Impact of Online Learning To The Students

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Republika ng Pilipinas

Kolehiyo ng Lungsod ng Lipa

College of Teacher Education
Marawoy, Lipa City



A Case Study
Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements in Technology for Teaching and


Aguila, Angelyn
Dumapit, Jehoven
Israel, Charisse Mae
Ocampo, Risha Marnelle P.

June 2022
I. Background Information

Introduction and Justification

Education is one of the most important aspect in the Philippines, unfortunately

the COVID-19 pandemic had struck the country in year 2020 which led to a sudden
suspension of classes and led to a lot of institutions closing including schools. There
are no doubt that during this years, the most important is everyone’s safety and
health, that’s why schools were halted for few months. Educational Institutions
continued to look for ways on how students can access education even at their safe
place which is home and during this times the technology advances and users
experiences improves as well which have led to the idea of new normal in terms of
education which is online learning. Today, Online Learning had become a necessary
resource for students and schools all over the world. Online learning is now
applicable not just to learn academics but it also extends to learning extracurricular
activities for students as well. The demand for online learning has risen significantly,
but as most of the teaching and learning methods, online learning has drawbacks
which has caused students to neglect the essence of studying.

Online learning had caused a lot of adjustments to the student’s way of

learning. One of the biggest problem is the student’s self-discipline wherein they took
advantage of technology and devices which has caused them to make their activities
and compliance easier without applying the essence of studying which is to learn.
Due to minimal interaction between students and teachers, a lot of students tend to
skip tasks and class sessions. And some students, only for compliance, they attend
classes without diverting the attention to the instructors and lesson. While for its sad
part, not all students have a device to use and not everyone has a stable internet
connection which is hard for them to keep up with classes and comply for
requirements. Hence, the Educational Institution’s goal and mission for implementing
online learning during pandemic was to ensure everyone’s safety and had intended
them to improve student’s technical skills and online learning strategies to continue
pursuing student’s academic goals. But this goals were not followed by many, as
they see this as a not serious mode of learning which had started the student’s to
really neglect the essence of studying. The researchers, conducted this case study
to know the reasons what trigger students to neglect the essence of studying, and
give solutions for their reasons and to know if online learning technology plays an
important role to the students.

Related Literature

The world is fighting the spread of Coronavirus Disease in 2019 which is

caused by the Sars-Cov-2 virus. As a result of the community’s lack of
preparedness, the healthcare systems and the virus’s spread which led to a lot of
institution closing and left the population traumatized. This has caused to a lot of
people to lose their jobs which had gradually became a negative impact on
economy. Others are required to work from home and especially this has caused
students to study at their safe place which is home.

According to (Kingsbury 2021), “Many schools around the world are restricting
direct interaction between students and teachers, pushing them to rely on technology
to survive.” Which a lot of people experienced because, schools in the country were
halted, and there are no direct contacts from teachers, employees and students.
Educational Institutions has decided to do all the work with the help of technology
and learn through online. This has become the revolution, where technology is
critical in the teaching and learning process. (Usher and Barak 2020) defines online
learning to as “a learning environment that uses the internet and other technological
devices and tools for synchronous and asynchronous instructional delivery and
management of academic programs”. To continue on studying and learning,
technology and devices like cellular phones, laptop, computers and tablet should be
available to access Online Learning more importantly internet connection.

Synchronous and Asynchronous Learning are the two types of learning.

According to (Singh and Thurman 2019) “Synchronous Online Learning involves real
time interactions between teacher and students, while asynchronous online learning
occurs without a strict schedule for different students.” From the statement,
synchronous enables students to have a flexible study schedules and communicate
with teachers via mobile applications such as video conferencing, phone or live chat,
applications like ZOOM, Google Meet, or what’s App. While asynchronous refers to
the student’s modules, creating activity and complying for requirements. Within the
context of the COVID-19 pandemic, online learning has taken the statues of remote
teaching that serves as a response to an exigency.

