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Scholl / Cognition 80 (2001) 1±46 1


Cognition 80 (2001) 1±46

Objects and attention: the state of the art

Brian J. Scholl*
Department of Psychology, Yale University, P.O. Box 208205, New Haven, CT 06520-8205, USA

Received 31 January 2000; accepted 17 November 2000

What are the units of attention? In addition to standard models holding that attention can
select spatial regions and visual features, recent work suggests that in some cases attention can
directly select discrete objects. This paper reviews the state of the art with regard to such
`object-based' attention, and explores how objects of attention relate to locations, reference
frames, perceptual groups, surfaces, parts, and features. Also discussed are the dynamic
aspects of objecthood, including the question of how attended objects are individuated in
time, and the possibility of attending to simple dynamic motions and events. The ®nal sections
of this review generalize these issues beyond vision science, to other modalities and ®elds
such as auditory objects of attention and the infant's `object concept'. q 2001 Elsevier
Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Objects; Attention; State of the art

1. Introduction

In the vast literature concerning visual attention, perhaps no topic has engendered
more recent work and controversy than the nature of the underlying units of atten-
tional selection. Traditional models characterized attention in spatial terms, as a
spotlight (or perhaps a `zoom lens') which could move about the visual ®eld,
focusing processing resources on whatever fell within that spatial region ± be it
an object, a group of objects, part of one object and part of another, or even nothing
at all. Recent models of attention, in contrast, suggest that in some cases the under-
lying units of selection are discrete visual objects, and that the limits imposed by

* Fax: 11-617-495-3764.
E-mail address: [email protected] (B.J. Scholl).

0010-0277/01/$ - see front matter q 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0010-027 7(00)00152-9
2 B.J. Scholl / Cognition 80 (2001) 1±46

attention may then concern the number of objects which can be simultaneously
This special issue of Cognition is concerned with the idea that attention and
objecthood are intimately and importantly related. The papers in this collection
review the evidence for object-based attention, discuss what attentional objects
are, and discuss links both to other modalities (e.g. auditory objects of attention)
and to other ®elds of study (e.g. developmental work on the nature of the infant's
`object concept').

1.1. Why study objects and attention?

These issues are important and timely for at least three reasons. First, the nature of
the units of attention is clearly a central question for vision science: among the most
crucial tasks in the study of any cognitive or perceptual process is to determine the
nature of the fundamental units over which that process operates. A second reason
for exploring objects and attention involves the breadth of interest in these topics:
research on objects and attention has involved a convergence between many differ-
ent ®elds of study, including experimental cognitive psychology, neuropsychology
and cognitive neuroscience, philosophy of mind, developmental psychology,
computer modeling, and the psychology of audition. Indeed, in a larger context,
this concern for `objecthood' can be seen as a type of `case study' in cognitive
science ± an issue which is being addressed in surprisingly similar ways across
traditional academic boundaries ± and one of the primary goals of this special
issue is to explore such connections.
A third reason for exploring these questions is that the nature of the units of
attention may also prove crucial for other ®elds, wherein assumptions about atten-
tion frequently play a role in guiding theories of higher-order cognitive processing.
As an example taken from cognitive developmental psychology, consider the
following claim:
Perceptual systems do not package the world into units. The organization of
the perceived world into units may be a central task of human systems of
thought¼ The parsing of the world into things may point to the essence of
thought and to its essential distinction from perception. Perceptual systems
bring knowledge of an unbroken surface layout¼ (Spelke, 1988b, p. 229)
The context of this historical claim is a discussion of the nature of the processes
underlying various looking-time results concerning the infant's `object concept'.
The inference is that the architectural locus of these results must be `conception',
since `perception' doesn't parse the world into units (see Scholl & Leslie, 1999 for
discussion and other examples of this inference). 1 Yet, just because processing is not
based on a continuous retinal layout does not necessarily mean that it has left the
This type of inference continues to be in¯uential (see Scholl & Leslie, 1999), despite the fact that
many researchers in cognitive development (notably the quote's author) now take a much more nuanced
view which does allow for explanations involving attention (e.g. see Spelke, Gutheil, & Van de Walle,
B.J. Scholl / Cognition 80 (2001) 1±46 3

domain of perception. Indeed, many object-based attention results suggest that this
`packaging of the world into units' (and fairly sophisticated units at that!) may occur
quite early, and even preattentively. The relation between objects and attention is
thus of interest beyond vision science, and may play a role in theorizing about other
cognitive processes.

1.2. A roadmap for this paper and this special issue

The goal of this paper is to review the state of the art with regard to objects and
attention, and to provide a context from which the other papers in this special issue
can be related to each other. This review is divided into six additional primary
sections. Section 2 provides a brief review of the evidence for object-based atten-
tion, drawing on work from both experimental psychology and neuropsychology. In
Section 3, these objects of attention are related to other fundamental concepts,
including locations, reference frames, perceptual groups, surfaces, and parts. This
section also introduces the paper by Driver and colleagues (Driver, Davis, Russell,
Turatto, & Freeman, 2001), which discusses in more detail the relationship between
attention and segmentation. Section 4 discusses another fundamental contrast,
between objects and the individual visual features which characterize them. Section
5 discusses the dynamic aspects of objecthood, including the question of how object
tokens are individuated and maintained over time. Pylyshyn's paper (Pylyshyn,
2001) focuses on this topic, and on how the earliest stages of this process serve to
link up the mind and the world. This section also discusses how attention might
interact directly with information which is inherently dynamic, for example simple
stereotypical motions of objects. Such representations are the focus of the experi-
ments on `attentional sprites' reported by Cavanagh, Labianca, and Thornton
(2001). Section 6 emphasizes the importance, for future work, of determining the
precise properties which mediate the degree to which visual feature clusters are
treated as objects. Some early work along these lines is reviewed, including the
experiment reported by Scholl, Pylyshyn, and Feldman (2001a). Finally, Section 7
generalizes these issues beyond vision science, focusing on the nature of auditory
objects of attention (the topic of the paper by Kubovy & Van Valkenburg, 2001), and
relations to the infant's object concept (the topic of the paper by Carey & Xu, 2001).

1.3. What is attention?

Before getting to object-based attention, however, we can brie¯y consider a more

fundamental question: what is attention, that it might be object-based? The notion of
attention has been variously characterized as both obvious and intuitive, and as
somehow vague and suspect. Compare:
Everyone knows what attention is. It is the taking possession by the mind, in
clear and vivid form, of one out of what seem several simultaneously possible
objects or trains of thought. (James, 1890, pp. 403±404)
4 B.J. Scholl / Cognition 80 (2001) 1±46

[P]eople talk about attention with great familiarity and con®dence. They speak
of it as something whose existence is a brute fact of their daily experience and
therefore something about which they know a great deal, with no debt to
attention researchers. (Pashler, 1998, p. 1)

But [attention's] towering growth would appear to have been achieved at the
price of calling down upon its builders the curse of Babel, `to confound their
language that they may not understand one another's speech'. For the word
`attention' quickly came to be associated ¼ with a diversity of meanings that
have the appearance of being more chaotic even than those of the term `intel-
ligence'. (Spearman, 1937, p. 133, quoted in Wright & Ward, 1998)

Some of the central aspects of our everyday notion of attention are reviewed by
Pashler (1998): the fact that we can process some incoming stimuli more than others
(selectivity), an apparent limit on the ability to carry out simultaneous processing
(capacity limitation), and the fact that sustained processing of even visual stimuli
seems to involve a sometimes aversive ± though sometimes enjoyable ± sense of
exertion (effort). Intuitively, attention seems to be an extra processing capacity
which can both intentionally and automatically select ± and be effortfully sustained
on ± particular stimuli or activities.
The explananda of theories of attention are dif®cult to characterize precisely, and
seem to comprise a family of questions related to the selectivity, effort, and capacity
limitation embodied in our pretheoretical notions: why do certain events seem to
automatically distract us from whatever we are doing, `capturing' our attention?
How is it that you can sometimes focus so intently on some task that you fail to
perceive otherwise salient events occurring around you? Why is it that you some-
times fail to perceive clearly visible objects or events occurring right in front of you,
even when you are searching for them? How is it that some activities which initially
seem to require substantial effort eventually seem to become automatic and effort-
less? Why is it that other practiced activities do not? Why is Waldo hard to ®nd, and
how do we actually go about ®nding him? 2 Each of these questions has been
operationalized in various experimental paradigms, many of which are reviewed
Because the explananda of attention comprise a family of `intuitive' questions
rather than a detailed operationalized problem, many people dismiss talk of `atten-
tion' as vague or unscienti®c. This attitude seems misguided, however: rigor and
concreteness are to be desired in scienti®c explanations, but cannot always be
imposed on explananda. The questions asked above are indeed vague and hard to
specify precisely, but acknowledging this does not make them go away. In this
article it will be assumed that such questions are real and important, and that
Where's Waldo? is a popular series of children's activity books which embody dif®cult visual search
tasks. Note that this is one case in which the effort involved in the allocation of attention seems to be
B.J. Scholl / Cognition 80 (2001) 1±46 5

there are (possibly several different) types of selective processing ± which will
collectively be called `attention' ± that play a ubiquitous and important role in visual
processing. Our topic will be the nature of the basic units of such selection. 3

2. Evidence for object-based attention

In this section, some of the evidence for object-based attention is introduced. (For
earlier reviews of some of this evidence, see Driver and Baylis (1998) and Kanw-
isher and Driver (1992).) After brie¯y discussing the most in¯uential evidence for
spatial selection, evidence from four experimental paradigms is reviewed (selective
looking, divided attention, attentional cueing, and multi-element tracking), along
with object-based phenomena in two neuropsychological syndromes (neglect and
Balint syndrome).

2.1. Evidence for spatial selection

The contrast which most directly motivated the study of object-based attention
was between objects and locations. Does attention always select spatial areas of the
visual ®eld, or may attention sometimes directly select discrete objects? (See
Section 3.1 for a more detailed discussion of how objects and locations might be
related.) The canonical evidence for spatial selection, which gave rise to the domi-
nant `spotlight' and `zoom lens' models of spatial attention, comes from spatial
cueing studies. Posner, Snyder, and Davidson (1980), for instance, showed that a
partially valid cue to the location where a target would appear speeded the response
to that target, and slowed responses when the cue was invalid and the target appeared
elsewhere. A similar experiment was conducted by Downing and Pinker (1985), this
time cueing one of a row of ten boxes with a partially valid cue. Detection of the
targets was fastest in the cued box, and slowed monotonically as the distance
between the cued box and the actual target location increased on invalid cue trials.
These types of results suggested that attention was being deployed as a spatial
gradient, centered on a particular location and becoming less effective as the
distance from that location increased. For other spatial studies, focusing on the
`spotlight' and `zoom lens' characterizations of attention, see the in¯uential papers
of Eriksen, Hoffman, and colleagues (Eriksen & Eriksen, 1974; Eriksen & Hoffman,
1972, 1973; Eriksen & St. James, 1986; Eriksen & Yeh, 1985; Hoffman & Nelson,
1981) and the recent review by Cave and Bichot (1999).

