring assets (i.e.,
hardware and network infrastructure, databases, middleware, and applications),
Cloud Services, and Dashboard requirements (the “Questionnaire”).
iii. Work with You to identify key performance indicators, alerting rules and
contacts, and notification mechanisms.
iv. Install and run configuration information collection tools, if applicable.
v. Review and analyze the collected configuration information and Your
completed Questionnaire.
vi. Conduct a meeting to review the results of the planning and design activities.
vii. Prepare a plan that sets forth an installation roadmap (the “Installation Plan”)
that will include Agent deployment, Cloud Services configuration, monitoring
rules for each supported Entity and Dashboard design, as applicable.
viii. Conduct a meeting to review the Installation Plan.

b. Provisioning, Installation, Configuration and Maintenance

Oracle will provision Your Cloud Management Services and install, configure, and maintain
Agents in Your on premise or Cloud environment to forward telemetry data to Your Cloud
Management Services environment.

Page 58 of 143
i. Provision Cloud Management Services and set up access, resource, and user
management policies.
ii. Install and configure the Agents on the Entities identified in the OPE.
iii. Instrument the Entities where Agents have been installed for data collection.
iv. Run configuration verification tests to confirm deployment of the Agents, as
v. Build and deploy one (1) custom Dashboard to the Cloud Management Services
monitoring console.
vi. Prepare and provide You with an installation and configuration summary report.
vii. Review Your on premise or Cloud environment with You on a quarterly basis.
viii. Update existing Agents, adjust configuration of existing Entities, and modify
Dashboards, as required.
ix. Install and configure Agents on new Entities not identified in the OPE, subject to
a Change Order and additional fees.

c. Monitoring
Oracle will use Your Cloud Management Services subscription to provide the following for
log data, performance and capacity data, and application infrastructure:
i. Collect log data, database data, system performance data, capacity data, and
application performance data from the Entities that make up Your application
topology (the “Collected Data”).
ii. Analyze the Collected Data using Cloud Management Services.
iii. Use the Machine Learning capabilities of Cloud Management Services to
identify the following:
 characteristics in the Collected Data that may impact Your Oracle Cloud or
on premise environment;
 potential database and system performance or capacity bottlenecks;
 potential application performance bottlenecks.
iv. Provide You with recommendations for problem avoidance and long term
stability, resolving current database, system, and application performance
and/or capacity issues, and planning performance and capacity management.
v. Setup alerting and notification based on agreed key performance indicators
(“KPIs”) identified during the planning and design phase, including Oracle
standard KPIs and agreed customer specific KPIs.
vi. Send alerts to Your designated contacts in accordance with the mutually agreed
alert mechanism.
6. Reporting
Oracle will provide reports via Cloud Management Services standard and customized
Dashboards, which may include the following:
a. Executive Dashboard.
Summarizes the health of the monitored estate and may include the following:
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i. Systems/databases monitored
ii. Up/down status of the systems/databases
iii. Alerts
iv. Warnings
b. Active outage/issue reports.
Oracle will review the following with You via co-browsing using Zoom or other web-based
conference system:
i. Key related findings from Cloud Management Services
ii. System drill down based on the key findings.
c. Weekly reports that may include the following from the prior week:
i. Total number of issues
ii. Number of issues resolved
iii. Number of issues avoided
iv. Performance highlights/concerns
v. Capacity highlights/concerns
d. Quarterly Reports:
i. Performance – historical and comparative analysis
ii. Capacity – trending and forecast analysis
iii. Operational – asset and configuration analysis
7. Supplemental Resources
If included in Your order, Oracle will provide additional resources, either on-site or remotely, to
assist in the furtherance of SSCIO Services, up to the maximum number of days per resource
role as set forth in Your order. A “day” is defined as one (1) resource working eight (8) hours
per day. 1

Obligations and Assumptions

In addition to the obligations stated in Your order, You acknowledge that Oracle’s ability to
perform the SSCIO Services depends upon Your fulfillment of the following obligations and
1. Your Obligations
a. Restore service, such as reconfiguring, reloading, or restarting application software.
b. Designate Customer Contacts and identify each of Your Customer Contacts by name,
phone number, e-mail address and other appropriate contact methods.
c. Identify a designated contact to Oracle, with the appropriate level of authority, to set
priorities, coordinate activities and resolve conflicts between Your teams regarding the
SSCIO Services.
d. Apply bug fixes, critical patches, and configuration recommendations provided through
Oracle Support within a commercially reasonable period of time.
e. Assist Oracle to maintain the Joint Contacts and Escalation Guide and the Environment
and Configuration Guide.
Page 60 of 143
f. If requested by Oracle, provide a test environment and, if applicable, a non-customized
code test environment for Oracle applications, for testing patches and troubleshooting
g. Prior to the commencement of SSCIO Services, return the completed Questionnaire.
h. Purchase and maintain for the duration of the SSCIO Services a Cloud Management
Services subscription.
i. Follow the SR escalation process documented on MOS (i.e., “How To Request Management
Attention to a Service Request (SR) with Oracle Support Services (ID 199389.1)).
j. Notify Oracle of key system change(s) initiated by You to prevent automated alerts and
notifications initiated as a result of faults caused by such key systems change(s).
k. Provide any notices, and obtain any consents, required for Oracle to perform the SSCIO
l. Limit Oracle’s access to any production environments or shared development
environments to the extent necessary for Oracle to perform the SSCIO Services.
m. Prior to the commencement of the SSCIO Services, inform Oracle of any storage, server,
system, application, equipment or environment modifications that may affect Oracle’s
performance of the SSCIO Services.
2. Assumptions
a. Only Customer Contacts will communicate with Oracle regarding the delivery of the SSCIO
b. All communication (oral, written and electronic) associated with the delivery of the SSCIO
Services is only provided in English language.
c. The current definition of Oracle’s Severity Levels is available in the applicable Oracle Cloud
Hosting and Delivery Policies which may be accessed at
d. Oracle will determine whether SSCIO Services are provided by remote delivery resources
(not on Your work premises) or delivery resources on-site at Your work premises.
e. SSCIO Services described above are limited to the following Entities in Your Oracle Cloud
environment or in Your on-premises environment:
i. Oracle Database;
ii. Oracle Real Application Clusters (“RAC”);
iii. Oracle Exadata;
iv. Oracle Exadata Cloud Machine;
v. Oracle E-Business Suite
vi. Oracle PeopleSoft
vii. Oracle Siebel
f. Any services not expressly identified in this Service Description are out of scope.

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Advanced Customer Services (“ACS”) Fixed Scope Service

The ACS Fixed Scope Services you have ordered for your Oracle Product Environment (if
applicable), will be identified in Your order and related Fixed Scope Services Exhibit.

Oracle Advanced Support Knowledge Workshop

Service Offering Part #
Oracle Advanced Support Knowledge Workshop B68098
Oracle Advanced Support Knowledge Workshop for Systems B72740
ACS Supplemental Resource for Software Days B76416
ACS Supplemental Resource for Systems Days B76417

Description of Services
1. Oracle will provide You with one (1) Oracle Advanced Support Knowledge Workshop (the
“Workshop”) by performing the following Services:
a. Conduct a preliminary meeting and orientation to discuss and determine the following:
i. Review Your knowledge development goals and objectives;
ii. Identify any existing applicable content from the Workshop repository;
iii. Provide recommendations regarding content for the Workshop and discuss any
requests, by You, to modify the Workshop content; and
iv. Determine the location, audience (i.e., database administrators, developers, IT
operations staff, etc.) and dates for each Workshop.
b. Provide one (1) Workshop presentation, for up to four (4) hours, not to exceed thirty (30)
c. Provide up to sixteen (16) person hours of post presentation guidance, for up to four (4)
attendees of the Workshop presentation; and
d. Conduct a final meeting to review the Oracle Advanced Support Knowledge Workshop
2. Supplemental Resources
If included in Your order, Oracle will provide additional resources, either on-site or remotely, to
assist in the furtherance of the Oracle Advanced Support Knowledge Workshop services, up to
the maximum number of days per resource role as set forth in Your order. A “day” is defined
as one (1) resource working eight (8) hours per day. 1

In addition to the obligations stated in Your order, You acknowledge that Oracle’s ability to
perform the Services depends upon Your acknowledgment of the following assumptions:
1. Modifications to the Workshop content are subject to Oracle’s change control process.
2. A “person hour” is defined as one (1) person working up to sixty (60) minutes.

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3. In the event the post presentation guidance is provided on-site, such guidance will be provided
in two (2) eight (8) hour increments; otherwise, guidance provided remotely will be performed
in a minimum of two (2) hour increments.

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Oracle Backup and Recovery Review
Service Offering Part #
Oracle Backup and Recovery Review B82498
Oracle Backup and Recovery Review for Systems B92019

Description of Services
Oracle will review Your backup and restore plan for a single Oracle database instance* or a single
Oracle application instance** by performing the following Services:
1. Conduct a preliminary meeting and orientation;
2. Gather information from You regarding Your backup procedures and Your objectives for
restoration timeline and completeness of restored data;
3. Review the following areas which may affect Your backup and restoration plan: hardware
configuration, software configuration, and operational procedures;
4. Compare Your current backup plan to Your objectives for restoration timeline and
completeness of restored data, and identify areas where Your backup and restore plan is
insufficient to meet Your objectives;
5. Provide a report describing the deficiencies in Your backup and restore plan and provide
recommendations for improvement; and
6. Conduct a final meeting to review the report and recommendations.
*With respect to Oracle’s core technology programs, a “database instance” means a single set of
data files and a single Oracle database environment that accesses that set of data files.
**With respect to Oracle’s applications programs, an “application instance” means a single set of memory
structures, a single Oracle application suite, and a single set of processes that collectively access a single
Oracle database instance.

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Oracle Capacity Planning Review and Recommendations
Service Offering Part #
Oracle Capacity Planning Review and Recommendations B72670
Oracle Capacity Planning Review and Recommendations for Systems B72672
ACS Supplemental Resource for Software Days B76416
ACS Supplemental Resource for Systems Days B76417

Description of Services
1. Oracle will review the configuration of the product(s) set forth in the OPE section of the Fixed
Scope Services Exhibit to analyze Your current capacity and consumption rates by performing
the following Services:
a. Conduct a preliminary meeting and orientation to:
i. Identify data collection time period(s);
ii. Advise on data collection techniques; and
iii. Provide a configuration questionnaire to be completed by You.
b. Perform analysis of Your collected data and questionnaire;
c. Provide a report identifying current capacity, modeling projected consumption trends and
capacity planning recommendations; and
d. Conduct a final meeting to review the report and recommendations.
2. Supplemental Resources
If included in Your order, Oracle will provide additional resources, either on-site or remotely, to
assist in the furtherance of the Oracle Capacity Planning Review and Recommendations
services, up to the maximum number of days per resource role as set forth in Your order. A
“day” is defined as one (1) resource working eight (8) hours per day.1

Obligations and Assumptions

In addition to the obligations stated in Your order, You acknowledge that Oracle’s ability to
perform the Services depends upon Your fulfillment of the following obligations and assumptions:
1. Your Obligations
a. You will collect and provide necessary consumption data.
b. You will promptly return the completed configuration questionnaire described within this
Oracle Capacity Planning Review and Recommendations Service.
2. Assumptions
a. In the event You choose not to collect Your own data, Oracle will collect the data on Your
behalf pursuant to Oracle’s change control process.

Page 65 of 143
Oracle Configuration Review and Recommendations
Service Offering Part #
Oracle Configuration Review & Recommendations B65855
Oracle Configuration Review & Recommendations for Systems B65860
ACS Supplemental Resource for Software Days B76416
ACS Supplemental Resource for Systems Days B76417

Description of Services
1. Oracle will review the current configuration of the product(s) set forth in the OPE section of the
Fixed Scope Services Exhibit to identify issues that may impact system reliability, availability
and supportability by performing the following Services:
a. Conduct a preliminary meeting and orientation;
b. Install configuration data-collector tools;
c. Collect current data regarding configuration, version and patching;
d. Perform analysis of the collected data;
e. Provide a report describing the analysis and recommendations; and
f. Conduct a final meeting to review the report and recommendations.
2. Supplemental Resources
If included in Your order, Oracle will provide additional resources, either on-site or remotely, to
assist in the furtherance of the Oracle Configuration Review and Recommendations services,
up to the maximum number of days per resource role as set forth in Your order. A “day” is
defined as one (1) resource working eight (8) hours per day. 1

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Oracle Consolidation Planning Service
Service Offering Part #
Oracle Consolidation Planning Service - Local/Remote Delivery B73292
Oracle Consolidation Planning Service - Local Delivery B77669
Oracle Consolidation Planning Service for Systems - Local Delivery B79468
ACS Supplemental Resource for Software Days B76416
ACS Supplemental Resource for Systems Days B76417

Description of Services
1. Oracle will perform the following Services, to assist You in planning and validating migrations
in anticipation of Your consolidation (collectively referred to as “the Consolidation Planning
Services”) which shall include the following:
a. Conduct a preliminary meeting and orientation;
b. Provide access to the Customer Portal (defined below) to access reports and
recommendations as part of the Services;
c. Assist in the installation and set-up of data collectors;
d. Collect and maintain configuration data that identifies all of Your Oracle components
(“Configuration Items”) included in this Service;
e. Create a service delivery plan, which may include the following: availability requirements,
capacity management, change management, maintenance windows, business
requirements, security requirements, footprint of sources systems, previously known
issues, stability issues, outages, and service requests (“SR”) raised;
f. Collect, record and annotate configuration and workload data from identified
g. Analysis of configuration information (versions, patch levels, options, parameters) to
assess compatibility;
h. Analysis of Configuration Items utilization over time (e.g., CPU, memory);
i. Modeling of consolidation scenarios;
j. Provide recommendations and prepare a target design(s) and/or scorecard(s) based upon
the analysis of the configuration information, utilization and consolidation scenarios;
k. Publish the analysis and modeling charts and reports, prioritized recommendations,
scorecard(s) and summary report on the Customer Portal; and
l. Conduct a final meeting to review the Services.
2. Supplemental Resources
If included in Your order, Oracle will provide additional resources, either on-site or remotely, to
assist in the furtherance of the Oracle Consolidation Planning Service, up to the maximum
number of days per resource role as set forth in Your order. A “day” is defined as one (1)
resource working eight (8) hours per day.1

Oracle Advanced Support Gateway

ACS Services may be delivered utilizing a gateway. A gateway is the computing platform,
consisting of the Oracle Advanced Support Gateway software available on My Oracle Support
(“MOS”) and a physical or virtual hardware platform or an Oracle Public Cloud (“OPC”) instance,
Page 67 of 143
which hosts Oracle’s tools, for collecting, managing, updating and presenting information (“ACS
Gateway”). Oracle’s minimum hardware requirements for the ACS Gateway are available at Oracle will
provide the necessary software and instructions to install the ACS Gateway or You may provide
Oracle remote access to install the ACS Gateway on Your behalf. You will ensure the ACS Gateway
(i) has sufficient rack and floor space, air conditioning, electrical power, Internet connectivity, and
(ii) is correctly located within Your local-area network and wide-area network environments(s) (as
agreed to with Oracle) and attached to Your network, to physically rack, stack and power-up.
Once the ACS Gateway is installed, Oracle will deploy additional software on the ACS Gateway
which will be used to deliver Your Services. If utilized, the ACS Gateway must be fully installed,
connected and operational in order for You to receive the Services. Oracle retains all rights, title
and interest to the Oracle supplied ACS Gateway. Oracle retains the right to update and/or
replace the ACS Gateway at any time during the performance of the Services.
The Oracle Advanced Support Gateway Portal (“Customer Portal”) is a Web-based interface hosted on the
ACS Gateway, behind Your firewall and is accessible by You and authorized Oracle Support engineers. It is
used by You to interact with the ACS service(s) enabled on the ACS Gateway.

Obligations and Assumptions

In addition to the obligations stated in Your order, You acknowledge that Oracle’s ability to
perform the Services depends upon Your fulfillment of the following obligations and assumptions:
1. Your Obligations
a. All Configuration Items must meet the eligibility requirements as described here:
b. Install patches, upgrades, updates, and/or fixes as recommended by Oracle to maintain
the stability of the Configuration Items including any operating system upgrades.
c. Provide Oracle with the serial number and/or other identification and entitlement
information for the Configuration Items in the manner specified by Oracle.
d. Management of changes required to Configuration Items will be mutually agreed upon by
You and Oracle.
2. Assumptions
a. An Oracle Technical Account Manager (“TAM”) will be assigned to You as Your primary
contact for the Services.
b. All communication (oral, written and electronic) associated with the delivery of the Service
is only provided in English.
c. Oracle will provide the Services using Oracle tools and systems including tools for
collecting, managing, updating, and presenting information.
d. Oracle shall limit Your access to functionality contained within the ACS Gateway in order to
perform the Services.

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Oracle Database Security Review Pack
Service Offering Part #
Oracle Database Security Review Pack B80785
ACS Supplemental Resource for Software Days B76416
ACS Supplemental Resource for Systems Days B76417

Description of Services
Oracle will perform the services below to design, install and configure the Oracle Products set
forth in the OPE section of Your Fixed Scope Services Exhibit (collectively, the “Services”).
1. Core Pack Services
The Oracle Database Security Review Pack includes the following services, which are defined at
a different location within this document and can be viewed using the corresponding links
a. Oracle Supportability Planning and Design
b. Oracle Security Review and Recommendations
2. Supplemental Resources
If included in Your order, Oracle will provide additional resources either on-site or remotely, to
assist in the furtherance of the Oracle Database Security Review Pack services, up to the
maximum number of days per resource role as set forth in Your order. A “day” is defined as
one (1) resource working eight (8) hours per day. 1
3. Oracle Pack Governance
An Oracle Technical Account Manager (“TAM”) will be assigned to You for the duration of the
term. The TAM will serve as Your primary contact for the administration of the Services and
shall provide the following governance services:
a. Conduct a preliminary meeting and orientation;
b. Prepare and maintain a Service delivery plan;
c. Prepare and provide Service delivery plan progress reports; and
d. Conduct a final meeting to provide a Service summary and review with You the
documentation created during the delivery of Services.

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Oracle Exadata Deployment Pack
Service Offering Part #
Oracle Exadata Deployment Pack for Cloud B93412
Oracle Exadata Deployment Pack – On Prem B93413

Description of Services
Oracle will provide recommendations for transitioning Your current on-premises environment(s)
(the “Source Environment”) to Your Oracle Exadata environment (the “Destination Environment”)
and assist You with planning the deployment of Your Destination Environment (the “Services”):
1. Assign a Technical Account Manager (“TAM”) as Your primary contact for the duration of the
Services who will perform the following:
a. Conduct a preliminary meeting to review the Services.
b. Provide a readiness planning questionnaire (the “Questionnaire”) to be completed by You
prior to the commencement of Services.
c. Conduct a meeting to review Your responses to the Questionnaire.
d. Conduct a final meeting to provide a summary of the Services.
2. Conduct a readiness planning workshop by performing the following activities:
a. Review the infrastructure of Your Source Environment and validate that Your workload
candidates are suitable for transition to Your Destination Environment.
b. Develop Exadata workload resource specifications for one of the following:
i. Oracle Database Exadata on-premise, Oracle Database Exadata Cloud at
Customer, or Oracle Database Exadata Cloud Service:
1) Up to four (4) databases workloads
2) Design database workload shapes and provide workload administration
3. Review Your tenant workload orchestration and provisioning.
4. Confirm Your tenant workload transition plans, tenant workload backup plans, tenant
workload monitoring and management tools.
5. Create, configure, and demonstrate one (1) sample Exadata Database (up to 50GB) workload
proof of concept, including backup and recovery to a backup environment provided by You.
6. Conduct a final meeting to review the report.