Online Learning is now the new normal in terms of education, however this
new learning space had faced major and several concerns relating to its policy and
essence. According to (Franchi 2020), “Teachers who were used to conventional
teaching were obliged to embrace technology despite their lack of technological
literacy, and on the part of students, dropout rates increased due to economic,
psychological and academic reasons.” In this statement it shows that teachers had
really adjusted to their way of teaching from traditional to non-conventional teaching.
And for students, academically it is virtually possible for students to learn anything
online, learning may perhaps be less than optimal, especially in courses that
requires face to face contact and direct interactions.

Ever since pandemic and online learning started, the number of students who
dropped-out of classes due to their negligence has risen. It is because according to
(Astuti et al. 2019), “face to face education method is still considered better by
students than e-learning because it is easier to understand the material and easier to
interact with teachers.” In this statement, it really shows that students prefer face to
face classes than online learning. Finding out what ways students can do to avoid
neglecting studies while on online learning should be identified to still continue
learning while on their homes.

II. Problem Statement

A. Methodology

This chapter shows the instrument and the methods in gathering data as well as
the number of respondents who participated in the case study. Methodology is used
by the researchers to collect, analyze, and interpret the answer for the problems and
questions in structural ways.

The case study was conducted through information gathering. The researchers
created a survey through google form that deals with the topic, Impact of Online
Learning to the Students: Neglecting the Essence of Studying. The researchers
interpreted and analyzed the results based on the answer that was given by the

The researchers used qualitative research method and the data gathered was
non-numerical, the data was obtained through questionnaire answered by the
respondents’ own words. This case study was conducted for us to know and have
some idea on reasons why students neglect their studies during online learning and
how do they overcome those challenges.

To show the validity of this case study, the researchers needed respondents for
us to make it more reliable, the researchers chose to conduct the questionnaire to
the students of Kolehiyo ng Lungsod ng Lipa from BSED IIB Social Studies with the
minimum of 20 respondents. And the collection of data and information were taken
for the whole month of May.

B. The Problem

This case study entitled Impact of Online Learning to the Students: Neglecting
the Essence of Studying, aims to identify and answer the following questions.

1. What are the reasons that trigger students to neglect the essence of studying
during online learning?
2. How did the students overcome and handle the challenges that they’ve
encountered in online learning?
3. What are the students’ solution to the problems and challenges that they’ve
encountered in online learning?
4. How do the students show the essence of studying during online learning?

According to the response of the students here are the top reasons on why
students neglect the essence of studying during online learning.

1. Poor Internet Connection

Online learning makes it difficult for students who can’t afford to have a stable
internet connection or just internet connection. Students frequently experience
poor connection during online classes due to weak connection and a lot of
students cannot attend virtual classes and miss the lessons that was
discussed by the instructors. Due to this, a lot of students are having a hard
time learning and catching up with lessons.
2. Lack of Proper Digital Devices.
In line with a stable internet connection, a good and proper device while
learning online was also needed. A lot of students were unable to afford or
purchase a quality or good device for online learning. They cannot afford to
buy a good cellphone, tablet, or laptop which is essential in online learning
because activities are conducted and passed through online and what’s worse
is that, a lot of students experiences technicalities while taking exams like
lagging while in the middle of exams which causes the students to not pass it
on time or either have failed to submit it.
3. Lack of Multi-tasking and Time-Management
A lot of students have chosen to work during online classes due to the
pandemic that happened which affected their family’s salary. A lot of students
also, while they are at their homes, don’t have choice but to do and help on
household chores. This causes stress to a lot of students because they
cannot measure and use their time well which led them to ignore and neglect
studying and to focus more on work on or household chores.

Identifying and creating solutions for this problems are important to students for
them to have solutions on how they can avoid to neglect the essence of studying
during online learning. This case study can help the student to continue on learning
and look for motivational ways to keep on striving despite the challenges that they
have experienced.

The case study focuses on why students neglect the essence of studying during
online learning. To have answer, the first thing that the researcher looked for, was to
find out the reason why students tend to neglect their studying in the middle of online
learning, and later on provide solutions to these problems.

C. The Steps Taken to Address the Problem

The researchers have decided to pick a timely problem that the students are
experiencing. Those timely problems are the pandemic and education. The
researchers’ wants to know if the students learn during online learning and does the
students still have the will to study during this situations.
The researchers have allotted vigorous time and effort in developing questions
and questionnaire for the respondents and the survey was formed using suitable
questions related to the topic.