2.2. Early suggestions from `selective looking'

Some of the earliest evidence for object-based selection came from the work of
For general reviews of attention research, see Pashler (1998) and Styles (1997). For experimental
phenomena which pose these broader questions of attention in a salient manner, and which highlight the
difference between attention and vision more generally, see recent work on change blindness (e.g.
Rensink, O'Regan, & Clark, 1997; Simons & Levin, 1997) and attentional resolution (e.g. He, Cavanagh,
& Intriligator, 1997).
6 B.J. Scholl / Cognition 80 (2001) 1±46

Fig. 1. Sample displays from Neisser and Becklen (1975). The two scenes ± the `hand game' and the
`ballgame' ± are superimposed, and subjects are then induced to attend to only one of them, for example to
count the number of times the hands clap each other. In this case, subjects fail to perceive incredible
sustained events which occur in the other scene, despite the superimposition. See text for details.

Ulric Neisser on what he called `selective looking' (Neisser, 1967, 1979; Neisser &
Becklen, 1975). Subjects in these experiments simultaneously viewed two spatially
superimposed movies, as in Fig. 1, and were given a `selective looking' task which
required them to attend to one of the scenes (e.g. a `hand game', in which they had to
count the number of times one set of hands hit another) and ignore the other (e.g. a
ballgame, with several men passing a basketball in the background). While engaged
in such tasks, these subjects failed to notice unexpected events which happened in
the unattended scene (e.g. several women walking on and replacing the men in the
`ballgame' scene). By today's standards these early studies had several methodolo-
gical ¯aws, but the essential ®nding ± that subjects were unaware of events occurring
in the unattended scene ± has been replicated in more recent work (Simons &
Chabris, 1999), including studies which adapted this `selective looking' idea to
computerized displays with simple shapes, wherein the details of the displays
could be rigorously controlled (Most et al., in press).
This type of attentional selection seems unlikely to be spatially mediated, since
the two scenes were globally superimposed: if a spatial spotlight was focused on one
scene, it would also be focused on at least part of the other, and would encompass the
unexpected event. As such, this early work provides evidence that attention does not
simply consist of a single unitary region of spatial selection. One ironic aspect of this
work, though, is that it used more naturalistic and dynamic displays than most recent
studies. As discussed below, it is unclear that a movie in these experiments consti-
tutes a single object (rather than a perceptual group, or an extended event). A ripe
strategy for further research might thus involve combining the richness of Neisser's
`selective looking' stimuli with the more recent and rigorous divided attention and
cueing paradigms described below.

2.3. `Same-object advantages' in divided attention

The type of `overlapping' strategy used by Neisser and Becklen (1975) and others
to avoid purely spatial explanations was also employed in a seminal study of divided
attention by Duncan (1984) (see also Treisman, Kahneman, & Burkell, 1983).
Subjects viewed brief masked displays, each containing a box with a single line
drawn through it. Both the box and the line varied on two dimensions: the box could
B.J. Scholl / Cognition 80 (2001) 1±46 7

Fig. 2. Sample displays from Duncan (1984) and from Baylis and Driver (1993). (a,b) Stimuli from
Duncan (1984). Each stimulus has four degrees of freedom: the line can be either dashed or dotted and
can be tilted to the right or left, and the box can be either tall or short and have a right gap or left gap.
Subjects are better at reporting two features from a single object compared to two features from two
different objects. (c) A stimulus from Baylis and Driver (1993): subjects report the relative height of the
two inner vertices while grouping the stimulus as either a single white object or two black objects (the
actual colors were red and green), and are better in the single-object case. (d) An `incongruent' control
condition used to insure that subjects were grouping as they were instructed. (Adapted from Baylis and
Driver (1993) and Duncan (1984).)

be tall or short, and had a small gap on either its left or the right side, and the line
could be either dotted or dashed, and was oriented slightly off vertical, to either the
left or the right. Fig. 2a,b present two examples of this type of stimulus. On each
trial, subjects saw a brief masked box/line pair, and simply had to judge two of these
properties. Some subjects were asked to make both judgments about the same object
(e.g. the size of the box and the side of its gap), whereas others made a judgment
about two different objects (e.g. the size of the box and the orientation of the line).
As in earlier studies showing de®cits for reporting two targets in a single display
(Duncan, 1980), subjects were less accurate at reporting two properties from sepa-
rate objects, but were able to judge two properties of a single object without any
cost; this has been termed a `same-object advantage'. Again, space-based theories
cannot easily account for this result: because of the overlapped objects, the spatial
extents involved in the two-object judgments were never greater than those involved
in the single-object judgments.
Later studies have carried this demonstration through several iterations of
proposed confounds followed by replications with the appropriate controls. Watt
(1988), for instance, proposed a computational algorithm which accounted for
Duncan's results in a completely data-driven manner (involving ®ne-grained versus
course-grained spatial ®lters), without individuating the line and the box as different
objects. A later study (Baylis & Driver, 1993) countered by using stimuli for which
Watt's alternative explanation (and any such explanation based on image statistics)
was inadequate: they used the same physical display for the one-object versus two-
object cases, with the difference being de®ned by perceptual set (see Fig. 2c,d for
details). Space-based theories cannot easily account for such results, since spatial
location does not vary with the number of perceived objects. Note, however, that the
interpretation of these divided attention tasks is still controversial because of other
spatial concerns (see also Baylis, 1994; Chen, 1998; Gibson, 1994; Lavie & Driver,
1996). It has recently been argued, for instance, that the results of these divided
8 B.J. Scholl / Cognition 80 (2001) 1±46

Fig. 3. Stimuli from various experiments used to demonstrate `same-object advantages' in the automatic
spread of attention: (a) Egly, Driver, and Rafal (1994); (b) Moore, Yantis, and Vaughan (1998). In each
case `C' indicates the cued location, `S' indicates a same-object target location, and `D' indicates a
different-object target location. See text for details. Note that the Moore et al. study actually used a
slightly different task. (Adapted from Egly, Driver, and Rafal (1994) and Moore et al. (1998).)

attention studies are due to the fact that automatic attentional spread has a greater
area to ®ll with two objects than with one object, and that no same-object advantages
are observed when this confound is removed (Davis, Driver, Pavani, & Shepard,
2000). The details of this interpretation still implicate object-based attention, but the
mechanism responsible is seen to be automatic spread of attention, as discussed in
Section 2.4. For other studies which have explored same-object advantages in
divided attention tasks (some of which are discussed in later sections), see Duncan
(1993a,b), Duncan and Nimmo-Smith (1996), Kramer and Watson (1996), Kramer,
Weber, and Watson (1997), Valdes-Sosa, Cobo, and Pinilla (1998), Vecera and
Farah (1994), and Watson and Kramer (1999).

2.4. `Same-object advantages' in the automatic spread of attention

The studies reviewed in Section 2.3 were divided attention tasks, in which
subjects attended to parts of multiple objects. Other similar studies have looked at
the automatic spread of attention in response to the same type of cueing used by
Posner et al. (1980) and many others to demonstrate spatial effects. Using displays
such as those in Fig. 3a, Egly, Driver, and Rafal (1994) cued subjects to one end
(labeled `C') of one of two bars on each trial, using cues which were 75% valid. The
subjects' task was to detect a luminance decrement at one end of a bar immediately
after the cue. For the invalid cues, subjects were faster to detect targets that appeared
on the uncued end of the cued bar (`S' for `same object' in Fig. 3a), compared to the
equidistant end of the uncued object (`D' for `different object'). This is another
`same-object advantage', since the spatial distance between the cued location and
the two critical locations is identical (see also He & Nakayama, 1995, described in
Section 3.5).
This paradigm has also been used to demonstrate that the units of selection are at
least complex enough to take occlusion into account, since the `same-object effect'
replicates with displays such as that in Fig. 3b, where the two bars are amodally
B.J. Scholl / Cognition 80 (2001) 1±46 9

Fig. 4. A schematic depiction of a multiple-object tracking task. (a) Four items are initially ¯ashed to
indicate their status as targets. (b) All items then begin moving independently and unpredictably around
the screen. (c) At the end of the motion phase, the subject must move the cursor about the screen to
highlight the four targets ± here the subject has just highlighted three of the targets, and is moving the
mouse to the fourth. Animations of this task can be viewed or downloaded over the Internet at http://

completed behind an occluder and so are physically separated in the display (Behr-
mann, Zemel, & Mozer, 1998; Moore et al., 1998). Similar results have been found
for objects de®ned by illusory contours (Moore et al., 1998). The fact that the objects
of attention in this paradigm can be de®ned in such ways comports with evidence
from visual search paradigms that amodal completion and illusory contour forma-
tion occur preattentively (e.g. Davis & Driver, 1994; Enns & Rensink, 1998). For
other studies which have explored same-object effects in the automatic spread of
attention (some of which are discussed in later sections), see Atchley and Kramer (in
press), Avrahami (1999), He and Nakayama (1995), Lamy and Tsal (2000), Lavie
and Driver (1996), Neely, Dagenbach, Thompson, and Carr (1998), Stuart, Maruff,
and Currie (1997), and Vecera (1994).

2.5. Multiple object tracking

The object-based nature of attentional selection is also apparent in dynamic

situations, in which object tokens must be maintained over time. (Such dynamic
objects are the focus on Section 5 of this paper.) One dynamic paradigm which has
been used for this purpose is multiple object tracking (MOT), wherein subjects must
attentionally track a number of independently and unpredictably moving identical
items in a ®eld of identical distractors. In the canonical MOT experiment (Pylyshyn
& Storm, 1988), subjects viewed a display consisting of a ®eld of identical white
items. A certain subset of the items was then ¯ashed several times to mark their
status as targets. All of the items then began moving independently and unpredic-
tably about the screen, constrained only so that they could not pass too near each
other, and could not move off the display. At various times during this motion, one
of the items was ¯ashed, and observers pressed a key to indicate whether the ¯ash
had been at the location of a target, a non-target, or neither (see Fig. 4 for a sche-
matic representation of this basic MOT task). Since all items are identical during the
motion phase, subjects can only succeed by picking out the targets when they were
initially ¯ashed, and then using attention to track them through the motion interval.
10 B.J. Scholl / Cognition 80 (2001) 1±46

Subjects can successfully perform this task (with over 85% accuracy) when tracking
up to ®ve targets in a ®eld of ten identical items. 4
Several additional results suggest that it is the items themselves which are atten-
tionally pursued in this task as distinct objects. First, simulation results con®rm that
the observed performance cannot be accounted for by a single spotlight of attention
which cyclically visits each item in turn, even with liberal assumptions about the
speed of attentional shifts and sophisticated guessing heuristics (Pylyshyn & Storm,
1988). Second, attention has been found to speed response times to attended objects,
and this advantage appears to be target-speci®c in MOT: in particular, it doesn't hold
for non-targets, even those which are located within the convex polygon bounded by
the moving targets (Intriligator, 1997; Sears & Pylyshyn, 2000). Third, as discussed
below in Section 6, only certain types of visual clusters ± namely those which
intuitively constitute discrete objects ± can be tracked in this manner (Scholl et
al., 2001a). In Intriligator's terms, these results all indicate that attention is split
between the target objects rather than being spread among them. 5 For other studies
which have explored object-based attention with MOT, see Culham et al. (1998),
Culham, Cavanagh, and Kanwisher (2001), He et al. (1997), Scholl, Pylyshyn, and
Franconeri (2001b), Viswanathan and Mingolla (in press), and Yantis (1992).