Obligations and Assumptions

In addition to the obligations and assumptions stated in Your order, You acknowledge that
Oracle’s ability to perform the Services depends upon Your fulfillment of the following obligations
and assumptions.
1. Your Obligations
a. Promptly return the Questionnaire prior to commencement of the Services.
b. Provide copies of existing architecture design documents, audit files, reports and/or
assessments of Your Source Environment.

Page 70 of 143
c. Be solely responsible for limiting Oracle’s exposure to any legally protected data.
d. Obtain licenses under separate contract for any necessary software and hardware
programs before the commencement of Services.
e. Obtain Cloud Services under separate contract prior to the commencement of Services
under this Service Description and maintain such Cloud Services for the duration of the
Services provided under this Service Description, as required.
f. Provide Oracle with full access to the relevant documentation and the functional, technical
and business resources with adequate skills and knowledge to support the performance of
the Services.
g. Provide any notices, and obtain any consent, required for Oracle to perform the Services.
h. Designate a project manager as the single point of contact for Oracle for the Services with
appropriate level of authority as follows:
i. Set priorities and coordinate activities
j. Be solely responsible for all decisions in connection with the Services.
k. Limit Oracle’s access to any production environments or shared development
environments to the extent necessary for Oracle to perform the Services.
l. Prior to the commencement of Services, inform Oracle of any storage, server, system,
application, equipment or environment modifications that may affect Oracle’s performance
of the Services.
2. Assumptions
a. All communication (verbal, written and electronic) associated with the delivery of the
Services will be provided by Oracle in English language only.
b. Oracle will determine whether the Services are provided by remote delivery resources (not
on Your work premises) or delivery resources on-site at Your work premises.
c. Any other Services not expressly identified herein are considered out of scope.

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Oracle Go-Live Support
Service Offering Part #
Oracle Go-Live Support B68097
Oracle Go-Live Support for Systems B72741
ACS Supplemental Resource for Software Days B76416
ACS Supplemental Resource for Systems Days B76417

Description of Services
1. Oracle will assess Your readiness to commence production operations (i.e., to process live
data, “Go-Live”) of all of Your licensed Oracle products associated with Your deployment or
implementation (“Deployment Environment”) and provide additional assistance by performing
the following Services:
a. Conduct a preliminary meeting and orientation;
b. Oracle will assess Your readiness for the Go-Live by performing the following Services:
i. Review Your plans and associated schedule for Go-Live, including Your plan for
returning to the pre-Go-Live configuration for the Deployment Environment in
the event the Go-Live schedule is not met;
ii. Conduct an operational readiness review of Your planned production processes;
iii. Conduct an impact review to assess the potential business impact associated
with the Go-Live; and
iv. Develop a final report of recommendations associated with Go-Live preparation
and review those recommendations with You.
c. One (1) week before Go-Live, establish a Go-Live assistance plan for three (3) continuous
days, including two (2) days prior to Go-Live and one (1) day after Go-Live;
d. Provide up to three (3) continuous eight (8) hour days of assistance for Go-Live including
documenting progress and status of that assistance; and
e. Conduct a final meeting to review the final status of Go-Live.
2. Supplemental Resources
If included in Your order, Oracle will provide additional resources, either on-site or remotely, to
assist in the furtherance of the Oracle Go-Live Support services, up to the maximum number
of days per resource role as set forth in Your order. A “day” is defined as one (1) resource
working eight (8) hours per day.1

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Oracle High Availability Review and Recommendations
Service Offering Part #
Oracle High Availability Review and Recommendations B72671
Oracle High Availability Review and Recommendations for Systems B72673
ACS Supplemental Resource for Software Days B76416
ACS Supplemental Resource for Systems Days B76417

Description of Services
1. Oracle will review the current configuration of the product(s) set forth in the OPE section of the
Fixed Scope Services Exhibit to analyze availability and failover functionality by performing the
following Services:
a. Conduct a preliminary meeting and orientation to:
i. Identify availability requirements of the product(s) set forth in the OPE section
of the Fixed Scope Services Exhibit; and
ii. Provide a configuration questionnaire (“Questionnaire”) to be completed by
b. Perform analysis of the current configuration of the product(s) set forth in the OPE section
of the Fixed Scope Services Exhibit;
c. Provide a report identifying potential issues and recommendations for remediation, if
applicable; and
d. Conduct a final meeting to review the report and recommendations.
2. Supplemental Resources
If included in Your order, Oracle will provide additional resources, either on-site or remotely, to
assist in the furtherance of Oracle High Availability Review and Recommendations, up to the
maximum number of days per resource role as set forth in Your order. A “day” is defined as
one (1) resource working eight (8) hours per day.1

Obligations and Assumptions

In addition to the obligations stated in Your order, You acknowledge that Oracle’s ability to
perform the Services depends upon Your fulfillment of the following obligations and assumptions:
1. Your Obligations
a. You will promptly return the completed Questionnaire.
2. Assumptions
a. You acknowledge and agree that Your prompt return of the completed Questionnaire is a
prerequisite to Oracle’s performance of the Services described herein. Any delays in the
prompt return of the Questionnaire shall delay the performance of the Services.

Page 73 of 143
Oracle Load Testing and Analysis Service
Service Offering Part #
Oracle Load Testing and Analysis Service - Local/Remote Delivery B75918
Oracle Load Testing and Analysis Service - Local Delivery B77667

Description of Services
Oracle will test the performance impact of one (1) planned modification (e.g., upgrade, patch,
operating system change, etc.) (the “Modification”) on Your current Oracle production database
(“Source Environment”) using a test environment which is configured identically as the Source
Environment (“Destination Environment”) (collectively the “Service”).
1. Oracle will perform the following tasks as part of the Service:
a. Conduct a preliminary meeting and orientation;
b. Provide the Service questionnaire (the “Questionnaire”) to be completed by You;
c. Provide access to the Central Portal (defined below) to access reports and
recommendations as part of the Service;
d. In Your Source Environment, collect data regarding configuration and database
performance for up to seven (7) days; (“Source Environment Data Analysis”);
e. Create a project plan and estimated project schedule based upon Your answers to the
Questionnaire and Source Environment Data Analysis;
f. Review the project plan with You;
g. Confirm that the Destination Environment is ready for testing;
h. Perform the following testing on the Destination Environment to analyze the impact of the
Modification on the Structured Query Language (“SQL”) queries:
i. Capture the SQL queries from Your Source Environment for up to twenty-four
(24) hours;
ii. Copy the captured SQL queries from the Source Environment to the Destination
iii. Conduct two (2) tests of the SQL queries in the Destination Environment: (1)
prior to implementing the Modification (“SQL Baseline”); and (2) after
introducing the Modification (“SQL Results ”); and
iv. Provide a report that contains the analysis and recommendations based upon
the results of the SQL tests (“SQL Test Analysis Report”), which will be made
available to You through the Central Portal.
i. Perform the following testing on the Destination Environment to analyze the impact of the
Modification on the Workload (defined below):
i. Capture the database transaction execution timing, concurrent computations
and transaction sequences (“Workload”) in Your Source Environment for up to
eight (8) hours;
ii. Copy the captured Workload from the Source Environment to the Destination

Page 74 of 143
iii. Conduct two (2) tests of the Workload in the Destination Environment: (1) prior
to implementing the Modification (“Workload Baseline”); and (2) after
introducing the Modification (“Workload Results”); and
iv. Provide a report that contains the analysis and recommendations based upon
the results of the Workload tests (“Workload Test Analysis Report”), which will
be made available to You through the Central Portal.
j. Conduct a closing meeting to review and discuss the contents of the SQL Test Analysis
Report and the Workload Test Analysis Report.

Oracle Advanced Support Gateway

ACS Services may be delivered utilizing a gateway. A gateway is the computing platform,
consisting of the Oracle Advanced Support Gateway software available on My Oracle Support
(“MOS”) and a physical or virtual hardware platform or an Oracle Public Cloud (“OPC”) instance,
which hosts Oracle’s tools, for collecting, managing, updating and presenting information (“ACS
Gateway”). Oracle’s minimum hardware requirements for the ACS Gateway are available at
Oracle will provide the necessary software and instructions to install the ACS Gateway or You may
provide Oracle remote access to install the ACS Gateway on Your behalf. You will ensure the ACS
Gateway (i) has sufficient rack and floor space, air conditioning, electrical power, Internet
connectivity, and (ii) is correctly located within Your local-area network and wide-area network
environments(s) (as agreed to with Oracle) and attached to Your network, to physically rack, stack
and power-up. Once the ACS Gateway is installed, Oracle will deploy additional software on the
ACS Gateway which will be used to deliver Your Services. If utilized, the ACS Gateway must be
fully installed, connected and operational in order for You to receive the Services. Oracle retains all
rights, title and interest to the Oracle supplied ACS Gateway. Oracle retains the right to update
and/or replace the ACS Gateway at any time during the performance of the Services.
The Oracle Advanced Support Portal (“Central Portal”) is a Web-based interface hosted by Oracle
in an Oracle datacenter. It is used for configuring and maintaining the Configuration Management
Database (“CMDB”), managing monitoring events, handling change requests and documenting
Your requests. It is accessible by You and authorized Oracle Support engineers.

Obligations and Assumptions

In addition to the obligations stated in Your order, You acknowledge that Oracle’s ability to
perform the Services depends upon Your fulfillment of the following obligations and assumptions:
1. Your Obligations
a. Complete the Questionnaire and identify the Modification to be tested within five (5)
business days after the preliminary meeting.
b. Provide a Destination Environment that is compatible with the Source Environment for
performing the testing.
c. Set up the Destination Environment for the Service described in this Description of
d. Replicate the Source Environment data into the Destination Environment in accordance
with the project plan.
e. Prior to the commencement of the Service, install patches as required by Oracle on both
Your Source Environment and Destination Environment. The patches required for Your

Page 75 of 143
Source Environment and Destination Environment can be found at,
doc. ID 560977.1.
2. Assumptions
a. An Oracle Technical Account Manager (“TAM”) will be assigned to You as Your primary
b. All communication (oral, written and electronic) associated with the delivery of the Service
is only provided in English.
c. Oracle will provide the Services using Oracle tools and systems including tools for
collecting, managing, updating, and presenting information.
d. The Service reports, findings and recommendations are available to You through the
Central Portal.
e. Oracle shall limit Your access to functionality contained within the ACS Gateway in order to
perform the Services.

Page 76 of 143
Oracle Modernization and Upgrade Roadmap
Service Offering Part #
Oracle Modernization and Upgrade Roadmap N/A

Description of Services
1. Oracle will conduct a modernization review and provide an upgrade roadmap for adopting new
technologies and features for the product(s) set forth in the OPE section of the Fixed Scope
Services Exhibit by performing the following Services:
a. Conduct a preliminary meeting and orientation to review the Services, and discuss Your
business and technical requirements and planned architecture destination;
b. Provide access to the Customer Portal (defined below) to access reports as part of the
c. Provide a modernization and upgrade roadmap review questionnaire (the “Questionnaire”)
to be completed by You;
d. Review and analyze Your existing infrastructure, and planned infrastructure, if one exists
(i.e., technical design specifications and OPE design architecture), and Your completed
e. Provide a report identifying upgrade options and an upgrade roadmap; and
f. Conduct a final meeting to review the report.

Oracle Advanced Support Gateway

ACS Services may be delivered utilizing a gateway. A gateway is the computing platform,
consisting of the Oracle Advanced Support Gateway software available on My Oracle Support
(“MOS”) and a physical or virtual hardware platform, which hosts Oracle’s tools, for collecting,
managing, updating and presenting information (“ACS Gateway”). Oracle’s minimum hardware
requirements for the ACS Gateway are available at
Oracle will provide the necessary software and instructions to install the ACS Gateway or You may
provide Oracle remote access to install the ACS Gateway on Your behalf. You will ensure the ACS
Gateway (i) has sufficient rack and floor space, air conditioning, electrical power, Internet
connectivity, and (ii) is correctly located within Your local-area network and wide-area network
environments(s) (as agreed to with Oracle) and attached to Your network, to physically rack, stack
and power-up. Once the ACS Gateway is installed, Oracle will deploy additional software on the
ACS Gateway which will be used to deliver Your Services. If utilized, the ACS Gateway must be
fully installed, connected and operational in order for You to receive the Services. Oracle retains
all rights, title and interest to the Oracle supplied ACS Gateway. Oracle retains the right to update
and/or replace the ACS Gateway at any time during the performance of the Services.
The Oracle Advanced Support Gateway Portal (“Customer Portal”) is a Web-based interface hosted on the
ACS Gateway behind Your firewall and is accessible by You and authorized Oracle Support engineers. It is
used by You to interact with the ACS service(s) enabled on the ACS Gateway.

Obligations and Assumptions

In addition to the obligations stated in Your order, You acknowledge that Oracle’s ability to
perform the Services depends upon Your fulfillment of the following obligations and assumptions:
1. Your Obligations
a. Promptly return the completed Questionnaire.
Page 77 of 143
b. Provide copies of Your existing infrastructure (i.e., existing outline/blueprint, if one exists,
technical design documents and OPE design architecture) for to the product(s) set forth in
the OPE section of the Fixed Scope Services Exhibit.
c. Provide copies of Your planned infrastructure, (i.e., existing outline/blueprint, if one exists,
technical design documents and OPE design architecture, if one exists).
d. Provide copies of Your existing upgrade planning information (i.e., OPE design architecture
and upgrade plan) for the product(s) set forth in the OPE section of the Fixed Scope
Services Exhibit.
2. Assumptions
a. You acknowledge and agree that Your prompt return of the completed Questionnaire is a
prerequisite to Oracle’s performance of the Services described herein. Any delays in the
prompt return of the Questionnaire shall delay the performance of the Services.
b. An Oracle Technical Account Manager (“TAM”) will be assigned to You as Your primary
contact for the Services.
c. All communication (oral, written and electronic) associated with the delivery of the Service
is only provided in English.

Page 78 of 143
Oracle Patch Review and Installation
Service Offering Part #
Oracle Patch Review and Installation B68095
Oracle Patch Review and Installation for Systems B68099
ACS Supplemental Resource for Software Days B76416
ACS Supplemental Resource for Systems Days B76417

Description of Services
1. Oracle will review and analyze Your current patching configuration for the product(s) set forth
in the OPE section of the Fixed Scope Services Exhibit by performing the following Services:
a. Conduct a preliminary meeting and orientation;
b. Install patch history and configuration data-collector tools;
c. Provide and review patching recommendations based on data-collector tool results;
d. Evaluate the recommended patches approved by You and identify the required merge
patches to be installed;
e. Assemble approved patches and merge patches into a patch bundle (“Patch Bundle”);
f. Perform one (1) of the following patching options:
i. Install the Patch Bundle on one (1) system that is substantially similar to the
production OPE;
ii. Assist You with the installation of the Patch Bundle on one (1) test system that
is substantially similar to the production OPE; or
iii. Install, at Your direction, the Patch Bundle on one (1) production OPE during a
patching window.
g. Conduct a final meeting to review the Oracle Patch Review and Installation Services.
2. Supplemental Resources
If included in Your order, Oracle will provide additional resources, either on-site or remotely, to
assist in the furtherance of the Oracle Patch Review and Installation services, up to the maximum
number of days per resource role as set forth in Your order. A “day” is defined as one (1) resource
working eight (8) hours per day. 1

In addition to the obligations stated in Your order, You acknowledge that Oracle’s ability to
perform the Services depends upon Your acknowledgment of the following assumptions:
1. In the event that You request the patching option described in subsection A.1.f.2., Oracle’s
assistance will be deemed completed upon installation of the Patch Bundle.
2. In the event that You request the patching option described in subsection A.1.f.3., You will be
responsible for all testing, all of Your software change control processes, and all rollback plans.

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Oracle Performance Review and Recommendations
Service Offering Part #
Oracle Performance Review & Recommendations B65856
Oracle Performance Review & Recommendations Connected B86728
Oracle Performance Review & Recommendations for Systems B65861
ACS Supplemental Resource for Software Days B76416
ACS Supplemental Resource for Systems Days B76417

Description of Services
1. Oracle will review the current configuration of the product(s) set forth in the OPE section of the
Fixed Scope Services Exhibit to identify issues that may impact system performance by
performing the following Services:
a. Conduct a preliminary meeting and orientation;
b. Identify data collection time period(s);
c. Install configuration and performance data-collector tools;
d. Collect data regarding configuration and performance;
e. Perform analysis of the collected data;
f. Provide a report identifying issues that may impact system performance and provide
recommendations to address such issues; and
g. Conduct a final meeting to review the report and recommendations.
2. Supplemental Resources
If included in Your order, Oracle will provide additional resources, either on-site or remotely, to
assist in the furtherance of the Oracle Performance Review and Recommendations services, up
to the maximum number of days per resource role as set forth Your order. A “day” is defined
as one (1) resource working eight (8) hours per day. 1

Page 80 of 143
Oracle Performance Tuning and Benchmarking Service
Service Offering Part #
Oracle Performance Tuning and Benchmarking Service - Local/Remote Delivery B75919
Oracle Performance Tuning and Benchmarking Service - Local Delivery B77668

Description of Services
1. On a quarterly basis, Oracle will review the performance of one (1) of Your Oracle databases to
identify issues that may impact the performance of Your Oracle database and conduct
performance tuning and benchmarking activities, as defined below, for improving the
performance of Your Oracle database (collectively, the “Service”). The Service is comprised of
the following tasks:
a. Conduct a preliminary meeting and orientation;
b. Provide the Service questionnaire (the “Questionnaire”) to be completed by You;
c. Provide access to the Customer Portal (defined below) to access to the quarterly
Assessments (defined below), reports and recommendations as part of the Service;
d. On a quarterly basis, Oracle will perform the following:
i. Collect data regarding Your Oracle database configuration and database
performance for up to seven (7) days;
ii. Analyze the collected data and Your answers to the Questionnaire (the
iii. Based upon the Assessment, Oracle will:
1) Provide a report that contains the analysis and recommendations to address
performance issues that may affect the performance of the Oracle database
(the “Assessment Report”), which will be made available to You through the
Customer Portal;
2) Identify up to fifteen (15) performance metrics (e.g., CPU utilization, space
usage, database memory structures) (collectively the “Metrics”) to be monitored
for deviations from the Threshold Values (as defined below);
3) Conduct a meeting with You to review the Assessment Report and the Metrics;
4) Identify the current level of performance of Your Oracle database on the Metrics
(the “Performance Baseline”) and identify the upper and lower boundary of the
performance baseline (the “Threshold Values”) for the Metrics;
5) Monitor the Metrics for deviations from the Threshold Values;
6) Provide a report that contains an analysis of the monitored Metrics, which will
be made available to You through the Customer Portal; and
7) Provide up to three (3) days per quarter to perform tuning tasks based upon the
recommendations from the Assessment Report, tune the Performance Baseline
and/or tune other performance issues related to the performance of Your
Oracle database.
e. Conduct a final meeting to review the Service.