III. Analysis of Case Data

A. The Results
What are the reasons that trigger students to neglect the essence of studying
during online learning?
a. What are the reasons that trigger students to neglect the essence of
studying during online learning?

Item Transcription
23 responses
1. Reasons that trigger 1. The quality of learning
students to neglect the 2. The reason is most students find
learning online boring and often
essence of studying complain of lacking the motivation to
during online learning. make it through a class.
3. I can't easily understand the topic that
the teacher teaches us during online
learning that's why I neglect the
essence of studying.
4. Lack of proper technology and internet
5. For me, while listening to the class,
the discussion time was a bit long, I
opened the app on my phone which is
a social media like Facebook. I
couldn’t focus because, during the
discussion, I scrolled down on social
media. Another thing is the time
management because I don't know
how to divide my time so sometimes
I'm overwhelmed with school activities,
sometimes I'm hesitant to do it and the
due date is still far away
6. The reason is fading away what we
have culture or tradition doing the
7. mental health is commonly damaged
by personal problems and school stuff
such as irresponsible classmates and
insensitive people. these two things
are mostly triggering me that make me
neglect studying. if I experience an
emotional or mental breakdown I
wouldn't study for a week or so until I
feel to do so.
8. Having a lack of expectations
regarding to the answer and having a
single companionship.
9. The reasons that trigger me to neglect
to study during online learning are,
slow internet connection, obligations
inside the house, and the other
10. The essence of studying online is to
practice how students learn from the
teachers even though we are online
learning also we learn multitasking
such as doing activities on another
subject while listening to the
discussion of the teacher. However,
much better if we must focus on
listening to the discussion because we
can gain lessons from our teacher.
11. One of the reasons that trigger me to
neglect the essence of studying during
online learning is the hindrances that I
encounter. For instance, having a poor
connection and other noise from
outside since I only used data cellular
just to cope with my studies and when
my connection is not stable I always
felt neglected because it gives me
more stress since I can't participate in
our class discussion, I can't relate
what my instructions are trying to
imprint in our minds. And I need to find
another place just to make sure that it
gives me a stable connection for me to
cope in our synchronous class.
12. The stability of internet connection
13. Household chores that collide with my
classes and activities
14. Boredom
15. Having a poor internet connection and
no proper device
16. With recurrent technical issues,
bandwidth problems, and monotonous
lectures, online attendance has seen a
drastic dip. Most students find learning
online boring and often complain of
lacking the motivation to make it
through a class.
17. For me is the possible problem that
can cause by online learning,
especially the trauma that students
can gain from it.
18. there are some reasons for me like
having a headaches and eyes irritation
due to too much much screen time on
19. Personal problems, distracted by
20. internet connection problem
21. The reason that triggers me is that I
am not comfortable with this type of
studying and being uncomfortable
makes me lazy to do the task and the
22. Background noise
23. Stress and disappointment

In our first question, we can see that the reasons that trigger students to
neglect the essence of studying is difficulties with understanding the topic that the
instructor teaches and would frequently complain about their lack of enthusiasm
while learning. Another is that most students were interrupted by slow internet
connection, no proper device, domestic obligations which collide in class
schedules and activities. Having this reasons sometimes get them to have
personal problems, stress, disappointment and not being used with the style of

b. How did the students overcome and handle the challenges that they’ve
encountered in online learning?