2.6. Object-based neglect

`Unilateral neglect' is the name given to a collection of disorders in which

patients, typically with lateralized parietal lesions, fail to perceive or respond to
certain stimuli in their contralateral visual ®elds (for overviews, see Rafal, 1998;
Robertson & Marshall, 1993). The basic phenomenon of neglect has striking prac-
tical consequences: in severe cases, neglect patients will fail to orient to people
located in their neglected hemi®eld, will not dress the neglected side of their body,
will ignore food on the neglected side of their dinner plate, etc. Historically, this
class of stimuli was characterized spatially, and from an egocentric reference frame:
patients were thought to neglect entire halves of their visual ®elds. Recent evidence,
Pylyshyn himself has written of MOT as not involving attention per se, but rather an earlier preatten-
tive tracking system (Pylyshyn, 1989, 1994, 2001). Attention, in this view, is seen as perhaps contributing
to an `error recovery' stage when a target item is `lost', but as not being centrally involved in the tracking
itself. This view is discussed at length in Pylyshyn's contribution to this special issue, but in this paper I
will follow most other researchers in considering MOT as a paradigmatic case of attentional selection and
attentional `pursuit'.
Yantis (1992) suggested that MOT can be enhanced by imagining the targets as being grouped into a
single virtual polygon (VP), and then tracking deformations of this polygon. He demonstrated that such
grouping does indeed play a role in MOT by showing that performance was facilitated simply by
informing subjects of this strategy, or by constraining the items' trajectories such that the VP could
never collapse upon itself. While this strategy (or, indeed, any grouping strategy, for example pairing
items into virtual tumbling line segments) can indeed enhance performance, it is not necessary for
successful tracking, and the enhancement seems likely to be due to an improved error recovery process
when one item is lost: when items are being perceptually tracked as virtual groups, one can make an
educated guess as to where a lost item `should' be, given the overall contour of the virtual shape (Sears &
Pylyshyn, 2000). In addition, Scholl and Pylyshyn (1999) have shown that dynamic information which is
local to each item (or `vertex' in the VP strategy) does greatly impact on tracking performance.
B.J. Scholl / Cognition 80 (2001) 1±46 11

Fig. 5. Sample displays shown to neglect patients by Behrmann and Tipper (1994, 1999). (a) Subjects are
shown a dumbbell which then rotates 1808 in place. Left-neglect patients initially neglect the disc on the
left side. After the rotation, neglect of the disk which is now on the left is attenuated, while neglect is now
evident for the disk which ended up on the right. (b) The same event occurs, but two stationary boxes are
added. After the rotation, left-neglect patients show some neglect for the left box but the right disc.
(Adapted from Behrmann and Tipper (1994, 1999).)

however, has suggested that in some situations neglect may also be object-based,
such that patients neglect entire halves of objects with salient axes regardless of the
visual ®eld in which they are presented (e.g. Caramazza & Hillis, 1990; Driver,
Baylis, Goodrich, & Rafal, 1994; Driver & Halligan, 1991; Humphreys & Riddoch,
1994; Subbiah & Caramazza, 2000; Ward, Goodrich, & Driver, 1994; for many
other studies, see Rafal, 1998). Here I will discuss just a single set of `object-based'
Behrmann and Tipper (1994) used a task in which left-neglect patients were
required to detect targets in various `dumbbells' consisting of two discs connected
by a line. As expected, these patients were slower to detect targets presented on the
left side of the dumbbell. When the whole dumbbell visibly rotated through 1808,
however, these same patients then showed less neglect for the disc which ended up
on the left, and were slower to detect targets presented on the disc which ended up on
the right after the rotation (see Fig. 5a). Crucially, Tipper and Behrmann (1996)
showed that this only held for the connected dumbbells, which were apparently
treated as single objects: when the line connecting the two discs was removed,
subjects were always slower to respond to targets on the left side of the display,
12 B.J. Scholl / Cognition 80 (2001) 1±46

Fig. 6. Stimuli used to demonstrate object-based effects in simultanagnosic patients. Patients viewing (a)
cannot determine whether the lines are of equal lengths, but they can tell that the shape in (b) is a trapezoid
rather than a rectangle (Holmes & Horax, 1919). Patients of Luria (1959) could see only a single triangle
from (c) at once, when the two triangles were colored differently.

regardless of their motion to or from any other location. This suggests that in some
contexts these patients neglect not halves of egocentric space per se, but rather
halves of speci®c objects with salient axes, and that the object-based reference
frame which de®nes `left' and `right' persists through such rotation, such that the
`left' (i.e. the neglected) side of a just-rotated object can be located on the right side
of the display after the rotation.
Furthermore, this type of object-based neglect can occur simultaneously with
scene-based neglect (Behrmann & Tipper, 1999). When stationary squares were
added to the dumbbell display, as in Fig. 5b, patients simultaneously showed
some neglect for the stationary square on the left side of the display, but the dumb-
bell disc on the right side (to which it had rotated after being initially located on the
left). This fascinating ®nding suggests that neglect can not only operate in multiple
reference frames (including object-based ones), but can also do so simultaneously.
More generally, egocentric neglect and object-based neglect may interact in other
ways: for instance, the primary axis of an off-vertical object may serve to de®ne
egocentric left and right for an observer, such that neglect might still be considered
as a primarily egocentric disorder, but with object-based contributions to the
egocentric axis (e.g. Driver, 1998; Driver & Halligan, 1991).

2.7. Balint syndrome

Additional evidence for the object-based nature of visual attention comes from the
study of Balint syndrome, in which (typically bilateral) parietal patients exhibit
surprising object-based de®cits (see Rafal, 1997, for a review). Balint syndrome,
even more than neglect, is best characterized as a true syndrome, incorporating
many different types of de®cits which may not all share a common cause; these
include near-complete spatial disorientation (including the inability to indicate an
object by pointing or even by verbal description), abnormal eye movements, optic
ataxia (a disorder of visually-guided reaching), and impaired depth perception. The
most relevant ± and startling ± component of Balint syndrome, however, is termed
simultanagnosia: the inability to perceive more than one object at a time, despite
otherwise preserved visual processing, including normal acuity, stereopsis, motion
detection, and even object recognition. (Such pure cases of simultanagnosia are very
rare, however, and many simultanagnosic patients also have various forms of agno-
B.J. Scholl / Cognition 80 (2001) 1±46 13

sia, alexia, prosopagnosia, and related de®cits.) Such patients fail even the simplest
of tasks which require them to compute a relation between two separate objects
(Coslett & Saffran, 1991; Holmes & Horax, 1919; Humphreys & Riddoch, 1993;
Luria, 1959; Rafal, 1997).
The object-based nature of this disorder emerged very early (and, indeed, seems
intrinsic to the de®nition of simultanagnosia). Holmes and Horax (1919), for
instance, noted that although Balint patients were unable to determine if two parallel
lines were of equal lengths (as in Fig. 6a), they could tell whether a simple shape was
a rectangle or a trapezoid (as in Fig. 6b) when the two lines were simply connected
by other lines at each end to form a single shape. Similarly, although simultanag-
nosic patients are typically unable to see two separate discs simultaneously, they are
perfectly able to see a single dumbbell (Humphreys & Riddoch, 1993; Luria, 1959).
It was even noted in early work by Luria (1959) that this object-based percept
seemed untied to particular locations: if the two overlapping triangles composing
a `Star of David' were colored separately, as in Fig. 6c, patients often perceived only
one of them! Further aspects of Balint syndrome, involving the perception of loca-
tions and visual features, will be discussed in later sections.

2.8. Other evidence for object-based attention

Some additional evidence for object-based attention is discussed later in this

article, in the context of other topics (e.g. the perception of groups, surfaces,
features, and events). The goal of this review is to highlight major themes in the
study of objects and attention, though, and not to exhaustively discuss the empirical
evidence. As such, the rest of this article focuses on various theoretical issues and
connections to other ®elds, and many additional studies supporting the existence of
object-based selection are not discussed. These include studies of negative priming
(Tipper, Brehaut, & Driver, 1990), inhibition of return (Tipper, Driver, & Weaver,
1991; Tipper, Jordan, & Weaver, 1999), symmetry judgments (Baylis & Driver,
1995; Driver & Baylis, 1996), repetition blindness (Chun, 1997; Kanwisher, 1987,
1991), attentional capture (Yantis and Hillstrom, 1994), visual illusions (Cooper &
Humphreys, 1999), response competition (Kramer & Jacobson, 1991), intra-object
attentional effects (Hochberg & Peterson, 1987; Peterson & Gibson, 1991), visual
search (Maljkovic & Nakayama, 1996; Mounts & Melara, 1999), and visual marking
(Watson & Humphreys, 1998). Other neuropsychological studies which are not
discussed here include studies of early object recognition effects on scene segmen-
tation (Peterson, Gerhardstein, Mennemeier, & Rapcsak, 1998) and suggestions of
hemispheric specialization for object-based processing (Egly, Rafal, Driver, &
Starrveld, 1994; Reuter-Lorenz, Drain, & Hardy-Morais, 1996).

3. Objects in context: locations, reference frames, groups, surfaces, and parts

Having now presented some of the evidence that discrete objects can in some
cases serve as units of attention, it is worth stepping back from this evidence, and
considering more carefully how such attended objects relate to other units and
14 B.J. Scholl / Cognition 80 (2001) 1±46

processes, including spatial locations, reference frames, perceptual groups, scene

segmentation, and visual surfaces.

3.1. Objects and locations

As discussed above, the contrast which has done most to fuel research on object-
based attention is between objects and locations. One general way to characterize
this issue is in terms of the degree of preattentive processing in the visual system
(Driver & Baylis, 1998): is an initial `packaging of the world into units' computed
before ± or as a result of ± attention? Viewing the question this way is much in the
spirit of the classic distinction which has motivated attention research, between
`early selection' and `late selection' theories (see Johnston & Dark, 1986; Pashler,
1998). That question typically focused on whether stimuli were processed to the
level of meaning before or after the limits imposed by attention. In this context we
are asking a similar question, about whether various feature clusters are parsed as
independent individuals before an attentional bottleneck, or if the foci of attention
are simply spatial in nature. 6
It seems clear, though, that these two notions ± objects and locations ± should not
be treated as mutually exclusive. Attention may well be object-based in some
contexts, location-based in others, or even both at the same time. The `units' of
attention could vary depending on the experimental paradigm, the nature of the
stimuli, or even the intentions of the observer. Perhaps attention will prove loca-
tion-based within complex extended perceptual objects (Neely et al., 1998), or will
prove object-based only under relatively distributed global spatial attention (Lavie
& Driver, 1996; though see Lamy, 2000). The distinction between objects and
locations may also blur in other ways, for example if the shape of a spatial spotlight
is allowed to deform around an object (cf. LaBerge & Brown, 1989). It may even be,
as suggested by Rafal (1997) (see also Driver, 1998; Laeng, Kosslyn, Caviness, &
Bates, 1999), that object-based disorders such as simultanagnosia have their origin
in disruptions of perceived space:

A real object is perceptually distinguished from others based on its unique

location; it must be in a different place from any other object. Even if it is
superimposed in the retinal image, occlusion cues normally assign each of the
two objects to different distances from the observer and will engender an
experience of depth. Because patients lack conscious access to a visual repre-
sentation of topographic space, there is only one `there' out there ± and hence
there can be only one object. (Rafal, 1997, p. 350)

Note that such references to preattentive processing might be a matter of degree, such that a `preat-
tentive' process is really best characterized as one which requires relatively little attention. It remains
unclear whether there are any truly preattentive processes in the strongest sense of the term (see
Nakayama & Joseph, 1998).
B.J. Scholl / Cognition 80 (2001) 1±46 15