Oracle Advanced Support Gateway

Page 81 of 143
ACS Services may be delivered utilizing a gateway. A gateway is the computing platform,
consisting of the Oracle Advanced Support Gateway software available on My Oracle Support
(“MOS”) and a physical or virtual hardware platform or an Oracle Public Cloud (“OPC”), which hosts
Oracle’s tools, for collecting, managing, updating and presenting information (“ACS Gateway”).
Oracle’s minimum hardware requirements for the ACS Gateway are available at
Oracle will provide the necessary software and instructions to install the ACS Gateway or You may
provide Oracle remote access to install the ACS Gateway on Your behalf. You will ensure the ACS
Gateway (i) has sufficient rack and floor space, air conditioning, electrical power, Internet
connectivity, and (ii) is correctly located within Your local-area network and wide-area network
environments(s) (as agreed to with Oracle) and attached to Your network, to physically rack, stack
and power-up. Once the ACS Gateway is installed, Oracle will deploy additional software on the
ACS Gateway which will be used to deliver Your Services. If utilized, the ACS Gateway must be
fully installed, connected and operational in order for You to receive the Services. Oracle retains
all rights, title and interest to the Oracle supplied ACS Gateway. Oracle retains the right to update
and/or replace the ACS Gateway at any time during the performance of the Services.
The Oracle Advanced Support Gateway Portal (“Customer Portal”) is a Web-based interface hosted
on the ACS Gateway behind Your firewall and is accessible by You and authorized Oracle Support
engineers. It is used by You to interact with the ACS service(s) enabled on the ACS Gateway.

Obligations and Assumptions

In addition to the obligations stated in Your order, You acknowledge that Oracle’s ability to
perform the Services depends upon Your fulfillment of the following obligations and assumptions:
1. Your Obligations
a. Complete the Questionnaire and identify the Oracle database on which the Service will be
performed within five (5) business days after the preliminary meeting.
b. Provide, on a quarterly basis, information about any planned updates to Your Oracle
database (e.g., additional users, database configuration modifications, etc.) that will affect
the identified performance metrics being monitored by Oracle.
c. Prior to the commencement of tuning Services, You and Oracle will mutually agree upon
the specific tuning activities to be performed.
2. Assumptions
a. An Oracle Technical Account Manager (“TAM”) will be assigned to You as Your primary
b. All communication (oral, written and electronic) associated with the delivery of the Service
is only provided in English.
c. The Assessments, reports and recommendations are available to You through the
Customer Portal.
d. Oracle will provide the Service using Oracle tools and systems including tools for collecting,
managing, updating, and presenting information.
e. Oracle shall limit Your access to functionality contained within the ACS Gateway in order to
perform the Services.
f. Tuning Assumptions
i. The following activities are excluded from the Service:

Page 82 of 143
1) Tuning of applications, middleware and/or third (3rd) party products; and
2) Testing of any tuning Services performed by Oracle.
ii. Oracle’s performance of tuning Services is limited to three (3) days of Service
per quarter (as measured from the ordering document effective date). Any
portion of the person days that are not used prior to the applicable quarter will
be automatically forfeited by You on such date, with no further action required
of either party, and You shall not be entitled to any refund, or any credit toward
additional or other Services, for any unused portion of the of the days of
Services. You may purchase additional tuning Services under a separate order.

Page 83 of 143
Oracle Platform Provisioning and Readiness Pack
Service Offering Part #
Oracle Platform Provisioning and Readiness Pack B82636
Oracle Platform Provisioning and Readiness Pack for Systems B82639
ACS Supplemental Resource for Software Days B76416
ACS Supplemental Resource for Systems Days B76417

Description of Services
Oracle will perform the services below to design, install and configure the Oracle Products set
forth in the OPE section of Your Fixed Scope Services Exhibit (collectively, the “Services”).
1. Core Pack Services
The Oracle Platform Provisioning and Readiness Pack or the Oracle Platform Provisioning and
Readiness Pack for Systems (whichever Pack appears on Your order) includes the following
services, which are defined at a different location within this document and can be viewed
using the corresponding links below:
a. Oracle Supportability Planning and Design
b. Oracle Standard System Installation (only one of the following shall apply to Your order)
i. Oracle Standard System Installation ("OSSI") Basic
ii. Oracle Standard System Installation ("OSSI") with Site Audit
iii. Oracle Standard System Installation ("OSSI") without Site Audit
c. Oracle Standard Software Installation and Configuration
2. Optional Services
One or more of the following services may have been added to Your order with the Oracle
Platform Provisioning and Readiness Pack or the Oracle Platform Provisioning and Readiness
Pack for Systems. If included in Your order, Oracle will provide the applicable services, which
are defined at a different location within this document and can be viewed using the
corresponding links below.
a. Oracle Advanced Support Knowledge Workshop
b. Oracle Preproduction Readiness Review
c. Oracle Go-Live Support
d. Oracle High Availability Review and Recommendations
3. Supplemental Resources
If included in Your order, Oracle will provide additional resources either on-site or remotely, to
assist in the furtherance of the Oracle Platform Provisioning and Readiness Pack, up to the
maximum number of days per resource role as set forth in Your order. A “day” is defined as
one (1) resource working eight (8) hours per day. 1
4. Oracle Pack Governance
An Oracle Technical Account Manager (“TAM”) will be assigned to You for the duration of the
term. The TAM will serve as Your primary contact for the administration of the Services and
shall provide the following governance services:
a. Conduct a preliminary meeting and orientation;
Page 84 of 143
b. Prepare and maintain a Service delivery plan;
c. Prepare and provide Service delivery plan progress reports; and
d. Conduct a final meeting to provide a Service summary and review with You the
documentation created during the delivery of Services.

Page 85 of 143
Oracle Premier Support Qualification
Service Offering Part #
Premier Support Qualification Service, Racks B62596
Premier Support Qualification Service, Servers - Group I B62536
Premier Support Qualification Service, Servers - Group II B62578
Premier Support Qualification Service, Servers - Group III B62579
Premier Support Qualification Service, Servers - Group IV B62580
Premier Support Qualification Service, Servers - Group V B62581
Premier Support Qualification Service, Servers - Group VI B62582
Premier Support Qualification Service, Storage Disk - Group I B62583
Premier Support Qualification Service, Storage Disk - Group II B62584
Premier Support Qualification Service, Storage Disk - Group III B62585
Premier Support Qualification Service, Storage Disk - Group IV B62586
Premier Support Qualification Service, Storage Tape - Group I B62587
Premier Support Qualification Service, Storage Tape - Group II B62588
Premier Support Qualification Service, Storage Tape - Group III B62589
Premier Support Qualification Service, Storage Tape - Group IV B62590
Premier Support Qualification Service, Storage Tape - Group V B62591
Premier Support Qualification Service, Storage Tape - Group VI B62592
Premier Support Qualification Service, Switches - Group I B62593
Premier Support Qualification Service, Switches - Group II B62594
Premier Support Qualification Service, Switches - Group III B62595
Premier Support Qualification Service, Switches - Group IV B62669

Description of Services
1. Oracle will perform the following Services as defined in Your order, to assess the eligibility for
Oracle Premier Support of the hardware system(s) (“OPSQ”), as identified in the OPE section of
the Fixed Scope Services Exhibit.
a. Prior to performing the review and inspection specified below, provide You with, and
review with You, Your answers to the Oracle qualification Services questionnaire;
b. Review the hardware system(s) utilizing Oracle diagnostic tool(s) to assess the
configuration and revision levels;
c. To determine eligibility for use, Oracle will inspect the hardware system(s) for:
i. Visible physical damage;
ii. Missing or altered hardware components; and
iii. Determine/identify if hardware components are purchased from and/or
manufactured by Oracle or an Oracle authorized reseller.
d. Run an Oracle diagnostic tool(s) to determine if Your Operating System software is
e. Provide an assessment report which identifies issues and required repairs to the hardware
systems(s) (“Parts Remediation Report”) that must be resolved prior to being eligible to
receive Oracle Premier Support Services for the hardware system(s) identified in the Parts

Page 86 of 143
Remediation Report. If, based on the assessment report, Oracle determines that there are
no issues and no required repairs to the hardware system(s), Oracle will issue a
qualification certificate as set forth as below;
f. The following terms shall apply to any such qualification certificate issued by Oracle, in its
sole discretion:
i. Any qualification certificate issued is valid for a period of one hundred twenty
(120) days from the date of issuance (“certification validity period”). You may
not order Oracle Premier Support Services using the qualification certificate
after the expiration of the certification validity period. Within the certification
validity period, You are eligible to order Oracle Premier Support Services, from
Oracle Support Services, under a separate ordering document. If You wish to
order Oracle Premier Support Services after the expiration of the certification
validity period, You may order OPSQ under a separate ordering document;
ii. Any qualification certificate issued will be automatically voided in the event of
damage to the hardware system(s) (including, but not limited to: failure to
maintain environmental conditions within the range specified by the
manufacturer, accident, neglect, unauthorized use, unauthorized or improper
maintenance, or misuse).
iii. Any qualification certificate establishes solely that Your hardware system(s), set
forth in the OPE section of the Fixed Scope Services Exhibit, is eligible for Oracle
Premier Support Services, and such certification is not an implied or express
warranty of any kind for the hardware system(s) set forth in the OPE section of
the Fixed Scope Services Exhibit; and
iv. Oracle reserves the right to identify, at any time, any hardware system(s) and/or
component(s) not manufactured by or for Oracle and sold by Oracle (either
directly or by an Oracle-authorized partner) (“third-party product”). In the event
a third-party product is identified by Oracle, such third-party product is subject
to the Third-Party Product section of the Oracle Hardware and Systems Support
Policies. The current version of the Oracle Hardware and Systems Support
Policies may be accessed at

Obligations and Assumptions

In addition to the obligations stated in Your order, You acknowledge that Oracle’s ability to
perform the Services depends upon Your fulfillment of the following obligations and assumptions:
1. Your Obligations
a. Respond to Oracle’s standard qualification Services questionnaire prior to the
commencement of OPSQ.
b. Upon commencement of OPSQ, You will provide documentation of a valid license for Your
Operating System software.
2. Assumptions
a. You acknowledge and agree that Your payment of fees for OPSQ is not conditioned upon
issuance of a qualification certificate.
b. The scope and fees for Services under Your order do not include any tests for firmware or
software other than those expressly stated in the description set forth in this OPSQ section.

Page 87 of 143
Any other software will remain on the hardware system(s) unless You and Oracle agree in
writing that such software will be removed.
c. Services associated with the procurement of parts, parts remediation, resolution of issues
identified in the Parts Remediation Report and/or parts installation are outside the scope
of the Services.
d. OPSQ does not include the removal of any software on the hardware systems identified in
the OPE section of the Fixed Scope Services Exhibit.
e. You may purchase required parts, parts installation and/or any associated Services for
parts remediation and under separate contract through Your Oracle Premier Support
Services representative.
f. It is expressly agreed that the terms of this Description of Services and Your order
supersede any terms included in the qualification certificate and that any terms included in
the qualification certificate shall not apply to the Services.

Completion of Services
Upon completion of OPSQ, Oracle will provide You with written notice (e.g., a completion
certificate). If You fail to provide written notice to Oracle that the Services specified in Section A.1.
(Description of Services) above are not complete, within three (3) business days after the date of
Oracle’s written notice of completion, (the “review period”), then the Services shall be deemed
completed at the end of the review period.

Fees and Expenses

You agree to pay Oracle the Fixed Fee for OPSQ as identified in the Services Ordered table of Your
order. This Fixed Fee does not include expenses, if applicable, or taxes. Notwithstanding Section
B. (Fees and Expenses) of the Fixed Scope Services Exhibit, once OPSQ is completed, or deemed
completed, in accordance with Section C. (Completion of Services), the Fixed Fee becomes due
and payable and Oracle shall thereafter invoice, and you shall pay, such Fixed Fee; this payment
obligation shall become noncancelable and the sum paid nonrefundable upon completion of
Services. Expenses will be invoiced monthly as they are incurred.

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Oracle Preproduction Readiness Review
Service Offering Part #
Oracle Preproduction Readiness Review B68096
Oracle Preproduction Readiness Review for Systems B72742
ACS Supplemental Resource for Software Days B76416
ACS Supplemental Resource for Systems Days B76417

Description of Services
1. Oracle will review Your preproduction readiness plans and provide guidance and
recommendations by performing the following Services:
a. Conduct a preliminary meeting and orientation;
b. Review Your service request (“SR”) management process and provide recommendations
on engaging Oracle Premier Support;
c. Provide recommendations for Your existing Oracle Configuration Manager Setup (“OCM”)
instance to setup automatic and/or OCM-assisted SR logging;
d. Review up to three (3) of Your internal plans to be selected from the following:
i. setup and configuration plan;
ii. migration plan;
iii. backup plan; and/or
iv. test plan.
e. Generate a final report of preproduction readiness recommendations; and
f. Conduct a final meeting to review the report.
2. Supplemental Resources
If included in Your order, Oracle will provide additional resources, either on-site or remotely, to
assist in the furtherance of the Oracle Preproduction Readiness Review services, up to the
maximum number of days per resource role as set forth in Your order. A “day” is defined as one
(1) resource working eight (8) hours per day. 1

Page 89 of 143
Oracle Production Diagnostic Review and Recommendations
Service Offering Part #
Oracle Production Diagnostic Review & Recommendations B65857
Oracle Production Diagnostic Review & Recommendations for Systems B65862
ACS Supplemental Resource for Software Days B76416
ACS Supplemental Resource for Systems Days B76417

Description of Services
1. Oracle will identify and analyze issues associated with stability, availability, configuration, and
performance of the product(s) set forth in the OPE section of the Fixed Scope Services Exhibit
by performing the following Services:
a. Conduct a preliminary meeting and orientation;
b. Collect information regarding operational symptoms;
c. Establish a diagnostic review plan;
d. Install configuration and environment data-collector tools;
e. Collect configuration and environment data including patch levels, firmware levels,
recorded errors, warnings and failures;
f. Analyze collected data to determine suspected source of the symptom (e.g.,
configuration/patching, performance, availability and/or stability);
g. Perform root-cause analysis of the source(s) of the applicable symptom(s);
h. Provide a report identifying issues associated with stability, availability, configuration, and
performance of the OPE and provide recommendations to address such issues; and
i. Conduct a final meeting to review the report and recommendations.
2. Supplemental Resources
If included in Your order, Oracle will provide additional resources, either on-site or remotely, to
assist in the furtherance of the Oracle Production Diagnostic Review and Recommendations
services, up to the maximum number of days per resource role as set forth in Your order. A
“day” is defined as one (1) resource working eight (8) hours per day. 1

Page 90 of 143
Oracle Security Design and Hardening Pack
Service Offering Part #
Oracle Security Design and Hardening Pack B80786
ACS Supplemental Resource for Software Days B76416
ACS Supplemental Resource for Systems Days B76417

Description of Services
Oracle will perform the services below to design, install and configure the Oracle Products set
forth in the OPE section of Your Fixed Scope Services Exhibit (collectively, the “Services”).
1. Core Pack Services
The Oracle Security Design and Hardening Pack includes the following services, which are
defined at a different location within this document and can be viewed using the
corresponding links below:
a. Oracle Supportability Planning and Design
b. Oracle Standard Software Installation and Configuration
2. Supplemental Resources
If included in Your order, Oracle will provide additional resources either on-site or remotely, to
assist in the furtherance of the Oracle Security Design and Hardening Pack services, up to the
maximum number of days per resource role as set forth in Your order. A “day” is defined as
one (1) resource working eight (8) hours per day. 1
3. Oracle Pack Governance
An Oracle Technical Account Manager (“TAM”) will be assigned to You for the duration of the
term. The TAM will serve as Your primary contact for the administration of the Services and
shall provide the following governance services:
a. Conduct a preliminary meeting and orientation;
b. Prepare and maintain a Service delivery plan;
c. Prepare and provide Service delivery plan progress reports; and
d. Conduct a final meeting to provide a Service summary and review with You the
documentation created during the delivery of Services.

Page 91 of 143
Oracle Security Review and Recommendations
Service Offering Part #
Oracle Security Review and Recommendations B80774
Oracle Security Review and Recommendations for Systems B80776
Oracle Security Review and Recommendations for Oracle Cloud B92966
ACS Supplemental Resource for Software Days B76416
ACS Supplemental Resource for Systems Days B76417

Description of Services
1. Oracle will review and provide recommendations for Your database security configuration
settings, operating system security configuration settings, if applicable, and database security
practices for the product(s) set forth in the OPE section of the Fixed Scope Services Exhibit by
performing the following Services:
a. Conduct a preliminary meeting and orientation to review the Services and provide a
security practices questionnaire to be completed by You;
b. Assist you with the installation of security configuration collection tools and/or scripts if
requested by You;
c. Collect data regarding security configuration settings from the tools;
d. Perform an analysis of the collected security configuration settings and questionnaire;
e. Conduct a meeting to review the analysis with You;
f. Provide a report identifying database and/or operating system security issues and provide
security recommendations; and
g. Conduct a final meeting to review the report and recommendations.
2. Supplemental Resources
If included in Your order, Oracle will provide additional resources, either on-site or remotely, to
assist in the furtherance of Oracle Security Review and Recommendations services, up to the
maximum number of days per resource role as set forth in Your order. A “day” is defined as
one (1) resource working eight (8) hours per day.1

Your Obligations
In addition to the obligations stated in Your order, You acknowledge that Oracle’s ability to
perform the Services depends upon Your fulfillment of the following additional obligations:
1. Promptly complete and return the security practices questionnaire described within this Oracle
Security Review and Recommendations Service.
2. Provide copies of existing security documents, audit files, reports and/or assessments relative
to the product(s) set forth in the OPE section of the Fixed Scope Services Exhibit.
3. Be responsible for installing security configuration collection tools and/or scripts with
guidance from Oracle.
4. Be responsible for implementing the recommendations provided as part of the Services unless
the parties agree otherwise under a separate order.

Page 92 of 143
Oracle Standard Software Installation and Configuration
Service Offering Part #
Oracle Standard Software Installation & Configuration B65858
Oracle Standard Software Installation & Configuration for Systems B65863
ACS Supplemental Resource for Software Days B76416
ACS Supplemental Resource for Systems Days B76417

Description of Services
1. Oracle will install and setup the product(s) set forth in the OPE section of the Fixed Scope
Services Exhibit by performing the following Services:
a. Conduct a preliminary meeting and orientation;
b. Review Your completed build-sheet questionnaire and provide recommendations;
c. Install and validate product installation;
d. Review and install recommended patches, and perform any applicable post-installation
setup modifications;
e. Configure system based on the updated build-sheet questionnaire;
f. Run configuration verification tests;
g. Prepare and provide an installation summary report; and
h. Conduct a final meeting to review the installation summary report and recommendations.
2. Supplemental Resources
If included in Your order, Oracle will provide additional resources, either on-site or remotely, to
assist in the furtherance of the Oracle Standard Software Installation and Configuration
services, up to the maximum number of days per resource role as set forth in Your order. A
“day” is defined as one (1) resource working eight (8) hours per day.1

Obligations and Assumptions

In addition to the obligations stated in Your order, You acknowledge that Oracle’s ability to
perform the Services depends upon Your acknowledgment of the following assumptions:
1. Your Obligations
a. Respond to the Oracle build-sheet questionnaire within a commercially reasonable amount
of time after the preliminary meeting.
2. Assumptions
a. Services exclude the physical installation of Your hardware components, including switches
and cabling; hardware installation Services are available for purchase separately.

