Application Constitutive Model Swelling Rock

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Geotechnical Engineering Journal of the SEAGS & AGSSEA Vol. 43 No.

4 December 2012 ISSN 0046-5828

Application of a constitutive model for swelling rock to tunnelling

B. Schädlich1, T. Marcher2 and H.F. Schweiger1
Institute for Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, Graz University of Technology, Graz, Austria
ILF Consulting Engineers, Innsbruck, Austria
E-mail: [email protected]

ABSTRACT: Swelling due to chemical processes is a well-known problem in tunnelling in anhydritic rocks and certain types of claystone.
If the swelling rock mass is exposed to water due to tunnel excavation or natural water influx, in anhydritic rocks large deformations of more
than 1 m can be observed, which are typically concentrated at the tunnel invert. Estimating swelling deformations and swelling pressures is
of paramount importance for the design of durable underground structures in such materials. This paper presents the results of a numerical
back analysis of measured swelling deformations with a simple constitutive model, using swelling parameters derived from laboratory
swelling tests.

1. INTRODUCTION positively charged, diffuse cation cloud at the surface. Water is

drawn in between the clay particles as a result of the difference in
Starting more than 130 years ago with the construction of the cation concentration with respect to the free pore water.
Schanz railway tunnel in southern Germany, swelling phenomena
have caused major difficulties in many tunnelling projects. When
water is allowed to infiltrate the swelling rock mass, chemical
processes within the rock matrix are initiated which can result in
large volume increase. As water aggregates at the tunnel invert,
typically large invert heave deformations evolve if no or a rather
flexible invert lining is installed. In the case of a rigid support
concept, large swelling pressures develop at the tunnel lining.
The most prominent rock types exhibiting swelling behaviour
are certain types of claystone and anhydrite-bearing rocks. Even
though their macroscopic swelling behaviour may appear similar,
the underlying chemical processes are fundamentally different. In
both cases, however, swelling depends not only on material Figure 1 Osmotic swelling of clay minerals (after Madsen &
characteristics but also on the availability of water. Müller-Vonmoss 1989)
Although a great amount of practical experience has been gained
in the last decades, tunnelling in swelling rock is still a very Swelling deformations decrease with the logarithm of the applied
challenging task, as the recent examples of the Engelbergtunnel in stress (Figure 2), which is known as Grob’s swelling law (Grob
southern Germany and the Chienbergtunnel in Switzerland 1972). Consequently, allowing for a small amount of deformation
demonstrate. Reliable prediction of swelling pressures and swelling already reduces the swelling pressure significantly, which is an
deformations especially in anhydritic rock is extremely difficult due important aspect for the design of underground structures.
to the heterogeneity of the material and the complexity of the
involved transport mechanisms (Anagnostou et al. 2010).
This paper presents a back analysis of in-situ measurements of
the Pfaendertunnel (Austria) in swelling claystone. It is
demonstrated that calculated swelling deformations are very
sensitive to the choice of swelling parameters, in particular to the
maximum swelling stress. As laboratory tests typically deliver a
wide range of swelling parameters, this may to some extent explain
the large variation of measured swell heave deformations in
apparently homogenous tunnel sections.

2.1 Clay swelling
Swelling of clays comprises two different mechanisms:
Innercrystalline swelling and osmotic swelling.
Innercrystalline swelling is related to the incorporation of water
within the clay particles and requires a very large pressure (up to
400 MPa in the case of Montmorillonite) to be suppressed. As such
high pressures are usually not provided by the natural environment,
innercrystalline swelling has already taken place in most natural
clays and does not contribute to swelling deformations after tunnel Figure 2 Swelling test results of bentonite-claystone mixtures
excavation. (Wang et al. 2012)
The more relevant swelling mechanism from a practical point of
view is osmotic swelling, which is caused by differences in cation 2.2 Anhydrite swelling
concentration in the clay matrix and in the free pore water (Figure
1). After innercrystalline swelling has taken place, sodium cations Swelling of rock containing anhydrite like the gypsum keuper
(surrounded by water molecules) tend to align at the surface of the formation in south-western Germany is the result of the chemical
clay particles. A electric double layer is formed, which consists of reaction of unleached anhydrite (CaSO4) with water to gypsum
the negatively charged aluminosilicate layers at the centre and a
Geotechnical Engineering Journal of the SEAGS & AGSSEA Vol. 43 No.4 December 2012 ISSN 0046-5828