3.2. Object-based processing and object-based reference frames

The discussion so far has focused on the units of attentional selection. A related
foundational question concerns the nature of the underlying reference frame into
which visual features are encoded. (A reference frame here just refers to the speci-
®cation of a set of axes with an origin; relational terms such as `to the left', and
`towards the front' are then de®ned relative to these axes.) In an environment-based
reference frame, visual features are encoded into some absolute coordinate system.
In viewer-based reference frames, features are encoded relative to egocentric prop-
erties such as gaze direction or body orientation. In object-based reference frames,
features are coded relative to axes de®ned by individual objects. Though it is often
assumed that object-based attentional effects also implicate object-based reference
frames (e.g. Behrmann & Tipper, 1999), this is not necessary (Mozer, 1999): there
are many ways in which attention could spread throughout an object and not the
surrounding context, even though all of the features on that object were still repre-
sented in environment- or viewer-based coordinates. One obvious way would be for
the processes implementing the spread of attention to be constrained by principles of
grouping, such as connectedness. 7
The distinction between object-based processing and object-based reference
frames has also been stressed (in different terms) in the context of visual attention
(Vecera & Farah, 1994). Here it was noted that there are two fundamentally different
ways that attention could fail to be entirely location-based. First, attention could
select groups of locations, bound together by object formation principles (such as
connectedness) but still represented in terms of their spatial coordinates; this was
called a `grouped array' theory. On the other hand, objects could be attended with-
out any regard for spatial position; this spatially invariant account is related to the
idea of an object-based reference frame. (Note that while Vecera and Farah (1994)
refer to only this latter type of model as `object-based', I am considering both to be
object-based accounts, since in neither case is selection based entirely on spatial
location.) Which of these object-based accounts is correct appears to depend on the
speci®c paradigm. The `same-object advantages' in divided attention (discussed in
Section 2.3) appear to re¯ect spatially invariant processing, since when the spatial
distance between the two previously superimposed stimuli is varied, the magnitude
of the object-based effect is unchanged (Vecera & Farah, 1994). In contrast, the
`same-object advantages' in spatial cueing (Section 2.4) appear to re¯ect the proces-
sing of grouped arrays, since manipulations of the spatial distance between the probe

Mozer (1999) demonstrates this point by modeling object-based effects from the study of neglect
(Behrmann & Tipper, 1999; Tipper & Behrmann, 1996, which are described in Section 2.6) in a connec-
tionist framework which does not employ object-based reference frames. He suggests that this result
supports the importance of such network models for the understanding of object-based processing, but on
inspection it seems clear that all of the relevant work is done by the fact that the network operates
according to the rule that, ªLocations adjacent to activated locations should also be activatedº (p. 458).
This simply implements the connectedness constraint mentioned above, which of course could also be
implemented in many other ways which did not share the details of these connectionist models.
16 B.J. Scholl / Cognition 80 (2001) 1±46

Fig. 7. Stimuli shown to neglect patients by Driver et al. (1994) to demonstrate the role of perceptual
grouping in determining the axis on which the neglect is based. See text for details.

locations do attenuate the object-based effect (Vecera, 1994; though see Kramer et
al., 1997; Lavie & Driver, 1996, for critiques of these conclusions).

3.3. Attention and perceptual groups

Several older research traditions have emphasized that scenes are organized into
perceptual groups de®ned by the traditional Gestalt principles of continuity, proxi-
mity, common fate, etc. (for an excellent summary see Chapter 6 of Palmer, 1999).
How does the notion of object-based attention differ from these earlier ideas?
Though work on perceptual grouping has typically been conducted without refer-
ence to `attention', many of these demonstrations could easily be reinterpreted as
involving attention. For example, Driver and Baylis (1998) note that ªthe subjective
feeling that a column or row of dots belongs together ¼ may arise because when
trying to attend to a single dot, our attention tends to spread instead across the entire
group in which it fallsº (pp. 301±302). Perhaps, in other words, the Gestalt psychol-
ogists were studying attention all along (see also Driver et al., 2001)!
This intriguing possibility deserves to be pursued in future work. In particular, it
would be of interest to determine if the evidence for object-based selection described
in Section 2 would replicate when Gestalt groups are used as stimuli instead of
single objects. Some evidence suggests that it will. The `same-object advantages'
using the cueing paradigm of Egly, Driver, and Rafal (1994) (see Section 2.4), for
instance, have been replicated when using two groups of circles arranged into
parallel rows (Rafal, in press, cited in Egly, Driver, & Rafal, 1994; see also Driver
& Baylis, 1998, pp. 303±304) ± a `same-group' advantage. In addition, some
neuropsychological studies suggest a more direct role for grouping (e.g. Boutsen
& Humphreys, 2000; Driver et al., 1994; Ward et al., 1994). In one study, neglect
B.J. Scholl / Cognition 80 (2001) 1±46 17

Fig. 8. A stimulus whose natural grouping is of two crossing lines, but which can also be perceived in
other ways, for example as two birds' beaks touching each other.

patients reported whether a small triangle in a brie¯y ¯ashed display had a gap in its
contour, where this triangle was surrounded by other triangles such that it was
perceptually grouped into a right-leaning or a left-leaning global ®gure, as in Fig.
7 (Driver et al., 1994). When the critical triangle was grouped into the left-leaning
global ®gure, as in Fig. 7b, the gap was on the right side of this overall group; when it
was perceptually grouped into the right-leaning ®gure, as in Fig. 7a, the gap was on
the left of the overall group. This manipulation greatly affected whether the patients
perceived the gap, even though the critical triangle was always drawn identically. 8
Such evidence suggests that `object-based' attention and `group-based' attention
may re¯ect the operation of the same underlying attentional circuits ± a conclusion
which echoes William James' comment that ªhowever numerous the things [to
which one attends], they can only be known in a single pulse of consciousness for
which they form one complex `object'º (James, 1890, p. 405). This is not a foregone
conclusion, however. It may be, for example, that attention is more easily moved
effortfully within any perceptual group that can be intentionally perceived,
compared to movement between groups, but that attention will automatically spread
only within a subset of such groups, comprising those that re¯ect the most `intuitive'
percepts. The line segments in Fig. 8, for example, are most naturally grouped into
two crossing lines, though it is possible to perceive them in other ways, for example
as two birds' beaks facing each other. Here attention might automatically spread
only along the two crossing lines, despite the fact that the line segments can be
grouped in several additional ways. Another way to put this is that attention may
automatically spread (e.g. by `exogenous' cues) only within groups de®ned primar-
ily by `bottom-up' factors, but that `top-down' factors may additionally form groups
which can be independently attended by intentional, endogenously-cued processes.
For a more complete discussion of the relation between perceptual grouping and
objecthood, see Feldman (1999).

Related evidence ± and, indeed, some of the earliest evidence for stimulus-based neglect ± comes from
studies which used words (i.e. groups of letters) as units (e.g. Caramazza & Hillis, 1990; Subbiah &
Caramazza, 2000). In these cases, words seem to be treated as special cases of objects or groups (see also
Kahneman & Henik, 1981).
18 B.J. Scholl / Cognition 80 (2001) 1±46

Fig. 9. Stimuli used to explore part-based attention. (a) A stimulus with intuitive `crossbar' parts, used by
Vecera et al. (2000). (b) A stimulus used by Singh and Scholl (2000) with parts de®ned by negative
minima of curvature, the magnitude of which can be varied continuously. See text for details.

3.4. Attending to parts

Just as multiple objects can be perceptually grouped together, so can individual

visual objects be composed of multiple parts (e.g. Hoffman & Richards, 1984;
Palmer, 1977). The part structure of complex objects has played a major role in
theorizing about the recognition of speci®c objects, where several researchers have
proposed that specialized processes for the recognition of speci®c volumetric parts
help to `jumpstart' the recognition process (e.g. Biederman, 1987; Marr, 1982). In
the study of attention, recent research has demonstrated `same-part advantages' (cf.
Sections 2.3 and 2.4) for complex objects composed of hierarchical part arrange-
ments, as in Fig. 9. In one study, for example, Duncan's divided attention paradigm
(Section 2.3) was tested with stimuli consisting of `poles' with `crossbars' (see Fig.
9a), and same-part effects on accuracy were observed concurrently with same-object
effects in displays with multiple ®gures (Vecera, Behrmann, & McGoldrick, 2000;
see also Vecera, Behrmann, & Filapek, in press). 9
Similarly, a `same-part advantage' was observed in a spatial cueing study
(Section 2.4) with stimuli such as the one depicted in Fig. 9b (Singh & Scholl,
2000). The parts in this study were de®ned by minima of curvature on a 3D surface,
which has been found to accurately predict where observers judge part boundaries to
exist (Hoffman & Richards, 1984). This study has two advantages over the divided
attention study. First, due to the nature of the experimental paradigm (based on Egly,

The cueing method used in this study appears to introduce a confound, however. When subjects
reported two features from a single part (e.g. whether the upper crossbar in Fig. 9a was short or long,
and the side of its gap; or, alternately, whether the bottom crossbar was short or long, and the direction of
its `prongs'), they always reported all of that part's features, with the relevant part indicated by the
location of a cue. In contrast, on different-part trials, subjects had to use the color of the cue to determine
which feature of a part to report. This raises the possibility that the observed `same-part advantage' simply
re¯ects the dif®culty of remembering or working through the mapping between cue color and feature-to-
report in the different-part trials. In single-part trials, no such memory is required, since all features of the
part are reported.
B.J. Scholl / Cognition 80 (2001) 1±46 19

Driver, & Rafal, 1994; Moore et al., 1998), it is not subject to the confound
discussed in Footnote 9. Second, de®ning the parts in this way allows for continuous
variation in the magnitude of the curvature de®ning the parts, which has been found
to correlate with part salience (Hoffman & Singh, 1997). Since the naturalism of the
objects used here provides larger than normal cueing effects (see Atchley & Kramer,
in press), it is thus possible to demonstrate that the magnitude of the `same-object
effect' varies with the magnitude of the curvature and the length of the part cuts.
Both of these studies suggest that it may be worthwhile in future work to bring the
literatures on attention and perceptual part structure into closer contact (Singh &
Scholl, 2000; Vecera et al., 2000).

