Atlas Copco: Stationary Air Compressors

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The document outlines the parts list for an Atlas Copco stationary air compressor. It provides details on each component and part number.

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Atlas Copco Stationary Air Compressors

ZH 350+ Three-stage

Parts list

• Copyright 2012, Atlas Copco Airpower n.v., Antwerp, Belgium.

Any unauthorized use or copying of the contents or any part thereof is prohibited.
This applies in particular to trademarks, model denominations, part numbers and
• Use only authorized parts. Any damage or malfunction caused by the use
of unauthorized parts is not covered by Warranty or Product Liability.

No. 2930 1744 00

Registration code :

Parts list

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Contents Indice
Inhoud Innholdsfortegnelse
Innehåll Indice
Inhaltsverzeichnis Indholdsfortegnelse
Table des matières Sisällysluettelo

Compressor element .......................................................... 1 Drain system - with after cooler ......................................... 9

Cooler ................................................................................. 2 Regulating system ........................................................ 10
Air system Control panel ................................................................. 11
- Air inlet ........................................................................3 Bodywork
- Air inlet piping ............................................................. 4 - Cubicle box - Door 1 ................................................ 12
- Air outlet ...................................................................... 5 - Cubicle box - Door 2 ................................................ 13
- Air outlet Blow off ....................................................... 6 - Doors & stays ......................................................... 14
Water system - Air inlet ................................................................... 15
- 7
Piping ........................................................................... - Air outlet ................................................................. 16
- Water circuit ................................................................. 8

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Compressor element

Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks

Element 2130 0301 2358 00 2 Washer

1010 1616 7605 80 1 Element compr. 2140 0147 1474 03 2 Bolt
1020 0686 3716 07 1 Plug 2150 0301 2378 00 2 Washer
1030 0661 1000 64 1 Washer 2160 1623 4883 00 1 Support
1040 1616 7608 80 1 Element compr. 2170 0147 1397 03 2 Bolt
Supports 2180 0301 2358 00 2 Washer
2010 1623 3526 00 1 Support 2190 0147 1474 03 2 Bolt
2020 0147 1397 03 2 Bolt 2200 0301 2378 00 2 Washer
2030 0301 2358 00 2 Washer MBC1
2040 0147 1474 03 2 Bolt 2210 1616 7623 00 • 1 Wiring
2050 0301 2378 00 2 Washer 1616 7624 00 • 1 Wiring
2060 1623 4893 00 1 Support MBC2
2070 0147 1397 03 2 Bolt 2220 1616 7625 00 • 1 Wiring
2080 0301 2358 00 2 Washer 1616 7626 00 • 1 Wiring
2090 0147 1474 03 2 Bolt 2230 1623 5662 00 1 Wiring
2100 0301 2378 00 2 Washer 2240 1623 5637 00 1 Wiring
2110 1623 4884 00 1 Support 2250 1623 5663 00 1 Motor Wiring
2120 0147 1397 03 2 Bolt 2260 1623 5638 00 1 Motor Wiring

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Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks

ASME (U Stamp) 2170 0663 2111 77 1 O-ring

1010 0101 1951 52 2 Pin 2180 0147 1963 80 12 Bolt M16X60
1020 0101 1951 52 2 Pin 2190 0686 3716 01 4 Plug
1025 0147 1476 03 6 Screw 2200 0661 1000 25 4 Seal washer
1030 0147 1476 03 6 Screw 1623 4012 82 1 Cooler
1035 1623 3223 00 3 Support 3010 1623 4012 02 • 1 Shell cooler
1040 0147 1478 03 3 Screw 3020 1623 3158 02 • 1 Cover cooler
1045 0147 1400 03 6 Screw 3030 1623 3159 02 • 1 Cover cooler
1050 1621 4396 00 1 Cover 1 Core cooler
1060 1621 5087 00 1 Rod 4010 1623 3219 10 1 Core
1065 1621 4418 00 1 Plate 5020 0663 2114 45 1 O-ring
1070 0301 2121 01 2 Washer 5030 0101 1951 50 2 Pin
1075 0147 1962 65 5 Screw 5040 1621 8721 00 1 Spacerring
1080 1621 5086 00 1 Plate 5050 0663 2114 45 1 O-ring
1085 1621 7941 00 1 Bushing 5060 0663 2109 78 1 O-ring
1090 0661 1000 25 1 Seal 5070 1621 8532 00 2 Ring
1095 0661 1000 27 1 Seal 5080 1623 1944 00 AR Seal
1100 0246 1131 04 1 Stud 5090 1623 1944 00 AR Seal
1105 0663 6156 00 1 O-ring 5100 1623 1944 00 AR Seal
1110 0261 1090 65 1 Nut 5110 0663 2111 77 1 O-ring
1115 0147 1107 65 3 Screw 5120 0147 1962 36 12 Screw
1120 1621 4396 00 1 Cover 5130 1623 1944 00 AR Seal
1125 1621 7941 00 1 Bushing 5140 1623 1944 00 AR Seal
1130 0661 1000 25 1 Seal 5150 1623 1944 00 AR Seal
1147 0147 1962 65 5 Screw 5160 1623 1944 00 AR Seal
1150 0301 2121 01 2 Washer 5170 0663 2111 77 1 O-ring
1155 1621 5086 00 1 Plate 5180 0147 1963 80 12 Bolt
1160 0661 1000 27 1 Seal 5190 0686 3716 01 4 Plug
1165 0663 6156 00 1 O-ring 5200 0661 1000 25 4 Seal washer
1170 0147 1107 65 3 Screw 1623 4013 82 1 Cooler
1180 0246 1131 04 1 Stud 6010 1623 4013 02 • 1 Shell cooler
1190 0261 1090 65 1 Nut 6020 1623 3158 02 • 1 Cover cooler
1200 1621 4396 00 1 Cover 6030 1623 3159 02 • 1 Cover cooler
1210 1621 7941 00 1 Bushing 1 Core cooler
1220 0661 1000 25 1 Seal 7010 1623 3219 10 1 Core
1230 1621 4418 00 1 Plate CE
1235 1621 5087 00 1 Rod 1010 0101 1951 52 2 Pin
1240 0301 2121 01 2 Washer 1020 0101 1951 52 2 Pin
1245 1621 5086 00 1 Plate 1025 0147 1476 03 6 Screw
1250 0147 1962 65 5 Screw 1030 0147 1476 03 6 Screw
1255 0147 1107 65 3 Screw 1035 1623 3223 00 3 Support
1260 0661 1000 27 1 Seal 1040 0147 1478 03 3 Screw
1270 0663 6156 00 1 O-ring 1045 0147 1400 03 6 Screw
1275 0246 1131 04 1 Stud 1050 1621 4396 00 1 Cover
1280 0261 1090 65 1 Nut 1060 1621 5087 00 1 Rod
1285 0686 9010 48 1 Plug 1065 1621 4418 00 1 Plate
1 Inter Cooler 1 1070 0301 2121 01 2 Washer
2010 0108 1298 00 1 Spring pin 1075 0147 1962 65 5 Screw
2020 0663 2114 45 1 O-ring 352.5X5.7 1080 1621 5086 00 1 Plate
2030 0101 1951 50 2 Pin 1085 1621 7941 00 1 Bushing
2040 1621 8721 00 1 Spacerring 1090 0661 1000 25 1 Seal
2050 0663 2114 45 1 O-ring 352.5X5.7 1095 0661 1000 27 1 Seal
2060 0663 2109 78 1 O-ring 329X5.7 1100 0246 1131 04 1 Stud
2070 1621 8532 00 2 Ring 1105 0663 6156 00 1 O-ring
2080 1623 1944 00 AR Seal 1110 0261 1090 65 1 Nut
2090 1623 1944 00 AR Seal 1115 0147 1107 65 3 Screw
2100 1623 1944 00 AR Seal 1120 1621 4396 00 1 Cover
2110 0663 2111 77 1 O-ring 345X5.7 1125 1621 7941 00 1 Bushing
2120 0147 1962 36 12 Screw M16X55 1130 0661 1000 25 1 Seal
2130 1623 1944 00 AR Seal 1140 1621 4418 00 1 Plate
2140 1623 1944 00 AR Seal 1145 1621 5087 00 1 Rod
2150 1623 1944 00 AR Seal 1147 0147 1962 65 5 Screw
2160 1623 1944 00 AR Seal 1150 0301 2121 01 2 Washer