Page 93 of 143
Oracle Standard System De-Installation
Service Offering Part #
De-Installation Service Fee, Servers - Group VI B61481
De-Installation Service, Engineered Systems - Group I B75447
De-Installation Service, Engineered Systems - Group II B75448
De-Installation Service, Engineered Systems - Group III B75449
De-Installation Service, Engineered Systems - Group IV B75450
De-Installation Service, Engineered Systems - Group V B75451
De-Installation Service, Engineered Systems - Group VI B75452
De-Installation Service, Racks B62019
De-Installation Service, Servers - Group I B61476
De-Installation Service, Servers - Group II B61477
De-Installation Service, Servers - Group III B61478
De-Installation Service, Servers - Group IV B61479
De-Installation Service, Servers - Group V B61480
De-Installation Service, Storage Disk - Group I B61482
De-Installation Service, Storage Disk - Group II B62010
De-Installation Service, Storage Disk - Group III B62011
De-Installation Service, Storage Disk - Group IV B62012
De-Installation Service, Storage Tape - Group I B62013
De-Installation Service, Storage Tape - Group II B62014
De-Installation Service, Storage Tape - Group III B62015
De-Installation Service, Storage Tape - Group IV B62016
De-Installation Service, Storage Tape - Group V B62017
De-Installation Service, Storage Tape - Group VI B62018
De-Installation Service, Switches - Group I B62020
De-Installation Service, Switches - Group II B62021
De-Installation Service, Switches - Group III B62022
De-Installation Service, Switches - Group IV B62023

Description of Services
1. Oracle will perform the following de-installation services on the hardware system(s) identified
in the OPE section of the Fixed Scope Services Exhibit (the “De-Installation Services”). The De-
Installation Services include the following:
a. Conduct a preliminary meeting;
b. Inspect Your hardware system(s), in order to note the physical condition of the hardware
system(s) and confirm the information You provided to Oracle regarding the hardware
c. Disconnect industry standard electrical/receptacle connectors power supply(ies),
disconnect cable(s), remove doors (if required);
d. At Oracle’s discretion, remove and/or secure moveable hardware components (such as
tape drives and robotic interface modules);

Page 94 of 143
e. Coordinate the disposal of any De-Installed hardware systems component(s) that is no
longer required by You; and
f. Conduct a final meeting to review the De-Installation Services.

Obligations and Assumptions

In addition to the obligations stated in Your order, You acknowledge that Oracle’s ability to
perform the Services depends upon Your fulfillment of the following obligations and assumptions:
1. Your Obligations
a. Prior to the commencement of the De-Installation Services, You will:
i. Perform any activity required by Oracle to facilitate de-installing the hardware
ii. Perform back-up or archival reproductions of all software and data contained
on all hardware system(s), and within any of Your systems or equipment that
may be affected by the Services;
iii. Inform Oracle of any storage, server, system, application, equipment or
environment modifications that may affect Oracle’s performance of the
iv. Ensure all data is erased from any hardware system(s) that will be disposed; and
v. Ensure that the systems are disconnected from Your power supply.
b. De-Install any hardware system(s) that is not identified in the OPE section of the Fixed
Scope Services Exhibit.
c. Ensure the physical environment where the Services are to be performed is appropriately
modified (e.g., disabling fire alarms and suspending use of oxygen depletion systems) so
as to allow Oracle to safely perform the Services.
d. Ensure that the hardware system(s) to be De-Installed is not connected to, or accessing,
hardware system(s) that will not be De-Installed.
2. Assumptions
a. Services will be scheduled for a mutually agreeable date and time during standard business
hours at the location where the Services are to be performed.
b. Oracle reserves the right to use third-party subcontractors to perform Services hereunder.
c. Oracle will not disconnect any electrical power supplies, or perform any other electrical
work that, in Oracle’s sole opinion, should be performed by a licensed electrician.
d. Oracle is not responsible for erasing data from any hardware systems that will be disposed.
e. The following activities are not within the scope of Services of this order:
i. De-installation of any disk, disk drives, or tape media;
ii. Removal and disposal of any packing materials;
iii. Pack and/or unpack hardware system(s);
iv. De-Installation of any hardware system(s) not identified in the OPE section of
the Fixed Scope Services Exhibit; and
v. Any Services not specifically identified within this scope of Services.

Page 95 of 143
Oracle Standard System Installation (“OSSI”) Basic
Service Offering Part #
Oracle Standard System Installation Service, Basic: Storage Disk - Group I B61473
Oracle Standard System Installation Service, Basic: Storage Tape - Group I B61977
Oracle Standard System Installation Service, Basic: Storage Tape - Group II B61980
Oracle Standard System Installation Service, Basic: Switches - Group I B61998
Oracle Standard System Installation Service, Basic: Switches - Group V (multirack
cabling) B83848
Oracle Standard System Installation Service, Basic: Switches - Group VI (multirack
planning) B83849
Oracle Standard System Installation Service, Basic: Upgrade - Group I B63937
Oracle Standard System Installation Service, Basic: Upgrade - Group II B63938
Oracle Standard System Installation Service, Basic: Upgrade - Group III B63939
Oracle Standard System Installation Service, Basic: Upgrade - Group IV B63940
Oracle Standard System Installation Service, Basic: Upgrade - Group IX B63945
Oracle Standard System Installation Service, Basic: Upgrade - Group V B63941
Oracle Standard System Installation Service, Basic: Upgrade - Group VI B63942
Oracle Standard System Installation Service, Basic: Upgrade - Group VII B63943
Oracle Standard System Installation Service, Basic: Upgrade - Group VIII B63944
Oracle Standard System Installation Service, Racks - Basic B61995
ACS Supplemental Resource for Software Days B76416
ACS Supplemental Resource for Systems Days B76417

Description of Services
1. Oracle will install and configure Your hardware system(s) identified in the OPE section of the
Fixed Scope Services Exhibit (“the Systems”), at Your location defined in the exhibit. The
Services will be performed in the following three (3) phases:
a. Installation Configuration Planning Phase
Oracle will perform the following Services:

i. Review Your time frame options and plans for installation and configuration
(collectively, “Requirements”) with You for the Systems installation and
configuration; and
ii. Confirm with You the availability of suitable engineer access, system space,
network readiness and power requirements before commencement of the
installation and configuration of the Systems.
b. Installation and Configuration Phase
Oracle will perform the following Services:
i. Review the packing list and compare it to the Systems identified in the OPE
section of the Fixed Scope Services Exhibit;
ii. Unpack Systems and gather up any discarded packaging for disposal;
iii. Conduct a physical review of the Systems for visible damage and notify You of
any damage;

Page 96 of 143
iv. Install the Systems, including internal and external components;
v. Provide Systems cable labeling;
vi. Connect industry standard electrical/receptacle connectors power supply(ies);
vii. Oracle may, at Oracle’s discretion, connect the Systems to Your servers, storage
Systems and/or network switches, subject to the following conditions:
1) All required Oracle approved cables must be provided by You prior to the time
that Oracle is prepared to power up the installed Systems;
2) All Systems requiring cable connection are located within a reasonable
proximity, as determined by Oracle, of the Systems to be connected;
3) Cables are installed where no potential safety hazards exist;
4) Cables are not installed higher than the top of Your Oracle rack unless otherwise
approved in writing by Oracle; and
5) Under-floor cables will only be installed in a raised-floor environment.
viii. Power up the Systems;
ix. Configure the Systems in accordance with Your Requirements;
x. Oracle may, at Oracle’s discretion, apply the applicable firmware updates and
operating system patches to the Systems identified in the OPE section of the
Fixed Scope Services Exhibit; and
xi. Oracle may, at Oracle’s discretion, configure Oracle Auto Service Request for
Sun Systems Manager (“OASR”) on the Systems.
c. Operational Handover Phase
Oracle will provide You with the following reference documentation (“Reference
i. The end user technical manuals, made available by Oracle, for the Systems; and
ii. User passwords to the Systems.
2. Supplemental Resources
If included in Your order, Oracle will provide additional resources, either on-site or remotely, to
assist in the furtherance of the Oracle Standard System Installation Basic services, up to the
maximum number of days per resource role as set forth in Your order. A “day” is defined as
one (1) resource working eight (8) hours per day. 1

Obligations and Assumptions

In addition to the obligations stated in Your order, You acknowledge that Oracle’s ability to
perform the Services depends upon Your fulfillment of the following obligations and assumptions:
3. Your Obligations
a. Provide Oracle with Your proposed Requirements at least one week prior to the
commencement of Services.
b. Prior to the Installation and Configuration Phase, ensure that the Systems are connected
and grounded to Your power supply, in accordance with industry standards, using industry
standard electrical/receptacle connectors power supply(ies) as required by Oracle.

Page 97 of 143
c. Ensure the physical environment where the Services are to be performed is appropriately
modified (e.g., disabling fire alarms and suspending use of oxygen depletion Systems) so
as to allow Oracle to safely perform the Services.
d. At Oracle’s request, properly install an operational OASR on the Systems.
e. At Oracle’s request, provide to Oracle Your in-house cable labeling guide for the Systems.
4. Assumptions
a. The scope of, and fees for, Services herein are for Services performed at Your location
specified in the exhibit.
b. Requests to perform Services for additional locations shall be addressed in accordance
with Oracle’s change control process.
c. Services will be scheduled for a mutually agreeable date and time at the location where the
Services are to be performed.
d. You acknowledge and agree that the performance Services is contingent upon the Systems
being undamaged and include all the relevant system components. In the event Oracle is
unable to perform the Services because the Systems are damaged or components are
missing, the parties will mutually agree to reschedule the Services.
e. Oracle will determine, in Oracle’s sole discretion, which firmware updates and/or operating
system patches will be used to address the Requirements for the Systems.
f. Various types of cables such as fiber, serial, SCSI, Ethernet, InfiniBand may be used, at
Oracle’s sole discretion, while installing the Systems.
g. Oracle will not connect any electrical power supplies, or perform any other electrical work
that, in Oracle’s sole opinion, should be performed by a licensed electrician.
h. The following activities are not within the scope of Services of this order:
i. Site planning;
ii. Environmental or electrical site planning;
iii. Install cables that must, in Oracle’s sole discretion, pass through ceilings or
iv. Perform any building construction work of any kind;
v. Technical support for the Systems;
vi. Updates or upgrades to the Systems; and
vii. Any Services not specifically identified in this scope of Services.

Page 98 of 143
Oracle Standard System Installation (“OSSI”) with Site Audit
Service Offering Part #
Oracle Standard System Installation Service, Site Audit: Engineered Systems - Group I B74193
Oracle Standard System Installation Service, Site Audit: Engineered Systems - Group II B74194
Oracle Standard System Installation Service, Site Audit: Engineered Systems - Group
III B74195
Oracle Standard System Installation Service, Site Audit: Engineered Systems - Group
IV B74196
Oracle Standard System Installation Service, Site Audit: Engineered Systems - Group V B74197
Oracle Standard System Installation Service, Site Audit: Engineered Systems - Group
VI B74198
Oracle Standard System Installation Service, Site Audit: Servers - Group II B61304
Oracle Standard System Installation Service, Site Audit: Servers - Group III B61307
Oracle Standard System Installation Service, Site Audit: Servers - Group IV B61310
Oracle Standard System Installation Service, Site Audit: Servers - Group V B61313
Oracle Standard System Installation Service, Site Audit: Servers - Group VI B61470
Oracle Standard System Installation Service, Site Audit: Storage Disk - Group IV B61974
Oracle Standard System Installation Service, Site Audit: Storage Tape - Group V B61989
Oracle Standard System Installation Service, Site Audit: Storage Tape - Group VI B61992
ACS Supplemental Resource for Software Days B76416
ACS Supplemental Resource for Systems Days B76417

Description of Services
1. Oracle will install and configure Your hardware system(s) identified in the OPE section of the
Fixed Scope Services Exhibit (“the Systems”), at Your location defined in the exhibit. The
Services will be performed in the following five (5) phases:
a. Site Survey Phase
Oracle will perform the following Services:
i. Conduct, with Your assistance, a site audit(s) to assess the conditions for
installing the system(s), including assessment of the following:
1) Suitability of access routes to the installation location, such as doors, elevators,
floor strengths and ramps;
2) Stability of the floor at Your installation location;
3) Availability of electrical power required to run and maintain the Systems;
4) Environmental conditions at Your installation location, such as temperature
control, humidity, cleanliness; and
5) Any other conditions related to the installation of the Systems that Oracle
deems necessary to assess.
ii. Create a site audit report (“Site Audit Report”), which will include
recommendations and requirements related to the installation of the Systems.
b. Installation Configuration Planning Phase
Oracle will perform the following Services:
Page 99 of 143
i. Review Your time frame options and plans for installation and configuration
(collectively, “Requirements”) with You for the Systems installation and
ii. Prepare an installation and configuration plan (“Installation and Configuration
Plan”) that will document Your final Requirements to will be addressed in the
Systems installation and configuration phase; and
iii. Confirm with You the availability of suitable engineer access, system space,
network readiness and power requirements before commencement of the
installation and configuration of the Systems.
c. Installation and Configuration Phase
Oracle will perform the following Services in accordance with the Installation and
Configuration Plan:
i. Review the packing list and compare it to the Systems identified in the OPE
section of the Fixed Scope Services Exhibit;
ii. Unpack Systems and gather up any discarded packaging for disposal;
iii. Conduct a physical review of the Systems for visible damage and notify You of
any damage;
iv. Install the Systems, including internal and external components;
v. Provide Systems cable labeling;
vi. Connect industry standard electrical/receptacle connectors power supply(ies);
vii. Oracle may, at Oracle’s discretion, connect the Systems to Your servers, storage
Systems and/or network switches, subject to the following conditions:
1) All required Oracle approved cables must be provided by You prior to the time
that Oracle is prepared to power up the installed Systems;
2) All Systems requiring cable connection are located within a reasonable
proximity, as determined by Oracle, of the Systems to be connected;
3) Cables are installed where no potential safety hazards exist;
4) Cables are not installed higher than the top of Your Oracle rack unless otherwise
approved in writing by Oracle; and
5) Under-floor cables will only be installed in a raised-floor environment.
viii. Power up the Systems;
ix. Configure the Systems in accordance with the Installation and Configuration
x. Oracle may, at Oracle’s discretion, apply the applicable firmware updates and
operating system patches to the Systems identified in the OPE section of the
Fixed Scope Services Exhibit; and
xi. Oracle may, at Oracle’s discretion, configure Oracle Auto Service Request for
Sun Systems (“OASR”) on the Systems.
d. Systems Testing Phase
Oracle will perform the following Services:

Page 100 of 143

i. Create a test procedures plan document (“Test Procedures Plan Document”)
that identifies the tests to be performed on the Systems, describes the
applicable testing procedures, and expected results;
ii. Perform the tests and record the results as identified in the Test Procedures
Plan Document; and
iii. Oracle may, at Oracle’s discretion, run Oracle Explorer Data Collector on Solaris
installed servers to capture the final system(s) configuration and/or patching
e. Operational Handover Phase
Oracle will provide You with the following reference documentation (“Reference
i. The end user technical manuals, made available by Oracle, for the Systems; and
ii. User passwords to the Systems.
2. Supplemental Resources
If included in Your order, Oracle will provide additional resources, either on-site or remotely, to
assist in the furtherance of the Oracle Standard System Installation with Site Audit services, up
to the maximum number of days per resource role as set forth in Your order. A “day” is
defined as one (1) resource working eight (8) hours per day. 1

Obligations and Assumptions

In addition to the obligations stated in Your order, You acknowledge that Oracle’s ability to
perform the Services depends upon Your fulfillment of the following obligations and assumptions:
1. Your Obligations
a. Provide Oracle with Your proposed Requirements at least one week prior to the
commencement of Services.
b. Prior to the Installation and Configuration Phase, You will:
i. Ensure that You perform any activity required by the Site Audit Report;
ii. Ensure that the Systems are connected and grounded to Your power supply, in
accordance with industry standards, using industry standard
electrical/receptacle connectors power supply(ies) as required by Oracle; and
iii. Provide Oracle with any configuration information necessary for Oracle to
prepare the Installation and Configuration Plan. This includes without
limitation, information about system naming, operating system installation,
network connectivity and configuration, boot disk layout and possible mirroring.
c. Ensure the physical environment where the Services are to be performed is appropriately
modified (e.g., disabling fire alarms and suspending use of oxygen depletion Systems) so
as to allow Oracle to safely perform the Services.
d. At Oracle’s request, properly install an operational OASR on the Systems.
e. Provide appropriate and approved inter-connection cabling necessary for Oracle to
perform the Services.
f. At Oracle’s request, provide to Oracle Your in-house cable labeling guide for the Systems.
2. Assumptions
Page 101 of 143
a. The scope of, and fees for, Services herein are for Services performed at Your location
specified in the exhibit.
b. Requests to perform Services for additional locations shall be addressed in accordance
with Oracle’s change control process.
c. Services will be scheduled for a mutually agreeable date and time at the location where the
Services are to be performed.
d. You acknowledge and agree that the performance Services is contingent upon the Systems
being undamaged and include all the relevant system components. In the event Oracle is
unable to perform the Services because the Systems are damaged or components are
missing, the parties will mutually agree to reschedule the Services.
e. Oracle will determine, in Oracle’s sole discretion, which firmware updates and/or operating
system patches will be used to address the Requirements for the Systems.
f. Various types of cables such as fiber, serial, SCSI, Ethernet, InfiniBand may be used, at
Oracle’s sole discretion, while installing the Systems.
g. Oracle will not connect any electrical power supplies, or perform any other electrical work
that, in Oracle’s sole opinion, should be performed by a licensed electrician.
h. The following activities are not within the scope of Services of this order:
i. Site planning;
ii. Environmental or electrical site planning;
iii. Install cables that must, in Oracle’s sole discretion, pass through ceilings or
iv. Perform any building construction work of any kind;
v. Technical support for the Systems;
vi. Updates or upgrades to the Systems; and
vii. Any Services not specifically identified within this scope of Services.