(CaSO4·H2O), Eq. 1. The specific volume of gypsum is about 60% The swelling rate is determined by the parameter q, which gives the
higher than that of the unleached anhydrite. time to reach the final swelling strain based on the initial inclination
of the time swelling curve (Figure 4).
Ca 2  SO 24  2H 2 O  CaSO 4  2H 2 O (1)
 iq t    iq t    1  e  t /q t 
 (3)
The gypsum is initially dissolved in the pore water and only starts to
precipitate once the gypsum saturation concentration is exceeded.
The growth of gypsum crystals in cracks and macropores further iq t  
 i
q t  
  iq t   (4)
contributes to the volume increase resulting from the chemical  q t 
reaction itself. Due to the high solubility of gypsum, swelling can
occur in parts of the rock mass which are different from the area In incremental form, the swelling strain increment in the current
where the anhydrite was initially dissolved. time step is calculated from the information provided at the
The applicability of Grob’s swelling law to anhydrite is highly beginning of the step:
debated. Due to the slow evolution of swelling deformations in
anhydritic rock, there are no experimental results available for final
swelling deformation and swelling pressures (Anagnostou et al.  iq t t    iq t  
 i
q t  
  iq t  
 t (5)
2010). Extrapolation of laboratory test results seems to indicate, that  q t 
swelling deformations remain high and almost constant up to a
stress level of ~4.0 MPa with a sharp subsequent drop to almost zero
(Pimentel 2007). This is in contrast to field observations in the
Freudenstein test gallery, where invert heave was significantly
reduced by increasing the support pressure with prestressed anchors,
even though no final swelling state has been reached yet. Most
constitutive models for swelling rock employ Grob’s swelling law
also for anhydritic rock (Wittke & Wittke 2005).


The constitutive model used in this paper has been implemented by
T. Benz (NTNU Norway) as a user-defined soil model for the finite
element software PLAXIS. As the implementation details of the
model are unpublished as yet, the main features of the model are
briefly explained in the following section.

3.1 Stress dependency of swelling

The relationship between final swelling strains iq(t=∞) and the axial
stress in the direction of swelling is given by Grob’s semi- Figure 4 Influence of q on evolution of swelling strains
logarithmic swelling law (Figure 3).
The influence of elastic and plastic volumetric strains, vel and vpl,
can be taken into account by the parameters Ael and Apl:
 i 
 iq t     k qi  log10   (2)
  q 0i

 
 q t   1 / A0  Ael   vel  Apl   vpl  (6)

kqi is the (axial) swelling parameter, i is the axial stress and q0i is Positive volumetric strains (loosening of the material) result in faster
the maximum swelling stress in that direction. The swelling curve is approach of the final swelling strain, while negative volumetric
limited at c = -10 kPa to avoid excessive swelling strains at low or strains delay or may even stop the evolution of the swelling strains.
tensile stresses. Swelling strains are calculated in the coordinate This approach accounts for the dependency of the swelling rate on
system of principle stresses without any interaction of swelling in the penetration rate of water, which changes with the permeability
the different directions. of the rock mass and the thickness of the swelling rock layer. Due to
their dependency on the thickness of the swelling rock layer, A0, Ael
and Apl usually cannot be derived from laboratory swelling tests.