3.5. Attending to surfaces

The previous sections considered both multi-object units such as groups, and
intra-object units such as parts. Visual surfaces constitute another level of repre-
sentation which can encompass both of these categories: complex objects can
consist of multiple surfaces, while multiple objects can be arrayed along a single
surface. One research tradition which has been developed largely independently of
the work discussed above has focused on the role of visual surfaces in `mid-level
vision' (Nakayama, He, & Shimojo, 1995). Nakayama and his colleagues argue that
a surface-based level of representation is a critical link between low-level vision and
high-level perception, and they have shown that several visual phenomena are based
not on the retinal makeup of the visual ®eld, but rather on the perceived interpreta-
tion of the visual ®eld in terms of surfaces.
For example, He and Nakayama (1995) explored how attention can spread along
surfaces in non-fronto-parallel depth planes. In one experiment, observers had to
search for an odd-colored target in the middle depth plane of a stereoscopically
presented display, ignoring the items in two other arrays at depths above and below
the critical plane (see Fig. 10). When the items to be searched for were tilted so that

Fig. 10. Stimuli used by He and Nakayama (1995) to demonstrate that attention can ef®ciently select
surfaces even when they span a range of depths. Subjects must detect an odd-colored item in the middle
depth plane in each case. When the items are arrayed along a perceptual surface corresponding to this
depth plane (a), the search is ef®cient. When the items do not lie along such a surface (b), attention can no
longer select that depth plane, and the search is impaired. (Adapted from He and Nakayama (1995).)
20 B.J. Scholl / Cognition 80 (2001) 1±46

they appeared to lie along a surface at this middle depth plane (Fig. 10a), subjects
were able to ef®ciently con®ne their search to those items, speeding search.
However, when the items were tilted so that they were not seen to lie along such
a surface (Fig. 10b), subjects could no longer con®ne their search to the middle
depth plane, and response times increased. This indicates that attention can ef®-
ciently select individual surfaces, even when they span an extreme range of depths.
In another experiment, He and Nakayama used a cueing study (very similar to that of
Egly, Driver, & Rafal, 1994) to demonstrate that in some cases attention must spread
along surfaces. Subjects had to detect a target in one of two rows of items, and a cue
indicated the row which was 80% likely to contain the target. When the disparity of
the two rows was increased, observers were able to more ef®ciently select the cued
row, but only if the items did not lie along a common perceptual surface; when the
items did lie along a common surface, increased disparity between the rows was
unable to facilitate selection of the cued row. He and Nakayama conclude that ªThe
visual system ¼ can direct selective attention ef®ciently to any well-formed percep-
tually distinguishable surfaceº (p. 11155), and while they do not explain `well-
formedness', they hint that local co-planarity and collinearity of surface edges
may play important roles. These roles are considered again in Section 6 below.
As with perceptual groups, it is possible that attending to objects, surfaces, and
parts all re¯ect the operation of the same underlying attentional circuits. Future work
along these lines must investigate the extent to which phenomena of object-based
attention will replicate with such units, and must also take care to pursue rigorous
ways of distinguishing surfaces, objects, and parts, rather than relying on intuitive
conceptions of such units (see Feldman, 1999).

3.6. Attention, segmentation, and proto-objects

As the previous three sections have emphasized, there may be a hierarchy of units
of attention, ranging from intra-object surfaces and parts to multi-object surfaces
and perceptual groups. It remains an open question whether attention to each of
these levels re¯ects the operation of the same or distinct attentional circuits. Another
complication is that each of these units may be computed multiple times within the
course of visual processing. In general, segmentation processes ± that is, processes
that bundle parts of the visual ®eld together as units ± probably exist at all levels of
visual processing. Some of these processes are early, using `quick and dirty' heur-
istics to identify likely units for further processing. This results in a visual ®eld
which has been segmented into `proto-objects', which are thought to be volatile in
the sense that they are constantly regenerated rather than being stored in visual
working memory (VWM) (Rensink, 2000a,b).
In this scheme, it is these `proto-objects' which serve as the potential units of
attention. Then, once a proto-object is actually attended, additional object-based
processes come into play. In Rensink's `coherence' theory (Rensink, 2000a,b),
attention to a proto-object gives rise to a more detailed representation of that unit,
and one that persists in VWM. It seems likely, however, that this attentional proces-
sing could in some cases override the earlier parsing characterized by the proto-
B.J. Scholl / Cognition 80 (2001) 1±46 21

objects. For instance, the additional processing which results from attention to a
proto-object may result in a higher-level representation of that portion of the visual
®eld as a pair of intertwined objects, or as only a part of a more global object or
group of objects. In general, since such processes can occur at multiple levels,
`segmentation' cannot be considered as synonymous with object-based attention.
The units of some segmentation processes may serve as the focus of attention, while
the units of other segmentation processes may be in part the result of (proto-)object-
based attention.
The relation between attention and segmentation is treated at length in the paper
by Driver and colleagues in this special issue (Driver et al., 2001). They address the
issues discussed above, and focus on the question of whether ± and how much ±
image segmentation occurs with attention, without attention, and with attention
otherwise occupied in a competing task. In experiments studying a wide array of
phenomena ± transparency, change blindness and inattentional blindness, modal and
amodal completion, and low-level ¯anker tasks ± Driver and colleagues stress how
unattended (and even unseen) portions of the visual ®eld can still enter into segmen-
tation processes, while at the same time attention can in¯uence even very early types
of segmentation. Throughout this work, Driver and colleagues discuss the conscious
phenomenology of scene segmentation, and the limited degree to which it represents
the complexity of visual processing.

4. Objects and features

In the previous sections we considered hierarchical objects, and the possibility of

attending to individual parts and surfaces. Objects are also seen as comprising
individual features, however, such as color, luminance, shape, and orientation. In
this section object-based selection is contrasted with feature-based models, in which
attention can select individual visual features, and in which the limits imposed by
attention may concern the number of such features which can be simultaneously
encoded into VWM.
One recent experiment which highlights this contrast used a change detection
paradigm to demonstrate that the units of VWM are in some cases discrete objects,
apparently regardless of the number of visual features which make up those objects
(Luck & Vogel, 1997; see also Irwin & Andrews, 1996). On each trial, subjects saw
a display such as that in Fig. 11a for 100 ms, followed by a brief blank delay and then
Fig. 11b for 2000 ms, and simply had to determine whether there had been a change.
Using simple features such as colored boxes and oriented lines, VWM was found to
have a capacity of four features, as evidenced by change detection accuracy. Surpris-
ingly, this same limit of four discrete objects held whether the items were colored
boxes (Fig. 11a,b) or oriented lines of different colors (with two features per object),
or even colored oriented bars which came in two possible sizes and which either did
or did not have a gap (see Fig. 11c,d), in which case all 16 features from the four
objects could be retained as accurately as only four features from four objects. It thus
22 B.J. Scholl / Cognition 80 (2001) 1±46

Fig. 11. Sample change detection displays from Luck and Vogel (1997), with texture standing in for color.
Displays (a) and (b) contain colored boxes. Displays (c) and (d) contain bars of two different sizes and
orientations and several colors, and can either have a gap or no gap. Subjects are shown display (a) for 100
ms, followed by display (b) after a 900 ms delay, and must indicate whether a change occurred (here it did:
one item changed `color'). A similar method is used for displays (c) and (d), where one of the items has
changed size. In each case, subjects are accurate with displays containing up to four items in total,
regardless of the number of features comprising those items. See text for details. (Adapted from Luck
and Vogel (1997).)

appears that object-based processing can trump feature-based processing as well as

purely spatial processing, at least in some circumstances and for some `objects'. 10

4.1. The link between object-based attention and feature encoding

The studies of VWM described above support a view which is often taken as a
hallmark of object-based selection: that attending to an object automatically entails
encoding all of its features into VWM. This thesis was proposed in early theorizing
about object-based attention (e.g. Kahneman & Henik, 1981), and remains pervasive
today (Duncan, 1993a,b; Duncan & Nimmo-Smith, 1996; O'Craven, Downing, &
Kanwisher, 1999). Kahneman and Henik (1981), for instance, suggested that,
ªAttention can be focused narrowly on a single unit, or else it can be shared
among several objects. To the degree that an object is attended, however, all its
aspects and distinctive elements receive attention. An irrelevant element of an
attended object will therefore attract ± and waste ± its share of attention.º (p.
183). More recently, O'Craven et al. (1999) have suggested that ªthe central
claim of object-based theoriesº is that ªtask-irrelevant attributes of an attended
object will be selected along with the task-relevant attribute, even when these
attributes are independentº (p. 585).
Converging evidence for this view comes from a recent neuroimaging study
(O'Craven et al., 1999). Previous neuroimaging studies have identi®ed a part of
the fusiform gyrus which responds selectively to faces (the `fusiform face area' or
More recent work with this paradigm supports the existence of an object-based component to VWM,
but with two important limitations. First, whereas Luck and Vogel (1997) obtained an object-based result
even for objects de®ned by a conjunction of two identical dimensions (e.g. a colored border around a
colored box), later studies have failed to replicate this effect when the second display could not contain
any entirely new colors (Wheeler & Treisman, 1999; Xu, 2001b). Second, the types of `objects' that enjoy
this effect may be highly constrained. An attenuated object-based effect with color and orientation is
found for colored oriented bars, for example, but not for colored `beach balls' with colored oriented stripes
running through them (Xu, 2001a).
B.J. Scholl / Cognition 80 (2001) 1±46 23

FFA; Kanwisher, McDermott, & Chun, 1997) and also a part of parahippocampal
cortex which responds selectively to the shape of the local environment (the `para-
hippocampal place area' or PPA; Epstein & Kanwisher, 1998). fMRI was used to
identify these brain areas in subjects, and their activations were then measured when
the subjects viewed superimposed photographs of houses and faces, as in Fig. 12.
Despite this spatial superimposition, the activations of the FFA and PPA were highly
dependent on which stimulus subjects attended to, indicating an object-based atten-
tional modulation of these areas' activations. Furthermore, even task-irrelevant
features of the attended stimulus resulted in activation of the corresponding neural
areas. When subjects had to attend only to a small motion in the face, for instance,
both the motion area (MT/MST) and the FFA were activated, though again in this
case the PPA was not activated. Again, it seemed that entire objects were being
selected, rather than individual features.

4.2. The priority of spatiotemporal features

This strong view of feature processing, wherein all the features of an object are
necessarily encoded when an object is attended, breaks down at high attentional
loads. In the MOT paradigm (see Section 2.5), for example, successfully attending to
the targets throughout the tracking phase appears to result in the encoding of spatio-
temporal properties such as location and direction of motion, but not featural proper-
ties such as color and shape (Scholl et al., 2001b). To investigate whether items'
locations were encoded as a result of being tracked, an item disappeared suddenly at
the end of the motion phase, and subjects had to report the missing object's location
using the mouse, and also indicate whether that item was a target or a distractor. As
expected, performance was much better for successfully tracked target items
compared to the unattended distractors. Similar results held when subjects had to
use the mouse after the MOT motion phase to indicate the direction in which an item

Fig. 12. Example of a superimposed face/place stimulus used by O'Craven et al. (1999) in an fMRI study
of object-based attention. See text for details. A dynamic version of the ®gure is also available on the
Internet at
24 B.J. Scholl / Cognition 80 (2001) 1±46

had been moving. A striking dissociation emerged, however, when certain other
properties were examined. To investigate whether items' colors and shapes are
encoded as a result of being tracked in MOT, the colors and shapes of items were
occasionally permuted when the items were occluded or `¯ashed', and subjects
reported these properties when a single probe item disoccluded or `un¯ashed' as a
simple placeholder. (After the disocclusion of the placeholder, for instance, the
subject would have to report what color it had been a moment before, and whether
or not it was a target.) Here, surprisingly, property encoding was very poor, and was
no better for attended targets than for unattended distractors: in the context of the
attentional load induced by MOT, items' spatiotemporal properties but not their
featural properties seem to be reliably encoded as a result of attention.
This pattern of results is in line with other earlier results obtained using brie¯y
presented static stimuli (e.g. Sagi & Julesz, 1985), and suggests that attended object
representations may in some circumstances be represented more robustly in terms of
their spatiotemporal properties (especially location) than their featural properties
(see also Jiang, Olson, & Chun, 2000; Johnston & Pashler, 1990; Nissen, 1985;
Quinlan, 1998; Simons, 1996). This view is also supported by anecdotal evidence
from Balint syndrome, where the objects seen by simultanagnosic patients do not
seem to be tied to any particular set of visual features enjoyed by that object. Such
patients, for instance, will often see many of the colors from each of the objects in
the display `¯oat' through the single object which they are perceiving (Robertson,
Treisman, Friedman-Hill, & Grabowecky, 1997; see also Humphreys, Cinel, Wolfe,
Olson, & Klempen, 2000). As a whole, the evidence relating objects and features
suggests that object-based processing may often trump feature-based processing, but
that not all features are created equal: in some circumstances, spatiotemporal
features may be more tightly coupled with object representations than are surface-
based features such as color and shape.