Page 102 of 143

Oracle Standard System Installation (“OSSI”) without Site Audit
Service Offering Part #
Oracle Standard System Installation Service, Without Site Audit: Servers - Group I B61301
Oracle Standard System Installation Service, Without Site Audit: Storage Disk - Group II B61968
Oracle Standard System Installation Service, Without Site Audit: Storage Disk - Group III B61971
Oracle Standard System Installation Service, Without Site Audit: Storage Tape - Group III B61983
Oracle Standard System Installation Service, Without Site Audit: Storage Tape - Group IV B61986
Oracle Standard System Installation Service, Without Site Audit: Switches - Group II B62001
Oracle Standard System Installation Service, Without Site Audit: Switches - Group III B62004
Oracle Standard System Installation Service, Without Site Audit: Switches - Group IV B62007
ACS Supplemental Resource for Software Days B76416
ACS Supplemental Resource for Systems Days B76417

Description of Services
1. Oracle will install and configure Your hardware system(s) identified in the OPE section of the
Fixed Scope Services Exhibit (“the Systems”), at Your location defined in the exhibit. The
Services will be performed in the following four (4) phases:
a. Installation Configuration Planning Phase
Oracle will perform the following Services:
i. Review Your time frame options and plans for installation and configuration
(collectively, “Requirements”) with You for the Systems installation and
ii. Prepare an installation and configuration plan (“Installation and Configuration
Plan”) that will document Your final Requirements to be addressed in the
Systems installation and configuration phase; and
iii. Confirm with You the availability of suitable engineer access, system space,
network readiness and power requirements before commencement of the
installation and configuration of the Systems.
b. Installation and Configuration Phase
Oracle will perform the following Services in accordance with the Installation and
Configuration Plan:
i. Review the packing list and compare it to the Systems identified in the OPE
section of the Fixed Scope Services Exhibit;
ii. Unpack Systems and gather up any discarded packaging for disposal;
iii. Conduct a physical review of the Systems for visible damage and notify You of
any damage;
iv. Install the Systems, including internal and external components;
v. Provide Systems cable labeling;
vi. Connect industry standard electrical/receptacle connectors power supply(ies);
vii. Oracle may, at Oracle’s discretion, connect the Systems to Your servers, storage
Systems and/or network switches, subject to the following conditions:

Page 103 of 143

1) All required Oracle approved cables must be provided by You prior to the time
that Oracle is prepared to power up the installed Systems;
2) All Systems requiring cable connection are located within a reasonable
proximity, as determined by Oracle, of the Systems to be connected;
3) Cables are installed where no potential safety hazards exist;
4) Cables are not installed higher than the top of Your Oracle rack unless otherwise
approved in writing by Oracle; and
5) Under-floor cables will only be installed in a raised-floor environment.
viii. Power up the Systems;
ix. Configure the Systems in accordance with the Installation and Configuration
x. Oracle may, at Oracle’s discretion, apply the applicable firmware updates and
operating system patches to the Systems identified in the OPE section of the
Fixed Scope Services Exhibit; and
xi. Oracle may, at Oracle’s discretion, configure Oracle Auto Service Request for
Sun Systems (“OASR”) on the Systems.
c. Systems Testing Phase
Oracle will perform the following Services:
i. Create a test procedures plan document (“Test Procedures Plan Document”)
that identifies the tests to be performed on the Systems, describes the
applicable testing procedures, and expected results;
ii. Perform the tests and record the results as identified in the Test Procedures
Plan Document; and
iii. Oracle may, at Oracle’s discretion, run Oracle Explorer Data Collector on Solaris
installed servers to capture the final system(s) configuration and/or patching
d. Operational Handover Phase
Oracle will provide You with the following reference documentation (“Reference
i. The end user technical manuals, made available by Oracle, for the Systems; and
ii. User passwords to the Systems.
2. Supplemental Resources
If included in Your order, Oracle will provide additional resources, either on-site or remotely, to
assist in the furtherance of the Oracle Standard System Installation without Site Audit services,
up to the maximum number of days per resource role as set forth in Your order. A “day” is
defined as one (1) resource working eight (8) hours per day. 1

Obligations and Assumptions

In addition to the obligations stated in Your order, You acknowledge that Oracle’s ability to
perform the Services depends upon Your fulfillment of the following obligations and assumptions:
1. Your Obligations

Page 104 of 143

a. Provide Oracle with Your proposed Requirements at least one week prior to the
commencement of Services.
b. Prior to the Installation and Configuration Phase, You will:
i. Ensure that the Systems are connected and grounded to Your power supply, in
accordance with industry standards, using industry standard
electrical/receptacle connectors power supply(ies) as required by Oracle; and
ii. Provide Oracle with any configuration information necessary for Oracle to
prepare the Installation and Configuration Plan. This includes without limitation,
information about system naming, operating system installation, network
connectivity and configuration, boot disk layout and possible mirroring.
c. Ensure the physical environment where the Services are to be performed is appropriately
modified (e.g., disabling fire alarms and suspending use of oxygen depletion Systems) so
as to allow Oracle to safely perform the Services.
d. At Oracle’s request, properly install an operational OASR on the Systems.
e. Provide appropriate and approved inter-connection cabling necessary for Oracle to
perform the Services.
f. At Oracle’s request, provide to Oracle Your in-house cable labeling guide for the Systems.
2. Assumptions
a. The scope of, and fees for, Services herein are for Services performed at Your location
specified in the exhibit.
b. Requests to perform Services for additional locations shall be addressed in accordance
with Oracle’s change control process.
c. Services will be scheduled for a mutually agreeable date and time at the location where the
Services are to be performed.
d. You acknowledge and agree that the performance Services is contingent upon the Systems
being undamaged and include all the relevant system components. In the event Oracle is
unable to perform the Services because the Systems are damaged or components are
missing, the parties will mutually agree to reschedule the Services.
e. Oracle will determine, in Oracle’s sole discretion, which firmware updates and/or operating
system patches will be used to address the Requirements for the Systems.
f. Various types of cables such as fiber, serial, SCSI, Ethernet, InfiniBand may be used, at
Oracle’s sole discretion, while installing the Systems.
g. Oracle will not connect any electrical power supplies, or perform any other electrical work
that, in Oracle’s sole opinion, should be performed by a licensed electrician.
h. The following activities are not within the scope of Services of this order:
i. Site planning;
ii. Environmental or electrical site planning;
iii. Install cables that must, in Oracle’s sole discretion, pass through ceilings or
iv. Perform any building construction work of any kind;
v. Technical support for the Systems;

Page 105 of 143

vi. Updates or upgrades to the Systems; and
vii. Any Services not specifically identified within this scope of Services.

Page 106 of 143

Oracle Supportability Planning and Site Survey Support
Service Offering Part #
Oracle Supportability Planning and Site Survey Support B80775
Oracle Supportability Planning and Site Survey Support for Systems B80777
Oracle Supportability Planning and Site Survey Support for Cloud Service B92251
ACS Supplemental Resource for Software Days B76416
ACS Supplemental Resource for Systems Days B76417
ACS Supplemental Resource for Oracle Cloud Days B92268

Description of Services
1. Oracle will identify, review and provide design requirements and recommendations for the
product(s) set forth in the OPE section of the Fixed Scope Services Exhibit by performing the
following Services:
a. Conduct a preliminary meeting and orientation to review the Services and provide a
configuration requirements questionnaire (“Questionnaire”) to be completed by You;
b. Install and run configuration information collection tools, if applicable;
c. Collect configuration information from the tools;
d. Review and analyze the collected configuration information and Your completed
configuration requirements questionnaire;
e. Identify design requirements;
f. Conduct a meeting to review the analysis with You and confirm the design requirements;
g. Provide design documents that sets forth the processes, procedures and
recommendations for how to install, configure and test the products set forth in the OPE
section of the Fixed Scope Services Exhibit; and
h. Conduct a final meeting to review the design document(s) and recommendations.
2. Supplemental Resources
If included in Your order, Oracle will provide additional resources, either on-site or remotely, to
assist in the furtherance of Oracle Supportability Planning and Site Survey Support services, up
to the maximum number of days per resource role as set forth in Your order. A “day” is
defined as one (1) resource working eight (8) hours per day.1

Your Obligations
In addition to the obligations stated in Your order, You acknowledge that Oracle’s ability to
perform the Services depends upon Your fulfillment of the following additional obligations:
1. Promptly complete and return the Questionnaire described within this Oracle Supportability
Planning and Site Survey Support Service.
2. Provide copies of existing architecture design documents, audit files, reports and/or
assessments relative to the product(s) set forth in the OPE section of the Fixed Scope Services

Page 107 of 143

Oracle Upgrade Assurance for Oracle Database
Service Offering Part #
Oracle Upgrade Assurance for Oracle Database N/A

Description of Services
1. Oracle will test the performance impact of one (1) Oracle database upgrade (the “Upgrade”) on
Your current Oracle production database identified in the OPE section of the Fixed Scope
Services Exhibit, using a test production database which is configured identically as Your
current Oracle production database by performing the following Services:
a. Upgrade Planning
i. Conduct a preliminary meeting and orientation to review the Services and Your
business and technical requirements associated with the Services;
ii. Provide access to the Customer Portal (defined below) for the duration of the
Services to provide access to reports and recommendations as part of the
iii. Provide an upgrade planning review questionnaire (the “Questionnaire”) to be
completed by You;
iv. Collect Oracle production database data to include server and database
configuration data and patching history for the production database identified
in the OPE;
v. Conduct a readiness planning workshop to review options for upgrading and
select the applicable upgrade approach; and
vi. Review Your completed Questionnaire.
b. Impact Analysis
Oracle will provide an analysis of potential effects of an upgrade on Your current Oracle
production database identified in the OPE section of the Fixed Scope Services Exhibit by
performing the following Services:
vii. Collect current baseline data regarding Your Oracle production database,
including database performance, Structured Query Language (“SQL”)
performance, and configuration data;
viii. Collect test database data, including server and test database configuration and
patching data;
ix. Review configuration data, patch data, including evaluation and identification of
additional critical patches and patch set updates (“PSU”);
x. Provide an upgrade planning report which identifies the steps Oracle will follow
to execute testing plans; and
xi. Conduct a meeting to review the report.
c. Upgrade Testing
Oracle will conduct an upgrade on a test Oracle production database which is configured
identically to Your current Oracle production database identified in the OPE section of the
Fixed Scope Services Exhibit by performing the following Services:

Page 108 of 143

xii. Capture SQL execution plans and statistics from Your current Oracle production
xiii. Capture workload from Your current Oracle production database;
xiv. Upgrade Your test Oracle production database to the most current, generally
available Oracle database release;
xv. Replay captured workload in the upgraded test Oracle production database;
xvi. Identify potential issues, evaluate and determine any required changes to Your
upgrade plan to address those issues;
xvii. Prepare an interim report identifying issues that may impact the upgrade and
provide upgrade recommendations; and
xviii. Conduct a meeting to review the report.
d. Upgrade Analysis Report
Oracle will provide a detailed report comparing results of pre- and post-replay Oracle
production database performance.
i. The report will include:
1) An upgrade scorecard, highlighting transaction errors (if any), data divergence,
capture/replay execution time, and performance of key business transactions;
2) Details regarding the Oracle Database performance and SQL performance; and
3) A recommendation to proceed with the Oracle production database upgrade or
perform additional testing.
ii. Conduct a final meeting to review the report.
e. Production Upgrade
If Your order includes a production upgrade, Oracle will deploy an upgrade of Your current
Oracle production database identified in the OPE by performing the following Services:
i. Upgrade Your current Oracle production database to the most current, generally
available Oracle database release;
ii. Test and tune Your current Oracle production database using test plans
provided by You;
iii. Create and provide a report of issues identified during the upgrade, if any, and
provide recommendations to address such issues; and
iv. Conduct a final meeting to review the report.

Oracle Advanced Support Gateway

ACS Services may be delivered utilizing a gateway. A gateway is the computing platform,
consisting of the Oracle Advanced Support Gateway software available on My Oracle Support
(“MOS”) and a physical or virtual hardware platform, which hosts Oracle’s tools or an Oracle Public
Cloud (“OPC”), for collecting, managing, updating and presenting information (“ACS Gateway”).
Oracle’s minimum hardware requirements for the ACS Gateway are available at
Oracle will provide the necessary software and instructions to install the ACS Gateway or You may
provide Oracle remote access to install the ACS Gateway on Your behalf. You will ensure the ACS
Gateway (i) has sufficient rack and floor space, air conditioning, electrical power, Internet
Page 109 of 143
connectivity, and (ii) is correctly located within Your local-area network and wide-area network
environments(s) (as agreed to with Oracle) and attached to Your network, to physically rack, stack
and power-up. Once the ACS Gateway is installed, Oracle will deploy additional software on the
ACS Gateway which will be used to deliver Your Services. If utilized, the ACS Gateway must be
fully installed, connected and operational in order for You to receive the Services. Oracle retains
all rights, title and interest to the Oracle supplied ACS Gateway. Oracle retains the right to update
and/or replace the ACS Gateway at any time during the performance of the Services.
The Oracle Advanced Support Gateway Portal (“Customer Portal”) is a Web-based interface hosted
on the ACS Gateway, behind Your firewall and is accessible by You and authorized Oracle Support
engineers. It is used by You to interact with the ACS service(s) enabled on the ACS Gateway.

Obligations and Assumptions

In addition to the obligations stated in Your order, You acknowledge that Oracle’s ability to
perform the Services depends upon Your fulfillment of the following obligations and assumptions:
1. Your Obligations
a. Upgrade Planning
i. Promptly return the completed Questionnaire;
ii. Assist in collecting Oracle production database data to include: server and
database configuration data, and patching history;
iii. Provide an outline of Your existing infrastructure; and/or provide access to Your
current Oracle production database for Oracle Configuration Manager (“OCM”)
to collect data; and
iv. Provide copies of Your current Oracle production database information (i.e.,
configuration, and patching technical design documents, and upgrade plan, if
b. Impact Analysis
i. Provide access to a test Oracle database that is configured identically to Your
current Oracle production database; and
ii. Provide access and logistics to Your production Oracle database as required.
c. Upgrade Testing
i. Provide access and logistics to Your current Oracle production database as
ii. Provide access to a test Oracle database that is configured identically to Your
current Oracle production database;
iii. Backup the pre-upgrade Oracle production database;
iv. Resolve all issues identified during testing; and
v. Backup the upgraded test Oracle production database.
2. Assumptions
a. You acknowledge and agree that Your prompt return of the completed Questionnaire is a
prerequisite to Oracle’s performance of the Services described herein. Any delays in the
prompt return of the Questionnaire shall delay the performance of the Services.

Page 110 of 143

b. An Oracle Technical Account Manager (“TAM”) will be assigned to You, as Your primary
contact for the Services, throughout the duration of the Services.
c. All communication (verbal, written and electronic) associated with the delivery of the
Services is in English only.
d. The Services set for above are only available for Oracle Database versions,, and and above.
e. Oracle will provide the Services using Oracle tools and systems including tools for
collecting, managing, updating, and presenting information.
f. Oracle shall limit Your access to functionality contained within the ACS Gateway in order to
perform the Services.
g. Out of Scope
The following activities are not within the scope of Services of this order:
i. Review and analysis of any third party products included as part of Your
ii. Operating system configuration;
iii. Gap analysis and/or analysis of new and changed features made available
because of the upgrade;
iv. Installation and/or implementation of new features made available because of
the upgrade; and
v. Review and analysis of change(s), enhancement(s), modification(s),
localization(s), and integration(s) (“CEMLI”).

Page 111 of 143

Oracle Database Upgrade Service
Service Offering Part #
Oracle Database Upgrade Service N/A

Description of Services
Oracle will upgrade Your existing Oracle Database environment set forth in the OPE section of the
Fixed Scope Services Exhibit to the most current, generally available Oracle Database by
performing the following (the “DB Upgrade Services”):
1. Upgrade Planning
a. Conduct a preliminary meeting and orientation to review the DB Upgrade Services and
Your business and technical requirements;
b. Provide an upgrade planning review questionnaire (the “Questionnaire”) to be completed
by You;
c. Collect Oracle Database environment data to include server and database configuration
data and patching history;
d. Conduct a readiness planning workshop to review options for upgrading and select the
upgrade approach;
e. Review and analyze Your upgrade planning information (i.e., configuration, and patching
technical design specifications and upgrade plan, if available), and Your completed
f. Provide an upgrade planning report which identifies upgrade test plans (i.e., functional,
performance, unit) and issues, details the various upgrade options, and provides upgrade
and downgrade recommendations; and
g. Conduct a meeting to review the report.
2. Impact Analysis
Oracle will provide a review and analysis of potential effects of an upgrade on Your existing
Oracle Database environment set forth in the OPE section of the Fixed Scope Services Exhibit
by performing the following:
a. Collect current data regarding Your production environment, including database
performance and configuration data;
b. Collect target environment data, including server and target database configuration and
patching data;
c. Review configuration data, patch data, including evaluation and identification of additional
critical patches and critical patch updates (“CPU”);
d. Identify potential issues, evaluate and determine any required changes to Your upgrade
plan to address those issues;
e. Prepare a report identifying issues that may impact the upgrade and provide upgrade
recommendations; and
f. Conduct a meeting to review the report.
3. Test Upgrade Deployment

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Oracle will conduct an upgrade in a test Oracle Database environment which mirrors Your
existing Oracle Database environment set forth in the OPE section of the Fixed Scope Services
Exhibit by performing the following:
a. Capture Structured Query Language (“SQL”) execution plans and statistics from Your
current production database;
b. Upgrade Your test Oracle Database to the most current, generally available Oracle
Database release;
c. Assist You to conduct post upgrade testing utilizing Your test Oracle Database instance
and plans;
d. Conduct performance tuning on Your test Oracle Database instance;
e. Provide a report of issues identified during the upgrade, if any, and provide
recommendations to address such issues; and
f. Conduct a meeting to review the report.
4. Production Upgrade Deployment
Oracle will deploy an upgrade of Your existing Oracle Database environment set forth in the
OPE section of the Fixed Scope Services Exhibit by performing the following:
a. Upgrade Your existing production Oracle Database to the most current, generally available
Oracle Database release;
b. Test and tune Your existing production Oracle Database using test plans provided by You;
c. Provide a report of issues identified during the upgrade, if any, and provide
recommendations to address such issues; and
d. Conduct a final meeting to review the report.
5. Go-Live Assistance
a. Provide the following in support of Your Go-Live (“Go-Live Assistance”):
i. One (1) week prior to Go-Live, establish a Go-Live Assistance plan.
ii. Provide up to three (3) continuous eight (8) hour days of assistance consisting
of two (2) days prior to Go-Live and one (1) day post Go-Live.
iii. Document progress and status during Go-Live Assistance.
iv. Conduct a final meeting to review the final status of Go-Live.

Oracle Advanced Support Gateway

ACS Services may be delivered utilizing a gateway. A gateway is the computing platform,
consisting of the Oracle Advanced Support Gateway software available on My Oracle Support
(“MOS”) and a physical or virtual hardware platform or an Oracle Public Cloud (“OPC”) instance,
which hosts Oracle’s tools, for collecting, managing, updating and presenting information (“ACS
Gateway”). Oracle’s minimum hardware requirements for the ACS Gateway are available at
Oracle will provide the necessary software and instructions to install the ACS Gateway or You may
provide Oracle remote access to install the ACS Gateway on Your behalf. You will ensure the ACS
Gateway (i) has sufficient rack and floor space, air conditioning, electrical power, Internet
connectivity, and (ii) is correctly located within Your local-area network and wide-area network
environments(s) (as agreed to with Oracle) and attached to Your network, to physically rack, stack
and power-up. Once the ACS Gateway is installed, Oracle will deploy additional software on the
Page 113 of 143
ACS Gateway which will be used to deliver Your Services. If utilized, the ACS Gateway must be
fully installed, connected and operational in order for You to receive the Services. Oracle retains
all rights, title and interest to the Oracle supplied ACS Gateway. Oracle retains the right to update
and/or replace the ACS Gateway at any time during the performance of the Services.