3.3 Plastic strains

Plastic strains are calculated according to a Mohr-Coulomb failure
criterion with tension cut-off. Shear strength is defined by effective
friction angle, ’, and effective cohesion, c’. The direction of the
plastic strain increment is defined by a non-associated flow rule,
using the angle of dilatancy, . The elastic, plastic and swelling
strain increments add up to the total strain increment:

ε  ε el  ε pl  ε q (7)
Figure 3 Semi-logarithmic swelling law (Grob 1972)
Within a finite element calculation scheme, an iterative procedure
3.2 Evolution of swelling with time on stress point level is required to find the stress state which satisfies
The model is based on exponential decay of the difference between the constitutive equations for the given total strain increment. The
the current swelling strain and the final swelling strain (Kiehl 1990). model employs an approach proposed by Heidkamp & Katz (2002),
Geotechnical Engineering Journal of the SEAGS & AGSSEA Vol. 43 No.4 December 2012 ISSN 0046-5828

which is based on an implicit backward-Euler-scheme with deformation (swell pressure test) or no swelling pressure (free
integrated line search. swelling test).
Czurda & Ginther (1983) distinguished between samples of
4. PFAENDERTUNNEL CASE STUDY undisturbed molasse marl (series A, Figure 6), retrieved outside the
fault zones, and the fault zone material (series B, Figure 7). Series A
4.1 Project description and geological overview samples showed higher maximum swelling potential, but lower
The 6.7 km long first tube of the Pfaendertunnel near Bregenz maximum swelling pressures than the samples of series B. This
(Austria) was constructed in 1976-1980 according to the principles difference was attributed to relaxation and swelling of the series B
of the New Austrian Tunnelling method (NATM). While top samples before the samples could be tested. Due to fissuring and
heading and bench excavation were carried out without major higher water content, evolution of swelling strains may have taken
difficulties, significant invert heave of up to 30 cm was observed place faster in the series B samples, which resulted in part of the
after about 75% of the tunnel length was excavated. These swelling to occur before testing. Consequently, the in situ swelling
observations lead to detailed laboratory investigations of the potential of the series B material may be higher than tested and in
swelling characteristics of the Pfaenderstock material, an extensive the range of the undisturbed series A samples.
monitoring program and to the installation of additional anchors in It is also worth noting, that Czurda & Ginther (1983) could only
the tunnel invert. apply axial stresses of up to 300 kPa, which were not sufficient to
suppress swelling completely. The maximum swelling pressures
were therefore extrapolated from tests at lower stress levels,
assuming the validity of Grob’s swelling law. As this procedure lead
to very high maximum swelling pressures for the series B samples
(>10 000 kPa), Czurda & Ginther (1983) speculated that the q – yy
- curve may show a kink at higher stresses, resulting in maximum
swelling stresses similar to the series A samples.

Figure 5 Pfaendertunnel cross section 1st tube (after John & Pilser

The Pfaenderstock consists of various sedimentary molasse rocks Figure 6 Swelling test results, series A after Czurda & Ginther
(sandstone, conglomerate, claystone, marl), which were deposited in (1983)
the area north of the Alps between the early Oligocene and the older
Pliocene. The rock mass is characterised by significant
interstratification, with layers varying in thickness and in general
dipping into the longitudinal tunnel direction. The maximum
overburden is 350 m. Minor water inflow was observed in the areas
close to the tunnel portals, while the central part of the tunnel was
essentially dry during excavation.

4.2 Laboratory swelling tests

The marl layers were identified as the rock type contributing the
most to the swelling phenomena observed after tunnel excavation.
This was attributed to two factors:
1. The marl contains a significant proportion of Montmorillonite
clay minerals (up to 30% of the total rock mass), which are
especially prone to absorb water and increase in volume.
2. The marl is in particular present in fault zone areas, in which the
influx of water into the rock mass is greatly facilitated by
existing fissures.
Laboratory swelling tests were conducted at different research Figure 7 Swelling test results, series B after Czurda & Ginther
institutions, using different testing methods and equipment. Czurda (1983)
& Ginther (1983) carried out swell heave tests in oedometric
conditions, i.e. the evolution of vertical strain was monitored under Weiss et al. (1980) obtained a much wider range of experimental
constant vertical stress. Weiss et al. (1980) used a three-axial device results (Figure 8), in some cases with samples from the same
in which the axial swelling pressures could be measured borehole. They did not distinguish between samples retrieved inside
independently. Their tests were based on either allowing no
Geotechnical Engineering Journal of the SEAGS & AGSSEA Vol. 43 No.4 December 2012 ISSN 0046-5828