5. Dynamic objects in space and time

The majority of the studies discussed in previous sections were concerned with
demonstrating that attention can select discrete objects. Having established that
objects can be units of attention, we can also ask about the dynamic nature of object
representations. Two such issues are explored in this section: the maintenance of
attended object tokens over time, and the possibility of attending to simple motions
and events.

5.1. Maintaining object representations through time and motion

When attended objects move about the visual ®eld, what factors constrain
sustained attentional allocation to those items? An example of research addressing
this question is discussed below, as are two general theories of how object tokens are
maintained and updated.
B.J. Scholl / Cognition 80 (2001) 1±46 25

5.1.1. Tracking items through occlusion

The MOT paradigm (Section 2.5) is well-suited to studying questions about the
maintenance of object tokens, since only such sustained attention over time can
distinguish the otherwise identical targets and distractors after the motion begins.
This task has been used, for instance, to determine whether attended object repre-
sentations survive interruptions in visibility during their motion (Scholl & Pylyshyn,
1999). Subjects tracked four small squares in a ®eld of eight squares in total in a
display which contained occluders (which were either drawn on the screen, or else
were invisible but still functionally present). Subjects were able to successfully track
even when the items were brie¯y (but completely) occluded at various times during
their motion, suggesting that occlusion is taken into account when computing endur-
ing perceptual objecthood (see also Tipper et al., 1990; Yantis, 1995). Unimpaired
performance in the context of these occluders, however, required the presence of
accretion and deletion cues along ®xed contours at the occluding boundaries. Perfor-
mance was signi®cantly impaired when items were present on the visual ®eld at the
same times and to the same degrees as in the occlusion conditions, but disappeared
and reappeared in ways which did not implicate the presence of occluding surfaces,
for example by imploding and exploding into and out of existence instead of accret-
ing and deleting along a ®xed contour (see Fig. 13 for a schematic depiction of these
This pattern of results con®rms that the circuits responsible for the `attentional
pursuit' of the items in this task are not simply robust in the face of any interruption
in spatiotemporal continuity, but rather have a speci®c tolerance for interruptions
consistent with occlusion. In other words, the local dynamics of items during brief
disappearances help de®ne what `counts' as a dynamic visual object: items which
disappear and reappear via accretion and deletion along a ®xed contour are repre-
sented as persisting objects, and can be tracked in MOT, whereas those which
disappear in other ways cannot be so tracked, as the disappearances seem to disrupt
their continuing representation as the same object.

5.1.2. Object ®les

One general account of how object representations are maintained over time is the
`object ®le' theory (Kahneman & Treisman, 1984; Kahneman, Treisman, & Gibbs,
1992; Treisman, 1988, 1993; see also Kahneman & Henik, 1981). One traditional
model of visual experience contends that visual stimuli are identi®ed as objects
when their visual projections activate semantic representations in long-term
memory, and that visual experience consists of shifting patterns of this type of
long-term memory activation. Kahneman et al. (1992) note the shortcomings of
this view. It appears to be the case, for instance, that objects can be perceived and
tracked even when they remain unidenti®ed. Furthermore, when objects are initially
mis-identi®ed, and later correctly recognized, there is still never any doubt that the
object involved was the same object. ªTwo identical red squares in successive ®elds
may be perceived as distinct objects if the spatial/temporal gap between them cannot
be bridged, but the transformation of frog into prince is seen as a change in a single
visual object.º (Kahneman et al., 1992, p. 179). Kahneman and Treisman argue that
26 B.J. Scholl / Cognition 80 (2001) 1±46

an intermediate level of representation is needed to mediate this latter task, which

they call `object ®les'.
On this theory, attending to an object in the visual ®eld causes a temporary `object
®le' representation to be created. Object ®les store information about the properties
of visual objects (e.g. their colors, shapes, and current locations), but are allocated

Fig. 13. Some of the different `occlusion' conditions from Scholl and Pylyshyn (1999). The inherently
dynamic nature of the occlusion conditions makes them dif®cult to represent in a static medium, but here
they are presented as sequences of static `snapshot' diagrams. In each condition, an item travels downward
throughout ®ve sequential frames of motion, interacting with a hypothetical occluder position (not to
scale). Solid occluder boundaries represent visible occluders, while dashed occluder boundaries represent
invisible occluders (presented to aid comprehension). See text for details. Animations of these conditions
are available for viewing over the Internet at (Adapted
from Scholl and Pylyshyn (1999).)
B.J. Scholl / Cognition 80 (2001) 1±46 27

and maintained primarily on the basis of spatiotemporal factors. Three operations

are involved in managing object ®les: (a) a correspondence operation, which deter-
mines for each object whether it is novel, or whether it moved from a previous
location; (b) a reviewing operation, which retrieves an object's previous character-
istics, some of which may no longer be visible; and ®nally (c) an impletion opera-
tion, which uses both current and reviewed information to construct a phenomenal
percept, perhaps of object motion. When the features of two objects at different
times match (via the reviewing process), the correspondence operation is thought to
be facilitated, and the two objects are seen as temporal stages of a single enduring
object in the world. When the features do not match, however, the correspondence
between those items is inhibited.
This idea was tested with the `object reviewing' paradigm (Kahneman et al., 1992).
A single trial in this paradigm consists of two successive displays, as in Fig. 14. Each
display contains small boxes, each of which may contain a single letter, and various
manipulations are employed so that particular boxes in the ®rst display are seen as
continuous with particular boxes in the second display. The ®rst (`preview') display
contains two or more letters-in-boxes, while the second (`target') display contains a
single letter-in-a-box, which can either match the letter from `that' box in the initial
display, can contain the letter from a `different' box from the original display, or can
contain an entirely novel letter. Subjects must simply name the single letter in the
second display, and the typical result is that such response times are faster when that
target is the same letter that ®lled the corresponding box in the ®rst display (see Fig.
14). Kahneman et al. (1992) call this type of priming the `object-speci®c preview
effect': a preview facilitates or inhibits the processing of a target only if the preview
and target are seen as states of the same object.

5.1.3. Visual indexing

A related theory called `visual indexing' (Pylyshyn, 1989, 1994, 2001) comple-
ments the object ®le framework by postulating a mechanism whereby object-based
individuation, tracking, and access are realized. In order to detect even simple
geometrical properties among the elements of a visual scene (e.g. being collinear,
or being `inside'), Pylyshyn argues that the visual system must be able to simulta-
neously reference ± or `index' ± multiple objects. This need is met in Pylyshyn's
model by `visual indexes', which are independently assigned to various items in the
visual ®eld on the basis of bottom-up salience cues, and which serve as a means of
access to those items for the higher-level processes that allocate focal attention. In
this regard, they function rather like pointers in a computer data structure: they
reference certain items in the visual ®eld (identifying them as distinct objects),
without themselves encoding any properties of those objects. These indexes were
referred to in early work as `FINSTs', for FINgers of INSTantiation, due to the fact
that physical ®ngers work in an analogous way: they can individuate and track items,
and provide a means to determine relations such as `to the left of', but they cannot by
themselves encode an object's color or global shape. Visual indexes are thought to
be assigned to objects in the visual ®eld regardless of their spatial contiguity (in
contrast with spotlight models), but with the restriction that the architecture of the
28 B.J. Scholl / Cognition 80 (2001) 1±46

Fig. 14. Displays used by Kahneman et al. (1992). In the static displays, the target is seen as the same
object as one of the previews, because it appears in the same location. In the apparent motion displays, the
target (i.e. the stimulus between the two lines) is seen as the same object as one of the previews, because it
is seen to arrive at its location via apparent motion from one of the preview locations. The same holds for
the real-motion displays, mutatis mutandis. In each case, congruent information facilitates target naming,
while incongruent information hampers performance. In control conditions (not pictured) in which the
target is not seen as the same object as one of the previews, no such effects are observed. (Adapted from
various ®gures in Kahneman et al. (1992).)

visual system provides only about four indexes. Furthermore, the indexes are sticky:
if an indexed item in the visual ®eld moves, the index moves with it.
Pylyshyn (2001) describes several types of experiments illustrating the need for
and the operation of such visual indexes. This paper also stresses the data-driven (or,
in Pylyshyn's terms, `preconceptual') nature of the operation of these visual indexes.
This aspect of the proposal serves to link visual processing up with the world,
providing an exit to the regress in which various representational systems are
explained in terms of other representational systems. If a signi®cant portion of the
indexing process is truly data-driven, then this might be a mechanism which `gets
vision off the ground'. In this sense, the visual indexing theory is intended to be a
sort of interface between the world and the mind, and could underlie higher-level
types of object-based processing. 11

In particular, Pylyshyn argues that the MOT paradigm (see Section 2.5) is a multi-stage process, and
that the actual tracking itself illustrates the operation of the visual indexing system. Indeed, Pylyshyn
created this paradigm in order to test the indexing theory (Pylyshyn & Storm, 1988). In this paper, in
contrast, I have treated MOT as simply involving a standard type of attention. This is because MOT enjoys
the salient properties of our pretheoretic notion of attention (it is selective, capacity-limited, and effortful),
while it is unclear what aspects of MOT suggest or support a lower-level interpretation. At present, there
seems to be no evidence ruling out the hypothesis that paradigms like MOT involve a standard type of
attentional selection and `pursuit', which is simply allocated in a rather complex way, `split' between
multiple items.
B.J. Scholl / Cognition 80 (2001) 1±46 29

Both the object ®le and visual indexing frameworks embody theoretical assump-
tions which have been useful for guiding research on object-based attention. Perhaps
the most basic assumption of these theories is simply that a level of visual processing
exists in which the visual ®eld is parsed and tracked as distinct objects, which are
nevertheless not analyzed or recognized as particular objects. This is reminiscent of
the evidence presented in Section 4 that spatiotemporal properties are more tightly
bound to object representations than are surface-based properties.