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Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks
1155 1621 5086 00 1 Plate 2170 0663 2111 77 1 O-ring
1160 0661 1000 27 1 Seal 2180 0147 1963 80 12 Bolt
1165 0663 6156 00 1 O-ring 2190 0686 3716 01 4 Plug
1170 0147 1107 65 3 Screw 2200 0661 1000 25 4 Seal washer
1180 0246 1131 04 1 Stud 1623 4012 82 1 Cooler
1190 0261 1090 65 1 Nut 3010 1623 4012 02 • 1 Shell cooler
1200 1621 4396 00 1 Cover 3020 1623 3158 02 • 1 Cover cooler
1210 1621 7941 00 1 Bushing 3030 1623 3159 02 • 1 Cover cooler
1220 0661 1000 25 1 Seal 1 Core cooler
1230 1621 4418 00 1 Plate 4010 1623 3219 10 1 Core cooler
1235 1621 5087 00 1 Rod 2 Inter Cooler 2 & After cooler
1240 0301 2121 01 2 Washer 5010 0108 1298 00 1 Spring pin
1245 1621 5086 00 1 Plate 5020 0663 2114 45 1 O-ring
1250 0147 1962 65 5 Screw 5030 0101 1951 50 2 Pin
1255 0147 1107 65 3 Screw 5040 1621 8721 00 1 Spacerring
1260 0661 1000 27 1 Seal 5050 0663 2114 45 1 O-ring
1270 0663 6156 00 1 O-ring 5060 0663 2109 78 1 O-ring
1275 0246 1131 04 1 Stud 5070 1621 8532 00 2 Ring
1280 0261 1090 65 1 Nut 5080 1623 1944 00 AR Seal
1285 0686 9010 48 1 Plug 5090 1623 1944 00 3 Seal
1 Inter Cooler 1 5100 1623 1944 00 3 Seal
2010 0108 1298 00 1 Spring pin 5110 0663 2111 77 1 O-ring
2020 0663 2114 45 1 O-ring 5120 0147 1962 36 12 Screw
2030 0101 1951 50 2 Pin 5130 1623 1944 00 AR Seal
2040 1621 8721 00 1 Spacerring 5140 1623 1944 00 AR Seal
2050 0663 2114 45 1 O-ring 5150 1623 1944 00 AR Seal
2060 0663 2109 78 1 O-ring 5160 1623 1944 00 AR Seal
2070 1621 8532 00 2 Ring 5170 0663 2111 77 1 O-ring
2080 1623 1944 00 AR Seal 5180 0147 1963 80 12 Bolt
2090 1623 1944 00 3 Seal 5190 0686 3716 01 4 Plug
2100 1623 1944 00 3 Seal 5200 0661 1000 25 4 Seal washer
2110 0663 2111 77 1 O-ring 1623 4013 82 1 Cooler
2120 0147 1962 36 12 Screw 6010 1623 4013 02 • 1 Shell cooler
2130 1623 1944 00 AR Seal 6020 1623 3158 02 • 1 Cover cooler
2140 1623 1944 00 AR Seal 6030 1623 3159 02 • 1 Cover cooler
2150 1623 1944 00 AR Seal 1 Core cooler
2160 1623 1944 00 AR Seal 7010 1623 3219 10 1 Core cooler

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Air system - Air inlet


Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks
1010 1623 5038 00 1 Pipe air inlet 1085 0663 2106 99 1 O-ring
1020 1621 1321 00 1 Gasket 1090 0147 1964 51 8 Bolt
1030 0147 1363 03 8 Bolt 1095 1623 5645 00 1 Support
1040 1621 1322 00 1 Hump hose 1100 0147 1244 03 1 Bolt
1050 0347 6126 00 2 Hose clip 1110 1623 3382 00 1 Pipe
1060 1623 3371 00 1 Pipe 1120 0634 1000 33 1 Victaulic coupling
1070 0634 1000 38 2 Victaulic coupling 1130 1623 3381 00 1 Pipe
1080 1623 3376 00 1 Pipe 1140 0634 1000 33 2 Victaulic coupling

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Air system - Air inlet piping


Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks
1010 1623 3629 00 1 Pipe 1210 1621 1326 00 4 Pipe
1020 1621 1324 00 2 Gasket 1230 0663 9214 01 4 O-ring
1030 1623 3482 00 1 Plate 1250 0147 1320 03 24 Bolt
1040 0211 1325 03 4 Cap screw 1270 1623 3442 00 4 Pipe
1050 1623 3630 00 1 Pipe 1290 1623 5129 00 2 Plate
1060 1621 1324 00 2 Gasket 1310 0211 1325 03 16 Cap screw
1070 1623 3482 00 1 Plate 1330 0347 6115 00 16 Hose clip
1080 0211 1325 03 4 Cap screw 1340 1621 4491 00 4 Hose
1090 1623 3630 00 1 Pipe 1350 1621 1336 00 2 Hose
1100 1621 1324 00 2 Gasket 1360 1621 4491 00 1 Hose
1110 1623 3482 00 1 Plate 1370 1623 5115 00 1 Hose
1120 0211 1325 03 4 Cap screw 1380 1089 9568 02 2 Fan
1130 1623 3629 00 1 Pipe 1390 1089 9568 01 2 Fan
1140 1621 1324 00 2 Gasket 1400 1623 5287 06 1 Wire harness
1150 1623 3482 00 1 Plate 1410 0211 1252 00 2 Cap screw
1160 0211 1325 03 4 Cap screw 1420 0348 0102 08 3 Cable tie
1170 1621 1325 00 4 Gasket 1430 0348 0101 17 4 Cable strip
1190 0147 1326 03 16 Bolt