Item Transcription
23 Responses
2. How students 1. I always keep myself motivated and
overcome and handle think of positive outcomes
2. Try to avoid distractions that can affect
the challenges that your learning. There are many
they’ve encountered platforms that can engage you for
entertainment and communication. But
in online learning make sure that you set time for breaks
and focus on learning as scheduled to
avoid missing live classes or sessions.
3. I overcome and handle the challenges
that I encounter by browsing the
module or books that our teachers
provide us to study for me to deeply
understand our topic or lesson.
4. By reminding myself that these are
just some of the challenges I will
encounter and make these challenges
an inspiration.
5. To avoid scrolling down on social
media, I uninstalled it during school
days while in time management so
that I wouldn't be overwhelmed by a
lot of school activities, after giving it to
us, I do it immediately and I pass it on
time even if the due date is far away.
6. I overcome it by doing both the
traditional and now
7. by giving myself time, space and
peace of mind. i can turn back on
everything for me to be at peace
8. Try to avoid distractions that can affect
your learning. Because it may affect
your study and concentration to the
9. I handle the challenges that i've
encountered by focusing on my goals,
submitting my activities on time and
making sure that i have my back up
data when there is no internet
connection for me to be able to attend
my class
10. through letting myself rest because
with too much work I can no longer
cope with the tasks.
11. I overcome and handle the challenges
that I've encountered in this online
learning through the words of
assurance, supporting system from
those people who has trust in me, and
ofcourse to my family who always
there for me, lastly, to God, with him I
have strength everyday just to do my
task and not be neglected everyday.
12. Through looking for a better area
where there is a stable internet or data
13. I do household chores early so i can
focus on studying at night
14. I think about my goals and dreams
15. I dont get pressured and I make sure
that I have back up plans.
16. I try to avoid distractions that can
affect your learning. There are many
platforms that can engage you for
entertainment and communication. But
make sure that you set time for breaks
and focus on learning as scheduled to
avoid missing live classes or sessions.
17. Time Management and always pray
18. I used to read more books instead of
browsing in the internet.
19. Being calm and find a solution on it
20. I find a place that have a good internet
21. I always tell to myself that I have
dreams to achieve so I think that are
the reasons why I overcome those
challenges. In addition, it is very
important to have a classmates and
friends that is always there to support
and help each other.
22. Time management
23. I always think positive at all times

In our second question, we can see that in this section most of the students
overcome their struggles by keeping themselves motivated and always think of
positivity. Most of the students try hard to avoid distractions that can affect
learning. To avoid scrolling down on social media, they uninstall this platforms
during school days and let themselves to take a rest when there are days that
they were stresses out and can’t cope up with learning. And lastly, most student
answered that overcoming this is possible because of support systems, like their
families, God and goals.

c. What are the students’ solution to the problems and challenges that
they’ve encountered in online learning?
Item Transcription
23 responses
3. Students’ solution to 1. Keep your focus and always do your
the problems and best despite the tiredness
challenges that they’ve 2. Try to think about building a schedule
– figuring out when you’re going to do
encountered in online
what you’re going to do and then
learning. sharing that with the other people in
your house.
3. The solution that I made is by asking
my classmates about what they learn
and ask them if they can also share
their learnings about the lesson that I
didn't understand so that I can collect
more ideas about our topic. .
4. I shared my problems with my siblings
so that they can provide that things I
need during this online learning
5. Installing my social media accounts,
and doing the school activities on
6. I think the best way is to not more on
in online apps, also we must do
reading book amd journals that
needed in our homework or studying.
7. to do nothing. i feel so at peace by
minding what makes me feel on
positive sides.
8. Make sure that you set time for breaks
and focus on learning as scheduled to
avoid missing live classes or sessions.
9. For me the solutions that i've come up
with are time management, checking
all the social media platform for the
uploaded activities and securing my
data connection for the online class
10. When I lose internet or have a power
interruption I load up with internet to
attend in class
11. My solution/s to the problems and
challenges that I've encountered in
this online learning is that I always
make sure that before our
synchronous class begins I always
check my connectivity and since my
cousin work from home she allows me
to connect on their wifi so that it
lessen my stress and be active on
different lectures that my professor will
be held on our time. And I make sure
that I remind my family and other
relatives that I have a synchronous
class or even if I have a report that
day and I'm glad that they cooperated
in my favor.
12. I find an alternative way to have better
internet connection such be familiar to
where are the exact spot in the house
where there is stronger connection
13. Time management
14. I just don't think that the class is
boring, and think of it as a
revolutionary teaching that resonates
and amplify my will to study
15. For example mu device tend to drain
fast, i have powerbank beside me and
if there are some instances that our
wifi are having troubles I have a back
up data or load.
16. Having a time management system is
perhaps the most difficult challenge for
students to overcome because it
depends entirely on self-motivation.
17. Believe to yourself that you can
surpass it
18. I used an anti-radiation glasses and
limitation of using gadgets.
19. Having long patience and be more
20. Finding a place with has a stable
internet connection
21. Personally, I cannot overcome those
challenges without God. I always think
that I should be positive at all cost and
being lazy should be ignore, it is not
helpful nor healthy for being a student.
22. Motivating myself that I can do better
23. Stay calm at all times and thinking
positive results in doing every