5.2. Attention, sprites, and event perception

Whereas nearly all of the work on attention reviewed above has concerned either
static objects or objects which happened to be in motion, attention may also interact
directly with information which is inherently dynamic, such as simple stereotypical
motions. Cavanagh and colleagues raise this possibility in their contribution to this
special issue (Cavanagh et al., 2001). They suggest that the stereotypical motions of
familiar objects ± such as a person walking or a hand waving ± may be stored as
such, and that these `units' of motion may facilitate recognition of the events and the
objects participating in them. These stored representations of simple motions,
termed sprites, are accessed or modeled by attention when viewing dynamic scenes.
Such `animation' of stored stereotypical motions is hypothesized to be among the
visual system's standard repertoire of visual routines (in the sense of Ullman, 1984).
As with other `chunking' data structures (e.g. schemas, scripts), attentional sprites
let familiar objects and events be recognized even from very sparse dynamic infor-
mation in the scene. A complex set of sprites, for instance, would be responsible for
the robust perception of biological motion (e.g. a person walking) which can arise
when viewing even a very simple `point light walker' composed of around 11 points
of light in motion (Johansson, 1973).
The experiments reported by Cavanagh et al. (2001) focus on the attentional
demands of using sprites. In particular, they explore whether simple patterns of
points in motion can be discriminated without attention. Two such discriminations
are tested: pairs of points `tumbling' or `orbiting' around a center point (Fig. 15a),
and simple biological motion in one of two directions. When such dynamic stimuli
are used in visual search tasks, so that the subjects must quickly determine whether a
target motion is present in a ®eld of distractor motions, the time taken to make this
decision varies with the set size, a result which is taken to indicate that attention is
required to `animate' the sprites used to discriminate even simple motion patterns.
Beyond simple motion patterns, it is also possible that certain inherently dynamic
events may serve as `objects' of attention. Consider, for example, the perception of
causality in simple `launch displays', wherein one item is seen to hit another (Fig.
15b). It has been argued that the perception of such events is mediated by automatic
low-level processes (Michotte, 1946/1963; see Scholl & Tremoulet, 2000, for a
review). Such stimuli ± and others, such as pushes, pulls, and even chases ± are
perceived in causal terms which go beyond the objective kinematics of the items in
the display. It is possible that attentional sprites of the sort introduced here by
Cavanagh et al. (2001) play a role in mediating such percepts by `animating' the
30 B.J. Scholl / Cognition 80 (2001) 1±46

Fig. 15. Examples of simple events and motion patterns. (a) The `tumbling' versus `orbiting' pairs which
had to be discriminated in visual search tasks in the experiments reported by Cavanagh et al. (2001). (Only
the dots are actually drawn.) (b) A simple `launch' event that has been thought to be perceived `auto-
matically' (Michotte, 1946/1963; Scholl & Tremoulet, 2000). Can such inherently dynamic animations
and events serve as units of attention?

event schemas, and that in this way events might serve as units of attention. Such
possibilities remain an intriguing focus for future research.

6. What is a visual object?

In previous sections of this paper, we have identi®ed several different constraints

on what can count as `objects' of attention. For example, we have seen several
instances of objects surviving both static and dynamic occlusion (Behrmann et
al., 1998; Moore et al., 1998; Scholl & Pylyshyn, 1999; see also Tipper et al.,
1990; Yantis, 1995), and we have seen that standard object-based effects are repli-
cated with stimuli which we would intuitively characterize as groups, parts, and
surfaces (see Section 3). Beyond these general categories, however, an important
task for future work will be to determine the precise properties which mediate the
degree to which visual feature clusters are treated as objects of attention. Some
researchers, such as David Marr, have been pessimistic about the possibility of
providing a useful answer to this question:
Is a nose an object? Is a head one? Is it still one if it is attached to a body? What
about a man on horseback? These questions show that the dif®culties in trying
to formulate what should be recovered as a region from an image are so great
as to amount almost to philosophical problems. There is really no answer to
them ± all these things can be an object if you want to think of them that way,
or they can be part of a larger object. (Marr, 1982, p. 270)
B.J. Scholl / Cognition 80 (2001) 1±46 31

Marr's pessimism is certainly appropriate when considering the mind as a whole;

certainly, for instance, we can conceive of almost anything as an object (for philo-
sophical treatments, see Hirsch, 1982; Wiggins, 1980). With regard to what mental
processes such as visual attention treat as objects, however, there may be well-
de®ned answers to such questions.
The majority of work on object-based attention to date has been focused on
demonstrating that object-based attention exists in various situations, independently
of location-based and feature-based attention. In addition, some recent studies have
begun to use the tools described in Section 2 to explore more directly what can count
as an object of attention. Three such studies are brie¯y described here.
The ®rst two studies employed the divided attention and spatial cueing paradigms
which have previously revealed `same-object advantages' (see Sections 2.3 and 2.4).
In the original object-based cueing study, Egly, Driver, and Rafal (1994) observed a
same-object advantage using pairs of rectangles as objects (see Fig. 3a). Avrahami
(1999) set out to determine which features of these rectangles were crucial for the
effect. She found that their closure was neither necessary nor suf®cient: a same-
object advantage was observed with simple sets of parallel lines, but not with certain
distorted versions of the enclosed rectangles. Other researchers have similarly
explored same-object advantages in the divided attention paradigm (Watson &
Kramer, 1999). Subjects in these experiments viewed pairs of `wrenches' as stimuli,
and had to decide from extremely brief (50 ms) presentations whether the pair of
wrenches contained both an open-ended wrench and a bent-end wrench. When these
two features were on the same visual object, they reasoned, this response should be
speeded. Using stimuli such as those in Fig. 16 (which shows `same-object' trials for
each condition), Watson and Kramer demonstrated that objecthood can be de®ned
by uniformly connected regions such as those in Fig. 16a, but not by non-uniformly
connected regions such as those in Fig. 16b (see also Kramer & Watson, 1996; Van
Lier & Wagemans, 1998). They also showed that the magnitude of the same-object
effect was attenuated when the ends of the wrenches were easily differentiable from
the shafts by concave cusps as in Fig. 16c, compared to when such cusps were either
non-existent (Fig. 16d) or not as pronounced (Fig. 16a) (see also Driver & Baylis,
1995; Hoffman & Singh, 1997). A ®nal conclusion from this research was that the
nature of visual objecthood varied by task (see also Brawn & Snowden, 2000; Lamy
& Tsal, 2000): in other tasks, the existence of these cusps did not make a difference,
and even regions which were not uniformly connected were treated as objects.
The issue of what can count as an object of attention is also addressed by Scholl et
al. (2001a) in a MOT experiment involving a technique they call `target merging'.
Though subjects still attempted to track multiple independently and unpredictably
moving items, the nature of these items was altered so that target/distractor pairs
were perceived as single objects ± with a target at one end and a distractor at the
other end. For example, the pair might be drawn as a simple line segment connecting
the two points, or as the convex hull of the two items. Each of the diagrams in Fig.
17, for instance, represents two targets and two distractors paired in various ways.
(All of the actual experiments involved eight items in total paired into four target/
distractor pairs.) Crucially, each `end' of a pair still moved completely indepen-
32 B.J. Scholl / Cognition 80 (2001) 1±46

Fig. 16. Depictions of some of the `wrench' stimuli used by Watson and Kramer (1999). In all displays,
subjects must determine from brief (50 ms) presentations whether the display contains both a bent-end
wrench and an open-ended wrench. All displays shown here represent `same-object' target trials, since the
two crucial features are always depicted on the same wrench. (a) A uniformly-connected display; (b) a
non-uniformly connected display; (c) a display with salient cusps at each end of each wrench; (d) a display
with no cusps at the end of the wrenches. See text for details. (Adapted from Watson and Kramer (1999).)

dently. Using a between-subjects design and identical sets of trajectories and target
selections for each condition, Scholl et al. (2001a) ®nd that tracking performance is
radically impaired when the to-be-tracked items are undifferentiated parts or ends of
larger objects such as lines (Fig. 17b) or `rubber bands' (Fig. 17c). (In these cases,
object-based attention is palpable: observers can feel attention being pulled in to the
entire line or rubber band as the tracking phase unfolds.) This method is then used to
explore the roles of part structure, connectedness, and other forms of perceptual
grouping on visual objecthood. For instance, when subjects had to track ends of
`dumbbells' as in Fig. 17d, performance was worse than with boxes alone (Fig. 17a),
but better than with lines alone (Fig. 17b) ± presumably because of the salient parts
at each end. In more complex cases, the precise nature of the connections seemed
crucial: for instance, tracking was greatly impaired with `Necker Cubes' (Fig. 17e),
but not in the similar control condition depicted in Fig. 17f.
In most cases, given enough time and leisure, we are free to consider almost
anything as an object. As these experiments demonstrate, however, objecthood is
more well-de®ned at earlier levels of visual analysis. To get at such earlier levels,
most investigators (e.g. Watson & Kramer, 1999) have used brie¯y presented and
often masked stimuli along with speeded responses. This manipulation con®nes
processing to early mechanisms because of a temporal limitation: the displays are
gone before higher levels of analysis have a chance to come into play. The advan-
tages of this method come with a cost, however: they result in small and impercep-
tible effects. In MOT, in contrast, the higher-level processes are constrained not by
temporal limits but by overall sustained attentional load. It is trivially easy to track a
single end of a line using focal attention, but the higher-level processes which make
this possible are not available when attentional capacity is strained by the high load
induced by MOT: in this latter case only a limited class of `visual objects' can be
tracked. The experiments described in this section report very preliminary results
concerning the nature of visual objecthood, but hopefully these methods can
continue to be used in the future to comprehensively explore the properties which
give rise to objects of attention.
B.J. Scholl / Cognition 80 (2001) 1±46 33

7. Beyond vision science

To this point, the discussion of objects and attention has been con®ned largely to
aspects of visual processing in adults. In fact, however, the relation between objects
and attention is also a central concern in the study of other modalities and even other
sub-®elds of cognitive science. Since a major goal of this special issue as a whole is
to explore such connections, this penultimate section will address two such areas:
auditory objects of attention (the topic of the paper by Kubovy & Van Valkenburg,
2001) and the infant's object concept (the topic of the paper by Carey & Xu, 2001).

7.1. Auditory objects of attention

There are many analogies between phenomena of object-based visual attention

and phenomena of grouping and `streaming' in audition. Albert Bregman (1990), in
his in¯uential book Auditory scene analysis: the perceptual organization of sound,
pioneered a theory in which auditory scenes are grouped into and perceived as
distinct auditory streams or objects of audition: ªThe stream plays the same role
in auditory mental experience as the object does in visual.º (p. 11). Each stream is
perceived as containing those parts of the incoming auditory scene which `go
together'. In most cases, such analysis is tremendously useful since these different
streams will emanate from different sources in the environment.
Kubovy and Van Valkenburg (2001) provide an overview of how to best concep-
tualize auditory objects, and relate them to visual objects. Early theories, they note,

