Test A2-B1

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When I 

1 (was starting/started/have started)my job two years ago I 2 (did/used to/did use
to)love it. The truth is that I have a very high salary and the office is very close to home, but the
problem is that since the day I started I 3 (have had/have/had) very few free weekends and I
always work until very late in the evening. I often have to cancel plans with friends 4 (because
of/so/because)work or I miss family celebrations, and I'm usually very tired and stressed. I'm not
sure I can keep 5 (to do/doing/do this). I don't sleep enough, and I don't
eat 6 (healthily/good/healthy), because I don't have 7 (enough time/time enough/many)
time to cook.
Apart from that, sport has always been very important in my life. I like being fit, and 8 (to
do/do/doing) sport is the way I have to feel well and reduce
stress. 9 (Because/Although/However), nowadays I don't have 10 (no/some/any)time to
exercise. With all these bad habits, I feel that I am putting my health at risk.
I really need some advice. What would you do if you 11 (would be/were/are)me? My salary is
very high, and I can walk to work, but I feel horrible; I don't have a social life and I don't have a
healthy life. Two years ago, before taking this job, I was much 12 (more fit/fitter/fiter) and very
happy. Now I am 28 and I have a lot of money in my bank account, but nothing else. The
problem is that the jobs that 13 (offer/offered/are offered) in the area where I live don't pay
much, and I'm afraid of making a decision 14 (who/which/where) I might regret. So, what do
you think? 15 (Do/Should/Might) I quit my job?

1. A: "_____ did you live in New York?" B: "I lived there for almost five years."
b.How much
c.How long
2.When ____?
a.did you arrived
b.did you arrive
c.were you arrived
3.They threw a rock _____ the window and broke the glass. 
4.He didn't speak English, _____ it was difficult to make him understand what he had to do. 
5.A: "Why did you turn off the TV?" B: "Because I _____. I'm very tired."
a.go to sleep
b.will go to sleep
c.'m going to sleep
6.This is the famous wine _____ is produced in this region. 
c.that it
7.We _____ last Tuesday. We _____ here for over a week. 
a.arrived / 've been 
b.'ve arrived / 've been
c.'ve arrived / were
8.I didn't see _____ strange when I went into the room. 
9.This is _____ the UK.
a.the oldest man in
b.the oldest man of
c.the most old man in
10.There weren't _____ tourists in the streets the day we went. 
a.too many
b.too much
c.too many of
11. I loved the chocolates. _____ were delicious. 
12.I'd buy a car if I _____ a driving license. 
b.would have
13.Tomorrow, I'll text you as soon as I _____. 
a.will wake up
b.wake up
c.'m waking up
14.The concert _____ because of the bad weather. 
a.was cancelled
c.did cancel
15.He was upset because her son _____ her computer. 
b.was broken
c.had broken
16. Who ____ these flowers?
a.did give you
b.gave you
c.you gave
17.I _____ coffee, but today I _____ one. 
a.don't drink / need
b.'m not drinking / need
c.don't drink / 'm neeeding
18.She _____ very fast when she _____ control of the car. 
a.was driving / lost
b.drove / lost
c.was driving / was losing
19.I'm going to the florist's _____ roses for Patricia.
a.for buying
b.for buy
c.to buy
20.We _____ to Disney for Thanksgiving. I'll be fun!
b.'re flying
c.'ll fly
21. I wasn't _____ to understand what had happened.
a.enough old
b.too old
c.old enough
22.He isn't capable of _____ this to _____.
a.do / we
b.doing / us
c.to do / us
23.I'm going _____ in the park.
a.for a run
b.to a run
24.We _____ do it now. We can do it later.
a.don't have to
25.What time _____ there?
a.we should be
b.should we to be
c.should we be
26. I _____ a car if I lived nearby. 
a.didn't need
b.wouldn't need 
c.won't need
27.______ to play any sports when you were at school?
a.Did you used
b.Used you
c.Did you use
28.David won't help us, and neither _____ Betty.
29.In the morning, she said she _____ at the office all afternoon.
a.'d be
b.will be
30.My phone wasn't on the desk. Somebody _____ it!
b.was taking
c.had taken
Marilyn Monroe 1 (borned/was born/is born) in 1926 in Los Angeles. Her real name was Norma
Jeane Mortenson. When she was seven years old, her mother 2 (have to/had to/must) move into
hospital because she was suffering from mental illness. After that, Norma lived in several foster
homes. After her sixteenth birthday, Norma married James Dougherty, but their marriage didn’t
last long. 3 (However/Although/Because) Norma’s difficult childhood made her strong, it also
made her very insecure. 
During World War II, Marilyn worked in a factory. There, she 4 (has met/met/was met) the
photographer David Conover and he asked her to pose in his
photographs. 5 (Their/Theirs/They) photos were very successful. By 1945, she 6 (has
appeared/appeared/had appeared) on 33 magazine covers! But Marilyn’s dream was to be an
actress. Because of her modelling success, she 7 (gave/had given/was given) some film roles,
and by 1953, she was one of 8 (the most popular/the popularest/the more popular) Hollywood
9 (Although/However/But), she was never lucky in love. In 1954, she married the baseball star
Joe DiMaggio. They split up just nine months later. At the time, DiMaggio’s baseball career was
ending. He felt jealous of Marilyn, 10 that (she/who/which) had become famous
and 11 (admired/was admiring/was admired) by 12 (a lot/many/much) people. He spent most of
his time 13 (to watch/watch/watching)television, which Marilyn found boring. 
In 1956, Marilyn married the writer Arthur Miller. At first, they were happy together, but later,
while the two of them 14 had (worked/have worked/were working) together on a film, they fell
out and separated. Marilyn died from a drug overdose when she was 36 years old. Most people
thought she committed suicide, but 15 (nobody/anybody/somebody) will ever know for sure.

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