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Air system - Air outlet


Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks

With aftercooler 1210 1623 8774 00 1 Ring

1010 0101 1951 53 2 Pin 1215 0211 1103 20 8 Screw
1020 0663 2106 97 1 O-ring 1220 0653 0500 46 2 Gasket
1030 0147 1107 66 8 Screw 1225 0574 9331 21 1 Flexible
1060 1623 3207 00 1 Compensator 1231 0627 5100 06 1 Screw
1070 0663 2106 20 2 O-ring 1255 1619 5205 00 1 Fitting
1080 0147 1107 67 16 Screw 1260 0661 1000 25 2 Seal
1100 0246 1956 60 8 Rod 1265 0581 0000 87 1 Coupling
1105 0650 1000 94 2 Gasket 1270 1621 1247 80 1 Nipple
1110 1623 8773 00 1 Ring ANSI flanges
1150 0261 1091 35 8 Nut 2010 1623 2129 00 1 Compensator
1170 0653 1070 00 1 Gasket 2020 0147 1964 52 8 Bolt
1175 0686 3716 01 1 Plug DIN flanges
1200 0650 1000 94 2 Gasket 2010 1623 2128 00 1 Compensator
1205 1623 3184 00 1 Valve 2020 0147 1964 52 8 Bolt

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Air system - Air outlet Blow off


Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks
1010 1623 3864 00 1 Pipe 2030 0301 2321 00 • 4 Washer
1020 0634 1000 22 1 Victaulic coupling 2040 1623 4263 00 • 1 Shaft
1030 0634 1000 81 1 Gasket 2050 0337 2636 00 • 1 Key parallel
1040 1623 3863 00 1 Pipe 2060 1623 4264 00 • 1 Ring
1050 0147 1397 03 2 Bolt 2070 1623 4351 00 • 1 Ring
1060 0301 2358 00 2 Washer 2080 1623 4235 00 • 1 Valve butterfly
1070 0650 1000 95 2 Gasket 2090 0147 1322 03 • 4 Bolt
1080 0147 1489 03 4 Bolt 2100 0301 2335 00 • 4 Plain washer
1090 0663 7151 00 1 O-ring 2110 0266 2110 00 • 2 Hexagon nut
1100 0147 1477 03 4 Bolt 2120 0147 1336 12 • 2 Bolt
1110 0147 1962 72 2 Bolt 1623 5525 80 1 Silencer
1120 1623 5645 00 1 Support 3010 1623 5525 00 • 1 Silencer
1130 0147 1244 03 1 Bolt 0298 0106 00 •• 2 Nut
1623 4235 80 1 Valve assembly 3020 1623 5529 00 • 1 Pipe
2010 1623 4262 00 • 1 Support 3030 1619 2766 00 • 2 Bolt
0298 0106 00 •• 2 Nut Markings
2020 0147 1246 03 • 4 Bolt 4010 1088 1001 01 1 Warning mark

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Water system - Piping


Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks
With after cooler 2020 0266 2114 00 8 Nut
1010 1623 3354 00 1 Pipe 2030 0147 1480 03 8 Hex. head screw
1020 0663 2139 00 3 O-ring Water shut-off valve
1030 0147 1964 51 12 Bolt 50 Hz
1040 1623 3286 00 2 Flange 3010 1089 0380 26 1 Solenoid valve
1050 0663 2107 97 2 O-ring 3020 0603 4150 12 1 Hexagon nipple
1060 0211 1102 82 8 Bolt hexagon 3030 1621 6299 00 1 Flange
1070 1623 3285 00 2 Flange 3040 0147 1481 03 4 Bolt
1080 0663 2107 97 2 O-ring 3050 0291 1114 00 4 Locknut
1090 0211 1401 03 8 Cap screw 3060 0698 5140 61 1 Cable gland
1100 1623 3352 00 1 Pipe 3070 0697 9809 02 1 Nut
1110 1623 3632 00 1 Valve butterfly 3080 0017 2312 06 AR Cable
1120 0147 1964 53 4 Bolt 3090 0694 5809 00 6 End socket
1130 1623 3632 01 2 Valve butterfly 3100 1088 1301 02 20 Cable strip
1140 0147 1407 03 8 Bolt 60 Hz
1150 0571 0035 25 2 Hexagon nipple 3010 1089 0380 27 1 Solenoid valve
1160 0661 1000 29 2 Seal washer 3020 0603 4150 12 1 Hexagon nipple
1170 0571 0035 25 2 Hexagon nipple 3030 1621 6299 00 1 Flange
1180 0661 1000 29 2 Seal washer 3040 0147 1481 03 4 Bolt
1190 0575 0125 65 2 Hose assy 3050 0291 1114 00 4 Locknut
ANSI flanges 3060 0698 5140 61 1 Cable gland
2010 1623 3889 00 2 Compensator 3070 0697 9809 02 1 Nut
2020 0266 2114 00 8 Nut 3080 0017 2312 06 AR Cable
2030 0147 1480 03 8 Hex. head screw 3090 0694 5809 00 6 End socket
DIN flanges 3100 1088 1301 02 20 Cable strip
2010 1623 3890 00 2 Compensator

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Water system - Water circuit


Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks

1010 1619 2766 00 4 Bolt 1410 0661 1000 64 2 Washer

1020 1623 3393 00 1 Cooler 1420 0574 8000 05 1 Hose assembly
1030 0346 1000 67 1 Clamp pipe 1430 0575 0125 70 1 Hose assembly
1040 1079 1472 05 2 Screw 1440 1079 1472 05 2 Screw
1050 0580 0220 00 2 Str.coupling 1450 0571 0035 25 1 Hexagon nipple
1060 0661 1000 64 2 Washer 1460 0661 1000 29 1 Seal washer
1070 1623 5727 00 1 Valve therm. 1470 2250 4983 00 1 Nipple
1080 0580 0014 68 2 Pipe coupling 1480 0661 1000 64 1 Washer
1090 0661 1000 31 2 Seal washer 1490 0575 0058 41 1 Hose assembly
1100 1623 5788 00 1 Pipe 1500 0560 4400 87 1 Tee
1120 1623 5789 00 1 Pipe 1510 0686 3716 35 1 Plug
1130 1619 5337 03 4 Bolt 1520 0661 1000 29 1 Seal washer
1140 1623 5796 00 1 Pipe 1530 0605 8508 03 1 Bushing
1150 1079 5840 06 2 Nipple 1540 0605 8505 03 1 Bushing
1160 0661 1000 31 2 Seal washer 1550 0852 0010 29 1 Ball valve
1170 1623 6249 00 1 Hose assembly 1560 0581 1200 23 2 Elbow
1180 0852 0010 57 1 Ball valve 1570 0070 6002 03 16 Flexible
1190 0686 3716 07 1 Plug 1580 1604 5308 00 2 Parcool eg - can
1200 0661 1000 64 1 Washer 1623 4676 80 1 Duct
1210 0580 0014 68 1 Pipe coupling 2010 • 1 Duct
1220 0661 1000 31 1 Seal washer 1621 1417 80 1 Collector
1230 1623 3915 00 1 Tee 3010 1621 1417 00 • 1 Collector
1240 0571 0036 39 1 Nipple 3020 1621 1417 02 • 1 Support
1250 1079 5840 06 1 Nipple 3030 0147 1322 03 • 2 Bolt
1260 0661 1000 31 1 Seal washer 1089 0571 51 1 Fan motor
1270 1623 6222 00 1 Hose assembly 4010 • 1 Fan motor
1280 0605 8700 65 1 Bushing 4020 1089 0571 16 1 Guard
1290 2250 4983 00 2 Nipple 4030 0226 0300 52 8 Screw
1300 0661 1000 64 2 Washer 4040 1623 5287 04 1 Wire harness
1310 0575 0125 71 1 Hose assembly 4050 0348 0102 08 6 Cable tie
1320 0605 8700 65 2 Bushing 4060 0348 0101 17 3 Cable strip
1330 2250 4983 00 2 Nipple 0972 0200 10 1 Pump
1340 0661 1000 64 2 Washer 5010 • 1 Pump
1350 0580 2501 43 4 Adj. elbow coupling 5020 1623 5287 03 1 Wire harness
1360 0661 1000 27 4 Seal washer 5030 0348 0102 08 2 Cable tie
1370 1623 4773 00 4 Coupling Markings
1380 0575 0125 73 1 Hose assembly 6010 1079 9901 18 1 Label
1390 0575 0125 72 1 Hose assembly 6020 1088 1001 02 1 Warning mark
1400 2250 4983 00 2 Nipple

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Drain system - With after cooler


Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks
With after cooler 1160 0075 4005 56 AR Hose
1010 1623 3853 00 1 Support 1170 0571 0020 38 1 Hose nipple
1020 1619 2766 00 1 Bolt 1180 0347 6103 00 2 Hose clip
1030 0147 1170 03 6 Bolt 1190 0581 0001 41 1 Pipe coupling
1040 0581 1200 29 1 Pipe coupling 1200 0661 1000 27 1 Seal washer
1050 0070 6002 06 AR Plastic tube 1210 0070 6002 06 AR Plastic tube
1060 0581 0001 51 1 Pipe coupling straight 1220 0581 0001 51 1 Pipe coupling straight
1070 0571 0020 23 1 Nipple 1230 0571 0020 23 1 Nipple
1080 0075 4005 56 AR Hose 1240 0075 4005 56 AR Hose
1090 0571 0020 38 1 Hose nipple 1250 0571 0020 38 1 Hose nipple
1100 0347 6103 00 2 Hose clip 1260 0347 6103 00 2 Hose clip
1110 0581 0001 41 1 Pipe coupling 1270 1089 9439 19 1 Drain Valve
1120 0661 1000 27 1 Seal washer 1280 1090 9439 17 2 Drain Valve
1130 0070 6002 06 AR Plastic tube 1290 1089 0659 57 3 Level Sensor
1140 0581 0001 51 1 Pipe coupling straight Markings
1150 0571 0020 23 1 Nipple 2010 1088 1001 01 3 Warning mark

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Regulating system

Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks
1010 1623 5287 00 1 Wire harness 1260 0653 1070 00 2 Flat gasket
1020 0211 1252 00 2 Cap screw 1270 0580 0013 32 2 Coupling
1030 0211 1254 00 4 Screw 1280 1615 3624 00 2 Nozzle
1040 0348 0102 08 3 Cable tie 1290 0661 1000 24 2 Seal washer
1050 0661 1000 25 1 Seal washer 1300 1089 9625 05 1 Sensor
1060 1089 9625 18 1 Sensor press 1310 0653 1070 00 4 Flat gasket
1070 0661 1000 25 1 Seal washer 1330 0661 1000 25 1 Seal washer
1080 1089 9625 50 1 Sensor press 1340 1089 9625 54 1 Sensor press
1090 0653 1070 00 2 Flat gasket 1350 0661 1000 25 1 Seal washer
1100 0580 0013 32 2 Coupling 1360 1089 9625 13 1 Sensor press
1110 1615 3624 00 2 Nozzle 1370 1089 0574 70 1 Sensor
1120 0661 1000 24 2 Seal washer 1380 0574 9331 21 1 Flexible
1130 1089 9625 04 1 Sensor 1621 1247 80 1 Nipple
1140 0653 1070 00 4 Flat gasket 2010 1621 1247 00 • 5 Nipple
1160 0661 1000 25 1 Seal washer 2020 1621 1248 00 • 5 Nipple
1170 1089 9625 52 1 Sensor press 2030 1621 1249 00 • 5 Bushing
1180 1089 0574 70 1 Sensor 3010 1623 5287 01 1 Wire harness
1190 0653 1070 00 2 Flat gasket 3020 0211 1252 00 2 Cap screw
1200 0686 3716 01 2 Plug 3030 0348 0102 08 8 Cable tie
1210 0653 1070 00 4 Flat gasket 3040 1089 0574 70 1 Sensor
1230 0661 1000 25 1 Seal washer 3050 1089 0574 70 1 Sensor
1240 1089 9625 53 1 Sensor press 3060 1089 0574 70 1 Sensor
1250 1089 0574 70 1 Sensor

