Developing An Oral Presentation

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Developing an Oral Presentation


1. Find a topic that interests you; if your topic is assigned, find an approach to the topic
that interests you, and think about ways to get your audience interested as well.
 Keep an open mind about your topic. Try to be objective.
 Think about how a politician, single parent, retired bus driver, kindergartener,
astronaut, or farmer might view your topic.
2. Consider approaches to your topic that are unique and will capture your audience’s
attention, and write those ideas down even if they seem off the wall; they may help you
think of something more appropriate.
3. Narrow down your topic if needed. You may also need to expand your idea to cover the
time requirements. In both cases, consider your audience. Put yourself in their place.
 Expand a speech by considering what could use more explanation. Where can a
video or personal story be inserted?
 Shorten a speech by considering what information is common knowledge and
should be cut from your speech. What information can be cut without affecting
your speech?


1. Locate information that is credible and relevant to your topic. Use the library,
interviews, emails to experts, and personal experiences if applicable and permitted.
2. Think of ways to share what you found visually. Charts and graphs are helpful at times,
but also consider taking photographs and creating videos.
3. Integrate oral citations into your speech; this will give you more credibility as a speaker.
 Provide the date, the type of resource, the title, the authors or publisher—
whatever information is necessary for your audience to interpret the
 Try something like this for a website: “The USDA’s website reported that in fiscal
year 2009 more than 9 million people per month received supplemental
nutrition through the WIC program.”
 Try something like this for a book or journal: “Ken Robinson defines creativity in
his 2010 book Unlocking Creativity as ‘generating outcomes that are original and
have value.’” | [email protected] | 859-622-7330

4. Organize the information you find in a way that will be most relevant to your audience.
Found a funny quote? Use it first to hook your audience. Created a great video? Use it in
the middle to spice things up. Uncovered a funny story? Consider using it last to sum up
your talk and inspire your audience.
5. Provide transitions between your introduction, main points, and conclusions so that
your audience can follow along as you present.


1. Shorten the written portion of your speech as you practice. For example, you may start
with a few pages or paragraphs that you can use to create an outline. After you practice
some more, shorten your outline into a list of key words and sentences. This will help
you stay organized, while enabling you to maintain eye contact with your audience.
2. Stand up and practice in front of other people; ask for their feedback. Sometimes we get
so close to a topic we overlook a key point or skip a step that should be explained more
clearly. (The Noel Studio is an excellent resource for practicing; book a practice room
and schedule a consultant and you are ready to go.)
3. Develop visuals that reinforce your topic. If you want to appear knowledgeable and
engaged in your topic, make sure your posture and hand movements come across that
way. Also consider the way your slides/visuals are designed. Your words, body language,
and visual aids should all work together.
 Smile if appropriate. You will feel better and so will your audience.
 Maintain eye contact. It lets your audience know you respect them, and it helps
you read their interest level.
 Use comfortable gestures. Give your hands something to do during the speech
so they can add to your message.
 Make your movements count. While you don’t want to stay perfectly still during
a presentation, you do want to be mindful of the movements you make during
your speech. If you have the time and space, walk naturally in front of the room
or among audience members.
 Dress appropriately. Your first impression begins before you open your mouth.
The way you dress can express organization and authority. Also consider jewelry,
makeup, and other accessories that will not distract your audience.
4. Feel comfortable pronouncing all your words. If you get tongue-tied on a sentence when
you practice, you may want to rewrite it so you don’t stumble during your presentation.
5. Time your presentation while practicing. Do a few run-throughs to be sure of your time. | [email protected] | 859-622-7330

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