Obligations and Assumptions

In addition to the obligations stated in Your order, You acknowledge that Oracle’s ability to
perform the Services depends upon Your fulfillment of the following obligations and assumptions:
1. Your Obligations
a. Upgrade Planning
i. Promptly return the completed Questionnaire.
ii. Assist in collecting Oracle Database environment data, including server and
database configuration data, and patching history.
iii. Provide an outline of Your existing infrastructure; and/or provide access to Your
current production Oracle Database environment for Oracle Configuration
Manager to collect data.
iv. Provide existing internal test plans (i.e., functional, performance, unit).
v. Provide copies of Your existing upgrade planning information (i.e.,
configuration, and patching technical design documents, and upgrade plan, if
b. Impact Analysis
i. Provide access to a test Oracle Database environment that is configured
identically to Your current production Oracle Database environment.
ii. Provide access and logistics to Your production Oracle Database system(s) as
c. Test Upgrade Deployment
i. Provide access and logistics to production Oracle Database system(s) as
ii. Provide access to a test environment that is configured identically to Your
current production Oracle Database environment.
iii. Build a test Oracle Database by copying Your current production Oracle
iv. Backup the pre-upgrade test Oracle Database.
v. Provide existing internal technical and functional test plans.
vi. Test the new Oracle Database release according to Your test plans
vii. Backup the upgraded test Oracle Database.
d. Production Upgrade Deployment
i. Backup Your production Oracle Database before and after the upgrade;
ii. Provide existing internal technical and functional test plans.
iii. Assist Oracle to conduct post upgrade testing utilizing Your test plans.
iv. Prepare and release the production Oracle Database to Your users.
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e. Go-Live Assistance
i. Work with Oracle to create the Go-Live Assistance plan.
ii. Participate in a final meeting to review the final status of Go-Live.
2. Assumptions
a. You acknowledge and agree that Your prompt return of the completed Questionnaire is a
prerequisite to Oracle’s performance of the Services described herein. Any delays in the
prompt return of the Questionnaire shall delay the performance of the Services.
b. An Oracle Technical Account Manager (“TAM”) will be assigned to You as Your primary
contact for the Services.
c. All communication (oral, written and electronic) associated with the delivery of the Service
is only provided in English.
d. The DB Upgrade Services are available for Oracle Database source versions that support a
direct path upgrade to the current generally available Oracle Database release. For Oracle
19c (current long-term support release), the following Oracle Database source versions
support a direct patch upgrade to Oracle Database 19c:
i. Oracle Database
ii. Oracle Database
iii. Oracle Database
iv. Oracle Database 18.1
e. Oracle will provide the DB Upgrade Services using Oracle tools and systems including tools
for collecting, managing, updating, and presenting information.
f. Oracle shall limit Your access to functionality contained within the ACS Gateway in order to
perform the DB Upgrade Services.
g. Out of Scope
The following activities are not within the scope of DB Upgrade Services of this order:
i. Review and analysis of any third party products included as part of Your
ii. Operating System configuration.
iii. Gap analysis and/or analysis of new and changed features made available
because of the upgrade.
iv. Installation and/or Implementation of new features made available because of
this upgrade.
v. Review and analysis of change(s), enhancement(s), modification(s),
localization(s), and integration(s) (“CEMLI”).
vi. Any services not specifically identified within this scope of DB Upgrade Services.

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Oracle Workload Planning and Design
Service Offering Part #
Oracle Workload Planning and Design - Local/Remote B87960
Oracle Workload Planning and Design - Local Delivery B87961
Oracle Workload Planning and Design - Remote Delivery B87962

Description of Services
1. Oracle will provide recommendations for transitioning Your current on-premises
environment(s), which is simple, moderate or complex as described below, and as identified in
Your order, (“Source Environment”) to Your Oracle on-premises, hybrid, and/or an Oracle
Cloud environment (“Destination Environment”).
a. Source Environment - Simple
i. Up to six (6) Oracle databases, up to maximum ten (10) terabytes (“TB”) each; or
ii. Up to four (4) Oracle databases, up to maximum ten (10) TB each and one (1)
packaged application (such as E-Business, Java Application, PeopleSoft, etc.,
hereinafter referred to as “Oracle Packaged Applications”); or
iii. One (1) Oracle database, up to maximum twenty five (25) TB each and up to
two (2) Packaged Applications; or
iv. Up to twenty five (25) Virtual Machine (“VM”) images.
b. Source Environment - Moderate
i. Up to ten (10) Oracle databases, up to maximum ten (10) TB each; or
ii. Up to four (4) Oracle databases, up to maximum ten (10) TB each and three (3)
Packaged Applications or;
iii. Up to six (6) Oracle databases, up to maximum twenty five (25) TB each and up
to two (2) Packaged Applications; or
iv. Up to one hundred (100) VM images; or
c. Source Environment - Complex
i. Up to fourteen (14) Oracle databases, up to maximum ten (10) TB each; or
ii. Up to six (6) Oracle databases, up to maximum ten (10) TB each and four (4)
Packaged Applications; or
iii. Up to nine (9) Oracle databases, up to maximum twenty five (25) TB each and
up to two (2) Packaged Applications; or
iv. Up to two hundred fifty (250) VM images.
2. Planning for Transition from Source Environment to Destination Environment
As part of the Oracle Workload Planning and Design, Oracle will perform the following to assist
in the planning for transition of Your Source Environment(s) to Your Destination
a. General
i. Conduct a preliminary meeting and orientation to review the Services.
b. Analysis of Source Environment

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ii. Provide a questionnaire to identify Your existing infrastructure assets (i.e.,
architecture, configuration. and features requirements), service level(s) and
critical business objectives, and areas of focus for Your Source to Destination
strategy (“Questionnaire”) to be completed by You;
iii. Install and run configuration information collection tools, if applicable;
iv. Collect configuration information from the tools;
v. Review and analyze the collected configuration information and Your
completed Questionnaire; and
vi. Conduct a meeting to review above.
c. Review of options and feasibility.
i. Provide an evaluation of migration feasibility for Your Source Environment(s),
which may include a review of Your existing certifications, product features,
service levels document(s);
ii. Recommend a migration approach; and
iii. Identify the recommended Destination Environment(s).
d. Create deployment specification plan.
i. Provide a detailed plan which sets forth a deployment roadmap, recommended
migration approach(es), processes, procedures and recommendations for
transitioning to the recommended Destination Environment(s); and
ii. Conduct a final meeting to review the document(s) and Destination
Environment(s) recommendations.

Oracle Advanced Support Gateway

ACS Services may be delivered utilizing a gateway. A gateway is the computing platform,
consisting of the Oracle Advanced Support Gateway software available on My Oracle Support
(“MOS”) and a physical or virtual hardware platform or an Oracle Public Cloud (“OPC”) instance,
which hosts Oracle’s tools, for collecting, managing, updating and presenting information (“ACS
Gateway”). The ACS Gateway includes access to the Oracle Advanced Support Portal (the
“Portal”). Oracle’s minimum hardware requirements for the ACS Gateway are available at
Oracle will provide the necessary software and instructions to install the ACS Gateway or You may
provide Oracle remote access to install the ACS Gateway on Your behalf. You will ensure the ACS
Gateway (i) has sufficient rack and floor space, air conditioning, electrical power, Internet
connectivity, and (ii) is correctly located within Your local-area network and wide-area network
environments(s) (as agreed to with Oracle) and attached to Your network, to physically rack, stack
and power-up. Once the ACS Gateway is installed, Oracle will deploy additional software on the
ACS Gateway which will be used to deliver Your Services. If utilized, the ACS Gateway must be
fully installed, connected and operational in order for You to receive the Services. Oracle retains
all rights, title and interest to the Oracle supplied ACS Gateway. Oracle retains the right to update
and/or replace the ACS Gateway at any time during the performance of the Services.

Obligations and Assumptions

In addition to the obligations stated in Your order and the associated obligations and assumptions
associated with the Services Description identified in Section A. above, You acknowledge that
Oracle’s ability to perform the Services depends upon Your fulfillment of the general obligations
defined in the ordering document and the following specific obligations below.
Page 117 of 143
1. Your Obligations
a. Promptly return the completed Questionnaire.
b. Provide copies of existing architecture design documents, audit files, reports and/or
assessments relative to Your current Source Environment(s) as well as document and
provide Your critical business requirements, service level requirements, and current
2. Assumptions
a. An Oracle Technical Account Manager (“TAM”) will be assigned to You, as Your primary
contact for the Services, throughout the duration of the Services.
b. All communication (verbal, written and electronic) associated with the delivery of the
Services is in English only.
c. Oracle will limit the Services to the databases, data and, where applicable, applications as
identified by You.
d. Oracle will not provide recommendations for any third party software in Your on-premise
e. Oracle shall limit Your access to functionality contained within the ACS Gateway in order to
perform the Services.
f. Out of Scope
For the avoidance of doubt, the following Services are outside the scope of this Service
i. Installation of Your Source Environment(s);
ii. Migration of Your Source Environment(s) to the recommended Destination
Environment(s); and
iii. Implementation of Oracle Programs into Your Source Environment or into the
recommended Destination Environment.

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Oracle Workshop(s) for Third Party Applications
Service Offering Part #
Individualized ACS Package B41052
ACS - SAP R/3 ABAP Tuning With Oracle Database Platform L71336
ACS - Oracle 10g for SAP R/3 Environments L71337
ACS - Oracle Advanced Performance Tuning for SAP R/3 (Level II) L71338
ACS - Oracle Real Application Clusters for SAP R3 L71339
ACS - Fundamentals of Oracle for SAP® R/3 (Level I) L71340
ACS - Oracle Expert for SAP R/3 (Level III) L71341
ACS - Oracle Database Administration for SAP BW (Business Warehouse) L71342

Description of Services
1. Oracle will provide You with the following Oracle Workshop(s) for third party applications
(“Workshop(s)”) in the quantities identified in Your order (up to a maximum of twelve (12)
attendees for any single Workshop):

Course Duration
Oracle Workshops for Third Party Applications (Business Days)
Fundamental Technical Skills Workshop for Third Party Enterprise 5 days
Resource Planning (“ERP”) Applications (Level I)
Database 11g Technical Skills Workshop for Third Party Business 4 days
Suite Applications
Advanced Tuning Technical Skills Workshop for Third Party 5 days
Enterprise Resource Planning (“ERP”) Applications (Level II)
Database Administration Technical Skills Workshop for Third Party 4 days
Business Intelligence (“BI”) Applications
Expert Technical Skills Workshop for Third Party Enterprise 3 days
Resource Planning (“ERP”) Applications (Level III)
Real Application Clusters (“RAC”) Technical Skills Workshop for 5 days
Third Party Enterprise Resource Planning(“ERP”) Applications
Tuning Technical Skills Workshop for Third Party Application 2 days
Programming (“ABAP”)
a. As part of the Workshop(s), Oracle will perform the following Services:
b. Conduct a preliminary planning session to determine logistical arrangements as follows:
i. Review any pre-requisite training or any minimum skill requirements for
ii. Review the standard syllabus for each Workshop and discuss any requests, by
You, to modify the Workshop content (subject to Oracle’s change control
process); and
iii. Determine the location, audience (i.e., database administrators, developers, IT
operations staff, etc.) and dates for each Workshop.
c. Modify the content and revise the syllabus to reflect mutually agreed upon modifications;
d. Provide one (1) copy of the Workshop(s) materials and syllabus prior to the
commencement of Services; and

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e. Conduct a final meeting to discuss feedback from the Workshop.

Obligations and Assumptions

In addition to the obligations stated in Your order, You acknowledge that Oracle’s ability to
perform the Services depends upon Your fulfillment of the following obligations and assumptions:
1. Your Obligations
a. Setup and provide access to test accounts on Your application test instance for specific
training exercises during the Workshop, as required.
2. Assumptions
a. Additional fees may be incurred for proposed modification to any Workshop content. Such
additional fee shall be addressed pursuant to Oracle’s change control process.
b. Additional training courses needed for attendees to the meet the minimum requirements
are deemed outside the scope of the Oracle Workshop(s) for third party applications.
c. A “business day” is defined as an eight (8) hour period of Service delivery by one (1) Oracle
resource provided during normal business hours (in the time zone in which Services are
delivered), Monday through Friday.
d. The Workshops generally cover one or more of the following topic areas:
i. General use of Oracle database with a third party application environment;
ii. Optimizing performance for the Oracle database with a third party application
iii. Use of the Oracle database with specific third application products and
iv. Use of database options, including Real Application Clusters (“RAC”) with a third
party application environment; and
v. Oracle database recommended practices for writing third party programming
procedural code.

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Advanced Customer Services (“ACS”) Time and Materials
Service Descriptions

The ACS Time and Materials Services You have ordered will be identified in Your order and related
Time and Materials Exhibit.

Technical Account Manager I

Service Offering Part #
Technical Account Manager I
Oracle Technical Account Manager I for Service Delivery Management

Description of Services
1. Oracle will assist You with coordination, oversight, communication, planning, and project
management for all Advanced Customer Services (“ACS”) identified in Your order. Specific
Services may include assistance with one or more of the following activities:
a. Project management for the ACS time and materials Services that are defined in Your
b. Prepare and document a Service delivery plan.
c. Conduct quarterly Service delivery plan reviews.
d. Service request (“SR”) management, prioritization and escalation.
e. Assist with constructing a reproducible test case required by Oracle Support Services to
address an SR and help determine a workaround for the issue.
f. Assist with reviewing all applicable Oracle Support Services activity, including SR activity in
connection with individual SRs logged by You. The review may consist of status reports,
next steps, if any, and review of Your SR priorities.
g. Establish or optimize Your incident management and support processes.
h. Develop a reference guide containing the parties’ key contacts and the applicable
environment configurations.
i. Provide access to and manage Your customer-specific web portal and portal content.

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Technical Account Manager II
Service Offering Part #
Technical Account Manager II
Oracle Technical Account Manager II for Expert Lifecycle Advisory

Description of Services
1. Advice and Guidance for Enterprise Solutions
Oracle will provide assistance to You regarding Your combined use of Your Oracle products
and Services (“the Enterprise Solution”). Specific Services may include assistance with one or
more of the following activities:
a. Enterprise Solution deployment guidance.
b. Business and operational strategy guidance.
c. Project and program governance.
d. User adoption planning strategy.
e. Assist with conducting user adoption surveys.
f. Guidance for operational and supportability requirements.
g. Full lifecycle planning and optimization guidance for the Enterprise Solution.
h. Coordinate with Your information technology (“IT”) staff regarding operational practices.
2. Deployment Assistance for Enterprise Solutions
Oracle will provide assistance during the deployment of Your Enterprise Solution(s). Specific
Services may include assistance with one or more of the following activities:
a. Provide advice and guidance regarding the deployment of industry standards for
technology, functionality, and supportability.
b. Provide Enterprise Solution configuration guidance.
c. Identify deployment issues, risks and track recommendations.
d. Coordinate with Your systems integrator(s) where applicable.
e. Roll-out Enterprise Solution adoption guidance.
3. Governance Assistance
Oracle will assist with governance of Your Enterprise Solution lifecycle and ongoing strategic
planning for your Enterprise Solution. Specific Services may include assistance with one or
more of the following activities:
a. Arrange and host private sessions with Oracle leaders and strategists.
b. Participate in Your program management office (“PMO”) and steering committees.
c. Service management and program oversight of all of Your Advanced Customer Services
d. Enterprise Solution strategic planning.
e. Enterprise Solution Implementation planning.

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Advanced Support Engineer
Service Offering Part #
Advanced Support Engineer
Oracle Advanced Support Engineer for Expert Assistance

Description of Services
1. Advanced Technical Guidance and Readiness
Oracle will assist You in performing activities associated with the installation, setup,
configuration, and readiness of Your Oracle Programs and/or Oracle Products whether
deployed in Your IaaS (infrastructure as a service) and/or PaaS (platform as a service) Oracle
Cloud environment, on Your premises, or at a third party location. Specific Services may
include assistance with one or more of the following activities:
a. Installation and configuration.
b. Patch and update installation.
c. Technology and software lifecycle guidance.
d. Product functionality guidance.
e. Research setup issues and provide recommendations.
f. Oracle product clustering and Real Application Clusters (“RAC”) advice and guidance.
g. Database and system partitioning.
h. Configuration documentation and run books.
2. Advanced Operational and Optimization Assistance
Oracle will assist You with performing production assistance Services and operational
optimization for Your Oracle Programs and/or Oracle Products whether deployed in Your IaaS
(infrastructure as a service) and/or PaaS (platform as a service) Oracle Cloud environment, on
Your premises, or at a third party location. Specific Services may include assistance with one
or more of the following activities:
a. Administration of Oracle Database and/or Oracle Database Cloud Service.
b. Administration of Oracle operating systems and/or Oracle Cloud Systems.
c. Administration of Oracle Fusion Middleware and/or Java.
d. Administration of Oracle Applications Unlimited environments.
e. Application database administration for Your Oracle Products.
f. Database and storage performance optimization.
g. Backup and restore operations.
h. Recommendations for operational practices.
i. Applications server and middleware performance and load balancing.
j. Operational troubleshooting and root cause analysis.
k. Change management and patching processes.
l. Advice and guidance with modernization and critical change events.
m. Technical assistance for Your helpdesk.
Page 123 of 143
n. Operational workarounds.
o. Oracle database, Java and system scripting.
p. Disaster recovery for database, storage and systems.
q. Technical advice and guidance for system outages related to Oracle Products.

3. Advanced Support Process Assistance

Oracle will assist You with managing Service requests (“SR”), expediting SR processing, and
implementing methodologies related to Your internal problem-management processes.
Specific Services may include assistance with one or more of the following activities:
a. Construct and document a support plan.
b. Conduct SR analysis and assist with addressing SR issues.
c. Construct a reproducible test case required by Oracle Support Services to address an SR
and help determine a workaround for the issue.
d. Assist with SR prioritization and issue management.
4. Advanced Migration Assistance
Oracle will assist You with the migration of Your workloads, databases, and systems, including
storage, from legacy systems environment(s) (“Source Environment”) to Your new Oracle
environment(s) (“Destination Environment”) whether deployed in Your IaaS (infrastructure as a
service) and/or PaaS (platform as a service) Oracle Cloud environment, on Your premises, or at
a third party location. Specific Services may include assistance with one or more of the
following activities:
a. Conduct a discovery workshop(s) to review Your legacy system configurations, identify
Your Oracle applications and third party applications for migration; and storage data
transfer requirements and objectives.
b. Provide a report summarizing the findings of the discovery workshop(s).
c. Prepare a project plan based upon findings of the discovery workshop(s).
d. Provide guidance on Solaris virtualization, mapping and consolidation.
e. Provide data transfer technical advice and tool and methodology recommendations.
f. Provide systems migration test plan assistance.
g. Provide data transfer test plan assistance.
h. Assist with the migration of Your Source Environment(s) to Your new Destination
i. Assist with the transfer of data from Your legacy storage device(s) to the new Oracle
storage device(s).
j. Assist with systems migration testing and validation.
k. Assist with data transfer testing and validation.