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Control panel

Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks
1900 0728 01 1 Control panel 1550 1089 0577 82 • 2 End retainer
1010 1089 9616 42 • 1 Power supply 1560 1089 0578 02 • 1 Indicator
1020 1089 9544 50 • 1 Power supply 1570 1089 0577 47 • 3 Terminal
1030 1089 9544 09 • 1 Power supply 1580 1089 0577 84 • 1 Plate
1040 1089 9621 37 • 1 Circuit break. 1590 1089 0577 82 • 2 End retainer
1050 1089 9621 03 • 4 Circuit break. 1600 1089 0578 02 • 1 Indicator
1060 1089 9621 06 • 2 Circuit break. 1610 1089 9427 16 • 12 Terminal
1070 1089 9438 18 • 1 Relay 1620 1089 9427 22 • 1 Plate end
1080 1089 9415 65 • 1 Contactor 1630 1088 0000 36 • 1 Connector
1090 1089 9413 58 • 1 Relay 1640 1089 0577 82 • 2 End retainer
1100 1089 9413 15 • 1 Relay 1650 1089 0578 02 • 1 Indicator
1110 1089 9616 03 • 1 Module 1660 1089 9427 16 • 8 Terminal
1120 1089 9616 22 • 1 Module 1670 1089 9427 22 • 1 Plate end
1130 1089 9616 11 • 1 Module 1680 1088 0000 15 • 2 Connector
1140 1089 9616 32 • 2 Module 1690 1089 0577 82 • 2 End retainer
1150 1089 9616 35 • 2 Module 1700 1089 0578 02 • 1 Indicator
1160 1089 9616 51 • 1 Protection 1710 1089 9427 16 • 8 Terminal
1170 1089 9620 08 • 1 Switch 1720 1089 9427 22 • 1 Plate end
1210 1089 0609 05 • 2 Terminal block 1730 1088 0000 15 • 2 Connector
1220 1089 0362 51 • 1 Stop button 1740 1089 0577 82 • 2 End retainer
1230 1089 0362 50 • 1 Contact block 1750 1089 0578 02 • 1 Indicator
1240 1089 0362 58 • 1 Contact block 1760 1089 9427 16 • 7 Terminal
1250 1089 9427 16 • 3 Terminal 1770 1089 9427 18 • 1 Terminal
1260 1089 9427 18 • 1 Terminal 1780 1089 9427 22 • 1 Plate end
1270 1089 9427 19 • 2 Terminal 1790 1088 0000 15 • 2 Connector
1280 1089 9427 17 • 2 Terminal 1800 1089 0577 82 • 2 End retainer
1290 1089 9427 22 • 1 Plate end 1810 1089 0578 02 • 1 Indicator
1300 1089 0577 82 • 2 End retainer 1820 1089 9427 16 • 8 Terminal
1310 1089 0578 02 • 1 Indicator 1830 1089 9427 22 • 1 Plate end
1320 1089 9427 16 • 3 Terminal 1840 1088 0000 15 • 2 Connector
1330 1089 9427 18 • 1 Terminal 1850 1089 0577 82 • 2 End retainer
1340 1089 9427 19 • 2 Terminal 1860 1089 0578 02 • 1 Indicator
1350 1089 9427 17 • 2 Terminal 1870 1089 9427 16 • 11 Terminal
1360 1089 9427 22 • 1 Plate end 1880 1089 9427 18 • 1 Terminal
1370 1089 0577 82 • 2 End retainer 1890 1089 9427 22 • 1 Plate end
1380 1089 0578 02 • 1 Indicator 1900 1088 0000 36 • 2 Connector
1390 1089 9427 16 • 6 Terminal 1910 1089 0577 82 • 2 End retainer
1400 1089 9427 17 • 3 Terminal 1920 1089 0578 02 • 1 Indicator
1410 1089 9427 22 • 1 Plate end 1930 1089 9427 16 • 3 Terminal
1420 1089 0577 82 • 2 End retainer 1940 1089 9427 18 • 1 Terminal
1430 1089 0578 02 • 1 Indicator 1950 1089 9427 19 • 2 Terminal
1440 1089 9427 16 • 4 Terminal 1960 1089 9427 17 • 2 Terminal
1450 1089 9427 17 • 4 Terminal 1970 1089 9427 22 • 1 Plate end
1460 1089 9427 22 • 1 Plate end 1980 1089 0577 82 • 2 End retainer
1470 1089 0577 82 • 2 End retainer 1990 1089 0578 02 • 1 Indicator
1480 1089 0578 02 • 1 Indicator 2000 1089 9427 16 • 3 Terminal
1490 1089 0577 47 • 4 Terminal 2010 1089 9427 18 • 1 Terminal
1500 1089 0577 84 • 1 Plate 2020 1089 9427 19 • 2 Terminal
1510 1089 0577 82 • 2 End retainer 2030 1089 9427 17 • 2 Terminal
1520 1089 0578 02 • 1 Indicator 2040 1089 9427 22 • 1 Plate end
1530 1089 0577 47 • 10 Terminal 2050 1089 0577 82 • 2 End retainer
1540 1089 0577 84 • 2 Plate 2060 1089 0578 02 • 1 Indicator

