Week 22.1

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I. Put the verbs in the brackets in the correct form.

1. Mr. Adams is responsible for .................................(supervise) the assembly plant.
2. It .............................(say) that our economy is in deep crisis.
3. Since when ............................... (you / know) about our wedding?
4. Mrs. Pawn.............. ................. (teach) in our school before she moved to Boston in 1991.
5. ‘Who ...................... .......... (do) daily shopping in your house?’
‘My brother usually ................................ (do).’
6. Our neighbor’s wife is pregnant. She .................................(have) a baby soon.
7. Everything ............ ................... (seem)...................................(be) new in your house.
8. ‘When ................... ............ (the minister / resign)?’ ‘I don’t remember whether it ............................. ... (happen)
last year or two years ago.’
9. Look ! Somebody .................................(steal) fruit from your garden.
10. I cannot drive to work. My car .................................(not repair) as yet.
11. Let’s ............................... (finish).................................. (do) our homework quickly.
12. It’s much faster ................................ (travel) by plane than by train.
13. The tourists .......... ...................... (wait) for their guide for two hours now.
14. Before.................... ........... (start) my work for the new company last month,I .................................. (do) different
jobs at the post office.
15. ‘Who ............................... (you/invite) to your birthday party next Sunday?’‘Lots of friends, of course.’
16. The weather’s awful. If it ................................ (not stop) raining for a while, I ............................... .. (cannot) take
the dog for a regular walk.
17. We ................................(know) each other for a month only, but we(already / become) good friends.
18. I don’t think I ......... .......................(resume) mystudying next term. I’d like.................................(rest) a bit
19. Nobody knows how .................................(operate) the switchboard.
20. The new tax rates .............................. (not announce) yet. It .................................(probably / do) tomorrow.
21. ‘Why are you so happy?’ ‘It’s about the good news. I ............................... (just/give) a promotion.’
22. The well is bone dry. It ............................... (not rain) in the area for six months.
23. I’m hard up. I ............................... (lose) all my savings in the casino last night.
24. The bullies made us ............................... (give) them all our pocket money.
25. How long ............................... (the Simpsons ! own) this wonderful sheep dog?

II. Put in the blanks with SO or SUCH:

1) Come on! Don’t walk ………..slowly.
2) I’ve never read ………..an interesting book.
3) Everything is …….expensive these days, isn’t it?
4) It was……….a boring film that I fell asleep at once.
5) The wind was ……….strong. It was difficult to sleep.
6) I like Tom and Ann. They are ……….nice.
7) I’m afraid I can’t remember. It was…….. a long time ago.
8) After living there for ………long, he must know the town very well.
9) Why are you in ……..a hurry?
10) We have………much to do.
Fill in the blanks with SO MANY/SO MUCH
1) We have …………problems that we can’t go to bed early.
2) Why have you got………….furniture?
3) There was………….food that everyone ate too much.
4) There were…………guests that there weren’t enough food.
5) Why did you buy ……….beer?
6) Doctor Smith has ………….patients that he’s always busy.
7) I ate ……sandwiches that I felt ill.
8) My father has ………….things to do that he can’t come back home tonight.
9) They drank………..wine that they couldn’t walk.
10) The bank of this river has got ………..weeds that we can’t swim.
III. Rewrite these sentences using the cues provided with SO/SUCH/TOO/ENOUGH
1) We went to bed early because we were very tired.
 We were so………………………………………………………..
2) The lesson is very difficlut. We can’t understand it.
 It is such………………………………………………………..
3) The car is so old that he doesn’t want to drive it.
 It is such………………………………………………………..
4) The weather was very cold. We couldn’t go out.
 The weather was too………………………………………………………..
5) The film was so interesting that we couldn’t miss it.
 It was such………………………………………………………..
6) David has too many girlfriends. He can’t remember all of their names.
 David has so………………......................................................................................
7) Tome drives too fast, so he often causes accidents.
 Tom drives so…………………………………………………………………..
8) This is good tea. I think I’ll have another cup.
 This is such……………………………………………………….…….………..
9) John was very angry. He couldn’t say anything.
 John was too…………………………………………………………..…………..
10) These exercises are so long that I can’t finish them in an hour.
 They are……………….………………………………………………………..
11. She is old. She can work by herself. (Enough)
 She is………………………………………………………………………….
12. The boy is intelligent. He can understand you. (Enough)