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Sr. Advanced Support Engineer
Service Offering Part #
Sr. Advanced Support Engineer
Oracle Sr. Advanced Support Engineer for Specialized Expert Assistance

Description of Services
1. Specialized Technical Guidance and Readiness
Oracle will assist You with performing specialized activities associated with the installation,
setup, configuration, and readiness of Your Oracle Programs and/or Oracle Products whether
deployed in Your IaaS (infrastructure as a service) and/or PaaS (platform as a service) Oracle
Cloud environment, on Your premises, or at a third party location. Specific Services may
include assistance with one or more of the following activities:
a. Advice for Your IaaS (infrastructure as a service) and/or PaaS (platform as a service) Oracle
Cloud environment, Oracle Database and systems architecture and design.
b. Multi-vendor technical advice and guidance.
c. Maximum availability and replication design and configuration guidance.
d. Proof of concept (“POC”) projects for Oracle Engineered Systems.
e. POC projects for applications utilizing Oracle Fusion Middleware and/or Java.
f. POC projects for migrating Oracle Applications Unlimited.
g. Oracle Business Intelligence technology configuration and optimization.
h. Oracle Data Warehouse and Online Analytical Processing (“OLAP”) configuration and
i. Business integration and Service Orientated Architecture (“SOA”) configuration guidance.
j. Applications configuration(s), extension(s), modification(s), localization(s), and
integration(s) (“CEMLI”) implementation guidance.
k. Applications and systems partitioning advice and guidance.
2. Specialized Operational and Optimization Assistance
Oracle will assist You with performing specialized production tasks and enabling operational
optimization for Your complex Oracle environments. Specific Services may include assistance
with one or more of the following activities:
a. Global deployment and technical guidance.
b. Database and systems capacity analysis and resizing.
c. Oracle applications capacity analysis and resizing.
d. Oracle Cloud virtualization and operational guidance.
e. Identity management, security and administration guidance.
f. Oracle applications performance optimization.
g. Load testing for Oracle applications and database
h. Applications capacity planning and guidance for modernizing database and applications
utilizing Oracle Cloud Services.

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3. Specialized Assistance for Third Party Applications Running on Oracle Database
Oracle will assist You with the supportability and operational integration of Your Oracle
database deployed with Your third party applications. Specific Services may include assistance
with one or more of the following activities:
a. Conduct workshops for optimizing Your use of the Oracle database deployed with Your
third party applications.
b. Technical advice and guidance for the Oracle database deployed with Your third party
c. Performance optimization for the Oracle database deployed with Your third party
d. Backup and restore planning for the Oracle database deployed with Your third party
e. Migration advice and guidance for the Oracle database deployed with Your third party
4. Specialized Operational Architecture Assistance for Applications
Oracle will assist You with understanding application configurations and design standards,
interpretation of the standards, and validation of Your designed architecture against the
standards for cloud, hybrid, and on premise deployments. Specific activities may include one
or more of the following:
a. Review architecture design documents with You.
b. Work with You to define any further details for architecture components as required prior
to implementation.
c. Respond to Your questions related to application architecture standards on Oracle Cloud
Infrastructure (OCI).
d. Assist You with sizing and capacity analysis and decisions related to Your selection of
architecture components.
e. Respond to security related questions from Your risk management team.
f. Act as the technical authority and escalation point for OCI technical issues and decisions,
including deep dives into technical areas to address specific architecture design challenges.
g. Act as subject matter expert (SME) for application and Technology Stack architecture
standards on OCI.
h. Identify potential and emerging technologies to support innovation.
i. Recommend new services to complement and enhance OCI designed to streamline and
support application development and deployment.
j. Assist You with planning updates for Your application environments, including defining
the deployment of OCI architecture, identifying associated phases of work, helping You
understand the technical and cost impact resulting from any changes, and identifying any
associated contract changes.
k. Create artefacts and documentation to explain architecture design concepts and solutions
to all levels of management and stakeholders.
l. Review and advise You on the OCI aspects of application architecture, integration
architecture, and related security.
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Datacenter Engineer
Service Offering Part #
Datacenter Engineer N/A

Description of Services
1. Datacenter Operations
Oracle will assist You in performing datacenter operational Services associated with the
administration and management of Your Oracle systems. Specific Services may include
assistance with one or more of the following activities:
a. Routine system administration and operations.
b. Routine storage administration.
c. Routine virtual machine and private cloud administration.
d. Routine administration for infrastructure as a service (IaaS).
e. Schedule and run batch jobs.
f. Initiate problem management process for datacenter issues.
g. Track remediation status for open datacenter and systems issues.
h. Preventative system diagnostics.
i. Monitor system alerts and datacenter alerts.
j. Conduct datacenter walk-through and inspection.
k. Create operational and runbook documentation.

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Sr. Datacenter Engineer
Service Offering Part #
Sr. Datacenter Engineer N/A

Description of Services
1. Hardware Technical Services
Oracle will assist with hardware and systems technical Services associated with the installation,
repair, upgrade, and de-installation of Your Oracle servers, storage, and networking products.
Specific Services may include assistance with one or more of the following activities:
a. Install and/or de-install server hardware.
b. Install and/or de-install disk or tape storage hardware.
c. Install and/or de-install network, communication, cabling and miscellaneous components.
d. Install and/or de-install memory, CPUs boards, and other systems cards.
e. Upgrade server, storage, and network components.
f. Repair server, storage, and network components.
g. Hardware remediation Services.
h. Hardware diagnostic tests.
i. Site inspection.
j. Planned datacenter outage assistance.
k. Conduct a datacenter walk-through.
2. Hardware Component Installation and Repair
Oracle will assist with hardware field service calls to install, repair, upgrade, and de-install
components used by Your Oracle servers, storage, and networking products. Specific Services
may include assistance with one or more of the following activities:
a. Install additional memory into Your Oracle system.
b. Install additional central processing units (“CPU”) into Your Oracle system.
c. Install a card (e.g., memory card or network card) into Your Oracle system.
d. Install disk or disk array into Your Oracle system or storage device.
e. Install motherboard into Your Oracle system.
f. Install other hardware components on Your Oracle system or storage device.
g. Install Your Oracle system(s) into a rack.
h. Other part(s) installation: Power.
i. Other part(s) installation: Cables.
j. Other part(s) installation: Backplane.
k. Other part(s) installation: Interface components.
l. Other part(s) installation: System board additions.
m. Other part(s) installation: Switch/hub.
n. Upgrade memory by de-installing existing memory and installing new memory.
Page 128 of 143
o. Upgrade CPU/motherboard by removing existing boards and installing new boards.
p. Upgrade hard drive/disk by de-installing existing storage device and installing new storage
q. Upgrade flash drive by de-installing existing flash drive and installing new flash drive.
r. De-install system by powering it down and removing system components from rack and
s. De-install decommissioned disks or disk arrays from Your Oracle system.
t. De-install decommissioned cards, boards, and other components from Your Oracle
u. Remove third party or unauthorized parts from Your Oracle system.
v. Perform on-site system hardware tests and diagnostics.
w. Perform on-site system/part inspection.
x. Apply basic cluster software updates.
y. Apply basic Oracle Solaris operating system software updates.
z. Perform on-site upgrade of Your existing Oracle system firmware to the latest revision.
aa. Repair server, storage, and network components.

In addition to the obligations stated in Your order, You acknowledge that Oracle’s ability to
perform the Services depends upon Your acknowledgment of the following assumptions:
1. Oracle shall not procure new or additional parts to perform the Services hereunder.
2. De-installation Services do not include packing materials and do not include removal of
packing materials from the site.
3. Installation and upgrade services will only be performed on parts previously procured through
Oracle or an Oracle authorized reseller.

Page 129 of 143

Retired Service Descriptions

Oracle Application Readiness Service

Service Offering Part #
Oracle Application Readiness Service Retired
ACS Supplemental Resource for Software Days
ACS Supplemental Resource for Systems Days

Description of Services
1. Oracle will configure Your hardware systems set forth in the OPE section of the Fixed Scope
Services Exhibit (“Hardware Systems”) for Your installation of Oracle and/or third party
software (the “Software”) by performing the following Services:
a. Conduct a preliminary meeting and orientation;
b. Review the technical requirements for configuring Your Hardware Systems (the “Technical
c. Create and provide You with a Hardware Systems configuration plan that will describe (i)
the Technical Requirements, and (ii) the technical components (including subcomponents)
of the Hardware Systems that Oracle will configure as part of the Services;
d. Prepare the Hardware Systems for the Technical Requirements, as set forth in the
Hardware Systems configuration plan;
e. Prepare a system build specification document, based upon Oracle’s configuration of the
Hardware Systems for the Technical Requirements;
f. Prepare a test procedure plan document, based upon the previously prepared build
specification document to identify the tests to be performed on the Hardware Systems to
evaluate the reliability, availability and serviceability of Your Hardware Systems;
g. Perform a series of tests, as defined in the test procedure plan, to evaluate the reliability,
availability and serviceability of Your Hardware Systems;
h. Provide You with one (1) back up of the Hardware Systems configuration;
i. Provide You with a document containing the passwords to the Hardware Systems; and
j. Conduct a final meeting to review the Hardware Systems configuration.
2. Supplemental Resources
If included in Your order, Oracle will provide additional resources, either on-site or remotely, to
assist in the furtherance of the Oracle Application Readiness services, up to the maximum
number of days per resource role as set forth in Your order. A “day” is defined as one (1)
resource working eight (8) hours per day. 1

Obligations and Assumptions

In addition to the obligations stated in Your order, You acknowledge that Oracle’s ability to
perform the Services depends upon Your fulfillment of the following obligations and assumptions:
1. Your Obligations

Page 130 of 143

a. Prior to the commencement of the Service, You will perform back-up or archival
reproductions of all software and data contained on the Hardware Systems.
b. You will provide media on which Oracle can back up the Hardware Systems configuration.

2. Assumptions
a. Servers that are a part of the Hardware Systems to be configured shall not be connected to
storage, either hard drives or solid state memory that is in use by any other hardware
b. The configuration and build of the Hardware Systems will only include configuration of
storage that is used by the Hardware Systems to be configured and shall not include
configuration of storage, either hard drives or solid state memory that is in use by any
other hardware system.

Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Starter Pack

Service Offering Part #
Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Starter Pack Retired
Oracle Supplemental Resources for Oracle Cloud

Oracle ACS Supplemental Resource for Oracle Cloud - Technical Account Manager I - Day
Oracle ACS Supplemental Resource for Oracle Cloud - Technical Account Manager II -
Oracle ACS Supplemental Resource for Oracle Cloud - Advanced Support Engineer - Day
Oracle ACS Supplemental Resource for Oracle Cloud - Senior Advanced Support Engineer
- Day
Oracle ACS Supplemental Resource for Software Days

Description of Services
Oracle will provide the following services (the “Services”) designed to assist You with
understanding and adopting Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) for which You have separately
purchased a subscription (the “Cloud Subscription”):
1. Assign a Technical Account Manager (“TAM”) as Your primary contact for the Services who will
perform the following:
a. Conduct a preliminary meeting and orientation
b. Prepare and maintain a service delivery plan
c. Prepare and provide service delivery plan progress reports
d. Conduct a final meeting to provide a service summary
2. Provide You with one (1) workshop for the OCI for which You have separately purchased a
Cloud Subscription (the “OCI Workshop”) consisting of the following:
a. Conduct a preliminary meeting and orientation to discuss and determine the location,
participants, and dates for the OCI Workshop.
b. Conduct one (1) OCI Workshop presentation, for up to eight (8) hours/1 day, not to exceed
15 attendees.
Page 131 of 143
c. Provide an overview of OCI during the OCI Workshop presentation, including up to three
(3) specific OCI topics of Your choice.
3. Identify, validate, and transition a single workload to Your OCI tenancy (the “Candidate
Workload”) with up to five (5) participants designated by You, consisting of the following:
a. Assist You with identifying a single workload subject to the following inclusions and
i. Inclusions:
1) 1TB in size total
2) 1 tenancy, 1 region, 1 availability domain
3) Up to 8 OCPUs allocated to one or more VM shapes available in OCI
4) 1 VCN
5) Up to 2 subnets, security list, route tables
6) 1 internet gateway
7) 1 public Load Balancer with 1 backend set, rule set, listener
ii. Exclusions:
1) Service Level Agreements, response time guarantees, or performance testing
2) FastConnect
3) NAT gateway setup
4) Network Security Groups
5) Local Peering gateway
6) DNS Zone management setup
7) IDCS integration with on-premises SSO
8) Database conversions
9) Platform conversions
4. Provide You with support for up to thirty (30) days after completion of the OCI Workshop to
answer Your “How to” questions related to the following:
a. Patching
b. Backup/recovery
c. Monitoring tenancy
d. Loading data
e. Importing data
f. Ongoing management and supportability
5. Prepare and deliver to You a final summary report of the OCI Workshop, Your deployment
configuration overview, supportability recommendations, and summary of engagement
6. Transfer management of the Candidate Workload to You.

Supplemental Resources

Page 132 of 143

If included in Your order, Oracle will provide additional resources, either on-site or remotely, to
assist in the furtherance of the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Starter Pack services, up to the
maximum number of days per resource role as set forth Your order. A “day” is defined as one (1)
resource working eight (8) hours per day. 1

Obligations and Assumptions

In addition to the obligations and assumptions stated in Your order, You acknowledge that
Oracle’s ability to perform the Services depends upon Your fulfillment of the following obligations
and assumptions.
1. Your Obligations
a. Procure and maintain for the duration of the Services a Cloud Subscription.
b. Provide Oracle with full access to the relevant documentation and the functional, technical
and business resources with adequate skills and knowledge to support the performance of
the Services.
c. Designate a project manager as the single point of contact for Oracle for the Services with
appropriate level of authority to:
i. Set priorities and coordinate activities
ii. Be solely responsible for all decisions in connection with the Services
d. Provide any notices, and obtain any consent, required for Oracle to perform the Services.
e. Accept transfer of, and assume sole responsibility for, the management of the Candidate
Workload in Your OCI tenancy upon completion of the Services.
2. Assumptions
a. Oracle will determine whether the Services are provided by remote delivery resources (not
on Your work premises) or delivery resources on-site at Your work premises.
b. Any other Services not expressly identified herein are considered out of scope.

Oracle Solution Support Center Connected (“SSCC”)

Service Offering Part #
Oracle Solution Support Center Connected (B85843) Retired
ACS Supplemental Resource for Software Days (B76416) Retired
ACS Supplemental Resource for Systems Days (B76417) Retired

Description of Services
1. Support Delivery Management
A Technical Account Manager (“TAM”) will be assigned to You, as Your primary contact for the
Services, during the hours specified in Your order. Your TAM shall provide and/or assist with
the following Services:
a. Prepare and maintain a service delivery plan;
b. Document the contact details for key Oracle contacts, Your technical contacts for Oracle
Premier Support, and management escalation team (“Customer Contacts”) and Oracle’s
escalation procedures (“Joint Contacts and Escalation Guide”);

Page 133 of 143

c. Document the technical specifications of Your Annual Services Oracle Product
Environment (“Environment and Configuration Guide”);
d. Prepare and provide quarterly service delivery plan progress reports;
e. Provide access to a customer-specific web portal;
f. Assist with conducting an orientation for Your Customer Contacts;
g. Assist with conducting a delivery planning session and maintaining the service delivery
h. Assist with conducting quarterly service delivery plan reviews;
i. Assist with reviewing all applicable Oracle Support Services activity related to the items
identified in the OPE, including service request (“SR”) activity in connection with individual
SRs logged by Your Customer Contacts. The review may consist of status reports, next
steps, if any, and review of Your SR priorities;
j. Assist with SR management, prioritization and escalation;
k. Assist with communicating the status of Your SR(s) to Your Customer Contact(s), as
l. Assist with facilitating communications between Oracle and Your Customer Contacts; and
m. Assist with maintaining the Joint Contacts and Escalation Guide and the Environment and
Configuration Guide.
2. Assistance on Service Requests
a. An Oracle Advanced Support Engineer (“ASE”) will be assigned to You during the hours
specified in Your order. A dedicated toll-free telephone number will be assigned to You.
You may contact the ASE via this dedicated toll-free telephone number. The designated
ASE will respond to all Severity 1 and mutually agreed upon Severity 2 SRs placed during
business hours. Issues that arise during non-business hours will be addressed the next
business day, except for Severity 1 issues, which are immediately forwarded to Your ASE.
The current definition of Oracle’s Severity Levels is available in the applicable Oracle
Technical Support Policies which may be accessed at

b. Critical Service Requests

For products identified in the OPE section of the Annual Services Exhibit and documented
in Your Environment and Configuration Guide, the TAM and ASE are the designated points
of contact for Severity 1 and mutually agreed upon Severity 2 SRs, collectively (“critical
SRs”) and shall provide the following support Services for the quantity of Full Coverage
Units defined in the OPE section of the Annual Services Exhibit:
i. Conduct SR analysis;
ii. Assist with issue identification and issue reproduction;
iii. Assist with constructing a reproducible test case required by Oracle Support
Services to address an SR and help determine a workaround for the issue;
iv. Assist with potential workarounds;
v. Provide guidance to implement the recommendations documented in the SR;
vi. Assist with testing prior to production implementation of any
Page 134 of 143
vii. Conduct root cause analysis of Severity 1 incidents;
viii. Extract data from a downed database and attempt a recovery for Oracle
databases within the OPE;
ix. Provide advice and recommendations regarding the operation, configuration
and use of the applicable Oracle Support Services tools for Your Oracle products
in the OPE section of the Annual Services Exhibit; and
x. Notify You of Oracle alerts, releases, firmware updates and patches related to
Your Oracle products in the OPE section of the Annual Services Exhibit,
including critical patch updates.
c. Critical Reactive Service Requests
If Your order contains products identified in the OPE section of the Annual Services Exhibit
and documented in Your Environment and Configuration Guide as Critical Reactive units as
defined the Annuals Exhibit, Oracle will assist You with technical issues and shall provide
the following Services for the quantity of Critical Reactive units identified in the OPE
section of the Annual Services Exhibit:
i. Conduct SR analysis;
ii. Assist with issue identification and issue reproduction;
iii. Assist with constructing a reproducible test case required by Oracle Support
Services to address an SR and help determine a workaround for the issue; and
iv. Assist with potential workarounds.
3. Standby Coverage
Upon Your request to Your TAM, Oracle will provide technical standby coverage for non-
Severity 1 issues (e.g., software upgrade, patch set applications, data purge) by Your primary
ASE or designee for up to twenty-four (24) consecutive hours in the quantity defined in the
OPE section of the Annual Services Exhibit.
4. SR Prioritization
Oracle will prioritize Your SRs above SRs of the same severity level submitted by other Premier
Support customers. Reasonable efforts will be made to respond to Your SRs per the following
guidelines (“SR Response Guidelines”): 

a. 90% of Severity 1 SRs within twenty (20) minutes (available 24x7);

b. 90% of Severity 2 SRs within two (2) local business hours;
c. 90% of Severity 3 SRs within the next local business day; and
d. 90% of Severity 4 SRs within the next local business day.
5. Advanced Database Support
Oracle will provide the following Services (Advanced Database Support (“ADS”)) for the
databases running on the quantity of ACS processor cores identified in the OPE section of the
Annual Services Exhibit. Oracle will provide the following for the initiation of the Services:
a. Online ADS activation questionnaire (“Questionnaire”);
b. ACS Gateway (defined below) installation and setup process instructions;
c. Oracle’s fault notification process documentation;

Page 135 of 143

d. SR process documentation; and
e. Customer Portal (defined below) use and functionality documentation.
6. Fault Management
Oracle will monitor the Oracle databases identified in the OPE section of the Annual Services
Exhibit twenty-four (24) hours per day, seven (7) days a week (“24x7”) to identify nonstandard
activity (“Event”). Each detected Event that results in an actual unplanned interruption or
immediate material reduction in quality of performance of the Oracle database(s) is referred to
as a Fault. Oracle will determine the tools and criteria used to determine whether an Event
constitutes a Fault.
a. For each Fault, the Oracle will:
i. Categorize the Fault based upon the definitions of severity in Oracle’s technical
support policies, which are available at:;
ii. Gather available applicable diagnostic information pertaining to the Fault;
iii. Provide You with a Fault notification e-mail for each automated service request
(“ASR”). Oracle will use commercially reasonable efforts to provide the Fault
notification email within fifteen (15) minutes of Oracle’s detection of the Fault.
The fifteen minutes commences upon the detection of the Fault by the Oracle
fault monitoring tools and ends when Oracle sends You the Fault notification e-
mail; and
iv. Create an ASR with My Oracle Support (“MOS”), which includes the available
applicable diagnostic information. Oracle will use commercially reasonable
efforts to create the ASR within fifteen (15) minutes of Oracle sending the Fault
notification e-mail.
b. In the event You submit a severity 1 SR, based upon the definitions of severity in Oracle’s
technical support policies, for a database in the OPE section of the Annual Services Exhibit,
Oracle will use commercially reasonable efforts to provide an initial response through MOS
within twenty (20) minutes of Your SR submittal.
7. Reporting
Oracle will provide standardized database reports via the Customer Portal for the databases in
the OPE section of the Annual Services Exhibit. Oracle will determine the contents of the
reports which may include the following:
a. Oracle Database Security Compliance Report. Oracle will provide summary and detail
reports comparing Your database configurations, database directory and file permissions
and database user access to Oracle’s configuration recommendations.
b. Oracle Database Patch Advisory Report. Oracle will provide a summary and detailed report
identifying the patch set update(s) (“PSU”)s available for the databases in the OPE section
of the Annual Services Exhibit.
c. Oracle Database Status Report. Oracle will provide information concerning the status of
the databases in the OPE section of the Annual Services Exhibit (e.g., current up/down
status, cluster/single instance, version number).
d. Oracle Database ASR Report. Oracle will provide a summary of opened ASRs for each
database in the OPE section of the Annual Services Exhibit.