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28 2930 1744 00
Parts list

Control panel

Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks

400 V (3 ph) IEC TT or TN Drive module m1

network 1900 0723 01 1 Control panel
1900 0731 02 1 Control panel 3010 1089 9587 55 • 1 Choke
1005 1089 9436 08 • 1 Transformer 3020 1089 9587 53 • 1 Converter
1015 1089 9544 08 • 1 Power supply 3030 1089 9587 40 • 1 Choke
1025 1089 9621 07 • 1 Circuit break. 3040 1623 0588 00 • 3 Plate
1051 1089 9416 03 • 1 3 phase bridge Drive module m2
1052 1089 9416 09 • 1 Terminal block 4010 1900 0724 01 1 Control panel
1053 1089 9425 34 • 1 Transformer 1089 9587 55 • 1 Choke
1054 1089 9416 69 • 1 Circuit breaker 1089 9587 53 • 1 Converter
1055 1089 9416 29 • 1 Circuit breaker 1089 9587 40 • 1 Choke
1056 1089 9416 42 • 2 Contact block 1623 0588 00 • 3 Plate
1065 1089 9621 19 • 1 Circuit break. MBC module
1080 1089 9415 65 • 2 Contactor 1900 0725 01 1 Control panel
1085 1089 9416 64 • 1 Circuit breaker 5010 1089 9538 33 • 4 Holder fuse
1090 1089 9413 58 • 5 Relay 5020 1089 9168 31 • 4 Fuse
1250 1089 9427 16 • 2 Terminal 1900 0725 21 1 Control unit
1280 1089 9427 17 • 1 Terminal 6010 1616 7017 01 • 2 Bearing controller
1290 1089 9427 21 • 1 Plate end TT or TN network
1300 1089 0577 82 • 3 End retainer 1900 0726 01 1 Control panel
1320 1089 9427 16 • 8 Terminal 7010 1089 9587 03 • 1 Converter
1360 1089 9427 22 • 1 Plate end 7020 1089 9587 06 • 1 Cable
1370 1089 0577 82 • 2 End retainer 7030 1089 9587 07 • 1 Cable
1390 1089 9427 16 • 8 Terminal 7040 1088 1501 03 • AR Shrinking hose
1410 1089 9427 22 • 1 Plate end 7050 1089 9538 33 • 2 Holder fuse
1420 1089 0577 82 • 2 End retainer 7060 1089 9168 08 • 2 Fuse
1440 1089 9427 16 • 8 Terminal 7070 1089 9511 18 • 1 Diode
1460 1089 9427 22 • 1 Plate end 7080 0698 5145 04 • 2 Cable gland
1470 1089 0577 82 • 2 End retainer 230 V
1490 1089 0577 03 • 4 Terminal 2.5 1900 0727 01 1 Control panel
1500 1089 0577 84 • 1 Plate 8010 1089 9621 04 • 2 Circuit break.
1510 1089 0577 82 • 2 End retainer 8020 1089 9621 81 • 2 Switch
1530 1089 0577 47 • 3 Terminal 8030 1089 9415 65 • 1 Contactor
1550 1089 0577 82 • 3 End retainer 8040 1089 0504 20 • 2 Heater
1570 1089 0577 59 • 10 Terminal 8050 1089 9427 16 • 2 Terminal
1590 1089 0577 82 • 2 End retainer 8060 1089 9427 17 • 1 Terminal
1610 1089 9427 16 • 4 Terminal 8070 1089 9427 22 • 1 Plate end
1620 1089 9427 22 • 1 Plate end 8080 1088 0000 01 • 2 Contact
1640 1089 0577 82 • 3 End retainer 8090 1089 0577 82 • 2 End retainer
1670 1089 9427 22 • 1 Plate end 8100 1089 9621 07 • 1 Circuit break.
1680 1088 0000 15 • 2 Connector 8110 1089 9621 81 • 1 Switch
1730 1088 0000 15 • 2 Connector 8120 1089 0726 06 • 1 Fan
1790 1088 0000 15 • 2 Connector 8130 1089 9556 34 • 5 Grating
1840 1088 0000 35 • 2 Connector 230 V
Mains supply module 1900 0735 01 1 Control panel
1900 0722 01 1 Control panel 9010 1089 9621 01 • 3 Circuit break.
2005 1089 9415 74 • 2 Contactor 9020 1089 9413 58 • 3 Relay
2015 1089 9415 55 • 2 Contact block 9030 1089 9427 16 • 2 Terminal
2025 1089 9438 17 • 2 Screen 9040 1089 9427 17 • 1 Terminal
2035 1089 9339 08 • 2 Filter 9050 1089 9427 22 • 1 Plate end

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Parts list


30 2930 1744 00
Parts list

Control panel

Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks
9060 1089 0577 82 • 1 End retainer 1900 0732 01 1 Control panel
9070 1089 9427 16 • 2 Terminal 12010 1089 9416 26 • 1 Circuit breaker
9080 1089 9427 17 • 1 Terminal 12020 1089 9416 42 • 1 Contact block
9090 1089 9427 22 • 1 Plate end 12030 1089 9415 65 • 1 Contactor
9100 1089 0577 82 • 1 End retainer 1900 0733 01 1 Control panel
1900 0729 01 1 Control panel 13010 1089 9621 21 • 1 Circuit breaker
10010 1089 9405 25 • 1 Display 13020 1089 9621 81 • 1 Switch
1900 0730 01 1 Control panel 1900 0734 01 1 Control panel
11010 1089 9616 95 • 1 Converter 14010 1089 9621 24 • 4 Circuit breaker
11020 1089 9587 32 • 3 Interface 14020 1089 9621 81 • 4 Switch
11030 1089 9616 96 • 1 Cable

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32 2930 1744 00
Parts list

Bodywork - Cubicle box - Door 1


Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks
1900 0720 01 1 Cubicle 1623 3274 80 • 1 Door cubicle
1623 5368 80 1 Cubicle control 1285 1623 3274 00 •• 1 Door cubicle
1005 1623 5368 00 • 1 Cubicle control 1619 7704 00 •• 2 Lock
1623 3272 80 • 1 Door cubicle 1290 1089 9556 34 •• 5 Grating
1010 •• 1 Door 1295 1621 0607 00 • 2 Hinge
1619 7704 00 •• 2 Lock 1300 1621 1235 00 • 1 Cable box
1015 1621 0607 00 • 2 Hinge 1305 1614 6567 00 • 1 Seal
1020 1623 5374 00 • 1 Plate 1310 0147 1322 03 • 6 Bolt
1035 0333 3227 00 • 4 Lock washer 1315 1623 5375 00 • 1 Plate
1040 0266 2110 00 • 4 Hexagon nut 1320 0333 3227 00 • 4 Lock washer
1050 1623 4226 00 • 1 Support 1325 0266 2110 00 • 4 Hexagon nut
1055 0147 1323 03 • 4 Hex. head screw 1330 1623 5372 00 • 1 Plate
1060 1623 4175 00 • 1 Grating 1335 0266 2110 00 • 2 Hexagon nut
1065 0147 1323 03 • 8 Hex. head screw 1340 0147 1325 03 • 1 Bolt
1070 1623 5369 00 • 1 Cubicle control 1345 1623 5373 00 • 1 Plate
1075 1623 5591 00 • AR Seal 1350 0266 2110 00 • 2 Hexagon nut
1080 1623 4178 00 • 1 Profile 1355 0147 1325 03 • 1 Bolt
1085 0147 1325 03 • 24 Bolt 1360 0147 1325 03 • 2 Bolt
1090 1202 6584 00 • AR Seal 1365 0147 1363 03 • 16 Bolt
1095 1623 0503 00 • 2 Hinge 1370 0301 2344 00 • 16 Washer
1100 0147 1320 03 • 4 Bolt 1900 0721 01 1 Control panel
1623 3345 80 • 1 Door cubicle 2010 1623 3341 00 • 2 Bar
1115 •• 1 Door cubicle 2020 1079 9923 72 • 4 Decal
1619 7704 00 •• 2 Lock 2030 1089 9345 02 • 8 Hf-screen
1120 1621 0607 00 • 2 Hinge 2040 1088 0803 26 • 6 Grommet
1125 1623 5258 00 • 1 Grating 2050 0697 9810 36 • 2 Plug
1130 0147 1323 03 • 4 Hex. head screw 2060 0697 9809 03 • 2 Nut
1135 1623 4112 00 • 1 Plate 2070 1089 0635 98 • 1 Holder
1140 0147 1246 03 • 6 Bolt 2080 1623 4969 00 • 1 Screen
1145 1623 5267 00 • 1 Plate 2090 0147 1252 12 • 6 Screw
1150 0147 1246 03 • 6 Bolt 2100 0301 2321 00 • 6 Washer
1155 1623 3287 00 • 1 Plate 2110 1623 3360 00 • 1 Screen
1160 1202 6584 00 • AR Seal 2120 0147 1252 12 • 3 Screw
1165 0147 1323 03 • 4 Hex. head screw 2130 0301 2321 00 • 3 Washer
1170 1623 5370 00 • 1 Cubicle control 2140 1623 5599 00 • 2 Screen
1175 1623 5591 00 • AR Seal 2150 0147 1323 03 • 8 Hex. head screw
1180 1623 4178 00 • 1 Profile 2160 0301 2335 00 • 8 Plain washer
1185 0147 1325 03 • 24 Bolt 2170 1623 5600 00 • 1 Screen
1190 1202 6584 00 • AR Seal 2180 0147 1252 12 • 2 Screw
1195 1623 0503 00 • 2 Hinge 2190 0301 2321 00 • 2 Washer
1200 0147 1320 03 • 4 Bolt 2200 1623 5600 01 • 1 Screen
1623 5312 80 • 1 Door 2210 0147 1252 12 • 2 Screw
1205 •• 1 Door 2220 0301 2321 00 • 2 Washer
1619 7704 00 •• 2 Lock 2230 1623 4971 00 • 1 Screen
1210 1621 0607 00 • 2 Hinge 2240 0147 1252 12 • 2 Screw
1215 1623 5258 00 • 1 Grating 2250 0301 2321 00 • 2 Washer
1220 0147 1323 03 • 4 Hex. head screw 2260 1079 9923 72 • 28 Decal
1225 1623 5267 00 • 1 Plate 2270 1088 1001 03 • 4 Label
1230 0147 1246 03 • 6 Bolt 2280 1079 9925 90 • 1 Label
1235 1623 3287 00 • 1 Plate 2290 1079 9923 62 • 2 Label
1240 1202 6584 00 • AR Seal 2300 1079 9913 69 • 2 Inform.label
1245 0147 1323 03 • 4 Hex. head screw 2310 1079 9913 79 • 2 Inform.label
1250 1623 5371 00 • 1 Cubicle control 2320 1079 9930 59 • 1 Label
1255 1623 5591 00 • AR Seal 2330 1079 9901 18 • 1 Label
1260 1623 4178 00 • 1 Profile 2360 1614 7002 00 • 1 Plate data
1265 0147 1325 03 • 24 Bolt 2370 9823 3721 00 • 1 Service diagram
1270 1202 6584 00 • AR Seal Markings
1275 1623 0503 00 • 2 Hinge 3010 1623 5095 00 1 Label
1280 0147 1320 03 • 4 Bolt