In our third question, we can see that in this section most of the students’
solution to their problem is first making sure that there are time for breaks and to
never forget in motivating their selves. Students always make sure that they have
a stable internet connection so they can listen properly to the discussions. And
lastly staying calm and creating a time-management plan are also essential for
students to avoid neglecting the essence of studying.
d. How do the students show the essence of studying during online
Item Transcription
23 responses
4. How students show 1. As a student, I can show the essence
the essence of of online learning to other by having a
good grades. This way, I can prove
studying during online them that online learning is a helpful
learning. way to achieve education especially
this time of pandemic.
2. As a student, online learning has
become more and more common,
whether for comfort, adapting to work
hours or just having the freedom to
study from anywhere. And now with
the coronavirus pandemic, as people
are having to stay at home, it has
become more important than ever.
3. I can show the essence of studying
during online learning by taking
serious my studies and by doing my
best to get enough learnings in every
lesson we have.
4. By continuing my education even if I
am facing different challenges that will
give me reason to stop
5. Don't let every discussion in our class
be distruct by the social media
because we have a tendency to learn
nothing and we have to learn time
management so that we are not
overwhelmed with work in school
activities, even if our teachers give us
many activities, we will able to
manage our time correctly.
6. For me, being a responsible is the
best way.
7. by be at the best position. if i can't be
at best position atleast try to be at the
best rather than giving responsible
things that can make the other people
think ill of themselves. give what you
can and help the others
8. Successful distance learning students
are self-disciplined, self-motivated,
prepared, good readers, good
organizers and have good time
management skills. It could help to
make the online classes be lively and
9. As a student i can show the essence
of studying during online class by
submitting my task and activities on
time, making sure that i can attend on
every meeting and i can actively
participate on every discussion.
10. The essence of studying during online
is to practice how students learn to the
teachers even we are online learning
also we learn multitasking such as
doing activity on other subject while
listening the discussion of the teacher.
However, much better if we must
focus listening the discussion because
we can gain lesson to our teacher.
11. As a student I show the essence of
studying during online learning
through self study and asking
questions to my professor or
classmates if I can't understand the
electronic learning that my professor
gives us. And through asking it helps
me to cope up with the lessons.
12. For me, appreciate the teacher and be
more participative. Once you are
cooperating or participating then the
learning process is effective and
reflects what are your understandings
about the topic.
13. When there are times that i have
nothing to do i do ongoing activities
and browse lessons
14. To be active, and also be respectful
during the meeting, lastly have my
camera open
15. I can show the essence of studying
thru browsing lessons and attending
classes online to still learn and will put
effort to the activities that i am making.
16. Studying online teaches you vital time
management skills, which makes
finding a good work-study balance
17. The essence of studying online
learning is first it is lower costs and
also a flexible schedule
18. I can show the essence of studying
during this online learning by being
passionate of what am I doing and
19. By participating
20. I can show the essence of studying
during online class by always
attending the class, always participate
and giving appreciation to our
21. We all know that online learning is
difficult and we need to adapt in this
kind of method. Just like the traditional
classes, online learning is essential for
us to have the knowledge and
learnings that we need to the future.
Indeed, online learning is hard but for
the sake of our future, we need to take
and adapt this learning method
because we are the one who will gain
and benefit by this.
22. Listening attentively
23. By means of doing task on time and
listening to the discussion.