and outside the fault zone area. The upper boundary of their test Table 2 Swelling parameters
results roughly coincides with the mean of the series A samples
reported by Czurda & Ginther (1983). The samples with significant Parameter Set 1a Set 1b Set 2a Set 2b
swelling also exhibited approximately isotropic behaviour, i.e. both Swelling potential
3.0 3.0 0.75 0.75
the maximum swelling stresses and the swelling potentials were kq [%]
almost independent of sample orientation. Results shown in Figure 8 Max. swelling
1000 1500 4000 4000
are mean values, averaged over the three axial directions. Weiss et stress q0 [kPa]
al. (1980) also analysed the mineral content of the samples and A0 5.0e-3 2.5e-3 3.0e-3 0.0
found a strong correlation of maximum swelling stress and Ael 0.0 0.0 0.0 9.0
Montmorillonite content. Apl 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
For the back analysis of the field measurements two swelling
parameter sets are considered, which represent the upper and lower
boundary of the test results of Czurda & Ginther (1983). The time
swelling parameters A0, Ael and Apl were calibrated to match the in
situ time-swelling curve.

Figure 9 Finite element model (dimensions in m)

4.4 Calculation phases

The calculation phases aim to model the construction process as
Figure 8 Swelling test results after Weiss et al. (1980)
reported by John (1982). After top heading / invert excavation
(assuming pre-relaxation factors of 75% and 37.5%, respectively),
4.3 Numerical model and material parameters
the concrete invert arch is installed. Swelling is confined in the
The numerical model used in this study is shown in Figure 9, with model to an area of 15 m x 15 m below the tunnel invert. After a
basic material parameters for the different layers given in Table 1. swelling phase of 65 days, the final lining is activated, followed by
The model is discretised with 15-noded triangular finite elements. another swelling phase of 115 days. John reported that the decision
Tunnel geometry and basic material parameters of the marl layer at on invert anchoring and pre-stressing was based on the swell heave
tunnel height have been taken from John et al. (2009). Soil weight is deformations observed up to this point. In the cross section
uniform with  = 24 kN/m3, and a tensile strength of 0.1·cohesion considered here this resulted in applying a pattern with 2.2 m anchor
has been assumed. Soil layers of 10 m and 25 m thickness have been spacing.
placed at the surface to avoid unrealistic stiffness close to the
ground surface. Tunnel overburden is ~200 m above the tunnel The calculation phases are performed in the following order:
crown, which is representative of the cross section at km 5+373. 1. Initial stresses (K0 = 0.8)
Linear elastic plate elements are used for the temporary 2. Pilot tunnel excavation wished-in-place
shotcrete lining, with E = 7.5 GPa for the young and E = 15 GPa for
the cured shotcrete. Shotcrete lining thickness is 20 cm in the top 3. Pre-relaxation of top heading 75% (Mstage = 0.75)
heading and 10 cm at the invert. The final concrete lining is 4. Top heading excavation and shotcrete installation (shotcrete
modelled with volume elements assuming linear elastic behaviour young, Mstage = 1.0)
and a stiffness of E = 30 GPa. The final lining thickness varies 5. Pre-relaxation of invert 37.5% (top heading shotcrete switched
between 50 cm at the invert and 25 cm at the crown. to cured), Mstage = 0.375
Swelling parameters for the different parameter sets are listed in
Table 2. Sets 1a and 1b have a higher swelling potential kq, but a 6. Invert excavation and shotcrete installation (shotcrete young,
Mstage = 1.0)
lower maximum swelling stress than sets 2a and 2b. The maximum
swelling stress of set 2a and 2b is ~80% of the initial vertical stress 7. Invert arch installation
at tunnel level and represents the lower edge of the experiments of 8. 65 days of swelling
Czurda & Ginther (1983) for the fault zone material. Sets 1a, 1b and 9. Installation of final lining (ring closure)
2a only employ A0 for the time dependency of swelling, while in set
2b evolution of swelling with time is entirely governed by elastic 10. 115 days of swelling
volumetric strains. 11. Anchor prestressing (0.8*640 kN = 512 kN per anchor)
12. 7000 days of swelling
Table 1 Basic material parameters
Parameter Layer 1 Layer 2 Layer 3 4.5 Results
Young’s modulus E’ 50 MPa 250 MPa 2500 MPa
4.5.1 Evolution of invert heave with time
Poisson’s ratio ’ 0.35 0.35 0.35
Friction angle ’ 34° 34° 34° Figure 11 compares the time-swelling curves calculated with the
Cohesion c’ 10 kPa 100 kPa 1000 kPa different parameter sets with the measured invert heave in km
Geotechnical Engineering Journal of the SEAGS & AGSSEA Vol. 43 No.4 December 2012 ISSN 0046-5828