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Parts list


34 2930 1744 00
Parts list

Bodywork - Cubicle box - Door 2


Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks
1900 0720 01 1 Cubicle 1185 0147 1325 03 • 24 Bolt
1623 5312 80 • 1 Door 1900 0721 01 1 Control panel
1005 1623 5370 00 • 1 Cubicle control 2005 1623 3341 00 • 1 Bar
1010 •• 1 Door 2010 1088 1001 03 • 2 Label
1619 7704 00 •• 2 Lock 2015 1079 9923 62 • 1 Label
1015 1621 0607 00 • 2 Hinge 2020 1079 9913 69 • 1 Inform.label
1020 1623 5258 00 • 1 Grating 2025 1079 9913 79 • 1 Inform.label
1025 0147 1323 03 • 4 Hex. head screw 2030 1623 5600 01 • 1 Screen
1030 1623 5267 00 • 1 Plate 2035 0147 1252 12 • 2 Screw
1035 0147 1246 03 • 6 Bolt 2040 0301 2321 00 • 2 Washer
1040 1623 3287 00 • 1 Plate 2045 1623 4971 00 • 1 Screen
1045 1202 6584 00 • AR Seal 2050 0147 1252 12 • 2 Screw
1050 0147 1323 03 • 4 Hex. head screw 2055 0301 2321 00 • 2 Washer
1055 1623 5371 00 • 1 Cubicle control 2060 1623 5599 00 • 1 Screen
1060 1623 5591 00 • AR Seal 2065 0147 1323 03 • 4 Hex. head screw
1065 1623 4178 00 • 1 Profile 2070 0301 2335 00 • 4 Plain washer
1070 0147 1325 03 • 24 Bolt 2075 1079 9923 72 • 4 Decal
1075 1202 6584 00 • AR Seal 2080 1089 9345 02 • 8 Hf-screen
1080 1623 0503 00 • 2 Hinge 2085 1088 0803 26 • 6 Grommet
1085 0147 1320 03 • 4 Bolt 2090 0697 9810 36 • 2 Plug
1623 3274 80 • 1 Door cubicle 2095 0697 9809 03 • 2 Nut
1090 1623 3274 00 •• 1 Door cubicle 2100 1089 0635 98 • 1 Holder
1619 7704 00 •• 2 Lock 2105 1079 9923 72 • 28 Decal
1095 1089 9556 34 •• 5 Grating 2110 1079 9925 90 • 1 Label
1100 1621 0607 00 • 2 Hinge 2115 1079 9930 59 • 1 Label
1105 1621 1235 00 • 1 Cable box 2120 1614 7002 00 • 1 Plate data
1110 1614 6567 00 • 1 Seal 2125 9823 3721 00 • 1 Service diagram
1115 0147 1322 03 • 6 Bolt 3000 1621 1235 00 1 Cubicle box
1120 1623 5375 00 • 1 Plate 3010 1614 6567 00 1 Seal
1125 0333 3227 00 • 4 Lock washer 3020 1621 1309 00 1 Plate
1130 0266 2110 00 • 4 Hexagon nut 3022 1614 7145 00 1 Gaskit
1135 1623 5372 00 • 1 Plate 3025 0147 1322 03 2 Bolt
1140 0266 2110 00 • 2 Hexagon nut 3030 0147 1325 03 6 Bolt
1145 0147 1325 03 • 1 Bolt 3035 0301 2335 00 2 Washer
1150 1623 5373 00 • 1 Plate 3040 1614 6562 00 4 Clamp
1155 0266 2110 00 • 2 Hexagon nut 3045 1614 6563 00 4 Clamp
1160 0147 1325 03 • 1 Bolt 3050 0147 1961 27 8 Bolt
1165 0147 1325 03 • 2 Bolt 3055 0301 2321 00 8 Washer
1170 0147 1363 03 • 16 Bolt 3060 0266 2108 00 8 Nut
1175 0301 2344 00 • 16 Washer 3070 1614 7146 00 2 Flange
1180 1623 4178 00 • 1 Profile