In our last question, we can see that students show the essence of studying
during online learning by obtaining pass and high grades, this way students can
prove that online learning is also a helpful way for learning. Another is that,
students adapted and adjusted to a new learning environment where they set
time for personal matters like working, chores and others and also set time for
studying and learning. By appreciating teachers and being participative in classes
is also a must for them to show that the process of their learning is really

B. The Challenges and How they were Met

While creating this case study, the researchers have faced a lot of difficulties that
caused hardships throughout the entire procedure of this paper. First, the main
problem that we’ve encountered is through collecting information and answers from
the respondents. Most of the students do not have time in answering our survey
while others don’t have a stable internet connection to do so. We’ve taken business
days to complete our target minimum respondents and the researchers have private
message some of the students so we can meet the target number of respondents.
Next one is the researchers’ time schedule, most of the members have work and
others have household chores to do. The researchers have a hard time finding days
were all of the members are free that’s why the researchers have decided that after
the data gathering we will split tasks and parts. Lastly is communication, since this is
an online project and we cannot see each other because of the pandemic, the
researchers have faced a hard time communicating with one another and explain
each parts, because of inconsistent time frames and some members do not have a
stable internet connection to talk via online applications.

C. Discussion of Several Alternative Solution

The concept of online learning is to practice how students understand teachers

even when we are leaning online. Even if online learning may be hard for the others,
students should find ways on how to still learn so time wouldn’t be wasted while were
still in the middle of the pandemic. In this section, the researchers will discuss
alternative solutions to the problem that most of the students have experienced
during online learning.

1. The Problem with Internet Connections- every lessons and discussion that
was discusses online should be recorded so students who can’t enter virtual
class can watch the record of discussions.
2. The Problem with devices- student who don’t have gadgets and device can
use traditional materials like pen and paper activities and can pass it on
schools while still following the pandemic protocols.
3. Limit activities and assignments- an activity is a very nice way with regards
to the process of learning of the students, but bombarding them with activities
does not help much because most of the students creates activities whit no
effort and pass it just for compliance.
4. Words of Encouragement- teachers and parents should encourage students
during online learning and avoid pressuring them. Create an online
environment where its entertaining to participate.
5. The problem with lessons- students must be reminded that the goal of
online learning is not just about continuing education, the essence of this is to
still learn while at homes. Lessons should be interesting and entertaining so
students won’t neglect the essence of studying.
6. The problem with chores and studying- students should create a back-up
time management plan, so students can avoid cramming and anxiety. Setting
up times for certain tasks will help you what to do during your free time.
7. The problem with headache and eye irritation- a traditional learning should
be an option especially to the students who always experience headaches
when having screen time.

IV. Recommendation

Upon the data and information that we have gathered form our respondents,
from learning and identifying the reasons why they neglect the essence of
studying, and identifying they ways and solution on how to overcome those, the
researchers have realized that there are still a lots of inconsistencies with regards
to online learning. Upon analyzing and interpreting each data that we have
gathered, we’ve come up to a solution that the students and educational
institutions can use.

1. The researchers would like to propose in allowing the limited face-to-face

classes as face to face learning is an extremely effective method of
acquiring knowledge and skills because it frequently combines various
mode of learning such as writing, reading, discussion, presentation,
projects, group works, film clips, demonstrations and practices. Students
can focus more on their studies because there will be fewer distractions
than if they were at home. Students nay engage with problem solving and
network with diverse backgrounds.
2. Students should always be motivated and think of positive outcomes, think
about their goals and dreams, avoid distractions that can interfere with
their learning, and look for a better area with a stable internet connection
or data. The researchers also suggests that students can attend mental
health webinars and seek medical attention as well. Students should also
limit themselves in scrolling through social media sites as this may affect
their studies and mental health.
3. Lastly, the researchers also suggest for the availability of traditional
learning materials for students who can’t access internet connection, can’t
afford to buy devices and for working students. School should provide pen
and paper activities, modules, books and the recording of discussion so
students who failed to attend can still have the access to learn and hear
the explanation during discussions.

V. Appendices/Bibliography

Astuti et al. (2019), The effects of online education on academic success: A meta-
analysis study;

Kingsbury (2021) Online learning and child abuse: the COVID-19 pandemic impact
on work and school from home in Indonesia

Usher and Barak (2020), Franchi (2020), Singh and Thurman (2019) Students’
online learning challenges during the pandemic and how they cope with them: The
case of the Philippines;

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