Page 136 of 143

e. Oracle Database Health-check Report. Oracle will provide information about potential
database configuration setting issues and scalability attributes as well as suggested
remediation actions.
8. Patch Management
If Your order contains Patch Management, Oracle will perform the following Services for the
quantity of ACS – Oracle HOMES identified in the OPE section of the Annual Services Exhibit:
a. Perform a patch assessment;
b. Create a patch installation plan;
c. If necessary, prior to installing the PSU(s), Oracle will provide a standard test/back-out plan
example, and both You and Oracle will agree, in writing, on the test/back-out plan;
d. Oracle will install the PSU(s) during an agreed upon window; and
e. Provide oversight and escalation management for each patch installment activity.
9. Supplemental Resources
If included in Your order, Oracle will provide additional resources, either on-site or remotely, to
assist in the furtherance of Solution Support Center Connected services, up to the maximum
number of days per resource role as set forth in Your order. A “day” is defined as one (1)
resource working eight (8) hours per day. 1

Oracle Advanced Support Gateway

ACS Services may be delivered utilizing a gateway. A gateway is the computing platform,
consisting of the Oracle Advanced Support Gateway software available on MOS and a physical or
virtual hardware platform or an Oracle Public Cloud (“OPC”) instance, which hosts Oracle’s tools,
for collecting, managing, updating and presenting information (“ACS Gateway”). Oracle’s
minimum hardware requirements for the ACS Gateway are available at
Oracle will provide the necessary software and instructions to install the ACS Gateway or You may
provide Oracle remote access to install the ACS Gateway on Your behalf. You will ensure the ACS
Gateway (i) has sufficient rack and floor space, air conditioning, electrical power, Internet
connectivity, (ii) is correctly located within Your local-area network and wide-area network
environments(s) (as agreed to with Oracle) and attached to Your network, to physically rack, stack
and power-up, and (iii) is positioned such that the systems being fault monitored can be logically
routed to it using layer 3 IP. Once the ACS Gateway is installed, Oracle will deploy additional
software on the ACS Gateway which will be used to deliver Your Services. If utilized, the ACS
Gateway must be fully installed, connected and operational in order for You to receive the
Services. Oracle retains all rights, title and interest to the Oracle supplied ACS Gateway. Oracle
retains the right to update and/or replace the ACS Gateway at any time during the performance of
the Services.
The Oracle Advanced Support Gateway Portal (“Customer Portal”) is a Web-based interface hosted
on the ACS Gateway, behind Your firewall and is accessible by You and authorized Oracle Support
engineers. It is used by You to interact with the ACS service(s) enabled on the ACS Gateway.

Obligations and Assumptions

In addition to the obligations stated in Your order, You acknowledge that Oracle’s ability to
perform the Services depends upon Your fulfillment of the following obligations and assumptions:
1. Your Obligations

Page 137 of 143

a. Restore service, including, for example, reconfiguring applications or reloading or
restarting application software.
b. Ensure You are running Oracle Database 11g or higher in order to receive the Services.
c. Designate Customer Contacts and identify by name, phone number, e-mail address and
other appropriate contact methods, for each of Your Customer Contacts.
d. Apply bug fixes, critical patches and configuration recommendations provided through
Oracle Support Services within a commercially reasonable period of time.
e. Assist Oracle to maintain the Joint Contacts and Escalation Guide and the Environment
and Configuration Guide.
f. If requested by Oracle, provide a test environment and, if applicable, a non-customized
code test environment for Oracle applications, for testing patches and troubleshooting
g. Prior to the commencement of Services, return the completed Questionnaire.
h. Maintain Oracle Premier Support for Systems for the dedicated hardware component of
the ACS Gateway and the Oracle systems running the Oracle database(s), if applicable and
as described here:
i. Prior to the commencement of Services, install and configure the ACS Gateway in Your
datacenter on Your network and start the Services initiation process.
j. Provide required private and public-facing Internet Protocol (“IP”) addresses, proper
firewall settings, required predefined ports, and appropriate inbound and continuous
outbound connectivity to the ACS Gateway.
k. If You have chosen to enable the remote access control feature of the ACS Gateway:
i. Use commercially reasonable efforts to immediately grant Oracle access to the
ACS Gateway when requested by Oracle to allow Oracle to resolve incidents or
security vulnerabilities associated with the ACS Gateway; and
ii. At least monthly, mutually agree with Oracle on a window of access to the ACS
Gateway sufficient for Oracle to proactively patch the ACS Gateway and make
any configuration changes appropriate for Oracle to deliver the Services.
l. Provide on-site troubleshooting in the event that Oracle is not able to remotely connect to
the ACS Gateway.
m. Identify the database(s) described in section A.6. (Fault Management) above via the
Customer Portal.
n. Change the default Customer Portal password.
o. Via the Customer Portal, maintain current contact and email information.
p. Maintain Internet connectivity with availability of 99.5% or better as measured on a
monthly basis.
q. Follow the SR escalation process documented on MOS (i.e., “How To Request Management
Attention to a Service Request (SR) with Oracle Support Services (ID 199389.1)).

r. Create a blackout in the actions field within the Customer Portal during key system
change(s) initiated by You so that ASRs are not initiated automatically as a result of faults
caused by key systems change(s).

Page 138 of 143

s. Patch Management Specific Obligations
If Your order contains Patch Management, you will:
i. Ensure You are running Oracle Database 11gR2 or higher, in order to receive
the Services;
ii. Schedule patch installation(s) via the Customer Portal;
iii. Provide installation and back out instructions that were created and tested in
Your nonproduction environment for the patch installations; and
iv. Test all patch installations in Your nonproduction environment.
2. Assumptions
a. Only Customer Contacts may communicate with Oracle regarding the delivery of the
Services or deliverables, if any.
b. All communication (oral, written and electronic) associated with the delivery of the Service
is only provided in English.
c. Your prompt return of the completed Questionnaire is a prerequisite to Oracle’s
performance of the Services described herein. Any delays in the prompt return of the
Questionnaire shall delay the performance of the Services.
d. Oracle shall limit Your access to functionality contained within the ACS Gateway in order to
perform the Services.
e. Subject to hardware system capacity limits, any number of Oracle databases may be fault
monitored on the hardware system(s) associated with the ACS processor cores identified in
the OPE section of the Annual Services Exhibit.
f. Oracle Database Security Compliance Reporting Assumption
g. Database security compliance reports provided by Oracle hereunder may contain security
related information regarding the Oracle databases identified in the OPE section of the
Annual Services Exhibit. While you may use such reports for informational purposes to
assist you in your submission of security content for any of your internal or external
reporting, the security reports provided hereunder are not certifications or attestations and
are provided for your internal business operations only. Oracle makes no representations
about the security of your systems or equipment.
h. Patch Management Assumptions.
If Your order contains Patch Management, the following Assumptions will apply:
i. Upon the commencement of Patch Management, You and Oracle will agree
upon the PSU appropriate for Your environment which shall be either the most
current PSU or its immediate predecessor applicable to Your version of the
Oracle database(s) identified in the OPE section of the Annual Services Exhibit;
ii. PSU deployment will be performed first in Your non-production environment(s).
Oracle will validate that the environment(s) is accessible to You for Your testing
prior to promotion to production. Prior to the promotion of the patch to
production, a valid backup must be performed by You if backups are under Your
iii. Patch Management does not include testing of patch installations for customer-
specific configurations;

Page 139 of 143

iv. Oracle will not install patches designated as, or determined by Oracle to be,
“release” or “version” patches; and
v. The deployment of PSUs may impact the performance of the databases
identified in the OPE section of the Annual Services Exhibit.

Oracle Transition Services

Description of Services
Oracle will transition Your existing Oracle environment (the “Source Environment”) to Your Oracle
destination environment (the “Destination Environment”) in accordance with either (i) Attachment
A of the exhibit, or (ii) the table below for systems, as applicable, (each collectively referred to as
the “Transition Services”):
Service Name Source Environment
Oracle Transition Service:
Local/Remote Delivery (Oracle Up to five (5) Oracle Up to 25
Database, up to 5 db, total Databases TB
maximum 25TB)
Oracle Transition Service:
Local/Remote Delivery (Oracle Up to two (2) Oracle
Retired Up to 4 TB
Database, up to 2 db, total Databases
maximum 4TB)
Up to one (1) storage
Oracle Transition Service: All Local
device and up to ten (10) Up to 50
Delivery (Data Transfer, up to 10 Retired
logical unit numbers TB
LUNS, total maximum 50TB

As part of the Transition Services Oracle will perform the following activities:
1. Assign an Oracle Technical Account Manager (“TAM”) as Your primary contact for the
Transition Services.
2. Conduct a preliminary meeting and orientation.
3. Assist You with the installation and setup of the ACS Gateway (as defined below) and data
4. Collect and maintain configuration data that identifies all of Your Oracle components (the
“Configuration Items”) included in the Transition Services.
5. Assist You with identifying Your business requirements for the Transition Services.
6. Conduct pre-transition analysis to identify database options, object types and counts, invalid
objects, table sizes, parameter settings, CPU, memory, data storage, system capacity (as
applicable) and plan the transition approach.
7. Review and evaluate whether the transition can be performed in accordance with Your
business requirements and recommend modifications as required to facilitate the transition in
accordance with Your business requirements.

Page 140 of 143

8. Crate a service delivery plan that may include change management processes, maintenance
windows, complexity and business requirements of the systems, software versions, security
requirements, and organizational boundaries (the “Service Delivery Plan”).
9. Conduct test runs of the Configuration Items in Your Destination Environment.
10. Validate the transitioned Configuration Items in Your Destination Environment and record the
associated transition duration.
11. Conduct one (1) transition from Your Source Environment to Your Destination Environment.

12. Provide monitoring of the Destination Environment over a contiguous 48 hour period during
the transition.
13. Provide a transition summary report that documents statistical information about the
14. Conduct a final meeting to review the transition summary report.

Oracle Advanced Support Gateway

ACS Services may be delivered utilizing a gateway. A gateway is the computing platform,
consisting of the Oracle Advanced Support Gateway software available on My Oracle Support
(“MOS”) and a physical or virtual hardware platform or an Oracle Public Cloud (“OPC”) instance,
which hosts Oracle’s tools, for collecting, managing, updating and presenting information (“ACS
Gateway”). Oracle’s minimum hardware requirements for the ACS Gateway are available at
Oracle will provide the necessary software and instructions to install the ACS Gateway or You may
provide Oracle remote access to install the ACS Gateway on Your behalf. You will ensure the ACS
Gateway (i) has sufficient rack and floor space, air conditioning, electrical power, Internet
connectivity, and (ii) is correctly located within Your local-area network and wide-area network
environments(s) (as agreed to with Oracle) and attached to Your network, to physically rack, stack
and power-up. Once the ACS Gateway is installed, Oracle will deploy additional software on the
ACS Gateway which will be used to deliver Your Services. If utilized, the ACS Gateway must be
fully installed, connected and operational in order for You to receive the Services. Oracle retains
all rights, title and interest to the Oracle supplied ACS Gateway. Oracle retains the right to update
and/or replace the ACS Gateway at any time during the performance of the Services.
The Oracle Advanced Support Portal (“Central Portal”) is a Web-based interface hosted by Oracle
in an Oracle datacenter. It is used for configuring and maintaining the Configuration Management
Database (“CMDB”), managing monitoring events, handling change requests and documenting
Your requests. It is accessible by You and authorized Oracle Support engineers.

Obligations and Assumptions

In addition to the obligations stated in Your order, You acknowledge that Oracle’s ability to
perform the Transition Services depends upon Your fulfillment of the following obligations and
1. Your Obligations
a. Designate a project manager who will be solely responsible for, and make all decisions in
connection with, project management associated with this Service Description.
b. Provide Your recovery time objectives, post transition testing plans, and change
management process requirements.
c. Provide systems resources required to conduct the transition, such as disk space, CPU,
network capacity, and system capacity.
Page 141 of 143
d. Install systems in the Source Environment and Destination Environment, as applicable.
e. Provide a server or virtual machine that meets Oracle’s minimum requirements and install
the ACS Gateway software application and data collectors, as applicable.
f. Provide adequate capacity on the Source Environment and Destination Environment to
accommodate the transition.
g. Prior to commencement of the transition, review and confirm the Service Delivery Plan
created by Oracle.
h. Acknowledge that Your failure to implement Oracle’s recommendations may result in
Oracle’s inability to perform the transition. In the event that Oracle is unable to perform
the transition, Oracle will prepare an amendment to document the change in the Transition
Services and any associated increase in fees, if any, resulting from such failure. If You do
not review and approve such amendment within five (5) days after Your receipt thereof,
Oracle may terminate the Transition Services.
i. Install patches, upgrades, updates, and/or fixes as recommended by Oracle to maintain
the stability of the Configuration Items as required for the Transition Services.
j. Provide Oracle with serial numbers and/or other identification an entitlement information
for the Configuration Items as required by Oracle.
k. Correct any invalid data elements and/or update Your applications to work with new
versions or features resulting from the transition.
l. Enable and test new features and/or options resulting from the transition.
m. Allow Oracle to install software tools on the Source Environment and Destination
Environment as required for the delivery of the Transition Services.
n. Validate the Destination Environment upon completion of the transition.
o. Conduct performance, functional and acceptance testing for any dependent applications
that may be affected by the transition.
p. Determine and provide the appropriate classification, security, and control levels for Your
Content to protect the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of Your Content. You are
responsible for any required notices, consents and/or authorizations related to Your
Content necessary for Oracle to deliver the Transition Services.
q. If Your order contains Oracle Transition Services: All Local Delivery:
r. Provide Oracle access to Your Configuration Items, twenty four (24) hours a day, seven (7)
days a week throughout the duration of the Transition Services.
s. Ensure that Your network and systems comply with specifications that Oracle provides and
that all components are monitored and patched.
t. If Your order contains Oracle Transition Services: Local/Remote or All Remote Delivery:
u. Provide Oracle access to Your Configuration Items, twenty four (24) hours a day, seven (7)
days a week throughout the duration of the Transition Services using an Oracle VPN
integrated into the ACS Gateway.
v. Ensure that Your network and systems comply with specifications that Oracle provides and
that all components monitored and patched by Oracle are accessible through the VPN
connection as required.

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w. Maintain open ports and adjust firewall rules to allow appropriate network traffic to pass
between the ACS Gateway and Oracle.
2. Assumptions
a. All communication (verbal, written, and electronic) associated with the Transition Services
will be provided in English language only.
b. The Destination Environment includes a production and production support environment.
c. If Your order contains Oracle Transition Services: All Local Delivery:
i. Changes to the Configuration Items will be managed by Oracle.
ii. Oracle will provide the Transition Services using the ACS Gateway.
iii. Your TAM will provide transition status and validation reports.
d. If Your order contains Oracle Transition Services: Local/Remote or All Remote Delivery:
i. Changes to the Configuration Items will be managed via the Central Portal.
ii. Oracle will provide the Transition Services using the ACS Gateway.
iii. Transition status and validation reports will be available to You via the Central
e. The Transition Services do not include licenses for Oracle GoldenGate or non-Oracle server
emulation software and such licenses must be obtained under separate order, as required,
prior to the commencement of the Transition Services.

Fees and Expenses

You agree to pay Oracle the fees for the Transition Services identified in Your order. The
Transition Services and all payments are non-cancelable and nonrefundable.
Expenses related to providing Transition Services are in addition to the fees identified in Your
order. Such expenses will be invoiced monthly as they are incurred and are due within 30 days of
the invoice date.

End of Transition Services

Notwithstanding any provision or interpretation of this Service Description to the contrary, upon
expiration of the Term or the termination of the Transition Services (“End Date”), Oracle’s
obligation to provide You with Transition Services under this Service Description shall terminate.
As of the End Date, any portion of the Transition Services that Oracle has not provided prior to the
End Date shall be automatically forfeited by You, and You shall not be entitled to any refund, or
any credit toward additional or other services, for any unused portion of the Transition Services.
In order for Oracle to provide Transition Services to You after the End Date, Oracle and You shall
mutually agree, in writing, under a separate order, to the terms and fees for Transition Services.

A “day” is defined as one (1) resource working eight (8) hours per day, except in the following
countries: Canada (7.5 hours per day), Denmark (7.4 hours per day), Finland (7.5 hours per day),
Germany (7.8 hours per day), Israel (8.6 hours per day), and Norway (7.5 hours per day).

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