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36 2930 1744 00
Parts list

Bodywork - doors & stays


Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks

1010 1623 0503 00 4 Hinge 1330 1623 0737 00 • AR Seal

1020 0147 1320 03 8 Bolt 1340 0147 1962 72 2 Bolt
1623 3676 80 1 Door 1623 5032 80 1 Panel
1050 • 1 Door 1350 • 1 Panel
1060 1623 0737 00 • AR Seal 1360 1615 7884 00 • 4 Clip
1070 1623 0737 00 • AR Seal 1370 1623 0737 00 • AR Seal
1080 1621 0607 00 2 Hinge 1380 1623 0737 00 • AR Seal
1623 3666 80 1 Door 1390 0147 1962 72 1 Bolt
1090 • 1 Door 1623 5033 80 1 Panel
1100 1623 0737 00 • AR Seal 1400 • 1 Panel
1110 1623 0737 00 • AR Seal 1410 1623 0737 00 • AR Seal
1120 1621 0607 00 2 Hinge 1420 0147 1962 72 1 Bolt
1623 5128 80 1 Door 1623 4900 80 2 Panel
1130 • 1 Door 1430 • 1 Panel
2252 7237 00 • 2 Doorlock 1440 1623 0737 00 • AR Seal
1170 1623 3252 00 2 Beam 1450 1619 5337 03 4 Bolt
1180 0147 1962 72 6 Bolt Frame
1190 1623 3174 00 2 Profile ASME (U Stamp)
1200 1619 2766 00 6 Bolt 2010 1623 3217 00 1 Frame
1210 1623 4905 00 2 Stay 2020 1614 8057 05 1 Data plate
1220 0147 1963 08 4 Hexagon bolt 2030 0244 4184 00 4 Drive screw
1623 0180 80 2 Stay CE
1230 • 1 Stay 2010 1623 3217 00 1 Frame
1240 0147 1963 08 4 Hexagon bolt 2020 1614 8057 08 1 Data plate
1623 4646 80 1 Roof 2030 0244 4184 00 4 Drive screw
1250 • 1 Roof Markings
1260 1079 1472 09 21 Bolt 3010 1079 9923 88 1 Label
1270 1619 2766 02 3 Bolt 3020 1079 9901 29 1 Label
1623 3169 80 1 Roof 3030 1079 9913 69 1 Inform.label
1280 • 1 Roof 3040 1079 9913 79 1 Inform.label
1290 1079 1472 09 4 Bolt 3050 1079 9922 35 1 Decal
1300 1619 2766 02 3 Bolt 3060 1079 9922 36 1 Decal
1310 1619 2766 00 1 Bolt 3070 0690 1140 01 2 House mark
1623 4903 80 1 Panel
1320 • 1 Panel

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Parts list


38 2930 1744 00
Parts list

Bodywork - Air inlet


Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks
1005 1623 4678 00 2 Support 1110 1619 3843 00 • AR Seal
1010 0147 1962 72 8 Bolt 1115 0296 1110 03 4 Wing-nut
1015 1623 3493 00 1 Panel 1120 1623 4975 00 1 Housing filter
1020 1623 3496 00 1 Panel 1125 0147 1963 08 6 Hexagon bolt
1025 0147 1963 08 5 Hexagon bolt 1130 0248 9980 45 1 Threaded rod
1030 1623 3498 00 1 Panel 1135 1621 5743 00 1 Filter element
1035 0147 1962 72 3 Bolt 1140 0301 2344 00 1 Washer
1040 0147 1963 08 2 Hexagon bolt 1145 0296 1111 02 1 Wing nut
1623 3495 80 1 Baffle 1623 4976 80 1 Cover filter
1045 • 1 Baffle 1150 • 1 Cover filter
1050 0147 1963 08 5 Hexagon bolt 1155 1619 3843 00 • AR Seal
1623 3494 80 1 Panel 1160 0296 1110 03 4 Wing-nut
1060 • 1 Baffle 1621 5927 80 1 Duct
1065 0147 1962 72 3 Bolt 1165 • 1 Duct
1070 0147 1963 08 4 Hexagon bolt 1170 1619 3843 00 • AR Seal
1075 1623 3497 00 1 Panel 1175 1619 2766 00 6 Bolt
1080 0147 1963 08 13 Hexagon bolt 1623 4977 80 1 Collector
1085 0248 9980 45 2 Threaded rod 1180 • 1 Collector
1090 1621 5743 00 2 Filter element 1185 1619 3843 00 • AR Seal
1095 0301 2344 00 2 Washer 1190 1619 2766 00 4 Bolt
1100 0296 1111 02 2 Wing nut Markings
1623 5259 80 1 Cover filter 2010 1079 9923 88 1 Label
1105 • 1 Cover filter 2020 1079 9901 29 1 Label

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40 2930 1744 00
Parts list

Bodywork - Air outlet


Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks

1005 1623 3787 00 1 Support 1623 3737 80 1 Baffle

1010 0147 1474 03 2 Bolt 1060 • 1 Baffle
1015 0301 2378 00 2 Washer 1623 3736 80 1 Baffle
1020 1623 4813 00 1 Panel 1065 • 1 Baffle
1025 0147 1963 08 3 Hexagon bolt 1070 0147 1963 08 8 Hexagon bolt
1030 1623 4821 00 1 Profile 1075 1619 2766 00 2 Bolt
1035 1619 2766 00 3 Bolt 1080 1623 4810 00 1 Panel
1623 4812 80 1 Baffle 1085 0147 1963 08 5 Hexagon bolt
1040 • 1 Baffle 1090 1619 2766 00 4 Bolt
1045 0147 1963 08 2 Hexagon bolt 1095 1619 2766 00 2 Bolt
1623 4811 80 1 Baffle Markings
1050 • 1 Baffle 2010 1079 9923 88 1 Label
1055 0147 1963 08 2 Hexagon bolt 2020 1079 9901 29 1 Label

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42 2930 1744 00
Atlas Copco Stationary Air Compressors
ZH 350+ Three-stage

Parts list
What sets Atlas Copco apart as a company is our convic-
tion that we can only excel in what we do if we provide the best
possible know-how and technology to really help our customers
produce, grow and succeed.
There is a unique way of achieving that - we simply call it
the Atlas Copco way. It builds on interaction, on long-term
relationships and involvement in the customers’ process, needs
and objectives. It means having the
flexibility to adapt to the diverse demands of the people
we cater for.
It’s the commitment to our customers’ business that drives
our effort towards increasing their productivity through better
solutions. It starts with fully supporting existing products and
continuously doing things better, but it goes much further,
creating advances in technology through innovation. Not for the
sake of technology, but for the sake of our customer’s bottom
line and peace-of-mind.
That is how Atlas Copco will strive to remain the first
choice, to succeed in attracting new business and to maintain
our position as the industry leader.
No. 2930 1744 00 / DC 2012.07


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