ANGEL - Research Paper Chapter 1-3 Group 2
ANGEL - Research Paper Chapter 1-3 Group 2
ANGEL - Research Paper Chapter 1-3 Group 2
Group 2:
Angel Franzlhynne S. Viloria
Diana Mae Pillarda
Krisha C. Campos
Jhezreel Santos
Jan Angelo Conel
Theodore Jose Conde
Chapter 1
The problem
Background of the study
•Since Covid19 hit the Philippines in 2020 the
government needs to find ways to continue the learnings of
the students while avoiding the spread of the virus. The
Philippines has changed its Educational system to the New
Normal which means learning academics through online classes
and modular classes.
•Study shows that cheating is unfair in gaining
knowledge and advantages, but DepEd noticed the increase of
uploaded self-learning modules and answered online
activities, Netizen dubbed it as ONLINE KOPYAHAN. Online
Kopyahan is a problem even pre-pandemic, this academic
dishonesty escalated more while our country is adjusting to
the New Normal. When the problem arose, DepEd started
coordinating with the authorities to stop this academic
•Bombarded with loads of assignments, activities and
projects under the New Normal Learning Process, some
students participated with an online group wherein students
uploaded, shared and leaked their answers, learning tests
and modules.
•Over a year into distance and blended learning set up
of the country's education system under covid19 pandemic the
problem of Online Kopyahan ballooned.
•In 2021 Online Kopyahan group was discovered and
investigated by the government authorities and it was
shutted down.
•Researchers believe that we should not tolerate this
academic dishonesty. Discussing this topic in public helps
other students in realizing and being sensible that this
process will not help their knowledge, learning and literacy
improve. Online Kopyahan might be the easiest way to cope up
with bombarded school projects but this will not even be
rooted in a student's memory and understanding.
Statement of the problem
The researchers sought to determine "What are the advantages
and disadvantages of online kopyahan to Grade 11 Students of
FEU Roosevelt Marikina”
More specifically the researchers would like to ask the
following questions:
1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of Online
2. Why do you think students choose to cheat rather
than do research to answer their modules or
3. Do you think parents should be involved in avoiding
online kopyahan in supervising their children at
home while doing online or modular classes?
4. What do you think is the main reason why online
kopyahan is now a chronic topic that should be
addressed properly and seriously?
5. Do you think intellectual dishonesty can easily be
determined in the New Normal Education set up?
Conceptual Framework
Input Process Output
Researchers chose Researcher chose a Researcher will
the students from students in grade 11 gather enough data
Grade 11 Students of STEM-D to be the one regards to what are
FEU Marikina as who will answer the they seeking for
their specific interview questions based on their live
respondents. also before the interview questions
interview they have
conduct an enough
Researchers are seeking or gathering data from the
issues that are related to “Online Kopyahan”. This topic
refers to those students who cheat on their exams and
schoolwork online.
Professor, reported in his 2012 book; he found that
more than 60 percent of surveyed students who had cheated
considered digital plagiarism to be “trivial”—effectively,
students believed it was not actually cheating at all.
help acting morally, said Dr Jason M. Stephens, who
researches academic motivation and moral development in
adolescents at the University of Auckland’s School of
Learning, Development, and Professional Practice. A study of
military academy students from 1959 to 2002 revealed that
students in communities where cheating is tolerated easily
cave into peer pressure, finding it harder not to cheat out
of fear of losing social status if they do not.
In this chapter, the method researchers choose for this
research will be shown. The method used in the research is
our way to gather enough data to fulfil the questions
researchers seek from our proposed questions.
The research proposal will use a qualitative research
approach and interviewing is used to collect the data. The
researchers tried to get answers from the general problems
to justify and satisfy the objective of the study. Likewise,
it also attempted to know the different advantages and
According to Pritha Bhandari (2020), Qualitative research
involves collecting and analysing non-numerical data (e.g.,
text, video, or audio) to understand concepts, opinions, or
experiences. It can be used to gather in-depth insights into
a problem or generate innovative ideas for research.
Qualitative research is the opposite of quantitative
research, which involves collecting and analysing numerical
data for statistical analysis
Ethnographic research is the kind of research the
researchers performed in this study because the researcher’s
study through direct observation in their natural
environment. Ethnographic research is mostly used in
qualitative research because in this study the researchers
are looking at social interaction of users in each
Research Locale
The study was conducted at Far Eastern University
Roosevelt Marikina Campus, this place was selected for this
study because the students in this school also encountered
the same problem the researchers have while having this
study in the process. This study was implemented in the
students of FEU Roosevelt Marikina from Grade 11 Stem D.
Research Instruments
The questionnaires the researchers have was used as the
main data gathering instrument. The questionnaires were used
to answer the statement of the problem. Researcher’s
questionnaires consist of 5 questions.
The researchers will use online medias mostly Ms Teams to
make a live interview and also researchers will have a live
audio recording.
Data Gatherings
In Data gathering researchers first step is to have
permissions to their respondents regarding the live
interview. After that, researchers will proceed on observing
how their respondents answer their dedicated questions. On
wards, the answer of the respondents will be analyzed by the
researchers to gather the data needed.
The date where the researcher's will proceed on getting
the data from the respondents will start at the Second
Quarter of the school year 2021-2022
Chapter 1
- Bernardo,Jaehwa (2021): DepEd Coordinating with
authorities to probe Online groups promoting cheating.
-Malipot, Merlina H.(2021):‘Online Kopyahan’ is a result of
unresolved distance woes, group says
Chapter 2
- Galvez,Daphne (2021): DepEd already in touch with
authorities to probe ‘online kopyahan’ – Briones
- Regalado,Pia (2021):Online Kopyahan, Where Cheating is
Easy, Needs DepEd Action: Teachers
-Newsbytes.PH (2021)-DepEd vows to take action against
‘Online Kopyahan’ groups on Facebook
- Bernardo,Jae-Hwa (2021):DepEd coordinating with
authorities to probe online group promoting cheating
- San Jose,Christian (2021):DepEd to stop ‘online kopyahan’
with PNP, parents, and more work for teachers?
- Simmons,Andrew (2018):Why students cheat and what to do
about it.
- Perlman,Lindsey (2020):With classes online, a wave of
cheating I am ravaging Penn’s academics.
- Austria, Viktor( 2021): What the presence of ‘online
kopyahan’ groups say about the sorry state of education.
-Malipot,Merlina H. (2021): ‘kopyahan’ goes online under
distance learning.
- Bernardo,Jae-Hwa (2021) – DepEd coordinating with
authorities to probe online group promoting cheating
- Bilen,Eren and Matros,Alexander (2020): Online cheating
amid COVID-19
- Newton,Derek (2020):Another problem with shifting
education online: cheating
- Bacani,Hannah Angelique (2021) “Online Kopyahan: DepEd
vows not to tolerate cheating”
- Subin,Samantha (2021): “How college students learned new
ways to cheat during pandemic remote schooling”
- Lederman,Doug (2020) “Best Way to Stop Cheating in Online
Courses? ‘Teach Better’”
- Iwai,Yoshiko (2020):“Online Learning during Covid-19
- Kulkarni,Dipti (2021):“Students are copying from the
internet. And it’s because how we teach”
- De Guzman,Miguel (2021):Anti-Cybercrime Group told to work
with DepEd on ‘online kopyahan’ groups
- Heilweil,Rebecca (2020):Paranoia about cheating is making
online education terrible for everyone
- Hollister,Diane (2020):Deterring cheating in an online