5+373. The measurements plot close to a straight line in logarithmic

time scale, which cannot be reproduced exactly by the exponential
approach employed in the model. The match with the measured
invert heave is, however, sufficient from a practical point of view.
Set 1a delivers too little invert heave (10mm), and the
development of deformations completely stops after activating the
prestressed anchors. Increasing the maximum swelling stress by
50% (set 1b) yields ~50% more deformation and a better match with
the measurements. While such a significant influence may be
expected, it should be noted that experimental results for these two
sets plot so close to each other that either of the two parameter sets
appears justified (Figure 6).
Surprisingly, sets 2a and 2b – which represent much smaller
free-swell deformations – deliver more invert heave than sets 1a and
1b. This is a result of the higher maximum swelling stress assumed
in sets 2a and 2b, which activates swelling in deeper rock layers, yet
with a small swelling potential. Swelling deformations are thus more Figure 11 Development of pressure on the lining (set 1b)
widely distributed with set 2a and 2b than they are with sets 1a and
1b. 4.5.3 Distribution of swelling strains over depth
Modelling the evolution of swelling with time entirely in
dependence on elastic volumetric strains (set 2b) results in a slightly The proportion of the rock mass which is affected by swelling
more prolonged time-swell-curve than using a constant value of A0 depends primarily on the maximum swelling stress. For set 1b (q0 =
(set 2a). In set 2b the rate of swelling does not only decrease due to 1500 kPa) the swelling zone is confined to about 2 m below the
the convergence with the final swelling strain, but also due to tunnel invert, which matches well with the sliding micrometer
negative elastic volumetric strains. The large positive volumetric measurements in cross section km 5+820 (Figure 12). The swelling
strains after tunnel excavation are gradually reduced in the swelling zone with set 2b (q0 = 4000 kPa) is much deeper due to the higher
phases by the increasing swelling pressure. maximum swelling pressure, even though similar invert heave is
obtained with both parameter sets. These results indicate that the
maximum in situ swelling pressure is rather in the range of 1000-
2000 kPa than close to the in-situ stresses.
It should be noted, that the magnitude of swelling differs
considerably between cross sections km 5+373 and km 5+820. This
is presumably a result of a lower swelling potential in km 5+820, as
final invert heave 10 years after construction amounted to only
5 mm in this section (John et al. 2009), compared with ~14 mm in 3
years in km 5+373.