Fig. 17. Sample target merging displays from the MOT tasks of Scholl et al. (2001a). Each display shows
four items, each of which always moves independently from all other items. (Actual displays had eight
items in total.) In displays (b) through (f), the items are merged into pairs in various ways, with each pair
always consisting of a target and a distractor, and subjects must track one end of each pair. Such
manipulations greatly affect tracking performance. See text for details. Animations of these conditions
are available for viewing over the Internet at
34 B.J. Scholl / Cognition 80 (2001) 1±46

tended to map auditory spatial processing (i.e. the computation of a sound source's
location) onto visual spatial processing, and to map auditory frequency onto a visual
property such as color. In contrast to this `spatial' mapping, Kubovy and Van
Valkenburg suggest that a more useful mapping is between auditory frequency
and visual space. Just as visual objects exist in space-time, so auditory objects
exist in pitch-time. This mapping is motivated by Kubovy's theory of `indispensable
attributes' (Kubovy, 1981), which notes that spatial separation is a necessary
precondition for numerosity judgments in vision, while separation in frequency
space is a necessary precondition for numerosity judgments in audition. (Two
tones of different pitches coming from the same location will be judged as distinct,
while two tones of the same pitch coming from different locations will be heard as a
single sound.) Auditory spatial processing, in contrast, is seen as supporting visual
spatial processing in the service of action, rather than being involved in object
formation. Kubovy and Van Valkenburg summarize the existing evidence for this
view, as well as the evidence that auditory processing contains separate `what' and
`where' streams, as does vision. In addition, they discuss how attention interacts
with each stream, proposing that attention is typically drawn only to indispensable
attributes in each modality (i.e. primarily to objects and locations but not colors in
vision, and primarily to pitches but not spatial locations in audition).
The view of objecthood which emerges from this theory is intended to be cross-
modal. Early perception ± both auditory and visual ± aggregates `elements', which
then undergo grouping to form various perceptual organizations. Each of these
perceptual organizations is then a potential `object', and actual objects are formed
via attentional selection, which results in ®gure-ground segregation. An advantage
of this particular conception of objecthood is that it can be stated in this modality-
independent way. Note, though, that the choice of which of these levels count as the
`objects' is somewhat arbitrary. Most of the `objects' (and sometimes `proto-
objects'; see Section 3.6) that have ®gured in the object-based attention work
might be termed `elements' on this model. Of course, it remains an important
topic for future research to determine the properties which mediate unit formation
at each of these levels in Kubovy and Van Valkenburg's theory: the early
`elements', the mid-level `groups', and the ®nal `objects' which emerge as a result
of attention (see also Section 3.6).
In addition to these general lessons on how to think about auditory objects and
relate them to visual objects, it is also possible to draw more speci®c analogies
between auditory phenomena and experiments on object-based visual attention.
Two such examples are discussed in the remainder of this section. First, recall the
evidence (presented in Section 2) that attention in some contexts is not a simple
unitary spotlight. In the MOT task, for instance, attention can be split between
multiple items in space, rather than being spread between them. Keeping to the
analogy between visual space and auditory frequency, similar results are obtained:
just as some of the results described in Section 2 seem inconsistent with attention to
a single region of visual space, so do the results of some audition experiments seem
inconsistent with attention to a single region of frequency space. For example,
listeners are able to simultaneously monitor for both a low- and a high-frequency
B.J. Scholl / Cognition 80 (2001) 1±46 35

tone just as easily as they can monitor for the two tones in sequential intervals
(Johnson & Hafter, 1980). A more direct source of evidence comes from a monitor-
ing situation where subjects have to determine which of two sequential temporal
intervals contains a target tone. In this situation, when the target tones are usually at
two separated frequencies, subjects perform well at both frequencies, but perform
poorly for those targets which unexpectedly have tones between these typical
frequencies (Macmillan & Schwartz, 1975). This demonstrates that attention can
be split between multiple auditory tones rather than simply spread between them in
frequency space.
A second example of convergences between the general principles of visual and
auditory processing involves the processing of occlusion. Many researchers of audi-
tory attention (e.g. Dannenbring, 1976; Warren, 1982) have studied how sounds
moving in frequency space can seem to continue `behind' auditory occluders, such
as sudden bursts of noise (see Fig. 18a). This type of situation is in some ways
analogous to the experiments of Scholl and Pylyshyn (1999) discussed in Section
5.1.1, where spatial movement is analogous to movement in frequency space. In
those experiments the nature of the local disappearance at the occluding boundary
made a crucial difference to whether the item could be tracked through that bound-
ary: when the items `imploded' and `exploded' at the occluding boundaries, for
example, performance was severely impaired (see Fig. 13). Auditory researchers
have observed similar effects. For instance, if the initial frequency ends (Fig. 18b) ±
or begins to gradually diminish in amplitude (Fig. 18b) ± a moment before the burst
of noise, then the auditory percept of continuation is severely reduced or eliminated
(Bregman, 1990; Bregman & Dannenbring, 1977; Warren et al., 1972). In both
cases, continuity through occlusion occurs only when all of the `disappearing' of
the tracked visual or auditory object occurs along the contour of the occluding
boundary. Bregman (1990) identi®es the general principle involved here: ªThe
perceptual systems, both visual and auditory, must use a very accurate analysis of
the structure of the sensory evidence to determine whether the parts separated by the
occluding material show suf®cient agreement with one another to be considered
parts of the same thing or event.º (p. 347). Such analogies are provocative, if

Fig. 18. Depictions of auditory events used by Bregman (1990), Bregman and Dannenbring (1977), and
Warren, Obusek, and Ackroff (1972). In each diagram, the horizontal axis represents time, while the
vertical axis represents intensity. (a) Sound A1 ceases just as sound B begins, and sound A2 begins just as
sound B ceases. Subjects perceive A1 continuing behind the `auditory occluder' of B. This continuity
percept is attenuated or destroyed, however, when A1 stops (b) or diminishes in intensity (c) just before
the onset of B. See text for details. (Adapted from Bregman (1990).)
36 B.J. Scholl / Cognition 80 (2001) 1±46

only for the heuristic value they bring to each ®eld in terms of generating experi-
ments and theories, and they clearly merit further study.

7.2. Object-based attention and the infant's object concept

Cognitive developmental psychology is another area of study which has often

focused on issues of objects and attention. Using looking-time measures to study the
infant's `object concept', developmental psychologists have demonstrated that
infants even a few months old have a substantial amount of `initial knowledge'
about objects in domains such as physics and arithmetic (for recent reviews and
overviews, see Baillargeon, 1995; Carey, 1995; Spelke, 1994; Spelke et al., 1995;
Wynn, 1998). Traditional discussions of the nature of such `initial knowledge' have
assumed an implicit dichotomy between `perception' and `cognition' (e.g. Bogartz,
Shinskey, & Speaker, 1997; Kellman, 1988; Leslie, 1988; Spelke, 1988a,b), and
from within this dichotomy `perception' was often found wanting, largely because it
was thought not to be object-based (see the quote from Spelke, 1988b, in Section
1.1). Since `perception' was thought not to traf®c in discrete objects, but `thought'
was, the correct explanations for the infancy experiments were assumed to be
`conceptual' in nature (see Scholl & Leslie, 1999, for discussion). Of course, all
of the evidence discussed in this article belies this characterization of perception,
and if parts of perception can indeed be object-based, then it is possible that mechan-
isms of object-based attention play an important role in explaining these infancy
Scholl and Leslie (1999) drew just this conclusion, and identi®ed several conver-
gences between these two ®elds (see also Leslie, Xu, Tremoulet, & Scholl, 1998). To
take one example, recall the priority for spatiotemporal over featural properties that
was found by Scholl et al. (2001b) (see Section 4.2), and which is inherent in
theories of object ®les and visual indexing (Section 5.1). This pattern mirrors the
maturational differences in property encoding obtained with 10±12-month-old
infants by Xu and Carey (1996). Ten-month-old infants, for instance, will use
spatiotemporal information (seeing two unconnected items emerge from behind a
screen at the same time) but not featural information (seeing a red item and a green
item emerge sequentially) to infer the existence of two distinct objects behind the
screen, as in Figs. 19 and 20 (Xu & Carey, 1996). Twelve-month-olds, in contrast,
will use both sorts of information, like adults. In a similar vein, 4-month-old infants
have been shown to use spatiotemporal information to infer that two parts are in fact
a single unitary object (e.g. the fact that two parts separated by an occluder undergo
common motion) but not featural information (e.g. the fact that two stationary parts
separated by an occluder have similar colors and/or shapes; Kellman & Spelke,
1983; Kestenbaum, Termine, & Spelke, 1987; see also Van de Walle & Spelke,
1996). (Again, adults and older children will use both sorts of information.) Further-
more, infants at these ages appear to use only spatiotemporal information to assess
an object's unity: in the situation described above, for example, infants are perfectly
happy to conceive of the two parts in common motion as a single object, despite the
B.J. Scholl / Cognition 80 (2001) 1±46 37

Fig. 19. The `spatial' condition from Xu and Carey (1996). See text for details. (Adapted from Xu and
Carey (1996).)

fact that their colors and shapes suggest strongly (to older children and adults) that
they are distinct objects (but cf. Needham, 1997).
Carey and Xu (2001) address the relationship between object-based visual atten-
tion in adults and this type of infancy work at length, identifying several other
convergences, as well as their limitations. They suggest that the adult mind has
two primary representational systems for individuating objects. One, which they
call the `mid-level object ®le system', involves the types of attentional processes
discussed throughout this article. The second is a `kind-based' system, which is fully
conceptual, and can often override the attention-based tracking system (e.g. when
you decide that the computer on your desk is the same one that was there yesterday,
despite the fact that you did not directly observe the spatiotemporal continuity
38 B.J. Scholl / Cognition 80 (2001) 1±46

Fig. 20. The `property' condition from Xu and Carey (1996). See text for details. (Adapted from Xu and
Carey (1996).)

between the two). Whereas properties such as color and shape may play only a
peripheral role in mid-level object tracking, they may play a more central role in
kind-based individuation. Because young infants do not yet employ kind-based
individuation, Carey and Xu stress that they are ideal `tools' with which to study
mid-level object-tracking: adults, in contrast, are `contaminated' by both systems,
which are often hard to distinguish. In addition to stressing the role of attention-
based systems in infant cognition, Carey and Xu also identify several ways in which
results from the infant cognition literature might usefully inform work on object-
based attention. In particular, they describe a nuanced view of the relation between
object-based attention and higher-level processes. They note that the representations
formed by processes of object-based attention may still be conceptual in nature,
despite their perceptual origin: for example, these representations may end up play-
ing a prominent role in guiding further inferences and actions.
These connections between developmental work and work from vision science on
adults should be an exciting topic for future research. Research in these two ®elds
B.J. Scholl / Cognition 80 (2001) 1±46 39

has until this point proceeded largely independently, and it seems certain that each
®eld will have many heuristic insights to offer the other, and that in some cases
researchers from the two ®elds may be studying the same mechanisms of object-
based attention.

8. Conclusions: a case study in cognitive science?

The study of objects and attention is important, in the ®rst instance, for intrinsic
reasons: a fundamental task in the study of visual attention is to determine the nature
of the basic units over which attention operates. As has been reviewed in this paper,
the units of attention are often various kinds of visual objects. That this is true seems
undeniable in the face of converging evidence from so many psychophysical and
neuropsychological experiments. Still, there are many important questions which
remain to be answered about object-based attention. These include the question of
precisely which stimulus features de®ne `objecthood' from the perspective of the
visual system (Section 6), and how (or if) object-based attention differs from notions
of group-, surface-, part-, or event-based attention (Sections 3 and 5).
As the additional analogies with other ®elds (Section 7) begin to suggest,
however, the study of objects and attention may also be of interest more generally.
The evidence reviewed above consisted largely of experimental psychology and
neuropsychology, but there has also been valuable recent input from computational
modeling (e.g. Behrmann et al., 1998; Mozer, 1999) which was not reviewed here.
Furthermore, in addition to the work on audition and cognitive development
discussed in Section 7, the relation of objects and attention has also been of much
interest to philosophers (e.g. Hirsch, 1997; Wiggins, 1997; cf. Xu, 1997) and even
language researchers (e.g. Landau & Jackendoff, 1993). In few other areas of this
young ®eld have so many areas of study converged on so many similar ideas, and as
such the research on this topic might be viewed as an emerging `case study' in
cognitive science.


B.J.S. was supported by NIH #F32-MH12483-01. For helpful conversation and/or

comments on earlier drafts, I thank Jacob Feldman, Jerry Fodor, Steve Franconeri,
Alex Holcombe, Alan Leslie, Ken Nakayama, Mary Peterson, Dan Simons, Anne
Treisman, and Steve Yantis. Special thanks to Jon Driver and Zenon Pylyshyn for
especially careful and critical readings of an earlier draft. Special thanks are also due
to the members of my 1999 undergraduate seminar at Rutgers, `Objects: A Case
Study in Cognitive Science', for extremely helpful extended conversation.
40 B.J. Scholl / Cognition 80 (2001) 1±46


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