 The boy is………………………………………………………………………

IV. Circle the correct option.

1. He (correct, correctly) defined the terms. The answer sounded (correctly, correct).
2. She (quickly, quick) adjusted the fees. She adapted (quick, quickly) to any situation.
3. He measured the floor (exact, exactly). They proved to be (perfectly, perfect) (exact, exactly) measurements.
4. The stillness of the tomb was (awfully, awful). The tomb was (awfully, awful) still.
5. It was a (dangerously, dangerous) lake to swim in. The man was (dangerous, dangerously) drunk. The gas smelled
(dangerously, dangerous).
6. She performed (magnificent, magnificently). It was a (magnificent, magnificently) beautiful performance.
7. Her voice sounds (beautifully, beautiful). She sang the song (exact, exactly) as it was written. We heard it
(perfectly, perfect).
8. He was a very (sensibly, sensible) person. He acted very (sensible, sensibly).
9. Mike wrote too (slow, slowly) on the exam. He always writes (slow, slowly).
10. Talk (softly, soft) or don't talk at all. The music played (softly, soft).
11. Andrea knows the material very (good, well). She always treats us (good, well).
12. You must send payments (regular, regularly). We deal on a (strictly, strict) cash basis.
13. The mechanic's tools were (well, good). The foreman said that his work was (good, well) done.
14. She worked (careful, carefully) with the sick child. She was a very (careful, carefully) worker.
15. He did not pass the course as (easy, easily) as he thought he would.
16. I find this novel very (interesting, interestingly). It was (interesting, interestingly) written.
V. Choose the best option.
1. I’m going to bed early tonight. I’m too tired; I can’t watch movie on TV. - ____ can I.
A. Either B. Not C. So D. Neither
2. I left it ____ on the table ____ in the drawer.
A. either – nor B. neither – or C. either – or D. either – either
3. ____ the radio ____ the television works properly.
A. Neither – nor B. Neither – or C. Either – nor D. Not – nor
4. He ____ could not come ____ did not want to.
A. either – or B. neither – or C. either – nor D. nor – nor
5. The hotel is neither spacious ____.
A. or comfortable B. nor comfortable C. or comfort D. nor comfort
6. Not ____ did she refuse to speak to him, but she also vowed never to see him again.
A. even B. only C. at all D. always
7. He neither drank ____ smoked so he had good health.
A. nor B. or C. but D. also
8. Neither the TV nor the video sets ____ properly.
A. works B. work C. has worked D. is working
9. Now women work both before ____ after having their children.
A. or B. also C. nor D. and
10. It is the event ____ a lot.
A. has been talked about B. that has been talked about
C. Has talked about D. that has talked about
11. She ____ hard but also gets on well with her classmates.
A. doesn’t only study B. studies not only
C. not only studies D. not studies only
12. Either you leave now ____!
A. I will also call the police B. but I will call the police
C. or will I call the police D. or I will call the police
13. Not only John but also his two brothers ____ football as their recreation every weekend.
A. play B. plays C. were playing D. has played
14. I left it ____ on the table ____ in the drawer.
A. either – nor B. neither – or C. either – or D. either – either
15. Not only John but also his two brothers ____ football as their recreation every weekend.
A. play B. plays C. were playing D. has played
16. It is the library ____.
A. that often I borrow books from B. which I often borrow books from
C. where I often borrow books from D. from that I often borrow books
17. ____ Julia ____ her sister are going to the party.
A. Both - and B. Neither - nor C. Either - or D. Not only – but also
18. It was the electric guitar ____ was bought by my uncle.
A. that B. whom C. it D. who
VI. Rewrite the sentences.
1. Fred likes helping his friends. So does Linda. (both...and)
2. Harry used to date Ann. Or was it Helen? (either...or)
3. We should learn to accept our weaknesses and our strengths. (not only...but also)
4. He never listens to or advises his friends when they have a problem.(neither...nor)
5. I've betrayed your trust. I've betrayed your love for me. (not only...but also)
6. He felt disappointed. He felt misunderstood. (both...and)
7. Brian isn't very considerate. Neither is Tom.(neither...nor)
8. A true friend is someone who is caring and loving. (both...and)
9. Rachel should apologise or leave. (either...or)
10. Richard and John didn't keep her secret. (neither...nor)

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