Figure 10 Development of invert heave with time

4.5.2 Swelling pressure

Figure 11 shows the distribution of swelling pressure on the tunnel
invert lining for different stages in time for parameter set 1b. The
circumferential distance L is measured from the tunnel invert, such Figure 12 Profile of vertical displacements, a) numerical analysis at
that L = 0 m is directly at the invert and L = 5 m is the end of the t = 7180 d, b) measurements km 5+820 (after John 1982)
swelling area.
Due to the stiffer support provided to the tunnel lining at the 4.6 Parameter variations
sides of the tunnel, the maximum swelling pressure does not occur
at the tunnel invert but at a distance of ~3.8 m. 4.6.1 Variation of maximum swelling pressure
Anchor prestressing increases the normal stress on the lining by
about 90 kPa. The difference to the distributed prestressing force of The results presented in section 4.5 showed that invert heave is
(0.8*640 kN / 2.2 m / 2.2. m) = 106 kN/m2 is a result of the already notably sensitive to the maximum swelling pressure q0 assumed in
closed final lining, which distributes part of the applied load in the numerical analysis. As the variation of this parameter is rather
circumferential direction. Comparing the increase in pressure to the large in the laboratory swelling tests – albeit concealed by the
swelling line of set 2b at 200-300 kPa (Figure 6) explains the limited logarithmic stress scale – q0 has been varied from 500 kPa to
influence of prestressing in the numerical calculations. Even though 2000 kPa (A0 = 2.5e-3). Results indicate a linear increase of invert
anchor prestressing increases the pressure by ~45%, reduction of heave with q0 (Figure 13). This is primarily the result of the
final swelling strain is only about 18% due to the semi-logarithmic increasing depth of the swelling zone below the tunnel invert
swelling law. Additionally, the effect of prestressing diminishes (Figure 12), and not so much due to higher swelling strains directly
rapidly with increasing distance to the tunnel, and the deeper rock underneath the tunnel invert.
layers remain virtually unaffected.
Geotechnical Engineering Journal of the SEAGS & AGSSEA Vol. 43 No.4 December 2012 ISSN 0046-5828

with swelling parameter set 1b. The parameters of the two layers at
the surface were kept constant.
Increasing the rock stiffness resulted in a slight reduction of final
swelling deformation and a marked increase of swelling pressure at
the tunnel invert (Figure 15). In the present case study, the increase
of support stiffness at the tunnel crown obviously has more
influence than the higher swelling pressure at the tunnel invert. The
overall influence of rock stiffness on swelling deformations is small.

Figure 13 Variation of maximum swelling stress

4.6.2 Variation of time swelling parameters

The swelling parameters A0 and Ael were calibrated at the measured
time-swelling curve. As may be expected, development of invert
heave with time is very sensitive to the chosen value of A0 (Figure
14), with a faster evolution of swelling deformations for a larger
value of A0. Final swelling deformations, however, are only
modestly influenced by the choice of A0, as the impact of the final Figure 15 Variation of rock stiffness (set 1b)
lining completion and the pre-stressed anchors is small.
4.6.4 Variation of stress pre-relaxation factors
The pre-relaxation factors for top heading and invert excavation
account for 3D-stress redistribution ahead of the tunnel face, which
naturally cannot be modelled directly in 2D plane strain
calculations. These factors are usually an empirical estimate rather
than being systematically derived from 3D calculations or in-situ
measurements. As stress pre-relaxation influences the stress state
and deformations after tunnel excavation, it may be expected that
the choice of these factors has some effect on swelling

Figure 14 Variation of time swelling parameters (set 1b)

4.6.3 Variation of rock stiffness

In most practical cases, the stiffness of the rock mass is an
experience-based estimate rather than a parameter which is
thoroughly derived from laboratory or in situ tests. Even if such tests
are available, the heterogeneity of the rock mass usually results in
some variability of testing results. In the constitutive swelling model
the rock stiffness can influence swelling deformations in multiple
1. The lower the rock stiffness, the less stresses are transferred by Figure 16 Variation of stress pre-relaxation
the swelling rock mass on the tunnel lining, as swelling strains
can be compensated by elastic strains with less increase in Assuming pre-relaxation factors of 50% / 25% (top heading/invert
stresses. Consequently, swelling deformations will be smaller. excavation), however, delivers virtually identical time-swell curves
2. The lower the elastic stiffness, the less support is provided to the as with 75% / 37.5% (Figure 16). The limited influence of stress
tunnel lining at the bench and crown. Consequently, invert pre-relaxation on final swelling deformations can be explained by
heave will increase with lower rock stiffness. the two-step excavation process. No temporary invert lining is
installed after top heading excavation, and hence there is an almost
3. If Ael ≠ 0, evolution of swelling deformations with time depends
complete stress relaxation in the area of the final tunnel invert,
on elastic strains. Starting after tunnel excavation, lower elastic
regardless of the choice of pre-relaxation factors. Additionally, the
stiffness accelerates the development of swelling strains, as the
stiffness of the rock mass (2.5 GPa) is rather high compared to the
initial elastic volumetric strains are larger.
shotcrete lining (7.5 GPa), which means that the influence of lining
The sensitivity of swelling with regard to rock stiffness was studied installation and pre-relaxation factors on rock mass deformation is
by varying the Young’s modulus of layer 3 by a factor of 2 and 0.5 small.
Geotechnical Engineering Journal of the SEAGS & AGSSEA Vol. 43 No.4 December 2012 ISSN 0046-5828

5. CONCLUSIONS Madsen, F. T., and Müller-Vonmoss, M. (1989) “The swelling

behaviour of clay”, Applied Clay Science 4, pp. 143-156.
This paper presented the results of a back analysis of measured Pimentel, E. (2007), “Quellverhalten von Gesteinen – Erkenntnisse
swelling deformations in the Pfaendertunnel (Austria). A aus Laboruntersuchungen“, Mitteilungen der
constitutive model based on Grob’s swelling law and exponential Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Boden- und Felsmechanik,
convergence with final swelling strains over time was used for the Heft 154, Fribourg, pp. 13–20.
numerical calculations. Input swelling parameters were derived from Pregl, O., Fuchs, M., Müller, H., Petschl, G., Riedmüller, G., and
swell heave tests published by Czurda & Ginther (1983). The Schwaighofer, B. (1980) “Dreiaxiale Schwellversuche an
following conclusions can be drawn from this study: Tongesteinen“, Geotechnik, 1, pp. 1-7.
1. The constitutive swelling model used in this study is in principle Wang, Q., Tang, A. M., Cui, Y. J, Delage, P., and Gatmiri, B.
capable of reproducing the swelling behaviour of claystone as (2012) “Experimental study on the swelling behaviour of
observed in tunnel excavations. Different sets of swelling bentonite/claystone mixture”, Engineering Geology, 124, pp.
potential kq and maximum swelling stress q0 may deliver very 59-66.
similar swelling deformations at the tunnel lining, as increasing Weiss, E. H., Müller, H. M., Riedmüller, G., and Schwaighofer, B.
q0 is roughly equivalent to increasing kq. (1980) “Zum Problem quellfähiger Gesteine im Tunnelbau“,
2. The size of the swelling zone below the tunnel invert depends Geolog. Paläont. Mitt. Innsbruck, 10(5), pp. 207-210.
primarily on the maximum swelling stress q0. Good match with Wittke, W., and Wittke, M. (2005) “Design, construction and
the measured displacement profile was obtained with q0 = supervision of tunnels in swelling rock”, Proc. 31st ITA
1500 kPa, which represents the upper edge of the experimental World Tunnelling Congress 2005, pp. 1173-1178.
Wittke-Gattermann, P., and Wittke, M. (2004) “Computation of
results on undisturbed molasse marl. Using q0 close to the
Strains and Pressures for Tunnels in Swelling Rocks”, Proc.
initial vertical stress of 4900 kPa delivered a too large swelling
ITA 2004 E14, pp. 1-9.
3. The invert heave measurements plot close to a straight line in
logarithmic time scale, which cannot be exactly reproduced by
the exponential approach used in the constitutive model. The
match with the measured evolution of swelling, however, is
sufficient from a practical point of view.
4. Calculated invert heave is in particular sensitive to the choice of
the maximum swelling stress q0. While the impact of changes
of q0 at a single stress point is limited due to the semi-
logarithmic swelling law, the size if the swelling zone in the
numerical model changes almost linearly with q0, which
consequently results in a roughly linear relation between invert
heave and q0.

Anagnostou, G., Pimentel, E., and Serafeimidis, K. (2010)
“Swelling of sulphatic claystones – some fundamental
questions and their practical relevance”, Geomechanics and
Tunnelling, 3 (5), pp. 567-572.
Czurda, K. A., and Ginther, G. (1983) “Quellverhalten der
Molassemergel im Pfänderstock bei Bregenz, Österreich“,
Mitt. österr. geolog. Ges., 76, pp. 141-160.
Grob, H. (1972) “Schwelldruck im Belchentunnel“, Proc. Int. Symp.
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